#but now it has this futuristic single screen
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threepandas · 7 months ago
Bad End: Witness
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"Specimen '873 is starting to disappoint me. He was showing such promise. These numbers, however?" My keeper muttered to himself, distaste painting his face as he watched the feed in front of him. "Unacceptable for a battle class. He might as well be spare biomass at this point."
He was supposed to be wearing his glasses, not holding them. They may have been called "reading" glasses? But they were not, technically, just for that. They also had a blue light filter. Helped with headaches and eyestrain. He just hated wearing them because he thought they made him look old.
A God Forbid ANYTHING remind him of the passage of time.
He did NOT take it kindly.
I managed to avoid THAT landmine by virtue of having witnessed his receiving them. An "incident" that resulted in his head slamming against a screen. Protocol demanded he get checked. In the process, they discovered his eye sight was declining. It was a... bad day. I brought him things to break and stayed very, very quiet.
He bounced back fairly quickly, though. Once the arrogant researcher who had arranged for the incident to even OCCUR? Tried to come lord his "weakened old man" status over him. It was one thing to "accidently" let the battle class get unfettered access to weapons before loyalty train. But to be dumb enough to step into his lab, call him weak, and gloat about it?
Dr. Raghnall Periculum was many things.
But "unwilling to bludgeon a man to death with the nearest object" was not one of them.
He was dangerous like that. Murderous. It came and went like shifting storms, all you could really do was learn to read the triggers. Get good at knowing when to back up. When to hold really, REALLY still. After all... this was a lawless, immoral place. No one here could or WOULD stop him.
They were all just as bad.
Gritty Sci-Fi Otome games are... a lot less fun to LIVE. To be honest? They are actually pretty horrifying. Traumatizing, really. Hellish. As in, I am pretty sure this is a futuristic version Of Hell (but that is a personal opinion). I regret EVER playing a single damn one. But... BUT? I CLING to the knowledge I gained from it. So I can not regret it completely. Because through them? Through KNOWING this world?
I KNOW this will end. KNOW we will be free. That these monsters will pay for what they've done. The epilog promises a golden age. A beautiful, peaceful dawn after this long and terrible night, filled with horrors. I just... I just have to survive. Hold on. Keep my head down and pray.
I may be trapped in hell, but I'm not broken.
We will be Free.
I have SEEN IT.
Sometimes the greatest defiance is just refusing to die. Just keeping hope alive. I... I can do that. May not be able to fight my way out. Not smart enough to hack or sabotage these nightmares. But I can stay alive. I... I can do that. Bear witness, that someday I may stand against them in trial. Record. So no one is forgotten.
It doesn't feel like enough. I feel tired and angry. Hateful and small. But for the sake of my sanity? I make myself feel nothing. Compartmentalize. I've... I've become unfortunately quite good at it. Good at a lot of terrible things. Like placating. Making myself small. Being invisible. A retail smile. Being one with the furniture.
See, just like the poor souls on the screens in front of him? I'm a Clone. Of who? I have no idea. None of us do. They use old DNA databases. From when it was first commercially available, I think. Like those ancestry tests. Here it was squirrelled away, kept for later use. Which... was us.
My template has been dead for centuries, I think. Or perhaps? She would have considered herself my mother? I hope she would have, strange as I turned out to be. We are all children of the dead. It'd be nice to think they'd have wanted us.
Dr. Periculum's cup lifts lightly as he take a drink, more focused on his work then anything else. That heft is about midway point. I've discovered if I begin brewing now, it will be done by the time his cup is empty and he wants more. A glance at the closest screen gives me the time. Food too, is a good idea.
He likely won't eat it. But if it's there? The chances are higher. And when he comes out of his focus, it'll be available. Less chance of him getting irritated by hunger.
On a well practiced route through piles of notes and projects I know better then to touch, I quietly make my way to the coffee machine. Begin another round of abomination the caffeine tar. It is, quite honestly, a wonder he hasn't accused me of trying to poison him to a heart attack.
A few granules of salt, a bit of cinnamon, some expensive fatty creamer, aaaand? There. Unholy bitterness gone. "Just" a cup of liquid tar so potent it could make a rhino taste time.
I also grab one of the meat pies and put it on a little paper plate.
Ah... what has my life become? That I am so well practiced in make snacks for a monster? Picking them up, I don't dare answer that. That way lies madness. Don't think about it. It can wash out in therapy. After. Because there WILL be an After. There HAS to be an After.
Careful steps and...? Just as I estimated. He just ran out. I nearly silently tap the paper plate down to the edge of the table then slide it forward, with-in ease of reach, but not too close. Then I swap the cups. Go to step away. Only to freeze. As, out of the corner of my eye, I see one of his hands briefly leave his keyboard to make a nearly dismissive "one moment" gesture.
Stay put. Don't move. I'll address you when I'm done with my, more important, thoughts. I feel the flash of fear, of panic, but let it go. There is nothing I can do. I will be hurt or I won't be hurt. There is no use suffering twice, through speculation and fear, I remind myself. Force my mind empty and pleasant. Retail smile. Happy to serve.
He finishes. Leans back, dissatisfied with some project or other, and finally slips on his glasses. Gestures imperiously for the cup in my hands. I do not question of course, merely hand it to him. He takes it, passes it to his other hand, and sets it aside. Then, casually, leans slightly over and wraps a thickly muscled arm around my waist. Dragging me off my feet and into his lap.
"You know, girl? B-21873 really was, actually quite promising. I was starting to think I'd keep him. Decent speed, good stamina, excellent problem solving. His test scoring was exceeding all expectations. Really thought I might have gotten you a little friend to play with. A gaurd so I could send you out on some chores safely. But no, he just HAD to be a failure." He said, leaning forward to grab his cup.
I was crushed awkwardly close. Could feel every moment. Acutely aware of his woody and sea air cologne, the coffee on his breath as words were spoken far to close, the beating of a heartbeat I could feel against my arm. Hyper aware of him. Why was I in his lap? This felt dangerous. I should not be in his lap.
Between sips, he turned his head and pressed his lips to my temple, not kissing... somehow worse. Just... just breathing me in. Slow, deliberate, and deep. Like savoring a scent, a sensation. The subtle back and forth, as though rubbing his lips against my hair. Enjoying the feeling against sensitive skin. It could almost be a cuddle on any other man. It took everything I had not to shudder.
"Unlike you of course. You pet, could never disappoint me. If these rejects tried even half as hard as my perfect darling girl? The world'd be a better place." He paused his almost nuzzling. To simply rest his head against mine, pulling off his glasses so he could tuck his head closer. His breathe was hot against my ear. His voice gravel and distain as it spoke of others.
"It's disgusting. Like they don't even try. We spend countless resources breeding, feeding, and training them... for what? Failure? I'm starting to think those bastards are deliberately sending me bad specimens."
Every word he said was horrifying. I could not cry. Dare not. But my heart screamed for those poor souls. They were just kids. Trapped in hell. Tortured from birth. Disposed of when they no longer met some arbitrarily impossible anime standard. If I turned my head, even slightly, I KNEW, I would be faced with screens of untold suffering. Feeds of "testing". So called training. Autopsy reports and datapoints.
Lists of who... who had been deemed "not good enough".
Who were scheduled to become "recycled biomass".
But if I looked? I would weep for them. And that? That was dangerous right now. Right NOW? I had to be pleasant company. A child's doll to be dragged around. No thoughts, no differing opinions. Preferably no opinions at ALL. Just warm and huggable. Soft. A beloved pet who serves coffee and brings things when told. Endure. I just... I must simply ENDURE.
The night will end. Dawn will come. Believe in her.
J-Just empty your head... and Believe In Her.
An alert pops up. I can hear it on a screen somewhere behind me. Dr. Periculum turns his head to look, reaching for his snack. Freezes. Then, a sharp bark of laughter. It's violent, like the strike of a lightning bolt, jostling me. The ones that follow just as harsh. He's not a man that laughs often. And it's not a kind sound.
Filled with schadenfreude, his laughter is like the vicious barks of hunting hounds. The shots of a weapon. A short and harsh to the ears sound, over and over. Delight in the suffering of an enemy. The fall of a rival. It strikes through his body like seizures. Making him lean forward to read. Brace against the desk, tighten his grip around me, widen the brace of his legs.
Glancing up, his eyes are alight with manic glee. His grin is vicious.
He looks Feral.
"Well, well, WELL! What do we have HERE?! Is that Jack ANDERSON'S facility I see? Mr. 'Master of the genome' himself? Looks like SOMEONE got AHEAD of themselves! Ha!" Raghnall cackles spinning his chair so I can see the screen. Leaning back to grab his cup and toast with it. "Look what we have here, pet! Some fucking KARMA! I knew that little shit wasn't worth the paper his degree was printed on! See this? THIS is what happens when you can't control your own damn compound!"
"Rest in PIECES, you worthless little SHIT!"
I sat. Frozen. As Dr. Periculum laughed and laughed, his mood viciously pleased. Because... because I recognized that facility. Chapter Two. There was an animation that played. The... the BREAKOUT! Joy filled me. Like the first rays of dawn. That was HER. S-she was OUT! Free! She DID it! Oh god... oh god she was COMING! It had finally BEGUN!
I caught myself. Barely.
My eyes felt a bit wet so I disguised it with a fake yawn. I dare not show empathy. NEVER show empathy. Keep it guarded like diamonds in your chest. If he thought, for even a moment, that I empathized with anyone but him. CARED about anyone but him? They wouldn't last the hour.
And it would be the longest, cruelest, hour in existence, as they died.
You make that sort of mistake exactly ONCE.
"Ah~ todays a GOOD day. And you know what we should do?" He hummed, nearly a coo as he spun us almost lazily around on his chair. In whimsical circles like a bored child. "We should celebrate. Ding dong, the fuckers dead~ HA HA! Not to mention? It's been entirely too long, pet, since I've spoiled you rotten. We should get a cake, hmm? You want a cake? Lil treat? Sweet lil treat for my girl?"
