#but the main theme of scanners i feel that addresses its themes as a whole
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spiltcandycoatedpunkblood · 2 years ago
i think what's interesting in Scanners is that not only do they have separate political and social themes analogised by the sci-fi horror/thriller elements of psychic abilities (that also roundly inform each other) but that it can be readily described in a whole as a theme from throughout history of victims of natural disasters and scientific experiments heavily influenced and interfered with by human negligence, incompetence and mainly corruption for monetary gain, understanding and power and an often complete disregard for ethics and human lives (simply reduced to statistics to demonstrate the effects of something) with the liberal use of the phrase 'the ends justify the means'.
in turn, through no fault of their own, are left with the fallout and with no way to hold the people accountable mainly due to power, influence and money that dramatically and negatively impacted their entire lives, have to live with these consequences. with the implicit analogy of mental illness and neurodivergence in the film, they can end up ostracised, marginalised and pathologised, roundly discarded by society and forgotten about. they can be exploited for other people's gain, put through an inevitable pipeline of being either the trash at the bottom of the heap of society, or experimental guinea pigs that can be weaponised quite literally in the physical sense (the fact that it especially takes place in the early 80s where the Cold War was not yet over, and the main institution featured, Consec, being a business that specialises in security and weaponry, anxious over being able to continue a Scanner program as the numbers dwindle, thanks to a rogue scanner taking them out who turns out to be the villainous Revok, who has spent most of his life being taken advantage of by the medical field and his own father and despises the treatment dealt out to him for who he is to the point of developing a superiority complex and a need for a scanner supremacy - these people are not referred in a way that marks them as human to others; more subjects to be manipulated than anything else) or in a metaphorical, emotional sense; that having been left in the dark and cold for so long that, instead of being helped, are pointed to as being a threat to be dealt with, even from the very beginning such as where Vale, homeless at that current stage, is regarded by an older woman as simply disgusting just for existing and surviving on the fringes of society (Revok in another way, effectively becomes a political enemy to be dispatched where his father, a doctor, in a cold, business-like manner, sends his own equally exploited and sadly far more naive brother to deal with him in a way that he conveys as ridding evil from the world, of which we later discover, was actually to destroy a 'problem' he created himself as if scanners were not human, but simply political issues to unite against for the so-called 'common good' as well as good in terms of successful business ventures).
it is helped that it alludes to the very real drug scandal of the 50s where thalidomide, a morning sickness drug, resulted in physical deformities of the children of these pregnant mothers. the fictional drug, ephemerol, resulting in psychic mutations in the unborn children clearly reflects that, as instead of the scanners' abilities being usually portrayed as supernatural, it exemplifies itself as a form of social commentary, however explicit, by portraying it as a medical condition that is the product of ambiguously ethical scientific experimentation. which in turn gives as the very real pathologisation, stigmatisation and institutionalisation of mentally ill and neurodivergent people, where they are hidden away and sidelined and not treated as human and not given the due course to be recognised as such, being seen as 'dirty secrets' and not the product of very real societal exploitation instead so the people responsible for such exploitation do not have to be held accountable for their actions. this is then put on these exploited individuals, who are forced to deal with the stigma of not only having something they cannot control, but are blamed for the lack of social mores and proper treatment that is in then turn denied to them, on the basis of whether they deserve to have them or not.
Revok, is, of course, the villain. in the simple sense. it would be completely absurd to suggest that he is 100% sympathetic here. but the nuances lie in the themes demonstrated here - that him and his brother, the protagonist Vale, are products of a scientific experiment out of their own father's interest as a doctor and psycho-pharmacist, before being abandoned and dehumanised in different ways by society itself. it is a failure of a society who also then doesn't help these vulnerable people and only considers them trash or subjects or guinea pigs, being seen as freaks of nature as if they existed for people's fascination and entertainment in a circus, leading down a pipeline for them to be scapegoated and exploited for corporate and military purposes of which they have little choice to escape, forever feeling alien in a world that resoundingly rejects them for exactly who they are and are deliberately made ignorant of whose responsibility they were to begin with.
