#but that's neither here nor there)
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erinwantstowrite · 2 months ago
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getting out of art block by drawing grayson <333 um the second one is irrelevant but the 1st drawing is from a chapter 19 page that i can't show y'all yet <3
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spiritsglade · 2 months ago
thinking about how jason was disappointed by earth-51 bruce again. even though earth-51 was literally a utopia paradise all evil is dead the sun is shining the heroes are retired and living out happy lives. even though earth-51 bruce did exactly and precisely the act that jason wanted expected and needed his own bruce to do. earth-51 bruce killed the joker (with a gun!! good for him) and eradicated all evil and the world was demonstrably a better place for it.
and jason sees this bruce. this cold man who has shut everyone out. who is willing to prioritize winning over preserving human life. here he is jason. everything you've ever wanted. and jason reacts with disgust.
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wotchernewt · 4 months ago
i think the most interesting thing about wild life so far is how textually, canonically, Explicitly Stated Within The Episodes And Therefore Admissible As Canon Lore, grian is in control of this one. like you can go around writing angst about the rest of the life series being The Watchers tormenting everyone but this time it's unambiguously grian responsible for the torment. he knows all the wild cards in advance because he designed them, and he has the power and authority to stop them in their tracks if he decides they've gone too far. i want fifteen fics about this on my desk by this evening.
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bananapeeeeellssss · 3 months ago
I was reading a bunch of DPXDC stuff on here and AO3 with Ghost King Danny, and thinking about how people wrote when he spoke if it wasn’t hear-able to human ears or a different languages and that got me thinking - what would that sound like? Then my brain did some braining and thought - wouldn’t it be cool if it was just all languages overlapping? Like “Who goes there” in English, but at the same time every known and unknown language (or just the dead ones, since he *is* the Ghost King) at the exact same time with the translation. That would support the whole ‘super hard/impossible to translate’ because it could change every time depending on what languages or sounds are enunciated more.
Add in the fact that logically, the vast majority of gods would not just speak the language you know or maybe even the most commonly used, this kinda makes sense? Well, not really, but who cares. As a wise author once stated, “canon is a sandbox and I am the lightning which will shape it to glass” or smth like that. Also, anyone who dies instinctively knows how to understand the language(s) so they can understand their king (as Ghosts). So now I’m just imagining a situation like this (forgive me, I don’t know how to bold or italics or anything on tumblr I’m new-edit, some gracious soul taught me in the comments, may their pillow be the perfect temperature):
Constantine, furiously flipping through translations book after translation book of paranormal languages and not finding anything on God speak: “Bloody hell, where is it!”
Danny, who just got summoned by some cult/to save the world/for some other reason and has crazy social anxiety but needs some kind of ‘sacrifice’ to make the summoning legal or else do a bunch of paperwork, thinking: Can I just ask for a sacrifice? Would that be rude?
Danny, Awkwardly: “I need a sacrifice before I can leave. Just like a rock will do. I don’t like paperwork.”
Constantine, attempting to translate, gesturing vaguely and panicked as he continue to flip through book after book: “It’s saying that it needs a sacrifice in Kevlar**, something about a crystal, and Korea?*** I think it wants Black Bat as a sacrifice?
Jason, cackling: “How did you translate that so badly?”
**Sacrifice in Hmong is Kev txi
***Paperwork in Acoli is “Karatac”, also I know Cass is Chinese not Korean but for the sake of this Constantine does not and/or assumes that the Ghost King can’t tell
Or, Jason randomly discovering that he can understand any language now. Just not speak it.
In conclusion, I have now decided that whenever a god speaks it is representative of all those who have ever entered their domain or presence, and because mortals are not capable of understanding the complexities and beauties of language, they will never understand.
…crap, now I want to write a tragedy or essay or poem or something about the symbolism
TLDR: God language is just all languages overlapping at once, scenario, and author having a mental breakdown over ELA and this being much longer than expected
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yuri-anderperry · 6 months ago
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charlie freeloads despite having the money to pay for it
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cedric-k-rossignol · 11 days ago
Alright for the Undertaker & Tanaka crowd, i have silly thoughts (don't take them too seriously) & stupid feelings (ignore me) about Tanaka bowing to Undertaker at the end of Sebastian's fake ass funeral - in the OVA, that is. It doesn't happen in the manga, so sue me for taking the anime way too seriously and clinging to every scrap of subtext.
