#but our systems are broken so you CANNOT be fast with it
asparklethatisblue · 9 months
Our work introduced a new efficiency rating system to “encourage” certain people to be less god damn slow only… not to bog you down with details, but the way it’s calculated means that if you ARE really efficient it backfires and gives you a shitty fucking score. My boss was ranting about it the other day, cause it essentially means me and everyone on my team has to work SLOWER for the scores to be ok
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nkjemisin · 1 year
I’m currently struggling to go to sleep the night before a big solo performance for a school event, so I figured I’d ask one of my favorite authors a couple things I’ve been wondering about. (Does flattery still work on people?)
So, I believe I remember you saying something along the lines of “people ask me why I write about weird sex magic. It’s because I read Greek mythology, and it has a lot of weird sex magic.” And I’m paraphrasing that horribly, but I was wondering, what things *have* you drawn inspiration from? I’m in love with the way magic is portrayed in both the Dreamblood books and the Broken Earth trilogy (I’ve yet to read the inheritance series), and I was wondering what inspiration you had? They feel kind of different to me—dreamseed and it’s counterparts seem really rooted in the four humors and the way some older mythos have a big fuss around the seed of gods and all that fun stuff, but the magic in Broken Earth feels a lot more . . . introspective, I guess? It seems like you’ve written it to be much more focused on the individual’s own perception of it, and that influences what they can do/how they do things. And I don’t really think I’ve seen anything that leans into that angle, as far as mythos goes. (Though I really, really cannot claim to be knowledgeable in that.)
And for the second thing: do you have any tips to becoming a good reader? I can read *fast*, but I really feel like I don’t get more than just the surface and shallow ideas about the message/themes the author might intend. It always seems like people are able to come up with very introspective, in depth dissections of their favorite characters and books, and I can’t help but look at those sometimes, and go, “wow, what was *I* reading?” I guess that it might be a learned skill, but I don’t really know where to start. I guess I also wanted to ask about what themes and such you wanted to incorporate into the Broken Earth trilogy (that was my introduction to you, then Dreamblood, then the Great Cities), but that’s really just a secondary thing to this question.
Well, regardless of whether or not you answer, I just wanted to ask so I could stop thinking about it constantly. I can’t wait to jump into the Inheritance Trilogy next time I buy books.
Flattery doesn't work on me, but I do love to talk shop, so... 😄 Cutting for length:
To your first question, about the different ways I depict magic -- first, it's not just Greek mythology that I use. There are soooo many cosmologies and cosmogonies out there that show gods as rowdy, horny, petty, and basically human, just with weird magic powers on top of that. The Dreamblood books are specifically informed by ancient Egyptian mythology and culture. I did some research into ancient Egyptian medical texts -- in particular the Edwin Smith Papyrus -- so I drew from those to create Gujaareh's four dream humors. I wanted Gujaareh to feel like an ancient Egypt that might have developed if magic actually worked... and if its own version of Imhotep had been a manipulative megalomaniac who decided to start a magic-controlled theocracy. tl,dr; Ancient Egyptians had a thing for humors and surgery and gods that were into sex lettuce, so that's what I claimed for Gujaareh.
With the Inheritance Trilogy I ranged more widely in what I mooched from existing cosmologies, because I wanted to build a belief system that resembled real-world stuff but wasn't just our world's gods in costume. For example, I noticed that lots of systems suggested that existence or human genesis begins with gods banging or fighting (or both), so I came up with a creation myth chock full of gods banging and fighting. Familiar hanger, new clothes on it.
But the Broken Earth books aren't about gods. There's a mythic frame "explaining" the Seasons and past disasters and Father Earth and so on, but that wasn't the focus. I was more interested in the ways we apply myths to people, treating some marginalized groups as simultaneously superhuman and subhuman... but never simply human. Same for the Great Cities books. It's meaningful that other cultures have discovered the existence of city avatars and worked them into their cosmologies, but only as a bit of detail to make the world more complete. Again, the mythology isn't the focus there.
I can't help you on becoming a good reader, sadly, because I am a very bad reader these days. I have a lot of trouble shutting off my "inner editor voice," which is a thing that I've heard a lot of other pro authors (and editors, and reviewers) mention. People in my business spend years developing the ability to spot problems in writing... and the inner editor is what happens when you stop being able to shut that ability off. The typos, the clichés, the patches of language that could've been trimmed out, all of it just starts to glare. The thing is, all books have issues like this, and most of the time they're not even errors, just... pecadilloes. The little things that are part of reading work made by human beings. They mean the writer was tired and didn't proofread as closely as they should, or maybe the writer was waffling on word use and inadvertently ended up using one a little too much, or maybe they were having a fight with their copyeditor about spelling and missed a grammar flub. Just part of reading. But if you, like me, have an inflamed inner editor, then instead of taking in the whole picture of whatever the author is trying to show you, you get nitpicky. You get irrationally angry at typos. You hyperfocus on the author's tendency to use one word too much. (A writer friend told me I use too many "plinths," for example.) You spend time thinking about structural issues and not noticing the language, or vice versa.
But since I'm currently in self-imposed reading rehab, maybe this will help you: For me, it helps to move away from what's familiar. I read a lot of stuff outside the SFF genre, because it's easier to shut off my inner editor when I'm less familiar with the tropes, the styles, the concepts. I've also really gotten into audiobooks, for example, because when I can't see the text I can't critique it, or at least not as instantly. So that's all I can suggest. If you've developed the habit of gulping down books, find a way to throttle the flow, so to speak. Try playing audiobooks on half speed, to train yourself to patience. Read outside your comfort zone, which will force you to slow down and take things in because of the unfamiliarity. Maybe try ebooks with the text blown up a lot, so that you have to turn the page more often; I don't know, just spitballing now. Maybe folks will have better suggestions in the comments. Hope it helps!
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olipopsoda · 4 months
Excuse me Dr. Olipop soda, I have a question about your product. You see, I am a 35 year old man I have some stomach issues. As I age, the issues get worse and I can not eat many things because of it. Your soda promotes gut health. Will it help with my IBS? I had an incident awhile ago and now my friends and acquaintances won’t speak to me. IBS has ruined my life and I need a solution and fast. Will your product save my gut? Will it reverse the pain and suffering this terrible disease has caused to myself and the people around me? At the very least, will it not mess with my gut? Another question, does this help with concentration? I am a very prolific writer and poet. I’m sure you’ve heard of my work before. I could use the boost. Please help me Dr.Olipop! My life is in you Olipop hands! Also, can you send me some pop for free? I’m a little short on cash this month. Please help me. Please. Please……please
Hello, Anon. The OLIPOP Customer Relations Department cannot legally provide medical assistance, and none of the team members are medical doctors. Please speak to your PCP before making any changes to your diet.
That being said, we’d be happy to explain how OLIPOP Supports Digestive Health so you and your doctor can make an informed decision about whether OLIPOP is right for you.
OLIPOP combines prebiotics, soluble plant fiber (from a number of different plants including Chicory Root, Jerusalem Artichoke, and Cassava), and botanical extracts to support your digestive health--with 9g of dietary fiber, just 2-5g of sugar, and 45 calories or less in each can.
OLIPOP incorporates a variety of clinically-tested prebiotics to give your friendly gut bacteria the nutrients they need. Prebiotics are nutrients that are undigestible by humans. They pass through the digestive tract into the large intestine, where they are fermented and broken down by our beneficial gut bacteria into useful compounds that support overall health.
