#but suddenly its 2016 all over again
theoneiroveil · 1 year
Did you wake up on October 1st, 2016 to a very strange channel in your subscription box on Youtube?
Well if not, here is a little bit that channel.
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Soursalt is a series that began in 2016 with roughly 600 people waking up subscribed to it without knowing. That's a very real thing that happened, which is a great selling point of the story.
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Over the next few days these weirdly edited potato-quality home videos get uploaded and nobody has any idea what's going on. Some descriptions keep changing, some are pieces of conversations, etc. People are immediately hooked because what the fuck is going on? Then Madman Re starts getting mentioned, is it a place, a God, Freddy Krueger, who knows. More cryptic and weird dream videos get uploaded and then suddenly there's a break. This is the end of the prologue of the story.
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Suddenly, we started getting rapid fire uploads a few months later of these two idiots making a really shitty ghost hunter parody knock off sketch. This is basically meant to be like a needle in the haystack for viewers. There are moments in these videos that are completely filler and just dumb comedy or filler -- b u t there are teases that something is up sprinkled within these videos. You'll have one of them mention the path looks different (implying they scouted it out before hand), or they'll hear or see something the camera just straight up doesn't see of pick up. This continues on until it's obviously getting dark, but we don't see their journey home. Instead, a few days later, we're treated to another sketch. This time shit gets fucky.
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The two do the Ghost Guy routine on a haunted road by the woods, but as the move past the housed area towards the side of the park, their patience with each other starts running thin, they start hearing strange things, and feeling off. After taking a break off the road in a nearby Gazebo, they find a mysterious grave site and a stuffed monkey. Here, we learn out of character that they were filming at locations posted on a strange forum ; the same one implied to have launched the Soursalt spread.
After getting covered in some shit, blood and rot the characters introduce the audience to the Madman of Re as Aidan "Ghost Guy" Calloway touches the Window of a spooky run down bus and a ghastly hand touches his back -- all separated thematically by … a Window.
And this is where Soursalt takes you, into the Window; a terrifying physical nightmare space that seperates the viewer from their body and traps them in their own mind, a mind that can be easily manipulated by the Madman of Re.
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This is only the end's beginning.
Timeskip -- Seven Years Later:
The story returns with Eulacram on the eve of the Spread's seven year anniversary following Aidan as he struggles to live with the trauma of his past and present following the events he experienced in Soursalt. It's at this point where the shattering of Aidan's mind takes literal form and we're presented with various versions of him through a system that he calls the Crucible Channel.
Meanwhile, another entity has pursued the same goal as Madman Re and sought out those that were victims of various Spreads to put together what it calls the Eulacram Tribute, a tournament of survival that allows those touched by the Oneiroveil (the dream realm the Window is in) to compete for an evolution of their flesh. Aidan and the other Spread victims are unknowingly pulled into a shared dream where it seems reality is once again being manipulated as their lives are being toyed with. However, Aidan's access to the Crucible Channel may be prove useful in saving him and the other victims from this new nightmare.
Eulacram is designed both as an Epilogue to Soursalt and its own series. While Soursalt is to be seen as a more found-footage style story, Eulacram utilizes the idea posed by the prologue that the entity can create videos with dreams, to showcase a cinematic-like view of events within the story. Some episodes can transition between hand-held, cinematic handheld, and cinematic third person, to allow for a unique approach on telling the story.
New viewers of the series can pick up with Act 1 or Act 2 Eulacram (on 10/1/23) without having fully watched Soursalt or Eulacram's prologue ; which will allow for an easier transition into the new content while everything you need to know will be given to you through the story. Viewers of the past content, and even those part of the first 600 subscribers will get the full experience though, as they will have seen the journey of some of these characters from the beginning, understanding the trauma that led them to becoming who they are today.
Soursalt // Eulacram is unlike any other web series you have seen, or dreamed. It's dark, gritty, there's a talking lizard, it's sharp and brutal at times ; but comedic, light hearted and emotional at others. The characters feel real, their pain feels real. If you're looking for web series horror that breaks the mould, takes risks, and isn't afraid to pop out an eye or two… or three… or ---
Then on October 1st, 2023, you should wake up to a very strange channel in your subscription box on Youtube.
This is that channel.
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yulixi · 1 year
Together pt.1 | my
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Summary: Few people stop to observe and know about the friendship of Yoongi and solo rapper Y/N.
But since their collaboration on Yoongi's solo album was seen and also their presence at one of the rapper's concerts, for some fans it changed the way they see them together.
Pairing: Yoongi x fem!reader
Genres: Cute, fluffy, idol au, comfort.
sometimes i'm not good with english but i try to improve^^
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@/Yoonmeowmeow: Okay but let's remember the emotion with which Yoongi mentioned the entrance of someone special to him.
His big gummy smile and twinkling eyes, i just can't-
"Okay, now I welcome Y/N," the singer announced while looking at a part of the stage where a reflector suddenly lit up and the figure of the soloist could be seen.
The place was filled with emotion and on the big screen you could see the face of the young woman "hello army" the soloist spoke with emotion and began to approach Yoongi.
“I'm so excited that we can finally see each other in person” Yoongi laughed looking at the soloist in front of him and then at his fans.
"I'm happy to be here too" the young woman smiled "I could only wait and look at the clock with excitement every minute"
Yoongi just made a happy face and extended his arms to the singer in front of him and they joined in a cute hug.
He began to hear the screams of emotion.
The singers will separate looking at each other happily "Let's start with this" Yoongi said while still looking excitedly at the female figure.
The big stage was illuminated by the big screen.
The beginning of the song was heard and the fans showed their excitement for the song.
They sang their first song and first collaboration from the 2016 album Agust D, a quiet song but that maintains its beautiful meaning.
Before the song ended, you two looked at each other directly and with a smile.
And the song came to an end "That's a good song" you said, still smiling.
"Hmmm" Yoongi nodded happily "I still remember when we wrote it"
"I remember that" laughed the young woman covering her mouth
Suddenly everything went dark and I began to listen to their recent song, a fast rap song that gives a unique emotion.
Soon Yoongi's male voice was heard all over the place.
This is how the minutes continued and the rappers were excited.
"That was good" Yoongi spoke and you could see he was breathing heavily "i haven't felt this emotion for a while" affirmed the female looking at the fans
"Thank you for accompanying me on this adventure" the singer smiled broadly looking at her "You can always count on me" replied the short one
Before they said goodbye again, they gave each other a big hug that lasted a few long seconds and they looked at each other for the last time.
@/Yoonmeowmeow: Nice moments of them together, could they notice the looks they gave each other while they sang?!?!!
They are so cute together T.T
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If you like it, give me a like and reblog ^^
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alanshemper · 10 months
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There are other reasons why environmentalism might have looked like a bourgeois playground to Said. The Israeli state has long coated its nation-building project in a green veneer – it was a key part of the Zionist ‘back to the land’ pioneer ethos. And in this context trees, specifically, have been among the most potent weapons of land grabbing and occupation. It’s not only the countless olive and pistachio trees that have been uprooted to make way for settlements and Israeli-only roads. It’s also the sprawling pine and eucalyptus forests that have been planted over those orchards, as well as over Palestinian villages, most notoriously by the Jewish National Fund, which, under its slogan ‘Turning the Desert Green’, boasts of having planted 250 million trees in Israel since 1901, many of them non-native to the region. In publicity materials, the JNF bills itself as just another green NGO, concerned with forest and water management, parks and recreation. It also happens to be the largest private landowner in the state of Israel, and despite a number of complicated legal challenges, it still refuses to lease or sell land to non-Jews.
