#but that felt a little too personal especially since she deleted it
iamnotawomanimagod · 1 month
You know that everywhere I go I got a million people tryna kick it but I'm still alone in my mind -> And if only the time and space between us wasn't lonely -> It's the thing in your thighs when you're lonely at night -> So I'll stay right here 'cause I'm better all alone -> I went swimming with the devil at the bottom of a lake, and he left me there by my lonesome -> I'm so lucky, I'm a star, but I cry cry cry in my lonely heart -> Lonely and forgotten is the muse
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pjflmga · 5 days
little things, alessia russo x reader
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summary: based on little things by one direction (big fan yup) where r is a bit insecure about certain things and alessia makes sure to let r know she loves everything about r.
a/n: just smth random i came up w while i’m writing on chicago p2 bc i’m currently stuck lol. wrote this in the middle of the night so don’t mind eventual mistakes… send in recs if you want to :)
wc: 2,3k ish
you and alessia had been together for a long time now, with your 2 years anniversary coming up in only a few weeks. you loved doing things together, watching movies or series, going out for a walk or shopping. literally anything
football might be your biggest shared interest though, whether it was watching a game or playing it. but it was not hard to see who was playing professionally and who played in a normal sunday league.
alessia played football for a living, her days consisted of training on and off the pitch and of course football games against big, top teams, weekly. whereas you were working as a chef at a restaurant and only had training 2-3 times a week plus a game on the weekends.
despite the big difference of professionalism you played in, you both were each others biggest fan and supporter. you were at all arsenal’s home games and even some away games if possible, and alessia was at yours. of course if you or her didn’t have your own game at the same time, which occasionally happened.
alessia never looked down at you for not being a professional footballer, rather the other way around. she was happy and proud that you got to the two things you loved the most, cooking food during the days and playing football in the evenings. but even if alessia never had an opinion about this, didn’t mean you nor especially the fans highlighted this at times.
as you were the girlfriend of the top player and front face of the lionesses and arsenal, people didn’t shy away from sharing their ignorant opinions. when alessia saw a rude comment about you she would always delete it, before she read half of it and especially before you got the chance to even know about it. but since you were together with alessia, you had around 30k followers on instagram yourself and a lot of the ignorant comments ended up in your comment section as well.
you knew you shouldn’t care, but you couldn’t help but read every single negative comment about you. it was everything from you using alessia for her being famous and having a lot of money, to not being good enough for her and being an ugly and bad person. the comments about you only “using” her didn’t really bother you, as you and not to mention, alessia knew that it wasn’t true. but it was rather the comments about you being too ugly, or not that a good enough person for her that made you feel like the smallest person on earth.
this had been going on ever since you got together and the public eye found out about it. at first it didn’t bother you, but as time went on it started to get to you. the blonde and you had talked about it before, but even if you weren’t, you always made sure to say that you were fine.
as of lately alessia had started to notice that you were feeling a bit more tired and down than usually. at first she thought it was because of your job and how hectic it was. but she shortly after realised it was because of all comments on social media.
and with that she started to make more efforts than usually to make you feel as special and loved as you deserved, not to mention how she felt about you.
as a person in general, you were a bit insecure about yourself. you didn’t like certain things with your body or the way you looked.
as time passed alessia started to figure out more of your small insecurities, how every time she tried to make a short video with you, you always stayed quiet because you didn’t like the way your voice sounded on camera.
how you never got changed in front of her, despite being together for a long, long time. because you didn’t like how your stomach or thighs looked. she obviously had seen you without clothes before, but it was different when you changed and got dressed. it made you feel more conscious about the way you looked, in a way you didn’t like and therefore didn’t want alessia to see.
but also how you recently had stopped coming along to nights out and dinners with her team, because you were insecure or what other people would think. despite alessia always telling you how much the team loved you and wanted you there.
alessia knew these things made you insecure, but these were also the things she loved about you the most. the way you looked, the way you were, the way you smiled and laughed. your voice, your body. everything.
at first she didn’t want these little things to slip out, in case it made you more insecure. but she quickly realised the best way to make you feel more comfortable and confident, was to bring your insecurities up, subtly and in a reassuring way, one by one.
every time you smiled you got small crinkles by your eyes and for some reason fans started to point that out, together with your freckled cheeks. alessia didn’t understand, as she thought those were two of the cutest things about you, but you hated them.
now when she started to see the comments more often, she realised that was the reason why you started to cover your freckles up with makeup, and at least try to smile less. not that it really worked when you were with alessia, who stumbled around and laughed all the time.
“babe, you’re so beautiful today.” alessia said as the two of you got ready to head out for a little walk in the park. “why are you putting on makeup? you’re just as beautiful without it.” she smiled softly.
“i dunno.” you mumbled. “don’t really like my freckles.” you said lowly. with that alessia walked up behind you, where you sat by the desk in your shared bedroom, and hugged you tightly from behind.
“you.” kiss. “are.” kiss. “more.” kiss. “beautiful”. kiss. “than.” kiss. “anyone.” kiss. “else. ” kiss. “in.” kiss. “the.” kiss. “world.” the blonde said as she kissed you freckles.
“stoppp less, you’re ruining my makeup.” you said, but couldn’t help but feeling a smile creeping up in the corner of your mouth.
“nooo!!” she said. “i’m just making sure your natural beauty is showing.” she continued as she bombed kisses on you again. you couldn’t help but laugh at that. “there’s the beautiful smile of yours.” alessia said simply.
it took you another 20 minutes to get ready before your headed out. instantly when you stepped out of the port of your stairwell, alessia grabbed you hand and gave it a tight squeeze.
“you know, your hands fits perfectly in mine.” the striker said softly.
“what do you mean less?” you asked confused, not quite catching what she meant.
“i don’t know, i just know it feels perfect to hold it in my hand.” she smiled with a chuckle. you nodded slowly, still not getting where she came from. but it was something with the way she had said it while squeezing your hand, that made you feel good. you felt yourself being thrown out of your thoughtss as alessia pulled you with her and started to walk towards the park, while babbling about her upcoming game against liverpool this weekend.
when you stopped in the middle of the park by a big tree alessia suggested that the two of you should make a tiktok together. a video where you’d have to rank her arsenal teammates.
“no i can’t do that.” you said with a laugh. “they’re gonna kill me.”
“noo, babe!! it’ll be fun, they will love it.” she laughed as she pulled up her phone.
“okay, just because i love you. but don’t post it!! i don’t uh, want people to hear my- to see what my ranking.” you said quietly.
“oh y/n, it’ll be fine. everyone will laugh at how pissed leah will be when she sees she’s not your number one.” alessia chuckled. “besides, everyone should get to hear that beautiful voice of yours when you explain your rankings.” she continued, subtly mentioning yet another insecurity. you instantly felt yourself relaxing a little when she said that. to be honest you hadn’t really realised that you had tensed up in the first place.
“let’s do this then, less.” you said as you grabbed her phone and started the ranking.
“i can’t believe you were about to put frida at number one.” alessia said with a grunt as you finished.
“well she is just the best, isn’t she?” you asked with a smile.
“well… no. i am supposed to be there, i swear if you weren’t with me right now, you would’ve put her as your number 1.” alessia answered with a unhappy voice.
“nooo babe, i’d never do that!!” you laughed. “you are obviously my number one!”
“and so are you y/n/n! you are my forever number one and i love you and everything about you.” the blonde said softly as she gave hugged you and kissed your cheek. “let’s post this and see how the girls reacts.” she continues as she posted the video.
just then she got a message from leah in the arsenal group chat, asking who’d be joining for dinner aka ordering food, and movie night at her place tomorrow night. a flood of “yes” and “me” came right away when alessia looked at you.
“you want to go?” she asked hopefully.
“uh i don’t know, don’t want to intrude your team bonding night.” you said lowly.
“no y/n babe, first you could never do that. the girls have been asking if you won’t being joining anytime soon anyways. and besides, it’s just movie night tmrw.” alessia explained as she took your hand and gave it a squeeze.
“well, okay then i guess.” you said.
“YESSSS!!!” the england forward squealed as she sent a quick “me and y/n are coming!” to the group chat and right away an even bigger flood of “yes!”, “wohoo” and “finally” came.
as tomorrow evening eventually came around, you and the blonde got ready together. since it was just movie night and leah’s, you wouldn’t dress up fancy. so you grabbed a pair of black jeans and a t-shirt as you headed towards your bathroom to get changed. but before you managed to take a step alessia grabbed your arm and hugged you tightly.
“you know i don’t mind you changing clothes in front of me.” she said softly as she hugged you tighter.
“i know, it’s just uh me. i don’t know, it’s stupid. of course i should be able to change in front of my girlfriend of almost two years.” you said while you let go of alessia to look into her eyes.
“baby, it’s not stupid the way you feel. i just want you to know that i love you and i love every single thing about you. i love your eyes, your smile, how you look and oh my god, have you seen your body?” she said softly and you can’t help but smile a little. “if you don’t feel comfortable to change in front of me, i won’t stop you. but i want you to feel comfortable with me, no matter what. i don’t care what other people say or think and you shouldn’t either. because you are more perfect than anyone else. okay?” alessia continued.
all you could do was just stare at your girlfriends. you realised where she was coming from with all of this, but to be honest, it made you feel better. she was right, the only opinion you really cared about was hers, and you knew how much she loved you.
“i know, i just feel so self conscious and insecure sometimes. i wish i didn’t but i can’t help but being affected by it.” you answered.
“you know love, those things you are self conscious about, are some of the things i love the most you.” she said as she once again gave you one of her famous “lessi bear hugs”.
“yeah i know less, thank you so much.” you said hugging her back. after some time you finally let go of each other and you felt truly safe and loved by the striker. you took a deep breath and actually felt comfortable enough to change in front of your girlfriend.
all alessia could do was looking at you with the proudest smile ever. she was happy that her little side mission had worked out the way she wanted to, that you felt better about yourself and also felt more comfortable around her.
what took her by surprise though was that you for the first time in a long, long time didn’t cover up your freckles with makeup. all you did was curling your eyelashes and put on some mascara. alessia once again looked at you with the biggest and proudest smile as well as heart eyes. oh, that girl was head over heels for you.
“you’re so beautiful, my girl.” alessia said with a grin.
when you 20 minutes later arrived at leah’s house and went to knock on the door, it was instantly opened by a not super happy looking leah.
“how dare you not put as number 1 and not even number 2, but 3 on your list, miss?” she said while giving you a stern look, but you could hear the teasing in her voice.
“told you…” alessia whispered in your ear lowly, with a laugh. “i’ll leave the two of you to figure this out.” she continued and walked into great the rest of the team.
“well hello to you too leah…” you laughed. “i guess i just don’t love you as much as less.”
“okay that’s fair BUT YOU PUT FRIDA OVER ME??” leah shouted.
“well, if it makes you feel any better, i almost put frida above lessi. but then i wouldn’t have had a place to sleep in.” you laughed.
after some back and forth you finally settled on a fair ranking where, spoilers, leah ended up as your number 1. then leah finally let you into her house and let you in with a happy smile over a face so you could greet the other arsenal players there.
the night was amazing, just what you needed. you felt safe around alessia and her teammates and you didn’t feel like you were in the way and disturbing them. they made you laugh all the time, and now the crinkles by your eyes didn’t bother you anymore.
even if alessia’s mission was accomplished, she didn’t stop reminding you how much she loved you. everything about you. that the little things you were subconscious about, made you to the amazing person that you were and the person alessia loved so much.
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binniesbooks · 1 month
hi fayebae(again), clearly our convo from insta got to my head, once again feeding ur soobin delulu(that's what I'm here for) bf!soobin x reader! (soobin and reader is dating and are living together)
it was mayb a few days before your cycle, which meant that you were hornier than usual. you waited for soobin to get home from work until you fell asleep. let's say your horny thoughts were really apparent as while you were having wet dreams, your moans were also happening in real time. and that's what soobin came back to. you moaning his name, asking him to fuck you deeper.
soobin couldn't hold back his thoughts either, and ended up joining you in bed. he starts leaving kisses along your prominent jawline, which he loved so much, until he reached your mouth, giving you soft pecks to wake you up from your slumber.
you were shocked when you realized that everything happening in your dream was happening to you in real time.
"wanna tell me what you were dreaming of? i heard you moaning my name and I want in on it." soobin said
(you alr know!! SMUT SMUT SMUT LETS GO hehe i hope it awakes smth in you gahh <33) enjoy~
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SB 000 .F23 2024
wc 2.9k
pairings officeworkerbf!Soobin x ovulatingfem!reader
warnings slight fingering, edging, marking, breeding kink, cum play, mention of marriage (+ anything I've missed)
faye's note this would be special for my fellow moas who has sharp features like me. (I think this fic would come out a little bit biased than the others, please don't roast me 😖 I have a prominent jawline, and she's just feeding my delusions these past few weeks 😭😂) I just had to do it. Nevertheless, I hope you still enjoy this one, please just disregard the personalized features 😖😖😖)
"Bin, seriously! My back hurts so damn much," you groaned as you tried massaging your back for the nth time today.
Your body has been aching for a while now as your cycle was nearing. And there were no other symptoms to check, other than your aching lower back and a pounding headache.
Soobin was panicking, again. He doesn't know what to do first. Should he check on the food that he was cooking, answer the ringing phone, or attend to your needs?
You chuckled as you watched him pace around, not knowing what to do.
"Turn off the stove first, loverboy. Then answer the phone." You were now sprawled out on the couch. You tried your best to stretch, straighten, and relax your back. It just felt like you were being torn into two.
"Yes, I sent it already. All right. Let's check it tomorrow." Soobin was speaking to someone on the phone. Maybe his manager?
"Is something wrong?" you asked when he hangs up.
Soobin hums, sitting down on the couch in the free space just above your head.
"I think my manager misplaced, no, probably deleted the file I sent him," he said, gently stroking your hair.
You moved up a bit, making his thigh a makeshift pillow as you nuzzled your face against his abdomen.
"You're gonna go out early tomorrow then?" Your voice muffled with his shirt as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
"Looks like it," he sighs. "Lay on your stomach, I'll give you a massage," he adds.
"Dun' wanna," you pout, burying your face more in his abdomen.