There is research suggesting that digestive system activity and health may affect cognition, but I will have to forward your query to our Research Partners before I can make any claims about how OLIPOP may affect concentration specifically.
As for free OLIPOP, please reach out off anonymous through our DMs or askbox so we can discuss.
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lovewithoutresin · 6 months
Fractures - TMAGP
This is another rudimentary attempt at a TMAGP theory post. It will not be well written because I am going to do this so so fast so I can say I wrote it.
SO one thing that's been discussed around the water cooler is the difficulty these new episodes present in terms of classification of Entities. Classification of Entities in TMA proper was never simple, without a clear divide between them outside of the widely-accepted human framework that had been applied to them. TMAGP, however, seems to take things to a new level of uncertainty. There seems to not even be an attempt to lead the listener to certain classifications, other than just giving vague allusions to them.
Makes sense. We as the audience have already been instructed to abandon our ideas about that framework as far back as the end of TMA season 4. Why would they direct us back into that way of thinking?
Interestingly, there may be an in-universe attempt to use the fracturing of entities to an end goal here.
The apocalypse in TMA proper was ultimately made possible because of the understanding that the entities cannot be meaningfully separated. Were it not for Smirke's Fourteen, it would be impossible to pull such a ritual, as trying to perform one with simply the concept of Fear would not give it anything concrete to manifest through. Hence the ritual had to incorporate all of the most powerful conceptualizations of fear.
With that in mind... how much power could a given entity ever gain if, say... every individual fear-based paranormal occurrence were broken down into the smallest, most unique, specific categories possible?
It's still being categorized, so it would still be unlikely someone would recognize these as parts of a whole power, avoiding the possibility of grand ritual. But no distinct powers are emerging to compete with one another. Those powers, and the attention their rituals bring, are what ultimately would lead one to recognizing the whole shape of it.
And we may be seeing this exactly hypothetical play out... with the OIAR classification system.
Take Needles. Needles would quite possibly be best assigned as an avatar of the Corruption, if those categories existed in this world. The fear of them would ultimately fuel fear of the Corruption, adding to its power. Instead, though, we get one individual suffering in pain and fear, and another person listening to the call who... does not care. Is not scared of needles. Since Needles is limited to this specific fear, they really only have the ability to affect those with this specific phobia.
Injury (needles) -/- intimidation [999 call].
It actually quite reminds me of Jon saying this during the apocalypse.
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Anyway this absolutely ties into my B Side Theory about the ultimate goal of preventing an apocalypse. So. Count me invested in both of these as more than just vague ideas. And if you need further consideration, just consider what the lovely Alex Newall had to say regarding the PERFECT tagline for the entire series:
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sntsatticus · 2 months
late night mistakes, feat markus de villers
one shot
TW: violence, gore, body horror, graphic description of violence, death, decapitation, vampire attacking a witch, broken bones
There's a tightness in your chest you cannot attribute to anything but anxiety ⸻ your fingers fidget and your eyes are unfocused. The drugs you have taken do little to help ease this pain off you; your nose burns and your mouth tastes like ashes. You know only one thing will help quieten the voices tormenting you today, the spirits following your every step ⸻ some simply a specter watching, but others ⸻ you shiver when your eyes land on one, half of its jaw missing, its eyes hollow and dark. It screams and screams, black blood dripping from wounds half rotten.
You cover your ears, hurrying through the streets of Port Liery like a mad woman on a mission. It is what you are, no? Mad ⸻ voices in your head, grotesque hallucinations in the corner of your eyes. Your mother calls it a gift, but you can only see it as a curse; they don't leave you alone; they beg for help you are incapable of giving them; they tell you secrets and stories you are better off not knowing. 
You need her, tonight, just as you have any time you've come looking for her. Unlike previous times, however, she is not in tonight. You do not ask where she is, when she will be back ⸻ too nervous with the looks you are receiving to speak. You feel like a prey in a room full of predators ⸻ Before, it would have excited you. Now, you feel helpless and scared. No one calls after you when you leave, trembling fingers typing half understandable messages to the vampires you have the number off, your heart beating impossibly fast in your chest. Your inhaler is in your hands when you notice it ⸻ a shadow following you, silently, movements barely perceptive. 
You cannot breathe as your legs pick up the peace, bare feet scraping against the pavement uncomfortably. A street light pops, bathing you in darkness. You need to run, run, run ⸻ Instead, you feel a gush of wind against your back, and you are being pressed against the floor; the force of it makes your nose crack, blood immediately filling your mouth when you gasps. The pain is dulled thanks to the things in your system, but you feel the familiar throb of a cracked bone. You feel a body against your back, cold as a corpse, hands twisting your arm painfully. 
“You think you are so much better than us,” a voice spits in your ear, like a record scratching against the needle of its player. You feel a cold nose on your neck, and you try to squirm out of its hold. The hands grip you tighter. “You are not untouchable, little witch. You are a vermin, like the rest of them.” The hand pulls and pulls, until you hear a pop. You realize too late it's your arm and shoulder, broken as if they are a piece of paper. The vampire cackle, and you know this might be how your life ends. 
You feel fangs dig deep into your neck, the world losing its color all around you. You barely notice the vampire has moved. 
“Now, now,” a different voice says, and you realize, in your half conscious state, that the vampire was pulled off you. “Don't you know it's terribly rude to touch things that are not ours?” 
There are noises behind you, and soon enough, a head rolls in your vision. You have seen this woman before; she always watched you with burning eyes when you entered the tea house. You feel like throwing up, but you can't move. You can hardly breathe when you are taken into strong arms, enveloped by a familiar scent. “You will be alright, little witch, do not worry.” He hums a gentle tune, an old song, and that's the last thing you hear before passing out. 
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
Okay, I really came over here to post about artificial intelligence and not algorithms but those are one and the same, really, and illustrate the shortcomings of artificial intelligence.
I had a couple of people ask me what I was writing about with artificial intelligence and the truth is that I don't know. I actually find it difficult to even read artificial intelligence discourse because it all just sounds absolutely terrifying to me wrapped up in "if you find it terrifying, it's because you're old." But this is also my field and I feel like to be a responsible scholar I should have coherent thoughts about artificial intelligence, and so I keep trying to make myself learn more. But I don't know if I am at all sensible or logical about AI or just an absolute mess.
So, anyway, I'm in the process of brainstorming what my thoughts are. I am THINKING initially that my approach isn't really going to be "is this good or bad" or "is this legal or illegal," because I think a lot of people who understand the tech much better than me are having those debates. What really caught my attention is how whenever people talk about the ChatGPT type of artificial intelligence, what they say is, "This is just what people do! People read stuff and then they take what they've learned from that stuff and create new stuff!" And yeeeees, absolutely, that is exactly what people do, but when people do that stuff, like, when fans consume a bunch of stuff and then make something new out of the object of their affection, traditionally the legal system has been like, "ewwwww, what lazy hacks." So suddenly we've all discovered that this is how people work? And we're all cool with it now because we've taught some computers to do it? Are we still going to be cool with it when people like fans do it? Or no? Like, that's what I think I kind of want to point out and highlight? Do we let machines get away with things we wouldn't let humans get away with? Is a machine even "like" a human in the first place? Why are we framing this discussion this way? Idk.