"I could get you that new dress I've been looking at. Bet you'll look like a classy lil princess, won't that be nice? Can even make it match the trackers I'm finishing up! No more uncomfy collars when we go out! Just pretty lil bracelets, ain't that nice?"
I force myself to smile. Nod. Ignore the fear and anger, the humiliation and helplessness. It's not time yet. Bid your time. You will LOSE your chance for True Freedom if you give in to your anger. Your hurt. Patience, THEN strike. Remember! Chapter two! There are FIVE.
He stopped spinning, planting his feet on the floor. His manic grin softening. No less unhinged, less full of teeth, but perhaps the closest a man like him could come to loving. His eyes obsessive as the roam my face. Cataloging everything.
"You know, pet? You really might be might greatest creation. Best thing I've ever made or done. Anyone wants you? They'd have to pry you from my cold, dead hands. I'd burn EVERYTHING down. Kill just about EVERYONE." His voice was the sort of whispered confession meant for churches, not the heart of this hell he had built. It felt unholy. Dangerous.
Exactly like him.
"Once I figure how to take humanity to it's next stage? Reverse aging? Heck, even stop it. I promise, pet. Gonna take you with me. You're coming along for the ride. Straight to the end. Heat death of the universe. Well become GODS, pet. Live forever and a day. Bet you can't wait, huh?"
"Don't worry. The futures going be BEAUTIFUL. Just you wait."
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asthewindswell · 13 days ago
Okay I don’t fucking care, I love Colin way too much rn, you’ll have to fucking deal with me explaining him to you, because I can’t draw and I need you to know my vision.
Ahead of you stands a horribly thin and pale man, his skin near gray, with a trembling in his bones not of weakness, but of a terrible righteous loathing. He is staring at a screen, muttering to himself under a scowl that reminds you of an elderly, spitting cat. Since the only words you’ve ever learnt in other languages consist mostly of a decade old school curriculum and swear words, you can tell he speaks at least the swear word part of German, and perhaps some broken Gaelic.
He is hunched painfully, his balding dirty-blond hair fraying like broken wires, and falling from a low, ratty ponytail into his thinning, similarly greying beard, where he wipes it away impatiently with one hand, as the other keeps fiddling, never still. It stars falling again almost immediately from behind a dull silver industrial piercing, in front of the single stretched lobe. His eyes, even, seem frantic where they dart around. They are an unbelievably bright blue, made brighter by a deep blue-black ring around the iris, and the washed out skin around them- not to mention the light of the screen. Long, long blond lashes frame them in their hatred, almost white in the glow, and the sallow skin looks near-skeletal.
His dress does nothing to downplay his ghostly figure, though the layers do seem to try. There is a blue-gray hoodie over all of it, and joggers, despite the office setting, though you can spy the top of a pair of blue jeans where it rides up, below a delicately tattooed stretch of stomach. The hood is regularly up, considering the bed-head, but without its shadow, and above the chewed strings and zipper, there is a clear, if surprising, collar of a thin, black, dress shirt. Less surprising is the grey t-shirt visible underneath with the lack of fastened buttons.
Cracked, thin lips pursed, and his light, neat eyebrows and small, straight nose doing nothing to lessen the ferocity of his face, or, indeed the scowl-lines from it, his hands and voice momentarily pause and, leant against the table as he is, he resembles a wind-up doll, run out of steam. He sighs and squints his eyes in anticipation, reaching a hand across to the space bar and pressing, gentle and slow.
An uncooperative beep sounds, and a strangled scream follows. Your object of consideration throws himself to his knees and whacks his head against the table- chewed and damaged, partly-painted red fingernails grip on painfully, and he pounds the scratched toes of the only remotely smart clothes he has on show (brown dms with black-and-white striped laces) fruitlessly on the carpet.
After a while of praying to the computer gods, his tall stature shudders a breath and he leans back on those dms with long neck bowed, eyes closed, and reaches a big, boney hand into the side pocket of his joggers to retrieve a very non-technological pencil and paper pad.
I refuse to believe he owns a pen. They’re too futuristic for his paranoia. Even if it does mean he also needs to carry around a rubber. Even if he does know that pencils were invented after pens.
That shirt was specifically for Lena. She told him to wear one once and he thought it was funny to wear a hoodie over the top. Now he always wears it because he STILL thinks it’s funny, even though Lena gave up absolutely years ago.
He has a very pretty thistle-and-heather design around his hips extending down his thigh and curling over his stomach. He got it in his 20s when his dad died
*oi, oi, i also write on ao3
https://archiveofourown.org/users/SeaPurslane_Camellias don’t tell anyone*
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fallout-lou-begas · 2 years ago
I feel like you've shared your thoughts before on why you don't relate to settings/stories where the process of transitioning is 'solved' through what is functionally a instant button or spell etc and the character then proceeds to not need to interact with their transness again and you much prefer the approach you've taken in IKROAH, but I can't seem it find it. Any chance you know where it is or feel like elaborating on it again?
the short version is that i don't enjoy depictions of trans people who have undergone some form of sci-fi futuristic full-body transmogrification or have taken some fantasy magic transformation potion to become the person that they are (in the context of IKROAH, I used to get asked a lot, "why doesn't Agnes just get a lifetime supply of hormones/her whole body replaced by an auto-doc?") because it's a depiction of trans people that has had transition completely excised out of it. a single perfect procedure that just makes you into who you would have been if you'd been born as the other one instead. this is, to start, really boring. it makes me feel like the author views early transition people, or visibly trans non-passing people in general, as unpleasant or unsavory or otherwise worth just glossing over. meanwhile, i love such people. is there room for them in this world you've created where a perfect cis-congruent body is just one potion away? or where "transition" exclusively happens somehow conveniently off-screen, and when they come back they're all "done"? if you're going to go this route then at least tether it to some very real familiarities: how are these procedures gatekept; what structures exist that allow them to continue being gatekept; what happens to the trans people who cannot access these procedures; how do the people who get these procedures feel about this disparity; etc.
because the defining condition of my life as a trans woman is artificial scarcity. my hormones are constantly getting delayed. electrolysis costs $10,000 and is one of the most excruciatingly painful things on the planet to undergo. i feel like a silly pervert even just thinking about how i'll one day have to explain to an uncaring insurance company that a breast augmentation is actually a necessary procedure. in the meantime i just keep living. sometimes it sucks. it's a lot better than it used to be, because i've got years of experience now, but it still sucks sometimes. this is transition. the constant, perpetual process of becoming and stabilizing where your personal needs and material conditions intersect. it's beautiful and frustrating and means everything to me. these magic sci-fi/fantasy solutions that just "solve" the "issue" of being trans with no drawback, no difficulty, no viscerality, no fragility, they just leave all of these things that mean so much to me completely on the table. shapeshifters and fantasy solutions can make for interesting subtext but trying to make it text just seems so hollow because, like, i'm sorry, but no, this bears zero resemblance to how transition works for real people on the planet earth right now, you cannot have your cake and eat it too
like, in Star Trek, Jadzia Dax can stand in for a lot of trans stuff. she even has to deal, often, with the legacy of her "past identity." but before saying "she's literally trans!", what if the woman's body that the trill was put into was a trans woman, who was transitioning, who is actually literally trans. what if there was an actual literal trans woman on the ship that she could interact with, "compare notes" about such significant "life changes" as it were. i've got huge transsexual feelings about a ton of characters from random shit that just give me vibes or things to think about. and to reiterate i absolutely love transsexual subtext. but i also love it when characters in genre fiction actually put hormones in their bodies sometimes or otherwise live transsexually in settings where that isn't possible with whatever it takes. but the final thing, and this is the most crucial, is that i also don't want any of these literally transsexual characters in genre fiction to ever talk like they know what a BLÅHAJ is.
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first-impressions-gaming · 2 years ago
Citizen Sleeper
Developed by Jump Over the Age
Published by Fellow Traveller
Release Date 2022
Tested on Xbox Series X
MSRP 19,99 USD
“Nothing comes free Sleeper, remember that.” -Sabine
That’s the mic drop moment in Citizen Sleeper, Sabine, who is a doctor in Bright Market, is not talking about a dystopia in a far away galaxy or time. Citizen Sleeper is set in a futuristic time and in a spacecraft in the galaxy, yet every single detail and character is relatable by us. Right now and then, in this moment.
Before diving into the game, I’ve read somewhere that “Citizen Sleeper is Disco Elysium set in space” and seen this game recommended in Disco Elysium’s subreddit, personally I would not go so far to suggest that this game is equivalent of Disco Elysium in any aspect. The scope and frame are really appealing, that’s for sure, and as a Disco Elysium worshipper, this game can find an audience, majority of whom have played Disco Elysium before. Most noticeable likening is the dialogue window, conversation is displayed on the right side of the screen and you select choice-based dialogues basically. The second one is that the game puts forward that this is a (post)-capitalist world and we witness the life and background of characters are scarred by everything suıch a world brings. Some characters are more willingly talking about their past compared to others and we can read between the lines even when they are not explicitly talking but giving us glances of their past. 
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At the beginning we find ourselves in a scrapyard in a spaceship, we awake and Dragos, the seeming owner of the makeshift scrapyard, greets (well, ‘greet’ is a generous verb, more like ‘hey, you are finally awake, uh’) us with fatigue and disdain. We are trying to get our head around what did happen, when did happen and how much time has passed since we were conscious. We do not remember onboarding on this spaceship, and where are our mates? Why are we completely alone and a total stranger to his ship, named Eye?
We are directly interacting with the world through the map as a point-and-click game, the spaceship being the whole map. Navigating through the locations and finding your way is not difficult, since it is completely text-based. I will raise my suggestions and feedback about the map in the next paragraphs.
