#but plot twist. the thing roman is writing is this very fanfic. which is why it stops after ro puts the pen down
endy-the-anxious · 1 year
Taking a break
Summary: Roman overworks, Logan helps him.
Word count: 768
Characters: Roman, Logan
Notes: I wrote this in one go, so, sorry if it isn't that good. Also this is vaguely inspired by Bojack Horseman.
Tagging: @lost-in-thought-20
It was already late in the evening when Roman heard three careful knocks on the door of his room, followed by an uncharacteristically soft tone of voice calling out to him.
"Roman..? May I come in?” 
It was Logan’s voice, and in response Roman muttered a quick ‘yeah’ without taking his pen off of the paper in front of him. Behind him, the door opened and closed behind him, and the creative side heard soft footsteps coming up behind him, before a hand was placed on his shoulder.
“..you’re tense. How long have you been sitting here?” Logan asked, voice laced with concern.
Roman huffed, not looking up, “Not that long, probably.” he said.
He heard a sigh, and then the sound of Logan grabbing a second chair to sit beside him.
“We both know that isn’t true.”
Not answering again, Roman let the sounds of pen on paper fill the silence as he continued writing. He could feel Logan’s gaze on him, but stubbornly refused to meet his eyes.
When Logan realized he wasn’t getting an answer out of Roman, he continued, “..it’s been hours. Almost a whole day. You haven’t come out of your room once, not even for dinner. And you were like this yesterday too.. and the day before that. I think it’s about time you take a break.” he said, keeping his voice soft.
Roman shook his head, “I can’t, not right now. My writing isn’t finished yet.” he explained, hoping the logical side would leave him alone now, and yet knowing that wasn’t going to happen.
“It doesn’t have to be finished,” Logan said, “You can take a break, and continue after, but you have to stop now. This isn’t healthy for you.”
“..you’re one to talk..” Roman muttered, seeing Logan’s expression turn into a frown from the corner of his eye.
“That is exactly my point, Roman. You remember how I was, locking myself in my room all day. Working on schedules, writing papers, not even noticing how tired I was. You and the others literally dragged me out of my room to talk some sense into me.” Logan recalled. It hadn’t even been that long ago. A year at most. But Logan was proud to say that he’d gotten better at managing when to take breaks.
Roman managed a soft chuckle when he remembered that time, “..yeah.. you were really stubborn.” he said with a small smile.
“Mhm.. and guess what you're being now?” Logan asked, returning the smile, hopeful that Roman would see the similarities between how Logan used to act, and how the creative side was acting now.
Roman’s smile disappeared slowly before he answered, “..stubborn. But.. this is different. I know that if I stop writing now.. I won’t have the motivation to start again, and… I won’t finish this..”
“So?” Logan spoke, his tone almost growing a bit passionate, “So what if you don't finish this? It can’t possibly be more important than your wellbeing. Your work can never be more important than you. That’s what you told me. Don’t tell me you’re going back on your words now..”
Caught off guard, Roman’s writing faltered for just a second, “I-.. no, of course i’m not going back on my words-! I just.. I'm creativity..! If I'm not being creative, then what am I?”
Logan reached forward and cupped Roman’s cheek, “You’re Roman. You’re the charismatic, energetic, and passionate prince we all know and love. So please, put the pen down. Come join me, and we can have some tea, maybe watch a movie, take a break. If you want, I can even help you get back to work later, but right now, you need to listen to me.”
Feeling Logan’s warm hand on his cheek, Roman didn’t have the strength to resist anymore. He was starting to feel how tired he was, how dry his mouth was, and he could hear his stomach growling from hunger, now that he wasn’t ignoring it anymore. He looked away from the paper, and finally met Logan’s eyes, “..okay. I’ll-.... I’ll take a break. Can I just finish writing this paragraph..?” he asked quietly.
Logan nodded, and removed his hand now, “Of course. I’ll wait in the living room for you. Promise me you’ll join?”
“I promise..” Roman agreed, seeing Logan smile a bit, before walking away.
He continued writing for a bit, until the paragraph was done. Part of him wanted to keep writing, but he didn’t want to break his promise to Logan.
So, with a sigh, and after some slight hesitation, he put his pen down, and-
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endless-vall · 5 years
So close, yet so far - Marc Antony x MC fanfic
Summary: After Xante told Antony about Acilia’s plotting with Cassius, things get heated between her and Antony, and they cross a line from which they may never return.
Author’s notes: BEWARE! ANGST AHEAD!
Surprisingly enough (or not), my main LI in ACOR is actually Cassius.
I’ve made a second MC, solely for the purpose of romancing Antony as well since I did find him an interesting & intriguing character. 
The thing is - thought - that I could see my main MC romancing Antony as well, I just can’t see them working out in the long run. She would always choose Cassius in the end (in my playthrough, she only seduces Antony for his help, nothing more) but in fanfics you, that’s the fun part, you can do pretty much anything you want, and it doesn’t have to be part of your own ‘canon’ world.
I am planning on writing an Acilia/Cassius & Saffron/Antony fanfics in the future, but I’m not sure when it’ll happen. In the meantime, enjoy this one! 😄
Tagging: @cora-nova @lilyofchoices @paisleylovergirl@dandeservestheworld @mfackenthal @quacksonlover@blackcatkita @writtenbycandy .  Let me know if you wanna be tagged in future works for Antony x MC/ACOR/Perma tag! Let me know if you want to be untagged! ^^  I might’ve messed up the tagging, so don’t be shy to ask to be added/removed!
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Antony’s last words echoed in her mind. Acilia chewed on her lower lip.
An unfitting act for a courtesan, but thankfully, she was sitting alone in her chambers at the moment.
“We’re not as different as you’d like us to be,” He snapped at her, his eyebrows twisting into a frown. The anger over his face radiated so intensely she could almost feel it, like a burning heat over her own body.
Acilia took a step back, but kept a straight face. “I’m nothing like you, Antony” She managed to keep her voice calm, even if she was helpless inside.
“Really? So it wasn’t you who killed Senator Glycia’s son?” He raises an eyebrow. 
Acilia opens her mouth to defend herself, to protest, but... Nothing comes out. She can’t lie to him... Not to Antony.
Antony smirks, obviously pleased with himself. “Legate Aquila?”
This time Acilia frowns. He had it coming. They both had it coming!
“I will not stand here and tolerant your accusations.” Acilia knows Antony knew about her plans of revenge a long time ago, but it doesn’t mean that she shouldn’t deny them. Especially when other people could hear.
