#but please feel free to reblog with more poll options if tumblr allows it
comic-sans-chan · 4 months
these polls pitting epic ship against epic ship need to stop, they are SO toxic
anyway here's another
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fluffystevefest · 6 months
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Welcome to Fluffy Steve Fest!
It's a go!! Thank you everyone who filled out the interest check or helped share it! ♡
This is a week-long celebration of Steve's birthday and will run from Monday, July 1, 2024 to Sunday, July 7, 2024.
There will be a new theme and four on-theme prompts every day to jumpstart your ideas, as well as extra challenges on the day of Steve's birthday to inspire you to try something new, but you don't need to use them. As long as you create a work that fits the rules & guidelines and post it during the event, it counts and will be included in the event.
May 1: Prompts posted
July 1: First day of Fluffy Steve Fest - AO3 collection opens
July 7: Last day of Fluffy Steve Fest
July 10: Roundup of daily masterlists
July 22: (Optional) Last day to post your personal masterlist to be reblogged
You must be 18+ to participate because there may be mature/explicit themes and works.
Make Steve proud and be respectful! No hate at any step of the way, including kink-shaming, ship-bashing, bullying, harassment, hate speech, and discriminatory behaviour.
No advertisements or works for profit/commercial purposes.
All works must be pro-Steve and Steve-centric. No Steve-bashing will be tolerated - remember that this is a celebration of Steve and your love for him!
Since this is a fluff fest, there should be more fluff than angst, more comfort than hurt, and a happy Steve! For example, while fluff can feature heavy themes, angst without a happy ending or hurt no comfort would not count. Use your best judgement :)
With that being said, please tag your content and warn appropriately. If you're not sure whether something needs tagging, err on the side of caution so that this can be fun and safe for everyone.
In the same vein, please also keep in mind that this is an open event with a mostly unmoderated AO3 collection and you are the best-equipped to be responsible for your experience. Mind the tags and warnings and click away from works that aren't your thing.
Work Guidelines
All work types are accepted, including fics, art, gifs, meta, videos, manips, moodboards, playlists, rec lists, crafts, polls, poems, comic panel edits, podfics (with permission), etc.
There are no work minimums.
Steves from all universes are welcome!
All pairings are welcome!
Posting Guidelines
Share your work here on Tumblr and/or to the Fluffy Steve Fest AO3 collection.
When posting on Tumblr, make sure to tag @fluffystevefest and use the tag #fluffystevefest so your amazing work can be shared! If your work is posted elsewhere, you can share the link to it on Tumblr.
If you are using a theme or prompt of the day, make sure to specify which one(s) you're using and post it on the day of. If you are not using any themes or prompts, feel free to post at any point during the week.
Cross-posting with other events is allowed as long as the other event allows it too!
Can I post art (with credit) that was made using a Picrew image maker? Yes, as long as the creator of the Picrew image maker is okay with it.
Can I post prompt submissions on days after the prompt? How long do I have? Yes, you can post prompt submissions on days after the prompt. For your submission to be included in the daily round-up, you have until it is no longer that day anywhere in the world. For your submission to just be reblogged, you have the entire duration of the event.
If you have any questions that are not answered above, please feel free to DM or send an ask 😊
How long will the AO3 collection stay open? July 22, which is also the day personal masterlists are due.
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linghxr · 2 months
5 years of linghxr 🎂
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Today marks 5 years of linghxr! Well, technically Tumblr notified me of my blog’s anniversary 2 days ago. But I didn’t make my first post until July 12th, so I’ve decided to celebrate today instead.
I started learning Mandarin Chinese as a little kid attending weekend Chinese school, and I also took it in high school. I got 认真 about it in college after realizing my Chinese wasn’t even good enough to test out of the 1st year Chinese course. I spent all my free time studying the Chinese Grammar Wiki and successfully placed into 2nd year Chinese!
I started this blog the following summer as I tried not to forget everything before the 3rd year Chinese course, while also studying Russian. Over the past 5-6 years, I have…
…read 3 webnovels and 1 book
…watched 17 cdramas and 25 seasons of variety/reality shows
…posted 282 times on this blog
…made 8313 flashcards in Anki
07/20/24 The contest is closed, and I have contacted the winner.
To give back to the langblr community, I am gifting winner’s choice of prize from two resources/platforms I have used myself. They are both digital to make this more accessible.
