#but on a deeper level. she needs affection and comfort *so much*
the-eclectic-wonderer · 4 months
I wanted to keep this headcanon for my fics, but if I don't share it with you all now I will explode, so:
Dorothy canonically snores.
Rose canonically talks in her sleep.
I'm willing to bet that Blanche is a cover hog. She goes to sleep and becomes a cover burrito in five minutes tops. Oh, you sleep with her? Hope you like being exposed to the cold and monsters the whole night through. The covers are hers.
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justlemmeadoreyou · 2 months
solace-2* (famous!harry x masseuse!y/n)
summary: part 2 to this (tq for 1k notes!)
words: 5.2k+
warnings: fluff- so much of it. smut. p in v sex, sex in different positions, creampie, kissing, dirty talk.
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Harry didn't reveal the full truth about the Italian coordinates tattooed on his hip. Instead, he simply smiled and changed the subject whenever Y/N tried to probe further about their meaning.
Y/N tried to shake off her nagging doubts about it too, but the sight of those precise geographic coordinates seemed to bore into her mind. She knew her boyfriend too well - he never did anything without intention or deeper meaning.
Over the next few days, she found herself scouring Harry's personal effects any time he left the room, searching for any other clues about what he could be hiding. Paranoid or not, she had to get to the bottom of this mystery.
Harry's laptop was password protected, as were his phones and tablets. Y/N briefly felt a pang of guilt going through his devices behind his back like this, but the need to uncover the truth overrode her hesitation. She tried every important date, nickname, and phrase she could think of based on their years together, but nothing seemed to crack his codes.
In his planner and calendar apps, she found no unusual appointments or Travel arrangements corresponding to those Italian coordinates. Harry's work schedule was booked solid for the next few months with the usual recording sessions, interviews, and meet-and-greets.
Rifling through his desk drawers, closets, and travel bags yielded no other obvious clues either. Just the typical miscellany of everyday life - old ticket stubs, charging cables, a modest collection of simple jewelry he favored.  
The more Y/N searched fruitlessly for answers, the more unsettled she became. Just what kind of explosive secret could Harry be keeping from her, going to such lengths to conceal it?
Harry, for his part, seemed to be going out of his way to be extra attentive and loving towards Y/N over those days. Bouquets of her favorite flowers in full bloom arrived for no reason. He suggested romantic home-cooked meals filled with all her most beloved comfort foods. At night, he initiated lovemaking with an almost frantic passion, settling between her thighs and worshipping every inch of her body like a man desperate and touch-starved.
"You know you're everything to me, don't you,dove?" He would pant against her sweat-slicked skin, emerald eyes burning with an intensity that simultaneously set her ablaze and lodged a kernel of anxiety in her chest. "You're my whole bloody world and then some."
It was like he could sense her pulling away on some subconscious level and was determined to overwhelm her with affection and reminders of their connection, reeling her back in before she could drift any farther. The more Y/N felt herself falling under the intoxicating spell of Harry's doting lover persona, the more unshakeable her doubts became.
What was he fighting so hard to distract her from? And more importantly, could their relationship withstand whatever seismic truth he was keeping from her?
A week later, Harry said he had an important audition for a new movie role. He needed to fly to Milan for a few days. As Harry packed his bag, Y/N felt that gnawing doubt and curiosity come back.
The moment Harry left for the airport, Y/N opened her laptop. She searched for the coordinates from his tattoo. The coordinates pointed to a small town called Bappino near Florence in the heart of Tuscany's wine country. More specifically, they pinpointed a large villa estate surrounded by vineyards and olive groves.
Y/N stared at the beautiful scenery on her screen. Her mind was spinning. Could this Italian villa be what Harry inherited from his family, like he had started hinting before changing the subject? If so, why all the secrecy and obvious desire to surprise her?
Y/N's thoughts kept circling as the days went by with no word from Harry about when he would return from his "audition" in Milan. She tried not to read too much into his silence, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something big was happening behind the scenes.
Five days after Harry left, Y/N woke up in the middle of the night. Her sheets were tangled and her chest felt tight. In the quiet flat, she could no longer ignore the persistent urge to take action and find out the truth about that location.
It was impulsive, maybe even crazy, but Y/N made up her mind. If Harry was truly keeping a surprise about this Italian villa from her, then she was going to travel there herself and uncover the truth firsthand. No more waiting in suspense for him to tell her.
Within a few hours, Y/N had booked a flight to Florence and packed a small bag. She didn't bother leaving Harry a note about her spontaneous trip. After all his secrecy, he didn't deserve that courtesy right now.
The long flight passed in a blur of nervous anticipation and fitful napping. As Y/N's plane began descending towards the rural airstrip near the villa's coordinates, her heart pounded in her throat.
What if she was flying all this way just to satisfy her own fanciful assumptions, only to find some reasonable explanation? Or worse, what if Harry's surprise was something she hadn't braced herself for at all?
The small rental car agency in the village center of Bappino was empty when Y/N's taxi dropped her off. Within twenty minutes, she had the keys to a sleek black Fiat.
Y/N checked the GPS for the coordinates to the villa. The dusty backroads leading into the hills were quiet. Cypress trees and grapevine trellises lined the roads. Y/N watched out the window, trying to stay calm. She was used to the noise and crowds of London, not this peaceful scenery.
When the villa's gates finally appeared around the next bend, Y/N felt like she couldn't breathe. The estate was even more beautiful than the photos - with terracotta roofs, ivy-covered walls, and elegant arches. It looked like a Renaissance painting.
Y/N pulled up to the tall iron gates feeling nervous. Her hands shook on the steering wheel. What if this villa was the surprise Harry had been keeping secret? How could she just show up unannounced?
Just then, an older woman in a flower-print dress came out of a side door. She squinted at Y/N's idling car, like she was expecting someone.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N got out and approached the gates on shaky legs. Up close, the woman seemed friendly despite her stern look. She smiled warmly and used an old key to let Y/N inside.
"Welcome, miss!" the woman said in English with an accent. "We've been awaiting you. Welcome to Villa Arca del Cielo."
Y/N blinked in surprise at the warm welcome. "There must be some mistake," she stammered. "I'm actually more of a...surprise visitor myself."
The woman studied Y/N carefully for a moment before nodding.
"Of course, of course," she replied pleasantly. "We've prepared everything for your arrival. Leave your car and follow me, dear."
Though still utterly confused, Y/N did as she was told. The woman led her through stunning gardens filled with bright blooms and cozy benches along the winding paths.
Eventually they reached a spacious courtyard centered around a bubbling stone fountain. Y/N's breath caught when she spotted the man lounging casually on the fountain's edge.
"Harry?" she gasped before thinking.
He looked like a living Renaissance statue - handsome in linen and tailored clothes. Harry's green eyes found Y/N's, shining with some unreadable emotion.
"Why hello there, darling," he purred in that deep, velvety voice she loved. Rising smoothly to his feet, his lopsided smirk made butterflies flutter in her stomach. "Fancy meeting you here of all places."
Y/N opened and closed her mouth, a million questions spinning in her mind. But before she could speak, Harry was crossing the courtyard towards her. In one fluid motion, he dropped down on one knee and pulled out a small black box...
Y/N felt like her heart stopped as Harry opened the little black box. Inside was the most beautiful diamond ring she had ever seen. 
"Harry...what are you doing?" she gasped, barely able to speak.
Harry looked up at her with those bright green eyes and gave her that lopsided smile that always made her knees weak.
"I'm doing something I should have done ages ago, my love," he said in that deep, rumbly voice. "I'm asking you to marry me. Will you be my wife?"
Y/N's hand flew up to cover her mouth as she let out a shocked little cry. She couldn't believe this was happening! She thought for sure Harry must be hiding some huge secret. But instead, he had planned this incredibly romantic surprise proposal!
"You...you want to marry me?" Y/N finally managed to say. "Here at this incredible place?"
Harry's smile stretched even wider across his handsome face. He gave a small chuckle and shook his head happily.
"Yes, darling. More than anything, I want you to be my wife," he said sincerely. "And what better place than my family's historic villa? This estate has been passed down for generations upon generations."
He swept his free hand out, gesturing to the beautiful terracotta buildings, lush gardens, and rolling vineyards all around them.
"When I received word that I had inherited the villa, I knew immediately this was where I wanted us to start our lives together. This place is filled with so much love and tradition. The perfect fresh start for our new adventure."
Tears blurred Y/N's vision as she stared down at the man she adored. She felt silly for doubting him, even for a moment. His pure heart and romantic spirit shone through in this amazingly thoughtful proposal.
"So what do you say, my love?" Harry gave the ring box a little shake with a wink. "Make me the happiest man in the world and marry me? We can build our happily ever after together right here in this paradise."
A joyful giggle burst out of Y/N's chest. She launched herself at Harry, sending them both tumbling onto the soft grass in a tangle of limbs. She peppered his face with kisses, cradling it in her hands.
"Yes! Yes, a million times yes!" she exclaimed between delighted laughs. "I can't think of anything I want more than to be your wife!"
Suddenly a cheer went up around them. Y/N looked up in surprise to see the courtyard was now filled with a small crowd of smiling people - couples, families with children, and elderly folks. These must be Harry's relatives from nearby, brought in to secretly witness this magical proposal.
Harry easily regained his feet, pulling Y/N up into his strong embrace. He slid the dazzling diamond onto her trembling finger as the crowd burst into applause again. Someone popped open a bottle of crisp white wine from the villa's own vineyards and began passing out glasses.
As the well-wishers surged forward to hug and congratulate the beaming couple, Y/N pressed herself against Harry's side. She gazed up at her new fiancé with eyes shining with love and happy tears.
"You brilliant, wonderful, maddening man," she said through her megawatt smile. "You really had me going there for a while with all your secretive ways!"
Harry's deep laugh rumbled against her cheek as he kissed the top of her head. "What can I say? I do love a good dramatic surprise," he drawled unrepentantly. "But I promise, from here on out, no more secrets between us. Just you and me, partners for life, building our forever in this little slice of paradise."
Y/N felt her heart swell to overflowing with love and joy as Harry pulled her close to sway among their joyfully celebrating new family. Whatever surprises the future still held, she knew they would face them side-by-side, heart-to-heart. This enchanting Tuscan villa was now their eternal home - an oasis of beauty, heritage, and boundless devotion between two soulmates. And really, what more could anyone want than that?
It was Harry's big wedding day and he was super nervous. He was getting ready in one of the fancy rooms at the beautiful Italian villa where the wedding was happening.
"I can't bloody well do this," Harry groaned, struggling with his bowtie. "What was I thinking, putting all this together?"
His best friend Niall gave him a look through the mirror they were standing in front of. "Don't start getting cold feet on me now, mate. You've been dreaming of this day forever!"
Harry took a deep breath, trying to calm down. It was the morning of his wedding to the love of his life, Y/N. After he surprised her with his proposal a few months ago at his family's villa in Italy, they quickly started planning an intimate but fancy ceremony right there in the villa's pretty gardens.
Now as Harry stood there in his perfect tuxedo, he felt really anxious bubbling up inside. What if something went wrong? What if he messed up his vows or the weather turned bad suddenly?
"It's not the marriage part that's scaring me," he tried to explain to Niall, sitting down on the old couch. "I've never been more sure of anything than wanting Y/N as my wife. It's all this..." He waved his hand around at the luxurious room.
"This huge romantic, over-the-top destination wedding at a historic Italian villa. With all the family flying in from everywhere and the crazy timing to coordinate, it all feels a bit...overwhelming."
Niall raised an eyebrow at his lifelong friend. "And whose genius idea was it to have your wedding at this place again?" he said flatly.
Harry smiled a little, knowing Niall was right. He'd admitted before that he could be quite dramatic, especially when it came to being romantic with Y/N. But part of him worried that Y/N might think this whole destination wedding was too much or too showy.