Revok and Vale are victims of a scientific atrocity amongst hundreds of others thrown to the wind and left to deal with the fallout, with no surprise as to why one of them is completely and utterly stunted emotionally and mentally where he is far easier to control, and one of them was institutionalised and regarded as nothing but an irritation to be hidden away from society and so developed an intense hatred and superiority complex that he'd rather see the entire world burn for his own benefit. it is more a tragedy, perhaps an inevitable one, that continues to be relevant as ever that victims of scientific experimentation and disasters are left with no ability to find accountability for those that did this to them and suffer down the generations, being powerless to enact actual change so in the end, this doesn't happen again.
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My Daughter Loved Lions
As a toddler, lions were my daughter Emily's favorite animal.  Her bedroom and playroom were decorated with images of friendly lions, and she had a favorite stuffed lion.  She had a lion shirt which she wore all the time, and told everyone she knew, as well as neighbors and random strangers, about her love for them.  Once a lion roared at her from behind its glass at the zoo, and she just giggled hysterically.
I tried to limit the amount of television Emily watched, but since we didn't get many channels and didn't have cable it wasn't a big problem anyway.  There was a small television set in her upstairs playroom, centered in front of the wall directly across from the window.  One time Emily found a show called Jack the Lion (she knew how to use the remote-controller to surf).  The show featured a lion hand puppet named Jack and had an extremely cheap-looking savanna poster made from construction paper as the main backdrop (sometimes it would be a jungle backdrop instead).  There wasn't much to the show, it was just Jack the Lion sharing facts about lions and other savanna animals and occasionally having adventures with other hand puppet characters.  There was clearly only one person doing the voices, and I immediately knew this must be someone's public access project.
I remember the first time I watched it with her and saw just how terrible it was.  The audio was bad, and there were lots of ambient noises.  I walked into the playroom midway through the episode, and already the person voicing the lion puppet was fumbling over his lines, like he'd just dropped the script, and there was a few-second pause before he nervously picked back up.  After a few moments the episode just ended, without credits.
Nevertheless, Emily loved it of course, and it became her favorite show.  It came on at seemingly random times, but she was usually able to catch an episode whenever the TV was on in her playroom.  There were no other shows on the channel, but she knew how to use the remote-controller to look for it when she was bored of watching other shows.  Sometimes I would watch it with her.  It was interesting to watch what was clearly someone's budget passion project for children.   The theme song consisted of merely a few repeating piano notes, and any musical cues were also short piano or xylophone riffs.  There were never any credits, and of course the show was not listed in TV Guide, and since this was before the World Wide Web I could not simply Google the show for information.  However, I did notice that the show had improved considerably since that first time Emily and I saw it.  The audio was a little better, with not as many background noises, and the actor seemed to be doing better with his lines.  Each episode also had at least some arc or structure to speak of, unlike the first one which was just nonsense.
Realizing that whoever was making the show might get tired of it or lose his public access license at any time, I started recording it on VHS so Emily could enjoy it in case it ever stopped airing, or in case she simply wanted to watch it for nostalgia years later.  I soon realized there were only about ten repeating episodes, but that never seemed to bother her.
One time I was painting the closet in her playroom (in retrospect I probably should have kept her out of the playroom for this in case she got sick from the fumes).  I stopped to just look and admire how beautiful she looked in the sunlight streaming from the playroom window, when an episode I hadn't seen before started playing (when Emily was in the playroom and not watching TV, I would sometimes keep the TV on that channel in case Jack the Lion came on).  Since I was busy with the closet, I told Emily to press the record button on the VCR so it would record this new episode.
The episode skipped the opening piano theme, and there was no music throughout.  The audio quality seemed even poorer than usual, and the man with the lion puppet seemed to stumble over his lines sometimes.  Now and then he would realize the puppet was facing the wrong way and make a quick correction.
As Emily was watching the show and I was working on the closet, a car backfired in front of my house.  Emily covered her ears and cried "Daddy, what was that?"  I was about to come over and comfort her, but then something popped in my mind.  I told her to go make her bed.  She seemed upset enough about the scary noise to agree without protesting about being taken away from her favorite show.  I ejected the tape from the VCR and went to watch it on the downstairs TV.
I fast-forwarded to this new episode.  Sure enough, the car could be heard backfiring on the audio.  The person voicing the lion puppet even paused during his line before picking back up awkwardly.
