#but that's a dream and his hugs are real i wanna see him again i wanna hold him close i wanna hug him with ~feeling~
tenderloincherub · 2 years
I'm getting a feeling of being cockblocked and I'm sensing it's me, I'm the cockblock, I have put distance between the object of my desires and me when we were getting closer, huh
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cosmicpearlz · 3 months
can you open up the door?
summary: you guys hated each other, so why does your heart feel broken when you see him with another girl?
pairing: jude bellingham x reader
a/n: i feel like i'm running out of ideas to write, please request anything! i absolutely love writing for jude and would love to hear what you wanna see/read :) anywho, enjoy my loves!
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jude felt like he was on a high. winning the final cup with real madrid had been a dream come true. now, he gets to go home and relax before playing in the euro 2024 competition. although, going home also meant seeing the one person he dislikes. you and jude had a long history of hating/disliking each other. it was hard because of how much time you guys spend together, being that you not only shared the same friend group but the same best friend as well.
"you know jude is coming home, right?" trent says to you, while you rolled your eyes.
"yes yes, i know already. i promise to be on my best behavior," you attempted to give him your best smile. it only made the boy laugh at how you tried to hide your annoyance.
"why don't you guys like each other again? i feel like the two of you would be perfect together. a proper power couple if you ask me."
"never say that again. i wouldn't be caught-" before you could even finish your thought, jude comes through trent's door.
"daddy's home," you groaned at jude's crude language. upon hearing the groan, jude locks eyes with you. have you always been this pretty? somehow prettier than the last time he saw you. jude rids the thought out of his head and turns his attention to trent. they shared a hug before jude takes his seat right across from you on the other couch.
"you didn't tell me that you invited the yapper."
"and he didn't tell that the dickhead was coming. so i guess we're in the same boat," you crossed your arms to your chest and glared at jude.
"guys can we not start?"
"he literally started it first! i was here way before he came in and interrupted things."
"well guess who was in trent's life first? oh right, it was me. you're just some outsider that thinks she fits in but you don't."
you weren't sure why that hurt your feelings as much as it did. maybe because deep down, you felt like he was right. you moved from america to england for college as an exchange student and landed a job working for england's football team as their photographer. it's where you met trent and jude.
"you're such an asshole jude," you tried to ignore the stinging in your chest, as you packed up your stuff and getting ready walk to your apartment.
Jude began to feel guilty for obviously hurting your feelings. he doesn't know why he says what he says. it just comes out but he thinks that this time it was too far. trent had told him about how you felt a bit lonely sometimes being that you weren't from england, and here he had used it against you.
"dude," trent looks to jude with disappointment, as the door slams closed behind you.
"i know, i'm sorry. i don't know why i said it."
"why don't you guys get along?"
"i'm not even sure anymore. we just continue to hurt one another."
it's been weeks since you had last spoken to jude or trent. avoiding the both of them like the plague, pretending that you won't be leaving with them to germany in exactly two days. today, jobe had texted you that he was throwing a going away party for the three of you. you tried desperately tried to get out of going but the younger boy wasn't having it.
so you went, unfortunately. dressing in a black mini dress with the black red bottoms you saved up to purchase for graduation. finishing the look off with a red handbag. the loud music from the club greeted you, while you walked in.
"you made it!" jobe yells over the music, after seeing you walk in. you smiled and gave him a hug. it never made sense to you that jude's brother was nicer to you than he was.
"did i actually have a choice?"
"exactly," the two of you burst out into laughter, which caught jude's ears. he won't admit it to anyone but he knew your laugh like the back of his hand. it was one of things he liked about you.
"are you excited to leave for germany?"
"honestly, yes and no."
"why the no?" jobe leaned in closer to whisper, "anything to do with my brother?"
"i know when you're lying. it definitely has something to do with jude! why don't you guys just kiss and make up," you gasp at jobe and slapped his shoulder.
"news flash, we don't like each other. plus, i would never kiss him nor date him," you replied, causing the younger boy to roll his eyes.
jude overhead everything. would it really be so bad if you were to date him? he wasn't sure why that left a sour note in body but he was determined to not let it bother him. instead, deciding to occupy his time with the first pretty girl he saw. just to further deny those hidden feelings. to get over someone, might as well get under someone new.
"you've been avoiding me," you looked to find trent taking the seat next to you on the couch.
"i've simply been busy."
"doing what? moping?"
"hey, i don't mope."
"so what are you doing right now?"
"people watching." trent followed your line of vision, finding that you were looking at jude engaged in a conversation with a pretty girl. you watched as he moved closer to her, causing her to giggle and place a hand on his arm.
"you have feelings for jude." you quickly shake your head in defense.
"no i don't."
"stop lying to yourself. you guys are both attracted to each other but don't know how to act on it. you guys spent at least two years pretending to hate one another, why?"
"i don't know."
"but you do. just tell me why. i'm your best friend." somehow, your heartbeat felt as if it were louder than the music. you do remember why you originally started to dislike him but you've never said anything.
"it's because i overheard a conversation between the two of you. we were already friends but it was the day you were going to introduce me to jude. i heard him say 'she will never be on my level or in my league'." you felt your eyes water as you brought up the same awful feelings you felt back then.
"y/n that's not what he meant. you didn't hear the rest of conversation."
"whatever, i don't care." you pick up your handbag and stand to leave. the saltiness of the tears falling onto your cheeks, no matter how hard you tried to hide it. trent stands up with you, trying to offer some sort of comfort that you didn't want. it was embarrassing enough to cry over someone that wouldn't even give you a second thought.
"i think i'm going to go home."
"i'm fine trent. please let me go," you whisper, not being able to look up from your heels. he nods at you and you take that cue to leave. rushing out of the loud atmosphere to the quiet outside air. jude's eyes follow your figure as you rushed out. immediately, he ignores the girl he was flirting with to follow you outside. you notice a tug on your arm, turning around you see the last person you wanna see.
"jude, i'm not in the mood."
"what's wrong?"
"why would i tell you? go flirt with the girl you were just with."
"well something is wrong with you and i want to make sure you're okay."
"why do you even care? i'm just an outsider trying desperately to fit in, right?" you watched as jude's mouth opens and closes, with furrowed brows, you scoffed.
"exactly. goodnight jude," you took one more look at him before getting into your uber that happened to show up at the right time.
jude walks back into the club with an angry expression on his face. he was more mad at himself rather than anyone in specific. he walks to trent, who was sitting in the same spot, nursing the same drink.
"please tell me what happened. i knew she was okay and then i seen her walk out."
"i totally knew it. you guys have feelings for each other!"
"she was looking at you with the girl at the bar and finally told me why you guys don't like each other. turns out, it was complete miscommunication. y/n overheard you say 'she'll never be on my level or in my league'. i tried telling her that you didn't mean it like that but she didn't want to hear it."
the realization dawned on Jude as he thought back to that day. trent showed him one picture and he swore that he could have fallen in love right there. you had mixed his words up to rejection rather than realizing he meant that you were too good for him. maybe he could have worded it differently. you guys certainly wouldn't be in this mess now. would you guys be wrapped up in the same bed sheets whispering to each other? would you be at his football matches in madrid? would you visit him and let him show you around? a whole year he's played on the team and a whole year you could have already been his.
you were relaxed in your bed, having criminal minds in the background. the only sort of comfort you could find. stupid feelings and stupid jude. you wanted the floor to swallow you whole and then maybe you wouldn't have to deal with this.
a knock on the door draws your attention. who would be knocking at two o'clock in the morning? you get up from your bed, walking into the living room towards the door. you opened the door, finding Jude standing there with a small smile.
"what do you want?"
"to talk."
"no," you closed the door before the boy could say anything else. jude takes this sign to keep knocking, instead of just leaving.
"open the door. please, just hear me out and I'll leave you alone afterwards." you leaned your head on the door debating on letting him in.
"open up the door. i'm not leaving until you do." you finally open the door after two minutes, afraid that the knocking was going to bother your apartment neighbors. you pulled him inside and closed the door once again.
"what do you-"
"you have it all wrong. what you overheard was wrong. i meant that you looked like you were too good for me. that i didn't even deserve to try and win you over. how could you ever think differently? you are the prettiest girl i've ever known-"
"i was only rude to you because that's what you did to me when we first met. there are so many things i wish i did differently. i could be the one kissing your tears away and not causing them. you're not an outsider, far from it actually-"
"jude!" you finally got the boys attention, locking eyes with him. you couldn't believe that your feelings were returned. all the time that was wasted. without a second thought, you pulled his shirt collar and kissed him. your lips molded together perfectly. a sudden eagerness that made the kiss more intense. jude's hand slipping under your pajama top, to touch your bare skin trying feel closer to you. you pulled away first, feeling overwhelmed with emotions.
"i'm so sorry sweetheart. i didn't mean of it." jude swipes away the tears that fell from your eyes.
"i'm sorry too."
"you have nothing to apologize for. it's my fault."
"it takes two to tango jude. i've said some pretty awful stuff too and i'm sorry."
"where do we go from here? what do you truly want y/n? if you want to pretend this never happened, i'll comply." his eyes trailing your face for some sort of sign.
"i just want you."
"you have me baby. you always have," jude whispers, before connecting your lips together once more.
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Too Old
Dean Winchester x little sister!reader
Synopsis: Dean confronts you about a strange habit, and you have to confess something to him.
Author’s note: hey guys! Currently obsessed with supernatural (I’m very late to the fandom, and just about done the first season), so I took a tiny break from my Sherlock series to write this! Maybe there’ll be more Winchesters in the future, we’ll see!
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“Y/N, why is your stupid dog on my bed again?”
You returned from the measly motel breakfast only to find Dean glaring at you, holding your stuffed dog with two fingers like it was made of acid. You bounded forward, snatching it up out of his hands.
“Gee I don’t know, why are you stealing him?” You hugged the animal to your chest, a feigned innocent expression on your face as you looked up at your big brother. At Sam’s light chuckle, you dropped the expression and giggled, punching Dean playfully on the arm when his glare hardened. “Aw c’mon, you gotta admit that was kinda funny.”
Dean only rolled his eyes.
“Yeah yeah, hilarious. Seriously though, keep the dog on your own bed.”
You scoffed.
“What bed?”
Every motel you went to, your big brothers instantly claimed the two beds, leaving you with the fold out couch. Every. Time.
Dean quirked his eyebrow, staring down at you.
“Someone’s feeling sassy this morning.”
You ignored him, turning around to stuff your dog in your backpack and double-checking that you had everything packed. Dean turned his back on you to do the same, tossing over his shoulder-
“Aren’t you a little old for that stuffed dog anyway?”
Your hands stilled, nearly dropping your bag before you regained your composure quickly before your brothers noticed.
“Nope, I don’t care what you say,” gosh, if only that were true, “I’m not tossing him out.”
Dean just scoffed and, you assumed, rolled his eyes.
“Alright, whatever. Hurry up, I wanna get out of here.”
Not twenty minutes later, you were on the road again, another days-long drive ahead of you. When darkness fell and the moon arose, you dug around in one of the bags for a blanket, pulling out your dog with it and cuddling up in the back for some rest. You pressed the soft fur of the stuffed animal up against your face, breathing in its calming scent contentedly.
“You alright back there?” Dean’s gruff voice broke the silence, and you mumbled a positive response as you shifted, trying to get comfortable enough to get to sleep.
Two days later, the pattern started over again. Checking into a motel for the night, the fold-out couch, the small bag by your side filled with only the necessities–you weren’t staying long. You never did. And that was fine, just fine.
What wasn’t fine was the next step in the pattern. You awoke in the middle of the night, the back of your neck and your forehead drenched in sweat, your breathing labored. Another nightmare, stupid, stupid nightmare, of yet another stupid, stupid monster attacking you. Was it a monster? Maybe it was a demon tonight. Not that it mattered, you wouldn’t be able to fall asleep again either way. You hugged your stuffed dog to your chest and tried to breathe in its scent, before you remembered that you had washed it with the blankets as soon as you’d gotten to the motel.
Sighing in annoyance, you stood with the dog in hand, tip toeing over to Dean’s bed before hesitating. Would he get mad? Would he be suspicious about finding the animal in his bed again? No, you wouldn’t let him, you’d just have to get up before he did in the morning and take it back before he noticed. He couldn’t figure it out, he just couldn’t. You’d die of embarrassment if your big brother ever found out the real reason that he kept finding your dog in his bed.
You’d just have to be more careful next time.
Despite your surety that you wouldn’t be able to fall asleep again after the nightmare, after hours of tossing and turning, trying to rid yourself of the demons that haunted your dreams, you finally fell asleep. Unfortunately, because it took you so long to fall asleep, you didn’t wake up before your brothers in the morning, as you usually did.
“Y/N,” a voice cut through your sleep just as a hand shook your arm, “Y/N c’mon, time to get ready.”
You groaned, rolling over and blinking up to see Dean hovering above you, just before something dropped onto your head. You grabbed at it with your hand, and pulled it away enough to look at it. When you saw what it was, your stomach dropped.
Your dog. You’d left it in Dean’s bed again, and you hadn’t gotten up to retrieve it.
Dean was frowning at you, “That thing was in my bed again. Why do you keep putting it there? I know it’s not getting there on its own, and I know that Sam’s not determined enough in pranking me to lose precious minutes of sleep just to put this darn thing in my bed.”
You shook your head groggily, trying desperately to hide both your guilty look and your embarrassment as you shoved the animal into your bag.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Dean. I didn’t do that.”
Dean grabbed your arm and turned you to face him.
“Come on, don’t give me that, I know when you’re lying,” He sighed. “Look, you’re not in trouble or anything, I’m not mad. It’s not that big of a deal, I just can’t figure out why you’re doing it.”
You shook your head.
“Dean, I mean it, I’m not-”
Dean’s sudden change in tone made you flinch. You hadn’t expected him to get so persistent about something so small, but you should’ve known him better than that. He never let anything go.
“I told you, I’m not mad. I just want to know. C’mon, you can tell me anything.”
You weren’t so sure about that, but you also knew that Dean wouldn’t drop this no matter what you said. You figured you might as well get it over with now, with Sam out–probably getting coffee. The less people who had to hear your confession, the better.
“It smells like you,” You kept your voice so quiet, you almost hoped Dean hadn’t heard you.
Ok, that backfired. Now you wished he had heard you, so you didn’t have to repeat it.
“When I leave it on your-on your bed. It smells like you.”
Dean was frowning at you now, curiosity covering his features.
“I don’t understand.”
You cleared your throat, blinking rapidly and trying desperately to look anywhere in the room but at Dean’s face.
“I leave it on your bed, because then it smells like your cologne. It-it’s a nice smell, it helps me sleep.”
Dean was trying desperately to catch your eye, but you wouldn’t let him.
“Ok,” Dean said slowly, thinking through your explanation. “You could’ve just sprayed my cologne on it, I wouldn’t have stopped you.”
You huffed in frustration, your cheeks growing more flushed with embarrassment by the second.
“It’s not just-just your cologne. It’s like this mix of your cologne and shampoo and-” you stopped your rambling, too embarrassed to go on. “Look, just forget it, ok? If it really bugs you so much, I can stop.” You swallowed hard, hoping beyond hope that he wouldn’t tell you to stop. You were having a hard enough time sleeping as it was, you weren’t sure how well you would do if Dean made you stop your little routine.
Dean shook his head.
“No, no it doesn’t bug me. I just don’t get it.”
Your lip was quivering now, and the longer Dean penetrated you with his stare the more you felt like crying.
“It’s just…it reminds me of-of when you used to let me sleep in your bed. When I was having a nightmare,” your breath caught when you felt a tear trailing down your cheek. You really didn’t want to cry in front of Dean, but his gentle, yet firm grip on your arm told you that you wouldn’t get out of this conversation easily. “But since you said I’m to-too old for that, I figured this might be ok.”
Dean was frowning again, and you couldn’t help but notice the alarm on his face when he saw your tears.
“Hey now, when did I say that?”
You bit your lip to keep it from trembling, flitting your eyes upward so that you didn’t have to look Dean in the eye.
“U-um, maybe a couple months ago? When I tried to,” you choked on the lump in your throat, but forced yourself to keep going, “When I tried to get in your bed one night, you tol-told me to go back to my own bed, because I was too–I was too old to sleep in your bed.”
Dean’s brows scrunched together, and a sigh escaped his lips as he tried again to catch your eye.
“I don’t remember that.”
A sound that sounded half laugh, half sob escaped your throat, and you ducked your head in shame.
“I do.”
You felt Dean’s strong arms wrap around your shoulders, and before you knew it his hand was at the back of your head, pushing your face against the soft fabric of his shirt as his other hand rubbed your back.
“I don’t remember…baby, I didn’t mean it. You can come to me whenever you need to, ok?”
You sniffled, wincing when you saw you were getting tears all over his shirt.
“I don’t need to…I shouldn’t…Dean you’re right, I’m too old to-”
“No,” Dean’s voice was firm, and he pulled away from you just enough to try to look into your eyes. But you wouldn’t meet his gaze. “Look at me.”
Slowly, reluctantly, you let your eyes stray to his, and you saw resolve hardening his gaze. But there was a softness there too, a tenderness that only you, his baby sister, got to see.
“You’re never gonna be too old to need me, ok? I’m always gonna be here for you, I promise.” Dean sighed, and when his gaze wandered below your eyes you knew he was seeing the dark circles planted there. “You’ve been having nightmares, right? That’s why you wanted to sleep in my bed?”
You nodded, your head again ducking in shame. Dean’s strong fingers gripped your chin, lifting your head up so you were forced to meet his gaze.
“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m not gonna let you go through those alone, ok? Next time you have one, I want you to come straight to me, understand?”
There was something comforting about Dean’s commanding tone. If he had been only reassuring, you would’ve perhaps felt that he was just trying to be nice. But his “soldier tone”, his ordering you to come to him, made you feel less like you were bothering him, and more like you were following an order, something that you knew made him happy.
You snapped a sarcastic salute, and even though he tried to hide it, you saw the corners of his lips turn up slightly at your action before he maintained a more serious expression.
“Alright, alright, you little smart-alek,” He pulled you into his arms again and stood, holding you off the ground and making you giggle, before he dropped you to the floor and clapped a hand on your shoulder. “Go get your stuff, ok? We’ve got about a thirteen-hour drive ahead of us before we reach where we’re going.”
Just as you turned to grab your bag, Dean gripped your shoulder a little tighter and leaned down to look at you.
“Hey, when we get there tonight, I want you to come to me if you can’t sleep, ok? Promise me.”
You smiled widely at your big brother, and lunged forward to wrap him in a hug.
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1-900-venusluvs · 5 months
Your a real life fantasy
🔪 Ghostface! Miguel O’Hara x bsf!reader 🔪
A/n: my old acc mentioned this but my lazy ass never finished it ☹️ but Miguel’s ur bsf in here dw. BTW GUYS THERE IS A PART 2 THERE IS GONNA BE A PART 2!!
