#but the three women above me are.. obese; like these are obese women'' spoken with distain and annoyance
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evilppl · 2 months ago
man conservatism really is the political party for people who never grew out of bullying people in their teens.
#'oh why do you say that' because im hearing it straight from them. right from the horse's mouth#my conservative grandma was watching conservative youtube shorts at full blast. as she usually does#she never uses the pair of headphones on her coffee table right next to her#and the woman that spoke through her phone speaker said;#''I don't mean to be rude really I don't#but the three women above me are.. obese; like these are obese women'' spoken with distain and annoyance#''If i'm a woman and my building is on fire i don't want these women to save me. like oh im about to die but thank god i'm in the company#of an obese lesbian.'' all spoken so derisively#with annoyance at the mere idea that a woman would be the one to save her#and she said with a straight face that she did not want women to be firefighters.#''I'd rather be saved by a big strong man am I right ladies?'' her words verbatim#''is that too much to ask?''#at the sight of a woman she assumes; oh this woman is weaker than a man by virtue of being a woman#under the guise of saying 'oh its just because theyre fat' no; there are plenty of men that are fat within firefighters#but i dont see you complaining about them hm?#its specifically women you direct your vitriol towards. queer women too.#and then describing the person who saves you as 'big and strong'#with such emphasis and longing that its clear its not safety you want its the idea of a 'big strong man' saving you like a fantasy#you use your fantasy of being whisked away by a big strong man to degrade the queers#and insinuate EVERYONE EVERYWHERE doesn't want women in firefighting.#because its not what youre into.#keep it in your fucking pants lady.#old man shakes fists at clouds
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thoughts-penned-down · 3 years ago
Gruhakaryam - The Creation Of Human Life
Emotions are thought of as something that lets you feel about things, in a good way or bad - but it just isn’t all about it. The factors that led to your emotions and the factors that your emotions will result in, all matters which are more important and worthy of attention and being taken into consideration, for the sake of which this article is put forth.
How often do you have a conversation or at least be prone to topics that everybody seems to know but are not often spoken about?
Being aware of such things isn’t only important but also life-changing if known at the right time or beforehand -only to save some regrets later on in life😌
Since the heading read 'let’s be specific���, let us actually be🤷‍♀️.
What picture comes to your mind when you hear the word 'Sex’? Adding to it, 'sex intended for having a baby?’.
Does it sound more like a taboo topic? Or like a physical act? Or Lovemaking?Or even just 'baby making' ??
Let’s know the science behind it…
"Making Baby" in itself is more than just an act. It is like planting a tree for which we need seeds, soil, time, and right nourishment and most importantly is spiritual too. Why?
Because what else can you call for the creation of new life?
And when it is about a new life you are thinking of, isn’t it necessary you give in a lot of good for the same?
Before knowing what I mean by 'good’, let me state some things that study proves.
Ayurveda believes that the reproductive health of both men and women is dependant on plasma, blood tissue, muscle tissue, fat tissue, bone marrow, reproductive tissue. Nourishing these plays a vital role in having a healthy child.
Factors like obesity, emotions, stress, metabolism, and lifestyle contribute to not only the baby’s health but also the mother’s during pregnancy and conceiving. So having a healthy routine and being mindful adds a lot more to the picture.
With the changing times, maintaining a work-life balance has been a challenge for working couples.
Adding value lessons to one’s own life, practicing gratitude, fulfilling one’s wish rather than having a baby as a wish — work, since it is not only the sexual fluids that are exchanged but feelings and emotions that are!
FOOD AND LIFESTYLE — Overhearing a conversation between a doctor and a father who had just witnessed a stillborn, made evident that — a healthy diet is something everybody knows must follow but neglect without being aware of the after-effects. “ I witness 50–60% of stillborns — all of which are because of food habits the present lifestyle has brought up,” says the doctor. So act before it’s too late.
STRESS — A sole problem creator can make anything go from everything to zero. So it is advised to be totally stress-free for 4 months, especially during the act.
Negligence and lack of knowledge on the above-mentioned result in various kinds of miscarriages and pregnancy loss like chemical pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, blighted ovum, first-trimester miscarriage, molar pregnancy to name a few.
Think of it this way. Since you are convinced that the Creation of life isn’t simple, it involves a lot more than planning. But what else to act upon?