I called the police and showed them the tape.  The show came back on eventually, and the police were able to use a special scanner to determine that the broadcast was coming from my next-door neighbor's house.
In a room of his house, they found the savanna and jungle backdrops on one wall, and a set of video cassettes with all the episodes, along with pages of handwritten script.
The man admitted he was planning to abduct Emily.  The last episode I recorded was a live broadcast, in which he was planning to lure her out of the house by addressing her directly through the lion puppet.  He had jury-rigged a ham radio, television, and special frequency adapter to make the broadcasts, and had used an extremely low amplitude that could only be picked up by television sets within a few meters of the room, on a channel he knew was not being used by any local stations.
This all made me want to throw up, but the most chilling part for me was the mounted spyglass they found in the room.  It faced a window directly across from Emily's playroom, where he could watch to make sure she was watching the show.  The instances in the last broadcast when the puppet was facing the wrong way were probably the result of him looking through the spyglass to make sure she was watching, and since I was working on the closet and out of view he must have thought she was alone.  I then realized that first episode we saw was probably also a live broadcast, and I had probably walked in right when he was about to break the fourth wall and try to coax Emily out of the house the first time.
I pushed the prosecutor to get him the maximum penalty possible, which was still entirely too lenient, and I even talked to the FCC and got them to fine him for making illegal broadcasts for good measure.
I managed to find another kids' show about a lion, this time a cartoon lion, at the library to try to make Emily forget about Jack the Lion.  She liked the cartoon, but she still asked if she could watch Jack the Lion now and then.  Eventually, I got together with my sister and together we set up a crude set in her basement and started recording our own episodes for Emily.
When she was a teenager, I eventually had to tell her what really happened because she wanted to watch the tapes, which I never had the heart to throw away, and I knew she would recognize the voices of my sister and me in some of the episodes.  She was disturbed, but said the fact that my sister and I would do something like that for her made her feel better about the whole thing, and even said she might record her own episodes some day for her own kids.
I was glad she took the news so calmly, but there was one thing she said, nonchalantly enough, that I still found heartbreaking.  
"So that's why my new playroom didn't have a window."
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something-very-special · 8 years ago
Ask Response-stravaganza!
So I got a buuuunch of Asks in the last couple of days and a lot of them are spoiler-y by nature. Rather than hiding them all until I feel more comfortable addressing them (which won’t be for a couple of months, honestly), they’re all going under a big ol’ SPOILERS AHOY! read more break.
So here we go.
Anonymous: I agree that 2B and 9S's bond is mainly that of a broken family but there also seem to be a few hints at attraction there (e.g. the comments about 9S's heart rate increasing at the beginning of route B). Also, even though Adam's line certainly referred to "kill", the wording itself does carry some ambiguity and connotations that seem intentional - considering the hatred and love aspects of 9S's (admittedly complex) feelings, Adam may be referring to several things here, possibly all at once.
I absolutely believe the context was meant to be ambiguous. This is also why it’s really funny seeing how people reacted to it, and how they kind of project onto it. (And I certainly had the same reaction the first time I saw it, hah hah.)
I like to think that the censored word is actually a number of verbs all at once -- ‘fuck’ and ‘kill’ certainly aren’t the only two four-letter verbs out there -- which is why it’s censored the way it is; it’s an accusation of multiple natures, potentially meaning multiple things, open to a bevy of equally valid interpretation.
In context of the story, whatever is hidden behind that line of asterisks is something that 9S doesn’t want to acknowledge. If it were something related to love or even lust, 9S has already proven that he gets flustered in such a context-- the aforementioned ‘heart rate’ response, and his conversation with the Little Sister. However, in conversation with Adam, his response is violent. It’s violent denial. I don’t think he’d be so aggressive if Adam’s main point had not been trying to stir up his more negative feelings.
So, in context of everything Adam may have said, and in context of what we as the audience could take away from it? I do believe ‘you want to **** 2B’ can (and was intended to) mean a broad range of things. But in context of what 9S heard? Not so nice.