"Come on, little bun," he coos, still running his fingers through your hair.
You eventually gave up. Especially since you were feeling so sore and achy in your lower back. Soobin gave you a massage just enough to ease the pain in your back. Not too much pressure, not too little.
After eating dinner and watching him do the dishes—he doesn't want you to do it, of course—you trudged your way to the bathroom. You wanted a warm bath. And a warm bath should be shared by two, right?
"Soobin," you warned. Soobin was planting wet kisses on your shoulder as you two were soaked in the water. The tub is overflowing as you two move.
"Yes, little bun," he answered innocently as he grinned.
"I wanted to relax," you said, rolling your eyes as you leaned on his chest, your head resting on his shoulder.
"Relax then. I know you're cycle is near, I just want you closer to me," Soobin muttered under his breath as he wrapped his arms around you. Your eyes were closed, relaxed from the steam coming from your warm bath, until you felt a wet, cold, slimy thing touch your skin.
"Hmm, Soob..." Your voice came out soft and whiny.
Soobin continued kissing and licking your shoulder. His kisses became open-mouthed as they traveled up to your neck.
"Fuck, Bin h-hah..." you squirmed, clutching his hand that was wrapped around you, tilting your head sideways to give more access to your neck.
"Ahh!" You yelped as you felt him sucking on your skin. His tongue is dancing across the red mark on your neck, his teeth grazing your skin.
"Bin, please..." He knows you want more. He could feel it. Five years of dating isn't nothing, he totally knows you now. What you want and what you don't.
Soobin pulled away, rubbing the mark with his finger. "Let's go and dry up, we might end up catching a cold," he announced.
"Soobin!" You screamed when he got out of the tub and grabbed the towels. He was silently smiling to himself. He got you all worked up, only leaving you wanting more.
After slipping on your pajamas, you quickly buried yourself in bed. Creating a huge distance between the two of you, pouting at what he just did.
Soobin stretched his hand out to reach your waist, trying to pull you closer. You swat his hand and place your pillows between the two of you. "Don't get any closer, I hate you," you pouted. Soobin only chuckled at you. He didn't move, and you fell into a deep slumber.
You woke up with a warm feeling on your cheeks. You snuggled closer to what you thought was your pillow, but weren't pillows supposed to be soft? They are in no way hard at all. You couldn't remember a time when you had a hard and warm pillow.
You opened your eyes to meet a shirtless man—your boyfriend. You were snuggled close to him, with his arm acting as your pillow. But his arm wasn't on your waist, it was just laying on his own waist.
"Hey Mr. Bunny, didn't I tell you not to get close to me?" You gently poked his chest, causing him to groan as he woke up.
"Hmm?" Soobin hums, clueless as to what was happening.
"I said, I told you not to get close to me, and you're even shirtless," you nagged.
"Excuse me, Miss Ma'am, you were the one who snuggled close to me, in this hot season at that." He yawns, his voice deep, hoarse, and sleepy.
"Why would I do that?" You questioned, still angry about last night.
"You don't believe me, don't you?" he chuckled, "Check the CCTV."
Your eyes flew towards the CCTV on the corner ceiling, flashing a small red light, almost invisible to bare eyes. You clicked your tongue, you know that CCTV footage could stand as big evidence.
"I hate you, Bin," you muttered, burying your face in his neck as you ran your hands along his fairly toned chest and abs before wrapping your arms around his waist.
"Mhm, I love you too, little bun," he said, planting a soft kiss on the top of your head.
"What do you want for breakfast?" You asked, still feeling his body warmth radiating off of him.
"Little bun, I want some morning sex," he whispered, gently stroking your hair.
"Don't joke around like that. You're not the one to want those types of things." You pinched his waist as he chuckled, wincing from your pinch.
"You need to get up now, you're going out, right? I'll cook something for breakfast real quick." You sat down on the edge of your bed, fixing your hair. Soobin only sprawled his whole body on the bed. "Wake me up when breakfast is ready, I still want to sleep." His lips were pouty as he uttered his plea.
You gently tapped Soobin's shoulder to wake him up. "Bin. Wake up now, you're gonna be late," you whispered. Soobin grunts and only stirs for a bit before continuing to sleep.
"Loverboy, wake up now." You dipped your head down, kissing his shoulder.
Soobin's eyes flutter with your warm lips touching his fair skin. He smiles to himself, realizing you're giving him shoulder kisses.
Soobin turns, pulling you in for a kiss and a tight hug. Getting up to start preparing for the day.
"I'll get going now, little bun. Take care of yourself, 'mkay? I love you, sweetie," Soobin kissed the tip of your nose before closing the front door. You heard the car engine switch up and the faint sound as he drove away.
You plopped down on the couch, watching your favorite show, when your doorbell rang.
It's not Soobin, you're sure. He never rings the doorbell.
You peeked outside from the window, and you saw a delivery guy standing in front of your house. You open the door slightly, keeping the chain lock intact, just to be sure. You don't want your boyfriend to come home and find you dead.
"Ma'am there's delivery for Mr.... Choi Soobin?" The delivery guy reads the package. It was a small box. "Please sign here as you receive the package," he added.
You thanked the delivery guy and watched him stride away before locking your door.
You sat on the couch once again, turning off the TV as you searched for a cutter or a pair of scissors in the drawer just beside your couch.
You carefully cut the package. It's not yours, but Soobin never questioned you, even when you kept opening his packages. At least he knows it's safe.
You opened the small box, and a shiny little piece of jewelry was neatly sitting inside the box. Your initials and his surname were written in small letters, on a pendant.
You smiled, chuckling to yourself as you wore the necklace and took a picture of yourself. Your jawline was prominent as you looked sideways, taking multiple shots to send him.
Loverboy <3
You: I just received a package, loverboy. I love you :* [5 image attached]
Loverboy: Oh, I even forgot that. That's supposed to be my gift to you, but it was shipped so late. It looks pretty on you, little bun. You're so pretty. I love you so much :)
You felt so excited wearing the necklace, however, your shared apartment always felt empty whenever Soobin was out. It was boring. It was plain. It was just a building whenever he was out—a complete contrast to a home whenever he was with you inside.
After you've completed the chores you were supposed to do, eating your late lunch, and sneaking in an ice cream, the food coma kicks in.
You felt so sleepy, so you headed inside your room. "I'm just gonna take a small nap and wait for him," you muttered, scrolling through your phone to shake off your sleepiness.
You stopped scrolling when you saw a video in your gallery—it was Soobin, and it was a mirror shot. He's shirtless, only wearing his work slacks, and you were on his lap, his dress shirt only draped over your shoulder.
And you were reminded once again about last night. How he kept on fueling your heat only to leave you unsatisfied.
Your ovulation wasn't helping either. Feeling a lot more horny than usual. Especially with your boyfriend being as hot as freshly made bread.
You're body felt on fire as you clicked the video, he was moaning as you kept grinding above him. You played it so many times that it even served as a lullaby to you, slowly lulling you to sleep.
You didn't know how long you were asleep. It was only supposed to be an afternoon nap, but you haven't woken up yet. You didn't even notice the sound of the engine turning off in your garage. Nor the click of the key on the front door. And even the opening of the door to your bedroom.
Soobin watched your sweaty figure sleeping on the bed. Your brows are creasing, your fingers are twitching, and you are clutching the sheets. Small whines and soft whimpers are coming out of your mouth.
His eyes caught the phone warning for a low battery. Soobin swiped on the phone, almost throwing it back to the bed with how hot the phone was. The short video is on replay.
"Soobin..." His head snaps towards your figure as he watches you squirm.
"B-bin... More. N-need you..." You were whimpering. Soobin felt his tiredness suddenly melt away as he felt his cock twitch underneath his pants.
"Please... Deeper ohh, fuck..." Your moans were so soft that they made his stomach twist. You sounded so subby.
Soobin sat beside your sleeping figure, gently caressing your cheeks. Carefully putting away your hair strands, that were stuck against your sweaty forehead.
"Mmmph!" Your head turns to the side, as you rub your thighs together.
Soobin couldn't hold it any longer either. He dipped his head down, kissing your exposed and prominent jawline.
This was only one of the things he really loved about you. Your unique features. Your sharp facial feature completely contrasted with your soft heart.
Your breathy moans made the hair on his nape stand up, it felt too arousing for him. Especially how your lips were being caught between your teeth as you kept on clutching on the sheets.
Quickly slipping out of his buttoned shirt, he bends down once again, gently grabbing both of your wrists to pin them above your head as he continues to kiss your jawline. Soobin left pretty marks on the junction of your neck and shoulder, making him more worked up as your moans got more high-pitched.
His lips move back to your jawline, and he pulls back a little to hover above you, giving you small pecks on your lips as he slowly grinds above you. His hard and throbbing cock felt choked inside his pants.
Your eyes flutter open, grunting at the heavy feeling. Your eyes are meeting his pretty ones.
"Wanna... Wanna tell me what're you dreaming about, little bun? Hm?" Soobin asked, staring down at you, brushing his tongue over his red lips.
"You keep on moaning my name, it's making me feel aroused, you know," he grunts, bucking his hips.
"B-bin?" Your eyes widened, realizing this was not a dream. The real deal was already in front of you, no, above you, rather.
"Yes, pretty. The owner of the name you k-kept on moaning, hah..." His hips started rolling again as his eyes caught the dainty chain wrapped around your neck. "You look beautiful, it suits you," he muttered, barely above a whisper.
"Please," you whined, feeling his hardness pressing on you.
"You don't have to beg this time, I'll gladly give it to you." Soobin pressed on your wrists above your head with only a single hand, while the other travels down your body, feeling your curves.
"My beautiful lady." You bit your lower lip as you looked at him in the eye, doe eyes pleading for more intimate skin contact.
"L-let's get married, soon. I n-need you to carry my babies," he stutters as blush crept on his cheeks.
You nodded, wanting to be with him forever and build a family together.
"Are you on the pill?" he asked, unzipping his pants with a single hand.
"N-no," you whispered. "There's a condom in the draw--"
"Can we do it raw? Fuck, please." His hand is now pulling your pajama shorts away. "Please, baby. Let's do it raw, please," he begs.
You felt the swirl of butterflies in your stomach. You haven't seen this side of Soobin yet. It feels new yet excitingly familiar. Being with Soobin, he had always practiced safe sex. Begging you to take the pill every time and always check to see if there's still a condom left.
"O-okay loverboy. Let's have it your way." You smiled at him, nodding.
Soobin lets go of your wrists, making you wrap one hand around his nape and the other on his back.
"You can be as wild as you want, bun."
Soobin slides in slowly, making you feel raw for the first time. It felt so different. You could feel every vein and curve of his cock. His warm shaft felt hot inside your wet cunt. Your head thrown back to the pillow as he pushes, reeling in the new feeling.
"H-hah! Fuck, S-soobin!" You let out a wanton moan.
"Mhhmp!" he buried his face in your neck as he thrust slowly, loving the new and raw feeling too.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, as you pulled him impossibly closer to you as your other hand clawed on his back.
"Hell..." Soobin winces at the pain from your nails clawing against his back. Maybe it was just him, but they felt sharper against his skin. Multiple long red marks are now visible on his back.
His thrusts were painstakingly slow. He was obviously living in the moment.
His lips and tongue wander on your skin once again. Leaving wet kisses and hickeys along your shoulder and chin. One of his hands sits under your head, holding you still. The other carefully massaging your mound.
"Lil bun... Baby..." he whispers, his pace slowly getting a bit faster.
Your answers turned out to be moans, whines, whimpers, and groans. You couldn't form coherent words.
"Will," he pauses, giving you one harsh thrust. "Will you marry me?"
You were lucky you could even let out a chuckle after receiving a harsh thrust.
"W-will you marry me, y/n?" He asked once again, his thrusts became harder and faster.
"Fuck, ahh! Y-yes!" You held his arm tight, jaw clenching at his fast pace.
"Mmmph! Ahh.." he tried muffling his moans by keeping his mouth closed and just letting out breathy moans.
"B-bin, I'm c-close..." You whined, your hands flying towards your mouth to cover it.
"Be loud," he commands, prying both of your hands away from your mouth.
One more harsh thrust pushed you to the edge, cumming and creaming on his cock, as a wanton moan of pleasure and overstimulation washed over you.
The hot and sloppy feeling made Soobin reach his own orgasm, spurting inside your walls.
He sweeps his hair back, still thrusting inside you from time to time, making sure you'll carry his babies.
Soobin pulls out, some of your mixed essences spilling through your hole. Soobin swipes a glob of it.
He then grabbed one of your hands, swiping the glob of cum on your ring finger in a circular manner.
"I'll ask again, will you marry me?" he chuckled.
"You're really dirty, Choi Soobin, but yes," you answered, smiling ear to ear, still catching your breath.
"Let's see who's the dirty one," he taunts as he swipes his finger once again on your seeping hole, making you suck on his digits.
"My pretty and dirty wife," he smirked as you looked at him with eyes full of lust. Deliciously sucking every drop from his fingers.
@binniesbooks 2024
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synergysilhouette · 10 months
Everyone keeps talking about "traditional villains," but in retrospect, I wish Disney had gone in a different direction for the Revival Era. Hear me out...
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King Magnifico's failed characterization and poor writing in "Wish" really bummed me out. I was looking forward to a complex villain who was kinda right. I was hoping it could usher in a new age of Disney villains who were more grey than black and white, who made the characer grow as a person because they challenged their perspective. But then I realized that the opportunity existed in earlier revival-era villains:
Dr. Facilier is a villain first and foremost, though thinking back on it, I do think he is kinda proto-Magnifico, granting people's wishes, only for them to find that what they wanted isn't what they expected. I do wish he tied a bit of truth in with his scams, mentioning (similar to Magnifico) how people's dreams are very difficult to achieve--especially in the post-WWI American South, particularly POC. Naveen is generally assumed to be a POC himself, so he could juxtapose this viewpoint as someone who's never really had to experience such hardships. Dr. Facilier could still be 100% villainous, but further emphasis on dreams, wishes, and hard work would be part of his character. However, this is the reverse of "Wish"; Tiana has already worked hard, but she's lost a lot of her innocence and light-heartedness trying to achieve it, thus causing her to reevaluate how important love is and how she may not have realized it, being more practical about her dreams. It all starts with a wish.
