#but that doesnt really mean alice HAS to be blonde too
monards · 9 months
ii appreciate how everyone mutually agreed with no argument that alice has blonde hair
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morelike-bi-light · 4 years
unplanned unexpected unwarranted vampire charlie au
au where bella decides she cant leave her dad behind like her mom did and convinces edward and carlisle to protect him too. carlisle ushers him out of the house and explains things to him, providing proof as needed - as much as he can. they go to arizona to hide out, charlie stumbling over his words to convince renee that he and bella were threatened and are in enough danger to need to hide out in a different state.
bella still gets the phone call, and renee doesn't answer when either of them call. when the others are distracted, she still gets away to meet james, but when the cullens go to save her, charlie's waiting outside with esme and rosalie (who are guarding him on the road instead). victoria is there too - and she gives them more trouble than they anticipated. emmett and jasper are distracted by the redhead and the noises from inside the studio getting louder and more concerning by the second.
when a scream rings out — he's never heard bella sound like this, not even when she was a mousy little girl buried under his seahawks baseball cap far too big for her head — charlie can't help but wrench open the door and run inside. his baby is cowering away from a bloodthirsty monster and there's not even a pause in his step as he sprints over to shield her form with his own, squeezing her against his chest and praying for the first time since he heard she wanted to come up to forks for the rest of school
his prayer's interrupted by a loud shattering sound and a malicious laugh. "aw, look at that! daddy's trying to save you. what a noble, pointless sacrifice!" a smack like stone hitting stone. "well far be it from me to deny a man his dying wish."
he doesn't hear what he says next - he doesn't hear anything, or see anything, because everything is white and sharp and pain, burning like a star, blooming in the crevice where his shoulder meets his collarbone. nothing exists right then but the cold fire in his skin, burrowing in his bone. it feels like hours before anything changes. the first thing to slip through is wet on his cheek and cool hands scrabbling to clutch at his.
"dad! dad!" bella? "edward! carlisle! anybody, any of you, please, I need help! my dad — needs help!" a hand on his cheek, trembling and frantic. "dad just hang in there! somebody help us!"
his fingers twitch, stretching towards her. "bella —you okay — bells — "
"im okay! im okay, im so sorry, dad, im so sorry! im sorry, it shouldnt have been you — this is all my fault — edward! edward please, you have to help him!"
hers is still the only voice he can discern but there are more emerging, blending together but getting closer. he catches snatches of words like 'bit', and 'spread', and 'minutes', and 'sorry', and 'safety'. a pale shape stands at the edge of his vision, and at once he's lifted from the floor. he convulses, eliciting another audible choke from his sweet daughter, and he recognizes a familiar, soothing voice from above.
"we can't stay here..."
"what? what do you mean?"
"we'll bring him back with us..."
"what are you going to do?"
"let him take him, bella, please"
"we'll watch over him, i promise."
"Im not leaving him, i can't just let him go!"
"i promise," softer. "jasper — will he sleep?"
the world softens and fully crumbles away. there's nothing left. nothing but fire.
time doesn't exist here, but then the fire, it doesn't go out. yet it stops hurting. it stops eating. it starts feeding. a single thought pops into his head that will make no sense to him when he recalls it later — a weary 'oh. i see.'
three days after the ballet studio, he wakes up to a brown popcorn ceiling. he blinks. he can see every crack and cranny in the plaster.
"mr. swan?" a tinkling voice says, and he sits up. "good, I thought you'd be up." the little black haired cullen girl beams up at him, chipper but sorry. her hand is curled around his wrist. "bella will be back any moment, and carlisle soon after. they're just across the hall, actually. he says we'll need to look after you for a while, just in case, —"
she pauses, just soon enough to avoid being interrupted by the sound of beeping and pressing keys and the door swinging open. bella is whole and wonderful — he can see every inch of her and she's really actually fine, not even a scratch — and she freezes seeing him but then she's flinging herself forward, pale face contorting
"b-bells," he stands up, quickly, too quickly, to meet her, tugging alice along with him, but edward catches his girlfriend's hand and holds her back as he voices her objections to her entering at all. charlie scowls at first, when a scent reaches his nose — a smell that might've made his stomach growl if it could. his eyes cast up in open question.
edward is stiff, eyes looking conflicted but legs poised to pounce. "it's her."
"oh." charlie shifts uncomfortably on his feet, properly spooked, willing the despairing thirst away. as moments pass since making the connection, the scent of blood — of food — fades, to the point he can hardly detect it at all. it's a sharp relief.
"you — how do you feel," bella forces out, eyes locked with his with an uncomfortable intensity that makes him squirm and anxiously rake a hand through his hair. carlisle and the others filter in behind her and he's grateful for something else to look at, now he knows she's safe.
"better," he settles on. "than before, I mean. was that — did —" he waits for someone to interrupt him and fill him in, but it's quiet. "are you okay?"
a bark of laughter bursts from her chest and she assures him she's fine, eyes wide and brows furrowed like she can't believe he's a real person, the way she gets sometimes when he says something so awkward and sincere it makes her want to groan. but she doesn't want to groan anymore. instead she's torn between crying and singing.
"what do you remember?" carlisle asks, gently stepping forward, his gaze a mix of clinical fascination, wary confusion, and personal concern. charlie would flush beneath it... but the heat never comes to his cheeks.
"exactly how much are you looking for," he grumbles. "last thing i recall..." no need to go into the pain. "finding bella with that... guy at the studio."
"just finding her?"
"trying to protect her," he amends, focused on avoiding everyone's gaze. "and... it was..." then he notices how much there is to see, even when hes trying not to look at anything. he frowns. absorbing this much — it feels like a headache, minus the pain itself. overload. "it was him wasnt it. he bit me"
esme and jasper nod, but carlisle and bella just look away, the brunette visibly cringing. edward's jaw tightens, and for some inexplicable reason, the sight of that is what makes it all click for him.
"so," he fumbles for a second, but the word comes out so clean and sure when he says it, not at all like he feels. his mouth is physically incapable of tripping over itself like hes used to, no stammer, no stumbling. he grimaces and all the muscles pull exactly like he intends them too. he shakes his head. "he bit me. and? can i assume that's what's got me feeling so weird? the... some sort of effect of the bite?"
bella doesnt answer. neither does carlisle. surprisingly, it's that blonde girl that replies, though not to him.
"show him," she says, and after a moment, esme creeps forward, gesturing for his hand. he hesitates, but takes it. edward shifts to place bella behind him, as if she needs to be protected from him the way charlie protected her from james, a move that breaks his heart. gently, esme maneuvers him over to the bathroom. she turns on the lights, though she didn't really need to. he blinks. red. in the middle of a face with skin more suited to a shelf at a morgue than the tasteful backsplash of the bathroom, framed with dark, curling, concerningly long lashes, his irises were red. that wasn't it, either.
"am i..." he huffed. "am i seeing things, or am i way better looking than usual?"
a ripple of good humor disturbs the room, from esme's warm giggle, to a watery chuckle from bella, to a great, booming crow from emmett.
"way to focus on what's important, chief," alice nods, at the man's back in an instant. she doesn't sound nearly as sarcastic as those words should warrant. "finally, a man after my own heart."
"wait till you try running for the first time," emmett interjects, joining her behind him. "mind, blown."
some of the other family members sigh and shake their heads. charlie runs his eyes along his sharper jaw, still sprinkled with the stubble he'd acquired in the preceding chaos, now even and almost roguish where before hes pretty sure it made him look old and unkempt. he looks younger, he thinks, not young exactly, but good. better than his age.
he pulls away from his reflection, eyes flickering from face to face around him. he might even have said that he fit in with the mythically beautiful family. hes struck by how silly he was to dismiss the strangeness of the gorgeous, antisocial group out of hand, now that he sees how strange he's become himself, before his eyes fall to his daughter.
"im sorry dad" she mumbles, humor evaporating, and a pain resounds like a crack in his chest.
slowly, carefully, he moves forward, and the rest of the vampires stand on high alert as they realize what he's about to do. bella's eyes are bloodshot and he presses his lips together in a bittersweet line as he wraps her in his arms and tucks her close, just under his chin. a shudder runs down his spine as a phantom pain ghosts over his shoulder, but he brushes it aside and it evaporates like water. when he breathes in, she smells the way she always has, and he is not hungry.
"it's okay, kiddo. we'll get through this. im just glad you're okay."
and they do. charlie's vampiric powers are related to shielding, like his daughter, but his are more like putting things on mute, if that makes sense. small things, obviously, and usually physical. he's got a great deal more resistance to thirst than most newborns, for example, because it's muted by his powers, particularly for those he cares about. unfortunately this makes it likelier for him to, uh, die of thirst, as it's possible for him to forget to feed. and he can't block edward from hearing his thoughts completely, but they're muffled naturally by his powers (and always will be. hes not helping anyone into his head any time soon, especially not his daughter's boyfriend). he can also mute his own scent to the shapeshifters — which means he and billy, after things are all sorted, will still be able to hang out and be best friends!! he can also mute his own footsteps,
anyways this started as a meme post intending to go into how comedic it would be if charlie got changed and bella spent the rest of the series complaining that edward wanted to spend the rest of eternity with her father but not with her but then i got struck with some mad charlie feels and this happened so anyways vampire!charlie everyone @charlieswanismyrealdad @effervescent-emmett @cullen-trash @emmettmccartycullen @jaspell @leahclearwaterdefensesquad is this anything
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keith-claes · 3 years
Again my writing skills airnt that great this will possibly be more than one chapter too depending how well it does.
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(Girl from the future)
*Chapter 1*
One week before Katarina started work at Ministry of Magic with Maria, Katarina walks around her family gardens alone wanting alittle time to her self, once she starts her new job she wasnt going to be at home that often and wanted to visit some of her favourite hang outs, before checking her veggie garden she took a trip to her favourite tree she likes to climb, she walks over and spots something or someone passed out up in the tree.
Katarina: "is that a girl? She doesnt seem to be moving, I better check if shes okay"
She runs over to the tree as she climbs up, shes gets a good look of her, she appeared to be breathing still which was a good sign, she takes her hand as she checks her over, she looked awfully familiar to her, she has the same blond hair as her brother, so she wondered if perhaps this is a relative of Keith's possible cousin maybe that's why shes at the Claes mansion.
