#but the 7th bullet point
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risingsunresistance · 5 months ago
i got more sleep the night techno died, this fucking sucks man
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astrolook · 1 month ago
Mercury in the houses
(Where does your brain do the most damage? Let’s find out! 😆)
Mercury in the 1st House: "I Talk, Therefore I Am." 📝
Speaks like they’re in a debate competition—even when ordering coffee. ☕
When it comes to job/career, can succeed in anything requiring fast thinking, persuasion, or scamming people legally. (Lawyer, salesperson, journalist.)
Will text you a 3-paragraph explanation for why they took 5 minutes to reply. 📱
Probably debated with your siblings (if you have any) so much as a child they now have trust issues.
Flirts like it's a TED Talk—informative, persuasive, and slightly exhausting.
Looks like their pen was possessed by a demon mid-word. 👻
Your brain runs at 5G speed, but their mouth runs at 6G.
Mercury in the 2nd House: "Money Talks… and So Do I!"💰
Talks slow and calculated—like they’re charging per word.
For job/career, you are perfect for finance, business, or making passive-aggressive Etsy shops.
"Who owes me $15 from 2020? I remember."
Your Handwriting: Fancy-looking cursive that belongs on an expensive check. ✍️
If has family, you might have an Excel sheet of who spent what on Christmas gifts. 🎁
Watches finance YouTubers like they’re movies.
Mercury in the 3rd House: "I Have 1000 Thoughts Per Minute."
Can out-talk an auctioneer. Never. Shuts. Up. Talks so fast, even their Wi-Fi can’t keep up.
For job/career, you could do well as journalist, social media manager, or that one coworker who emails at 3 AM.
Chaotic bisexual, pansexual, or flirts for sport. 🏆
Handwriting: Could be unreadable. Like a doctor’s prescription.
Probably has 50 tabs opened at once.
ADHD? I've seen this placement with people who has mercury in 3rd house.
Mercury in the 4th House: "Let’s Overthink Our Childhood."📝
When they talk it sounds like a therapist even when giving food orders.
For job/career, anything home-based (Freelancer, therapist, professional nostalgic, home maker).
Writes long emotional texts and then deletes them.
They're the one that tells their sibling, "Mom always liked me better" or "You're adopted".
Handwriting: Cutesy and emotional—like a grandma’s love letter.
On their social media accounts, they posts sentimental throwbacks way too much.
Biggest Flaw: Lives in the past.
Mercury in the 5th House: "Flirting is My Second Language."📝
Flirty, dramatic, and annoyingly charming.
For job/career, anything creative—actor, writer, public speaker, meme creator.
Flirts with everyone, dates no one. Flirting in the comments section.
Was the funny but annoying child.
Can’t take anything seriously.
Mercury in the 6th House: "I think in bullet points."
If anyone asks them a question, it would sound like a Google search result.
For job/career, perfectionist boss (or their employee’s worst nightmare).
Too busy analyzing red flags to enjoy romance.
Handwriting: Neat, small, and borderline obsessive.
Leaves detailed Yelp reviews.
Mercury in the 7th House: "Let’s Discuss This… Again."📝
Speaks in "we" instead of "I" (even when they’re single).
For job/career, they are good at lawyer, diplomat, or customer service expert.
Always "the mediator" in sibling fights.
Plays marriage counselor to their parents.
Can’t be alone, but overthinks commitment.
Mercury in the 8th House: "Secrets? I Know Them All."📝
The way they talk: Low voice, deep words, big secrets.
For job/career, they're good at investigator, psychologist, hacker, or a blackmail expert.
In love, communicates in mystery and sexual tension.
Handwriting: Looks like a serial killer’s notes.
Leaves cryptic tweets.
Won’t admit their sexuality… but they are. Sometimes they could be straight, but a sibling could be gay.
Mercury in the 9th House: "I will talk your ear off about philosophy and conspiracy theories" 📝
Flirts by explaining history.
In love, turns deep convos into foreplay.
Probably thinks they’re smarter than their parents.
Posts long Reddit rants.
Handwriting: Could be messy, but big and confident.
For job/career, could excel at teacher, philosopher, or annoying podcast host.
Mercury in the 10th House: "I’m CEO of Overthinking My Career."📝
Talks like a LinkedIn post and takes life too seriously.
For job/career, could be a CEO, politician, or a corporate robot, lol.
Will literally schedule date nights.
Takes love as seriously as a business contract.
Will only befriend "useful people."
Mostly posts work-related updates.
Mercury in the 11th House: "I'm the human embodiment of a Reddit thread"📝
Speaks like they’re in a sci-fi movie.
Tech startup, social activist, or online troll.
In love, probably falls for their best friend.
Might like the idea of "open-minded" relationships.
The "black sheep" of the family.
Handwriting: Either it looks like it belongs on a protest sign or kinda bad.
Mercury in the 12th House: "Did I Say That Out Loud?"
Mumbles, forgets what they were saying.
Job/Career: Psychic, therapist, or mysterious writer. If writes, these people would write under a pen name.
Either super close to their siblings or never speaks to them.
Very much into horror, psychological thriller movies.
Handwriting: Looks like a haunted diary.
Terrible at explaining emotions but fantastic at writing it.
Mercury is where your brain lives, where your mouth runs, and where your Wi-Fi connection to reality glitches. 😆🌍✨
Curious about your birth chart and what it's really saying about you? 🌟 Slide into my DMs for a personalized astrology reading, and let's unlock the secrets of your stars. ✨ Don’t forget to check out my pinned post for pricing details! 🔮 Let’s make those cosmic connections happen! 🌙🌌
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astrologydayz · 1 year ago
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WHY do people say that if someone's planets falls into your 7th house, then YOU'RE THEIR IDEAL LOVER??? Bitch bye. If someone's planets falls into YOUR 7th house, then U DIG THEM OR HATE EM, AS IT'S YOUR 7TH HOUSE! Let's say that your crush planets falls into your 1st and 7th house, then obviously u like their looks (1st house) and the way they show themselves off 2 other people, (how they treat other people/people u know (7th house! Don't project.
Pluto conjunct Ascendant in synastry, is a stalker aspect🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. It kinda reminds me of Hailey running around after Justin at his interviews, when they were young and he had no idea🤨🫣😭🤣 . SO FUCKING CREEPY. Pluto is obsessed, and way 2 "fixated" on the asc person. It can get dangerous, cuz ASC person has no idea about how deeply the obsession runs with Pluto, fr💀. The worst part is that they usually know that the Pluto person can be kinda "creepy", but not about how deep it actually runs. U won't ever really know with Pluto, cuz they won't even give out 20% of their secrets - they can't help it. Unless they literally have no aspects from Pluto 2inner planets in their own natal chart.
Your Bella asteroid - 695 conjunct/trine/quintile someone’s ASC means that the ASC person finds u really beautiful, (physical attraction) 🍒🫦. With the opposition it's on & off, like sometimes yeah and other times no - It switches. With the square/quincunx - takes time, but grows into a really strong attraction, the longer you're 2gether/know each other.
Why the fuck do people think that 8th house energy is only about sex and intense connections? If a person has planets in your 8th house = that person does not like u 9/10 times. They'll talk shit about u when u ain't present/gaslight u/do things behind your back. They're usually jealous of u. Trying 2 cross your personal boundaries all the fucking time. WHO GOT TIME4THAT?? NOT ME LOVE⚠⚠.
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Why do Cap inner placements/points always get a "boring", or a "cold" rep? We just don't like u? Trust me. We'll show u a good time, if we think you're worth it.
Jupiter is not only good. It enlarges EVERYTHING. So if someone has Sado asteroid (118230) conjunct Jupiter in their natal chart = a very smart/knowledgeable Sadist. They want to know everything! Hours&hours of research. They can't get enough with Jupiter! They're into some sick shit, and can use some really AGGRESSIVE ways 2 create that "pain and suffering". "shhh, I'm here baby, it's okay"🤨. 9/10 times = addiction 2 being that Sado "teacher" with Jupiter here🔞🔞. They can even brag about it!
Nessus asteroid - 7066 in synastry can definitely cause sexual attraction. But the Nessus person will always take advantage of the other person, no matter what. It may not be as "in your face"/prominent, like it is with the conjunction/square/opposition, but it will take place. Some can like Nessus contacts in synastry, if they have Nessus aspecting their own planets - especially inner planets, or points. And they can also handle Nessus energy way more, than someone who doesn't really have any Nessus contact, as they're already used to it. It doesn't make it good tho.
WOMEN with Black Moon Lilith conjunct/square/opposite Mars can hate being touched by men. Can also have trouble regarding intimacy with men in general/bc of their experiences with them🪚🪚. I have this, and if a man touches me out of nowhere = I'll punch him back 2 the year he should have stayed in a fucking condom 🦄.
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Lilith asteroid - 1181) in 3rd house synastry can mean that the house persons siblings doesn't like Lilith if it's "poorly" aspected😮‍💨😮‍💨. Or that house persons siblings doesn't even want 2 try 2 create a relationship, because they already heard so much "shit" about Lilith🫠🫠.
💜 Pluto conjunct asteroid Valentine - 447) in a natal chart loves so fucking hard. They'll literally take a bullet 4 the person they love. They don't “create” a connection with anyone easy either. They're so intense when it comes 2 love, and with how they connect 2 another being. They transform/find themselves - Pluto, through those few people they do end up loving. Most people can't handle their intense ways of showing love🖤🔫.
Inner planets in Gemini degrees 3/15/27° in a natal chart are the real champions, when it comes to overthinking - but knowing everything beforehand. They already thought about ALL the different outcomes, 2 every fucking situation!🫰🫠😍🤭. They already know what time it is, before u tryna tell em.
Look at your Vertex persona chart 2 c what kind of fated things you're supposed2 go through in this life ✍👀. Make a synastry chart and c if your Vertex chart makes any significant aspects 2 your natal! It can show important life events/secret fated "events" that won't be seen in just natal or Vertex pc alone👽.
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Lol, I'VE SEEN A LOT OF PEOPLE SAY THAT ARIES RISING WILL HAVE RED HAIR, OR COLOR THEIR HAIR RED AT SOME POINT? I'm an Aries rising, and I would rather get shot in the face. I'm naturally blonde, and honestly? I haven't met a single Aries rising who has red hair, or would color their hair red.
Anti - Vertex persona chart shows what YOU choose2 let into your life, and what u choose 2 do without fate intervening. It also shows u how u choose 2 act, in moments where u find no "meaning", and that's where your Vertex pc comes in right after - Fate intervening 🔮🔮.
Pluto opposite ASC/conjunct DSC in synastry can show the Pluto person deciding/or trying to at least, who the house person talks 2/surrounds themselves with. They can think a person is "bad company" 4 the house person. They can be in DSC persons business, a lot! House person is alarmed/or not, depending on how Pluto is aspected in their own chart. If Pluto is afflicted = they kinda like it.
ANYONE who has benefitted/benefits from me = a planet/point/NN/Vertex/asteroid conjunct my POF. Your POF is all the things (material/or spiritual wealth/growth), u have "picked up" on/will pick up on throughout your life. U "help" others with that planet/point or asteroid in synastry💰🦉💳.
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Star asteroids - Starr - 4150), Kallisto - 204), Fama - 408), Europe - 52), actor - 12238), Lumiere - 775 - acting, Apollo - 1862), Talent - 33154), Klio - 84), Fan - 151590), Records - 30718), Varuna - 20000) Webb - 3041).
Music, writing&poetry asteroids - Polyhymnia - 33), Euterpe - 27), Apollo - 1862), Terpsichore - 81 - song and dance) Luscinia - 713 - Singing), Melpomene - 18, Harmonia - 40), Erato - 62), Kalliope - 22), Singer - 10698), Cantor - 16246 - singing), Poesia - 946), Parthenope - 11 - singing), Tone - 1266), Echo - 60), Mnemosyne - 57). 
"Lucky asteroids" - Fortuna (19), Opportunities - 39382), Paradise - 2791), Winner - 15606), Abundantia - 151), Angel - 11911), Bless - 92891), Bonus - 10028), Tyche - 258), Midas - 1981), Magion - 2696), Spirit - 37452), Nike - 307).
Please look at these asteroids in synastry. Prey - 6157), Sado - 118230), Devience - 21419), Nessus - 7066), Pain - 5188), Lie - 26955), Blink - 4425), Nemesis - 128), Swindle - 8690), Lilith - 1181), Hades - h41), wild - 1941), Fanatica - 1589), Medea - 212), Savage - 29837), Not - 2857), Pervert - 18624), Hard - 28077). 
Appreciate u, always❤️
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coqhee · 2 months ago
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IN WHICH ✷ prepping for the school's annual charity event, but with your #1 public enemy ∘ ∘ ∘ more
enemy riki x f!r ― one-sided e2l comedy angst(if you squint) fluff comedy cursing kissing menace!riki ⨯ 6334
em's note ★ this was supposed to be for riki's bday back in dec but I just never got around to proof reading, so theres' a lot of christmasy related themes,, hope its still fun n readable lawl. no joke it took so long to write cause when I was editing I kept adding scene after scene with more detail
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it was hard being the class president, filing papers, being every single teacher’s errand runner, and always taking the beating when your class was just being so dumb. though, it wasn’t all bad. you enjoyed planning the school events, and having this sort of responsibility.
this winter, you were planning your school’s annual winter charity drive, your goal was to surpass any other year. 
every single school year, your school has fallen way behind their set goal, it was like people had no christmas spirit of giving. you had your mind set to change that. 
and what was better than having a little bit of help. when the school admins had notified you saying that you’d have a student ambassador voted by the student body to help you out and co-lead, you were elated.
until you found out, it was none other than nishimura riki.
you hated the way nishimura riki smirked whenever you scolded him for skipping class.
you hated the way he’d talk back to teachers.
you hated the way he laughed during truth or dare in 7th grade when someone else revealed your crush on him and he laughed. 
you hated nishimura riki. 
─── ♡
you were filing papers in the copy room when a tall figure loomed behind you.