The lucky winner can pick one of these options:
Option 1 - iTalki gift card for $60 of iTalki credits
Option 2 - Pleco Pro Bundle worth $59.99 (see under the cut for bundle content)
Requirements to enter
To enter, all you need to do is like, reblog, or comment on this post. You can do more than one if you like, but please don’t spam the post. Feel free to vote in the poll too, but that’s just for fun 😄
You have one week (until next Friday, July 19th) to enter. Shortly after, I will select a winner at random and message them to coordinate details (make sure your Tumblr settings allow me to message you). If there is no response after 48 hours, I will select someone else. If you are under 18, please get parent or guardian permission.
Thank you for 5 wonderful years of blogging!
Via Pleco, the pro bundle includes:
Our more expensive bundle includes almost every "feature" add-on plus 6 different dictionaries; two English-to-Chinese ones (one smaller one with Pinyin and one larger one without), the massive ABC Chinese-to-English, the bidirectional Oxford Chinese Dictionary, the small-but-example-rich Tuttle Chinese-English, and (to stretch your reading skills a bit) the Chinese-to-Chinese Guifan dictionary.
Bundle contents:
ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary ($19.99)
ABC English-Chinese Dictionary ($9.99)
Xiandai Hanyu Guifan Cidian ($29.99)
New Century English-Chinese Dictionary ($29.99)
Oxford Chinese Dictionary ($19.99)
Tuttle Learner's Chinese-English Dictionary ($9.99)
Enhanced Handwriting Recognizer ($9.99)
Optical Character Recognizer ($9.99)
"Qiang" Mandarin Male Text-to-Speech ($9.99)
Mandarin Audio (male) ($4.99)
Mandarin Audio (female) ($4.99)
Flashcard System ($9.99)
Document Reader ($9.99)
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 8 months
🌸Intro post! (Changes over time)🌸
I do polls about the qsmp eggs and what kind of children they are! Suggestions are greatly appreciated, as I am a one man band!
Polls will be scheduled to post at 10AM PST every day, but I also love to reblog things about the eggs! I also run events to encourage people to make eggsonas and interact with others in the fandom.
🌸More about me and my blog under the cut! (and some rules)🌸
About me!
⭐️ My name is Captain! You can also call me Poll if you want, as that is the name of this blog's mascot/eggsona.
⭐️ I use They/it/(+neos? idk) pronouns. I don't mind what you call me either, so just go with your heart kkkkkk
🇺🇸 I am American
❗️I can and will block liberally. I refuse to let this blog be swamped in any amount of negativity. I am not a celebrity, I am a pleasant escape.
🌱 My special interest is plants, I am going to start my own garden soon! I also just watch a LOT of cartoons. Oh, I'm also an artist and a writer.
🫶 My native language is English, but I have been learning American Sign Language, Spanish, and recently French. I'm not good at the French.
My main Tumblr account is Captainbee66, but I keep them mostly separate. I just reblog fanart on that one, mostly. I also write fics on Ao3!
I am an Aroace, Agender adult with ADHD :]
About my blog
❤️ Most of this is going to be polls. When requesting polls, PLEASE request them separately. I would prefer an inbox spam over a block of requests. It makes it easier. Also, your requests won't be answered right away. I actually have a lot saved in my inbox, so there's a good amount to sift through. Rest assured, requests will be saved until a later time. I try not to waste.
⭐️ Random asks and questions are also encouraged! I think they're fun. If I don't answer them though, don't be discouraged. Sometimes I just don't have a good answer!
⭐️⭐️ If someone makes fanart/fics based on anything on this blog, please please please tag me, that would be so cool.
❤️ Also, any language allowed here! Google Translate is my best friend, so you can use whatever is comfortable to you.
⚠️ Since I've been asked a few times I'll put it here: I have a limit of 12 options on a poll. We have 11 living eggs. I unfortunately cannot put your favorite dead egg on the polls for this reason. That is why the "Other/Combo" answer exists.
Who are those eggs I keep seeing? I don't remember them from the QSMP??
They're my OCs! The egg in my pfp is Poll. They're sort of my mascot/eggsona that you all helped me make! The other egg is Tequilla, their brother! He's new to the family :]
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⭐️ Poll uses all pronouns, Tequilla uses He/Him
🌸 Poll's defining item is a flower crown, Tequilla's is a messenger bag
😭 If anyone makes fanart of them, I will be so emotional about it.
What is Poll's Egg Playdate Project? Can I participate?
