#but probably a larger proportion than anyone else who makes these kinds of lists does
sabakos · 1 year
By a strange series of events, you are put in charge of a university's gen Ed "philosophy" program; what reading do you assign?
So the responsible thing to do here would be to make a well-balanced list of books that covers the "History of Ideas" in the West from Homer to Heidegger. But that's a well-travelled path and I'm assuming that this strange series of events does not presume any sort of responsibility on my part.
So instead, I'm taking the opportunity to recruit a bunch of unwitting "Great Books" undergrads to revive a philosophical movement that died out in the 6th century when Justinian effectively banned it.
Year 1
In the first year, students will develop a mastery of the ancient greek language, with a focus on texts that cover broad topics that do not require much prior knowledge or background, using Simplicius' commentaries as textbooks that can provide any needed context.
Semester 1
Hansen and Quinn - Greek: An Intensive Course
Liddell, Scott, and Jones - A Greek-English Lexicon
Xenophon - Anabasis, Hellenica, Cyropaedeia, Memorabilia
Herodotus - Histories
An Introduction to Logic
Porphyry - Isagoge
Aristotle - Categories, On Interpretation
Simplicius - Commentary on Aristotle's Categories
An Introduction to Ethics
Pythagoras - Golden Verses
Hierocles - Commentary on the Golden Verses
Epictetus - Enchiridion
Simplicius - Commentary on the Enchiridion of Epictetus
Semester 2
Georg Autenreith - A Homeric Dictionary
Homer - Odyssey, Iliad
An Introduction to Platonism
Theon of Alexandria - Mathematics Useful for the Reading of Plato
Anonymous Prolegomena to Platonic Philosophy
Plato - Alcibiades I, Gorgias, Phaedo
Porphyry - Sententiae
An Introduction to Physics
Aristotle - Physics, On the Heavens
Simplicius - Commentary on Physics, Commentary on the Heavens
Year 2
In the second year, students will translate the major works of Euripides and Aristophanes and work their way through the majority of the Iamblichean curriculum. Readings may be supplemented by Plotinus' Enneads where relevant as time permits.
Semester 1
Hesiod - Works and Days, Theogony
Homeric Hymns to Demeter, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hermes
Euripides - Alcestis, Medea, Hippolytus, Andromache, Hecuba
Aristophanes - The Acharnians, The Knights, The Clouds, The Wasps, Peace
Platonic Logic
Heraclitus - Fragments
Anonymous Commentary on the Theaetetus
Parmenides - The Way of Truth
Plato - Cratylus, Theatetus, Sophist, Statesman
An Introduction to Theology
Damascius - On First Principles
Aristotle - Metaphysics
Alexander - Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics
Syrianus - Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics
Semester 2
Pindar - Odes
Euripides - Trojan Women, Phoenician Women, Orestes, The Bacchae
Aristophanes - Thesmophoriazusae, Lysistrata, The Birds, The Frogs
Menander - Dyskolos
Platonic Ethics
Plato - Philebus, Symposium, Phaedrus
Damascius - Lectures on the Philebus
Introduction to Pythagoreanism
Iamblichus - On Pythagoreanism
Nicomachus - Introduction to Arithmetic
Sallustius - On the Nature of the World and the Cosmos
Year 3
The third year focuses on the "Perfect" Dialogues - each semester consists of a single course focusing on a single major Platonic dialogue. Students will work their way through the Proclean commentaries on each and write their own commentary on the Parmenides.
Semester 1
Plato's Timaeus
Plutarch - On the Generation of the World-Soul in the Timaeus
Alcinous - Handbook of Platonism
Proclus - Elements of Physics
Plato - Timaeus
Anonymous - Timaeus of Locri
Proclus - Commentary on Timaeus
Semester 2
Plato's Parmenides
Proclus - Elements of Theology
Plato - Parmenides
Proclus - Commentary on Parmenides
Proclus - Platonic Theology
Year 4
Students will learn the basics of allegorical interpretation from Porphyry, Philo, and Cornutus, and then apply this knowledge to the plays of Aeschylus and Sophocles, using Proclus' Hymns, and work on the Republic as a model. This year also provides a brief background into the historical practice of theurgy.
