#but she's the Sun arcobaleno right???
Celeste's Tattoos
Firstly! Here are all the previous posts about my oc Celeste!!
@childe-of-saulot @myrmyrtheorca @lixenn
Decided to tag anyone who liked my post where I was debating drawing these out or just describing them. Now onto describing her tattoos!
So her first tattoo of note is her spine tattoo of moon phases. Each moon is 2 inches long and wide, or 5.08 cm long and wide. The waxing crescent moon sits right between her shoulder blades and, if I'm estimating this about right, the full moon should be about mid back. All the phases except the full moon are fully colored in black.
The second and third tattoos of note are the XX on the inside of her left wrist and the IVIV on the inside of her right. These tattoos are Xanxus' and (my headcanon for) Aria's birthdays. Celeste obviously adores all her kids with all her heart, but these two are her babies, hence why they have pretty visible tattoos on her.
On the front of her right thigh she has an outline of a rainbow. Only Orange is colored in, representing the loss of her wife Luce. (In the future arc, all of them are colored in by then.)
On the inside of her right thigh, she has a sun tattoo with the numbers 13-10 inside it, this represents Reborn.
On the side and some of the back of her right thigh she has a large cluster of star outlines. A few have different numbers in them that correspond with the Arcobaleno's birthdays, anniversaries of different things important to her, and most of her other kids birthdays.
On the side of her left thigh she has two crescent moons flipped away from each other with the date 22-12 written underneath. This is a reference to Bel and Rasiel. She has the moons flipped away from each other because she knows her boys didn't get along despite her best efforts to prevent that, so it's her way of at least stopping it symbolically.
Moving back up her body to the two tattoos I find the most fun lol. Under her right breast, mostly on her rips, she has a colored outline of a black lily. This represents the Giglio Nero Famiglia and her inherent loyalty to them now since she married Luce.
Under her left breast, again mostly on her ribs, is a rose outline. This is to represent her family. Though she has a strained relationship with it and the few remaining members, she can't bring herself to fully hate it. To her, though deeply flawed, she still loves her family and all the joyful things it brought her.
On her right shoulder, she has a simple skull outline tattoo. Not only is this a reference to her assassination organization, the Cranio, but it's also a direct reference to her first love and childhood best friend, Skull. She frequently debates to herself about getting more details on it in violet to further reference him.
On her left shoulder, she has a polyphemus moth tattoo. This is one of the few tattoos on her that doesn't hold a lot of meaning other than she likes moths.
On her womb, she has two 2 in by 2 in/5.08 cm by 5.08 cm tattoos of the constellations for Taurus and Capricorn done in rainbow colors. This is a reference to hers and Luce’s birthdays and Zodiac signs. April 27th and January 9th.
On the outside of her right bicep, she has Luce’s signature tattooed.
On her right hand: A Taurus sign on the base of her index finger right above where her ring rests. A four pointed star on her ring finger. A small semicolon tattoo on the upper half of her middle finger. A laurel vine tattoo that wraps around her pinky finger.
On her left hand: Crescent moon tattoo on her index finger. Sun tattoo on the base of her middle finger. Rose tattoo on her thumb. Small crow feather tattoo on her pinky finger.
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
Day five! I know we have basically all of them made to fit their flames but if you could reassign the tenth vongola swuad new flames, which woulf you mix up? Anyone else in khr you'd assign a different flame?
Ohh, this was a really fantastic question! I actually had to stop and really think about this one for quite a while! I hope you’ll enjoy my opinions on the subject and thank you so much for sending this in!
When it comes to Vongola Decimo’s family, you are very right. The flames really are built up around each character, making certain that each of the Guardians really fits their flame types. The same applies to the Vongola Primo generation, who really are just sort of ‘copy paste’ of the Vongola Decimo family, so it makes sense.
I think the only thing I might possibly change at all would be Hibari’s secondary flame type. It really makes little sense to me for him to have a Mist Flame and I always felt like it was mostly done as a ‘haha, irony, he hates Mist Flame users but is one himself’ kind of deal instead of it being done because the flame type genuinely fits him. While I definitely do agree that he would be among the very few characters who can use multiple flame types easily, I always personally thought that his secondary flame type would be Sun or Storm. I’ve always leaned more towards Storm for him but have also seen arguments for Sun that really have swayed me in that direction as well.
Now, as far as the flame types I would change, I’ve always been very vocal about the fact that there are a lot of Flame types among the Arcobaleno that make no sense to me. They’re the group that I would definitely make some switches to and where I feel that maybe earlier manga colouring were the only reason they have the flame types that they do.
I really don’t think that Reborn fits the Sun Flame category, though I know I’m getting into really controversial and unpopular opinions saying that and I don’t get Fon being a Storm Flame. To me, I would honestly switch the flames between the two.
In my head, I really do think Reborn makes a better Storm Flame and I strongly headcanon that no matter what his primary flame type is, that he would be along the lines of Gokudera, a genius that possesses the capability to use different flames and that his main secondary flame would be a Rain flame, just based on his fighting style and prowess.
Meanwhile I do think that Fon fits a Sun Flame better, as a very hands on and physical fighter.
Other than that, it’s really only fanon accepted flames where I sometimes have to go…that just doesn’t compute to my brain, I really think this makes more sense. One example that I was just talking about with a lovely friend is what flame types fanon believes that Shamal would have. To me, Shamal is a classic Sun Flame. The trident mosquitoes use viruses lifted from his body, meaning he is quite literally fighting using parts of his body/blood and the fact that Sun’s ability is that of activation, and healing is part of that, it really suits his position as a doctor.
I also do think that Haru has a Storm Flame, while Kyoko is strongly a Rain Flame in my head every time, despite the fact that genetics say she has to be a Sun Flame. I do get the arguments for her being a Sun Flame, besides just that her brother is one but in my head, it just makes most sense for her to be a Rain Flame.
Also, there is nothing, nothing I have ever seen that makes me believe that Naito Longchamp is a Sky Flame. Yes, he’s a boss…no, I just cannot believe that he has a Sky Flame and the harmonizing abilities of it.
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dearcat1 · 2 years
(Sales Pitch)
Part 76 of Sofia
"Xanxus," Enrico murmurs, "is going to lose his shit."
Timoteo, by now far too used to his sons cussing, just sighs. "What is it?"
They got the approximate location of the omega a little over a week ago. It took them a couple of days to find the right building and the rest of the time compiling the information. Timoteo is thankful that Xanxus knows better than to storm the place but he doesn't have much hope of keeping his youngest still for much longer.
Still, for all the chaos and stress of the last weeks, Timoteo is thankful for the bridges it has mended. It's been a while since Xanxus called Timoteo papa or looked at him with anything else but suspicion when it comes to Sofia. But Timoteo came in, mobilized Vongola and called in Reborn and got an armful of thankful son for his efforts.
Enrico taps the screen, displaying a picture. "Remember this guy? Well, he took Sofia as a sales pitch."
Arrogance. Timoteo has dealt with men like this a thousand times before. "We have everything ready, Xanxus can have him."
Reborn sighs, like it's a chore. "I guess I can be generous." He jumps down from the table, "I'll go inform your kid, Timo."
The Sun arcobaleno's curiosity is a price Timoteo is willing to pay for the man's help. Without him, this wouldn't have worked anywhere near as quickly. And Reborn is a gentleman, regardless. He'll keep his chaos contained enough not to upset the girl.
"Thank you, Reborn." Timoteo nods, standing up. "I appreciate this."
Massimo sighs, eyeing the screen. "This will be a bloodbath."
"Did you expect anything else?" Enrico straightens. "I'm surprised we managed to convince Federico to sit this one out."
Timoteo rather thinks the feat can be laid at Bianca's feet. "We'll interrogate any survivors." And if the girl is injured, they'll execute them after.
Enrico clicks his tongue, standing up. "Let's go, then."
Xanxus joins them as they enter the car, his Second in Command barely a step behind him. "Papa," he inclines his head, letting his brothers hug him briefly. "He's mine."
Reborn looks deeply amused on his shoulder but Timoteo knows him well enough to see the aggression ready to be unleashed. The Sun arcobaleno never was a forgiving kind and he takes the code rather seriously.
"Of course." Timoteo lets his sons in before him. "Have you been informed of the plan?"
"Yes." Xanxus's bare fangs are not meant for him, Timoteo knows. "She'll be there."
"According to our information," Massimo nods, grimly. It's strange to see him this serious. "Are you ready to deal with it if she freaks out?"
But Xanxus snorts. "With me there?" He lays his gun on his lap. "She won't freak."
From his spot, Reborn sends Xanxus a curious look. "You're certain."
"I am." Xanxus rolls his shoulders.
"They're disgustingly sweet," Enrico offers. "You'll see what he means."
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wolfsrainrules · 3 years
I'm sorry but I really want you or someone to write an Encanto and KHR crossover where Mirabel becomes one of the Arcobaleno because this thought has been playing on repeat in my mind since I brought it up but I can't write to save my life.
lmao. Hmm.... Alright, imagine with me. A verse where she doesn't get her 'gift'. Bruno, seeing the future of his daughter (let me have the dad bruno okAY-) decided rather than leaving her with her aunt to raise and disappearing into the walls, he's going to take her. and he leaves.
he leaves, and he raises her, and they travel around, and it's...not what they expected- what he expected- but it's good. They're good. There are days they struggle, but...
and then Bruno gets caught up in the Mafia by accident. Wrong place, exactly right time.
And he may not have Flames due to the gift magics interfering, but Mirabel? Mirabel does. Mirabel absolute does. She's a Sun, a very very powerful one.
And Bruno...isn't going to leave his little one with zero idea what she's doing with magic flames. So they end up getting pulled deeper into the mafia, deeper into that world.
And Bruno is careful, he's careful, as he takes Mirabel through the mafia, finding teachers and helpful information.
Checkerface catches wind.
Bruno is, for the first time in his life, absolutely completely furious with what happens then.
Mirabel is the Sun Arcobaleno before Reborn. But she knows- from Bruno- that Reborn is supposed to be the next, if they can't figure out how to break this curse. So she shows up often, and Reborn knows her well.
They DO end up breaking the curse before Reborn gets placed under it, because Angry Papa Bruno is m o d i v a t e d.
Checkerface should not have fucked with the daughter of one who can see the future and has zero hang-ups about abusing it to figure out how to get her out of that, and make his life miserable as possible on the way.
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ethereal-kloud · 3 years
what if: verde, for some reason (tired of being nagged/bothered, maybe?) actually leaves his lab and visits japan before the representative battle? he did his research before he left, of course, and decides to visit the quiet town of namimori, one of the couple of places in japan under vongola’s protection, yet not very mafia connected (so he thinks, with kyōya being related to fon, tsuyoshi probably a former assassin/hitman, iemitsu literally living there for a couple weeks at a time, + so many potential flame actives)
and tsuna’s six or seven, and verde pauses. because. because that right there is a baby sky, but for some reason, his flames are writhing under—something. but verde knows sky attraction/charisma, even as muted and warped as that, and is not horrified, but slightly disturbed on whoever did that to him but didn’t even have the decency to leave a little wiggle room so he didn’t trip over nothing and everything.
and his mother. well.
he just told her that he was taking her son (for experiments, totally) and she just beamed at him and said “tsu-kun’s so responsible for taking care of verde-kun!” and basically pushed her bewildered son out the door with him. which—great, he doesn’t have to deal with the morals of a caring parents but also what. he’s left wondering if she’s not really civilian with how oblivious she is. she puts a shame to their shared flame type, even if she isn’t active.
and so he takes the stuttering and tripping and sealed sky to a controlled lab he has hidden away, and plots how to break the seal. hopefully not too damaging—it’d be a waste.
honestly, in the beginning, verde doesn’t really care for the brat other than making sure he doesn’t touch his experiments and making him stay healthy for his tests. sealing isn’t a very common thing, and definitely not on skies, so it’s an interesting research opportunity.
but tsuna’s tsuna, and he worms his way into being helpful, learns how to stop tripping and making a mess, wants to help the baby-not-baby who, even if he didn’t mean to, took him away from a town that didn’t want him. so, even when verde finds out a month and a half later that he’s basically kidnapped sawada iemitsu’s son, he still keeps him. 1, he’s hasn’t broken the seal yet and is actually making some headway and 2. he’s now like the annoying helpful little brother that verde never thought about wanting but would murder for him anyway
tsuna’s guardians would end up different, ‘cause if he’s verde’s ward, all of his subsequent elements have got to be at least a quarter of how smart he is, and half as smart as tsuna is without the seal blocking his every attempt. maybe hayato for storm, shōichi for sun, spanner for rain, verde for lightning (maybe even haru; she’s smart just obsessive), maybe kyōya for cloud if he can deal with the crowding, and mist would be. someone.
reborn comes to namimori, finds out all the “information” that iemitsu got from his wife was given to her by someone else, tracks him down to a lab, and then realizes his student has basically been adopted in every way but legally by verde.
not that he’s going to tell them; even though he’s good friends with vongola nono, he’s still an arcobaleno (no matter how many of his achievements are pushed under for being that) and he follows the arcobaleno code. besides, he sleep-repaired his spare gun that he wanted to get replaced; there’s no way he’s giving that up, but he’s never failed a job (and that means no going back on the contract) so he does tutor him. in mafia things verde hasn’t taught him because he just makes scientific advancements instead of meeting and greeting and knowing gossip.
if he becomes vongola decimo, though, that’s a whole different thing. verde honestly probably doesn’t want to be a vongola flame guardian/teacher/caretaker of vongola, who basically say his flame types are only good for taking damage and distracting the enemy’s attention.
maybe tsuna would, and just turn vongola into a vigilante/scientific research ‘mafia’ group. just have a bunch of amazing geniuses breaking the ‘known facts of flame users’ thing, who are also strong enough to back themselves up.
