#but one night one of the others asks him about his most recent DND campaign and he literally can’t shut up
cuepickle · 1 year
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Camp Skull Rock: The Campers
Can’t stop thinking about summer camp AU
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dovakiinwitcher · 4 months
Batfamily As Interactions With My Own Siblings
- Call and response with quotes or song lyrics. Dick and/or Steph use this most often since most of their siblings are angsty (Jason, Tim, Damian, Cass), so this forces them to acknowledge them. To not respond is of the HIGHEST offense.
- Sometimes Damian, or Cass, will come flying out of nowhere to surprise attack one of their siblings. Frankly, all of them do this, but those two are most common. Poor Duke is always the most caught off guard, in spite of his powers.
- Tim is almost always the last one down for dinner. Sometimes, he doesn’t even come down until after everyone else has eaten. Alfred is always kind enough to leave a plate for him to reheat. One time, he found that plate on the floor beneath a laundry basket that was propped up by a stick, cartoon-trap style. His siblings were hiding around the corner, watching him intently.
- Jason sometimes gets distracted in the bathroom, picking at scabs or old scars on his face in the mirror. His siblings (particularly Damian) get really pissed if they've heard the toilet flush and still have to wait for ten minutes to use the bathroom. (Jason has pointed out that there are other bathrooms. This doesn't prevent him from getting yelled at.)
- Duke has been known to go on fierce literary rants to Jason. Most recently about a certain shitty book he had to read for school.
- Tim started a DnD campaign with Dick, Barbara, and Duke. The party got sidetracked going undercover as an "exterminator" company, and helping a poor milliner jumpstart her hat business (don't ask how those were related). Tim is scared that they may have completely forgotten their original quest.
- Sometimes Steph forgets who she's told something to, and will repeat information to people who've already heard this from her.
- Jason, on the other hand, will forget what he HAS been told by people, and infuriates people with his questions of things he's already "had this conversation about."
- Bruce has repeatedly told Damian that Batcow is not a house pet. Nonetheless, he's found Damian in his room reading a book to his cow several times.
- Dick and Jason have reenacted many YouTube videos on patrols, from quoting back and forth to one another, to performing dangerous parkour stunts.
- Damian once tried to strangle Jason after he won Unstable Unicorns by almost exclusively trolling Damian and preventing him from gaining a final unicorn five times in a row. In one game. Damian has still not forgiven him.
- Jason once offered Tim a hit of his cigarette. Dick later found out and flipped his shit.
- The kitchen is a hazardous place to be. The kids pretend to stab each other a lot.
- Jason communicates primarily through saying either "I'll kill you," or "I'd rather die." Although sometimes, when someone's talking (typically Steph or Dick), he'll randomly interject to say, "you're a [insert obscure twist of their words]."
- For example, Steph was once vacuuming the rug with a very old vacuum and said, "this vacuum would be terrible at cocaine." Jason replied from the couch, not looking up from his book, "you're a terrible cocaine vacuum."
- The siblings binged the Chernobyl HBO series in one night. Right off the bat, Damian went on a rant about how irresponsible the guy committing suicide was for not finding his cat a new home first and just leaving out food. He also had to leave the room during the dog part in later episodes. When Dick was sent to tell him it was over, he was found with his face buried in Titus and/or Ace's fur.
- On a lighter note, Jason commentated over many of the really heavy parts of that documentary, making it way funnier than it was supposed to be. Sometimes he genuinely argued with the TV.
- There is a quote book of obscure things they've said out of context. Here are some excerpts:
"Haha, losers, imagine having parents." - Jason
"And that's why child labor is good and justifiable." - Steph
"They really underestimate my stabbing abilities." - Damian
"This jacket is vegan leather. Which means I skinned a vegan and turned them into a jacket." - Cass
"That's how my brain works; it doesn't." - Tim
"But we're stressful together." - Dick
"As Thomas the Tank Engine once said: chuga chuga choo choo, I'm a sexy dinosaur." - Also Dick
"If you wouldn't have been killed by Nazis, are you even an interesting person?" - Duke
"Alright, shit pisser, let's rumble." - Jason
"Keep your rabid animal away from my crab legs." - Barbara
- Barbara has a tendency to play true crime podcasts while she works. People only ever seem to walk in during the weirdest parts. She doesn't feel the need to explain herself; she finds the looks on their faces hilarious.
- The household Alexa will respond to Dick unprompted, and it genuinely freaks him out. It doesn't do that for anyone else, and he thinks it's out to get him. This is why he has a Google at home in Blüdhaven instead.
- Jason isn't the most hygienic person, which concerns the family sometimes. Dick had learned that when he visits wherever Jason is living at the moment and "oops, forgets" his shampoo or body wash or whatever, Jason will end up using it. Jason has caught on, but will never openly admit that he's grateful for it.
- Dick will ruffle Damian's hair out of affection. Tim will do it to piss him off.
- Tim and Damian often kick each other without any other interaction. Bruce finds it troubling. Dick reminds him that he and Jason used to do the same thing (mainly Jason kicking Dick).
- When Tim and Steph play video games, it's not uncommon for Steph to hijack a car just to try to run Tim over while he tries to do side quests.
- Cass is the Super Smash Bros champion. And the Mario Kart champion. And tends to carry everyone when playing multi-player. Mostly because Steph tries to sabotage them at every corner, and only Cass is able to adapt.
I may do more of these, but I didn't want this to be TOO long.
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AITA for saying I wasn’t having fun?
I (23F) have been playing dnd with some of my best friends for about five or six years. One of these friends (23M) is our most common DM and I’ve always enjoyed his games, even if he can be kind of brutal and can sometimes play favorites. His tough style, love of gritty/grim dark/dark souls kind of genres, and meticulous plotting are staples of his games and has always been a joke in the group (in his first campaign we wiped the floor with an encounter and then the next session he mercilessly tpk-ed us). “We‘re not here to have fun” has been a running joke for years.
In our current campaign, we were introducing a player’s new character (let’s call them K) during a combat that was rapidly getting more dire. It was getting late and the DM was getting tired so we cut the session short. Before we broke for the night, the DM pulled K into a different voice channel to discuss their introduction for next time. While they discussed, the rest of us (H and Z) started brainstorming how to get out of the current situation alive. We were all at half health or less and a fully fledged vampire had just shown up. We decided to put a joke item we got to use in a way that was pretty goofy but might just work. The DM and K got back and we told the DM that plan for next session. He was clearly exasperated and went off to bed for the night but K loved it and started adding ideas for how their character could help with the plan once they were introduced.
Fast forward to our most recent session and DM is in a pretty foul mood for a few reasons:
1.) We started much later than originally planned because Z and K had things to do that day.
2.) Our vtt didn’t import our items from a shopping episode three or four sessions back so DM decided to just let us pick new ones before the session but Z didn’t see the notification until the session started and decided he could look between turns and decided to get some things that would help us travel but were still very silly.
3.) the vtt also wiped K’s character sheet and they was basically trying to reverse engineer it and was asking the DM about things they’d discussed and agreed on.
4.) He told us if we went through with our silly plan K’s new character wouldn’t be coming to help us with a contingency plan and we’d basically be on our own but it was our ultimately our decision. We booed him because we were all looking forward to the plan but it was all in good fun.
Once everything was mostly sorted, the DM stepped away from his PC for a while (30-45 minutes) and we joked he was mad at us for messing up his plans. When he came back, he sighed and asked if we were actually ready to start now and what we were doing. I said “we’ve chosen to live rather than have fun” and got some laughs from my fellow players but the DM shut off his PC and stormed off according to his girlfriend (also a player). The next day I messaged him apologizing for hurting what I said and for pissing him off and that I appreciate all the work he does for us. He never replied and has been on invisible ever since (I know he’s online because I can see him streaming in other chats). I feel really bad if I upset that much and feel worse since he hasn’t been answering. His girlfriend has gone quiet on me too. Like I said this has been an ongoing joke for years that even the DM has made before but AITA for saying what I did?
What are these acronyms?
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bananasofthorns · 2 months
banana's oc masterpost
I am very fond of my little guys and you should be, too. so here's the rundown on all of them, plus links to learn more! feel free to send me asks about any of them I will love you forever if you do
(I was two or three ttrpg PCs in when I realized I had accidentally named them all with something starting with the letter A. after that, I decided to commit to the bit. so here we are)
picrews/art for everyone will be beneath the cut!
Anika Templar
I haven't played her yet, but she's a changeling (in the literal fae sense and in the dnd mechanical sense) cleric of order. She is dedicated to the god of righteousness, order, and power, Andrake the Righteous Pillar. She's spent most of her life living in a place called the Marble Cathedral, which is a compound owned and run by the Pillar Temple, Andrake's largest and most powerful group of followers.
I have not talked about her much here so there's actually nothing more to link for her yet 😭
My PC for @/herethereverywhere's life series campaign! He is a Watcher currently in the game to prove himself and maintain his Watcher status. He is also the worst. (We're using the monster of the week playbook - his class is "the divine")
posts I've made about him | posts I've vibe checked him with | writing | campaign tag
My PC for @/superioritycomplexes's post-empires season 1 campain! He's a tiefling inquisitive rogue. He has a few identity issues and a lot of daddy issues, both of which have recently come to light. It's very awkward when you steal from an empire's most prestigious/powerful Church using your father's name as an alias only to return to said empire five years later and run in to said father. Oops.
posts I've made about him | posts I've vibe checked him with [none yet, apparently] | writing
Avery Teck
My PC for a Supernatural-inspired monster of the week campaign one of my irls is going to run! Currently, he's a night shift gas station attendant in a tiny, rural Kansas town. He's also sharing a head with a demon, but this is actually not that big of a deal for him, because he's the host of a system (even if his other headmates haven't fronted in a while) (in their defense, last time they fronted they fucked around and found out with a cult, so they're chilling for a while) (the cult is, in fact, why Avery is now minorly possessed).
posts I've made about him | posts I've vibe checked him with | writing [none yet]
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Anika - how she looked growing up and how she looks at the start of the campaign. picrew by crowsen
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Aphim - picrew by caramael
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Aster - picrew by crowsen
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Avery - the one on the left is how he normally looks; the one on the right is from The Demoning (aka when he got sacrificed by a cult but, instead of dying, got possessed by the demon they were trying to summon. picrew by makowka, art by @/acentrics
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stray-cat-21 · 2 years
Star crossed or some shit
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Summary: (Y/n) was one of the most popular girls in school who for most of her life has been a cheerleader who did everything her parents expected. Except what happens when mother finds out that she’s switched to Hellfire over cheer and Eddie instead of a basketball player?
Warnings: toxic mother relationship
(Y/n) stood back admiring the dress thanks to help from Chrissy (Y/n) was able to alter a dress to be the perfect dress for her dnd character.
Tonight was a big night.
For most the school it was the night of the big rival game but for Hellfire it was the very last night of the campaign.
The thrilling conclusion to Eddie’s most recent story.
(Y/n) and Dustin had even convinced the whole group to dress up for the event.
To say Eddie was excited was an understatement.
DnD with his friends was one of the few parts of his week he actually loved and to see them getting as into as he always was made his cynical heart soar.
Even with the excitement of leading the campaign Eddie spent most of the evening stealing glances at (Y/n).
Between the way she looked all dolled up in her costume and the way she rallied the group to make this night so special it was all the confidence he needed.
He had planned it all out with Dustin before.
After the game Eddie would drive her to Lovers Lake where he’d take her on a walk and tell her how he’s deeply madly and hopelessly in love with her. And he couldn’t possibly bear another day of not being with her.
Unfortunately life had other plans for tonight.
The group was in the middle of deciding how to deal with a particularly menacing wyvern when the door is thrown open.
In the doorway stands Mrs. (Y/l/n), (Y/n)’s mother. The very last person she wanted to see.
“Mom?” She asks with a slight crack to her voice as she stands up from the table. Her chair squeaks against the floor.
The table shares a couple looks while Eddie’s eyes flick between the two. His brow furrowed in concern.