Cw/trigger warning: self masturbation, shitty ending u alr know😔 n this man is FERAL for u
You two were in your room as Miguel was sitting in your bed, while your laying down bored out of your mind. The summer heat beams in the room causing you to change into less, but simple. He notices your bare thighs and instantly looked away. He didn’t have a problem when you wore revealing stuff cause you trusted him and he trusted you, hell you two were best friends for 10 years. You rolled over while looking at your phone before you break the silence.
“Miguel m’ bored…dance or something I dunno” you whine out as you suggest him dancing as a joke, he doesn’t admit it but he likes it when you whine. It’s cute.
“Like I’m supposed to shove a stick up my ass and do a magic trick” Miguel snaps back playfully.
“Haha so funny..” you say sarcastically but suddenly you see a photo on instagram that makes you giggle like a maniac.
It was a guy with a fucking ghost-face mask.
Miguel takes a peak at your phone before snickering with you, it was hysterical how bubbly you got when you saw someone with a mask. He turns to you before asking still holding chuckles back.
“Don’t tell me you have a mask kink or some shit?” he said with his eyebrow raising, he was dead serious.
Were you serious?
You nod your head before covering your face in embarrassment still laughing. He feigns a chuckle while his mind was going in all different ways. Clearly as the day go by and he goes home he thinks about what happened in the past. His blood rushes to his cock as he thinks of you. He shrugs when the fact of him being alone reminds him. He takes down his pants and instantly starts jerking his cock. He opens his phone with the free hand and goes to both of your chats and scrolls back. He checks out the photos you send him and groans. Suddenly, scaring him a text message pops up.
Y/n: I miss you :( hang out at my house tmw?
He shakes a bit from how you all of a sudden texts him while he’s jerking his cock to you. He responds before turning off his phone
Annoying spidey: after i do parole ofc.
He tugs at his cock again letting out a sharp sigh. the thought of you is overbearing, what it would be like if you rode his cock or how your lips would look sucking his cock.
“Fuck mamas…yeah? Wanna moan all on my cock?” He speaks to himself as he keeps tugging at his thick cock.
“God that pussy must be a dream..” he says again imagining your puffy lips hugging around his cock. Moments later thick ropes of cum leaves his cock as his head flies back in pleasure.
God he fucking loves you.
Sweat drips down the back of his neck, as some tiny hairs sticks to his forehead, Panting with his soft cock going limp and laying down on his thighs. He pulls back up his pants before picking back up his phone. He checks his notifications to see a message from you.
Y/n: I have so much to tell you I’m coming in 5.
And here’s to my taglist🥂: @monstera02 @muchosbesitos @yougavemeyourheartyouknow @lazyjellyfish300 @yournextbimbogf @blahblahblahblueslol
If you would like to be in the taglist js dm me, that’s all🫶!
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greeneyed-thestral · 6 months
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I MET MICHAEL SHEEN. 16/03/24, National Theatre
So, if you've read my post about booking tickets to see Michael, you know all about my what-ifs. But the day was finally here.
I arrived at the National Theatre, followed all the Nye signs and here's the Olivier Theatre. I made my sister buy me the show's programme, hoping I would be able to get it signed.
I find my seat, I'm not in the centre but the stage still feels very close and you can see everything (amphitheatres are always the best).
Lights out. The audience is in religious silence. Can't believe I'm actually here, this is happening.
[skip this part in smaller font, if you want to avoid spoilers] In the words of Staged, he really loses himself in his roles. First of all, it's great to hear him speak in a Welsh accent.
But then we also see him turning back into a child, and you can totally believe he's young and innocent again. His stutter feels so real, his struggle and sadness too. The entire ensamble is great during the classroom scene, where they all help Nye against their bullying teacher (using those big canes to make him look scary really works). Hearing young Nye confessing that at times he thinks he 'shouldn't exist' because of who he is was a gut punch; Michael's delivery of that whole part is incredible, in that moment he really becomes a little boy that allows himself to feel vulnerable and says something dark to a friend. The way he jumps while saying "I can visualise and enunciate!" made me wanna jump too, he was ready to give up and then he found the solution through books, it's the joy and relief you feel when you realise that there is another way and your life is not over.
Now, I've watched musicals all my life and let me tell you that man is meant to be in one. He opened his mouth and all I could see was someone that had been waiting a long time for the occasion to show his talent, truly showstopping. He was so free and happy and confident, singing and dancing spectacularly. I couldn't stop smiling and giggling, we all clapped.
It's clear he means every word he says, and when he points and shouts his political arguments at the audience, those who feel called out must be shaking; I thought 'This is how people in Ancient Greece must have felt everytime they went to the theatre'. His Nye is inspiring, passionate, someone you'd want to follow, he stands up for what he believes in and lets nothing get in his way.
We get to watch him flirt, on all fours, waggling his 'tail'; everytime we think we've seen all he's capable of, he does something like this and surprises us.
But most of all, we see him being scared, first of having to do something, and then of not being able to do enough for all of us. At one point everyone has requests for Nye and I was expecting him to shout "Heal yourselves!" like Jesus in JCS, it totally conveyed what it must have been like to be in his role at the time, overwhelmed with daunting responsibilities.
In general, I appreciated the fact that it wasn't a linear biography, they chose life moments that have universal situations everyone can relate too, like they do in bio-musicals. I loved the staging. The colour palette is so recognisable; the curtains and the beds are used in many different ways so everything is explored at its full potential.
He is on stage basically all the time for more than two hours (sometimes twice a day, can you imagine?). Also barefoot and in his pajamas from start to finish, he looks like a teddy bear you just want to hug and protect.
He bows, looks at Nye's achievements, then leaves the stage.
Standing ovation, applause. I go back to the theatre lobby, I was supposed to wait for my sister, but she's late. Meanwhile, a fan asks me how to get to the Stage Door. I start too fear that I'm going to miss my chance if I keep waiting inside, so I decide to go on my own. After no more than 5 minutes, he's outside with us. Forget Nye, I am living my fever dream. He has just finished his second show of the day and yet he's smiling and listening to each and every one, signing and taking pictures. I know many have said this, but he really is an angel.
My sister arrives, and as soon as I'm sure she has the camera ready, I make my way to him. The two girls next to me who were speaking to him needed a pen and I lent them my sharpie, so I got my chance to look generous in front of him.
And suddently it was my turn. This is as much as my scrambled mind allows me to remember: I tell him I'm Francesca and I'm from Italy, he asks me how long I am going to stay, I confess that I had arrived that morning and just to see him, that I would be leaving already the following morning. I can't even focus while he's signing my programme, I just want to find the right words. I manage to say how I enjoyed seeing his passion, all these different sides of him and how watching him sing and dance has been the highlight of my evening. We take a picture together, I feel his hand on my shoulder and I realise my arm is around the waist of this person I love. I had to thank him again, telling him that he only deserves good things and that we are so lucky to have him. He wishes me a safe trip home, and I melt. I leave and I can't stop trembling. On my way back to the hotel I hold on tight to my signed programme and the sharpie that was in his hands just moments earlier. Only later I will realise that he's also written 'Ciao!', 'love' and 'X', without me asking for it or anything! Seeing him act live was a big gift already, but what followed outside was beyond my dreams. I can't look at the photos without blushing, the way he looks at me in the video and then also strokes my arm for a moment, I mean pinch me now.
The more I think about it, the more I can't believe it happened.
I want to thank everyone that under my first post pushed me and encouraged me to see the pros of doing this, I share this beautiful moment of my life with all of you. <3
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osleeplessflowero · 6 months
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A pretty room in a yellow void.. you find yourself sitting on a little picnic blanket, currently playing a card game with Dream since he'd made his way into your mind by accident again. It's becoming a common occurrence, you don't really mind it though.. Dream's always been a very good friend to you, welcome in the comforts of your mind.
"Beat that!" You call out, slamming down a +4 card with a triumphant smile. He looks down at the deck, flabbergasted and putting his hands on the sides of his skull.
"You were hiding that from me!" He points at you, accusatory. A smug grin crosses your face. "Gotta take advantage of my secret weapons." "Fair enough, good job." He smiles at you. You frown a bit at that, organizing the cards again. "It's less fun when you're nice about losing." You pout, earning a soft chuckle in return. The peace is interrupted when you notice that your body is becoming transparent, fading out of view..
"Wh- What's happening? Am I dying-" You panic, earning a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Not at all, it just means you're waking up. I'll see you again sometime soon, okay?" "Wait it's like the middle of the night I can't wake up ye-"
You sit up abruptly in your bed, eyes wide open. You look around your room with an annoyed expression, disappointed that your dreams were interrupted for no reason. Damn it, body! Looks like you're not gonna be able to go back to bed for a while..
Turning your head, you look down with widened eyes when you see a skull next to you. You instinctively grab a pillow, bonking the skeleton on the head. Killer moves the blanket down a little bit, looking at you with narrowed, tired eyelights.
"whaaat.. i'm trying to sleep." You smile a little at how cute he sounds when he's sleepy, before shaking your head. "What are you doing in my room, Killer?"
"uh..sleeping- was that not clear?" He blinks slowly. "Killer, you have your own room to sleep in." You deadpan, sitting criss-cross-applesauce. He leans up a bit, resting all his weight on his right elbow so he can look at you better. "Give me the real reason."
He sighs, sitting up so he can be closer to you and putting his arms around you. Resting his skull on your shoulder, he replies. "..i got lonely, so i snuck in. i sleep better when i'm next to you."
Your face flushes a little, your hand instinctively moving up to trail patterns along his skull. "..Aw. You love me." Your smile shifts to a smug one.
"obviously." He murmurs, smiling a bit himself.
"Weeell..I'll let it slide this time. But next time ask me first before I punch you thinking you're a paralysis demon." "you can't move during sleep paralysis." "If I'm tired I won't think of that." "fair enough." He chuckles. "what're you doing awake, anyway? it's like the middle of the night. usually only nightmare's up at this hour. he's like a vampire sometimes-" He whispers that last part.
"I dunno. My body decided it'd had enough rest so now I'm wide awake and have to wait until I'm tired again in order to go to bed." "huh..that sucks. well..since you're awake, why don't we go do something fun?" "We could have a sleepover!" You whisper-shout, your eyes lighting up. "do you really wanna wake the others up?" "If they don't wanna join then they can just miss out." You shrug before standing up, smiling amusedly as you hear a whine from Killer since he isn't holding you anymore. You motion for him to get up, walking over to the side of the bed he'd been sleeping on and picking up his jacket that had fallen onto the floor, putting it on.
His grin stretches a bit when he sees you wearing it, putting his arm around your shoulders to give you a side hug before walking over to the door. You slide on your slippers since the floor's a bit cold, walking out with him into the darkness.
Before turning around, grabbing a flashlight in your room, and coming back. Not today demons.
"c'mon, i'm scarier than anything you could see in the dark." "I'm not taking chances, Killer." You point the light at him, flicking it on and off before making your way down the hall and knocking on Dust's door.
You wait a few seconds, earning no reply. Killer leans in to listen, backing up a little. "duuuust, get up we need you for somethin'-"
"go away." His voice is muffled through the door. "get out here before i drag you-" You cut Killer off, putting a hand on his chest before walking to the door.
"Dustyyy- I'll give you a smooch if you come out hereee-" You suggest with a grin, earning a deadpan look from Killer.
Shortly after the door opens, Dust looking slightly down at you. "you mean it?" "Yep." "on god?-" Killer looks between you as you lean up, reaching your hand into the dark void of Dust's hood and pressing a kiss against his cheekbone.
"Deal's a deal." You grin as you vaguely see a dark purple shade cross his face once you start leaning back. "..mkay, what do you want?" He averts his eyelights. "Me and Killer are having a sleepover because I can't sleep- wanna join us?" "well, you already got me up..guess so. but don't expect me to stay up for too long." "if you fall asleep first i'll just draw on your face again." Killer cuts in with a smirk. Dust slowly turns to face him. "i will fucking kill you-"
"Yaaay! Two out of four!" You completely ignore their bickering, walking over to Horror's door.
"don't tell me they're gonna try to get nightmare in on this." Dust looks over at Killer as they follow you. "wouldn't surprise me. who knows? maybe they can convince him. he likes them, after all." "that is true.. but i dunno. he's not the type to do stuff like this." "we'll just have to see." Killer shrugs as you knock, waiting for Horror to emerge.
"It's meeee.." You wait patiently, before he opens the door. "..what? it's like the middle of the night. can't sleep?.." He speaks with his morning voice, earning a slightly flushed expression from you before you wave it off. "I can't sleep so I'm inviting everybody for a sleepover. You wanna join? It's okay if you don't, I'll let you sleep." You smile up at the skeleton, who gives you an appreciative smile since you aren't outright pressuring him to do this.
"i guess i can for a lil' bit. but then i'm out." "Works for me." "uuugh, wait, that means they're gonna be here too-" "I'm sure you guys'll be just fine." You give him a pat on the hand as you hold it, before walking down the hall and shining your light before you.
Dust only just now notices your choice of attire. "isn't that killer's?"
"uh huh." Killer looks at him with a smug grin that he wants to punch off of it, settling for an eye roll instead.
"I saw an opportunity and I took it. You're not getting it back until tomorrow, Killer- even then that's debatable." You stick out your tongue, earning a chuckle from him as you all enter the kitchen together. You immediately go over to raid the fridge for whatever looks appetizing, Horror falling behind to make a drink for himself. Killer finds a cooler which works out in your favor, so you put drinks and anything that needs to stay cold in it. Dust simply looks out into the hall at something vacantly.
"This is gonna be fun-" You smile, satisfied with your search.
"hey, uh, where are we going for this anyway? are we like going back to your room or the living room orrr?" Killer lifts the cooler with magic, not feeling like carrying it himself at the moment.
"I have a more fun idea." You grin, pointing towards the window.
"outside, huh?..could be spooooky.." "I put up fairy lights out there a while back, and I haven't had a good chance to look at 'em. So this is a great chance! Plus we could put up a blanket for a projector and watch something together."
"look at you, plannin' things in advance." Horror ruffles your hair, a fond smile on his face. Your own face flushes a bit as you lean into his touch.
"What the hell are you all doing in here?"
Killer jumps into Dust's arms Scooby-Doo style with a yelp, shaking. The latter simply rolls his eyelights.
"Hey, Night! Glad you could make it." You smile smugly, giving Horror a squeeze before walking over to him.
"It's the middle of the night, usually I am the only one awake at this hour. What are you doing?" He turns to you as you lean into him, rolling his eyelights as his tentacles give away his joy to see you by swaying about similarly to a dog's tail.
"We're having a group sleepover, I was about to ask you to join, but here you are!" You grin. "Dearest, if you'd have tried to wake me, had I been asleep, the results wouldn't have been favorable, I'm afraid."
"called it." Dust comments, dropping Killer and earning a "hey!" from him on the floor.
"Pleeeease join us- it'll be fun, I swear! Please please please-" "Dearest, I've got a ton of work to do, I cannot- Don't give me the face."
You blink innocently, looking up at him with pleading eyes.
"Damn you-" He sighs. "Fine."
"Yaaaay!" You cheer, spinning him around before making your way outside. He lets out an amused huff, before turning to the others.
"Well? The fuck are you standing around for?"
..They each follow you out, Nightmare being last.
Clapping your hands, lights that have been strung up across Nightmare's lawn illuminate the area with a light glow (the color of your soul). You rush to the best spot, an open space between two trees that has just enough room for everybody to sit.
Horror places down some blankets, along with raising one up for the projector since he's the tallest here. Killer puts a radio down, playing some music. Dust is on cooler duty, making sure it's propped up to where it won't be tipped over. Nightmare simply observes, standing beside you.
Your staring is interrupted once Killer grabs your hand, spinning you both around in circles to the music, much to your amusement. Nightmare leans his back on one of the trees, watching the two of you with an amused smile. Horror sits down at an edge of the blanket, relaxing. Dust mutters to an invisible force, seeming to be lost in thought.
Letting out a laugh, you turn to Nightmare. "Hey, Night! C'mere, let's dance together."
"Oh, no, I'm afraid I'll have to decline, Dearest." He holds up a hand. "C'mon, you're a great dancer, I've seen it before! It'll be fuuun." You hold out your hand to him. "yeah, c'mon, boss! have a little fun. you've been all work and no play recently."
"I.." He looks between the two of you, feeling his cheekbones heat up a little before fading away. "Very well, if that is what you wish." He walks over, taking your hand, before abruptly dipping you down. "Just don't expect me to go easy on you."
Your face burns as he raises you back up, the two of you dancing around to a different tune that begins to play. Killer sneaks up behind Dust, spooking him before they have a conversation about something random. Horror even adds a few words in!
"Look at you, making changes..how in the multiverse have you managed to do something like that?" Nightmare raises a browbone, his single eyelight meeting your opposing eye.
"I don't really know, to tell you the truth, but..I love you guys. I want to spend the rest of my life here with all of you.. no matter what that takes." "Is that so?.." "..Yeah." You smile, earning a small smile from him as well.
"Well..the others are quite fond of you. I'm sure you'll be able to live here comfortably for a very long time." "And..you? What do you think of me?" You ask, a slight amount of worry hidden in your voice. "Dearest, you should already know how I feel." He comes to a stop, raising a hand to lift your chin gently, placing his thumb over your lips. "You've stolen my heart, you little thief. You've stolen their hearts too..something I'd thought to be an impossible feat." As your face flushes even darker than before, you smile up at him as he moves his hand away, leaning over and pressing a kiss to his cheek. Earning that flushed reaction you've been waiting for.
"How would you feel if I did it all over again?"
He chuckles.
"My dear.. I fear you may never be rid of us if you keep doing that." "I'm perfectly fine with that."
Once the two of you separate, Killer puts his arms around you both. "heeey, don't leave me out, lovebirds! there's still plenty of time left to have some fun!" You laugh, pressing a kiss to Killer's cheek before Nightmare tells him to stop touching him. Dust sets up the projector as you all find your spots, you sitting right in the middle so everyone can surround you. Horror sits behind you, Nightmare at your right, Dust at your left, and Killer between your legs, laying down. You gesture for Horror to lean down, pressing a kiss to his cheekbone as well.
With a satisfied grin, you turn to the blanket, watching the previews play. God, do you love your skeleton boys.
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reticent-writer · 1 year
Blood demon art: Plants P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7(current)
Poll results: Follow Akaza (Are you ready)
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You took off running towards Akaza crying.
"Akaza wait, please wait I wanna go Home. I'm sorry I never run away again." You wailed as your skin started to burn.
You were fast but not fast enough to catch up to Akaza, luckily he heard you.
He turned around and ran to you, he was just about to pick you up when a sword went through his chest. He ignored it, grabbed you and ran.
Hanafuda was shouting. You didn't want to look back because you know you'll see Rengoku's body.
