#but reading smth over and over and even taking notes?
ririkookiemonster · 21 hours
no textbooks here — JJK
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Summary: being a model in the art class was common for you, but this time, you gave a chance to be the female model in biology class. it was for educational purposes anyway, how far could it go?
Pairing: male model jungkook x female model oc
Genre: Smut
Warnings: human sexuality/ biology class au, university au, voyeurism, unprotected sex (DO NOTTT unless you wanna be a mama) public sex, sex ed au, nipple stimulation, cock stimulation, kissing, multiple orgasm f, missionary, riding, cumming inside, no use of contraceptives specified, shy jk at first, they both are so cute at the end.
Word count: 5k+
Writer: riri🪵
Writer’s note: omg its finally here! i was thinking to write smth ab this ever since i read a voyeurism smut ab sex ed and i hadddd to write one. i love how cute jk is. i love the scenes where they well… get passionate. too cute ahhh. lemme know if you liked it. to be added in the taglist, fill the google form given below or leave a comment!
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You paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before nervously pushing open the classroom door. The soft creak of the hinges seemed louder in the stillness, amplifying your unease. As you stepped inside, your eyes immediately scanned the room. It was as you expected—empty, save for one person seated at the front: Mr. Jung, the lecturer you had been told about. His presence was commanding but gentle, his smile warm and welcoming, like a ray of sunshine on an otherwise dreary day.
“Come in, come in!” he called out with a bright tone, his gaze locking onto you as you hovered awkwardly in the doorway. His voice had a way of cutting through the silence, easing some of the tension you hadn’t realized you were carrying. You stepped forward, your footsteps quiet but deliberate as you made your way to his desk, each step a small victory over your nerves.
“It’s great to meet you,” Mr. Jung said with a friendly nod, his voice smooth and calm. His smile lingered, putting you at ease, if only slightly. He pushed a sheet of paper across the desk in your direction, his movements unhurried. “I just need you to fill out this liability waiver.”
The words were said so casually, but the simple task still felt like a small hurdle. You stood across from him, fingers lightly brushing the paper as you picked it up, your heart still racing just a bit, though his calm demeanor had begun to settle the unease that had gripped you since you walked in.
“Just the standard agreement,” Mr. Jung continued with a calm, practiced tone. “You’ll be paid at the end of the class. And... you’re aware that this is a practical demonstration, meaning you’ll be fully naked?”
“Yes... Of c-course,” you stammered, the words tumbling out awkwardly. You reached for a pen from the stand, trying to ignore the sudden wave of nervousness. Your eyes skimmed over the document—standard terms, conditions, rules, payment details, and all that. You’d done this sort of thing before for life drawing classes in the art department, so the nudity didn’t bother you as much as it used to. Still, this was the biology department, and that made it feel... different. Without much thought, you roughly scribbled ‘Y/N’ at the bottom of the page, the pen shaking just a little in your hand.
As you set the pen down, your gaze drifted around the room once more, and that’s when you noticed something or rather, someone you hadn’t before. Sitting off to the side, near the blackboard, was a guy you hadn’t seen when you first walked in. He was quiet, almost too still, which explained why he had escaped your attention earlier.
He looked up, and your breath hitched for a moment. His piercings were the first thing you noticed. his lips, eyebrow, and ears all adorned with silver hoops and studs that caught the light. Despite his edgy appearance, his eyes were surprisingly soft, a stark contrast to his sharp jawline and the strength in his build. Even beneath the loose, black T-shirt he wore, you could tell he was well-muscled, his broad shoulders and solid frame evident.
Your gaze continued downward, noticing his dark blue jeans tucked into chunky, black combat boots. His medium-length curly hair was pulled into a loose ponytail, a few strands escaping to frame his face. Everything about him radiated a kind of effortless cool. And, if you were being honest, this man was HOT.
You swallowed hard, trying to keep your composure as you realized just how much this guy's presence added to the tension simmering beneath the surface.
He glanced at you for just a fraction of a second, barely acknowledging your presence before averting his gaze, his expression unreadable. It was almost as if he didn’t want to make eye contact. “This is Jungkook, third-year, and the male model for today’s demonstration,” Mr. Jung explained, nodding toward the guy. “Please, take a seat next to him.”
You gave a quick nod and made your way over, sitting down in the chair beside him. Jungkook’s hands rested in his lap, fingers nervously intertwined. It surprised you to see that, beneath his tough, bad-boy exterior, he seemed just as anxious as you were. Sure, he was undeniably attractive—more than that, really. but the way he fidgeted made him look kind of... cute. You couldn't help but wonder how someone who appeared so effortlessly cool could be just as nervous about this as you were.
And then it hit you: you were both about to be naked. Fully.
But, of course, it was purely for educational purposes—nothing more than a biology lesson where the two of you were simply models helping students learn. Still, the thought had your stomach doing somersaults.
You cleared your throat, hoping to ease the tension between you two. “Hey…are you nervous?” you asked, leaning slightly toward him, trying to break the ice.
Before Jungkook could respond, the door swung open with a loud bang, and a flood of students poured in, filling the once-quiet room with laughter and chatter. You watched as they settled into their individual seats, each equipped with small, built-in desks, their attention mostly focused on their own conversations rather than the two of you.
Whatever nervous conversation you had hoped to start was quickly drowned out by the buzz of the classroom coming to life. You stole another glance at Jungkook, catching him briefly biting his lip before his gaze returned to his lap. It was clear neither of you was prepared for what was about to happen, but there wasn’t much time to dwell on that now.
Once the room settled and Mr. Jung began the lesson, you couldn't help but scan the students seated before you. Their eyes were on you-curious, almost probing. You were relieved that they were all first years, strangers whose names and faces you didn't know. It made things a little easier. Still, a few boys in the crowd kept sneaking glances in your direction, and you swore you caught some of them smirking, making your nerves spike even more.
After about five minutes of introductory remarks, Professor Jung's voice called both you and Jungkook to the front of the room. Your stomach twisted as you slowly stood up, feeling Jungkook rise just behind you. The two of you walked forward in unison, the students' gazes growing heavier with every step.
"Good morning, everyone," Mr. Jung addressed the class. "Meet Y/N Y/L/N and Jeon Jungkook. They'll be the models for today's lesson." His voice carried easily through the room, formal yet calm, as though what was about to happen was routine.
Then he turned to face both of you. "If you could both remove your clothes, please," he said, his tone polite but firm. You felt a sharp wave of mixture of excitement and anxiety rise within you, knowing the moment had finally come. and you two began two began to undress in front of the class.
You always enjoyed the thrill you got from being naked in front of the art classes you had modeled in. You like being a muse. You liked the feeling of all their eyes on your body and you expected this to be no different. You pulled off your white sweater over your head, followed by your tank top. You slowly began to unbutton your baggy jeans and slipped them down to the floor, pulling off each leg in turn until you were just in the simple baby pink underwear you had chosen to wear today.
You glanced next to you, where Jungkook was also down to his Calvin Klein underpants. You glanced over as he pulled them down and almost gasped out loud. His cock, although soft, was massive. You could see its outline from the white underwear he was wearing. It hung down limply between his legs, framed by a thin patch of newly grown hair, as if shaved recently.
You hastily turned your eyes back to the class and unhooked your bra, exposing your firm breasts. Then you removed the final item of your clothing, your panties, slipping them down your knees, revealing your own trimmed bush to the watching eyes. Not gonna lie, you were kinda embarrassed. You could have shaved or waxed. But you were here as a model anyway. You just wanted your paycheck for the day.
Your eyes scanned through the crowd. Some of the students looked embarrassed, red in the face, others looked excited. One boy right at the front was watching both of you with curious eyes, a big grin on his mouth. You and Jungkook stood there, upright and completely naked, as Professor Jung walked back and forth in front of you both, talking about various parts of anatomy and pointing at them by his telescopic pointer.
"Here we see,the female nipples are not yet aroused. The areola are widened and flat and the nipples themselves are not yet hard." Mr Jung explained, the end of the pointer hovering an inch from one of your nipples.
"And below," he continued, moving the pointer to indicate the area between your legs, "Is the Vulva. Not to be confused with the Vagina, of course, which is the interior part we can't see at the moment. In this, as you can see, the subject has chosen only to trim and not remove her pubic hair."
Some of the students nodded, while others just kept gaping at you. You were enjoying them all looking yourself naked, especially the guy in the front with a strange twinkle in his eyes. You felt yourself getting a bit aroused, your heart thumping loudly in your chest.
Mr Jung then moved on to Jungkook, pointing out at his much smaller nipples than his penis and testicles. The pointer then moved to his dick and balls, as the professor went on about the anatomy of a male’s cock. It was unusual that he made no mention of the fact that Jungkook’s cock was well…. big.
"Okay," Mr Jung said, striding back in front of you. "Y/N, if you could lie on the desk please? Yes, like that, lift your legs up. Perfect.”
You followed Mr Jung’s instructions and laid on the desk, your feet facing the students. Under his direction, you opened your legs up and put your feet on the desk so that your opening was all on display of the students now. You felt a strange feeling of thrill arising in your chest yet again, but you couldn’t see the reactions of the crowd, as you were looking up at the ceiling.
Soon after, Professor Jung began indicating parts of your vulva with his pointer.
"This outer area here is the labia majora," he explained, the cold metal of the pointer touching your lower petals, making your lips slightly open because of the sensation.
"The vaginal opening, and above the labia minora. This subject has fairly small labia minora but it's not uncommon for them to be much bigger and extend beyond the labia majora." Mr Jung continued, the pointer gently kept touching you, as if almost being teased. You felt yourself getting wet from the sensation and kept praying that it wouldn’t be visible.
"This is the urethral opening where urine is excreted from and also female ejaculate, we'll cover that in week five. And finally, the clitoris, also called the clit. Boys take careful note exactly where that is." He joked as the pointer came to rest on my clit, nestled under its hood. The class tittered dutifully.
"Thank you Y/N, you can stand up again," Mr Jung asked. Once again, You both stood naked and motionless before the class as he continued to drone on about the concept, that was arousal now. Soon again, Mr Jung turned to both of you again.
"Now, remember how we saw that the subject was not showing any signs of arousal…?"
There were a few nods from the class, and Mr Jung smiled. "Jungkook, can you rub or suck Y/N’s nipples please? We need you to stimulate them, and we’ll see what outcome we get from that.”
Jungkook glanced at you nervously, and then made his way to you until he was facing you. He lifted one hand up to your breast and cupped it gently, then very carefully he rubbed your nipple with his thumb. It felt nice and you felt a burst of pleasure rush through you.
"Look!" Professor Jung said, his voice was getting excited. “as we expect, the areola has tightened and contracted and the nipple has hardened as blood has rushed into it..”You were enjoying the stimulation Jungkook was providing you by using your tits as stress balls that you felt your breathing was getting deeper. Thats when you heard Mr Jung’s voice again.
"See how the subject's breathing has also changed. Jungkook, give the other one a suck, see how much you can stimulate it."
Jungkook bent down and took your other sensitive peak into his mouth, his tongue, warm and wet, lapping against your skin as if trying to explore the most of it. He started sucking more effectively, his teeth gently grazing on your nub, making you feel hot and bothered. You let out an involuntary gasp, which seemed to please the professor to heights as he gestured excitedly to the class.
"Okay, that's enough," He said as Jungkook returned to his original position beside you. The professor indicated your saliva glistened nipple with the pointer, and flicked it back and forth with the end, making you gasp again.
"Look, it's very hard and so much larger now. That's the result of the extra stimulation we saw. There are other signs of arousal we can look at on the female in a moment, but first let's have a look at arousal on the male. Is there anyone who can tell me the most obvious signs of arousal in the male of the species?"
There was a slight hesitation evident in the class which was quite expected and understandable. After a few seconds, a girl in the left wearing yellow shirt cautiously put hand up.
"Erection?" she asked, biting her lip in nervousness and embarrassment.
"Exactly!"Mr Jung chirped. "Increased heart rate, change in breathing, even hardened nipples are some signs when a male is sexually aroused, but the most obvious sign will be the enlargement in penis size as the blood rushes through the Male genitalia, also called erection."
Mr Jung turned back to you, "Y/N, can you get on your knees and stimulate Jungkook’s penis with your mouth please?”
You almost got a heart attack as you heard that. Yes, you were here just for a biology lesson but the thought of sucking Jungkook’s huge cock in front of the whole class sent a bolt of lightning straight to your cunt. The professor reached behind the desk and handed you a cushion, that you put on the floor in front of Jungkook’s feet and knelt on it, your knees buried in it for support. Jungkook’s cock was inches from your face. It was still soft, but long. You gingerly reached up and held it, your hand surrounding all the way round his girth.
You felt the warm member twitch in your hand, as you wrapped your other hand around it too. Its bulbous head was red and there were three prominent veins visible on it. You took a dee breath before leaning in and putting his thick shaft in your mouth and you knew that now, it was Jungkook’s turn to start breathing heavily.
As your tongue played with the head of his cock, you swore you heard an ‘ah’ leave his mouth, his Adam’s apple bobbing as you felt it pulsing and swelling. You bobbed your head back and forth, only getting a couple of inches in your mouth, but using your hands to jerk his shaft too.
The class was absolutely silent and they watched in rapt attention as you continued to work on him. You could feel their stares on both of you. You felt kinda excited and thrilled doing this in front of so many people that the weird pleasure caused your cunt get more wet with your slick, aching with need. You took his cock out of your mouth and looked up at it, still holding it in both hands. It was fully erect now, warm and slick with your saliva.
"Perfect!" Mr Jung exclaimed, "And quite an impressive specimen as you can see. Notice how the veins in the penis have become more prominent and also how the scrotum has become tense and doesn't hang down so low. Thank you Y/N, I think you can let go now." he said, causing a ripple of nervous laughter around the class and lightening the tension.
You stood up and came back to your original position, wiping the wetness around your mouth and chin with the back of your hand. Jungkook meanwhile, turned back to face the front, his big cock still pointing straight upwards in salute.
"Now, I mentioned there were other signs of female arousal. Let's see if any have presented themselves. Y/N, if you could turn around and bend over the desk for us please?”
You did as he asked, soon following his next instruction to spread your lips with your hands.
You were bent over the desk now, your hands on your cheeks spreading them apart to give the audience a view of your asshole and cunt wide open. You felt the cold metal of the telescopic pointer against your ass when you heard professor Jung again.
"So, who can tell me what signs of arousal we can see here?”
You couldn’t see who was talking, but a guy with a deep voice cleared his throat and spoke up, "She's wet professor,"
"Good," said the professor, "The vagina has produced some fluid to aid in lubrication, and you can see it's practically dripping out in this case. The act of stimulating her partner has clearly caused her to become quite aroused. Anything else?"
There was silence from the class. "Come on," he encouraged.
After a few more moments, a nervous female voice said "Labia are engorged?"
"Yes! You can see that is quite obvious here," the pointer touched your lips. "In fact, the whole vulva is slightly swollen and engorged with blood now. Her clitoris also looks a lot bigger and redder now." You just stood there, bent over the desk, your nipples pressed against the cool wood as everyone stared at your swollen hole.
“On to the next part of the demonstration. Y/N, can you come round the side of the desk please, yes bend over the desk again. That's right, so they can see you from the side. And Jeon, come behind her and penetrate her."
You instantly felt your heart racing at thousand miles per hour as soon as you heard the professor say that. This man, with a HUGE dick was going to what, fuck you in front of literally everyone? Considering your state right now, you desperately wanted him to fuck you, as you could feel your pussy throb for him, but in front of the class? It was kinda… interesting but it sure was a turn on for you.
You felt Jungkook approach you from behind, his hands lightly rubbing the flesh of my ass cheeks, his hardness pressed against your opening. You could feel his head teasing your folds when he slid himself inside your pussy in one swift movement. You cried out at the feeling of being stretched and opened by him, even though you were wet as fuck. Being filled up by his cock let pleasure rushed through your body and you felt every part of yourself tingling with energy.
You were bent over the desk, your head turned to the class. You could see their faces watching You as Jungkook started thrust inside you, your cunt gripping him tighter after another thrust.
“Ah fuck, so tight!” Jungkook moaned out, his pace quite rough as his one hand was on your cheek, spreading them apart so he could see your asshole and pussy clenching around him, swallowing every inch of him. Your loud cry with every thrust only fueled his arousal as he fucked you with reckless abandon.
The professor was pacing up and down, still talking to the class, occasionally gesturing towards both as he explained something. Either of you both couldn't understand what he was saying, your whole attention was taken up by the relentless pleasure. You felt a pit in your stomach as you felt a tingling sensation of climax rising inside you, which made you slightly anxious; you felt it would be embarrassing to lose control and orgasm in front of the class.
Suddenly, professor Jung’s voice interrupted, "Stop right there then Jungkook, that's great."
Jungkook breathed out, and pulled out, as you let out a whispered whine and glanced around. He held his hard cock in one hand and it was covered in your essence. You felt empty and open, as if something you needed had been taken away from you and left you incomplete. The professor was pointing out the creamy wetness on Jungkook’s cock.
"Okay, I think it would be interesting to demonstrate a couple of other key sexual positions." Mr Jung continued. "Y/N, would you mind getting on your back on the desk so we can demonstrate the missionary position?”
You nodded and laid on the hard desk before professor Jung passed you the cushion to put under your head. Luckily, it was a sturdy, old fashioned oak desk, and it hardly moved as Jungkook added his weight to it, climbing on top of you between your legs.
"Now, we saw in the previous position that the penis can stimulate the g-spot, but the clitoris would need manual stimulation. In the missionary position however, the male's pubic bone can provide some clitoral stimulation." He then continued to say something about it being the most common position, but at that point, Jungkook’s huge cock entered you again and you completely switched off.
Our gaze locked together, Jungkook began to fuck you hard again, both of you breathing heavily as his one hand groped your right breast. You loved the feeling of him inside you, fucking you as deep as he could go, and you felt the same feeling rising up in you again.”
"Jungkook, please. Can we demonstrate some kissing, let's try to make it slightly realistic for the class." professor Jung told him, before going back to talking to the class about how the vaginal canal lengthens during arousal.
Jungkook leaned over, his lips grazing over yours as he sucked on your bottom lip, his tongue grazing between them as if seeing permission to enter your mouth, and in the next moment, you felt his tongue inside your mouth as you both let out a shaky moan. He was warm, and tasted of mint. His loosened locks from the ponytail hair hung down over your face.
The combined sensation of the passionate kiss with hard thrusting into your core suddenly spiraled you out of control and you felt myself go over the edge. An intense orgasm washed over you, consuming your whole body. You screamed and dug your fingers into Jungkook’s back as you rode wave after wave of pleasure that coursed through you, your pussy convulsing violently.
“oh my god!” you breathed out, throwing your head back in pleasure.
Jungkook slowed, and kissed you again as you came down from your high. Mr Jung was continuing to talk to the class, "So, we weren't going to do the female orgasm until week three, but never mind. As our subjects have accidentally demonstrated already, it's interesting to note that only around 25% of females can climax from penetration alone."
Jungkook was slowly moving his cock in and out of your soaking cunt now, giving you a break after your orgasm, but it felt amazing. You were already hoping that you’d be able to meet up with him privately for a more intimate sex session. And he was a great kisser.
"Fantastic," said the professor, "But we're running out of time, so let's move on to the male orgasm." You heard a groan, this time from Jungkook almost like a whine as he pulled out from you, and got off from the table, helping you do the same.
Mr Jung fetched a chair and placed it in front of the class. "Jungkook, please on the chair. and Y/N, if you mount him. Let's make sure everyone can see properly." Jungkook followed, sitting on the chair, facing the crowd as you walked over to where Jungkook was sitting on the chair, your legs weak and shaking from the orgasm. You could feel your juices running down your thighs. You glanced at the crowd once and saw they were squirming in their seats looking all hot and bothered.
