#but that doesnt make the endeavour worthless??
skylordhorus · 2 years
maaaaan i love getting on tumblr and seeing the most depressing nihilist takes
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yellowbluemoonshine · 2 years
Main Hero Trio Potential
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I would like to talk about Izuku, Ochaco, and Shouto and why they deserve better as characters. The theme of Bnha is about true heroes, asking the meaning of hero, and it's a story about how kids should learn to be better heroes, not just as jobs but as real heroes. Deku, Ochaco, and Shouto are characters who are shown their overwhelming empathy abilities, and kindness. The meaning of hero is saving others so it fits, they are naturally kind people who want to people but at the same time, they are more than that. They are not just good kids who always do right. Their characters are more than that and I would like to focus on how the story could/can/should focus on that.
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Izuku is a character who is always shown as a kind kid but his main flaw is he is really obsessed with heroism too much. On one part; he hurts himself and makes him unable to see the flaws of society but on another part; this is the reason he could see Shigaraki as a victim. He didn't just magically see Shigaraki’s childhood/past, his one look was enough for him to want to save. Once again, let's remember that Izuku is the only one who talked about ‘saving the villain’. Not even Todoroki’s or Uraraka’s thought about it. It's just Izuku finding an excuse to save anyone.Another interesting detail is the difference between class 1 A and Deku. Compared to blessed kids or ‘normal’ kids, Deku doesnt seem to belong in there because he is an outcast. He is not golden child, a not lucky kid who was born with an amazing quirk, he is the kid who is constantly rejected and bullied by society and people for something over which he had no control.
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Deku is a lot like league of villains. Shigaraki is literally his foil. Deku is like Toga who obsess and imitate their idols. Both Touya and Deku idolized their abusers and it lead them to self destruction because they feel worthless and they do everything they do feel worthy. Deku is like Spinner who is just ‘normal dude’, bullied for something he had no control. Deku is like Twice, failed by hero system.
The thing about Deku and what makes him different is he is or at least he was written to be challenge against system and even the world. He would save Shigaraki even whole world said No. He would speak up for abuse victims and started questioning the system he blindly followed and even Allmight. I mean remember the time Deku call Allmight out for hiding things. Remember the time he called put Endeavour for what he did at spor festival. Remember the time he asked Allmight what Shigaraki said about not being able to save everyone.
Since Deku is written to be outcast, it makes more sense him to empathize with people like league, just like Batman who had ‘one bad day’ and wants to help people/even villains because they had ‘one bad day’ too, just like him. If Deku’s unable to criticize the system challenged and let him have the great potential he always has would be amazing.
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Ochaco gets less screentime she deserves, she gets shine whenever she gets involved with Toga and thats the thing. Even though, Ochaco seems to have character flaw (that her repressing her own needs), for some reason, story doesnt focus on it enough. The parallels between Ochaco and Toga is more than just ‘romance’. Ochaco isnt just repressing her romantic feelings, Ochaco is repressing any kind of ‘negative feelings’ to not be burden to others. She displays toxic positivity, she always notice people’s feelings because she pay attention to them all the time because she cares. Story should’ve this part of Ochaco more. Same as Toga who was once just like good, well-behaved girl like Ochaco but had mental breakdown at some point. Its fine to talk about romance and honestly, IzuOcha can be great, if it gets developed properly but their story is more than that and deserve focus on how to neglecting your own needs for others make you end up crazy.
And another interesting detail that wasnt talked enough. Remember when Shigaraki talked about ‘how heroes hurt their families only to help strangers’ and guess who isnt doing that? Ochaco. She always prioritize people around her and honestly, that actually makes her true hero but its hardly mentioned. Deku and many heroes should learn this from her. Ochaco is kind of hero who is also reminding of the humanity of heroes and honestly, let her interact with Shigaraki or Dabi, let Deku interact with league of members more, they have so much potential in there.