Katarina: "hey are you okay, you shouldn't sleep here, you might fall"
The girl slowly opens her blue eyes same shade of blue as Katarina's, luckily she was sat up in the tree, she places he hand behind her head as she winces out in pain"
Katarina: "hey are you okay"
???: "my head hurts... where am I, last I remember I was kidnapped and dark magic was casted on me by one of my uncles"
Katarina: "dark magic?, where are you from?, maybe I can help what's your name?"
Alice: " my name its Alice Claes, but um its werid now I look at you cause you look alot like my mom"
Katarina: "Claes? I never meet you before, oh you must be one of my cousins.... wait I look like your mom?"
Alice: "yeah my mom is Katarina Claes"
Katarina: "oh my name is katarina claes too, that's pretty cool"
Alice: "that can't be right... if your Katarina and you look like my mom..... what year is this?"
Katarina: "2021?"
Alice: "Wait what! But how, it can't be unless..... I was sent back to the past.... which means...."
Her body starts to tremble with fear, katarina holds onto her stopping her from falling.
Katarina: "time travel! Wait I think I studied about that in class, theres black magic that can send someone to the past or future, if that's the case then...."
Alice: "I have to go back home, I can't say anymore with out changeing the future I've said enough"
Katarina: "from what you said does that mean your my future daughter!"
Katarina wasnt expecting this, she was in shock, but remained strong for Alice who was scared, thoughts ran threw her head, if this really is her future daughter then who is her father and who sent her to the past like this, was this part of her future doom flags. Was someone going to target her threw her future child.
Alice remained silent not wanting to talk anymore about where she came from, one wrong word or move she makes could change the future.
A voice calls out to Katarina taking her away from her thoughts it had also pulled Alice away from her thoughts too. They both looked down the tree and see Keith calling.
Keith: "hey sister we've all been looking for you, Anne has tea and sweets prepared"
Alice: "I know him to he looks alot like someone I know...."
Katarina places her hand on her shoulder.
Katarina: "why don't you join us, are you able to climb down?"
Alice: "I don't have much of a choice do I?"
Katarina: "nope, your eatting sweets with me and Keith, I guess that would be your uncle Keith right"
She teases her as she Pat's her shoulder.
Alice: "I can't say anymore, I've gave too much away already telling you your my mom"
Katarina: "wait so he might not be your uncle?, hmmmm well I will stop asking, let's go down shall we?"
Alice nods and gives her a sweet smile, she follows Katarina down the tree, Keith watches both girls coming down but was curious who this other girl is.
Katarina: "wow you really can climb trees"
Alice: "yeah my mom taught me, through my father doesn't like me doing it he thinks it's to dangerous so I get into trouble alot.... hes pretty stricken and to over protective of me"
Katarina: "sounds alot like someone I know, my mom scolds me too for climbing trees"
She giggles as Keith runs over to her.
Keith: "sister dont tell me you've seduced another one!"
Katarina: "oh no it's nothing like that Keith! Shes lost right Alice"
Alice: "yeah...."
Katarina: "hey you know, now that I look at you both you guys could be twins"
She couldn't help but laugh at there reactions as Keith and Alice look at each as there faces flush red.
Keith: "sister what are you talking about, I dont have a twin, we look nothing alike either"
Katarina: "oh that's right Keith, this is Alice Claes, shes been sent from the future and she needs help to get back home, isn't she so adorable!"
Keith: "wait what.....future! Is that really possible, I didn't think time travel was possible"
Katarina: "yeah, someone casted dark magic on her and she ended up here, oh shes also my future daughter, how cool is that Keith!"
Keith: "wait did you say daughter? Shes your future daughter?"
Alice remains silent not wanting to interrupt them. As Keith looks at her.
Keith: "if that's true then how do we send her back to her own timeline, and who's her father?"
Katarina: "who knows she won't tell me, something about changing the future?"
Alice: "if I say anything about the future it may change things..... as for who my father is, I thought maybe you might of worked that out by now based on who I resemble most"
Katarina: "hold on not twins you guys ain't twins, woah hold up, for real! I know who it is, it has to be you keith! She has my eyes, and she's clearly resembles you in looks and same hair colour too!"
Keith's faces flush red as she points at him.
Keith: "wait what!"
Alice nods as they both look at her.
Alice: "yeah he's my father, I cant say anything else about the future, enough has come out as it is, I may of damaged the future enough as it is coming face to face with you both...... I just want to go home to my mom and dad"
She clings to Keith as she cries into his chest, Keith really didnt know what to do at this point, he was shocked, but yet happy too, hearing he will one day win Katarina's heart.
Keith: "dddddd daughter, I have a daughter with........"
Katarina: "I'm shocked, Keith! I know you confessed lately but this, I never expected"
Keith: "I think we should talk about this later sister, shes really clinging onto me in tears, we should do something"
Katarina: "I know what to do!"
She goes over placing her hands on her shoulder .
Katarina: "hey, it's going to be okay, let's eat some sweets then we can go and see a friend of mine, he knows alot about dark magic, maybe he will, know how to send you home"
Alice: "uncle Raphael and uncle Sora?"
Katarina: "yeah, through maybe you shouldn't call them uncle when we see them"
Alice: "yeah your right, I don't want to mess anything up, dad will be super annoyed with me if I mess the future up, I call all my mom's friends aunt and uncle, it's a habit I have, I will try and not say it if I see them"
She let's go of Keith as she wipes her tears.
Keith: "makes sense I'd be annoyed if you messed up the future, what's been said today stays between us three for now, lord and madam can't know about this either, for now we tell them your a guest staying for a few days till we can find away to get you home"
Katarina: "oh man, wish I could tell everyone I have a really cute furure daughter"
Keith: "no sister, bad idea if Geordo and the others find out, don't you think they'd end up hurt? That could most definitely change the future, they can not know about her"
Alice: "he's right, they can't know, if they ask just tell them I'm a distant cousin, its okay to tell sora and Raphael, the rest is to stay between us, through I'm finding it real hard to call you both by your names, I mean your both going to be my parents one day"
Katarina: "hm then why dont you just call us what ever makes you feel comfortable, but only when where alone? I don't mind if you call me mom"
Keith: "Sister!"
His face turns red with embrassment from hearing her say that,this was all a shock to him still, he never expected to run into his future daughter and here's Katarina acting all normal with this situation.
Alice: "sure if you don't mind me calling you mom"
Alice smiles at her, causing Katarina's heart to flutter she has that same cute innocent smile as Keith did as a child.
Katarina: "your so cute! Hey how old are you"
Alice: "I just turned 15, so um i dont want to sound rude but, I'm getting pretty hungry"
Katarina: "yeah me too, hey Keith or should I say dad"
She nudges him in his side with her elbow as she teases him.
Keith: "hey! Sister don't call me that, its embrassing!"
Katarina and Alice both giggle at his reaction.
Alice: "he hasn't changed a bit, he even calls you big sis still"
Katarina: "what for real?"
Alice: "yeah, I asked him about it once and he said it's a bad habbit of his"
Keith: "you really are from the future huh? Which means you weren't making it all up, your really my daughter?"
Alice: "sure am, I have two younger twin brothers and another sibling on the way, you will have your hands full future dad"
She playfully winks at him as she links onto Katarina's arm. Keith's face couldn't go any redder than what it was already.
Keith: "that many, lots of kids? With sister!"
His heart was racing in his chest to the point he felt like he was gonna pass out. What struck him the hardest was being called dad, it felt kinda nice to him but also made him feel weird.
Katarina: "hey hurry up Keith, or we will eat all the sweets with out you"
Alice: "yeah hurry up dad!!!"
Keith: "ah! I'm coming sister..."
He mumbles alittle something to him self not wanting them to hear.
Keith: "does she have to call me that, I'm not prepared to be called such things...."
To be continued.
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loki-fanfic-whore · 5 years
Venomous Curse ch. 2
Loki x female
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Warnings: sexual situations, language, abuse, noncon adult situations.
Chapter 2 Remorse
Alice's eyes flitted open, she was laying in her bed after what had felt like the deepest most peaceful slept she had ever had. Maybe it was due to the fact Conner didn't burst in. Maybe exhaustion just got the better of her.
She got up, showered and dressed for school. Her face swelling was going down and her eye was now turning to shades green and yellow, a sign of healing.
She couldn't really remember yesterday evening. How she got home or what happened. She remembered sitting in the park...and seeing...
"Professor Laufeyson!" She spoke aloud. Her heart beat sped up as she felt her core burn. What in gods name was happening to her? Why did she feel turned on all of the sudden?
She grabbed her back pack and decided to walk to school. The sun hadn't peaked yet and the calm darkness comforted her. She walked at a brisk pace but still enjoyed the silence, before she would have to face everyone for another day of torture.
She got to the school a few minutes early and slipped into the library. It only had a few students in the corner playing some card game. She went to the back and picked up a book on the history of England in the Tudor era, which was one of her favorites. Sitting on an over sized bean bag she began leafing through the pages when the door burst open to the library and a shrill sound assulated everyone's ears.
"Where are you you little fucking slut?!" Selenas voice carried to every corner of the library. Alice kept quiet ignoring it and continued to read. Her heart sank in her chest as she knew she wouldnt be able to escape. Her hands were becoming sweaty at the adrenaline rising in her system.
Selena peaked around a corner then sneered.
"I found you fucking cunt." She marched up to Alice and grabbed her by the nape of her sweater dragging her off the beanbag chair. Alice simply froze, as the triggers led to tears. Selena slapped her across the face causing a small yelp to escape.
"How dare you touch Conner in any way! You stupid bitch!" She roared angrily as she continued to hit her. After the third or fourth hard contact to her head, slice felt herself becoming concussed. Everything going hazy.
"What is the meaning of this?! Miss. Ramos let her go and go see the principle! Miss. Lovelace come with me." A deep voice filled the air causing Selena to drop her. Alice crumpled into a ball on the library floor.
"Miss. Lovelace? Can you hear me?" His voice was fuzzy and going in and out. Alice moaned gently and rolled onto her side. The lights were so bright.