“hey pres, when do we get started,” riki’s voice rang through your ears, startling you. you turned around, glaring at the boy, then went back to filing and stapling.
“you sure you’re not here to be a pain in my ass?” you questioned back with venom in your tone. some part of you wishes you were a little more shameful talking back to another student in front of the other teachers in the room, but you couldn’t find it in you to hold back.
the other teachers in the room exchanged amused glances but stayed quiet, clearly entertained by the exchange. riki had that effect on people—effortlessly charming, even when he was being an absolute menace.
“who says i can’t do both?” he grins back 
you sighed, setting the papers down with a little more force than necessary. “look, nishimura, if you’re here to joke around, the door’s that way.” you nodded toward the exit. “i have actual work to do.”
“oh, come on, y/n,” he said, leaning casually against the filing cabinet, his grin unwavering. “you act like you don’t secretly love having me around.”
“yeah and i’d love if you could’ve read the email i sent a week ago with what i need to have done before today,” you rolled your eyes, giving a mock smile to the boy. 
riki feigned a look of guilt, his hand flying to his chest. “ah, so that’s why you’re mad. you’re holding a grudge because I didn’t read your essay-length email?”
you crossed your arms, fixing him with a pointed stare. “it wasn’t an essay. it was three bullet points, nishimura. three. and if you had bothered to read it, we wouldn’t be behind schedule. i gave you a week of prep and we are running so far behind with vendors and financing.”
he shrugged, the grin never leaving his face. “guess I like living on the edge. keeps life interesting.”
“you know what’s really interesting?” you shot back, grabbing a stack of papers and thrusting them into his hands. “you doing your job for once. congratulations, you’ve been promoted to my assistant for the day.”
“not even co-pres,” he sighed, hoping to annoy you further, lucky for him, it did.
it only took a moment of fidgeting for riki to figure out how to use the copy machine, and while it was a simple thing, god you hated how he already found a more efficient method than what you were doing within 5 minutes. 
“impressed yet?” riki smirked, glancing at you as the copier whirred to life. “i think i’m a natural. maybe you should consider me for co-president after all.”
you rolled your eyes but couldn’t deny the pang of annoyance—and grudging admiration—that flared up. “don’t get too comfortable, nishimura. one productive moment doesn’t erase a weeks worth of slacking.”
“ah, but it’s a start,” he said, stacking the freshly printed papers with a flourish. “besides, you need me. who else is gonna keep you from working yourself into an early grave?”
“i don’t need you,” you retorted, grabbing a paper clip and aggressively fastening a stack together. “i just tolerate you because i don’t have a choice, the school admin assigned someone from the student body to help, and it just so happens the student body thinks you’re oh so funny.”
“tolerate, huh?” he leaned in, his voice dropping to that infuriatingly confident tone that always got under your skin. “clearly, it’s more if you trust me to copy fliers for..” he looks down at what he’s been copying all along. 
“‘Jinglin Bucks for Joy’ Holiday Auction” he trails off with a look of disgust.
“who named this charity auction?” he spewed out pure critique from his tone.
you rolled your eyes, snatching the top sheet from the stack in his hands. “does it matter who named it? it’s for a good cause. not everything needs your approval, riki.”
“oh, come on,” he said, leaning against the copy machine with an exaggerated pout. “you have to admit it’s a little... cringy. ‘Jinglin’ Bucks for Joy’?”
“it’s festive,” you countered, defending the name despite secretly agreeing it could’ve been better. “and unlike you, the rest of us are focused on making sure this event actually raises money instead of nitpicking the title.”
“just saying, i think you could be earning a lot more if you didn't have that as a name,” he put his hands up at your accusatory tone.
“well, too bad that’s what it is,”
“anyways, i’m done copying these, and i’d say i did a pretty damn good job,” he smugly said waving around the last stack of copied papers in his hand.
“congratulations,” you said dryly, grabbing the packet from him. “you’re officially the MVP of the copy room. want a medal or something?”
“actually, i was thinking more like dinner,” he said casually, tossing the suggestion out like it was no big deal.
your hand froze mid-motion, the papers suddenly feeling heavier than they should. “dinner?”
he shrugged, a playful grin still plastered on his face, but there was something softer in his eyes. “just to celebrate our hard work, of course. unless you’re scared i might make it fun.”
“you wish,” you muttered, turning away to hide the blush creeping up your neck. “finish your stack first, and then we’ll talk.”
he laughed, the sound warm and light. “deal. but don’t keep me waiting too long, pres.”
─── ♡
for the longest time ever, nishimrua riki could not figure out why you hated him so much. every glaring look you gave him when he greeted you. 
every sarcastic comment you threw his way—none of it made sense to him. sure, he liked to tease you, but he teased everyone. with you, though, it felt personal, like there was an invisible barrier between you two that he couldn’t break through no matter how hard he tried.
he wasn’t even sure when you had started hating him, let alone why. 
back in 6th grade when you were classmates and he swears thats the last time you’ve ever been nice to him in like, the history of ever. 
riki racked his brain, replaying every interaction the two of you had since sixth grade. back then, you’d actually smiled at him, even laughed at his dumb jokes about the teacher’s weird handwriting.
he even thought you were cute and might’ve been developing a crush at the time. that’s an understatement though.
actually, riki had been obsessed with you in sixth grade. the kind of crush that made him extra careful not to look like an idiot when you were around. he remembered trying to impress you during gym class, running just a little faster during laps or kicking the soccer ball a little harder, even if it meant face planting into the ground one too many times.
he was convinced that if he ever had the chance to tell you how he felt, you’d smile at him and say you liked him back and you’d live happily ever after. childish, sure, but he was a sixth grader—what did he know about anything?
now that you and him were finally working together on the school’s lame, and failing charity event, he was determined more than ever to get to the bottom of why you hated him so, so bad.
and of course, it starts with dinner. 
that, being the $6 after hours discount sushi at your grocery store. okay, so maybe it wasn’t the best dinner imaginable, but with riki’s limited budget and even more limited time, it was the best he could do on short notice. plus, he was convinced sushi was a universal icebreaker—who could resist a good spicy salmon roll with day-old rice and browning avocado? 
no wonder it was $6.
“dinner,” you deadpanned, staring at the plastic containers he held out. “this is your grand idea to fix whatever this disaster of a charity event is?”
“no,” he grinned, plopping the containers onto the nearest desk and pulling up a chair. “this is my grand idea to get you to talk to me without biting my head off.”
you raised a brow, unimpressed. “and why would i do that?”
“because,” he started, peeling the lid off a tray of salmon rolls, “you’ve gotta eat, and i’m not leaving until we clear the air.”
you rolled your eyes. there was no way you were going to be talking about your issues with riki. “i’m not talking about my issues with you, we’re gonna be talking plans for the charity event,”
riki sighed dramatically, picking up a piece of sushi with his chopsticks. “fine, fine, charity event it is. but I’m warning you, my feelings might get hurt if you keep ignoring me.”
“oh, cry me a river,” you muttered, flipping open your notebook and pulling out a list of tasks. “we need to finalize the vendor approvals, confirm the auction items, and—”
“kinda cold out no?” he asked absent mindedly looking at his phone. you groaned in disapproval, how many more reasons could he give you for hating him?
“can you focus for 2 seconds nishimura?” you questioned with annoying radiating strongly from your tone. “you’re the reason we’re behind right now, and we need to get a move on, except no, you’re on your phone, and get to take credit for the work, i’m doing,” 
riki slowly put his phone down, his lips twitching like he was holding back a laugh. “you done, boss?”
“no, i’m not done,” you snapped, glaring at him. “you’re insufferable, nishimura. do you even care about this event?”
he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms with an easy smirk. “of course i care. i’m here, aren’t i?”
“barely,” you shot back, flipping through your notebook aggressively. “you’re here, but you’re not actually helping. if you cared even a little, you’d—”
“relax,” he interrupted, his tone unusually calm. “you’re gonna give yourself a stress headache. i already checked in with the admins about the vendors, they’re all approved, and i sorted through part of the auction items already,”
you were skeptical to say the least, unsure of the quality of work riki would put in. he turned his phone around and handed it to you, letting you look through all the documents and files he’d pulled up.
you scanned the screen, flipping through the emails and spreadsheets he’d meticulously organized. it was... surprising. everything looked in order, maybe even more thorough than what you’d expected.
“don’t stress yourself out, kay? i’ve can handle stuff too. that’s why they put two of us up to this,”
you narrowed your eyes at him, still not entirely convinced. “you’re way too relaxed about this. it’s weird. are you trying to mess with me?”
“y/n,” he put his hand around your wrist forcing you to set your chopsticks down for a second, “put some faith into me, let me help,” 
you hesitated, staring at where his hand rested lightly on your wrist. his touch wasn’t overbearing, just steady enough to get your attention. his words lingered in the air longer than you cared to admit.
“fine,” you muttered, pulling your hand back and avoiding his gaze. “but if you screw this up, it’s on you.”
─── ♡
one week had gone by since nishimura riki had started being useful. you were surprised with the quality of work he put into the project, not ever once worrying about any finance emails as he was quick to take care of it.
not only that, but he had started showing up to your study sessions, popping by with snacks or making sure you were eating at least once a day.
it was… weird to say the least. you couldn’t say you didn’t like it though. it felt nice to not be entirely alone, worrying about yourself and everyone else constantly.
riki even brought coffee to your early morning meetings with the district board, handing it to you with a teasing smirk, "you looked like you were about to fall asleep in your notes, so I thought I'd help."
you tried not to smile too much at the gesture, but it was hard to ignore the small spark of fondness that began to grow inside you. his thoughtfulness was... unexpected, especially given how much you had believed him to be nothing more than a lazy troublemaker.
you kept trying to find reason after reason to nitpick at riki, yet none came up. you could’ve sworn it was easier to find so much fault in everything he’d do before you had started working together, but all of a sudden they’ve faded.
at first, it had been so easy to be irritated by him. the way he’d walk into a room like he owned it, his stupid grin that seemed to always be a little too smug, the way he’d talk as if everything was a joke.
 you'd spent years loathing his presence, convinced he was just some annoying, carefree guy who only cared about himself and was out to make your life more difficult. that’s what you’d told yourself. that’s what you believed.
but now? now, it was different. working side by side on the charity event, you began to notice things you’d never seen before. the way he cared about the details. the way he would take over when you got overwhelmed, quietly working to fix things before you could even ask for help. the way he showed up on time every day, doing everything he could to make sure things ran smoothly.
it was... disorienting, to say the least.
it was late one evening, the two of you sprawled across the desks, working on the final details of the charity event.
"you’re the only one who would still be working at this hour," riki said, leaning back in his chair and watching you from across the room. his gaze softened for a moment, but you didn't notice. you were too busy finishing a set of final emails. "can I help with anything else?" he asked casually, but you could hear the underlying sincerity in his voice.
“guess you can take a break you bum, go grab a snack from the vending machine or something, grab me a sprite while you’re at it,” you say, digging out a $5 bill from your pocket and holding it out behind you, while focused on the screen in front of you.
he raised an eyebrow, but there was no hesitation as he stood up and took a step toward the door. "i got it," he said with a grin, slipping the bill back into your hand before you could protest. "this one’s on me." 
a few minutes later, riki returns, the sound of the vending machine bag crinkling in his hands. he places a can of sprite on the corner of your desk with a flourish. "your highness," he says dramatically, "your drink, as requested."
“mm thanks,” you hum, cracking open the can and taking a sip out of the cold refreshing drink, the fizz laying dormant on your tongue.
“you don’t need to keep doing all this nice stuff to win me over, just cause we’re working on the auction, you know that right?” you comment after taking another sip.
“ah, so I’m starting to win you over,” riki grinned, a playful glint in his eyes. “told you I’d be useful.”
you rolled your eyes, but your lips were tugging into a small smile. "don’t get ahead of yourself, nishimura," you muttered, though it was clear you were no longer bothered. in fact, you kind of... liked having him around.
you didn’t hate nishimura riki.
─── ♡
the day before the auction rolls around faster than you thought it would. 
while you and riki should be meeting with the vendors in person and getting other important work done, the two of you found yourselves putting up the last batch of fliers for the event, your hands full of paper and tape.
“ugh, why do we have to be the ones doing this?” you muttered, sticking another flier to the wall, your fingers lightly brushing against the cool surface. "we should be overseeing the auction, not putting up fliers like we're in charge of the school play's promo team."
riki chuckled from beside you, holding a stack of fliers in his hand as he adjusted his baseball cap. "hey, someone’s gotta do it. besides, you’re the one who wanted these ridiculous posters," he teased, pointing at the flyer in your hand, which featured a picture of a reindeer in a santa hat with overly saturated colors.
“i’ll have you know, these posters are actually art,” you shot back with a grin, tapping the paper to the wall a little more forcefully than necessary. “besides, i’d like to think they’re festive.”
“sure, sure,” riki said, his grin spreading wider as he glanced at the flier you were working on. “if by festive you mean blinding.”
you laughed, feeling a warmth spread through you. riki’s teasing had become a lot easier to tolerate, maybe even fun. he was good at making you laugh, something you never thought he could do before.
 the playful banter you’d shared over the past week was slowly chipping away at the character of riki you’d spent years building up in your mind.
“you tryna go out and get hot chocolate after we wrap this up?” he asked, cocking his head gauging your reaction.
“in this weather?” you asked, glancing outside where the wind whipped against the window and the sky was an icy gray. “are you out of your mind?”
“maybe,” he grinned. “but hot chocolate makes everything better, right?”
you couldn’t help the smile that tugged at your lips. riki was right, in his own annoying way. hot chocolate did sound nice, especially on a day like today. the thought of sitting down somewhere, just the two of you, without the weight of the charity event hanging over you... it felt strangely appealing.
“fine,” you sighed, rolling your eyes dramatically. “but if you make me walk to the corner shop in this cold, i'm blaming you.”
