#but now i must go all the way back to when obi-wan didn’t even know who his dad was yet
rainintheevening · 1 year
How Qui-Gon saves Anakin (and the Galaxy): Part 3
(You can find the other parts by searching the tag #qui-gon is obi-wan's father au, at the bottom. With the hyphens.)
-Qui-Gon dies about two years into the war.
-Anakin takes it hard. He's really happy being married, and he and Obi-Wan are closer than ever, but the war sucks, and it's dragging on, and now he has to say goodbye to his grandfather, who he's loved and leaned on for over half his life.
-Totally gonna write a scene for this.
-Anakin gets kinda clingy with both Obi-Wan and Padmé after that, though he tries not to be obvious about it. Obi-Wan is kind but reasonable about it. Padmè is equally kind, but him wanting to know exactly where she's going on a given day, or who she's going to be with, does get irritating.
-But in the wake of Qui-Gon's death, Palpatine pounces. There's a big hole in Anakin’s life, and Palptine is no Qui-Gon, but he is kind, and he listens, and he shares Anakin’s concerns about the war and the state of the Republic.
-Anakin is definitely struggling emotionally as we get into the events of RotS. He's not nearly so close to the dark side as in canon, he's not hanging out in the middle between Palpatine and the Jedi, but Palpatine’s coaxing him toward the bridge, he's getting to the edge of solid ground. (Yes, he's not technically a Jedi, but he's been functioning the same as all the rest in the war. They're still all his friends and family, he cares about them plenty.)
-One thing Anakin does a lot is have conversations with Qui-Gon in his head. Rants, jokes, musings on the local flora and fauna. Lots of 'I miss you's.
-Palpatine arranging his kidnapping at Grievous's hands is his first big test of Anakin’s loyalty to him. Siccing Anakin on Dooku is really what will tell Palpatine if trying to turn him will be worth it.
-Anakin still kills Dooku. This would be the first time he's really accessed the dark side. Immediately feels sick to his stomach, but throttles that guilt. Makes himself focus on rescuing Palpatine and Obi-Wan. But after it's like he can feel Qui-Gon's eyes on him, those Dad Special 'I'm not angry, just incredibly disappointed' eyes. He mentally snaps at Qui-Gon, tries to justify killing the man who was his master. Grumbles about not talking to Obi-Wan. Finally sighs, and thinks, Later. I'll talk to him later, I want to see my WIFE.
-Being able to tell Obi-Wan about Padmé being pregnant will be a massive plus! Also word getting round to the rest of the Jedi and everyone going, "Oh no, another Skywalker?!"
-With Anakin not being a member of the Order the whole business of getting appointed to the council gets shot. I'm still unsure how to spin all the political stuff and still make Palps look clever. I'm not politically clever in the least.
-Also since Anakin and Padmé are openly married, there's no real reason not to talk to Obi-Wan about his nightmare visions of Padmé screaming in the throes of childbirth (my dude, just 'cause she's screaming doesn't mean she's dying). But maybe he struggles with his own pride, not wanting to admit his fear to Obi-Wan. He's probably been trying very hard in the past year, since Qui-Gon died, to prove how grown up he can be. (Kinda ridiculous alongside how clingy he is sometimes.) He really wishes Qui-Gon was there.
-Maybe Obi-Wan comes over for dinner, and Anakin dozes off on the couch 'cause he has not been sleeping. Teases Padmé by putting his head in Obi-Wan’s lap, and his feet in hers. Jerks awake from another vision, almost kicking Padmé, and scaring her. Obi-Wan pries the story out of him. Okay, here's another scene I need to write.
-So Anakin’s getting Obi-Wan’s advice, getting reminded of Qui-Gon's advice about the future and his visions. Padmé gets checked out by the Temple healers on Anakin’s request, and she's absolutely fine.
-Obi-Wan goes to Utapau the same. Anakin is torn between wanting to go with him and worrying about Padmé. Obi-Wan chuckles a bit at that, and tells Anakin, he's honoured, but Anakin’s duty is to his wife, and didn't they say something about twins having a tendency to come early? So he should probably stick around.
-And Palptine knows he's gotta make his move fast or he's going to lose Anakin. Anakin still isn't sleeping well, cause the visions don't just stop. Palpatine calls him in, does his big reveal. Appeals to Anakin with the promise of being able to save Padmé for sure for sure. (So stupid because of course you can't control the future, but the offer sounds pretty darn tempting to a frustrated and worried Anakin.)
-That all kinda goes the same. Anakin reacts to the Sith Lord reveal, gets talked down, doesn't say a whole lot, takes Palps advice to think on it.
-He goes back to the Temple, tells Mace. I think he would be particularly torn over the idea of Palpatine being the Sith lord, because he's always held onto a seed of hatred for the Sith, because it was a Sith who wounded Qui-Gon so severely, in a way that eventually led to his death, at a time when Anakin felt like he'd never needed both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan in his life more. And now a man he thought was a friend is the Number One Sith, possibly even was behind Darth Maul?? But then he was promising Anakin certainty about Padmé's life, which he could really use these days. He's confused, really not sure who to trust, or who's telling the truth. Of course he begs to go with Mace to arrest Palpatine. Mace looks him dead in the eye, says, "I know he's your friend. If he is the Sith Lord, will you be willing to do whatever it takes to stop him?" Anakin hesitates longer than two seconds, and Mace shakes his head. "Than I don't want you being forced to make that decision in the heat of a moment. You're staying here."
-This is still the crucial moment, the tipping point. Anakin’s tempted, sorely tempted to believe Palpatine. But... more than anything he wishes he could talk to Qui-Gon. It's been over a year since he last heard his grandpa's voice, last felt that gentle hand on his shoulder. He waits in the Council chamber and he's alone, so he starts talking to Qui-Gon out loud. Begging for advice, for Qui-Gon to tell him what he should do.
-It takes him a minute or two to realize that his imagined responses from Qui-Gon are just a little... louder, quicker, and more direct than usual. It sounds like Qui-Gon is actually TALKING to him, and then he can hear that familiar chuckle, an incredibly familiar brush of warm, tempered strength and gentleness in the Force, and he pretty much falls over. Thumps down into a chair (pure coincidence that it's Obi-Wan’s usual seat).
-This changes everything.
-I will be writing this scene.
-They talk. Qui-Gon's reminders of the truth are like breathing clean air or drinking fresh water, after subsisting on smoke or engine oil for a while. Anakin gets his feet back on solid ground. He makes his choice.
-He goes to fight Palpatine. Helps Mace. Palpatine dies, but not directly by a blow from Anakin. Probably deflected Force lightning.
-Order 66 gets averted. Obi-Wan comes home safe. The babies are born. Padmé has a hard labour, but she's fine.
-And to make a long story short, they lived happily ever after. :)
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vadersassistant · 1 year
Irresistibly Yours One Shot (Darth Vader x Reader)
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Summary: (Y/N) has been hiding across the galaxy for a year, attempting to flee her husband alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi, but now it is over. When the Sith finally tracks her down she must make a choice, continue to live a lie or leave with the man she loves. Takes place during Kenobi with altered events. Reader is previously a Jedi married to Anakin Skywalker.
Warnings: Make out session, mentions of sex, slight violence (not towards reader)
A/N: The poll I made landed in a 50/50 between suited Vader and nightfall Vader so I'm giving you the best of both worlds. In which, Vader wears the suit and mask, but he can take it off and looks like the Anakin we know and love.
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“You have to go,” I demanded, turning away from the door in horror.
“(Y/N),” Kenobi pleaded.
“He wants me Obi-Wan, we don’t have a choice,” I reasoned. “You know he will continue to harm those people until I come out from hiding.”
“He’s going to try and take you.”
“And I’ll try and throw him off my trail, at least one of us needs to escape.”
“I understand,” he said, after a moment of silence.  “Goodbye, (Y/N).”
“May the force me with you Obi-Wan,” I nodded to him, saying the old phrase intentionally.
“You as well.”
I watched him enter the secret tunnels in the back of the workshop before it slid shut, and audibly sighed. I knew it was hopeless, it wasn’t possible to ever escape him. I couldn’t, not with how well he knew me. A part of me didn’t even agree with Kenobi, as he still believed in the Jedi and being heroes. I had changed, and their morals didn’t resonate with me any longer, not since the fall.
My body shook, as I ran as hard as I could once opening the door. It was loud on purpose, everyone standing in the little street seeing me and yelping in surprise. I saw the inquisitorious point in my direction, calling out my action for their lord. I could feel it, even though I couldn’t see his face beneath the mask. I could feel that he was looking at me, the two of us making eye contact for the first time in a year. He was massive, even taller than before and stronger than ever, right on my tail as I fled. I was quick, my legs carrying me into the maze of shipping crates and dirt from afar. I should have been quieter, but I knew that wouldn’t do much. He could track me in other ways, like the force.
His cold presence clung to my shoulders as I ran between the mounts that acted like walls. I needed to throw him off, but I knew it was impossible. He was too intelligent, too quick. His steps were twice as much as my own, the force connection that bound us inseverable. My heartbeat picked up, so much so I could hear it as if it were right in my ear. My hands were trembling lightly from the thrill of fleeing.
