#but right now my ass being kicked by several things
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bone-evidence · 2 months ago
When I can write again it's over for you bitches
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showtimepast2500 · 9 months ago
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i can be reborn as someone meaningful with this reincarnation apple. 🍏
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calico-kiwi · 7 months ago
someone save me helllpppppp
#kiwi shares their thoughts#not in real danger just severely overworked and stressed atm#much work to do almost no time to do ANY of it#i’m stuck playing catch up somehow??? when its only been like 2 and a half weeks since school’s started???#and i haven’t really missed any school???#idk man i’m falling behind in ap calc (was kinda alr behind)#ap bio work keeps piling up#because i was absent for half of my asl class today i had to make up like 3 assignments that we did in there#there’s ap lang assignments due friday that i will have literally no time to work on bc sports (thank god i got an extension)#but now i have to spend ANOTHER weekend doing school work#i literally have not had a weekend to have me time since school started#we’re hosting saturday too so i doubt i’ll get much done then that day#my september schedule is so full it’s about to explode#i have to sign up for like 20000 things (hyperbole) and my extracurriculars are only adding to the workload#(being vp for a club and also trying to help start up a school newspaper w only four people is ROUGH)#i have college recruiter meetings and i need to schedule an orientation at a shelter i want to volunteer at#i have to worry about preparing for my driving test#and the straw that broke the camel’s back is that when i get home from sports i immediately do chores then homework and then eat + shower#and suddenly my friend group is having issues and i don’t have the bandwidth to deal with ANY of that shit rn#so like#I HAVENT HAD TIME TO GO TO TAEKWONDO ALL WEEK#IM MISSING OUR BELT CEREMONY BC I HAVE A MATCH TMMR#I WAS SUPPOSED TO MAKE SALSA IN COOKING TODAY BUT I HAD TO GO PLAY SPORTS INSTEAD 😭#oh yes and my brother has covid i just found out like an hour ago#im negative w no symptoms thank goodness#oh AND the picture lady for picture day didn’t tell me my fucking bra strap fell off one shoulder when i took my picture#so now a perfectly good picture looks wack af bc my right shoulder is bare and my left one has a strap and it is NOT cute 😭#that’s my yearbook photo dude gives guy a heads up abt stuff like that 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#n e ways life is kicking my ass but all i want is for it to tuck me in give me a kiss on the forehead and tell me “i love you”
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heavyhitterheaux · 3 months ago
Mortgage Payments
See Me Through You Blurb
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Synopsis: You have spent way too much time on TikTok and want to do the latest trend with your husband when you tell him that the mortgage won't be paid on your mansion this month
Pairing: Husband!Joe Burrow x Wife!Reader
Requested by: a beautiful anon 😍
Series Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Sitting down on the couch in the living room you turned on Netflix as you patiently waited for your husband to return from practice to once again do a little prank on him. The latest thing that you had seen on TikTok was wives pranking their husbands and saying that they couldn’t afford to pay the mortgage for the current month while the husbands look confused since they are the ones who pay for it.
And you thought that this one might be the best yet.
Joe never let you lift a finger no matter how much you might protest about it.
More often than not, you’ll wake up to see him gone with a note being left on the bedside table for you about him setting up nail appointments, hair appointments, spa days and etc. and telling you the location and the time that you need to be there.
That was one thing that you never took for granted and always told him how appreciative you were.
You already had your phone set up to record the entire interaction between the both of you as soon as he walked through the door and it was at that moment that you heard the key enter the lock and turn.
Once he fully stepped into the house and locked the door behind him, he called out for you.
“I'm in here babe.” You responded as he followed the sound of your voice.
Once his eyes landed on you, he smiled and leaned down to give you several kisses before sitting next to you.
“I didn't get to see my favorite person all day. I missed you.”
“I definitely missed you more, it’s not my fault you woke up at the ass crack of dawn.” You replied as he pulled you onto his lap.
“I doubt it and trust me if I could stay laying in bed next to you, I would.”
“You are literally obsessed with me.” You said while teasing him and all he did was smirk.
“If a man is not obsessed with his wife then something is wrong.” He explained as he leaned over to kiss your forehead.
The two of you sat in silence for a few moments when you decided to break it.
“I have to tell you something, but you have to promise to not get mad.” You said as you took his hand in yours. Joe was now confused since you had an upset look on your face.
“What is it? What's that look for? Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out.”
“Um, I spent too much money when I went shopping and I can't pay the mortgage this month.” You quietly said and Joe instantly had a look of confusion on his face.
“Wait, what? Baby, what are you talking about?”
“I don't have enough money to pay the mortgage this particular month and it's your birthday month and Christmas is coming. You aren't mad, right?”
“You don't pay the mortgage any month…. Let's start there.”
“I just spent too much when I had gone out. If I hadn’t done that then I would have it.”
“But…. You never do because that's not your responsibility. It's mine. You have literally never paid for it. I'm not sure you even know how to do it.” Joe questioned it as he was not thinking out loud.
“I just feel so bad. Do you still love me?” You asked and Joe got an annoyed look on his face.
“Don’t ask me dumb questions. Do I still love you? seriously? And feel bad about what? I am literally so confused. You know that I take care of you and there is literally nothing on this earth you can ask me for and I will tell you no. Well, within reason. When you asked for an elephant, I had to shut that down IMMEDIATELY.”
“But they're my favorite animal! You can get me a small one!” You pleaded as Joe shook his head at you.
“I… baby stay on topic. And no. You do realize that a small one turns into a big one?”
“Are they going to kick us out? We can move in with Ja’Marr. He won't mind. I can call him right now. Gives me an excuse to use all of his expensive skin products like he used to do to me.” You asked, completely ignoring his question.
“Kick us out of where?! Baby, I literally paid for it already this month. Now, did you want another house? Is that the mortgage you're referring to? We can start looking this weekend if you want.”
“Well no. But I can't pay the car note either.”
“I… I literally paid for your car in full so what in the world are you talking about!? You literally don't have a car note. I take care of you including all of the bills in this house. You do not ever have to worry about paying a mortgage or anything for that matter. You know what you're responsible for?”
“Going upstairs and making sure every piece of clothing you're wearing right now ends up on the floor.”
“Getting bent over the kitchen counter.” He replied as he kissed you.
“Oh my gosh…”
“All day, all night, missionary, cowgirl, reverse, doggy, backwards, forwards, sideways...” Three more kisses.
“Um, I get it, you can stop now.”
“Upside down, in the bed, on the floor, on the couch, on a chair, against the wall, against the full-length window, against the door, in the shower…” Now his hands started to sneak under your shirt as you were desperately trying to pull it back down and making faces at the camera.
“Are you seriously still going?!” You asked in disbelief as you started to laugh at him because at this point in time he had to be dead serious.
“Until your legs give out and the neighbors know my name. That's what you're responsible for. Do I make myself clear?” He asked you giving you one more series of kisses and you simply nodded as you lightly bit down on your lip.
“Good, glad we had this talk.”
“Who knew a TikTok prank would get me hot and bothered like this?” You muttered and Joe did a double take as he looked at you.
“Wait…. Did you record that?!”
“Mm hmm. I got everything your nasty ass said on camera.”
“I don't remember hearing any complaints from you when I'm knee deep in your guts either.”
“Babe! The camera is still on!”
“And I do not give one flying fuck. Turn the camera off and do what I told you. Lose these clothes. Now.” Joe said as he leaned down to whisper in your ear.
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user947468 · 17 days ago
NSFW Alphabet - Chishiya Shuntaro and Niragi Suguru
Chishiya Shuntaro x reader | Niragi Suguru x reader
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I swear this is my last one.. I should be updating my fic soon, but these are a lot more fun than I thought lol + adding songs from my favorite album that remind me of them. Also feel free to request any aib characters you want me to do a NSFW alphabet for!
Warning- Un-consensual sex, gore, ect.. basically Niragi being himself.
Niragi Suguru
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Aftercare? What's that? Your lucky if he even spares the time to lay with you after. Doesn't offer to clean you up after, or asks if you're okay.. maybe he'll take a shower with you after, but only if he gets a second round during it. After all, he loves the idea of his cum still being in you hours after.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his dick, obviously. I mean, what would he do without it? He gets a kick out of his tongue piercing too, did you know they make vibrating one's? Not that he thinks he needs it to make you cum, but its a nice surprise. Niragi loves your ass and tits, basic - but not surprising. He's a perverted male after all.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Obsessed with it. Painting every inch of your body with it, fucking it deeper into you, using it as lube, making you suck him completely dry- don't even think about spitting any of it out, he will make you lick it back up.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Not much of a secret but he's a borderline sadist. Bondage, blood, knife play, he's into it all! He enjoys causing pain, inflicting it, making you feel completely helpless, fully at his will. He tie a chain to your neck like a dog, pulling it harder each time you tighten around him- shoving the nozzle of his rifle down your throat with the safety off, finger hovering over the trigger.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He's fucking people left and right, what do you think? He chases after his own pleasure always, your own is rarely on his mind - but that doesn't mean he doesn't want you to cum. In fact if you don't, he thinks its a disrespect to his performance. If you don't, that means he'll pull out ever trick in the book until you cum- different positions, different rhythms, hitting every angle of your walls until he finds the spot that makes you shiver- bonus points if your orgasm is involuntary.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Any position where he has you fully in control. Tied up, laying under his body weight, being constrained to him- it's not like you have a choice anyways. If he wasn't working in front of an audience, he will have his rifle at stand by at all time with several locks on his door.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Of course he'll laugh, he's doing one of his favorite things! He'll laugh at how pitiful you look, the sorrow on your face, your pained groans- but you laughing? Are you trying to get shot? He'll think your laughing at him, after all why would you be laughing with him? Your laughing will turn into pained wails soon enough.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Trimmed, most of the time. Although he has no problem letting it grow out if he's lazy enough, and if you don't like it? Who cares! Your opinion doesn't mean anything to him.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He's a murder rapist. Anything romantic is off the tables. The only thing he knows is the pure bliss of getting his dick wet. Now, if somehow you are able to squeeze past those thick ass walls Niragi has built around his heart- maybe if you treated him like an actual person, anything other than a rabid dog that needs to be put down- than maybe, he'll focus on if your enjoying yourself or not. The most romantic thing he'll do if whisper fabricated praises and encouragements in your ear- or asking if your up to try something different, he won't take no for an answer and if you ask him to stop he'll ignore you- but Niragi will give you a minute or too to calm down before going back at it. That's about as sentimental as he can be.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Funny. What the hell would you be for if he could just jerk off? The closest thing to self pleasure as he would do is getting off on your underwear, and that's only if your there watching- he'll make you wear the stained pair after too. Something about watching you stroll around the beach, talking with friends and just living your life in general while wearing something so personal that were smeared with his cum always made his dick twitch.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
What isn't he into is the real question. He'll get hard at the slight glance at you drenched in someone else's blood after a game- knowing you fought so hard to stay alive just to come crawling back to him. To his dick. He likes when you cry, when your covered in bruises and scars made by him, when you stare at him, claw at his back, try to fight him off- he loves it all.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere! At anyyy time! He has a love hate relationship with fucking in public. On one hand, he gets to watch as people scowl in horror, shoving what they can't have in their faces, putting you on display like he was wearing a designer coat. On the other, why do they deserve to see you in such a state? One specifically made for him to see? They shouldn't get to hear you while you reach your climax, perverted fuckers would probably use it to jerk off!
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The adrenaline rush of the games mixed with rounds of rough sex after? Fucking life changing. That's when his stamina is at its highest, high chance you wont be able to walk properly for a few days after.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
If you try to act dominant, he will smack the shit out of you and force you to switch positions or he'll get soft in seconds. That doesn't mean he wont let you ride him or you cant give him small praises (although it will take him awhile to fell normal about it) but calling his a good boy or asking to peg him? He'll stare at you with disgust, waiting for you to laugh and say your fucking with him. If you don't, he'll make you say it either way for his sake.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Its more like throat fucking than an actual blow job. He's obsessed with the way you don't try and move when he's ball deep in your throat, you know better. Even if your gagging and huffing heavily through your nose, light headed and tense- all you can do stare through heavy-lidded eyes, silently waiting for it too end. Niragi also refuses to let you touch yourself during times like this, the way you desperately shuffle your hips back and forth against nothing always makes him smile. As for you, Niragi is well adjusted to female anatomy. He'll twirl his tongue, lick, suck, push- try anything to see what makes you gasp. Niragi surprisingly doesn't mind eating you out, especially when your so overstimulated you not sure what part of him in rubbing your clit.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) 
Slow in not in Niragi's vocabulary. It's always hard, always quick, and always rapid. If he wan't to tease you, he'll pull out completely before you climax, or rub himself along your entrance letting himself play with your clit before pushing inside you. Rarely ever with prep.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
If he must, he will. Made militants bring you to his room only to be called to a meeting a minute later? He'll try to bring you too, making you sit on his lap. Groping you in front of everyone, licking down your neck and kneeing between your legs. If he has to suffer the wait, so do they. That is if Aguni lets it pass, if not he'll fuck your throat and finish in seconds. Niragi can hold off for hours if he really wants too, but in situations like this he'll cum early. Plus, he knows you'll still be there when he's back, cause he won't let you leave.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) 
As long as its nothing putting him in "a pussy situation" as he calls it, he's all for it! Want him to pour hot wax on you? Why didn't you ask so sooner? He will even let the wax get hot enough to leave marks, spelling his name across your waist. He almost cums in his pants when you ask him to fuck you with his gun, safety off and fully loaded.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
However many until he's satisfied. Five, two, eight- depends on the day. If he feels nice he'll move to your mouth instead of your pussy after a few rounds, but only if you beg hard enough. Like I said before, he can edge himself for hours on end, making you climax for the fourth time by his first.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) 
Not toys necessarily.. but he'll use unconventional items as sex toys if there close by. Fucking you against the beaches communal dryer, making sure your clit is pressed tightly against the edge of the metal. A candle sick as a butt plug, his boxers as a homemade gag, making you fuck yourself with a knifes handle. He doesn't need any toys, your body is enough for him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Eighty percent of your time spent together is Niragi edging you on, asking you how bad you want him before suddenly moving a few steps away, removing what ever form of contact you had and smugly watching your body arch towards him, begging for some form of contact. "Oh you poor baby," he'd say with mock sincerity, "Missing something?"
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) 
He's loud and proud. Most grunts and moans, maybe a small whimper here and there but usually under his breath, like he's trying to hide them. He's a man after all, not a sex machine. Surprising, I know. The whole time he's verbal, dialogue never ending- he doesn't even seem to be speaking to you directly sometimes, more like to himself.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Enjoys anal and somnophilia (sleeping people). Anal is rare nonetheless, he needs to make sure your properly clean first- going as far as timing how long your in the shower. Anything less than five minutes? Get you ass back in there. Although its more taxing, knowing that your full of his cum in every way possible is worth it. Somnophilia makes his job easier. Simple as that. If your always tense and trying to reject him for entering you, why wouldn't he find you when your the most relaxed, most willing - to take you completely. The ease to push himself in you just to tighten a moment later, while fully emerged, sends an nice twitch to his dick.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) 
Niragi's cocky, and for good reason. He's eight inches while hard, not the thickest but enough girth to make you wince. A light pink going into a harsh red at the tip, raging veins and slightly tilted to the left. He's overly proud of himself.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
On his mind every day- which, are we really surprised? In the morning, at night, during games, in meetings, while shoving a gun in front of a members face, seeing you cry and covered in blood after a game- even if its not his main concern, the idea is always wafting around in his brain. For your sake I hope you match his freak...
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Are you kidding? Sex gives him an energy boost like no other. He's seconds away from jumping around the pool, shooting and fighting people just for the fun of it - hell, he might even join a game early. So, sorry, no cute sleeping together after.
Chishiya Shuntaro
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Quiet. Maybe a grunt while wiping himself up and getting dressed, other than that he's non-verbal. Glances at you here and there, and if you don't clean yourself up he'll ask if you want him too- you always say yes and he always complies. He'll leave wordlessly after, at least for the first few times. If your close enough to be comfortable after the fact- than he'll stay in bed, and after his momentary silence will start spewing whatever analytical thoughts are coming to him. He always gets philosophical after sex.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Chishiya doesn't have a 'favorite' per say, he thought it was foolish- why would he have sex with you if he didn't like every part of you physically? And sure, he might enjoy the way your bikini top pushes your breast together a little to much. Or how easily your neck bruises and the feeling of your heartbeat escalating under his lips- but that doesn't mean he enjoys anything else about you any less. Once you asked, and he stared at you like you were dumb. "Why? So you can boast about it?" He asked, "So you do have a favorite! Honest, ass or tits guys?" As for himself.. he thought he was fine. Attractive enough to cause glances his way, and nothing close to ugly. Chishiya wouldn't go as far as too praise his himself, but he was comfortable being naked in others company.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Ehh.. it's a thing? No real opinion. Doesn't hate it doesn't love it- although he can appreciate it's side use as lube. As cold and restrained as he was mentally, his dick majorly missed the memo. Endless amounts of pre-cum and involuntary dick twitches whenever you so much as breathed on it. But like he said it could be useful.. especially when fucking your breasts. But he swears he doesn't care for either ass or tit any more than he says.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Loves the chase as much as actually having sex. Watching you from afar, prolonged eye contact, seeing how you react to the slight cleavage of his chest when he rolls his zipper down, to his hovering hand by your thigh. It heightens his senses, makes it harder to not want to touch you, not allowing him to see you- after all he has a habit of refusing himself what he wants.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He's a doctor, therefor knows his way around female anatomy. Where certain pressure points are located, where to find your clit, how to position himself in just the right way to make the heat in your stomach grow. As experienced as any normal guy, not a virgin with a body count under five- although it hardly shown as much. He could've told you he had four current fuck-buddies telling him exactly what too do and you wouldn't be surprised.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doesn't have one. Dumb question. If he's fucking you, he's in you anyways right? He lets the situation speak for itself. Your sitting on his lap? He'll guide your hips to ride him. He ends up on top of you- missionary it is. Never would he ever make you go into some obscene position to get his dick sucked a certain way, or too get a quarter inch deeper into you. Their horrible for your joints and muscles, and why would he want to tire you out so soon?
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Chishiya's rarely ever humorous in general, so why would he start now? The closest thing to a laugh he'll give is an amused huff whenever you give a sarcastic quip, or if you do anything he deems is stupid. You let out a nervous high-pitched giggle while undressing? He can't help but compare you too the girls at the beach- the ones who use faulty laughs in hopes of getting laid. If it wasn't for the unpleasant contrast to the other bikini-wearing girl's, it would have almost been something close to endearing.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Well-groomed, and highly hygienic- Chishiya couldn't fathom why anyone would willingly be dirty. He keeps it trimmed, never letting it grow past a certain point before shaving it down. Unlike most he doesn't care if your shaven or not- he just wants to know how often you shower.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Having romantic feelings is a big jump. You should be lucky if you can endues any feeling out of the man. He doesn't say anything with intimate underlining no matter how good your making him feel. Not because he's tempted too or he wants too.. and even if he did he wouldn't know what to say. After all the fact that he's letting you kiss him should be enough.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Chishiya knows the benefits of having an orgasm; it can relax you- physically and mentally, it's a stress reliever, causes a serration boost- yet he's just never felt the need. If he woke up with a boner he'll ignore it until it's gone most days, if it wont, he'll rub a quick one out. Simple as that. In fact its almost annoying, time consuming- having to search his brain for something that makes his dick twitch in satisfaction. At least you given him something to get off too quicker.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Humping. Feeling your hips running back and forth around his torso as the sheer feeling of the imprint of his dick, letting you get off on his leg while your giving him a blowjob, lazily pumping his dick while watching you hump a pillow because he refused to touch you, you rapidly rubbing your clit against his naked thighs- shorts be damned- you reaching your climax without him even having to touch you? Hottest thing you could do. Did wonders for his ego too.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
In a room where he could lay and sit down. Why would he willingly be uncomfortable without reason? And it must be completely empty. No one else in sight. Chishiya didn't hate the idea of fucking in the shower, it made the clean up process a lot faster.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You. And not because of some sentimental outlook, but because of how real it was. You laid bare in front of him - literally and metaphorically - he knew your story, fears, skills, your treasures of the world- what was stopping him for shattering your esteem while you laid so earnestly below him? Or whispering degrading thoughts in your ear while you reach your orgasm, installing pleasure too your fears? Would he? Probably not. But the weight of another person in there entirely surged him to you. You'd let him kiss you in any way, touch you how he pleased, fuck you how he felt fit- you allowed him to have the higher power. He'd be lying if he said it didn't do things to him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Role play. He simply wouldn't be able to get into character, and he wouldn't be able to see you in such a different light. Although he did play doctor once or twice.. but it made sense, if he is an actual doctor he's not playing a character, is he?
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
No preference, really. He likes the suction of your mouth, the tightness of your throat, the way you tug on his hair when he's between your legs, forcing his head down- completely ignorant to you blocking both of his airways. He realized that he didn't actually mind.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) 
Its starts off as with an even pace, slow and deep thrusts- the longer you go for for quicker his hips snap, the harder the headboard hits the wall and the harder he fucks. Your both always a little out of breath by the end of it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Doesn't care for it. What's the point in having sex while feeling rushed? He likes to take his time, however how long or short he wants it to be. And the thought of where-ever he had to go to would ruin his sexual tuition, anyway. Chishiya would rather wait it out.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) 
Depends. Chishiya wound't say he's vanilla, or that he's a sex freak- so the thought of experimenting could go either way. If he thinks there is just a fragment of himself that would enjoy if he might say yes, more out of regard to you having the gut to ask him in the first place. If he doesn't like the idea, he'll simply shut you down.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Three max. Although he does prefer letting foreplay escalate you to finishing climax before you actually start to have sex- curling his fingers inside you, claiming he's "Just getting you started.", letting his tongue lap at you like a starved man- so a lot of the time, you end up more spent than him.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) 
Why would you need toys? Chishiya's has two hands and a tongue for a reason. However if you ever brought him a toy, asking if he could use it on you, he won't reject you- but maybe he would make you use it on yourself while he watched, instructing you what too do, purely for his own enjoyment.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Chishiya likes to get to the point and he wouldn't say he teases you, he just finds amusement in watching you arch in pleasure for as long as possible. Although if you ever heard him say that you would call him a fucking liar to his face.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) 
As for grunts and moans, more rare than you would like- you would try little tricks to see what would make him react the most- and ever time he did, you felt like you got a little reward. He was decently vocal, talking more than actually make sounds- but you didn't miss when a sharp intake of breath would cause him to pause, or when his words would deepen to low grumbles. Chishiya was vulgar with his words, much to your surprise. Outwardly asking if you liked what he was doing, making you explain how wet the thought of his dick was making you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Chishiya liked hearing how your voice would rattle when he grope you a certain way, liked hearing your airy call of his name and how you would repeat it over and over and over again in his ear. He liked forcing you to explain why you wanted him so bad while he refused to let you touch him.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) 
Six inches exactly, and two and a half inches wide. How the hell he was that wide was beyond you, and Chishiya knew what you were thinking the second your eye's widened. He just looked at you with a small smirk and raised eyebrows, daring you to say something. Pale, like the rest of his, but with an aggravated bright pink tip. Stick straight and small veins runing to his shaft.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He could go without sex for the rest of his life if you made it a challenge. But you didn't, and it wasn't- so he enjoyed the company when he wanted too.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If he's tired he'll lay there, eyes closed and completely limp- even though his brain was still wide awake. It always took him a while to actually fall asleep, but depending on how rough you fucked the physical toll with lull him to sleep just a few minutes earlier.
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nouearth · 10 months ago
the boy next door.
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pairing. alan ritchson x male reader headcanon.
summary. with his profile brewing in hollywood, projects are consistently lining up for alan, and the last thing he needs is a new roommate getting in the way of his stress. unless, reader finds himself becoming alan's personal stress-ball?
content warning. camboy!au, camboy!reader, top!alan, bottom!reader, food!play (cucumber as dildo), muscle worship, size difference, spitting, oral (r!giving on dildo), dirty talk, verbal, masturbation, alan and reader are roommates.
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moving in.
roommate!alan who surprises you with his massive stature when he greets you on move-in day.
it was jaw-dropping. well, almost so. you were luckily aware enough to catch the slack of your jaw from relaxing any further. any second longer, and you would've been hypnotized into submission by the man's brawn physicality; massive chest, bulging arms, and thick fingers—traits you would find yourself drooling about.
"hey, uh... (m/n), right? is that how you say your last name?" "spot on! and... alan. man, your name already sounds like a celebrity, i'm jealous." "haha, hopefully the casting directors feel the same way."
roommate!alan who helps you with your luggages without a single request from your end.
aside from being eye-candy, alan utilized his muscles for the greater good and brought your belongings from the trunk of your car, to the front of your door in a matter of minutes. even when you pleaded him not to, he went on ahead while urging you to take a rest after the long drive across the city.
you complained, though half-heartedly because your ass was sore from driving all day. his massive arms were a distraction as the veins surged through every muscle of fiber like lightning.