Mother Gothel was already right; the world can be dark and cruel, and will destroy any light it finds. However, similar to Magnifico, since she's completely evil, the protagonist she goes against doesn't really change to understand what she's saying. Rapunzel doesn't see the world as dark or dangerous anymore; it's the opposite, thanks to her experiences. Because of this, I do wish Rapunzel did have a bit more negative experiences independent of Gothel to prove Gothel's point rather than it being "hey, she's just saying that because she's the villain." Maybe Rapunzel tries healing someone and people start lusting after her hair.
Hans is DEFINITELY a missed opportunity. He was the anti-Anna; isolated and alone, and he became bitter and cruel because of it. It's mentioned that the deleted song "More than Just the Spare" was removed because it made Anna too much like Hans. I don't think that, and if anything, it furthers my point: Hans gave up on his brothers, who he felt overlooked by and pestered by (he doesn't even mention his parents). Maybe give Hans less brothers and feature them a little in the movie so we can see how they interact with Hans and how it's a "what could be" for Anna and Elsa. His evil character is exactly what Anna is trying to avoid, but she understands how he became this way rather than it simply being for shock value.
Yokai was a great villain to me, but the reveal happened too late. I'd have loved seeing a more thorough exploration of his character and parallels to Hiro (which were done great in the film; I just wish it was expanded on). Highlight how people quickly forget about the dead and don't always learn from history, how there's this cycle of loss and hatred that you have to break.
Bellweather was on a power trip, but I do wish she had a storyline similar to Judy and Nick, since--in an interesting twist--they come off as more interesting and complex than the villain. She doesn't really say what made her act like this, and comments that "fear always works." I wish we got more of that, especially to play the two sides card; Zootopia is mainly predator-phobic, and challenges to this, ie predators playing down predator-related crimes in order to get people to look past their identity (and the fact that many predators are in positions of power) may have caused Bellweather's abuse by predators to be overlooked, causing her to want them all gone.
Te Ka is interesting. Despite "Moana" being a great film, I do feel like Te Ka and Maui's storyline was underutilized. It's revealed Maui stole Te Ka's heart for humans, but from what we see, Moana lives in this ideal community where their heritage, culture, and nature is loved and respected. Maybe embrace the fact that Tala is the only one who tells the story of the ancestors and how being they became "comfortable" since they were no longer voyagers, being used to the hierarchy and their stagnant society. Highlighting some humans' selfish natures would've been nice rather than Maui just telling us about it, with Te Ka being a metaphor for the destruction and disregard for nature and love.
Namaari is such a missed opportunity. Despite caring about her community, she comes off as more villainous than an antihero since she doesn't show any sympathy or care for Raya--in fact, she seems rather smug about hurting her. By making her a villain burdened by expectations and love for Fang while slowly being redeemed would've been better to me, shifting her POV slowly, making Raya angry with Namaari but understanding her motives. Having some regret about her choices--even if she believed they were the right ones--would've gone a long way for Namaari's characterization.
Magnifico...well, you already know he could've been one of Disney's most complex villains. Horrifying backstory and powers that are the result of hardwork left him with a jaded view on wish granting. He wants to help others, but has MANY reservations about it.
This is just my POV, of course; some of you may disagree (or feel like the aforementioned villains already achieved what I ask for), but I do hope future Disney villains have that "they're kinda right, even if they're wrong" characterization. It'd be a nice new era as the successor to traditional villains and twist villains--though just like twist villains, this trope requires VERY good writing.
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lemoncrushh · 3 months
Fratboy Harry - Part 3
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Summary: Harry Styles was a boy with a reputation, one that you couldn’t care less about. Yet one night at a frat party changed everything.
Warnings: Smut, drinking, angst, a very cocky Harry. 18+ ONLY!!
Part 3 Word Count: 2319
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Five days. Five fucking days since the party.
When you and Harry had walked out of the bedroom together, nobody had seemed to notice, though you could feel the heat rising to your face. You'd exchanged numbers and Harry'd promised to call. Even then you'd taken his words with a grain of salt, acting nonchalant when you'd caught up with your friends and waved goodbye.
Then he'd texted you. That night. He'd claimed he was just making sure you'd gotten home alright, but you couldn't help but feel elated. You'd texted back and forth until you could barely keep your eyes open. He was really funny and made you laugh and feel at ease. You didn't want to get your hopes up, but you thought you could really like him.
Then nothing.
There was no phone call or text the next day. Okay, one day, no big deal. He might have been busy, you told yourself. The next day, Monday, still nothing. Same for the day after that, and the day after that. By Thursday you decided to just text him yourself.
One little word but waiting for a response was agony. After starring at your phone for thirty minutes, you laid it face down on the bed and returned to your homework. Halfway through a History chapter, you heard your phone buzz. You sat up straight and reached for it, turning it over to see Harry's name displayed.
You narrowed your eyes. Just hey? No how are you, how've you been? No explanation as to why he hasn't called? Had he deleted your number and now couldn't even remember your name? You wanted to punch him through the phone, but you kept your calm.
How are you?
Ok. Been busy.
Oh. With school?
Yeah. Lots of homework and studying.
Okay, fine, you could relate to that. You'd been doing your share of studying too. But how hard is it to pick up the phone? Especially after the night you'd shared. You felt a sick feeling in your stomach as you texted back.
Yeah me too.
You watched the three dots come up indicating Harry was typing. You half expected him to brush you off, but you were surprised when you read what came up.
There's supposed to be another party this weekend. Are you going?
What? How were you going to respond to that? Was he asking you to go? Was he implying he'd like for you to? You decided to play it cool.
I'm not sure. Are you?
I don't know yet. I might.
You had no clue what else to say. But Harry's next text felt like a kick in the gut.
Maybe I'll see you there?
Your chest shook as you let out a breath. You stared at your phone. You thought you might throw up.
You didn't bother to wait for a response. You threw your phone back on the bed and finished your homework, though you could barely concentrate.
It was definitely a brush off.
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"I don't know," said your best friend Mandy as she scrolled through your phone. "I don't think it's necessarily a brush off."
You and Mandy sat on a bench as she read over your text conversation with Harry. She was the only other person who knew what happened, but only because she was your best friend and because she'd practically begged you to give her the juicy details. Now you were regretting that decision.
"Of course it is," you rolled your eyes, grabbing your phone from her hands.
"I mean, he asked if you were going to the party. That has to count for something."
"It counts for shit," you scoffed. "He's probably just asking if I'm going so he can avoid me and hook up with some other girl."
Mandy shook her head leaning toward your phone. "Where the hell did you get that from? I don't see that."
"It's called reading between the lines, Mandy."
She glared at you for a second. "You're such a skeptic. Maybe he's just been busy, like he said. Look, he even added a thumbs up at the end."
You narrowed my eyes at her. The thumbs up emoji had been Harry's final text after you'd thrown your phone down. It was ridiculous and didn't mean a damn thing to you. You sighed, tossing your phone in your bag.
"It's my own fault. I knew what kind of guy he was. I shouldn't have expected anything more."
"So..." Mandy hesitated. "Are you going to the party?"
You shook your head. "I doubt it."
"Pleeeeease! For me?"
Mandy was a party girl. If there was a party going on, she knew about it, and usually dragged you with her. But you just weren't feeling it this time.
"I don't think so, Mandy. Sorry."
"Fine," Mandy threw her hands up. "Do what you want." She stood up, pulling her backpack over her shoulder. "Let me know when you hear from him so I can say I told you so."
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You sat at the end of the sofa, a beer in your hand as the bass from the stereo pounded in your ears. You couldn't believe Mandy had talked you into going to the party. She had run into some guy she knew from one of her classes within the first ten minutes and you hadn't seen her since. Your other friends that had joined you the weekend before had opted out of this shindig, and you'd wished you'd done the same. You didn't know anyone else here. You hadn't run into Jimmy, so you weren't sure if he'd made it. But more importantly, there was no sign of Harry.
You'd kind of planted yourself on the couch as a way to avoid walking around and mingling, but the truth was, you were afraid to run into him if he was there. As you sipped the last of your beer however, you knew you could no longer stay seated. You had to pee.
While you were washing your hands, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You figured it was Mandy either asking where you were, or telling you she was getting a ride home. You grabbed it, swiping the screen without checking the name. You were surprised when a text from Harry popped up.
Are you at the party?
You resisted texting back, what's it to ya? Instead you just said yes.
Where are you?
Huh? At the party.
I mean where in the house? I can't find you.
You felt a little flutter in your belly. He was looking for you?
Oh ok.
You quickly finished up before opening the door. On the other side of the narrow hallway, Harry stood with his arms crossed, leaning back against the wall, his signature smirk on his face. You shook your head, unable to stop your mouth from grinning.
"Reckoned you might have gone outside," he commented.
"I don't pee outside," you shot back.
Harry threw his head back laughing. "That's not what I meant."
"What did you mean?" you asked, stepping back to let a couple people walk through. Harry walked around to stand next to you.
"I meant outside on the deck. Like last time."
"Oh." You were glad it was semi-dark in the hallway so he couldn't see you blushing.
"How long have you been here?" Harry inquired.
"About an hour or so," you replied. "What about you?"
You braced yourself, prepared to hear him say he'd been there a while. He didn't look drunk yet, but that didn't mean anything. He could have just come from the bedroom. You swallowed back the bile in your throat that rose up when you imagined it.
"Just got here," said Harry, immediately reaching for your hand. "C'mon let's get a drink."
"Wait, what?" you pulled on his arm, causing him to stop and look and you.
"A drink," he gestured toward the kitchen. "Don't you want one?"
"No," you shook your head. "I mean...you just got here?"
"Yeah," he shrugged. "Well, a few minutes ago."
"And you texted me?"
Harry smirked again. "After I wandered around a bit looking for you."
Your face lit up. "You did?"
"Then I remembered I had your number. C'mon."
You allowed Harry to pull you through the crowd to the kitchen. A smaller crowd had settled there and a few people gave Harry high-fives or fist bumps when he entered. You recognized them from the last party, but you still didn't know their names.
You watched Harry grab the bottle of tequila and your stomach churned.
"No shots for me tonight," you held up your hand. "I'm not really feeling it."
"No?" Harry raised a brow. "Alright then. What would you like?"
"Anything else is fine."
Harry nodded, filling two cups with ice. You weren't a hundred percent sure why you didn't want a shot. The knowledge that Harry had come looking for you first thing made you happy. But there was still the fact that he hadn't bothered to get in touch with you all week, and when you'd finally made the move he'd been stand-offish. What was so different about tonight? Was it just the party atmosphere that made him want to be with you?
"Cheers," announced Harry as he handed you a cup.
You smiled softly, bringing it to your lips. Whatever it was, it tasted good.
"Let's go outside," Harry suggested.
You followed him out onto the deck that was lit though the sky was pitch black. A handful of people were gathered around a small table smoking, so you and Harry walked to the far corner next to the railing. As you lifted your cup to take another drink, you immediately felt Harry's hand on your waist. You noticed he placed his glass on the edge of the wood railing before sliding his other hand around your waist and pulling you closer to him.
"Harry..." you muttered.
"Hmm?" he sounded as he lifted a hand and pulled your hair off your neck. You caught your breath with his lips met your skin.
Your eyelids fluttered as he continued to leave soft kisses on your neck. But you knew where this was headed. You needed to show restraint.
"Harry," you said again. "Wha-what are you doing?"
You tried to step closer to the edge of the deck, but Harry only closed in the space himself, his body up against your back as you gripped the railing.
"I'm devouring your delicious neck," he replied between kisses.
You cleared your throat, finally turning around to face him, despite his hold on you. However, Harry took it as an invitation to place his mouth on yours, literally taking your breath away. The meeting of your tongues sent an electric charge throughout your body, and your hands involuntarily slid up his chest. You felt it vibrate under your fingers as he chuckled against your mouth.
"Been thinking about me, haven't you?" he smirked when he released you from the kiss.
"What?" you asked incredulously.
"All week."
You furrowed your brows, not exactly sure what he was getting at. Was he being cocky?
"I...um..." you stumbled.
"It's okay," Harry added. "I've been thinking about you, too."
"Really." It was a statement, not a question.
"Yes, really."
His hands still around your waist, he pulled you closer, easing his fingers into your back pockets.
"Can't wait to feel you again," he murmured in your ear.
Pushing him back with the palms of your hands, you glared up at him and shook your head.
"I think I should go," you declared.
Harry's expression shifted drastically. "What? Why?"
"I see where this is headed," you explained, backing out of his arms. "I'm not that girl."
"Not what girl? What are you talking about?"
"I don't come to parties to hook up, Harry."
"Neither do I," he shrugged.
You pursed your lips and glared at him again.
"I don't," he said. "That's not my intention."
You scoffed. "It wasn't your intention to get me into bed last weekend?"
"No," he shook his head. "But it was amazing, and I'd like to do it again."
He took a step closer to you, reaching out but you backed further.
"Ugh," you rolled your eyes. "You're unbelievable."
"Y/N, c'mon, what's wrong? I thought you liked me."
"I did!" you exclaimed. Here it was. The word vomit. You were about to let him have it. "In fact, I liked you a lot, Harry. You actually texted me that night when I got home, I couldn't believe it! I thought maybe this was going somewhere, or had the possibility of going somewhere. Then you let five fucking days go by without a word. I finally had to text you, and you claimed you were busy."
"I was!" Harry nearly shouted.
You rolled your eyes. "Whatever."
"Y/N, I swear, I was! I had a big test yesterday that I was cramming for. I thought I was gonna fail the class. I was nervous as hell. I spent every waking moment studying. When you texted me, I was studying."
"So was I," you remarked. "But I still made time to pick up the phone."
Harry dropped his head and his shoulders. "I'm sorry. But I swear to God it's the truth."
You swallowed hard. You wanted to believe him, but right then you just couldn't.
"I'm going home," you announced.
Harry lifted his head, a frown on his face.
"Please don't," he whispered.
"Yeah," you nodded. "I'm not much in the party mood anyway."
When you turned around, you heard Harry sigh and curse under his breath. When you reached the back door, you looked over your shoulder at him. You felt your heart squeeze just a bit.
