#but pepp is crushing HARD )
lultimagoccia · 4 months
⚔️ ngl I am curious what your take on a roleswap between Pepp and Creech would be like. 👀
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peppino was looking ( and feeling ) so much better lately, wasn't he?
he had been for such a long time, simply manifesting into being one night by the dying embers of a pizza oven recently smothered out for the night. many only knew him as a blessing, as good luck that blessed struggling restaurants just trying to bring a dream to life and good food to those in their community. these aspirational cooks would open one day to find their supplies fully stocked with fresh and flavorful ingredients, their food tasting better than it ever had, and a general sense of good cheer and positive energy flowing around their kitchen.
over time, though, he had taken to visiting these places, tasting their food for themselves, cooking alongside them, learning and sharing what he had learned. he enjoyed these experiences the most, as the places he came upon were always changed when he left them. some for better, others that had disrespected him and mocked the very art of cooking itself for worse. he wasn't a saint nor did he claim to be, some shit did NOT fly for him.
over time, he'd worn out. the coloration of his physical form dimmed, faded, like a sign painted too long ago and never retouched. if you inspected his skin closely, you'd notice the texture of woodgrain on his skin instead of flesh. and how his hands had worn out, covered in scratches and scuffs. he kept his hands busy. but when had anyone ever taken care of them, after their work for a day was done?
not until her. this one girl, this mortal. who somehow found the little restaurant at the very edge of town, the one nobody was really supposed to be able to anymore unless he wanted them to, the place of his creation long since forgotten by time. and she hadn't been brought by a pure and curious heart, or by the desire to learn the secrets of becoming a great chef. no, she got there because she hated being around people and just wanted to find one fuckin' place to eat that nobody else would be.
peppino was. still a little baffled as to how that had worked out for her.
but thank god ... oh, thank god it had. because she kept coming back. she kept patronizing his little forgotten pizzeria, and revitalizing his passion for the art. not as an obligation, a debt he must repay to humanity over and over, forever, for giving him life and purpose for being. but as his own gift, his own art. something his own, which he now shared with her on a fairly regular basis.
and over that time, he was looking even better. the color was restored to his outfit, the redness of his cheeks rosier than it had been in decades, and when he smiled, it didn't look so haggard all the time.
he'd never let himself be so selfishly attached to anything ... or anyone. he usually floated through other people's lives, keeping in touch with a scant few. but with her, he found himself coveting the time she gave to him. hanging intently to each word, finding every excuse to touch her casually.
he felt so ... good. and he felt so terrified, too. because this was new. this was not a thing he had ever looked for or wanted. not until her. and maybe never again after. so he had to savor it while it lasted. enjoy the sweetness of an entirely new flavor, one he'd grown so terribly and immensely fond of.
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meidui · 4 months
steve/established pepperony 💏
Keeping Steve by @copperbadge
The gifts from Tony and Pepper are nice, and Steve secretly likes showing off signs that he belongs to them -- until some offhanded teasing from Clint makes him wonder if they're gifts from his lovers or payment for services rendered.
flying (just far enough) from the sun by @sunspill
After the events of the film, Steve follows Tony home instead of Bruce. Steve/Pepper/Tony.
Come At Me by Closer
Steve gets a lesson in pop psychology, drives a roadster, fends off an aspiring killer robot, conquers Tetris, wins a quarter, buys pants, battles the undead, and falls hard for Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.
Just your average superhero stuff.
Safety Net by Instigator
Tony and Pepper aren't the type to stand idly by when they want something. As it turns out, what they want is Steve.
Make It A Triple by @51st
Tony’s lips are on his again, surprisingly soft and warm and his beard isn’t scratchy at all, but pleasant, and his mouth tastes faintly of scotch, and that’s Pepper’s other hand on his shoulder, between them, tightening there.
Steve pulls his head back, slightly. “Sorry,” he says, and he’s not sure which of them he’s addressing, but he’s had Long Island iced teas and Adios, Motherfuckers and he can maybe pretend later that he didn’t know any better.
Good Teachers by @impalachick
Wherein Steve learns that he doesn't have anything appropriate to wear to a dinner at Stark tower, Pepper is an extremely capable planner, Tony doesn't hate him, and date nights don't have to be between only two people.
Glamour Girl by @stickthisbig
This is Steve's indulgence.
Call me home by Cubicrot
“You need to stop feeling guilty, live a little.” Tony says carefully. “And I missed you.”
Steve’s heart beats like he’s in the middle of a leap and throwing his shield.
