#but ppl i'm trying to connect with on the friend level
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biff-adventurer · 3 months ago
y'all... y'all... i promise, grammar rules aren't there to hurt you... please start a new paragraph for every new speaker... it's not that i don't wanna understand... it's that i literally can't brain b/c i don't share the same brain with you... please i beg you
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necrotic-nephilim · 6 months ago
Roytim is such a fun crack rarepair for me! Dick’s best friend sleeping with/dating Dick’s baby brother Timmy is 10/10 drama on a more personal note than I’d picture it with Jason. Absolutely no shade I just have always read Dick as being more protective of Tim and Damian.
Do you have any Roytim headcanons to share? <3
oh i LOVE RoyTim on it's own! likely bc i'm just a Tim multishipper and if it fits i ship, but Roy is especially fun via the Dick connection. and i 1000% agree, *especially* pre-Flashpoint, would even argue it's outright canon that Dick is far more protective of Tim and Damian than he ever was with Jason (not out of dislike, but simply bc Dick and Jason were never all that close and the tragedy of losing Jason was losing what could've been, not what he already had) and especially with Jason as Red Hood, Dick holds no particular protective brotherly feelings toward him. it's all Tim and Damian. so you're so right, the drama of RoyTim is just a smidge more upped than of JayRoy and i'd love to share headcanons-
i think it makes for a fun "crush on your older brother's friend" situation. where like. Tim knows it's unrealistic and he has no *actual* intentions to chase it when he's just 15/16 and Roy and Dick are in their twenties, often hanging out around Tim. and Roy is handsome, he's funny, he's similar in personality to ppl Tim has dated (Steph, Kon) so, it's a crush. one that he hides *well* and never makes it Dick or Roy's problem, and one Tim never expects to pan out. he just fantasizes about Roy a little bit and mostly grows out of it by the time he's an adult.
i think more fics need Lian, so i like the idea of them co-parenting Lian. especially if they're both. sort of bad at it. like Roy loves her and he's trying, but he's doing this basically alone and it's not like he has experience. Tim also has no experience. neither of them know what on earth to do. it's a very cute idea that just relies on the two of them being terrible at parenting and Roy getting so mad that the first time Lian says "dada" she says it to Tim that he considers breaking up for a good five minutes.
how they get together can happen in a lot of ways, but i'm interested in the idea of Dick asking Roy to talk to Tim during Tim's Red Robin arc. Roy has experience helping kids through his work helping young addicts and nothing else has worked, so he offers to at least try with Tim. and Roy, who also doesn't handle grief well, understands at least some of what Tim is going through. especially since Roy dealt with Oliver dying and then suddenly coming back, he's at least open to the idea Bruce could be alive. he's just around to try and help Tim keep some emotional stability, but it ends up with Roy helping with the search and somehow, falling for Tim along the way
they go to sitcom levels of chaos trying to keep the relationship hidden from Dick. they *both* know Dick is far too protective of Tim to react well to it. but also, i think Roy would get *just* a bit of an ego about sleeping with Tim under Dick's nose. he makes a point of strutting around when Dick invites him over, finding reasons to be shirtless just to make Tim squirm a little bit. it's that sort of kink where you're excited about the risk of being caught. that fits these two so well and i can't explain it.
because Roy is used to mentoring younger heroes, i think he would have a bigger than normal moral panic about dating Tim. he fights his feelings for a *while*, to the point Tim can tell Roy is fighting his feelings and he's trying to convince Roy he's fine with this. Tim telling Roy about his childhood crush does not help. it makes Roy feel *worse*. it makes them take things very slowly, and i could see Roy being the type to never fully touch Tim until Tim is 18, no matter how much Tim insists it's okay.
i do think they have unhinged sex when they actually get into it though. no matter how sure Roy is that he'll be gentle the first time, the minute he gets his hands on Tim, it is feral. there is blood and foul dirty talk and Tim cannot walk the next day. i think Roy makes for a very mean dom, the type who will make fun of you for being a mess in bed. he just has those vibes, and it works great for getting Tim to just. turn his brain off.
i think Roy, who's struggled with picking hero names before, would be someone to try to force Tim to let go of Red Robin once the whole Bruce thing is over. it's not Tim's name and Tim doesn't need to keep punishing himself with it. Roy is nice about it at first, but then i do think he threatens to set that damn suit on fire if Tim keeps wearing it and doesn't come up with a new hero name. and the worst part is, Tim does know he's serious.
when Dick does find out, chaos. an absolute shitshow. when Roy tells him, Dick punches Roy in the face before he even finishes explaining himself. it's a pure gut reaction. even Bruce isn't as protective over Tim as Dick is. it takes a *lot* of convincing from Tim that it's okay and he wanted this before Dick calms down, and he still doesn't talk to Roy for like a month until the rest of the Titans are forced to hold an intervention reminding Dick of his own dating history with age gaps, like Babs. Dick does cool down, but he is not afraid to stoop to "you're fucking my brother" in an argument bc he wins everytime when he brings it up.
i think Tim is the protective partner. everyone *expects* it to be Roy, he's older and more experienced, but it's Tim who will absolutely lose it if someone threatens Roy's or Lian's life. like not fanonish "committing murder" Tim, but more so canonish "i have a contingency plan for everything" Tim. Roy has had to hold him back a couple times. honestly i think the moral conversations Roy and Tim have are so interesting. because Roy will cross the line for those he loves, so bc of that, Tim is careful to make sure Roy is never in a position where he has to protect Tim bc he knows it would turn lethal quickly. it's a very "i know what you're capable of and you don't scare me but i won't let you become a worse version of yourself bc of me" sort of self preservation vibe. i think it'd be very neat. Tim fights like hell when he's close to death bc his thought is always "i refuse to let Roy feel like he has to avenge me" which i find very crunchy.
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daylighteclipsed · 6 months ago
What's it about cloti that you like? I'm curious, bc we otherwise tend to ship the same things. I love both cloud and tifa, and they have some cute scenes, but I don't feel it with them. Idk if it's because of the truly awful shippers, or something else. For me it feels like sokai in kh 1, I see why ppl ship them and that the narrative is pushing for them to be together, but i don't really care about that aspect of their relationship. Your answer doesn't have to be elaborate or anything, it's genuinely only curiosity on my part. Other than that, how do you like rebirth so far? I know some ppl dropped it pretty fast, bc they didn't like the crazy amount of mini games. Which I get, bc some of them were a hassle, but all in all i still had fun.