“deal,” he said, not missing a beat. “we’ll take my car.”
he flashed a grin at you, and for a second, you almost felt like it wasn’t just about the hot chocolate. there was something more in his eyes, something that made the conversation feel different, lighter, almost... comforting.
you quickly pushed that thought aside. no, you weren’t about to go down that path. but you couldn’t deny that riki was making it harder to keep your walls up. every little interaction, every small smile, made you rethink the way you’d viewed him for years.
it was as if the years of tension, of seeing him as nothing more than an annoying, reckless guy, were slowly fading into something else.
yet, in the back of your mind, that old familiar voice crept in—the one that told you to be careful, to guard your heart because you knew exactly what happened when you let your guard down.
you’d been there before. back in seventh grade, when you’d caught feelings for him and let yourself believe maybe—just maybe—he could feel the same. but that was before the truth or dare game, before he laughed it off like it was a joke, like it was nothing worth taking seriously. 
he’d been so carefree, so effortlessly charming in front of everyone, and you’d been so embarrassed. you’d sworn to yourself you’d never let yourself fall for him again.
and yet, here you were. laughing with him, sharing these moments like you were the closest of friends. it was easy to forget the hurt, easy to ignore the part of you that still flinched at the memory of his laughter.
you wanted to be able to move past though, and believe he wouldn’t be the same boy who’d laugh if you told him you liked him
he stood up, pulling his jacket on and offering you a hand as if he had all the time in the world. “you ready?”
you hesitated for a moment, then grabbed your own coat and stood up. “mhm, yeah.”
“you won’t regret it,” he said with that same confident grin, and for the first time in a long time, you believed him.
you shook your head, trying to push those thoughts away. there was no way he would do that to you again, right? no, he’d changed. he had to have changed.
but even as you smiled back at him, as the two of you walked out into the cold night together, the doubt gnawed at you like a constant shadow, just waiting for the perfect moment to remind you of all the reasons you had to keep your distance.
─── ♡
nishimura riki could feel himself falling. again. though it’s not like actually every fell out liking you to begin with. 
and now, as he sat across from you, trying to figure out how to navigate this new territory—where the walls you’d built between you were finally starting to crumble—he couldn’t help but feel that same pull toward you, that same feeling of wanting to be close.
he felt himself feel like he was back in middle school with you all over again.
then it hit him what had gone wrong, and he knew he had to set the record straight.
“so... seventh grade,” he started, turning back to you, handing you your cup.
you froze mid-sip, the mention of that year, let alone night, sending a jolt of embarrassment through you. “what about it?”
he set his chopsticks down, his expression unusually serious. “is that when you started hating me?”
you scoffed, crossing your arms as the words slipped out before you could stop them. “sure.”
you felt your walls building back up, stronger this time, higher than before. that night had been the catalyst for everything that followed—your reason for hating nishimura riki.
riki watched you carefully, his eyes softening. there was no sign of mockery in his gaze, no hint of teasing—just the same quiet sincerity you had seen over the past few weeks. but you weren’t sure you could let yourself fall for it again.
“i’m serious,” he said quietly, his voice lacking the usual playful edge. “was it really that night? or... was it just easier to keep hating me after?”
your chest tightened at his words, a mixture of frustration and confusion swirling within you. “i don’t want to talk about it,” you muttered, finally meeting his gaze. you couldn’t read the expression on his face, but it only made you more anxious.
“if it brings you any peace of mind, i laughed because i liked you, okay?” the words tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop them, and his cheeks flushed pink. “i liked you, and you blurting out that you had a crush on me... it threw me off.”
your jaw dropped, the confession catching you completely off guard.
“you... what?”
“i liked you,” he repeated, quieter this time, his gaze dropping to the table. “but i handled it like an idiot, and i’m sorry. i should’ve stood up for you, if you wanna keep hating me, go ahead.”
“i’m sorry for holding it against you all this time,” you mumbled.
riki didn’t look up at you immediately, but you could see the tension in his shoulders ease just a little. you had no idea what to say after that. the words you’d carried with you for so long—the reasons you hated him, the reasons you pushed him away—suddenly felt like nothing more than old wounds that had started to heal on their own, without you realizing it.
you sat in silence for a moment, both of you unsure how to move forward. it was almost as if the confession had left you both vulnerable, unprotected.
“you really liked me?” you asked, half laughing at how ridiculous it sounded now that it was out in the open.
riki’s eyes flickered with an unreadable emotion, and he shrugged, the teasing tone returning to his voice. “yeah. shocking, right?”
the playful comment was like a breath of fresh air, and for a second, the tension between you both was broken. but you couldn’t ignore the way your heart was racing, the fluttering feeling you hadn’t experienced in so long.
“i think, i like you too nishimura,”
“good, keep it that way,” he smiled, reaching out his free hand not surrounding his cup to clasp yours.
you felt your heart skip a beat at the sincerity in his eyes. "you know, you’ve actually been pretty decent lately," you said with a teasing smile, hoping to lighten the moment a bit. "maybe you’ve actually grown up, or maybe i have"
me chuckled, leaning back in his chair, but his hand remained near yours, his fingers lightly grazing the back of your hand. "maybe I have. but I’m still the same guy who likes you. just... trying to be better about it."
you bit your lip, your smile softening as you took in his words. for once, you didn’t feel like you had to keep your guard up. "i think I like this version of you."
"good," riki said, his voice barely above a whisper. "because this version of me likes you too."
a silence fell upon the two of you as you took in the atmosphere around you, looking around awkwardly.
“well,” you said after a beat, not sure where this was headed, but feeling oddly at ease. “you really know how to make things awkward.”
riki grinned, the corners of his lips curling into that familiar mischievous smile. “you’re the one who’s been holding a grudge for, what—years?”
“rightfully so, you’re the one who laughed. you’re lucky the student body voted you to work on the auction with me,” you shot back, the edge of your tone softening just a bit. It was hard to keep being mad when he was being so... well, riki.
“hey, don’t act like you could’ve done this with anyone else,” he teased, nudging your arm lightly with his own. “i mean, look at us. we’ve made a pretty good team, right?”
you rolled your eyes, but a smile tugged at your lips despite yourself. "yeah, a pretty good team that almost got yelled at and kicked off the project because you were too busy texting during the planning meetings."
“hey, i was checking in with the vendors,” he said defensively, holding his hands up in mock surrender. “i’m a multitasker.”
“you mean you’re just a distraction,” you replied, your voice laced with playful sarcasm.
“uh huh,” he rolled his eyes, grinning afterwards. 
─── ♡
the day of the auction soon came and you found yourself getting ready with a hopeful mind of what was to come. 
the last few weeks of you and riki’s hard work would finally be tested, and hopefully you could bring back some holiday cheer for charity, though a layer of uncertainty was still in your mind.
as you stood in front of the mirror, adjusting your dress, you couldn’t help but feel a little more at ease than usual. the nerves had faded, replaced with something lighter. maybe it was the fact that you and riki had finally talked things out, or maybe it was just the comfort of knowing you weren’t doing this alone anymore. you still didn’t have everything figured out between the two of you, but for the first time, it felt like you were both on the same page.
you met riki backstage before the event started. his hair was perfectly styled, and the suit he wore fit him just right. there was something about him in that moment—calm, collected, yet still as mischievous as ever—that made your heart do a little flip.
“you look good,” you said, trying to sound casual, though there was a softness to your voice that you couldn’t hide.
riki turned to you with a teasing grin, but his eyes softened when he took you in. “you look amazing,” he said, the sincerity in his tone making you feel a little shy. “i mean it.”
your heart skipped, and you brushed your hair back, trying to play it off. “well, don’t get used to it. you’re the one who’s been doing most of the work,” you joked, nudging his arm playfully.
“true, true,” he agreed, a smile tugging at his lips as he adjusted his cufflinks. “but you’ve been the brains behind it. i’m just the pretty face.”
you rolled your eyes but couldn’t suppress the small smile creeping up on your face. “right, the ‘pretty face’ who kept texting during all the important meetings.”
he chuckled, the sound light and easy. “hey, it was multitasking. get it right.”
before you could respond, someone called your names, signaling that the event was about to start. riki offered you his arm with a grin, the moment feeling a little more like a date than anything else.
as you walked into the venue together, the lights dimmed, and the guests filled the room. the auction was about to begin, but in the chaos of people and students gathering around and the rush of excitement, you found yourself standing next to riki, feeling surprisingly calm.
“you ready for this?” he asked, his voice low, just for you.
you gave a small nod. “i think so. let’s just hope we don’t screw anything up.”
he grinned, his hand brushing yours briefly. “even if we do, we’ve got each other’s backs.”
you took your seat in the front row with your bid paddle in hand as you watched riki announce each item.
the first few items went smoothly, and you found yourself glancing over at riki every now and then, catching his eye, and feeling his radiating confidence.
you glanced back at the screen over and over, watching the donation reach close to the school goal of $2000, feeling hopeful you might actually hit it for once.
the auction had been a smooth ride so far, with everything going according to plan. the excitement in the air was palpable, and you could feel the buzz of anticipation from both the audience and the team behind the scenes. each item was going for more than expected, and the donations were rolling in steadily. everything was shaping up to be a success.
then came the final item.
riki stepped up to the microphone, his usual teasing grin plastered on his face. “alright, folks,” he began, his voice smooth and confident, “we’ve got one last item up for grabs. it’s the grand finale, the cherry on top of this entire event. it’s... a date with yours truly.” a cocky smile formed on his face, as he nodded smugly, pointing to himself.
you froze, the surprise hitting you a second too late. the audience erupted into laughter and applause, but you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at riki’s ridiculousness. he gave a mock bow, and the laughter grew louder.
“that’s right, ladies and even gents,” he continued, his eyes scanning the crowd. “you get to spend an evening with the one and only nishimura riki. dinner, a walk in the park, maybe even a movie if you're lucky. the best date of your life. no need to thank me.” he shrugged, clearly enjoying himself.
you couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking your head. “seriously, riki?” you mouthed towards him watching as he smiled smugly back.
“alright we’re starting this bid at $1, any takers?” his eyes scanned the crowd jokingly as he continued on, watching as people egged each other on to bid.
but before you could stop yourself, you found your hand reaching for your bid paddle. your eyes flickered to riki, who was watching you with an amused expression.
“come on, y/n,” he teased, “you know you want to.”
you hesitated for a moment, but the playful glint in his eyes, the way he looked at you as if daring you to do it, pushed you forward. with a mischievous grin of your own, you raised your paddle, calling out “$100!” with a cheerful smile.
the crowd’s reaction was instantaneous—there were gasps, followed by bursts of laughter, as the bid sheet was raised for all to see. the final bid was noticeably higher than the previous ones, and you could feel your face flush with the attention.
“going once, going twice, and sold!” he announced, slamming the gavel with a strong bang.
“well, well,” riki said, stepping back to to take the microphone from the stand to hand it to you, his expression one of mock shock. “looks like someone’s feeling bold tonight. looks like y/n just won a date with me, someone’s got a crush, i don’t blame her.”
you shot him a look, trying to keep your cool. “you better be prepared, riki,” you said, your voice just loud enough for the mic to catch as he handed you the mic to give your statement.
he raised an eyebrow, looking both impressed and slightly nervous. “oh, it’s on. and just like that lady and gents, we just hit our goal too,” he added, glancing at the screen where the total amount had just surpassed the $2000 mark.
the room erupted into applause, and you felt a mix of satisfaction and embarrassment settle over you. riki’s grin softened into something a little more sincere.
as the applause continued and the event slowly came to a close, you found yourself standing beside riki, the noise of the crowd fading into the background as the two of you shared a quiet moment. there was something unspoken between you now, something that went beyond the playful teasing and jokes.
“you know,” riki said, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye, “this whole thing—working together, laughing, making this auction happen—it’s been... nice. really nice.”
you turned to him, catching the genuine warmth in his gaze. “yeah,” you agreed, feeling a sense of contentment you hadn’t realized you’d been missing. “it’s been good.”
the awkwardness from earlier had melted away, replaced by a sense of ease you hadn’t felt in a long time. you could see riki in a new light now, not just the careless, teasing guy from your past, but someone who actually cared, who had grown alongside you.
“so,” riki said, breaking the silence, “now that the auction’s done, what do we do next?”
you raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at your lips. “well, since you owe me a date, we could start with that,” you said, unable to resist.
riki smirked, his usual confidence returning. “oh, i’m looking forward to it.”
riki’s smirk softened as he took a small step closer to you, his gaze lingering on yours in a way that made your heart race. the space between you felt different now—more intimate, charged with a new energy that neither of you had quite acknowledged until now.
“yeah?” he asked softly, his voice almost a whisper as his hand brushed against yours, just a touch, but it was enough to send a jolt through you.
you nodded, feeling your breath catch. “yeah,” you replied, your voice steady, though your heart was anything but.
he was so close now, his presence overwhelming in the best way, and for a moment, neither of you spoke. the noise of the event faded away, leaving just the two of you standing in the soft glow of the lights.
without another word, riki leaned in, his eyes flickering down to your lips before meeting your gaze again, seeking permission. you could feel the warmth radiating from him, the same warmth that had been growing between you both over the last few weeks.
you couldn’t help but smile, a little breathless, before you leaned in, closing the gap. the kiss was soft at first, tentative, but the moment your lips met, something shifted. it was like a weight had been lifted, like all the years of misunderstandings, teasing, and distance finally melted away.
riki’s hand found its way to the back of your neck, pulling you just a little closer as the kiss deepened, slow and gentle. it was everything—everything you’d both been waiting for, without even realizing it.
he pulled away smiling, wiping the small bit of lipgloss that had smudged, looking into your eyes.
the two of you shared a look, the kind that spoke volumes, and for the first time, you weren’t worried about the future. you didn’t know where this would go, but for once, it didn’t matter. what mattered was that you were here, together, and that was enough for now.
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@ coqhee 2025. all rights reserved.
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jewreallythinkthat · 7 months ago
One of the most important things I wish a lot of non-jewish leftists understood is that those of us who are Jews who don't live in Israel - especially Ashkenazim - understand that we are only not based there because of a few tiny, sometimes not even chosen moment in our history.