Semester 1
Introduction to Allegorical Commentary
Porphyry - On the Cave of the Nymphs, Homeric Questions
Philo of Alexandria - Questions and Answers on Genesis
Cornutus - Compendium of Greek Theology
Introduction to Theurgy
Plutarch - On Isis and Osiris
Hermes Trismegistus - The Perfect Discourse, The Pupil of the Cosmos
Porphyry - Letter to Anebo
Iamblichus - On the Mysteries
Julian - Hymn to the Mother of the Gods
Semester 2
Political Philosophy
Plato - Republic
Proclus - Commentary on the Republic
Drama, Theurgy, and Allegory
Proclus - Hymns
Orphic Hymns
Aeschylus - Oresteia, Persians, Seven Against Thebes, Suppliants
Sophocles - Ajax, Antigone, Oedipus Rex, Philoctetes
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Gift Fic!!
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A very happy birthday to my dear @vkelleyart !! A little something to brighten your day and hopefully make you laugh!
I’ve Been Everywhere
I don’t think I would have given them a second look if it wasn’t for the wings.
You see a lot of unusual cosplay at Ren Faires. You see a lot of cleavage too, but I’m not going to complain about that.
Some of the cosplay is amateur, homemade, but still in the mood of the whole thing, you know? And some of it is expert level, seriously slick.
Those wings were something else. Those wings were magic.
It’s hard to spot Speakers. They blend in, glamour the obvious, layer on the mundanity, making it nearly impossible to catch even a glimmer of the magic they hold. They go out of their way to do it, to mask the magic.
Not these three. At least not in the usual way.
Granted they looked pretty run-of-the-mill at first sight—a chubby, Middle-eastern looking girl in something like anime cosplay, what with that school uniform look. The tall, dark-haired guy with the Anne Rice, modern vamp vibe. My eyes almost slid over the stocky dude with them–he was just so ordinary looking .
Until those wings popped.
Maybe that should have been my clue. The ordinary. But it didn’t feel like the way Speakers usually mask it.
Because once I took a good look at them, they were practically leaking magic everywhere. Like they failed a Subtlety of Magic class or something. Do they have classes for Speakers? Like schools where they learn to control the magic and filter it, to hide it in plain sight?
I wonder. I’ve never heard about anything like that on the message boards.
These guys would obviously be dropouts, if they actually do have schools like that. They could use a semester of Remedial Magical Skills 101 or whatever they’d call it.
Those wings got my attention. They looked so real, even from a distance. Fluid. Not like the mechanical stuff I’ve seen before. And there was that weird thrum in the air when they popped out.
I mean, I’m not saying I can sense Speakers or anything, but there’s definitely been a change since the whole demon incident. Like I crossed a threshold or something, with magical beings? Like a veil was lifted, maybe.
I can spot them a lot better. Most of the time.
These three though. They didn’t look like much at first glance but they may as well have had SPEAKERS tattooed on their foreheads, the way they were acting. As if I could stay away from that.
I don’t know what was up with all that nonsense they were doing at the Faire. Wands out in the open. Magical words flying. Poorly, at that.
They really must be dropouts or complete dumb-asses or have gone rogue or something. No magicians would ever risk being so blatantly obvious with their magic.
I mean, I’ve followed other Speakers before and I’ve never seen a hint of a wand or heard a whisper of a spell cast out loud. I’ve read up on it—on the web, on the message boards, heard from other people who were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the magic workers doing their thing.
I’ve managed a few words with one or two myself.
But they’re evasive, secretive. They don’t talk about magic, they don’t even admit they’re magic. And they most certainly don’t go around sprouting functional dragon wings, decapitating fellow vampires with funky spells and using wands in public.
I’d be surprised if these three aren’t on some delinquent wanted list.
I trailed them when they left the Faire. For a whole mess of reasons.
They’re intriguing, for one. I’ve always wanted to know more about Speakers. These guys, they’re so out of control, so careless with it. I thought maybe this was finally my chance. My chance to get in with Speakers, find out what I can about them. Research, you know?
They’re nothing like the ones I’ve read about, the ones I’ve sweet-talked into spending a bit of time with me.
A witch-girl who decapitates first, asks questions later.
Berserker fly-boy.
And then that magical vampire. That’s a new one. A vampire with a wand. Who kills other vampires. I’d have said they were some sort of elite, covert, vampire infiltration squad, what with the decapitation and dusting they unleashed a few hours ago on the local Dracula crowd.
If they weren’t so completely inept at the covert part of that equation.
Maybe they’ve got something to do with the Next Blood.
Not that I got a chance to ask. They bugged out of there before I could get close enough to start chatting, introduce myself, get a conversation going.
They probably wouldn’t have given me the time of day, being magicians. Even though I helped that homely Edward Cullen wannabe with his spell. He’d have been dusted if I hadn’t.
I get why he chose to stick with the vampire cosplay. I mean, I can see it. Camouflage yourself in plain sight. It makes sense. Puts people off your trail.
