#but that is also supposed to be for the pilaf
alsojnpie · 8 months
htpapyrus: *looks on me with love and wonder mingled with disgust as i drink the juice left behind after i finished eating my raw onion salad*
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
Queen of Hearts Chapter 2: Negotiations
Series: Queen of Hearts
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings for this chapter: None. This is Riley talking to her mother.
Word Count: 1,088
Rating: E
Warnings for this chapter: None
Series Premise: Riley is the crown princess and the men must compete for her.
Disclaimer: I am sure that I am not the first, nor will I be the last, person to flip the script in this way. This is simply my take on it.
My other stuff: Master List.
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The luncheon was over, and the queen had requested that her daughter stay behind.
Riley settled the napkin in her lap as the servers cleared the table and placed fresh platters of food on it. “I do always enjoy our meal after the official luncheon is over.”
They never got much actual eating done during the official event. Networking and politicking were the main courses, so real meals were usually eaten before the guests arrived or after they left.
Her mother gave her a sharp glance. “I sense a but in there…”
Riley arranged her face in a pleasant but neutral expression. She didn’t want to fight, but she also didn’t want to be pushed toward marriage. “But what specifically do you want this time?”
“I’d like to set up a series of meet and greets with each of the potential suitors.”
“Dates you mean?”
“Just encounters for you to get to know each of them. How will you ever choose if you don’t have all the information?”
Riley pushed her plate away with a sigh, “You know I’m not ready for marriage, Mother.”
“No one’s asking you to be, Riley. Even if you don’t marry for years, it would still behoove you to get to know the members of your future court better. Besides, if you wait too long, many of these young men will be snapped up by other women.”
“All I really need is an heir, which can be accomplished without marriage.”
“That is true,” Queen Astrid, Riley’s great-great-grandmother, had never married, and no one knew who the father of her children was, “But ruling is a full-time job, my dear. Not only is a king helpful for sharing the workload, but marriage is a good way to cement alliances and strengthen loyalty. Besides, no one said you have to give up anything, and you know this.”
It was true. It was perfectly acceptable for the queen to have multiple consorts, married or not.
Riley considered this as she pulled her plate back and picked at the Chicken Pilaf on her plate, “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to evaluate them. Like a job interview.”  
“Excellent!” Queen Catherine Rys clapped her hands together with enthusiasm, “I’ve prepared a list!”
Riley rolled her eyes as she suppressed a smile, “Of course you have.”
Catherine produced a three-ring binder and slid it across the table.
Riley’s eyes widened, “How many men have you selected?”
“Only a few dozen! You don’t have to meet them all, but this should help you narrow the field. It contains biographical and professional information on each of them. But I mean it, Riley…if you wait too long, the cream of the crop will be married with children before you get around to settling down.”
“Hm,” was her only response as she flipped through the pages. Finally, she looked up and pushed the binder back across the table to her mother, “Someone is missing from the list.”
“Liam Brooks.”
“He’s the younger sibling-“
“What does that have to do with anything? Both of the Beaumont brothers are on the list. Liam is of marriageable age, from one of the great families, and-“
“Given your history with his brother, we just didn’t think-“
Riley waved the explanation off, “Leo and I are just friends.”
“Just friends!” her mother scoffed.
“With benefits,” Riley smirked, “But come on Mother, you’ve seen the articles about him. How many women has he been linked with?”
Catherine set her cup of tea carefully on the table in front of her as she arched an eyebrow at her daughter, “How many men have you been linked with, my dear?”
“Not the point,” Riley shook her head, “I don’t think he’s ready to settle down and I’m not sure he has the temperament to rule. He’s a bit of a free spirit.”
“Yes,” her mother regarded her with amusement, “I’m familiar with the type.”
“I know what you’re implying, and it’s different. I know what my future holds, and I’m prepared for it. I’m simply sowing my wild oats while I have time.”
“Perhaps the same is true of Leo.”
Riley’s lips twisted downward, “I don’t think so. I can’t imagine him ever wanting to settle down.”
“Even a royal marriage doesn’t preclude the freedom for casual dalliances on the side.”
“I’m aware, but I’m not talking about that. I’m not sure he’s suited for governance! He barely pays attention when he accompanies his father to council meetings, he ditched more classes than he showed up for at university and he doesn’t take anything seriously.”
“I’m aware of all of that and yet, he’s the only boy you’ve ever brought home for a holiday. His family is very influential and despite his marks at university, he’s of above-average intelligence. I think he just needs the right incentive to settle down and whether you know it or not, that boy is in love with you.”
“He’s not,” Riley scoffed, “And who I have or haven’t brought home holidays aside, all of the same arguments apply to his brother. So why isn’t he on the list?”
“He’s the boy that Bastien found in your bed this morning, isn’t he?”
Riley shrugged.
“Did you know he was Leo’s brother before you bedded him?”
“No. I know what you’re thinking….and you’re right. Had I known who he was from the get-go, I probably wouldn’t have looked at him that way. But he managed to draw my attention and make it all the way to my bed without revealing who he was. He’s wily. He’s strategic. Those are qualities I want in a partner.”
“I mean, now that I know who he is, I don’t believe for one moment that meeting him on that balcony was a coincidence. He knew exactly what he was doing. He conspired to make himself a viable contender and that’s exactly what he did. For that alone, he deserves to be on the list.”
Catherine stared at her daughter for a long moment then reached out and took the binder, “Fine, I’ll add him to the list. Anything else?”
The queen rubbed her temples with a frustrated grimace, “What?”
“I’ll make a deal with you. I’ll go on all these dates and give each of these men serious consideration, and in return, you’ll back off my love life.”
“Those terms are acceptable. I’ll have the revised list delivered to your room by the end of business today.”
“How very romantic.”
Catherine ignored her daughter's sarcasm, quietly taking the win.
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jadestormcloud2 · 19 days
Dungeon Meshi vegan recipe challenge: Chapter 40: Shapeshifter (Fifth Floor Meal)
The desserts were the biggest issue for me. I have no idea how they were supposed to be cooked. I tried frying them like pancakes. I forgot to add the seasoning into the mix so I just sprinkled it on top. I also put a bit of maple syrup (maybe should have used molasses instead). Half of them fell apart, and the texture was really weird. Wouldn't eat again.
The other items were fairly easy to make & sub, though I under-seasoned my pilaf. I wish I knew what seasonings Senshi used.
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1 Jackfruit patty
3 oz sauerkraut
1 serving rice
3 oz carrots
1 serving tempeh cubes
3 oz mushrooms
garlic powder & salt
Sweet Dryad:
3 oz butternut squash
1 TBS vegan butter
1 serving liquid Just Egg
pumpkin spice seasonings & a little maple syrup
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kaioshin-kai · 9 months
Meh. Low-ish muse outside SL stuff. I'll take my time on replies in general. It will be on-off, maybe get better after the Holidays?
I'm designing another villain for DB Kudamono and bullshitting random lore that connects well with other's OC's :3
Anyway!! Info dump below.
So Tahinnia used to mess with the "Dream World" and had two sidekicks. Akumuri and Yumusuu. Their names have strong relevance! Meanings based of "Impossible Nightmares" and "Countless Dreams".
Akumuri is the self-proclaimed "Nightmare King" Tahinnia used to serve at one point.
Funny enough, there is no evidence that he is royality (as he claims to be). It's kinda akin to Emperor Pilaf (lol except Akumuri is a genuine threat). Akumuri and Yumusuu helped Tahinnia gain her powers.
This "Dream World" exist much longer than Zenoh's Multiverse. Its existence is dated way before the Heavenly Realm. Despite this, Akumuri and Yumusuu are younger than the demon gods we know. They would be deemed "troublesome brats" by the demon gods.
Akumuri and Yumusuu's species are like a mix of shinjin, other devil/demon designs and majins.
As majin basically already means "demon" in japanese, they can be considered majin as pretty much all Dream Worlders are magic entities. I'd affectionately call them "Dreamons" (dream demons) or "Yumajin" in japanese (Yume majin; dream demon/magic person in Japanese)
There isn't much known about these dreamons/yumajins. They're supposed to be as mysterious as the Demon Realm, I guess. This is also a bit of my way to create more enemies that actually serve a threat-- for story stuff lmao.
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duhragonball · 2 years
Dragon Ball: Fight, Son Goku! Win, Son Goku! (South Korea, 1990)
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So the 2023 Dragon Ball Apocrypha Liveblog rolls on, and this is the part I’ve been looking forward to: The Gaijin Live-Action Trilogy.  We begin with the first live-action adaptation of Dragon Ball, produced in South Korea in 1990. 
Now, if you’re not familiar with this film, you might be wondering: Why would Toei and Shueisha license a Dragon Ball movie to a South Korean studio?  And the answer to that is: They didn’t.  This was an unofficial adaptation.
Beyond that, I really don’t know the backstory to this one.  Presumably, Dragon Ball had become popular enough in Korea that there was some interest in a movie, and I think it was easier to pull a stunt like this in the 90′s than it would be today.  This movie isn’t exactly a big-budget affair, and if Toei was aware of it at the time, they probably thought it wasn’t worth the hassle of pursuing legal action. 
You can find the movie on YouTube like I did, but I’m pretty sure there’s home video options out there.  But if you just want a quick rundown of the movie’s highlights, I’ve got you covered. 
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For the most part, this movie is a straight adaptation of the first arc of the Dragon Ball manga. Bulma meets Goku, convinces him to join her on her search for the Dragon Balls, they meet Roshi, Oolong, Yamcha, Chi-Chi, and the Ox-King, and then eventually they have to deal with the villainous Emperor Pilaf.  Oolong stops him by wishing for panties, Bulma and Yamcha get together, and Goku goes off to explore the wider world. 
The main problem with this movie is that it’s a little too faithful to that plotline, adapting little moments that probably didn’t need to be in a feature film.   I could respect the attention to detail, except the movie also manages to go completely off the rails as well, which sort of defeats the purpose of doing a shot-for-shot retelling of the original comics.  On top of that, the movie also cuts a lot of corners. 
The best example of this is when Goku first meets Bulma.  In some versions of this scene, she hits him with her car, and in some she manages to stop in time, but here, Goku just happens along her parked car while she’s checking the engine. And I get it, they’ve got a pretty young kid playing Goku, and if I was the actor’s mom, I wouldn’t want him filming a scene where he almost gets hit with a car, but considering the other car-related nonsense later in the movie, it’s kind of weird that the opening scenes are so subdued.