The JNF is an extreme and recent example of what some call ‘green colonialism’. But the phenomenon is hardly new, nor is it unique to Israel. There is a long and painful history in the Americas of beautiful pieces of wilderness being turned into conservation parks – and then that designation being used to prevent Indigenous people from accessing their ancestral territories to hunt and fish, or simply to live. It has happened again and again. A contemporary version of this phenomenon is the carbon offset. Indigenous people from Brazil to Uganda are finding that some of the most aggressive land grabbing is being done by conservation organisations. A forest is suddenly rebranded a carbon offset and is put off-limits to its traditional inhabitants. As a result, the carbon offset market has created a whole new class of ‘green’ human rights abuses, with farmers and Indigenous people being physically attacked by park rangers or private security when they try to access these lands. Said’s comment about tree-huggers should be seen in this context.
But this only scratches the surface of what we can learn from reading Said in a warming world. He was, of course, a giant in the study of ‘othering’ – what is described in Orientalism as ‘disregarding, essentialising, denuding the humanity of another culture, people or geographical region’. And once the other has been firmly established, the ground is softened for any transgression: violent expulsion, land theft, occupation, invasion. Because the whole point of othering is that the other doesn’t have the same rights, the same humanity, as those making the distinction. What does this have to do with climate change? Perhaps everything.
We have dangerously warmed our world already, and our governments still refuse to take the actions necessary to halt the trend. There was a time when many had the right to claim ignorance. But for the past three decades, since the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was created and climate negotiations began, this refusal to lower emissions has been accompanied with full awareness of the dangers. And this kind of recklessness would have been functionally impossible without institutional racism, even if only latent. It would have been impossible without Orientalism, without all the potent tools on offer that allow the powerful to discount the lives of the less powerful. These tools – of ranking the relative value of humans – are what allow the writing off of entire nations and ancient cultures. And they are what allowed for the digging up of all that carbon to begin with.
2 June 2016
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autismprotocol · 7 months
Hey, sorry if this is long, but I really like what you guys are doing and have nowhere else to put my theories, so...
Firstly, sorry to be that person, but I actually think you mislabeled the entities for two episodes. Needles reads like an avatar of the slaughter to me. It's like Lietner said, the physical description is less important then the emotional or metaphorical. Needles' thing isn't "look at this scary trick I can do with my flesh body." It's "I am going to cause you intense pain at random by stabbing you with my needles. Please be scared of me :)"
I was also surprised you didn't mark Putting Down Roots as a filth statement. Illness, rotting alive, swarming flies, a deeply unhealthy romantic love. All reads as corruption to me.
Now let's get to my fun crack theory. Episode 7 almost reads to me like the point the powers breached into the new world. Think about it, hilltop road was suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of artifacts and "people" (avatars) that map to many different powers (I counted stranger, slaughter, dark, filth, and possibly hunt among the artifacts present). The timeliness doesn't quite match up (we have a statement from the 1800s), but maybe the powers are capable of having retroactively always existed. Or maybe the fan theory that the entities are now the "hungers" that feed on obsession was true until the fears intruded into the world.
Omg thank you so much for the ask I absolutely love over analyzing this goofy lil podcast and i really wanted to have this board be a collaborative and community thing for all of us TMAG/TMAGP fans out there!
starting with the board corrections you pointed out you are absolutely right after reading this I ended up rereading the wiki entries about the Entities because its been a hot second since I've read up on those goobers and I've kinda forgotten how many little nuances that each one has. I had no idea how we missed the clear corruption tie-ins that were occurring in Samuel Webbers journal (Putting Down Roots) especially when you brought up his toxic relationship to his partner.
As with Needles before doing my reread about the fears I just assumed flesh because body modified with needles. but looking into it, sudden piercing needles more cleanly falls into slaughter.
I actually have this ongoing theory originated by my roommate and other blog contributor that the fears might have been scrambled when crossing dimensions. maybe because of this many minor powers have begun to branch out from the main 15 and with that hybrid avatars and entities have been created. With needles I think maybe they fall under the umbrella of slaughter and spiral because of the way they mentally toy with their victims. also could explain why needles has to convince the man on the phone that they're scary because this hybrid power may be new and people have not gotten fearful of it yet.
I'll be making those changes for next weeks board so thank you for pointing them out :D
on to your theory that would make sense especially since this episode (EP 7) is kind of serving as the catalyst for the story to shift into high gear. I think that if the Hilltop charity shop was the entrance point for all of the fears to enter the world it would make complete sense. Hilltop is the one place in the Magnus canon that people have reported traveling to different dimensions. also the date of the incident falls right about the time that Archives started early 2016 so the fears may have also gone back in time to when Jon became the Archivist in TMAs universe (since Jons death is the catalyst that forced them to jump dimensions.) I'm really liking where your theory is heading
also real quick if anyone has more info about the theory that Protocols world lived off of hunger and desire pre the fears appearing I'd love to hear more about that because I've never heard of the until now.
Again thank you so much for the ask I'm so happy you're liking what we're doing here and I hope you continue to share your thoughts and theories with this blog.
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batboyblog · 4 months
hindsight I'd place the beginning of the 21st cen rise in antisemitism (and the rightwing swing of a LOT of countries) with the 2008 financial crisis and jews once again being scapegoats. I remember the how europe suddenly starting swinging right, jewish people leaving paris in droves, a massive increase in hate crimes. A lot of this was like, background news in reports on NPR and other places, too, obvious if you knew how to listen. And then the US congress swung right and we got trump.
yeah, I think there are a lot of factors, I think as we moved into the 21st century a lot of the Holocaust generation started to fade away, Simon Wiesenthal the great Nazi hunter passed away in 2005, Elie Wiesel the great author of the Shoah was a child when he was liberated and passed away in 2016.
Today all that's left is people who were very small children at the time and a few very old very frail people
past which the non-Jews who fought fascism, or lived under it are fading away as well, the 80th anniversary of D-Day was a few days ago, to have been an 18 year old on those beaches you'd have to be 98 years old today, most of the small number of Vets who were brought over on a specialized flight were over 100 years old.
I think in the 1990s and early 2000s there was a lot of button pushing, boundary pushing humor? things like South Park or Family Guy that really went in on racial humor, and people ironically or for "shock" value did stuff with Nazi imagery (Jeffery Starr comes to mind) and thing that brought into being people being "ironically racist" in unregulated spaces on-line.
I think the War in Iraq, and the lies about WMD and then the 2007-08 crisis and crash being driven in many ways by government policies, together with the internet allowing conspiracy minded people to better connect lead to a great distrust of government, and conspiracy thinking which together with economic hardship, and the old racist rival and freak out about the black President mixed with those "ironic" racist spaces online to become a meeting and mixing space for a lot of young conservatives and then...
Trump and he was everything they wanted, they busted out of their on-line caves like a Doctor Pimple Popper video and now good luck finding anyone under 35 who works in Republican politics professionally who isn't a Neo-Nazi, as see by that add with Trump "uniting the Reich" in the background, some video guy put that in to impress his pals in some racist chatroom I'd bet most of my fingers.
I think of course this hasn't been a right wing only thing. And I say this all the time, antisemitism doesn't stay in one place, if right wingers are saying it or left wingers the other side hears it, and picks it up and boosts it and its all one thing. And I think there were and are lots of young people on the left frustrated by authority, primed up to believe in a rigged system, and all that means it's easy to blame the Jews. "Why don't we have health care?" "the Jews took all the money" you're hearing that rn and not just in the US, the leader of the French far-left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, has said some bonkers things about Jews, in 2020 he said "I don't know if Jesus was on a cross, but he was apparently put there by his own people" in 2020, a French socialist was calling Jews Christ Killers....
