#but now its been addessed
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cheeseblind · 2 years ago
Thank you so much for keeping us updated on the [redacted] situation.
I think it's extremely important that we all keep in mind that this is involving a company and an employee and that there are tons of legal hoops they need to jump through before they reach any conclusions and definitely before they let us know what's happening. Legally they cannot tell us pretty much anything at this point.
I'm also pretty disappointed in people who have been excessively harassing other members. As far as we know this only involves one person and punishing the rest of them for it is not it. I know Carley said that they've been sweeping things under the rug. Personally I don't think that is true, I think it comes down to legal differences in the UK and US.
We know that the person in question has been out on disciplinary leave and that an investigation is happening and at this point in time that tells me that NRB and WT as a company are taking the correct steps in this situation.
Although I am extremely disheartened and upset with the situation we have to try to not get too parasocial about it and recognise that these are real people that we don't know dealing with a legal matter internally in a company.
Personally how I move forward with my support will be decided when we see how they deal with the situation if/when he's found guilty. Until then I personally chose to continue supporting them, [redacted] excluded. But I also completely understand if someone wouldn't be able to support them anymore.
Sorry that this is a long message. I just needed to get my thoughts out somewhere. I know one of the, less involved, crew members of NRB, and it really does seem like they're doing what they can and trying their best to handle this extremely difficult situation.
Also none of this is directed at you personally, more at the fans as a whole.
Hi, youre welcome i like to keep info in one place for myself + others so ig my blog has become that for now
and i totally agree on the legal process aspect - someone from my old job got fired and it took like 3ish months for it to be official and none of us were supposed to know about why (we all did but thats mcdonalds babey). but yeah its a long process and the last thing they want is to get sued so while i do absolutely wish they could say more they almost definitely are already saying the absolute most.
the statement has definitely helped me feel like its not being swept under the rug, i was really uncomfy with the lack of any acknowledgment so the statement has helped.
+ agree, harrassing the other cast members just isnt going to help and while im sure a lot of the people who have contributed to that have good intentions + are just upset, it is important to remember that they are people not products.
thank you for sharing your thoughts w me its good to hear perspectives
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briliantbrando97-blog · 1 year ago
Programming notes
1) Project Modal the project is supposed to be able to transition with a button press
2) Project Pomodor isn't working at all/incomplete
3) Project Personal Website It's bland and the css page isn't working at all
4) Project Navbar Incomplete
5) Project quizgame Bland,not resposive,and css page not responding
6) Project Review Carousel Not responsive
7) Project sidebar Complete failer
8) Project survey bland
9) Project calculator success but could be better
10) Project addressbook unresposive
11) Project FaQ the project is incomplete constant repeating not in the way wanted bland
12) Project stciky navigation bar Didn't work at all final product came out like an article for the newspapaer thinking this is either 1)My laptip is trash 2) software needs to be updated
13) Project Resturant I made it simpistic but even if edded features from the tutuorial don't know if possible with either the laptop or an outdated vs ide
14) Project Tabs As per usual the tabs aren't appearing like in the tutuorial. I beleive it has something to do with the link that I didn't use.Or better yet addess the elephant in the computer for some reason the code isn't hhiding itself like in the tutorial so it's basiclly the same as yesterday's project.The conent should basiclly be nested behind one another.
*So I think I shouls take a day off from coding and finally update viusula studios.Apart of me feelis like an ass continuing event though it's not coming out right *as of 3/31/23 updated
15) Project Simongame after updating the ide i somehow gained another ide version of vs. the code is semi-acting up but i belive its on me and choose to slow down on this project because the tutorial guy is showing his mistakes showing a thought/problem-solving i miss rethonking my learning approach
16) Project Musicplayer *Previewing a file that is not a child of the server root. To see fully correct relative file links, please open a workspace at the project root or consider changing your server root settings for Live Preview. -decided to miimic the mp3 skull website for the project and after completion to saticfaction I plan on watching a tutorial to findout the differentces -the website can be broken down into I. two major containers II.about 5 lists III. 3 paragraphs IV. 2 -3search bars I also which to add tabs Taking longer than I thought it would but it's apparent to me that the problem lies in the div classes and compartmentalizing the aspects of the website into classes for better control.I have been making this harder for myself. I beleive the best course of action is to reread w3school and do simple projects using tags I don't use or understand often after this project. I stareted to get a better feel for web development but still aways to go with html and css
*I want to hit over a 100(150-200) projects before moving on to hacking,machine-learning,AI's and algrothims *ultmainte end game is to have an acquired skill that not only puts money in my pocket but allows me to map major citites *approprate termanoligy is nested div tags
17)blog website replica (yola) got the basics of the site down but the css is stomping me so essintay in a sense I have gone nowhere
*the background image,all images refuse to load
*the loading of thge background images is not working because i am not communicating to the right folder,
*the folder that I need to communicate with is either one abouve or ine over either or It's a pain to try and learn the proper technique and describe the issue correctly into the search engine
The problem comes down to not beeing able to move effectivly thorough files just like in hacking *sections tag to divide the web-site
-now the plan is to alter the json file to allow me permisson to the image folder after the link didnt work else play with bash for other alterations to the file In Unix-based systems like Linux and macOS, the user can use the “sudo” command to run the command with administrative privileges. In Windows, the user can right-click the Command Prompt or PowerShell and select “Run as administrator”.
