#but people here came from LA or have worked in LA or nyc or atlanta and have some insane connections
aidenwaites · 3 months
the film group did a class over zoom tonight for an hour with a set designer and I didnt get to look her up before i joined bc I hadnt been certain i'd attend but it turned out she is,, pretty up there on some big projects dfhbSDB
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electradelight · 3 years
touchdown in atlanta pt. 1 (a tom x zendaya mini!fic) | oct. 25, 2020
Hello. This is the first time I’ve written a fic since I was like 14 on fanfiction.net. I had to come back because Tom and Zendaya are adorable. 
link to pt. 2
link to pt. 3
Intro: So if you’re a hardcore intense shipper, maybe skip this intro. Anyway, I thought Tom and Zendaya were doooone when Z and J. Eloridi were caught kissing in NYC early 2020 (ugh those candids kill me btw. Incredible rebound, Ms. Coleman. I wish I could see all their film photos from those days). Anyway… July 2021 came around and those cute Z/T car kiss photos came out and awwwwww.
On top of that, the NWH press tour made me fall in love with their chemistry–it’s so palpable it makes you feel warm inside. The nosy virgo in me needed to understand the timeline of these events  (shoutout to @spidermaninlove on tumblr) and in doing so… picturing how a few moments played out.
Disclaimers: Of course this is a work of fiction, imagination, just me, someone-who-loves-love, daydreaming about two strangers in love… etc… etc. I’m 24 so I feel like I have a good grasp on their maturity but I’m from LA so please forgive me if/when Tom’s character doesn’t sound authentic to an English bloke (did I use that right?). 
Also, I’m not a writer. Not that I expect people to read. Anyway. Here we go.
Here’s my fave gif of them. Just because.
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October 25 2020
Tom couldn’t stop fidgeting with his signet ring. 
Two hours until this plane landed. Two hours until he stepped into the humid Atlanta air and yearned for a cool English breeze. Two hours until he would be in the same city as Zendaya, well… potentially. He hadn’t asked her. He just didn’t want to seem desperate, you know?
He unlocked his phone and scrolled through his favorites album. He hadn’t reached out to Zendaya since her birthday last month. And before that, it was back in July to congratulate her on her Emmy nomination. He stopped on a facetime screenshot of her smiling away from the camera at Noon. He was so proud of her… and he felt a rush knowing he would get to be in the same place as her for the next several months. He wouldn’t have to wait until an important date came up to start a conversation with her. 
He wondered if she was still dating Jacob–erm, the Australian one. They hadn’t really talked about that during their calls. They were really long calls… she must know how much he missed her. He missed her laugh. He really hoped she wasn’t dating anyone. Of course, Tom knew it didn’t matter what he hoped. He ultimately wanted her to be happy… and if Jacob Elordi is what she wants then she should respect that. But gosh it was difficult wasn’t it? To even attempt to do that? He missed her loads.
Tom was getting too far ahead of himself.  He opened his iMessage and typed “hey mate , are you coming to Atlanta tomorrow? My plane should be landing soon.. X”. He sent it before he could obsess over it. 
Tom closed his window and settled in for a nap, but not before scrolling back down to Zendaya’s contact, and pinning her to the top of his iMessage app.
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that-shamrock-vibe · 3 years
Movie Review: Spider-Man No Way Home
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Disclaimer: I am posting this review the day after the movie first drops in the U.K. and the day before it drops pretty much everywhere else, so if you have yet to see Spider-Man: No Way Home and have managed to avoid any type of spoiler up to this point, don't read on until you have seen it.
General Reaction:
I cannot emphasise enough how good this movie is. Spider-Man: No Way Home is as close to Infinity War and Endgame that it can be, and it delivers the same nostalgia and reactions from the audience, or at least mine, that Endgame did.
I have been saying all year that no movie can top Cruella as my favourite movie of the year, but honestly just after seeing this, Spider-Man may just swing ahead as this will be the last movie I see this year...Cruella is still my favourite for personal reasons, but this was an Endgame-level experience for me...and it came from Sony.
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This movie does not give you time to breathe or to really relax as there's always something happening, right from the start we pick up exactly where we left off (not a spoiler if you've seen the advertisements) and honestly in the first 15 minutes alone so much happens that it demands re-watchability. I'm curious, particularly now with Omicron, if this movie will sell a lot of repeat tickets because I'm tempted to see it again. I'm fully jabbed and getting my booster tomorrow so I'm protected but for as accurate a spoiler review as possible I feel I need to re-watch as I'm sure I've missed things.
I did mention this movie was nostalgic and that is because of the villains it brings back, but also I will say the villains you've seen are just half the nostalgia tour, there are a few surprises (some spoiled but one or two kept secret) and one or two Easter-Eggs in the script that are fantastic callbacks and technical foreshadowing in the MCU timeline.
That's all I can really hint at without spoilers, we don't really get the multiversal sinister six as fans hoped we would, one day we might, and I do feel there's a characters absence shadowing the movie, but it doesn't take away from the epicness that this movie is, it just would have plussed it further. I'll talk more about it in my spoiler review.
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In terms of the movie as a whole, I will admit that despite literally being a spider-verse movie, it does feel very contained just as any good Spidey movie should. He is after all the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man and even Into The Spiderverse may have had multiple Spider-People from multiple universes...but the majority of that movie still took place in New York City just as this one did. I believe the other two locations were LA and Atlanta and we spend enough time there but rightly so the main major action happens in NYC.
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Speaking of action, there's a lot of it but also a lot of CGI action. Aside from his trick arrows Hawkeye on his series is very much grounded in physical stunt work, here though because Spidey's rogues are somewhat superhuman...but for the most part it all looks realistic. It would be so easy to make the climactic fight in this movie look like the boss battle in a game, but unlike Black Widow it feels like you're really seeing these fantastical characters.
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This movie is also surprisingly funny, all of the Spider movies aside from the Raimi ones have had me chuckling here and there but this was a movie of laugh out loud howling and applauding, because usually I didn't see the joke coming.
The last half of this movie also gets quite emotional for several reasons, people were sobbing at my screening by the end, one woman rather annoyingly two seats away from me. But it even got me nearly going once or twice, not quite Endgame level sadness but it is definitely earned.
There are faults with the movie, things I wish hadn't happened and things I think should have, but ultimately this is definitely my favourite Spider-Man movie.
Just like this is, in my opinion, the best live-action Spider-Man movie, but also this is the best cast in a Spider-Man movie. With the regular MCU Spidey cast, everyone does a great job and they are a pleasure to watch...except Ned...sorry to any Ned fans but...come on he is a waste of space as a character in a movie that is admittedly overcrowded.
Not only do we have the MCU Spidey characters, but also characters from both the Raimi and Webb movies and our standard MCU additions, in this case Doctor Strange and Wong.
Because of the amount of characters, does that mean that not every character gets a chance to shine? Well there are a couple that are sidelined but the focus is meant to be on Tom Holland's Spider-Man, his relationship with MJ and dealings with the Multiversal villains...which the movie does rather well.
I'll go into it more in the spoiler review, but I am not sure how I feel about the portrayals of the Multiversal villains, I know the movies they come from quite well but can't quite twig if there's something off about their performances here.
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This is a movie to be seen, and on the big-screen. If you believe the hype of the movie it will definitely pay off for you and if you go in thinking you know too much, trust me there is more to see.
Also there are two post-credits scenes, one after the initial mid-credits roll and one at the very very very end...right after the logos have rolled and you think it may be over...trust me it's worth it.
So that's my review of Spider-Man: No Way Home, what did you guys think? Post your comments and check out more Marvel Movie Reviews as well as other Movie Reviews and posts.
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therucrap · 4 years
RPDR 13 Episode 1 RuCrap
Hello dear internet! I just started a new page for my first ever RPDR RuCrap so please share and follow and I’ll continue if they catch on! Hope you enjoy!
The lucky 13th season of RuPaul’s Trauma Spectacular launches with the promise of “all new surprises” and a brand new twist that will leave you wondering how you ever sat through a boring old premiere with a coherent intro, climax, and conclusion when you could be enduring a dizzying hour and a half of WOW presents Happy Death Day 3: Covid Edition!
We open up on the trusty trauma center - I mean Werk Room - and the first to enter is NYC’s “Dominican Doll” and human drag lingo See ‘N Say Kandy Muse in an elaborate bejeweled patchwork jean mini dress and MATCHING DENIM BOOMBOX and she immediately informs us that we may know her from the now former Haus of Aja which was recently deconstructed like the pair of Wranglers that Kandy is wearing as fingerless gloves. Kandy is no longer alone in VIP because the befeathered Joey Jay arrives and half-heartedly delivers her intro line. “Filler queen!” We discover that Kandy is likely going to provide our Greek chorus confessional this season and all in a soft smoky eye when she informs us uncultured swine that Joey is wearing the cheapest variety of feather - chicken. Kandy didn’t construct an entire outfit from the remnants section of a Joanne Fabrics and not learn a thing or two about quality, sweetie! Joey is determined to beat viewers to the punchline and immediately clucks around branding herself as “basic” and “filler.” Joey is from the city of Phoenix (and possibly the online University as well) but she’s here to rise like a chicken!
Thunder mysteriously rumbles as RuPaul appears on the digitally enhanced Werk room TV but what could this be?! For all you newbies this is one of the several instances in every season where Ru mixes things up and gives us what we really want: a twist that is equal parts confusing, fucks up the natural order of the competition, and is ultimately unfulfilling! Come on season 13, let’s put a bunch of queer people through even more turmoil in a pandemic! Ru has a surprise but they’ll have to head to the mainstage to get the full story that they’ll be recounting to a mental health professional later!
We’re merely four minutes in and here comes Ru down the runway dressed like a glitterdot jellyfish! Our tour guide on Trauma Island introduces us to the main panel of judges for the season - Disco Morticia Addams and the two human Trapper Keepers who are now separated by glass because for the first time in Drag Race herstory we’re in the middle of a international health crisis, mawma!
Now let’s get down to trauma! Ru explains that the queens will be pairing off to lipsync unexpectedly as they enter! What could possibly go wrong? Well if you’re hoping that someone comes in wearing blades on their feet well just stick around because I have quite the treat for you! Our Dungaree Diva and the Chicken Feather Filler hit the Mainstage looking as confused as Shangela researching CDC protocol on her way to Puerto Vallarta last week. The judges interview our test subjects and immediately bring up the Haus of Aja and Kandy clarifies that she’s now an esteemed member of The Doll Haus along with last season’s ever-gorgeous Dahlia Sinn. I personally prefer not to say that Dahlia was eliminated first but instead that she was season 12’s brocco-leading lady! (Writer’s note: if you’re thinking “there’s a drag show called The Doll Haus in my hometown... is it THAT Doll Haus?!” No, there’s a drag show called The Doll Haus in almost every city in America but now, like with the former Sharon Needles, Kim Chis, and Penny Trations of the world, this one’s been on TV and alas, the others must now rename themselves)! Joey also charms the judges with her plucky demeanor and it’s already time to lipsync feather they like it or not!
Gay anthem Call Me Maybe by Canadian legend Carley Rae Jepson begins and Kandy immediately pushes a fake button on her DENIM BOOMBOX to start the party. Honestly... crown her right there on the spot. We will ALWAYS give points for prop work and the Carrot Top of the Bronx does not disappoint. Both are energetic but it’s The Dutchess of Denim who wins by infusing humor and our feathered friend is given “the Porkchop” but before we can even wrap our head around what this means for the state of the competition we snap back to the Werk Room to meet our next unsuspecting victims!
Now dear reader, this is the part where I’m just going to cut the shit. The set-up they’re selling us is that the losers of these premiere lipsyncs will be eliminated from the show but they are obviously not about to Porkchop half of the cast on day one so just stick with me while we suspend disbelief and go on RuPaul’s Totally Twisted Trauma Adventure as she convinces 6 gay people who just spent upwards of $10,000 on clothing, jewelry, and hair and then meticulously packed it into regulation suitcases to travel here during a pandemic after probably not making any money for the last four months (this was filmed in July) that they are going home on day one! This herstory-making twist, like so many before it, exemplifies the show’s worst qualities: a lack of empathy for its contestants, an underestimation of viewer intelligence and ability to decode heavy-handed editing witchery, and its love for completely dismantling its own format every year for the sake of drama. Whatever keeps the Emmy’s coming, baby! When you’re on the other side of one of these twists you usually feel like you just finished your morning coffee only to find out that the barista gave you decaf. Your mind will be blown when it’s happening but the payoff is usually at the expense of the show’s own legitimacy. With that said... this is the punishment we come to gleefully endure every year and we’re not here to complain, we’re here to watch gay people break down, dammit!
It’s deja Ru all over again as we snap back to the Werk Room where Chicago’s Denali walks in on ice skates and immediately ruins any chance of a deposit return for the bumpy, rented roll-out vinyl floors and declares “Let me break the ice!” She’s wearing the expensive feathers that Joey Jay didn’t spring for. Denali might not be the first ice skater on Drag Race but she’s the one I didn’t watch shit on a dick on Twitter last week so let’s give credit where it’s due. Ugh I wish Trinity the Tuck could block THAT from my memory! Next up is Atlanta’s Lala Ri whose white blazer, body suit, and unteased hair is immediately called basic by an icy Denali in confessional. Denali is confident but we know something that she doesn’t and Lala is wearing a sensible dancing ankle boot not two blades on her feet so let’s see how this turns out!