"Miss. Lovelace I am going to pick you up and take you to the nurse. I think you may be concussed. Do I have your permission?" He made sure to say it loud enough for the other students present to hear.
Placing his arms around her he carried her bridal style out of the library and into the nurses station.
"Abigail...I need help." He called out laying her body down.
"Alice? Stay awake please. You can't fall asleep." His hand gently held her cheek.
"Loki? What happened." A thin old woman in a white coat came in.
"Abigail there you are. She was attacked by another student. I think she is concussed. Abby- she is my new blood." Loki mentioned the last sentence in a low hushed tone. The older woman's blonde eyebrows raised in suprise.
"Loki- how long has it been since your last?" She asked as she looked to the poor beaten girl on the table.
"Its been...decades....but that's not important...our bond has just begun, but I believe I can help her."
"Yes yes.... I'll lock the room. Just call the desk phone when you are done." She turned and left without another word. Loki sighed gratefully and closed the door locking it. He moved to the table and leaned over Alice checking to see if she was still conscious.
"Alice? I need to make you better. I- I can help you, but its unconventional...I need to touch your body...do you give me consent?" He spoke gently and his minty breath fanned her face. She had a throbbing headache and opened her eyes a crack to process his words. After a few moments of silence she groaned gently
"Do what you need to." She laid on the table as Loki took his jacket off revealing a pressed button up shirt and black slacks. He rolled his shirt up to his elbows and then gently sat her up removing her sweater. He unbuttoned her shirt and slid it down her arms revealing her chest to him. He could see the bite he had left the night before that was almost healed. He also could see countless bruises and cuts. He gently took her neck and waist in his hands as he kissed at her throat.
"I am going to bite you Alice...itll sting, but I promise it will become much more enjoyable soon." He let his dual fangs extend and sunk them into the crook of her neck, she let out a soft whimper as he began to drink. Jesus christ the feeling she gave him was euphoric. He could feel his cock twitch in his pants painfully erect from her scent and taste.
He only drank a little, just enough to strengthen the bond. He then gently bit his palm and placed it to her mouth. His other hand still holding her up gently grasping the back of her neck.
"Drink Alice...we need to complete the bond today" he spoke softly. Alice opened her mouth and licked at his palm. She could taste his bitter blood and wrinkled her nose. She drank only a few drops before it was too much. She felt herself growing increasingly turned on.
"L-Loki I dont feel any better." She slurred out.
"Darling...I need to be intimate with you in order to finish this process and heal you...do I have your permission?" He spoke in a hushed husky tone in her ear. He knew she was aroused. He could feel her heart beat picking up. When they were complete in bonding he would feel every emotion she had and she would feel his.. it was what made the bond special. She would be his forever. The over powering scent of her arousal caused him to groan and try to readjust himself.
"Do I have your permission?" He asked again not trying to push.
"Y-yes." She spoke breathlessly. Loki immediately freed himself from his trousers and pulled her underwear to the side exposing her sweetness to him. He sank into her to the hilt sucking in air as he became overwhelmed with emotions. The bond was completed. Alice moaned out as she felt herself changing. She was becoming more clear headed. The concussion slipping away. She looked down to see Loki biting his lip his cock buried fully in her.
"Alice...now that you are level headed and the bond complete....I need to ask again. Are you okay with this? Or would you prefer me to stop?" Tears slid down her cheeks as she began to tremble.
"I-I" she hiccuped. Lokis face turned to one of anguish.
"Shhh it's okay. I'll stop my darling....we need to talk and now is probably the best time." He gently slipped out of her and groaned internally. His cock was a light purple from lack of release. He pushed it back into his pants and handed her back her sweater.
"What are you?" Alice was the first to break the silence. As she buttoned her shirt and pulled her sweater back on over her head.
"Uh...I am called many things...I believe the most recent name is a succubus. I get energy from extracting it through...different means from others."
"And this bond?" She asked again breaking the silence.
"Uh..well contrary to most beliefs, succubi do not enjoy sleeping with everyone....we bond to a certain person who calls to us. And we are bonded for life...I can...feel your emotions and you can feel mine...the bond becomes stronger with every time we mate or whenever you allow me to feed..." he chose his words carefully staring at her with his arms crossed.
"And I am now bonded to you? What if I dont want to be?" She asked her eyes flicking up to meet his.
"Well...it would break my heart...being rejected within a bond can cause many negative effects, but ultimately it leads to death of one or both bonded individuals." He didn't hide the hurt in his eyes. She felt a slight pang in her chest. It must have been from him, it was such a strange sensation to be the cause of sadness within yourself.
"Please, when we are alone call me Loki..."
"Loki- I don't know if this is what I want...I- have a lot going on with Conner and school and-and I dont even know you!" She gushed forward as she stared right into his green eyes.
"I am aware it is overwhelming Alice, but now, with this bond I can protect you...keep you safe..we dont have to be intimate if you wish not to be...I- I can see some of your memories and I understand completely." His voice was soothing but she wrapped her arms around her middle trying to hide the trembling.
"You-youve seen my memories? You have watched my life like an open book before you and I dont even know you.." she was becoming increasingly upset.
Loki sighed and ran a hand through his hair. This is not how he wanted this to go.
"Alice please, we dont have to do anything you aren't comfortable with until you are fully ready....but this bond...it doesnt go away...it will only make you sick if you fight it...I will tell you anything you want to know. I will woo you and we can even go on dates if you prefer all until you are comfortable with me...I didn't mean to be intrusive...the bonding just shows me a great deal about who I bond with...I was hurt and you were wanting and willing to help." he looked to her with semi-pleading eyes. She could feel the tightness in her chest.
"You are my professor! I am your student! What will others say?" She was incredibly opposed to this bond, but she could literally feel the hurt of trying to reject him.
"You are almost done with school." He countered before moving from the counter to stand infront of her.
"Alice...I'm so sorry if you didn't want this, but it's too late now..." he spoke softly before cupping her cheek. She flinched to his touch and he immediately took a step back.
"I'm sorry Professor Laufeyson...I need to go. I've missed class." She stood up and quickly moved past him unlocking the door and bolting out. Loki stood in the doorway horrified at how he had just scared her off. Abigail stood and moved beside him.
"Young man...you know how wounded she is...she will come around, but you must go at her pace. She is scared of being hit not caressed. Of being raped not loved..."
Loki sighed and ran both hands through his hair.
"I'll need to help her see her self worth."
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antihero-writings · 6 years
In Plain Sight –Pandora Hearts Fic for Phmonth18 Golden Trio Week – Day/Prompt 3: Friendship (Full fic)
Fic Title: In Plain Sight
Fic Synopsis: When Break hides Gilbert’s favorite Christmas ornament somewhere in the Rainsworth manor, the Golden Trio must spend the afternoon looking for it
Notes: I originally wrote this for the prompt “Ornaments” in an alphabetical Christmas prompt list my friends and I did last year. However, nobody got to read it last year, and since I didn’t get the chance to write anything for the first week of phmonth18, I wanted to at least post something, and decided this worked well for the Golden Trio! Especially since Christmas is fast approaching. I think it works best for the day 3 prompt: Friendship. I hope you like it! I had a lot of fun writing this, and am rather proud of how it turned out! I would really appreciate it if you left a comment to let me know if you enjoyed it!
I posted the entire thing here, but you can also read this on Ao3. It’s under the same title, by I_prefer_the_term_antihero
P.S. This is a repost of an old fic!
“You’re the tallest, Gil, you should put the star on top!”
“Ooh! It looks yummy! Like a big cookie!”
“It’s not a cookie, Stupid Rabbit!”
It was a few days before Christmas, and the trio was at the Rainsworth manor. Finally, everything was ready for the holiday; a fire was dancing in its place, the stockings were all lined up on the mantle, and they had just put the finishing touches on the tree. The only one who hadn’t been informed about the festive season, was the sky outside; it had been raining for the past few weeks. There was a chill in the air, it was frosty, but snow hadn’t quite come yet. Still, they made the most of their time indoors.
“Perfect!” Oz exclaimed.
Oz Vessalius was the fifteen-year-old heir to the Vessalius dukedom, but after his escape from the Abyss that year, when he wasn’t off on adventures, and missions, he spent most of his time at the Rainsworth’s.
“It’s so pretty, Onii-chan!”
On account of the ten-year gap, Oz’s sister, Ada, was older than Oz now, but, no matter what, she would never stop seeing him as her older brother. She was on Christmas break from Lutwidge Academy, and more than happy to spend it at the Rainsworths, with her brother. She had, of course, brought her two cats—Snowdrop and Kitty—with her, (which Gilbert maintained a healthy distance from, due to his phobia of cats).
“The Rainsworths will have the best-decorated tree in town!”
Oscar, their uncle, was spending the afternoon with his niece and nephew too. He was a bearded, bespectacled man, with the same blonde hair and green eyes as the rest of his family. At the moment, he was sitting on one of the couches, with a cup what he called ‘tea’, but which the rest of them guessed probably had something stronger in it.
“I can’t take all the credit, Gil and Alice helped a little,” Oz joked.
“‘A little!’”
Gilbert was Oz’s servant; a dark-haired man, who often appeared cold and reserved, but who was rather sensitive, and a worrywart. He still sometimes acted as though they were only a year apart in age too, despite the fact that he was now ten years older than his master.
“Yeah, manservant!” Alice challenged, “More like we did all the work!”
“I was just teasing!”
“Well,” Sharon had a way of returning things to order with her calm and proper words, “you all did a wonderful job.”
Sharon was the heiress to the Rainsworth dukedom, and looked like a thirteen-year-old girl, though was really in her twenties or thirties—(they knew better than to ask her exact age). Her chestnut hair was usually tied back into a kind of half-ponytail, and, as always, she outmatched them all on style points; today it was with a dress of a wintery blue that looked as if she was trying to encourage the snow to fall. As per usual, she held a cup of tea in one hand—peppermint, she had informed them, for the Christmas season—and a pastry in the other. She was sitting at a small round table on the other side of the room, with Reim—duke Barma’s bespectacled, hard working, servant, who spent more time at the Rainsworth’s than anywhere else, with his two best friends—Sharon and Break.