Some key takeaways are given below that will help you get rid of the error efficiently:
The error message permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir indicates that the user does not have the necessary permissions to create a directory in the specified location. The location in question is “/usr/local/frameworks” which may be a protected system directory or owned by another user. To resolve the issue, the user may need to change the permissions on the directory or run the command as an administrator or superuser. They may have to re-install the python dictionary as well. In some cases, it may also be necessary to check if the directory already exists, and if so, delete it before attempting to create it again
Problems: 1)background image wouldn't load -solution attempt one:fix the syntax successful in connecting css to html page -learned about file paths only for it not to affect anything,nor Bash commands to transfer ownership of file -brandonostewart is user and owner/group so why not work -terminal states I don't have permission or excess to file -image files is above linux files can't acess,no permisson,doesn't excess in list function in terminal -I now believe all the problems I'm facing now is because i didn't have the laptop fully setup I just jumped right in -everythiong has perseduers,a setup,order a recipie -vmc container termina penguin ERROR vsh: [vsh.cc(171)] Failed to launch vshd for termina:penguin: requested container does not exist: penguin I beleive at this current step the problem lies in the fact there is no container,this means all work was setup in space I was building on nothing and it appears obviuos that I have reached the ceiling. As i see it I only have two options left 1) powerwash and start over from scratch 2) take the neccesary steps regardless of how far back it sends me in order to setup each individual aspect of chromebook
18)ToDo list I got it to work but the trade off was all my linux files got deleted,therefore I'm starting over.
the first project is the simple todo list,I wwant to make this one nicer than the first one I did I plan on adding css and java script so it workes the inistal layout I want is a decorated background with a list that takes off taskes that are finished moving said task fromn one side of the list to the other side of the list This issue I;m currently having is an html issue. From doing some projects the issue I have is always a small technincal detail or syntax issues. The more boxes better control so the issue is what technicallity do I need to insure my list transfer infomation as well as takes info in -I have no idea how to get the program to hold onto input value,then display it.Only thing holding me from finishing right now -I think the problem is I didn't add a display box for the code Where I'm at: Have a basic setup for the website -I need my info to be taken in by the display box -then displayed on the website,once task is done it adds itself to the second half of the website 1)header 2)box1 inital info original diplay 3)box2 where finished task lays -I need display boxes javascript not linking to html page,this was the hurdle that has been fucking me over all day. While syntax is correct the program still hasn't worked problem fro the past reoccured asked for permisson for the javascript file,first it said it didn't exist then I needed permission I still can't get that syntax correct for the terminal
6/01 -since I couldn't get the javascript to work and I restarted all the files in my linux folder my next course of action was to delete vs and try my luck with another ide,plans were holted after putting in my javascript in my repl.it finding out my syntax was indeed wrong
-but now i'm not so sure becasue I tried another basic web design program from youtube with correct syntax and it didn't load correctly somehow I think it's my computer at this point -after re-opening the apllication 2/3 of it worked -this time javascrirpt and html,not css -like with the to do list css,html not javascript -I feel like giving up on full stack development but I have learned to much to not have an Idea on what needs to be done.I can vividly describe and analyze the problem just can't put it together
I am going to start app development on vs and come back to full stack development
6/10 After downloading the framework .Net and discovering the difference between visual studio code and visual studio I wanted to develop at least one of the each programming application made possible with the framework(including machine learning/ai) including but not limited to Flutter development. currently struggling to understandings of the sync capabilities of git hub with visual studio code( what I have) also I saw the flutter development intro video I am really just out of the woods intermediate of beginner and am steadily heading to intermediate currently stuck on trying to finish this web application tutorial terminal commands for web application,branch work
Changes to be committed: (use "git restore --stageg <file>..."to unstage)
Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..."to include in what will be committed)
11/14 since last recordings,my current laptop slowed down it says less memory so i tried transfiring to my tablet for programming which was increadably
0 notes
edelwoodsouls · 4 years ago
i still pick up at the sound of your call [fic]
"Is that a dalek on tv?" [or: Martha has some choice questions for the Doctor regarding the new Prime Minister's addess]
Inspired by this post
Word Count: 1,799 | Also on Ao3
"Oi, what the fuck is going on?"
