#but please keep in mind the actual owner of this blog is a minor!
displ3azant · 5 months
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CURRENTLY ASK-ABLE: - Unpleasant - Infected (Plez oversees the questions, though.)
(Before cut is In-Character.)
Hiii! Helloooo!
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Hello!!!!!! Hehe, thiz iz actually super weird trying to write an intro-- give me a minute.
So, HIII!!!!!!! I'm Unpleasant! That'z not a joke, that iz literally my name. There'z no "deep reason" behind it, it iz literally just what people refer to me az. But, if that'z too weird, I do also go by Unplez or Plez for short.
Uh, pronounz? I don't really care, actually. I don't have a set gender, I've never really met a gradient who doez. That being said, since I started hanging with Infected I have been called he and she specifically a lot... so if it'z easiest for you, just roll with the crowd.
Right, so... the blog. Thatz thiz blog, haha! Well, the easy answer iz I waz super bored, Infected can suck a huge ####, and I like talking about myself! But... I kind of suck at talking in general, so I guess I'll type and answer questionz about myself.
(Below cut is Out-Of-Character.)
To those who know me: Good to see you're still stickin' with me! I promise I will make an effort to make this blog much less of a dumpster fire like the last one.
And to those who are only now coming across this blog: Hello! My name is Hex. You don't have to call me "Mod Hex", or anything, just "Hex" will do. I'm the only guy running this thing here. I'll talk more about myself soon, because oversharing is what I do best.
So, if it wasn't obvious enough from the intro, this is an ask/rp blog for the Unpleasant Gradient from Regretevator, but specifically in the context of the plez-centric au I have created for him. Or, well, the "AU" in question is actually just some freaky amalgamation of all my fucked up headcanons, which means...
I AM NO LONGER DOING DIRECT BLOG ASSOCIATIONS! Really sorry about that, I love my friends with all my heart but if I wanna keep consistency, I'm gonna have to "write the story" on my own. However, I do want to give full credit to my friends @sk8tr1101 and @party-noob for some major concepts involving Unpleasant, especially Audrey who already has some awesome ideas herself. Go check them both out!
#unpl3zansw3rz - Asks
#unpl3zrambl3z - Non-ask related posts/reblogs
#unpl3zlor3 - Plot points and similar
#ooc - Out-of-character post
OTHER TAGS (to be updated):
(nothing yet, hehe)
So hiiii, I'm Hex. If I can be bothered, out-of-character posts will either have the #ooc tag, be in purple text, or be signed off with my name. I'd prefer if you refer to me using he/it pronouns, thnx!
I'd also like you all to keep in mind I am 17 years old, therefore a minor, and even if I wasn't 17 I do not appreciate NSFW/Explicit jokes towards me, ESPECIALLY if you don't know me. It's one thing when you're my very close friends or my partner, it's another thing when you are a stranger on the internet asking me things I should not have to answer.
My other accounts are: @hexexists - my main blog, if you receive notifications from this account, please know it is just me! @hexational - my regretevator blog @geometricgiovanni - a Jeremy ask/rp blog set in the same universe as this one! Please note, however, that in the context of this blog, Unpleasant is not aware of the blog nor would he like to be.
Let's start off by reiterating that I AM NOT OKAY WITH NSFW/EXPLICIT ASKS IN ANY CAPACITY! Sick of getting them, they're repetitive and annoying. Asking safe-for-work questions involving Unpleasant's anatomy is one thing, but I am not responding to ANYTHING involving genetalia.
ALSO! I am very unlikely to respond to things that is either hard to make a unique drawing for or don't progress the story (unlocking "lore" and such). I'm watching your ass, Mango, I know what you like to do (/lh). Joke asks are still okay, you don't *have* to progress story, but please keep in mind my "criteria" for answering asks when sending them. A clean inbox gives me a clear mind. I do not like notifications.
Shipping content: Shipping content is okay, but I don't care much for romance personally and so will likely not play much into it. Please don't push anything, I guess, and nothing that promotes proshipping or any kind of literally illegal pairing. If you dislike any direction taken ship-wise for this blog, then block me and move on with your day.
Roleplaying: While I'd prefer to not be in direct contact with other rp blogs, I am totally cool with roleplaying side stories and stuff, interactions and such! Please keep in mind though, Unpleasant in this is not a very social person, so you're probably not going to get the reaction you want.
Also! I think OCs are super cool and am happy to respond/interact with them as well! However,
PLEASE DON'T SEND YOUR GRADIENT OCS TO THIS ACCOUNT IF YOU WANT ME TO DRAW THEM! Please instead send them to @hexational! A lot of people were sending me their Gradient ocs to the previous Unpleasant account, and as much as I love seeing Gradient ocs and Gradient sonas, I'd love to be able to draw them, and if you are just asking an opinion on them and not an in-character ask or a genuine question involving other gradients I'd much prefer you send them to the account previously tagged!
That's pretty much all I can think of! Sorry for the long post, I just have a lot to say hehe
Lots of love, - Hex
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murruspins · 7 months
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Welcome to my blog!
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Hello!! Welcome to murruspins :3!
This is a special interest blog, however it also kind of acts like a diary. I write down what I’m thinking or hyperfixating on, same goes with my regular interests! This blog will also have alot of alterhuman content, as it’s a big part of my identity!
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About the owner of this blog…
My name is Murruyu! I’m a transfem enby, and would prefer if you used they/it/xe on me aswell as fem + neutral terms! If you don’t respect my pronouns, I’ll simply block you, no biggie! 🤍
My special interests are mcyt (hermitcraft & life series specifically), horror, metal music and bio! When I say bio and horror, I mean all aspects. I love horror games, movies, shows, etc. And I love all biology paths/subtypes! (Eg: wildlife bio, botany, palaeontology, and more!)
I’m the host of a minor bodied DID system, however I won’t get into that much on this blog, as this is my personal blog! However, I will talk about our physical disabilities because they impact my everyday life, and this is a diary blog after all! [I will mainly talk about my EDS and CFS]
As I said before.. I am an alterhuman! More specifically, here is a link to all my kintypes!
This list may be updated/edited in the future, but for now, these are all of my (known) kintypes! Some stronger than others. More specifically, I have a super strong connection to the feline clade, more so than my other kintypes. Obviously, due to being alterhuman, I do not identify as human. I instead identify as my kintypes, I may post about my alter-humanity frequently 🫶
I am ALWAYS looking for moots/friends!! Click here to see my interests + adult mutuals are okay, just no dms!
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• People who hate on ANY of my special interests. No offence, but you’re not welcome here, this is my safe space! [PS: being afraid of horror or animals is not the same as hating on them, if you have a phobia of something that’s completely fine! Just don’t insult my spintrest on my page 🤍]
• Anti alterhuman, Anti Age regression, Anti pet regression
• Endogenic systems, Profic/Proship/Darkship/anything that fits into that category.
• FURBY BLOGS!!!!! Furby centred blogs/Blogs with furbys as their theme/pfp dni. Moots r okay but please add a warning whenever you post them 😭🫶. I’m terrified of those little things.
• I’m autistic, I need tonetags! If you’re going to ask anything, I’d appreciate you using tonetags so I can understand you better! :3
• Adults may not ask to be my friends, No offence, just for boundary and comfort reasons, I am a minor after all. Mutuals are fine!
• I generally do not engage in discourse, if that’s something you’d like to know before following! This blog is focused on being diary, alterhuman and interest themed!!
• This is my main blog! If I’m active, it’s probably here. But my side blogs are…
> @liostims , my stim blog
> @lovesicksyndicate , our sys blog
> @faunafeature , my animal info dump blog
… Please keep in mind many of these blogs may be inactive, as this is my main!
• I would appreciate if you tag your posts to do with war, guns & etc to do with tw war or war. I grew up in a situation that causes these to be big triggers for me. Thank you 🫶
• If you post dead animal imagery PLEASE add a tw or cut off or SOMETHING. I know this is specific but I’ve had a moot do this before and it was actually insane. I admit I’m a bit sensitive but I still don’t want to see that
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Finishing up/Extras…
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. . . Emoji games!
How these games work; ask via the ask option, and write an emoji + any other info you’d like, and I’ll answer! Just a small game for fun!
🐾 , info dump about a random animal I’m fixating on at the time! (Please include if you don’t want a specific animal due to a fear, for example: bugs).
🐈 , song of the day! ask and I’ll give you a song that’s been stuck in my mind recently, or just a random song off my playlist!
🐍 , daily check in! I’ll give you a small rant about my day so far, and tell you how I’ve been recently! (I’ll try to keep it positive.)
"(Therian/biology/metal/anything related to my blog) culture is…" asks are also always appreciated!! I love seeing them, and I love interacting with people!!
Blog tags . . . !!
#murru mews 🐾 | my general tag! Diary entries!
#murru hisses 🐍 | vent posts
#murru’s asks : replies to my asks!
#murru’s rants : rants!! Either in response to the emoji games, or just to infodump :]
#murru’s playlist : anything to do with music!
#murru’s toybox : anything to do with my collections!! I collect a lot of things, so this tag will be full of things in my collection :]
#murru’s games : an additional tag, just for my emoji games!
PS: blog creation date.. Jan 30th 2024!
Thank you for reading !
. . . Enjoy your travels, dear friend!
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wofreimagined-au · 4 months
"What if history went a different way?"
This is a blog for me and my mates to post about the AU we came up with. It'll have lore, story, worldbuilding, all the sorts. Mostly a blog for our ideas to bounce off of each other, assuming the others want to join in this blog as well.
Please keep in mind that all the admins are neurodivergent and majority of them are minors. We are trying our best with this, but we all function differently from neurotypical adults who likely understand things better than we do. If we upset you (that isn't a minor slight and is actually bad) or do something wrong, please inform us so we can correct our mistakes.