Anonymous: thank you for your in depth thoughts about 9S. I found him to be really unlikeable at first and then somewhat tolerable by the end. but my final lasting impression of him was that he just unsettled me for some reason i could not pin point. With your thoughts, I was able to understand him a bit more. though he will still be my least liked character, i can't deny his whole arc is really thought provoking (also you mentioned that A2 was very underutilized, a sentiment I concur with whole heartedly)             
Oh, I’m glad. I know 9S can come across as being a brat (which I think is more of a knee-jerk reaction to his youthful design), and a racist jerk (which is definitely intended in-game, by his dismissal of the very concept of the robots having their own egos), but he’s definitely got a lot more going on. I had the fortune of accidentally tripping the Mother and Son quest early, so other than 9S being kind of a jerk toward Pascal the first interaction I saw between him and the machines was trying to comfort the little child machine, which was adorable and probably instrumental in my own opinion of him. (Made watching him go from “Shh, shh, don’t cry” to “I WILL MURDER EVERYTHING” pretty disturbing, and heart-wrenching.)
Yeah, A2 needed more love. I think I understand why she was kind of incidental, but still...
kantan-kt:                                                      Do you think that 9S died in route C? If you continue to route E, the pods tell the player that all yoRHa black boxes are offline. Doesn't that mean that A2's sacrifice was in vain? ;~;  But then again, he did stop his data upload to the yoRHa server so maybe there's a chance that he's alive?            
When you enter Ending E from the Chapter Select, it continued directly from Ending C, implying heavily that his black box was offlined. However, A2′s work seemed to be less about keeping him alive (which wouldn’t really be accomplished by hacking into him, since the damage kind of came from repeatedly stabbing him in the final fight) and more about retaining his memories and eliminating the logic virus the clone-arm imparted into him-- saving his soul, if you will, even if the body still died. Kind of ties in to the considerations of something greater than themselves, and the direct contemplation in a few of the sidequests about heaven, and whether they, as artificial life, would qualify for such a thing if it exists.
So even if you ignore Ending E and its possibility of restoring the three characters -- which obviously A2 would not have had any knowledge of, herself -- no. Even though 9S is also confirmed dead at the end of it, her work was not in vain.
Anonymous: On the BBE's Artbook, Commander talks about Jackass making an android combined from two other androids...Do you guess who they are talking about? 
I haven’t taken a chance to really look through the art book yet (didn’t want to spoil myself), but I’ve seen this mentioned and I have to say I don’t actually have a guess. I can’t think of anybody in the game, including sidequests, that would match this description. The only thing I can think of is her lamenting the death of ‘White’ on the bunker, but I can’t think of anything solid.
I look forward to somebody figuring it out, though. That’s pretty awesome, in a legitimately terrifying kind of way.
Anonymous: I thought about something and would like to hear your two cents on it. I personally find that 2B lacks character development, she barely says anything about her throughout the entire game, however, once you learn what her true purpose is, you have to look at the core of most sidequests in the game to (indirectly) learn about her since said sidequests are more or less related to 2B (and 9S to some extent). The "YoRHa Betrayers" and "Amnesia" are the most obvious that come to mind. Any thoughts?  
This is a two-parter, but the Asks split themselves quite neatly.
Regarding this, this is one of the things I really like about both this game and the original (and I remember hints of this in Drakengard, too). There’s plenty of clear development between the characters, but there’s also a lot of unspoken, subtle stuff. I’ve recently mentioned the relationship between Nier and the members of his party, and what’s really brilliant about it is that most of the interpersonal bonding is done without dialogue, or else entirely through subtext. The entire chunk of game from the fight against No. 6 to the post-fight against Kaine in the Lost Shrine is brimming with gorgeous body language and perfectly constructed dialogue that never feels the need to speak too much about what it’s trying to say. It requires-- I don’t want to say thought because it sounds pretentious, but it does require paying attention, especially for the relationship between Emil and Kaine (which turns out to be incredibly powerful even, what, 8000 years later, and I’m completely sold on it for this one hour-long stretch of game).
The same occurs with 2B. We’re introduced to her in a very mechanical context, and she comes across as being stoic, flat, no-nonsense. It serves a pretty good foil to 9S being the most emotional and ‘human’ of the main characters, but 2B herself isn’t emotionless. I marked this even back in the demo; she says ‘emotions are prohibited’ but becomes extremely worked up over 9S being hurt. Seems like a clear contradiction, especially when they ‘just met’, and given how generally well-written and strong the narrative is seems too contradictory to have been unintentional, especially for being right at the start of the game.
