#but ofc he had a plan in the end
person25 · 11 months
kdj being all excited to get one of yjh’s amazing skills and then the choices being lie detection or fire/cold resistance is a fat reality check
like “Haha this dude is excited? Let’s ruin that for him.”
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oceans-beloved · 2 months
Meme dump yayyy🥳✨️
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(off to make more now muhahaha >:3)
#SIGH WHERE HAD LILI DISAPPEARED TO THIS TIME? TSK TSK SMH 😔#Now now my dearest darling loyal subjects fret not~!!#your beloved princess shall answer all your worries away ~★#mwah mwah~<3#heh~🤭🩷#Soooo updated time!!! >_<#I'm on a road trip halfway across the country rn (was a fun bad idea..my cousins and I nearly had a heat stroke TWICE but it's soo worth it#...I'll hopefully be back by tonight because it's my grandfather's birthday tomorrow and we're planning a surprise party for him#Muhahaha >:3#* happy dances*#Anyways I had time to kill between crying while playing mystic messenger together with my cousin#(I'm making her do Saeran's route sjbqbjjbqjbqbj9ioqjqhiqohwu9wh9uwub I LOVE HIM I ADORE HIM HE WAS THE FIRST CHARACTER I EVER WANTED TO#MARRY HE IS SO DREAM HUSBAND CODED SIJSB8YWBUW MY POOR POOR SWEET ANGEL BABY YOU DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER#THE WORLD DOES NOT DESERVE YOU AAHHHIHSIHAIJIAJ AND OMG HIS ENDING SONG IT ALWAYS MAKES ME CRY SJOBSOJHJSH0SSUS0SSHU0IS0HISH0IS0JHSHJS0HIS0#EVEN IF YOU WERE AN EXPIRED LOLIPOP I'D STILL EAT YOU!! I'D ALWAYS EAT YOU AND ONLY YOU NO MATTER WHAT#I-I MEAN PICK YOU!!! I'D ALWAYS PICK YOU NO MATTER WHAT!! NOT TO SAY THAT I WOULDN'T CANNIBALISE YOU!!#GIVE ME THE CHANCE AND I'D LICK YOU UP I WON'T LEAVE A SINGLE DROP BEHIND O-OF THE LOLIPOP OF OFC NOT TO SAY I WOULDN'T DO THE SAME IF IT#WAS HIS C- I'LL STOP MUST CONTROL I CAN'T WRITE ESSAYS HERE OF HOW MUCH I LOVE AND WANT SAERAN AHHHH MY HEART🥺🩷🩷😭😭)#*cough cough*sooo anywho I'm normal now dw!!😇✨️ (/lie)#and us reading ORV (I'm on chapter 340 something rn and kdj is kdj and i just want to soksjnss9hsj9sbu that stupid squid (/affectionate)#and if I start ranting rn it would never end...#so expect like a 80000 words essay when I'm done with the full novel🫠)#I cleared out my phone gallery yayyy heh🥳🤭 and found so many RH memes that I never posted lmao#Oh!!! And I've noticed something even though I'm a Vin girly through and through#(as evidenced by the fact that my blog is quite literally a shrine to him)#I always end up making Crux memes more...That stupid green onion clown you're so easy to love😔🩷#Anyways Lili out now mwah mwah mwah 🩷🩷🫂✨️#♡{reanimated heart}♡#reanimated heart#reanimatedheart
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arolesbianism · 1 month
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I caved and made them real. Obverse me losing more and more motivation to draw as I made each of these back to back lol
#keese draws#oc art#oc#pmd#pokemon#pokemon mystery dungeon#pmd oc#these guys are inspired by my usual pokerogue team#oh also imagine a question mark after every he/him I have the trans woman beam pointed at all of them#these are just initial concepts for the actual characters themselves now that I’ve developed the world a lil bit#but yeah these 4 were childhood friends who wanted to be in an exploration team together but had to split up for years#tart and quart both had to move away and cart ended up leaving his hometown to try and become a real adventure a few months later#cart and bart remained in contact for a few years before cart got caught up in some crime circles#he was incredibly trusting when he was younger so he got taken advantage of and ended up digging himself a deeper hole in an attempt to be#manipulative back and eventually he got scared enough that he tried to reach out to a guild and acted as a spy for them in turn for them#eventually helping to clear his name and allowing him membership#there were parts of the deal that were unfair and kind of shady but he was desperate enough to pretend he didn’t notice#after he joined he started immediately putting out listings for new team members and he fully planned on being super picky#but when two of his childhood friends applied he was over the moon about it#and immediately accepted both of them#now quart also applied because he had recently ran away from his old life and was desperate to have a new one#and he missed his old friends deeply so when he saw one of them actually managed to start building the team they all wanted to make he was#quick to apply even if he was rusty as hell on normal non contest combat#cart didn’t