sorenteenwrites · 2 years
You’ve always been queen of swallowing your feelings. But the acid is slowly eating away at your soul. What abomination will remain when you finally surface as yourself. You who devours your heart in bits and pieces, eating it straight out of the hand of the one you gifted it to.
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sorenteenwrites · 2 years
Nothing changed for you and... You thought that would be fine... But here you are hurting all the same. What a difference it makes being the glue, forcing down your feelings, feeling your throat close up. Why is it always you, struggling to hold things together while they rip you apart?
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sorenteenwrites · 2 years
it burns me up inside sometimes. When you tell me you're just saying things "because you care". Tell me again how you don't want me to feel as if you're taking me for granted when you say you're just waiting to see if i can be good enough for you. Tell me again when you say I'm not your type, when you say you wish I talked more had more passion had a career instead of just a job, tell me again when you say you'll leave me when you find a woman with more of her life together. Tell me again. You think too practically for me, you're selfish and naive. You want to date someone just like you, but you would hate it too. Trust me, I know all to well. I hate dating you, but I love you too much to walk away.
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sorenteenwrites · 2 years
It's always been funny. The way I can understand what people leave unsaid. I don't know why it's so obvious to me when people hide those little things in the way they speak.
This is about how my partner didn't want to tell me he'd bought a far more expensive and thoughtful gift for his other partner who isn't really even his partner. They're married to someone else and he wants them far more then he wants me, it's sad and complicated and yes he's actually said that. I'm just second best. Second pick because I'm not married and want to be his life partner...
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sorenteenwrites · 4 years
Smut wip
He watched her from where he sat at his desk. The moonlight streaming in from the window highlighting her sleeping form as she drew slow breaths of air. He growled quietly, remembering her plush body against his hands, her soft cries as he made love to her that morning. His cock stiffened painfully as memories of her assaulted his mind. He turned back to his screen trying desperately to focus on work but he could still feel her lips against his, could still taste her mouth. He glanced over at the bed again as she shifted, waking slightly. She yawned cutely, blinking tiredly up at him with her soft blue eyes. She reached out towards him, beckoning him to bed. He sighed, turning off his computer and pushing his chair back. He chuckled at her small whines, the way she begged for his warmth. He had long since noticed she slept better when he lay beside her. He kissed her forehead as he pulled the blankets back just enough to crawl under them, pulling her close. She sighed contentedly as his arms wrapped around her and she could snuggle into his chest. 
She glanced up at his face, a sly smile spread across her lips as she pushed herself up enough to kiss him, moaning as his hands began roaming her body. He shifted her so he could slide his hand up her shirt, roughly fondling her soft breasts. She gasped, a beautiful moan escaping her lips. He chuckled burying his face into her neck and nibbling at the exposed skin before biting her gently, relishing in her gasp. He pulled at the waistband of her underwear, sitting up so he could drag them down her legs as she pulled her shirt off. He slowly slipped two fingers into her wet slit, his thumb rubbing her clit as he buried his face in her breasts. She cried out, her back arching slightly as he played with her. 
Her hand slid down his chest, searching for the waistband of his pants. She slipped her hand under the elastic, rubbing his throbbing cock. He growled removing his hands from her as he pulled his own clothing off. His thick cock free he pulled her towards him forcing her ass into the air. He fondled her plush rump before slowly sliding himself into her warm cunt. She cried out happily as he pushed the last inch of his pulsing cock into her, his hips resting against her for a moment before he drew himself back out of her. Ensuring she felt every centimetre of his length. He brought his hand down on her ass, enjoying as she cried out in pleasure. He picked up his pace, thrusting in and out of her, his hands sinking into her hips, drawing her back against him so he could pound her harder. She moaned loudly, crying out as she lost herself to the pleasure.
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sorenteenwrites · 5 years
Anise quickened her pace. Her mother had long since slunk off to some room with a young noble of from an unknown family while her father was away. The wretched woman, Anise thought angrily. But now wasn't the time for that, she had to hurry. If she wanted a taste of freedom this was it, her only chance. Most of the servants were with her father, and the ones left were far more loyal to her then anyone else.
She shifted her bag adjusting where it sat on her shoulder. Food for a few days, water, a knife, bandages... She hoped she wouldn't need half of it, but she preferred to be careful. She'd studied the maps of the forest around their home for months, the maps were sparse as the woods were quite dangerous, but it was the fastest way to the next town. Her parents wouldn't think to look for her there until it was too late.
Anise paused at the door. Fear overtaking her, it was a horrible idea she decided, her father was sick, on death's doorstep. Why did she care? He'd never been kind to her. Anise turned to leave as the door opened. She froze.
"Anise?" Her mother's voice, cold as ice.
Anise couldn't move, it was as if the cold pouring from her mother's heart had frozen her in place.
"Anise is that you?" Her mother was moving towards her now, she heard her gasp. A sharp intake of breath. "You're pregnant..."
Her mother cackled.
"So this is it, you've come waddling back to my door on the night of your father's death." Anise felt tears pickle at her eyes.
"Father is...?" Her mother laughed again.
"Dead. Not two hours ago. Heart attack the doctor said, must have been because his wretch of a daughter abandoned him!" Her words stabbed at Anise like daggers.
"No! I left because of you!" Anise felt nothing as her mother slapped her.
"You left because you're a spoiled brat! And now here you are, gravid and darkening my doorstep." Anise shuddered she couldn't feel the pain of the slap, but she could feel something else, water running down her leg as she was racked by her first contraction.
"Oh gods..." Anise whispered. "Not now..."
"Oh, oh no!" Her mother laughed, barking at a servant. "Send for a midwife, seems my worthless daughter will be contributing to the family line tonight."
"No I..." Anise swallowed hard as her mother grabbed her roughly by the arm.
"You'll be staying here, and this time you won't ever be leaving."