🌸This is a community project that I started! It is to encourage you all to make your own eggsonas and make friends, despite events that have happened. We are a strong community, and I want to foster that closeness we've had over the past year!🌸
❤️everyone is welcome to participate, no matter how "late" you are to the party!
❗️Please be respectful of other people's eggs. Don't be a bully, don't put them in bad situations without permission, and just generally behave, alright?
🫶Just have fun, interact with people, and spread your creative wings! If anyone wants a list of specific eggs, I've made a list that I can draw from :]
📖🖌✏️ You can make whatever you want for this project! Artworks, doodles, drabbles, paragraphs of loose thoughts, whatever you want! In any form that you want! The whole point is CREATION.
(Feel free to ask questions in my inbox <3)
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Mildly Important Survey
Emphasis on the mildly here.
I've got some newer projects on the backburner and, while they're unlikely to be published anytime soon on account of my lack of free time, I'm curious as to how y'all would prefer to see (or not see) updates on them
None of this is final, I might do another poll closer to when I actually plan on publishing them, but we'll see
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important: the new harry is louis’ baby fic fest schedule!
okay, so! we had a total of 5 votes in the past week, which was a little less than i’d hoped to get, but still definitely enough to work off of! the lovely @louistomlionson did a count & noted that we’ve had 50 fic fests this year when we usually have ~33, so it’s definitely understandable that by the last month of the year, many people are a bit burnt out by writing & fests! with all that being said, the winner was option C -- no deadline; make the fest ongoing.
the following is the new fest schedule, rules for the fest & links for the forms!
the fest is now an ongoing fest which means:
prompt submissions are reopened & will be open for an indefinite amount of time, so feel free to continue submitting prompts! the link to submit a prompt (+ the link to see the google doc of already submitted prompts) is in the ‘links & forms’ section. they can be canon, AUs, etc! as long as they include and/or embody the harry is louis’ baby trope in some way, they’re good to go!
sign ups for writers are open & will stay open! the link to the writers sign up form is also in the ‘links & forms’ section.
sign ups for betas are also open & will stay open! however, i will begin to compile a list of available betas as people submit forms and will add onto it as i get new submissions. you can find the beta form in the ‘links & forms’ section too. anyone who signs up to beta is welcome to request the removal of their info from the available beta list at any time whether it’s for a period of time or indefinitely. 
there will be no deadline to submit fics -- writers can submit them whenever they are ready to do so. the link to the ao3 collection is here! if you have any problems, please feel free to reach out to me for help. 
fics will be revealed in the ao3 collection by 5 pm central time the day after they’ve been added to the collection. tumblr posts will be reblogged once they’re posted, so don’t forget to tag this account! there will be a pinned post for all fics written for the fest that will be added onto as fics get revealed into the collection.
rules for this fest:
although this fest isn’t inherently a nsfw / 18+ fest, you must be 18 years of age or older to participate, just for the safety & protection of everyone.
you can write about any & all forms and variations of larry!
fics are allowed to have more than one author - if you want to write with one or more friends, go for it!
there is no minimum word count for this fest
this will not be an anonymous fest; you can absolutely post snippets of your fic as you're writing. be sure to tag this blog & use the hashtag to be reposted as well!
any fics submitted will not be moderated content wise, so please use common sense & best judgment when it comes to things like tagging your fic correctly/appropriately. just because something is not a trigger to you doesn’t mean it isn’t a trigger to someone else. readers deserve the right  to be able to go into a fic fully informed on what is going to happen in the fic. if there are any genuine, reasonable complaints about tags, writers are expected to adjust/fix their tags accordingly. 
you will need to post your fic onto ao3 and create a tumblr post for it.
you may write as many fics as you’d like for the fest!
links & forms:
if you’d like to submit a prompt for this fest, you can do so here!
if you’d like to see the submitted prompt list, you can do so here!
if you’d like to sign up to write for the fest, you can do so here!
if you’d like to sign up to be a beta for the fest, you can do so here!
thank you to everyone who responded to the little makeshift poll & helped boost the post/gave their support in any way! as always, if anyone has any questions, please feel free to reach out! :)
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bunny-heels · 7 months
all my blogs are finally fully backed up so.