I see what happened on October 7th and since and I see myself there had my family been the strand that went to Israel rather than heading to America and being stranded in the UK. I have family who did go to Israel and only avoided the massacre because they were on holiday in Crete. Their closest friend played dead on the steps of his house, a bullet in his leg, lying beside the corpses of his wife and daughter in law.
It's personal because it literally could have been me, it could have been any of us. When we see people braying for the deaths of Israelis, we see them calling for our personal demise if not for one twist of fate. That's why so many Jews are invested and want peace. It affects us, it could have been us.
It would not have been a random white lefty in the West with 0 connection to the Levant.
I can't speak for Palestinians in the west but I'm sure they feel a similar way when they see the destruction in Gaza and the violent settlers in the West Bank. I've seen Palestinians talk about how Hamas would have killed them because of their sexuality or gender identity etc. and I can feel through the articles and the posts that they understand the "it could have been me" & "that WOULD have been me" mindset that so many Jews have experienced the past few months.
The majority of Jews and Palestinians (that I've seen) in the West want lasting peace and everyone to live in safety. The people making it violent and calling for the deaths of Jews, and often shutting down Palestinians who speak out for peace which doesn't include genociding 50% of the world's Jews are random white people and others who have 0 connection to any actual people involved and have decided to make a war on the other side of the planet their entire personality.
So this is a message to those with 0 skin in the game - if you are not Jewish or Palestinian or have family living in Israel and what will hopefully become Palestine - please understand this:
For you, this is a way to show your political opinion and score moral points and take out your frustrations on those you seem worthy of abuse. For me, for us, this is our history, our family, our future and safety. If your words are not designed to try and move towards a peaceful solution, keep them to yourself and stop being part of the problem. Listen to the people actually affected by this (and watching videos and feeling horrified simply doesn't count in this case.)
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strawberrysugar71 · 3 months ago
TADC Episode 6 Predictions! + Why I Think Bunnydoll COULD Become Canon (Some Episode 4 Spoilers)
Release Date
According to my calculations, we can expect Episode 6 to release on one of the following dates:
21st February 2025
28th February 2025
7th March 2025
14th March 2025
21st March 2025
28th March 2025
4th April 2025
11th April 2025
18th April 2025
25th April 2025
2nd May 2025
I think most likely it would be on May 2nd. But first let me explain how I go these dates.
Episode 2 of TADC released 5 weeks after Episode 7 of Murder Drones. And Episode 3 of TADC released 6 weeks after the Murder Drones finale. However, Episode 4 released 10 weeks after Episode 3. So, what I did was - for Episode 5 - count 5-10 weeks after Episode 4, and then I repeated the same for Episode 6.
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Let's say, for example, an Episode released every 5 weeks, we would expect the trailer for Episode 5 to be released on January 3rd 2025. (I'm just gonna point out that the Netflix leak is false. I highly doubt we'd get an Episode 3 weeks after the last one, but if it were true, then the trailer for Episode 5 would release on Friday. The actual episode wouldn't come out on the 1st, anyway, because that's a Wednesday. Not a Friday.) Anyways, enough of me yapping about release dates.
The Adventure
We know that Episode 5's adventure is baseball, and set in a baseball stadium, because it was foreshadowed at the beginning of Episode 4 and in the full season announcement for TADC.
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It is possible that the baseball adventure could be in Episode 6, because it was Ragatha AND Jax playing baseball (before Gangle joined in), but I highly doubt it because...
I think Episode 6 is another in-house adventure.
Why Do I Think This? + What Do I Think Will Actually Happen In the Episode?
I think this because of two reasons:
• I believe that Jax is going to be the cause of Ragatha's abstraction in Episode 6.
• Jax's key collection.
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Killing off one of the main three and the motherly one of the group is a pretty good way to fuck everybody up.
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"Probably not NPCs" so one of the humans, then.
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I think the entire fandom can agree that the worst thing Jax will do he's probably gonna do it in his episode.
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Coincidence? I think not.
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My take on this entire thing is that Jax is going to cause Ragatha to abstract, and feel really bad about it. Like, I mean, come on.
Kinger won't abstract. He would've most likely already abstracted if he was going to.
Gangle, potentially, BUT she arrived after Jax, and she's most likely the one who has been in the circus for the least amount of time (aside from Pomni).
Pomni arrived, canonically, 4 days ago. I don't think it's possible to abstract that fast.
Zooble I really don't think will ever abstract. They're just too much of a chill guy for that (iykyk) /hi
Jax finds pleasure in bullying the others, even if he does care about them.
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It's his way of coping with being trapped in the circus. And I think, even though he's an asshole, having to live with the fact that he abstracted the only person who seemed to genuinely care about him is torture in itself.
• In-house adventure
• Jax says "I want you DEAD!!!" to Ragatha.
• Ragatha disappears to her room.
• Jax goes into her room later on.
• Ragatha's abstracted.
The last 2 bullet points could even happen at the beginning of Episode 7. But I think it would make more sense for it all to be in Episode 6 because the 6th Episode in the last season of shows that have 9 Episode long seasons is the cursed Episode of that show. (Again, iykyk)
Why Do I Think Bunnydoll Could Become Canon?
"But Gooseworx confirmed that there's no canon romanc-"
Did you watch Episode 3? She lied.
"Yeah, but Queenie's abstracted-"
Gooseworx also said that Queenie being a chess piece was just a design choice and that she wasn't Kinger's wife. Pretty funny that, huh?
I think this is overlooked. Romance IS canon, it's just not really shown. But I do genuinely believe that if any other ship had to become canon, it would be Bunnydoll. I think this because:
• They're always shown next to each other, or close to each other.
• Their bedrooms are right next to each other's. Just like Kinger and Queenie's (as well as Zooble and Gangle's if your an Abstraggedy fan). AND There's a Mannequin on either side of them.
Mannequin, Jax, Ragatha, Mannequin.
• The nicknames he calls her, like hello?!
• Not to mention, whenever Ragatha expresses concern for Pomni, Jax either rolls his eyes or dismisses it.
• The whole premise of Episode 3 was about Husband and Wives. And I think it's pretty obvious that Queenie abstracted because her and Kinger got into an argument of some kind. So, Kinger abstracted Queenie, basically. Abstraction is also the circus' version of death. That would explain why Kinger looked so emotional when Baron Theodore was talking about killing Martha. Then, Martha said "You know how men are, always having the silliest priorities" and then Ragatha said "Don't I know it." whilst looking over at Jax Martha was talking about men, sure, but she was only really meaning her husband. A good writer such as Gooseworx doesn't include that for no reason. It's so goddamn obvious.
• They obviously have/have had something going on. From Jax saying "Why do you always make me out to be the bad guy?" during their fight at the beginning of Episode 4 . They've obviously had arguments like that before. They HEAVILY give exes that still have feelings for each other if they are exes.
All of that combined is - if it does happen - going to make Episode 6 a whole lot sadder. If they are exes, then one of 'em is probably gonna say that they still love them before Ragatha goes. And if they're just crushes, then they're probably gonna confess their love. Maybe even a hug...or a kiss. (Please, Gooseworx 🙏)
Anyways, I hope this makes sense. Thank you for reading!
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impactedfates · 1 year ago
Hello there!! Can I request some headcanons / mini-scenarios for: Dan Heng, March, Welt, Himeko, Yanqing and Jing Yuan; with a normally soft-spoken Reader who has a wide vocal range (from contralto to hitting those high notes) and occasionally does song covers? Doesn't matter the genre, so long as Reader likes it.
So they might hear Reader singing something like a lullaby or a traditional Xianzhou song one day, to something that's still soft and sweet like a mainstream pop song on another day; to belting out something like "Kakusei" or "NEXUS" from the Promare OST. :D
★ A/N: I understood the request, I just hope I wrote it in a way you wanted! People with such a large vocal range are so talented istg, they gotta teach me. (I say as if I have ANY confidence to sing anyways)
☆ Genre/Trope: Platonic
★ Format: Bullet Pointed Head Cannons (And small scenario at the end :>)
☆ Warnings: None
★ Extra: Reader is a Nameless // Readers age is undisclosed so imagine them at whatever age you wish // Reader can play instruments! // Characters might be OOC I feel // Proof Read but I did it when it was 4am lmao
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When you sing more soft songs, Dan Heng tends to enjoy listening. It helps him feel more relax and sometimes rids his mind of nightmares.
He's more used to hearing that kind of voice from you. So when one day, he walks in on you singing a song that's the exact opposite of how you usually sing, he's a bit surprised.
He never doubted you could have a big vocal range, however hearing you sing a song that's different to how he normally hears you sing is what surprised him.
He still enjoys listening, but more so when you sing in a softer voice, don't get him wrong. He still enjoys your singing voice and will support you. But he isn't one for a more loud song.
"[Name]...if you're going to sing more...on the loud side, could I request you do it else where?" Dan Heng sighs softly, being awoken up once again due to you. Despite his words hinting at annoyance, his facial expression was soft and kind. A soft sorry came from your voice as you quickly turned off the music you were using, switching to a more softer song. An old Xianzhou lullaby. "Here, I'll make it up to you. Sit on the couch and I'll sing a softer song" You smiled, Dan Heng chuckled as he obliged. He can't deny that your more softer voice doesn't help him fall asleep. He silently hums along to your voice, and in a sleepy voice he speaks to you before drifting to bed. "If you enjoy music like that so much, we can pay a visit to Serval okay?"
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March 7th LOVES your singing voice. She would sing along to whatever song you were singing. She praises you every time she hears you and likely took photos of you singing.
She so supports you if you ever make a YouTube (StarTube?) account and posted covers, literally your number 1 fan.
When you post a cover of a song, she's always the first one to like, comment and listen!
When you post a cover of a song that's VERY different. (Let's say, Usseewa) and you hit ALL those high notes and, everything omg. She was surprised but immediately hyped you up.
She doesn't mind if you sing songs like that at all, your singing is amazing. Like I said, number 1 fan...she doesn't hid it either.
"I love you [Name]!" "Uh, the one with the blue camera and pink hair?" "OH. MY GOD. [NAME] YOU NOTICED ME, YOU NOTICED ME. I.LOVE.YOU" Serval laughed out loud seeing Marchs outburst, as if you two don't live with each other. You could only look away with a small smile, seeing March jump up and down and shaking whoever was beside her. Much to Welts "delight"
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Welts very impressed with your vocal range. But he's also worried, he knows that if you were able too have a large vocal range, you likely know how to manage it.
Still, anytime he hears you singing songs like NEXUS or Kakusei he can't help but slide over a bottle of water for your throat.
If you ever join a concert with Serval then he IS buying tickets, though not everyone may go (Dan Heng) he and the rest of the Express will.
He also tends to buy any merch you may come out with if there is any. (Mainly for March but he does keep one or two for himself to support you)
He doesn't really have a preference when it comes too what songs you sing, just as long as your happy and it isn't really disturbing anyone.
If you ever start a StarTube channel, he might animate a few of your covers! Under a pen name though, he's not embarrassed, but I think he'd like it if you thought it was a different fan and not just him who's already liked your singing from the start. (If that makes sense)
"WELT! Weltweltwelt" You ran up to him, quickly showing him an animation someone did of one of your new songs. "ArahatosNumber1Fan animated one of my covers again" You said excitedly, bringing the phone screen back to your view as you scrolled through the comments. Many complimenting the animation but many also asking who sang the cover to which they were directed to your account. "This the guy that you said was helping boost your channel subs?" You nod happily, tapping your chin you thought for a bit. "Do you think they'd still animate my covers even if I sing a different genre? I want to go with something softer this time instead of a louder peice" "I'm sure they'll animate any song you wish to sing" He chuckles. And sure enough, a week after you posted a cover of Lost Umbrella, ArahatosNumber1Fan posted an animation to go along with it.
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Himeko compliments you a lot for your vocal range. In fact, she got you a karaoke machine for your birthday! Of course, though. She doesn't let you use it during night time. She doesn't want to wake up because you decided to start singing Churira Churira Dadada at 3 in the morning.
I do think she prefers you to sing outside the train. While she does enjoying your singing and she has no problem if you were to sing in the train. However she also understands it may disturb many people so she does ask for you to sing in an area where you aren't disturbing anyone.
I feel like she also asks you to teach her how to sing or have a wider vocal range. She enjoys singing herself and would love to join in when you're out singing to keep you company!
Perhaps you two can make money by singing on the streets :> (Only if you're okay with it though!)
You strummed you guitar as the two of you reached the last note, Himeko took a small bow and looked up at the audience that had gathered around. All of them clapping and complimenting your voice. She laughed softly and gently packed up your things so the two of you could get going, checking to see if you were uncomfortable with the attention before she directs you back to the train. As you two entered, Himeko was quick to sit and count the amount of credits that were left in your guitar case, looking up to you she said with a smile. "A success, well done. They loved you" "It wasn't just me singing..." "Perhaps but...I'd say they have their favourites"
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When Yanqing overhears you singing Xianzhou lullabys, he's quick to shower you with compliments. Your voice is so soothing! He could listen it for so long and it's effective too. You had to usher him out as he could wake the kids you just put to bed.
When he hears you singing a song like (man I'm running out of songs I know/hj) Noels Lament. He's impressed, how can you sing a song so softly and quietly and then sing something like this which needs a stronger voice??
He might skip a few of his training to find you and see what song you're singing, he makes it a guessing game! Will you be singing something so sweet and kind? Or something that might will make head turn??
"...Yanqing?" "Ha! I guessed right this time" "...Guessed...right?" Ah, you weren't meant to know the guessing game he had in his own head, quickly, he shuffled away. Scratching the back of his head. "Of where you were!" "I always walk in this area" "...I meant...what outfit you'd be wearing?" "I usually wear similar clothes?" ...Yeah, he's running off quickly, hopefully Jing Yuan won't scold him for skipping his training again right? Surely the general can understand he just has to see if his guess was right or not.
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Surprisingly (or not surprisingly) Jing Yuan enjoys when you sing your heart out with songs like Candy Store or Mount Rageous. That's the type of sing he first heard you sing when he tried to find Yanqing when he skipped yet another training sessions.