This AU was created by my friends Félix (didn't give me smth to credit him by), MilkSHOOK (@pi-roach), and I (@shethevampyr). This AU was not intended for the original demographic of Wings of Fire (9 - 12 yos), and it will likely come out (much) darker than it was originally. Please keep this in mind while treading the blog. Still nothing sexual though, these are still dragons walking on four legs (usually).
If you are looking for our dni, that is below the cut.
- No harassment in asks. Towards admins or anyone else. We are just trying to have fun here, and if you aren't happy about that, please pack up your shit and leave. Harassment in this blog also includes bigotry (ableism, sexism, racism, lgbtq"phobia", etc. Yes, "delulu" is considered offensive here).
- Be respectful. Don't weird about anyone running the blog, respect our choices with the AU, respect others. Like I said above, if we do something bad or disrespectful please inform us so we can correct our mistakes.
Rules may be added or changed as we so please.
More info under the cut:
These are the tags the mods use for organization.
#wings of fire, #wof, #wof au, #wings of fire au: Simply tags for reach. Unrelated to organization.
#mod [name]: Who made the post. If the mod posting wishes to remain anon, they may post #mod anon.
#quotes: Quotes that are canon in the au. May be one or two, may be a full conversation.
#writing: Similar to above, but it's full writing instead of just quotes. (E.g. "'I love you.'" changed to "'I love you,' the nightwing said softly, shifting their wings as they just admitted the secret they have held onto for the past year.")
#lore: Lore of the AU. Includes random tidbits of story that aren't major to the AU.
#story: Major story pieces of the AU.
#worldbuilding: Random pieces of worldbuilding, mostly regarding kingdoms and culture.
#tribes, #[tribe]: Tribe designs and such.
#asks: Asks.
#intro post: Intros. This is to keep track of old ones if we choose to make a new one after this.
Other tags may be used by the mods as they so please. If a mod doesn't tag their post, I'll likely go in and add tags myself, unless they specifically ask for tags to not be added to the post. Mods aren't forced to abide by adding tags when posting if they don't want to. I'm a total slut for organization though so like I said I'll likely add tags to the post
Mod Theo ⭐️🌾
Yo, I'm Theo, he/him. I am a minor and the "main owner" of the AU. I also own the account linked to the side-blog. I am the one writing most of this post down.
I am medically recognized as a UDD system, please be patient with me since I have gaps in memory. I also get sidetracked easily and may straight up forget about this blog.
I also occasionally have troubles putting my thoughts on paper, so I may have poor wording, poor grammar, half-assed sentences, etc. I'll try my best to get my words across though.
MOD TWO: Electric boogaloo⚡️🌚
I. Ueeeeghhhhhh
you can call me by Infinite or MilkShook!! Yahooie
she/he/fey, but I go by. Any pronouns really, don’t care much what people call me as long as it’s nice!! I’m also a. Minor!!
I have adhd!! Three adderall a DAY, baybee!!!
I have a shitty memory, but I’m also VERY grammar focused, so most, if not ALL of my posts will be grammatically correct unless I am using funny words. my posts will likely be either 7 paragraph long explanations, or a single sentence. No in-between
I’m also very art focused, so expect A lot of concept art!! .
We don't have too big of a dni. Pretty much just follow basic dni criteria and you're good.
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dirtyalpha-rat · 5 months
24 years old, Capricorn, neurodivergent
Verse and switch in theory.. stone top in practice. Preference for doming— rediscovering my sub side!
Most of the posts I reblog, I’m day dreaming of being the dom. If that’s not the case, it’s normally marked
Loving Mate and owner to my very bratty dog ( @omegapuppyslxt ) and proud protector of an obedient little bunny!
Non-binary, trans masc, Butch. Mostly t4t, poly.
DNI: MINORS! And no rape threats.
Please for the love of gods be LGBTQIA. If you’re not that’s cool but I am queer and this blog is about queer sex.
Mutuals, Followers, and blog visitors are always welcome to stop by asks and say Hi! Looking to make kink friends, but not looking for play.
DM’s open for mutuals and approved asks only.
more info under the cut for the curious.
You may call me…
Rat, Sol, Sir, Alpha or Mutt if you’re looking for some trouble.
Open to others, just please refrain from using terms that lay claim (mine, my, etc.)
Terms I enjoy being described with: Cock, hole, (t)dick, cunt, chest.
Terms I’m not comfortable being described with: Tits, breast (we love that chest dysphoria!)
Things I adore…
(incomplete always expanding)
- Impact play (hitting, spanking, punching, slapping)
- Biting, marking, bruising, hickies!!
- Primal play, Chase, rough housing
- pet play!
- Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, knotting
- Roleplay (knight, goddess, cowboy, horror older then time, etc. I hold multitudes)
- complete power exchange, devotion, 24/7 dynamics
- Leather
- Humiliation, Degration, Praise
- Bondage, rope work
- Corruption, soft somo, soft cnc, Intox (weed)
- Punishment, Rules, Chasity
- Care, pleasure, and leaving a scene feeling good
- And much more
Common headspaces
Sir (He/They)
Strict. Hard on rules, ready to train. Will devour you. Has already thought about how. Happy to get my leather gloves out to hit you, and even happier to have you clipped to my carabiner. Don’t forget to clean my boots down there, while you’re at it.
Alpha (They/Them)
Primal, Alpha/Beta/Omega-verse, smells like rain, woodsmoke, deep vanilla, and weed (probably). Soft dom. I am currently nesting with my Omega, Kander. We are a 24/7 Dynamic; I live here.
Knight (They/He)
A bounce between devoted, selfless knight who lives to protect their prince no matter the cost, and knight who will happily help a royal to mind their manners. I devote my love, and my life to my prince. I am loyal not to the crown, but to him. Always him.
Sol (They/Them)
Soft dom, or service top. Not mutually exclusive. Lay on my chest and let me pet your hair. Let me press against you, let me feel every inch of you. Realize you are safe in hands that know and love you, and that if you ask nicely enough you’ll get exactly what you want. Or you can bully me, perhaps put up a fight— maybe I’ll fold or maybe I’ll remind you why you love being mine.
I’m a writer, and I love role play so there’s probably about 5000 others. Inquire for more if you’re interested!
- No DDLG/Age play, No scat, No hard cnc or rape fantasies in my asks and dm’s. We all have lines and we all have trauma. It’s fine for you, it is not welcome here.
- I will block ageless blogs. I’m being so fr ya’ll keep poking and I’m not playing!
- I love to be violent! Please do not be violent with me out of nowhere (get my consent first.)
- Do not force feminize me! I present masculine in my daily life and I’m still figuring out my relationship with my femininity. Don’t complicate it.
- MAPS, Pedos, terfs, antisemitics, actual real life fr misogynists, racists, minors, DNI!
If you made it this far I applaud you. Send me an ask and I will reward your thoroughness!
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kori4txt · 5 months
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read below ! 。 ˚ ︶︶✩︶︶‌ ₊ ˚ ! read below
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please before asking/requesting, read these guidelines..! same with interactions if not just seeing my stuff pop up on your page.
absolutely do not interact with me if you are an ageless blog or a minor! i will immediately block you. if the very obvious "18+ ONLY // MINORS DO NOT INTERACT" sign is not obvious enough, my account is 18+.
this may be long, but it is very important.
important!! : i am not currently posting. please keep this in mind, i literally have no intention on posting anytime soon.
· this account only has one owner. i do have a job, and im just a very busy person. i will take my time to write and i will take breaks.
· i post for both tomorrow x together and stray kids. but i mainly post for txt. this is more because i'm just more into txt, it's nothing to note.
· i do not care what you call me as long as it is not disrespectful!! jokingly/friendly flirting is okay but actually trying to get into a relationship with me is not (who even tries to get with someone through a fanfic tumblr page?)
· my blog is a safe place. hate or discrimination is not accepted here.
· if an ask makes me uncomfortable or goes against my guidelines, i will delete it. my ask guidelines are right below this so please take a look before sending in an ask.
· i do not write for male!reader, trans!reader or anything specific (race, body shape, culture) reader. i write for fem!reader and gn!reader.
· i do not want DMs unless it's like important. chances are, i won't check it anyway.
· these are very simple guidelines, if you refuse to follow them i will block you.
i write: breeding kink, daddy/mommy kink, angsty/fluff themes, toxic!txtskz, SOME dark content, sub/dom!txtskz, strength difference, dad!txtskz, hybrid!txtskz, hybrid!reader, vampires, and basically anything not in the might/wont list? i don’t care really about anything else.
i might write: somno, knife play, SOMETIMES blood play (vampire au mostly), fear play, wax play, pet play, omegaverse, piss kink, infidelity, dubcon, angst (im not too good at it ngl.)
i will not write: ab*se, r@pe, incest, stepcest, p3dophilia, mental illness/disability, noncon, age play, furry, scat, member x member, idol x idol (unless reader is the idol), 6thtxt/9thskz member!reader (i just don't enjoy writing it), smau (its hard 😭).
0 notes
buzzlydrama · 1 year
@/post/720648232056782848 (sorry about the long ass post I like talking about this)
This is pretty much how I feel. Buzzly really could have been the next deviantART, but they just had to shoot their own foot like that. They knew most of the userbase would disagree with them, so really, why do that? Sure, the ones who didn't mind it (or even supported the new upload policy) were alright with it, but you have to acknowledge that it was the minority. I know they said how they wanted the site to be free of the "toxic antis" or whatever and I get that, they're the site owners, they're free to do that... But, if you drive the majority of your users away with your decisions, don't be shocked when there's barely anyone using the site. Yes, there are some users left and new people join every now and then... But let's be real, how many users are actually active (I'm genuinely curious about the number of users, if anyone knows this please tell me)? Is it a site worth joining when there's barely anyone there? To most artists, no, it's not. Why bother with a site where you can't even get an audience?
