#but that doesn't mean someone might not find it hurtful
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sal-absinthii · 19 hours ago
Yeah I get what you're saying, ugly does have a negative connotation, just like beautiful has a positive one, and if there were a more neutral word I'd say that, but I can't think of one that encompasses everything that ugly covers; unattractive is more about, well, attraction, which is not always what we mean by beautiful. I'm not attracted to men but that doesn't mean there aren't men about whom I'd say "he is really good-looking," or "wow, I really enjoy his whole aesthetic." I'm also not attracted to flowers, buildings, or animals but can appreciate when something is unusually nice to look at, and I think it's the "unusual" part that's inherent in the word beautiful (or ugly, I guess we are also ignoring that many things are neither beautiful nor ugly to us); it's unusual not in the sense of it being unconventional or odd but that it is not typical, it stands out because it is more beautiful than people or things usually are. So I do not think that everyone and everything is beautiful, and I don't think there's any honest person on the planet who would actually say that they think everything is beautiful. If everything is equally beautiful, there is no longer any meaning to the word, because it is inherently an unequal word.
It may be easier to explain what I mean by this by substituting a similar term that has less of a positive/negative connotation; calling something tall is also inherently an unequal term because in order to be tall you must be taller than something else, and if you say "everyone's tall" then that is nonsensical. If someone tried to argue that "everyone is tall" you would naturally ask why they think it is so important to not consider anyone short or average, when it is obvious that people are not all the same height and that tall is a relative descriptor. If they said "it would be mean," you would be left to ask why it is mean to acknowledge an obvious reality, unless they already fundamentally accepted the premise that to be short meant you were inferior as a person to someone who is tall, in which case, avoiding calling someone short is not really challenging or changing this, it's just...hiding it. Where the cut off is for deciding if someone is tall depends on the person and on other factors, but at the end of the day this is just semantics, everyone knows what "tall" means and there is a general consensus about what it looks like, and attempting to counter that by saying "tall means different things to different people" does not get around this basic assumption. To me the impulse to say "no, everyone's beautiful!" when I know perfectly well that no one actually thinks all things are equally beautiful is like saying "no! everyone's tall, because being tall is often seen as desirable and it would hurt people's feelings if you even admitted that some people are not as tall as others." Well, ok, but that just...isn't true, and doesn't become true just because some people might feel upset about it. Some people are also better at singing than others, and some people are more athletic than others, it is absurdity to say that you oughtn't say that in case it leads to other people feeling inadequate. The problem is not, and has never been, acknowledging that some things are "more" of some desirable thing than others; the problem has always been people translating that into something relevant to a person's worth, whether they're doing it to themselves ("I'm an inferior person because I'm not good at trigonometry") or to others ("that person has spotty skin so they deserve to be made fun of") and any argument about how everyone is beautiful is still fundamentally bringing this problem in with it. If people feel inferior because of some trait, the solution is for them to find ways to stop feeling inferior, not to deny the existence of that trait, and if someone else is calling them inferior, then that person needs to stop being a dickhead.
There was a similar popular fight around here many years ago regarding non-disabled people trying to substitute a euphemism like "differently-abled" for the word disabled on the belief that to call someone disabled was an insult; meanwhile, the majority of disabled people talking about this were saying "well it isn't actually an insult, it's just my reality, and the fact that you think it's an insult and want to make yourselves more comfortable by finding a 'nicer' word for it is actually more insulting and frustrating then if you just acknowledge what I am instead of acting like we must be hopelessly depressed and waiting for a non-disabled person to come along and cheer us up by assuring us that we're just as good as they are after all, because we were not actually thinking otherwise." If it is so insulting to not think someone is beautiful that you must attempt to reprogram your own/others' thinking to ensure you don't think less of anyone, that really says more about you and your associations with the word than it does about the person in question.
The argument of "everyone is beautiful" is "you can't treat people badly for not being beautiful, because everyone is beautiful," the second part of which is validating the idea that you could in fact treat people poorly based on their lack of beauty if they were actually ugly, and the reason you can't do this is because no one actually is ugly. Rather, I would cut it off simply at "don't treat people badly for being ugly."
I would say "let people not be beautiful" and that would mean the same thing in most cases, so if you want to change it to that, alright, although there's a point to saying ugly because let's be real, there is a difference between something that just doesn't do it for you and something you find to be actually unpleasant. Like with beauty, that will be different for everyone, although there are certain traits that more commonly fit this than others, and some of these are just part of that evolutionary instinct about reproductive fitness, or conditioned based on what's popular in the time and place in which we live. A lot of people see greasy hair and assume the person is unhygienic; this may or may not be true, but what I'm getting at is that the proper response to this is not "it's unfair to bully him about it because it may not be due to poor hygiene" (carries the implication that it would be ok to bully him if no excuse related to nature or some qualifying disorder can be found to prove it either isn't unhygienic or isn't his fault if he is unhygienic) or "it's unfair to bully him because actually he's just as beautiful as everyone else" (carries the implication that if he were not as beautiful as everyone else -- which is exactly as most people are going to see him and will never accept this argument when they can simply look at him and know the entire ideology is self-delusional because here is a man who is very clearly not as beautiful as the rest, regardless of whether a few oddballs claim to find him genuinely attractive -- then it would be ok to judge and bully him), but very simply, "it's unfair to bully him."
I think fundamentally it is extremely important to let people not be beautiful because any insistence otherwise is completely at odds with people's actual perceptions and the only reason to insist this against reality and the experience of basically everyone is coming from the fear that it would be hurtful not to consider everyone beautiful, when the only reason it would be hurtful is if you are still implicitly accepting the idea that to be beautiful means you have worth and to be not beautiful means you do not.
Again, this is not to say that everyone's standards of beauty are the same or that someone one person considers ugly may not be very attractive to someone else, although no one can possibly deny that there are general patterns about this, either, which is why we talk about "conventional" beauty. It is also not about the related but slightly different issue of people taking a character who is described in conventionally ugly ways and essentially airbrushing them into something that pleases them more, that is also a problem but it's a problem for the same underlying reason as "everyone is beautiful" -- believing that a character must be made to be considered pretty, under some worldview, in order to be defended or liked -- with the additional hypocrisy factor thrown in where they're patting themselves on the back for how open-minded and outré and bravely challenging beauty conventions they are when the very fact that they are trying to change him means that they think there are things that ought to be changed.
People cannot stop themselves from seeing a person they think is unattractive and registering that they feel this way, and trying to make yourself believe that everyone is beautiful is only going to lead to distress when the cognitive dissonance eventually arises that you think this person is ugly and this goes against the ideology you fiercely proclaim, and I think it is both unhealthy and unhelpful to try. I genuinely believe that most of these people have their hearts in the right places and are trying to have what they have been told is the correct progressive view, but it is not, and they have not thought it through to either its practical or moral ends. It is not moral or immoral to think someone or something is ugly or beautiful any more than it is moral or immoral to be ugly or beautiful. What matters is whether you still treat them the same way you would if they looked differently.
I said a lot of the same thing multiple times but I hope from different enough angles that I am conveying what I mean by this.
I love how the Marauders fandom is like everybody is perfect the way they are, they can be black, brown, white, fat, skinny, tall, short, everyone is pretty. Except Snape, no no no, he cannot be pretty, he has greasy hair, you cannot be pretty with greasy hair
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shoyododo · 1 day ago
thinking bout you.
+ h. shoyo x singer!reader, pining, hinata pov, exes to lovers(?)...
it's been over a year since you and hinata shoyo broke up. it was a mutual agreement, neither of you wanted to let go of each other but realistically, it had been the only option.
he was set to fly to Brazil to train and become a pro volleyball player and you wanted to stay in Japan to continue to pursue your passion in music and songwriting. both of you had far bigger dreams ahead of you and refused to hold each other back, despite how painful it was. it wasn't a bad breakup per se, but it had just hurt too much for you two to remain friends.
after your split, you two hadn't had been in contact since, becoming nothing more than strangers with a past. it was for the better, but that doesn't mean he stopped thinking about you, not at all. it was hard to do so when yachi and yamaguchi give him regular updates about you against his will. they were probably doing the same thing to you, he realized. maybe they assumed the two of you ended on good terms. he didn't blame them for it, after all he generally tries to avoid talking about you at all costs.
it's not like their updates were neccessary, anyway. you're on the cover of articles, magazines, late night shows, you're unavoidable. seeing headlines of your music on the top charts and sold out concerts, he wasn't bitter that you were doing more than well. it was the opposite, actually.
of course he caught up on all the news about you, even listening to every single and album release. occasionally stalking your socials, though he wouldn't find much. you were a fairly private person despite your fame, much to his dismay. but no matter the situation, he couldn't be more proud of you and what you achieved, even if he wasn't there with you.
from time to time, he silently hoped you felt the same. he hoped you knew about his years of practice and making a name for himself, getting recruited as a pro player, playing for the national team, just like he told you he would when you were still together. you had given him your unconditional support each time, he'd always loved that about you.
it was hard to forget about you, you were his first love after all, just as he was yours. and secretly, he hoped you thought about him just as much as he thought about you. he hoped you felt the burning ache in your chest and missed him as much as he missed you whenever you heard his name. he's always loved your voice and your music, there wasn't ever a doubt in his mind you were going to make it big. though, he thought that you'd be so out of reach.
so as usual, he listened to your most recent album as soon as it released. sometimes, he felt like you were writing to him, singing the lyrics directly into his ear, but that's always just been his wishful thinking.
after all this time, he realizes it might be time to let go, for real. he's been moping for a little too long now. you two were over, broken up, finished. you have gone on your own paths and live different lives. it's time he accepted the reality of it and stopped hoping for the impossible chance for you to get back together. he decides this is the last time he listens to you, a final goodbye and he's done for good, completely rid of his wishful thinking.
at least it was supposed to be, until now, when your newest album, "h. s.", popped up his screen.
he pauses, takes a deep breath, takes a lap around his apartment, screams out his balcony, double checks his phone, and takes another deep breath before he presses play. he tries to reason against the rapid beating of his heart.
it's just a coincidence, it's not him, it can't be about him. there are a tons of things it could be before him. "h. s." could stand for just about anything; high school, holy spirit, harlem shake. not to mention the fact there are millions of other people with those initials.
he stops his train of thought there, because the thought of you dedicating a whole album to someone else is enough to make him sick to his stomach.
those thoughts were put to rest when the lyrics flow through his ears. this was different to anything else he's heard from you before, and he's listened to all of it so of course he would know. he's never heard you be so desperate and… yearning.
he has no idea what to do. the more time that passes, the more it feels like you're talking about him, talking to him, telling him. he wants to chalk it all up as him being delusional, because there's no way you wrote this song, this whole album about him, is there?
his mind flashes back to when the two of you dated, when he'd notice a faraway look in your eyes when you zone out and gaze at him. each time he asked you what you were thinking about.
"i'm just thinking bout you", you'd reply each time with a soft smile. back then, it never failed to make him warm and flustered. now, it makes him breathless, hearing you sing those same words to him over and over.
it's almost taunting him, the way he wants so bad to show up at your door to see you and hear those words crystal clear just once more.
so he does just that.
he doesn't hesitate to beg yachi for your new address and she was more than happy to inform him that you live less than 30 minutes away. he sets aside the fact that he knows for sure she's going to call up yamaguchi and tsukishima right after.
he runs the 20 minute walk and makes it there in half the time, your songs playing in the background the whole way there. the album is full of breakup songs and love songs, but there's parts that stick with him.
"baby, i don't want no one, no one else. so hurry, 'cause i need some, need some help. and i've been waiting patient, patiently. 'cause i don't have you here with, here with me"
there was no way he'd wait a second longer after hearing that. not that he has to wait long, because you're opening the front door before he even knocks.
he takes in the sight of you in casual clothes, opening the door even wider with a soft look on your face. you don't look shocked at all, as if you expected this, as if you'd knew he would come running straight to your door at 10 P.M.
even after all of that, the thing that makes the words caught in his throat is the way you're looking at him with an expression he knows all too well. an expression he knows he makes whenever he's thinking about you.
the two of you stand face to face at your doorway, not saying a word, just staring at the other. you're the first one to break the heavy silence.
he curses himself in his head for not preparing what he was going to say before he made it here. leave it to him to leap into action without a plan. how exactly did he think this was going to play out? what on earth did he think he was do-
did you like the album?".
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i love shoyo & ariana grande and this was the result #notbetaread
thinking about making this a series...
i'm downbad for timeskip hinata.
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slaymitchabernathy · 2 days ago
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The Witch
| "And I'm on trial, waiting 'til the beat comes out. I'm miles away, he's on my mind, I'm getting tired of crawling all the way. And I've had enough, it's obvious, and I'm getting tired of crawling all the way." |
He finds his way to the cabin under the cover of the moonlight, a heavy feeling weighs on his chest. On one note, Coriolanus is almost honored to be trusted with a mission as important as this one. But on another, it all feels so wrong, Soarynn hasn't done anything, hurt anyone. From what she's told him, she's lonely yes, but she'd never hurt a fly.
Perhaps Hoff is blowing things out of proportion.
He finds Petunia sitting on the top step, her tail swishes back and forth when she sees him. They have somewhat of a mutual understanding now, she doesn't bite him, he doesn't kick her.
It's a symbiotic relationship.
Petunia meows when he pets her head, staying perched on the step. Soarynn says she keeps watch at night, since cats have better vision than humans do in the dark.
He quietly knocks on the door, hoping, praying that Soarynn isn't home tonight. To his chagrin, she opens the door, dressed in a nightgown, with her hair braided down her back. "Oh," she says, looking surprised to see him so late at night, "thought you were comin' around on Sunday."
Coriolanus shoves his hands in his pockets, "Just wanted to see you."
For someone who values honesty, it scares him how easily he can lie to her.
Soarynn smiles, soft and sweet. She's gotten to be much nicer to him, more trusting and open. "Well, come in, it's gettin' colder every night." She's right, the hot months of summer are well behind them, bringing a brisk air with October. He shuffles into the small house, closing the door behind him. If Petunia wants to come inside, she'll make it known by scratching at the door and yowling at the top of her lungs until someone opens it for her.
"I just put some tea on if you want any."
Coriolanus eyes the teapot, he's not really here for tea. "Actually, I was wondering if you'd read my palm again, I, I'm interested to see if there's anything else it might tell you."
Soarynn seems surprised at his statement. A few months ago he nearly ran out of here when she read his palm, but so much has changed since then.
They’ve changed since then.
“Sure, have a seat.”
Coriolanus sits in the wooden chair, resting the back of his larger hand against the table. If Soarynn can really read people’s palms, he wonders what else she can do. Can she read his thoughts? Can she tell the future?
Whatever she can do, it seems to make people like Commander Hoff very nervous, so nervous that he wants to see her hanging from the gallows.
Soarynn sits across from him, brushing her long blonde hair behind her ears as she leans forward, “You want me to read the same one?”
“Is there a difference?” He asks, thinking that surely it won’t matter which palm she reads. Soarynn nods, tracing a finger down the well-worn lines in his palm, “Each one tells me a different story.”
Well, what does he have to lose?
He places his other hand on the table, doing his best to keep it from shaking from his nerves. From his guilt. Soarynn says nothing about the shaking though, if she even notices it.
She studies his palm, the grooves it has from grabbing and holding things after almost nineteen years. She presses her finger against the longest one, "This means you'll have a long marriage, it'll last long is what I mean, won't have to worry about splittin' up."
Well that's a relief he supposes. Divorce is highly frowned upon in the Capitol and if Coriolanus wants to become President-which he does-he can't afford to stain his reputation with a nasty divorce. This is certainly good news. He already prefers this hand over the other one.