recognize him at first and mostly only let him have a trial run because he thought it was funny that an eevee of all things was#applying for a high level exploration team and he fully planned on telling quart off immediately afterwards#this ofc made quart very upset and angry but he didn’t try to clairify who he was because he just assumed that time had made cart into an#asshole which isn’t wrong per say but quart didn’t realize cart didn’t recognize him#it was a rough trial expedition but cart found himself actually quite impressed with quart’s slight of paw skills and his impressive biting#speed so he decided to give quart a real chance instead of a mocking one#eventually quart laughs for the first time around him and that makes cart realize who he is and that makes him feel horrible
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justsomeoneunordinary · 6 months
If we tweak canon just a teensy bit, we can make Katsuyu a sea slug (she certainly already looks it) instead of a terrestrial one, from the seas surrounding Uzushio, thus giving Tsunade a connection to her Uzumaki side that Kishimoto failed to do so himself
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faaun · 2 months
ok let's catch up quickly
#so i went on a few dates w this guy. long hair beautiful face kinda looked like a girl (good) said yes ma'am when i told him to do smth#(also good) film student great at photography including candids. made a sheath of leather for a sword pin i have . et cetera.#he asked to cuddle and i was like iggg and then i felt Nothing and i was like ohhh yh ok ok yep lesbian#like he meets almost all my criteria but. yeahhh no . also at the end of that date he had some weird takes. anyway broke up w him and told#him actually im p sure im a lesbian (again) and he was like yk thats the second time this has happened to me this week but its ok bc ive#fallen for this girl from berlin. and then we cooked together. anyway . met a beautiful butch lowk in love w her. weve been on (1) date.#have two exams in a few days havent studied enough going to like end it all basically. my research partner kicked me off our research#(expected(it was always skinda sketchy)) which was devastating + it happened in a lidl 15 hours into a journey from bordeaux#to go back to the UK. my friends were kinda busy paying for baguettes but also they heard this whole exchange and are kinda mad at him#my friend of 10+ years is coming over in a few days. my evil ex situationship person that i decided to stay friends w because i kept#insisting they are a good friend and not evil and also extremely beautiful? turns out shockingly enough they were evil. tried to fix them#and then i realised due to their entire friendship group being ppl like me (Every Single One of their friends are ppl they met on dating#apps then led on then dumped and proposed staying friends w) and are collectively extremely attracted to them and not over them they#keep validating the most diabolical shit they say/do to hace a chance w them. they broke up w their ex and the way they keep leading#this poor girl on and making her heartbeeak worse and saying that they want more power over her and want her to beg for them back etc...MY#JAW HAD DROPPED esp bc i didnt even know the ex was in the picture BECAUSE ME AND ONE OF OUR FRIENDS (that they also dated) HAD JUSR SLEPT#NAKED TOGETHER IN THEIR BED W THEM. GIRL. anyway that is the least of the diabolical stuff they said but no we are moving onnn#this was b4 the beautiful butch btw. anyways . i have a mitski concert tmrw i think?? idek anymore#i used to have a crush on this guy very briefly and then it disappeared and then i realised if he fundementally changed everything abt#himself then maybe id like him but ofc i didnt tell him that but i still think abt it sometimes but anyway thats irrelevant now bc 99% sure#even if he did id still not find him attractive (lesbianism). please recommend good overnight moisturisers btw i have super dry skin#right. the friend of 10 yrs. we had a hard convo abt why she essentially bullied me in year 8 and it made me highly bitter but i also love#her and ik things are diff now its been like . Many Years . and shes going to stay a while I HAVE TWO EXAMS I DONT HAVE TIME but i love her#its fine. i think i might just switch into medicine and do the whole become a neurosurgeon thing (which was my plan B) bc plan A is looking#kinda impossible rn. I WANNA TALK MORE ABT WHAT THE EX SITUATIONSHIP PERSON SAID but i wont bc i dont wanna be too mean but also . MY GOD#i had a conversation w a philosopher friend about whether i have a moral responsibility to try to fix them bc unleashing this on society#feels wrong and he said 'probably but...run' so yeah im not talking to them atm. second date w beautiful butch on monday btw IDK WHAT TO#WEAR. she said she likes fems. im just gonna wear the shortest ralph lauren skirt i have w the cute leg warmers and hope 4 the best#its 1:15 AM im abt to drink coffee and start studying bc what the FUCK man. also almost finished watching the boys its very good#one of my best friends is struggling rn it is breaking my heart i want to take the burden from her i miss her very much