Short answer: I really like their individual characters and their complicated friendship and past that Rebirth starts delving more into, and that’s made me warm up very quickly to the romance between them.
Long answer: Cloud and Tifa’s dynamic is so interesting to me in Rebirth. I feel like the game does a good job of pulling back the curtain on a relationship that up to this point has been summed up as “childhood friends” to reveal how much more complicated it is than that. Imo, these are two people who have always yearned to know each other but never really have. They were friendly when they were very young, it seems, like under the age of 7. Then, Cloud started pulling away, and Tifa has never understood why. And they haven’t been able to really reconnect since then, made all the more difficult by Sephiroth and Shinra.
FF7 pushes romantic angles with both Tifa and Aerith, which I don’t really love tbh. I do wish it was a little more toned down and optional. But I really like the sense of yearning and desire to connect that threads Cloud and Tifa’s entire relationship — and the consistent symbolism of reaching for each other, trying to bridge that physical and emotional gap between them (usually when one is about to literally or figuratively fall), that goes with it. I like watching them bond and get to know each other now, so many years later, as best as they can (considering Cloud’s memories and sense of self are all screwed up), while navigating the unique trauma of being two of the only survivors of the massacre of their village. I like their mutual support, how they take turns supporting/grounding/saving each other.
I like that memories play such a big role, that they both have precious memories of each other that are key to who they are and which no one else knows. Fucking love when Tifa falls into the Lifestream and she realizes Cloud tried to save her from crossing the metaphorical bridge of death/falling when they were kids, and you see how much the past seems to parallel the present with their roles reversed this time. I want to see the whole memory so much. I don’t know if we ever will, but man. I really feel like even if Cloud couldn’t stop Tifa from falling, he must’ve saved her from drowning. There’s a river below that bridge, right? She hit her head and presumably passed out — someone had to keep her head above water, and he was the only one there because he refused to abandon her… I think, metaphorically, that’s pretty much what’s gonna happen in the game. I don’t think Tifa is gonna be able to catch Cloud from falling, but I think she’s gonna hold his head above water when they hit the bottom.
Sorry, I’ve been thinking about this part so much shsbdbsbs I just feel like it’s so interesting and crucial to the story. I think it really helps Tifa understand what’s going on with Cloud and Sephiroth on a level the others don’t. She’s much more conscious of Cloud’s behavior and notices the distinctions between Cloud and Sephiroth. She’s usually the first to notice when something’s not right and intervene.
I like that Tifa is established as the truth to Sephiroth’s lies and the one who can kinda “wake” Cloud up because, unlike everyone else, Tifa was there when Sephiroth (and Zack and Cloud) came to town and Tifa has seen what Cloud was like before the Jenova cells/false persona (even if she’s never been able to fully understand him). She’s the only one stopping Cloud from losing complete touch with reality, which is why Sephiroth is trying to undermine her credibility and eliminate her.
Like it’s really obvious, to me, that if Cloud and Tifa could properly reconnect by finally understanding the past and each other, Sephiroth’s manipulation wouldn’t work. Like, you know in the Loveless play how the bad guy’s weakness is true love. And then the hero (Cloud) and whoever is playing the princess (I had Tifa) try to declare their love, and it doesn’t work. The bad guy just laughs and says their love is an illusion or whatever? That’s what’s going on in the game, I think. I do think they love each other, but they don’t understand each other yet, Cloud isn’t even sure who he is, his identity is scrambled eggs, so it’s not a complete or true love. They have to bridge that gap, discover the truth and really meet. You know what I mean?
I still haven’t talked about the actual romantic stuff fbdbdbsbe I’m sorry, romance is usually always secondary to me. Um. I like that Cloud initiates a lot of those intimate moments with Tifa. Other people usually invade his space and make him uncomfortable. But Tifa’s patient with him and doesn’t pressure him. He reaches out to hold her hand and hug her and stuff. He opens up to her about his doubts and fears. It’s sweet how bashful they are, how realistically awkward they are sometimes. Yeah, idk, I just think they’re neat. I want them to understand each other, finally like really know each other, and I like when they hold hands.
As for how I’m enjoying Rebirth as a game (as someone who has never played the og FF7): I’m really loving it. I think it’s so much more fun and interesting than Remake. Love the open world, the different regions, the exploration, side quests, party bonding and banter, chocobos, whatever tf is going on with those protorelics and the Queen’s Blood creator, the battle challenges, Chadley (I know he was in Remake, but I grew more attached to him in this game), the return of other old NPCs, the new ones, the fun silly stuff like the segways in Costa del Sol. Rebirth fleshes the whole world and characters out, and I’m never bored. I have very little complaints. If it sticks the landing, it might be one of my favorite video games. Rip to the mini game haters, but I’m different. (Except the piano. The piano can go fuck itself.)
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xstarlightxstarbrightx · 1 year ago
Neuvi headcanons
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MY BBGRL,,, MY LIL CUTIE MANS WHO I ADORE,,,, i love him so much he's so fuCKIng CUTE dude, lil dragon mans sksmefkhjrshefkj. i swear i'm a normal individual w/ these characters
list of current h/c's: - i feel like he's socially anxious?? like ok, listen, he's GREAT w/ any formal situation, but THE MOMENT it gets casual he PANICs on the inside bc he's like 'wait what's the right and wrong thing to say'. - following that, i feel like when he's in a casual conversation w/ ppl and starts getting panicked, i feel like he's learned to tap his cane twice on the ground to signal to any of his closer companions that he's freaking out. like a "get me out of this situation please" type deal. - this ties into my belief that he's got anxiety regarding smaller scale things. like if he makes a small mistake on something or breaks an object, he feels SO BAD and panics as he tries to figure out how to fix it.