"I just want everything to be perfectly perfect today, you know?" he sighed, running his hands through his styled hair. "Especially for her. Y/N deserves to have the most magical dream wedding after everything we've been through."
Just then, the door burst open and Harry's sister Gemma came in, looking beautiful in her robe with her hair and makeup done. She gave Harry a look, hands on her hips.
"There you are, worrying over nothing as usual!" Gemma fussed, pulling Harry's fidgeting hands away from his hair. "Honestly, H, with all this huge production you've planned, someone would have to be crazy to doubt how much you adore that girl."
Harry felt himself relax a little at his sister's gentle teasing. Gemma always knew how to put things simply and lovingly. He made a face at Niall, who snorted with amusement.
"Alright, alright, you've made your point, Gem," he said with a little laugh, kissing her cheek. "I'm just going to take a few minutes to myself to get centered, yeah?"
Gemma nodded briskly and shooed Niall out so Harry could have some privacy. Her warm eyes shone with real affection as she gave Harry's arm a reassuring squeeze.
"We both know today is going to be one for the books, love. Just focus on that feeling of pure joy when you see your bride walking down the aisle and everything else will fall into place. I believe in you."
Then Harry was blessedly alone with his whirling thoughts. He went over to the windows, breathing in the fresh spring air from Tuscany while trying to focus his energy. Gemma was right - none of the little details mattered in the big picture. The only important thing was honoring his everlasting love for the extraordinary woman he loved more than life itself.
Straightening up with renewed determination, Harry glanced at his reflection one last time before heading out to take his place. He was about to marry his soulmate in the place they would start their new life together, surrounded by their most cherished people. What could possibly be more magical than that?
Y/N could barely breathe when she saw the breathtaking wonderland that had been created for her wedding in the villa's garden. What was once a normal pretty garden had been totally transformed into something from a fairytale.
Everywhere she looked, there were vibrant splashes of jewel-toned flowers beautifully arranged into lush garlands, bouquets, or delicate sprigs woven into the soaring archway where she and Harry would exchange vows. The warm evening air was filled with the mingled sweet fragrances of peonies, roses, freesia, and sweet pea blossoms that drifted on each gentle breeze.
Overhead, thousands of twinkling lights were suspended amongst gauzy fabric and greenery stretched across the entire garden. As the golden Tuscan sunset faded into dusk, the effect was like being surrounded by a shimmering canopy of fairy lights and stars.
"Y/N, sweetheart, are you ready?"
The familiar gentle voice of her mother came through Y/N's dreamy haze and she turned, fresh tears pricking her eyes. Her mum looked impossibly elegant in her sleek champagne gown, eyes shining with barely contained emotion as she took in her only daughter.
"Oh Mum..." Y/N choked out, feeling a rush of euphoria and disbelief that this day had finally arrived. "I don't think I'll ever be ready enough for the honor of marrying someone like Harry."
Moving carefully so as not to disturb the delicate lace and tulle of her wedding dress, Y/N hugged her mother tightly and allowed herself a quiet moment to simply bask in the surreal joy. She had spent years picturing this day in her mind, imagining every possible detail down to her shoes and makeup. Yet now that it was really happening, she felt even more awestruck and humbled.
A gentle knock came and Y/N's dad was there, looking so handsome and proud in his suit. He cleared his throat roughly, but his watery smile gave away how sentimental he felt.
"Sorry to interrupt, but...it's just about time, petal." His warm fatherly gaze took in every inch of her bridal look - from the shimmering crystal-embellished bodice to the delicate beaded sleeves and sweeping skirt fanning out around her. "You look...well, I've never seen anything more beautiful in all my life."
Y/N hastily wiped beneath her eyes, careful not to smear her makeup. Not that it truly mattered, of course. She would happily embrace any imperfections if it meant getting to marry her other half at last.
"Shall we, then?" she managed to say, linking her arms through her parents' and falling into step with them.
The walk down the villa's arched galleries leading to the main gardens felt both endless yet over in a blink. Y/N focused on drawing deep, calming breaths as she absorbed every sublime detail - the glow of the ornate lanterns, heady jasmine fragrance, and cheerful chirping of crickets.
Finally, she rounded the last archway and her gaze was instantly drawn to the man she had chosen to walk life's path alongside from this day forward.
He was standing beneath the towering archway covered in flowers, hands clasped loosely in front of him, full of nervous energy. For a single heartbeat, their eyes met and locked - shimmering forest green and sparkling hazel exchanging entire paragraphs of adoration, promise, and reverence in one penetrating look.
In that crystalline moment when their eyes met, everything else fell away. The decorations, the assembled guests watching, even the balmy Tuscan evening - it all faded. All that existed was Harry's reverent, loving gaze drinking her in like she was the most precious gift he'd ever received. A look that spoke straight to Y/N's soul, whispering 'you are my forever' without a single word.
As she glided down the petal-strewn aisle on her fathers' arms, Y/N took in every delicious detail of how heart-stoppingly handsome her groom looked. His polished boots shone, his tuxedo hugging his broad shoulders and narrow waist perfectly. The subtle patterns of his trousers and ivory vest added a dapper touch.
But it was Harry's soft, glowing expression that made Y/N weak - those bright green eyes sparkling with happy tears, pink lips curved in a radiant smile, cherub curls framing his chiseled jaw. In that moment, he was the most beautiful man she had ever seen.
Y/N barely registered her parents passing her to Harry's waiting hands under the arch, or the hushed scrape of the officiant clearing their throat to begin the ceremony. She and Harry simply stood transfixed, holding each other's gazes as the familiar words of the marriage rite washed over them.
Harry was the first to break the reverent trance when it was time for them to exchange their vows. He took a deep, steadying breath and squeezed Y/N's hands in his large, ring-warmed grasp.
"My darling Y/N, I knew from the very first moment you walked into that massage room that you were someone really special, sent just for me. Do you remember how nervous and shy I got just looking at your beautiful face? I tried acting all cool and confident like I usually do, but you saw right through that act." He gave a little laugh. 
"You looked me straight in the eyes and said 'Cut it out mister, just be yourself. That's what I want to get to know.' And that moment changed everything for me. As your strong but gentle hands started rubbing out my muscle knots, it was like you were untying the knots around my heart too. You made me feel free just to be my real, imperfect self with you, no need to pretend."
Harry took a deep breath. "Our life together hasn't been perfect, babe. We've been through a lot of hard stuff that nobody should have to deal with. But through it all, you've been my one constant. My guiding light when I'm lost, my warmth and sunshine after the darkest days."  
Tears shone in his eyes. "You are my true home and safe place, Y/N. Where I can always find love, laughter, and acceptance, no matter how beat up I am. Choosing to spend forever with your beautiful spirit is the greatest gift I could ever get."
He squeezed her hands tightly. "So on our wedding day, surrounded by everyone we love most, I vow to cherish you, my endlessly patient and loving wife, through every happiness and struggle life brings. I'll always be your safe harbor to come back to. This is my sacred promise to you, my soulmate."
Y/N had to blink back happy tears as she squeezed Harry's hands. "My dearest Harry, my whole life changed that day you walked into my massage room too. You came in acting all charming and cocky with your messy curls and those gorgeous green bedroom eyes." She grinned at him.  
"But I could see right away I wanted to know the real you, not just some act. And that's when you truly captivated me - by wearing your heart wide open and feeling every emotion so deeply. Your childlike wonder at small joys, your kindness to all living things, your ability to empathize...that's when I knew you were someone who could break through all my walls."
Her chest felt ready to burst with love as she gazed at him. "This man standing before me is the rarest gem. You're boundlessly talented and creative, yes, but also so humble - using your art to uplift people and shine light into the darkness. Over the years you've uncovered the most beautiful soul, and I'm so honored to nurture that forever."
Y/N took a shuddering breath. "You are my safe haven too, my love. The place where I can let all my vulnerabilities show without fear, knowing you'll protect my fragile pieces as fiercely as I protect yours."
She raised their joined hands and kissed his knuckles gently. "So here, in our new beginning place, I vow to spend the rest of my days delighting in your spirit's brilliance. I'll nurture and endlessly celebrate your exquisite soul. Walking peacefully beside you is the greatest privilege imaginable. I'll make sure you never forget that."
His mouth was crashing over hers in a searing, all-consuming kiss that brooked no argument. Y/N melted into the hard planes of his body with a shameless moan, all thoughts of their reception and revelling guests evaporating like rain on desert sands.
They barely made it to the longue before articles of clothing began puddling at their feet in reckless abandon. All that existed for Harry and Y/N in that breathless, eternity was finally, surrendering to the long-anticipated unionn they had fought for.  
"Tell me what you want, love," Harry husked into the heated space between their mouths. "Want to give you everything."
Y/N whimpered at the gravel of her husband's voice, dragging him down into another searing kiss. She licked fervently into his mouth, savoring the smoky, masculine taste that was purely Harry. She craved him.
Harry growled in approval, palming Y/N's breasts roughly before giving the peaked buds a sharp pinch. She cried out, arching into his touch as liquid fire lanced straight to her core. Not to be outdone, Y/N rolled them with surprising strength until she was straddling Harry's muscled thighs.
His gaze followed the path of her hands as she slowly, teasingly trailed them down the sculpted ridges of her own torso. Y/N threw her head back with a breath when her fingertips grazed the slick, throbbing bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs.
"Jesus..." Harry bit out, hips punching up instinctively when Y/N began working herself in tight, frantic circles right in front of him. "You're so bloody gorgeous, darling. Don't know how I got so lucky."
Y/N hummed breathlessly, catching Harry's stare as she continued touching herself shamelessly in clear view. Her other hand drifted lower to wrap around his thick, achingly hard length. She gave him a few firm strokes, smearing around the pearly bead of moisture leaking from his tip.
"Want you inside me," she rasped without preamble. "Need to feel you stretch me wide open, baby."
A low, guttural sound tore from Harry's chest as he instantly surged up into a seated position, cupping Y/N's bum and grinding against her slick entrance. She keened at the prod of him nudging insistently between her folds.
"Yeah?" he husked against the swell of her breasts. "You want this thick cock filling you up, love? Fucking you raw until you're sobbing my name?"
"Yes!" Y/N hissed out on a broken moan, rising up on her knees until just the bulbous tip of him caught on her soaked entrance. "Now Harry, oh my god, please!"
Harry snarled something incoherent before crushing their mouths together in another all-consuming. He swallowed Y/N's shrill cry as he abruptly surged up in one slick, powerful glide - burying every thick, throbbing inch inside her with a lewd grunt.
"Fuck YES!" Y/N sobbed out, throwing her head back as her inner walls fluttered wildly around the stretch and burn. "Oh god, just like that..."
"Bloody fucking perfect," Harry gritted through clenched teeth as Y/N rolled and clenched around him experimentally. "Grip me so damn tight, sweetheart."
Both spurred into a frenzy, they instantly launched into a rapid, frantic grind atop the rumpled sheets. Y/N rose up and dropped back down with shameless abandon, chasing the euphoric drag of Harry's girth splitting her open over and over. Her nails left crescent-shaped indents across the muscles of his straining shoulders and back.
"Yes, yes!" she chanted breathlessly, meeting Harry's brutal upward snaps with her own. "That's it, baby, fuck me just like that!"
"Jesus, the noises you make," Harry gritted out, his large hands flexing around Y/N's hips hard enough to bruise as he guided their filthy rhythm. "So fucking sexy, love. Gonna come just from hearing you."
Y/N keened in delight at his ragged words. She somehow managed to yank him even closer, savoring the rigid press of his abdomen rubbing against her swollen, aching clit with each punishing grind. Her breasts bounced with the feverish motion, nipples pebbled and aching for her husband's mouth.
Seemingly reading her mind, Harry latched on with a snarl, laving and sucking at the tender peaks with focused intensity. The pleasure arrowing straight to Y/N's center had her throwing her head back on a broken wail.