The Doctor blinks. Pulls the phone away from her ear, to check the number again, check she isn't hallucinating. She'd hardly believed it when she saw it, hasn't seen those numbers strung together in years, though they're still burned into her mind.
Another life, another time.
Another friend burned to ashes.
She hesitates, for just a moment. Takes a deep breath. "Hey, Martha," she cringes instantly at the hollow lightness of her tone, only drawing attention to the lifetimes between their last words. "What's up?"
A heavy pause on the other end. The Doctor tries to imagine her old companion, for just a moment. She'd promised herself she would check up on her friends from time to time, make sure they were okay, if she could help them from the shadows in any way - but that promise has fallen between the cracks, lost along the way with everything she ever thought was true.
The last time she saw Martha, she saved her life. Moments before her own - his own, back then - had slipped between her fingers.
She'd looked happy. The Doctor could never have predicted Martha and Mickey of all people, but she was glad for them. She had ruined their lives in so many ways by crashing through them, by falling in love with Rose - this was the least they deserved.
So she imagines Martha like that. Curled up on the sofa, cornrowed hair and sparkling eyes. Legs tangled up with Mickey as they watch tv in the burnt orange glow of a dying London afternoon.
Oh, fuck. The tv.
"Uh, hi," Martha answers finally, wrong-footed and uncertain. "I wanted to speak to the Doctor, could you put him on, please? Sorry, I- uh, I'm Martha. Jones. I used to travel with him. I'm guessing you're the new companion? What happened to Donna?"
An unexpected lump rises in the Doctor's throat. Thousands of years - thousands - have passed since she last bothered to check in on Martha Jones. How many companions have been and gone in that time? How many have crumbled to ash beneath her fingers?
She swallows it down, files it under Compartmentalise, and Never Think of Again.
Sunshine. Enthusiasm. Energy. The tenets she's founded herself on this go around. She plasters a bright smile on her face, as if contorting her muscles will trick her tone into believing she means it.
"Just me, I'm afraid," she grins, skipping around the TARDIS to fiddle with the controls to keep her hands busy. "Had a bit of a change of face since you last saw me."
Furious whispers on the other side of the phone, far enough away from the receiver that even she can't hear them. She imagines Martha and Mickey, confusion and surprise warring with each other.
This reveal never gets old.
"Sooo, how've you been? How's Mickey? It's been, what, nearly ten years since you last saw me?"
"Uh, yeah," Martha returns to the phone, hesitant. She's never had to deal with regeneration, really. "I didn't know you could- I mean, when you said you change, I didn't realise that-"
"I can be anything I like! It's great, innit? I could have two heads or green skin if I felt like it. First time I've been a woman, though. Well, first time I remember, I guess. Still haven't been ginger, though. Maybe one day."
"Different face, same amount of energy," Martha laughs, and the sound lifts a weight from the Doctor's chest she didn't even know was there. "Mickey says hi."
"Yeah- hi!" A more distant voice echoes through the phone, startled at being addressed.
"Hi! It's great to hear from you!" She twirls the phone cord around a finger. If there's one thing she always regrets in her lives, it's the way her previous selves treated their companions. Each one with a different idea of relationships, of how things should be done.
This version of her thinks Mickey would be a great companion, if not for her Rose-tinted blinders.
"So, to what do I owe this call? Hope you kids have been keeping out of trouble, though somehow, I doubt it."
"Right!" Martha yelps. The whole regeneration thing definitely threw her for a loop. "Yeah, Doctor, what the fuck is going on? Is that a dalek we just saw on tv?"
"Ah, yeah... it is, yeah."
"And I'm sorting it out?" The Doctor glances over her shoulder, towards the corridor the fam disappeared down a few minutes ago to get ready. They'll be back any second.
It's not that the Doctor doesn't want the fam to know about her old companions. They've met Jack, know she hasn't been on her own all this time, but- still.
Her companions don't have the best survival rate. It's selfish, probably, to keep having them, and yet she somehow never goes without them for long.
(She's lonely, she knows it. She's not a good person on her own. She clings to these fragments of knowledge and calls it reason.)
"But why is there a dalek on tv, Doctor? New security drones, that's what they're saying. Do they not remember the whole Earth-moving, twenty-seven planets, dalek invasion thing?"
"Or the Battle of Canary Wharf?" Mickey adds, words heavy with an underlying anger. Rose was lost to save the world from daleks, after all.