Tony coughs. “Also, Pep’s got a crush.”
Nowhere to Hide by @archwrites
In the wake of the Battle of New York, Steve dreams of caves and portals and a world he doesn't understand. Then he meets up with Tony and Pepper in California and discovers he's not the only one living someone else's life in his dreams.
Croquis by @saathi1013
In which the Avengers Tower is rebuilt, Tony attempts matchmaking, Natasha is scary, and Pepper may have ulterior motives. Also, there is Asgardian mead, which might be a problem.
Magnetic by @boombangbing
Tony and Pepper are in a committed relationship, everyone knows that. Tony still flirts relentlessly with Steve, though, and Steve doesn't know what to make of it. Then he starts having weird feelings about Pepper too, and he really, really doesn't know what to make of that.
Holding Pattern by @boombangbing
The first couple of weeks of Steve's relationship with Tony and Pepper leave him in a strange in-between state. Which consequently leaves him increasingly frustrated.
Living in the Present by EllyAvon
Steve has adjusted as well as can be expected to the 21st century, but he still can't predict things like this.
There's lots more kissing in the future than he thought there would be-- or maybe it's kissing in the present.
You and Me and Steve by Chaerring
The problem wasn't Steve, exactly, just that he was always around.
Vector by @setissma
"It's a great idea," Tony said.
"Fabulous," Pepper said. "I'll file it with all your other recent great ideas, like stealing cars from the Stark Formula One team and buying me a strawberry farm for my birthday."
'Til the Daylight Comes by GotTheSilver
As he turns to leave he hears Tony calling after him, and he ignores it, uncomfortable with—well. With Tony. Not because of what he’d been saying, but because he liked it. Because something about knowing that Tony notices him stirred something inside Steve.
But Tony’s with Pepper.
And that’s.
That’s fine.
Homecoming by amobisan
Pepper opened the door to her bedroom and found Steve sitting on their bed. He looked up at her, blushing and shirtless, and said "Tony told me you liked this?"
Middleman by @justanotherstonyfan
Pepper and Tony introduce Steve to restraints.
Taken by @musicalluna
Tony gets back from a business trip and finds out Steve is gone.
Three's Company by @serenailith
Did Pepper and Tony really ask him that? Or is this just some vivid dream?
Or the one where Pepper decides her curiosity has reached high enough, so she asks Tony to bring Steve into the relationship.
Surprise by @serenailith
For the past five months, Steve has been in an amazing relationship (of sorts) with Tony and Pepper. One night, he receives a text from Tony while the genius is at a charity event with Pepper, and Steve sets his mind to surprising the two of them with a better night when they get home.
a dusting of pink (makes you glow from within) by @bedtimestoriesformywife
Steve is pretty sure he’s got a hang of this future thing. Talking to women though? That he still needs to work on.
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onippep · 1 year
Let it Happen
The big Five-O, Peppi...ha! Don't you worry, I'll catch up to you soon!
Believe me, you don't want to. I walked up some stairs the other day and thought my joints were going to lock up.
[Laughs] Ah come on, I'm sure it isn't all bad! Just look at you! You don't look a day over 35.
Wait til you can see the white hairs.
You're alright, Peppi, honestly. You've been doing well for your age. I know it's a big number, but think of it this way! You're in a much better spot than you were a year ago! Several months, even!
Strange how fast stuff can change.
It's... been hard, either way, but yeah, a little easier. Especially with him.
He's been a blessing for you. I hope I can continue to help you out wherever I can, but I think that frog's been doing a lot of the heavy lifting.
Super heavy.
But look at it. Does it look exhausted at all? No. That's passion. That's what love is, I think.
Big word.
Hm? Pbffft, no it isn't, bro, it's a simple word! Four letters!
Not what I meant.
Hear me out, though! It doesn't have to be complicated. Me and Brick? We're tight. He's like a sibling to me. First our fists were flying at each-other in that Tower, but now we're watching cartoons together every night and joking about rat and gnome things. I'd say that's love, too! Just in a different way.
Just-- point is, don't let more complicated definitions keep you from it. You can work for love, but it'll never be a chore. Never a stress. Let it come to you.
You're sayin' all of this as if I have a crush on that thing.
[gives him a look]
You're still such a scaredy-cat.
Oooh, awesome thing to say to me on my birthday, Gus! Come on, man. I'm not scared of anything.
...[snickers] Quit it.