"Oh shit, shit yes!" she babbled frantically, legs beginning to shake and tremble. "Right there, Harry, fuuuuuck don't stop!"
Lewd sounds of flesh on flesh echoed throught the room, paired with their moans and grunts as they made noises freely. They didn’t care about their guests listening to them, because, well, they owned this place.
"Stay right there," Harry suddenly grunted through clenched teeth, halting Y/N with a bone-crushing grip on her hips. He then snapped his hips up once, twice, burying himself to the hilt on each brutal thrust.
Y/N screamed as she finally came around him, every muscle seizing up in pure bliss. Her back contorted sharply as shockwave after shockwave of pure bliss blitzed through her nerve-endings. She could barely draw breath, completely shattered by the force of her release as it gushed hotly around Harry's relentless possession of her core.
"Oh FUCK," Harry roared out, head tossed back as Y/N's clenching finally dragged him over that edge as well. His whole body strained, tendons in his neck and arms flexing as he erupted torrentially inside Y/N with a long, drawn out moan.
They clung to each other throughout their shared ecstasy, trapped in an endless cycle of crashing between blinding highs and soft lows.. Harry's mouth was persistent, soothing across Y/N's damp hairline and temples once coherent thought became possible again.  
Finally, when the last ripples had faded away, he gently manoeuvred them onto their sides without separating their bodies. His now-lax biceps flexed around Y/N's hips, pulling her even closer so he could nuzzle fervent kisses beneath her jaw.
"You're everything," he murmured in a voice gone coarse and raspy from their cries. "My whole fucking universe, you understand me?"
Y/N shivered at his words, craning her neck to slot her mouth over his in a deep, intoxicating kiss. She matched his confession with one of her own without breaking the languid back-and-forth of their kiss.
"Forever, baby. You and me forever."
tell me if you like this! and also if part 2 lived up to the expectations lol.
please reblog or comment if you like, it makes my heart happy :)
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taglist: @freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli @tchlamqtsgf @the-mouse27 @indierockgirrl @vrittivsanghavi @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @drewrry @babyiamperfectforyou @me-undiscovered @tbsloneely @whoreonmondays @kathb59 @avalentina @kittenhere @speedywritingharrystylesjudge @mypolicemanharryyy @theendx888 @ladscarlett @daphnesutton @youcan-nolonger-run @prettythingsworld  @chesthairrry @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs   @hisparentsgallerryy   @storyschanging  @selluequestrian   @islakp217 @swiftmendeshoran @princessaxoxo @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hermoinelove @chronicallybubbly @angeldavis777
solace taglist (y'all asked to be tagged in part 2!): @lhhlver @mysteriouslydecaffeinatedfox @fangirl7060
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discountenancer · 1 year
Here’s why Jasnah and Hoid is a great ship:
It’s not a ship.
It’s a stopgap.
I think Jasnah and Hoid do, on a personal level, enjoy each other. I do not think Brandon is writing them to last, and that’s intentional.
Jasnah finds Hoid to be an intellectual equal—“after all this time” implying she has never encountered someone who could be on her level before. She finds him “fascinating”. She needs his knowledge to save her planet and people. She doesn’t trust him. The text says this directly.
Additionally, they’ve been ‘together’ for what can’t be more than a few months. I don’t remember how long between Oathbringer and ROW, but it’s not long. People don’t fall in love that fast, and both Jasnah and Wit are too smart and risk-averse to let themselves do such a thing. They are not in love. They are doing a very strange form of dating, on top of which they are facing down Odium. No walks in the menagerie for them, just a constant barrage of stressors on all sides. They are under a great level of stress and not doing anything remotely close to courting or dating, physical affection from Hoid aside. Jasnah doesn’t even call him Hoid, so it’s unclear if he’s divulged that name to her despite telling Dalinar and Kaladin, who forgot or refuse to use it. The text is clear that he has told her some things about himself, like not being Alethi, using some power of physical transformation, and being immortal, but she’s stymied on anything else. I don’t think she’s the sort of woman who would insist on calling him Wit in private if she knew a more personal name, but I could be wrong.
So: Jasnah needs Hoid as an ally, needs his vast knowledge of all things Odium/Rayse, and perhaps fancies him as a future partner (“curious how the relationship would develop”). She doesn’t seem to be betting on Hoid 4 Life, but is enjoying the comfort it provides in the moment.
What does Hoid get from this?
First, he gets his dick wet. Jasnah’s canonically very beautiful. The benefit there is obvious.
Secondly, he gets to influence her decisions. He is shifting the boulder to roll in the direction he wants. Hoid is after something, and we don’t know what it is. I do genuinely believe he wants Odium contained—having a God roaming around the universe who wants Hoid specifically to die would doubtlessly be a big ol’ wrench in whatever his plans are. Hoid can do his work much more effectively at Jasnah’s side than on his own. He gets into the Big Important Meetings and knows all of the Plans being made. He gets to cast his vote. Jasnah takes his opinions into consideration.
They are both deriving an immense benefit from their relationship. Don’t let the sex fool you into thinking it makes what they have deeper than it is—as an ace person, I believe Jasnah sees sex as a necessary compromise in maintaining the relationship (“she could provide the intimacy he desired….this was not a new experience for her”). This is unsurprising. Sex is a small price to pay for, uh, saving the planet from an enemy you only recently learned exists and also happens to be the god of hate incarnate.
Brandon has said of the pairing "Wow, that's a really great and a really terrible match all at the same time, and that's what I'm looking for, in a lot of ways.”
Great match for intellectual brains and snark. Terrible match because something is being set up under the pretense of what we are assuming is a sloppy last-minute ship randomly set up in the second half of ROW.
There’s a WOB about how Jasnah and Hoid perceive power—I cannot find it, so here’s the paraphrase I’m drawing on:
“we should be concerned about how both Hoid and Jasnah view power and that’s what drew them together”.
Jasnah and Hoid are creatures of philosophy. Jasnah values the masses over the individual and Hoid values the individual over the masses (“[he] is legitimately empathetic to the individual”; telling Dalinar he would watch Roshar burn to get what he wants while devoting time and risk to helping various characters through rough spots). This is where their attraction to power and how they subsequently use it will put them at odds. They do not have the same goal, though they don’t know it—or perhaps Hoid does already, but is playing the game. Jasnah wants to save Roshar. Hoid wants to save Roshar, but more importantly, as he’s said, he wants to save his own interests.
Jasnah is brilliant, but I do think Hoid is conniving enough to manipulate her. “Yes, he did seem genuinely fond of her. He said it had taken him by surprise as much as it had her” (ROW 99)—this does not mean romantic relationship. It could. It could also mean a general fondness, like a dear friend. We have not seen Hoid or Jasnah exactly palling around with anybody on their own. We don’t know if they’re awash in good judies. They are two very smart people burdened with difficult tasks. Jasnah didn’t like Wit when we first saw them interact. Now they get along and playfully banter. That’s some unexpected fondness for sure. Trauma bonding, baby! It’s a hell of a drug!
Jasnah and Hoid are not fated to be together. They’re not supposed to be convincingly in love, because they aren’t. They are together purely by circumstance and their time is largely consumed with trying to stop Odium or Jasnah picking Hoid’s brain for her scholarly pursuits. Their relationship is, for now, enabling them to tackle the task in front of them. They are together for now, to save Roshar for now. After the battle of champions in SA5, it’s anyone’s guess—mine is that Jasnah will use what she’s learned against him somehow, and he will oppose her directly in pursuit of his own unnamed goal.
There will come a day where they realize the next obstacle they face is each other. They are locked in an embrace with knives in their hands.
TL;DR: Jasnah and Hoid are not in love and it’s okay if you don’t think they’re a good match, because they aren’t, and Brandon has said as much. Their relationship is setting up a mighty, mighty plot point in the back half of Stormlight.
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rainhidesmytears · 2 months
Miraak x Reader NSFW
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(This is literally just an idea I had in snippets all piled together for Miraak, it's a lil bad but that's okay, we're here for affection not perfection. Lemme know if anyone likes it!)
The first time he'd woken to her kisses, she was startled and bright pink in the face, worried she had crossed some invisible like that they hadn't spoken of yet, only to be greeted by an amused gaze as he would play with a strand of her hair that was close enough for him to reach.
"Enjoying yourself this morning, Dearheart?" He'd take notice of how her eyes dilated, and that silent swallow she did when she was nervous whenever she was scolded, watching as her gaze sort of flickered down to her hands that were placed on the bed to hold herself up, else she'd fall on him-
"I- um... Yes. I'm sorry- I thought- um?" She'd flounder for a minute, the tips of her ears turning a cherry sort of red as he slowly understood in his sleepy haze that she had very much been enjoying herself. "I-I'm sorry, Miraak. I should have asked beforehand- but you looked comfortable and... and I didn't want to wake you. You don't get enough sleep as it is- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." She's embarrassed and flustered- and this man has half a mind to fuck the insecurities out of her right that instant. But of course, he contains his own urges. Bringing a hand to hold her jaw and bring her gaze back to meet his own, still very comfortably lounging against the large and very luxurious pillows he refuses to go without.
"What if I was to say that I enjoyed being woken like this? It's not every day a God is loved and cherished with the warm and gentle kisses of his lover. How could I deny such a delicious request if it were to come from your lips?" His words are sincere and clearly just a hint of a tease as his hand moves to the back of her neck, gently tugging her down to his level to taste her kisses himself, able to feel her melt against him, her hands hesitantly hovering in place just a little closer to him as she sits up on her knees now so she won't fall, only for him to grab her hands, physically moving them and placing them on his naked chest.
"I am yours, My Love. Be selfish with me. Touch me, kiss me, taste me, bite me if you so wish. You need not shy from me. Regardless of whether my attention rests with you wholly or if I am still asleep. You may take me as I am in any form you choose." The tone that he says this is almost like he's begging her to continue, and he is. His voice is still soft from sleep, kissing her, pulling her closer, and letting her touch him with his hands over hers so she isn't unsure, begging this woman who loves him so honest and deeply to be selfish with her own desires because he desires her just as much, if not more.
"I can - I can kiss you when you're not busy? Even when you're tired?" Her tone matches his, wanting to make sure she is allowed what he is silently offering her, only for the Priest to laugh and kiss her again.
"You can kiss me always. I only ask that you mind the attention you wish to give me when important guests arrive, but yes, My Love. Yes, you may kiss me. Busy or not. Kiss me, touch me, and give me any of your attention. I am eager for your affections. Especially if I am to be woken by such gentle cherishing. You make my heart sing for you, Beloved. Never doubt this." His lips are against hers as he mutters the last part, before she has pulled back a little bit and he watches her chew on her lip a little bit, moving to sit that much closer so she can reach him-
"Does that mean I can kiss you more?" She means now. In that moment that he'd woken to, only for him to grin up at her and give his very eager approval, only for the woman to kiss him again. It's slower and deeper than he'd usually expect from her, but his hand drops from her neck to her thigh beside him, enjoying this new wave of confidence from his woman as her kisses begin to travel. Across his face and even over his eyes, feather light in nature and even against his ears- oh his poor heart beats to life in these moments.
Her kisses trail from his face to his neck and just under his jaw, knowing she can get away with it because he thinks she isn't aware of what it does to him when she IS, and she just keeps little discoveries like that quiet. Her lips travel to the center of his throat and then to his pulse point, but she keeps those kisses mostly closed, and then more open mouthed kisses across his shoulders and then down his chest, her tongue just barely hinting over the scars she can reach and the hitch in his breath tells her how much he is enjoying this. Her slow kisses began lulling him back to sleep only for the feeling of her tongue against him to pull him back up- and he can't even find it in his heart to groan about it because it feels so good, especially when her teeth graze over his nipples - oh, this Dragon Priest is in love.