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loneliestmuffin · 3 years
This thing on Ao3!
2.10.2021 Hand holding
On our Way to You
(Bonus pairing Reborn/Lal, All/All)
Colonnello and Skull are super excited today. Which is understandable. Afterall, it's not everyday that Fon invites them all to celebrate the Chinese New Year with him. It's just... Skull and Colonnello are almost too excited.
Skull has been bouncing with every step ever since they left the COMSUBIN base and his excitement slowly infected Colonnello. Now there's two idiots, hopped up on unnecessary adrenaline, making the peaceful streets of Italy unsafe. And because Reborn decided to accompany them, of course they have to pass through the random street market that popped up overnight.
Because Reborn saw the stand selling flowery honey as they passed by and that inevitably attracted him like a starving ant. And when Lal gives him a dirty look for it, he gives her an innocent smile and sweetly sing-songs. "Its either this or getting me unbanned from the farmer's market~ Your choice."
Lal rolls her eyes, sighing faintly, before rubbing the bridge of her nose a tiny bit. This is giving her a headache, because Colonnello is trying to buy the entire jewelry stand, just to have a gift for everyone and... To be honest, Lal has no damn idea where Skull went.
The point is that Skull and Colonnello are like little kids and she can't keep track of them.
Reborn isnt any help either, because he very very caught up in investigating the different flowery tastes this honey allegedly has. This is the third damn jar he wants to taste test and the stand owner is getting fussy and suspicious. Lal has to be obviously annoyed at this point, because when Reborn glances at her, he does this exaggerated, heavy sigh and grumbles. "You're their mom. You do something."
Lal's response is instantaneous and biting. "You are their dad. Why would you do this."
Reborn pulls a bit of a face, before his eyes land on another jar and he becomes adorably excited. "Ch-cherry-honey?"
Aaaand Lal lost him. Again. This is enough to snap the last few strands of her patience. So she whistles loudly, a sharp, high pitched tone. Colonnello instantly perks up from the jewelry stand, grabbing everything he paid for and running over to her as quickly as he can. He's flustered pink and adorable, but Lal doesn't have to acknowledge that. "You're staying with me, starting now. No more running off, soldier."
Colonnello damn near salutes her, but he catches himself at the last moment and pauses instead. He takes a single look at all the stuff he bought, shoves the paper baggies into each other and excitedly grabs Lal's hand. Lal flusters faintly, but... Well... 'Nello is being adorable... So she'll let it slide this time...
Unfortunately, that's exactly when Skull returns, running around a corner at full speed for some reason and screeching to a stop right in front of them. His eyes are positively glowing with his flame. That's just how excited he is. And he can't contain his voice either, apparently. "Are we holding hands-?!"
Lal can't even get a word in edgewise before her other free hand has been claimed by her excitedable little sky. And she still hasn't found the right words, by the time Reborn finally finishes his shopping. He stocked up on about... Four different jars of needlessly expensive honey.
Their sun takes one look at them and he instantly sounds very scandalized and deeply offended. "Heyyy... Since when were you all holding hands? Why wasn't I invited-?"
Lal is dying off an unnecessarily deep blush, but luckily, Skull has the tendency to just spout solutions whenever he has them. He's also very handy, immediately reaching for Reborn free hand and holding it all too happily. He has no right to sound so damn bright and innocent. "Aw, don't worry Senpai! I have two hands!"
Colonnello then looks at his wristwatch and his eyes go comically large, before he waves a hand at Skull and Reborn. "We have to go! NOW! Or we'll be late, kora!"
And that's how Lal ends up running down the winding streets of italy, her hands warmed by the calloused palms of two childish idiots. With Reborn helpfully reminding all of them why they have even gone out today. "Lunar New years... Did we bring those gift envelope thingies for Fon?"
Skull is loud and bright, but nobody minds that anymore. By now they are fully able to crank his volume down in their minds as it happens. "I have everything in my pockets!"
Colonnello huffs laughter and Lal has to resist rolling her eyes yet again. Skull is adorable. He's just... A lot sometimes, when it comes to what he does and doesn't have in his pockets. Colonnello sounds criminally cheerful and it chases heat into Lal's cheeks. "That's good, Sweetie! Cause we've finally reached our destination~"
He's right. The Kaputziner Fon chose for their family dinner today is right ahead of them. And Colonnello isn't slowing down at all, dragging them all along after him. Fortunately some poor civilian just so happens to open the Kaputziner's glass doors right as Colonnello is about to run headfirst into.
Colonnello nearly loses his balance over that, screeching to a stop and waving his free hand for balance. Lal pulls him back upright, sighing sharply, when her other hand is suddenly very lonely. Only for a moment though, because Reborn all too happily takes Skull's place.
Skull instead runs ahead to the table that was reserved for them, making quite the... Ruckus, just before he launches himself onto Verde's slender shoulders. Lal, 'Nello and Reborn are several meters away, but they can still hear Skull's excited exclamation. "Hubby!"
They all come to take their seats by the time Fon gets over his happy incredulity. He gives Skull his best pout, putting his hands on his hips. "Excuse me? That there is my hubby."
Skull pauses in his exaggerated Verde-snuggling, to give Fon an adorable, innocent blink. "We can... Share?"
Fon shoos Skull away, pulling a slightly stunned Verde against his own chest and pressing kisses into his hair. Fon sounds very pouty, even though he's hiding an obvious smile in Verde's fluff. "No. He's mine. I had him first and I'm not sharing."
Skull visibly deflates, before he shrugs mildly. "Aw. Alright. I'll let you keep your scientist I guess."
He sounded dismissive, but they all know better. Even if Verde still pretends to take offense. "Hey!"
But Skull just ruffles his hair, before he turns to wave happily to Luce, Aria and the kids instead. Because of course they would be fashionably late. When they look again, Viper already spawned in, frowning at the menu, before looking at Fon. "Who's gonna be paying-?"
But Aria stumbles into their words, so obviously excited. As kids tend to be. "When do we get to exchange gifts-??"
Luce gently caresses a hand through Aria's hair, motherly love radiating from that action alone. Because of course Luce adores every single one of their girls. "Don't be so hasty."
Fon giggles quietly, still wrapping Verde in his selfish embrace. "I already Video chatted with my family back in China. Then there's decorations, which we did this morning. Next... Comes family dinner. Gifts happen after that."
The kids obviously deflate, but they also obediently climb into the chairs that were reserved for them. Fon's short speech reminded Reborn of a thing, however. And of course their chaotic sun doesn't stay quiet when he wonders things. "Did you family get their gifts on time? What was the little one's reaction?"
Fon gives Reborn a blank stare and his voice has never been that deadpan before. "I did not send Kyoya a gun. I send him a rubber baton. And he loved it."
Reborn is pouting. Verde is cuddling his wife. Fon is cuddling his husband. Viper is still fretting over the menu, but Reborn Jr. is by their side, doing his best to calm them down. Luce is helping the girls figure out their orders. Colonnello has yet to let go of Lal's hand. Lal has yet to speak up about that. Skull happily chats with anyone that wants to listen to him about his day.
They are a family.
Tomorrow's prompt: Under the Rain. Whom shall it be?
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angelrider13 · 3 years
Ooooh, what's the new side story?
*stares at pile of side stories*
Uuuuuuhhhhhhhh, which one are you asking about???
Because the brain has created quite a few.
There's the one where we throw Thalassa into KHR verse for the LOLs. Chaotic shenanigans in which she adopts the Varia, the 10th gen, and possibly the Vindice all while she trolls the ever-loving hell out of Reborn, the 9th gen, and Checkerface. She probably punts Iemistu into the fucking sun. Murkuro and his gang are her feral children now, fight her. Death touched kiddos who are CLEARLY not being cared for, so she has to do it herself. Skull and Fon can stay, but the rest of the Arcobaleno are on thin fucking ice. Bermuda probably has tea parties with Thalassa, much to his bemusement. Daemon might get exorcised, who's to say.
There's the one where we throw Thalassa into Bleach verse and watcher her laugh at these idiots who call themselves "death gods". The Gotei 13 and Azien are the exact same kind of joke to her, just with slightly different punchlines. The Gotei 13 would likely view her as a threat and try to eliminate her. Azien would likely try to woo her to his side and then attempt to kill her when that obviously wouldn't work out. She laughs in their faces. She may or may not destroy the 12th division. And that one science-y Espara. She probably hooks up with Harribel. Grimmjow, Nel, Starrk and Lilynette are hers now, no take backs. And the Visored to. And Ichigo. And his sisters. And - you know what, it'd probably be shorter to list who she doesn't call dibs on.
The one where I was listening to blood//water and my brain dumped an entire oneshot of Somnus slowly realizing just what he's done by stealing the throne via Leviathan basically haunting/hunting his reign. (Although this one is being a little hard to write because Somnus is convinced he's right and I know that he isn't so the words aren't cooperating as well as I want them too, but I like this idea so much.)
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blackicephantom · 3 years
The black dragon and the coward CH. 13
Here is the next chapter!
Even if it feels like nobody's reading this anymore...... well, what ever.
Tagged: @patolemus , @runestarchild
- . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - .- . - . -
The storm blew over and Tsuna was exhausted.
It’s been a damn long day and he was still injured, time to rest up. Reborn, who apparently read his thoughts, picked him up as easy as it gets and just said “Time for bed.” He didn’t even notice when the dragon changed forms again….. Definitely time to sleep.
Once again cradled in these strong and safe arms he let his mind slip away. To the forgotten days, the happy times. When Reborn put him down on the bed he was already fast asleep.
. - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . -
Reborn was…...excited. There was a certain thrill and tension that he couldn’t shake. He wanted to hunt, to hurt, to burn. He wanted to finally act on his instincts but he knew that he had to wait, just this little bit longer! His tail thrashed form side to side and there was a constant low rumbling coming from his throat. If he was someone else he would be embarrassed but as things were standing no one would say anything.
A small giggle brought him out of his reverie and he looked over to the small brunette in his bed. Tsuna had a serious case of bedhead and had this little sleepy smile. He looked so relaxed and, dare he say it, beautiful. This right here, is how it should have been from the beginning. “Finally awake sleepyhead?” was the first thing he asked. Still smiling, the boy sat up and stretched his arms over his head. Then he stood up and cracked his back and neck. With each crack and pop another satisfied sigh left the boy's lips. Yes, this is perfection incarnate. A powerful and capable sky, right here beside him and just waiting for the rest of their strange family. Another content purr echoed through his den which made Tsuna laugh again.
