#but salt and the white are totally doing discordant shit
miamicommune · 4 months
finally onto the discordance storyline and it's filling in so many gaps in my theories
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rametarin · 2 years
Weird pattern I noticed.
Alright this may not scan with you lot, and Your Milage May Vary (tm), but I’ve noticed a pattern.
Among many whom would classify themselves as more singing the praises of socialism, and I mean outwardly, like, actually casually slipping conversations about “praxis” and “late stage capitalism” into any fucking conversation you can have over skype or discord, most of these people have a terrible habit of “just” having experienced a heroic moment.
There’s always that one guy, or girl, whom regales about how they just talked to someone that was so racist, you gais. Like, I deliberately go looking for sketchy motheruckers to passively absorb what they’re about and what they ramble about when their guard is down, or what they doin’. I’m terminally connected and sometimes just go submarining just to see what passes my passive sonar and swim along in schools just to see what they doin’. Probably a bad habit, but you can meet some interesting people doing that.
But for some reason these red and black flag flying motherfuckers all just so happen to cross streams with random neckbeards that are so totally ethnostate obsessed, viking idolizing NEETs. Absolutely amazing how they always seem to know, “a guy like that,” and feel the need to tell you about them.
Or they slam their door and sit down at their computers and talk about how they “just got done ARGUING with a RACIST... god!” and go on to talk about how everybody around them just seems so anti-black people/asian people/you-name-it. Just, “starting a conversation,” I guess.
Now, yes, ethnostate idolizing wanna-be viking NEETs are awful, no doubt. But you know what is more obnoxious than an impotent loser that supposedly masturbates to fascism in their PC games, fulfilling this niche of being the one pest you see therefore providing fuel to the paranoia there may be hundreds that you can’t?
Motherfuckers lying about exactly how many of them are floating around in the world and on the internet. Specifically to sow seeds to justify seeing every milquetoast assed Minions memer as a potential Dixie pride flying white supremacist apologist or open Nazi. And I see this shit too often for it to be a coincidence.
Can I prove it? No. Take it as a grain of salt, but now that you’ve been alerted to this pattern, you can look for it. Look out for the avowed supposed “anti-racist” or socialist sympathizing type person that always seems to just know a guy and tolerate them to be in their social sphere and tell you about them, despite avowedly claiming to despise and oppose the vile shit they supposedly stand for. If they actually exist.
The strategic value of exaggerating the numbers of an ideological opponent and to stress the inherent extremism and volatility of their beliefs is that the risk of one in the pool being a radical extremist capable of doing something terrible, or like a pack of dogs, egging each other on to more base extremes as normalizing them, is that it creates a fearful imagination of The Other becoming a numeric, unstoppable source of chaos and violence. By telling stories about just how prolific these supposed white supremacist Nazi sympathizers are at the water cooler, they are cold bloodedly trying to create concern in the imagination of an imminent growing danger where you can either bulwark against it, or be overrun by it. And it’s not at all different from the same methods that Imperial Germany and then Nazi Germany, and also the Bolsheviks and Russian Socialists used across whatever population they were in.
Obviously for the Germans, they would just casually throw out some random Jewish person or organization and illuminate how they were supposedly, “just plotting and cheating, you know, like the Jews do.” Because of course didn’t you know? Your average person of Hebrew persuasion is just an ethnosupremacist handwringing disreputable merchant, you know! Checks out with the press you’ve heard from the other guy with the skinned head and the, ‘workers of the world unite!’ T-shirt.
And the Russian sympathetic Marxists, when you could catch them being more openly anti-semitic.
And really any sort of socialist before they decided a grand plan of attack was to become the conversation about bigotry and intolerance and corral minorities on their side by default by claiming the Other was inherently bigotry while they were acceptance.
So these very intolerable Marxiboys (and girls, and other) can just so happen to find the dude with Minions merchandise, flying confederate flags and foolishly hooting, “Jewz and blaks baaaaaaad!” in the most boorish and unimaginitive ways an idiot can be an idiot, always just a degree out of your social sphere, always just out of reach or liberty to show them. The same people that loudly chant, “punch a Nazi!” just so happen to be on peacable enough terms to watch these mouthbreahting motherfuckers and pick up on stupid conversations they have. Enough to always have fresh material to rant about their experiences with their idiocy on the internet.
Yeah I believe that. Or, it follows the other pattern I noticed;
As a kid, I noticed there were a lot of radfem girls that had similar stories like this, but about sexism. If not immediate topical events, then motivations for past events. And sometimes the stories were just shitty gossip that relied utterly on respecting your relationship to the girl in order to believe them, and if you didn’t, you knew social distance was going to increase. You were presented with an ultimatum, whether you liked it or not; Believe their wild story on good faith, or scrutinize it and then have them get emotional and aikido flip your relationship, and walk away, deciding not to associate with you quite so often or warmly. All contingent on how well you’d take their dirt story on good faith.
Well this happens enough and eventually a girl like that exerts their story too far, or they say something someone knows isn’t true but is pretending that they don’t know so the conversation is ambiguous on whether their mud slinging could be true or false or not. They’ll be caught. They’ll be too close and attached for the lie to be anything but a lie, and an insult to their friendship, and an insult to the person they’re trying to propagandize’s intelligence. They’ll be too close to anonymously, “friendily” talk shit around the water cooler, and they’ll HAVE to answer why they lied about this other person, party, event or movement.
And when that would happen, the radfem of yore would break down to the, “Well... I just wanted to have a convuhsayshun about [topic]...” defense.
That’s an implicit admission that they lied. They lied, exaggerated and doctored the truth, fabricated something from events that happen everyday somewhere, so even their fictional story can have SOME basis in truth, and they, “at least got the conversation started.”
I can think of fewer more bloodless and disgusting things than fabricating events like that SPECIFICALLY for this hollow supposed altruism of “social change,” but it taught me how much you can trust a conversation with the sort of person that flies a hammer and sickle, rose, or black and red flag. And I still don’t know if this was some sort of literature culture thing, or if this sort of behavior just appeals to the sort of personality that just spontaneously determines behaving like this for these ends is an acceptable means to an end. Is this something recommended in Rules for Radicals? Is there some psyche book or social science paper that suggests this sort of thing is a viable and acceptable method for, “positive social change?” Because it’s the kind of behavior you expect from a sociopath. I don’t care your “good intentions” or “greater good.”
So whenever I’m chillin’ in a new friend group and there’s that one person that diverts every conversation into shit talking capitalism specifically (geeeee, how subtle) or passionately starts regaling their experiences dealing with a random dude walking around in a picklehaub and making Roman salutes and goose stepping around, I listen, but history and experience have shown me the proportion of these as fish stories being told to raise mass hysteria among young people vs. legitimately talking about Kyle Schmoe from down the block being a statistically anomalous moron, are not good.
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peachdoxie · 3 years
So I decided to go to Walmart today (my first mistake) because I've absolutely been craving white cheddar cheese rice cakes and both Meijer and Kroger are sold out after I bought them all last week, and of course walking an hour both ways in the relatively cool Ohio summer of 77°F and twice that in humidity is the most logical choice. I check to make sure it's not going to rain on the The Weather Channel app, then grab my unintentionally-diluted gatorade and Cubs hat with the pride flag on it and head out.
