#but that thing happened where i got too into the research part and became unmotivated :)
yunmengdisaster · 3 years
Some Sect Leader Jiang Yanli stuff that I started writing then lost interest in
Wei Wuxian dies first.
Her husband returns to her in bloodied golden robes with apologies spilling from his mouth. I didn’t know, he promises. A-Li, I will look into this, but I swear, I didn’t know. She doesn’t learn what he was apologizing for until later, when Jin Guangshan leads a toast to the death of her brother while he cradles her son in his arms.
Jiang Yanli screams so loudly, she swears she tastes blood.
She can hear Jiang Cheng yelling, the clamor of the others invited to the celebration over the death of their feared Yiling Patriarch, and the cries of a baby.
Jin Ling is crying--her son is crying--but Jiang Yanli can’t move because they killed her little brother. They killed a-Xian, and they are toasting in victory, right in front of her. They killed one of her son’s uncles and are congratulating each other at his one month celebration. There are gentle hands on her shoulders, guiding her out of the room while she cries, and her husband is softly soothing her in his awkward way. She feels comfort until she remembers:
He knew.
Jin Zixuan knew that Wei Wuxian was killed. He came to her in blood stained robes, she remembers. She had been worried, but he comforted her then, too. He didn’t tell her. Why wouldn’t he tell her? He knew that she loved her brothers more than nearly anything, and he was the one who promised that Wei Wuxian would be invited. Did the blood on those robes as he embraced her belong to her brother? Did she invite the killer of her brother to comfort her? To hold her son and smile while the blood of her brother stained his blanket?
She twists in his hold, wrenching herself away from him and staring at his robes, his hands. Looking for any sign of her brother’s blood.
“A-Li, please, calm down.”
“Did you kill Wei Wuxian?” she asks, her voice thin and her glare full of tears. “Are you the one who killed my brother, Jin Zixuan? Then dared to come to me with his blood staining your hands?”
He stares at her in shock, hands reaching out towards her, and Jiang Yanli's eyes are drawn to his hands, to his nails, looking for signs of blood. There are not any visible signs, but that doesn’t mean anything. Not anymore.
“Jin Zixuan!” she snaps, the rage curled in her chest raising a burning trail to her sternum and coiling on her tongue. “What happened to Wei Wuxian?”
Her husband cradles her in his arms, as though she needs coddling. As though her brother isn’t dead at the hands of his family
“A-Li, please, I swear I didn’t know this was going to happen!”
“Why didn’t you tell me!” she shouts. “Don’t lie! You can't keep lying to me!”
Jiang Cheng finds her two days later, locked away in her rooms, calling for Wei Wuxian in as much mourning white she could scrounge up, and he screams over her cries. It is the first time either of her brothers ever raises their voices to her, and it shocks her enough that she stops and lets him hold her. He promises that he will get justice for their brother while scolding her in the same breath. 
He truly is mother’s son, she thinks, both fond and sad.
Her a-Cheng who shows his love in caustic reprimands and heated glares. It wasn’t a new experience for her, though it was a first from him. Her a-Cheng coddled her like she was the younger of the two while still heaping upon her praise and loyalty. Her a-Cheng, who hugs her tight and cries like they did when Lotus Pier burned. She wails even louder, both in her grief and to protect her brother in his, as his silent tears become hitching sobs that catch in his throat with each ragged breath.
It is the last time either of her brothers will ever get the chance to hold her for a very long time.
She tightens her grip on her brother, her last remaining brother, and whispers that he has to come back. That they took a-Xian, and now, they were the only two left. As he unsheathes Sandu, he promises that they will return to Lotus Pier--her, him, a-Ling, and a-Xian’s remains. She clings to his hand for as long as she can, and he presses Zidian to her, the familiar sparks raising her hair on edge as it twines its way around her wrist. 
“Stay safe,” he orders, stern and worried. “I’ll return for you and a-Ling once I have this all settled.”
The next time she sees Jiang Cheng, he is pale and cold. His eyes are open and unseeing, and Jiang Yanli wishes that she too was blind. His body is bloated in death and blood stains his face. She washes the body in silence, her tears mixing with the water.
She hasn’t been allowed to see her son in weeks.
The whispers reach even her isolated section of the family’s chambers, and she knows that a-Cheng did his best. He demanded retribution for the unjust slaughter of their brother, and when denied by Jin Guangshan, he followed the rumors and killed Jin Zixun and maimed Jin Guangyao himself. They murdered him for exacting justice for his family.
Her husband has not come to see her since she threw a full cup of tea at him when he told her that her brother was rebelling. Nothing but a mouthpiece for his father’s lies; oh, how the man she loves has fallen. She remembers a time when he held her close in their chambers and whispered that he did not wish to be like his father. And mayhaps he has no concubines, nor does he pay patronage to the whores in Lanling, but he is a coward like his father. His father hid during the war, and now her husband hides from his family’s crimes against her own. 
She wants to see her son.
She asks after him to the servants who come to her chambers, but they remain silent with their eyes downcast. She starts to demand it of them, raising her voice in a way she never has towards anyone, let alone a servant who she knows does not deserve her ire. When that does not work, she screams. At the servants, at the locked doors, out the miniscule window afforded to her, at herself, for her brothers, for her son.
She just wants to see her son.
Finally, there is an answer.
Time-skip Stuff
Wei Wuxan is frantic when he rushes towards them, ignoring the cultivator’s yelling his name in rage and attacking. The resentment weighs heavy in the city, yet swirls around him like the lightest of silks. His eyes burn red, but from a distance, she can’t tell if it was from tears or from his unorthodox ways. She hopes it was his cultivation, and that her a-Xian isn’t crying. He always shows so much in front of those who will use it against him, and she isn’t able to protect him anymore. She had realized when he died that she has not been able to protect him in a very long time.
It is after, when they are safe at home, that she gives in. That the rage she holds towards her brothers and their decisions rushed through her, and she yells until her throat hurts and her voice goes hoarse. Her screams fill Lotus Pier, and a distant part of her thinks that it finally sounded like a home she remembers.
“Why do you insist on using that damned cultivation?” she snaps, flicking her wrist when zidian sparks. “It leads to nothing but trouble! It’s gotten you killed once, and now it’s going to happen again!”
Wei Wuxian narrows his eyes at her, but shifts to avoid her gaze, looking so much like he did when her mother would scold him. Jiang Yanli feels a sliver of guilt. But she smothers it like she had her love for her husband. He is being recalcitrant and childish, and he is going to get them all killed. Lotus Pier will not survive a second siege, and Jiang Yanli has to place her home and people before her brother.
“Wei Wuxian, look at me!” She commands, clenching her fists and forcing Zidian dormant. It takes a while, but he does, meeting her gaze with his own red glare. The evidence of his unorthodox cultivation sends ice down her spine, and she meets his glare with one of her own.
“My cultivation is mine alone, and I don’t see why Sect Leader Jiang is so interested in it,” he says, talking back to her like she was their brother, and suddenly, Jiang Cheng’s anger at Wei Wuxian makes so much sense.
“Because it’s irresponsible! It made them kill you, and then they killed Jiang Cheng! He died for you, defending you! And you spit on his memory by continuing your awful tricks! Do you want to die again, Wei Wuxian? Will you survive the guilt of Lotus Pier falling again when those you anger come to our home?”
He recoils, shock on his face before it hardens into hatred, a familiar look from the Sunshot Campaign.
“I’ll kill them first.”
“Like you killed them last time?” she asks, suddenly tired. “A-Xian, please, just stop. I have Suibian in the vault with Sandu. Won’t you carry both, for a-Cheng?”.
Jiang Yanli looks at her brother in expectation, but again, he refuses to meet her eyes. The fire to fight, however briefly it was lit, has died a cold death in his own eyes, and Jiang Yanli purses her lips. He is hiding something. He is always hiding something. Not even death has changed that, and he still does not trust his sister with his secrets.
“Take them,” she says, voice firm. “They are your responsibility. You owe it to Jiang Cheng to hold and wield Sandu as he once did Suibian for you.”
Wei Wuxian looks at her like she’s offering him a handful of venomous snakes, and Jiang Yanli frowns.
“You will take them, or you will leave Lotus Pier and never return,” she decides, placing the fate of her family in the hands of the one it had crumbled for. “And none from Yunmeng will dare to speak to you for fear of my retaliation.”
Wei Wuxian had never looked at her with such an expression before, but it is a familiar one all the same. The look of a boy accepting a punishment he does not think he deserves. He nods, bows his head to her, and murmurs his response.
“Yes, Sect Leader Jiang.”
This time her title is not said with the mocking lilt, and Jiang Yanli withers away a little more inside.
Wei Wuxian holds both swords, as she had ordered him to, but he does not use them. She has never once seen him unsheathe them in the months he’s had them, but she always thought it was due to her rarely leaving Lotus Pier. She did not go on night hunts, she never really had, even when her sword was her own and not her son’s.
She still is not welcome in any cultivation conferences, though even if she was, she doubts she would attend. The only interactions she has are with the smaller sects around Yunmeng--the Ouyang, the Yao, and the Yu most prominently, though she prefers to deal with them not at all if she could. The rest of the cultivation world has nothing to offer her but derision and hatred, and she has nothing but the same to offer in return.
Jiang Yanli wants to believe that he has forsaken his unnatural cultivation. She desperately wants to believe that her younger martial brother has taken up the sword, like she had all but begged him to do, and that he was cultivating the righteous path once more.
But she knows Wei Wuxian, and she knows his stubbornness.
She sends one of her more discreet disciples—the same one she sends to spy on other sects, who does not wear Jiang purple and keeps her clarity bell hidden away—to shadow her brother. She hopes, for both of their sakes, that Wei Wuxian is not cultivating with resentful energy while wearing Yunmeng Jiang's colors.
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nneogram · 4 years
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think about it — part one. get laid!
pairing: jaehyun x reader (f)
genre: enemies to lovers!au, college!au, fluff
word count: 8.4k
warnings: language, mentions of sex but not really (oc keeps being told to get laid “emotionally” idk), jungwoo gets scolded about the importance of consent, jungwoo’s in a frat but not really but yes really, quick reminiscent phone call w/ bestie jungkook, oc has unhealthy studying habits but dw it gradually gets better from here
a/n: i’ll say it for all of us - FINALLY, an update on here. this is result of my own college shenanigans, stories from my friends, and far too many fantasies whilst in quarantine. jeni needs to lay off the k-dramas, sheesh. i’d also like to note that this is unedited! there may be a few grammar/spelling mistakes.
▸ playlist (to be linked later)
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Your roommate claims that you need to, in the simplest terms, “Get laid.” You are vehemently against this proposal, despite her insistence and clarification.
“Emotionally. You need to get laid emotionally, Y/N,” Megan whines. That’s all she can do from where she is sitting, tucked safely away beneath the blankets on her bed. It’s cocoon-like, she’s explained to you before, “like being in the womb.” Safe. Secure. Warm. You think that if that was her cocoon, then Megan would emerge a butterfly. If you were in her place? You would emerge a moth.