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Also, when Bulma tells Goku about the Dragon, they just use what looks like footage from the cartoon they’re shamelessly ripping off.  
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And when they start off on their journey, and Bulma gets attacked by a pterodactyl, it’s just a guy in a costume.  It’s a pretty fancy costume, although I have no idea what this thing is supposed to be.  Like, if this were a stage musical, I could just accept that this guy represents a pterodactyl, but maybe he’s supposed to be a cyborg bandit, or some other enemy that was easier for the studio to create.  The thing is, he still swoops down and grabs Bulma in his talons like a pterodactyl.  But why didn’t they give him a mask?  Maybe the actor left it at home the day of the shoot.
Also, Goku fights this guy for a really long time.  I’m pretty sure he just hit him once in the comic, but this movie drags it out for a really long time, and it’s a very one-sided beating.  I don’t understand this.
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One touch I really like is how Bulma uses Hoi Poi Capsules in the movie.  It’s a simple thing to skip, but when you think about it, it’s such an easy effect to pull off in a live-action movie.  Just have the actor toss a prop, show some smoke and fireworks, and then show the characters looking at the building or vehicle that “suddenly” appeared before them.  This movie features literal puppets, and it still managed to make Hoi Poi Capsules work, so later productions really have no excuse.
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So Bulma sets up a house for them to spend the night, and inside Goku watches... Dragon Ball?  Wow, they really had no shame at all about this. 
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They do the bit where Bulma gives Goku a bath, and there’s some sort of censor effect over Goku’s crotch, which.... yeah, this all gets really messed up when it’s a real live kid standing around in the buff.  Also, why are we doing this scene from the manga?  Of all the things you could cut, this should have been a no-brainer.
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Then we get to the part with the Turtle, and he’s just a guy in a suit, but it’s a pretty damn good likeness of the character.  That’s one thing I respect about this production.  They wanted to do a live-action Dragon Ball, and they didn’t just shy away from logistical challenges like a talking turtle. 
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On the other hand, while they wait for the Turtle to return from the sea, Bulma starts wishing she’d brought a swimsuit so she could enjoy the ocean.  Then the movie just shows her in a swimsuit, cavorting around the beach.  This doesn’t actually happen, they just decided to show this anyway, as if it had happened.
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This movie just makes a lot of weird choices.  For instance, Master Roshi is dressed very authentically.  He’s got the clothes, the staff, the turtle shell, all of it.   And yet they gave him these braids for some reason.  He’s bald on top, but they stopped short of just shaving his whole head.   Also, he never has on sunglasses.  And yet, the character always has sunglasses with him at all times!  He keeps a pair hanging from a lanyard around his neck.  So why not just put them on and complete the look?
Anyway, things play out pretty much like they do in the comics.  Roshi gives Goku the Kinto’un cloud, and then Bulma notices Roshi’s Dragon Ball.  This would be the part where Roshi offers to trade it for a look at Bulma’s underwear, but that doesn’t happen.  Instead... I’m not really sure.  They get really close together as they look at Roshi’s Dragon Ball, and then she accidentally kisses him, more or less, and Roshi just gives the thing to her, as though he’s already satisfied. 
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Then we just smash cut straight to this scene, where Goku and Bulma are in a whole other place.  There’s no transition or anything.  They’re just like “Oh, we’re at the house,” as if they turned around and found this place along the same beach they were just at.
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This leads into the Oolong part of the story, and while I don’t understand this setting, I have to give them props for their pitch-perfect casting of Oolong’s disguise.  He looks almost exactly like he did in the original story. 
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Also, his robot disguise kicks ass.  Goku fights him for a bit, and then...
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Yeah, not so impressive.  I don’t know, I feel like Oolong was close enough to human that you could get away with prosthetic ears and a snout.  So Bulma takes him along on their quest, and they do the bit where Oolong tries to turn into a fish and escape, except....
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Mai is spying on them.  So Mai looks pretty much like you’d expect her too, but here’s a weird twist.  She raises her arms...
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...And turns into a centipede?  And then she goes in the water?  I didn’t think centipedes could swim.  Anyway, she attacks Oolong for no obvious reason, and Goku has to save him.
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Then they do the bit where Bulma tricks Oolong into eating magic laxatives.  Fun fact: In Korean, they say “pee pee pee”, but it actually means “poop poop poop”.  At least, that was the impression I was given by this scene.  Anyway, this is all observed by Puar, who reports back to Yamcha’s lair.  Also, Puar enjoys a cigarette, because who knows?  This movie was made in Korea, but Puar is in Flavor Country.
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Anyway, Yamcha looks fuckin’ awesome in this movie.  The fact that he’s constantly accompanied by this ridiculous Puar doll only heightens the immersion for me.
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Hell yeah!
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Cool pals 4-ever.
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Very intimidating.
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Yamcha tries to do a cool entrance with his car, but it doesn’t work and he nearly runs himself over, and then he has to struggle to get it to stop.  Then he and Goku fight until he sees Bulma and backs off.
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The weird thing is that Yamcha isn’t afraid of girls like he normally is in this story.  They never even get into that.  Instead, it just seems like he’s really infatuated with Bulma, which distracts him.  Here, he sees Bulma for the first time and imagines frolicking on the beach with her in a wedding dress.  Then Goku hits him and knocks him out.
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Then he spies on their house to learn what the Dragon Balls are, and he accidentally sees Bulma in the shower, but he just tells Puar he saw something great.  And he confidently says he’ll get his wish, but he never explains what that wish would be.
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Then we get to the Frypan Mountain stuff.  They just show Chi-Chi running around killing some monster or bandit or whatever.  Meanwhile, Ox-King is just a regular-sized man with a really red costume. 
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Chi-Chi’s costume looks kind of bad.   Like, the design had the right idea, but her helmet is way too big and the pink armor parts just look like fabric attacked to the white tights.  She looks like a little kid who just got done with ballet class and her dad let her put on his motorcycle helmet. 
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In further-away shots like this one, it looks pretty good, though.  Like, I can tell what they were going for, and it could have been really cool, but they just didn’t pull it off. Speaking of pulling, Chi-Chi pulls on Goku’s tail, but it doesn’t mean anything, because Yamcha’s not around to see it, and Goku’s secret weakness never comes into play.  I’m a little surprised that he even has a tail in this movie, since it never figures into the plot.
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So then we go back to Master Roshi, and when Goku and Chi-Chi ask him for the Bansho Fan, Turtle reminds him that he doesn’t have it.  Then Roshi just starts smacking him around for no reason, and Turtle bites Roshi’s balls.
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Then Roshi continues to assault Turtle, even as he uses him to fly to Frypan Mountain.  I get using Turtle in place of Baby Gamera, but that’s about the only thing I get about any of this part of the movie. 
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Then he arrives and sits on Ox-King like a chair, and makes Bulma sit down in front of him, like Ox-King is a motorcycle or something.  For several awkward minutes, Roshi kind of gestures at Bulma, but there��s no dialogue, so I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.  Well, obviously, this is meant to reflect the part where Roshi asks Bulma to let him fondle her in exchange for putting out the fire on Frypan Mountain, but this bears no resemblance to any of that. 
Also, I’m pretty sure the Dragon Ball isn’t even in Ox-King’s burning castle.  Chi-Chi has it in this movie, if I’m not mistaken.  So Bulma really doesn’t have anything at stake here.
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So Roshi finally gets down to business and bulks up, which is a pretty simple effect they pull off.  Just get a jacked up dude to pose in the same costume and never show his face in the shot. 
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And here’s the Kamehameha.  Dunno why it’s orange, but no big deal.   Goku does his own and blows up a rock, but it’s not as spectacular.
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Chi-Chi is all impressed and Goku does this cute humblebrag pose.  “Yep, not too shabby for a first try.  Yeah, I’ve been working out a lot.  Chopping wood with my hands, crushing rocks.  Been thinking about trying some Spirit Bombs one of these days, but I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself.”
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So let’s check in on the villains.  They’ve shown up a few times in pointless scenes, but I need to point out this scene because it’s the best picture I could get of this dude, named Murasaki.   I don’t know if he’s meant to have any connection to Murasaki, aka Sgt. Major Purple, but he looks like Nappa with hair.  Anyway, Emperor Pilaf sends him to go take out the good guys, who now have five Dragon Balls. 
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So they run into each other in a cave, where they fight and have a fun chase in mine carts, and Murasaki has ninjas on his team so maybe he really is a reference to Sgt. Purple.  Anyway, Goku takes him out with a Kamehameha.  Then Yamcha shows up and lends his sword to the team.
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Then this green robot attacks and they all take turns trying to beat him.  Oolong attacks him with nunchucks (!) but it doesn’t work.  Goku tries his best, but nothing.  Then Yamcha summons his car to the battle and flies(!!) the car into the robot, but that does nothing.
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I still don’t understand how this fight ended.  Bulma starts powdering her face, and I think the robot saw its reflection in her compact mirror, and then it exploded?  I can’t explain why, I’m just reporting my observations.  The gang all congratulate her for winning, but I’m not even sure she was trying to do anything.
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Then they go back in the cave?  I guess?  And Pilaf knocks them out with gas to steal their Dragon Balls.  That guy in red and black armor might be Shu, but they never specify it in the subtitles. 
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Then we just immediately cut to this hole in the wall that Goku made with his Kamehameha.  They don’t even show the group being trapped in a place, or Goku shooting the blast to create the hole.  Bulma suggests that Oolong turn into a bat to pass through, and he does, but they don’t show it, which is pretty weak.  I mean, how hard would that effect have been?
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Outside, Pilaf is at... EPCOT center?  What the fuck?
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Pilaf has all seven Dragon Balls, so fair play to him, although we only ever saw six of them in this whole movie.  Bulma started with one, then found four more, and Pilaf had one. I think the last one might have been in the cave?  Or maybe Bulma had it from the start, since in the original story she had two Dragon Balls before she met Goku, even if the movie never showed that. 
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Anyway, here’s cartoon Shenron again.
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Pilaf verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
slllloooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwlllllllyyyyyyyy makes his wish, giving Oolong time to figure out that he can just make some other wish first and stop him. 
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See, it’s important to make live-action adaptations of cartoons, because that way you can depict moments like this with a more realistic style that pen and ink could never do justice.
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So from here the plot just completely abandons the original story.  Instead of Goku turning into a giant ape, Pilaf starts using Force Lightning on Oolong, until Goku busts out to save him.
