#but the implications of this are huge
biitchcakes · 4 days
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Jessica's profile preview on the superhero dating app, Starkdate . i want to plot around this silly idea so bad tbh.
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thevalleyisjolly · 5 months
It's a minor detail but I'm so emotional over Doctor Who making the universal human language in the future based on Cantonese.
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He arrived :3
family au next post family au prev post
What do you mean this isn't how the doomstar requiem went?
This is my new background now.
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casscainmainly · 5 days
Can someone who likes the 'Tim and Cass are twins' headcanon explain why they like it?? I don't wanna be too harsh on a headcanon but I really don't see the appeal. They're literally different races, which means either you're saying Cass looks White or Tim looks Asian, which are both kinda weird. Unless you're headcanoning Tim as Asian, but if you are, the headcanon is basically 'oh these two Asians look alike'. I'm sure people don't actually think that or have bad intentions, but Tim and Cass' relationship is interesting enough without adding this look-alike layer to it. Anyway appreciate any insights!
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silverwhittlingknife · 11 months
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good coping mechanisms [not pictured]
nightwing 116 & red robin 12
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"It’s long been supposed that implants could connect prosthetics to the brain in a way that stimulates nervous system commands with electrical signals.
Now, this idea is closer than ever to realization in a meaningful way, as one man paralyzed from the hips down is able to walk unsupported, even up stairs, thanks to such electrical nerve stimulation.
The patient, Gert-Jan Oskam, lost all movement in his legs after suffering a spinal cord injury in a motorbike accident. After using a precursor technology to gain back a little bit of mobility, Oskam enrolled in a proof of concept study to perhaps make further advances...
Now, with an implant in his brain, when Oskam thinks about moving his legs, it sends a signal to a computer he wears in a backpack that calculates how much current to send to a new pacemaker in his abdomen. It in turn sends a signal to the older implant in his spinal cord that prompts his legs to move in a more controllable manner. A helmet with antennae helps coordinate the signals.
The scientists developing the technology and working with him detail that he can walk around 200 meters a day, and stand unassisted for around 2-3 minutes. Once, Oskam details, there was some painting that needed to be done, but no one was around to help him. With the new technology, he simply took his crutch and did it himself.
Incredibly, after less than a year, and completely unexpectedly, scientists believe the technology closed the gap in his nervous system, and he can now lift himself out of a chair, and even walk with the help of a crutch, even when the device is turned off.
The scientists are planning in the future to work with patients with paralyzed arms and hands, and even with stroke victims, as the “digital bridge” is a massive advancement in nervous system stimulation technology."
-via Good News Network, June 16, 2023. Video via NBC News, May 24, 2023
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sushiisiu · 3 months
jsbajan i got whiplash bc i followed u for scollace & i haven’t been on tumblr in a while. so when i saw kaishin i was like, HM. THIS ART STYLE IS SO FAMILIAR?? then i realized. you’re posting bangers. another fav ship of mine. i love kaishin sm omgosh. <3 keep up the awesome work & have fun w/ ur art!!!
omg that's really funny since i've been thinking that my artstyle changed a lot (back to normal) after scollace but thank you so much!!! kaishin goated!! even if 73 is making stupid retcons!!! and i will i have so much devious plans for drawing them rn wahahahahhaa
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fake ass bitch ^
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Besties give me a diplomatic phrasing to communicate "if I leave for the evening and tell you roughly when I'll be back and text 20 minutes before I'm home on your request, please be done having screaming sex by the time I'm home"
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jonquilspool · 3 months
rhaenyra entrusting her children to rhaena saying she must be a dragon… clearly trusting rhaena implicitly (those are her kids!) but that trust manifesting as a forced gendering of a girl who does not want it (much like rhaenyra herself when she was younger) oh……
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alluralater · 5 months
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yeah so anyways i’m falling in love with her
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orcelito · 1 year
ok I don't think we as a fandom talk about the way Vash cries blood enough
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we only see it once or twice from what I remember, the one definite time being here ^ when the puppet attack first begins & he's dealing with the emotional agony of seeing so many of his family turn into puppets.
so it's clearly something that comes out only when he's in severe emotional distress.
the interesting thing is that Wolfwood is fucking TERRIFIED of him bc of it.