Now as much as I don't enjoy the content they allow on the site, I could live with them allowing it since it can be filtered anyway (so the people who don't wanna see it could avoid it and the people who want to see it can keep on looking at it) and before anyone says "you can filter it, so why not use Buzzly?" to which, well... You are aware of the site's reputation, right? Personally, I don't care about the whole pro/anti crap (I'm way too old for that), but basically, if anyone sees you using Buzzly, they will instantly assume you're a pedophile and/or a zoophile and that's a label not too many want to be associated with, including myself. You can keep on saying "I'm not a pedophile/zoophile, I just want to use a good art site" but it's already too late, in the eyes of others, you're now a pedophile/zoophile automatically. The word gets around fast, people are quick to remind others of what Red did, what the site allows and the whole controversy. Needless to say, not too many people want to join after hearing that. If you've read this blog, some anon said they've tried to offer invites for Buzzly, but they got turned down because people don't want to join ”a haven for zoophiles/pedophiles”. That is not a good reputation. If that's the first thing people think of when they hear "Buzzly", it's really, really not a good thing. 
If Buzzly is planning to get more new (and hopefully active) members, it'll need to clear its reputation first. Unfortunately, I don't think it'll be that easy, because some people just don't know how to let go of the past and forgive others for their mistakes. And how would Buzzly clear its reputation anyway? I suppose by changing the upload policy so it would forbid "problematic" content. That way the majority of ex-Buzzly users might consider returning, but it would be sad for those who actually like the current upload policy, because then they'd have to find a new place to post their problematic content.
What I'm saying is that no matter what Buzzly does, there's likely no winning. The proshippers would be mad if the upload policy changed, the antishippers won't even touch the site with its current upload policy and just about everyone knows about the site's awful reputation and most refuse to join it because of it. It's been a long time since the last update. I don't know if there's any hope for Buzzly, unfortunately. It'll either remain a small, quiet hive with little to no users or it'll just close down one day. In a perfect world, people would learn to filter the content they don't want to see and everyone could use Buzzly happily in harmony. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world.
0 notes
thistleandthorn-rpg · 2 years
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Congrats JJ (and welcome back!) on your audition for Wyatt Sylvester! Please see this page here for what to do next and send us his blog within 48 hours! Happy to have you back!!
Name/Alias: JJ Preferred pronoun: she/her Age: 30+ Timezone/Country: PST, USA.  RP Experience: off and on 20 years, wowzers Activity Level:  5+ / 10 ?
Name: Wyatt M. Sylvester Designation: Dom Age: 27 Birthdate (click here for list): September 19th Claim: Deceased Faceclaim: Matthew Daddario Orientation: Pansexual, bisexual, whatever Occupation: Owner of “One For the Books” bookstore Kinks: Breath play, bondage, body worship, edging, knife play, impact play, hot wax, more. Anti-Kinks: Strict bottoms, full-on pet play (except as punishment), littles,  O.D.D, scat.
Key Points:
Athletic, a former jock who keeps fit to preserve his body
Prideful, Wyatt can have a hard time changing his mind about something if he feels like he was slighted in the past
Unpredictable, he has been known to let his moods turn on a dime, but he has been working on that issue
Brash and curt, Wyatt doesn’t mince words and won’t pretend to be nice if he doesn’t like a person, unless it would get him in trouble with authority.
BIO - TW: death, TW: illness
Born to an extremely strict mother whom he has no ties to any longer, Wyatt was raised along side his brother and sister, the youngest of the three, mostly under the care and attention of his mother’s submissives and slaves, namely Lucia and Imelda. He was born and raised in Ohio and grew up with the ambitions and expectations of being the next generation Dom, a role that he and his brother both coveted, and his sister was encouraged to learn as well. With a mother who had strong expectations but little hand in their actual raising, Wyatt thrived as a jock with a familial reputation. He was known to emulate his mother in high school, and thus was a bully but also still somehow popular and beloved.
Finally, when he attended an academy much like Stonewall, he got the mark he had the expectation for, dominant. Unfortunately, he and his siblings attended a school run by their mother in the first year of their moving into their full BDSM learning career, and the more he spent under his mother’s direct authority and supervision, the less sure of himself he became. It became painfully clear that her tight reins made it impossible for her to treat him like a proper dominant, still too used to having her blanket control over him that when she punished him for a prideful attitude that he learned from growing up idolizing her, it permanently snapped his relationship with her, and sent him on a lifelong struggle with his identity.
The only good thing he could claim to have happened from his time under her rule was a submissive student that he became attached to. When he and his brother left the academy with their matching partners in tow, he tried to settle into life in New York City, going to the academy there to learn his mark and regain some of his lost confidence. He went on to claim the submissive before the end of their training was completed, switching then over to further education. He had previously known what he wanted to do, which was to get a job similar to his mother’s, but with that dream revealed to be a mirage, something he had just trained himself to believe, he turned instead to business management, then minoring in English Literature, a subject he had always been passionate about but always kept private when he was still trying to be his mother’s son.
He allowed his claim to go into the field of medicine as had long been his dream, but the hard study hours, the past emotional injuries between them, it wasn’t sustainable happiness. The relationship became strained, as each of them had their own issues with broken trust, possessiveness. Wyatt was positive other dominants in the medical field were trying to woo away his submissive, and the submissive was increasingly frustrated and distressed over their failed attempts to convince Wyatt that they were his. “You’ve said that before, doesn’t mean you haven’t failed me or broke my trust,” Wyatt had snapped. With the ghosts of past people that had been in their lives still living in the apartment with them, they were nearing a breaking point.
The one thing that “saved” their claim? His submissive’s being in the medical field helped his peers find and diagnose a heart condition. One for which the survival rate, untreated, was none, and treated, was still a low number. The previous strain was replaced by an impending doom, but this time, their inevitable end wouldn’t be a mutual parting. Wyatt couldn't fall back on asking for penance in his submissive’s arms for this strain. Ending the claim legally was no longer in the picture, as the universe intended to do it for them, and the tragedy rekindled their relationship. After months of medical struggles, traveling to different experts, a risky medical procedure was the last option, and while Wyatt was scared and considered the option of possibly a little longer, for sure, vs uncertainty but possibly a longer future, in the end it was decided his submissive would go through with it.
Hours of surgery, of waiting, resulted only in the doctors approaching him with a somber look before he was given the bad news. The time after, between that and buying a building in Riverdale to make into a bookshop, were a blur of motion, almost like lost time that he couldn’t look back on with any semblance of understanding. He liked that it was a small-ish town like where he grew up, that it was a town with an academy in it like his own, and he would be far enough away from the people he knew that perhaps he had a fighting chance of starting a new chapter.
BIO QUESTIONS (Please answer the following questions as the character. They are meant to be short answer, so please more than one-word answers):
Describe your occupational journey and how you got to where you are.  
“It isn’t remotely where I thought it would end up, going through high school or my first years in academy, but it brings me peace, to be so far removed from what expectations used to be for me.”
How would you describe yourself as a Dominant/submissive?
As a dominant, I require respect, even occasionally the fake-it-til-you-make it kind. Only the most unruly submissives I’ve met haven’t ended up with genuine respect in the end. I recognize Dominants are nothing without their submissives, so I try not to take that for granted.
How do you feel about authority?
It’s important, but it should never be blind. I’ve seen it at it’s worst so I can’t say it’s always the best thing ever.
0 notes
loveislattes · 3 years
Everything Comes at a Price (Demon!Dark/Fem!Reader) Chapter 2
You can find Chapter 1 here!
Commission prompt: Reader is really depressed, and Dark decides to roughly Fuck the depression out of them.
Important: Reader has female pronouns and is a vagina owner!
Warnings (For this chapter specifically): Depression, talks of death, smut, dom/sub, rough sex, Demon!Dark, demon-like anatomy, shadow tentacles, oral (male receiving), very minor breath play, teasing, pet names, dirty talk, minor degradation, praise kink, unprotected sex, primal/power play, and multiple orgasms!
A/N: Other than the kink warnings, this one is safe to read! No gore/death. No beta- there may be a few errors.
As always, if you would like to support me, I have a Ko-Fi (here) for donations and I usually have a few slots open for commissions (unless life gets in the way)!
Tags: (If you want to be tagged in my writing, just let me know!)
“You’re sure? The doctor is sure?” you questioned earnestly.
“Yes! Yes! They say it’s like some kind of miracle. They expect her to make a full recovery after some physical therapy. Isn’t it great, Y/N?!”
You could feel your lips twist up into a bittersweet smile as tears poured from your clenched eyes. The taste of salt was bitter on your lips as you nodded asininely into the phone.
“Yeah, that’s- that’s amazing,” you whispered, “Listen, auntie, I’ve got to get ready for work but please keep me updated if anything changes.”
The phone fell into the fluffy blankets across your lap and you let out the choked sob that you’d been holding back. Wish number four had been a success. You’d done some actual good with your imminent death.
Despite the good news, the oppressive cloud around you didn’t dissipate; Unsurprising but disappointing nonetheless.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” you hissed, smacking your cheeks a couple of times.
Suddenly, a terribly wonderfully awful idea popped up and there was a modicum of relief in your chest. You snagged up the coin from its perch on the bedside table and clutched it to your chest close.
“Dark, I think I know my last wish. Is it possible to wish for death?”
There was no immediate answer, nor did you die immediately. A tremor in the atmosphere of the room was the only sign that something had changed and you brought your head up in surprise. The sight of the debonair demon standing amongst your depression room instantly filled you with shame. Great. Just what you needed to be added to your already heaping pile of negative emotions.
“Hello, darling.”
You managed a weak little hello in reply as he began to stroll your way. You weren’t sure whether you should stand up to greet him or just allow him to come to you, but he quickly made that decision for you as he came to a stop at your side.
“I regret to inform you that you’ve managed to find one of the three types of wishes I’m unable to grant. Is there something els-”
“Please, Dark!”