“There is no escape,” his modulated voice said, but I couldn’t tell where it came from.
“I’ll never join you,” I whispered.
The Sith was nowhere to been seen. I backed up, returning to my original pace and attempting to find him again in the pitch black, even though his suit was the same color. He hadn’t ignited his saber yet, although it didn’t make much of a difference, since I hadn’t ignited mine in months. In truth, I hadn’t touched a thing related to the Jedi in a year. All of it, including the force, I severed myself from, up until he started hunting me down.
He invaded my dreams, doing everything in his power to get to me. When he came, it wasn’t painful, it felt amazing, too good; feelings I only experienced in his presence. He tried to pleasure me, sooth me and coax me into joining him, promising to save me from Kenobi. He abused our connection from our time as Jedi’s, seeping into my conscious and speaking to my thoughts, ghosting my body with his invisible touch. Every time I thought of him, I thought of the past. I told myself I didn’t love him, but we both knew it was a lie.
I knocked into something hard, strong hands coming around my upper arms. They kept me in place with ease, essentially locking me in my tracks. I looked up and swallowed, knowing I was done for.
“Vader,” my breath was short. I wouldn't call him Anakin.
“My dear,” he said.
“I am not your dear,” I tried to back up, but it was no use. My chest tightened, feeling his thumb rub my skin comfortingly.
“Yet you are weakening in my hold,” he spoke sweetly, opposite of his reputation. If anyone else rejected him, they would be dead, neck snapped, I knew that.
“You’re a liar,” I said unfearingly.
“You are the only one lying here, (Y/N),” Vader replied. “Don’t deny me any further.”
His voice lit a fire across my entire body, smooth yet so deep I could have lost it right then and there. It took everything to keep my composure, a fake stubbornness still trying to hold up across my face. I wanted so badly to do a million different things. A part of me thought to leave, to escape and flee once again. But another part of me wanted to follow him, leave Kenobi behind, and go into the depths of hell.
“I will never join you, Sith,” I used his new title as an insult. “Now let go of me.”
“Your thoughts betray you, my love,” Vader said. "I feel your conflict."
“I hate you.”
“Hate is not an attribute of a Jedi, or you,” he entertained. “You are too caring to hate.”
He was right, always right, and knew me far too well. I sighed aloud, as he still held me and I could just feel the victorious expression through his mask.
“I married Anakin Skywalker, not you.”
“Anakin Skywalker still remains, but only for your pleasure,” he rebutted. “I am here, waiting for you, my dear. You and I can overthrow the emperor, become the galaxies newest destined rulers. Leave Kenobi and set yourself free, do what we both know you long to. We are mean't to be together.”  
I looked into his helm, hoping that I might see his eyes through the blacked-out visors. My lips parted just slightly, breathing hitched as my hands rested on the Sith’s chest. You could see it, Vader's muscles breaching the clothes he wore. The armor fitted his broad shoulders perfectly, hands so skilled and trusted. My head dipped, succumbing to what I truly thought.
“I’m supposed to kill you, to try and run away.”
“I know,” he leaned forward, his mask hovering over my head.
“I told myself I wasn’t going to do this,” I my hands turned into fists, pounding on his chest in frustration.
“But you don’t agree with Kenobi,” he finished.
“I don't."
“So, join me, my dear,” Vader coaxed, placing a leather glove on my jaw to tilt my head upward.
I breathed deeply, my pupils slowly dilating while taking him in.
“Take the mask off."
Surprisingly, the Sith didn’t argue. He let go of me and slipped his thumb around the rim of the helm, like he needed to turn something off. A hissing sound followed, confirming my suspicions, and he lifted it above his head carefully, dropping it onto the ground. I watched it fall, clinking on the ground as if he didn’t care for it. My eyes slowly trailed back up, seeing his true appearance in what felt like forever.
His hair was the same length, wavy and brown, yet in the face he had grown so much. His jawline was even more developed, the scar still remaining on the right brow. The most prominent feature was his eyes, gold with red rimming the irises. His gaze was more alluring than before, a look I easily got flustered from. He grinned at me checking him out and let out a sexy and low laugh.
“Still have the same effect, don’t I?” Vader asked, his actual voice being used.
“Even better,” the words formed before I could think.
His robotic arm curled around the back of my head, the two of us enclosed on the space between. I slid my arms between his neck, kissing him deeply without hesitation. It felt like a war between hell and heaven, holding my breath for as long as possible while taking the Sith in. The further we went, the worse it got, to where I wrapped my legs around his lower waist and he held onto my ass. We would take short breaths touching each other as much as possible during it, enjoying as much as we could, the both of us starved from one another.
It was no surprise Vader got the upper hand, trailing his lips over to my cheek and down to my neck. He carried me over to a tower of crates, one sitting alone in front of the stack, sitting me down on it gently. I leaned back as if it was a wall, and sounds slipped from my mouth naturally. They were rare to come by, not having heard them in months, my husband well aware. I felt Vader smile as he got onto the crate as well and trailed his hand up my thigh to my top. He was straddling me, making me feel like I was weak, and it was to die for.
More whimpers left my lips, and I knew what he wanted. The Sith fiddled with the zipper of my jacket, remaining eye contact with me while doing so. I could feel his hot breath against my skin, forcing me to shudder as he started to take my clothing off. I wanted him so badly, feeling his cod piece harden against my thigh, but we both sensed something nearby. The two of us froze, silent as his cloak shielded me from anyone’s line of sight.
“Obi-wan is near,” I whispered.
“He has come back to try to take you away from me,” Vader said, his hands now placed on both sides so that I was caged in. It was protective, the look in his eyes possessive.
“We must go, you have to have a ship nearby,” I told him.
“I do, follow me,” he nodded.
I slid off the crate, slightly upset we had been interrupted, but there wasn’t time to think about it. Obi-wan would never forgive me if he saw this, and I preferred that I remained on good terms with him. Vader called for his helmet with the force, it quickly suctioning to his hand and then being placed on his head. I kept up with him, weaving through the maze of construction until we got closer to the town. It seemed that most of the Imperial forces had been ordered to leave, Vader having called them off unsurprisingly.
The people that once lingered around were all inside, sleeping away in fear from what happened. Behind all of the buildings was a ship, the shadow of it coming into view from around the corner. It was the infamous Tie-Fighter the Sith always flew in, extremely well developed and luxurious. He lifted up the hatch with a wave of two fingers, offering a hand politely to help me up onto the top. It was only when he got in first and sat down that I realized where this was going.
The ship was small, meant to be a one seater and easy to maneuver. Vader took off his helmet once more before shooting me a suggestive look and patting the inside of his leg. It created little space for me to sit in his lap, but I didn't think much of it, all I knew was that what had stopped before was about to resume.
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LMK what you all thought about this. I honestly can't decide which Vader I like more so this was very fun to write
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translucent-sun · 2 months
Another week later, Cody had made considerable progress in his defenses. His training had been paired with meditation, teaching him how meditation during battle can be difficult but helpful, and with each day, Cody became better, faster at it. With each day it became easier to summon the Force within him, to dive into it and let himself be guided.
He wasn’t sure what Obi-Wan had planned next. They were on their way farther out into the desert, wandering for quite some time now. When Cody had asked Obi-Wan why they didn’t take the Eopies, he’d only answered that we was worried they might get startled. Why, he hadn’t told him. 
The entire hike he kept wondering what it could possibly be that Obi-Wan had in mind, but with no success. He shook his head, trying to suppress a smile as he thought about all the times Obi-Wan had done this before, refusing to explain things as though they were some big surprise that would be spoiled if he did. Cody could guess the answer when they finally reached a rocky field – debris of varying sizes that must have broken off the nearby canyons, carried here despite their heavy weight by the wandering dunes. 
“There are smaller ones over there, we’ll start with those,” Obi-Wan said without turning, without facing Cody, seemingly knowing that Cody had figured it out. Cody could almost feel his grin without seeing it. 
“It makes no difference, really, neither have any real weight within the Force, but usually it’s easier to start with objects that are perceived to be lighter.”
“Maybe I should start with sand, then,” Cody joked. Or it was supposed to be a joke, though he worried it might have been more deadpan than intended. 
Now Obi-Wan turned. “Sand works as an entity. It’s a lot more difficult to focus on a grain of sand, or even of a collection of them, than it is to focus on a rock.”
“Alright," he said, clasping his hands. "I don’t think I’m ready for this yet.”
Obi-Wan cocked his head and considered Cody for a moment. “Yes, you are.” There was really no room to argue in the tone he said it, soft but stern. Obi-Wan wouldn’t do this if he wasn’t sure, and besides, so far Cody had mastered all the tasks he’d been given. But this – this felt different. This felt big. 