“Well, I’m beat,” Alice stretched and yawned, “Seaweed-head, when are you going to make me some meat?”
Most Chains (creatures from the Abyss) didn’t look like Alice did; like a fourteen-year-old girl, with floor length brown hair, and an almost cat-like physique—(though it was a giant rabbit she often turned into). Also unlike other illegally contracted Chains, she did not have a thirst for human blood, although she did have a particular love for meat, as well as almost anything edible.
“I suppose I can make you something, now that we’ve finished,” Gil sighed.
“Oh? Have you now?” they turned to see Sharon’s servant, Xerxes Break, grinning as he poured himself another cup of tea. “Are you sure nothing’s…” he leaned back against the table, “missing?”
Break was a red-eyed, white-haired man, also much older than he looked. Even those close to him would say he was a bit of an acquired taste; his love for teasing, the creepy doll on his shoulder, and his general lack of regard for other people and their feelings, made it difficult for those subject to his mischiefs—such as Gilbert—to acquire any kind of affection for him.
Gilbert froze, turning his head slowly to the tree. His eyes immediately found the empty space where a certain ornament had been.
“Break!” he shouted, spinning back to him, “Must you do this every year?!”
“Let an old man have his fun.” Break grinned.
“I believe he must, Gilbert-sama,” Sharon answered Gilbert’s question, nonchalantly taking a sip of tea before continuing, “It has become something of a tradition.”
“I should have spent Christmas with he Nightrays this year,” Gilbert grumbled, reluctance in his motions as he began to pick up books, and other objects around the room, as if searching.
“You’re so mean,” Break chided playfully, then spoke a little more seriously, knowing Gilbert had no intentions of spending much time with his adoptive family, and real brother, “You’d rather spend Christmas with the sewer rat, than us?”
Gil gave him a death glare.
“Sorry…but what’s a tradition?” Oz asked, turning to Sharon and Break.
He wouldn’t admit it, but sometimes, especially with things like this, the ten-year gap could make Oz feel like an outsider.
“Every year Break takes Gilbert-sama’s favorite ornament,” Sharon explained, “And hides it somewhere in the manor.”
“Ooh! That sounds like fun!”
“It’s not fun, Oz!” Gilbert hollered at his master, “It’s a waste of a perfectly good afternoon! Not to mention annoying, and rude!”
Break laughed. Gil had yet to learn his outrageous reactions were what made this sort of thing so fun for the prankster.
“Don’t worry, Gil!” Ada bounded up to him, “I’ll help you look!”
Gilbert flushed, “T-Thank you.”
“What does it look like, Gil?” Ada asked.
He looked at Oz, then turned back to Ada, and explained it quietly enough that only she could hear.
She nodded, beaming, and began to look in a different part of the room.
“What’s the matter, Gil?”—Gil gasped as his master appeared suddenly at his other side—“You don’t want me to know what it is?” Oz’s laugh faded into a more puzzled expression when Gil averted his eyes, turning redder.
“It’s a secret, Onii-chan!” Ada answered for him, “You’ll see when we find it!”
He didn’t get the chance to ask anything more, because Alice broke in, having been observing all their interactions,
“Does…Does this mean I won’t get my meat?”
“Uh huh,” Gilbert sighed, “That’s exactly what it means.”
“No! I will not allow it!” Alice shook her head, and whirled around on Break, pointing at him in an accusatory manner, “Clown! Return Seaweed-head’s stupid ornament his instant!”
“It’s not stupid, Stupid Rabbit!”
“Aren’t you a spoilsport?” The Mad Hatter teased, then the doll on his shoulder, Emily, finished,
“Why should I listen to some dumb bunny?”
Alice growled, her hands clenching into fists. She spun to Gilbert, declaring as she ran up to him,
“Then I won’t rest until I find that ornament! With the great Alice-sama on your side, you cannot fail!”
“Sure you won’t just get in the way?”
She kicked him in the shin, then crossed her arms, “You’d be lost without me, Seaweed-head.”
“Don’t kick me, Stupid rabbit!” he rubbed his leg, “Now go look for it over there!” he stamped his injured foot back down and pointed to the opposite corner of the room, (to which she quickly ran, proceeding to tear her designated space apart in a matter of seconds.)
“Is this ornament really all that important, Gil? I mean, we have lots of—”
“Yes!” he answered before his master could finish, “it is!”
Oz sighed, knowing how attached his servant could get to things, “Alright. So…is us helping against the rules?” he asked, watching Alice destroy the room in search of it, Ada calmly remove things, and put them back where they were meant to go, and Gil as a mix of the two.
“Don’t you think we would have stopped them if it was, Oz-kun?”
Sharon shook her head, “It doesn’t matter who finds it, watching him search is the fun part.” Her mischievous side was showing; most of the time she was this prim and proper lady, but being close to Break had its effects.
“That’s right; the more people searching, the funnier it is when they can’t find it,” Break sang. “Though, tell me, Ojousama,” he turned to his mistress “are you merely saying that because you wagered he’d find it early—before 18:00?” he asked knowingly, sitting up on the table—(Reim gave him a look that could only be interpreted as: can-you act-any-less-like-a-servant?)
They turned to the clock—it was 15:00.
“Why do you want to know, Break?” his mistress asked with a tone of false interest, “Are you afraid your skills as a prankster have gone down with age?” she patted her mouth innocently with a napkin.
“What do you take me for, Ojousama?” he smirked, crossing his legs, narrowing his eyes at Gilbert, “He’ll need all the help he can get.”
Gilbert returned to him an even more murderous look.
“You… betted on this?”
“All part of the tradition, Oz-kun,” Break mentioned, stealing a mini pastry from Reim’s plate—(the incense was more than evident on Reim’s face, and probably why Break did it).
“It’s not money we wagered, though; If I win, Break has to swear off sweets over Christmas—as well as make me a lavish dessert full of those sweet things he can’t have. And if Break wins, I have to buy him an equally lavish amount of extra Christmas candy and sweets.”
“Nice! Break, I didn’t know you could bake!”
“He really can’t,” Sharon chuckled, “But it’s fun to see what he comes up with.”
Break glared at her.
“So… is this how you bet every year?”
“Sometimes it’s different. But it’s usually something to the effect of giving Break a taste of his own medicine…Though I seem to recall one year, I wanted Break to do this dance I had heard of in a book, if he lost. I believe it was called ‘Futterwacken.’”
“That’s a weird name for a dance!” Oz laughed, “So? How did that go?
“I suppose it is,” she smiled, “That was one of the tamer punishments, but, when he did lose, he refused—rather blatantly.”
“Really?!” he turned to Break.
“How many times must I tell you? I have no talent for dancing.”
“Truly, as a servant of the Rainsworth Dukedom, it would be better fitting that you learned,” she shook her head, then turned back to Oz, “Anyway, after that, we thought the chance to take away his candy was rather enjoyable.”
“Aw, I want to join the bet!”
Gilbert looked affronted, but before he could speak, Oz continued, boyish excitement simmering in his tone,
“Say, what if, if Break loses, I get to eat his candy instead?!”
Sharon and Break glanced at each other.
“Let me ask you something, Oz-kun;” Break set down his tea, “Are you willing to risk the consequences of such a wager?”
“Why of course. I couldn’t give little Oz-kun the chance of stealing my candy without the proper torment in store if he lost.”
“Eh…” Oz knew just how mean Break could get, and that this could very well turn into a prank war that ended in actual blood, “I think I’ll pass.”
“I always said you were smarter than you looked,” the Mad Hatter picked up his tea again.
“Maybe you could join in by helping me look, instead of encouraging them, Oz!” Gilbert whirled on him.
“Aww, do I have to?” the fifteen-year-old groaned.
Oz turned to the masterminds, as if silently asking for them to give him an excuse not to.
“Hey, Oz-kun is sharp,” Break began, then Emily added,
“Probably smarter than these three put together!”
—two of the aforementioned three gave him what can only be described as ‘fight-me’ faces, and Ada looked disheartened—Break took no notice, and finished,
“So that depends; whose side are you on?”
“Well,” Oz thought for a moment, then mused, grinning, “it would be fun to see Break trying to swear of candy!”
“Is that so?” Break’s eye narrowed.
“In any case, why isn’t Reim-san helping?” he shifted the focus. “You’re not the kind of person to sit back while others are in trouble”
Reim sighed, pushing his glasses up on his nose. “While that may be true, these two are often harsher with me, than others. If I help you, I have a feeling I shall pay for it in some way later,” he shot them an icy look, “dearly.”
“Whatever do you mean, Reim-san?” Sharon asked innocently. “We thought you enjoyed our company.”
“Yeah, it’s only because you’re our favorite, Reim-san,” Break gave a fake sappy voice.
“Then pick a new favorite!”
“That’s not how it works! You have a lifetime guarantee!”
“Sharon,” it was Ada who spoke. She had been focused on searching on the mantelpiece, and inside the stockings, “Why are there nine stockings?”
“What do you mean, Ada?” Oz asked, stepping over to her.
“Well, I was just thinking; there’s me, Onii-chan, Uncle, and Alice,”—Alice looked annoyed at Ada mentioning her name—“since we’re staying here for Christmas,” she pointed at each of the stockings in turn, “and these belong to Sharon-sama, Break, Duchess Rainsworth-sama, and Reim-san, right? But who does this last one belong to?” she held the bottom of the last one, careful not to pull it off the mantle.
They turned to Break and Sharon, who glanced at each other, their mischievous grins fading into more somber, reminiscent expressions.
“It was Break’s idea,” Sharon answered.
“Well, I can’t take all the credit—“
“It’s for my mother…That has become something of a tradition as well. We just thought it would be nice, to have something to remember her by during the Christmas season.”
The tone in the room quieted; the rest of them knew that Shelly was Sharon’s mother, who had died sometime after Oz’s coming of age ceremony.
“That’s…actually really sweet,” Oz noted, “Break, I’m surprised you thought of it!”
“You think you’re cute, don’t you? And you say that like I’m cruel.”
“Well…” Oz rubbed the back of his neck, smiling nervously, trying to formulate a non- insulting answer in his mind.