He leveled you with narrowed eyes and stated factually, “I can’t kill you. Killing you negates the contract. That includes putting you in any imminently dangerous situations, so don’t try it.”
Finally, you found the power to stand and glared up at him through tears.
“Can’t you break the rules, just this once?! I give you permission to keep my soul after I die if you do it! I just- I can’t take this anymore! Maybe you don’t understand it because you all Mr. Powerful Demon but I’m so fucking tired. I’m tired of being alone! I’m tired of hurting when there’s literally nothing wrong! I’m tired of not being able to do a damn thing to make it better or change anything or- or-”
You fell into a messy pile of limbs and blankets on the bed, wrapping yourself up as best as possible, sobbing into your hands to keep a modicum of your dignity intact. Much to your surprise, you felt fingers brush against your hair as sharp nails began to massage through your strands.
“I must say, you’re definitely one of my more interesting clients,” he hummed lowly, “Even so, I’m unable to bend the rules, even for you. There’s a lot at play here that you’ll never understand but the short of it is that even I do not play with Death’s dealings, darling.”
As he spoke, you could feel the first peek of daylight glimmering through the shadows of your mind. Whether it was from his odd praise or the sensations his fingers were provoking, you weren’t sure, but it was nice. Ever so slowly, you found yourself leaning into his touch, chasing the dopamine rush he provided.
He let out a humored chuckle as you nearly fell off the bed in the pursuit and you could only manage a subdued apology in reply.
“Don’t apologize for being adorable, pet,” he teased.
Cheeks warming harshly under the sudden pet name, you buried your face in your hands and groaned slightly.
“Now that that’s sorted, I will leave you be. When you’re ready to make your last wish, you know how to reach me.”
There was a strange catch in his voice that you couldn’t quite place but it was enough to put you into action.
“Wait!” you called out when he turned away.
Carefully wiping the tears from your face, you stood up and took a steadying breath before reaching out to him. It was such a simple request but you could see the curiosity and confusion plain on his face. Nonetheless, he took your hand and allowed you to pull him in close. It had been so long since you’d even held someone else’s hand. More of the demons in the back of your mind were backing down, the sudden influx of serotonin of skin-to-skin contact turning them away.
“Okay, I get it, you can’t kill me,” you murmured, licking your lips nervously, “But you said you find me… interesting, right? Erm, do you think you would be able to do something else for me instead?”
It was like you had flipped a switch, the way his eyes clouded over with the devious smirk that curled up his lips and how his head tipped to the side in obvious inquiry.
“I’ll need you to be more clear on what you’re asking for, pretty little pet,” he cajoled, “It would be quite remiss of me to act without being completely sure what you want from me.”
Oh, the asshole! He was going to make you say it out loud! It was obvious in his gaze that he knew he had all the power here, in every sense of the word, and he was using it to his advantage… and you couldn’t deny that you loved it.
Face hot with mortification, you chewed on your lower lip before whispering, “I- I can’t. I can’t ask.”
Fangs peeked out in a grin as he leaned down, tipping your head up until you were nose to nose with him.
“Do you want me to kiss you? Touch you? Fuck you?”
Gods, he made it sound so dirty, so sensual. Shivers rolled through your bones as he teased the apex of your jaw and throat with his sharp claws.
“I need to know.”
You gathered every last drop of confidence and finally stammered out, “Fu-Fuck me, please?”
“With pleasure, darling,” he hummed softly, “But first…”
Fingers tangled in your locks once more, jerking your head back and his mouth slammed against yours. A choked sob passed from your mouth to his as he guided you back onto the bed, following with the grace and ease only an inhuman being could manage.
“If it gets too intense, just tell me to stop,” he breathed out as his lips fell to your jaw, “It’s been some time since I’ve allowed myself to indulge with a human and you are just so damn breakable.”
A sick thrill shot through your body at the warning. Why did a part of you want that? It was terrifying, thinking of a demon losing themselves and going feral on you, and yet it sounded so deliciously taboo.
“Okay,” you finally replied when you realized he was waiting for an answer, “I will.”
“Good girl.”
Oh. OH. It felt like all the air left your lungs and you couldn’t stop the tiny little noise that escaped your lips in embarrassment and desire.
His lips curved up against your throat as they slowly moved. Nibbles and kisses blazed a path up the sensitive column of your neck until teeth toyed with your ear lobe and he let out a little chuckle.
“You are going to be so much fun, pet.”
Your hands found his hair and held on for dear life as his fangs dug into your neck; not deep enough to draw blood but rough enough to tear a pained scream from your lips. Throbbing agony blossomed through your skin and still, you found your body arching into his, silently eager for more of what he could give you. Oh and the endorphin rush! The moment he released your abused flesh, it was like your body was on fire.
Moving without thought, you guided him by the hair into a frantic kiss, hoping to convey your need without words. Thankfully he didn’t seem offended by your little takeover of power and allowed you to soak in all you needed until he finally put a stop to it with a nibble on your lower lip.
“Enough, it’s time to prove that you really want this, darling,” Dark purred as his fingers dug into your cheeks symbolically.
You nodded the best you could and followed his lead as he pulled you to your feet. With a snap of his fingers, suddenly his clothes were gone and you were left staring at him in awe. While he looked incredible in the suit, it did a complete disservice to the glorious form hidden beneath. Black tattooed tendrils encircled his arms and legs, tapering out somewhere on his back, creating the most tantalizing contrast of shades against his toned limbs as he flexed them teasingly.
As your eyes traced the designs down his solid form, he suddenly gripped your shoulders and pushed you down onto your knees, tossing one of your pillows down after.
“If you’re going to worship me in such a way, you might as well do it from in your rightful place on your knees,” he purred.
Lips parting in surprise, you felt your insides curl up with embarrassment as you slipped the pillow under your knees and nearly apologized, but then he was stepping closer and you lost all thought.
Fuck, was he ever right; It was akin to staring up at a god! Not only were you given the best view of his body, but the way he stared down at you with desire and complete superiority had you trembling with need.
“Now, show me what that pretty mouth can do, pet.”
Oh, that, that you could do. Scooting in closer, you reached out to grab his cock but your hand was smacked away instantly. It stung more than hurt but it was surprising nonetheless.
“Hands behind your back,” he demanded.
Cautiously, you did as he asked and were rewarded with a much softer smile.
“Good girl.”
Those words again. It was like they had a direct line to your cunt. Clenching needily around nothing, you let out a soft whine and let him pull you back in. As his cock neared your lips, you were finally given the chance to look it over closely. Despite being only half-hard, he appeared average length and a bit thicker than most you’d encountered. It was also darker than the rest of his skin but what set it apart the most was the ridges encircling it. Every inch or so down his cock were these ridges, smooth but creating quite an obvious size difference.
As you pondered over the way it would feel inside you, you let your tongue tentatively trace the tip and moaned at the familiar taste. He let out an encouraging sigh and tightened his hold, subtly pulling you closer until you threw away hesitation and took him in your mouth as far as possible.
“Mmmm, that’s it pet,” he praised huskily, “Get me ready to fuck you.”
Clenching your thighs in hopes of relief, you shifted higher onto your knees and followed the pace he set. Another difference you began to notice was the massive vein on the underside of his cock, the way it throbbed against your tongue with every swipe quickly became an addicting sensation. It was like his body was praising your efforts in its own way.
“Take a breath,” he warned.
You barely got a lungful in before he arched into your face, hastily fighting back the urge to gag as he slid into your throat. Tears welled up in your eyes as saliva pooled in your mouth. You were mortified as both spilled out the instant he began to fuck your mouth. Embarrassing noises escaped your throat, far beyond your control with each thrust of his cock, but it didn’t seem to bother him one bit.
“Look at you,” he rumbled out huskily, “What a good little pet you are, swallowing my cock like you were made for it.”
As suddenly as he had started he stopped, releasing his hold on you so fast you nearly toppled over as you coughed for breath.
“Impressive, now get up here.”
Once you felt you were stable enough, you climbed to your feet with his assistance and were immediately thrown back on the bed. As your skin rubbed against the cool sheets, you were suddenly made aware of your lack of clothes.
He apparently sensed the shock in your expression and offered you a sly grin.
“What can I say, pet? There are some things I am impatient over.”
Dark kneeled on the bed and gripped your ankles, spreading your legs so he could easily fit between them. Rather than climb over you as you had expected, he instead traced gentle lines up and down your legs, slowly bit by bit growing closer and closer to your cunt but never actually touching. It was maddening. You could feel yourself quaking and twitching uncontrollably under every pass of his claws; your silent pleas coming out louder and louder each time until you were nearly sobbing with need. Teeth soon joined in the effort, searing bite marks into the meaty parts of your thighs while his tongue lavished the wounds fondly after.
“I haven’t even touched you and you’re dripping wet for me,” he groaned quietly as he traced the crease between your sex and thigh, “Imagine what a mess you’ll be once I’m finally inside you.”
Desperation tore from your chest in the form of a whimper at the mental images burning in your mind. Your heart nearly flipped on itself in pleasure as he finally moved up the bed.
“You look like you’re struggling, darling,” he teased, “Is there something you need?”
You nodded frantically and whimpered out, “Please!”
Tantalizing shocks ran through your core as his fingers oh-so-tenderly ran over your lips, ghosting just where you needed him the most. Frustration began to well up like the sweat beading your forehead and you couldn’t help the huff that escaped.
“Tell me that you need to be used,” he breathed, ghosting sharp canines along your throat, “And I’ll give you what you want.”
“I- I need to be used,” you gasped out.