Now, when I planned to leave it was mostly cloudy and I thought that would be fine, but the sun decided to show its sexy face and I spent most of the 2.6 mile walk limping in the sunshine since my right foot decided it was going to yell at me for putting weight on it, but I persevered and made it to Wallyworld in more or less one piece, albeit exhausted and with a headache building. I get half way to the grocery section before remembering I need a cart (I also want to buy flour) and wander my way to the front, then back to the grocery aisles. I eventually find the location where ideally there should be dozens of bags of white cheddar cheese rice cakes for me to purchase, but, alas—they have all the flavors but white cheddar cheese, and so I have to settle for white cheddar cheese poppéd cörn triangles instead. With my disappointing spoils of war, I hobble to the self-checkout and legally purchase my corn triangles and flour.
At this point I'm really feeling like crap and am totally dreading heading back out in the heat, so I plunk myself and my mostly-empty cart down at the Walmart Sbubby (eet freesh) and play around on my phone, hoping that taking a break off my feet in the aircon will help me stop feeling like crap. After sitting for a bit, I get up, push my cart to the exit, stare outside with a mounting sense of dread, return the cart, and then walk back inside to the Sbubby, wondering how long I can loiter before they kick me out, when my body finally decides to inform me that holy shit you need some more calories girl. Hmm, I think. Maybe this is why I feel like crap.
The problem is that I don't really want Subway—I've mostly forgotten/ignored there's an entire Walmart behind me, as any sane person should—because it's Subway, and also because I was hoping to stop by the Italian restaurant on the way home and get some spaghetti, since eating a Subway sandwich will make me not hungry for the very excellent spaghetti that I don't get the chance to eat since I only go to this area of town when I can justify walking an hour for something, which apparently includes white cheddar cheese rice cakes but not spaghetti. I'm wondering how much the Subway Sandwich Artist™ will judge me if I just get a six inch with nothing but cheese on it when my eyes fall upon what I instantly know will be my savior: a soft pretzel covered in butter and salt.
"One salted pretzel," I say, somehow coherent, "and a regular fountain drink" because I'd also like some soda because why not. The Subway Sandwich Artist™ obligingly gives me my pretzel, which I legally purchase along with the soda. I sit down with my ambrosia and nectar and immediately regret my decision: Hellworld's attempt to cool its firey pits is super loud and I am quickly descending into the sensory overload layer of hell. Luckily, this Subway has a back area where it is 2% quieter into which I can retreat. I do, I wipe off half the salt because I'm not a masochist, and begin consuming the pretzel.
While this is happening, I'm updating my friends on discord as to my situation, and I recall the time my sister passed out while on a hike in Albania because she got overheated and threw off her salt balance, and I think, hmm, this is probably what's happening to me. And sure enough, after eating the pretzel and downing the soda has made me feel better! Yay! I mean, I still feel like crap, but crap that can at least attempt to make the walk home. It's like an hour after I arrived to Walmart at this point and 45 minutes of that has been me in this Subway. I throw out my trash, pack up my things, and head to the exit.
It is now pouring down rain.
Curse you, The Weather Channel! I shake my fist at the sky. Curse you for lying to me! I trusted you! My tears rival the rain.
I am now faced with walking home in the pouring down rain, thus missing out on my spaghetti, or remaining in the Walmart Subway for even more time, despite my health bar being rapidly drained by proximity to the megacorporation's holy temple. I check the The Weather Channel app to see what they say, knowing they are untrustworthy, and see that it's supposed to rain for the next few hours.
Fuck it. I'm going to go buy a rain poncho to protect my flour and just sacrifice my shoes to the puddle gods since the sidewalks here range from "flat" to "expert mountain climbers only" and I know my feet will be soaked within five seconds of leaving the building. First, though, I want to use the toilet, but the one at the front is being cleaned, so I head to the back. Granted, I had to go there anyway since I figured the sporting goods area is the most likely to have a rain poncho.
I cannot find the rain poncho. I've been in this Walmart for over an hour and a half at this point.
I go back to the front in the off chance the seasonal picnic aisles might have one, cringe at the bountiful supply of American Patriotic Equipment, and eventually give up and ask the greeter lady where I can find a rain poncho. Aisle L24, aka one of the camping aisles in the back of the store. I've already searched there but apparently cannot read, because I find them this time, begrudgingly grab the blue since they don't make pink in the adult size, and return, once more, to the front of the store, where I legally purchase the poncho.
In the ten minutes it took me to decide to find the rain poncho and buy it, it's stopped raining and the sun is shining because of course it is.
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Then maybe tell your stans to back off and stop being racist because I just now got an anon saying they knew I sent the other anon and they hope me and my mom are next to die. My moms Cambodian and I’m not white passing. I don’t think I need to tell you how fucking disgusting that is.
For weeks I’ve been getting a one saying I need to read Azulaang our Kuzon/Aang or Zutara with Aang and that you and your friends talk shit on some private discord about Kataang only shippers and people who write Wattpadd stories. Shipping Aang and Katara with everyone is fine if that’s what you’re into. I don’t. I don’t even follow you and had no idea who you were until someone kept cramming my inbox with your stuff. No offense, but I say that because people seem to think people with beef are lurking around their blogs.
I get that you can’t control who stans you, but I really hope you understand that you have some sick fucks that follow you and are harassing other people and saying disgusting things just because we don’t multi ship.
I definitely understand why you’re frustrated with such aggressive anons! I know that feeling too well, my friend; I purge my inbox all the time. Anon gives some people too much power smh. Also, I am highly disturbed by the implication I have stans… Like I literally shuddered lmao. If anyone actually does “stan” me… Please do not?? I am a human person?? I have a life outside of fandom??
Anyways. I’ll start with a blanket statement:
Please don’t harass anyone about anything ever in my “name”?? Wtf?? Why would anyone think that’s okay??
I’m so sorry people have been sending you nasty anons! I’m honestly confused how I got looped into it, because I have no idea who you are, either. At least not from this ask, lol, which makes it even weirder that people would feel the need to clamor in your inbox about shipping, of all ridiculous things, and then try to drag my name into it whilst I have no idea any of it is going on because of the fact that we don’t even know each other… Tumblr has so many problems. Again, though, I’m sorry some anon has been pestering you about different A:TLA ships. You don’t have to and shouldn’t read anything you aren’t interested in! I definitely recommend blocking the anon; that’s what I and others do when anons get too aggressive.
Regarding you and your friends talk shit on some private discord about Kataang only shippers and people who write Wattpad stories, I am utterly baffled by this. I am in a grand total of two discords, one of which is only semi-private lmao, and we definitely don’t waste time “talking shit” about Kataang-only shippers because… People can ship what they want? What’s there to complain about? In both of the two discords I’m in, there are plenty of singleshippers, and no fights have ever broken out between them and multishippers because that’s an utter waste of time dkjskdaaks shipping is a preference, plain and simple. We have better things to complain about than that! For example: how frustrating anti aang rhetoric is T.T
Anyways. Apparently someone has been spreading rumors, and considering that you yourself don’t know me, I assume you took them with a grain of salt and didn’t believe them lol; those are just such baseless claims and I’m so sorry people were trying to shove them in your face.
With the Wattpad thing in particular, I literally cackled as I read it: I’m a Wattpad author, lmao. So again - totally baseless claim, no idea why people would make that up.
