#but tbf it also says he didnt say anything after
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avnasace · 1 year ago
(spoilers ??? for wriothesley character story)
a thought just occurred to me:
youre saying that wriothesley witnessed this smile for himself in real time and didnt swoon to the floor? couldnt be me
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reason-with-the-underdog · 2 months ago
kaveh's voicelines aren't even subtle about his loneliness
kaveh's voiceline: "haha if you're not me and you dont share my trade, i wouldnt expect you to understand. mmm… it'd be nice to meet someone who did understand, though"
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kaveh's sketchbook entry about mehrak: "more than anything, i hope it really can understand what I'm saying"
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and then one of his hangout routes is about how even if you can't be understood, companionship is just as valuable
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…the takeaway being kaveh might never be understood by the masses despite how he longs to belong to the crowd (chara story 5), but maybe he can have a companion
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more fun lines:
"You're not… making fun of me, are you? I've gotten so used to sarcasm that I can't tell what's genuinely a compliment anymore."
:') kaveh...
(also this is why sarcasm sucks for actual communication! this is a PSA from your local ND who doesn't always parse sarcasm well)
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"it's best that we go and join him for dinner. sigh That means I'll owe him yet another meal now…"
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🥲 he'll get there one day.
the way that he immediately pivots to reassuring traveller in his voiceline about his troubles like "whoops didnt mean to bring the mood down, srsly dont worry about it!!"
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^ that is a man who keeps accidentally trauma dumping in public and feels incredibly bad about it
his voiceline about "You might unlock something that can't be put away again" sounds like kaveh's talking about his & alhaitham's fight after all, who else does he truly know as a person?
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and then "even if all my hopes and dreams are built on pain and suffering" 🥲🥲
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kaveh's so unfamiliar and uncomfortable with the concept of someone being worried about his wellbeing (tbf alhaitham does not phrase himself nicely)
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the way that i went from "hehe kaveh cant find a way to politely reject a gift" to "o right kaveh thinks that no one will ever understand him and that he's such a burden on others that it's prob for the best to never be understood anyways"....
its not even subtext he actually says it
sometimes i think about how lonely and alienated kaveh must have felt, probably ever since his father's death...
and how resigned he is to being unknowable, yet unable to see that he also pushes away others (him holding scores and assuming that compliments must be jokes, etc)
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insanely-lovely-and-random · 10 months ago
Alrightyy saw Challengers for numero uno tonight and these are some thoughts/things that really got me the second time round!
*Thess are just my opinions the film can be read however anyone else wants
Okay so hear me out.. Tashi is such a dom, Art is such a sub and Patrick is such a switch and oooh it got me how at the beginning it felt like he was Arts dom, then he finds this girl he thinks is fantastic and maybe he thinks she could be the glue to bring him and Art and her all together BUT then it totally fricken backfires and instead he loses both. Art the little puppy he is starts wagging his tail in Zendayas direction and next thing ya know he's got a new owner and Patricks a thing of the past much to his palable distress. I mean christ boyos living in his car and starving, boys a mess since his lost his dom and sub poor boyo, so now various things I noticed some of which I feel back up my argument haha
Gosh theres so many little moments, Patricks thing for Art seems so obvious yet Art seems totally clueless.
1) Patrick is defos bi, not just because he just so is but also cause he matches with a guy on his dating app during his swiping.
2) The doubles match they play in the past? Gosh they're all over eachother! And Pats clearly in charge of that relationship and Art seems totally cool with that (for then anyways..)
3) When him and Art are watching Tashis game at the vert beginning Patrick grabs Arts leg in exhilaration. I mean he always seems to be touching or in the space of his boy for christs sake.
4) When Tashi mentions the fact Arts going to Stamford Patrick noticeably makes a face, you could say its because shes paying attention to Art instead of him or that hes upset because shes going to college instead of going profesh BUT I really didnt read it that way. To me it looked like he was upset Art was going to college, they've been together for years after all and now their splitting up, poor boyo.
5) When Zendaya asks if theres anything going on between then, Art laughs and says no BUT Patrick??? Science and he looks down, hell he wishes there was summat.
6) He taught Art to jerk off. Fucking hell.
7) There kiss man, all three of then and then just Art and Pat, just soo much chemistry.
8) When he reveals he slwpt with Zendaya to Art, and Arts smile drops. I think he's heartbroke at him sleeping with the girl he likes but I also see it as pain at being left out. These two people he's entwined with and now he's outside looking in. I also think If Patrick had seen that reaction he'd have seen a looot sooner that his relationship with Tashi might backfire greatly.
9) Patrick vsiting Stamford, first person he goes to see, his girlfriend maybe..? NOPE hes too busy chasing Art around the tennis court 😭
10) There's a ton of hot moments in this film. And the hottest? To me? That bloody stool grab with his foot. He wants Art close, he always bloody does! And the churros christ! And once again showing Art who's top so to speak, eating his churro, and telling him hes proud of his snakey behaviour. And that it makes his relationship with Zendaya hotter (I bloody bet it does) He never ever seems to show jealousy about Arts feelings for Zendaya, he points out thay he doesn't see him as competition to her not long after and I BET his doesn't. Cause I think he'd love it if Art was with him and Zendaya.
11) My God this bit gets be cause it gets echoed later. Him and Zendaya are making out and this girl who he's with and cares about is just talking bout his tennis game. And tbf what does he say?? "Weren't you gonna tell me bout Art" hells bells could you be more obvious?? And then the fight, he asks her if she's talking about tennis and her reply "I'm always talking about tennis" and I mention this cause it's gonna be relevant later.
12) The injury happens and everyone loses something. Zendaya has lost her career and ability to play tennis to her full potential. Art loses his best friend and Poor pathetic Patrick lost his bestfriend(and secret love) and his actual girlfriend all in one day!
From here on I cant guarantee my numbered points are in timeline order as the timline stated getting more out of sequence🤣
13) Zendaya and Art in the diner and after hearing Art and Pat dont talk no more saying she's a homewrecker after all. And what does Art say?? Zip. Nada. No denial just silence.
14) Okay lets talk that sauna scene. It was gloriously tragic. Patrick is clearly unaware why Art is THAT hostile towards him. I mean thinking of it from his point of view he'd have more reason to be angry considering the snakey girlfriend behaviour. But he never is angry at Art, not once no matter what he did. Of course we then discover Art is SO pissed cause he knows about Atlanta. Christ I bet pur stupid idiot boy Patrick thinks hes just being cleverly smug with that "when we were teenagers" line but idiot boyo your rubbing salt in the wounds 😭
15) still about the sauna, the naked trying to be top dog like old times but no no no, not anymore. Arts not his to be in charge of anymore. And the camera shows Art as higher while Patrick slouches nearby. Patrick asks him when he's so mad but doesn't get an answer. This scene was tragic to me, Patrick just seems hurt by Arts attitude. Art points out that they're no longer peers and I love this because thats the difference between the Zendaya/boys relationship and Arts and Pats. Pat may have been the dom so to speak with Art but he still saw them as peers. Zendaya doesn't. Thats the main difference in their relationships. Respect.
16) One of my fave damn parts of dialogue in the movie. (I really can't remember exact phrasing but this is how I rememeber it) Art is so sus of Pat, Pat asks him if he misses it, Art says he doesnt. And when Pat says he wasn't talking about tennis, Art says "Your always talking to me about tennis" and oof the punch to my gut that was. And it seemed to Patricks too! His face, this poor boy has twice been talking to the people he cares about, abou their relationship and they just say their talking about tennis, he cant catch a break😭
17) Pats reaction to Zendaya asking him to throw the game, is he offended for himself? Nopeee he's mad that she'd do that to Art. He says something along the lines of fucking him was one thing but to have Arts victory be a lie?? Gross, too far, too much of a betrayal.
18) For the third time, having just fucked Zendaya in the car and she just immediately brings up him throwing the match, like crimeny man this boy is probs sick of this game getting in the way of his relationships haha
19) Ooh that match point is glorious glorious cinema my friends. Patrick is so interesting in this whole match. Him deliberating on if he's gonna tell Art? So juicy and the way he did was fucking hilarious. That unspoken signal? Beauty.
20) Arts reaction? Wow oh wowww. The lad went through the five fricken stages of grief! The denial "fuck off!" the rage, throwing his racket, the bargaining, looking at Zendaya as if to say its not true (when she has no fucking clue what just happened). The depression, those sad sweaty tears 🥲 and then? That gorgeous smile, that acceptance. I think he felt catharsis, his marraige was clearly dysfunctional at this point and maybe knowing she cheated, knowing she'd threatened to leave if he lost, maybe that helped him let go of it. Ripped off the bandage, turned off life support, finally shake the pedestal he'd put his wife on( he compared her to jesus for christs sake). He made it through to the otherside and Patrick was there waiting for him with open arms ()iterally lol)
21) When Pat sees Arts smile? His own blossoms, clearly in relief and exaltation. I truly think he told him not to throw his game but to spur Art on. To finally unlock his potential. And to get the old Art he knew back and it bloody worked. That final back and forth, the pure energy, those sexual grunts all building up to a crescendo of a climax. Hooo boy
22) That goddamn brilliant leap in the air. Art is freed and flying, and Patrick doesn't hesitate he flings his racket to the floor because the thing that mattered to him most was never tennis. And he catches his boy with arms wide and then that embrace. They have finally come back together. It was beautiful. What does losing the match matter to Pat when he finally has his arms all over Art again just like he did in the beginning. We have come full circle.