Nuh-uh. You've been clammed up ever since we repaired that window. The tension can be cut with a dull spoon, compagno. [smacks his shoulder]
Whatever! Leave me alone. [chuckling]
It's my job to pester, you damn fruit! [laughs]
D-don't pressure me! I swear it's becoming clearer. Slowly. I just wanna be open to other options while I'm at it.
Anton's not coming back, sweetheart.
[shoves him playfully] YOU HURT ME. You hurt me good. You sure you're not single?
[both laugh]
Back to being real-- I support you in anything you do, Pepp. Just don't overthink it. You're in a better spot now, you can process things. Don't let me set you back.
Yeah. For sure. I've-- been feeling shit I haven't felt in ages, so it's just a little jarring.
Ooh, what, the... [makes a butterfly motion with his hand]
[mockingly] OoooooOOOoooo!~
Sorry! Sorry. I'm actually thrilled. I think something in you is healing, friend.
Pfft. Cheesy. You think so?
Yeah, absolutely. That doesn't just 'happen'.
I--uh. I just. Get super aware of time and everything, so I think that mixes into all of that. Age-wise.
You're middle-aged. You've still got plenty of time.
Easy for you to say, man, all my biological functions are already waning.
It's natural. It doesn't mean anything's ending, man. That happens as soon as we're born.
S-still, I can't help but think about how I've got a bit of a time limit to decide who I wanna be with for the rest of my life.
Sheesh. Easter really screwed you up, didn't it.
[chokes] You fuckin' think?! It's humiliating seeing everyone all married with kids while I'm the fag of the family that hasn't even gotten a date for the last 10 years. I'm such a loser, man.
Aye, easy, brother. You're fine. Look around you. Do you see anyone else across these fields? You're just in a really bad location, with bad circumstances. You're not some lesser man for that. If anything, the world owes you an apology.
That sounds like the most narcissistic thing I've ever heard.
It's got some merit to it. You have to believe me here, Giampaolo, I swear all the gays in town would be all over you if you were closer to the city.
Pffft. Whatever you say.
Next Pride, I'll prove it to you. You gotta come out this year.
I think I've still got my leather around somewhere...
That's the spirit. And who knows, maybe a certain frog can come with you. Enjoy the sights and sounds. Enjoy the You.
[flustered] Fffffuckin'. Whatever. [chuckling] My life's never been really ordinary anyway.
Your first mistake is ever thinking otherwise. My roommate is a giant rat. You suplexed a man with a pizza for a head and destroyed a giant Tower with nothing but your rage.
[sigh] ...yeah. You're right.
Sometimes you gotta let things happen. You'd be surprised.
Yeah. [smiles]
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shaunsummers · 1 year
Tek's Birthday!
"It's Dr. Pepp- unf!" Ah, the familiar taste of grass once again. Dammit, she wanted to be thrashed around by the hot Russian not Quinn! It couldn't be helped in this moment, as an eager Rebel slid against the dirt with her hand at the ready, to imagine that, perhaps, Robin had gone soft in recent times. Mediocre sex and Blue Bell still counted as a work out, right? No? Fuck! This skinny bitch was shitting on her teenage dream! In desperation, she frantically begins to squirm and wiggle with angry obscenities being belted into the air; but, to her heavy disappointment, it wasn't enough and Rebel's countdown happens regardless. "God dammit, fuck!!"
"And Quinn is the winner!" With a wide smile, Rebel throws her arms in the air before wildly tooting her party blower as she bounces. She figured Robin would have had her on the run but, hey, she was happy for her dude and gives Quinn firm pats on the back for a match well done, bending down to blow the noise maker in her face.
"Good thing you're among thieves, then. I can't imagine there's much honor here." Siren looks over at Beatrix, flashing her a smile as she idly runs her fingers down Tek's arm. Hell, Tek's strategy was the scream and run for it while Robin tried to win by butt smashing and thrashing around like an unwilling cat trapped in a hug. "Wow, Robin. You fucking bottom!"
As Aiden and Lilith both turned to stare her down, Jade shrugs with a guilty grin, "What? Saw her hold back Varo at The Shed once. Figured she could handle herself."
"And you decided not to divulge this information, you sneaky cunt!" Aiden lets out a hard scoff, not filtering his stink eyes as he goes for his drink. Taking in hearty gulps, the result of the match didn't go down as easy. Quinn won?! What the fuck!! "You've brought shame to this family!" The Haus of Slutticus would never recover from this.
"Jade, you're full of secrets aren't you? Guess we owe you two some cash, you whore." With a sneer, Lilith's eyes scan the line for the two that were next. The things was, you didn't just go up against Devin with that amount of casual confidence without a reason. Maybe it was good they had a nurse on board; because all signs pointed to that ego getting fucked up. "So, what about this one?"