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So it’s these three vs. the good guys.  Goku fights Mai for a bit, then hits her with a ki blast and she explodes.  Shu (?) beats the crap out of Oolong until Yamcha throws a flagpole at him like a javelin and that blows him up.
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Pilaf just wrecks everyone’s shit, and even Goku can’t stop him.  Also, I should note that Pilaf has been making weird faces throughout the movie, and now Goku is making faces as well to mock him.
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But nothing he does seems to work.  Even Goku’s mighty weapon, the Pool Noodle Nyoi’bo, seems to be useless.
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Also, Pilaf can do the Kamehameha too?  The good guys are fucked... until!
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Turtle suddenly shows up, offering to help?  Wait, really?  What the hell is he gonna do?  Is he going to beat up Pilaf like he took out those guys in that one filler episode?
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Yes, that is exactly what happens.  He just goes right up to Pilaf and starts smacking the shit out of him with his flippers.
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Get turtle’d.
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Then they all gather together and shoot Kamehamehas at him together.  This is like the end of the second Broly movie, only instead of Goku and his sons, it’s Goku, Oolong, and the fucking turtle.
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Finally, after taking a triple Kamehameha, Pilaf makes one last goofy face and explodes.  Huzzah.
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Then the characters just sort of make small talk.  Oolong explains that he wished for panties because he stole Bulma’s panties the day before, and he wanted to give her a replacement pair.  Wait, why not just give her back the pair he stole?  Bulma says she wanted to wish for a boyfriend, but seems less than eager to find one in Yamcha?  I have no idea what they were going for with Yamcha and Bulma in this movie but they totally blew it.  Then Goku taps his foot on Turtle’s groin and declares that he has no boobs, so that makes him a boy. 
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Then the cast and crew all stand around posing together, and an explosion goes off behind them and they run for it.  Yeah, okay.
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Anyway, the moral of the story is: Don’t fuck with Turtle. 
So yeah, this movie is... well, awful.  I mean, it’s amusing in places and kind of fun to watch.  It’s bad in an entertaining way, which makes it the perfect antidote to a screening of Dragon Ball GT.  But it’s still a terrible, terrible piece of cinema.
I’m not sure what else to say here, so I’ll just close out with a gallery of Emperor Pilaf’s goofy expressions.
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rose-from-ashes · 6 months
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
I am prone to picking up every character that scratches my brain. If I'm able to dig into the character's head even a little bit, I'll pick them up.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
I don't like... Not plotting. I want to talk to you first, then we can get things going. I'm also not prone to established relationship unless the characters know each other in canon and I've seen them interact. I like to start from the beginning.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
I love love love anything that really digs into emotions. The emotion can be anything. Pain, grief, love, joy. Lay it on me, baby.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
They pop up constantly in my head in response to conversation, things I see, music I listen to, even in the middle of writing threads. I especially love when I'm asked a question and get to come up with a new headcanon for it.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
Due to my sensory processing disorder, I need music playing constantly if I'm not speaking to someone out loud or watching/playing something, otherwise I can't regulate myself and get stressed. So yes, I play music while I write. I'm playing music right now! (La Seine from A Monster In Paris)
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
Wing them! That said, I need to know the general plot or vibe of where something is supposed to go, or I die. It can be as simple as knowing the intended dynamic.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
YES. I have a multitude of ships, each distinct. Hell, the vast majority of my mutuals and writing partners, I have a ship with. That said, absolutely not required.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
Nik, Nikola, Cannibal, King, and any variation or combination of those. I'll respond to whatever, though if I don't like a nikname (ha) you will be made playfully aware.
Mid-late 20s!
July 18!
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Uh... I think it was Road to El Dorado! One of my partners hadn't seen it, and despite its very flawed premise, I knew he'd love it and wanted him to understand the references I periodically make.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Dungeon Meshi! Absolute delight.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
Before the one I'm currently listening to? Magnum Bullets by Night Runner and Dan Avidan.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
Pilaf :3
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
Winter. Get cozy. I intend to move north for more winter.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
Tagged by: no one
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marxismdadism · 2 years
I'm making oshi palov tonight!
This is the original pilaf style dish. It is rice cooked in a slowly simmered broth and is a popular dish of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. It is also eaten in Russia and across the former Soviet Union. You can also find similar rice-cooked-in-broth dishes around the world (from pilaf to risotto to jolof rice to jambalaya). These are all dishes from places to the west of Central Asia and it's a pet theory of mine that everyone who got rice after the Central Asians made their own version of this dish.
I derived my recipe from this one https://arbuz.com/recipes/uzbek-palov-osh-recipe/ since has many little steps and techniques which make it perfect. You could just follow that one (although I think it uses too much water) but that would be less fun.
For my version you will need:
A 2-3 lb roast of beef or lamb (ideally mutton from fat tailed sheep). I used chuck roast. Cut it into big chunks.
4-5 medium carrots, julienned into matchsticks
2 yellow onions, sliced (I used sweet onions)
3.5 cups of rice, thoroughly rinsed
A fuckton of oil. Canola, vegetable oil, safflower or sunflower oil are all good. Flax seed oil is known for particularly tasty, dark and nutty plov but I can only find it as a health supplement. You'll also need to cook the beef and onions at a lower temperature if you use it due to its low smoke point. We'll be getting a dark color and nutty flavor from caramelizing the onions.
A can of chickpeas
3 heads of garlic, kept whole with the outer white peels removed
1 tablespoon of salt
1 teaspoon of black pepper
2 teaspoons of ground cumin
1.5 teaspoons of whole cumin seeds
1.5 teaspoons of coriander
1 teaspoon of chili powder (I used Aleppo chili flakes. This is optional, plov isn't really supposed to be spicy but a touch of heat is nice)
I'll be serving it with my version of shakrob/Shirazi salad (will show you the recipe for that when I get to making it) and Greek yogurt. If you live in a place where you can find Uzbek/Tajik chakka (i.e. you live in Brooklyn, Queens, or somewhere in Russia or Central Asia) or you can make your own use that instead of yogurt.
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aazolindia · 4 months
Black Raisins: Unveiling Their History, Dispelling Myths, and Exploring Modern-Day Marvels
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Raisins, those little bursts of sweetness in various culinary delights, have a long and fascinating history intertwined with human civilization. Among the diverse array of raisins, black raisins stand out not only for their distinctive colour but also for their unique flavour and nutritional profile.
In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the rich tapestry of black raisins, uncovering their historical significance, dispelling common myths, and celebrating their modern-day marvels.
The Historical Journey of Black Raisins:
The story of black raisins begins thousands of years ago in the cradle of civilization, Mesopotamia. It was here that humans first began cultivating grapes and drying them to preserve their sweetness. The ancient Egyptians revered raisins for their supposed medicinal properties and used them in religious ceremonies. As trade routes expanded, raisins found their way into the cuisines of ancient Greece and Rome, where they were prized as delicacies fit for the gods.
During the Middle Ages, raisins gained popularity across Europe, becoming a staple in various dishes, particularly in desserts and savory recipes. The dried fruit also played a crucial role in long sea voyages, providing sailors with a source of sustenance during their expeditions.
In the colonial era, European settlers introduced grape cultivation to the Americas, paving the way for the production of raisins in the New World. Black raisins, with their rich, intense flavor, became a favorite among connoisseurs and chefs alike.
Dispelling Myths Surrounding Black Raisins:
Despite their popularity, black raisins have been subject to various myths and misconceptions over the years. One common myth is that black raisins are artificially dyed to achieve their dark color. In reality, the color of black raisins is a result of natural processes during drying, where the grapes undergo enzymatic browning, similar to the process that occurs when apples turn brown.
Another myth is that black raisins are high in sugar and therefore unhealthy. While it's true that raisins contain natural sugars, they also boast a host of essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals. In moderation, black raisins can be a nutritious addition to a balanced diet.
Exploring Modern-Day Marvels of Black Raisins:
In recent years, scientific research has shed light on the numerous health benefits of black raisins. Studies have shown that they are rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body against oxidative stress and inflammation. Additionally, black raisins contain phytonutrients such as resveratrol, which has been linked to various health benefits, including improved heart health and cognitive function.
Black raisins are also a good source of dietary fiber, which supports digestive health and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Their natural sweetness makes them a healthier alternative to processed sugars in baked goods and desserts.
Furthermore, black raisins are versatile ingredients that can be used in a wide range of dishes, from salads and pilafs to desserts and trail mixes. Their intense flavour adds depth and complexity to both sweet and savory recipes, making them a favourite among chefs and home cooks alike.
Black raisins, under the brand name "Aazol," have come a long way since their humble beginnings in ancient Mesopotamia. From their historical significance to their modern-day health benefits and culinary versatility, Aazol black raisins continue to captivate people around the world. As we celebrate the rich heritage of this timeless fruit, let us savor the sweet moments it brings to our lives and appreciate the remarkable journey that has led us to rediscover the marvels of Aazol black raisins.
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shri-lal-mahal-rice21 · 11 months
What is The Best Basmati Rice for Biryani?
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Biryani is a delicious rice dish loved throughout the Indian subcontinent. It is an amazing culinary creation recognized for its rich heritage and various regional variations. The heart of a tasty biryani is the option of Basmati rice, which is a long-grain variety that is renowned for its flavour, aroma and length as well as its texture.
In this post, we will explore the key features of Basmati rice that make Basmati rice the perfect choice for Biryani. In addition, we suggest Shri Mahal's Basmati rice as the top choice for a biryani-related cooking adventure.
1. The Basmati Advantage
Basmati rice, also called"the "King of Rice," possesses distinct features that elevate Biryani to an entirely new level. The long grains of the rice expand when cooked but remain separate and soft.
This aspect is essential for Biryani because it guarantees that each grain can absorb the delicious flavours of ingredients, meat and vegetables but retain its unique flavour.
The most distinctive feature of Basmati rice is its appealing scent. The grains emit a subtle scent of nutty sweetness while cooked, adding to the overall experience of Biryani. This distinctive aroma is because of the unique blend of soil, climate, and traditional farming methods used to cultivate Basmati rice.
2. Shri Mahal's Basmati Rice
Suppose you're looking to select the most suitable Basmati rice to make Biryani. Shri Lal Mahal's Basmati rice stands out as a top suggestion. Shri Lal Mahal is a well-known brand with a history of supplying premium Basmati rice for many generations. Their dedication to excellence in rice production ensures you will receive the best quality grains to make your Biryani.