“This doesn’t look like the game to me.”
Her tone is ice cold, so much so it sends goosebumps across (Y/n)’s skin.
“Mom these um are my friends.” She starts trying to explain but really it’s fruitless.
Her mom observes the group especially focusing on Eddie.
“Get your things let’s go.”
“But mom we’re not-”
“I said let’s go now.”
“I’m sorry guys.”
Eddie’s quick to his feet standing right beside her.
He leans his head down as if to give the illusion that it’s a more private conversation.
His ring covered fingers finger at his side in order to not grab her hands.
Meanwhile (Y/n)’s hands are shaking while busy shuffling her things together haphazardly shoving them in her bag.
“Sweetheart you alright?”
“I’ll be okay Eddie I’m so sorry.”
“Hey don’t sweat it, just gives the guys time to regroup before I crush them.”
Ignoring her mothers intense burning stare he grabs one of her hands holding it delicately in his own.
He gives her hand a reassuring squeeze barely resisting the urge to push her body behind his and insist the woman can’t take her that he won’t allow it.
The situation brings Eddie back to when he was a boy trying to protect his mother from his father. That same feeling of anxiety of needing to protect someone he loved.
“Call me later okay?” His voice is stern but pleading pushing back the worry bubbling in his throat.”
“Yeah Eds I will, promise.”
Before she could hug him or even react her mother is pulling her arm dragging her out to the hallway.
“If you think you’re ever speaking to that boy again you are highly mistaken!” Her mother continues pulling her all the way to the car.
“Eddie didn’t do anything we were just playing a game that’s it!”
“We will speak about this at home.”
The whole way home is deadly silent not another word spoken till they get into the living room.
“We should pull you from that school. I’m sure there’s a nice religious school or boarding school that fix whatever this one has done to you.”
“It was really just a game it’s called Dungeons and Dragons!
“That game Newsweek is talking about? The one that promotes satanic worship? I don’t think so. No daughter of mine will be joining any cults!”
“It’s not a cult it’s-”
“Then what do you call this?”
Her mom grabs something from the table before shoving (y/n)’s Hellfire club shirt forward in a tightly clenched fist.
“It’s the design really it’s just a harmless game I swear!”
“Okay let’s forget this game for a moment. What about that miscreant with the long hair?!”
“Eddie? What about him?”
“I will not have you getting knocked up by that trailer park cultist absolutely not!”
“It’s not like that either mom we’re just-well we’re just friends he doesn’t like me like that believe me.”
“Oh so you haven’t been kissing him? Not when he picks you up for school, or after cheer practice when you do decide to show up?”
This catches (Y/n) off guard. She had no clue her mom knew any of that.
She’s unable to even argue or even form a coherent sentence.
“W-who told you that?”
“Who told me doesn’t matter what matters is that you’ve been lying to me young lady. That you’ve been sneaking around with that- that boy instead of cheer practice.”
“We weren’t sneaking around we’ve just been playing that game honest!”
“As for this little game of yours, it's over. Did you have fun? Did you get everything out of your system?”
This time her moms hand reaches up snatching both of the elf ears.
The words are a sharp weapon against (Y/n). No concern or worry to them just harsh sarcasm.
“Mom this isn’t fair we weren’t doing anything wrong-”
“I said enough! I will not allow you to embarrass this family with your antics any farther. You’re done with this game and you’re definitely done with that boy.”
As if to add a big fat exclamation point to her instructions her mother threw the shirt directly into the lit fireplace. It was quickly followed by the ears.
A sob broke from (Y/n)’s throat as she watched flames erupt all over the white fabric.
“I will not allow you to throw away your life for him not after how hard we worked. So no more game, no more club, and especially no more of that boy! Now go to your room!”
“I’m eighteen you can’t stop me from seeing him or from going to the club. It’s a really small town you know!”
“Oh I can and I will if you keep up with this silly little game I’ll see to it that your club is shut down and that boy is arrested!”
The threat does it’s job scaring (Y/n) to the bone. Her parents are well connected and could certainly find a way her father was friends with a good half of the police force.
“Now I have to go back to your school to speak to your coach to make sure nothing like this happens again I want you upstairs and I expect you to be there when I get back!”
(Y/n) runs up the steps slamming her door behind her.
She lets out a frustrated yell slumping her back against the door frame.
Tears pour down her cheeks loud sobs echo across the room.
About an hour goes by before there’s a sound outside.
“Shit fuck!” She can hear mumbled.
(Y/n) rushes to the window catching Eddie pulling himself up the the trellis that ends just short of being able to allow him into the window.
She thinks her mom might have had that done on purpose. As if the woman had predicted her daughter would meet someone that she disapproves of.
(Y/n) wants to throw herself out the window into his arms. She curses the house in her mind. Curses the too short trellis, curses the window for not being lower, curses her mom.
Peeking to the driveway (y/n) sees no sign of her mothers car so she quickly tosses the window open.
Eddie feels like he can finally take a breath seeing her safe.
He smiles up at her relieved.
“Hey princess.”
“Eddie what are you doing here?”
“Are you okay? I was gonna wait for you to call but sitting at home worrying was killing me.”
Through (Y/n)’s tear filled oxygen lacked explanation Eddie is able to work out the gist of what happened and he can’t tell if his worry or anger is stronger.
“She can’t do that! She can’t make you leave the club or us! I won’t let her!”
“We don’t have a choice Eddie! She’ll come after the club and you.”
“Let her come after me I don’t give a shit I’m not going to let her do this!”
“I can’t let her do that to you. Not after how hard you worked this year.”
“I’m not letting her do this to you! I’m not letting her take you from Hellfire, from me.”
“It’s okay Eddie I mean I’m eighteen only a few more months and maybe I can save up and-”
“No! No months! No maybes! I won’t- I can’t-!”
Eddie can’t find the words. His big brown eyes are wet with frustrated tears.
“We don’t have another choice.”
“There has to be! You’re one of the only good things I have I can’t lose you (Y/n) not you too!”
His voice cracks and the damn breaks.
The hurt on his face is intense. If it weren’t for the fact that they were being used to hold on to the trellis Eddie’s hands would be covering his face in frustration. The way he always does when his emotions get to be too much.
“I don’t understand Eddie that’s so much trouble to go through am I really worth all that?”
“Of course you’re fucking worth it I love you (Y/n)! I’ve been in love with you for a long time and I finally got the balls to tell you and she’s gonna take you away!”
(Y/n) swears she feels the air being sucked out from her lungs.
Even after countless kisses and high tension considering Eddie never said anything or made any moves beyond kissing (Y/n) just genuinely assumed he didn’t feel the same.
His chest is heaving hard his heart pounding.
This is not how tonight was supposed to go. He had a plan. There was supposed to be moonlight, the lake, a walk, a real kiss. Not sneaking up a window, an angry mother, a teary eyed confession.
But this is what he got and he was gonna make that work.
His shoulders slump and he lets out a shaky breath.
“This isn’t how this was supposed to happen. There was gonna be this walk around the lake, and I was gonna know what to say for once. Dustin is gonna be so pissed man we practiced for two hours.”
“Eddie honey the point, you were saying?”
“I’m in love with you princess have been for a long time. And I know I’m not good enough for you. You’re the perfect cheerleader and I’m the freak. We’re pretty much a match made in hell. I mean the whole school can see it. But when you kiss me I don’t give a shit about that stuff. I don’t give a shit about what your mom says, or anyone at school, or anyone else in this fucking town because I love you. I don’t want to be kissed as your friend anymore I want to kiss you all the time, and call you my girlfriend and all that other shit I’m so cynical about-”
Before he can ramble even more (y/n) leans down as much as she can allowing their lips to just barely meet even with most her body pushed out the window.
Sure they had kissed plenty of times but this one was different. This one wasn’t an end of the day goodbye kiss, or a friendly kiss on the cheek, or even a high kiss that lasts a little longer than it should. This one is a beginning, a start, their start.
They pulled apart when Eddie nearly fell from the house.
“So does that mean you feel the same way?”
“Eddie I’ve been kissing you for weeks I figured you’d catch a hint.”
“Sweetheart I failed senior year twice apparently I’m not that bright.”
(Y/n) couldn’t help but grin down at his big dorky smile.
“But can we really make this work? I don’t know if she’ll ever let me leave the house again let alone get anywhere near you.”
“I don’t know but if those two Shakespeare guys can figure it out then so can we.”
“Romeo and Juliet?”
“Yeah we’ll be star crossed or some shit.”
For a moment she thinks about the romance of it all. A forbidden relationship, stolen kisses, secret rendezvous, good nights from the trellis. But that moment doesn’t last long.
“Eddie I don’t want to hide you if we’re gonna be together I want to really be together just like everyone else.”
“I don’t want to hide you either waited too long for this to hide it.”
“She’ll never let us be together.”
“We’ll figure it out promise won’t let anything keep me from my girl.”
A car pulling into the road nearby causes (Y/n)’s heart to drop to her stomach.
“You should go I hate to think of what she’d do if she caught you.”
“Oh shit here Dustin sent this with me. He said your mom might be patrolling the phone so he lent me these.”
Eddie reaches into his leather heavier pocket pulling out a large walkie.
“I’ve got one too he said they’d leave us channel three to talk.”
“He’s a smart boy.”
“Yeah don’t go telling him that he’ll let it go to his head.”
(Y/n) leans down accepting the large device.
Their fingers can just barely brush against each other even with them both stretching as much as possible.
(Y/n) leans back down making their lips meet again.
Soft plump yet slightly chapped lips move against her own.
It’s slow and gentle.
This time when (Y/n) begins to pull away Eddie let’s out a small whine.
“Don’t stop yet.” He whispers it against her lips.
“Eds really you gotta go.”
“You said I deserved to be kissed so kiss me princess please I’m begging here.”
(Y/n) playfully rolls her eyes pressing their lips back together.
Eddie desperately savors in the small bit of her skin he can feel.
He wants to soak it up in fear of losing it.
When they finally part Eddie nearly loses his footing sliding down the trellis a little.
The two laugh and Eddie makes his way down to the ground.
“Goodnight princess.”
“Goodnight Romeo.”
Eddie takes off down the road around the corner where he’s probably parked the van.
(Y/n) retreats to her bed clutching the walkie talkie to her chest.
A bit later she can hear both her parents come home having a loud disagreement about her conversation. It goes on far too long for almost two hours.
Somewhere between the debate of who’s fault it is their daughter turned out this way the walkie begins to crackle.
“You there princess?”
“Read you loud and clear Eddie.”
“Ten four Rodger Rodger.”
“You’re such a dork.”
“Yeah but I’m your dork.”
“Very lucky me.”
“How are things there?”
“Basically world war three. Arguing about who’s fault it is I’m like this.”
“I’ve heard that one before. I’m sorry you’re in so much trouble with all this.”
“We didn’t do anything wrong Eds we just wanted to play the game.”
“I know sweetheart I know.”
“She burnt my shirt. And my ears.”
“Your ears?!”
“My elf ears she threw them into the fire place with my Hellfire shirt.”
“We’ll make you knew one you can keep it at my place.”
A door slams and (Y/n) can hear one of her parents walking down the hall.
“I gotta go Eds, I’ll see you Monday hopefully.”
“What if I came over and did the whole boyfriend thing? I can introduce myself and wear a clean shirt or something.”
“That’s sweet but I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Either way we’ll figure it out promise.”
“Goodnight Eddie.”
“G’night princess.”
When next week rolls around (Y/n) is driven to school by her mother and then monitored by not only her coach but several other teachers. Any time she even tries to get close to Eddie someone prevents it.
At lunch time Eddie’s not with Hellfire but the rest of the guys send concerned looks and caring smiles her way.
(Y/n) can’t even stomach another bite of her lunch just shoving it away.
Chrissy notices and moves a seat away from Jason sitting closer to (Y/n).
“What’s wrong babes?”
“Hey CC just got a lot on my mind.”
“Like Eddie?”