"Beatrix." He loved Devin but this was an easy choice. Big tits was about to crush the competition.
Leaning forward with her hands on her knees, Devin chin cocks back with a smirk, "Careful? I don't need to be fuckin' careful." She just needed to win. Plain and simple. "But, for real, you should wash your hand." Devin doesn't wait for Rebel's announcement before rising from her seat, hell, she was ready; and glancing over to Beatrix, so was she.
"Yeaaaahhhhh!!!" Quinn thrusts her fists in the air with an overly dramatic roar, grinning broadly in her victory. With Rebel being so close and so tiny, she plucks her off the ground to swing her in an ecstatic circle before setting her back down again. "I'm the champ!" She can't help her cheesing, but she was also a gentleman, and so, Quinn turns to offer Robin a hand to get up. "So, how are my chances now?"
Beatrix laughs at the taunting—she didn't expect Quinn to win this one, either, but go her—but that meant the tinier one would go up against her later. Poor Quinn. "At least someone's got a little. Sierra's girlfriend can just carry it for us all." She replies in humor, but her eyes were already following Devin's rise. The warm tingles of satisfaction readily bubbled in her gut; she was about to break this woman.
"Looks like I'm about to be up." Beatrix would wait until called, but she does stand to stretch. Though she didn't plan on it being too much of a challenge, there were more rounds to go and she'd rather not pull something. But, as she starts in, the deception of her soft body collapses under the sudden, taut rippling of muscles across her arms and back. Hell, it looked as if she was smuggling papayas in her calves when she lunges down to stretch her legs. Part of her hoped Devin was looking, because they were the same weapons she'd use to make her squeal like a little piggy.
"Devin is so screwed..." Tek murmurs in Siren's ear. While comfortably enjoying her arms, Tek's eyes still trailed the gnarly bundles popping against Beatrix's skin. Of course she thought Devin was a beefy broad, but....why. WHY.
Shaun chuckles at their upset with a shrug. "I had no idea, either, I just trusted Jade." She clasps her on the shoulder with a smile. "Who fucking knew she had some moves." But their quick movement into discussing the next round—Lilith must've been eager to make her money back—she didn't even have to think. "Beatrix."
Sam doesn't even know how to respond against the wall of unwavering conviction; was Devin that good, or was she just stupid? She figured she was about to find out, because it looked like they were up next. "It seems like you don't have a lot of confidence in Siren's hygiene." Sam chuckles, puzzled by Devin's focus on the finger. "I'm just keeping it warm until you get back. Good luck out there." She'll need it.
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dailyironfamily · 7 years
day 10 - role reversal
Day ten of the November Fic Challenge is role reversal! And I thought what better opportunity to write something for Earth-57289, that ‘verse that only exists in one panel. But what a good panel it is.
Pepper/Rhodey established with future Pepper/Tony/Rhodey. (Minor content warning for reference to alcoholism, but no drinking occurs in the fic.)
Tony will forever be grateful to Dr. James Rhodes. When Stark Industries had collapsed and Tony was in dire straights, Rhodes had picked him up and offered him everything he needed to get his life together. Rhodes didn’t care that his recklessness and alcoholism had tanked an entire company. Rhodes thought he was smart and driven and worth something, and gave him a second chance. So yeah, Tony admires him just for that, and that alone would be enough to satisfy any normal person.
But not Tony. No, Tony had to go and develop a crush on his boss.
It seems completely obvious from an objective standpoint―Rhodes is passionate, considerate, clever, handsome, the list goes on and on. Who wouldn’t like someone like that?
Unfortunately, Rhodes’s girlfriend is likely in total agreement with him.
She’s no slouch either, and Tony finds it hard to be jealous. Pepper Potts is a famous attorney who specializes in superhero cases, does a ton of charity work, and still finds time to help at Rhodes Labs International. Tony watches her and Rhodes when she comes into the office; the two make quite a pair, and Tony contents himself with just watching. He knows he doesn’t compare, and even if he could, he wouldn’t want to wreck a long-running relationship just to satisfy his own dumb crush.
Which is when everything gets shaken up in the weirdest way possible.
“You wanted to see me, Dr. Rhodes?” Tony asks as he enters the robotics lab, the room strangely empty save for him and Rhodes and...Ms. Potts?
“I’ve told you before, Tony, Jim is fine.” Rhodes―Jim―smiles at him.
