#but the blogs I know them and think they're cool and don't want to block them over dumb tasteless memes
numberoneanika · 3 months
Honestly the roleplay blogs are stronger than I am because if I saw a post where people were saying my blog was annoying and calling me corny I would jump in a large pit and rot away
#I don't think I should tag this one#Okay I've typed my emotions out. For a more normal way to put it: While it makes sense to be upset#best move. I'm sure the blogs in question would be happier if you just told them about the roleplay guidelines than if you made a post#where multiple people call them annoying. Like can you imagine if someone said that about a writing blog#'So sick of x reader fics in the tag I don't want to see that and they're all so out of character' What a dick move.#It is a different case with rp blogs I'll give you that. But I think the principle of the matter stands#unless it doesn't and everything I said is stupid#original ramble below I was so mad for some reason. im not mad at anyone really. everyone is cool. love you guys#I get why people are unhappy that theyre clogging up the tags#like despiar dev said not to and people want to see content of despiar thyme not just ask blogs#I saw someone say they just blocked them and like. I get why. however. people do not know everything#but my brother in Christ you're not helping the matter!!!!!!!!1 send them a screenshot of what despiar dev said!!!!help other people!!!!!!!#just politely tell them instead of weirdly vague posting it helps everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe they just don't know#misspelling the tags so no one finds this post. I will actually be so pissed if people find this and r upset#Oh I'm sorry THIS is the post you're noticing? You have followed me for over six months and you haven't said anything about any other negat#negative feelings i've expressed. I see how it is#I wish the drdt confessions account was still open but whatever fucking whatever#sui mention#personal vent#whatever I guess
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catcatb0y · 1 year
Saw my Notp AND least favorite headcanon.
Why must I suffer like this??? How shall I sleep with these WRONGS rattling in my head?? Why ME I am just a SILLY BOY.
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ghostlykeyes · 11 months
HI honeyy I love ur blog!!! can u please write the headcanons for kayn and K/da f!reader...how do the two of them explain their relationship to their fans or maybe they give a moment in a few shows?
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HEARTSTEEL KAYN: K/DA READER ♡ Female Reader ♡ SFW, with slight touching/sensuality ♡ No TWs ♡ THIS GOT SO LONG. I am willing to write more for this situation, since I had to cut a lot of my OG ideas to make room for what felt the most important...truly Kayn floods my mind and cannot be expressed or exhausted
When Akali dragged you along to one of Kayn's birthday parties, all she wanted was a drinking buddy to keep her company while Kayn was doing, quote, "birthday boy shit". She wasn't expecting you and Kayn to hit it off so well. She definitely wasn't expecting to find you two wedged in a coat closet, shoving your tongues down each other's throats. She had two words for Kayn as she linked her arm in yours and tugged you out from between a leather jacket and an 80's windbreaker; "Do. not."
But, after two torturously long weeks of you never shutting up about Kayn during rehearsals, and Kayn texting her so much she has to threaten to block him for any sort of peace and quiet (at all hours of the night and day, "hey gimme your hot friend's number", over and over AND OVER AND OVER), Akali comes around. She's just worried for you. Kayn's got quite the reputation, and she doesn't want him to fuck around with you and break your heart. But, she figures, you're both adults, so who is she to stand in the way of whatever you've got going on. So she eventually texts Kayn your number, but not without a warning; "you remember I know martial arts, yeah? and that I can totally kick your fucking ass? don't break my girl's heart dipshit".
On the whole, K/DA supports your budding relationship with Kayn. Even though he's a bit wild, the group's whole thing is about being individual and true to yourself—it seems hypocritical to tell you that you can't be caught holding hands with Kayn in line at Chipotle anymore for the sake of the band's image.
Heartsteel is a bit more tentative about you and Kayn. Alune's nervous to have Kayn dating such a high-profile star when Heartsteel has literally JUST broken onto the scene. But, this is Kayn, after all. What are they going to ask him to do, stop seeing you? He wouldn't listen. Besides, you do seem like a good influence in his life, and if the way his eyes light up whenever he sees your name pop up on his phone screen say anything, he's crazy about you. Eventually Alune sways other management and teams to embrace your relationship, as long as the two of you try to keep it relatively low-key.
If anyone ever implies he's with you to boost Heartsteel's fame or that he's trying to ride K/DA's coattails to the top, Kayn blows up. "We don't need shit from anybody," he sneers, "we're gonna climb to the top all by our fucking selves. Oh, and if you think (Y/N) would settle for anything less than a born rockstar? You're fucking stupid."
For your part, you're more subtle when publicly discussing your relationship with Kayn, but you still shoot down any ideas that he's with you for your status. "Heartsteel definitely doesn't need K/DA's help," you assert. "They're superstars and they're earning their spot on the music scene fair and square."
Kayn is your absolute fucking biggest superfan. He knows your lyrics front-to-back, he shows up to every single event he can, and he even uses Ezreal's Mercari account to snag rare merch that's being resold. Kayn tries to play it cool, but come on. You've seen the amount of posters he tries to hide in his closet. Only a fanboy has a collection like that.
There's hundreds of paparazzi photos of you two floating around on the internet, and Kayn's got a love-hate relationship with that fact. On the one hand, he loves being seen with you—what better way to claim you as his own than a photo of him literally grabbing your ass on the cover of a trashy gossip mag? On the other hand, can't a guy get some goddamn privacy? He hates that he has to share you with anyone, prying 'journalists' included. To make light of it, though, you two have started a little game. You send each other the wildest claims you can find about your relationship, trying to one up the other. Kayn's still winning with the article claiming that he's exercising some kind of mind-control to make you his girlfriend.
Flipping off the camera and open-mouth kissing you is one of Kayn's favorite poses to strike if he notices paparazzi lurking. For your part? You're just happy for his attention.
Kayn loves when you sneak into his shows. You usually have to wear a hoodie and go incognito to avoid getting mobbed, but don't worry, Kayn can pick you out of a crowd no matter what you're wearing. Sometimes, if you're standing close enough to the stage, he'll take off his shirt and toss it at you. He gets off on the attention, on thousands of people all-but-worshipping him, and if his favorite person is in the throng, knowing his worst parts but screaming for him alongside everyone else, just the same? Ego-boost of the fucking century. He may not express it to you often, but he really, really appreciates when you come see his shows.
Your packed schedules present a challenge, and Kayn despises the fact that you're often touring hours away from him. He still tries to talk to you as much as possible, even if it's not in person. Expect daily FaceTime calls, frequent Discord DM's, and around the clock blurry pictures of Kayn causing mischief.
Bless Akali's heart because Kayn absolutely harasses her about you. Whenever you're busy, he bugs her; "tell my gf to come back from the ded". Anytime you're on tour, he Venmoes her money to buy you your favorite fast food. She complains to you constantly—"tell your purse dog to stop yipping at me"— but really, she doesn't mind spoiling you by proxy. She's just happy that Kayn dotes on you so much.
Kayn jokes about making you late for rehearsal a lot—especially if he's halfway down your neck in a heated makeout sesh—but the truth is, that's never going to happen. Sure, he dicks around a lot, but he never gives less than one-hundred-and-ten to Heartsteel and he's not about to let you slack off, either. That includes making sure you get to your K/DA commitments on time (even if your neck is littered with hickies).