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whatever this moment is, Vash is giving off the same sort of oppressive energy that Wolfwood's experienced with Knives. it's the first time during their travels that he's really been forced to recognize What Vash Is. he knew it of course, saw him in Jeneora, but he's such a goofy guy it's easy to forget.
but whatever Vash is doing here, it makes Wolfwood Incredibly aware of what he is.
so the real question i think is What exactly is going on here? is it unintentional? is it simply a response to the emotional agony?
Vash isn't the type to indiscriminately terrify everyone in the vicinity on purpose. he wouldn't be doing this purposefully out of anger while Wolfwood's there. no, in this moment, he's not even angry at all. he's Distraught.
going from This
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to this
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in just a moment.
yeah. that's some fucking emotional agony. i dont think Vash is doing this entirely on purpose.
but THEN...
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as both Leonof and Wolfwood stare at him in fear, Both feeling his oppressive energy, Vash then lets out some sort of blast that blows against everything between him and Leonof. it doesn't destroy anything, doesn't even injure him, but it's a physically tangible effect that scares the Shit out of Leonof & spurs him into motion.
there may be some anger involved in this moment, but it's not the hair-trigger rage you would expect from seeing his family turned into puppets. it's something Quiet, something almost cold. he's distraught, Resigned, & retaliating just because he has to.
Vash hates all of this. he doesn't want to fight him. he fucking Knows this guy too, knew him as a kid, & none of this makes sense. but he knows that he needs to fight him, & doesn't have any kind of choice.
but he's not happy about it. not in the slightest.
#speculation nation#fanny reads trigun#fanny's trigun analysis#trigun#trigun spoilers/#trimax spoilers/#adding that tag for tag goers. since this is a very trimax moment.#im just fascinated by the implications here. there's so much we don't see about Vash's abilities. him and Knives both.#there's the implication that he can read people's minds in the way he sometimes responds to thought boxes#and also the entire mental conversation he has with Legato. NONE of this is brought up.#the way Knives created that tree. they obviously can generate vegetation just like their sisters. or at least Knives can.#Vash creates that barrier. which I see as an extreme manipulation of gravity to prevent anything from going through.#and of course there's the explosions. with the angel arm theyre huge.#but then we see at least once Vash turn his finger into a lil canon. aka it can be done in a smaller form#and also the implications of him just making Bomb Bullets? mini versions of his giant explosions? What??????#so it brings the question of What If they could do these things on smaller scales? would Vash be capable of minor manipulations of gravity?#would Knives be able to just generate a fruit in his hand?#so many weird little things!!!! and we have no idea!!!!!!#but ykno what me as a fanfiction writer my entire PURPOSE is to extrapolate from canon. which includes their weird ass powers.#aka im going to make assumptions from the little bits we see in canon and im gonna RUN with them#definitely looking to do something with This moment too. Vash's oppressive energy... it will Definitely be fun.
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bitchslapblastoids · 3 months
Just bc bedroom discourse (in this case more like closet/bathroom discourse lol) is happening again….
Maybe a radical conceptussy for some: My partner and I have been together many years, live together, and have always had separate bedrooms by choice. I’m a sensitive ass sleeper, he’s incredibly messy, and we are both people who desperately need our own space.
We still have a healthy sex life, are very much in love, and very much share a life together.
So idk, d&p’s sleeping situations/where they keep their belongings has never been particularly significant to me, bc I’ve been living the separate bedroom life by choice for years and I feel like it is a p healthy aspect of my relationship 🤷‍♀️
Edited to add: I do recognize the irony of me recently posting like a giddy little phangirl about their fancy villa with its one king sized bed…… so……. yeah that’s all just know that I am at least a self-aware hypocrite
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purplecritter · 2 months
I had a dream tonight that Bioware dropped a new video along with the elusive August roadmap. And after seeing it I remember saying "Do they have any idea the lore implication this has? It's huge!!"
And of course as soon as I wake up and ready myself to write it down. I can't remember a single thing
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ashmp3 · 3 months
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mingyu sounds like a true jeonghan creature enthusiast 🐙
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I don't even care asoiaf has the funniest modern au fanfiction ever
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lost-inanotherlife · 1 month
Kate's backstory is a retelling of Oedipus' story and now that I've finally seen it I can't stop thinking about it.
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