After a simple but filling breakfast they started their preparations. There were dragons to welcome after all. The young heir tried to remember what he could and told Reborn about it. He in return confirmed or denied his facts, which helped him a great deal to sort his thoughts. That’s the moment when another thought occurred to him. What happened to Aria? He thought long about it. Should he ask his draconian companion? Did she make it? Or was there another grave somewhere? `Don’t think such depressing thoughts Tsuna!´. Realizing that there’s only one way to find out, he went looking for the black Dragon.
Said dragon sat waiting patiently, like he had anticipated Tsuna's arrival. “I know you Dame-Tsuna. You’ve still got something to ask.” was the answer to his unasked question. His smirk was visible even in his dragon form, impossible as it should be. Shaking his head and laughing the brunette settled down right in front of the other and looked him in his yellow eyes. “You’re right, there’s still something I would like to know. But I don’t really know if I want to hear the answer.” Humming softly, Reborn lowered his head to the ground and made himself comfortable. “Have you forgotten what Luce always told you? When there’s something you want to know-” he started. “- then don’t hesitate to ask. A simple question costs nothing but a bit of courage.” Tsuna finished. Visibly proud the reptile looked up to the sky and asked again. “So, what is it? Spill.” A few minutes there was nothing but the sounds around them, before he found his voice. “It’s just….. I mean I’ve been wondering…. Oh damn it! I wanted to ask about Aria!” The last sentence was almost a shout and Rebon wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry. Aria was another rather sore spot but just like the rest, Tsuna deserved to know. With a sigh the dragon started his little story.
After the departure of his brothers Reborn was all alone with his memories. His memories and with Aria. He’s not stupid, he knows that she coulnd’t stay here with him. But where could he send her? Was there even a safe place for her? Watching the sleeping fledgling his heart broke again, as she grieved even when deeply asleep. With every new tear his resolve strengthened. This place can never again be home for her. Not this godforsaken place where her mother was ruthlessly murdered right in front of her. Not the place where her little brother was taken from her, while she was unable to do anything.
He thought. He thought long and hard, for days on end. But no solution would come to him. Until Aria herself contributed something. It’s been just a few weeks but she’s almost all grown up. This is the curse that all Skydragons share: a short childhood, followed by a just as short life. Sure, they still lived longer than humans but from a dragon's perspective their life was fleeting. “I know that you want to protect me. And I am thankful for all that you’ve done until now. But I don’t want to burden you further than this.” He waited in tense anticipation. It was clear that she was Luce’s child. Always prepared….
She continued with a small and sad smile. “I will go on a journey. I will visit many places and meet many people. Until someone catches my eye and I settle down.” Yellow eyes widened. This…...this was way too specific for some random plan! There was only one explanation: A Vision. Aria has her mothers gift. “I hope that you will take just as good care of my daughter when the time comes, because she is going to be an orphan way too early. But don’t worry, she won’t see a single thing.” Reborn couldn't respond to the sheer mass of information he was given. Aria has seen her whole life. Probably from the day after tomorrow until the day she dies. It’s just as fascinating as it’s sad….
But she seemed to understand this, for she said nothing about it. Not even when a few stubborn tears rolled down the usually stone cold face. “Please take care. If the day comes, visit her. She will be in the care of the Millefiore family and will also inherit our gift.” Now he was outright sobbing. He wanted to clutch her tight and never let go, but he knew better by now. He knew that when he woke up tomorrow she would be gone. So he pulled her closer and embraced her one last time, already mourning his second sky. She returned his hug just as tightly and shed quite a few tears herself. This man was like a father after all. Just like all the others that will never know of this. As they slowly pulled away from each other she said one last thing that would change everything for him. “And please do me a favour. Greet Tsunayoshi in my name when he returns, ok? And pamper him, because it won’t be easy for him. Be patient. You will forget, but you will also remember.”
The next morning was dark and gray and he stood alone in the pouring rain.
On that day he started to kill every human that ventured to far into the forest, too far into his territory. That was the day the legend of the Midnightblack Sundragon was born.
“It happened just like she said. She found a nice man and gave birth to Yuni. A raid on their village took first her husband and then herself, Yuni was away with some servants. Ever since that day she’s been with the Millefiore family. And there’s of course the part with the forgetting. I have absolutely no idea how or why this happened but I know that whatever it was, was lifted on the day I brought you back to this damned village.”
The young sky needed time to work through all this information. First of all: his fear came true. There WAS another grave for him to visit. His sister, gone, just like their mother but her daughter still safe and sound. Second: the reason Reborn and he couldn’t remember each other was because of an outside interference. And the third: clairvoyance is as handy as it is scary. His respect for Luce and Aria just went through the roof. Not to forget the poor Yuni…..who knows what she has already seen? `So many things to consider. And no time to dwell.´ Shaking his head Tsuna looked up at his friend. Reborn’s head was turned away from him, but he could still feel the tension, so he reached out and gently petted the dark scales. The reaction was instantaneous, Reborn relaxing and putting his head on the brunette's lap.
In this moment of peace he thought about the other Arcobaleno. Have they changed? Were they lonely during all these years? But most importantly: were they all ok?
Instead of all these things he asked something completely different.
“Ne ne, Reborn. Who do you think will arrive first?” Said dragon just blinked for a moment before snorting and then outright laughing. There’s no reason to be surprised, Tsuna was also Luce’s kid after all. Trying and failing to stop laughing for several minutes the mythical creature stood up again and looked up. “What a stupid question. Since the closest thing to the sky, the sun, is already here, there's just one possibility. There’s just one single person that could arrive here first. A drifting cloud, never to be bound.” Just as he finished his sentence a loud chirping and the rustling of feathers could be heard. Both sounds grew louder and closer and Tsuna couldn’t wait. The drifting cloud was none other than Skull! Beating wings came into view, followed by the dark purple body and the swishing tail. Another chirp sounded and this time Reborn answered with his own call. Their eyes met even over this distance and the Clouddragon started his neck breaking decent.
Feet touched the ground and carved their way thru the soil until he stood still right before the boy he had missed dearly, right beside the brother that called them back. Still not quite believing his eyes he hesitated. What if this was nothing but a cruel, cruel dream? But then Reborn stood up and came impossibly closer, only to nudge him with his maw and nipping playfully on his beak. `Not a dream then.´ The next thing he knew he laid a few meters away on the ground, apparently the black of the other whipped him away. Literally. But… the sting was shockingly pleasant, so he just got up again, shook out his scales and bound over again. First he tackled his fellow dragon down and cuddled with him. But even if the Sundragon complained, he didn't throw him off. Next thing he did was transform and then kneel before the poor boy, almost as if was worshipping him. Instead of praise tho, only apologies left his mouth and that just wouldn't do. Careful hand reached out and took hold of his now wet cheeks. Slowly raising his head he was met with the gentle brown they had tried to protect. One hand carted through his violet hair and soothed him, gave him comfort he hasn’t had since he was captured. “It’s ok Skull.” Completely overwhelmed, he flung himself in Tsuna’s arms and was glad to be caught.
An hour, maybe even two went by before the next dragon came home.
None of them looked up, the wind telling them who had arrived the moment their master was close enough. Red scales shone brightly and the young Vongola just stepped forward with outstretched arms. Shortly after that he was rewarded with the big and fluffy head of the Stormdragon. He pet the white mane and put their foreheads together as a symbol of familiarity. The following grumbling was as sweet as it was calming and gave him the opportunity to ignore the other two in the background where Reborn just sat atop of Skull, not caring if the other had enough air to breath. But he still heard the quiet “The furios storm that never rests.” and couldn't be happier.
Just then the ground started to shake and tremble, until a rather large hole had opened up right where they stood. The first one to emerge was the bulky form of the Lightningdragon, who immediately stomped over to him, while the indigo coloured snake made its way over to the other dragons….. Only to start choking Skull. Already tired of this Fon also made his way over, at least to make sure that they wouldn’t kill the third one. Tsuna just watched for a short moment, when a long maw nudged him in the stomach and a small and harmless lightning bolt rushed across his arm. Giggling he scratched the crocodile look alike right between the eyes and earned a thumping foot. When Verde had enough he switched places with Viper, only without the choking part…. The closer Viper came, the smaller he got and when he was at the boys feet he just waited till he was offered an arm. Slowly crawling up the limp he made his home right around Tsuna's neck, like a living and breathing and very venomous necklace. “Welcome home our dear protective lightning rod and bewildering Mistdragon.”
. - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . -
The day was almost over and one Arcobaleno was still missing. “What the fuck is Colonello doing out there? Picnicking?” While Skull laughed at that Verde looked rather thoughtful. “He is still bound to the waters if he wants to travel efficiently. But the nearest ocean is a few miles behind that accursed village.” With that he caught everyone's attention, because he was right. “Do you think something happened to him?” asked Tsuna worried. The green haired man looked away before shrugging. “It is a possibility.” Just as Tsuna wanted to say something else, Reborn was beside him and shielded him with one of his wings. That's the only heads up they got as a torrent of rain came over them. If Reborn hadn’t reacted, Tsuna would be soaked to the bone. But everyone wasn’t so lucky. Just watching the still draconian fish roll around laughing made the boy shake his head. `He deserves what's coming for him.´ Melodious giggles promptly cut off as electricity crackled through the air and Verde changed between one flash and another. “RUN.” Colonello didn’t need to be told twice. Because his fins were practically useless on land he changed as well and booked it out of the cave they had waited in. Verde gave him three seconds of a head start and then set off after him.
All of the others just listened as the newcomer tried to calm the raging crocodile but he had no such luck. Reborn smirked, Fon just drank his tea, Skull laughed like there was no tomorrow and Viper just shook his head in exasperation. “Those two are just as bad as you and Skull, Reborn.” Said dragon just shrugged with his shoulders and answered “I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.”
A loud scream tore through the night, right before a bright green flash could be seen…… No one moved but as a rather satisfied Lightningdragon returned it was clear what happened out there. “Uhm………” Sighing the black Sundragon took it upon himself to go look for the blonde. Grabbing a big glass of water from the table he went outside. Tsuna wasn’t sure if it was good or bad that he heard nothing yet. But when both dragons returned he was relieved. Colonello had a few burnes, electricity still crawling along his skin and hair standing on end but looked better than expected. `The rain that washes away the blood has also returned.´ The Arcobaleno were together again.
Looking around this strange and chaotic group of people he has the honor to call family, Tsuna couldn't help his tears. This is what he wanted, what he had missed after returning `home´. This is what no one at the village would or could give him. Not even his own parents.
Several arms engulfed his small frame and held him close, while six different tones hummed Luce's lullaby for him. He grabbed onto the closest person, this being Fon this time and just enjoyed the closeness and the warmth. Yes, this is HOME. This and nowhere else.
That night, the only Vongola heir slept surrounded by six lethal dragons. Creatures said to kill in cold blood and are able to hold quite a grudge. But Tsuna never felt saver.
Tomorrow, he would visit Yuni with Reborn. Tomorrow, they will plan what to do with the village that had failed to raise him and to keep him. Tomorrow…... he just couldn’t wait.
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jflicker · 4 years
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So I found this OC/SI Katekyo Hitman Reborn fanfic series (Russian Roulette: Reloaded) that I’m just head over heels with. Just really appreciated going in-depth about the Arcobaleno pre-Cursed and really writing them out into people. They’re so essential in the canon story, but reading this series really drives it in how tragic the whole affair is because the Curse really ruined lives. It’s so fucking great, seriously. After finishing and then rereading (at the time, the most recent chapter was chapter 59 in part two of The Dragoness’ Library, Russian Roulette: Second Chamber), I ended up making this instead of drawing fanart lol.
It includes a kind of exploration into Flame-compatible gemstones and what exactly those canon Flame rings are made of. I’ve been into semi-precious stones/crystals as well as the less well known gemstones for a while now, and recognized some of the kinds that ended up being used by or associated with certain characters. For example, Reborn finds his Sun Flames are compatible with moonstones and yellow jade, and has moonstones embedded in the handle of one of his guns. 
Another thing that was really fun about the story was the Sonya’s (Russian dragon-mom and the World’s Greatest Thief) relationship with Reborn, them basically co-parenting Shamal. Their dynamic is seriously the cutest thing ever with both being ridiculous and competent and not seeing how they’re casually breaking people’s minds left and right.