Soarynn continues reading his palm, "This one shows that you'll meet someone soon, a girl," she mumbles and he notices a slight blush on her cheeks. Does she think it's about her? He does his best to ease the tension growing between them, "How lucky she'll be then," he jokes, cracking a smile. Soarynn hums without returning the smile.
"This one says that you'll also break a heart."
Breaking a heart can mean a lot of things though, like a friendship, not necessarily a romantic relationship. That's what he wants to think. Soarynn lets go of his hand, "That's all I can see."
Is it? Or is it all she wants to see?
Either way, he came here on a mission, on an assignment and he intends to see it through, even if it's horrible. "Have you ever been in love?" He asks, leaning back in the chair. Soarynn raises her eyebrows, they talk about many things when they're together, but never love.
Too sensitive for either of them.
"Can't say I have," she replies with a shrug, "most boys don't want much to do with me."
If he's going to do this, then he ought to do it the proper way, charm her, make her feel good at least. Give her one last final moment before her bitter end. So he grins, "Really? Then they're missing out."
Soarynn looks mildly uncomfortable with where this conversation is going. "I'm not really lookin' either," she adds, "for someone." That actually interests him, Coriolanus has always known that he'd need to find a suitable partner, but perhaps they don't have these goals in Twelve, or any of the Districts for that matter.
"If you had to create the perfect man, what would he be like?"
They're going into uncharted territory and just like when he was lost in the forest, Coriolanus has no map.
Soarynn shifts in her chair, pulling her knees to her chest and he involuntarily looks at her bare legs, smooth despite living in the woods. She must bathe and shave in the lake. That's good, there's nothing worse than an unkempt woman.
"Um, haven't really thought about it before if I'm bein' honest. Probably just someone who loves me for who I am, and someone who likes bein' outside."
So not him.
That's fine, perfectly fine in fact.
This way, he won't get more attached to her. "I'm sure you'll meet him one day," he tells her, ignoring the way she looks longingly at him from across the table. If she wants him to love her, she's shit out of luck. Coriolanus already knows he can't love, isn't capable of it, doesn't really want to do it either.
Love makes him weak.
He feels weak already when he's around her. She's so disarming, so pretty and kind. He's going to hell for what he's about to do to her.
"I forgot to tell you, I'm leaving in a couple of days."
Soarynn looks genuinely hurt by his lie, she needn't know that he's lying, it'll make this so much easier. "Where're you goin' then? Two?" Coriolanus grins, shaking his head, "Back home. That's really why I came to see you, to say goodbye."
Soarynn's entire body deflates, poor thing is going to be all alone again, or well, she thinks she's going to be all alone again.
And what will they do to spend their last night together?
"Oh, well, well I'm gonna miss seein' you out here then. It's been real nice havin' a friendly face come and visit me. I just wish I could give you somethin' as a gift."
His eyes travel along her collar bones, her bare shoulders with a thin night gown strap across them. "I can think of one thing," he says, leaning forward, "one thing you could give me Soarynn."
Soarynn sits up straighter, his intentions are clear.
It's her move now.
꧁ ꧂
Three hours later and Coriolanus is getting dressed again.
He can feel her watching him, those stormy blue eyes have always enchanted him, and he hopes that this will be his last memory of her. Sweet and innocent, and now, wholly his.
He didn't expect for her to be a virgin, figured a girl like her had probably slept with half the town for a few grimy coins but no, Soarynn was a sweet little secret. She gave in rather easily, desperate for some last bits of human companionship before he took off for home.
To his credit, he was gentle, patient, some might even say he was loving.
Her eyes were so wide when he slid into her cunt, so mesmerized by him, by his body, his confidence, his experience. Him. He guided her through the steps of losing one's virginity. He tasted her, wined and dined her like she was his last meal.
She basically was.
Despite the urge to fuck her like no tomorrow, he held back, taking things nice and slow, romantic even.
They kissed.
"When does your train leave?"
"Sunday," he lies, slipping his shirt back on, "that's why I came to see you tonight."
"Wish I could come and see you at the station," she says, and he turns, looking at the vision she is when she's naked in bed. While she is underfed, her body is just to his liking, soft and smooth, her breasts fit perfectly into his hands. It's a shame he only got to taste her once.
"It's probably for the best," he tells her, tucking his gun back into his waistband, "but thank you, for everything. I hope it all works out for you in the end."
Soarynn smiles up at him, so sweet and trusting, "I hope it all works out for you too. Maybe you could come and visit me and Petunia someday when you're rich."
Oh, Petunia. He hadn't even thought about the cat. What will she do when Soarynn is gone?
Coriolanus clears his throat, desperate to get out of here before his guilty thoughts consume him. "Yeah, well, I'll have to see. I better get going though."
Soarynn sits up in her bed, pulling the covers up to her chest, "Guess this is goodbye then," she says softly. Coriolanus nods, scratching the back of his neck, feeling the cold chain of his dogtags against his skin, "Here, for you to remember me by." He pulls the chain over his neck, holding it out to her.
Soarynn's fingers wrap around the silver chain, silver is a hard thing to find out here. "Thank you. Here, take this." She slides off one of her rings, she always wears rings, some shiny, some dull. This one though is special because she told him about it.
One of her mother's rings.
"I can't," he shakes his head, "it's your mother's."
"Take it," she insists, "you gave me the lighter that used to be your father's. It's the least I could give you."
She already gave him her virginity.
He takes the ring, sliding it onto his pinky, "Thanks."
Coriolanus leans down, pressing one more chaste kiss to her lips which she eagerly returns. He's been with a few girls, but never a girl like her.
Not every man can say that he slept with a witch.
꧁ ꧂
Three days later, a proper witch hunt takes place at night.
Coriolanus watched men load into trucks, with dogs on leashes and guns holstered to their hips.
He hoped Petunia would be able to get away at least.
He sits outside of his barrack, doing about anything to keep himself distracted while he thinks about Soarynn, if she got away, if they found her, if she knows what he's done to her.
Hoff had him make a map of where her cabin was, what it looked like on the inside. He told them everything.
All for a one-way ticket home.
"You've earned it son," Hoff had told him, patting his back, "get back home and forget this ever happened." He leaves at the end of the week.
Right now, he's picking at his nails, cut down for hygienic purposes, and he remembers how tightly she squeezed his hand while they had sex. How soft her hands were, how she giggled when they were done, and he wrapped his arms around her, enjoying the company of another human being for just a moment.
All he had reported back to Hoff was that she wasn't a virgin, and wasn't pregnant, the man didn't need to know anything else.
Suddenly, it's like he can hear every dog barking. Birds fly overhead and he swears they're barking too, or repeating, mimicking. Then, he hears it, a gunshot.
They found her.
꧁ ꧂
Desperate for a distraction, Coriolanus busies himself stacking empty crates by the mess hall, anything to keep his mind off of her. Dinner will be ready soon, the sun is setting and instead of coming back from another trip to the lake, he's here, wallowing in his shame.
The sound of trucks pulling up to the base is more than enough to make Coriolanus feel sick to his stomach. They're back.
He watches the trucks drive through the base one by one, loaded with dogs and Peacekeepers. He approaches the last one when he sees who's sitting in the front of the truck, Commander Hoff.
The Commander notices him instantly, grinning like a bobcat as he steps out of the truck, "Well son, we found her, put up one hell of a fight but we got her." There's a struggle from the back of the truck, a shout, a groan, and then, Soarynn falls out onto the ground. Coriolanus winces at the sound. Two Peacekeepers are on top of her in seconds, grabbing her by her bound arms and lifting her up as if she weighs nothing.
Hoff chuckles, shaking his head at the sight, "She's a wild one, don't know how you put up with her private."
Coriolanus swallows, everything Soarynn has ever known will soon be gone.
The Peacekeepers start to drag her away and she looks over her shoulder, her face is covered in dirt and blood, her hair tangled, her dress torn.
Their eyes meet across the courtyard and he feels shame flooding through his veins.
Her eyes reflect betrayal the same way the lake reflected lightning the night they met in that storm.
When she led the way for him, kept him dry, kept him safe.
Why couldn’t he do the same for her?
"She, uh, she had a cat," he says, his voice distant while watching them lead her away to the cells they keep the detained townspersons in. Mostly for being drunk in public. Now, it's for witches.
"Did you find the cat?"
"The white one? Yeah, we shot her."
Oh, Petunia.
Coriolanus can picture it now, Petunia trying to defend Soarynn in the chaos. The dogs barking, the men surrounding her cabin while Soarynn hunkers down in a corner, terrified out of her mind. Petunia would be on the top step, hissing and swiping at anyone in reach and then, the gun would go off.
It's like he was there to witness it, her small, white body limp on the steps. He can only imagine what Soarynn thought when she saw her feline companion, her loyal friend, dead on the steps to her house.
All because of him.
Now Petunia will rot away, eaten by animals who need a meal. Not buried, no, mourned yes, but not buried the way she should be.
"We'll hang her tomorrow, so rest up," Hoff encourages, "you did a great job helping us Snow, you should be very proud."
Instead of feeling proud, Coriolanus feels like the worst person in the world.
꧁ ꧂
Against his better judgment, Coriolanus goes to visit Soarynn in the cells. Barely any light seeps into the underground room, all concrete, no lake or sunshine, or birds and soft grass.
"Hasn't said a word since she got here," the guard tells him, waving his hand dismissively, "she knows her run is over."
Coriolanus wants to ask this man what "run" he is referring to. Was reading palms and sitting by the lake so bad? Did she really hurt anyone or was she just misunderstood?
He approaches her cell slowly, wrapping his hand around one of the iron bars once he sees her, curled up in the corner. He notices how her hands are still bound, and how there's a thick, metal shackle around her ankle.
She will not escape this.
When she looks up, her gaze is murderous.
"You lied to me," she whispers, her voice hoarse, probably from screaming and crying, "you betrayed me, and you lied to me, and you touched me and now, and now I'll never go home again, and Petunia," her voice breaks off when she mentions her beloved cat.
Coriolanus watches her sob, wishing so badly he could make this right, that he could go back in time and at least warn her. He could've done that, told her about Hoff's plan, left a note, helped her pack. She could've been far north by now, safe and sound.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, truly, he is.
"Go away," she croaks, "I'll be dead by the morning so just go away, no use to you now."
He sighs, it needn't be this way, not when she's about to die. "Soarynn," he starts, crouching down, "don't let it end like this, we still have time. We can talk things ou-"
For once, he is at a loss for words.
Her anger doesn't last long, it seems that screaming took the last bit of energy out of her, because Soarynn slouches back into her corner, soft sniffles can be heard, but his words will only hurt her further.
So Coriolanus leaves, cursed and cruel.
꧁ ꧂
"Citizens of Twelve, we are gathered here today to witness the hanging of the witch! A shunned woman who has caused havoc and dismay on Twelve for far too long!"
Coriolanus scans the crowd that has gathered to see Soarynn die. None of them cheer, all faces are solemn. Maybe she wasn't the witch they made her out to be.
"Let this be a message that the Capitol will not be challenged, living outside of our borders is unnatural and will result in execution. We have no tolerance for rebels," Hoff finishes in a snobbish tone.
Coriolanus turns when the rest of his fellow Peacekeepers do, all must bear witness to the witch dying. Soarynn keeps her composure calm, her face natural as she looks out into the crowd of people who knew her or knew of her all her life. She doesn't resist when another Commander guides her towards the noose or slips it over her neck.
In her last moments, she lets out a four note whistle, the same one she'd use to call Petunia back home. The birds in the forest must like this tune because they begin to repeat it in a melodic fashion, chirping it over and over again.
"Kill the witch!" Hoff commands.
Soarynn closes her eyes and it's done in a second, the floor gives out from underneath her, and he watches her neck snap like the stem of a daisy. He gasps, just like that, Soarynn is gone.
Mumurs can be heard through the crowd when her body is collected, they'll burn it next under Hoff's orders so she can't come back.
Coriolanus doesn't stick around for that part.
Instead, he ventures into the woods, desperate for a safe space to gather his thoughts. His feet carry him to the cabin without him even realizing it. It's a shocking sight. Every window broken, the steps in disrepair, the front door hanging off the hinges.
Coriolanus slowly climbs the steps and chokes back a sob when he sees her.
Her small little body lying in the doorway. He can see where she was shot, that fur stained red. Coriolanus sinks to his knees, gently picking up her lifeless frame, "I'm sorry," he whispers, choking back a sob, "I'm sorry I didn't protect you."
He failed to protect both of them, he could have but he didn't.
He looks into the cabin and finds the inside worse than the outside. Bedsheets thrown on the floor, glass frames shattered, the table knocked over. It's a mess.
Coriolanus manages to find one of the scarves Soarynn liked to wrap around her shoulders, a pretty orange thing, it will do nicely. He takes one last look at the cabin he might have considered home for a brief period of time before leaving.
He goes a little ways into the woods before stopping in a small clearing. He gently sets Petunia's body down and begins digging, it takes quite a while with his bare hands, but the ground is soft and his hands are already dirty, covered in blood literally and metaphorically.
Once the grave is deep enough, he carefully wraps Petunia in the scarf, so they can be together even in death.
"I hope you found each other again," he whispers, lowering her body into the ground. Burying her is much easier than digging was. He finds a few wild flowers and leaves them on top of her grave as well, it's what Soarynn would have wanted.
He doesn't stay much longer, he'll be leaving soon and he's not welcomed here anymore. He wonders if he ever was.
꧁ ꧂
"Good luck in the big city, Private."
Coriolanus gives Hoff a curt nod, today is the day, he's going back home. "Thank you sir, for everything."
"No, thank you, we couldn't have caught that witch if it weren't for you."
Coriolanus just nods again.
"Oh, we found this in her pockets before the hanging, figured the little brat stole it from you." In Commander Hoff's hand are his father's silver lighter and his dogtags.
Coriolanus pockets them, "Thank you, sir."
"Get home safe, Private."
Once on the train, Coriolanus feels a weight lifted off his chest, he can leave all of this behind, start a new life in the Capitol. The train pulls out of the station and he pulls out the lighter again, inspecting it for damage but finds none.
She took such good care of her things.
Now that cabin is empty. No more light or laughter, no more tea at night. No more Soarynn sleeping in her bed with Petunia curled up next to her. No more.
He stares at his palm again, "This one says that you'll also break a heart." Her voice is a painful echo in his mind, but she was right, he did break a heart.
His own.
Coriolanus scowls at his palm, at that silly little girl with her candles and her cat, living in those godforsaken woods. None if that was normal, none of it was natural. Now he's going back home to the Capitol, where there's order and the people are civil creatures.
He can't blame Soarynn for not knowing everything about him or the Capitol, all she's ever known is this sad life. But he knows one thing for certain.
Snow lands on top.
| tumblr oneshot/drabble |
| Part 2. | Final Part |
| taglist: @lovelylove268 @kickmybark @iswearicanfixhim @wonderlandbound111 @melodyoflovee @thevoicesinmyprettylittlehead @erensrealgf @evilmenarehot @cervvsq @snowgirl12 @matcha-muses @anisangeldust @snowsgames |
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clonerightsagenda · 10 months ago
Observing various takes and tags on the content warnings poll and while my initial response was 'I see their utility but have a kneejerk assumption that the work that follows will be very Online' I am increasingly persuaded that the ideal solution is a folksonomy system a la 'does the dog die'. Because, frankly, the author may not realize what's most upsetting about their work. If an author deliberately writes about sexism, for example, it's easy enough to warn for. But if the author unconsciously writes something sexist, they're not going to think to warn for it, are they? If there are content warnings for other things, that just means the reader will be even more blindsided. Author-generated warnings leave you at the mercy of what they think is most upsetting, and that's a personal judgment. If we were going to hypothetically make this a Thing, I think crowdsourcing is your best bet.