You just cried into Akaza's chest. That's all you could do. You cried until you fell asleep.
Akaza was livid not because of you, in fact he was glad you decided to come back, but because of Hanafuda. He had no other choice but to run, the sun was coming up, couldn't he see that?
"It's alright, I'm not mad at you." He said as he rubbed you back and continued on his way to the infinity castle. He knew you were asleep but it still felt good to say.
You woke up in your room, on your bed surrounded by a multitude of pillows. Everything was the same as when you left it, at first glance at least.
Slowly you got up and looked around.
It was like you were in another dream, nothing seemed real yet. Even though you didn't have much time with Rengoku he taught you a lot. He was the first human death that you experienced.
Walking around your room, you notice yourself in the mirror. You looked the same, but something was clearly different, you couldn't put your finger on it.
*knock knock knock*
"I know your up Y/n." Your father said as he opened the door. (A/n Why do parents knock if they're going to open the door without permission anyway)
"Father. I'm so so sorry. I'll never run away again, I promise." You ran to hug his legs but he didn't hug back.
"Y/n look at me."
Doing what he said you look up at him with tears forming in your eyes. He kneeled to your height.
"You cannot put yourself in harms way like that. I don't care what you wanted to see when you could've died. You will be by my side until further notice. Do you understand?"
You nodded.
"Father, you were human once, why do you want to kill them?"
He didn't answer your question and instead, he gestured for you to follow. Which you did.
On the way to wherever you were going, he talked.
"You can die just by standing out in the sun. Humans are weak, they get sick, grow old, and die they barely live for century while we can live forever. I get that you're curious, but we are not completely immortal. YOU are not immortal; as my child, your safety is my top priority."
You stared at his back while he talked. It was normal for you to receive this kind of lecture from him.
Normally you would tune him in out of annoyance but this time you listened or at least until you caught something out of the corner of your eye.
Looking over you see a blonde blur getting bigger. You almost didn't realize that it was getting closer to you.
Your father sighed, "Douma don't-"
"Y/N-SAN YOU'RE BACK." Douma smushed you in his arms, rubbing his cheek against the top of your head.
"Hi Douma" you say, hugging him back.
He picked you up and twirled you around while your father pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
These demons were going to be the death of him.
Akaza was on his way out when he saw you, douma and Muzan. Muzan had not yet given him a punishment for letting you get injured. It left the basketball demon waiting in anticipation.
He was terrified.
Tag list: @american-idiot21, @unhappy-filling, @lenasvoid, @abbylouamanda, @tempest1art, @abandonedhhearts, @muichirolover
Might or might not do an AU where reader stays with demon slayers
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hearts4hughes · 1 year
wanna be yours - jack hughes
jack hughes x fem! reader
warnings: swearing, not proofread
notes: small little imagine for lovie bun! let’s pray the devils pull through tonight and work some magic!!!!
gif is not mine
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falling in love with his best friend might’ve not been the smartest thing he ever did, but jack didn’t care.
ever since your family moved next door to the hughes’, you and jack have been attached by the hip. you did everything together. and i mean everything.
no matter what path life led you or jack to, you were always there for each other. it was a hard adjustment when jack went off to become a superstar for the new jersey devils. there were countless times where he’d lay down in his bed at night wondering if he was doing the right thing. if this was his purpose in life, or if he was supposed to be home with you. of course he thought he could never admit that to you because you’d only reassure him that it was his purpose to show off his talents in the nhl, and to not let you stop him from living his dream. little did you know, you were his dream.
jack couldn’t stop himself from falling in love with you. even at a young age he thought of you way more often than he should’ve. you were perfect for him, and everyone could see that- including him.
things took a quick turn for the better when jack was able to snag you a job as the sports media manager for the devils. you and jack were more than thrilled that you’d have a job for the team. not to mention how you’d be with jack basically everyday, just like it once was.
it might’ve just been your insecurities or stubbornness, but you’d never believe anyone when they told you jack was head over heels for you. it was just something that didn’t seem real- or so you thought.
i wanna be your vacuum cleaner
breathing in your dust
i wanna be your fort cortina
i will never rust
“do you think he’ll like this?” you question, flipping your hair to the side to showcase the tight, blue, minidress that hugs your curves, so perfectly.
jack’s eyes raked up and down your body, stopping momentarily on your slight cleavage. he could barely form a coherent thought because of how stunning you looked. “yeah, he’s going to love it.” his eyes stay wide as he continues to check out the outfit you wore, not for him, but for another man.
“ok.” you blush as you watch his eyes go up and down your body. you grin widely, turning around and beginning to finish your hair.
he watches you turn around and begin to get ready once again, but instead of saying anything, he stays silent leaning against the headboard of your bed.
let me be your ‘leccy meter
and i’ll never run out
let me be the portable heater
that you’ll get cold without
he’s give anything to take your dates place tonight. he knew he’d treat you better than any other man would. he knew you better than anyone else. however, he continued to endure the heartbreak of watching you get ready for dates with various men that don’t deserve you. jack’s thoughts were jealousy ridden, and he knew it. he needed to put an end to this.
secrets i have held in my heart
are harder to hide than i thought
maybe i just wanna be yours
“y/n,” he blurts out, not knowing what he’s about to confess.
putting your brush down, you reply. “mhm.”
“don’t go out on that date tonight.”
those seven words are enough to make you stop what you’re doing and face jack. “what?”
he rubs his neck nervously, thinking he should’ve planned this out. “don’t go out tonight, please.” his voice slightly cracks.
“jack, what are you saying?” standing up, you huff out a sarcastic laugh. what does he mean don’t go?
moving to the foot of your bed, he thinks of a plan on how to not sound like a complete asshole. “just please don’t, y/n/n.”
“jack, you can’t just say that.” you cock your head forward in annoyance. “why don’t you want me to go? just tell me.”
silence fills the room. just tell her you love her, dumbass!! keeps circling through jack’s head.
“whatever.” you scoff, rolling your eyes and grabbing your purse.
“i-” his voice is desperate. “i love you.”
your mouth falls agape as your eyes widen in shock. jack has almost the same reaction when he realizes what he just did.
“shit, wait.” he runs his hands through his hair in frustration and regret. “i didn’t- i wasn’t-” he stutters out the incoherent sentence, until he finally hangs his head down in shame. tears begin to well in his eyes when you continue to stay silent.
“jacky,” you coo. the use of his nickname causes a few tears to slip from his eyes. “please don’t cry.”
“i’m not crying.” he defends, blinking away the tears, and using his sweater paw to wipe them away.
the sound of your heels clicking fills the almost dead silent room as you make your way over to jack. when you reach him, you sit next to him, cupping his face while examining his features. his eyes are bloodshot from the sudden tears and his face is flushed. he moves away from your hold to let his head hang down once again.
“baby, i love you too.” you confess, scooting even closer to him.
“don’t say that just because you feel bad for me.” his eyes stay glued at his feet. jack felt weak as paper, waiting to be thrown away.
you let out a slight giggle at his words, even though you shouldn’t of. he slowly turns his head to glance at you. your lips fall into a frown when you realize he thinks you’re laughing at him.
“i know i’m pathetic, but you don’t need to laugh.” he mumbles, his voice barely above a whisper. you feel your heart crack. you never once thought he was pathetic.
“you are not pathetic, jack.” you say softly. “and i wasn’t laughing at you, i was laughing at what you said about me only saying ‘i love you’ out of pity.”
he continues to look at you unconvinced. “what’s so funny about that?” he questions. the tone of his voice causes your heart to shatter completely. he was anything but confident right now, and it killed him.
“has it really not been obvious that i’m in love with you?” you joke, a small smile tugs at your lips. “i turned down so many job requests at home, just to get this job here with you. you weren’t the only reason i took the job, it is a great opportunity for me, but you were the main reason i took it.”
“that kinda flew right over my head.” he lets out a small chuckle. the pieces of your broken heart start to slowly form back together when you hear him laugh.
“i can tell. good thing you’re only a hockey player.” the friendly dig makes jack gasp dramatically.
“what’s that supposed to mean?!” he jokes, pulling a loud laugh out of the both of you.
as the laughter begins to die down, jack checks his apple watch. “oh shit, you’re going to miss your date.”
you stare at him dumbfounded. does he really think you are still going out with another person after what just happened? “i am not going on that date, jacky. i am staying right here with you.” he relaxes into your touch as you rest your head on his shoulder.
you both sit in comfortable silence, wondering what’s going to happen after this.
“y/n,” he breaks the silence.
“you promise you like me?” he asks even though the question sounds dumb.
“of course.” you reassure.
“more than friends?”
“more than friends.”
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betterfettered · 1 year
Bruh can I be honest and say your Yan! Leviathan kinda scares me because Levi already lives rent free in my head and I kinda don’t wanna know what would happen if he figured it out?
I’m literally not joking about leviathan straight up living inside my brain rent free, like he actively takes up a shit ton of my thoughts enough for me to get the Tetris effect when I sleep.
And idk why but something tells me that if he knew that I’m practically obsessed with him, I wouldn’t be touching grass or seeing anyone else ever again for my entire existence.
Hey anon!! I am sorry this took so long, it got really long (3k words!!) and kind of went in its own direction hahaha. I hope you like it!! It turns out that you were right, and no one will ever find you in his clutches LOLL Let me know what you think?
(AFAB!reader x AMAB!yandere)(Plus size reader💖🫡)(noncon)(stalking)(18+ readers only please, mdni)(sort of kind of an AU but not really?)[This is fetish content and rape and stalking are disgusting and inexcusable in real life.]
Your reaction was strange to Leviathan because he'd imagined it over and over again in his head no less than a thousand times but had not been able to divine what you actually reacted like. In his mind when he'd intentionally spilled his drink on himself you'd make a little surprised noise or say "oh no!" or laugh, but in reality you just frowned, your eyebrows lifting in shock.
The important part, however, you still did: you turned to your bag, rifling through it for some napkins, and offered them to him like it was nothing, like making his heart jackrabbit to the point of nearly shattering was nothing. He snatched them quickly so that you wouldn’t see how his hands shook in anticipation.
Okay, next say thank you, he said to himself and tried his hardest but was unable to pry his lips open or make eye contact with you or even breathe. When the elevator reached the floor that the both of you lived on, he sprinted from the elevator to get to his door, spilling plenty more cherry slushy on himself in the process. He could barely get his hands steady enough to get the key into his door, but the second he was inside and had slammed the door behind him he tossed his soiled jacket and the half empty slushy to the ground and hurried into his bedroom, dropping on his knees in front of his shrine of you.
Well, it wasn’t a shrine just yet. It was too small – he had only the things he could salvage from your trash, like an empty lipstick tube, a plastic fork from some takeout, a debit card statement listing all of your purchases six months ago. This was the first thing you had ever given to him, though, the first gift with your scent and blessing on it. He shut his eyes and held the napkins up to his nose, inhaling deeply and summoning the image of you to his mind.
Leviathan focused on your eyes, thinking about how your gaze meeting his meant that you were not looking at anyone else and, he imagined, not thinking about anyone else. It didn’t take long for the memory to become a fantasy: he imagined you looking at him still, but now with your bottom lip caught between your teeth out of sheer lust for him. Reaching into his nightstand for lube, he imagined your outfit, which was the standard button down and pencil skirt combination that was something of a uniform for office workers. It was unremarkable but for the way it hugged the soft protrusions of fat on your body. He liked to imagine that your larger size made you unpopular on the dating market, so he would (in his fantasies and occasionally dreams, when he was lucky) be the first to touch and squeeze and lick you – he’d be the only one that you granted such access to, because he and only he was that special to you.
He placed the stack of napkins on his bed and pushed his face down into them to free both hands to undo his belt and slather his cock with lube. Even just touching his shaft made him shiver and clench his jaw, but he didn’t start pumping just yet because his fantasy was still incomplete. First, he needed you to turn to him in his mind, walking towards him until you had sandwiched him up against the wall, every plump part of you pressing up against him like a full bodied hug. Then, when he nearly collapsed with desire both in reality and in his mind, you reached a hand down to his pants, running your hand back and forth over his cock and looking up at him and only him. Only then did he begin stroking, murmuring your name to himself and clutching his bed. It was only a minute or two before he reached his peak and came so hard into his other hand that he became incoherent, his own moans shoving your name out of his mouth to take its place.
Once he caught his breath and the immense pleasure receded, he was filled with a longing that made his eyes begin to tear, his mouth pressing together as he tried to hold himself together. He needed you. At this point, his fantasies were almost as torturous as they were alluring. Just imagining was not enough and never could be, because while he was here with you, you were off thinking about or talking to someone else. He needed the entirety of you and he needed to show you with his body just how much he worshipped you, the same way he did in his mind every night before sleeping.
His hands were slick with cum and lube, so he shut his eyes for a moment once more and rubbed two fingers into the other palm, imagining that it was your tummy covered in his cum instead, but could only tolerate the fantasy for a few seconds before climbing to his feet to go clean up both himself and the mess he’d made in the entryway. He spent the rest of the night hugging a pillow on his couch and watching the old Ruri-chan OVAs from his favorite season and trying to hold back the tears pressing against the backs of his eyes.
Leviathan did not see you again for another week – perhaps you had been working early or late. When you once again met in front of the elevator, he felt downright giddy and reflexively covered his face with the back of his hand, but the glee turned to pure shock when you turned to him and said “Oh, happy birthday, Levi!”
What he did not know was that the day before, a pair of gentlemen (one ginger, one with hair graying only at the tips) had mistakenly knocked on your door. The shorter one pointed and released a party popper right at your face, and the taller one held out a cake that had bites taken directly out of it. Surprise! They had said, and then the three of you were surprised indeed, because you were not who they were expecting and you had not been expecting anything but still could never have imagined this would happen. They asked for a Leviathan, you pointed them next door, and the one with the frosting on his face apologized around another bite he had taken right out of the cake. The other apologized, too, but distractedly, as he was preoccupied with sadness that he had wasted his only party popper on you instead of his brother.
No, Leviathan was not aware of any of that, because Beelzebub couldn’t control himself around the cake and Belphegor wanted a new party popper, so they gave up and planned to come back tomorrow, the actual day of, without saying a word to him. If Leviathan could have spoken in that moment, he would have asked you how you knew, but he could not, so instead he stared at the ground and tried to figure out how you knew. He didn’t generally think of himself as disposed to illogical thinking, so when it occurred to him that maybe, just maybe, you had been just as taken with him as he was with you, he figured it was the most obvious conclusion.
He imagined that you had gone home after giving him the napkin and touched yourself, too.
Maybe you also had a shrine for him in your home, and one of the things in it told you when he was born.
“Have I said something wrong…?” you asked, eyeing his stunned expression.
It was all he could do to shake his head, because you had actually said the best possible thing that you could have. Was he dreaming?
When the elevator arrived to the right floor, he allowed you to get off first and then trailed behind you, not even noticing the antlers starting to sprout out of his head and the scales started to spread across his skin. It was as though he was mesmerized by you and couldn’t do anything but follow.
You got to your door, opened it, and then cried out when you felt his full weight against your back, pinning you to the ground. His tailed whipped out and slammed the door shut behind the two of you, and he pressed his nose into your hair, inhaling and shivering a little, feeling his common sense melting away to be replaced with only intoxicating lust.
“What are you doing?!” You demanded, your voice wavering with fear. “Get off of me right now!”
He didn’t reply, only focusing on how the way you were struggling was rubbing your ass up against his cock and making him pant. Was it really possible that you were here beneath him, all his for the rest of your lives together? Distantly he wondered why you were struggling if you were obsessed with him, but brushed it away as not important.
“Please, just get off of me and leave,” you said, your voice becoming thick with the tears starting to pour down your face.
He got to his knees, putting one hand on your shoulder and one beneath your tummy, pulling both upwards to flip you onto your back. You only resisted for a few seconds before allowing him to turn you over onto your back, your shimmering wet eyes meeting his crazed ones and drawing another sob out of you. This did not seem to stop him, as he almost immediately rested back on top of you and pressed his lips to yours, jamming his long tongue into your mouth before you had a chance to clench your jaw. You gagged a little at the length of it, long enough to reach the back of your tongue, and tried to push him off of you, which he merely ignored until you stopped.
He only pulled away and sat up when he noticed your elbow working against your side, at which point he wanted to observe what you were doing with your hand. You were holding your cell phone and trying to type something into it, but as soon as you saw him notice it you pulled it closer to your face, typing as quickly as possible. He felt his heart sink: even though you were in love with him, you were thinking of someone else while he was kissing you. Despair settled over him until it gave way to a sort of panicked jealousy: would you ever unlearn this? Could he trust you to commit to only him? You were going to be his first (and already had been his first kiss)…was he really ready for this? This would be your first fight with each other as a couple.
While he was thinking, he snatched the phone from you and crushed it in his hand, tossing the broken bits aside and pouting.
“Who were you going to call?”
“N-no one.”
“O-okay, well then! Who were you g-gonna text?!” he asked, being able to hear how pathetic he sounded himself.
Try to sound like Lucifer! He told himself, and sat up a little straighter. You can do this, you can do this.
“Th-that…was cheating,” he said, and then tried making his voice a little deeper. “Don’t think of any one else. Ever again….uh, d-do I make m-myself c-clear?”
Complete fail, uggghhhh
It took a moment for you to calm yourself enough to speak.
“Please just let me go,” you repeated around sobs. “I won’t call the police or anything. I won’t even mention it to my friends. Just…please don’t....”
He climbed to his feet at that, though he didn’t leave you even a moment to think your pleas had worked on him before he wrapped you up in his tail, lifting you off of the ground and above his head. You cried out and struggled, kicking him with your feet a few times until he held you further away, but he paid no mind and instead locked and deadbolted the door behind the two of you, then walked deeper into your apartment, checking all of the doors in his path until he found your bedroom. He wanted to pause to look around and examine every last bit of you that the room contained, but he was so hard that it was starting to hurt, so he darted over to your bed and slammed you down onto your back, unwrapping his tail so he could sit down, push your legs up and put them on either side of his waist.
Unfortunately, you still had not learned your lesson about struggling, so he clamped his tail down on your neck to hold you still, tightening it when you started to move around too much, and grabbed both of your wrists to hold them beside your head where the end of his tail could wrap around them, too.
You were talking, or maybe just crying, but he couldn’t focus on that. His attention was completely absorbed by his cock pressing into the heat of your core and your writhing body.
He reached out with shaking hands and undid the buttons of your shirt, taking a while not because he was savoring it but rather because he was trying to undo them too impatiently with his uncoordinated fingers and not being that successful to the point that he ripped the last few buttons open in his haste. His hands pressed down into your plush stomach and then, after a moment of enjoying your inviting softness, he ran them upwards until he held your tits in both hands, squeezing them in a circular motion the way he had seen in a few hentai movies and then pushing his fingers into your bra to touch your bare skin and catch your nipples between his fingers, pinching them until you gave a short whimper that made his cock twitch. He slid his hands out and yanked the bra down to reveal them, then leaned down into your chest and shoved his face right in the center of it, squishing your tits against either side of his head while his hips started to buck against yours, greedily craving the friction between you. His face felt so hot at this point, and yet was no match for the warmth of lying there against your heart.