And coincidentally, I had yellow jade beads and a number of gold charms. Including this little gold axe charm I never knew what to do with. Unfortunately most of the stones Sonya regularly use are a bit expensive for me. Instead of something like spinel, I decided to represent her with cacoxenite amethyst, picking out the iron mineral shows up as the most reddish to represent our favorite Storm-Cloud. 
Yellow Jade: Reborn
Cacoxenite Amethyst: Sonya Basanova
Gold charms: Reference to how they both have Sun Flames
Of the charms...
Cloud – Sonya
Sun – Reborn 
Cat – Tattoos act like a resume in the Russian criminal underground. Children slated to become thieves are given cat tattoos, so Sonya’s first tattoo was a cat and she’s a bit of a, lol, cat burglar.
Cross – Reborn and Shamal are Catholic Christians. It’s a major thing with the co-parenting.
Big Dragon – Sonya is often referred to as some form of “dragon lady” and later gets a large dragon tattoo to indicate she has stolen from the state.
Axe – She keeps medieval weapon charms that she Propagates into full-size or just multiple. One of her go-to weapons that she menaces people with are golden axes that she chucks around.
Sun – Reborn, but I’m hoping to replace this one with a handgun charm.
Chinese Dragon – Reference to Sonya’s networking with the Chinese Triads, who also call her “dragon lady”.
Sun – Reborn, but I’m hoping to replace this one with a lizard or chameleon charm.
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cheshiresense · 5 years
Ok so Im going to take this chance and go wild: GiottoxMukuro + Bad Vongola AU
UM. So, I sort of just sat on this last one cuz what even lmao. I checked AO3 and omg this ship exists??? but there’s like just two fics under it. But alright, here’s my stab at this very random pairing, it doesn’t even quite get all the way to a pairing, but I gave them both page time and at least you gave me something new to try XD Sorry it’s so late.
1. Ok so! First thing’s first - how do I stick these two into the same time period? Either full AU or time travel/reincarnation fuckery. Let’s go with reincarnation. Sort of. Where Neo Primo is literally Neo Primo ;)
Tsuna is dead. They’re in the future arc, he’s being forced to take the boss trial, and Hibari suffocates him just a little too long. So Tsuna dies at the feet of his ancestors, and Giotto is forced to witness the death of a fourteen-year-old boy who had never asked for any of this bloodshed but had also never backed down from it, never folded, even under the pressure of so many Vongola bosses. And Giotto is angry. He has spent centuries watching his beloved Vongola become mired in blood and sin, built on an empire of corpses and suffering. He is so sick of it, of not being able to do anything about it, but his latest descendant is dead, and his body is empty of a soul, and in that moment, more than anything else, all Giotto wants is a chance to act, to be something other than helpless, to fix even just a little of what his bloodline has broken.
Will and Flames and desperation are powerful things when combined.
Next thing Giotto knows, he’s opening his eyes to a cold-looking training room, the remains of a cage that killed a fourteen-year-old boy splintering around him, and it barely takes a thought for his Flames to surge up and out and slam the Cloud - Hibari Kyouya - into the far wall with a viciousness Giotto had spent the majority of his first life keeping under wraps. For a split second, he almost kills the Cloud for his gall. A Guardian who could murder his own Sky - however well-intentioned or unknowingly - is no Guardian at all, but then, out of all of the Tenth Generation, as far as Giotto can tell, not a single one of them had had a real bond with Tsuna. The one who’d come closest had been the Mist, but after ten years and the weight of Vongola’s sins on his shoulders, even that connection had dissolved.
If Giotto is honest, the person Tsuna had become ten years later under the crushing pressure of that Sun Arcobaleno and the Vongola had been near unrecognizable compared to the boy Giotto had so admired. But that man is dead, at least for now, dragged under by too many enemies and too many bad decisions, and all that’s left is this younger version, dragged to the future against his will and forced to fight a war of someone else’s making.
Not even that anymore obviously, and all that’s left is Giotto, a bloody legacy to his name and too many regrets to pay for. All he can do is live out Tsuna’s life now and hopefully undo some of the damage Vongola has wrought. Tsuna wouldn’t want him killing this Cloud though, and so Giotto lets him go in the end. Hibari gets to his feet, something bloodthirsty and thrilled gleaming in his eyes, completely ignorant of the fact that he’d killed his Sky, and all Giotto can think as he recalls the way Tsuna had always had to bribe this man for him to even consider helping is how Alaude must be rolling in his grave.
“I’m done,” He says instead, slicing a cool look around the room, and then he walks out, back to his room. Nobody stops him, but Giotto wouldn’t have stopped him either, with the shadow of his Flames licking across the concrete floor.
2. Giotto does his duty. Ten years in the future is far too late to really change anything significant, so the faster he takes care of business here, the sooner they can all go home. In the meantime, it amuses him - in a funny world-burning sort of way - how none of Tsuna’s friends seems to realize anything is wrong, that the boy they profess their loyalty to is gone, and his body has been usurped by an interloper. Giotto considers himself a decent enough actor, but for a bunch of Flame-actives with Vongola rings on their fingers and Guardian titles to their names, they’re a rather oblivious lot.
(All of Tsuna’s past and present and future sits in his memories now though, and Giotto can’t say he’s terribly surprised. The person these children wanted to follow was never actually the boy Tsuna had been, not entirely. They pay attention to the parts of him that they like, and ignore the rest like they don’t exist. It infuriates Giotto, because Tsuna deserved better, but Tsuna is dead, and even if Giotto has every intention of at the very least demoting them from their Guardian positions once they’re finished here, he cannot truly harm these children Tsuna had called friends.)
So he does his duty, fights the battles people want him to fight, and smiles blandly back in the face of Reborn’s suspicious glances. That hitman at least can sense something is off, if only because his student no longer cringes or screams, but no one save the Vongola bosses knows the details of what happens in the Vongola Trial, and it’s easy enough to balance Reborn’s misgivings with that.
It’s fun though, messing with the pseudo-baby. The last time Reborn tried to shoot him awake in the morning, Giotto had set the entire room on fire and ended up singeing off Reborn’s sideburns. The resulting training session had been grueling, but it had been worth finally getting back at the man first responsible for more or less browbeating Tsuna into obedience.
Pettiness aside, Giotto does put effort into training. Tsuna’s body is in decent shape, but it could be even better, so Giotto does his best to make it so. The weapons of the future are something of a marvel too, and he smiles indulgently at the full-grown wing-adorned flame-pelted Leone di Cieli that gracefully leaps out to greet him, but in the privacy of his rooms, he lets his Flames swirl free and summons the phoenix that had been his constant companion in his first life, the soul of his Flames, his will made sentient.
“Natsu,” He names the lion, after Tsuna, and welcomes Persephone home as she does a sweep of his bedroom before landing light and delicate on his shoulder, the way she’d always done in battle.
The looks on everyone’s faces when they see her with him is enough to make Giotto smile for the next week.
3. It becomes clear soon enough that they’re going to need all hands on deck for the final confrontation against Millefiore, but even before that, Giotto begins asking some pointed questions that Tsuna had thought but hadn’t quite been brave enough to ask.
“When are we getting my Mist out of Vendicare?” He enquires one night over dinner, and smiles pleasantly as everyone freezes. “We require all the aid we can get, yes? And Mukuro has always been strong.”
“Jyuudaime!” Hayato is the first to burst out, chair skidding back with how emphatically he stands up. “We don’t need that bastard!” Giotto looks at him, not a twitch in his expression, impenetrable as ice even as he keeps his features soft, and Hayato falters. “Or- Or even if we do, he can just possess Dokuro! He can’t be trusted if we let him out!”
Giotto stirs more sugar into his coffee - rich and sweet, gave G a minor aneurysm every time he saw it - just the way he likes it. “So we make him serve, and offer nothing in return?”
Giotto waits out the confused spluttering around him. Reborn is drilling holes into the side of his head but he pays the baby no mind.
“He has been imprisoned for ten years,” Giotto continues in mild tones. “And has remained loyal all this time, si?” He glances briefly at Chrome, the younger one, who stares back, meek and mute. She is loyal to Mukuro above all others, and it would’ve been so very easy for him to influence her into betraying Vongola - betraying Tsuna - anytime.
That he hadn’t, in all this time, is… something. It’s something. The lingering threads of a frayed potential bond. The stubborn refusal to give up something he’d once perhaps considered his. A promise once given - keep my people safe and you will have my allegiance - and never broken, not by Mukuro.
People have often remarked on how similar the First and Tenth Generations are. Personally, Giotto has never seen two sets of people so different.
“I wish to free him,” He says at last, over the voices of those trying to convince him otherwise. “Loyalty deserves loyalty returned. Whatever else he used to be, he has bled in my service for ten years. Surely that is enough to justify his release?”
It is not a question, and everyone knows it. Reborn is all but glaring now. He doesn’t like this new Tsuna who does not cower even in the face of his bullets.
Giotto is spiteful enough to enjoy every moment of it.
It is Takeshi who relents first. “Okay,” He says, all easy agreement and assessing eyes, and maybe this one at least is not so far removed from Ugetsu’s blood after all. “But how are we gonna do that? Vendicare’s hard to break into, right?”
Hayato - the only mafia-raised of the lot - looks positively horrified. “It’s not hard, Baseball Freak, it’s impossible!”
“But Mukuro already broke out twice, didn’t he?”
“Yes,” Giotto interjects, smiling at Takeshi, who preens a little under the attention and is in some ways possibly the most insane of them all. Giotto does have a fondness for those who consider laws as guidelines at best. “So, I suppose we need a Mist.” He takes a gulp of his coffee. “The Varia has a new one these days, don’t they?”
Three conferences, five one-sided shouting matches, and a hefty sum of money transferred over to the Varia accounts later, Giotto has secured Xanxus’ partly baffled, mostly irritated agreement for Fran’s services. Fran turns out to be a rather… precocious young man, but he has Mist Flames and skills that almost rival Mukuro’s, and Giotto is relatively content to leave the breakout to him.
His confidence is not misplaced. Days and half a dozen more battles later, with Byakuran grandstanding across from him, Giotto’s entire ill-fitted, misfit Family is gathered, and the First Generation appears at Giotto’s silent command to unseal the Vongola rings.
(All of them know what he is, the soul peering out from behind Tsuna’s eyes. But in this one moment, not even Daemon gives him away, and Giotto is free to finally unleash his carefully controlled wrath on the Family that had decimated his.)
Millefiore doesn’t stand a chance.
4. “You are not Sawada Tsunayoshi,” Mukuro - the older one - says in deceptively light tones as he joins Giotto on the balcony. It’s late, the night before they would all finally return to the past, and the two of them are probably the only ones still awake.
“No,” Giotto confirms, because there’s no hiding it from this man. “I’m afraid Sawada Tsunayoshi perished in Kyouya’s Box Weapon when he and Reborn attempted to force a Vongola Trial.”
Mukuro, staring out at the sprawling woods before them, does not visibly react, does not even move. For a moment, it doesn’t even seem like he’s breathing, and that’s what gives him away.
Giotto does not say he is sorry. He is, for this, and for too many other things to list, but whatever connection had formed between Tsuna and his Mist had been lost a long time ago, and sorry only sounds trite in the face of such a travesty. The only reason Mukuro had never drifted away, Giotto suspects, was because the Mist had refused to let go. Mukuro himself would never admit it, perhaps never even acknowledge it to himself, but if there was one thing Giotto had always envied Tsuna for, it was his ability to earn a Mist’s devotion so completely.
(And so it had hurt all the more to watch the years go by as Tsuna allowed Vongola to convince him to leave Mukuro in Vendicare. Hurt most of all to realize, one day, that Tsuna no longer cared so long as Mukuro continued reporting in and doing as he was told.)
“What will you do with my younger self?” Mukuro eventually asks, carefully void of every emotion save for the thinnest veneer of detached interest.