The least she deserves is to have her sacrifice remembered.
"I'm not sure, to be honest," the Doctor admits, flinging herself onto one of the crystalline seats near the console. "It's incredibly weird, actually. As far as I can tell, the entire human race has forgotten that aliens exist at all. No stolen Earth, no Titanic flying over London or Racnoss star at Christmas. No Battle of Canary Wharf."
"That's- I mean, how does that even happen?"
"I have no idea. Something to do with collective consciousness, I'd guess. Some manipulation from another race wanting to remove Earth's knowledge and wariness of aliens. The Arkangel network is still flying strong in your orbit, after all. It wouldn't be so hard to harness the technology. Maybe even your own governments, or some rogue branch of Torchwood. I never did find Torchwood 2 or 4."
"Then how the hell do we still remember?"
"Probably my fault. You're still keyed into the TARDIS's neural network, so she's protecting you from the effects. Sorry about that."
"No, it's- it's good," Martha splutters. "Are you going to try and fix it?"
"Maybe," the Doctor leans back in her chair, pulling the phone cord as far as it will go. "Once all of this is over, I might look into it. Just to check if it's malevolent or not. It's not a bad thing, necessarily. To forget. Some of things they must have seen..."
She shakes her head to clear it. Can't let herself stop and think for too long, or she might never escape the whirlpool's tide.
"Anyway," Martha says - she always was good at noticing her spirals, circumventing them. "How's Donna?"
Nevermind. She speaks the words lightly, but in a tone that says she noticed the Doctor's avoidance earlier and is bracing for bad news.
"She's great!" the Doctor manages a smile, glad to have something, anything to latch onto that isn't her own thoughts. "Happily married, actually. Won the lottery a few years ago, doing very well for herself."
"That's- that's really good to hear."
"She doesn't remember me." She lets the words fall, as much as she wishes she could hold them close and buried and gone. But Donna needs to be kept safe, and Martha reaching out to her would be- not good. "She doesn't remember anything that happened. I- I had to wipe her memory, after the daleks. It was killing her."
The silence stretches longer this time, and for a moment the Doctor is sure she's broken everything.
"Well, I'm glad she's happy," Martha says eventually. "There are worse fates, right?"
So many of your companions have had worse fates, she doesn't say, but the Doctor reads between the lines anyway.
"Yeah," she breathes.
"And how are you doing, Doctor? You're not alone, are you?"
"No! I'm great, actually. Got my fam. Yaz is really cool, you'd love her. Ryan and Graham are great. Jack's back in town right now, helped me out of prison-"
"Helped you out of where?"
"-and we're just sorting out this whole dalek thing! Should be all over pretty soon. Just, stay where you are."
"You know we can't do that, Doctor." If anything, Martha sounds amused. Determined. Ready to pick up her sword once again, defend the Earth from whatever might be coming.
In this second, everything is right with the world, and she misses Martha Jones in a way that hurts both her hearts at once.
"Well, stay safe at least. I'll call you back when this is done, to let you know."
"Thank you, Doctor. Maybe we could, I don't know- grab a drink, or something. Catch up."
"I'd like that," she replies, and they both know she has very little intent on following through.
Yaz appears at the end of the corridor, eyes bright, smile warm. She's chattering to someone, probably Ryan, completely oblivious, no weight on her shoulders.
The Doctor wishes she could keep Yaz like that, happy, delighted, laughing. Wishes that smile was just for her.
But she might have ruined it forever.
She's learnt to trust the TARDIS over the years, learnt that the TARDIS arrives when she thinks the Doctor should be rather than where the Doctor wants to be. She wants to trust that this, too, was for a good reason. The TARDIS has never led her wrong, in the end.
She has to believe.
"Well, I'll let you crazy kids go be heroes. Beat up some daleks for me, will you?"
"Of course, Doctor," Martha says. The Doctor imagines her smiling, linking fingers with Mickey. "Stay safe out there."
"Always," the Doctor grins. As Yaz and Ryan approach, she jumps up, throws the phone back on its hook and grabs hold of the TARDIS's controls.
"Who was that?" Yaz asks, wary, unsure of how to act around her. They need to sit down and talk, hash out the last ten months - and nineteen years - but now isn't the time.
Unfortunately, the time rarely seems to appear.
"Just an old friend checking in," the Doctor shrugs, avoiding her new companions' eyes. "There's daleks on the tv, haven't you heard? Let's fix that."
She throws the TARDIS into flight with a delighted whoop - after all these years, the thrill of flight never quite fades.
She's lost companions before, but as Martha’s call has reminded her, not all of them have met bad ends.
She refuses to let the fam down on that one, too.