“I don’t think any getting laid needs to be done, regardless of if it’s emotional or not.” You take another flashcard from your prepared deck. Strong Acids. HCl, HBr, HI… HClO4? A hiss leaves your lips when you flip the card over to see the answer. You were missing two more acids. You reluctantly place the card into the pile to review again, which sat next to a much smaller pile of correct cards. The goal for the morning was to move all the cards in the “wrong” pile to the “right” pile, but considering the size difference of the two stacks, that goal would not be achieved.
Megan’s sigh pulls you from your focus. “Dude. Do you see yourself right now? I don’t think I’ve seen you doing anything other than studying for the past two weeks. I’m going to ace this chem midterm and I’m not even in chem. I’m not even a STEM major.”
You frown. “Sorry. Was I being too loud? I can go-”
“No, don’t worry about me. This is about you. I’m concerned for you - you’ve been cooped up more these two weeks than you were in the entirety of fall quarter. Have you taken a break recently?”
“I slept for eight hours straight, I think that’s a good enough break?”
“No, like a real break. Away from studies and school and just doing something… I dunno, fun?”
You shake your head. The past few weeks had been nothing but relentless studying. In an effort to maintain your pristine GPA, you shoved aside what little downtime you allotted yourself in fall quarter to focus on school. It was the least you could do, considering that you were on track to apply to medical school at the end of your undergraduate career. You were only in your first year, so all of the other requirements for med school - clinic, shadowing, research, the works - were inapplicable for the time being. There wasn’t much to get you ahead other than your 4.0.
Megan knows this, but she also knows that you have little to no social life outside of the bare minimum. It’s an unspoken truth that the two of you being assigned as roommates was a blessing in disguise: your studious tendencies help motivate Megan to stay on task while Megan’s more laidback nature reminds you to take a breather sometimes. 
This was one of those times.
“I’m telling you,” Megan crawls over to the edge of her bed to get closer, “You should relax a bit. Just a teeny, tiny bit. Have some fun, live out your first year of college! Make some art, go to the gym, I dunno, step out of your comfort zone. Get laid!”
“You say that last one as if talking from experience,” you tease. 
What was the charge on sulfide again? Fuck, it was two minus. Another card goes into the “wrong” pile.
Megan scoffs. “Please. I’ve only ever had one boyfriend, and that was in middle school. The most we did was hold hands. Besides, we don’t need men… I just want one.” She mumbles this last part as an afterthought before returning her focus to you. “I think getting a boyfriend would be a great distraction for you.”
You gawk at your roommate, eyes flitting from her to your toppling stack of incorrectly answered cards and back to her. “Do you see this? I don’t need any distractions right now.”
“No, no, I - fuck. I got that all wrong, didn’t I.” Megan facepalms. “What I mean is maybe you should befriend some people, or find some kind of emotional outlet. As much as I pride myself on being your source of positivity, I’m not around all the time to tell you to take a break and relax. You tend to be hard on yourself, y’know?”
Your gaze once again travels to your flashcards, their amount of use prominent in the worn-down corners and smudged ink. “I guess…”
There’s a smile of satisfaction on Megan’s face. “Think about it,” she concludes, then crawls back to her cocoon of blankets to take a nap.
The gloom of the rainy weather hits most forcefully in January. With the merriment of the holiday season behind you, it seems there is nothing ahead but cold, and rain, and emptiness. Only so many mugs of hot chocolate could keep your heart warm, and it wasn’t even the good type of hot chocolate - it was the powdery stuff that you mixed in with your lukewarm water because the water kettle you brought with you to the dorm was buggy and never fully heated up a pot of water. 
Yeah, you could buy yourself a cup of cocoa from the coffee shop on campus, but as the college kid stereotype proved, you were broke. So you settle for your half-assed attempt at a comfort drink, taking extra effort to stir the dregs that tend to settle at the bottom of your styrofoam cup.
“So you need to get laid?” Jungkook’s voice crackles over the phone.
You sigh. For getting into one of the most prestigious universities in the country, Jungkook lacked the ability to draw proper conclusions from given information. He clearly hadn’t paid attention to your five minute spiel on your deteriorating motivation for life and your roommate’s unusual suggestion. “No,” you begin slowly, because if you didn’t control yourself you were going to get annoyed quickly, “I do not need to get laid.”
It’s dusk, around that time of the evening where the world slows down as the sky is painted a myriad of pinks, purples, and oranges. Even in January the sunsets in your college town never failed to astonish you. However, it’s also the time of the day when loneliness hits you most, and for a fraction of a moment you get homesick and usually end up calling someone from home. In this case, you end up contacting a close friend - though you’re beginning to question Jungkook’s title as a close friend, considering he completely missed the point of your rant.
“Well it sure sounds like it,” Jungkook refutes. There’s a loud crunching noise on the other end of the call, and you have to bring the phone away from your ear as the crackling continues. You know for a fact that Jungkook has bitten into a chip, most likely the barbecue ones he always had on hand. The audacity to snack on junk food in the middle of a conversation about your existential crisis - you sometimes wonder how you and Jungkook became friends in high school. 
Then again, you were on the other end slurping the remnants of your hot cocoa. Maybe there was something going for the two of you.
“Think about it.” You’re reminded of that afternoon when Megan said the exact same thing. “You’re unmotivated. Why? Because you’re lonely. How do we fix that? You need to get laid-”
“-Emotionally. Emotionally laid-”
“-Yeah yeah, same difference. They go hand in hand,” Jungkook brushes off. “The point still stands. When was the last time you were in a relationship?”
You hesitate to answer. “I’ve never been in a relationship,” you mumble.
“I couldn’t hear you. What?”
“I said I’ve never been in a relationship,” you repeat with a sigh.
There’s a beat of silence. “You’re kidding.”
You shake your head, momentarily forgetting this is a phone call and not an in-person conversation where Jungkook can see you. Students begin to flood the sidewalks outside of the dorms, likely the last wave of students returning for their later classes. A girl - Megan, you realize after squinting - waves at you from across the street. You wave back, gesturing to her that you’re on a call. She nods and goes on her way to the dorm. 
You return your focus to the call. “No, not kidding.”
“I’m taking that lapse of silence as you actually having to think about it.” You roll your eyes, another gesture that Jungkook cannot see. “How? You’re telling me all four years of high school you never got with someone? Not even a fling? Not even that weird ‘talking’ phase kids do these days? What have you been doing all this time?”
Your mind immediately goes back to your high school graduation. “Valedictorian, weighted GPA of 4.8, Y/N Y/L/N, attending…” You remember the smile on your face as the principal handed you your diploma. You remember the smiles on your parents’ faces, the pride and joy in their eyes. That was when you knew it had all been worth it - no one but you, your parents, and your own pure ambition fueling your fire for the four years of high school.
Maybe the closest you got to any sort of romantic relationship was… with Jungkook.
You liked Jungkook before your brain could fully process it, denying it as platonic affection for the better half of three years as he took you under his wing your freshman year. It was comforting to have someone older than you help you navigate high school, but as much as you tried you could not view Jungkook as an older brother as he so claimed to be.
Of course, nothing was ever to happen. Jeon Jungkook was a boy entirely out of your league - star student, star athlete, poster child for all things good and right in the world - but most importantly, he was your closest friend. It was this label that helped set a boundary for your affections, and your crush became more of a pastime to delve into when you wanted a break from your studies. A fantasy that would never come true.
It wasn’t until he moved away for college your senior year that your crush subsided, hitting you like some sort of epiphany when he returned for his winter break. You had been beyond elated to reunite with your friend, but when you looked in his eyes it dawned on you that the weight of his words and actions no longer affected you as much as they did in the past.
That was your only stint with romance, and you were fine with it staying that way. Yeah, it was a fruitless endeavor, but look what you got out of it: a great friend! And only at the price of three years of unnecessary emotional turmoil and relentless unrequited pining. What a bargain.
“I’ve been busy with school, mainly.” It’s an insufficient summation of your high school experience, but it got the point across. Technically, it wasn’t a lie.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of you and all - and I respect your decision to be single! Human rights and all that - but maybe it’s time for you to get into a relationship.”
You snap your fingers loudly enough to startle a group of guys walking past. You hope the grimace on your face is enough of an apology. “Oh my God, thanks Jungkook! Now that you mention it, let me just hit up one of the many young eligible bachelors pining over me, because there are so many right now.”
The feigned enthusiasm in your voice does not entertain Jungkook as much as you would have liked it to. “I’m sure there are, Y/N. There were plenty in high school.”
“You’re kidding.”
“Nope.” The playful smile you sport falls from your lips as he proceeds to dive into a list of names. 
“The one guy with the yellow hair… Yugyeom thought you were cute… Oh, Taehyung liked you too-”
“-Taehyung?” You gawk. “The Kim Taehyung. The guy two years older than you, editor of the yearbook and captain of the lacrosse team? The Kim Taehyung who was Prom King. Him?” It’s difficult to process a senior that you had regarded so highly had taken  interest in you in your lowly freshman year.
“Yeah, I know, right? I told him he was out of your league-”
“-But I said that out of jealousy. Heck, even I liked you at some point, Y/N. You’re quite a catch, just super oblivious.”
The reminder of your phone call with Jungkook consists of your disbelieving laughs and Jungkook’s reassurances that yes, that many people liked you in high school.
“I’m sure there’s plenty of people interested in you. You just have to see it for yourself first.” Oddly prophetic for someone who claims he could survive solely off of energy drinks and barbecue chips, but considering he was studying at an Ivy League, he had to have some credibility. You end the phone call possibly more confused than you had been before the conversation. Swirling the contents of your cup absentmindedly, you realize you’ve drunk all of your hot cocoa. All that is left at the bottom of your cup are the clumps of cocoa powder that hadn’t been properly stirred. The dregs. Of course.
You relay your findings to Megan the next day over a lunch of poorly cooked rice and under seasoned chicken. “Food crafted by the gods to remind us of our inferiority,” as Megan liked to call it.
She claps her hands like a seal. “So I was right!” She cheers over a mouthful of food. “You need to get laid!”
You’re a bit too late to cover her mouth, her ambiguous words now out in the open for others nearby to hear and assume the wrong thing. Glancing around, you’re relieved to find that no one seemed to notice, save for one boy at a nearby table surrounded by some of his friends. He gives you a look but you refrain from making eye contact.
“I feel like you and I heard different stories just now.” You keep your voice down. “Meg, I just found out my high school crush - debatably, my first love - liked me at some point when I liked him. Do you know how big that is?”
“Do you know how big that isn’t?” Megan shoots back. “Because nothing came out of it. You never acted on your feelings. And something tells me that even if this John Cook-”
“-His name is Jungkook, but okay-”
“-Even if he had acted on his feelings, you would never believe it.” Ouch. She really went for your lack of self-esteem right there, and that shit hurted. Regardless, she’s right, and you both know it.
“You know when we say this, we’re not trying to force you into anything you don’t want to do,” Megan clarifies. “I’m not saying you should get dicked down by the first guy who gives you attention, but wouldn’t it be nice to let someone - someone who genuinely cares for you - to let them into that dark and twisty mind of yours? God knows what’s going on up there.” She gestures to your forehead with her spoon.