Kayn loves when you show him your choreography. He listens intently as you explain how to go through the steps, or complain about what you're struggling with. Often, he'll offer critique; "you look a little off-balance, try standing this way," or "Have you tried positioning a little more to the left?". Sometimes, these are genuine tips. Most of the time, though, he's just looking for an excuse to feel you up. What better way to sneakily touch your boobs than "suggesting" your chest needs to come out more?
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worriedvision · 4 months
They ask for your friends number- Aventurine, Boothill, Wriothesley
Gender neutral reader, angst once again you know this blog. Basically, you're into the guy and you think he likes you back, only to realise he was more interested in your friend.
"So, how much for a number?" Aventurine asks, looking over at your friend but asking you.
"Well, since you asked, my number-" you begin, flirting with him as you begin to speak only to stop when he puts a finger up to silence you.
"Oh, no no no! Your friend over there, they're a true gem!" He chuckles, not sensing your shift in mood.
You can't help but feel embarrassed, thinking back and realising he probably didn't even speak to you in the first place out of interest but more to get closer to your friend. Your friend was close to you, like you were to them, and Aventurine immediately knew that he had to be in your good books for a chance. As much as you hated to admit it to yourself, your friend was the one that looked better for Aventurine.
"...Well, why don't you go over and ask yourself?" You laugh off, Aventurine is clearly nervous. "Oh come on, surely you know you need to make some moves yourself."
Aventurine nods, thanking you for your wisdom and complimenting your friend for having you as a friend before beginning to walk over.
Not wanting to see the inevitable happen of your friend finally getting a good partner - solely because you had a crush on the man in question - you opt to go home early. You'll tell your friend you had a sore head, or something equally as understandable for dismissing.
"Hoo boy! That one over there sure is a sight for sore eyes." Boothill whistles, your friend indulging in a conversation with the bartender. "What kinda stuff are they into? You know them well, right squirt?"
You didn't expect it to hurt that much. You knew you didn't have much of a chance of a working relationship with him, but it still hurt.
"Well, you're a gentleman. Why don't you go over and start a conversation?" You smile, hoping Boothill doesn't notice the wobble in your voice.
"But you know me, I'm... I'm cool and reserved!" Boothill objects, you raising a brow at his words. "Okay, fine, I get it. Gotta have the guts to get this forking stuff started."
Boothill struts over, loudly enough that anyone could hear, and you watch on as Boothill inevitably stumbles the moment your friend looks over. Thankfully, your friend giggles, and Boothill gets the courage to speak.
Going to your contacts, you text Boothill your friends number in case he forgets to ask before promptly blocking him.
Working under Wriothesley turned out to be a real treat. He respected you, made sure people weren't giving you flack, and he always took the time to talk to you casually.
You really were silly for thinking he thought of you differently from the average prisoner. When your friend was visiting their father in prison, Wriothesley quickly took an interest. The moment they were away, Wriothesley asked you for their contact.
You couldn't help but choke on your tea when hearing that, not expecting him to want their details so quickly. Perhaps he just wanted to check they weren't trying to get their dad out of jail.
"It's rare that someone catches my eye like that. My standards are usually so high and yet, they seem to effortlessly meet them." Wriothesley chuckles, you're not drinking anymore tea.
It was a shock to you, but you knew he deserved someone that would treat him well. Your friend knows of your feelings for Wriothesley through your gushing, so they know he's a good guy.
Pushing over a note with your friends address, telling him not to use it with malicious intent, he thanks you as he writes it down.
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gatheredfates · 3 months
How To Win Friends and Influence People: Dawntrail Edition ☀️
I swear the title is a joke.
Listen, we all know I'm one to furiously and viscously encourage people to venture outside their box and meet people, and today is no different! With the launch of Dawntrail, we're likely to see a lot of cool new people in the community, so these are a couple of affirmations I employ to myself when reaching out. Feel free to use them to your benefit!
That little voice telling you the person will think you're annoying is probably a liar. In all the time I have reached out to people in this community, I have never once heard a complaint about being annoying, overbearing or too much. As long as you're not inappropriate, respect boundaries and go in with pure intentions, it is likely to be reciprocated.
If people don't want to interact with you, that is their loss. Rejection sucks, but you cannot let the fear of it rule your intentions. Don't hyper-fixate on the loss; simply block (if needed) and move on. Not only will you foster healthy relationships with people who reciprocate your efforts, you will avoid drama by respecting and enacting your own boundaries. Trust me when I say this will improve your whole experience.
You don't need to message people right away! Start by leaving nice tags on their gposes, writing, etc.; make conversation and comment on their posts. Work up to a message first if you're shy.
I don't know what kind of comment to leave, you say? Easy! Find one thing about what they've done that you like. For example, I'm often like 'wow the x colouring in this is amazing! i love how it makes the character pop'! It shows engagement with their work beyond the superficial. Trust me, when i get these kinds of tags, it makes my day.
Remember you get out of a community what you put into it. If you have a cool idea for a space/event/roleplay concept, promote it! If you think your character's story would bolster another persons', offer to write with them! Reach out to other places with similar or adjacent concepts and see if you can work together. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, so they say.
If it's within your blog's scope, reblogging other people's outreach posts/commissions/gposes/etc is a great way to engage with the community in a low-stakes way. If you need to make a sideblog for promotional stuff, do it! I prefer tags, personally, but you do you. The more approachable you look, the more people are going to contact you first.
Befriend people because you earnestly want to get to know them. "Popularity" is a farce. There are amazingly talented people who have a small group of friends because they're shy.
Eat food, drink water and take your medication before you do any of the aforementioned. Actually, just cover all those basis before you do anything. If you start dooming and glooming your efforts, have a nap (trust me, it worked for me last night!).
A couple of things to keep in mind on the other side:
You are not obligated to reciprocate someone's efforts.
"No." Is a full sentence. It's always preferable to be kind, but know your worth.
If that shit don't stick, hit da bricks!! You can leave!!
Always try to assume the best intentions of people.
Tools of moderation are not drama-mongering or nasty; they simply tailor your experience to what you want to see/experience. You don't need to justify your reasonings, you don't need to explain yourself to anyone; block and move on!! You don't need to make a big deal about it.
If anyone has anything else they want to add, please do! But this how I operate and it's never done me a disservice. ✨
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goodluckclove · 5 months
On Not Writing
Hi! I'm back. i had a fun two days of doing absolutely nothing writing related, including scrolling this blog. Wife and I played a lot of Valheim. Took a lot of bike rides. Watched Interstellar for the first time - pretty good, kind of silly at the end. It was my first two-day weekend in probably three months, so it was much-needed, hard as it was.
And it got me thinking of some things I wanted to say to the community here. It's especially targeted towards younger writers, of which I used to be one, but I think it can apply to anyone who finds themselves despairing over how much they aren't writing.
Let's imagine you're sitting with me in this coffee shop. It's an overcast Portland morning and I just inadvertently vivisected a croissant. And as we sip our drinks (I ordered a lavender latte), you lament to me. I don't know what to do, Clove. I just haven't been writing!