Hahaha this is purely my own read into the movie and obvs mostly about the Patrick character and how I saw his actions. Now a few little bonus notes I noticed.
Nearly everything the boys eat/drink seems phallic, hotdogs, bananas, churros, even those drink bottles and cigarettes. Boyos are obsessed!
Zendaya on the rock at the beach was very little mermaid. Also in that scene when she said she wouldn't wanna get between em. Art said they didn't love together but Pat says "It's an open relationship" hecks you too obvious boy.
This movies so chock full of foreshadowing too, the story about Cat who got injured a week later. Patrick at Tashis party saying she'd have deals and a foundation which she does but via her relationship with Art instead just really cool script tbh
(Will probs add more when I remember em/see it for third time cause I am planning on that🤣🤣)
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banamine-bananime · 11 months ago
AITA for trying to save my friend and keep the rest of my asshole friends safe from their bad decisions?
I (M26) just went through this real shitty breakup. So basically, my ex C (M lmao man fuck if i know his age idek if knows it. or has one i guess) has this god-fucking-awful habit of deciding to solve every problem by dying about it and/or fucking off without so much as a word to the people unfortunate enough to give a shit about him, except maybe his sister (unhelpful for the rest of us because she also inherited the "fucking off without a word" gene. man fuck this whole family for making me care about them. whatever). Also, killing himself inside peoples brains thats like a whole hobby for him. like okay either ghost us OR kill yourself in front of us altering the trajectory of our lives forever PICK ONE like a NORMAL person.
Okay wait im not explaining this well. So years ago C and W (M37 now) were partners but C was, uh, in a really bad place mentally (S is telling me this is more diplomatic to say than "crazy af") and that situationship ended as badly as a situationship can end. I mean W's told me he pretty much had his sense of identity as someone separate from C totally destroyed by that for a while, which like, in hindsight its kinda an accidental dick move that our team made him take C's legal identity, but in our defense a) the fuck were we supposed to know?, b) tbf he really did need it not to go back to prison, c) it's not like C was using his identity, on account of the fucking off and effectively-dying-as-a-solution habits, and d) i mean. i gotta admit it's also pretty funny in a really fucked way.
aw shit derailed on a tangent again
recently its just like, we just get so focused on one thing its hard to remember anything else, you know?
S is so good at getting us back on track though. thank god because you would not believe the number of irons weve got in the fire to keep track of, its ridiculous. (i love making my partner be the planner in the relationship lol. highly recommend being a passenger princess in the body sometimes. fuck massages, i'm telling you THIS is what you need after a long day getting shit DONE and taking care of everyone else's messes)
So I met C 6 years ago, right out of basic, when we were privates stationed at the same base. middle of nowhere. shit, this is gonna be hard to explain, just realized i should use different names for C to keep them straight. I knew "A" and W knew "E", i didnt meet E until years later. theyre alters and also the same guy but also not the same guy. dont worry about it if you dont get it bc ive dated both of them and i dont think i do. my life is stupid.
Bunch of bullshit happened, A ghosted (lol. you'd be high-fiving me if you knew him) and then found a problem to solve by dying. you get it by now.
Then i meet E, E encounters a problem and tries to die about it round one (i guess round two, after exploding in W <- LOL. you should be high-fiving me right now), E's sister drags him back to the land of the living, E ghosts, W and i start dating, W tries to martyr himself and disappears because i guess E rubbed off on him (dude i am on a fucking roll. you should be high-fiving me out of pity for my glamorously miserable soap-opera life if nothing else. homophobic not to), our team gets W back, E strolls back like he has no idea why im mad at him, we fight about it, makeup-makeouts about it, and E tries to die about it round two: in my brain boogaloo.
So thats how S and i meet. oops, guess i never introduced S? Feels weird to have to introduce ourself twice, people dont really meet us separately anymore LOL. S (M, ageless) is also C's alter, my partner in life and badassery and brain and body. and obviously freaky sex stuff, that goes without saying but i'm saying it anyway to brag. the swish swish to my stabbing people who really deserve it. Not really interested in your opinion on our relationship, it's not what i'm asking about. we're aware its not conventional, because we're not fucking braindead. Im so sick of all the "oooohhhhh this isn't healthy", "he's a male manipulator and youre codependent i know bc i learned psychology from tiktoks by girls with green hair", "why are you wearing your ex-boyfriend's armor colors while wearing his dead ex-boyfriend's armor while dating and sharing a brain with your dead mutual ex's alter", "have you considered going to therapy instead of a quest against death itself" blah blah blah. If youre so bored you need to judge our life then just get your own 🙄🙄🙄
we've been really on that sigma grindset the last few weeks. S has got our sleep optimized down to a tight triphasic 3.46 hours and we're minmaxing the fuck out of the rest of every day. Biohacked to shit over here. too much to do, so we have to make there be enough of our time to do it. who else is gonna? my teammates? the REDS? we're half batman half babysitter to a gaggle of idiots who can barely be trusted to wipe their own asses, let alone fight their own battles and make decisions like "wah wah wah A is dead let's just give up and cry about it or whatever".
Don't even get me started on W. Oh youre all about character-building wake up and grind self-improvement and taking leadership until we're making decisions you dont like, i guess. WHATEVER. this is why we dont listen to you.
its hard, okay. like, you cant understand the sheer fucking stress were under trying to keep all our plans going smoothly while keeping these guys safe while they're basically actively trying to unravel every carefully-laid thread and also strangle themselves in them. im probably going prematurely grey and also losing some time. its hard to remember when we need to hold back and use the kiddy gloves. i really didnt want to come to holding - uh, we'll call him MC (M25) - by the throat, passed-out. he's like a brother to me, been through thick and fucking thin together, so yeah, i feel really bad about that, my bad, we were the asshole there, but like, maybe stop throwing yourself in the way? like run out into the road you're gonna get hit by a truck no matter how hard they slam the brakes. mfw the conses quence. but im NOT asking about that. everyone's been on our dick about "please god stop doing all of this" and abandoning A and trying to break us up way before that, and THAT'S what im asking about
Anyways tl;dr are we the asshole for getting shit done when it takes methods that all our monday morning quarterback friends dont like
OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole:
it really was a dick move to dangle my teammate's limp body in a chokehold even though it was basically an accident and also not even directly relevant to the question
OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might not be the asshole:
okay but we're right
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irlkomaedanagito · 4 months ago
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ghdsfkjghdsf is that a common thing?
I don't really get how he'd be misdiagnosed anyway; it would need brain scans, especially since it's so rare at his age, and if anything it would have been misdiagnosed as other conditions for a while. Only going off cry-stars here- I have no expertise myself- but she's said that can happen and there was a recent case in Japan where a young guy's dementia was mistaken for depression for ages.
If we doubt Komaeda's FTD it can only be via doubting his honesty imo (but I still think he's telling the truth). I also love seeing analyses of him through the lenses of other disorders as comorbid instead of alternative diagnoses- especially autism, but I've seen interesting takes wrt OCD and BPD too- but canonically I feel like bvFTD, extreme post-traumatic stress and political radicalisation adequately explain his issues.
TO BE FAIR it probably isnt As common as i think it is, i just saw one reddit post thst explicitly claimed the FTD was a misdiagnosis and that it totally makes way more sense for komaeda to have autism and bpd, and a surprisung number of people... agreed? for some reason??
which i need to state for the record a) i am autistic myself and b) have absolutely zero problems with headcanons, even if they arent ones i ascribe to personally
what i DO have a problem with is people erasing canon neurodivergencies and/or erasing traits CENTRAL to a character in order to square-peg-round-hole the headcanon THEY have as the most correct one
"nagito has ftd and was autistic before that?" cool! neat! seeing how those two disorders being comorbid with each other could be really interesting!