She turns on her heels and prepares to leave but Antony grabs her hand and forces her to stop. It’s not enough to cause her any pain but it’s enough to keep her in place.
“What?--” She hurls back at him, but he still keeps her hand in his, despite her upset expression and aggressive tone.
“You think I’m the bad guy here?” He suddenly sounds so much calmer, but somehow... It’s even worse. It way more terrifying that way.
“Take a look at the mirror, Acilia. You’re no better than me.” 
She gasps, finally freeing her hand from his grasp. “This, this is where you’re wrong. Enjoy your time with Xanthe.” Acilia is finally able to tear herself off Antony, and walk away.
Xanthe told Antony Acilia has been plotting with Cassius against him and Caesar, and he started favoring Xanthe over her. He’d visited the scholae once again, briefly bumping into Acilia - right before storming out. Acilia followed after him out to the streets, trying to confront him. Trying to...
Well, she wasn’t sure what was she trying to do anymore.
It’s not like Xanthe was lying. Acilia was plotting with Cassius.
But Antony made it clear he disliked being used...
Or maybe it was even more than that. It sure felt like that.
From the way he seemed to take it personally, to how offended he looked. How... Hurt? Maybe? Furious, on the other hand, definitely.
Antony looked like... He truly thought Acilia had feelings for him. Which is why learning she was using him and plotting with Cassius has stung at him.
Who knew? Maybe she did have feelings for him. She just couldn’t let it interfere with her plans. She couldn’t let it stand in the way of her revenge.
It might’ve been too late. Maybe she already let it stand in the way of her plans.
Sighing deeply, she looked in the mirror in front of her. 
“Take a look at the mirror, Acilia. You’re no better than me.” His words rung like bells in her ears.
Was she really no different from him? Will she truly choose her revenge over anything, anyone?
With uneasiness in her heart, she allowed herself to lean backwards into her bed and drift into a dreamless sleep.
“Acilia, time to wake up! It’s nearly time you went to the games!” She heard Lena’s voice even before the echoing of her footsteps.
She marched into the room, kicking the door open, with a huge smile plastered over her face and a stunning dress in her hands. “Wear this to the games and Antony won’t be able to tear his eyes off you.” Lena proclaimed.
“The games? But I thought Antony invited Xanthe to accompany him to the games,” Acilia twitched her eyebrows into a bewildered expression.
The fact she just woke up didn’t do much help to her confusion, as well.
“You’re not going with Antony to the games.” Lena smiled, tilting her head to the side.
“You’re going with Cassius.” She explained.
“Ahh, I see.” Things finally made sense. Acilia stood up and took the dress from Lena’s hands. “It’s beautiful...” She couldn’t help but admire the stunning gold fabric of the dress, draped over Tyrian purple decorated with eagle feathers. Lena was right - that dress was ought to catch the eyes of any men of Rome.
“Go to the games with Cassius, wearing this, and make sure Antony knows you’re there on another man’s arm. His own jealousy will do the rest.” 
And with that, Acilia accepted.
Equipped with Lena’s finest dress and accessories, and with Cassius accompanying her, Acilia arrived at the games. 
On the way to their seats, she already saw Antony at his place, as the director of the games, with Xante by his side.
Their eyes did cross each other, fixating on the other. Antony’s eyes burned with fury, and he averted his gaze just as quickly as it has landed on Acilia.
She wondered whether Lena’s plan worked, or rather if he was simply still furious from the past events.
The games started, and he didn’t look at her. Not even once more.
She seemed to be invisible, dead to Antony. 
But the longer he ignored her, the clearer it became. Yes - he avoided her - but it was killing him inside.
Antony used everything he had in him to look away from her, and a smile spread across Acilia’s lips.
“Enjoying the games, really?” A concerned look flashed across Cassius’ face.
“What?” Surprise washed over her, as Acilia realized she was still sitting with Cassius, watching a brutal fight in the arena below.
“Oh, god - No.” Acilia shook her head. “Just realized something and I have a good feeling about it.” She explained, sending him an apologetic smile.
“You want to tell me what that is?” Cassius moved in closer, dropping his tone and speaking into Acilia’s ear.
“Maybe later,” She winked at him, although she knew she couldn’t possibly tell him the truth.
But he didn’t need to know it.
As the games came to a finish, everyone were getting out of their seats. Acilia threw one last look into Antony’s direction, catching him just as he was staring.
Frozen in place, an unreadable expression over his face, and just the tiniest furrow in his brows, Antony was studying her, head to toe.
Xante wrapped her hands around his arm, as if trying to pull him with her. Unable to nudge him, she followed his gaze, only to fall over Acilia.
Xante immediately frowned, and seemed to give Antony a piece of his mind. He - on the other hand - looked unbothered.
Acilia decided it was a good time - and flashed him a smile.
Successfully undermining him, Acilia’s plan was going according to plan. An astounded look flashed across his features, and his mouth dropped open - as he wondered why might Acilia smile.
Getting her cue, Acilia turned around and joined Cassius, and they left the arena together, leaving Antony and Xante behind.
This was far from being over.
And she was right. He came to see her, that night. She had just gotten out of the shower, after getting back from the games and bidding Cassius goodnight.
“I want to see her right now-” She heard his demands even before she saw his face.
“I understand, domine, but you’ll have to send for her and wait for your-” She heard Lena explaining firmly as she approached.
“Thank you, Lena, but that won’t be necessary. I have time now.” Keeping her expression balanced now, yet smiling, was easier now she knew her acts worked on Antony.
Lena raised her eyebrow at her, as if asking if she was sure. Acilia gave her one, definite nod and Lena exhaled. “Very well.” She accepted, and left them be - not before sending one last glance at Acilia, as if warning her to be careful.
“This way,” Acilia didn’t wait for Antony to speak first, and led him to the scholae’s gardens. They weren’t as grand or as magnificent as many of her roman patrons had, but they were pretty enough and quiet and most importantly, private.
Antony followed her, not giving much importance to their change of scenery.
“You wanted to see me?” Acilia turned, making a show of the swaying of her hips. As much as Antony was mad at her, it definitely caught his eye.
“You drive me crazy.” He said that. It wasn’t much of a compliment, too. More of a statement of a fact, and his tone was still somewhat collected, even if Acilia knew better than to believe it. “And you’re so stubborn, and-” Now his tone started getting angrier and angrier. 
Ah, there it was.
“Your point?” She narrowed her eyes, cutting him off.