Meditating could easily be dismissed as auditory hallucinations if you didn’t want to believe in it; not more than what he heard in his nightmares. The way he feels his targets in their defense training could just be his natural instincts. Most of his brothers had those, they’re soldiers after all. But making rocks fly? It felt like he was stepping into strange territory, the thought of it alone, of the possibility that he would be able to do this, felt so unreal that he had to force his mind to picture it. 
He realized that it must have been a while when he noticed a funny look on Obi-Wan’s face – something between worry and wonder, wanting to say something but not interrupt his thoughts. Only when he seemed to notice that Cody was back did he continue. “You doubt your abilities, but I can feel how strong the Force is in you. You’re suppressing it, which in turn makes it feel weaker to you than it is.”
Cody sighed. “It’s just all so new to me.” 
Already moving again, walking further into the field of rocks, Obi-Wan called back, “that’s why we’re taking it slow.”
“You call this slow?” Cody laughed, hurrying after Obi-Wan. “A month ago I didn’t know I had this ability, and today we’re going to lift rocks with our mind,” he teased, wiggling his fingers in the air as he spoke. Obi-Wan chuckled softly.
“You’re making it sound like magic.”
Cody considered him for a moment. “Well, isn’t it?” He didn’t get a reply–not in words. 
Instead, the ground around them began to shake. It only lasted seconds, then the first rock lifted out of the sand, a second and third followed quickly after. Loose sand was trickling off them, the rules of gravity only broken for the rock itself. Cody had seen him and other Jedi do this trick countless times, with objects much larger, but he couldn’t help but watch in awe, his mind trying to make sense of it once again. Obi-Wan still stood with his back towards Cody, with no visible strain in his body, his shoulders relaxed.
“It is no magic,” Obi-Wan finally said. “But the power of your mind.” The rocks fell back to the ground with a hollow thump. “Your turn, I will guide you,” he added with a grin as he turned around.
“This one,” Cody said after a while. Obi-Wan had made him pick a rock and joined him on the ground, crossing his legs beneath himself.
“Alright. We will start with plain old meditation, the same way we’ve been practicing.” 
Cody had gotten quite good at navigating within the realms of the Force, at seeing through the flood of emotions and seek what he needed. And yet, this felt new. 
“Call upon the Force. Let it flow through you.” Cody felt Obi-Wan’s gaze on him. He focused on his task, and slowly but surely, he could feel it. He could manage it. “Ready?” Obi-Wan asked. Cody nodded. “Open your eyes and focus on the rock you chose. Lift your hand towards it.” Cody did as he was told.
“Exert your will on it. Feel as though you were physically touching it, taking it into your hand and lifting it off the ground.”
The rock started to vibrate, ever so slightly, barely noticeable if one wasn’t paying close attention. Cody pressed his eyes shut in concentration, almost feeling the rock’s rough surface in the palm of his hand, feeling its shape, its heat. He opened them with a gasp before sinking into himself, a bone-deep exhaustion suddenly taking over, physically as well as mentally. He shook his head, unable to voice what he wanted to say.
“You did great,” Obi-Wan encouraged him. “You made it move on your first try, that’s impressive, to be quite honest.” Cody glanced up at him, even the small movement taking too much effort. “It’s common to feel exhausted. Younglings have lost consciousness after levitating their first object,” he said with a chuckle.
“I’m not a youngling and I didn’t levitate anything, I barely made it shake,” Cody argued, but he knew he wouldn’t win.
“No to both, but you’re barely a month into exploring the Force, so don’t be so hard on yourself. We will try again tomorrow.” Why did he always have to be so damn convincing?
“Fine,” Cody exhaled. “But we will either take the rock home or find something closer. I’m not walking out here just to not make it fly.”
Obi-Wan chuckled, rising to his feet and extending a hand to help Cody up. 
“Fine,” he said in mock-defeat. Cody did not expect him to pick up the rock and stow it away in his bag. He must have noticed his confusion, because he explained, “you’ve gotten familiar with it now, with the way the rock feels when you reach out to it with the Force. It would be a shame to put that to waste.”
With a sigh, Cody took the bag from Obi-Wan and swung it over his own shoulder.
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catnipaddictt · 4 months
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wc: 1.5k
series masterlist ⭑ co-creator @memoiich
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Your day had done rather well, Maul seemed to have a bit of an attitude but when did he not. While going through some documents for Dathomir and noticed something odd, every single deal had involved Maul and strangely they all involved someone named Savage Opress, you presumed he was the Dathomirian advisor but why would he be a man. The night sister ran the organisation right?
You walked over to Maul who was seated in an office at the end of the hall. The red Zebrak looked at you with pure annoyance “Hey Maul, I noticed something on the papers for Dathomir.” He glanced up from his computer “and that would be?” Maul always had that stern face it was quite hard to explain, the only way you could describe it was that it was the total opposite of obi wans. “Well, there’s a man named Savage Opress but I thought it was a woman owned company?” You asked a bit hesitant. 
“That would be my brother, he works for the company” he made eye contact and continued “you don’t know a thing about Dathomirs history, do you?” You were indeed a bit out of your depth. "When we go to the night sisters tomorrow, let me do the talking “ he stated “Are you satisfied with your answer?” He went back to typing “I think so.” He pointed to the door “then go.”
Maker, he was petty. Closing the door behind, you let out a long sigh. Maul could be really tiresome to be around. You heard a huffed set of laughs. Looking over to the desks, you saw Quinlan trying to hush himself and his desk friends Kit and Obi wan. 
You walked over, hardly able to keep from laughing yourself. “Did he kick you out of his office?” Obi wan questioned with a mischievous smile on his face “he did, why does he have an office anyways?” Maul sat at the back of the office normally. “He threatened Rex for it" Quinlan giggled out. “Maker, I can't imagine how bad it must be to work with him,” Kit let out with a loud sigh. 
You took a bit of offence, sure maul could be arrogant, prideful and a downright rude but he was a hard worker that just seemed a bit guarded. “It really isn’t that bad, he works really hard and we get along somewhat well!" Quinlan passed a look towards obi wan “Wouldn’t you want to work with someone else?” You thought it was a bit of a strange question. “I mean it's sometimes a bit difficult but he knows a lot of stuff about Dathomir, I don’t think anyone else would be more suited for the job. His brother even works there.” You ended with a bit of a smile. 
Rex's voice boomed from the front desk, you rushed back over to your desk. There was a man standing next to Rex that you didn’t recognise “Y/n this is is Bail Organa, HR representative and a weekly nuisance “ you were a bit taken aback by that. "I thought I planned the meeting on Monday next week, did you not get the email?” he let out a rumble laugh “I don't check emails from my branches, I thought it would be a good idea to check up on how you blended in with your peers” that was nice at least. Rex started awkwardly stepping away back to his office. He must have been uncomfortable, you thought.
Bail guided you to a nearby conference room (which really was more like a table with 6 seats). He pulled out a chair and crossed the room to sit in front of it. You took the seat. “So tell me how you’re blending in?” Bail asked “Well I'm doing rather well. My first day was a bit of a hassle but I think I’m really getting the hang of it now” you beamed. You liked your new job a lot, the hours were kind, the people were ever kinder and your pay was great. “I heard you were late a few times, may I ask why?” He looked at you nonchalantly. “Well my car broke down on my way over on that infamous first day." "Did you find a good garage?" he asked, ''Yeah , Its called MustaCar and they’re fixing up the car as we speak. It took them almost an hour to get there but they did it.” Bail looked shocked when you said MustaCar "Who was your mechanic?” He questioned a big to quickly “Anakin Skywalker.” that was one name you weren’t going to forget quickly. He nodded and smiled. “Are there any other things you would like to speak about?” You shook your head “No, not really.”
Bail shook your hand as you both left the room, you noticed that he walked over towards Obi Wan but his hologram went off before he could get there. He bid a quick sympathetic goodbye to the paper company before walking away. And your day continued as normal. 
You walked down the stairs to the parking lot to catch your ride home, 'Shaggy' the minivan. Qui Gon was standing by the beauty but Obi Wan was nowhere in sight. “Hey y/n, how was your day?” He greeted you warmly “My day was pretty great. How long do you think we need to wait on Obi Wan?” He let out a laugh “He kept talking too much so now he's running behind with his work, which means i will give him a lift later." He looked at you knowingly but of what you didn’t know. “Are you in a rush?” He asked “Yup, could you drop me off at this address? “ You had written it down back at your desk because Shaggy didn’t have a GPS. “Well then we better get going!” Qui Gon said while stepping into his car.
It didn’t take too long for you to get there. “MustaCar...” was all Qui Gon let out before bidding you goodbye and you did the same.
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Stepping out of the vehicle you wave your thanks to Qui Gon before walking the short distance to MustaCar. Making your way into the reception, you are greeted by a gruff man who tells you to go out back to see your beloved Shelby. Pushing open the door you are greeted by a ball of fur curling around your legs. Bending down, you pat the sandy loth cat before spotting your shining glory. Shelby sits looking rather sad but nevertheless still beautiful. You cross the distance to her, loth cat in tow, and run your hand over her blue bonnet. 