You turned my back on the class and straddled Jungkook, sinking down onto his cock, feeling him filling you once again. “Oh my god, Y/N.” Jungkook moaned, throwing his head back from the sensation.
Professor Jung was behind you pointing out the details of the penetration and how your lips gripped his penis and-all-that. He pointed to your exposed asshole, "We'll cover anal sex in week four.”
You started to ride Jungkook, wrapping your arms around him as you rode him on the chair. You wanted the sensations to last forever, the thought of thirty pairs of eyes watching your lips wrapped around his cock only spurred you on even more. You started fucking Jungkook as hard as you could, leaning in to thrust your tongue in his mouth.
"Okay Jungkook, when you're ready you can climax inside her." Mr Jung said, folding his arms and stepping back slightly to allow the class a good view. Jungkook hands grabbed your ass and he spread your ass with his fingers as you rode him.
“Oh yes, fuck! yes” You moaned out as you felt yourself coming again. You cried out as your whole body shook and your cunt contracted around his swollen meat. His fingers gripped your ass tightly, and he let out a low groan as you felt him unload his hot ropes of cum inside you, his cock throbbing and pulsing.
You held each other tightly as you took heavy breaths. You saw how worn out he was, how his big doe eyes were staring into your, and how his bottom lip twitched slightly as he lets out ragged breaths. You could see his mole under his bottom lip and a scar on his left cheek from the first time up this close.
He was beautiful.
You couldn’t help yourself, as you grabbed his face in your hands and kissed him sensually, to which he immediately responded to, kissing you back gently, as he felt you thumb caressing his scarred cheek. Even the professor was momentarily speechless. There was not a sound from anyone in the class.
Finally, You pulled off, breathing heavily and lifted yourself off his cock and floods of cum poured out of you, covering Jungkook’s cock and thighs with your slick and his release. Both of you were in quite a state, covered in sweat and cum.
Mr Jung quickly regained his composure, his signature smile back in his face. "An excellent demonstration from our two models." he began, "Please give them a round of applause."There was a smattering of clapping from the class for a while before he continued.
"The semen in this position is leaking out of the female. If they were having sex for breeding purposes, the missionary position would be better."
The bell for the end of the lesson rang and he raised his voice over the sounds of the rest of the class getting to their feet and packing up their things. "The homework for this week, please try to engage in the sexual act yourself with as many partners as possible, but please ensure to use protection and get tested for HIV with your partner. Better be safer than sorry. Also, I'd like two thousand words on your experiences, due in before the lesson next week."
The class filed out and Jungkook and you retrieved your clothes and hastily got dressed. The professor came up to us with a smile.
"Not too bad for a first attempt," he said, "Same time next week. you’ll get your pay by 6 in the evening.” He smiled as he exited the classroom, leaving both of you alone in the classroom. You sighed as started you started to walk up to the door to leave before you heard Jungkook’s voice behind you, stopping you in your tracks.
“Hey… Y/N?” He took some calculated steps towards you, his hand shoved in his pocket as he continued,
“I had well… fun in today’s lesson.”
You bit your lips nervously, nodding slightly, “I did too. You were amazing.”
Your words caused Jungkook to chuckle a little, as he walked close to you, looking down at you. “I’d want to experience everything with you again. Not in lesson’s though….”
You nodded, before he continued.
“You wanna go get coffee to celebrate our demonstration with me after you get cleaned up? I’ll wait for you outside the locker room’s bathroom. You can take as much time as you want.”
You could feel your cheeks heating up, you were definitely flustered.
“I’d love too….”
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raksh-writes · 3 months
I have my last exam tomorrow and no idea how to study for it because my brain is straight up refusing to retain any and all information. Very fucking funny how the exam is about information (science) too, ugh...
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mpathicoracle · 1 year
me: oh yea imma make this fic for my owl house oc just for fun, and its gonna be so good. it probably wont take too long and itll probably be kinda short anyway the fic so far: nearly 5 chapters long at 17688 words and currently 41 pages, and at no point is at any major part of my oc's life (relatively) me: ...well shit
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orcelito · 2 years
that one bookmark is gone and on one hand im glad i dont have to see it anymore but on the other hand im a little embarrassed at the thought of them having seen me have a whole mini spiral about it at like 5 am. like sorry random person ig
#speculation nation#i shouldnt be allowed to make posts in the middle of sleeping times#i wake up all the time while trying to sleep & then i check social media & also my ao3 stats page#usually this is fine but that bookmark note hit Just the right insecurity in me for me to make some pathetic posts about it on my tumblr#like yes i Am insecure about ppl not liking what im doing in the story lately & thinking im taking too long :') thank U for confirming#the reader support afterwards definitely helped me but Man i dont wanna b known as that author that cant take even a hint of criticism#i mean i kind of am but i dont wanna be KNOWN for it ykno#im cool as a cucumber. u can tell. Absolutely the coolest. thats why i go crying to my tumblr dot com when someone says smth that isnt#complete praise for my work.#like on one hand i dont gotta share this online. it's a privilege that u guys get to read it. so i dont wanna hear ppl disliking it#on the other hand i wish i wasnt that pathetically insecure lmfao#in my defense not having an active beta reader has been fucking with my self confidence re: writing#i was a nervous WRECK when posting the last chapter. and the other chapters too but last chapter especially.#life. is so difficult. alas.#sorry to my readers for my lack of object permanence re: ppl liking my shit.#ive had ppl repeatedly saying they love it and it's still not enough#in largest part bc im insecure about that Changing. so with every chapter im like peeking over like 'do you still like my writing...?'#'do u still like my writing pls respond'#honestly bless u readers who have kept up with discacc & continuously comment & offer me reassuring words here when im down#ur enthusiasm & kind words help me a lot. thank U
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cashandandrogyny · 1 year
I am so glad I have a classical piano background 😭
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jasmines-library · 6 months
Hey, I love your Batfam work! Is there any chance you could do a whump/angst one of batsis being kidnapped by a villian(you can choose whoever you want) and she’s tortured for days with it being broadcasted to the Batfam while they try to track the footage. I feel kinda bad but can you do maybe some head trauma md severe burns? Maybe she has to be put in a medically included coma or smth because of the damage? Also is there any way you could include Barb and Duke along w/ the four robins? If not that’s totally cool! Sorry for the long request but I hope you have a great day!!
Anonymous Requested: batfam x batsib reader whos the youngest and newest robin and is just really goofy and doesn’t take anything seriously (ex: them blaring “who’s the (bat)man” on the comms during patrol [that songs stuck in my head i had to mention it]) and something happens, maybe their first close encounter to death or a run in with the joker and they just become a shell of who they were and stuff
Jokes On Me
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Note: My god im so sorry this literally took me forever to write, thank you so much for being patient. I've been trying to write this all week but just couldn't sit down for long enough to finish it.
Warnings: Torture, blood, burns.
Word Count: 2.5k
“Y/N, turn that shit off.”
Jason grumbled at you over the coms. You had been blasting some wretched song that you’d found on the internet over and over again and it was beginning to drive him mad. 
“Nope.” You said, popping the ‘p’ loudly. 
“Seriously.” Dick deadpanned. He had found it amusing at first, but it was now beginning to test his patience. 
Agitated, you sighed and turned off the music. “Fine.”
“Thank you.” Jason expressed gratefully, turning his eyes back to the road he was patrolling. The night was cool and quiet besides the odd dog walker or couple returning from an evening out. It was one of those nights where patrol would end early and he could return home to take a warm bath and read a book before turning in for the night. Or so he thought. 
You were rounding the corner, humming that tune that was still stuck in your head when his laughter ricocheted across the walls. You stiffened, eyes widening and hands fumbling for your weapon as your breath hitched. No amount of turning and craning your head allowed you to catch a glimpse of the dreaded figure, and you thought for a moment that perhaps it had just been a trick of your mind, or one of your brothers playing a cruel joke on you as payback for winding them up earlier. But then you heard it again, only this time to your left. You clutched your weapon tighter, eyes scanning the area with a new found sense of urgency. 
“Wing…” You whispered into the coms so quietly that you were surprised he heard it.
“What now?” He somewhat snapped. 
“We have a problem.”
Dick’s heart sank through the floor, his ears pricking up and his demeanour changing completely. “Where are you? What’s the matter? He was trying to let his panic show, but you hadn’t been patrolling as a vigilante for very long, and while you were well trained, you lacked the experience to deal with something big on your own. And from your tone of voice, he could tell that you were in some deep shit. 
Jason worked his legs harder to push himself to reach the direction he had seen you head off in. Albeit it seemed even his hardest wasn’t enough.
When he stepped out of the darkness, the first thing you noticed were his eyes. Wide and bright, easily mistakable for a cat’s as they flashed in the darkness; wild. Rabid. As he emerged fully with that infamous twisted grin splayed out on his face, you felt like a cornered animal; a deer in headlights. You froze, unable to move despite how your heart screamed at you to run as it pounded, trying to break free from your ribcage. 
“He’s here…” A mere whisper sliding over your tongue, so fragile that you weren’t even sure if you had actually said it aloud. Jason had heard it. 
The Joker was circling you now, dragging out his strides in lazy circles. You should have fought but in that moment all of your training had drained out of you, along with the colour in your face. He smirked, leering down upon you as you tried to keep your trembling hand still. He pouted in mockery and at your silence, Jason repeated his question to you, but you never got the chance to respond. 
“Oh…Just an old friend, Jay-bird.”
“Joker.” Urging his body to move faster, Jason grit his teeth. 
Dick paled. “You leave them alone.” Dick spat. It tried to be a command, but the effect was lost somewhere in transmission.
The joker pursed his lips, tilting his head as he analysed. One of his hands had found his way to your jawline and he trailed it with a cold, gloved hand. You wanted to lean away, to run and find your brother but you knew that now he had you in his grasp there was no point in even trying. “And why would I do that? They’re right in front of me. I could just…snatch them up.”
“Don’t you dare!” Dick was frightened now. “Y/N, you stay there as long as you can, okay? You fight. We’re coming, you hear?”
The Joker frowned at you. “D’you hear that? Big brother birdy coming to the rescue. How sweet.”
His grip on you tightened. “Too bad you’ll be long gone by the time they get here.”
With one swift motion, he had thrown you harshly to the side, your head colliding with the wall with a sickening crack. 
The two boys skidded to a halt just a second too late. You were already gone. 
Your head hurt when you woke up. Your eyes squinted against the sterile light. They did no favours to your pounding headache. With a groan, you tried to twist, to roll over and soothe the crook in your neck but instead all that happened was the jinging of a metal chain. You craned your head and spotted the thick chain that had been wrapped around your wrist, confining you to the chair. Struggling, you tugged on them, trying to free yourself only for them to rattle and scrape against your skin. 
“Yeah, that’s not going anywhere, birdy.” The joker chided.
You glared at him through narrowed eyes, trying to mask the thumping of your heart. The joker grinned wildly at your frightened complexion. 
“It was such a shame that Grayson and Todd didn’t get to you in time, but it was far too easy to catch you, little bird: you completely froze.” He snapped his fingers to emphasise his point. “Didn’t batsy teach you better?”
“Don’t talk about them.” You snapped. 
The joker raised his hands, palms facing toward you in surrender: taunting you as if you were the one with the power in the situation. “Touchy subject I see. Too bad.” 
He gestured above you to an incessantly blinking light. “Smile for the camera, you’re live.”
Babs had been monitoring the street cameras when the computer beside her flickered to life. She had been searching for any sign of you ever since Dick and Jason came flying through the grandfather clock. Everyone was on edge. 
The moment the screen flashed on, her eyes perked up to watch it, alarmed. She hadn’t turned it on. And there were very few people who could bypass the caves system. So when she saw a small frame curled up in a chair she knew immediately what was up. 
“Duke…” she called to the dark haired boy who was trying to help decipher your whereabouts. “Go and get B.” 
It did not take long at all for everyone to gather around in the cave. Duke was fast, and everyone dropped what they were doing to race down: even Alfred had taken his leave from his duties to see. 
It was almost like some sick irony because as soon as they were all there, you began to scream. A guttering, perfect scream that cut that through them like a knife: unclean and pinging into them messily again and again. 
The joker had taken a knife to your left thigh, his smile dripping with malice as he watched the camera, somehow knowing that at least one of them would be watching. 
Your face was contorted in pain, twisting in agony as tears rolled flatly down your cheeks from fearful eyes. Damian felt sick, his stomach churning. Jason wanted to leave. But all of them were stuck watching. Barbra was tapping away, trying to locate the signal from the video to no avail. 
“I hope you’re watching this Batsy…” He moved round to trail your face with the edge of the knife. You whimpered. “I’ve got your little bird here and I must say, you need to work on their training. They were far too easy to catch.”
Bruce felt his jaw tightening and Tim had to place a hand on his arm to remind him of his place. 
“Anyway I thought we would play a little game… how long can little y/n survive for. I wonder if it’ll be any longer than our very own Jason Todd.”
Jason twitched. 
“I’m testing you here, Bat. Tick Tock.”
The transmission cut to black. 
It seemed hopeless. Even though they had been searching for days, they were no closer to finding you. And to make matters worse, they could see you. Not long after the first transition ended did it start up again. It had been lifestreaming since then, and although they had tried to block it from their minds, it was hard to ignore. Especially when your agonised screams ricocheted throughout the halls. 
You looked like hell. Dark bags occluded under your eyes and there wasn’t an inch of your skin that wasn’t marred or stained with drying blood. The burns were worse. Damian could still hear the scream you let out when the joker first brought the hot poker to your skin. It had bubbled and blistered as the skin peeled away; you had thrashed against your restraints violently. Tim was certain that they were going to get infected if they didn’t reach you soon. 
It felt as if they had searched everywhere. Dick and Jason had even asked around to see if anyone had heard anything, going as far to talk to the Jokers closest associates in Arkham, but even if they did know, nobody said anything. Duke had even gone as far to go back to the area to use his powers to see if he could trace anything, but nothing seemed out of place; they had hit a brick wall. That was…until a small light appeared on the monitor. Babs had managed to trace the signal to a small building on the outskirts of the city. 
They were suited up in minutes, making a beeline for the building. They stormed it, recklessly taking down the Joker's goons before Batman chased wildly after the Joker, his face stony and his fists burning with anger. The other four boys chased down the winding corridors, flinging open the doors until they found one that was locked. Tim wasted no time, picking the lock with ease he peeled it open. His breath hitched when he saw you. 
Your face was gaunt, hanging low by your chest. Your suit was torn and there was less of it on your body than there was ripped away. You looked so fragile as your chest heaved sporadically. 
Jason nearly had to take a step back. This place reminded himself too much of his own encounter with the Joker not too long ago. But he pressed forward, fighting his instincts. He had to be strong. Instead of turning back, he kneeled in front of you, whispering your name. His hand came up to cup your face. You flinched away. 
“It’s okay kid. It’s us.” He tried to reassure you, but you shrank back into yourself. 
“We’re so, so sorry kiddo.” Dick tried placing a gentle hand on your arm before moving to work on the cuffs around your wrists. “We’re going to get you out.”
You said nothing, just continued to stare at the black space before you, and Dami wasn’t sure if you even knew they were in front of you. But when Jason moved away from you to help remove your restraints, your fingers latched onto him and you squeaked in protest. 
He sighed shakily. “Don’t worry kid. I’m not going anywhere.”
Damian twisted from where he was guarding the door. “We need to leave.”
Dick nodded bluntly, finishing with the last of the locks. “I’m going to have to pick you up, okay sweetheart?”
You barely registered what he had said. Everything had grown numb, you nodded anyhow. Moving his arms underneath your legs and slipping one arm behind your back, Jason began to lift you. He nearly recoiled when you cried and whimpered with the way your wounds jostled as he sprinted out of the building to get you back to safety. 
You were yet to say anything since you came home. You had been back a few days and your wounds were healing up nicely thanks to Alfred’s handywork, but the air was eerily silent around you. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t been communicating with them; you spoke to them with gestures or writing but no one was used to not hearing your voice. The stark contrast between your loud and bustling personality and you now was unsettling. No one wanted to push you too far but the manor was beginning to grow lonely. 
It was one particularly rainy night when you finally spoke.  You were curled up in a large armchair by the window in the library, sinking back into the plush leather as you watched the raindrops race down the glass. Jason had been watching you from afar, contemplating whether to talk to you or not when he walked over. 
“What are you up to?” He asked you, making sure you knew that he was there before he spoke. 
You gestured toward the window,then to the half opened book at your feet and shrugged. 
“I see.” He nodded, taking a seat on the armchair opposite you. A comfortable silence settled between the two of you. Jason wasn’t much of a talker. He knew more than anyone what you were going through, which was why it was nice just to know that he was willing to sit with you, just so you knew that he was there if you needed him. It made you feel safe. But you also couldn’t help but feel guilty, and frustrated with yourself for being in a place that made him feel as though he had to do that. 
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. 
Jason had to do a second take. His heart swelled. “What for?”
You sighed. “This. When I saw him…i-i froze. If I had run then this would never have happened.”
“Shh. This isn’t your fault.”
“I promise, Kid. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
You nodded, looking away from him. But then you furrowed your brows and turned back to him. “How did you do it? How did you deal with this, Jay? Every time I close my eyes he’s there.”
“I guess I don’t, really. Or sometimes it feels like I don’t. I still get scared sometimes. I still see him in my dreams. But over time it gets easier. I had people around me to help me. And so do you, kid. We’re here. We’ll always be here.”
Jason shifted to brush away a rogue tear and you leaned into his touch and then wrapped your arms tightly around his middle. 
“I’m here. Always. We’ll get through this together.”
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @mamapucket @hell-o-kittys @harleycao @batfamsstuff @alicedawitchbish
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simplygojo · 11 days
Unspoken Desires
Author's Note: THANK YOU for your kind words, my friend!! I loved this request, sorry for the delay on it hehehe. I love the concept of the Drink, Dare, and Desire and think it turned out pretty well so I was so happy to get your request. I hope it is what you were expecting, I am always open to feedback :) Lurrvv u anon <3 (sorry I forgot to include Nanami...MY BADD)
My requests are always open :)
Request: “no cuz like why did Drink, Dare, and Desire eat. its how i found ur account and now ive literally read all of your works. you are so so talented. like fr ur so underrated. i wanted to request if you could do smth similar to Drink, Dare, and Desire but with young gojo, geto, shoko, nanami? potentially a gojo au ^.^” - Anonymous 
Pairing: 19yo!Satoru Gojo x f/reader
Word Count : 4.1K
Warnings : 18+ Content, SMUT!, fingering, intercourse, alcohol use
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The Jujutsu High dorms were filled with a cozy, intimate glow as the evening wore on. The soft light from the desk lamps cast a warm, inviting hue over the room, creating a perfect setting for a night of relaxation after a rigorous week of training. The air was charged with laughter and the faint, comforting aroma of sake.
You, Gojo, Geto, and Shoko had gathered in the common room, the evening unfolding with a mixture of playful banter and flirtatious energy. 
Gojo, as usual, was at the center of it all, his charismatic presence impossible to ignore, not to mention he was such an attention whore. With a smirk on his face and a glint in his eye, he suggested a game of Truth or Dare, promising to spice up the evening.
“Alright, everyone,” Gojo announced, spinning the bottle with a dramatic flourish. “Let’s turn up the heat. Truth or dare?”
Shoko, lounging comfortably on the arm of the couch next to Geto, raised an eyebrow. “I’m in. Let’s make this interesting.”