Flustered, Tony answers, “Of course, Dr. Jim. Uh, Jim. Just Jim.”
“Pepper was asking me about the project you’re working on,” Jim goes on, thankfully ignoring his embarrassing babbling. “How far along would you say you are?”
“The exoskeleton? We’re in the final testing phase already.” He turns to direct his question to Pepper herself. “Why do you ask?”
Pepper doesn’t even hesitate as she answers. “I’m looking to put someone in that suit as my bodyguard.” That by itself is enough of a shock, but apparently he hasn’t heard anything yet, because she continues,
“I’d like it to be you.”
“Jim speaks very highly of you,” Pepper says. “You’re the lead on the project and know the most about it. The Iron Man is your brainchild.”
He flushes slightly at the name. It had started as a stupid placeholder at the beginning of the project and had never been changed―the thing wasn’t even made of iron. But coming out of her mouth it sounds almost regal.
“What do you need a bodyguard in a military grade exoskeleton for?” he asks, bewildered.
“It’s confidential. Let’s just say I’ve taken some high profile cases lately and the risks are higher than usual.”
Tony frowns, wondering what kind of danger she’s in that she’d resort to asking him to pilot an experimental armor. Supervillain attack level of danger? Could he even handle something like that?
“Pepper asked my recommendations for pilots,” Jim tells him. “After me, which she isn’t keen on for some reason, I think you would be best.”
He should stop and think about this. He’s the last person anyone should be asking to be a bodyguard, especially one flying around in a big metal suit. He’s proven himself a liability. Unstable. He’s just an engineer. Nothing special.
He says yes.
They keep his identity a secret, which was one of Tony’s stipulations when he agreed to help. The last thing Pepper and Rhodes Labs need is the news getting out that ex-CEO Tony Stark is the one piloting the Iron Man. (He’d suggested renaming it before the announcement, but Pepper had insisted Iron Man remain. Tony supposes it does have a nice ring to it.)
For the most part, it’s just a lot of standing around looking intimidating, which is pretty easy. He only shows up for high profile events or important court cases, though sometimes Pepper coaxes him into coming along to a party or charity event. He has her phone number now, and same with Rhodes’s, which is weird but a little exciting. He could text Jim if he wanted to, but he never does. It seems too forward.
Then Jim texts him first.
You busy tonight?
Tony stares at the message, unsure how to answer. Should he play it casual? Or is this some work thing? Finally, he just texts back,
Not really. What’s up?
Jim’s answer is almost instantaneous.
Pepper’s trying her hand at cooking at home for once. Come over?
Tony’s never been to Jim’s house in a non-professional capacity before. He answers just as quickly,
Sure. Time?
Jim texts him the details, and then Tony spends the rest of the afternoon agonizing over what this means. They’re probably just being friendly. After all, he sees Jim at work almost every day, and Pepper he sees at least once a week, either as Iron Man or when she visits the lab. Maybe they want to try some team bonding thing.
Jim’s house is fancy, inside and out. There’s a lot of art that Tony discovered was mostly Pepper’s doing, but Jim has a guitar collection that he and Tony had spent a whole afternoon messing around with one time he visited. Tony’s pretty sure that was the best afternoon of his life so far.
Tonight he’s just nervous, dressed up in his nicest suit and carrying a bottle of wine and bouquet of flowers as he shows up at their door. Overkill? Probably. But better than arriving empty-handed. Jim greets him at the door, takes the wine from him, but he makes Tony hand the flowers to Pepper himself, leading him into the kitchen where she’s putting the finishing touches on dinner.
“Oh, they’re lovely, Tony,” she says, sniffing at them while Jim gets a vase and fills it with water. Tony’s glad he splurged on an expensive bouquet. “Have a seat, dinner will be ready in a few minutes.”
The kitchen table’s already set, so he sits down and watches Pepper and Jim gather the last of the dinner supplies, turning off stove tops and ovens and bringing over platters and bowls. Tony tries to get up to help, but Pepper pushes him back into his chair.
“Everything looks amazing, Ms. Potts. Pepper,” he corrects quickly, because both of them prefer him using their first names in private.
“I’ll confess, Jim helped a lot. But thank you,” she says, smiling. She picks up the bottle of wine he’d brought with him, holding it out to pour. “Wine?”
“Tony doesn’t drink,” Jim says, and Pepper and Tony both look at him in surprise.
“Oh, I’m sorry. We’ll just save this for later,” she says, getting up and putting it on the counter instead. Tony’s still slightly stunned Jim had remembered, and that they’d forgo drinking with dinner just for him.