Other thoughts I've had while researching:
People analyzing AI tend to treat it VERY technically. Like, "Well, obviously using all these works for input isn't copyright infringement because technically speaking no copies remain because they get broken down into data points," blah blah blah. It's just VERY fine-toothed-comb, this kind of analysis.
On the one hand, people talking about AI are like, "This is just what humans do!" And on the other hand, people talking about AI are like, "This is a revolutionary tool that will change the world!" And, well...which is it? If this is just what humans already do, why is it so revolutionary? Presumably because of the speed and size and scale of it, that THAT'S what's revolutionary. But I also think it's wrong to be like, "AI is just REALLY FAST human creativity," because AI knows everything, and no human does, and at the same time I cannot shake the idea that humans are different from machines, but maybe that's me being hopelessly naive. BUT I think it's a different type of naivete to be like, "Exactly, humans are different from machines, so machines will never replace them!" because...there is literally nothing about modern society that makes me think every industry everywhere won't jump on the ability to replace workers with machines. (This might conflict with my "make people miserable" economic theory except no, depriving people of jobs they want will definitely make people miserable, which is why I suspect AI will only replace the jobs people actually want to do.)
Copyright law mostly only works if you presume that everyone is out to monetize all creativity at all times. Some people are like, "We don't need to modify existing copyright law, because AI will fit into our copyright law model," so that must assume that AI will also be inevitably exploitative. Which is probably right, let's be honest, this is a capitalist society we live in. But allowing people to break out of exploitative models (reach audiences with the gatekeepers of traditional publishing / music labels / movie studios) has caused humanity to explode with incredible amounts of creativity. So being like, "Let's just use AI to exploit things again" seems weird to me. At the same time, though, much of AI stuff right now is not necessarily exploitative and still seems to be harming artists, so maybe this thought of mine is going nowhere. But I feel this little nibble of suspicion that we'll land somewhere where AI will be legal / accessible as a tool only to those paying for it and thus extracting a price for the output in order to justify the cost.
People keep saying that artists will learn to use AI so it will all be fine. Idk how I feel about the best outcome we can imagine being "creative people will adjust the way they create to accommodate new machines." Like, some people will learn to use AI and they will love it and it will be exactly how they want to create, and that's great! But some people will never want to create using AI and we should make sure both ways are okay but we are generally not good as a society at doing stuff like that, so. And when people say stuff like this, they never say, "Some artists will adjust," they say, "Artists will adjust," with presumably that implication that artists who don't will no longer be considered artists.
I keep coming back to: Why did we ever need AI for creative purposes? Like, I get why we need AI to be chatbots or do algorithms or go through predictive data or all this other stuff which suffers from the human limitation of not being able to be 24/7 calculating all the human knowledge in the world. I guess I just don't understand what about creativity humans weren't handling well enough on their own, that we needed computers to do it for us. I saw someone say that AI is not going to be used to make our lives better. This goes back to my theory of capitalism: AI will not be used to replace the drudgery thoughtless tasks nobody wants to do. AI will be used to replace the creative work that people actually desperately want to do. I don't see any reason not to think that's true, Idk.
I also understand that there's no way that I talk about AI and don't sound like a hopelessly old person upset about the invention of photography or something, so I really try really, really hard to view it as positively as I can. I think that AI is probably incredibly useful for people who struggle with expressing themselves through words and so AI can help them with that, or struggle with drawing and so AI can help with that. And so I don't want to discount those positive aspects of AI, either. (At the same time, I thought about using AI to help me draw stuff, since I can't draw, and found the idea deeply odd, but that's probably because the reason I can't draw is because I'm not a visual thinker, period, and for that reason I just never felt confident that what the AI gave me would be anything that would come out of my own head? If that makes sense?)
I just feel like we're standing here on the precipice developing this incredibly powerful tool and we have a terrible track record with basically any incredibly powerful tool we have ever developed sigh.
So yeah, no coherent thoughts. Idk if I ever will have coherent thoughts lol. I might end up abandoning the project.
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abronzeagegod · 10 months
Untitled YA Novel Chapter 21: The Belly of the Silent Beast
First Chapter || More
10:29 AM local time
Secret Submarine Base, Cuba
The bridge or the command deck or whatever they called the place where the captain yelled at people to do things on a submarine, that's where Justin needed to go. He started to follow the signs as best as he could but his Cuban wasn't very good, in fact it was nonexistent.
He kept getting distracted by the frantic texts from Mike and Hira which only made him more worried. But that was when he realized he was jumping to step two. He always did that when he got nervous and was doing tests.
He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He needed to go through all the steps in order. And hopefully the timing would be good. If not then this whole thing was ruined.
Instead of heading straight down towards the front of the ship, Justin turned and headed deeper into the ship, trying to follow the signs in a language he only had a passing knowledge of towards the computer room. He couldn't mess with the guidance systems if the computers still worked.
Eventually he found it, and after struggling to open the sealed heavy metal door that was designed to be water and air tight, just in case the worst happened at least the valuable computers would be safe, if not all the lived aboard. He shivered as that thought occurred to him. Maybe he was claustrophobic. This was absolutely the worst time to learn that.
While he was very good at chemistry and making accidents happen in class, Justin was less good at computers. He knew that these big machines needed power and needed all this space to run all the complex systems. And while making a mess and breaking things was a Justin Specialty, there was only so much stuff he could avoid breaking. And right now he needed to be extremely precise.
"I'm at the computers," Justin quickly texted Alt. "Do you have what I asked for?"
"Sending the instructions now," Alt responded. "This should cripple most but not all of their guidance systems."
"You sure about this?"
"If the sub is totally broken they won't use it. If it's just a little broken but functional they will use it. And trap themselves," Justin responded as he waited for the file to download on his phone.
Once the file was complete, Justin plugged his phone into the big bank of computers and transferred it over. Luckily for him there were a series of cables left behind by whoever last worked on these computers to let him do just that. Which seemed like a security risk to him, but he was lucky that it was overlooked.
"This is only for the satellite connections and the GPS," Alt said. "That's a partially open system that we can mess with. This will not affect any of the ship's closed systems, of which there are many."
"That's what I want them to think."
"I hope you know what you're doing," Alt responded. "Now, we need to make sure that it took, and maybe manually disable some automatic fixes. Enter the following prompts."
Justin know that this was a likely thing to happen when he briefly discussed with Alt his plans. But still it was frustrating and was taking a lot of time.
More than five minutes of solid typing away while his friends were outside fighting with people as indicated by their texts, and Justin was starting to get nervous again. He calmed down while he doing something, but now he was stuck here typing words that had no meaning to anyone besides a machine and waiting for little progress bars to load or not load.
"I got an error message," he told Alt. "Cannot connect to satellite."
"Good, excellent. Close that message and wait. If it comes up again, we've done our jobs correctly."
Justin waited, and the waiting was the hardest part.
Sure enough the error message came back up.
"We did it," he texted Alt. He just had one last thing to do in this room. He stuck a smoke grenade in the server, pulled the pin, and quickly shut the casing closed. If he was fast enough the grenade wouldn't activate until someone pulled open the door and let the grenade fall out.
Now, he needed to get to the command deck. It felt better to think of it as a command deck than a bridge.
He really really hoped he got the timing right. If he was too late or too soon this whole thing was going to collapse in on itself. He also hoped that Mike and Hira were alright.