Antony gaped at her. She interrupted him? It wasn’t the first time, admittedly, but usually she had... Better methods... Of doing that.
“You try to prove so hard that you’re better than this. Better than us - THAN ME, but you’re not. And if you could just admit that, hell, Acilia, we could --” He didn’t finish that sentence. Instead, he looked around himself. Anywhere but her.
“We could?” She pressed, even if deep down she knew the answer to that, and that’s an answer she didn’t want to hear. Because she knew the cost it could take from her, and it’s a cost she wasn’t willing to pay.
He looks back, meeting her eyes, and just as fast - his lips are over her own. Fierce, demanding. Trying to claim her as his own. He pushed her against a nearby tree, almost violently. Both of his hands came up to caress her face, pulling him towards her, and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t kiss back.
It started almost aggressive, but somehow, towards the end of the kiss, it somehow turned... Soft.
Acilia pressed her forehead against his own. At first, Antony flinched away, but she pulled at the hands placing on her cheeks, and then, almost reluctantly, Antony obliged and moved back in - resting their foreheads together.
They stood in silence. Maybe they both knew it was likely the last time.
And right then, it hit her. Why they were so different, why they could never truly understand each other, let along commit to each other.
“You want to know what’s the difference between the two of us?” Acilia prompted Antony’s unimpressed figure. He immediately stepped back and erased any traces of emotion he might’ve shown just a second earlier.
“Enlighten me, Princess” Somehow, the way the word ‘Princess’ rolled off his tongue now was so different than it used to before. So... mocking, and toxic, she felt a painful shiver run down her bones.
“All those horrible things I’ve done, and believe me, I did. I stand by my actions, I don’t deny them, even if the gods never forgive me, I did them for my people. For my family, for my tribe. But you? Antony? You’ve only ever cared for yourself. And everything you do,” She pauses, pointing a finger sharply against his chest. “You do for yourself.” She pushes against his armor.
She realized, deep down, that if it came down to her - or power... Antony would always choose power.
“And that why we’re different. That’s why we’ll never be able to understand each other. Not completely. Not ever.” She shakes her head, and fights the tears that threaten forming in her eyes. She needs to be strong now. She can’t show him the effect he has on her.
Just a few moments more, she assures herself. Just a few moments more and he’ll be gone - she’s sure.
Her words made sure of it. There was no turning back now.
And she’s right.
Antony nods once, his face unreadable, as usually. He put back on the mask he usually carries, the one she was able to briefly cast off.
“You can keep telling yourself those lies,” He tells her, but she knows it’s just his way to deal with their inevitable parting. “But you’re a murderer, and you’re no better than me. You can fool anyone you want, Acilia, but you can’t fool me,” His words come out as a stream, and even though he’s not cursing at her, it sure feels like it.
Acilia decides to endure it, so she simply shrugs and plasters a weak yet confident smile. “Sure, Antony. Whatever makes you sleep better at night.” She promises him, and for just a moment his facade wavers and she can see how furious he’s with her.
“This is goodbye, Acilia. Just know, the next time you need my help, the next time you come crawling to me, asking for a favor... I won’t help you.” With that, he turns on his heels and starts walking away, out of Acilia’s sight, and out of her heart.
And he was right. This was goodbye. She was going to see him again, obviously, but never like that. This was their breakup, their love story ending sooner than it began.
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vieuxnoyesrp · 7 years
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Anna. As one of our most reliable and devoted members, we admins were of course overjoyed to see an application from you in our inbox. Even more than that, we were delighted to see you take on Freya, a character with arguably one of the most complex situations amongst the people of the French Quarter. What we found most gripping was how human you made this ancient and powerful being seem. Your focus on Freya’s flaws and preoccupations made it easy to empathize with her inner struggles, no matter how outlandish her story may be. The time you took to give us in-depth answers to every question was evident, and we can’t wait to see that thoughtfulness and consideration in your portrayal on our dash.
Anna, thank you very much for applying. As for Freya…
                 ⚜ ~ WELCOME TO VIEUX NOYÉS!!! ~ ⚜
Wondering what to do next? Click here and let the good times roll!
⤜ Name/alias: Anna
⤜ Pronouns: she/her
⤜ Age: I’m afraid I’m hitting the big 30 tomorrow…
⤜ Timezone: Central European/Amsterdam time (GMT+2?)
⤜ Activity: Well, you know that much better than I do? But I’d say a 6? A 7? Things are calming down now and I have no other roleplays besides this one anymore, so all my time and devotion is yours!
⤜ Best form of contact: Either here on tumblr or at [email protected]
⤜ Any Triggers? Nothing I really can’t handle
⤜ How did you find Vieux Noyés? Because you guys were in the Matt Donovan and Kol Mikaelson tag and I track those. And because I wanted a good TO RP and you guys are the only one of quality around.
⤜ What drew you to the RP? The quality and depth of the bio’s, the quality of the players, the thoughtful answers to questions, the nice people in this RP, the well thought out storyline, the constantness, the warm bath, the awesome writing, the nice admins.
⤜ What is one subplot/element from the Plot page that you are particularly looking forward to seeing in this roleplay? I’m really looking forward to a lot of things! I can’t wait to see the rise of the humans (I have faith in it!) and I also can’t wait to see more of the witch related story lines. The sacrifices, Dahlia, Davina. So many amazing things! Ow, and then there is the thing where I can’t wait to see the Mikaelsons slowly falling down (which will happen too, right? ;-))!
⚜ Desired Character: Freya Mikaelson
⤜ Why do you want this character?
Freya has quickly become one of my favorite female characters on television. She has everything I can possibly wish for in a bad ass woman. She is strong and determined, but she does admit it when she can’t do something and allows herself to cry over it. She takes matters into her own hands, but does long for support and people caring about her. She is a girl on a mission, but she doesn’t lose sight of those that are truly important to her. She has strong opinions, but she also gives people the chance to explain themselves and to grow on her.
I think Freya is a very well thought out character with loads of depth and possibilities. I see a great challenge, because I’ve never played her before, but I most of all see a lot of inspiration, connections, interesting storylines that are just waiting for me to explore. On top of that, I have discovered that I like exploring bisexual characters and in my opinion, Freya totally is one and I’d love to walk that road with her and to struggle with those complicated emotions with her.
⤜ What are your future plans for this character?