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moonshynecybin · 6 months
I just saw your post about vale and Marc out with friends in the fco au and you said they hadn’t slept together since the photos, at what point in this universe do they sleep together again?
if we check the lovely timeline that bestie @kingofthering made we can actually assign the EXACT date of july 1, 2016... right after the their date to a fancy gala in paris.... which is a level of specificity i DO find funny. like pencil that in my guys. tarps off lets go.
but: to enter my mind palace!!!! essentially. to set the stage as it were. marc spends the preceding weeks to their gala date going absolutely ham on the gay chicken of it all... letting his freak flag fly. he is OVER being sad about this (he is. so sad lol) and has decided well. if im going to have to pretend to be dating the man that broke my heart that im still in love with. i AM at least going to shamelessly take advantage of this situation. like a true slut <3 and basically he finds escalating excuses to have category 5 PDA events with vale. again: it is jogging across the paddock to neck after a podium. it is tucking himself under vale's arm ANY chance he gets with the most smug little twink face on. looking up at him under his lashes. shirtless vacation pics on vale's yacht where he spends a LOT of time doing a corny silhouette sunset kiss pics but he keeps forgetting to take the pic because his tongue is physically in vale's mouth. and at the beginning vale WAS initially like. damn marc's not engaging with the acting part of this :( and NOW hes just soooo confused and horny bc marc is SENDINGGGGG IT. two steps from dry humping and absolutely obsessed... wet dreams level 5000. marc looking at vale like what? this is what we're supposed to do :) (HE IS HEARTBROKEN!!!!) so all of that is going on pre-gala. they are KEYED UP lmao
and then they have a lovely date that uh. doesnt feel like pr at all. its lowkey. theres not a lot of cameras. they arent the most famous people there so they get mostly left alone for the first time in literally fucking MONTHS. and they just get to. enjoy each other's company. people watch. be a little cunty while people watching which is one of the great love languages. goof off. scarf down expensive ass food. do dumb bits and be annoying. like they make each other laughhhhhhh and theyre in PARIS and the eiffel tower is lighting up and marc's head is on vale's shoulder and its SUCH a good night and its. they almost feel like its real. like this is what their lives could actually be like. and marc's heart is in his throat and suddenly theyre outside of vale's hotel room door and no one can see them so they dont have to pretend. but vale kisses him anyway.
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fainthedcherry · 5 months
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When I was a child in 2013, visiting Nickelodeon's site and finding a treasure-trove of Spongebob, Winx and TMNT flash games was like magic to me. BUT MAN. The TMNT flash games are one of the best ever to me I've played in my life. (on an aesthetic stand-point! Turtle Tactics and Dark Horizons are so awesome man, legendary flash games to me.)
Since I am utterly autistic about 4 green alien turtles and their rat dad...Here we are again. With me posting OC cringe 2016 me would've killed myself over :V (cry about it 11 yo/ me, afraid of cringe culture back then, it's DEAD NOW)
Gonna sneak-post my redo of that ancient drawing I did of Alex 2 years ago, for the base-post : D
2 years ago, I used flashpoint to replay it for the first time in years and I remember crying of glee LOL (I still play Dark Horizons and turtle tactis to this day btw). I played Dark Horizons and Turtle Tactics and also TMNT: Throw Back (NO I DID NOT NAME THIS LIKE A MEME THIS IS ITS NAME. I STILL BURST INTO LAUGHTER LIKE A CHILD OVER THE NAME AGING POORLY DUE TO INTERNET LINGO)
I am enthralled by the designs and art of Dark Horizons, it's why I made this drawing. The game just..Speaks to me on so many levels. IT'S JUST SO PLEASING TO SEE ALL THE ARTWORK I EXTRACTED. As far to my knowledge- it never got released, so I might make a post of just a few favourites I liked from the game. :D
I just wonder if I can post those in the first place, it's after all, not my artwork, from a flash game, and TMNT, so yeah, legal IP and stuff. I unfortunately don't know who the artist if of the flash games, but if I can find that out via googling or digging for credits in the game or the files, I'll see if I can credit them, so that posting will be fairly accredited!!
I studied the in-game sprites for a good few hours back then, and did my best to replicate it to the best of my abilities!! I think Mushu maybe could've been done better looking back at it, but I think it was the best that I could do back then. :D Plus, I remember being really happy, excited and proud of this piece, as it reflected something, my childhood self always wanted: For Alex to like.."fake" being an official character LOL. I had sooo many dreams where Alex was hanging out with the turtles and Ninjago and throwing in Power Rangers for good measure, just...Everything I liked as a child, I somehow connected in my dreams via either "OH YEAH THE RAINBOW FAIRY!" or "OH YEAH SUDDENLY PORTAL AND MY MARY-SUES JUST BRAVE IT WHILST THE OFFICIAL CHARACTERS DRAMATICALLY TELL THEM NOT TO GO"
^I had vivid and....Creative dreams as a child to say the least, sometimes even Darth Vader and Eggman appeared as the bad guys, despite TMNT and Power Rangers and Ninjago w/ the snakes and lord Garmadon or however you spell him (I never checked + I'm German so ofc his name might be different in english)- I- do I have to go on about the dreams I FULLY remember I had, as a 6-9 yo/, until I told myself at 10 how embarassing my dreams are and stopped doing so? I DIGRESS. I..Need to be more professional in these, instead of such pure fandom trash oml, I feel bad for whoever actually has to read through my blatant autistic interests as a child and thinking "wtf is he on about" dfgklfdg
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1863-project · 1 year
Okay, was thinking about it and I remembered a lot of you were very young or not even alive for this, so:
When 9/11 happened I was 12 and had just started 7th grade. I grew up in a suburb of New York City. 12 people from my town died, including a firefighter whose son was in my younger brother's CCD group.
Things changed SO fast. Practically overnight. Suddenly, we were all hypervigilant, and after the immediate response of assistance from around the world, the prejudice was oozing from nearly everywhere. In northern New Jersey, we had and still have a large west (Middle East) and south Asian population. They were hit the hardest.
People freaked out just because a mosque was going to be built in lower Manhattan within several blocks of Ground Zero at one point. It was ridiculous and the Islamophobia was so fucking awful and infuriating. It still is. It didn't go away. For the most part, New Yorkers are usually good to each other because there's literally someone from everywhere here, but this was legitimately terrifying. People would even attack Sikhs - who weren't Muslim, Sikhism is its own thing - because they saw the turbans and made a decision based on racism (i.e. bin Laden had a turban so these people must be like him).
The "patriotism" was miserable. "Freedom fries" happened because people were mad that France didn't want to go into Iraq with Bush in 2003. We all thought it was stupid then too.
The Chicks (formerly known as the Dixie Chicks) got blackballed because they came out against said war. They were one of the biggest country acts in the world at the time. In general, country music went through a massive tonal shift post-9/11 and became far more "patriotic" and conservative. Johnny Cash wouldn't have recognized it.
The Flash movies that inevitably popped up satirizing politics were...something. You can find most of them archived on YouTube these days. But that was how the internet tended to cope back then.
The shift from happiness to paranoia was so fucking fast. I went from a world where my biggest concern was pre-ordering the GameCube to being worried about politics and death all the time. All the news showed was footage of people dying for weeks. Politicians started using the footage in commercials. You just had to keep reliving the trauma of it over and over again. I stopped watching the news.
It was, looking back on it, a huge galvanizing point for the American right. Politicians started using 9/11 to justify so many things. This was where I began to see as a young teenager that you could use people's prejudices to get a grip on power and get what you wanted. I didn't like it.