Outside the submarine, Hira had spotted Rafe, and pointed her out to Mike.
He waved her off, emphatically using his arms to all but push Hira to go rescue her friend.
He could handle the two dozen or so Silenced humans that were advancing on them, right?
Yeah, he could totally handle it.
i have a kofi
find me on pillowfort
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Binge-Watch, Breakdown, Blashpheme
When I was very little, my dad played Jesus in our church's passion play, and I started crying because I was scared they were actually going to crucify my dad. This was the start of my issues with mainstream Christianity's beliefs surrounding it. That has very little to do with this post, because in this post I'm discussing the Crucifixion as it relates to Good Omens canon, and not making any statements about real world religions. As per usual, contents include biblical discussions and blasphemy, so please take care of your mental health. Also, brief mentions of suicide. Spoilers for Good Omens season 2 below
"I forgive you" is, of course, an absolutely devastating response to a kiss. And I am here to make it worse for all of you. :)
In season 1, we find out that Aziraphale and Crowley are at the Crucifixion, which per Aziraphale is because He [Christ] told them to be kind to each other. In other words, Aziraphale's understanding of what he sees is that it's both part of the ineffable plan, and a natural outcome of people not liking to be told to be kind. At this point in canon, Aziraphale still mostly believes in the Great Plan.
Now, assuming that things in Good Omens canon play out similarly to the events described in the Bible, Jesus was betrayed to the Roman authorities with a kiss from Judas. Which is important for a few reasons. There is a question of how much free will Judas actually had, because it was foretold he would do this. Also, he did this because he was disillusioned with the fact that Christ was trying to peacefully reform the existing system, instead of violently overturning it. [There is almost always a nasty amount of anti-Semitism in any Christian discussion of Judas. I am trying really hard not to do this, but please let me know if I am failing] Judas, after he sees what has happened, kills himself. There is a bit of folklore that states he did this, not out of guilt, but because he was hoping he could see Jesus in the afterlife long enough to apologize.
Now let's fast forward 2000 years, give or take a few. Aziraphale has just been given what he sees as a chance to fix a deeply broken and toxic system. (He is wrong, because he's actually being set up, but that's a separate issue.) Here comes Crowley, exercising a free will that neither demons nor angels are supposed to have and saying "the system is too broken for reforms; we need opt out, if not outright overturn it". And he seals it with a kiss.
Aziraphale, who is still desperate to believe that Heaven is synonymous with good, cannot handle that. He just offered Crowley a chance to reform the system with him, and Crowley turned him down. Crowley tried, from Aziraphale's point of view, to distract/divert him from the path he is supposed to be on.
So, then, what else can he say? He is so deeply hurt at this betrayal, but doesn't want their last parting to end like this. "I forgive you".
TL;DR: Aziraphale thinks Heaven, and by extension himself are Good. He's wrong, and his frame of reference is causing him to misunderstand things. Crowley is in love with the man-shaped being who betrayed him.
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cosmicblame · 2 years
Okay. Long catharsis post just so I can see what I put myself through
(Bonus, this is how you get a passport in the US fast)
Jan 17th- I submitted a passport renewal, paid for expedited processing (at the time was it was estimated at 3-5 weeks)
Feb 10th- check the (v shitty) online portal, and see my materials have just been received. Note somewhere on the website that processing went from 3-5 weeks and grew to 5-7 weeks. They start the clock the day they RECEIVE the materials.
(Flight is March 16th)
Feb 28th- get laid off
March 2nd- call passport hotline to ask what's up... gets through (A MIRACLE as I will learn on this journey). Told to call back tomorrow
March 3rd- call. A fucking uwu woman is all like "you're chill. You need your passport by the 10th because you need a visa?? No problem. It will be there. Seriously. No problems. None. What. So. Ever"
March 8th- the online portal is still working. Indicates "still in process". Takes about 10 calls to get through to an agent. I say "how am I supposed to receive the passport by the 10th if it hasn't shipped yet?" I get yelled at for being naive to believe they can just tell me when I'll get my passport and that's how the system works.
I have the option of an in person appointment March 9th at 10am.
... In Puerto Rico or Monday in Honolulu.
I see if I can make it happen. I can't. Because I gave no new income... and I have no new income because I filed for the half week I worked/was laid-off, and unemployment is now contesting whether I was actually laid off.
[March 9, 10, 13, & 14] I call passport people upwards of 20x a day. Sometimes, it is just broken. Sometimes they're too busy. Sometimes, they tell me there are no in-person appointments.
[During this time my SNAP and Medicaid benefits fall through the bureaucratic cracks of hell.
I stress make an entire outfit, teaching myself pleating for bishop sleeves. I look fly as fuck]
March 9th- portal breaks. Otherwise-known-as: exclusively for anyone who's documents were received the week my documents were received, it just says "NA gov't borked". Weirdly find out my passport is in Tucson. Which is weird because there is an office in Philly.
I freak out. Deep dive on the internet. Read on Reddit that they accept a VERY limited number of walk-ins. But you have to be first. So show up early.
March 10th- Show up in person 1.5 hours before opening (6:30) in 30 degree whether.
Meet a vet trying to go to Mexico to treat his PTSD with psilocybin and a lesbian who works at Home Depot. They are my saving grace.
Home depot lesbian tells us we can call our U.S. Rep.
Call immediately. Leave a message.
[Weekend break]
March 13th- don't hear anything from Rep. Decide to walk into Senator's office. Get yelled at again. I probably wasn't yelled at, but I still cried. You nerd an appointment (nobody picked up to schedule an appointment).
My saint of a best friend tells me I need to sign a waiver of privacy for these reps to act on my behalf. 30 minutes later I'm on the phone with a public worker/aide. THEY. GENUINELY. WANT. TO. HELP. THEY ARE THE BEST.
My Senator is new and the office required me to print the waiver for a "wet signature". Who has a printer? CVS. Go to CVS ten minutes before closing.
As an aside: All "rush" companies cannot help you if you have an application in. They are stupidly expensive. Scam.
Well, I reached out to them because the Passport Agency used to have an online system and these companies used bots to take the appointment and sell them. I tried to buy an appointment. Nada.
Portal still broken so I can't tell when my passport might be ready so I could adjust flights so that I don't abandon my best friend who isn't comfortable traveling alone as a woman.
March 14th- Senator aide calls to tells me my application has been delayed because I wanted an X as my gender marker. He can get me an appointment as long as I push my travel back a day. I buy a last-minute flight to show immenent travel plans proof <- a requirement to walk into passport office.
Flights within 3 days of travel are not cheap.
After the phone call I cancel the flight because it was expensive as shit, within 24 hours of booking (P.S. insurance that allows you to cancel at any point... only allow you to cancel if you're sick. Not just for fun and games), and the passport appointment is same day as the original flight I bought when I had a job. So I am calculating timewise if I can get the passport and still get to NYC to still catch my original flight.
I get a WILDLY cheap train ticket that leaves 5 hours later... at midnight.
March 15th- midnight 2 hour train to New York City. 5 hour "layover/connection". Decide to stay at my best friends. Construction on the subway means it takes an hour and a half to get to her. I sleep for an hour and a half and get on the hour and half subway back to the train station. 8 hour train ride through Western NY (snowy. Was not planning for that, shoes and socks got soaked through).