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ionlypostmymeemocs · 2 days ago
There is one Medic Trope that someone commented that I really find interesting. But for some reason, I can't find that comment. They might delete it.
But it was about Medic ignorant about his team's feelings. He doesn't understand human emotions even though he studied the human body and he is very smart. Yet, he gets confused when he hurts one of these teammates' feelings even though he believes he was just pointing something out, which is true about them, but he says it in a very mean way. Wondering why they are mad or sad because of him.
My idea for that trope was...
That I should draw him as a smart person...
But in reality! He is an alien disguising himself as a human Medic to learn how humans live/work on planet Earth. Because he only learned about human bones and flesh but not human feelings because he missed that part of his class/studies. So that's why he would get shocked and confused when he hurt Scout's or Pyro's feelings, making them cry.
I got an idea!
Give me a Medic Trope from fanfics that you find annoying, or you just don't like it.
And I'll draw that trope into a Medic OC!
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creature-wizard · 8 months ago
Okay y'all, going forward, this is what we're doing.
Shit's scary, I know. But we absolutely cannot afford to surrender to that fear, because that benefits the GOP. They want us to feel powerless, because they know we are not powerless. That's why they have so many shills and bots discouraging people from voting.
We will not demoralize ourselves and each other by doomposting in our moments of panic. If we have a panic attack, that's okay. But we are not going to spread that fear to other people in public. We will save our most scared thoughts for our private journals and close friends. And we will support our friends who are feeling hopeless.
We will remember that spreading awareness of Project 2025 and Agenda 47 has been hurting Trump. And we will continue to do this.
We will remember that right now, our only option is Biden, because without ranked choice voting, getting a third party candidate in is simply impossible. We might not like it, but that's why we're going to push like hell for ranked choice voting once we get his pruny old ass in to office for a second term. (And thank God, he can't have more than a second term; the Democrats will have to find someone else afterward.)
We will not spread conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories are the weapon of the enemy. We don't need them.
We will not publicly mock Trump in all of this. Making Republicans feel even more victimized is a losing strategy. "But it's my blog-" I'm sorry, are you playing for political keeps or are you just here to fuck around and put everyone's life in even more danger?
We will emphasize the ways that Project 2025/Agenda 47 will hurt everyone. And we will keep talking about it.
We will remember that the UK and France have already avoided far right takeovers in their elections.
All right? You got that? Because we got this if we stick together and keep at this. Shit's bad right now but that doesn't mean it has to be bad forever. We got each other, and we can do this.
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shotmrmiller · 4 months ago
getting shot down by ghost without even asking him out or anything because he'd heard from one scottish bird that your type of guy was exactly like him and thinking back on it now, all the qualities you'd listed for your dream man do sound like as if you were describing him. yikes.
you don't take his rejection to heart, even though it does lightly sting but before you get a chance to explain that said scottish bird is an idiot and very mistaken in his assumption, ghost is telling you that it'd never work, you'd only get hurt and that you do take to heart because what does that mean, exactly? does he think you some dewy eyed farm girl looking for love? that you can't have casual sex with someone without eventually wanting for more?
"tha' ain't wha' i said. you'd get hurt, i mean look at ya." what about you? it's not like you'd let any of what happens behind closed doors affect your performance or anything, you and kyle always keep things professional while in the field.
also, is he aware that he doesn't have to have a reason to not want to sleep with you, or anyone else for that matter?
"you're small," he states, as if fact.
small? small where? your irritation dissipates, shoulders bleeding tension as genuine worry begins to set in. his vision might actually be going bad. could it be the black paint he wears under his mask? is it even safe to use on the face let alone near the eyes? did he read the instructions?
but then you realize he's looking at your legs, or specifically, what's between them and things click, and now you're wondering how someone so bloody brilliant could be this fucking stupid.
"while i appreciate your concern, lieutenant," you pointedly snap, "that's not even- i'd be just fine." he's a big guy, for sure. massive, if being honest. his neck alone is easily bigger than both your hands and you've caught him once or twice having to duck his head to enter the debriefing room but him being so endowed that it poses a threat to you is idiotic at best.
he hums, long and low in his throat, as he peers down at you through heavy lidded eyes, and raises his right shoulder in a shrug. "as you like," and that's the one and only warning you got.
simon had given you as much foreplay as needed, had lapped at your pussy until you forgot what day of the week it was, curled and scissored his fingers until his bedsheets were sodden and it still hadn't been enough. he'd only fit about a fourth of it in before he took pity on you and fucked your thighs instead until he got close, pushing his ruddy tip back into your aching cunt because "spillin' outside is a waste," and sent you on your merry way.
you're no quitter though and after some shopping online, your saving grace (dilators) will be here in a week.
(now to find soap and rip the rest of his hair right out his scalp for wagging his tongue.)
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borderlinereminders · 7 months ago
If you’re someone who needs reassurance from loved ones that they love you, that’s really valid. But the way you ask for it matters. Hinting at it with comments like “nobody loves me” can actually be hurtful to your loved ones. It’s also a good idea to try and reassure yourself first!
The truth is that for a lot of people, giving reassurance constantly is exhausting. It can lead to issues in a relationship over time, and negative feelings on both sides because they may end up avoiding the other person. This is especially true if someone doesn't ask for reassurance directly but hints at it with things like "No one cares about me."
My advice is if you are finding yourself struggling is to first try and self soothe either with skills or things that have helped in the past. Here is my post on self-soothing ideas! And if that doesn’t work, then ask for it in a healthy way.
Some other examples.
Keep screenshots, letters, cards etc that affirm you are cared about by your loved ones. You can even ask someone to give you a recording of them saying it that you can listen to. Bonus: Keep these things in a self-care box that you can use in times of crisis and pull out that has other things in like affirmation cards, favourite treats, self care items, etc.
Examine the evidence. By this I mean try and keep a list of things they've done to show they care about you. For example, I have a list of things my partner has done for me besides saying "I love you" of both big things and little things that I can read when my brain decides to be rude to me and make me doubt he cares.
If the other person has done something specifically to make you feel they don't care, it's important to step back and look at the situation and check the facts. There's a difference between someone lying to you or doing something intentional and someone not replying to you because they got busy. Here’s my post on checking the facts!
Here’s a post on Challenging Irrational Thoughts!
ACCEPTS is a really good skill for distractions! Here's a post on it.
TIPP is a good skill if you are needing to calm down in immediate crisis. Here's a post on it.
If you're having urges to accuse your loved one of not caring, consider Urge Surfing (here's a post on it) and then using a skill or plan that helps you.
If you aren't able to self-soothe that's so valid! It really is. I recommend trying it because sometimes you will be able to. But then sometimes you won't be able to and that's okay. In this case, if you need to get it from someone, ask directly for it instead of doing it in a guilting/passive aggressive/hinting way. You might say "Hey. I know you care about me, but my brain is being rude. Can you please give me some reassurance?" instead of "Sorry I'm such a bad friend/person/burden/etc".
It might also be worth having a conversation when calm with the other person to establish some boundaries and ideas for communication.
For example, if your friend regularly feels drained by you asking for reassurance, they could set boundaries on how often they're okay for you to ask for it.
You both might decide that they will try and message you randomly to offer reassurance because it can mean a lot when that happens.
This might be where they send you messages/recordings/etc that you can read in times of need.
If the friend is doing something specifically, even unintentionally, that makes you question things then it's really valid to have a discussion about it! I recommend using some I-Statements or other communicative skills to talk about it. Even if they aren't doing something wrong, it's still valid to talk about your feelings and see if you can come up with a solution. For example, maybe it's really hard on you that they disappear randomly for a couple days when their energy levels plummet. And this causes you to spiral and think they're ghosting you or etc. In this situation, maybe you and your friend come up with a solution where you establish a single emoji (specific for this purpose) that the friend can send with low energy that says "Hey. It's not you but I'm feeling drained and need to not reply for a bit."
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muqingslover · 5 days ago
Ok, so... this might be a bit of a +18 think piece, but... what do you think the lads men would have as their top 3 kinks? I started thinking about it after I read the Xavier somno one, lol. Maybe I'm crazy but I think Caleb would have blindfolds/rope play in his top 3 (on mc not on him, since he wants to see all of you but is very resultant to show all of himself back due to fear of rejection+ if mc is tied up she can't leave)
[ choosing only three was a lot harder than I thought whew. Also, I'm testing out different layouts rn so don't mind me (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ]
Predator/Prey Play: This guy is the literal definition of wolf in sheep's clothing. What gets him going is the thrill of the hunt and the turntables (his specialty), which is why he will often let you think you're in control and have your fun teasing him only to then pounce when you least expect. If you run from him then you better pray he won't catch you or not.
Exhibitionism: This might be a hot take but walk with me. Xavier is a very jealous man so he won't ever allow anyone to actually see you, buuuut he is very into letting others know you belong to him. You gotta leave for a mission with someone else? Not to worry, all he needs is 10 minutes in the bathroom stall. The bread guy is back at it again? It can't be helped, he'll just have to fuck against the door while he's knocking to show you're busy. He'd love to see you struggling (and failing) to keep your voice down and looks like a smug cat when others notice the marks he left on you.
Cunnilingus: This man eats pussy like a goddamn champ. He absolutely adores having your thighs wrapped around his head, to the point he finds it comforting, and the feeling of his tongue stretching open your dripping pussy for his cock later. Your taste is something he could have every day, which he will if you let him, and he takes pride when you're left a writhing, whimpering mess that begs for him to fuck you.
Bondage: The joke about him tying MC up with surgical knots was definitely not a joke. In my opinion, rather than the power rush over the control he has over you, what really gets him off is the trust you put in his hands. Bondage is all about having faith in your partner to never truly hurt you and knowing you see him that way makes him feel beyond special. Given the chance he'd love to have you wrapped in dark blue, silky ribbons and the aftercare is top tier with this guy.
Lingerie: For some reason I feel like Zayne is REALLY into seeing you wearing lingerie. Ladies, feel free to tease him by telling him you're wearing one, but not letting him see until he's home much later. He'll spend the entire day imagining what type of lace you have under your clothes and he pretty please asks you to strip for him as a reward for waiting.
Phone Sex: Another one I just have a feeling it's his thing. I mean, he is a busy man and sometimes it can't be helped, people have needs yk. He'd like the feeling of knowing you think of him as much as he does of you when the other is not around. The photos you send and the sounds of your needy whines right next to his ear goes straight to his cock and he is mortified when the post-nut clarity hits him and he realizes what he did in his own office.
Overstimulation: I'm an overly sensitive Caleb truther. The overstimulation has his head spinning so good that he can barely form a coherent thought that isn't your name while he slams into your pussy for the nth time like a desperate man. He doesn't want to simply break you he wants to break together, to the point neither of you can think about anything else besides how good it feels.
Roleplaying: I've lost count of the amount of times we've seen him and MC roleplaying and this man will unironically take it to the bedroom. It starts as a joke where he's only doing it to make you laugh, but then he won't allow you to break character and will edge you until you say your "lines" correctly. Forceful and cold soldier? Check. Teasing and pervy Gege? of course. A loving and gentle husband? Sign him up. Strict teacher? No need to ask twice.
Brat Taming: Now defying Caleb is the equivalent of waving a red flag in front of a bull and you better run because when he catches you you're done for. He needs you to need him as much as he needs you and if he has to break you for you to admit it then he will. The rush of being the one in charge and "taking care" of you in a way no one else will is enough to have his cock throbbing.
Breeding AND Biting: These two go hand in hand every time you have sex with him. He craves to have a family with you but, more than anything, he wants you to be as full of him as his heart is of you. He wants you to be so filled with his cum that he has to keep his cock inside otherwise it'll leak out of you. He absolutely enjoys the slippery mess your warm insides become when he rocks his hips into you, slowly but deep, pushing his cum even further into your womb and hoping you'll get pregnant.
Body Worship: I've said it once and I'll say it again: Sylus is a lover boy! ! ! Each kiss on your skin is an offering, a promise and a worship. He wants to know the parts of your body not even you do and give you the love you deserve. The praises he whispers against your body are similar to a prayer and he could spend years exploring every inch of you without ever getting tired. You're the very reason for his existence and any less is just unacceptable.
Size: This guy is not only big but he's also very large. He is a softie who likes to tease you about how small you are compared to him while he holds your hand and pretends he doesn't hear your complaints about him suffocating you after the draped his heavy body over yours. That feeling of satisfaction extends when he has to gently coo you and kiss your tears away while he's spreading your little hole open. He can't help the fangy grin on his lips when he feels his cock bulge on your tummy and he holds your hand over the spot so you feel how deep he is inside of you as well.
Rough Sex: Another controversial take but I feel like he's a secret sadist just not the extreme type. Man can flip his demeanor from "harmless babyboy" to intimidating sea god in a split second who knows what else he's hiding under that purple wig. He'll keep an almost cold demeanor while he coaxes whimpers out of you in the best way and a wicked smirk spreads across his face at the sight of your tears, spurring him on until he's completely broken you.
Food Play: That's definitely one way to make sure he actually eats. Having you be his meal will make him hungry like never before and oh he absolutely will feast (this may or may not be a reference to this). He makes a point of not using his hands while licking along your skin, tasting the sweet chocolate before he left a purple mark on your thighs. Oh, this goes both ways so please pour wine on him and lick him clean ;)
Body Painting: I forgot if there's an actual English term for this but Rafayel would love to draw on your skin and watch you squirm each time the soft, wet brush went over your perked up nipples. He'd scold you when you move because you're making him smudge the lines and holds you in place with his free hand, warning you to stop or he'll take "extreme measures" to make you keep still. You are the only one he'd ever dare to call a masterpiece.