“Did something happen? Do I need to punch him?”
The blondes obvious concern almost makes (Y/n) smile.
“No he didn’t do anything wrong. He told me he loved me.”
Chrissy let’s out an excited squeal grabbing (Y/n)’s hands into her own.
“Really?! How’d he do it? What’d he say?”
“He said he’s been in love with me for a while and that he doesn’t care what anyone else thinks he wants us to be together.”
“Aww babe I’m so happy for you! But that sounds like a good thing why aren’t you sitting with him?”
“My mom found out about Hellfire and basically forbid me to see him again.”
“How did she know?”
“I have no clue but she definitely doesn’t approve of Eddie that’s for sure. Now it feels like the whole staff is watching me like a hawk.”
“Well I know you two I’ll figure out he clearly loves you.”
“I hope so.”
The bell rings and (y/n) gives a quick goodbye to her friend.
In seventh period, her study hall, Chrissy enters the room.
“Excuse me Mr. Johnson I have a note to excuse (Y/n) we need to borrow her.”
The teacher mumbled something shooing both away.
Chrissy nearly drags (y/n) out to the hall her hand holding hers tightly.
“What’s up Chrissy where are we going?”
“A surprise babes just hurry.”
(Y/n)’s even more confused as Chrissy drags her all the way out to the woods.
The confusion stops short when she spots Eddie pacing around a picnic table.
He lights up spotting (Y/n).
“Enjoy your date you two.” Chrissy winks.
“Thank you Chrissy.” Eddie smiles. Chrissy waves him off jogging back to the building.
(Y/n) nearly throws herself into Eddie’s arms. His arms wrap around her shoulders pulling her flush to his body.
“What is this Eddie?” She asks peaking up at her Boyfriend.
Eddie grinned pulling away from the hug to gesture towards the table with a big dramatic “Ta da!”
In the center of the for once clean table sits a bunch of hand picked wildflowers in varying colors.
There also sits two to go containers from the diner that Eddie and (Y/n) would often frequent and a single milkshake with two straws.
“I’ll even let you have the cherry.”
He almost sounds nervous to say it like he scared even after all this time that she might laugh at him.
“Oh Eddie.”
“Figured we should have our first date since we don’t know what might happen.”
“I love it Eddie thank you.”
“Yeah well I would have cooked but I really wanted this to work out so.”
“Let’s eat goofball.”
The two sit down side by side and have their first actual date. It’s not a lot and they don’t have a lot of time but it’s something and for right now he has her.
An: Okay hopefully that was alright. I’ve rewritten huge parts of this due to the tumble app fucking up and deleting huge chunks of it after the app crashes. There’s going to be a part three a lot quicker since most of it is written. Hopefully you guys enjoy this I’m sure why this is the route I went but it turned out mostly cute. Anyways thanks for reading❤️
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onlythebravest · 1 year
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recently read: january 2023 🪐
I did say I was going to try and make a list of what I’ve read each month. First month done! I decided not to include rereads (which I do a lot), because then the list would never end.
If you decide to check any of these fics out, make sure to show the author some love. Leave kudos, a comment and, if possible, reblog (or retweet) the fic post! and a big thank you to all these amazing authors! thank you for sharing your writing with us!
Little Taste by @wabadabadaba​ (G, 1.2k, domestic fluff, age regression) A morning with little Harry and caregiver Louis.
I loved As It Was and was so happy to see that the strawbaby universe had gotten another fic! I had missed those two.
yeah, he's a looker (but i really think it's guts that matter most) by @thedevilinmybrain (E, 40k, non-au, established, friendships) Five times Oli was asked to do something that was outside of his job description, and the one time he didn't have to be asked.
amazing characterization! Jennifer never fails with writing amazing characters, but this was just something else.
Can I Watch? by @larrysballetslippers (E, 4.9k, poly, established, smut, voyeurism) Harry never thought a horrible encounter would lead to some hot loving from his boyfriends.
Chicago by @hellolovers13 (G, 3.5k, exes to lovers, famous/non-famous) They hadn't seen each other in four years, why was Louis still writing songs about Harry?
London by @hellolovers13 (M, 2k, fluff, established, famous/non-famous) A lazy morning in bed. Finally home.
Bless You! by @neondiamond (G, 2k, kid, established, fluff) Harry and Louis’ young daughter, Ava, really enjoys when Harry says ‘bless you’ after she sneezes.
you can always expect amazing fluff from Jess, so you know you’re gonna leave the fic with a warm feeling in your chest
Tender Hearted by @polaroidlouis (E, 3.3k, established, mpreg, smut, service top L) It hadn’t taken long then for Harry to clue in the fact that Louis was enthralled with his newly bloomed breasts.
Just To See That Smile by @homosociallyyours (NR, 6.7k, uni au, fake relationship, pining) A fic where a hastily faked relationship and a lot of miscommunication almost ruins a perfectly good dance.
One for the Books by @neondiamond (M, 25k, advent fic, strangers, winter, fluff) Or the one where there’s a bookshop, a cat, OT5 friendship, a budding romance, and all the festive vibes.
Hike Up Your Skirt (And Show Your World To Me) by @twopoppies (E, 17k, CEO/employee, dom/sub, smut) Louis has a very hands on approach to training his new secretary. How else can he make sure Harry realizes his full potential?
I really enjoyed reading a character that isn’t really a good character and now I want more of these morally gray characters.
It's Thursday. Let's Get (un)Dressed. by @bananaheathen (E, 9k, genderfluid H, pining) When Louis is peer-pressured into downloading TikTok over the holidays, he fully expects to hate it. And he does hate it. All of it. Well... except for aspiring OOTD influencer, @ harrystyles.
edible stars by @forthetherapyy (E, 10k, uni, friends with benefits, dom/sub) They take a test and the results change things for Harry and Louis.
Fellowship of Eroda by @sadaveniren (E, 5.3k, enemies to lovers, dom/sub) aka Louis may have had a four night stand with Harry and now he's stuck in a DND campaign with him.
Fun Time Candles by @sadaveniren (T, 1k, kid fic) Harry makes candles shaped like dicks. Harry also has a five year old learning to read. These two things should never interact.
The animals play by @sadaveniren (M, 1.2k, kid fic, dom/sub) Harry and Louis play a game of cat and mouse.
I love this parenting while actively in the bdsm community series! all of them are amazing
Counterculture by @sadaveniren (E, 6k, a/b/o, pack dynamics, scenting) It all culminated to this: Harry in the middle of a crowded basement, music blasting from the live show on the far side, shirtless amongst alphas and omegas who all weren’t covering their scents. He took a deep breath of the heavy air and he felt alive.
(yes, I had a little sadaveniren marathon and I’m not sorry)
A Bright and Blazing Flame by @greenfeelings (E, 23k, a/b/o, established, famous/famous, all the good omegaverse stuff) Bonded, engaged, and moved in together — there’s nothing to daunt Louis and Harry’s happiness. Until the past catches up to them and everything comes crashing down when they least expect it.
I have so much good to say about this series and not enough words to express myself. it’s got everything you can want from an a/b/o fic, and more
Late for Flying Practice by @jaerie​ (E, 2.5k, elf/reindeer, smut) Louis is a hybrid reindeer gearing up for his first year as navigator for Santa. Harry is one of Santa's elves in the middle of his 99th season as head cookie designer. They've been having an affair for years. This time it doesn't exactly go well. Or does it?
Secrets, Santa? by @indiaalphawhiskey (E, 19k, boss/employee, christmas themed, awkward H, dirty talk) Right, okay, so Harry had confessed his deepest, darkest, dirtiest secrets to a stranger who turned out to be his boss. No big deal. This was probably just the beginning of Harry’s own hilariously heartwarming, wildly romantic Hallmark Christmas movie, come to life, right?… Right?
this was hilarious and found myself having to stop myself from laughing while reading it
Wanna play you like a game, boy (what's the thrill of the same toy?) by @thebreadvansstuff (E, 10k, boss/employee, dom/sub, humiliation) Louis is Harry's boss, and Harry has a humiliation kink.
He's Got the Money, Baby Honey by @larry-hiatus (E. 10k, dom/sub, financial domination) Finsub Harry forgets his dom’s weekly gift. Louis makes him pay for the mistake with a shopping spree.
I loved reading about this kink and way of domination that was completely new to me
On the naughty list tonight by @lunarheslwt (E, 6k, established, dom/sub, Christmas) Harry has a little bad habit- he peeks at gifts early because he is too impatient to wait to open them. Louis is determined to catch him this time, and show him that actions have consequences.
enough to make a girl blush by @disgruntledkittenface (E, 22k, a/b/o, girl direction, childhood friends, self discovery) When Louis moves from her small hometown to the city, she runs into her childhood friend Niall. Despite her surprise at learning that Niall presented as an alpha, she’s immediately drawn to her. As their relationship progresses and Louis settles into life in the city, she learns that love, sex and identity aren’t always as simple as she’d been taught growing up. And she wouldn’t have it any other way.
I loved learning about girl alphas in this! I know I’ve said it every time I talk about this fic, but I can’t help it. it was so fun learning about it
Unholy by @wicked-archer​ (E, 11k, religios kink, priest/demon, smut) When Harry Styles started acting different after his 26th birthday, Father Louis Tomlinson is the only one that may be able to save his soul. He has successfully performed exorcisms before. This should be easy. Until it isn't. Harry is more than he seems. The battle of wills test every bit of faith Louis has. And Harry? Well, he's just getting started.
positive feedback by @sun-lt (T, 4k, a/b/o, established, nesting) Louis pretends he isn’t insecure about his nest, Harry pretends he isn’t inconveniently horny, and they both see right through each other.
you know you’re gonna have a great time when you’ve get a notification about a new Essie fic, and this one was no different!
Control by @zourry-a (E, 1.7k, smut, public sex) "M'gonna finger you," he said softly. "Right here in front of everyone, like you want. Do you want it, Louis?"
I Built This Bed For Two (I Built This Bed For Me and You) by @yafookinlousah (E, 8.9k, exes to lovers, cuddling) Harry and Louis broke up after uni and haven't seen each other since—until they're roped into doing a Buzzfeed video together. Featuring awkward cuddling and a reunion that just needed a kick in the arse, gleefully provided by Niall.
One Touch Is Never Enough by @kingsofeverything​ (E, 3.8k, werewolves, funny) It’s been a rough year for Louis. First, he was turned into a werewolf, which hasn't been so bad, except that he didn't anticipate how it would affect his love life. Maybe it’d be easier to ignore if he wasn’t constantly bombarded by the sound of his two werewolf best friends getting it on in the next room. At least they were nice enough to give him a gift certificate for a massage.
I'm Sure It Happens To All Alphas by @jaerie​ (E, 3.7k, a/b/o, awkward sex) Louis has trouble popping a knot.
I said a little while ago that there aren’t enough fics where the sex isn’t perfect, and then I stumble upon this. I was so happy!
pink like the paradise found by @disgruntledkittenface​ (M, 18k, girl direction, uni, bartender L, coming out) Harry's friends take her out to the local lesbian bar to celebrate after she comes out. They joke about getting her laid, but the way the hot bartender is looking at her makes her think it might actually happen.