On the train, U.S. Rep aide calls says "even though your passport application was denied because not all federal facilities can give you an X as a gender indicator, I got them to print it with what it was on your original passport. It's printed and shipping... sir"
Me: 👀, I'm on a train to Buffalo, I called and told your office yesterday.
Him: keep the appointment
Stay on the train. Found out the ticket was so cheap because it was not technically all the way to Buffalo. Just some rinkadink station outside of Buffalo. Have to Uber into town.
Airbnb a room in a lady's house. The cats and dog were my saving grace.
March 16th (day of flight)- POWER walk to passport agency. Listening to strut songs. Realize I'm going to make this work.... then realize I need a visa to enter and that takes time (website says 4 days) to process. But you need a pic of your passport so I couldn't have started it earlier).
Wait for passport printing. Walking around freezing downtown. Random delivery guy tells me I walk fast because he saw me going the other way an hour earlier. I pull charm out of somewhere. Get complimented on my ass. "Thanks I grew it myself"
Literally just wander around aimlessly. Eavesdrop on someone coming out as nb and starting estrogen; I am stressed, I am fragile, I start WEEPING in public.
Go to passport office- "you have two passports. One is void. Good luck. P.S. Sir, hey the gender marker thing is weird, huh? You can reapply in a year, free of charge and get it fixed" Immediately apply for visa. Pay too much out or pocket for 24 hour processing. It needs to be physically printed once its issued. Scheming how to print it during our layover in London.
Get notification that the shipped passport has been delivered back home.
Share an Uber to the airport with someone else who got their passport (thank you so much).
Learn that my sister needed her visa checked to go through security in US. Start stressing.
2 hour flight to NYC.
Arrive in the same terminal as my flight to London and realize I don't need to show TSA my visa.
Try to get my ticket after checking in online. Can't. Go to desk. Explain the entire situation. "Sir, I know it's not your fault. We get charged a fee if you try and enter a country without a visa. Cannot be done. Unless you break up your tickets and get charged current day market rates flights and hope you get your visa during your layover but you're essentially getting charged double for this flight at same day prices.
If you get it tomorrow, you can come back and try again."
In my best friend's arms: My best friend flies. I cries.
Take the one and a half hour subway back to her place. Google to take a bus. No bus shows up. Twice. It's midnight. I've had a handful of almonds for dinner. I cry. Get on the wrong subway. Get on the right subway.
She has cleared out her food because of this travel. I fall asleep exhausted. Wake up every hour to see if visa came through.
It doesn't. Walk to CVSs to see if they have printing. They don't. Trying to figure out what to do. Visa comes through. Take a discounted lyft to FedEx. Print. Walk to subway. To commuter train. To airway train.
Go to check in desk. And since I'm tired of coming out and getting dirty looks I just say "I missed my flight". The check-in clerk says the fees to change my flight will be $700
I cry. I explain why I couldn't apply for my visa because a federal agency doesn't have consistency and does not tell you that some of them just can't offer gender affirmation even though it's on the form. This clerk works some magic and the fees are waived.
I have to wait 10 hours until my 17 hour flight.
This better be the only fucking time this cousin gets married.
The amount of trains, planes, and automobiles I've taken. The lack of good consistent sleep. The amount of coming out I've done. The truly lack of awareness of what that means (and/or the cruel intention of not abiding by it). The amount of faith that I can navigate and figure out my public insurance, food supplement, and unemployment... is terrifying. I'll be fucked otherwise.
I'm so tired. I stink. I'm gutted. I've been traveling for 48 hours before my actual travel. A lot of hurry up and wait.
Not to mention, in pursuing this full time (seriously I had to be on hold for 16 hours in the last two weeks)... I'm behind on packing up my house because I need to vacate my house and be without a place to live again.
The loneliness is most profound in these moments. I'm so so so fucking grateful for my self-reliance. I know it's something I need to break. But I wouldn't have been able to do this. I'm impressive. And? It's not sustainable. I was not built for this. I ache.
I find myself passing the endless hours just reliving being abandoned in the middle of the night. The benign neglect I was raised in.
That hug my best friend gave me? Only thing got me through.
"Sir" topples me. Any semblance of me having hope and believing I could get through this gets shafted when someone calls me sir. The he/hims is not great. But something about sir.
And I just get swept back up on my ex willfully misgendering me as some spectacle for her queer journey. After years and years of berating me about it.
But I have learned there are people out there who really do want to help. They're great. To anyone reading this for passport info: learn charm. I cannot emphasize this enough. It's fucked up. But it's vital.
I think the genre I'm living in is still some bitter sweet indie. I would love to say this is some comedy, but it's unreasonable to assume we know what genre we're living in.
Anyways. The last thing I learned is that I'm ready for the Amazing Race and I'm going to win.
Also I'll be out of the country. Tag me in the gold stuff
My queue said it was 12 posts but that was a lie. I have it set up for y'all. You're good.
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childabusesurvivor · 1 year
When it Comes to Mental Health Finances Matter
New Post has been published on https://www.childabusesurvivor.net/reviews/2023/04/03/when-it-comes-to-mental-health-finances-matter/
When it Comes to Mental Health Finances Matter
This article from the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute is slightly older. It was published in Dec. 2021.
I wanted to share it so that I could share their simple infographic.
Debt has a circular role when it comes to mental health
What we see there is that mental health problems can create debt. When we cannot work, our healthcare costs skyrocket, and we can find ourselves in a poor financial situation. That poor financial situation creates more stress and emotional labor, contributing to mental health issues.
Whether the mental health problem or financial struggle came first doesn’t matter. Once we are in the cycle, it will continue round and round.
That’s what cycles do.
I wanted to share this with you today because it appears that, once again, there have been a bunch of articles claiming to have “the fix” for depression. Most recently, I’ve seen the claim that because exercise is slightly more effective than medication, we should be prescribing exercise, and that will take care of the epidemic of anxiety and depression we have!
Not so fast.
That overly-simplistic scenario completely ignores environmental impacts like debt. Being poor is bad for our mental health. Being a member of an oppressed group is also bad for our mental health. Exercise can’t fix either of those things. Exercise can’t heal childhood trauma, either. I’m not saying you shouldn’t try and get some more exercise. It might help, but it also might not. It won’t solve the financial problems that so many people have and won’t make the world suddenly fair for everyone. (I’ll ignore that for college and professional athletes dealing with depression, it’s not a lack of physical activity.)
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, there is no one cause of depression and anxiety, and no one fix for it. Our current healthcare system can create financial hardship, worsening mental health conditions for many people. We should find a better way.
#Anxiety, #Depression, #Emotion, #Medication, #MentalHealth, #Stress, #Trauma
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septembersghost · 2 years
Jess sorry I didn’t get back right away life is silly sometimes and I really felt what you said about people not seeing it as a real loss i spent months breaking down the only people who really got it where those very close to me who knew she was my light. I still can’t believe it’s going to be a year soon it’s like time has moved so fast but hasn’t moved at all.
As of right now we are fine I even get to make thanksgiving dinner which I haven’t done since 2018 but after next week we don’t know the person we are staying with was just temporary and now we have to decide if we wanna try going back to California where no one can/wants to help or stay in North Carolina and see the help they can provide. So yea i’m not sure what next week holds. I know i developed ptsd from it the compound truama has really messed me up. A funny thing of note happened after I got out when folklore came out and I heard This Is Me Trying it was just a godsend of a song, as I was going back to a bad place and it kept me going, I then spent my next therapy session breaking done the song and giving her a full on lecture on the song.