- knowing this, i feel like he feels a bunch of emotions, he just doesn't know how to like,,, put them into words? read below - a yearning for learning,,,, actively seeks out how to label his emotions, but how does one define their feelings? Emotions are not equated to logic, and yet they're a part of human experience, so what is the method to label that which is so intangible yet so real? he doesn't know yet, but he's figuring it out and i'm so proud of him :)c - overprotective in his own way. like he's been putting a lot of stuff on his shoulders so ofc that includes him being sensitive towards people he cares about being harmed. - prideful! he doesn't think he's prideful, he just is Proud Of Things, but tbh i get a bit of a "dragon pride" vibe from him. it's silly goofy and rears up the most around certain Archons. - GOOD DAD. NEUVI IS SUCH A GOOD DAD. IF A MELUSINE COMES UP TO HIM TO TALK ABT A THING, HE IS THE MOST ATTENTIVE LISTENER. HE'LL ASK QUESTIONS, TOO, TO TRY AND LEARN MORE. oUGH i love him he's SUCH a gOOD DAD - afraid of losing everything; Neuvi didn't really realize he had so much to lose until he almost lost it, and now he's like even more scared to lose anything else. - anxious of closer connections. Neuvi wants to be closer to people; he really likes humanity, and he wants to reach out to people. but he's afraid, bc if they ever err away from the side of justice, they may end up in his court. no matter what happens, then, is him sentencing them not a form of betrayal? neuvi ponders this a lot - MOVING AWAY FROM SAD THINGS: y'all i'll be SO real, ppl are so used to Neuvillette being in Fontaine that, when he's Outside of Fontaine, unless they Know Him on a personal level, no one recognizes that he's the Iudex of Fontaine. like not even actual Fontainians register it, bc, like, why would the literal Iudex Leave his Natural Habitat of the Court of Fontaine??? - side note, average ppl are intimidated by him. like most ppl look at him and go 'if i approach him, i will be arrested for war crimes bc CLEARLY he is a PRINCE' (which is the best and funniest shit) - 'unrelated'; Neuvi doesn't talk to a lot of ppl outside of his closer friend group, i think u can understand why - such a hard worker,,, honestly probably overworks himself and doesn't even realize it. - WHICH LEADS ME TO HIS HOBBIES HEHEHHEHEHEHE - ARTIST,,, you CANNOT sit there, after Lantern Rite, and TELL ME that HE DOES NOT start looking into the arts. THIS MAN would ABSOLUTELY get into painting and poetry and shit. he likes watercolors and he ADORES POTTERY (THAT FUCKING LADLE??? I CRIED OVER IT IN MY TEAPOT FOR 30 MINUTES HELP) - loves books and stories. like seriously they're kinda actually really fun for him to read bc he sits and breaks down what is and isn't accurate abt them (crime/detective books) and he gets invested in romance books (he's CURIOUS okay??) - bc he reads Fontainian romance books, any and every romantic gesture is like,,, awkwardly sappy? like he'll do small scale things bc he's a lil nervous baby, but it's THE SAPPIEST of the sappy. - fashion lover. Listen, this man could arguably wear whatever he wants and he chose to wear THAT???? he's a fashion lover / makeup master, and i will die on this hill. - he would laugh at Cyno's jokes, but only AFTER Cyno explains them.
OKAY I,,, I THINK I DID IT,,, i had so much written i'm dying please i love him so so so much. my itty bitty squishy bbgrl i cannot wait to explain why and how he joined the party / poly it's SO silly, this entire thing is my favorite i have been yapping abt them for a MILLENIA
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transpat · 2 years ago
from the way jaewon just naturally takes care of jihyun it really shows that he actually likes taking care of ppl. yeah he's scared of being disliked but he also likes putting in effort and looking after those he likes, those ppl he feels responsible for. somehow thou, almost every friend he's made since day one turned out to be someone conceited and selfish and took his love and care for granted. somehow the same ppl he put so much effort into learning about took what they know of him at surface level and built a version of him they envied. and now he can't break free from it bc he's already bone-deep tired and doesn't think he can deal w the consequences of ppl finding who he really is and how he really feels.
jihyun's a reminder of why he loved being around ppl. bc the right ppl accept your love tenderly, and give you back the same or more. and for so long he's only loved the wrong ppl and now finally he can see who was right for him and who wasn't. only two of his relationships rn are reciprocal - jihyun and yoonwon. what's really exceptional about his relationship w jihyun is that jihyun actually knows nothing about him. almost everything he knows about jaewon comes from jaewon himself and for someone who talks so much, jaewon does not talk about himself. but jihyun thinks jaewon is incredible despite not knowing he's a rich kid w connections or that being assigned to his group for a group project guarantees an a grade. jihyun can see he's popular but also sees that he gets stressed. jihyun sees he's nice to everyone but also appreciates the sincerity behind his kindness. jihyun takes him as he is, no assumptions or expectations and treats him w a kind of reverence jaewon gets high on.
and w every passing minute they spend together jaewon's learning smth about himself, learning how awfully he's been treated by the rest around him, learning that it is possible to receive just as much and more in a relationship, learning that he can be loved even when he comes off as someone who picks fights drunk and makes the shittiest drawings and runs away after initiating a kiss. he's learning that he can be forgiven when he fucks up and that he doesn't need to be perfect to be loved.
and it makes hanging out w his friends so much more difficult. bc now jaewon has ppl who treat him better, he starts to accept that he maybe deserves better. but jaewon's at a stage where everything feels too late and meaningless. what's the point of screwing years of friendship just months before he leaves and everything will fade anyway?
i think jaewon's nature will probably be best explained once his relationship w his parents is explored. often times kids grow into ppl pleasers when they grow up trying to please a difficult parent (his father i'm guessing). seeing how jaewon's already began revolting against his parents means he's likely not too far off from his breaking point. whether jihyun acts as a catalyst or hinderance to this process is what will probably determine if he'll choose to fight for this at least or if it's the first thing he'll give up.
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official-saul-goodman · 10 months ago
hunger games posts gave me Thoughts i wanted to share so uhhh hiiiii local friend who studies literature and it’s place/function within society here with a comment. stories and writing (even though this p much goes without stating) have always been modes of entertainment and education and much more, we humans love our mediums. i think the biggest issues with the hunger games bullshit is people have begun to treat it like it’s a meme to just make the comment about it and leave it behind without using genuine critical thinking skills. it’s been going on for months and it’s starting to water down focus on what’s happening in favor of talking about fiction. i think the fiction shouldn’t be getting this in the way of the discussion of what’s REALLY happening. if it helps to click in younger minds that what their country is doing is wrong, that can be a positive, but fully grown adults repeating it like it’s a joke feels abysmal. like they’ve missed the point somehow.
i don’t know if this makes sense but summary is: literature as a tool for understanding the world = important especially for kids, but, constantly talking about the literature ONLY and not what it actually reflected of the world you live in/treating the real world thing with the same level of respect as the fiction = missing the point and making real issues into what feels like fandom talking points. i don’t think it should take a book or movie series for the average adult to understand horrors of violence on the scale we are witnessing and i definitely don’t think that they need to use that as the only frame of understanding what’s happening.