Like I said, I don’t know who you are either, and I am so incredibly sorry some anon felt entitled enough to go into your inbox and spout rhetoric like that. I’ve never condoned such a thing and like I mentioned earlier, I didn’t even know I had “stans.” Now that I do, I utterly hate this revelation lmao. To reiterate: I am a human person, please don’t “stan” me.
I really appreciate your understanding that none of this situation was within my control, though! It seems we are both victims of Tumblr mess™. The only person responsible was that anon in your inbox acting on some twisted agenda entirely of their own accord. Again:
Please don’t harass other people for any reason, and furthermore please do not try to drag random bystanders into it, be they me or anyone else. There is no justification for that.
Once more, I am incredibly sorry that anon felt they were in the right to harass you about fictional pairings. As I touched upon earlier, I am very, very familiar with nasty anons, so my advice is to just block them. Delete their messages. Don’t bother acknowledging them! That’s my tactic and it definitely has helped prevent my mental health from spiraling, lol. Have a great day bby and I wish you plenty of Kataang for your dash! 💛
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Survey #403
“ashes to ashes, watch me disappear”
If given the opportunity, would you like to star in a musical? Definitely not. I don't like musicals. Name one person you’d take a bullet for: There's honestly a lot, but Mom immediately came to mind. Any posters of a band on your bedroom wall? Yeah: Metallica and Marilyn Manson currently. I want lots more, especially an Ozzy one. Do you think you’ve already met your soulmate? I don't believe in soulmates. Do you share your bedroom with anyone? No, unless you include my cat and snake. Is your favorite color yellow? No, it's actually one of my least favorites. Were you born in a hospital? I was. Do you know the name of the person that delivered you? No, but Mom does. I think he delivered me and my two sisters, and I know Mom has seen him since for other reasons. Was your birth recorded? God no. Good call, Mom. Did you eat a peach this week? Would you believe me if I told you I had a small bit of peach pie for my sister's birthday? For some reason, I just really wanted to try some. It was okay, but the aftertaste sucked. Are you leaving the house tomorrow? Yes, for TMS therapy. Every weekday. Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche? I honestly do. If you could get free vocal lessons would you take them? Probably not. I don't like singing in front of anyone, and it's not like I wanna get anywhere with my singing, so. Is your mother diabetic? She is. Are you? No. Ever sang someone to sleep? No. Who do you stalk the most through Facebook? Nobody. Have you ever deleted your Facebook, then brought it back? No. What is your main responsibility each day? Be sure to take my medications. Do you feel like you fulfill those responsibilities? Yeah. There are rare mornings where I forget, but I almost always remember. I don't fw skipping out on meds that keep my mental health stable. When was the last time you used spray paint? Good question. Do you know the middle name of the last person you kissed? Yep. Who is the friendliest person you know? My mom, probably. Something that annoys you about summer: THE HEAT. THE HUMIDITY. UGH. Something that annoys you about winter: Hm. That's hard to say, given I love winter. I guess the fact it doesn't snow enough here. Are the doors of your fridge side by side or on top of one another? Side-by-side. If you’ve moved out of the house you were born in, do you know the people who live in that house now? Nope. Have you ever cried in a movie theater? Not sobbed or anything, but I've definitely teared up and gotten the sniffles because of multiple movies. Do you read comic books? No. Do you force your way into conversations in which you are not involved? No. Have you ever seriously pretended to be clinically insane? I didn't need to pretend; I'm pretty damn sure I was for a while. Might I add that it's EXTREMELY inconsiderate to pretend you're insane, btw. Insanity is not "cool." It's not "funny." It's not "edgy." It's a serious, confusing, heart-wrenching issue that can ruin lives. Do you know anyone with a stutter? Yes, myself included when I'm even mildly nervous. And sometimes just randomly. With a lisp? I don't believe so. What was the last board game you played? The Disney version of "Pretty Pretty Princess" w/ my niece and even my nephew, even though his sexist-ass dad didn't want him to. Like let your kid have some fun with his sister and aunt, goddamn. They had a blast. It was Aubree's birthday present from me, so I am SO glad she loved it. Did you win? Ha ha, no, I always let Aubree or Ryder win. I came super close once, but I let the kids bend the rules a bit. They don't like losing, and even though they definitely need to understand that just happens and is totally fine for it to, I wasn't about to be the one to make them sad about it. When was the last time you tried to speak with an accent? OH MY LAAAAAWWWWWWD. Also at Aubree's b-day party, at one point, I spoke in a snobbish British accent while I was winning at the aforementioned game. Ryder asked, "Why are you speaking Spanish?", and I fuckin DIED. Have you ever made up a word before? Yeah, I know at least a few instances for fantasy animals in writing. When was the last time you went to a museum? A couple summers ago when my brother and his son visited, we went to a science museum. My nephew was sooooo into it. Do you have a nice yard? If so, do you spend a lot of time outside in it? If not, where do you go when you want to relax outdoors on nice days? Our front and back yards are both small and honestly very boring. The grass is a pretty green, but that's the only nice thing about it. I don't go to sit outside here on any day. Do your parents enjoy any of the things that you enjoy? Do you bond over these things? My parents and I have very similar music tastes, so there's that. I also didn't know for the longest time that Mom likes to write, which I sure as hell do, too! She doesn't really write anymore though, and she's self-conscious of it anyway, like I am. She and I also love a lot of the same shows. What is the movie that you have waited the longest for/which film do you remember anticipating the most/are still anticipating? I think The Incredibles 2. I aaaalways wanted to know what happened after the end of the first film. Do you have any ideas for a story or movie you’re planning to write or you’d write if you had the time/had the talent? Please share a synopsis! I genuinely think some RP I've written is series-worthy, but I don't feel like re-writing the YEARS of RP into a book format, and I sincerely worry that the ridiculously dark parts could inspire people like serial killers and cause A LOT of controversy, crime-blaming, and just general hate. I don't want to be involved in that. What is something that an interested guy/girl could comment about you, that would make you instantly open to them (e.g., “That book you’re reading is from my favorite author”)? Compliment my Markiplier tattoo, obviously knowing it's a tribute to him, and we're essentially besties. Is there a person in your life (maybe barely) that you feel in constant competition with (even just in your imagination)? Maybe you feel they are consistently outshining you? Ugh... there's a local photographer that's much more successful than I am that I admittedly am very envious of. I swear to whatever god you may believe in that I mean it from a modest perspective, I really, really do, but I genuinely think my skills surpasses hers, and she's only more prevalent because photography REALLY is about who you know. She's talented, yes, but like... come on. If you are single, even if you are normally happily single, are there certain specific things you witness that make you wish you were in a relationship (e.g., people getting engaged)? I mean yeah. I miss cuddling, holding hands, kissing, just being cute together, and especially people getting engaged or having kids. It's such a trigger to me. Once upon a time, that's all I wanted with Jason. I wanted to be that beautiful couple that got married and had two or three loved-beyond-words children, but then he left so abruptly, and I feel like it was so brutally robbed from me. I don't want kids anymore like at all, but the point still stands that I felt like my dreams were just ripped away. Out of all your usernames for websites, which one is your favorite? Do you use it for more than one site? I use "Ozzkat" just about everywhere. Have you ever spent the whole day (or multiple days) just looking up one thing on the internet (e.g., videos of your favorite band, how-to videos, quizzes, etc.)