“She won’t be done for a while you know?” the voice from beside you makes you jump out of your skin. “Didn’t mean to scare you” Anakin says smoothly, leaning on the side of shelby. You walk around the car, checking that she hasn’t acquired any scratches or dents.”I swear I haven’t damaged her one bit, my apprentice has been working on her mostly” he pauses “but don’t worry she knows what she is doing.”
You up at the apprentice, noticing his ruffled hair and rolled up sleeves. ‘Damn’ is all you think to yourself before shutting out those ideas circling your head. He was just a guy after all. With enough charm to sink a battleship. You mentally elbow yourself before speaking; “how long is a while?” “At least another few weeks, parts are difficult to ship in at the moment” He explains before shooting you a winning smile, “means I get to look at you more often if you continue to stop by.” You roll your eyes at him, maybe to make up for the feeling in your gut.
Interrupting Anakin's remarks, the loth cat wanders up to you and makes a sound that basically implies ‘attention please’. You bend down to pat it, but it gets a different idea and basically jumps onto you, luckily your reflected kick in and you manage to place your hand around it. It settles comfortably in your arms and you are able to stand back up. You hear Anakin let out a laugh. “Sorry, she’s new to the place” he says, “showed up the other day, hungry, but very friendly.” You nod, giving the animal a scratch behind its large, pointed ears.
“She is very friendly, does she have a name?” you question, looking at the creature's large, chocolatey eyes. “Snips wanted to name her Honey.” “I can see why, she is very honey coloured.” He smiles “yeah, and sickly sweet.” The cat nudges your shoulder playfully, and you scratch under its chin. “I can tell” you laugh.
“Hate to break up your bonding session” a female voice says as she walks over. You recognise her as Ahsoka, Anakin’s teenages apprentice. “But the boss wants to see you” She points an accusing finger at the man beside you. He nods before turning to face you, “I'll see you around sweetheart.” He shoots you a winning grin before he walks off inside the building. Ahsoka rolls her eyes dramatically before beginning to tell you exactly what she has been doing to your Shelby.
You are left with a strange feeling in your gut and a lot of questions to ask yourself.
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So sorry this took so long. We live in different parts of the world and planning can get tricky. We will definitely finish this project anyways… We hope you enjoy <3
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burnwater13 · 1 month
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Din Djarin, without his helmet on, holding Grogu, on board Moff Gideon's ship. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 2, Episode 8, The Rescue. Calendar by DateWorks. Din Djarin played by Pedro Pascal.
Grogu knew nothing about the standards of human beauty. Were deep brown eyes better than any other color? What about that serious look? It definitely wasn’t a smile, but it wasn't a frown either? Did other humans like that? Grogu studied that face and decided that the thing he liked the most about it, other than the fact that their eye color matched, was the nose. The Mandalorian’s nose was magnificent. 
Grogu had a teeny, tiny little nose. It was effective, but it didn’t really do much for his face. His face was all eyes, ears, and cheeks according to Peli Motto. The Mandalorian’s face was all about that nose and if Grogu could use the Force to make his own nose look more like it, well, if no one told Master Yoda's Force ghost, he'd definitely give it a try.
Plus, the Mandalorian had those whiskers. They were pretty great too. Grogu knew that technically he was older than the Mandalorian, but try as he might, he seemed incapable of growing even the most rudimentary mustache. He had no doubt that a beard, even the scruffy, sparse, ‘I should have shaved yesterday’ sort of beard that outlined the Mandalorian’s chin and jawline, was beyond his own ability to cultivate. There were just no hairs on his chin at all. Dank Farrik.
Grogu had long suspected that the bounty hunter had something like a beard on his face, even though he wouldn’t have described this kind of beard if asked. There were times that he could hear the faintest sound of the hairs scratching the interior of Din Djarin’s helmet and knew it had to be something other than his skin. He only knew that because he had seen the Mandalorian’s skin a couple of times. 
First when the bounty hunter cut his arm during a fight, but he wouldn't let Grogu heal him. Then again when they were eating together and the Mandalorian actually lifted his helmet a little to take a sip broth or a tiny bite of a ration pack bar. That was some pale, non-scaly, non-feathered, non-anything else skin and was exactly what Grogu expected from a human. 
Since a lot of humans Grogu had met seemed to be found of some sort of facial adornment, whether it was just not recently shaved whiskers or a beard or a mustache or a beard and a mustache, he’d worked out that the Mandalorian must take off his helmet and periodically shave that stuff from his face. As Grogu looked at him, he realized that Din Djarin must have been doing the same thing with the hair on his head too. 
Now that was a place where the two of them were more similar but still not the same. Grogu had lots of fine white hair covering his head and the backs of his ears. It wasn't long enough to pull into a Jedi Padawan braid yet, but he had his hopes that it would be, one day. Maybe that was something the other Jedi could help him with? That would be nice, but Grogu wasn’t going to hold his breath. He had asked Master Yoda that question more than once and never got a satisfactory answer. Something about it would happen when it happened. Uff.
Of course what Grogu really appreciated was that the Mandalorian had trusted him enough to show him what he looked like. It was like he wanted to make sure that Grogu wouldn’t forget him. It was a very sweet sentiment, but there was no way that Grogu would ever forget that voice, those mannerisms, that bravery, that commitment to the bit. Nope. Grogu was going to remember the Mandalorian forever, just like all of the other people he had ever met.
He didn't know why he remembered so many people he met. Maybe it was just a thing the members of his species did? It was like watching a vid. He could just think of them and see them in his mind. Or was he seeing them through the Force? That was possible. Kelleran Beq was so tall and fierce. Obi-Wan Kenobi’s voice had a soft cadence that no other Jedi Master ever exhibited. Ian had a way of choosing words and actions that made him unforgettable. Even if the Mandalorian got brand new armor or painted it or changed his helmet, or got a different side arm or finally got a new pair of boots, Grogu would know him just by the way he walked into a room. The Mandalorian was the most purposeful person Grogu had ever met, next to Ian. 
Grogu had wondered when they first met if maybe the person under the armor was his old friend, playing a trick on him, but he realized that Ian had never learned not to be a chatter box. The Mandalorian was pretty quiet unless the topic was armor polish and then you couldn’t stop him from talking unless you managed to get a word in edgewise and tell him you had accidentally dropped the small can in the privy. That produced some initial chatter about how, and when, and why, but it always resulted in the retrieval of the object and no he didn't need Grogu’s help. 
Maybe that's why he took the helmet off? He wanted Grogu to see that he cared more about him than the Creed? He always said a Mandalorian was required by Creed to maintain his weapons and armor in tip top condition. By removing his helmet he was telling Grogu that seeing him without the armor interfering was more important to him that following the Mandalorian rules. Wow. That was pretty special. 
Grogu coo'd at him and hoped that Din Djarin understood him. It was pretty hard to convey in just a simple sound that they were connected by the Force and that would never change. Grogu would be able to find the Mandalorian no matter where he went or what he was doing. When the Force told you that another person was important to you, you listened to it. It was never wrong… except for letting Din Djarin cover up that handsome nose and the face that wore it. That was not the Way.
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palfriendpatine66 · 8 months
Vampire au 2 and 10 (I really want to ask for more, but will try not to be greedy)
If anybody still has asks from this WIP game I'm still answering!
I am SO GLAD you asked for this because I haven't touched this for months and months but I want to get back to it. I'm telling myself I'm going to write a min of 12 new sentences tonight for you, but in the meantime - have everything I wrote so far. It's not much but it's more than 12! (whether this be a chapter 2/continuation of my existing Smutty Vampire one shot or the beginning of an outlined multichapter fic...remains to be seen)
Anakin was lost in the feeling, swept up in the raging current that was dragging him under, helpless to do anything but follow its pull, when suddenly he was ripped away. Disoriented, the urge to snarl, to tear, to bite and rip his way back to the warm flow was stilled by a razor sharp pressure against his neck. 
Anakin turned to Obi-Wan, a growl building in his chest purely on instinct at the threat of razor sharp teeth pressed against his throat, even as he obeyed his command. 
The sight of him, the feel of him overpowering his new body - a body brimming with power and strength unlike anything he had ever known - filled him with an entirely different kind of hunger even as his every instinct screamed out a warning of danger.  
“This bite made you mine,” Obi-Wan’s voice was a velvety soft caress even as the scrape of his fangs screamed danger. “I said stop. You will abide me.” Anakin didn’t need the command that reverberated in his tone to make him comply. He melted into the touch. He would do anything he asked. And yet still he needed, desperately-
“More.” A demand, a plea; it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that he get more. 
“I know. I know,” Obi-Wan soothed, lips moving against Anakin’s skin. “It’s overwhelming. All consuming.” He shifted his restraining hold, one hand coming to rest on the back of Anakin’s neck to hold his gaze, the other settling on his hip. “Focus for me, this is important. What did I tell you?” 
Anakin did focus then, Obi-Wan becoming his one point of focus, the only thing that mattered in his existence. “Not to drink from the dead,” Anakin answered obediently. “We take life from their blood. If there’s no life left…” he drifted off, uncertain. 