anyways hope that made sense and also to others who might be reading this…. the moment something fictional clicks you into something really happening, try to understand the real world through the real world information you can find, not a novel. any novel. go learn real history. as much as possible do not distance yourself from the worlds pain with a wall of fictionalization, engage with the world like you actually live in it and like life matters to you. even i engaged with people pointing out comparisons once or twice, months ago when they started, but i have not sat and made that all i will talk about, and certainly not to the point i’m not even keeping up with what’s //really// happening in rafah right now. especially not in favor of all the soulless “ooogh omg guys the capitol is real???” jokes i keep seeing from ppl talking about the kentucky derby.
this turned into a micro-hate rant about western europeans / US citizens thinking it’s some brain blast enlightenment to point out a dystopian novel about the US is a dystopian novel about the US. from fully grown adults it’s almost embarrassing, there is real life suffering happening and you need to talk about it like it’s real not like it’s a fucking story. it is baffling
Exactly like fiction can be a tool to help initial understanding of subjects especially for young people but when we're talking about current genocides and invasions going on people really need to learn to pull their socks up and behave like adults with sense. It's so insulting and dehumanising to the people of Palestine to be compared to some fictional group of ppl from some district in a book written by a lady whose father was a fucking Veteran.
It's so immature and stupid and so intentionally obtuse and unserious. It's cruel and selfish and totally just being done to be self congratulatory like ' haha look at me i made this connection between fiction and reality I'm so cool and special' like SHUT THE FUCK UP.
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comic-the-adventurer · 1 year ago
Im going to ramble, this is just my opinion
I made a post somewhere about why I dislike Seto x Marry and the main reason is because it would imply Marry is a higher priority to Seto than his family because she's his girlfriend and not because she's needs the extra support/Seto is generally emotionally mature.
Someone said they ppl really do prioritize their girlfriends over their siblings and while I don't necessarily disagree, I think in the case of the mekakushi trio, it's an exception because their relationship doesn't seem to be traditional siblings, but closer.
My point is I find it very difficult to believe that if Seto, Kano, and Kido didn't happen to become legal family, they wouldn't be found family anyway. Like theyre interrelated in more ways than one, both fundamentally and personally. Fundamentally in the sense they all have eye abilities, and personally for the following reasons.
Just about everything about their childhood points the three of them as a trio from the start. They're assigned to the same room, they're all outcasted, their room is collectively referred to as "the monster house", specifically the collection of three of them. Their personalities bounce of each other, and they clearly stick together by choice from the start. Like Kido often got annoyed and mean to Seto and Kano, but why didn't she just try to find other friends?
Like, they're a trio. Like, between them and the rest of the gang, they're a subgroup within the group. Now, Marry is very distinctively an outliner. I don't mean this in a mean way per se, but you know. She's different from the rest of the gang, she's a medusa and has the queen snake, and over is 100 years old etc etc. like she inherently cannot connect with the tightknit trio in a fundamental sense the same way Seto, Kano, and Kido automatically connect with each other.
And of course, Seto, Kano, and Kido ARE family. But my point is theyre very distinctively (found) family, regardless whether or not theyre legally family. In other words, their dynamic oozed sibling/close knit vibes from the very beginning.
Regardless, the trio grew up together and share a sister (as in, Ayano) and further trauma of their new mom's death. In certain routes, (the second manga route namely) Marry IS a sister to the trio and Ayano so i do appreciate in certain routes Marry grows up with the trio too. But again, she's fundamentally 'different' and Marry and Seto connect with each other (as shown in Shounen Brave) more than Kido and Kano do with her. So my point is Seto, Kido, and Kano and nonetheless a distinct subgroup that excludes Marry. (Jeez, that sounded mean)
To be clear, yes, the mekakushi dan are very very close (family levels of close) to each other. But it'd be wrong to say some of them aren't as close as others to certain people. It's hardly a drastic difference (or I'd like to think so anyway lol) but I find it hard to believe Seto wouldnt be at least mildly closer to his siblings than Marry.
Anyway I rambled. I'll paste the original post I made I'm referring to
Why I Dislike Seto X Marry
So this isn't meant to be a dogmatic or aggressive post at all! Just a friendly and civil debate at most! This is just my opinion, that's what I'm trying to say :)
So yeah, I dislike Seto x Marry and... TL;DR: it's mainly because it trivializes their friendship. That's probably not clear so I'll explain.
1. Seto is depicted as a very emotionally mature, perceptive, empathetic kind of person. He wasn't like that as a kid so, logically, Seto has put in a lot of effort to better himself and become as emotionally intelligent as he is. And that can be proven by how gentle and caring he is to Marry.
However, if you're under the impression Marry and Seto are together, then it negates Seto's self-betterment because it's implying all of Seto's actions towards Marry that showcase his emotional maturity were influenced by romance and he might've not acted the same way if he didn't happen to have feelings for her.
In other words, Seto has put a lot of effort into bettering himself. To imply that some of his best showcases of it were based on feelings outside of his control contradicts his self-improvement and negates his integrity.
2. Seto is undeniably more active in Marry's life than Kido's or Kano's. To be more specific, we see him interact with Marry more often than Kido or Kano. For example, in the anime when Momo wakes up at the Mekakushi hideout and screams bloody murder, Seto immediately goes to make sure Marry is okay. Of course, you could argue it's because Marry (in this example, Marry literally collapsed but I'm talking generally) is sensitive and needs more support.
That kind of thing happens quite a few times. For another example, when the terrorist attack occurs: Seto gives more attention to Marry than his siblings. And it's true this can all be attributed to Marry needing the extra support and reassurance more than Kido or Kano. I mean, we always see Marry being sensitive and timid so ofc she's gonna need to be comforted more than Kano or Kido who are characteristically tough.
Going back to Seto generally being more active in Marry's life than Kido's and Kano's, Seto has always been depicted as a caring person. Seto has always been keyed up to have been a lot like Marry, especially in Shounen Brave and even Imagination Forest. So it's totally understandable for Seto to genuinely care about Marry's well-being and the well-being of anyone who isn't okay, such as Kano.
But, if Seto and Marry are together, then the vibe goes from "Seto wants to help out someone in need of help" to "Seto prioritizes his girlfriend over his family."
And, you know... given the family drama in the trio, it's pretty gross if Seto prioritizes A GIRLFRIEND over his remaining siblings. Marry being a higher priority because she's sensitive VS Marry being a higher priority because she's his girlfriend is... you know, a big difference. I know Seto x Marry doesn't automatically mean Seto gains that kind of thought process, but I prefer to disregard that possibility entirely. I like to think Seto helps out Marry because he's a nice person, not because he has an ulterior motive.