Brushing aside Megan’s crude wording near the beginning, you’re at a loss for words. Unsure of how to respond, you mumble, “But there’s no one like that in my life. Other than you, that is.”
“Because you never let anyone close enough to truly know you. Just…” she pops another spoonful of rice into her mouth, “Just think about it.”
D-1 until your midterm. Nomenclature and ionic charges are now extremely familiar to you, having taken the spot from Megan as Number One Friend. And yet, you still haven’t successfully completed your flashcards.
Strong Acids. You suck in a deep breath, swerving in between groups of people as you make your way to the cafe. Walking quickly with your head down as the sure fire way of getting to any destination as quickly as possible. Okay Y/N, you got this… HCl, HBr, HI, HClO4… HNO3? You flip the card over and hiss. You were missing one more response. You truly hated it here.
The cafe is bustling with students on their laptops and scribbling away in notebooks, all likely studying for their respective exams. The scent of freshly ground coffee beans pervades the entirety of the interior, drawing you further inward until you’re standing at the cashier. 
“One tall vanilla latte, please.” You hand the girl behind the counter your money and stand aside to let the next person in line order. Once your order is called, you grab your drink - Ah, nothing like a fresh cup of capitalism to revitalize your motivation to study - and search for a place to sit. As if by the grace of God, someone leaves their seat at the barstools just as you turn around. Beautiful.
“Excuse me,” you tap the shoulder of one of the people next to the open seat. “Is this seat taken?” He shakes his head no, and you take that as your signal to sit.
You find yourself sandwiched between two young men, each immersed in their own studies. The one to your right, the one you had talked to briefly, appears to want no further interruptions, both earbuds in his ears. The one to your left never turned around to begin with, head down as he types away at his laptop. All you can make out are his broad shoulders in a brown leather jacket and a mop of strawberry blond hair. An interesting choice of hair color, but you weren’t one to judge. He’s nodding his head to some tune, and it’s only then you realize he has one earbud in. You wonder what kind of music a cute man like himself would listen to -
Get a hold of yourself, Y/N, you chastise yourself for showing sudden interest in a complete stranger. The day before your midterm at that - there was no space in your head for an unknown young man who was probably good looking, too - No! Focus. Flashcards. You fumble in your jacket pocket for your index cards.
Chemistry nomenclature, round fifty-six.
As you’re reviewing, you overhear the conversation proceeding next you with the cute guy and a girl. “Excuse me, is this seat taken?” The familiar words make you think of mere moments before when you were asking the same thing.
“It isn’t, but… you can’t sit there.”
“I’m sorry?” The girl seems to mirror your confusion.
“You can’t sit here. I’m sorry.”
“But someone else can?”
Your flashcards go ignored as you choose to eavesdrop on the full conversation. The man stalls, looking at the girl up and down. “... Yeah, maybe.”
Trying your best to not draw attention to yourself, you turn your head in slow, languid movements to look around. Was anyone else seeing this? Hearing this? Were you the next unsuspecting victim on an episode of What Would You Do? You were half expecting a game show host to step out and introduce himself at any moment. Y/N, you’ve just been Punk’d! 
Unfortunately (or fortunately, you couldn’t decide which scenario was better), no game show host steps out from behind a curtain, and it sinks in that this guy wasn’t joking. He was intent on not letting this girl sit next to him.
“Look,” the girl runs a hand through her hair, a habit of frustration, maybe. “I really need a place to sit and work on things, and this seat is open. That, and it’s a public space. So if you’ll excuse me-”
The young man easily lifts his backpack from his chair with one hand and places it in the open seat. “There. It’s taken now. Sorry.”
The girl’s eyes widen, and you can only imagine what your face looks like right now. You’re in just as much shock as she is. 
You scoff, and this time you don’t care if he hears. And he does: the stranger finally turns around in his seat to reveal an extremely attractive face. Chiseled jawline, deep brooding eyes, dimples even when he was scowling. You freeze and your breath hitches in your throat. It’s a shame he had to go and open his mouth.
“Excuse me,” you cut in sweetly, making a point to only make eye contact with the girl. “You can sit here. I’m about to leave.”
The girl’s eyes go wide at the addition of a third party. “Oh, no, you don’t have to! Thank you so much though.”
You shove your flashcards into your backpack and stand up from the seat. “No no, I insist, it’s fine. Besides, I didn’t want to sit there anymore.” Only then do you shoot a glare at the young man. “I couldn’t focus.”
Judging by the way the girl eyes the strawberry blond next to you, you think she doesn’t want to sit there anymore, either. Nevertheless, a seat was a seat. She thanks you profusely and you head out the doors and down the path to return to the dorms. 
Naturally your mind drifts back to the stranger. Who was he to have so much pride as to deny a seat to someone he didn’t know? A seat that wasn’t his, either? The thought that people like him exist irks you.
He was so good-looking, too, your subconscious proceeds to remind you. 
But alas, a jerk was a jerk, and at the end of the day you had far more important things to worry about than an indecent stranger whom you doubt you would see again. More important things such as -
Your phone rings with an alarm notifying you of your next scheduled event: Final Review B4 Exam! You sigh. Looks like it was back to the books (and flashcards) for you for the rest of the night.
It doesn’t hit you until you crash land into your desk chair: in your anger-fueled exit from the cafe, you had completely forgotten your barely touched vanilla latte sitting at the barstool counter. At this point you’re ready to tear your hair out at the roots. You’re five dollars and one fresh cup of caffeinated capitalism short for the night’s study session. You really hated it here.
If Megan were here, she would whip you into shape real fast, shouting at you that you’re a “Bad Bitch!” or some other expletive motivation that would comfort you. Except Megan isn’t here, attending some kind of club meeting, leaving you alone in the dorm. Another sigh escapes your lips and you tilt your head back to stare at the ceiling. 
Maybe, just maybe, you needed to follow through on this whole “getting emotionally laid” thing.
The midterm you had so diligently studied for was a success. Inorganic Chemistry A5 didn’t know what was coming when you rolled up with your beloved flashcards - all successfully completed, mind you - ready to fight. Needless to say you were able to enter the weekend with no qualms. You now had much needed time to recuperate and as Megan had said before, to “take a break” (among other things you were not going to address anytime soon). 
Some students recovered from the trauma of frequent exams via partying, deciding it was better to be under the influence in order to get over their academic standing. Some would meet up with their friends, maybe gossip about the latest episode of the hottest reality TV show. In your case, you decide to binge watch as many k-dramas as humanly possible. While you preferably do so in the comfort of your bed, tonight Megan has taken authoritative control over the dorm room. Meaning, she had a psychology midterm the following Monday and needed to be able to focus on nothing but the role of the amygdala without the OST of whatever drama you were watching in the background. You know for a fact if you were in the room minding your own business Megan would ultimately get distracted and join you in your k-drama marathon. Thus you are thrown to the streets with nothing but the clothes on your back and your belongings stuffed into your backpack.
You take extra care to avoid the puddles forming on the sidewalks, the result of on and off rain throughout the day. There are noticeably less people outside, and you have a feeling that any building you choose to house yourself in will be quite the opposite, likely packed with students. 
After milling about campus for a few minutes, you finally settle down in the Student Community Center - a fancy name for yet another building on campus where students could lounge about and study slash socialize. As predicted, there are significantly more people crowded in the lobby area of the two-story building. Your boots squeak against the tiled floor as you make your way down an inconspicuous hallway. Tile turns to carpeting when you step into an almost empty study room. Only a handful of people are present in the room, scattered across the tables and couches. No one ever bothered to check the rooms at the very ends of the hallways - only those more dedicated to being unbothered ever made it that far - and you were grateful for this as you settled down at one of the open couches.
Hotel Del Luna is the show of choice for the evening, and you cuddle up to the armrest of the couch as you press Play. You had watched this one before, having been forced to do so with Jungkook at its release. Curse him and his admiration for IU - some of the ghost scenes kept you up at night the weeks after watching. You much preferred the more lighthearted slice-of-life k-dramas, but following your phone call with Jungkook you were drawn to the darker show. Call it nostalgia, call it an attempt to relive the happy memories of the past, call it denial of reality, whatever.
You’re two hours into your binge watch when you notice an unfamiliar presence at your side. A boy, and a breathtaking one at that. When he had joined you, you’re not sure, but you catch him glancing at your laptop screen every so often. He doesn’t stick out too much, black hair hidden beneath a black baseball cap and similarly monotone attire with a black hoodie that was definitely way too big for him. Yet no amount of nondescript clothing could cover up his impeccable bone structure. This man had a jawline and a nose bridge that were to die for, and although you haven’t made eye contact with the stranger you’re already feeling self-conscious. There’s no way in hell you’re initiating any sort of interaction with him.
But there’s no need to worry, because the stranger does it for you.
You’re on episode three when there’s a gasp from beside you. “Lee Jun-Ki!” You crane your neck to see the stranger leaning over to watch your laptop screen. The work in front of him - whatever that mess of hieroglyphs and symbols was - is completely forgotten as he scoots closer. 
It’s not until you lean a bit away from him that he realizes his actions. “Oh, sorry. I kinda needed a break from studying or else I was gonna lose it.” His ears turn a bright pink as he explains himself. “Is it okay if I watch with you?”
“Uh…” Now that your full attention is on him, you give the stranger a proper glance-over. He was indeed studying, some sort of language of shapes and numbers that was foreign to you sprawled across his notebook in a variety of colors. Other than the all black attire (which was reasonable for college - wasn’t everyone attending their own funeral during exams season?), he didn’t look too shady… “Sure.”
“Sweet.” He extends a hand to you, pulling back the ginormous sleeve that threatens to hang over his fingers. “My name’s Jungwoo.”
You tentatively take his hand. “Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you Y/N. Are you a first year?”
You nod your head, and Jungwoo smiles. “Cool. Me too.” He moves back to his side of the couch, but quickly scoots back to sit directly beside you after he has shoved all of his work into his backpack. He settles beside you on the couch, slouching down similarly to you. “Alright, let’s do this.”
You crack a smile at the boy’s unabashed boldness. He immerses himself in the episode alongside you, clear adoration in his eyes whenever IU makes an appearance on screen. “You like IU, I take it?”
Jungwoo shakes his head. “Not half as much as one of my friends. He idolizes her. I just... look at her very respectfully.”
“Me too, actually,” you confess. “My friend forced me to watch with him. I usually watch happier things. My favorite is Weightlifting Fairy.”
Jungwoo’s eyes go wide. “I love Weightlifting Fairy!” His theatrical gasp attracts the attention of the few students nearby. This newfound information seems to make something click in Jungwoo’s head, because he wiggles all the more closer to you. “You’re quickly becoming my best friend, Y/N.”
“I’m a friend?” 
“Duh. This was established when you didn’t run away from me in fear when I was quite literally looking over your shoulder. And that’s happened before with other people. Twice.” He seems to feel the need to add in the last few details, much to your amusement. “Now shush. Lemme admire IU in peace.”