“It’s ours that will be taken,” Obi-Wan finished. “Good. Very good. You’re doing well, I know this is a lot. How do you feel?” 
“I feel,” Anakin began to answer, but his focus remained captivated by the sight Obi-Wan made, experienced through his new eyes. The hunger, the need, surged through him, amplified by the touch which before had been so cold and hard and unforgiving. But now that Anakin’s body was changing, changing because it was filled with Obi-Wan’s blood - Obi-Wan’s life - his touch felt different.
He was softer, now that they were cut from the same stone. Not just warm now that they were the same temperature, but searing where their bodies came into contact. Now a different need spoke to Anakin, demanding.
“Tell me,” Obi-Wan urged him. “I will help you through it. Then I’ll show you how to control it.” 
Anakin found he didn’t much care for any of the repercussions of his choice at the moment, nor feel the need to control it. As the blood he’d so hastily consumed coursed through his veins he was electrified, brimming with energy and a new unbridled power. How could it be wrong if it felt so right? 
“I feel,” he paused before the word rolled off his tongue, “I feel everything.” And it was true. As he breathed in he could taste the dew that was starting to collect on the grass as the night cooled. He could smell the distinct scents of the different animals that moved through the woods; he could hear well enough to track each of their progress and would have been able to go to the location of each if he had any desire to find them. 
“It can be intoxicating,” Obi-Wan acknowledged. “Try to acknowledge and appreciate the changes. You must be present but separate the information you are getting from your new, heightened senses so that you aren’t overwhelmed by it. 
Anakin nodded absently, distracted by every layer of Obi-Wan’s steady voice.  He saw him now as he focused on him as if for the first time, because with his new vision the sight of him bathed in the moonlight was like nothing he had ever seen before. Even in that dark alley he had been able to see that he was a beautiful creature, as he had quickly revealed himself to be something else, something dangerous, something other than human. But in his strength, his hard smooth skin, and the gentle light behind those strange eyes had been otherworldly in their beauty. 
Now Anakin could see him more clearly, every detail only adding to his beauty. His face before has seemed smooth and hard, unforgiving. But now Anakin could see the fine lines from the life he had lived etched into his now unchangeable skin - laugh lines that told of happiness, creases that spoke of sadness and worry. Anakin found that he had drawn closer to trace over those lines as soon as the thought flicked through his mind, not even processing his own movement so fast and fluid it was. 
“You won’t have these,” Obi-Wan smiled lightly, sadly, as Anakin traced the wrinkles that marked the years of his life. “You’ll stay like this. Forever young,” he reached out to lightly touch Anakin’s cheek, mirroring his own hold. “Beautiful,” he concluded wistfully. 
His touch, soft yet firm, awakened something within Anakin. The warmth from his palm, warm where before he had been so cold, warmed by Anakin’s own blood coursing within him, stoked a fire within him that had just been waiting to be lit. Anakin looked at Obi-Wan with a new hunger in his eyes. “I want,” Anakin began, holding Obi-Wan’s palm against his cheek, sparing a moment to be distracted by his large hands. “I still want?” he asked Obi-Wan hungrily, a question in his voice.  
“That too will fade in time,” Obi-Wan assured in a low tone that sent a shiver down Anakin’s spine.
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
I have read the 1976 novel, originally titled: Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker, later retitled Star Wars: A New Hope, and I would like to share my favourite parts.
Note: I read the novel twice. So that I didn’t miss anything. But, also, because this is a library copy and I wanted to jot down my favourite parts so I could reread them after I return it, okay, let’s go-
First things first, Luke is the best.
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These are my favourite Luke things, I am begging you to click on them and read them, they are soooo good. Luke in general is a lot more likeable to me in the novel than in the film, if only because his weirdly whiny mood in the beginning makes much more sense because we have a bunch of scenes before Owen buys the droids.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Luke in all his various incarnations because I am, at my center, a massive nerd, but I like his characterization here. I also like that the novel tells us, “Yes, Luke has friends. No, most of them do not like him very much.” It implies (heavily) that the people he hangs out with have more money than he does, and he works a lot, and he has his head in the clouds, so they don’t quite get him. We have a scene of Biggs and Luke, and it is so sweet and cute and I love it so much. Biggs is like “Please stop trying to run into canyon walls.” And Luke just “Wow, you really have changed. You sound just like Uncle Owen.” And it’s affectionate riffing, but Luke, if two people are telling you, maybe you should, I dunno, listen??
I like that Han and Chewie basically took one look at Luke and were like “Yes, perfect, I love him.” Threepio and Artoo also have this. And Leia is immediately protective of him five minutes after his botched rescue. Even Obi-Wan is protective of him. The novel tries to tell us he is an average boy, but their definition of average and mine must be different. Something about Luke just inspires instant loyalty, it’s amazing.
I like Han in this a lot. He is just so… strangely optimistic. Also, he is overconfident and cocky and an asshole and I love him with all my tiny heart. Chewbacca is great too. He is so nervous, let him back on the ship, please.
Leia is great. She is a tiny little lady who is yelling at everyone, including the big scary Wookie (they spell Wookiee with one e in the book) and she kisses Luke twice and gets embarrassed about it both times (and there’s a weird scene where Luke sees a man and woman kissing, in the book’s own words, “passionately” and he basically thinks “they could have any relationship in the galaxy. Lovers, siblings, platonic. Who knows…” and I think about it a lot because do you guys passionately kiss your siblings? I am very concerned and confused and confounded, send help). Leia is very cute and very vicious and she’s basically perfect.
Now I wanna talk about Ben, because I love Ben. Every other person who sees him or senses him or hears thinks he is a hallucination. He goes onto the Death Star without even knowing Darth Vader is there, and his thought process is “Next step of the plan? Let’s see how much Luke and Solo fucked up, then we’ll think about the next step of the plan.” One of my favourite Ben moments is when he sees this big panic on the Death Star (caused by Luke and Han’s rescue of Leia) and he’s like “This couldn’t be for me, no way they would send all these people after me.” As though he has been seen a single time.
(Side note: my favourite thing is how they treat Leia, actually, because they surround her with multiple, armed guards and put her in giant cuffs and lock in a cell that is heavily guarded at all times. When there’s a disturbance in the cell block she’s in (they do NOT know she’s broken out yet, only that there is something happening near where she is being held captive), the whole ship goes on high alert. I know, intellectually, that it’s because they don’t want to risk losing her, but I like to think it’s also because she is very intimidating. She spit on Darth Vader. She straight up spit on him, and hit him! Who does that? I love her)
Ben is very cheerful for a man who has spent twenty years in a desert watching a kid from a distance. I like that he can do a krayt dragon call, which he does twice and tells Luke he’ll teach him how to do later. I like that he cuts two people in half and one guy’s arm off, all in one swing, because they made the fatal mistakes of 1.) looking away from Ben for a second, and 2.) they bullied Luke. Ben is so fond of Luke, it’s very sweet. I also like that he is trying very, very hard not to be so fond of Luke. It’s impossible, honestly, Luke is just too lovable, but Ben put up a good fight.
Ben being a general in a war only twenty years ago is kind of highlighted, if that’s the word I want. Like, he knows how to fix up R2 units so they can at least function, he knows how to work the computers on a war ship/station, he keeps up with Darth Vader when they fight; he just seems much more war general-y. He is also a huge goober and a nerd and I love him dearly.
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I like this scene, primarily because of Vader’s “Obi-Wan is here. Well, I only felt it for a second. Maybe he isn’t- the princess? Obi-Wan is here!” Also, “He is here” “Obi-Wan Kenobi???” Vader talks about Obi-Wan so much, methinks, they are just so used to it. Imagine their shock when it turned out Obi-Wan was here.
I am now going to give you a succinct guide on how to use the Force, as explained in the book.
Step 1. Zone out.
Step 2.
And yeah, now you can use the Force, congrats.
No but seriously, Luke using the Force is just Luke zoning out so hard he doesn’t even remember firing the proton torpedoes that blew up the Death Star. He’s over there like “I don’t have anymore proton torpedoes. And I am no longer in the trench. And the Death Star is blowing up. But, did I press the button to fire them? I don’t think I did…” This is so relatable. My guy, I used to go up on stage and perform band concerts in high school, or on the football field to perform in marching band, or I would do a presentation in class, and the second the activity was over and I was walking away, my memory of the activity would be gone. “Did I do that? I have my oboe/clarinet/papers in my hands, and everyone is cheering, and I am out of breath. But, did I do it?” Luke is super relatable, 10/10, they finally made a character for me-
Anyway, there are a lot of minor things that don’t line up with movie canon, but the book is so fun, I highly recommend you read it, if you find it. I love this book, I read it twice because I love it so much. Ask me for my favourite scenes, I have a list of them that is too long to put here if any of us ever want to see the post beneath this one.
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marierg · 2 years
Of Light and Darkness: Ch. 24
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Pairing: Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader
Rating: A OK for all!
WARNINGS!: self doubt, little angst, otherwise just fine.