"nagito does NOT have ftd, the devs were wrong, they actually wrote an autistic character and didnt realize it" stop talking.
this is very like, misanthropic i guess but after SO MUCH SHIT ive seen it just speaks to an unwillingness to empathize with or relate to anyone that isnt exactly like you. and you cant just headcanon real people around you with Misdiagnosed Autistic (most.... times....) so this pops up in fiction
like. i am autistic! i also have two (2) personality disorders, and neither is bpd. this has led to a non negligible amount of autistic people completely stereotyping my other disorders as evil in order to prop themselves up ("i thought i was a narcissist/sociopath, which wouldve been awful, but really i was just autistic! phew!!" with implicit, sometimes EXPLICIT value judgements being made)
i have had a friend i had in real life, to my face, say he didn't believe i had either personality disorder and really i was secretly just autistic
...if we had been better friends, maybe he would've known me well enough to know that that's almost... comically untrue. lol
so in my opinion there do exist a certain minority of autistic people who see autism as the only neurodivergency that Matters, or at least the one that matters the most. and the only way they can feel any sympathy for anyone else is if they are also autistic
and i know this is a minority! and i just see it a lot because i am an autist in fandom and a lot of other autistic people are also in fandom! AND that this is a mindset prone to ANY minority- most people think their Problem is the Worst Problem, it just... happens. however i am just as irrational and prone to biases as anyone else and ive chosen this as my completely irrelevant hill to die on
that one reddit post made me so goddamn mad bc of All This PLUS its double insulting when someone says "i have a special interest in psychology!" as a way to say theyre extremely knowledgable, and doing genuine analysis with the lens of "i am looking at the text and trying to make an objective diagnosis" and then STILL DO THIS!!! because they have this veneer of "im just a guy asking questions" before diving right into a weirdly consspiratory subset of "everyones an idiot about mental health except for ME"
...which tbf i dont think that about myself. i am very good at writing a wide variety of mental illness due to a combination of research and life experience BUT i could really only tell you like. actual non-surface level FACTS about aspd and to a lesser extent, npd. because thats what i chose to focus on. there are far and away lots more people that know more about me about other things, and im fine wit that
i am however also aware of this extremely hyperspecific social phenominon. and thus it is my burden to bear. my mountainous molehill.
also r/danganronpa just fucking sucks like in general. every time i see a kokichi opinion there i get a little closer to pulling the trigger. i think the real moral here is reddit is garbage and should not be used for anything other than product reviews
(also fwiw i agree w ur personal take at the end, with a lil bit of ocd tendencies that like, started off manageable and nowhere near diagnostic level badness, since things he might do to manage his cycle and even the constant thinking about it are very much reminiscent of obsessions and compulsions. but ftd in of itself can cause ocd symptoms so after that it got... worse. thats my personal take on it ^^)
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joifee · 2 years ago
Alr, I've been thinking again about my Flower Husbands reicarnation (?) idea.
Scott has been always a flirty person, but especially with Jimmy, he's fun to tease. But like, I imagine that S1 Scott when he gets his memories in S2, he like kind of, isn't himself anymore towards Jimmy. His flirts wouldn't be just teasing anymore but genuine and kind of soft and sweet flirting, basically appreciation towards the guy.
But Jimmy obviously would be suspicious as heck. No one in Empires actually appreciates him, so he would be so suspicious of Scott and try to like to push him away. Especially since for him, it all came out of nowhere. Tho at the same time, he would be desperate for allies, and want his attention bc he lacks it.
At the same time, Scott definitely would give off like faraway feeling, or when he looks at Jimmy like he was a dead man (for Scott he is, but he obv wouldn't know that). I just imagine Jimmy thinking that Scott looks lonely and the both of them would just feel awkward around each other as well bc there's just something unsaid from Scotts side.
I also was thinking that Sausage might realize the fact that S1 and S2 Scott are now the same person, but I heavily doubt Scott would want any help from the guy. S1 Scott obv didn't have a good relationship with him in his own timeline. So I kinda think that Scott would be VERY wary of the guy. Especially when he notices that Sausage also teasing Jimmy with the toy joke. Kinda like a "history repeats itself" kinda vibe. Scott would feel that way at least.
Since it is also heavily implied that Fwhip and Jimmy we're in some kind of queer relationship (for example Jimmy calling Fwhip his ex), I feel like Scott would start to rethink some of the past events as well. Fwhip in S1 really did a lot of mischief, especially directed toward Jimmy, which feels like he just wanted the guy attention.
Also, I didn't answer before, but you are always welcome to come to my asks and talk about your drafts or headcanons! Anything tbf. I love hearing other people's ideas!
sorry for late reply! omg yes its like an immediate switch from teasing to genuine and nice and jimmy is just confused af and definitly convinced scott is planning something mischievous or is out for trouble. like he is smitten by the compliments, yes, but will take them with a grain of salt. but then he also, like you said, is in need of allies so he cannot really say no despite being suspicious fareaway like in it feels like home but also like a growing distance when he looks at jimmy. like in a way he knows its just what he wants but also fearing it at the same time. and jimmy knows something is on scotts mind but he doesnt know how to ask or if he asks, if he is able to believe it due to his suspicions but then in this season i have the feeling they get along better? i mean sausage grew since then like he did become a better man than the king of mythland. so maybe scott is not really about talking to him at first, but the more time goes on the more he is compelled to talk with sausage about it but doesnt really know how to reveal that he can remember his past life even tho sausage might already know he does. but i dont see sausage as the guy to like push scott to talk to him. maybe that fact of them being exes makes scott also a bit unsure if he should pursue it more. Like thats different from the jimmy he knew. maybe its like still the same fwhip but then he didnt knew fwhip in his past life that well after they had the fallout due to scott accidently freezing gem. i might shoot you an ask then soon^^
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xx-psych0-rabbit-xx · 7 months ago
Zan Partizanne :)
First impression:my amino bestie told me briefly abt her but since i didnt own a switch i ended up getting 3DS team clash, so we immediately went to talking abt taranza lol
Impression now:if the last seven months ever since january 14th havent left this clear enough for anyone i am absolutely utterly obsessed w her.shes my everything my girlie pop my poor little thing my funny mean girl my silly rabbit.if she were in any other franchise shed be up there in utterly inherently doomed characters.shes so lucky shes in the friendship game series.
Favorite moment:i love the silly pose she has going on before her first boss fight, but the cutscene after it is so funny, but also the scene where hyness smacks her away is literally the defining moment in leaving KSAs relationship theme clear.can i say everything i have seen i wanna say everything i have seen
Idea for a story:theres soooo much stuff you can explore w her...her overly attached relationship w hyness, her backstory w the suicide attempt n its relationship to her ending up the most loyal member of a cult, why shes so rude towards others on the official twitter, her postgame development after being in a death cult for god knows how long, her relationship w her sisters seeming a bit one sided depending on how you read her never being bought up when it comes to the other two, shes so cool n interesting i love her.sm to think abt.perfect for autism
Unpopular opinion:i kindaaa.feel ppl take her rly at face value in a way ngl? i feel shes just the "the serious loyal one" in stuff p often (or the mean one but i forgive that bc zan being mean is hilarious) idk the lack of attention to the degree of loyalty she actually has to the point of tolerating anything hyness does to her just annoys me a bit.yeah shes the loyal one but not to a good nice healthy degree !!! (ik its ironic to complain abt how the cult in general is portrayed by fans after ive mostly complained abt the ppl that straight up ignore them but i am annoying n never satisfied X3)
Favorite relationship:from canon its gotta be w hyness.bc its so bad LMAO.absolutely utterly unbalanced n unhealthy, once again the peak of KSAs relationship theme, from kirbys neverending friendship that helped former foes improve as ppl to zans one sided love n loyalty for a man who treats her like garbage bc he saved her years ago.the themes man the themes.he literally sacrifices herself after throwing her n her sisters around like weapons n girl was still there looking for him in the extra mode.the standards r underground for you miss partizanne.
for "would it be cool if they interacted or what?":taranza n susie tbh.taranza parallels her story w hyness through his own w sectonia n susie is the absolute opposite of her, so i think either of them would give a rlyyy interesting conversation.guy who was just a little less loyal to the point of realizing when it had gone too far (tbf it took sectonia trying to kill him.which still leaves taranza w higher standards than zan lmao) n girl who pretended to be loyal so bad when she hated her boss the whole time n took fixing his behavior into her own hands.theyre such a fun little trio of fucked up ppl
Favorite headcanon:instead of a serious one ill just say im never giving up my insistence to draw her w yellow eyes hyness get her n flamberge contacts right fucking now.why do the sisters all share the exact same eye color.susies similar looking n theyre blue too r they part of some blue eyed species whats going on.why r they blue kumazaki why did you do this to me
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fruitpunchjollyrancher · 1 year ago
my shitty treatise on "ants from up there" and gale dekarios
this is the gale album of all time. and i WILL elaborate. (also warning im only posting this because i have been obsessed with this fucking album and gale for a WEEK and need it out of my brain. im probably not going to explain too many lyrics and i get nervous expressing my ideas because tbf to me it seems quite obvious but ofc i can explain, assuming anybody reads this post)
"Concorde" immediately stood out to me like oh this is so gale. i dont even think i need to explain how gale this is. the rest of the song is super gale too, i just don't want to include screenshots of the entire song
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"Bread Song" has a LOT of worship imagery and also below alluding to appearing fine but rlly inside he is not well <3
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oh my god. "Good Will Hunting". the mentorship but also wanting her to depend on him a little but it's unfeasible, weaving a whole life in his head that can never be because mystra will never see him as an equal... also the pre-chorus 👍 i am so well
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"Haldern"... i literally dont know how to explain my feelings about this song in relation to gale pls someone tell me u see the vision
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"The Place Where He Inserted the Blade" is more headcanon/my interpretation but im just gonna focus on the parts that i think everyone can agree on. first 2 lines arent super applicable to mystra but ig i can rationalize it as her being detached from the world/not rlly participating (i.e. why didnt mystra just stop the absolute herself (im aware its because ao doesn't like it when they meddle, im smoking that true forgotten realms pack trust me)). but the MAIN part of this song that is so gale to me is the vines breaking bones, bones heal, our school friends sign our cast on the playground, my body is yours. like holy shit being a chosen of mystra is a huge fucking deal and despite the pain it can cause (that he doesnt even notice because "tied me up slow with your vine stuff / it takes a few years") but it's definitely encouraged among wizards/mages in any circles he was in and by elminster ("we tell all our school friends / and they sign our cast in the playground"), then of course the last line breaks my heart. rest of the song is also rlly fucking good please listen to this album.