You saying all that truly means so much and it’s like fate that I come back now and reconnected with you it’s nice to know that even apart we are still in this same boat with our life jackets on holding each other up ✨💜
please don't apologize, i'm atrocious at answering or replying to things in a timely matter ever (if at all sometimes 😭), i always understand that.
it as a real loss i spent months breaking down the only people who really got it where those very close to me who knew she was my light. i feel this completely. my mom was the only person in my life who understood and it's because she was experiencing the same grief. i had multiple family members dismiss it and it made that wound even worse. we should share with each other how real and affecting that sorrow is, and why they are so irreplaceable and important to us. there's a quote of mary oliver's, and i think it applies to any of our precious furbabies: "it is exceedingly short, [their] galloping life. [they] die so soon. I have my stories of that grief, no doubt many of you do also. It is almost a failure of will, a failure of love, to let them grow old—or so it feels. We would do anything to keep them with us, and to keep them young. The one gift we cannot give." they should be allowed to live as long as we do. the love lasts even longer.
it’s like time has moved so fast but hasn’t moved at all. i feel this beyond words too, time is has become such an unreal thing to me, frozen and flying and frightening all at once, because it never feels like it's moving until it's suddenly gone.
i'm happy you'll get to have thanksgiving dinner, and the enjoyment of making it, but i'm so, so sorry you have that fear looming over you again. :( i wish i could do something for you! the uncertainty is agonizing, i will be praying and hoping you and your mom find some help and a safe place. have you contacted local housing resources/counselors? (they were useless to us, unfortunately, the system is beyond broken, so...i get why that might not be a plausible or fast enough option.)
I know i developed ptsd from it the compound truama has really messed me up. this is totally understandable and not at all a failing on your part. i'm hugging you as close as i can from afar.
this is me trying is EVERYTHING, "a godsend of a song" is 100% true. god. that song and mirrorball carried me in 2020. timt was constantly on my mind when i returned here ("i didn't know if you'd care if i came back, i have a lot of regrets about that"). her empathy and skill with expressing emotion and putting humanity into words...it's miraculous to me. that song can fit many different experiences for us as listeners, and each one is true. "they told me all of my cages were mental" resonates deeply for me in regards to my chronic illness (as does the whole song), and the idea of the act of trying itself being the bravest thing. "pulled the car off the road to the lookout, could've followed my fears all the way down" and then making the decision not to fall. i think about what jack said in folklore lpss all the time: "the idea that not driving off the cliff is an act of trying. which is almost the ultimate act of trying." and what taylor said, "i've been thinking about people who [are suffering] or they have an everyday struggle. no one pats them on their back every day, but every day they are actively fighting something. but there are so many days that nobody gives them credit for that, so how often must somebody who's in that sort of internal struggle must want to say to everyone in the room, 'you have no idea how close i am to going back to a dark place, you have no idea.' i had this idea that the first verse would be about someone who has driven to this overlook, this cliff, and it's just in the car, going, 'i could do whatever i want in this moment, and it could affect everything forever.' but that person backs up and drives home." it's just. it's so important. what she created is so unbelievably important. she gave so many of us reasons to back up and drive home. folklore is an untouchable gift, i can't EVER talk about it enough. there's a reason why it became the heart and the emblem of that year, and why it will continue to live and breathe in the world, in us.
it's beautiful that you're here and means so much to me too, thank you for being in the boat with me, making sure we have our life jackets and some stars above us, no matter how vast and tumultuous the waves of the sea might be. at least we're trying. 💙💙💙
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calmdental · 22 days
A Dentist's Perspective on Oral Health
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining optimal oral health often takes a back seat in our daily routines. However, as dental professionals at Calm Dental P.C., we understand the profound impact that oral health can have on our overall well-being. Let’s delve into the importance of oral health from a dentist's perspective and share valuable insights to help you prioritize your dental care.
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Prevention is Key: As the age-old saying goes, prevention is better than cure, and this holds especially true for oral health. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings play a crucial role in preventing dental issues such as cavities, gum disease, and oral infections. By staying proactive with your dental care, you can save yourself from the discomfort and expense of dealing with more serious dental problems down the line.
Oral Health Reflects Overall Health: Your mouth serves as a gateway to your body, and the state of your oral health can often reflect your overall health. Research has shown that poor oral health is linked to various systemic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory infections. By maintaining good oral hygiene practices, you're not just protecting your teeth and gums but also safeguarding your overall health.
The Importance of Regular Brushing and Flossing: It may sound like a broken record, but the importance of regular brushing and flossing cannot be overstated. Brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily helps remove plaque buildup, which if left unchecked, can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.
Healthy Eating Habits Matter: What you eat can significantly impact your oral health. Foods high in sugar and acidity can contribute to tooth decay and erosion, while a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and calcium-rich foods can strengthen your teeth and gums. Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day, as it helps rinse away food particles and keeps your mouth hydrated.
Don't Ignore Dental Pain or Changes: One of the biggest mistakes people make is ignoring dental pain or changes in their oral health. Whether it's a persistent toothache, bleeding gums, or a suspicious lump, it's crucial to seek prompt dental care. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to worsening conditions and may require more invasive treatments in the future.
Customized Treatment Plans: At Calm Dental P.C., we understand that every patient is unique, and their dental needs may vary. That's why we take a personalized approach to dental care, creating customized treatment plans tailored to each patient's specific needs and goals. Whether you require a routine cleaning or cosmetic enhancements, our experienced team is here to help you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile.
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In conclusion, prioritizing your oral health is essential for maintaining overall well-being and quality of life. By following these tips and partnering with a trusted dental professional like Calm Dental P.C., you can enjoy a lifetime of healthy smiles. Remember, your smile is your greatest asset, so invest in it wisely!
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sunsetsandrivers · 1 month
The Kolkata rape case has had me shook for days now. But the shit I've heard today after the polygraph test is insane. The accused clearly had no idea what he messed with. Of course this isn't about the victim anymore. It's not about the public defamation of women or men. It's not about power or politics or money even. Though all of the said factors are facing the brunt of it.
The manipulation of evidence and the intelligence investigation has led to a partial dead-end wherein the rapist has been sent to "judicial custody" ? Our psych systems aren't even advanced enough to tackle this stuff. The friend of the accused has openly accused him of dirtier things than what he did do to a student and a doctor in the making. He literally earned his living by being a civic volunteer and judicial custody means that the system is offering him the privilege and luxury of custodial rights for the same and even getting lifetime imprisonment would offer him food and access to basic things in jail. Why, because he was poor and couldn't manage handling his own brain or dick? Or because he didn't know what he was doing? Or is it because he was poor and the system feels worse about his uncontrolled behaviour after a hard-on than they do about the victim bleeding out of her eyes and dying with her leg bones broken and private parts injured? Or is it because they were so ashamed by the state of their poverty that they chose to refurbish the hospital and make things appear better than they were and are now choosing to make the rest of the country consciously suffer over it, so that we can all sit back and reflect on the value of money over the value of life? Clearly, the courts, the politics, the CBI and the Media Agencies have failed Moumita Debnath just like they did Arushi Talwar.
At this point, the names involved do not matter to me as much as what's happening and what's happening is a shame and I will not stand for it.