People started drawing memorial art almost immediately. The phenomenon of memorial art being done decades later with cartoon characters still persists on deviantART to this day, but when it started, it was mostly people doing vent art because it's really upsetting to be a kid and see death on that scale on the news.
It took me 15 years to go back to the site after 9/11. I'd been as a kid in 1997 and I went up in the South Tower with my family. I didn't set foot there again until 2016, 15 years after the attacks. I found the name of the firefighter whose son was in my brother's CCD class. It was surreal.
This chapter of American history arguably closed for many people in 2011, when bin Laden was killed in a raid. I remember watching the Mets play the Phillies that night. Daniel Murphy, who I'd named a cat after two years earlier, was at bat, and suddenly the crowd started chanting "USA." I used my Blackberry to check the news and that was how I found out. I was a senior in college, about to graduate. I don't even remember how I felt, just that the way I found out was so fucking weird.
It was a really stressful, bizarre climate to grow up in. In the time between my 12th and my 22nd birthday, I saw my entire world get turned upside down overnight, massive waves of prejudice, unnecessary wars that killed even more innocent people, literal war crimes (tw: rape, murder, prisoner torture, every other bad thing you can think of under the sun), and the rise of false patriotism and nationalism, which you can still see the right wing harnessing today.
If you're going to mock something here, mock the false patriotism. Mock "Freedom Fries." Mock George W. Bush. Just...don't mock the actual moments where people died. Too many innocent people died from the attacks themselves, the Islamophobia afterwards, and the wars that followed. That shit isn't funny.
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batsplat · 3 months
What was the deal with dovi and his two teammates he did NOT get along with? Personal dislike or what?
so I've rattled off the actual details of the dovi/jorge feud here and this post gives great insight for dovi/iannone. the thing about dovi is that it's kind of funny that it happened twice to him of all people, you know? and the fact that there's (to my knowledge) been fuck all reconciliation? like I said here:
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which I think is probably like... my general explanation. it's a) circumstance and b) abysmal interpersonal chemistry. in both cases, you've met the general criteria for intra-team issues:
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I should have added that the first criterion is a little more complex than that, because it's also about how competitive the bike is versus expectations. if you thought you were going to be fighting for a title and you're not because the bike is shit, then that's not really the time and place to be starting feuds. but by 2015 ducati was very much on the way up again: for a hot moment early that year it looked like dovi might be a genuine title threat in that year and in 2016 they got their first win since 2010. so, suddenly you've got a manufacturer that's reevaluating its current line up and deciding they want a bigger name to lead the actual title charge... which is where you get the stakes from in both those feuds. dovi/iannone was driven in large part by 'which one of us will get fired' and dovi/lorenzo had the tension of 'this is not the challenger ducati was expecting'. so now you are competing over something a little more substantial... and that makes the difference between 'ah whatever I can paper over these interpersonal tensions' and 'you know what fuck this guy'
the interpersonal chemistry question is obviously more opaque, and again you have to say dovi just got a little unlucky in that regard. from how he talks in his autobiography, it seems like the first feud was just a bit of a radical mismatch of personalities. in iannone, dovi sees someone who is arrogant, obsessed with image and too concerned with beating dovi. it's not exactly a surprise that dovi was severely displeased when he thought he would be dropped for iannone. with jorge... well, you can really see how the competitiveness comes in here, right - the relationship was broadly cordial in 2017 when jorge was in the wilderness and then swiftly deteriorated when he actually got to grips with the bike
also, clearly jorge had some slightly weird stuff going on with dovi... idk, some of the passages read like he thought dovi kinda looked down on him? constantly talking about how clever dovi is, how dovi knows what he's doing... the thing about jorge is that he had a lot of stuff going on as a young man and he was overthinking a lot of things... and some of those things were definitely his rivals... and that did affect several of those relationships for quite a few years. then there's the stuff where jorge repeatedly says how much effort he put into that relationship, celebrating dovi's results in 2017, dovi not appreciating it... I mean, maybe? I can imagine dovi being extremely unmoved by this lol, and certainly not feeling like it means jorge has any credit in the bank the following year. he doesn't like jorge, which is fine... but then occasionally he says something in the press with just enough ambiguity that it allows jorge to go absolutely ape shit and it spirals from there. just a bad combination, really. jorge thought he'd be number one, dovi was very possessive of that project and not willing to cede the lead without one hell of a fight... and they have history and they're both not really particularly willing to give each other the benefit of the doubt. not great
as much as I obviously wasn't being serious calling dovi an awful teammate, he's also not that conflict-averse. he's always been opinionated, reasonably willing to get into arguments (including with the ducati higher ups) and also clearly willing to judge his fellow riders, often quite harshly. he's perhaps not particularly inclined to change his mind either once he's made it up... definitely a character, and perhaps not the type who's really interested in reevaluating relationships post-retirement. jorge on his part has mended quite a few bridges, but it really is just with his fellow aliens - you'll note he's repeatedly incredibly rude about dovi's track record and lack of premier class titles. jorge in general can have a bit of a habit of 'punching down' in a way you won't really get from the other aliens. his nostalgia-inflected warmth towards other riders again really does seem pretty limited to just the aliens, which is how you get him doing instagram throwbacks to motegi 2010 (bonkers lol) and all this *gestures* dani stuff... but with him and dovi, neither of them have really made an effort, and I doubt they will. dovi's the type of guy who wants to see himself as honest and straightforward with these things, so no forcing reconciliation after the fact I reckon. what's wrong with a couple of burnt bridges, right
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itwasrealtome · 5 months
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Scarlett Johansson x fem!OC fic | Masterlist
Summary : After many years, Elle is finally reunited with her little brother, but not under the conditions she had hoped for.
Content Warning : Crying | Scars | Heavy past | Carter flees his home for LA | Violence
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Chapter two
Don't miss any more chapters or information by being tagged
NOVEMBER 23, 2016
It was not Elle's first time in this kind of situation.
She was no stranger to the massive meeting room, to high stakes encounters, or even to the presence of lawyers, but sitting across from the Russo brothers and Kevin Feige, the titans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe still felt like uncharted territory to her.
The weight of the moment bore down on her, the pressure more intense than ever. She felt like on the edge of a tennis court, her eyes darting from right to left as the two-party representatives spoke about deal-making and negotiation. It was perhaps her greatest pet hate. The way everything sounded like 'money', 'money', 'money', and nothing else.
Elle rubbed her temples, the intensity of competing voices debating terms and figures threatening to pull her into a haze of exhaustion. Though, the sight of her trusted agent — Don, scowling and clicking his pen endlessly, reminded her that she wasn't actually on her own.
He sat beside her, occasionally interjecting with his own thoughts and suggestions. But the actress could tell that even he seemed weary of the lengthy discussions. Seconds on his watch were sleeping away all too slowly for Elle's liking. So much so, that she even thought of getting Don a new one in good faith. Thus, in the near future, they may regain their freedom.
The distant panorama of Los Angeles beckoned, as good a distraction as that could be. A bright sun, still in peak condition for this end-of-year season, was still shining on the high skyscrapers. With a touch of imagination, Elle could picture herself under the star's rays, her skin gleaming in the radiant sunlight. She longed for a reprieve from the relentless demands of her career. She had in mind a warm place where she would go running each morning and swimming each afternoon. And when night would come, she'd feel her lips against her neck, her hands hovering over her thighs, slowly —softly— bringing her back to life.
—Ellie, Don nudged her discreetly. Your phone.
She hummed, suddenly snapping out of her reverie. One glance at her smartphone and she bid farewell to the good vibes of her inner world, greeting a blend of worry and urgency. This, then, was being hit by sisterly duty after many years of absence. Carter had to be a young man now, something like 16, maybe. And calling was definitely not part of his routine.