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You get to track one active mission, which will be marked and tracked with a yellow icon, popping up on the location to direct you. Of course you can progress multiple missions simultaneously, not tracking a mission does not mean that you cannot progress it. There are missions such as “Find a Doctor”, “Investigate the Wreckage”, “Gain access to a specific location” etc, though the map is not that huge, it is not that easy to pinpoint where to look always, let’s say for a particular person, item or a place without help. For instance, your very first mission is named “Survive” and you have to find a doctor because as a Sleeper you need to obtain a special medicine to properly function, and the game directs us to Bright Market, and once we success at talking to the locale, the location to the doctor unlocks on our map. These types of “go to the location and complete a side-mission to reach to the main person/location” missions are commonplace. 
The game runs on a couple of mechanics, with which you can get familiar quickly: first there’s real-time interactions, where you deal with dice (the amount of dice that you will receive a day depends upon your energy level and you need your medicine to keep up your energy which decrease daily), cyro (currency) or other components (such as classified info, data that you can harvest by hacking and trade them), and there is cycle-based interactions (cycle means ‘day’), it is crucial that you check cycle-based actions each cycle for example you hack into Harvenga’s server and three cycles need to pass before you obtain any info or you need to wait at least a few cycles to receive your medicine from the doctor.
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As previously mentioned, you receive dice each cycle, and the number of them depends upon your energy level, yet the numbers on dice are random, you may get low numbers such as 1 or 2 or high ones like 5 or 6. Of course 1 and 2 do not put you in a disadvantaged position all the time, when you are hacking into the servers you are requested to put dice with 1 or 2. So, getting high numbers would not guarantee you a successful cycle necessarily. 
Now I’ll expand upon missions, there’re always multiple active missions and with your limited dice you cannot expect from yourself to complete each mission, the game essentially presents you various missions and it is up to your choice how to progress your story. The story takes turns and you meet new characters as you complete missions and makes choices during dialogues. For instance, I frequented Overlook Bar a couple of times, then you meet the owner, Tala, who offers you a job at the bar, and after working there four times (by spending dice), your relationship with her gets closer, then you can help Tala build a distillery for the bar. 
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The freedom in progression allows the gameplay to be non-linear and each player’s story would branch our in a unique way naturally. On the other hand, I got a bit stressed thinking and calculating in which mission I should favour, especially when I was running low on dice. This un-guided story progression did make me anxious, I wanted to know whether I was making smart choices and not wasting my time on dead-end missions. There’re some missions that would go hand in hand, when you complete them one after the other the progression takes pace. If you are not paying attention that much, it makes you feel you are not getting anywhere.
Character designs are top-notch, maybe it would not do the justice, still they can be described as anime-like. In case of environments, it is such a step-back compared to character designs. We never get a chance to see environments in person. We view the spacecraft as a map, and we don’t see the places physically when we visit them, therefore the overall design looks generic and uninspired. I would love to see Feng’s hideout, Tala’s bar closely. The thing is that obviously the developers put lots of effort into character design, I mean they look and feel original and sophisticated, but did not design any environment, or it was a more of afterthought. Perhaps this part of development got cut from the budget. We are experiencing the ‘environment’ through text-based narration and descriptions. I anticipated that we would see the environment in the background when we visit a location.
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Citizen Sleeper will take you on a journey where you get to meet unfamiliar faces, strangers, both hostile and friendly, you will be a part of their world, and they yours. This title is one of my favourite text-based games of all time, simply put. 
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distraughtmary · 2 years ago
To Uncreate You. Chapter 1 and the synopsis
The Synopsis
After discovering that he is capable of magic, Dmitry is forced to enrol into the only magic school in Siberia that has a place even for a university graduate such as him. However, Dmitry appears to only possess destructive powers, failing to recreate his very first act of magic that brought something unusual into the world, and has to sign up for individual classes with a fellow named Valera, whose magic is prone to creating things out of nothing. Dmitry, on his arduous path to making sense of his potential, crosses ways with Egor, who is too curious about Dima and too eager to make friends with him… or something more. Meanwhile, the magic school harbours too many secrets that do not mesh well with Dmitry’s, and staying true to himself will be a challenge even with the support of new and old friends.
Chapter 1
The Zayeltsovskaya metro station was unnervingly silent when it should have been bustling with people desperate to catch the last train. The old-fashioned lamps that once had been considered futuristic barely lit the platform and its sole occupant, who was standing at the first mark indicating where a train’s door would open. It was a young man in a dark-blue parka and a nondescript black hat, his face covered with a black surgical mask only to reveal thin brows and piercing green eyes. They happened to be fixated at the screen with numbers above the train tunnel, and the red digits, indicating that it was 11.40pm, suggested that it had been twenty minutes since the latest train had passed the station. The implication made the man nervously shuffle his feet and reach for his smartphone for the umpteenth time to check if the issue had made the local news as every single inconvenience in Novosibirsk tended to do, but the outlets were silent on the matter.
A metro attendant, who had been hiding in one of the security booths, noticed the man’s singular and suspicious presence and trotted towards him, her hand in a firm grip of the black baton.
‘Young man,’ she said, slightly out of breath. ‘Remove your mask and show me your ID immediately’.
The man hesitated upon seeing that the woman had no mask herself and could easily pass “the zaraza” to him, but decided to do as she said, perhaps out of fear of getting involved with the Russian police that rarely let one go unpunished. He unpeeled the mask, exposing a meadow of freckles covering his face and sharp nose in particular, rosy cheeks, their color emphasized by those freckles, and a soft mouth twisted in subtle annoyance. The attendant might have been within her right to demand what she had done, but it did not make the situation any more pleasant. Then the man rummaged in his leather bag, which dangled dangerously close to the station’s polished mirror-like platform, and produced his maroon ID, preemptively open at his personal information page. The woman snatched it from him hungrily and started reading aloud.
‘Angarskiy Dmitry Alexandrovich, born on the 31th of December, year 2000, male. The photo appears to match face… Well, Dmitry Alexandrovich, it must be nice to have your birthday on the same day as New Year’s Eve. Now, let’s see…’
The attendant turned over the page to look at Dmitry’s place of registration, which made him tense.
‘Aha! Dmitry Alexandrovich, you live exactly above this station, so what business do you have taking the last train away from your house?’ she said triumphantly, having found exactly what she needed to apprehend the guy, at least in her dutiful mind.
Dmitry’s face tightened at the question, as it made too much sense, and nothing he could say would make the tenacious woman reconsider. He straightened himself and prepared to babble some nonsense about having a relative around the Karl Marx station (which he actually did according to his grandma, but he did not even know her name), but the salvation came in the form of a sound of someone skipping down the stairs, and the attendant’s attention immediately shifted to another phantom enemy of the state. Her adversary was a guy who was apparently undaunted by the Siberian winter, his black hair messily waving around the hatless head. His clothes looked obscenely light for the weather, and Dmitry could not help but notice that his zipper was undone, but fortunately for all of them, the jeans appeared to have enough fabric inside to cover anything indecent. Before the guy could reach the platform, the lady attendant was there at the foot of the stairs, ready to grab him, and Dmitry hastily adjusted his mask and was about to leave through the other entrance equipped with escalators. Out of nowhere, a female voice announced the arrival of the long-awaited train, and just as Dmitry was arriving at the fateful decision, the new guy whispered something into the attendant’s ear that made her look satisfied and hopped to a spot next to him. The woman remained indifferent despite such a breach of discipline and re-entered her booth, presumably to spend the rest of the night there.
‘Are you here for the school, too?’ the guy asked cheerily, his teeth too white for the gloomy station. Dmitry looked at him closer, discovering azure eyes and a curved nose with a small mole on it as well thin lips and unattended stubble that somehow complimented the handsome face. While Dmitry was bracing himself to say a simple ‘yes’, a train’s rumble became audible, and the poor fellow’s answer was completely drowned out by the vehicle’s stopping shriek. The doors opened, and both men entered an empty car, which was not surprising for the starting station in the line but still felt eerie.
Dmitry took a seat next to the door while the other guy just grabbed the horizontal iron bar and situated himself over Dmitry, clearly intent on continuing the conversation.
‘So, I didn’t hear you, are you going to the school?’ he asked again, less cheerily and less teethy.
‘Yes,’ Dmitry replied curtly through the mask, his voice distorted, not willing to engage himself in a talk with another person, not matter how charming they might be.
‘Great. I’m Egor, by the way. I had to take a bus from Rodniki and was almost late. Ugh, when are they going to build a new damn station? The third city in the whole country, and some of us still feel like we live on the outskirts,’ the guy complained in a rapid breath, his left hand mimicking his indignation.
‘Yeah,’ Dmitry managed another short reply and started reaching for his smartphone.
‘Hey, what’s your name? And you could remove that mask, I’m vaccinated, you know,’ Egor said, a hint of discontent in his voice.
‘And I’m not,’ Dmitry retorted, equally vexed.
‘Are you one of those anti-vax people? Or do you think magic will protect you from germs because that’s definitely not the case,’ the guy said patronizingly, further annoying Dmitry. He no longer looked as pleasant as the first impression had suggested.
‘That’s none of your business, and can you get off my case, please? There’s plenty of room in this car, you don’t have to stand here and waste your precious time on the likes of me,’ Dmitry said, finally getting hold of his smartphone. He took it out and started swiping his fingers aggressively over the protected surface, completely ignoring the other guy.
‘Hey, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize… You could be one of those exemption cases. Ok, I’m a dummy, but at least tell me your name, pretty please? We are going to study together, and I don’t want any bad blood between us,’ Egor said apologetically, his face awfully similar to that of a puppy.
‘Dmitry,’ he replied, not taking his eyes off the smartphone.
‘Nice to meet you,’ Egor said politely. ‘Can I call you Dima?’
‘Because you aren’t my friend and you aren’t doing a great job of making me want to do anything with you,’ Dmitry replied exasperatedly, his fingers still spidering over the smartphone’s screen.
‘I did save you from that woman, didn’t I? I heard the commotion from the turnstiles hall and climbed down the stairs as fast as I could,’ Egor smiled, seemingly proud of himself.