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vampire-cat · 5 years ago
Text Admin Login
You probably know that your personal computer and your telephone have an IP address. If you're obtaining issues accessing your router at (lengthy loading or not loading at all),your network may possibly be making use of an additional addess such as, ten...1 or that case verify our router IP address list. You can also study our tutorial on how to locate your router's ip address for much more assist. Accessing your Router Admin by way of a 192.1681.1 IP address will allow you to alter the settings and configurations that your router software program supplies.Click Here or enter 192.1681.1 into your Browser's address bar.
Also, verify the documentation for the default administrative ID and password. Following you reset a router, it reverts back to the default ID and password. So it really is a great thought to log in and modify the administrative password to anything other than the default. Right after getting into the appropriate admin username and password, you need to be taken straight to the admin panel, exactly where you ought to be capable to alter all the settings you see there.
Back in the day, hardly anyone imagined that there could one particular day be billions of Net-connected devices in the globe. The fact that there will be more than 24 billion world wide web-connected devices installed about the globe by 2020 would be a massive surprise to the individuals behind World wide web Protocol version 4 (IPv4), which is 32-bits (232) in size and consists of 4,294,967,296 IPv4 addresses.
The problem with the world wide web is that not each location has a public address. Some destinations have only what's named a private address, and the IP address is a single of them. Step four. If you are connected by way of hardwire or ethernet your router's IP address will be displayed beside Default Gateway” under the section Ethernet adapter Ethernet”. Step 3: Now Connect both the Router with LAN cable and you will see they are functioning fine.
Step 1: Connect a single of the Router with Pc utilizing LAN cable and then go to or www. address > Enter username and password > Access Admin web page. Then, enter the default username and password. Variety admin in both of the boxes. If restarting does not function, discover the reset button (typically on the back of the router) and press it until the router restarts. Some reset buttons are inside a modest hole and call for a pin to push it. Verify the manufacturer's documentation for specific guidelines on resetting the router.
The 192.168..1 IP address falls within this final variety of reserved private IP addresses. To adjust your router's password, go to the settings menu and appear for an selection titled password.” It is important that you pick a password that is sufficiently safe. The router has to be configured. Ahead of beginning to get the key, you may have to connect it to the routers or modem by employing an Ethernet wire. You will need to have a router login IP address, which can be , , 192.168.1. 254, etc. Now, if you never know about Router Default IP, then check out its shipping box or make contact with manufacturer.
Right after a effective router login, you ought to be able to change router settings There are a lot of settings you can adjust, but the ones you will likely be interested in the most all revolve about wireless world wide web access and safety. This IP (a.k.a. Internet protocol) tracking statistics is machine attained especially for The host has the personal computer IP address This device IP address yields to right specifications of an IPv4 personal computer IP, which has a compressed worth of 3232235521.
Ok, the output of the ipconfig although attached to practically nothing but the router (and it isolated) show's APIPA addressing which implies you're not acquiring something from DHCP on the router. Given that the PC's network interface is DHCP enabled, that implies your router has to have it really is DHCP service shut off. Turn on your router and connect it to your pc with an Ethernet cable. If the private network requirements to connect to the internet, is should use a proxy server or gateway.
If the IP address is not your router IP you can retrieve the router IP with the Ipconfig command (only Windows, for Mac & Linux use ifconfig). is an IP address in the range - A quite widespread default IP address for a router or a modem is — you kind this in a browser and you're accessing the router's or modem's interface to make the modifications you need to have.
The Net Engineering Task Force (IETF), an open standards organization, which develops and promotes voluntary internet requirements, devoted a number of IPv4 ranges for private networks: 24-bit block (ten...-, 20-bit block (172.16..-, and 16-bit block (192.168..- The most widespread router login names are admin, root, administrator, user. If you have some encounter with routers and their management — perhaps utilizing a professional app for wireless web site survey and network evaluation such as NetSpot — then you might know that most routers use as their default IP address.
At the C:> prompt, variety ipconfig and press Enter. In case you do not bear in mind the details you can use the following method to access the IP address. If you cannot access, you should initial restart your router and try once more. If that doesn't support, you may possibly need to have to erase your router's settings. Most routers have a unique button just for this goal that you can press with a pointy tool, such as a pen. Simply press and hold the button for at least ten seconds or till you see the LEDs start flashing.
The good news is that the default login name and password are generally admin.” If that does not function, we recommend you Google something like default login name and password” followed by your router's model and manufacturer. For the 1st connection it is essential to use an RJ-45 cable connecting the laptop and the router, to configure it! The next step is to enter your credentials for the internet interface (login and password). These default password and login are specified in the manufaturer's documentation.