You know what I say to that?
This is a new hot take of mine that I, once again, worry about upsetting people with. Because I see a lot of guides here about how to write, or how to write consistently, or how to write through writers block. But I haven't seen a single person talking about the inverse - how to not write. Or - perhaps more accurately - how to exist as a human being separate from your identity as a writer.
This is a problem for me.
Listen - I started young. I was 12 when I wrote my first novella, and 13 when I completed my first novel the next year. Adults in my life were impressed by the big-eyed child writing so many words. They encouraged me. I wrote two more novels, and they continued to encourage me. Because of the potential, right? I could be successful. I could be famous.
People stopped pushing me to try other things. I saw I was getting validation as a writer, so that only pushed me to continue fixating over something I was already enjoying and getting pretty good at. Dad had me writing two thousand words every day, because that's what Stephen King did. At 16 I finished four full-length novels, which everyone thought was really cool and interesting. I was also sporting dual hand braces every day throughout the winter to cope with the carpal tunnel I still struggle with to this day.
There is encouraging a person in their passion. There is also poisoning them with the belief that their self-worth comes from pursuing that passion. This is entirely, absolutely, even more true for younger writers and artists.
I am enraged for the young writer in my heart and in my head. Because they worried about a lot of the same things I see people worry about on here. Oh, if I don't write I'm not a writer! And to an extent they're right, as to be a writer you need to at some point write some stuff.
But here's the fucking thing, Young Clover - a child should not strive for the work ethic of a professional adult. You did not need to write 2k words a day to be a writer. You were a writer as soon as you updated that terrible Invader Zim fanfiction you wrote when you were 10.
And more than that, though, the most important thing to a person should not be their job and aspirations. If you don't write every day, you're still a writer. If you've never written anything, you aren't - and that's fine. You might write something later down the line, or you might not. Either way you are still entitled to exist on the planet and capable of living a full and passionate and wonderful life.
Hear my words: being a writer is not more important than being a human being.
If you aren't writing right now, maybe you're not supposed to be. Maybe you're meant to be nurturing your relationships, or nurturing yourself. Maybe you're supposed to be volunteering. Or meeting new people. Or gaining a new field of knowledge. Or getting really good at making focaccia bread. Or watching every Mark Wahlberg movie.
I don't like to hear this any more than you do. If I was told that I, for some reason, was not allowed to write for the rest of my life, I would be miserable for maybe a long time. After that passed it's my hope that I would move on and do other things, because my worth is not dependent on being a writer. I like doing it. I like being it, and I hope to be one for the rest of my life. But I never want it to be the first thing people see when they look at me. I don't even like bringing it up in conversation with people I don't already know.
So yeah, if you have "writer's block", maybe consider putting down the pickaxe and getting some rest. Step away entirely from the large boulder that stands between you being the next Stephen King or Brandon Sanderson or Teen Dystopia Writer no. 2321. Take a break, and I mean an ACTUAL break, not the kind where you spend the whole time sulking about work.
I am legitimately begging the writers on here to have developed lives and interests outside of writing. I am begging because I do not have that and it has consistently been one of the hardest things of my life.
You prioritize living outside your writing and it will improve the quality of your writing when you get back to it, as it'll allow you a frame of reference that extends beyond our niche industry. Or it might make you realize that, while you enjoy writing, what you really love is ceramics. Or game developing. Or mutual-aid activism. Or the movies of Mark Wahlberg.
It is not your job to treat yourself like you already have a dozen deadlines and an audience teetering on the edge of disappointment. That's ultimately not going to help you. Your job on this earth is to exist fully, for the sake of the universe that wants so desperately to live vicariously through you.
So breathe. Breathe and calm down. You aren't a failure and there's nothing you have to prove. All you have to do today is drink some water and have a nice snack while you look at a cloud.
Please be kind. All of us need to be kinder to each other and to ourselves.
That's all I want to say. I love you dearly. Please let me know if you need anything.
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p-redux · 3 months
Well, folks, the day has finally come, I'm so angry about something, I can barely speak, let alone write. But write I will...
Here goes. I, Purv, in NO WAY, approve of Bcac's blog or her. It has come to my attention that after Bcac's account was deactivated by Tumblr and then quickly reactivated, she made this mention of me. 👇
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First of all, what I said I said privately in a DM. If I had wanted to offer public support, I would have. I thought my DM conversations were private, apparently not. The person I DMed with has already apologized to me for betraying my confidence. Secondly, just because I said Bcac shouldn't lose her account does NOT mean I'm cool with her or her blog. I said in DM that I didn't think Bcac should have lost her blog, but because I think everyone should have freedom of speech, in general. That's it.
But now Bcac has taken what I said privately and weaponized it to try to legitimize herself with those other than the Sam-haters and Purv-haters she surrounds herself with. And THAT I'm VERY upset about.
Bcac has toned down her blatant displays of Sam hate because she realizes she has a captive audience of Sam fans who are waiting on his every move. And she provides that for them. But let me be VERY CLEAR, Bcac has disdain for Sam Heughan. And, she welcomes people who have disdain for him on her blog. And people who have disdain for me. She regularly commiserates with and allows comments from KNOWN Sam haters. They have harassed and bullied Sam and talked sh*t about the women he dates for years.
Here's a quick sampling of MANY examples, showing Bcac talking badly about Sam and allowing others to. 👇
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Aside from the Sam-haters that Bcac welcomes on her blog, she also welcomes those who have made MY life hell for years and years. I recognize so many names from the past. People who harassed me all day and even tried to dox me. That's who flocks to Bcac's blog. Sam-haters, Purv-haters, don't be fooled thinking that's not the case. I can name names if anyone is interested in DM.
Bcac herself has talked sh*t about me privately and publicly on her blog. Here's a quick example of her making fun of me and also putting Sam down in the process. 👇
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Here she is continuing to put me down, even making fun of my eye issues! 👇
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Like I said, this is only the tip of the iceberg of Bcac and her followers mocking me. And she's toned it down significantly because she knows many of my followers now look at her blog too.
So, yes, I don't think Bcac should have had her blog deactivated, but ONLY because I believe in freedom of speech. Even for b*tches who talk sh*t about Sam and about me. And make no mistake, Bcac and her minions are b*tches. They're just hiding it better these days. Except for the blogger who shared my DM, she's not a b*tch. But I will be parting ways since I can no longer trust her. Silly me, I thought it was possible for someone to be best friends with Bcac and also be friendly with me. I should know better after 10 years in this Godforsaken fandom.
Tumblr only lets you post 10 pics, but if anyone is interested in more crap Bcac has posted about me or Sam, hit me up in DM, and I'll show you.
So, today is the day I draw the line in the sand. I don't want to ever hear Bcac's name or anyone associated with her. Why would I want anything to do with someone who puts me down? I'm not going to tolerate that. No one should. Soooo, anyone who is chummy to me on my blog, but then I get wind you're also chummy with Bcac, will get blocked. I'm done with this bullsh*t. I get it, she finds out Sam's every move and people want that info. So, go ahead and get it from her. But, you won't ALSO be able to stay on my blog. Am I making people pick sides? Absofuckinglutely. If that means I lose a lot of followers. So be it. I've decided I'd rather have no followers than two-faced people. I like Sam and I like myself. She doesn't like Sam and she doesn't like me. You can't be okay with her and her sh*t talking of me, and be okay with me. It's impossible. Simple as that.