The lipsync song is “When I Grow Up” by Nicole Scherzinger and her assistants who were accidentally given microphones a few times! Denali struggles to conceal her wayward nipples during some ambitious dance moves and all while in skates but Lala gives us a good old fashioned drag performance and a big finale split unbothered by an elaborate costume and ultimately ices Denali who signs off with “Feeling icy, feeling spicy!” Asking these queens to lipsync upon entering is one thing but asking them to improvise their exit lines 10 minutes in is just cruel!
Denali heads backstage devastated where SURPRISE... Joey Jay is sitting alone in a sad room made of plywood walls featuring a bunch of pictures of first eliminated queens, an ominous “Porkchop Loading Dock” sign, and some cocktail tables with no cocktails (how dreadful).
Before we get the full picture and God for bid our bearings on Mr Charles’ Wild Ride let’s leave this plywood hellscape and jump back into the familiar comfort of the Werk Room’s pixelated neon pink faux brick walls where LA’s modelesque Symone stomps in wearing a dress made of tiny Polaroids of herself. She’s stylish, her energy is fresh, and she’s clearly one to watch. Then dear reader life as we know it changes. A breeze comes through the room and God herself blesses us when living legend and matriarch of the Iman dynasty Tamisha Iman from Atlanta arrives in a pointy-shouldered red power suit and proclaims to us simple townsfolk “Holler at me, I know you know me. Holler at me, I know you know me. Tamisha is here!” The sea parts, the crops are replenished, and all war stops on Earth. On stage Tamisha reveals that she’s been doing drag for 30 years (which seems like a long time to us mere mortals) and that she was originally cast last season but was diagnosed with colon cancer two days later and had to stay home for chemo. The lipsync gods wisely choose The Pleasure Principle by Janet Jackson and Tamisha gives us exact Janet arm choreo while Simone is sultry yet commanding as she shakes her Polaroids. The judges determine that Simone was picture perfect and American hero Tamisha Iman is sent to Porkchop’s Shipping Crate of Horrors to join the nest with the fancy feather option and the chicken feather option.
We begrudgingly crawl back onto RuPaul’s ever-circling carousel of doom and plop back into the workroom where accomplished LA celebrity makeup artist GottMik stomps in wearing a wacky toile dress and a full face of white makeup declaring that it’s “Time to crash the system!” GottMik is Drag Race’s first trans man contestant (and first knowingly cast trans contestant at all) for which we cheer excitedly and then immediately look at our watches because that took too long. Next up Minneapolis’s towering Utica wriggles in with a sneeze and declares “She’s sickening!” which is just the pandemic humor I came here for! Contaminate me, mom! This gay scarecrow is wearing a series of crazy patterns and a big strawberry on her head and the two of them appear to be from the same traveling circus. These two Big Comfy Couch characters slink over to the main stage where Utica explains that her cranial statement fruit symbolizes tackling obstacles because she used to be allergic to strawberries as a kid but she grew out of it. In RuPaul’s heavy universe of heart wrenching struggles that contain chronic illness and societal rejection, Utica’s animated world that suffers only of outgrown childhood strawberry problems is a welcome one. These two lanky rag dolls will be lipsyncing to Rumors by her majesty Lady Lohan of Mykonos and the vibe is instantly wacky. I wouldn’t say that either of them are the next Kennedy Davenport but they did complement each other well on the invisible obstacle course they were both miming through. Utica’s hair flops over her eye, there’s galloping and floor humping, GottMik does a split, there’s elbows and knees aplenty, and all that’s missing is dancing poodles. The judges are tickled by the kookiness of both of these human windsocks but Gotmikk snatches the win. Neither of these two are going to win So You Think You Can Dance but luckily this is RuPaul’s So You Think You Can Trauma so we’re in luck!
Our homosexual Groundhog Day continues back in the Werk Room where we meet NYC’s Rosé who gets the Brita treatment where she’s presented as a legendary New York queen and then the editors quickly get to work making her look delusional. She’s accomplished, confident, and Drag Race’s favorite personality type to dismantle and then trick into returning to All-Stars for a redemption only to dismantle again. Rosé’s fresh-faced foil Olivia Lux enters and lights up the place right away in a velvet pink and yellow gown. She’s a humble NYC newby who has competed in shows hosted by the established Rosé and we already know what’s about to happen here. The lipsync is Exes and Oh’s by Elle King which which was a choice. Olivia strips off her gown to reveal a bodysuit so she can really articulate and Rosé does the world’s least exciting split that looked like me trying unsuccessfully separate wooden chopsticks. Olivia triumphs and Rosé fizzles as she heads to the It Didn’t Werk Room aka Porkchop’s sparsely decorated storage closet to be with the other Have Nots.
We’re almost to the finish line and we limp, slightly disoriented, back to the Werk Room where we meet Tina Burner, another NYC theater kid with the confidence of a thousand Patti LuPones who is dressed like a Ronald McDonald firefighter. What she lacks in nuance she makes up for in nonstop fire puns. Next Chicago’s glamorous Kahmora Hall saunters in glowing and is clearly unimpressed with Tina’s constant Joan Rivers impression but maintains a full pageant smile. No choice but to stan. Our final queen is the refreshingly optimistic Elliott with 2 T’s who busts in wearing a bolero jacket, some red pants from the store, and a short pink wig that screams “Sorry I’m late! Here’s my flash drive! I can go on whenever!” Elliott dances in sing-talking her entrance line like the TGIFriday’s server she is: “I’m the queen you want to see. Elliot with two T’s. Okay! Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh! Okay!” Elliot is a dancer from Las Vegas and has the unhinged camp counselor energy of someone with snacks in her purse at all times.
On the Mainstage Tina cycles through the last of her introductory fire puns and tells the judges she was in a boy band which honestly tracks. Tina and Rosé share a similar NYC gotta-get-a-gimmick energy but for some reason production has decided to give Rosé the womp womp edit and Tina the superstar edit. The song is Lady Marmalade because we haven’t been though enough and Kahmora serves subdued sexy glamour, Elliott does the splits, and Tina bobs and weaves between the two with full play-to-the-back-row comedy queen energy. Tina extinguishes the dreams of the other two and RuPaul sends the final two losers to the chokey.
The worst is over (we think) and our frazzled cast of hopefuls finally gets to know eachother in their two very different groups. The winning queens in the Werk Room are celebrating and as blissfully unaware of the doom around them as Miss Vanjie and Silky Ganache at a Puerto Vallarta circuit party during a pandemic. Over in Porkchop’s Junk Drawer the camera looms unnecessarily close to the crestfallen losers’ now disheveled wigs and sweat drenched makeup. Ru’s voice bellows over the speaker to tell this motley crew to get out and then as the last bit of light leaves their weary eyes she checks back in to tell them that she wasn’t serious! Oh good! Finally a moment of mercy for these once hopeful queens on their first day of RuPaul’s Wipeout! She then reveals that the full twist is that she is only going to send one home but they have to vote amongst the group of losers to decide who it is! Yes, that’s correct! This group of broken queens who just met and mostly have never seen eachother perform will now be expected to turn on eachother and give up their last bit of dignity to either grovel or just straight up fight with eachother! This must be what the Donner Party’s last night looked like. The queens look around broken and wounded but still hungry, their eyes barely open, their lacefronts only partially attached to their heads, and start deciding which of their own is about to get consumed. Her highness Tamisha Iman reminds them "Well, I'm the only black girl so don't vote me off” and just like that we are TO BE CONTINUED!
Thus concludes our first headspinning episode that despite being reliably frustrating has once again sucked us in and against our better judgement entertained us to the fullest! As for our 13 queens- you can use code HERSTORY on Talkspace while relaying tonite’s events to a sickening liscensed therapist!
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jbbuckybarnes · 5 years
Zerfall - 1/14
Pairing: Bucky x named!Reader (Agent Andromeda) Summary: After Hydra drops virus bombs in 7 major American cities in the height of summer, the team is locked in their emergency bunker for weeks. The virus commonly called the Summer Poison successfully brought the infrastructure to a halt in all big cities. When the virus slowly starts burning itself out SHIELD Agents and Avengers are sent out to bring back order into the cities and the international relationships. Not without hurdles. Warnings for this chapter: Pandemic, mainy people in a small space, fear
Zerfall Masterlist || M a s t e r l i s t
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The alarm sirens were blaring in the entire compound, a computer voice repeating the words, “Emergency Level Red, Code Black.” Level Red meant to get into a safe space fast, Code Black meant, “You should probably call your mum and tell her you love her a lot.” The entire team including you and your colleague Agent Magnolia instantly went into action, all silently hoping it was a test. “Friday? What the hell is going on?” Tony yelled out. “Sir, if there was a code double black, I would call it. Get in the bunker!” She urged him through the overwhelming amount of sounds the building was suddenly able to create. The blood drained out of multiple faces, not yours, you were trained for any kind of emergency situation. Not only an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D but also a SAID Agent. Trained for any thinkable Code Black. Agent Andromeda. The door to the bunker was open and after Friday confirmed that everyone had gone through the door Steve closed down the door manually in a blink of an eye. You all looked around, panting from running down the stairs and searching for the bunker entry that opened up. The place was small but big enough to live in for a while if that needed to be done. The room you’d entered was full of tech equipment and two walls full of canned foods and tap with a big filter construction connected to it. Stark never struck you as a survival kinda guy, at least not in this specific sense, but you weren’t complaining about clean water. There was an open door leading to a room full of bunk beds.
“So what the fuck happened, Friday?” Tony asked irritated by the adrenaline coursing through his veins. “There has been a series of explosions over heavily populated areas a few hours back, only detected by little equipment monitoring the air. Bioweapons. Hydra says they are responsible and that there is a highly contagious and deadly virus that was spread with these explosions.” Friday said it short and straight forward. “Then why aren’t we doing something against it?” Steve looked up at the speaker system with a frown on his face, ready to go back out again. “Mr. Rogers, until we know if that virus is deadly nobody will leave this bunker. I’m programmed to keep as much of this team alive in situations like this. Singapore DORSCON level red. World Health Organisation phase 6, approaching 7. That means it is a pandemic. If I let you out you could die in less than a week if this is as deadly as Hydra says.” The AI urged him. “Please update us.” Tony exhaled stressed leaning on the chair behind him, before sitting down. “Will do, sir,” Friday assured him.
Everyone started adventuring the Bunker. The last big exercise was a while ago and the team had grown since then. Clint found the room with 4 power generators first. “I hope we don’t need this. We are still powered by your reactor model, right?” Clint peaked out at Tony and got a nod back. The billionaire was properly done with what was happening. The only thing keeping him from exploding was Pepper going through his hair. Sam was the one finding all the gaming equipment and making an excited little dance in the middle of a possible apocalypse. “You’re the worst, Wilson.” Natasha rolled her eyes. “Come on, if we live in a time of bioweapons I want to at least have some distraction. Can’t fight a virus with military training.” He grinned. Agent Magnolia was the one finding the arsenal of weapons hidden in a giant box below the bunk that was behind the door. She showed you the knife ensemble that was included and grinned at you. “Visible forces definitely won’t kill us down here.” You grinned back.
“How many are we?” Clint called out to the others. Pepper looked up concerned, “Twelve, why?” “There are only 10 beds.” came back and some of the team members interchanged worried glances for a second. “We have married couple and work couples here. I think that won’t be the problem.” you smiled and looked around you at Pepper, Tony, Steve, and Nat. “So Pepper & Tony share a bed. Who else?” Sam asked, suddenly very tense again. “Nat?” Steve looked down at his favorite team member. “Yeah, I don’t mind. You’re warm.” she smiled back up at him. “That will be the least of the problems with 12 people in an enclosed space.” Dr. Helen Cho finally came to word after she had calmed down from her personal existential crisis about viruses. Wanda pointed at the walls and the sink, “For how long would the food and water here last?” “Depends if we only eat twice a day. Could hold up for 90 days. Water won’t be a problem with my filter system.” Tony explained. There was another concerned glare between everyone, hoping that 90 days would be enough for the virus to decently die down if it was as bad as expected. “There is confirmation of the virus to be deadly by 70-85% from a Silicon Valley lab.” Friday’s voice broke through after a little more than an hour. “Analyze how deadly, how long people need to die, which symptoms, how long the recovery period is for people living,” Bruce called out, sitting on one of the computers that he didn’t leave since they had entered the bunker. “And the international political climate,” Tony added. “And when it’s safe enough for me to start working on a vaccine with the help of people outside.” Helen also added her factors. “Will do.” The AI voice answered and the room went silent for a second.
“Which cities are targeted?” Agent Magnolia finally asked the important question “NYC, D.C., Atlanta, Miami, LA, Chicago, Denver.” Friday listed. “Atlanta has the most used airport in the world. Great. A perfect recipe for a pandemic. How long did it operate after explosion.” You shared, rubbing your temples and having your brain start to overwhelm just like the scientists’. “4 hours, Agent.” Came back. “We’re in here for a good few weeks.” You deadpanned, putting all the factors together in your head. This wasn’t going to be a quick in and out thing. You’d be in this small space for at least 1-2 months if not longer. Everyone went back to the bunk they had chosen and tried to relax. You were trying to write down possible outcomes and strategies based on that in a notebook you found. There were so many factors to viruses and how people are infected and from which strain the virus is made. You bet on smallpox, a hard thing to get with only two original samples existing in the entire world. One in the US, one in Russia. You bet on Russia since Hydra said they were responsible. They were trying to bring chaos to the world for the bad people to team up in a post-apocalyptic world so that they could take over control. You had learned how this worked over and over again. Not only as an Agent but also from books, movies and games. It was so obvious but that made it easier for you to go about possibilities to create a strategy.