In other words, Seto x Marry implies Seto is more active in Marry's life than his remaining family's lives because of romance, and not because Seto is a genuinely nice person.
3. Also, technically Marry is like 140 while Seto is like 16. Not the most creative factor I guess but I figured I should mention it lol. Also, when Seto dies, won't Marry keep living and that'd be kinda sad for her… isn't that what created the daze lol. A human dating a medusa…
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agapintheskin · 2 years ago
as someone who has troubles finding irl friends due to autism, fear, awkwardness, very little time and energy etc, having some sort of online community is essential for me to form friendships or at least likeminded people. People to talk to whether that's on a very superficial (fandom) level or then moves on to more personal things.
irl I've had some very good friends that I'd still consider ppl I love but I still have issues finding time and energy to meet them and essentially what happens is that you lose some connection over time, whether you like it or not, there will be things in your and their life that you might try and catch up on once you meet again but it will still feel like there's distance growing bigger and bigger. And I've also had plenty of friends, especially friends within larger friend groups, that ive lost due to fights, lack of shared interests, just growing apart.
In general, irl friends have never been close enough or stable enough to really trust them with deep shit or physical closeness. And for many reasons I've lost trust and got more anxious in getting close to people for fear of abandonment and, well autistic social reasons I guess.
On the internet it's very linked to my hyperfixations, lose it and the friends and acquaintances will most likely move on as well. Each time I find people that I legitimately have love for even if I will most likely never meet them, maybe sometimes because of it. I guess the physical distance tho sometimes lends itself to a different sort of closeness tho, more daring in what you open yourself up to.
At the end of the day I know rationally that those people I now, at this moment in time, found for myself, will not stay in my life for long, or at least not forever. And as an overthinker I'm already thinking of losing them, it's seriously annoying lmao. Like it's almost mean how I just know I'll have to say goodbye to them at some point while I'm actively having a great time.
All this to say, there has been people in my life, even recently, that told me they consider me their best friend and I have such difficulty to respond to that. It's not that it's not probably a mutual feeling (i don't know, what is a best friend?) but there's also expectations and fears connected to that for me. The loss would be bigger, the disappointment in me not being what they thought me to be would be bigger. It's so hard to explain. I just know that very few people so far have stuck with me, I don't have the strength to invest in friendships, i barely have the strength to invest in myself, and I know the people who consider me a friend, a best friend even, deserve to have someone that can't just make them laugh a lot but someone who can also be there for them when they're in trouble. And I'm so preoccupied with my own struggles that I can barely handle those situations.
I'm just a very selfish friend unfortunately. Idk what this is I just felt like writing this down, feel free to ignore, thank you if you read tho.
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syrupsyche · 1 year ago
⭐ i'd love to hear your director's commentary on how marius won the hand :D
THANK U for the ask!! You probably already read my dir. commentary on Ch. 5 and Ch. 6 of How Marius Won the Hand [...], so I'll jump back and do a commentary on Ch. 4 of the fic!
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I confess: I had no idea what to name Courferre so I picked the two names I feel I've heard the most often when it came to fan-assigned names. And not to give any spoilers, but Courfeyrac's name will come into play again in the future!
Also not to pull a Hugo but I wanted to emphasize how pretty Cosette was lol. Needed to give her and Enjolras some physical similarities first (beauty, etc.) before some spiritual similarities later on in the story!
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Cosette canonically loves to tease Marius! See:
Ten years later, with the love of Marius in her heart, she would have answered: “A pedant, and insufferable to the sight! You are right!” (4.3.7)
“Monsieur, you are handsome, you are good-looking, you are witty, you are not at all stupid, you are much more learned than I am, but I bid you defiance with this word: I love you!” (4.8.1)
“Don’t cough, sir; I will not have people cough on my domain without my permission. It’s very naughty to cough and to disturb me.” (4.8.1)
And so I needed Cosette to have her spunk here as well!
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Ninny mention!! *cue cheers and applause* Wanted the Valjean reveal to be Hugo-esque ("omg who could this mysterious old man be 🤭") and I'm glad ppl noticed it! Also, Valjean hates Marius so much that I NEEDED to include it, though I suppose Ch. 6 is a lot more obvious with it.
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Pilf wrote an excellent post about what Valjean's dynamics with the Amis would be like. Though the context in this fic is quite different (Courferre + Marius having to gain Valjean's favour) but I still think it fits! Courfeyrac would be far too Courfeyrac-ish to gain Valjean's immediate liking, in contrast to Cosette who would love Courf immediately (which only just worsens Courfeyrac's standing). Combeferre, however, is able to stick to safer topics! They're just Two Polite Men. This fic has also only just hinted at Enjolras' and Valjean's father/son dynamic so far but it's very close to Pilf's post on it too. They do not talk to each other at ALL; they will sit in silence together for hours and enjoy it. That's their father/son bonding time babey!
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A call back to an earlier part of the chapter when Marius tried to make sure that "his palms were not slick with sweat". Mission failed!
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I like to write Courferre stumbling over each other trying to impress Cosette. Idk I just feel like they have that sort of energy à la Tulio and Miguel from The Road to El Dorado.
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I'm really glad ppl liked this scene ehe. How did Marius drink soup with a fork? Just part of his Pontmercying shenanigans I suppose.
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Cosette being shocked at Enjolras taking her hand is the same energy as someone getting shocked when a particularly introverted cat suddenly comes up and sits on their lap. I hc that Enjolras isn't a very tactile person (which could be canonically derived from his only-two-kisses moment), so Cosette appreciates any physical displays of affection she can get!
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I argue that the main thing Marius lacked in canon that could have given him a proper 'character development' was the belief that he could have a solid support system outside of bourgeois circles. He was so close to connecting with Les Amis de l'ABC but he ultimately fell back into a self-deprecating hole once his world views were challenged. In this fic I hope to get Marius to reconnect with Les Amis on a personal level first (via Cosette and Enjolras) before attempting to push him towards connecting with them politically (and he's already beginning to, in Ch. 5!).
And it's no surprise that the first person he reaches for when he realises that he DOES have actual friends is Courfeyrac! Writing this fic and rereading les mis letters has got me in my Courfius feels; Courf was such a good friend to Marius and (fic spoilers?) is definitely deserving of being his chief groomsman!
And that's it for my Ch. 4 analysis! Sorry for the late answer lol; immediately after reblogging the post I got thrown 5 different assignment deadlines.