Anise cradled her three pups close while they nursed. Her mother watching her darkly from across the room. "
Anise awoke suddenly, her senses dulled by sleep. Her heart was pounding though she could not yet deduce why. She took quick stock of her surroundings, her garden looked as it should, the sun was just setting beyond the horizon. She felt warm still from it’s rays. She could smell roses, though something else seemed to prickle at her nose and she could hear... hear... a yelp. A wail of pain. Adrenalin coursed through Anise’s veins, Fennel was in danger!
Anise shot forwards, paws slamming into the ground, she could hear Shirra screaming now too and her mother yelling. Anise couldn’t see, fear and panic blinding her. The screams drowning out the world. Time felt slowed, she couldn't move fast enough, her breath caught in her throat. 
After what felt like a century Anise burst from the maze. The sight which lay before her stole her breath. Her world crumbed around her. Her mother stood over her boy, her Fennel. Shirra lay to the side, blood running down her face where she’d been struck and Fennel, barely breathing and covered in bites oozing blood. Anise couldn’t feel anything but the bile rising in her throat, slowly the horror washed over her, the pain. She could hear her mother speaking but couldn’t understand the words, her mind was screaming. 
Something wrapped gently around her leg, her thoughts seemed to steady into a single stream. Finally she found her voice.
“No.” Anise watched as her mother raised her head.
“Anise, oh Anise.” Her mother didn’t seem to understand what Anise was feeling. “All your fault, if you’d just told him to behave. Now look what you've made me do!”
“No Mother.” Anise spoke louder now. “You did this, only you.”
Anise felt a strange warmth run through her, an understanding as the earth before her mother parted, long roots covered in thorns shot out from the cavern now stretched before them. The roots wrapped quickly around her mother, binding her throat and legs, her mother forced out a scream as the roots began to drag her down. Her claws scrabbling at the earth.
“Goodbye Mother, may you suffer eternally for what you’ve done.” Anise hissed as the ground closed over her mother’s head. She could feel the roots dragging her deeper, Anise blocked the rest out as she rushed to Fennel’s side.
“Fennel!” Anise curled around him, trying to put pressure on his wounds. Thorn-less roses wrapped around him, binding his wounds. Fennel’s breathing steadied as Shirra shifted, finally waking.
“Anise! I tried to stop her, is Fennel okay, is he breathing?” Shirra limped over to them, her head low, one eye closed to keep the blood from her cut from flowing into it.
“I think so, for now. Stay with him please, while I get help.” Shirra nodded as Fennel let out a whimper. “I’ll be right back, I promise. I won’t leave you again.”
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sorenteenwrites · 5 years
Musings on Constantin 18+ Greedfall You know you want it
Constantin had been surprised when she'd told him. But not unhappy. He wondered why that was. He thought about it for days before the pain was too much and he could think of nothing but dying and leaving his adorable, no longer cousin, alone. Yes that was it, he'd mused. She wasn't really his cousin. And that changed things for the better. But it meant his father had plans that Constantin had no idea about too. He could only guess at what his cruel father had wanted out of her, his beautiful De Sardet. Though he supposed she wasn't a De Sardet either. But how else could he refer to her? He couldn't decide as his body was wracked with more pain. He was dying, so what did it matter, he thought. Her relation or no relation to him didn't matter if he died. A month passed, his sweet cousin visited when she could, she even brought him a healer who could truly help him. Yes he thought, she was everything. And then everything was a blur. The ritual, the fighting, the running. That monster of a man. Constantin's pain was unending as the man known as the high king buried him in rocks, speaking words he couldn't understand. All his thoughts turned to her, the woman he now loved more then ever. Her soft hands, her beautiful face, he could almost hear her voice. No, he could hear her voice! Though he was trapped within himself he could hear her fighting for his release. When the noise died down, he felt her arms around him, cool like the healers had been. He slept then, for days he slept. Healing, growing. When he awoke he felt like more. Stronger, more sure of himself, yes. The healer had done it! Though the poor man had lost his life he'd done the impossible. Constantine touched his head feeling the horns growing there, the vines on his face, like hers! He felt elated. He stood at the window, waiting, thinking, forming his plan. Waiting for her return. And return she did. But he couldn't tell her, not yet. He'd wait for the right moment to give his adorable cousin everything. He couldn't wait, sneaking off into the night, gathering his power. Until he was ready, and that's when she found him. He'd grown, he realised. Looking down at her now, her body was so much smaller then it had been before, so beautiful. But he couldn't think about that. He had his beast hold her off, it was under orders not to "harm her for anything in this world" but maybe he'd been to lenient. The beast had held back to much, dying to her blade. He sighed, but it was just one more guardian he had to replace. Nothing terrible. He could feel her now, trying desperately to thwart his plans. But it wouldn't work. He had everything he needed. She could gather her allies, but it wouldn't be enough. And then she'd come to him, alone, and he'd offer her everything. He waited, taking the power he needed from the old tree. Ignoring it's pitiful pleas. She was almost here and he was almost done. He could hear her footsteps now, soft but steady. He ordered the creature to catch her, to hold her still until he was done. He went back to taking En on mil frictimen's power. Drinking it in until the beast bellowed angrily at her. Fear shot through him, his love! He stood, yelling for the creature to stop. He snarled at it to back away from her. His dear love, he never wanted to harm her! It was now or never he realised, becking her forwards, handing her the knife. "I want everything for you!" He said. Hastily adding, "For us!" He watched her, waiting for