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I think the most important part of Shouto’s story and the difference between him and other kids is his goal isnt really getting stronger. Every hero kids focus on trying to be more tough, stronger (well, thats how heroes are raised in this society like soldiers) while Shouto is getting softer because he was already treated like a tool as child so he knows thats not gonna work to be better heroes which is something Deku and Ochaco lacks. Shouto desperately wants to be invidual, just a person with feelings and by focusing on that, thats why he could easiely see the similarities between him and his villain brother. He can speak up his mind more than others. He is a lot more honest and his dark feelings than other characters.
I think this is why his character arc is a lot about inviduality. He is one of the prime examples of why kids shouldnt used as child soldiers and groomed. This could go anywhere. He or other characters who knows his story could speak up about why they shouldnt use kids for this.
Just like Ochaco, Shouto is kind of hero who prioritize family and invidual feelings over strangers, something Deku needs to learn. Tododeku has potential there. Honestly, Shouto and Ochaco would get along well since they have so much in common and Ochaco would realize when he was in trouble and Shouto would know how to show his graditute.
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Of course, other hero characters and hero students have interesting potential too. Bakugou doesnt need villain foil, his dark foil is Endeavour, he is supposed to learn not to be like him and him learning Todoroki story and being called out for his actions could actually be good start of his change and redemption. He could learn the real meaning of winning and be the one who can turn toxic competition to healthy one.
Aoyama and Deku’s quirkless arc could’ve exlpored with this tratior plot, instead of ‘you being quikless is the reason you can hold one for all’. Iida’s obsessions with rules eventually could turn into questining them so that he can help his friends. And honestly characters like Monoma and Shinsou’s story would be really interesting to explore. And honestly Endeavour’s story makes more sense as villain. Dark heroes like Hawks and even Lady Nagant or corrupted side of hero society hsould’ve explored and adressed more.
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What getting away of their potential is simply author’s writing story as black and white. Story stopped adressing the social issues which became the biggest fall of almost all charcters. At some point, kid heroes vs adult heroes shouldve happen, not necessarely as fight but as mindset. Deku’s getting bullied because of being quirkless isnt exlpored and since heroes have to be right, heroes lost their character flaws. Deku used as narrative tool to make heroes better, you can tell its not Izuku is talking, it is author’s talking and defending bad heroes. Since Izuku is good person and mc, he always is right so he is used for this purpose. It ruins Deku’s character more than Ochaco and Shouto because Izuku is the kind of character who supposed to empathize with villains side because he was once outcast too.
- The scene Deku rejected Toga only happenned to make Toga-Ochaco interaction. Dabi doesnt need Endeavour’s appravol. We could get a scene where both Toga and Dabi give up on their obsessions to help league and Shigaraki since league is exist in story for a reason.
Ochaco isnt explored well because author doesnt know how to handle female characters. I think Shouto is luckier compared to those two since he is not written to be outcast like Deku so it makes sense for him to not think about saving them and he is not female character so he gets better fihgting scene and more screen times but his character is not explored and his feelings is not explored enough, despite being one of the main characters. Other than this, someone else already mentioned this before, i think Shouto’s liking and worrying abour Endeavour doesnt make sense. I mean, how could you care about someone whom you doesnt have one good memory with? I didnt think about this before but they are actually right. I always saw Dabi as proof that Shouto still secrelt despises his father but respressing it because of system and eventually confronting it which would be better writing, in my opinion. Unfortunately, story started to focus more on power and less on characters.
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Well, we dont know how story will goes or end up but at least, i really wanted to talk about their great potential as heroes. Especially Deku, Ochaco and Shouto. Their characters is actually interesting and they have great potential both as heroes and characters. I also want those three to hang out together with villains at the end.
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mowochii · 5 years
Sorry if I'm bothering you by requesting something again, you don't have to do this, haha;; But, can you do Todoroki and/or Bakugo x an s/o that got turned into a child? Like what you did before with Bakugo turning into a child? Thank you if you do!
Dude it's no problem honestly I really appreciate you asking me to do this. So thank you so much!
-You know how it goes, a s/o gets hit by a villians quirk that turns them into a child.- In this you will be around 2 so no talking yet.
Shouto Todoroki
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That is all I have to say for this boy.
This precious icy-hot boi is in love with you.
Teenage or child, he fucking loves you.
So when you get turned back into a child, he loses his damn mind.