Of course I’m looking forward to have Freya interact with her family. All she has are the stories Dahlia told about them and the rumors she has heard while she was on the run. I do think that Freya is curious to get to know them, to see what they’re really like, to discover if they are truly the monsters Dahlia told they were. I also think that despite her strength, Freya does long for a family, for someone caring about her, truly caring about her.
She has tried to find and create that little family with Mary, somehow believing that the girl and her had more than enough in common to do so. But we all know that this attempt didn’t end well for Freya. But that longing for a family, for a group of people loving her unconditionally is still there and I think that will make her forgive the Mikaelsons more than she probably should, attempting to be loved by them, to be one of them. She knows it will be hard, but hard doesn’t mean impossible.
I also want to explore Freya’s longing to learn and grow as a witch. She has powers she doesn’t even begin to understand and as soon as she discovers in what world her siblings live, she will for sure realize that she will need them. On top of that, she will never give up on her plan to end Dahlia once and for all. Why not kill two birds with one stone? By learning to control her powers, she will be able to help and protect her family, and earn their love because of it, AND she will one day be strong enough to defeat the woman she has called mother, even though she shouldn’t have.
So, I also want Freya to interact with other witches, to know that she can be stronger if she wants to be, but that she’ll have to watch, learn and grown to reach her full potential.
What’s also interesting is the violence she has been taught by Dahlia. She has killed people to sacrifice them for the so called greater good. I see Freya as someone who tries to be good, but I do think that those lessons and the fact that she has already crossed those lines did leave a mark, make it easier to cross the line again. I can totally see her crossing a few lines here and there for the so called greater good. I’d also really like to explore that side of her, the more violent side created and fed by Dahlia and I can’t wait to see how far she’s willing to go for those she loves.
She is already willing to kill Dahlia, maybe at some point she might be willing to kill Mary too, who knows what other people will end on her kill-list because she decided that it’s the best thing to do?
What’s interesting, is that I can totally see it happening that Freya blames Dahlia for those parts of her she doesn’t like herself. I think it will be an interesting journey to have Freya discover that even though Dahlia did twist her mind, she still has a chance to change, to be different than Dahlia made her to be. I want to see how she at some point concludes that even though Dahlia taught her how to do things, she is the one choosing to still do them. And I want to see her choose actively who she wants to be and which parts of herself she wants to keep and which parts she wants to change. And I’d love to discover that Freya learns that she can’t be perfect and that sometimes she has to do something bad to reach something good. Probably, the morals of her family will influence that journey though and I can’t wait to see that happening.
⤜ Put yourself in your character’s shoes. Give us a few lines to describe a day in the life of your character… Where do they live? Where and how do they spend their time?
When Freya Mikaelsons arrived in New Orleans she had no idea how long she would stay. If the rumors and stories she had heard about her siblings were true, she would only have a quick look before continuing with her life, before ending her own suffering, and Mary’s, for once and for all.
But more than one thing caught Freya’s attention. She heard about the harvest ritual, about the consequences and the impact it had had on others and somehow she couldn’t bring herself to leave before she had helped those who could obviously use some guidance.
And then there was also the matter of her family. Her family lived up to the rumors and stories that were told about them, yes, but there was another side to the story. There was the side of the always and forever, of sticking with each other despite everything they’ve been through, of knowing that despite everything they were each other’s siblings and needed each other.
Freya not only realized that even if they were monsters they were not just that, but she also realized that she wanted to be part of it, that she wanted to be part of their always and forever. Moreover, she realized she wanted to be the big sister she should have been, the one protecting them and guiding them and helping them to stay on the right path.
And now Freya is still lingering around in this wonderful town where magic is always vibing and countless powers are fighting for the right to exist. She has found an old and abandoned house to live in. Rumors have it that the house is haunted, but Freya is not afraid of such things. Her days are filled with discovering this new world and time. She tries a different taste of coffee each morning. She visits the library frequently to enjoy the wonders of the internet and the modern literature. She loves the different cocktails one can order once the sun has set. And there is the miracle of being allowed to love anyone you want to love, boy or girl.
And slowly, without even realizing it, Freya is building a life for herself in a town she was supposed to simply pass through, with people she was supposed to hate. In the back of her mind her wish to destroy Dahlia is still there, but a few months more or less shouldn’t matter too much, right?
⤜ Give us three headcanons regarding your character of choice.
1. Freya Mikaelson, powerful witch and weapon, loves romans, cheap stories about romances between doctors and nurses, vampires and humans, lions and lambs. The cheesier the better. And Freya Mikaelson, over a millennium old, then discovers something that’s even better: the femslash fanfics on the world wide web. Because despite her longing for vengeance and justice, she also longs to discover what it feels like to be truly loved, by a woman or a man, by a family, by anyone.
2. Most people are used to the wonders of the internet, the new technology, computers that fit into your pocket, but Freya isn’t. Although she has learned to act like all those things are absolutely normal to her, there is still a childlike wonder inside of her that awakens now and then. Freya therefore enjoys spending time in the park, watching children, who have not yet forgotten how miraculously the world they live in is. Sometimes, she even catches herself wondering what it would be like to be a mother, although a part of her fears that it is impossible for her to be a good one. After all, the examples she had were not that great.
3. Freya can turn everything into a weapon. Her mind, slightly twisted by Dahlia and her lack of morals, is creative when it comes to daily properties. When her magic fails her, she knows how to make her heels more dangerous than knives or how her necklace is strong enough to strangle a man. And she might have drawn some inspiration from Rapunzel. Because even Freya has to admit that using a frying pan as a weapon might be one of the most clever things ever.
4. Disney movies and cartoons are Freya’s guilty pleasure in general. There is already enough pain in the world. She has already seen most horror stories come to life herself. She likes the lightness, the humor, the sweetness of those childlike stories that never fail to amaze her. And maybe, maybe those stories have the power to make even Freya Mikaelson believe in her own happy ending.
⤜ What are some plots you’d like to explore with your character?
The first plot I’m really interested in is Freya meeting her family and having to decide whether they are the monsters Dahlia said they were or whether they are worth fighting for. I can’t wait to see how the others will react when she reveals to be the eldest Mikaelson sister and how they will deal with her desperate attempts to prove that they can trust her and that she’s one of them.
I also love the fact that Alaric confuses her with Jennifer and I can’t wait to explore that relationship and how that will eventually play out. I want to see how Freya deals with being blamed for something she herself is trying to stop and how she and Alaric might recover after the truth has come out.