"Had to leave. I'm in LA. Please, come and get me."
Elle rose from her chair, all of a sudden, stammering an apologetic stride. She was well aware it was technically unethical for her to leave in such a way, but people would understand.
A few hasty explanations and she was off down the building's long corridors. Her thoughts raced alongside her footsteps, her heart pounding with concern as she tried to dial her brother's number, again and again. But all she heard was the voicemail. She settled for a brief text instead, letting him know that she was on her way.
It was hard to remember the last time she'd been to Los Angeles Union Station. Her body guiding her in pure automatism as she held a strong grip on the steering wheel. The congested city streets were not in their favor. Elle could feel a drop of sweat trickling down her forehead, anxiety making her its prey. There must have been a good reason behind Carter's escape from Oregon. Something bad. Maybe the same thing that had made her leave when she was around his age.
Once there, she soon spotted him. A tall, brunet, young man, his face partly hidden by a Dodgers cap. One of the few souvenirs Elle had been able to send him. He stood alone amidst the bustling crowd, backpack on his shoulders, skateboard under his arm, and guitar in hand. Anyone could have easily guessed he wasn't from around town. He appeared to have fled in the middle of the night, chased by his own demons.
Elle parked the car, heart aching, hands trembling. She locked eyes with her brother for the first time in what felt like an eternity. There, in his eyes, she saw their mother's gaze again. He was indeed taller than she had imagined. The memory of him as a child was now just that, a distant memory.
Undaunted, she reached out and welcomed Carter with a warm embrace. The boy breathed a sigh of relief, his sister's scent reminding him of home. He almost broke down right there, instantly, in the middle of the parking lot. Elle withdrew at the right moment, prompting him to swallow back his tears. She studied his face, a gentle hand caressing the wounds of a torment they never wanted to experience again. Their lips quivered, the weight of their past upsetting their own harmony.
—I am so sorry, whispered Elle.
Carter flashed her a shattered smile, his eyes brimming with tears as he snorted to himself. It was hilarious if you asked him. He, years later, was asking for help from the person who had left him behind and never looked back.
—Can we just go to your place? He tightened his grip on the strap of his bag, clearly impatient. I don't want to be here anymore.
Elle guided him to her vehicle, opened the trunk, and made it her business to stow his belongings. They traveled in silence, the tension palpable. At red lights, she stole glances at him, noting the changes time wrought upon him. He had grown, both physically and emotionally, since they had last seen each other. But the scars etched across his face told a story she could only begin to imagine.
A modest house wasn't exactly what he'd imagined all the way from Oregon. Carter assumed her sister now lived in a palace, a villa so impossibly spacious that she spent her time getting lost in each room as if in some kind of labyrinth. He was surprised to see a simple one-storey house, nothing luxurious but rather welcoming. Maybe the MCU wasn't paying as well as he thought after all.
Carter followed in his sister's footsteps, his arms full of his personal possessions. She guided him upstairs, to the end of the corridor, where he found a bedroom far more spacious than the last one he had lived in all his life. Everything seemed brighter and healthier than in his aunt's house. Everything was clean, the bed was made, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of laundry. Elle hastily retrieved a forgotten sweatshirt from the bed while Carter placed his stuff in a corner, nervous about disturbing anything.
—You can stay for as long as you wish, reassures Elle. You have your own bathroom right there. If you need anything, I–
The brunette stopped, her phone vibrating in her jeans pocket. She smiled apologetically at the boy, removing the device to answer. Don's deep voice echoed in her eardrum as she made her way back downstairs. He didn't press her about the meeting, the contract, or whatever. Carter was the object of their current concern. It was clear that he needed help and Elle was ready to lend a hand.
"He didn't say much, Don. I don't know how long he'll stay or what happened."
The actress was pacing back and forth in her living room, phone pressed to her ear. She wanted to bring Don her share of news, but she had nothing more to tell him. It was all a thick fog. So she listened to what he had to say. The two sides had reached an agreement. Her paycheck for the next MCU film was at an all-time high, at least for her. And she would finally be able to resume physical training for the next production. It meant being away from home, seeing friends and old acquaintances, and getting back into the shoes of the character she once played.
Now that was a bit of positivity.
The call over, her schedule up to date, she stopped in her tracks, lost. She still had a 16-year-old upstairs who needed her help. Worry gnawed at her insides as she prepared a soothing, warm, drink for the boy. She needed to provide him comfort, to let him know that he was safe with her, that whatever he fled from could no longer reach him.
The comforting aroma of the beverage trailed her up the stairs, like sweet cocoa smoke. She knocked gently, the hot mug in her hands. Carter sat on the edge of the bed, hair damp, dried blood absent from his face. He'd found the skincare products in the bathroom. He looked up, his eyes red and swollen from the tears that had flowed and threatened to do so again.
And just like that, he broke again.
His composure crumbled, his tears flowing freely as he fell into Elle's waiting embrace. He clung to her like a lifeline in rough seas, his hands clutching her shirt in a last-ditch effort. Nothing could console the young Wiley, his prayers never to return to Oregon reaching the ears and hearts of the willing.
The actress didn't dare let go of him, a lump stagnating in her throat as she held back her tears the way she always had. She couldn't bring herself to send her brother back to where he came from, the weight of their scars far too heavy for them to part again.
His pain was hers, and thus her home would become his.
Chapters and stuff here
Don't forget that one reaction, one comment, can change the mood of my whole life 🫶🏻
@electricboost @angeliqueh5331 @emskisworld @taylucky13 @sammi1642 @waltermis @imjai02 @enjoytheentireworld @aqiia24 @natalia-quinzel @marvelandotheruniversesloveradhd @jatrovyknedl @madamevirgo @canvasscoloredin @red1culous @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @butwhynothavesomwmore @lyak12 @hi-i-1 @anku1901 @ssaaggwwaa @g1u2u @mmmmokdok
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magenta-embers · 11 months
My Army Journey
I first heard of K-pop back in 2010 when a friend of mine mentioned being a fan of a group called Shinee, a Korean boyband. We weren't that close, so it's not like she tried to show me anything of theirs. At this time, I was also trying to be less judgy about other people's musical tastes, so even though I found (western) boybands to be cringy, I was pretty indifferent to K-pop out of sheer will.
I didn't really hear about K-pop again until about 2016-2017 as someone in uni. Being chronically online, even then you were bound to come across it on Twitter. I'd see male idols everywhere and they all blended together in my brain, EXCEPT for this one guy named Jimin. I'd recognize him as that pretty one. Didn't even know what group he was from, didn't care.
At this time, my dad also got remarried and suddenly I had a younger step-sister who was into K-Pop. I became curious because this was getting a lot more popular than I remembered it being. My stepsister's favorite group was Seventeen, (cue my teasing: "If they're seventeen, why are there thirteen of them?" "Do they each sing like half a line?" "Which one's Jimin?"). When I brought up Jimin, she did finally confirm he's in BTS. She said BTS and EXO are the biggest, but BTS is overtaking. I asked if BTS are the best, and she no, but they're good. I asked her to show me the gayest music video of theirs (I don't even know why) and she showed me Blood, Sweat & Tears (The Queen herself). The video was cool, Jimin was fkn pretty, but I still didn't delve deeper.