“The entire US and most of the western world is currently on lockdown & people are being quarantined.” Friday updated the bunker again and an exhale went through the bedroom. “Martial law already in place?” Steve looked up from a book he had found. “Not yet, but we’re close.” “Chill, Rogers. You can’t do much more than you’re already doing.” Sam said hanging from the bed in front of him. “I know, it’s just. I hate this, all of it. I didn’t fight in World War II for this to happen at the hands of Hydra.” he frowned and got an understanding nod back. “Can’t we go out there without getting sick?” Bucky spoke up still wearing his pajama jumper from sleeping in that morning. “Well, depending on how deadly this is, no. If the whole thing is a little more clear I might send you out to get samples for me to work on it.” Helen yelled from the other room. “Would love to help with that.” he smiled. He’d do anything to help humanity. The had already ruined his life and he ruined other lives under their influence. That’s the least he could do. “It’s getting late, get yourself ready for bed.” Pepper came in with a motherly smile. “We need a monitor that’s just showing day and night scenes, this is gonna mess us up,” Magnolia muttered before opening one of the closets. The standard-issue clothing in the closets were mainly Large and a few double XL. There was a washer but the drying system needed to have the ventilator system work better again and that wouldn’t be happening until the virus was going slower. Two to three weeks in the same 4 clothing sets seemed okay. Anything longer would be horrible for everyone involved.
“Atlanta spreads to Beijing, Dubai, Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Paris, Dallas, Seoul, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Singapore,” you mumbled laying in your bed, looking at the metal above you. “Hey, relax. We can’t do more than help the people working on it to do the right things.” Bucky looked over from the bed across. “I know. I know. That’s just, so many people dying.” You looked over. An understanding nod came back at you. In your head, you went with a 75% death rate and that was bad if you thought about the areas you just mentioned. Big Chinese cities, Central Europe, South East Asia.
Zerfall Masterlist
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tessaxjanelle · 7 years
Janelle Monáe and Tessa Thompson: 2015-2018 Timeline
Tessa's dad introduced her to Janelle's music. 
Janelle and Tessa officially met while auditioning for a part in the movie Joy.
April 13 2015:
Tessa was featured in Janelle’s music video as a background dancer for “Yoga” (x)
May 30 2015:
Janelle performed at the MOCA charity gala in LA  - Tessa attended as well. (x)
August 22 2015:
Issa Rae, Justin Simien, Tessa, Janelle, and Angela Bassett hang out backstage at the Eephus Tour. (x)
November 7 2015:
Janelle received the “Equality Award” at the 18th Annual Women’s Event hosted by the Center in New York (NYC’s LGBT Community Center). Tessa presented her with the award that night. (x) (x) (x)
November 20 2015:
Janelle surprised Tessa on the red carpet at the Creed premiere - the film that really launched Tessa’s career. (x) (x)
November 27 2015: 
In an interview, Tessa talked about Creed and her favorite singers. She talked about Janelle first: (x)
“I’m going to give a shout out to my friend Janelle Monáe. She is fantastically talented. I got the chance to give her an award. She sang her a capella rendition of “Smile” in a room for some friends, and she just killed it.”
December 2015:
Janelle, Tessa, and other friends took a trip to Mexico for Janelle’s birthday. 
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For the most part, Janelle and Tessa were very quiet in 2016, most likely due to the fact Tessa was on location for most of the year filming Thor: Ragnarok and Annihilation.
December 7 2016:
Tessa posts a pic on instagram and Janelle comments with hearts emojis (link is broken).
February 25 2017:
Tessa and Janelle both attended the annual Oscars Week “Sistah’s Soiree” at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. (x) (x) 
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February 26 2017:
The night of the Oscar’s. (x)
August 6 2017:
Tessa posts a picture on Instagram, and Janelle comments a heart eyes emoji. (x)
August 22 2017: 
Out with Rowan Blanchard. (x)
August 24 2017:
Boots Riley out with Tessa, Janelle, Carrie Brownstein, and Nate. (x)
August 26 2017:
Tessa and Janelle at Ava DuVernay’s birthday party. (x) (x) (x) 
September 9 2017:
Tessa and Janelle at an outdoor music/film event in LA. (x) (x) (x) (x)
September 15/16 2017:
Tessa tweeted about Janelle. (x) 
Later it was found out that Janelle did an impromptu performance and said the line Tessa tweeted about. You can see Tessa off to the right in the second linked video around the 1 minute mark. (x) (x) 
September 16 2017: 
Tessa and Janelle attended the annual Equality California Awards (EQCA’s), an award show that honors individuals who work to help create a more equal society for the LGBT community. (x) (x) (x) 
September 17 2017:
The pair were seen cuddled up at the HBO Emmy’s after party. (x) (x) 
Janelle later posted about it. (x)
October 4 2017: 
Tessa quoted Janelle birthday wishes on Twitter. (x) 
October 5 2017:
Tessa posted on Instagram pictures of the flowers she received for her birthday. Janelle just so happens to send flowers exactly like the ones Tessa posted about. (x) (x)
October 8 2017:
Issa Rae threw a last minute “Lemon Pepper Kickback” house party in Atlanta - Tessa and Janelle attended. (x) (x) (x) 
Earlier in the night, Tessa, Janelle, and Amandla Stenberg attended a Nick Hakim concert. (x) (x) (x) 
According to another concert go-er that attended Nick’s show that night, Tessa and Janelle were touching each other a lot and were calling each other baby. (x)
October 12 2017:
On Instagram, Janelle posted a screenshot of a conversation between her and “the love of [her] life” and referred to this person as her “partner”. She deleted quickly. 
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Many think Tessa sent the message because she had used the same phrasing regarding the Time’s Up movement in an interview (specifically the word endured), and worked closely with the Time’s Up movement that year. 
Also from other receipts, we know they call each other baby/babe a lot.
October 20 2017:
Twitter user __theluckyyyone tweeted: @janellemonae is definitely next to @tessamaethompson.
October 22 2017:
Someone verified received an email from Janelle. Janelle mentions Tessa in the email. (x)
October 27 2017:
Janelle and Tessa were seen with friends for dinner, sitting next to each other (links are broken).
November 8 2017:
Janelle tweets about Tessa, her "talented friend” (x) 
December 9 2017:
Out with Lena Waithe. (x)
December 14 2017:
Some mentioned that Tessa was in Atlanta.
December 15/16 2017:
During these two days, Janelle tweeted a lot. However, the tweet linked was the only tweet Tessa liked. (x)
Nobody is knows exactly when Tessa left ATL, but she was in LA the 17th for West World’s season 2 wrap a party. 
January 3 2018: 
Tessa was spotted in Atlanta. January 5 2018:
Both spotted at a café in Atlanta. The Twitter user who posted about it now has their tweets protected so I can’t link the tweet. 
January 28 2018: 
Janelle gave a Time’s Up speech on The Grammys stage, and a tweet storm from Tessa “supportive gf” Thompson followed. 
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January 29 2018:
Tessa and Janelle were seen at the Black Panther premiere together. (x) (x)
They later left together as well (you can see Janelle by Nate in the first video, and then Tessa running to catch up with Nate in the second video). (x) (x) 
January 30 2018:
They were spotted having dinner together. (x)
February 5 2018:
Janelle and Tessa went live on Instagram.
Here are some of the best moments in gif form. (x) (x) (x) (x)
Zoe Kravitz also spilled some tea. (x)
February 5 2018:
2 Dope Queens premiere. (x)
February 11/12 2018: 
Tessa posted Instagram stories with Janelle and Nate. No one saved the video.
February 13 2018:
Tessa and Janelle attended the Annihilation premiere, and were photographed with on another on the actual red carpet. (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Lip readers were able to decipher some of what they said to each other on the read carpet. Note the the gif where Janelle says sorry babe. (x) (x) 
February 16 2018:
The trailer for Dirty Computer was released. (x) 
Here are two clips from it: 
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February 20 2018:
Janelle’s cover spread for W Magazine dropped. Jordan Peele directed, and Tessa approved. 
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February 22 2018:
Janelle released her first two singles off of Dirty Computer. Make Me Feel has been coined a bisexual anthem (Tessa’s words, not mine), and up until this point, it had been the closest thing we’ve seen to a coming out from Janelle. 
Tessa also stars in the music video: 
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Credit for the next two gifs (x)
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Credit for the next two gifs (x)
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Tessa posted about it as well. (x)
February 23 2018:
Tessa did an interview with Entertainment Tonight, and in that interview she pretended she didn’t know what shipping meant, even though we know she’s familiar with different Internet lingo.
She was also heavily stumbled over her words before she was able to get a "we’re really good friends" out. (x)
February 24 2018:
Janelle tweeted about Annihilation. Peep Wondaland liking the second tweet. (x)
February 26 2018:
Janelle tweeted something romantic the same day they both attended the Wrinkle in Time premiere (no pictures were taken together). 
Here are the tweets: (x) (x)
February 28 2018:
Tessa and Janelle both attended Alfre Woodard’s 2018 Pre-Oscars Soiree (x)
March 2 2018: 
Tessa attends Janelle’s Fem the Future event. (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Janelle went live on Instagram, and it appeared throughout the whole event that wherever Tessa was, Janelle was right by her. 
March 3 2018:
Janelle and Tessa attended the Essence Black Women in Hollywood Event.
Pictures: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Janelle revealing how her and Tessa first met. (x)
Janelle interrupted an interview Tessa was doing on the red carpet (and proceeded to hold Tessa’s hand) and presented Tessa with an award.
Watch Tessa try to contain her smitten smile from 2:25 and on after Janelle walks away... So cute. 
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March 10 2018:
Tessa was in Miami for VCCarnaval Event.
A instagram story was posted that showed she was talking about Janelle with her friends. (x)
She left Miami that day. 
March 13 2018:
Tessa tweeted about "Paddington 2 and chill."
Janelle was in London at the time doing promo for Dirty Computer, and later we found out that Tessa was also in London at the same time. (x)
March 18 2018:
Janelle wants her own Josie Radek (Tessa’s character from Annihilation). She later deleted the Instagram story. (x)
March 19 2018:
The twitter page @tessasgoats comes to life, and both Tessa and Janelle follow it. Janelle was liking many of the pictures the twitter page was posting.  March 25 2018:
This is more so speculation, but there was an article/interview about Janelle that basically said that Janelle was the truth. After a short time, Tessa tweeted "the truth is so cute" - Janelle liked. (x)
There's also a response to the tweet too from Tessa. (x)
March 30 2018:
Tessa commented on Janelle's Instagram post with a rose emoji. Janelle replied to Tessa with a rose emoji. (x) (x)
Tessa also liked this picture within 3 minutes of Janelle posting it. 
April 1 2018:
Tessa posts about an artist. Janelle followed it. (x) (x)
April 3 2018:
What Janelle’s Twitter page looked like that day. (x)
April 6-8 2018:
Tessa went out of her way to be at Nate’s birthday bash in Miami. She left the 8th, and tweeted about delayed flights. 
April 10 2018:
PYNK dropped and Lena Waithe commented on Janelle’s Instagram, “That’s how you feel? Perfect.”
April 11 2018:
Ava DuVernay gave us some good tea when she posted this on her Instagram story. (x)
April 26 2018:
The day before Dirty Computer dropped, Janelle came out as pansexual the Rolling Stone. (x)
April 27 2018:
Dirty Computer’s emotion picture dropped. In Janelle's note to Tessa in the album booklet, she called Tessa her muse. (x) (x)
April 28 2018:
Justin Simien (creator of Dear White People) made a post on Instagram where he called them "wives" with a screen-cap of the PYNK video. He deleted it, and uploaded a new one with different caption.
May 2 2018: 
Janelle arrived in Philly for Michele Obama's College Signing Day. Tessa was in Philly filming for Creed II. 
They were spotted by 2 different people late at night. (x) (x)
After Tessa came out, this receipt dropped from that night as well. (x)
May 5 2018:
They were both in NYC but were staying in different hotels. Janelle was at The Mark, and Tessa was at The Bowery. 
This was also the day of Janelle's 'Dirty Computer' NYC album release party. They arrived separately, and Tessa stayed for an hour. (x) (x) (x)
May 7 2018:
They both attended the Met Gala and the after parties. They were by each other the whole time. (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
May 9 2018:
They went to see the play Angels in America, and had dinner at Chez Josephine restaurant. (x) 
People tweeted about it. (x) (x)
May 15 2018:
Janelle followed @thombrowneny (the guy who designed Tessa's outfits for the Met Gala). 
May 17 2018:
Janelle followed Marc Anthony Thompson (Tessa’s dad). (x) 
May 20 2018: 
Janelle was seen in Philly.
May 21 2018:
Janelle tweeted about Sorry to Bother You, and Tessa retweeted it. (x)
May 23 2018:
Tessa posted a birthday video to her dad on Instagram. Janelle commented with a heart and Tessa responded with a rose. (x)
Janelle also commented on Tessa’s dad’s picture. (x)
May 24 2018:
Janelle posted a picture on Instagram with Michelle Obama, and Tessa commented on it. Jane replied with a rose emoji. (x)
May 25 2018:
Tessa being supportive on Twitter. (x)
May 28 2018:
Tessa’s friend’s dog dancing to PYNK on her story. (x)
May 31 2018:
Speculation so make what you want of this - While in LA (where Tessa lives) Janelle posted on her story saying "it's just not the same without you.” (x)
While in Philly shooting Creed II, Tessa then proceeded to post on her story, "misery loves company" while fake crying. (x)
Janelle then deleted her story after Tessa posted her’s.
June 3 2018:
Janelle liked a drawing with both of them from PYNK on Twitter. (x)
June 8 2018:
Spotted in LA. (x)
June 11 2018:
Janelle’s tour started in Seattle. 