"Call or text me later...if you want," you said before walking in the house and leaving him on the deck.
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If you enjoyed, please like, comment, reblog or send me a msg!
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alicerosejensen · 6 months
I love your page so much omg. I‘m literally obsessed with your work😭🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Also I have this imagination in my mind going on about how Leon would try to help his girlfriend from recovering from her mental health issues since she’s always helping him. I was recently thinking about how he would react finding her not moving on the bathroom floor and trying to bring her back! I rewatched American horror stories and the scene with tate and violet in the first season episode 6 (ig?) is always in my head. I‘m still recovering from my past and my unhealthy habits and tbh recovery never felt better.
If this is too much for you or triggering please ignore this.🫶🏼❤️
I had a terrible period in my life when I was a few steps away from doing something like this in my life and unfortunately this shit often comes out. I'm not sure that such texts help me work through my psychological traumas, which were, in fact, inflicted on me and continue to be inflicted by close people who do not consider me a person, but at least such works help me to vent my pain, which I cannot permanently bury in myself.
I have been postponing this request for a long time because I was probably waiting for the right moment to write this text.
There are mentions of suicide, psychological trauma, severe self-doubt and anxiety, so if this is not acceptable to you, then please just block it.
Perhaps there is a similarity with my previous texts, but I am writing this with strong emotions now that I am trying to cope with it again.
the text is chaotic, I repeat, written while I was under the influence of strong heavy emotions. Maybe I'll delete it later, when my brain gets back to normal a little bit.
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If a songbird doesn't sing well, they wring its neck.
Maybe it was the costs of Leon's profession and the result of his constant missions, after which something human is gradually dying in him despite the constant struggle to save everyone. Raccoon City was supposed to teach, if not to survive, then make him begin to understand that some are doomed to die.
Leon Kennedy was taught not to offend, but to protect the weak, especially weak women. But it is difficult to calm the flow of disordered thoughts and put aside the fear that has seized him in order to clamp bloody wrists and apply something to them to stop the blood. Leon knew many strong women: Ada was perhaps the first among them, he did not know either her past or her real name, only the present that pushed their foreheads against each other; Claire, a fighting friend of misfortune that he met in that ill-fated city; Ashley, who turned from a baby eagle into a proud eagle; Angela Miller and others…
Your strength dissolves in the water, coloring it scarlet while your heart stubbornly still beats, let the rhythm noticeably shorten.
In truth, over the past few months it became clear that this was the only way out. When even your loved ones considered you an expired product and did not hesitate to remember this and remind you every time. In the end, their words turned into an obsessive worm that settled in your head, slowly day after day, month after month, devouring you and the circumstances seemed to be not in your favor. Instead of support, you somehow faced reproach, as if the universe was screaming that you were an wrong person, nature's mistake who had no right to live.
Escape attempts were doomed to failure. At first you tried to suppress it in yourself, helping Leon, because, in your opinion, he was the only one who had the right to complain about life, although he did not do this in front of you, because everyone said that you had no problems: you have everything limbs, there are no fatal diseases, all loved ones are healthy and there is a roof over your head, as if this is enough to not fall for nonsense and not walk around forever with a sad face.
This was the last time you shared your experiences. You didn’t even bother telling Leon, but everything inside was torn from constant pain. The feeling was as if you were being beaten by two extremes that led you to the edge of an abyss where you ultimately voluntarily jumped.
no, you really loved him, it was just other people’s words and your own speculation that convinced you, despite your strong relationship with him, that Leon would find someone better, someone more confident in himself, someone who would not be you because you had already missed the chance for a good life because it moved too slowly. Ultimately, a couple of sips of alcohol with sleeping pills and a sharp blade in his hands simply promised to correct the mistake in the form of you with your own hands.
You didn't have the courage to do it any other way.
But you really didn’t think that if you could try to open up to your loved one, you would meet support and not condemnation. Perhaps in a mad world he would be the only one who would heal your wounds as you healed him in your time. Leon clenched his teeth, feeling tears flowing down cheeks, seeing these crimson stains, when he pulled your body out of the bath, holding you close to him, repeating “I’m holding you. It's allright"
He so carefully laid you on his lap, managing to pull out a first aid kit and then bandages to tightly, albeit carelessly, wrap them around your wrist in order to somehow stop the bleeding. At least you were still breathing, thereby giving him hope that everything could still be fixed. the darkness and emptiness came to life, calling in a whisper to dissolve into eternal silence where there is no pain or condemnation. Your body will be in a grave under a gray stone, while the remains of your soul will float like a small grain of sand in infinity.
For Leon, everything happens in a fog; he tried more than once to save people, but he had no right to lose in this battle, even if you yourself surrendered to death. Shaking his head, brushing away the tears, he wrapped your body in a large terry towel, kissed your temple and picked you up, trying to somehow warm you, pressing you closer to him. the ability to provide first aid in the field and pull suicides out of the other world is not the same thing. Leon would have thanked God if he had believed in him, convinced that blood loss was the least of the evils that you had caused yourself, until he saw the remains of some substance at the bottom of the glass that stood on the table along with an almost full bottle of alcohol.
You really didn't give him a chance.
The ambulance took several minutes, which seemed like an eternity. In fact, Leon wasn't sure if it was worth trying to make you vomit when you'd already lost so much blood that it was already seeping through the bandages. Surely you would need a transfusion and Leon is ready to give you all his blood if only you would wake up. Holding his breath, he carefully looked at your chest, watching whether you were breathing and fortunately, your heart was still beating, slowly, but it was still fighting for life.
He stroked you on the head, kissed you, promised that he would take you somewhere else, quiet, where no one would dare to offend you, even if it was your family. You could have just asked him for help, just cuddled up to him and he would have protected you from other people’s attacks, but you preferred to remain silent. Kennedy was tired of waiting for the medical staff to let him in, although relatives should be allowed to see the patient first, but the position of a government agent sometimes had its advantages, and they concerned not only the high salary. When he was let in to you, it seemed to him that you had become half your size while you were lying on the bed, curled up under the blanket. It didn’t work out to pull off a beautiful suicide, which meant that soon angry relatives would come here with new sweat of bile especially for you. They won’t care about your feelings, but Leon sat down next to you, trying not to intrude too much into the space in which you imprisoned yourself, as if this blanket cocoon could be a separate world where you could hide. He spoke to you carefully, hating himself for not being able to understand in time what was wrong with your behavior; perhaps if he had been more attentive to you, the incident could have been avoided. You would see a psychotherapist, take a course of medication, and your environment would definitely be taken care of.
You cry, not letting him come to you, hating how you weren't just left to die and how much you hate this world. Hysteria after hysteria, nervous breakdown after nervous breakdown, in the hospital you repeatedly tried to commit suicide, but the attentive staff managed to prevent this before you inflicted fatal injuries on yourself, and if after some time Leon still managed to carefully break through your armor, then your loved ones This did not concern relatives in principle. You only allowed one person to visit you while you were undergoing psychological treatment and you behaved calmer and calmer, listening to the velvety words that soon all this would be behind you.
“We’ll go home soon,” Leon smiled, gently holding your hand and kissing your forehead, just glad that you’re alive, that you’re breathing and that your psycho-emotional state is slowly but improving. “You know, I have a surprise for you, I think you’ll like it when we get home.”
Soon what happened will become another nightmare in his life, a blessing with a good ending, but for the sake of this happy ending, Kennedy is ready to descend into hell at least every day.
You nod at him and smile a little, fearing that the gift is some kind of party on the occasion of your discharge. In fact, the last thing you want is to see someone’s faces, especially those who diligently hammered into your head how insignificant you are. Why do you even hope that the doctor will postpone your discharge, but the plans for your further treatment were completely different.
On the other hand, after taking antidepressants and psychological help in a special medical institution, how many men are ready to stay with their girlfriends who have been there for several months? For Leon, it seems this was not a significant problem, or he simply carefully did not show it. However, there were no parties, no calls, you simply returned now to his home where there were new interior items. it became somehow more comfortable... but something else surprised you.
Puppy. A small puppy of a couple of months old ran towards you and Leon to meet both of them, but stopped and began sniffing your shoes, while something thawed in your heart.
“Animals seem to help us well, They feel when we feel bad, it seems to me a good idea to get us a little companion,” Leon said quietly, stroking your back while you were busy with the puppy, rejoicing at the little living soul who will love you with the same pure and devoted love.
Ultimately it should have a happy ending too. Leon is ready to go to great lengths so that his beloved songbird starts smiling and singing happy songs again, even if it is necessary to remove other birds from her family who sleep and see how to pluck all her wings again.
You and he also have a chance for a happy ending.
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onceuponastory · 11 months
the day i lost you - bucky barnes x reader
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Still remember how you taste Somewhere in the bitter and the sweet dream Do you think of me standing in a summer haze? When we were gonna be okay? - january rain by PVRIS
Plot: In the aftermath of The Blip and her boyfriend Bucky turning to dust, Y/N finds a voicemail from him... sent the day she lost him. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader Warnings: Mentions of death, or at least Bucky is presumed dead (obviously we know Bucky isn't dead but we all thought he was after Infinity War, let's be honest) and grief. And of course, some angst. But as always, if I miss any triggers, please let me know. Notes: This is for @whumptober Day 24. I used the prompt: "Goodbye Note". I also combined it with the @angstober "The Day I Lost You" prompt. I was once again sad and listening to PVRIS as I wrote this, so now you can be too :)
Not beta'd, so any mistakes are my own.
Stepping over the threshold into her apartment, Y/N drops her bags to the floor with a tired groan. The rain still pounds down outside, the sound echoing through the building. As a personal assistant to Tony Stark himself, Y/N’s working life is extremely busy. And since The Blip, she’s busier than ever, constantly being pulled into meetings with little time for herself. For the past few weeks, she’s been away at a conference with the surviving Avengers, working on a solution to The Blip. This is the first time she’s had to breathe in about a year. And that also means it’s the first time she’s been home since it all happened, since her boyfriend and some of her best friends turned to dust.
And she’s never felt so alone.
Of course, Y/N knows that dating an Avenger, let alone the Winter Soldier himself, comes with its own risk. Especially the risk he may never come home. But although it’s always been at the back of her mind, seeping into her every thought whilst he’s away on a mission… Bucky came back safe so many times that the worry dissipated. Foolishly, she believed he was indestructible, and that he’d always come home to her.
Until he didn’t.
Tears spring at her eyes then, and she furiously tries to wipe them away. She’s done enough grieving over the last year. Enough hoping that he’s coming back, only to end up disappointed. There’s only so much pain you can take before you can’t go on anymore. And Y/N crossed that line a long time ago.
The red light on her answering machine blinks back at her, and she sighs, rubbing her temples and closing her eyes, hoping that when she opens them, the light will be gone. But no matter how hard she tries, it’s still there, and she groans. The last thing she wants to hear right now is more “I’m sorry to hear about Bucky” and “We understand how much it hurts, but he’s in our thoughts.” Nobody will ever understand how much it hurts. Even the other Avengers. 
Because Bucky isn’t just in her thoughts. He’s everywhere. He still occupies the empty space in her bed, his laughter still fills the halls, his singing echoing from the shower. He’s the whisper in the wind, the faint scent of his cologne whenever she enters a room, and that still clings to her clothing like a safety blanket. He’s the shiver up her spine, the faint feeling of a hand holding hers, an arm wrapped around her waist.
It’s like he never even left.
Y/N presses the button, bracing herself for the onslaught of messages to come. “Hey sweetheart. It’s me-” As soon as she hears her mother’s voice, Y/N deletes the message. She’ll deal with her and her incessant questions later. She means well, of course, they all do. But the last thing she wants is to be pestered, reminded of her pain over and over again. They may mean well, but there’s nothing they can do. There’s nothing anyone can do. The other message is boring, a message about her car’s extended warranty that gets deleted almost immediately.
But when she hears the voice in the next message, she collapses to her knees. “Hey doll.” Bucky speaks. It's the first time she’s heard his voice - actually heard it - since he left. As soon as she hears him speak, she can see the smile on his face, and hear the laughter in his tone. Her presence always brought a smile to Bucky's face, even on his worst days. Because he loves her. …Loved her.
Hearing Bucky’s voice again, so soon after losing him, causes all her pent-up emotions to erupt, a year's worth of pain spilling over. As the first of her sobs break through, Bucky’s voice continues. “Just checking in to see how you are and keep you updated. Steve and the others are here…”
“Why didn’t I answer the call? I could’ve stopped them!”
“... and we have a game plan now to stop this asshole. Before you know it, I’ll be back home in New York with you, my favourite girl.” Her chest heaves, and she sobs even harder. “I miss you so much, though. The guys keep pestering me about it, but I don’t care. I love you, Y/N, and I want the entire world to know.” That sends her over the edge. A painful, anguished wail rips through her, the sound filling the room. Y/N’s full body shakes, and she clutches at her chest. “I hope you’re doing well and staying out of trouble.” Bucky chuckles. “Keep me updated. But I’ll see you soon enough, anyway.” 
“Why didn’t I answer? Why didn’t I answer?!”
“I better go, Steve’s shouting at me. Think the mission is about to start.” 
Y/N sits up, trying to grab the phone to dial Bucky’s number and tell him she’s still here, that she still loves him. Hoping that he’s there on the other side, waiting for her.
“Bye doll. See you soon. Love you always.” And then, the line goes dead, the dull beeping noise going right through her. Picking up the phone, she dials Bucky’s number, holding it to her ear as her heart pounds.
“Please… please…” she begs. "Just answer me Bucky... please."
“Hey! This is Bucky. I can’t talk right now, and I don’t really know how these things work.” He chuckles, the sound forming a small glimpse of warmth in her belly, and Y/N even laughs softly too. She was there when he recorded that message, her best efforts to teach him the wonders modern technology still not sinking in. Not that it matters now, though. None of it does. She just wants him back. “So I guess if you leave a message, I’ll call you back?”
And he always called her back. Even if it was a day, a week or even a month late. Bucky always called her back. But he won’t call back. Not this time. 
She tries to speak, to say something, anything, to Bucky's voicemail. If there's even a chance he could hear it, she wants him to know how much she loves him, and how much she misses him. Yet she can't say anything through her tears.