“I think what Oz is trying to say,” Reim started out gently, then finished harshly, “Is that it’s high time you realized you can be a jerk, Xerxes!”
“Well, I wouldn’t say jerk’…” Oz began.
“I would,” Gil mumbled.
“My…I cant believe that you all….” Break began softly, then Emily jeered,
“Just figured that out now!”
The anger was evident on all of their faces.
“Really, why are you all ganging up on me,” Break grinned, without a hint of hurt in his voice, “when you should be focusing on the task at hand?”
“Because it’s your fault we’re in this mess!” Gilbert shouted, then ran his hand frustratedly through his hair, observing the mess they had made of the room, before demanding, “Is it in this room?!”
“Given up already, have you?” Emily teased.
Gilbert clenched his hands into fists, biting back a retort.
“Did anyone see him leave the room?!”
Everyone looked at Gilbert blankly, or up at the ceiling, trying to think if they had, realizing they had no idea, and knew full well Sharon could have used Eques to transport him when their backs were turned anyways. Gilbert put his hands on his hips, sighing at their silence “Alright. We have a whole manor to look through, it’s best we move on from this room,” he paused, turning again to Break, with malice in his eyes, “Right?”
“Sure, kiddo!” Emily replied, and he gave the fakest grin yet.
Gilbert gritted his teeth, then shook his head, directing them,
“Let’s split up; Ada, you go down the left hall, Stupid Rabbit, you take the right. I’ll go downstairs.”
“I won’t let you down, Seaweed-Head!” Alice sped down the hall, not even searching, as if she had forgotten the task she’d been given.
Ada nodded, “Come on, Snowdrop, Kitty!” she called to her cats.
Oz sighed, “Alright, fine. I’ll help too.”
Gilbert smiled, about to thank him, when Oz added,
“But I expect to be rewarded for my troubles!”
His servant rolled his eyes.
“I kinda need to know what it looks like, though, don’t I, Gil? You seemed to want to keep it a secret earlier.”
“You’ll…um….You’ll know it when you see it,” Gilbert looked anywhere but at his master.
Oz sighed, putting his hands on his hips, “Really? That kinda makes things harder, you know.”
“Oh, not up to the challenge, are you Oz-kun?” Break goaded.
“No, no, I can do it! I just feel like we’re not addressing a key part of the puzzle here!”
With that Gilbert pulled him out of the room and into the search.
Gilbert was right; it did seem like a bit of a waste of an afternoon; exhausting wasn’t the only word that came to mind after rifling through each room one by one, with no clue as to where it might be. Especially because the feeling began growing in them that Gilbert was way too attached to things, as well as that Break was, indeed, a jerk. They didn’t know how much time had passed before they met up again in the hall, everyone hanging their heads in shame and disappointment.
“What should we do?” Ada asked quietly.
“We can’t let the clowny bastard win!” Alice slammed a fist into her other palm to emphasize her point.
“That’s right!” Gilbert agreed, “For years I had to put up with his constant teasing, it’s high time we got him back!”
“I don’t think losing the bet is really going to make him stop. I mean, he’s lost before, right?”
“You don’t have to be so blunt about it!” Gilbert complained.
“Sorry,” Oz shrugged.
In the moment of silence that followed, Ada’s cat started rubbing against Oz’s leg, as if trying to comfort him.
“What do you think, Snowdrop?” Oz asked jokingly, picking up his sister’s cat, (Gilbert eyed it, a whine developing in his throat, scooching away), “Do you have any idea where it is?”
Oz gasped.
“What is it, Onii-chan?”
Tied into the cat’s collar was a ribbon, attached to a little ornament. He pulled it free and placed the cat on the floor (it meowed and padded away).
The other three gasped in turn, leaning in to get a better look at it.
“That bastard!” Gilbert slammed his fist into the wall behind him. “He knew I wouldn’t go near your cats!”
“Yeah,” Oz laughed, “leave it to Break to take the cheap shot.”
“What are we waiting for?!” Alice demanded, “Didn’t I just say we can’t let the clowny bastard win!”
“You’re right!” the others said together, and bolted down the hall.
“We found it!” Oz held the ornament high, like a trophy, as they burst through the door.
At the same moment that he held up the evidence, the hour chimed.
They each glanced at each other, then at the clock, which read exactly 18:00.
“My, my, isn’t this an interesting turn of events?” Break remarked, stretching, “It looks like it’s a tie, Ojousama.”
“It would appear,” Sharon smiled “In that case, would you please excuse me for a moment?” she gathered her dress and hurried out of the room.
“So, which one of you found it?” Break asked, walking over to them.
“I did.”
The prankster smirked, “What did I tell you?” he ruffled Oz’s hair, “Oz-kun’s sharp.”
“So… what does that mean about your wagers?” Oz tried to put his hair right. “Since you tied?”
“Just a moment Oz-kun,” he put his hand on Oz’s head, his sleeve falling over his eyes, and looked over their heads
Sharon quickly did return, a little out of breath, holding a small package wrapped in a ribbon.
“Here you are, Break!” she held it out for him.
He took it from her and unwrapped it, opening the little red box to reveal that it was filled with the the candy she had promised.
“Just the thing I needed” he patted her head, unwrapping a piece and tossing it into his mouth. “Better luck next time, Ojousama,”
Oz and Alice stared at him, open-mouthed, dumbstruck that he had beat them.
“Now I suppose I should get started on that dessert of yours,” he waited until the proper moment to add.
“Please do.”
“Huh?” Oz and Alice asked simultaneously.
“Since we tied,” Sharon spoke, as they both turned to them, “we both win.”
“So…does that mean the clown still has to swear off candy?” Alice asked hopefully.
“No—Unfortunately,” Sharon added, glancing at her servant, who rolled his eyes, eating another piece, “We both get the rewards of the wager, but no one gets the punishment.”
“More in the Christmas spirit, wouldn’t you agree, Ojousama?” he said between candy crunches.
“Since when do you care about ‘Christmas spirit’?!” Gilbert demanded.
“Better luck next year, I guess,” Oz tried to put a positive spin on it.
“Next year?!” Alice fumed, “I want to settle this now!” (Gilbert held Alice by the neck of her jacket.)
“Believe me,” Reim grunted, eyeing Break, “it’ll only end worse for you,”
“Who knows?” Break shrugged, “There may not be a next year, Oz-kun.”
Alice continued to seethe while the others glanced at each other, unsure of how to respond to such a statement.
“There you go again,” Reim scolded. “You can’t just mention something like that!”
Break dismissed him with a wave of his hand, chuckling to himself, and muttering something about his uptightness, as he made his way down the hall to the kitchens.
After Break left, Oz looked down at his hand, opening his fingers to reveal the little clay, painted oddity he was still holding. Alice came behind him and looked over his shoulder at it.
“What…is it?”
“You didn’t know what you were looking for?!” Gilbert questioned.
“Because you never told me, Seaweed-head!”
Gilbert looked away, clearly wanting to bite back, but without argument with which to do so.
Oz shook his head, staring at it. It was rather crudely made, ineptly painted. But he couldn’t mistake it for anything else—and Gil had been right, he did know it when he saw it.
Because he was the one who made it.
“I can’t believe you kept this, Gil.”
Gilbert looked away, nodding and turning red.
Now he understood why Gilbert was so intent on getting it back. This ornament had probably become a symbol to Gilbert—much like Shelly’s stocking on the mantelpiece was for Break and Sharon—for Oz himself. This ornament, through the years, had probably become tied to his faithful valet’s unending hope that his master would come back. Each year Break took it, as if teasing that perhaps he wouldn’t (and, maybe this was his roundabout way of him trying to prepare him for that), but Gilbert always got it back, as if displaying that he would never lose that hope.
“Oy! What is it?!” Alice demanded again, upset her ‘manservant’ wasn’t focusing all his attention on her.
“It’s a bird, Alice,” Oz answered simply.
“Really, how do you figure?”
“Yeah, it doesn’t look very good does it?” Oz laughed.
“Seaweed-head, why would a crappy ornament like this be your favorite?”
“Oy! You don’t see me criticizing your bad taste!”
“Bad taste?! I have impeccable taste! I eat meat every day!”
“That’s not what—”
“Its because I made it for him,” Oz answered her question quietly.
“You?” Alice laughed, slapping him on the back, “You have pretty poor skills, Oz.”
“Give me a break! I was a kid!”
Oscar laughed, walking up to them, “You’re still a kid, Oz. Yes…I can’t remember how old he was, but he made me, Ada, and Gilbert ornaments,” he laughed a little, putting his arm around Gilbert, “I remember how offended Gil was at his master making him a gift.”
“Yeah,” Oz laughed, they all looked up at Gil, who got steadily redder the more they spoke, “We had to force him to accept it.”
“Why are you surprised he kept his, Onii-chan?” Ada asked, “Uncle and I kept ours. They’re back at the Vessalius manor. But! we could bring them over here if you want!”
“That’s okay, I believe you! Still… Like Alice said, they don’t look very good.”
“But, like you said, you were the one who made them for us,” Oscar ruffled his nephew’s hair.
“What were the ornaments you made for them, Oz?” Alice asked.
“Well, I made Ada a little cat, and uncle Oscar a camera. I didn’t really know what Gil liked, so I just made him a bird. Funny, how your chain is Raven now.”
“How come you haven’t made me one, Manservant?!” Alice hit Oz on the head.
“Hey! I’ve been busy!” he rubbed the spot where she hit him.
“In any case,” Alice turned to Gilbert, jumping quickly to the next subject, “now you can make my meat, Seaweed-head!”
“Break’s using the kitchen, Stupid Rabbit!”
“Then let’s go to the market! I’m starving!”
Gilbert sighed into his hand, “Fine. Let me get my hat and coat.”
“Can I come with you guys?” Ada asked—Alice looked peeved, but Gil and Oz had already welcomed her.
“I’ll go check if Break needs anything!” Oz ran off towards the kitchen.
As Oz arrived, he saw that Break had changed out of his white coat and purple shirt into more casual closing—likely so he wouldn’t ruin his normal outfit. He had rolled up the sleeves, and was wearing a pink apron Gil sometimes wore when he cooked for them here, but which probably belonged to Sharon’s grandmother, or mother. He had already begun to make a mess of things; flour was all over the counter, chocolate was on the walls, somehow there were even ingredients in in his hair.