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bunnihearted · 3 months
#even tho it was so hard for me. ofc when u can only communicate via the internet so much is lost i think... sm extra things u need to be#more secure kinda? like physical presence does a lot on its own#but yeah.. ok i actually wrote more but u can only have 30tags per post and safari on ur phone does not tell u when it's stopping so half o#what i wrote just disappeared ._. i cant rmbr what i said... and i mean this is just for myself to vent but grr im so annoyed#yeah just that he was sm more patient than i realized. i just was in the start of learning how to live w my avpd#i wasnt able to do a lot. even if i wanted to. he helped me sm to uncover things in myself to start that thing within me#i just desperately wish i had found him earlier and that i've been this far along in my anti avpd limitation abilities.... truly wish that#so im trying to accept it and just think bc i dont have a choice :') i've never wanted anyone like this and that just is how it is#i will always love him simply bc he is who he is#he's so so cool and amazing to me in so so many ways. and i always loved just how he talks and communicates bc it resonates w me#and there are simply sm details i just adore. but yeah... i probably shouldnt think abt that? i feel like.. it isnt my place to think abt i#but it is what it is but it hurts so incredibly much. will i ever be able to let go of him? the love i couldve experienced? the wonderful#person i couldve been with? will i be able to stop thinking abt all his great qualities and how much i wish he was mine? and all the things#wanna do and talk abt with him? he's just.. he just is .. i cant describe it. it feels like more than just earthly love...#maybe i sound insane or too intense or dramatic or smth but.. it feels so much larger than everything#so i struggle sm with letting go bc i want to touch him and i want to love him and i just want to be with him and experience everything w h#but that isnt my place. i know... why.. have i only ever felt like this w him... what do i do with this?? am i crazy? am i going insane? is#there smth wrong with me?#he is worthy of everything and he is so so wonderful but is there smth wrong w me for being so..#for having love that actually truly is all consuming? what is this... it's scary. esp when i cant unleash it. it's like a wild beast i have#to learn how to tame. and i want to be able to find mutual love too. but i cant force anything. will the universe grant me that?#i cant imagine myself ever being able of letting go of him but if that is what the universe has planned then..#ok im actually starting to sound intense and weird and idk O.O i think i think too much#.. it hurts that i wont get to do all of the things and talk abt all the things i wanna do w him. i'll never get to hug him...#if i could ask for only one thing it'd be one hug from him....#maybe is ound crazy but with all my disorders and feeling disconnected from the world.. and finding someone that makes me feel tethered#and safe and real.. and having to let go bc it just wasnt meant for me... why is the universe so cruel.#in the end i care abt him so much i just want him to be loved. i want him to finally feel loved.#someone else.. someone else without avpd can do that for him. i want him to be oh so so loved and .. yeah.. :(#i wish i couldve loved him as he deserves but .. its not my place. not my place... all i want is to hear his voice and live in his arms
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mariocki · 1 year
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Patrick Troughton lays down the law as Italian police Inspector Guido Gambetti in The Saint: Interlude in Venice (5.2, ITC, 1966)
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bravewolfvesperia · 13 days
/ list of actual interaction tragedies:
i don't have a mileena to interact with
i don't have a zephyr to interact with
i don't have the other white lions to interact with
i don't have a vicious to interact with
living the yuri gacha tragedy.