? OHHHHHHHHHH YEAH. There have been a couple days or so where I was totally glued to looking up various tattoo designs, bingeing let's plays or conspiracy theory videos, etc. etc. If you ever think about getting married, what are some aspects of the wedding that you would like to see in a non-traditional manner (e.g., a different color dress or “partners” over “husband” and “wife”)? I WILL NOT get married in a church, first of all. I'm also not having the traditional vows, and I probably won't wear a white dress, but instead black. Salt & vinegar, barbecue, sour cream & onion, or cheddar? Ohhhh, I like all those options but barbecue. I think I've gotta go with sour cream & onion, though. Bow ties on guys, dorky or adorable? A D O R A B L E ! ! ! I think they're ordinarily geeky, but I mean, geeky is cute in my world. :^) Do you believe in demonic possession? How about ghosts? Angels? Angels, no. Spirits/ghosts, 100%. I don't exactly believe in demons, per se, but I do question if evil spirits can possess someone. What is one romantic movie that you enjoy enough to watch more than once? I've seen The Notebook numerous times. Name three countries you want to visit; why those three? South Africa to interact with meerkats at the KMP, somewhere up in Canada to see the Northern Lights, and Germany just because, really. I took German for four semesters, and the culture and all just interests me. Do you have a good luck charm? No, considering I don't believe they do jack. Do you use Skype to talk to your friends? Only Sara. Now that I have Discord semi-figured out now though, we'll probably use that for voice chatting. Are you allergic to any animals? I might be allergic to dogs. Do you usually spend your weekends out, or at home? I'm like... always at home. Do you think it’s wrong for people to say "retard/retarded" as an insult? Absofuckinglutely. Don't pull that shit when I'm around. Have you ever had to go to the police department? No. Have you ever lived through a hurricane? Plenty. Have you ever had a home-grown tomato? Yes, from my old friend's garden. We'd have delicious tomato, mayo, and bacon sandwiches. The only instance where I've enjoyed tomatoes. Have you ever held a real gun? The former friend I mentioned just before, her husband always carried a gun, and he just needed me to hold it for a sec for some reason I don't recall. I hated the feeling. Would you rather wear Converse or Vans? I like both, but I think I prefer Converse. Have you ever been called bipolar? Yes, because I clinically am. Have you ever made fun of a handicapped person? FUCK no. And like the "retarded" thing, don't you fucking DARE to do this in front of me. I WILL deck the shit out of you. Do you think it’s okay to have sex before marriage? Sure, as long as you're being safe and are very thorough in communication. Do you like to watch old sitcoms? I don't really watch TV as I say in like every survey it seems, but I do enjoy some old sitcoms I grew up watching with my mom, like The Nanny, The Golden Girls, The Munsters, etc. If asked, could you run a mile nonstop right now? Being completely serious, I don't even know if I CAN physically run right now. My legs are so incredibly weak, and I'm humiliatingly close to what my heaviest weight was back in 2016, so I can almost guarantee my knees would crumple if I tried. Do you wear those rubber wristbands? I used to. I don't really like bracelets nowadays. If a necklace/ring gives you green marks, do you still wear it? Nope. Have you ever driven an electric car? No. When was the last time you saw someone you went to high school with? Uhhhh idk. What breed was the last dog you saw? A fucking GOLIATH of a lab. I shit you not when I say my sister's roommate's dog Hudson is the size of a goddamn bear. How long have your parents been together (or how long were they together, if they no longer are): I wanna say they were together at the very least 20 years. What has been your most epic cooking failure? I once accidentally put something (I don't remember what) in the microwave for around 45 minutes I believe, and I walked away and completely forgot about it. I remembered a long while later, and safe to say, it wasn't edible, whatever it was, lmao. Have you ever been to Mexico? No. Have you ever had a parrot sit on your shoulder? No, but that'd be cool. Has anyone in your life ever treated you abusively? No. How long has it been since your last breakup? Somewhere around two years ago? My memory is so garbage nowadays. Can you concentrate well while listening to music, or do you find it distracting? It's distracting, usually. What’s something you’ve been struggling with lately? I've been pretty bad about drinking too much soda lately. :/
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hypnotica-ships · 3 years
So, thanks to some A+++ enabling from the discord server, I've decided to post my BNHA self insert fanfic. I haven't really talked about my insert, but I plan to sometime in the future, but for now I"ll leave ya'll in the dark.
This whole thing was made just to make me and my friends feel good and give us some much needed self indulgence.
Word Count- 1,550
Hypnotica- My S/I
Grafight- @fictional-characters-are-hot's S/I
Slasher- @alwayslovestruck's S/I
It's been 3 hours.
4 hours since the hero team Discorded was asked to help out with a capturing some drug smugglers.
3 1/2 hours since they found the drug den.
3 hours since Hypnotica sent in Grafight and Slasher to covertly search the place.
3 hours since he's heard a response.
It was a loud, shrill scream that made his blood go cold. Expecting the worst, he decided to find some loiters and use his quirk to get some backup.
After being only able to scour up 2 shadows for his mask alts to posses, he realized the longer he spends time looking for people, the more harm could come to his friends...*family*. Dolly, taking the form of a Harpy, and Dylan taking a shape of a Lion man, will have to do for backup. Hoping that it won't be needed, he finds an open window and heads into the den.
"Look! They're opening the crates. That must be how they ship the quirk enhancing drugs."
"Slasher. I can't see shit, it's too dark in here and I don't have dope cat eyes like yo-....wait a sec..."
The younger of the heroes takes out a sketch book and quickly draws our some night vision binoculars and they suddenly 'pop' out into a physical object. After giving a thumbs up, in order to stay quite, Grafight uses the goggles.
"Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiit....that's a lot of powder. How the hell do they sell it all?"
Slasher just shrugs it off and continues watching the group of men, tail swaying as they do.
All of a sudden, all of the men stop moving. A few moments later they all turn to the gurder that the hero duo were perched on.
"Hey! Lookey here fellas, some new 'test subjects' to try the new mix on."
"Oh as if you'd even come close to touching us! You won't even get a chance to lay a finger on us. Right Grafight?"
"Right! Good luck fuckers!"
"Slasher! Grafight! What's going o-...."
"We won!'
Hypnotica was greeted by the sight of Slasher triumphantly standing with one foot on top of a human mound of passed out thugs while Grafight was looking over the crate of drugs, kicking one of the thugs that started move on the ground.
"Wha- Then who the hell screamed?!"
Grafight, grabbing the thug she kicked by his collar and threatening to punch him again.
"This guy did. I think he's like...the kingpin or something. Screams like a little bitch though."
"We managed to take these guys out super easily, like it was nothing! Can't believe they were talkin' smack like they could beat us..."
Still a bit shaken up from his worry, Hypnotica headed over to check out the crate. Noticing a strange metal box buried slightly underneath some of the drugs, he pulls it out and begins to question the kingpin about it.
"This your tracker? Is this the thing that you use to keep an eye on your 'supplies'?"
"You better answer. Grafight is pretty liberal with bodily harm."
Slasher says as she walks over to look at the box better, poking it with one of her claws.
"Punching time?" Grafight asks looking up at Hypnotica.
"Not yet. He needs to be conscious to answer our questions."
"Talk then, asshat."
"...doesn't matter....we....we were gunna..."