I would love to explore her sexual feelings towards both men and women. After years of solitude, Freya doesn’t care too much about what people think of her, but she does want the approval of her family and Dahlia’s influence is still very feelable. I think that even though she wants to love who she wants to love and knows that even society is somehow okay with it, she might struggle with her feelings and most of all telling her family and loved ones about it.
As already said, I also want her to find out that Dahlia maybe was a big part of her life, but that she can still make her own choices. And I want to see which choices she’ll eventually made and how far she’s willing to go.
I want to see her moral struggle towards Mary, and whether or not she’s a victim or a monster. And I also want to see how her own challenge, which parts of me are made and which parts are mine and which ones can I change, will have an influence on her relationship with Mary.
And of course I’m looking forward to what will happen when Dahlia comes to town, what that will do to Freya and how that will influence her relationship with her siblings.
⤜ Para sample:
⤜ Would you like to be considered for another character if not accepted as your primary choice?
I was torn between Freya and Rebekah. I picked Freya because I think she’s the more challenging and interesting choice for me personally (and to not completely cut off Mabekah), but if you want me to apply for Rebekah instead, feel free to let me know. I would also love to try my hands at Kol one day, but since he and Matt have an interesting connection, that didn’t feel like an option to me.
⤜ Have you read the rules?: Yes, I did.
⤜ Anything else? The last couple of months have been hectic, but about four weeks ago all my other roleplays (4 characters) died. I’ve been looking for another RP, but somehow none seem to be of the same quality as this one. This is where I feel welcome and appreciated and where I’m surrounded by amazing writers and people. And when I saw Freya’s bio released, there was something itching and tucking at my sleeve. I really hope we can work something out to make this work! Like I said, you have my full commitment, my life is calming down again and I’m ready when you are.
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coffeecupandteatime · 7 years
Obscure Review #6
It’s time to spork fics and ruin lives.
Ahhhhh, it’s that time of the year again, when the summer air is crisp, and we’re all stuck inside reading reviews on awful fanfics. ʕಠᴥಠʔ My mother always said I had no life.
I haven’t had a life since I found the internet.
Yes we know that Coffee.
None of us have had lives since the internet. Let’s just put that out there now.
You make a compelling point sir. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Now shall we begin the shitstorm?
Shit parade is a better description.
As usual, we will be offensive. Don’t take this personally.
Hey … I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever. I kind of helped my sister have a party at our house and it went really wild.
Suuuuuure you did pal. Ya sure you weren’t just thinking of quitting? Cos I’m sure many people would love that. ʕ° ͟ل͜ ͡°ʔ
My parents came home the next morning and we got grounded for having alcohol at the party. At the party, some stupid kids broke some of my mom's porcelain dolls and the vase that contained my grandmother's ashes was also broken. So not only did my sister get grounded for a year, but I, who wasn't even at the party got grounded as well.
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OBJECTION! That’s a contradiction! You just stated “it went really wild”, implying you were there! *slams hands on desk* Isn’t that right?!
What the fuck? Who gets mad over porcelain dolls breaking? Those things are creepy as hell.  Also she HELPED her sister have the party so there’s that too.
Avid collectors get mad and not to mention her grandma’s ashes were spilled all over the floor.  
I’d be a little mad if someone busted the vase with grandma’s ashes.
I understand that part, just not the dolls.
And that's why I haven't updated. No laptop, TV, Ipod, phone, DS, and no Hot Cheetos or Starbucks!
You sound oh so very stereotypically white right now.
“OH NO! Things I can totally live without but depend on!”
Ouch. Right in the entitlements…
I’m sure none of those things wanted to be associated with you.
My mom also signed me up for ballet. So guess what I spent my time doing after school and during the summer.
Come on kid, ballet isn’t bad, it’s fun once you get past the clumsiness.
Anyway, now I have some of my freedom back. Before I quit ballet, I stuck the finger to the evil teacher and walked out of there like a boss! Yeah... no.
That would get you another month of grounding if you were my child.
Much worse would happen to her if that were my spawn.
I’m not having kids if they're always like this brat.
That would be extremely rude.
You say as if you cared.
I’m sure she does Coff.
Yeah, no she doesn’t.
And another reason I haven't updated was because Katherine's story takes place after the whole war with the giants and I didn't know if the camps were going to come together and change the name or something like that.
Oh, good. Then I take back my previous comment. She’s still a special-snowflake (bitch) daughter of Poseidon, but at least she’s not fucking up the prophecy. She’s just gonna fuck everything else up.
The daughter of Poseidemort who ran over a MINOTAUR and uses the knife game to punish her brother.
Special snowflakes galore.
So when the book came out, I read it but I couldn't start writing a chapter. Well, here's the fourth chapter. Oh wait, remember how in the first chapter it say winter? Well I'm changing it to the summer
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‘Scuse me? You’re just gonna… change the a fairly major element of the story with an author’s note? Instead of, y’know, editing???
And why not just keep it going and be lazy and call it an ‘AU’? Anyone can do that.
That would be too much effort, that’s why.
I sighed. It had been a week since we left the house. So many of those… things had come after us.
What things? You mean monsters?
What monsters? We never saw anything except the Minotaur which was run over and never heard from again.
Clearly we’re running from he must not be named.
That old lady that had grown wings,
WHAT OLD LADY? Is there something happening off-screen we don’t know about??
All we ever got about the FURY was a SINGLE screech.
Just gonna dump her in here apparently.
the man/animal that had horns and was unbelievably strong,
Which was never shown, because they flattened it with a car.
Correction, attempted to flatten it with a car. It didn’t die and didn’t try to kill them although they sat on top of it for like 5 minutes.
What man/animal with horns? You know how many monsters fit that description? ʕಠ益ಠʔ
and that weird big hairless dog.
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Please stop acting like we actually saw any of this.
I thought hellhounds had fur tho.
They do but she clearly doesn’t know her Greek monsters.
ʕಠ益ಠʔ That makes me angry.
It’s fine! Because we never saw this at all in context with the story.
My mom had names for them. That old lady with the wings was a fury, the man/animal thing with horns was a minotaur And the big dog thing is a hellhound.
A hellhound isn’t hairless you fop.  
This could have been put into the previous sentence but instead you continue to waste my time with your unneeded prose.
That’d be too easy.
My mom had always wanted us to get into the whole Greek and Roman myths about the gods. Never really sparked my interest. But my mom did make me take Latin. I hated it but I put up with it for her.
I’m sorry, WHAT?!? You’re a Greek demi-twit, you should be learning, guess what, GREEK!