Pepper’s already changing the subject when she returns, encouraging them to start plating the food, and she asks Tony what he’s working on at work. It’s...nice. Normal. Tony keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop (what if they’re just being nice because they’re firing him as Iron Man? What if Pepper found out about his crush on her boyfriend?) but it never comes. They have a completely casual dinner and by the time Jim pulls out a chocolate torte for dessert, Tony has to admit that nothing bad is going to happen. He really is just this lucky.
When the meal comes to an end, Tony doesn’t want to go. He’s got no excuse to linger, but he clings to what he can while Pepper and Jim continue to chat over empty dessert plates. It’s not until Pepper sees that it’s already ten thirty p.m. that they stop, Pepper apologizing for holding him here so long.
“It’s no problem at all, seriously,” he tells them, standing up, and he tries to take the dishes to the sink, but Jim won’t let him, grabbing them all himself. He waits until Jim’s done before he adds,
“Thank you for the meal. And the company. I really appreciate it.”
Pepper and Jim both smile at him, and Tony feels something hot clench in his stomach.
“It was our pleasure, really,” Pepper replies, walking with him to the door. Jim trails behind them, hands in his pockets as he ambles along. “We’ll have to do this again sometime.”
The hot clench in Tony’s stomach flip flops at the thought of getting to do this again, and against his better judgment he says, “I’d love that.”
The next time he sees Pepper it’s a disaster. She’s inspecting an abandoned warehouse involved in a negligence lawsuit she’s currently working on; Iron Man tags along, not expecting any danger. Afterwards, he’s not entirely sure what happened, but he still blames himself for not paying close enough attention.
An explosion rocks through the building before either of them know what’s happening. The suit pinpoints the origin of the explosion, somewhere in the basement, strong enough to shake the entire building on its foundations. He dives for Pepper as the ceiling starts to collapse, and she shrieks as he wraps his arms around her and immediately gets gets knocked on the back of the helmet by a giant chunk of concrete.
He stumbles, dazed, Pepper still half in his arms. Her eyes are wide and she’s yelling something, but he can’t make it out, it sounds like she’s a mile away. Shit, something wrong with the suit? Whatever the problem is, it can wait. He needs to get Pepper out of here before the rest of the building collapses.
Scooping her up in his arms, he kicks on the boot repulsors and aims for the hole in the ceiling, dodging pieces of debris. By the time he lands a safe distance away and sets her down, the warehouse is on fire, the ground underneath it collapsing.
“Call 911,” he says, but he’s not sure she even heard him before he passes out.
He wakes to the sound of beeping hospital monitors, and his head is killing him. Something rustles to his right, and he blinks, trying to focus.
“Potts. Pepper Potts. Is she okay?” he rasps out, needing to know.
“She’s fine,” someone answers, but he thinks that’s her own voice.
Forcing his eyes open the rest of the way, he turns his head to look, and sure enough, Pepper’s sitting in a chair at his bedside, looking worried. Jim stands beside her, a hand resting against her back.
“Welcome back, man,” Jim says, trying for a smile, but it’s strained.
“What happened?” he asks. The warehouse...there’s no way that explosion was an accident.
“It was a bomb,” Jim says, confirming his suspicions. “There’s some suspects, but we can talk about that later. How are you feeling?”
“Like I got hit in the head,” Tony says dryly. “We’ve got to go over the specs of that helmet again.”
“Later,” Jim says again, and Pepper reaches for Tony’s hand, lying limp on the bed. She squeezes gently, voice sincere as she says,
“Thank you.”
“Not gonna lie, I’d thought you needing a bodyguard was kind of bullshit,” Tony mumbles, but he manages to squeeze her hand in return. “But clearly I was wrong.”
“Thank goodness for that.” She doesn’t let go of his hand, and Tony glances up at Jim, but he doesn’t seem to even notice.
“Still, I understand if you want to replace me,” he continues, glancing back down at their clasped hands. “Get someone who’s properly trained.”
“What?” Pepper looks shocked at the idea, and Jim shakes his head. “You saved me, Tony. You were amazing.”
“I got hit on the head and fainted. Not exactly heroic.”
Jim leans in, puts a gentle hand on Tony’s shoulder. Tony’s breath catches in his throat. “You’re both alive because of you. That sounds heroic to me.”
“There is one thing we wanted to ask, before you continued as Iron Man,” Pepper adds. “If you want to continue.”
“I do,” Tony says without hesitation. Despite what happened, he can’t imagine not being the one to be there for them, watching over them. He just can’t believe they’ll still have him after this.