Geto, leaning casually against the wall with a drink in hand, gave a nod of agreement. “Yeah, I’m game. Let’s take it easy on each other, though.”
The bottle spun and finally pointed to Shoko. She met your gaze with a mischievous grin, and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“Truth or dare, Shoko?” You asked, your tone laced with playful curiosity.
“Dare,” Shoko replied, her voice steady.
You leaned forward, emboldened by the alcohol and the thrilling atmosphere. “I dare you to share your biggest kink with us.”
Shoko’s cheeks flushed, but she responded with a sense of lazy confidence. “I’ve always been into dominant partners. I like it when someone takes control and knows exactly what they want.”
The room erupted in laughter and knowing looks as the conversation turned to more intimate revelations. The game continued, each turn more daring than the last. 
When it was Gojo’s turn, the bottle landed on you. His eyes sparkled with a mix of amusement and mischief as he leaned in, clearly excited to challenge you.
“Truth or dare, y/n?” Gojo asked, his voice low and teasing.
“Dare,” you replied, trying to match his playful tone.
Gojo’s smile widened, and he leaned closer, his eyes locked onto yours with a smouldering intensity. “I dare you to give me a kiss. Right here, right now.”
Your breath caught in your throat as you felt a rush of heat. The challenge was bold, but you couldn’t resist the thrill it sparked. You rolled your eyes but couldn’t suppress the smirk tugging at your lips. “Fine. You asked for it.”
Gojo’s expression turned from playful to interested as he leaned towards where you sat beside him. His lips hovered near yours—the anticipation was tangible. You felt a jolt of excitement as you leaned in, your lips meeting his in a tender and fervent kiss.
His kiss was a mix of softness and intensity, his lips exploring yours with a passion that made your heart race. A heat formed between your legs almost instantly after his long fingers found themselves around your belt loop.
The kiss deepened as Gojo’s lips moved against yours with an emotional urgency. 
His touch was firm but gentle, and the warmth of his lips moving hungrily against yours made your pulse quicken. You felt a surge of desire, a thrilling intensity that matched the fervour of his kiss.
When you finally pulled back, both of you breathless, Gojo’s gaze was filled with a mix of satisfaction and something more profound. He grinned, clearly pleased with the outcome of his dare. The room was charged with an electric tension, the intimate connection between you and Gojo palpable.
The awkward silence in the room was thick with anticipation as Shoko and Geto watched the exchange with a mix of amusement and curiosity. 
Shoko leaned back against the couch with a smirk, an unlit cigarette dandled between her lips. “Well, that was something,” she remarked, her voice laced with playful sarcasm. “Gojo’s definitely not holding back tonight.”
Geto, who had been observing with a mix of interest and approval, chuckled softly. “Looks like Satoru’s been keeping a few secrets,” he said, his tone light but edged with a hint of intrigue. “You two make quite the pair.”
You, still catching your breath, felt your cheeks flush at their comments. Gojo’s arm remained around you, his presence both comforting and intensely alluring. 
“Are you always this bold during Truth or Dare?” You teased, trying to lighten the mood while still feeling the heat from the kiss. You shoved his arm off of you and scooted back over to your previous spot on the couch.
Gojo’s grin widened as he looked down at you. “Only when it’s worth it,” he said with a confident wink, provoking another annoyed eye roll from you.
As the game continued, Shoko took another long sip from her cup, a teasing glint in her eyes as she leaned back against the couch. The atmosphere in the room had shifted, the playful undertones now replaced with a palpable tension. Each revelation that followed seemed to push the boundaries further, testing the limits of comfort and desire.
Shoko swirled her drink lazily, her lips curving into a mischievous smile. “Alright, Geto,” she began, her voice laced with amusement. “Truth or dare?”
Geto, ever calm and composed, raised an eyebrow at her. “Truth,” he replied smoothly, taking a relaxed sip of his sake. He had been observant the whole night, watching the growing tension between you and Gojo with keen interest.
Shoko didn’t miss a beat. “Tell us your biggest fantasy,” she said, her tone both playful and challenging, the question causing Geto to choke on his sake. The question lingered in the air, drawing everyone's attention.
Geto’s gaze flickered briefly to you and Gojo before he answered, his voice casual yet with an edge of sincerity. “My biggest fantasy?” 
He took a moment, his dark eyes glinting with a hint of mischief. “I’ve always thought about having control over every sensation someone feels. To see them completely at my mercy, knowing every touch, every breath I take is driving them wild.” His gaze settled on the ground in front of him as he finished, his smile growing. “There’s something irresistible about being in control.”
Shoko chuckled softly, clearly entertained by his response. “Of course, you'd say something like that. You’re so emo, Geto.” She rolled her eyes but didn't seem surprised. There was a flicker of intrigue in her eyes, though.
You shifted in your seat, the charged atmosphere making it harder to sit still. Gojo’s hand, resting dangerously close to your thigh, gave a subtle twitch, reminding you of his proximity. 
His fingers brushed lightly against your leg, sending another wave of heat coursing through you. You glanced at him, catching the faintest smirk playing on his lips.
After another round of revealing truths and daring challenges, Geto turned to Gojo with a sly grin. “Truth or Dare, Satoru?” “Dare,” Gojo replied with confidence.
“Have you ever had a wet dream about anyone here?” You practically choked at Geto’s direct question.
Gojo’s eyes gleamed with a mischievous light. “Actually, yes.”
The room fell silent, anticipation hanging in the air. You felt your cheeks flush as you glanced to your left at Gojo, who met your gaze with a knowing smile.
Geto leaned forward, putting a hand on his knee as he took a big sip of sake, clearly intrigued. “Who was it about?”
Gojo’s eyes locked onto yours with an intense, burning gaze. “It was about y/n.”
The confession hit you like a jolt, that burning heat returning to your crotch, making you squeeze your thighs together in an attempt to squash the feeling. The revelation made your skin tingle and your heart race. 
The room seemed to narrow to just you and Gojo, the weight of his words making your arousal more palpable.
Shoko sighed loudly, “What a shocker.” She said before tilting her cup up to drink the last few drops of sake she had in her cup.
You tried to steady your breathing, but Gojo’s intense gaze and the revelation had stirred a deep, simmering desire within you. The wet heat pooling between your thighs intensified, and you became acutely aware of every touch, every glance. 
Gojo’s grin widened as he saw the effect his words had on you. He subtly shifted closer, his hand brushing against yours with deliberate and charged intent. 
“Looks like I’ve got your attention,” he said, his voice low and sultry.
You met his gaze, your breath hitching as the atmosphere between you thickened. The desire in his eyes mirrored the heat you felt, and it was impossible to ignore the magnetic pull between you.
As the tension between you and Gojo thickened, his hand began to move with quiet intent, brushing against your thigh with the faintest touch. 
It was subtle—almost teasing, but the sensation sent a shiver through your body. He was barely touching you, but the electricity in that light contact made your skin tingle, every nerve hyper-aware of his presence.
You tried to focus on the ongoing conversation, but Gojo's fingertips grazed your thigh again, this time lingering just a moment longer. 
The casual way he did it—like it was nothing, just a simple gesture—made it even more intoxicating. Your breath hitched as the warmth in your core began to build, a slow burn that grew with each fleeting touch. You were practically squirming with arousal.
Gojo's gaze flickered toward you, his eyes filled with that same teasing glint—he knew exactly what he was doing to you. Every time his hand brushed against your skin, it became harder to ignore the growing ache between your legs. You shifted in your seat, trying to find some relief, but the friction only heightened your arousal. 
Shoko, who had just finished telling a long story about one of the corpses she was working with, chuckled and leaned back against the couch. “I think I’ve had enough for tonight. Time for a smoke and some sleep,” she announced lazily, stretching her arms above her head.
Geto, always the gentleman, gave a nod and stood up, finishing off his drink as well. “I’ll join you. I am getting pretty tired myself.”
You felt a strange mix of relief and anticipation as Shoko and Geto prepared to leave, the prospect of being alone with Gojo sending another thrill through you. 
The playful teasing from earlier now seemed to hang in the air like a promise, unspoken but understood.
As Shoko and Geto moved toward the door, Gojo’s hand slid further up your thigh, his fingers brushing dangerously close to the hem of your pyjama shorts. You bit your lip, trying to steady your breathing, but the heat between your legs was now a steady throb, a pulse that begged for more of his touch.
“Night, you two,” Shoko called over her shoulder with a knowing smile. She and Geto gave a final wave before stepping out into the cool night air, with Geto following behind her.
As the door clicked shut behind Shoko and Geto, the room seemed to grow quieter. The only sounds now are the soft hum of the air and the pounding of your heart. The atmosphere thickened, the lingering heat of their playful banter giving way to a deeper, more charged tension.
Gojo broke the silence first as he slid his hand off of your thigh, his voice low and teasing, carrying a weight that made your pulse quicken. 
“Looks like it’s just the two of us now,” he drawled, the words rolling off his tongue like silk. He leaned back against the couch, his legs spread in a confident but relaxed manner, but the intensity in his eyes behind those rounded shades told a different story. 
There was something predatory in the way he looked at you, his gaze tracing the curve of your body with shameless intent.
You swallowed hard, the room feeling smaller, more intimate now that it was just the two of you. The heat that had been simmering between you all night flared to life, and it became impossible to ignore the pull, the desire that had been building.
“I guess it is,” you replied, sounding far steadier than you felt.
Gojo’s smirk widened as he shifted closer, his knee brushing against yours, the subtle contact enough to send a shiver racing down your spine. 
His eyes stayed locked on yours, intense and unyielding, as his hand slowly slid toward your thigh, already pressed against his. His fingers barely grazed your skin, a feather-light touch that sent jolts of electricity sparking through your body, igniting every nerve.
“You’ve been driving me crazy all night,” Gojo murmured, his voice dropping lower as his fingers traced lazy circles along the inner part of your thigh, the teasing touch maddeningly gentle. “I’m sure you know that, don’t you?”
You nodded in response, but you felt your breath hitch as his hand slid higher, the heat from his palm searing through the fabric of your shorts. The way his fingers lingered so close to where you wanted him made your skin tingle with anticipation. 
It was agonizing, but it was also thrilling—the way he held back, drawing out your need until it became unbearable.
“You’re torturing me, Gojo,” you managed to whisper, your voice betraying the desperation building inside you. The ache between your legs was nearly unbearable now, every touch of his hand sending waves of heat through your body.
Gojo’s grin widened, but the look in his eyes was darker, more intense. “Am I?” he teased, his fingers slipping just beneath the hem of your shorts, grazing the edge of your panties. “I haven’t even started yet.”
The deliberate slowness of his touch was driving you insane, and you could feel the wetness pooling between your thighs as his hand hovered so close, teasing but not quite giving you what you craved. 
You had enough, and you went to stand up, to move yourself onto him yourself. But he pushed you back down into your seat with one of his large hands on your abdomen.
“You’re such a tease,” you breathed as you were forced back down–your voice catching as he moved closer to your face, placing a teasing kiss on your neck.
Gojo chuckled, the sound deep and rumbling. “I like watching you squirm for me,” he confessed, his hand finally slipping beneath the fabric of your shorts, brushing lightly over your soaked panties. 
The contact sent a jolt of pleasure through you, making you gasp softly. “It’s almost too easy.”
His touch was maddening, his fingers tracing the outline of your folds through the thin fabric, but not quite giving you the pressure you needed. He placed sloppy kisses trailing down your neck as he toyed with you.
You could feel your pulse quicken, the heat between your legs intensifying with every second. The anticipation was unbearable—you were practically clawing at your cage—you found yourself leaning into his touch, silently begging for more.
“You’re so wet already,” Gojo whispered, his breath hot against your ear as he leaned in, his lips grazing the sensitive skin of your neck. “Is this all for me?”
You could barely think, let alone form a coherent response. All you could do was nod and a meek-sounding “mhmm,” your body trembling under his touch as his fingers continued to tease you, slipping beneath your panties now, gliding through your wetness with practiced ease.
“I knew you wanted this,” he murmured against your skin, his lips pressing soft kisses along the curve of your neck. His fingers found your clit, circling it with a slow, deliberate rhythm that made you audibly moan. The sensation was overwhelming, and your body arched into his touch, craving more.
“Tell me what you want,” Gojo whispered, his voice a low, seductive hum in your ear as his fingers worked you with expert precision. His other hand slid up your body, cupping your breast through your shirt, his thumb brushing over your hardened nipple. 
The combination of sensations—the way his fingers moved against your clit, the heat of his hand on your breast—was almost too much to bear. Your body ached for release, the tension coiling tighter with every passing second.
“I want you, Gojo,” you gasped, your voice trembling with need. Every nerve in your body was on fire, your skin tingling with the promise of what was to come. “I want you in me,” you breathed out, almost embarrassed to say it out loud.
Gojo’s smile was wicked as he applied more pressure, his fingers moving faster now, coaxing out those sweet, soft moans from your lips. 
“That’s more like it,” he whispered, his lips brushing against your ear. His other hand slipped beneath your shirt, finding your bare skin, his touch firm and possessive.
Just as you felt yourself nearing the edge, Gojo pulled back slightly, his fingers exiting your gummy walls, leaving you teetering on the brink of release. “Not so fast, y/n,” he murmured, his voice filled with amusement. “I can’t let you cum for me quite yet, I wanted to recreate that dream I had…”
With a swift movement, he lifted you, adjusting your position from sitting beside him to straddling him. As you straddled him, you could feel the hardness of his cock pressed against your soaked pussy, aching to be inside you. His hands on your hips were firm, and his touch sent shivers down your spine.
His smirk softened into something darker, more primal, and without another word, he closed the distance between you, capturing your lips in a searing, hungry kiss. Your hands tangled in his soft white hair, gripping it tightly as you leaned into the kiss. 
Gojo’s lips moved against yours with an insistent hunger, each kiss deepening the tension between you. His hands gripped your hips firmly, pulling them into a grinding motion as his bulge pressed harder against your core, the friction sending jolts of pleasure through your body.
Gojo inhaled sharply, and he pulled back just enough to meet your gaze, his blue eyes now dark with desire. “You feel so good like this,” he murmured, his voice low and rough. His hands roamed over your waist, pulling you down onto him. T
The two of you exchanged as your breath came out in short gasps against his mouth, each movement of his hips making you crave more. 
You could feel the heat radiating between you, the pulse of your shared desire growing stronger with every subtle grind of your hips.
As you straddled him, he unbuttoned his pants to reveal his giant cock, making your mouth practically water with anticipation. Teasingly slow, he pressed the thick head against your entrance, the heat of him making you dizzy.
He teased you with the tip of his thick cock, pressing it teasingly against your entrance before slowly pushing inside. This evoked a string of moans echoing his name in the now-empty common area. 
With a deep groan, he thrust into you, filling and stretching you with each powerful movement. He threw his head back in ecstasy as loud moans escaped his lips, while you felt your walls pulsing around him. 
You could see the tension in his muscles as he thrust into you, his face contorted in pleasure with every powerful movement. Gojo’s mouth hangs open in a blissful expression, and your own body is flush with desire and need as you watch him.
The sensation was almost too much to handle, but the intense pleasure kept coming. 
Gojo's warm body pressed against yours, your skin slick with sweat and heat as he moves inside you. Every thrust feels like a wave crashing over you, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he pulls you closer.
As he pounded into you, the sensation of his skin against yours was electric, igniting every nerve ending in your body. Your hands grasped at his chest as you rode him, feeling the muscles flex and tense with every thrust. And as you tightened around him, you could feel his body respond, moving with even more urgency and need.
Your screams echoed through the room as tears streamed down your face from the overwhelming pleasure of his dominating rhythm. And even though you knew that Shoko and Geto were in their rooms just down the hall, you couldn’t help but keep shouting out his name in pure bliss. 
You should have known, but due to Gojo being the self-proclaimed ‘strongest,’ you two spent the next few hours fucking in that common room. 
Neither of you had gotten much sleep, but somehow, you ended up in his bedroom, tangled in the sheets of his small bed, lying in each other's arms as you cracked a few jokes with each other, laughing until the sun rose.
Gojo's piercing blue eyes locked onto yours, his gaze steady but filled with a raw intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. His usual cocky smirk was nowhere to be seen. Instead, his lips were set in a thin line, the vulnerability in his voice betraying his usual confidence.
"Y/n," he whispered, the words rough but so quiet, like they’d been sitting on his tongue for far too long. "I’ve wanted this... wanted you...for so long."
It was surreal seeing Satoru Gojo, the strongest sorcerer, like this—unguarded. 
His white hair fell loosely across his forehead, framing his handsome face, and for once, his eyes, usually concealed behind his goofy-looking sunglasses, were fully visible, the intensity of their electric blue drawing you in like gravity. 
It was as if the entire universe had quieted, and all that remained was this moment.
“Gojo…” you whispered back, your own voice trembling slightly. Your heart pounded in your chest as you reached up to brush a strand of his hair away from his face. His skin was warm against your fingertips, and his gaze softened at your touch, but the heat in his eyes only grew.
A small smirk finally pulled at the corner of his lips, though it lacked his usual bravado. “Aww, look at you,” he teased lightly, his voice low and husky, but there was a nervous edge to it. “Looks like you care for me too, huh, y/n?”
His hand cradled your face, his long fingers grazing your cheek with a gentleness that contrasted sharply with his usual arrogance. His thumb brushed lightly over your lips, and you could feel his cursed energy ripple faintly, heightening every sensation, every touch. 
“Oh wow, what gave it away?” You teased, a small laugh escaping your lips as you planted a small kiss at the corner of his lips.
"I've dreamed of this," he admitted, his forehead leaning into yours. “Yeah, I know. You told all of us about your wet dream.” You said it with a giggle, a playful tone still in hold of your words. 
His breath was warm against your lips, and you could feel the tension between you building, like the moment before lightning strikes. 
"Yeah,” He laughed at your quick remark, “There is that. But that’s not what I meant this time. I have dreamed of this—of holding you, of telling you how much you mean to me." His voice dipped lower, laced with emotion.
“Satoru…” you said, your voice trembling as your hands slid up his chest, feeling the solidness of his body beneath his clothes. There was so much strength in him, but right now, all you felt was the vulnerability and desire he rarely showed anyone.
The kiss deepened slowly, not out of hunger, but out of a desperate need for connection, as if he had been holding these feelings back for so long and could finally let them out.
He pulled back slightly, his breath ragged as he gazed down at you. “Do you know how hard it is to control myself around you?” He said, his voice dripped with desire. 
He leaned in, his lips brushing softly against yours in a kiss that was so gentle—so full of emotion, it nearly took your breath away. His usual smirk was gone, replaced by an earnestness that you rarely saw from him. 
“You mean everything to me,” he whispered, his forehead resting against yours. His fingers tangled in your hair, his touch tender. “I need you to know that. I don’t want to hide it anymore.”
And in that moment, with Satoru Gojo’s arms around you, it felt like the rest of the world had faded away, leaving only the two of you and the emotions you had both been too afraid to share for so long.
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kaiso-woo · 10 months
A Fan of the Fiction
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-> Masterlist
BONUS #3 - This has connections to ‘Stay Series’! Let’s just say… ‘I don’t want to go to sleep now, I’ll be making a masterpiece now”… by which I mean the creation of Bahng Alexander Korain.
!Minors - istg, do not interact. Go away!
WC: 2.3k
Synopsis: Uh. You read smth unholy for the first time in a while, and holy guacamole you can actually fulfil this fic because your husband is legit Chris? Haha…
Notes: SMUT, Thigh Grinding, Multiple Orgasms, p in v - dear lord (don’t be an idiot, wrap it ffs), breeding (with results obviously T-T), Choking, Bulge… kink?, Degradation…? Dom-Sub-Switch-Who-What-When-Where-Why, Oral (F Receiving), Traffic Light System, Fluff?, Second Person Narration, Swearing, Idol!Chan, Fem!Reader
Here for a reading marathon? Head right back to the start!