It wasn't until mid-2018 that the rabbit hole shit happened (you know the one. You're all here for the same reason). It was completely on a whim. I saw this photo on Twitter:
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I recognized Jimin immediately of course. But this photo got me curious because they all had an interesting look to them and I thought it wasn't fair that I'd ever thought "they all look the same" because they didn't and I felt like I owed it to them to at least do them the respect of learning their damn names (famous goddamn last words, anyone?). Jimin, Joon, Hobi, Yoongi, and Tae (eyebrows man, as I called him) were the easiest to learn in that order. I had a little more trouble telling Jungkook and Jin apart at times. I think I had it down by the time the weekend was over though.
One of the first things I watched was their puppy interview. Crack cocaine. Watched a couple more interviews and then moved onto the beginner guides to BTS, funny and serious. Then, the funny compilation videos set to Nintendo Wii theme music. I didn't even get into the music until way later. The very first BTS song I listened to on my own was Lie. What an introduction lmao. The second was Save Me, and that was the song that made me go, "Yeah okay, they're the real deal" (I also tried listening to EXO and some other groups, but... yeah no). After that, it was just further and further down the rabbit hole.
What was important to me was the quality of lyrical content and the ability to sing live. I couldn't have become a fan if they didn't have those two things down. Little did I know, even that is an underestimation of their abilities and their journey. They constantly blew my mind as I learned about all they do. They're capable of extraordinary things.
Being involved as a fan in a powerful fandom of such a massive group has had its ups and downs, but now I just want them all to come back. I miss them together so much. The fandom's in fragments and sanity is cracking without BTS as a unit.
Next post: Shipping and Jikookery
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cashthecomposer · 1 month
tell me about your musical :3
Of course!
I have my debut musical premiering this Halloween, called:
It's about the summer of 1816 at the Villa Diodati. Lord Byron invites several of his contemporaries to holiday with him, to dance together, to drink together, and to read ghost stories. He challenges them to write their own. A slew of drama ensues; romance, storms, duels, and near death experiences alike, sparking inspiration in all. Byron's personal physician creates the modern Vampyre, but Mary Shelley wins the competition through the creation of Frankenstein... But at what cost?
I've taken the story of Mary's composition of Frankenstein, and turned it into an allegory for the Frankenstein story in itself. It's a show about what it means to create, what it means to have a legacy; and it's a show about mistakes, consequences, and death. The characters are all young adults, 18-28, so it's about the things I struggled with through those years; particularly, coming to face one's own mortality.
My dad had the idea back in 2016, the 200th anniversary of that summer. I was 19, the same age as Mary- it was kismet. I went ahead and wrote down some ideas, and began research. A few years ago, my dad was diagnosed with cancer, and I was hit by a car, so I got acquainted with the idea of mortality very suddenly. I wrote the show while heavily concussed, and workshopped it once I was better.
I'm producing it this Halloween as a one night only immersive experience, and I have a film crew recording the show to stream on my Patreon early next spring.
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At the same time, I'm writing a new show, working title:
Six Miles
It's about the local legend of Lavinia Fisher. According to myth, she was a serial killer who ran a hotel with her husband, John; when they were caught, he was hanged first, and she went to the gallows in her wedding gown, but when no one would save her through matrimony, she announced-
If anyone has a message for the devil, tell me now, for I'll be seeing him shortly!
And jumped to her death.
Now, this isn't the truth. The truth is, Lavinia was a slave, owned by John's uncle. When their relationship was discovered, she was sold down to a doctor in Charleston. John stole from people until he got enough to secure her freedom, and together, they ran a little hotel for a while. Eventually, their relationship was discovered, and they were framed for highway robbery, and sent to jail. John escaped, and tried to free Lavinia yet again, but couldn't- he chose to be recaptured rather than being free apart from her. They were hanged together, and buried in a pauper's field- until that doctor who bought Lavinia, the surgeon general of South Carolina, had her dug up, and her remains hung in a museum for over a hundred years.
I'll be showing both sides of the story- a ghost tour guide will present the legend, while a pair of actors will play the pair, showing us the actual history.
I'm documenting the process of writing this new musical on a YouTube channel, starting from its conception, all the way through production! A new video comes out every other Sunday, including tomorrow! The videos are released early on my Patreon fyi.
So those are my shows, I hope you'll stick around to watch them! I'm all about women in horror. Not sure what that says about me. 😅
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bunnidid-reviews · 1 year
DID(Headcanon) Book Review
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Facts -
Book Title: Still Life with Tornado
Author: A.S. King
Publication date: 2016
Fiction or Nonfiction: Fiction
Was there a diagnosis of DID? No
Was the person with DID presented as evil for having DID? No
Major Trigger warning list:
-          Descriptions of domestic violence, at times somewhat graphic (mentions of hitting, punching, breaking bones and threatening
-          Witnessing a spanking (at least audibly and then mentioning it by name, which I personally cant stand)
-          Emotional abuse, general tension and unrest
-          Gaslighting (? Is it? I don’t like misusing the word)
-          Very vague mentions of witnessing sexual misconduct on a minor (a teacher having kissed a student and the main character witnessing it)
-          Medical stuff that can sometimes be a bit graphic? (the mother is an emergency room nurse)
-          The police show up and make an arrest in the end (its not violent)
Subjective Review(this is how I felt about it) -
Personal triggering scale from 1 to 10 (1 being not triggering at all, 10 being a badly overwhelming experience that might cause personal harm): 5-10? (not too graphic but hit a bit close to home for me personally)
Personal relatability scale from 1 to 10 (1 being unrelatable, 10 being OMG THAT’S ME!): 10
Personal avoidance scale from 1 to 10(1 being eager to get on with it, 10 being impossible to finish): 7
My interpretation of the media(Includes spoilers):
Aaaaaaahhh this book was a hard read. Okay let’s go
The basic premise is about the 16-year-old Sarah. She’s an artist, but suddenly finds she suddenly can’t create anymore, and this is obviously distressing for her. It’s hinted at that the art teacher is suspicious, and something had happened in the art club that sparks this initial avoidance. Sarah was seemingly a good student with fine grades and on her way to being an artist, when she suddenly decides to drop out.
It’s clear by the tension she comes home to, that this is not a household that communicates with one another. Her mother is a night-shift emergency room nurse who’s always exhausted, her father is a sinkhole of a man. He has a job I don’t remember, he takes up a certain space that makes everyone around him very wary. The older brother is completely out of the scene and has been for 6 years. No one talks about it. Or anything, for that matter. These aren’t people Sarah can depend on.
There’s something wrong and no one ever talks about anything. Nothing is original.
In the steady decline of Sarah’s mental health, we start with her deciding to get her name changed to Umbrella, something of a nonsense choice that becomes symbolic of her favorite umbrella, one that shields her from the raining Bullshit as she ponders on whatever’s making her the way she is.
At the bus stop she meets 23-year-old Sarah, who clues in that even though life is hard, it gets better. And 10 year old Sarah, who’s sole existence surrounds the trip to Mexico and the traumatic events that transpired. Then 40 year old Sarah, who pushes for Umbrella to talk about what’s all going on here. The Sarahs all exist in the world as real people that others can interact with (which other characters find uncanny), but also seemingly show up out of the blue around Sarah. You can see how I feel this is heavy DID-coding, right?
As Umbrella traverses her existential crisis, we get flashbacks that piece together what’s going on under the surface, going over the trip in Mexico several times with more and more truth to it. This is all chock-full of confusion, denial and obvious dissociation; a tornado. Every now and again the chapters are in the point of view of Helen(the mom), who’s resentful and full of loathing for her life and her rat of a husband. Sarah also makes contact with her estranged brother to find the truth.
The hard truth we find out, is that the father had been regularly violent to his wife and son for years and years, up until Sarah was born. The incident Umbrella can’t remember was the same thing happening again on their trip to Mexico, that pushed the older brother into deciding to leave.