Have a calm mind. Meditate for having a peaceful state at least for three to four months. Follow a healthy diet throughout this duration and I can’t stress enough how much chanting or listening to value-based stories helps. Chanting of mantras and listening to them rejuvenates the nervous system and makes you feel refreshed. The exchange of emotions and happiness comes before the exchange of fluids. Appreciate each other daily. Read, listen and place yourself in the good surroundings that will naturally make a positive impact on thoughts, mindset, and fluids. Exercise regularly along with motivating each other to exercise. Perform Pranayamas. Engage in a soothing massage once every three months (Panchakarma is recommended as a result of which the three doshas namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are balanced). Be filled with a sense of positivity, enthusiasm, and gratitude in the air!
Be a genuine helping hand for the conceiving partner because the biology of childbirth that a mother undergoes in itself is very complex yet beautiful.
After three to four months, being aware of the monthly cycles of your partner, schedule a getaway, be life-enjoying and refreshed to cut off all the baggage that is weighing you down.
Rather than expecting a baby to be a solution to your already existing problems, solve them among yourselves to create a peaceful life for your offspring.
It is said that even the food cooked by a person with anger and agitation creates an ill effect on the people who feed on it. Guess what effects should your mind with stress, guilt, anger, turmoil, and a body being unhealthy, have on the newborn and the mother about to conceive!
Women suffering from PCOS, PCOD, Endometriosis, and any underlying factors that deteriorate infertility must live a health-conscious life from the start and your first job after conceiving is to find a good doctor and get it scanned on the very first day of your pregnancy confirmation to avoid life-threatening consequences like Ectopic Pregnancy. Find out the reason for the problem you are facing and then act upon it by changing food habits, lifestyle, environment. Great understanding between the partners, supporting each other mentally as well physically in highs and lows, being the caretaker when the other one fails to take care of themselves, sound cliche but not worthy of being ignored.
With all this being said, let’s hope for the evolving mindsets to understand this complex process to be no more complex if acted upon wisely and responsibly🤞🏻
Miracle of Life
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slysfreespeechspace · 5 years ago
Blow Your Stack Saturday: Feminism That Turns Against Our Fat Sisters is Not Feminist
I'm still discouraged by the use of the term "promoting obesity" regarding plus-size Instagram models by a feminist activist whose work I've long respected. Regardless of whether one feels these (generally young) women are exploiting themselves or seeking attention by posing in skimpy outfits, they are not, in fact, "promoting obesity.'
I've heard the dismaying argument that feminism should not support size activism on numerous occasions. To believe this is to believe that a person's size is "a choice" and that everyone could "easily lose weight" if they'd just "eat less and exercise more." If this grossly oversimplified belief were true, there would be virtually no fat people because everyone who could do it would do it. If this oversimplified belief were true, I would have been a willowy twig during the years that I starved myself and engaged in orthorexia. I never was.
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The woman above was Ellen Maud Bennett, a 64-year-old Canadian who died from ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is highly treatable if detected during the early stages.
Ellen had complained to doctors of feeling poorly for years. Their response was to tell her that if she lost weight, she'd feel better. When one of them finally decided to take her seriously, it was discovered that she had stage 4 ovarian cancer. She died a short time later.
Ellen did not want her death to be in vain, so she had her family include a letter in her obituary. I hope that everyone will take the time to read it, especially those "feminists" who believe that there is a certain weight at which your sisters should be disowned.
Here is Ellen's obituary.
For evidence-based arguments against current size-shaming medical treatment and societal prejudices against larger people, I recommend these three blogs.
Big Fat Science Dances With Fat Heavyweight Heart
Heavyweight Heart, in particular, has discussed the racism that was instrumental in forging our adherence to the hateful and unhealthy belief that a woman can never be too rich or too thin. All of these blogs are rich with scientific evidence against the currently held beliefs that fat is the very worst thing a person can possibly be.
There are certain conditions that are correlated with a larger body type. Correlation is not causation. Generally speaking, telling a fat patient to lose weight in order to resolve underlying health conditions is like telling a man with male pattern baldness to regrow his thinning hair in order to lessen his chances of developing prostate cancer. There is a correlation between male pattern baldness and an increased likelihood of developing prostate cancer. Thinning hair does not cause prostate cancer. The underlying issue, increased testosterone levels, increases the likelihood of developing prostate cancer.