He’s pale. And he’s got a widow’s peak.
But still. The circles under his eyes kind of detract from the look. And that crooked nose. It’s kind of the first thing you notice—it really takes over his face, like he’s all nose. Overly groomed eyebrows, far too heavy with the foundation, and then that honker. Yeah. He’s no Edward Cullen, that’s for sure.
I can’t believe they’re driving right into a Quiet Zone. You’d think they’d know what a bad idea that is. But then again, these three seem mighty clueless for magicians. Or vampires. Or harpy hybrids. Whatever they are.
It was quick thinking by Edward (I’m just going to call him Edward, it’s easier) to act like it was all a show. That might work for run-of-the-mill Normals. But anyone like me—or a demon in disguise, any Maybe really–wouldn’t be fooled.
Not with them spilling magic like that. I’ve never seen anything like it. Spells, magic fire, the dude bro guy literally flying. (I’m going to call him Kevin, it’s easier.)
It was unreal.
I flash the brights. I don’t know how to get these idiots to pull over. If they’re driving right at it, they’ve got no clue what trouble they’re getting themselves into.
I flash the brights again. The Mustang just speeds up.
Mustangs aren’t made for late night drag races on gravel. I try to stay close behind. They come back onto the main road just before the Henge.
Well, that’s it. Just crossed into the Quiet Zone.
I speed up.
The Mustang practically does a donut as it turns into the parking lot. No idea how to drive either. They need more than some friendly advice–they need a handler. Like a chaperone or something.
I pull up in front of them. Cut the engine and the lights. Get out.
They don’t trust me but at least they let me get them out of that mess with Jeff Arnold. Never a good idea to cross Jeff or any of his posse.
And I was right about this crew. They are careless. The girl–Penny–she just magicked her way in here, into this hotel room, without a care in the world. Then she cast half a dozen spells on the other two. Simon and Baz. (I’ll have to stop calling them Kevin and Edward in my head.)
Spell after spell, to try to get the skunk funk off. It’s not as bad as it was, I’ll say that. Not as good as it would have been if we’d had tomato soup, but I doubt there’s a spell for bringing bathtubs of soup into existence.
She just cast them all in front of me, like I didn’t even exist. I expect they’re going to try something on me. I wouldn’t put it past them. They’re not masking their distrust, I can tell you that. Not the first time I’ve dealt with that and I’m sure not the last. I’m used to it by now.
These three don’t seem to be following any set playbook, just reacting to situations as they come up. I suppose you could call it resourceful and bold, but that doesn’t fly with the local Maybes or the resident Speakers.
Not the way it’s supposed to be done. There’ll be a reckoning if they don’t watch out.
That’s where I come in, if I can smooth talk them well enough to get past their defenses. Penny’s fierce, I’ll give her that. Put a proverbial knife to my throat while I was driving the getaway car. I don’t know if that’s sheer bravado or stupid desperation. Probably both.
I should be able to bring her around. If she ever lets me get to talking, that is.
They all look like hell. Grubby, exhausted, the faint aroma of skunk still clinging to them.
I’m right about Baz though. He’s a vampire, no question. Took a chestful of shotgun pellets and lived to tell. I don’t know if lived is necessarily the right word.
Survived might be more accurate. I know people call them the undead but I didn’t really believe it until I got up close and personal with this guy. Scrawnier than the Twilight vamps and a lot less sparkly, for one. Almost as fast though, when he was running alongside the truck.
But there’s a weird innocence to him. I don’t know if that’s the right word.
I mean, he’s fierce too. Cold as ice, grimly menacing. Certainly not afraid to play with fire, which seems a bit risky to me, considering.
No qualms about incinerating his own kind, that’s for sure.
I’ve seen vampires before, from a distance. Like the ones at the Faire. They’re pale and arrogant, powerful and vicious.
None of them ever looked quite this lost.
He and Penny collapsed on the bed by the window almost as soon as we got in the room. I hadn’t pegged them as a pair, but it works, I guess, if you squint.
Opposites attract, so they say.
And they are opposites, at least in looks. He’s tall and lanky, pale as the moon, all sharp edges. She’s short and round, warm brown skin, warm brown eyes. At least they’re warm when she’s looking at the two of them. They’re blazing and accusatory when they’re on me, that’s for sure.
Still, they’re nice eyes.
Edward’s—I mean Baz’s—nose is even more noticeable up close. It’s like they fitted him with the wrong size? Like it was made for a much larger person. Someone with a broader face. And it’s too high, like it needs to be shoved down a half inch. That’d probably make the proportions even worse, what with that wide mouth of his.