her to choose. Whatever she chose, he would love her always. He watched as she cut her hand, placing it in his. "Oh my love," he whispered. Embracing her. "We will rule together, forever as gods!" As the warriors outside the gates receided, he closed the doors to the sanctuary. Sending the beast to guard the hall. He finished absorbing the ancient gods power, finally pulling away from his love. "Do you feel it, dearest?" He held her face in his hands, kissing away her tears. "All this power, yours! We'll rule this horrid world together, we'll make it better!" "Constantin?" She seemed worried. "My love? What is it?" He kneeled before her now. "Anything, any wish! Tell me and it's yours!" "Let them leave safely, please." "Oh..." Them, he realised. Her companions. But she was his now, one small thing and she'd be happy again. "Done my love, I'll let them all leave!" And he did, summoning the beasts back to the hall. Ordering them to stop attacking. He smiled, as the last one returned, finally turning towards his love once again. "Now my dear sweet darling!" She seemed conflicted he thought. He couldn't have that. He pulled her close, kissing her deeply. He felt her push into him, giving in to what she had wanted ever since she'd learned she wasn't truly his cousin, a love that had been waiting to bloom since their childhood. "Do you love me Darling?" "Of course I do!" She seemed confused but Constantin just shook his head. She seemed happy now, her new found power coursing through her. She looked incredible, horns growing from her head, the mark of the bound on her neck glowed beautifully. "What is it, Constantin?" She blushed at his intense gaze. He had apparently been staring to intently. But it couldn't be helped, oh how he loved her. "Will you lay with me now?" She seemed surprised. "On what? The ground?" She asked, confused. Constantin laughed. "No my dearest. Watch!" Constantin summoned vines, grasses, and flowers, creating a soft bed for them to lay upon. "Lay with me my love? As two lovers should?" "Oh, Constantin!" She gasped as he pulled her towards him. He kissed her slowly, savoring her touch. She pushed into him, backing him towards the bed. He laughed against her mouth. "So eager my darling!" He worked to remove his armor as she pulled hers off as well. He groaned, seeing her body like this was almost too much. He sat down heavily on the bed pulling her down into his lap. His lips crashed onto hers. His hands sinking into the soft flesh of her rear. His hardened length pressed against her stomach. He stood, holding on to her legs and turning quickly, laying her on the bed, sitting on all fours above her. "Do you want this, darling?" He kissed her chest, drinking in her scent as he gently bit down on her nipple. Earning a moan in response. "Constantin!" She cried out as his fingers found her clitoris. He was enjoying playing with her, making her cry out his name. He laughed joyously as she cried out in pleasure, a beautiful blush on her pale skin. "It's so hard to keep myself from you when you cry out like this darling," he whispered into her skin, trying to bring her at least once before he lost control. He could feel her trembling as the pleasure built until she screamed out in release. Constantin panted from the effort it took not to rush. Sliding into her slowly. He moaned with her, slowly pushing in and out. One hand on her hip to keep her steady, the other playing with her clitoris, bringing her a second time causing her to clamp up around him. He growled, forcing himself to take it slow. She cried his name desperately, wearing away at his resolve to be gentle with her. "My darling, if you keep this up, I won't be able to hold back!" He gasped as she came a third time as if on queue. He laughed, moaning as he began to move faster. Thrusting into her quickly now, he found a good rhythm, enjoying how she cried out cutely at each trust. "I'm sorry darling." She screamed out his name as he pounded away at her, pushing deeper then he had been before. Bringing her over and over until she was a withering mess beneath him. He felt as if he could last for days if he truly wanted, but he knew she needed rest. He let his pleasure build into a crescendo, helping her to release one last time with him. He slowly slid himself from her, enjoying the sensation. "My darling?" She shuddered as he pulled her to him. Holding her carefully. "Yes Constantin?" She whispered, her voice hoarse. "Have I hurt you at all?" He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "No, it was wonderful my love," she yawned as she spoke, her exhaustion catching up with her. He knew she would need several days of rest to acclimate to her powers. He helped her to climb under the blanket of flowers he'd created, curling up beside her. Soon he thought, everything would be theirs. Everything.
0 notes
sorenteenwrites · 5 years
Musings on Kurt  18+ Greedfall Kurt Romance  I’ve been dwelling on this for a while, also I just noticed when using my phone the paragraphs work normally but when using my computer they do that stupid double space thing? After messing around I fixed it by setting markdown as the text editor??? Never mind I created a new problem, hell. OhhOHOHOHOHOHO I'VE FIGURED IT OUT AND NOW NOTHING CAN STOP ME
Kurt hadn't been their master of arms long. Two years perhaps? He really hadn't been counting, he’d started when the lady De Sardet was 16, and he was, being 5 years older then her, 21. He was 23 now, the lady being 18, and the lord being 15, so two years he decided. Kurt was young for a master of arms but, the young lord Constantin had been very stubborn, adamant that his instructor be young and close to him in age, and the lady De Sardet was quick to insure he had his way. Perhaps the young lord had hoped for a new friend, or just someone he could trust. He could see how little the young Constantin was cared for, how little praise and love he received. Instead praise was heaped upon the lady De Sardet but, she seemed to disregard it like it meant nothing to her, often giving it to her cousin when she could. A true diplomat, they said, but she often laughed saying it was for her cousin that she became so. So she might be of use to him. They must have assumed she was trying to assure her position at court. But Kurt could easily see the truth. The way she moved to block Constantin from blows when his father was angry, the way she fought for Constantin when others laughed at his mistakes, the many many times he had pulled her from the training ground after her rage at Constantin's treatment had left her hands bloodied and bruised, her sword all but broken in two and a training dummy lacerated to pieces.  