Tessa posted flamingoes on her Instagram story before it. (x)
June 14 2018:
There was a special screening of Sorry to Bother You in LA. Janelle came straight from Portland (she had a show there the 13th) just to support Tessa. (x) 
There was an Instagram story (that no one saved) where you can see Janelle and Tessa by each other mingling at the after party. Janelle apparently also greeted Tessa with a hug and kiss on the cheek before she went in to the viewing.
June 15 2018:
Janelle tweeted about Tessa and Sorry to Bother You. (x) (x)
June 19 2018:
Tessa liked these pictures of Janelle on Instagram. (x) (x)
June 20 2018:
Tessa was in NYC promoting Sorry to Bother You, but two days later Janelle unarchived a photo where she’s wearing the same outfit Tessa was wearing while in NYC. (x) 
June 26 2018:
Tessa put a pride flag in her bio on Instagram. (x)
June 29 2018:
Tessa came out as bisexual in an interview she did for Net-a-Porter. (x)
She also said this about her and Janelle: “We love each other deeply, we’re so close. We vibrate on the same frequency.”
It’s already been added previously, but this receipt came a day after Tessa came out. It has to do with the dinner date they had in Philly back in May. (x)
July 14 & 15 2018:
Janelle continued to promote Sorry to Bother You. (x) (x)
July 22 2018:
Tessa posted two stories on Instagram showing the crowd going crazy over her being featured on the screen while Janelle performs PYNK. (x) (x)
July 27 2018:
The two songs Janelle was featured on for Sorry to Bother You were released. (x) (x)
July 31 2018:
Tessa posted two flamingos on her Instagram story. Flamingos are gay symbol, specifically a symbol for lesbian marriage ( I’m not saying Tessa and Janelle are married). Flamingos also mate for life. 
August 4 2018:
Janelle liked the last 3 pictures Tessa had posted (at the time) and unarchived an old picture of them with Zoe. (x)
August 22 2018:
Janelle’s hairstylist posted a picture of Janelle from her spread with Bustle. Tessa liked it. (x)
September 4 2018:
Tessa liked Janelle's video on Instagram. (x)
September 9 2018:
Tessa liked Janelle’s tweet. (x)
September 11 2018: 
Tessa attended Janelle’s first show in London. There were a lot of tweets about her and Janelle. (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
People were also reporting that Tessa cried. (x) (x) 
On TLC, an anon who was at the show posted this:
So I was in the London crowd tonight and had a pretty good view of both Tessa and Janelle. What a night! Really didn’t expect this. Tessa seemed to stand on top of a step or something so she was pretty visible. Nate was maybe 4 meters away from her by the mixing booth. A couple of things I noticed:
Tessa did not look at the screen when the audience cheered for her video clip appearance during PYNK. She kept looking away during moments like this throughout the evening. A couple of people took selfies with her so she must have been aware of people watching. She laughed a lot during I Got the Juice, particularly when Janelle told the crowd: ‘If I point at you - you will come on stage and you will dance!’ … 
Tessa seemed to giggle and repeated Janelle’s pointing motion followed by a simulated lasso into Janelle’s direction. She was on the phone throughout the rhythm dance intro in the beginning of Make me Feel… We all know what happened next - she must have gone live soon after
There were a couple of moments where she was flat out beaming.
Tessa was laughing really hard when Janelle did the microphone dildo pose…
Note how Janelle snuck in an 'I see you baby’ at the end… Not sure if she meant the crowd or someone particular there  
Tessa was watching the whole thing with her bright, beaming smile - that was definitely one of those moments when you could see that they have a connection. It was a great thing to see the two across from each other.
I remember watching Tessa’s reaction to the 'If I’m gonna sin it’s with you line’ and she was definitely singing / speaking along with the lyrics… and then Janelle inserted 'London’." 
September 13 2018:
Tessa, Janelle, and Zoe caught dinner at Sketch (a restaurant in London). (x)
September 14 2018:
Janelle traveled to Berlin, but posted an Instagram story showing her new flamingo rings. (x) 
A couple of hours later Tessa posted an Instagram story with a picture of a flamingo as well. 
September 17 2018:
Janelle’s a Revolution of Love documentary was released on Youtube. It included bloopers and unseen footage from the PYNK music video. (x) (x)
It also featured Tessa talking about what she loves about Janelle. Kehlani, who’s friends with Janelle, liked the tweet. (x)
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September 26 2018:
Janelle retweeted Tessa’s tweet regarding the Creed II trailer that dropped the same day. (x)
October 2 2018:
The night before Tessa’s birthday, Janelle tweeted this. (x)
On the 3rd (her birthday), Tessa posted a video on her story of her dancing. 
October 3 2018:
Janelle started the day off by posting two images of flamingos on her story.
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Janelle then proceeded to post this.
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Lastly, she commented on Tessa’s post.
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October 4 2018:
The day after her birthday, Tessa tweeted this in direct reference to Janelle’s tweet on the second that said, “Dance like a goat.” (x)
Dance like a Goat ended up being an actual song that Janelle and Wondaland created specifically for Tessa and her birthday. (x)
Janelle commented on Tessa’s post of her dancing. 
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October 5 2018:
Dance like a Goat finally dropped! (x)
News that Janelle had been cast in Disney’s ‘Lady And The Tramp’ reboot was announced as well.
When it was announced that Tessa was going to be in the movie she tweeted the following:
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When it was announced Janelle was going to be in it as well, she tweeted the same: 
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Janelle had initially tweeted “woof woof” but then deleted it so she could match Tessa’s.
October 6 2018:
Some of Janelle’s likes regarding Dance like a Goat.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
We've Got Tonite (Pearlet/Trixya/Jivy/Shalaska/) Part 1 Prologue - Saiphl
A/N: Hello again, I’m sharing this work again and maybe many of you have already read it cause it was previously published in AO3, recently some anon asked for some fluff involving one of the shipings of this story, so, I decided to bring it to AQ.
Remember I’ve written this one more than a year ago, and was my first job in this fandom, so I hope you find it good.
Don’t forget to leave your comments and reviews, that helps to finish the new project I’m working with.
Part One: Look at the Stars so Far Away
No one all over US knows how to throw a party like RuPaul, the legendary drag queen, original supermodel of the world, especially when it comes to the official crowning of her new Reigning Child. Everything was ready to receive the top of the top, with a carefully designed guest list at the Stage 48 in New York City, something really ambitious even for the Drag Race Project. Especially for those legendary children, the queens that had taken for granted that they were drag race royalty, and the fourteen newcomers that will be remembered for the worst acting challenges in herstory.
All of the former competitors were invited, in order to celebrate seven years of runways, partying and the rising of great stars like Bebe, Tyra, Raja, Chad, Sharon, Jinkx, Bianca and last but not least, the young Violet Chachki, who proved to be fiercer than her fellow queens. In the end, all the Drag Race family was invited to gather together and celebrate the reigning queen and this… this is the story of how one night can change everything and make reignite old fires or tear some ways apart.
“Deep in my soul, I’ve been so lonely,
all of my hopes, fading away…”
Ivy had been working hard as ever. Within tours, gigs and her work as seamstress, she simply didn’t have the room or time to give her mind a time to think of anything else than work. Maybe she was constructing herself some kind of safe place to avoid thinking on the last conversation she had with Keith before leaving Michigan to go back to NYC.  For the past year Keith had been travelling with all the girls on tour, helping with this or that, spending every available moment with Ivy, and after all that time together, he known something was bothering her. Keith didn’t understand at all why Ivy asked him to go back to the house they bought few months ago in Michigan before the tour scheduled a couple of shows in LA and he didn’t understand why Ivy forced herself so hard to smile thinking of those bookings.
They actually had been very happy in the previous year and a half, which led Keith to gather his shit together, and ask Ivy to marry him. He was totally sure that Ivy was his soulmate and they were back at their home in Michigan - when the madness of LA and tour closure were behind - he will ask her and they’ll have their happily ever after. It had been three or four weeks when Ivy went back to Michigan, and Keith asked her and she said - with a carefully disguised sadness and confusion tears filling her eyes - that she needed time to a very surprised Keith, who still can’t understand what had happened on that stupid trip to LA, and starting to regret his early return to Michigan.
“Still here we are, both of us lonely
Longing for shelter from all that we see…”
Sharon hated to go back to the crowning parties, hated to having signed that contract, hated to be there - with the shame of her stolen crown - and hated - most of all - the idea to meet again with Alaska. It wasn’t because her life had been miserable since the last time she saw Alaska off camera and out from the stage. She was walking away from her, and they agreed to keep working together, even when those gigs were tortuous. She started over again, she found somehow a new path, new fresh air, and most of all a new companion to share a life with… but wasn’t the same, it would never be the same.
It had been more than three hours that she had been looking at the ceiling convincing herself to get out from the bed, to unpack some t-shirt and a pair of jeans and go out from the room. To get something to soothe her hangover, most importantly. But she knew inside of her that she was there, nearby at someplace partying with Willam and Courtney, or just having a Starbucks with Detox. Sharon wondered if Alaska was thinking of her, missing her the same way she was missing her since the very first moment she walked away from their house in Pittsburgh. That dark place she suddenly felt unable to call home again… and sudden as that idea came, she jumped out of the bed, took a shower and then grabbed her room key - feeling not so ready to face NYC and the chance to find Alaska face to face.
“Still here we are, both of us lonely
Both of us lonely…”
Katya hated so much to fly, hated the way she was so conscious about the airplane movement. She hated to wait for her luggage on the conveyor belt too. Hated most of all leaving Boston and the warm safety of her brand new vodka bottle looking at her, daring the queen day by day to drink it. Also serving as the small victory of keeping herself sober. By the moment she arrived to the NYC hotel, she felt dizzy and blurry. Wanting to curse that damned flight from Boston to NYC out loud and needing something to put her shit together, she played nervously with her phone. In her head, she did the toss-up of playing her chances on meeting Fame and have someone to chat with, or throwing herself to the bed and wait for the time to come and get ready to the party.
She always preferred to travel light, with not more than the basic to go through, and to have a quick way to escape if needed. All because she knew very well that life is never a wish granting factory, and for sure, she will never get what she wanted. So she kept with her not so subtle reminders of that certainty, this time shaped as a half done scrap photo frame of an old picture taken back in LA, the precise night where they filmed the season finale. There was no one but them on the backstage, one in a bright pink sequin gown, herself in a red sequin catsuit, both of them smiling and a mixture of pink and red lipstick smeared over their faces.
“Why should we worry, no one will care girl
Look at the stars so far away…”
Violet was pacing on the lobby of the gigantic suite the production reserved for her, twisting her hands together. She had finally gotten her hair undone from the bun she was wearing, although it seemed that nothing could soothe her on that evening - not even her tedious habit of running her fingers through her hair. She was there, and she was all alone, wondering where the fuck Fame was and what the hell was taking her so long to get to that damned hotel room.  
Violet had always loved her body and frame, always loved to watch herself with her boy body, because she felt so comfortable in her own skin that almost nothing was capable of cracking down her confidence. But that evening everything was different, and she wanted… no, she needed a friend to hold hands with and cry all her concerns out of her before the damned show started.
Back in time, when she was so young and restless and rising as a star in Atlanta, she wasn’t able to understand why Sharon Needles was so concerned about her partner and lovers opinion on her chances to win the fourth season. She used to think that was an overreaction from her - if your soulmate isn’t able to understand and support your success, then they don’t deserve you.  She had been so naïve and she knew it now. While she’s waiting for her friend to come, for the stupid season be over at last… to have a chance to hold her beloved in her arms without fearing what the audience, the production or goddamned RuPaul would have to say about them. Fuck the show, fuck the season, fuck everything. Violet had wanted so much to win, but she also wanted so much to be with her, the beautiful gem with sleepy eyes that occupied most of the space on her head and her heart.
“So there it is girl, I’ve said it all now
And here we are babe, what do you say?”
Jinkx had been having the worst time of her life. Too many changes, too many people, too little time to be herself in or out of drag. She just wanted for that vorágine to end as soon as possible, she craved some time to put her head together before she did something stupid… and she was so close to it, too.
Everything started four weeks ago. Many queens had booked a couple of gigs in LA - for the closure of the Battle of the Seasons Tour - and everything had been really good. She even thought that she was ready to go back to Seattle and give a second watch on that guy that she had been going out with, he was cute, and funny but most of all, he didn’t gave a rat’s ass about her being a drag queen. Something that won a bunch of brownie points on his card according to her. But only time, destiny and that awful Murphy guy with his laws about what will go wrong or not right, messed everything up in the worst way possible.
Jerick was literally a mess, looking at himself with his makeup half done, the revolted red hair and that sad smile that decided to make a permanent feature on her face. They sighed - both Jerick and Jinkx - heartbroken about knowing that not-so-important-thing of their old well known crush on some Ivy Winters. Even thinking of her name gave Jinkx the chill. Seattle’s cute guy or not, Ivy would always be her weak point, that breaking truth that she had worked for two long years to leave behind for the sake of the both of them. And it had been working until four weeks ago, when they performed together on the gigs, and she was told that Keith, the funny and charming boyfriend asked her to get married.  Jinkx’s world had felt - and still feels - torn apart, and just thought that desperate times require desperate measures, so she did what she wanted to do for far too-denied-long: she kissed Ivy and was kissed back by her. After that, Ivy ran away looking just as heartbroken as Jinkx.