Dmitry raised his eyes, the smartphone suddenly forgotten.
‘What did you tell her?’ he asked, half-curiously. ‘I doubt it was a simple “oh you look beautiful tonight.”’
‘I used some of manipulation magic, looked up the spells online. I hadn’t tried them before that little trick, but it worked, and everyone was happy,’ Egor said smugly. ‘Why didn’t you use your magic, I bet you already know a spell or two.’
‘I thought we weren’t supposed to use magic,’ Dmitry shrugged. ‘I’d rather learn first and then start casting spells around, not really knowing what they do.’
‘Sure, but this private Telegram chat I found was the real deal. I only tried some minor stuff, like how to light a candle by just looking at it. So you didn’t do any experiments at all?’
‘Nope,’ Dmitry replied. ‘Granny has some books on magic back from the USSR, but nothing I read there was really useful, and I wasn’t about to call myself a God’s slave or worse to make them work.’
‘Heh, such books are mostly bogus, trust me. So, you know anything about that school?’ Egor asked, trying to change the subject.
‘Well, it’s near my uni, judging by the address, the same street, but I never saw the building itself and I have no idea why we have to use the last train to reach it through some secret tunnel,’ Dmitry said, crossing his legs and trying not to kick Egor in the process, although the desire was more or less burning.
While they were deep in the conversation, the train kept going, making no stops during all that time. The next one was the Lenin Square station, as the female announcer had proclaimed to no one in particular.
‘Do you mean the teacher’s uni? What are you studying there?’ Egor asked, surprised.
‘I already graduated, and I wasn’t interested in doing my Masters, not that I had the money anyway. Still, they told me to wait until the next year, build up my portfolio, but with this magic thing that’s out of the window, I guess. And I was studying history… well, to be a history teacher’ Dmitry replied, suddenly talkative.
Egor’s face brightened at the success of making his previously unwilling partner-in-magic talk, and he started firing off ever more questions.
‘Teacher, huh? And history, wow. Never liked that one, but mad respect to you, bro,’ Dmitry flinched at that comment but decided not to say anything. ‘So you like teach at a public school or something? Kinda funny that you’re about to be a student again.’
‘No, I don’t work at school, basically nobody does after graduating, and don’t ask me why, I have my reasons,’ Dmitry said, brushing aside the potential comments to follow.
‘Ok, ok, so what do you do for living then? You must have a job, especially in this economy.’
‘Well, what do YOU do?’ Dmitry retorted, starting to get annoyed again. ‘I can’t be the only one spilling my guts here.’
‘I graduated from the NSU, majored in… physical informatics, I know, I know, it sounds weird, but that’s what I studied,’ Egor glanced at Dmitry, expecting laughter or derision, but the latter only raised his eyebrows at the strange name. ‘I got a job at a reputable organization, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to juggle both the job and the magic studies, and you can’t really opt out of the magic thing once it manifests.’
Egor sounded quite regretful when he said that, and Dmitry felt a bit sorry for him despite their rocky start.
‘My so-called job is nothing to write home about, and I don’t want to say what it is because it’s shameful, but I think I’ll manage to do it together with my studies, and even if I don’t, my brother said he’d take care of the family, so…’ Dmitry trailed off, not caring that he had revealed another goldmine for Egor to dig into.
‘Oh, you have a brother? Who is he? Does he know about your gift?’ the guy inquired excitedly, accidentally removing his right hand from the iron bar and almost falling straight into Dmitry.
‘Hey, careful, curious Varvara,’ Dmitry said, not unkindly. ‘I don’t really want to talk about my brother now. It’s… complicated.’
‘You are complicated,’ said Egor with a grin. ‘Well, does he have the same eyes as you, at least? I kinda like them even though they’ve been judging me ever since we passed the Gagarinskaya station.’
‘What in the…,’ Dmitry gasped at the out-of-nowhere compliment, his masked cheeks flushed, but then a new announcement drew their attention.
‘Switching to the Oktyabrskaya line,’ an unknown male voice said, a contrast with a typical feminine announcer.
‘Oktyabrskaya line? That doesn’t exist in the city,’ Egor said with suspicion.
‘We must be approaching our destination,’ Dmitry rationalized. ‘Magic isn’t supposed to exist either.’
‘You might have a po-,’ Egor was about to concede just as the train suddenly started gaining speed, sending him flying, this time not sparing Dmitry. His head landed on Dmitry’s chest, his hands circled Dmitry’s waist, and legs met legs.
‘God, I’m so so-,’ Egor tried to apologize and raised his hand to grab the vertical bar protruding from the seat’s thin armrest, but the train jerked hard, and his fingers fell on Dmitry’s face, awkwardly moving the mask down the frustrated guy’s nose.
‘Wow, I’ve never seen so many fre-,’ he unsuccessfully tried to finish his sentence, only to be interrupted by the train’s abrupt stop. Egor was forced to the left, but not before his fingers snatched the rest of the mask from Dmitry’s face, snapping one of the straps in the process. It helplessly fell to the seat, never to be used again, and Egor finally took a good look at Dmitry’s face.
‘You know, your eyes aren’t the only good thing about you,’ he said, half-sprawled on the car’s floor.
In return, Dmitry kicked him in the shins, causing the ‘ooh’ sound, and said, his voice no longer muffled by the mask:
‘You know, your zipper’s still undone.’
He stood up, stepped over Egor’s spindly legs, completely ignoring the guy’s embarrassed face and futile attempts at concealing the hole of indecency, where one could see a hint of the underwear, and walked through the gap left by the doors into the unknown.
Read the rest of the chapters on my website: https://danceonthebrink.wordpress.com
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wingheadshellhead · 1 year ago
all fics now linked under the cut! + *NEW* fics
A Present After All by ann2who / MCU / 9.3K
Christmas Eve. For the first time in years, Tony wouldn’t spend this day alone. And okay, there might be a little millennia-snowstorm involved, which had ruined everyone’s plans to spend Christmas at home with their families, but that were just details. Tony would take what life threw at him, and this, well… it was safe to say that life, in all of Tony’s short but extreme experience living it, had never been better. He only needed to survive the evening without making a complete fool of himself by doing something like grabbing Steve's Ugly Christmas Sweater and just kiss the guy.
a thousand (true) words by ohmyloki / MCU / 4K
Tony Stark was a liar. Life didn’t return to normal “soon enough”. It had been three weeks. Three weeks and, if anything, it had only gotten worse. New headlines were popping up everywhere. Every single photo ever taken where he had so much as glanced in Tony’s direction were suddenly irrefutable proof of their love affair.
All I Want For Christmas by Wordsplat / MCU
There's only one thing Tony wants for Christmas, and he's got a plan to get it. Though he unfortunately seems doomed to failure from step one, unbeknownst to him, a better strategist than he has a plan of their own.
Architecture by Sineala / 616 / 1.2K
Tony decorates Avengers Tower for the new team's first Christmas, and Steve's standing in a very fortuitous place.
As Sharp as Any Thorn by RurouniHime / MCU / 47K
It’s four days to Christmas, there’s a city in shambles, and the nation is in mourning because of the actions of a single man.
Christmas Eve Will Find Me by Kahn / MCU / 11K
Steve walked into his apartment to find Tony sitting on his kitchen counter, cross-legged, facing the door and flicking his thumbs against the screen of his futuristic phone in a way that meant he was either playing a game or hacking the security of some undoubtedly highly dangerous and deeply hostile organization. "Hi, Honey!" Tony trilled without looking up. "Welcome back!" Steve comes home.
Christmas With the Starks by nightwalker / AA / 7.2K - *NEW*
Steve wasn't sure what he was expecting when Tony invited him to Stark Mansion for Tony's quiet family Christmas, but it wasn't food fights, getting outed on Twitter by Tony's butler, or accidentally becoming a gay icon. Fortunately, if he's learned one thing since waking up in the future, it's how to adapt.
Family Tradition by kijikun / MA: A / 1.2K
Tony wants to continue a Christmas Eve family tradition with his new husband.
Five times the Avengers tried to make Tony like Christmas. (And the one time they didn’t.) by sara_holmes / AA / 5.4K
In which Tony avoids Christmas because of reasons and Clint is not okay with this. Featuring bickering, unresolved childhood issues, cookies, eggnog lattes, unicorn tree-toppers, man-eating snowmen and Steve being the only sane person in the tower.
Have and Have Nots by kehihnki / MCU / 8.5K
Apparently, Tony finds his lack of holiday cheer damn near offensive.
Hats Off for Christmas by Amuly / 616 / 1.6K
Steve and Tony sneak away from the Avengers Christmas party to celebrate in their own way.
I'd Dream of You by someonelsesheart / MCU / 4.8K
“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing, Rogers. You’ve got that look that you get when you find a wounded animal that you want to bring home. You think you can fix him. Listen to me now, Steve. Nobody can fix Tony Stark.”
I'll Give You Gifts Until You Know My Name by Amuly / 616 / 10.5K
Mr. Stark is an extravagant gift-giver: he has the money for it, after all. As Iron Man, Tony has the opportunity to gift Steve even more presents that, while less expensive, are more heartfelt. Having a secret identity means Tony gets to have his cake and eat it too when it comes to showering Steve with presents. Until Steve starts developing feelings for his armored companion, and all the benefits of living a double life are turned on their head for Tony Stark.
Jultide Cheer by Wordsplat / MCU / 11K
The Avengers' first Christmas as a team is spent exactly as it should be: with family.
later on, we'll conspire by ohmyloki / MCU / 2.6K
There's something Tony's never done before. And Steve's going to be the one to show him what it's all about.
let it snow by alonelygod / MCU / 3.1K
“There is paper hanging from my ceiling,” Tony says, mostly because he doesn’t know what else to say. “Wha—Oh,” Bruce looks confused for a moment, but then he smiles again, a nicer smile, a soft one that makes Tony think very briefly of his mother, “Right. They’re snowflakes.”