There are definitely hints and intrigue throughout, and these little bits from the sidequests and from her more errant dialogue and reactions paint a very interesting and complex picture, especially in conjunction with the “Amnesia” sidequest, which not only reveals the existence of the E-series YoRHa (which 2B dismisses, incidentally) but that they are highly psychologically unstable due to the rather grisly task presented to them. (That was all one sentence and I’m sorry.)
I quite like how her characterization was ultimately treated. It’s not overt, but there are enough indications of what lay beneath to make her at least interesting, and once you’re given full context about her nature it retroactively makes her more unusual decisions and reactions quite a bit more fascinating, and telling.
I was running out of space with my sidequest ask earlier, I thought about another obvious one that might be related to 9S? It's the "Confidential Intel" which ends up pretty badly, where some resistance member wants to build an S android since he always wanted a family, which can be associated with 9S wishes in a way? Maybe this is too far fetched but it all feels too coincidental that most sidequests share the same themes as the main characters' struggle, if that makes any sense?
Oh! Yes, actually, I completely follow. I admit I didn’t make that connection (although I did that quest with 2B so I wasn’t yet in the realm of familial pining), but it does make sense. I imagine something could also be read into the Resistance member’s desire to have somebody to protect.
...now that I think about it, I wonder if an E-unit was sent after them? The Scanner has confidential intelligence, after all, something that could be catastrophic if leaked, and while I interpreted his ‘p-please...’ at the end of the quest being a misfiring need to get away from his ‘family’, it might have been linked to their request: “Don’t tell anybody about us”, “Please”, because if somebody learns where they are the Scanner has to be eliminated, and his protector will go with him.
Got a bit away from the point. But yes, I think that’s entirely possible. Thank you for bringing it to my attention!
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askia258-blog · 6 years ago
HTC U12 Life overview: If at first you don’t succeed…
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HTC is in free fall, with no clearly outlined product technique. It offered half its R&D group to Google at the beginning of the yr, and nonetheless doesn’t have a coherent strategy to advertising and marketing — proper now HTC looks as if an organization in quicksand. The U12 Life reveals HTC desperately reaching for salvation, with no attachment to something it has performed earlier than. That noncommittal, freewheeling strategy has delivered a reimagining of final yr’s U11 Life that reveals HTC nonetheless has some good concepts up its sleeve. Whereas it’s commendable to fully revise a dropping recipe, I’m undecided the U12 Life will fare any higher than its predecessor. Product strains are sometimes fairly logical: an organization identifies a goal market or area of interest and creates vary of and software program aimed toward addressing its wants. Successive generations may add or take away options, however the fundamental logic of what the product line represents — who it’s for and what it does — stays comparatively constant. There’s no mistaking what product strains just like the Galaxy Notice collection, LG V collection, OnePlus line, or BlackBerry’s choices are all about. Not so with HTC. It seems like whoever is behind the U12 Life didn’t agree — in any respect — with what the unique group thought the Life collection was about. The U12 Life comes throughout as a very totally different product to the U11 Life, one unattached to what the U11 Life was or aspired to be. Given HTC’s current staffing modifications, together with the lack of its handset division head, Chialin Chang, that isn’t fully surprising. To get all of it out of the way in which shortly, right here’s a desk exhibiting the main modifications between the U11 Life and the U12 Life:  U12 LifeU11 Life IP ratingNoYes Edge Sense NoYes Headphone jackYesNo Display6-inch LTPS5.2-inch IPS LCD Sense CompanionNoYes Battery capacity3,600mAh2,600mAh Android One model NoYes Selfie digital camera13MP f/2.Zero16MP f/2.Zero Essential digital camera Twin: 16MP f/2.Zero + 5MP (depth)Single: 16MP f/2.Zero
HTC U12 Life design
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Funnily sufficient, the HTC U12 Life appears quite a bit just like the Google Pixel collection. Probably the U12 Life truly began out beneath the Pixel group that left for Google again in January and was carried to fruition by one other group after they left. Nonetheless, even inside the HTC U12 Life’s design there’s a whole lot of chop-and-change occurring. The U12 Life is product of a polycarbonate body like its predecessor. In a world of fragile, scratch-prone glass sandwiches, I don’t thoughts the selection of plastic. It's dealt with effectively and doesn’t really feel too low cost (HTC is making an attempt all method of selling guff to make it sound like glass, nevertheless it isn’t). Not like the U11 Life, which adhered to HTC’s “liquid floor” design language, the U12 Life introduces etched stripes on the again for added grip and decreasing fingerprints.