Usually he would just sleep till Yanqing returned or just go on with his day if he never did. In either case, now he joins Yanqing to see what song you're singing before returning back to train.
When he hears you singing a less upbeat song like Sweet Dreams. He's slightly surprised but listens intently, it's different to what he often hears you sing but he enjoys it none the less, he sees your happy so he's fine.
He might even request to hear certain songs just to see how well you voice range can handle it. From the loudest song that could break glass, to a soothing song that can put even the mara struck to bed. And if you successfully sing them all, he congratulates you.
Overall, he's impressed as well as many others, likely talks to you and how well you sing to his friends.
You panted a bit as you finished a particularly long high note, Jing Yuan chuckles and slides over a cup of water which you accept quickly. Taking a drink to sooth your throat. "You voice really can do wonders, I'm more then impressed" He speaks, you nodded in response as he then offers a small treat for agreeing to sing a song for him. A song that made you go from high to low, soft to loud and all in all, tested how wide your voice range can be in a singular song. "I must apologies, I just wished to see how far your voice can go. I should've considered how tired your throat must be from singing that particular song" "No worries, it was fun to read and practice that song. I'm a bit surprised you know it though" "Oh? Are you now?" "Yeah...I mean...the song was released like a month ago and you're kinda a grandp-" "Alright I get it" He chuckled lightly, gently flicking your forehead.
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I'm so smart writing Yanqings and JY sleep deprived right?/j Yeah uh they might be OOC, hopefully not thoughejfpgt.
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guided-by-the-skies · 3 months ago
Where shadow work glitches and how to fix, by pluto house
another post in the meanwhile because i got bored...
... next after this will be the one you guys chose on the poll! thanks to everyone who answered, means a lot to me :)
Ok, so your pluto sign may be pretty nuch the same as everyone else in your generation, but even if there isn't much diversity in pluto signs, there is definitely diversity in pluto houses
pluto is the planet of the shadow and all that we are unconscious of. however this will have it's own specific vibe or colour depending on house. shadow work and making this stuff conscious (so it does not control you!) is way harder than it needs to be because unfortunately our modern lifestyle is totally screwed up and has disrupted our ability to introspect spiritually or embark on any form of personal development. so what are your common pitfalls/your achilles heel based on the house your pluto is in? and how can you transform it into something positive?
🌌 pluto in 1st house - over intellectualising it. transform into: you have an amazing capacity to build struggles into a new identity ans grow from the difficult things which have happened to you.
🌌 2nd house pluto - being too hampered down by what people may think of you. transform it into: noticing projection and reflection, a powerful ability to influence those around you for the better
🌌 3rd house pluto - talk and no action, blurting things out, need to concentrate on thought before action. transform it into: an incredible ability to 'read between the lines' and subtly work out how to say the right thing in ANY situation
🌌 pluto in 4th house - childhood baggage. transform it into: an ability to break patterns not just for yourself but for other people. you have the ability to be a good influence to those around you - not by giving too much of yourself, but naturally, by your energy.
🌌 pluto in 5th house - being ruled by your emotions to the point of them becoming unbearable. transform it into: an ability to use your darkest emotions as a powerful drive for good. basically, they can fuel you, as opposed to controlling you.
🌌 6th house pluto - somaticising emotions so you don't know what you feel. transform it into: being able to reconnect with your body, strengthening energetic boundaries, and a strong ability to sense energy and understand how to use your 'gut feeling'
🌌 7th house pluto - 'one true problem' / magic bullet fallacy. you keep searching for the one thing that will helpp, without knowing the answer may lie on multiple places. transform it into: powerful focus and dedication, yet without losing yourself in one goal. an ability to follow any resolution you set yourself through to the end
🌌 8th house pluto - expecting immediate results and ignoring small changes. you guys are INTENSE. when results from shadow work are not similarly intense, you may feel as if mothing has happened. transform it into: an ability to notice and draw from the snall and subtle changes, getting as much potential from them as possible
🌌 9th house pluto - getting too into it. sounds weird because it can be hard to confront your shadow. but the intellectual stimulation shadow work gives you can often mean you may start identifying with it. transform it into: an ability to share your bravery with others. you don't have to become the therapist friend, but you can definitely help thise who are less confident at confronting themselves
🌌 pluto in 10th house - focusing on achievement and results, not your feelings. transform it into: setting emotional goals, an ability to master your emotions without suppressing them, a real skill that will support you through many situations
🌌 pluto in 11th house - lacking a sense of self before you start. transform it into: a genuine opportunity to find your trye self without the need yo create a mask or have a persona you show to the world, in the shadiw work process uou have the ability to synthesise both the desired and less desired parts of yourself into a complete whole
🌌 12th house pluto - not knowing what shadow work looks like or means for you. transform it into: a genuine opportunity to be totally OBJECTIVE with yourself, seeing what you TRULY need and not what you want to see
this is part of a series on 'how to shadow work in the modern world'. over the past 100 years humanity has gone through immense social changes, and not all of these are aligned with human nature spiritually. thus, we experience more blocks, life seems harder, and shadow work encounters more blockages.
hopefully these posts can give a hint as to how to realign. as with everything, take what resonates, leave the rest. for the post masterlist, see here.
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homkamiro · 1 year ago
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Hi there!! Out of the blue decided to actually make a speeding bullet week so you can be insane about them just as much as I am💔
Event will go from 13th to 19th November, all of the prompts are on the pic (I made a mistake in 7th prompt, it should've been "the naked and the dead" but you get the point)
Please post using the hashtag #speedingbulletweek
All type of work is welcome - cosplays, fanfiction, fanart, anything!! Feel free to ask if you have any questions
See you in a month!💘
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feroluce · 4 months ago
Thinking today about Boothill falling first, but Dan Heng falling harder.
Like I think of Boothill as being pretty self-aware, so he knew it almost immediately. He pointed his gun at Dan Heng and the guy didn't flinch didn't hesitate didn't even get scared just stood there with his arms crossed and casually insulted Boothill like he couldn't have made the furniture of the Express an even brighter red with a single squeeze of his trigger finger. Boothill knew he was doomed before they even defeated Sunday, and it only got worse and worse, the longer they sat at that bar in the Reverie together. ♡
Meanwhile Dan Heng was raised in a prison cell with zero say over anything. He was considered a criminal and he was being punished. There wasn't exactly anyone encouraging his emotional intelligence. It didn't matter what he wanted, so thinking about his own wants/needs/feelings is something that just like. Doesn't occur to Dan Heng.
Like he IS slowly but surely figuring it out, and he still acts on stuff of course. He and Boothill share that sort of ruthless straightforwardness where they can see action -> result. Dan Heng knows that he doesn't want anything to happen to the Crew, so he guards them viciously. Action (guard person) -> result (person stays alive). But I think if you asked him, he'd have a hard time putting his feelings for them into words, "they're once-in-a-lifetime companions" is about as deep as you're going to get from him haha
Anyway, all this to say, I think that even if he already knew he liked Boothill romantically, when Dan Heng- who guards his chosen little flock like a herding breed or maybe a sheepdog with a coyote collar- sees Boothill do something protective, like literally take a bullet for March 7th
("It's fine, it ain't gonna hurt me near as bad as it woulda hurt you, missy. It's just another dent, quit yer fussin'.")
that is when it suddenly hits him like a brick that oh, oh no, he loves him.
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milligramspoison · 5 months ago
Hi! First two MCR shows for 2024! Except part of the list started in 2023 thanks to fucking Mikey and Chris!
I also have a list of MCR’s 2022-2023 tour if you also want to check that out! Anyways ty Mikey and Chris for starting this list off 11 months early 😭
Hey Chris commented a sunset emoji under Mikey’s post that announced day 2 of WWWY, referring to Pete’s Amazing New Mexico Sunset post from 2005 (writing this on November 17th, 2023- 11 fucking months to go lmao)
Mikey also replied to Chris’ comment
Mikey is also very excited to play Disenchanted! (Love this for him)
Not WWWY but it deserves to be here -> Gerard’s cat costume from Toronto night 2 made it into the show Carol & the End of the World! (Hi it’s January 29th, 2024 as I’m writing this bullet point)
Frank is back on his fortune cookie bullshit (hello it’s March 18th, 2024 as I’m writing this)
American Idol contestant Abi Carter sang WTTBP for her top 20 performance on April 14th, 2024!
Chris posted the Pete and Mikey emo critters on his story on May 17th, 2024, using 🌅 as the fucking caption 😭
My Chem’s facebook got hacked on July 25th, 2024 😍
They’re doing additional songs after they do TBP in full, possibly the B Sides and Living With Ghosts 👀 (update they didn’t do either 😭)
Teenagers surpassed 1 BILLION streams on Spotify!!
I’m Not Okay will be added to Fortnite October 17th! (And will already be in the game by the time this post goes up!)
Close up of MCR’s (and FOB’s) merch for the festival!
The Swarm fly also returns for whatever reason 👀 (it was a big symbol during the last tour so I’m surprised it’s back for two one off shows)
MCR’s first show since March 26th, 2023!! (That’s 573 days aka 19 months!!)
Frank’s first tonight’s our night post involving MCR since last year 🥲
Mikey was spotted watching Mayday Parade’s set!
Mikey was also spotted watching Dashboard Confessional’s set!
A third Mikey (and this time Kristin too!) spotting!
A fourth Mikey spotting and he’s with Patrick of FOB this time!!
Pete of FOB hyped up the crowd for MCR’s set during the FOB set!!
4 separate stage lights for them as of rn…….
RAY ALSO HAD TWO GUITARS (obvi but still exciting nonetheless 😭)
“Fuck yeah” ~ Gerard
“Kisses for you!” ~ also Gerard!
“Spicy, you're fucking spicy” ~ Gerard ofc
Gerard asked the audience to bark as they were going into House of Wolves 😭
They also got a violinist for Cancer and it sounded incredible
The violinist was Kayleigh Goldsworthy!!!!!
There was also blooming and decaying flowers during Disenchanted!!
And there was also swords at some point during the set too…
“I got all this fucking honey in my mouth, it broke my ass! The fucking softest hands!” ~ Gerard, whatever he was rambling about 😭
Blood was played on tape for the first time in many years!!
The band had an encore following the entirety of TBP!
I’m Not Okay was the first song of the encore!
A fan rushed the stage and touched Frank before being escorted off 🤦‍♀️ (BE NORMAL PPL they’re human just like the rest of us)
The look Gerard gave the stage rusher was super funny tho 😭
And they ended night one off on Helena!
Frank and Gerard goofing around <3
Marina Toybina styled their outfits (or at least Gerard’s) for night one of the festival!! (She also styled a lot of outfits for Gerard on the last tour!)
“Hey everybody!” ~ Gerard as he was going backstage!
Gerard got on their tippy toes to reach over to fans on the other side of the fence 🥹
Cherry, Miles, and Lily (Frank’s kiddos) watching the Dunes set from yesterday <3 (and a bonus- it’s also Frank’s second tonight’s our night post for MCR since last year!)
Pete of FOB once again hyped up the crowd for MCR’s set during FOB’s!!!
Pixels of Mikey and Frank!!!
“Thank you” ~ Gerard after I Don’t Love You 🥹
“There was a summer, I started collecting knives. Big bags full of knives. It’s because my friend died. And I was hoping somebody would try to hurt me so I could kill them. And he fell down. And one day he went to sleep forever.” ~ GERARD BEFORE SLEEP
“Vegas, I want you you to let go of everything. Everything!” ~ also Gerard before Sleep!
Gerard also laughed during Sleep 😭
“Good night Las Vegas!” ~ Gerard before Helena!
This photo of Gerard…
Gerard met some fans after the show!!
Some of the photos Beemer took last night!
INCREDIBLE video of Gerard
Hi if you’ve made it this far! Welcome to the 2024 list for MCR!- that feels so good to say omg
I’m so excited to be posting this after having it in my drafts since last November. And it was so exciting to be liveblogging about an MCR show again with everyone!!
I hope it isn’t a long time before we all can do this again. Following the tour was such an incredible experience for me and to do it again for two nights only this weekend was amazing
Anyways, thank you if you’ve made it this far. And I hope all of you enjoy looking back on the list!!
My Chemical Romance forever and ever, okay? <33333
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Ok so I can't screenshot so I'm putting this in the asks but people are talking about netanyahu because he's getting the attention right now. And that's because he's genociding Gaza right now and nothing else of that scale happened since. So of course he's the it girl rn.
Like I wholeheartedly agree with you, we shouldn't be saying people "deserve to die", I just want to point out that I don't like it whenever people go "but why are people talking about this figure (who's getting all the attention right now) and not these other figures? (Who aren't getting attention)"
But TLDR netanyahu's doing some fuck shit that's getting reported on so obviously he's getting talked about the most generally.
To bring it back to the original conversation, people were talking about Putin when the Russo Ukraine war was going on. I saw people get excited at the idea that he might have cancer when that lump on his face showed up. Putin was the it girl and now it's netanyahu.
Look I'm sure you don't mean it this way, but the original comment I was responding to was antisemitic and your comments excusing it are microaggressions.
[Original post for reference]
There are a few things going on here:
1. People are giving a hugely disproportionate amount of attention to Israel's military response to the October 7th massacre in Gaza because they are antisemitic. There have been plenty of humanitarian crises affecting Palestinians in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt, yet the world literally only cares about them if they can use it as a cudgel against Jews. Obviously it's a humanitarian crisis and it deserves attention, and Israel deserves scrutiny and accountability for its actions. But the laser focus on Israel and only Israel belies the true motivation.
2. There are numerous other humanitarian crises happening right now that affect substantially more people, and which are unquestionably genocide. Can you name them? Can you tell me the relevant major players by name? Can you tell me the number of people murdered? Why or why not?
3. Specifically naming Bibi out of every possible vile human one could name, to me, specifically, a Jew - that's extra sus. Taken in combination with the previous points? Yeah, it's antisemitic.