His responding moan was pure ecstasy as his fingers finally found your clit; the way his cock twitched again your leg an overwhelming aphrodisiac. The scrape of his facial hair prickled against your chest as his head ducked down and his lips pressed chaste kisses along your breasts. Swallowing hard, you bit back the overwhelming urge to demand him for more and were rewarded with the gratifying sensation of his tongue across your nipple. Pain and pleasure coalesced into one as he mercilessly sucked and bit into your flesh, drawing louder and faster moans from your chest by the second. When he finally pulled off with a pop, your entire body felt the bombardment of endorphins.
“And who do you want to use you?”
Pride shone through his playful teasing as you attempted and failed to whimper his name multiple times, ruined over and over again with each pass over your clit.
“Hmm? I can’t seem to understand you. Who do you want to ruin you?”
Thighs shaking and heart pounding, you fought through the onslaught of pleasure coiling in your belly to gasp out, “You, Dark! Please, fuck- fuck me!”
It was too much, not enough: The ache in your throat, the rawness of your lips, the imprints of his teeth burned in your flesh, the throb of your cunt under his fingers.
When he finally slipped his fingers in your core, you cried out. Relief! It didn’t take more than a few seconds for his stretching and thrusting to put you right on the edge of no return. Unfortunately, he jerked away before you could fall and, before you could even complain, you were tossed over onto your stomach with a sharp slap to your right cheek.
“Perk that pretty ass up for me, pet,” he demanded, gently guiding your hips up.
As you came to rest on your knees, you let your face rest on the pillow and arched your back until you could feel his cock brush against your cunt. Instinctively you pushed back against him with a little moan and were immediately rewarded with fingers to your clit.
But… his hands were on your hips…
When you stilled in thought, he let out a husky chuckle behind you.
“I hope you don’t mind,” he crooned lowly, “Sometimes they just have a mind of their own.”
Lifting up just enough to peek under your body, you were both startled and aroused to find black shadow-like tentacles where you expected fingers to be, and in turn, his legs were now free of those pretty tattoos. Realization hit hard and a pathetic moan fled your lips as you buried your face in the pillow.
“Glad to see you approve, darling.”
In the next breath, he slammed forward and yanked you back simultaneously. You were immensely grateful that he had taken the time to prep you as he sunk in, inch by inch, stretching you open like none ever had before. A wicked thrill sent a tremor through your body as you realized you could feel each and every ridge as it pushed into you.
When his hips finally came to a stop against yours, the noise he let out had your hair standing on end. Animalistic, inhuman, primal. You wanted to hear it time and time again.
He finally started rocking his hips, taking his time with deliciously languid strokes, until you begged him for more. It was with a cruel laugh that he gave into your desires.
“Oh fuck!” you whined, fingers snarling in the blankets for balance.
There was no more hesitation in his movements, gentleness abandoned in exchange for all-out fucking you in a way that made your toes curl and tears fill your eyes.
“You are so fucking wet,” he snarled out between breaths, “Taking me so well.”
A noise of agreement escaped your lips as you arched back to meet his thrusts. You couldn’t form words even if you wanted to, too focused on the raging storm brewing in your core.
Pain blossomed through your hip as one of his hands squeezed tighter, his growls and panting growing in volume to rival your cries, while the other found your hair and yanked your head back. Your body reacted instinctively, clenching down hard around him and startling a moan from you both.
“You feel so good! You going to come for me, pet?”
Reaching back, your hand found his and your nails found purchase, returning a sliver of the savage pain he bestowed upon you. All the while you bounced back harder on his cock, chasing the edge that was just out of reach. The tendrils between your thighs suddenly came back to life once more, their cool touch contrasting so perfectly with the heat of your bodies as they swirled around your clit in time with his thrusts.
“A-Ah! Dark, yes, pleeaaasse! Fuck- Fuck!”
“That’s it. That’s my good girl. Come for me and let me claim you, pet.
As if mimicking the hold on your hip, another tendril slithered up your back and encircled your throat. The unexpected pressure elicited a tantalizing response, your body suddenly feeling both free and trapped in the best of ways as he bound you to him
“Mine. All mine. My filthy little slutty human whore.”
Something in your psyche broke at those words and ecstasy rushed forward like a tidal wave. Every inch of your body trembled with pleasure as you screamed his name, voice cracking under the duress of it all. You could feel the proof of your indulgence dripping down your inner thighs, the sounds of your debauched pleasure growing louder with every slap of his hips against yours.
“Fucking hell!” Dark bit out harshly, “Good girl. Good fucking slut. Who do you belong to?! Say it!”
“You! Only you, Dark! O-Ooh, f-ffu-fuck!”
With inhuman speed, he slammed into you, over and over until the smack of your bodies was almost continuous. His choked roar filtered through your senses but it was was easily washed away with your second climax teetering on the edge. There was a sudden torrential shift of energy, pulsing eerie screeches filling the room as his voice echoed off the walls when he finally buried himself as far as possible inside of you. Any pain was quickly washed away by the thunderous roll of pleasure brought on by the touch of his tendrils mixed with the throb of his cock releasing deep in your cunt. Claws trailed down your spine as he practically purred your name, leaving behind five raw lines that stung under the combined sweat of your bodies, and somehow you found yourself okay with it; loved it, in fact, knowing that his marks would be on you for quite some time.
Quaking with bliss and exhaustion, you collapsed to the bed the instant he slipped out of your core and let out a little delighted whimper. You reached out blindly for him and were appeased when he laid down beside you, pulling you against him so your face was resting on his chest.
“I didn’t realize how much I needed that,” you murmured, fingers tracing up and down the little scar in his abdomen, “It goes without saying but that was fucking phenomenal, so thank you.”
Your head bobbed up and down with his laughter and you couldn’t help the grin that turned up your lips in return.
“I have to say I’m in agreement, pet,” he hummed back, “It’s been far too long since I’ve been able to let go in such a way.”
With a hand on your bicep and the arm under your head, he pulled you up and shifted you over his hips until you were perched on quaking knees. You almost questioned him but were silenced when he leaned up and captured your lips in a stinging kiss. It started out rough and slowly devolved into a passionate tangle of tongues.
It wasn’t until he pulled back for a breath that the reality of what was to happen started to sink in; the serotonin in your veins being replaced with anxiety.
“So, does this mean I die now? You have to take my soul, right?” you asked softly, “Since I made my last wish?”
“Hmm? I never heard you make a wish, pet,” he replied as he stretched back languidly.
Eyebrows furrowing, you let your confused expression convey your thoughts as one of his hands began to travel down your curves.
“But I asked-”
Your words were cut off by your own gasp when you felt his cock rising between your thighs. Wide-eyed and warm-faced, you gaped at him in shock. Apparently, a very short cool down period was also a demon perk?!
He smirked at your awe as a thumb traced your lower lip seductively.
“You asked and I gave freely,” he explained, fingers dipping to trace sharp claws along your throat, “You still have one wish remaining. Although, I’d suggest you save it for later. I feel like we have much more important things to attend at the moment, darling.”
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kg2hub · 4 years
Wintergala Time!! ❄️🌲
   so my turn to host the event post this time lmao. 
   you may have heard of the fandom’s Kindergala that was hosted from June to July of 2020. the Wintergala is essentially the same concept!  --a fun way to interact with other kg2 creators and fans on tumblr, and a great excuse to dress up your favourite characters and aus in winter themed outfits for the season!
   idea for this is by @fandoms-on-repeat, @hellochaoticpugglepuff, and @frosty-chiion
      ——— ❄️ ——— ❄️ ———
   you can refer to the [kindergala post] as a reference for how it works and standard etiquette, but i will be reiterating the points from there, below:
characters:  any characters from the kindergarten 1 &  2 games are allowed. canon, canon-divergent, AU, and OCs are absolutely allowed
what to post:  you can draw fanart or write a story!  your drawings can be in the form of a multi panel comic, or a simple picture with text in the caption to say what your characters are saying and doing. you can write in quick small roleplays, or novel-length fanfictions. any format goes, as long as you’re having fun!
how to interact:  you can private message someone to ask if you can come up with a plot together-- or send something through asks/inbox, or create a post and tag the person you want to interact with and wing it from there!  of course, you don’t have to feel obligated to talk to other people and can simply do fun winter stuff with your characters if you just want to do that.
ships?:  are allowed!  you can ship your own characters together, or form a ship between your own and other people’s characters if they want to do that. pedophilia and incest are absolutely not allowed, and you are not welcome to participate if you plan to do gross things.
dress code:  winter wear!  anything christmas-y or holiday themed is good for your characters to dress up in
duration:  the Wintergala will last from the last two weeks of December 2020 (dec 20)  to the end of January 2021 (jan 31)
     ——— ❄️ ——— ❄️ ———
   be nice to your fellow creators/kindergarten fans. it’s fine if your characters have conflicts, but keep your personal drama out of the event.
   remember that this is for fun!  we just want to have a cool event where our AUs and blogs have a good time, so try to keep that in mind and don’t take things too seriously.
   general manners and decency apply!  respect other people and their characters.
   no NSFW or problematic ships (minor/adult, huge age gaps, siblings, you get the point)
   any askblog or AU can show up as long as the rules are followed.
   not considered canon unless otherwise specified by blog (this is just for fun)  if you feel okay with doing it, you can have your AU show up without explaining how they’re there. if you have a story going on, you can still bring your characters in if you want.
   if you interact with an AU/blog, @ them or message them so that they know you’ve interacted with them!
   don’t overwhelm yourselves!  don’t feel pressured to do anything, bring characters, or interact with anybody.
   gore, blood, death, and stuff of that nature isn’t allowed for the sake of fun and comfort.
   monster/creature/experiment characters are allowed as long as it’s tagged appropriately!  (body horror, flashing (in case of epilepsy/seizure inducing gifs), eye strain, etc)
   don’t kill anyone’s character, or kill off your own character.
   character conflicts are fine, but try to limit it to arguing and not actual fighting. essentially no violence.
   you can draw or write for the gala. or both, and switch at any time if you can manage that
   you can have as many characters as you feel comfortable portraying and are able to handle, including a few from multiple AUs you have.