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oh how i wish to know the ways in which Undertaker trolled Sebastian while preparing his body for burial.
But what does happen in the manga is this exchange;
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"The Phantomhive family butler is not allowed to breathe his last before his master." Now, I'm going to take this a little too literally - after all, it's not as if Tanaka is saying once the Earl Phantomhive dies the butler must also die. But it is an interesting choice of words, isn't it?
Tanaka's master was first Claudia, who died, and then Vincent, who also died. So technically, Tanaka is free to die at any point, isn't he? Isn't he?
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I've said before that I do not think Undertaker and Claudia were married to each other. But in all ways that mattered, including fathering her children, Cedric was her de-facto husband, her partner. Claudia was undoubtedly Tanaka's master, as the head of the household... But there's something to be said for a servant's relationship to a spouse, isn't there? Cedric was a part of Claudia's life for at least 16 years. Tanaka's new master was Claudia's heir, but surely Tanaka felt some sort of (perhaps begrudging) obligation towards Cedric. He was the widow, left behind; not the heir, not a Phantomhive by blood or by name... But he was a part of the Phantomhive family, and that is who Tanaka claims to serve.
Don't get me wrong - we know that Tanaka cares deeply for o!Ciel (and I'm sure he cares for o!Ciel much more than he does the Undertaker). But when R!Ciel showed up, Tanaka appears to have chosen the 'rightful' heir... Or, in fact, did he just choose Undertaker?
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check out mr. blind-as-a-bat doing some light reading... Tanaka staring at him like you've got to be fucking kidding me
Tanaka knows so much about Undertaker, more than anyone else we've met so far in the story. He knows that Undertaker is not mortal; if he didn't know that when Claudia was alive, Undertaker not having aged a day in 40 years would be a dead giveaway. But he shares none of this information with Ciel - why? Does he not think it's his place? Is he trying to protect Ciel? Or does his obligation to Claudia's 'spouse' outweigh his service to either twin? Or is it Undertaker's cause to which Tanaka feels an obligation - not the bizarre dolls, but Undertaker's vendetta against Queen Victoria, that Claudia likely shared? Does Tanaka still see himself as bound in service to Cedric, unable to breathe his last before his master?
The irony being Tanaka is probably just as fed up with Undertaker as Sebastian is with Ciel, if not moreso. He became a surrogate father to Vincent and Frances, and a surrogate grandfather to the twins... Not the step-dad, but the dad who stepped up. And he's forced to make nice with the asshole who abandoned his kids...
A tale as old as time 😌
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siggiedraws · 4 months ago
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hahahaha aw man
I'm just gonna be real here - I don't care. I hold zero stock or even respect for anything said in the takeovers. I don't even watch them anymore. It's clear that they are written facetiously and I don't enjoy that type of writing; I vastly prefer something that is genuine and heartfelt. Not to mention the characters are not consistent to the games at all, because proper characterization is far from their list of priorities. So I treat it the way it wants to be treated - as a dumb joke that shouldn't be taken seriously.
Seeing how many people are upset, I think I have to emphasize that random videos made by the social media team are not canon. They're memes. Sonic saying Silver is like a little brother in some tiktok video does not affect me. Shipping is just for fun!
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obae-me · 1 year ago
He looks at you like artistry. A contemporary piece he's never seen before. Taking in every detail with calculating eyes. Wondering what intentions the skillful hands of the cosmos had in mind when making you.
He wishes to know your story, the happiness that makes the music of your voice, the experiences settled in the sculpt of your frame, the tragedies brushed into the strokes of your irises.
The complexities of your being astound him, mesmerize him. Every new fact he learns about you adds another stanza to your sonnet.
To him, you are art in its purest form. Not one part can exist without the other. The greatest of symphonies would not be complete without their rests. He adores all of you.
How foolish he was at first, to think you were just a simple creature. Oh, the things he has taken for granted. When did he become so blind? Was it his Pride? Or had he simply been breathing for so long, that the sweet orchestra of life became dull to his ears? How long had it been since he stopped to watch people commune in the streets? Or sat a while to watch the trees sway from his window? Or pondered on the meaning of a wonderful word?