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doodleybugg · 2 years
HELLO!! I’m not sure if you’re requests at open or not but if they aren’t then I hope you can forgive me about it, anyways i wanted to request this to you lolol, so anyways I’ll get started
Can you do Eddie Munson with a S/O who has a Monika Personality from Ddlc? & can you also add that they have the same…. behavior has Monika, if you know what I know
anyways thank you a lot :D
ofc thank you so so much for requesting this!! always reading yandere!eddie fics but i've never thought of yandere!reader before so that's a super cool perspective! /gen also i'm sorry this took so long! i don't even know why or what happened but i lost writing motivation this week and this awesome request just got buried, so i am sorry hh tags: yandere!reader x oblivious!eddie munson, yandere themes (i don't condone any crimes associated with obsessive love disorder), soft!dark themes (stalking, breaking and entering), gn reader, i genuinely tried to make this into a fic but i have zero skills whatsoever so here's this hc list! enjoy
you were always quite perceptive, eddie noticed
he usually considered himself great at stifling yawns, but you'd always catch him
"did you sleep at all last night?" you'd ask in that sweet voice, motioning to the small circles under his eyes
eddie wasn't good at sleeping, an insomniac since 11yrs old
and he was never really insecure about that fact, but he couldn't explain this weird feeling whenever you mentioned it
was this what butterflies felt like?
you’d laugh quietly, mostly to yourself, as you continued with what you were doing, seemingly oblivious to the red blush that would always pop onto his face
about a week later, you introduced him to this pill that helped with insomnia
he was hesitant, but trusted you enough, and that night he had the best sleep he’d ever had since he was a little baby
he even thought it was funny, wasn’t he supposed to be the drug dealer?
you were also interested in everything he was, he noticed
you’d ask with such genuine engrossment about his most recent dnd campaign. who got the closest to death? which monsters showed up this time? 
hell, once you even showed up at his house, late on a saturday night, with a journal full of little ideas for a campaign, including a character chart you’d made for yourself in hopes of convincing him to let you play in his group
you both stayed up almost the entire night planning, which led to talking, which of course, led to the relationship you both have today
he gave you one of his shirts to sleep over at his trailer in, it was a little torn and smelled of aftershave and cigarettes, and god it was like heaven
you learned little things about him that left you so in love
like how he slept so solidly, didn’t roll around at all
or like how he always oversalted his popcorn just so he never had to share with anyone
that night was your absolute favourite memory in the world, right up there with the day he moved back to hawkins
you spent almost every other night at his trailer after that, whether he was aware of the fact or not
admittedly, most of the time he was not
but to be fair, his uncle would always forget to lock the door when night fell, and you just couldn’t help yourself
eddie’s room was so messy, piles of clothes everywhere, trinkets littering what little shelf space he had
you found yourself staring at him for hours on end, until early morning when you’d need to force yourself up and back to your house for a little bit of sleep before classes the next day
and that’s what eddie never noticed <3
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tizzymcwizzy · 2 years
wip game!! :D
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
thanks @zivazivc @anna-scribbles and @carpisuns for tagging me! this is really good timing cause i have SO fucking many wips that im working on rn hddhhd
also! im gonna be leaving for vacation today! so! i may answer your ask tomorrow and not rn cause i need to get on a plane! dhdhhdJDJDHFG please feel free to send lots of asks about multiple tho, there's too many of these
(some date back to around 2019 some are very recent as of like, yesterday)
miraculous ladybug
adrinette cuddle hours
marichat cuddles
rings (on makeup file)
marichat painting nails
dump and stuff
digital redraws
chat noir comic
DUMP (sketches)
DUMP (memora)
whose woods these are marichat
tizzy's wips
more dump
fashion kids
thinking of family
ladymonk designs
marichat romeo juliet
ghost of your past
don't ask me what this means
nightgown adrien
mlb x toh crossover
asnyr (a stranger's new years resolution)
plus one
the whisps decide her fate
villain au 2.0
when i wake there you are, just for me
it's you
of flowers and feathers
he could handle this
"we're not like everyone else," felix said
adrien bitching at his dad blurb
"god, and the fact that I would let her,"
oh to the truest love of things
how i knew it was over
ladynoir kissing poetry
she says i love you
oh dear god what is it to be a man in love
the owl house
hollow mind
hunter sketchdump
get yo girl bitch
lumity kiss
mlb x toh crossover
toh and at dumps
hunter redraw doodle
waffle house
(the following are from the past week)
truama talk
give me your hand
makeover dump
hit him in a heartbeat now
something that you once where
white boy wednesday
he's a hunter
leave him alone
late night walks through a green wood
memories of most exquisite anguish
"oh my goodness, Philip? Is that you?"
hexsquad motorcycle
hunters journey down the knee notes
there's this string that ties us together
is this what it's like to be loved without condition?
skid and mari
class 3
last girl
the seamstress
danny testing
class 5
whatever the fuck
CHRIST that was long,, anyway there's no way in hell i can tag enough people so ill abstain dfghhhff feel free to do this if you want to tho!
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solradguy · 2 years
Could we possibly learn more about your D&D character(s)? :D
YEAH!!! Thanks for asking :D!! My group used to do one-shots every time someone in the group couldn't make it so I've had like 15 characters haha I'll tell you about the two I'm playing now and my all-time favorite character I've played.
We have a side campaign run by Raven that takes place in Strixhaven and we do this campaign when too many people are missing from our main one. My character for this campaign is a Leonin wizard named Gringdor Kethu (the R's in Gringdor are rolled). He was raised by a gay Dwarf couple and I wrote him to have the most wholesome backstory possible lol. They love him so much and support all of his hobbies and are paying for his way through college. Gringdor wants to study theology at Strixhaven.
Gringdor's personality at the start of the campaign was pretty stuffy and arrogant, but the dice had other plans about that!!!! He rolls bad on EVERYTHING. EVERY SINGLE THING. It's so funny. The first time we got into combat poor Gringdor whiffed like EVERY HIT and then we had a dance class where he tripped and knocked down a bunch of people. He's soooooo pathetic but he's very optimistic and he's trying his best!!!
I did our tokens for this campaign in watercolors and based them on the original UK covers for Harry Potter. Here's Gringdor's:
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Our current main campaign is run by Nuns and is a homebrew scifi/fantasy mixture setting with space travel and cyberpunk elements. The party recently got consumed by Rylox, an elder deity, and isekai'd to a medieval fantasy setting. I'm playing Mirasaran Tokhubileh (Mira) in this setting. He's a half-Orc/half-Tiefling (he uses the half-Orc stats but looks mostly like a Tiefling) pact of the old one warlock and his patron, Nyarlathotep (Gnarly), turned out just to be a rather wimpy messenger of Rylox and the other elder deities.
The medieval setting the group is in right now is eternally night and the people there worship the Twin Suns, Sigma Yol and Serrenna, and recognized Mira's magic as being related to Rylox, who is basically the anti-christ to them. One of our party members, Zab, was created by the Twin Suns. Most of the party kind of has this "friends because they have to be" dynamic but Mira and Zab are actually pretty good friends despite their powers coming from totally opposite places haha. They've butted heads on it before, but Mira got his powers unwillingly and doesn't always want to do what Gnarly does (which is usually kill and eat innocent people lol). Mira's sort of getting into the idea of killing people though because he's fed up with being pushed around by other people.
I drew all our tokens for this campaign in a sort of 1980s anime inspired style. Here's Mira's:
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and his ref sheet:
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My ALL TIME dnd bae is the second character I ever made for dnd. My buddy Shottie and I tried doing a campaign with this guy named Wolf but everyone got busy with work n stuff so the group dissolved. I played a character named Daemedes (half-Orc paladin) for that and Shottie played Nekeesk, Dae's bff, who was a Kobold necromancer. Then we found a new group through Reddit and ran Curse of Strahd. I didn't want to have to manage spell slots n stuff so I made a Tiefling barbarian based on one I was playing in Neverwinter at the time, Steel Flexmeat, but I didn't want to ruin the vibe of the setting bringing his name over like that and I changed it to Stahl Flexicarnosus (a pseudonym).
I wanted Stahl to be an outgoing asshole jock-type character but our DM back then (not Nuns, our current DM) wanted us to do character voices and I was too shy to so Stahl became introverted. He was still kind of a bastard but instead of rubbing it into peoples' faces, he let his actions speak for him instead.
Our Curse of Stahd campaign was kinda rushed by our DM and I wasn't really satisfied with how it went so when we got our current DM, Nuns, I brought Stahl back for our Ravnica campaign. I talked to him about working Stahl's CoS lore in with Ravnica since Rav's got a bunch of planeswalking nonsense going on anyway. Stahl's lore ended up that when the CoS party went to kill Stahd, the magic they activated to permanently kill Strahd and stop him from resurrecting forever went sideways and Stahl got blasted to another dimension: Ravnica.
In Ravnica, Stahl ended up joining the Gruul Clans (Zhur Taa specifically; Gruul was like the Mad Max raider faction) and decided that he was going to summon Ilharg the Raze Boar in the hopes that causing a cataclysmic amount of damage to this plane might warp him either back to the CoS plane or even the plane he came from originally (CoS itself was a separate dimension Stahl had fallen into). Shottie brought Nekeesk back for this campaign too and we had some moments where I got to play Daemedes again. It was cool.
Stahl ended up joining with the party because he was chosen by the Gruul Clans to go to this super boring meeting that all of the guilds of Ravnica had been called to attend because he was like the "new guy" and a bit of an outcast. It turned out that Nicol Bolas was returning and was going to blow the whole place up. Stahl could not care less.
A bunch of crazy stuff went down and basically Stahl became the vessel of Ilharg a few weeks before the party had a showdown with Nicol Bolas. Stahl turned into a giant flaming boar monster and fought Bolas with the rest of the party on top of these floating islands in the sky. It was sikkkkkkkkk. We were SO CLOSE to party wiping. Ilharg's essence made Stahl want to burn and destroy everything around him so whenever it was my turn to attack, I also had to roll to make sure that Stahl stayed in control of himself and didn't start attacking the party. The rolls were insane. I had to beat like a 15 or something and rolled higher than that like 5 times in a row.
After the party killed Nicol Bolas, they all kind of scattered in different directions. Stahl still had Ilharg's essence in him so he went back to the Gruul wasteland so if he accidentally flaming boar god installed again, he'd only melt cacti and stuff until he calmed down again. This was like 3 years before I got into GG btw, which I think is hilarious. I was so close to accidentally reverse engineering Tiefling Sol Badguy hahaha
Anyway, I've drawn Stahl a LOT. Our DM uses this cute token pack so I drew our party's tokens based on it. Here's Stahls:
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And his post-Ravnica reference sheet:
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I've got entries on my Toyhouse for Mira and Stahl, but not Gringdor or most of the other characters I've played:
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a-s-illustrations · 1 year
The Adventures of Wing and Bling: A DnD Story
Decided to share my small two-man dnd party campaign with a series of Art and short fic-lets!
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Prolouge: The Meeting
The door to the tavern creaked open; light boot steps followed and the soft 'whoosh' of a hood being thrown back. The tiny gnome bartender looked up automatically belting out her usual cheerful greeting,
"Welcome the Fine Du..." but the words died on her lips replaced by an awed face.
The sunlight streaming in from the open windows struck bight gems; sending scattered bits of lights frolicking across the walls and ceiling of the small establishment. Other patrons quickly turned to see what was responsible for the sudden light show; their jaws dropping at the sight of the jewel-haired genasi making her way over the counter.
"Hello," she gave a small wave and smile to the bartender, "I'm here for some information. Have you all had a caravan pass through here recently? One with a Fortune Teller?"
The bartender sputtered for a few seconds before she answered. "Ah yes. We did have one pass through here but a few days ago. However, they are gone now. Are you part of their act?"
The genasi laughed. "Oh no, I'm actually on a job relating to them," she paused for a second, "Do you know anyone who had their fortune read by them?"
The Bartender shook her head and was about to address the room when another voice spoke up.
"I know someone who got her fortune read. Poor lass was quite distraught at her reading and I help...ease her distress for the night." The Genasi quirked an eyebrow at the implied statement and looked over to see a bespectacled winged elf grinning up at her; a light blush over his cheeks that was most likely caused but the large mug of ale that sat in front of him. "Perhaps I can be of some assistance to you, beautiful lady. I don't have too much to do around here."
The Genasi held his gaze for a bit; eyes narrowed as if weight his worth then she smiled. "Business only elf," she grinned back; "I'll pay you for your troubles. If you can lead me to this young lass; I would like to ask her about this reading."
"Ah; you're no fun," the elf playfully pouted, sliding out of his seat and rising to his full height now looking down at her. "Wrennoran Bronzewing at your service." He extended his hand with a flourish; his wings flaring up a little.