Jim finally draws his hand back from Tony’s shoulder, and Pepper takes it in her other hand, the one not holding on to Tony’s. “Have dinner with us. As a date.”
Time stops for a moment, Tony’s pretty sure. That or he’s gone back into shock from his head injury.
Jim seems to take his silence as a bad sign, because he quickly says, “It’s inappropriate, isn’t it? I told you, Pepper, we’re both technically his boss, it’s weird.”
Tony scrambles to interrupt, not wanting Jim to think that’s true at all. “No, no! Uh, you just surprised me, is all. Um.” He glances between them, tempted to ask if this is some sort of test or trick. “Seriously?”
Pepper nods. “Very seriously.”
“And if you say no you can still be Iron Man,” Jim hurries to assure him, “so don’t think your answer determines whether you’ve still got a job or not―”
“I’d love to go to dinner,” Tony interrupts again, surprised yet slightly endeared. He’s never seen cool, calm Dr. Rhodes so flustered before. He kind of likes it. “A date dinner. And to keep being Iron Man. If you’ll have me.”
“We’d be happy to have you,” Pepper says, all smiles, and squeezes his hand even tighter. Tony smiles back, and Jim laughs, a pleasant, hearty sound that makes Tony feel like everything’s going to be okay.
Like Tony said before. He’d forever be grateful to Dr. James Rhodes, and Pepper Potts, for giving him a chance.
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dawnasiler · 5 years
Infusing Herbs in Oils - Which Method is Best?
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Confession time.
To date, I have been a believer that 'you can't rush excellence' when it comes to macerations and that sun infusion is the best way to capture herbal goodness in oil.
But sometimes, stuff happens.
A conversation with Vivienne Campbell of the Herbal Hub inspired me to rethink and revisit oil infusion methods – even after all these years.
Side-by-Side Testing Just Made the To-Do List
When this kind of thing happens, testing is in order, and that's what that totally un-sexy-looking photo is about up there. (My apologies - I really tried to pep it up a bit, but this pic was quite simply un-pepp-able).
Pictured: the beginning of a side-by-side test of coriander seeds infused into apricot kernel oil. The jar is going on the windowsill for a few weeks, while the bag will be undergoing 'heat treatment'.
If We're Going to Make it Easy, Let's Make it Real Easy
Heat infusing oils can be done a few different ways. Although I have used the bain marie/ double boiler method to melt butters, waxes and make all kinds of anhydrous products forever, I have a never-ending fear of steam (or any moisture) making its way into the precious contents.
Since a sudden pile-up of testing to-do's just made their way to the docket, I decided to take the easy-peasy, worry-free route and bought a sous-vide stick and a kit to 'bag' things to be sous-vide'ed.
We're talking about cooking equipment here, and if you don't know this method, it consists of sealing food in a special type of food-safe plastic and submerging the bag in temperature-controlled water for however many hours one decides. It's also referred to a slow-cooking by some.
I made a discovery. This method is so fun and easy, it almost feels like cheating.
Side by Side Coriander Seeds in Oil
Although it isn't very clear in the picture above, the coriander seeds have all been lightly crushed using the same method to release as much coriander goodness as possible. My method is quite primitive: place coriander seeds in sturdy, food-safe plastic bag. Close bag and place on hard surface. Whack bag with rolling pin until seeds are lightly crushed.
Top Tip: If you prefer to use a spice grinder, prepare to keep that spice grinder as your dedicated coriander seed spice grinder for the remainder of your life. You're welcome.
To heat-infuse oil, it is generally recommended to heat at a temperature of about 55º C / 131º F  for around 2-3 hours.
Pictured below, a batch of coriander seeds on top of a batch with lavender buds with sous-vide stick in place and controlling the temp to perfection.
The rose quartz is a gift I have had for many years and happened to be right at hand when the bags kept floating to the top and I needed a weight to keep them under the water. The quartz has since become an indispensable tool for my heat infusions.
How Do They Compare?
This is one of numerous batches I have made over the past few months with different herbs and because these things need proper attention, it may be a while before any hard-core conclusions can be made on how the methods compare, but I will give you feedback on the pictured batch.
Testing consisted of a standard nose test and application test. My husband (who is painfully honest and a great tester) proclaimed the heat-infused oil the winner in scent and could not feel any difference in application.
I could not decide on a winner in the scent comparison. The cold infused oil seemed to have a bit more strength, but every other time I sniffed the one before the other, my impression changed so it was impossible to compare.