“Free him,” Giotto replies promptly, seeing no need for word games here. Reborn had tried to interrogate him about his Vongola Trial, and Giotto had given him every answer but a straight one. It had been highly entertaining. “If he wishes, he will have a place in my Famiglia. If he does not, then I will ensure he is able to start a new life elsewhere with his people, without Vongola dogging their every step.” He pauses, absently considering his hands, more solid than they’ve been in four hundred years. “Even Tsunayoshi’s fear of Reborn was not enough to stop him from asking repeatedly after you. This is the least I can do for your younger self when Tsunayoshi worried about him so often.”
Mukuro scoffs, a hollow puff of air that fades to nothing. “Had he a few more years in him, you would’ve had nothing to concern yourself with.”
Giotto inclines his head in acknowledgement but says nothing more. There is probably no one who knew Tsuna - who fought him and lost to him and understood him - more than Mukuro. The Mist doesn’t need Giotto expounding on the rise and fall of one of the brightest and most short-lived Skies the world would ever see.
“You will not tell the others about me?” Giotto asks instead, more curious than any kind of anxious about it.
Mukuro tips a mocking facsimile of a smile in his direction, looking him straight-on for the first time since his arrival. “What business is it of mine, if Vongola wishes to destroy itself?”
Giotto half-smiles, half-grimaces. He supposes this is hardly a surprise either; it was never Vongola that Mukuro swore unspoken fealty to.
So instead, he reaches out, gently catching one of Mukuro’s hands in his own and knowing he can only because Mukuro allows it. Mismatched eyes watch him like a hawk, a derisive curl on his lips that freezes when Giotto presses the flickering heat of a piece of Sky Flame into his palm.
Then he steps back, once, twice, enough room to sketch an esoteric bow, too formal for this age but recognizable enough here and now if Mukuro’s sharp intake of breath is anything to go by.
Gratitude. Apology. And a dissolution of debt and duty between Guardian and Sky.
If Mukuro so wishes, even after Giotto is gone, the shard of Sky will ensure a clean break from Vongola, and not even Sawada Tsunayoshi will be able to track his former Guardian down. It is all Giotto can offer him.
He straightens, glancing at the piece of Sky now settled into the shimmering form of a phoenix feather. A new life, if Mukuro wants it.
He meets the Mist’s gaze. Mukuro is the first to look away, fingers curling around the feather, eyes on the horizon, and he doesn’t speak again.
Giotto nods, takes his leave, and he does not see the Mist again, not this version at least. Once time straightens itself out, the adult Tsuna of this universe will return, and while Millefiore is no longer a threat, Vongola - and its Decimo - will still be the same stagnant bloodstained mess.
There is nothing Giotto can do about that, but at the back of his mind, he wonders if it wouldn’t have been better after all to have let Millefiore wipe Vongola out.
5. Later, much later, after a jailbreak and Daemon and a broken curse, Giotto and his Guardians - still no bonds, but he can’t seem to find a good time to get rid of them, so maybe instead of that, he can educate them to be better - sit down for a Family dinner at the most upscale banquet hall Namimori has to offer, with the Ninth and his men, the CEDEF and even Varia. They’re in public so everyone has their law-abiding citizen face on, but (a redo of) the Inheritance Ceremony is imminent, and Timoteo smiles, sly and pleased that all the pieces have finally fallen into place. He waves Giotto into the seat on his immediate right and doesn’t even question how very little Giotto resembles Tsuna these days, ascribing the changes to Reborn’s training and recent battles and growing up, and looking no further than that.
The food is good, Italian but cooked by the best chefs on Vongola payroll. Giotto stares Kyouya into grudging silence over the fare, and then he focuses on chatting amicably with Timoteo, weaving smooth flattery into casual but attentive conversation the way he’d learned to do a lifetime ago.
Giotto watched Timoteo grow up. There is no skeleton in his closet that Giotto did not witness him stashing away. But he is old and past his prime and he will soon learn that his successor is not as easy to control as he’d hoped, as he thinks, so Giotto can smile back now and give him his momentary triumph, smile and sip his wine and not let his eyes linger on every bite of food Timoteo takes.
During a lull in the conversation, he turns and catches Mukuro’s eye. His Mist is seated beside his female counterpart, all the way at the end of the line, farthest from his Sky to any outsider’s eye. But Mukuro smirks back from behind his cloth napkin, and as the Nono’s dessert is carried in, the faint twist of Mist Flames - unnoticed by all except two - darts into the panna cotta.
Timoteo eats his fill, compliments the chef, beams at Giotto’s gently filial fussing again like the kindly grandfather he excels at pretending to be, and nobody thinks to question how masterfully Giotto draws all attention to himself and his rowdier Guardians, never letting the generally jovial mood falter, his Sky Flames a subtle pulsing encouragement beneath it all to distract them from the knife at their backs.
The whole affair is a success. At the very least, nobody threw any food, no fights broke out, and no one lost their tempers. It almost feels like a miracle.
They part ways in groups, and to their credit, Hayato and Kyouya only try to kill each other after the elder Vongola party is gone. It doesn’t take long for Ryouhei to join in, and at a glance from Mukuro, Chrome scoops Lambo up and picks up her pace to catch up to a laughing Takeshi.
Mukuro falls into step beside Giotto. Giotto had asked, after the Arcobaleno business was finally over, if Mukuro would stay. Mukuro had asked what Giotto would offer if he did.
“A place in my Family, for you and yours,” Giotto had sworn. “And a hand in toppling the Vongola Empire once and for all.”
Mukuro had smiled, ten years’ worth of another world’s memories behind it, and six lives’ worth of suffering driving his answer.
“Tsunayoshi would never have chosen this method,” Mukuro says now, voice pitched low but as idly as if he were commenting on the weather.
Giotto smiles, grim and long past the point of any return.
Tsuna was his favourite. He reminded Giotto of the man he used to be, when Vongola was still a goal wrapped in optimism and determination, before they’d become embroiled in the mafia and Giotto had spent the next four hundred years after his death watching his life’s work build itself a throne of corpses.
Tsuna was his favourite, but he was also an ideal Giotto won’t ever be again, and cannot be if he truly wants to see this iteration of Vongola dead in his second lifetime. Tsuna would’ve been eaten alive by Vongola - Giotto had seen an entire future’s worth of proof of that.
“I am not Tsunayoshi,” Giotto says, and it is another regret he will have to carry, but their world is neither kind nor fair, and Tsuna as he was would never have survived it.
Mukuro studies him, a thoughtful tilt to his head, and something like fascination glitters in his eyes. “No, you are not,” He agrees. “But that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.”
Giotto glances at him, then ahead, at children who had almost killed and been almost killed mere days ago, now roughhousing amongst themselves. “The world could do with more Tsunayoshis.”
“The world needs more of you,” Mukuro retorts just as swiftly, a sardonic sort of amusement in his smirk. “In that other future, Tsunayoshi proved beyond a doubt that everything he promised, he couldn’t keep, didn’t he? And yet here you are, Vongola Primo, poisoning your enemies over dinner, and just yesterday you had me hide you while you met with Gesso and Simon and Giglio Nero in private. You certainly don’t waste any time.” His smirk widens. “If Vongola isn’t careful, you’ll turn half of Europe against the older generation before they realize it.”
Giotto hums and doesn’t deny any of it. “You would be willing to aid me though?”
Mukuro arches an eyebrow, and his right eye flickers briefly with Mist Flames. “Have I not been doing so already?”
Giotto nods. “Yes, and I am grateful. But lending a hand now is not the same as devoting at least the next ten years of your life to a goal most would consider impossible. And I am not Tsunayoshi.”
Mukuro’s steps slow, then stop entirely. Giotto blinks and halts as well, half-turning.
“Does that matter so much to you?” Mukuro asks, peering at him with surprisingly genuine puzzlement. “Do you think it matters so much to me? That you are not Tsunayoshi?”
Giotto half-shrugs, and Mukuro shakes his head. “Tsunayoshi had a heart that I will never fully understand,” He says, blunt in a way he almost never is. “He was naive and foolish, hopeful and soft, and it made him as weak as it made him strong. I could trust him to never turn on Chrome or Ken or Chikusa, even if they or I tested his tolerance, but by that same logic, I could never have trusted him to stand firm against Vongola’s ideals, no matter what he proclaimed. And I was right, wasn’t I? In the end, Vongola destroyed him, and he became one of them.”
He pauses, his gaze sliding away, hands coming together to twist one of the rings on his fingers. Then he looks back at Giotto, and his next smirk is equal parts challenge and approval. “You though. You have witnessed the results of letting your previous Mist Guardian walk free, and spent years watching your descendants commit atrocities in the name of strengthening your organization. If I were to promise you my loyalty, and then betray you sometime down the road, you would slit my throat yourself. But at the same time, at least I know - you are both ruthless enough and determined enough to see your objectives through to the end, with a conviction that’s centuries in the making. The current Vongola would have to kill you to stop you.” His right eye flares indigo again. “So I suppose that is where I come in.”
Up ahead, the others turn a corner, still bickering. Giotto thinks Takeshi has probably noticed that he and Mukuro have fallen behind, and of course Chrome knows, but neither of them stops to wait either.
Mukuro steps back, once, twice, and Giotto’s eyes widen as the Mist lifts a hand to brush over the earring he hasn’t stopped wearing since he got it. And then… well.
The Mukuro from the future must’ve known how because this Mukuro doesn’t even look awkward as he drops to one knee and bows his head, just a dip, slow enough to look deliberate, proud enough to meet Giotto’s gaze again afterwards.
“You asked for ten years, Neo Primo,” Mukuro announces. “So, very well, I will pledge you ten years of my life, for you to use as you see fit, so long as you keep your word. We can revisit this in a decade, but for the next ten years, I will make you untouchable to your enemies and sow discord amongst them in your name.” He smiles and it’s a mad and bloodthirsty thing, the same furious hateful beast he’d aimed at Daemon Spade when he’d sought to rip Chrome from Mukuro’s side. “And should the worst come to pass and I go the way of my predecessor, may my life be forfeit at your hands.”
He reaches up, catches Giotto’s hand in his own, and his red eye glows as orange and indigo burst into existence between their fingers, a blaze of light under the night sky as they twine together, fierce and unyielding and true.
They both gasp from the surge of power that rushes through them as the Guardian bond snaps into place, the first one Giotto will ever have in this body, the first one in over four hundred years, a core of Flame that promises a home, something Daemon had never been able to give him, and Giotto doesn’t even think before he’s yanking Mukuro to his feet and reeling him close.
Tsuna had been short for his age so Giotto isn’t quite eye-level with his new Mist, but it hardly matters when he curls a near-bruising grip along Mukuro’s jaw and sees the same hunger and possessiveness he feels reflected in the illusionist’s eyes.
“A Guardian bond is not something I take lightly,” Giotto murmurs, and he knows even without a mirror that his own Flames are burning in his eyes. “You are mine now, and I do not share. In ten years, you will pledge another ten, and another ten after that, and any who dare to try and take you from me, I would run rivers red with their lifeblood.”
(These oaths are old, old and binding and near-forgotten, bastardized ten ways to Sunday but still echoing of power, and even in Giotto’s time, only G and Ugetsu had sworn them. That his new reign would begin with one, when as far as Giotto knows, none have spoken them in centuries - perhaps it speaks of the dawn of a new age.)
Mukuro inhales shakily, not at all prepared for the sheer depth and intensity of a true Flame bond. But the grip he has on Giotto’s wrist is just as tight as Giotto’s, and it only takes him another breath to regain his bearings.
“As you Will it, Giotto,” Mukuro murmurs, and it crackles over Giotto’s skin. No one has spoken his name since his resurrection.
The bond settles between them, calm now but no less potent. Giotto lets go, tickling a tongue of Sun-tinted Sky Flame along Mukuro’s skin to soothe the sting left behind. Mukuro only huffs a breath of laughter, gaze still unwavering on Giotto’s face.
“Well then,” The Mist - Giotto’s Mist - smiles, quieter, more serene, like a glass-spun secret cloaked in shadow, but exultantly bright all the same. “Long live the new King. May your reign be long and prosperous.”
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hopeswriting · 4 years
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FANDOM: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
EVENT: Flufftober 2020 
PROMPT: Compliments
AUTHOR: @hopeswriting
PAIRING: Chrome & Lambo
Chrome and Lambo unexpectedly meet at the park.