River by Jessia / MCU / 3.8K
Steve discovers a surprise talent of Tony's. This is relevant to his interests.
New Traditions by nightwalker / MCU / 9.4K
Tony's starting to think that tackling the whole teamwork thing, the sobriety thing and the holidays thing all at once might have been overly ambitious. AKA: Steve and Tony throw the first Annual Avengers Non-Denominational Winter Holiday Party.
Unnecessary by theapplepielifestyle / MCU / 3.9K
“It’s a Christmas tree, Tony. People put them up in December.”
tell me when you're gonna let me in by someonelsesheart / MCU / 3.3K
“You see these movies, right? And there’s always this dramatic New Year’s bullshit with fireworks and kissing and probably, like, way too much alcohol. It’s all bullshit. That never happens in real life. In real life, you just get a glass of whiskey and shitty fireworks that set fire to next door’s house and then possibly a jail sentence where, if you’re lucky, the middle-aged policeman on duty with trust issues will give you a glass of water. But he probably won’t. Because he’s an asshole. And he has trust issues.” Steve is a bartender. Tony is Tony.
'Tis the Season to Make Out With Your Teammates Because Of Decorative Plants by theapplepielifestyle / MCU / 5.3K / *NEW*
In all honesty, it starts because Clint is an asshole with too much free time on his hands, and every corner shop has mistletoe to spare if you’re an Avenger- saving the world on a weekly basis has its perks, and free Christmas merchandise turns out to be one of them. Later, Bruce tells them that Clint followed them around for two days, complete with seven failed attempts before finally picking the right moment for them to notice.
The Most Wonderful Time of Year by missbecky / MCU / 4.8K
Tony has never been fond of December and Christmas. So he's not exactly pleased when he comes home one night from a long day at work to discover that there's a Christmas party happening at Avengers Tower. But that's not the biggest surprise Steve has for him -- and suddenly Christmas doesn't seem so bad after all.
Yes, Tony Stark, There Is A Santa Claus by eleanor_lavish / MCU / 3.1K
Tony Stark doesn’t really give a shit about Christmas. I mean, sure, he’ll enjoy a glass of nog, and he’s always thought mistletoe was a great scam, but Christmas is about home and hearth and family and nostalgia and, let’s face it. The Starks had a lot of things, but not a lot for Tony to be nostalgic about. This year, however, nostalgia is the name of the game. This year, Tony’s throwing a motherfucking party.
You Know Me Now by evasaur / MCU / 3.8K
So here’s Tony at a Christmas party surrounded by people he doesn’t actually hate and who apparently don’t hate him, and that is enough to make him need to get rip-roaring drunk.
Your Lips and Mine (sharp as knives, sweet as summer berries) by IamShadow21 / MCU / 8K
In which Tony Stark kisses and is kissed, makes poor choices and good apologies, and ends up with a family of friends despite himself.
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merry christmas & happy holidays from dailysuperhusbands!  ( open images in a new tab to view proper size. all fics can be accessed on AO3 )
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kroire4 · 4 days ago
Looking for the Best Smart Home Installation Near You? Here’s Everything You Need to Know!
A Beginning Approach to Smartening Up Your Home
Imagine controlling your home’s lights, curtains, and entertainment systems with just your voice or a smartphone tap. Sounds futuristic? It’s possible today with smart home automation. But how do you find the best smart home installation service near you? Let’s explore!
Why Take Your Home to the Next Level with Smart Home Automation?
1. Control Lights at Your Fingertips or By a Voice Command
Has it ever occurred to you to dim your lights without your feet hitting the floor? Smart home lights can help you set moods, schedule lighting behavior, and even control brightness from across the room. LED lighting may be more energy-efficient, reducing electricity bills while enhancing the value of a user's property.
LED lights can also be integrated with motion sensors that turn them on or off automatically as someone enters this goes a long way into being a useful application for all hallways, bathroom, and outdoor areas!
2. Automatically Operating Curtains and Fans
Fed up with closing the curtains and fan speed manually? Use curtain and fan control that keeps a check, ensuring you remain comfortable at all times. The curtains will shut themselves when it's most sunny, keeping the heat out indoors, thus cooling down your home.
Automated curtains also provide an added layer of privacy. Schedule the curtains to open and close at different times when the house is unoccupied to give the impression that someone is at home.
3. Make Your Own Cinema with Home Theatre Installation
A home theatre installation service close to you is transforming your space into one of the most spectacular cinemas. It will skyrocket your audio sensation, switch on ambient lighting, and provide seamless controls. With a home theatre that is fully automated, you can adjust sound levels, screen settings, and lighting all with a single tap or a voice command.
In addition, if you would like to make your home theatre experience even better, some add-ons you can consider are acoustic wall treatments, surround sound systems, and recliner seating with inbuilt vibration sync for a genuinely immersive viewing experience.
4. Talk to Your Home – Smart Voice Control
Who needs switches? Just say what you need! With home automation voice control, command the lights on/off, play music, Smart voice assistants, including Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri, make home management flawless.
When integrated with smart appliances, voice control will let you command kitchen gadgets, a coffee maker, or even a vacuum cleaning robot without having to lift a finger. You can also set reminders, create to-do lists, and check daily weather updates with voice commands.
Warming up to energy management
Now that you have eco-friendly devices in your home, the thermostat boosts your comfort levels on your preference while using less energy. The automated control of climate patches your home with perfection without ever requiring you to set the thermostat manually.
Energy-saving automation does not stop at thermostats - smart power plugs and strips help monitor and decrease standby consumption and significantly lower larger electricity bills in the long run.
How to Choose the Best Smart Home Installation Service?
1. Look for Experience
A best automation company in Delhi will have a long history of installing smart homes without a hassle. An experienced provider will surely know about the latest technology and be able to integrate them seamlessly.
2. Personalized Automation
Your home, your rules! Make sure that the service provider is providing tailored automation solutions for you. Whether it is smart lighting, voice control, or complete home automation, customization is extremely important to ensure a pleasant experience.
3. Simple Integration
Pick a company that can connect new smart features through your existing home appliances. It's important that new devices work with already existing devices, Wi-Fi systems, and mobile apps to make everything easier for you.
Another thing to consider in a leading home automation installation service provider is compatibility with many ecosystems like  Google Home, and Amazon Alexa so that you do not face compatibility issues later.
4. Dependable Support and Maintenance
One thing a great Company does is ensure the gear is running smoothly with a solid backup support. Find a company that offers a decent 24/7 support system and goat upgrading and maintenance whenever necessary. 
All About Kroire – Smart Home Automation Partner You Can Rely On
Kroire is all about teching up homes and includes:
The experts on our team ensure impeccable installation of smart home systems as per one's lifestyle so that the technology works for you.
Ready to Go Smart? Let’s Get Started Already!
Transform your home with the newest smart technologies today. Be it smart lights, voice-controlled automation, or home theatre setup, Kroire can be there for you.
Homeowners are finding it interesting to make their homes automated, and keeping in pace with technology assures convenience, safety, and energy efficiency. Here's to why you can't afford to miss out on smartening up your house and uplifting your way of living.
Get in touch with us now to explore the best-smart home installation services offered near you! 
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persiamedie · 4 days ago
Title: The Time-Traveling Presidency
Panel 1:
*Setting: A futuristic version of Washington, D.C., with flying cars and holographic billboards. The White House gleams with advanced technology, surrounded by an energy field.*
Caption: "In the not-so-distant future, a familiar face has embraced the unexpected."
Visual: President Trump stands in front of the White House, wearing a sleek, silver suit that glows softly. His signature hairstyle remains unchanged, adding a humorous contrast to the high-tech environment.
Panel 2:
*Inside the Oval Office, a gigantic screen displays timelines and alternate realities.*
Trump (thinking): "I’ve always believed in making deals... but what if I could change the past?"
Visual: His fingers hover over a glowing holographic button labeled “Chrono-Rift.”
Panel 3:
*Suddenly, the room fills with a bright light. Trump is transported into a chaotic battlefield of history, witnessing key moments in the past: the signing of the Declaration of Independence, civil rights marches, and the moon landing.*
Caption: "With the push of a button, he steps into the timeline of events that shaped America."
Visual: Each moment appears as a vivid tableau around him, showcasing the emotions—joy, struggle, triumph.
Panel 4:
*Trump interacts with figures from the past, sharing his vision of unity and progress.*
Trump: "What if we focus on what brings us together? Imagine the possibilities!"
Visual: John Adams and Martin Luther King Jr. exchange curious glances, intrigued by his words.
Panel 5:
*As he travels, Trump begins to feel the weight of history's lessons—the struggles, the sacrifices, and the resilience of the American spirit.*
Caption: "With every heartfelt encounter, his perspective shifts."
Visual: Trump looks thoughtful as he observes a young girl at a civil rights march holding a sign that reads “Equal Rights for All.”
Panel 6:
*Back in the present, he steps out of the Chrono-Rift, feeling inspired.*
Trump (smiling): "We aren’t just writing laws; we’re writing history!"
Visual: He addresses a diverse group of people gathered outside the White House, their faces illuminated with hope and excitement.
Panel 7:
*The scene shifts to a dreamy vision—flying above D.C., Trump looks down at a united nation, where diverse communities thrive side by side.*
Caption: "What once seemed impossible is now a vivid possibility."
Visual: The skyline is vibrant, filled with greenery and innovation, as people from all backgrounds celebrate together.
Panel 8:
*Final shot: Trump gazes into the horizon with determination.*
Trump: "Tomorrow begins today. Let’s create a future we can all believe in!"
Visual: The panel captures a spectacular sunset, symbolizing hope and new beginnings.
Closing Caption: "In a world where history can be rewritten, the future holds the promise of unity and collaboration."
Visual: A single tear of joy rolls down his cheek, showing the emotional journey he has taken, blending laughter and hope into a brighter path forward.