4. The genocide of Ukraine by Russia is still ongoing, and ignorance about it is leading to dwindling support to such an extent that Ukrainians are having to ration bullets to defend themselves with. This one isn't meant as a scold, by the way — the plight of Ukraine is getting intentionally buried. Please don't stop talking about Ukraine, they need all the help they can get.
[And in b4 someone thinks I'm trying to say you shouldn't pay attention to what is happening in Gaza: please DO keep paying attention to Gaza and keep holding Bibi's feet to the fire. He's awful, his policies are awful, and he's encouraging the absolute worst members of Israeli society for his own selfish reasons. The people of Gaza are going through hell and need our help. Just please, for the love of G-d fact check things first and make sure you're not "supporting Palestine" by being antisemitic. Also make sure you are holding Hamas responsible for its part in the humanitarian crisis.]
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seafoamreadings · 6 months ago
week of october 6th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: your personal life and your professional life are on different schedules right now. what may seem like a setback is actually guiding you toward a better path.
taurus: expect your week to have a lot of romantic notes, but don't expect them to really pan out, at least not in the ways that would seem obvious. these vibes come in from some other realm and are not really quite of this world. just enjoy them while they are here.
gemini: jupiter is positively aspected in your sign by your ruling planet (in libra) as it goes retrograde. you may have one day or so that seems unlucky or particularly clumsy. yet these minor mishaps are somehow helping you to dodge a more sinister bullet.
cancerians: while pluto stations are not frequently cause for fanfare, this station direct at the very end of capricorn means pluto is about to (in november) move out of your 7th house of relationships/"the other" for the rest of your lifetime. pluto is always out there up to something, but it will be refreshing! between now and november, there may be a few last little death throes. or at least twitches. have patience and hang on.
leo: someone at the fringe of your circle can turn out to be unexpectedly a helpful person or even a lifesaver. this is not someone you know well, more like someone you know vaguely about, a friend of a friend (of a friend?) or a kindly mentor just entering your life around now. let them help you even if you know you can be independent.
virgo: let yourself have two big goals this week. first, have fun even if it seems to be in a manner that will meet with some social disapproval. you don't have to broadcast it. if it's within your own ethics, don't fear judgment. second, apparent setbacks in career or reputation are not as disastrous as you may initially fear, so try to stay calm and do whatever damage control you can. (these two points may or may not be connected.)
libra: when it rains you have options, right? stay inside and pout about it or dress appropriately and go about your life, for example. whatever happens this week isn't all about you, just like sometimes an inconvenient rain storm is needed for the flowers outside. draw on your resources to get through it and try to appreciate some facet of it.
scorpio: mercury makes an auspicious and spiritually lucrative trine to jupiter before joining charming venus in your sign. this week people may see you as quite human. later they see you as powerfully enchanting.
sagittarius: in a few days your ruling planet jupiter goes retrograde in your opposite sign. while overall the retrograde just slightly mutes jovial effects and turns them inward, the day of the station (see the transit posts for more) can be a bit hectic in your relationships/partnerships.
capricorn: this week is when pluto goes direct in your sign for the last time (effectively forever - no one now living will be around the next time it happens). this provides you with forward momentum if there is any system you need to take down and destroy, whether in order to rebuild it or because it needs to disappear forever.
aquarius: this is not exactly the best time for you to *have fun* per se, it is a bit more serious and better suited to work and deep thought. but this doesn't totally exclude a good time, as long as you are dedicated to things that really matter to you.
pisces: perhaps your home life and your social life are both undergoing changes. what you can rely on better at this time is the long game. build your reputation and your health.
watch the transit posts in real time to have the best guide through your week. want a little more? have a look at my patreon or ko-fi.
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callimara · 1 year ago
I don't know what to do.
When I tried talking to a close relative of mine about Palestine, they went on a spiel. They insisted that it wasn't genocide, that Isr*el had given them their land, that Palestine was warned about the Hamas and still voted for them, that Palestine struck first, that Isr*el warned them and gave them time to move south before Isr*el attacked. They insisted the support for Palestine is spurred on by propaganda!
When I asked my relative for proof, they dodged the question, claimed they've known about the whole thing about Isr*el and Palestine for a very long time, and said something about something being in the quran.
Now I'm torn and I'm not sure what's true anymore!
I have so many asks to go through, but I think this one is very important to answer.
To start, I think you are very brave for asking questions and trying to find the truth amidst all the propaganda, so here's what I know.
For some context, I am an Indonesian, and Indonesia and Palestine have very close diplomatic relations and share many similarities in history. We were both colonized and had to resist occupation in a white supremacist world where you are seen as lesser if your skin isn't white and savages/terrorists if you resist or if you want your land back.
Palestine was also the first to recognize Indonesia's independence in 1945, and Indonesia has built a hospital in Gaza that is one of the last ones currently standing due to relentless Israeli bombardments.
People who have gone through oppression recognize oppression. And so far the only people I have seen supporting Israel have been people who had been indoctrinated with Zionist views from childhood, people who are NOT educated on the history of Israel (and why they were there in Palestine to begin with and it is NOT because of the holocaust, which I will explain further down), and Evangelical Christians who want to bring on the rapture. Even then, what they are so angry and appalled by are people calling to send aid, and their only argument for not allowing aid into Gaza because they will be used to create weapons and rockets.
They genuinely believe that Palestinians have a magical ability to turn things like food, water, and medicine into rockets.
So, I will go through your relatives' points one by one.
Firstly, it is not a religious issue. And it never had been. This is colonization and apartheid. Do not let the media or uninformed people tell you otherwise, because that is how they justify and defend its existence.
Israel gave them their land back
Lots of Israelis say that Israeli forces completely pulled out of Gaza in 2005. That isn't 'giving land back' that is 'withdrawing from taking more land.' The entirety of what is now Israel WAS Palestine, and Palestinians aren't even asking for ALL of it back, just the borders that they had in 1967.
Also, if you're wondering why they pulled back, it's because you cannot bombard your own occupied territory, which we see them doing freely now.
Palestine was warned about Hamas
Really? That's so funny because Hamas is backed and funded by Benjamin Netanyahu (his own words at a press conference with an Israeli news cite, not mine) and his US minions to try and oppose the PLO (Palestine Liberation Movement), who were seen as a more legitimate governing body that would make Israel and the US look bad for trying to eradicate them. So, they chose a more extremist group that they'd have an easier time selling as "barbaric terrorists" as a justification to bombard Gaza with impunity. If this sounds familiar, that's because it should. It's all part of their playbook.
Palestine struck first
This did not begin on October 7th. This has been going on since the Nakba in 1948. What happened on October 7th was tragic, but it was IDF bullets that killed those hostages. It took them 6 hours to respond (a survivor said that Hamas had to ASK them to call the IDF, because they were not coming), and when they came, they killed their own civilians and hostages in the crossfire. Watch this video for the full evidence.
Hamas took hostages for a hostage swap. For the thousands of Palestinian civilians that had been kidnapped and wrongfully detained (some of them WITHOUT CHARGES) in Israeli prisons, which included KIDS. And as of now, Israel has rejected the Israeli hostages 3 times even though they are killing them in the bombardment.
Israel has something called the Hannibal Directive. Go look it up.
Because no one in their right mind would agree that just because there is a school shooter hiding inside a school with hostages while using the students as human shields, the only course of action is to then bomb the entire school.
And ask yourself, if this is truly a war on Hamas and Israel valued Palestinian civilian lives as much as they do Israeli lives, then if Hamas was hiding in Israel, would the IDF be using the same approach as they are currently using for Gaza? And if not, then why.
Israel warned them and gave them time to move south
They gave 1 million people 24 hours to complete a trek that would have taken 72 hours. 1 million people who had mostly been women, children, and the handicapped. And during the evacuation, they were bombing convoys, ambulances, and safe routes. Then when they finally got to the south of Gaza, they were bombed there too. In the place where they were supposed to be safe.
Also, if Russia had warned Ukraine that they were going to bomb them and gave them time to evacuate, does that then make it ok for Russia to bomb Ukraine? Of course not, that's a silly argument.
The support for Palestine is spurred on by propaganda
Well, which one between Palestine and Israel literally has the entire western media in their pocket? Which one has been PAYING influencers to voice their support for their country? Which one has been proven to spread LIES unquestioned? (Like 40 beheaded babies, for instance? Or using AI generated images for proof?) Which one has been posting tweets proudly declaring that they have committed war crimes, deleting the tweets, and backtracking?
Which one has fucking social media accounts that are beefing with models and celebrities who are against them, and are using influencer's images without their permission to make it seem like they're on THEIR side?
So now, let's talk about Israel and Holocaust Survivors.
First of all, the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine began in 1917 when Britain signed the Balfour Declaration, which states that they are giving away their occupied colony of Palestine to a group of Zionists immigrating to Palestine from Eastern Europe and Yemen. First thing to note here, there were already Palestinians living on the land, it was not a barren empty land, and it was colonized by the British. So the British gave away stolen land that they had no right to give away in the first place.
The holocaust survivors didn't arrive in Israel until the end of WW2 in the 1940s where they were then scorned and laughed at by the Zionist settlers in Palestine for being 'weak victims.' The holocaust victims continued to be discriminated against and left to live in poverty by the Israeli gov't.
However, their arrival gave the west a reason to arm the settlers so that they can 'defend themselves' from all the 'vicious, evil, uncivilized Arabs' they were surrounded by. And they used this excuse and dehumanization to displace 750,000 Palestinians from their land. The Nakba.
And they continue to use the holocaust survivors (that they are also treating badly) as a shield from international criticism to expand until we have the borders we have today.
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torialefay · 1 year ago
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🥀 Mars in Sagittarius 🌒
bangchan as your boyfriend!!! (pt. 3, fighting)
(based on astrology) 🔞
✨bangchan x reader (f); angst, angst, angst;
(p.s. if you're here for the angst and not the astrology, scroll down to the star divider to start the story <3)
✨word count: ~ 6.1 k (i got carried away)
✨3rd part in a series!!! together, let’s take a look into chan’s natal chart to see what type of boyfriend he would be!
✨i will give a synopsis of what each chart placement means throughout the series (for all my non-astrology friends out there <3) and how that would affect channie in a relationship
✨ author’s notes:
(1) i am doing brief (just bullet points/highlights) astrological compatibility readings if anyone wants one! if you’re interested, message me your birth date, time, and location OR lmk your placements. i’m gonna limit the reading to include you x 1 skz member only! just specify who you’d like.
(2) the aspects in this reading are based solely on my opinions and interpretations! nothing about a person is set in stone simply because of astrology. please don’t use anything i say as canon :)
(3) tysm to @stayceebs97 for the ideas <3 you rock!
✨warnings: this part of the series is NOT sunshine and rainbows. it explores chan’s aggressive tendencies, which can be uncomfortable for some readers. also features a lot of cursing!
✨tl/dr: in fights, chan can be logical and wants to weigh all options. a lot of times, this does more hurt than good because it takes him a LONG time to bring up/respond to confrontation. he also has the tendency to project, which deeply affects him because he doesn’t want to admit that he is flighty (but he is low key high key). when things finally reach a boiling point, he tends to explode.
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Mars in Sagittarius:
-Mars is the planet that is involved in aggression, plans of action, and how people approach confrontation.
-Sagittarius is a fire sign, meaning that they can have fiery streak when provoked. However, the sign is the mutable one out of the fire signs, which means that this isn’t always expressed, but really does come out when the same fiery reaction is brought out in another. This also means that in difficult situations, he CAN defer to the partner if they have really strong feelings about something, but if a conclusion cannot be met, he is comfortable in leading the conversation.
-Sagittarius is also the sign of action and adventure. They are known for not wanting to settle down. In aggression, this can translate into the tendency to be flighty- to take off when things get uncomfortable. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they will leave forever, but they definitely need their space if they want to calm their hot-tempered nature.
-Sagittarius is also heavily influenced by justice and fairness. They value honesty and being real. They typically do not respond well to poor treatment, or when they see poor treatment of others. They strongly fight against situations in which people are being advantage of or being taken for granted.
Other aspects in the natal chart to consider: 1st House in Gemini, 7th House in Sagittarius, 6th house in Libra
1st house in Gemini:
-The first house, also known as the Ascendant or the Rising sign, is all about how others perceive you. Often, it represents people’s first impression of you, as it is how you respond to unfamiliarity and can be a mask of how you present yourself in these situations. It is not necessarily your personality (this would be the Sun sign, of which Chan’s is in Libra), but it is a more superficial level that is very reactionary.
-Gemini is a mutable air sign that is represented by “the twins.” This analogy is used to represent the duality of a person, and how they can seemingly show different sides of themselves to different people. Geminis usually get a lot of flack for being considered “fake.” However, much like Libras, Gemini just want to be accepted and well-liked in society, so they will placate to what others want. However, unlike Libra, this can sometimes come across as disingenuous to people that do not really know the person. In a more positive light, they are seen to be very open-minded and curious people.
7th house in Sagittarius:
-The 7th house can be thought of as the opposite of the 1st house. It is about how YOU see OTHERS. The lens through which you initially respond to other people and assess them. This is also a more superficial response, but is a more reactionary one, again when in a new or uncomfortable setting.
-As discussed previously, Sagittarius is known for being a fun, open, and adventurous sign. They strongly value their freedom and independence. These people tend to get along well with others and are very sociable.
-A person with a 7th house in Sagittarius sees others in a very positive light. They usually see other people as new friends to be made and new experiences to have. However, people with this sign also see others as people who are flighty and sometimes unreliable due to their want for freedom. They can falsely believe that someone is going to “leave them” when the going gets tough, or that they cannot always trust that person to be there for them- even if that is not the reality of the situation.
6th house in Libra:
-The 6th house is the area of reconciliation. It is involved in how you respond to conflict and what aspects of life are needed to be settled in order for you to “forgive and forget.” This also represents the way in which a person approaches fixing the aftermath of an argument, if choosing to do so.
-We know from previous parts in the series that Chan is very much tied to Libra (it is actually also his Sun, Moon, and Mercury signs). Libras are known for being people pleasers and being well-liked. They also are associated with the balancing scale, meaning they truly value balance and harmony in their lives. They seek to attain this balance, as it is what keeps them sane from trying to please everyone all at once. Libras are very good at molding themselves into situations and meeting people where they are.