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"Snow Globes" has more religious imagery but tbh i dont know precisely how i feel about it in relation to gale so im just gonna skip it
"Basketball Shoes" shows a more hopeful future but still #suffering because thats just how it is. concorde being mystra/his relationship to her tears his life to shreds, defines his life, leaving him with nothing. keeps seeing her everywhere (wizard stuff, his damn earring, he's always saying "by mystra" like bro you're intersecting at the market town on purpose atp (i get it)). i interpret the part after that line break (idk why genius doesnt just say its a different verse, don't quote me on this idk anything about music theory) as post-game where he's still Not Great but it's better and moving on, there is a future. doesn't look to mystra anymore (throughout album especially in good will hunting and bread song the s/o is mentioned through headphones, wifi passwords, phone calls, so "never look at our phones anymore" means he isn't thinking of her anymore or trying to curry her favor).
alsoooo should mention that i didn't include the part of "The Place Where He Inserted the Blade" that mentions a lunch metaphor in relation to panic attacks and possible cheating so the "feelin kinda normal with a packed lunch" is doubly meaningful, he isn't freaking out while making lunch anymore
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this verse is tav (or whoever u romance as gale origin idgaf)/gale as he is trying to find a new object of devotion in his romance. "the clamp" could be many things, from reminders of mystra to all his perceived inadequacies to lost opportunity to become a god w/ the crown of karsus.
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third section of the song im kind of undecided on w/ gale like we got the religious imagery again, could interpret "generous loan/crippling interest" as mystra's deal for him to return the crown of karsus in exchange for no orb. but yea idk yet
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and that is the entire album (- chaos space marine, i didn't really think of anything related to gale when listening to it but it's still a great song, PLEASE listen to this album). so yeah if im horribly wrong on any of my takes be sure to send me hatemail k thanks bye
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rrxnjun · 2 years ago
yeahh stress is pretty bad and it got to me so🤕🤕 but doing much better now so that's at least good!! ahhh i hope u don't stress much as well!!!! and sometimes it's good to just take brakes from studying so i think u should count being on tumblr as that🫠
chenle hit hard dude and i'm so happy about it in a way cuz at least i relate to something🥲 but what took me off guard in the middle of wiping my tears is when i saw my birthday as one of the dates so that made me laugh so hard for some reason🫡 well it will be a while till i know the results so we will see but i don't think it will be better🥲 ahhh thank u for saying that i appreciate it i kinda needed to hear that so thanks;-;-;-;💓💖💞u are too lovely;-;💖💞
well i'm very glad that u translated it to me so u are the best slovak person out there imo🫡🫣
oo god🥲 IDK WHY PEOPLE HAVE TO BE SO RUDE ABOUT NOT SPEAKING A LANGUAGE☹️SOME PEOPLE ARE SO DUMB AND RUDE MY LORDDD☹️☹️and german is a hard language anyways🥲 that's probably more than enough german words a person should know🫡 well let's just hope and pray u only run into nice people in hungary!!! I WILL GLADLY HELP WITH ANYTHING NEED IN HUNGARY🥳🥳🥳 (ofc sending it right now as i write/j)
i'm not gonna lie i will call myself a stan of treasure but still have trouble with jeongwoo and jaehyuk for some reason AND I HAVE BEEN FOLLWOING THEM FOR LIKE A YEAR NOW AND ITS NOT LIKE I DIDNT WATCH A CRAP TON OF STUFF WITH THEM so🤕🤕🤕 and i genuinely don't know why i switch them up so often🫤 i'm praying for u hopefully u won't die from laughing too much cuz they are very funny (and i tend to be the same way so i feel u on that one🫣) DUDE I LAUGHED OUT LOUD LMAO u really said the communist bugs bunny meme with that one🤣 i knew it wouldn't be long till i have to share him💔he his just too amazing🤭 YEAH I SHOULD HAVE EXPECTED IT TBH🫠🫠that's what got me as well and his whole style tbh
U NEVER DISAPPOINT!!! AND U JUST NEVER MISS!!! i think my thoughts were kind of a mess cuz of the crying but it was amazing i loved the whole story so much!!! thank u for being an amazing writer!!!
(u are going to get me blushing for real i'm glad to hear that!!! ur replies usually make my day u are just too lovely🥹) (liebestraum anon💕)
awh i hope you relax even more soon, stress is a bitch. me personally i dont feel it but thats just bc i supress it a lot LMAO 😭😭 but thankyou for saying that yes i do consider tumblr as my mental health brake SJSJS
chenle did hit hard poor boy 💔 also omg no way???? which date 🤭 (if u feel comfy sharing ofc)) i originally wanted to add my bday too but it didnt fit with the timeline so i had to change it 🙄🙄 i did write abt marks and renjuns bday altho i did manage to sneak hyuck's in as well🤭
AHAHA no bc i was telling myself when posting it like "this is my promise that im gonna finish the fic" AND THEN I DIDNT DJSJSJ so i dont want that to happen again. i was clearing out my notes ((where i keep all my fic ideas) and found the liebestraum idea dated all the way back to 2021 😶 SJSJ i really do need to finish it soon
it was a middle aged woman tbf i shouldve expected her to act like a karen ☹ german is a hard language and also austrians sound completely different than germans do 😭😭 their dialect is kinda different and they even have different words for some things LMAO but thats not the point. also im arranging the budapest trip as we speak /j
AHAHA i think im a baby teume now dont tell anyone and after binging most of treasure map i can confidentely tell the three i mentioned apart like 70% of the time so 😶 im so sorry everyone. THEY ARE INSANELY FUNNY and also very very genuine i feel 😶 they are just some guys doing things and being real and i respect that AHAHA its like watching friends hang out and feeling like youre a part of their circle. altho every time yedam appears on the screen my heart breaks bc ive had the biggest soft spot for him ever since seeing him on the stray kids survival show 💔 he has a special place in my heart SJSJ when the news came out i was like oh that must be heartbreaking to hear im glad im not a treasure stan and look where we are now 😭👍THE COMMUNIST MEMEMSHSJSK STOP no but im afraid this is the reality i did not steal your boyfriend we are sharing. HIS STYLE!!!! but also his personality he is a menace (affectionate) and for some reason thats my type of men
also it breaks my heart to hear that ppl cry to my fics oh noo😭😭 but at least that means my words can move someone ig??☹ thank you sm for supporting me and for being great i always look forward to interacting with you
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staryuee · 3 years ago
Since request are open may i request xiao and zhongli with a hu li jing s/o? (their chinese foxes who shapeshifts and loves to seduce men but reader didnt seduce them) and maybe put some lore of hu li jing s/o and how they became the protector/god of liyue?
s/o who’s a huli jing — genshin hcs ⸝⸝
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— warning[s]. n/a!
— synopsis . . . (char.) with a s/o who’s a húlijīng
— characters . . . zhongli , xiao
⭑ notes . . . you had me at húlijīng- i love chinese mythology (and mythology in general tbf) smmm it’s one of my favourite things to self study for fun (≧��≦)
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— “finally a lover that wont die on me-“
— in his long ass life he’s definitely interacted with countless of different species and creatures so your identity wasn’t surprising news per se
— don’t get me wrong he was still shocked that his own lover was anything but human , however he didn’t bat an eye at what you actually were
— being from liyue and all , he’s certainly heard of huli jing’s and he does recall telling stories , myths and legends about them but they are rather rare to come across since they blend in so well with others
— you remind him of himself in a way more or less! i mean you both act or pretend to be like something you aren’t (a human lol) whether your reasons differ from one another is a different story though
— speaking of stories , being the man of history he is, zhongli enjoys every thrilling tale you bestow upon him every evening which all include your journeys and adventures and even the story of your own creation
— he has put his entire trust in you , to not only cherish him as a lover but cherish the land of liyue as if it were your own - whenever he sees the glint in your eyes or the slight happy swaying of your tails when good news of liyue harbour get murmured amongst locals he can’t help but be intoxicated by your joyous attitude
— this dude has no problem in taking care of your ears and tails for you !! zhongli only wants to spoil you and being able to touch those silky tails of yours is a blessing within itself so never hesitate to ask about grooming your fur, he’ll make sure to thoroughly wash and brush it
— the whole ideology and stigma that huli jing’s are deceitfully evil creatures who only seduce men for fun is clearly neutralised when he met you - you remind him a of a field of glaze lilies on a warm summer afternoon, calm and carefree <3
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— wtf are you ??