Those of the more reasonable calm, Switzerland type personalities may not understand my choice. Those of the passionate, take a stand, have your back no matter what persuasion, will understand. Maybe it's my Italian blood, maybe, I've put up with too much betrayal and bullsh*t in this fandom. It is what it is. And what it is...is that I'll leave this post up for a few days for people to read it, and then I'll start blocking people. So, if you find yourself not being able to see my blog, you'll know why.
Again, this is not me being upset over some minor disagreement or Bcac constantly accusing me of stealing her stuff (funny, how a few days ago, SHE stole two exclusive pics I got of the Outlander cast at the Taylor Swift concert, but whatever), THIS is because she has said and says horrible things about me and about Sam. Obviously, she does it more in private now since she wants to keep her Sam fan followers. And so many eat her info up, not knowing she's secretly laughing about you in DMs with the Sam haters. I'm done turning a blind eye to it. And I want people to know how toxic she is to Sam. And to me. And that she used what I said about her blog in a very misleading way to make herself look good. "Look, even Purv thought I should have my blog back, I must be okay." Nope, don't get it twisted, sister. And the industry people in L.A. I know who know Sam personally were made aware a long time ago about all the Sam hate blogs, which means Sam was too. Those liking, reblogging, or commenting on Bcac's posts are guilty by association. JS.
For those who have supported me all these years, you mean the world to me. Loyalty is everything, so thank you. ❤️
PS. So much for not writing a long ass post. 🤷‍♀️
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shoyudon · 5 months
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i am a pro palestine blog, if you are a pro-isr@eli or support isr@el in any kind of form and way. please go ahead, exit my blog, and block me. there is no space in here for you :)
this is a sfw blog for jujutsu kaisen, most i'd do is a little suggestiveness !
i mostly write female readers !
i have no update schedule, i am a college student with an actual life going on — please, do not rush me to update or to do your asks.
english is not my first language, i apologize for any grammar mistakes or typos.
i reblog other writer's fics and post things which are definitely not fics here, so feel free to block certain tags. thank you!
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basic dni criteria.
zionists, pro-isr@eli, do not interact with me or my posts.
porn link posters (i don't mind smut— but literal porn links are different, you can't tell me otherwise.)
PLAGIARISM. and if you justify it, honestly, what's wrong with you?
interact with me if you are 15+ please, do not message me if you are under the age of 15- or 25+ — feel free to interact with my posts but refrain from interacting with me, thank you. my posts are fit for 14+ for pure fluff. but slight suggestiveness will be fit for 16+
hi, if you think you fit any of the criteria above, feel free to block me. don't bother coming into my ask to bash me about what i can or can't do in MY own blog.
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i'm setting my boundaries here in my blog, if you get blocked, that's your part to find out WHY. because, i don't block people for no reason.
you reblog + post porn links. honestly, that's just weird, idek why they're a thing (no offense). i don't care if you're a mutual, i will HARD BLOCK you. i don't mind if you reblog + post nsfw content as long as it doesn't consist shit like stepcest / incest / r@pe / sexual-assault / aging up a canon minor character to write smut about them / etc.
you justify and do plagiarism. it's pretty self-explanatory, right?
you write + reblog stuff like incest, step-cest, r@pe, sexual assault, intense age gap (pedophilia), etc. romanticizing these stuff doesn't make you look cool, it's weird and disgusting. seek help :)
the anon feature is not a place for you to be a coward and start hating, the least you could do is turn the feature off and start hating!
blank + ageless blogs. i know this is an sfw blog, but still, convince me you're not a bot; don't come at me for blocking your account by justifying that "you're just a reader". thanks!
SPAM LIKING 5+ POSTS. reblogs are very much appreciated, it means a lot to us. tumblr will think i am a bot and will throw me into the shadow realm, that's not a great experience!
hating on my works. let's keep the blog peaceful!
tag abusers. i don't want to see smut on the fluff tag, or an "about me" post on the tag meant for fluff or angst, get blocked.
straight up problematic. honestly, if you instigate drama or if you troll for no reason for the sake of gaining attention — that's just really not cool. i've had my share of experiences having a mutual "faking" their deaths for attention and then getting caught on different platforms, it's just embarrassing.
telling me to help you + support you in a drama you made. no. just no. i don't like drama and i'm not going to help you or support you in a situation that you created on your own, you're on your own (unless you didn't and you have solid proof).
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feel free to message me as long as you're respectful about the approach, i'll be glad to reply to you :)
DO NOT message me just to ask me to support you because you're in a drama, or if you need support to do any other problematic things. or to ask me to go report someone else because you're losing the fight you made.
DO NOT message me to ask me or force me to be mutuals with you, i follow who i want.
DO NOT message me to ask if me you can translate my works in other platforms, i used to allow that thinking there was no harm. boy, oh boy was i wrong. i do not allow translations or reposts on other platforms.
i don't want to be related in dramas or discourses, so let's make this blog a peaceful and anti-drama one!
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like i said, i follow who i want to. so please don't force me to be your mutual.
if you have a problem with me, talk to me. don't go all pissy and talk shit about me in your blog when you have the option to directly talk to me regarding it.
if you WANT to break the mutual line, HARD BLOCK me. this is like unfollowing me from ig without removing me as your follower. don't soft block me so i do not refollow you or interact with your posts by accident.
if i cut the mutual line, i will HARD BLOCK you. i don't block people without a reason, so if i did break the mutual line — it must have been something you have posted, said, or done. DO NOT try to reach out to me from another account because i will block that account as well. if i did block you, i do not want anything else to do or to be associated to you.
please remind me if a mutual of mine is someone problematic or have posted, said, or reblog any that fits in here so i could be aware immediately. thank you :)
keep in mind to NEVER associate me with the people i used to follow / supported before or were mutuals before. i only associate myself with the people i follow NOW. thank you :)
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𝜗𝜚 . back to navi ⋆ masterlist !
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
Don't really know what to do with this thought so I'm sharing this with you, but Ghost and Soap getting on a tram one day and the only seats left are next to this timid looking thing, trying to make herself as small as possible, silently hoping these two big men will settle for holding onto one of the poles or handle bars above. They clock in on her immediately, pretending to be kind and polite, making her feel safe as they sit on either side of her, boxing her in. They learn her routine and always get on when she's on.
Slowly, they start to cop a feel every once in a while, apologizing because 'it was an accident' and she doesn't think much of it at first, but she cant help but think something is off about them the more frequently it becomes, so she settles for standing up the next time she gets on the tram, holding onto a pole in the back corner. They'll probably leave her alone, right?
Soap and Ghost get on and see that their new toy has moved from the regular seat, obviously trying to avoid them. They're upset, and instead of leaving her alone like she hoped, they stand next to her, Simon using his body to block the view, though it doesn't really matter to either of them if anyone sees, and Johnny gets behind her to trap her between the pole and himself. They tell her not to make such a fuss as they take turns groping her because what would the people think if they saw her acting so slutty in public?
