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once-upon-a-whatnow ¡ 4 years ago
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The Star That Fell
A Childe x Lumine fanfic
Summary: The story of a fool who kept waiting for his falling star.
Notes: This piece was inspired by the new Unreconciled Stars.
Masterlist: x
The kids in Mondstadt had been telling one another that The Greatest Toy seller was coming back to the city. The eagerness spread like dandelions in the wind; it was easy to see on the children’s faces. There were numerous toy sellers, yet they liked toys from this certain person the most. He’s a foreigner who visited Mondstadt only once or twice a year, especially when there’s a meteor shower to be seen. He had lots of magical items from all over Teyvat. The citizens did not know him well, except that he came from Snezhnaya, and was once a formidable warrior. Sometimes, he did say that he missed all the fighting and event offered help to the people along the way. He never rested in the city, though. The man always set up a small tent by Starfell Lake, and it seemed that the Fatui agents in the city were somehow wary of him.
That time, it was autumn. The atmosphere was quite pleasant, not as hot as summer, nor as cold as winter. In Mondstadt, it’s not freezing like in Snezhnaya, but the night sky was the same everywhere. So high. So far away.
Childe reached his hand out to catch a twinkling star, then released it. He had always loved the stars, yet they were never his to keep. The stars belong to the sky, so does she.
Someone dropped the fresh logs on the grass beside Childe’s seat. He gazed up and caught Teucer, who was gasping for breath.
“Here… Here are your logs, brother…”
“Thank you, Teucer,” replied Childe with a smile.
The youngest brother plopped down on the other side of the pile of wood he had just carried there. Childe held up each log in his hands, evaluated their weight and size, then arranged them neatly into order. Teucer, meanwhile, looked at his brother with a complex expression.
“What do you want to tell me this time, Teucer?” Childe spoke, “That I should stop doing what I’m doing? And stop living like this?”
“I’m not mom and dad, or our siblings!” Teucer said. “If you take any advice, you would have already given up on your falling star for these ten whole years.”
There wasn’t any reply from Childe, only a faint smile.
Had it been ten years? Childe had stopped counting the days a long time ago, because doing so only caused him unbearable pain. A day or a thousand day in this world without his falling star; it was all the same.
Childe watched Teucer for a moment. The boy grew up so fast! He was the one sibling that resembled Childe the most, with a quite messy ginger hair and ocean eyes. Childe recalled the time when his brother was still a little boy, looking up at him with pure admiration and love. He believed in everything his big brother said, even the lie that he was the best toy seller in Snezhnaya. Even though that lie had become true, Childe still could not help but feel like he owned Teucer his entire childhood.
At that time, he just couldn’t explain to his little brother what he had been doing in the Fatui. Childe wanted to keep Teucer’s innocence away from the darkness of this world. But now, Teucer had no longer needed his protection. On the contrary, it was the boy who’d been supporting him, always; even when he’s a Harbinger still, or when he became a toy vendor roaming around the continent of Teyvat.
Childe had spent his most glorious days serving his Queen and Snezhnaya. Yet he had known that the Fatui wasn’t his place all along. He belonged with a star which had gone for really, really long.
“When you were a kid, you believed in fairy tales and miracles.” Childe spoke as he took out the tools from his travel bag, then began to chisel the log in his hands to make a new toy. “What about now, Teucer?”
“I’ve grown up now!” Teucer seemed rather upset. He didn’t want to be protected and worried about like when he was a child anymore, so he tried his hardest to prove that he’s a big boy. But the truth was, somewhere inside, there’s still a little Teucer who believed his brother’s star would return. He really liked that star; a girl with a kind heart! Teucer could no longer remember her smile, or the warmth that spread from her hands when she held his tiny ones. But the bright light embraced her the day she left this world was still vivid in his mind. It was the day this world shattered in front of his brother’s eyes.
Even at that parting moment, Childe still smiled. He never cries, not in front of Teucer or anyone else. But Teucer knew that every night, every night in these ten long years, his brother not once stopped looking up at the sky and yearning for the return of his shooting star, as she had made a promise.
Childe had renounced his title in the Fatui to find her. Wherever a meteor shower, he would be there. Yet not once did he catch the star he was waiting for. People told him that the star would not come back, that he should not wait in vain. But that hope she would return one day was everything he needed to go on living, day by day for the past ten years.
If it wasn’t for that hope, that promise of hers, no one knew how he would destroy himself and throw his life away to the darkness of this world.
“In the world where I came from, it is believed that wishes upon a falling star will certainly come true.”