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areislol · 2 months ago
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤyandere monster harem
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pairings. various m! yandere monsters x gn! reader
warnings. yandere themes, toxic obsession, 18+ dark themes
a/n. i love my sillies!!
wc. 6.1k
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imagine a dark, mystical forest where you're the lone human, fated to cross paths with a group of terrifying yet obsessively devoted monsters.
each of them is unique in their appearance and abilities, but they all share one thing: an unrelenting desire to make you theirs, no matter the cost.
the werewolf
a hulking figure with sharp claws, wild amber eyes, and a low growl that vibrates through your very bones. he encountered you when you wandered too close to his den during a full moon. despite his primal instincts, he resisted harming you, instead captivated by your bravery—or foolishness.
he tracks your scent everywhere you go. if you so much as step outside, he’s already following from the shadows, ensuring your safety (and warding off anyone who dares to come near).
he marks your belongings with his scent and doesn’t hesitate to bare his teeth at anyone he deems a threat. you’re his mate, and he’ll challenge anyone who thinks otherwise.
though rough and wild, he becomes uncharacteristically gentle when he sees you hurt or scared, licking your wounds and curling protectively around you.
the werewolf is a wild, untamed force of nature, his obsession with you rooted in instincts so primal he can't suppress them even if he tried.
he watches you from the shadows, always nearby but rarely letting himself be seen at first. your scent drives him to madness—earthy, warm, uniquely you. it's comforting and addictive, and he can't get enough. he's stolen pieces of your life to keep close: a scarf left behind, a mug you drank from, anything that holds your essence.
his possessiveness is terrifying. he won't let anyone else near you if he can help it. if someone gets too close, he intervenes, his voice low and threatening, his golden eyes burning with barely concealed rage. no one dares challenge him; there's something in the way he moves, the way he looms, that screams danger.
he doesn't understand human boundaries. if you're speaking to someone too long, he'll step in, claiming he needs to talk to you or finding some excuse to drag you away. if you protest, he'll growl—not at you, never at you—but in frustration. you're his; why can't everyone else see that?
but with you, he's soft. gentle. when he's sure you're not afraid of him, he'll let you closer, let you see the man beneath the beast. his touch is careful, almost reverent, as if he's afraid he'll break you. when you're upset, he wraps himself around you, his warmth and presence enough to shield you from the world.
his affection shows in small ways. he brings you gifts from the forest: flowers, feathers, shiny rocks he thought you'd like. he watches your reaction closely, his heart swelling with pride when you smile. if you ever thank him, he becomes almost shy, looking away with a faint blush creeping up his neck.
jealousy is his constant battle. if he sees someone making you laugh or smile, his claws dig into his palms. he won't confront you about it, but the person who caused his jealousy might find themselves on the receiving end of his wrath later.
at night, he lingers near your home. the thought of you alone, unprotected, drives him crazy. he paces, his instincts screaming at him to stay close. sometimes, he leaves small signs that he's there—a paw print in the dirt, a tuft of fur snagged on a branch—as if he wants you to know he's watching over you.
his biggest fear is your rejection. he knows he's more beast than man, and the thought of you being afraid of him keeps him awake at night. if you ever flinch or pull away, it shatters him, and he'll retreat, his golden eyes filled with pain. but he always comes back, unable to stay away, his obsession too strong to overcome.
you are his anchor, his reason for fighting the beast within. he doesn't care what it takes; he'll keep you safe, even if it means keeping you all to himself. his love is overwhelming, suffocating, but he doesn't see it that way. to him, it's devotion—pure, unbreakable, eternal.
his growl rumbled low as kael draegon stepped from the shadows, his golden eyes fixed on you with that same wild, desperate intensity.
"don't be afraid," kael draegon whispered, his voice rough but steady as he offered you his hand. the cold breeze tugged at his hair as he stood beside you, his voice soft as he murmured, "you're safe now, with me."
kael draegon always seemed to appear just when you needed him, his presence both calming and terrifying. his hand lingered on your shoulder for just a moment before kael draegon pulled back, his voice almost apologetic. "old instincts, i'm sorry."
the vampire
elegant and poised, with glowing crimson eyes and a voice like silk, the vampire first saw you in the dead of night. he was drawn to the purity of your blood but became enthralled by the purity of your soul instead.
his pale, marble-like skin seems to glow faintly in the moonlight, untouched by time or imperfection. his crimson eyes burn with a smouldering intensity, framed by thick lashes that only add to his magnetic gaze.
his raven-black hair falls in soft, silky waves around his sharp cheekbones, perfectly complementing his aristocratic features. his tall, slender frame moves with a predatory grace, and his voice—smooth as velvet—wraps around you like a dark lullaby.
he loves to watch you sleep, marvelling at your vulnerability. He’ll slip into your room at night, not to harm you, but to leave gifts—a rose, a letter, or even a piece of jewellery from an unknown era.
the vampire despises anyone who captures your attention. Friends, family, or even strangers—they’re nothing but distractions. He may use his hypnotic gaze to erase their presence from your life.
he gets flustered when you show him kindness, like bandaging a wound he sustained in your defence. he tries to hide his blush, but his pale complexion betrays him.
the vampire is as elegant as he is dangerous, his presence suffocating yet alluring, like the pull of a siren's song on a lonely traveler at sea. his crimson eyes gleam in the dark, reflecting centuries of wisdom and hunger, but when he looks at you, they’re soft, desperate, and entirely devoted. you’re his obsession, his muse, his reason to exist in a world that has grown cold and lonely with age.
he first saw you during one of his midnight wanderings, his attention drawn by your scent, a sweet, intoxicating mix of vulnerability and warmth. you were an easy target at first—a stranger out on a walk, unassuming, untouched by the weight of the supernatural world. but then he watched you, from the shadows, and the hunger in him shifted. you weren’t just food, not in the way he expected. you were you.
his obsession grew quickly, a slow, crawling thing that nestled in his bones. he has a habit of appearing when you least expect it: slipping through your window as you sleep, standing at the end of a dark alley when you’re walking home, always close but never intrusive enough to harm you. he studies you with endless fascination, watching how you move, how you smile, how you react to the smallest moments of life. you are his everything.
he is a master manipulator, charming and patient, with a voice like silk and words that dance between honeyed promises and half-truths. he always knows just what to say, always seems to be exactly where you are, making sure you feel safe.
but beneath the charm is something ancient, something sharp—a predator who has learned how to play the long game to get what he wants. you are his, and he has all the time in the world to make sure you know it.
his jealousy is sharp and swift. the moment another person shows even the slightest interest in you, his eyes narrow, his smile turns colder. it doesn’t take much for him to make his presence known, weaving himself into your life, into your conversations, until the other person is left with nothing but fear or confusion. you are his, and he’ll ensure that no one else tries to stake their claim.
he doesn’t simply show his obsession through manipulation. he is far more intimate, far more human in the moments where he can let his guard down. he’ll leave you gifts—roses with petals as red as blood, antique trinkets from his many years of wandering, or old letters written in his perfect, flowing script.
he tries to convey his feelings subtly, his words wrapped in metaphors and promises, but they always come from the deepest part of his heart.
he’s possessive in the way only a centuries-old predator can be. he touches you often, with a hand to your cheek, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face, or lightly grazing your hand as if you might slip away at any moment.
he isn’t violent, not by nature, but his love is all-encompassing, wrapping itself around you like a snake squeezing its prey. you belong to him in every way, and he has no intention of letting you slip out of his grasp.
his dark powers allow him to watch you from afar, slipping into your dreams, invading the quiet moments of your subconscious. you’ll wake with his voice lingering in your mind, his whispers promises of eternity, of a life spent with him, of safety, beauty, and endless nights. he wants you to rely on him, to lean into his presence, to crave his touch, until you can’t imagine your life without him.
when you show kindness or affection toward him, his calm, elegant mask slips. his eyes soften, his voice trembles slightly, and he finds himself speechless.
he’s terrified of showing too much, of letting you see the raw hunger that lies beneath his smooth exterior, but he can’t stop himself. your smile, your laughter, it means everything to him, more than centuries of darkness and isolation ever could.
he would give you everything. his life, his immortality, his heart. but he struggles with the weight of his own nature—the bloodlust that lies just beneath his perfect, pale skin. he’s not just obsessed with you out of a need to control or dominate; he truly cares. he wants you safe, protected, happy. but his fear of losing you makes him cruel, calculating, and relentless.
you are his forever, and he has no intention of sharing you with anyone else, not with the world, not with time, not with destiny itself. his love is suffocating, but it is eternal, and as much as it terrifies him, he knows you’ll never escape his grasp. he’ll make sure of it.
his voice was like silk as dorian vale leaned against the window frame, his crimson eyes glinting in the moonlight
"you shouldn't be out here alone," dorian vale said smoothly, stepping closer, his voice as soft as a whisper. dorian vale’s gaze was piercing, unyielding, and you could feel every moment of his attention as he looked at you
he handed you a single red rose, his pale fingers delicate as he said, "for you, my dear.
his presence lingered, and you could feel dorian vale’s words in your bones as he whispered, "you were always meant to be mine."
the ghost
a shadowy figure with hollow eyes that glow faintly in the dark, the ghost is a tragic soul who found solace in your warmth. his attachment to you began when you unknowingly lingered in the house he haunts, speaking softly to the empty air as if sensing his presence.
alaric’s form is translucent, a faint, glowing silhouette that shifts and flickers like mist. his features are soft and hauntingly beautiful, with a melancholy that clings to him like a shadow.
his once-vivid eyes are now pale, like the reflection of a full moon in still water, and his long hair drifts around him as if caught in a gentle breeze. though incorporeal, he retains the faint shape of his elegant hands and tall, lean frame, an echo of the man he once was.
his presence feels like a cool touch on your skin, a constant, bittersweet reminder of his undying devotion.
he manipulates the environment to keep you close—doors creak shut when you try to leave, and objects mysteriously disappear, only to reappear where he wants you to stay.
if anyone hurts you, the ghost unleashes his wrath. lights flicker, temperatures drop, and your assailants are haunted until they’re too terrified to approach you again.
he’s deeply moved when you acknowledge him, even if it’s just a whisper to the air. your willingness to accept him, despite his incorporeal nature, solidifies his eternal devotion.
the ghost is a tragic, ethereal figure, bound to you by a love that death itself couldn’t sever. his form is translucent, shimmering faintly in the moonlight, and though he may no longer have a heartbeat, his emotions are as raw and overwhelming as they were in life. he exists in the liminal space between the living and the dead, obsessed with you in a way that is both haunting and heartbreakingly tender.
he doesn’t remember how or when it started—only that one day, he found himself drawn to you, unable to leave your side. whether it was your voice, your laughter, or the way you brought life to even the smallest, most mundane moments, you became his light in the suffocating darkness of his afterlife. he watches you from the corners of rooms, a faint chill in the air marking his presence, his spectral form always lingering just out of reach.
his love is quiet, but all-consuming. he whispers your name into the night when you sleep, his voice carried on the softest breeze. he rearranges small things in your home to make his presence known: a book left open to a meaningful passage, a flower you swore wasn’t there before resting on your windowsill. at first, it’s subtle—gentle signs that you’re never truly alone—but as his obsession deepens, the signs become harder to ignore.
jealousy eats away at him when others capture your attention. he can’t bear the thought of you being close to anyone else, of you laughing or smiling with someone who isn’t him. when you’re out, he follows you like a shadow, unseen but ever-present, and if someone gets too close, the air turns cold, the lights flicker, and an unshakable unease settles over them until they leave.
he craves your touch, but his incorporeal form makes it impossible. this frustrates him endlessly, and he spends nights lingering near you, reaching out as if he could somehow feel the warmth of your skin, the beat of your heart. his desperation leads him to try anything to bridge the gap between life and death, no matter the cost.
despite his possessiveness, he’s deeply protective. he uses his abilities to shield you from harm, warding off danger with an almost primal ferocity. if someone threatens you, they’ll find themselves plagued by unexplainable misfortunes—objects falling, shadows moving, and an unrelenting sense of being watched. he doesn’t harm them directly, but his presence is enough to terrify even the boldest.
when he speaks to you, it’s with a voice like the echo of a forgotten melody, soft and tinged with sorrow. he tells you things you shouldn’t know—secrets from your past, glimpses of your future, things only someone who’s been watching you so intimately could know. he wants you to feel his devotion, his undying love, even if it frightens you.
there’s a tragic loneliness to him. he knows he can never truly be with you, not in the way he desires, and this realization drives him to the edge of despair. his love is obsessive, yes, but it’s also painfully pure—an eternal yearning for a connection he can never fully have.
if you acknowledge him, his devotion only deepens. the smallest smile, a whispered “thank you” into the empty room, is enough to make his entire existence worthwhile. he clings to these moments, replaying them endlessly in his mind, as they are his only solace in an eternity of longing.
he follows you everywhere, unseen but ever-present, his translucent form flickering in the corner of your eye or casting a fleeting shadow against the wall. at first, his presence is subtle, almost unnoticeable: the faint creak of floorboards when no one else is home, a cold breeze brushing against your skin, the lingering feeling that someone is watching you. but as his obsession deepens, his presence grows stronger, more impossible to ignore.
he learns everything about you. the way you hum absentmindedly when you’re focused, the scent of your favorite tea, the books you read late into the night. he listens to the sound of your heartbeat as you sleep, a steady rhythm that lulls him into a state of peace he hasn’t felt since he was alive. he treasures these moments, hoarding every detail about you like precious relics of a life he can never fully be part of.
his jealousy is a storm that rages within him. when others come into your life, his calm demeanor shatters. he can’t bear the thought of you sharing your smiles, your laughter, or your attention with anyone else. the air around you grows colder when someone he deems a threat is near, and they often find themselves inexplicably uneasy in your presence. lights flicker, objects fall, and whispers echo in the corners of the room, driving them away with a fear they can’t explain.
but with you, he is soft, almost fragile. he speaks to you in whispers, his voice carrying the faint echo of a forgotten melody, full of longing and sorrow. "don’t be afraid," he murmurs into the quiet of the night. "i’ll always protect you." his words are laced with an aching devotion, a promise to guard you from harm, even if you don’t fully understand where the comfort is coming from.
he leaves you gifts, though he has no tangible hands to place them. a single white flower on your windowsill that wasn’t there the night before, an old, weathered book that appeared on your desk, or a faint message written in the condensation on your mirror. they’re tokens of his affection, his way of reminding you that you’re not alone, even when he can’t be seen.
despite his protectiveness, he’s painfully aware of his limitations. his incorporeal form frustrates him to no end—he longs to touch you, to hold you, to feel the warmth of your hand in his, but the barrier between life and death is unyielding. he spends countless hours watching you, reaching out with ghostly fingers that pass through you, yearning for a connection he can never truly have.
he’s haunted by the memory of what it felt like to be alive, to love and be loved in return. his obsession with you is his only solace in a world of emptiness, but it also drives him to desperation. he begins searching for ways to bridge the gap between your worlds, delving into the supernatural, seeking answers, rituals, or bargains that might bring him closer to you.
when you acknowledge him, even in the smallest ways, it’s everything to him. a whispered “thank you” when you notice the flower he left, a hesitant glance toward the flickering light he caused—it fills him with a joy so profound it nearly breaks him. he clings to these moments, replaying them endlessly in his mind, as they are the only proof that he still exists to you.
his love is all-consuming, a desperate and eternal yearning that leaves no room for anything else. he doesn’t just want to protect you; he wants to be with you, to share in your life, to have a place in your heart. he knows his love is overwhelming, even suffocating, but he can’t stop. you’re his reason for lingering in this world, the one thing that makes his cursed existence bearable.
in his more vulnerable moments, he confesses his feelings, his voice trembling with a sorrow that spans lifetimes. "i’m sorry," he whispers, his spectral form flickering like a dying flame. "i didn’t mean for this to happen. but i can’t let go. i won’t." his words are both a plea and a promise, a declaration of a love that will haunt you forever.
his devotion is eternal, unyielding, and consuming. he doesn’t see his obsession as wrong; to him, it’s the purest form of love, a connection that transcends life and death. and though his presence may sometimes frighten you, you can’t deny the strange comfort it brings, the knowledge that someone—something—is always watching over you. he is yours, now and forever, and nothing, not even death, will change that.
you are his reason for lingering in this world, his obsession, his eternity.
alaric drifts soundlessly through the walls, his form a faint shimmer of light that barely disturbs the air
"you called for me," he whispers, his voice like the rustle of leaves on a quiet night. he hovers just out of reach, his longing evident in the way he watches you with those hollow, mournful eyes
every creak of the floorboards, every cool breeze brushing your skin—it’s alaric, a constant, invisible guardian, desperate for you to feel his presence.
the demon
with horns curling from his head, molten eyes, and a smirk that could tempt even the purest soul, the demon is as charming as he is dangerous. he first appeared to you when you were at your lowest, offering power and protection—but only if you stayed by his side.
azrael is striking in his infernal elegance, his beauty sharp and dangerous like a blade. his obsidian horns curl menacingly from his head, gleaming faintly in the firelight, and his jet-black hair is cropped just enough to frame his angular face.
his glowing amber eyes burn with an intensity that’s both mesmerizing and terrifying, framed by dark lashes that soften their predatory edge. his physique is perfectly sculpted, with broad shoulders and sinewy muscle wrapped in dark tattoos that pulse faintly with infernal energy.