Just seeing you in a diaper and one of his shirts that is too small for him.
It really causes him to burst into actual flames.
Shouto honestly believes you are too cute for this world.
To him everything you do is cute.
You sneeze and scare yourself? Cute.
You tackle a teddy bear? Cute.
You smacked Mineta for touching Mina? Cute.
You waddle to him, sit on his lap and call him dada? Omfg.
This boi didnt know what to do when that happened.
He died on the inside.
He passed out.
Izuku literally had to pick you up before Shouto fell off the couch.
Once he came to tho, he was cuddling you like no tomorrow.
Shouto keeps you with him everywhere.
To the kitchen to get something to eat? Yes
Even in the middle of the night? Hell yeah he didnt want to risk you falling off the bed.
Training with his father? Yeah but he let's his sister and brother watch over you.
The only place he wouldn't take you his the bathroom.
Of course your fine with it.
You just sit there playing with your toys and laughing at yourself.
When it comes to diapers and changing, he doesn't know what to do.
So he just ask one of the girls.
And they are happy to help, it gives them practice.
Now everyone knows to do go near you if shouto doesnt like them.
Izuku, Iida, Uraraka? Of course they are close friends.
Mona and any other girl? Yes because they help.
Kaminari, Mineta? Hell no.
Bakugou, Kirishima? Maybe but Shouto will still have to be there to watch you.
Shouto is so protective of you.
Like no joke.
Endeavour had saw you and Shouto sitting in his room during break.
Geez the man could have killed Shouto for bringing this 'worthless child' into his home.
Since you were napping Shouto wanted absolute silence for you.
But since the dickhead he called a father came into the room and started yelling you had started to get a little bit fussy.
Shouto was quick to shut that shit done tho.
He took a bucket but ice in it then melted it so it was water and throw in on his father.
"Leave, I dont need you waking her up. She needs her rest. And I'm also trying to prove that I could be a better father and you could ever be."
Endeavor was about to respond but quickly left because of hero work.
You and Shouto did everything together while you were a kid.
He took you to the park, movies, to the ice shop, aquarium, museum.
He even had Momo make a onesie on his hero costume for you.
He passed out again once he saw you in it.
Shouto asked if he could make one for you when you were back to normal.
He has that once sitting in the closet.
Let's say when you're back to normal Shouto is ready to marry you, and start a family with you.
He actually proposed already in your second year.
Katsuki Bakugo
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For starters this bomb wont let anyone near you.
Izuku is practically dead for even looking at you.
Kirishima hes okay but his trust can only go so far.
Mina is mostly the only girl that can get close to you, and that only to change your diaper.
But he still thinks you're the most precious thing on the planet.
Watching you waddle around the room is the highlight of his day.
You may have to call the police and a mental institution on Katsuki.
He loses his fucking mind about you.
He saw you trip, fall and land on a pillow.
Even tho you got up a few mintues later and giggled at yourself, he still got the first aid kit out and check over you to make sure there were no scratches.
This boy literally lost it when you fell and scraped your knee.
He saw you around the corner and before he could even get you up.
You were already up and running towards him, crying.
No because you hurt your knee but because Mineta had gotten to close to you.
So when you ran into his arms, calling dada this boy didnt know what to do.
First, he cleaned and bandaged your scrape with a cute band aid then he proceeded to give you to Kirishima, who was more that glad to take you. And beat/threatened the everlasting shit ourtof Mineta.
After getting you back from Kiri, who just whined about not getting to spend time with you.
Bakugou got you some ice cream and headed over to his parents' house.
When Mitsuki opened the door she was shocked to say the least.
Once Mitsuki and Masaru had laid their eyes on you, they were quick the fall in love.
Mitsuki kept gushing about how cute babies you and Katsuki would make when yall got older.
Masaru was just enjoying just having another baby in the house again.
You had started to cry and Katsuki got all protective again.
Mitsuki was quick to shut him up and told him to go get you something to eat out of the fridge.
Masaru got to feed you while Mitsuki and Katsuki were fighting over who got to dress you.
Mitsuki wanted to put you in a cute outfit with Katsuki hero name on it
Katsuki wanted to put you in a onesie version of his hero costume.