WORDS: 770
Chrome pats herself on the back for immediately recalling the name of the cow child upon seeing him. Not that he is easy to forget, on the contrary.
He’s kind of sticking out right now, with his black afro, and horns, and his cow theme clothes, all by himself in the park.
He walks pitifully right by the bench she’s sat on, kicking his feet and grumbling. He whips around just as he is about to walk past her entirely.
Lambo points her accusingly, Lightning flames sparkling around his horns. There’s clear defiance in his eyes, in every features of his face, in the way he’s poised, and in his entire demeanor, really.
Chrome truly admires how much space he’s always willing to take—all the space he can and more—without never second-guessing himself for a second.
“Hi, my name’s Chrome.”
Lambo falters. “Are you... Tsuna-nii’s friend?”
Chrome blinks. “I’m... on your side,” she settles on.
Mukuro pokes her pettily, but they are, aren’t they? To some extent anyway. Chrome certainly isn’t wearing the Vongola Ring out of fashion sense.
But Boss’ friends? Maybe one day.
Lambo climbs on the bench, sits besides her like they’re the best of friends now.
“I’m The Great Lambo, a hitman from the Bovino famiglia, and I’ll be the one to defeat Stupid Reborn.”
“The Sun Arcobaleno?”
Lambo jumps to his feet, actually making her tense for a second. “I will, I will! Don’t underestimate me.” He takes grenades out of his hair, two in each hand. “With these weapons Boss gave me, one day for sure—”
Chrome snatches the grenades from him, too brutally maybe because he freezes.
“You can’t show them around like that Lambo-san, not here.” She glances around them, but thankfully no one seems to have noticed. “You should be more careful with them too. They could have slipped from your hands and exploded on you.”
Chrome holds the grenades back to him in her open hands, a light layer of Mist around them just in case. Lambo hides one back in his hair slowly, side-eyeing her somewhat... distrustfully?
“These are real bombs.”
Chrome tilts her head. “Yes, I know? You’re a hitman, aren’t you?”
“I am.” He perks up, hides two more grenades with more pep. “And I’ll beat Stupid Reborn ass back to hell one day.”
Chrome winces internally, while Muckuro chuckles, delighted. She pinches him in a chiding manner.
“It’s a very big dream to have.”
“It’s not a dream, it’s Lambo’s ambition.”
“It’s a very big ambition to devote yourself to.”
Lambo hides the last of his grenades, and straightens his back pretentiously. “I’m not afraid.”
Chrome smiles. “No, I guess you wouldn’t be. You’re very brave after all.”
Lambo blinks. “Lambo is?”
“I saw you step in the Lightning arena during the Varia battles. It must have been really scary to you.” Something like baited hope takes over his face, and a bit of wonder. “And then you walked off his Lightning attack. You’re very strong too, aren’t you?”
Lambo puts his hands on his hips, throws back his head. He bursts out laughing, red dusting his cheek.
“Of course I am,” he screams, attracting eyes their way. “The Great Lambo is the Strongest Man in the World.”
Chrome covers her mouth with her hand to muffle her laugh. She leans back against the bench, puts her bento on her lap.
It completely slipped out of her mind, what with this unexpected encounter.
“Are you lying?”
Chrome needs a second to realize the quiet voice is Lambo’s. He plays with his tail, his head ducked down and his eyes stuck to his feet.
“Of course not,” she says as softly as him. “I wish I could have as great ambitions as yours. The fact you can really speaks of your strong mind to me.”
Lambo smiles. His Lightning flames buzz all around him, flickers of green flashing briefly here and there. They seep through her skirt when he puts his hand on her thigh, shock her in a ticklish way.
“You’re nice, I like you. Want to become The Great Lambo’s subordinate?”
“No, thank you.”
“Lambo is hungry too.”
Chrome chuckles. She opens her bento, puts the lid aside hesitantly. “I don’t mind, but—” Lambo snatches two takoyaki and stuffs them in his mouth “—I did it myself.”
He gulps them down without having chewed nearly often enough, snatches another takoyaki and swallows it even quicker.
“It’s good, but Mama’s are better. If you become The Great Lambo’s subordinate, I’ll ask Mama to teach you.”
Chrome laughs. “No, thank you.”
I feel like Mukuro would just hang at the back of Chrome’s mind whenever he can, experiencing the outside world through her eyes, making sarcastic comments through whatever way they communicate with each other.
Not words, or, like, a voice in her head. More like vibes, sensation like touch, or the flow of their flames, or something else.
And yeah, it’s... Not Great complimenting Lambo on how great of a hitman he’d be, but, well, he is a hitman. Wants to grow to be one anyway, so, you know.
Thank you for reading. Any and all review are appreciated ^^.
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⁂ Who’s Better? (Adult Skull)
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Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Romance ☁
Word Count: 1,486 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Adult Skull ☁
World: Anime, Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ☁
Author’s Note: This was originally a series of drabbles, but since each part was so small and there were so many parts, I decided to combine them into one unit.
▸Act 1
Anyone who knew Reborn and Colonnello for more than a couple days knew about their rivalry. They were friends and allies, but still continuously fought about who was the better of the two. Naturally, the men brought other people into the fight as a way of finding out who truly was the better male.
It didn’t come as much of a surprise when they decided to play a game which involved you. They decided to woo you, and whoever you kissed first was the ‘better’ man.
Naturally, they had rules. They weren’t allowed to kiss you and they weren’t allowed to directly ask you for a kiss. You weren’t to find out about this contest, either.
Now, you knew that something was up when both men started paying abnormal amounts of attention to you, offering to do things for you and buying you expensive gifts that you refused to accept. You had confronted both of them, but they refused to talk. You even asked Tsuna and Dino, but the two didn’t know anything about it.
▸Act 2
You were quickly getting annoyed at the two men who were constantly bugging you, day and night, attempting to take you to expensive restaurants and buy you the most expensive wine they had (even though you weren’t yet old enough to legally drink).
“How about I take you out to eat tonight?” Reborn’s suave voice purred.
Sitting at the table reading a book for your world history class, you ignored the older male’s penetrating gaze from across the table. “No thanks. I have too much homework.”
“Amore, take a break and come with me.” He whispered softly, his fingers moving the hair out of your eyes. “You need to relax.”
You rolled your eyes. “You know as well as I do that this is the first time I’ve studied in over a month.”
He kept quiet, knowing that you were right. He had no other excuse to use. Instead, he stood up and left the room, his devious mind beginning to plot his next move.
▸Act 3
You were sitting on a park bench, watching I-pin, Lambo, and Fuuta running around and playing with the other neighborhood children. You can’t say you were surprised when two dozen roses appeared in front of your face; Colonnello had snuck up behind you.
“Go out with me, kora!” He demanded, an arrogant grin on his face.
You rolled your eyes, pushing the roses from your face and standing up. “Not interested, Colonnello.”
“Oh come on, kora!” He protested, a pout set on his lips.
You called out to the three kids and left the park. You remember one of your classmates telling you that you must be crazy to turn down both Reborn AND Colonnello, but no you weren’t insane.
In truth, you do find both men to be extremely attractive, but you knew they were up to something, playing some sort of game to prove who the better man was, and you just weren’t interested. Besides, their persistence was only a growing annoyance, not a turn on.
No one knew it, but you were already in love with someone.
▸Act 4
“Let’s go dancing, amore.” Reborn ordered, grabbing onto your arm.
“No, let’s go to the carnival, kora!” Colonnello grabbed onto your other arm, his gaze locking with Reborn’s as sparks began to fly between the two.
If you had use of either hand right now, you’d facepalm. “Will you two idiots knock it off already?”
The two men ignored you, as expected.
“Amore mia wants to go dancing.” Reborn smirked, sending Colonnello a look that said, ‘I will win this’.
Colonnello snorted, “She’s going to the carnival with me, kora! It’s much more romantic.”
“Dancing is more romantic than a carnival, moron.” Reborn scoffed.
“No, it’s not!”
Before long, the two were engaged in a heated argument, completely forgetting about you as you stood between them with a sweatdrop forming on the back of your head.
When they released your arms, you shrugged, turning around and leaving the two to bicker.
▸Act 5
“You have to choose, here, kora. You’ll have more fun with me~” Colonnello persuaded.
Reborn rolled his eyes, “Amore, I promise that you will have more fun with me than you will with him.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Colonnello growled, his eyes narrowing at the Sun Arcobaleno.
“What’s it sound like?” He shrugged, a sly smirk on his face as he pulled his fedora down to cover his eyes.
Your eye twitched as you stared at the two idiotic men in front of you. Once again, their attempts to woo you turned around into a huge argument.
Was it even possible for the two men to be in the same room without an argument?
You highly doubted it.
▸Act 6
“Alright. That’s enough!” You growled, slamming your hands on the table as you stood, glaring at the two men who were sitting on either side of you. Viper and Skull were sitting across from them. Your group was sitting in a restaurant, but you didn’t care about the other people staring at you.
Colonnello and Reborn both looked at you, shocked by your outburst.
“I don’t know what game the two of you are playing, but I’m sick of it. I don’t want either of you!”
Reborn quirked an eyebrow. “Then who do you want, amore?”
“You wanna know who I want? I’ll tell you! I want him!” Your index finger pointed at Skull who went bright red. Once you realized what you had done, you started to stutter, feeling panic erupt in your chest. “A-Ahaha…Look at the time…I have to, err, go feed my… my dog…” You jumped over Reborn’s lap, nearly falling on your face as you rushed out of the building.
“But Y/N hates dogs, kora…”
“Shut up, Colonnello.”
The blonde glared at Reborn before both their gazes shifted towards Skull. He sat quietly, staring at the table top with flushed cheeks.
Viper was smirking as if he had expected things to play out this way.
“Why him?” Colonnello scoffed.
Reborn shrugged, letting out a deep sigh. How could the sex god Reborn possibly have been beaten by the cowardly Skull?
▸Act 7
After some convincing on Viper’s part, Skull finally got up the courage to chase after you. It had been indirect, but you had confessed your feelings for him.
He found you sitting on a park bench, a cigarette lit between your lips.
He shifted nervously as he stood in front of you, rubbing the back of his neck in uncertainty.
Your eyes opened, moving to meet his own. You refused to speak, however, knowing that you were busted. How could you let your biggest secret slip so easily? Simple. Because Reborn and Colonnello were just that frustrating.
He sat down beside you, scooting as close to you as the bench would allow. “Did you mean it?” His voice was soft and filled with uncertainty as he fiddled with his gloved fingers.
You glanced at him before looking away. “I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it. I’m not like Reborn and Nello.”
He looked over at you and smiled, “I know…”
“Well, I should uh, probably get going…” You muttered, quickly standing up. Before you could step away, Skull caught your wrist and pulled you back until you were sitting on his lap. His nose pressed against the side of your neck, arms around your waist.
“Stay,” he commanded, softly. Unlike Reborn and Colonnello, his commands were more questioning than demanding and you just couldn’t bring yourself to say no.
Your body relaxed against his chest.
▸Act 8
“Reborn. Colonnello.” You greeted the two Arcobaleno, both of which were glaring at Skull as stood beside you. “I wanted to thank both of you.”
Reborn raised an eyebrow, “For what?”
Colonnello sported a look of confusion.
“If it wasn’t for your insistent pestering, Skull and I wouldn’t be together right now.” You grinned. Skull smiled at you as he laced his fingers with your own, a soft pink lining his cheeks.
Reborn scoffed and Colonnello scowled.
Neither was happy about the way their ‘game’ had turned out – they still hadn’t found out who was the better man.
“Let’s try Bianchi.” Reborn mused, turning around and walking off.
“That’s cheating, kora!” Colonnello growled, following the suit-clad man.
You chuckled, looking up at Skull.
He smiled in response, bringing his lips down onto your own.
Even though they didn’t find out who the better man was, you were glad that they picked you as their target. You never would have admitted your feelings for the purple haired Arcobaleno if they hadn’t interfered.
Even if they were infuriating, you couldn’t help but be grateful to them. As painful as it was to admit it, even Skull was grateful to them.
“We should get going, we’re gonna be late for our movie.”
You smiled brightly as he lead you out of the diner, hands clasped tight.