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!!Casual reminder this is entirely fictitious - Chris/Christopher in my work does not represent the actual Bang Chan - this is purely my imagination and nothing more - this goes for all other SKZ-Members too!!
You drop your phone down onto your chest, breathing heavily, your mind whizzing with sin. Tentatively, you sneak a hand into your pants and tap at your underwear, retracting it immediately with a groan when you realise how soaked you are.
You shouldn’t have read that fic. You shouldn’t have at all. All it did was place dirty thoughts in your mind because, you realise, you could recreate that scene right here, right now.
Chris is currently sitting on your bed in another room, working away on a song. You had just finished cleaning up the kitchen after he cooked dinner, and upon seeing him busy at work, decided to lie down on the couch and give him some peace.
Somehow, you had wandered onto Tumblr for the first time in years and you had forgotten just how atrocious your feed was. With a nervous bite of your lip, and a check to make sure that Chris was still in your room, you thread your hands back below your waistband and rub a slow line up your folds.
“Fuck,” you whisper, as you pulse around nothing, “Shit okay, am I doing this? Am I going to?” You say this even as you get off the couch and wander over to your room, where the only things illuminating the place is Chris’ computer, reflected eerily onto his face, and his bedside lamp.
“Chris…?” You squeak, words beginning to fail you already, “How busy are you honey?”
Chris looks up and rubs his eyes, peering at your cowering figure over by the door. “Relatively busy, why? You okay? Need me to do something?”
You swallow nervously and walk over, suffering even further at the sight of his dark eyes watching your every move. “No… no it’s okay, you just… stay there,” you breathe, hesitantly stripping yourself of your shorts and crawling onto the bed. “Yeobo…?” Chris asks, his voice dry.
“You can keep working babe, do you mind if I just… ride your thigh? Please?” You beg staring at him with wide eyes. Chris inhales sharply and his eyes flicker away from you. He blinks, in a daze, at his computer screen, and when he doesn’t reply you prompt him again. “Please baby? I need-”
He interrupts with a breathy “Yeah, yeah of course”, and shifts his computer to rest on one knee. Relief washes over you, and you crawl onto his lap, immediately beginning to grind into his thigh.
Chris breathes deeply and returns to his laptop, clicking here and there and apparently refocusing on his work. A sultry groan leaves your mouth as you slow the pace, but make your grinds longer, and Chris curses under his breath.
“I want more…” you moan and remove yourself from him to take off your underwear, “Keep working baby, please don’t let me distract you.”
Immediately, the friction of Chris’ jeans on your clit makes you whimper, and your pace quickens, your juices beginning to drench the fabric.
Chris’ thigh flexes underneath you, and you gasp at the action, your mind half wondering whether he’s doing it involuntarily or not, but too far gone already to properly consider it.
“Shit baby, how am I supposed to-” Chris chokes out, and you look down at him for the first time in a while. He’s not looking at his computer anymore but is fixating on your pussy grinding desperately on his thigh.
“How's it feel baby?” He whispers, glancing at you through his eyelashes. You whimper and grab his shoulders, his computer sliding off his knee sadly. Chris’ hands sneak around your waist, and as he helps to guide you and the slightly new angle works its wonders, you feel that knot beginning to pool tightly.
“Chris-” you groan, mouth hanging open in pleasure. “You like it, huh? Look how easy it is for you to get off on my thigh, baby. Oh fuck, you’re so wet.”
Chris has purposefully slowed your movements, returning you back to the long hard grazes, and his irises have blown out with desire. “Baby, Christopher, harder- please I need more-” you choke out, nails digging into his shoulders, and Chris’ head falls back in pure bliss.
“Jesus fuck. Are you gonna cum for me sweetheart? Cum all over my thigh?” You nod eagerly and he tilts his head questioningly, hands squeezing your hips sharply. “Words baby. I need to hear you. Speak for me.”
“Yes Chris… yes I’m gonna- I’m gonna cum, I’ll cum for you baby.” “Fff-huck,” he moans, pushing you down harder and flexing his thigh at random intervals. You lean down to kiss him, tongues immediately swirling, your pants mixing with his deepening breaths.
“Shit I’m gonna-” “Come on baby. Come on. Ruin your pussy on my favourite jeans, hm?” “Chris- Chris Chri-”
You convulse on his leg and your forehead crashes into his shoulder as your orgasm washes through you, cum leaking out everywhere and thoroughly soaking his jeans. “God you’re so good for me.” Chris gently pushes you off him and stares in awe at the stain you’ve left, but his attention returns to you soon enough.
“You can handle more right?” He asks, sitting up on his knees so he can hastily remove his soaked jeans. You laugh and shift over to help him, smiling at his hasty actions and flushed face.
“Of course I can. Who do you think I am?” “Mine,” he grins back, and at his words you push him back into a seated position, much to his surprise.
“Sure honey, but you’re also mine.” Steadily, you sink down onto him, eyes rolling to the back of your head at how quickly he fills you. “Sh-shit. How’re you still so-” he stutters, hands flying to your waist again, “You’re still so fucking ti-ight.”
You groan and grind down onto him, and he hisses at the action. “Come on darling, don’t play. You either ride me, or I’ll fuck you into the bed.”
You take a shuddering breath and start the agonising journey towards heaven, or maybe it’s hell, watching in satisfaction as Chris unravels beneath you, his hips thrusting up to meet yours erratically, chest rising and falling unevenly.
“Just like that baby- god you’re al-always so tight for me. So perfect,” he groans, and you clench around him at his words, a string of profanities escaping his mouth.
“Shit. Love if you keep doing that I’m not going to- I'm not going to last long,” he groans. You lean down and tenderly brush the hair off his sweaty forehead so you can plant a kiss there, still unrelenting with your pace. “It’s okay baby, come undone for me. I never said you had to last long.”
His head falls back and smacks against the headboard, but the impact apparently doesn’t bother him. “No- I need to- yeobo, I need to pull-” “It’s okay, I want it in me.”
Chris’ hips stutter to a slow stop, and you whine, trying to continue, but his hands tighten around your waist, preventing you from doing anything.
“You what?” He breathes, staring with wide eyes. “Fill me up. Please,” you beg, and his eyes cloud over.
“You want that huh? You want me to spill my seed in you? Soak your walls white? Does my baby want that? Does she want a fucking kid?” He growls, thrusting up into you harder, and you mewl at his sudden ferocity.
Eagerly, you try to reposition yourself so you can help him, and in a daze grapple at whatever you can to ground yourself. Your hand tightens around his throat so you can hoist yourself up better and Chris splutters as his cock twitches inside you, his hand flying to your wrist in a panic.
“Well fuck that’s new,” he rasps, after you remove your hand swiftly, scared. “Sorry- I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-”
“I said that’s new baby, not that I didn’t like it,” he glares, and with a gentle assertion and raised eyebrows, he drags your hand back to curl around his throat, cock twitching again as you squeeze a little tighter.
“I didn’t know you-” you begin, as he picks up his pace again, matching with you.
“Yeah? Well neither did I-” he chokes out, knuckles white on your wrist, holding your hand in place, “Shit. Fuck. Ah you bastard. That’s my girl- shit cum with me baby,” he cries in between gasps for air, and the sight of him struggling to breathe thanks to you causes that building heat to snap.
You collapse forward and bite desperately at his shoulder, trying to instinctively muffle your ludicrous sounds of pleasure. You can feel Chris ejaculating thoroughly into you, his warm semen flooding your insides while you milk him through his high, your own juices coating him.
When you pull away, you rub at his shoulder where you bit him apologetically, thumb carefully stroking his neck too to make sure he’s okay, but his eyes are wild, and it’s only after you refocus on yourself do you realise that he’s still hard, nestled safely inside of you.
“Oh wow… no way…” you chuckle in amazement, as Chris pins you down onto the bed a little haphazardly.
“Don’t you ever- fucking silence yourself,” he growls, thrusting roughly into you. You gasp at the overstimulation, walls clenching despite your writhing. You absolutely know everything is a mess down there, his cum mixing with yours down your legs and his.
“Now unless your colour changes, I’m going to fuck you until I make you scream. I’ll fuck you into the next week, you won’t be able to walk for days you fucking slut. What’s your colour?” He demands, thrusting harshly into you again.
“Green- it’s-” your voice dies in your throat as Chris slams into you, again and again, the tip of his cock finding its way back to all those places that make your insides feel gooey. You’re trembling underneath him, and when he pushes your legs up for better access, a drawn-out whimper escapes you.
“You want more of my cum in you sweetheart?” He whispers harshly, and you mumble incoherently in agreement, “Oh… you don’t know what you’re getting into. ” “I do. I do-”
Chris places hot kisses all down your leg, his adoring actions contradicting his relentless abuse of your cunt, his foul mouth.
“Do you really? Because I’m going to breed you baby. I’m going to pump you so full that you’ll be pregnant by the fucking end of this.” You whimper and grip desperately at the sheets in response, and Chris pays it every bit of attention.
“You want that, huh? Want me to fuck you with my fingers as well? Make sure it stays in? Look at yourself, darling. Look at your stomach,” he commands, and with a gulp you look down to see his bulge disappearing in and out of your gut.
“Shit- Chris- you’re so- you’re so deep fuck- I’m gonna-” “I didn’t say you could,” he growls, nipping slightly at your skin. “Chris- but I- please.” “Beg harder,” he demands and you break.
“You’re a fucking shit,” you snap. “Only for you~” he coos, and it’s this that reminds you that he’s still the teasing Chris, still the same sweet man who wanted to learn how to make coffee with you all those years ago.
This version of Chris disappears in seconds though, his deepened voice returning, “I’m a shit because someone’s a brat,” he spits, reaching between your legs to grab your hand and place it on your stomach so you can feel how far his cock is plunging inside of you. This immediately destroys any remaining sense of self-preservation and dignity, and you resort to begging and pleading for your life, the effort of restraining your orgasm getting to your head.
“Okay slut. Cum for me,” he orders breathily, panting sporadically, his shirt soaked through with sweat. You groan in pleasure and finally allow yourself release, twitching and gasping underneath him. Your high makes you press down on your stomach unknowingly, and Chris’ breath hitches at the increased sudden pressure.
“I said- I said cum for me. Not make me cum,” he chokes out, his second orgasm of the night crashing into him unwillingly, his voice dying into an almost silent whimper.
He curses his way through it, rutting shallowly into you a few more times before he completely stills, his hands squeezing your thighs, needlessly babbling dirty words of affirmation and praise. "Amazing baby... so good f'me... so warm... fuck stop clenching- god you're fucking beautiful, my beautiful... absolutely perfect."
He releases your legs and they flop back around him, sore. Chris crawls up your body, trying to control his breathing, and rests himself gently onto you, peppering your neck lovingly with kisses and soothingly caressing your thighs.
“You okay honey?” he asks, eyes wide with worry at your silence. You smile at him and wrap your hands around his neck for a passionate kiss, mind blank at the feeling of him buried comfortingly inside you still.
“What happened to fucking me with your fingers afterwards?” You hum, knotting your hand into his sweaty hair. “No way are you still up for that. Your colour hasn’t-” “It’s green, love. I’m okay. I’ve only orgasmed three times.” “Only three. Jesus Christ only three?”
“Your colour, Chris?” You ask, kissing him on the nose. He pauses, a little shocked at being asked the question. “I’m- what- I mean- that system was meant for you-” “What’s your colour baby? Just answer the question.”
“Green,” he eventually mumbles, slipping out of you and sliding back down your body to replace his dick with his mouth and fingers.
After about a minute of you squirming and moaning loudly for him, he stops, looking at you with concern. “Yeobo, are you sure about this? You know how bad I am with self-restraint when I’m eating you,” he asks, licking his lips nervously.
“Then I’ll be just as bad when you’re buried in my throat too,” you grin, spreading your legs wider for him. “Shit," he pauses, "I’m not going to need to go to the gym tomorrow, am I?” He groans, returning back to your folds and attacking your clit with renewed gusto, his tongue lapping eagerly, three fingers already pumping into you.
“What do you mean? You can still go-oHHhh!” Chris hums in acknowledgement (and you die just a bit) and extricates himself from you long enough to say, “This is a workout in itself,” before returning to his task at hand.
And this night, my friends, is the night that Bahng Alexander Korain was brought into this world.
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-> Bonus #4 -> Masterlist
A/N: If you don’t mf know who Alex is then you should be going back and reading the series smh. That’s why this is called a BONUS because if you read this after reading the series it is 10x better, trust.
Until next read! -Kaisowoo
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randoimago · 10 months
May we have your take on Astarion, Gale, and Halsin falling for/interacting with an SO who is rather self conscious about having to use glasses (maybe they are near sighted or need them only to read?)?
S/O Self Conscious About Glasses
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Character(s): Astarion, Gale, Halsin
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): I would love some glasses or goggle equipment in the game. Idk if there are any in like Act 3 or smth, but getting a steampunk aesthetic (or hot librarian) would be amazing in bg3
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Oh you poor thing, being self conscious about some lens over your eyes that can be removed. While Astarion lightly taunts you about your insecurities (there are more important things to be insecure about - like a tadpole in your head), he does tell you that your glasses are adorable.
If your insecurity is really that bad and he's really hurt your feelings with his taunts then Astarion does immediately feel bad. He apologizes deeply and would tell you that he used to have glasses too, if that makes you feel better. He was a magistrate and was stuck looking at papers and letters all day most of the time.
As penance for him making you upset, how about he compliments you whenever he sees you with glasses. Astarion is shameless in his compliments too. You might have to ask him to stop before you pass out from the blood rushing to your head.
You're self conscious of your glasses? But he finds them quite lovely! They give you a bit of an academic look to you. Sexy librarians are rather popular, you know!
Gale also has a pair of reading glasses somewhere that he can put on if you'd like. That way you both can be matching. Cute, non-problematic couples match, right?
With how much of a rarity glasses seem to be, he thinks they make you look unique and charming. Gale could go on and on about how he thinks your glasses look and why they're something to be proud of instead of having self conscious thoughts about. His reassurance just becomes a lecture that you probably end up falling asleep during.
The first time Halsin sees the glasses, he has the most adoring look in his eyes as he sees you. He definitely thinks you look very cute with the glasses. He does notice that you don't seem to think the same.
And that's alright. He'll give you compliments and gladly let you know what your appearance with glasses does to him. You thought Astarion is shameless with his compliments? He doesn't even compete with the things Halsin says.
That said, he doesn't want to start making you too uncomfortable or flustered with his compliments. Just know that he does think you look amazing with or without glasses. They won't change a thing about how he feels.
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Taglists: @reo-the-leo @unhelpfulnpc
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sl-vega · 4 months
Hi Vee, I would like to request a sick! gn reader with some of the genshin characters (Yae Miko, Wanderer, Albedo, and Kazuha) where reader can’t really talk all to well cause of said sickness. What sort of shenanigans would ensue as our dear reader tries to communicate. It’d also be really cool if the reader knew a bit of sign language and tried to communicate that way (your choice on whether the characters know it or don’t). Have a lovely morning/day/evening!
pairings: Yae Miko, Albedo, Wanderer, Kazuha x [GN!] Reader
genre: fluff, established relationship, headcanons/drabbles, canon compliant, sick! reader, reader knows sign language
synopsis: in which your s/o tries their best to make you feel better since you've fallen ill
CW: mild language, potentially ooc, vee doesn't know how to do headcanons so you have been warned
additional notes: lol perfect timing for this request cuz I'm actually sick rn // header credits: yae header by @/k1aya on pinterest, albedo header by @/kuno on pinterest, wanderer header by @/ggoldiz on pinterest, Kazuha header by @/detailuffy on pinterest
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YAE MIKO-Divina Vulpes
miss girl would be babying you 100%
kinda acts more like your mom than your s/o in this case tbh
"I told you not to go adventuring in the rain!" but then she goes back to saying shit like "aww you poor thing~, let me get some soup for you"
yae would also tease you too, cuz yk, she's yae miko
since she's not human, I don't think she can get sick, well not any human diseases at least
she tries her best to be there for you though, probably reads a bunch of light novels from her publishing house to help you fall asleep
if you try to communicate via sign language to her, she probably just hushes you and grabs your hands so you stop frantically making hand signs
cuz she wants you to get your rest
I think she does know a little sign language, but she never really committed to learning it, she'd gladly start for you though
i think she'd turn into her fox form and let you cuddle with her like she's a stuffed animal
totally not projecting rn
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ALBEDO-Princeps Cretaceus
he'd def send sucrose over to check on you if he's busy, but once he's done with his work, he is SPRINTING over to check on you
✨he's a runner he's a track star✨
maybe it's just me but I feel like Albedo would be the type of boyfriend that worries over you a lot
when he does come over, he probably has lots of concoctions that are supposed to clear your throat, but they're probably made of...
less than delicious materials
and you aren't becoming your boyfriend's personal test subject no thank you, not today
since he has a little sister, he knows how to take care of you
probably has experience cuz klee would get super sick after running around in the rain for too long-
makes you chicken soup, and tea, the usual
if you try to communicate with him via sign language due to losing your voice, he'll probably have the same reaction as yae
just forces you to go back to sleep
he def knows sign language (mr. genius🙄) but he wants you to get better as soon as possible
klee also comes over at some point, probably tells you some crazy story about how she tried to blow up dawn winery with diona or smth-
her and Albedo also make some get well cards for you once you fall asleep as well <3
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this mf
if you've heard his voice lines you already know what this bastard would say to you
he'd call you weak and say shit like "a small illness has already rendered you helpless? how pathetic..."
he's a puppet so he's never been sick cuz he can't get sick either
nahida would probably slap him and scold him and tell him to be nicer though
on the inside he's super concerned about you
lowkey, he's afraid of losing you
not that he'd ever admit it-
(tsundere scara for the win)
he's worried that you're going to end up like the child he used to live with, and that you'll become "powerless before your mortality" as he'd like to say
same as yae + albedo, if you'd try to communicate with him via sign language he'll tell you to sleep
(in a slightly aggressive way but he's scara what do you expect?)
i don't think he knows sign language at all tbh
he'll ask nahida about it and he'll probably start borrowing books from the akidemiya and practices in secret for you
he WILL ruin his sleep schedule for you but he'll probably just brush it off and be like: "meh, it was easy."
when in reality this mf has spent an AGONIZING amount of time just to try and impress you
he'll make you tea too, the bitter kind
the VERY bitter kind
oml this sounds like scara slander 😭 dw I actually really like him
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like albedo, he'd be super worried about you
tells beidou that he needs to make sure you're okay before the crux leaves for it's next destination
brings you tea, soup, and writes cute little love poems for you while you rest in his lap
tells you stories about his travels while holding your hand and sappy stuff like that
kazuha is a top tier boyfriend fr fr
unlike the others, if you tried to communicate with him via sign language, he let you teach him certain phrases
i think he knows a little bit due to his travels so he's picked up on a bit of it
he thinks it's really cute of how you try to explain things to him since you can't speak so you probably alternate between the hand signs themselves and pen and paper
VERY attentive to you
"slow down love, we have all the time in the world."