"Gunna what, idiot?!"
"d....die...die anways..."
"...Punch him Grafight."
Hypnotica grumbles while Dolly pried open the box with her talons.
"...I don't think he meant, like, *80 times Grafight...*"
Slasher now worriedly watches as the kingpin get's absolutely destroyed by fists.
Hypnotica seems frozen as he looks down at the box, unmoving, and holding his breath. Cocking her head, Slasher notices that somethings wrong with him.
"Hey....you alright big bro?"
Finally stopping her onslaught on the kingpin, Grafight looks over to Hypnotica.
"Cat got your tongue or something?"
Still not saying a word, Hypnotica turns the box so the others can see. In the box is a small glowing green tube with wires attached to it, there's also a countdown screen slightly below it. It's only got 3 seconds left on it.
As her tail drops, so does her heart, with only a few second to accept her fate Slasher meekly gasps as she starts to speak.
Grafight finishes Slasher's thought, right before everything goes white.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sirens are blaring as the green mist clears from the rubble of what's left of the warehouse. Various bodies are strewn all about, policemen and EMTs were able to arrive on the scene fairly quickly. Not that it mattered, the damage was done. From the looks of everything, there was no survivors, all thugs and kingpin were either crushed by the rubble or suffered from some strange type of asphyxiation. Death seemed to encompass the area, until one of the EMTs discovered a lion like shadowy figure seemingly protecting a group of still breathing bodies. The figure soon dissipated leaving a strange mask in it's place.
The bodies were still alive, but barely, and they needed medical attention and fast.
"-Sources say that the 'hero' team were incapable of apprehending the group and had to resort to extreme measures to stop the-"
"Horseshit! Why would we set off a bomb? We had it covered already, it wouldn't kill them to get their facts straight..."
"Calm down Gummybear, the doc said you shouldn't strain yourself..."
It's been 4 days since Grafight was released from the hospital, suffering from 2 broken arms, rendering her unable to use her quirk...among other things. Fatgum, her partner, had insisted to stay by her side until things healed, neglecting his own hero duties in the process.
"The doc can shove it as far I care! These newscasters have no right to spew out garbage lies like that! It's gunna hurt our rep.... Sure we might not be the nicest, safest, smartest heroes in the game, but we aren't villainous either!"
"...You...you do have a point, but don't worry about it, I"m sure one of the others will give them a piece of their mind and sort things out. Right now you and I have dinner to eat!"
Grumbling as she rose from the couch, Grafight followed her partner to the kitchen, sitting down at the small round dinning table that the family usually shared. This dinner was different though. The table had a nice white satin cloth draped over it, with 2 light candles on top. It seemed that this time these two will be dinning alone.
"Take a seat baby, I'll go grab our meal."
"It better be something good, the meals at the hospital were utter shit..."
She lets her sentence trail on as a covered plate is placed ever so gently in front of her.
"Oh? Did you plan on surprising me? ....Babe, my arms, I can't open it."
"Yeah, my bad, here ya go my sweet Gummy."
Fatgum slowly removes the cover for maximum surprise effect. Once it's off, Grafight can't help but smiley widely as she notices one of her favorite meals, but with a culinary twist. Hotdogs sliced up into star shapes, surrounded by a circle of mashed potatoes, topped with melted cheese, a dash or salt, and a glob of ketchup in the middle of it all.
"So? Ya like?"
Grafight's eye's start to tear up, but her smile still stays plastered on her face. Fatgum notices right away and goes to quickly grab some tissues.
"Oh Gummy, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you! I just...I just thought I could do something special for ya...I...I-"
"Oh baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabe! I love it! Omg, I love it so much, you're the best, you know that right?"
"I...yeah....no. Wait. YOU'RE the best, you're so strong and special to me, I...I"m just so happy that I didn't lose you...you mean the universe to me."
"Stop...I'm already crying, let's just...let's just enjoy this meal together, okay?"
"Okay. I"m starving anyways..."
Fatgum takes his place across from Grafight, and starts to devour his meal.
"Oh! Yeah, my bad, let me help ya."
The two enjoy their meal together, never breaking their love filled eye contact.
"Slow down Mochi, you shouldn't be over-exerting yourself."
"But Kano, I want to dance! I really like this song...cough cough...it's a total....total banger, and I deserve to have some.....fun after what happened. Everyone else has been so....gloomy since then....I just....want to bring some life.....back into the house is all...."
"I know, I know...but, you won't be able to do much joy-spreading if you can barely walk to the mailbox without getting winded halfway there."
"Hmph, stupid bomb chemicals getting.....getting into my lungs...fucking up my whole system...did they ever figure out what...what was in that tube...anyways?"
"They still haven't called us back about the results yet, but they said the inhaler they gave you was working well enough for us not to worry. So we won't, right Mochi?"
"...Yeah...I guess...I just hate...feeling weak like this...I wanna cry but.... I don't want the others to...to see....they've been through enough....I don't wan them to worry about me...me too..."
Kano takes a moment to think, after a moment he takes Slasher's paw and leads her into the living room.
"Sweety...what are you doing?"
After he gets Slasher to relax on the couch, he walks over the Hypnotica's advance sound system and grabs a homemade looking CD. Putting it in he looks to Slasher.
"The good doctor said YOU shouldn't exert yourself, but....he never said anything about me."
As soon as the music starts, Kano begins to dance in a way that's all to familiar to Slasher. It's a dance they've grown to call the 'Humpty Dance', and no one else in the house can quite get it right like these two.
"Oh Kano! This....this makes me so....happy! Keep...keep going! Maybe...maybe you could...put in some...Slipknot next? Pwetty Pwease?"
"Anything for you my Mochi."
Slasher enjoys the show Kano puts on for almost 2 hours, by the time he gets done, Kano is just about as winded as Slasher has been recently. The two then cuddle on the couch, just taking in each other's slow and labored breathes.
"You will most certainly not."
Sir Nighteye slams his hand down on the counter to emphasize his point, making Hypntoica jump a little.
"And why the fuck not? The need to get their facts straight. I will not stand for all of this fucking slander."
Sir sighs and pushes his glasses up, trying to calm himself down.
"I understand that, but 'kidnapping the newsroom executive' is not the most ideal way to go about it. You can barely walk, even with the crutches!"
Motioning to Hypnotica's broken left leg, and the sprain in his other. Hypnotica just huffs and looks off to the side, still with an angered expression plastered on his face.
"So. Fucking. What? Okay, maybe kidnapping is a bit extreme, but..."
Sir's own angry expression starts to soften as he notices the tears that begin to fall from his partner's face. Wondering how long he's been holding it in.
"...I can't let my family take the blame for a stupid mistake that I made!"
Hypnotica's body begins to shudder as more tears fall, Sir walks over to him and embraces him in a way to try to calm him down.
"It's not your fault...all of you did what you could to try and handle the situation."
"That doesn't excuse all of the death and destruction that happened, and not to mention all the hurt my family is going through because of it!"
"No. It doesn't. But how is any of that your doing, hmm?"
"Shh, just stay, and relax. I'll make up a fully detailed report and send out a few copies to some of the stations. They'll most likely use those facts since my name does carry some weight..."
While still holding him with his right hand, Sir uses his left to tilt Hypnotica's chin up to meet his eyes. After a few seconds go by, he rests his head on his partner's.