📜 Read more by checking out my masterlist 📜
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secret-engima · 5 years
Something I just realized - Amissa and the SS!Glaive might take Regina for a /Sky./ A very Cloudy Sky, but a Sky nonetheless given some of Regina’s actions. Which, since Flame terminology is a thing in both worlds (even if only Regina uses it in hers) what are the flame types on the SS side, and what are the FF casts’ reactions to all these people also using Regina’s odd title system? (Oooh, do they assume Regina came from this ‘verse?) Also Amissa and Regina would Relate so hard.
They ... they probably WOULD yeah! She doesn’t think it of herself, but she DOES act very Sky-like at times. Even if she’s clearly Very Very Cloudy.
the FF!cast’s reactions to Flame terminology showing up is- mostly confusion and surprise. But ... I don’t think they assume Regina is from that verse, mostly because Amissa and Regina take one long look at each other and relax slightly and start snarking and sharing stories and swapping languages stupid fast and so the FF!cast is more likely to go ... “oh. They’re both from whatever world/time that terminology was common in, okay.”
Regina and Amissa get along so, so well it’s super scary for anyone else watching. Like- they GET IT. They get each other even if Amissa is old because of so many dimension hops and Regina is old because Immortal Skull. They can sympathize with each other and reminisce and throw shade at the Arcobaleno because Amissa was never one of their number but she MET them and frankly found Skull and Viper to be the only tolerable ones.
Also the confusion they have for just a sec when Amissa reveals she knew Skull and Regina is like- “but I was Skull and I don’t remember you???” and then they blink and are like “alt dimensions, right, okay, what was the Skull from your dimension like?” and keep on rolling. Clarus is .... so confused by the SS!pack.
The Titus’s are holding a stare-down. Nobody dares interrupt them.
Little Cor instantly tries to pick a fight with SS!Cor, who just sighs because he remembers being that age. Take a chill pill kid.
Circling back to your question on the SS!casts Flames .... hgfdhgfd lemme see if I ever made a list otherwise my brain is going to melt picking them on the spot.
Okay I did NOT have a list so I have made one up on the spot. I ... don’t know how accurate it is but I went with my gut instincts so I don’t think I’m too horribly off. For the SS!Cast they are-
Titus - Stormy Mist
Nyx - Inverted Stormy Sun
Libertus - Inverted Cloud
Crowe - Storm
Tredd - Inverted Rain
Luche - Inverted Lightning
Axis - Mist
Pelna - Rainy Lightning
SS!Cor and SS!Clarus both match their counterparts in being a Cloud and a Storm respectively.
(note that I could have easily put Lib as the Inverted Sun because mothering instincts and Nyx as the Cloud because Reckless Moron BUT- Lib straight up quit the glaive and turned traitor after Crowe died and that strikes me as a Cloud losing his head after part of his Territory was taken away and Nyx is Stubborn, Protective, Loyal, and Opinionated, all of which are both Inverted Sun and Classic Storm traits, Tredd is Inverted Rain here because he’s loud and obnoxious but I feel like his group in the job is to bleed off tension that way, which was why he was able to reverse the process and wind everyone up so easily in the movie).
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loneliestmuffin · 3 years
Also! Find this thing on Ao3 here!
Poly!Arco Flufftober!
Eye contact
Meeting Mischief
Meetings are boring. Even if they are necessary.
Today's meeting just so happens to be extra boring and useless. The Volpi Familiga has been a problem for them for a while now. Not yet outright hostile, just... Difficult to work with. This is the third time they've demanded an audience with Luce, just to bitch and whine at the non-negotiable points in their various contracts.
And because they aren't allies and Luce is in the early stages of pregnancy, Reborn has decided to play intimidation this time around. To finally put an end to this ridiculous charade. He's situated himself on the right side of Luce, a step or two behind her, ensuring that his shadow looms threateningly over the Volpi's young Boss.
And things were going well. Luce has been adamant about the non-negotiable points and no matter what the young guy spouted, she's stayed firm on her decisions.
It's just... Skull is on tea duty today. So in the middle of the talk, he appears with tea and biscuits, wearing this absolutely adorable, dashing little servant uniform. He bows lightly as he places the platter on Luce's desk, back straight, face relaxed and serious.
Reborn chances one, single glance and-Skull's eyes snap to him instantly. The smallest, most mischievous smirk dances over Skull's lips in that split second. And all Reborn can think of is how it's been long enough since Skull was last mischievous enough to play around in the presence of an outsider.
Why? Why does he do this to them every other week???
Skull straightens back up, staying in the room, neatly putting himself right besides the door. Under the pretenses that he'll wait until they finish their tea, to take the dishes away. Luce shoots their Cloud a warning glance, but most of her focus is absorbed trying to reason with an idiot.
So the responsibility of trying to keep a straight face lands squarely on Reborn. And from the looks of it, Skull is feeling rather daring today. Reborn might be tense, just because Skull is absolutely unpredictable like this.
First, Skull catches Reborn's eyes again, just maintaining eyecontact for a long, blissful moment, before he raises an eyebrow and puckers up his lips, blowing a kiss in their direction. Reborn has to resist the instinct of 'catching' that kiss and that's already tough!
Skull blows two more kisses, wiggling his hips, before bouncing in place a little bit and striking a 'sexy' pose. Jutting his ass out, holding the tray he's still got in his hand behind his head, winking and putting a hand on his hips. He puckers his lips again, blowing more kisses and Reborn can feel heat start to crawl over his cheeks slowly.
Skull then silently stomps a foot, puffing up his cheeks and leaning forward, as tough he's about to scold them, but instead... Instead he sucks in his cheeks suddenly and puckers his lips, pressing his two pointer fingers into his dimples and barely suppressing a smile.
Reborn freezes up, but Skull isn't done yet. Next, he sticks out his tongue and pulls down one of his lower eyelids with a finger, waggling his tray at Reborn in a sort of wavy motion.
Its silly faces. Skull is doing silly face.
Reborn tries to muffle a soundless gasp, but he isn't quite sure he succeeds, because Luce gets more aggressive in her negotiation. Skull straightens back up, putting his hands on his hips and swaying left and right, doing a silly little dance, before he does his next expression.
Skull pushes up the tip of his nose with a finger, exposing the top row of his teeth as he waggles his head left and right. It triggers a very unbecoming snort to tumble out of Reborn, but he manages to compose himself the next second.
Reborn can't do this.
Skull juts out his lower jaw, giving himself an exaggerated underbite, going cross-eyed, while he brushes both his hands through the sides of his hair, for a moment giving himself this ridiculous singular spike of hair along the center of his head. Like a Mohawk. But not really. Reborn breathes slowly through his teeth, trying his hardest to contain himself.
You don't understand.
Skull puts a hand to his chin, seriously pondering his other silly faces, before he chooses his last resort. The most extreme silly face.
Skull turns around and bends over backwards, putting his hands on the ground while he stretches to stand only on his toes. Skull could be a gymnast with how flexible it is, so this is a beautiful, perfect body-bridge. Then, upside-down Skull widens his eyes and goes cross-eyed, sticking out his tongue, as though he's trying to lick the tip of his nose.
And Reborn is gone.
He turns his head aside, covering his mouth with one hand as politely as he can, muffling his hysterical laughter down to a minimal snickering. His entire face has to be stained bright red at this point!
The Volpi Boss somehow manages to sound genuinely concerned. "Um... Donna Arcobaleno Giglio Nero. Is your... Is your sun okay..?"
Luce is angry at this point. There is no patience left in her today. "He's fine. He's just laughing at your ridiculous demands."
The young Volpi jumps in his seat when Luce stands to her full height, looming over the little Boss herself, venom dripping from her words. "If you don't want the contract, say so. These terms are non-negotiable. Do you know what that means?"
The little Volpi looks down, instantly chastised, nodding furiously. Luce once again established her dominance when it comes to the Arcobaleno Alliance. Skull, as always, softens the blow as much as he can. "Oof, Don Volpi. How about I... Show you out? I think we're done here for today, no?"
The little Boss immediately grasps for any type of kindness, agreeing to Skull's offer and being easily ushered out of Luce's office now.
And Reborn... He's just... bend over, laughing softly into his hand, clutching his stomach desperately at this point. He can't even fucking breathe.
Yet still, when Reborn chances a glance at Skull, as he is leaving, Skull catches his eyes easily, gifting him a wink and blowing one last kiss before he leaves.
This time, Reborn catches the kiss. So does Luce, even though she is grumpy and she will scold them later. Which won't be an issue, because neither of them can resist Skull's puppy eyes.
The writer here! What Arco pairing shall I do tomorrow I wonder~? Any suggestions?
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luki-fanfic · 6 years
BNHA/KHR Fic Preview: Blue Fire with Yellow Flames
...And I am officially BNHA trash.  I’ve stopped clinging to the side and dived right in.
Yesterday, I had a thought that made me laugh for about 2 minutes.  It fused with a couple of other ideas I’d had and churned out a reincarnation one shot.  Enjoy a brief taste while I try to finish it up.
Todoroki Toya’s first word is ‘mama.’
Immediately after, he bursts into tears and screams until he passes out. Thankfully, when he wakes up, he seems to have recovered, much to the relief of his parents.
In fact, as of that morning, he became the perfect toddler.  He rarely cried, was potty trained in a matter of weeks, and he picked up language at a frightening pace.
His mother was delighted at her little genius, while his father would grin and tell him he hoped his quirk was as strong as his mind.
But when they set him down for the night, Toya would sometimes scramble out of bed and dig out a mirror he’d hidden in his toy box, staring at the red hair and blue eyes, trying to familiarise himself with the face that became alien the second his mind learned to comprehend words.
It’s rather disappointing. Reborn was a much cuter toddler the first time round.
Reborn never thought he’d be grateful for the Arcobaleno curse, but in his new life, it’s making things so much easier.  Because he’s already done the whole adult-trapped-in-a-child’s-body adjustment before, and it hadn’t been easy.  This time around, it’s just like putting on an old hat, although having parents that try to regulate his behaviour is a change.  He ends up treating them to way he used to treat Tsuna in boss mode.  Like they technically have authority over him, but nobody actually expects him to obey.
His mother seems to accept this.  His father bursts into flames every time Reborn pisses him off.  Which is an interesting development and one Reborn wants to know more about, because some experimenting has proved that flames still exist in this reality, but his father definitely isn’t using them.
In this parallel world, flames remain as unknown to most of society, while something called ‘quirks’ dominate.  Crime is at an all time low, while ‘hero’ is a legitimate career – and the only way the average civilian is allowed to use their quirk.  
His father is a hero.  Apparently one of the best, and as Toya gets closer and closer to his quirk-date, he makes it perfectly clear that his son is expected to follow in his footsteps.  
“A powerful fire quirk” his father, Enji, summarises when the topic comes up.  “I had hoped for more of a mutation, but I expect you’ll take after me.”
His disappointment however, can’t be hidden, and when Toya is two years old, he becomes an older brother for the first time in any life.  
Come Toya, meet your sister” his mother had said, when she returned from the hospital.  Enji had been grinning when they returned, and Reborn could see why.  The little baby girl had a crop of their mother’s white hair, but it was interspersed with the odd strand of red from their father.  Perhaps the girl’s quirk will mutate in the same way.
Reborn has never been a fan of children.  But he has always believed in a certain amount of chivalry for women.  As such he’s grateful his sibling is female, it makes being an older brother so much easier. Finally, he understands why Sasagawa Ryohei had been so over dramatic regarding Kyoko.  Fuyumi is adorable.  Quiet and sweet, and looks at her parents and older brother like they hung the starts.
At least, she is right up until Toya’s quirk decides to show up.  He spends an entire day feeling far too hot, and has a moment of absolute dread while holding his little sister’s hand in the garden.  Seconds after yanking it loose, his hand bursts into searing hot flames, electric blue from the sheer heat.  
Fuyumi screams for her ‘papa,’ and in the chaos that follows – Enji crowing at the sheer power in Reborn’s burned hand and his mother consoling his sister – Reborn barely registers that Fuyumi screams for a solid hour, and then doesn’t say a word for two days.