That interaction with Jungwoo is only the first of many, many more. While you’re the type to keep to yourself and not approach others, Jungwoo was the opposite. You’re only a bit surprised when he yells out your name from across the street a few days later, sprinting towards you with unbridled excitement on his face. The last time someone was that happy to see you was when your dog greeted you after returning home for the holidays.
“Good morning, Y/N! Where you headed? I have Material Sciences in an hour. I got time, so I’ll walk with you wherever you’re going!”
Much like your first encounter, you agree with some hesitance. Jungwoo seemed to not have a bad bone in his body, no ill intentions whatsoever. It was refreshing to be in the presence of someone who wasn’t already jaded by the world. 
As promised, Jungwoo walks with you to your destination, the coffeeshop, even waiting with you in the insufferably long line. You find out that Jungwoo is the same age as you, a Mechanical Engineering major, and is a part of some sort of club that allowed him to connect with upperclassmen of different majors but with similar interests.
“It’s called Nu Kappa Tau, everyone there’s really nice! I’ll bring you with me to the next social event.”
“Nu Kappa Tau?” You test out the syllables on your tongue. “Greek? Are you in... a fraternity?”
Your tone of voice insinuates something bad, and the way Jungwoo reacts quickly tells you he has a similar stance on the Greek life in college. That similar stance being that frat boys were vermin. “No, no no no no. It’s Greek, yes, but we are definitely not a fraternity. It’s more like… a social, cultural, and academic club?”
“Jungwoo. That’s exactly what a fraternity would say to make it seem like it’s not a fraternity.”
“Okay, but in this case we’re actually not a fraternity, I promise.” He tugs on your shirt sleeve and looks at you with pleading eyes. “You should come with me to the next event. It’ll be fun, and I’ll prove to you it’s not a fraternity. Please?”
You remain silent, eyes turning to the coffeshop’s menu. Even when your gaze is somewhere else you can sense the way Jungwoo is staring you down with those puppy dog eyes of his. This was what, the second time you were talking to him, and already he wanted to go to a social event with you? “I don’t know. You’re nice and all, but I’m not the type to warm up to people easily. I’ll have to hang out with you more first. No offense.”
Most people cower at your denials, retreat to more comfortable territory where there’s no fear of rejection. Jungwoo, however, beams at you. “None taken, Miss Y/N. You know why?” He pauses for dramatic effect, quirking an eyebrow in mischief. “Because that wasn’t a no.”
A few people in line crane their necks to peer at the two of you as a resonant smack rings out in the coffeeshop. 
“Ow - Y/N - Ow!” Jungwoo rubs at his upper arm. You know you didn’t hit him hard enough to elicit this sort of dramatic reaction, but it’s what he deserves. 
“You can’t use that logic, Jungwoo,” you scold, bag poised in the air ready for another attack. “The only means of consent is a yes. Say it with me. The only means of consent is a-”
“-Yes, yes, okay! I got it, I’m sorry. I sincerely apologize.”
Fast forward two weeks later, and you know Jungwoo a bit too well for your liking. Following your rejection of his offer, Jungwoo goes ahead and makes it a point to see you for at least an hour a day, weekends included, in order for you to “warm up to him.” Some days, it’s lunch shared in the cafeteria between classes. Other days it’s hours upon hours of studying together in the back of the library, you and Jungwoo taking shifts napping while the other crams for their classes. 
He forces - “heavily insists” - you to share your location with him on your phones, so it’s of no surprise to you when he starts showing up outside of your lecture halls after class. It’s when he’s walking you back from your last class of the day that you find that he lives a floor above you in the same building. Of course.
Dare you say it, it’s easy having Jungwoo in your life. He walks with you everywhere, always initiates conversation, and eats as many meals as possible with you - or as many as Megan allows. 
“Hey Y/N,” your roommate greets you with a warm smile which quickly turns into a steely glare when he acknowledges the young man standing by your side. “Ahem. Jungwoo.” 
If Jungwoo was a legitimate candidate for your mission of “getting laid,” Megan would be ecstatic. However, you explain to her that Jungwoo is nothing more than a friend, and suddenly Megan thinks he’s out to take her spot as Y/N’s Best Friend (insert trademark emoji here). 
“Megan, always a pleasure,” Jungwoo croons. If he’s perturbed by your roommate’s aloof greeting, he doesn’t show it, a smile growing on his face. Jungwoo turns to you. “See you at nine?”
You nod. “See you at nine. Bye.”
“Bye.” Jungwoo waves then walks down the hallway to the stairs. You wait until he’s out of sight to turn back to Megan, who has one eyebrow raised.
“What’s going on at nine?” She questions.
A defeated grin makes its way onto your lips. As much as you had been dreading what was to come, you couldn’t deny the excitement building up within you at the thought of something… new, for once in your life. “I’m going to my first party.”
Jungwoo, as promised, picks you up from your dorm room later that evening. He texts you an ominous message of i’m outside ur dorm lol for you to find him in the driver’s seat of a car far too expensive for any broke college student to own.
Hesitantly, you hop into the passenger seat and gingerly close the door. You’re not sure who he borrowed this from - or maybe it was a rental? - but you wanted to make sure you took no part in any damage fees he’d pay later. “I thought first years couldn’t have cars on campus.”
“I know. I’m a rule breaker, Y/N. I can’t be stopped… And maybe I borrowed it from a friend.”
Jungwoo insists on manning the aux, which you oblige to as you don’t trust your music taste to be liked by others. Something about the artist name Sergio Rachmaninov didn’t always hit well with the young folk these days. The queue starts up as he pulls out of the parking lot, a bass-boosted R&B song filling the expanse of the lush interior. 
“I’m going to warn you, this music queue is all over the place.” All over the place is correct, because after the R&B song finishes a ballad comes on, followed promptly by the song “Good Time” by Owl City. It’s a good song, a tolerable one, but after the second run, and third run, and even a fourth run you can’t help but wonder if the queue is glitching.
“Jungwoo.” He grunts in response. “Did you mean to put this song on loop?”
He shrugs. “What can I say? It helps me focus.”
You’re really questioning the sanity of the man behind the wheel.
Four and a half plays of “Good Time” (or fifteen minutes) later, you and Jungwoo arrive at your destination.
You audibly gulp. “Jungwoo. You are so in a frat.”
“No I’m not!” The man whines. “I swear!”
You and Jungwoo must not be looking at the same house, because the one you’re looking at is nothing less than a mansion: two stories, covering a wide expanse of vivid green lawn, with pillars on either side of the double-door front entry. Windows line the top and bottom floors, and hedges line the cobblestone walkway in the front. It looks like something out of a Southern period drama with the Victorian, colonial style architecture.
“You sure?” You can’t break your gaze away from the three enormous Greek letters placed above the entryway. “‘Cause no normal house emblazons the symbols of their group name across the front like that.”
As soon as you step foot in the door, you regret your decision to come. “Kim, I think I left something in the car-” 
You’re rudely interrupted by Jungwoo swinging an arm over your shoulder a bit too harshly. 
“Relax,” he reassures you. “My friends don’t bite. Only I do that.” You’re given no time to question that statement before he leads you further into the house.
If there’s one thing you can count on with Jungwoo, it’s his ability to socialize. It seems he knows everyone in the house, proven to you by the way he either nods his head or does a handshake with every individual present. He leads you to the kitchen where two guys are conversing, one looking like an overgrown man child and the other looking like… well, an actual child.
“Hey, look who finally decided to show up,” the much taller boy croons. “And he brought a friend.”
“Johnny, this is Y/N. Y/N, Johnny. He’s in his fourth year.” You shake hands with Johnny, who grins at you. He seems nice, other than the fact that he continues to stare at you through the duration of the handshake. Perplexed, you refuse to break his gaze.
Johnny is the first to look away, turning immediately to Jungwoo. “Oh, I like her. No one has yet to win my staring contest this year, other than you, Y/N. Congratulations.”
You force a laugh. “Thanks?”
Jungwoo steers you to the second boy, this one noticeably shorter - or was he still tall? Anyone standing next to Johnny seemed to be dwarfed in his presence - with dyed blond hair. He has a cap over his head and circle glasses, and you can’t help but think he looks awfully young to be at a frat-but-not-really house party.
“And this is Mark. He’s a fellow first year, but he’s our baby.” Jungwoo coos the last word, making Mark huff. Lowering his voice to a stage whisper, Jungwoo explains, “He was born in 1999, so we have a good year on him.”
You click your tongue. Ah, that explains why he looks so young. You deem Mark to be far more approachable than Johnny and shake the young boy’s hand eagerly.
“Where’s Peaches?” Jungwoo asks Johnny. The older boy shrugs. 
“I dunno. Not my problem.”
“Oh, I don’t think Jaehyun’s coming,” Mark cuts in. “Texted me saying something came up. Something about a paper due. Wait. Didn’t you take his car?” He points to Jungwoo, who shrugs with a look of Whoops, sorry on his face.
Johnny groans. “Oh, shoot. That’s right. We have a paper due tomorrow morning.” As quickly as the realization hits him, the worry is gone. “Eh. It’ll be fine.”
The three boys converse a bit longer, exchanging pleasantries and whatnot, before you and Jungwoo make your departure. The most that comes out of your mouth are feeble courtesy laughs and the occasional sarcastic quip to keep Jungwoo’s chaotic energy at bay. You wait until Jungwoo’s led you away to voice your thoughts. “What kind of name is Peaches?” You repeat.
“Right. One of the upperclassmen got the nickname because he smelled like them his first day of recruitment. Apparently he lives near a peach tree orchard or something. Therefore, he’s Peach Boy.”
You make a mental note of the phrase recruitment your friend uses. One day, you’ll compile a long enough list of evidence proving Nu Kappa Tau was a frat, and the word recruitment was one of them. “So what’s your nickname then?”
“Me? I’m not technically initiated yet,” - did this man use the word initiated? Yet another piece of evidence for the fraternity agenda - “but if I had to choose…” Jungwoo pauses and drums his fingers against his chin. “I’m Cheese Boy.”
You pause, letting his name sink in. The laughter bubbles up within you, threatening to spill out in a snort. It instead comes out as a strong exhale through your nose.
“Whatever, Cheese Boy,” you tease. “How much longer until I can go home?”
The next time you see the boys of Nu Kappa Tau is when Jungwoo drags you to yet another one of their events but a few days later. “This one’s right up your alley,” he insists. He also bribes you with the promise of buying your lunch, and the kabob food truck was on campus today, meaning you were eating well this afternoon. Making an appearance at his frat was but a small price to pay for your beloved meal of choice.
Jungwoo’s right - this event is up your alley, because you recognize the route he takes across campus. “The library?”
He nods. “NKT Study Hall.”
As you enter the building Jungwoo pulls you down an unfamiliar corridor then up a flight of stairs. An unspoken farewell is bid to your usual study spot by the second floor window as you continue up, up, up, until finally stopping at the fifth floor where no more stairs remain. You didn’t realize the library went up that high, and you probably frequented the building more than all of the boys combined - not that you knew any of the Kappa Tau boys yet.