   characters should either be from your own blog/AU or be okay with the other creators of that blog/AU to bring.
   characters can ask out characters from their own AU to the gala, or other AUs (make sure that if it’s romantic, nothing is age inappropriate), and you don’t have to have your characters ask anyone out to participate.
   the gala is technically a formal event, but you don’t have to draw your characters in formal wear.
   you can format your posts however you want!  (example:  showing multiple of your AUs in one post, how you draw, digital or traditional, whether you type or draw dialogue)
   if you want your character to do something for the gala (perform on stage, catering, bouncer)  you can. there can be multiples of these kinds of jobs!
   if you need to drop out or have a character leave, just try to make a post in the gala tag saying so. this is so people won’t keep interacting with you/your characters when you can’t respond. you can drop out at any time
   you don’t have to make posts about the gala every day the gala is going on, don’t strain yourself or feel like you have to do anything.
   you can put as much or as little detail into your posts as you want!
   if someone wants to draw your character and they need a reference, try to provide it or give a description.
   try not to take complete control of other’s characters in your posts!  If you want to portray someone else’s character in your post, talk to the owner of the character or work it so you only control your own character.
   doing just sketches for the gala is fine!  you don’t have to make full-on Van Gogh drawings. (but if you really want to go for it, sure, just don’t overwork yourself)
   the background of the gala is an endless white void, this is to make it easier for people to draw. you can draw a few christmas decorations if that’s what you want, though
    ——— ❄️ ——— ❄️ ———
   and with that out of the way, please don’t forget to tag your Wintergala event posts with the hashtag #wintergala !!
    feel free to reblog this post or reply with your AU/askblog if you want to participate, or simply reblog without saying anything to spread the word! 
   finally:  remember to have fun :D
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your-fav-has-madd · 4 years
Tumblr media
Hey y’all licorice here! This is my first time making an account like this so my apologies if some things about my blog are kinda out of wack (aka I really hope my inbox isn’t broken) but welcome!
This blog is dedicated to sharing headcanons or canons (if there are characters canonically with madd, have yet to see any but it would be cool if they’re are) about characters/paras with maladaptive daydreaming disorder
My main is: @deerwingz and the flag is made by @bugsyishyperfixating
My rules are simple but go as follows:
No character submissions when inbox is closed
Yes you are allowed to submit multiple characters however if I had to give a limit keep it about 3 and under
Yes you can submit your own paras and ocs but please have a reference image I can crop (send in via dm)
Please specify what source your character is from! Even if it’s “obvious” I don’t care still do it just in case, With that being said if a character is from an obscure source just make sure the character has a good clear image I can reference from (so no poorly doodles background characters sorry it’s just really hard to work with >_<)
No submitting irl people w/o their permission
Yes you can submit yourself id just edit your account onto it
No character personas meant to represent real people (what I mean is like jaiden, odd1sout, dream smp ect.) unless they actually do have MaDD or give permission
I kindly ask for you to not interact if you fit any of the criteria:
Homophobic/transphobic/racist/ableist ect.
Proana/ed blog
You post irl s/h/gore
I don’t really care about lgbt discourse but the owner of this account uses neopronouns/xenogenders/is pro-mogai so keep that in mind ^_^
Nsfw (I’m a minor, if you have an nsfw alt that’s fine but please don’t interact on an nsfw account)
Q: “can I submit *insert source here*”
A: I made a post addressing this topic but in conclusion if you don’t know of a source is “too problematic” to be submitted there’s no harm in submitting I’ll just tell u if I won’t do it (and if ur worried about me being harsh about it dw I won’t be I want this blog to be a positive place)
Q: “can I edit ur posts (ex: add stickers, filters, ect.)”
A: of course once my posts are made feel free to do what you want with them. Credit is appreciated but if your simply putting it as like ur pfp or something idrc do what you want.
Q: can I submit things that aren’t flag related (like resources, personal experiences ect.)
A: if it’s MaDD related sure go ham
Q: “how do I know if I’m a maladaptive daydreamer?”
A: oh boy well there’s a lot to consider here, and I am no professional but @madd-information has some good posts explaining it!!!
And that’s pretty much it :)
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pete davidson
Characters: Jensen Ackles x Reader, Misha Collins, Jared Padalecki
Word Count: 991
Warnings: book of the damned stuff, very minor angst, mostly fluff
Summary: Being on set is nothing short of amazing. You have amazing friends to laugh and cry with. You wouldn’t trade your job for anything.
Squares Filled: friends to lovers for my first card for spndeanbingo // practice makes perfect in @as-the-saying-goes-bingo​ // dementophobia for @spndarkbingo​ // free space (pete davidson by ariana grande) for spnsongbingochallenge (first card) // book of the damned for my first card for heavenandhellbingo
Fandom: Supernatural
Beta: she wants to remain anonymous
Author’s Note: This was written such a long time ago, and the gif is actually for. challenge that was going on last September, but the owner of the challenge decided to stop it so I’m posting it now. There was a gif that’s supposed to be attached to it but my work wifi sucks so I’ll have to add it later.
If you have any requests, please send them in!
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
Tags at the bottom
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Every day on the set of Supernatural was always an adventure. There was never a boring day, and nothing happened twice in a row. In fact, yesterday was really interesting since your best friend, Jensen, decided that doing his own stunts was a good idea. You weren't in on the scene, so you watched and recorded him tripping his own two feet and landing on his ass. He wasn’t as limber as his younger self, so that was hilarious to see.
Today, though, was different since you would be working with the infamous duo. Jensen was directing this episode, so you and Jared hung out off to the side while Jensen got the set ready right where he wanted it to be. This would be an emotional day, for sure, because your character wasn’t doing too well. She is going through so much shit, which took a lot out of you mentally. Though, you knew you would be okay since Jared and Jensen usually knew when you needed a laughing break.
Jensen looked up from his spot at the back of the car and smiled at you, and that’s when everything went downhill from there.
I thought you into my life, woah Look at my mind, yeah No better place or a time Look how they align
If soulmates were real, then you and Jensen would be it. Much like how Jensen and Jared are friend soulmates, you and Jensen were romantic ones. That is if you were man enough to do something about it. Jared constantly tells you how Jensen has a thing for you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to believe it despite the magnetic pull he has on you. There was definitely some kind of chemistry going on, and until either one of you stepped up to bat, then it’s just going to sit there and stew.
You didn't have time to think more about it since Jensen wanted to get the scene over with. With everyone in character, you stepped on your piece of tape with the book of the damned in your hands. Your character is going through a lot right now, such as going slowly insane due to the book in your hands. She accidentally got in it, and now it’s having an effect on her that Winchesters don’t know if they can break her out of.
“Action!” Jensen yelled from his spot at the trunk.
Jared was in character, inside the car where he was talking on the phone. Sam was calling Rowena for help while your character and Dean tried to put the book someplace where it wouldn't affect you as much.
“Dean, the voices are back,” you whispered emotionally.
“Y/C/N, you have to fight them. They’re not real,” he urged.
“No! Shut up! Please leave me alone,” you cried quietly.
It became routine now to cry on cue even if it did take a lot out of you.
“Sammy! Where’s the witch?”
“She’s not answering.”
“Well, keep trying! Who knows how long Y/C/N has!” Dean yelled.
Dean grabbed the shotgun from the trunk and cocked it, but Jensen made the mistake of cocking it too close to his head.
“Ah, fuck,” Jensen cursed.
It wasn’t expected, which is why you giggled through the tears. The scene was ruined now, and it was going to have to be redone if you were to get back into character fully. Jared laughed from the front seat as his best friend rubbed his head.
“Are you okay?” you laughed.
“Yeah,” he chuckled.
Universe must have my back Fell from the sky into my lap And I know you know that you're my soulmate and all that
Ever since that first mess up, not much work had gotten done. Either people started messing up on purpose to keep the laughter going or on accident, which made it even funnier. Regardless, Jensen wanted to be mad but knew he couldn’t, not when you were smiling and laughing the way you were. You must have done the scene at least seven times before getting through it with minimal distractions. You know what they say, practice makes perfect.
“Well, keep trying! Who knows how long Y/C/N has!” Dean yelled.
“Stay out of my head!” you whispered and slapped yourself on the head to make it seem like there were voices up there.
“Where’s Cas? Can’t he do anything?”
“I’m right here,” Castiel said from behind you.
“Do something! Fix her, I don’t care. Just make her feel better,” the older brother demanded.
“The book of the damned is a very powerful book. I’m not sure if--” Misha cut himself off when he sneezed.
“Bless you,” you said, still in character.
“Thank you,” Misha said in his angel voice.
That caused everyone to bust out laughing, which broke the scene and all of the emotions. Jensen knew not a lot of work was going to get done without some kind of break, so he called it quits for the rest of the hour.
I'm like ooh, ooh My whole life got me ready for you, ooh Got me happy, happy I'ma be happy, happy, yeah I'ma be happy, happy Won't get no crying from me, yeah Gonna be…
Jensen decided to watch back what was recorded, and you thought it was a good idea if you did as well. It was funny to see everyone messing up and making each other laugh. You got to the part where Misha sneezed, and you laughed just as hard as you did the first time. Jensen looked over at you and couldn’t help catching the infectious attitude you were putting out there.
“You have a really nice smile,” he complimented. “Do you want to go for coffee tomorrow morning? My treat.”
This is it. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. This was the jump you were too afraid to take yourself.
“Yes,” you agreed, the smile never leaving your face.
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Wanna get tagged? Add yourself to this document! If your tag doesn’t work, find out why!