"Citrine," she replied, gasping his hand in hers with a tight grip, "At yours."
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hellfiremunsonn · 2 years
Hellfire Club
I do not allow my writing to be republished anywhere other than my own blog without my consent
Rated 18 plus. MINORS DNI.
Eddie munson AU swearing, sub fem, dom Eddie, fingering, female orgasm, praise kink? (if there’s anything else I should tag lemme know) 
You moved to Hawkins about four months ago and it was quite the change from being so used to living in the city. You grew to love it and eventually felt that slowly it was becoming 'home'. It was hard to fit in those first few months especially starting your senior year at a whole new school but your now best friends were eager to help you around. You spent your lunch and most of your classes with them. There was Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, and Max Mayfield. Then there was Will Byers, Johnathan Byers and Jane Hopper but we called her El instead. They only recently moved back to Hawkins so you didn't know them as well as the rest of the gang. There were also Nancy Wheeler, who was Mikes older sister, who was dating Johnathan but she never was around for lunch because she was always off studying somewhere with Johnathan or interviewing people for the school paper. Robin Buckley sat with us on occasion but she spent most of her time god knows where. And then there was Steve Harrington. He graduated last year but still hung out with all of you when he wasn't working or trying to take girls on dates. Key word being trying. Last but not least there was Eddie Munson, a victory lapper of his senior year, and leader of the Dungeons and Dragons club they named 'Hellfire'. He was very intimidating and you honestly tried your best to keep quiet around him in fear of him outing the fascination you had with him. He was just so unapologetically himself, he was loud, and goofy, a little clumsy, and goddam good looking.
On this particular day the guys were bugging you to join their DnD campaign for the night because Lucas couldn't make it because of his championship basketball game. Steve had a date to the same game, and Robin was in the band so she had to attend and thus you being the only one left for them to bug. They even tried asking Nancy. They didn't want to upset Eddie knowing how eccentric he could be so they didn't want to deal with having to ask him to postpone it.
You leaned into your hands, fisting your hair as they all spoke at once.
"C'mon please! We are literally begging you, we will never ask you to do anything else, please, c'mon" Dustin pleaded actually getting onto his hands and knees next to you. Loosening the grip you had on your hair you opened your eyes and gave him a side glance. Sighing you agreed and the three boys jumped up from the table high-fiving each other.
"You are a goddess, no a queen, you're amazing, thank you so much" Dustin said holding you by the shoulders.
"Save it Henderson" You said pushing his hand off of you with a laugh. They sure were annoying but you couldn't ask for a better group of friends. "I don't know how you put up with them" You said looking at El and Max on the other side of the able. "Its difficult believe me" Max said rolling her eyes briefly looking across the cafeteria at Lucas who was sitting at the popular jocks table. She had broken up with him during the summer from what you remember being told but you could tell she still had feelings for him. You give El a quick 'she's doing it again' look and she gave a sad 'I know' look back. You had tried to talk to max about it every once in a while but she was always quite defensive about it. You sighed  going back to the book you were reading before being rudely interrupted by Dustins begging.
It was The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald that you had to read for English but had already read it a few times before. As a hopeless romantic it easily became one of your favourites. Biting on the end of your pen a little you rocked your head back and fourth absorbing the familiar words in front of you when a loud bang on the cafeteria table shocked you out of your thoughts.
"Afternoon ladies and gentlemen" There he was.
You were almost hopeful he wouldn't show up to lunch today but the tall man stood at the end of the table both hands pressed firmly on the edge. "She's going to fill in for Lucas tonight" Dustin huffed out quickly.
Your stomach turned with nerves wondering what Eddie was going to say about it. He tilted his head slightly, rising his eyes to yours. "Interesting" He said. "Never pegged you for the kind of person to be willing to give this fantasy world a shot, you're always so busy reading" He said gesturing to the old paperback in your hands. "I've played before" you said quietly trying to avoid eye contact but those dark eyes seemed to be piercing a hole through you. A large smile spread across his face. "I've only played once so I'm still new to it" you mumble in a panic not knowing what he was expecting from you. You didn't want him to think you were some expert on the game.
"No worries princess I'll show you the ropes" He slapped the table in excitement as he plopped himself down onto his seat stealing one of Dustins fries in the process.
You felt Eddies eyes on you for the rest of the lunch period but tried your best to stay focused on the book but you found your eyes just skimming the words without actually reading them.
When the final school bell rang you shoved your science binder into your locker and closed it quickly before running off to find one of the guys. You spotted Mike and El down the hall and jogged over to them. "Hey Mike what time is Hellfire?" you asked leaning up against the locker next to him and El. "In like a couple hours, we usually go home and eat dinner first and then come back" He said rummaging through his backpack.
"Okay so should I come pick you guys up?" You offered. You were one of the gang who had somehow managed to get a shitty car. Thankful it could get you from point A to point B and it had saved Steve and Nancy from driving everyone now that you could.
"Yeah that would be cool of you" Mike said closing his locker and giving El a quick kiss on the cheek before grabbing her hand. She let out a small giggle as her cheeks reddened
"Oh and where is it?" You asked.
"The theatre club room, with all the stage stuff in it next to Mr. Morrisons class" He said.
"Got it thanks"
You walked to my car quickly hoping to avoid any of the popular kids. They didn't bother you too much but when they did it really stung. Luckily they weren't around the parking lot when you emerged from the squeaky metal doors of the school.
The drive home was short but always peaceful, but today it barely gave you a moment of peace and relaxation before what your night was about to turn into.
"Mom I'm home!" you shouted from the front door kicking off your shoes and making your way up stairs. "Hi honey! I'm in the kitchen if you need me" She shouted back. You had a great relationship with your parents honestly and you loved them a lot. They were some of the most understanding and accepting people you knew.
Once in your room you threw your backpack onto the floor and rummaged around for your shower supplies before hurrying into the shower. You knew you still had a few hours to kill before you had to head back to the school but you wanted to make sure you looked presentable for it. You also felt like you had to impress Eddie, like you had to prove to him that you belonged there when god knows you were the shyest one in the group and you knew Eddie was well aware of that, and would definitely try to push as many as your buttons he could.
You washed your hair throughly, giving your scalp a good extra scrub and shaved anything you felt needed to be smooth... Including your bikini line even though you were sure no one was going to see you that close or naked below the waist, but you felt like you had to be prepared just in case.
Your clothing of choice was an old band t-shirt and some ripped black jeans. Throwing on a black leather jacket on top hoping it would appease the Dungeon master himself.
"Well don't you look cute!" Your dad said leaning in the doorframe of your bedroom. "Where are you off to tonight?"
"I told Dustin I would take Lucas's place in the hellfire club tonight. Eddie has been planing this campaign for weeks now and they didn't want to let him down"
He chuckled. "Well have fun, and be safe, don't stay out too late okay?"
"I'll try" You said giving him a wink. He knew you never stayed out too late and it was a running joke around the house whenever you did have plans and actually left the house. It was almost celebrated.
"Love ya kiddo!" He said loudly as he descending down stairs to probably join your mom in the kitchen.
Most parents would cringe at the thought of their daughter not only going to a cub filled with boys but a club to play Dungeons and Dragons. The game from hell apparently but it wasn't like that at all.
You pulled up to the wheelers house and gave your horn two light honks signalling that you were out front and the three boys stumbled out of the house only a few minutes later.
"You fucking ready?!" Dustin yelled hopping into the front seat while Mike and Will climbed into the back.
"As ready as I'll ever be" You said forcing a smile.
Driving back to school after-hours felt strange, like you weren't supposed to be there and were breaking in, but it wasn't a secret that the club was happening.
The halls were kind of creepy with half the lights turned off. You picked at the skin on your thumb trying to calm your nerves but the closer you got to the classroom the more your stomach started to flip.
The loud rock music playing from the room in the distance only got louder as we approached. I stopped in the doorway as the rest of them walked in and watched as Eddie stood up on his throne at the end of the table. One foot on the arm rest as he played an air guitar to the music blasting from the other side of the room.
I bit my lip tilting my head as I analyzed him. He sure was something.
"Munson!" Dustin yelled, snapping Eddie out of his musical trance, and a large smile spread across his face. From the other side of the room Mike turned down the music and then joined the others at the table.
Eddie jumped off of his thrown and slapped his hands together in a slow clap. "well well well the newbie actually showed up" he said taking a few strides towards me.
"Even if she bailed she offered to drive us so she had to come anyway" Mike laughed while setting up the table. Three other people joined and I recognized them from Eddies band. I had never seen them play or even heard anything from them but had seen them with Eddie often.
"Well lady and gentlemen" he said turning swiftly his long hair flowing over his shoulders . "Let us begin"
The night was filled with screaming and laughing and so much fun. Everyone was quite eager to make sure I felt comfortable and understood what I was doing and even Eddie would wait patiently as I collected my thoughts of what to do next and he seemed almost proud when I was starting to get the hang of it. By the end of the night we were all sweaty and definitely a little loopy from so much commotion.
"Andy, Nancy is picking us up so you can just go straight home instead of having to go all the way past your house to get us home first" Mike said swinging his backpack over his shoulder.
"Oh" I said a little shocked "Thanks for saving me some time" I said sitting forward in my chair, my hands folded in my lap going back to the rough skin on my thumb. I wasn't sure when to leave now because I didn't have to leave with the rest of them but I also didn't want to overstay my welcome with Eddie and his bandmates.
It was quieter now and so I rose from my chair to the other side of the room where my bag laid across one of the discarded school desks. Grabbing one of the straps it slid off the table, a few contents of my bag spilling onto the floor. I groaned rolling my eyes as I crouched down onto the floor to gather my items back together. Reaching for the the last item I leaned forward onto my hands and knees grabbing it from under the desk.
"That's a view I could get used to" I heard from behind me.
It felt like my throat had closed as I leaned back onto my knees and stood up with the help of the desk. My cheeks were hot and I didn't want to turn around but when I did everyone had left except for Eddie. He stood leaning against his throne, the soft spotlight above him lighting him up making him look almost godly.
"You probably say that to all the girls" I said softly pulling my bag up over my shoulder.
He slapped his chest imitating that he had been shot with a dramatic head drop.
"I'm wounded newbie" He said pushing himself off of the chair to stand with his arms folded across his chest.
"I have a name you know" I said scuffing the tip of my shoe across the tile floor.
"I'm aware" He said proudly. "But nicknames are so much fun"
"Newbie is a shit nickname" I said finally looking back at him.
He slapped his chest again. "Again you wound me" He said taking another step closer to me. But this time when his foot touched the ground there was a light crunching noise and we both looked down to see what he had stepped on.
My whole body heated as I realized it was my packet of birth control. It must have fallen out of my bag with the other items but I didn't notice.
"Oh um that's mine" I said walking over quickly to grab it. but just before my hand could touch the tinfoil packaging Eddies foot came back down to over it. I was now Kneeling in front of him, my hand almost touching his beaten up combat boot when he crouched down in front of me making it harder to avoid his dark eyes again.
He slipped the packaging from under his shoe and pretended to examine it throughly. "Huh" he said.
"Give it to me" I said trying to swipe it from his hands but he was faster.
"That's not a very nice way of asking for things sweetheart" he chuckled. "Try again"
"Can I have it back please" I said chewing on my bottom lip. Something about him bossing me around started a fire in the pit of my stomach and a fire a little bit lower than I'd like to admit.
He held it between his two fingers. "I'll keep this in mind" he said tilting the package towards me. I grabbed it quickly and shoved it deep into my bag. Getting up I started to walk towards the door. "So do you let all the boys cum in you?" he said in a cocky tone. I stopped in my tracks and spun on my heel slowly. "Excuse me?" I said in shock.
"You know" He said shrugging. "The birth control" he said gesturing to my bag that I clutched tightly to my arm.
"Why does it matter?" I said annoyed. Why did he just assume because I was on birth control that I was letting a bunch of guys finish in me?