a long, spaded tail flicks behind him, a subtle testament to his demonic nature, while his sharp, claw-like fingers could destroy—or cradle.
he infiltrates your dreams, filling them with his voice and his image so that you can never forget him. no matter how far you try to run, he’s always there, whispering promises of eternal love.
the demon doesn’t share. he’ll make deals or threats to ensure no one else dares approach you. his flames flare dangerously when he senses competition.
when you challenge his overbearing nature, he’s secretly thrilled. Your fiery defiance makes him want you even more. but when you show fear or sadness, he’s quick to reassure you with surprising tenderness.
the demon is a dangerous enigma, a being forged in fire and darkness who is utterly captivated by you. his obsession burns hotter than the flames of his infernal home, an all-consuming desire that transcends mortal understanding.
he’s not a creature of softness or restraint—his love is raw, primal, and possessive, and he would raze the world to ash if it meant keeping you by his side.
he first noticed you in a moment of vulnerability, a flicker of something pure and radiant that pierced through his otherwise unrelenting darkness. maybe it was your kindness, your resilience, or even your imperfections—whatever it was, it stirred something in him he hadn’t felt in centuries.
for a demon who thrives on power and domination, this feeling was alien, unsettling, and exhilarating.
at first, he tried to ignore it. love, after all, is a weakness—a chain that binds. but the more he watched you, the deeper he sank. you consumed his thoughts, invaded his dreams, and stirred emotions he didn’t even know he was capable of. the line between fascination and obsession blurred, and before long, you became the center of his world, his greatest desire and his ultimate possession.
his presence is overwhelming, even when he isn’t visible. the air grows heavy when he’s near, crackling with an unnatural energy that makes your skin tingle. shadows twist and writhe in the corners of your vision, and faint whispers echo in your mind, promises of devotion spoken in a voice as smooth as velvet.
he’s not above manipulating your emotions to keep you close. he knows exactly how to twist words, how to play on your fears and insecurities, all while making it seem like he’s your only sanctuary. "no one will love you the way i do," he purrs, his voice a blend of seduction and menace. "no one will protect you like i can."
jealousy consumes him with a ferocity that borders on madness. he doesn’t tolerate anyone vying for your attention or affection. if someone dares to come too close, they often meet with mysterious misfortunes—car accidents, sudden illnesses, or even inexplicable disappearances. he doesn’t see these acts as cruel; in his mind, he’s simply ensuring that no one can take you from him.
despite his darkness, his love for you is genuine in its own twisted way. he’s incapable of expressing it in soft or traditional ways, but his devotion is absolute.
he treasures every interaction with you, every fleeting smile, every word you speak to him. he hoards these moments like a dragon hoards gold, replaying them endlessly in his mind.
he’s endlessly fascinated by your humanity—the way your emotions shift like the tides, the fragility of your body, the warmth of your skin. he often marvels at how delicate you are compared to him, a creature of immense power and near-immortality. this contrast only deepens his obsession; you’re a treasure, a rare and precious thing in a world of chaos and darkness.
when he does reveal himself to you, it’s always dramatic and intentional. he thrives on your reactions, whether it’s fear, awe, or even anger. he’ll step out from the shadows, his horns catching the dim light, his dark eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity. "you belong to me," he’ll say, his voice leaving no room for argument. it’s not a question, not a plea—it’s a declaration, an unshakable truth in his mind.
he uses his demonic powers to bind himself to you in ways both subtle and overt. you might find strange symbols etched into the corners of your room, or feel an inexplicable pull toward him that you can’t resist. he’s always there, in your dreams, in your thoughts, in the very fabric of your reality.
but for all his power and confidence, there’s a vulnerability beneath his fiery exterior. he’s terrified of losing you, of you rejecting him or finding someone else.
it’s a fear he doesn’t understand, one that gnaws at him and drives him to even greater extremes. he’ll do anything to keep you, even if it means breaking every rule, defying the laws of heaven and hell, and binding your soul to his for eternity.
in his own way, he tries to be gentle with you. he knows his nature frightens you, that his obsession can be overwhelming, so he tempers his intensity—at least, as much as a demon is capable of. he’ll appear to you in dreams, his voice soft, his touch feather-light, weaving fantasies of a life where you’re his and his alone.
but make no mistake—his love is as dangerous as it is consuming. he doesn’t see you as a partner, but as something to be claimed, protected, and possessed. you’re his light in the darkness, his one weakness, and he would destroy anyone—or anything—that threatens to take you from him.
"i’ll burn this world to the ground for you," he tells you, his voice a low growl, his eyes glowing with an intensity that’s equal parts terrifying and mesmerizing. "just say the word."
to him, you’re not just his obsession—you’re his salvation, the one thing that makes his existence bearable. his love is eternal, fierce, and utterly inescapable, binding you to him in ways you might never fully understand. you are his everything, and he will stop at nothing to make sure you remain his. forever.
azrael appears in a flicker of shadows and embers, his smirk sharp enough to cut
"did you miss me?" he purrs, his voice dripping with sinful charm. his burning gaze never leaves yours, an intensity that feels like it could consume your very soul
when he steps closer, the scent of smoke and spice fills the air, and the room grows impossibly warm
"you can’t escape me, little one," he murmurs, his words a promise and a threat all at once.
the sea monster
a towering creature with scales that shimmer in the moonlight and eyes as deep as the ocean, the sea monster saved you from drowning during a storm. since then, he’s watched you from the water’s edge, longing to pull you into his world.
his body a perfect blend of human and sea creature. his skin shimmers with an iridescent sheen, scales glinting faintly with hues of green, blue, and silver that shift like sunlight on water. his long, flowing hair resembles seaweed, dark and sleek, cascading down his back in waves.
his eyes glow faintly, like bioluminescent creatures of the deep, their piercing intensity revealing his ancient power. his hands are webbed and tipped with sharp, claw-like nails, and his muscular frame is marked with jagged scars from battles in the ocean’s depths. his lower half bears fins that ripple with movement, giving him a grace that belies his massive size.
he collects things you’ve touched—seashells, pieces of cloth, even footprints in the sand. his underwater lair is filled with these treasures, each arranged like a shrine.
he hates when you leave the shore. If you venture too far inland, he’ll create storms or tidal waves to draw you back to him.
he becomes surprisingly bashful when you willingly approach the water to speak to him. your trust in him, despite his monstrous appearance, makes his heart swell.
the sea monster is an ancient being, born of the ocean’s depths, where sunlight never reaches. his obsession with you is as vast and unfathomable as the waters he calls home—a love born of isolation, mystery, and an insatiable hunger for connection. to him, you are his beacon, a rare and precious light in the endless darkness of his world, and he is utterly captivated by you.
his first encounter with you was serendipitous—a chance meeting by the shore, or perhaps a daring moment when you ventured too close to the water’s edge. he saw you, a fragile creature of the land, and was instantly enthralled.
your movements, your laughter, even the way the sunlight caught in your hair—all of it was alien and beautiful to him. from that moment, you became his fixation, his reason to rise from the depths.
he watches you from the water, his massive form concealed beneath the waves, his glowing eyes ever watchful. at first, his presence is subtle—the gentle lapping of waves against the shore, the inexplicable pull of the tide whenever you’re near.
but as his obsession deepens, his signs become harder to ignore. strange treasures wash ashore: seashells, polished stones, and other trinkets that seem too deliberately placed to be coincidences.
he is a creature of contradictions. his love for you is as tender as it is overwhelming, and while he longs to be near you, he’s painfully aware of his monstrous appearance. his body is a fusion of scales, fins, and sinewy muscle, a form designed to survive in the crushing pressure of the deep sea. he fears your rejection, that you will see him as a monster rather than the devoted being he has become.
despite this, he can’t help but draw closer. when you venture into the water, he’s there, just beneath the surface, his presence a dark shadow that follows you. he revels in these moments, the closeness, the illusion that he’s part of your world. the saltwater clings to your skin, and it drives him mad with desire—it’s as though the ocean itself is marking you as his.
his jealousy is as fierce as a storm at sea. anyone who dares to draw too near to you risks his wrath. fishermen speak of sudden squalls that rise from nowhere, boats overturned by unseen forces, and sailors vanishing into the depths. he doesn’t see it as cruelty; to him, it’s protection. the ocean is his domain, and no one else has the right to take what belongs to him.
he dreams of pulling you into his world, of making you his in every way. the thought of you joining him beneath the waves consumes him, and he begins to weave fantasies of a life together in the depths—a palace of coral and bioluminescent light, where you would be his queen, his eternal companion.
but he knows it’s impossible, and this knowledge torments him. he can’t survive on land for long, and you can’t live beneath the water. this barrier between your worlds drives him to desperation. he begins seeking forbidden rituals and ancient magic, anything that might allow him to bridge the gap and bring you into his realm—or transform himself into something that can walk beside you on the shore.
when he speaks, his voice is a low, resonant rumble, like the distant crash of waves on a rocky shore. his words are filled with longing and reverence, a declaration of a love that spans the vastness of the ocean. "you are my light," he murmurs, his glowing eyes fixed on you. "without you, i am nothing but the endless dark."
his love is consuming, a tidal wave that sweeps away everything in its path. he doesn’t understand restraint or boundaries; to him, love is absolute, and his devotion to you is all-encompassing. he sees your hesitations, your fears, but he can’t stop himself. you are the first thing in centuries to stir his cold, ancient heart, and he will not let you go.
when you acknowledge his presence, even in the smallest ways—a whispered word to the sea, a touch to one of the treasures he’s left for you—his heart swells with a joy so profound it’s almost painful. he clings to these moments, replaying them in his mind during the long hours when he’s alone in the depths, waiting for the chance to see you again.
his protectiveness is as fierce as his love. the ocean itself seems to bend to his will, rising to shield you from harm. storms part in your wake, currents carry you safely to shore, and even the most fearsome predators of the deep seem to bow before you. you are his everything, and he will guard you with a ferocity that defies nature itself.
but there’s a darkness to his love, a possessiveness that borders on madness. he doesn’t just want you to love him; he wants you to need him, to see him as the only one who can protect and cherish you. "the land will never understand you as i do," he tells you, his voice a low growl, the waves crashing behind him. "they will never love you as i do."
his obsession is eternal, as deep and unyielding as the ocean itself. you are his heart, his treasure, his reason for rising to the surface. and though his love may be overwhelming, even frightening, there’s a strange beauty in it—a devotion so pure and unshakable that it defies the boundaries of worlds. you are his, now and always, and he will never let the tide carry you away.
mio watches from the waves, his body a dark silhouette against the moonlit water. when you finally meet his gaze, he speaks your name like it’s a prayer, his voice low and reverent
"you don’t belong to the land," he says, his tone both pleading and possessive. "the ocean calls to you. i call to you.
his fingers trail through the water, creating ripples that mirror the emotions surging in his chest—desire, devotion, and an unshakable determination to make you his.
while each monster is fiercely possessive, they begrudgingly tolerate each other’s presence because they all agree on one thing: your happiness comes first.
you’re not just a human to them—you’re their everything. whether you accept their twisted love or try to escape, one thing is certain: they’ll never let you go. you’ve awakened something primal and eternal in their hearts, and no force on earth or beyond could sever the bonds they’ve forged with you.
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iniquitousyearning · 4 months ago
october 21st. tom — gun play / dubcon / masochism.
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summary: tom can’t hurt you, but you love seeing him try.
warnings: 18+, SMUT MDNI, i truly mean it minors stay back from this one. this is as fantasy as it comes. do not do this at home. or anywhere, ever. empty unloaded gun, gunplay, hardcore gun kink, masochist reader, sadist tom, very ooc tom riddle imo, lots of history between these two, angst and tension and emotion.
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It doesn't matter how you got here—trapped in a room with Tom Riddle circling you, hands clasped behind him, his brother standing guard like a fucking solider just outside the door—it doesn't matter that your wrists are bound behind your back, rope cutting into your skin, or that you were caught somewhere deep within the manor, searching for information for the Order. It doesn't matter that you grew up with Tom and Mattheo, all those years in the orphanage, loved them both more than you ever loved yourself.
It doesn't fucking matter.
Nothing does—nothing except the man standing in front of you—nothing except the moment his hand reaches behind him, pulling a gun from where it had rested at his waist.
Yeah, uh, yeah—that might matter. Just a little.
"I never took you for someone who'd resort to Muggle weapons," you manage, but your voice is thin, a strained sound under the pulse thundering at your throat. "How refined."
Tom's eyes trace over you, stalling on the rhythm at your neck as though it's tangible before dragging back up to meet your own. He hasn't spoken in minutes, just watching, letting the silence swell, the tension grow with each passing second.
He's building it slowly, deliberately. It's always been a game to him—one he knows you'll lose.
"There's a certain appeal to them." His thumb grazes the trigger, almost absentmindedly. "So much power at the flick of a finger. No skill, no magic. Just finality."
Heat rises up your neck, settling in your cheeks, and all you can do is stare at him. He knows he doesn't need to touch you to break you—he's never had to. Tom's greatest weapon, when it comes to you, has always been his words.
He steps closer, fingers still ghosting over the gun as if he isn't holding all of your fate in his hands. He slows when his shins brush against your knees, and you hate how your pulse jumps, how you feel so small beneath him.
"You're tense," he murmurs, amusement playing at the corner of his lips. "Is it the weapon? Or something else?"
You lift your gaze because there's nowhere else to look—dark stone walls close in around you and he occupies every free inch of space between. It's laughable, really, the way your heart aches when you meet his eyes. You know he has to make an example of you, to prove something to the Death Eaters lurking beyond these walls, but despite the fire in his gaze, you can see it—the way he's holding back, just like he's done time and time again, for years.
No matter what he's become, there's still something of the boy you once knew buried beneath the surface. The boy who used to curl into you for warmth, for survival.
Your eyes flicker down to the gun again. You force the words past grit teeth. "Do you need that to feel powerful, Tom?"
There's something chilling in how natural the gun looks in his hand, the way he wields it with the same ease he uses to twist a wand. You’re certain Tom could find ease in anything, especially empty handed.
He's silent for a long moment, until he isn't. "I don't need anything to feel powerful."
The barrel catches the light as he raises it, and your skin tightens in anticipation. You close your eyes briefly as he drags it lazily up your arm, tracing a line of cold fire over your collarbone. Your heart is gone, soaring far away from this room, and a shiver rolls through you—not from fear, but from something you can't name. Something that's always belonged to him—
When the gun reaches your throat, your eyes flutter open, drawn to the sight of metal pressed against your skin.
He tilts his head, studying you. "You think this makes me dangerous?"
He tilts the gun beneath your chin, nudging your head back until your gaze meets his again. You gasp, and your thighs tense involuntarily. His eyes flicker down—he notices.
It's not the gun. It's him. Christ, it's always been him.
"No," you force out against the threat at your throat. "I think you make you dangerous."
Something shifts in Tom's eyes—just for a moment, before it vanishes beneath something more potent—determination.
He moves behind you in a slow circle, fingers brushing through your hair as if in contemplation. It's only a moment before his other hand brings the gun back, cold metal kissing the edge of your shoulder. You tense, feeling the weight of him behind you, his breath ghosting over your neck—and he inhales against your skin as he slides the gun lower, tracing the dip between your breasts, dragging like a threat down to your lap until the barrel presses against your thigh.
At this point, your heart pounds so loud you're certain Mattheo can hear it from outside the door—all you can do is stare at where his hand lingers, your mind racing ahead to the edge of terror and something far more dangerous.
"You seem...unbothered all of a sudden," Tom muses, teasing the gun up your thigh, dragging your skirts along with it. "One might expect the opposite reaction, given where this gun happens to be."