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The 3D Extremely Stripes, as they're referred to as, truly work as marketed. You’ll nonetheless get some fingerprints on the underside two-thirds of the U12 Life, however nowhere close to as many as the highest part close to the digital camera. The shallow grooves improve grip and supply a stunning floor on which to fidget. My solely gripe with the plastic backing of the U12 Life is the seen “warping” within the plastic across the fingerprint sensor and digital camera housing. The 3D Extremely Stripes add grip and decrease the looks of fingerprints. The buttons are high-quality (and fortunately not capacitive like on the ill-fated U12 Plus), however they really feel a little bit low cost. The ribbed energy button is simple to determine by means of contact alone and may be pressed twice to shortly entry the digital camera. In a uncommon walk-back, HTC introduced the three.5mm headphone port again within the U12 Life, after the U11 Life arrived with out one.
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This yr there are stereo audio system, one mounted on the underside subsequent to the USB Sort-C charging port and the opposite through the earpiece speaker above the show. In accordance with HTC, they weren’t thought of ok to be designated BoomSound audio system. In my expertise they had been nonetheless completely serviceable, getting properly loud with out distortion. They’re a far cry from the most effective HTC telephones you should purchase, however at the least they’re OK. The SIM card tray has additionally shifted from the highest edge on the U11 Life to the left hand facet on the U12 Life.
HTC U12 Life show
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The entrance of the HTC U12 Life is extra spectacular than its predecessor, with smaller bezels and no notch. HTC tells me it's dedicated to avoiding the notch in future units as effectively. Within the high bezel you’ll discover the speaker, a LED notification mild, front-facing digital camera, and a few sensors. HTC says it's dedicated to avoiding the notch. On-screen navigation is the order of the day on the U12 Life. I desire it this manner, however followers of HTC’s conventional dedication to capacitive buttons will probably really feel let down. Clearly, the fingerprint scanner is not on the entrance of the telephone both — one other important change from the U11 Life.
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Colours are vivid and satisfying, brightness is sweet sufficient if not nice and viewing angles are stable. The 6-inch low-temperature polycrystalline silicon (LTPS) panel makes use of much less vitality than an IPS LCD and it’s additionally cheaper to supply. The U12 Life adopts the extra trendy 18:9 side ratio with 2,160 x 1,080 decision and 402ppi. The display screen leaned a little bit cool out of the field, however you may modify the colour temperature within the settings to no matter you like. See additionally: The very best shows of 2018
HTC U12 Life software program
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The U12 Life runs “Mild Sense,” a pared-down model of full-blown HTC Sense that reduces the variety of bloatware apps (farewell Information Republic!) and presumably reduces pressure on system sources. Sadly for followers like me, there’s no Android One model this yr. There isn't any Android One model this yr, and the U12 Life ships with out Edge Sense or Sense Companion. Sense Companion is gone, as is Edge Sense. I truly actually like Edge Sense, so I’m unhappy to see it not included. I might be among the many minority although, so its absence probably received’t be a dealbreaker for a lot of. Your digital assistant wants can now be fulfilled solely by Google Assistant. The feel and appear of Mild Sense is far the identical although, so that you’ll have the ability to discover your approach round simply as simply. The UI is simply as clear and inoffensive because it has been for years and a swipe up app drawer retains these acquainted app icons so as. HTC Themes are nonetheless included if you'd like them. Blinkfeed nonetheless throws up the worst of the web (in between the adverts) and needs to be disabled out of the field. It’s a little bit bizarre that HTC gave up on Sense Companion for Google Assistant however remains to be making an attempt to make Blinkfeed higher than the Google feed. To every their very own. The HTC U12 Life runs Android eight.1 Oreo out of the field.