"Cause if I was to fuck you on this table right now I'd want to be the only one filling you up"
I choked on my spit in an attempt to swallow and he laughed at my widen eyes and my mouth agape.
"You look pretty with your mouth open like that" He said swiping one of his ringed fingers across his bottom lip.
I stood frozen as he approached me again. I didn't want to admit to him let alone myself that the words coming out of his mouth was indeed making it hard for me to keep still. I stood with my feet close together squishing my thighs together as best as I could without making it obvious.
"Sounds like you've got a crush on me Munson" I said trying to take control of the situation.
"Oh absolutely I do" He said as a matter of fact.
Again I was shocked. There was no way that Eddie Munson was even remotely interested in me. I was the quietest one of his friends, friends and never spoke more than four words to him a day. Yet I found myself constantly day dreaming and wondering what his hands would feel like on my bare skin, and if his rings would be cold to the touch. The first day I met him when he took my hand and kissed the top of it while introducing himself he took a spot in my heart but I shoved it down as deep as I could because I didn't know him and he was the guy's good friend. So I kept my distance and avoided him as best as I could, which was hard considering he is who he is. "Well unfortunately I have to get going" I said turning away from him.
"Dream of me princess" he said with a chuckle.
I hurried to my car turning the key in the ignition and drove off as fast as I could. I wasn't sure if it was to get away from Eddie or my own thoughts.
Who did he think he was? Thinking he could just talk to me like that, to anyone like that! My hands gripped the steering wheel turning my knuckles white the harder I squeezed. I should really say something to him, I should turn around drive to his stupid trailer and kick the door down. But what would I actually say when I got there? He'd look at me with those soul seeing eyes and I'd forget why I even drove there in the first place. "Ugh!" I slammed one hand on my steering wheel in frustration. How could he have so much power over me. Yet somehow minutes later I was turning onto the dusty path into the trailer park. I had only been here once before when picking Max up for school so I knew which trailer was Eddies but I had never seen the inside of it before.
I pulled up to his trailer a little more aggressively then I meant and ripped my keys out of the ignition. Swinging my door open quickly I got out rushing towards the few metal steps to the trailer when the door swung open hitting my arm briefly before a small frame stumbled into me causing me to fall backwards scuffing both my elbows off the ground. My eyes closed briefly while I braced for impact and when I opened them Chrissy Cunningham was laid on top of me.
"Chrissy?" I said. "What are you doing here" I questioned pushing her backwards and helping her up. A small sting hitting just below my knee. I winced but continued to look at Chrissy. Her doe eyes wide and probably in shock expecting no one to see her here, considering she was popular and on the cheerleading team.
"Nothing, and if you say anything to anyone I'll be sure to make your life a living nightmare" She turned on her heel and sped off quickly and I watched her in confusion as she faded into the distance. Furrowing my brows I turned my head back to the trailer in front of me and realized Eddie was standing in the door way looking down at me still sitting on the ground. "Couldn't get enough of me huh?" He said smugly as he jumped down in front of me holding out a hand to help me up. I grabbed it and let him get me to my feet and he didn't let go until he thought I was steady enough. Wiping my arms and legs of the dust I was now covered in I scowled.  "What was Chrissy doing here" I asked with a little more jealousy in my voice than expected.
"business" He said watching me continue to dust myself off. I winced again dusting my legs off knowing I must have cut myself on something while falling. "Are you going to stand there and watch me or are you going to invite me in?" I questioned.
Eddie smiled as he took a step to the side making a dramatic gesture for me to enter the trailer before him. I stepped in hesitantly not knowing what to expect to see but it was actually quite typical. Scattered clothes and dishes, empty beer cans littered the floor, it smelt kind of old and stale but almost comforting because it's what Eddie slightly smelled like. "So what 'business' did you have to attend to with Chrissy Cunningham?"
"She wanted weed" he said shrugging while he slumped down onto the worn sofa.
I raised an eyebrow at him. "Weed? Chrissy doesn't do that stuff"
"Well I guess she does now" he said laughing.
The intrusive thought that entered my mind was that Chrissy maybe got into weed from spending time with Eddie, secret time with him and I began wondering if they were sleeping together. I began chewing on my bottom lip while I continued to look around attempting to distract myself from Eddies eyes watching me as I explored the small space. "Where's your uncle?" I asked quietly examining a magazine that was on the small kitchen counter.
"Working somewhere" He said with a sigh. "He's not here very often"
I nodded slowly.
"You bite your lip when you're nervous you know" He said breaking the silence. "You pick at your thumb as well"
I let my lip slide out from under my teeth and my hands instinctively hid behind my back. "I'm not nervous" I said faking confidence.
"Whatever you say princess. Are you going to tell me why you're here or are you just going to stand in the middle of my home and stare at all my belongings?" He said leaning forward resting his head in his hands. I turned towards him walking over to him when I tripped over my untied shoelace falling onto my hands and knees in front of him.
He stifled a laugh. "Am I going to have to keep you in a bubble?" He said reaching forward helping me up once again. "You gotta stop getting onto your knees in front of me or else I'm going to continue to have some explicit thoughts"
"Stop that" I said angrily sitting down next to him. "You can't keep saying stuff like that"
"Why does it turn you on?" He said bringing a piece of his hair up to his face and hid behind it.
"I'm sure you wish it did" I said lying. "I didn't like the birth control comment" I admitted. "It made me feel gross and like you thought of me as someone who just slept with a load of guys and let them cum in me" I said making a grossed out face at the thought.
"I'm sorry I offended you with that, I was just trying to bug you"
"Thank you for apologizing" I said fumbling with my hands in my lap.
"That's not why you're really here though is it" he asked glancing at me.
"I honestly don't know why I'm here, I was just driving and ended up here, and then I saw Chrissy and I don't know" I said trailing off. Annoyed I shrugged my leather jacket off to inspect my burning elbows from falling and as I expected both were scrapped.
"Shit" Eddie said grabbing one of my arms and pulling it towards him. "Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?" He said getting up and walking to the other end of the trailer. He came back with a couple bandaids and a damp face cloth. "C'mere" he said motioning for me to scoot closer to him. I bent my arm resting my head on my hand while Eddie carefully dabbed at my elbows making sure they were clean enough for his liking before smoothing the bandaids over the scapes. Leaning back he smiled at his work clearly proud of himself. "You're cured my dear" He said clapping his hands together. "I think you're forgetting something" I teased.
"What could I possibly be forgetting?" He questioned.
I bent both my elbows this time looking back and fourth between them before giving him a small pout. "You have to kiss them better"
"How silly of me" He said smiling. He slid off the couch next to me and knelt in front of me, his hands touching my thighs as he opened my legs slightly to shift his body between them. Taking one arm at a time he planted a soft kiss to each of them while never breaking eye contact. My heart was pounding and I instinctively went to press my thighs together squishing Eddie slightly before realizing what I was doing. He licked his lips smiling while tilting his head to the side. "You like me being between your legs newbie?"
"I have a name" I reminded him.
He chuckled. "That you do princess" he said sitting back slightly.
Heat rose through my body as I leaned forward pulling him to me by the collar of his jacket crashing my lips into his. He fell backwards and I straddled him quickly. His hands held the sides of my face kissing me back harshly. They were sloppy and wet, desperate kisses. I couldn't believe what I was doing and how my body was reacting but it felt so good I didn't want to stop any time soon. I couldn't believe he really did have so much power over me. "Fuck you Munson" I breathed against his mouth. One of his hands shifted to my hair and at the base of my neck he pulled it making my head lean back and away from him.
"What was that?" He said. His eyes darker then before, his pupils so large you could barely see the actual colour of his eyes. "I said 'fuck you Munson" I giggled repeating myself.
"I don't think that's very nice of you" He said gripping my hair a little harder making a small groan of protest leave my lips. "Open your mouth" He ordered and I obliged, opening my mouth and sticking my tongue out in front of him. He pursed his lips together before letting a thin string of saliva fall from his mouth and onto my exposed tongue. "Swallow it" he said holding my chin with his other hand while I closed my mouth and swallowed. "Good girl" He said smiling. A small moan escaped my mouth in response to his praise. "C'mere" He said helping my up and leading me back over to the couch behind us and sat down gesturing for me to sit between his legs with my back pressed to his chest. Moving my hair off of my neck he peppered small kisses down the exposed skin sucking and nipping at it every so often. "Lean back on me" He said pulling my shoulders back so I would relax into him. His hands slid down my sides until reaching the top of my jeans, his fingers sliding into the waist band of them making small circles on my hips. "Mmm" I said tilting my head back into his shoulder. "More" I whispered.
"What was that?" He cooed in my ear.
"I want more" I said reaching my hands behind me and tugged on some of his hair.
"What is it that you want" He said continuing to rub circles on my hips.
"I want you to touch me" I whined. His hands stopped and he slid them out of my waistband before slowly reaching for the button of my jeans and popped it open, pulling the two sides making the zipper of them open easily.  All he did was trace the line of my underwear and my breath hitched and I rolled my head to the side biting onto the fabric of my t-shirt in anticipation.
"Jesus I haven't even touched you yet darling and you're already purring for me"
"Please Eddie" I whimpered pulling his hand and attempted to guide him between my legs but he grabbed my hands and pulled them back up over my head and placed them on the back of his neck. "Keep them here" He ordered. I squirmed in his lap. "I'll keep them there,  just please touch me" I licked my lips trying to gain back some moisture to them.
"Promise me princess" He said tapping the small black bow on the front of my underwear.
"I promise Eddie, I promise, please"
"Good girl" He said as he finally slid his hand under the thin fabric giving a small swipe of the prominent slickness of my very obvious arousal.
"Fuck" He breathed down my neck "All this for me?" He began rubbing soft slow circles on my clit, a small cry leaving my mouth. I had thought about this for so long, anything involving him touching me and it was finally happening. Moan after moan left my lips as I shifted against him.
"You're going to have to keep quiet kitten or the whole neighbourhood will hear how much you love the way I touch you" He slipped one finger into me his large ring grazing my entrance as his finger curled up into me.
"Oh my god" I said with my head dropping forward in pleasure. I could feel the grip of my hands starting to loosen around his neck but I tried my best to keep them in their place. I felt his erection behind me the more I squirmed against him but I couldn't help it. The restriction of my jeans giving me only a taste of what I really wanted.
"Eddie" I whined tilting my head back up against him again.
"My name sounds so pretty coming out of your mouth" His breath warming my neck. He went back to rubbing circles on my clit and I felt that familiar heat grow deep in my belly. "Faster" I begged and he listened still with light hands he rubbed faster. My hands loosened completely falling back against his shoulders. "I'm gunna cum Eddie" I breathed. The feeling rose and rose filling my limbs with the static of slight numbness as I rode out my orgasm loudly. Eddies free hand cupped my mouth to muffle my moans. Tears pricked my eyes with pleasure and overstimulation as his rubbing slowed. My arms had fallen completely to my sides and my breathing was heavy as I rested my head against him waiting for the ringing in my ears to cease.
After a few moments of silence I shifted slightly so I could look up at him and he was already looking down at me. His eyes looked much softer now than earlier and I couldn't help but smile. He took his hand from between my legs and stared at me as he put both fingers into his mouth and sucked them clean. "Sweetest pussy I've ever tasted"
I blushed and turned away from him trying to hide my rosy cheeks. "I can't move" I laughed. "My body feels like J-ello" I said softly. From his position Eddie picked me up placing me gently on my feet. I was a little wobbly but his hands kept me in place. He smoothed my hair out of my face and cupped my cheeks with both hands. "How do you feel?"
"Higher than a kite" I said lazily. I wasn't lying. I felt like I was floating my head and heart felt calm and happy.  I reached forward to unbuckle his belt but he stopped me. I pouted and looked up at him. "What about you" I said attempting to palm him through his jeans.
"No" he said kissing me on the forehead. "Tonight wasn't about me feeling good it was about you and that's all I want" His voice was quiet and sweet and although the brat in me wanted to try again to see what would happen I listened. "I have to go home" I hummed leaning into his chest and wrapped my arms around him.