In the end you wore what Katsuki picked out.
Cue them all taking at least 100 pictures of you.
You were just too cute
If you thought that was bad waiting until you got back to the dorms.
Everybody has at least 10 photos of you, yes even Tokoyami, Shoji, Koda, Sato and Ojiro. Everyone loved you.
Everyone was a chilling in the common room watching t.v and you.
So when you face planted and didnt get up right afterwards everyone was on edge.
Katsuki was the first to react naturally.
He rushed over to see what was wrong, but then you rolled over and started crying.
Everyone tried to stop you from crying, Momo made pacifiers for you, Ojiro tickled you with his tail, Shouto made little snowmen for you to play with.
Katsuki was also trying, he ran into the kitchen to get your sippy cup and some food.
Once you were feed, and changed you sat in the floor again, this time surrounded by pillows.
You had fell once again, but this time in your back.
And when you weren't moving everyone rushed to your side again making sure you were okay. You were just asleep. Cue everyone again taking hundreds of photos of you again because you were too fucking cute.
Okay sorry if it wasn't what you expected. I put a lot of effort into it. I almost could write this part because I had reached the limit. But I do hope you enjoyed it. 😊😊💗
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yellowbluemoonshine · 5 years
Author is preparing deku to him understanding Shigaraki & characters who are parallel with Shigaraki
did you notice shigaraki is a parallel with the characters who saved by deku or close to deku
like everything is for deku s understanding shigaraki better.
similarities between shigaraki and other characters
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kid who lost his family at young age and who hate society because of that
2- ERİ
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Both have light blue hair (almost same hair) and red eyes.
Both have uncommon Quirks, and both accidentally used said Quirks to kill members of their own families.
Both are connected to villain organizations, Tomura as the current leader of the League of Villains and Eri as a Shie Hassaikai hostage.
they were both abused physically and psychologically 
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-they both can face the reality. baku cant face the fact that he isnt sthe strongest. shiggy cant face the fact that he killed his own family even if its just a accident. thats why they both have explosive personality
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-baku got everything he wanted. also shiggy was raised like that too but difference is no one gave shiggy a love and its really horrible if you really think about it.
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- shouto s mom poured boiling water into the face of his own son. maybe he didnt meant to do it. but still, it was the most painfull memory for shouto. this was what made him traumatized
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look at shiggy s father s reaction. similar to shouto s mom s reaction. scared and insane. in that scene, there was an aeron. big posibility, he hit his son with that aeron. this case is also explains that shiggy s keep saying "sorry, father” and his wounds on his right eye and his lips. he is blaming himself, this is also what made him traumatized
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shouto loved his mom but his hearth was broken when her mom did that. shgaraki loved hs father the most maybe but after his father s reaction...they both needed the person they loved the most but they werent there for them. “the ones we loved the most are the ones who hurts us the most”
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-endeavour educated shouto with his own methods. shouto basically lived in a different world from others. he never had friends, he never socialzae with other kids, he never had proper relationship (until the fight with deku). this is why he is so sad at empathize with other people thats why he cant always understand normal situtions cause he is not used to it
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shigaraki was also raised/educated like that but with worse version. he never lived as a human. he lived as an outsider from society. did you ever think why afo talked with him with computer without screen? the reason is to prevent him from establishing empathy. shigaraki never had friends and probably never had a relationship, never even had a proper conversaiton with other people. this is why he cant empathize with others.  and a lot of things.