She's not fast or harsh enough to jolt him awake, but his cock is another story. His woman is taking her sweet time in getting a taste of her lover, letting her fangs just barely graze over the center of his chest where his ribs connect or the center of his stomach before her tongue has pressed against him again before she sucks a mark into his skin- she can't keep her hands to herself, and it's as if time stops between them, allowing her to kiss and suck and caress as much of his skin as he allows before a quiet moan finally breaks from his lips. His cock is hard under the blankets they share, aching from her playful teases and cherishing and pulsing when she travels low enough he can feel her lips against his hips, following the curve lower past his pelvis and then finally pulling at the blanket. But his woman is infuriating.
She does it slow enough that the friction against him is prominent but not fast enough for a rush of cold air to properly wake him- she's takes such care to keep him comfortable and relaxed and partially dozing off again only for her lips to make it to his thighs, these slow careful bites into his flesh bringing him frustration and ecstasy,  only for her kisses and playful licks to meet the inside of his thighs instead of where he wants it.
When her lips finally make contact, it's not what he expects because her slow open kisses are against his balls first, and it makes him drop his head back into the pillows with this breathless moan leaving him at the surprise of how thoroughly she's taking this, only for her to start sucking and licking where she knows is most sensitive- but she's so careful with her attentions, not allowing him the chance to drift again but also not rousing him enough for him to be aware of anything other than her lips on his cock- and by the time he's finally vaguely beginning to drift again because it just feels so heavenly she's finally taking the tip of his cock into her mouth. Slow sucking that makes him pulse and twitch because he wants more, but his exhaustion doesn't allow him to make demands, only drawn out moans and sighs of relief make it past his lips in that moment. When she finally takes mercy on this poor man and starts sucking his cock, he doesn't have enough energy to pull her hair to tug her closer, until she grabs his hand that had reached for her, only to entwine their fingers as she takes him down her throat?
Oh, he can't even close his eyes anymore because the view of her cherishing him and swallowing his cock as she holds his hand just pierces through his heart when she gets him to cum. It's such a drawn-out orgasm too because of all of her teasing, paired with being able to watch her take him so well and swallow what he gives her. That orgasm lasted much longer than he'd expected it to, and the man felt like he was floating, only for her to start sucking again and milking that poor Priest until his eyelids were so heavy and his moans were damn near whimpers.
Miraak can go a good while until it's finally too much for him to take more, and gods he loved how she took him, keeping him comfortable and warm and sucking his aching cock until he had barely anything left to give as he held her hand like a lifeline, quietly begging for her to stop HOURS after she'd started.
"My Love, please- Oh~ Oh, My Love- I can't- I can't take more, Beloved. Let me rest. We'll play again another time." It's this gentle plea, quickly interrupted by him cuming again before she'd slowed to a stop and let go of his cock, grinning so widely at him as she tucks him back into bed, pressing gentle kisses across his skin once more before he has pulled her back to his side, turning to use her as a pillow as they cuddle up together- and he sleeps hard. Well on through that day and even into the next morning before he had even attempted to rouse from sleep because she was there, her wings laid over him to keep him warm and comfortable and it felt so good that he hadn't a care in the world. It was the first time he'd missed an entire day of work, even one of the servants coming to check on their Master, only to be relieved at the sight of him sleeping through the night, wrapped in her arms with his face in her breasts- covered by blanket with the fire going? They take it upon themselves to finish what he'd worked on, allowing Miraak an entire day of rest with no outside interruptions. Not a single noise aside from their even breaths as they slept together. No arcane auras, no chatter, nothing but them, and the crackling fire.
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rtofbs · 1 year
Planets conjunctions in Scorpio: personal experience - 1
all planets involved here are in Scorpio with the ruler Pluto in Scorpio. please note that I'm not a professional astrology, and I just share bits of my experience and observations. the Venus-Pluto conjunction deserves a separate post dedicated to this aspect alone, so it's not included in the list as well as other conjunctions like Sun-Venus, so part 2 is coming soon.
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Moon - Venus conjunction is my favourite aspect of all as it allows two people to exchange energies freely and create a safe and sweet heaven for both to be with each other. this aspect is intense, but not hot, it's more on a deeper emotional side of both people involved. - Moon person tries to give the Venus person the comfort and safety so Venus can be creative and happy. in return, Venus shows the affection and loyalty needed for Moon person to be relaxed. a) I have a co-worker (Moon) who did go above and beyond to make me (Venus) happy in the company, and in return I always wrote him long public appreciation posts and make him very special to me. every our interaction is pure pleasure and delight for me, his mere existence makes me so happy in my work environment. b) my friend (Moon) remembers that I (Venus) love a specific liquor, and brings it always to our gatherings, she remembers my small details. more than that, I socialise a lot thanks to her, as she welcomes and introduces me to various people, and makes my Venus more active. - the Venus person tries to soothe the Moon person emotions by physical touch, reassuring the Moon that they are there, hey, Moon you are not alone, and you are loved by me. another type of PDA, but more subtle, it's more of a way of non-verbal communication. - if these people had sex, the satisfaction of the Moon person depends on whether the Venus had pleasure or not. the Moon person is very eager to give the Venus pleasure, to make love, and the Venus returns the same. - they both can become emotionally co-dependent because the Venus person is very sensitive to what the Moon feels: the Venus might be sad if they can't provide for the Moon's needs, or the Venus will try to minimise the conflicts even if it's necessary to address some issues. - since this conjunction is happening in Scorpio, it's very prone to emotional roller coaster as both planets are weak. however, even if the relationship is rocky with its ups and downs, Venus tries to be understanding and more accepting the Moons emotions. at the end, Venus might be hurt, but the love is more than this hurt.
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Sun - Moon conjunction creates a union, a ride or die type of relationship, where both are entangled with each other on a various dimensions and levels, and it feels intense as there are too much at stake: be it ego or emotional safety. I have experienced this aspect as Sun, and I have not forgotten any of my Moons. with this aspect I noticed: - the development of a relationship might be dependant on the Sun person, and if the Sun is mature and confident enough about who they are and what they want, this combination might be beautiful. the Moon in this case might try to hint the Sun person what to do, but most of the time they give the decision and the "doing" to the Sun person, or at least want some kind of confirmation on the decision made. - the Moon person might expect the Sun to be more action-oriented, leading and confident in themselves. this conjunction is specifically interesting, beautiful and confusing when the Sun is female, and the Moon is male. this can create situations like the Moon person was waiting until the Sun writes them first, while Sun wanted the Moon to reach out first because they are male. - at the same time the Moon will support the Sun in their aspirations, goals and ambitions, offering them gentle guidance, understanding and acceptance. when working together, the Moon can facilitate what Sun decided to other people, and is happy to partake in Sun's creative endeavours. - the Sun person is protective over the Moon person, and sometimes they can fight whoever whom they perceived as dangerous and not comfortable for the Moon. the Sun person reciprocates the support and might try to avoid the situations when the Moon is left alone without any support, so they will back up the Moon person or do something instead of the Moon person. - the Moon is very supportive of the situations where the Sun is shining bright, most of the times not failing to hype up the Sun person to keep going and shining brightly. - the relationships with this conjunction are formed quickly, because you both recognise each other energies almost instantly, and it's extremely painful for the Sun to lose its Moon, because the Sun will have the ego crush and heart break, as the Moon was significant part of their world and identity. - ngl, Sun can easily be obsessed with the Moon because of the Moon's efforts to make the Sun happy, and Sun might feel like "keep your eyes only on me".
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Venus conjunct Mars is another aspect that creates a union between two people, and this union is full of passion and PDA. - I had this aspect with my former best friend, and people were thinking that we are dating (in fact no) just because we did everything together, and we were always hugging and cuddling, holding hands, taking selfies with some cheesy connotation, preparing gifts for the Valentine's day without any specific reason. - Mars conjunct Venus in friendship might play out as the Mars is involving the Venus in what they do and vice versa, this is a clear indication of partnership of all sort. - the Mars is protective towards Venus, and is willing to do a lot of stuff just to make her happy. I remember the time when I was distressed by the stupid joke, and the Mars started a fight just because I was upset. - the sexual tension here is real and sometimes all over the place. when we danced together, the world was all about us: eyes to eyes, body to body, you and me, here. - Mars can be expressive and supportive when it comes to complimenting the Venus beauty.
i hope you enjoyed this post, and please let me know what you think on these aspects and how it played out in your synastries with your significant other and how the sign of the conjunction influenced your dynamic 🧸 thank you, and see you later!
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inmyfxith · 1 year
SFW Alphabet - Neytiri
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A/N -> This template isn't mine, I don't remember where I found it so if it's yours don't hesitate to tell me so I can credit you.
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Neytiri admires her partner's courage, intelligence, and compassion. She is drawn to their strong sense of purpose and their dedication to their values and goals. Neytiri also admires their physical strength and athleticism, and she loves watching them fly on their banshee or engage in other activities that showcase their skills and abilities.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Neytiri's favorite part of her partner's body is their eyes. She is drawn to their bright, expressive gaze and finds them captivating and full of depth. Neytiri loves looking into her partner's eyes and feeling a sense of connection and understanding that goes beyond words.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Neytiri is a physical person and enjoys close, affectionate contact with her partner. She likes to cuddle with them in their nest. She is also fond of traditional Na'vi forms of touch, such as massages and skin-to-skin contact, which she believes help to connect her to Eywa and to her partner on a deeper level.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Neytiri's ideal date with her partner would involve exploring Pandora's natural beauty and trying new things together. For example, they might go on a hike through the forest, fly on their banshees to a remote waterfall, or visit a new village and learn about the local culture.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Neytiri is very open with her emotions and is not afraid to express them around her partner. She is sensitive and caring, and is always willing to listen and support her partner when they are going through a difficult time.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Neytiri is open to the idea of starting a family with her partner in the future, but she wants to wait until they are both ready and have the necessary resources to provide for a child.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
Neytiri does not place much value on material possessions and is not particularly concerned with gift-giving. However, she does appreciate gestures of affection and appreciation from her partner. She loves it when they give her something that has special meaning to them or that reflects their personality, such as a handmade bracelet or a special plant from Pandora.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Neytiri likes to hold hands with her partner when they are out in public or when they are having a deep conversation. She finds it comforting and a way to feel connected to them.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
If Neytiri's partner were to get hurt, she would be very concerned and would do whatever she could to help them. She would immediately tend to their injury, call for medical help if necessary, and stay by their side until they are fully recovered.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Neytiri and her partner like to joke around and tease each other in a playful manner. They enjoy making each other laugh and lightening the mood with humor.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Neytiri likes to give her partner soft, gentle kisses on the lips. She is a passionate person and her kisses reflect her deep love and affection for her partner.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
Neytiri shows her partner that she loves them through acts of affection, such as hugs, kisses, and small gestures of appreciation. She is also very supportive and understanding, and is always there for her partner when they need her.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
Neytiri's favorite memory with her partner is the first time they flew on their banshees together. It was a thrilling and exhilarating experience that brought them closer together and solidified their bond.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Neytiri's worst fear is losing her partner. They bring joy and meaning to her life, and she can't imagine a future without them. Neytiri also fears losing the respect and trust of her community. As the daughter of the leader of the Omaticaya clan, she has a strong sense of duty and responsibility to her people. She is deeply concerned with upholding their traditions and values, and she fears that she might disappoint or let them down in some way. She is also anxious about the future of Pandora and the challenges that her clan might face, and she worries about being able to protect and provide for them in the face of uncertainty.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
One quirk that Neytiri has is that she is always singing to herself under her breath. She has a beautiful voice and loves to express herself through music.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Neytiri would likely call her partner by a term of endearment or respect that reflects their personality and their relationship. Some options might include "my love," "my mate," "my warrior," or "my bond-brother." She might also use a traditional Na'vi term of affection, such as "my etskol," which means "my heart." Neytiri values sincere, heartfelt expressions of love and appreciation, and she would likely choose a term that reflects the depth of her feelings for her partner.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
Neytiri likes to spend quality time with her partner by doing activities that they both enjoy, such as exploring Pandora's natural beauty or trying new hobbies together. She also values one-on-one time and enjoys quiet moments where she can talk and connect on a deeper level.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
The song that reminds Neytiri of her partner is "I See You" from the Avatar soundtrack. The lyrics and melody capture the deep connection and understanding that Neytiri and her partner share, and the song's message of love and unity resonate with Neytiri's values as a member of the Omaticaya clan.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
Neytiri is very open and honest with her partner, and she values their trust and confidence. She is willing to share her deepest feelings and fears with them, and she encourages them to do the same. Neytiri is also very loyal and protective of her partner, and she will keep their secrets and confidences safe.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
Neytiri and her partner took some time to get together, as they had to overcome initial misunderstandings and biases. However, once they were able to see past their differences and understand each other's perspectives, they were able to build a strong, loving relationship.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
When her partner is upset, Neytiri is very supportive and tries to listen and understand their feelings. She is patient and empathetic, and she does her best to comfort and reassure them.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Neytiri is proud of her partner's strength and determination, and she is happy to show them off to others. She admires their courage and ambition, and she is proud to be by their side.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Neytiri supports her partner's desire to fight for their beliefs and would fight alongside them if necessary. She knows that they are a fierce and capable warrior, and she has complete faith in their abilities.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Neytiri is very perceptive and is able to read her partner's emotions and thoughts well. She is attuned to their moods and can often sense when something is troubling them.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
Neytiri would propose to her partner in a special, intimate setting, surrounded by nature and with a heartfelt speech. She would take the time to express her love and commitment to them in a meaningful way, and she would present them with a beautiful ring as a symbol of their bond.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Neytiri finds peace in spending time in nature and practicing meditation. She enjoys the tranquility and calm that comes from being surrounded by natural beauty, and she finds that meditation helps her to clear her mind and find inner peace.