“Then, every time I see a falling star, can I call out your name, ojou-chan?”
“Of course. As long as you call my name, no matter which world I be, I will always, always find the way back to you…”
Her words were taken back to him by the wind. It was here, in Starfell Lake she came into his world. And it was in this very place that ,they bid farewell.
“Please stop making that face, can you?” Teucer spoke, interrupting Childe’s waves of memories.
“What face?”
“The face like you’re doing so well…”
“I am doing well, Teucer.”
Childe tried to reassure his brother, but he was filled with emotions. He had high hopes in this meteor shower, but could not forget the disappointment, the loss every time the stars went out and the sky darkened before his eyes like many times in the past. Over the years, his heart was revived and then died in an instant for so many, many times when the sky rained stars.
“Are you sure you don’t need me here tomorrow?” asked Teucer. He truly worried about his older brother. Childe never stayed in one place for too long, so it was difficult for the boy to catch up on his journey. Still, Childe didn’t let the boy stay with him.
Teucer respected his brother. Childe just didn’t want to see how heartbroken he would be. He thinks for others before himself. Hence, Teucer did not insist on staying when he saw Childe shaking his head.
The next morning, Childe found a small letter on the toys stall. Teucer had left a message:
“I’ve been trying to be strong all these years, because I thought you might need my help someday. But I’ve realized that I can never be as strong as you, brother. You have the courage to wait for your star, yet I seem to have forgot how beautiful and miraculous this world used to be in my childish eyes. Thank you for reminding me of that. Now, I can say it from my heart that I still believe in miracles. And I believe you will see her again.
P/s: I will return to Snezhnaya first. Please come home soon! I’m kinda tired when everyone keeps asking me how you’re doing!
Childe smiled as he put the letter in his travel bag. The sunny sky of Mondstadt greeted him with its warmth.
The children of Mondstadt gleefully left Starfell Lake, holding new toys which they had purchased from the seller from Snezhnaya. As their laughter melted in the wind and the sky darkened, as people eagerly left their homes to prepare for the stargazing session, the toy vendor quietly went up the hill alone. Placing his back against a tree, letting the wind play with his ginger hair, his ocean eyes gazed up into the open sky.
As the night was torn apart by countless streaks of light, he gently closed his eyes. He whispered to the wind what he had always wished for during these ten years; only a name.
"Lumine …”
Childe opened his eyes. It was late at night and the stars had stopped raining. He lifted himself up; he same way that he would gather every piece of his shattered heart together again, and wait for a new meteor shower.
As soon as he walked back, he heard his name called. The winds must be playing with him again, and even when he turned around, he still could not believe his own eyes.
On the hill was a petite girl with blond hair and a pristine white traveling dress. Her whole body radiated a gentle light like a star. She smiled at him, the little corner of her mouth curved up as she called his name.
She was as beautiful as in his memories.
“Ojou… Ojou-chan?… Is that you?” Childe felt his voice, or himself, trembling.
“I promised, didn’t I? As long as you call out my name to the falling stars, I will be back.”
Maybe it was hallucination. Maybe it was a dream. But who cares? The only thing real to him was Lumine running to him with a bright smile, her arms wrapped around him as her head rested on his shoulder. The scent of sunshine and wildflowers still lingers on her hair as he could remember. Her body felt so small in his arms.
Childe’s trembling hand found its way to Lumine’s hair as he whispered, “Welcome back, ojou-chan!”
-The end-
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once-upon-a-whatnow ¡ 5 years ago
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thank you, haikyuu. (2012-2020)
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once-upon-a-whatnow ¡ 5 years ago
Hello! It's ochazuke, from 0chazuke(tumblr) and ffnet! Just wanted to tell you that I found your page by a random coincidence and, omg, your comments regarding my work just melted my heart in pure bliss ;_; I really, really, REALLY appreciate your kind words! Gosh, I'm smashing my keyboard, I'm so embarrassed and happy at the same time whatiamdoingsafagsasda ahaha xD.... Btw, I finally updated some unfinished stories, if you're still interested, check it out if you have some time! cheers~
@.@ I...I'm so honored!!! I haven't logged into tumblr for YEARS and omfggggg I only saw this now!! I'm the one who's literally so embarrassed and excited to have recieved something like this from one of my most favorite authors in ffnet!
And btw, I know about the updates since I still go back to re-read your stories in ffnet all these years. Like, really. Whenever I'm so stressed from work and all, I turn to reading your fics. They just give me so much feels and satisfaction everytime! Aaaaaahhh!!
