#but the absolute WORST adult in there is OSKAR
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delightfullygiddy · 1 year ago
Every time I remember the episode explaining why and how Helga G Pataki fell in love with Arnold my heart cracks like a glow-stick.
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nastyboker · 3 years ago
For fandom - "School for vampires", for a ship - Leechy/Gothetta, for a character - Ashley (потому что я неожиданная). Полагаю, ты выберешь что-то одно, но мне интересно всё :ДД
Для друзей всё что угодно! :D
001 | Fandom – School for Vampires
Favorite character: I can't pick just one, so... Oskar and Leechy. Also, I like to theorise about Stoker.
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Least Favorite character: Sometimes Polidory and Bruno annoy the shit out of me.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): - Any type of Oskar/Sunshine/Stoker; - Leechy/Gothetta; - Oxblood/Cryptina; - or V-type Alarich/Cryptina/Oxblood (Cryptina tops obvy); - Alarich/Lenny.
Character I find most attractive: Alarich, I guess. But if I watched the show as a kid, I would probably have a crush on Oskar.
Character I would marry: Nobody. x)
Character I would be best friends with: Oskar.
A random thought: What if Oskar is a half-vampire?
An unpopular opinion: Russian dub is better than English dub.
My Canon OTP: Oskar/Sunshine. I believe that Oskar won't be able to date a vampire and building a normal vampire family will be too stressful for him.
My Non-canon OTP: Leechy/Gothetta (more about them down below).
Most Badass Character: Alarich. Sometimes he is just the worst.
Most Epic Villain: The vampire dentist. He is not actually a villain, but he is really epic and terrifying.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Ashley/Buck. I don't like ships without any canon justification or a good headcanon. Canonically Buck is a minor and Ashley is 360 y.o. adult (comparing to Alarich who's around 430, Oxblood who's 800 and Lenny who's 200-something and haven't changed a bit since he got bitten). There's absolutely no reason to give Ashley his child body back just to ship him with a kid he doesn't know.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Sunshine is too dull. I expected her to get to know the truth about Oskar being a vampire and to learn how to deal with it, to build friendship with other vampires and to have enemies-to-friends dynamic with Gothetta. Unfortunately, the writers didn't develop Sunshine's character in all 4 seasons. The writers also ruined Alarich when he was too cruel to Klot.
Favourite Friendship: Ashley/Klot. Their friendship is just the purest.
Character I most identify with: Oskar. I am also a sensitive people pleaser and picky about food.
Character I wish I could be: Actually I don't know. X)
002 | Ship – Leechy/Gothetta
When I started shipping them: Quite recently, while I was watching the series for the first time. Unfortunately, I don't remember what episode gave me the idea to ship them.
My thoughts: Firstly, Leechy is Gothetta's second best friend after Oscar. They often work together as class partners and teammates. They also like hanging out together without the others, for instance, dancing at a rock concert or swimming in the swamp. So, Leechy and Gothetta seem to enjoy each other's company. Secondly, they share some interests: they both like to learn vampire chemistry and history. Gothetta loves plants and Leechy once mentioned that he had a Venus fly trap but Stoker cut it with Leechy's army knife. Thus, Gothetta and Leechy have something in common but they are quite different characters and that gives potential for an interesting dynamic.
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What makes me happy about them: Just seeing them together makes me happy. X) Sometimes they give me an impression of parent-friends that take care of the rest of the gang.
What makes me sad about them: I wish there was more of their dynamic. It is also sad that when Leechy saves the night or makes a significant contribution for the good of the school, Gothetta praises and kisses Oskar, which is unfair.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: The fact that there's no fanfic about them.
Things I look for in fanfic: IDK, anything! X)
My wishlist: I don't have much to add here except that Gothetta needs to realize that she likes Nosferatu-in-shorts kind of guys and nerds with whom she has something to talk about. :^)
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Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: It's hard to tell, 'cos I think they are perfect for each other. Like I said, I think Oskar should date a human or at least a human and a vampire, so Gothetta/Oskar/Sunshine could work, I guess? The show clearly hints that Stoker has feelings for Gothetta. He even got jealous when he saw her dancing with Leechy. Stoker tried to manhandle her and force her to dance with him, which is why I'm not really sure if they should be together. Maybe someday when Stoker becomes a better person. As for Leechy, he got a gf Ravena in one episode, but all we know about her is that she is all nice and interested in inventions as well as Leechy. Basically, she is an invention herself that was made just for the cliché. So, I don't really mind the Leechy/Ravena ship to exist but I'd like Ravena to have more personality so I could understand their dynamic better and be happy for them.