“You need some help?” Oz asked, half-jokingly.
Break looked up.
“Oz-kun,” he noted, then grinned, “You? Help me? Gotten bored of Gilbert-kun, and Alice-kun already?”
“Nah. I just wanted to know if you needed anything. We’re going to the store.”
Oz knew that Break could have asked for help from the staff, or Gilbert, but Sharon called him ‘Mr. One-Man-Show’ for a reason; sure, it might not taste or look all that good, but at least he would have made it himself.
“You really think I wouldn’t have come prepared?”
“But, if you won, you wouldn’t have to make—”
Oz gasped. Realizing something:
They both had bought the supplies ahead of time. Oz thought one of them would have to go to the store, depending on who won the bet, (perhaps dragging the other begrudgingly along), but they both had already bought the necessary ingredients. Which meant, either the food one of them bought would go to waste, or be used in some other way, or, regardless of who won or lost, they still intended to give each other the gifts.
“You already had the ingredients,” Oz thought out loud. “and Sharon-chan already had your candy…”
“I would have thought one of you would have to go to the store, depending on who won.”
“What’s your point, Oz-kun?” Break pushed his hair back.
Oz shook his head, grinning like he now had some secret information. “Break, you really are a nice guy, aren’t you?”
Break put his hand on the table, turning to him, “Wipe that cheeky grin off your face before I do it for you.”
Oz put his hands behind his back, sauntering closer.
“Oh, nothing,” he whistled, “Just that, well, you do this every year, don’t you? Sharon likes to give you a taste of your own medicine if you lose, but you both use this an excuse to give each other extra gifts, don’t you? I bet it was your idea in the first place.”
“How do you know we weren’t planning to use the supplies in some other way?”
“Because you’re not considerate enough to let others use your stuff,” he grinned, “Didn’t you just say there would be punishment in store if I got your candy?”
“Well,” he smirked at Oz’s discovery, twirling the spoon in his hand, “‘nice’ would be stretching it. But maybe occasionally I’m not a complete ‘jerk.’”
Oz grinned. That was all the confirmation he needed.
As if he were brandishing a sword, Break flicked chocolate on Oz’s face with the spoon, “Now get out of here.”
Oz rolled his eyes.
“Good luck, Break!”
With that he exited the room, and ran to the front door to catch up with Gil, Ada, and Alice, who were gathered there, waiting for him.
“Break doesn’t need anything!” he called to them, “Let’s go!”
At first it may have seemed like a waste of time, but, in the end, Oz realized; an afternoon playing a game, learning that after ten years Gil had still cherished the small gift he had once been reluctant to accept, seeing how Sharon and Break found ways to bring each other joy, spending time with his friends, spending time with his real family, would never be a waste of an afternoon for him.
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teoriasemserie-blog · 7 years
We all can see clear Alice represents Emma, a blond girl who lived in the streets, that wears flannel, steal things and like girls.
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We saw Emma like girls with Lily and with Regina.
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Its a fairytale and Emma dress as a lesbian stereotype.
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Theres a big difference between princess Emma and the real Emma.
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Thats a thing, pirates dress as pirates, princess as princess, princes as princes. Alice and Emma dress the same way bc they are lesbians. Also people can say what about Ruby, she used flannel too, well part of the time, but also she did wear so much “feminine” and sexy clothes as Regina, right? Theres not a model to a bissexual character bisides to like women and men, so. 
I know people would say what about Neal and Hook. Neal represents what Emma wanted to have, and she loves him bc he represents Henry, bc she wanted this bc of Henry. She wanted to be the perfect mother to Henry and that how she got pregnant was different of what really happened. We saw two people being abused in the same way and in both times this bring us a baby, the both women who gave birth to these babys was in some kind of prison, Emma had Henry in the prison. Thats how Emma get pregnant of Henry, also we are in the arc what talks about Henrys adoption and we had Henry telling Roni he born in prison. And Hook represents the abuse Emma had in her life, lesbians are forced to date men bc the society want this, they try to do what they are taught to and live a lie. As Emma said about Hook in season 6, this happy ending doesnt feels real, feels like an illusion. The only thing date men does to Emma is take away what makes her special.
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Gif by @frankie-blue-sq
Keeping, we had two Alices in ouat. The first Alice was put in a mind hospital bc her father was manipuled by his new wife who feared Alice could be a bad influence for her kid.
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So Alices father says to Alice that what she feels is not real, that she needs to forget this and marry some man. Thats very interesting since our new Alice was trapped in a tower for her “mother” who abused her father. 
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And also we had Dorothy, our lesbian who wears flannel too, who said her family tried to intern her too.
And so we had Emma being putted in the tower by her parents in the finale of the season 4.
See, 4 “crazy” girls trapped in some way. 
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In this reality Snow controlled David with his heart. 
Alices father didnt save her, Wish Hook didnt save Alice from the tower, David failled Emma. As Reginas father couldnt save her too.  See, 4 fathers failling and being controlled in some way.
Also Regina went trought a similar process, you can see here: http://colyssa.tumblr.com/post/159126769114/why-regina-hates-herself-the-queer-process
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In some moment in Emmas life people tried to take a part of her, the part they thought was bad. And they did put this part in other person, what means they blamed other person for what Emma was. This happens a lot in lgbt peoples life, people say what you feel is not real, that the other people is influencing you. If you dont change they do bad things with you, and you feel bad bc you think theres something wrong with you and that you are the one hurting them. Thats why we have Alice hurting Hook, and so she screams that this wouldnt happen bc she found a cure, so they are cured. You would run too if you hurt the people you love, right? 
In season 4 Emma was losing control of her magic and she hurts David and Henry, this arc was about start to accept what you are, and what Emma is hurted the people she loves, also Snowing are the people who took a part of her, they didnt accepted her even before her birth, this is very hard to deal. Snowing agreed to Emma take away her magic what makes her special so she could be NORMAL. The only people who really tries to help Emma were Henry, Regina and Elsa. And Elsa is the person who helped her, Elsa who parallels Regina. 
And we all saw David did put Emma in the closet, and that now Emma and Regina out the closet together, what looked like a rebirth. We all know in the real world princess dont marry princess, a princess just can marry a prince(what is starting change, love wins, right? But it still is a battle). People say men and women must be together, and we all know theres so many parents that hurt their children just bc they are different, in some countrys theres a thing called Conversion Therapy, where people try to “cure” lgbt people, its an extreme form of abuse, and are the parents and family whose put people in this. 
This whole thing about poisoned hearts looks to be about people trying to justify what their parents did to them, we saw this with Jacinda, her mother abandoned her, so the mind give an excuse that she did this bc was the best, as Snow did to Emma? Its not the same Emma did with Henry, she really loved him and wanted the best to him, Snow never really cared about Emma, thats why she never choose Emma. But Emma thinks in some level she must had be loved. Snowing arent her real parents they are her fantasy parents, what she wanted to have but also we see with them that she didnt have good parents. Also they are her superego, the moral in her mind, the moral controls your impulses and disires, and she need they fall for her to get what she wants. So she need to kill them, we saw Regina killing them in the wishland, so Emma could wake up, and we saw Emma left them sleep forever, for them wake up Regina used collective love, what means for Emma brings them back she needed to remember all the little moments in her life where people showed some love to her, all this together created a moment of true love, see how true love is very rare? We need a lot of people to create a moment of true love.
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Also arent true love the most powerful thing of all? So why Alice and Hook cant break the spell or almost break? People say the word love in ouat a lot but this means nothing bc just say dont make it true, thats why we have true love, whats the real love, right? I know there was a moment in the narrative where the mind turned the ideal of true love into a bad thing, thats why we had Zades, what explain why Emma is with Hook and why Regina was with Hood, they arent true love but they tried to be, when you force things bad things happens. But true love works always even if theres some trouble, as Rumple and Belle, the true love kiss works but he steps back bc he feared to be loved. Snow and David’s true love kiss worked all the time even in season 6 with their heart poisoned. We saw the magic of love even if there was trouble and just one of them could be awake. I’m not saying Hook and Alice arent true love, i’m saying theres something wrong with them, also the chess game, he moved the tower, what means he controls her prison, and also they are in opposite sides in the game, hes in the white side and shes in the black side, what must means for she wins he must lose.
As we saw she scaped the tower by herself, he didnt save her. Also this is a Emmas thing, she always says no one saves her besides her, thats bc nobody saved her in her life, she had to do what was need and save herself, its about her life and now the only people who really save her( in the big and deep moments) are Henry and Regina. The ones she has true love. 
Emma really wanted to be with Regina, thats why Regina is her princess and prince. But why she didnt? Remember the forbidden fruit? Why was it forbidden? 
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This was forbidden bc Emma thought it was wrong, a sin, bc she was taught that to love women was wrong. What means in some moment she will need eat it for to get what she really wants?
I apologize for any discomfort this post might cause, that's not the intention, this is about whats behind the story, ouat keep repeating things, so we must find out what this means, everyone can read this story as they want, i read in this way, also fairytales are very sad and has a lot of abuse and its always about to grow, life and mind, also scape the abusive parts of creation and society, thats why theres so much killing, bc people need kill the abusive parts of her minds for to grow with balance. 
Thanks for your attention, have a good life.