"you really didn't need to do all of that—" "hey, you're saving me from shelling out an extra thousand by being my roommate. plus, you seem... normal? that's the least i could do." "normal? pft, i don't know about that. but i will say, your kind gestures have put you on my 'no-kill' list." "let's backpedal a bit. is it too late to kick you out?"
roommate!alan who has already taken a liking towards you in the few hours you two have spent together to unpack.
saying that people 'stared' at alan would be underplaying what they've actually done. it was a daily occurrence to catch people gawking at his stature. whether it was with astonishment, intimidation, lust, or hostility, all eyes were on him, collective eyes and gasps piecing together how a man could look the way he does. some whispered 'steroids', others envied his dedication.
as uncomfortable as it could be at times, he liked the attention knowing he'd be the subject of one's conversation to another friend.
with you, it was no different. he'd caught you several times staring at his arms from across the room. or maybe it was his shoulders? how they perfectly filled his shirt out from seam to seam? either way, you were enchanted, especially when he'd nonchalantly flex his muscles every now and then in hopes he'd catch your eye.
and he could say the same about himself when he'd catch you bent over, ass raised high while you dug inside of your boxes to unpack the remaining decor you had brought with you.
until that moment, he never noticed how much smaller you were compared to his, the top of your head barely meeting his chin if he was to line you up. how much of a desire had awakened to have you in his arms, just to see how you perfectly fit into his body.
getting to know each other.
roommate!alan who has already learned of your habits, likes and dislikes, and hobbies within a few weeks of you moving in.
it was the small stuff that you found yourself gushing over. you two almost always had dinner together on the couch. condiments on the side for you, ketchup over his fries for him.
whether it was homemade or takeout, the best memories being made between the two of you were simply eating in front of the tv and watching alan's roles despite his reluctance.
you would cheer whenever he appeared on the screen, the camera somehow making him seem smaller than he appeared to be in real life. it was impressive, and once again, you found yourself drawn to the sheer size of muscles beside you.
throbbing, even at the simplest touch, as he gave your shoulders squeeze amidst passing by you to collect your plate.
"have to head to bed early. got an audition in the morning." "awesome! was this the one you were telling me about earlier?""yep. i worked with the director once, so fingers crossed?"
roommate!alan who can read your body language early on, and senses that you're hiding something from him.
it was that one question that either turned you into stone, or a babbling buffoon as you would try to avoid the subject.
your occupation.
he didn't know much other than the fact that you worked from home, which was why your bedroom was so intricately set up like a tech start-up.
four different types of cameras, a gaming chair, several monitors for one pc; it was intricate and honestly, alan didn't really understand it.
"so, you don't have to say yes or no, but..." "hm..?""are you a youtuber? like, one of those tech guys who reviews new phones and stuff?""something like that, i guess?" "is it mentally draining?" "more so... physically?"
roommate!alan who asks about your day after coming home from a shoot.
you looked exhausted, drained, wrecked—images of you that he never thought would rile him up. yet, as you groggily came out of your room with flushed skin, and a thirst that needed to be quenched, alan was equally parched just watching you recover your breath in between gulps of water.
cluttered state of mind.
roommate!alan who merely offers you a look of annoyance when you greet him after he arrives home.
you've recognized that look by now, and all you could simply provide was his dinner plate, and a sympathetic pat on the back.
"listen, i know a friend and he has a mutual that can help you—" "not in the mood right now, (m/n).""just trying to help, alan."
roommate!alan who ends the night early, leaving you on the couch with his plate left untouched.
it was awkward, to simply put it. the show you put on happened to be the one he was auditioning for, and then ultimately flunked because he forgot his script. from the corner of your eye, you could see his jaw tightening, straining, fork scraping against the ceramic plate as he pushed the fried rice in a corner, and then eastward, because that corner was empty.
though, is it wrong to say that you found it hot? if only there was a less forward and awkward way of saying, 'hey, i'd love to take your mind off of things right now. let me suck you off.'
secret unlocked.
stressed!alan who spends half-an-hour in the shower contemplating whether this career was worth it.
countless of potential roles never making it pass the call-back stage; he was growing exhausted from it. driving from city to city, filling his car with gas that would amount to nothing in the end. he could only stretch his royalties out for so much longer, and—
no, he wasn't a quitter. the last time he felt like this, the next audition was a success. if predictions are right, he'd consider this madness a sign of luck, at least for the meantime.
stressed!alan who needs something to take out his frustration on.
maybe he should head to the gym? no, he already showered. and it was already getting too late for his liking to drive back and forth at this time, even if he wasn't tired.
at the corner of his eye, his laptop glinted with a sparkle.
some good porn would fix him.
stressed!alan who has one hand down his sweats, and the other calmly scrolling through his favorite cam site.
his lips grew chapped, licking them from time to time as he watched the page load without the decency to sugar-coat its offerings. his sight was immediately assaulted with moving thumbnails of women, and men under the spell of their own lust. some squirmed from the uncontrollable feeling of being filled, while others preferred talking to their patrons, touching themselves to the pixelated smut sent through the chat.
stressed!alan who has you on his mind despite the options to choose from, and he squeezes his large balls in his hand.
the cursor maneuvered respectfully around one performer’s breasts and another’s erection in its journey to the filter list. the drop-down menu pulled open and alan checked off the men within his age range. 
with a quick load, the website refreshed with a new assortment of performers, and his cock began to sprout at the moving thumbnails. his hand immediately began to feed his growing bulge with gentle squeezes and rubs as he scrolled what seemed to be endless cycle of camboys.
the sudden warmth of his clothes stuck uncomfortably to his skin. alan removed each article within seconds, yet the flush of his skin remained, ached as it yearned for the physical touch of the seductive men beckoning him.
stressed!alan who felt the world had stopped. the heat frozen in his cheeks, his hands equally mirroring as he hovered over a familiar face. strained, orbs dilated and wandering, and holy shit—so fucking inviting.
it was you.
stressed!alan who watches your stream for a few minutes to decipher if it was truly you before shamelessly stroking his cock after he confirms that it was.
sweat dribbled over your neck and body in diverging streams. your legs were raised on their own accord, thick thighs shaking from the muscles working overdrive to keep you still and perfectly centered before your webcam.
stressed!alan who couldn't believe what he was seeing. it all made sense now, why you were so reluctant to tell what you truly did.
you were a fucking whore. a whore for the internet for everyone to goon to, to cum to. he can imagine it now, how much pleasure you'd given these men as he watched you fuck yourself with a cucumber.
and he was one of them. alan's large cock was manhandled by his hand, stroking sloppily with an ample amount of lube squeezed over the flesh of throbbing muscle.
all those memories of you looking so wrecked came fluttering in. you looked wrecked because you were fucking wrecked.
by a fucking cucumber.
and alan has never been so envious of a vegetable despite eating them on a daily.
you were plunging your tight hole with a long cucumber, slickly lubed from the condom over the girth of the green plant. with every push of your wrist, your legs caved into the pressure to set themselves down, but every time the crown of the plant pressed into your prostate, you were reminded of the viewers who had been donating, their pop-up messages urging you to keep them up 'like a good boy.'
stressed!alan who jerks himself off to the rhythm of your wrist.
every time you sank the thick cucumber inside of you, alan paced himself to match your tempo, plunging himself into his closed fist, mimicking your refusing hole by opening his fingers one-by-one, until he had fully breached through.
stressed!alan who mutters to himself, who mutters words that you couldn't hear because you were busy pleasuring yourself for hundreds of men watching you.
"fuck yeah, take that dick..." "too big for you?""fuck, we'll make it fit."
stressed!alan who imagines himself fucking into you.
he knew his cock was big. he'd been told countless of times, by men and women, and lots of time, they would quit a few minutes in because it was just too much.
but you, he was certain that you were able to take him. because—fuck—alan was bigger than that cucumber you were fucking yourself open with. it needed a glorious amount of lube, like what you had displayed before him, dripping heavily from your abused cavity, but luckily, you had experience in handling big sizes, right?
you'd take him, like the 'good boy' the users were spamming in the chatbox. you'd take him with your eyes forced shut from him stretching you out. from alan's impatience and reluctance to wait for you to adjust to him, because he's fucking furious at you.
why didn't you tell him sooner? why were you hiding this from him? how could you be so selfish and leave him blue-balled whenever you'd come out in those shorts of yours? teasing him with the smallest glimpse of your inner thighs?
if he could ever lay his hands on you, he'd show no mercy. fucking your ass doggy-style till your cheeks clapped. plunging you with his cock as you spread your legs open for him. locking your throat with his arm while he's under you, your back pressed to his chest, rendering you trapped within his embrace. you'd take his cock in every position, in every state, whether you'd like it or not, because you were a good, fucking, boy.
stressed!alan who spits on his cock because you began simultaneously filling your mouth up with a dildo.
spit. god, there was so much spit coming out of your mouth. you loved pushing yourself to the limit, alan could see it. the light leaving your eyes whenever you pushed the dildo a little too far to the back of your throat. that could be his cock, if you let him.
he imagined how warm your mouth would be. how perfectly shaped it's made for his thick, meaty cock. he had the perfect curve to make it a struggle to swallow him down, but like he noticed, you loved a challenge, didn't you?
alan's cock was plump, and beaten red in his hand. noises similar to the sound of you sucking off the dildo were made with his hand, his spit and lube sloshing together in a lewd symphony that could be heard from your room if you'd learn to shut up.
"choke on it, gag on that fucking dick..." "fuck yeah, spit on it.""good fucking boy."
stressed!alan who's nearing his climax from watching you tease the camera with your hole.
you repeated countless of profanities after every plunge of the cucumber flushing deep inside of you. you made sure to buy the girthiest one; they loved seeing your asshole gape at the end of the stream. twisting your wrist, you could feel the subtle ridges of the cucumber, violating your guts with its nature, and it was all-so glorious. the size, the texture, the viewers, the sound of donations coming in, the ‘thank you’ messages after for making them come; you were a true star within this community and it evidently showed when you finally hit your donation goal for the night.
alan fucked his fist, nearly coming to the sight of your gaping hole when you yanked the cucumber out of you like a sword-wielding knight ready to slay a dragon.
it was beautiful, watching you desperately hold onto the physical being of the cucumber, but all there was to it in the end was the memory of its girth. your hole was perfectly molded it, clenching and pursing, blowing fluttering kisses to the camera, to alan.
and if it was up to him, he'd ram his cock into you by now, not letting a second to spare in fucking you until your muscles felt like jelly, because fuck, you were so enticing like this. head lolled back, mouth open with your tongue hanging out as if you had a dripping cock to catch its cum above you.
the sound of donations kept chiming in, and alan knew he wasn't alone in this enchantment.
one more hit to your prostate, and you came undone in seconds. thick spurts of cum shot at your chest from your current position, then at your face when you raised your hips a little higher and pumped your cock with a ravishing fist. the sound of donations rang like a police siren. if you were being profiled for a crime, it was because you couldn’t hold in your cum any longer like one user had begged for you to.
stressed!alan who perfectly aligns his orgasm with yours and blows multiple loads on the screen on his laptop. his moans came out in hushed stutters, countering your choked whimpers that would then break out into begs for cum.
"fuck, fuck, fuck. i need your cum, i need it. give me all of it, fuck. all over my body. in my ass. on my face. i need that load."
his cum came out in thick, pulsating ropes, flying forward to land on the image of you resuming to fuck yourself to your audience's collective orgasm. this time, at a closer view, as you centered the camera to fill the stream with a screenful of ass and a gaping hole. it was your fans' favorite part of the stream, the chat exploding in several fire emojis and astonishment as you showed your pretty insides blooming for thick, endless spunk.
it was hypnotizing, almost as if you were really there before him.
with one hand, alan brought his laptop in between his legs, and smeared his own cum over the blooming resolution of his screen. feigning a breeding, he slides his cock over his cum, over his laptop screen, while you moaned in the background, begging lewdly for cum, to be filled, to be bred, to be dripping, to be fucked, and alan doesn't know what came over him, but another load automatically came out of him like some kind of spell.
"h-holy shit...""fuck, yeah... give me that load, all your load... are my fans breeding me right now?"
alan painted you until you were practically hidden beneath the layers of his orgasm. translucent white blurred the screen, but he could still make out your silhouette. sitting now, exhausted, wrecked, evidently too tired to be bothered to clean up the mess you made on your body.
and just like that, his head felt lighter. all of his worries had left with every dump of load over your pixelated hole, and yours as well, as you leaned back to catch your breath with your eyes closed. his breathing matched the pace of yours, together, collectively, and all he could do was shortly laugh at the situation before him.
roommate!alan who greets you in the morning with a strange smirk as you made yourself breakfast.
"i can see why your job is physically draining now." "hm?" you yawned. "what are you talking—"
roommate!alan who pulls out a cucumber from the fridge, and cuts it into thin slices for his morning smoothie.
"i-i can explain—""you can make it up to me tonight."
he popped a slice into his mouth after.
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nouearth. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works. and if you like this story, please reblog and leave a like!
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sp0o0kylights · 2 years ago
Part Two
Gareth Emerson had no clue what the hell Eddie was thinking. 
There was “adopting lost sheep” as he called it, and “being the nest baby birds needed before they fly” for some of the other poor, mid-year transfers, and all of Hellfire was used to both these adoptees. 
People showed up, always looking a little hesitant, always a little careful, and all of them were welcomed until they found their place in Hawkin’s High. 
This though? This was neither of those things.
No, what Eddie had done was taken a wolf, or a--fucking tiger, that had gotten hurt fighting other fucking tigers, and decided to keep it as a pet. 
Even if said pet was looking very pathetic, with a face full of bruises that apparently, Billy Hargrove caused.
That did not make sitting across from the fallen King and current senior, Steve Harrington, any easier. 
Judging by the rest of Hellfire’s constant uneasy glances and uncomfortable, awkward joking, no one else was comfortable with it either. 
Except of course, for Eddie. 
“Dude can we like, talk for a minute?” Gareth asked, motioning at Jeff and Grant to distract Harrington. Not that it was hard, the jock was too busy staring at his pathetic packed lunch to notice much. 
(The guy brought soup to school and was drinking it cold. What the fuck.) 
“Ga~ary.” Eddie sing-songed, but it was in warning. 
A warning very much ignored, as Gareth stood, and moved to tug Eddie up with him. 
“Now, Eddie.” He said, his own tone a manic, if suppressed version of his own warning.
Gareth was not known for keeping his temper, but he also wasn’t keen on getting his ass kicked this early in the day if Harrington took offense. 
And considering they had all finally caught a look at Hargrove, and the way he fucking stopped and turned on his heel the second he saw Harrington, there was no doubt in Gareth’s mind that Harrington could kick his ass. 
Even in his current, beaten to shit state. 
Eddie huffed a dramatic breath, making sure at least some of his hair moved with it, but stood nonetheless. 
“I’ll return shortly, friends!” He called jovially, before letting himself be dragged backwards several feet. 
Just fair enough away where they could still see the table, but not be heard. 
Particularly not by any invading jocks. 
“What were you thinking!?”  Gareth started, hands crossed over his chest tightly.  “You didn’t even talk to us first!”
“Garebear, look at him.” Eddie said, placing both hands on his friend's face, turning it to look at Steve’s hunched form. 
“Those big, sad, puppy-dog eyes.” Eddie continued, leaning in to whisper in Gareth’s ear. “The pathetic way he slouches.”
 Eddie leaned even closer, lips tickling Gareth’s ear and making the latter swat at him. 
He dropped his hands to Gareth’s shoulders, shaking him lightly. 
“His giant empty house we can use for Hellfire meetings.”
“Is that seriously why you dragged him over here?” Gareth demanded, a little louder than he’d meant too, if Eddie’s abruptly tight grip was anything to go by. 
“Of course not.” Eddie scoffed. “Rumor has it the guy throws money around for his friends and if we play our cards right, we can be the receiving end of that gravy train.” 
Eddie grinned theatrically while he said it, staring into Gareth’s eyes like his smile alone would convince him to play along. 
It was the fakest thing Gareth had ever seen on his best friends face. 
“Don’t bullshit me man.” He said quietly, eyes narrowed. “What’s the actual reason you decided to go against your own doctrine and adopt Steve Harrington, of all people?” 
Eddie’s eyes flicked to Harrington and back. “There’s no other--”
“Eddie.” Gareth snapped, a flash of his temper breaking through. “You’re my best friend. Don’t fucking lie to me like that.” 
“Has anyone told you you’ve been using the word ‘fuck’ a lot, Gare?” Eddie muttered, but it was more subdued, the playful mask falling from his face. 
As a matter of fact, Ms. Click had called him out on it that very morning, but Gareth knew better than to admit that and derail this conversation. 
“Edwin Dale Munson.” Gareth growled, enjoying the way Eddie flinched from his full, government name. 
“Sssh!” Eddie dropped his hands from Gareth’s shoulder to wave them in his face. “Fine, fine, look. Rumor has it he got cheated on, blew up his friendship with Hateful Hagan and Cocky Carol, and then took a beating from Hargrove. All in the same like, week.” 
Eddie tugged at his hair, the movement harsh. 
“I found him walking home in the dark the other day. Said something was wrong with his car, but Gareth.” Eddie paused, gnawing on his lower lip, before he stopped close once again, voice barely above a whisper. 
“I had to coax him in my car and when he got in he kept flinching.” 
“Flinching.” Gareth repeated. 
“Like I was gonna hit him or something.” Eddie explained. “Worse Harrington’s house was dark when I got home. I mentioned to Wayne it didn’t look like anybody lived there and he said he was surprised anyone did. He thought the Harrington’s moved.” 
“Okay.” Gareth said, not quiet following this part of the conversation. 
“He thought they moved because some coworker of his wife worked for them as a house keeper or some shit. Said they bought a place in Chicago. She helped them pack.” 
Another look, but this time Gareth had picked up on what was happening. 
The flinching. 
Not going with his parents.
Staying in Hawkins, when Harrington had a chance to get the hell out. 
It didn’t paint a pretty picture. 
“Shit.” Gareth said finally.
Eddie nodded. “Exactly.” 
Together, they turned to stare at Harrington, who had hunched further into himself now that Eddie was gone from the table. 
“If he turns on us I’m blaming you.” Gareth grumbled finally, and tried not to let the smile that broke out on Eddie’s face effect him. 
“Glad to hear you’re on board, Garebear.” Eddie said, patting his shoulder hard. 
“You’re a fucking teddy bear, you know that right?” Gareth continued as they turned to walk back to the table.
“Shut your mouth.” Eddie fired back. 
“I don't think I will. In fact, Harrington!” Gareth spoke the jock’s name loudly, making the dude jerk and spill some of his soup. 
Bruised eyes looked up at him and Gareth fired a smug right into Harrington’s face. “Wouldn’t you agree that Eddie here is a giant teddy bear?”
“Don’t answer that.” Eddie cut in, as Harrington blinked slowly, a puzzled look overtaking his face. “Gareth here has a big imagination.”
“Let the man give his own opinions. I’m sure he has some!” 
Steve looked between them. 
“I think I’ll plead the fifth.” He decided on. 
“Smart man.” Jeff muttered, causing the rest of the table to snicker.
For the first time since he sat down, Gareth witnessed a small smile appear on Harrington’s face. 
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afniel · 3 months ago
So today I woke up and promptly remembered that hey, didn't I have jury duty at some point this month...? I went downstairs and checked the summons postcard and sure enough, I did.
Last week!
Now, this isn't me confessing a criminal misdemeanor, because I was excused, actually. Luck was on my side (and so was the Wayback Machine, which is how I had to check). No failure to appear, no foul.
The thing I'm actually proud of is that I didn't freak out about it. See, when you've got a lifetime of internalized ADHD shame, the typical reaction to realizing that You Forgot Something, Again, goes like this:
Panic so much. You're going to be In Trouble. Nothing can possibly be worse than being In Trouble. This is a category 5 emergency.
Self-flagellate as hard as humanly possible. What kind of useless sack of unreliable shit, accidentally mislabeled as a human being, could have fucked this up so badly? This is just like everything else in your life. Nothing you do is ever right no matter how hard you try. What's even the point? You're an eternal fuckup. Might as well just accept it.
Existential crisis spiral until you can't even remember what the real problem is. The problem is just you. The problem has always been you. Why are you like this?
Eat an entire thing of Oreos, or whatever your self-destructive self-soothing behavior of choice is. Do you feel better? Not really. You stopped hyperventilating at least, so it'll have to be close enough.
Actually deal with the real problem, if it's even a problem. It probably wasn't. Now you just feel stupid for getting so worked up about it.
Completely fail to realize that you punishing the hell out of yourself in steps 2-4 is just reinforcing your panic response and making you less capable of coping in the future, because you've had it beaten into your head that forgetting things, a normal and reasonable human error, is Simply Not Acceptable, even if it's ultimately pretty harmless. But hey, if you kick your own ass about it harder than anybody else would or even could, then you've personally made sure you have control over the severity of the punishment, right?
Does that sound like a trauma response? Well, it should, because it is. Many people with ADHD have this same trauma response, because having a brain that doesn't work like everyone else's in a world that is not just not built to accommodate that, but in fact is built to convince you that this is a personal, moral, and unforgivable failure is actually pretty traumatic.
That's verbatim how I've lived most of my life. Don't ask me how the hell I got this far carrying on like that, because I don't even know. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger gives you a goddamn complex. But I've been working on it over the past I don't even know how many years, and today, my response was more like this:
Oh shit jury duty was a week ago. Well, now I just feel silly.
Uhh...let's figure out the worst possible outcome. Jail time? Seems highly unlikely for a first time misdemeanor. Possibly a fine, but probably a warning.
Let's look up what actually happens to people in my county who miss their jury duty. They get sent a second summons. That's very reasonable and not at all a real problem if it happens.
Let's find out if I was even summoned to appear. If not, it isn't even a problem. Mention it to my partner at this point. They say 'yeah, I forgot I had jury duty once. I looked up whether or not I was summoned on the Wayback Machine. You told me to not worry about it either way because people honestly forget all the time, and it's a fixable problem whatever happens.'
Realize they are right (and that I forgot this happened until they mentioned it because it was such a non-issue), and I should take the advice I give and treat myself like somebody I care about. I reassure myself that it's not a big deal and people do it all the time and nobody's doing to be personally affronted, and a sincere apology goes a very long way even with a cranky judge if it comes to that. I check the Wayback Machine.
I was excused anyway, so no big deal in the end. I now have a funny story to tell, and I'll probably remember better in the future as a result. Realize that even if it had gone worse, it still would have ended up a funny story later. Yeah, even if they inexplicably threw me in jail for a night. That sure would never get old retelling.
Have a shower and get on with my day.
Gold star for me, I completely didn't even realize that I was de-catastrophizing so well until after the fact. Like I've got it down to a reflex now. I am legitimately just a much calmer person than I used to be. Feels pretty alright! I could get used to this not kicking the absolute mental health out of myself every time something goes slightly wrong. Highly recommend being nice to yourself actually, 10/10 experience.
Anyway that's me tooting my own horn. I feel very emotionally stable and pretty good about that fact. It's been a fucking journey.
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ronearoundblindly · 7 months ago
Some Steve for you to enjoy 🥰🫶🏻
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Gurl, this f***ed me up! I wanted to try to make it a snippet of Item 107 or The Cinder King, but the muses were just like "you know what you need? emotional damage." So now here we have my first semi-legit period piece (which has zero useful era detail eh) and truly is just the carrier for skinny!Steve love. Hint: It's thirsty, smutty love with hardly any plot ANGST.
Hello and welcome to Lexi's most self-indulgent fic ever. It's got everything: crippling insecurities about my real-life stuff, horniness unmatched even if there were sex pollen shot directly into their faces, and everyone is touch-starved. \o/ Enjoy! WC probably close to 3k but idk because I'm too afraid to look back at it. *slams post button*
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Turned away again, Steve "4F" Rogers steps out of the recruitment center to see you standing there, staring up at the posters promising glory.
People hustle around you, several even knocking into you, but you remain transfixed, invisible. You're clutching your purse like a lifeline.
Down one step, worn-through shoes barely hiding every seam in the cobblestone, Steve has to get closer because that's the direction of home and a lonely, empty apartment he can hardly afford. He has to pass by. He has to, but then he sees the amber light reflect on trails of tears down your cheeks.
He has to stop.
"Miss?" Steve clears his throat, his own arm smacked by a rowdy man who then swats at your ass just as Steve tries to get your attention again.
You jolt and turn to him in surprise, hand flying up to cover a sob, sweeping to wipe the evidence of emotion from your face.
Fast--faster than Steve really processes--he's shouting for the guy to apologize before the guy makes to advance, Steve presses himself between you and the asshole still laughing at disrespecting you, and then he--Steve--is getting shoved into the alley with you still at his back.
It's dusk. The alley is nearly black. Steve can hear you crying but he's slipped on the stones wet from an afternoon rain. He scrambles to right himself.
Amidst the cries, he hears grunts of anger and resistance, terror creeping into his chest as Steve thinks you're being assaulted.
"Piece of shit," you bite out. The silhouette of you hurling your bag at the man's face repeatedly is clear from where Steve crouches, backlit as you are by the movie theater marquee.
Then the guy is down on the ground, too, being stomped on by your two-inch heel. "Piece of fucking shit."