"...Trust me dear. Everything will turn out just fine."
"I promise. I saw it."
"A trusted source, who has decided to stay anonymous, has confirmed that the deaths in the Discorded Warehouse accident were not the before mentioned teams fault, but the fault of-"
"Thank you! Finally, a news channel that checks their facts. Even though I'm fine with a few deaths under my belt, but whatever I guess."
"Oh! Look Gummy! That's me! Saving all of those orphans was quite the task, I'll have to tell you all about it later."
"Kano my love! Let me help you with those dishes, there is far to many for one man to clean."
"Thank you Mochi! I kinda went all out with the meal this time, it was a celebration for everyone recovering so quickly....well, mostly everyone..."
"I call bullshit. Of course right after I get healed I trip down the stairs and end up right back to square one."
"Guess that means I'll have play nurse bit longer my dear."
~~*Cue Laugh Track*~~
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mason-fanfiction · 3 years
Chapter 3: A Single Bone
“I don’t think that’s the best idea,” Bryan responds as Mel punches his fist in the air- vengefully. “Perhaps we should go to Applebee’s Grill & Bar?”
“This is no time for delicious meals, Bryan. I’m going to find out who targeted Mason. You don’t have to follow me, but I kind of just assumed you would, you tend to follow me places.”
“I just think friendship is cool,” Bryan smiles.
"Okay. Anyways, I know where we need to go first."
Mel and Bryan walk into Tony's Place, looking for the men they always see playing poker. One of them has to know somebody or know something. As they walk through the saloon-like doors of the establishment, they're met with the hardened glances of the Tony's Place regulars as everyone looks at the two 16 year old's. Du Hast is blasting through the speaker.
Bryan begins to cower back into the street but Mel ignores any sign of danger and heads straight for the poker table, determination burning with every step.
"I have a question," he says to the ringleader of the poker players. He wears a neat suit with a tie, with a bowler hat tipped forward, hiding his menacing glare.
"Whaddaya need kiddo?" the mobster-like persona speaks with a stereotypical New York accent. He takes out a pipe and starts smoking. Weed.
"We need information. We're trying to track someone down." Mel responds, resisting the urge to do his anti-weed dance. Mel doesn't do drugs, and is a good student in school. "You seem like you know how to find people." Mel places confidence on his words, despite basing this assumption off of movie stereotypes, and the pin on the man's suit that says "I know how to find people."
Bryan steps forward friendlily. "What's your name?"
The man studies the two boys for a moment. "The boys call me Greasy Dick. Nice ta meet ya. And yeah, I knows a guy or two. Gonna cost yous some service though." Greasy Dick starts counting hundred dollar bills on the table.
"What do you mean by that, Greasy Dick? What kind of service?" Mel asks cautiously.
"Well, my boys and I have been shippin' some merchandise across the sound. Keeps gettin' hijacked by a coupla' bastards. If yous can stop these sons of bitches from yankin' my chain, I'll find the right guy for ya. Whaddaya say boys?"
Mel and Bryan look at each other. Bryan frantically shakes his head. "We'll do it. Where do we go?" Mel asks.
The cloudy sky looms above the sound. The taste of salt surrounds them, and the windy air carries the sound of ships setting sail and sailors singing sea shanties. Mel and Bryan stand on the docks, with newly fitted white blouses and black breeches. Bryan found a sword to wield.
"That's the one Greasy Dick said. The one with the bone." Mel points at a large ship waving a black flag with a single bone on it. Bryan peers at the ship and says "Right let's go then."
The two friends board the ship and reach the deck. They stop in front of a crew of people surrounded by a guy in a captain's hat.
"Bone?" Mel says, noticing his uncle in the center of the deck. "You're a merchant?"
"Oh, hi. Yeah, I'm merchant coordinator for my discord server. We do some work on the side. Why are you guys here?"
"We were sent to help you with your shipment, make sure it doesn't get stolen again." Bryan says.
"Greasy Dick sent you?" Bone thinks for a moment about the responsible thing to do in this situation. "Okay, whatever. The crew is the rest of my discord server. Talk to them, or don't. I'll be steering the ship." Mel and Bryan nod.
"Hey, Mel and Bryan, welcome aboard!" One of the crewmates greets them as they walk away from Bone. "I'm Sea Man, I'm new to the ship as well!" Sea Man whips and nae nae's, with feeling.
"Hello Sea Man, it's a lovely ship," Bryan says. "Do you know anything about the recent attacks?"
"Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Big bad guys have been ramming their shit into us. Total whackos. They got some vendetta against us, or Greasy Dick, not sure why. We're just drug trafficking- ah! Just kidding! LOL" Sea Man laughs heartily, but stops abruptly. "Drugs aren't cool. Seriously." Sea Man flips his pirate cap backwards.
Suddenly, a ship.
"There's a ship over there," Bone says to Mel and Bryan, lacking urgency in his voice, "You guys should probably go below deck, if you want."
Mel searches the horizon and spots another ship barreling towards them. Sea Man and the crew whip out cutlasses and start manning the cannons. One of the cannonballs hits the left side of the opposing ship, eliciting cheers from Bone's crew of sailors. "They're literally dogwater," Bone says.
Unfortunately, the hit does nothing to stop the ship from sailing straight into them. A plank lowers from the other side, and a group of sailors board the ship, wielding swords and angry shouts.
Mel and Bryan hide behind some barrels. "This is just like Among Us. Because crewmates," Bryan says, and Mel ignores him, watching the exchange on the poop deck.
"Well well well," says Bone, as the captain of the enemy ship approaches the center of the poopy deck. "If it isn't Party John." Party John steps out of the shadows and takes off his neck scarf, revealing his signature neck tattoo, a grizzly bear wearing sunglasses and doing a kickflip on a skateboard. "That's a sick fucking tattoo," whispers Bryan behind the barrels. "What a mad lad." Mel nods.
"Sorry to crash your party," Party John says. His mateys pat him on the back for the clever party reference. His first mate hands him a bubblegum-flavored vape pen and he sucks it dry. "But we're gonna need to take your merchandise." With that, he whips out his sword, and his crewmates follow along.
Bone slowly nods his head, and saunters to the center of the poopy deck in front of PJ. "I should have known you were behind this. You've wronged me in the past, Party John..." Bone says, abandoning his monotone voice for a surprisingly dramatic delivery. "But you will not wrong me again, you sick bastard. Heh." Bone also takes out a sword and swings it around a lot. "Go on, try to strike me down! But be wary, for I'm ranked #72 in the world for Minecraft PVP! 1," Bone smirks, and strikes his sword against PJ's. The poop deck explodes into an onslaught of swords on swords, men on men, grunting and sweating as they passionately clash against each other.
Behind the barrels, Mel frantically whispers, "We should be helping them! We can't let them get the merchandise or Greasy Dick won't give us any information!"
"Wait, I think we can resolve this," Bryan says. Mel looks at him befuddled. "This seems like a friendship problem, not a merchandise problem. They've clearly had a falling out. We should help them talk it out." Bryan clarifies.
Mel sighs. "Bryan, I know you love friendship, but these guys are pirates AND gamers. They're calling each other dogwater and being toxic. We need to...to kill them, or something."
Bryan pauses. "We can't kill Party John. I heard that guy has a fake ID. He'd cut right through us. Hold on a second."