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silentium-symphony · 4 months
A Lamb in Wolf's Clothing (Link x Reader) SMUT
(a/n) hey ya'll! i'm so sorry for going MIA for a few months--as some of you may know, I have just recently graduated from college, so there are a lot of big changes happening in my life right now! i appreciate your continued patience with me :) this fic was commissioned by the lovely @mistressofdeathsblog! thank you for giving me such a fun prompt, I had a lot of fun trying smth new and I hope you enjoy it too!
before you start reading, please take special note of the cw below. also, please remember that this is not a healthy relationship you want to emulate and is written for the sole purpose of entertainment. if you are in a relationship that strips your autonomy and you feel unsafe bringing this issue up to the offending party/parties, please reach out to someone you trust. there is no power in staying if there is no freedom to leave. stay safe out there.
and ofc, since this is smut, minors do not interact with this piece.
cw: dubcon, afab!reader, ooc!link since i highly doubt Hylia's Hero would be so life-alteringly possessive of their lover, tp!link, reader being chased, reader being held against their will, blood, tight spaces, swearing, name-calling, dumbification kinda??, cunnilingus, doggy, mirror/standing sex
wc: 5k
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Sweat and blood dribbled down your forehead, stinging your eyes with a salty, metallic bite. Thorn-kissed hands grasped and blindly waded through thick patches of bramble. The dark, bristling whips that surrounded you worked every exposed piece of skin into a raw, bloody mess quivering from the forest's cruelty.
You couldn't care less.
The birds overhead guffawed at your efforts as splotches of pale moon danced mockingly, titillatingly along the cold earth. You chased every moon patch with the frenzy of an escaped convict a morning away from freedom.
Because that's what you were, really.
The beginnings and ends of thoughts knotted and frayed into each other, flurrying your head into a cohesive garble. Just how big was this forest? It looked like a sprawling mess from the fortress you were locked up in, but it was absolutely impenetrable now that you were in the thick of it. It was as if the very woods were enchanted to keep you from ever escaping.
A ring of pain hooked the topside of your foot, propelling all of your momentum downwards and towards the forest floor. You couldn't even scream before you bashed your cheek through a thin layer of crusted mud. The cold soil caked your flushed cheeks--the only shred of relief you've felt since your mad sprint to freedom.
Your spine slinked up into a curl--a pathetic attempt to get up, to begin your chase again, but your battered body refused to endure further abuse. (E/C) eyes flitted about you, trying to interpret the shadows that danced and weaved through the trees.
Running in this state would be pointless. You dug your forearms and elbows to crawl towards an ivy overhang that promised hidden refuge and curled into as tight of a ball you could muster. The silky white dress he gifted you had been ripped past recognition. The airy fabric that once brushed your ankles now clung tightly to your blood-laced thighs, soiled from the toils of flight. You pulled your legs closer; your lungs fought for precious breath against your pounding heart.
What a shame. If only it weren't beating so fast, you might have heard the crack of a single twig located too close for comfort.
From several paces into the unseen was a pair of blue eyes misted over with sinful hunger; your quivering, shorn form was scintillating to watch and feasted his mind with imaginations more heart-racing than the last. Your blood, sweat, and tears mixing with your natural scent proved to be the most tantalizing olfactory cocktail, scattering his thoughts into overdrive.
He hated the rush he got from seeing you like this--lost and confused without his guidance through these nested thorns, yearning for warmth and safety he knew he could provide (and had been providing since you stumbled into his castle that fateful day).
Why did you leave him? Was he not enough for you? But he'd given you everything! Everything! Freshly made home-cooked meals, tailored clothes that hugged your form, a bed warmed by him, his body...
He could still feel the soft plush of your flesh sinking and dimpling in his hands as he thrust into you with the faux tenderness of a starved man. Your beautiful eyes locked with his own, only leaving to disappear into the back of your head. Your mouth agape to let the cutest sounds escape...
If you were happy with him, why were you leaving him?
Not waking up to your face smooshed into his pillows, not beholding you in all the pretty silk and ribbons he had lying around, not fucking you in every position you could possibly think of, not spending every waking moment with you...
Why, he'd rather die.
If it made you happy, he'd allow the ambrosial drippings of freedom to bead your lips.
If it made you happy, he'd let you delude yourself into thinking you were far enough from the castle to be away from him.
But only for now. Link prided himself on his chivalry and patience, but even that was growing thin from your incessant attempts of escape. He was going to have to show you why it was such a good idea to stay here with him, forever and ever and ever.
You were nodding off now, it seemed. The way your head kept dipping and rising in a futile attempt to stay wary was so adorable, he just had to ravish you right then and there! He had barely managed to stave off his intrusive thoughts as he stalked closer to you, still clinging closely to the dark cloak that hung off twisted branches.
You saw something shift from the corner of your eye; your neck snapped up and a croak clawed out of you.
"Who's there?!"
Why was it so quiet?
Had it always been so quiet?
Where have the birds gone?
A familiar silhouette emerged from the trees.
"L-... Link..." Your throat, parched and scratched from heaving the cold night air, rang a voice unfamiliar to you.
Azure eyes that once beheld you with all the love in the world now stare back with deadpan coldness. Words need not be exchanged here; his presence alone blew any hope of escape in the next breeze that ruffled his fur.
A calculated step towards you retreated you further into your little alcove, a prayer that the ivy could take you in as one of its own on your lips. There was no telling what he was thinking, or how close to the edge he was. But that look, that hunger.
That familiar, craved look your body knew too well pulsed anxious tingles through your fingertips.
Another step.
Then another.
He was here.
You could feel him, all of him--his hot breath against your arms, his fur bristling against your thigh, his warmth freezing your blood where it ran. You hadn't realized how much you were shaking until you heard the rhythmic shifting of ivy buzzing into your ear.
He pressed his head into your lap, prying you open to make way for him. And you sat there, obeying him like the perfect little doe you were. As he lazily dragged a tongue across your thigh, lapping at the dried blood that crusted your flesh, he looked up. Relief, adoration, love. That stifling comforting, possessive protective obsession love that he had so readily wrapped you in the moment he met you. For a moment, he looked like a lamb in wolf's clothing.
So many thoughts swirled inside you, your brain numbing to prevent overstimulation. But amongst the chaos, a single thought backdropped every complicated emotion you were feeling.
He had found you.
Had it not been for the blood drumming through your ears and temples, you would have thought time had frozen in this purgative state. He was splayed atop you now, seeming to rest from his hours-long stalking; he wasn't crushing you, but it was clear he had all the control in this dynamic. Any undesirable shift away from him, to preserve your own personhood, would most certainly have led to a 'gentle' nudge toward him.
A single cobalt eye lazily cracked open after a million years ticked by. His piercing gaze, though fringed with some life, made it abundantly clear that your race to freedom was placed at an indefinite standstill. He had never once snapped at you, but the fear lodged in your chest informed you not to test him further.
He hauled himself up, joints locked from inactivity popping to life as he arched into a long stretch. His carefree pose hinted at obliviousness--borderline forgiveness--to your impertinence, but you knew better.
Link never forgets.
He eyed you again with a sort of child-like excitement that twisted your gut into a sickening pattern. His tail arced to and fro, painting his excitement in broad strokes. He wedged his snout between the small of your back and the wall and firmly pushed you forward, scooting you a couple inches toward your prison home.
You knew better than to anger him.
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
Link's skillful navigation through the thorns was unimpeded by your clinging onto him. It had taken hours to get to where you once were, but a quarter of that time for the wolf. The gloomy castle you had called your home for months (years?) broadened into view until you could clearly see its spires puncture through occasional clouds. The moon, basking in its celestial sovereignty, jeered at your return.
Link slipped through a tiny crack in the iron-clad door, made by the wolf confident in its tracking and retrieving abilities. You slugged off him with practiced movements; a sound akin to obscene magic asundering flesh preluded your captor's transformation. Grisly black fur gave way to sand-blonde hair; the worn, patchwork shirt which heralded his humble beginnings as a rancher ran taut against the back you had spent several minutes clambering onto.
He continued looking ahead unblinkingly as you idled a few paces behind him, your chest constricting and mind frenzying with murky anticipation. Your nerves, frayed from adrenaline and brain-altering fear, now swam in the heavy nothingness of silence; you were a breath away from weeping before a tenor tone disturbed the still.
"Let's get you cleaned up."
Silently, you both moved through the halls, paying the torchlit shadows the special type of attention one gave to the mundane in moments choked with awkwardness. Worn, freshly torn hands bunched the hem of your dress until your knuckles whitened. A part of you wished to never reach your destination, preferring thickened stillness over the unpredictable inevitable. You rounded a familiar corner and gathered the shreds of your sanity to brace yourself for whatever may come.
The sullen wooden door gave way to the man's heave and you followed him in. A large bathroom decorated only with the essentials filled your view. As Link ran the faucet, your eyes absently glazed over the rickety plumbing he had installed to transport hot spring water to the tub. For the first time since his transformation, he turned to you.
His clear, authoritative tone cut sharper than any thorn that had shredded you. Eyes downcast, your fingers wrought the straps of your dress further, further down your shoulders. Your skin burned from your clammy fingers; you blamed it on the steam that had begun filling the corners of the room and ignored the heavy, heated stare placed on you by the male.
Link followed your dawdling, hooking his fingers under the hem of his shirt and lifting it to reveal a stomach sculpted by years of farm work and adventuring. The straps of your dress coiled close to your elbows before settling by your ankles. Your hands immediately scattered to cover your exposed parts as Link finished undressing himself, his fully erect length blurred by warm mists and (eventually) a deftly wrapped towel.
He reached over to squeak the faucet shut; the comforting, monotonous lull of running water now halted to scant droplets. After pulling out the small basket of rags and soap, he sat on a bar stool and beckoned you with a lone finger.
"Come here. You're filthy."
You shuffled out of the shredded dress and forward, keeping your eyes trained on the end of the tub where he sat.  The wanton desire for a hot bath waived your concerns over the situation, dulling your fears enough to throw a leg over the edge and sink everything but the top half of your face below the water.
The warm panacea cloaked you in an elixir of ease, and a satisfied groan unintentionally lapsed your lips; your hand figuratively slapped over your mouth when the air honeyed into something...
Link dipped a small bucket into the bathwater and slowly poured it over your head, calloused fingers expertly combing through knotted, crusted strands. The hardened skin tenderly brushing the back of your neck jolted heated memories to the forefront of your mind.
You could still feel the harsh, almost desperate grip laced in your hair as he pounded you from behind, panting sweet promises to give you more for the rest of your lives. Your face, buried in his pillows, blindly nodded along to the specifics of what he had said, your mind too blurred to focus on much else aside from your umpteenth high of the night.
The warm water felt like a cold deluge and a noticeable shiver ran through you. Soapy hands stopped caressing your scalp.
"How about we play a little game?" Link murmured suddenly, absently twirling your locks in his fingertips. Had it not been for the taut fingers interweaved through your hair, your surprise would have been more apparent.
"What... What game?"
"A little game similar to hide-n-seek." He started languidly, as if savoring every vowel that lisped his tongue. "If you can evade my capture until dawn, I will guide you to the forest's edge so you may leave. However..."
Rough fingerpads traced up the side of your bicep as darkened ears caught your quiet, involuntary gasp.
"If I catch you... You're mine. Deal?"
Throat tightening and heart palpitating, your mind fought to keep its last ounce of calm as your captor's hand circled to your front to cusp and knead your--
"What's the catch?" You breathed, somehow managing to divert your attention away from Link's sinful reaches.
"There is no catch, but there are rules." He pecked your cheek, his lips curving into a soft smile that thinly veiled iller intents.
"You are allowed to hide anywhere in the castle grounds and use whatever means necessary to hide from me, so long as neither of us gets seriously injured... The moment you step foot in that forest, I will claim you where you stand. Is that fair?"
Was this a trick?
A sick joke meant to dangle tonight's failure in your face?
Surely it was... But what if it wasn't?
His steady stare that peered shamelessly through your soul conveyed a degree of seriousness and sincerity required to make a truthful statement.
"How do I know that you won't go back on your word?"
"I have never lied to you." He gritted his teeth. "Can you say the same?"
The genuine hurt masking his eyes ached your chest, but the tiniest shred of dignity you had left netted the apology that almost escaped your mouth.
"Is there anything else I should know before I make my decision?"
"No. I have told you everything you need to know and will uphold my end of the deal. The final decision is yours."
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
Moonlight masqueraded through the gaping windows, streaking drab grey pillars with hints of alabaster. The halls which you have called home for what felt like time immemorial now crowded your vision with a foreign bite, sinking into your flesh an unnerving uncertainty around every corner.
Your neck swiveled on all axes, one eye trained in front of you and the other separating the benign from foe that hid in every dancing shadow. Bare feet pattering against olden stone filled the gaps in between each racing heart beat, drumming your ears in a never-ending symphony of chase.
Legs aching, quaking, begging for proper rest are promptly ignored, outcompeted by the more urgent matter at hand.
Your final gambit for freedom.
You cursed under your breath as you ascended a spiraling staircase, your lungs burning with the rage of a thousand suns from heaving in the cold, arid air. The stone floor kissed knicks into the soles of your feet as you skidded around a corner and madly dashed down the hall, shifting down a narrow crawlspace that branched off from the main hall.
Whispered hisses and curses bounced off the tightening walls as rough-hewn stone jagged into your skin, reopening recently closed wounds from the brambles. You could only pray that Link was far enough away to not pick up on freshly streaked blood.
A familiar carpet--the one from the main hall--filled your view and you slowed your shimmying into a momentary pause. You fought to see through your grimace to peer around the corner and hoped that your heart wasn't beating loud enough to mask the signs of your stalker.
All good...?
You scooted out of that uncomfortable position and ducked towards the exit.
The private gardens opened up to you. Trails of ivy found residence in the cracked grey of decayed walls and the fountain was spewing the most delicious water your parched throat had ever seen. You circled the mini courtyard, your frenzied mind shunting the garden's haunting aesthetics in search of a practical hiding place. To your right was the more open space of the main courtyard, and to your left were the untrimmed topiaries of Hyrulian heroes commemorated only in flora.
Streaks of morning were just beginning to tip the horizon.
Your feet teetered toward the right, but a certain non-human shadow slinked past the threshold. All color drained from your pallor as you scurried around the topiary's wide base and hid behind the cloister's stone pillar. The sounds of flesh ripping and reanimating shot through the air; tears began to freely flow as a carefree whistle ambled closer to you.
"My, my... It's almost daybreak. I must find my beloved soon, or else I'll lose her forever."
The sky was just beginning to tinge a magenta-red.
"Is she... Hiding by the door?"
Boots clicking against stone rang like a departed's dirges. Your clammy fingers dug into the side of your face--a feeble attempt to muffle your whimpering.
"Is she... Behind these topiaries? No? Hm... But I'm getting close, aren't I, (F/N)?"
All strength, all hope, had been sapped from your body; your knees locked and buckled.
"Oh? Have we always had a little walkway back here? What a wonderful surprise! I know my darling would love it here."
Your vision darkened.
Leather nestled softly into your face as the heat of another poured and mingled with the cold stone pressed to your back.
"Guess who?" He sang.
You felt all your muscles simultaneously release their tension; your legs folded in on themselves, but secure arms hooked them under and hoisted you bridal style.
As you were carted inside the dark fortress, the morning sun greeted you in its soft-rayed glory.
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
The stale castle air flooded your lungs as your body was unceremoniously tossed onto the bed. A hand tightened around your wrists and hot, agitated lips locked with yours before your brain could register the cotton plush of your sheets. His other hand feathered up your thigh, learned fingers grazing all your tender spots and teasing your thoughts into a foggy mix of want.
Your figure writhed uselessly under him as he flattened you further into the bed, using his full weight to keep you pinned where he wanted. The hand that carried out its sinful ministrations below shot up to seize your cheeks. Rough fingerpads bruised the softer flesh as he craned your neck to make way for his lips, flushed with a feral red and coated with soft proclamations of domination.
"You're mine... All mine..."
Hot breaths ghosted the surface of your neck, tickling a heated whine out of you. Your needy noises hitched into a gasp when you felt moistened lips lock onto your skin, suckling and teething the flesh into discolored patches. Rich vermilion fringed with a sinful violet bloomed below your jawline, trailing down and darkening with each claim closer to your chest.
He yanked the noisome dress down, exposing all of your chest to him. The snaps of cloth ripping from its handles and the sudden whip of cold air across your most sensitive parts pierced a jolt through your body. He pulled away to admire the shades of purple and red marring your fair complexion, a visual reminder to the dust haunting old halls and courtyards lost to time that you were his, and his alone. A lone tongue swirled around an irritated bud.
Trembles quaked through you--from heated anticipation or disgust, you were unsure. He hooked his fingers back into your cheeks and pried your face to look into his own. Sky-blue eyes, which once beheld you in crinkled happiness, had dimmed into a hazy navy clouded with lust.
"So pretty... My gorgeous, gorgeous girl."
Soft lips brushed your forehead, ambled down to your nose, and finally settled on your lips.
"My good girl."
Lips warmed with depraved whispers silenced around your bud. Starved suckling backdropped the more apparent whimpers scratching your throat, dredged in pleasure with a dulling edge of resistance. Scarred skin delicately cusped your mounds, tweaking and flicking your perkiness until it was a rosy red.
Your growing sensitivity stung tears into your eyes. Achy hands, now free from his grasp, grappled onto sinewy shoulders but did little to convey genuine discomfort. A deep groan purred from his chest as Link balanced your sore bud in a soft knead between his teeth. A pop filled the room.
"Let me see those eyes."
Your eyes wedged open to see blown-out blues taking all of you in. Your heart pounded a flush into your cheeks and christened an unholy flame to spread through your core.
"That's it... Now watch me..."
He dragged his body lower and lower, his eyes unwavering from yours for even a second. Steady hands balled into the collar of your dress and tore through the silk, the symphony of rips bouncing off the walls and knocking coherence out of your head. His lips matched the pace of the ragged unveiling and chased progressively exposed flesh with soft kisses, down, down, and farther down. Feverish breaths along your inner thighs sent chills up your spine.
"Watch me as I make you cum for me."
Hands gnarled from knighthood knotted into the delicate lace separating him from his prize, tearing it apart with ease.
"Link, hold--ah!"
Your eyes shot to the back of your head as your mouth gaped into a silent 'O.' An orchestra of colors, conducted by a madly indulgent maestro, symphonized into a crazed, otherworldly experience. His tongue coiled and stretched into you with the practiced precision of many amorous nights while his thumb circled the space around your clit, teasing the nub until agony. It was only a matter of time before your impassioned gasps and pleas competed with the downright sinful wetness Link lapped below.
"Tell me you love this--that you love me."
"Link, please! Just give it to me please, please, please...!" The top of your head rolled further into your pillow when the painful prick of a pinch shot too much for too short a time.
"Don't look away. Don't you dare look away, you filthy slut." Deft fingers plunged into you until pleasure fried your brain. "You'll cum when I tell you to."
Your whines and whimpers hiccuped into full sobs for release, whistled with pleas and promises you both knew you wouldn't keep.
"You'll love me forever, right? You'll be my good lil' cock slut forever, right?"
"Yes! Yes, I promise! Please Link, just let me cum already, please!"
You damn liar.
He pulled away, coldly gazing at the weeping, quivering, gasping mess of his beloved.
"Link...? W-why did you--"
"Your heart may have forgotten, but your body remembers..."
His sweet lips, tinted with a hint of bitter longing, moved with yours in a desperate, crazed dance. Every lust-filled, haggard groan ripped from his lungs masked the quieter crack running up his heart.
The bed creaked from the sudden redistribution of your weight as he spread you on all fours. He aligned himself to your entrance and, in a single motion that he had done hundreds of times, completed you. A wail, colored in pleasure and streaked with pain, contrasted Link's blissed-out groan. Tears brimmed the corner of your eyes; each droplet slipped down your cheek in time with his frenetic pounding until it had thickened into a steady stream.