Though they do look extremely threatening now that you’re standing in front of them.
Jungwoo brings you to stand in front of him. “Men and Mark Lee-” (“Hey!” Mark complains,) “-I introduce to you my partner in crime, Y/N.”
You give a feeble smile to the young men surrounding the table. You recognize a few of them from the party, Johnny and Mark being the only ones you can put a name to. The two wave to you and you feel a little more welcomed. Aside from the duo, everyone else is unfamiliar, giving you emotionless head nods and scowls.
“Y/N, you know Johnny and Mark, over there’s Lucas, and that’s Sicheng.” You nod at the two of them, who seem nice enough. The latter actually gives you a soft smile, so you consider that a win in your book. “And over at that table is Doyoung, Ten… You know what? I’ll just introduce you to everyone later. Have a seat.”
You trust your friend to guide you to the safest open seat, directly across from another empty chair at one end of the long table. Immediately you pull out your biology notebook and pens, hunkering down and getting to work without further notice. If you couldn’t feel welcomed by the boys at the table, you could at least get some decent studying done. You felt far more familiar with the speciation concepts in front of you than the actual human beings next to you. You allow your head to burrow itself closer to your notebook, dwelling in this small comfort in an environment of unfamiliarities.
The moment of peace doesn’t last long.
“Peaches!” Johnny’s bellowing voice makes you jump in your seat, your beloved biology notes neglected.
“Hey. Sorry I’m late.” Huh. You’ve heard that voice before. You can’t place where you know it from, but it causes a sneer to form on your face. Glancing up from your notes you can’t help the strangled gasp that leaves your lips.
It’s him. You’d recognize that faded pink hair and smugly complacent upturn of lips anywhere. That, and he’s holding a coffee cup that violently catapults you back to the incident from a few weeks ago in the coffee shop. You left your perfectly good vanilla latte behind because he made you mad, that jerk.
“Oh, Jaehyun.” Jungwoo leads the man to the open seat across from you. Pointing to you, he says, “This is Peaches - I mean, Jaehyun. Jaehyun, this is-”
“-Y/N, right?” Jaehyun interrupts with a grin. You lower your eyes at the dimple that forms when he smiles. “I believe we’ve met before.”
Jungwoo looks from your displeased state to Jaehyun’s smug smirk. “Uh, okay. Cool. Well then. I’m gonna go ahead and grab lunch, I’ll be right back.” You watch as Jungwoo beckons Johnny and Mark to join him, the only three familiar faces present at the table now leaving.
Jaehyun leans back in his chair, arms moving to rest behind his head. “Looks like it’s just the two of us.”
You weigh your options. You could recognize that the two of you have indeed met before, and try to get past your differences. Or, you could refuse to acknowledge Jaehyun’s presence a mere few feet across from you at the table and try your best to study until Jungwoo returned with your food, at which point you would then flee the scene as fast as your non-athlete self could. Only one of these outcomes enticed you, and it wasn’t the one that involved talking. 
“So, Y/N,” Jaehyun leans forward. The width of the table is enough to keep him at a safe distance from you, yet he’s still close enough to invade your personal space somehow. It’s suffocating, how whatever musky cologne he’s wearing wafts over to you - he smells nothing like peaches. “How’s your day been?”
“Fine.” You keep your eyes glued to your biology notes. Allopatric Speciation occurs when two populations of the same species become isolated from one another due to-
“Aw, just fine? That’s it?” His voice is low. With Jungwoo, Johnny, and Mark out getting food, you’ve been isolated at one end of the table with Jaehyun. Lucas and Sicheng are present as well, but both seem to be deeply immersed in their own studies. It’s just the two of you.
“Yep.” Allopatric Speciation occurs when two populations of the same species-
“C’mon, I’m sure someone like you has had at least one interesting thing happen today.”
Allopatric Speciation occurs when - Someone like you? What was that supposed to mean? You sigh, but refuse to look up from your notes. Allopatric Speciation-
“Are you a first year? I took that class last year. If you ever want notes or something-” Jaehyun jumps a little when you slam the notebook shut. Good. Serves him right.
“I don’t like you, Jaehyun.”
Jaehyun tilts his head, a smirk tugging at the end of his lips. “You don’t even know me.”
“I know enough.”
He leans in by resting his forearms on the table, leveling his gaze with yours. “I don’t think you do.”
“You know what I think? I think you’re distracting me.”
Jungwoo comes back at the most opportune time, wielding a kabob skewer in each hand - one untouched and the other halfway eaten. “One chicken kabob for Y/N.”
Deeming the conversation with Jaehyun at its end, you stand up from your seat and grab your backpack from the table. Jaehyun fixes you with an intense gaze but remains silent. Whether he was sizing you up or not you didn’t care.
The tension is palpable at the table, and Jungwoo clears his throat. “Did I interrupt something?” 
“No,” you respond quickly. Grabbing your food from Jungwoo, you give him an apologetic smile. “Something came up. I gotta go. Sorry, Kim. See you tomorrow?”
You despise this man. You don’t even know Jaehyun - he is nothing but a familiar stranger - but you despise him. Him and his ethereal appearance. Why were the terrible ones always the ones blessed with above average looks? Why’d he have to open his mouth?
“Wait.” You do not, in fact, wait, but instead continue marching forward. It’s not until the figure stands right in front of you do you stop. It’s Jaehyun. Holding your biology notebook in the air. “Don’t want to leave anything behind. Like last time, right?”
The last few words out of his mouth have your blood boiling and your fists clenching at your sides. That explained the foreign lightness of the bag on your shoulder.
“Oh, right, the vanilla latte.” You fake a cordial laugh. “You mean the time I was so desperate to get away from your insufferable presence that I left behind a perfectly good coffee? The time when you treated that girl as if she wasn’t a human being? That time you couldn’t be a decent enough human being that you were that disrespectful to someone you didn’t even know?” 
Jaehyun stands before you with an astonished smile and a hand frozen in the air. You pluck the notebook out of his grasp and stride away before he has a chance to respond.
“I’ll see you around, Y/N,” Jaehyun calls.
“I’ll see you around my ass,” you mutter under your breath. You’re willing to go out of your way to avoid interactions with Jaehyun, no matter what it takes.
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a/n 2: hope you enjoyed part one of this series! it’s been a while since i last posted a fic on here so i apologize for my rusty writing skills. part 2 is projected to be posted in one week from now, but that’s tentative. we’ll see where life takes me and if i have the capacity to post in a week from now. in the meantime: stay safe! 💕
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aliaslua · 4 years
Living with the Turtles (headcanons)
Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo x Reader
Summary:  A secret mission that only the four brothers could accomplish requires them to become your personal bodyguards. How would each one of them react to sharing a house with you?
Category: Platonic relationship, domestic fluff, deep friendship.
A/N: This actually could be a whole fic (maybe someday) but honestly I was just feeling very into domestic turtles today so I decided to post this. Let me know what you think!
You can also read it in AO3! <3
The order was clear, you needed to be hidden. To fade, become invisible. After a team of outlaw scientists from the old Sacks' company discovered that you DNA carried a sequence of molecules that was thought had disappeared from the human species many decades ago - the only sequence that could serve as a basis for creating new mutagens - your blood became the most precious material in the planet and you, the most wanted person in the world. The Federal Program for Assistance to Threatened Victims and Witnesses had no option but to hide you in the only place where you would be safe 24 hours a day, seven days a week: the old train station where New York's newest heroes lived.
How will each of them react to the brutal change of sharing their house with a stranger?
When Chief of police Vincent set up an urgent meeting with the Hamato brothers to make a request and warned that the fate of the world depended on it, Leo prepared to receive a mission that would involved discipline, discretion and unmatched fighting skills but when he realized they would have to spend the next few months being bodyguard to a human, his confidence immediately morphed into pure nervousness.
He is a true gentleman and is desperate to be the best host possible. Before you arrived, he ordered the whole family to clean the Lair with a military streak and himself inspected every room. He and Donatello built a private room  for you using some of the shoji screens from the meditation room and he provided a bed and headboard.
He's absolutely nervous the day you arrive. You are their first official guest and he will do everything to make your stay perfect. Because of that, your first interactions with him is a little awkward. He doesn't allow you to collaborate in any domestic activity and spends the first two weeks asking if you need anything ("No," You always answer "I am very comfortable, thank you.").
After a few days getting to know you better and seeing your determination to participate in the routine of the house, he finally manages to relax a little and takes this opportunity to share some house tasks with you. Despite that, he continues to treat you like royalty: pulling chairs, opening doors, covering you with a blanket at night and carrying you to your bed whenever you sleep on the couch -and then he ensures that the house is quiet, so you can rest. Nothing will interrupt your sleep, your peace, your security, your stay will be perfect, he will do anything to make you feel at home.
Living with Leonardo is a bit like being a soldier in a barracks, but without all the shouting. From Monday to Monday you have a schedule and after you finally manage to convince him to teach you a little self-defense, the training is hard and disciplined. Unlike the barracks, however, Leonardo is very comprehensive with your physical and mental limitations and it's more than willing to adapt your training depending on what you need most on the day. Weary? Deep meditation. Muscle pain? Yoga. Feeling unmotivated? Cardio.
Then when you finally get to know each other better, after a few weeks living together, Leonardo is like a mentor to you. He always has excellent advice and is always available to listen to you, regardless of how repetitive or superficial your problems are.
Leonardo's cooking skills are truly awful. It was during dinner, in fact, that you really started bonding. The pasta was slimy and bland and the sauce tasted like old ketchup: You had to intervene. Only when he saw how well you cooked - and wow that's a pretty good knife control! - he realized that you not only had a lot to learn, but a lot to teach. You have taken on the responsibility of teaching him how to cook the basics ever since and you will never forget his face when he first tasted missoshiro.
You're both obsessed with Chinese fighting movies. Every wednesday you watch a movie together and no matter how hard you try, you can't convince him that "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is better than "House of Flying Daggers".
Of all the brothers, he is the one who gets used to your presence faster (even before Mikey) and his generosity is essential to make you feel welcome.
It is not even possible to define with words the intensity of the fight that Raphael and Leonardo had when he told them that he had accepted the mission of hiding the human carrier. Once again Leonardo had made a decision without consulting the whole team but more important than that: Raphael was going to have to share the house with someone he didn't know and there was nothing in the world that made him more angry - and nervous - than that.
Deep down, Raph was more anxious than angry. Knowing that he was going to share his only intimate and personal space - his house  - with someone he didn't know made him feel super vulnerable, exposed. In fact, he was scared. He feared the possible looks of dread, disgust, repulsion. He knew that few things in the world could hurt more than a look of hatred and he was not at all comfortable with the reality that he might have to LIVE with someone who found him disgusting.
But when you arrived, the looks didn't come. You looked nervous, but not scared, let alone disgusted. As the days went by, Raphael realized that the only feeling you had before arriving at Lair was gratitude and after he actually understood that in fact he made you feel safe, the warmth in his chest was enough for him to forgive your invasion.