“I know it’s late, I know you’re weary
I know your plans don’t include me…”
Huge. That was the only word to describe the full body mirror where Alaska were looking at her boy body in the oversized suite that Willam upgraded to hold the three of them for the couple of days that they were going to stay in New York. After that, they had some booked show in Vancouver and then, some time to go back home for a couple of weeks.  Alaska had missed so much to spend time with the girls on the Haunted House - they loved and embraced her as one of them when she moved in with Sharon more than six years ago. Sometimes it was too hard for him to remember who he was when he moved out to Pittsburgh, and who Alaska became when Sharon and Aaron put her world on the edge to re-create the concept of her own drag persona.
Alaska knew so well where the disaster started for them, and it wasn’t when Sharon made it to Drag Race on her first attempt. Neither was it when she snatched the crown. It was then she decided, after having her own chance to snatch the title and getting so close to it but watching her chance dissolving into Jinkx’s golden-haired crowned wig, after getting the recognition and fame she was looking for… to let her loose into the easiness and dizziness of being wasted, or high, or both at the same time. The temper and egotistical stubbornness of the both of them just cracked the most beautiful love she had ever had into slips of loneliness, sadness and the feeling of perpetually numbness that followed her leaving the house they’d been sharing for what it seemed an eternity. And somehow she still woke up in the middle of the night stretching her arms, looking for the warm body that used to sleep at her side and crying silently until she fell asleep again.
“Let’s make it last, let’s find a way
Turn out the light, come take my hand now…”
Trixie had the exact time to take a shower, dry her boy hair and start to prepare her face for the make-up needed for the party. And she was pissed. Trixie, as everyone had well known, was a control freak and the delay on her flight from LA to NYC was just the cherry on top of the huge disaster’s ice cream that she had been tasting all day long. She was grateful that her drag luggage was sent via UPS to Fame on the previous week, and that Fame was careful enough to make sure that the big pink case was expecting its owner where it must be intended. Trixie sighed - almost feeling dizzy from the calm when she found the huge makeup box and the beautiful blond wig that she had carefully styled for that night.  After getting all her things ready to get dressed, she stood up to the shower and while the relaxingly hot water started to slide her back, she couldn’t keep herself from sighing. Not for the high temperature colliding with her tired muscles, but a memory that had been coming to her head over and over again, as vivid as the time when it had happened.
Katya just came back from the stage after filming the last crowning - Pearl’s crowning - and all the girls were leaving the backstage to go to the cocktail at the theatre’s lobby. Trixie wanted some rest before her feet became alive and decide to kill her for confining them to those really high heels.  She remembers how the Russian queen came down taking off her wig, sighing of tiredness. She begun to stretch her arms from one side to another and then asked Trixie to help stretch her legs. Playfully Trixie helped her friend pushing her legs to one side while she twisted her waist the opposite way and then to the other side.  She didn’t have a clear memory of how did it happen, but next to the last joke she played to Katya, she found herself rolling on the floor, her wig flying off her head and feeling Katya’s lips on hers. The aftertaste of cherry lipstick and the note of a cigarette. They came up together, still touching the hands of the other until they got the wigs to its place and before they could correct that, Katya - with a devilish smile - took a selfie of them with the smeared lipstick on their faces.
It was too much for Trixie, was too much for her fragile emotions, was too much for her body - that got a hard on to make proud any man - was too much for the complicated situation she had in front of her eyes.
“I’ve longed for love like everyone else does
I know I’ll keep searching even after today…”
Pearl had been awake for far too long. Or at least, she felt that she hadn’t slept a single bit for a long while. She was so conscious and aware of her environment that when she caught what was really happening, she found herself starting with her makeup. This made her feel a bit more comfortable by having her hands busy and her mind out of the thoughts that had been harassing her since she, Ginger and Violet took that stupid flight from LA to NYC. This way was easier, keep her mind and her body out of any kind of risk that could take her feet to the room at the end of the hallway a couple of doors from her, where a good part of her secureness were entangled in Violet’s hands. She had a huge knot installed in the pit of her belly, like a feeling that something was about to get really bad and she was tearing out her hair in strands trying to figure out what could it be. Back at home everything was okay. Or at least, as good as it had been since she left for the filming of the season, and she knew that everything was carefully planned for the event at the Stage 48. The announcement, and the crowning of the new reigning drag superstar…
RuPaul would never allow that her event might turn into an epic disaster, but the uneasiness on Pearl’s chest was growing with every minute hearing the ticking of the clock. The car was supposed to pick them up two hours from that time, and she was almost ready. She just had to tuck her junk, put on the hose and the tight dress, get on the heels and make sure that the wig is in place.
Everything was going to be fine.  
She keeps repeating that to herself until a soft knock on the door breaks her concentration. When she goes to answer it, the vision in the door sends her confidence back to the tray in the precise moment when she sees Violet. Smiling at her with that sweet glance she reserved just for her. They were about to entangle their fingers when a third door opens, and Ginger slips out from her suite, mocking Pearl about not being ready yet. Some minutes later, the three of them are on the way to the Stage 48, where Pearl’s uneasiness gets infectious and invades her whole body with every time she craves to touch and to be touched and can’t get what she needs.
A couple of hours, a red carpet and some backstage drinks after, the airing of the season finale was reaching the end. RuPaul’s voice was announcing clear and loud that the new reigning queen was Violet Chachki, and she made her final walk at the runway holding the scepter on the big screen back on the stage. Michelle Visage appeared, presenting the new queen - who was crowned by her predecessor Bianca del Río and shouting “Come Through!” one last time. She thanks everyone for the time, the experience and the things she learned from her competitors. After the brief and playful hug she shares with Pearl in front of the crowd, the after party on the club really started.
“We’ve got tonight, who needs tomorrow?
We’ve got tonight babe
Why don’t you stay?”
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brandonkarson · 8 years
Life is But a Dream: Chapter 2
There had to be something serious going on with Austin for him to react to things and situations the way he has lately. I know now what's been bothering him. Infidelity is a HUGE no no in the book of marriage, period. It's one of the reasons me and Taylor decided to wait for marriage for awhile, until we both were sure that we wanted to be together, forever. I turn to Austin. "So, what makes you think that he's cheating? Did you see it for yourself? What's going on at home, Austin?" He looked at me and he answered, "We're going through a lot. He and I argue everyday all of a sudden, we don't make love like we used to, and he's always on the phone late at night. That's when I figured something was definitely up with him." "Maybe it's a patient, asking questions about the ass injections or what they should do to reduce pain due to lypo...it has to be something work related...right?", I questioned. Austin looked at me, let out a sarcastic giggle, and turned his direction back to the Italian scenery. This is serious. He really thinks Guy is cheating on him. I like to look at the positive in the situation, if there is any, you know? I mean, let's face it...he did say that they were arguing a lot...but he also said that them arguing came out of nowhere...hmmm. Once I tried to get Austin's attention again, the travel guide interrupted. "Welcome, to the Da Vinci Italiano! This is where you will be staying while you enjoy this Italian excursion. Here are your keys to the house. If there is anything that you want to know or ask of me and my team of servants, we are at your service 24/7, ready to serve and guide you through all of Italy during your stay." As the boat reaches the dock of the villa, I grab Austin's hand. "I'm here for you Austin and I'm going to stay here. Don't you forget that.", I say to him. He takes off his Tom Ford sunglasses, looks to me & I notice a single tear falling from his eye. "I know.", he answers. I continue holding his hand while we both step off the boat. As the servants grab our luggage, I overhear Orrin & Laura discussing something. "I think that I love her.", Orrin says. "Really? Wait...is that like you love her sex or you actually love who she is as a person...as a human being...like, as in not one of your blow up dolls?", Laura asked. "Shut up, Laura! I'm serious. She's really nice. She makes it her mission to make me think about things. I feel like I'm always in a challenge with her. I talk to her like every day.", Orrin answered. "Wait, a minute...are you sick or something?", Laura asks while feeling Orrin forehead as if he has a fever. "No, but seriously, I think it's beautiful. I'm proud of you...I really am.", Laura added. "Sike! Ha! You really believed me this time. Hahaha!", Orrin screamed. Laura looked at him and said, "I hate you, dude. I really hate you." in a jokingly manner. Orrin always was the jokester of the four of us. He's extremely attractive too and he knows it. Back in LA, he & I were actually in a relationship. He was my first boyfriend. Before I became Brian Warner, the actor, I was Orrin's "rib". That's what he would tell people when he introduced me. Orrin and I share a bond that I have with no one else in our circle of friends. Distance broke us up. He and I began to become such big names right around the same time, about four years ago. My services were needed in Atlanta, for my first film and he had big business deals going on at the time in NYC. With both of us being so busy, we didn't find time for us. So, we decided to be best friends forever. "Congratulations, O. You deserve to be happy.", I tell him. "Thank you, Brian. That means a lot coming from you.", he answered. Then there was this random silence. "Brian...?", Laura asked. "How are you?" I looked at her, took a deep breathe and replied, "I'm better than good, better than most." "That's a really good way to look at your situation. I remember when me and Falon went through a rift in our relationship and now, we're stronger than ever. It's not so much the focusing on the problem, it's more about the resolution, working to make sure this problem never happens again...working through the problem." At that moment, I realized something. Laura was right. I shouldn't be so focused on what happened, because whatever it was, it happened in the past. I can't do anything about Taylor getting a girl pregnant during our relationship, but I have complete control over my actions and how I react to all of this. A member of the production crew comes up to me and Austin and tell us that we are meeting up with the rest of the cast for a Venetian dinner. Since this is being filmed for content, I guess I should dress up pretty nice. "You two will be the last to arrive to the dinner.", he tells us. "Come in, act normal. We will give you the signal to come in." Austin turns to me. "It's time to slay this. I mean, pull out your best attire.", he says. I look back at him. "Your wish is my command." We both laugh and began the process of finding something to wear to this dinner. I don't have Hanna with me this trip, but I know what I look good in. I get dressed with the intention of making someone ask, "Who are you wearing, and where can I get it." Nude is the color for the night. I pulled out my Balmain suit that is the same exact color as my skin tone, paired it with matching Guüd Boi suede loafers and met up with Austin. Austin met me at the door, drenched in Tom Ford, head to toe, all black everything. He grabs my hand. "No matter what happens tonight, we must remember to hold composure. Promise me you won't lash out?", he asks. "I promise. I'm good.", I answer. We hop in the boat, and head to the restaurant. The venue is breathtaking. It was set at night, starlit, overlooking the Venetian skyline. We get of the boat, holding hands, cracking jokes at each other. We walk up the steps and it seems as though we're walking into a screaming match. We haven't even walked into the equation yet and they are already on ten. We get the signal from the producer to walk in...here goes nothing. I walk in and Austin follows. "What's up, everybody! What's going on?" The conversation that had erupted came to a halt & everyone looked to me and Austin. They welcomed us in. "Austin, oh my God! What are you doing here!", a voice says. "And Brian! Brian Warner!", he continues. "Yeah, we're here man. How are you? How is everyone, actually? Seems like we walked in on something serious." Austin replied. "Yeah, like I heard whore and bitch and every other thing being thrown around. What's going on?", I asked. "Well, first of all my name is Greg, Greg Hardwick.", he tells me. "Wait, Greg Hardwick from the Los Angeles Hardwick's?", Austin replied. "Yeah, that's me.", Greg replied. Greg Hardwick is the heir to his grandfather's 5.6 billion dollar commercial real estate firm based out of Beverly Hills, California. He's the only child, but he's not spoiled. He started his very own luxury residential real estate firm. "It's so nice to meet you.", I say to him. "No, it's really nice to meet you. I love your work.", he replied. "Thank you, I appreciate that.", I tell him. As I look around the table, everyone is eyeing me down. "I don't know you, actually.", a guy says to me. "That's okay. Turn your TV on sometimes...you'll see me in living color.", I tell him. "Wow, was that supposed to be shade?", he replied. "No, it's a revelation...sunshine if you will. Just letting you know what it is.", I told him. "You know what, that's the problem with you C List 'stars'. You think everyone knows you, and everyone is supposed to cow down to you.", he screams. I look at him and laugh. "Sir, firstly let's tone that down. I'm no one you want to scream at...trust me.", I tell him. "Secondly, I just sat down five minutes ago...FIVE! So what the hell are you talking about? The reality of the matter is, no ones know who YOU are...which would explain why you're doing any & everything in front of these cameras. You're thirsty and you...", and the next thing you know, he throws a glass of red wine in my face. I stood up, unbuttoned my blazer, took it off and I left the dinner table. Now, I know I could have went a totally different way with this situation, but before I reacted, I had to check myself. Two of the producers came up to me. "I don't know where that came from. I really don't. We knew nothing about that.", one of them tell me. "It's fine." I reply. "I just won't be filming with him anymore...ever again.", I tell him. "If that's what you want. But, in due time all of this will boil over.", the other producer explains. "I'm sure it will, but I didn't sign on to have this happen to me. I have a career, a VERY valuable and lucrative career. I will not be apart of something that could potentially ruin my reputation.", I explain to him. I left the conversation and decided to head back to the villa. Immediately, I sit and think...was this a good idea? Is this what I want people to remember me by? As I'm walking off, I notice that I left my phone at the dinner table. I turned around and began heading back to the table. Still shirtless, I walk up to the table and there he is...the guy who threw the wine in my face. He looks at me and we have this really serious stare down. He knew that I was over the situation from earlier, but I did say he would do anything to get people talking, because we still don't know his name. Then, the worst thing he could've done happened, yeah you guessed it...he swings at me, twice. I knew he would though. The first attempt, I dodged...the second one was unexpected. He connects with the back of my head as I'm walking away from him. Next thing you know, I'm being detained by security as they knew I was ready to retaliate. Apparently, try must've been having a hard time holding me back because I managed to bruise a few of them, trying to get to guy who remains nameless. "I need my phone.", I scream as they try to detain me. The whole time, I was searching for my phone and I didn't even think to look for Austin. Then suddenly, all you hear in the background is, "AUSTIN NO!?" I turn around and Austin is in a full on brawl with the same guy I almost damn near killed. Literally ten seconds later, Austin comes jogging up to me, with my phone on his hand. "You forgot something.", he says. "Thank you. Are you okay?", I ask him. "Oh, I'm good...that other guy, not so much.", he replied. As me and Austin back to the boat, I look at him. "I can't believe that just happened.", I tell him. "Well, that's what happens when you have nothing to lose. That dude has seventy thousand followers and a little fashion line. He's from Atlanta, apparently. He just social media famous.", he explained. "Him doing what he just did will only boost his relevance. People like to see fights and shit, especially when you aren't well known." I don't get it. People literally will do anything to become relevant...ANYTHING. This is sad and I refuse to be apart of this. "I'm over it...all of it.", I tell Austin. "So you're over this trip...or everything as a whole?", he asked. "The whole thing.", I answer. "It's only going to get WORST! I'm not going to risk my name. At all. I've worked too hard to get where I am & I will not deal with this bullshit.", I replied. I grab my phone, make my way off the boat and make a phone call to my manager. She picks up. "Brian, how's filming?", she asked. "I got a drink thrown on me, I got swung on & didn't get a chance to swing back...I'm over it.", I replied. "WHAT!? Give me two minutes.", she says. Literally two minutes later, I get a call from my manager. "Brian, it's Leah. I got you and Austin tickets back to L.A. I've contacted Austin's management and they also think it's best that the both of you stop filming with the crew. Your attorney has also been notified and will be giving you a call first thing in the morning to discuss legal actions, just in case you had any ideas of taking the assailant as well as the production company to court.", she explained. "Wait, I'd have a case against the production company as well?", I ask. "Hell yeah! You weren't even supposed to be on this show. They kept pushing to put you on the cast & the money as well as the contract looked great, so we went with it. But then this happened. Your contract CLEARLY states that if another cast member were to physically assault you without being provoked, you have sole control over if you want to continue filming.", she replied. One thing that I will say is that I have the BEST manager in the entertainment industry. All of this was discussed within a two to five minute radius, after the whole situation went down. It was clear that I needed to leave the show, and Leah needs a raise.