Matt is a fucking idiot. imagine being in charge of a website that advertises itself as the gayest place on the web when in reality all you do is sulk in your office being upset and whiny because people rightfully call you out on your hypocrisy, ignorance, neglect, and blatant bigotry.
there is a literal genocide happening that's been going on for years killing innocent people. a non-binary teen was beaten to death and the killers have basically gotten off free. and this fucking dumbass decides to worry about what people are saying about him online as if he isn't sitting in a pile of money like every other jackass CEO is dong. the fact Palestine isn't one of the listed trending tags on tumblr when i see news about it every 5 posts is ridiculous.
he's just like any other rich guy. he doesn't care about the wellbeing of others, thinks only for himself, puts others down when they feel threatened, and just wants more money.
tumblr stopped being a safe place for "outcasted" people years ago, even before the porn ban. in fact, maybe it never really was for outcated people. trans, black, and disabled users have been getting put down by this site for a very long time, and its fucking disgusting. this site literally houses the largest percentage of LGBT+ and disabled users i've ever seen if we're going by the polls where literally the option of cisgender and neurotypical is always under 1%. they literally are the reason this website still exist, because they've created their circles and safe spaces for them to feel comfortable sharing their life experiences and adventures through life.
most people on this site can't go a day in their real life without some form of harassment or hardship, they don't need that transferring to their digital life. every group of people deserves their own corner for them to have fun and get away from everything for a while. if that's taken away, you are left with people who are just throwing tantrums, and the actual users who made your site usable are now out there probably doing better than you and getting more respectable support than you will with your group of crying babies.
Matt is not a 13 year old kid running a GMod DarkRP server. Matt is not a 26 year old forum mod. he is a 40 year old CEO who is the founder of a well known blog creation site. he has an extremely important and powerful position, yet he is choosing to put his own immature feelings first before thinking about the safety of his own userbase that is literally used as this sites selling point.
the fucking audacity to do this shit to your own users that you literally use for a selling point when you won't even allow for certain tags to show up in the search because you claim for them to have sexual content meanwhile other tags are full of hatred, bigotry, and downright defamation of innocent people who just happen to live different lives is fucking gross. i absolutely cannot believe society and social norms have let the minds of people in power get this fucking bad. it's almost impressive, in a tortured lab monkeys way, not in an innovated and breakthrough way.
please protect all trans users, especially trans women/trans fems. please protect black users, disabled users, all people of color users, homeless/financially struggling users, harassed users, victims of assault users, Palestinian users, jewish users, any religious users-any user that you know for a fact could be thrown away by this bullshit system any day now, protect and take care of them, and make sure they know you'll always be there no matter what.
this post will be rebloggable because i want to pass these links.
palestine related links:
funds for gaza
POC related links:
BHM mutual aid
american indian college fund
black family mutual aid
trans related links:
freedom oklahoma
trans liberation
suggestions for more plus any corrections are appreciated. reblogging and replying to add your own links for mutual aid and donations is extremely acceptable and encouraged. i apologize if anything in this is worded incorrectly.
if this is taken down despite me being a cis straight chick, you know why.
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colourfullsims · 4 years
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That’s right, you heard it here first - from the people who brought you Big Brother, we present yet another summer obsession: the Love Island Challenge! Has it only been about a month since I finished BB? Yep. Should I be taking on yet another huge project that will take a lot of planning and late nights of building storylines? Probably not. Am I still doing it? Hell yeah.
This will be quite the large casting call for what I have planned: I’ll be accepting 28 sims in total for this challenge! The game will begin with 10 initial sims entering the villa, with the remaining cast being released into the house in waves: as sims are eliminated, new players will enter the house in their place. About halfway through the game, the islanders will be met with their biggest test of the summer when we open Casa Amor, placing 12 sims from our cast pool into the game for a chance at love. 
As always, I’m looking to have a diverse cast with lots of varying backgrounds and personalities. And while the original Love Island focuses primarily on straight couplings, I’m looking to break that here by accepting all sexualities! As long as your sim is a young single, looking to mingle, they’ve got a chance at love!
Great info to include in your submission is:
Basic Bio: Introduce your sim (name, age, traits, gender, sexuality, race, hometown, occupation, etc.)
Personality Type: Give me a general feel for your sim’s character (outgoing, shy, serious, goofy, friendly, mean, etc.)
Relationships Back at Home: Who are the most important people in your sims life? (parents, siblings, children, etc). All potential islanders should technically be single (so no secret marriage scenarios please lol), but if your sim has any ex-relationships or situationships they’d like to talk about, feel free to share!