There's nothing she can do to stop them. It happens every single time she rides the tram now and she can't go on a different one because it's her only mode of transportation to work. It even gets to the point where Ghost and Soap can take a turn to fuck her before her stop because she's so quiet and good for them. They just have to remind her to keep being quiet and good as they fill her up with a load to drip down her thighs throughout her day. When they can, they steal her panties. One day they'll steal her away, too.
- 🥍
hey woah woah. how dare you infect me with these brainworms. not cool! (i love you)
nsfw in link but here's some fanart of ghost doing exactly this ask to soap
cw: noncon
i know a lot of people dislike reader inserts because the reader tends to lack agency, but i personally think it's hot for a character to be taken advantage of and very much so enjoy this image
you probably cant tell from literally everything i've ever posted on this blog but im a big fan of johnny and simon just doing whatever they want to you and you can't stop them. always leaves me melting to imagine them just... not caring whether you want them touching you or not. horrible men
i love this because i can just imagine the increasing discomfort and awkwardness as they push the boundaries of what's acceptable every day.
it starts with johnny just resting his thigh against yours, and yeah its a bit odd that his leg follows you when you try to give him more room, but you figure he's just being a dick and manspreading. and you can't go very far, because you'll bump into simon :( you scooch away from johnny a tiny bit and suddenly there's a big hand on your knee from simon, to hold you still and let he and johnny press against you as much as they want
i also like the image of you sitting in the corner with johnny boxing you in from the other seat and ghost standing in front of you to block every one else's view. johnny maybe leans over you, panting against the top of your head with a hand up your shirt using your tits as stresstoys :/ maybe moves down to sucking at you neck and when you look up you see ghost just staring down at you
ghost having you sit on his lap when you try and stand up one day. sits right behind you, wraps his big hands around the front of your thighs and tugs you down so you're sitting on him. pushes the back of your shirt up, pulls open his pants, and has you warm his cock for the ride :( doesn't fuck you, but maybe he rubs your clit and that + the little bounces of the bus/train moving get you off
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elsa-fogen · 3 months
So uhhh quick question what would you do if you wanted to finish something (an art cough cough) but everytime you tried to finish it, your motivation just keeps flicking in and out and made you have a hard time finishing it and almost made you wanna give up and leave it unfinished?
Sorry for the long question but i have SO many unfinished drawings that i want to post so bad but couldn't for sum reason 😭
And you're the only artist so far that i know almost post around every 3-5 days
You don't have to answer this but can you pls give me youtube art tutorials that help you?
So very sorry for disturbing you 😅
i'm not the best person to ask for advice, honestly. Maybe it'll sound too prideful, but i consider myself a really special case. I don't hate myself and my art (mostly), i don't suffer while drawing, and i've never had an "art block" in my life. I've been drawing my whole life, and if you count all days when i didn't draw anything you'll get... well, maybe 2-3 years out of my 24. I think. so, anything i say may not be helpful.
Actually almost everything you see in my blog are just colored sketches, not finished art
woops haha
Maybe that'll work for you too? try to just color your sketches and post them as they are. When i realised that my works don't have to be fully finished, my life become much easier. And i was really surprised to find out how many people can enjoy my comics even if they're just sketches. Of course, comics with cool art and colors will get more attention, but in the end, you won't get any attention if you don't post anything. so i know for a fact that i can't pull out a fully rendered comic, and all i can do - just sketches, and in this case it's better to post at least them then post absolutely nothing. There will be people who enjoy them.
and very often stuff you did for fun has more attention then those things you spend much time and effort (like how my shitty meme got 10k notes out of nowhere)
but when i need to finish something i just make myself do it. Just breaking myself over a knee. And don't start anything else before it's done.
It helps when you have a date when the art should be finished, and consequences if it's not. Yeah.
And EXCUSE YOU, I ACTUALLY POST EVERY DAY! gee, no respect on this hellish site for my hard work /very much J
And i don't watch any art tutorials aha- i watch reactions or game playthroughs, or some blogger ramble about some cartoon while drawing.
so yeah, kinda messy, as all my text posts are... but hope it'll help you. Good luck with your art!
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velvetvexations · 10 days
I'm being stalked by someone who screams that I can't stop talking about her despite her having it made it clear she wants "no contact" and then screenshots my blog to spread more lies about me in spite of the fact that I have her blocked and block evading is supposed to be one of my grievous sins
like literally the most I have talked about her recently was with a coded name that doesn't even reference her URL in response to her taking a screenshot of my post and calling me pro-American because memes are hilarious but IRL seriously I would have preferred 9/11 not have happened
every time a transradfem equates discussing how transphobes feel about us is the same as misgendering other trans people, that's fucking pathetic assuming it's a genuine belief and not just something to performatively break into tears over as intoxicatingly self-righteous justification for thinking only the people they fetishize should be allowed to exist
but apparently! this person has another stalker who sends her posts to other people! and that's really interesting to me, you know, because the only post of her's I've ever received from an anon was one in which she was talking about me! And when that person came off anon to say it was them that sent it, she took a screenshot of that admission but did not include me telling them off for stirring shit
too bad I decided to delete the admission due them using her name and can't prove I gave them that dressing down, clearly I shouldn't have fucking bothered since innocence itself is no protection
she seriously can't stop calling me a TERF while actual no-bullshit TERFs are openly calling on one another to email publishers trying to get me canceled for writing a fanfic where it's briefly mentioned a trans teenager wore her sister's clothes without asking, what the fuck does any transradfem know about TERFs when I'm dealing with actual TERFs and all they are to them is an abstract concept used to bludgeon trans men and non-binary people with
these fucking people do not experience actual fucking problems, they do not have any conception of what an actual problem is, they sit around lying about the traitorous Queen of Tee Em Eees, puppet of the completely fictional AFAB patriarchy, because they do not have real problems and have never had one in their entire lives, like all fucking people who can't go five seconds without reminding you they're a communist because they think it's cool and trendy and makes them sound smart to say things like dialetic materialist epistemology transubstantiating within the imperial core of the glocal northsouth without actually engaging in any of the actual ideals that make communism laudable and worthy of sincere pursuit
the temptation is to say that transradfems do it because they feel powerless to do anything about actual social issues on any level and lash out at anyone they can feel good taking a swing at, but I don't give a fuck, I'm not willing to give them that they're just misguided, I don't think there's a single atom in the being of even one transradfem that cares about about anything beyond the clout they can extract from it, at best everything they whine about is less than a fourteen year old on Livejournal writing about how unfair it is when their parents won't let them get a tattoo except usually the the fourteen year old would be relaying actual events that actually happened
and I straight up do not fucking believe anyone gets hate mail over interactions I've had with them either, I fucking do not believe those obviously bullshit lies while I still get anons calling me zipperits and trying to trigger dysphoria on the assumption that works on me for saying I think transmascs aren't cis men
in fact, I kinna half-joked about it before, but I think I now just fully believe it one hundred percent was a fucking trans rad fem - probably even this one in particular! - who sent my published work to that TERF the other day, because I haven't had that pinned or brought it up in months and I've never gotten attention from TERFs before this month outside of one or two comments that went nowhere
motherfucking hellsite
fucking internet
fucking stupid motherfuckers
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yellow-computer-mouse · 2 months
⭐Intro Post⭐
ATTENTION: My DTIYS is up! Due date: October 5th!