"Woah," Steve jumps forward to hold you back. "Woah, language, ma'am. Let's go. Just leave him."
He has a weak arm around your waist, but you kick at the man one more time for good measure, hissing "liar" before turning to follow.
Your hand in his, Steve hurries through the streets, picking the ones he knows are busier but maneuverable to make sure you're not being pursued. Each time he looks back, he sees your sinking face, more tears, more exhaustion, and he makes a flash decision.
He doesn't stop until he locks the door of his apartment behind you both, and you break down on the bare wood floor.
"You hurt? Did he hurt you?" Steve's boney knees land a few inches from yours and he leans over, his long fingers brushing over your pinned hair and stiff curls that dislodged in the commotion. "You're alright. You're safe here."
Where your legs crumple underneath you, your slip lays over your thigh, uncovered by the skirt pooling on the other side of your hip. He can see the outline of a garter strap and the top of your stocking beneath the silky material. Steve's always loved pretty, delicate things. He also loves the faint bulge of flesh around the restraints.
There's meat on your bones, something to hold onto, and he shakes his head, chastising himself for noticing all the wrong things about the crying woman in his home. His lonely, empty home.
Steve attempts to think of anything other than your body.
"Do you know him? What'd you call him a liar for?"
You sigh in defeat, hands flopping into your lap, and confess that it wasn't about him so much as a man not here anymore. Gone. To war. You tell Steve a rambling tale of excuses and snide comments, of a parting that left you wondering why that man--any man--bothered to be with you in the first place, of a surety that you weren't ever wanted.
"I thought he loved me but he lied."
Steve sits cross-legged in front of you now, enthralled and utterly confused. Why would anyone...?
"That's the worst part," you exclaim, voice cracking. "I don't know. I'll never know." Your fingers fiddle with the hem of your skirt. "I heard today that he died. Don't know where. Don't know when. And I hate that I still care."
"But he wasn't good to you," Steve soothes and wraps his hand around yours, "and he wasn't good for you."
All you do is shrug and hide your face. Tears falls to the fabric below your eyes and seep through in dark patches.
He scoots forward and lifts your chin with a gentle nudge. When your puffy red eyes meet his, he's struck by how lucky he feels to see you like this. It's odd to think someone who knew you more and for so much longer couldn't feel infinitely more attached and protective. You're so vulnerable, so open, so...
"You're beautiful." Steve's tongue swipes over his dry lips. "You're so beautiful."
The words are loaded heavier than tanks and pack the punch of a bomb. He can tell you don't truly hear him by the way you shrink and shake your head out of his hold.
"Don't do that," he pleads. "Please don't hide from me."
"You don't know me."
"No, but I--"
"You don't even know my name!"
He sits back and offers his hand.
"Hi, I'm Steve. It's nice to meet you, and I think you're beautiful."
"That's stupid," you lash out, bitterly spitting the half-hearted, heart-breaking words. "You must be an idiot, Steve."
It's not the first time he's heard it, but it is the first time he's not mad at hearing it. He believed those things, too, long ago, before his mom convinced him to see the possibilities in one's struggles. If you perceive it as an obstacle, it is an obstacle. Perceive it as an opportunity instead and use it. Those aren't her exact words, but Sarah Rogers has so many different ways of teaching the same fundamental lessons that Steve can't remember the phrases anymore.
He can remember the feeling. He remembers seeing both obstacles and opportunities.
"Is it stupid to want to touch you?" he whispers. "Because I would love to touch you."
The question is purposefully leading since he knows from your story that's exactly what you long for. It'll be more impactful if he shows you he longs for that too.
Slowly--so slowly--his hand comes up to your cheek again, his fingers tucking behind your neck.
"I don't want your pity." There's still bitterness but no power behind it. You gently shift closer and meet him halfway.
He's kissed girls before, he's fooled around, and he has, in fact, slept with one girl. They went all the way--twice--which means Steve knows what it is to be pitied intimately. He knows what it's like to want something so badly you don't care what the motivation is.
You deserve to know his motives.
"I don't pity you." His focus falls to your quivering lip. "I want to make you happy." He's close. He's so close his breath rolls warm over your face. "I want to make you smile."
A soft whimper leaves you just as his mouth arrives.
"I want you," he says into the kiss.
Instead of fighting, you grab at his jacket, pulling him until you're both falling into the stand lamp. You taste of salt and something sweet he can't put his finger on. Steve resolves to put that on the list of things to find out about you.
He keeps kissing you as you both fall, the lamp now wedged at an angle by the side table. Despite the tangle of tongues, Steve keeps his hands to himself. He doesn't quite have enough answers.
"What do you want, beautiful?"
Hesitant as he pulls away, gripping worn leather like your purse in the street, your eyes dart between his. You're a dream beneath him, but that sounds too selfish to voice.
"May I..." Steve is already panting "...get you off the floor? More comfortable?"
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Maybe you haven't been able to say the words, but Steve doesn't need more convincing to know you want him.
He could tell from the way you pawed at him. He could tell from the multiple times you crashed him into the walls along the hall to makeout more. He could tell from the way you melted like hot butter at his every returned touch, but finally, you two made it to his bed.
He'd be embarrassed by the lumpy old thing if there weren't a curvy, luscious dame standing with wide legs at the foot of it, letting his tie slip through your hands as he sits stunned.
Steve swallows thickly.
"Let me see you." It comes out as more of an order than the hopeful question he intended, but when he sees the command shiver through you, he feels six-foot-six and powerful as all hell.
You two share the burden of unbuttoning all of your layers, spinning you a few times to release front and back and side to side. His hands spread and roam to relish each garment, each moment, until you're top half is naked.
He stares, fierce blue irises muted by the dim light on his bedside table, 'beautiful' on his lips every second you spend with your finger yanking the knot of his tie and sliding off the bond. When you lean to pop his shirt buttons, your breasts hang in his face.
Steve stops you by your wrists, peaking up at you through his long lashes as he takes a nipple in his mouth. He keeps thinking it--beautiful--while his tongue sweeps flat across pebbling flesh. Each subsequent swirl has you melting again, pressing more of you to his face, dragging nails up his chest, sighing long and deep. When he switches to the other side, your fingers bury in his hair. He takes his time to worship you, tracing his own fingertips around the hem of your slip and garters.
He doesn't get impatient, if anything Steve feels greedy for wanting more, for praying this lasts forever, for needing all you're willing to give.
His teeth graze your skin in wanton lust, and you flinch in surprise, knocking you off-balance.
You fall to your knees on the mattress, straddling Steve's slender body beneath your hot core.
"Sorry," you mutter, wriggling to stand, forcing Steve to wrap his arms around you and halt your retreat. "I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you."
"You can sit on me morning, noon, and night," he rasps. "I won't complain. I'll thank you, beautiful."
He groans pathetically when you relax, the grind of your ass making his slacks pinch tighter and tighter. Steve lets his head fall back on the sheets, eyes fluttering shut. The army might not want him, the world outside may forget he ever existed, but you see. He could get addicted to this feeling. He might get lonely without it.
Steve isn't strong enough to keep hold of you, but your weight never leaves, his erection still slotted between your cheeks. His mouth drops wide when your hips roll. Steve whines when you rise up enough to resume unbuttoning him. His lungs and heart go into overdrive, but even so, Steve doesn't want you doing all the work.
He flips you--using the sum total of his strength--and shuffles backward to stand, ripping the tails of his shirt from beneath his belt and shucking off his trousers. That part he could have been more patient for, but Steve smirks and brushes away the hair falling in his eyes, chest heaving from exertion.
He's pleased to see you watching him, ogling his body without judgment. You look like you want to eat him alive, and he is perfectly fine with that.
His palm lands on your knee to sneak higher beneath your slip, nimble fingers popping the clasps along your stockings and hooking through the band of your underwear. You lifting for him is all the permission he needs. Steve leaves your slip, garter belt, and stockings in place, and in a cheeky twist, he lets your underwear hang off one of your ankles, kissing your inner thigh, pushing your knees wider for him to fit.
He throbs in his boxers at the sight of your sex.
Nerves roil in his belly at the idea he is solely responsible for your pleasure. As he glances up to you, propped up on your elbows with a fearful and expectant gaze, he sees a poster promising honor and glory, a service to be proud of, and for the first time, he has doubts.
You see it in his eyes.
He wants to participate and show that he's worthy of you.
This isn't about him though, and Steve Rogers is nothing if not dedicated anyone other than himself.
"Right here." He snaps back to reality, laying his hand to your thatch of hair and gently teasing his thumb along your folds. "I'm right here, beautiful."
It's an honor to touch you. He's proud of the moan elicited because he strokes over your clit rhythmically. The glory of watching you writhe is all his.
Steve's breath stays rapid as yours picks up. You're fisting the sheets, slick pooling beneath the pad of his thumb, helping him pick up speed. He dips into you, tests the breach while pushing his boxers down, and crawls over the edge of the bed. Like magnets, you guide each other higher till the pillows cradle you.
You're a broken record, repeating a desperate loop.
"Steve," you whimper.
"Won't ever lie to you." He captures your lips again. "Want you so badly. I'll want you all the time."
Steve doesn't understand why you won't talk to him, so he slows, eyes questioning and brow furrowed. You have to see. The light is right there.
Bottom lip trapped, you still say nothing, but your arms raise to his smooth face and plead in the silence.
He wants the same thing. He wants to feel. Not just the sting of rejection. Not just the slippery, rough stones through his shoes. Not just the empty ache inside. He wants to feel like someone cares whether he lives or dies.
You care even when you don't want to, but Steve can earn you, your care, your smile and your tears. He'll get up and come home to you every time. He needs you to come home to.
Otherwise, this is a lonely, empty apartment. Otherwise, he is a lonely, empty man.
Your hands bring him close, lips pausing just before contact while Steve sinks two fingers into you.
You gasp. His fingers curl. His thumb goes back to work. You kiss him with what little breath you can hold between muted cries until Steve notices your roving hands tug at his waist.
He wants the same thing.
Sitting back on his heels, Steve drapes your thighs over his, his slick fingers spreading you. He's mesmerized watching his cock disappear inch by inch, and the caress of your walls shuts down all other brain function. All he can do is slide against you, bent into your soft body, your breasts padding his jerky thrusts, the base of him perfectly laving the hood of your clit in the growing mess.
You're wet, and he's driven wild by the need to make you come. He tries to sit up again, to play with you properly, but he's stopped by the weight of your legs crossed behind his ass, the strength of your thighs anchoring him in place.
Steve takes huge, deep breaths through his nose because he won't last concentrating on how your body bounces and ripples, plush beneath his boney form.
You get wetter, looser in a welcoming way that spurs him to drive himself home faster. He sucks in air, though it's futile once his heavy balls start to seize.
Suddenly, you shout, stretching to push yourself completely flush with his pelvis, and he has to pull out, keeping aligned with the cut of you as aftershocks make you mindlessly hump him. Steve's cum shoots all over his belly and your chest, some drops dampening what clothes he didn't discard, stains of joy replacing stains of sadness.
His chest might explode. He's gasping, taxed beyond his naughtiest dreams, head lolling toward the ceiling with his throat high.
He feels your legs fall away, and Steve hopes for an instant that you embrace him even though he might suffocate in the process.
The envelopment never comes. The world is fuzzy and too warm beyond him.
He hears the sink in his bathroom turn on just as he lands palms-down on sweaty sheets. He tries every trick he knows to calm down. The water still runs after all the time it takes for him to recover and stand. The closer he gets to the doorway, the clearer the sound really is.
"Beautiful? What's wrong? Did I--"
The faucet squeaks off, and you barrel out, nearly running him over, your arms covering your chest and your disheveled hair hiding your face.
"What are you doing? Are you cold?" Steve tries.
"I'm disgusting," you hiss in a mad dash for the pile of clothes on the floor.
He trips over his feet to stop you, corralling you as best he can, but you're quick. You certainly have fight in you. Steve only want to show you you do not have to fight him.
"Come back to bed," he commands hopefully, grabbing your wrist as you scoop up your wrinkled dress. "I should clean up, but please, please, come back to bed."
There is something broken and fearful in the way you finally meet his eye. He's torn apart, shredded down to nothing in a single look. That's not how a feral animal sees the world; that's how an animal, abused and betrayed, locks the world out.
Your protection is what you really took off for him. Your thick armor is what Steve got past.
"I didn't lie." He lets go of you and steps back as calm as his rasping breaths can manage. "I want you. I want you to stay." He wonders whether he ought to cover himself, too, because perhaps total vulnerability makes you more nervous.
So he presents himself as an opportunity, not an obstacle.
Steve finds his boxers a foot away and says one more time, "I hope you stay."
Unmoving, your eyes follow his walk to the bathroom, and in the split second he's looking down to turn the tap, you're gone.
Disappointment floods his system, but like all the other stamped failures in his record, Steve goes through the motions of caring for a body that thwarts his desire to live at every turn. In fact, it tries to die so often, he's always surprised to find himself here, staring at this mirror again, wondering why he gets back up.
He's also surprised to find you here, in the bed with the sheet pulled up to your chin, nodding to the side table where you've placed a cup of water.
The tiniest of genuine smiles curves your lips.
Steve's home is neither lonely nor empty anymore. He could cry.
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A/N: this got so incredibly out of hand... I'm so sorry. But also, thank you for reading!
Tags: @supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555
@yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @brandycranby @buckysprettybaby @ellethespaceunicorn
@late-to-the-party-81 @bigtreefest @mistressmkay @astheskycries
@rogersbarber @blogbog710 @bucky-fricking-barnes-reads
272 notes · View notes
ashtheketchum · 3 months ago
●Magic water●
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Senku Ishigami X FEM.Reader
Summary: The village wants to take a break after all the hard work. So Senku creates some "magic water", also called alcohol.
Warnings: +18 CONTENT, FEM.Reader, mention of alcohol, missionary, VIRGIN Reader, VIRGIN Senku, no love just sex
A/N: I was gone for a long time and I´m very sorry :`D But now I come back and I also try something new! (Daryl is still in my heart and he will come back, don´t worry <3) Soooo, I hope you all like some anime content :3
Words: 3,1k
PoV Senku:
I sat in my bed with a pounding headache. Well, if you could call it a bed, it was just a blanket and a pillow on the floor. God, my arms felt heavy and I felt sick. What the hell was wrong with me yesterday? And what the fuck was going on in the night?
When I looked around, I saw that I was in my house. Everything was quiet outside, my workers- uhm, I mean the rest of the villagers were still asleep. On the floor next to us, there were a few jugs on the floor and my clothes too. Holy Einstein, it looked like there was a huge tornado here. But what I found particularly strange was that there were other clothes lying next to my clothes. "What the…?"
At that exact moment, I felt someone snuggling up to my arm. I jumped briefly before looking down at (Y/N). She was lying naked next to me, with bite marks on her neck and shoulders and her hair all messy. She was sleeping soundly, breathing calmly and snuggled up in a second blanket. It didn't take long before I put two and two together and my face turned bright red. To be sure, I pulled the blanket off me and by Einstein, my guess was right! Damn-!
PoV (Y/N):
Senku had forced us to work again. Well, what does forced mean? We liked working for him, but sometimes he seemed to feel too powerful. And today was no different. We were supposed to grind some purple grapes until a liquid like that was created. A few villagers had wished for a nice evening after all the successes we had achieved. The science kingdom was getting bigger and stronger and soon we would be able to really kick this Tsukasa's ass. But understandably we all wanted a break, just to have fun for an evening and Senku took this request to heart. Maybe he wasn't such a bad person after all.
"(Y/N), you're staring again," I heard Kohaku whisper to me. My cheeks immediately turned bright red and I looked away from Senku. Kohaku had to see everything too… "Let me…" I muttered quietly to myself, which only made Kohaku smile. "Oh man, you really couldn't have picked anyone better, could you? Why Senku, what's so great about him?" Kohaku asked me. To be honest, I didn't really have an answer and if I did, I could probably talk for hours about how great Senku was. But I didn't want to do that. So I just shrugged my shoulders.
"Okay, that should be enough! Now we shake the liquid into a huge bucket!" we heard Senku shout loudly. Kohaku and I just nodded in agreement before we each took a container and shook all the liquid into a huge bucket. Before we could even ask what it was all for, Senku sent us away. "I have to concentrate on this, if one thing goes wrong, all the work will have been in vain!" said Senku. I just nodded at him and turned to leave. But behind me I heard Kohaku talking to him. She asked him what exactly his plan was and I couldn't help but feel jealousy inside me.
I knew Kohaku and Senku didn't want anything from each other, but I was still jealous. I was jealous of Kohaku for being able to talk to Senku so easily. I could only stand quietly next to Senku, listen to him, nod, or shake my head. It frustrated me, it frustrated me so much. But inside I hoped that tonight everything would be better.
After several days, we had prepared a huge table in the village, which was full of food and empty cups were also there. We were all waiting for this magical water, which we had been waiting for and preparing for days. Senku called it alcohol or wine. "(Y/N), go help Senku carry the magical water!" Chrome called to me. Confused and a little excited, I nodded to him before going to the bridge. On the other side of the bridge I saw Senku trying to lift the huge bucket. He was having huge problems, you could see it.
So I went over to him, giggling. "Do you need help?" I asked him. My voice made him look up and hum quietly. A little sweat ran down his forehead. "Oh, (Y/N)… yes, that would be nice," he murmured quietly and knelt down again. With a nod, I went to the other side, knelt down as well and then we both lifted the bucket. Senku groaned briefly before we slowly walked over the bridge. "I wanted to thank you…" I suddenly blurted out. When Senku looked at me confused, I turned bright red again and looked away from him. "Thank you? For what?" he asked again. "N-n-well, for…! Y-you're treating us to this evening…" I murmured quietly. Senku just remained silent before nodding. "No problem," he finally said.
When we had carried this bucket over, we put it next to the table and opened it. I immediately saw the magical liquid, a dark color. "The alcohol isn't like the one from the old world… but we don't want to get too drunk," explained Senku. He really liked explaining scientific things, even when no one was listening to him. "It will definitely taste good," I said as I took the first empty cups and filled them with this alcohol. The first people came over to take the cups from me and hand them out. But the children didn't get any.
Within a few moments, we were all drunk, as Senku called it. Our cheeks were bright red, we were slurring something to ourselves, we were more honest and we were also a bit clumsy. Chrome and Ginro were half lying on the table and snoring loudly while Kohaku and I were just discussing something. "You know… y-you should talk to Senku…" Kohaku suddenly suggested. I hiccupped loudly before I looked at her uncertainly. Then I briefly looked at Senku, who was also sipping the magical liquid, but he seemed relatively sober. "S-sure…?" I asked uncertainly. Although I had probably already had several cups of alcohol, I still wasn't brave enough to confess my feelings to Senku.
"Just do it!" and with these words Kohaku pushed me towards Senku. Startled, I stumbled a little before I cleared my throat and walked towards Senku. My heart was pounding in my throat, but somehow I felt dizzy. As if everything around me didn't exist. As if there was only Senku and me. "S-senku…!" I then called, even though I wasn't even close to him. We were at least ten steps away from each other. But the scientist heard me and looked up. Our eye contact remained firm until I stood in front of him and took a deep breath. "I-I want to… w-get away from you…!" I then stuttered. Senku mumbled something to himself briefly before he stood up, cracked his neck briefly and then nodded. "Yes, okay…"
We walked over the bridge to his lab, which was also his house in a way. He had a hammock in his lab, but I could imagine that he hardly slept. Sometimes he had such big bags under his eyes that I thought he was going to drop dead. But Senku had himself really well under control. "So?" his voice pulled me out of my brief trance and I flinched. Then I slowly turned to him, he looked a little bored. But I could also see a slight red shimmer on his cheeks. Was he drunk too? He looked so calm… "II… I just wanted to tell you that I…" my voice kept faltering as I suppressed my slurring. I felt a little uncomfortable speaking so unclearly.
"I-I think you're really hot!", I suddenly blurted out. But my expression changed to one of shock. Why did I say that so suddenly, was I stupid!? Damn it, what had that magical water done to me!? "You… uhhh…" came Senku's quiet reply. He seemed pretty overwhelmed and his cheeks took on a slight red tinge. Did the magical water work on him after all?
Swallowing nervously, I slowly walked towards him until I was standing right in front of him. Senku just looked down at me before grabbing my arms. "(Y/N), I don't think that-!", before Senku could reply, I pressed my lips against his. I could also taste the magical water on his lips, and coupled with the kiss, I felt even drunker. But instead of Senku pulling away, he returned my kiss even more deeply. When I gasped in surprise, he pressed his tongue into my mouth and I felt like my head was spinning, just like the whole world. Our tongues played around each other before Senku pulled back and we both panted heavily. "S-senku-!" "Well… I have to…", I didn't understand him any further, as Senku led us both to his hammock.
"Take that off…" Senku murmured softly against my lips. A cold shiver ran down my spine before I nodded and took off my clothes. While I was taking them off and holding the clothes in my hands, Senku had laid a blanket on the floor and a pillow. My insides were tingling. He was preparing everything to perform the act of love with me.
I had read about it in a book before. Children are created when a man injects his sperm into a woman and the sperm then penetrates her egg. It sounded scary somehow, but we had so many children in the village that it couldn't be that bad. So I pulled myself together.
While I was lost in thought, Senku had also taken off his robe. I looked at his body with greedy eyes. Although he had no stamina and was a complete failure at sports, Senku was really well built. I licked my lower lip briefly before throwing my robe somewhere and walking towards him again. In the background I heard something fall to the floor, but I ignored it and so did Senku. Although he only dropped it, he didn't hesitate for a second to press me into the blanket and kneel over me. His red eyes scanned my entire body up and down until he finally stopped at my middle. His gaze was so intense that I had to press my legs tightly together, but Senku stopped me by grabbing my thighs and spreading my legs.
"Stay like that… I want to be able to see everything…" he murmured quietly, but seemed to be far too focused. It almost seemed as if he wanted to examine my body. But before I could say anything, Senku lowered his head and licked my middle. He hit some spot that made me gasp immediately. "O-oh, Senku…!" I gasped loudly. My reaction made Senku look up before he let out a small "I see…" But my head felt far too foggy to notice anything exactly. I only felt the incredible feeling that Senku gave me.
Again and again he licked that one spot that made my insides contract and made me moan. My hands stroked the blanket that was beneath me before going to Senku's hair and grabbing him. I greedily pressed him closer to my lip, which made the brilliant scientist moan. His moan made me arch my back and I gasped again. Slowly I propped myself up on my elbow to look down. But before I could even see what Senku was doing to make me feel so good, he pulled away from me again and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Lie down…" he murmured quietly, his voice a little rougher and deeper. My body immediately shook, but I nodded immediately and lay down again.
Senku rested his arms next to my head and looked down at me. His eyes, which usually shone in the sunshine, were very dark and seemed much more intense. When he lay down between my legs, I swallowed hard as I felt his penis against my abdomen. However, it didn't seem hard yet, at least not completely. "I guess… you've never had anything like this before?" Senku asked quietly. In response to his question, I just shook my head. "No… b-but you haven't either, have you…?" In response to my question, Senku also shook his head. So neither of us had ever had an experience like this before. So it would be the first time for both of us.
"Will it hurt…?", my voice was quiet, uncertain and hesitant as I asked this question. Although Senku had never had it before, I hoped that he had an answer to my question. Like always. Senku always had an answer. "… I don't know… probably…", Senku whispered quietly. Before I could reply, his penis was already pressing against my center and I had to gasp sharply. We both looked down briefly before Senku looked deep into my eyes. While we maintained eye contact, he pushed his half-hard member into me. "Fuck…", Senku cursed quietly the deeper he sank himself. There was a stronger red glow on his cheeks.
"S-senku…!", an unpleasant feeling spread in my abdomen and I held on tightly to his arms. My legs were shaking and, to be honest, I didn't know where to put them. Or whether I should stretch them out. Swallowing hard, I finally decided to simply spread my legs further so Senku could press his pelvis more firmly against mine. Whimpering softly, I squeezed my eyes shut while Senku buried his face in my shoulder. Only in a daze did I notice that he was biting my skin. "T-that's… not what I expected…" I heard Senku whisper softly. Before I could reply, Senku grabbed my legs, wrapped them around his hips and then slowly moved inside me.
I could still feel the slight pain, but when Senku started to move, the pain quickly faded. I could even feel his member getting harder inside me. Soft moans and gasps escaped me, Senku growled softly against my skin and moved a little faster. My grip on my legs tightened, as did his bites into my skin. My own hands ran down his back and through his hair, never staying in one place. ,,S-senku…! That feels… incredible…~!" I moaned softly, gently tugging on his hair. This made Senku look at my face. His expression showed pure lust and desire.
His cheeks were very flushed, his eyebrows were slightly knitted together, and his mouth was slightly open. A few loose strands of hair hung in his face, making him look even hotter. "Surprisingly… very good…" Senku agreed. Then he moved his pelvis even faster, the slapping of our skin getting louder, just like my moans. If I wasn't so drunk, I probably would have worried about being heard. But that was the last thing on my mind at the moment. While I was moaning, panting, and whimpering loudly, Senku only let out quiet growls or moaned quietly once or twice. It was almost as if he was completely focused on me and wanted to hear everything.