When the call disconnects, Y/N sinks to her knees, huddling into a ball as the sobs rack through her entire body. 
She’s alone again. 
And she always will be.
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rainbowsky · 7 months
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Here's a bit more fandom history for everyone.
It's been a long time since I've heard this incident talked about, but I guess turtles are reminiscing a bit about the kind of things GG's fans subject him to, and this has come back up.
Back in 2019 when GG was in Nanjing for The Untamed fan meet, a hotel staff member left this adorable Jianguo pillow with a little note 'from Jianguo' wishing him success with the concert. GG clearly enjoyed it because he posted it on his Oasis.
At first shrimps were enjoying it because they assumed it was a shrimp who'd done it, but when they realized it was a turtle they freaked out and launched a major cyberbullying campaign against the turtle and flooded the hotel with hundreds of phone calls complaining and trying to get her fired. Some of them threatened to keep calling the hotel every day and overwhelm the phone lines until she was fired.
GG had no choice but to delete the photo. He replaced it with a solid black image, and put the line, "post whatever you want" in his profile.
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Just imagine how awful he must have felt, that his fans attacked and harassed a sweet fan who'd made him a lovely gift, nearly getting her fired - all from a post he made showing his appreciation for this cute, thoughtful gift.
If you wonder why GG and DD don't acknowledge turtles and why GG hasn't mentioned XFX by name in years, this is a bit of a clue as to why. GG especially has a lot of reason to be wary of being too personal and open with fans (and no doubt 227 didn't help with that at all). GG and DD know that acknowledging turtles will only harm them and lead to more hate and war from solos.
And GG has repeatedly said - including in his statement on the anniversary of 227, which was the first time he made a direct personal statement about it - that he doesn't believe anyone should identify as "I am ___'s fan."
"I want to tell my fans, everyone has the right to like and hate. No matter if you like or hate, it should be respected and allowed in their own spaces. Of course, this right should be based on rationality and not hurting other people, while following accurate values. I hope that my fans can understand that no matter what field or age, your personal likes and actions shouldn't cross the line or go against that field's ethics or morals. No matter if it's on the Internet or in real life, everyone should be responsible for their own actions. Even more, hope that none of us should be represented by the label 'xxx's fan.'"
GG realizes something that XFX can't seem to get through their heads: when you speak of "fans of Xiao Zhan," that is not synonymous with "XFX," no matter how much they would like everyone to believe that they're his only fan group. Actually, turtles are GG's fans also, as are all people who love and support GG, regardless of how they identify themselves and regardless of how deep or casual is their appreciation for him.
So pretty much ever since this era, and especially after 227, you never hear GG refer to his solo fandom by name. And I don't think that's because he has contempt or disregard for them (although I don't doubt he must harbor 'feelings' about everything they've put him through), rather I think it's because he wants to be inclusive toward all of his supporters, and not let it be thought that he doesn't appreciate everyone, regardless of 'affiliation'.
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cupofteainme · 6 months
So many weird choises with the social media plot. It didn't work for me for three reasons.
First: It's stupid
The royal court left Simon and Wille completely alone to deal with the media. The court with a massive PR-team relies on the troubled 16-year-old prince to keep his boyfriend's social media behavior in check. Okay. I guess everyone in the court were busy trying to bring some life into Ludvig while Kristina was too sad and no-one thought to give her pills before episode six 🥲 (good thing that hearing how bad parent she is cured her depression)
I read a theory that leaving Wille to handle Simon's social media was intentional on the court's part to drive a wedge between Wille and Simon. It's a good theory if you believe in the evil monarchy (I guess Lisa does). I didn't see any indication about it in the show though. In episode 3 after Simon posts the First of May photo, Farima tells Wilhelm, "Talk to him. Or we will." This makes me think that it was Wilhelm and Simon in the first place who denied the court to have any contact with Simon. That I can believe at some level.
Simon would want his autonomy, but I don't understand his naivety concerning social media, especially since he recently was a victim of a grave online violation and got unwanted attention because of it. I assumed that he was already laying low in regards to social media after the sex video.
Wille was trying to talk to Simon about not posting with sensitivity and he apologises that Simon must do accomodations because of his Crown Prince status. Why didn't Simon listen at all?
Second: It doesn't fit the narrative
I have a hard time understanding why Simon felt so erased after deleting his social media. It was never established in YR universe that social media meant so much to Simon unlike in the case of Felice, for whom it played a big part in season one. She used it to create a version of herself that she felt other people wanted to see. In YR posting on social media has often been about conveying an image: Felice at the stables despite not wanting to ride, August posing at the gym while suffering from eating disorder. It didn't fit the show's use of social media that an authentic person like Simon would feel so sad about deleting his account.
I got the impression that Simon used little social media. It was implied that it was for example his first song that he posted (he got a comment that was surprised he could sing). So social media hadn't been an outlet where he commonly shared his creativity. Simon seemed to be sorry to delete pictures of people he saw all the time anyway, family and close friends. It's not good storytelling that we didn't see any foreshadowing about Simon's feelings towards social media earlier in the show. 
Third: It breaks my heart
The part that actually makes me cry is that it was established in season one that Wille and Simon truly see each other despite their differences. Wille was the first one in Hillerska to treat Simon friendly and be interested in him and it made Simon feel special and seen. In the same way Simon saw Wilhelm as a person first rather than a prince. Isn't that a big part why we fell in love with their love? Isn't Wille the person that makes Simon feel seen and not strangers in his social media? 😭
There where so many things that created or could have created drama between them; the drugs, August, Micke, their different backgrounds, homophobia, classism. I don't think that Simon posting was a needed storyline in the show.
Sorry to be a complete romantic, but the way Simon looks at Wille from season one—I thought he'd happily toss his phone to the lake to finally be with this boy.
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sun-stricken · 9 months
Gray & Erza Hcs
someone sent in an ask about their friendship and i accidentally deleted it but you know who u are, this is for you
these two have so much angst potential
* Gray purposefully take the route to and from his house that passes the river even though it takes longer, just on the off chance Erza might be there
* She holds so much guilt for sending him into avatar, but everytime she tries to apologize for it the words get stuck and she cant
* Grays probably the only person Erza has ever offered a slice of her cake to, if only bc she knows he doesnt like cake and made it her personally mission to find one he does
* They are so stubborn
* Gray: You’re one of my best friends, I would do anything for you. 
Erza: I want you to eat 3 meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. 
Gray: Absolutely not.
* Their friendship is the type where they can sit in silence for hours and be completely comfortable just knowing the other is there
* Erza loves her guild, but if Gray died, if he left fairy tail, she would genuinely consider leaving as well
* her big sister instincts will always kick in the fastest with him
* She has an internal alarm that sounds every time Grays in trouble even if shes no where near him.
* Sometimes she’ll wake up in a cold sweat and text him in a panic asking him whats wrong
* it freaked him out so many times but hes grown so used to it that he’ll message her as soon as smth happens to forstall the panic
* He was her first real friend in fairy tail, so she has a soft spot and a bias of sorts for him, shes more likely to take his sides on things than not
* thats not to say she turns a blind eye to his chronic dumbassery, no she still will fully call him out on his bullshit, but shes more likely to call others out before him
* In turn, Gray is the one who calls her out on her behavior, people will go out of their way to find him just so he can talk to her bc shes less likely to kill him if he calls her out than anyone else
* He called her a hypocrite once and everybody started to mentally plan his funeral, then was in awe since she actually stopped what she was doing and apologized
* He will fight for what she wants even if he doesn’t necessarily agree with it. He is the first to defend her
* Hes also the first to put her in her place, he has never seen her as the great godly ‘Titiana’, he sees her a ‘Erza’, a teenage girl
* And honestly? she probably appreciates thats more than being seen as a sort of invincible god the public sees her as
* Allegedly, their are the two most ‘mature’ and put together people of the team. its a lie. an act. theyre not. not at all. They are so chaotic, especially together. when nobodies around they can be so dumb together and they cause so many problems. but nobody would believe you if you told someone
* They have an insane amount of respect for one another, more than the kind for friends and guild mates
* Gray isn’t actually scared of her, he plays it up for shits n giggles but at the end of the day less scared than he is cautious, he knows she’ll put him in his place but he is by no means scared of her.
* She knows this and its like their own little secret
* They refuse to go to the doctor, therapy, or anything such as that unless the other gets checked out too
* They get each other weapons for their birthdays, each one is better than the last
* They see a lot of themselves in each other, perhaps thats why they are so protective of one another
* Neither of them are the type to fully let down their walls, theyve never really felt truly and completely at ease with any one person. But the closest its ever been has been with each other
* trying to get them to do smth actually good for their health is like getting happy to never eat fish again.
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softxsuki · 1 year
Heyy, I have an urgent request. So I have an eating disorder (restrictive type anorexia) and it was caused because of my mom and how obsessed she was with my weigh and what I ate. I’m getting help but I’m relapsing so can I request Dabi x fem teen! Reader platonic who is struggling with this? Ty in advance! Have a nice day!
Dabi With Anorexic Reader (Platonic)
please don't read if you struggle with and E.D and reading about it will do you more harm than good. thx
Pairing: Dabi x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: mentions of anorexia, food, being thin, unrealistic weight goals, unhealthy relationship with food, some aggression from Dabi, toxic parents, mental health, trauma
Genre: Comfort??
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 630
Summary: In which Dabi finds out you've been starving yourself and tries to help you out in his own way
[A/N: Helloooooo. This was a tricky one because I can't imagine Dabi being soft and truly very helpful especially since he has his own issues, but I tried my best. Still not that great at writing for Dabi though, so if this triggers you or anything let me know and I'll delete it right away. Hopefully you enjoy it though :) ]
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Dabi is blunt, he says things as he sees them and he doesn’t hold back
Having his own problems though, he’s definitely not the person you should go to for help about anything
But you were friends and after noticing how thin you were getting, he had some suspicions
“What’s up with you?” He’d gruffly ask, noticing how sickly you looked
You’d try to play it off, but he pushes you for an answer, he’ll make sure he gets one
You were like a little sister to him, someone he wanted to protect, yet you looked like you were going through a tough time
Knowing he’d never relent unless you give in and express what you’ve been going through, you tell him
“Just trying to lose some weight, no need to be worried”
Yeah, telling him not to worry isn’t gonna cut it. He’s flabbergasted that as thin as you are, you’re saying right to his face that you’re trying to lose weight
For the first time in his life, he tried holding himself back, not wanting to blow up at you because of his worries and possibly make you feel ever worse
But he can’t help it, what exactly is he supposed to do in this situation? Force you to eat? Wouldn’t that make things worse?
He was stunned in silence for a while, trying to collect himself before he said anything he might regret
But like I said, this man is blunt, and as someone who’s younger than him, and treated him like the older brother he always wanted to be, he can’t help but act accordingly
He’s furious as soon as you say you felt this way because of your mother. Why couldn’t parents mind their own business? He sure had his own struggles with parents, not that he wanted to get into that…
But he’s also upset at you for doing such a disservice to yourself, how could you let it get this far? How could HE have let you continue right under his nose without saying anything?
All he knows is he isn’t letting it continue
He’d do whatever he can to help you, which may seem aggressive at first as he refuses to allow you to leave his sight without eating something
He wanted you to know there was a difference between starving yourself and eating healthily
Being thin was one thing, but he wanted you to be healthy yet still being able to fill whatever body ideals you had for yourself in your mind
Perhaps those standards were warped, then he’d try and convince you to be healthier and to aim for a weight that was deemed healthy for someone your age and height
The last thing he’d want if for you too take it to far and to keep lowering your ideal weight since he knows that mental health issues like these get worse over time as you’d never be satisfied with any weight you reached
He hears out your concerns, knowing you’d fight him on a lot of things, but he didn’t care. All that mattered was getting you healthy. He didn’t care if it led you to hating him for the rest of your life, he was used to being alone and hated anyway
But for your sake, he takes things as slow as he can, slowly helping you improve and making you see that there are better ways to stay healthy and have a body that you’d be happy with without putting yourself at risk
So have a little patience with him, he means well. He’d never put this amount of effort in helping anyone, so that just goes to show how precious you are to him–his friend, someone who accepted him as he was, he’d make sure to protect you
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REQUESTS ARE OPEN (i accept the ones that inspire me to write)
Posted: 10/1/2023
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treacheryinblue · 5 months
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Chapter 1/?
× Elysium (noun) : a place or condition of ideal happiness. type of: fictitious place, imaginary place, mythical place.
Word Count: 4.1k
An introduction of sorts.
A Noah Sebastian x OC Series
× Summary: Noah and his new found (sort of) friend, Persephone, battle the trivial ins and outs of being teenagers in a world that doesn't accept you. They survive together all the way into adulthood - with bouts of loneliness included - where the world is still a fickle bitch.
× Warnings!: language, violence, slowburn, friends to lovers to enemies back to friends, rinse and repeat (not even in that order), eventual smut, sexual themes, etc. Each chapter will have its own set of separate warnings.
× Author Notes: ( 1 ) Any time within the story before 2016, Persephone is still a minor, therefor sexual mentions will be kept brief and to a minimum. Nothing crude will be mentioned in a descriptive manner until she is 18+ in the story. ( 2 ) Piggybacking off of that, Noah is only two years older than her. ( 3 ) Since most personal facts about the guys are not widely known, I will be adding my own background info to them, as well as switching up/deleting real life facts we may already be aware of.
× Chapter Warnings!: language, brief sexual themes
Summers in Virginia could be brutal, but this one in particular felt especially heinous. The sun was a vile orb that beat down on her skin, leaving it hot to the touch and also faintly shining with perspiration. Typically she loved the sun and the way it would make her feel, but today? Well, not so much. Despite this, she tried her best to ignore her own minuscule issues and instead focus on the words being spoken to not only her, but also the friends she surrounded herself with. They all sat around one of the outside tables at Ruffilo’s, a casual diner-like restaurant they enjoyed frequenting in the afternoons. The food was decent, and it was also one of the only establishments that wouldn't kick out teenagers who lingered too long. 
“Seph? Earth to, Seph! Come in, Seph!”