Their Intentions: Though this is “Love Island” not everyone may be here for love; some islanders will be looking for “the one,” while others may just be looking for some fun, and there may even be some looking specifically to get that cash prize. What led your sim to apply to the show and how will your sim play the game?
Backstory and Random Facts: Anyone who’s familiar with my last challenge knows I’m a sucker for a good backstory! You can be as simple or detailed with this as you please: any extra info given about your sim will aid me in writing dialogue and creating storylines for the posts.
Please keep any CC used on your sim (besides skin details) limited to their everyday wear, and Maxis Match. I’ll be applying my preferred defaults (eyes, detailed feet, etc.) to the sims and dressing them with my CC catalogue to blend to my posting style. Dress all remaining categories with DLC (I have all packs except for MFPS so go crazy), that way I have a sense of their style!
Submissions will stay open until Saturday, June 27, 2020, 11:59PM EDT, or until I have enough submissions to begin. Make sure to tag me in your submission posts, and if I haven’t reblogged your post within a day, feel free to message me - sometimes Tumblr likes to eat my tag notifications. I’ll be placing the rules I’ll be following below the cut for anyone interested in seeing how I’ll be playing this challenge!
Thanks for reading and I hope to see some of your sims soon on Love Island!
For the challenge I will be using a version of the rules that I’ve tweaked from Scarlet-V’s original Love Island Challenge rules as well as @everfallsims Love Island Challenge rules. I’m aiming at playing my challenge as close to how the show is done, so check out the rules below to get a feel for how this will go:
Coupling Up:
For my version of the challenge, coupling ceremonies will take place under a predetermined schedule (which I will release once the challenge begins), and will alternate by gender for who will be choosing each time - so if the girls are choosing during the first coupling, the boys will be choosing the next time.
Sims will choose who to couple up with one by one at the coupling ceremony, and order of choice will either be determined by random draw or by viewer vote, depending upon the stage of the game.
Sims will couple up based upon who they have the highest romance level with. In the case an islander is choosing between sims they have no romance level with yet, they must choose the sim with the highest friendship level.
The first two coupling ceremonies will be heterosexual pairings only (for logistical reasons) but after that point, all genders will be able to couple up with whoever they like.
Once a sim is chosen to couple up with, they are no longer an option to be chosen. Couplings remain until eliminations and recouplings.
Recouplings will happen on a predetermined schedule (again, to be released when the challenge begins) and will be an opportunity for pre-existing couples to continue getting to know each other, or for islanders to pursue new relationships.
Any new islanders will get the first choice at the recouplings.
If an islander’s first choice has already been chosen by someone else, they’ll have to choose an islander they have the next highest relationship with. Consequently, if a sim’s first choice is stolen away by another sim, they will lose some relationship with each other. This could lead to some sims having negative relationships with each other (who doesn’t love a little drama lol).
Eliminations will take place under a predetermined schedule (again, to be released when the challenge begins). There will be three different types of eliminations: single eliminations, couple eliminations, and bottom two eliminations.
Single eliminations will take place when there is an odd number of islanders inside the villa. On a recoupling night when this is the case, one of the villagers who is not picking for the night will be at risk for going home.
Couple eliminations will get rid of a full couple from the game, in order to start whittling down the numbers for our potential winners. These eliminations can happen at any recoupling ceremony, and the decision will rest on either the relationships of the islanders, or on a viewer vote.
Bottom two eliminations will get rid of the two least popular islanders, from the two couples that have the lowest relationship levels with one another. This can take place at any recoupling ceremony and the decision will rest on a viewer vote.
Challenges will be an opportunity for islanders to win dates with other islanders, which will be key to advancing their romance outside of the villa.
Between each coupling ceremony, the sims will participate in skill based challenges. In gameplay, the challenge winners will be based upon one in-game day’s worth of skill building, with the sim(s) with the highest skill level winning the prize for the day.
Because of this, all sims skills will be set to 0 at the beginning of this challenge to give everyone a fair shot, but you can still influence what challenges your sim will be good at through their traits!
There will be several different kinds of dates that the islanders will have a chance to go on: speed dates, solo dates, and the hideaway.
Speed dates will take place the day that new islanders are introduced into the villa, allowing the new sims a chance to get a feel for who they might want to couple up with. Speed dates can (but might not always) lead to an opportunity for the new islanders to ask their favorite islanders on a solo date, to get to know them even better.