@flamencodiva​ @pisces-cutie​ @wingedcatninja​ @mersuperwholocked-lowlife​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​ @kiwihoee​ @thefaithfulwriter​ @li-ssu @babypink224221​ @winchesterweirdo @jennazeise​ @calaofnoldor​ @emoryhemsworth​ @miraclesoflove​ @xxboesefrauxx​ @kendall-michele​ @winchest3rbros​ @nahigm​ @sandlee44​ @bluedazefangirl​ @a--1--1--3​ @paintballkid711​ @musiclovinchic93​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ @essie1876​ @thelazywitchphotographer​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @fuckwby​ @gh0stgurl​ @sing4mejensen​ @redsalv20​ @superrandomnatural​ @scarletmeii​ @mizzezm​ @gaveherhearttotheliontattoo​ @akshi8278​ @miraclesoflove​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @katherine097​ @phantomalchemist​ @posiemax​ @tricksterdean​ @fallingintovoids​ @countrygal17a​ @whit85-blog​ @sammypotato67​ @knowledgefulbutterfly​ @justalonely-nerd​ @sharp-cheekbones-locked​ @amotleyworld @deanloveboi​ @dream-believe-and-love​ @casseythebee​
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sakurakissesx · 3 years
This is an indie adaptation of Yae Miko from Genshin Impact. AUs may occur. 
Decree One-General Information: This is a roleplay blog, please keep that in mind as you interact. You must be 18+ to interact. I do have other blogs outside of Yae so please do not rush me in responses. 
Decree Two- Writing: I am a literate writer there before I expect the same as my partners. Errors do happen which is absolutely okay but please don’t reply to an actual thread with text talk (brb, l8r, lol- you get the idea.) Banters are a whole different story please have as much fun as you want in those, I don’t care about text talk in there. 
Decree Three-Memes/Prompts: These are open to everyone, even if we haven’t officially connected. I find them to be great icebreakers so please feel free to send in as many as you wish. 
Decree Four-Shipping: I’m not going to be tying Yae down to one person, each thread is their own verse unless discussed. 
Decree Five-NSFW: This blog requires you to be 18+ to interact as themes may not be appropriate for minors. If I find out you are a minor I will block you without mercy. 
Writer Information:
Name: Panic
Age: 26
Other Blogs: @panicxbuttonxmuses & @parthevianxfear
Quick Yae Stats
Name: Yae Miko
Age: Unknown
Species: Kitsune
Location: Inazuma
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation:  Guuji (Japanese: 宮ぐう司じ Guuji, "chief priest") of the Grand Narukami Shrine
Quick Info:  Yae oversees the Grand Narukami Shrine and is the owner of the Yae Publishing House. She is mentioned by the Raiden Shogun when the Archon speaks of Zhongli. She is an "old friend" of Morax and Baal, and is acquainted with Ganyu.
Personality:  Yae has a mysterious demeanour around her whenever she assumes her duties as the Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine. When she assumes her duties as the boss of the Yae Publishing House, she is known to be very kind and enjoys reading books and stories.
🌸SukaraKissesx roleplay🌸
🌸 Memes & Prompts🌸
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citrineghost · 5 years
A Letter to WordPress
Dear WordPress,
Tumblr has been around for a good while now and many of us have been here since the beginning (or close to it). It’s become something of a comfort and a home base for many. You can understand then why it’s so terrifying and tension-setting when a new owner comes around.
This website has been through a lot of changes, very few of them good in recent years. I want to open up a dialogue from the user base about our feelings and desires surrounding this site, because to so many of us, not only its design and function, but its success and future are a big deal.
Obviously not all of the things I list below will be universal opinions, but I’ll try to outline some of the things I’ve seen the majority of users want. I’ll also throw in some things that are more personal, because I can’t claim to know everything the rest of the users want, but I can tell you where I see obvious problems.
First and foremost, here’s an obvious one. You can’t really go anywhere on Tumblr without knowing: we want the bots and the nazis gone. We need some kind of captcha system for every time someone wants to include a hyperlink in a post or response. Until the staff count gets higher, I would honestly suggest closing down the report system for everything but bots, nazis, and death threats/suicide bait.
Make NSFW content welcome again. Outside of porn bots, the pervasiveness of NSFW content is slim to none. As long as minors and those with ‘NSFW’ blacklisted aren’t seeing the NSFW content, there’s nothing wrong with it being here. A large number of the people posting NSFW content on here are artists who use this content to make a living on commissions. The ban has done nothing but make valuable members of the Tumblr community leave and take their art elsewhere. The focus should be cracking down on anyone who isn’t properly tagging NSFW content with ‘NSFW’. If the focus is put on that, the problem with NSFW content will be null.
Please keep Tumblr unintegrated with other social media. Most users will agree, the anonymity is such a huge part of what draws us to Tumblr. Other people only know what we tell them and it’s very appealing for our real life accounts (e.g. Google, Facebook, etc.) to be completely separate. When users want to share links to other accounts, they can do so easily with links on their blogs.
Replace ads with either, better, more sensible ads or members content. A large part of the ads on Tumblr make absolutely zero sense just by looking at them. Not to mention, they’re all completely unfit for the user base. I’ve seen weight-loss ads (harmful to the many people on the site recovering from eating disorders) and ads for products most people wouldn’t need or want until their forties. Most of the user base is 13-35, if I had to guess. I can tell you right now, you would make more money and the user base would be much happier if ads were removed in favor of members content. Adding a paid membership that allows users to gain access to new features (rather than restricting what’s already here) would be a huge boost in morale and company income. Use that income to improve the site. Don’t get comfortable making more than the bare minimum in profit until the website is functioning reasonably well. Hint: it’s not right now.
Keep the base functions of Tumblr. Don’t try and get radical, hoping big changes will excite the community. They won’t. We’re creatures of habit and we just want memes, fandom, and relatable nonsense. Keep reblogging, replies, customizable blogs, tags, and likes functionally the same.
Be receptive to bug reports and post change logs so that the community knows that they’re being addressed and fixed.
These are the obvious pleas of the community. Please keep in mind that the heart of Tumblr is in its users and if you ostracize us, there will be nothing left. We love this website and we want to see it thrive as much as anyone. We just don’t want to sacrifice the spirit of the community in the process.
Read more under the cut if you want to see some more of my own personal suggestions. I’d love for other users to sound off in the replies with whether they agree with any of the pleas or suggestions and also give their own!
Okay, so, here are some personal opinions that are by no means the voice of the community. I think they’re pretty sensible, but what do I know?
Change back the color. I hate this saturated navy color and I’m pretty sure a lot of others do too. I’m part of the disabled community and I know and have seen people saying that these extremely contrasted colors that were added are making their Tumblr experience worse. It gives people headaches due to light sensitivity and, frankly, it’s ugly. If you’d like to cater to those who are visually impaired/colorblind, that’s fantastic! Do so with an account setting that turns on higher contrast mode or adds patterns to things to make them distinguishable.
Add an option to blog suggestions and posts that have shown up on your dash from followed tags that says “Stop Suggesting This.” I’ve been suggested a number of blogs that I’m not interested in following. I don’t want to block the user, but I do want some different suggestions and for those blogs to stop showing up in suggestions. I’m also tired of seeing the same post twenty times from a tag I follow. There is currently an option that says “This particular posts sucks.” While I think that was a great attempt at catering to the community, I don’t want to use it because my intuition says that there’s a negative connotation. Does me saying the post sucks make it show up less for other people? Does it lose popularity? I can’t tell. The only thing I know is that I don’t want to say that a good post sucks just to make it quit showing up on my dash.
Implement some of the features that XKit uses. I would bet at least a quarter, if not more, of Tumblr users use XKit to make using Tumblr less painful. That shouldn’t be the case. Tumblr should have these functionality options available in dashboard settings.
A very hot take here that many might disagree with: Make notes viewable more like mobile has them. As it is, it’s hard to tell which ones I’ve seen on desktop. It can be tricky on mobile too, honestly, but it’s easier than on desktop. I would also heavily suggest making the unseen notifications darker so that they stand out and making a button to indicate that you’ve seen them.
Keep the dash, messages, notes, and profile as separate processes similar to how mobile has it. The trek all the way down the damn dashboard is a long one. I want to be able to see notes and messages in full size without losing my dash progress. When I switch back I want to be right where I was. I understand if this one isn’t possible or practical. It was just something I like about mobile over desktop but I’m aware that they’re two different beasts with different capabilities.
As far as the aforementioned members features, I do have some ideas, but I can’t guarantee they’re the best the user base has to offer. I’m sure others could think of better. Anyway, some things I’ve thought of are groups/clubs, digital currency, and separate dashboards. So, as it stands, You can have multiple blogs on one account. People can follow them separately. That’s fantastic. What would also be nice though, is being allowed to make separate dashboards. This would probably take up another chunk of server space, so I understand if it isn’t feasible right now, but I would jot it down. The ability to separate shitposts, aesthetic imagery, fandom content, and NSFW would be amazing. If you follow a huge number of blogs, like me, you could even make a friends dash so that you don’t miss your friends’ posts. It would just be a matter of allowing people to add and name their new dashboards. Then, when they go to follow people, it prompts them to choose what dash their content goes to. You could even simplify it by making the follow button default to the main dash, but adding a little dropdown arrow beside it. You could then choose which dash to add them to from a list. Below are some bad paint-drawn concept drawings.
Anyway, I hope this has all been helpful in some way. I’m fairly certain that WordPress will never actually read this, but it was cathartic to write and I hope it will be cathartic for someone else to read.