Latin is not Greek.
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Plot twist: MC isn’t a Demigod, she was adopted and Angel’s the true Demigod.
The only twist I would gladly accept.
So anyway, we have traveled from Beverly Hills to New York in a week in a would have been here earlier but we spent a whole day shopping for clothes.
“We’re being chased by monsters, but that’s okay! We can spend an entire day shopping without incident! Hooray, materialism!”
Lord forbid shopping gets compromised. ʕಠ益ಠʔ
Shoes, pants, a backpack for each of us, lady things, shirts, sweaters and jackets, underwear, tank tops, socks etc.
Yet you wasted time to compile a shortlist of the shit you bought. You could just say you bought the essentials.  
We’re off to a good start…
Lady things, yet you have underwear separately. ʕಠᴥಠʔ╭∩╮cool.
Um, do I have to explain what lady things are Jager?
Well if MC can try to get her brother and friend to basically fuck, ‘lady things’ shouldn’t be that bad. Just saying.
I’m surprised you don’t know already.
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We stopped by hotels every morning to shower. That's why we took so long.
In the previous sentence you mentioned wasting an entire day shopping. I’m pretty confident that it contributed.
Tea, the author has no concept of time.
But now we're here. Sitting in a Starbucks. Sipping our frappuccinos as my mom babbles on and on about this camp.
I’m starting to sense a pattern with you....
Is urgency lost on you? Whatever is chasing you, I hope it smashes you into bloody paste leaving Angel alive to arrive at camp so we don’t have to deal with your drivel.
Apparently it is. ʕಠᴥಠʔ
Camp Half-Blood or something.
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Good to know you’re paying attention to this crucial information concerning your safety and well-being.
I’m surprised she hasn’t tried getting Emily to hook up with the monsters to distract them.
She probably would if she thought it would let them live.
Gonna get that big ol’ Minotaur horn if ya know what I mean C;
I don’t.
Ahh, innocent Coffee. You’ll figure it out when you’re older.
This is about as old as I’m gonna get.
It's dark as we leave the cozy coffee shop. I instantly miss the smell of caffeine.
How the hell can you smell caffeine?
ʕ.ᴥ.ʔ Welp. The power of being a Sue lets you smell the impossible.
I don’t have enough caffeine in my system to deal with this shit.
That’s like saying I can smell yeast before it ferments.
As we make our way to the car, I notice a huge black cloud in the sky. I can see light flash inside it. Lightning.
Thanks Captain Obvious!
You act like you’ve never seen a storm before. Oh and we are once again copying Percy’s how-I-got-here story.
She probably hasn’t since her life was so ‘perfect’ before.
I open my mouth to-
Spout more idiotic bullshit? Bitch about Angel?
tell them about the cloud when Emily looks up at me. I know she noticed it. She's probably gonna end up clutching my side halfway through our ride to this camp. She's always been afraid of lightning.
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Oh no. So scary. Much terrified.
Show that she’s afraid of it, don’t state it to the audience.
All Knowing Sue strikes again.
She feels that it will kill her.
And she doesn't like airplanes or anything that involves lightning or being above the ground. She's never been on a swing since she doesn't like her feet not touching the ground or something that is touching the ground.
Show not tell, show not tell, shOW NOT TELL.
You’re gonna flip shit when you read who her mom is. Anyway, it’s apparently supposed to “contribute” to her fear of Zeus.
If it’s not Aphrodite I’ll be very disappointed.
Her only exception is the ocean since that's where we feel at home
I get why a child of Poseidon feels safe, but why Emily? We don’t know her. Nor do we care anymore.
I have a bad feeling about her god-parent…
Don’t got many choices.
I’m going to bet that her mother is a goddess who can’t/won’t have mortal children.
, so she feels safe with us. We get in the car and my mom starts driving. I hear thunder and I feel someone clutching my arm really hard.
So much so that she renders flesh from bone.
Coffee. What did I say.
" Emily, that hurts." I say annoyed.
“Ow, pain. I fractured my ability to emote.”
Please kill her.
She could emote in the first place?
" Sorry." She loosens her grip. My arm can breath again.
I wasn’t aware your arm had breathing capabilities.
Does it have nostrils that we don’t see?
The arm has the most character development in this story.
" Emily, sweetie, nothing is going to happen to you. Besides, your mom will protect you.
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“Ah, yes. My mother that I know nothing about and who has practically abandoned me. That’s comforting.”
“Bah you’ll get used to it.”
She would never let anything happen to you. Just like Angel and Kat's father would never let anything happen to I'm here."
If Poseidon never let anything happen to his demi-spawn this entire story would not exist.
Exactly. Thank you Coffee.
Emily just nodded when my looked at her through the rear mirror. Anyone could see that Emily didn't believe her and she was still afraid.
I can’t see anything with your lousy writing.
So much for those classes am I right guys?
" How about some music? That always soothes you." Angel put on the radio.
Why are we suddenly being formal in speech?
You know what would soothe me?
These fuckers dying?
In a fiery car crash.
Noooooooooo, why a fucking song. Why do you have to write out the song!
Cause raisins.
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" If I die young, bury me in satin
I’ll bury you all right, but it will sure as hell not be in satin.
Maybe in an inferno.
That might work. Though someone might dig her up.
Lay me down on a bed of roses
If you don’t mind the napalm under it.
A good old fashioned bonfire.
That’d be to easy. Slowly lower her onto a bed of rusty nails.
Sink me in a river at dawn
Hon, even if you didn’t die I’d still drown you in a river.
She can breathe in water though.
AHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA! Can she breath in acid?
Send me away with the words of a love song
With the lyrics describing your imminent demise.
Nobody loves you.
Not even the knives.
Uh oh, uh oh
That’s how I feel about this entire fic.
That’s me everyday of my life.
Lord make me a rainbow,
Lord, please don’t.
I second that.
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I'll shine down on my mother
With a death ray.
Preparing weapon: 80%.
She'll know I'm safe
Now that you’re no longer a nuisance.
Now a thorn in God’s side.
Poor God.
with you when she stands under my colors,
I bet your colors are about the same as your emotional spectrum.
A dull gray, slightly darker dull grey and and an even darker dull grey.
Don‘t insult grey.
Oh yeah. And purple.
You leave purple out of this.
“I finally realized this whole story was a mistake.”
Nah, I doubt Author ever thought that.
And life ain't always what you think it ought to be,
Like this story.
Clearly. I thought this was supposed to be a story.
I thought I was sober.