Private networks use the private IP address space, which consists of three blocks of IP address: 16-bit block, 20-bit block, and 24-bit block. The IP address belongs to the initial block, along with 65,535 other IP addresses, ranging from 192.168.. to All router has a single reset button. All you want to do is press the reset button for 20 seconds till all LEDs blinked, and when accomplished, release it. It will reset to the default username and password, which are listed above.
Try to reconnect to Wi-Fi on a computer or mobile device. If the connection is successful, your residence network has been reset. Hold in thoughts that resetting your router to its factory settings will erase all prior configuration, such as your Wi-Fi network and its password. Netgear Router has a default IP address with All you need to have to do is connect Router and Pc with a cable. A popup box will appear, exactly where you have to variety the username and password offered to you.
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cgcrecjjc · 5 years ago
Text Default Router Password List
Lookup final results of the search for IP address A new version of the Net Protocol has also been developed, called IPv6. As opposed to its predecessor, IPv6 uses a 128-bit address, allowing for about three.4×1038 addresses, which is sufficient to assign a exclusive IPv6 address to every single single atom on the surface of the Earth. Step four: Log in to the D-Hyperlink router with the administrator username and password. Visit this website for more detailed directions and tools on locating your router's IP address.
Because we're talking about private IP addresses, you need to preserve in thoughts that accessing a router's net interface is achievable only when you are on the identical network as the router. What is far more, you require to know the appropriate login and password mixture otherwise you won't be able to get past the initial login window. The reason why there are certain destinations on the internet that do not have public addresses has almost everything to do with the Internet Protocol version four (IPv4), which defines an IP address as a 32-bit number. Due to the fact the IPv4 pool is 32-bits in size, it can include only 4,294,967,296 addresses.
You might consider that nearly 4.three billion IP address would be adequate, but you would be incorrect. There are now around 23 billion connected devices, and the quantity is expected to double by 2023. To cope with the IP address shortage, a single public IP address is usually employed to hide an whole IP address space consisting of private IP addresses making use of network address translation (NAT), a approach of remapping one IP address space into one more.
Unplug your modem and router from the Net and power sources. Your modem should be connected to a cable that in turn connects to your home's Cable outlet you'll need to disconnect both this cable and the common energy cable. To find your public IP address, Google "What's my IP" and it will show you. To locate your private IP address, go to CMD (on windows), kind "ipconfig" and look at the IPv4 address.
Find your router's "Reset" button. You'll usually uncover this button, which is fairly modest, on the back of the router. If you do not know the right administrator login name and administrator password, you ought to flip your router about and appear for a sticker on the bottom side. It's really widespread for router makers to print the default administrator login name and administrator password on a sticker, along with other beneficial data, such as the name of the router or the web site of the manufacturer.
The dilemma with the net is that not each destination has a public address. Some destinations have only what's referred to as a private address, and the IP address is 1 of them. is a private IP address, similar to or ten...1 utilized by a lot of vendors as the default gateway. Many Netgear and D-Link model routers use as their default IP address. It is employed in a private IPv4 network address as the router gateway. In order to stay away from address conflicts, only one device can use on a network. Other common default gateways are and 10...1.
Going to from net browser leads to the login web page of the router's settings from exactly where distinct settings of the router can be changed provided that the default gateway address of your device connected to the network is If you are hunting to make modifications to the settings of the router or changing the password of your Wi-Fi Network then this can be carried out by logging in into the Router's Settings by means of
If you're possessing troubles accessing your router at (extended loading or not loading at all),your network may be employing one more addess such as, ten...1 or that case check our router IP address list. You can also study our tutorial on how to find your router's ip address for a lot more aid. Accessing your Router Admin via a 192.1681.1 IP address will permit you to adjust the settings and configurations that your router application supplies.Click Right here or enter 192.1681.1 into your Browser's address bar.
Right after successful login, you need to change the WiFi password and router username. Select a sturdy password, a combination of letters, symbols, and numbers. Right here are some examples of how different router modes and switches would assign IP addresses to computers in a network. You will see the IP address subsequent to default” (in the example below, the IP address is: If you never don't forget your username and password, you can take benefit of default login particulars that are supplied on the planet wide net. When it is worked, you ought to be asked for your password. Then you have to enter a username and password. Make a decision on a mix of letters and numbers to create the password robust.
Offered that the login particulars are appropriate, you will enter the router's settings web page and make the desired changes from there. To access the Router Admin panel, you have to connect it to your Computer with an RJ45 cable. After connected, open the browser and kind into the address bar. An IPv6 address consists of a series of eight numbers, each and every number becoming 4 digits extended. Unlike the IPv4 address that's expressed in decimal numbers, an IPv6 address is expressed in hexadecimal numbers.