While he’d had plans to lick and suck your tits and maybe bite them a little to see if he could get you to make noise again, he didn’t think he could wait any longer to penetrate you, he sat up and shoved your skirt upwards around your waist until he could reach your panties, then pushed your legs together in front of him with his arms so he could pull them off of you (and stash them in his pocket). He felt so relieved that he’d only worn joggers today and didn’t need to bother with a belt or a zipper, so there was only a second between your panties being removed and the head of his cock pressed right into the folds of your pussy.
“Don’t! I’m begging, please don’t!” you wailed.
“But y-you’re wet,” he observed, rubbing his cock up and down your slit to spread your juices.
You didn’t reply fast enough; he lost patience and shoved into you with a desperate whine. It felt even better than he had imagined day after day all of this time, so he didn’t move at first to try and avoid cumming immediately. Instead, he reached for your hands, freeing them from his tail so he could weave his fingers into yours and press them into your sheets on either side of your head.
“L-look at me,” he panted, tightening his tail around your neck when you didn’t obey. “I s-said to look at me.”
It took a few seconds for you to run out of air and begin struggling to breathe, but you did eventually look at him, instantly making his heart pound. Suddenly, he felt unbearably shy, so he buried his face in your neck as he started to fuck you, slowly but insistently, his pelvis grinding up against yours like he couldn’t get deep enough inside of you, his moans muffled beside your face. Feeling your breasts jolt against him with each thrust he couldn’t help but start to fuck you a little harder, too, just to feel them bouncing beneath him.
He didn’t think to tell you when he was about to cum, since his mind was completely whiting out from the pleasure and his moans sounded frantic and irregular because he couldn’t quite control the sounds he was making, so you only knew that he was filling you when he stopped suddenly, releasing your hands to grab your hips hard enough to hurt and pull you as close into him as possible. His entire body shook against yours for a while. Once he relaxed, still panting but not digging his fingers into your flesh as hard any more, his entire frame draped over yours with exhaustion.
Ten minutes later, he finally sat up to address you, lovingly stroking your hair and cheek.
"That was so much better than in my head. I don't think I've ever been this happy in my life.
“Um, I don’t think you finished, right? S-sorry, I’m…anyway, I’ll read a little more about how to satisfy you on reddit! Then I’ll show you what I learned. We have a lot of time for me to practice until I get it right. I'll definitely make you feel as good as you make me feel.”
“Just let me go,” you murmured, out of tears.
“I never will,” he answered, his voice so resolute that it grew steady even if for only a moment as he promised that. “I’m in l-love with you, a-and you’re going to love me. And only me, no one else. If you think of anyone else, I’ll…I’ll hurt them. And you, too.”
Perhaps you weren’t out of tears after all, as the words made you start to cry again.
This time, he pulled you upwards and wrapped you in his arms while still inside you, grateful for the opportunity to feel as though he was taking care of you. His mind was already starting to wander to plans of where you both would live, how he could punish you to make sure you never spoke to any one else again, and what he would tell his brothers and closest gaming buddies about the best thing that had ever happened to him.
Dreams really did come true. The two of you only had happily ever after in store for you.
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luvistqrzzz · 1 year
August slipped away into a moment in time 'cause you were never mine
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the summer i loved you — jake x f.reader wc — 3.3K
summary — where August was the month of new beginnings and first loves but mostly, heartbreak.
genre — friends to not lovers, second lead syndrome, angst, fluff, summer au, august inspired
warnings — sad ending, jake is a huge dee eye see kay (🤢🤢), profranity, heartbreak, not proofread
an — um guys haha def dont come at me for the ending 😊😊 but omg this had been in my drafts for a while now n im glad im able to release this in august ✌🏽😈 have fun reading pookies (1 fucking am rn imma die help)
ps — ☆ a visualizer cuz why tf am i extra ?!
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August is a weird month. It seemed to rush by you like a dream and yet at the same time it felt like the last period of every Friday, not finishing fast enough. You'd prefer the former.
August reminded you of memories— pretty but mostly ugly ones or maybe when the hurt in your heart ran so deep, even the happy memories turned ugly, didn't they?
It was not a month you enjoyed, you didn't like summers, you didn't like feeling like new beginnings and first love.
August reminded you of it all... It reminded you of Jake.
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It was 1st of August when you realized what those weird feelings were.
‘Y/N!’ You opened the door to the sound of your name, only to be met with a tired and almost teary eyed Jake. He looked up at you, mustering a small smile as you stood before him your mouth agape. 
‘A-are you okay?!’ you asked, pulling him into your house.
‘Um. Not… really’, your friend replied, scratching his neck nervously. ‘It’s just… she kinda broke up with me.’
She. he didn’t even need to mention her name and yet you let the word pierce your heart, a little. Kang Eunji. Jake’s girlfriend, well, ex girlfriend. 
It was her, always her. It wasn’t unusual for you to hear that they both had a fight but you never thought they'd break up. ‘What? Are you being for real?!’ You were shocked to say the least. Jake and Eunji were what people deemed to be the “power couple” at school. They wouldn’t break up, or could they?
He nodded and sat on the couch, ‘We were fighting over one of those petty matters again, she was angry why I was so busy. It was about soccer practice of course! And when I kind of lost it, she said we were over.’ His voice caught in his throat before he let out a small sob.
Your heart sank as you patted his back and pulled him close into an embrace, ‘Ssh, it’s okay’, you ran small circles on his, ignoring the butterflies set free in your stomach at the close contact. 
You could never understand what went on in their relationship. This may have been the first time they broke up but it surely wasn’t the first time Jake came to your house on the verge of tears.
You hated seeing him this way, like a broken record. 
‘What will I do now, Y/N?’ ‘You just broke up, it’s not the end of the world. Plus, you have the entire summer before you, right? We’ll figure a way out,’ You broke the hug, looking straight into his eyes, trying to reassure him.
But they all meant nothing. Getting reassured of a broken heart didn’t mend the damage, you knew better than him. Jake nodded nonetheless, wiping away the stray tears, ‘Goodness, I feel so dumb for just crying like this.’ ‘don’t be. You are allowed to feel your emotions.’
He gave a small smile in your direction and your heart skipped a beat.
‘So’, you turned towards the television, searching for a distraction. ‘You wanna binge watch something? Or maybe some Doraemon?’
Jake grinned, ‘I’d love that! What would I do without you, Y/N?’
You let out an almost sad chuckle, ‘I am the coolest best friend ain’t I?’ The word best friend left a bad taste in your mouth.
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4th August was when Jake realized the bookstore was his safe place.
Clink! The door to the bookstore opened with a small chime. You looked up from your position at the counter only to find Jake walk into the shop. 
He smiled before taking a seat beside you, much to your surprise. It wasn't unusual for him to drop by the store. But mostly he came for borrowing a book or having a quick chat with you. 
But never like this.
'So, how are you doing?' You asked, turning towards where he sat, fidgeting with a pen. It was a slow lazy afternoon with barely any customers.
'Oh, uh, I'm fine. At least I'm trying to be. We had so many things planned and like, it feels weird. We were good for each other…' he kept on rambling about his latest break up.
You could feel your heart clench a litte. You understood why Jake was doing so but it didn't help. It didn't help that there were two broken hearts in the same room. It was always you and the second lead syndrome against the world.
Sometimes you really wondered what you had done to be stuck in the loophole of falling for a friend.
You had been friends with Jake since middle school, always finding yourself blush whenever he was around. 
The first time you tried confessing to him during Valentine's Day in freshman year, your hand baked cake (which you had prepared for hours) got destroyed. You kind of gave up on him, treating him as a friend.
Well, that was until Eunji came along last year. Seeing Jake with her brought about a fresh wave of emotions you think your heart had forgotten.
It hadn't. 
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The bookstore was Jake's hideaway from the world. He loved everything about it. Loved how calming it was and the people who came in always greeted him with a smile. He was a quaint place, maybe mysterious in a sense that Jake didn't want to uncover the secrets it hid.
He liked how you let him sit there for the entirety of your shift. But mostly he loved the conversations.
Throughout the summer, Jake couldn't remember the number of times he found you sitting with him, flipping through some book as you both chatted away, be it in the lazy afternoon or under the evening sky, where the buzz of the grasshopper was the only thing he could hear. They felt weirdly intimate, like the secrets he used to keep as a kid. He almost wanted to gatekeep them. 
'Sorry do I bore you here?' You asked one day. It was a question bothering you for a while.
Jake frowned, 'What? No. Of course not, Y/N. You could never bore me.' But you were unconvinced, 'No, like, who spends their summer sitting in a small little barely functioning bookstore except maybe be. You must have a lot of plans, right?'
'I wouldn't lie. I haven't ever spent such a quiet summer but turns out, I like a lot. Too much for my own sake. The bookstore isn't boring. Rather, it gives me a sense of escape from reality.' He gave you a reassuring smile.
'Also', Jake added as a second thought. 'You aren't boring Y/N. You just make it all loads better.'
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Your phone went off with a sharp ring. Your alarm wasn’t set to ring today. Who could it be? You groaned as you sleepily grabbed it from the nightstand. Without even checking the name, you picked up the call, ‘Hello? Who?’ ‘It’s me Jake, you dummy!’ His excited voice came from the other side.
You yawned, ‘What do you want?’ you checked the time, ‘It’s literal fucking half past four.’ ‘More reason to wake up, right?!’
‘Shut up, I’m hanging up and-’ ‘No no! I really did plan a surprise. Get ready, please, just for today. Please’, he begged from the other side.
Now, you were definitely wide awake, upon hearing his voice. He had planned what…? ‘Okay but the surprise better be good.’ ‘Also! Keep your bicycle ready.’
‘There you are!’ Jake greeted you with a wide smile as you grumbled and walked down the road with your bike where he stood. ‘You don’t get to smile like that after pulling me up from sleep’, you muttered angrily.
But really who were you to complain? It was Jake and you couldn’t deny the fact that you were genuinely excited for what was coming. It was always an adventure when it came to him.
‘You won’t be disappointed, trust me’, he said, boarding his bike and motioning for you to do the same. 
You breathed out a calming sigh, looking ahead at the empty road. Thanks to summer, the sun was already somewhere there on the horizon, spreading a fuzzy glow around you. Everything looked simpler, softer. In the light of the dawn, your thoughts felt less complicated, you almost felt it would be easy to sort out your feelings. Would it?
You turned to look at Jake, cycling in peace, a small grin on his face, ‘Told you! I sometimes go out on early morning rides, especially if I have a lot on my mind.’
‘So, why are you taking me then?’ ‘I don’t know. I just have a feeling you’ll like this place’, he shrugged. ‘Plus, I like spending time with you’, Jake added as an afterthought.’
A blush crept into your cheeks at his words. Stop over thinking you scolded yourself. But you couldn’t help the hope blossom in you. False hope. 
‘Here we are’, Jake spread his arms wide, showing you the view. After half an hour of cycling through empty streets and quiet places, you found yourself on a small hill. It was pretty abandoned, the only sounds that reached your ears were the chirping of birds and the whistling of trees in the cool summer morning.
In front of you lay your town and the forests beyond it. Those familiar buildings looked all new when you saw them from top of a hill. It radiated calmth… and comfort.
Or was the latter because of the person beside you? 
‘Thanks’, you spoke in a soft whisper but then you felt a hand tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. Your heart stopped as you turned towards Jake looking at you with a fond smile and slowly pulled you closer, resting his head on your shoulder. 
You couldn't process what he was doing. Was it all intentional? No, it was the usual playful Jake you knew, right? But the usual playful Jake wasn't like this. He had pulled you into a hug several times but never like this.
Never so tender in his actions that it made you think otherwise.
'I like the view so much. I hope you do too. It's just… very special, I had never shown it to Eunji either. People ruin things', he sighed, looking ahead. 
You scoffed as an attempt to lighten the atmosphere, 'So, I'm not a person?' 'No, you're Y/N. It's an entire special thing to be in itself.'
You didn't know what it meant anymore. The secret smiles, the small actions. You weren't oblivious, you saw it all but your face masked it behind the friendship.
But was it even friendship? You hoped it wasn't. You hoped you both had crossed the line of being "just friends".
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It was the 20th of August when Jake liked mint chocolate ice cream. 
He touched his cheek as a familiar warmth flooded in at the sight of you. What was happening to him? Ever since the day on the hill, he had been feeling weird. Be it when he visited the bookstore or when you both hung out during the day (or night).
The way your laugh sounded in his ears, when you smiled, he noticed the way his heart skipped a beat. But he loved the most when through the afternoons you talked. Just talk, nothing and everything.
Jake had never felt so connected to anyone. You both had always been friends but seeing a friends standing before him, two ice creams in hand shouldn't make Jake blush.
But it did.
'Hey Mr.Zoned out!' You snapped your fingers before him, pulling him away from his thoughts. You handed him his ice cream while joining him on the curb. 
He made a disgusted face at the cone you were holding, 'Ugh. Mint chocolate.' You slapped his shoulder playfully, 'Yah! You are a person with zero taste.' 
'Oh really? Lemme try it then', Jake replied, challenging you. He scooped a bit with the plastic spoon before closing his eyes and tasting it. 
'Ew', he gagged. 'This tastes like fucking toothpaste', he wiped his mouth in disgust.
'Shut up, no need to be so over dramatic about it all', you chuckled and rolled your eyes. 
Jake looked at you as you continued eating and looking at the street in front. It was almost 5 in the evening, the kids were out playing but their shouts were only distant noise because all he could hear was your voice. All he could see was you. You weren't bright like the background but in his eyes, you were glowing. The sun falling on your face, as if highlighting only you in his eyes.
Almost as if on instinct, his hand slowly reached out to your free one, his fingers finding yours and intertwining them together.
You stopped, your heart beating way too fast, you could almost feel the redness of your cheeks.
What was happening? What was Jake doing? Why was he doing this? 
It felt wrong, you knew it. Your intuition could tell it. This was something you had waited forever to happen, but you knew this couldn't be.
Let go of his hand, Y/N. Let go let go let go let go… don't let go.
You didn't, too foolish and in love to walk away. And maybe that was the first mistake you had made.
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The first rain of August came on the 25th.
Why was rain often associated with sadness? No, rain didn't mean sadness.
Because on that one day of August, you stood outside the bookstore looking at the dark clouds, the rain gave you hope.
You sighed, no wonder your mother kept on insisting you to take an umbrella. Now, there you were, standing in front of the closed shop.
But a bright yellow thing caught your eye, standing out in the dull gray background. You squinted your eyes as the figure came closer.
Your stomach jumped. Had he come for you? 
He ran through the rain, his bright smile evident as you stared at him in wonder.
'What?' He asked. You shook your head, 'You…?' 'I came for you. You always forget your umbrella.' He completed the sentence for you.
Your mouth formed an "O" but a soft smile spread across your lips. 
'Here', he handed you the spare umbrella in hand and took hold of your wrist, pulling you into the rain.
You shrieked, 'At least let me open mine first.' He laughed at your sight, moving closer and holding his umbrella over you.
You noticed every single thing, the things you had noticed a hundred times before. But mostly you noticed his little actions.
The ones that made you fall for him all over again.
'Fuck, if I catch a cold, it'll be your fault, Sim Jake', you threatened the boy standing in front of your porch, grinning. You both had recklessly ran in the rain as a result the umbrellas had been pretty useless… but it was fun.
'Don't worry', he stepped forward, a certain fondness flickering in his eyes. 'I'll be there to bring you the meds.' 
It happened in a fraction of a second, swiftly, Jake bent down and gave a sudden kiss on your cheek. It was soft as a feather, almost like it didn't happen.
But you felt it. You almost felt dizzy, her cheeks heating you. You brought your hands to where he had just kissed you. It had happened, hadn't it?
But before you could say anything, Jake turned around, his head hung low in embarrassment but his stomach full of butterflies and sprinted in the opposite direction.
Had he meant it?
As Jake walked his way back home, his head filled with thoughts of you, a sudden buzz of his phone. He took it out, expecting a text from you.
But no… It was someone else.
His heart dropped. A contact that hadn't been there since 1st of August.
"jake, im so sorry."
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But what followed after that day was something you had always feared. 
He ignored you. Every text, every call, no reply. Did he just get awkward? But even an awkward Jake wouldn't be this rude. Or was he angry with you? You didn't even do anything.
The next time you saw Jake, three days later, was when you went on a grocery run.
You could spot him anywhere. 'Jake! Wait', you called out to him. He didn't stop. 'Omg, stop being a shit head would you?! Stop fucking ignoring me!' You huffed, annoyed. 
That's when you saw his figure slowly turn towards you. 'Sorry', he muttered. You ran a hand through your hair. sorry? That's all he had to say? 
'Look, if it's about that day then forget it. You-you never kissed me.' 'What? Of course not, it isn't about that day', he replied. 
You looked at him confusedly, 'Huh? Then why, Jake? I had tried calling and texting you so many times but you couldn't bother to reply to me.'Your voice slowly rose.
'I was busy catching up with Eunji okay?!' his tone matching yours.
There came that name. Her name. Did you hear it correctly? What was she doing in this conversation?
'E-eunji…?' you looked at him, at loss of words. 'I thought yo-you were over her?' 
He gave you a look of disbelief, 'No. That day she sent me a text and I realised… I wasn't.'
Why did the crack in your heart deepen? Why was it always you who got hurt? 
And you couldn't help but ask, knowing the answer would make you feel worse, 'What about us then, Jake?' 
'Us? Y/N what are you talking about? We are friends, we always have been. There is no us.' 
There, the final blow. 'Why did you make me feel so special then? All for nothing? You know how much I like you, so much that everytime we spent time together this summer, I got my hopes up. I was so foolish, because of you Sim fucking Jaeyun. And that day you kissed me, I thought, finally you'll realize but no. It's always her, isnt it?', you didn't scream but the crack in your voice said it all.
And Jake remained silent through it all. because he knew he deserved 'So, this summer meant nothing to you?' You sniffed, a single tear rolling down your cheek.
'Nothing.' But you missed the flicker in his eyes. The flicker that said otherwise.
That it wasn't nothing, it was his eveything.
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August 31st was when you lost it finally.
‘It was just a summer thing’, the words rang in your ear, loud and clear. They drowned the voices of all the chatter of classmates. ‘y/n? y/n? Are you okay?’ Lily asked beside you, furrowing her eyebrows in worry.
But you couldn’t respond to her, at that very moment, you thought you couldn’t do pretty much anything except look. Or rather stare at the sight unfolding before you. Before you knew it, the plastic cup fell from your hands, the beer splashing all over the floor and getting the attention of the people in the room, the attention of them. 