Sincerely, birb-ghost
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tf2headcanonz · 4 years
(as of 8/11/20)
DNI if:
you are trans exclusionary/transphobic/transmisogynistic (transmed/truscum/terf/tehm/non binary skeptic/gender critical)
exclusionist (aphobe/panphobe/anti mogai/reg)
racist (this includes anti-blm/pro blue lives matter)
conservative, right wing, anti feminist, anti sjw, trad or centrist
intersexist (believe that intersex surgeries are good and nessecary or fetishise intersex ppl (liking f*ta or anything similar))
ableist (includes believing that ocd, did, npd, schizophrenia, etc makes you inherently abusive or harm others, includes being a eugenicist)
romanticise abuse of any kind (includes pro shippers (incest n pedo shippers), yandere, etc)
pro ana/pro mia/thinspo/weight loss (the owner of this blog is in recovery! please respect that!)
minors do not interact with posts tagged #notsfw and #tw kink
Please Note:
this blog is run by a mentally ill, disabled person so please be patient with requests. it is okay to send your ask more than once incase tumblr ate it, or ask me if i got a certain request, just be polite and patient. I will try to get most requests done but please understand if there are some i cannot do.
this is also my first headcanon blog ever so please be polite if my writing isnt the best or if i dont write a merc to how you prefer. This blog is also meant to be a safe space for people so please dont come in here considering certain requests or anything cringy or bad.
Request Rules:
i do NOT write:
yandere or abusive relationships (please dont request for cheavy)
daddy kink/ddlg/mdlb/etc
violent kink requests (no blood play/gun play/knife play/bruising/needle play/violent choking/extreme degradation)
kinks i am personally uncomfortable with or i dont know how to write for (abdl/scat/piss/emeto/alpha-beta-omega/hunter & prey/monster fucker/vore/inflation/feederism) (list is subject to change)
not accepting matchup requests at the moment, will attempt those at a later date
do not request things like how mercs would react to s/o *dying* of suicide
i will not write ms pauling with non-sapphics (i gladly accept nlw x pauling)
kink and nsfw for pyro
bbc or interracial *kink* for demoman. i am a black writer and it makes me uncomfortable and upset for black characters to have their races fetishised
accept submissions as long as they are within the rules
i can attempt oc x merc, but please keep the age gaps mindful i am not comfortable writing young ocs with older mercs like spy or heavy, and please give a ref or description of your oc
write for characters outside of the 9 mercs, so i will accept pauling, saxton, maggie, bidwell, pauling, zhanna, merasmus, etc, however i cannot say i have good strength writing other characters just yet so be polite if i got something wrong
will write for poly relationships as long as the age gap is comfortable
angst/serious topics for comfort or recovery reasons (dealing with suicidal thoughts is allowed, also serious topics may be trigger tagged and put benath a read more)
lgbt headcanons, neurodivergent headcanons, etc for mercs and other characters
general headcanons for mercs and other characters
i lied i WILL do merc x merc/canon characters actually
nsfw and kink that is NOT on my lists of kinks i dont do (kink will be tagged tw: kink, and both will be put under read more)
i will do my best to follow anyones triggers so if you need anything at all trigger tagged please ask !
i will write platonic headcanons or queer-platonic headcanons!
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askthekingdomau · 4 years
Welcome To The Kingdom
Hello hello!! welcome to the kingdom!! My name is Astro, and I’ll be your tour guide for this evening.  What is kingdoms?? Kingdoms AU (KAU) or just Kingdoms for short was created basically by accident through a roleplay server. It started off as an au of an au but as we got more attached to the characters we ended up just kind of making it our own thing.  Kingdoms is a project run by multiple people (will be credited + updated with socials) that focuses on a few main characters (a masterlist document will be made for the characters- note that side characters mentioned here might not be in the masterlist immediately) and their journey through the world of the kingdom.  This universe does deal with heavy topics and some posts may include these themes. All posts will be tagged accordingly with trigger warnings.  While i’m currently writing this post out of character keep in mind that a large majority of these posts will be written in-character and signed via a kingdoms character name so that you’re aware who you’re talking to. Please interact with this blog as such!! don’t ruin the fun!!!! Some rules. * Any forms of homophobia, transphobia, racism, harrasment, ect, WILL NOT BE TOLERATED on this blog!! Keep it a fun place !!!! * Don’t claim this blog or anything about it as your own UNLESS you’re one of the actual creators. (credited below, names + socials) * Cussing on this blog is allowed!!!  * RP blogs are allowed to reblog and interact with characters from this blog!!! It’s actually heavily encouraged!!! * You are allowed to make kingdoms OCs!!! You are allowed to have headcannons!!! You’re allowed to make self inserts!!! We don’t judge anybody here for any reason (unless you’re a creep lol) * Please keep this blog CONTROVERSY FREE!!!  * Allthough fiction is fiction and we are using our own oc’s and in-character interaction PLEASE keep in mind that this blog, all responses, all posts, ect, are run and owned by REAL PEOPLE who are all minors!!! PLEASE DO NOT HARRASS THE OWNERS OF THIS BLOG FOR ANY REASON!!! * Because we are all minors (as stated in the rule above) NSFW ON THIS BLOG WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Please please PLEASE no nsfw content period, this means no nsfw questions, reblogs, ect. If possible, you will be blocked.  Credits: The fantastic people who are part of this blog and project: Astro - @/dreamiiwiillow on tumblr Kieran - @/KiGen_Animation on twitter Ben - @/marvelben7 on twitter / insta Braden - @/brapis on tumblr Achilles/Ink - @/inkobsessedfreak on tumblr Sky - n/a Hydro - @/hydrogon19 on tumblr
thank you for taking the time to read this giant post!!! 
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ask-a-cool-spaceguy · 4 years
Making a pinned post to procrastinate my school work-
//Hello! I’m Admin Leon! I run this blog! I figured I’d make a pinned post cause not everyone wants to go and read a long carrd, so I figured I’d make a post with some of the most important info just to make things easier!
If you can, I still do recommend you read my carrd here! At the very least, the blacklist, disclaimers, and why no interact sections! I will be putting the most important info here, but of course the carrd will hold all the information you need to know!
For starters, please don’t reblog this post! This is not a promo or anything! Plus it will be edited from time to time! Now I will place everything else under a read more because it will get long and I don’t wanna clog anyone’s dash!
Character interaction tags all follow this format - “int:*characters name*(*optional nickname based on their blog name*)” With no spaces, no quotes, and no asterisks! For example, int:kaito(coolspaceguy) would be what I use if I was interacting with a Kaito who’s blog name is ask-a-cool-spaceguy ;0c
“promo” is used when I promo another blog! These posts to tend to be long just as a heads up!
“long post” is used when I feel a post is very long, length wise not reply wise. Do note that I don’t tag promo posts with this unless I reply to it after promo-ing it!
Blacklist tags I commonly use are as follows! If you’d like for me to blacklist tag a specific thing not on this list, just let me know and I’ll keep it in mind and add it here(Sidenote: I won’t tag ships/characters with ship/full character names in order to keep them out of the search tag! I will work with ya to get a special tag made though!) Also if I forgot something here just let me know again!:
“👻” and “phobia tw” which are when the topic of ghosts are brought up. The emoji is typically used for more lowkey reactions, but the phobia tw tag can involve panic attacks!
“medical tw” and “medical mention” which are of course used when medical topics are brought up
“death tw” and “death mention” are used of course during the topic of death! I do not tag mentions of the Killing Game unless the topic becomes about a death in it!
“trauma tw” is used whenever someone in the thread is currently going through a hard time because of a traumatic experience. Also gets used when someone is talking about said experience.
For starters I do wanna say: Please don’t use my blog as a positivity blog or come asking for advice! I personally cannot handle vents at times cause brain is the big dumb 😔
My blacklist is sorted into two sections! The general blacklist which contains things that actually make me uncomfy, and the things that I’d just rather not have on the blog!
General Blacklist:
Venting to me unprompted
Romanticizing mental illness
Chihiro or Gonta x anyone
Incest and Pedophilia
Spider pictures and extended spider talks
Character hate and discourse (As well as discourse in general)
Things I’d just rather not have mentioned on the blog:
Kokichi x anyone
Anything involving self harm/suicide
Anything involving major current events (Unless its a happy topic!)
Sending anything involving pee/poop will get you blocked
NSFW (I might allow a few suggestive jokes, but that’s a big MIGHT)
Carrying on jokes longer than they have to (This used to be a bigger problem in the past, but I’m still keeping the rule-!)
This is the part where you might have to check out my carrd to get all the details! Again this is just gonna be the most important stuff! I also will not add the “why no interact” section here so make sure you head to my carrd to read those!
I’m sorry if I don’t reblog your promo! There could be many reasons why I do not reblog it, but none of them are because I’m just ignoring you! Tumblr also likes to not notify blog owners when someone tags them in a post, so it’s a good idea to send an IC ask to the blogs you tagged if they didn’t reblog the promo!
I am somewhat busy these days, and also have motivation problems, so I’ll often be late to replies or answering asks! Because of this, I might also forget about some rp threads entirely! Feel free to DM me if I do to remind me!
Kaito is a Japanese character living in Japan. He doesn’t follow some Western traditions (Such as Christmas) because of this! Please don’t treat him like a dumb person for not knowing about/not following these traditions! However please feel free to tell and teach him about those traditions! He’ll be happy to learn!
To any Junko blogs that wish to interact: I have some unease around Junko blogs due to some minor trauma! Junko as a character is fine, however if I do not personally know you as a mod, I will have to decline interacting with your Junko blog! Sorry! Some OC blogs might get the same type of response, again due to the same minor trauma! For clarification though, if I do know the mod behind the blogs then I am perfectly ok with interacting!
I DO NOT interact with blogs that use stolen/uncredited fanarts/edits to rp with. If I recognize the sprite or notice you’re using fanart from google images, and do not see credit (Or a confirmation that you have permission to use said sprites/art without credit) in the bio or in a pinned post, I will halt interaction with you.
While Kaito knows a lot about space, I do not- I have to research in order to have Kaito talk about space things! That being said, sometimes in research you get a bad source, or you think you remember something correctly but it’s wrong! If I make Kaito give a not correct space fact, please don’t take it out on him! It’s just because I, the mod, made a mistake, not him. Feel free to correct me though!
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