Sometimes you are just as scary to Raphael as he is for most humans. That day when he caught you alone in the kitchen taking the cookie sheet out of the oven, he realized that. You are so… small, so fragile and soft. He feels that if he breathes too hard or too close to you he will dismantle you, like a house of cards. It's also impressive to him how much noise such a small creature can make. God! Are your shoes made of iron? How can biting into toast be that loud? Even your breathing seems loud to him. But it is not your fault, you always answer, it's not like you're a trained ninja.
Raphael is the last one to be comfortable with your presence but when that day finally comes and he admits he likes it when you are around, he also decides that you are one of them now and for you he ride or die. Silently he swears eternal loyalty to you and from that day on, rest assured, you don't need to be afraid of anything anymore.
Because of this, Raph becomes strangely jealousy and possessive. You are now his best friend and he needs to know if everyone around you is good enough, well-intentioned enough and ensuring your joy and well being are now part of the mission. It's a little overwhelming at first but when you adjust the intensity it's wonderful to have someone who takes such good care of you.
His affection is always returned. You love his company and think it's funny how such a big man can be so soft. And soft he is, since what you most have in common is the appreciation for period romances. You love watching all the adaptation films from Jane Austen's books and maybe he cried at the end of Reason and Sensitivity - he will deny it until the end - but your favorite activity for you to do together is when you read to him while he works out. You are like a personal audiobook and he will never stop making fun of you for crying while reading Mr. Wentworth's letters.
Despite the affection, he is really a tease. He doesn't miss a single chance to remind you how small you look to him and nicknames like Tiny Temper and Shortstop are recurring. You always repay it whenever you can but ultimately you know that he doesn't mean bad.
Donatello thinks that the idea of protecting the source of the conflict is brilliant, it seems much more rational to avoid a war before it happens and proceed a mission with a more discreet and strategic course of action than to appeal to physical strength and weapons. That said, he hates having someone else around as much as Raphael. Unlike him, however, Donatello is not afraid of rejection, he is... Uncomfortable. Privacy is a right that he considers essential and imagining that he may receive someone who is intrusive in his own home makes his head hurt.
Therefore, he receives you with extreme coldness. He helps with the organizing of their home and your personal space, of course, he doesn't want you to feel unwelcome, but it's essential for him to draw the line between mission and personal life and he wants to make that very clear. His room is off limits, the computer area is off limits and specially the laboratory is off limits.
But he soon realizes that his coldness is unnecessary and maybe even a little rude since you seem excellent at respecting personal limits and spaces. He was prepared to spend a long time refusing to answer invasive and indiscreet questions, but you seemed to have a genuine and respectful interest. In the end, he found your polite curiosity very charming.
After that, he showed you the lab on his own and was even happier when you got interested but didn't touch anything. He finally had someone around  with the same enthusiasm for science as he and he even started doing research based on your doubts. Enjoy, he's a great teacher.
But what you most like to do together is to sit on the huge couch in the living room with a cup of coffee and talk for hours on complex matters. Ethics, morals, economic and social configurations, what is the fate of the world? Why are we here? You certainly do not have the same theoretical background to refute him, but he loves your interest and loves to hear your subjective takes. A debate partner is everything he always dreamed of.
It's also a relief for him to be able to open up to someone other than his own brothers and he likes to hear the solutions you would give to his dilemmas from the perspective of a person who has lived a life so different from his. He also loves to watch you, but he will never admit it: Humans are fascinating, and he finds your ways and habits very funny.
Before you arrived he did a thorough research to understand what vitamins, minerals and supplements you would need to take while out of sunlight and with restricted access to various foods, so you also got you a personal doctor and nutritionist.
The first week living with Michelangelo were almost unbearable. It may be fair to say that he was the only one among the brothers really pleased with your arrival and it was good to be warmly welcomed by at least one of them, but Mikey's excitement was a little overwhelming. He spent all day filling you with praise, flirting, asking about your life and life on the surface and it felt like he talked so much that he sucked all the air out of the room.
Knowing that your relationship could nor go on like that, in the second week of your stay you sat him on the couch and asked him to chill out just a little. You explained that for you it was super important to know that one of them was happy with your arrival and that you knew that he wanted to do everything to make your stay the best possible but for that he didn't need to treat you like a creature from another world, perfect and sovereign, you just wanted to be treated like ... an equal. That was more than enough. Michelangelo ceased to be a dedicated servant and became a great friend.
You couldn't ask for anything else in the world. Mikey was the perfect friend for a situation that could be unbearable without an icebreaker. He's fun, lovable and after you had that conversation, extremely relaxed and comfortable around you. His loyalty is unquestionable and every day he shows affection without hesitation.
He loves spending all the time he can with you and has volunteered to become your personal teacher of the art of graffiti. Leonardo can't know, but you are responsible for the new tags on the subway cars and on the doors of abandoned houses. Mikey loves to watch you do your hair and help you choose the clothes you are going to wear that day and you find it funny how that dynamic makes it look like he is playing house for the first time.
You made homemade pizza once and he asked you to marry him, a request to which you answered yes, of course. He made you a ring from the pizza crust and you drank soda with your arms crossed just like in weddings.
The most sensitive of the brothers. He always know when you're not feeling good and always has the right answer to make you feel better (that is, burrito blanket and reality shows).
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duhragonball · 4 years
Frieza for the character ask, please. I want to know if there's something you like!
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Give me a character and I will answer:
Why I like them: I tend to divide all of Dragon Ball canon into two sections: the part that’s about Dragon Balls, and the part that’s about Super Saiyans, with DBZ Episode 66 as the dividing line.   And Frieza’s original run as the main villain (Episodes 44-120) straddles that line.  
He’s basically a bridge between those two themes.    He starts off as a villain gathering the Dragon Balls to extend his rule, much like Emperor Pilaf or Commander Red, but he’s so insanely powerful that it almost doesn’t matter if he makes his wish or not.    The only thing that gives him pause is the possibility of a Saiyan uprising, except there’s only a handful of them left in the universe, which means the only way they could threaten him would be if one of them suddenly became the strongest Saiyan in a millennium.
My favorite aspect of Dragon Ball is that it keeps raising the stakes.   Vegeta was presented as the ultimate threat, and then it turned out that his boss is the strongest guy in the universe.   And he’s treated accordingly.    It takes forever to defeat him, mostly because it’s a lot safer to sneak around and avoid the guy, and when a final confrontation happens, no one has the necessary power to finish him off.  
Somewhat understandably, a lot of fans think of him as the Final Boss of the Dragon Ball mythos.  Goku becomes a legendary warrior to defeat the strongest guy in the universe.   How do you top that?    A lot of fans think that it was a mistake to try, and I’m pretty sure that’s where a lot of this “Toiryama wanted to quit after the Frieza Saga” mythology came from.  What they’re really saying is: “I think Toriyama should have quit after the Frieza Saga, and I assume he agrees with me, because I respect him so much, which must mean someone forced him to continue.”
But I think that’s bunk, because Toriyama’s best work was built on Frieza’s vaporized corpse.    How can you keep a martial arts epic going when the hero is stronger than the strongest person in the universe?   Toriyama took that as a challenge.    The androids could be stronger than Frieza because they hadn’t been built yet when Frieza was riding high.   Cell and Trunks could be stronger than Frieza because they’re from the future.  The Supreme Kai and Dabura were stronger than Frieza, but they don’t count because they’re from other realms beyond the “normal” universe.   Majin Buu could be stronger than Frieza because he’s from the distant past.   He’s been hidden away in storage for so long that no one remembers him.    Same deal with Beerus literally sleeping through all of Dragon Ball and DBZ.    And guys like Jiren and Hit are from whole separate universes.   All Toriyama had to do was avoid introducing some ultra-powerful character who had been active during Frieza’s lifetime.     The only one that springs to mind if Cooler, although he admits in Movie 5 that Frieza had an edge over him throughout their rivalry.   
So I like Frieza for being that big milestone character.   Guys like Cell and Majin Buu wouldn’t work as well without a Frieza to set them up as extraordinary challengers.  
Why I don’t: The problem with Frieza is that his importance to the franchise has led to him becoming overrated.  He’s got this 70-episode run as the main villain, but he spends most of it sitting in that goofy chair and literally refusing to do anything, even while his soldiers keep messing up.   When he finally does take matters into his own hands, he holds back, apparently because he wants to torture his opponents as much as possible before finishing them.  
People give Goku a lot of shit for showing mercy to his enemies, but no one ever seems to notice how Frieza could have wiped out Goku a hundred times over and just... didn’t.    At least when Goku does it, you can say it’s because he’s too nice, but what’s Frieza’s excuse?  There’s a lot of big long chunks of the Frieza Saga where literally nothing happens because the good guys are too weak and Frieza’s in no particular hurry to end it.  
By contrast, you have villains like Buu, who really don’t waste time like that.    He started killing people and while he wasn’t in any particular hurry, he didn’t drag it out either.   In less than 48 hours, he destroyed the whole planet.   That’s service.   
I cannot stress enough how Cell is the superior villain compared to Frieza.  The only lull in his run was when he declared a truce to allow his enemies to prepare for the Cell Games, and they were free to attack him during that time if they wanted.    And there was a point to that.   Cell had no particular agenda, so he decided to arrange a rematch with the Earth’s fighters.  
But when Frieza wastes time, it’s for plot reasons.   He’s just really lazy and unmotivated, or maybe he’s just incompetent.    But the wider fandom sees this jackass and goes “RARRR BEST VILLIN 5EVAR!”  Nah, he sucks. 
Favorite episode (scene if movie):   For my money, the coolest thing Frieza did was when he came back as a cyborg.    He kept trying to declare victory in his fight with Goku on Namek, even after cutting himself in half, and then Namek explodes on him and he still won’t let it go.   His dad finds him and after a long convalescence he decides to go to Earth and fight Goku all over again.   
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What makes it so awesome is that the cyborg parts are a silent testament to how monumentally stupid that idea is.   All this guy had going for him was his top spot on all the power level charts, and now he’s lost that and he has no idea how to get along without it.  
And this is why I hate the idea of bringing him back from the dead, because there’s nowhere left to take this character.    He lost on Namek, and Episode 119-120 was just his last-ditch effort to defy reality.    He doesn’t know how to survive in a world where he’s not the top dog, and he doesn’t survive, that’s the end of that story.    Bringing him back just repeats the lesson, only without the cool cyborg parts to remind us that this never works.
Favorite season/movie: I guess Frieza Saga by default.  It’s got some great moments in it, but it gets really thin in places. 
Favorite line: “Peace?  I... will... never... know peaaaace!”  Or words to that effect.   Whatever bluster he shouted at Goku when he tried to take that last shot at him before Namek exploded.
Favorite outfit: The cyborg look.
OTP: I guess he has the hots for Yamcha, so let’s go with that.
Brotp: Yeah, right.