One of the key advantages of Shri Lal Mahal's Basmati rice is its consistency. The grains are consistently long and slender and are perfect for biryani cooking. This consistency guarantees uniform cooking and a beautiful appearance.
Additionally, Shri Lal Mahal's Basmati rice has an outstanding aroma that will fill your Biryani with a captivating aroma. The scent is evidence of their strict quality control and their use of traditional techniques in the cultivation of rice.
Shri Mahal's Basmati rice is recognized for its excellent flavour and texture. The grains contain just the perfect amount of starch to ensure they do not become too mushy after cooking. Instead, they retain their sturdiness, making each bite a pleasure.
3. The role of rice quality in Biryani
The rice you choose is crucial in the outcome of the Biryani you prepare. The rice that is of low quality may result in the creation of a sticky, clumpy biryani that can cause a disappointing culinary experience. On the other hand, top-quality Basmati rice, such as Shri Mahal's, offers the perfect base for Biryani that is light and aromatic, as well as packed with flavour.
In Biryani, rice is the main ingredient. The rice should take in the flavours of the herbs, spices, vegetables or meat but retain their individuality and shape. Shri Mahal's Basmati rice is exceptional in this way because its slender, long grains possess the perfect texture to attain this equilibrium.
Additionally, the scent of Basmati rice adds to the overall flavour of the Biryani. As you lift the lid, the lingering scent indicates the tasty meal in store for you. It's not just about the taste but the total sensation that Shri Mahal's Basmati rice can provide.
4. The versatility and versatility Shri Lal Mahal's Basmati Rice
Even though Biryani is the most coveted Indian Rice dish, Shrila Mahal's Basmati rice offers unmatched flexibility. It can make many delicious dishes, from simple food items to exotic pilafs and pulavs.
The consistency and high quality of Shri Mahal's Basmati rice make it suitable for various food styles, not just Indian. Its exceptional texture and flavour can enhance international cuisine, which makes it a great ingredient to have in your pantry.
5.Tips to Cook the Perfect Biryani
To fully unlock the power of Shri Mahal's Basmati rice in your Biryani, make sure to follow these cooking instructions:
A. 2. Rinse rice thoroughly to get rid of the excess starch. Make sure that the grains stay distinct after cooking.
B. Let the rice soak for about 30 minutes before cooking, allowing the grains to absorb the water equally.
C. Use a thick-bottomed, large pan to ensure uniform heat distribution and avoid the pan from burning and sticking.
D. Spread the rice, vegetables or meat carefully in a layered fashion, switching them around, and sprinkle with saffron-infused dairy or ghee for additional flavour and hue.
e. Cook the rice on low heat with a lid that is tight enough to hold the steam in place and let the rice simmer in its water and absorb the flavour.
In Biryani, the realm of Biryani, the choice of Basmati rice can be the difference between a successful and a failed culinary masterpiece. Shri Lal Mahal's Basmati Rice is the best option for Biryani. That is perfect. Its consistency in quality, appealing scent, and flawless texture make it the top option for home cooks and professional cooks, too.
If you're making up a classic Hyderabadi biryani or trying out the fusion of flavours, Shri Lal Mahal's Basmati rice provides an exceptional dining experience. Make your Biryani a bit more exciting. Take advantage of the rich history and superior quality of Shri Mahal's Basmati Rice, and take your taste buds on a memorable trip. You're now ready to enjoy the flavour, aroma, and texture that only the finest Basmati rice can offer. It's Shri Lal Mahal's Basmati rice, the secret ingredient for perfect Biryani.
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marcholasmoth · 1 year
OSRR: 3269
anyway, i went to the school today to work with kendall and catch up with other people at the school. the latter was so i don't have to do it tomorrow and have it take up the time i'm supposed to be working with people. made it easier today too so i could go home.
i am home! because clan sussenberger has returned in its fullness, i am released to the wilds of my own accord. meaning i packed my laundry, grabbed my meds and blooper, and tested myself home after work. it's nice to be home. it's much cooler in this house.
i did get to say goodbye to joel when i left today, and while i wish i'd gotten cuddles last night, i was happy to hear him snoring softly next to me and keep the heat at bay. i just adore him.
it's been a long day, but i figure my exhaustion is just my response to change. a lot has changed in terms of work and schedules, and the stress of having six dollars is getting to me. i didn't have enough money to get lunch today, so i asked my mom to borrow some, and i got to return it a few hours later after my money from joel transferred into my account. i'm grateful that my mom replied because i was hungy. lunch is necessary.
also there was a fire drill today at the school, and it happened while i was working with kendall. we ended up sitting in my car bc air conditioning, and then to get it kickstarted, i decided to take it and drive it in circles in the parking lot. gotta move it to get it going, yknow? after the fire trucks began to leave, when people were finally going back in, kendall and i decided to go get ice cream instead of going back inside. 😂😂😂 we went to dairy queen and headed back to the school where she went back in when she was done to read and study some more. i gave her some tips for her assignment in how to make sure you remember finer details, which is something i've always struggled with, so hopefully as she works further on it she'll be able to get the information she needs, even if she doesn't remember the whole essay. she got a concussion a short while ago, and it's affected her cognition a lot so she's struggling. but hopefully, if she jots down and highlights the important pieces, by going through them she'll be able to get the point of the whole paper.
when i got home, i had a pork chop and rice pilaf and i cannot tell you how nice it was to have a home cooked meal and a cup of ice cold water. if i gotta do the cooking myself, it's never as good as when mom makes it. i can cook. it's gotta be reasonable though, like i gotta be living on my own or responsible for something, and it's gotta be cool enough inside for me to make it. i think i just got a decent incentive to lose weight - it hurts my feet to stand for a long time, probably because i'm so heavy. if i lose some weight, i'll have an easier time standing and therefore cooking. i'll have to think about that some more. it seems like a good idea, but i'm a miserable pain in the ass when i'm hungry, so the reduction of calorie intake needs to still have a high volume of lower calorie foods for it to work. hungy.
i've spent too long eating the wrong things at the wrong times and not eating for long periods that i need a reset. how does one do that. but either way, i need to manage something. i'm 30 years old. i should probably think about my health.
what a weird path this post took. i'm hungry again.
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simmeringstarfruit · 1 year
Chicken Lemon Rice Pilaf with Fresh Herbs and Boiled Egg
A beautiful vibrant dish, scrumptious and satiating. This pilaf is a fantastic feature meal any time of the year! Inspired by the poultry pilaf from Zelda Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom.
This chicken pilaf is so tasty and highly versatile. It’s easy to change the flavours of the dish dramatically by changing a few ingredients, even just a little. You can easily make this pilaf spicier or more herbal, adjust the amount of lemon, or add more sweetness. This is a true chameleon dish, and it pairs great with just about everything.
Poultry Pilaf in Zelda Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom: bird drumstick, egg, butter, rice
I was intrigued that in Zelda Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom the recipe for poultry pilaf includes a whole bird’s egg. All three of the poultry pilaf recipes in games require an egg. I suppose I will be making this two more times… I debated whether or not to make a post first on ‘how to boil an egg’ but I think I will save that for another time.
Even the Seafood Paella recipe (to follow at a later date!) is technically a type of pilaf. There are many, many different names for pilaf, across many, many countries. Basically every ingredient in pilaf varies (including the rice) depending upon the country of origin for each particular version. The cooking methods also vary greatly. How cool is that? I went down a very deep rabbit hole reading for hours about the history of pilaf; it’s fascinating.
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Chicken & Lemon Rice Pilaf
This simple and delicious chicken and lemon rice pilaf is ready to eat in 70 minutes or less! This recipe serves 4 people. Serve it with fresh herbs and an oozy boiled egg to really take it to the next level!
2 tbsp oil
8 chicken drumstick legs
1 tsp paprika...
(continued in post)
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theteasetwrites · 3 years
The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning
Chapter 45: What God Has Done
❧ Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader ❧ Era: Season 7 ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: mild swearing ❧ Word Count: 3.3k (short one, but the next one is long)
❧ In This Chapter: As a last resort, Reader questions a God she doesn't believe in, accusing him of orchestrating the tragedy around her. At the Sanctuary, Daryl is tortured, and expected to conform to the Saviors' way of life.
❧ A/N: Based on my own relationship with religion (except I didn't grow up religious, but I had to make the Reader a little different from me lol). Also, we get a glimpse into the Sanctuary where Daryl is being held and what he's going through. Poor baby. I hate when he's imprisoned there. I also took the liberty of adding a bit more Daryl backstory because why not.
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The door opened, and with it came a beam of cold, harsh light and the thin figure of Dwight slowly approaching.
Daryl covered his eyes weakly, still adjusting to the sudden burst of light pouring in through the cell door.
He felt so vulnerable as he looked up at Dwight, a man he could easily overcome in any other situation. Now, however, Daryl was naked, injured, hungry, and locked away deep in the heart of the Saviors’ territory.
He breathed heavily as the man inched closer. He noticed there was something in his hands—a paper plate. He held it out to him, and Daryl immediately focused on the sandwich, if you could call it that, atop the plate.
He grabbed it before shoving it into his mouth. He was so hungry. He hadn’t eaten in… two days. Not since dinner the night before…
The expired dog food slapped haphazardly between two pieces of moldy bread wasn’t anything compared to the rice pilaf you made for him, but it would keep him alive.
Alive… and treated like an abused dog.
Dwight stood there, in Daryl’s angel-wing vest, and watched him eat. Daryl looked over to him as he chewed, and felt so disgusted with himself, with the situation he was in. Most of all, he felt vulnerable, like a little child. Not unlike the child he used to be, cowering in fear of his father.
Every once in a while, his father would lock him in his room for days on end, no food or water or human interaction. If he remembered correctly, it was almost worse than being beaten or cut up by him. He only did that when he was drunk, though. When he was sober, he’d punish him with isolation and neglect. It was a miracle Daryl even learned how to speak at all. Days without socialization and proper nutrition during such a crucial time in childhood development theoretically should have stunted his mental and physical growth much more than it did.
He supposed he had his brother to thank for showing any semblance of care towards him. He was about ten years older, and as such he was capable of sneaking Daryl out and running away from home with him whenever he could (and whenever Merle wasn't in a juvenile detention center somewhere).
When Daryl became old enough to sneak out on his own, and figured out how to do so, he would. That was when Merle left, ran away for good and joined the military, like so many of the Dixon's before him.