You know it's a game. Of course it's a game—his way of toying with you, forcing a reaction, demanding fear where there's none left. Except instead of fear, there's an unbearable heat curling inside you, your thighs wanting to close around the gun, to push against it, to feel it.
God, you hate that he does this to you.
"You won't hurt me," you manage, though your voice cracks. Your hips shift, just slightly, but enough to feel the cold metal slide higher. "If you wanted to, you would have."
That's the truth of it, isn't it? In the darkest moments, when you face him like this, you know with every beat of your heart that he'd never hurt you. You trust him in the way you shouldn't, in the way no one else in the world could. He could kill anyone else without a second thought, but not you.
That trust is what keeps pulling you back here, again and again, even though you've sworn yourself to the Order, even though you've promised to fight against everything he stands for.
"You always did have a death wish." He says, spitting the syllables at you, the disgust in his tone making your stomach lurch. His grip tightens in your hair. "Is that all it takes to make you pliable? My hands on you, a weapon in the room, and suddenly you're eager? Suddenly you trust me again?"
"You've never been able to kill me." You whisper, trying to sound cocky, sarcastic, but it comes out wrong—too breathless, too raw. "And you never will."
"I've never needed to." He murmurs as the gun moves again, pressing firmly against the apex of your thighs, nudging toward your clothed cunt. "You destroy yourself just fine."
You can't think, can't breathe, can't be when his voice wraps around you like this, when he presses the gun against you like it's a fucking present. Every nerve in your body is screaming, every instinct warring against itself. You want to grind against the barrel, to push it deeper between your legs. You want to trap it there, feel it pressed so tightly that you can't move. You want to drag his face to yours, taste his breath, break him.
Yet, you want to pull away and strike him across the face all the same—and that is Tom's power over you.
It's always been this way with him. You hate him—he's horrible and corrupt and so goddamn bad for you but he knows exactly what to say—exactly what to do to make you want to hurt him, to make you want to worship him in the same breath. The intensity of it steals the air from your lungs, makes a groan slip from your lips before you can stop it.
"Tell me, Tom," you grit out, forcing yourself still despite every inch of you wanting to move, wanting to react. "Would your fucking gun be on me like this if I was terrified of it? Would you be pressing it against me like this if it was loaded?"
The insinuation doesn't escape him. Not for a second. You have him pinned and it pisses him off because you fucked up by sneaking in here but there’s not a damn thing he can do to punish you for it that wouldn’t be punishment towards himself as well.
His grip in your hair tightens as the gun drags slowly over your clit, and you keen at the contact, your hips pushing into it.
"Fucking vixen," he pulls your head back roughly, his breath hot against your ear. His voice—the rawness— sends a goddamn thrill through you, makes your whole body jerk. "I have you tied to a chair, a gun at your cunt, and you still have the power to make me doubt myself.”
"That's me, Tom." You laugh, breathless. "Always ruining your fun."
His eyes flash with something—something devastating but it doesn't scare you because you've been here so many fucking times before. It only makes you arch your back, grinding against the gun harder, a soft moan escaping your lips just to spite him.
He watches you—eyes lidded, and something in the way he stares makes you ache.
"Why do you keep coming back here?" A question hissed through a tight jaw, words crawling down your spine, burrowing beneath your skin. "You keep testing me...fighting me...just to end up like this...”
You gasp. "I have to stop you—I—“
He cuts you off by yanking your head toward his until his forehead presses against yours—
"I didn't ask why you came," his nose brushes yours as he speaks. "I asked why you keep coming back. Why do you keep coming back to be...this for me?"
His voice is raw, something you've never heard in a long long time—unguarded—so fucking human. It makes the heat in your belly coil tighter, and your eyes flutter shut against the weight of it. You don't have an answer, not one that makes sense, not one that fits the way he's looking at you now.
"I-I don't know," is all you can offer.
Tom makes a noise in the back of his throat—low, frustrated, a sound that hums between you.
"Yes, you do," he hisses. "Don't get shy on me now."
He shifts the gun again, sliding beneath your panties, the cold metal making contact with your slick slit and you fucking gasp—a sound so loud you're sure Mattheo heard it—along with the rest of the goddamn house, too.
"This isn't about stopping me," Tom says, a whisper of words. "This isn't about taking away my control—not really."
He's right, and the truth of it stings. This isn't about stopping him, not entirely. You hate him for his choices but gods, you fucking crave this—him, his power over you. Every time you've come here, sneaking past the Order's notice, pretending to gather evidence, pretending you're smart enough to catch him in something—you know this is what you wanted. You know it's always been about him. The boy you survived with, the boy you loved—it's about how you've always belonged to him, even though you hate him for it.
It's always been him. Only him.
"Fuck," you gasp again as you feel the gun shifting, pressing harder against your cunt, and your mind is spinning because you can't believe he might—he wouldn't really— "…are you about to—Jesus, Tom..."
He's listening, you know he is. He's waiting for any hint of something that tells him to stop—a flinch, a breath that isn't right, the smallest sound that says you don't want this. But all he hears is you. You, the girl he's known since all you had was eachother, the one who loved him but left, who keeps coming back to him, no matter how much you claim to hate him.
He hears you submit, and it fuels him.
"You are..." he jerks your head again, roughly, forcing you to meet his eyes as the gun nudges against your soaked entrance, "...so unbelievably frustrating."
Oh, the irony. "I'm...not the only—oh gods—"
Your words crumble into nothing, dissolving in your throat as he presses the gun inside you. Cold metal pushing deep, rough ridges working you wide, the pressure burning with something almost unbearable in its fucking intensity.
Your mind hazes with it, and a groan that isn’t yours fills the room as you fight to adjust to the stretch.
"I hate this," he spits, his voice like gravel, raw and jagged with frustration, trembling with restraint. His eyes, wide and wild, stay locked on yours as though he can't tear himself away. "I hate how easy it is with you—I hate how quickly you give in, how you let me do this to you because you know I’d stop if you asked—I hate how I can never look at you without remembering what it feels like to be inside you. I hate how badly I still want that, after all these years, even though you left me. I hate you for making me want this."
Oh god—fucking hell—there's no room in your head for coherence now, no space left to argue, to resist—Tom Riddle has been so many things to you over the years, but openly, unabashedly vulnerable has never truly been one of them. Not until now. You feel it—beneath the brutality, the power—something fragile.
His forehead presses against your temple, the intimacy of it dizzying, disarming. You clench around the cold metal and he pushes it deeper.
He continues. “Admittedly, I hate myself most for wanting you to want this back.”
Your voice cracks around a sob—he’s pumping the gun in and out of you now—lewd sounds filling the room and your head tips back against his shoulder. His free hand slips from your hair and cups your jaw, thumb brushing your cheek, a gesture that almost feels tender though you know better. His version of tenderness is as dangerous as anything else he offers.
You whinge. “T-Tom—oh fuck—I’m always going to let you win. I trust you—“
"Don't," he cuts you off in a groan against your cheek. Pumping the barrel into you, making your back arch off the chair. “You have no reason to. You know better."
You hear the unspoken words in his voice, the ones he can't bring himself to say aloud—I don't deserve it—and it makes your chest ache, makes your throat tighten—makes you want to shake him, wake him up from this nightmare—
"Of course I know better," you whisper through a gasp as he mutters a spell, something swirling over your clit that makes your eyes roll. “Gods—but you’ve never wanted me rational anyways.”
"You're right," he hisses and you hear the pain in it, a man who has everything still simultaneously has nothing and it makes him frustrated—all because of you. "I never wanted you to be rational. I never wanted you to be safe. I never wanted you to be anything other than mine."
You keen as the sensation on your clit intensifies and he pumps the gun quicker, you look down to watch his hand, the way his knuckles tense with the movement and you can almost see the restraint under his skin telling you just how bad he wishes he was pumping into you instead. You can hear your arousal—you feel the shame in it and you should be disgusted by it, by everything this is, but instead, it only makes your heart race faster.
You know there's more he's not saying—that he can't say.
He wants you to be his, but he will never let you be his.
"I hate you. What you've become." The words scrape from your lips between moans, your climax charging fast. "It shouldn't be this...this hard."
"This is why I call you frustrating. How can you hate me and still let me do this to you?" His voice is raw, burning with something you don't fully understand, but you can feel it— he's pushing deeper, grinding the gun against you with every bit of anger he has left. You're on fire, your mind spinning out of control, and the ropes digging into your skin only ground you to the pain, to the pleasure. "I'm defiling you...and yet, you keep coming back.”
"God," you grunt, sweat slicking over your skin because you’re so goddamn close and his words only drag you that much closer. "Jesus f—Tom, please—“
"Please what?" His hand slips back through your hair, eyes jerked to meet his. "You need to be more specific, sweetheart."
There's a bite in the pet name, but you don't care. All you can think of is him, of more, of everything he's doing to you, and it's not enough. It’ll never be fucking enough—
“Please!” Words fail you. “Tom—I—“
He shudders at the sound of your voice, at how helpless you are, at all the power you've given him.
"Words," he snarls, pumping quicker. "I'll give you what you want, but you’ll need to use. your. words."
“Please! I need to cum!” You blurt out. “Tom—Tom! I need to—“
With that, he kisses you to cut you off, teeth sinking into your lower lip with fervour that borders on irrational. Which, of course it is. All of this is beyond fucking irrational. It's not careful or soft or gentle, his lips searing against yours as if he's trying to claim every breath you've ever taken, every inch of space between you. And you—god, you kiss him back just as fiercely while hating yourself for the way you want it, need it, how you crave the bruises his mouth is leaving behind.
Tom groans against your lips and it's the sound of something breaking, something starved for way too long, something desperate to pour out of his blood. His tongue slides over yours, wet and warm, and you feel the ropes biting into your wrists, feel the ache where your arms strain to break free. You realize, with a pulse of helpless longing, that if you weren't tied, you'd be clawing at him—dragging him closer, letting him consume every part of you until there was nothing left.
"Feel that shame?" He whispers as he pulls back, just as you’re about to tip over. "That's your punishment.”
And then—you break, shatter, explode and the sound that escapes you is so fucking raw you don’t even recognize it. Something filled with the shame of wanting someone so goddamn bad you let them fuck you with a weapon—the shame of wanting someone so terrible you’d never be able to explain yourself to anyone with a rational pulse. The sounds come without reason, without thought—just a release of emotion that you had held in for far, far too long.
“That’s it. Let it burn.” He coos, hungrily watching you break. “You will always be mine."
A jagged sound escapes you as you twitch in aftershocks and he finally, however torturously slowly, pulls the gun free. You realize just how empty you feel without it now, how Tom made it feel so fucking intimate even though, in reality, it was the furthest from. He didn’t even touch you.
“You’re just weak. For me.” He says, as though he heard your thoughts. Part of you knows he did. He brings the gun up to your lips, urging you to part them. “Clean your mess. This is Mattheo’s gun.”
You grimace but take it into your mouth anyways, tasting the result of your need—the shame that comes along with it, the self disgust—the list goes on. Tom watches you tease your tongue around it, his throat working in a terribly dry swallow as you hollow your cheeks and suck it clean as he pulls it free.
He shudders, and for a moment his control wavers. But then he shakes his head, and exhales.
"I was meant to be alone, I understand that." He whispers, something abhorrently vulnerable, tucking the gun away before working at undoing the ropes around your wrists. “But you...you were never meant to change me. And I need you, to understand that.”
A lump forms in your throat. You taste the tears wanting to well but you force them away and instead, you nod.
“I know.”
He straightens up again and presses a kiss to your forehead, soft and almost tender—so different from the way he treated you merely moments ago. It's a goodbye—you can feel it in the way his lips linger, reluctant.
“Good girl.” He steps back. "Don't come back here."
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deadsnakey · 5 months ago
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—> Being childhood best friends with both Mattheo and Theodore was an adventure on it's own. Although, what if they start acting more possessive and protective towards you once they develop feelings for you?
Thank you for requesting @slutsluvpaola - your ask here!💗
—> Childhood best friends to lovers trope, very fluffy, maybe a little suggestive, none toxic possessive behaviour & jealousy.
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—> When you guys were kids, they were protective of you.
—> If anybody was messing with you or hurting you, they'd do something about it asap like it was on sight and they always left that person scared shitless to even go near you.
—> To the point where ppl just stopped fucking w u like they didn't have the balls to even try.
—> Cool now y'all are in Hogwarts and as they get older, they seem to be more handsy and possessive over you.
—> I mean you weren't complaining all that much. although, it would get annoying sometimes when you just wanted some space or to talk to someone or do something without them breathing down your damn neck.
—> But in third year you started getting feelings for mattheo, then Theodore a month later and you were so confused.
—> You kept the act up, just like they did, but eventually it got harder to pretend in fifth year.
—> When they were always hands on with you - hand on your thigh, holding your hand each, always sitting next to you every chance they got, pulling you into their laps randomly as they wrap their arms around your waist and nuzzle their faces in the crook of your neck.
—> Yeah, you were a goner.
—> The boys probably started falling for each other in the end of fourth year, so in fifth when they started liking you as well they too, were extremely confused .
—> Mattheo was bad especially because he's bad with his own emotions.
—> They will be at every party you're attending too, trust.
—> even if one can't make it and it's js Matty going w you or just Theo, one of them had to be with you.
—> It doesn't matter if you're in the same house or not, better marking on you tbh.
—> Mattheo hands on your waist behind you, Theodore in front of you holding one of your hands to guide you.
"c'mon, sweet girl, let's get some drinks at the bar." Mattheo said, letting Theodore lead the way. Mattheo got a cup, filled it with the drink you wanted before handing it to you. "Here, princess." Then repeating for Theodore and then himself. Satisfied, they go and find the rest of your friends; seemingly in the corner where the seats are, talking.
"look who finally came! The love birds of the group." Lorenzo snickered. "How about you go see if you can get into that girls pants, you know, the one you're practically eye fucking." Mattheo rolled his eyes as he sneered back. "I just might, mate."
You go to sit down when you feel hands clamp down on your hips from behind you, pulling you down with enough force to not hurt you. You look behind yourself, seeing Theo with a smirk pulling on his lips. You let him pull you into his lap.
Mattheo lights a cigarette and inhales deeply before exhaling. He silently offers it to Theodore as he blows the smoke out; Theo leaning in and inhaling the smoke, slightly touching Matty's lips as they make eye contact. Mattheo slithers his hand onto your thigh, you feel the warmth of his hand spread through your skin as you feel the few cold rings he has on mixing with the warmth.
He squeezes your thigh almost the same time Theo squeezes your waist, "you okay, pretty girl? Need anything?" You look at mattheo on your right, "no, I'm okay Matty. You?", "I'm okay. Now that I have you two here with me." He mumbles the last few parts of his sentence, a slight smile appearing onto his lips. Although, he knows you two still heard him.
—> sometimes their clinginess gets so bad where they will not let you get up for breakfast. Good luck convincing them to not miss all your classes as well lol.
—> they love cuddling you and each other but they'd never admit that.
—> they only cuddle each other if you're unavailable or not at school (holiday n stuff).
—> Tiny kisses to the back of your neck, forehead, nose and hand. It's a good excuse to kiss you and they love when you kiss them, too
—> Matty prefers his cheek or forehead kissed, while Theodore his neck, jaw or cheek.
—> tho it'd be better on the lips.
—> they go to the bathroom w you too.
—> they don't care it's the woman's bathroom, they will be guarding your stall!!!!💗💗💗 They can never be too sure.
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Reblogs, likes & comments are much appreciated!🫶🏻
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sp1d3rzz · 10 months ago
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pt.2 pt.3
Can we talk about how much of a pervert Midoriya is???