In the haze, you met your eyes with his, the soft brown ones that you had fallen in love with, the one which enveloped you in warmth. But now they felt like they were hurting you, the annoyance in them.
A tear rolled down your cheek as you turned around. The room suddenly felt too small, the stares of the people felt accusing. You let go of Lily’s hand that gripped your wrist and ran in the opposite direction.
Did you hear footsteps behind you? Were they Jake’s? You hated to admit it but you wished they were. You wished that he was the one following you, the one who'd hold you back.
For once, prove it to you that you weren’t the second lead.
But he wasn’t there.
You found yourself rushing to the porch, the sounds fading out. But you could hear the blood pumping in your ears, the sound of your shallow breath that you had been holding for so long.
He wasn’t there. What did you even expect?
You were a summer thing for him… but he was your summer love.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 5 months
"King Killmonger: The Golden Jaguar: Chapter 7"
Need to catch up? Masterlist HERE.
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"'Cause all I see is the best of you and all you see is the best of meAnd you bring out the best of meAnd all I see is everythingYour goals, your glow, your inner beingAnd our bigger meaningSo, let's lose us in these sheets, yeahAnd when I get up to walk, I wanna feel weak, yeahWell, I ain't goin' far (ain't goin' far)So, stay where you are (stay where you are)Feel like you partied in Venus and we woke up in Mars (baby)I been waitin' my whole life (I've been waiting)My whole lifeAnd I'm gonna give you the best years of your life (for you and I) You and I"
Beyonce—"ll Hands ll Heaven"
N'Jadaka Udaku, the foreign born king of Wakanda was a large man.
Yani watched him stretch his muscled arms and strong neck as he powered the bulk of his big body onto the stern of the houseboat and joined her on the cushiony loveseat facing the water on the lower deck. She had been on the luxury ship before. In America and elsewhere it would be considered a yacht, but to the super rich Udakus, it was a family houseboat.
The king rolled his neck and snuggled next to her, enjoying the warm sunlight and letting the alcohol in the champagne they drank relax him into a slight buzzy stupor. For three hours they floated in a quiet bliss, watching the water become a foamy deluge in their wake slicing through the turquoise liquid. The shoreline view slowly changed from deluxe high rises and bustle of city life to the more tranquil and slower-paced suburbs that led to the rural beauty of outer Zana.
N'Jadaka's skin had turned browner than hers as they sunbathed in their swimsuits, and luxuriated in their togetherness. She kissed his hard bicep and started to cry.
His concerned voice enveloped her in comfort. He hugged her into his side.
"I'm so happy," she sputtered, knowing the champagne had taken over her emotions. "You're my husband now, and it makes all of this seem so solid and real. I'm drunk…"
He laughed and the sound squeezed her heart.
"I'm not talking about the liquor," she said quickly wanting him to know her true feelings, "I'm drunk off of this love we have. I can't explain it well, but it makes me feel…safe. Finally."
He threaded his fingers with hers and kissed her hand.
"I know what you mean, Yani. I feel the same. I'm actually feeling so many things at once. Maybe that's why I've been so quiet for the last two hours. Taking it all in…knowing that I have a wife. That means everything to me. I didn't know I could possibly love you more, but going through the wedding ceremony, taking vows before gods and people. All of this takes on a deeper meaning."
He stared at their wedding rings.
"I should've married you after the first time we made love because I knew you were the one back then. I just didn't trust myself…I didn't know how to love you properly."
He cast his gaze toward the river water again.
"I have a queen, a family of my own…I have everything I've ever wanted. Maybe I'm scared I'll lose it all again…maybe that's why all of my senses and emotions are heightened. So many people in the world never get to have all of their dreams come true."
Yani leaned over and kissed his cheek. N'Jadaka turned his face to align their lips. He was larger up close, overwhelming her space the way he always did and she welcomed that sensation. It meant that he was her forever love. Her husband.
"Ohmigod, look…N'Jadaka…look," she gasped.
Their love boat passed a giant mountain waterfall that gushed whitewater into the once calm river. The automated boat moved away from the cascading flow that started three hundred feet above them. A cool mist from the water striking the river moistened their skin. Yani leaned her neck back to study how high the waterfall started. They stood and walked up to the top deck toward the bow. The boat switched directions on a pre-determined course and headed directly for the heavy curtain of water one hundred feet wide. She clutched his hand.
"What's happening? Why is the boat going toward the waterfall?" Yani said with a nervous tone.
"Wait and see," he said, throwing an arm around her shoulder.
"Aren't we supposed to cruise around the Ibukan?"
"That's what I told everyone for our safety, but that's not what we're doing," he said with a mischievous grin.
They drifted closer and the roar of the waterfall frightened Yani.
"Keep your eyes open baby…watch," he said.
A vibranium shield shimmered a neon blue streak all around the boat. They cruised straight through the waterfall and Yani marveled at the tons of water washing across the protective barrier.
On the other side they entered an enormous cave. The shield powered down and Yani glanced behind them, listening to the thundering roar of water keeping them out of sight.
The river cave was balmy and lit with lanterns decked around the stone walls. They were inside a mountain that led to someplace she was never privy to.
"Where are we?" she whispered.
"You'll see soon enough," he said, squeezing her closer to him.
The lanterns flickered a yellow-orange glow that allowed her to make out cave drawings that didn't look like Wakandan script. Without the light, the blackness of the interior would've swallowed them. Up ahead, a glint of white beckoned them to an exit.
Yani covered her mouth with her hand. They floated out into a tropical rainforest with an explosion of colors on vines and canopies she had never seen before. The air smelled different and the scent of the blossoming rainforest flowers lured her steps forward near a railing for a closer chance to sniff the tropical atmosphere. If Joba had been there, she would've believed that her fairy garden had sprouted into a giant real-life wonderland. That's how magical it felt floating along with her husband.
Yani looked around with more wonder and couldn't get over how different the world looked in that place. One would've believed they slipped into a fantasy land with colors that vivid and varied. The boat followed a lazy "s" curve until it stopped. N'Jadaka gathered up their thin, ankle-length aquamarine honeymoon tunics. Yani slipped hers on and he did the same.
"We'll ride a hover bike to the place I want to take you," he said.
Yani walked beside him to the lower deck where a canoe and a hover bike were attached for their use on the trip. She climbed behind her husband and held his waist.
Two elder women and a young man waited for them to float over the water and settle on the landing near the water's edge. One woman carried a woven grass basket covered with a satin blue cloth and the other woman held a full bouquet of magenta and blood-orange flowers. Both women wore heavy brocaded lavender robes with gold sandals. The young man escorting them stood silently watching the royal couple climb off the hover bike. He wore a long plain white shirt with gold crotch-drop pants.
The woman with the basket stepped forward first and handed N'Jadaka the basket.
"Welcome kumkani. We have been waiting for your arrival with the new kumkanikazi and prepared your quarters for the next three days."
"Thank you. May I introduce you to Kumkanikazi Yani?"
All three lowered their heads and waited for Yani to acknowledge them with an offering of her hand. The woman with the bouquet gave them to the queen and Yani sniffed the heavenly scent.
"Where are we?" Yani asked the first woman.
"This is Ekuqaleni. The Beginning. The place where the Udaku clan first came to be through Ugogo Udaku…Grandmother Udaku. She is the matrilineal beginning for the king. You carry her name as your own now, kumkanikazi. The Udaku family line runs through their women."
"Udaku was her surname?" Yani asked.
The elder woman who gave the flowers shook her head and spoke softly.
"No. Udaku was her first and only name. Udaku of the Panther Tribe. Mother of Bashenga Udaku, the first Black Panther and our first united tribal king."
"The women ran everything," Yani said.
The women nodded at her.
"Come, you have had a long day and long journey. Time to rest and get acquainted with the roots of your people."
The fruit basket woman snapped her fingers and the young man became more alert and stepped three feet in front of N'Jadaka as the others did. All citizens were only allowed to stand the requisite distance of three feet unless invited closer by a royal personally.
"What are your names?" Yani asked.
The first woman pointed to herself and then the woman with the flowers.
"I am Mama F'Neka and that is Mama Yiswa. Niso will take you to rest. Supper will be ready when you ask for it. We are here to serve and help you enjoy your stay. Your pleasure is our grace," F'Neka said.
Niso stepped lively and the royal couple carried their gifts and followed a winding path through a wealth of nature's beauty.
"We are on the other side of Umbono Lake," N'Jadaka said.
"By the cove?"
"Close to it," he said.
Yani smiled. She had a better picture of the geography knowing they were further south.
"Are you the only people here?" Yani asked Niso.
"No, kumkanikazi. Several of us work here to take care of Ekuqaleni," Niso said.
N'Jadaka took a hold of Yani's free hand and clasped it as they walked through the tropical paradise.
"No one is allowed to be here except for the royal family, and most times it's just for the newlywed ones," N'Jadaka said. "This place is a historical landmark and not even the public can come here except for certain times of the month annually for special tours."
"Ekuqaleni is a holy place my queen," Niso added. "Ugogo Udaku encouraged her young son King Bashenga to follow the ways of the shaman during the time of constant tribal wars. With her wisdom and Bast's guidance, our revered king found isipho…the gift."
"Vibranium," Yani said.
"Yes, kumkanikazi. Ugogo Udaku was born and lived here in the forest for one hundred and ten years. My family has taken care of Ekuqaleni for generations. Mama F'Neka and Mama Yiswa are my grand aunts. We are a mix of the Panther and River tribe."
The path they followed narrowed and N'Jadaka made Yani walk in the middle behind Niso. Giant multi-colored butterflies with wing-spans as wide as her hand fluttered in a ring high above them. The forest had a cloying sweet odor where they traveled. Niso pointed to the butterflies overhead.
"They are drunk with the fermented nectar of the fruit we gave you," Niso said.
Grayish-green fruit shaped like pregnant pears hung on branches slightly at Yani's eye level. Many had over-ripened and browned deeply in sections where butterflies crawled over them licking the fermentation. She giggled and touched the wing of one nearby butterfly. The soft powdery feel slid across her fingertips as they continued moving into a clearing.
"What about our clothes and things on the boat?" Yani asked.
N'Jadaka fondled her backside with a gentle pat and pinch.
"Don't worry about that stuff. I have it all taken care of. Just enjoy the trip, Ma," N'Jadaka said.
Niso stepped aside letting the royals move ahead of him and Yani's eyes widened.
A natural heated mineral pool faced a sunken fire pit surrounded by low stools and a lounging seat. The lush area was cultivated to blend in with the surroundings with enough touches to look cozy and quite comfortable.
"My king and queen, Ugogo Udaku's family dwelling," Niso said proudly.
Yani had imagined some small thatched covered hut made to survive a tropical environment. Instead, her neck arched back and her mouth fell open at the sight of giant trees as tall, wide, and grandiose as American redwoods, but cultivated over a millennia to take on the braided curved shapes like lucky bamboo. The canopies were also intertwined across the tree tops creating the foundation for pearly white-washed circular tree homes made of smooth stone and earth. The light coloring looked spectacular against the backdrop of twining leaves and branches of bright emerald green etched with faint traces of lemon yellow and vermilion streaks.
N'Jadaka grinned next to her.
"Beautiful huh?" he said, putting the basket of fruit on a low tree-trunk carved table.
Yani put the bouquet of flowers down next to the fruit basket and walked toward the closest tree. She noticed the carved steps inside the trunk that led up to the tree home.
"May I?" Yani asked Niso.
"My queen, this is your ancestral home. You may do as you wish," Niso said.
Yani hurried up the organic steps and squealed when she reached the top. Entering the first room she immediately looked out of the window. Holding her breath, she couldn't believe it all belonged to her. N'Jadaka's heavy footfalls echoed from behind and she glanced at him quickly before spinning around the cool interior.
"So much space! It's huge in here and…ohmigod, N'Jadaka…"
Yani took off through a long hall that led to other parts of the tree house. More living pods were made for bedrooms, a restroom, kitchen area, and then treetop bridges that led to hanging gardens that grew fruits and flowers above the forest floor.
N'Jadaka followed, enjoying the delight in her eyes. They stood together on an above ground pathway that gave them a view of a lazy tributary of milky blue water that flowed to the east of the tree house. More steps carved out of the tree led down directly to the water.
"My ancestors had to live above ground because there was a lot of seasonal flooding before they started damming up spots to control the waterways. I thought staying here a few days before going on the boat cruise would be…romantic?" N'Jadaka said.
Yani hugged him tight.
"I love it," she said.
"I'm glad. I know we could go anywhere in the world, or do anything we want in Wakanda, but I just wanted to be somewhere special for us. You're making roots here too, and your lineage is very important to our history on this patch of land."
Yani's eyes welled up and she blinked away tears by glancing down below and noticing Niso. He waved up to them. A loud growling sound startled Yani. Two black panthers lumbered out from behind twisty vines looping below the trees.
Niso didn't seem fazed at all and bent down to scratch the ear of one panther that rolled over onto its back.
"This is S'Bu and Unathi, your personal guards. Would you like to meet them?" Niso called up.
Yani bounded down the carved stairs of another giant tree dragging N'Jadaka with her by the hand.
"Are they safe? They don't know us," Yani asked.
She quickly became cautious once she stood before the gorgeous beasts, their blue-black coats of fur gleaming like polished midnight. N'Jadaka walked up to S'Bu and cuddled its chin with his big hand.
"They are bred for the royals and brought up to obey your commands and watch over you in the forest," Niso said.
Yani was still hesitant to touch either panther.
"No worries Queen Yani. I have gotten them accustomed to your scent. King N'Jadaka sent over clothing belonging to you so they are familiar with your natural skin odor. They know you are to be respected and protected."
"Tell them to sit in Wakandan baby," N'Jadaka encouraged.
"They're not dogs," Yani said with a small laugh in her voice.
"Try it."
Yani stepped closer to her husband just to be safe and looked both big cats in the eyes.
"Hlala phantsi," Yani commanded.
Both panthers squatted on their haunches and kept direct eye contact with her.
"Good job, Queen Yani," Niso said.
Yani reached out and scritched the ear of Unathi first. The animal purred under her fingers and S'Bu nudged her fingers to get some affection too.
"A jealous baby," Yani said.
"They are both three years old and will come and go frequently to trek around the pereimeter," Niso said.
"Aren't panthers normally solitary?" Yani asked.
"Wild ones, yes. They prefer to be alone until mating season. But these have been raised in a claw of humans and were trained to live together with some female panthers that roam here too. You won't see them as much. They are fed by our team so no need to do anything for these big boys. S'Bu loves belly rubs and Unathi prefers back rubs. When you want them to go away, just clap your hands and they will leave."
Niso lowered his head and kept his hands by his sides.
"I will leave you to begin your honeymoon. Tap your kimoyos when you would like your supper brought to you, or any other extra meals and snacks. Ugogo Udaku's home is equipped with all the latest amenities as the palace. Refreshments are in the home already. There are marked trails and kimoyo scans for landmarks and such throughout the forest. I hope you will enjoy your stay. We are so honored to have you."
"Thank you, Niso," Yani said.
Niso wandered off and the forest swallowed all traces of him. Both panthers flopped down on their sides relaxed and without a care in the world.
"What would you like to do first? Explore a little, or relax. Anything you want to get into is good with me, baby," N'Jadaka said.
"What about you?"
He surveyed the empty fire pit and a stack of freshly chopped wood at the base of the tree house steps.
"I'm thinkin' of making a fire so we can have our supper out here. Shouldn't take me long to get one going. We have a couple of hours left before the sun sets."
"How about you get the fire going and I'll walk around here for a few minutes to get acquainted with the forest," she said.
He strolled over to the wood stack and Yani pivoted the other way. The two panthers sat up. S'Bu padded forward to follow.
"Stay," she said in English.
The panther kept walking and she repeated her command in Wakandan and the big cat abruptly sat on its backside again.
She wandered into an area of hanging vines taking in the fresh air and dense foliage. Staring up, she looked upon the thick canopy that blocked out most of the sunlight and created a shady walk through the forest. Despite the dense covering, tiny slats of golden light filtered down like sundrops, making dustmotes look like sparkly glitter dancing in the bright spots. Yani walked into magic and wonder feeling childlike.
There were a few other tree houses high above, but many hadn't been cared for as well as Ugogo Udaku's home over the years. They had eroded away or been grown over by the trees and vines they were built into. The constant buzzing of cicadas rang in her ears. She welcomed the sound and listened for other tropical noises to alert the world of other life going on around her. Frogs croaked and a few green and blue birds bounced from branch to branch watching her closely. A black and white colobus monkey, with an old geriatric-looking face and a tail of long white fur that favored horsehair, spied on her from above.
A sensation of peace descended over the forest and Yani ventured carefully back to the treehouse. The smell of wood smoke greeted her. N'Jadaka sat on one of the low stools by the fire petting both of the panthers that stretched out in front of him. Yani paused her steps and watched her husband interact with the animals. He looked regal and powerful handling S'Bu and Unathi like they were mere kittens. The fire crackled and so did a leaf under her sandal. N'Jadaka and the panthers glanced her way. His large physique reminded her of a human panther. Especially his eyes and how they could turn predatory against an enemy. He really was just a giant panther who would turn as docile as the big cats at his feet when she pointed him in the direction she wanted. Umama whispered in her ear before they flew away on their honeymoon that the queen of Wakanda was the true power behind the throne, and the best queens kept the king on point. Yani clapped her hands and both cats ambled away following her commands immediately. They retreated in the direction Niso disappeared.
"How was your walk?" he asked.
Yani went to him and touched his pulled back locs. She lifted his chin with two fingers and kissed his full lush lips in the firelight.
"This is perfect," she said after releasing his mouth.
"Yeah, I could do with a good meal and then a nice early rest."
"We can go canoeing tomorrow and barbecue in the afternoon. We can also hike to see the top of the waterfall."
"So much to see and do… and all the time we need to do it. A whole month off," Yani sighed into his hair.
N'Jadaka pulled her onto his lap and they enjoyed the fire for a time. He tapped his kimoyo beads and Niso returned with two other attendants pushing a floating double food cart filled with delicacies and more than enough food for two hungry royals. The low dining table was just at the right level of the ancient seats. They sat across from one another and were served the first course of broth and flat bread with wine and fresh cheese bites. N'Jadaka dismissed their attendants after giving instructions to bring a late breakfast in the morning.
"I guess walking out here made us hungrier than we thought," Yani said.
She pulled out several platters filled with yellow rice, grilled vegetables, stuffed flaky fish pastries, tender cuts of beef smothered in rich red wine gravy, and skewers of chicken glazed with peanut sauce. Helping themselves to full plates, they ate and reveled in the calm peacefulness as the sun set. Small solar lights sprinkled around the tree house twinkled to life.
"How pretty…oh…I wish the kids could see this," Yani said.