So, Daryl stayed home. He wanted to run away, too, but a part of him felt bad leaving his father to rot. The man had inflicted such pain upon him throughout his life, but he was blood. That was what he instilled in both him and Merle—undying loyalty, especially to him.
Merle was much too callous to care. He ran away without much thought to whatever happened to their father, but Daryl was different. He always was. He felt so much, and it was easier to take advantage of that. He couldn’t leave his father, not for a long time. Not until he was twenty-five. That was when he finally stood up to him and left to live with Merle for several years, being "low-lifes," some would say.
Even after he escaped the oppressive grasp of his father, he felt like he wasn't his own person, that he wasn't really free, until the world ended. Funny how so many people's lives came to an abrupt halt when the dead started to walk the earth, but for Daryl, his life had just begun. He finally felt free, free from the pain of his childhood. It haunted him, and the residual effects were still there, but he was at least physically free. Now, he wasn’t.
Sitting in that cell, being tossed dog food and tortured with the constant sound of a horrible song blaring from just outside his door, the same one on repeat constantly… that was what he’d been reduced to.
Cold. Filthy. Naked… Well, until Dwight threw a disgusting sweatshirt and matching sweatpants in his face. Not long after that, Dwight barged in again to drag him down the hall and into the makeshift doctor’s office.
“Carson,” Dwight called to the doctor, pushing Daryl through the door.
“We were just finishing up,” the doctor said.
There was a woman sitting on the exam bed. Daryl hardly looked at her, but he recognized her as one of the women who was with Dwight that day he first came across him. Daryl assumed she was his wife.
Only now, Dwight seemed a bit more hostile towards her. “Chop-chop,” he said.
The woman rose from her seat. “Hi, D,” she said to him awkwardly.
“Hey,” he huffed.
Turning her attention to Daryl, she seemed to recognize him, too. “Daryl, right?”
“Don’t talk to him,” Dwight said harshly, then pushed Daryl towards the exam bed where he sat silently.
“Whatever they say,” the woman said to Daryl, “just do it.”
“I said don’t talk to him,” Dwight repeated.
She left after that, and the doctor began to examine Daryl’s bullet wound. “It’ll get better,” he said. “If you let it.”
No shit, he thought. Don’t need a fancy degree to know that.
“Negan will take care of you,” he said. “Trust me.”
Another day or so went by in that damn cell. Daryl couldn’t really keep track of the time, all he knew was it felt like forever. He kicked at the door, searched every crevice for a way out. There wasn’t any, besides kneeling.
When he thought he did find a way out, when the door was left unlatched, he snuck out.
Of course, it was a trick.
He got as far as outside the door, but the Saviors soon surrounded, and so did Negan.
“Who are you?” Negan asked one of the Saviors.
“Negan,” he said.
“Who are you?” Negan asked another man.
“Negan,” he said.
“Who are you?” he asked the rest of them.
“Negan,” they all said.
“You see that? I am everywhere, and this was your shot to prove to me that that fundamental fact was sinking in, and you failed. Which sucks, ‘cause your life was about to get so much cooler. Am I right?”
“Damn right,” responded a Savior.
Negan chuckled as he poked at Daryl’s feet with the tip of his bat.
“Now,” he said, “Dwight gave you some options. I don’t think you get it yet, so I’m gonna break it down for you. You have three choices. One, you wind up on the spike and you work for me as a dead man. Two, you get out of your cell, you work for points, but you’re gonna wish you were dead. Or three, you work for me, you get yourself a brand new pair of shoes, and you live like a king. The choice seems pretty obvious, you should know, there is no door number four. This is it, this is the only way.”
Daryl just scowled at him.
Negan chuckled. “Screw it.” He raised his bat and came just an inch or two from bashing Daryl’s head in. To his surprise, Daryl didn’t even flinch.
“Wow!” Negan exclaimed. “You don’t scare easy. I love that! But Lucille… well, it kind of pisses her off. She finds it to be disrespectful. Lucky for you, she’s not feeling too thirsty today, but I am… so, I’m gonna go get me a drink!”
He whistled as he left Daryl to be beaten senseless by the Saviors.
Still, he preferred it to becoming one of Negan’s lapdogs.
A few hours passed, at least, Daryl thought they did, and he was taken out again to meet Negan.
“Jesus,” Negan said when Dwight pushed him into the room. “You look awful!”
Negan went on to explain how Dwight went on to become one of Negan’s “top guys,” and that Daryl could be like him. It was a long-winded story, but what Daryl got from it was that Dwight, his wife, and her sister ran away from the Saviors, then came back and begged for forgiveness. His wife, Sherry, said she’d agree to become one of Negan’s wives if he let Dwight live. Still, Dwight “got the iron,” which was how that hideous burn scar ended up on his face. After that, Dwight was loyal to Negan.
The story didn’t prove much to Daryl, only that Dwight was a coward and should have kept running when he had the chance.
“You look around here,” Negan said after telling Daryl his little anecdote. He gestured to the room, set up to be a small studio apartment with a bed, kitchenette, and living space. “This, well… it can all be yours. All you gotta do is answer one, simple question. Who are you?”
Negan chuckled when Daryl didn’t answer. “What, does the cat got your tongue? You’re just overwhelmed by the awesomeness of this? I’m gonna ask you one more time.” Negan inched closer to Daryl and held the bat close to his face. “Who are you?”
There was a heavy silence in the room. Daryl didn’t speak, just glared at Negan, holding his gaze stoically.
Negan could present him with a gilded palace… a diamond encrusted chalice… a bed of goose feathers… a marvel statue carved in his own likeness… still, it wouldn’t be you, or your home in Alexandria, or the life he had there, the people he cared about. That was what he was holding on for, the reason he couldn’t do what Dwight had done.
He said one word, but it wasn’t the one Negan wanted: “Daryl.”
“This is the only way—” Dwight began to say to him.
Negan shushed him, all the while smiling widely at Daryl. “It’s cool, D… he made his choice. Ain’t my problem if he made a dumbass choice.”
Back to the cell it was.
“I get why you did it,” Daryl said to Dwight after he shoved him back into the cell. “Why you took it.”
Dwight stared at the man in disbelief.
“You were thinking about someone else,” he continued. “That’s why I can’t.”
Back in Alexandria, things were quiet.
They had been for the past three days since you returned, and news of what happened settled in like a plague.
Aside from your lack of sleep and your constant worrying, you were holding it together. A lot of people still looked to you as a beacon of hope and positivity, so you kept up the image.
It wasn’t just Daryl you missed now, it was Maggie and Carol, too. Maggie was back at the Hilltop, and Carol had run away the same morning you went after Daryl.
Alexandria was weak, and Rick was scared. You couldn’t blame him, but it disappointed you a bit that he wasn’t already planning some kind of fight against the Saviors. Still, you tried to carry on relatively normally for the time being.
You didn’t have any classes today, so you did something you’d been thinking about for the last few days: you paid a visit to the church.
Now, you weren’t religious. You were, essentially, an atheist, you just hated calling yourself that from the stigma surrounding the word, but by definition, it’s what you were.
When Daryl was taken, however, you felt a divine intervention. It wasn’t that you needed to pray to God that Daryl was all right, it was that you needed to confront him about what he’d done.
It was easier to blame God, to accuse him of orchestrating the chain of events which led to the brutal death of Glenn and Abraham, and the kidnapping of Daryl. Though you didn’t believe in him, your irrational rage did.
Tentatively pushing the doors to the church open, you were relieved to see it was empty. You had dreaded going there the past few days because you didn’t want to run into Father Gabriel. He’d been surprisingly helpful during the raid of the Saviors’ outpost, but you still didn’t trust him fully after what he’d said about your group.
That seemed like a lifetime ago, though. Now, you had much more to worry about than the acceptance of the Alexandrians.
You sat yourself down at the front pew, looking up at the stained glass cross. A part of you wished it was a Catholic church, that way you could look up at a crucified Jesus Christ right in the face and accuse him of all the evil in the world, and everything bad that had ever happened to you.
Alas, this was a very bare-bones Protestant church, with no elaborate bloody crucifixes or iconography to be seen.
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and began speaking out loud. No one was there, so you could be as vulgar and impassioned as you liked.
“I don’t believe in you,” you started by saying. “I used to, but I don’t anymore, so I feel stupid doing this, but it’s my last resort. I’m not here to beg you for anything, if you are real, or even listening. I’m here to feel like… like someone can be held accountable. I want to pin this all on you, everything. The world turning to shit… everyone we’ve lost… every chance of stability that’s been ripped from our hands… that’s all you. I’m blaming it on you. That way, things make a little… a little more sense.”
You understood now why religion appealed to people so much—it answered questions, it took responsibility, it eased pain. Opiate for the masses.
“Maybe if I believed in you, things would be easier. Everything that’s happened would be God’s work, and I would feel like it all happened for a reason. But… I can’t believe that. I don’t think any of this happens for a reason. There’s… there’s no thought to it, no predestined result. None of this was meant to happen, not one bit of it. It just did. Hell, I wasn’t even meant to meet Daryl, or anyone here, but it happened, and I’m thankful it did. This world, everything, it’s all just chaos. We’re all… lost, and nothing happens for a reason. That’s why it’s so goddamn scary.”
You sighed and shook your head, trying hard not to tear up thinking about the state of things. “So, I guess I’m doing this to take the load off a bit. It’s hard, you know… not believing. When I did believe, when I was a kid, it helped. Knowing what I know now, I just can’t. I wish I could, I really do, just to feel like there’s some kind of order to it. I can’t fool myself, not after everything. If things turned out differently, maybe I could, but not now.”
You swallowed hard, and you felt a familiar lump forming in your throat. “I—I want you to take responsibility for this,” you said, your voice breaking as you fought back tears. “You did this, and you should be ashamed… for everything.”
You laughed and shook your head, crying all the while. “I’m not surprised this doesn’t make me feel better.”
A long silence passed, filled only with your sniffling and quiet whimpering, until you heard a throat clearing come from behind you. You turned your head quickly and set eyes on Father Gabriel. Standing up, you straightened out your dress and pushed back your tears.
“I, um… didn’t know you were there,” you said. “Did—did you hear all of that?”
Gabriel smiled. “Well, yes,” he said, stepping closer to you. “I did. I’m… sorry for eavesdropping.”
You shook your head. “No, no, this is… your place.” You gestured to the empty church around you. You awkwardly rubbed the back of your neck. “I sort of blasphemed a lot, didn’t I?”
Gabriel lowered his head and laughed. “A little… well, a lot, yes. I don’t blame you, though. Sometimes even I lose faith.”