After several minutes of just looking deeply into each other's eyes and giving ourselves over to each other, I felt my lower abdomen contract. It felt strange, almost wrong, but my desire didn't pass for a second. Since I didn't know what this feeling was, I gently pulled on Senku's hair. The scientist had closed his eyes to better surrender to the feeling, but when he felt me ​​pulling on his hair, he opened his eyes. "I-I have… a-a strange feeling inside me~…" I moaned quietly. Senku immediately stopped moving and looked at me confused and curious. "What kind of feeling? Where do you feel it?" he asked me curiously. He looked me up and down before his eyes landed on mine again. "I-it feels like… my insides are about to burst… M-my stomach…" I murmured quietly. At my answer, Senku sighed quietly, but then nodded and buried his face in my shoulder again. He had already bitten it raw, just like my neck.
"Everything's okay…~," Senku moaned softly and moved inside me again. His thrusts had become a little more irregular and sloppy. Heavy panting and breathing escaped him as he began to sweat profusely. "I-is everything okay~…?" I asked quietly, trying my best not to be too loud. But Senku just nodded and kissed my cheek. This made my heart beat even faster than it already was. "Yes, I~…! Ah, fuck~… I'm just about to come~…", his answer made me pause briefly in confusion, but I ignored it. It was probably some kind of speech I still had to learn. So I just nodded so as not to ruin the mood. "I-me too~…" I said quietly.
After three more thrusts, the oppressive feeling in my abdomen burst and I moaned loudly. Senku gasped in shock before he pulled out of me and shot his sperm onto my stomach. I immediately let my head fall into the pillow and I breathed heavily. His sperm literally burned on my skin while Senku fell next to me. "That was... incredible..." I sighed loudly and grinned broadly. Unbelievable! I had sex with Senku! I couldn't be happier right now!
"Yes, but… I imagined sex to be much more… annoying…", Senku muttered quietly before grinning triumphantly. Then he took his robe and wiped the cum from my stomach. Then he threw it in a corner, turned to me and closed his eyes. "Sleep… your body needs it…", Senku just muttered before we both fell silent. But I was far too excited to even think about sleeping! Or so I thought… because within a few seconds I was fast asleep.
PoV Senku:
Damn, I never thought I would go this far with (Y/N)! But I had to admit to myself… that sex felt incredibly good. Not love, love was still a very strange feeling for me, but sex felt incredible! Maybe I could have sex with (Y/N) more often… she certainly wouldn't mind.
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sparkrls · 4 months ago
High School Sweethearts
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Summary: in which Harry Styles is the rookie on the football team and he's really lost and Adelaide Heathers is the captain of the volleyball team who's just a little too high-strung
Author's Note: Originally an AU of my Mastermind series, available on Wattpad
Word Count: 13.6k
Addie wheezed, clutching her gut as she tried to recover air, but her lungs seemed to disagree with her intent. As she struggled to breathe, she reminisced on the peacefulness she'd been experiencing only a few minutes earlier.
It'd been just like every Tuesday afternoon. Finish school, head straight to the changing rooms and then to Addie's one true home: the volleyball court.
And now she felt like her lungs were collapsing.
The one and only thing Addie absolutely despised about training were the boy's football team training right beside them. It wasn't a rare event to have a football kicked into the sand, especially whenever the season was beginning and the rookies had yet to pass that learning curve.
But goddamn it, Addie was going to rip Captain Tomlinson a new one after getting hit straight in the gut. She'd been caught completely off-guard, and as she was busy showing the new girl how to properly spike the ball, Addie didn't have the time to dodge.
When air finally made its way into Addie's lungs, Tomlinson appeared right in time, wincing as he watched the other girls crowd around their Captain. She'd been leaning against her knees for balance, but when she caught sight of the blue-eyed football captain, she pushed herself up to storm over to him.
Louis Tomlinson, the captain of the football team. Fluffy brown hair, electric blue eyes and a bright smile. He was the kind of guy you took home to meet your parents, with a class clown personality, but kind enough.
His fatal flaw, in Addie's opinion, was being absolutely infuriating. With no adults around, his charm slipped into a sarcastic, more snarky personality.
If he didn't accidentally injure several of Addie's team with his stupid footballs, she might actually like him.
However, at the moment, Addie was pissed at him.
Addie raised her finger, pointing it at Tomlinson's face as he backed away hastily, stumbling over his own feet as he raised his hands in defense. She'd shouted at him enough times about balls getting kicked into their court for him to learn his lesson and know she was dangerous when angry.
"You moron, Tomlinson!" Addie seethed, as the back of his knees hit the bench, and he couldn't back away anymore. "How hard is it to kick the ball inside your huge field?"
Louis shook his head in protest, eyes wide with fear. He was a good ten centimeters taller than her, and he was still just as terrified of her as the rest of the school. "'S not my fault! We got a new player, and- he- he struggles a lil bit."
"A little bit?" Addie prompted, raising an indignant eyebrow. She gestured towards the field. "He kicked it forward, how the fuck did the ball go in the complete opposite direction?"
"I don't fucking know!" Tomlinson shrugged, looking just as bewildered as she was. "I told you he struggles."
"Struggles is an understatement."
Addie glanced at Louis, who seemed to be awaiting permission to move. She huffed, taking a few slow steps away from him.
"Fine, you're off the hook this time, Tomlinson."
Louis sighed, clearly relieved.
Addie rolled her eyes. "You're lucky it was me who got hit. Any of my girls go down because of you, and you're dead. Got it?"
Louis nodded eagerly. "A'ight, I'll tell Styles to watch it."
"Maybe kick him off the team if he's that incompetent," Addie muttered under her breath, crossing her arms as she watched some other boys on the football team start to approach. "Get your boys away from my court, Tomlinson, before I kick their ass."
"Noted," Louis turned around, clearing his throat before whistling, a sharp and loud sound that rang in the air. "Oi lads, back to the field. Move your arse, Oli." As the jersey-clad boys began heading back, Louis turned around and called, "I won't kick him off, just so you know."
"That's a stupid ass decision, just so you know," Addie shouted back.
Louis shrugged, in a 'what-can-you-do?' manner. "The lad's got potential."
Addie rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath, "He can shove that potential up his ass."
Addie pronounced 'ass' in a strange way, some unique hybrid between an American and a British accent. After a year or so of studying in England, she'd picked up a few odd habits of pronouncing certain words with an accent. She hadn't made a full transition, so of course her friends picked on her for pronouncing things 'too American' and then 'too British'.
Turning back around, Addie clapped her hands together to catch her girls' attention. "Alright, let's get back to work."
An hour later, Addie treaded back to her car, sand sticking to her thighs where she'd sweat and then later fallen down, ponytail a mess and in the spare change of clothes she carried in her gym bag. Taking a swig of water, she dug her keys out of her pocket.
Glancing around at the parking lot, she couldn't find her car.
She always forgot where she parked her car, and so every afternoon, it was the same tedious game of clicking the buttons on her keys until she eventually located her car.
But just as she started clicking the keys, the universe decided it hated Adelaide Heathers. A small drop of rain trickled onto Addie's cheek. And then another. And another.
And within a few moments, the clouds were unleashing torment upon Addie, and she resorted to using her gym bag as a cover while she ran at top speed towards the roof of the basketball court.
When she finally made it to refuge, she collapsed on the ground, sitting and heaving as she watched sheets of rain fall down. The sound echoed through the basketball court. It was built in a strange way, with a roof covering the court and the bleachers, but with one open wall so that the court was semi-open.
Nevertheless, it was good for rainy seasons like these, in case it started raining in the middle of training, the football and the volleyball teams would huddle in the bleachers as they waited for the storm to pass.
Addie's ratty Spiderman shirt was sticking to her skin from the rain that had managed to get her wet. Once she'd caught her breath after the sudden run, she stood and squeezed the water from her shirt.
A shriek ripped from her throat when she turned and found someone else in the court. Her hand flew to her chest, trying to calm her racing heart.
"Oh my god, you scared me. Jesus, don't be so quiet," Addie groaned, cheeks flushed with embarassment as she spoke, "You're like a ghost."
The boy looked sheepish as he scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."
His hair was a messy array of curls, sticking to his forehead that was dripping with sweat, his nose looked like a bunny's, and his eyes-
Oh god, his eyes.
Addie could've stared at them forever, analyzed every combination needed to unlock that perfect lively green color.
He had the potential to look like a frat boy, but there was something about the nervousness in his smile, and the kindness in his eyes that let you know he wasn't that way. He seemed to be a good person.
And of course he was exactly Addie's type.
"'S alright," Addie waved him off, her mind already racing on all the ways she could get this pretty boy's number, "Who are you?- I mean, I know every single person on the sports team, but I can't recognize you."
He smiled with only one side of his mouth, and the curve of his dimple gleamed like a star. "I'm new. Harry Styles." He offered his hand.
Addie shook it. "Nice to meet you. I'm Adelaide Heathers. Captain of the volleyball team. " Realization then dawned on her. "Shit, you're Styles. You're the guy who hit me in the stomach with that ball!"
The guy with the shittiest kick in the world, Addie thought, but she wasn't nearly rude enough to say it out loud. Or at least to his face.
Harry grimaced. "I'm really sorry about that, by the way."
She liked the slow drawl of his voice. It reeled her in and she couldn't escape even if she wanted to.
And she really didn't want to.
"So you really decided to torment me twice in one day, huh? First a ball in the gut and then scaring the shit out of me," Addie joked, but it seemed Harry took it too seriously.
Harry rushed to say, "I swear I didn't do it on purpose- I mean, you may count the second one on purpose as I didn't announce my presence- but I didn't mean to scare you, I'm really a nice guy- oh shit, I swear I'm not one of those assholes who says they're a nice guy despite obviously not being a nice guy-"
Addie cut him off, "Alright, alright, calm down, Styles." She placed a firm hand on his bicep. "You're alright, I was just kidding around."
Harry sighed in relief. "Okay. That's good."
Addie smiled, endeared by his antics. "So, tell me, Styles-"
"You can call me Harry, by the way," Harry jumped in, cutting her off. She gave him a look. "Just- just so you know."
"Well, Styles, I quite like your last name," Addie smirked, noticing a small smile begin to appear on his lips. She had to admit, it gave her a little power rush to know she flustered him. "Anyways, as I was saying, how come you're here so late?"
Harry said, "Uh, I was waiting for the bus to arrive but it was really late. And then it started to rain. So..."
Addie nodded, humming in approval. She began to take slow, deliberate steps towards the bleachers. She sat down, leaning her elbows against the row behind her and gazing up at the ceiling. Harry followed suit, crossing his arms over his torso.
"What bus do you take?"
"The thirteen."
Addie frowned. "The thirteen made its last stop an hour ago. It passes by at five and that's the last one of the day."
"But-" Harry was aghast. "But training ends at five thirty."
Feeling sympathy for the poor boy who looked like a kicked puppy with his eyebrows all scrunched up in worry, Addie asked him, "Where do you live? I'm sure there's another bus that passes by there, or maybe the subway."
"You mean the tube?" Harry prompted, the corner of his lips pulled up into a teasing smile.
Addie scoffed, playfully slapping his arm. "Shut up, you're the only country that calls it that."
"Okay," Harry said, unconvincingly. He was clearly teasing her, and it made her uncomfortable. She was supposed to be the one in control.
Addie took the reins of the conversation, "Alright, so where do you live?"
Harry shook his head. "The thirteen is the only bus that passes near my house, and the tube drops me off too far off. My house is too close for the tube but too far to walk."
"The bus is your only shot, damn," Addie cursed, "Well, I've got a car, and I can give you a ride home if you want."
"Wait, really?" Harry sat up. "You sure?"
"Yeah, why not?" Addie shrugged. "Just let the rain ease up and we can go."
"You're an angel, Heathers. A lifesaver."
Addie bit her lip to suppress her grin. "It's no big deal."
The cutest guy ever just called me an angel, Addie thought, and she knew she must be blushing.
When the rain finally died down, they ran to Addie's car, getting a little lost along the way, but managing to make it semi-dry.
Laughing at their idiocies, Addie turned the car on and pulled out of the school parking lot. Harry made small talk, asking her about her American accent.
"I'm actually from Mexico," Addie said with a small chuckle. Harry raised his eyebrows, and she explained, "Since the US is right there beside Mexico, I learned to speak English with an American accent. Then, a year ago, my mom and I moved here to London, and I started at this school."
After her parents' divorce, everything had crumbled. She'd been holding on by a thread, and that thread was this school, this city and these people. A fresh start where no one knew her as the weird kid, or the geek, or that girl in the pictures in seventh grade.
Sure, she was still top of her class, and people were terrified to be around her because of her reputation for a sharp tongue and a cold stare. But she had friends who could see beyond that mask she wore, she had found volleyball, and she found her place in this world.
Thing were okay here.
Maybe not at home, but at her school. At work, and here in the car with this new kid.
"What about you? You new?"
Harry nodded, drumming his fingers against the car handle. "Yeah, transferred this year, and somehow got into the football team?" He turned to look at her. "Quick question, just how low are the standards? I mean, I got in, so I'm guessing it's less a bar and more like a pit in the ground?"
Addie laughed, grinning despite her promise to keep her cool around him. But there was something about his warmth that made her drop her defenses. "Their standards are pretty high. Tomlinson's a ruthless captain, so watch out for him. But he's got trust in you, says you got potential." She stopped at the red light and turned to look him in the eyes. "Tomlinson's a pain in my ass, but he's also got a good eye for players. If he lets you on his team, it's for good reason."
The light turned green, and Addie started driving again.
"Just stating the facts. Maybe learn to kick the ball the right way, though."
"Aye, aye, cap'n." Harry saluted her, making her crack up.
Addie faked indignation, "Don't distract me, I'm driving!"
Harry gasped, following along with her joke. "I'm sorry. I'll stop being so hilarious. Oh wait, I'm always hilarious."
"You're an idiot, that's what you are."
Harry smiled.
Mark her words, someday, Harry Styles would be Adelaide Heathers' idiot.
"Does it really not bother your parents that you drive me home every day?" Harry commented after three weeks straight of Addie giving him a ride. "I mean, you must get home late, right?"
Every day after training, Addie would pick up the things they'd used, get changed, and make her way to the car. She'd find Harry walking on the street, and honked her horn until he finally gave up and let her drive him home.
After a week, he started helping her pick up after volleyball practice, saying it was the least he could do for all the trouble he put her through. She began letting him. It was just picking up a couple of cones and packing up the net.
Now, she'd gotten used to it, to having him help her while he chattered on about his day. If it were anyone else, she would've stayed in comfortable silence, but he always seemed to pull a conversation out of her. And every time he talked about his day, she listened intently, until he asked a question that forced her to open up a bit.
After picking up, they'd get changed in their separate locker rooms. Somehow, he always took half the time she did and would wait outside the door for her. Always had his curls damp because he'd squeeze water into them to make them curl again after messing them up during practice. And with that puppy-like grin on his lips.
Addie shrugged. "Nah, it's just my mom and me. Dad and sister are back in Mexico, and since my mom works most of the time, she doesn't really notice I'm gone." She chuckled to herself. "Guess being a workaholic just runs in the family."
It wasn't uncommon for parents to be absent because of long work hours. It wasn't like Addie's mom couldn't afford to cut back her hours. Even if her mom only worked part-time, with her salary, they could have a great life.
But, like Addie said, being a workaholic was in their genes. Addie supposed that was the reason she was so focused on school and volleyball and work. She was addicted to being busy. To praise for her achievements and her work ethic. That was how her entire family was wired. That was how she'd been raised.
Harry's eyebrows knitted together in that way they did when he was deep in thought. "Well, if your mom won't mind, why don't you stay tonight for dinner?"
Addie's face slackened in shock. She turned her entire head to look at Harry before remembering she was supposed to be driving. She adjusted her hands on the steering wheel and cleared her throat. "Um... I mean, are you sure? You don't have to.”
Addie didn't want his pity or his fake niceties. She wanted him to truly want her. Maybe want her for more than just a casual dinner with his family. More than just that one friend who drove him home every afternoon.
Harry smiled, placing his hand over Addie's hand. She tightened her clutch on the driving stick as she felt the unfamiliar feeling of someone else's skin on hers. It only took a few moments for her to relax under the comforting warmth of his hand. "I want you there."
Pulling his hand back, Harry sat back, looking straight ahead.
Meanwhile, a million thoughts were whirring through Addie's head as she tried to understand what his hand on hers in this enclosed space meant. What did it mean?
Was Harry feeling the butterflies swarming his stomach the way she was? Or was she alone in her rose-flushed cheeks and thoughts of jumping and falling for someone who might not catch her?
Addie stayed at Harry's for dinner that night. She met his sister, who was studying at a college on the other side of the city, and his parents who were the sweetest people she'd ever met. It was no wonder Harry had turned out so amazing when he'd grown up in this family.
There were no sharp comments, no subtle comments to dig under skin, just teasing banter and sibling loving each other. Harry looked at his sister with such admiration, Addie felt a small pang of jealousy. His parents listened intently as he talked passionately about his day at school.
And when they turned to get to know Addie better, their words were kind and understanding. It started with the simple questions about her parents and their work. And then they asked, "So, why do you like our Harry?"
"Is it a pity thing?" Gemma joked, hiding her smile behind a roll of bread. That was another thing Addie hadn't experienced in years. Carbs at a meal.
When Addie started getting into sports, her mom stopped buying bread, saying "You need to stay in shape. Imagine being captain of the volleyball team and being overweight" (She hadn't even been promoted to captain yet, but her mom assured her that she would get the position one way or another).
Addie was hesitant to grab bread, but it'd been so long and it tasted so good slathered in butter and dipped in the creamy tomato soup.
Snickering, Addie nudged Harry with her shoulder. "I guess he's decent. He did throw a ball at my stomach the first time we met."
Harry's Mom, Anne made a sound of shock. "Harry, you did what!?"
His eyes widened with alarm. "It was an accident! I swear-!"
"Harry, I swear to god, you make such bad first impressions," Anne chided him, shaking her head in bewilderment. "Did you apologize?"
"Yes, Mom."
When dinner was over, they helped clean up and then Harry took her to his room, showing her around his house.
Harry showed her his small collection of CD's, blushing when she teased him for the obscene amount of Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks.
"I have Rumors on vinyl," Addie said as she scanned the CD, noting the small crack at the edge of the plastic case.
Harry's eyes widened. "Seriously?"
"Yeah. It was a gift from my dad." The last gift he gave her before she left for London. They'd sat down in the living room, next to the dozen of packed boxes, put the vinyl on and skipped to 'The Chain'. He'd held her hand and squeezed it, promising he would visit as soon as he could.
It'd been eighteen months and he hadn't visited even once. Calls were rare and short. Texts were a little more frequent, but still scarce.
Addie looked up, setting the CD down back onto its shelf, and wandering around the rest of the room, hands in her pockets. "You should come over sometime. I'll play it."
Harry's eyes lit up with excitement. "Yeah!" He exclaimed. And then he seemed to realize how eager he sounded, and cleared his throat, saying in a more laidback tone, "Yeah. I guess that'd be cool."
Pretending to look at the poster above his bed, Addie tried to hide her stupidly huge grin.
Harry had stars, those glow in the dark stars that every kid wanted in their room. The only lighting in the room was his desk light, so she could see a bit of the glow in the stars. They were randomly placed on the ceiling.
Even if they were real stars, she doubted any of them would shine as bright as Harry’s eyes as he met her gaze. His cheeks flushed a light pink, lips curved in a nervous smile.
Addie’s breath caught in her throat. She could reach out and graze the softness of his lips or the curve of his nose. He looked so soft in the absolute best way possible. Soft like the petal of a rose. Soft like the first stream of sunlight through the window.
The spell of the moment was broken by the door being shoved open. It made a loud sound as it hit the wall.
Both Harry and Addie jumped, startled. Standing in the doorway was Harry's dad, Robin. "Keep the door open at all times, Haz." He glanced between the two teenagers, who looked equally embarrassed despite standing quite far apart. And only being friends. "Have fun."
Once Robin was gone, Harry groaned and dropped his face into his hands. "I'm sorry. My parents are embarrassing."
Shaking her head, Addie laughed. "No, I think your parents are really cool." She smiled softly, sitting down on the gray blanket of Harry's bed. He sat down beside her. "They really care about you. You're lucky to have parents like them."
Harry's gaze softened. "They are pretty great."
Addie would kill to have parents like Harry's. Caring and nurturing, who actually gave a shit about their kids.
Clearing her throat, Addie stood up. "This was great, but I should get back soon. School night and everything."
A pang of disappointment shot through her chest as she remembered she had to go. There was a very stupid part of her that really wanted to stay with Harry forever. A very stupid and foolish part of her. The same part that felt butterflies each time her eyes met his and drove him home every afternoon just to get a few minutes with him.
Addie waved goodbye to Harry's parents, thanking them for dinner as she walked past their room. Harry walked her to her car, where he then hugged her and hesitated before placing a swift kiss to her cheek.
They both tried to play it cool, even though the two were flushed tomato red, and Addie stumbled as she got into her car.
The entire drive home, her cheek tingled where she'd been kissed. And if her fingers wandered over the lingering warmth, and her mind ran with thoughts of where this could lead, well... that was just for her to know.
Addie lost the match.
The first match of the season, and they'd been beaten by a landslide. It was absolutely pathetic how they'd barely gotten any scores in. The match was so clearly dominated by the opposing team, it was actually sad. But most of all, it made her realize just how shitty of a captain she was.
She wasn't made for leadership. All she had was her own strength, but she didn't have enough to keep everyone else moving.
When they got to their locker rooms, it was dead silent as they took turns in the showers. No one wanted to speak, afraid it would only make the moment real.
But it was when Lexi started sniffling, and Alice turned to hug her that Addie couldn't take the silence anymore.
"It's okay," Alice murmured to Lexi.
Lexi shook her head. "I'm the one who didn't hit that final ball. It's my fault."
"Lexi," Addie spoke. Everyone turned to look at her. All eyes were on her. This could make or break the moment. "We're a team, alright? One of us lose, all of us lose. And it's okay to fail sometimes, that just means we gotta work harder." She got to her feet, sitting beside Lexi and pulling her into her side. The younger girl clung to Addie, searching for some comfort. "We lost a match, but it's the first one of the season, we're still learning how to work together and that's okay. Now we know what we need to work on, and we'll do better next time."
"I'm sorry," Lexi sniffled. "I tried my best, I swear."
Addie's heart ached as she watched the girl cry. "It's okay. I know."
By the time the locker room emptied, Addie was the only one left. She always made sure to be the last one to leave, just to make sure the rest of her team were okay.
She cried in the shower, totally alone in her sorrows as she only had herself to blame. Maybe the whole team had lost, but she was the leader. Addie was the one who was supposed to steer them to victory, not to this.
This had been Addie's shot to prove herself, and she'd thrown it in the trash and set it on fire.
Addie locked up the locker room, and made her way to the parking lot, digging through her bag for the keys.
She found someone leaning on the hood of her car. Curly hair swept back as he leaned his head back, closing his eyes, breathing in the fall air.
Addie clicked the car keys, and the car made a sound, startling Harry. He jumped, stumbling forward and barely catching himself before he fell face-first onto the asphalt.
She snickered at his reaction, pushing past him to place her gym bag in the backseat of her car. "Hey, Styles."
Harry leaned forward, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He'd made it a tradition to always greet her that way. "Hi, Heathers."
Addie tried not to blush and failed spectacularly. "You looking for a ride?"
"You offering one?"
Addie shrugged, gesturing with her head. "Door's open." Harry got into the car eagerly, already buckling his seatbelt by the time she was barely sitting down.
Addie buckled her seatbelt and placed the keys in the engine-
"How'd the match go?"
Something inside of Addie snapped, and for the second time that day, tears began to spill down her cheeks. She sniffled, trying to wipe the tears away before he could notice, but it was too late.
Harry leaned forward, grasping her face with his hand, gently turning her towards him. "Love, are you okay?"
Addie squeezed her eyes shut, wishing she would stop crying. Harry probably thought she was embarrassing. She couldn't keep it together for even a few minutes. That was certainly embarrassing. All he wanted was a ride home, he certainly didn't need to see her tears.
"Ads? You can talk to me," Harry said, his voice ever so gentle, as if she were so fragile he could break her with just a few words. "Love?"
Addie opened her eyes, allowing him to see the tears swimming, the hurt hidden behind her amber eyes. "We lost. I fucked it up. I fucked it all up."
A strangled sob escaped her throat despite her best attempt to choke it back. Harry shushed her, leaning forward, the brake digging into his gut, but he endured the pain just so he could hug her.
And despite everything that had been ingrained in Addie's mind for so long- that crying was showing weakness, and weakness meant shame, and shame was the worst crime of all-
Addie took his comfort. She clung to it like a lifeline, because she was drowning and Harry was her lifejacket.
This was all she had ever needed all along.
Because even now, when she felt so incredibly low and pathetic, she didn't feel alone. Addie didn't feel alone, instead she felt a hope creeping into her life the way a candlelight slowly lights in a dark room.