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vitinhaball · 6 years
Imo if you really want football to be popular in America that ship sailed when the OG American Soccer League (ASL) folded (which is an amazing story btw), but even if it's possible yeah it DEF needs to be a very long, very involved process and isn't gonna happen by having Messi play in NYC & LA a couple times a season. (1/?)
everything under read more:
Like I don’t know what’s going on in Canada so I can’t comment on them but A LOT needs to be done to reform and clean up the US federation. Personally if I were in charge I’d nuke the league system too. People forget/don’t realize this but America is almost literally the size of the European continent (3.8m sq mi vs 3.9m).
Just in terms of area, the state I live in is roughly the size of Bulgaria (it’s actually a couple thousand sq mi larger, but it’s the closest match in Europe). We currently have only four clubs in the entire state that the USSF considers professional (only one in MLS). Two of them are 69 miles apart (and one is officially the other’s reserves), the next is 115 miles away, then 203. The 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th & 10th largest cities in the state don’t have pro clubs
And in other states it can be even worse. If you wanted to recreate Texas in Europe you’re combining Ukraine, Moldova, and like a quarter of Poland. Texas has a single club in each of its major cities, but LONG distances between many of them (esp El Paso, all the way out west). Montana is the size of Norway and has 0.
I’ve seen first hand and from afar what having a club can do. I don’t expect football to be people everywhere (even in Europe it’s not the most popular sport in every country) but here’s the thing. My city didn’t get a club in MLS until I was 18. I saw people go from being actively derisive about the sport to getting REALLY into it, going to games constantly, trying to learn the rules and culture. That interest waned after the 1st season b/c we’re shit but it didn’t go away
And if you’d asked me before what region would’ve been least likely to accept football I’d have said the South, except for Florida and Texas. But Atlanta has been posting capacity crowds in their 72k stadium time and again. The market is there. America is just so fucking big and the clubs are so spread out so many people can’t get to it.
So I’d nerf everything and move to state-based leagues (maybe regional in the case of New England & Mid-Atlantic). I’d like to see an Aug-May season personally but you could keep it starting spring, do state leagues like March-June, July off, then essentially domestic Champions League Aug-Oct/Nov. I didn’t even know football was a thing until I was like 8 bc there wasn’t a club around me. Giving more kids exposure will be good even if their club is shit in the near term 
i generally see your point and tbh i’d don’t know much about american soccer i just try to look at football everywhere else + how sports work in the us so thank you so much for your insight
tbh the mls is a mess and the fact that there’s no relegation and nothing like the champions league or the libertadores in south america means that you’re either fighting to win it all or you don’t rly have anything to fight for aka it turns real boring real quick
what you say about the market i’ve actually seen in a lot of in like copa90 us videos, it came across as there truly is an interest if people have something to support and for that yeah you need more teams - making smaller teams that don’t compete professionally but have an organized league is a huge basis cause they give the chance for anyone to play + for kids to train there + for people to take some interest in the sport
the fact that a state like montana has no football clubs is insane to me, obviously portugal is wild football wise but i live in a city of about 45k people and we have 10+ clubs, only 2 of which are professional, but the smaller amateur ones are great cause they allow kids to train for much cheaper (many of them get scouted to professional clubs real quick) + give a huge sense of community
and yeah having “regular” season state wise (with many league that can be professional, semi professional or amateur - if you can’t have a 20 team league right away do a 16 or 14 club league) + a champions league type of competition nation wise would probably be the best option specially considering play-off type of competitions are way more appealing when you try to sell the game
i still think it’s honestly impossible to get even close to american football or basketball levels in america though because the us are gonna need to get real good at it to get to the general public, however smaller teams in more places + having a decent league with decent mostly north or south american players would help and with all that done i think a huge incredibly talented and marketable player would rly help it make it more mainstream
a big investment in football academies and scouting (the impression that i get is that most people will play soccer in like primary school or wte for pe - interschool championships with the kids are great to both create interest and find raw talent) is also rly rly important, china started doing that and now everyone and their mothers is opening football academies in china - obviously in china you’re much more likely to find raw talent no one else ever recognized while in the us because there’s such a sport culture you’re bound to steer them if not into football then into something they’ll put their athletic prowess into something else
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cleancutpage · 7 years
My Five Takeaways from Our CRE // Tech Event in Los Angeles Last Week
This post originally appeared on Michael Beckerman's Blog and is republished with permission. Find out how to syndicate your content with theBrokerList.
I am back from a week in Los Angeles and I’m still buzzing from all of the excitement. L.A. is a city that’s bustling with energy coming from the media, arts and entertainment sectors, massive amounts of new development and a thriving tech scene. And now, it’s really becoming a hotbed of commercial real estate tech activity. I spent the week meeting with many exciting startups and entrepreneurs and the culmination was our annual CRE // Tech event in L.A. My head is STILL spinning!!!
Some random thoughts…
For anyone who doubts that the commercial real estate tech sector is real, you definitely weren’t at our event! There is clear momentum in the sector and our turnout of 250 professionals is one way to measure that (this is double the attendance of last year’s event)! But another way to measure it was the quality of the turnout. Professionals from leading developers, a large contingent of brokers from virtually every major firm and some of the hottest startups in the space. WOW!!!
My team once again crushed it. As I mentioned in my welcome remarks, I am truly blessed to work with an extraordinary team of professionals who come to work every day with such a degree of passion, enthusiasm, commitment and flawless execution that make my job so easy and fulfilling. Once again, the team executed perfectly and the event was fun, had great energy and flowed seamlessly. Also, big shout out to my partners, Jeremy Neuer of CBRE and Pierce Neinken of Airbnb for their leadership and incredible support in making this event such a success.
It was also amazing to see so many friends in the commercial real estate tech sector come to this event from around the country… Linda Day Harrison from her new home in Las Vegas, Duke Long from NY, Dan Spiegel from Chicago, Lindsay Baker from Oakland, Turner Levison from Atlanta, Taylor Odegard and Russ Johnson from Seattle… Even the legendary Jim Young of Realcomm was in attendance!  And there are just too many more to mention! Special thanks to Silicon Valley Bank for hosting several of us for dinner as well. They clearly have their pulse on the tech scene as well as anyone and are making serious inroads into the commercial real estate tech space.
Lastly, special thanks to all of our amazing sponsors and exhibitors who made this event possible… Ten-X Commercial, WeWork, ATTOM Data Solutions, Comfy, CommissionTrac, Floored, Honeywell, Leverton, Matterport, NavigatorCRE and Xceligent!
Here are my top five takeaways from the event…
1. CBRE’s World Headquarters are simply…STUNNING! Thanks to Lew Horne for hosting us and his amazing team for turning their lobby into a showcase of commercial real estate tech!
2. Brad Greiwe of Fifth Wall is a great speaker, deeply knowledgeable about all things commercial real estate tech and he made most people’s jaws drop when he said, “Driverless cars are like a meteor heading towards the real estate industry!” Friggin powerful statement from a guy who clearly knows his shit!
3. If there is a better presentation, and presenter, on Driverless Cars than Andy Cohen, Co–CEO of Gensler, I haven’t seen it! Seriously, this was one of the most comprehensive, detailed and powerful presentations on any topic I have ever seen. So many people came up to me after asking if there was some sort of summary of Andy’s presentation so I am clearly not the only one who was impressed. The takeaway was really profound… this trend is simply the biggest, most impactful change that will hit the commercial real estate industry in decades!
4. Max Crowley of Uber for Business is one cool, smart dude I really enjoyed interviewing Max and learning how Uber is working with the commercial real estate industry as well as municipalities across the country to use ride sharing to help get cars off the road and ease congestion.
5. I love this industry! This event brings together such amazing people, so generous and kind, and so passionate about what they are doing, that it’s an absolute pleasure to come to work everyday to help build this commercial real estate tech ecosystem into a thriving sector where jobs, investment and new era of innovation all transform the commercial real estate industry.
Now on to NYC and what is destined to be our biggest CRE // Tech event ever!!!
P.S. – For an amazing summary of the our L.A. event check out Duke Long’s blog here.
Don’t forget to come meet me in New York on December 7th for CRE // Tech! Tickets are on sale now!
RSS Feed provided by theBrokerList Blog - Are you on theBrokerList for commercial real estate (cre)? and My Five Takeaways from Our CRE // Tech Event in Los Angeles Last Week was written by Michael Beckerman.
My Five Takeaways from Our CRE // Tech Event in Los Angeles Last Week published first on http://ift.tt/2hkHhkP
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larryland · 7 years
TROY, NEW YORK  – The Troy Savings Bank Music Hall Corporation is happy to welcome a rather unusual act to our stage.  Puddles Pity Party will stop here on Friday, November 10, at 8 PM.  Puddles, a 7 foot clown with an amazing voice, first came to our attention when he worked with Post Modern Jukebox on a stunning cover of Lorde’s hit song “Royals.”
Puddles Pity Party
Friday, November 10, 2017, 8 PM    Tickets: $34.50, $29.50
A 7-foot clown walks into a bar. He motions for a soda water and sits there staring at his drink. The year was 1998 and Puddles had wandered into the Star Community Bar in Atlanta, GA where bartender Big Mike Geier first laid eyes on the sad, silent clown.
“There was a heaviness about him,” says Geier. “I could tell he wasn’t in the mood to chat, so I pretty much left him alone except to pass him the mustard when he pulled an onion and a heel of bread out of his pocket. A couple weeks later, he came by the bar and gave me a flyer to a show he was doing at a flea market. The sound system was crap, but his voice was something else. I’ve been in my share of bands and wasn’t expecting much from a clown singing karaoke from a boombox. But I’ll be damned if his singing didn’t get me all choked up.”
The two soon became close friends, with Big Mike acting somewhat as a confidant as the pair travel all over with Puddles Pity Party, Mike speaking on behalf of Puddles since the clown chooses to stay silent.
Originally from River City before kicking around Atlanta, the sulking serenader gained momentum after hitting the road as guest performer on the 2010 Aqua Teen Hunger Force Live tour and 2013 Eels tour and making special appearances at Seattle’s Teatro ZinZanni and NYC’s Sleep No More.
It was Halloween 2013 when Puddles then teamed up with Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox to record an epic version of Lorde’s hit song “Royals,” which instantly went viral on YouTube, having received over 19 million views so far. The “sad clown with the golden voice” captivated audiences and media from around the world, building a fan base of more than 222,000 on Facebook.
Puddles has since performed all over the planet, garnering rave reviews at festivals like Edinburgh Fringe, Adelaide Fringe, Perth Fringe, Melbourne International Comedy Fest and Belgium’s Gent Fest. He was a feature performer in La Soiree’s 2014 Southbank show in London, which won the Olivier Award. He was handpicked by Neil Patrick Harris to perform Just for Laugh’s “Circus Awesomeus,” gala filmed for HBO Canada. And Jack Black selected Puddles to perform at the 2015 Festival Supreme.
Today, the softhearted crooner continues to wander the world with melancholic pop anthems and free hugs for all the party people.
“Puddles gives an emotive performance that resonates with all kinds of folks,” says Geier. “The crowd really responds to him. There’s something about a giant sad singing clown that comforts us, lets us know it’s ok to feel, to show our feelings. It’s a sad and beautiful world, and we’re all in it together, even when we’re totally alone.”
For more information, or to see a video showcasing Puddle’s talents, please visit  http://www.puddlespityparty.com/.