Solo dates are just what they sound like - one on one outings for two sims to get to know each other. Solo dates will be earned by winning challenges, winning a viewer vote, or catching the eye of a new islander. Also, solo dates are not limited to sims who are already partnered up - so this is the prime chance for sims to drive a wedge between a relationship and shoot their shot!
The Hideaway is the ultimate date to win in this game. This is a fancy, romantic suite located in the villa, which will only open several times throughout the game, and will only be accessible to one couple at a time for one night. In the Hideaway, everything goes, and it’s the prime chance for a couple to take their relationship to the next level. Islanders will have the opportunity to win a night inside the Hideaway either through winning a challenge or winning a viewer vote. Unlike speed dates and solo dates, this is only open for sims who are currently coupled up.
Casa Amor:
Halfway through the challenge, Casa Amor will open, giving the islanders even more opportunities to find love with someone new:
The remaining islanders will be split between the original villa and Casa Amor, and will meet 6 new islanders each, who they could potentially recouple with.
The islanders will participate in challenges, speed dates, and solo dates as usual as they get to know their new roommates.
After several days away from their current partners, the original islanders must decide whether they want to stay coupled up with their current partners, or if they want to be recoupled with one of the new islanders.
Any of the new islanders who are not chosen to be coupled with will be immediately eliminated. Any of the old islanders left single will be at risk of being eliminated.
Viewer Votes:
Throughout the challenge, viewers will get the opportunity to influence the game through a series of polls. Advantages that viewers will be able to deal out will include:
First pick at recouplings
Solo dates
Hideaway access
Viewer votes will also come into play when it comes time to start determining which players should stay in the game.
How to Win:
The challenge will continue until there are four couples remaining. Of those four, it will be down to a viewer vote which of the final pairings should win the $100,000 grand prize. As consolation prizes, the second and third place winners will win $50,000 and $25,000 dollars respectively (sorry fourth place lol).
After the winners are determined, the final test of whether this was true love will come in the form of the money envelopes. Both sims will receive an envelope each - one will have the cash prize inside, and the other will be empty. Whoever receives the envelope with the money will have to decide to either share the money with their partner or take the cash and run. This final decision will come down to a combination of storytelling and whether the sim ended up with a partner they loved more than anyone else in the villa.
And that’s it! I may tweak these rules slightly as I begin playing, especially once WW interactions come into play, but this should cover most of our bases for the time being. Let me know if you have any further questions, and I hope you’ll consider submitting a sim!
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lovsong · 4 years
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hello fixtuals and welcome to the 2020 fix anon event! with cix’s comeback postponed, i thought it'd be a cute idea to hold an anon event so that we could meet more fixes on tumblr, and celebrate cix’s comeback with some new friends when it happens! 
there will be optional missions posted every 2-3 days that’ll help you to get to know your anon more! you do not have to be a cix-only blog to participate in this anon event, so don’t worry! as long as you love cix, feel free to participate! just fill out the form linked below, and i'll match you with a blog!
please make sure that anon asks are allowed on your blog—i will be checking!!
make sure that your direct messages to everyone are turned on as well, otherwise i won't be able to contact you!
fill out this form
reblog this post to spread the word!
follow the tag #fix anon event (with spaces), or follow me (all information about this event will be linked under the ⊛ link in my bio)
if anything happens and you are unable to participate in the event, you must let me know ASAP + you can also contact me in case you have any questions!
please reach out to your assigned blog at least 2-3 times a week, as a minimum 
July 4th - July 15th, 11:59 pm : sign up for the event!
July 16th - July 17th, 11:59 pm : receive your anon assignments!
July 18th - August 1st, 11:59 pm : send anons to your respective blog!
missions will be posted every 2-3 days; there will be a total of 5 missions
thank you to everyone who answered the poll, and i hope this event will be fun for all of you! once again, please don’t be afraid to reach out to me if you have any questions! thank you and have fun❣️
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hinaegifestival · 5 years
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Please Reblog this Post!!!
HiNaegi Festival will be an upcoming ship week for HiNaegi and Kamuegi and KamuHiNaegi! Whether you ship them romantically, love them platonically, or just want them to shout “No, that’s wrong!!!“ together, this event will be all about them!
The purpose of HiNaegi Festival is to expand on and celebrate HiNaegi/Kamuegi/KamuHiNaegi! All are welcome to join and create works for this event!
HiNaegi Festival takes place from JULY 7 to JULY 13, 2019!