"I don't think you should drive like this" he said with a chuckle that shook my head against him. "Sleep here"
I nodded as he grabbed my hand and lead me to his small bedroom. "Sorry it's uh, a bit messy, I wasn't planning on having company"
"I don't care" I said belly flopping onto his bed clutching one of the pillows around my head.
"Can I take these off of you?" he said tugging on the hem of my pant leg.
"Yes sir" I said snuggling further into his pillow. He pulled my jeans off of my waist and to my knees before pulling them off one leg at a time. He gave my ass a playful smack before laying his blanket on top of me. He kissed me on the head before turning to leave but I reached out and grabbed his hand. "What do you need?" he asked sitting on the edge of the bed. "Stay" I mumbled and a small blush crept to his cheeks.
He shifted so he was now laying on his back while I curled up next to him. He hummed a tune to a song I didn't recognize and stroked my hair until I eventually fell asleep.
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16, 18, 29, and 43 for the oc ask thing
Okay also gonna be mostly oscu since it’s. Easy and I have brainrot.
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
Leigh!!! He’s the token stem friend! (Not that he can decide which stem he wants to do— in the community college au he starts out premed, has a crisis about his mortality, goes through just about every other science they offer, and eventually winds up being a high school biology science teacher!)
18. Any OC crackships?
Oh GOD there are so many??? And they keep getting. Uncomfortably canon. The most recent one is. We made a wwi community college au ice skating AU (auception) in which Harry (figure skating prodigy) winds up teaching Leigh (like a baby giraffe on ice skates) to skate to save his relationship with Joel (plays hockey and is kind of shitty in this for no reason which is really homophobic of us he deserves the world) and Leigh and Harry wind up together instead
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
Detective Clifford M Oible, Babey!!!
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
,,,,,lowkey. I made the gang from my fuckinf. Peanut allergy time travel story and have never made a different set of characters since??? Like you get.
1. Exhausted but the only functional one (varying degrees of defacto leader and done with this shit)
Victoria (Peanuts)
Skippy Turnstike (Otbaw)
Ada Williams (Otbaw)
Natalia Rosario (Edwardian character design)
Harry Oible (oscu)
Frank (Victorian boarding school aro romeo and juliet)
Ava (Final Countdown)
Seyn (dnd campaign)
2. Kinda overconfident/cocky/annoying, just here for a good time, varying amounts of Issues
Jack Callahan (Peab)
Johnny and Felicity (peab wwi subplot)
Tucker and Mills Turnstike (OTBAW)
Jim McAllister (Edwardian character design)
Leigh Robertson (oscu)
Nellie and Violetta (Victorian boarding school aro romeo and juliet)(girlfriends)
Axelrod Hemmingsworth and Chessy Cheshire both (spaceship)
Carmen (final countdown)
Larceny (dnd campaign)
3. Literally so done with all of this and does not want to be here but also would die for all y’all fuck off (varying degrees of morality)
Richmond and Celia (peab)
Monty Turnstike (and Mills again) (Otbaw)
Benjamin Rosario (Edwardian character design)
John-or-Benny (oscu original concept, he is significantly less like this now)
Captain FUCK (Flintlock Keating) and Marion Huckleberry (spaceship)
Noq (Dnd campaign)
4. Gay And Nice TM (varying degrees of chaos)
Elliot (peab)
Peter (peab wwi subplot)
Rosie Boot and Clarence Williams (otbaw)
Finian Wright (Edwardian character design)
Joel DiMarco (oscu)(technically not gay but still very queer)
Alan Costa (oscu original concept, he’s mean now)
Dora (Victorian boarding school aro romeo and juliet)
Selah (final countdown)
Arson (dnd campaign)
5. Confused and Nice, doing their best and it’s getting there (varying degrees of Child and/or Dead)
Chaffinch (peab)
Wellie Turnstike and Milton Weatherby (Otbaw)
Elise Carlisle (Edwardian character design)
Alfred and Percival (Victorian boarding school aro romeo and juliet)
Caleb (final countdown)
Jamie (dnd campaign)
Honorable Mention! Sad Dad (tragic backstory)
Edward (peab)(does not have a tragic backstory but he’s very tired so I’m giving him these rights)
Dan Jameson (peab wwi subplot)
Alan Costa (oscu)
Matthew Wright (Edwardian character design)
Aurora Steinber (spaceship)
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pigeon-princess · 4 years
dropped in to tell you ive been lost i your tybalt tag all night. the most recent lil comic is so good, i laughed so hard!! tybalt has such a handsome face. i love the snippets of him in his campaign setting and the party he's in! do you use an accent for him? Your campaign sounds so funny, but i was wondering yhy are all the comic strips of him and the shirtless one with the scars? do him and tybalt get along well? also please tell him to put some clothes on its clearly snowing whereever you r.
HELLO!! AAAA thats so wonderful to hear! I’m so glad you’ve enjoying going through Tybalt’s tag!! I love him and his story so much!!
I do have an accent for him! Tybalt is from the Isles of Thiva, which is inspired heavily by Italian/Mediterranean culture (We’re going there next dnd session!!). So at the table I attempt an Italian accent but it definitely crosses heavily into Spanish and who knows what sometimes. Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride is closest I can think of to what his accent sounds like. 
The shirtless one with the scars is Yarou, our human monk!! THEY definitely do get along but Tybalt and Yarou can be yelling at each other one minute and laughing the next! Since they have the most explosive and loud personalities of the party they tend to have really hilarious interactions!! BUT there have also been some absolutely fantastic moments with Tybalt and the other two PCs, Willow and Ayden, which I should definitely illustrate! Willow and Tybalt have wonderful wingman moments where Tybalt is trying to coach Willow about her crush on our guard friend Talfen, while Tybalt has thrown our chill Aasimar Ayden off a cliff one time, luckily he was fine because of his wings. 
ALSO regarding Yarou and his absolute distain for wearing a shirt, I HAVE TOLD HIM so many times!! Regardless of dress code, shirts are not an option for him unless under extreme circumstances. He has a Giant rune on his body that allows him not feel the cold, so thats his excuse. I feel cold just looking at him.
Thank you so much for your ask!! You’ve made my day with this!  ����💚
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calmcilstoybox · 3 years
Retribution (MCambion/FChangeling)
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slightly NSFW for murder crime scene.
This is part of a Cambion detective/ Changeling Femme fatale story from a dnd campaign I’m part of.
Reblogs greatly appreciated
(I also love reading comments I promise you’re not bothering me I’m asking for feedback)
Around 1700 words
It had been a maid that reported in the murder on a cold rainy morning. Mary De Silva said she arrived early in the morning for work, and went upstairs to start cleaning. Then found her employer dead. Screamed, and called 911. However it was the name of the deceased that truly got Borden’s attention.
This sent a cold chill down his spine as it had been yesterday afternoon since he’d heard from Mercedes. She had spent the night at Adramar’s, and hadn’t come into work or called in either.
“Boss? Everything alright?” Detective Aldrich’s voice pulled Borden out of his thoughts.
“Everything’s fine, for me anyway. I can’t say as much for the recently deceased. I’m going to the crime scene.Put a fresh pot of coffee on you know how I like it.” Detective Whitechapel was aware of his vocal tone and pitch as he spoke. Luckily, Aldrich didn’t push. He hummed in acknowledgement of what Borden had said before heading to the break room.
Calmly walking out of the station and to his car was an exhausting exercise in self control. Once he had the keys in the ignition Detective Whitechapel called Mercedes’ phone and closed his eyes praying she’d pick up.
But the other end of the line was dead. Panic was setting in now. He shifted gears out of park and drove the exact speed limit over to Duragon’s. This was perhaps not the best idea given the rain. At the moment however Borden did not care.
The sooner he found out what had happened last night the better. Then, he could go directly to Mercedes’ last known location to check on her.
As expected there were other cops on the scene. The exterior had been taped off as officers from other departments waited on homicide. Detective Whitechapel parked on the street and went through the yellow tape up to Duragon’s front door. He used his eldritch sight to look around, but so far there was nothing. Nor was there any obvious sign of breaking and entering. So the detective examined the door itself.
Even on closer inspection he didn’t see anything that gave away how they got in. So, Detective Whitechapel walked around the house looking at the other windows, and the back patio. Yet still there were no signs of a forced entry.
Borden knew that the maid had a key to get in. But it seemed almost impossible to him that she had something to do with the crime. There weren’t many things that could kill a Mafia Don Especially an orc, who were notoriously tough to begin with. As Borden made his way back to the front of the house he approached Officer Anderson.
“I’m assuming you already checked for prints?” The homicide detective inquired, feeling like he already knew the answer.
“Only finger prints we found matched Mary Da Silva, she’s the maid.” Detective Anderson replied, shaking his head.
“I’ll need to examine Duragon, depending on how long he’s been cold I can determine how much time our perpetrators had to clean up. This could be a difficult case to solve.” Borden groaned and rubbed at his wrist. He walked up the front steps again and turned the door knob stepping into the house.
The decor struck him as something Mercedes would call tacky. Not that the detective really had an eye for interior design. To him it looked decently wealthy. But he couldn’t pinpoint what about the place made it tacky.
He glanced over his shoulder and closed the door behind him. Ms. De Silva had told them already that Duragon’s corpse was upstairs. But Detective Whitechapel wanted to take a look around on the first floor.
Again, his eldritch sight wasn’t showing anything magical. On this floor at least, when Borden looked up that changed. He could tell two things were magical on the second floor.
The detective went from room to room on the first floor looking for anything he missed. But, there was simply nothing out of place. Not even any fingerprints. The entire place almost seemed too clean. He would have to question Ms. Da Silva about that to see if this was the normal standard of cleanliness her employer expected. Or if a different kind of professional was behind this. Still, part of Borden did admire how polished and pristine things were. Even if it would make figuring out who got to Duragon first even more of a challenge.
Detective Whitechapel made his way up the stairs. He dusted the banisters for fingerprints, there was one set. Borden lifted the prints, though he was already expecting them to match with Ms. Da Silva.
But he didn’t want to make any assumptions just in case. The detective went right to the room where he’d detected magic. He was hit with the heavy stench of Chlorine.
“There goes the blood trail.” Borden mumbled looking around the room. One thing that stood out to him immediately was that Duragon’s arms were restrained behind his back. He recognized the restraints as the same handcuffs they used to hold dragons. Whoever the perpetrator was; they weren’t taking any chances with Duragon getting loose.
The second most obvious thing to the Cambion was that there were patches of wall paper missing. The bare wall underneath smelled heavily of bleach.
“One way to remove blood splatters from the walls…” Borden looked up at the ceiling and saw that it had been touched up as well. While the crime scene had been professionally cleaned, Duragon’s death had all the hallmarks of a crime of passion. It wasn’t a clean kill, and it hadn’t been quick.
As Borden examined Duragon’s body he determined that the mob lord had been bound and tortured until he succumbed to his injuries. The body was also in rigor mortis.
He had been dead a while.
“I wish I had gotten to you first. But we won’t tell the others about that will we?” Borden snarled sticking his hands in his pockets as he leered down at the deposed mob lord. The detective walked away from Duragon and over to a set of drawers. He took the top drawer out and felt around on the bottom of the compartment it fit into. There was nothing there, despite him seeing illusion magic coming from the oak furniture. So he tried the second drawer.
Then finally the third underneath this drawer was a playing card. Borden recognized the geometric black and gold leaf pattern on the back of the card as an in-house set used by a casino frequented by high rollers.
Detective Whitechapel flipped the card over. It was the King of Clubs, where the club was a King Cobra coiling its body in the shape of one. Borden’s hand was already shaking and he nearly dropped the card before a message appeared hovering slightly above it.
In the finest example of cursive penmanship Borden had ever seen. Were the words Hello Whitechapel in shimmering gold ink. The Cambion’s sunset colored orbs didn’t blink or look away from the card until the illusion faded. Then he slipped the card into his pocket.