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For any ship,
Describe their love languages and how they show affection to one another, comfort, and dote.
Ship: Ratchet and Rosie Universe: Transformers Prime TW: General NSFW Themes Info: After the awful time we've had this week I wanna reward our RosiexRatchet anon and @saberstars. Hugs and Hearts from us.
I never really thought I'd be breaking on this, but here we are! They wanna call her a Mary Sue? Fine. She can have all the husbands! Check it out below the cut.
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Rosie – Physical Touch (Receiving) and Words of Affirmation (Giving)
Rosie is someone who loves physical touch. Her body is in immense pain constantly due to her Lupus. So, being touched by gentle hands is something that is soothing for her. It gives her body a chance to register something other than pain. Especially, when Ratchet is a giant heater in his own right. It's comforting on her poor body.
With her hair being as long and as thick as it is she enjoys with others brush and braid it. Something that usually only smaller bots or humans can do. Though she still appreciates it when Ratchet strokes her hair.
Sex - it's abundantly clear that it's something she shares with very few people. Not because she feels as if it's disgusting or dirty, but because for her it's a show of immense trust. Humans don't have sparks in the same way bots do and Ratchet has come to learn that for her - this is her equivalent of Spark Bonding.
When trying to show affections however her words tend to be her strong suit even when she's not able to find all the right words. She's not afraid to tell people how much she cares. Even with a grumpy old man like Ratchet. Hell she's made Megatron stumble from her kindness.
She reminds Ratchet that he doesn't need to walk on busted energon soaked joints to be worthy of love and that his life was never meant to be a punishment. Something she has to repeat often in numerous ways to him.
She's also one of the few who can bring him down from a manic episodes. Optimus can't even talk sense into him when he's like that, but she can bring him to the present every time.
Rosie takes joy in reminding him his work doesn't go unnoticed in the slightest. Even in the berthroom ;)
Ratchet – Quality Time (Receiving) and Acts of Service (Giving)
Ratchet loves just having her in the room with him. Even if all she's doing is catching a nap or organizing some tools. It's the quiet moments that ground him and remind that his new life on Earth is real. And that he will be okay no matter what happens while he is here on this planet.
Most days her being there is enough. Of course some days this need overlaps with a much deeper need. Cybertronians still crave physical affection and he's found interesting ways to fulfill his needs when they interface.
It's the aftermath he loves. Her small frame just sprawled out on his chassis. Soft skin pressing against slowly cooling metal as she sleeps. He's able to bask in the quiet moment and just be. No pressure to perform - he gets to just exist with her in that moment. It's not something that happens often, but when it does he basks in it.
To make his feelings known however - he likes to perform acts of service. Sometimes it comes in small things like reminding her to eat, reminding her to take her medication or helping her calm down after a particularly rough day. If he was smaller he would do far more. But, even when mass displaced he still isn't small enough to do what he wants.
He's dabbled in Dexcom Technology wanting to make a monitor that was more permanent. Though he tried to hide his secret project, Rosie is smart and caught on. He didn't like the thought that she had to reinsert such a device so often. He knew how fragile humans could be and didn't like seeing her in pain after each change out. It's unfortunately he couldn't quite figure it out. However it did help improve energon level detection so it wasn't a total loss.
This love language is one that works best with her need for physical touch, because he is more than happy to serve her.
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Can you share some fun facts about Julie? Thank youuu~ ❤️
Hello sweetie and thank you so very much for your question. 🤗
What's her style, what she likes to wear
Her style in a word is ... mess. 😆
Yes because at home she wears the most comfortable clothes she could find, baggy, mostly cottage core dresses and even shawls, sewn for her from Luke.
Sometimes when she is in the mood even Luke's clothes, as shirts and coats, only to keep warm but the truth is that she liked his scent so much, and when he is cooking or sewing she couldn't be wrapped in his hug for a while and so as a spoiled cat she did what she wants, until he finished what is doing and engulf her in the embrace they both yearned to be in, cuddling together on the sofa.
On the outside instead she prefers more form fitting clothes, that is not too skin-tight but enough to underline her curves, especially she likes more fitting busts and large skirts, everything completed by with low heeled ballerinas.
Hair accessories, jewelry and make up only on special occasions.
Everyday she prefers to wear only a light pink lipstick, her engagement, and then marriage ring, on her ring finger and a pair of little golden chandelier earrings that shine on her dark curls, she leaves loose around her face.
What she likes to read
She really loves romance novels, even better if they took place in the past eras, in fact she is pretty curious to know more about history itself and fashion history, especially from other countries such as Jade, in fact she is quite fascinated by their culture and even learnt their language, inspired by his uncle own adoration for it. 🥰
Something interesting that happened when she moved to the palace, and something that happened in the past
She refused to bend down to Chevalier when she was in town, where Luke promptly protected her, shielding her from him wielding his sword, so imagine the low key panic she felt when she arrived and saw him once more during the round table meeting.
Something she only said once to Luke was that Jin actually saved her, during Bloodstained rose day she wanted to go see him so bad she got lost in the forest, on her way she saw a knight dragging himself away from his village, he told her to seek refuge while she still could and that she should have not visited Hope that day.
She would have replied but his gaze was so sorrowful and empty to tell her everything she needed to know and so, heartbroken for Luke's destiny, she managed to find her way back to her place.
Only when she came to the palace though Jin told her this, recognizing in her the same girl of that day, this made a speck of gratitude and affection swell in Luke's heart for him at that knowledge.
Something about how she deals with the other princes and Sariel
She only meets the other princes briefly but she is wary of Gilbert's fake warmth, even though she felt grateful to him for saving Luke, bringing him back to her.
While on the other hand from what she talked with Keith she gets along pretty well with him, and feels on a deeper level his insecurities, for his oher part she has understood there is something different with him but she did not think him to be a bad person anyway.
Since she came from the countryside it would be an understatement to say she hold a grudge against Chevalier, the fact is an empath she felt what he did was deeply wrong, even though she knew it may have been necessary she felt that as a proclaimed genius he could have done better that that.
She gets along surprisingly well with Clavis and sometimes even helps him with crafting pranks or jokes of sorts.
Leon she adores him, and is the one she gets along the best with, he is the one to cheer for her and Luke to get together with Jin since the beginning.
She is exasperated by Jin's overflirtarious nature, but one she saw how much he cares for his little brothers she became pretty close to him too.
Emma and Rio she and Luke get along with them the best since they were in town, and were actively cheering for them to get together.
In a turn of events Emma is called to the palace to choose the next King too, since Julie is over busy with caring for Luke, Sariel thought that two persons were better than one and here we are.
Julie thinks Sariel is a bit too strict as a teacher and far prefers the carefree lessons Leon so generously provides them both from time to time.
Sariel is still unsure if he loves or hates her, since she is so easy to sleaze off study alongside Luke when she is learning something she is not interested in, but all the same prove to be really acknowledged and curious in subjects she is interested in.
Stories fun fact
Actually all the stories I wrote with Luke and Julie take place after they are married, already settled down in their cottage in the countryside, when they happen to be in the palace during the rare visit they make to meet and talk with some princes about their work of guarding frontiers.
Loved activities
She likes nature and calm places like him, that is a key motif why they will end up settling in the countryside after their marriage.
She loves animals especially cats, and plushies for this Luke filled their home with plush bears he saw himself, she adored helping him cook and spending time with him in general, she likes honey and sweets tastes better when shared with him.
Something they love to do is to walk and admire nature, stopping under a tree to admire the sunset or the sunrise, or even admire the fireflies at night and chasing one another on the hill after a picnic only to fall together on the grass laughing like children, taking their time cuddling and looking up at the clouds or admiring the stars, talking of everything and nothing at once. 🥰
Tagging @itsmyara @bicayaya @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @olivermorningstar @judejazza  @ridiculouslly-ridiculous @candied-boys
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umbracirrus · 7 months
WIP Wednesday? Thursday?
So. Late WIP Wednesday at.... 5:40 on Thursday morning... mostly because yesterday was filled with chaos of many flavours and I didn't have the chance to do much of anything. 😐
Anyway, I've not done much on a creative level, my brain is still frazzled from university assignments which needed submitting at the beginning of the week, but I have done a little bit of writing!! It's an excerpt from a few chapters into Seeking the Sun and would you look at that, Elyse has only just met her future husband and he's spoiling her already. I'm also not going to tag anyone - my mind is the physical manifestation of TV static right now so names just aren't coming to me but if people want to say that I tagged them then go right ahead.... 💛
“I know who you are,” the woman behind the counter hummed, confusing Elyse as she held onto her bandaged wrist which she had made the painful mistake of leaning on the wood with a few moments earlier as she had sat down. “You survived Helgen, didn’t you?”
All the colour drained from her face as she felt the inn quieten down quite a bit at the question. Her lips only opened slightly, no words escaping her as her mouth and throat began to feel inexplicably dry.
“The Jarl sent someone over to pay for a room for you. Told me what you looked like and that you would probably be nursing an arm injury.”
That came as even more of a surprise to her - the Jarl had suggested that she stay in the Bannered Mare for the night... She never anticipated that he would have actually paid for her to stay there. She had to clear her throat before she could respond, even if it was only a mere two words framed as a question. “H... He did...?”
“Aye. It’s common knowledge that the Jarl has been worried about the rumours of a dragon attacking Helgen. The fact that a survivor went to him, well, I’m not surprised he’s going the extra length to make you comfortable in the city,” she muttered, pulling out a key as her lips pursed together and the creases in her face grew deeper. “You’re probably the best he’s got for getting answers, especially if he’s not on talking terms with the Empire or the Stormcloaks. He’s lucky that his decision isn’t affecting business much... yet.”
Elyse remained quiet as the woman then stepped out from behind the counter, a slow and weary motion, and gestured for her to stand up. “Your room is this way. But so that you are aware, the Jarl’s hospitality has extended to a room and a hot meal only. Anything else, you pay for it off your own back.”