Excitement. How many centuries since he's felt like that? Filled with a rather humiliating child-like giddiness. But it's...invigorating. Everything stands out to him fresh, avant-garde. You remind him that there's still so much for him to discover.
A change in the wind, the turning of a page to a whole new chapter, a swelling crescendo, you are enticing. Every second spent with you leaves him craving more.
All he desires is to be in your presence. To see your colors. To hear your melody. To bask in the opus of your existence. It was only a matter of time before you would manage to become his everything, his obsession, his passion. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
For Lucifer is a connoisseur, and to him, you are nothing less than the crown of luxury.
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odd-chips · 1 month ago
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"When Tim bolted out of the photo booth, I had no idea where he could have gone. Apparently he nearly got sick on someone's shoes before dipping out the back door. "I caught him smoking outside. (He's supposedly trying to quit, but I noticed he'd picked the habit back up again recently) I wanted to scold him about it, ask him what made him fall off the wagon, ask him what was wrong. "But when his head snapped up to glare at me... it sounds silly, but I don't know. It didn't even seem like it was Tim looking back at me. I just left him to it. He seemed like he needed the space."
The first month or so after getting cursed, things would be real rough for not only Tim, but Ratman as well.
When he first shows up, Ratman just sort of has a normal rat brain and doesn't realize how freakishly large he is. As time goes on though, he starts to soak up life experience and gain more human-ish consciousness (because he's got a human-ish brain mixed up in there), but at the beginning, he has regular rodent freak outs about loud sounds, weird smells, and as seen at this infamous New Year's party, flash photography.
He gets better about it eventually, but for the first little while, Tim has no idea what these sudden panic attacks are about. He'll find out soon enough though. :)
And for funsies, here's the 4 panels so you can flip through them like I like doing, haha.
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heejinpilled · 6 months ago
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loveeee this scene between shawn and chief vick in 3.06 like to me its basically canon that she knows full well shawn is not psychic in the slightest and she's known this since day one
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wizard-tinky-winky · 11 days ago
seen someone saying Kevin Aftg is essentially Kageyama Haikyu!! but I personally see him as a combination of Kageyama and Ushijima. A lovechild of sorts.
He's obsessed w the sport, he throws himself off the deep end to try to reach perfection, he's the best of the best, left handed, watches other team's games obsessively.
also: "You should have come to Shiratorizawa" is just "You should be Court" in a different font
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lunarleonardo · 22 days ago
Heeesyyyy about that IA animation i promised ITS HAPPENIGN I SWEAR 🙏🙏 except I completely threw away the idea i sent here along with the next i made bc its a bit too advanced for me rn LOL ive finally decided on something that matches and that im actually capable of doing so yaaa :33 artblock has also been a bitch lately these doodlies are all i can do atm
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Hes so stupid geez (the things in the back were made by my friend and will not be discussed 🙏) BUT YEAH THE ANIMATION WILL COME SOON I have break next week so ill have free time and hopefully artblock will leave </3 Have a nice day/night!!! :3
i have no excuse for being so late to answering this i just forgot
Understanding your limits as a creator is very important towards improvement !! Fantastic job on that!! (*>∇<)ノ I'm excited to see whatever it is you're cooking up :3
oooh art block is tough I've been there qwq doodles are very helpful with that though. Doodle for a doodle!!
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(i've had an ISAT fixation recently.....go my yaoi.......)
Don't force yourself to do anything!! Giving yourself a little push to start a project can be helpful but if you really can't do it then just give yourself time and take it slowly!! You got this soldier!!! o7
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dragonwysper · 4 months ago
Oh r/houseofleaves. Never change.
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dragonpyre · 4 months ago
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You can chart exactly when my mental health starts spiraling
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mewnoroma · 3 months ago
I've seen some individuals say Eigong was obsessed with immortality from the beginning, and while I understand the reasoning behind it I think it really undermines her character. She's not...obsessed at the very start, as shown by this log:
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She has a dream like any other individual, but it's colored by how many people are relying on her in this moment. Failure isn't an option, and we can see how that mindset is what carries her into accepting immortality with how she literally spends centuries trying to rectify her biggest mistake (Tianhuo).
It's also really painful, then, to see her breaking down and questioning why they were even researching immortality in the first place...she forgot what she was doing all those years ago. Hoagh...Eigong the woman you are [gunshot]
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