Head Canon: Between the lore in the Bardock TV special and “Dragon Ball Minus”, I get the impression that Frieza is concerned with legends in general, not just the one about the Super Saiyan.    I say this because in “Father of Goku”, he sent Bardock’s crew to conquer Kanassa, and the only apparent reason for this was because of the rumors of their psychic abilities.   Frieza was likewise intrigued by the Namekian regeneration ability.    I think in at least one translation he expresses some envy of Nail’s power, implying that he would want to find some way to acquire it for himself. 
What I’m getting at is that Frieza’s so powerful that the only things he has to worry about are things that may not even exist.    The Kanassans were probably no threat to him, but he may have considered that they could be, so he wiped them out before it could come to that.   Or maybe his staff discovered a tale of the Kanassan planet being the source of their powers, so he decided he needed to control that planet before his enemies could use it against him.   
Same deal with the Saiyans.   in DB Minus, I got the impression that he’s got a whole team of researchers who check up on local folklore.   Maybe they do this everywhere he goes, and he uses this intel to decide which planets live or die.  
Unpopular opinion: Frieza’s main contribution to the Dragon Ball franchise was to provide useful genetic material for the creation of Cell, the true best villain.  
A wish:  Hit and Majin Buu kill his ass and Grand Zeno, Great Priest, and Shaggy Blanco all hold a press conference announcing that he’s dead forever and can never come back, no matter what.    He gets sent to the same turbo super hell they have in Supernatural.   
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen:  Please don’t do any team ups with old villains and have Cell take orders from Frieza.   That sucks and it shouldn’t happen.  
5 words to best describe them: Final form is a corpse.
My nickname for them: LOWARD FUREEZA.
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ryuukia · 6 years
[Translation] Tsukino Empire - The Second Fleet「Byakko」
With this I’m done with the migrainuta tsukiuta part, meaning SolidS are next. This post follows Procella’s side and their profiles. For a few explanations regarding the data, check Gravi’s post.
Please give me motivation to work on tsukipro hnnnnn
The proofreading was done by @clearui​. Don’t repost my translation.
04. Procellarum - Shimotsuki Shun & Fuduki Kai
Shimotsuki Shun
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Cast comment
Greetings, everybody. I’m Shimotsuki Shun, Tsukino Empire’s second prince? … just joking.
This story happens somewhere far away from Earth, it’s a tale about another corner from the Universe. That’s right, as this is a story taking in a distant place, nobody knows… … whether this story is a fiction. That’s because the world is so vast. This is a story about ourselves from another place whom risk their lives for a noble hope. Please, enjoy it.
Story data
Affiliation: Second Fleet (Shiro) ※Commandant Spirit beast: Albion (Byakko1 and Tora2 type) ※First Rank 【STR】★★★★★★★ 【VIT】★★★★★★☆ 【DEX】★★★★★★★ 【INT】★★★★★★★ 【HP】★★★★★★☆ 【MOFU】★★★★☆☆☆
Tsukino Empire’s second prince who appeared to be compatible by birth with one of The First Rank’s spirit beasts,【Byakko】. On top of being an existence covered in mystery by the imperial family itself, as the Legendary Class’s First Rank host, he’s irregular and unconventional in many ways. Due to his origins too, there is nobody stronger than him.
However, he himself doesn’t boast about his origins and he’s very gentle, innocent and open-minded. He says “I love everything”.
His rank in the army is merely nothing but a formality for him. The only one who can command him in the actual sense is “only Hajime?”, and he smiles meaninfully to that even today.
T/N: 白虎 (byakko)1 = The White Tiger 虎型 (tora kata)2 = tiger type
Fuduki Kai
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Cast comment
Hello, Fuduki Kai here! Wearing a military uniform, putting on a ring, carrying a device and having companions… there are many peculiar props, so I’ll have fun performing with those. The only difficulty are the lines, which are hard (laughs). During serious scenes, I have to speak difficult lines quickly, so I had to rehearse those daily like chanting spells. I will do my best!
Story data
Affiliation: Second Fleet (Shiro) Spirit beast: Leon (lion type) ※Second Rank 【STR】★★★★★★☆ 【VIT】★★★★★☆☆ 【DEX】★★★☆☆☆☆ 【INT】★★★★☆☆☆ 【HP】★★★★★★☆ 【MOFU】★★★★☆☆☆
The Second Fleet’s reliable older brother. He’s always meticulous and stays unfazed to most things. He is a strong and abrupt man who will cheerfully laugh at everything.
Kai knows Shun since they were in the military academy. He took interest in Shun and Albion (right at first sight), and before he noticed, he and his spirit beast, Leon, were treated as a set together with Shun and his spirit beast.
With a family lineage of soldiers from the Second Military Division, who didn’t have hosts for generations, his father is in the Tenth Fleet’s Headquarters. In one way or another, he’s getting accustomed to being a mediator for the numerous issues between the First Military Division and Second Military Division.
05. Haduki You & Nagatsuki Yoru
Haduki You
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Cast comment
Heyo, everybody, how are you? With Tsukipro’s entire appearance, this is a stage play filled with many handsome men. I will do my best to shine the most among them all, so I’m also asking for everyone’s support! My role includes a lot of independent action, in this tale being the fastest character to reach the story’s core. How is it? Only with this much, it’s cool, right? Well, I’ll try my best not die.
Story data
Affiliation: Second Fleet (Shiro) Spirit beast: Kurikara (hitokage3 type) 【STR】★★★★★★☆ 【VIT】★★★★☆☆☆ 【DEX】★★★☆☆☆☆ 【INT】★★★★☆☆☆ 【HP】★★★★☆☆☆ 【MOFU】★☆☆☆☆☆☆
The Second Fleet’s unmotivated acting leader. He often disappears to work under pretexts of gathering intel, but it is unclear whether he is actually working or slacking off.
He’s famous for being a lady-killer. As many of his ex-girlfriends are in the headquarters, he’s trying to keep away from them as much as possible.
Yoru is his childhood friend. Not only he listens but he also retorts to what Yoru tells him.
T/N: 火蜥蜴 型 (hitokage kata)3 = salamander type
Nagatsuki Yoru
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Cast comment
Hello, I am Nagatsuki Yoru. Welcome to the place where this magnificent story starts… … I tried a little to be cooler, but this is already my second stage play. As this is a wonderful stage with lots of large scale mechanisms, I think it’s enough to be worth seeing, but I also want to liven things up as much as I can. Arai-kun, Raa-kun and me will be in your care.
Story data
Affiliation: Second Fleet (Shiro) Spirit beast: Arai-kun, Raa-kun (raccoon type) ※one pair in two bodies 【STR】★★☆☆☆☆☆ 【VIT】★★★☆☆☆☆ 【DEX】★★★★★☆☆ 【INT】★★★★★★☆ 【HP】★★★☆☆☆☆ 【MOFU】★★★★★☆☆
In order to host the rare spirit beast with two bodies in one pair, he collaborates in the spirit beast research, offering data at any time. Because of that, he’s also in good terms with Aoi’s older brother, who’s in the Medical Care Bureau.
Within the spirit beast, Arai-kun is the positive one and Raa-kun is the shy and slightly negative one.
As the Second Fleet’s operator, he tries desperately to decipher the meaning of Commandant Shun’s orders every day. (※They have no meaning often)
06. Minaduki Rui & Kannaduki Iku
Minaduki Rui
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Cast comment
Welcome, to the Empire.
My role holds the key, which leads to the core of the story.
My character is not very talkative and has hardly many lines, but I believe it can convey various things without words. Enjoy the story.
Story data
Affiliation: Second Fleet (Shiro) Spirit beast: Evangile (shiro neko4 type)  ※/e.vɑ̃.ʒil/ (it means ‘good news’ in French) 【STR】★★☆☆☆☆☆ 【VIT】★☆☆☆☆☆☆ 【DEX】★★★★★★☆ 【INT】★★★★★★★ 【HP】★★☆☆☆☆☆ 【MOFU】★★★★★☆☆
One of the few relatives that the Imperial family has, with a fairly low rank. Despite that, he has the right of succession to the Imperial throne. He’s been interacting with the direct descendant, Shun, since childhood, so Rui’s quite attached to him.
Due to his natural weak constitution and his parents’ protection he spent most of his childhood in bed. For that reason, he’s ignorant to common sense.
Within the circumstances of having to stay still, he emerged as the host of a mysterious ring with no records in the military custody. After becoming a host, his body got healthier, then he enrolled in the army - in order to comprehend the mysterious ring’s data - and became a  research subject, by providing information regularly about it.
T/N: 白猫 型 (shiro neko kata)4 = white cat type
Kannaduki Iku
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Cast comment
Hi, I’m Kannaduki Iku. The Tsukino Empire is now raising the curtain! With this, we’re unveiling the military uniform costumes. Standing on the scene while wearing this gives me a strange feeling because I’m still not used to wearing this uniform. My highlight scene is in the second half, when Arata-san and me are involved in a quite dynamic and violent action scene. I think you can watch it from that point. Please treat me well!
Story data
Affiliation: Second Fleet (Shiro) Spirit beast: Hokkyoku-kun5 (hokkyoku kuma6 type) 【STR】★★★★★★☆ 【VIT】★★★★☆☆☆ 【DEX】★★★☆☆☆☆ 【INT】★★★☆☆☆☆ 【HP】★★★★★★☆ 【MOFU】★★★★★★☆
The Second Fleet’s most handsome junior, with a promising future. One of his parents’ family had a restaurant, which provided food for the military base, thus he’s been watching battles and the army since a young age.
The mysterious spirit beast he encountered in his childhood at the military base left a strong impression on him and after that, henceforth his compatibility test, he enrolled into the military academy and certified as its host.
His older sister also turned out to be compatible and even though she enrolled into the military academy, she didn’t become a host in the end because the ring chose another cadet.
Currently, she works in the Public Relations Bureau and it seems she’s trying to obtain exclusive coverage from Shun through Iku.
北極 (hokkyoku)5 = North Pole (Iku named his bear ‘North Pole’ lol) ホッキョククマ 型 (hokkyoku kuma kata)6 = polar bear type
Tsukino Empire Plot | Six Gravity | Procellarum | Soara | Growth | SolidS
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quindar · 6 years
How we grew from zero to one million users, without raising a single dollar in Venture Capital.
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It’s been a few weeks since we reached a major milestone -  RocketReach now has well over One Million registered users. For a 2 year old SAAS company started by a bunch of “developers”, we’re pretty stoked about how far we’ve come.
It’s been a crazy ride so far. We did lots of things wrong, but we also got a few things right (sometimes even intentionally).
Ode to the Stapler  
It’s late 2015 - Andrew & I have been working in a job which was, at best unmotivating, at worst … much worse. We’d spent 2 years building a product which had been “in stealth”, for essentially, a majority of those 2 years. The product team was operating in a vacuum, without any real world feedback. Product direction was determined primarily on management whim, which wavered pretty frequently.
We knew we wanted to get out of there. Andrew & I spent our lunches brainstorming ideas. There were many ideas - RocketReach wasn’t one of them. We hadn’t really settled on anything yet, but staying on the job was getting unbearably painful. One fine morning... I rage quit. In retrospect, that wasn’t very smart. 