“Huh?” She was quick to snap out of her little daze, her head turning towards the voice echoing her name. Maisie Linwood, her best friend since first grade, stared back at her with an arched brow and an annoyed expression. One thing to know about Maisie, she could out bitch anyone with just a cut of her eyes. Persephone figured that's probably who she picked up the same habit from years ago. 
“Sorry, it's just really hot out here.” A hand was then shoved into her now empty glass to retrieve a piece of ice, that of which she began to drag along the back of her neck. 
Ahhh, yes, that was nice. 
“Okay, well, I need you to, like, be here with us. We're trying to figure out the details of Mason’s birthday.” 
Mason being Maisie’s twin brother, and this was quite obvious when you were to look at them. Same eyes, same nose, same little beauty mark right off to the side of their cheek. Same godforsaken ‘better than thou’ attitude. And yes, they were fully aware of how horrible being named Maise and Mason was. 
“Oh, right, I won't be able to go. I told you that. My parents are making me go with them to the lake that weekend.” 
The ice continued to drag along her overheated skin, now shifting to the front of her neck and down her chest. Could she at least get a breeze or something? Fuck.
“Or…you can tell them you don't want to and then we can have the party at your place.” Maisie challenged with a smug smirk, as if daring anyone to tell her otherwise. “Your house does have the best pool.” 
There it was. Maisie’s way of getting the things she wanted by catering to people’s egos. She wanted to say that it never worked on her, but then she would be lying. 
“What the fuck are you staring at, freak? Are you seriously checkin’ out my girl?” 
Thankfully, the topic was abruptly changed by Mason’s sudden outburst of anger. By the way, she was dating Mason. Kind of. It wasn't technically official…but whatever. Honestly, she didn't care one way or the other. 
“I…uh…no! I was just-”
Seph squinted from the bright glare of the sun off the side of the restaurant when she turned to see what all the fuss was about. She could make out the tall figure of the guy who had been serving them, a dumbfounded look currently overtaking his narrow features. It seemed as if she wasn't the only one surprised by Mason’s show of aggression. 
“Wait, what's happening?” She sat forward a bit, a hand lifting to shield over her eyes to get a better look at the commotion. Mason was now standing a couple of feet from the guy, obviously ready to go if the moment called for it. Seph could only heavily sigh, eyes rolling at his embarrassing and rather annoying reaction to…whatever had happened. That was something she still hadn't caught. 
“Scrawny little freak here was just staring at you, Seph. Watching you with that fucking ice!”
Ah, so that's what the problem was? Seriously? 
“I was just coming out to get the glass for a refill…” he tried to defend, but there was no knocking any sense into Mason when he got started. Just another trait him and Maisie shared, and one that she truly disliked. 
“Leave him alone, Mason. Can you just let him do his job?” 
Her intrusion of the conversation had given the guy a spare moment to scurry away, jaw clenched and head shaking as he did. She felt bad for him because she knew how aggravating it could be to be on the receiving end of Mason’s teenage rage, even more so when it came to his possessive nature over something that wasn't his. 
“You're really going to defend him, Seph?” 
Mason was now looking at her, hands thrown out to his sides in a stance of disbelief. She merely shrugged, giving him a ‘who cares?’ look before settling back in her seat. It didn't seem as if he was as capable of dropping the topic as she was, so he continued to stand there…just staring in anger. She could almost see the fumes radiating off his head like he was a furious little cartoon character. 
With a heavy sigh, Seph snatched her glass from the table and stood up, free hand simultaneously adjusting the hem of her shorts. “I'm going to get my refill and no, I don't need your help.” She spat at Mason, earning a scoff from Maisie and another girl within their friend group. It didn't bother her in the slightest. 
Inside Ruffilo’s was at least twenty degrees cooler, and it felt so nice that she actually sighed in relief. The lack of sun now beating down on her had given her the opportunity to clear the haze from her mind and really take note of the situation. She realized that she recognized the guy as she approached the counter…but from where? With his back to her, Seph began to silently rack her brain. He was talking in hushed tones to another guy that appeared to be about the same age, but shorter and with darker hair. Something was telling her that it was his family who owned the restaurant, though she wasn’t entirely sure as to how she knew that. 
The shorter guy looked at her from over the other guy’s shoulder, quickly nodding in her direction to signal her presence to him. As he turned, she adjusted her attention and their eyes locked with ease. 
“Hey…” she softly spoke, a slight smile pulling at her lips. “I'm sorry about Mason…he can be a real dick sometimes.” 
“Yeah…I kind of gathered that.”
Seph slowly nodded, unsure of what to say now. She tore her gaze from his, allowing it to fall down to the glass she still held. Did she even want a refill? Or had this been some ploy against herself to give the guy an apology? 
The clearing of his throat garnered her attention again, and she looked up just in time to see him motioning towards the glass. “Did you want a refill?” 
Once more nodding, she pulled the straw from the glass before extending it out to him. Her arms crossed over her chest now, the end of the straw being held to her lips for her to absentmindedly chew on as she waited. Seph could feel eyes on her, the weight of them rather obvious. Glancing up, she noticed the other guy eying her, as if trying to size her up. 
Where did she know them from? 
Then, like a light switch being turned on, it finally clicked. 
“Noah,” she pointed the end of her straw to the taller guy, nodding. “We used to go to school together, right?” 
It was all finally starting to come back to her. She knew she had recognized him from somewhere, though putting her finger on it took longer than she would've thought. Seph had left their public high school after freshmen year, her parents instead deciding to enroll her into a new private school that had been built. ‘It’s where all your friends will be going' they tried to explain to her, like she really needed convincing when she knew she didn't have a choice in the matter to begin with. 
“Uh, yeah, I think I was a year ahead of you.”
Noah nodded as he passed her now full glass of water back her way, fresh ice included. He opened his mouth to say something else, but was quickly cut off by the other guy. 
“Two years…we were two years ahead of her.” 
“Dude…” Noah sighed, giving his friend a look that she wasn't quite sure how to explain. 
Persephone softly chuckled, brows raised while looking back and forth between the two guys. As much as she wanted to stand there within the air conditioning, watching the two of them bicker, she knew she couldn't linger for much longer. It was only a matter of time before one of her friends came looking for her and the last thing she wanted was for another scene to break out. 
“Okay, well, I'm going to go and leave you guys to it.” She took a sip from her water, though her smile lingered. “Sorry again about…”
Noah shook his head, waving it off in a nonchalant manner. “Dicks will forever be dicks.” 
“I'll see you around, yeah?” After taking a couple of steps backwards, Seph then turned on her heel to make a beeline for the side door she had previously entered from. 
“I'm Nick, by the way!” 
Another laugh easily flowed from her, a hand lifting to wave back. “Bye, Nick!”
“Persephone Hill, Noah? Really?” 
“Dude, she's like fucking royalty of Richmond. Her dad is some big real estate guy, owns half the buildings on this street alone.” 
“And?” Noah looked to his best friend after having passed a receipt to another patron of the restaurant and wishing them a good day. “Just because her dad is some big shot, that means I can't talk to her?” 
“No, but it does mean you can't fucking ogle her goodies out in public.” 
He grimaced at Nick’s choice of words but tried his best to laugh it off, head shaking. “I wasn't…doing that!” Noah tossed the balled up unwanted receipt at Nick with enough force that it hit him square in the forehead, but bounced off to roll along the floor. “Who the hell says it like that anyway?”
Okay, maybe he had been doing that. Who could blame him, though? He took in a sharp breath as he tried to think of anything but the way the melted ice had dripped down her neck, getting lost behind her tank top as it slid into her cleavage. Fuck. Noah did a discreet tug of his jeans when the memory caused a stirring within, instead opting to focus on the hot plates of food that were being slid his way for distribution to tables. 
“I'm just saying, okay? My dad had done business with him a couple of years back and said he's a major asshole. Never say I didn't warn you.” 
“You look like you could use a sugar rush.”
A set of long fingers set down a stereotypical milkshake glass in front of her, the contents of it a deep pink color. Her brows furrowed in slight confusion for a split second, before she finally looked up to see Noah standing there. He appeared to be just as tired as she felt, though she decided to not call him out for it. Instead, she offered a slight smile of appreciation. 
“How could you tell?” She joked while ripping the paper from the straw before shoving it into the milkshake. “And how did you know strawberry was my favorite?” 
“Well, you see…” he rubbed at the back of his neck after glancing at where Nick stood behind the counter. “Nick used all the chocolate syrup earlier for some little kids, so I couldn't do chocolate. Vanilla seemed too basic, which left strawberry as the only option. I guess you could say…I just got lucky?” 
Seph gave him a single thumbs up, her mouth now occupied with the sugary treat she was happily sipping. “This might just be the pick-me-up I needed to get through this work, so thanks.” 
“Yeah, I thought it was kind of late for you to be here.” 
“Shit, sorry. Are you guys about to close? I can totally pack things up if so.” She licked over her lips to rid them of any milkshake remnants before she began to reach for her things. Noah held his hands out, motioning for her to stop, chuckling to himself as he did. 
“You're good, you're good. I promise. Still got about an hour.”
That was when Nick came sauntering over, a basket of fries in his hand that he was digging through. He leaned against the side of the booth, bright eyes glancing back and forth between herself and Noah. 
“It typically dies down around eight on weekdays, so there isn't shit to do for a bit.” Nick then nodded towards the math equations she had written out on her notebook, still chomping away at his fries. “Calculus? Wouldn't a library be better for homework?” 
Noah sighed, an elbow angling out just a bit to nudge at his friend. Again the two shared a silent look, almost like they were having a conversation within their minds that she wasn't privy to. 
“You would think, but the private rooms are always booked and most people don't know that you're supposed to be quiet in libraries. Shocking, right?” 
“I bet your house has a grand ol' study area.”
What was Nick getting at? She couldn't really tell if he was genuinely asking or if he was somehow mocking her in his own sly way. Considering Noah's silence, Seph was going to assume it was the latter. 
“Uh…” her hands rubbed along the top of her thighs, eyes glancing along her math work that was all beginning to jumble together. “It's too quiet there…makes it just as hard to focus.”
Also, the change of scenery was nice. She was tired of seeing the same walls everyday in her house, and trying to study at any of her friends’ homes would've been just as impossible.  They would've become too distracted with gossip and mindless chatter. 
“Hey, Nick,” she began as the end of her pencil lightly tapped against her notebook. “Can I get an order of fries too? Thanks.” If he wanted to throw a bit of mockery her way, then she would gladly do the same with her own style of attitude. The bittersweet kind where she was smiling, but her words held a slight hint of venom. Nick paused, his chewing beginning to slow as they merely stared at one another. Without another word, he nodded, and then went off to get her order prepared. 
“He's sensitive, you know,” Noah joked, pointing in the direction his friend had wandered off. 
“Oh, I'm sure he can manage to get what he gives.” 
Persephone adjusted the pencil in her hand, now beginning to continue her work. She didn't know why she was even attempting to because there was no way she’d be able to focus. Her attention span had run out at least an hour ago, and not even a strawberry milkshake could bring it back. As she pretended to work, Noah was doing the same. He began to clean the tables in her surrounding area, his lanky tattooed arms drawing her attention in ways she never thought possible. Seph remained silent, though she found herself watching him. Why? She had no idea. Noah was far from her type, or at least what she assumed her type was, but it wasn't like she was interested to begin with. Maybe he would make a decent friendly acquaintance — someone she could say ‘hi’ to on the street in passing. 
“Did those hurt?” Seph motioned with her pencil to his arm, his tattoos being the topic of her curiosity. 
Noah glanced to the limb, his shoulders shrugging nonchalantly. “Nah, not too bad. Nothing I wouldn't be able to handle again.” 
She slowly nodded, the end of her pencil now tucked between her teeth. She continued to allow her gaze to travel along the designs before taking in a deep breath and lowering her attention back down to her dreaded calculus. Ugh, this was almost like she was torturing herself. 
“Do you have any?”
“Hm?” Seph glanced up through her lashes at him. 
“Tattoos. Do you have any?” 
This inquiry caused her to snort out a laugh, now fully looking across at Noah in disbelief. He must not know anything about her family, and she was actually thankful for this. It was so annoying to have to talk to people who thought they already knew everything about you, when really, they knew nothing. 
“No,” she finally replied, shaking her head. “My parents are very old school. They said that my body is a temple and if I desecrate it in any way then I'm not allowed my trust fund or inheritance.” 
“Well…shit. That's brutal.” 
Persephone shrugged, the notebook before her now being closed since she figured she wasn't going to be getting any more work done. Not that she was complaining. “Yeah, it's a little fucked. I mean, my mom won't even let me have more than two holes in my ears.” 
“Sounds like some high standards to live up to.”
Noah's words caught her a little off guard. Her lips pursed as she carefully slipped her belongings into her bag, situating everything just right so they'd sit correctly. She didn't say anything in regards to the statement, mostly because she wasn't sure how to respond, but also because Nick had dropped the basket of fries in front of her. Persephone flashed him a wide grin, her fingers picking up one of the crispy fries to bite the end off. 
“You're a peach, truly.” 
This was not how he saw the night going. It had been change up after change up, until his plans had been ruined and he was forced to work another shift at Ruffilo’s. He didn't complain, though, at least not to anyone but himself. The last thing he wanted was to seem ungrateful for what Nick’s family had done for him, and what they continued to do everyday. He knew you'd never find another family as giving as Nick’s, so he did all he could to help them out, even if it meant canceling his plans. Nick offered to work with him, but Noah refused. It wasn't going to be busy since they didn't serve alcohol, so with it being Independence Day, the majority of Richmond would be out at the fireworks and then partying with a beer. Just as their forefathers would've wanted. 
And just as he had predicted, it was dead by seven that night. Fireworks started around eight, waiting just long enough for the sky to get mostly dark. Noah could see the flashes of light from over the buildings, which he stood and stared at for much longer than anticipated. There was a pressure building within his chest, though. He could feel his hands becoming clammy and the rapid beating of his heart picking up more and more. He had to force himself to look away from the fireworks and start doing something else — anything to occupy his mind. Ever since the accident, bright lights and loud noises had been a trigger for him. He was working through it with his therapist weekly, but the progression was slow. Much slower than he would've liked. 