— being the almighty demon yaksha emo ass bitch he is , xiao will definitely attempt to hide his inner curiosity into learning more about what you are i mean you’re a fox . . but like human . . but he thought that kätzlein-
— safe to say , he’s intrigued ! on the days you come to visit him at wansghu inn , with a generous plate of almond tofu in hand , he tries to pick out some details about you and he’s not exactly the best at masking the fact he’s staring very intently at you
— after he gets a few good looks at you , he won’t really pay that much attention to it anymore , unless you end up mentioning the fact you’re also immortal which at that point he’s more than happy to sit and listen to you for a bit
— knowing you’re capable of handling yourself and that your life won’t escape like a drop of water in the ocean depths xiao would thank the geo archon a couple times for blessing him with something so gracious as yourself
— from all the myths he’s heard about (mostly from ganyu and zhongli) huli jing’s are meant to be seductive beings of malevolence , and he’s more than ashamed to admit he thought you’d fit that standard , but as the days got older it couldn’t have been farther from the truth
— he loves you sm !! <33 when the moons rise and fall and xiao’s karmic debt plagues his tormenting heart , simply you shapeshifting into cute animals can uplift his spirits , he especially loves the attention he’s getting
— don’t let his persona fool you ! he wants to be loved and held , if you want to spoil him with love be his guest ! pls . .
— ehem- he has no idea what he’s doing when it comes to helping you groom tho :’) he’ll try to pat your head first and then forget about what he’s meant to be doing same thing happens with your tails too
— he can’t help it ! you’re just too cute (๑>◡<๑) <3
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IHEARTGANYU do not copy, steal or repost <33
⭑ notes : i wrote this late at night so pardon any spelling or grammatical errors i’m too tired to proofread :’)
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kosi-annec · 2 years ago
Season 2 of BNHA! This one is gonna be long cuz of the sports fest. arc and the stain arc, so most likely gonna cut this in half lol
My review of Season 2 part 1:
Ok but why tf did nezu let aizawa still teach when he is recovering?? like the guy is covered in bandages for fuck sake
I was a little surprised by shinsou's voice, i don't remember it being that.. deep? mature? idk what the word is, but it doesnt sound like a teenager (watching the dub btw) tho i start to get used to it again
I couldn't help but think the whole proclaiming rivalry against deku was funny, like idk why, but i thought it was ridiculous
The animation during the racing part was just amazing, specifically the part where shoto freezes the zero-pointer. Like, god damn they know how to animate ice. On the subject of the race, i would like to give props to deku's whole plan, cuz damn his plan was pretty smart
I'm kind of surprised that momo just let mineta hang onto her like that during the race, if i was her i would've dropped kicked him instantly, zero hesitation
The cavalry battle was fun to watch, and where class 1b gets introduced in the series! Monoma such a smart lil shit and i love him for it; bakugo need a chill pill dear god, tho it was funny with him hitting kirishima's head lol. Hatsume also gets spot light too and i love her chaotic energy, also the beginning of Uraraka's jealousy.
I am a bit confused as to how shinsou even won? like his quirk requires the target to respond back to him, so did tetsutetsu's team all just replied back and get mindcontroled? i mean ok ig
When todoroki pulled deku aside and basically trauma dumped on him, i did not expect bakugo to have overheard that convo, like i did not remember him eavesdropping before, but tbf it was a short clip of him so it was easy to forget
"Are you All Might's secret love child or something?" gets me every fucking time🤣
The fact ojiro withdrew when he felt like he didnt deserve to go into the finals was just, hhhhh hun no you deserve it, but honestly that was very (as kirishima said) manly of him to do. And kendo offering tetsutetsu's team to go into the finals was just, respect. This is why she's class rep.
Kendo grabbing monoma for the 'perverse person' in the scavenger hunt was just- LMAO😂
"-or tried to hype themselves up" then shows bakugo just face to face with a wall and shoto in a dark corner crouching, are you sure this is hyping themselves up? it looks more like brooding lol
Now the real fun of the sports festival begins
Deku vs shinsou. Ojiro literally told him not to respond to anything shinsou says, but yet he still fell for it, cmon dude. The past users of one for all were like "eyo no, you are not losing to this weak ass man." I do feel bad for shinsou, like dude deserves to be a hero, i hope he gets in class 1a, or at least 1b. The two boys could get a long a bunch, i mean, deku doesn't mind talking to him even after being mindcontroled. Tho it is funny that shinsou just kept mindcontrolling him everytime he responded, but at the same time pls stop doing that, he's just trying to have a conversation
Shoto vs sero. Okay, the speed sero was able to tape shoto and swing him almost out of the ring was impressive, but of course, its no match for shoto. Tho his attack was a bit overkill. The crowd screaming out 'nice try' for sero was nice of them tho
Denki vs shiozaki. Her speech in the beginning was mildly funny. Denki just thinking that she's cute and asking her on a date... not really the time for that, but he got his priorities straight, i guess. Tho really, shiozaki should be in class 1a with how powerful her quirk is, but then again it would be hell to draw her hair
Kendo karate chopping monoma to unconsciousness will always be funny
Iida vs hatsume. I don't actually remember what happened in this fight the 1st time i watched it, so this is gonna be fresh to me. Honestly, the whole round was hilarious, it was just a straight up ad for her support gear. Poor iida, he just wanted a fair fight
Now, speed round! Aoyama vs mina. Not much to say here, just mina showing off her dance moves and finishing the battle. Poor aoyama, humiliating way to go // Tokoyami vs momo. That was actually pretty fast dang, momo was recommended yet tokoyami still beat her. Shows how powerful dark shadow is // Kirishima vs tetsutetsu. Like looking into a mirror, of course it ends with a draw, the two are really hard bros
"..bakugo wouldn't use the full power of his explosions on a girl, right?" "yeah, he would" well, at least deku was honest about it😅
Bakugo vs uraraka. Oh boy, this fight. Gotta commend uraraka's determination, she planned out a good strategy; using her jacket as a decoy in the smoke, taking all those hits to create her finishing move. But bakugo is merciless, he was going to win no matter what. Even if she got him floating, bakugo could've just used his explosions to propel himself around. Uraraka put up a good fight, she was just paired up to someone who can put up a better one. Tho at least bakugo saw her as an equal, with him not going easy on her; cuz she isn't some weak little girl, she's a hero in training giving her all and should be taken seriously.
Now, for some light heartedness; Kirishima vs tetsutetsu, electric boogaloo. Such manliness, such raw chivalry. Two bros, having an arm wrestling match, 1 feet apart cuz they're just bros
The talk between the urarakas was sweet, she definitely needed to hear that from her dad. Speaking of dads, deku standing up to endeavor for shoto there was just amazing, someone had to tell that asshole
Now, the main event; Deku vs shoto. This whole fight is just deku being shoto's therapist, except with violence. Starting off with lovely ice animations, then bloody broken bones! Seriously tho, how tf does deku still push thru with dat much pain?? like boy is 15 and he's barely used his quirk. On the sidelines, bakugo thinking like a nerd as he watches. He may be an angy boi, but he is a smart angy boi. Now the ✨traumatic backstory✨ seriously tho, can't wait to see endeavor get his ass thoroughly kicked. Baby shoto is utterly adorable tho, must protect mah bby boy. Look wat you did endeavor, you fucked up a perfectly good child, look at him he has anxiety. "IT'S YOUR QUIRK NOT HIS" gets me every time. And then, FIRREEEE🔥🔥 and a SWOOSH and a BANG and- you get my point. That whole part was animated amazingly; deku rocketing across the ice, shoto using both sides at the same time to make such an epic explosion, the ice and fire. The pro heroes' reaction to the blast were kind of funny lol. And then it ends with shoto being half shirtless, they had to do it huh. Not complaining tho >.>
"..out there, for that one moment, I forgot all about you" DAMN BOI he really said to endeavor "this aint bout you bitch"
all might telling deku what he did was the right thing, even if he lost, just UGH, thank u dadmight
Shiozaki vs iida and Ashido vs tokoyami ended so quickly, cant really say much
okay when uraraka was worried bout deku with the surgery thing, i was kinda surprised mineta wasnt actively being a perv to her or tsuyu. He has SOME dignity at least, as little as that is
Kirishima vs Bakugo. Eyyy these two. "..he's still going strong, but how long can he keep his hardening up?" taking this out of context tho- curse my brain. It was kinda funny when tetsutetsu was cheering kiri on, such a bro. The small bit of deku and iida talking about tensei and how iida was excited to talk to him later, just, oof. Bakugo being all smort n just going ballistic on kiri, if kiri had gotten enough good hits on baku he probs could win, but this is bakugo, so doubt. He did good tho!