I was a 36 year old immigrant, without much of a financial safety net, a mortgage, a 3 year old child, and barely a few months into my green card. We also had no concrete product idea, no direction.  Those initial months, where we were unfunded, had no product, no traction, and burning through our meager savings, was probably the most stressful period of my life. I never knew you could be in physical pain from stress. This would have been much easier to do when we were childless, mortgage-less, energetic and in our 20s. But as a legal immigrant, that wasn’t possible (more about that in a future blog post).
At some point we decided we’d start a company called “Panelly” to help product teams recruit user research panels. We even had a cool domain - pn.ly. The plan was to build an MVP (Minimum Viable Product), get traction, and raise money - simple right? VC capital was very appealing. It would take the financial pressure off, and allow us to hire faster and build faster. 
Flight of a kakapo
Things, quite unsurprisingly, did not go according to plan. We had some pilot customers, including some prominent ones like UserTesting.com. 6 months in though, and we’d only made about $15 in revenue. It was time to be honest, and pivot. This, despite how much people talk about it, is always difficult. These conversations can be contentious, and testing, and painful. But the alternative isn’t ever any better. 
It would take us many more months of user feedback and testing to build a product that people would actually use. By the time we got any meaningful traction on our product, it’d been about 12-15 months or so.
This meant that for a majority of this period, we operated without any real capital. There were many things we did not have. No swanky office, no free lunches. Most of the time, we worked from an illy cafe down the street. The upside was that it also forced us to be very frugal and very creative. We couldn’t afford to spend 100s of 1000s of dollars on Facebook or Google ads. We couldn’t hire designers. It was 3 of us, and we had to figure out a way to do everything from development, to design, testing, marketing, sales and customer support.
Too cheap to pay $75
As panelly was failing, and we were trying to figure out our next move, we started talking to our existing customers, to potential customers, and pretty much anyone nice enough to talk to us. We also had to figure out a way to test our ideas, without spending any real cash. 
What we came up with was a pretty simple hack.
We’d put up a simple landing page with two things: A value proposition, and a “sign up” button. E.g. “Face yoga on demand, for $12/month subscription - sign up below”. When they signed up, they’d be told that they were in a waiting list, and they would receive an invite when the product was ready. This way we didn’t have to build an actual product - just a landing page. 
We needed to attract users to validate these product ideas. This was much harder. We could buy some traffic on google, but again - no money. However, there was a loophole. Google gives you $75 in credits for each new google account. So in theory, if you create 100 accounts, you have $7500 of ad spend on google for free. This is something which I will neither confirm nor deny, that we ever did 😉
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And that’s how it started. One of the products we experimented with was called RocketReach. 
The google ads were worded:
RocketReach - a look-alike modeling tool that will help you turn your first 5 customers into your next 100 customers.
This product beat out all the other ideas. We had a winner...and also - we had a ready list of potential leads that we could convert to paying customers. That was the genesis of what RocketReach is today. It evolved over time and we realized that most of our users cared much more about contact discovery rather than the look-alike models.
Ask and you shall receive
Around Feb 2016, we decided to focus more on the contact discovery piece. We still had no money. We tried a bunch of tactics/hacks to get traffic. A few of them worked. 
There were 3 key things that happened next which laid the foundation for the amazing growth which would follow soon after.
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Quora was an awesome place for us to find customers when we first started out. One of our employees started answering questions on Quora, which started driving traffic to our site, which slowly turned into paid users.  
One of those new users was part of 500 Startups. We ended up doing a partnership with 500 Startups, where RocketReach was offered to every 500 Startups portfolio company. This was a pivotal moment as we signed up some amazingly useful and influential customers.
One of those customers, unbeknownst to us, “hunted” us on Product Hunt. We got a bunch of upvotes from there, and became a top 10 Product of the day. (Which was awesome!!) But, unfortunately, we were simply not prepared for that kind of traffic, and our site actually went down for a few hours.
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That day we signed up around 20K users, and never looked back.
And we’re not slowing down anytime soon! With exciting new features on the horizon you won’t want to miss what comes next for RocketReach! So stay tuned for more updates, best practices, and tricks of the trade that got us to where we are today. Till next time.
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beverlyfdole · 7 years
27 Smart and Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself
“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” Wayne Dyer
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” Zig Ziglar
“I was thinking one day and I realized that if I just had somebody behind me all the way to motivate me I could make a big difference. Nobody came along like that so I just became that person for myself.” Unknown
Some days you wake up motivated and ready to go. And some days things feel heavy as you arise and it is hard to get going and find that inner drive.
At least in my experience.
So over the past 10+ years I have found some simple and smart strategies that work for me to get back into the right groove and to get things done.
Here are 27 of my favorite tips and habits for doing just that.
Just get started and let the motivation catch up with you. You don’t have to wait for motivation to get started. If you want to work in a consistent way every day then sometimes you just have to get going anyway. And the funny thing is that after I have worked for a while things feel easier and easier and more fun and the motivation catches up with me.
Start small if big leads you to procrastinating. If a project or task feels too big and daunting don’t let that lead you into procrastination. Instead, break it down into small steps and then take just one of them to start moving forward.
Start tiny if a small step still leads you to procrastination. If breaking it down and taking a small step still leads you to procrastinating then go even smaller. Take just a tiny 1-2 minute step forward. That’s it. Because the most important thing is to just get going and to build momentum forward.
Reduce the daily distractions. When you have easily accessible distractions all around you then it becomes hard to focus. So shut the door to your office. Put your smart phone in silent mode at the other end of your work space or home. And use an extension for your browser like StayFocusd to keep yourself on track.
Get accountability from the people in your life. Tell your friends what you will do on social media, via phone or in real life. Ask one or more of them to regularly check up on you and your progress. By doing this you’ll be a lot less likely to try to weasel out of things or give up at the first obstacle.
Get motivation from the people in your life. Spend less time with negative people who always look at the dark or apathetic side of things. And spend more of the time you have now freed up with enthusiastic or motivated people and let their energy flow over to you.
Get the motivation from people you don’t know. Don’t limit yourself to just the motivation you can get from the people closest you. There is a ton of motivating books, podcasts, blogs and success stories out there that you can tap into to up or renew your motivation.
Play music that gives you energy. One of the simplest things I do when I feel low in energy or motivation is to play music that is upbeat and/or inspires me in some way. A break with a few songs or working while listening to them for a while usually works well.
Find the optimism. Pessimism can drain both your motivation and energy. But the positive and constructive way of looking at things can on the other hand energize and recharge your motivation. So when you’re in what looks like a negative situation ask yourself questions like: What’s one thing that’s good about this? And what’s one hidden opportunity here?
Be kind to yourself when you stumble. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of beating yourself when you stumble or fail. But that don’t work that well in my experience. You just feel worse and less motivated. So try this the next time: be kind to yourself, nudge yourself back on the path you were on and take one small step forward.
Be constructive about the failures. To make your setbacks more valuable and less hurtful be constructive about them. When you stumble ask yourself: what is one thing I can learn from this setback? Then keep that lesson in mind and take action on it to improve what you do.
Compare yourself to yourself and see how far you have come. Instead of deflating yourself and your motivation by comparing yourself to others who are so far ahead of you.
Compete in a friendly way. When you’re in school or at work make it a friendly competition with a friend to for example finish a boring or routine task first. Just that element of competition tends to liven things up. And if you want to you can also add a small prize for extra motivation, like the winner getting a free ice cream or a beer from the other person.
Remind yourself of why you are working toward this. When you’re feeling unmotivated and low in energy it’s easy to lose sight of why you’re doing something. So take 2 minutes and write down your top 3 reasons for doing this work, getting an education, working out, saving that extra money or something else. Put that note where you can see it every day or keep it in your smartphone for easy access when you need a motivational boost.
Remind yourself of what you’re moving away from. You can also motivate yourself to get going again by looking at the negative impact of staying on your current path. Ask yourself: What will the consequences be if I continue on this path for 1 more year? And if I do if for 5 more years? I have found that this exercise has given me the kick-start I needed many times in the past years.
Be grateful for what you got. When motivation is running low then it’s easy to start seeing your life and the aspects of it through a negative lens. To put your focus on what you still have and who you are – and to recharge with positivity and motivation ­– ask yourself a question like: What are 3 things I sometimes take for granted but can be grateful for in my life? My answers would, for example, be a roof over my head, clean water and not having to go hungry.
Mix things up. A rut will kill motivation. So mix things up. Make a competition out of a task with yourself or with someone else. When you work out vary what you do instead of going through the motions. Listen to music and podcasts that you usually don’t listen to. New input and variation tends to be a good way to keep the motivation up (or to recharge it).
Declutter your workspace. Take a couple of minutes to clean it up. I find that having an uncluttered and minimalistic workspace helps me to think more clearly and I feel more focused and ready to tackle the next task (or small step).
Reduce your to-do list to just one item. An over-stuffed to-do list can be a real motivation killer. So try reducing your current to-do list to just one item. The one that’s most important to you right now or perhaps the one you’ve been procrastinating on for way too long. Then get started by taking a big, small or tiny step. And have another list tucked away somewhere where you can’t see it with other tasks to do later on.
Don’t forget about the breaks. Few things can in my experience drain the daily motivation like just working non-stop. Instead, work for 45 minutes each hour and use the rest for a break where you eat a snack, get out for some fresh air or do a bit of stretching. You’ll – perhaps somewhat counter-intuitively – get more done in a day and week and do work of higher quality because your energy, focus and motivation will simply last longer.
Adjust your goal size. If a big goal in your life feels overwhelming set a smaller goal to find your motivation again. And if a smaller goal doesn’t seem inspiring try to aim higher and make it bigger goal and see how that affects your motivation.
Exercise. Working out doesn’t just affect your body. I find that just 20-30 minutes of lifting free weights releases inner tensions and stress and makes me feel more focused once again.
Take 2 minutes to look back at your successes. Close your eyes and let the memories of your biggest successes – no matter in what part of your life – wash over you. Let those most positive memories boost your motivation.
Reward yourself and celebrate your successes (no matter how big or small they are). If you’re looking forward to a nice reward that you’re getting yourself after you’re done with a task or a project then your motivation tends to go up. If you celebrate a success in some other way by for example by taking 1 minute to appreciate what you did or by telling someone about your success then that also usually recharges motivation and positivity. So dangle those carrots and celebrate to keep your motivation up.
Do a bit of research before you get started. Learning from people who have gone where you want to go and done what you want to do can help you to avoid pitfalls. And to give you a realistic time-table for success. This is important to not get demotivated when things aren’t happening as fast you had wished.
Take a 2 minute meditation break. When my mind is a bit tired or perhaps even overloaded my energy and motivation goes down. So in the afternoons – or when needed – I tend to sit down with closed eyes and just focus on my breathing for 2 minutes. This clears my mind and releases inner tensions.
Go out in nature. Few things give me as much new energy and motivation to take on life as this does. So I often go out for a walk in the woods or by the sea and I’m just there in the moment with the nature, the fresh air and I don’t think about anything special.
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