Phone in hand, Noah stood in the kitchen of the restaurant, now mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. It helped calm his mind to see senseless things that people posted on their socials, and the things he was interested in, did well as a distraction. There was one distraction in particular he hadn't seen coming, though. Only a day or so previous, Persephone had insisted they follow each other. She had thousands of followers, while he only had a couple hundred, so he figured it was no big deal. Maybe she liked having a huge audience studying and judging her social life. But because of their mutual following, he was now graced with her presence on his Instagram timeline. 
Noah swallowed as he came across the picture. She appeared happy, wearing a wide smile that took up most of her face, clad in the typical red, white, and blue colors for this particular holiday. In her hands, she held sparklers, both of which were situated up towards the sky with the pose she took in front of a pool. Others were seen behind her, one of which he recognized as Mason, the asshole from before. This was when Noah closed out of the app, his phone then being tucked away in his back pocket. 
The next couple of hours went by rather slowly. He had maybe three patrons come in, but none that lingered for longer than necessary. Still, he took his time cleaning up and closing, even opting to tell the cook he could leave and he’d finish up. Nick had called him a couple of times, the voices of their friends obvious in the background, and he of course promised to drop by once he was off. Despite this, he didn't rush. After his near panic attack earlier, Noah just wanted to go home and lay in bed. 
Unfortunately, he would have to wait a bit longer before being able to. 
It was nearly eleven when he heard knocking on the front door of the restaurant. All the lights were off except those over the kitchen, so he had no idea why someone would think they were open. Did that stop him from poking his head out to see who it was? No. And this is why people die in horror movies. He was a walking cliché. 
There was another knock, this one slightly louder than the last. Heavily sighing, Noah took a couple of slow steps towards the kitchen opening that led out into the main area, his upper body leaning over just enough for him to see straight forward. Standing outside was a rather familiar shape, the white dress being the first thing that caught his eye. He remembered it from his Instagram scroll hours prior. 
Noah rushed towards the front and wasted no time in unlocking the door for her, which he then held open. In walked the young blonde, her arms hugging herself. She no longer wore the smile from the picture earlier, but instead her cheeks were stained with glittery tears due to the festive makeup she had applied. 
“Shit, Noah, I'm sorry. I- I didn't know where else to go or who I could talk to and I just- I saw your car and-”
Shaking his head, he placed his hands on her shoulders in an attempt to soothe and calm her ramblings. She tried a deep breath, but the hiccups from her tears prevented her from fully doing so. 
“Hey, no, it's okay. What's wrong? What happened?” 
The fact that Persephone had come to him was shocking, to say the least. Were they friends? He wasn't sure if he would label them as such, but maybe it was different for her. They did have long conversations every time she came to the diner, which just so happened to be picking up in frequency ever since the ice incident. 
“Mason and I…we got into a fight…” she sniffed, further fighting back her tears just so she could properly breathe. 
What was it about this asshole type that girls seemed to flock to? He would never understand it. 
“He, um…he was just really mean, yeah? He blew up at me…caused this huge scene in front of everyone. It was so fucking embarrassing.” 
Noah could tell she was holding something back, but he wasn't going to pry. If Seph didn't want to tell him the full story, then she didn't have to. Either way, he would be there for her as much as she would allow. 
Nodding, his thumbs rubbed slowly along the bare skin of her shoulders that he still grasped. He eventually led her to a booth and brought her a glass of water, giving her as much time as she needed to gather herself. Although he wanted to know what actually happened, he knew this wasn't the time for it. 
“Are you okay?” Noah finally asked after a few minutes. Her tears had ceased, but he noticed how she was still absentmindedly scratching at the side of her thigh. He knew an anxiety tick when he saw one. After all, he had plenty of his own. 
Without answering, Seph finally looked at him. “Would you be able to take me home? Please?”
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queenshelby · 1 year
Yes! Mr Murphy (Rewritten)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Lots of Angst, Age Gap, Teacher x Student
Over the next two weeks, you tried your best to get your life back in order and this started with speaking to the Dean of the school about your issues with James. You had this conversation twelve days ago, just before the commencement of the mid semester break and, of course, you did not mention the threat James made against you and Cillian to the principal of the school, but explained that, for the sake of your friendship with your fellow students, you needed James’s record to be cleared.
Unfortunatly for you, the school’s principal was not interested in what you had to say and referred you to your lecturer himself in order to address the issue at hand.
“Cillian’s email address is active until the end of the term so I suggest you email him about the report” he thus said as, according to him, only Cillian could withdraw his report as this was the school board’s policy.
“Well, thanks” you responded, essentially thanking the Dean for nothing before, indeed, making contact with Cillian via phone.
You texted him, telling him that you needed to talk about James and, unbeknownst to you, Cillian never read this text message which you sent him as Kit had secretly deleted it from his phone.
This was twelve days ago now and you had not heard from Cillian ever since, thinking that, just like an immature little boy, he was avoiding you at all cost.
Cillian avoided you by resigning from his position at the Gaity School of Acting and he also avoided you by having his friends Dermont and Connie bring Nina to her dance classes on Fridays and Saturdays.
As such, you knew that, following a two day court hearing, Cillian had finally received shared care for his daughter Nina, allowing him to see her every Thursday to Sunday and yet, not once, did he accompany Nina to her classes during those days.
On Thursday, Danielle would drop her off and Dermont or Connie would pick her up and take her to Cillian’s house and then, on Fridays, they brought her back for her one-on-one session which, to you, was absurd.
On Saturday, they would do the same and it was on this very same Saturday evening that your life would change forever.
“I cannot believe that he hates my guts so much that he is not even going to show his face at his own daughter’s dance classes?” you cursed once, making sure that only Connie could hear you while feeling rather unwell that particular day.  
“He is in London actually, shooting a campaign and Nina is staying with us for two nights” Connie told you nicely but your emotions had gotten the better of you by this point.
“And how about the last however many lessons? Was he busy too?” you asked, seeing that Nina had five prior classes in the past twelve days during his days with her, preparing her for the finals in Cork in two weeks.
“To tell you the truth….no…he wasn’t busy, but I think that he is hurt and you shouldn’t take it personally Y/N” Connie explained but you simply shook your head, feeling like Cillian has been treating you unfairly, especially since Cillian never responded to your somewhat urgent text message about James.
In addition to that, you felt a little under the weather. Most days, you were nauseous and some days, you even felt lightheaded, the cause of which you believed to be all the stress factors in your life right now.
“How can I not take this personally?” you asked Connie before apologising to her. You had no intention to whine so much about your failed relationship in a place like this.
“I am sorry Connie, I shouldn’t have put you in the middle of this. None of this is your fault. It’s mine. I fucked up and now I need to concentrate on doing my job” you blubbered along while sweat was building on your forehead.
“You don’t look so good Y/N. Are you okay?” she asked, seeing that you were pale and sweaty just as your head began to spin again slightly.
“I am fine. I am just a little tired” you told Connie before telling her that you were going to get ready for class and check on Nina who, like always, took a while with binding her shoes.
Just as you disappeared however, you felt another bound of nausea come on and retreated into the lavatory again, but at least this time, you did not have to throw up.
You splashed some water on to your face while holding on to the sink and looking into the mirror, seeing a girl that, once again, felt rather lost.
You had been there before, many times over, but this time around, it was different as your body sent mixed signals to your brain.
You felt out of balance and you most certainly felt hurt, taking a moment to think about him again.
Cillian was the man you cried over every night since you broke up and forgetting about him felt like a battle you could not win as, at least in your mind, there was never a creature more beautiful than him.
His eyes were the kind that, with a single look, could force one to stop in the middle of a sentence and remain mesmerized. They were blue like the sky on a sunny day, but much more expressive. His hands were strong, but when they stroked your cheeks, you felt nothing except softness.
When you were with Cillian, you saw man who appreciated the arts as much as you did and he believed in the freedom to create his own path. He was a man with a strong mind who even cared about debating topics like politics, yet had the audacity to expose the shallowness of it all.
He was intelligent and kept you on your toes and you loved every rousing second of it as no one ever challenged you intellectually before.
Falling for him was not tough and, unlike with James, the silence between you and Cillian on occasion spoke volumes. You just understood and your connection and your love was something that never needed to be talked about because, like the oxygen surrounding you, you just knew it was there. He knew everything about you other than your age and you thought you knew everything about him as well until now, which is when he treated you in a way you never believed to be possible.
You had your heart broken by him and are now picking up the pieces, crying again, in front of the mirror while playing with the necklace he gave you.
You still wore it every day and, just as you held onto it and took in a deep breather, you heard a familiar voice from behind you.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Nina asked as she stood next to you, looking at you with concern before admiring your necklace.
“Yes, I am fine. We probably should get started, shouldn’t we?” you said nicely while smiling at her.
“That’s okay. I don’t mind starting a little later. I have all the time in the world” Nina told you before looking more closely at your necklace and noticing the engraving.
“Did you know that this is a reference made by John Lennon?” she then said before looking at the initial “Cx” on the bottom of the heart shaped pendant which was something that made your mind tick over for a second or two.
“Yoko Ono, actually. I think she came up with it” you told Nina, surprised by the fact that she knew about music from this era before telling her that the necklace was a gift.
“From a boyfriend?” she asked, causing you to chuckle.
“No. Maybe. I don’t know. We were something I suppose” you told her, which is when she told you that her father loves the Beatles and makes her listen to them all the time, hence the reason she knew about the quote.
“The Beatles are great and I actually have a song from the Beatles for your next solo, if you are interested” you then told her and, of course, Nina was keen which is when you asked her to join you on stage.
Cillian’s POV
Over the past two weeks and even until his arrival in London, Cillian too tried to come to terms with the break up from you but, unlike your actions, his actions had become a little more destructive.
Destructiveness though was not something that was a usual reaction for him and it was this destructiveness that concerned his friends Dermont and Connie.
Dermont and Connie took turns taking Nina to dancing with them, knowing that Cillian struggled with the idea of seeing you there. He was lost within his own world of emotions and pain and it was this pain that had become a problem for him.
For almost two weeks, he did not leave the house unless his children forced him to and neither of them knew what was going on. They were both worried about him as well and, luckily for Nina in particular, Dermont came around occasionally to check on Cillian when he had not heard from him for a while.
“Still hibernating?” he thus asked on a Thursday afternoon while Connie was at dance class with Nina and their twin girls.
“What do you want, man?” Cillian asked, snapping at his best friend without any reason whatsoever while Dermont picked up a pile of dirty clothes form the floor and threw them into the dirty wash basket.
“What I want is for you to get out of the house and get this pigsty cleaned up before Nina comes to stay with you tonight” Dermont said with concern as he had never seen his friend in this kind of shape before. Even when he broke up from Danielle, he managed just fine but, now, he did not.
“Just fuck off man and leave me alone” Cillian though said, being frustrated by the constant criticism from his friend who, in the end, went as far as to organise a cleaner for him.
“No, I am not going to fuck off! You are coming with me while this mess gets sorted out. Now come and get dressed” Dermont ordered before pulling the gaming controller away from Cillian’s hands and throwing a t-shirt and a pair of jeans at him, hitting him in the face with both.
“Fuck man, I almost…” Cillian spat, seeing that he almost cracked the next level in his game, which is when Dermont interrupted him.
“I don’t care. Get your ass of the couch now!” he told him before picking up the front door key and, on the way out of his apartment, leaving it with the doorman for the cleaner to use.
With that, Dermont took Cillian to a place they had not been to for a while, namely the pub and, whilst Dermont monitored his friend’s alcohol intake, as little as two pints of Guinness got him talking.
Cillian talked about everything, for the first time since the break up from you and he admitted to his friend just how much he struggled with it.
“I miss her so much it fucking hurts” he said as, deep down inside, he was looking forward to talking to you and seeing you every day as this had been the plan before he found out about your age.
“And you can’t see past her age?” Dermont thus asked and Cillian shook his head. He had to be realistic about his feelings for you and knew that, something like this, would never work out. He was almost 23 years older than you and this was something that, in his mind, could not possibly last.
He was done with having children and had no desire to get married again but, at 23 years old, he believed that you probably had no idea about what you want in life while, yet, he missed you an awful lot.
In fact, he missed you so much that, every night when he tried to go to sleep, he remembered you as your scent still lingered on his pillow which, for the past two weeks, he had refused to wash.
In addition to that, Cillian would often scroll through the photos of you on his phone which he could not bring himself to delete. Seeing your smile in most of them was precious to him and it made him remember how much he loved listening to the sound of your laughter.
Cillian too missed that, when he would go to look at you, you were already looking at him first and, whilst every day, he tried to convince himself that he does not want you anymore, he just could not let go.
In his mind, he did not want to see you move on, but he was not doing anything about it either as he knew that he had to give you up. To him, you were his angel in human flesh. You were too much for him and, yet, he could not get enough of you and this feeling was killing him, knowing that you deserved much more from life than he could ever give you.
With that, tears built up in the corner of his eyes again and when it was time to go to meet Nina, Dermont asked whether he would be okay for the next few days.
“Connie and I can help with Nina this weekend, you know. You just need to say” he thus offered but Cillian shook his head.
“Thank you, but no. I will take Nina to London with me tomorrow for the weekend. She will enjoy that. Kit is coming too and, when I am working on the commercial, they can go shopping or something” Cillian explained to his friend who thought that this was a good idea until, when Cillian and him met Connie and Nina at Cillian’s apartment, Nina had a fall out with her father about it.
According to Nina, she could not travel with him to London as, in two weeks, she was dancing at the finals in Cork. As such, Nina knew that she had to train and prepare for it and this, to Cillian, did not make much sense.
“You don’t have a choice, Nina. I have to work in London and your mother is on holidays” Cillian argued which is when Connie stepped in and pulled Cillian aside, offering for Nina to stay with her and Dermont for two nights.
“Listen dad, you will have me for two entire weeks now as mum is away. Just let me stay with Connie and Dermont for two nights while you fly to London for work” Nina argued, having overhead the conversation and realising her father’s reluctance to let her stay with his friends.
“Fine. If this is what you want” he though said nonetheless and this excited Nina, seeing that she was good friends with Dermont’s daughters.
“You are the best dad” she then said while giving him a hug.
“If you say so” Cillian chuckled in response before attempting to cancel the third room he had booked for Nina as, now, it was only him and his assistant Kit travelling to London.