The Minnesota Starvation Experiment reveals what happens to the body and mind when a person engages in restrictive dieting behaviors. Diets do not work long-term in more than five percent of people who engage in dieting. Most people gain the weight they lost back and then some. After many years of weight loss attempts, the possibility of dieting bringing about significant weight loss sharply decreases.
I for one do not enjoy having every waking moment of my day focused on food because I am starving. I went through thirty-three years of yo-yo dieting, and all it brought me was "failure" and weight gain. Combining dieting behaviors with multiple endocrine conditions was a sure-fire recipe for a large body type. But neither I nor anyone else should be having to defend our right to exist and be treated with common decency in the bodies we have.
If the majority of my sisters have decided to disown me and other women like me because we are fat, or to give lip service to supporting women of all sizes but then tearing down fat women as being lazy and "glorifying obesity" for not hiding our disgusting fat selves away from the view of decent people, then feminism has let me and my fat sisters down.
I will continue fighting for what's right, but I may no longer be able to identify as a feminist while doing so. I consider this a great loss. I first began identifying as a feminist in 1973 when I was eight years old and already tired as fuck of being told that I couldn't do anything interesting with my life because I was "just a girl."
Now I'm hearing "girls can do anything guys can do, but not if they're fat."
Fuck right off with that shit.
~Sly Has Spoken~
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seattle-fog · 6 years ago
Final Fat Meltdown - 30 Days to Weight Loss
Metabolic Breakthrough Rebalances Your "Hot Zone Hormones" So Any Woman Over 35 Can Blast Off Belly Fat, Shape Flabby Muscle And See Your Most Attractive,Youthful, And Energized Body Ever In Only 30 Days WITHOUT Suffering Through Restrictive Diets Or Trying To Starve Yourself Skinny New research PROVES that any woman at any age can begin using this metabolic breakthrough today to finally see the unwanted, frustrating, and embarrassing fat hanging on to your belly, thighs, and arms disappear in the fastest and safest way possible... Starts Shrinking Your Belly Fat Within The First 24 Hours Helping You Quickly See And Feel The Flat And Defined Midsection You Desire... Smooths Wrinkles And Fights Off Aging So You Wake Up Each Day Bursting With All Day Energy As You Visibly Look Younger And Feel Better Than You Do Now Sends Your Metabolism Soaring So You Automatically AVOID Rebound Weight Gain Or Frustrating Plateaus You have been LIED to if you still believe that you have to suffer through Long Boring workouts, or Restrictive Diets to get the toned, youthful, and energized body you truly desire. This is the exact reason why it's virtually impossible for 97% of women over the age of 35 like you, to lose fat and keep it off as you age...More below... Do you feel like you'll never look sexy again living in baggy clothes and hate getting your picture taken? Are you ready to give up, blame it all on aging and hormones, feeling like you've tried everything and your body just won't change? That's the mistake I almost made. I used to feel just like you and hated looking in the mirror! The older I got the more hopeless I felt, until I discovered something shocking! Hi, I’m Dawn Sylvester, and today, I am one of the most sought after fat loss experts in the country. I have spoken at health expos on anti­aging, been a contributor to Oxygen Magazine, Cygen Labs, received an Expert Author Award and have written for Suggestic.com and Livefitter.com. I was not always fit as you can see in my BEFORE picture up above. I was actually on a path to obesity as I tried desperately for years to lose weight doing endless cardio and dieting, actually ruining my metabolism, and finding it impossible to lose weight. I thought that eating less and working out more would give me a leaner body. I was miserable...it was the night before a huge event. Everything I pulled out of my closet looked awful on me. How could this be me in the mirror? I was only a bit over 30... I mean, we can't always look 22 years old, can we? I knew deep inside that I had let myself gain way too much weight. Year after year I weighed a little bit more, and kept blaming getting older, lack of time, and hormones while I starved myself and did the wrong kind of exercise. I was was tired, miserable and weaker, and there I was looking at my body with embarrassment. I had already started throwing away pictures of me that I didn't like, but the reality was, I couldn't hide anymore. Thankfully, that was the old me. Today I'm in my early 50's. I look and feel better than I did in my twenties and thirties. I can't wait to share with you the three simple secrets that I discovered that turned back the clock, helped me lose all the fat, and quickly firmed up my arms, legs, waistline and butt! The best part...
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