"You didn't fuck up," Harry murmured into her ear, holding her tighter. Addie closed her eyes, bathing in the warmth of his touch. "You didn't, okay? You're amazing, and smart and so dedicated and maybe you lost this time- but you're goddamn Adelaide Heathers, and when you fall down, you get back up."
Addie weakly asked, "And if I can't get back up?"
"You will." There was no doubt in Harry's voice as he spoke. "Maybe you'll struggle a little, but you'll get back up. You always do. And you know that I'm always there to help you up."
"I don't feel like getting back up anymore," Addie protested, pulling away from Harry's hug with regret. She was bitter as she cried, "I keep getting kicked down and getting back up and I'm so sick and tired of it, and I just-" Her breath was shaky as she inhaled -"I just want to give up already."
Harry placed a gentle hand on her arm, a soft reassurance that he was there. "You can stay down a little while, but you'll get back up again. That's just how you're wired."
"I don't know if that's true anymore."
"Well, I know it's true," Harry defended, not aggressive but more insistent as he said, "Because I know you. And you trust me, right? So you can trust me when I say that you'll get back up. And even if you don't, then I'll be there anyways."
Addie sniffled, quickly wiping her tears away. "You're a really great person, Haz. Have I told you I'm really glad I have you in my life?"
Harry shook his head with a light chuckle. "No, but it's good to know."
"I mean it," Addie insisted, her voice still thick with tears. "I don't know where I'd be without you. Thanks for kicking that ball into my stomach."
Harry threw his head back laughing. The sound rang through the air like the chiming of bells, making Addie feel like she was on a cloud knowing she'd made Harry laugh. She had made him happy, even if only for a few seconds.
Once Harry's laughter had settled down, he turned his head to look at her. Something clouded his eyes, like a lavender haze falling over them.
His voice dropped an octave as he said, "I really like you, Adelaide Heathers."
"You're not half-bad yourself, Harry Styles," she whispered back, eyes flickering down to his lips.
She wasn't sure if it was her imagination or if Harry was leaning forward just a few inches, about to meet her halfway. And there was a yearning to crash her lips against his and take what she'd wanted all this time.
And then her phone rang.
Their bubble burst just like that, and Addie could recognize the ringtone. She answered, "Yeah?"
"Adelaide," her mom warned her, "You greet people with 'hello' not 'yeah'."
"Sorry, Mom," Addie said, pinching the bridge of her nose. "What's up?"
"Why aren't you home yet?"
"I told you I was having dinner at Harry's tonight," Addie said, frowning in confusion. She looked over at Harry, who was looking at her for an explanation. She simply shrugged, as confused as he was.
Mom scoffed. "I didn't say you could go."
"Yeah, you did, Mom," Addie reminded her, "You told me yesterday morning it was fine. I told you I had my match and then after, I was heading to Harry's for dinner."
"You had a match today?"
"Yeah, I did."
"Don't use that tone with me," Mom snapped at her. Yeah, well, you missed my match, so get off your high horse, bitch, Addie thought bitterly. "Did you win?"
"No, we didn't."
"I'm disappointed in you, Addie. I thought you would do better."
Addie was ready to snap. Not only did her mother miss her match, but she had the audacity to then be disappointed in Addie?
Then again, her mom's words hit her like a punch in the gut. Even her mom thought she'd win. How many people had she let down today?
"Look, I'm headed to Harry's, I'll be back before curfew."
"I want you home at nine."
"Mom, it's seven-"
Addie hung up the phone and turned it on silent, knowing her mom would try and call her back just to tell her off. "Can I stay until midnight tonight?"
"I thought your curfew was eleven," Harry said, trying to piece together Addie's interaction with her mother.
"It is."
Harry waited for an explanation until he realized none was coming and nodded. "Stay however long you want to."
Addie got home at one am, by which time her mom was passed out on the couch, a glass of sugar-free lemonade beside her. She walked past her and headed to her room.
And that night, she dreamt of sitting in a car and no stupid phones interrupting a kiss with Harry. She dreamt of holding his hand and kissing him like he belonged to her.
The next morning, Addie was numb to her mom's yelling and didn't even give a shit when she was grounded. Addie realized she didn't really give much of a shit when it came to her mom. Not anymore.
She was fed up.
Addie whistled, "Horan! Come over here, you idiot!"
Niall whipped his head around, blue eyes sparkling with glee as he caught sight of the younger girl. "Heathers!" He ran towards her, hugging her tightly as she returned the embrace with matching eagerness. "How have you been, love?"
"I've been good, babe," Addie answered with ease, used to the friendly flirting with Niall. They pulled back from the hug. "What about you? You're the one who disappeared for two months, you dick." She punched him in the arm.
"Okay, first off, ouch. Second, it was actually really good?" Niall answered, slinging his arm around her shoulder and leading her towards the bench on the edge of the field. "I was worried 'cause 's been a while since I've visited my fam, right? But it was nice."
He was wearing his football uniform, and the scratchy fabric of the jersey infuriated Addie, but after last year of near-constant physical contact with Niall, she'd gotten used to it for the most part.
They ended up sitting down on the bench, chatting while Addie slung her legs over Niall's, always maintaining some kind of physical contact. She needed it after he'd gone away for two months to Ireland to be with his family.
Louis arrived fifteen minutes later, looking slightly disgruntled with his hair a mess and the front of his jersey dripping wet and spreading to his shorts. Addie took him in, raising an eyebrow at the water that didn't seem to have spread to the back.
"Niall, aren't you supposed to be warming up?" Louis grumbled, running a hand through his hair as he tried to fix the disheveled mess. "And Heathers, don't you have a training to lead?"
"Don't you know how to drink water?" Addie retorted, looking him up and down.
Louis scoffed. "It was your stupid boyfriend that did this to me. Got distracted looking at this-" He gestured towards their intertwined legs -"And spilled a whole fucking shit bottle of water on me. Grabbed my arm in a fucking vice too. Pretty sure I'mma get bruises from the fucking thing."
Louis' swearing filter was removed whenever he was faced with the smallest of annoyances.
"Boyfriend?" Niall sat up, staring at Addie. "Fifteen minutes talking shit and you didn't mention a boyfriend?" He then turned to look at Louis. "Our little Heather has grown up and gotten a boyfriend at long last?"
Addie flicked Niall in his forehead, where the dark roots were beginning to grow below the bleach blond. "Asshole. Both of you. No, I don't have a boyfriend. Louis' just being a little shit."
Both of the boys looked unconvinced. Louis rolled his eyes. "Sure, he's not your boyfriend. You just look at each other with lovey-dovey eyes, and you drive him home after training every day, and he walks to the other side of the school just to be with you for ten minutes during break. He's not your boyfriend."
Addie groaned. "Goddamn it Tomlinson, he's not my boyfriend and he's not interested in me!" Louis and Addie had had this conversation a million times before. It was infuriating that he kept insisting that Harry was interested in her. This crush was not a mutual thing.
"Have you ever hung out with him outside of school?" Niall asked.
Addie made a sound. "I mean... not really. I just stay for dinner a couple times a week."
"What?" Louis shrieked, this being new information for him. "Why didn't you tell me that part?"
"'S not important."
"You've known each other for two months and you're already having dinner with his family?"
"It's not like that!"
Addie knew it was because Anne knew more about her family situation than Harry. She was always the one who insisted that Addie stay over for dinner and talked to her and cared for her.
In the last five weeks or so, Anne had done more parenting towards Addie than her own mother had done in the last two years.
"You know damn well that boy is head over heels for you," Louis said, making a tsk sound with his tongue. "Mark my words, Adelaide Heathers and Harry Styles are going to date someday."
Driving Harry home that afternoon was a quiet ordeal. They had their routine down to a T, and it seemed neither of them were in a particularly talkative mood.
Addie wasn't sure what was going on with Harry, but she was dealing with the fact that she had a huge crush on him and couldn't get him out of her head despite knowing he wasn't interested either. Plus her grades had been slipping lately and her average had dropped from a perfect 10 to a pretty good 9, but it was sure to result in another fight with her mom. And training had been a disaster, everyone was off their game and tournaments started in two weeks.
Everything that could go wrong had gone wrong that day. Addie didn't want to take it out on Harry, and she didn't need him to know she was struggling and weak. So she stayed quiet, to avoid questions.
But then five minutes passed and Harry asked, "Who was that guy you were with earlier?"
Addie frowned. "Who? The blond guy?"
"Yeah," Harry muttered. Something about his demeanor was off. He was too closed off, filled with unnecessary tension. "Is he your boyfriend?"
Addie laughed. "No, he's not my boyfriend. His name is Niall, and he's a really good friend of mine." She snickered to herself. "I spent all of last year battling rumors that he and I were dating, but we're just friends."
"You sure?"
"Yeah." Addie cleared her throat. "Niall's amazing. And we've always had this dynamic of flirting with each other, but he's just a friend. He... he was the first person to ever talk to me when I got here. Without him, I probably never would've talked to anyone. Today was the first time I saw him since summer break, so I was happy to see him."
"He's on the football team," Harry prompted. He was almost reluctant as he admitted, "Seems like a nice guy."
"He is. He really is," Addie answered immediately, quick to praise her friend. "Last year, he was basically my best friend, so I ended up hanging out with the football team a lot. Now that he's back, I'm willing to bet he's going to start dragging me along to a lot of things, so get ready for me to annoy you a lot more."
A weak smile began to appear on Harry's lips. "You could never annoy me."
"Yeah well, you'll get sick of me eventually. Tomlinson hated me the first couple of months, but he was outvoted by everyone else who wanted me to stick around. He eventually tolerated me," Addie chuckled. "He's not a close friend, but we're on good terms now. I think he just hated that no one liked his girlfriend Eleanor but everyone liked me."
"I thought you said you weren't Niall's girlfriend," Harry snapped, his voice brisk and cold.
Addie felt a small pang of annoyance. She was hanging on by a thread and her patience was running thin. "Yeah. I'm not."
"So why would you compare yourself to Louis' girlfriend?"
"Because everyone else did. I wasn't Niall's girlfriend, but I was basically his date." Addie clenched the steering wheel, reminding herself Harry wasn't the one annoying her. She couldn't take her anger out on an innocent.
Harry scowled. "Yeah, right."
"The fuck's your problem, man?" Addie snapped at him, finally having enough. "You're pissed I have a best friend? That's pretty fucking jealous of you, don't you think?"
"No, I just think it's ridiculous how you lead me on for two months and then your boyfriend shows up," Harry seethed, crossing his arms and looking out the window. "Real fucking nice that feels."
"He's not my boyfriend!" Addie exclaimed.
She tried to laugh it off, but it had been so annoying to try and date guys only to have them warded off by her best friend. If her boyfriend felt uncomfortable about her closeness with Niall, she'd set boundaries. But no one wanted fucking communication.
Harry rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure."
Addie growled in frustration, feeling a bubbling rage underneath her skin, and she needed to get it out. So she pulled into Harry's driveway and snapped at him, "Get the fuck out, you jackass!"
"Gladly, you prick," Harry retorted, grabbing his gym bag and slamming the door.
"Don't slam my fucking door!" Addie shouted, rolling the window down. She was glad Harry's parents wouldn't be home to hear this.
Harry whirled around, voice dripping with venom. "You didn't even pay for the fucking car. Your mommy gave it to you to make up for the fact that she doesn't give two shits about you!"
That one dug deep into her heart.
Because it was true.
"It's better than being an insane jealous asshole like you, who's always so obsessed with me!" Addie yelled. "I bet Tomlinson only put you on the team because he felt sorry for how fucking pathetic you are."
Addie knew that would strike a nerve. Deep down, Harry was an insecure person who was always worried about his worth. And there was a part of Harry that truly thought he didn't deserve his place on the team.
"Yeah? Well, everyone thinks you're a cold, narcissistic bitch who doesn't give a shit about her friends and just nitpicks and criticizes everything she can!" Harry yelled, knowing every word would dig deep into her intrinsic insecurities the same way she had.
"Well, this narcissistic bitch is telling you to get a new fucking ride!" Addie shouted, noticing Harry's blue plastic bottle still in the passenger seat and throwing it through the window, hitting him in the arm.
Addie pulled out of the driveway, vision swimming with tears. She managed to stay in one piece until she got home and hid in her bedroom, collapsing into tears.
Addie cried herself to sleep that night.
"Hi, Mrs. Horan," Addie smiled as she opened the door. She tugged her sleeves down, fiddling with them in her palms.
Mrs. Horan smiled back at Addie. "Hi, Addie, honey. Niall's down in the basement with the other boys."
"Thank you," Addie made her way through the hallway and down the stairs of the basement. There was one step near the bottom that was creaky and felt like it might break at any moment, so she usually just skipped the last few steps and jumped down onto the floor.
The sound of her landing alarmed the other boys to her presence. Niall leaned over the back of the couch. "Babe, you're here!"
"Honey, I'm home!" Addie said in a sing-song voice as she approached Niall, hugged him, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She then threw herself onto the armchair beside him, kicking her legs over the armrest as she watched the other boys playing FIFA. "God, I forgot how much you suck at FIFA, Tomlinson."
"Shut up," Louis muttered under his breath, sitting on the edge of the couch as he lost miserably to Liam.
"Oof, that's gotta be embarassing," Addie winced in mockery as Louis lost. He looked over to her and gave her a dirty look. In turn, she smiled innocently. And then noticed the raven-haired boy beside Louis. "Hey, Zayn."
Zayn smiled. He had this really warm and kind smile that made you feel like you were at home. "Addie."
Zayn played defense on the football team, while Niall was midfielder and Louis was forward. And then there was the final one of the bunch, Liam, who was the goalkeeper.
Against her will, Addie had learned most of football terminology last year because she'd hung out with these four boys a lot. She'd gone to every match she could, and would never admit it, but actually got invested in the game.
"Hi, Payne," Addie smiled at him. He waved back as he passed the control to Zayn.
Niall caught Addie's attention with the wave of the control. "You want in?"
"Nah, I'm shit at FIFA, you know that," Addie shook her head. "I'll watch." She'd always sucked at video games for the most part, but whenever they played Street Fighter or Mario Kart, she kicked everyone's ass. So, she usually stuck to just watching them play and insulting them as if she wasn't ten times worse than them.
Then, when Louis and Zayn took a smoke break, going upstairs to Niall's room to stick their heads out the windows like dogs so Niall's parents didn't catch them, Addie transferred to the couch, sitting down next to Liam for a change.
Once Liam won his round, he passed the control to Addie, giving her advice and tips on how to be better. She didn't win the round, but it was the closest she'd gotten to being half-decent.
"Not half-bad," Liam mused, giving her a reassuring smile. "You've got potential, Heathers."
"And that potential will remain unfulfilled," Addie insisted, passing Liam the control.
Liam twisted his body around, turning to look at her properly. "Hey, tell me something."
Liam nudged her with his shoulder. "What happened between you and Louis? You two used to be like this," he twisted two fingers together, "And now you barely even talk."
Addie sighed, sitting back and crossing her arms. She looked to Niall for help, who shrugged and gave her a look that told her she needed to tell Liam.
"Look, during summer break, there was this one beach trip we took. It was Louis with Eleanor and me with Niall," Addie began to explain. "Eleanor mentioned she wanted a spot on the team. She thought I could help her out, and she thought that just because we were friends, I would give her the spot. I told her we should play a match and then we'll see."
Addie recounted the rest of the afternoon. They'd played the game, and at the end, Addie had been disappointed in Eleanor. She'd refused to give her the spot. Eleanor was furious. She snapped at Addie, calling her an incompetent captain and making unsupported claims that she was doing this just to lord her power over Eleanor.
"My cat plays better than you do," Addie had snapped at Eleanor. Granted, the comment had been unnecessary, but Eleanor was being a dick about the whole situation.
It was then that Louis and Niall appeared, and they both had stepped in to calm the girls down.
Addie had made the offer to give Eleanor personal training once a week, and said, "You can take volleyball lessons all you want this year, but you're not making the team. Get some actual practice in and then we'll talk. But right now, you're incompetent and your play is lousy."
Louis had defended Eleanor. Addie was pissed at both of them, and Niall was stuck in the middle as a mediator.
"Louis took Eleanor's side, said I was out of line with my comments," Addie huffed to Liam. "But she assumed I would give her the spot just because we were friends when she's a shit player! I let her down nicely, told her to work on her game and maybe she'd make the team next year. But then she called me incompetent and a dick."
"She was way out of line," Liam agreed. "If she doesn't make the team, it's because there's a better player who deserved the spot more, and just because you're friends, doesn't entitle her to that spot."
"Exactly!" Addie exclaimed, getting frustrated once again with the situation. "And even now that they've broken up, Louis refuses to apologize. I know I have nothing to apologize for. I stood my ground and I spoke the truth and Eleanor was the one who was out of line."
The door to the basement opened and the thuds of footsteps along the stairs rang through the room. Addie pursed her lips, sitting back on the couch as Liam and Niall began another round.
Louis sat down on the arm of the couch, a few inches from brushing shoulders with Addie. "What'd I miss, lads?"
Addie sat up. "I'm going to get some water."
Liam glanced at her furtively, and then at Louis. Addie shook her head, silently asking him to keep it under wraps.
Addie headed upstairs, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and then going back down.
"-Styles has been off his game lately," Louis said, ranting to Liam whose eyes were stuck to the screen. "He's got potential and he was doing good, but if he keeps going like this, I'm worried I'll have to bench him."
Addie had gone stiff at the mention of Harry's name, reminded of the last two weeks of dead silence and cold shoulders in the hallways of school. Every car ride home from training seemed too short, too silent without the comforting chatter of Harry's slow drawl.
Instead of home cooked dinners with Harry's family, she had to settle for microwaving week-old leftovers alone in her room.
Addie couldn't help it. She needed to know about Harry and most of all, she felt concern for him. Football had become so important for him. He loved it.
"You're going to make Styles a reserve?" Addie prompted, taking a swig of water as she sat down.
Louis made a face and nodded. "I don't wanna. I know he can do it, but he's just- I dunno."
Addie frowned. "I thought things were going well."
"Yeah, but he hasn't been pulling his weight lately. And our first game is next week, I can't have any dead weight. Nothing against him, he's just not been the best player lately."
"I get it," Addie prompted, "No matter the personal relationship you have with a person, you gotta think about the team. I'm captain, I know how this goes." She gave Louis a look. "But I guess it only really counts when it's your team we're talking 'bout, right?"
Louis finally processed what Addie was implying, and his expression switched immediately. "Jesus, Heathers, seriously? Get over yourself."
He stood up, taking a seat on the opposite side of the couch.
That was always the problem with Addie and Louis. Both of them had huge prides and were equally stubborn.
But goddamn it, Addie was sick and tired of all of her friends being stubborn assholes. First Harry, and now Louis?
"Lou," Liam warned, a sharp edge to his voice. He looked like an adorable puppy most of the time, but when it came to his friends, he would do anything to protect him. Which sometimes meant putting on an intimidating facade.
Louis glanced at Liam. "What?"
Liam gave him a look, but Louis simply rolled his eyes.
Niall then stepped in, deciding to change the subject. Somehow he was always the peace negotiator in Addie's life. She should find a way to thank him. "So, Addie, speaking of Harry, have you talked to him?"
"Talked to him?" Zayn echoed, looking confused at what Niall said.
"After their fight," Niall stated, seemingly confused that they didn't know what he was saying.
Addie immediately snapped, "Niall." She didn't need her dirty laundry aired out for everyone to see.
He seemed to realize he was the only one who knew about Addie and Harry's fight. "Oh. Oops?"
Sighing, Addie hid her face in her hands. These boys were the most troublesome people she knew, and she just knew they were going to stick their nose in her business.
Liam asked, "You and Harry had a fight?"
"When?" Zayn asked.
"Who started it?" Liam prompted.
"Okay, stop," Addie threatened them, giving them a sharp glare. She inhaled deeply, and sat up. "'Bout two weeks ago, Harry and I had a bit of an argument-" Zayn paused their game. "Seriously?" He shrugged, and Addie rolled her eyes.
She continued, "I'm not even sure what the fight was about. It started when he made the assumption that Niall was my boyfriend. I explained to him that we were friends, and it was a mistake most people made."
None of them were fazed by this information. They were the ones who had spent most of last year being asked whether Niall and Addie were together, and always were the first ones to deny the rumors that spread.
"I don't know, at some point I made some comment that I guess pissed him off. He said I had been leading him on for weeks only for my boyfriend now to show up, I said he wasn't my boyfriend, he said 'sure' in the most passive fucking aggressive way possible. I told him to get the fuck out of my car, so he did but he slammed the door so I got pissed at him and that's when it really went off the rails."
"What'd you say?" Liam asked, gaze softened with sympathy as he listened to her story.
Addie scratched the back of her neck, looking at the floor. "He said..." her voice was just above a whisper, barely loud enough for them to hear, "He said 'you didn't even pay for the car. Your mom just bought it for you to make up for how shitty she is."
Liam's face dropped as the realization of the statement settled in. All of them had learned the hard way what Addie's mom was like.
"So I told him he was an insecure jealous asshole. And that Tomlinson only gave him the spot because he felt sorry for him," Addie confessed, guilty as sin as she did. "He told me that everyone thought I was- and I quote, 'a cold, narcissistic bitch who doesn't give a shit about her friends and just nitpicks and criticizes everything she can'".
"The fuck?" Louis exclaimed. Addie's eyes looked up from where they'd been stuck to wooden floorboards, to find that Louis' face was filled with outrage. "That little shit didn't say that to you."
Addie's face went cold. "Look, it's not important, alright?"
"Addie, he called you a bitch."
"He said everyone thought I was a bitch."
"Same difference-"
"Don't act as if you're so high and mighty," Addie snapped at Louis, finally sick and tired of him. "Harry's not the only one who's treated me like shit lately."
"That's different," Louis defended, sitting up. On instinct, Addie sat up too, glaring at him even if he was slightly taller than her. Meanwhile, Zayn and Liam watched the two argue with equally shocked faces.
"How is it different?"
"Because you're the one who's too stubborn to admit you were being a jackass!"
"Eleanor was a shit player and you know it!" Addie seethed, taking a step closer to him. Her anger was beginning to bubble over and become something uncontrollable.
Louis argued, "That doesn't mean you could call her a moronic bitch!"
"Wait, you did what?" Liam exclaimed at the same time Zayn said, "You called her what?"
"I only called her a bitch because she deserved it!" Addie shouted back, "She called me a dirty skank, and if you'd given one damn about me, I would've told you that. But you decided to side with your lying, conniving girlfriend who- suprise surprise!- is now your ex." She could feel the tears falling freely down her cheeks. She always cried when she was angry. "I thought you were family! I called you my fucking brother and you didn't even hear my side of the story before deciding I wasn't- before cutting me out of your life."
Embarrassment crawled under Addie's skin as she realized the huge argument she'd just had in front the other three. She sniffled, quickly wiping her tears away.
Addie scrambled to grab her coat and keys, leaving a shocked Louis to simply stare at the space she'd once occupied. Protests came from the other boys, most noticeably Niall, who was beginning to get up, "Addie!"
She ignored them all and ran up the stairs, not even bothering to say goodbye to Mrs. Horan as she rushed to her car. She wiped the tears out of her eyes, and clicked the button to unlock her car-
A pair of firm hands grabbed her, turning her around. Addie yelped, and Louis let his grip go slack. "Did she really call you that?"
Addie shrugged. "Everyone loves to slut-shame, right?"
It was easy to act as if it was no big deal that everyone said that about her. Addie had spent her whole life pretending not to care about other people's opinions. It was second nature at this point.
But Louis saw through that cheap mask. "She shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have sided with her." His voice broke, and just a small piece of fragility broke through, "I called you my sister too."
Addie couldn't help it. She yearned for family, for belonging and love. She'd forgive Louis a million times over because that's what it took.
She hugged him tightly, tears running down her cheeks and onto his denim jacket. She sniffled, "Sorry."
Louis shook his head, burying his face deeper in Addie's black coat, as if he was afraid she might disappear if he let go. "Let it all out, babe."
"I love you, asshole," Addie muttered through choked tears.
Louis sniffled, just slightly as he pulled back and looked her in the eyes. His blue eyes were glassy with tears. "I'm really sorry I was a dick."
Addie sniffled. "It's okay. Family sticks together, right? No matter what."
"No matter what."
Addie had bruises all over her knees and elbows, and she was about to pass out from exhaustion. But she put on a brave face for her girls, and led them through the match.
This match would determine whether or not their team made it to State Championships, which meant all the pressure was on Addie.
This was her team, the one she had spent countless weeks, days and hours training. Sleepless nights thinking about strategy and sweaty afternoons training until the sun went down and all her energy was spent- it all boiled down to this moment.
Addie's role as Captain would be put to the test. She couldn't fail.
And yet she didn't feel alone. All she had to do was look over at the bleachers and she'd see the people who had her back. Niall and Louis' cheers stood out from the rest, both from the accents and the volume of the shouts, but Addie could always make out Liam and Zayn's cheers even over the other two. And then there was Oli, a ginger-haired boy who'd been dragged along by Louis. He was kind, and he cheered for Addie even if they hadn't interacted much before.
Addie took a sip of her water and grinned as she gave a thumbs-up to her boys, even with sweat dripping down her spine and the thoughts whirling through her mind.