#{ bravewolf mun }#/ I LOVE. HIS RELATIONSHIPS IN THE GACHA GAMES.#it's like. he always get a particular relationship in each game. in asty he got the whole of the white lions ofc#and vicious is my best guess based on -gestures to the last thing that happened in cres.tor.ia before eos got announced-#but the direct parallels with mileena? the parallels in vibe and companionship but ''dark'' story beats with zephyr?#honestly in some ways zephyr is what yuri could've become cough if he lost flynn cough you can fight me on that#but also their relationship on top of the ''this is the one who gets the dark story path''? plssss#he and mileena had each other to lean on and could understand each other's pain. they're /both/ color coded black for their shared story#yuri is a major part of the story when mileena becomes the central character. it's just. AAAGH#i've gone over cres.tor.ia in detail on this blog so i won't do it again but HNGGG#yuri rly does get the best shit in the gachas. i suffer every single gacha with moses as my fave but#i thrive and survive in every gacha bc of yuri at the same time and how much of a major role he gets in all of them#except cres.tor.ia but given what we ended off with it's pretty apparent he had a big main story role coming up#and do we REALLY think they'd ignore their biggest cash cow? nope! bc the game was a year and a half old and#already had three versions of Yuri in the gacha 😂 no doubt they had plans for a tra.nsgre.ssor Yuri in the future gacha#opens mouth like kirby and stares into the void waiting for all these characters to pop up in the rpc
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astro-inthestars · 7 months
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#rennikorambles#/neg ... sigh#no she didnt reject me#no i didnt mess up#no ididnt even CHICKEN OUT.#i had everything i had my courage i had my words i had my loose plan ready i was ready.#i wasnt gonna chicken out. and the worse that could happen i knew was that she wasnt ready.#i had high hopes. youve seen a glimpse of the hype havent you guys?#but of course. the one . ONE thing that could ruin everything. isnt me. isnt laurel. but the world it-fucking-self.#the auditions were canceled and we didnt know. our teacher told our class prez but he didnt tell us. or the very least laurel#didnt send it in any gcs and everything. and im not even upset about the auditions ofc im not. sure i care about it but#it could all move to a year later and i wouldn't care . or well i would of course but just..#but the fact that i had all this hope for this one moment for this one CHANCE and it all goes down the fucking drain#her friend (and by extension mine) lets call her Brash Girl which you can expect how she is. was literally just caught up in the whole thing#and of course with her stuck with us i couldnt do anything.#dragged me to 7-11 to mope about our teacher who canceled the auditions and.#.... yeah. no shot. nothing. laurel asked her mom to pick her up. i watch her leave. i leave. the end.#after all that effort. all that dreaming. all that hoping nothing.#i know it's not the end of the world. i know i'll get another chance. but god does it fucking suck.#im exhausted and disappointed and tired and i. i dont know.#i need a breather.
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killjoy-prince · 6 months
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Manga and merch haul from today!!