It hadn't taken long, for Kurt to begin to care for the two. He was with them constantly, protecting them, training them. He saw the way they protected each other, and he grew happy to know them, happier as they grew to trust him. Letting him in on their secrets, dragging him along for their fun. So it was no wonder when she came to him that night. Her dress torn, tears and hurt like he had never seen. He'd feared the worst then. Brigands? Thieves? He'd begged her for answers as she shivered and sobbed in his grasp. A noble she'd told him, Kurt seethed, The Prince had long since given him full right to kill any who dare lay a hand on her, but she held him back.  "He didn't get that far." She had answered in a surprisingly level voice. "I managed to grab a knife and stab him in the hand."  That’s my girl, he'd thought, hugging her close and breathing a sigh of relief. He made to leave again, to entrust a guard he knew well to protect her, but again she stopped him. Begged him not to leave her alone. As strong as she was he realized, she only trusted him to protect her. So he sent other guards to apprehend the man while he walked her to her room. He stood guard at her door, eyes closed trying not to watch her too intently where she sat on her bed. She had insisted he stay in the room, he didn't argue. Moments later the Prince, her mother, and Constantin had burst into her room, seeing the state she was in the Prince turned immediately on him. Accusing him of not looking out for his niece, and why wasn't he hunting for the retch who had touched her. Before the Prince could utter a word more the young lady was in front of him. Shielding his massive frame with her small one. She answered that she had begged Kurt to stay with her so the man could not try again, that it was her fault Kurt had not been with her as she had believed the noble trustworthy. The prince relented with a glare, never one to refuse his niece. In the nick of time a guard called from the door that the noble had been found. The Prince left then to see to justice, though Kurt could feel a dock to his pay coming.  Once the Prince had left her mother and cousin began to fawn over her, asking her what had happened, who it was, she had merely shook her head and asked them to let her rest for the night before she answered them. Constantin had accepted readily, knowing his cousin needed time, understanding her on a surprisingly deeper level. Constantin left, but her mother remained. She hugged her daughter to her, brushing her hair and singing a beautiful song. De Sardet had begun to sob then, a noise like Kurt had never heard. Full of pain and fear. It made his heart ache. Finally as she quieted, the pain in his chest abated. Her mother kissed her gently on the head, telling her to sleep and helping her into a nightgown while Kurt turned away. He listened to the rustling of sheets as she lay down, though he sensed she would be up again soon. As her mother passed him she whispered darkly that he was not to fail again. Kurt felt a chill, the woman loved her daughter, but any other she would happily kill herself he realized. He waited, his breath held as the woman left. He rarely feared others, but that woman sent shivers down his spine.  Finally De Sardet shifted, sliding off her bed she walked slowly towards him.  "Kurt, I have thought long and hard about this." Her tone worried him. "I don't want some noble pig to be... To be the first man I lay with." Kurt hesitated, was she saying what he thought she was? She couldn't be but, he remembered the way she watched him sometimes. When he was overseeing recruits, when he was doing heavy work, when it was hot and he'd shed his shirt to continue his personal training. He'd seen the way she watched him move, and she wasn't the only one. He couldn't count how many times a woman had invited him to her bed, at times he'd even been tempted. But thoughts of her stopped him. Her soft skin, her ocean blue eyes, the way her brown hair shimmered in the light. His lady, he could think only of her when other women approached him. Though it was forbidden for him to be with her. She would surely be married to a noble soon. His heart squeezed at the thought.  "I can't just..." He couldn't decide what to say.  "I know this is sudden, but tonight has proven to me that if I'm to have a choice in the matter it must be now, before some other man tries to claim me." Her eyes were bright, red lined from tears. He couldn't help himself as one slid down her face. He reached up and brushed it aside.  "I don't think I could..." Kurt realized then the extent of her request. He had to ask himself if he could live with this, if he could live with another man forcing himself upon her first or if he would rather live with the knowledge of having been her first and never being able to act on his feelings again. "My lady, if I sleep with you tonight what then of tomorrow? Do I pretend I've not the knowledge of your touch, do I forget the sight of your body?"  "Yes," she blushed now, "as I must forget the sight of yours, forget your tender embrace."  Kurt mulled it over. Their feelings, their wants. He could live with just one night, if he could remain at her side forever. He decided.  "Anything for you, my sweet lady, anything." He whispered quietly, unclipping his sword belt and carefully propping his sword against the wall. Her hands were clumsy, trying to help him from his brigandine. He chuckled. "Allow me."  >He quickly disrobed, only his braies remaining.  "Shall I aid you, my sweet lady?" His hands brushed up the side of her gown.  "Yes please." She turned allowing him to untie the back of her nightgown, he watched as the cloth dropped from her body. His breath caught in his throat. Her skin shown in the moonlight, soft and beautiful. It was too late to stop he decided, to late to ask her if she was sure. But he couldn't hold back the words, whispered into her shoulder with each kiss he placed upon them.  "Are you truly sure you wish to lay with me?" He kissed her neck now, feeling her shiver beneath him as his hands brushed her hips and moved upwards towards her chest wrap.  "Yes Kurt, I'm sure." She spoke quietly but with a surprising intensity. She gasped as he nibbled at her neck playfully. He smiled, her breath came faster as he slowly untied the garment. Dropping it to the floor, savoring her gasp as his hands closed around her breasts. He began to kiss down her neck, ending on her shoulder where he carefully bit down marking her just this once. She cried out quietly pulling away from him so she could face him. He forgot how to breath for a moment as she turned, her face was red from wanting, her chest heaved with every heavy breath she took. He felt a flair of desire like he'd never felt before, the woman he loved most in the world standing almost nude before him. His hands brushed down her waist catching on one last piece of cloth. He knelt as he pulled it down her legs.  "Kurt?" She seemed more concerned about his kneeling then about the loss of her underwear. Kurt looked up at her now, taking in the sight of her body from a new angle, he smiled grabbing her legs gently.  "You may need to brace yourself, my sweet lady. If you need to grab me, you can." Kurt slowly pushed her legs apart so she was more balanced.  "Kurt what are you...?" She was genuinely curious he realized, smiling. His mouth coming to rest against her. His tongue pushing deeper. He slid a finger inside her, then another, carefully working to bring her to release. Her left hand knitted through his hair, her right hand pressed into his shoulder, her back curved above him. He could only smile, working that much harder to bring her pleasure. She came quickly, her inexperience evident. He stood, catching her as she fell against him shivering and moaning quietly. He picked her up, walking to the bed and gently laying her down. He wiped her taste from his mouth, letting her catch her breath as he removed his braies.  "Do you wish to continue my lady?" Kurt asked her playfully.  "Yes, please!" She begged. How could he refuse he thought, climbing onto the bed and pulling her towards him. Carefully he angled himself, readying to enter her. He paused glancing to her face, searching for permission.  "Please Kurt, don't tease me like this!" Kurt smiled at her words. Slowly pushing into her, he could feel her tense around him, each squeeze caused him to shudder in ecstasy. She flinched a bit but he had worked her over well. She soon shivered in pleasure.  "My sweet lady," he whispered into her ear as she moaned, his right hand sliding down her stomach, he flicked his fingers gently over her clitoris. Eliciting a small cry as he slowly pulled back out of her. He eased into a slow rhythm working to bring her over the edge again and again, finally she bit down on her hand muffling her cries.  "Kurt!" She gasped out as he brought her again, "Kurt I can't take much more, please!"  "Please what my lady?" Kurt smiled as he increased his speed.  "Kurt!" She wailed a bit too loudly for his comfort.  "Fine. But it may be too rough for you." Kurt bent, kissing her chest, moving his right hand to her hip. Increasing the strength of his thrusts. "Kurt, we can't keep going all night I'll..." She cried out at a particularly hard thrust. "Wake the whole castle!"  "Can't have that can we now? Try to keep quiet while I finish my love." He kissed her forehead gently, pulling back as she bit down on her hand again. Kurt smirked, rapidly thrusting into her now. She cried out against her hand, shivering in delight at the new pace. Perhaps he had been wrong to think he would hurt her, but he couldn't dwell on that as he felt his own pleasure build. At the last moment he pulled back, finishing on her stomach. He panted, his muscles straining from the effort he'd exerted.   "My sweet lady?" He'd whispered, laying beside her for a moment.  "Yes Kurt?" She breathed heavily gasping out the words as she laboriously turning to face him.  "How do you feel?" his brow furrowed with worry now, wondering if he had gone too far, if he had hurt her after all.  "I'm fine Kurt, just tired." She whispered, kissing him. "That was incredible, I regret that we can't continue like this..."  She trailed off, tears welling up in her eyes.  "I'm so sorry Kurt, I suspected how you felt but I still asked this of you."  Kurt shook his head.  "No, no. Do not feel bad, this one night is enough. I will stay by your side forever, no matter who you choose, no matter where you go. I will always protect you, and I will always cherish this night in my heart, my sweet lady." Kurt kissed passionately her one last time, his eyes darkening. It hurt, he supposed. If he truly thought about it. But he knew he would manage, in times of doubt he would remember her love, in times of darkness he would remember her light, yes. This one night could sustain him for centuries he mused. A wonderful memory.  He slid from the bed, collecting their clothes from the floor. "Kurt?" Her voice called him back from his thoughts. "Just for tonight, you can sleep here with me, if you like."  Though he hated himself for it he knew he had to refuse.  "My lady." He spoke carefully. "If I lay beside you, neither of us shall sleep tonight."  She sighed then, nodding slightly as she stood to retrieve her nightgown.  "You're right Kurt. I'll have the servants bring a mattress from one of the other rooms."  "No. I can sleep on your sofa just fine."  "Are you sure?" Her brow furrowed, staring at the large sofa near her bookshelves. "It's soft but, it may not be as kind to you as you wish. And what of night clothes? Shall I have the servants fetch some?"  "No, no need my lady. I can sleep just fine in my armor." Kurt sighed, glancing at De Sardet. She had donned her nightgown once again. How he wished to kiss her just once more he thought before realizing where such thoughts would lead him. No, he decided, he was happy with this. He finished pulling on his brigandine. Sitting down on the couch. He threw one leg up onto the cushions the other still touching the floor. His sword within arms length. He pulled one of the cushions down to lay he head on, crossing his arms over his chest. He closed his eyes dozing off quickly. The last thing he remembered was his lady pulling a blanket over him and placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. A small smile gracing his lips as he slept a content dreamless sleep.
0 notes
sorenteenwrites · 5 years
Musings on Vasco 18+ Greedfall Vasco romance I couldn’t stop myself, god it’s 3 in the morning. Now that I’ve written Kurt’s, I’m going to have to come back to Vasco’s. It’s too short, I can do better then this for Vasco.