He wasted no time in his pursuit for pleasure, hitching his pelvis to your ass, pulling away, and slamming back in with the gentleness of a starved wolf ripping into a lamb. His fingers dug crescents into your hips as he adjusted himself, propping one of his legs up to angle himself deeper and faster into you.
He was stretching you past your limits, and every thrust was accompanied by a heated flash of pain. Your upper half sunk towards the bed as he moved your hips higher, closer to him. Helpless (E/C)s stared at the creaking bedpost while your whitening knuckles dug through the sheets clumped in your hands. A salty mixture of tears and saliva pooled on your pillow as honeyed cries haunted your walls.
"What, is my princess not having a good time?" He jeered, reaching over to give your engorged clit a cruel flick and your ass an even crueler slap. "What does my baby want me to do to her? Huh? What do you want me to do to your tight pussy?"
"L-Link, It hurts! It's too--!"
The side of your quivering hips slammed into the mattress and forced you on your back. Your face snapped into the pillow when his writhing tongue replaced his thick cock, tonguing and lapping at your dripping pussy as if your ambrosia would be the last thing he was to taste. He pulled out and spat on your entrance, pressing his tongue flat against your pussy and swiping up towards the clit that he coiled.
"Mmph... Fuck, I love you... Give me more... Gods, give me more."
A bruising ache pressed into your hips as his frenzied circling spurred faster, faster, faster. Pleasure dizzied your senses towards a dark void; the familiar knot in your stomach that ached to unravel popped with the abrupt re-emergence of Link.
"Mm, tight as ever... How're you feeling, my dove?" He husked, ragged breaths encapsulating the shell of your ear.
"Too b-bi--Link, you're too big!"
"Shhh... You can take it. You've taken it hundreds of times. C'mon, squeeze my cock like a good girl."
"It's so--Link, you're stretching me out, I need to--"
"Not yet. I'm not done fucking you yet." He swiveled you back on all fours and pounded you into the mattress, your cries and pleas be damned. Slender fingers snarled through your tresses and strained you away from the pillows that held your screams.
"When I'm ready, I want to watch you cum all over my cock." His erratic pounding slowed for a split second, enough time for a certain thought to come and go. "I want you to see it too."
Your abused cunt finally had a moment to breathe and process; if only your brain had that same luxury.
The bed sighed a relieved groan as Link crawled out and wrapped his arms about your lower abdomen to hoist you up. When it was evident that this pathetically limp curl was the best you could do, toned forearms hooked under your knees and spread your legs in the most vulnerable position you've ever been in. With a huff, Link brought you front and center to the mirror. You both watched breathlessly as he lowered you onto his slicked cock, sinking every inch into your gummy walls.
"Fuck, you're so tight... I need you, (F/N)..."
His crazed pistoning began once more; the sensations that ransacked your body were unlike anything you'd ever experienced before. The tip of his cock so easily, so effortlessly rammed into your sweetest spots; every thrust he slammed into you turned you into a shamelessly shaking, overstimulated mess.
"Look at you," he hummed darkly, "look at all the sin running down your legs."
Link's voice was so far away now. The way he kept disappearing into your sopping cunt and your juices dribbling over your thighs consumed your every thought. The only tangible you could feel was the building pressure coiling in your gut, tightening with each passing second.
"So beautiful... So tight... Don't you want to do this forever? Hm? Don't you want to be ruined by me forever and ever?"
His teeth sunk into your neck, adding to the carnal collection and ripping a hoarse cry out of you.
"You're my good girl, aren't you? My good girl... You're all mine--all fucking mine."
Veins marbled his arms and forehead as he nuzzled into your neck, tongue tracing the edge of every bite. The labored grunts that occasionally wheezed out of him, along with his stuttering hips, signaled that he was teetering closer and closer to the edge. Hooded blues stared piercingly into your own, weighed down by mindless intoxication. His lips brushed a flame through the curve of your ear.
"Look at me..." He purred. "Look at me and confess your lust to me."
A shattered cry, followed by a wave of profane heat, collided with your system. Winced eyes lolled to the back of your head while you spasmed and twitched in still arms. Your violent clenching and knowledge of your release strained a guttural growl through Link's chest as he spurted his cum as deep as it could go. Thin, white threads coated your walls and trailed out your still-plugged hole until drips of sin stained the stone below.
Link tripped to the foot of the bed, his body folding into the sheets the second his foot made contact with the wooden post. With arms wrapped comfortably around you and the familiar presence of your spent lover, you passed out the moment your body recognized blissed finality.
As you commenced your near-immediate foray into the realm of dreams, a familiar voice--soft yet broken--rang through your last layer of consciousness.
"Sleep well, my dove. If eternally precarious possession is the closest thing we will ever have to love, I will gorge myself on it."
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babybeastluv · 5 months
would you be open to write smth with top!tzuyu with spanking, edging, and oral 🙈
Birthday Wishes
Top! Tzuyu x Fem Reader
word count: 1.2k
cw: Spanking, slight edging, oral, overstimulation, face sitting, nipple play
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an: sorry to the anon who requested this and had to wait so long
tags: @cry4tzu @miinatozakiii @forbebeandjam
Birthdays were always a sore subject for you. So when your birthday rolled around this year and your girlfriend asked what you wanted to do you simply replied with “nothing and no presents either.”
Tzuyu not knowing why you don’t like to celebrate your birthday, decided that the week leading up to your special day she was going to get you small things as to make it seem like she was truly doing nothing for your birthday.
Day 1: She gifts you a small silver necklace
Day 2: A matching ring set
Day 3: A small pair of silver earrings
Day 4: A silver bracelet that has both of your initials carved into it
Day 5: A framed picture of you and her kissing on the beach during sunset
By the fifth day you had finally figured out what she was doing, you thought it was sweet but also thought it was a little much given that you told her you wanted nothing for your birthday.
On the sixth day you walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, only to find her making breakfast for you with a bouquet of flowers sitting on counter. “Babe I told you I didn’t want anything for my birthday.” You said as you wrapped your arms around her waist from behind.
She lets out a small chuckle as she turns the stove off and turns around to place a kiss on the top of your head. “I know what you said but I can’t not do anything for your birthday. So I’m going to ask again, what do you want for your birthday?” She questions for a second time.
You think for a moment as you sit down to eat the amazing breakfast she had cooked, “I want to just spend the day with you” you say with a smile on your face.
She looks at you confused but then simply says “okay if that’s what you want” then goes about eating.
Day seven rolls around and you woke up to a basket full of your favorite things such as, candies, chips, drinks and other small things. There was even a new blanket and hoodie inside. You noticed a small note sticking out from under the basket.
Picking it up you read it and it was truly beautiful, Tzuyu had such a way with words and it made you cry. She may not know the reason you don’t like your birthday but you just found a reason to start.
The following day was spent cuddled up to her watching all of your favorite movies and eating the snacks she had bought for you, looking up at her with a soft smile on your face as the third movie of the day played. You couldn’t help but think about how lucky you were to be dating her.
“I can feel you staring” she says as she slowly turns to look down at you, leaning up you place a quick peck on her lips “thank you” you whispered as you climbed into her lap kissing her again.
Wrapping her arms around your waist she kisses you back, deepening the kiss. You moan against her lips as she slowly starts to grind your hips along her own.
Pulling away from the kiss you rest your forehead on hers as she runs her fingers through your hair, slowly she starts to lean in again aiming for your neck as she moves all your hair to one side.
Sucking and kissing it gently as she leaves dark purple marks in her wake. As she continues to mark up your neck she begins to shift so that you’re laying down on the couch her hovering above you as quiet whimpers leave your lips.
“More” you husk out as you place your hands under her shirt and on her toned abs.
Moving on from attacking your neck she moves her hands down to slowly slide your shirt up as she kisses your lips again before fully removing the useless piece of clothing.
“You’re so pretty baby” she exclaims as she looks you up and down. Your upper half completely bare and exposed to her as she slowly runs her hand over your stomach leaning down and taking a nipple into her mouth.
Her soft gentle hand continues to trace over the soft skin of your abdomen as she skillfully works your nipple in her mouth.
Back arching in ecstasy when the hand that was once gracing your stomach pinches the unoccupied nipple.
A moan of her name slips past your lips and you entangle your fingers in her hair to hold her against your chest.
Releasing your nipple with a pop she looks up at you as her hands travel down to your underwear, slowly she begins to slide the soaked piece of fabric down your legs and tosses it behind her.
A sharp gasp leaves your mouth when the cool air from the room breezes past your warm cunt. A devilish smirk graces your girlfriends lips as she looks your body over once more before she dive in.
Her lips attach themselves to your clit as she brings your legs up and over your shoulders. The prolonged ministrations of her lapping you up quickly begins to build as you feel your first orgasm approaching.
"Tzu" you mumble out as she continues to work at your lower half, legs slightly shaking as you come undone on her tounge.
Lapping up your juices she places gentle kisses along your inner thighs as her hands slowly snake around your body.
She flips you both over so you were now sitting on her face as she lays beneath you, she begins to eat you out again as you grip the back of the couch and throw your head back.
"Fuck Tzuyu" you moan out as she squeezes your thighs.
As your second orgasm approaches Tzuyu pulls away, letting out a whine she crawls out from under you and gets behind you on the couch.
"We aren't done yet pretty girl" she whispers in your ear as her hands find their way to your hips.
Pushing you slightly forward so you're now leaning over the back of the couch she brings her left hand down across your ass, a loud moan escapes the confines of your throat as she repeats this action.
Ass bright red, sweet nectar dripping down onto the couch. You whimper out as she reaches around and begins to slowly rub your clit.
Placing sweet kisses across the nape of your neck as she picks up her pace.
"ngh tzu I'm so close" you moan out as her thigh presses up against your dripping cunt from behind. Fingers still working at your clit diligently.
Teeth sinking into your neck sends you over the edge.
An hour and four orgasms later Tzuyu has you a panting mess. Sweet kisses are being placed all over you chest as she slowly works her way back up to your face.
Smililing tiredly up at her as she hovers over you again.
"Happy birthday sweet girl" she says as she strokes your cheek and leans down to places kisses on your forehead.
"Thank you baby" you mumble out through a yawn.
"Thank you for making this night rememberable love" you say as you lean up and place a kiss to her soft lips.
Laying down together on the couch you lay your head on her chest as your legs intertwine and the both of you succumb to sleep.
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7ndipity · 1 year
Dating Jungkook headcanons
Jungkook x Reader
Warnings: some swearing, a lil suggestive, I think that's it
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon who requested this, I've never written a list like this before so it's a little scattered, sorry. Anyway I'm very soft for this man now, goodbye.
Requests are open
Dating Jungkook is, for lack of a better word, messy. But like in all the best ways.
Late night hangouts when y'all can't sleep and you just end up at the local convenience store, eating snacks or whatever and talking until you notice the sun coming up.
I know I wrote a lil blurb abt it already, but karaoke dates are a regular occurrence. Doesn't matter if you can sing or not, y'all are just having a good time seeing who can hit the highest note(it's him, sorry)
He's one of those people whose friends probably tease cause he says "my s/o is my best friend". But he actually means it, you are his best friend.(I really feel like he would fall for a friend, but that's a discussion for a ot7 reaction I'm working on for next week👀)
Acts really cocky sometimes, but will fold like a house of cards(ha) into the softest boi at the slightest provocation from you.
He's fucking whipped for you, and he knows it.
Was so nervous to kiss you the first time that he legit backed out like three times before it finally happened.
Probably has some kind of nickname for you like "my light" or "my life."
But on the other hand, y'all also tease each other relentlessly, it's like a second love language with him.
Like he will sit there while you're trying to read or smth and poke your cheeks until he gets a reaction out of you.
Will make height jokes, even if you're only like 1in shorter than him.
"Tiny baby." He coos while patting your head. "I'm gonna climb up there and kill you." You warn. "So tiny, so precious."
But if he catches anyone else giving you a hard time about something, God help them.
Possessive(*cough perilla leaf debate)
Gives you his sweatshirts to wear because you look cute in them, but also loves that it's a subtle sign to anybody else that you're his.
This goes both ways though, he loves when you call him yours.
The first time you called him "your boyfriend", he legit short-circuited for a second.
Would probably have matching, macrame type couple bracelets that y'all made together for your second or third month anniversary.
Protective AF
Does that thing where he makes sure you walk on the inner half of the sidewalk when are you're out together, so you're protected from the street?
Not big on Pda exactly, but usually has an arm around you or is holding your hand. He doesn't even realize he's doing it sometimes, it's just kinda become a habit to have you close as much as possible.
He gets so little time with you as it is, so he just wants to make every second count.
When it's just the two of you though, he becomes a fucking koala and will NOT let you go.
Clings to you like his life depends on it.
Begs you to stay over all the time, swears that he can't sleep well unless you're next to him.
At this point, you might as well move in, half of your shit's at his place already anyway.
Looks at you like you're a literal dream.
Like some mornings when neither of you are really awake yet, you look over and he's just staring at you over your coffee mug like🥺
Loves to make you flustered tho
Like, if he notices you have a thing for his arms, he's gonna take every chance he can to roll his sleeves up in front of you just to see your face go red.
Randomly walks up to and gives you these deep, intense kisses and then? just fucking walks away as if nothing happened? Like, nuh-uh, get your ass back here and finish what you started sir!
Talks about your future together with such casual certainty. Like "when we get married, we should get a house like that".
Refers to Bam as your child.
Idk where I'm going with this or how to end it, so I'm just gonna stop here, but yeah. I just think he's neat lol.
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dankmaths · 6 months
I'm like 90% sure if I don't get more of your ghost au I may just implode so like 🥺👉👈
not necessarily my AU but i ended up drawing smth based on a scene from @novethegreat's fic, "In Love With A Ghost". ooohhhh you wanna read it so bad ooooohh
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+more google doc delusions ive had in my head for a long time and havent been possessed to draw under the cut please work god please
i like to think once yosuke gets over the whole undead roommate thing he starts to feel bad for leaving yu at home all day. (like a pet dog.....) so at some point he invites chie and yukiko over. maybe it’s a study session. but at first yukiko can’t make it so it’s just chie. yosuke tells yu to stay put in the room since chie is scared of ghosts (just like yosuke she’ll never admit it though lol). chie says that she and yukiko have been working on a new recipe and offers to cook which yosuke shoots down Very quickly, offering to cook himself, since a "friend" of his has been teaching him-- he very conveniently leaves out the whole undead roommate thing. but when he’s preparing the food he accidentally cuts his finger. yu forgets what he’s told and rushes through the walls into the kitchen scaring chie on accident.
yosuke: OW shit
yu: (phasing through the wall) yosuke! are you ok?
chie: yosuke! are youuuuuuUUUUAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHH
yukiko, the occult lover, is unable to see/hear ghosts… but when she hears abt "OHHH HANAMURAS APT IS HAUNTED ITS SO SCARY ITS AWFUL!!! i mean the ghost didnt kill me or anything he was actually pretty polite but its AWFUL!!!!!!" from chie, she gets sooo excited and begs yosuke to invite her over (for the ghost obviously not for yosuke. which is a bit of a blow to his ego LOL). and she comes in with a ouija board so she can talk to yu
yukiko: so. where is it?
yosuke: his name is yu. damn, not even a hello.
yukiko: well, where is he?
yosuke: …right over there.
yu tries to play along bc he thinks its fun, to yosukes exasperation. however he has trouble staying solid for very long so it takes foreverrrrr. but basically i think yu and yukiko writing each other notes to communicate like point blank pen pals would be cute… also when the others are around who can hear yu, playing telephone with what he says to yukiko and fucking it up (on accident OR on purpose) would be rly funny
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yuyusboyfriend · 6 months
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500 follower special!
pairing: bestfriend's brother!wooyoung x ftm reader [gn reader coming soon!]
wordcount: 6,7k
content: Your best friend's twin has been the bane of your existence for the last 10 years. That was, until, he decided to visit your dreams.
warnings: nsfw, drinking, weed - both joints and a bong, drinking games, cunnilingus, pool sex, sex without a condom (dont!) afab ftm reader, use of words like cunt, clit etc. lmk if I'm missing anything!
soundtrack: water + truth or dare - tyla, Water - Ten
a/n: Thank you so much for 500 followers😭😭 I hope this fic makes up for all of my breaks between fics I made this as long as I could bc I really wanted to do smth special <333 also shoutout to @zh0nggucc1 for being my bsf 🙏❤️ one more note, this is proofread but I always manage to make a 1000 mistakes so I apologise for any!! Happy reading!
Masterlist!˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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"Finally you're here! Took you long enough" your best friend shouts over the music, holding out a shot glass filled with a clear liquid, "Gotta do a shot before I let you in, Jongho's orders" she smirks as she salutes.
"Really? At-," you quickly glance at your phone," 5 pm? I thought drinking would start later?" you look over the girl's shoulder to see Jongho and Mingi already holding clear cups with some sort of concoction in them.
"Look I'm not arguing with Jongho, he'll throw me in the pool and I haven't changed into my swimsuit yet, so! Take the damn shot will you, pretty please?" she looked at you with big round eyes as if that would persuade your decision.
"I'll do it just stop looking at me like that, it's kind of scary…" you teased, grabbing the shot and throwing it back, hissing slightly at the burn.
"Atta boy! Now go say hi while I go get changed." she ran off before you could argue. As you stepped inside you were greeted by your two friends that you had just seen, Mingi throwing his arm over your shoulder pulling you close to him and offering you his cup. You took a sip out of curiosity about what they had been drinking, not surprised when it tasted of all the soju flavours mixed with a dash of some juice they'd found in the back of the cupboard.
"Mmm! That is awful! Best one yet Mingi I mean seriously they should get you making poison," you and Jongho laughed as Mingi shoved your shoulder and pouted.
You felt eyes on you from somewhere as you looked around the room, your vision landing on the one person you'd hoped you wouldn't have to see until at least 10 shots in. Wooyoung.
Wooyoung was the biggest pain in your ass, and what made it even worse was that he was your best friend's brother. You had been best friends with Vee since the rotten age of 12 years old. Since your first day at your new school, you had practically been attached at the hip, never being away from each other for more than a couple of days — the problem there was that her twin brother Wooyoung was also attached to your hip, and somehow knew how to get on your every last nerve. He never did anything inherently bad to you but you just found him irritating nonetheless, even as the years passed, the smirk on his face every time he said or did something that knew would rile you up irked you.
"Your little boyfriend is watching you again~" Mingi sang into your ear, obviously already tipsy because there was no way in hell you'd ever be with Wooyoung. Was he attractive? Objectively, you guessed so. Had he given you butterflies once or twice when he held your hips to pass you as you helped his mom with the dishes? Maybe? But that was just a natural reaction, it didn't mean anything. Did the clothes that he gave you after you came out smell like him and make you feel funny? … He uses a nice cologne, that's all— The point is he wouldn't date you with the way he acted and you wouldn't either. So it was fine. Totally. Fine.
You elbowed Mingi in the side causing him to double over dramatically and wail, making Jongho laugh even more. You laughed along but couldn't shake the feeling that Wooyoung was still staring at you, so you excused yourself from the boys to go see Hongjoong in the kitchen.
"Vee not with you?" He asked as he spotted you rounding the island to greet him.
"She's upstairs getting changed, Praying she won't be much longer, need her to swat Wooyoung away." Hongjoong laughed as he shook his head at your misery.
"Surely he's not that bad y/n, he's cool when he's with us, a yapper at most," you stared at him with disbelief.
"All of you. Traitors!" You sighed as Hongjoong began to laugh more.
"Who's a traitor?" Your muscles stiffened as you felt a familiar pair of hands on your sides, causing you to roll your eyes and ignore the dip in your stomach. One thing Wooyoung never seemed to understand was personal space, 'what's yours is mine' as he would say.