Is what I said when I was told we were going to continue reading.
Yeah, I’m never sober.
Ain't even grey,
Oh, look! Your emotional spectrum!
but she buries her baby
Finally putting that whiny brat in the ground!
The sharp knife of a short life,
*hides knife* I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Quick protect Angel!
oh well
That’s what the author said before publishing this trash parade.
That’s what I said while looking at the last bottle.
I've had just enou-"
I’ve had enough of this shit too.
-Promptly swings door open and leaves-
Fuck this shit, I’m out!
Mom turned it off.
“Now that we’re done with those ominous implications…”
" Maybe we should do something else instead of listen to the radio. How about I tell you kids more about Camp Halfblood?"
“Obviously, no one was listening to me about it before.”
“Listen here you little shits! You’re going to camp!”
I feel like the author is now trying really hard to make mom explain things.
" Your father always wanted you to go to this camp since you were babies. He kept visiting me, telling me how it wasn't safe for you anywhere but the camp. I told him off, saying that nothing bad would ever happen to you as long as I was alive.
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“Of course, I, a mortal woman, would know more about this sort of thing than a Greek god.”
Totally not Percy’s story.
Percy’s mother was worried and knew she would only be able to protect him so much and Sally knew her limits. She’s making her sound like “I can protect my kids by myself. I won’t get killed with a simple flick of the wrist.”. That’s fucking foolish.
And your father, Emily, he promised your mother he would guard you with his life.
“I can’t imagine why he would do that. It’s not like Greek gods avoid their children.”
“Mom, was dad just a one nighter?”
Her mom just left a note though, how the hell would he promise that? The gods don’t normally tell the mortal partner that they’re a god.
I don't think he ever told you this but one night, when you were about 10, he found your mother standing over your bed, crying quietly. He told me that she told him that all she could think about was you.
And he told you this, but not his daughter..? I see where Katherine’s omniscience comes from.
Damn genetics. Fuckers.
You guys may think that the parent that left you didn't care, but they did.
Except they don’t, because they are gods.
They don’t care cos they can literally have kids with damn near anyone.
Correction, they care for their kids but they normally have VERY limited contact with them. They make a point to stay out of their lives, to not interfere, it would piss off the Fates.
It hurt us as much as it did them. And by 'us' I mean Emily's dad and me."
That’s unusually specific.
Me thinks Moma and Emily’s dad had a fling.
" Mom, who is our dad and Emily's mom?"
My mom smiled softly. It was a sad smile. " Well, that's something you'll have to find out at camp, isn't it?" No one said anything.
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“It’s more fun that way. Nothing bad ever comes from withholding this kind of information.”
“Not like this information is important to the plot.”
Get on with the plot please. This suspense shit is getting old fast.
5 minutes later
You don’t need a fucking transition for five fucking minutes!
Calm down Coffee.
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" Are we there yet?"
“No, the end of the chapter is about another two pages of nothing happening.”
Guess I can get another case of rum. I have the time.
" Almost. Patience Angel."
Oh, so that’s who’s talking. For a second, I thought it was another hallucination. Wait a minute, who’s talking now? A ghost? It’s a ghost, isn’t it?
I think you need to lay off the shrooms.
" So how long are we going to stay at this camp?"
Fuck, what’s the name of that Naruto story we did? Dammit, TEA! HELP!
When Wind meets earth, I believe and yes, that is how the author wrote it.
" For the rest of Winter break."
Didn’t you change it to summer in your author’s note?
.-. I’m greatly confused and annoyed at the same time, what do you call that?
Confoyed? I dunno.
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Angel groaned. I groaned. Emily squealed.
And I unloaded a shotgun into everyone mentioned.
-Takes the shotgun back- Hey, this is for emergencies only.
*takes shotgun* With how fast this is going downhill, this counts.
-Takes it back- I’M the one who brought this thing, stop wasting ammo on this shit show, wait for My Inner Life.
This joke is overkill.
" We're gonna have so much fun! We'll meet new people. And there might be some cut boys." She winked at me. " And cute girls for you Angel,"
“And we’re probably going to die!”
I long for the sweet release of death. I refuse to go to AA.
Turns out Angel and Emily just weren't meant to be. She said that she felt no spark when they had a make-out session in her room on the boat. And he said that it felt weird kissing her. Like he was kissing his mom.
That is just gross.
And thus, that entire chapter was a big waste of everyone’s time, because the author decided on a whim to abort that story arc.
What the fuck…? Oooooooh wait till I do my thoughts at the end, ooooh you just wait.
So they've decided to just stay friends. But hey, I'm not complaining.
I am! That chapter never needed to happen if it was going to end like that.
Goddamitgoddamitgoddamit. GODDAMIT!
" Oh. And you'll love your cabins. Maybe Artemis and her hunters will be there. But don't join them. Just 5 more miles."
Why is she talking like she’s been there before? She’s mortal, mortals can’t enter the camp.
Omniscient protagonist powers go!
Rather Katherine joined them or not, she’ll never lose her V-card :^)
My mom kept smiling and shed a few more tears.
“So close to freedom from this awful story!”
“So close to losing these little shits!”
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When we were about 3 miles away my mom suddenly stopped the car. " No. That's impossible. We should have had more time." She whispered this to herself. She was looking through the rearview mirror.
This wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t spent an entire day shopping!
We are definitely copying Percy’s story but trying to make it seem original.
" Get out! Everybody get out!" Her voice was panicked. We got out as quickly as we could.
Which was at a snail’s pace, like everything else in this goddamn story.
Yet now we decide we want to live. Why can’t you just die Sue???
Except the second chapter, that happened quicker and I’m glad.
She started rummaging through the trunk. She handed us the luggages filled with our belongings. Then she pulled out a long thin sword. " Now, we're going to run.
Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to run with swords?!
Wanna know what else is long and thin?
The spear of which I’ll impale you with if you continue that joke.
-Leans in closer- ʕ°ᴥ°ʔ My dick.
You had fair warning, there is nothing I can do to help you.
To the top of the hill. The monsters have caught up with us.
I still don’t see any monsters.
It would be nice if you put effort into the scene. For now we see floating blobs.
I see a heaping pile of shit called “How it all began”.
We have a few minutes before they reach us.
Why doesn’t the All-Seeing protagonist see them then?
Cause raisins.
Cos I scooped her eyes out with a grapefruit spoon.
Give me your hands." We all held out a hand.
She proceeded to chop off their hands with the sword.