A/N: This is a predominantly Anakin centric chapter. This is a wrap up to the prior sections, but be warned the next arc is gonna hurt. This may seem a filler but it does have some key nuggets that are important.
Picture Credit: Dendy Dhamier (art station.com) and Koni-art (deviant art)
Word Count: 1458 ish
Masterlist Next part
The three of you returned to the Temple a week after Life Day. As much as you felt the weight return at being back, at least you were worried far less than before. Obi Wan was finally able to put the past where it belonged and Anakin had now found his way as well. The two of them talked, actually talked with one another, as a Master and Apprentice should. Anakin no longer held back his thoughts, letting you both know the full philosophy of a young Padawan. Obi Wan had found the patience needed to properly guide the boy, even if it was laced with his usual brand of sarcasm.
On exiting the ramp you saw a familiar, green face. Master Yoda sat on his hover chair, walking stick in hand. “Young Skywalker, learned much have you?”
Anakin grinned, “Yes Master Yoda, I have. And we brought you something!”
The old Master chuckled, “A lesson perhaps? Or the small friend in your pocket?”
Both you and Obi Wan glanced down at the guilty look on your Padawan's face, followed shortly by a small mewing. This caused Master Yoda to laugh even harder. Anakin sighed, “I don't think I can really give another living thing away.”
“an insight from one so young, and very true it is.”
Anakin pressed instead a rounded piece of sea glass into Yoda's hand, “I found this one day when Master Obi Wan was teaching be by the tide pools. When you hold it up to the light it looks like a star map.”
Yoda turned the beautiful piece of glass, indeed it did look like a map of the galaxy. “In the eye of the beholder, is the beauty of anything.”
“Master Y/n says that as long as you know where you are, you can always find a way back. I know you probably don't ever feel lost but it's still really pretty.” Small shoulders shrugged, now feeling a little silly about the gift he picked.
“Why foolish feel you? Almost 900 am I and still lost can I be. A most wondrous gift is this, padawan.” the old master waited for the boy's eyes to look at him. “lost can we all become. But from friends and teachers may we find our way home, yes?”
“Yes Master Yoda.” Anakin's smile returned, satisfied that he hadn't flubbed the tradition.
a few weeks later
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The nights on Coruscant were anything but peaceful. The upper levels filled with the party life of the affluent and in the lower levels the bars were full of working people spending their wages on cheep beer. It was the cycle of life on most planets but occasionally one would get the odd interloper. People who wished to disappear or who were meant not to be found.
As Anakin made his way to the garage in the back of Maffa’s bar he bumped shoulders with a teen not much older than him. “Hey…”
“Sorry, didn’t see you,” the thin face looked up at him, dark circles rimed bleak eyes.
“Are you ok?” Anakin may be on personal business, but this was a person who needed help.
“Yeah just trying to get back before it gets too dark, I'll be ok. You should get home too kid, not safe after dark ya know.” The voice was high pitched, their hair the color of the neon above them. The other kid must have been cold even with the coat given their pale complexion. “Are you lost or something?”
“No just going to see a friend. Do you want me to walk you home?”
The young teen chuckled, “and they say chilvery is dead. Nah I'm just up the block, but thanks. You're a good one. I'll see ya 'round.”
Anakin probed a bit into the mind of this stranger, finding fear and sorrow, but also a brightness that refused to be dimmed. Nodding he gave a wave, sensing that there wouldn't be further persuading the girl. “Ok, see you.”
The stranger waived and dashed off into the night.
“Little speedster! What brings you to me today?” Maffa smiled warmly from his stool in the garage as Anakin approached. The young man’s robe was drawn tight concealing something.
“Hey Mr. Sweets I was wondering if maybe you might be able to help me with something?” Once Anakin saw Sweets subtle nod he then allowed the small tooka to peer out from the opening in his robes with a small mew. “My little friend needs a home and I can’t keep her at the Temple. I don’t suppose you might like animals?”
The old Keeterian laughed heartily then came to stand and appraise the small tawny creature. Sweets held out a hand and the cat leapt readily onto him, climbing up to settle on his shoulders Purring like an engine. “Speedster what you don’t find hehehee… don’t suppose you’d come by and visit us both more often if I say yes?”
“As much as my Masters will let me!” the boy was pleased beyond words.
When they had returned to the Temple he was given instruction to find the small beast a home. As much as it stung he knew that Master Obi Wan was right, the kitten didn’t belong cooped up in the Temple while he trained. Master Y/n had asked around the hospital but none of her friends could take the little fluff, Maffa had been his last hope. “Thank you Mr. Sweets. She’ll catch all the rats and keep the speeders free of nests.”
“And how was your journey?” Maffa asked as he stroked the little tooka. “Been missing my best mechanic.”
“It was really nice, I almost didn’t want to come back. It was...Free.” Anakin studied some of the parts on the cart in front of him. “Hey Mr. Sweets can I ask you something?”
“Of course Speedster, what’s on your mind?”
Truthfully there was another reason Anakin had come down here, he needed non Jedi advice. He had always known that his two Masters had a deep affection for one another. During their time off world Anakin had really come to realize the connection that they had. He wasn’t sure what he should do. “If something is happening that bends a rule, but no one is getting hurt, then is it really so bad?”
“Well now that depends, what kind of rule we talkin’ kid?” Maffa saw the boy’s hesitation, “I swear nothing leaves the garage, the word of a gentleman and racer.”
Anakin didn’t want to say more than was necessary but really needed an answer, “Is falling in love such a bad thing?”
“Ooooohhhh, I see.” Maffa scratched his chin thoughtfully a moment. “Well now here’s how I see it Speedster, if the love that two people feel is real, unreserved and unselfish, then no it can’t be wrong. You see there are a lot of people who say that they’re in love but it ain’t the genuine article…those are the ones ya have to be wary of. Love is a gift, not a possession do you understand.”
Anakin took a while to evaluate the statement. Neither Master Obi Wan nor Y/n had a selfish bone in their bodies. Both of his Masters fulfilled their duties, worked hard, and they always took care of him. “So then as long as the love isn’t controlling it can’t be a bad thing then?”
“Exactly and I’ll tell you this next bit for nothing.” He motioned the young man closer to him. “When it comes to those we love we protect them with all we have, no greater reason to fight than that Speedster.”
Anakin nodded, reminded of how you and Obi Wan defended him time and again. Of how his Mother had protected him as best she could. The code was wrong, there was no reason Anakin could see that love would be a bad thing. “Thanks Mr. Sweets, I think I got it figured out now.”
“Hehehee… Don’t go fearing love son, it’s the best thing in the world, despite what those crazy monks teach.” Maffa waived in the direction of the Temple.
“Oh hey I ran into a kid on my way in, do they work for you?”
“Were they wearing a black coat with wings on it?” Maffa saw Anakin nod at this, “That’s baby girl, she brings me parts, sometimes washes dishes and waits tables, little odd jobs.”
“Really? She seemed nervous, wanted to get home quick.” Anakin wasn’t so sure about the story.
“Well she’s had a rough go of it, family kicked her out and trying to make it on her own, going to school too. I know her Uncle Brex and try to keep an eye out for her.” Maffa sighed, then a thought occurred to him. “Say doesn’t little Y/n have connections at the responder school at the hospital?”
“Yeah, Why?”
“Well Speedster I have a thought... Have Y/n call me when you get back, eh.” Now that Maffa thought on it the idea was perfect, you wouldn’t be able to resist helping a budding medic and an outcast to boot.
@meshlasolus @stanny-uwu @nurseytypechick @just-dreaming-marvel @in-a-mellow-tone @a-rose-of-amber @aquaamethyst96 @songoficecreamandfireworks @acatalystrising @pickleprickle @obiknights @iambored24601 @purplepandora666 @misscamptl @ginger-swag-rapunzel @the-going-merry @iabrokengirl @foxperifoto @annasun13 @moostresskenobi @lovelyxlily
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anxiety-banana · 10 months
have you ever gone through your drafts and found something that made you cry, not because it was good or well written or any of that but because you remember. you remember what life was like. you remember how the comments your friends left you made you feel, and you just want to hug that little girl who wrote that fic and tell her things will get better.
yeah so this is that fic @ljbrary and @ashgryff left a bunch of comments on it even though it was probably kinda terrible fic but i love them so much and i want to hug them. so to ash and lily, ily, i found this and cried a little and want you to know that you are loved and even if we aren't the same teenagers who wrote bad fic and shared it with each other because we were too afraid to share it to the world, we can still appreciate those kids who loved each other and didn't quite know how to live.
that was all very deep for a fic about pizza, but here's some emotional whiplash for you <3
“I really want pizza right now, think it’s open?”
Obi-Wan had made the comment casually, in passing as he guided his new Padawan down the temple hallways.
Little did he know what he was in for.
“What’s pizza?”
It occurred to him suddenly, that Anakin had come from a planet where good food included gamey meat and dry rations. And that this child had never experienced what must be the staple in anyone’s childhood: a trip to a pizza place.
“I guess I know where we’re going for dinner.”