Free Day! (you can also pick a random prompt!)
Rehabilitation/Post-Despair/Future Foundation
Collecting monokumas/pantsu/collecting your bf(s)’ merch
Hanahaki Disease
Fashion/Formal Wear/Dresses
All prompts are completely optional! They are here to help guide you in creating content, so if you don’t want to use the above prompts (or find yourself straying from the prompt you were going for), that is completely fine!
If you want other prompt ideas, you can look at this list for all of the prompts submitted to the event or have a random one generated for you!
Also, anonymous submission are allowed! I promise that I will respect your wishes!
HiNaegi Festival is also running on Twitter! See this post for more details!
Hope to see you at HiNaegi Festival!
Submission Guidelines:
Here are the general guidelines for participation:
For each submission, please tag @hinaegifestival so that we can see your post! Tumblr’s tagging system is even worse than it was last year and we don’t trust it to let us see all of your works, so this will make it much easier for us to see your fanwork! You can still use the tags #hinaegi festival 2019 / #hinaegifestival2019, or #hinaegi week 2019 / #hinaegiweek2019 if you wish (and if it is platonic and you want it seen platonic, put it somewhere in the post or tags!), as long as you’ve tagged us in the post! If you’re not sure we will see it/it is not showing up in the tags/I miss it, message us or tag us @hinaegifestival (or directly to Kimmy or Yare! Kimmy @hajimehinata-kun, and Yare is @lucckykun ) Sometimes these things happen, especially if you have a link going out of Tumblr ^^
As stated above, you don’t need to stick to the prompts chosen for the week! They are only there to help guide you! That said, it would help if you put somewhere in the posts/tags what day this was meant for so we can tag it appropriately! You also do not need to participate every day! Participate as much as you like and fill as many prompts as you want to! The goal is not to push yourselves, but to spread the love for our lovely ships!
You can submit your prompts as early or late as you want! (even if it’s several months later!) For early submissions, we will queue the post for the appropriate day. For late submissions, we will post as soon as we’re able to. Please message your post to @hinaegifestival (or directly to Kimmy or Yare! (@hajimehinata-kun or @lucckykun ) For the most part, we are going to try to reblog your work within 24 hours of your message and let you know! (On a side note, there is going to be some time that Kimmy will be on vacation from July 26th to August 9th, but Yare is going to take care of the blog, and he will be the one to reblog your late submissions, should you post during the time I am away!
Each fanwork must clearly be HiNaegi, Kamuegi, or Kamuhinaegi (platonic or romantic) You can have other characters (and if you are going the platonic route, other pairings), but the focus must be on Makoto Naegi and Hajime Hinata/Izuru Kamukura.
All forms of fanwork are accepted! (Fanart, fanfiction, cosplay, text chats, imagines/headcanons, memes, sprite edits, voice acting, animation, stim boards, etc.) However, the fanwork must be entirely yours, or have your sources clearly and correctly credited (ex: no weheartits, zerochans, or pinterests, and no “credit to the artists” or similar) we will block people who don’t credit the original creators, as reposting hurts the community more than it will ever help.
NSFW will be allowed, but because of Tumblr guidelines, you will need to upload it elsewhere. You can put a preview and then link your fanworks in the post!. Other sensitive material is allowed, but please tag all possible trigger warnings appropriately!
If you want to participate, but wish to remain anonymous, we will respect your wishes! Please submit any fanwork you make for HiNaegi Festival, and we will post it and keep you anonymous!
Respect each other and respect other people’s entries!
The most important rule: have fun! We are all here to celebrate HiNaegi and Kamuegi, and hopefully expand the ship a little more ^^ Level of experience doesn’t matter at all! What does is your participation and willingness to spread the HiNaegi/Kamuegi love :)
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this event, always feel free to send in an ask or message!
If you have any questions about submission guidelines, feel free to ask a mod! As has been said multiple times by now, mods of this event are Mod Kimmy (main blog @kimmysfandomblog/DR sideblog @hajimehinata-kun) and Mod Yare (@lucckykun)!
A special thank you to everyone who helped mold this event through voting on the polls, reblogging information posts, and sending in prompt suggestions! We can’t have made this event without all of you ^^
Let’s have a good HiNaegi Festival together!