If anyone wants any other fic analysis (or even an AU analysis as a whole!) feel free to ask! I'm only one message away from blabbering like an idiot <3.
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unusual-raccoon · 1 year ago
Hey so a few days ago I saw this post about how Rhaenyra not telling Alicent that she lost her v card is not the same as Alicent meeting Viserys in the middle of the night and not telling Rhaenyra. And it occurred to me, did anyone question why Viserys would choose the daughter of a second son from a family that doesn't even bring that much into prestige into the Royal Family. Like many could argue it was because of the Hightowers connection to the Faith and the Citadel but House Targaryen has two daughters as members of the faith (Rhaella daughter of Rhaena and Aegon the Uncrowned and Maegelle daughter of Alyssanne and Jaehaerys as septas) and a son in the citadel( Vaegon son of Alyssanne andJaehaerys) so that argument wouldn't really work.
I just wanted to know your thoughts on it as many people tend to gloss over this part when talking Viserys choosing Alicent over literally any other available female in his court(not counting his daughter).
This is a really interesting point! Honestly, I think Viserys was choosing what he believed was the lesser of two evils, someone that he thought would be a decent fit with him (she took an "interest" in his model of Valyria 🥺) and potentially the bigger concern was someone he thought could get along with Rhaenyra.
It feels like a dad move, he's trying his best in the midst of his grief and still thinks his 15-year-old wants a doll or something... The analogy isn't perfect, but I think you understand. The decision was two-fold. He was trying to make a choice that he thought would be beneficial to them both, without considering the way Rhaenyra would be hurt by the decision. This is why their dinner together (Rhaenyra & Viserys) where they discuss the expectation for him to remarry is so interesting, because Rhaenyra is fine with Viserys marrying for duty, and Viseyrs is like great!! Because he thinks marrying Alicent is dutiful to Rhaenyra. He's raising her best friend tremendously in station and has found a wife that is in her childbearing years (he wouldn't have to wait like with Laena) and she is ok with his hobbies - it feels like the best of a bad situation.
Except it backfired so hard because, from Rhaenyra's perspective, her dad just married her best friend for no reason. She had no clue that Alicent was visiting her father and nurturing some sort of affection there with the intention of being his queen.
Realistically House Hightower added nothing. They brought nothing to the table, unlike House Baratheon, Velaryon, etc.
Laena was easily the better choice for him, and the show completely glosses over her close relationship with Rhaenyra, simply to make the Rhaenicent besties angle work.
IDK, it's interesting, but also ppl will make the argument that if Viserys and Laena had gotten married, Corlys would've pushed for any sons through that marriage to be named as heir above Rhaenyra...
Even though, really, its a win-win, if Rhaenyra married Laenor as well... like
I've gone completely off-topic, I'm sorry.
I don't think the late-night visits and the v-card are on the same level in terms of what they're lying about. Alicent never admitted to visiting Viserys because it would've made Rhaenyra aware much sooner that Otto was vying for power, whereas Rhaenyra lied about the v-card because she knew it would be used to ruin her reputation/undermine her position as heir.
It's honestly "You lied for power, I lied to protect myself - we are not the same."
Anyway, I hope this gave you some insight into my thoughts on the matter!
Thank you for the ask 💕🫶
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ultrvmonogamy · 1 year ago
How are u? I miss u bestie
hey bestie. rn i'm feeling a bit deflated tbh. i'm sure i'll be fine soon enough, but wow it just seems like there's always something bad happening for me here like one of my blogs is disappearing or an acct is being termed or a former mutual is no longer following me or a current mutual is no longer interacting w me or i'm finding out ppl r talking abt me behind my back n spinning half truths into hideous vileness or i'm visiting a mutual's blog n am immediately nauseated seeing content reblogged from the most duplicitous blogger i know of n who's made claims abt me that r the actual polar opposite of the interactions that occurred while literally echoing words i've personally said here abt striving to be authentic n genuine or i'm seeing a former mutual's response to a question abt following ppl back that talks abt how they don't rly do it anymore bc everyone turned out to be terrible ppl n knowing that i'm probably one of the ppl they think that abt but for bullshit reasons or like i'm having warm n wholesome thoughts towards someone for a split second before remembering that oh yeah wait they think i'm evil now n r no longer one of my few real friends if they ever were or i'm being told to kill myself or i'm finding myself afraid to reply to a question by someone who's been canceled for alleged disgusting things but i don't know if any of that stuff was true bc i sure as hell now know firsthand that ppl r well-capable of attributing motives that do not exist n yet here i am now paralyzed n not responding bc i don't if my once thriving but now v precarious existence here would survive the association of even answering a totally benign question n so also thereby better understand other ppl's resistance to interacting w or implicitly endorsing my content simply for the just-in-case-ness of it all or like a sick, sick individual who last showed up in my world a few yrs ago attempting to catfish me by leveraging the death of someone i cared abt showed up again yesterday either again attempting to catfish me or sending some likely unsuspecting minion to do her bidding (unclear which) n like holy hell, u know? well the main reason i started this blog n started talking here was literally to vent n to be raw n authentic n just own all my weirdness n my conflict n my vulnerability n my perversion n my trauma n my hope n my fear n my stupidity n my experience n my insight n then when ppl completely unexpectedly to me began to follow n interact, my purpose for it expanded to connect w ppl on a real level w the parts of me that i'd let starve or had starved willfully whether out of ignorance or naivety or learned shame or simply fear of being know n to thereby find resonance n all the while to attempt for all that i'm worth to integrate it in a positive way n hopefully thereby facilitate others doing the same n maybe just maybe if i'm super extra lucky n the moths happen to flap their wings in just the right manners at the witching hour while the moon's in the right phase to be able to offer smth of worth to the world in a greater magnitude than i've been able to thus far n well i'm not going to stop trying to integrate n to connect n to be willing to stand up n own my shit until the day my heart stops beating n even w what is now at times such a stentorian din of noise that in moments i cannot even begin to tell what key it's all in or whether there's even a rhythm let alone where the downbeat went i am going to keep trying to improvise a harmony [some of which intrinsically necessitates my silence], it's still the place where i seem most to find meaningful resonance w others who r similarly motivated n similarly struggling but yeah it gets to be a little much sometimes..
but how're u bestie? n why do u miss me? do we not talk? did we ever? do i just suck so bad at replying that an anon seemed a better way to get a response?
in any case, i hope ur well, n i probably miss u too 🩵
p.s. sry i couldn't spare much punctuation what w inflation n the supply chaine n all the crimes against humanity etc.