-Chan has several planetary placements in the 6th house. These include the Moon (ruler of emotions), Venus (ruler of love and beauty), Mars (ruler of aggression) and Pluto (ruler of reconciliation). This would most likely manifest in him needing to DEEPLY discuss the root of the problem in order to put a fight to rest. He has to satisfy this urge from the emotional, relational, and conflictive levels. He also has a strong desire to make amends, even if he doesn’t quite know how to initiate it or takes a while to do so. He will be in a very irritable mood until the issue is resolved.
As your boyfriend:
• You and Chris do not get into fights very often. Overall, his personality is very harmonious, and you typically get along very well in daily life. Down to the little things, he is often very understanding of you and wants to see things from your perspective.
• However, when fights do happen, it is most likely something he has been tethering with for a while or something that you brought up yourself.
• When Chan is mad, he doesn’t hide it well. When he’s upset about something, he will not talk about it right away. He will most likely resort to a blank or annoyed face, stop being talkative, and recluse to a different room. This can go on for hours or sometimes days until he feels like he is ready to talk about it (if he even does talk about it) or until you MAKE him talk about it.
• He gets most upset when he feels like he is being lied to or not being told the complete truth. He also gets very bothered when he feels like people he loves are being treated poorly. He HATES feeling like someone is trying to tie him down or keep him complacent when there’s something he really wants to go for.
• When something starts to bother him, he will start out being cold or distant, and will tend to run away from the problem. However, since he has a 7th house in Sag, he is likely to project this onto others. He starts to see them this way. One of his greatest fears is people leaving him, as he tends to be flighty himself. He has the mentality that he shouldn’t always bring up a problem, or it is okay to try to run from it, because other could leave him anyways if he made a big deal.
• I want to re-emphasize HOW MUCH of a problem this is for Chan. He deeply understands what it feels like to want to run and hide, but he is ashamed of it. Instead (due to 7th house also in Sag), he will project it onto you. He will think that if he talks to you when he is angry that you will leave him. That you will not speak to him. What he fails to realize is that it is he HIMSELF who does this, not the other way around. He justifies his moody spells and flightiness by thinking you would probably behave the same. He may even not see it as a big problem unless you extensively talk to him about it. It is a part of his nature (literally in his stars) to think this way, so he will need you to work with him on it.
• His Gemini placement in the 6th house hints that he can actually get pretty explosive when the blame is placed on him, especially if he thinks that it is unfair.
• His first reaction when getting into a heated fight can be intense- when it finally comes to a head, when he finally gets so worked up about it, he releases everything all at once. He can be loud and can say things he may not actually mean. With his Ascendant Gemini energy, he will know a lot about you and could bring up some things that he knows will deeply upset you. This is not his true intention, and this is not who he really is. It is a coping mechanism that he likely had to develop early in life. It is further exacerbated by the fiery energy of Sag in Mars.
• Again, you do not fight very often. Maybe minor disagreements here and there. But when there is a true fight, it is a BIG fight. A MOODY fight. Everything is laid out on the table and feelings will get hurt in the process. It may only happen a few times in your relationship, because eventually you both learn how each other operates. Chan learns that you are NOT going to leave him over a silly fight, and he learns to control his tongue (and stop saying shit he doesn’t even mean) when he gets to his boiling point.
• I want to make a point to say that Chan would never hit you, nor physically hurt you in any way during an argument. His chart does not suggest that at all. Any and all fighting would be verbal, or maybe even on an emotional level if distancing himself comes into play.
• After a fight, after Chan has exploded, he immediately feels remorseful. His Sun in Libra demonstrates that this is not AT ALL what he wanted or who he is. And although he prides himself for not letting many fights ensue, he can’t help but be ashamed at how he handles things once he finally explodes. He knows he has to learn how to open up more frequently about what he’s feeling, but it is very hard for him. He doesn’t know how to talk to you about certain things because he thinks it will make him look “weak.” What Channie fails to realize is that once he overcomes this, simply talking with you about it before it bubbles over, can quickly put out any fire that he feels.
• Although Chan feels terrible after a fight with you, reconciling what happened is difficult for him. He has to look at the fight from all different angles to fully get over it. He needs to come to understand the emotions behind it- both his emotions and your emotions. At the end of the day, he wants and NEEDS to maintain this love. He will work very hard to try and understand your differences. He needs to get to the root cause. He also questions his aggressive nature and why he reacts the way that he does. Overcoming this is one of his greatest difficulties. But it can happen. And once you have both sat down and assessed the situation, he can finally come to terms that it will be okay. That he can do better, and that you are not going to simply run away because of your disagreement.
• Chan will spend daysss, weeks even, trying to make things up to you. He is deeply bothered by the way that he acts in a fight. He simply cannot handle any residual hard feelings over the careless words he let leave his mouth. He would spend the rest of his lifetime making it up to you if he had to. You were supposed to be his peace, his inner balance, and his comfort away from the struggles of his daily life… And this is how he treated you. It was in the heat of the moment, sure. But to him, it is still unacceptable. And he resents himself for it. The fact that you stayed with him, that you remained faithful to him, that you didn’t LEAVE him made his heart shatter. He knows you are too good to him, and he promises to do better for you too.
• Chan, like I’ve said a million times, KNOWS you. He knows your love language. And to make it up to you, he is going all out. You like acts of service? He is keeping the house spotless for the next month so you don’t have to lift a finger. You like quality time? He is canceling all of his plans to go wherever you want- maybe even go on a quiet trip together. If work doesn’t let him, he’s gonna ask you to tote along with him. He’s just happy knowing you’re happy. You’re more into physical touch? He is snuggling into you all hours of the day. Hell, even the night. If he wakes up and isn’t holding you anymore, he turns his ass back around to cup you in his arms. You experience love through getting gifts? He’s getting you that ring you wanted… actually he’s buying you one in every stone just to be sure. He’d buy you a fucking house if he could decipher which would be the perfect one. You love having words of affirmation? He will hold you next to his chest before bed, telling you what a perfect girl you are and how he can’t believe how lucky he is to have you. How someone like him could be so blessed by fate to end up with someone like you. How he would never be good enough for you, but he would die trying. How perfect you looked in this moment, natural and soft. How he can’t wait to make you his wife and the mother of his children some day. How unbelievable it would be to watch someone as pure, faultless, and beautiful as you give him a precious baby- because even if they… No, she. Channie insisted it would be a girl. Even if she carried on his last name, she would be able to keep her mother’s perfection.
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• Chan has been watching you. He’s been watching you for weeks. He didn’t consider himself to be a possessive boyfriend, but just because he didn’t consider himself that doesn’t mean he isn’t one.
• You had both agreed to share your phone location with one another. What if something happened to you? What if your phone went missing? Neither of you thought much about it. You didn’t check it anyways.
• But Chan did. He had to. He wished he wouldn’t have. He’s been going crazy ever since.
• A little over 2 weeks ago, you had come home late from work. Later than usual… by a lot. It had been almost 2 hours past your normal arrival time. He wouldn’t have normally given it much thought, but you didn’t even text him to let him know. He thought it was weird, but he shook it off. You said you had ran to get some art supplies, evident from the bag in your hand, and got stuck in traffic afterwards. Channie believed it.
• It wasn’t until the next time you were late that he caught on. It was only 3 days after the first occurrence, and now here you were, 2.5 hours late already and still not home. He got worried about you. He texted. He called. Nothing. He started to think something was wrong. He quickly scrolled to your name in his phone and clicked on the “Location” tab. He was so scared.
• ‘Why are you at Felix’s apartment? And not answering my calls?’ He thought. He called you again. And again and again, to no avail. Shortly after, he saw the blue dot on the map moving, slowly headed back to the apartment you shared.
• He thought it was random, weird even, that you’d be at Felix’s place without him. But who knows. He was sure there was a reason for it. He knew you’d tell him. Only… you never did.
• “What took you so long babe?” He pried when you had gotten through the door and into the kitchen. You hoisted 4 heavy bags onto the kitchen counter.
• “I just had to stop and pick up some stuff to bake with. They were out of almost everything! I had to look around a lot.” Well yeah, you had all the essentials. Flour, sugar, baking soda, chocolate chips. He waited on you to say that you had stopped by Felix’s to grab what you couldn’t find at the store. He waited for you to explain that you’d just popped by his apartment really quickly because you knew he kept what you needed. But you didn’t say anything. Not a damn thing more.
• Chan could have prodded. He could have poked. He could have asked you what you were doing at Felix’s apartment. But he didn’t want to seem crazy. He didn’t want you to think he was trying to control you- he knew how much he would hate that too. He figured you had just forgotten to mention the little Felix detail. 'It just slipped your mind' is what he told himself. ‘It was such a small detail that you didn’t even think to mention it,” he reasoned.
• He still couldn’t deny that he was a bit upset though. He bottled it in as best as he could. He put up a good front and a good attitude and acted like nothing was wrong. And it probably wasn’t. But he quickly favorited the “Locations” tab on your page just to be safe.
• You were bolting to your apartment door as quickly as you could. You were out way later than expected again. ‘Fuck. Chan is gonna start to catch on if you don’t start being more careful’ you told yourself. You unlocked the door and put on a big smile to greet your boyfriend, who you hoped wasn’t busy. You had a long day and really just needed him to help you decompress.
• “Babe, I’m home!” you yelled as you made your way through the hall and to the kitchen and living area. You looked around and didn’t see him anywhere. No response either.
• “Baby?” You called again. You checked the bathroom and the back deck, but no sign of Chris anywhere. It wasn’t like him to be in his room already, but you’d seen his car parked in his spot, so you knew he had to be here.
• You pushed open the bedroom door. “Chris?” You peaked your head in. You saw his curly little head faced away from you in his chair, hunched over his laptop. “Oh there you are! I started to get worried when you didn’t answer me.”
• “I could say the same.” He spun his chair around. You couldn’t quite make out the look on his face. He was serious. Stern. Upset? You saw his jaw was clenched.
• “What are you talking about?” You questioned him, furrowing your brows and gazing down to look at him.
• “I don’t know, maybe check your phone.” His eyebrows were raised at you, slightly scowling. You pulled your phone from your pocket and unlocked it. You usually had it silenced when you went to visit Felix… Fuck. 6 unread texts and 3 missed calls.
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• “I’m so sorry, I’ve had my phone on silent basically all day. I’ve just been slammed at work and was trying to get caught up. I should have called and let you know I’d be late again. I’m so sorry.” You could feel yourself start to sweat.
• “Where did you go after work?” he asked with zero emotion in his voice this time. ‘Play it cool, y/n. Play it cool,’ you coached yourself.
• “Nowhere. I was at work and then I came straight home.” God, you felt like shit lying to him like this. You crossed your arms, trying to lean your weight back and look relaxed. Suddenly, Chan stood up out of his chair.
• “Don’t fucking lie to me y/n.” He was only inches in front of your face now.
• “I’m not lying to you! Where else would I have been?” you huffed out. You tried to look upset back, to stand your ground and hopefully convince him that you were telling the whole truth. You tried, but you could barely stomach him yelling at you like that.
• “Where would you have been? Hmm… I don’t know. Maybe with fucking Felix! Does that ring a bell?” he yelled at you. He had turned a new shade of crimson you’d never seen before. His eyes were dark, like there was nothing left in them except for rage.
• You didn’t say anything. You couldn’t. Your mouth simply wouldn’t move. You couldn’t deny that you were with Felix because you were. But it wasn’t fair for Chan to be yelling like he was.
• He took your silence as his cue to continue his now rampage. “Jesus Christ! I’m not stupid, y/n! I’ve been watching you for weeks just come home late with some bullshit excuse why you weren’t home sooner, why you didn’t check your phone, why you’ve been ‘soooo exhausted’… I mean fucking hell, could you have made it any more obvious? So yes, YES I checked your location and goddamn it if you weren’t with Felix of all people! And surprise, surprise! Every time I texted him, he NEVER responded until your location tracker had left his building… Mmmm, isn’t that funny?” He let his eyes rise up towards the ceiling, tongue poking into his cheek before he scoffed at you. “I should have fucking known better. I should have fucking known… You know what? Maybe this was my fault. It was my fault for getting with a whore in the first place.” Your jaw dropped. There is no way he just said that. There’s no way he thinks that about you. He knew everything about you. He knew how you had struggled with your sexuality before meeting him. He knew how insecure you were in your body and how you went out seeking approval in the wrong ways. How you felt like you needed approval from men to not feel terrible about yourself. How you felt extremely guilty and disgusted by yourself for mistakes you’d made in the past because of it. He knew that was the part of you that you constantly tried to hide from him. He knew how it took you almost a year of dating him before you felt comfortable enough with him to talk about it. Out of everything he could have called you, he chose whore? That was a deep fucking cut. You stumbled backwards slightly, trying to find some way to get your mouth to start moving.
• “Yeah, you have nothing to say for yourself, huh? Pathetic.” This was the angriest you’ve ever seen him. You didn’t know he was capable of this scope of intimidation. He towered over you, like watching his prey before he made his next move.
• “It’s not what it looks like,” was all you could muster up the courage to get out.
• “It’s not what it looks like… It’s not what it looks like?! Then tell me what it fucking is because to me, it looks like my whore of a girlfriend is going behind my back and fucking my best friend. I mean, Felix used to talk about how hot you were before we got together, but I never thought he’d pull this shit.” He looked off and made an annoying smirk. He started to half laugh/ half scream. “This shit is fucking crazy! It’s just too fucking good!”
• Seeing Chris get so upset that he started laughing into it made you want to crouch into a ball in the corner of the room. You wanted to disappear. None of this was your fault. “Chris, just let me explain,” you sobbed. You couldn’t help it.
• “Oh look, now you’re crying,” he taunted you. “If anything, I should be the one crying. I mean goddamn it y/n. What didn’t I have? What didn’t I give you? You had to go off and get it somewhere else? And with Felix. Of course with my fucking best friend,” Still red as ever, you saw a single tear start to form in his eye.