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-they both were a prisoner of Afo. and their apperances are similar to each others. afo manipulated both of them. and interesting part, deku saw this in his dream. not just this, he also saw how afo manipulated people :)
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they had nothing but then their "savior" came when they lost their path. someone gave them a purpose to live. (well in this case, shigaraki s condition is definitely worse and full of manipulation though). season 1: shigaraki fight the heroes at the first time deku fight the villains at the first time after then, afo: shigaraki tomura, next time, show the world that they need to afraid of you! allmight: midoriya izuku, in spor festival, i want to tell the world "i am here!" season 2: deku lost in spor festival to todoroki. shigaraki lost stain in stain arc. also these panels: 
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both of them, trying to find their path in season 3: 
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they both lost their masters/fathers 
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and now, their turn 
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season 4: deku vs mirio shigaraki vs overhaul who is a better sucessor. and they proved theirselves 
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deku is really heroic and such a good hearth but he is very unlucky, like he is cursed. shigaraki is a tragedy character. his life is cursed. they always have hard times in their own way. (i know you think shigaraki is evil but no, he is not.) these both characters have a lot of similarities but at the same time, they are opposite. like shigaraki is "save me", deku is "i will save you". or deku is really selfless but compared to deku, shigaraki is selfish. they both wants completely different things. but actually they have a lot of similiraties too. they both lost childs and trying to find what they want.
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they are both gratefull characters. deku always gratefull even when people around him did nothing for him, he is still ok. shigaraki is abandoned child basically but even he is a criminal, he is really gratefull to afo and kurogiri cause he thinks they saved him. (well they did opposite though). in shigaraki s mind, life is something worthless, because of this feeling he cant care other people. but he is being gratefull when someone did something for him. also another similarity, they both deserves better. deku did a lot of good things he deserves every beatifull things in the world, shigaraki is just a so tragic, sad and pitifull character ....., he had too much pain, no one deserves to be in pain, especially this much, so after he pay his crimes, he deserves to be happy too. (also author said that he is like a fairy tail boy, it means shigaraki was really cheerfull kid like deku when he was a kid) blah blah blah. shigaraki is just a kid who lost his hope, deku is like symbole of hope. and blah blah blah. there are other similiraties too, but i am tired so...hopefuly you got me, they are same and different at the same time :) like soulmates.
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-also we know deku will have a six quirks. and i believe nana s quirk was decay (cause shigaraki really similar to her and casue of these gloves thing) so in the future, deku wil have too. and again, he will understand shigaraki better than before. like its all for to deku s understanding shigaraki.
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-well lets be honest. every character in bnha could be like shigaraki. also, thinnk about all parallels about him. think about how much victim he is. think about what is this story all about. think about deku s heroic soul.
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we all know shigaraki would be completely different person if someone saved him just in time, he would be good person big posibility. also eventually deku would learn shigaraki s past or even he knows nothing, he will see shigaraki s pain. then what would deku say? “yeah he was a victim, but now he is criminal and hurting others. its too late” really would deku say “its too late to someone”? i mean really? we are talking about deku right now. come onnnnn. tragic victim always have tragic endings? i mean, we have a main character who can change the future!!!
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maybe greatest villain means the most dangerous villain? he most dangerous villain is isnt the most evil, is the one who is in pain the most, i think. also it doesnt mean he wont pay his crimes. he will still pay it, also we have to stop him. and deku and others are learning to “save and win at the same time” then what would happen if the person that you must defeat and save is the same person?! simple. DEFEAT HIM AND SAVE HIM.
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also if deku couldnt save shigaraki, would he say “this is the story how i became the greatest hero”? i dont think so. there is no way he could call himself even a “hero”, if he cant save shigaraki. so definitely he should save him cause this is all about.  dont believe its too late. NEVER TOO LATE TO SAVE SOMEONE. especially we have a victim like shigaraki, there is no way we can leave him like that cause if we ignore his pain, shigaraki will be abandoned by the world for the second time. so i think he should be saved. i think this is what it should be. of course it wont be easy, but it has to be like this otherwise, honestly i would be really disappointed, my opinion. shigaraki is a blowback of this society and you shouldnt kill/destroy blowback. yeah deku and shigaraki are parallel but you shouldnt kill or destroy your parallel. you should save him. yeah shigaraki will go so far but it woul be best if he could turn be a good person again and pay his crimes while living. it would be millions times better than killing him. cause killing him means all this sad scenes for was just making a drama. also stoppng him doesnt mean we have to kill him and deku wont do something like that. i would perefer shigaraki have redemption arc and have happy ending too even though he became a greatest villain. he deserves it and he has a great potential to be a good person. well its my opinion. i hope it can happen.
there might be somethings i forgot to mention and i didnt notice but for now, thats it sory for my bad eng :P hopefully you got meee
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