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Hey, what's up? I'm yellow-computer-mouse, also known as Yellow! I have a lot more info on my carrd, but here's the important stuff:
I am a minor!
I am fictionkin (Snowfall WoF, Winter WoF, Aeolus EPIC) and a therian (Norwegian forest cat)!
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⭐Userboxes by @kthecritter and myself! and blinkies by @spectral-stuff & @dragonpride17⭐
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I use a lot of tone tags, and while you don't have to use them for me, it can help if the tone of a statement is unclear! Here are the main tags I use, along with their meaning! If you have any questions on other tone tags, ask away!
/gen - Genuine! I honestly mean what I said! There is no sarcasm or passive aggressiveness in my sentence.
/genq - Genuine question! I'm asking a question out of curiosity, not malice!
/silly - Silly! I'm just messing around for the memes.
/lh - Light-hearted! I'm not being too serious, so don't stress it! Normally used alongside /silly :)
/lyr or /ly - Lyric! I'm quoting song lyrics.
I am also always willing to add trigger warnings to a post! If you feel like it's needed, let me know! You can reblog, send an ask, or DM me, whatever is most comfortable for you!
This does not apply to the 🦃🪓 anon because that is still ongoing, but please don't start ARGs with me. It's super cool that people want to, but I am not a puzzle guy. Thank you! (And no hate to turkeyaxe ^^)
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I also use a lot of text colors! Here are the main ones and what they mean!
Red - Added emphasis. I'm drawing the eye to the important parts of a big text block.
Green - Links! I will never put anything incorrect behind a link, not even a rick roll.
Blue - Mostly just used on this post. I use blue whenever I type out a tag in the main part of a post.
Purple - Song lyrics!
Pink - Tagging a user!
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There's some more things that I want to add, so they're going here! Nothing too important, so you can ignore this part if you want. /gen
My favorite color is yellow! It took me a while to figure this out, so please don't be mean about it. No yellow hate on this blog! /hj
I also like orange and red!
I love getting asks! Even if it's just one word with no context, it makes me happy!
I love it so much, I made three ask blogs! All are WoF-centered: @ask-hs-jade-winglet and @wof-adoption-au are canon characters, and @wofsidequesters is for my OCs!
I also made a daily art blog called @daily-snowfall! go check it out if you're interested in having one (1) snowy on your dash every day
My favorite food is cheesecake!
My birthday is July 28th! I am a Leo (or a Cancer, going by the new chart! lmk which fits better if you want ^^)
My favorite animals are isopods, thresher sharks, and whale sharks!
My favorite UTMV characters are Nightmare, Red, and Dust!
My favorite WoF characters are Winter, Turtle, Blue, Sunny, and Starflight!
I have a pet cat named Azzy, a dog named Homer, and a leopard gecko named Honeydew!
I have an Artfight! My user is yellow-computer!
I take requests sometimes! Icons and headers, free to use as long as you credit me! I draw dragons, furries, cats, humans/humanoids... pretty much whatever! Requests are currently open!
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I don't have an extensive DNI, but there are still some things I'd like to keep out of my blog!
Anti-furries (from people who believe all furries are zoophiles to people who just think it's weird)
Basic DNI criteria (homophobes, transphobes, right-wingers/centrists, racists, etc.)
Here are some people who I welcome here!
Alterhumans/Nonhumans! (therians, fictionkin, otherkin, otherhearted, etc! Voidpunk as well, but that's different from the others listed)
Selfshippers! (As long as it's not pro/comship, go right ahead!)
Those with commonly stigmatized disorders!
People who are "cringe"!
In general, anyone who isn't on my DNI!
I am a part of many fandoms, but here are some of my favorites!:
Will Wood
Bears in Trees
Slime Rancher
The Owl House
Epic: the Musical
The main fandoms I post about are WoF and UTMV.
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I am taking commissions for Palestine! More info on that in the post below, or DM me!
Also, if you are a Palestinian with a GoFundMe, feel free to send an ask or DM me for support! I can't donate, but I will promote your campaign however I can!
Remember to do your daily clicks for Palestine!
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Icon Masterpost
Furry Species (Aebe) Masterpost
UTMV/WoF Playlist Masterpost
Blog Masterpost
Thanks for reading my rambles, and have fun! ^-^
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siffrin-enthusiast · 8 months
// intro post
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[Image ID: A monochrome GIF of the main characters from the video game In Stars and Time, created by insertdisc5. End ID.]
hello and welcome to my little corner of the internet!!
more information (including about the music) is below the cut but. the tldr is that i'm a happily taken bodily white 19 year old, auDHD disabled transmasc traumagenic DID system currently fixated on in stars and time, ultrakill, and nbc’s hannibal. word salad i know /silly. i go by kuiper and he/they pronouns :)
my asks & dms are always open! feel free to draw me an anon picture (currently unavailable..rip computer) or check out the submissions thread!
while you're here, consider donating to palestine to request a commission from a lovely talented in stars and time artist!! check it out at @isatforpalestine!
can't choose a campaign to donate to? gazafunds.com can choose a vetted campaign for you!!
if you're trying to get the playlist to work, you need to go to your site settings, allow audio, refresh the page, and then play it. It will update itself as you navigate through the entire blog so there aren't any pauses/cutoffs! the good news is once you figure out how to do it, it'll work until you clear all of your site cookies!
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there's..a lot!! i'm currently VERY fixated on nbc's hannibal, but there's also in stars and time, web design, room of swords, coding, rain world, deltarune, slay the princess, pokemon, just roll with it, hollow knight, psychology (my college major!), fnaf, inscryption, generation loss, hades, celeste, ultrakill, warrior cats, oneshot, hunger games, moon knight (show + comics), night in the woods, john constantine and a good thirty more that i'm forgetting.
if you want to talk about any of these please feel free to send an ask/dm!!
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tagging system
i do my best to keep it simple because i'm too lazy to do a cool one for convenience! interests are tagged with the name of said interest (#in stars and time), and if they're somewhat newly-out, they get a "spoilers" thrown on the end of it (#in stars and time spoilers). if there's something i post about that you don't want to see, i highly encourage you to block its tag! i won't know or be offended! :)
i’ll tag anything that i think is a common thing to be tagged like death/blood, and i do it in the format of #tw death. if this isn’t the right format or anyone wants me to tag other things that i didn’t think of, just let me know! i do NOT post or reblog 18+ content at all (personal reasons).
there's also a few special tags of my own! asks are tagged with #kuiper important posts for the important stuff (like this intro post), #kuiper favorite posts for my favorites/things i return to frequently, #kuiper asks, posts where i ramble about whatever is #kuiper rambling, posts about my dissociation/system are tagged #kuiper system posting though i don’t post about it much, things about my disabilities are occasionally tagged with #kuiper disability moment! i also write fic and while i tag them with #kuiper fics, i post most of them over at my fic sideblog! (..well i DID before i burnt out.)
if there's ever anything that you need tagged, please let me know!!