Warning !! : Masturbation, degradation, and pussy eating. Lemme know if I missed anything ^^
Like think about it. Your average bullied 'weird' kid who honestly doesn't have a lot, (no friends, no quirk, and certainly no girlfriend) is just so dirty.
Uses his computer a LOT. You can't tell me he isn't sitting there jerking off to his oddly specific choice in hentai because he can't stop thinking about how girl's hand accidentally brushed against his while walking.
Poor thing probably doesn't even know the girl was definitely gossiping with her friends later about the accident.
"I mean, did you see the way his cheeks went bright red?" followed along with a few "yeah"'s and "that guy is so weird"'s.
Or maybe he does?? Maybe he imagines how much shit the girls talk about him so his orgasm comes even faster. Midoriya finds pleasure in someone who knows how to put him in his place.
His rough hand moving up and down his length, biting down extra hard on the hem of his favorite 'Plus Ultra!' shirt to keep him from making too much noise.
Groans and whines are heard from behind the door to his room as he trails a thumb over his slit, bringing the pre-cum around his tip to ease the tension. His head dips back and his eyes close.
He imagines the feeling of being stepped and shoved into the floor with the heel of his favorite hentai cosplayer. Insults and degrading words going through his ears and to the blood of which flows to his girthy cock.
"You're such a naughty boy, hm?", "Say it, say your mommy's naughty little boy.", "Want me to spit on you?...Yes?? Dirty bitch."
Saddest part is that he just can't help how he feels. Always becoming heated whenever a girl tells him how messy and improper his hair is.
Of course, she means it as a way to make him feel self-conscious about himself. But little does she know how he thinks about how it'd look even messier if she were to tug at his green strands while he ate her out like it was his last meal.
Mouth desperately sucking up the juices of her cunt as he moans and whimpers pathetically from just the pure taste of her warmth.
His nose swiping against her clit every time he adjusts himself to get a better angle. Arms wrapping around plush thighs to bring her closer to his face.
"Tastes— so good–" he'll buck his hips up into nothing just to cool his sensations. Eyes watch every move she makes, just to make sure he's doing this right. Just to make sure he's pleasing her.
And when she finally cums and scoots herself away from him, she see's her wetness and cum have coated his face messily. The sight might be sexy, but who wants to do anything more with a loser like him?
So when she gets up and leaves like nothing even happened (despite the fact she's practically shaking as cum leaks through her panties), he follows her to the door.
"B-bye!" he calls out, and isn't surprised when she slams her car door, starts the car, and drives away. Just a little hurt.
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misayani · 2 months ago
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◜ featuring ... kang mi-na (player 196), no eul (guard 011), se-mi (player 380), jun-hee (player 222), hyun-ju (player 120), young-mi (player 195), + thanos (player 230)
𔗨 author's note — IM FUCKING BAAAAAAAAACKKKK RAWGHHRRR !!!!!! writing this had me SWEATING considering the lack of information of them in the show. anddd im closing the requests for now. id like to work on the current requests in my inbox before i open it again ♡ [lowercase intended]
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mi na —
- at first you were hesitant to confess your feelings to her because why  would she want to be with someone like you?
- and then you kept avoiding her and denying your feelings to avoid getting hurt 
- then, life surprises you, she kissed you on the night she took you out for a 'girlFRIEND date'
- AND THEN BAM !!! dating
- she's feisty and confident, you're gentle and shy
- mi-na is the type to be sassy and bitchy to everyone and then when it comes to you she turns into a total softie
- "thanos, i swear if you don't shut the fuck up—" "mi-na?" "yes honey?"
- you'd think mi-na likes to be treated like a princess and then it turns out that she's the one treating YOU like a princess
- when you're speaking and someone completely cuts you off, without a second thought, she'll speak up
- "my girlfriend is speaking??"
- when someone's rude to you, she'll handle it for you
- "excuse me? watch your words when you're talking to her."
- she doesn't do this all the time though
- she wants you to learn how to speak up for yourself 
- but she definitely doesn't let it pass when someone crosses the line
- there was this one time where mi-na legit got into a catfight after someone humiliated you in front of many people
- she got humiliated in front of the people too but she DIDNT feel humiliated at all
- the bitch just messed with her girlfriend, and she just stepped up for you. what's humiliating about that?
- (outside squid game) let's say thanos is a mutual close friend you both have
- whenever he pisses her off, he immediately runs to you for defense since mi-na has a soft spot for you
- overall, mi-na likes taking care of you and you're gentle to her sooo it's a win-win for the both of you !!!
- she loves her shy gf so much, it makes her all mushy and softie
no eul —
- she's hard, you're soft
- oops i may have worded that wrong
- you always wake her up with kisses and she'll open her eyes to the sight of you smiling at her
- then she'll complain, grumbling about your "unreasonable" optimism. but she literally lets you kiss her the whole time anyways !!
- no-eul constantly furrows her eyebrows at your cheery attitude as if she was judging you. BUT DEEP DEEP DOWN, her heart swells for you
- she might be grumpy through words, but it's the actions that speak louder
- if someone's mean to HER sunshine, expect their face to get fucked up
- her love language is acts of service btw!!!!
- you will never ever get to hold a door ever again when you're with her cs she'll always open them for you
- "here." she hands you a boquet of sunflowers with A CUTE LITTLE NOTE ON THE SIDE THAT SAYS I LOVE YOU, "awhh thank you! but, what's the occasion?" and then she just shrugs
- back then, whenever the two of you got into an argument, a bad trait she used to do is to shut you out. while you, on the other hand, always wanted to talk things through and find solutions 
- after a few attempts, you eventually break her walls down and then she finally lets you in
- "...i'm sorry" "it's okay! we're in this together, 'kay?" 
- she feels so bad because what if you're just trying to put up with her 
- and then that worry completely washes away when she feels that you're actually genuine. 
- you don't just say sweet shit, you act them out.
- and she'll forever be thankful for you
- you're the reason why she wakes up everyday, you're the reason why she takes care of herself, you're the reason why she learned to love herself
se mi —
- this woman has a sharp tongue
- which can definitely be used in multiple ways but mostly for saying sarcastic remarks
- (in the games) she's expressive but then she's emotionally guarded at the same time. she won't be scared to speak her mind but she rarely shows her expressions physically
- oh gosh. her and her fucked up humor
- others may think she never takes shit seriously, but it's actually THEM she's not taking seriously
- she absolutely doesn't like openly-vulnerable people. it's not anything personal, she just thinks that it's stupid to show emotions like that in a death game like this where anyone could literally take advantage of you.
- and then here comes you, kind and empathetic
- you're the type to put others first before you, and she hates that fact, but not you
- you're expressive with your feelings also, but instead of being like her, who masks it perfectly with her sarcastic exterior, you're genuine.
- you believe that showing real emotions is a way to connect with people
- se-mi had observed you during the six-legged pentathlon. it amuses her seeing you work well with your team.
- she fucking hates the fact that you're just so kind and open to every one, not even thinking twice to help others.
- (outside squid game) while se-mi sees the world as harsh and unforgiving, you always tell her about the bright side and hope and some happy shit. and she didn't like that
- she didn't like how you're actually starting to make her see even just the tad bit good in some things
- and then the next thing she knows is that she literally starts to think about you in every single fucking thing
- she sees sunlight, she thinks of you. she sees flowers, she thinks of you. she sees butterflies, she thinks of you. man, even whenever she buys her favourite cherry ice cream, somehow the ice cream legit reminds her of you. because apparently, to her, ice cream gives off positive vibes ????? 
- and positive vibes are YOU !!
- over time, she may not admit it but she definitely cannot deny that she's starting to soften under your influence
- and who knows? maybe she's starting to see that kindness isn't always a weakness. 
jun hee —
- she's an introvert, you're an extrovert. need i say more
- junhee mostly keeps to herself, but unlike no-eul, she isn't totally closed-off
- she's quiet and won't react unless needed
- you on the other hand, reacts to everyfuckingthing
- somebody's hand gets too close to her belly? "GET AWAY!"
- you even audibly gasp when someone gives her a dirty stare
- (outside squid game) when jun-hee gets excited about something, she'll just smile. but it immediately drops as soon as she turns her head to look at you who almost fell on the floor, face first, because of jumping around like crazy.
- it amazes her a lot how you make it look easy to just start a conversation with a complete stranger
- now whenever you make friends, she also makes new friends, because you always introduce your girlfriend to them !! <3
- between the two of you, you're the one who usually initiates physical touch
- just simple and cute hugs here and there, sometimes kisses, sometimes more than kisses
- she's the type to show her love to you through simple gestures like making you your favorite tea, playing your favorite song on the TV, writing you notes before she goes out while you're still sleeping (awwhdjsjssk)
- and then you're the type to express your feelings VERY LOUDLY
- telling her "i love yous" whenever you always get the chance to which is like every minute—but you mean every single one everytime—, giving her tight hugs, prepping soft kisses on her face, demanding her to give you cuddles.
- everything needs balance, so jun-hee learned to socialize more and have fun while you learned to be more mindful whenever she needs her own quiet time
hyun ju —
- hyun-ju tends to be cool-headed and calm in most scenarios, while you are always on your toes and stressed and just so energetic overall
- hyun-ju shows love in subtle ways, like doing your hair or giving you quick pecks on the cheek ♡
- she never fails to notice it when you're stressed. she'd grab your hand and start massaging it softly
- whenever your friends invite you to a night out, you always ask them if you could bring hyun-ju !!!!
- it's simple: they refuse, you aren't going. if they say yes, then be prepared to have one of the best nights out in your lives BECAUSE hyun-ju is fun!!!! hello ? being an introvert does not mean you're not any fun
- hyun-ju would literally chug up every drink your friends give her
- and then theres you who's worried as fuck because what if she vomits???? and you HATE vomit, eugh !!
- the next morning comes and then hangover finally hits her
- you, being a good girlfriend, always brings her water and some pills to help her with the headache
- 'hyun-ju drink this' 'hyun-ju drink that' which results to her needing to pee like every 5 minutes
- she calms you down, telling you that she's fine and all she needs is you beside her
- literally just your presence
- and then despite having a headache, she would ask you to yap for her, she just loves hearing your voice
- overall, hyun-ju is forever thankful for you. she appreciates the fact that you're always alert about things but she also reminds you to let loose sometimes.
young mi —
- she's shy, you're not
- you're so mean for always teasing the poor girl
- but you can't help it, not when you always catch her staring at you
- "do you need anything? or do you just need me?" 
- give her a damn break
- not a day goes by without you hugging the hell out of her
- "you're so flufffyyyyyy babyy" "...thank you?.." 
- she always seeks comfort in you, since you're the one who keeps things exciting
- in public, young-mi doesn't speak up much, so you speak for her when needed
- "excuse me, you got her food wrong." "it's fine i swear!!"
- it's surprising but she's actually the one who initiates affection most of the time, she'd just shyly do it
- during arguments, she might struggle to express her feelings sometimes through words, and even when you're supposed to be mad at her, you still try to keep your calm and help her speak for herself
- it always ends up with the both of you apologizing to each other. you would never let your girlfriend sleep with a heavy heart, never.
- sometimes you'd surprise her with cute gifts like small trinkets or cute plushies !!! 
- as time goes by, young-mi slowly learns to speak up for herself, because, of course, you're not always going to be by her side. 
thanos — 
- he thinks you have such a hot resting bitch face
- babygirl bf + girlboss gf <3
- you're never scared to speak up for yourself. thanos insists on punching anyone who does you wrong but you assure him that you're fully capable of doing that yourself
- literally brags you to nam-gyu and talks about you almost all the time
- nam-gyu's fucking tired of it.
- people thinks this man fears no one?? he's fucking scared of YOU
- "cmon baby, give thanos a kiss." "choi su-bong." "what:(("
- but when nam-gyu learns about his full name and starts teasing him about it and calling him that:
- "hey, only she's allowed to call me that. mind your business." "dang okay bro" 
- literally goes crazy when he texts you something and you reply with an "ok."
- "the fuck did i do nowww"
- he internally cheers when you're on your period because that'll mean you'll ask him for kisses and hugs
- "baby, let's cuddle please" "oh look at what we have here now—" "nevermind." "NO! yes, yes, let's cuddle"
- to others, he's tough and mighty but when it comes to you, he submits
- LMAO when he tries to call you by your full name to try and reverse the roles, you just give him a weird look and that made him want to bury himself 6 feet under.
- he's very very clingy, would literally sulk when you don't give him a goodbye kiss before you leave the house 
- when you're in a bad mood, he tries his best to cheer you up, like rapping random sweet shit to you or attempting to dance in front of you. keyword: attempting
- and as soon as he saw that small smile form on your face, he almost felt like everything went slow motion
- you're so gorgeous, he's down bad for you
- but he genuinely feels happy once he knows that you're fine now because of him !!
- he's so silly :3
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𝓜isa mentions — @joc3lynx @mymel1008 @justredsw @wlvlurvsfimmia @azansstuff @dvrk-hoon @yersang-dreams
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anantaru · 1 year ago
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— comforting you on a bad day
including — scaramouche, wriothesley, alhaitham, childe x gn! reader
genre — fluff, hurt -> comfort
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— scaramouche
scaramouche finds you sitting on the couch, burying your face into your hands.
easy to see, he knew you must've had a bad day or that something inconvenient must've happen to you— and unquestionably, he feels a slight function of heartache when you're suddenly pulling your head up to look at him walk towards you, gloom settling on his countenance.
scaramouche doesn't say anything at first, he doesn't want to make you overwhelmed or like you had to talk about it, it was up to you if you wanted of course. but it was interesting to see how dependable he was on your happiness, because the man detested seeing your smile fade, he'd do anything to bring it back— as soon as you're sad, unahappy or dejected, he's beginning to feel it with you.
he was angry— bend out of his usual shape because he cannot find a quick solution to this, he just doesn't want to see you covered in a gloomy mask.
however, instead of resorting back to his past methods of handling situations such as those, especially the ones that come close to his own emotions, scaramouche decides to take a seat right next to you before placing his hand on his knee, but with his palm facing up— you see, as if to invite you to take it.
hopefully you do.
"you're quiet," he inquires shortly after, tilting his head to look at you, "on any other day, you'd greet me the moment i walk through that door," he purses his lips a little, the hand on his knee quietly turning impatient, like he's scared you won't take it— or even worse, what if he's the reason you felt this way?
troubled, scaramouche proceeds to look at you, and it might not come across like it since it can be quite difficult for him to show his proper feelings— but he'd do anything for you right now, if there's something he could do in order for your smile to appear again, he'd do it without batting an eye.
his throat lets go of a dry sigh when you take his hand sweetly before resting your head against his shoulder, holding your breath as you exhale through a crumbling heave.
scaramouche's grip on you tightens, "who did this to you?" he decides to ask, his voice growing an octave louder, ultimately signalizing the despair he felt from seeing you like this, "is there someone who made you feel this way? someone i should be aware of?" scaramouche had to know if there was a third party that was involved and most importantly, responsible for this— if so, you could easily leave it to him to take care of it.
you sniffle, the grip your hand had on his palm strengthening, "no one, it's just me," you embarrassingly rub your cheek against his shoulder as he leans back into the couch so you could make yourself more comfortable, "i just had a bad day, that's all," and as badly as your eyes wanted to flutter shut, you were frightened to do so due to possible tears dousing your cheeks.
for some reason, you didn't want him to see you cry— despite the fact that you would never be judged nor laughed at by him.
the man loves you dearly, he could tell the entire world about it— draw warm and tender words on a pavement blossoming with roses. it's truly a magical feeling, turning to dizzying deeds and actions when he gets to kiss and hug you, touch and caress you.
scaramouche whispers your name softly when he slowly runs his thumb to circle around your hand, "hey, you don't have to be sad anymore," at his sentence, you curiously turn your head up as best as you can when his eyes flitter down at you.