Her mom hadn't shown up. She never showed up. It'd been so painful every time for Addie last year, but it had been her four boys who had filled that gap left by her mom.
Ever since Zayn caught Addie crying right outside of the locker room as she tried to call her mom, but reached nothing but an answering machine, the four of them had ganged up and decided they would be Addie's supportive family. "You're not getting rid of us anytime soon," Zayn had winked at her that first match they'd shown up.
Addie wiped her sweat away and grabbed her teammates. "Okay, Tara, don't be scared to move through your zone, and Claire, hit the ball a little harder, it was too close to the net, alright?" The girls nodded with a grim look in their face. This was war. Addie clapped her hands. "Let's go."
Despite their best efforts, it came down to the final set. Each team had won two sets, and now it was just a matter of seeing who could get that final set.
Addie grabbed her girls, and told them, "Alice, stop hovering over Tara, and Lexi, when you spike the ball, hit it towards that girl, Grace. She won't see it coming. We've got this. We worked for this. We can do it."
It was excruciating to watch the other team hit the ball back with such ease, while some of Addie's girls were beginning to wear thin because of exhaustion. They kept going, but it was looking bad.
And it was when their captain, Jordan, hit the ball just a little too far out of Addie's reach that she finally panicked. Lexi was the only one who could reach it. But she was always afraid, scared that she would be the one who made the mistake.
But Lexi gave a running start and jumped, hitting that spike at just the right angle for Jordan to slide forward, scraping her body against the sand, with her hand just an inch away from where the ball hit the sand.
It was the boys' loud cheering that snapped Addie out of her daze. Lexi gave her a tight hug, and their team gathered in a circle, catching their breath as they shared grins of success.
They'd won.
Addie had won.
Addie's wet hair seeped into the back of her shirt, leaving a dark stain on the jersey, an Eagles shirt, one she'd stolen from Harry. She could still feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins, and the exhilaration of making it to State Championships made it impossible to wipe the grin off her face.
Maybe Addie still had a long way to go to Nationals, but in her first year as Captain and second year on the team, she'd qualified for State. That was a hell of an achievement.
Addie grabbed her gym bag, once again the final one to leave the room. She always made sure her team was all set before getting cleaned up herself. It was second nature by now.
She was supposed to head over to Tara's now, where her team and her friends would be waiting to celebrate, probably with a few packs of Louis' cigarettes and some six-packs of cheap beer. It was the kind of celebration Addie could've never appreciated last year, but it had turned into her own kind of comfort. Her home. Her family.
Addie locked the locker room behind her, making her way past the empty volleyball court and the extensive football field, breathing in the smell of freshly cut grass. They always cut the grass before a football match, and next weekend there would be one. Addie would come and cheer for her boys, no doubt about it.
She dug around for her keys in the pockets and zippers of her bag, finally finding it and clicking it. She turned towards the sound, and found a certain curly-haired boy leaning against the hood.
Addie froze, unsure of how to proceed, but she made her way towards him. His head was ducked, and he seemed to be staring at his hands. Addie shouted, "You better not be asking for a ride!"
Harry's head snapped up, green eyes landing on her. He blinked, scrambling to stand up straight, grabbing something he'd left on the hood and hiding it behind his body. "I'm not!"
Addie let herself stop several feet away from Harry. "So why are you here?"
"To apologize." Harry moved his hands from behind him and outstretched them to reveal a bouquet of red roses.
Addie's lips parted. "Flowers."
"You said roses you were your favorite," Harry explained sheepishly. She nodded slowly, meeting his gaze. She took the flowers from his hands, staring at the flowers. She'd never gotten flowers before. "They're apology flowers. And congratulations flowers. They- They're multipurpose."
Addie cracked a smile. Something about Harry's lighthearted jokes could always make her laugh. And the day had been good. She was happy.
Addie said, "I'm going to Tara's to celebrate our win."
Harry swallowed thickly, nodding somberly. "Right- I'll go then. Sorry."
Addie realized he'd taken it as a rejection and hastily said, "No- I meant, in case you wanna come with? And we can talk on the way, maybe?"
Harry blinked, giving her a once-over before slowly nodding. "Alright."
It was when Addie pulled out of the parking lot that Harry finally spoke.
"I'm really sorry."
"No, I am," Harry insisted, twisting his body to face her fully. "I swear, I didn't mean anything of what I said, and I wanted to take it back and apologize but I didn't know how but I shouldn't have waited."
Addie cut in, "Harry-"
"You're just so amazing, and I think I like you, so I got jealous and that was wrong of me, I shouldn't have taken it out on you, and I don't think any of those things about you. Everyone's terrified of you, yeah, but they're so impressed by your talent and your intelligence and your kindness-"
"You think you like me?" Addie repeated weakly. She braked at the red light, and slowly turned to face a frozen Harry. "Harry, do you-"
"Yes." Harry looked shocked at his own words. "I don't want that to screw up our friendship, but I'm really in love with you."
A smile spread slowly over Addie's face as she pulled over to the side of the road.
"I can get out now, don't-" Harry started, but she cut him off by grasping the front of his shirt and pulling him toward her. Once he was close, she grasped his face delicately in her palm and gently laid her lips against his.
A gasp came from his lips, and she took the chance to trace the shape of his lips with her tongue. He emitted a soft groan, the sound swallowed by her slow and passionate kiss.
Harry's hands wandered up into her hair and on her waist, while she pulled him closer until she was practically in his lap. And he finally did finish the job, grasping her waist firmly and tugging her towards him until she was straddling his lap.
"That's my shirt, by the way," Harry murmured against her lips when she pulled away, resting her forehead against his.
Addie smiled. She knew everything would be alright. It'd all gone according to plan for the most part. She had a curly-haired, green-eyed boy wrapped around her finger, her heart in his hands and his shirt in her wardrobe. "It's not. It's mine now."
"C'mon, Addie, we're going to be late," Liam whined, knocking desperately on the bathroom door.
Addie groaned, fumbling for her lipgloss. "Shut up! You're not making this easier."
"You know Louis hates it when we're late."
"Well, he can shove his complaints up his-" Addie started, only to be cut off by the sound of a car engine rumbling. She yelped, the clattering of her makeup bag falling over and the contents pouring out echoing in her ears. She grabbed her lip liner and lipgloss, pulling the door open. "Shit. They're here."
Liam rolled his eyes, grabbing the makeup from her hands. "Go grab your bag, I'll meet you downstairs."
Addie smiled. "Thanks, babe."
She rushed to her room, grabbing her purse and pulling her heels on, glancing at the mirror in the hallway one last time and then making her way down the stairs, almost tripping halfway down.
Liam caught her before she fell. "Idiot."
"Thanks," Addie smiled nonetheless, giddy with excitement. "You look handsome, by the way. Zayn's going to love that suit."
Liam looked down at his fitted black suit, smiling to himself. "You think so?"
"He's going to die," Addie reassured him with a grin, grabbing her makeup and shoving it in her purse just in time for the bell to ring.
Addie made her way forward, eager to open the door, but Liam caught her wrist, pulling her back and adjusting the back of her dress, where the straps formed an 'X' but often got all tangled up. "Now you're all set."
Addie gave Liam's arm a quick squeeze of gratitude and opened the door. She met his green eyes, the color she'd become so familiar with for the last year. It was the color of the trees that grew, the grass you could smell in spring air, of christmas trees on holidays, of ivy that grew on you until it became a part of you.
Green was Harry's color. And now it was Addie's favorite.
She smiled at him, unable to keep a grin off her face for long around him. "Hi."
"Hey," Harry breathed, looking almost shocked as he took in the sight of her sharp eyeliner, the sweetheart neckline, the ruffles and layers of the skirt and the gloves she wore. "You look... you're beautiful."
There was something in his voice, that vulnerable honesty that always lingered, reminding Addie that he saw her as truly beautiful.
The way he looked at her, she could almost feel the love radiating from him, an affirmation that she was truly that special to him.
Addie smiled, confident in the fact that she was never letting Harry go. She took in the tailored pants, the cut of the blazer and the silk of his shirt. With curls swept back except for a single strand that fell in front of his face, framing his sharp cheekbones and that angled jaw.
The curve of his dimple appeared, and Addie's chest radiated with warmth as she grabbed the loops of his belt and pulled him forward, giving him a firm kiss.
Liam cleared his throat. "We gonna get moving?"
"Your boyfriend's waiting in the car," Harry muttered bitterly at Liam, unappreciative of the interruption.
Addie snickered as Liam pushed past them, practically skipping to the car where Zayn got out to greet him. She turned to Harry, wiping the lipgloss of his lips. "I love you."
Harry's eyes carried so much emotion, every bit of happiness and longing showing in them. He wanted her, he had her, and he was grateful for it. "I love you."
"You and me," Addie whispered, raising her pinky.
He crossed his pinky with hers. "That's my whole world."
A little game they'd made up one day. A way to reassure each other they would always be there, no matter what. It was silly and a little childish, but it was theirs.
The honking of the car was the second interruption to their moment. Harry inhaled sharply, glaring at the two boys he considered brothers waiting in the car.
Addie laughed, grabbing Harry's hand. "C'mon, it's prom, let's have some fun."
Prom was fun. They snuck in flasks of booze and spilled it into their cups of punch, easily sneaking behind teacher's backs.
Harry convinced Addie to dance with him, just for a little while. It turned into a good thirty minutes of them both smiling and enjoying the moment.
They snuck away for a quick make out session under the stairs, and when they returned, it was clear from the mark on Liam's neck that they weren't the only couple who'd snuck away.
Later, Louis snatched Addie's phone away as she was in the middle of taking pictures, and she chased him out of the gym and to the basketball court.
The others weren't far behind, watching with amusement as the two sibling bickered, their last time fighting before Louis went off to college and joined the big leagues.
That realization seemed to hit both Addie and Louis at the same time as she snatched her phone back. And their smiles faded as the facts settled over their chests like a weight.
It was then that Zayn kicked a ball towards Louis. "Show us some moves one last time."
Louis was up for the challenge and ready to distract himself from thoughts of what they might be losing. Addie kicked her heels off and padded onto the cold grass, chasing after Niall, who'd stolen the ball.
Their little group of six, the small clique that had formed and the bond that'd grown between them the last year, was all Addie could think about.
Addie didn't focus on Zayn and Louis leaving, she focused on winning the match, even with Niall's knee that had been acting up since his injury before the end of the season.
It turned into a match filled with trash talk, a few loose elbows and lots of smile and laughter. It was Niall, Addie and Harry versus Louis, Liam and Zayn.
"Pass it!" Addie shouted into the evening air, brisk to her bare arms, gloves discarded long ago as she waved her arm in the air. Harry caught her eye and kicked the ball towards her. A little too hard.
She tried to get it to hit her knee, but instead it flew into her stomach, making her bend over as she wheezed, all the air knocked out of her.
Harry ran towards her, his hand flying to rub her back as a steady stream of apologies spilled from his mouth. Meanwhile, the others snorted with laughter.
"Guess we end the year the way we started it, right?" Louis snickered, clapping Addie in the back. She straightened at the sharp pain, but smiled nonetheless.
"Shut it, Tomlinson."
No one won the match.
When Addie got home that night- or morning, it was three am. The alcohol had left her system hours ago, but the smell of tobacco from Zayn and Louis' smoking lingered on her dress, mixed with Harry's cologne.
Addie would miss these kinds of days when the two boys went off to college. But for now, she simply smiled into her pillow as she remembered the five loyal friends she'd made. And that one green-eyed boy she loved so dearly.
Addie cried during her graduation. For a number of reasons.
First, it was her mom's text that she wasn't showing up. No big surprise, but it still hit her hard. Then, it was seeing her friends in those cap and gowns. It meant they were all parting ways. And finally, it was as she got onto the stage for her speech as valedictorian, and looked into the crowd, expecting not to see a familiar face when-
"Let's go, Heathers!" Louis cheered, as Zayn shouted, "That's our girl!"
Addie grinned, reminded of the brothers she had. Her mom wasn't family. Those two were.
Addie told her speech perfectly, barely even glancing at her notes as she spoke about the loss of a stage of her life she'd never get back, strangers from another country who had embraced her with welcoming arms, and the friends she'd made along the way. She spoke of the hardships, and the challenges, but refused to leave out all the happiness and the victories.
She reminded them to take that leap of faith, jump and see where they landed, that the biggest risks came with the biggest wins. And the choice you feared the most would be the one to reap the rewards.
Addie got her diploma and after they tossed the caps in the air, it was almost as if it had been planned the way all four of the freshly-graduated kids sprinted towards Zayn and Louis, the six of them squeezing together for a hug.
That was the last time Addie cried. When she realized she'd found her forever home with this little mismatched family. Their Sacred group of Six.
It was at the end of their first year of college that Addie and Harry took their first trip as a couple. Just the two barely legal adults taking a trip to Mexico for the beaches.
Addie didn't tell her family she'd be in town, and instead just relaxed on the beach with Harry. It was when the weekend was coming to a close, and their last night at the resort was spent having a nice dinner.
He paid for dinner and then grasped her hand, leading her back onto the sand of the beach. The night sky was dark, freckled with the whites of stars and the gray hue of the moon.
The water reflected the moon, and a single one of Harry's knees touched the cold sand. His hand clutched a black box, and Addie's heart raced.
Words spilled out of his mouth, promises he would fulfill and letting all the love inside his heart linger in the air for Addie to know.
Six months later, they had a small wedding. A ceremony in Harry's backyard, with white and red roses everywhere and their family.
Addie's parents had been invited. She reckoned they could come as guests, but they wouldn't be allowed to participate in the wedding. Her parents had been bitter about not being a part of the wedding and being reduced to simple guests, so in protest, they didn't show up. It didn't bother Addie nearly as much as she thought it would.
Instead, it was Robin who walked her down the aisle and handed her off. And it was Anne beside her as the maid of honor. The two had done more for Addie in three years than her own parents had done in nineteen.
Addie had learned the hard way that family had nothing to do with blood. But it was a lesson she cherished having learned.
They'd decided to skip a little bit of the tradition and instead had divided the groomsmen/bridesmaids evenly between the two sides.
Liam and Zayn stood behind Harry, with Gemma in between them, while Niall and Louis stood behind Addie, Anne in between the two boys.
Over the last three years, Gemma had become like an older sister to Addie, guiding her through the rough parts of her life, and giving her a strong woman in her life she could turn to.
It was the first time several people had seen Addie cry, but it was only fitting for who they were. She kept a strong, cold face for everyone else, but the second her eyes met Harry's, it all melted away.
Every single wall Addie had ever built to keep herself safe crumbled to the ground with the one person she would always love. Her forever home, Harry.
And Harry cried, of course. He'd always been a shining star, but when he had Addie, he became the sun, fierce and radiating warmth. She was everything he had ever wanted and never known he needed.
Getting through their vows was the hardest part, both of them choking up as they tried to get through their speeches. Harry had had to write his down because every time he tried to speak it from memory, he'd get so distracted by the knowledge that he was marrying Adelaide Heathers, that he'd forget it.
And Addie managed to memorize hers, but faltered halfway through as she sniffled. It was Louis' reassuring squeeze on her shoulder that gave her the strength to finish.
Her speech was beautiful and poetic, and she'd worked tirelessly to make sure it could capture the essence of her adoration for Harry. But words were never enough.
She finished with one last sentence; "I can't wait to have forever with you."
After the ceremony, the two had had to retire to a private room before beginning the reception. Just letting each other process the fact that that was it. They'd just promised each other forever.
"I can't wait to start the rest of our lives," Addie said. "Me and you."
"That's my whole world."
Addie was in college for her scholarship to practice professional volleyball. She would later go on to win the Summer Olympics her first season as a player, and would rise through the ranks until eventually becoming Captain.
Harry kept going with football for several years. But after getting a camera for his birthday, soon discovered his passion for photography. He quit the team and began discovering his love for art.
He worked as a freelance photographer for a couple of years, and then worked with a highly-esteemed fashion magazine, worked as a model once with the same magazine before discovering he preferred being behind the lens than in front of it.
Harry then worked as a photographer for an album photoshoot for the highly-recognized Love Band, and then became close friends with members Mitch and Sarah Rowland. It was then that he began venturing into music.
After Addie was injured during her last match before her team could qualify for the Olympics, she was forced to drop out from the rest of the season. She them began to explore writing, and published several compilations of poems and short stories in the six months of break before returning to her team.
Years later, once Addie retired, she would join Harry with his exploration of music and the two would co-write an album. It would be Adelaide Heathers' debut in music and Harry Styles' fifth studio album.
They would spend the next few years exploring art, creating new and bizzare things, and most of all, staying in touch with the family they'd had since they were kids.
This is your reminder that in every world, and in every universe, no matter the circumstances, Addie, Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn find their way to each other and become a family.
And in every universe, Adelaide Heathers and Harry Styles fall in love. And despite the twists and turns, it always works out in the end.
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bitchesuntitled · 7 months ago
Lies, Excuses and Bullshit
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Pairing: Exboyfriend!Dave York x f!Reader
Summary: A man with a double life willing to do anything to keep his obsession around, and a woman who doesn't know what she's gotten herself into.
Warnings/Tags: 18+ MDNI, go on get! Breaking up, creepy!Dave, infidelity, stalker behavior from Dave, oral(f receiving), spanking, unprotected PIV(make smarter choices), manipulation, and if there is anything I missed please let me know!
A/N: Phew, not sure what happened here. This is a first, I don't usually write darker stuff but something about Dave made it just fly out of my finger tips. This was written for @punkshort's AU August Challenge! Thank you Shortie for letting me be part of the challenge 😊 I need to shout out @beefrobeefcal @strang3lov3 @ozarkthedog and @mothandpidgeon thank you all for the encouragement and lending your eyeballs for this story! ❤️
@jay-zzle, my love, my bestie. This one is for you! 🥰❤️🥰❤️
divider by @saradika-graphics
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You thought things were fine. Dave is the perfect gentleman. It is a complete shock to see this text from your friend. It was a picture of Dave with another woman and two little girls at a soccer game. Maybe it’s his niece's soccer game and he’s just there being a good uncle? Until the next text comes in.
Isn’t that your boyfriend?
Another picture is attached featuring Dave, his arm around the woman. Then another and another and another. More evidence to suggest he is obviously in a relationship with the woman and you are the one left in the dark on this whole situation.
You stopped responding to your friend a while ago, staring at the pictures they sent. Back and forth, memorizing every detail. The way he’s looking at her. The way his arm is around her. The way he’s touching her. The way he kissed her -  that was the one that sealed your fate of knowing you had in fact not been seeing a recently divorced man but a married one. Your phone buzzes with another text notification.
D. York: Hey baby, still picking you up at 9 right?
You glare at your phone unsure of what the next step is. Obviously he is cheating on his wife unbeknownst to you. How does somebody even handle something like this? You really liked Dave, you saw a future with him. Your relationship has been going on for months now.
After neglecting to respond your phone buzzes again with another text from the man himself.
D. York: Been thinking about you 
You roll your eyes and text him back.
You: Not tonight. Don’t feel good.
D. York: Aw you poor thing. Do you need anything?
You didn’t even have the energy to respond with this new found information rattling around your brain, pressing the button to make your phone sleep and making your way to your bedroom. You plugged your phone in and crawled into bed, ignoring the constant buzz against your nightstand as you tried to drift off. The sun was still out but you couldn’t be awake right now. You needed to shut your brain off and this was the only way you knew how.
There was a pounding on your door when you woke with a startle. The moon casting shadows through the curtains into your room. You checked your phone, seeing the multiple notifications, some from your friends and some from Dave. He’d also tried calling several different times.
D. York: Are you okay?
Did you talk to him yet?
D. York: Do you want some company?
Want me to kick his ass?
D. York: How are you feeling?
What do you plan to say?
D. York: Baby, please answer me. Getting a little worried here.
The pounding on your door continued as you checked your phone. The doorbell camera he insisted on getting for you and installed showed Dave at your doorstep holding a plastic bag, grumbling, you got out of bed and walked towards the door.
“I’m coming. Give it a rest,” you shout, hoping Dave can hear you over his loud knocks.
Sliding the chain lock you open the door.
“Baby,” Dave sighs with relief, “What have you been doing? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for hours now!”
“I told you, I don’t feel good,” you shrug, “I’ve been sleeping.”
“I’m sorry to wake you, I started to get worried,” Dave says, looking around your living room, “I got you some stuff to hopefully help with whatever bug you’ve seemed to catch.”
You watch as he carefully steps into your space, placing the bag on the coffee table in front of your couch.
“Dave,” you sigh, “I know.”
“Know what?” Dave asks, hands on his hips and shaking his head with a smirk.
“I know you’re still married.”
You see his adam's apple bob as he swallows, flopping back onto the couch, and clasping his hands together. He stays silent for a moment, contemplating what to say next.
“How’d you find out?”
Your eyes widen, not expecting him to fold so easily. 
“A friend sent me some photos from today at the soccer field,” you murmur, trying to keep the wavering in your voice to a minimum.
“I see,” Dave says with a nod.
“You also have kids?”
Dave nods again, facing you this time.
“Why what?” Dave scoffs, “Sleep with you?”
“I wouldn’t just call what we’ve been doing as ‘sleeping together,’ Dave,” you say, using your fingers as air quotes when the words sleeping together leave your mouth.
“It’s really not that big of a deal,” Dave chuckles, “I get bored from time to time and like to play with someone new.”
“Your wife know that?” you ask, glaring at him. This man who you thought you knew is showing an entirely different side of himself, and you don’t like it.
“She doesn’t need to know because it’s not a big deal.” Dave sighs exasperated.
“I think it’s best if you left.”
“Alright,” Dave says standing, “If that’s what you want.”
“Yep,” you say with a sharp nod.
“Listen,” Dave says, reaching a hand towards your arm, and you slid your arm back letting him know not to touch you, and he put his hand down beside him, “Okay, well, it’s really not as big of a deal as you’re making it out to be. I like you, I like what we’ve been–”
“Dave, you’re cheating on your wife,” you grit through your teeth interrupting the spiel he was going on, and swung the door open for him, “Leave.”
“Fucking take it.” Dave growls in your ear, thrusting his hips harshly into you, “Just like that baby.”
Your moans fill his ears, he can tell you’re close. The way your walls flutter around his length, squeezing him tighter. He can practically taste your climax in the air around him, gripping your hips tighter and angling them so he can get deeper.
“Dave,” you sob, after a particularly harsh thrust. Fingers gripping the sheets beneath you, back arching as you continue to cry out his name.
Dave. Dave. Dave.
Dave jumps to the sound of Carol’s voice. Looking around to see he’s in his own bed in his home, not yours.
“Honey, your alarm has been going off for 10 minutes now.”
He lets out a sigh facing his reality, adjusting the hardness in his pajama bottoms. It was just a dream. It’s been months since he’s seen you. You’ve seemed to make your way into his brain at all times of the day, conscious or not.
“I’m gonna get the girls ready but you don’t need to be late for work again,” Carol says, giving him a smile and wink. After last night, he’s not sure how much longer he can do this. He’s been trying to have sex with Carol more. Sure, she’s his wife but she doesn’t scratch the same itch you did.
He’s tried. He’s tried to be a good husband, he’s tried to be a good dad and he’s exhausted. Dave feels himself becoming more of a shell since you told him to leave.
You’ve made it abundantly clear you want nothing to do with him. He tried to reach out to you, only to have his number blocked. You disabled your doorbell camera after he left that night. You must have known he’d try and look at it on his phone, you knew he had the information for your account. Why wouldn’t he try to look?
What you don’t know is that once Carol takes the girls to school, he gets the second phone hidden in the false bottom of a shoe box in his closet that is an exact copy of your own. He can see who you’re texting, where you’re at, how things at work are going, who you’re hanging out with. It’s become an obsession to check it daily.
As he steps out of the shower, Carol shouts up the stairs that she’s leaving with the girls, and the front door closes shortly after. Time to start his day.
Getting dressed in his running gear and snatching his headphones from the dresser. He makes his way to the closet. Finding the shoe box with your duplicated phone.
Texts from your friends, a text from your boss and a missed call from your mom. What catches his eye the most is the notification from some jackass on Tinder. James. Scanning James’ profile he’s definitely not your type: blonde hair, green eyes, gelled back hair, and a full beard.
James, 29
Looking for a girl who just wants to have some fun, if it leads to more that’s cool too. I like hiking, graduated from Harvard, hanging with my bros, anything else hmu
Dave shakes his head as he reads the messages shared between the two of you. He scans reading hellos, good nights, sharing random facts about each other, until he stumbles upon the most recent messages
James: Hello gorgeous 😉
Hello 😊
James: So I’ve been thinking would you wanna meet up? Go get a drink or something?
Sure! 7 good?
James: Awesome! Yeah. Do you know where Sal’s is?
I do! It’s not far from my job
James: Perfect! I’ll see ya then beautiful
No. No way in hell is this James guy meeting up with you. Dave calls the office letting them know he’s taking a personal day, he has some business to take care of.
Sal’s is exactly what you expected it to be. Dark, dingey, and small. Not too crowded thankfully, it’s definitely got character though. The random decor on the wall is confusing. You can’t tell if this is supposed to be a sports or a punk bar with the random band posters on the wall along with sports jerseys next to them.