#prince's talk tag#went to a street fair in the city and ate a bunch of expensive food but they tasted good so im not too mad#and then i hit up kino and bnn for books#bnn was doing their buy one get one 50 percent off so that made me get more than i was planning on getting#most of these are just the next volume(s) i needed to read#witch hat did have the first two volumes of cooking spin off but i wasnt sure how worth itd be#like my boys are the stars but last time i read a chill cooking manga i wasnt as into it and ended up dropping it#so im afraid of that happening here#the eclair series i was interested in bc its a bunch of yuri one shots and i only had bleue and blanche and didnt know there was more#so imagine my surprise when i saw two other colors and i think the first one before they started naming it after colors#i got scared for a second bc i thought i accidentally bought eclair twice but i was confusing it for bleue so there were no dupes#another thing i was surprised to find where the cds in the first pic#i have the osts of the og games but not their remakes so ofc i had to get them#i just need FES and Royal and im all set (i got reload's on mercari)#went back to the place i got the blind boxes and i was trying for Luka or Kaito and i got Wonderland Luka but Computer Len#im not mad i got Len bc he is my son but i do like how Luka's looks for it but theyre pricy so i didnt want to buy too many#now if i could wonderland!kaito and computer!luka id be happy#also did the gachapon machine and got a snow miku keychain which you can see on the book in pic 3#its really cute i like it a lot
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villainsidestep · 6 months
also. unrelated to anything. past!rival fawn would be a killer
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dutybcrne · 6 months
The first time Kaeya had donned Diluc's old cavalry captain uniform, he had thrown up. Seeing himself in it had felt so wrong, it repulsed him immensely. It was too big, shoulders too broad. Moving in it felt like wearing lead weights, the fabric was all wrong, too stiff, his face didn't match it the way the Pride of the Favonian Knights and Ragnvindr heir's had.
It stank horribly of old blood and rain-soaked grass.
A part of him wonders to this day if the stench he thought he'd smelled on it was in fact all in his head. If it had been lingering guilt over Diluc's disappearance and being allowed to take his place that had affected his perception of it and his appearance in the role. Though considering the harrowing sight he'd witnessed that fateful day, he wouldn't be surprised if the smell would forever remain imprinted within the fabrics, the way that final moment would lay seared into his mind for as long as he’d live.
#hc; kaeya#//Deffo had a more conservative custom outfit at first; when he’d asked Varka if he could have one#//Wanted to wear his usual (bluer) one; but also wanted smth more Distinct bc the resemblance was still too close#//So he originally opted to want smth closer to what Jean wore at the time; also served to highlight how much closer they got at the time#//Almost hurled from the sheer nerves of that alone; then had to lie down for an hour from the RELIEF when Varka agreed#//Then the more he realized how he himself could be a bargaining chip or even use his appearance to sway an outcome/get him what he wanted#//Which wasn’t pleasant at first ofc; but he pushed to get used to it for his goals. how self-destructive he was at the time helped w that#//Then he started adjusting it more and more until it became the fit he has in present day#//Felt so strange adjustingwith each change; but he was ultimately Very happy with the end result#//Regardless of the original intention he had in making it more revealing/tight-fitting#//Made him feel good abt himself and much more confident; compliments on his clothes will ALWAYS make him happy#//He can take vulgar comments or leers a lot better now than he could back then; they don’t bother him in the least anymore#//He could take disparaging remarks & hushed whispers just as easy too (even at times shoving down the gnawing feeling they caused)#//All that matters to him was that the fit ultimately helped his gender presentation in a way he liked compared to its predecessors#//And that it certainly was a FAR cry from what Diluc had once worn as Cavalry Captain—that was the most important thing of all#//And exactly what gave him the confidence to start making those changes in the first place#//If he was to be Cavalry Captain; he would be a MUCH different one/person than Luc in the role was#//Appearance; plans and all#//If only it were just as eeasy to shrug off certain memories of That day; he’d be a happy man indeed
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cuntstable · 1 year
also btw i fully think the reason why pucci specifically became a prison priest was so he could keep a close eye on weather….. and i mean in the long run it really worked out for him in other ways too ie providing a good grounds for his plan to take out jotaro and giving him an easy supply of potential stand users to use as goons LOL but all of that could have easily been accomplished else where too. and conversely i do think that wes was incarserated for his entire life post-memory theft, especially since the way anasui talks about weather after he dies reads to me like he really was locked up for years and years, ever since he was 16…..its genuinely really sad i think