"We all think you're just the best Wooyoung but y/n doesn't agree," Hongjoong exclaims to the boy behind you. You shake your head at Hongjoong's words, they might be true but it was still rough he put you on the spot. Wooyoung's thumb massaged the flesh at your side as he placed his head on your shoulder.
"Impossible, y/n loves me, don't you?" He smirked as you looked down at him. That fucking smirk.
"yeah, about as much as the rock in my shoe right now," you huffed as you shrugged him off. "I'm getting in the pool, I'll see you lot there, yeah?" you announced, walking through the back door before hearing Vee's voice behind you.
"Wait for me!" She exclaimed slipping by her brother and joining your side, a cute and flowy bathing suit adorning her body as Hongjoong watched her flaunt past. As you got to the pool Vee turned to you, "What was happening with you and Woo back there?" you shook your head, already sick of hearing his name in such as short amount of time.
"Nothing was happening! He's just weird and clingy!" Vee looked at you with confusion, being able to read your thoughts and know them better than you do at this point.
"Then why are you being so defensive? He doesn't usually piss you off this bad, what happened?" She said in a soft tone, the tone that made you feel safe despite feeling so irritated. You knew the answer to her question, but your words fell short.
Last night you had a dream. About Wooyoung. Everything seemed normal until he sat down next to you on your best friend's bed and laid his hand against your thigh, his thumb circling the skin just as his hands would always do when they came into contact with you.
"You want me, don't you?" His big brown eyes stared into your own as he carried on massaging your flesh, tingles zipping up and down your spine as you sat there in utter shock. The close proximity forced you to take in all his features. His little moles under his eye and on his lip. His gorgeous jawline sculpted by god himself. The way his fresh out-of-the-shower hair was draped over his forehead and the way the water droplets rolled over his tanned skin. God, he really was pretty, wasn't he? Your eyes darted back and forth between his features before finally landing back on his lips. You felt yourself leaning forward, losing control of your muscles as you did.
"Yeah." Wooyoung's face moved towards yours and joined your lips together so gently you barely felt it as his free hand pressed to your neck to bring you closer, the warmth of his hands and lips sending you into overdrive-
And that's when you jolted up out of your sleep in a cold sweat.
"Hello? Earth to y/n?" Vee waved a hand in front of your face to try to gain your attention, "What you thinking about?
"I… I had a dream and it's freaking me out okay? No more questions." you mumbled out of embarrassment.
"About my brother!? That's definitely new…don't tell me if you had sex because that's gross but I'm gonna need details!" she looks at you with a look of curiosity and horror.
"Will you lower your voice? Good god, I'm about five seconds from drowning myself in your pool."
She sighs, "Fine, but just use protection, you'd be a great dad but I don't want to be an aunt yet, I'm already busy enough with Kyungmin." you mirror her look of horror from a minute ago.
"I'm not gonna have sex with him Jesus!" she laughs at your panicked expression before sitting down to dip her feet in the pool.
"You getting in or what? We've been standing around for long enough" she said before throwing herself into the pool, splashing you on the way in. You smile and set your stuff down on a chair before taking your shirt off and following suit.
You and Vee chilled in the pool as more guests arrived and began to fill the water around you with inflatables and games, music filling the air as the sky changed to purple and red hues, the fairy lights hung on the fence twinkling this the reflection of the water. After a while, you could feel your skin getting ready to shrivel in the water so you decided to get out and dry off and get a drink. Compared to earlier the kitchen was now filled with people, the majority you knew but there were still quite a few new faces, maybe Wooyoungs friends? you didn't really care to converse with people who associated with him, so you went straight to the drinks table.
Only to feel a stranger's hands around you, pulling you towards him, "Hey handsome, what are you drinking? I'll get it for you hm?" Great, some drunk asshole has already started making rounds but before you could even reply with a snide comment, Wooyoung had ripped the guy away from you and had a hand clutched onto the guy's shirt.
"Don't fucking touch him you asshole, if you're gonna act like this Minjun ill kick you out right fucking now." Woo hissed at.. minjun? so he must know him then. Minjun put his hands up in defeat and apologised to Wooyoung before walking to the living room. Wooyoung turned back to you looking you up and down with worry. He knew you weren't comfortable with that much physicality, especially with strangers, but it was still weird to see him so outwardly caring about the state you were in. Maybe he was always like this, but you opted to ignore him most of the time so you wouldn't know.
"Y/n you okay, he didn't hurt you right? do you want him out he can leave, I'm sorry I didn't think he'd be weird-" You cut off his rambling, just wanting to leave and put on a shirt to not feel so exposed for the time being.
"Woo, it's fine I'll survive." You were looking around until that moment, finally connecting with his eyes. You noticed that he had a rather surprised reaction, not understanding why until you replayed what you just said in your head.
You never called him Woo, that was only reserved for friends. You never considered yourself to be anything close to a friend to him so you refused to call him it, despite him telling you to the first time you met him. You didn't really want to discuss this with him any more than you already had, so you slid past him to go and grab your shirt.
"Seriously, what the fuck is happening with you two?" Vee laughed at her brother, "He's spoken to you more tonight than he has in the last 10 years and It's kind of freaking me out honestly." Wooyoung stood there still in a state of surprise, acknowledging his sister's words, before returning to his regular composure.
"Oh I'll figure it out, he can't keep a secret from me." He flashed a grin at his sister and sauntered to the living room, grabbing an empty bottle and calling everyone to sit down and play spin the bottle.
You reluctantly sat down in the fairly small circle after San linked arms with you and practically pulled you to it. Surprisingly most of the guests didn't want to play so most of them either sat down to spectate and cheer on the players or moved outside to relax in the warm summer night air.
"Who's going first then?" Seonghwa sighed looking around the circle, praying someone would volunteer so there wouldn't be an extensive game of rock paper scissors.
"One of the hosts should go first, it's courtesy" Yeosang chimed in, looking between Wooyoung and Vee.
"Ooh, I'll go then~" Vee chirped, leaning into the middle and giving the bottle a good spin. The circle of people watched the bottle circle round a few times before landing dead centre between Hongjoong and Mingi.
"That's pointing at me!" Mingi exclaimed to Hongjoong, only for Hongjoong to argue back that it was pointing at him.
Vee laughed at the bickering boys, "I'll kiss you both then, yeah?" She crawled over to where they were and gave them a quick peck each before moving back to her space. You rolled your eyes and laughed at the boys who were abashedly blushing next to you. They span the bottle a few more times before it finally landed on you. At this point the group was teetering on the edge of being buzzed and drunk, you being the former.
"Come on y/n spin it!~" Vee shouted not being able to register her volume now, obviously being the latter the way her cheeks were rosy. You reached over to the bottle and spun it, anticipation making your stomach churn. You watched it spin round and around, feeling as though it was taking hours to slow down. Finally, it came to a halt and your heart stopped, knowing damn well who was sitting in that direction. But as you looked up -
"Yunho! kiss! kiss! kiss!" the circle cheered and gawked at the two of you in excitement. You and Yunho met in the middle before pressing your lips together briefly, moving back to your designated spots. Yunhos cheeks were slightly flushed, mostly from the alcohol, but before you could think about it anymore, your eyes drifted to Wooyoung who was staring right back at you. His eyelids were lowered as he kept his gaze fixed on your lips. what the fuck? You would blame it on him drinking but he had drank less than you at the point, so it was kind of scaring your buzzed brain.
As you watched the bottle spin over and over again, it managed to keep narrowly avoiding you, making your stomach flip time and time again as it passed you. As the circle started to get bored, Vee suggested we amp up the tension by playing truth or dare.
"But if you decide not to do it you have to take a shot, okay?" The group nods in agreement and Vee spins the bottle once more to decide who the first victim is. As the bottle span once the tension rose in your chest, you could already feel who it was going to land on, and sure enough, it came to a halt pointing straight at the man across from you.
"Woo! Truth or dare?" He ponders for a second before deciding on his answer.
"Dare." Wooyoung looks at you before returning his line of sight to his sister. But, before she could answer with a dare, you chimed in first.
"I dare you to back Mingi's cup!" You looked at the growing horror on his face, as Mingi was famous for his awful attempts at being a mixologist, but Woo wasn't ready to lose a dare, even if the counterpart was only taking one shot instead. He wasn't really thinking at that moment since it was you who asked. You watched him stand up and walk over to Mingi, grabbing his cup and staring at it briefly while grimacing before bringing it to his soft lips and chugging it in one go. As he finished the drink he hissed at the taste and shook his head before giving Mingi a stinkeye and walking back to his seat.
"Okay, y/n, truth or dare" Wooyoung studied you, waiting for your answer.
"Uh, truth?" you stammered out trying to think about what Wooyoung would've made you do if you had picked dare, probably make you jump in the pool or-
"What was the last thing you touched yourself over?" what the fuck? the room filled with oohs and giggles while they waited for your answer. How the fuck could you tell them it was a dream about Wooyoung that had pushed you over the edge? you hadn't even told Vee because she still would have likely been horrified despite her interest
"um, a dream." The circle cheered and laughed again at your answer and you could feel your cheeks warming.
"what was it about y/n?" Wooyoung pushed more and the circle seemed to get more excited in anticipation of your reply.
You huffed at Wooyoung, "Not telling you weirdo, plus it's not 21 questions." feeling eyes on you at your small outburst. "I'm gonna get a drink, carry on without me, I'll be back." You smiled, putting on your best poker face before getting up and leaving the room. you could feel Wooyoungs eyes on the back of you as you walked out almost making you stumble. You walked through the kitchen, grabbed a fresh drink filled to the brim and walked out to the pool, slipping your shoes off once again and dipping your feet into the pool. You felt your body cool down in the summer night air as you swayed your legs in the water and sipped on your drink. Why was Wooyoung being so weird today? His gaze was making you feel dizzy, you'd never really felt this way about him so why was a silly dream affecting you so much? You felt as if he was reading your mind all night and it was starting to get to you honestly.
"You want to smoke?" The familiar voice nearly made you fall into the pool, Speak of the fucking devil. You turn your head to see the last person you would want to right now, holding a joint in one hand and a lighter in the other. Despite your need to be as far away as possible from this man right now, you couldn't pass up the one chance at relaxation being offered to you.
"…Sure." You reluctantly answered him. He took a seat way too close for your comfort at this moment, but you tried to shrug the weird feeling in your stomach off. You watched Wooyoung hold the joint between his fingers and light it, bringing it to his lips. He took a hit and handed it to you, smoke cascading out of his mouth while looking into your eyes.
"Your turn," He kept observing you as you took a hit from the joint, feeling it travel down into your lungs and relaxing you instantly. You took one more long puff before handing it back to the boy next to you and laid back to look up at the stars. You and Wooyoung kept passing it back and forth in silence till it was finished, him now laying back with you.
"Why do you hate me so much, y/n?" He said so quietly you barely caught it.
You sighed before formulating a reply, "You used to irritate me a lot when we were younger, you'd pushed my buttons too much and I started to dislike you more and more. Now though? I'm not really sure anymore." You tilted your head to look at Wooyoung only to see he was looking right back at you. He was always looking at you.
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to be your friend, but you pushed me away and the only way I knew how to get your attention was to do what I did, and eventually I didn't even realise what I was doing to you, to our relationship." His words felt sincere, and fuck you felt horrible. You knew Wooyoung only acted that way with you and you hadn't even noticed why, not even after ten years of fighting. You kept looking into his eyes, and you could see the sadness in them. Was that always there and you just never noticed?
"I never said thank you for the clothes you gave me when I came out, did I?…thank you."
"I knew you needed them, they were waiting in a stack for the day you would claim them." before you could even realise it, you felt a tear roll down your cheek. Wooyoung hesitantly lifted his palm to your face and wiped the wetness from your face, stroking his finger under your eye and cupping your face with his hand. His soft thumb swiped back and forth, gently caressing your face.
He looked so pretty in the moonlight. The way the light sat on his lashes and defined his jaw made you want to touch. You craved to feel the surface of his skin grazing against your palm right now you could hardly fight it. Instead, you leaned into his chest and rested your head on his collarbone, not daring to look into his eyes right now, not daring to reveal the emotions in the expression that was on your face. He stroked your hair rhythmically and you felt your whole body relaxed into his touch, god was this what you were missing out on all this time?
"Don't fall asleep on me now, my sister will kill me if she sees I let you sleep on the floor," You chuckled into the warmth of his chest before finally sitting up, Wooyoung following you.
"you wanna go for a swim?" You smiled at him, not waiting for an answer, taking your shirt off and sliding into the heated pool. You swam to the middle, hearing a splash behind you, and turned around to see a now wet-haired Wooyoung following suit. You tried to ignore the fact that now he really reminded you of your dream - hair soaked, droplets dripping down his shimmering skin as his smile spread wide at you. You tried to swim away but your battle was quickly lost when you felt a hand grab your ankle and pull you under the water.
Your body flipped underwater, turning around to feel Wooyoung right above you. His hands came to your face and begged you to look in his eyes. You opened them to see his face inches from yours, and how desperate his eyes were to close the short distance between the two of you, and you were only a weak man. You pulled him down by the nape of his neck and joined your lips together and good lord, even underwater, it was still better than you imagined. Wooyoung broke the kiss after a few seconds and brought you back to the surface for air, not giving you long till he dived back in to kiss you once more, his hands begging to feel every inch of your waist and pull you towards him. The way his skin felt against yours felt hot and you needed more of it everywhere so desperately.
"Woo I need you," you whispered, trying to communicate with your eyes and praying he would understand.
"You have me, baby." His body moved you backwards, out of sight from the living room and windows, until your back hit the side of the pool. His mouth made its way to your neck, nipping at the skin before running his tongue over it. "Can I touch you?" He whispered into your ear, biting your earlobe.
You nodded into his shoulder, hungry for the feeling of his fingers in you. His hand slipped passed the waistband of your swim shorts, giving him straight access to you. His fingertip grazed up and down your slit, teasing your aching clit.
"Wooyoung please" You whined into his ear, deciding to take some sort of initiative and fidget with the strings of his shorts, tugging at them till he permitted you to touch.
"You wanna touch me, baby?" He grabbed your hand in his and slipped it into his shorts, letting you get a feel of the bottom of his stomach, hand slowly inching down till you reached the base of his girth. His other hand was still teasing your cunt, finally allowing one digit to slide into your hole. You moaned softly into his shoulder, writhing at the pleasure of feeling him in you, while still beating yourself up from missing out on this for so long.
As you were about to start stroking his cock you heard the back door open. You and Wooyoung shot your heads around to see who it was, quickly separating yourselves to not get caught. You heard the loud music bouncing throughout the house as a hoard of people spread out onto the porch, all ready to go for another swim, Vee carrying another speaker with her to liven up the night.
"What are you guys doing out here?" Vee shouted over the music, looking between the two of you with a shocked expression.
You looked at Wooyoung trying to formulate an answer, but you answered for him instead, "Oh, we were just talking… about stuff…" You watched her face try to decipher what you meant, but she came up short with answers. She could tell that both of you were stoned though, and honestly? She was grateful you were getting along, even if it was just for one night. Wooyoung watched Vee walk away, far enough before he asked you,
"Do you wanna go upstairs?" He pressed his body against you slightly, and you could feel how hard he was against your leg. His eyes were begging for this not to end here, and you didn't feel the need to argue for once in your life, So you dragged him to the ladder and got out first, ready with a towel for him once he got out so he could hide what was going on his shorts. Once he was out he clutched your hand in his own, pulling you through the house and up the stairs to the safety of his room. Before you could even react Wooyoung had you pressed up against the closed door, lips back on the underside of your jaw. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness of his room. You had only been in here a handful of times, in which you'd never spent long enough to have a good look around the area. As you examined the room, your eyes zeroed in on the bong on his bedside table.
"You have a bong?" Your voice came out hoarse.
"Yeah, you ever..?" Wooyoung questioned.
You looked at him, "No… Can I?" He smiled at you and brought you over to his bed. The bong was already filled with fresh water, as Wooyoung packed the bowl, grabbed his lighter and held it to the bowl igniting it. He inhaled for a few seconds before pulling the bowl out, inhaling the rest of the smoke. He gave you a smug grin at your amazement and handed the bong over to you.
"So I'm gonna light it for you, and when I pull the bowl out, I'm gonna need you to inhale the rest of it or it'll leave stale smoke in the chamber, okay? now I'll let you do a little hit to get you started, just put your lips on it like I did, baby." His sugarcoated pet names had your stomach doing flips, but you stayed focused on the task at hand. Your lips met the mouthpiece and you waited for wooyoungs signal.
"Okay I'm lighting it, start inhaling gently…" You followed his instructions, feeling the water bubbling and the smoke enter your mouth. "Okay inhale fully," Wooyoung concentrated as he pulled the bowl out, you felt the fresh air clear the bong and go into your mouth. You took your mouth off of the bong and exhaled, feeling a cough climb out of your throat with the smoke - Wooyoungs hand instantly joined you to rub circles on your back, a little laugh coming from him at your suffering. After you laughed with him, "Let me try again, I won't cough this time-" Wooyoung suddenly kissed you quickly, making your body follow him as he pulled away.
"Sorry, I just wanted to kiss you again." He looked…Bashful? You had never seen this on him, and God it made him look hotter, I mean, really how did you not realise any of this? He brought the bong back to your mouth getting ready to light it once more. "You wanna do the same or a bigger hit?"
You tried to think through your already clouded mind, "Big." was all you were able to come out with, too busy staring at his pretty face. You put your lips to the bong and Wooyoung repeated the process, adding an extra second before pulling the bowl out for you. You felt slightly lightheaded from the lack of oxygen, laying back slowly to ground yourself, hearing Woo take a hit above you. As Wooyoung joined your side, Your mind started filling with all the dirty things you wanted to do with him, all the things you could do to make up for wasted time. Woo felt you sit up and throw a leg over his waist so you were straddling him.
"You know what you asked me earlier? About what my dream was about?" You leant down to his face and whispered in the shell of his ear. "It was about you. I was dreaming about you, looking all sexy fresh out of the shower, touching me." You looked at his face, hooded eyes but still surprised at your confession. You ground your hips down on his bulge, feeling his hard-on grow against you once again
"Y/n…" You halted your movements, shit, had you done too much? Before you could worry you felt his hips rise looking for the friction "Oh God please don't stop, y/n." His hands landed on your hips and pulled you back down, moving your hips with his own. He whimpered under you as you rolled your hips along him, thumbs massaging your flesh. His head tilted back and you took your chance to nip at the base of his throat, and began to suck, leaving a blooming mark in its wake. Your mouth needed to be busy, begging to have Woo in it any way you could have him. You left a trail of bites on his collarbone leading up to the underside of his jaw and ears, making him huff with each one.
"Mine," you whispered. He heard you. Your words sent him into overdrive as he sat up and flipped your bodies so you were now under him before he started tugging at your shorts.
"need these stupid things off," He mumbled finally getting them off you, leaving you completely exposed. "Can I eat you out? I really wanna taste you." He patiently waited for your response like a dog waiting for a treat. As soon as you nodded, cheeks blushed, He dived in and started to devour your aching cunt. His tongue was working magic against your hole, nose rubbing your clit deliciously as he moaned into you. You writhed against his mouth, hands gripping his hair to ground you because of the way he took you to cloud nine.