"They will. We'll come back through here on the way back home our last week. But I want us to have this to ourselves first," he said, winking.
"You really have thought of everything."
She stuffed a piece of the fruit that was already cut up for them in the basket.
"This tastes so good, like a peach and passion fruit mix…here, try some."
Yani passed a small squared off piece to N'Jadaka and he ate it right from her fingers, licking the tips free of juice.
"I like it," he said.
He watched her face then smiled.
"You're glowing," he said.
"Your face…your demeanor. It's a glowing vibe."
"Hmmm…I feel like I'm glowing. This might sound funny but, I feel like I'm married. It's like a sensation in my bosom, like a weight or something. Nothing heavy, but…a solidness?"
Yani watched his face. N'Jadaka leaned in closer to the table and reached for her ring finger.
"I kinda feel that way too, Yani. Like how we were discussing on the boat. Ceremony is one thing, but saying those vows to you…I feel more connected to you than I ever have. Once those words came out…it's like you said…almost like the word became flesh and lodged inside of us."
Yani nodded, understanding completely.
"Are you excited about when we get back and you attend your first palace meeting with the Council of Elders?" he asked.
Yani rolled her eyes and nibbled on some bread.
"I don't want to think about the palace right now. I only want to focus on us and this amazing honeymoon trip."
"Want any more wine?"
N'Jadaka held out a wine carafe and Yani shook her head.
"I've had enough to drink today, no thank you."
He sipped the last drops in his own wine glass and checked out the dessert offerings. Lemon tarts and mini vanilla bean cakes with fresh berry glaze. They shared a cake and then covered up the rest of the food for the attendants to retrieve later.
Shucking off their caftans to frolic openly with swimsuits again, they investigated the mineral spring bubbling nearby. A trough made of smooth robin's egg blue stones allowed cool water from the river tributary to flow through. All they had to do was lift a partition made of yellow limestone and clay and the cooler water drained into the steamy mineral waters regulating the temperature.
The spring was about five feet deep in the center with seat impressions carved into the sides that could accommodate up to six adults.
"Nature's Jacuzzi," N'Jadaka said as he helped Yani into the bubbling froth that smelled faintly of sulfur.
Yani lifted the partition and the milky blue river water rushed in and helped neutralize the strong odor from the spring. The frothy mix became soapy on their skin making it tingle.
"Feels like heaven," Yani said after the final adjustment of the partition to a perfect temperature.
Seated shoulder to shoulder, they soaked in heated bliss and held hands under the water. They spoke of the children and their education, and Yani fretted about the possibility of sending Sydette to the best science academy in Wakanda. Their eldest had taken her first Level 1 aptitude exam that all nine-year-olds took to determine their academic journey. Unlike most educational systems, Wakandans let the children's intelligence place them with their natural interests and not just a typical general core curriculum that everyone had to abide by for decades. They allowed children to specialize in their talents early encouraging self-motivation that would hopefully carry on into a lifetime of autodidactism.
Sydette tested high in the hard sciences and mathematics and her primary teacher was pleased to inform Yani and N'Jadaka that S'Yan University had the proper seed school within the institution that all the best young science minds went to early. In a year, Sydette would have to attend a new school for her grade level and Yani wanted her near the palace. Attending the Level 2 in S'Yan would mean boarding school for Sydette. Traveling back and forth to school hundreds of miles away was too much for a little girl. It was tough while she was living away from her father in the countryside under duress, but S'Yan was even further away near the sea.
Boarding school was what rich people did to have their children rub shoulders with the elite and to get high paying, high status jobs after graduation. Sydette was a princess and the daughter of the richest and most brilliant man in the world. She didn't need a boarding school to get ahead in life, she was already at the front of the line. Yani toyed with the idea of asking N'Jadaka to create a school in Zana just as heralded as the one in S'Yan just to keep Sydette at home. All the schools in Wakanda were better than anything outside of the country, but S'Yan University had three particular teachers there that created giants in their field. Shuri and T'Challa had gone there as children before attending the Royal Academy of Wakanda in Zana.
Her mind wandered to their "twins" Joba and Riki. In two years, all of their children could possibly be away from the golden city and boarding on the other side of the country. The thought bothered her to no end. She was supposed to see her babies every day to ask how their day went and help them with their class work. There were already rumblings from Joba and Riki's teachers about skipping them a few grades like N'Jadaka had been. That meant they could leave the palace sooner. Brilliant children meant losing parts of childhood sometimes. Her husband didn't talk about it much, but Dante told Yani that it was tough for the king to be the smartest and youngest child in the room when he was little.
Joba had an aptitude for linguistics and art. Riki…well…Riki was…Yani chuckled.
"What's so funny?" N'Jadaka asked.
"Thinking of Riki. What do you think he'll do with his life? We know he loves animals."
N'Jadaka pressed his lips together suppressing a smirk.
"Why are you looking like that?" Yani asked.
"He told me he wants to start a band."
"Ooh Lord, God…"
"Well, the boy can sing. My Baba could and so can you, which means he has the genetics."
"So Sydette becomes an astrobiologist, Joba the master linguist/art historian, and our son becomes a rock star?"
"Why not?"
"I know the music business first hand remember? It's not a nice industry. He's too smart for that."
"Wakanda is all about letting their young people develop their potential. Maybe it's time for an Udaku to be a famous musician. Give him a few more years with his piano and guitar lessons. He could be the next King of Pop. But a real one!"
"My baby is too sweet to become a raunchy musician."
"Stop projecting."
Yani curled her lip in a pout and N'Jadaka squeezed her kneecap.
"You have to let him have the same opportunity your parents gave you when you were allowed to try your hand at music," he said.
"That wasn't my dream and you know it. Chez wanted to be a star, not me."
"Kendall is doing well though."
"Kendall is a famous music producer now…all behind the scenes work."
"He would be a good mentor for Riki—"
"Are you seriously thinking of letting our son become a performer? You wahn me vex on this honeymoon?"
"You are the queen of Wakanda. Lil Man will never fall victim to the seamier side of the music business because who would want to fuck with his mama? Or his daddy? One word from your mouth and you already know I'm tearing up cities for our kids."
Yani relaxed more and rubbed her hand up and down his arm.
"Promise?" she said in his ear.
"Anything for my wife, ya heard me?"
She nodded. He stood abruptly and pulled at the elastic on his trunks.
"Too hot for me. Let's use the outdoor shower and head up," he said.
She stepped out of the mineral pool and slipped on her sandals. They rinsed off with cool water from an overhead shower nozzle connected to one of the trees facing the treehouse. Stripping off their suits, they wrung them out and strung them along a branch to dry. A second more thorough shower had them fully refreshed and energized.
"Let's stay outside a little longer," Yani suggested.
Even with the sun gone, the spring weather carried the whispers of summer on a slow breeze that followed them back over to the double lounger. N'Jadaka moved it to face the tributary where they could gaze at the bright stars in the evening sky. He tilted the back support so they could sprawl together at an angle. Yani waited for him to settle in the lounger first before she crawled to sit between his legs with the back of her head resting on his chest.
"Do you think Adam and Eve had it like this in the Garden of Eden?" Yani asked.
"Without attendants…maybe."
"Nude in nature and happy like this every day of their lives…"
"Until that whole apple situation," he joked.
"Shooting stars!" she blurted, pointing at the streak of burning dust overhead.
Yani closed her eyes when she spotted a new cluster of vaporized debris masquerading as shooting stars. She made a wish for her husband and herself to live long happy lives without any falls from grace.
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N'Jadaka was pleased.
His new wife loved the surprise excursion to Ekuqaleni. Before his paternal grandfather vanished in the Thanos war, he gave N'Jadaka the suggestion to visit the place of his Wakandan roots where it all began for the Panther tribe. He made meticulous arrangements in secrecy and felt grateful that he listened to Baba Z.
Yani was in awe of the place and more than anything, she loved the seclusion and quiet from other people. She spoke to him with that soft tone he adored in her voice, and touched him constantly. She knew his love language was physical contact and catered to those needs just as he catered to hers by showering her with gifts that showed her that she was worthy of all the good things in life she struggled for. Yani wasn't materialistic by any means, but his constant presents for no special reasons brought her gratitude and acceptance that she was worthy of being spoiled by him. N'Jadaka puffed up ten feet whenever she expressed elation over a new surprise he bestowed upon her simply because he loved her so much.
Naked and tangled together on the lounger, they watched shooting stars and listened to the settling down of the majestic forest. An owl hooted and flew low past their seat right across the tributary. They were surrounded by mountains and away from the constant eyes in the palace. Being butt naked in a serene wilderness calmed his mind and body. He curled his arms around Yani's chest, feeling the soft globes of her breasts push into his warm skin. True Eden was holding her close and never letting her go.
He slid his fingers onto her nipples and played with them. They perked up, still tender from the soak in the mineral pool. She stayed quiet, watching his fingers roll across the firm tips, fat like plump grapes. Her sighs pleased his ears as he plucked and pinched them gently. He cupped each breast and looked down at her chest, slowly pushing them together. Staring at big tits always got him started in the arousal department. Yani's thighs fell open wider and he knew her inner labia were becoming engorged just by the way her backside squirmed against him. She turned her head and he lowered his so they could kiss, their tongues sliding into moist, ready caverns. His mouth watered kissing her, and he kept his tongue at the entrance of her mouth, forcing Yani to beg for more with her prodding tongue. He delved deeper into her throat forcing her to submit that wanton mouth. She matched his pace. His fuller lips took over hers and she moaned deep in her throat.
"Love me?" he whispered between kisses.
She nodded and arched her neck to capture more of his lips, her teeth grazing his bottom lip playfully. He slowed her down with softer kisses that tested the limits of her desire for him. Licking on her neck, he bit into her skin and nibbled on the spot just under the right side of her jaw. He sucked a small hicky there, marking her flesh with his teeth too. She shifted her body onto her side, and the heat from her heavy breasts seared warmth into him. He lowered his hand and touched her down there in that special place.
That pussy was wetter and hotter than the water they crawled out of.
The slickness coated his fingertips and he painted her wide labia with all the stickiness she spewed out.
"I've been waiting to play all in this pussy…"
He prevented her from responding by stuffing his fingers in her mouth, making her taste the sweet tasting nectar she released. She'd spent a week eating large amounts of pineapples and mangoes to make sure her pussy tasted delicious for them.
Good girl.
He gently smacked her vulva. The slap from his hand activated the pleasure of her labia piercings.
"Yesss," she hissed, and he slapped her vulva again, the frothy wetness between her legs making his entire hand wet.
"…playing with my wife's pretty pussy outside in the open. Anybody could walk past and see the queen's wet pussy lips…"
Yani huffed out an aroused breath into his right side. The exhibitionist in her was wound up tight. He drew lazy figure eights all around her jeweled clit. Her legs trembled as he rubbed slow circles on it directly.
"You can't cum on my fingers baby. The king has to eat your pussy first before he can get deep inside you. Would you like that now? My lips on your pussy? Licking all over that juicy clit?"
"Yes…please…Daddy…eat my pussy."
"You about to get some husband dick tonight, Yani. I already told you that shit was going to be different from what you're used to. Daddy gotta put in real work tonight to stretch you out good. I might make several big messes all inside you."
She trembled all over, the tension in her body palpable against his nerve endings. He inserted two fingers partially inside her pussy and they both heard the sound it made when he wiggled his fingers around to test how wet she was. He adjusted her position on his torso so he could reach down and finger fuck her. She spread her legs along the sides of his and savored his digits twirling pleasure inside of her. Her walls squeezed around his fingers. The deeper he sank his fingers the more moans tumbled from her lips. Her eyes were glassy and faraway. She was ready to be piped down good and hard.
N'Jadaka moved her body away from his and slid down to his knees on the soft grass. It was time for him to face the nation between her thighs. Pushing Yani's legs back on the lounger he smashed his lips into her vulva and commenced to pleasuring the queen with a thick wide tongue. She tasted sweeter and her slick offering soaked his lips and most of his lower face.
Tongue fucking her made Yani shoot her legs up to the dark heavens. Her toes pointed to the north star toward freedom in her pussy. A powerful orgasm rippled all across her lush form. He loved the way her entire vulva throbbed in his mouth. Her orgasmic contractions exploded again while he groaned into her soft center making it vibrate with delirious pulses. It forced her to let out a rapturous shout to God and anyone else who would listen to her praises of his tongue.
He slurped up all the stickiness she produced and swallowed it full of greed for more. Standing, he let her witness the growth of his erection. It stood saluting her. Her eyes glossed over his heavy nutsack before admiring his thick arousal. He lifted his balls and squeezed their heft, letting her see what was in store to flood her pussy.
Yani lifted one of the large fluffy pillows from the lounger and placed it on the grass in front of the seat. She dropped onto all fours facing away from him. Head down, ass up. N'Jadaka scooted into a comfortable position at the edge of the lounger and spread his legs. He gripped his dick with a firm hand and stroked himself, watching his wife wiggle her big, wide ass. Her fat vulva gleamed from her piercings and the fresh lubricant her body produced. The inner labia wings were spread out and all of her precious pink winked at him. She played with her pussy and he groaned stroking his dick. Her pretty rose-gold nails pulled her ass cheeks apart providing a gorgeous picture for him. When they got back to the palace he was going to commission a discreet artist to paint his wife in that position. That body was art, especially when it was aroused and that pink pussy throbbed like that.
"Fuck Yani, that pussy looks so juicy…so does that ass baby…"
She slowly rubbed her labia and it was torture staring at wet pussy teasing him to fuck. Women from all over the world had been in that position before trying to seduce him. Only Yani made him pant the way he did watching her tease him. She pushed three of her fingers inside her pussy and the squelching sounds had his fat lips twisted up in agony.
"You like your wife's pussy?" Yani said.
"I do baby…"
"Do you like how it sounds Daddy?"
His hand pounded his dick down to his balls. Precum drizzled down the shaft and all over his right hand. So much came out that he was losing the feeling of friction. He was going to need her tight pussy soon. Sweat poured down his face.
"Yani…damn…Yani…got this dick hard as fuck…shit…"
She started making her ass cheeks jump in a syncopated rhythm and he jumped down on his knees. He jammed his left hand down on the arch of her back and pressed the tip of his dick against her right ass cheek, rubbing it hard against the pillowy soft bubble.
"You like that big ass Daddy?"
N'Jadaka groaned and slapped his dick against her ass. His precum coated her skin and his dick slid all around feeling hot and dangerous in his hand. He slapped the other ass cheek several times leaving dark red-brown markings on her toasted brown skin. Yani liked that stinging pain and cried out for more. He was losing control. His vision became blurry from the sweat falling into his eyes.
"Get on your knees! Aw fuck, Yani! Hurry…get on your knees…'bout to bust a fat one. Wanna cum on your face…you know what I want…you know what I want!" he shouted.
Yani took her sweet time rising from her position. But she didn't stay on her knees. She sauntered over to the lounger and got cozy on her back, spreading her big thighs open.
"I want my husband…I want my husband right now," she said.
N'Jadaka stared at her earnest face and the beauty it contained. His entire body hummed with the thrilling sensation of lust and love and deepening desire. His dick was a heavy sword between his legs ready to be sheathed by a queen he loved with his entire heart, mind, body, and soul. He lowered his head and kissed her feet and made a trail with his lips all the way up her body. When he reached her lips, he gave her a small peck and lined his erection up with her receptive labia.
"I want my wife. I want my wife right now," he said to her with strong conviction.
The firelight revealed a shine in Yani's eyes that glowed like the stars above.
Everything slowed down.
His breathing.
His heart beat.
His mind.
All there was in that moment of exquisite time was her.
The woman who brought him back from the land of the living dead.
The woman who loved him whole and free.
His wife.
He entered her body slowly, burning into his memory the sensation of her vagina closing around his girth, holding him like no other woman could. Resting his forehead against hers, their eyes connected and locked together. He placed his hands into fists at her sides and grunted his satisfaction with a slow lovemaking that had him enthralled.
God she took that dick!
He closed his eyes and gasped at how tight and deep she was. When he was able to open his eyes again while savoring the sweet thrusts he gave her, he knew in his spirit he would be lost to her love forever. The thought of how easily he could've lost her on that island swarmed over him like a tsunami of watery heat in his bones, and he wept, fearful of how close his life could've gone down the drain if he hadn't found her and built a connection.
Yani cradled his face with her hands and wiped away his tears that threatened to fall on her. He shifted his weight and she wrapped her legs around his waist, giving him room to thrust harder into her.
His queen. His wife.
She made love to him like no other and he reciprocated. His mind wandered for a second at a memory. Who was the lover he once chastised for trying to fuck him like that when it was better suited for a man who deserved her? He was at M.I.T. at the time…early twenties. Cocksure and slanging dick like a fiend. The woman had been much older than him and fell in love with him so fast that he felt bad for leaving her with unrequited feelings. Shaun knew her…a big fine…
Yeah, that was her. He had been right to warn Renata about fucking men like that. That was husband territory and the woman that rightfully deserved his tender loving care would have it for as long as he lived. The wisdom of his youth flooded his limbs and he kissed Yani while thrusting his soul into her depths. He needed her to feel his love and devotion. She hugged him tight.
"N'Jadaka…my love…my everything," she said.
"Yes," he said, rocking into her in a steady love tempo. "Yes…yes…baby…yes."
Husband things.
Her mouth parted but no sound came out. Her eyes never wavered from his. Her pussy swallowed his dick with artful decadence. Every thrust he gave ripped a groan from him as well as her, and after awhile, it became a steady metronome of sound. Even the forest quieted down to listen to their lovemaking.
Yani's pussy was a gushy fortress of primal delight. He glanced down to watch his dick move in and out, stuffing her full of thick dick, stretching her with divine care. Giving him pussy like that, he definitely knew he would have her pregnant in a few months. She made the idea of pulling out a sin before Bast and Ogum. He had fought aliens from other galaxies, had Gods speak to him directly and ride his body within his own flesh, but none of those experiences were as profound as making love to Yani.
He gestured for her to turn around so he could take her from behind and waited for her to get into a comfortable position. He sank back into her with a hearty shout of her name and gripped her waist. She clutched the back of the lounger for stability. Slowly gyrating his hips, he gave Yani the backshots she needed as her man. With reckless abandon, she threw her ass back on him causing loud thunderous claps of her ass cheeks. He held back from plunging into her again and let Yani do all the fucking while he watched with half closed eyelids. Her grip on his dick made his balls ache to release. She twisted her hips and pushed into him at a new angle that tugged on his length with a new sensation.
"Dassit, fall back on that dick. Good girl…show me how you own this dick…show me…dassit. That's all yours, Yani... right there…right there…yank on this dick with that tight pussy baby."