You nodded. “That’s normal, right? For religious people?”
He shrugged. “I suppose. It’s human nature, questioning. No harm in that.”
“Doesn’t the Bible discourage questioning?”
You were in uncharted territory. What you knew about the Bible died long ago with your faith. You had always meant to get around to reading it all the way through, with an atheist’s perspective this time, but it didn’t work out.
“Depends on who you ask,” he said. “I don’t believe so, but it’s up to interpretation. That’s why there’s so many different schools of thought.”
“No one could agree on one thing, huh?”
Gabriel laughed. “Correct. Human nature at work again.”
You could have made a snarky comment about how, according to his religion, God created humans to be like that, but you didn’t feel like arguing over something so pointless. In the end, you believed in one thing and he believed in another. There was no changing either of you, and you hoped he thought that way, too. You weren’t looking to be converted.
“Right,” you agreed, then sighed. “Well, I’ll just be leaving then. Don’t want to stink up the place.”
Gabriel scoffed. “You’re always welcome here,” he said, then stepped even closer to you and gave you a serious look. “And I… want you to know that I’m keeping you and Daryl in my prayers. I know this is a difficult time for you.”
You’d seen people say things like that with a fake sincerity, but something about the way he said it seemed real, like he sympathized with you genuinely.
“Thank you, Gabriel. I appreciate that.”
He nodded. “I—I know you don’t believe, but I would be willing to pray with you if you’d like to try it… chaos be damned.”
You snorted, then thought about the offer a while.
Yes, you came there to berate God for what he’d done, but you were desperate, and if praying could help bring Daryl back home, even if it were just confirmation bias, you’d do it. Whatever it took to get him back.
“Okay,” you said. “Just… don’t put me down for Sunday service, all right?”
Gabriel held his hands up in defense. “I won’t. Just a one-time thing.”
Gabriel stepped closer to you yet again and held out his hands before you. You looked at him curiously before he nudged his head towards his hands, and you got the hint.
Laying your hands gently in his, you mimicked his actions as he closed his eyes and bowed his head.
“Dear Heavenly Father,” he said, “we ask of you to watch over your child, Daryl, and to bring him back home to Alexandria, safe and unharmed. We ask of you, in all your mercy, to also look after (Y/N) during this trying time. Please bless her and keep her. Amen.”
“Amen,” you repeated, a little awkwardly given your less than stellar communication skills with the Good Lord.
You opened your eyes slowly, and met Gabriel’s stare. He smiled at you. “Did—did I do that right?”
He laughed. “Yes.”
You nodded your head before the sudden sound of approaching vehicles from outside startled you. You looked wide-eyed in the direction of the increasingly loud revving of engines. No one was out at the moment, at least not enough people in vehicles to warrant such a sound. You realized that several of the sounds were coming from motorcycles, and there were even the sounds of air breaks from a big rig, or several.
You exchanged a worried look with Gabriel. “You don’t think…” you began to say before three loud bangs on the gate penetrated your ears.
The two of you ran out of the church doors and ran a short distance to stop in the middle of the road, utterly dumbfounded by the sight ahead of you. You immediately recognized the silhouette formed behind the cloth that draped the chain link of the gate.
Tall and slender with an obnoxious sway, and a bat draped over his shoulder.
“Little pig, little pig!” his booming voice called out. “Let. Me. In!”
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wolveria · 3 years
Crucible - Ch 4
Pairing: Link x Reader
Prompt: For the Bittersweet Mini Bang!
Series Warnings (18+ only): Eventual smut, slow burn, violence, mild body horror, lots of whump, angst with a happy ending
Chapter Summary: Link consults an old "friend" before they begin their journey.
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They camped that night on the edge of the city, between Tarrey Town and the southern forest. Link had decided to bypass the town entirely to avoid attracting attention, and they were currently sitting under an old lean-to he’d slept under years ago. There had only been a flat outcropping then, surrounded by swamp and a couple of wandering Guardians.
Now the city glittered in the dark, the swamp drained and filled with the town’s expansion, the Guardians long dead, destroyed by Link’s own hand.
Tarrey Town had been the first time Link had felt a connection to a place after waking up. Even though Impa knew him, even though he suspected the house he’d bought in Hateno used to be his, it wasn’t until he helped build a village from the ground up that he felt tethered to something. He’d brought in traders and specialists from all over Hyrule to help construct and populate the town, and it was supposed to be a true testament to the strength and cooperation of its people.
He wasn’t sure what to make of the city now. A part of him was saddened, knowing the rich flaunted their wealth while the destitute had to go hungry. Link wondered if this was the price to pay for his hubris and finding that Hylian in this place wasn’t a coincidence. Maybe the goddesses had answered his prayers after all, given him a purpose to help someone so much like him in his early days of awakening.
Link believed she was truthful that she didn’t know who she was, and despite the Yiga dagger and the strange cloak, he didn’t think she was dangerous. But he had also learned not to underestimate the depths of the Yiga’s deception.
Shaking off his unkind thoughts, Link glanced at his silent companion. She was huddled near the fire, staring at the flames with a blank expression he knew from personal experience meant she was mentally and physically exhausted.
“I’ll take first shift,” Link said. The woods were patrolled now, and monster camps had been gone for years, but these were old habits that had kept him alive, and he was loath to let them go.
The strange Hylian—Blue, he had to remember to call her that—didn’t argue, and she fell asleep quickly, her back to a tree as she lay curled on her side.
Link wondered how many sleepless nights she’d had, and he remembered his own days of hunger and exhaustion, not to mention the loneliness. He hadn’t even been able to remember who he was lonely for. It wasn’t until he got all of his memories back that he’d come to the awful realization that he’d been lonely long before the Calamity had happened.
Link didn’t wake her when half the night passed. She needed the rest more than he did, and it gave him time to plan their route and think of what he would tell Zelda. Besides the fact she looked like him, Link couldn’t pinpoint why it seemed so important to take her with him. It just felt important, and Link had learned to trust his instinct, even when it made little sense.
The night was quiet with no visitors aside from the occasional owl or curious fox, and in the morning after a quick breakfast of mushroom pilaf, he led them deeper into the forest. Just the two of them, Raina left behind at the makeshift lean-to.
For the first time since yesterday, Blue spoke.
“Where are we going?”
They had turned away from the road, and it appeared she noticed, the suspicion was back on her face.
“You’ll see,” he said, putting on his friendliest smile. Her scowl only deepened. “It’s just around this ridge; we can walk there on foot. I want to see an old friend before we leave.”
He winced at the word friend. He wasn’t sure how much of a friend one could possibly be with the type of being they were about to visit.
Just as Link had said, they rounded the ridge and made it to their destination: a great blue flower with a sparkling pool in the middle of its luxurious petals, gold ornaments interspersed around the outside.
Link paused and turned toward his companion.
“Wait here.”
She was happy to do so, standing just outside the swampy ground outside of the Fairy Fountain. Link stepped onto a pink petal that acted as a pedestal. He’d barely gained his footing before a large sparkling woman erupted from the water, purple jewelry glittering from her skin as metal gleamed around her throat and wrists.
The fairy looked down at Link expectantly.
“Hello, Mija.”
“Hello? Hello?”
Link gulped.
“Is that all you have to say after you’ve neglected to visit in so long? And what are you doing, showing up at my flower wearing those rags? Where is your stealth armor? Now those were garments worthy of my enchantments,” she added with a sparkling wink.
Link flushed and had to actually struggle not to cover his face with a hand.
“I’ve been preoccupied,” he said evenly. He should have known better than to visit the fairy emptyhanded. He probably should have brought flowers, or… something.
Mija gave a knowing smirk that Link didn’t like. At all.
“Indeed. My sisters have kept me apprised of your journeys. Defeating the Calamity, well, that was not so surprising. You’ve never had a shortage of bravery. But the rumors of you wandering the land without taking root… It’s such a shame for a young man like you to be so—“
Link interrupted her, something he never would have dared before, but he was impatient and didn’t need reminding of his many shortcomings.
“That’s why I came to see you, actually.”
Mija blinked but otherwise, her expression was indiscernible. Despite the flamboyant flirtations, Link was once again reminded that these were powerful spirits who only humored him because they found him interesting.
“Go on,” she allowed.
Link looked down and turned slightly towards his right, and the Great Fairy looked beyond him.
“Why, Link, you’ve brought a friend. The first time you’ve done so since we’ve known each other.”
Link wasn’t sure if she was insulted, flattered, or amused. Her smile was full of too many teeth, either way.
“She’s rather shy, isn’t she?” Mija tilted her head, the pile of lavender hair tilting precariously. “Come, come, darling, I won’t bite.”
Link gave Blue an encouraging look and motioned her to come stand beside him, but she remained exactly where she was.
“We shouldn’t be here,” she said fists clutched into her cloak. “Fairies are dangerous creatures.”
“Only to our enemies,” Mija replied, her smile widening and yet, becoming even less comforting. “Now, let me have a look at you.”
It wasn’t a suggestion, and Blue understood that, because she walked forward at a slow, unwilling pace. She kept her head down, face covered with the hood, and when she stepped onto the pedestal, she stayed behind Link.
Never one to be discouraged, Mija reached around Link and pulled Blue forward.
He nearly reached out himself, worried for a moment that Mija would grab her and pick her up in one great hand, but the fairy left his companion on the petal. Instead, she tipped back the hood with one long colorful nail, and gasped.
“Oh, oh my…”
He didn’t know how to interpret her shocked tone. He’d never seen the Great Fairy surprised about anything before.
“I found her in Tarrey Town.” Link’s voice was somber. “She woke up at the Spring of Power but doesn’t remember anything.”
Mija tsked in sympathy and put her nail under Blue’s chin, tipping her head upward to get a better look. Link was apprehensive at the touch, once again reminded how dangerous and unknowable the Great Fairies were and wondered if he should have brought Blue here at all.
“I’m taking her to the castle,” he explained softly, “but I thought maybe you would know who she is and why she looks like… me.”
“I try not to meddle in the affairs of the goddesses. Too messy.”
“Goddesses?” Link’s stomach fell. He’d had enough of the goddesses to last him a lifetime after what he’d witnessed Zelda put through.
“I sense their many golden hands in this,” Mija said, leaning back as if sitting in a throne, which wasn’t far from the truth.
“So, this has nothing to do with the Yiga Clan?” That would be a relief, at least.