You could already feel the orgasm building as he greedily ate you out. His tongue worked against your clit as he added a digit to your soaked hole, moving it in and out in a steady rhythm, desperate to bring you over the edge before he finally fucked you senseless. He was barely taking breaks to breathe, ready to die if it meant he'd die face buried in your sweet cunt, the way you clenched around his finger was going to make him cum in his shorts at just the feeling. Both of your senses were heightened from the weed and the pleasure was a hundred times stronger than usual, you weren't sure you were gonna last long and Wooyoung could tell. "You gonna come on my fingers, baby?" He said, voice croaky as he added another finger, "Cum on my face pretty boy, I want to feel you on my tongue when you do."
Wooyoungs words sent your body over the edge, and you seized up as you let go, feeling Wooyoung sucking your clit while you rode it out on his fingers. He unlatched his mouth from you, feeling your body calm down, and slid his fingers out of you to see them soaked in your arousal. You watched him with hooded eyes as he licked the traces of you off of his fingers. Fuck, that sight alone could've brought you to an orgasm again.
"Gonna fuck your pretty hole now, baby" You moaned at his tone, pulling him to you so you could taste yourself in his mouth, tongues moving in unison. Once you had a good grip on him, you pulled him back onto the bed and stood up to pull his shorts down. You watch his hard cock spring out from them and licked your lips at the sight. You knew it was big, you could feel it but fuck, the way it glistened from the precum leaking out of his tip, made your desire to taste him grow one hundred times. You leaned down to his tip and gripped the base, before running your tongue across it and sinking down about halfway. He whined feeling your mouth around his hardness, it was heaven but, "I don't wanna cum in your mouth baby, want you on my cock now," He begged you, needing to feel you, to connect you.
You needed him just as badly, so you moved upwards so you could straddle him. You lifted your hips and hovered over his cock, holding it so you could get the angle right before slowly sinking down on him. You felt so full as he entered you, the stretch feeling the best you had ever felt. You knew nothing else would ever feel the way Wooyoung felt in you at that moment, you would never be able to take another cock that would feel as good as he did. His voice cracked as you finally bottomed out on him, staying there until you both adjusted to the feeling.
"Holy fuck, give me a second or I'll bust early" Wooyoung huffed out, his chest sinking and rising quickly as if he had forgotten to breathe, because well, he did. "Fuck baby, you feel so good, your boy cunt is mine, it's mine you're mine oh my god." Wooyoung babbled, his brain completely fried from how you clenched around him.
"You ready for me to move, baby?" You whispered to Wooyoung, receiving a nod from Wooyoung as you started slowly rocking your hips back and forth. The feeling of him reaching deep into you was pure bliss. Wooyoungs hands had a death grip on your hips, fingertips digging into your soft flesh, making you moan with each movement.
"Fuck Wooyoung, you feel so good, I don't know how long I can last," You could already feel yourself losing control of your sanity, but you weren't about to let this end so quickly. You lifted your hips to slam back down onto his cock, making him moan loudly. You kept this rhythm going and the pleasure was overwhelming, feeling the way he hit your g spot so nicely each time you bounced on him.
"Ah fuck, fuck you feel so fucking amazing holy fuck please don't stop," His praises kept fueling you to sink onto him deeper and deeper with each stroke. You both were losing your sanity together and it was fucking incredible, if Wooyoung was ready to die happy before, he was even more sure now that he was buried so deep in you that he wasn't sure if he ever wanted to leave you and the way you gripped his throbbing member. Your body ached to be filled by Wooyoungs cum, not ready to feel empty once he was done. You craved to feel full like this for as long as you were on this earth, while Wooyoung was by your side.
"Baby I'm not gonna last much longer, where do you want me to cum?" Wooyoung wheezed out between breaths.
"In me, please god please, I need you in me," You begged, speeding your pace up as Wooyoung reached to circle your clit.
"Are you sure?" He said worried.
"It's fine I'm on the pill, please Woo I need it." Wooyoung rocked his hips aggressively as his orgasm built up, yours ready to spill over the edge. His hand sped up on your clit and finally, your orgasm hit you like a truck, ripping a guttural moan from your chest. Wooyoung felt you clenching around him so hard that his own orgasm followed suit, His soul being snatched from him as you kept riding out yours.
Your body turned to jelly as you finished and you flopped down onto Woo's chest, hearing his heart racing against your ear.
"Fuck me." He gasped out, still trying to catch his breath, making you laugh.
"I literally just did Woo." He pinched your side in response, making you laugh more, your arms wrapping around him. You sat there until you had both calmed down, before sliding out of you. You could feel his cum leaking out of you and you whined at the loss as he moved you to the side of him so he could clean up.
"Sorry, baby I gotta clean you, and me up. I'll be two seconds." You watched him walk to his bathroom, damn he's got a nice ass, you thought to yourself, waiting for him to come back. Sure enough, he was quick, and back with a washcloth to clean you up. He was careful as he wiped you down, knowing you'd still be sensitive after two orgasms. He handed you some of his clothes to put on and excused himself to get the two of you some water.
"Where have you been? and where's y/n? I can't find him," Vee questioned Wooyoung as he reached the bottom of the stairs, noticing he had changed into sleep clothes despite the party still going.
"Don't tell me…" Vee thought about the circumstance, and the guilty look on Wooyoung's face.
"Did you fuck my best friend??" She watched the corners of Wooyoung's mouth curl up, and she knew she already had the answer.
"Sorry?" Wooyoung said very unapologetically as Vee punched him in the arm.
"If you ever hurt him I'll kill you, I do not care if you're my twin. I still have kyungmin, you hear me?" Vee said dead seriously, slightly scaring Wooyoung, but he couldn't help but make fun.
"I solemnly swear to never hurt y/n as long as I live, Seargent!" vee punched him one more getting ready to send a very long message to y/n.
Wooyoung arrived back upstairs, two bottles of water in his arms and a few munchies in the other.
"Oh you're a godsend Wooyoung- never thought I'd say that…" You laughed with Wooyoung as he plopped down next to you in bed, putting a movie on and cuddling up to you.
"Sorry, it took so long for us to be friends, Wooyoung. Woo." You sighed, avoiding eye contact with him now, guilt still eating away at you after everything.
"I don't want to be friends." Wooyoung declared, waiting for you to look at him. You shot your head around, confused and concerned.
"What? What do you mean?"
Wooyoung smiled before answering, " I've loved you too long just to be friends, y/n." Tears filled your eyes as you wrapped yourself around him, needing his warmth. "I love you y/n."
"Love you too."
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AHHHH tysm if you made it to the end I hope you enjoyed!!! <33333333 thank you again for 500 followers !!!❤️
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scekrex · 7 months
Found another one hidden behind the cobwebs of my mind :D This time a prompt though, a smutty prompt 😏
Cowboy hat rule but Adam's exterminator mask. Reader being genuinely curious what it looks like inside and how does he see with it on his head, just putting it on while Adam was taking a shower or smth and looked in the mirror, thinking that it looked quite fucking awesome on him. He didn't realise though that Adam got out of shower and now was staring at him, dick absolutely hard seeing his husband wearing his mask that he goes to kill demons in and decides that since he wanted to wear his mask so badly, he's going to fuck him in it. Mask rule instead of the hat rule. Wear the mask, ride the masked man 🤠
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Yeeehaw, might try that rule with ya 🤠😏
Ayo that a promise babes? Might take you up on that xoxo also Adam wasn't riding reader here but he made up for it
In Desire We Trust
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, anal sex, blowjobs, slapping, insulting (kinda?) unprotected & unprepared sex
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Adam had been in the bathroom for quite a while now, he had locked the door about half an hour ago with the info, that he was going to take a quick shower.
And ever since he had left his exterminator mask on the little coffee table in your living room your fingers were tickling to touch it, to put it on and figure out how it worked, because how the fuck did it work? You had been denying yourself that bit of information for far too long so you simply reached out and grabbed it. It looked… interesting. It was dark inside, but you couldn't spot any wires, that was for sure.
With curiosity rushing through your body you stepped over to the full body mirror that was hanging on the wall and put the mask on, eager to find out how the first man was able to see through this thing at all. Once the mask sat on your head comfortably, it immediately mimicked your facial expressions. Holy fuck was that thing accurate. You watched how every little movement was on display on the mask’s digital face and you were absolutely mesmerized by it.
Too caught up by how amazing this thing was, you didn't notice Adam leaving the bathroom. The first man was as naked as he had been back in Eden and the sight of you wearing his mask made him pop an instant boner because holy fucking shit, that thing looked absolutely glorious on you, it was something he wasn't used to at all, but that made it even better. The towel that had hung over his shoulder was dropped as he stepped up behind you.
A small surprised yelp escaped you as his naked arms wrapped around your body, his hands pressed against your chest to bring your back flush against his own chest. His hard dick was grinding firmly against your ass as one hand moved up to your neck. It forced you to tilt your head upwards. Through the mirror in front of you you glanced up at him, the mask mimicking your expression perfectly. “Fuck you look good wearing that mask,” he murmured as he watched your body react in the mirror, no need to look down at you when the mirror showed your body so fucking perfectly. You hummed at that, a wicked grin appeared on the LED screen. “Of course I fucking do,” you cockily responded, your ass moved in synch with his dick which drew pretty sounding gasps from the tall man behind you. “Wanna bend you over, grab you by the horns ‘n’ fuck you,” his voice was dripping from lust and the twitch that went through his dick only underlined his words. You liked that thought, very much so.
“Then fucking do it, coward.”
Oh and Adam was on it in an instant, the hand around your throat tightened a little as his other hand slid inside your pants to wrap around your dick, a moan fell from your lips as your eyes fell shut in pleasure and your body started to chase the friction Adam was providing. You had given the first man a challenge and Adam was no one to chicken out or back down, especially when it came to fucking your brains out. “You never fucking learn it, babes,” he purred in sheer delight at your reaction, a sharp grin on his lips as he watched the expression on the mask change. Your mouth was slightly agape, your eyes still closed and your eyebrows were raised. “Always so fucking cocky only to moan my name like the fucking whore you are moments later,” the hand that was stroking your dick slowed down before he withdrew his hand entirely from your erection. A shudder ran through your body.
“I’m gonna fuck you right here so that you can see how fucking godly you look while I fuck your brains out,” he hummed in your ear and you watched his eyes which were focused on your lips. Oh dear lord how you wanted to hold him accountable to his words, how you wanted nothing more than for him to fuck you braindead. The hand that had been stroking your dick grabbed a hold of one of the horns that were attached to the mask and while the thing would definitely need some deep cleaning later, Adam couldn't bring himself to care in the slightest at that moment, he was too focused on your body's reaction to his own. He firmly pulled the horn backwards which resulted in the back of the mask hitting his chest harshly, the brunette didn't seem to mind though given the chuckle he let out as a comment to the whimper that fell from your lips at the sudden movement. “Y’know I might get you your own,” his finger tapped the horn as if he was actually thinking about it. But before you could comment or even react to that the LED face of the mask mirrored your surprised expression as Adam yanked your pants down, your underwear was quick to follow. “Color?” the first man asked to check in on you - a thing you had talked about at the beginning of your relationship, right after figuring out each other's kinks. Consent was key and therefore consent was fucking hot. “Green,” you breathed out heavily as you kicked off your shoes and stepped out of the fabric that had been covering your lower body half just moments ago, leaving you in nothing but a band shirt you had stolen from Adam years ago. Your hands reached for the hem of the shirt in order to remove it but Adam stopped you, the hand on the horn catched both of your wrists easily and held them high above your head to prevent you from undressing yourself fully. “You stay like that. Only wearing my fucking shit,” oh and how he loved that thought, how he was able to drown in it even, you only dressed in things that belonged to him and him alone, just like you did. “Possessive, aren't we?” you teased the taller man behind you and earned yourself a squeeze on your throat for that comment, it had still been worth it. “Oh you fucking know it,” he simply responded.
His hand that had been wrapped around your throat the entire time finally let go and you inhaled deeply, dear god, how sweet air could taste. Instead he placed his large palm on your shoulder and forced you to bend over, your hands braced against the mirror to steady your body as soon as Adam released them and the LED face of the mask started to glitch a little with how many emotions were on your face. Adam noticed and decided spontaneously to find out how big the glitches could get. The free hand slapped your ass firmly, causing you to yelp in pain. Through the mirror you saw a hint of concern appear in his eyes and you were quick to assure him you were okay by grinding your naked ass against his erection.
While your own was painfully hard and arched for attention, you had learned to be patient, at least sometimes. He applied a little pressure onto your shoulder, “Stay.” A nod from you seemed to be enough confirmation for now because both of his hands grabbed your ass cheeks and spread them. He appeared eager today because there was neither preparation physically nor magically as you felt the tip of his dick brush against your hole, a shudder went through your body and a whimper fell from your lips. “Fuck, Adam,” you moaned as the LED face that the man was seeing displayed lust, nothing but pure lust that was underlined by glitches, “I can fucking take it.”
And that had seemed to be what he had wanted to hear because once the words had crossed your lips, he was slowly pushing his hips forwards, burying himself inside of you. A devine moan fell from Adam's lips at the sight and he couldn't help but stare. At you wearing his mask, at him sliding inside of you, spreading your insides in the nicest way possible. “Fucking right,” you growled through clenched teeth with a smirk on your lips, “Moan for me, bitch.” Adam hasn't expected such a comment from you and couldn't help it when his head fell backwards and another holy moan fell from his soft, tempting lips. Oh fuck, the things your words did to him.
A whine of your name escaped him and his hands moved from your ass to the horns of his mask, he pulled on them harshly, clearly filled with excitement, lust and loss of control. Within a blink your back was pressed flush against his chest again as his dick finally bottomed out inside of you, a delightful hum was what Adam got in return. You were biting your lip to keep yourself as quiet as possible, the first man clearly didn't like it, “Stop that fucking shit and moan for me you whore.” You couldn't stop the bitchy reply, “Yeah well if you'd fuck me properly I would be screaming your name already.” Adam stopped in his tracks for a second and looked at you perplexed through the mirror. Fuck. Had you overstepped? Had it been too much?
But then his grip shifted yet again, one hand found its spot on your hip bone, his grip hard enough to leave bruises while the other came up to your throat yet again. He leaned down a little, his chin now resting on the mask's horns as he spoke, “You bratty little fucker better shut your fucking mouth.” And without a warning his hips started to move, not softly like he would have done if you had just shut up, no, his pace was bruising, hard and rough yet quick at the same time. It physically knocked the air out of your lungs and when the first dick to ever be created finally found your sweet spot and penetrated it again and again and again, you knew you were done for, you knew you lost the fight for dominance, not that there had ever been a serious competition. “Adam,” you moaned as your hands reached behind you, grabbing his hips hard and digging your nails into his skin to keep him close. “Fuck-” your eyes fell shut and your head fell back against his solid chest. Fuck was truly the only proper word to describe how you felt. “Adam please,” you whined because despite being needy and despite having a painfully hard erection, you knew better than to simply touch yourself. You had already been playing with fire earlier and you really wanted to cum, so you weren't willing to take yet another risk. “Fucking touch me already,” you begged the first man and Adam truly never could get enough of you begging for him, no matter what it was about. But you begging for his hand to pleasure you was surely one of the things he liked the most. “Be fucking patient and I'll blow you,” he snarled as his balls slapped against your ass again, again, again.
The thought of Adam's lips around your dick made you feel lightheaded - well to be honest the entire situation made you feel lightheaded, especially with the mask covering your face. It wasn't exactly hard to breathe underneath it, quite the opposite actually, yet it felt like there wasn't enough air to pump through your body to keep up with what was happening. “C’mon babes, say it,” he underlined his words with an extra harsh thrust. You gasped in surprise as you gripped his hips even harder, your knees started to weaken and your legs were trembling as you watched him through the mirror. His eyes looked hazy, clouded by lust and love for you and only you, the expression on his face was fucked out and the mask was showing you that your expression was quite similar to his.
“Adam-” “No. Fucking say it,” his eyes darkened a little and oh how you loved it when they did that during sex, your hips thrusted up into nothing, desperately seeking friction. “For fucks sake,” you cussed at him, “I’m not calling you Dickmaster.” The annoyance was visible on the LED face and Adam's lips stretched into a wide, toothy grin, “You just fucking did,” his voice dropped an octave as he continued, “And you're gonna be my good fucking boy and do it again. Seriously this time.” And oh that voice of his shattered every little bit of pride you had stored up inside of you and you felt your knees giving out underneath you. Adam's arm was quick to wrap around you, to prevent you from falling. “Fucking admit it.” “Dickmaster,” you whispered as you tried to control your breathing a little, it was hellish hot underneath that fucking mask and your few was fogged so you barely saw anything. However you felt Adam's body react to your words - well to your word rather. “One more time, speak the fuck up, I want those bitches next door to know who's fucking your brains out.” Your grip on Adam's hips tightened yet again to keep you up on your legs even though that wasn't really necessary considering that he was holding you up, but the little stutter of his hips it earned you made it worth it. “Fucking Dickmaster,” you cried out as his dick hit your prostate extra hard.
Your hands came up to rip the mask off your head but once again the first man stopped you in your tracks, “The mask stays fucking on, babes.” A whine of his name was your answer to his demand and for a second his mind seemed to clear up because the grip on your wrists loosened and his eyes met yours in the mirror. “Color?” Oh how you adored it when he asked for consent and checked on you while also fucking you senseless, because while is face looked concerned, his thrusts didn't slow down in the slightest. “Green.” And with that he pushed your hands away from the mask.
“Gonna fucking paint your insides,” he mumbled once his attention had been shifted back to what you were doing. “Fuck, please-” you wanted that, wanted him to mark you up and paint you in white liquid. His hand still didn't move to touch you, not even when he groaned that he was close and you just took it. He had promised you a blowjob after all and you weren't gonna miss out on that.
And then he buried himself deep down inside of you, his nails dug into your hips as his orgasm knocked the air out of his lungs and his energy drained rapidly. He fucked the sticky liquid as deep in as physically possible, your name on his lips as he covered your insides in his cum.
Once his breathing slowed down again and the clouds that had covered his eyes lifted, he pulled out, grinning at your whine at the emptiness you were met with. “Adam,” you begged with need in your eyes, the emotion strong enough to make Adam's mask glitch, more extreme than it had been before and then the yellow LED face disappeared and Adam was met with a blank screen as he spun you around in his arms to face you.
The first man was quick to remove the mask from your head and toss it aside, that was a problem for later.
Adam pushed you backwards until your back was pressed against cold glass, you let out a hiss at the unpleasant feeling as cum streamed down your legs. But Adam didn't care. He dropped to his knees within a heartbeat and without giving you the slightest bit of a warning, his mouth opened and his soft lips wrapped around your angry red erection.
Oh what a relief the heat of Adam's mouth was, you knew it wouldn't take you long, that there was no chance you could last and still you grabbed a fistful of Adam's hair and fucked his throat harshly. The sin of lust had taken over your body completely and everything you did was because your body screamed at you to do it. But Adam let you. He let you fuck his throat, for fucks sake he moaned around your dick in the most delicious way possible, sending vibrations through your body. And that was all you needed. That simple little stimulation sent you over the edge and you couldn't bring your body to pull out of his mouth or give him a warning at least. A loud, throaty moan of his name erupted from your lips and your head hit against the cold glass behind you as you came down Adam's throat.
And he swallowed it all, of fucking course he did. Show off. He made sure your dick was all clean when he got up and whipped his mouth with the back of his hand, a proud grin on his lips. “Now that's my good boy,” he hummed, sounding just as proud as he looked, before leaning down and catching your lips in a much softer kiss. It tasted bitter and salty, your cum still on his tongue. His tongue that had just entered your mouth. Yet you moaned into the kiss, pushed yourself away from the mirror and against his hot body.
“Looks like you showered for nothing,” and while you tried to sound disappointed, Adam caught onto what you were implying immediately. “Mhm, seems like we have to take one together, can't fucking leave you all messy, babes.
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