When Chet(the father) is confronted with the sight of his son coming back home, he has a violent rage and completely wrecks the house. When Umbrella confronts him, he destroys things dear to her, like the very umbrella she named herself after.
The cops are called. Chet the rat puts on a pathetic display as he’s he’s hauled out by the police. A divorce is sorted out and no matter his attempts to come back, all four of the Sarahs personally pack up his belongings and kick him out of the house for good.
Everyone lives a hopefully happily ever after with their sights set on healing. 10-year-old Sarah fuses with Umbrella, and it’s assumed the other two do too
This book is very difficult for me because the only difference between Chet and my own father is a couple of letters in the name and the lack of the bitter irony of being a “Loving Pastor". Everything about this book really resonated deeply with me, from the way he was intentionally unresponsive in a way to bait others into starting fights with him, down to completely not recognizing my own face. Chris is just as perfectly pathetic as Chet was in the book, and it shook me to the core to read such an accurate description of my own father.
I recall having a similar mental breakdown from 14-16 as well, and it went very much the same way. Nothing is original, after all.
A big part of Sarah’s trauma too is the betrayal of the Helen choosing to stay for the sake of ‘the girl needs a father’. Helen lost her son over her broken marriage. She didn’t leave, despite knowing all this, despite knowing it could happen again. I understand that she’s a domestic abuse victim herself and its very hard to get out of these situations in real life, but the absence of violence is not love. Sarah is betrayed and traumatized by it, and rightfully so. Her viewing 10-year-old Sarah as a ‘second chance’ for HERSELF hits really hard.
This book reads like a teenager going through all this who will later find out about her DID, because she doesn’t have the words for it at this point in time. The fragmented, unfeeling or only-feeling nature of her memories feel a lot like what memory recall is like with DID. Her unwinding into Nihilism and unreality is very dissociative in nature. The betrayal of being lied to all her life is palpable and complex.
What I found interesting was that the author clarifies that there are four Sarahs (10 yr old, Umbrella, 23 yr old and 40 yr old), but I’d argue there are a couple other fragmentations. The chapters titled with Tornado seem to almost be another part of Umbrella who embraces becoming a homeless man feels like an introject part. The sudden change in goals at the start of the book feels as though Umbrella is newly split off and taking over for whatever Sarah came before.
The author put a lot of personal details into this book, so I’m assuming a lot of this story is true to her own life. I don’t know how else you write a quietly domestically violent family like this without lived experience. The characters are all flawed and so life-like. The villain is notably human and not evil in the classic Disney villain sense. Evil and vile but in an extremely real way
It’s a really hard read, but it’s a good one. I’m not sure what else to say. If you’ve had experiences like this, traverse with caution, it might take you back like it did for me
Sorry this review is a bit of a scrambled mess also. I might’ve gotten some details mixed up, usually I do extra research for what I’m ingesting and didn’t have the energy for this one by the end
Key features that makes it relatable to the CDD experience:
-          Heavy dissociative vibes.
-          Depression, anxiety, traumatized spiralling
-          The multiple selves that come from different time periods of her life
-          Introjection
-          Memory loss, memories that unfold slowly and in small details
Key features that deters from it being called a CDD directly:
-          23 and 40 coming from the future
-          The Sarahs appearing as physical people other people can see
Would I recommend this to someone with DID to read?: Yes, but it’s very very relatable. You can feel the tension in the book.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 8 months
👸- Ok lets get things straught
Unless someone held a newspaperup like a kidnapping to show proof of date the photo could be as o as old as 2017 he got dodger in 2015(possible 2016 idk when gifted stoped filming but they started in oct 2015 and he has more black kn his nose when he was younger) this shows minus someone, not necessarily a man, with a white kneee, thowrtically the person could be Latinx or Asian etc. 
THEY ARE DOING THIS TO GET FANS ATTENTION. They know we love dodger we've said leave dodger alone so another dodger oic and people are up in arms... they're troll dont go for it. At least he isn't speared in half again by a leg.
B) dodger going to doggy day care... wow. Sound the alarm. Now i dont know much about the video ive seen the photo and honestly it may not be dodger. His coloring isn't THAT unique. The quality is also bad too. I mean i could sqear that was my friends dog in the corner too. But i imagine Chris went out of his way to make sure dodger was well socialized because hed be around kids and in thr video with aly rushmans dog it showed dodger can be unknowingly a little rambunctious with small dodgs but who wouldnt get excited with a cute new puppy  playmate even though dodger givrs off the:  im not an animal im a human vibe. 
Who says that also isnt where a lot of cast and crew put thier dogs? Yes Im assuming its for a film and based on the placement of the tiles and the way they are a diffrent color it seems like it is purposely a diffrent type of tile... why? I dont know but its awfully evenly spaced and copied a couple feet down.
Ive seen people even claim that chris uses dodger for people to like him.  Hes now Will and Jada acting like theyre still a thing 6 years after they seperate. Its a man and his dog do you see the way Chris looks at him? If chris was that good of an actor we'd all be thinking he was really in love  with little miss nazi and no mstter what they do now i wont believe  it just cause he hasnt looked happy in 2 years UNLESS Dodger was the subject... 
You also see too many people talking too many nce things about dodger and chris with dodger
When this whatever shit started we saw a lot of orgs and fellow celebs pull away from chris a lot less birthday wishises publically  one of chris reoccuring costars (not scarjo or A.D.A.) had a very heartwarming and touching birrhday with with a few examples of how nice he is. There are also reports thst he lets people use his houses etc. when hes not in town. Now people ahve pulled away from him publically. We all know chris isnt a golden boy but when companies and charities stop working with someone suddenly (many stopped after the first pap walk) despite other issues it to me sayshe was nice enough to want to be associated with before.  I think its a fine line of what people will and wont tolerate and yes theres trolls and clout chasers but when ebolas associations and beliefs came out many broke away when a cetain company recived complaints things were dropped we all know a campaign was fropped and they mostly use OBJ and one of the founders dog whose has very VERY similar collerings to dodger. They also seemed to not get the enagwment they wanted on the cintest as it was like they were shoving it down people's throat. I do believe once things are over (whatever the truth is-theres do dobut its toxic otherwise chris wouldnt be looking like he does) there will magically be another campaign. 
Now people turn in seb for what a movie that is supposed to be really good? Because hes friend with someone who doesnt look like a typical movie star. 
Leave fans and their looks out of it. Be nice. Little miss nazi on the otherhand we finally saw what her soul looks like and I can actually look at these photos without wanting to puke - have no sympathy for nazis and those who hate others like that
Lastly another reminde rb/c ppl r still talking about it- 
STOP TALKING ABOUT the INTERVIEW  how many times do people have to tell you they want you to talk. Your playing into thier hands and being a pawn Nothing new was said and frankly it makes her look foolish. I relize I'm talking about it but its just to tell you all to stop talking about it because they've had to change strategies. They held back the "kiss" we all know that would've been released day off a year ago. So now they release something that like others said would not have been seen outside her country normally its been over a week. And Yes shes stupid forgetting where she is but The only thing ur doing is making their ship stay relevent.  And in peoples mouths. 
Also just an fyi to Ebola check which account you post things on... normally im.not a conspiracy theorist like that but this is getting way too stupid that fan sites are publishing things that the actors page would normally post. 
P.s. bookie lets see some of the wonderful exs chris has had gimmie some mink and jessica and Jenny to attach to Chris' tag. 
I seriously don't know how you do it, girl...
