#but season 2 trailer looks good so i'll push through
duncan-rohanne · 28 days
i'm on episode 4 of rings of power (listen it's a struggle, i have no time) and i'm starting to see why this show is, ugh, not appreciated lmao
outside of elrond, durin and disa, the only character that is not giving me brain damage is elendil
also someone explain to me how are elf soldiers so weak they can't deal with orc-wolf and like 3 other orcs. i vividly remember legolas making killing orcs a game, and these dudes are dropping like flies
btw sauron, sorry, halbrand is reminding me this australian surfer i met couple of years ago, i can't take this man seriously.
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prettybluelites · 1 year
Thoughts: Impossible Birds
Okay, to hold me over until Thursday, I'm going to rewatch and blather about each of the existing three episodes, one each, today tomorrow and Wednesday. It won't be true "reaction" because I'm on...oh, the 6th rewatch? But I'll try to cover the stuff I know I was thinking when I watched the first time.
Action right out of the gate. Love a good dream sequence. Rhys looking alarmingly Branagh-esque.
First lols of the new season: "You absolute twaaaaaaaaa..." and the tackle hug. That just looked like it hurt.
More on this bit in the previous post, where I wrote about "I Love My Baby."
This scenery was well worth the wait, goddamn
Not gonna lie, I'm not a fan of fart jokes, but it got them back to reality pretty quick. So I guess I have Wee John's farts to thank for the outstanding pacing so far.
THEY PIMPED THE SWEDE OUT TO JACKIE, omg, I fucking DIED at Roach practically pushing him into her lap. "He's single!"
Also lmao at Buttons' plaintive "May we go back to the sea now?" The flip side of "Are we there yet?" They really are just little children.
I know I'm supposed to be caught up in the "Trust No One" tattoo but I'm distracted by Taika's waist
Jesus Christ there's a lot to unpack in that wedding officiant's speech. "Elevate the common human rabble," yeeesh. I mean, I know that was a thing, like, "people of our standing" or whatever. But yeesh.
That close shot of Ed's eyes when he says "I'm the fuckin' devil"--that's something that grabbed me when I first watched the trailer. Or teaser, whichever it was. There's not a single glimmer of light there. He's so tired and broken and it's all there in his eyes.
The wedding raid is probably a vaguely inappropriate time to mention that Vico is still, as I believe Nathan Foad put it, the hottest human being on the planet
Obsessed with Archie
Obsessed with Susan/Zheng Yi Sao
Obsessed with Auntie
I'm not going to analyze the Izzy stuff much at this point because there's already been a lot of that and I haven't fully processed my feelings so right now I'm just going to leave it at, Con O'Neill is fuckin incredible
Swede has assimilated well, I see
Firm believer that everybody looks cuter when they're wet. Stede looks cuter but mostly sadder
"Could be, could be, mate" - I screamed
Ricky is obviously ew and I hated sitting there helpless while he played Stede like the proverbial fiddle
Stede's look when Swede says "husbandly duties," equal parts Oh no, TMI and Aw, that's our lil boy
Feels wrong not to say anything about Izzy's sort-of confession to Ed, but like I said, I'm still processing. Did I mention Con is incredible?
Taika is scary in the scene that follows, it's actually kinda hard for me to watch, but goddamn he nails it. When can this show win all the Emmys it deserves?
Fun fact, the lime rickey was invented in 1883 :D
Leslie Jones is awesome and gorgeous, and I love Jackie and Susan squaring off in this scene
I absolutely love that Jim, the orphan raised by a nun to be a killing machine, is the character that has made me laugh the hardest, like until I literally cried, on every single viewing of this season so far. And Fang and Archie laughing at Jim's telling of the story just adds to the moment, there's so much joy in the middle of that awful, awful situation they're all in.
And on the other hand is Ed's speech about the bird, just heartbreaking, especially the way he's gasping his way through it. Treading water, waiting to drown.
The song here is fucking gorgeous too, they just keep hitting the soundtrack out of the park
I love soup too, friends.
And here endeth the episode, not including the extended bit of Jim's Pinocchio story, but I've said all that needs saying about that.
Stay tuned for Episode 2 tomorrow!
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sasaranurude · 1 year
Okay I am going to go through the upcoming fall anime RIGHT NOW and see what looks interesting, because there's a completely absurd amount of anime coming around now and I need to be prepared. Could they not have pushed a handful of these back to summer which had all of like, one good anime? Come on man. ANYWAYS:
Hypmic season 2: obviously I am watching every episode of this. My mom also wants to watch every episode of this
Paradox Live the animation: I haven't followed paralive up to now beyond enjoying the music, but I am genuinely curious what's up with those characters (I think about checking out the drama tracks all the time but just haven't had the time/impulse yet) so I'll check this one out for sure
Sousou no Frieren: I remember when the trailer dropped there was a fair amount of hype, so I'll try this one out
Spy x Family season 2: I might watch this one with my mom. I can't remember if she finished season 1, though. ...I just asked her: we only watched a little, but she'd be up for more. So... maybe. (But she said that if it's either-or, she'd rather watch hypmic.)
Undead Unluck: I did start this manga, but my interest petered out after a few chapters. I'll still give the anime a few episodes. Honestly, seeing it get an anime makes me want to give the manga another try, because I can't actually remember why I stopped reading.
Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri: only hearing about this for the first time now browsing MAL. I like mystery, I'll give it a try.
I'm in Love With the Villainess: I read the first volume of the manga and... didn't hate it. I'll give the anime a try.