He hadn’t thought much of her at first. De Sardet. He’d said her name believing she would be a poison. A thorn in his side. When they spoke that first time, he was surprised to learn she’d lost her cousin; and secretly relieved. No governor, no voyage. No voyage, no rude nobles. He had better things to worry about, like his missing cabin boy. He had mention it offhandedly to her, thinking little of the exchange, believing she had no respect for his people. But De Sardet surprised him, either through kindness or luck, she had returned his cabin boy. Among other things. And then she had found her cousin, and then she battled fiercely and fearlessly to protect him. Yet still, she was a noble. So he thought little of her. On the voyage to the island, she had surprised him again, aside from attending to her cousin, she would often aid the crew alongside her bodyguard. It seemed she knew much of the ways of the Nauts. She was kind and careful, diplomatic. Surprising. Her way with words much like her way with magic, was incredible, even for a noble of her caliber. Vasco had to admit, he had been angry with her, at first. He’d seen the looks she gave him some nights, when his back was turned; his coat tossed on the deck as he raised the sails, too sweaty to bear the cloth’s heat. He had felt the heat too, from her gaze. Heard the quiet murmuring with trusted confidants. So when his captain had clipped his wings, he wondered if it was her doing. Yet she seemed sad for him, she had done her best to comfort him, and been otherwise kind. He noticed how she distanced herself from him then. Treating him as she did all her companions. He almost missed the secretive glances, but he knew he couldn’t dwell on it at the time. He asked her for a favor, it was just one. He needed to know, and to his surprise she didn’t even blink. Indeed she had all but insisted she aid him in his quest. And help him she did, no one had known of her presence that night save him. She had dawned a sailors garb and stolen the very file he needed in record time. And afterwords she had given him what information she could. And then, her interest in his childhood peaked, she asked him for a happy memory. How could he say no to her? He had caved to her for a moment, let his mask slip. He thought for a long time, about his life, what he could have had, who he could have been. But the feelings were still there. In the moments away from her, sitting at the tavern, laying in his bed, he cursed her life. The life he could have had, the life he wanted. But then he would see her face, her actions, he could only feel his love grow. Some nights he cursed himself, his heart, weakness he growled. Too long from the sea he was loosing his mind. But each time her face returned to him, sought him out in his dreams, some night he awoke feverish with wanting. Many days passed before he’d decided. He asked for her aid again, and again she gave it without question. He sought out his brother, he saved him, and saw the truth. He was better off a Naut then a noble. Thus for the first time in many a night, he felt some peace. He could lie to himself no longer, her very presence gave him confidence, her light gave him hope, her laughter was joy to him. But he was not yet ready, he had to regain what he had lost before he could say it. And they did, she walked along the cliff with him, fought a guardian with him, and returned with him; triumphant. She watched him now, the last bit of ink needled into his skin, the pain was nothing to him now. Not with her eyes locked with his, her beautiful sea blue eyes. As the last of the ink settled and the needle was pulled away, she spoke. She asked him if he would now sail again like he had often mentioned wanting too, but despite the kind smile on her face, her voice was soft and sad. Soon, he had said, but not before I know where our story goes. He’d watched her face brighten, realizing he’d never seen her let her guard down with anyone like this. His heart beat a little faster as he spoke his next words, his heart urging him forwards as his mouth clumsily followed suit, “Sea and love both share a bitter bite. The sea seizes and love seizes. Love scalds us and the sea scalds us. For neither are free from tempest might.” A poem half remembered, yet it seemed enough for her. Her eyes alight as he asked her if she would spend time with him, alone. Yes was all she had to say, and she did. That night, as the moon crested the buildings of new serene he’d walked quietly up the stairs to her bedroom, unsure of what he’d find at the top. He’d stopped at the doorway, struck by her beauty. She wore a silk gown, it shimmered in the light, highlighting her shape against the sky from her windows. For a moment he wondered what goddess he’d just stumbled upon as she turned to face him. She’d beckoned him to her then. “You still wish to spend this night with me?” he hesitated, suddenly feeling strangely under dressed, inelegant. But she had only smiled at him, placing a kiss against his mouth. “Vasco, please stay with me tonight.” A request that promised more. He felt hot now, as her hands caressed him, pulling his coat from his shoulders. He shuddered at her light kisses, her hands were surprisingly soft. His clothing all but lost, he began to pull at her gown slipping it off her shoulders slowly. Her pale skin glowed in the moonlight. He heard her whisper something, her voice pulling him out of his revere. “Please” she begged him now, heat exploding within him, raw with need he pulled her to the bed, her lips against his, her body pressed tight against him. She moaned his name as he slid into her, his hands locked with hers. He paused to kiss her neck, eliciting a grumble of don’t stop and a gasp as he pulled himself from her. She began to protest but he merely laughed as his hand slid down her body. “I’m sorry my love, but I want this night to last.” He brought her to climax slowly, again and again, until she writhed in under him. Finally he slipped back into her, enjoying how she cried out desperately for him now, his name filling the night air. They finished together, her cries turned to panting. She could barely utter a word, her voice hoarse. “My love?” He’d whispered then as the world suddenly quieted. “Yes?” She’d croaked crawling under her bed sheets. He smiled as she’d pulled him shakily under the sheets as well. “It can wait for morning.” He kissed her forehead, his lips lingering for a moment. The words, I love you, caught in his throat. For now he would relish her touch, her mouth, her gaze. He would worry about her intentions in the morning.
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sorenteenwrites · 6 years
Just a thing
SSO OC Asks 
1. What is their home stable in-game? Why?
Mistfall, story wise it’s because the baroness (my character works for her) wanted to start up a vineyard in mistfall and sent my character to manage the day to day operations, but mostly it’s just because I like mistfall.
2. Where do they actually live in Jorvik?
They bought a farmhouse in mistfall after selling their place in silverglade
3. Who is their favorite NPC? (Obvs they wouldn’t be for our characters, but you know)
There are several, Rania, Avalon, Evergray, Ydris, the list goes on.
4. Who is their Soul Steed? What breed are they? Do they have any markings or look different in some way from the in-game appearance you could give them?
For now it’s the black Clydesdale, until they do Percherons. If they ever get around to Percherons its a Black mare with a small white blaze (My irl soulhorse) Mockingbird.
5. What is their favorite location? (Ex, Hollow Woods, Greendale, Silverglade Manor Library) Why?
Wooded areas in general, so mistfall and valedale mostly
6. Who’s their favorite horse? Why?
Assuming you mean npc horse it’s Meteor.
7. What are their powers? Are they stronger with one Circle over any of the others?
She’s not stronger in any circles, but her favorite is lightning. She gets, essentially, less powerful versions of the four soulriders powers. She heals faster and medicines she makes heal better but she can’t just heal with her hands, she gets premonitions rather then full visions, she can open portals in the right places and at the right times but it’s spotty at best, and finally she can electrify items if she’s holding them but she can’t shoot lightning from her hands.
8. What’s their usual style? Any favorite tack sets or color themes for them?
Western and dark brown/black for color
9. Thoughts about Jorvik City? How do they feel about Rania’s petition for a horse-friendly Jorvik City?
It’s big and noisy and crowded, she’s got anxiety so she hates going there. She thinks it may not be the best idea, considering all the cars and loud noises.