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pinktama · 7 years
Dreams hurr
Why are dreams so weird wtf okay,
So last night I had a dream where, I was a celebrity wowie and I had a concert in Dubai so like, since I kind of grew up here. I asked my bestie who’s also a celebrity apparently, to come with me and like go on a joy ride with me and make stops at some of my old houses and like places with lots of meaning to me so he was like “hecku yeayu” and I was like “chill dud”
So we went for a joy ride lol and he was taking pictures of everything and I was like “Yo what u doin” then he said “I’m takin pictures so I can print it and like make a scrap book of your “childhood” kind of, y’know? like the one we did in Korea where I showed you my childhood and you took pictures too?” and then I parked the car and screamed “WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT, THIS IS WHY YOU’RE MY TRAVEL BUDDY BUD BESTIE ILY FRIEND” and he was like “ok sure me too keep driving” so we did lol
After exploring Dubai we took a break and ate at Popeyes (I LOVE POPEYES HNGGG) and we took take out cuz idk and we rested at a hotel it was cool but he said he was tired so he slept but I snuck out and went on another ride, this time to visit my old choir
When I got there, the choir was actually practicing when I got there so I just stood outside and listened and when it was over I went in and hugged my BUDDY OL PAL BESTIE in choir and she was like “OMG NDSFGSO I HAVENT SEEN U IN YEARS WHERE HAVE U BEEN OH YEAH UR A CELEB I MISS U I ACTUALLY PLANNED TO GO TO UR CONCERT BUT WHY ARE THE TICKETS SO EXPENSIVE WTF (no shade)” and yeah it went on for about a minute then I caught up with my ol piano teachers and we took pictures but then I had to go
Dont ask me how but some how I didnt have a car and I had to walk back to the hotel, so I asked this super nice lady how to get to the hotel and she walked with me there, I think we talked about some deep stuff but it was all blurry sorry
So next, I was in an elevator going down and when the doors opened it was a long grey hallway with like “C” and “R” stuff on it and then OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE batman shows up behind me along with a blonde girl (She looks like weather forecast Janna tbh) and she was like this way and pointed to a door next to the “R”
when I came in, it was like an apartment kind of? like when you walked in it was like I tiny couch in front of you and there were dirty laundry everywhere, and to the left was a tiny hallway which was leading to a bigger space with like lots of stools, for like a party im guessing idk, I dont even know whats going on in my dream
There was girl sitting in the couch in the dirty laundry who was so chill she just, saluted batman, HELLO ITS BATMAN??? but then another girl came in and she was like frantically gathering the dirty laundry and she was like “sorryforthemesssorrysorrysorry” I wanted to tell her to chill but like I didnt want to say anything bcs I’m scared, I mean HELLO we’re with BATMAN 
I noticed a door to the right side of the couch, it was slightly ajar, so I went inside (BTW WTF I WOULD NEVER DO THAT IM IN SOMEONES “APARTMENT” WHAT) and it was like a super fancy toilet, it looked like this except it just had one sink and like a HUGE ASS MIRROR and to the left of the sink was a mediocre hot tub
I noticed the HUGE FUCKING MIRROR how could I not? I went near it but then after staring into it for a while it felt like I was being sucked in, my reflection was blurry but the surroundings were clear, but black smoke was starting to close in on me until I heard a scream outside, I was snapped back to what I thought was reality, I looked towards the door then back again at the mirror but this time my reflection was gone, I was freaked the fuck out that I bolted out the bathroom
I found my old “squad” with the two girls from before laughing and chilling except for B-man, he was way too cool to be laughing at fidget spinners, I was still trying to lasso back my soul into my body so I hid behind my friend uh lets call him..uh Candy idk so Candy was like you okay and he puts his arm around my shoulders i was like I’m fine BUT APPARENTLY I SHOUTED THAT SO EVERYONE LOOKED AT ME (I cried internally), following with an awkward cough I said “I’m fine” softer and more gently, but the chill girl just said “ you know you’re ugly right?” and I didnt want to deal with this shit so I said “same to you’ flipped her off
So I started to walk to the right side of the apartment while Candy followed me to a room with a queen sized bed, he hugged me and told me in THE MOST GENTLE WAY HUMANELY POSSIBLE, “Hey you look exhausted, you want me to cuddle you to sleep?” so i was like “Oho hecku yeayu” and we did
I kind of woke up in the middle of the night, it was pretty and chill until I felt some woman laugh next to me, I turned around and it was my friend’s mom?? I dont know either just bear with me
She giggled and said “Ha Shaniqwa (which is her daughter, its not her actual name pls, to all my Shaniqwa’s out there ily pls dont hurt me) why do you have a friend like Pinku even? she’s a fucktard loser and she doesnt deserve to live” lets stop there bcs I dont want anyone to get triggered and it actually hurts already lol, I dont feel like typing out everything she said, ANYWAY
her little “speech” ended with that giggle followed with “she’s going to regret staying over again, I’m going to make some Seafood Ampalaya and she has to eat it” ok it sounds stupid but I really hate seafood and ampalaya so I kind of gagged at the thought of it, im srry i just dont like fishy stuff
Anyway that got me running for my life and thought to myself, fuck that I’ll just make carbonara at home, if I even know where that is, I feel like Alice rn until I bumped into Candy again and he was actually genuinely worried and he took me back to his place where cuddled to sleep and this time it was more peaceful because I woke up 
Sorry this was rushed I tried to get everything down before I forget lol, idk why but I felt like sharing this, Idk if this dream has any meaning to it or not but eh
i’m ready to receive dm’s from people saying “get help” “wtf is wrong with u” throw them @ me hoe (jk i bet ur a nice person not a hoe k byee)
Didn’t proof read eh fuck it, post
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beauticate · 6 years
Erin Holland, Model & Presenter
Given her on-the-rise showbiz career includes brand partnerships with Sephora, and her latest as Neutrogena’s Sun Care Ambassador – Erin Holland makes an ideal girl to chat to about all things beauty. Inviting us inside her Sydney home, Erin shared with us how she got started on the path to Miss World, how she takes care of herself while she is constantly on the road, her ultimate accessory for a big night out and her favourite beauty product of all time.
“I have always wanted to be a performer, and I consider the presenting work I do now to be an extension of that dream.
Whether it’s singing on stage, presenting on camera or live hosting an event, the rush, adrenaline and satisfaction is the same. It’s all I ever wanted to do with my life. I grew up singing and dancing and had Broadway aspirations, doing some modelling on the side to get me through my studies at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and attending musical auditions. 
After getting so close to landing a few gigs, but to no avail, I decided to put myself up for Miss World Australia in 2013, which I won and went on to compete in Miss World. Thanks to my amazing manager Morgs Barta, this brought about some incredible opportunities, including amazing brand partnerships and travel, and now I am busier than ever.
The best part of my job is that no two days are the same. 
The spontaneity of not knowing what next week will bring is always, always more exciting than it is terrifying. Some of the best experiences and jobs I’ve ever had in my life came about last minute. I am someone who tends to get bored easily and requires a lot of variety, so this life and career are perfect for me.
I am a product fiend. Working with Sephora just enables my makeup addiction in the best possible way. There’s always something brand new to get my hands on and try. 
I love experimenting with different looks and taking inspiration from my fave Instagram makeup accounts. You’ll often find me trying to recreate a photo I have found on the ‘gram for events or nights out! I do definitely have some staples in my kit that I know will never fail me, but then Sephora is constantly stocking new products, new brands - it would just be rude not to try them all, right…?
My absolute, number one makeup tip? Get yourself a Beauty Blender. 
This little guy has been a game changer for applying my base. It just gives you the most seamless, flawless finish without any hassle, regardless of what foundation or concealer you are using. You just have to get one immediately - you wont be disappointed.
My approach to beauty is versatile and my look is completely dependant on the situation or my mood. 
One day it’s all about the winged liner, another a pop of colour in a strong lip, or it’s pared back and the focus is all on dewy skin. Don’t be afraid to try new things and change it up - beauty is so fun. Speaking of which, for a night out I can never go past Ardell Lashes. I use either the Individuals or Demi Wispies. Either type are such an easy way to add some glam to your look, and they really do last all night.
The basics of my skincare routine are simple - cleanse, moisturise, sunscreen. 
I like Endota products for my skin, particularly their milk cleanser and the Peptide Firming Moisturiser. After moisturiser I always apply sunscreen before I apply my makeup. Our skin is just too important not to do so. I’ve been raised to be super diligent with my sun safety, growing up as I did in North Queensland and having our family experience skin cancer, so using Neutrogena Hydroboost Water Gel Lotion SPF50 everyday is a must for me. And in practical terms, we’re not going to use a daily sunscreen that doesn’t work with our lifestyles, which is another reason I love this – it works so well as a base under makeup. Because it’s lightweight and dries matte, makeup goes on so easily afterwards because the sunscreen hasn’t made you greasy or shiny.
When it comes to your hair I think, if you can, it’s good to get to a salon for a treatment and a blow dry pretty regularly. Treating your hair with the same love and care you give your skin and your body is important. 
Remington Schulz is my go to hair man and he is absolutely incredible. For someone who constantly has their hair professionally styled or has extensions in, my hair is in amazing condition. My affordable at-home hair routine is all about quality shampoo and conditioner from Alterna, and then investing in a good set of hair tools. Bad quality tools will burn your hair, so my Dyson Supersonic dryer and GHD tools are life savers. And they give me the closest finish I can get to Remington’s standard!
Listen, if you live in Sydney (or even if you don’t, I promise it’s worth the trip) please do yourself a favour and visit The Parlour Room. 
Natalie and her team are honestly the best in the business. I see them for all my beauty needs - on a regular basis that would be SNS nails, Shellac pedicures and eyebrow tints (as a natural blonde I need constant tinting to match my dark hair!) 
For facials, Endota Spa is my absolute fave retreat in Sydney. The Intense New Age Light Therapy is super active yet incredibly relaxing – it does wonders for my skin. My face really cops a lot with the consistent flying and heavy duty makeup, so I try to get one of these facials every month to thoroughly clean out and rejuvenate my skin.
So that I can take good care of my body, I need a large variety of different exercise to keep me motivated. 
I usually train 4-5 days a week and that consists of a mixture of Ben Lucas PT Sessions from Flow Training Centre twice a week, with the rest of my sessions made up of classes taken at Flow Athletic upstairs. They have a huge variety that I make full use of, so I do anything from Spin, Strength, Yoga to Reformer Pilates. Keeping my mind fresh and constantly trying new classes really is the key to staying motivated for me.
I find it important to have a good stretch session each day, and listening to a relaxing playlist on Spotify (full of lots of James Bay, Vance Joy and Ben Harper) is my favourite way to unwind. Music is absolutely everything to me and has played a part in every big moment in my life. It’s my meditation.
As someone who travels consistently, I can’t really stick to a specific diet. I just try and make good choices at every meal. 