As the fighting continues, Bryan leaves the barrels and sneaks below deck. He returns a few minutes later, hauling a Nintendo Switch. Mel prepares to argue with Bryan when suddenly the fighting comes to a halt. All the gamer bro pirates are staring at the switch that Bryan brought onto the deck.
"Hey," PJ says to Bone, "You got Smash on that?" The enemy crew waits in anticipation for Bone's reply.
"Yeah, yeah we play it a lot." Bone replies.
"Cool...cool." PJ shifts awkwardly.
"Do you wanna play?" Bone asks.
"Yeah," PJ responds.
The two boys and their crewmates sit in front of the switch and start taking turns playing Smash against each other. Everyone forgets about their qualms.
"Gamers before pirates," Bryan says to Mel. Mel shakes his head in disbelief.
The rest of the sail across the sound goes swimmingly. Bone's crew unloads the merchandise from the harbor to a very happy Italian man. Party John and his crew decide to leave Bone's ship alone, after agreeing to play Smash together at least once a week. Finally, after a day's journey, Bone returns Mel and Bryan to the docks.
"Tell Mason he still owes me $20," Bone instructs Mel, and departs with his crew.
Back at Tony’s Place, Mel and a Bryan report back to Greasy Dick on their recent success. Greasy Dick claps his hands (and cheeks) at the news. He takes out more weed to eat as he gives Mel and Bryan the information they requested.
“Great work boys, and I did some digging. I know a guy who will probably know the guy you’re lookin’ for. The guy yous wanna talk to lives in this alleyway on Broad Street. Tell em Greasy Dick sent ya.”
“Awesome, thanks so much Mr. Dick,” Mel says.
“Don’t mention it. Oh, and you should know he’s a real short bastard. Wears these fake Gucci fits a lot. Calls himself Cristian.”
0 notes
Talk in a Discord server got me in the Halloween mood, and I stumbled upon this questions list I reblogged, but never answered!
Questions found here:  https://strawberrylollipopkisses.tumblr.com/post/165657282154/halloween-asks
🎃Pumpkin: What is your favorite season? Winter. Autumn is a close second, but autumn never lasts long enough around here. And winter is so much quieter.~ And cooler. And cloudier. And generally just better sensory times all around. (I do love pumpkin spice and caramel apple flavors, but I love peppermint flavored things even more!)
👻Ghost: Do you get scared easily? Not at all. There are... maybe three things in the world that Genuinely Scare Me, one of them being the phobia of course, then there's the RWT internal battle stuff taking a sharp turn towards Bad (and stories that remind me of such things), and... losing my dearest friends in Certain Ways.
🎃Candy Corn: What is your favorite kind of candy? Salmiakki! (Salted black licorice. I'm highkey addicted to the stuff. Daily cravings and everything. I'll eat a whole box in three days.) If that doesn't count, then probably dark chocolate peppermint bark.
👻Vampire: What is your favorite supernatural creature? Do corvids count as supernatural? If we mean REALLY supernatural... might be vampires, might be spirit guides, pegasus if mythology counts, and, I mean, does Raven count as a "creature", or? 8FF Or how about witches, considering, you know, I am one? ;P
🎃Witch: If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Does flight via wings count as a superpower? That's my very first choice! If not, then I'm honestly really SUPER incredibly curious what it would feel like to astral-project physically! (You know, like Raven's soul-self.) I imagine my soul would have different abilities from hers, but it would be so fascinating to explore! (And I'm already way into astral projection. Which I really love. It would take that fulfilling experience to a whole new level!)
👻Trick or Treat: What was your favorite Halloween costume? Hmmm... Cosplaying Raven. As for which version, I'm torn between White!Raven and 80s!Raven. Both felt AMAZING to wear! The moment Raven goes white in End pt. III is so hugely important and meaningful to me. And I really liked my hair being that dark purple! But wearing a leotard requires Certain Grooming Habits my body really doesn't gel with, so I had to apply hydrocortisone cream in weird places... The 80's outfit has ALL of my favorite things, long skirt and open back and high neckline and open shoulders and long gloves! And I also loved having my hair black. But the cloak I had was so heavy and lined with velvet that I'd get overheated quite easily, and I really don't like wearing heels, even if they're only an inch tall... (I have vertigo and fainting spells, flare-ups in heels would be BAD.)
+ Oh! And then there was the casual JLvTT outfit, which I love for EVERY reason, leggy skirt and tall boots and fingerless gloves and necklace and it's Just My Colors in blue and black, all with an alternative bend-- but I have no intention of cropping my hair or wearing a wig to really totally complete that look. 8F
🎃Black Cat: Are you superstitious? Nah. I weave so many protection spells around myself, I don't think any truly bad luck could find me if I shattered twelve mirrors and walked under fifty ladders. Plus, I believe you make your own luck. Shit happens, but you can choose to make it better or worse for yourself.
👻Ouija Board: If you could change your name, what would you change it to? On one hand, I like the idea of legally making people call me Zira, or my ~mystical~ name, but like.... I also like the idea of Only Friends having the privilege of referring to me by a gender-neutral Truly Preferred Name.
🎃Graveyard: Do you know any good scary stories? Depends on how you define "scary". Like, the original Terror of Trigon story freaking TERRIFIES me, and it is EXPERTLY executed as far as comic plots go, but it's probably not all that scary to other people... but on the other side of the token, stories that scare other people don't even creep me out. Stephen King, Lovecraft, Clive Barker, Poe... I enjoy their stories, but they don’t scare me.
👻Skeleton: Have you ever broken a bone? Nope! I remain convinced I sprained my ankle pretty badly when I was in elementary school, but it healed within 3 weeks without a cast or anything, so I don't think it was a break.
🎃Werewolf: What is your favorite urban legend? Weirdly enough, I don't think I have one of those.
👻Horror Flick: Do you like scary movies? If so, which one is your favorite? I do! It takes quite a lot to actually scare me, and very, very few movies have ever actually managed it, so I wouldn’t call them “scary”, but my favorite of all time is Insidious!
🎃Haunted House: Would you prefer to live in the city or the country? Well I'm actually rather attached to the space and convenience afforded by the suburbs... but if I had to choose, it would definitely be the country.
👻Zombie: Do you think that you could survive a zombie apocalypse? Physically, for awhile. I know how to garden, use wildcrafted plants for healing, mend clothes by hand, and I do have a certain degree of medical training. But surviving happily, definitely not. Without the meds for my stomach and access to food I can eat safely, I'd literally starve to death before the zombies got me. {lP
🎃Mummy: What is your biggest fear? Losing Friends in Especially Awful Ways. I won't even speak of such things, but the grief would be more maddening to me than the phobia is.
👻Bat: Do you have any pets? Yes! Two chinchillas and four diamond doves. The chinchillas are a white mosaic with 4 gray spots named Dusty, and an ebony touch-of-velvet (with a super dark and silky dorsal stripe) named Sisu. The diamond doves are a white-rumped "wild type" named Blue, his two lighter sons named Silver and Ametrine, and a rusty red named Soda (but often called something more like Rose, Lil' Red, Soda Pop, or Nervous Nelly).
🎃Cauldron: What kind of potion would you make if you had the opportunity? Whatever the hell kind of potion would cure my stomach! GHHHH
👻Full Moon: Do you prefer nighttime or daytime? Nighttime by FAR. The dark, the quiet, the scent, the moon, the stars, the peace... ~<3 Always been a nyctophiliac and will probably always be.