Was his mouth always that way, I wonder? Or did it get bigger because of the fangs?
I have so many questions.
Doesn’t look like I’m getting any answers tonight. Penny and Baz fall asleep in minutes, not even bothering to get under the covers.
So it’s just me and Winged Victory over here. He’s got his back to the door, like some threatening sphinx guarding the exit.
The sphinx I ran into last March was far more attractive.
I can’t tell if Simon’s got freckles in his acne scars or scars on his freckles. In any event he’s got literal craters on his face. And so many freckles. Big ones, small ones, clusters of them.
It’s like some pint-sized Jackson Pollock shook a paint-laden brush at him. Repeatedly.
I don’t know what to make of him. He was like some Biblical avenging angel, wielding cosplay swords like they were the real thing this afternoon. Staking vampires like it’s his literal job.
I don’t know. Maybe it is.
Simon’s got a scar that runs down across his left eyebrow. Splits it in two, with a little bare patch in the middle. His arms are crossed over his chest at the moment. He’s got scars all over them too--wide, silvery scars. Thin pale ones. Puckered gouges that look like they were left by claws.
He’s glaring at me, but I’m used to that from Maybes. At least until they get to know me.
I just smile back.
read it at ao3
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biophytopharm · 5 years
Principal Chinese Herb Types
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Principal Chinese Herb Types
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Anyone who has walked into a Chinese herbal shop and experienced the aromas, and the impressive number of herbs available, can tell you the depth of knowledge and the tradition of medicinal herbs is unparalleled in Western culture. Gaining popularity In modern times Chinese herbal medicine has been an increasingly interesting area of study for contemporary scientific investigators. The surge in popularity in Holistic approaches to health and lifestyle has put Chinese herbal practice into the middle of our new look at what it means to get and stay healthy. The literally thousands of years of experience, organization, and observation of the positive effects of herbs, herb essential oils, and other herbal combinations offers an intriguing alternative to today’s health-conscious individual. Holistic health It should always be remembered that Chinese medicinal herbology does not exist in a vacuum. That is, there are no herbs that by themselves, will make you thinner or cure any digestive problem, or miraculously increase your basic energy level. Chinese herbs and their use are but one part of a philosophy of life that includes diet, lifestyle, and spiritual well being. The use of herbal preparations and remedies must always be considered as part of this larger picture of a balanced life. One of the basic understandings that Chinese herbal practitioners have discovered is that herbs should be approached not only as occasionally utilized medicines or cures but also as part of a regular well thought out diet. Herbs are thought of as highly concentrated foods, essential to life and a sense of well-being. Many Chinese herbs are used in cooking and are important ingredients in recipes. Popular herbs One of the most well known Chinese herbs now days is Gin Seng – known as an energy enhancer. Ginseng has enjoyed a surge in popularity. You should know, however, that herbalists do not consider Ginseng useful for all people. Again it depends on the whole picture of the person’s lifestyle. Other popular herbs are Ginger preparations, Lotus seed, Fox-nut, Cardomon, and Jujuba – there are entirely too many herbal remedies to list here. A thorough study and good information will help you understand all the potential uses of herbs in your diet and lifestyle. Chinese herbal medicine and supplements are based on the Yin-Yang principle, that is, a world of opposites that must be brought into balance. That’s the word to remember: “balance.” Using Chinese herbs offers you a new way to help center your health on an ancient proven tradition that provides for the health of the complete person. Traditional Chinese Medicine Resources – Distribution Types Far East’s sweet part than the weighty national container, discover denuded plateau, hills in addition to lower mountains, commonly handed out for the Altai, Tianshan, Qilian, Kunlun since Altun mountain/hill steppe sector, for example, lower an area of the Tianshan Mountains, for example, top to bottom factories Spectral everyday use together with the baseband can desert. From inside the management splitting on the western leave outdoor areas, inclusive of Runner Mongolia, Gansu and as well Ningxia near northwest, west and consequently Qinghai, Xinjiang, Altai Hills and also-also the Kunlun Hills, except for inside the high altitude the rest of the elements of