HTC U12 Life efficiency
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The U12 Life makes use of the 14nm Snapdragon 636 cell platform with eight Kryo 260 cores and the Adreno 509 GPU. In comparison with different mid-range telephones I’ve used just lately, the U12 Life struggled with occasional slow-downs and common sluggishness in on a regular basis use. A manufacturing facility reset didn’t resolve something, nor did software program updates through the U12 Life overview interval. In on a regular basis use, the U12 Life struggled, with occasional slow-downs and common sluggishness. Regardless of HTC’s quite minimal software program layer, the mid-range chipset and 4GB of RAM in my overview unit simply couldn’t push these pixels round quick sufficient when multitasking and placing the U12 Life by means of its paces. I wasn’t anticipating OnePlus 6T ranges of pace, nevertheless it felt extra like I used to be utilizing a HTC Want 626 than a 2018 product. Keep away from the U12 Life if cell gaming is excessive in your hit record. The U12 Life I acquired had 64GB of storage with microSD growth through a hybrid slot within the dual-SIM tray. The bottom mannequin U11 Life got here with 3GB of RAM and 32GB of storage, so the bump to 4GB/64GB is a welcome one. A U12 Life variant exists in Taiwan with 6GB/128GB, however that probably received’t matter to you.
HTC U12 Life battery
The three,600mAh battery within the U12 Life is sort of 30 % bigger than the two,600mAh cell of final yr’s U11 Life. Whereas it does a fairly good job of holding the lights on, you positively received’t be getting 30 % extra screen-on time. That’s probably as a result of a lot bigger display screen regardless of the extra vitality environment friendly chipset. I averaged 5 to 5 and a half hours of screen-on time per day when principally utilizing the U12 Life for non-demanding duties. Common days had a lock on 5 hours, however days spent taking a lot of images or gaming greater than common dropped that quantity considerably, continuously to lower than 4 hours. For reference, Josh obtained round 4 and a half hours of screen-on time when he reviewed the U11 Life with Sense.
HTC U12 Life specs
 HTC U12 Life Display6.Zero-inch LCD 2,160 x 1,080 decision 18:9 side ratio SoCQualcomm Snapdragon 636 Cell Platform, octa-core, 64-bit GPUAdreno 509 RAM4 or 6GB Storage64 or 128GB MicroSD card slot CamerasRear cameras: 16MP + 5MP sensors, part detection autofocus, dual-LED flash, f/2.Zero aperture, HDR, 4K video recording Entrance digital camera: 13MP sensor, f/2.Zero aperture, LED flash, HDR, FHD 1080p video recording Battery3,600mAh IP ratingN/A SensorsAmbient mild sensor Proximity sensor Movement G-sensor Compass sensor Gyro sensor Magnetic sensor Fingerprint sensor Sensor Hub for exercise monitoring Network2G/2.5G GSM/GPRS/EDGE - 850/900/1800/1900MHz 3G UMTS - 850/900/1900/2100MHz - HSDPA 42, HSUPA 5.76 4G LTE - Twin 4G LTE Nano SIM (availability varies by area) - FDD: Bands 1, 2, three, four, 5, 7, eight, 12, 17, 20, 28, 32, 66 - TDD: Bands 38, 40 - Helps Cat 11 downloads as much as 600Mbps, add as much as 75Mbps ConnectivityUSB Sort-C three.5mm headphone jack Bluetooth 5 Wi-Fi: 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac (2.four & 5GHz) NFC GPS/GLONASS SoftwareAndroid eight.1 Oreo HTC Sense Dimensions and weight158.5 x 75.four x eight.3mm 175g Colorsmoonlight blue, twilight purple (availability varies by area)
HTC U12 Life digital camera
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HTC usually makes stable however not excellent cameras. The U12 Life provides an additional 5MP f/2.2 depth-sensing sensor to the 16MP f/2.Zero lens of the U11 Life. That aids with the enjoyable bokeh portrait mode photographs and the outcomes are fairly good. Portrait mode does job producing practical wanting background blur with fairly pure bokeh. The shot of the Berlin Wall and the macro shot of the stones within the gallery under present what I imply. Sadly the digital camera depends on not-so-great EIS as an alternative of optical stabilization. The front-facing digital camera will get a downgrade to a 13MP sensor, however I actually favored the pure look and element it captured. The front-facing digital camera weirdly will get a downgrade from the U11 Life, going from a 16MP f/2.Zero lens final yr to a 13MP f/2.Zero lens this yr. Fortunately the standard is fairly related. I actually favored how a lot pure element the front-facing digital camera picked up on with out doing something too bizarre with magnificence mode or pores and skin softening. The digital camera tended to blow out highlights, as you may see within the selfie under the