10. Thoughts about Justin? (I’m sorry, I’m curious, he shows up so much)
She likes him well enough, she feels bad about the part she played in his disappearance and turn to darkness. All she wants is to make it better but she doesn’t know how.
11. How do they feel about the magical horse race at the circus? Did they enjoy being a horse?
She likes it, but she’d rather be turned into a Hawk or a Lion
12. Do they trust the Druids? Or how do they feel about them?
She trusts specific druids, but not the organisation as a whole. She also thinks they take to long to decide things and that they are too cautious. Caution won’t win a war against the brazen.
13. Least favorite NPC?
Not including bad guys, uhh the bobcat girls probably?
14. How do they make their money?
She works for the Baroness makes wine, grows grapes. She gets a monthly paycheck for her work managing the Mistfall winery. She’s also looking to buy half the mistfall winery and become co-owner, since the Baroness doesn’t get down to the mistfall winery much it would work out much better that way.
15. How many horses do they own?
Quite a few, I’m not going to count.
16. How many pets do they have? What kind? What are their names?
None if you don’t include the horses.
17. How do they feel about the Soul Riders? Do they trust them? Feel like an outsider? Are they closer to some over the others?
She trusts the Souls Riders, loves them really. She’s finally starting to feel like she’s one of them. She’s pretty close with all of them considering she saved two of them, and has known Alex for a while now.
18. Do they believe something mystical, magical, or otherwise strange really exists in Dino Valley? How did they feel about the leaving of the Kallter and the roar/scream/screech in the Valley?
Yes, but she’s not sure what. That freeze ain’t natural. She’s really worried about the Kallter just leaving like that, but she’s got other stuff on her plate at the moment.
19. Thoughts about Jorvik Wild Horses?
She thinks they’re really cool, she feels like they and her are similar. Not of this world but not of Pandora either, caught in-between.
20. Do you think they are a Wild Whisperer? Or are they just bonded with their Soul Steed?
Wild Whisperer of course, since she’s good with the wild things, especially if those things have a learned distrust of humans.
21. What’s their favorite Jorvegian holiday or celebration?
The more Pagan/Nordic themed ones.
22. What do they think or feel about Pandoria? Have they or do they visit outside of the quests (using the rifts)? If they have or still do, why?
It’s neat cause it’s like somehow the opposite of earth. Like being in the ocean but with air instead of water. She doesn’t visit unless she has too cause it wouldn’t make sense story wise, but she’d love to visit more. She’s real curious about what the ocean life would be like. Maybe there would be trees and ferns and flowers in it, since the coral and sea animals are above the water.
23. How has their visit(s) to Pandoria affected them? Do they have scars? Has it affected any of their life views?
At first it doesn’t appear like they have, but she’s started to notice a slight glow coming from her old scars.
24. Would they ever consider working for Dark Core or believing their side?
No. Even if Dark Core was somehow trying to do something good she still hates what they’ve done to the earth and innocent people.
25. What or who is Garnok to them? A dark presence? A squid-like monster? A child with a ridiculously complicated jumping course (fuckin @’s Lizzy)?
Something unknowable. She wonders if it really cares about dark core, or if dark core really even knows what Garnok is themselves.
26. Do they ever go to the Disco? If they don’t, would they ever consider going? What would it take to make them go?
No, too many people, too loud.
27. Disco or Moorland Beach party?
28. Are they interested in helping with archaeology or fishing?
Both, she enjoys both greatly because they don’t require too much contact with people. (I hate both because both suck at this very moment, make it fun sso!)
29. How do they feel about Igor, the waiter/manager of the Dino Valley cafe, and whom seemed interested in your horse for… “culinary reasons?”
She doesn’t trust him one bit. And he can stay far away from her horses. He can order her wine though, thats fine.
30. Do they like the perpetual winter of Dino Valley or the perpetual autumn/fall of Goldenhills Valley, or is it strange to them? Do they prefer one over the other, or neither?
She has mixed feelings about it. It’s not natural. But she enjoys visiting both when she feels like being in that season.
💋 how many partners do you have? One for now.
💘 do you feel like you chose to be polyamorous or do you feel like it’s who you are? I think it’s currently who I am, but it’s not like I’ve always known.
❤️ how many metamours (partners’ partners) do you have? None.
💔 what was the worst thing someone has said/done when they found out you were polyamorous? Nothing yet, I’ve only told two people.
💖 what was your best moment with each of your partners? My favorite moments are when we’re curled up on the bed just being silly. Playing games or laughing or talking.
💗 do you prefer to date people who are dating each other or not? Dating each other. I want a big happy poly puppy pile.
💙 what’s your best memory with a metamour? N/a
💚 how did you come to be in a polyamorous relationship/ identify as polyamorous? It started when I was reading L.K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series. It opened my eyes to a lot of stuff when I was younger, it’s how I realized I was Bi and Poly.
💛 what’s your favorite polyam pun? My memory is shit so, don’t got one.
🌻 does your polycule have any inside jokes? Don’t PUSH me and some others.
💜 do you think of polyamory as a sexuality? Kinda, yea.
❦ what was your worst polyam break up? Not had one yet thankfully.
💝 what’s your gender? Female
💞 what’s your sexuality? Bi
💟 do you think being polyam makes you LGBT? Only if the poly group is LGBT+ I guess? 
❣️ who’s the most stylish person in your polycule? No one, yet.
💌 how do your partners tell you they love you? By saying I love you generally but also in lots of small and big ways.
💍 have you ever had or do you ever want a wedding or commitment ceremony? Maybe, I’m on the fence about it really.
💐 what’s something you like about each of your metamours? Still don’t have any.
🌸 are you looking for more partners right now? Yes, I’m looking for a female (I want a girlfriend)
🌹 what’s your ideal number of partners? 4, two guys, two girls so it’s nice and even. But maybe I'd like more then that, idk.