In this batch, I found no difference in feel.
More to Come
Meantime, some of the other herbs I am testing include lavender, wild rose, rosemary, chamomile, dandelion (leaves and bossoms), plantain, and calendula. Updates to be reported as results come in.
If you want to get started making plant extracts, there's a bundle offer in the shop right now. 
Find the fabulous Vivienne Campbell and
the Herbal Hub here
Infusing Herbs in Oils - Which Method is Best? syndicated from LisaLise Blog - Natural Skin Care
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satartaruga · 7 years
92 Truths
Rules: Tag 20 people
I was tagged by my lil babe @yk-shooting-star 
2.Phone call: My father.
3.Text message: My best friend.
4.Song you listened to: Monsta X - All I Do
5.Time you cried: Yesterday
6.Dated someone twice: No, not even once lolololol *tears*
7.Been cheated on: That’s not even possible lolololololololol *tears of relief*
8.Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope
9.Lost someone special: Unfortunately yes... (May God be with you)
10.Been depressed: Yes...
11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: Never Ever (references lolol)
Red ♥
15.Made new friends: Not really
16.Fallen out of love: It’s a secret~  love u saeyoung
17.Laughed until you cried: ya lolol
18.Found out someone was talking about you: Ya, and I kick her butt
19.Met someone who changed you: YASSSS SO GAYYYY ♥♥♥
20.Found out who your true friends are: Yup c:
21.Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Whut... uhm, no?
22.How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: idk, many of them
23.Do you have any pets: Ya, a dachshund
24.Do you want to change your name: Dunno, maybe
25.What did you do for your last birthday: OMG I ATE SO FUCKING MUCH LOLOLOLOL
26.What time did you wake up: 06:20 am I KNOW, TERRIBLE
27.What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping
28.Name something you cannot wait for: LIFE IS STRANGE OMGOMGOMGOMGOGMGOGMGG
29.When was the last time you saw your mother: Some hours ago.
30.What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: All this compulsive fear
31.What are you listening to right now: Monsta X :3
32.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: That cute lil cat? Yup
33.Something that is getting on your nerves: The fact that I CANT STOP COUGHING
34.Most visited website: Twitter
35.Elementary: Yup
36. High School: Working on it lolol
37.College/university: nopepepepe
38.Hair color: Dark brown.
39.Long or short hair: Long
40.Do you have a crush on someone: Fictional characters count? lolol
41.What do you like about yourself: My memes
42.Piercings: Not yet.
43.Blood type: A+
44.Nickname:  “Raposa”, “Atomic” (T-T), “Ana”, “Clara”, blablabla
45.Relationship status: Single.
46.Zodiac sign: Libra
47.Pronouns: She/her.
48.Favorite tv show: Ponto Kpop 10.
49.Tattoos: Nope.
50.Right or left hand: Right hand.
51.Surgery: No.
52.Piercings: Not yet. (Wait, again?)
54.Sport: NO.
55.Vacation: Anywhere except FKING AUSTRALIA
58.Drinking: Soda. PHD DOC PEPP
59.I’m about to: Cry
60.Listening to: Monsta X
61.Waiting for: Holidays.
62.Want: To be a better person.
63.Get married: I want it but... I don’t think so
64.Career: Chemist!
65.Hugs or kisses: Hugs.
66.Lips or eyes: Eyes.
67.Shorter or taller: Taller ^^
68.Older or younger: It doesn’t matter
70.Nice arms or nice stomach: What? idk
71.Sensitive or loud: Sensitive.
72.Hook up or relationship: Relationship.
73.Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker lololol >:3
74.Kissed a stranger?: Nope
75.Drank hard liquor?: No
76.Lost glasses contact/lenses?: Yeah, just once
77.Turned someone down?: Ya?
79.Broken someone’s heart?: Yeah... Sorry </3
80.Had your heart broken?: Yup
81.Been arrested?: lololol nope
82.Cried when someone died?: Yes TT
83.Fallen for a friend?: Nope
84.Yourself?: Just a bit...
85.Miracles?: Of course!
86.Love at first sight?: Nope lolol
87.Santa Claus?: Why did u ask? Isn’t he real? WHAT???? T-T
88.Kiss on the first date?: Yeah, why not?
89.Angels?: yayayaya
90.Current best friend’s name: I call her “Viada” LOLOLOLOLOLOL
91.Eye color: Brown ¬¬
92.Favorite movie: At the moment, Big Hero 6
I tag: EVERY FUCKING BODY (jk lolol only if u want to)
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