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i'm getting pretty into making stuff so..if anyone ever wants me to try my hand at something, please feel free to ask! this is pretty informal until i set more things up! edits, pfps, icons, stimboards, userboxes, ask games, fic/drabbles, coding, i'm willing to give it an honest shot!! feel free to ask!
any and all requests will be tagged with #kuiper requests!
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the best way to contact me here is my dms/asks because my notifications are a. little overrun!!
don't like tumblr? don't worry! i have too many other sites! ranked from most to least used:
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i use the block button liberally, as should you! it's freeing!
basic DNI criteria. you know the drill. bigots will just be blocked
people who don't believe in freeing palestine/zionists
entirely nsfw or untagged nsfw accounts.
entirely ed/sh or untagged ed/sh accounts. i understand if you're struggling with it, but if it is your entire blog, no.
syscourse. post whatever you want on your blog, just don't bring it to mine (asking my opinion, tagging me in things).
blank blogs. i will think you're a bot.
people who are still giving j.k. rowling money. shoo!!!
radfems, terfs, radqueers, transableds, proshippers, stuff like that.
anyone not on that list is more than welcome here!!
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theme and the lil cat popup by glenthemes
music player, playlist
the lovely dividers
in stars and time & gif by insertdisc5
siffrin looping gif
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lemotmo · 2 months
Q. Ali! Ali! Ali! Did you see? Did you see what they did?! I cannot believe they actually went there 😂. I see ply woods people attempting a coordinated attack in the comments but there's only like 9 of them now . The blocks are clearly working and Kenny, Ryan and Oliver clearly don't give af 😂😂
Q. Okay...now maybe they're trolling 😂😂 and if they are it was so good 🤣🤣🤣
A. Okay I'm not going to lie that one is harder to not take as a troll but BUT I think it was more of a troll to the 'it's never going to happen because Ryan's not cool with it' crowd more than a troll to a particular fandom. Yeah the comment section attempt was blatant and ridiculous. And failed , lol. I do agree though that between that post, Oliver's post, Ryan's post, and the Oliver/Ryan 911 post that the block thing was very much real and appears to be working. Thank goodness. But yeah Oliver, Ryan and Kenny clearly don't care at all because Kenny absolutely knew that he would get a few comments like that and he posted it anyway. Oliver and Ryan, but especially Oliver, absolutely knew it would set certain people off and happily did the skit anyway. Pretty much says all we need to know about their mindsets. 💗
Thanks Nonny!
That video still has me laughing out loud. It was so good.
I agree that they don't seem to give a single f*ck anymore. They just do what they want to do and I'm here for it. :)
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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jorisjurgen · 2 months
World of Twelve dashboard simulator #2
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👁️ katarynadance follow
Freaks may say i want to fuck antonio sadisski from the bontarian boufbowl Love Arrow team. I'm freaks. I mean im freaks. I mean im freaks.
🌌 somethingquietplace
I wouldn't go that far, but NGL, I don't know how one might not develop an affinity for him... Very charming man! He might be the second greatest player after Khan.
Then again, my opinion on who the second greatest player is changes all the time, haha.
🌸 sadidaskickshoe follow
Ehh khan's been dead for centuries....! Let it go. I think he's cool, but thinking nobody will ever be better is crazy...
🌌 somethingquietplace
He developed most of the techniques still used to this day, just so you know. Visit a museum perhaps. It might be helpful?
🎃 sacriblo0ody follow
average khan fan showing how much criticism of his favourite misogynyst he can withstand.
🌌 somethingquietplace
And you're an average 16 year old child with Very Important Opinions trying to educate me nicely.
🧀 cheesefuckersupreme follow
Seeing somethingquietplace and sadidaskickshoe on the same post is kind of terrifying.
#worlds most toxic crossover? #20 callout posts gang real?
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🧀 cheesefuckersupreme follow
Guys they both blocked me ASFHFKDKGJSJ
Do i get a boufbowl fandom badge of honor now????? Did i make it in life?????
🦠 gorebludsac follow
I don't think it's a nice way to post, considering one of them is like neurodivergent and a minor, and the other is tumblr user somethingquietplace (diagnosis self explanatory)
🧀 cheesefuckersupreme follow
I'm sorry yeah i forgot that they're both diagnosed.
#ngl i feel bad kinda for both of them
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🌌 somethingquietplace
I hate adventuring with other people. Just being there and knowing I'll never be their friend. I want to say something, be in the conversation, but I never know what to say, and everyone already knows each other and
Well even when they don't yet know each other, obviously they'll prefer anyone else over me. They'll give up on trying to talk to me.
It's so weird... I hate everyone. Everyone has stupid interests and tastes. Just braindead things. Romance and fucking and fashion. And all of them have normal lives and normal families and once in a while they ask something about mine and I don't know what to say at all. And I want to be liked. Even if I have zero respect for anyone I want to like me. Is it weird?
I guess I'm just sad because I don't have that innate talent to pretend like I care about other people. Or maybe I wish someone actually liked me besides my family.
#delete later #...I really like this ''forbid others from reblogging a post'' function they added recently #When my dad dies I think I will finally kill myself I guess. #not osu #Honestly I can't tolerate anyone at my work. I hate them all and want them dead. #And I can't tolerate anyone close to my age. #They all insult me. Constantly. You know. #So the only people who like me are my family. #Its neverending. I can't take it anymore. #I think me only liking my family might be a self fulfilling prophecy but i don't care. #or so I think.
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🌸 sadidaskickshoe follow
people who post about their family issues on here are weird.... My brother isn't here but just the idea of him seeing anything on my phone makes me so scared to write anything!! 😵‍💫
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🌌 somethingquietplace
I wish people would refrain from obvious vagueblogging about my deleted posts.
#delete later #not osu
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🌸 sadidaskickshoe
people who stalk other peoples blogs are so weird!! I think it's easier to follow one another. Because this is getting embarrassing for us both XD
🌌 somethingquietplace
#Mostly I am following you because you said you liked Khan Karkass. #Even if you don't have good opinions (ones I agree with) on him.
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🦠 gorebludsac follow
A second mad xelor explosive machine has hit the tumblr boufbowl fandom
#those.two.... are mutuals now. #i canrt stop laughing there are tears rolling down my face #remember when kickshoe told me in explicit detail how she wanted me to kill myself #or how quiet typed out whole 40 paragraphs of threats #and ended that post with ''youre wasting my time away from work'' as if hes not termianlly online too #this is historical for me and nobody else
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🪰 maldemal follow
She throw dice on my tabletop til i eacflipcity
🕳️ eviltreeman follow
Collect my Thirsty Branches
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🎭 syxxxxxaenika follow
Bruh someone tried to kill the prince again and missed. How the fuck does a fifth assassin in a row fail at killing the prince of brakmar!!!! I can't live in this stupid country anymore
🌸 sadidaskickshoe
Even if things suck i dont think killing royals is the answer..... 😰
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🌌 somethingquietplace
Was in a store recently. The prices were disgusting, and the worst of all, the Ministry of Moral Purity wants to propose a tax for being negative about the government... Are we in Brakmar now? Is this Brakmar we're in?