Wait another 30 seconds After releasing the Reset button for the router to completely reset and power back on. You need to be in a position to inform that the router has finished booting up by the state of its LED indicator lights. Step 4: Enter Default username and password (admin-admin) if you haven't changed. Or Enter your username and password. Of course, it's not just routers that can use the 192.168..254 IP address. All electronic devices that can connect to a regional network can identify themselves to others with the 192.168..254 IP address, such as webcams, laptops, servers, personal computers, sensible TVs, repeaters, or modems.
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murkkiness · 5 years ago
Text Router Admin Login
You probably know that your personal computer and your telephone have an IP address. The computer systems that we use have a public IP address assigned to us by our Internet Service Provider (ISP), which have to be unique across the complete web. Our router has a private IP address, permitted only on private networks. This IP need to have not be globally distinctive since it is not a direct access address, i.e. no one could access the IP address outdoors of a private network.
The Net Engineering Job Force (IETF), an open requirements organization, which develops and promotes voluntary internet requirements, dedicated several IPv4 ranges for private networks: 24-bit block (ten...-ten.255.255.255), 20-bit block (172.16..-, and 16-bit block (192.168..- The most frequent router login names are admin, root, administrator, user. If you have some experience with routers and their management — perhaps utilizing a specialist app for wireless internet site survey and network evaluation such as NetSpot — then you might know that most routers use as their default IP address.
Every router has an internal router IP address that is employed to access its admin interface. Some routers have this IP address written on a sticker on the bottom, but numerous others don't make it almost as straightforward to uncover. Thankfully, there are websites such as where you can uncover the router IP address data you need to have with just a few clicks. Then open a browser and enter IP address in the address bar of the browser.
Hopefully, you can now troubleshoot troubles associated to the 192.168..254 IP address with ease now and are not afraid of messing items up. While there are a lot of other private IP addresses similar to 192.168..254, you must be capable to apply the guidelines above to all of them. If the two techniques above can't aid you to resolve the issue, you need to reset your router. All settings will be reset to be default as a new modem or router that you can then set up it from the starting.
There may possibly be some individuals in the globe who wouldn't know what an IP address is? To sum what is an IP address, an IP address, or merely an IP,” is a unique address that identifies a device on the World wide web or a neighborhood network. It enables a system to be recognized by other systems connected by means of the World wide web protocol. There are two major varieties of IP address formats employed these days which are the private IP address or IPv4 and the public IP address or IPv6. So let's jump straight into the differences between the two.
When you locate the suitable address, you are going to have to sign in making use of the router's managerial password. To seek out the IP Address, an person can adhere to any 1 of the subsequent three approaches. Public IP addresses are distinctive on the net, but the individual ones aren't. Your router is the center of your network. Everything from the laptop you use to make on the web purchases and handle your savings account to the baby monitor in your child's space connects to it. Cybercriminals are nicely aware of the central significance of routers, and they've created several sorts of malware to exploit weak router passwords.
If you're obtaining troubles accessing your router at (lengthy loading or not loading at all),your network may well be using yet another addess such as, 10...1 or that case verify our router IP address list. You can also study our tutorial on how to uncover your router's ip address for more support. Accessing your Router Admin via a 192.1681.1 IP address will enable you to change the settings and configurations that your router software supplies.Click Here or enter 192.1681.1 into your Browser's address bar.
Go to your pc or laptop and connect to the router employing an Ethernet cable. Occasionally a wireless connection is enough, but do not count on it. Step two: Go to Network or LAN Setup and alter the IP address to and save. If you are employing NetGear Router, then go to Sophisticated > Setup > LAN Setup an IP address > adjust IP and Apply. If the above did not function, you can attempt what is known as a 30-30-30 reset. Get comfy, simply because you will need to hold the reset button for 90 seconds. Press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds. Although continuing to hold the reset button, unplug the router, wait one more 30 seconds, then plug it back in. Continue to hold the reset button for yet another 30 seconds.
Now that you know what the IP address is and how to log into routers that use it as the default gateway, you can discover its admin panel and modify many various settings to make your network safer and faster. Now you know numerous items about IP Addresses, Private and Public IP Address, How to Access, What If You Cannot Access, How To Adjust Router Password, Reset Router Settings, How To Find The Router IP Address and significantly more.
The problem with the web is that not each and every location has a public address. Some destinations have only what is called a private address, and the IP address is a single of them. is a private IP address, similar to or 10...1 used by many vendors as the default gateway. Many Netgear and D-Link model routers use as their default IP address. It is utilized in a private IPv4 network address as the router gateway. In order to steer clear of address conflicts, only a single device can use on a network. Other typical default gateways are and ten...1.