My menu always includes lots of salads, fresh protein and veggies, fruits and good carbs (whole grains, sweet potato etc). When I am travelling I take a daily probiotic just to stay on top of my gut health, but other than that I try to keep things very simple. I also don’t drink much and prefer to save alcohol for social occasions, where I will break out my fave champagne, Moet.
My stylist Donny Galella has taught me SO much over the years. Classic chic with an occasional edge is what we usually go for. 
I am definitely more a clean cut kinda gal, but I love how Donny pushes my fashion boundaries and constantly encourages me to branch out and try different looks. I’m loving Rebecca Vallance and Tom Ford lately, along with Steele, Seed and Kindred for a more relaxed vibe. My latest purchase was a nude YSL envelope handbag with gold hard wear – it goes with everything.
I hope to age gracefully by looking after my face and body in regular, small ways.
People think all too often about the quick fix, but taking the time to invest in your skin by doing simple things like wearing sunscreen everyday (even when you’re not necessarily outdoors) really adds up down the road. I think it’s part of what my mum instilled in me growing up – not to be sloppy, and to take pride in my appearance, both now and for the future. Even to this day I won’t leave the house looking completely terrible. You don’t have to wear a full face of makeup at all times, by any means, but it’s worthwhile to always take pride in yourself and put your best self forward.
Story by Zoe Briggs. Photography by Alice Mahran. Styling by Jess Pecoraro.
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viralhottopics · 8 years
Turns out Archie is just as clueless in ‘Riverdale’ as he is in the comics
KJ Apa as Archie Andrews, Lili Reinhart as Betty Cooper, Cole Sprouse as Jughead Jones, and Camila Mendes as Veronica Lodge
Image: Diyah Pera/THE CW
This recap contains spoilers for Riverdale Season 1, episode 2, titled “A Touch of Evil.”
Previously on Riverdale Archie (KJ Apa) got hot, Jason Blossom’s (Trevor Stines) body was discovered with a bullet hole in his head meaning he didn’t drown like his twin sister Cheryl (Madelaine Petch) said and Archie, Betty (Lili Reinhart) and Veronica’s (Camila Mendes) iconic love triangle was born with Betty’s broken heart.
As subversive as Riverdale gets with Archie Comics canon, underneath the darkness and grit of the world created in The CW series, all of the characters are still pretty much the same as their comic book counterparts. Yes, Archie’s now a hot varsity football player caught in an illicit teacher/student affair with Ms. Grundy (Sarah Habel), but underneath his buff exterior, he’s still the girl-crazy redhead who always tries to do the right thing, even if he doesnt succeed most of the time. His intentions are pure.
While last week’s series premiere did its best to get tongues wagging with how scandalous, shocking and edgy Riverdale is going to be, episode 2 lives up to its promise of staying true to who the Archie Comics characters are. It also makes big strides in Jason Blossom’s murder investigation, no thanks to Archie. But we’ll get to that in a bit.
Now that the police are searching for whoever shot Jason, Archie’s guilty conscience is getting the better of him about the mysterious gunshot he heard at the river’s edge on July 4th. Archie may be a little dense, but he’s not stupid; he can put two and two together he knows exactly when Jason was shot, and he also knows that information could be very helpful to the police. But Ms. Grundy’s scared that if they come forward, it will expose their affair and get her in trouble, so she refuses to let Archie spoil their good time with his ethics. #RiverdaleStrong.
It only takes Archie until lunch to confront Ms. Grundy again, asking her if her feelings for him are real because otherwise there’s no reason to protect whatever it is they’re doing especially if it obstructs a murder investigation.
When faced with that ultimatum, of course Ms. Grundy tells him their relationship is real no surprise there. She seductively warns him that if he exposes their affair, they’ll never get to see each other again, appealing to his teenage boy hormones and effectively shutting him up for a little bit. It’s clear that Grundy doesn’t feel the same way about Archie that he does about her and is more concerned with keeping her job, but he can’t see that through his lust blinders. Can you blame the poor guy?
Thankfully, his former best friend Jughead (Cole Sprouse) is here to help Archie see the truth after he catches a glimpse of the two of them in the act. Archie and Jughead subsequently get into a tense fight about the affair, leading Archie to confess to hearing a gunshot on July 4th, and Jughead’s ensuing anger over the fact that Archie isn’t doing the right thing and coming forward proves to be the push that Archie needs to nut up.
Bro code.
Image: Diyah Pera/THE CW
The next morning, Archie’s resolve is strengthened by an inspiring talk with his dad (Luke Perry) and good ol’ Archie finally decides to do the right thing and tell the police what he heard. We’ll have to wait to see how Grundy reacts to Archie’s decision, though something tells me she’s desperate to keep their affair a secret.
Meanwhile, Betty’s mom, Alice Cooper (Madchen Amick) is on the warpath when it comes to Jason’s murder investigation, practically dancing with glee over the discovery that he was shot.
There is something seriously off with Alice, more than just being a overbearing mother. If every Riverdale character is like their comic book counterpart in some way, Alice Cooper is the exception. There is no trace of her warm, nurturing self from the digest and if it’s there, she’s hiding it well. No one, especially a mother of a high school student, should be that happy about her daughter’s peer getting shot in the face.
She pays off the medical examiner performing the autopsy for the inside scoop on his cause of death, and her interest levels are definitely suspicious. And why is she so afraid to have Betty visit Polly in the group home she’s in? There is definitely something fishy going on with the whole Alice, Polly and Jason situation. I’m all for a slow burn, but this mystery is likely going to have huge ramifications for many characters and possibly the investigation itself, so I’m getting impatient.
But Betty is too focused on her own issues to dig deeper into that, as both Veronica and Archie are on major damage control after their little makeout sesh. For the most part, Betty seems to be over her broken heart. But it’s not how she really feels it’s just what she’s projecting, seeing as how her mother wants her to break off things with both of them. Is this the first sign of Betty’s rebellion, going against what her mother wants, even if it’s not what she truly wants?
When Veronica tries to talk things over with Betty, Betty’s true feelings finally come out and it’s no more Miss Nice Girl. She takes Veronica’s olive branch gift of manis/pedis and blowouts at a fancy salon and instead invites Cheryl of all people, who accepts only to try and get information out of Betty about Polly.
Cheryl thinks whatever happened between Polly and Jason over the summer caused Polly to shoot Jason, and Betty definitely has no time for those kinds of accusations. And hey, maybe threatening murder to the sister of the boy who was just murdered isn’t the smartest idea?
Madelaine Petsch as Cheryl Blossom
Image: Dean Buscher/The CW
There’s clearly more to Cheryl than meets the eye. After trying to stay strong throughout the entire hour, she finally breaks down during the pep rally thrown in her brother’s honor. Believe it or not, Veronica ends up being the one to comfort her, and after Betty sees the sweeter side of Veronica, she decides to put the past behind her and be Veronica’s friend for real. They seal their newly forged bond over milkshakes at Pop’s, making a vow that no boy will ever come between them again.
In a case of TV-perfect timing, Archie then walks through the door of Pop’s. Betty can see the sparks between him and Veronica, but she shoves her feelings down once more and invites him and Jughead to join them in their booth.
Jughead’s closing narration sums up that trio the best: “To someone on the outside, peering in, it would have looked like there were four people in that booth. But I was there and I can tell you, really there were only three: a blonde girl, a raven-haired girl and the luckiest redheaded boy in the universe. For one shining moment, we were just kids. Those bright neon lights of Pop’s keeping the darkness at bay, giving way, as all nights must, to a morning of reckoning.”
SEE ALSO: ‘Riverdale’ reinvents Archie with a ‘Twin Peaks’ twist, and we dare you not to love it
That morning of reckoning is a big step forward in Jason’s murder investigation, as none other than Cheryl is the first arrest made! Record scratch, freeze frame, say what?!
She’s taken out of class by the sheriff and principal because of what the autopsy revealed, and in her own words, she admits, “I’m guilty.” But guilty of what? Surely not murdering her twin brother?
It’s more likely she’s “guilty” of giving a false statement about when her brother disappeared, since it turns out he didn’t die on July 4th he died over a week later. So what was the gunshot that Archie and Grundy heard?
Looks like there are now two major mysteries being brought out of the shadows and into the light in Riverdale. But honestly, I’m just here for Betty and Veronica’s newly-minted girl power friendship.
Other noteworthy moments:
– Moose (Cody Kearsly) wants to keep his secret fling going with Kevin (Casey Cott), but Kevin has no interest in extreme closet cases. Keep on being your awesome, confident and self-aware self, Kevin. You are slowly but surely becoming the best part of Riverdale.
– Archie is the king of sending poor Betty mixed signals, and it’s even more heartbreaking to watch onscreen than it is to read it in the comics. Apparently when they were both in second grade, he almost got held back because he was having trouble reading. She tutored him every day so he would still be in her class, and when he passed he kissed her and asked her to marry him. She told him to ask her again when they were 18 and she’d say yes. She probably, definitely meant that, and of course, he can’t see that. He just remembers it as a cute memory from their childhood. Oh, Archie.
– We’re starting to get a fuzzy picture about what caused Archie and Jughead’s friendship-ending rift. Apparently Archie had plans to go on a road trip over the summer summer with Jughead, beginning on the weekend of July 4th, but Archie canceled last minute. Jughead now knows it’s because of Archie’s fling with Grundy, but that definitely isn’t the whole story. What else happened between these two former best friends? At least Archie deciding to come forward about the gunshot he heard seems to be the start of a resolution with Jughead. Plus, taking a punch to the face for his former bestie definitely scores Archie some points.
– The River Vixens perform at the school’s pep rally in Jason’s honor (what an interesting way of grieving, Cheryl) with an assist from Josie (Ashleigh Murray) and the Pussycats. Their cover of “Sugar, Sugar” is awesome, bubble gum pop fun, and a subversive take on the original since it’s usually sung by The Archies. Subversive really seems to be the mantra of Riverdale, huh?
Riverdale airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on The CW.
BONUS: DC Comics characters come to life in the form of LEGO bricks
Read more: http://on.mash.to/2l4j7vV
from Turns out Archie is just as clueless in ‘Riverdale’ as he is in the comics
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