0 notes
linuxgamenews · 1 month ago
Anima Flux a Playable Sci-Fi Action Experience Anywhere
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Anima Flux fully playable co-op metroidvania game on Steam Deck, Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the creative talents of developer Avantaj Prim. Which you can find on Steam with its 80% Very Positive reviews. Got a Steam Deck? Good news — Anima Flux is now playable on the Linux handheld console. This co-op Metroidvania is ready to roll, whether you’re gaming solo or teaming up with a friend in co-op.
Take the Playable Anima Flux Adventure Anywhere
One of the best things about Valve’s portable console is taking your favorite games on the go, and Anima Flux being playable, fits right in. Whether you’re playing alone or jumping into Steam Remote Play with a friend. Now can get all the intense combat, tricky puzzles, and sci-fi action right in your hands.
Built for Handheld Play
The team at Avantaj Prim made sure that their title runs smooth on valve’s handheld. So that controls feel great, the retro sci-fi visuals pop on the screen, and everything plays just as it should. Doing so whether you’re docked or handheld. Since it’s all about making the experience as fun and immersive as possible.
Anima Flux is playable on Steam Deck
This isn’t your typical Metroidvania. Anima Flux is all about teamwork, with two playable characters developing in their own unique ways. Explore creepy space stations, help out your wounded partner, take on mutant threats, and build strategies together to take down massive bosses. And if your co-op friend isn’t around? No problem—you can always switch to single-player mode.
A Deep, Dystopian Story
The game takes place in a beautifully detailed sci-fi world, brought to life with hand-drawn animations and dialogue full of sharp humor. It’s not just about the action—there’s also a gripping story packed with mystery, moral dilemmas, and unexpected twists.
Retro Sci-Fi Visuals
If you like the look of classic 80s and 90s sci-fi, you’re in for a treat. Anima Flux nails the dark, futuristic vibe with stunning 2D visuals and an eerie cosmic atmosphere that pulls you into very playable action.
Jump In Now!
Already own Anima Flux? Just fire it up on your handheld gaming PC and start playing! If you haven’t tried it yet, now’s the perfect time to dive in and see what this co-op Metroidvania has to offer—anytime, anywhere. While offering support for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Which you can find on Steam. Priced at $19.99 USD / £16.75 / 19,50€. Which you can also find on GOG.
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wuorija · 3 months ago
Peering Through the Digital Mirror: A Critical Look at iFoto's AI Hair Try On Revolution
Hey there, fellow hairstyle enthusiasts! Have you ever found yourself staring at a mirror, a pair of scissors in hand, and wondering if that trendy new cut will make you look like a total rockstar or a confused doppelganger? Well, I've got some exciting news for you: the age of guesswork is over, at least when it comes to hair styling. Enter iFoto's Virtual Hair Try On – a groundbreaking AI haircut simulator that's turning the hairdressing world upside down. But before you jump on the bandwagon, let's take a deep dive into the discrepancies and downfalls of this futuristic tech.
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First things first, what is iFoto's Virtual Hair Try On, you ask? It's a digital tool that allows men and women to experiment with hairstyles without the need for a single snip of the scissors. Just upload a photo of yourself, and voilà! You can instantly see how a buzzcut, a sleek bob, or a dramatic pixie cut might look on you. Talk about a time-saver!
But here's the thing: while iFoto's AI Hair Try On is revolutionary, it's not without its issues. For starters, let's talk about the discrepancies. The technology is based on algorithms, which means it can sometimes predict how a hairstyle will look better than a professional stylist can. However, it's not perfect. Have you ever seen a photo of a celebrity with a haircut that looks fantastic, only to find out that it doesn't suit you at all? The same can happen with iFoto. It's great for getting a general idea, but you might still need a human touch to perfect your new 'do.
Now, let's talk about the downfalls. While the AI is impressive, it does have its limitations. For one thing, the range of hairstyles and cuts it can simulate is still somewhat limited. It's great for popular trends, but what about those unique, avant-garde styles? There's a chance iFoto might not have them in its database. Plus, while the AI can predict the outcome of a hairstyle, it can't account for your unique hair texture, thickness, or personal style preferences. You might end up with a haircut that looks great on the screen but falls flat in real life.
Another concern is the issue of trust. When you're deciding on a new hairstyle, you're putting your faith in a piece of software. While iFoto is generally reliable, there's always a chance of technical glitches. Imagine spending weeks perfecting your look, only to find out that the software decided to misinterpret your photo and show you a hairstyle you never wanted. Ouch!
So, should you try iFoto's Virtual Hair Try On? Absolutely! It's a fun, innovative way to explore different styles and save a trip to the salon. Just remember to use it as a starting point, not the final word. When it comes to your hair, it's still worth consulting a real human for a final nod of approval.
Finally, iFoto's AI Hair Try On is a fascinating tool that's changing the way we approach hair styling. While it has its limitations, it's a great way to kickstart your hairstyle exploration trip. Just keep an open mind, and don't be afraid to add your personal flair to the mix. After all, your hair is a canvas, and it's up to you to paint it with confidence and creativity.
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bewitchingbooktours · 4 months ago
Release Day Blitz Beyond Earth
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Beyond Earth
Stephanie Morris, Lola Blix, Celia Breslin, Leslie Chase, Candice Gilmer, Alina Riley, Robin O’Connor, Sky Robert
Genre: Sci-Fi Romance, Science Fiction Romance
Publisher:  Carnal Imprint
Date of Publication: December 10, 2024
Tagline: Discover passion among the stars…
Blast off to the future with this limited-edition collection of sizzling, science fiction romance stories!
Book Description:
Otherworldly seduction and intergalactic adventures await you in these high-heat, open-door tales from a diverse group of authors. Meet alien gladiators, cyborgs, AI lifeforms, psychic aliens, interstellar royalty, psy-changelings, fearless humans, and more. Visit alien worlds, travel on high-tech vessels, and immerse yourself in red-hot seduction blazing brighter than any quasar.
 The Beyond Earth anthology is a pulse-pounding, toe-curling journey into the cosmos. If you enjoy out-of-this-world romance with guaranteed happily ever afters, lovers from different worlds, fated mates, enemies to lovers, grumpy-sunshine, rescue romance, and more, then you’ll love this treasure trove of spicy, steamy, futuristic stories.
 Order your copy of Beyond Earth to begin your passion-filled voyage into the galaxy today!
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Excerpt from “Claiming Kaden” by Celia Breslin
The station’s vid screen flared to life, blocking her view. A handsome and angry male face filled the space. The brightest amber eyes she’d ever seen glared at her.
“Stop shooting,” the man growled.
The face disappeared.
“Who the hell was that, Athena?” A Zyphorran? She ignored the gorgeous stranger and kept firing at the battleship.
The face reappeared. Dark brows furrowed over his blazing whiskey eyes. “Desist, woman!”
“Desist this, you jerk!” She shot at the enemy. Continued to miss. “Ugh!”
She didn’t care how handsome he seemed, with his pale, silvery blue skin and spiky dark hair, and those glowing eyes which looked like they could melt a girl’s panties.
No one told her what to do, and no one would force her into servitude.
Never again.
The green vessel took out two enemy ships before it planted itself in front of Calie’s station.
Angry Guy’s face filled her screen. “I’m trying to help you. Stop firing!”
Oh… Cranky Guy was the pilot of the green ship. Possibly a good guy? Calie lifted her hands away from the controls.
As she watched, he took out every single destroyer then turned his attention to the warship.
“Shield at eight point seven percent,” Athena announced. “Hm…”
“What do you mean, hm? Should we head for an escape pod?”
“This is most intriguing. And disconcerting,” Athena murmured, not answering her escape question.
“What, that guy’s amazing battle prowess?”
“No. He infiltrated and took over my communication system to speak with you.”
Okay, now Calie was doubly impressed with good-looking Mister Frowny, because Athena was a powerful genius. No one bested her.
Calie plastered her palms on the controls. “Let’s help him kick that warship’s ass.”
“Don’t you dare,” their unknown ally barked, audio only.
“Are you eavesdropping on us? Rude!”
“The unknown male is attempting to take control of all station systems, Calie.”
“Cut it out, whoever you are,” Calie warned him. She aimed one of the station laser cannons at his ship.
“Who I am? I’m the male who’s going to disable and commandeer the warship, then eliminate everyone on board it while you sit on your pretty ass and stay out of my way.”
He thinks I’m pretty? She shook off the frisson skating down her spine. “Screw you. I’m blowing up that warship. Athena, take it out.”
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About the Author:
Celia Breslin lives in California with her husband, daughter, and three feisty cats. She writes urban fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi romance, and has a particular fondness for werewolves, vampires, the Fae, and cyborgs. When not writing, you’ll find Celia exercising, reading a good book, hanging with her family, or indulging her addiction to fantasy TV shows and movies.
Website: http://www.celiabreslin.com      
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celiabreslin/
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/celia-breslin 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CeliaBreslinAuthor  
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/CeliaBreslin     
Newsletter: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/q8ghvjgpgc
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eatossolutions · 4 months ago
Innovating the Takeout Experience with Voice AI Food Ordering Solutions
As a restaurateur or restaurant manager, you're comfortable with the symphony of a buzzing kitchen, clinking knives, and the hum of diners' conversation. But imagine a harmonious junction of that noise with voices ordering food. Welcome to the world of voice AI food ordering where convenience meets technology, and everybody gets a seat at the table.
Why Voice AI is the New Maitre D' of Food Ordering
This influx of voice-assisted devices in consumers' lives has laid the foundation for a revolution in how to activate transactions, even ordering food. Voice-driven AI food ordering is not futuristic; it's now. However, why should you, a restaurateur, tune in to this trend?
Echoes of Efficiency
Voice-enabled AI food ordering makes multitasking easier than ever for your customers. They can order their favorite dish while driving home from work, without the need for screen-tapping or scrolling.
A Symphony of Accuracy
There will always be humans who make mistakes but with voice AI, getting the correct order for your customer is less likely. It's like having a personal assistant who never misses a beat – or a side of fries.