"i mean, since i'm back from the akademiya now, we can spend all night together," you make a hum of appreciation before shifting yourself into him so you're lying as close to your boyfriend as possible, "—besides," scaramouche continues as he rests his head against yours, his mind and spirit soothing yours, "if someone is, in fact, responsible for your sadness, i might need to take care of something else first."
you chuckle, believing he's joking before opting to peck his cheek as at the same time, he pulls you in for a proper kiss— ah well, how sweet, you're smiling now, he can sense it as denseness lifts from your shoulders.
strongly invaded by a warm cradle around your whole face, scaramouche silently takes your chin between his thumb and pointer finger, "i told you," he sternly reminds you, whispering his words as his brows narrowed, the muscles in your face beginning to soften upon receiving his homely touch.
"i won't let anyone or anything sadden you, doesn't matter what it is, i will make sure you're being taken care of."
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— wriothesley
you do not move an inch, your body hemmed in a draining blanket that fueled a negative spot in your heart, but do not be mistaken because within this cold, you can feel the warmth of wriothesley's love all the more.
you're like a sheet of glass right now, utterly still, eyes open as if gazing into a dark hole, unable to move a single muscle by how challenging this day had been for you.
as soon as he shrouds your body against his arms and pushes you into his chest, your eyes are glazed in warm liquid that cover the majority of your cheeks, slowly eating away at your skin. your boyfriend doesn't mind when you're crying in front of him, quite the reverse actually, he sees it as you trusting him so much, that you're willing to be vulnerable in front of him.
as soon as he kisses your forehead in reassurance, the force of the impact your emotions have caused on your mental state lift a little, paired with your general feelings resulting in you stumbling forward into his embrace, your hands clumsily scrambling at his jacket as you sniffle into his chest.
in your relationship you didn't need to hide your raw emotions, not only would wriothesley see through you right away, but it's, bluntly saying, pointless to do that in the first place. the man knows that in this moment in time, he needs to be there for you, and he doesn't expect you to be happy and positive all the time.
yet seeing you like this feels like losing a limb, because you're completing wriothesley in a way, you're like a puzzle piece fixing his heart— the fear of being unable to help you, give you what you need was scrambling into his body and mind, and if you ultimately sought after it, the duke would gladly destroy anything to make you happy, including himself.
"sorry, am i being too much?" you sniffle out before rubbing your eyes to get rid of the blur, honestly clueless as to why you're apologizing in the first place, "i think you must've expected our date to turn out differently," you continue, it was all you could shove past the heavy lump in your throat. you're holding yourself on a single thread, deep breathes and hefty swallows, your soft fingers slipping beneath the back of his neck.
wriothesley smiled, feeling the pull of it behind his heart, he disliked whenever you were apologizing for things you cannot control, not to mention when they were so human too.
"not at all, do not say that," he answers, holding you close, "you will never be able to be too much for me," he promises as he sighs out, one last octave teasing the following as his lips slowly move with a warm tenderness on your forehead once he places a kiss on you.
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— alhaitham
alhaitham will not touch you, yes, he will sit next to you and offer a shoulder for you to lean on if you so seek it, but he will not begin to speak first nor say anything at all— wether it's questioning your current state or beginning to somehow figure it out on his own.
instead, he just listens to you.
you can talk to your boyfriend about everything, he does not care if it's pointless gossip you've overheard the other day, or you talking about this new, exciting hobby you found or like now, something that has pulled and squeezed at your heart like you're unable to breathe anymore.
he will not interrupt you, the man will make sure you can scream your heart out of your chest if it means that you feel better afterwards. he's a good listener and when you tell him everything that's on your mind, alhaitham will subconsciously ponder about possible solutions on how to help you out.
"nothing could be more human than this, don't ever feel like you have to hide this from me," he says as your tears slip beyond your control, rushing uncontrollably. alhaitham desired you beyond any significant reason, he has fallen for you and such fact will never falter, it's beyond native intelligence, beyond common sense.
although sometimes, he can trail off, it's cute, especially when he's catching himself admiring his darling, "you're so beautiful, have i told you that today?" for a second, right after you tipple over his words, your body is unable to react, and then you cannot help yourself but let go of a chuckle.
his sudden compliment came so unexpected regardless of your boyfriend being blunt by nature, "you're telling me this while i'm crying and looking like a mess?" your lips curve into a flustered smile, cutting through your initial weary facade. the chilling waves that flung into your body surely caused havoc, but it was almost frightening by how fast alhaitham could change your mood. 
"I thought you should know," he ponders, softly pushing your head up so you could look at him, "you're always beautiful to me, that has nothing to do with how you're feeling,"
shortly after, you lean into a tender kiss, chasing the love he was always providing you with— this time, simply feeling him once wasn't enough, so you kiss him again, again and again, leaving him with enlarged pupils as he pulls gently away.
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— childe
childe will find things to make you feel better, heavy emphasized on the find.
it's something he has to get done and despite the fact that he might not seem like it, he feels it with you, everything, it impact him, regardless if you're being drained that day, saddened or if it even has anything to do with him in the first place.
naturally, he'd also pamper you so you're feeling more comfortable, but such wasn't necessarily a new in your relationship, he clearly has a habit of spoiling you to bits— the celestial bodies decorating the world, yes, ajax would reach for the stars in the sky if you so wished for them.
you're aware that he's mostly absent due to his work requiring him for the most times, but he'd make sure to be by your side the moment he realizes you're genuinely not feeling well. childe is quite adapt of finding a way to make what he wants to achieve possible so do not worry yourself, he will never let you down.
for all that, do not get greatly surprised when he's starting to throw around unfunny jokes his brother might've told him or tell you a story about how hilariously weird his fellow colleagues can be, not to mention scary which was rib-tickling in its own manner.
the man will get nervous too and it's cute, it's his first serious relationship and he doesn't want to do anything wrong. also, important side note but it goes without saying that him being this adorable will already lift your mood a bit.
he's also a little overwhelmed by the situation and is scared to make it somehow worse for you. little does he realize that you're so thankful to him, in fact, you do not need him to magically solve the problems for you, your boyfriend just being here and listening was enough to find comfort.
it's all the more charming, he is, how he smiles from head to toe when you're searching his snug, pleasant hugs when he lets you sob into his chest.
"you're so comfy," you mumble into his jacket before rubbing your cheek over the place where you could faintly notice his fastened heart thumping beneath his ribcage.
your message makes him immediately blush, scarlet red catching his skin and setting it ablaze as he averts his gaze a little to conceal it.
childe doesn't necessarily think he's good at comforting somebody, but he shows you another smile when you gaze up at him, his grin close-lipped but bright as a bared tooth, "i'm sorry, i know i have neglected you recently," you recognize the weary weight of his words, how they're crumpling off his face, "my work, ugh, i know i should've been there for you more," he groans, "you don't deserve to be alone all the time,"
"it's not your fault," you draw a shaky gasp, panicked arms flying to his neck to wrap around him, "you're here now, aren't you?" your eyes glow, flickering with an impression that he cannot forget, it's boiling over until reaching the surface of your complete countenance, "can you stay for the night? only if it's possible," you reluctantly continue.
it's important to note that you really do not fault him, childe was not only providing for his family, but he wanted to give you a life where you do not have to worry about the material aspect of living.
ajax slides his large palm soothingly along the shiver of pain wracking your frame as he listlessly rests his head against yours, "i'll stay as long as you want me to, until you're feeling better, until you can smile again."
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©2024 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify, claim as your own
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harrysfolklore · 8 months ago
driving lessons - op81
summary: oscar piastri teaches his girlfriend how to drive for the first time
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Life is full or ironies, and the fact that your boyfriend is an F1 driver and you don't even know how to drive is definitely one of them.
You always found it funny how someone who could navigate the most challenging race circuits with ease was dating someone who couldn't even navigate a parking lot, and was utterly terrified of being behind the wheel.
"I just can't believe you don't know how to drive," Oscar said while you were having dinner at his place one night.
"Excuse me, mister. Not all of us dreamed of driving cars for a living since we were kids," you teased, making him chuckle.
"Well, I guess I'll have to teach you how to drive, since that's what I do for a living."
You laughed at his enthusiasm, shaking your head. "I appreciate the offer, but I'm a lost cause when it comes to driving. I get anxious just thinking about it."
"Oh come on," he threw his head back, "I'll be a great teacher. We'll start slow, maybe in an empty parking lot. If it doesn't work out, we can stop anytime."
You thought about it for a second, you were at an age that it was downright embarrassing to not know how to drive, and maybe Oscar could actually help you face your fear of being behind the wheel.
"Okay," you agreed, "But you have to promise not to laugh at me, and we're not using a one of your McLaren luxury cars."
Oscar's eyes lit up with excitement. "Deal! We'll use something more… beginner-friendly."
"Beginner-friendly?" you raised an eyebrow, "Like what? A go-kart?"
"Hey, don't knock it till you try it," he laughed, "But no, I was thinking more along the lines of a nice, safe, regular car."
"Fine, but you have to be patient with me," you warned, pointing a finger at him, "I mean it, Oscar. One hint of frustration and I’m out."
He held up his hands in mock surrender. "I promise. Scout's honor."
"You were never a scout," you narrowed your eyes playfully.
"Minor detail," he waved off your accusation, making you laugh, "Seriously though, I think you'll surprise yourself. You're tougher than you give yourself credit for."
"Flattery will get you nowhere," you retorted, but you couldn't help but smile.
"Maybe not, but it might get me dessert," he shrugged, leaning closer, "And maybe a makeout session before we head to bed."
You threw your head back in laughter, grabbing his cheeks playfully and pecking his lips a couple of times.
"You're a teenager," you said, shaking your head. "But fine, you get dessert, and you snogging session. Just remember, no racing techniques, I don't need to learn how to drift around corners."
"Drifting? In your first lesson?" he placed a hand on his chest in mock offense, "I'm hurt you think so little of me."
"When are we doing this again?" you said, moving to place your empty plates in the dishwasher.
"How about this weekend?" Oscar hoped off his stool, helping you clean around the kitchen, "I'll find us a nice, empty parking lot, and we can take it from there."
"Oscar Piastri, F1 driver with podiums to his name will teach his girlfriend how to drive in a parking lot," you said as you shook your head, "How ironic."
Saturday morning arrived and it was time for your first driving lesson. After breakfast, you and Oscar headed to the empty parking lot in a small, compact car for the lesson. It was far less intimidating than one of his sleek, luxurious cars.
"Alright, let's get started," he said, opening the driver's side door for you. You took a deep breath and slid into the seat, adjusting it to fit your height, Oscar got in the passenger seat and handed you the keys.
"First things first," he began, his voice calm and steady, "Let's go over the basics. Adjust your mirrors so you can see clearly, and get comfortable with the controls."
You nodded, following his instructions. Once you were settled, he guided you through starting the car and putting it into gear.
"Wait," you said before starting the car, "You're teaching your dummy of a girlfriend how to drive a regular car, okay? Don't expect some professional Formula 1 driver stuff from me."
"I promise, just the basics," Oscar chuckled, shaking his head, "We won't be racing anyone today."
"Okay, here goes nothing," you took a deep breath and turned the key in the ignition, the engine coming to life with a low hum.
"Great job," Oscar said with a small smile, "Now, put the car in drive and slowly take your foot off the brake."
You hesitated, feeling a wave of anxiety wash over you. "What if I mess up?"
"You won't," he said confidently, "And even if you do, it's all part of the learning process. Just take it slow."
You took a deep breath and lifted your foot off the brake. The car began to roll forward and for a moment, everything seemed fine until you pressed the gas pedal a bit too hard. The car jerked forward, causing you to panic and slam on the brakes.
"Whoa, easy there," Oscar said, "You're not at Silverstone, remember?"
"This is so much harder than it looks," you huffed, feeling your frustration bubble up, "How do you make it seem so effortless?"
"Years of practice and maybe a little natural talent," he winked, "But seriously, you're doing fine. It's all about getting a feel for the car, let's try it again."
Taking a deep breath, you eased off the brake and gently pressed the gas pedal. This time, the car moved forward smoothly, and you couldn't help but smile at the small victory.
"See? You're getting it!" Oscar encouraged. "Now, let's try a gentle turn. Just steer to the right."
You gripped the steering wheel tightly, turning it slowly to the right. The car responded, and you managed to navigate the turn without any major issues. But as you straightened out, you accidentally hit the windshield wiper lever, causing them to whip back and forth at full speed.
Oscar burst out laughing, and you couldn't help but join in, despite your embarrassment.
"Well, at least we know the wipers work!" he joked.
"Ugh, I feel stupid," you groaned, fumbling to turn off the wipers.
"It's okay, baby," he leaned in to peck your cheek quickly.
"Stop kissing me, I'll get distracted," you teased.
"Okay, okay," he said, composing himself, "Let's try another lap around the parking lot. This time, no wiper incidents."
You nodded, determined to get the hang of it. You practiced driving around the empty lot, getting more comfortable with each turn and stop.
As the lesson continued, you found yourself improving bit by bit, though there were still moments of frustration.
"Ugh, why won't this stupid thing go where I want it to?" you groaned, gripping the steering wheel tightly.
"Hey, it's okay," Oscar said soothingly. "You're doing great. Just remember to relax your grip a bit. The car will respond better if you're not strangling the wheel."
You did as he said, and you found yourself driving more comfortably around the parking lot, improving with your turns and stops.
"You know," he said at one point, "If you keep this up, you'll be ready to join the grid next season."
You laughed, shaking your head. "Yeah, right. I'll leave the racing to you, thank you very much."
"Fair enough," he said, grinning, "It would be really hard to fight with my girlfriend for the championship."
"Is your girlfriend Max Verstappen and I'm just finding out?" you teased, making him laugh.
"That's a secret I'll never tell," he joked, causing you both to burst into laughter.
After a few more laps around the parking lot, you were feeling more confident behind the wheel. Until the final challenge of the day approached: parking the car.
"Let’s try parking," he suggested after a while, "Find a spot and take it slow."
You spotted an empty space and carefully guided the car into it, but misjudged the angle and ended up crooked. You groaned in frustration. "Why is parking so hard?"
Oscar laughed, shaking his head. "Well, parking an F1 car in the garage is definitely easier, no tight spaces to worry about."
"Ha-ha, very funny," you retorted, but couldn't help but laugh along with him, "Alright, let me try again."
You pulled out and tried parking again, failing to get the car neatly within the lines. "How was that?"
"Okay, so maybe parking isn't your strong suit yet," he teases, "Good thing you're not in a pit stop competition."
"Fine, I had enough for today," you said, unbuckling your seat belt, "I'm ready to go back to being your passenger princess."
Oscar laughed, getting out of the passenger seat and switching positions with you.
"You did great, really," Oscar said once he settled in the drivers seat, leaning over to kiss you, "I'm proud of you, you know. You really pushed through your fear today."
"And we're both still alive so that's a good thing," you joked, making him laugh, "Thank you for being a great teacher, baby."
"All I did was sit here and provide moral support, it's not like I know anything about driving or cars," he teased, "You did all the hard work."
You rolled your eyes with affection, leaning in to kiss him again.
"Maybe next time we'll try an actual road," he suggested.
"Or maybe you can teach me how to do a proper donut," you said, making him throw his head back in laughter.
"Only if you promise not to tell the team."
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