This show is made possible by our “Laughter is the Best Medicine” sponsor CDPHP.
Tickets go on sale to Music Hall Members on Monday, August 21 at 10 AM.  Anyone can become a member and get early access.  Tickets go on sale to the general public thisThursday, August 24, at 10 AM, and are available via phone, (518) 273-0038, in person, or online at www.troymusichall.org.  Tickets are available at the Troy Savings Bank Music Hall Box Office, 30 Second Street, Troy, Monday through Friday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.  More information on the Troy Savings Bank Music Hall and upcoming programs is available on the website at www.troymusichall.org.
The Troy Savings Bank Music Hall has hosted performances by legions of world-renowned artists, from legends like Dizzy Gillespie, Ella Fitzgerald, Isaac Stern, Sergei Rachmaninoff, and Vladimir Horowitz, to the best on today’s contemporary music scene, including Joshua Bell, Andrew Bird, Steve Martin, Lyle Lovett, and John Prine and many others.
Puddles Pity Party Comes to Troy Savings Bank Music Hall TROY, NEW YORK  - The Troy Savings Bank Music Hall Corporation is happy to welcome a rather unusual act to our stage.  
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rbeatz · 7 years
rBeatz Exclusive Interview with dwilly
We here at rBeatz have had the pleasure of interviewing dwilly, who released his first single in 2017, Birds and the Bees, last week featuring one of our favorite new artists, Kyle Thornton.
David Wilson, aka “dwilly,” gave us some insights into the charismatic young producers life and story.
Where are you from and how has that shaped the musician you are today?
I’m originally from Greenville, South Carolina a southern town not too far from Atlanta and Charlotte. It’s pretty much the perfect place to live besides the fact that musical opportunities are sparse. People are huge into trap and hard rap down here so I believe that living close to ATL has definitely had a “harder 808ish” impact on my sound. People generally don’t listen to electronic music where I’m from so I really wasn’t exposed to it until I came up to Boston to study at Berklee College of Music.
 Where does the name dwilly come from?
“dwilly” is the alias derived from my name David Wilson. I was formally known as “D-Will”, but changing it to “dwilly” recently was a decision my crazy dope manager Noah and I thought would be better for my branding. It has a sense of “silliness” to the sound of it and I’m a silly ass mofo.
   What was the best studio moment when you recorded, ‘Birds and the Bees’ with Kyle Thornton?
Hitting the studio with Kyle was a blast. We’re both goofballs so in between moments of seriousness were pretty much joking around and laughing our asses off non-stop. My favorite moment was bringing Kyle out of the tracking room into the studio room and thinking of crazy moist harmonies for the chorus together. Most of the creation behind the track was very spontaneous. We definitely spent a good amount of time in the writing process to experiment and play around with ideas until we were satisfied.
Can you explain a bit how you made that bird synth sound on  ‘Birds and the Bees?’
Honestly, I had no intention of replicating the sound of a “bird” when I was designing that patch. The character of the sound is a result of both pitch envelope and basic filtering. My whole manifesto as a producer is designing my sounds from scratch with intentions to make my music both powerful and unique. It wasn’t until after I had designed the “drop” that I titled it “Birds and the Bees”. I had my buddy Demitrio Albano, a brilliant sound designer that works in NYC, send me some samples of outdoor bird nature and you can hear those ambiences throughout the track, especially in the intro. After finishing the skeleton of the track, I sent it over to writer and a good friend Jake Torrey out in LA where he quickly became inspired with the theme of the track to write the hook. Jake also recently wrote on Lupe Fiasco’s recent single “Wild Child”.
 What instruments did you play when you were younger?
My parents pushed me to learn as many instruments as possible. Fortunately, they realized my love for music at a young age and had me taking classical lessons when I was 5 with the amazing instructor Steve Griner. Later on when I was in middle school, I started taking drumset lessons as well. I was inspired by classic rock legend drummer Neil Peart (Rush) after my dad showed me his performance videos online. After being accepted into the Fine Arts Center high school in Greenville, I expanded my musical studies into orchestral percussion and jazz drums. There, I joined several student orchestras focusing on timpani and mallets. My percussion professor Gary Robinson helped me organize my audition for Berklee where I was accepted for my principal instrument as Orchestral Percussion. Now, I am graduating in May with a degree in Electronic Production and Design. I believe the best producers are performers as well. My piano and drum skills contribute to both my melodic and rhythmic process of producing records.
Are there an instruments that you currently wish you COULD play?
Saxophone. I’m always amazed at how much expression a monophonic (one voice) instrument is capable of achieving. Maybe one day I’ll have time to pick it up and figure it out. 
What do you like to do when you’re simply hanging out – aside from music?
You’ll find me either kicking it with my friends around Boston or watching Netflix in my underwear. Every activity I do in my free time is pretty impulsive since it’s rare when I not working on music in some way or the other. In the summer time, I spend a lot of time outside exploring the city on my longboard with my best friend Zach. Usually when l let off some steam on the weekends we’ll hit our local favorite bars/restaurants around the area.
Who are your musical influences?
Growing up on legendary artists like Michael Jackson and Rush rooted me in a strong respect and understanding for music and theory. But sonically, my influences come from current artists and producers like Porter Robinson, Skrillex, Disclosure, and Graves. Like most kids, I went through a variety of musical phases including classic rock, metal, and rap. Even classical composers like Bach and Beethoven contribute to how I choose to dictate melodies and phrasing. I love where Pop music is headed and how artists/labe ls are integrating more contemporary styles like electronic and hip hop into the charts. 
What DAW do you use and why? 
Ableton is more than my go-to-DAW, it’s like a family member to me lol. I use Protools as well but explicitly for recording. I find that sequencing and composing in Ableton is much faster and efficient than alternative DAW’s like Logic and even Protools because of the way that the workflow is designed. Ableton has an amazing capability to synchronize external devices within the workspace. Also, the way it handles automation allows me to create extremely precise and flexible paths for instrument and plugin values.
What is your favorite MIDI Controller right now?
I really enjoy using Ableton Push. It’s great for drum sequencing and creating loops. Using a surface pad such as Push is a luxury that most producers don’t have. Honestly, I don’t even use controllers in my production except when I need to hop on my Akai 49-key midi keyboard to play a quick loop or idea. Most of my composition is done internally within the software on my mouse and keyboard.
What is one of your favorite or go-to VST Plugin?
SERUM!!! I hopped on the bandwagon a couple semesters back during the earlier version and it has been the best decision I’ve made as a producer. It has so many capabilities such as FM modulation and the ability to design your own wavetables. It has a very “sharp” sound so I mainly use it for heavier synthesis in my tracks. For more “bread and butter” patches like bass or super-saws I tend to use Massive. It’s a classic reliable VST that always yields incredible results.
Do you have a key production tip for our young producers out there?
I’d say the biggest thing is to trust your ears. There’s a lot of great software to utilize these days and it’s easy to get distracted by fancy visuals. Also, use reference tracks in the mix-down process. It’s taken me years to get to the point where I am as a mixer and I still use references to ensure that my tracks are sounding commercial. Another important thing– send your music around to your fellow producers and friends and ask for feedback. Sometimes a non-musician’s opinion is more important than a musician’s because their impression on a song is often based on “how it makes them feel”.
What is your biggest accomplishment to date? 
Recently I got picked up by a student organization here at Berklee that sends artists to summer festivals. They are sending me to Outside Lands Festival where I will be performing my music to big crowds. That’s my biggest accomplishment so far.
What has been your top favorite venue to play and why?
I’ve played at several venues here in Boston, but my favorite place to play so far has been at this basement house party in Allston outside Boston. It’s a very intimate experience playing at house parties as opposed to playing in a club. All these kids were just crammed in this basement bouncing around and having a blast. It was an amazing experience just being able to party with people and see the crowd react to my music.
What is your favorite color?
What food do you eat the most?
I eat a lot of Kraft macaroni and cheese.
 What is your favorite social media platform and why?
My personal favorite is Snapchat. Like I can post the most savage things and I don’t have to worry about it really affecting my image as an artist or professional. **Knock on wood**
What is next for Dwilly?
More releases throughout this summer, and appearances at several shows in Boston and LA!
from rBeatz.com http://ift.tt/2oQkJKP
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brandonkarson · 8 years
Life in But A Dream
Chapter Two: There had to be something serious going on with Austin for him to react to things and situations the way he has lately. I know now what's been bothering him. Infidelity is a HUGE no no in the book of marriage, period. It's one of the reasons me and Taylor decided to wait for marriage for awhile, until we both were sure that we wanted to be together, forever. I turn to Austin. "So, what makes you think that he's cheating? Did you see it for yourself? What's going on at home, Austin?" He looked at me and he answered, "We're going through a lot. He and I argue everyday all of a sudden, we don't make love like we used to, and he's always on the phone late at night. That's when I figured something was definitely up with him." "Maybe it's a patient, asking questions about the ass injections or what they should do to reduce pain due to lypo...it has to be something work related...right?", I questioned. Austin looked at me, let out a sarcastic giggle, and turned his direction back to the Italian scenery. This is serious. He really thinks Guy is cheating on him. I like to look at the positive in the situation, if there is any, you know? I mean, let's face it...he did say that they were arguing a lot...but he also said that them arguing came out of nowhere...hmmm. Once I tried to get Austin's attention again, the travel guide interrupted. "Welcome, to the Da Vinci Italiano! This is where you will be staying while you enjoy this Italian excursion. Here are your keys to the house. If there is anything that you want to know or ask of me and my team of servants, we are at your service 24/7, ready to serve and guide you through all of Italy during your stay." As the boat reaches the dock of the villa, I grab Austin's hand. "I'm here for you Austin and I'm going to stay here. Don't you forget that.", I say to him. He takes off his Tom Ford sunglasses, looks to me & I notice a single tear falling from his eye. "I know.", he answers. I continue holding his hand while we both step off the boat. As the servants grab our luggage, I overhear Orrin & Laura discussing something. "I think that I love her.", Orrin says. "Really? Wait...is that like you love her sex or you actually love who she is as a person...as a human being...like, as in not one of your blow up dolls?", Laura asked. "Shut up, Laura! I'm serious. She's really nice. She makes it her mission to make me think about things. I feel like I'm always in a challenge with her. I talk to her like every day.", Orrin answered. "Wait, a minute...are you sick or something?", Laura asks while feeling Orrin forehead as if he has a fever. "No, but seriously, I think it's beautiful. I'm proud of you...I really am.", Laura added. "Sike! Ha! You really believed me this time. Hahaha!", Orrin screamed. Laura looked at him and said, "I hate you, dude. I really hate you." in a jokingly manner. Orrin always was the jokester of the four of us. He's extremely attractive too and he knows it. Back in LA, he & I were actually in a relationship. He was my first boyfriend. Before I became Brian Warner, the actor, I was Orrin's "rib". That's what he would tell people when he introduced me. Orrin and I share a bond that I have with no one else in our circle of friends. Distance broke us up. He and I began to become such big names right around the same time, about four years ago. My services were needed in Atlanta, for my first film and he had big business deals going on at the time in NYC. With both of us being so busy, we didn't find time for us. So, we decided to be best friends forever. "Congratulations, O. You deserve to be happy.", I tell him. "Thank you, Brian. That means a lot coming from you.", he answered. Then there was this random silence. "Brian...?", Laura asked. "How are you?" I looked at her, took a deep breathe and replied, "I'm better than good, better than most." "That's a really good way to look at your situation. I remember when me and Falon went through a rift in our relationship and now, we're stronger than ever. It's not so much the focusing on the problem, it's more about the resolution, working to make sure this problem never happens again...working through the problem." At that moment, I realized something. Laura was right. I shouldn't be so focused on what happened, because whatever it was, it happened in the past. I can't do anything about Taylor getting a girl pregnant during our relationship, but I have complete control over my actions and how I react to all of this. A member of the production crew comes up to me and Austin and tell us that we are meeting up with the rest of the cast for a Venetian dinner. Since this is being filmed for content, I guess I should dress up pretty nice. "You two will be the last to arrive to the dinner.", he tells us. "Come in, act normal. We will give you the signal to come in." Austin turns to me. "It's time to slay this. I mean, pull out your best attire.", he says. I look back at him. "Your wish is my command." We both laugh and began the process of finding something to wear to this dinner. I don't have Hanna with me this trip, but I know what I look good in. I get dressed with the intention of making someone ask, "Who are you wearing, and where can I get it." Nude is the color for the night. I pulled out my Balmain suit that is the same exact color as my skin tone, paired it with matching Guüd Boi suede loafers and met up with Austin. Austin met me at the door, drenched in Tom Ford, head to toe, all black everything. He grabs my hand. "No matter what happens tonight, we must remember to hold composure. Promise me you won't lash out?", he asks. "I promise. I'm good.", I answer. We hop in the boat, and head to the restaurant. The venue is breathtaking. It was set at night, starlit, overlooking the Venetian skyline. We get of the boat, holding hands, cracking jokes at each other. We walk up the steps and it seems as though we're walking into a screaming match. We haven't even walked into the equation yet and they are already on ten. We get the signal from the producer to walk in...here goes nothing. I walk in and Austin follows. "What's up, everybody! What's going on?" The conversation that had erupted came to a halt & everyone looked to me and Austin. They welcomed us in. "Austin, oh my God! What are you doing here!", a voice says. "And Brian! Brian Warner!", he continues. "Yeah, we're here man. How are you? How is everyone, actually? Seems