place the sunshine is blown out on the facet of my face, however general the outcomes had been excellent. Photos shot with the U12 Life’s major cameras are usually respectable however lack any form of punch to make them stand out. For the worth level, the U12 Life isn’t anticipated to carry out any miracles, however there’s an unlucky capable-but-unreliable bent to the principle digital camera right here you don’t essentially get on different telephones round this worth. As quickly as the sunshine begins to drop even a little bit you both want a surgeon’s regular palms or to lean the U12 Life on one thing to keep away from blur within the ensuing shot. The shortage of OIS here's a downside each for low-light photographs in addition to video, which is in any other case good. In case you use a help and play your playing cards proper, it's attainable to get good low-light images. This positively isn’t the telephone you need for those who take a lot of selfies in gloomy bars although or for those who plan to shoot a lot of shifting video. The shortage of OIS is an issue each for low-light photographs and video, however for those who play your playing cards proper you may get some good photographs and photographs. Within the daytime the U12 Life performs fairly effectively, capturing loads of element and balancing out excessive distinction photographs very properly with HDR mode enabled. I truly actually like the way in which HTC handles HDR — the outcomes don’t look loopy pretend like with some telephones. The U12 Life struggles to do a lot with blown-out skies, however brings up the shadowy areas very properly.
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Maybe my largest concern with the U12 Life digital camera is simply how flat it shoots. I hardly ever took a photograph that regarded nice with out me pondering I wanted to make a journey to an modifying app first. In case you dislike the tendency most telephones have today to oversaturate and oversharpen pictures, the U12 Life could swimsuit you simply high-quality, however for me it required an excessive amount of work to get good photographs out of and even then I nonetheless needed to edit them earlier than sharing. Associated: Better of Android: greatest cameras
Pricing and last ideas
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I favored the U11 Life final yr, however the U12 Life carries none of that historical past over. It feels prefer it’s ranging from scratch, altering the display screen dimension and show tech, ditching the IP score and acquainted Sense software program options whereas bringing again the headphone jack and beefing up the battery capability. Taken by itself, the U12 Life presents a wonderfully respectable package deal. It has display screen, respectable battery life, an appropriate twin digital camera, and alright audio, nevertheless it doesn’t actually nail any of that. Its battery life isn’t the place it could possibly be. The digital camera is fairly unreliable and lacks OIS. Efficiency is unsatisfactory. It does away with among the greatest components of its predecessor, too. Taken by itself the U12 Life presents a wonderfully respectable package deal, however there are much more aggressive telephones at this worth. The modifications at HTC are evident within the U12 Life. It’s a tool disconnected from its product line, each from the earlier Life variant and the flagship U12 Plus, on the lookout for success wherever it may. I doubt the U12 Life will discover it any greater than the U11 Life did, however I favored that gadget and I form of nonetheless like this one too. It’s only a lot tougher to advocate this time round when there are such a lot of extra compelling units in the marketplace for a similar sum of money and not an Android One possibility anymore.
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In case you’re a die-hard HTC fan with 349 euros (~$395) to spare, I say go for it, so long as gaming efficiency and nice images aren’t excessive in your record of priorities. In case you’re on the lookout for a aggressive mid-range telephone with a stable chipset, new model of Android, nice digital camera and battery, and some high-end extras thrown in, this isn't the telephone for you. As an alternative have a look at the Xiaomi Mi A2, Nokia 7.1 Plus, Honor Play, Asus Zenfone 5Z, Moto G6 Plus, or in fact the flagship spec’d Pocophone F1. The HTC U12 Life is out there in moonlight blue and twilight purple by means of HTC’s on-line retailer for 349 euros in Europe and 299 kilos (~$383) within the U.Ok. It received’t be coming to the U.S. Read the full article
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