It's long overdue, but I really want to thank you, @och4zuke for the great fics. You're one of my inspirations. ;-;
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once-upon-a-whatnow ¡ 8 years ago
To fall in love with you, I must first fall in love with myself
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once-upon-a-whatnow ¡ 8 years ago
To You
To you who thawed me up and made me feel
To you who constantly reminds me that what we have is real
To you who barged in and ruined my plans
To you whom I can annoy in return whenever I can
To you who loves to gaze at the stars at night
To you who’ll pet your favorite animals whenever they’re in sight
To you who finds solace in the calming sound of rain falling to the ground
To you who’s trail of thought is so vast and profound
To you who’s unforgiving--a monster--in your sport
To you who’ll pat me on the head with a gentleness of some sort
To you who’s doubtful and insecure
To you who’s so innocent and pure
I may not be the kind of person whom you were expecting me to be
But with all my might I’ll try to make you happy
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once-upon-a-whatnow ¡ 8 years ago
Manga Rec: Lovely★Complex
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Title: Lovely★Complex Author: Nakahara Aya Demographic: Shoujo Genre: Comedy, drama, romance, school Length: 68 Chapters  Status: Completed (2001-2007) Personal Rating: 15/10 (yep, 15) Summary: The story kicks off with Koizumi Risa, a high school girl who’s current goal is to find a boyfriend in her freshman year, but is faced with a major dilemma. Her current height is 170cm, a height taller than most girls (and guys) of her age. During summer classes, however, a tall (-er than her) and handsome transfer student named Suzuki joined them. Have the heavens finally answered her pleas? With the goal of winning his heart, a fellow classmate whom she regularly argues with, Otani Atsushi, offers his assistance, in exchange for introducing him to her good friend, Chiharu. Otani has his own dilemmas to face, too, considering that he’s just 156cm, a height shorter than most guys of his age. Following the failed attempt to get both Chiharu and Suzuki, however, Risa finds herself falling for Otani. Will she be able to get midget Otani to fall for amazon Risa? Read Online: Mangafox | Mangahere
So I’m gonna start things off with my most favorite shoujo manga of all time. Lovely★Complex will make you laugh, it will make you cry, it will definitely pull your heartstrings, and it will definitely be in one of your all-time favorite shoujo manga list as well. Do I think it’s the best? YES, I DO. But that’s just me. So go ahead and read it to judge for yourself! 
Review under the cut (Warning: SPOILERS)
Disclaimer: This is by no means a professional review and is gauged based on my personal preferences and taste. In other words, it’s kind of biased, lol.
Art (8/10) - The art is good! It’s the typical shoujo style kind of drawing, but fairly better than the rest, tbh. What I really love about the art is that the mangaka really puts in the effort to dress them in different clothes and with different hairstyles whenever possible. 
Characters (8/10) - I found the main characters, especially Risa, highly relatable. Being a tall girl myself, I found it hard to seriously like somebody when I feel so conscious of our height difference (or lack of) while on flats. God knows how more conscious I’d be if I needed to wear heels with him beside me. But more than that, the character development for both main characters are depicted really well; how they got from point A to point B, and to the many other points in the story. It’s cool that they’re built up to keep you interested in both of them and they ultimately make you want to root for them. The side-characters just add to hilarity of it all and not in an excessive kind of way that they outshine the main characters.
Story (9/10) - Gods, the story, yes. What I love about this is that, it doesn’t rush into things. It’s not like the typical shoujo romance stories where the girl falls in love with the dude, but dude doesn’t show that he was actually also in love with the girl since their first meeting or in an earlier time frame or whatever. Lovely Complex doesn’t rush into things and takes its time without it becoming draggy or boring. Even after they got together they don’t magically become the perfect couple out there. It has a good pacing and will keep you interested all throughout. Overall, the story is just so cute, sweet, and so pure that it makes me cry ;A;
Enjoyment (20/10) - Literally the best shoujo manga I’ve read. Even though I just re-read it a couple of days ago, I still found myself laughing and crying and feeling my heartstrings being pulled. It’s timeless.
Overall (15/10) - Hilarious, cute, and romantic. If you want a good vibe manga to cheer you up and make you want to laugh and love, then you’d better click the one of the links above 
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once-upon-a-whatnow ¡ 8 years ago
So I’m finally gonna start working on this side-blog
Idek what it’s gonna be. Is it gonna be a rec blog? Or just a blog where I can say stuff about stuff that I’m watching/reading? Or just a blog where I can collect all the titles that I’ve watched/read. Well, whatever lol.
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once-upon-a-whatnow ¡ 8 years ago
Mic test
Mic test huehue
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