“My tummy was making the rumblies...that only hands could satisfy.”
" Give me your pocket knife Angel."
“So I may kill you quicker.”
Quick, castrate him so we don’t more Stus and Sues.
" I don't know what you're talking about." She glared at him. He handed it to her. She grabbed his hand and cut the palm.
Which she really could have done with the sword…
Me too buddy, me too. -Pats Coffee’s back.-
He pulled back his hand but it was too late. The damage was already done.
She rolled a nat 20 and hit him with critical damage. He lost his last 2 HP and had to go recover in the local tavern.
He rolled a nat 1 dexterity roll, he slipped, fell and broke his neck on the way to the tavern.
Jagerbomb rolled a nat 20 and won the last case of rum.
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She grabbed a white towel from the hand and pressed his wound to it. The blood stained part of it red.
No shit, it’s a WHITE towel. Blood is red, thus it stains towel.
What are you talking about? Blood is pink. It’s always been that color.
No, blood is blue.
" I'm sorry. THis will throw them off our trail for a bit."
I like to think she was a bit enthusiastic for a second, but then realized the story she was in.
-Takes a sip from a beer can- Eyup.
She did the same to us. It stang but no as much as I thought as it would.
The word is stung, not stang. A stang is a Mustang,  which you can’t drive.
Or ride. Cos Mustangs are too damn majestic for you.
Or as in Roy Mustang, but that’s not a good idea unless you like the idea of female officers in tiny miniskirts…
ʕ◕ᴥ◕ʔ Females? Miniskirts? Where do I sign up?
Down boy.
She threw the blood stained towel in the back car seat. Then we ran.
From what? I still don’t see the threat!
Their running from their emotions, Coffee.
What emotions?
The ones they left behind years ago.
We jumped over fallen trees and prickly bushes ripped our clothes as we brushed past them while running away from the monsters.
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You keep saying that, but I still don’t see anything nor is there a threat. Maybe if I believe in it enough the monsters will appear and eat them.
Coffee. We’re not going to be saved, stop it. -Flicks nose-
We heard a roar back where the car was. That made us run faster. We finally believed my mother.
Took you long enough!
Let’s play the guessing game on what monster it is! GODZILLA!
The gods are real. We're demigods. And monsters are after us so they can spill our blood.
She didn’t explain this shit at all to you. Also you’re being overly formal again.
Well, you’ve been doing a bang up job avoiding them so far.
So why fucking worry!?
Then we found it. The entry to this camp.
These sentences. Are. Insanely choppy.
It hurts. My. Brain.
At first I couldn't read what it said, then my dyslexia reformed the words.
This is the first time we’ve seen of you ever having dyslexia.
She’s stating things again, would it kill you to either put it in earlier or better yet show this stuff happening.
She can magically give herself different disabilities.
Camp Half-Blood. We passed under the sign and a barrier appeared as we did. It didn't stop us from going in. It was as if showing that not just anyone could enter.
Wow, so exactly what a barrier does!
If your mother already explained everything to you then you should already know what the barrier does.
:O Holy shit! Something that actually does it’s job!
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My mom looked at us longingly. I gestured for her to come with us. She shook her head sadly. I understood.
“Even though I’ve never been here before and I know nothing about the camp.”
All Knowing Sue strikes back!
The barrier sensed her and reminded her that she couldn't enter.
Reminded her? I think you mean stopped her completely.
“Oh sorry ma’am but you can’t come in here.”
" Ms. Adams. Come on."
" Yeah Mom." " She can't. The barrier won't let her. She's human."
I think the author gave up on writing.
I mean, technically, Demigods are human too since they're not, ya know… Gods.
They’re part god, that’s what allows them to get through.
" Kat's right. This is where you guys go ahead without me." A roar startled us. It was close by.
This looks suspiciously familiar.
Yep, we’re definitely copying Percy’s story.
Plus 1 for originality, Suethor.
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" I have to go. If I stay any longer, they'll catch me." She blew us a kiss before disappearing into the trees. We watched as the monsters finally reached us and started banging on the barrier.
There they are! A little late on the chase scene there.
Give them a break, they’re Union monsters.
They couldn't get in either. I smirked and stuck out my tongue.
I’d like to see you do that outside the barrier.
“Let me stick my tongue out and be a brat while I watch my mom is probably being chased by monsters.”
We taunted them for a while longer. We had to make sure Mom had enough time to get away.
You’re copying Percy’s story and trying to be original, so if anything mom is probably going to die.
I doubt the monsters give a damn about kids taunting them. Your mother is probably already dead if they are tolerating you.
I mean, that forest is probably crawling with monsters, and not just Greek ones too, probably a damn Wendigo out there too. -Shivers-
When they finally realized they weren't going to get in anytime soon, they angrily left.
*stomps feet* “It’s not fair!”
“I wanted to tear the blondie’s spine out!”
We turned around and walked into this camp. I smiled at the feeling I felt as I walked, looking for an adult in this quiet place. It felt peaceful. Safe. Like home.
“We’ve only been here for twenty seconds.”
“Katherine, wake up, it was all a dream, you’ve been in a coma for two years.” -sighs- I wish...
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Well, what can I say? After four chapters of the same shit different day, this isn’t surprising. How is one supposed to rate a chapter where nothing happens?
I can guarantee that it gets so much worse. You’ll have a lot to scream about later.
Well, I sure as fuck can say something! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU HAVE US SIT THROUGH TWO CHAPTERS (1 and 2) ABOUT HOW MUCH ANGEL AND EMILY LOVE EACH OTHER ONLY FOR ANGEL AND EMILY TO STAY FRIENDS!? LIKE SERIOUSLY! CHAPTER TWO WAS LITERALLY JUST KATHARINE TRYING TO GET EMILY TO FUCK HER BROTHER! AND WHAT DO WE GET FOR SITTING THROUGH THAT HELL? NOTHING! JUST THE ‘Let’s be friends’ BULLSHIT! And I have to agree with Coffee, all these chapters are the fucking same! Just unnecessary FILLER! Still no emotions, descriptions, and Katherine is the WORST character in this shit show. Fuck you anD YOUR GOAT!
I heard that yelling your name followed by “I’m fine” actually helps most cases of stress.
I have a bottle of jack and a shotgun. I’m fine. -Casual muscle spasm.-
I was thinking something more like, “I’M COFFEE AND I’M FINE!”
There you go~!
-Rapidly pumps shotgun to stay calm-
-Coffee, Tea, and Jagerbomb
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