Making your way to the bar you sit down on a stool, flagging down the bartender.
“What’s your poison for the night?” He asks, wiping his hands on the towel he was carrying.
“Jack and Coke,” you say, slipping your hand into your bag to get your wallet out. He makes quick work of mixing the drink and placing it in front of you, handing over your card while you hear the jingle of the door.
“Starting a tab?” The bartender asks, swiping your card.
“No, thank you,” you smile as he hands your card back to you, putting it back in your wallet.
Out of the corner of your eye you can see someone standing a couple stools away. Looking down at your drink, moving the straw around before taking a drink. You take a peek at your watch to see it’s 10 minutes before you’re supposed to meet James. 
Maybe this was a bad idea, you haven’t had to do this in months. It was easier when Dave just kind of fell into your life.
“Whiskey on the rocks.”
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up when you heard the familiar timber of his voice, head snapping to look at him. Dave. His smirk as he waits on his drink says it all, he knew you would be here. Was he James?
“Are you fucking serious?” You hiss through your teeth.
Dave thanks the bartender, moving closer to you.
“I come in peace,” Dave says, sitting in the stool one away from you, “All I want to do is talk.”
“Are you James?” You ask through clenched teeth, glaring at him.
“Oh baby,” Dave tuts, “I’m not James, he’s very real.”
You continue to glare at him. Unable to force your brain to work with your limbs on moving, leaving, throwing your drink on him. Anything other than sitting here being in his presence.
“He wasn’t hard to convince to leave you alone though,” Dave looks at you with a smirk, one eyebrow raised and begins to chuckle, “One mention of snapping any finger that touches you sent him running.”
You try to swallow but your throat feels like a desert, gripping the tumbler in front of you and taking a swig. Did he… did he do something to James? Surely not, Dave wouldn’t even kill the spider that appeared in your apartment one day, scooped it up and took it outside. How could he cause harm to anything?
“Dave did you…” pausing pondering how to even ask the question.
“Did I hurt him?” Dave asks, scooting to the stool next to you and leaning in closer, invading your space and you nod your head, “No, just made it known what’s mine.”
You let out a sharp gasp at his words, arousal seeping into the gusset of your underwear, thighs clenching together at his closeness, feeling goosebumps erupt across your skin. This shouldn’t be happening but your body thinks otherwise.
“I’ve missed you baby,” Dave hums into your ear, “Don’t like how we ended things.”
The way he says it has the ice around your heart melting. You hate him but can’t help the way your heart betrays your brain at his words. Dave lets out a small growl, gripping your bare thigh beneath the bar top possessively.
“I’m staying in a hotel room tonight,” he says, the grip on your thigh becoming less and smoothing his hand against your inner thigh. Gliding his hand up, up, up. Pinky finger playing with the edge of your underwear under your skirt.
You grab his hand and pull it away from your core, bringing it to rest on your lap. Lacing your fingers with his, while his thumb rubs along your palm. You sigh, contemplating what to do. Go with him or send him packing like last time. The devil on your shoulder telling you to go with him, it’s just stress relief, it won’t- it can’t mean anything, he knows your body better than anyone else. The angel on the other side just repeating the same words, he’s still married.
In the words of your mother, if he doesn’t cheat with you then he’ll just find someone else. Might as well have fun.
“I’ve missed you too,” you confess with a soft whimper in his ear. Finally seeing him again after months of nothing has your practical sense crumbling. 
“Let’s go then,” Dave smirks, standing pulling your hand slightly to stand with him and leave.
Dave drove like a bat out of hell to the hotel, dragged you to the elevator and his room as if this was his last chance to have you. Clothes flying off the moment you crossed the threshold of the room.
“Dave,” you moan, his lips ghosting down your neck to your collarbone. His hands grip your ass, pulling you flush against his front, feeling his erection against your stomach.
“I’ve missed you so fucking much,” he groans, his mouth sucking the flesh of your breast, capturing your nipple in his mouth and giving it a nip. A whine escapes past your lips at the sudden pressure of his teeth, moving your body with him until you feel the back of your knees hit the bed.
Dave releases your nipple, pushing himself against you to lay back on the bed, making room for himself between your thighs. His dark eyes swimming with lust study your face. His hand comes to rest on your jaw, thumb brushing your cheek.
“Why’d you let me leave like that?” His voice barely a whisper, lying his forehead against your own.
“You’re married,” you wince hearing the words leave your throat. You shouldn’t be doing this.
“I can change that,” he smirks with a chuckle, kissing the corner of your mouth, “I’d leave if it meant you’d stay,” kissing your jaw, “I’d spend every single day of my life making you happy,” he coos, trailing his lips down to your neck, laving his tongue against your pulse point.
“Dave,” you plead, hoping to stop his words. You don’t want to hear this, it’s all lies to get you to stay. The ache between your thighs begging for more.
“Mean it baby,” Dave says with a hum, mouth traveling down the expanse of your body, “Only want you,” he breathes when his face inches away from your sex, “Looks like you want me too,” he teases.
You feel the warmth spreading through your body as he sighs using his thumbs to spread your lips apart, staring at your glistening slit.
“Oh yeah, she’s definitely missed me,” he hums, flicking his tongue against your clit.
“Dave,” you gasp, gripping the sheets between your fingers. He works his tongue along your bundle of nerves swirling and sucking.
“God I’ve missed this pussy,” Dave growls, gripping your hips tightly before fucking you with his tongue.
“Fuck,” you moan, back arching off the bed. The fire in your abdomen grows more intense. You reach for one of his hands, linking your fingers with his. His other hand moving, fingers prodding at your entrance.
“Please,” you beg, “Dave, pl- please. More, I- I need m-“, you cry out when his fingers plunge into your cunt. Swiftly curling them inside you as he moves the pads of his fingers back and forth putting delicious pressure against your g-spot.
“That’s it baby,” Dave groans, nipping your inner thigh, “Let me have it.”
Your toes curl feeling the coil in your lower belly tightening, leaning your head up to watch him. He looks as wrecked as you feel as he rapidly flits his tongue against your clit. His brows furrowed in concentration as he worked his mouth and fingers in sync for you to reach your climax, his lips shiny from your arousal. He opens his eyes to see your mouth hung open in a silent scream, brows pinched together as you pant looking into his eyes.
“Dave,” you pant, “Baby, I’m gonna come.”
Your walls clamp down on his fingers as you stare into his dark orbs. White hot heat spreads throughout your body, letting out a soft shriek.
“Flip over,” Dave instructs, moving your pliable limbs so you’re on your stomach. You cry out as he pushes his cock into you sharply.
“Shhh,” Dave tuts, “It’s okay baby, you can take it.”
You whine, it feels like he’s splitting you in two, walls gripping his length. He doesn’t give you a moment to adjust before he’s roughly snapping his hips into you.
“Make you mine again,” Dave grunts, “No one else deserves you.”
The pain quickly turns into pleasure as he works his cock in and out. The sound of your squelching pussy filling your ears as strangled noises crawl up your throat.
“God damn baby,” Dave hisses, tilting your hips up as he grinds his hips into you, hitting that spot deep inside only he’s been able to reach.
“Missed this so,” he grunts, slapping your ass, “Fucking,” another slap against your skin, “Much,” another harsh slap before soothing the marks he’s left with his palm.
“Dave,” you let out a choked sob, feeling the pleasure building, thrusting your hips back into him, “Faster.”
“Dirty girl,” Dave hums, gripping your hips again, pounding into your pussy at a frantic pace, “You gonna- oh fuck- come again?”
You can only nod your head weakly, feeling the sizzling pressure in your abdomen start to boil over. Your walls spasming and contracting around his cock. The muscles in your legs tensing before screaming out.
“Oh fuck,” Dave moans, “That’s it baby. Come on my cock. Just like that.”
Dave leans over caging you between his arms, thrusting into your wet heat a half a dozen times before his hips start to lose rhythm and going still, your name tumbling from his lips, letting your walls milk his cock feeling the warmth of his seed paint your walls.
“I really have missed you,” Dave admits slumping against you with a sigh, “So fucking much.”
He kisses your shoulder before pulling out with a hiss. You groan feeling the emptiness before he helps you up, guiding you to the bathroom.
You shower together, taking time to wash each other with delicate touches, and sharing intimate kisses before crawling back into bed with his arms wrapped around you.
You wake sometime in the middle of the night. Dave’s snoring beside you, finding your phone amongst your belongings scattered around the room, you make your way to the bathroom. Looking at Dave sleeping so peacefully from the doorway of the bathroom you can’t help feeling torn. You loved him, still do if you’re being honest with yourself, but this isn’t what you two should be doing.
You find an uber available and schedule to be picked up. Quietly making your way out of the bathroom and grabbing your things when you hear two identical dings. One from your hand and one from Dave’s bag. Slipping your clothes back on you slowly wander over to his things. Rummaging around until you find a phone, similar to yours. Pushing the button on the side you see a notification for an Uber 5 minutes away, looking at your own phone to see it displaying the same.
“What the fuck?” You whisper to yourself, head snapping to look at Dave hoping you didn’t wake him. You look around to find a pen and piece of paper.
Dave wakes the next morning with a smile, remembering what happened last night. Sliding his hand to where you should be, feeling the cool sheets under his palm, peeking an eye open to see the empty spot next to him.
He listens closely to his surroundings, hoping to hear the shower but is met only with silence. Frowning as he sits up, scrubbing his hands against his face trying to rub the sleep from his eyes. Looking around the room for any sign of you, taking note of your things being gone.
He sees a folded piece of paper lying on top of something on the dresser. Dave gets up to inspect what it is. His name is on the paper, sitting on top of two phones. Immediately recognizing one as yours and the other the duplicate he had made. His eyes scan the note you left, unable to believe what he was reading.
You’ll never be anything but a lying, cheating, manipulative douchebag. Figure your shit out. Don’t ever reach out to me again.
Dave’s hand curls into a fist as he reads the note over and over again. You left. You really left and this time it’s going to be even harder to find you.
He smirks, shaking his head as he collapses on the edge of the bed. You must not realize how much he loves a challenge.
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lastoneout · 1 year ago
Hey @ my fellow bitches and besties who deal with a lot constipation/gas/bloating because of IBS or other digestive issues!!
Did you know there's a way to deal with it at home on your own without medication?? Because my doctor sure didn't fucking tell me about this!! But I just tried it because my gas always makes me SO fucking nauseous that I can barely function and it takes like an hour for my nausea and IBS meds to kick in, but I always feel the urge to rub my stomach when I'm bloated, so my Wikipedia boyfriend ass googled it and YEP MASSAGING IS BACKED UP BY SCIENCE.
The article does say to not do this if you have recently had abdominal surgery, but here's the method:
"To perform abdominal massage on yourself.
Lie flat on your back with your belly exposed.
Overlap your hands on your lower belly and hold them here as you focus on your breath.
Warm your hands by rubbing them together for about 30 seconds.
Apply any oils that you’re using.
Use the palm of your hand to massage your entire stomach in a clockwise direction several times.
Then massage the centerline of your abdomen, starting below your sternum and ending at your pubic bone.
Do three more lines an inch apart down the left side of the abdomen.
Do the same on the right side of the abdomen.
Then press your fingers into your navel firmly.
Continue massaging with gentle pressure and circle outward from your navel in a clockwise direction.
You can spend extra time on specific areas or trigger points that feel like they need some extra attention.
Do this for up to 20 minutes.
If you don’t feel comfortable massaging yourself, you can also have your abdomen massaged by a massage therapist. Call before you make your appointment to see if the therapist performs abdominal massage. Not all masseuses provide this service."
I also found a slightly different one from the University of Michigan!
"Massaging your stomach can help to move stool along the inside of your colon. It may help relieve symptoms of tightness, pressure, cramping, and bloating.
Start on the right side of your stomach down by the bone of your pelvis.
Rub in a circular motion lightly up to the right side till you reach your rib bones.
Move straight across to the left side.
Work your way down to the left to the hip bone and back up to the belly button for 2-3 minutes.
Rub with your fingertips in a circular motion. You may press a little deeper with your fingers.
Spend about 1 minute moving from the right hip bone to the right ribs then 1 minute across the middle (gently) and then 1 minute down to the left bone by your pelvis to the belly button.
Repeat rub, always in a clockwise motion, for 10 minutes."*
I was literally so nauseous from being bloated that I couldn't even swallow food without feeling like I was going to puke, but I did the second one just sitting up at my desk, clockwise like they both said(I'm assuming bcs that's the direction things travel through your gut) and within like 2 minutes I felt better. I cannot BELIEVE no one has ever recommended this. Fucking life-changing. I used to just sit there and drink sprite and hope it was over soon and now I don't have to do that!! And if people already know about this that's good but like, again, no one EVER told me about this so if this can help even ONE person who struggles like I do I'll consider it a win!
Also, for clarification, I'm not advocating ditching your meds obvs, I just know it takes a while for pills to kick in and I don't think people should have to be miserable while they wait when there's something easy you can do to get some quick relief.
(*I added more bullet points to the second method because the wall of text was a little hard to read.)
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sharksnshakes · 8 months ago
Night Out (III) - Tim Drake
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After discovering Tim is the Red Robin, his behavior starts to make a lot more sense. One confession leads to another...
AN; and we are done!! i hope u all enjoy the final installment of the tim drake miniseries. never done anything like this before and very grateful for the support <33 literally wouldn't have written it otherwise
Wordcount; 1k
TW; cursing, choking, minor injuries, tim being a simp
You don't have to puzzle over Tim's strange behavior for too long. Just days after the incident in the alleyway, you're watching a news report on the Red Robin, who was spotted fighting Dr. Freeze with Nightwing's help somewhere in the Diamond District.
The news anchors play a clip of Robin protecting civilians while Nightwing kicks ass in the background, and when Robin pushes an elderly man out of the way of Dr. Freeze's ray gun, you get deja vu; The arm flung in front of the civilian, the reaching for something in his utility belt--the vigilante's motions match Tim's exactly, right down to the damn batarang.
And then Dr. Freeze kicks Tim in the gut, and you can't keep watching.
You're not sure if you're the world's best detective, if Tim's horrible at hiding things, or if it was just plain luck, but ever since you put two and two together things have been making a lot more sense. Namely, why he constantly backs out of plans at the last minute and is busiest at 3am. His vigilante status might also have something to do with the ungodly levels of caffeine he consumes, but you're pretty sure he'd be drinking all that coffee regardless of whether he was Red Robin or not.
Unfortunately, you figured this out days before finals week, and you know that if you don't confront him you'll be distracted the whole time you're taking exams...
...Which is what leads you to where you are now. You're sitting in the passenger seat of Tim's fancy car (it's glossy black with custom upholstery to match--really, the whole 'Batman and Robin' thing should've been way more obvious) and chowing down on Big Belly Burger in a parking garage.
"So," you start, taking a sip of your drink to steel yourself, "I have something to tell you."
He swallows a gulp of food, brow furrowing. "Which is?"
"Y'might wanna put the food down for a second."
Tim huffs out a laugh. "No way it's anything that serious."
"Uh, I know you're Robin?"
He chokes.
Thirty seconds and several gulps of water later, Tim is staring at you with a dumbfounded expression that would be comical if the stakes of the situation weren't so high. Are the stakes high? You're not really sure. While you don't peg Batman as the type to have his vigilantes assassinate randos for figuring out their secret identities, he's a grown man running around dressed up like a bat. Who knows what goes on in his head?
Well. Tim might.
Regardless, Tim doesn't even attempt to dispute you. After sitting in silence for an additional two minutes, he just sort of... shrugs?
"Yeah. You're right."
You blink at him. You're not sure what you expected, exactly, but him owning up to it with zero hesitation was definitely not it. "You're just gonna admit it?"
"I mean-" he shrugs again. "What am I supposed to do? Dispute you? I'm sure you've got evidence."
You say nothing.
"You had no evidence?"
"I had a hunch," you protest, "And you just confirmed it!"
He groans, dropping his head into his hands. "You only had a hunch? No photos? No eyewitnesses?"
"It's almost finals week! What was I supposed to do, drop everything and research you instead of my term paper?"
"No, obviously not. Sorry. I'm just..."
"Shocked? Surprised? Caught off guard?"
"Well, you saw the news," he says dryly. Reaching for the hem of his shirt (also black, it was so obvious), he pulls it up a few inches to reveal a dark bruise splashed across his abdomen.
His incredibly toned abdomen--
You wince. "Ouch."
"Yeah, no kidding." At that moment, Tim's cheeks flush pink, and he quickly pulls his shirt back down. "Uh, sorry. Didn't mean to... you know."
"Nah, it's fine," you say, opting to stare out the window so Tim doesn't catch you blushing, "It's not a bad view, if that makes you feel any better."
Wait, what the fuck did you just say?
Your eyes go wide, and you immediately drop your gaze to your lap. There's a time and place for flirting with your best friend who's also Red Robin, and that time and place is not right after he's shown you his injuries and admitted to having a secret identity.
Except maybe it is, because when you risk a glance at Tim, his lower lip is pulled between his teeth and his eyes look just a touch hazy.
"You think I look good?" He murmurs, and you forget everything that's ever happened, ever.
"Yeah," you admit, looking around his face rather than at it, "And I was gonna tell you about that the other night. But, um, then we got interrupted."
Tim sucks in a small breath.
"So judging by your reaction, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that you feel the same way...?"
"No," he deadpans, "I'm just staring at you like you hung the moon because I'm bored."
You blink at him. "You better be fucking joking--"
Tim reaches across the console, cups your jaw in his hand, and pulls your lips onto his.
You gasp. He swallows up the noise, moving slowly, deliberately, like he's been thinking about this moment for a long time; his fingers tremble but he guides your movements regardless, pulling you as close as he can manage with the console in the way.
Tim makes a small, muted noise when you slide your fingers into his hair. It shocks both of you enough to break the kiss--you stare at each other, unblinking. Then someone moves and the cup of ketchup you'd been sharing tips over and launches itself all over Tim's lap.
Both of you burst into laughter.
"You know," Tim says a few moments later, "You figuring out that I'm Robin is, um... really hot," he confesses, cheeks turning the same shade as the ketchup he's wiping off of his pants.
"Really?" you ask, still trying to catch your breath between giggles.
He looks you dead in the eye. "Really."
You dissolve into laughter again, and somehow you just know that your relationship with Tim--whatever form it takes--is right.
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feukt-42 · 9 months ago
Elden ring + Shadow of the Erdtree lore thoughts
Alright, so, first off, obviously, spoilers ahead.
I've been thoroughly enjoying and getting my ass kicked by SotE and what ive seen of the lore so i wanted to ramble about it.
I specifically wanted to talk about how Elden Ring explores power and godhood.
In the base game, godhood isnt seen as inherently bad. Marika's golden order is fucked up six ways to sunday, but the blame mainly rests on Marika's shoulders it seems. She's a genocidal homewrecking war-mongerer who threw two of her children in the sewers bc of racism, she's not a good god, but it doesnt portray the problem as her being a god, just her being a mess. The game provides several "solutions" to unfuck everything :
Ranni's ending has you completely throw the system in the trash. She says, fuck it, godhood's the problem, im out of here. She is kinda right, but the lands remain fractured and the power vacuum left behind is going to be immense. We're on the right track but could be better.
The frenzied flame ending is just pure concentrated nihilism so i think we can move past it for this one.
The bunch of other endings are fairly similar : you beat Marika/Radagon's ass and you impose yourself as Elden Lord to keep her in check and fix the issues you see as most important. This doesnt fix anything long-term, the god in power is still the exact same fucking mess but with a chaperone now i guess.
None of these endings are very satisfying, they all leave you with a sense of "it could be worse i guess" (except the frenzied flame one but you get the point). This is where Miquella comes in :
Everything we hear about Miquella sounds great. He's kind, compassionate, against racism, doesnt like violence, etc etc. Cherry on top, he's even one of the characters with a direct shot at godhood, brilliant ! Why cant we just put him in charge, he'll do much better than the absolute wreck we have right now.
And thats where the base game leaves us, Marika is a fucked up mess of a person, and the obvious solution is to put the much better Miquella in her place.
Shadow of the erdtree, on the other hands, aims to set the record straight. The problem wasnt just Marika, the problem is inherent to godhood in and of itself.
In SotE, we see the land of shadow, the realm where Marika came from and ascended to godhood, and the realm where Miquella intends to do the same. And the more we hear about who Marika was before in snippets of lore, and the more we watch Miquella tread the road to godhood, we realise something :
There is no such thing as a good god
It doesnt matter how kind and compassionate you were, what your morals were, who you loved, who you loathed, none of it matters because you cannot grasp the power to become a god without sacrificing who you were before.
In the dlc we see Miquella shed more and more of himself, his flesh, his arms, his eye, his heart, his doubts, his fears and even his love. Miquella has shorn so much of who he was that he formed an entire new person (St Trina) from it. Some of him remains, he still wishes for a kinder world, but he cant sacrifice anymore of himself for it. Now he has to start sacrificing others.
Miquella was always blessed with the ability to charm others, and he sees it as the least painful path to make others do as he wishes. And so he charms his sister, he charms Mohg, he charms Radahn, his followers, Leda, Moore, Thiollier, Freyja, the hornsent, Ansbach, and everyone he can convince to give themselves up for his dream of a kinder world, regardless of the pain they might cause or feel by being enthralled by him.
And oh boy do they feel pain. Mohg is used and discarded like a ragdoll, and his followers and dynasty slowly crumble to nothing as the last pureblood knight watches helplessly, himself entranced by the one responsible after he failed to kill him. Radahn's soul is shoved in a corpse so that he can play consort to a god that is his antithesis, depriving him of his glory and honour as lord of the battlefield. Malenia is left alone to rot after Miquella has no use or help for her, and she endlessly waits for her brother to return. Every one of Miquella's followers has to grapple with those feelings of betrayal, manipulation, and lost memories returning all at once. It is by no means painless.
And so we end up with a god that is not much better than Marika was. On his path to godhood, Miquella has caused as much pain to those along the way as his mother once did, in this very same land that still feels the scars of Marika's ascension.
The only way to gain power is to take it from everyone else, and that cannot be achieved without pain.
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nichoskittycorner · 1 month ago
Bad Dragon ( &Team Leaderz smut)
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>> Its breeding season for the highland dragons and Euijoo is still struggling after several attempts over the years. Having never even been touched before, hes wondering how he'll make it through, especially after being rejected by just about every dragon there is. Calling in a huge favor from a senior dragon and friend, Fuma, hes ready to learn the ropes.
>> Threesome (Euijoo x reader xFuma), oral sex, virgin!Euijoo, Dragon!Fuma ,Dragon!Euijoo, size kink, bulging, creampies, lots of cum, y/n is a proud monstefucker (yes that's important), overstimulation, multiple orgasms, slight breeding kink, Euijoo is also massive loser energy and says stupid things-dont mind him,
Word count: 6.2k
A/N: I'm back on my monsterfucker bullshit! >:D. Okay so this was actually an old ass draft I didn't finish for some reason for months but it's completed now. I hope you enjoy this dumpster fire
Mating season for dragons was a difficult time, especially for the inexperienced. There was an entire ritual, presentation, dance and then the actual act of mating itself-
Unfortunately for Euijoo, a young dragon, he was bad at all of it. He could never get the ritual right, his hoard was never glamorous enough to impress a mate, he tripped up the dance and lord knows actual mating was out of question. Hell he was practically scared of it.
All of his attempts to charm any female dragon was met by many reactions. Cooing at his pitiful attempts, cringing in disgust, shaking their heads in pity- hes seen it all. He was ready to give up after several years of trying.
Euijoo wasnt an ugly or weak dragon either. In his dragon form, he had a strong but lean frame. His scales are a lovely shade of royal blue that would catch anyone's eye. His eyes were a dazzling gold and held a warmth not many dragons held.
His human side had an almost opposite appearance. He was round in the face- his squishy cheeks, large eyes and soft smile were adored. But only in the way that little kids loved their brothers and grandmas loved their grandkids. Even with his little horns and the few patch of scales every dragon showed, he was still so soft in appearance.
In dragon society, his softness was seen as weakness. Even if he was a killing machine, mates wouldnt be easy to attract with his softness. As a result hes failed at attracting a mate successfully.
He was getting desperate at this point, so he went to the only person he knew could help, Fuma. A mentor and friend hes known for centuries.
Fuma was an older silver dragon. Strong, fierce and quite the gentleman. He knew the ins and outs of courting and had helped many a young desperate dragon. Not just with mating but he was a sweet dragon who loved helping people.
Euijoo had met Fuma after one of these failed attempts in the past. Embarrassed and dejected, Euijoo was sulking under a willow tree- gnawing on a branch to stop myself from biting his own tongue in frustration.
Maybe he could accept that this rejection was his fault- his treasure was a pretty small collection, it makes sense. He could try later after growing it! His little cave could use a bit of redecorating while he was at it!
But he quickly fell back into his sulking when he accounted that he had done this over 100 times. The branch between his lips snapping into pieces as he clamped his jaw down.
A low growl emitted from him before it melted into a groan. Leaning back onto the trunk of the grand tree. Kicking his shoes off before picking up another lone branch.