Harmonizing Customer Data
Each Voice AI interaction gathers deep customer insights, much like a good host remembers favorite tables by frequent patrons. Every experience can be tailored to make every customer feel like a VIP.
Less Guesswork with Voice AI
The back-and-forth of traditional phone ordering is more like a broken record. Voice AI food ordering systems feature smooth, streamlined communication that always stays in tune.
Playing the Right Notes with Voice AI Features
Not all voice-driven AI food ordering systems are created equal. It's time to look at what features hit the high notes for your business.
Seamless Integration
Ensure your voice AI seamlessly integrates with your existing Point of Sale systems. It’s like adding a new instrument to the orchestra – it should enhance the music, not create discord.
Understanding Natural Language
The best voice AI understands colloquial and variations of speech. It is like having an employee who can speak with customers in any dialect.
Upsell and Cross-Sell Capabilities
Your voice AI should be like a smart waiter who knows when to suggest a glass of wine that pairs perfectly with an entrée, enhancing the meal and your sales.
Real-Time Menu Updates
Keep your customers in the know with voice AI, which can report real-time menu changes specials, and sold-out items, to avoid off-key moments during ordering.
How to Implement Voice AI without Missing a Beat
The transition to voice-enabled AI food ordering isn't scary - it's similar to learning a new song; practice makes perfect.
Start with a Solo, Then Build to a Chorus
Start with a pilot program that infuses voice AI into a single element of your service, and then grow from there as you settle into the technology.
UX Rehearsals
Treat the early roll-out phase as rehearsals. Gather user feedback to hone your strategy so that the system is intuitive to your customers, just like finishing a new recipe before putting it on the menu.
Keep Your Staff in Tune
Train your staff to get used to the new system and learn how to answer questions or concerns that may arise as a result of voice AI interactions. Everyone needs to know what the new soloist sounds like in the context of the ensemble.
Sing the Praises of New Tech to Your Customers
Educate your customers on how to use the voice AI system and promote it across your marketing channels. It's essentially giving out free tickets to your latest show – with tech as the headlining act.
Conclusion: Time to Amplify Your Takeout with Voice AI?
The area is clear: voice AI food ordering systems are more than just a technological leap; they're a step toward redefining customer service. By embracing this innovation, you give your patrons an encore-worthy takeout experience, one that saves time, reduces mistakes, and plays a harmonious tune of convenience. It's time to raise the baton, directing your business towards a future of effortless ordering. It's showtime, and voice AI is ready to take the stage to thunderous applause from contented customers. Book a demo for voice AI food ordering solutions now at eatOS and watch your takeout service hit a perfect pitch. Encore!
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kimseoyoung211211 · 5 months ago
Compulsory Question 2
In the 10th week, there was a time to show what I wanted to be and my work, and many things became clear with this. When we showed each other's works as a group, one student was interested in graphic design that was made into ai, and the other student was enjoying and selling goods through his cartoon-style Ilust. In this class, I explained my artistic design perspective as a typography designer by showing various typography conducted in the past, but looking at such different students, I thought there was no need to limit my artistic interests or dreams.
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this is the image of virtual youtubers live streaming contain the elements that i like in design character and futuristic screen designs
That is why my dream, the statement of my artistic perspective as an illustrator, is 'Gapmoe'. Gapmoe is a synergy or characteristic that occurs when things with different or different qualities meet each other, and I seem to judge the works in a different atmosphere that the viewer feels in an unexpected part or unintended place. You have to always apply these conditions, and if the work looks bad without these elements, it is not that. I think it is very important not only to convey one intention in a single work, but also to the factors that change once more when viewed from a different perspective and various intentions. When I draw an illustration, I always pay attention to the charm of the character, but other than that, I can convey a different feeling to the viewers through contextual production such as the background. The work below is the work of a 100-year-old artist. The artist draws a character digitally as if he had painted an oil painting, but the movement and appearance of the character make the painting spread as if it were intended, obscuring the gap between the 2D space and the 3D space we are seeing now. It is important to see these aspects.
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The work I chose again is Ho Ho Ho Ying's Rhythm of Dance as in the last time. Since the artist drew an abstract painting, we have to listen to the title and find the dance and rhythm in the painting. If you hear the name, you might think they are violent dancers, but the reason I like this work is because I intuitively found and was inspired by the kind of gritty typography that I like. I think the work itself is meaningful, as if the title has a gap between rough and promiscuous white shapes compared to a warm and soft background such as my statement, and only when you look at the title, you can see the intention of the work.
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this is art by artyomtogo
(458 words)
x.com. (n.d.-b). X (Formerly Twitter). https://x.com/artyomtogo/status/1842863073041752178?s=46
100年 official website glitter pink. (n.d.). Glotter Pink. https://100nen-official.com/gallery.html
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arenaanimation4457 · 5 months ago
How Does VFX Make Movies Look Cool?
Visual Effects (VFX) are an essential part of modern filmmaking, making movies look extraordinary and sometimes even otherworldly. Through the magic of technology, VFX transforms simple scenes into stunning visuals that captivate audiences. Whether it's a superhero soaring through the sky or a massive dragon breathing fire, VFX makes these fantastic creations come to life. But how exactly does VFX make movies look so cool? Let’s explore the key elements that bring these visuals to the big screen.
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The Role of VFX in Movies
VFX plays a critical role in making impossible ideas possible in movies. Filmmakers often need to show things that can’t be captured with traditional cameras. Whether it’s a thrilling action sequence or an elaborate fantasy world, VFX steps in to fill the gaps. It can add anything from explosions to computer-generated characters, turning an ordinary film into an extraordinary spectacle.
For instance, in action scenes, explosions and car chases might look far more intense with the help of VFX, creating excitement and drama. On the other hand, fantasy or sci-fi genres rely heavily on VFX to create alien worlds or magical creatures. These scenes wouldn’t be possible without the power of VFX technology, which combines artistry with computer animation to produce seamless and realistic visuals.
How VFX Technology Works
At the heart of VFX are complex computer programs and techniques that artists use to create, manipulate, and enhance images. These tools allow filmmakers to produce high-quality animations and effects that blend perfectly with live-action shots. Some of the most common VFX techniques include:
3D Modeling and Animation: This involves creating digital models of objects, characters, and environments. Once the models are created, animators bring them to life by adding movement, textures, and lighting effects to make them look realistic.
Compositing: Compositing combines different visual elements into a single frame. For example, a scene where an actor is running through a jungle could be filmed in a studio, and the background could be digitally replaced with a realistic jungle environment.
Motion Capture: This technique records the movements of real actors or objects to animate 3D models. It’s often used for characters that need to move in ways that are too complex to create manually, such as realistic human movements or animal behavior.
Simulations and Effects: Simulations create effects like water, smoke, and fire, which are too dangerous or difficult to film in real life. VFX artists use physics-based simulations to generate realistic-looking effects that match the real world.
VFX in Different Movie Genres
Different genres of movies use VFX in unique ways. For example, in superhero films, VFX brings superpowers to life, allowing characters to fly, fight, or perform other incredible feats. In fantasy and adventure films, VFX can create magical worlds and mythical creatures, making the impossible seem real. Sci-fi films, on the other hand, rely on VFX to craft futuristic landscapes, spaceships, and alien species that transport viewers to distant worlds.
Animated films, such as those created by studios focused on digital animation, also rely heavily on VFX. While these films may not feature live-action footage, VFX is still used to create environments, textures, and lighting effects that enhance the overall visual experience.
The Impact of VFX on Filmmaking
The impact of VFX extends beyond just enhancing visuals; it has revolutionized the filmmaking process. Directors and producers can now create scenes that were previously unimaginable. With the development of advanced VFX techniques, filmmakers can push the boundaries of storytelling by visualizing concepts that were once considered too complex or expensive to achieve.
The rise of VFX has also led to a demand for skilled professionals in the field. People interested in the art of visual effects can learn specialized techniques and become experts in the craft. For those passionate about this area, VFX training in Udaipur offers an opportunity to dive deep into the world of digital effects and animation, helping aspiring artists develop the skills needed to work in the film industry.
VFX has undoubtedly transformed the film industry, allowing filmmakers to create visually stunning and immersive experiences for audiences. Whether it's through advanced computer graphics, realistic simulations, or innovative techniques, VFX continues to push the limits of what’s possible in filmmaking. For anyone interested in learning this exciting field, VFX training in Udaipur can be a great way to begin a journey into the world of movie magic. The possibilities are endless, and the technology keeps evolving, making it an exciting time for both creators and viewers alike.
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pixel22 · 7 months ago
2024 Graphic Design Trends: What Every Designer Needs to Know
As we forge ahead into 2024, the graphic design Trends 2024 landscape is undergoing a metamorphosis, shaped by a confluence of emerging technologies, shifting aesthetic preferences, and evolving societal values. For designers eager to stay ahead of the curve, understanding and embracing these trends is crucial. This year promises to be a tapestry of innovation and reinvention, weaving together elements that challenge the status quo while embracing new possibilities. Let’s unravel the most significant graphic design trends of 2024, providing a glimpse into the future of this dynamic field.
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1. Immersive Design Experiences: Beyond the Screen
2024 is ushering in an era where graphic design transcends traditional screens to create immersive experiences. The integration of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) is at the forefront of this transformation. Designers are now crafting environments where digital and physical realities converge, offering users interactive experiences that are both engaging and experiential. Imagine browsing a catalog where products spring to life in 3D as you hover over them, or participating in a VR journey through a brand’s history. These immersive experiences are redefining how we interact with designs, making them more interactive and memorable.
2. Neo-Mint: A Fresh Palette for a New Era
In the realm of color trends, Neo-Mint has emerged as the hue of choice for 2024. This subtle, greenish-blue shade captures a sense of serenity and forward-thinking optimism. Neo-Mint’s soothing quality makes it ideal for creating designs that convey tranquility and a modern sensibility. Whether used as a primary color or an accent, Neo-Mint adds a refreshing touch to branding, web design, and print media. Its versatility and calming effect resonate well with audiences, reflecting a broader cultural shift towards simplicity and renewal.