Disgraced noble lady naughtiness blablablabla: yeah sure man I'm always up for trying the new fantasy romcom shoujo of the season (even if I know I won't last more than two episodes)
Overtake!: wait is this one BL about racing? Fuck yeah sure sounds great. I love the character designs. WAIT AND IT'S TROYCA? FUCK YEAH MAN!!!!! ABSOLUTELY WATCHING THIS
Yuzuki-san chi no yonkyoudai: in "if I see good posts about this one I'll watch it" tier.
Migi to Dali: I only ever read a few chapters of the manga for this one, but it was fascinating, so I'll be checking out the anime mainly to see if it captures the same vibe.
Atarashii joushi wa do tennen: workplace comedy is fun, I'll give it an episode.
Bullbuster: gets an episode just for the title alone
Kawagoe Boys Sing: mal doesn't even have a synopsis. The character designs are cute. Yeah I'll watch an episode
And at this point I'm just hoping that a good chunk of these suck just so thatim not keeping up with 13 series airing weekly episodes oh my god. But also. High hopes for many of these!!!!!!
EDIT: oh my god i forgot tgcf. @zeeloniy will almost certainly be making me watch this
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zimithrus1 · 2 years
For the "I love you" Prompts: Number 4 with Zack/Cloud
Send me a platonic or romantic relationship and a number and I'll write a short fic!
4. "I don't mind."
Cloud's PHS goes off just as he heads out of his flat, the sound of a tiny puppy yip echoed from his pocket--Zack. He's the only one with that notification sound installed on his PHS. He takes it from his pocket as he walks down the hall, flipping it open to see the message inside with a soft smile.
But when he skims through the text he stops walking just as he gets close to the elevator, smile falling.
'I'm real sorry Spike, I've come down with something pretty nasty so going to the movies probably wouldn't be a good idea right now'. Complete with a ':c' following the statement.
Well that blows. They've been planning to see this movie since they released the first trailer like 5 months ago! They requested advance time off missions and drills so they could see it together, go on a little date. (Which they hadn't gotten to do in what felt like 18 eternities as it's hard for a freshly appointed 3rd Class to have a schedule lined up with a seasoned 1st Class SOLDIER.)
Cloud sighs and puts his phone back into the pocket of his loose black jeans. He spins on his heel and puts his hand back on the handle of his door. But he stops and hums.
Y'know what, he's got an even better idea than not seeing the movie. But first, a quick stop to the convenience store.
(Page break)
Out of all the things Zack was expecting to hear while he laid in bed, a fist pounding against the front door to his flat was not one of them. He slowly lifts his head from his cocoon of blankets and pillows, as though if he sits up and looks around his bedroom he'll magically know who's banging on his door.
But it doesn't take long for a voice to resound.
"It's Cloud, I'm coming in." And the door unlocks with a beep and a click.
Wait, Cloud? But- didn't he get his text? There's no way he can go to a movie with a fever and aches and congestion! Even so, he goes to get out of his bed all things despite to tell him in person, just in case he might've missed the notification.
Before he even has a chance to push the blankets off him, Cloud appears right outside his bedroom door.
"You look awful." He smiles.
So sassy. But Zack loves it. Makes a smile of his own bloom across his face (though he's sure his looks queasy in comparison).
"Brought you a care package."
Cloud holds up a plastic bag in his right hand a little higher, and through the hazy white plastic Zack can make out some small, boxy lumps. He closes the distance between them and sits right next to him against his blanket swarmed bed.
"So you got my message after all?" He asks with a voice more suited for a crossbred offspring of a horse and a frog.
"Yeah." He says as he starts pulling things out of the sack. "We haven't been able to see each other in 2 months thanks to our schedules, so I wasn't about to let this stop me."
Somehow Zack feels guilty about that. "Sorry." He croaks.
"It's okay, it happens." Cloud flashes him a quick grin to quell his worries. "I got you some pain relievers, cough syrup, nasal decongestant, some hot and cold patches, cough drops too, and a chocolate bar from the candy section. I know how much you love those Canyoncrunch bars." He points to each thing he pulled out of the bag, labeling them all as he goes.
"You really didn't have to do this for me, Cloud, really." Zack laughs as a blush paints his already flushed face a little redder. Normally he's the one spoiling and doting on Cloud, so it feels different when the roles are reversed.
"No, but I wanted to. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't take care of you the same way you do for me?"
Cloud actually leans in and kisses him on the cheek, despite his sickness.
"C-Cloud, if you aren't careful you're gonna catch what I caught..." Zack blushes fiercer and clears his throat.
"I don't mind." Cloud smiles warm enough to melt ice. "As long as we get to spend some time together, it doesn't bother me."
Zack smiles and the blush recedes.
Though 3 days later, Zack finds himself over at Cloud's flat, holding him close while Cloud's wrapped up in blankets sporting the same fever, aches, and congestion he had already. The only difference is he's spoon-feeding him ice-cream constantly to try and fight off his much higher temperature and soothe his sore throat. 3rd Classes aren't as impervious to illnesses as 1sts after all.
And when Cloud asked him if he was okay with constantly getting him ice cream from the one place 10 miles away that has his favorite flavor, Zack smiled, kissed him, and said,
"I don't mind."
Thank you for the ask!! 💚 This one was definitely a challenge for me as I say 'I don't mind' on the daily so much that I'm like 'How do I make this cute and not apologetic or dismissive???' XD
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