I have something very taxable to say but shall refrain.
🎭 syxxxxxaenika follow
Bontarians when something bontarian happens bontarianly in bonta: is this fucking brakmar
unlike you, I have the free speech to wish death on our royalty. I can say freely that I hope the prince of brakmar kills himself.
🌌 somethingquietplace
It's literally so easy to hate you even besides the holier than thou attitude... Your city has lava. Would a good place to live with good people have lava. Would a good place with good people have invented something called "the Brakmarian burial"?
🎭 syxxxxxaenika follow
You can't be saying that white-blue boy
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🪄 pantypervert69 follow
@/xellymelly has been selling re-bought goods from The Mad Xelor. Do NOT buy from her. Not only are they dangerous, they are also wildly past their expiration date. DO NOT USE ANYTHING YOU BOUGHT FROM HER. IT WILL KILL YOU.
🌌 somethingquietplace
If you have items made by The Mad Xelor, Kerubim Crepin from Bonta's Aux Tresors de Kerubim shop has a recycling program for all victims of this scam. He even gives out rewards for all the items you bring in.
I implore you to consider taking the things you bought to him, and making the world a safer place. (And "★bring some magic to your life★")
#not osu #I can personally vouch for this store's quality. It's very well known among some circles around here.
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🚬 pigpigeazer follow
Everyone always jokes about the bad parts of classes but nobody ever talks about how generous the pandawa are, how honest iops are, how lively ecaflips are, and how empathetic sacriers are
🎃 sacriblo0ody follow
literally im always saying that!
🤖 athefogenesis follow
Except it always comes at the expense of mentioning that their religion makes them ignorant, addicts, or drives them to self harm?? We need to bully people who are hardcore about class tenets harder. You're destroying yourself for some all powerful reality-warping creature that doesnt give a shit about you
🤹 lancerclown420 follow
People like you give us atheist classes such a bad name. Everyone and everything in the world has a purpose, both those who follow a deity, and those who follow a primciple and
Actually they're a sufokian supremacist so nvmmmm
🧙 hupperschlongartor follow
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🌌 somethingquietplace
#not osu #delete later #the thing is that. I never stopped hating him for ruining my life. #But the amount of hatred i feel ebbs and flows. Does it make sense? #This is stupid. So stupid... Like #oh nooo papycha... you neglected me as a child to the point of incurable mental diseases... #They would be better off if I was dead honestly #i need me and my dad to die. #I need everyone to die actually
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🦞 foggerfish follow
Apparently there's a big thing going on in demigod history community because Goultard (you know, the 4847372882843 or whatever year old son of Iop) undied again and was spotted somewhere around Astrubian border.
👽 cvt3-r41nb0w follow
MY WEDDING IS BACK ON NOBODY WILL HOLD ME BACK. He already married witches i can be the fourth
🗣️ thedarkwitchfromthatbook-is-gay follow
Isn't he gay
😈 osawhip666 follow
isn't he a mass murderer
🌌 somethingquietplace
Finally a reason to kill myself?
#I have to work with demigods a lot so... #Wish me luck in avoiding him like plague? #I had horrible experiences with him in the past #but talking about it would definitely lead someone to finding out who I am so... #I hope he kills himself and it sticks for once.
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🪐 8lunarcoeur8 follow
I wish people would stop rb'ing quiet's boufbowl gifsets considering the fact hes racist, misogynist, a freak, a bonta apologist (goes with the racism), has a fucking Maid, and likes some really weird things.
At least kickshoe has the excuse of being like a teen but this fucking guy is just something else.
🧙 hupperschlongartor follow
whatd he do? 🥺
🪐 8lunarcoeur8 follow
Says weird things about brakmar (x, x, x, x, x, x, x, and mooooore), is a freak (x, x), and a misogynist (x, x, x) (STOP STANNING KHAN KARKASS) also he's weird about huppermages and self described his class as an antihuppermage and even though it was like 200 years ago hes a wholeass immortal man and also is Still a weirdo about ecaflips.
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🌌 somethingquietplace
RE: the newest cancellation
I don't care about your feelings and I have nothing to apologize for.
#not osu
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🦴 skellythievin follow
Not me honoring sram by stealing bones from the graveyard 😭
🦴 ougigou-woof-woof follow
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🌸 sadidaskickshoe
Yaaa antonio sadisski won as always!! They should put sadidas like him in the hall of heroes for our country ᕙ⁠ ⁠(⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠)
👯 mirarynnnw follow
He sucks
🌸 sadidaskickshoe
Hi kill yourself :) /gen
#i was banned from using my phone but ill risk it all again to say that nobody will miss you!
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tubbytarchia · 5 months
I'm baffled that people are hating on you for having an opinion on a fictional Minecraft block man aksbahf. Even as someone who does enjoy FH (mostly the fandom version of it honestly), it's bonkers to judge someone for NOT liking a ship? Or not enjoying a character's behavior? Or for interpreting on-screen interactions differently than they do??? Like jesus, the whole point of fandom is to enjoy it the way you want to. You're not hurting anyone by seeing a pairing as negative based on what you watched. Look at friggin' Desert Duo, half the fandom writes 'em as toxic and divorced, and the other says they're devoted and inseparable. Different stances and interpretations make for a mixed and flavorful fandom experience and a melting pot of awesome stories and art. Good lord, god forbid you like something different or dislike a specific part of a media that you love lol
Keep doing you friend, you're great! <3
- 🧚‍♀️
Oh god if only it were like desert duo, if only... But lmao yeah right!! I'm sorry that Scott smajor damnthatsalongusername is a guy that exists in real life I really don't care. I just want to discuss what I see from the series! And the more I see people with similar opinions to mine talk, the more evident it becomes that those opinions used to be so minimal because of this kind of fandom treatment. And so my heart goes out to anyone who dares talk about said opinions even if it gets them accused of homophobia lol. I'm with you guys...
And the fact that you like FH... but you're on my blog and share this sentiment... Is that so hard... Is it so hard to be decently sensible about different opinions and interpretations...
Also I do like FH too haha, I don't think I can say I ship it but obviously it's really compelling to me, and I've said it before and I'll keep saying it that I very much enjoy a lot of fluffy FH art and I really like them in ESMP1 for example. But no, I said they were toxic in 3L so that means I hate them!!!! It's ridiculous how much of a black and white matter this is to so many people, I don't understand... And the thing is that I WANT to understand! As you said, it's cool and intriguing! Differing discussion only adds to any one subject matter. Soft FH people probably wouldn't change my mind but I'd love to understand their points if only those points weren't something along the lines of "shut up you're wrong" (obviously not everyone!! But it is what I keep seeing in the FH tag lol)
I've seen people proclaim Jimmy as the abusive one, or proclaim ranchers as toxic etc, and I don't see it but man does it intrigue me! It's absurd to me personally, but I'm not telling you to shut up - you can't just say that and not tell me more! I wanna know what people are thinking without shutting one another down...
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