like we walked in on something serious." Austin replied. "Yeah, like I heard whore and bitch and every other thing being thrown around. What's going on?", I asked. "Well, first of all my name is Greg, Greg Hardwick.", he tells me. "Wait, Greg Hardwick from the Los Angeles Hardwick's?", Austin replied. "Yeah, that's me.", Greg replied. Greg Hardwick is the heir to his grandfather's 5.6 billion dollar commercial real estate firm based out of Beverly Hills, California. He's the only child, but he's not spoiled. He started his very own luxury residential real estate firm. "It's so nice to meet you.", I say to him. "No, it's really nice to meet you. I love your work.", he replied. "Thank you, I appreciate that.", I tell him. As I look around the table, everyone is eyeing me down. "I don't know you, actually.", a guy says to me. "That's okay. Turn your TV on sometimes...you'll see me in living color.", I tell him. "Wow, was that supposed to be shade?", he replied. "No, it's a revelation...sunshine if you will. Just letting you know what it is.", I told him. "You know what, that's the problem with you C List 'stars'. You think everyone knows you, and everyone is supposed to cow down to you.", he screams. I look at him and laugh. "Sir, firstly let's tone that down. I'm no one you want to scream at...trust me.", I tell him. "Secondly, I just sat down five minutes ago...FIVE! So what the hell are you talking about? The reality of the matter is, no ones know who YOU are...which would explain why you're doing any & everything in front of these cameras. You're thirsty and you...", and the next thing you know, he throws a glass of red wine in my face. I stood up, unbuttoned my blazer, took it off and I left the dinner table. Now, I know I could have went a totally different way with this situation, but before I reacted, I had to check myself. Two of the producers came up to me. "I don't know where that came from. I really don't. We knew nothing about that.", one of them tell me. "It's fine." I reply. "I just won't be filming with him anymore...ever again.", I tell him. "If that's what you want. But, in due time all of this will boil over.", the other producer explains. "I'm sure it will, but I didn't sign on to have this happen to me. I have a career, a VERY valuable and lucrative career. I will not be apart of something that could potentially ruin my reputation.", I explain to him. I left the conversation and decided to head back to the villa. Immediately, I sit and think...was this a good idea? Is this what I want people to remember me by? As I'm walking off, I notice that I left my phone at the dinner table. I turned around and began heading back to the table. Still shirtless, I walk up to the table and there he is...the guy who threw the wine in my face. He looks at me and we have this really serious stare down. He knew that I was over the situation from earlier, but I did say he would do anything to get people talking, because we still don't know his name. Then, the worst thing he could've done happened, yeah you guessed it...he swings at me, twice. I knew he would though. The first attempt, I dodged...the second one was unexpected. He connects with the back of my head as I'm walking away from him. Next thing you know, I'm being detained by security as they knew I was ready to retaliate. Apparently, try must've been having a hard time holding me back because I managed to bruise a few of them, trying to get to guy who remains nameless. "I need my phone.", I scream as they try to detain me. The whole time, I was searching for my phone and I didn't even think to look for Austin. Then suddenly, all you hear in the background is, "AUSTIN NO!?" I turn around and Austin is in a full on brawl with the same guy I almost damn near killed. Literally ten seconds later, Austin comes jogging up to me, with my phone on his hand. "You forgot something.", he says. "Thank you. Are you okay?", I ask him. "Oh, I'm good...that other guy, not so much.", he replied. As me and Austin back to the boat, I look at him. "I can't believe that just happened.", I tell him. "Well, that's what happens when you have nothing to lose. That dude has seventy thousand followers and a little fashion line. He's from Atlanta, apparently. He just social media famous.", he explained. "Him doing what he just did will only boost his relevance. People like to see fights and shit, especially when you aren't well known." I don't get it. People literally will do anything to become relevant...ANYTHING. This is sad and I refuse to be apart of this. "I'm over it...all of it.", I tell Austin. "So you're over this trip...or everything as a whole?", he asked. "The whole thing.", I answer. "It's only going to get WORST! I'm not going to risk my name. At all. I've worked too hard to get where I am & I will not deal with this bullshit.", I replied. I grab my phone, make my way off the boat and make a phone call to my manager. She picks up. "Brian, how's filming?", she asked. "I got a drink thrown on me, I got swung on & didn't get a chance to swing back...I'm over it.", I replied. "WHAT!? Give me two minutes.", she says. Literally two minutes later, I get a call from my manager. "Brian, it's Leah. I got you and Austin tickets back to L.A. I've contacted Austin's management and they also think it's best that the both of you stop filming with the crew. Your attorney has also been notified and will be giving you a call first thing in the morning to discuss legal actions, just in case you had any ideas of taking the assailant as well as the production company to court.", she explained. "Wait, I'd have a case against the production company as well?", I ask. "Hell yeah! You weren't even supposed to be on this show. They kept pushing to put you on the cast & the money as well as the contract looked great, so we went with it. But then this happened. Your contract CLEARLY states that if another cast member were to physically assault you without being provoked, you have sole control over if you want to continue filming.", she replied. One thing that I will say is that I have the BEST manager in the entertainment industry. All of this was discussed within a two to five minute radius, after the whole situation went down. It was clear that I needed to leave the show, and Leah needs a raise.
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cleancutpage · 7 years
My Five Takeaways from Our CRE // Tech Event in Los Angeles Last Week
This post originally appeared on Michael Beckerman's Blog and is republished with permission. Find out how to syndicate your content with theBrokerList.
I am back from a week in Los Angeles and I’m still buzzing from all of the excitement. L.A. is a city that’s bustling with energy coming from the media, arts and entertainment sectors, massive amounts of new development and a thriving tech scene. And now, it’s really becoming a hotbed of commercial real estate tech activity. I spent the week meeting with many exciting startups and entrepreneurs and the culmination was our annual CRE // Tech event in L.A. My head is STILL spinning!!!
Some random thoughts…
For anyone who doubts that the commercial real estate tech sector is real, you definitely weren’t at our event! There is clear momentum in the sector and our turnout of 250 professionals is one way to measure that (this is double the attendance of last year’s event)! But another way to measure it was the quality of the turnout. Professionals from leading developers, a large contingent of brokers from virtually every major firm and some of the hottest startups in the space. WOW!!!
My team once again crushed it. As I mentioned in my welcome remarks, I am truly blessed to work with an extraordinary team of professionals who come to work every day with such a degree of passion, enthusiasm, commitment and flawless execution that make my job so easy and fulfilling. Once again, the team executed perfectly and the event was fun, had great energy and flowed seamlessly. Also, big shout out to my partners, Jeremy Neuer of CBRE and Pierce Neinken of Airbnb for their leadership and incredible support in making this event such a success.
It was also amazing to see so many friends in the commercial real estate tech sector come to this event from around the country… Linda Day Harrison from her new home in Las Vegas, Duke Long from NY, Dan Spiegel from Chicago, Lindsay Baker from Oakland, Turner Levison from Atlanta, Taylor Odegard and Russ Johnson from Seattle… Even the legendary Jim Young of Realcomm was in attendance!  And there are just too many more to mention! Special thanks to Silicon Valley Bank for hosting several of us for dinner as well. They clearly have their pulse on the tech scene as well as anyone and are making serious inroads into the commercial real estate tech space.
Lastly, special thanks to all of our amazing sponsors and exhibitors who made this event possible… Ten-X Commercial, WeWork, ATTOM Data Solutions, Comfy, CommissionTrac, Floored, Honeywell, Leverton, Matterport, NavigatorCRE and Xceligent!
Here are my top five takeaways from the event…
1. CBRE’s World Headquarters are simply…STUNNING! Thanks to Lew Horne for hosting us and his amazing team for turning their lobby into a showcase of commercial real estate tech!
2. Brad Greiwe of Fifth Wall is a great speaker, deeply knowledgeable about all things commercial real estate tech and he made most people’s jaws drop when he said, “Driverless cars are like a meteor heading towards the real estate industry!” Friggin powerful statement from a guy who clearly knows his shit!
3. If there is a better presentation, and presenter, on Driverless Cars than Andy Cohen, Co–CEO of Gensler, I haven’t seen it! Seriously, this was one of the most comprehensive, detailed and powerful presentations on any topic I have ever seen. So many people came up to me after asking if there was some sort of summary of Andy’s presentation so I am clearly not the only one who was impressed. The takeaway was really profound… this trend is simply the biggest, most impactful change that will hit the commercial real estate industry in decades!
4. Max Crowley of Uber for Business is one cool, smart dude I really enjoyed interviewing Max and learning how Uber is working with the commercial real estate industry as well as municipalities across the country to use ride sharing to help get cars off the road and ease congestion.
5. I love this industry! This event brings together such amazing people, so generous and kind, and so passionate about what they are doing, that it’s an absolute pleasure to come to work everyday to help build this commercial real estate tech ecosystem into a thriving sector where jobs, investment and new era of innovation all transform the commercial real estate industry.
Now on to NYC and what is destined to be our biggest CRE // Tech event ever!!!
P.S. – For an amazing summary of the our L.A. event check out Duke Long’s blog here.
Don’t forget to come meet me in New York on December 7th for CRE // Tech! Tickets are on sale now!
RSS Feed provided by theBrokerList Blog - Are you on theBrokerList for commercial real estate (cre)? and My Five Takeaways from Our CRE // Tech Event in Los Angeles Last Week was written by Michael Beckerman.
My Five Takeaways from Our CRE // Tech Event in Los Angeles Last Week published first on http://ift.tt/2hkHhkP
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cleancutpage · 7 years
My Five Takeaways from Our CRE // Tech Event in Los Angeles Last Week
This post originally appeared on Michael Beckerman's Blog and is republished with permission. Find out how to syndicate your content with theBrokerList.
I am back from a week in Los Angeles and I’m still buzzing from all of the excitement. L.A. is a city that’s bustling with energy coming from the media, arts and entertainment sectors, massive amounts of new development and a thriving tech scene. And now, it’s really becoming a hotbed of commercial real estate tech activity. I spent the week meeting with many exciting startups and entrepreneurs and the culmination was our annual CRE // Tech event in L.A. My head is STILL spinning!!!
Some random thoughts…
For anyone who doubts that the commercial real estate tech sector is real, you definitely weren’t at our event! There is clear momentum in the sector and our turnout of 250 professionals is one way to measure that (this is double the attendance of last year’s event)! But another way to measure it was the quality of the turnout. Professionals from leading developers, a large contingent of brokers from virtually every major firm and some of the hottest startups in the space. WOW!!!
My team once again crushed it. As I mentioned in my welcome remarks, I am truly blessed to work with an extraordinary team of professionals who come to work every day with such a degree of passion, enthusiasm, commitment and flawless execution that make my job so easy and fulfilling. Once again, the team executed perfectly and the event was fun, had great energy and flowed seamlessly. Also, big shout out to my partners, Jeremy Neuer of CBRE and Pierce Neinken of Airbnb for their leadership and incredible support in making this event such a success.
It was also amazing to see so many friends in the commercial real estate tech sector come to this event from around the country… Linda Day Harrison from her new home in Las Vegas, Duke Long from NY, Dan Spiegel from Chicago, Lindsay Baker from Oakland, Turner Levison from Atlanta, Taylor Odegard and Russ Johnson from Seattle… Even the legendary Jim Young of Realcomm was in attendance!  And there are just too many more to mention! Special thanks to Silicon Valley Bank for hosting several of us for dinner as well. They clearly have their pulse on the tech scene as well as anyone and are making serious inroads into the commercial real estate tech space.
Lastly, special thanks to all of our amazing sponsors and exhibitors who made this event possible… Ten-X Commercial, WeWork, ATTOM Data Solutions, Comfy, CommissionTrac, Floored, Honeywell, Leverton, Matterport, NavigatorCRE and Xceligent!
Here are my top five takeaways from the event…
1. CBRE’s World Headquarters are simply…STUNNING! Thanks to Lew Horne for hosting us and his amazing team for turning their lobby into a showcase of commercial real estate tech!
2. Brad Greiwe of Fifth Wall is a great speaker, deeply knowledgeable about all things commercial real estate tech and he made most people’s jaws drop when he said, “Driverless cars are like a meteor heading towards the real estate industry!” Friggin powerful statement from a guy who clearly knows his shit!
3. If there is a better presentation, and presenter, on Driverless Cars than Andy Cohen, Co–CEO of Gensler, I haven’t seen it! Seriously, this was one of the most comprehensive, detailed and powerful presentations on any topic I have ever seen. So many people came up to me after asking if there was some sort of summary of Andy’s presentation so I am clearly not the only one who was impressed. The takeaway was really profound… this trend is simply the biggest, most impactful change that will hit the commercial real estate industry in decades!
4. Max Crowley of Uber for Business is one cool, smart dude I really enjoyed interviewing Max and learning how Uber is working with the commercial real estate industry as well as municipalities across the country to use ride sharing to help get cars off the road and ease congestion.
5. I love this industry! This event brings together such amazing people, so generous and kind, and so passionate about what they are doing, that it’s an absolute pleasure to come to work everyday to help build this commercial real estate tech ecosystem into a thriving sector where jobs, investment and new era of innovation all transform the commercial real estate industry.
Now on to NYC and what is destined to be our biggest CRE // Tech event ever!!!
P.S. – For an amazing summary of the our L.A. event check out Duke Long’s blog here.
Don’t forget to come meet me in New York on December 7th for CRE // Tech! Tickets are on sale now!
RSS Feed provided by theBrokerList Blog - Are you on theBrokerList for commercial real estate (cre)? and My Five Takeaways from Our CRE // Tech Event in Los Angeles Last Week was written by Michael Beckerman.
My Five Takeaways from Our CRE // Tech Event in Los Angeles Last Week published first on http://ift.tt/2hkHhkP
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