Now, on to the semi finals!
Iida vs shoto. I should be focused on the fight, but damn why is shoto so frickin pretty here?? Ahem, i digressed. That kick to the back tho, like with how fast iida was going wouldn't that have broken his spine? then again this is anime. Can't believe for someone smart like iida, he forgot that shoto could freeze shit in close range, like boi it was pretty obvious
Bakugo vs tokoyami. Was it really that hard to figure out that light would be a weakness to DARK SHADOW, he literally called that, wouldn't ur first thought be "oh then bright light would be its weakness" like cmon. Anyway, tokoyami wasnt winning that for sure, unless the match was in nighttime then maybe
Kendo really be makin fun of monoma for announcing war lmao
How strong is the vibration of iida's phone to shake is entire body?? also, wouldnt be distracting like if he was in class and his phone rang. He'd just be shaking up and down on his seat lol
oof shoto reliving traumatic memories q-q
Oooohhh shoto hit a nerve in bakugo, a lil snippet to maybe him realizing that he was a damn asshole to deku??
Bakugo vs shoto. Shoto going strong with a huge ass wall of ice, but ice isn't exactly strong against literal bombs, and dukes him out like he did with deku! Oh dammit endeavor shut up, now shoto's doubting himself again. Can't tell if bakugo is insulting him or trying to help him... probably both since he wants a fair fight; no holding back. DEKU CHEERING TODOROKI ON!! And then comes in the fire- Oh nope doubt be kicked in. Damn, bakugo's ego self-esteem issues kicking in here, wanting to prove he's the best n all. I swear all these kids need therapy
Lmao bakugo getting chained up cuz he can't keep his cool. But aw iida couldn't make it, dammit stain, why'd you gotta do that man, people are complicated
Ok I never noticed that midnight actually talked over all might's entrance lol. Awww him giving tokoyami and shoto some nice fatherly talk and hugs, and then there's bakugo wwww
Oh no, iida finding out... Oh god tensei nooo. And thus, the seek for vengeance begins
But hey, shoto's now trying to reconcile with himself and his mom q^q
And that's sports festival arc complete!
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mayoiayasep · 2 years ago
YEAH we didnt see uryu revise his opinion after him saying he never wanted to be a doctor so it comes way out of the blue
bc ryuuken is also not really a great dad
one of my favorite hueco mundo scene was when orihime healed the fracciones and instead of being grateful they were terrified because of her god powers <3
i love the reminder that orihime's healing ability is fundamentally OP
especially after like. how valuable his grandfather's lesson about violence was and his promise to only fight to protect others or help ichigo!!!
tbf i dont feel like. any of them were, really?
like orihime and ichigo felt really abrupt to me
rukia and renji less so, but they werent together enough before for me to feel satisfied
also for emojis, if 👁️ or 👁️‍🗨️ is free i can take one of those 👍
like exactly!!! orihime was literally so powerful that they were scared of her and did we ever get anything else with that??!!! no!!!!
and yeahhh the endings for the characters were. something alright. personally i can understand orihime and ichigo more now than i did when i first finished, like. orihime did have a crush on him the whole time i just dont like what it did to her character. rukia and renji i was pretty fine with tbh. they are girlboss and malewife to me. bi4bi rights
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falltumn · 3 years ago
for the second time this year.... im dealing w parental death 🙂 tbf it hasnt happened yet but within the next few days prolly. and then also dealing with potential homelessness if i cant get a job by the end of the month... <3 (although thats kind of shaping up, ill find out if i got the job at once place tmrw n then i have to make a phone call later about another oppurtunity. but im literally going to pm have to work through death bc if i dont then I cant live)
this one is... extra complex because I'm the primary contact. i had to make the choice to set him to dnr today. i'll be handling the paperwork even more than w my mom. i'll be the first one who gets The Call. i have Signifigantly less support than w her, too. i cannot emphasize how difficult it is to go to the hospital. Alone. because no one cares enough to go with you. no one cares enough to be there for you. no one even cares enough to check on you more than once every 6 months to even know that anythings happening. (not 100% true, an aunt will likely go w me tomorrow but shes The only one and i'm still alone today.)
now i'm literally sitting here while he's asleep. i don't know what to say. he couldn't respond even if i did know what to say. he's only got a few more days and i dont know what to say to him.
everyone around me irl literally started ignoring me like.. a month after my mom died or had already been doing it but just popped back up bc i was stupid enough to think someone would Actually care LMAO and reached out for support. no one cared for longer than the Critical month or whatever. honestly even if that. if they did idk if literally not speaking to me. At All. after they saw me actively grieving. was really effective LOL
im thankful atleast a FEW people care, i got to meet aunts i didnt know i had and they care very much. and then my close friends. but none of them are even remotely close so its like. helpful but does not fill the void. i am just. Deeply upset about the whole thing. and everyone around me sucks.
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citrusinicake · 1 year ago
omg thank you again! ^^
heres the edited version for easier reading:
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text says:
By {redacted} Breaking news, Murderer and drug dealer Mapicc {redacted} has escaped from prison {redacted} a warrant has been put out for his arrest. Police say he escaped at 3:50 on the 3rd of September with the help of fellow inmate Roshambo {redacted} if any information is found please contact {redacted} Police suspect he broke out using a {redacted}
i think this proves my theory that the locked dropboxes are the ones with info where zam didnt know about it beforehand
something of note is the emphasis on the number 3 -- the breakout happened at 3:50 on the 3rd of september which is made up of 3s considering its the 9th month and 3 x 3 = 9 (although tbf its the month where this started and is likely done for syncing reasons as well) and this is on the post right after log #33 which has a :3 emoticon at the end
the first post on the snowsancuary blog also happened around 3 weeks before the bloody note happened -- specifically 24 days which is also the log number the blog started at (although mapicc broke out 4 weeks, specifically 28 days, before the bloody note)
just remembered timezones exist so i would like to say that i live in the gmt+8 timezone and for me the first snowsancuary post happened on september 7 while the bloody note happened on october 1, not sure what timezone snowsancuary happens in but im not sure if it matters all that much
rip walter: hidden text
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original vs edited
the text says: "I Can See You through the window :)"
log 35: the only normal log so far without any drawings of any kind, the second log without any drawings if you count the bloody note which is log 34 (although it doesnt say its log 34)
log 36: tag says "he wants to help you" with zalgo text, "him" most likely refers to the same person in the red house post tag
walter note: link (be warned: animal death specifically drowning is detailed in the prose)
the link redirects to yet another prose called "Submerged Kid" -- overall it seems to be about walter's death, fitting considering the note it's attached to simply says walter and has a doodle of what can be assumed to be walter
at first it seems to refer to (what i assume to be) walter as "Kid" before the sequence of events that lead to his death and portrays him and someone referred to as "the man" to be happy, walter is then referred to as "kid" right as he was drowning, and then "goat" when he died
"the man" is described as having a smile that captured the sun and who sung like a bird but couldnt fly so i think its safe to assume that this refers to zam
it seems walter died on "a dark afternoon when the clouds still covered the moon" when the sun was "still dead on the horizon" (twilight maybe? or maybe not since it mentions the clock striking at 2?) while zam was deeply in a dreamless sleep and wouldnt wake up despite all of walters shrieking
it also has binary code at the end that links to this video which is posted on the account @/snow_sanctuary with a display name of "sanctuary" (the subscriber count doesnt mean anything, its me lol)
its a bit scary and loud so im gonna describe the video for those who dont wanna watch: the title is "cOLd", theres a still and darkened "deepfried" image of an upside down goat while faint text pops up occasionally, the audio has a constant noise that may possibly be a waterfall or perhaps a really strong current while something keeps shrieking
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original vs edited
reverse image says its a boer goat which are meat breeds that can also be show breeds and the overall shape of the creature indicates to me that it's still a kid albeit an older one, theres also a blue streak in the corner which may indicate a body of water
00:06: "Im SO cOLd" top right corner 00:07: "So COld" top left corner 00:14: "LeT mE In ITs cOLd" left middle and "LET ME IN ITS COLD" almost bottom right
initially i assumed these were walters thoughts but the "let me in" part made me second guess that notion and now im assuming its mapiccs (may be proven wrong we'll see)
equation note: flower + crown - symbol = house
each symbol can be found on a different log and converting them into their respective log numbers turns the equation into 32 + 28 - 33 = house = 27
editing log 27 doesnt really reveal much of anything so this is probably something to keep in mind for later rather than for right now
(10/11/2023): it seems the red house dropbox requires access permission now lol, unsure when exactly this happened but yeah
log 39: url that leads to the image below
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editing doesnt seem to reveal anything, it's also the first dropbox picture to have an actual name "Little_Mesite"
noisy neighbors note: doesnt seem to have any secrets but talks about some noisy neighbors, may be important for later
snowsancuary evidence collection
some of these may not be as significant as the rest but whatever
warning for mild horror, mentions/implications of stalking, and scopophobia
header: link (can get a copy by replacing edit with copy)
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header with brightness, saturation, and contrast turned up, doesn't seem like anything's hidden but maybe i did it wrong idk
actual doc has a prose in playfair display font that i will call the mesite poem, it has generally proper punctation with the exception of a few misspellings which im guessing are not intentional (unless they are?), strangely placed commas which im not sure are intentional or not (i dont read poems idk how they work lol), and a few strangely capitalized letters: R U E T H E D A Y M E S I T E (RUE THE DAY MESITE)
it references a few things from the castle arc such as a snow abode which is later referred to as a cage (zam's base, his safe space later turning into a hostile one), the bird singing to those it should not (zam talking and teaming with ppl dualityduo dont approve of or even actively hostile towards), the bird going out to eat bugs and worms then hiding in the dark (the eating is possibly(?) a reference to zam only ever killing ppl when he needs to/when he thinks theyre evil and then hiding away in his base for the rest of the time), the dog lifting the bird with its two bruised hands to its heart (could be a reference to ro and mapicc and team awesome but maybe im reaching), a feeling of freedom and confidence due to being flightless and therefore disadvantaged and having nothing to lose (zam losing like 14 hearts or something), the bird that starts fearing the dog that stalks outside its cage (mapicc literally stalking zam in mc and zam slowly getting increasingly paranoid each time)
it also specifically mentions the 30th (i didnt watch the streams and havent caught up with the vods yet so idk if thats referencing anything) amd a red house on the street
mesite according to wikipedia (made the interesting parts bold):
"The mesites (Mesitornithidae) are a family of birds that are part of a clade (Columbimorphae) that include Columbiformes and Pterocliformes. They are smallish flightless or near flightless birds endemic to Madagascar. They are the only family with more than two species in which every species is threatened (all three are listed as vulnerable).