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whitedahlia13 · 9 months
Pls listen to “dead weight” by Ella Jane bc it’s giving Stydia even in 2023 especially with the context of Jackson calling Lydia that👀
ooh...you are so right! And putting Jackson aside (because…why not?) these lyrics definitely conjure up season 2 Lydia/Stydia vibes. You know, the season where Lydia’s story actually starts to develop, and we get to see different sides to her. Like how smart she is, how strong—but also how confused, manipulated, and isolated she is. Lydia is going through hell, and she’s doing most of it alone. And for as much as she insists that she’s fine, doesn’t need or want anyone’s help—our girl truly is aching to reach out to someone, to be heard.
Enter Stiles... This adorable, awkward, caring soul who matches her for intellect. Someone who has already proven he sees the real Lydia and would do anything for her.
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Obviously, he made an impression on Lydia at the Winter Formal. Season 2 though… This is when I think Lydia really starts to *get Stiles* on a deeper level. She may be keeping him at arm’s length, but it’s clear she wants to believe that his affection for her is genuine, that (unlike other people🙄) he would never intentionally hurt her. From what we can tell, she hasn’t had that experience in the past.
So yeah, their interactions in s2 may be few—but they are powerful and connecting, each of them laying the groundwork, so to speak, for the friendship we see in s3 and beyond. One that is comfortable and based on mutual respect and trust.
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And I’ll also point out that one of the few times we see Lydia happy and relaxed in s2 (if not, the whole series) is when she and Stiles are ice skating. I mean, the girl looks like she’s about to take flight under his adoring gaze.
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In short, being with Stiles makes Lydia feel happier, lighter, more herself. No room for dead weight in this relationship tyvm 🧡💙
Thank you for the rec!
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gale-gaze · 9 months
Is it ok to ask how Maeve would respond to the Gale and Mystra situation?
You may absolutely ask anything about Maeve, be it reactions to events, feelings on various characters, or anything in-between! 💜
My full breakdown is under the cut due to spoilers, but -
In Short:
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In Depth:
Before the adventure, Maeve is devoted to Mystra and her teachings - she needed anything to cling onto as she tried to find a way to resolve her family's conflict and make sense of herself, so when she found books on Mystra and she saw potential in them, she ran with it; being a Cleric of Mystra felt cathartic and like she belonged to something, which she longed for in her childhood, and it offered a means to potentially help those that she cares for and bring them back together.
Then at the beginning of the adventure, she meets Gale and feels a deep rooted understanding with him - she had been hidden away with her books to try and connect dots and figure out secrets to a puzzle she didn't even understand for so long, that to finally connect with someone outside of her family on some deeper level was very sentimental to her; she had acquaintances and friends in the past, but nothing quite as invigorating as being able to talk with Gale about magic, the Weave, and Mystra's influence on it all with such poignant insight, and it is profundly moving for her to feel heard when she spends time with Gale.
But then Gale reveals the events that transpired between him and Mystra more in a moment of vulnerability surrounding his affliction, and she is taken aback with the revelation - what she thought was just a connection of comradery becomes so much more suddenly as he offers his deeply intimate history with the subject that they both hold so close to their hearts; her devotion to Mystra remains, but starts to falter as she gets more insight to Mystra outside of her books.
She struggles internally as she gets closer to Gale and she understands more of how this past with Mystra has affected him and his views on himself and finds herself reassessing everything - she can feel his disappointment as he seeks forgiveness, and she can even see glimpses of the struggles that her family has faced mirrored in him in those moments; the desire to help and give to something you care so deeply for, just to have them be taken in a way that was unintended and then be outcast because of that misunderstanding.
And then they meet up with Elminster, and she has a brief moment of hope again - surely when he, a friend to Gale, says that he has a message from Mystra herself, that message would help quell her fears and wavering devotion; so she eagerly welcomes him with high hopes and anticipation, and that hope is quickly brought crashing down, hand in hand with her devotion, as Mystra's views on redemption and forgiveness are revealed and she has to fully reassess herself.
Gale is understandably distraught over his uncertain but looming future after this and reaches out for an inkling of comfort to quiet and quell his underlying fears, even if only briefly for an evening, and without qualm or hesitation, she offers him the same understanding that he has given to her - quiet and gentle appreciation for his work, mixed with tender admiration for how he manages to make her feel, even in these dire times; he shows her his most cherished place and his most vulnerable fantasy, and it feels like home to her.
From there, she is pouring every ounce of energy she has left each day into reading and gathering information through what means she can find - working to better shed light on the situation more and piece together information that will help her in creating even a semblance of a plan; anything that will prove to him that there is another way, that he matters enough to figure out an alternative solution to the problem at hand.
Once Gale goes against the path that Mystra had laid out for him for forgiveness and succeeds, she diverts her attention towards finding her own path forward - she cannot bear to follow blindly any longer now that she sees the cracks in her goddess' visage; after heavy research, while Gale confronts Mystra and stands up for his decision to disobey her wishes, Maeve transitions to becoming a Cleric of Oghma to follow the gentle teachings of her Bard mother and better align herself with the morals that she had grown up with.
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anyhow, hope y'all enjoy another lil info dump from my brain
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chezzabellesworld · 2 months
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Efffy stoneham.
Dark feminine
Cassie Ainsworth
Light feminine
So here we have the two girls from skins well two of the girls from skins Cassie and Effie who I think our central characters for each generation and the most popular girl you see online in the sense of skins characters, and why is this? well they just have a popular and relatable , ways to especially in English culture where Effie even though she has in the first six series selective mutism actually she’s mute I believe and just uses her facial expressions and gestures, many girls feel like her the shy girls feel like her the popular girls feel like her she is wanting to grow up fast she is out parting. She is out doing stuff. She has her brother cover for her. In fact Effie is the only character that Tony is completely selfless with everybody else he is selfish with.
I think what it is about Effie is her style. Her acting is incredible that you really feel it the British culture the millennial culture and also what makes it more believable than euphoria not believable because euphoria are amazing. It just seems a lot more comfortable and at home, it was a time capsule and I am a millennial. I am 34 and I actually didn’t watch skins when I was younger. I didn’t actually watch it till about 2021. I was 31 and a lot of people say that they saw it when they were too young and it affected them and I personally cannot comment on that but the amount of girls I’ve seen saying this is Lot LOL and that’s why I guess it was very controversial for me generation two is my favourite. I love it I love JJ and then we really get to see coming into her own and show her story a bit deeper and how Tony’s accident and their sibling relationship has affected them. You see the breakdown of her parents marriage, you see the relationship with panda and and the disloyalty between that I thought love triangles are really a rare thing and not many people did them. You got roasted and myself have been in a couple. I think this is why I relate to it so much and I hang onto my teenagers so much because, I felt a different way. I felt that the confident happy me and I think that’s why people felt the familiarity with Effie even all these years later and it will be one of those things that many generations will go to watch upcoming generations will go to watch it’s timeless, basically And she uses her dark feminine energy which is in her personality just the way she was on the bus with the homeless man burning things smoking a very young age going out at a young age being phased by people looking at her there’s a scene where in general to wear the first episode if you walk into the school and everyone is staring at her and her outfit!, because nine times out of 10 they’re jealous and then in the next scene Katie wants to come up and be her friend because she feels like the only other girl and her level is this what makes Effie more relatable than a character like Katie, she doesn’t need the validation
And the boy is going ooh la la Effie and Katie answers him instead and he’s like looking as if he’s just unfed and I think that’s why a lot of girls were like her she’s on faith but at the same time she has the depth to her in the series of generation two and the end of the series one of generation two like we do in all of the skins we see the development and the character development was very well done Connection with her the lack of connection almost with her parents at her mum
And how she wanted to get out and be with the boys and play games with Freddie and a lot of girls probably want to be her and that’s why they’re so much love for her confident the lack of accountability the clothes the farm the and the boys of course
 so as you can see I’ve put Effie and I’ve put Cassie in this because I feel like they’re too opposite end of the scale but Cassie starts off innocent suite and then goes into a darker soul. I’m vice versa with F both these guys are relatable but in different different ways I feel with Cassie it’s the side of ourselves that we’re not so keen on, the side of ourselves that is introspective afraid to speak up and allows ourselves to get used by people that we love which can feel awful. This is why when panda and Effie show up and she’s with the girl and then she’s with the boy she’s allowing herself to get used again, used to, she almost felt like she didn’t deserve any better than being treated that way disrespectful who was obsessed with Michelle who was never gonna have properly because she loves Tony and Tony his best friend Cassie too but it always annoyed me because I always felt Cassie was better than said and she was sweet and kind and always wanted a bit too much as a teenager can’t get diagnosed with personality disorders but but but but because in teenagers you exhibit personality disorder trait so that’s why a lot of people with personality disorders included get called childish or immature, but Cassie was definitely exhibiting to be and trace with almost avoidant dependent and quite borderline also exhibited that and she did go through the psychotic depression due to drugs and traumas could be histrionic and may be even,
I have shown both girls colour pallets at the top of this page and how Cassie is the light feminine and Effie is the dark feminine even in clothing that’s what I mean clothing sometimes but more grungy chat a lot of chains a lot of jewellery Cassie has a lot of bows frilly little dresses, Peter Pan collar.
You even see it with the hair colour the eye colours everything we had the dark colour is the grey or black the dark hair the dark make up Cassie has has the blonde hair but the brown eyes with the pink light pink white a lot of the time and shimmer sort of colours and when she’s with her parents she is often overlooked by their relationship. The little baby doesn’t even really get much care unless it’s with Cass to look at these characters and very similar and how girls have both types of personalities relate to these girls very well you don’t often hear people say about Michelle Emily Katie panda Naomi it is mainly Cassie and Effie and I feel it is because of these two concepts, the introvert and the extrovert and the almost as well thank you guys
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the-widow-sisters · 11 months
"I... missed you." With Gamora and Nebula?
A/N: Thank you so, so much for this request! 💖💖💖 This one takes place between Infinity War and GotG Vol. 2.
This is actually the first time that I've written anything for Gamora and Nebula, but I've been absolutely dying for the chance to (as you can tell by the slightly insane word count 😅) Hopefully I was able to portray them mostly well, lol. Gamora was a bit hard to write only because she reminds me of a green version of Natasha. But she is slightly different from Natasha so I have to write her differently, and that makes for some complications 😅
Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy! Original list is here!
Word Count: 2.9k+
   “Can you braid my hair for me?” Gamora asked abruptly, interrupting the half-awkward, half-comfortable silence between her and the blue-skinned woman.
   Nebula instantly stiffened, stopping in the middle of eating the candy that Gamora had fetched for her earlier. Gamora could hear how her heart picked up its pace a bit. Despite the fact that her face betrayed no such emotion, Gamora knew the request had thrown her off and made her nervous at the mere implication of the amount of contact required to do such a thing.
   The Guardians were docked for the time being, and everyone was out drinking for now and celebrating their victory, so it was just she and Nebula for now.
   On the Guardians’ way to the planet they were currently on, she had found out that Nebula was going to be in the same location as them. Mustering all of her courage, she had tentatively extended the invitation for her to come and visit the ship since no one was there.
   Gamora had been sure that Nebula would not agree to it. However, to her utmost shock, after about thirty minutes and just when Gamora had been about to go and have fun with the others, footsteps had sounded on the metal flooring of the ship, and Nebula had come.
   Nebula, of course, had not been happy about it, but she was there nevertheless and that had to count for something.
   “Why do you need me to do it? You are perfectly capable of braiding your own hair. I have seen it,” Nebula defensively spat at her, bristling as per usual but with a bit more of an edge in her voice than she ordinarily would have as she put the candy bag down.
   Gamora let out a deep breath through her nose.
   She had not really wanted to expose the reasoning behind her request, but she knew that there was little chance that Nebula would agree to this without her thinking of some manner of explanation. As it was, Nebula seemed to be convinced that this was some manner of trick and that it had some kind of ulterior motive behind it.