~Mod Kimmy
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newtinaweek-blog · 5 years
Frequently Asked Questions
Newtina Week is a week-long event meant to inspire Newtina shippers to create fanworks for the couple. Seven prompts - one for each day - are chosen based on majority vote, and listed on this blog prior to the week beginning. Each day, participants post or submit their creations, and they will be reblogged on this main blog.
The initial idea is to hold Newtina Week yearly. Hopefully, every November.
During the hiatus, it would be good to hold it around the same time as the movie would be out for us to miss our favourite pairing a little bit less.
It is possible for us to hold during the movie’s years as well, but that will be up to discussion closer to each movie release date, so we can decide as fandom if we want to hold a Newtina Week sometime before or after the movie is actually released in 2021 (and later dates).
The event’s dates will be updated in the sidebar of the main page, so you can find out more information about it as information becomes available.
There are many ways to participate in Newtina Week. All decisions about the week are chosen by popular vote, from when the week will happen to what the prompts will be.
You can participate by following this blog and voting on the decisions posted here. You can vote for the week when the event is going to be happen in the polls for it. You can suggest prompts when the polls are open for it.
And, of course, you can participate by creating fanworks that fit the prompts chosen for this event.
You can also participate by signal boosting, reblogging, commenting and just enjoying the creations!!!
If you have thoughts about how to expand participation options, please tell us!!
Whatever you can think of, basically. Fanfiction, fanart, graphics, gifs, videos, fanmixes, meta, wallpapers, icons, etc.
If it’s about Newt and Tina and their relationship, we want to see it!
Not at all! You can pick and choose for which ones you’re inspired by or you can do all seven separately or you can do one long work that includes all seven prompts.
It is all up to you! This event is only to inspire us as fandom to create new content and have fun!!!
Nope! You can jump right in! Participation is open, meaning that you don’t need to register, or declare your intentions to join in on the fun. All you need to do is to join us along as soon and as much as you can!
Not all that closely. The idea of the week is to help fans with inspiration to create something. As long as your creation is loosely inspired by the prompt, it will count.
For example, if the prompt is Hogwarts Years, and you wanted to write/draw Newt and Tina’s future kids while they are going to take the Hogwarts Express, it would be completely fine.
No, sorry. Anything you want reblogged on the main blog must be unpublished and created for this event.
Since the idea of the event is to spark creativity for new fanworks, it would defeat the purpose if someone used old works and published them as new.
Absolutely! Feel free to spread this event around to other sites and tell everyone, who might be interested in participate, about it!!!
If you want to make things but don’t have a blog, just use the submission or ask boxes to give us a link to your creation, and it will be added here.
Anon is always enabled on both, so please don’t feel like this is only for tumblr.
But make sure you send us the link, since we are not going to be tracking any other social media/site for works during the week. As soon as you send it, they are going to be on the main blog (and hopefully reach a bigger amount of people!)
YES!!!! The more the merrier!
The official Newtina Week tag is #newtinaweek, although we are also tracking the #newtina tag itself.
It is better to use the first one, since it makes sure we know you are participating in the event and wants to be included in the main blog. But either way, if you post to either tag, we will see it.
A reminder: only the first five tags that you use will show up as searchable, so be sure to put #newtinaweek or #newtina first. Additionally, if you don’t see your post reblogged within a day (or you want to be sure we get it) please just drop us a message with the link to your work and we willl reblog it.
For now, we are using Eastern Standard Timezone (EST). But if the timezone does not work for the majority of fandom, it will be changed to accommodate the event better!
The prompts are decided early – between two weeks to a month before the event starts – to give some lead time for people to work on their fanworks.
So, working early on your creations is encouraged. If you finish early, you may submit to the blog, and we will queue it up to release on the appropriate day. For example, if you finish day one’s prompt five days before the event begins, submit it, and we’ll queue it to release on that first day.
However, if you prefer to post to your own blog instead of submitting, please wait to post your creations until the day of the prompt. If you do post early, we will not reblog any of your creations until the appropriate day.
Yes, we will! While you’re not allowed to post early, you can always submit late. For example, you can post a day one prompt on day four if that’s when you finish. If you don’t complete a creation until the week is over, that’s fine, too.
Just be sure to tag your creations, and/or submit it to the blog to be sure we see it. And if you don’t see your creation reblogged within a day or so, please drop us a line to follow up since we check the tags less often after the event ends.
Please, drop us a question in the ask box. Anon is on, so if you’re shy you can stay anonymous. But also we’ve undoubtedly left something off, so questions are appreciated!
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