🎃Corn Maze: What is your favorite autumn activity? Aside from every single aspect of celebrating Halloween, you mean? Like for autumn in general? It's a tie between hiking amidst the fallen leaves, taking in the quieting energy of the natural world as the spiritual world awakens... and the small, local festivals! The Appleseed Festival in Medina is my favorite, it's quite a drive but it's held at an apple orchard, so you can pick your own apples, they have crafts and trinkets and incense and jewelry for sale, you can buy other things like cider and fritters, and it's all held on a hill over this gorgeous vista of nothing but trees for miles in every other direction. I've only been able to make it out there once in my life, but I'd love so dearly to go back sometime.
👻Broomstick: What exciting places have you traveled to?
Do astral adventures count? Because those are certainly the most exciting to me! But I wouldn't even know how to BEGIN explaining those... The place I have the deep spiritual connection to is my all-time favorite. But as for places on this Earth, that's terribly subjective. I think my favorite was when I visited the San Diego beach! (I think it was at Mission Beach?) The water was warm and gentle, I learned how to crest waves in such a way that it felt like flying, and it was simultaneously so serene and powerful and fun, I'll never forget it, and I spend an inordinate amount of time wishing I could go back, JUST for the ocean.
~ Other noteworthy visits include the pupuseria and the zoo in Detroit, the Cultural Gardens in Nashville, Hen House restaurant in Minneapolis, arranged-seated but still spirited Evanescence concert near Ft. Lauderdale, the arcade at the Greyhound station in Chicago, sleeping overnight (somehow safely) at the Vegas airport with Starbucks in one hand and my laptop in the other, MidOhioCon and the three-level bookstore in Columbus, Root Candle Warehouse in Medina, and even the zoo and art museums in Cleveland! I make a point to explore One New Thing every time I go on a road (or plane) trip, even if I've been there before. There's always more Hidden Gems to discover. c:
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glacierbash · 6 years
Wendy’s X Reader
(My friend said I wouldn’t post this.
She was wrong)
 (Y/N=your name//(H/C=hair colour//(H/S=Hairstyle//(N/N=Rude nickname//(E/C=Eye colour//(F/C=Favorite colour)    
Damn... I’m really fucking hungry. You looked up from your phone as your stomach let out a growl reminiscent of Jurassic-fucking-Park. You frowned, closed Discord and stood up. With a stretch and a yawn, you were off to find something to wear. As you walked towards your room, you happened to pass a mirror. Why you have a mirror hanging in the hall? Why the hell not? You look into it, admiring your (H/C) hair, which perfectly accented your (E/C) eyes. Your hair was (H/S). You were pretty much fucking stunning.    You walked into your room, grabbing your (F/C) hoodie from it’s spot draped across a random chair. Your room was an absolute mess. Glasses everywhere, clothes thrown whereever there was space. You pulled on a random pair of shoes, which happened to just be converse. You stood up, walked out of your room, and grabbed your keys. No way in hell were you walking. You had a car. Why not use it?    You drove around town, looking for some place to eat while your stomach tired to kill itself. You eventually came across a Wendy’s. As you drove towards it, you debated whether or not to go through the drive through. Finally, you parked and just walked in. There were only three other people there, nobody really worth remembering. Except for one. There was a girl with red pigtails, and freckles. She had stunning eyes, though from your angle you couldn’t tell what colour they were. She had on a blue dress with white stripes. The collar of the dress was frilled, and it seemed to spell out “MOM”. She saw you staring at her, and rolled her eyes. She then motioned at the cash register with her head, arms folded. You quickly shook your head and went up to order. However, you didn’t even remember what you ordered because your mind was on that girl, and totally not because the author is super lazy and doesn’t wanna look up what the menu has on it.    You walked to a table as close to the woman as you could. You kept glancing at her out of the corner of your eyes, but she kept seeming to notice. She would give you a smug smirk, and you would whip away, staring at your phone. This went on several times before she actually walked to your fucking table. You swallowed in pure fear, watching her as she pulled out the chair in front of you. She sat down, and stared at you with that same smug-ass smirk.    ”U-Uh, hello?” You said, palms instantly sweaty. She rolled her eyes.    ” ‘U-Uh, hello?’ Wow, I thought you would be bolder than that, the way you kept eyeing me.” She responded with enough snark to cause a rude five year old to blush. And it was more than enough to make you wanna scream.    “Well damn, no need to be so salty. I would’ve thought you worked for McDonalds as the fry cook!” You retorted in panic. Oh, you were sassy when you were scared. The girl just burst into laughter.    “Honey, salt is what I do!” She responded, looking at you with her amazing eyes. You still couldn’t tell what colour they were. Were they a rich brown? Were they a dark green? You just couldn’t tell. But still, they were absolutely stunning. She perked up as the woman who took your order called out your name.    ”Oh, your name is (Y/N), eh? Better go get your munchies, (R/N)!” She said. You rolled your eyes, but her calling giving you such a mean nickname filled your stomach with butterflies. Maybe you could just eat those butterflies, give her the food...    Your stomach stopped that train of thought with a roar so loud you were sure the entire restaurant heard. The woman at the counter did, for sure. She gave a small laugh, shaking her eat. “Eat up, you don’t wanna be too hungry!” She said, handing it to you. You nodded gratefully, walking to the table. The stunning woman just kept watching you as you sat down. You glanced at the fries, before you offered them to the woman. Instead of her acting polite, or offering to pay you back, she just took a couple with a shrug. Still, the fact that she accepted something form you made you giddy with joy.    ”By the way, you’re really bad at random dates,” She commented, taking a bite off fry. She finished the bite, before continuing. “By the way, my name is Wendy.” She winked at you. You flushed.    ”A-bu-Ge-Du— A date?!” You sputtered, but you were careful not to spit. She probably already thinks you’re weird as fuck. She laughed.    ”Eh, why not. I’ll never pass up free food.” Her phone went off, and she pulled it out. You watched her, (E/C) eyes curious. She snickered, and turned her phone around to twitter. Somebody had said “My friends like wendy’s, but I don’t, what do I say?” She had decided to respond with “apologize for being wrong.” You nearly burst into laughter, doing everything in your power so as not to spit everywhere. You swallowed the bite you had in your mouth, and wheezed. She grinned.    ”Think that’s good enough?” She asked with a wink. You nodded, unable to speak. The rest of your lunch continued much less awkwardly, with Wendy responding to tweets. “Nowadays, people just say dumb shit to get me to respond. I’m not complaining. All publicity is good publicity, I guess!” You nodded at that, before you stood up with your tray. Wendy shook her head. “I got that.” She said, standing up as well. You smiled, and gave a thankful nod. You walked towards the door, when she grabbed your shoulder.    ”You really are shit at dealing with women. Here. You’re supposed to ask for a number, not just guess it. So here.” She handed you a slip of paper with her phone number on it. Not just her twitter. You coughed, and gave a small smile. “Well, (R/N), you better head home.” She folded her arms, winking at you. You rolled your eyes.    “Thanks, McDonalds, but I know what to do now.” You ran a hand through your (H/C) hair, and smirked. She actually smiled.    ”You’re catching on, my prodigy!”
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