   Gamora had truthfully only wanted to offer her and her sister a chance to spend more time together and to reconnect in a manner that was deeper than just surface-level conversation.
   Nebula was not someone to talk about her deeper feelings, and Gamora knew that. It was an obvious show of weakness and Nebula despised weakness with everything she had.
   The hug that she and her sister had shared not so terribly long ago lingered in Gamora’s mind. How Nebula had so tentatively returned the embrace and how she had been so stiff at first but slowly melted against Gamora. How sharply she had sucked in that breath as she pulled back and turned away, rushing as quickly as she could in the opposite direction without looking like she was running despite the fact that the both of them were well-aware it was an escape.
   The hug had been one of the nicest things that Gamora had felt and undoubtedly one of the best memories she had. Especially when it came to her sister.
   Now that Gamora was in a better place to offer and receive affection— in large parts thanks to Peter and the rest of the Guardians— she wanted to extend that same love to her sister. The person that had gone through it all with her. All of the pain and suffering and torture and tears and evil. She wanted to give her love.
   All Nebula had ever wanted was love from Gamora, and Gamora hated herself for ignoring that need and selfishly prioritizing her own wellbeing.
   Braiding one another’s hair had been something they did in the earliest weeks of their time together. Nebula had lost her hair considerably early on, parts of it being removed in patches as panels were placed on her body with synthetic skin covering parts of her.
   As she lost her hair slowly, Nebula still braided Gamora’s hair. When she eventually was completely bald, it was Gamora who had finally put a stop to the entire thing, unable to bear the fact that she had something so precious that she knew Nebula herself had owned before and had wanted to keep.
   The reason she was suggesting it now was because she wanted to have something that could bring them together physically in a manner that could ground Nebula.
   “I was injured in the last mission we had,” Gamora stated simply, referencing the last time that she had gone out with the Guardians. Nebula instantly looked as if she were closing off to her a little at the mention of the others, and Gamora could see her jaw clench as she shot back her response to Gamora’s statement.
   “It didn’t seem to stop you from raising your arms up to reach the snacks earlier,” Nebula sneered.
   However, Gamora knew it was a barb simply intended to invoke anger from her. It was so that Nebula could steer them back into territory that she was more comfortable with and new how to navigate.
   “Just do it, please,” Gamora simply requested once more.
   Nebula eyed her carefully and distrustfully, her expression guarded outside of the typical mask of irritation and anger written in her features.
   Gamora could practically hear the gears turning in her head as Nebula mulled over the request. Gamora could see how close that the blue-skinned woman was to turning her down.
   However, surprising her, Nebula curled her lip in a slight snarl and just glared at her.
   “Fine. I suppose you’re finally admitting I’m better than you at braiding. I always have been,” Nebula responded to her. Gamora bit back her desire to rise to that challenge, the flames of aggravation licking at the edges of her mind.
   “Come on, then,” Gamora told her, choosing not to grace that with a response as she walked ahead, leading Nebula to her quarters. Nebula strode along behind her, her footsteps falling certainly but her heartbeats thumping erratically.
   Gamora entered the room, and Nebula stood awkwardly near the doorway. The door slid shut behind her, and Gamora did not speak as she withdrew a hair tie and a brush from a drawer near her bed. She then moved onto the bed, sitting down on the edge. She looked to Nebula expectantly.
   Nebula looked at her impassively for a few seconds before letting out a huff that communicated nothing but exasperation. However, Gamora knew that Nebula was simply trying to dissipate the nervousness she was feeling. She could feel Nebula’s heart calming a little as she let out the breath.
   “Just sit on the bed behind me—”
   “I know how to do it,” Nebula growled as she interrupted her, her voice challenging Gamora to dare say anything otherwise. Gamora quieted, not saying anything as she fought her own impulse to be irritated with the other girl.
   Gamora was trying to do something for Nebula in the end, after all. But Nebula always had to make it hard.
   Nebula moved onto the bed behind Gamora, not bothering to take her shoes off, and Gamora bit back the desire to tell her to take her shoes off before getting on her bed. The only thing stopping her was that she did not want to scare her off.
   Gamora wanted to have a sisterly bond with her, and those feelings were the fuel for this entire thing.
   That and Gamora’s overwhelming sense of guilt overcoming her every time she thought about Nebula’s broken admission of just wanting a sister.
   Nebula waited a few moments, her heart thumping in her chest heavily again.
   Gamora knew she was scared of this contact. They had not shared it in a long, long time, and Nebula herself was likely terrified of how intimate and close and sisterly that it all was.
   Gamora, of course, could not be sure that these were the feelings rushing through her, but she would be willing to wager only because it was how Gamora herself felt.
   As the brush finally made contact with her hair, Gamora clenched her teeth, expecting Nebula to be rough. After all, in most situations, she was no less.
   However, to her shock, Nebula brushed through her hair painstakingly gently. Gamora tentatively loosened her jaw, a little too on-guard to completely relax but finding herself pleasantly surprised so far.
   Nebula did not say a word as she got out the tangles and worked surprisingly quickly considering how careful that she was being. Gamora remained quiet as well, almost afraid to disrupt the rare peace between them.
   Nebula then put the brush down. Gamora followed her movements in her peripheral vision, catching sight of the metal glint of Nebula’s arm. It sent a twinge of guilt in Gamora’s stomach, and she tried her best not to think about the day that Nebula had received that “improvement.”
   Nebula softly braided her hair, still not speaking, and Gamora was not sure what to make of her silence. Her heart had calmed somewhat, so Gamora could only assume that she was perhaps growing a bit more comfortable.
   Gamora risked speaking up.
   “Did you enjoy the candy earlier?”
   “No. It was too sticky,” the reply was simple and slightly irritated. However, Gamora knew that if Nebula truly would have had any issues with it, she would not have eaten it and definitely would have described the taste rather than the texture.
   Gamora just hummed a soft laugh, and Nebula did not speak as she worked.
   Before too terribly long, she finished off the braid, tying it off carefully.
   Amazingly, despite the fact that Gamora had expected some manner of sarcastic comment, Nebula did not say anything at all, remaining silent in the manner that she mostly been since starting this venture.
   Gamora hesitantly thought of what she had wanted to do since she thought of this idea. It was something that would allow Nebula to have some amount of enjoyment from the experience as well despite the fact that she could not participate in it the way that she used to.
   Gamora turned to face Nebula, watching her, and Nebula flinched at the sudden movement. She did not seem to be sure how to respond to the change in position.
   Gamora offered her a brief onceover before wetting her lips and speaking up suddenly.
   “Turn around,” Gamora gently commanded, the words more of a request than anything. Nebula instantly stiffened, those darkened eyes gazing blankly back at Gamora for a moment.
   Gamora could hear the increase in her heart rate, and she knew that she was scared to offer that sort of vulnerability. Turning one’s back meant offering an opening to be attacked from behind. Gamora just gazed back at her wordlessly, leaving the request hanging out in the open. She knew that if Nebula did not want to indulge her invitation, she would make no qualms about saying as much.
   Something in Nebula must have decided ultimately that she would trust Gamora in some capacity because she turned her head to the side, looking away for just a moment before starting to slowly maneuver herself around to allow her back to face the green-skinned woman.
   Gamora let out a soft breath, feeling somewhere between utterly guilty for being a primary cause of that distrust and feeling absolutely beyond ecstatic that Nebula chose to trust her.
   To the outward world, it would be a small and insignificant thing, but between the both of them, it was a special message.
   It meant she trusted her not to hurt her.
   Gamora looked at the back of Nebula’s head, studying it carefully as she tried to maintain her nerve. She had asked Nebula to turn around for a reason, and she did not want to scare her by waiting too long to do what she had been aiming to.
   Gamora tentatively lifted her fingers toward the back of Nebula’s head.
   She knew she could not braid her hair for obvious reasons, but she could at least attempt to return the favor in the best manner that she knew how. It would be like old times or as close as they would ever get to them, and maybe the contact would bring some manner of comfort to Nebula.
   As her fingertips softly made contact with the back of Nebula’s head, Nebula flinched violently, the muscles around her shoulders and the back of her neck visibly tensing and flexing with the sheer fear she was experiencing.
   Gamora hesitated, hoping that Nebula would not run as she so often did when things were too overwhelming for her. She waited for Nebula to show any signs of trying to escape or attempting to fight back.
   To her surprise, it was as if time had stopped and it almost seemed that Nebula had held her breath. Gamora could not help but wonder if she was perhaps afraid to move.
   Nebula’s heart was racing and honestly, Gamora’s was not doing much better. She knew that Nebula could hear it, and perhaps that was the only thing grounding her there. The knowledge that Gamora was as scared as she was.
   As nothing happened and Nebula did not run, Gamora tentatively ran her fingers along Nebula’s skin on the back of her head. It was synthetic but she apparently had some manner of nerve endings added to it so that Nebula could actually feel the touch.
   Nebula was so still that Gamora almost thought she was not even breathing. She softly touched her head, tracing down to the back of her neck. She gently moved back up, her fingertips brushing along until she was behind one of Nebula’s ears. She softly moved up toward the top of Nebula’s head, noting her little sister’s height not for the first time.
   The entire time, Nebula did not utter a word, and it made Gamora think of when Nebula had not said anything as Gamora hugged her. Nebula was undoubtedly not used to touch unless it was some manner of pain being inflicted upon her or as a result of Thanos’ almost nonexistent favor toward her.
  Gamora desperately wanted to change that. Change it like it had been changed for her. Kind, soft touch should be given freely and not as some manner of a reward for doing Thanos’ bidding.
   It should be given between sisters.
   She even remembered a point in time that Nebula had been given those kind, soft touches freely. It had been when they were children, but nevertheless, it had been given. It had just been far too long ago, and Gamora suddenly found herself wishing that they had somehow met one another in different circumstances. That they had become sisters in different circumstances.
   She felt an overwhelming sensation of loneliness, sadness, and regret. And, strangely enough, wistfulness as she thought of the girl that Nebula could have been and how much happier the both of them could have been together.
   As Gamora traced the panels surrounding Nebula’s head, however, she was brought to the here and now and the reality of it all. The fact that they did grow up the way they did and the fact that she had not spent time with her nearly as much as she should have for the duration of their lives. Even if she would have had to face punishment, it would be better than having to consider the fact that Nebula went through life alone for the majority of it.
   Compelled to speak, Gamora let her hand fall softly from Nebula’s head, her fingers softly brushing Nebula’s neck and the back of her shirt as Gamora looked down at the bed where it had wrinkled as a result of their movement upon it.
   “I… missed you,” Gamora whispered softly, her words barely a breath between her and Nebula’s back as she offered the admission.
   Nebula did not say anything, but given how her heart jumped at the admission, she knew that it meant something to her little sister. She was not sure if the emotion was anger, love, hope, or hatred, but Gamora hoped beyond hope that Nebula was not upset.
   Nebula sucked in a breath, the slight whine of human vocal chords and a robotic voice box melding as some noise barely formed in the back of her throat.
   Gamora knew that the woman was on the verge of running, and Gamora made no move to fight as Nebula actually took action, moving off of the bed swiftly as she strode over to the door. Her head was held high as she tried to deny anything being wrong, but Gamora could hear the quick thumping of her heart as it faded with the distance she put between them.
   Gamora simply looked down at the bed, taking in a deep breath and letting it out as she closed her eyes. The regret was taking hold as it always did when Nebula left. Always thoughts of how she could have done things differently or better.
   Gamora’s eyes opened as she heard the other woman’s voice speak up not too far from her. She looked up at Nebula as she spotted her lingering in the doorway. Nebula was still and her back was to Gamora as she moved her head to the side.
   “I’m docked five ships over.”
   Gamora’s heart leapt with hope, and Nebula, almost sensing it despite the fact that she was too far to hear her heartbeat, scoffed.
   “Do not get excited, sister. It’s so that someone can bring me back my spare prosthetics that the fox stole last time we saw each other,” she informed her dismissively, stalking out the door as she left and headed down the hall toward the exit.