“Don’t sound the victory horns yet.” A more genuine smile crossed her lips. “The goddesses are not to be provoked. But since you’re the one asking, and I have missed you so dearly, I’ll do what I can. Hmmm….”
Mija tapped the sparkling tip of her nail on Blue’s chest with enough force to make her stumble back, and she winced and rubbed at the point of contact. Link reached out to steady her, but when she shot him a warning glance, he pulled back and kept his hands to himself.
“As I said,” Mija continued, her expression thoughtful, “I sense the handiwork of the goddesses, but I do not sense any of their power still lingering. In fact… I sense nothing at all. Your companion appears to be perfectly ordinary.”
“But,” Link stammered, “she has my face!”
“Does she?” Mija’s brows rose, and her voice took on a faint air. “I always did have trouble telling you Hylians apart.”
Link ignored the jab.
“What about her lost memories? Can you restore them?”
Mija gave him another of those pitying looks.
“I’m sorry, dear boy, but I’m no healer. Nor am I an oracle or a prophet. My magic is of this world, not the ones beyond it. I wish I could be of more help.”
She truly did seem to mean it, even if the Great Fairies couldn’t be entirely trusted. Their first allegiances were too each other, though Link was grateful for all the aid they’d lent him.
In fact, Link was tempted to show Mija his arm and see what she had to say about that. But even as he considered pulling off his glove, he stopped cold.
She wouldn’t be able to help, and he wasn’t ready to have his worst fears confirmed. He had a new duty, self-appointed perhaps, but he wouldn’t let anything else distract him until they reached the castle.
“Thank you for trying.” Link smiled up at her. “It was good to see you again, Mija.”
The Great Fairy returned the warm gesture, her eyes sparkling with delight.
“Likewise, dear boy. It cheers my heart to see you alive and in one piece.” She paused, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Are you sure you don’t want me to enchant something for you? Perhaps… those rubber tights? I do sorely miss the way they clung to your—“
Link choked, and a musical peal of laughter erupted from the fairy. It tapered off into a chuckle, though the impish light never left her eyes. He’d seen that look just before she’d dragged him into her pool of water.
Suddenly, Link was very eager to leave.
“I won’t take up any more of your time, Mija. Thank you again,” he made a small bow, “and give my greetings to your sisters.”
Mija purred and stroked the top of his head with one finger, ruffling up his hair.
“The pleasure was all mine, sweet boy.” Her eyes darted to Blue, her expression once again unknowable. “Go with my blessing. You’ll both sorely need it.”
And with that ominous parting, Mija dove under the water with a cheery farewell. Link released a long breath and looked back. Blue’s face was a shade paler than usual, and Link rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.
“Sorry, she can be a bit… over-friendly.” Link winced. Hylia, that was understating it. All of the Great Fairies became more and more handsy with each upgrade of his armor, and he was grateful Mija had kept most of her limbs to herself.
Blue said nothing, nor did she speak when they returned to the camp and Link equipped Raina’s bridle and saddle. When he offered to share the saddle, Blue simply shook her head.
Link wasn’t happy with it but didn’t push the issue, and they returned to the road and turned southwest towards their ultimate destination: Central Hyrule.
Next Chapter
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AAPI Heritage Month: Cookbooks to Check Out
The Honeysuckle Cookbook: 100 Healthy, Feel-Good Recipes to Live Deliciously by Dzung Lewis
The Honeysuckle Cookbook is stuffed with exciting ideas for easy, approachable, Asian-influenced cooking at home. With 100 recipes, from the breakfast favorites that consistently rate the highest in views on the author's popular YouTube channel (like her Overnight Oats, 6 Ways) to original twists on one-pan and pressure-cooker meals, this book is for those of us who want feel-good meals made healthy, delicious, and quick. Dzung's recipes take the familiar and turns it ever-so-slightly on its head: Marinara sauce gets extra umami with the addition of fish sauce, while mac and cheese becomes more than an out-of-the-box staple when made fresh with kimchi. Lattes get an extra kick from bold Vietnamese coffee and sweet, floral lavender, and quinoa pilaf is mixed with a creamy curry-miso dressing. Dzung also teaches readers how to stretch groceries so they spend a little less money, how to plan meals seasonally, and how to match main courses with sides so plates look impressive and taste great. With quick snack ideas, recipe hacks, foolproof instructions, and genius tips for pretty presentation, The Honeysuckle Cookbook will be the friendly hand busy young cooks need to hold in the kitchen.
Cook Real Hawai'i: A Cookbook by Sheldon Simeon, Garrett Snyder
The story of Hawaiian cooking, by a two-time Top Chef finalist and Fan Favorite, through 100 recipes that embody the beautiful cross-cultural exchange of the islands. Even when he was winning accolades and adulation for his cooking, two-time Top Chef finalist Sheldon Simeon decided to drop what he thought he was supposed to cook as a chef. He dedicated himself instead to the local Hawai‘i food that feeds his ‘ohana—his family and neighbors. With uncomplicated, flavor-forward recipes, he shows us the many cultures that have come to create the cuisine of his beloved home: the native Hawaiian traditions, Japanese influences, Chinese cooking techniques, and dynamic Korean, Portuguese, and Filipino flavors that are closest to his heart. Through stunning photography, poignant stories, and dishes like wok-fried poke, pork dumplings made with biscuit dough, crispy cauliflower katsu, and charred huli-huli chicken slicked with a sweet-savory butter glaze, Cook Real Hawai‘i will bring a true taste of the cookouts, homes, and iconic mom and pop shops of Hawai‘i into your kitchen.
Filipinx: Heritage Recipes from the Diaspora by Angela Dimayuga, Ligaya Mishan, Alex Lau (Photographs)
Filipinx offers 100 deeply personal recipes—many of them dishes that define home for Angela Dimayuga and the more than four million people of Filipino descent in the United States. The book tells the story of how Dimayuga grew up in an immigrant family in northern California, trained in restaurant kitchens in New York City—learning to make everything from bistro fare to Asian-American cuisine—then returned to her roots, discovering in her family’s home cooking the same intense attention to detail and technique she’d found in fine dining. In this book, Dimayuga puts a fresh spin on classics: adobo, perhaps the Filipino dish best known outside the Philippines, is traditionally built on a trinity of soy sauce, vinegar, and garlic—all pantry staples—but add coconut milk, vinegar, and oil, and it turns lush and silky; ribeye steaks bring extra richness to bistek, gilded with butter and a bright splash of lemon and orange juice. These are the punches of flavor and inspired recipes that home cooks have been longing for. A modern, welcoming resource for this essential cuisine, Filipinx shares exciting and approachable recipes everyone will wholeheartedly embrace in their own kitchens.
My Shanghai: Recipes and Stories from a City on the Water by Betty Liu
Filled with galleries, museums, and gleaming skyscrapers, Shanghai is a modern metropolis and the world’s largest city proper, the home to twenty-four million inhabitants and host to eight million visitors a year. “China’s crown jewel” (Vogue), Shanghai is an up-and-coming food destination, filled with restaurants that specialize in international cuisines, fusion dishes, and chefs on the verge of the next big thing. It is also home to some of the oldest and most flavorful cooking on the planet. Betty Liu, whose family has deep roots in Shanghai and grew up eating homestyle Shanghainese food, provides an enchanting and intimate look at this city and its abundant cuisine. In this sumptuous book, part cookbook, part travelogue, part cultural study, she cuts to the heart of what makes Chinese food Chinese—the people, their stories, and their family traditions. Organized by season, My Shanghai takes us through a year in the Shanghai culinary calendar, with flavorful recipes that go beyond the standard, well-known fare, and stories that illuminate diverse communities and their food rituals. Chinese food is rarely associated with seasonality. Yet as Liu reveals, the way the Shanghainese interact with the seasons is the essence of their cooking: what is on a dinner table is dictated by what is available in the surrounding waters and fields. Live seafood, fresh meat, and ripe vegetables and fruits are used in harmony with spices to create a variety of refined dishes all through the year.
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airplanned · 4 years
It’s Glaringly Obvious
More Ned-does-it-wrong Whumptober for your fluffy enjoyment!
Prompt 12: I think I've broken something (broken bones)
Prompt 30: Where did that come from? (hiding an injury)
At least one of Link's fingers is broken.  It's glaringly obvious, as he's been favoring his right hand while cooking and opening doors and even his usual exuberant hand gestures are a little lopsided. 
He's otherwise acting as if nothing's wrong.  He's gone about his usual daily chores, and done his usual exercises (although he did announce that it was "leg day" as if she ever had any interest at all in his training regimen).  He went into town and bought ingredients for dinner and while he was there, he helped find three lost cows, so it must not be hurting him that badly.
She notes with suspicion that he's wearing full gloves today. 
Definitely hiding something.
He grins at her across the table as they sit down to dinner (which he made).  Maybe she's wrong.  He picks up his spoon with his left hand.  Maybe she's right.
She bows her head in a prayer of thanks for the meal, and throws in a prayer at the end for Link's hand. 
"How was your day?" she asks.
"Good," he says.  He scoops the whole radish out of his soup and balances it on his spoon.  "I found some cows."
"That is impressive.  And how are you feeling?"
He thinks for a second.  Then says, "I feel kinda gross.  Cows are gross."
They eat in silence for a moment.  They're sitting catty-corner from each other, as there's a large chunk of a dissected guardian turret on the other side of the table.  She watches him from the corner of her eye before getting an idea.  She’s going to make him use his hand.
She reaches over and places her own hand on his knee.
He looks up at her, curious, but when he sees her meeting his gaze head on, his face softens.  The smile he gives her is fond.  He shifts slightly closer to her in his seat so she doesn't have to reach so far.
He does not cover her hand with his own.  He does not remove her hand from his person.
Instead, he goes back to eating.
Frustratingly, dinner ends without her gaining any more information about his silly hand.
Link most likely has a broken rib.  It's glaringly obvious, as he has been visibly wincing every time he's lifted something or reached for something or turned or sat down since he came home from his monster hunt.  When he goes into the storage area to get plates for dinner and he thinks she can't see him, he makes an attempt at stretching, reaching an arm over his head.  But then he hisses and shrinks in on himself, slapping his elbow to his wounded flank and grabbing at his side with his other hand.
She stomps to the doorway, plants her hands on her hips, and demands, "Are you hurt?"
He spins on her, his eyes wide with the knowledge that he's been caught.
"No," he says.  "Just--you know--stretching."  He draws his arm across his chest and locks it in place with his opposite forearm.  He grins at her and then gives a happy sigh as he releases. 