Back outside Borden walked over to Officer Anderson and held out the prints he took.
“These were the only prints I could lift from anything in that house. Professional hit, Duragon was tortured to death. Everything scrubbed down. Barely any magic used to cover their tracks. Just a pair of our dragon restraints used to keep the victim from fighting back.” Borden paused for a moment to let Anderson take the prints.
“Should check inventory back at the station, see if any are missing or if another precinct is missing any. Need to find a key for those because I don’t think bolt cutters are going to work to get them off Duragon. I need to go write up my report.” Borden glanced toward his car.
“Shit…thanks for the help, uhh good luck with that. We’ll finish up here.” Officer Anderson said, looking over the prints before continuing, “These are Ms. Da Silva’s.”
With that, Detective Whitechapel crossed the threshold of the yellow tape once more and returned to his car. He dialed Mercedes’ number again to no avail. He tossed his phone in his passenger seat frustrated before driving to Adramar’s.
Borden parked in the driveway this time before climbing out of his car and going up to the door. He knocked three times quickly. Then waited, Borden noticed the curtains move to the left of the door. Then it opened a few moments later.
Mercedes’ eyes were red, her hair was a mess and she was uneasy on her feet leaning heavily on the door for support.
“Borden? But I wasn’t…” Mercedes stopped herself, and backed out of the doorway holding it open for Borden.
“Get inside before anyone sees you” From her tone of voice, Borden knew she wasn’t asking. He stepped inside and Mercedes quickly closed the door behind him, locking it back.
“Baby what happened?” Borden took one of his gloves off and caressed the side of her face. While his eyes lingered on the king cobra pendant on her necklace.
“Hitmen came from Adramar last night. I heard them come in, and managed to pull them off of him. But if I’d gone to our place…” Mercedes started tearing up.
“How is he doing?” Borden wiped them away as they fell without thinking about it. His mind was on the playing card he’d found, or rather it had been left for him.
“Adramar’s going to be okay, orcs are tough. He’s just asleep right now. I stayed here to keep an eye on him in case anyone came back.” Mercedes stepped forward and promptly tried to bury herself in Borden’s chest. He wrapped his arms around her.
“Why didn’t you answer your phone? I tried calling you when you didn’t show for work.” “I’m sorry Borden I couldn’t find it; fell on the floor in the scuffle. I’m not strong enough to lift the couch and other stuff to look underneath.” Mercedes almost whispered she didn’t look up either.
Borden’s gaze softened underneath the mask, “I’ll help you find your phone.”
What he wasn’t going to do was tell her that Duragon was dead, or that he knew exactly who was behind it at least, not yet. Now Borden was expecting an extremely busy day at homicide as more of Duragon’s men were reported dead. He wasn’t making any assumptions. It was clear as day that this was a synchronized strike to take Duragon’s entire operation out at once.
The fact that any one man had the kind of power to pull this off both impressed, and horrified him.
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teammightypen · 3 years
hey, your DnD characters sound super fun, even just from the little snippet you gave in the tags! Care to share a little more, maybe even further speculation on how they would interact as a party?
oh wow ok i didn’t realize anyone would even read those tags haha. here’s a little background on the characters
serra oldglass
(pronounced like sarah)
my first dnd character from my first dnd campaign! (it was almost 2 years long)
halfling rogue
she’s 3’6” and lost track of how old she is, but she’s probably about 22, which is close to 11 in human years
she’s level 6 and is so op already, we didn’t read the rules so her double dash action means she can go 100ft in a single turn, she’s got like +18 on stealth rolls and her cloak of hiding or whatever it’s called means opponents have disadvantage on perceiving her
she’s super slow to trust anyone (typical rogue)
likes to skip past the dungeon, somehow doesn’t die ever, steals the treasure from the end, then dashes back out of there
preferred weapon and move is two serrated (hence the name serra) knives to the legs, either the thighs or the knees
she likes to try to do magic tricks in bars but somehow her sleight of hand rolls always fail in those moments
her wisdom and therefore perception score is -1 and she also rolls terribly every time so while she’s super sneaky she’s also basically blind to what’s right in front of her
oh yeah she has a love interest halfling npc i think his name was colin? it was a cute playground romance sorta thing
pronounced like “rozz-pain” i call him ros (“rozz”) for short
gonna be real with you dude i played this guy for like a single three hour session so i don’t remember much
but he’s basically a youtube vlogger
an online influencer
and he makes as many pop culture references as possible
everyone hates him
he always has his phone out and somehow he gets reception
the dm also hates him
i don’t even remember what class he was but i do remember he was human bc ofc he was. maybe he was a fighter idk
even tho he’s my favorite of the sunset squad, even i hate this iteration of him he’s so annoying (but fun to play)
rennab “ren” tailor
my most recent character
human wizard (my first time playing a magic user), late 20s
his background is haunted one and when he was little he was possessed by a fiend and locked up for his own good but he escaped. now he just tries his best to keep that fiend suppressed. sometimes it’s easy and sometimes it takes all his concentration. if he ever breaks and the fiend comes out, he tries to make it happen where there’s no one else around, but that hasn’t happened in a couple years
imagine basically the incredible hulk (2008) but magic
hence ren’s first name, it’s the name banner backwards
the campaign he comes from is a world where magic use is illegal so he’s had to study underground his whole life
also all his spells are defensive spells bc he’s a wizard from the school of abjuratuon, and he has like maybe two offensive spells. he goal when he learned spells was to keep himself contained if at all possible whenever he might turn and lose control to the fiend
ren himself is lawful neutral but the fiend is neutral evil so if ever ren reaches his death saves, the fiend comes out instead (“i put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out”) and i get to play someone hell-bent on killing anyone and everything, regardless of if they’re good guys or bad guys
in this specific campaign, ren reached death saves, the fiend came out, and then remember how ren only has defensive spells pretty much? now as i was playing as the fiend i saw that i had actually done a good job at defending against myself and i could do like barely any damage. the fiend itself died too so ig ren is dead but not in my heart
bruce banner is my favorite avenger of the og6 can you tell i like him a weird amount
now, as for how they would interact as a party?
none of them are exactly team players. serra tries to stay away from people so they don’t hurt her. ren tries to stay away from people so he doesn’t hurt them. ros is happy doing whatever, he doesn’t care. if they were forced to work together as a party, serra would be the offensive planner. she’d be the one to get supplies and pickpocket and get them places whenever possible. if brute force were needed, ren would step in to help, but only sparingly. serra would become the child figure and the two men would probably try to be her dads, ros in a very enthusiastic way and ren in a reluctant way, imagine rospagne as benny from the early part of stranger things season 1 (which i just watched two days ago) and rennab as the mandalorian.
ros and ren would drive each other crazy i bet. one is colorful and the other is black and grey. one is loud and out there and the other is quiet and retreats whenever possible. i’m not sure which of the two serra would like more. ros is nice and gullible but ren doesn’t ask questions and he leaves her alone. when they make camp the two men would let her sleep the whole night and they take turns keeping watch.
this idea started out as a joke but now it’s wholesome awww
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hopeshoodie · 4 years
hi! do you have any carl headcanons??
Here are some leftovers from my pros and cons list :) 
He’s really absent minded- he’ll run into corners while walking and trip over things. 90% of the time his head is somewhere else, so MC absolutely has to ground him and remind him to stop scheming about whatever project or conversation he’s thinking about to be in the moment. He has a resting perplexed face, where he walks around looking like he’s confused but that’s because he’s working through something internally. 
 He’s not very politically active, but threats to net neutrality are something that get him calling and writing congress (or parliament? idk). If anyone ever tries to explain to him why it’s a good thing, he’ll absolutely go off with way more knowledge and data than the other person can even comprehend. He fucking hates Bill Gates and supports the open source coding movement. Carl will die before using anything other than Firefox and Linux. 
BIG OLD NERD!!! His taste is not great but he adores Marvel movies and knows all the deep lore. I think he’s also into some more niche stuff- like podcasts (and yes this is purely because I’m into podcasts). But Carl is so good at remembering all the characters and plot threads and foreshadowing. I picture him being a The Magnus Archives and Welcome To Night Vale kind of guy. He tried to play dnd once but was put off by the fantasy elements even though he loved the mechanics of it. MC surprises him by finding a roleplaying game with similar mechanics but in a sci fi setting, like Spelljammer or The Last Parsec. Carl absolutely falls in love with the latter, and MC and his campaign lasts over two years. The only tattoo Carl ever gets is their characters on his ribs. 
Carl doesn’t have a lot of his own friends. He works too much and isn’t great at keeping close contact with long-distance friends. It doesn’t bother him much, but he absolutely relies on MC to introduce him to people and help him see them regularly. Consequently, Carl ends up getting really close to Priya and Chelsea and Lottie, and he tags along to a lot of their late night wine and complain sessions. MC always says he doesn’t have to come, but he genuinely enjoys them.
When Carl gets drunk, he is SO needy. Like he’ll be all over MC hugging her and kissing her and saying “I love you so much, I’m so lucky I have you, do you love me?” He really only drinks with MC at their apartment because he gets overstimulated easily when drunk, but she adores it when he’s a vulnerable soft baby.
Carl knows first hand how much data ‘smart’ objects collect and how easy it is to hack into cloud-enable devices. There are absolutely NO google homes or amazon echos in their home, and he goes into both of their phones and disables the assistant features that enable the phones to listen to you at all times. If you know that meme where ‘tech enthusiasts hook everything up to the cloud including their microwave, tech workers only have an old printer that they keep with a shotgun to kill it if it starts acting out of turn’, that’s Carl. As a joke once, after getting into a debate about automated house locks, Carl hacks into one of his colleagues networks using their Smart Refrigerator, disables their locks, turns off their heating, and steals their data just to prove a point. He gives it back, of course, but point made. MC never really wanted to have automated keys/heating/lights anyways.
I headcanon him as autistic (no surprise coming from the autistic girl who is hyperfixated on a dumb mobile game). Here are his most recent special interests: Star Wars (will always be his hyperfixation but he’s re-reading the novels), brutalist architecture and the history of modern architecture, Boston Mechanics, the history of beanie babies, the 2013 bust of silk road, stardew valley, the Daisy Brown ARG, and cicada 3301. When he was a kid his go to were Cars the movie and dinosaurs. 
Carl is really uncomfortable asking other people for help. It’s not that he’s too prideful, it’s that he hates feeling like a burden and wants to be able to do things all on his own. When his company pressures him to get a secretary, he’s really uncomfortable asking them to do their job and prefers to make his own copies/schedule his own things. This can be a struggle in their personal life, and MC and Carl don’t communicate as well as they should. MC wants to be helpful and loving, but Carl doesn’t know how to ask for help when he needs it. 
He’s got a really low pain tolerance. If he gets a papercut or canker sore he’ll absolutely complain about it going away. When their A/C breaks, Carl books a hotel room for them until it’s fixed because he can’t deal with heat. MC asks him on a hike once and it was harder than they both thought, they didn’t finish it because Carl was exhausted. He’s really whiny when he’s uncomfortable. He loves his one tattoo, but he doesn’t want to get anymore because the pain suuucked (especially color packing on the ribs? oof.)
He really likes minimalism, both the appearance and the clean aesthetic, but he does it in a really wasteful way. His attitude is ‘you should never have more than what you directly need’, but that’s predicated on the ability to waste money/time obtaining new things when he needs them. He never buys food or clothing in bulk, instead buying individual portions and items, which ends up costing more and wasting packaging. 
I said this in my pros and cons, but I don’t think he’s a big laughter person- he more chuckles or exhales. But when you get him going? He’s the giggliest bitch and cannot stop his laughing fits. Some things that MC has figured out really gets him going is making up silly words or mispronouncing them (she texted him about their mutual friend Frank and spelled it ‘Farnk’ and he laughed at it in the middle of a business meeting) or abstract references to things (she told him ‘the green light in Great Gatsby was just Daisy’s vape, it’s not that deep’ and coffee came out of his nose).
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