🌺 would you ever want to live with both your partner and your metamour? Yes!
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sorenteenwrites · 6 years
Drawn out to the stars, way out, past mars I wish I could tell you how far distant lights, broken hearts, in the shadow of the dancing lights I’ll find myself alone I wish I could tell you how far I’ll be drawn out to the stars oh I’ll burn up in the night as the light consumes me as the light eats away at my heart to the sky, in the dark out past mars How will it feel to burn out with the stars
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sorenteenwrites · 7 years
Female Characters for SaerisDAAU
A small character intro if it pleases you
Name: Terasyl Mahariel Title: The Warden; The Hero of Ferelden; Queen-Consort of Ferelden Race: Elven Lover(s): Alistair Theirin; Beryl Faure Class: Rouge Children: Maren (Female) and Tamlen (Male) (Twins) (2 years at the end of DAI)
Name: Beryl Faure Title: The Warden Commander; Queen of Ferelden Race: Human Lover(s): Alistair Theirin; Terasyl Mahariel Class: Warrior Children: Sarim (Male) (4 Years at the end of DAI)
Name: Ciel Hawke Title: Champion of Kirkwall Race: Human Lover(s): Fenris Class: Rouge Children: Carver (Male; 3 years at the end of DAI) and Aveline (Female; 2 years at the end of DAI)
Name: Saeris Lavellan Title: The Herald of Andraste; The Inquisitor Race: Elven Lover(s): Cullen Rutherford Class: Archer Children: One pregnancy, child or children unborn as of 2 months after DAI end
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sorenteenwrites · 7 years
Saeris watched Cullen with interest. His hands, callused and careful, brushing over his horses graceful neck. 
“Did you need something my love?” Cullen’s words were light, loving. Saeris hoped this feeling could last forever, this peace. Even as she knew it could not, she still hoped.
“There’s something I need to tell you.” Saeris could hardly contain her joy, but still she tempered her elation. She couldn’t help but want to tease Cullen, at least a little.
“What is it? Is something wrong?” Cullen moved towards her. Worry creased his brow as he frowned.
“I can’t do it...” Saeris laughed, Cullen looked surprised for a moment, then he slowly relaxed.
“You almost had me.” Cullen tried to frown but couldn’t. 
“I do have something to tell you though.” Saeris smiled gently. Pointing with her one hand at her belly.
“You’re full?” Cullen’s confusion only deepened as Saeris covered her face with her hand.
“Cullen...” Saeris sighed a hint of laughter in her voice. “I’m pregnant.”
“You’re...” Cullen couldn’t speak. Saeris watched him carefully through her fingers. “You’re...”
Cullen seemed dazed, a silly grin spread across his face.
“I’m going to be a father...” Cullen picked Saeris up spinning her around. He shouted joyfully “I’m going to be a father!”
“We heard you the first time!” Someone yelled from the castle.
Saeris and Cullen laughed as Cullen pulled her into a tight hug.
“I love you so much!” Cullen kissed Saeris then paused. “Do you... Do you think I’ll be a good father?”
Saeris smiled at Cullen, “you’ll do just fine. I’ve seen how you are with the children around the castle, I’m not worried one bit.”
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sorenteenwrites · 7 years
Intro to SaerisDAAU
It was quiet in the castle. It had only been a month, maybe two… Saeris couldn’t remember. Her hand drifted over her belly. It had grown ever so slightly. Cullen still hadn’t noticed. But Terasyl had. Soon the others would too.
Saeris still couldn’t believe it. It was like a wonderful dream. She had been approached one cool evening after the fall of the inquisition by none other then The Warden! Terasyl Mahariel practically a Dalish hero of legend and the hero of Ferelden, the Queen-Consort to Alistair King of Ferelden. It was doubly stunning because the last she had heard Terasyl had been searching for a cure to the calling. A cure she found, or well, sort of. The mages were still working out the kinks but, it was looking promising.
Of course at first Saeris had been reluctant. She and Cullen had just wed, they were unsure of where they wanted to settle down and… A castle? With other people? Lots of other people? But now…
Between Ciel Hawke, Terasyl, Beryl, and Bethany… There was no where else she would rather be. It helped that everyone understood what she had been through. They rarely talked about it but… It was still… Comforting.
Terasyl was of course The Warden, she had saved all of Ferelden with only a small band of friends and her incredible love for everyone she met. Beryl was the fierce and fiery Warden Commander, the daughter of an orlesian noble, she met Alistair and Terasyl after the events of the fifth blight. Alistair was in need of a noble born human wife who would also love his queen-consort and it was quickly clear Beryl was a perfect fit. They all loved each other greatly and, though their titles were different, they all held the same weight amongst the castle staff and with each other. Terasyl had two children a girl and a boy, twins, both 2. Beryl had one child, a boy who was just past the age of four. Maren, Tamlen, and Sarim respectively. Alistair, for his part, was quite the doting father.
Then there was Ciel Hawke the Champion of Kirkwall. She was accompanied by the moody elf, Fenris. Ciel was usually diplomatic and caring, with a tendency to joke in the face of danger. She and Fenris had two children. Carver, three, and Aveline, two. With Ciel of course came Bethany Hawke. Bethany had found love through the tired mage Anders. They had no children, instead choosing to dote on Ciel’s children.
Of course there was her, Saeris Lavellan. The Inquisitor. married to Cullen, and with child. There was little else to say about her. Her parents were dead, her clan disowned her for her marriage, she was no longer the leader of a peacekeeping force still known as the inquisition, and Solas… Her goal in the end was to stop him. They had loved each other but, when Solas pushed her away, she found love elsewhere. He had been distant after that, then he disappeared, then he was suddenly a god. She didn’t really know what to think anymore.
Maybe it was too quiet in the castle. Thoughts were too much, too soon. Saeris sighed. Maybe it was time she told Cullen, a little joy was well overdue.
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