He definitely just stretched the uninjured side.
She narrows her eyes at him.
On further consideration, she's unsure if it's a broken rib or some kind of flesh wound.  She analyzes how his tunic is lying across his side, trying to detect the bulge of a bandage.
She needs to get a look at it.  Or, barring that, she needs him to admit that there's something wrong with his side.  And then let her look at it.
He collects a basket full of ingredients to haul outside to the cooking pot, and she moves to grab it for him. 
"I got it," he says, one of his eyes twitching as he lifts it.
Again, she tries to take it.  "Let me get it for you.  You shouldn't be lifting that much weight."
He twists away from her with a grunt.  "Why not?"
"Because you're hurt."
"I'm fine.  I think you just want to stand too close to me."  He winks at her.
She flushes and takes an instinctive step back.
He grins and walks past her and--
Ugh!  Absolutely infuriating.
Outside, he's set himself to chopping up vegetables with tiny little chops.  She takes a seat nearby and ponders how to make Link crack. She needs to ask him to do some serious physical activity so he'll call uncle.  Or would that just hurt his body more when he refuses to hurt his pride?  She doesn't actually want to injure him really. 
It's a puzzle.
He's stirring slowly when she gets an idea.  Wanting to stand too close to him, is she? 
She scoots closer.  And closer.  And then leans against him under the guise of smelling dinner.  She looks over at him from just a few short inches away and beams.  "That smells delicious."
He smiles back.  Leans against her a bit before turning back their meal.
She reaches up and traces the stitching on the edge of his tunic, letting her fingers drag.  When he turns back to her, she gives him a flirty look from under her eyelashes.  At least she hopes it's flirty.  She's not an expert.
He gives her a bemused look.  "You're frisky tonight."  Then he turns back and stirs the soup some more.
Frisky!?  She is indignant.  Yes, she is--technically--trying to seduce him in hopes that he'll go "Oh ouch!  My side!"  But "frisky"?
He calls her frisky and then turns back to his pilaf?
That will not do at all. 
With a huff, she snatches his spoon from his hand, throws it aside, twists so she's straddling his lap, and kisses him.
Let's see him turn away from that!
He makes a muffles noise of surprise, but then grabs for her back and pulls her closer.  The kiss turns eager, desperate, and--wait, she had a mission.  He was supposed to refuse her because he was so injured and she was supposed to throw a victorious finger in his face and--oh shit, she's kissing Link.
She doesn't stop kissing him.
He moans into her mouth, and she's not sure if it's in delight or discomfort.  Maybe she shouldn't be doing this.  Because of his injury.
Neither of them stop. 
A few minutes later, one of his hands is in her shirt, and she's rucking up his tunic, and it's snagged on something, and--
He breaks the kiss with a curse, and she blinks at him in confusion until her senses return.  Her hand is most definitely grazing a bandage. She yanks his shirt up to his armpits for a better look. 
"Ah ha!" she says.  She grins at him, but she's much more breathless than she was in her imaginings of this moment.  "I knew it."
"You're very smart," he agrees, then grabs the back of her head and drags her in for another kiss.
Link has been shot in the leg.  It’s glaringly obvious, as the arrow is still there, sticking out the side right under his knee.  The leg gives out beneath him as he stumbles towards her, and he falls to one knee.
“Oh Goddess, Link!”  She runs to him, bending to grip his shoulder.
Wincing, he says, “It’s fine.  I’m good.”
“You are most certainly not good.  You’ve been shot in the leg!”
“I’m...It’s fine.”
She frowns at that, and then straightens up and crosses her arms over her chest.  If he’s fine, then he doesn’t need her help.  “I see, so you’re just on the ground for the fun of it.”
“I’m not on the ground.  This is...a kneel.”
“Well then, excuse me.  Carry on.”
“I...meant to be down here.”
“Oh?  Tying your shoe, are you?”
His boots do not have laces, but he looks down to check anyway.
“I...um...” His eyes dart around for an excuse.  
She waits with pursed lips until his frantic searching lands on her face.
“Um.  Will...you marry me?”
She blinks at him.  And then explodes.  “I beg your pardon!?”
He puts some effort into making his voice sound more confident, as if that will make a difference.  “That’s what I’m doing down here.  Asking you to marry me.”  
He reaches for her hand, and she bats him away.
“I can’t believe you would—This is— Ugh!  What on earth would you do if I said yes?”
“Ugh!”  She throws her arms in the air and starts to pace.  Link, of course, stays where he is.  “I can’t believe you would be so flippant about—This is a serious matter, and—am I’m just a joke to you?”
“No!  What?  Zelda, marry me.”
“Why would I do such a foolish thing?”
His brows crinkle in confusion.  Or maybe pain.  “Because I love you?”
She considers leaving him here in the road.
“Are...you turning me down?” he asks.
“Are you seriously asking me to marry you instead of admitting you’ve been shot?”
He nods.  “I’m seriously asking you to marry me.”
She stops pacing and narrows her eyes at him.  He gives her his most hopeful look.
“Fine,” she says.  “I’ll agree when you admit there’s an arrow in your knee.”
He stares at her.  Then he licks his lower lip.  It takes him a very long time to say, “Um.  Clearly you can see...”
He gestures at his leg and trails off.
She folds her arms again, stares him down, and waits.
“Zelda,” he says.  “I want to spend the rest of my life with you.  And I’ve been shot.  In the leg.  With an arrow.”  
...Well.  That’s...
“Actually, there’s also a second one in my shoulder.”
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 053
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“Sir, why don’t we just kill all the mortals?”
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So this is Universe 10′s Sacred World of the Kais.  When Goku Black showed up in Episode 49, Whis noticed something familiar about his power, and thinks it might have something to do with a Kai named Zamasu.  Also, Goku Black was wearing a Time Ring and one Potara Earring, which are supposed to be things only Kaioshin are allowed to have.  So Whis, Beerus, and Goku travel to Universe 10 to see what they can turn up. 
Goku’s mostly excited to meet Zamasu so he can fight him.  On the way over, Whis explained that Zamasu was once a Kai of the same rank as King Kai.  You know, the one who tells all the jokes.  But Zamasu’s aptitude for martial arts earned him some promotions, and now he’s an apprentice under the Supreme Kai of Universe 10, Gowasu. 
I’m a little unclear on how this works.  Like, I don’t think Zamasu is like the Assistant Supreme Kai or anything, although he does appear to be the logical successor if Gowasu suddenly died.  Still, he seems more like the Assistant to the Supreme Kai, sort of like how Kibito attends to Shin, the Supreme Kai of Universe 7.
Let’s talk about Gowasu a bit.  He’s the older, yellow guy in the middle.  While he’s perplexed by Beerus and Goku’s presence here, he’s not sweating bullets like most of the characters who meet Beerus.  Nor is he outraged by Goku’s irreverent enthusiasm, the way Zamasu is.  He just sort of rolls with all of this.  Which might explain why he still hasn’t figured out Zamasu’s true nature after all this time.
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So Beerus and Whis explain the whole Goku Black situation to Gowasu and Zamasu, but they’re careful not to mention their suspicions about Zamasu in particular.  They just claim to be visiting every universe and checking to make sure their Time Rings are accounted for.  But Zamasu has never heard of Time Rings, and he’s clearly never met Goku either.
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So after showing Beerus and Whis all his Time Rings, Gowasu notices Goku still pestering Zamasu for a match, and he commands Zamasu to spar with the big lug already. 
See, before the U7 guys showed up, Zamasu had been saying some disturbing things about the futility of mortals in the universe.  They live, they fight, they die, and nothing ever changes, so in his view, it’s kind of cruel to allow them to go on in this way.  Wouldn’t it be better if we just... I don’t know... scoured them from the face of creation?  Gowasu hears this kind of rhetoric and tells Zamasu to spend more time watching mortals so he can develop a greater appreciation for them.  And this encounter with Goku seems like the perfect place to start.
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Meanwhile, back home, Trunks meets Krillin’s wife and daughter, and learns that Krillin married 18.  She teases him about killing her counterpart in his timeline, but apparently she doesn’t care about that very much.
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So Trunks goes outside to brood, and Mai watches him from a distance, and Pilaf and Shu watch her watching him.  They try some dumb bit to get Trunks to notice Mai, and I’m not going to go into it because it sucks and it takes like eight minutes to get through.  Future Trunks doesn’t get it, and Kid Trunks tries to play into it, which isn’t what Pilaf had in mind, but then again, fixing up Kid Trunks with Mai seems to be the same outcome, right? 
This whole Kid Trunks/Future Trunks/Kid Mai love triangle sucks ass, and not just because of the age differences between the characters.  They just keep shoving this down our throats in every episode and it’s dumb as hell because Future Trunks seems completely oblivious to romance as a concept. 
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Hey, let’s focus on the one cool thing about this arc, and that’s Super Saiyan 2 Goku.  Mmm-hmm.  Just look at him.  I don’t know why they were so obsessed with SSJ2 when they made this story, but I’ll take it. 
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Seriously, the Zamasu Saga is a bag of moldy dicks, but at least there’s one bright spot to it.
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Gowasu is stunned to see a mortal with such incredible power. Not only is Goku fighting on Zamasu’s level, but he’s actually surpassed him.  Then Beerus says Goku fought him recentl, and that blows Gowasu’s mind.
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Zamasu loses, and he has to swallow his pride and be sporting about it, mostly because Gowasu would be displeased with him otherwise.  Satisfied, Beerus takes his leave.  Once they’re on their way back, they agree that they’re on the right track, even if there are still some unanswered questions.  Zamasu’s ki is very similar to Goku Black’s, but it’s not identical.  And Zamasu seemed to know nothing of Time Rings or Goku, so how could he possibly be involved in any of this?
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As for Gowasu, he’s pleased that Zamasu’s scuffle with Goku has taught him some humility.   Zamasu agrees that he has learned a great deal from all of this. 
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Well, to be specific, he’s concluded that mortals are even more dangerous than he ever thought possible.  Before, he just found them pitiful and revolting, but now that he knows that there are mortals powerful enough to fight gods, he sees mortals as an existential threat. 
It’s a little surreal how Zamasu keeps this thought to himself.  I mean, he has to, or Gowasu will chastise him again, but I’ve just gotten so used to Zamasu making a boring speech in every scene.  It must have taken every ounce of self-control not to blab this whole manifesto out loud. Then again, I’m not sure Gowasu would do anything about it even if he did.
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