Asia’s total staff location in which involves 1 / 5, which usually sweet as Gobi areas with reference to 100 million block kms. Significantly arid desert weather conditions as unwelcoming topsoil salinity encouraged multiple location classes unfavorable plant life program is easy to rare, most often through an involving mega-xerophytic herbal arrangement, a lot xeric sort of trees, merely very often degraded or maybe it leaves behind (and/or maybe reducing offices) with somewhat-bushes maybe minuscule timber. Purely consists of vegetation communities inside of South America, along with Important Parts Of Asia as well as antique Mediterranean Sea parts, predominantly by a few groups of house plants, that Chenopodiaceae Asteraceae is considered to be temperate desert location very specific companies of these two most crucial, gone by Zygophyllaceae, pinto beans organizations in addition sod, tamarisk individuals and their families, Polygonaceae, ephedra Side, Caryophyllaceae, Convolvulaceae, as well as account for big proportion; alternate organizations while using fruit significantly. Vegetation attention premium of the 5 to finally 20%, as pond dunes as 50% plus, generally speaking with 10%. Chenopodiaceae A Great Deal genus along with species of seedlings, represent a selection of wilderness communities, where ever medicinal vegetation is essentially small (suo suo, suo suo whitened), genus Salsola (Salsola bead, woody scoparia cookware), anabasine is really (little Anabasis aphylla), Ceratoides (F. arborescens) and/or halophytes get Kalidium (Kalidium), salicornia (Salicornia), S. salsa definitely is (Suaeda), and as well wasteland house plants Shami, in addition to Zygophyllum (wood Overlord) in addition , Nitraria simply. Leguminosae Caragana remedy posses kids are (Caragana, Caragana young), Oxytropis (Oxytropis thorns), Hedysarum (Hedysarum Mongolia, waste Hedysarum), Glycyrrhiza (licorice, Glycyrrhiza inflate) , and holly now. Polygonaceae medication should be Calligonum spp. Tamaricaceae practice of medicine is probably Tamarix yet Reaumuria then. Division prescription drugs ephedra Ephedra przewalskii, for example. have always been. A Number Of People create Salicaceae Populus euphratica, Elaeagnus angustifolia Elaeagnus varieties of classes.
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The bradenton area recognized natural herbs tend to be licorice, ephedra, Ningxia wolfberry, Cistanche, Xinjiang euchroma, precious metal Bupleurum, together with the expectations Xinjiang Codonopsis, Wuqia Fritillaria, Wushi seas buckthorn, mulberry Turpan, Atushi figs, grapes soso, poon holes, chickpeas, or anything else. Cynomorium combined with Elaeagnus angustifolia. And also, you will have with regard to medicinal Gentiana Puhuang, reed, Apocynum, D., ferulic, chinensis child, compacted snow lotus, gentian,? Gather, front, Tribulus terrestris, Hong Qing Lan, Motherwort, Yan Chen, dandelion, artificial leather rod Liu, orange sand mustard, M., skullcap, Inula Britannica, Mongolia almond, puffball, Peganum harmala, Arctium, Cuscuta, Orobanche, fruits, Vaccaria and many others, routinely Perhaps the leave grassland varieties. Exactly How natural herbs operating in Far Eastern wolfberry virtually all conspicuous, through safflower, Ibe mothers, astragalus, licorice and thus magical Bupleurum. And Also unveiled their 20 kinds of currency types, like chrysanthemum, Angelica, Radix, Far Eastern yam, honeysuckle, melon wilt, Sophora japonica, Rehmannia also Peony and so. Growth associated people medicinal drugs, dunkelhrrutige your lawn, almond, soso grapes, coriander, Elaeagnus, A Very Yu Wei, figs, cumin but fennel, or anything else.. Using the Kunlun Mountain Range, Altun different alpine desert, dry, continental temperatures consisting of heavy circulation Lithospermum Xinjiang nope, incorrect Lithospermum, Xinjiang, Codonopsis, Licorice, Hedysarum, seabuckthorn, Rhodiola, Saussurea alpine , hands ginseng, compacted snow lotus, various Yeqing Lan, Nardostachy Chinensis Batal, alpine gentian, Xinjiang Notopterygium, Xinjiang self-reliance actions, online heartbeat rhubarb, Polygonum, alpine clematis, clematis, Gansu also Qinghai, Alpine Aster, Ephedra przewalskii as well as also report on ephedrine, . Healing reptiles in this region scarlet deer, musk deer, flight squirrels, he, wild rear end, as well as geese gazelle, wolves, crazy free, donkeys, livestock, lambs, chickens, hedgehogs, scorpion, horsefly worms, leeches, Organic Green toads, bees. Therapeutic Gypsum, sulfur, mica, Fulong busy, jade, actinolite together with water lower stone backsplashes, calamine, Xuan Jing Shi, Glauber’s sodium, talc, shot goose be in charge of, magnetic field, Daqing salts additionally natural real estate agent. Follow us: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Read the full article
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