If you can not figure out the username and password, you can look for the default usernames and passwords for the certain make and model of router or modem which you have, or you can attempt to understand by contacting your Internet Service Provider. It really is so effortless to set up and uninstall, and even it's very effortless to add and reset the password in nearly no time. You are able to alter the router password.
Given that the login information are appropriate, you will enter the router's settings web page and make the desired modifications from there. To access the Router Admin panel, you have to connect it to your Pc with an RJ45 cable. Once connected, open the browser and sort into the address bar. An IPv6 address consists of a series of eight numbers, every single quantity being 4 digits long. As opposed to the IPv4 address that is expressed in decimal numbers, an IPv6 address is expressed in hexadecimal numbers.
Adjust the password in Network Safety Settings and click Next. Step 1: Connect your Cisco Router to Pc utilizing RJ45 cable. Out of these, the Web Engineering Activity Force (IETF) has directed the Net Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) to reserve 17.9 million addresses for private networks, which are normally used for local location networks (LANs) in residential, office, and enterprise environments.
Discover the pinhole reset button. Usually occasions this on the back or underside of the router. With the router plugged in, press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds. Right after releasing the button, wait for the router to energy on, and try to login to the router once more. IANA has reserved some IP addresses for private networks. We mentioned earlier that a private IP address is unique inside the network it's connected to but the identical IP address can be assigned to a program on a different private network.
A new version of the Internet Protocol has also been developed, referred to as IPv6. In contrast to its predecessor, IPv6 uses a 128-bit address, allowing for around 3.4×1038 addresses, which is enough to assign a exclusive IPv6 address to each and every single atom on the surface of the Earth. Step four: Log in to the D-Hyperlink router with the administrator username and password. Pay a visit to this web site for much more detailed directions and tools on obtaining your router's IP address.
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chongwai · 7 years ago
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Future of the Past – Past of the Future: Creating Time in Public Space through Performance Solo exhibition by Isaac Chong Wai 6.4. – 28.4.2018 | Goethe-Gallery and Black Box Studio, Goethe-Institut Hongkong Isaac Chong Wai, a Berlin-based artist from Hong Kong, will present the result of his research in Germany at the exhibition “Future of the Past – Past of the Future: Creating Time in Public Space through Performance” from April 6 to 28 at the Goethe-Gallery and the Black Box Studio of the Goethe-Institut Hongkong. “What is the future in the past? And what is the past in the future?” – to addess these two questions, Isaac Chong Wai applies performance as the medium to deal with history and memory in public space. His research started from the history of Weimarplatz, which was formerly the Gauforum, built as one of the most important structures for the National Socialist Party in Weimar. In 1937, the foundation stone was laid for the “Hall of the People’s Community,” which was housed in the site, and the square was named “Adolf Hitler Square”. During the Allied Occupation of Germany, it was renamed “Karl-Marx Platz,” which was then kept under the reign of the German Democratic Republic. After the regime’s fall it remained nameless until 1999. Now, in its current incarnation as Weimarplatz, the absence of people has become the present view of the square, which has been blocked from public access. Looking at the past and the present of the Weimarplatz, one is led to address the function and dysfunction of its architectural structure: what kind of events, symbols and social activities could and can take place there? For this, an imaginary past is created through art in the hope of shaping possible fragments of utopia. The exhibition was first shown at the Bauhaus Museum in Weimar in January 2016, including works Painting a Moon on Viehauktionshalle (2014), I Dated a Guy in Buchenwald (2014), Neue Wache (The New Guard) (2015), One Sound of the Histories (2015). New Works to be shown in this exhibition include A Piece of Snow (2013), Flakturm and The White Flag(2016) ... etc. Isaac Chong Wai graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University with a BA in Visual Arts in 2012, and the Bauhaus-Universität in Weimar, Germany, with a MFA in Public Art and New Artistic Strategies in 2016. His recent solo exhibitions include “L'Homme et la Mer” at the Serlachius Residency organized by Serlachius Museums and Mänttä Art Festival in 2017 and "What is the future in the past? And what is the past in the future?" at the Bauhaus Museum in Weimar in 2016. His has recently participated group shows at the BERLIN MASTERS TOY Award at the Brandenburger Tor Stiftung in Berlin and “Forecast Forum” at Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin in 2017. His works were shown at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin, the Kunstfest Weimar and Serbia’s Macura Museum in 2015, and selected for the 2014 Moscow Biennale for Young Art at Museum of Moscow. Isaac Chong Wai currently lives and works in Berlin and Hong Kong. Goethe-Gallery address and opening hours: 14/F Hong Kong Arts Centre | 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai
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