She looked back at him while she bounced on his dick. It was that daring look in her eyes that made her lethal during sex. The look clarified that no one else could fuck him like she did. She was the big dick assassin and she snapped that fat ass against his groin to remind him that she was not to be toyed with. Flexing her back muscles, she started really cooking on his dick, twisting her waist from side to side the way she did when she danced seductively on a dance floor. Her ass moved like water with such fluidity that he squeezed his eyes shut again to keep himself from nutting before he was ready. He grit his teeth and huffed agitated air, suppressing the yell that built up in his throat and threatened to bellow out like a raging elephant.
Yani pushed the lounge chair's back support until it was flat. She lowered her face and kept her eyes locked on his as she arched her back into a more visually pleasing display that tooted her ass higher for his pleasure.
She knew what she was doing.
Setting him up for the kill-strike on his dick. Her pussy was already doing stunts on his shaft with all the concentrated squeezing. Using his large hands, he pulled her cheeks apart to admire the visual of tight pink pussy throbbing all around his pulsing erection. Locked on her target, her eyes narrowed watching him. He had something for her ass though that would mess up her goal to end him.
N'Jadaka lifted onto his feet and fucked her froggy style. That position gave his fat sack the ammunition angle to continually smack into her swollen clit harder. His switch up worked, and Yani's face transformed from a look of deadly accuracy into one of submissive bliss.
"Oh…oh…oh…oh…" she panted softly and repeatedly.
His balls and the thickness of his dick stretching her caused the right amount of friction to render her lost in the sauce. She had that faraway look in her glassy stare.
"MmmHmmm…thought you had me gone. Now I gotta teach you how to behave," he barked at her.
Yani whimpered and chewed on her bottom lip. Her shiny eyes looked more watery and ready to spill tears. He rubbed on her booty, smacking it on both sides, luxuriating in the recoil as it bounced in his hands.
"Not here," he said glancing up at the treehouse.
Reluctantly, he pulled out from her tightness and lifted her gently in his arms. She rested her head against his neck and circled her arms around his wide shoulders.
"I will cum inside you way up there…where my ugogo lived high above the ground…among these magnificent trees. I want the old ones who passed on to hear us and know that we're building a new nation," he whispered in her ear.
He strode across the peaceful landscape carrying Yani past the dying fire and the gurgling of the mineral spring. S'Bu and Unathi returned from prowling their territory and watched the king with his queen.
"You two stay here and watch this place. Stay," he commanded.
Unathi gave a subdued growl as if responding to N'Jadaka. Both panthers slinked gracefully near the fire pit and hunkered down like two giant loaves of black bread.
N'Jadaka walked up the treehouse stairway and carried Yani into the largest bedroom pod that was decorated like a honeymoon suite for the royal couple. Tropical flowers were placed around the bedroom in natural grass woven baskets. Heavily scented green candles burned inside copper wall sconces with protective glass coverings. Two royal purple robes transported from their palace home hung up on wall hooks. With the whitewashing of the walls and the flickering candles, the bedroom glowed with a subdued golden light.
Their bedding was a soft ancient pallet covered in a hand woven plum-colored quilt that had been lovingly repaired and refabricated over centuries, but still held the stitches of his greatest grandfather's mother.
Above them was a skylight where the ancient ones had trimmed away the canopy to let in starlight and sunshine. He made out the Wakandan zodiac sign of the baobab tree among the stars twinkling their light into the room. Placing Yani on her feet, he pulled back the quilt and soft sheets.
"Give me your hand," he said.
Yani placed her left hand in his and helped lower her onto the unbelievably soft and supportive pallet. It must've been made from some special material that deceived the eye into thinking it was too thin to handle two grown bodies that were about to get busy. He pushed two large pillows against the wall creating back support.
N'Jadaka held Yani in his arms and kissed her. Their tongues played a gentle game of hide and seek in their mouths. He fondled her breasts and whispered her name over and over, praising her touches all over his body. He nibbled her earlobe, licked the shell of her ear, and groaned while listening to her needy moans. The wide open wings of her labia beckoned him to plunge back inside her pussy. The stickiness between her thighs became molten lava on his hand. She crawled on top of him and guided his twitching erection inside her sugary walls.
"Oh…Killmonger," she sighed.
Yani leaned forward and her breasts smothered his face. She rode him hard and fast. He sucked on her nipples and tried stuffing as much of her breasts into his mouth as possible. She started bucking and he cried out with enough passion to make his throat raw. He gripped her big titties and held on to them while she fucked the shit out of him.
"Dammit! Fuck me Yani…keep going like that…oh shiitttttt!"
She leaned back and her breasts bounced like an earthquake rumbled their treehouse. His nutsack reacted to the vision, the hot semen held there on the brink of shooting out from his dick if he let her ride like she was on a mechanical bull much longer.
His lips bunched up and he started begging for mercy.
"Don't make me cum yet baby…please…I'm not ready for you to pull this nut out yet…Yani…Yani…please…"
She laughed and pushed her tits together, extending his torture. Her pussy made splashing noise all over his dick. A creamy stickiness covered his erection and more coated it as her arousal danced into a tipping point. The way his dick stretched her pussy lips as she went up and down paralyzed him into inaction and he took the pounding of her ass on his thighs like a champ. A lesser man would've tapped out a long time ago. He was on the verge and she knew it, and that knowledge turned her into a dick riding tyrant.
"Oh my God…Oh my God….shit, shit, shit, Yani you fucking bitch! Ahhhhh!"
There was no shame in a man screaming because his wife rocked his world. No shame in his voice going up two octaves either. He lifted his body and hugged her tight, slowing down her plans to kill him with pussy. The king planted kisses all over her throat and face before taking her lips. Distracted, Yani went limp in his arms and he flipped her over onto her back.
He plunged in deep, shocking her system. She clawed his back with those rose-gold nails and the pain of breaking skin seeped into his body as pleasure. He pressed his weight down into her and gave her what she wanted. The righteous pounding from a king.
Grunting and cursing, he looked at Yani directly, their warm moaning breath co-mingling
"Fuck me Killmonger! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!"
No noise came out of his mouth. Eventually it stopped coming out of her mouth too. The eroticism of silence shrouded them. Only their overstimulated bodies keened and shrieked the ecstasy drowning their pores.
He hit that sweet spot inside her walls and Yani's mouth opened wider and the tears finally fell. A seismic orgasm rocked her into a silent writhing. Her pussy tightened and quickly rippled a barrage of contractions up and down his dick.
He let go.
His hefty dick swelled within her walls and the first tsunami of cum spilled into her. He hunched his back so tight that he couldn't even focus his eyesight anymore. He became caught in a twilight world of physical euphoria and never needing to live again because he shot his entire life through his dick.
The second wave of his release helped him find his voice and he hollered into the wall the praise songs of his father's gods. Yani stroked the nape of his neck and he groaned out to Ogum to save him before he passed out.
Ogum answered and a soothing sensation trickled along his spine and helped him gather the strength to separate himself from his wife. The sensation rooted itself at the top of his head and he shifted to his knees and gripped his dick that remained erect. Yani squirmed seductively underneath him and kept her gaze on the wide head of his shaft.
"Suck my dick," he demanded.
Yani acquiesced with a smirk on her face. She knew what was coming.
She gave his dick little kisses first, allowing it to recover from his first orgasm of the night. When he glared down at her, she placed the head into her mouth and suckled the ridge and slipped the tip of her tongue into his slit. He groaned and stood up, widening his stance and jerking on his pipe.
Yani worked his dick with a good little slut mouth. She made it sloppy and spit on the tip several times letting saliva fall on her breasts.
"Open that mouth wider…dassit…you know how to handle all that…I know you well girl…made you my wife so I can have you whenever I want…"
She moaned all over his dick, and the vibration curled his toes. His balls throbbed and he didn't warn her verbally at all that he was cumming again. He aimed for the front of her face and she knew from experience what was up. She tilted her head back and he painted steamy white streaks all over the left side of her cheek and neck.
Yani gazed at his cement-hard dick and knew the night was going to be vigorous and long. Glory to Bast and that heart-shaped herb! He would give her pussy a little respite though. Lowering his big body back down on the pallet, he pulled her down in front of him and asked her to lie on her back, keeping her knees up and her thighs open. He wanted to watch his cum drizzle out of her pussy. She obliged as he expected. Situating the pillows in a comfortable position behind his back, N'Jadaka stroked his dick and watched his wife hold open her pussy lips.
"Push it out if you can," he asked.
She didn't have to do too much because a heavy flow came out and slowly became clear as the air hit it.
"Can I try to get you pregnant?" he asked.
Yani grinned knowing that thought got him off the most and she played into it by gently rubbing on her clit and touching all of her delicate piercings one by one for his entertainment.
"You want to cum deep inside of me and put a baby in here?" she cooed.
He heard her angelic voice but only saw the drenched wet pink she caressed.
"I wanna fuck you and put a new baby in your pussy so bad, Yani!"
"Will you fuck me good, Killmonger?"
"Fuck yes…"
She had him gritting his teeth again as she rubbed that pretty vulva slowly.
"I might be pregnant now. You put a lot in me," she teased.
He groaned and his dick jumped hot and ready in his hand.
"Maybe we should put the special lubricant inside me so I can get ready for that big dick again…huh?" she moaned softly.
He groaned louder knowing good and well that special lubricant helped her deal with long continual fucking from him. She was ready to play Lets Make A Baby. But only to amuse him.
He came hard in his hand. With her legs open, he rejoiced in the satisfaction of having an orgasm by watching her masturbate. The quivering in her pussy pushed more of his cum out into a pool of wetness on the sheets. He milked his dick thinking about how many times he was going to fuck her before the sun rose again.
Chapter 8 HERE.
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oceansssblue · 8 months
You have a recurring nightmare. Sometimes it's just the smell; smoke and ashes, and the rotting skin of the deceased bodies that pile around you being burnt. Your nose scrunches in your sleep and you turn to your side, trying to get rid of the stench of blood and death. It doesn't usually work; and it doesn't this time, either.
Sometimes it progresses to images. Flashes of endless battalions of droids and endless battalions of clones; mixed with your own people in between, the numbers of the three groups reducing drastically each day the war drags on. It used to be beautiful, your planet, with it's peculiar blue grass and vibrant flowers; tall delicate trees and a fascinating wildlife. Now everything is mutted to orange, grey and black; fire and the shattered debris of the capital left behind.
The images turn real with sounds. It's a slow transition. It starts as a distant distorted echo, as if you were listening to something underwater. Then it blasts; roaring in increasing intensity until your ears ring and you shake unconsciously in your sleep, trashing around in your bunk.
Screams. Orders. Cries. Begging for help. Tears in your eyes. Smoke. Fire. Blood, dripping from the open gash of your shoulder and the shot wound on your side. Where are they? You can't see them. Are they safe? Are they...?
You shout their names. The tears keep streaming down your face, wetting your cheeks in real life too. You whimper in your sleep, your body shaking in place.
You can't see them again. You beg not to. But the "you" in your nightmare turns around, slowly, almost recreatively; and then...
"No!" You wake up crying, no restraint whatsoever in how you do.
You weren't even aware of it; of the way your body replicated the same emotions of that damned day of your past while sleeping in your bunk in the Marauder, surrounded by your boys, the family you have now.
You take a deep breath –a weak, stuttering thing–. Your hands quickly find their way to the collar of your t-shirt, tugging it down harshly to expose the scar on your shoulder. Your eyes flicker over every inch.
Your heartbeat hammers in your chest. Your trembling hands slowly pull up the end of the shirt to reveal your side as well; another scar etched in place.
You touch them. You breathe. You're safe. That had been the past; and while your loss had been heartbreaking and terrible, you were not alone in your present. You had the Batch; you were not back there.
Your breathing pattern starts to slow; your heartbeat still protesting madly in your chest. You let your shirt drop back to place and sigh, still sitting in the middle of your bunk. You take a glance around. You hope you haven't woken up any of them; Maker knows they need the sleep, after last night. You specially hope you haven't startled...
Hunter. He's laying on his bunk with his torso propped up on his elbows; gaze stady and intent on your shape. You can barely see him in the darkness of the room; just his siluete and the weight of his heavy stare. He knows. He can hear your heartbeat, your breathing. He could hear your quiet whimpers and cries, before, maybe even smell your tears. Hell, he can probably guess what the dream was all about. After all, he had been the one to help her escape the wrath of the Separatists. He had seen the destruction of her planet, too.
A powerful need to go to him wrecks you. Your fingers tremble, and a choked sound threatens to pour out of your lips. You hesitate for just a second. Hunter and you have never really been that close before –fellowship, fondness and polite respect, sure, but not that level of raw affection–; and you don't want to bother him. Or make him feel weird. Or like he has to take care of you out of duty as the good human being he is but not really wanting to do so. But you need him. You do.
You cross the small space between both of your bunks as noiseless as posible, wavering on your tip-toes. He tracks every one of your movements; chin tilting up slightly to look up at you when you finally stand in front of him. You play with your own hands for a moment; feeling uncertain and restless in the expectant silence. You can see him a tiny bit better now; long hair –a bit of a mess without his bandana on–, sharp profile and impossibly magnetic eyes. He's always being so good to you...
You feel yourself starting to shake again –your emotions swirling inside your mind–; but it all stops with Hunter's movement as he pulls the covers back with one hand in a clear invitation to share his bed for the night. You make a small needy uncontrolable sound with your throat; and scramble to crawl in his bunk besides him without much thought.
Hunter's body is incredibly firm and warm. You move for a few seconds while trying to find the best position against him; quickly setting for your cheek pressing into his chest and your nose hiding in his neck, one arm wrapped around him and both legs respectfully on top of the thin matress inches away from his. Hunter make's a deep humming sound of his own and his right hand slowly presses against the middle of your back; just a reassuring presence that without words messages "i'm here". You know. He always is.
You take in his comforting familiar scent and sigh. You're too tired to give much thought to the fact that you're actually hugging Hunter; and dark memories replaced in his safe embrace, you take no time in drifting back again into unconsciousness.
Hunter stays awake for a while; making sure your nightmares don't return before going back to sleep as well, getting used to the strange feeling of being this close to you. It's new; and nicer than he'd like to admit to himself.
The second time you hug him is a relief-driven action that holds no pre-planed thought at all. You had been waiting for news of the Batch for weeks now, having to stay back on Pabu after breaking your arm in the last mission; forced to watch them go on their own. It hadn't gone right for them either –the Empire smelling their trace and making their trip twice as long and with no coms available, even with Tech's security measures–. You had nearly picked your nails off; and a somehow un-nervous Phee standing next to you and chuckling to herself for whatever mysterious reason you couldn't care to find out had definitely not helped.
You're running towards them the moment the Marauder touches the ground. Wrecker's the first to walk the ramp; and though you care for him dearly, it's not him you jump towards.
Hunter has no other option than to hold you tightly against his chest in surprise when you crash into him. The force of your desperate hug makes him stumble –definetly not expecting that kind of welcome from you–; but he quickly gains his footing and carefully and almost hesitantly hugs you back.
"You should be more carefull with that arm" he points out, voice deep and roughned up by the tiredness and dehydratation close to your ear. "A cast doesn't give you inmunity".
You chuckle, tightening your one-arm hug against him once before taking a deep relieved breath in and stepping back. You tilt your head to look up into Hunter's dark chocolate eyes. He looks exhausted, but still holds a firm and gentle aura. He's always the composed soldier; and you admire him for that.
"No, and that's why I've mastered the one-side tackle" you joke, eying quickly the rest of the Batch and softening your glance. "I'm glad you're back and safe, Hunter".
His eyes fill with warmth and affection at your sweet, sincere tone. A fleeting thought passes through your head, noticing the difference between amicable fondness and this newfound emotion shining in his gaze. His hand briefly squeezes your un-injured shoulder once, close enough to your old scar that it somehow makes it burn. You wouldn't have been able to take your eyes of him even if you tried to.
Hunter pulls his hand back and offers a tiny tired smile.
"I'm glad to be back too".
The physical contact with Hunter continues to grow in the following month; until it becomes a natural expected thing, a helping hand or a brush of arms here and there.
Hunter's the one to actually give you the third hug. It's one night when you all say your goodbyes to each other and prepare to get to your respective apartments for the night that happens. The people in Pabu had been kind enough to offer a twin set for you lot; having divided yourself in boys and girls. Hunter bends down to give Omega a hug; turning right after to you and enveloping your figure in his arms as well.
You freeze momentarily –though not in disgust–; your heartbeat speeding up slightly at the surprising –and unusal– gesture. Yeah, you've hugged Hunter yourself twice now; but he has never been one to initiate contact himself, maybe too polite for that.
It's him who realises what he's done, stepping back with a confused expression on his face and pushing his long hair back in a shy selfconscious tick.
"Oh, um... I don't know why I did that. My bad" he shrugs it off, offering a sheepish smile, and you chuckle at his reaction.
Not so composed this time.
"That's alright, Hunter. I don't mind. You're a good hugger" you point out.
His expresion turns into amusement, and he shows his signature side smirk. He crosses his arms in front of his chest. He's one of a motherfucker atractive man. Future girlfriend will be ecstatic to have him.
"Am I, now?"
You both laugh softly, and he decides it's time to leave you so you can have some time to rest. They're going on a mission tomorrow, and he needs you bright and early.
"Good night, mesh'la" he tells you, voice soft feeling like a caress, and you study him in curiosity at the new Mando'a.
You've heard them say some words here and there –mostly insults or surprised expressions–; but never that one.
Before you're able to ask the meaning of it, Hunter offers a last smile and turns around, quietly walking away to their own apartment straight across from yours. Your eyes never leave his retrearing figure; while Omega's switches curiously between you both.
You lose count after the fourth one. Hugs start to form part of your usual rutine; sometimes a quick way of saying "hello" or "goodbye" and sometimes a simple show of affection, until it reaches the point where they're not unexpected anymore –though equally pleasant–. You also start to hug the rest of the Batch as well; not Echo, of course –he isn't comfortable with you like that just yet, though he admits small pats and squeezes on the shoulder as a substitute–, but Omega, Tech and Wrecker. Each hug with them feels different than rest; Hunter's keeps being the best.
It's not just physical contact that grows over the two of you; but mental as well. You often find yourself sitting with him in the cockpit –when you're on a mission– or strolling through Pabu –sometimes with Omega on your tail, sometimes not– when you're on a break. Your relationship with him deepens. He even opens up enough to talk about Crosshair; something you know it hurts him and has never been mentioned around you before. Other times he shares his worries about Omega and her on-the-run childhood; his fears for what the future beholds. You take special care of those quiet, heartfelt moments, listening carefully and giving your thoughtfull opinion that is neither naive nor too depressing; just the right amount of truth. You must be doing something right; because Hunter keeps coming back for more.
Somewhere along the way, two months in since that day of your nightmare, he casually opens his arms wide for you –not as a hello or a goodbye, not because it has been too long since you last saw each other, just a spontaneous gesture because he wants to– and you can't help but smile and cuddle straight into his arms. He sighs, body curving slightly to drap himself closer around you; and you feel the luckiest person in the world.