"The mesites are forest and scrubland birds that feed on insects and seeds; brown and white-breasted mesites forage on the ground, gleaning insects from underneath leaves as well as low vegetation. The subdesert mesite uses its long bill to probe in the soil. Other birds, such as drongos and flycatchers, will follow mesites to catch any insects they flush out or miss. Mesites are vocal birds, with calls similar to a passerine song, used for territorial defence. Two or three white eggs are laid in a stick-built nest located in a bush or on a low branch. The Mesitornis species are monogamous while Monias benschi is polygamous and, unlike the other two, shows significant sexual dichromatism.
"Historically, mesites’ phylogenetic relationships were not very clear; they have been allied with the Gruiformes, Turniciformes and Columbiformes. Recent phylogenomic studies support Pterocliformes (sandgrouse) as the sister group of mesites while some more recent studies place this clade with another clade constituted of Columbiformes and Cuculiformes (cuckoos)."
mesite according to rankred.com:
"Brown Mesite is a flightless bird species found only in Madagascar’s humid evergreen forests. The Brown Mesite is classified as a vulnerable species. Due to its preference to remain in low altitude regions of the forest, where dogs and other common predators are widespread, they are an easy target to prey upon. Loss of habitat is also a major factor for their declining population."
bio: binary code
[01001111 01100011 01110100 01101111 01100010 01100101 01110010] translates to [october]
log 24: weird smiley
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the fact that this is the first log implies that the first 23 logs were writtenon the walls which i would honestly like to see
log 25: morse code
[- …. . .-. . … / … --- -- . - …. .. -. --. / -- .. … … .. -. --.] translates to [theres something missing]
the tag before it says [i cant put my finger on it.], idk if tag order was intentional or not, probs doesnt matter either way lol
log 27: cheating scandal
idk just thought it was something to take note of for later
log 28: crown
the only log so far with the crown symbol
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could just be because of the competition
log 29: only one with 1 dot at the title rather than 2
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milk post: red, first evidence of stalking
log 31: binary code
leads to this link which leads to this picture (poated for those who cant access it):
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original vs edited
no idea what the text behind says, interesting that this is specifically on the log that mentions getting robbed and "him"
to watch post: purple, idk theres just something weird about it
the fact its not a log and the fact that zam seems irritated in the drawing means theres a non-zero cahmce he didnt write it
#snowsancuary#tw animal death#tw stalking#tw drug mention#tw blood#just realized i forgot the ''rue'' in the ''you'll [rue the day y]ou crossed me'' line in the bloody note augh#ah well too late now#my mind got blown when i did the calculations for the days lol#even had to do a date calculator just to be sure#just how well thought out is this arg#now the question is who did mapicc murder? what drugs did he deal? what are ro's crimes? how did they escape? how is zam involved in this?#oh just realized as well that this completely shoots down my vitalasy was the stabber headcanon/theory lmao#anwyas cant wait to see zam in even more abject misery 👍#side note i didnt realize tumblr automatically bolded words that have a colon after it when set to chat#quite inconvenient for me specifically#|| separator (10/2) ||#i got jumpscared while editing walter 💀#girl help i was just messing around i didnt think thered actually be something there#fun fact there are 7 :3 faces on the blog so far#|| separator (10/4) ||#so the ''him'' may not actually be subz; current guess is mapicc; could be two different ppl as well in which case it may be both of them#also omg the m.o.b <3#looked up the meaning of a cross-shaped f in graphology and apparently it ''signals focus and fatalism'' which yeah checks out#|| separator (10/6) ||#added a tw cause walter's death has now become explicitly and vividly described#side note apparently the thing that makes words that are quotated go first doesnt do that anymore??#fun fact the link for submerged kid contains the word ''why'' which is a pretty neat coincidence#i just realized the proses had actual titles lmao
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calliecat93 · 4 years ago
Star Trek 2009... so... very mixed.
Let’s do the good first. The cinematography is really good. It FEELS like a futuristic time period moreso than TOS, but tbf the films have the advantage of being closer to modern day and being able to match the evolved times. Still, it’s very much a movie that wanted to look good and did. The acting for most pf the cast was good and I don’t have an issue with any of the reboot cast. No Chris Pine isn’t Shatner (and that’s a good thing) nor is Zachary Quinto Leonard Nimoy. But they and the others did their jobs well and I’m glad they all did their own thing and not just copy their predecessors. Simon Pegg as Scotty I really enjoyed amd I like his new friend XD And while I’m... mixed about the direction taken if only because it makes me sad, Leonard Nimoy returning as the Spock we’ve known or so long was lovely, especially when he and Quinto!Spock meet.
Some moments were good. I actually almost teared up when Kirk’s dad died because the actors just put so much emotion into it. I can’t say that there was no effort put into this. They tried to add emotion and meaning and depth. They tried to give Kirk and Spock (and yes, Bones being even MORE of a third wheel than normal REALLY pisses me off) depth and connect the audiences to them and form that connection with each other that we’re so familiar with. I respect that. I respect the effort. I’ve seen reboots that don’t give a damn, but it didn’t feel that way to me here especially with Nimoy!Spock showing that this may be different, but the original very much still exists.
That being said... I have some big issues, especially with Kirk. This is NOT James Tibirius Kirk. This is the pop culture depiction of Kirk that the filmmakers decided was better to go with than the actual character. And no, this being an alternate timeline and him being younger than in canon is NOT a valid excuse. I got told that the death of Kirk’s dad changed the course of history... but I fail to understand how THAT caused Kirk to be an arrogant, cocky, reckless idiot. Might be because his parents NEVER came up in the show so how can any TOS fans get that point if the show never went into it? I know I joke about Kirk doing something dumb, but TOS!Kirk was a perfectly smart, optimistic, level-headed individual who yeah WOULD go against Starfleet at times, but usually did so with good reason. Hell didn’t TOS say that he was overly serious int he academy amd lightened up as he got older? How did the timeline changes change that? Anyways! It felt like they wanted this Kirk to just be a standard action hero and didn’t bother to check if it fit the characterization, or do anything to justify the change aside from ‘different reality’. Like woth the Kobayashi Maru, it’s to emphasize Kirk’s cockiness here...when in WoK it emphasized Kirk’s optimism and hope. How he NEVER believed that there was a true no-win scenario. There was LWAYS a way. Don’t get me wrong, Kirk isn’t horrible and has the ability to become more like his TOS self, but first impressions are everything, and they failed here. Chris Pine was good though, I could actually picture how he played Steve Trevor in Wonder Woman fitting a Reboot Kirk pretty well but alas. Also his captaincy wasn’t earned nor is he mature enough to hold the position. It got handed to him because canon says so, and that is bullshit.