His branch biting streak ended with the arrival of an unexpected guest. In the distance, a beautiful silver dragon was looking for a place to rest after his flight.
Finding a lone and lovely willow tree, he circled it a few times from the sky before coming to a rest- wrapping his large body around the trunk.
The silver dragon stretched his wings and let out a great big yawn as he got comfortable. Resting his dragon head on his claws and closing his eyes.
Alas, his plan to sleep failed- disturbed by a squirming creature beneath his tail. He tried to ignore it but the squirming never stopped.
Lifting his tail, the dragon heard a loud gasp of air. Whatever was under there was clearly fighting for their life.
Red faced, shaky legged and rustled appearance, another dragon but still in his human form appeared from the other side of the tree.
Euijoo was beyond frazzled. One minute hes in his head under a peaceful tree and the next hes being suffocated by a scaly dragon tail. He was almost certain he would die but thankfully the bigger dragon got the hint and freed him.
"How?! Why?!"
The sight was ridiculous. Euijoo was tall by human standards but next to this large beast, he just size of a mere child. So him yelling and flaining around trying to scold the beast looked beyond outrageous.
Clearly the other dragon was amused by his antics. Chuckling in a way only a dragon with many years could before shifting back into a human state.
A man a bit shorter than Euijoo stood before him. He may be shorter but he was very fit and handsome (but so were all dragons). His eyes crinkled with a soft amusement and stuck his hand out to him. "Sorry about that buddy, are you okay?"
Euijoo was a little taken aback but shook his hand anyway. The handshake was firm but still kind. He nodded slowly as he continued to take in all aspects of the newcomer.
It was a silly meeting but that's how Euijoo and Fuma became friends. Fuma was clearly like the dad friend of the pair. Keeping Euijoo out of trouble and helping guide him through dragon life and all the little trials that came with it.
Euijoo was an adult dragon who could manage everything… well almost everything. A competent fighter, a skilled treasure hunter (somewhat), and even a kind neighbor- but Euijoo was a terrible lover.
He had the romantic competence of boiled eggs according to Fuma. It was attempted to be said lovingly but the point was missed.
Another failed mating attempt left the younger huffing in frustration, blowing a bit of fire as a result. Even as he lay on his pile of treasures, his spirits werent raised. Fuma even brought him a fresh goat to eat and he still whined.
"Euijoo, maybe we should try a different approach." The silver dragon tapped on his horn to get his attention, making the younger shiver.
"Different how?! I've tried everything I can think of and others ideas too! Maybe I'm destined to be a lone dragon!" He whined, picking up a golden necklace bedazzled in gems and woefully swinging it in between his fingers.
Fuma rolled his eyes and snatched the necklace away, tossing it aside. "Have you tried practicing? I got my start courting humans, it might work with you too!"
Euijoo sat up and said an eyebrow, his eyes stated doubt but his tail wagged enthusiastically. "Are you sure?"
"Of course- they're much easier to court and get in bed. You'll sharpen up your skills and humans dont mind causal mating interactions." Fuma's confidence in this method oozed through every aspect of him. How could he say no?
So, with a hope in his heart- he would give this one more shot…
In order to blend in with humans, Euijoo and Fuma had to hide their dragon features. So they just resembled very tall and handsome humans.
The two had turned up at a club, a casual place to meet strangers. That and Euijoo could excuse his odd behavior on alcohol. Bright lights, loud music and the smell of sweat and cheap perfume filled the air.
Except Euijoo was already shaking, eyes darting around as his palms sweat. Fuma patted his back to try and ease his nerves. "Ju… relax. If you look like you'll pee your pants, no one is going to want to talk to you."
He nodded and took a deep breath- before he hiccuped and a puff of smoke left his mouth. Slapping his hands over his mouth to cover it up and burned red in the face.
Fuma groaned and pinched his brow. "That's not relaxing. Here, just go up to that girl over there and start a conversation." Fuma pointed to a lone girl relaxing by a bar, a fancy looking cocktail in her hands.
With his support, Euijoo wiped his hands and stood up straight. He fixed his hair and marched on over to her. Remembering all of Fuma's tips, he leaned against the counter and stood close but not too close to the stranger.
His presence caught her attention. His pretty face made her eye him up and down- a smirk growing on her lips.
"Well hello there pretty sir- who might you be?" She leaned in, fluttering her eyelashes as she looked at him.
From behind, Fuma had ordered a simple drink to look busy and support Euijoo from behind. So far, he was doing great! A great approach, confident posture- all he had to do was keep going-
"Would you like to do the mating ritual with me?"
Fuma choked and spat out his drink. That is NOT what they practiced?! He was so nervous he started to ramble his words- the girl was just as confused. Tilting her head and blinking as if she didnt hear him properly.
"I-Im sorry? What does that mean?"
"Ah that's the fun part! The mating dance, the presentation of the treasures, the - OW." Fuma hit him in the back with his elbow to shut him up.
"Oh, is this some type of furry thing?"
This was falling apart faster than a stone in the ocean.
"Furry? No I'm not furry-."
Fuma screamed into his hands and grabbed his friend- pulling him out of the club before he could say anything else.
Euijoo whined as his arms were yanked harshly. "Heeey- That was going so well Fuma! What happened?!"
"Well?! Euijoo you had her thinking you were a furry!"
" Not you too Fuma! We're scaly not furry! Maybe your drink was too strong."
Fuma groaned and started heading in the direction of another club. "Okay, let's try again… And stay away from the mating and furry talk."
Euijoo nodded proudly and followed behind Fuma.
If Fuma thought the first attempt was bad, he had no idea what he was in for. Somehow each attempt was a little worse than the last.
Even when Fuma kept trying to remind him to stop mentioning the dragon thing or the mating dance and whatnot he kept babbling about it. At some point, they had exhausted just about every option and sulked out around 3am.
Euijoo near tears at all his failed attempts and Fuma ready to just make a bride for Euijoo at this point.
"How… how are you not able to flirt with humans and dragons?!" He was only met with a defeated shrug. Fuma sighed and tossed his arms around his shoulder, pulling him to his side as they continued to walk.
"Don't… Don't beat yourself up Ju. Theres someone out there willing to be with you!" He beamed and dragged him along until they ended up in an open park. Sitting down at a lone bench and taking in the night air to reevaluate.
Euijoo sat back and looked up towards the dark sky. He wanted to keep up hope but it felt like it was waning. Would he really be alone forever? Was he really not made for anyone else?
His eyes shut as he tried to hold back the tears. No there has to be! You cant give up hope yet Euijoo!
His little pep talked continued until he noticed Fuma tense near him and a new scent arrive. It was sweet and yet very calming. Making his eyes peel open to meet a bizarre sight.
A pretty girl was staring down at him. Oddly close to his face and blinking with eyes full of wonder. "Woah, hello! You're so cool looking!"
Cool looking?! Euijoo sat up and stared in confusion at this girl, his face burning red at the compliment. Who was she?? Where did she come from? And why was she so close to him?
"Oh um, thank you! I'm uh Euijoo by the way." Euijoo smiled as the strange girl sat in between them, forcing Fuma to scoot over to the end of the bench and peek over. The older leaning over so Euijoo could see his panicked expression.
"Eui-joo? Well I'm Y/N! Where did you get such a cool costume?" Y/N asked and did something he couldnt have expected. Tapping at his forehead exactly where his horn would be. Euijoo froze and tried to remain calm.
He was in disguise, there should be nothing visible! She didnt say anything to Fuma though, was it that his magic had slipped and revealed his original form?
Y/N continued to tap his forehead before trailing her fingers down his cheeks, running down his neck and peeking into his shirt. "This body paint is amazing too! What's your secret?"
Euijoo was frozen, worried how you were able to see his dragon markings beyond his disguise. But the hot chill that sparked from your touch was even more concerning. His brain had completely shut off and he stopped thinking.
"Um, you- me- mate? Mate ritual!-"
Fuma's eyes went wide as he started to make a 'cut it out' motion with his hand. He knew the younger was panicking and was about a few moments from another failed attempt.
But you didnt squirm, cringe or laugh at him. Instead your eyes lit up as he continued to ramble eventually breaking down into giggles. Euijoo shut his mouth after that. That had been the most normal reaction he had seen all night and was gearing up for another rejection.
"Mating ritual? Is that a funny way of telling me you have a breeding kink and want to fuck?"
Fuma's jaw dropped before quickly recovering and gesturing for Euijoo to chase this chance. Euijoo was still malfunctioning but tried his best to catch the signal. Taking your hands and looking into your eyes.
His body lighting up by an unknown energy all the while. "Are you saying… you want to be with me? Like, in bed?”
A giggle overtook his shy question. "Sure why not! Come on, I'll lead you to my place. You too Euijoo's friend!" The two weren't going to question it and followed you back home silently. Euijoo in a panic and Fuma trying to calm him down the whole time.
Once you all arrived back at your apartment, you wasted no time showing them to the bedroom. Euijoo never stopped shaking the whole time but he was determined.
"Alright, so let's get this started yeah?-" Your hand already reaching for the bottom of your shirt before Euijoo stopped you. Large hands took yours into his, his eyes sparkling at just the sight of you.
"Wait, let me do something first-" The dragon man blushed and tried to keep his composure. It seemed you were down for anything and agreed to let him lead the way. His face brightened up and his dragon tail wagged.
From behind him, you could see his friend staring into him. Almost pleading with him mentally about what he was doing.
But Euijoo didnt bother with Fumas burning gaze. Instead pulling up his bag and digging into it- pouring out the contents onto the bed.
Shiny golden treasures fell from the bag. Necklaces, crowns, bracelets, plates- just about anything he couldve fit in there, he had put in there. Fuma's jaw dropped as he watched Euijoo covering your sheets in the precious metal, jewelry and treasure. It was part of a dragons ritual to present the hoard or collection of goods but you weren't a dragon!
“Don't worry, I'm just gonna be a fucktoy with feedback, do as you please!” Euijoo said, sounding somewhat proud of his display but his face was burning up as his body shook slightly from nerves.
Fuma was ready to drag him out and apologize for this embarrassing display but instead you seemed fascinated. Eyes twinkling as he finished clearing out his bag.
Euijoo stood proudly (nervously) by the mess he made, his face still blushed as he waited for your response. Flattered but unsure of how he wants you to respond, you rested your hand on his shoulder and made him sit on the corner of the bed.
Giggling and kissing his cheeks before landing on his lips. He gasped, parting his lips and allowing you to deepen the connection. Pulling away after a moment to see his flustered reaction.
"Well, this is what you wanted, right?" Euijoo nodded eagerly and never broke eye contact. You took his hands and laid them on your hips, straddling his lap and ran your hands around his body.
“H-How did you know?” Euijoo managed to stutter out, as his body and mind were in some form of a meltdown. Here you were, touching him, inviting him in and even kissing him now!
“Well, from what I know about dragons, showing off gifts and a hoard is part of a mating ritual, right? Plus you just called yourself a fucktoy so I'm guessing that's your goal huh?”
Your fingers brushed against one of his horns, making him jump and accidentally moan a bit. The dragon almost apologized but your lips cut him off swiftly.
Just by the way he kissed you so softly made you smile. He was being so gentle with you but also, it made you curious. Pulling away again to not only see him still wearing his current state of mind on his face, but to feel him clearly getting riled up.
"Euijoo, have you ever been kissed before?" It was clear he had been found out. He was ready to deny and explain it off but his silence gave it away.
Oh he was just so cute! Your hands slid down his body, slipping under his shirt. His bare skin was cold and scaly underneath his clothes. It was fascinating just how much detail your fingertips were able to pick up.
You had only heard about dragons through the grapevine. Some believed they were real and others still convinced they were fully myth.
Despite being a full time dragon believer, this was your first time meeting one, well two! Normally, a humans reaction to meeting what was once thought impossible was to freak out or call the police.
But not you. Not only did this dragon man give off huge adorable loser vibes which was already cute to you; You were what they called a certified monster fucker. Only in theory though as you never had actually met a non human before.
Still- your treasure chest full of monster dildos and sleeves was all the evidence you needed for your dirty little secret.
So when you wandered into a man who's appearance screamed dragon along with his otherworldly aura, you had to take the chance. Like a moth to a flame, you wasted no time chasing your prize(s).
As you lead the kiss that quickly became heated, you let your body do more of the talking. Wrapping your arms around his neck and tangling your fingers into his hair. Grinding your hips into his already hardening cock.
Who knew just a little making out would rile him up so badly? He either had sensitive or virgin written all over him. Maybe there was a small part of you that found the idea of a human like you overpowering a cute dragon in bed super exciting. Corrupting his fantasy and frail understanding of what he was capable of.
Breaking up the kiss, you removed your shirt and pants, leaving you in your underwear before him. Doing a little 360 spin to show him your entire body, you took his hands and laid them on your hips. Letting them sit on your squishy flesh for a moment before trailing one up to your breast and let the other explore your thighs and ass.
Euijoo's face was completely red and he sounded like his breath wanted to stop coming out. That and the tiny puffs of smoke seeping from his mouth showed his emotions were heightened in a way he couldn't understand just yet.
“Do you like how this feels, my body? Are you ready to see it all?”
He nodded eagerly, making his first move by pulling you closer by the hips and tugging at your underwear and burying his face in your belly. His actions reminded you of a desperate puppy, especially as his nose was in your stomach and he was looking up at you with pleading eyes.
Before you could properly remove either, Euijoo's nails had elongated into claws and shred away the thin pieces of fabric. Leaving you completely bare and naked.
Your body was so gorgeous to him, so alluring and sexy. Just looking at you would be enough to make him lose his cool. Not like he had much to begin with.
“Hey, if I'm going to be naked, you've gotta join me-” You teased as you started to pull away at Euijoos clothing.
He was so excited and turned on, he clearly forgot Fuma was also in the room. Honestly, Fuma would be okay with that as long as Euijoo didnt mess this up.
He had seen and slept with his fair share of women before so he was doing okay. That was until you were stripped completely naked and bent down to help his friend undress, flashing your glistening pussy directly in his face.
Fuma could compose himself to remain still but the rush of pheromones and your scent of arousal was getting to him already. Making him cross his legs to stop himself for having an obvious boner at a time like this.
Once Euijoo was naked his worries faded away. He was here, he could do this! At least he thought so until you pushed his legs open and got on your knees.
His half dragon state was also stunning. Horns sticking out of his hair, silky skin bedazzled in patches of shiny and colorful scales leading to a thick tail and his wonderful dragon cock on full display. Large, scaly and ribbed along the top down to the very base.
Your stomach stirred in excitement. Youve had plently of practice, you could take him with a little prep. But first, you had to get a little taste of dragon.
Taking his tip into your mouth without warning and making him yelp, a tiny spurt of fire following along with it.
You could save your cooing for later, for now, you were going to have a little fun. Swirling your tongue around him and sinking him down your throat to see how far you could get. It took a little gagging but you were able to get his entire dick in.
Slowly pulling off before repeating the process, and earning a low moan from Euijoo. An unrestrained response to a pleasure hes never felt before. He couldn't tell if his body was heating up due to pleasure or embarrassment.
Neither mattered to you. Loosening your jaw before taking him back into your mouth at a quicker pace, using your hand to substitute when you werent taking him entirely in.
It had been less than a minute before Euijoo was panting like crazy, twitching and fumbling around odd sentences. He was trying to tell you that he felt something weird- It was both pleasurable but concerning because he felt like he was about to drop. His words didn't make it out in time before his body reacted and came.
Your only proper warning was the twitching of his cock in your mouth before the thick salty fluid filled up your mouth. Leaking out of your mouth and down your throat before you could comprehend fully what had happened.
Apologetic and embarrassed, Euijoo pulled out fully and started to speak clearly. “Oh my god I'm so sorry Y/n! I'm sorry I didn't think that would happen so quickly! Oh no I fucked up again ah, I'm sorry-”
You werent mad, only surprised by how fast and how much had come out. Coughing to clear out your throat so you could speak.
Fuma was honestly speechless. There was nothing he could say or do to remedy the situation. Maybe prepare romcoms and liquor back at home for when Euijoo sobbed about this failure too.
To the distraught dragons surprise, you waved off his apology as you caught your breath. “I'm not mad! You don't need to apologize, accidents happen. I assumed that would considering how new you were to this.”
“Wait, so you're not rejecting me now?”
“No? Plus, dragon cum tasted way better than I expected so no hard feelings times two.” You said in joking manner before changing the subject. Looking up, you could still see his dick was plenty hard. Dragging your finger up it's length and making him sigh.
“Looks like you still got some left in you. Are you ready for the main event?” You spoke in a low and sultry voice, standing up and trailing your hand up his body as you went.
“Uh, I uh-” Unknowing what to do, Euijoo looked to Fuma to help, who only gestured towards you with a “Don't look at me- And don't fuck this up!” expression.
Euijoo gave you a nod, not trusting his voice to reply in dirty talk.
Although it wasn't the most ideal, you knew he would probably enjoy this more if the treasure was still on the bed. Moving some of the more dangerous and fragile pieces aside before climbing onto the bed on all fours. Not meaning to, but facing Fuma, who was both watching attentively and absentmindedly. Once in position, you used one hand to spread your ass to invite him into you.
“Go on, it might be a little tight at first but I'll manage.” You were bursting with eagerness. This had to be a dream come true for you both.
But of course, Euijoo was overthinking something else. Your hole looked… a little small? There was no way he was fitting into your pussy when it didn't even look the size of his pinky.
His gaze found Fuma, who just gave him a thumbs up before he turned his attention back to you. Noting the eager look that Euijoo couldn't see as you were ready for this. Almost drooling in anticipation for this moment. He had to avert his eyes from you.
From behind, Euijoo took a deep breath before just following his instincts. He knew what to do, he shouldn't overthink this. Even if he messed up here, he never had to see you again if all went to hell.
Running a finger down your wet folds, he spread your lips to get a better view. Summoning all the confidence he could, he lined his tip along with your hole before letting his body do the rest and push in slowly.
Instantly the stretch was more than you expected, but along with the discomfort was the sweet pleasure as he pushed in further. Moving painfully slowly and allowing you to adjust as he moved. You expected the slight pain, it was always there until it melted away after you were soaked enough.
The texture of the ridges and ribs on his cock had your legs shaking so fast. “Are you alright Y/n? You're shaking.”
“Y-yes fuck, god just fuck me already!”
He wasn't completely assured but he couldn't stay still forever. Pulling his hips out before driving them back inside. Fully inserted and causing a slight bulge in your stomach.
Places you didnt even know could feel this level of pleasure were tingling as he picked up the pace, finding a steady rhythm to pull in and out to. Little cries and pleas of pleasure for more encouraged him to keep going.
His confidence grew, reaching over to grip your hips and pull you back slightly with every thrust. Lowering himself to kiss along your back as he plowed into you.
Your orgasm came quickly, not as fast as him previously. But just as you continued from before, so did he. Driving your mind up the wall once again very quickly.
Euijoo had to admit, it felt amazing to get you to cum, quite fast even. His pride and confidence fully restored as you begged him to fuck you harder and keep going.
It wasn't long before he had you cock drunk. There was no need to use words as your body did all the speaking for you. Nipples hard from arousal and being teased, tongue hanging out lazily and your eyes dazed but content. Not to mention the fluids from your pussy squirting and soaking with every thrust.
The whole time you were lost in the pleasure, you had Euijoo on your mind but Fuma in your sights. It was obvious he was happy and proud for his friend but he looked lonely in your eyes. And horny.
After another orgasm shook you, you took a pause. Pressing your back against Euijoos chest, who instantly ran his hands down to your clit and played with your breast as you spoke to him. Keeping your mind and body on a pleasure trip even with his little movement. Even Fuma was impressed that he knew how to do that.
His cold scales contrasted your hot skin and egged his teasing on further as you tried to speak with him buried inside you. Your hand running into his hair to run your fingers along his horns, an obvious sensitive spot as he didn't even hide his shiver.
For once, Fuma was the one let in the dark as you whispered something to Euijoo through breathy moans. He quickly agreed, getting in a cheeky bite at your neck before letting you back down.
Letting your front lay down on the bed, you looked at Fuma with needy eyes. Gesturing him forward with your hand.
Confused, but still being the man(dragon) he was, he came forward. “Is something wrong Y/n? You're not stuck, right?’
He spoke so gently and full of concern. You almost wanted to make up some excuse to keep him talking but that could wait. Especially not as you were eye to eye with his raging boner.
“No, no issue.” You said bluntly as you reached for his pants. Digging your fingers into his boxers and tugging to pull them down.
“Wait what are you doing? This isn't about me-?”
“Oh shut it. It wouldn't be nice to let you watch us fuck and not get in on it.” You were blunt as you pulled him closer.
Fuma didn't want to encroach on a moment that wasn't his. This was about Euijoo and him finally having his chance. He was going to ask him if he was okay with it, but seeing the happy look on his face as he kneaded your ass cheeks told him it didn't seem he minded.
Rejecting the invite could be rude, so he nodded. That and seeing you getting roughly fucked and staring at him the whole time had admittedly turned him on. Some relief could be nice.
Within seconds, you had his pants off, nearly getting spooked by his silvery girthy cock popping out. Oh yeah, he was definitely trying to play it cool with how hard he was in reality. Precum was already seeping out from his tip and adding to the shimmery appearance. Or maybe dragon cum just was sparkly?
You didn't dwell on it before taking him into your mouth like you had done with Euijoo before. Getting a similar hiss of pleasure as you started to suck him off.
Once you had found your rhythm with your mouth it was quickly disregarded. Euijoo took the lead, moving at an animalistic pace to pick up where you left off.
The force pushing your body back and forth- From choking on Fuma to having Euijoo deeper into your walls. A consistent cycle of head turning sensations that only was making you lose yourself.
Tears of overwhelming euphoria as well as the gagging started to spring from your eyes. This was your mosterfucker dream come true! Being used like a cocksleeve for hot dragon men? Sign you up all day, any day!
It was hard to stay focused on the task at hand. Not that you needed to be engulfed in the moment, they were doing what they pleased and you wouldn't complain. Especially not when they were making you feel this amazing.
Your body was tingling, both numb and burning alive as you peaked your orgasm over and over again. Surprisingly but also not, dragons could go for a long time and had a lot to unload.
And you were more than willing to let them use you to take it all in. It felt like a rough fucked bliss you had fallen into as you were filled up and swallowed as much dragon cum as you could take.
Fuma was experienced enough to always know when he was about to snap and warned you. Petting your cheeks and hair and wiping your pretty tears before using your mouth once again.
Euijoo was clearly the novice of the two but that didn't mean he was any less intoxicating. If anything, his lack of experience made every time he came a surprise to you both. And for each time he did, he laid a harsh bite somewhere along your skin. Like keeping a tally for himself.
The amount of cum they let out was also insane. Not only did your body feel slightly heavier from the amount, it coated your sheets past the treasure pile and left them white and sparkly. Maybe the stains wouldn't be so bad.
Even as you wanted this dream come true to last forever, your body was starting to get overstimulated. Quaking with every thrust and your throat and jaw aching all the same. Your legs were on the verge of collapse.
With how this night had been going, it shouldn't be a surprise they weren't going to stop suddenly.
Euijoo picked up one of your legs, changing the angle of which he was driving his dragon cock into you and wrapped his scaly tail around your thigh to hold it up. His hands, claws protruding out, held onto your hips. Clearly, he was giving it his all to end this.
Fuma held onto your hair to keep you upright. Slowing his pace to a painful crawl. Savoring every twitch, suck and swirl of your tongue on his cock. Tracing the ridges and scales that you could feel along his tip.
It didn't take much before your orgasm tore through you once again, sending stars into your vision and taking the strength out of your body.
Although you nearly collapsed, supported up by Euijoos arms, your entire body shook as you came. A stream of squirt spraying out as the cherry on top. A muffled squeal of pleasure ripped through your exhausted throat.
The others weren't far behind. Fuma, nicely pulled out this time. Decorating your face and chest with his cum. Quite the lovely sight on your fucked out face.
Euijoo held you still as he rutted into your tired pussy. Pushing in as far as he could go and breaking out into a mix of a whimper and a moan, sounding somewhat like your name before marking your skin once again.
He shook wildly as his cock twitched. Dumping whatever cum he had left in him into your caved out hole. A perfect space for him to remain as he, in his dragon heart, hoped to breed you.
Exhausted and messy, there was no strength left in your body. Even if you wanted to move, there was no way you could. Thankfully, Euijoo had laid you down, mostly on his chest and hugged you tightly.
In your haze, you hadn't even realized Fuma left and returned with some paper towels to clean you up and gave you some water.
“Uh, sorry about the mess. We'll pay for anything we can't clean.”
It was very kind of him but you wouldn't mind. Instead extending your weak hand and beckoning him to bed with you both.
“Don't worry bout it. Come cuddle.”
Fuma nearly laughed but agreed. No one had the energy to argue. Draping an arm over your side, he was almost immediately asleep.
As you felt yourself drifting off to sleep, you felt the unmistakable kisses of Euijoos lips against your skin. “Thank you Y/n…”
A smile came to your lips as you acknowledged his words. Thanking them in their own way too. Even if they were gone in the morning, you wouldn't regret this night for as long as you lived your human life.
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