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yuridovewing · 1 year
“oh ha ha the theory where ashfur is dovewing and ivypools father is so cringe”
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#but…. my melodrama….#real talk i like the theory but dislike whiteash. im not a believer bc i ship them im a believer bc its interesting to me#i see it as like. ashfur had a bruised ego and whitewing had had a crush on him since she was young#and he basically just. used her to restore his ego. bc hes a creep. he went to her not out of love not even as a second choice#but to go ‘’see? SOMEONE loves me so why cant that bitch love me? shes missing out on me#but he ofc wants squilf as a mate. so hes not official with whitewing he wont let her tell anyone#bc he wants her to come back to him and she cant do that if hes not available#so yeah means to an end situation. and when whitewing gets pregnant ashfur ditches her bc he wants REAL kits with squirrelflight#and whitewing is pretty sick of him but she still doesnt want to say who the dad is bc shes grossed out by him now#bc cant imagine he was exactly nice to her#and birchfall decides to be their adoptive dad bc he and whitewing are besties#and hes also in love w one of the shadowclan cats he traveled with so like lol works for him#and its not bc i want to put whitewing through that or something its bc i think the repercussions would be interesting#lionblaze and jayfeather try to be kind to dovepaw. but they look at her and see their murderer in their sisters place#dove and ivy being abandoned by their dad and only existing out of spite really. how that connects to the prophecy#and when it comes out that ashfur was an attempted murderer and they suspect hes their dad it just gets worse#and then in tbc two of the protags would be ashfurs grandchildren… they exist bc of him#and he uses both of them for his plans. may as well use his bastards for something in his eye#‘’oh but whitewing is cloudtails daughter and hes ashfurs foster brother-‘’ ashfur is already a creep lol#hes closer in age to squilf’s dad than he is to her so would u really put it past him#like the point isnt ‘’awww this ship would be cute’’ its ‘’ashfur is a sleazy asshole lets play with that’’
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penrose-quinn · 1 year
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My personal hc on how Shin got his shop is through his connections, managed to land on a garage for a cheaper price. I'll never believe it came easy for him though. At least BenWaka could rely on each other with the gym. Shin looks like he's managing his business all by himself, which is admirable but difficult. Also yeah, I don't think he's computer savvy.
I'm really interested in exploring a bit what happened to the other first gen BD members (because spoilers: some of them led a normal life while others were on the rougher end and chose a life of crime. Aaand Shin knows.)
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thedeadthree · 1 year
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#leg plays bg3#bg3 spoilers#leg.txt#crying on the floor!! and crying on the floor bc i fixed the save shenanigans!!!!!!! yay!#godd okay the scene i almost feel like in the case of yana was that she didn’t want him to hear her thoughts skjzjzhz#how she’s morning someone she doesn’t remember no one in particular hehe <3 so she chose to hug him instead !!#i yelled about it in twt but I found a mod where you can wear g*ortashs gauntlet and it gave me THOUGHTS !!#and i thought what if he made one for yana (it’s more decoration than functional but yk !!!!) and the BRAINWORMS I GOT FROM THAT#the thought she is the way she is with ast is things she instinctively remembers from him and its SO#even the unhinged can be soft and mourn lovers they don’t recall bc I SAID SO!!!!!!! she has range!!#oc: anasyana an enaviryn#ITLL hurt like NO ONES BUSINESS when i save to write the scene where their tryst comes to an end RAHH#did it mean anything was it just her imitating what she had with someone else to bring back a semblance of what she lost WHAT WAS IT 🥀😵‍💫#i mean either way they’ll both walk away better and worse for it in the end so!!#but i mean i think he is resigned to that their history was something he knew would be an undertaking to keep up with ✨😭🥀#(though his resignation won’t last long as it’s the one where he ascends so it’s fight night at wyrms for yanas hand or something 🥀😵‍💫)#(i mean it’s not like THAT that ofc but the besties get it <3)#not to worry vampire pookie you’ll get the sweetest romance ever with sarspira JUST U WAIT MY LOVE!!#oh i cant wait for her playthrough RAHH i am so excited it’s the one i have planned where sarspira’ll resist her urge ill be EMOTIONAL#in that one scene especially where yk he sits with them the whole night while they’re tied trying to zero them GAHH
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