You take that as a license to hug him whenever you want. Sometimes he's in the middle of a conversation with his brothers when you walk towards them and slide your arms around him, pressing softly against his side; Hunter quickly growing into it and wrapping an arm around you as well without stopping the talk. Other times it's him who does it; like when you're watching Omega play with other teens on the beach, and Hunter come's around and hugs you to him while resting his chin on your shoulder, observing her.
People in Pabu start gossipping about you; rumours spreading that you might have started dating. You almost laugh when you hear it for the first time. Yeah, Hunter and you hug a lot, now, and it's undeniable that you've grown much closer; but don't friends hug too?
You start being more aware of your own actions from there on; and conclude that maybe not like that. And maybe hugs between friends aren't supposed to make you feel this way either; the way Hunter's does.
It's like that how you realise you're falling in love with him. You've always respected and admired him so much; but your feelings for him run deeper than that.
The hugs become even more frecuent as time passes by. You start to play with his hair too; Hunter even proping his head on your lap when you're resting on your bunk to demand some. You do it each time with a small chuckle and a rush of warmth and love that makes your eyes shine. You wonder if he's able to read the differences on your reactions, now.
You gather your courage, and when one of those times he relaxes on your lap again, enjoying the soft caresses of your fingers on his hair and scalp, you bend forward to kiss his forehead. Before you do, his breath hitches; his senses detecting some kind of movement above him. When your lips finally press softly against his skin, Hunter relaxes and lets out a small content hum. His right hand travels up to close around your leg, squeezing gently; and you restart your little massage.
You're honestly surprised with how quiet the rest of the batch has been around you; not a word of your unusual closeness with Hunter even after three months of development. Yeah, they steal glances of the two from time to time, as if expecting for something to happen; but there's no out of place comment or impatient complaint.
You're... hesitant about Hunter. About his feelings for you; sometimes so convinced they're as romantic as yours are, and other times swaying towards a strong friendship. Hunter doesn't kiss on the cheek anybody else, or cuddle with any other woman, for that matter; he's a bit reserved. But then again, he has never had a close female friend before, either; so maybe he's just curiously exploring what it means, enjoying the change. A bit of your own insecurities play their part as well. Hunter is such a striking man... And though you don't believe yourself to be unnatractive by any chance, you're not sure you're able to compete on his league. But maybe you don't have to, right? Hunter's not one of your past fleeting flings, not someone who values how you look and how many times you have sex in a week with as your main value. He's a decent person; someone who truly cares for your well-being. You snort at your following thought. Maybe that problem of your last relationship hadn't been you; you're sure you'd never lack the desire to jump in bed with Hunter. And you know he wouldn't pressure you if that weren't the case. That's the best part.
One week later, it's him who finally points out the elephant in the room. You're just entering their small apartment after watching a beautiful sunset in Pabu; deciding to make him some company while the rest of the Batch stays with Omega in the beach. He had stayed back under the need for some quiet and silence. After a whole afternoon to himself, you believe he must have had that covered.
Hunter's attention inmediatly snaps to you as soon as you walk through the open door; turning his body towards you and crossing his arms with an arching brow. He knows what's coming. It's tradition, now. You feel the inmediate need as soon as you're in front of him.
"You know... I'm one hug away from kissing you, cyare" he warns, amused little smile dancing on his lips while he gently stops your hips with his hands. "You're driving me crazy with all that physical contact, mesh'la".
You laugh. Your eyes shine up at him, insides warm and fuzzy with the raw affection he's directing towards you. His thumbs trace slow lazy circles over your hips. You love him. You have enjoyed the unhurried natural progression of your developing relationship; but you can't wait to take the next step, to finally being able to call him yours. You want to be that lucky girl you thought of once.
Oh well. If one more hug is all it takes...
You slowly stand on your tip-toes; and without taking your eyes off of him, your hands slowly skim up his arms til you're enveloping his back and shoulders in a half-hug. Your face is inches from Hunter's now. Your smile is impossibly wide and proud while you grin at him.
Hunter chuckles in amusement, quickly catching onto your logic, the silent question in your gesture; and one of his hands abandon your hips for a gentle hold on the side of your jaw.
"Love you" he mumbles, still smiling while he gives you his first ever kiss, making you giggle while you cling to his shoulders and kiss him back as well.
He deepens the kiss, demanding more of you while tigthening his grasp on your hip and pulling you closer. You make a satisfied happy noise with your throat, fingers slipping into his hair and body melting against him.
"Love you too".
(Back to general masterlist here)
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sillybucket · 1 year
“I’m here” { Johnathan Ohnn/Spot x g/n reader }
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Dude - this guy conquered my heart ever since the first scene of him stealing the ATM machine got released !
I can’t get enough of how chaotic and adorable the Spot is , so I thought it would’ve been fun to write a little fanfic for him :D
As always I apologize for eventual ooc moments , and if someone already wrote something similar to this know it’s not my intention to copy anyone !
🍃 Warnings 🍃 : some depictions of the Alchemax accident are present at the start , nothing too graphic but still look out if that’s something that could make you uncomfortable !
This story features Johnathan waking up from a bad dream about his transformation with the reader comforting him … I just really wanna give him a hug :,( ❣️
⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . … a sudden bright light …
… the deafening noise of the Collider exploding …
… the rumbling of the building falling apart …
Johnathan’s heart was pounding in his chest , his breathing sharp and frightened as he held on to his experiment with shaky hands while desperately trying to make his way outside the room , constantly tripping onto the pieces of the collapsing lab …
… why … ?
… why was this happening … ?!
Suddenly , the sound of glass shattering pierced through his ears , and as he looked down he realized …
“No … ! NO !!”
The capsule had broke , and when the dark matter contained inside it surrounded him and entered his body he couldn’t help but let out a terrified scream :
… the pain …
It felt like holes were forming on his skin , making parts of it disappear into nothingness …
And his face …
Johnathan could clearly feel his features vanishing , from his eyes , to his nose , to his mouth and even his ears …
All gone in an instant .
The man fell to his knees in agony , his body shaking as he tried looking at his hands …
They looked … bigger … unfamiliar … they didn’t feel like they were his at all , they didn’t even look like a part of him anymore .
“No … no no … nono no no no plea- no … nono …”
Johnathan sobbed uncontrollably , covering his now empty face with his arms , and everything around him seemed to become blurry and faded …
“Johnny … ?”
“Johnny , love …”
That voice … he knew that voice …
Slowly Johnathan woke up and got up in a sitting position on the bed , looking around the room while taking a few shaky breaths :
he was home … he was safe in (y/n)’s apartment , and they were right there next to him … that thought immediately managed to comfort him .
“(Y/n) … ?”
, he whispered , moving one hand towards their face to caress their cheek , almost as if he wasn’t entirely sure if what he was seeing was real .
“Yeah I’m here , I’m right here …”
They gave him a sweet , tired smile while holding his hand in theirs , suppressing a yawn .
“Did you have the dream again ?”
Johnathan nodded in response , the vivid memory of his transformation sending a shiver down his spine …
The man just didn’t seem to be able to escape it , no matter how much time had passed … he had even found himself a loving partner who accepted and cared for him despite his … unusual looks , and yet the events of that day were still haunting him , tattooed in his brain and following him wherever he went .
“It’s okay though , I’m good now . You should get back to sleep while you still can , I know you have work tomorrow …”
(Y/n) shook their head , moving closer to hold him in their arms while gently caressing his back .
“I’m gonna stay awake with you until you fall asleep , Johnny … I’ll be okay tomorrow , don’t worry .”
, they replied , burying their face in his chest .
Johnathan remained silent for a moment before hugging them back , slowly laying down with them on the bed once more . Their warmth immediately calmed him down , and as he placed his forehead against theirs he couldn’t help but smile to himself …
“Thank you (y/n) …”
After a while , they both fell asleep in each other’s arms , and no more bad dreams came to bother their peaceful slumber .
⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ . ⚫️ .
Thank you so much for reading this little fanfic until the end ! :D
I’ll definitely be writing more for the Spot , I just really enjoy coming up with cute , fluffy scenarios with him :,) ❤️ Feel free to leave some feedback if you feel like it !
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thejujvtsupost · 10 months
hiiii, i just wanna say i love your writing!
is it okay if i request a Gojo fluff of him coming out of the Prison Realm and seeing Y/N? a lil bit of angst and a lot of fluff if you please.
thank you!
have a cookie 🍪
and a lil bit of love <3
-anon :)
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The Return
Hi anon! You’re so sweet 🥺💗 here’s a cookie for you too! 🍪 hope you don’t mind but I also added some Nobara copium since her dreaded episode comes out this week. She deserved better tbh.
Notes: F!reader, hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, Gojo needs a hug and gets one. Just something extra fluffy for the copium we all need. Also since Nobara’s status is technically ‘unknown’ I decided she’s in a coma for the foreseeable future to make myself feel better. 🤗 I also didn’t know how to end it because I had too many ideas.
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He looked like a mess.
You, Shoko and Yaga were the only ones unsealing Gojo, you had no idea what he was going to be like and all the kids had been through more than enough. If something tragic happened, they didn’t need to see it.
The way looked at you, some meters away from where he was unsealed, broke your heart. “Baby?” His scratchy voice was barely audible, likely dehydrated.
His hair was in complete disarray, dirt, dry blood and filth all over him, clothes hanging off of his frame- he clearly lost some weight. He’d been through hell.
None of that deterred you from immediately running into his arms, kissing his cheek and clutching his body close, tight but trying to be mindful of his frailty. His reverse curse technique could heal injuries, but it couldn’t sustain him alone. Especially not for over two weeks.
“God ‘toru never scare me like that again!” You were choked up and overwhelmed. “Are you okay? Of course you’re not- you need water and a fucking meal.”
A look over from Shoko while informing him of the lives lost went by in a blur for you both. You could tell he was having a hard time processing everything. “Nanami? Really? And Nobara’s in a coma?” He refused IV fluids so you were nearly drowning him with water he had to drink. As soon as you got him home he’d eat too.
His sadness was palpable when it was confirmed. “I always thought he’d be able to live through anything…”
“He died protecting Yuuji, Maki, Megumi and the others. He fought bravely til the end. Unfortunately Yuuji saw it happen, he’s been… struggling… but he’s very resilient.” You squeezed his hand and he squeezed it back- the best he could anyway. He was shaky and weak from the toll on his body.
Getting him home was a relief. You got him sat comfortably on the couch, still in dirty clothes (minus his uniform jacket you helped him out of) but you’d deal with that after he ate. You hated the grunts of pain exiting his lips from the ache in his muscles.
“Relax as best you can, I have some leftover chicken takeout I’m gonna heat up and I’ll be back.”
He caught your wrist in a panic. “Don’t leave- need to know you’re real. ‘Haven’t even properly kissed me yet.” He brought some humor and a smile into the room like always, you appreciated that about him no matter how weak it was this time. Even in the darkest moments he made you laugh with his charm.
“My apologies.” You leaned down with a giggle and kissed him gently.
Being alone was painful for anyone, and for Gojo, where he couldn’t even keep track of time, it was agony. He would dream, or perhaps hallucinate about you only for you to disappear when he wanted to touch you. Agony.
Pulling away from him after so long was difficult too. “I’ll just be a few minutes, I promise.”
Gojo let you leave and you talked to him from your place in the kitchen. He never valued being able to see the kitchen from the living room so much until this moment.
You made sure he ate as much as he could before pulling him to the bathroom connected to your room. A shower was next on the list and you had a feeling you’d end up in there with him. He needed some help but he disguised it as being needier than necessary (he was naturally needy and affectionate with you anyway.)
“Turn and lean down a little, you’re a billion meters tall and I can’t reach your hair” he complied and bantered with you lovingly. Not to his usual standards, but you didn’t care about anything other than him being right there under your fingertips. He was real, his voice was real.
And when he finally broke down, his head on your shoulder and arms around you, he couldn’t stop. He sobbed the ugliest of cries that ripped through your own heart and you didn’t stop him, didn’t shush him, just kissed the side of his head and rubbed his back. Encouraging him to let it out. It was a matter of time before his emotions caught up to him.
You spent more time holding him than washing him. Happily.
The water eventually ran clear and sobs turned to sniffles. Only then did you turn it off and help him out with the mutual understanding that his heart needs time to heal before he can talk about the tragedies he let out in the shower.
And finally, getting into bed and cuddling close, he had a death grip around you.
“I missed you so, so much Satoru. Don’t ever do that to me again or I’ll kill you.”
“I missed you too doll, you have no idea how bad I needed to see you and just feel you.” He kissed you just as sweetly as he did gently.
Falling asleep without tears for the first time in weeks, exchanging quiet words of love, was bliss.
A miracle, actually.
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Thinking about making a request? Check my bio to see if they’re open! <3
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blushblushbear · 2 months
Kitsune’s boys if they were clingy?
can't tell if you mean if the boys were being clingy or if marshmallow was--- SO
if marshmallow is being clingy:
well of course they are!
why wouldn't they be!
He's the great Aki!
but no seriously he's loving the attention
and affection
and adoration
he actually doubles down and wants to impress you more and more
he just wants you to fawn over him
it's like a dream come true <3
loves when you're blowing up his phone <3
he's like a giddy teenager, lay on his stomach kicking his feet lol
if Aki is being clingy:
he actually gets like that sometimes
sometimes he feels little attention starved
and love starved
and Bunny starved
lots of Aki hanging off you
lots of sneaking kisses
doesn't wanna let you go
SNEAK ATTACK! (it's a hug that he refuses to let go of)
did he do good?? maybe a head pat?? or a kiss??????
If marshmallow is being clingy:
again these boys with their
I'm wonderful!
look at me!
I'm very dazzling
*checks to make sure you're still staring at him*
honestly LOVES being drowned in affection
loves it even more from you cause he knows it's the real deal
he actually didn't realize how much he loved just being the target of romantic acts of affection until you laid it on him
now when you cling to him and kiss him all over his face
he just kinda melts
it makes him so dizzily happy
also loves the constant communication
gets excited every time he sees a text from you
somebody loves Haru~~ (but like, for real this time)
does get a little Excited sometimes when he's being loved all over but honestly
he kinda ignores it for a bit sometimes
he's enjoying actually feeling loved and adored for realsies!
if Haru is clingy;
Oh honey, do I got some news for you
Haru is 100000% gonna be a clingy motherfucker
think about it
he went from sucking up all the attention and adoration and affection of basically anyone who would give it to him
not to mention probably multiple people at once
down to a singular person
whose like---- actually really digging him for him and also that he also really digs
he is gonna be the most clingy boyfriend ever, especially at the start
you know those high maintenance memes about some girlfriends??
yeah he's that
he needs at least 5 texts a day, NOT including gm, gn and lunch pic texts!
he's not gonna demand a selfie but like--- low key he needs one
like emotionally
so yeah, he wants a selfie
he's going to be constantly texting you
he will pout if he doesn't feel like he's getting enough attention
he will cling to you physically a lot
he's almost like a cat, he will try and interrupt whatever your doing for Haru time
has def snuck up behind you, wrapped himself around you and if you didn't fully stop looking at your phone when he does he will take your phone and gently toss it away (not to break but just out of reach)
it's Haru time
he needs kisses
and lovin'
and touchin'
and maybe some tongue
(def some tongue)
he's a little addicted now, I won't lie
if marshmallow is clingy:
tries to play it cool
like oh, cursebreaker, when did you get here?? no matter, feel free to keep clinging to me, it can get very cold here
but in his head he's screaming
loves to feel cherished
loves to feel adored
loves to feel loved
just loves you!
the more you hold him, the more he realizes how lonely he was
and how much he craved being held
to be the object of someone's affections
your touches and kisses and cuddles
and when you play with his hair his brain melts and he sort of stops working
how someone so fearsome and powerful can become so soft and warm over something as simple as a nuzzle and a kiss is beyond him
but shut up and keep loving on him, he has a lot of lonely nights of no one to hold to make up for!
if Fuyu is clingy:
he actually doesn't get clingy often
he's still trying to learn how to be as an open caring romantic partner
or a romantic partner at all
but sometimes he just carves you
carves your warmth and your closeness
the smell of your hair as he nuzzles into you
and he can't help it
he'd only ever let himself indulge if you two are alone and if you give him the okay
but once he gets that okay he's like a loving puppy
he wants to shower you with adoration
worship at your alter
make you feel as treasured as you are to him
also he wants to kiss your sweet little nose <3
he's as giddy as a one tail <3
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themultifandomgal · 7 months
From 2010- Mental Health
Part 19
YN YLN And Harry Styles Cheating Scandal! 
15th April 2012
Rumours sparked that YN was cheating on then boyfriend James with bandmate Harry Styles. The pair were quick to squash those rumours back in 2011, however they have sparked up again due to a recent photo being taken of the pair hugging one another.
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Rumours have followed the One Direction singers since their time on the X-Factor in 2010 with many fans believing that the pair have been a couple since July last year when they were spotted grabbing lunch together in London.
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Many fans want YLN and Styles to be a couple, however not everyone is happy about the paring. Since these rumours have sprouted in the last few weeks YN has been getting a lot of hate online with many wishing she wasn’t in the band.
Click here to view more…
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“Will you stop doing this to yourself?” Zayn says taking my phone from my shaking hands. Recently I’ve been struggling with going online and seeing the things the media are saying. I seem to be shaking more and more before going on stage, doubting myself
“They hate me” I quietly say “I mean why shouldn’t they? You guys were a boy band then I came a long. Maybe they’re right I can’t sing. I mean I’m definitely not…”
“Right that’s enough!” Louis says stopping my rambling
“But nothin” Harry raises his brows at me and looks at me with a serious face “you’re so talented it’s unreal don’t listen to them” why can’t I believe him?
“Don’t these articles bother you?”
“No because I know they’re not real” Harry replies
“Shit I need to speak to Alex” I begin shaking again getting up off the sofa of my dressing room nervously
“I’ll go and get him, you sit back down” Liam says getting up.
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I’m on stage now. I spoke to Alex and he said he knows that I’m not cheating and he trusts me. We’re in the middle of ‘Moments’
“Close the door, turn the key. Don’t want to be reminded, don’t wanna be seen” I sing but my voice breaks and I turn away from the crowd trying to hold back my tears. Immediately Niall’s arms are around me while I cry on his shoulder. This was my dream, being a singer, but I’m not enjoying it at the moment. Anytime I go on Twitter all I can see how I’m not talented, ugly, fat, it’s started to get to me now.
I’m unable to sing any more during ‘Moments’, but once it’s over Harry speaks to the crowd
“That was an emotional one. Now, I want to remind you all to send love and be kind to all. So turn to the person next to you and shout ‘I love you! 3, 2, 1!” everyone then shouts ‘I love you’ and I hear a few ‘we love you YN’. Wish I could believe them.
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