My happily ever after for them: Okay that's extra corny, but I think of Leechy and Gothetta growing up and becoming new teachers of the school, getting married and maybe having kids in a century or two. c:
003 | Character – Ashley
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How I feel about this character: I was mad at first 'cos Ashley was more of an object than a person – nobody paid much attention to him and he almost never participated in everyone's adventures. Things got better when Leechy made that little robocar for him.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Nobody, I guess. X)
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Ashley/Klot. I even thought they were brothers at first but it turned out they were just friends.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Like I said, since he is 360, I see him as an adult. Plus, his voice from English dub doesn't sound childish at all.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: It would make more sense if Ashley was either a teacher or a child student that turned into a pile of ash not so long ago. Also, it would be interesting if he was a wheelchair kid who lost his legs on the sun. Maybe I should draw this AU idea later. :D
Favorite friendship for this character: Ashley/Klot. Like I said, PURE!
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My crossover ship: Pff, Ashley/His Highness (A Kind of Magic) 'cos they are totally soulmates! xD
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parenthood-joys · 6 years ago
Okay, so we are coming up on three weeks since I gave birth so I thought id write about my experience so far.
Firstly... I'm not going to lie... I'm not going to butter it up and I'm not going to spare any detail so I apologise in advance.
So the first week:
The first week was very difficult. I had a vaginal birth and the little one spared no mercy, he ripped his way out like I was shooting him out of a cannon at a circus... it hurt! Second degree tears, stitches inside and out. Fair to say, my vagina did not look like a vagina for that first week! Walking like I had constantly shit myself and having to sit down like the surface I was sitting on was made of hot rubble!... also talking about shit... fuck me! That first shit after giving birth... is like fucking giving birth again! Im surprised my stitches didn't just split!. My advice after a vaginal birth... paracetamol and ibuprofen... carry this on your person at all times and DO NOT forget to take them. Three weeks in and I'm still taking the fuckers, they have saved my sanity and vag!... lol.
That first week was amazing, apart from feeling like I've been chucked through a wood chipper! I was in the hospital for 4 nights but baby slept like a dream, was easy to change and easy to feed. When I got home I had my partner and my mum at the house, they looked after everything, the cleaning, feeding and watering me and general household bits whilst I sat on the sofa with baby feeling sorry for myself. Your hormones also hit the roof, I cried alot. I missed the hospital because you have so many caring people around you who know what they're doing, it is such a comfort and to leave it is heartbreaking. Then when my mum left I cried and cried my eyes out... again, it was having someone there who comforts you. So yeah, prepare for some intense feelings to take over your body.
The second week:
This is the week when reality hits... you have a baby... forever. You are a mother and father. You are responsible for this little person. You are his everything. You are now... and adult!
Holy shit... you're scared. It's coming to the end of your partners paternity leave (if he's only got two weeks), and you are starting to shit yourself. You're body hasn't healed yet, you're still sofa bound and you've got to take on this massive responsibility all by yourself. I'm not going to lie, it is one of the most frightening things I have ever experienced.
This second week, we registered Oskar at the registrars and had our first outing, not very exciting but had to be done and then spent the rest of the time indoors healing. Oskar was fantastic, we thought we had breastfeeding down, he was gaining weight and just being awesome. What a great little week.
Obviously there is still the tired factor I have not mentioned yet... you are tired... all the time!! If your baby sleeps in 2-3 hour intervals throughout the night then that I find is a good nights sleep. A great nights sleep is 3-4 hour intervals. But they say not to let your baby go more than 4 hours without feeding. We did have a few nights where one of us spent the night downstairs with him as he wouldn't settle, but they don't know what's day or night at this point so you have to 'train' them. Team work is essential! You get used to being tired, and you tend to handle it well... BUT, this is where the teamwork is needed. If one of you starts to really flag, then you need to let them have a sleep whilst you look after baby. And try to sleep when baby sleeps.
Everyone has a different system that works for them and everyone gets thier own routine, but work together. Being a strong team is sooo essential I can't stress it enough.
Then that dreaded day came. Jordan had to go back to work. This actually ended up being in week three.
My first day alone:
I would love nothing more then to tell you it was fantastic, but it wasn't. This was the worst day I have had in so so long!.
First day alone and I already felt scared and upset but then hell was unleashed.
I believe our little one typically experienced colic this first day. Yep, Jordan went to work and I had a screaming baby... all... day... long. I couldn't do anything to soothe him, I didn't know what was wrong and I just felt absolutely useless. I sat and cried all day long. I just felt so shit and I couldn't give him what he needed. It was honestly horrific. Jordan came back at lunch to see me and walked in to me sat on the couch sobbing with him. He took him off me and soothed him straight away, then when it was time to go back to work, he passed little one back to me and he just kicked off again. I felt awful... absolutely awful. It also didn't help that the door kept being knocked by police asking for statements on something that happened with our next door neighbours. So im there all cried out, tired, covered in sick and milk and I've had to answer the door however many times.
This was not a good day.
The second day alone however... was fantastic. We cwtched all day and watched TV... bliss.
Theres my three week rant over, a brief...ish post.
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