• He looked down and to the side to stop you from seeing his broken expression. “I knew you would do this y/n. It’s not like I didn’t expect it. Just take advantage of me and then leave me like everyone else,” he was full-on bawling. You could hear it in his voice. He almost couldn’t get his words out anymore. “What did I do to deserve this?” He let his blood-shot, trickling eyes make full contact with yours.
• “Chris, you didn’t do anything. Just let me expl-“ you got cut off.
• “Don’t bother. Just go back out and do whatever the fuck you need to do to make yourself feel better. Obviously it’s not me. By all means, don’t let me stop you from doing what you want.” He all but spat in your face. “Not that you gave a fuck about me anyways.”
• You were stunned. Not stunned because you were scared, but stunned because of how WRONG he was. And how much disrespect he had just shown you. Who was he to cut you off when you were trying to talk? You had never been more furious in your life.
• “CHRISTOPHER BANG if you do not let me talk, I will walk out of this house and never fucking turn back, I promise you!” You screamed so loud you were sure the neighbors would hear. You didn’t care. You’d passed your breaking point and you would continue to scream as much as you damn well pleased. “Okay, yes, I admit it! I did lie to you! But not because I was CHEATING on you with Felix?? What the actual fuck?! Since you HAVE to know, we’ve been working on getting everything ready for the surprise birthday party that we were throwing YOU this weekend! I didn’t want to keep it from you, but we can’t have a surprise party without the fucking surprise!” you continued to shout. Chan’s jaw dropped open. His expression was blank. “Here I was thinking that I was being a good girlfriend, but apparently I’m just some whore to you! I can’t fucking believe you.” Scared of what else you would say if you stayed, you sharply turned on your heels to hurry out of the room. You quickly made your way to the bathroom, locked it behind you, turned the lights off and fan on. You leaned back until you could feel the cold wall behind you. You let yourself fall against it and slide down until you were sitting in the floor, bringing your knees up in front of your face. There was nothing left for you to do except to sob. Was this really your boyfriend?
• 10 minutes went by of nothing but tears. You were finally at the point where you had exhausted yourself of crying. You felt your tongue go dry. There was nothing left in you. All you could do was wipe the tears from your face and try to catch your breath. Deep breaths in and out. In and out. ‘It will be okay,’ you kept repeating to yourself.
• All of a sudden, you heard a tiny knock at the door. ‘Fuck off,’ you thought. You couldn’t be bothered to move a single inch.
• “Y/n? Please can you open the door? Please. I need to talk to you. I’m so sorry.”
• Silence was all you gave him. He wasn’t going to get anything else.
• Knock, knock, knock. He tried again. “Please open up for me. I need to see you, I need to apologize to you. I was wrong. Just please come out or open the door so I can come in.”
• You stayed radio silent. All you wanted in this moment was for him to go away. You just wanted to be left alone until you were exhausted enough to fall asleep and get out of this hell of a day.
• A couple more tiny ‘knock, knock’s could be heard, but they were much quieter this time. You heard a sniffle from the other side of the door. In a tiny strained voice, “Baby… baby please open up. Please, I’m begging.” You didn’t think you’d ever heard him in much desperation. “Y/n please. God, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” He started bawling. You could tell from the sounds behind the door that he had done just like you and had thrown himself into the floor, curling up against his knees. You could hear him quietly sobbing into them. You couldn’t explain it, but it made you feel even worse. To know that he was on the other side, feeling just as badly. You almost felt sorry for him. Almost. You could hear his hushed cries for at least 5 minutes before things started to settle down. It calmed you, but also made your heart start to race when the air was now filled with complete silence for the first time since you’d arrived home.
• You heard Chan sniff. You could tell he was trying to collect himself. Suddenly, you heard a tiny knock again. You didn’t respond. In the most diminutive voice you’ve ever heard, he whispered out, “I love you. And I am so sorry.” He sat there for a few seconds, contemplating if he should even keep going. Why would you care what he had to say anymore? He was the biggest asshole, and there was no coming back from that. He didn’t mean any of what he said in the slightest. All he knew is that he was hurt, so he wanted to hurt you back. God, he wished he didn’t. He wished he wasn’t the most useless human on the face of the earth. All he had wanted to find in life was you. He spent forever trying to earn you, to get you to give him the time of day, and now look at him. He was disgusted in himself. How could he ever come back from this? How could he ever come back from you? There was no coming back from you. It was either you or no one.
• He continued to whisper, to plea, to cry using only his voice. “I understand if you never want to talk to me again. I genuinely… I don’t,” you heard him blow out a slow exhale. “I don’t know what came over me. I know I need serious help, and I want to get it. It’s just- it’s just-“ the tears started to fall slowly. “When I thought about you with Felix… You, my perfect fucking girl, with another man… Someone else holding you. Someone else taking you. Someone else kissing your perfect little face…” he cried. “Y/n I just lost it. I saw red… And in that moment, nothing could stop me. If I wasn’t such a fucking idiot, I would have shut up. I would have let you talk to me about it. And I should have. But I am the absolute biggest fucking loser on this earth. I am so sorry. You don’t have to say anything, I just want you to know that I truly did not mean a single word of what I said. You are the most perfect person I have ever known. I am so in love with you that it hurts- it hurts to know that I caused you any pain at all, let alone this. I’m not asking you to ever forgive me, but just know that I will never forgive myself. I love you, y/n.”
• You remained silent again. You were trying to take in everything Chan had said, to try and store it all in your brain. But you were exhausted and could barely keep up. You listened as he began to cry once more.
• “If you want me to go, then I’ll go. I can find somewhere else to stay and you can have some peace,” he weeped and wiped at his eyes. “No matter what happens, just know that you were the best thing to ever happen to me. I will never love anyone the way that I love you. You will forever be the first thing on my mind when I wake up, and the last face I see before I close my eyes.” He was sobbing uncontrollably, his words now muffled, as he uses his hands to cover his face. “In my last days, when my body finally gives in, I will thank God for allowing me to have such a woman in my life, only if for a while. Your name will be the last word that I ever utter and your soul will be the last thought I ever have. I promise, y/n, it is a privilege to love you and I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel otherwise. I never deserved you in the first place.”
• He sat for another moment, and you could hear him take a deep breath, almost choking on the fluid collected in his throat. You heard a rustling motion as he pushed himself up slowly off the floor and then shuffle his way back to his room.
• He stopped dead in his tracks, sure he was being delusional. He turned his body back toward the path he’d just walked. He wasn’t delusional. The door was cracked open. “Baby? Did you do that? Is it okay if I come in?” He spoke softly towards you.
• “Yes,” you finally strained out. You told yourself that you shouldn’t do it. But you knew why you did. You loved him back. Everything he just said about you is exactly how you felt about him. You believed him when he said he didn’t mean the words he spoke to you. You also believed him when he said he wanted to get help. I guess more than anything, you believed he was truly sorry. You weren’t going to be able to live with yourself if you gave up on him like that- to live in a world not knowing whether this life with him could have been beautiful. To live in a world where you had to constantly think about him and if he still loves you as much as you love him. No matter how much your brain tried to make you say no, you just couldn’t. Not on him. That’s not how your heart works.
• He slowly eased his way inside the door frame, gently walking so as to not startle you. You could barely make him out with only a small amount of light from the hall peaking in, but you could always make out those loose curls. Seeing his beautiful, swollen, tear-covered face, you let out another small cry for yourself.
• “My sweet baby,” Chan extended his body down to you. He took your face in both of his hands and brought his face right to your level. He stroked your cheek with his thumb to wipe away a stray tear. He then tilted his head slightly up and yours slightly down, to leave the most gentle, lingering kiss on your forehead. You felt it burn into your skin. Not in a bad way. In a way that you had been craving it and didn’t even know until now. In a way that was searing away any wounds that you may have gotten. He pulled his face back and wrapped his arms around you tightly in a hug.
• “I love you baby. I’m so sorry. I will do everything I possibly can to show you that,” he whispered into the hair at the back of your neck.
• “You promise you didn’t mean what you said?” you whispered back, sniffling.
• “Pinky promise. Cross my heart and hope to die.”
• “Then I love you too,” you pulled him back off of you slightly. You wanted to make sure he could see the entirity of your face. “Which is why you are going to therapy.”
• He giggled like a small child. “I think that’s a good idea,” he smiled brightly. “How about we start that therapy with this?” He leaned in to join his lips with yours in the deepest kiss you think you’ve ever felt. Maybe this is therapy for you both.
Mars in Sagittarius
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appleblueberry-pie · 2 years ago
Yandere! Scarface Gojo x afab! Reader who's ovulating and speaks whatever the hell is on her mind.
You could care less about how you got locked up in this beautiful and very isolated cabin surrounded by hundreds of miles of forest trees. And how many times you tried to save your dignity by escaping your captor from hell.
All you could think about was the man in front of you who got into bed with you, shirtless and only in his boxers, getting comfortable. It was silent, and all you could do was.....stare at his.....[very gorgeous body that caught your eyes. But you'd never say that out loud. Or would you?]body.
.............Satoru will admit. It's silent! And you're never silent. He doesn't look at you, he gives it a second before you start calling him very mean names and how his love logic is the worst kind of logic ever and that he should let you go. But it never comes.
So he gives in and turns, a slight smile on his face. But it falters, very surprised.
You have this look on your face.
....he doesn't know what to think. It's so....raw....?
You're staring at him with this look of unfaltering love and trust and....what? Lust? It's almost creepy.
This is a face you only make in his dreams. He thinks back, unsure if he drugged you with something. But nothing comes up.
You haven't scooted away, you're just sitting there, completely turned to him and admiring him.
"Uh....." For once, he doesn't know what to say. "Is there something on my face?"
You actually, like, smile at his joke. Like full teeth and it's gorgeous. And he can't help but mirror your expression.
"That was funny. And yeah, obviously. You got some cute scars on your face. And body." Unashamed, you trail your eyes down to the rest of his body.
Um, woah? You haven't laughed at his jokes since September 20th. He scrunches his eyebrows, really thinking now.
Either this is a joke, or you're trying to find a way to escape again, or someone's holding you at gunpoint.
But he knows no one would find this location, and he'd find them before they would've found you so that's out of the question.
None of the other options matter anyways, he's too impatient to see what else you'd say to him. You got him riled up.
"Oh, yeah?" He sits up a little more, the blanket falls down his stomach, showing his pelvis and legs, intentionally.
You hum in agreement and take this as an offer to trail your gaze even lower. Satoru cocks his head to the side. "What's gotten into you? Tryna escape again, or???"
You look back at him and slowly shake your head. "No, I just.....you look good." You shrug and give him a look of honesty. He's never seen your face so expressive since June 7th(he has videos from before he met you).
(I got tired of writing in bullet format)
He nods and scans your face once more before a smile slowly makes its way back to his face. "You think I look good?" You nod again. "Tell me how." You look away, thinking about it. "I don't know. You, uhh......even though you didn't have any scars before and looked good then," Oh, did he now?? "Your scars make you seem....wiser and hotter, I guess." Your heart was about to pound out of your chest. But it felt so good finally telling him about these pent-up feelings you've had for a few days now. And it's getting harder to ignore the throbbing in your pussy, anyways.
Satoru nods like he understands exactly what you're talking about, his ego suffocating the room. "Oh, I'm glad you shared that with me, baby." He sighs dramatically. "It must've been so hard for you not to communicate that with me, hm? These past few days, I've been in and out of here." You nod, and he smiles. He looks back at you and points to his side. "Come sit closer to me, I wanna feel you. There's also this new movie I want to watch."
Satoru keeps his eyes on your every move, watching as you slowly crawl your way into his arms and melt into them. He doesn't know what the hell has gotten into you but he fucking loves it. Your left hand on his stomach and your face leaning into his chest. Your legs are starting to tangle with his. This is all he's ever wanted.
He can....feel your heartbeat. Fast and hard to control. He can feel....your relaxed body on his. Your body warmth shared with his. Your soft and squishy skin. He's sure you wouldn't mind his hand going under your shirt, right? He doesn't do it, though. He just listens to your raging heartbeat. But he acts like he's ignoring it as he blindly searches through the streaming channel. Suddenly, he hears your quiet voice. "Hm?" He asks, turning his head down to face you. You look up at him with those large, innocent doe eyes that make his cock twitch. "Can i....I just wanna..." the remote almost cracks in his hand as your soft lips press against his neck. So warm and foreign.
Yeah, you're never seeing your family again. You slowly and surely pepper kisses along his neck. His lips part as your hand trails down his stomach and you lean into him more to reach farther on his face. Behind the ear, on the ear, you're getting to his high cheekbone. Your leg is almost draped over his and his heart beats faster.
You make a sound of happiness as you kiss at his jawline, too. But then you stop and Satoru comes down from his happy place, face red and cock straining his pants. "Wh....why did you stop?" You see his face and look confused. "Huh?" He gives you a dirty glance. Animalistic and unrestrained. "Don't stop kissing me." Before you could act on what he said or even comprehend it, he took matters into his own hands.
He firmly grabs your chin and pulls you into a deep, emotion filled kiss. He shoves his tongue down your throat, emptying your mind in the process. You moan into the kiss, which makes him moan too, and you absentmindedly grind into his side, horny and so needy. Satoru wraps his arm around your side and gropes it like it's the only thing keeping him alive. It actually hurts, and you could care less. It makes you even wetter. You wanna take your shirt off. You wanna feel his skin on yours so bad. Your knee brushes against his hard on. Immediately understanding what it is, your eyes open, and you gasp, separating from the kiss.
You look down at it, sparkles in your eyes. It looks so big! You wonder if it can fit? Or if you can ride it? Would he even let you ride it before creampie-ing you first? "Can I help?" Spills out of your lips faster than you can think. You look back at Satoru, who's a thousand degrees in love. Who is he to disagree? "You can do whatever you want, baby. But first, I gotta taste you." You nod, and Satoru has never been a happier man. Hopefully you won't regret your decision in a few more days.
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