With a smile he hadn’t really seen on himself in a while, Obi-Wan led Anakin down the temple steps and to the nearest diner that might sell pizza. 
“I really want pizza right now, think it’s open?”
If he thought Anakin was a handful before, he was certain of the fact now.
“Now isn’t really the time,” Obi-Wan responded, walking the hallways as they came back late from a mission. Frankly, he just wanted to sleep, even though he was already certain he wouldn’t get any. Watching his former apprentice almost lose his life half a dozen times in as many days was enough to make a man stay awake.
But that was the key, wasn’t it? He was awake either way. And Anakin knew it.
Obi-Wan eyed the now-knight who was asking his former master for pizza, of all things. It was one of his fondest memories, though, watching the look on the boy’s face when he took a bite of the ‘delicacy’ for the first time.
“You know you want to,” Anakin said with the look that reminded him so perfectly of the teenager he had become accustomed to before the war.
“I’m going to regret this.”
And they walked out the temple doors, to where a greasy diner was waiting.
(It was worth it. He didn’t regret it.
Because time spent at a pizza parlor with Anakin was still time spent with Anakin. And he didn’t know how much more of that he’d get.)
“I really want pizza right now, think it’s open?”
Sometimes he wondered how he ever survived raising Anakin and lived to do it again. Because Ahsoka seemed to test him. Not always in temper; in fact, not often in temper. She had one, but unlike Anakin she knew how to control it. No, it was the ideas that made him sigh, like getting pizza at what was much later than either of them should even be awake.
Remind me again why we gave Anakin a Padawan?
An imprintable, immature child who learned everything she saw. But apparently not poetry. He’d tried. “Padawan, it’s two in the morning.”
Yes, those were the kinds of comments that tested him.
“I have many things I could say right now,” Obi-Wan responded with a grunt as he stood, abandoning the reports they had both agreed to finish that night before they realized they had an entire extra stack of them from their most recent campaigns.
“If ‘let’s go get pizza’ isn’t one of them then I’ve probably stopped listening.” Ahsoka leaned back in her chair. “No offense, obviously.”
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. “Obviously.”
Although, he couldn’t deny the fact that he would do just about anything to stay awake right then. And pizza didn’t sound awful.
So with a sigh, he grabbed his robe.
“Don’t tell Anakin.”
Her smile lit up as she crossed the room, silently thanking him in the only way she knew how; with a hug that couldn’t reach above his shoulders. It made him laugh and reminded him it was all worth it.
Obi-Wan Kenobi was alone.
He had little Luke, a presence so bright in the force it was a wonder Obi-Wan had held himself together, and the bartender in Mos Eisley had gotten pretty familiar with him, but they didn’t make the loneliness go away. It wasn’t a matter of people, it was a matter of presence.
Loneliness was not healed by being around anyone and everyone. It was healed by gentle hands and whispered words. It could not be healed by a little boy he rarely saw or a bartender that he saw too much of.
And maybe she didn’t heal it. But when Ahsoka came knocking on his door at such a late hour, he sure felt better than he had in a… long time.
“I really want pizza right now, think it’s open?”
The words tore a watery laugh from his throat as he flung his arms around the girl- woman. The woman. It had been too many years for her to be considered the girl he had become accustomed to. The girl who loved pizza (and still did). The girl apprenticed to Anakin, but the lines had become so blurred it hardly mattered anymore. Some said she had two masters and she never argued.
Now she had none. But she still had Obi-Wan. And he wouldn’t leave her.
“I have never seen anywhere that sells pizza on Tatooine,” He answered as they hugged. “But I’m willing to look.”
For you. Anything for you.
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conewar · 2 years
'I'm just saying what's true and you know it- if Anakin had been the  one accused, you would have believed him. You would have stood by him. I  just-’
'Ahsoka... I did believe you- and I believed that Anakin would prove it with his investigation.’
'And if he hadn't? If he hadn't got there in time, if the sentence had passed?'
'....' His brow was low, his face tired and unhappy. 'I don't know,  Ahsoka. I didn't think it would reach that point. ....the trial was not  as fair as it ought to have been. As it would have been without the  military tribunal. We didn't believe we were handing you over for an  execution, Ahsoka, please believe that if nothing else.'
She was still tense with anger and hurt, Obi-Wan knew, but he could see that she was listening.
This was not something she had realized, he thought with a clench of  his chest. She had believed, all this time, that they had thrown her out  to die. And even now he could tell that she wasn't sure if she believed  him.
'I am sorry, Ahsoka. Mistakes were made.'
He turned his gaze to the blur of hyperspace for a moment to gather himself.
'Mistakes,' she repeated, sounding slightly choked. 'Yeah, and I guess that's it, huh.'
He turned back to her. She was circling back round into her  bitterness, but he could not think how to soften it. It was what it was.
'The republic is changing,' he murmured, 'and not for the better. We  all hope that when the war ends...' he trailed off, but it sounded so  trite to say that things would be easier. 'Restoring justice in the  republic will be a hard journey,' he acknowledged at last, 'perhaps as  hard and long as the war has been. ...perhaps harder in some ways.'
He stared at the stars without seeing them, feeling the weight of it all.
He wished Anakin were here.
Anakin, Anakin. He had counted on Anakin to save Ahsoka, and here he  was wondering how he could bear the work ahead without him by his side-  he might, perhaps, just maybe, have come to rely on his young friend too  much. But he could think of no way to ease the ache of loneliness that  was taking hold of him, except to wish his friend was here with him.
'You must miss him too' he said softly to Ahsoka, who had been very alone for months now.
Her jaw tightened as if she resented the question. 'I've been doing fine on my own. He taught me well.'
'I'm not talking about skills, Ahsoka.' he hesitated. 'I miss him, and he's only been gone a couple of weeks.'
Her fists tightened in her lap, and he mulled it over. 'I missed you,' he said finally, and truthfully.
And that, finally, drew a sharp breath from her. She stood, turned  her back on him, gazing out at the stars, quiet except for her shortened  breaths.
Perhaps he'd crossed a line. Perhaps it was a line he needed to cross.
'Right, yeah, okay.' He bit back an instinctive comment about her  wit. It might not be the moment. 'Fine, I missed... everyone. You,  Anakin, Rex. Jesse. My friends. Home.
But I am fine, Master Obi-Wan. I'm... learning. Meeting new people. Moving.'
'Do you know where you're going?' he asked gently.
'Not really,' she answered wryly, and he smiled.
'That's no bad thing.'
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The Will of the Force - CH 16
Fandom: Star Wars Rating: Mature Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Obikin       AO3     Masterlist
Summary:  What if Obi-wan hadn’t been granted permission to train Anakin in the ways of the Force? What if Qui-Gon hadn’t perished during the battle with Darth Maul? How differently would things have turned out?
Chapter 16
     Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan entered the cockpit with Cody right on their heels. Padmé was there already, sitting in front of the control panel, and in front of her was a holo of another familiar commander.
     “Rex,” Obi-Wan nodded as he moved to sit directly in front of his holo projection, “what's the lead you have on Anakin?”
     “Myself and the rest of the 501st took a ship and chased after the Chancellor when he escaped. We tracked him to a planet located in the Unknown Regions. Another ship has since landed on the same planet while we've been surveilling it, we assume it's Darth Maul. I'm sending you the coordinates to our location now.”
     “Thank you, Commander,” Qui-Gon said as he took up the seat next to Obi-Wan, “remain where you are until we arrive, do not engage alone, we will advance on them together. They're may only be two of them, but we should not underestimate the power of a Sith Lord. We already have once, we should not make the same mistake twice.”
     “Copy that, Sir, we will wait for your arrival. I will contact you again if anything changes.” and with that Rex was gone.
     “Cody, input those coordinates and get us there as fast as you can.” Cody nodded to Qui-Gon and got to doing just that.
     “The Unknown Regions,” Obi-Wan muttered, still staring at the spot where Rex’s hollo had been, “that is a long journey, and Maul had a huge lead on us while we were just sitting here in open space, waiting for someone to tell us where Anakin might be. After all this time waiting, Anakin could already be-”
     “Obi-Wan, you must trust in the Force,” Qui-Gon said and placed a hand on his shoulder, “we will find Anakin and we will bring him home safely.”
     “But what if this is a dead end?” He asked, pointing to the coordinates Cody had input. “What if we go all the way out there and it's not Palpatine or Maul, and Anakin is not there?! If he dies-!”
     “Obi-Wan, calm yourself.” Obi-Wan turned to catch his Master's eyes and took a deep breath. “Look within the Force, what does it tell you?”
     He closed his eyes, trying hard to search, desperately pulling at the bond again but still not feeling or hearing Anakin at all. “Nothing, Master, it is telling me nothing. I… I can't even feel him through the bond anymore, not since Maul attacked us at the Villa. And I've tried to reach out but I can't hear him anymore either, his proximity to the Sith and the dark side has cut him off from me completely.”
     “You can communicate with Anakin through your bond?” Obi-Wan just nodded. “That is rare, your bond is strong.”