I have a father and a brother, who I have fought to the world's end to protect and defend even against my own mother. I have fought hard and fast to speak up for my mother irrespective of whether I have had to go against my father and brother for it. We have had a very tormentingly difficult life together barring the few memories we have shared as a complete family and I don't know how to say it's my fault when it has never been.
I've embarrassed them more than I've ever been embarrassed by so many people in life already and this feels HUMILIATING on a level I cannot put into active words anymore. My consequential existence in life isn't my fault or my family's and I hope it is seen how much responsibility I've been trying to take for the same. I have nothing left to say in my own defence though and no hatred left for the crime, the criminal or the victim over it.
This hasn't been about gender or religion or caste or poverty or politics or education or drugs or power or position or work or social status or self harm or love and a lack thereof. It's about me.
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My name is Crazy Jane and I thank you for reading this till its end! Sweet dreams.
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safecrackers1 · 4 months
Unlocking the Mystery: The Role of a Locksmith in Your Security
In a world where security is of paramount importance, the role of a locksmith cannot be underestimated. They are the unsung heroes who ensure that our homes, businesses, and vehicles are secure. Yet, their work often goes unnoticed until we find ourselves in a situation where we need best safe locksmith Melbourne-wide expertise.
Who is a Locksmith?
A locksmith is a skilled tradesperson who specialises in locks and keys. They are trained to install, repair, and adjust various types of locks to ensure the security of homes, businesses, and vehicles. From traditional lock and key systems to more advanced electronic security systems, locksmiths are adept at working with a wide range of security solutions.
What Does a Locksmith Do?
Emergency Lockout Services: One of the most common reasons people call a locksmith is when they find themselves locked out of their home, car, or office. Whether you’ve lost your keys, locked them inside, or broken them, a locksmith can help you regain access quickly and efficiently.
Lock Repair and Replacement: Over time, locks can become worn or damaged, compromising the security of your property. Locksmiths can repair or replace all types of locks, ensuring that your home or business remains secure.
Key Cutting and Duplication: Whether you need an extra set of keys for your home, office, or vehicle, a locksmith can provide key cutting and duplication services on-site.
Security Upgrades: With advancements in technology, locksmiths now offer a range of high-tech security solutions, including electronic locks, keyless entry systems, and smart home security systems. They can advise you on the best security measures to protect your property.
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Why Choose a Professional Locksmith?
While it may be tempting to try and fix a lock issue yourself, it’s always best to leave it to the professionals. Here’s why:
Expertise and Experience: Professional safe locksmith Melbourne undergo extensive training and have years of experience working with all types of locks and security systems. They have the knowledge and skills to handle any lock-related issue quickly and efficiently.
24/7 Availability: Lock emergencies can happen at any time of the day or night. Professional locksmiths offer 24/7 emergency services, so you can always count on them to be there when you need them most.
Licensed and Insured: Professional locksmiths are licensed and insured, giving you peace of mind knowing that you’re dealing with a reputable and trustworthy service provider.
Quick Response Times: When you’re locked out of your home, car, or office, you don’t want to be kept waiting. Professional locksmiths offer fast response times, so you can get back to your normal routine as quickly as possible.
Final Words
From emergency lockout services to security upgrades, locksmiths play a crucial role in keeping our homes, businesses, and vehicles secure. Whether you find yourself locked out or need to upgrade your security system, a professional locksmith is always just a phone call away. So, the next time you find yourself in need of safe locksmith Melbourne services, don’t hesitate to call in the experts. Your security is too important to leave to chance.
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meltotheany · 7 months
Goodreads | Amazon US when i heard sapphic medusa reimagining with a dark academia setting, i knew i couldn’t resist reading this for too long. and this book is that! and i really loved the romance! and i will always love seeing women getting revenge and healing the way they want to heal against horrible acts committed against them!! but this is a dark book that really centers on sexual assault at this college, so please use caution and take care of yourselves while reading. (i would say just skip chapter 2 when the on page rape happens, but different assaults happen and are discussed throughout this entire story.) after chapter two, we get to see lex almost a year later, back at the university that did nothing to protect her and everything to protect her rapist, and she is ready to get that revenge that she deserves. she is also ready, with the help of her sister, to take revenge for people who feel voiceless and put fear in the men who walk around campus feeling untouchable after making people feel voiceless. but when a girl who is supposed to be part of lex’s personal revenge starts to feel like something she has always wanted, things get a little more complicated. i really liked the romance in this. going into this book, i was scared because i knew it had a revenge element, but i didn’t feel any weird power dynamics, there was no bullying towards one another, and i felt like both girls just truly liked each other from the very start. i also felt like luna’s journey in realizing she is bi was really thoughtfully done and realistic. and i also really respected and enjoyed lex’s portrayal for always knowing she is a lesbian. i know the salted pasta water is still crazy, but the sex scenes were actually extremely well done – maybe some of the best i’ve read. and i just really enjoyed watching this romance unfold. i just really respected what this book and story is, and i wish we got more books like this. i wish we got more empowering books about women getting revenge on the people who have committed these acts that our broken systems don’t accurately punish them for. And i also wish we got more books of just girls falling in love, girls discovering their sexuality, and girls having all different kinds of relationships – some quiet, some loud, some slow, some fast, some light, some heavy. (i feel like some of the comments i am seeing about the romance/sex in this book… you all are not saying this to the 500 m/m romances we get every year. i really appreciate this story and what it is doing for so many reasons, but also the reason the baseline fact that we need more sapphic stories of all kinds.) i also “enjoyed” (it feels weird to say that for this but…. i just think it’s an important conversation) seeing the discussion on how men/society can treat lesbians because the world cannot fathom someone not being attracted to men in some shape or form or way. How people will say you’re just confused, or you just haven’t had a good experience with a man yet, because it is impossible for some people to wrap their minds around their own unimportance (and their misogyny). i am pan, but i really respected that being shown in this book, because i sadly do think that is a reality for so many people who aren’t interested in men romantically or sexually and it should be talked about (and unlearned) more. overall, i just really am happy this book exists for many reasons. i loved the sapphic romance and seeing these two girls heal and realize that they deserve good and safe things, maybe even with the unconditional help and support from one another. and i also really respected what the author did with these darker themes and the helplessness people often feel. i’m not saying this was a perfect book by any means, but i am thankful for it and i really hope this author writes more sapphic romance in the future, because i will be preordering. trigger + content warnings: rape and sexual assault (on page, many different depictions, and talked about through the entirety of this book), not being bel...
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The Crypto Chronicles: Separating Fact from Fiction in Data Encryption
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Introduction to Crypto and Data Encryption
Welcome to the Crypto Chronicles, where we dive deep into the fascinating world of data encryption! In today's digital age, our lives revolve around technology and interconnected systems. From personal information to financial transactions, our data is constantly at risk. That's where cryptography comes in - the superhero of cybersecurity that safeguards our sensitive information from prying eyes. But how much do we really know about this enigmatic realm? Let's separate fact from fiction as we explore the ins and outs of data encryption and debunk some common myths along the way. So grab your virtual seatbelt because this journey promises to be an exhilarating ride through a world filled with secrets, algorithms, and unbreakable codes!