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its-ticsticstics · 11 months ago
v curious here because i was looking through the vi tag. have u found anything whatsoever that helps with reducing the effects diplopia. i first started having double vision like four years ago and there just...isnt a lot of information out there about like. living with it. have you found anything that works for you?
Hello! :D
Yeah, the info out there for coping with diplopia is extremelyyy lacking, unfortunately.
I'm currently trying prism glasses right now to see if they will help my eyes align better but so far, despite paying $1400CAD, it's done nothing and I'm starting to wonder if prism glasses are a scam tbh sO I don't personally recommend those.
Beyond that, a few tricks I use are:
-Screen readers and visually described media and movies -Closing the eye I have the least vision in and brief looking through the one I have the most vision in, to cut down on how much double I'm seeing -Using liquid level indicator on glasses and cups so they don't overfill -Using a mobility scooter for long distance trips that are too far to walk, since I can't drive due to my vision
and this one I'll put separately because it relates to safety:
when I'm walking down the stairs I ALWAYS use the handrail and go slow; the back of my heel connects with the back of the stair so I know my foot isn't dangling over the ledge, and then I exaggerate how much I pick up my feet and then once again aim for feeling the back of the next step below me, repeat.
Using your voice is also important in these situations. I'm a quite person so it's hard but, my safety has to come first. Practice saying things like
"I can't see, please don't push me!" or "Do not push me!"
for crowded stairways with impatient ppl, those scenarios are the most dangerous.
I wish you the best my friend! The majority of advice online for diplopia is "get prisms" or "get surgery" and that just isn't enough for those of us suffering.
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aisuigetsu · 2 months ago
Your framework really resonates with me because I've always mentally categorized relationships too, though some of my other friends have criticized this approach as being too calculating. But after being burned by friendships where I gave disproportionately more than I received, I've come to appreciate the value of mutual purpose and balance you described.
The older I get, the more I feel this - it's so much harder to form new friendships now compared to school days. As an introvert, I often struggle with putting myself out there, and sometimes it feels like everyone already has their established friend groups. I find myself wondering how others navigate making meaningful connections in this phase of life, especially when most interactions stay at that acquaintance level you mentioned.
I'm curious - when you talk about being useful to each other, have you found that this develops naturally or do you actively seek out these complementary dynamics? In my experience, some of my most fulfilling friendships started with shared interests but evolved into deeper support systems where we each brought different strengths to the table.
The way you differentiate between friends and acquaintances makes a lot of sense to me. It's actually quite freeing to acknowledge that not every pleasant social connection needs to develop into a deeper friendship, especially when authentic connections feel so rare these days.
i don't think it's being calculating; i think it's being able to deconstruct and articulate what most people already do without thinking. unfortunately it's socially frowned upon to state it so bluntly
i agree with it being harder to form friendships now. friendship requires a lot of shared time together, which is hard to do outside of school, and in work there are too many other factors involved. probably easiest to do it in some kind of hobby club? but i'm also an introvert and don't seek out those types of interactions
in my experience, i usually get to know the person as an acquaintance for a long time because of some shared interest or environment. during that time, i will observe if we could mutually benefit each other, and if yes, then i will try to pursue a deeper relationship, either by inviting them on dates or just generally chatting more. but i have never gone to any place/event with the goal of "making a friend"
i think a lot of ppl have a looser definition of friends, and they might feel the same connection to a "friend" as we would to an acquaintance. i enjoy gatekeeping :)
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notesofarichlycolorednight · 11 months ago
s2ep17 frozer
i think i'm just gonna list the things i liked and didn't like
i don't like how persistent and insistent adrien/chat noir is for ladybug. again, i really think it's a very scary and dangerous pattern to teach children. obviously anyone of anyone gender should respect the person they like and their boundaries, but esp teaching young boys that they need to respect young girls's boundaries and bodily autonomy (whether either of them stay that way later in life).
i did however think plagg's sad face in adrien's bag was very funny.
the creator is trying to reignite the race war between chinese ppl and japanese ppl fr /j
i'm annoyed that, like with master fu decoding the grimore, or the fact that kim swims and has a a close friend who's crushing on me, we don't get any hints that kagami fences with adrien until this episode. bc last we saw, she had been defeated and then akumatized.
i thought marinette chatting with her friends was a cute little scene, but it's kind of soured by the fact that 1) all they talk about is adrien (so it doesn't pass the bechdel test) and 2) her friends don't even listen to her when she says she thinks they're just meant to be friends
honestly, yknow, i just didn't like this episode. which is not surprise. i just didn't like the set-up or the premise. again, i think under a better writing team and creator, the love square could work. i might still be annoyed with it, but maybe i would be less annoyed if it was actually done well on a technical level.
but i don't feel any stakes or miscommunication drama. all i see is a teen boy not respecting his partner's boundaries and who doesn't listen to marinette, and a teen girl who is unable to speak to her crush at all, and barely listens to him, either. like that's just. idk basic? and it feels dumb.
once again the pacing was absolutely shot because they had to spend half the episode setting up the love square, and the introduced love interest rivals. so what does that make that? if it's a love square, and luka is connected to mareintte, and kagami is connected to adrien,,,like some sort of creature i guess. the square is the face and the off-shoots are like. ears or smth. but anyway the fact that they wasted half the episode introducing and setting up the love creature means they had to rush through everything else.
instead of like. using other episodes to establish that beforehand.
someone in a server i'm in, after reading some of my posts on this, commented that this show is like french rwby and they were so on the money with that one. like all i can think about is hbomb commenting about how they could've set up so many new characters through naturalistic storytelling and instead decided to spend half their season on a prom arc.
ml is like that but like for everything. ondine makes a brief appearance in frightingale and suddenly we're supposed to know that she and kim are so close that she confesses her love to him??? the leap the audience has to make!!!
i also just was annoyed at both marinette and adrien the whole episode bc of how they acted at the skating rink. but i won't go into that here bc i think it's more personal than an actual critique. could it have been written better, absolutely. but i don't think i would've liked it all the same.
i do feel bad for luka. it's very weird they made him the way he is. why introduce him as a potential love rival when 1) adrien isn't going to pay attention bc he will always want ladybug and 2) luka isn't even going to fight for marinette? where's the drama in that?
that does remind me tho, i did want to complain about the fact that adrien doesn't listen to kagami. like she says something and he completely ignores her! she tells him it's not his technique, and 5 seconds later, he goes, "it must be my technique." like my dude. maybe if you like. actually listened to the girls who talk to you, you'd have better chances understanding them.