It’s nearly a week before Reborn learns of the new development regarding his sister.  Between an emergency hospital visit and Enji’s ‘congratulations-you-might-actually-be-useful-despite-no-mutation’ speech, he hasn’t had any time alone with her since his quirk activated.  His mother doesn’t want him anywhere near her until he can control it.  A wise, if unnecessary restriction.
When he does get to play with his sister again, he learns she’s finally mastered speech, picking it up as fast as he did, and smiles when she looks up from her picture book.
“Toya” Fuyumi says, and Reborn grins, glancing up at the door.  When he’s certain they’re alone, he leans towards her.
“Good job Fuyumi” he says.  “But, when we’re alone, you can call me Reborn” he says.  He fully intends to use that name again, and his adorable little sister deserves to be the first to know.  Fuyumi however, just looks at him.
“Re-born?” she repeats, and Reborn smiles.
“Such a quick learner you are, Fu.”
Fuyumi shakes her head.
“Chrome” she says, correcting him, and Reborn blinks.
The toddler nods.  “Dokooro.”
Reborn leans back on his heels, while the girl looks at him with equal shock.  
Well, this is unexpected.
To be fair, it’s not like Reborn could have expected other members of Vongola to follow him to this world.  Although he regained his memories of a past life, the last few hours leading up to his death are...fuzzy.  Chrome had definitely still been alive when he died though, of that he’s certain.  If anything, he would have expected to run into Tsuna’s Sun Guardian, the late Sasagawa Ryohei having died several months before him.
“Boss was inconsolable when you died” Chrome-no, Fuyumi, says.  “We wanted answers, and I think I found a lead?  Yamamoto and Gokudera were following up another when...”
“You can’t remember what happened?” Reborn asks, and Fuyumi nods.  
“I got to the location and then, everything’s all jumbled.  The next thing I remember clearly is your quirk activating” she says.  
In the end, it doesn’t really matter.   As much as both of them dearly miss their old world, it’s clear they can’t get back, and they have new lives to lead.  They’ll keep an eye out for their former family members, but if they’re not here, they’re still alive. It’s good news no matter what.
At least, that’s how Reborn’s choosing to see it.
Fuyumi’s quirk comes in when their mother is pregnant with their third sibling.  Despite her hair, it’s an ice related quirk, and weaker than their mother’s.  Ironically, adding fire to her quirk had weakened it’s potential.  
Todoroki Enji is livid.  There are fights every other day with Rei, and both children try to make themselves scarce.  However it’s much harder for Reborn, since with Fuyumi considered a failure, Enji has decided it’s time Toya started carrying the family legacy.  When he turns six years old, Enji takes him into the garden, and forces him to use his quirk to levels far beyond what is safe.  
Reborn is all for pushing past limits, but his skin is melting. Dying Will is one thing, it’s designed to break down barriers.  This is actual fire, and his body has built in limitations Enji refuses to acknowledge.  His sun flames immediately start working on the worst of the damage, but any respect Toya might have pretended to have for the man who is biologically his father in this life is gone.
As such, when Enji deems the training finished for the day, and orders ‘Toya’ to go inside and clean up, he corrects him.
“Reborn” he says, forcing his feet towards the house.  Enji watches him with a frown.
“Excuse me?” he says.
“My name isn’t Toya” Reborn tells him.  “It’s Reborn.”
Enji looks at him, before a hand goes up to scratch the fiery beard.  It’s such grandstanding Reborn feels sad just looking at him.
“Reborn...like a phoenix rising from the flames” Enji muses.  “It’s powerful, not bad for a hero name.”
“Not a hero name” Reborn corrects.  “It’s my name.”
Enji grins.  “All right, Reborn.  But if that’s what you want, then you’d better be prepared to work for it.”
Reborn grins.
As if there’s anything this idiot could throw at him that the World’s Greatest can’t handle.
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blackicephantom · 3 years
The black dragon and the coward CH. 12
Note: I know your all waiting for something different, but this needs to happen first. Trust me. Please tell me what you think, because i feel a little insecure about this one......
Please enjoy!
Tagged: @patolemus , @runestarchild
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Somewhere in the ocean
A long, serpentine, figure swam slowly through the water, when it felt a certain kind of vibration. The fins on its head tried to locate the origin, but to no avail. Then something poked him at the back of his mind and he started to surface. The blue scales glimmered in the sunlight and the slim face rose skyward. Just a single moment and he heard the cry, the call to come home.
With a swift jump he dove back into the depths of the water, only to jump back out in a high arch and with his own melodious cry. His main fins spread wide and his tail finished his elegant form.
The Oceanblue Raindragon recognized and answered the call to arms. And in a show of power dark storm clouds started to form and seconds later heavy rain fell upon the earth and the sea.
Once his body was back in the water he took the course back home.
Colonello, the Oceanblue Raindragon, swam swiftly and as fast as he could. His family was waiting for him.
Deep in the mountains
Fon sat quietly near his den, when the wind started to pick up and dark clouds started to form. Electricity shot up his spine and he shuddered. He stood up and watched as all the birds stopped singing and the wind howled louder and louder. Red flames engulfed his form and scales replaced soft skin.
In one smooth movement he circled a few times around the mountain he dwelled in, so that his upper body and head are even with the mountain's peak. His mane and his whiskers danced in the wind and he knew. Just then a roar echoed thru his stoney valley and resonated with his own wish and desire.
He rose up, slightly above the mountain top and sang his own song to join that of his brothers. A rough and yet calm sound left his throat and the winds around him turned themselves into little hurricanes and storms, ready to cut down the land itself.
He knew that he said he would look for Kyoya but it seems that this will have to wait, just a little bit longer. As the last note of his cry faded away, he took to the sky and started in the direction of the forest he had left only days prior.
The Bloodred Stormdragon heard and heeded the call to arms.
Inside a secret lab
Beeping filled the dark room a lonesome and glasses wearing figure occupied. Many monitors showed him just as many sceneries and yet nothing changed. He’s been in this laboratory for years now, researching everything that came to mind, but mostly ways to protect his own, so that what happened on that fateful day would not repeat itself. And he’s been waiting. Waiting for that one moment…… Verde knew that his home underground was anything but optional, but he also knew Reborn….. and all the others…..
Suddenly almost all of his instruments measured impossible data. The displays went highwire and a few displays even broke down due to the sudden intensity. A smirk and a low chuckle escaped him. Of course this would happen shortly after he thought about it.
He stood up, ignoring all his different machines and displays and went to the small lift he built to make his way to the surface. On the ride up he thought about many things. Even about his fellow Arcobaleno….. which was more than unusual. But it has been a few years now. And just as Reborn has said: this years have felt like they went by in the blink of an eye for him.
Once he was back above the ground he took a deep breath and looked around.
Unlike what his instruments had shown him, the world was silent. And that could only mean one thing: he was not alone. But out of all the people that knew him, only two could really find him. The first one is the one to call them home and the other one the silent killer in their ranks.
He watched as mist slowly crawled along the ground, which confirmed his suspicion.
A small rustling reached his ears and he just stood still and quiet, once again waiting. Next came hissing and a long indigo coloured body, only seen in parts. The mist grew thicker with every passing moment and the long body started to draw steadily closer. Then there was someone behind him but he doesn’t turn around. Doesn’t need to.
“I see that you’ve found me, Viper.” A hissed laugh was his answer and just as the mist and the stillness had appeared, it vanished. Suddenly there were howling winds and pouring rain and, most importantly, the still sounding roar of their own kin.
Both Arcobaleno looked up into the slowly graying sky and knew it was time.
With the flash of a single lightning bolt a massive creature stood amidst the green. A long maw and strong legs were the most prominent features, closely followed by the sparking yellow spikes that run along it’s back and tail and its dark green scales. Lightning crashed into the trees and rushed through the clouds above while a thick misty blanket fell over the earth, obscuring the view of all that dared to look.
Around that massive body the other one curled in on himself, his body slowly growing and a pair of thin looking wings sprouting from his form.
And thus two more voices joined the almighty song of the weather.
A low and rumbling growl from the Forestgreen Lightningdragon and a deafening yet silent screech from the Indigoblue Mistdragon. Thous two also heard the call to arms and were ready to take back what was once stolen. Their answer resonated with the cries of their brothers and no sooner were they on their way. One digging his way home and the other silently sliding close behind him.
In a village on the other end of the continent
Chains rattled as another foolish human tried to get too close to him, his tails trashing behind him. It's been ages that he has seen the sky or breathed fresh air. These villagers only caught him by sheer luck and a great deal of misfortune on his part.
The long spikes along his back vibrated gently and he raised his head, ignoring the weapons that were pointed at him. The air was charged with something…..exciting. A familiar tension filling his core and making his heart pound. It was like the thrill right before a battle and he fucking missed this. He wanted to stretch his wings, follow the clouds he was born in but this stupid chains kept him grounded.
Then there was a rumbling, right outside his meager cage. He watched as lightning tore through the sky and rain started up, which got stronger and stronger with every passing minute. His anticipation grew as the wind turned into cutting blades, almost blowing his captors away. A storm was brewing and he knew exactly who started it. So he concentrated on the wind, on the vibrations in the air and every sound that comes from somewhere farther away. And there it was: a melody so long forgotten and yet still so beautiful and familiar. The song of his family! It was time to return!
Clouds gathered all around the Village and blocked the usually bright sun. People were starting to panic and the guards that are supposed to keep watch over him became scared. His tails trashed again right before three became one and his two wings became four. Because of the increased mass of his wings the chains keeping him down broke and because of the decreased number of tails the chains keeping him pinned slipped away. He was almost free, yesssss, he could almost taste it! Only thing left to destroy was the cage keeping him here. Four wings returned to being two and one tail became three again and with the spiked tips he just slashed his way to freedom, cutting through the iron bars like nothing.
Taking a running start he swept into the air, chirping his own answer to the long overdue call to arms. The Violentpurple Clouddragon, Skull, was on his way home. Six feathered wings carried him towards his brothers, his purple scales riddled with scars.
The clouds accompanied him and shrouded his figure from view.
Back with Tsuna and Reborn
As Reborn finished his roar he settled back down and listened while he still supported Tsuna at his side. He too could feel the return of the boy's fire and couldn’t help his smirk. Iemitsu and the other foolish have no fucking idea what’s awaiting them.
From far away both could see dark clouds gathering, followed by pounding rain and destructive lightning. The slight breeze slowly grew into turbulent winds which in turn evolved into a raging storm. The air turned humid and the dragon watched satisfied as mist started to spread through the forest. Then he listened as one after another all their voices came together as a unique and beautiful song. All their specific tunes come together but something is still missing…… That’s the moment Reborn hears a soft humming, a tune that Luce used to sing….. It’s a soft lullaby that she sang for the kids.
Roaring once again the Midnightblack Sundragon completed the harmony.
The sky was once again filled with all the raging elements, waiting to avenge the dragon that’s been slain unjustified so long ago and to take revenge for all this undeserved pain and torment.
Inside of Vongola Nono’s office
Timoteo wasn’t an idiot. When he got the notice that Tsuna was missing, again, he knew that something was up. That thous three other boys were not to be found either worried him beyond belief. But when the weather started to change he clasped his hands together and started to pray, because this could only mean one thing.
The Arcobaleno were about to gather. And where the seven strongest get together, calamity almost always follows. And without a sky to soothe their rage he sees no hope for the village and his people. He saw what they could do while trying to protect someone. Now they didn’t have this luxury. He knew that something like this would happen someday, was even prepared to face the dragon's wrath this time. But he had his own duties to fulfill.
A knock on his door interrupted his thoughts and one of his guards entered. “Nono, our mages have returned.” He gave an affirmative hum and sighed. Before the guard could leave again Timoteo called out to him. “Please send in Coyote and the others, it’s an emergency.”
Timoteo, Vongola Nono, hoped against hope and prayed to all gods that would listen that the tragedy would not repeat itself. But when this haunting roar sounds again in the distance, Nono knows that their chances of survival are very slim to none existent. `Please have mercy, oh kind one and spare us the pain. Let us not spill innocent blood, let us not condemn our children.´ It was an old prayer, one that Vongola Primo taught in his time, but Nono has no other option left. A single tear slid down his wrinkled cheek.
`Oh kind one, let us live peacefully and in joy with the dragons harmony, sung in a lovely lullaby.´
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