But seriously, I'm thankful for your PSAs. And look forward to reading and posting every single one 😁
Oh, and I most certainly will! It's all in good fun 🙃
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7grandmel · 8 months
Todays rip: 20/01/2024
Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be My Girl
Season 1 Featured on: GilvaSunner's Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 6​.​66
Ripped by THiNGYBOBinc
Whew!! MAGFest days are finally over, and what a time it was - the SiIvaGunner Chipspace show was absolutely fantastic, and I hope it gets uploaded on its own soon so y'all can watch it as well! With that out of the way: the sappy times are over, Season 8 is ready to rev up and go at any moment, and the blog must go on. So, given that I spent all of yesterday talking about the Nostalgia Critic takeover with Fragile Snowman (Remastered), I figured it'd be fitting to return to the Season that said nostalgia was directed to - and an all-time favorite memory I have of watching the channel at that time.
I've pointed it out a good number of times by now, including once again in yesterday's post, but one of the things that really did make Season 1 so unique was how spontaneous and unpredictable it felt. The main reason was of course that we lacked much of any expectations in general, but the channel back in Season 1 also didn't exactly have much in the way of large-scale projects planned ahead like the Christmas Comeback Crisis, or the various Festival events that debuted in Season 4 Episode 2 onward. If you caught the SiIvaGunner panel at MAGFest this year, or have followed anything regarding rips like the Shop Fusion Collab or projects like CCC Episode 11, you'll know just how large and coordinated these projects have become. As Chaze explained back in MAGFest 2019: SiIvaGunner Presents - High Quality Ripping, meanwhile, back in Season 1 they would occasionally just completely abandon whatever event they seemed to be teasing just to fuck with the audience and subvert their expectations.
Subverting our expectations was the initial pitch for the SiIvaGunner channel as a whole, but by the time Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be My Girl was uploaded halfway through Season 1, it really did feel like we'd gotten better at seeing through the smoke and mirrors - we knew that all rips would show their cards eventually and then cue for laughter from us as viewers. Keep in mind: this was also just a week shy from the start of The Reboot, at at time when the idea of the channel having lore or that it would progress much further, was really just conspiracy talk. And indeed, Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be My Girl shows its hand quite early - just 10 seconds into the rip, as the song properly "begins", it becomes a pretty pretty standard, though befitting mashup, one you'd probably expect from just seeing the title. Joke revealed, cue laughter, add to playlist...
Then suddenly, the rip stops - and the facade is lifted. And I suppose it's time for me to start lifting the facade here too, perhaps?
Indeed, if you saw the title of today's post, opened the YouTube link in a new tab, and kept reading the post, you may have felt like you knew exactly what you'd be getting - a solid Season 1-era mashup of Be Cool, Be Wild and Be Groovy and the 2000s rock hit Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet. Yet before the mashup is able to go anywhere, the joke is interrupted, mockingly so, by Dr. Eggman, sentence-mixed to poke fun at you over thinking you'd gotten the joke of the rip down. This is no longer a bait-and-switch, but a DOUBLE bait-and-switch - presenting you with the switch for long enough to make you comfortable, then pulling the rug under THAT immediately. And, like - I don't think I can overstate how absolutely baffling that was to experience back in 2016?? Though SiIvaGunner was indeed about subverting expectation, six months in it had still built itself an identity of what to expect from the channel - yet without any warning, here it felt as if the team was practically doing a prank on its own fans. Better yet, the prank only escalated from there, as Eggman voice clips are interspersed in the beats inbetween the song's vocals, before he's suddenly joined by voice clips from Big the Cat of all characters - this prank is on three levels of rug-pulling.
And indeed, I've kind of pulled a prank on you here as well - because the post you're reading is actually about TWO rips from Season 1. Earlier in the third paragraph, I was describing the first of these rips, the one linked in the Bandcamp embed here - uploaded two weeks before the events of The Reboot kicked into motion. Because of that, it plays on the mixed feelings the fanbase once had on using Snow Halation in rips, only to switch it with Are You Gonna Be My Girl: hence the name, Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be My Girl. As The Reboot came and went, however, and told its story specifically about how Snow Halation truly deserves its place on the channel, we'd see the upload of a second rip a few weeks later - pulling the inverse joke. It's possible, back then, that enough time had passed between the two rips to where people had forgotten about the original bait-and-switch, but what was once used as a way to make fun of Snow Halation's percieved mediocrity was now spun into an actual appreciation and celebration of the song!
I hope all of this information on the history of these two moderately-known 2016 rips in particular is at all comprehensible, but the point I wanted to convey is - this shit was REALLY cool to see happen live with both videos. With Be Cool, Be Wild and Be My Girl, it felt like one of the first big shake-ups to the channel's status quo we'd yet seen at that point, and sort of prepared us to never take anything in a rip at face value - then, with the second rip, it felt like a perfect testament to how much The Reboot truly had changed the perception on Snow Halation as a song. The switch to the song didn't feel like an annoyance, but like a rip we'd all now suddenly actually wanted to see - one that we welcomed with open arms. Be it due to rippers being inspired or just paying tribute to one another, these kinds of call-and-response rips are a lot more common on the channel than you may initially think, and are sometimes even made years apart. Be it Windows Wonga Wappa, Ripping Video Game Music​.​.​.​.​.​.​At Night (2020 Edition), or even just with remasters like Violet Snow Memories, it never stops being heartwarming to see rippers pay tribute to one another - or just continuing on from a joke they themselves started.
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darkmaga-retard · 11 days
I don’t often dump the contents of my email inbox out onto the site, but every now and again there is something which simply needs a public airing, and this, from the communist Indivisible crowd – you might remember them as the people who organized mobs of hecklers to harass and attempt to intimidate Republican elected officials at town halls following the 2016 presidential election their side lost – is worth it.
I’ll just give you the whole thing. It comes from somebody named “Emily Phelps,” though the “from” line says “[email protected]”…
Hi all — Regarding the wild, racist and anti-immigrant claims that JD Vance and others have ampflied about Springfield, OH, as well as similar stories about Aurora, CO,I wanted to share an anecdotal quote, attributable to my colleague here at Indivisible, Mary Small, who previously worked in immigrant rights. I hope her anecdote can help underscore a point about the Republicans’ usual election year routine that’s been made before (e.g. from 2018: AP: Remember the caravan? After vote, focus on migrants fades) Attributable to Mary Small –  “This is a well-known phenomenon in the immigrant rights community: Every election year, in late summer, the right attempts to trigger a public panic that involves immigrants, fantastical details, and not coincidentally, swing states. You can set your watch to it. In fact, folks commonly keep a placeholder on our planning calendars for this fake crisis. “This is the season when hysterical stories about caravans and invasions suddenly appear, before suddenly fading away in November. But this year, like everything else about the Trump campaign, its two standard deviations more bizarre. It’s almost like we have the rhythm and racism of a normal Republican campaign, but with unprecedentedly unhinged content.” Mary’s Bio: As Chief Strategy Officer, Mary leads Indivisble’s advocacy strategy across the organization’s core issue areas, including democracy, economic justice, immigration, climate and healthcare. Prior to her work at Indivisible, Mary was the Policy Director at Detention Watch Network and co-led the #DefundHate campaign, to defund the anti-immigrant enforcement machine. Before joining Indivisible, Mary spent over a decade working in the overlap between migrant rights, racial justice, anti-criminalization and human rights, and is thrilled to now be applying those lessons to the intersectional advocacy work Indivisible prioritizes. A proud North Carolinian, Mary holds a Bachelors from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Masters in Public Policy from the University of Minnesota. (also here,though title is old) Best, Emily
So you understand, all crises not generated by the Left and their paid activist organizations like Indivisible are fake crises. But those which are? Very Real, You Guys.
This is where the Haitian/Springfield, Ohio controversy came from. It wasn’t made up by J.D. Vance…
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