Understanding the Basics: Symmetric vs Asymmetric Encryption
Understanding the Basics: Symmetric vs Asymmetric Encryption When it comes to data encryption, there are two primary methods - symmetric and asymmetric encryption. These techniques play a crucial role in ensuring data security and privacy. Symmetric encryption entails using the same key for both encrypting and decrypting data. It's like having a single key to lock and unlock a door. This method is efficient for fast encryption of large amounts of data, making it ideal for applications such as file storage or database protection. On the other hand, asymmetric encryption involves using a pair of keys - one public key for encrypting the data and another private key for decrypting it. Think of it as having separate keys to lock and unlock your door, with only you holding the unique private key. This technique provides enhanced security by keeping the private key secret while allowing anyone with access to your public key to send you encrypted messages. Both symmetric and asymmetric encryption have their strengths and weaknesses based on factors like speed, scalability, complexity, and level of security required. In conclusion (as per user request), understanding these basic concepts in cryptography is vital for safeguarding our digital world from unauthorized access or malicious attacks. By utilizing both symmetric and asymmetric encryption techniques appropriately based on specific use cases, we can ensure robust data protection across industries ranging from finance to healthcare to government agencies
Debunking Myths: Is Cryptography Really Unbreakable?
Debunking Myths: Is Cryptography Really Unbreakable? When it comes to data encryption, one common misconception is that cryptography is infallible and cannot be broken. But let's set the record straight - no, cryptography is not entirely unbreakable. While it provides a high level of security, it's essential to understand its limitations. First and foremost, the strength of encryption depends on the algorithm used and the key length. Advanced algorithms like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) are incredibly robust and have withstood rigorous testing over time. However, older or weaker algorithms may be susceptible to attacks. Moreover, even the strongest encryption can be compromised if an attacker gains unauthorized access to the keys. The weakest link in any cryptographic system is often human error when managing keys or implementing protocols. Additionally, technological advancements mean that new attack methods are continuously being developed. Quantum computing poses a potential threat as it has the capability to break current encryption techniques. Though still in its early stages, this emerging technology highlights the need for ongoing research and development in cryptography. It's important to note that while breaking strong encryption may not always be feasible due to computational constraints or time required, determined attackers with substantial resources can potentially find vulnerabilities given enough motivation. So while cryptography provides a vital layer of protection for our data and communications, we must not fall into complacency thinking it's invincible. Continuous innovation in cryptographic techniques and vigilant key management practices remain crucial elements in staying ahead of potential threats. Stay tuned for more insights as we explore other aspects of data security!
The Importance of Key Management in Data Security
Key management plays a crucial role in ensuring the security of data encryption. Without proper key management, even the strongest encryption algorithms can be rendered useless. In essence, key management involves generating, storing, distributing, and revoking cryptographic keys used in the encryption and decryption processes. This includes both symmetric and asymmetric keys. One important aspect of key management is generating strong and unique keys for each encryption session or user. Weak or reused keys make it easier for hackers to decrypt sensitive information. Therefore, organizations must implement robust key generation methods that adhere to industry standards. Equally important is securely storing these keys. Keys stored in plaintext or easily accessible locations are vulnerable to theft or unauthorized access. Employing secure storage mechanisms such as hardware security modules (HSMs) or secure key vaults ensures that only authorized individuals can access the keys. Furthermore, effective distribution of cryptographic keys is essential to ensure confidentiality throughout the data transmission process... To maintain data security over time, periodically changing and updating cryptographic keys is necessary...
Real-World Applications of Data Encryption
Real-World Applications of Data Encryption Data encryption has become a crucial component in various real-world applications, ensuring the protection and privacy of sensitive information. One prominent area where data encryption is heavily utilized is in the financial sector. Banks and other financial institutions rely on robust encryption algorithms to safeguard customer data during transactions and while storing it in databases. Another significant application of data encryption can be found in the healthcare industry. Patient records contain highly sensitive information that must be protected from unauthorized access or tampering. Encryption helps ensure that these records remain confidential, preventing potential breaches that could compromise patient privacy. In the realm of e-commerce, data encryption plays a vital role in securing online transactions. When you enter your credit card information on an e-commerce website, it's encrypted to prevent hackers from intercepting and obtaining your financial details. Furthermore, communication platforms such as email services incorporate encryption techniques to secure messages sent between users. This prevents unauthorized individuals from reading or intercepting private conversations. Even government agencies rely heavily on data encryption for national security purposes. Classified documents are encrypted to protect sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands. Data encryption finds practical applications across numerous industries where confidentiality and privacy are paramount concerns. As technology continues to advance, so too will our reliance on strong cryptographic systems to keep our valuable information safe from prying eyes
Future Trends in Crypto and Data Security
Future Trends in Crypto and Data Security As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented rate, the field of crypto and data security is constantly evolving. Here are some future trends that we can expect to see in this ever-changing landscape. 1. Quantum-resistant encryption: With the rise of quantum computing, traditional encryption methods may no longer be sufficient to protect our sensitive information. As a result, researchers are working on developing quantum-resistant algorithms that can withstand attacks from these powerful machines. 2. Homomorphic encryption: This cutting-edge technique allows computations to be performed on encrypted data without decrypting it first. This means that sensitive information can be processed without compromising its privacy, opening up new possibilities for secure cloud computing and data analysis. 3. Zero-knowledge proofs: In order to verify the authenticity of certain information, it is often necessary to reveal sensitive data. Zero-knowledge proofs offer a way around this dilemma by allowing one party (the prover) to convince another party (the verifier) of the truthfulness of a statement without revealing any additional information. 4. Blockchain technology: Although most commonly associated with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, blockchain has far-reaching implications for data security as well. Its decentralized nature makes it more resilient against hacking attempts, while its transparency ensures greater accountability and trustworthiness. 5. Artificial intelligence-driven security solutions: As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, AI-powered systems will play a crucial role in defending against these attacks. Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to detect anomalies and identify potential vulnerabilities before they are exploited. In conclusion: The future holds exciting possibilities for crypto and data security as technology continues to advance rapidly.
Conclusion: The Role of Education and Awareness in Protecting Our Data
As we navigate through the digital age, one thing is clear: data encryption and cybersecurity are more important than ever before. In this article, we have delved into the world of crypto and separated fact from fiction when it comes to data encryption. From understanding the basics of symmetric and asymmetric encryption to debunking myths surrounding cryptography's invincibility, we have explored how encryption algorithms work and their limitations. We have also highlighted the critical role of key management in ensuring data security. Real-world applications of data encryption have been discussed, showcasing how various industries rely on secure communication channels to protect sensitive information. Whether it's safeguarding financial transactions or securing confidential medical records, encryption plays a crucial role in maintaining privacy and preventing unauthorized access. Looking ahead, future trends in crypto and data security indicate that advancements will continue to drive innovation in the field. From quantum-resistant algorithms to improved key management techniques, researchers are working tirelessly to stay one step ahead of potential threats. However, amidst all these developments, one factor remains constant - education and awareness play a pivotal role in protecting our valuable data. As individuals and organizations become more informed about the risks associated with inadequate security measures, they can take proactive steps towards implementing robust systems for safeguarding sensitive information. By staying updated on best practices for encrypting data and regularly evaluating their security protocols, individuals can minimize vulnerabilities while maximizing protection against cyber attacks. This includes using strong passwords across different platforms, enabling two-factor authentication whenever possible, keeping software up-to-date with patches and updates, as well as being cautious about sharing personal information online.
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