   Gamora could not help her smile as it slowly overtook her face.
   It was a small gesture, but with them, it was enormous.
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elkenbulwark · 6 months
@wildskissed cont.
Oh, he damned well knew he was out of his mind indulging her like this. He was already out of it- a comfy home for a mindflayer to take over without so much of a twitch from him to protest when he'd gathered the weeds to start with. Even if initially he hadn't planned on handing them over to her, the drive to occupy his hands and then not want to waste his efforts got the better of him. Surely- that was all it was. Elves liked flowers anyway, so why not? Wood elves especially. Not that he knew too many of those personally, but she'd started the trend, he supposed. At least he was mildly sure she had wood elf somewhere in the line up, though he wouldn't stoop to asking her more to not come across so...curious. He was by no means a cat, but he still didn't feel like having his whims backfire in his face like the strange, wild magic spells she wielded.
Speaking of, he was somewhat surprised he had just her lips to answer to and not a random explosion in his face...as of yet, anyways. He was much too glad to silence her sass for even just a brief moment in returning her lips with a fond rutting of his jaw against hers to consider the possibility of such an explosion, but he'd taken his share of friendly (not actually so friendly) fire from Ren's fire spells against a gaggle of enemies surrounding him that he did not think about his own well being at the time, though the tingle in his lips and the tadpole in his brain would argue this was the best for his well-being, in their highly held opinion.
His movements were careful, yet assured when he toted her off the beaten path, well aware of the full daylight that offered to expose the sudden spark of activity between them. He could curse about it if her lips weren't so demanding of his during their 'bartering' session. With how it was going, there was no way he'd come out of it with a shred of dignity to his name. Especially not if word made it to that fucker, Astarion-...no, he didn't want to think about that now. Though the thought introduced a level of authority briefly explored by swinging her weight round as if he'd press her against the wall of the abandoned shed. Instead, he swung further than needed and dropped back himself with his back against the wall and her weight balanced against his mid-murmur against her lips when they drifted off the distance needed for her to admonish him. Or whatever it was she had planned- river current that she was and he just waiting to see what direction it would take a leaf like him.
The crushed flowers noted, he huffed at her as she mused about the predicament, looking about as red in the face as some of the petals...though she was one such creature he'd met without shame. Well, if they had to steep low, he could bend. Or at least lean in to nuzzle just so under her ear at the hair tucked behind it like he meant to nudge it free with his persistence and cause her face to itch for all his efforts. "Not deeper than these tadpoles, that's for sure." As he rested his back against the wall, he took to stroking up through the valley of her shoulder blades and further into the mess of her hair as his other remained a support beam beneath one of her thighs. Something about how he had his back pressed firm to the wall seemed to calm him to her further affections, and he found himself groaning with his chin tipped up to the snap of her teeth. Though anyone else would have found the most comfort in being butted and held against a wall for safe, if not selfish safe keeping, the half-orc felt more useful the other way around. No random orc weapons sliding through the wall would bother them...and if it did, at least it was his back that would take the blow this go round.
"We-...can't keep this foolin' up." Birvor reminded her hesitantly, sharp-ended fingers already tangled in the mess of her hair which he used to guide her in to what anyone else would see as a kiss from some distance away, though it was really just a close ghosting of lips where he deposited a heavy breath or two against her mouth. "Can'tcha be normal 'an rile us up under the cover 'uh night?" Complaint huffed, he let his hands explore their holding place at her hips with a soft squeeze and a rumble in his throat against the teeth taking a snap at it.
"...so m'takin' it ya liked'em?"
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taestefully-in-luv · 1 year
Okay, our time chapter 2, analysis, go!:
Again, with the tension between JK and Misuk, makes a lot more sense, knowing what we know.
This is the freshest thing in my mind lol forgive me for going out of order but the drinking. Idk how I didn’t put it together sooner! All the empty (and full) beer bottles, soju bottles, the glass of vodka next to a shot bottle. All subtle hints to how he’s living. We don’t know what he’s doing when he isn’t with Y/N, so the chances of him going home and then drinking there is pretty high, I think.
Y/N’s mom also mentions how things are easier to get through when you’re, and I quote, “[…] together.” I think that’s a definite hint to them wanting Y/N and Jungkook back together. They obviously are already aware of the divorce at this point, so I think it was a subtle hint to OC that she needs to (should?) stay with Jungkook.
The scene where OC calls JK “Ribbit”! I believe he said something along the lines of, “I just really fucking missed you”, and though I’m sure he was talking about the three months Y/N was in a coma, I think it’s safe to say that he was 100% also talking about the time they spent apart after the divorce. Obviously, at this point it time, both us readers and Y/N are too in the dark about everything to look at anything deeper than just surface level, so this was a really neat way to include some foreshadowing without being super in your face with it.
I also don’t think I really have to mention the physical affection again, but I will, anyway. Jungkook pulling away during the kitchen-shoulder-massage scene makes a lot more sense now, since we know he was obviously like “oh shit I’ve gotten too comfortably too quickly fuck”, and then (effectively) trying to deflect by hugging OC again thereafter. The amount of sexual tension during their little “sleep over” scene, where they talk about the wedding, was literally killing me. The image about JK spreading his ⚪️⚪️⚪️ all over her killed me the first time and it killed me again this time lmfao.
Also, Jungkook’s jealousy (bc that’s obviously what it is, in hindsight) makes more sense now, too. When she brings up the guy she bumped into at the market, and insinuates that she might’ve been sleeping with him (and possibly others as well), Jungkook changes the conversation. Also mentioning how he doesn’t wanna talk about “[their]” past sex lives— because they were both, as Y/N puts it, involved with one another at some point as well.
I think that’s everything for this chapter 😭✋🏻
Lmk if I missed anything? Or just lmk how well I did?
Still obsessed with your writing </3
chapter 2:
1. true…..but do we know everything? 👀
2. oh yes, our introduction to jungkooks apartment is the first huge sign that something is off with him! it’s supposed to represent everything he’s not (according to yn) but in ch 6 when we get his pov it gets talked about how this is his new normal and this is who he knows himself as now :/
3. it does seem like yn’s parents think that the best thing for yn and jk is to be together but they probably also don’t know everything. or maybe they do 👀 but we will see
4. exactly! in fact, yn even makes the connection that he was referring to the three months she was in the coma. because obviously for her, there’s no other reason for him to miss her that much
5. oh yes that little intrusive thought of hers was probably my own intrusive thought bc i added that detail in without thinking about it ahhahaha but it felt fitting so i kept it
6. he DEFINITELY got uncomfortable, yes. it’s one thing to keep their relationship a secret for obvious reasons but it sucked extra bad for him that he couldn’t give her a solid explanation for why he didn’t wanna hear about her possible sex life after him 🤷‍♀️ so changing the conversation is the the better route
it sounds like you got all the major stuff! it’s been a while so i can’t remember everything either but i’m sure you’ll have picked out more things as the chapters go 🥰
thank you for doing this btw 🥺 i’m having fun~
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enavant · 1 year
5 n 12 for the ship meme ok ok
━━ ❥❥❥ SHIPPING QUESTIONS ━━ accepting !!
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❥ 5. how easily does your muse fall in love?
♡ falling in love i think is subjective, she's quite enamoured with the idea of love && does crave it. yet she is demiromantic more often than not in all honesty. she has to connect with someone in a deeper way to actually form the attachments where love is concerned, otherwise it isn't something that could really be called love. it's why she's had many exes && none that quite stuck in her younger years before her change && she tended to end up in that vicious cycle of returning to exes because it's both what she knew was available && what she genuinely thinks she's deserving of && why she has a weakness to being whisked right back to any exes she may have no matter how they treated her because it's something knowable at least.
she is much easier to fall into feelings of lust && her initial thoughts on ( mostly ) anyone who shows any inclinations of romantic affections her way is that it is simply lust on their part as well, due to several insecurities on her part but especially where she believes she is simply only wanted for her body && not her soul or entirety. shallow attachments are just easier to begin but she wouldn't call those kinds of attachments love or that she is in love. she can also be quite oblivious, being the type that if someone takes her on a date && is not blunt with their intentions she simply takes it as a friendly outing instead. she can, however, form crushes at times yet often she doesn't know they are crushes, she just lavishes with love where she believes she just feels comfortable && close to someone.
it takes a bit for her, actually, to realise she may actually be in love with someone && she does not recognise it often right away, she generally has that moment of 'oh...fuck...i love this person' that crashes into her so suddenly && knocks the breath out of her && incapacitates her, then she is entirely theirs && gives them every piece of her she can. && then incomes her insecurities until it's made known her feelings are returned in some way.
♡ aphrodite is less harsh about love especially where insecurities are concerned but she's also genuinely extremely vein && confident where j'isu's vanity && confidence is entirely a facade she uses to hide everything she's insecure about. she is very confident in assuming everyone is some level of enamoured with her, the opposite of j'isu. aphrodite also is completely enamoured with the idea of love as an entire concept in all forms. she craves it fully but is still also demiromantic because she needs to know someone deeply before or have a bonding moment for her to realise it is love in its truest form. she is, however, much easier than j'isu to fall for others && form little crushes, whether she acts on them or not is another story. she is not immune to grand displays in her honour being a catalyst for intense feelings on her behalf though, as she is very quick to feel something to someone who can show her these sort of gestures, i.e. stepping in && saving her etc. she really does love grand gestures much more than j'isu does but both have a weakness to someone caring so deeply about them they'd be willing to step in harms way or give parts of themselves in other ways they are just both incredibly weak to it for different reasons.
aphrodite does, however, end up putting her love of love more into other peoples' lives as well, tending to matchmake the people around her whether they like it or not && she just loves being a nuisance && getting involved in peoples' love lives && listening to silly gossip. she's one to make it quite known as well if she's in a relationship she isn't invested in or the love is not there if put into an arrangement, though j'isu on the other hand would simply hide her distaste && attempt to make it work. both are much more open && willing toward lustful relationships especially to start, since it IS easier for both of them. yet both, however, also do not feel as much in those type of relationships especially where sexual situations are concerned, because they both still feel more from deeper connections in general. && aphrodite has a bad tendency for apathy for people she just Does Not care about or like;; j'isu is more polite but also had that bad tendency toward apathy when she was young before she started her path to change.
❥ 12. what is your muse’s love language? ( answered already but i'll just copy paste for ease n added some extra )
♡ in a way, it's little pieces of all of them. though at the forefront in a strong degree is physical touch, quality time && gift giving.
when she loves someone whether romantic or platonic, she tends to become physically closer to them, offering soothing in the form of hugs or gentle pats on their head, warmth where there may be none that could heal even just a little. it's even in tiny subtle things like a hand on their forearm, leaning against them softly, simply being in their personal bubble. && spending time with those she cares for is a very big must for her, she can't help herself from trying to make sure they feel needed && important && also rather enjoys speaking it to them aloud, lavishing those she loves with praise && reminding them how loved && wonderful they are whenever she is able.
&& if you are close to her, you are certainly not safe from receiving handmade gifts, flowers from her own garden, little trinkets or items she finds along her journeys that reminds her of you or she thinks you may find useful, etc. she thinks quite a bit about the people she loves, especially those she has deep romantic bonds to, they are quite always on her mind in this case && she does tend to show that in little ways.
she tends to give quite a lot of attention && love when she is in a relationship as well && perhaps it's just her giving out the love she has always craved for herself in a way.
♡ aphrodite has the same love languages, in my eyes she felt so strongly about love that it absolutely was written into her soul && extended to every shard of hers that it could possibly render itself on. love in all forms, love for the star, love for her people, love for herself && her loved ones. so j'isu exhibits similar gestures as aphrodite would && a similar warmth && passion in displaying them as well. they both simply want everyone they care for to know they are extremely loved && safe && cared for no matter what.
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