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zylophie · 11 months
hihi! i’d like to request for a mafuyu x reader (can be either romantic or platonic) where the two are close childhood friends + they comfort and look out for each other
please feel free to ignore/delete this request! thank youuu
Childhood Friends
↳ Where reader and Mafuyu are close even when far.
♬ x/modmafuyu is typing...
↻Hello Anon~ This was a really cute request ehe, hopefully this writing is to your liking~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
Just for context:
[e/c] - eye color
𝅘𝅥𝅮 If you would like to order click 'here' and read the writing rules for each writer! Thank youuu 𝅘𝅥𝅮
■ Contents: Fluff [Platonic/Romantic]
► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Mafuyu Asahina
Tumblr media
A young girl was seen walking through the rain without an umbrella. Raindrops splashing onto her shoulders and head as she continued walking down the street without any care.
'..I need to head home' The girl thought, however her body did not move as she continued to stood in the rain as more drops splash on her, leaving her completely soaked.
'.. What am I doing..' She tried to forcefully move her legs into the direction of where her 'home' is, her mother must be worried sick especially since it was pouring heavily that day.
Due to the girl's dismay, her legs did not want to follow her commands. As she stood in the rain, alone, pondering on what to do next.
Only to feel the splatter of the rain on her head and shoulders coming to a halt.
Mafuyu then turned her head around to see who was calling her name. It was familiar and not at the same time, however the case, she needed to put her 'good girl' persona back up again.
As she turned, she saw a familiar [e/c] orbs staring at her with curiosity, before beaming into a smile.
"Mafuyu! It really is you.. It's been so long since I've seen you." As they went and hugged her.
..Only why did it feel so stiff and cold? As the other person let go of Mafuyu.
"Ah.. Uhm, sorry to say this, but.. Who are you?" As Mafuyu took another look at them. It felt so familiar yet so unfamiliar to her.
"Ehh?! Well I guess it's because we haven't seen each other in years. Take another guess~"
As Mafuyu looked closely inspecting every detail on this person. Looking at their silhouette and how they said they haven't seen each other in years, it only could be..
"[name]?" As Mafuyu looked a little hesitant before blurting out their name.
"Oh? Finally remember me?!" As the other person looked really content on Mafuyu getting it right.
"Ah, I didn't know you would be back [name]. You didn't really send me a text about it."
"I wanted to surprise you~ Though it took you some time to figure out who I was."
"Ahaha.. Sorry, how was your studies abroad?"
As [name] was about to respond to that question..
"A..ah, sorry [name], give me a moment."
As Mafuyu took out her phone, she was a little hesitant on reading the message. Only to appear a little bit.. Terrified?
"Mafuyu? Are you alright?" [name] asked, looking concerned.
"Ah.. Yep! I'm fine.."
However before Mafuyu could reply she was on her way home, [name] gently gripped on her arm a little to prevent her from sending the message.
"I heard there was a nice cafe around here.. Mind showing me around? We could catch up in the meantime as well" giving Mafuyu a smile, although it felt reassuring to Mafuyu for some reason.
".. Sure. I could show you around and I would love to catch up as well" as Mafuyu put her phone away into her pocket, as she started walking. Only for [name] to grab her hand.
"Ahaha, don't mind me, I get lost easily" [name] said. As they slowly began rubbing Mafuyu's hand as they walk.
Although Mafuyu doesn't realised it, she has gotten way too quiet for her 'good girl' persona and both were walking in comfortable silence.
⋘ At the cafe ⋙
"Here we are [name]. This is one of the best cafes I know around the area." Mafuyu said before stepping in with [name] following suit.
"Woah.. Its appearance on the inside is pretty cute."
"Hehe, probably because it is quite late already.."
Just as Mafuyu was about to leave the building, [name] grabbed her arm.
"I hope you don't mind but could we have a chat over some tea? I know it's late but I'll really like to talk with you since it has been years."
"...Sure" As they both went and sat near a table as [name] started ordering some items.
"How long will you be staying here [name]? Since you are studying overseas."
"Actually I'm back for good! I wanted to ask if it was alright if we could hang out more? Just like the olden days~!"
"Ah, I'd love t-"
"..Give me a moment." As Mafuyu dug out her phone to read her messages. Her face was scrunched up a little before she could type out a reply, a hand was placed on top of her phone.
"I don't mean to be rude.. However, if it is fine. Could I answer the message?" You asked, hoping Mafuyu would comply.
Mafuyu nodded her head as she let go of her cellphone so you could take it over to your side.
Mom: Mafuyu? Are you coming home now?
Mafuyu: In a moment. I'm busy showing my friend around
Mom: Please hurry up, it's raining. I don't want you to catch a cold. You don't want to make mom worry, right?
Mom: ..Mafuyu?
Just as [name] had expected. It was her mom, at least they could try and do something about it now.
Mafuyu: Sorry, this is [name], do you remember me, Mrs Asahina?
Mom: Ah it's Mafuyu's friend who went overseas. I take that you're with Mafuyu now?
Mafuyu: Yep! She has been a great help with giving me a small tour.
Mafuyu: However, could I make a request?
Mom: Oh? What is it?
Mafuyu: Could you let Mafuyu come over to my place anytime? Since you know I studied overseas, I would be able to teach Mafuyu a lot of things regarding her academics!
Mom: Hmm.. What days would it be?
Mafuyu: I should be flexible anytime, it's mostly when Mafuyu is free! Also, I am going to go to prep school to get a medical degree in the future. I think this will be beneficial to Mafuyu.
Mom: Okay, I'll leave Mafuyu in your care.
'It worked?!' [name] was a little surprised but was glad it worked out in the end. After years of studying overseas really paid off.
"Hey Mafuyu, you're coming to hang out with me at my place after school tomorrow~!"
Romantic Ending - [Optional to read]
"Whew~ the food was really well made. We should come here more often Fuyu~!"
"It's just a little nickname I made up~ cute isn't it?!"
"..Mm I guess so"
"It's pretty late, you should get going now Fuyu, I'll see you tomorrow then"
"Ah right.. See you tomorrow [name]"
As Mafuyu smiled and waved [name] goodbye before turning around to walk home.
Bzzt bzzt!
This time the buzzing phone was not Mafuyu's but yours. You quickly open up to see your friend messaging you.
Friend: How did the 'date' go?
[Name]: It went well! I got to see her again! ..and her smile.
Friend: I just don't get why you want to see her smile so badly to the point of sacrificing your dreams..
[Name]: It's because I love her..
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AITA for snapping at my (18f) friend (19f) and then not talking to her again?
In middle school I met this girl who was in the same grade as me. We met because we were both friends with the same person, and slowly became friends as well. I wouldn't have called her my best friend though, she was just one of the people I hung out with at school (one of the few people, I struggled with having friends back then)
Flash forward to high school. The mutual friend moves away and just leaves us two. We're also in some of the same classes together, namely a digital media class we were in all four years of hs (we even sat beside each other all four years)
And well. her company was nice, but I wouldn't have called her a close friend. I never really told her many secrets, but I would be there for her in emotional support over her family being pretty shitty to her over and over again.
During our last two years, we both worked on the school yearbook (which was what you did in the last two years of that digital media class). I thought it was very enjoyable to work on it, and was extremely proud of the first one we produced, especially because the staff complimented it.
The second year (our senior year), however, was a little different. My friend started missing a lot of school because she was having stomach issues, and when she was at school she either spent more time roleplaying with her long-distance boyfriend (technically fiancé??? I didn't really understand their relationship, I was honestly very weary over it) over discord or half-assing the work she was supposed to be doing. In the end, she kinda stopped showing up to school, and I ended up taking over all the pages she meant to be doing, and changing the ones she did do because we changed up the scheming and her work was now very out of place.
Anyways, I'm wrapping up my senior year and the yearbook staff (which was me, two other students, my friend, and the digital media teacher) took a staff picture for the end of the yearbook. As usual, the friend isn't there. When we put the photo in and write down the yearbook credits, I ask my teacher if we should put the friend's name down since she was technically part of the group, and the teacher reveals to me that since she missed so many days she ended up being removed from the digital media class, which meant she wasn't on the yearbook staff anymore. I felt that was a bit of a rude move, but I also understood, so I left that decision alone.
Yearbooks then come out, and it took a while, but I guess my friend finally got her copy somehow, because she suddenly texts me in a fit of anger about not being in the yearbook staff section. She accuses me of not talking to my teacher about it (even tho I did) and going off on me about how I should have stuck up for her. She said a lot of other things too, but I long since deleted her contact, so I don't exactly remember.
What I do remember tho, was that I was pissed at her for making an assumption like that. I was also stressed as hell because at the time, my grandfather had just gotten diagnosed with lung cancer. The same cancer that killed my grandmother, his wife, when I was young. I remember that I replied to her telling that unlike her assumption, I tried to stick up for her, but I had to do what the teacher said. (She had been removed from the class anyways!) I also remember that I told her about my grandfather and being stressed about it, and that "now is not the time to do this". I wanted us to talk more about it later, after she calmed down and I got my head on straight.
It was the first time I snapped at her. She never replied to me. Eventually, I just decided to move on and deleted her contact. If she wants to get back in touch, she'll be able to. I know I probably should've checked in on her at some point, especially with her rocky home life, but I was honestly getting sick of her. Sure, we were there for each other emotionally, but I was starting to feel like all I was there for was to help her with her schoolwork and listen to her vent 24/7, which was slowly starting to make me more and more stressed.
It's been a little over a year since that happened, and I still hope she's doing alright and was able to move out at the very least. I was wondering if me snapping and choosing not to check in was an asshole move, considering the context.
What are these acronyms?
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object-vault-9 · 1 month
Character Spotlight 1: EMF Meter's History
OOC: I was trying to plan more art or a narrative approach, but with the chaos upcoming in the next weeks in comic and my art program deleting the pens and textures I was using for this several times.... I'd like to go back and refine it better ! Its a little vague and weird in places but I didn't want to put off EMF stuff too much longer Anyway here's a summary of EMF's time at the vault, for people who missed his short duration here, plus his back story! Like always he's open for questions Under the cut since this was really long and wordy
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The 18th week after opening the vault, EMF Meter was found with a severe head wound. He was discovered by Red Ball and Push Pin, and brought back to the vault to be cared for by Mousetrap. He wasn't able to determine what happened to him. Week 22 is when he regained consciousness. The exposed portion of his circuitry were still not healing over even as he started to recover. He was back on his feet by Week 24, though still suffered frequent headaches. He reported starting to see and hear things around the vault, but struggled to describe what exactly it was. His original electric field detecting capabilities became less effective, and he got a lot of false positives that messed with his perception. Being a very deeply spiritual person, he interpreted many of these things to be ghosts, and later, possibly demons. Especially after learning of the many losses the vault suffered recently, and prior to its opening. His time in the vault he always came off as quiet and secretive. He was really close with Mousetrap and no one else, and he didn't bring up his past much. He offered to help around the clinic, and to Mousetrap's surprise he was a trained doctor, and familiar with a lot of the pre-war techniques passed down from the vault. The clinic was extremely busy at the time, and some of the vault dwellers injuries were dire, especially Timer's infected leg after she had fallen from a cliff. With supplies dwindling, on week 30 EMF took off on his own to scavenge supplies from the boarded off hospital. To enter the building he climbed to the roof, but slipped on his way back down, surviving the fall but shattering the plastic casing making up his back. Having not told anyone where he had gone, it took the vault a while to locate him after his disappearance was noticed. He luckily made it back to the vault alive and in one piece. He survived a few more weeks due to Mousetrap's careful medical attention, but he wasn't able to make a recovery this time. On his death bed he urged Mousetrap not to blame herself. But how did he get here?
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Many miles away from the vault, Emerald City, named after the fantastical city in The Wizard of Oz, is the one of the most stable settlements in the commonwealth. Known to many as simply the 'Walled City", it is notoriously difficult to get in and out of. Though well defended from bandits and wasteland threats, the city is rampant with deep rooted corruption. EMF Meter was born and raised there, and trained as a doctor. If he had stayed he'd have become an affluent figure, but he was really unhappy. The corruption that poisoned the city was prevalent in his family too, leading to both his success and his depression. Leaving behind his old life, he left the city. His journey led him to a church and cemetery. A huge, old world cathedral, barely damaged, and holding up well with its heavy stone foundation. As a doctor he was able to provide help for them that no one had been able to before. And without any survival skills, he felt he had lucked out finding a more genuine community out here, where he could really make a difference. While he provided the community with medical care, they guided him spiritually, with a strange religion unlike any of the beliefs held by objects pre-war. On the first day he was encouraged to throw everything he owned, besides the things he needed for his job, into the hole in the wooden flooring of the church. Freeing himself from its hold on him. He did so readily, believing fate had led him there. Even after leaving, he still believed deeply in things like fate, and more abstractly, demons.
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He spent several years there, where he saw the group take in many more lost souls like him. Though he noticed, that as many people as they took in, the population size remained somewhat stagnant. A lot of his friends would leave without telling him. At night, the foundation of the building would groan, giving him nightmares. He was usually advised against using his electric field detection while there. When he did use it, like when assessing the health of other gadget objects like him, he'd pick up weird readings under the building. Despite being told not to approach the hole without another convert, one night he couldn't ignore it any longer. Layers upon layers of items filled up the floor of the cavernous basement under the floorboards of the cathedral. The bones and flesh of hunted animals, the possessions of the community, and...corpses. The whole church was built on a den of an enormous mutated creature, obscured by shadows. The whole church had been occupied solely to keep it dormant, at the expense of the resources, possession and even the lives of the people around it. The people who benefitted most were the high priests that took him in...and people like EMF who could provide rarer services. EMF's skills gave him a value the other passerbyers couldn't afford. He left that night.
EMF Meter was not a man built for survival in the wasteland. Generations of almost stable city life, even if the city was nothing like a modern one, and then further years where he was taken care of at the castle, he struggled a lot with finding food and fighting off beasts. He suffered a severe injury, and fell into a near coma. When he came to, he was a lot quieter and more solemn of a man. He was suspicious of the vault's intentions, and stayed mostly close to his fellow doctor and the person who remained by his side all that time, Mousetrap. For a final fun fact, in game they shared a mutual crush
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