3. Retro Futurism: A Nostalgic Glimpse into Tomorrow
Retro futurism is making a vibrant comeback in 2024, blending nostalgic aesthetics with futuristic visions. Designers are drawing inspiration from past decades, infusing their work with neon colors, geometric patterns, and bold contrasts reminiscent of the 80s and 90s. This trend evokes a playful sense of nostalgia while exploring how earlier generations envisioned the future. Retro futurism offers a whimsical take on design, combining the charm of vintage styles with a modern twist that captures both the past and the future in a single glance.
4. Kinetic Typography: Bringing Words to Life
Typography is evolving beyond static text in 2024, with kinetic typography taking center stage. This trend involves animating text to enhance its impact and convey emotion. Designers are using movement and transformation to make typography more engaging and expressive. Whether it’s a headline that dynamically responds to user interactions or an advertisement where text morphs to highlight key messages, kinetic typography adds a layer of visual interest and narrative depth. This trend transforms words from mere symbols into active, dynamic elements of design.
5. Sustainable Design Practices: Crafting with Conscience
In an age of increasing environmental awareness, sustainable design practices are becoming more prominent. Designers in 2024 are focusing on reducing their ecological footprint by employing eco-friendly materials and methods. This includes using recycled or biodegradable materials for print projects, optimizing digital designs to reduce energy consumption, and selecting sustainable production processes. Embracing sustainability is not only about minimizing environmental impact but also about aligning design practices with broader values of social responsibility and ethical stewardship.
6. 3D Design: Adding Depth and Dimension
The allure of three-dimensional design continues to captivate in 2024, as advancements in 3D rendering technology enable designers to create richly detailed and immersive visuals. From realistic product visualizations to intricate 3D illustrations, this trend introduces a new level of depth and engagement. 3D design is enhancing both digital interfaces and print media, offering a tangible sense of dimension that draws the eye and captivates the imagination. As technology progresses, expect to see increasingly sophisticated and realistic 3D elements integrated into diverse design projects.
7. Data-Driven Design: Visualizing Information
Data-driven design is gaining prominence as designers leverage data to inform and inspire their work. This trend involves transforming complex data sets into clear, compelling visuals that facilitate understanding and engagement. Designers are creating interactive infographics, dynamic dashboards, and data-rich visualizations that make information more accessible and impactful. By integrating data into the design process, designers can create visuals that not only convey information effectively but also enhance the user experience through engaging and informative graphics.
8. Handcrafted Elements: Embracing Authenticity
In a digital world dominated by precision, the allure of handcrafted design elements is growing stronger in 2024. Designers are incorporating hand-drawn illustrations, bespoke textures, and artisanal details to infuse their work with authenticity and warmth. This trend reflects a desire for individuality and a reaction against the uniformity of digital design. Personalized touches add character and uniqueness, creating designs that feel more genuine and connected to the human experience. Handcrafted elements offer a refreshing contrast to the sleekness of digital perfection, celebrating the value of personal touch and craftsmanship.
9. Interactive and Adaptive Layouts: Enhancing User Experience
The demand for interactive and adaptive design is shaping the user experience landscape in 2024. Designers are creating layouts that respond to user interactions and adapt seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes. This trend emphasizes the importance of dynamic and responsive designs that provide a cohesive experience, whether viewed on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop. Interactive and adaptive layouts enhance usability and engagement, ensuring that designs are not only visually appealing but also functional and user-friendly.
10. AI-Augmented Creativity: Expanding Creative Horizons
Artificial Intelligence is transforming the creative landscape in 2024, offering designers new tools and possibilities for innovation. AI is being used to automate repetitive tasks, generate design variations, and analyze user behavior to guide creative decisions. This trend highlights the evolving relationship between human creativity and technological advancement, providing designers with enhanced capabilities and new avenues for exploration. AI-augmented creativity promises to expand the boundaries of design, offering exciting opportunities for those willing to embrace and integrate these technological advancements.
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vapesocietysupply · 11 months ago
iJoy TaijiZen Judo - Packs A Punch!
iJoy TaijiZen Judo Disposable Vape | 24k Puffs Review
Hey vapers, are you looking for cross of sorts between a disposable vape and a pod mod? Well, if there’s one company who knows a thing or two about both types of devices, it’s iJoy. For over a decade, they’ve been creating some of the most impressive vape hardware that we have ever witnessed. Now, iJoy has taken some basic concepts from each hardware type, and combined them into one amazing system with the collaboration of Taijizen. Presenting the iJoy TaijiZen Judo Disposable Vape | 24k Puffs. With an unmatched trio of things such as performance, convenience, and flavorful cloud production, this iJoy Disposable Vape is taking vaping technology to a new level of awesomeness that can’t be stopped.
Has a Magnificent Eye-Catching Appeal and Sturdy Build to It
Of course, the first thing you will notice is how the iJoy TaijiZen Judo Disposable Vape has a very neat, sorta futuristic-like design to accompany its internal aspects. The outer colorful pattern blends well with the single or dual color on the device’s front and back, and it’s size is just perfect. Speaking of stature, since this disposable system is crafted using lightweight, quality materials, it can withstand frequent usage and an occasional drop or fall. This draw-activated disposable vape is also quite portable, so you can carry it around with you in your pocket, purse, or bag wherever you’re off to. Plus, its wide tampered mouthpiece lets you take those sensational hits without burning your lips in the process. Even comes equipped with a child lock for safety.
Powerful Battery to Handle Two Puff Counts
With a built-in 850mAh rechargeable battery to already accompany a massive 25mL 5% (50mg) Salt-Based Nicotine E-Liquid volume, vapers are able to get two different puff counts depending upon the Mode they choose when using the iJoy TaijiZen Judo Disposable Vape. In Normal Mode: up to 24,000 puffs and Boost Mode: up to 12,000 puffs (see instruction manual as well to toggle between modes). Let’s not forget the Type-C charging port that permits for a quick charge, thus minimizing downtime in order to get back to your vape session.
The 2.7″ HD Mega Full Touch Screen
Do you want the most easiest but still engaging navigational vaping experience possible? Great, because the iJoy TaijiZen Judo’s nice-sized HD (High-Definition) mega full touch screen provides this and more! You see, adding a touch of exclusivity, this intuitive touch screen does more than simply enhance the device’s usability. It ushers the world of vaping into the digital age with sleek animations and a navigating interface that’s quite simplistic. On this screen you will find the Wattage that can be adjusted, where your Battery level is at for when it might be time for a recharge, and how much E-Juice you have remaining (so you can prepare to get a new device and avoid a potential dry hit, too). Simply put, it’s customization at its absolute finest.
Rapid Ignition Speed, Dual Mesh Coil, Adjustable Power, and Adjustable Airflow = Finely-Tuned Flavor and Fog
iJoy’s TaijiZen Judo boasts a rapid ignition speed of 0.001s, providing some intense flavor and massive vapor from the initial draw. The pre-installed 0.5Ω dual mesh coil (has a large heating surface area) increases both those things even further. In fact, it’s this dual mesh coil which’s able to help handle the wattage Mode selected: N(15W) & B(25W). With adjustable power and adjustable airflow (for the airflow, a side-to-side switch can be found at the device’s bottom), vapers are able to tailor their hits at more proficient rate.
iJoy TaijiZen Judo Disposable Vape Flavors to Choose From:
Apple Kiwi: Tangy, fruity combination of green apples & kiwis.
Berry Bubble Gum: Assorted berries infused into little bubblegum squares.
Blackberry Cherry: The unique duo of blackberries and red cherries.
Blue Raspberry Ice: Black raspberries chilled to icy perfection.
Blue Strawberry Coconut: An exotic blend of blueberries, strawberries, and coconuts.
Chilled Watermelon: Frozen summertime watermelons.
Cool Mint: Freshly crisp n’ chilly mintiness.
Cranberry Soda: Tangy cranberries are infused with sparkling zesty soda water.
Lemon Peach Passion Fruit: Citrusy lemons are mixed with Georgia peaches and blissful passionfruits.
Mango Lime Pineapple: Inspired island fruitiness: mangoes, limes, and pineapples.
Pineapple Lime: Tropic pineapples with a spritz of lime.
Sour Strawberry Grape: Sweet Strawberries and purple grapes are given a blast of sourness.
Triple Mango: Red, yellow, and green mangos.
Watermelon Chew: Takes this juicy melon and infused it into pink sugary chews.
White Strawberry Ice: White strawberries that’re treated to a refreshingly brisk, menthol twist.
Package Contents Include:
1 x iJoy TaijiZen Judo Disposable Vape | 24k Puffs
Features & Specs:
Weight: 120g
Dimensions: 52mm x 29mm x 101.2mm
Adjustable Wattage Range: 15W-25W
Puff Counts: 25W Boost Mode – 12K Puffs / 15W Normal Mode – 24K Puffs
Integrated Battery Capacity: 850mAh
Operation: Draw-Activation Firing Mechanism (touch the button on the screen first to select your wattage and then take a draw)
Preloaded Capacity: 25ML
Nicotine Salt: 5% (50mg) Nic Salt
Material: PC
2.7-Inch HD Mega Full Touch Screen with Animation
0.0001s Ignition Speed Button
0.5Ω Dual Mesh Coil
Adjustable Power
Adjustable Airflow
Battery Life Indicator
E-Liquid Level Indicator
Type-C Charging Port (charger not included)
Limited Edition Interface
Child Lock
NO Maintenance and NO Refilling
Pre-Filled & Pre-Charged
Good Throat Hits
MTL Vapes
Wide Tampered Mouthpiece
Compact, Portable, and Lightweight
Sturdy Design
15 Wonderful Flavors
Advanced User Item. Use at Your Own Risk!
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