Spock was... fine. Far as characterization goes I don’t really have any issues. He’s not TOS Spock but again he shouldn’t be. It’s hard for me to find the words on how he’s different aside from being younger and seeming a little more resentful about the half-human, half-Vulcan thing, but it still works well enough. He and Sarek also seem on better terms in this continuity, and that I do like since it’s different, but consideirng the circumstances he needs that kind of solace and it allows exploration of their relationship in a more supportive light. Didn’t like Spock marooning Kirk like he did, but it does connect to his arc showing how emotional repression is affecting him, so ah well. I DO have issues with some of the directions taken though. His relationship with Uhura has no establishment nor development and comes across as being there for the sake of having a romance in there without the work. And no I’m not just saying that as a Spones/Spirk/McSpirk shipper. It WOULD have been fine if they actually WORKED ON DEVELOPING IT ON-SCREEN. And how did the timeline changes cause that when Uhura and him flirted like... once in TOS and it was one-sided on Uhura’s part anyways?! It sucks especially since I really like Reboot Uhura. I also don’t like them destroying Vulcan cause that feels like overkill on the angst, but at least they have an explanation for it. I DO however despise them killing Amanda and ESPECIALLY how they did it. Amanda is relegated tot he standard ‘pure hearted mom who we have to kill to hurt this character’ and considering how she died via a crumbling cliff just as transport started, the ‘changed timeline’ explanation is bull. Again I appreciate them trying to add more character stuff, but I very much disagree with the choices. But as far as the character himself is concerned, I was good with Spock andI did genuinely care for and feel bad for him.
Bones... oh baby you deserved so, SO much better. Characterization wise,he was the most like his TOS self. He comes across as more gruff than cranky,but that’s mainly due to Karl Urban being younger than DeForest Kelley. Otherwise he was funny, endearing, loyal to Jim, and Urban did a lovely job making the character his own but honoring his predecessor. Will also give them credit as Bones has a damn good reason to dislike Spock after he marooned Jim like he did. The film didnt give a damn about McCoy tbh, but we’ll get to that in a bit. But to put it short, I really liked Bones, but he REALLY needed more screentime which from what I can tell, isn’t gonna happen until Beyond. But as far as the character goes, I felt like they got his best though the lack of focus reason may very well be why that is. Very least I got fanon to satisfy my needs.
Now we get to my biggest criticism: The Triumvirate is non-existent here, nor does it form within the film. Again, I blame pop culture depiction as I imagine they went ‘we need Kirk and Spock to be close together and Bones is that guy who is Jim’s other best friend who has witty lines but ain’t Kirk and Spock so who cares?’. Which especially baffles me sonce the arguments Kirk and Spock have regaridng emotion? That’s MCCOY’S role. They got the Kirk and Spock relationship completely and utterly wrong. Nor do I feel like the film dod enough to form the relationship between the two. It just feels like they became friends because the plot said so, not out of genuine understanding and care. Kirk was one of, if not the first to accept Spock for who he was and respect him. That’s what made the relationship special. But their edforts to establish it here just fall flat because they made Kirk Spock’s opposite, aka McCoy’s role. McCoy is the one who challenges Spock. The one who pushes him to consider the emotional. He can be harsh, but it is a dynamic that worked. Kirk os their balance. The one who keeps the two in check and they in turn represented the two sides (mind and heart) that he (the body/soul) needed to make the proper decisions. But because of the choices made with Kirk and Bones, the balance is theown off. Spock is more or less fine but Bones loses his importance while Kirk has his character skewed to make it work. General audiences may not be able to tell, but as someone who just watched all of TOS and those films two weeks ago? I could, and it hurt the film significantly imo. Also kind of wish they emphasized that Spock ALSO needs Bones and the rest of the crew, not just Jim because emphasis on just one relationship ALWAYS annoys me, especially since again, they didn’t do well to form it here to begin with. So yeah they missed the aspect that made me love TOS, so needless to say I am displeased. I plan to do a full film review in the future so I won’t say how I’d improve it, especially since hindsight is 20/20, but yeah not happy.
Otherwise, the film is fine. Uhura, Scotty, Sulu,and Chekov are fine, the former two I especially enjoyed. The plot is fone. Nero is a boring villain but for a start, it’s okay. I didn’t like Vulcan’s destruction at alla nd what that means for Spock, but we’ll see how the other two films continue this. I don’t know how I feel about Prime Spock because it just makes me... depressed that he has to accept never going home (even if Bones and the others are dead it just feels... wrong) but I DO appreciate that they included Nimoy and he was just as fantastic as he had been all those years ago. I have so many problems with characterization and plot points, but tbf that’s from someone who just went through TOS. As far as a general audience goes, they likely won’t have that filter and some may be more of the ‘timeline changed so this stuff changed’ explanation than I, a media consumer who has seen this happen over and over again to varying degrees of success’, may be. Otherwise the film was fine. If you like action and want a blockbuster, this one is for you. But I’m in it for characterization and story and while the latter worked well enough in the general sense,t he former was severely lacking. So while it was okay and it got me excited/to laugh a few tomes, overall I didn’t care for the film. Will Into Darkness be any better? Well... from what I can tell no. But I also need to make my own judgements, so onward we go.
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I have a lot to update, just moving is wildly draining so i havent had the headspace to write anything yet.
SO i got the keys a week ago today, and excitedly rocked up with my laptop bag so I could carry on working there for the afternoon. I’m eventually going to make a little video of my progress when I can be bothered to figure out how to use imovie. but i LOVE IT. honestly. i wish id done it sooner in the pandemic, but tbf maybe being alone at that point would have been a bit miserable.
anyway, there was no sofa. and there clearly should have been a sofa. so HMM i called them up and we eventually finally managed to get the sofa delivered on tuesday. but back in time again to friday. after my work day finished, i popped back to grab some essentials, including bedding, and decided to just spend the night there immediately. our current contract doesnt end until the 2nd of dec, but honestly its a hell hole and iM OUT. it was hard to sleep, even with earplugs, because a weird ocd (i have diagnosed ocd i am allowed to say this) thing i have is that i am wildly sensitive to smells, so sleeping in new places is impossible because i can smell them and i cant cope. ANYWAY MORNING CAME, and i got up early to run back to the old place and pack up more stuff. my flatmates mum was coming to help her move her stuff around lunchtime, so i helped her pack up the final lil bits and load the car. THEN an angel twitter friend came by to help me rescue my bookcase from the greenhouse. i didnt really need it in the current flat so i just stored it there to avoid throwing it away, and spiders have taken over, so i didnt dare even open the door. we pulled him out and brushed off the cobwebs and he SEEMED spider free (reader - he was not), so all good. i did ask my guy best friend to help first but he told me spiders were ‘evil monsters’ and refused. rude.
ANYWAY, after doing a few little trips (and hurting my body so much i could barely lift an arm) myself, my moving van came on sunday. i booked a small van, and it was immediately obvious that i had more than a small vans worth of stuff. we can just do two trips :) i smiled at my nice moving man, josef. no we cannot, josef replied. fortunately josef had brought large van anyway so this was a moot point and he didnt even charge me extra in the end. what a great guy. i left him an excellent review. my favourite bit about unpacking josef’s giant van, was that when my bookcase was laid on its side, i was able to see that there WAS in fact a spider attached to my bookcase - he was simply nesting with his eggs under the base! after screaming hysterically, josef loudly asserted THERE WILL BE NO SPIDERS IN MY VAN and grabbed him in his bare hand and hurled him out the door. i bravely removed the eggs myself later. im sorry for separating you from your babies, little one. i feel bad now. but you are hideous and terrifying. this act of valour also featured in josef’s 5 star review.
ANYWAY over the next few days i ordered a little tv table, and both him and my sofa arrived on tuesday. not sure why i expected hermes to deliver me a fully assembled table, but they clearly did not, and i was forced to assemble it myself with a potato peeler in place of a screwdriver. it took like 2 hours, but we got there. the sofa men attached the sofa’s legs in what i would describe as ‘the most manic act of efficiency i have ever seen in my life’. they tag teamed the job in honestly 30 seconds and then sprinted out of the door. bye.
a few days later, after id dug out enough coat hangers, i pulled my jackets out of my laundry basket where id been storing them in transit, and unearthed yet another spider. this one was the daddy long legs variety which i am sliightly less scared of, so i managed to capture him and gently release him outside, whispering ‘goodbye angel’ as my upstairs neighbours stared at me out of their window, as they do every time i open the door. they had a SCREAMING row last night and i actually considered calling the police. i definitely will if i hear them again. i couldnt make out words but it was loud enough to wake me up at 2am, and he was RAGING. it was quite scary. and she was screaming and crying. and there were multiple loud bangs that i *think* were them slamming doors, but they could have been throwing things which i why i considered the police in case she was hurt. so maybe il keep an eye out for her over the weekend..
anyway. a few other things happened, i hosted a failed work movie night, me and Sofie netflix partied Holidate, which is godawful, and now i am on my first standard class train in 5 years because i spent all my money on rent. it’s my grandads funeral today im giving the eulogy. i currently think il be fine, but my emotions are a law unto themselves so i guess we’ll find out at 12!!! this train has no freebies or wifi, so im using my phones hotspot. i also have my normal sized suitcase inside of a giant one i borrowed from my parents when i first moved to london like 5 years ago because its the size of me and i have nowhere to store it. so i am generously returning it to them. anyway. i have like an hour and a half of this journey left so im going to read my kindle and decide what to have on toast when i get in.
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