and it goes the same for marinette, too. luka asks if she wants to ride the subway back together and marinette completely ignores him in favor of watching adrien leave. she doesn't even indicate she heard him. and then what does she do? nothing! she just stutters and stumbles and it goes nowhere!!
also can i just say the fact that she was like, "let's bring the whole gang next time" and then instead of listing their classmates, who have been shown to hang out together--they went to the goddamn movies last time--she lists the two they were just with, and alya and nino. which, funnily enough, pairs them off quite nicely. /sarcasm
tl;dr what is this romance doing in my superhero show lol
also now that i've started ice skating, the fact that both luka and kagami can do those moves on ice indicates way, way more practice than you would think. there's no way, based on their comments to the skating coach, that they would be able to skate that well if they did not get consistent practice. luka especially bc he lifts marinette!! adrien and marinette too. i've seen inexperienced ppl and first-timers, they are not that steady, nor that confident. even when they're with more experienced skaters. they move slow, they hang close to the wall. that was so unrealistic lmao. don't give ppl false ideas about how easy ice skating is man.
finally, this man couldn't get ppl skating?? in paris, france?? france, where adam siao him fa is from????? hello???
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slappedhamm · 6 months ago
As an autistic person even as an adult it's rlly hard for me to make friends it does make me a lil sad when you try and make a genuine friendship by opening up a lil bit and the other person finds it "too weird" for just being honest. I also get ppl have boundaries and ppl can be weirded out by recieving compliments and whatnot I definitely do get it and maybe I came off a lil too strong I guess but I had a friend who just laughed in my face when all I said was "I'm glad we're friends!"
This same person used to get upset with me cause after that I kept my distance because we'll I didn't think she wanted me as a friend and then would say things like "you aren't my friend you just feel like an acquaintances" but who's fault was that?
Anyways it's whatever I just think it's dumb you gotta play it off cool and tip toe around someone you want to be closer with as friends and not just saying out loud you are glad ur friends. Even if they are not as besties level small friendships are important too.
Anyways getting too sidetracked just reflecting a lonely part of my life when I was trying to connect with ppl lol
I'll never forgive isharemymanias when I msged how much I thought she was cool and how much I loved her art and I was so glad we where friends and she straight up ghosted me and pretended she didn't see my messages and my dumb ass was like "oh you didn't see it where lemme recap for you! Just wanted to let you know how much a cool friend u are!" And she ignored me again 😭 I wasn't confessing a crush or anything I just wanted to know she was appreciated and this wasn't even a parasocial relationship we where in the same circle talking to each other idk why to this day she made it weird...and like...we where in the Gintama fandom so I was so embarrassed I left that fandom and abandoned my blog...like why did she do that????
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aeide-thea · 2 years ago
so as per prev tags i read A Sensory Experience of Metal and Other Metal and having finished it i basically think what i said before but more so: i thought certain things abt it were vividly diverting and delightful and other things were really very sketchily penciled in!
in some ways i do think the biggest thing that's stood out to me abt the various m/m books by, uh, fandom-nurtured authors that i've read lately-ish (thinking vaguely of FM and, uh, other FM here, in addition to op. previously cit.) is how mediocre their female characters have imo been—in some ways that's to be expected bc supporting characters in romance are very often mere ciphers, and if both members of your central pairing are men, then, well... but i do feel like people could be briefly sketched and still feel realer and more like there's a logic of their own to them, beyond just Necessary NPC? like, i have some issues with both heyer and sayers (antisemitism foremost among these) but both of them managed to make it feel as though their romances were happening within the context of a believable society populated by believable bit characters (sayers' artist lesbians!).
(as per prev post also some thoughts abt what gets fleshed out vs what's just wooden set dressing in general, and some wondering abt the extent to which a fannish apprenticeship tends to encourage those flaws, but those i think i more or less covered in prev tags, if somewhat incoherently/inconclusively.)
#anyway this is not a useful post to anyone but me probably‚ i just like to take notes for my own records#bc it IS sometimes convenient to be able to flip back and say 'oh right THAT's what i thought of that book!'#anyway i love fandom and ppl wrote flawed books before fandom was a twinkle in bored housewives' eyes but#there ARE particular modes it trains you to perhaps overdevelop and others it doesn't train you to develop at all#and i do kind of think i'm seeing the traces of that in more and more books#some people would say that's not necessarily a problem‚ and on the face of it maybe it isn't#but i think i do in fact want authors to be able to tell what they've actually gotten down on the page and what they haven't#and instead are supplying out of their own reservoir of canon‚ which in fandom readers share with authors‚ but which in origfic they can't#like that does in fact feel like a pretty fundamental aspect of storytelling craft to me that i want a professional to be aware of#ok also one last totally unrelated thing is that i really have trouble PERSONALLY#buying the idea of a character with anxiety being a non-coquettish dom#like speaking personally i LOVE to get playfully toppy but like. idk. it's topping as flirting kind of.#also i mean 'dom' is an overstatement wrt the level of power exchange happening in this particular book#(or anyway the level of *sexual* power exchange—the whole 'commoner employee/royal employer' dynamic is a whole other thing)#(oh man i have. so many thoughts. mostly abt how ppl KEEP trying to write royalty bc they think it's sexy but then want to make it moral)#(i kind of think the minute you open the can of morality worms you've kind of ruined the fantasy)#(like i'm not opposed but then you're asking me to think with my *actual* brain and morals and not just. you know.)#okay i super lied abt the topic three topics ago being the last one but maybe this will be—#lots of thoughts abt like. the MULTIPLE friend-cum-valet relationships in these various books that don't imo get adequate arcs#it's like somebody told ppl our prince-heros had to have a humanizing commoner connection#but forgot that if they don't ask the 'friend' how they're coping with whatever mostly-offstage struggles have been tossed their way—#they aren't actually acting like friends!#like obviously it's a balance bc the main characters' problems ARE going to take center stage and should#but increasingly i'm like. does X random character seem like they've got a coherent track they're moving along even if we only see a clip#does X non-central relationship feel like any tensions introduced into it along the way have gotten resolved by the end#things CAN be left to linger but that's different from slapping some sloppy spackling on and calling that a resolution#ok maybe someday i will learn to stop shoving half my thoughts in tags so i can like. sort them into paragraphs or something at least#but today is clearly not the day i'll be starting#bookblogging#okay i lied one ACTUALLY FOR REAL last thing is that the ''''hilariously Difficult'''' magical-truth-assessor character in this is.
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