     Again Obi-Wan said nothing, instead he just leaned forward and rested his heavy head in his hands.
     “We will find him, Obi-Wan, I promise, you will not lose him.”
     “Gah!” Anakin grunted, his head tossed back and the muscles in his body strained taught as the electricity pulsed through his body. When Palpatine finally let go, he slumped forward as far as he could against the bonds around his wrist, still holding his arms above his head. He was tired, so so tired, barely breathing at this point, but he would not give Palpatine the satisfaction of breaking him and getting him to turn to the dark side. But Palpatine was just as relentless as he was.
     Anakin wasn't even sure how long he'd been suspended in the Sith Citadel. It could have been hours, days, he didn't know and he honestly didn't care. Obi-Wan was dead, he was gone and his entire heart and soul had gone with him. At this point he didn't care if Palpatine killed him trying to force him to let the dark side in, all he wanted was to just be with Obi-Wan. But no matter how this ended, in honour of his love, he would not die a Sith.
     Palpatine roared from where he stood in front of Anakin, and despite his panting and laboured breathing he hit him with another relentless burst of electricity. He held it for so long Anakin was sure at some point he'd stopped breathing, and when he let go again it was with a howl of frustration. “You will let the dark side in! Even if I have to do this every day, you will bend to my will!”
     “No!” Anakin shouted, breathless. “I won’t! You can do this everyday until you kill me, but I will not become like you!”
     “Oh, I will kill you, Anakin,” Palpatine sneered, “but not until I have used you for what I need you for, only after that will I give you the sweet release of death.”
     “What is your plan anyway? Why does a Sith Lord need me to take down the Jedi?”
     “I need your power,” he spat in Anakin's face, “you are strong with the Force, the strongest I've ever felt, even when you were a child. Once you accept the dark side you will be even stronger, and being here on Exegol will connect you to the dark side in ways that we never thought possible. And once you have given up and surrendered yourself to the dark side, I will take your power for myself and use it to turn the Jedi.”
     “Turn the Jedi?” 
     “If I can take your power and combine it with my own, then I will have enough power to bend the will of any Jedi that crosses my path. I will turn them all to the dark side and have an army stronger than any other in the entire galaxy,” he said, and reached out to run his sharp fingernail down Anakin's cheek, and he turned away from it, “and when I have them all under my control, I will use them to become emperor, every planet in every system will bow to me! And those who don't will die at the hands of my Jedi army! I know I said I would have mercy and kill you when I was done with you, but I'm almost tempted to keep you alive long enough to show you the destruction your weakness will cause.”
     Anakin shook his head, as much as he could in the state he was. “I won't fall to you. You’ll have to kill me first, in which case you will have lost.”
     “No!” He growled in an almost childlike way, “I will have your power, you will let the dark side in, and until you do I will just keep weakening you bit by bit!”
     He shot more electricity through Anakin, making him stand stock straight in the bonds again, head back and teeth clenched together. But then Maul’s head suddenly turned away from Anakin’s torture and toward the door. He stood from where he was sitting and walked a few steps toward Anakin and Palpatine.
     “I sense the disturbance,” Palpatine said to him, letting Anakin fall against the bonds again, “whatever it is, go and deal with it, kill anything that tries to get in the way of our plans!”
     “Yes, my Lord.”
     “We're coming up on the coordinates now, Sir, prepare for drop.”
     Cody was in the pilot's seat and counted them down to their drop out of hyperspace. Obi-Wan was anxious, more so than he had ever been in his entire life, more than any mission given to him by the Order had ever made him feel. He was worried that Anakin wasn't on that planet, he was worried that they were going to go all the way down there and find nothing, and where did that leave them then? 
     He had tried the bond over and over again the entire trip here, and still there was nothing. No sign or word from Anakin at all, and now that they had dropped out of hyperspace and were right in front of that planet Anakin was supposed to be on, he still felt absolutely nothing. 
     “There's Rex's ship there,” Cody pointed in front of them and to the side where a ship was hovering.
     “Get him on comm’s,” Obi-Wan said, “maybe he has something new to share.”
     Cody did as told and within seconds Rex’s holo was in front of them again. “Sir’s.”
     “Rex, any news?”
     “Nothing new to report about Palpatine, Maul, or the Prince, Sir, I'm sorry,” he answered. Obi-Wan just sighed and turned his head away from the holo.
     “Commander,” Qui-Gon leaned in then, “do we know anything about the planet?”
     “Not much, Sir, but while we've been waiting for you we have done a bit of reconnaissance in preparation. There's a lightning storm that consistently covers the entire planet, and the center of the storm never moves, it remains over the same location. Both of the ships we saw entered the planet through the centre of that storm, we believe that Palpatine and Maul are hiding straight beneath it. Aside from that we can’t see past it to know much else about the planet or what might be waiting for us when we land.”
     Qui-Gon nodded, rubbing his beard while he considered their options. “We will enter through the same point, once we are through the storm and have a better view of the planet, we can make the decision on our next move. Padmé,” he turned to look at her where she sat on Obi-Wan’s other side, “while we are looking for Anakin, I want you to remain on the ship.”
     Qui-Gon put up a hand to stop her. “I'm sorry, Padmé, but this is one decision I will not let you convince me out of. I have your safety as well as Anakin’s to take into consideration. I will have one of Commander Rex's men stay with you here, and if you are put in any sort of danger I want you to leave the planet and head back to Coruscant, back to the Order. This is for your own good, and I cannot be worried about you in there as well as fighting two Sith Lords.”
     “I understand,” she nodded, then reached behind Obi-Wan’s chair to place her hand on Qui-gon’s knee, “but please, you must do everything you can to save Anakin.”
     “I promise.” Then he turned to Obi-Wan who was still drowning in rage, Qui-Gon could feel it rolling off him in waves. He was worried for his Padawan, and though he dared not say it aloud he was even more worried for what would happen if they found Anakin in any condition less than perfect. “Are you ready, Obi-Wan?”
     He only nodded, then Qui-Gon turned back to the holo of Rex, and Cody in the pilot's seat. “Then let's go.” 
     The holo of Rex disappeared and both ships slowly made their way toward the planet's surface. Rex’s ship went first, flying straight through the swirling electrified cyclone that covered the planet, and Cody followed right behind them. Once they were inside it was almost pitch black around them, occasionally being lit up by a violent flash of lightning, and all they could do was trust that the Force would guide them through safely. The entire ride through was jumpy, the ship constantly being shaken and jostled by the storm. 
     They all remained silent, barely even breathing as Cody flew them through the darkness, as if the uttering of one word might be the ship's undoing. But by some grace of the Force they finally escaped the darkness and breached the black clouds. Rex had been right, there were two ships on the planet's surface directly below them, both Republic ships which Palpatine and Maul had stolen in their escapes. Anakin was here, more than likely somewhere deep within the massive building in front of the ships.
     “Do you feel it?” Obi-Wan asked Qui-Gon, still not moving his eyes away from the planet's surface.
     “Yes,” he nodded, “the dark side is strong here. We must be extra cautious, the Sith will have the upper hand here, we must go in together.”
     “Where should we land, Sir?” Cody asked.
     “Land behind their ships,” Qui-Gon pointed.
     While Cody landed, Obi-Wan quickly got Rex back on the comms. “Yes, Sir?”
     “Rex, you have an engineer in your battalion, correct?” Rex nodded his affirmation. “When we land, have him stay behind and disable those two ships. If Maul or Palpatine tries to escape, I want them having no chance of leaving this planet, this ends here.”
     Rex nodded, then Qui-Gon spoke up, “And have one of your men placed on the ship with Padmé, and two more placed outside the ships in case the Sith do try to escape. If you see anyone leave that building that is not any of us, I want you to take both ships and leave the planet's surface immediately.”
     “Understood, Sir, we'll see you down there.”
     Once Rex ended the comm Obi-Wan went silent again, his focus back on the planet below them, and after what felt like a lifetime they finally landed. 
     As soon as they exited the ship and placed their feet on the ground, both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon faltered a step, catching the attention of both Clone Commanders. “Sir’s?” Rex asked, “Are you alright?”
     “The dark side is strong here,” Qui-Gon explained, shaking his head to try and clear the sudden fog within it, “it is affecting us.”
     “I feel heavy, Master,” Obi-Wan swayed.
     “Are you going to be able to fight like this?” Cody asked, concerned.
     “I don't care what it takes,” Obi-Wan answered and forced himself forward, “I am going to get Anakin back.”
     “It will take a moment for us to find our balance with the dark side surrounding us this strongly,” Qui-Gon explained, trying to ease the Clone Commanders’, “but we will be fine soon enough. Come, let's continue on.”
     Qui-Gon and the Clone’s followed Obi-Wan forward and toward the building. Obi-Wan could feel the power of the dark side only growing stronger the closer they got, but with every step forward so did Obi-Wan’s determination. He was going to get Anakin back, no matter how he had to do that, he was leaving this planet with Anakin in his arms.
A/N: Hope you all enjoyed, more to come soon! <3
Tags: @peaches-n-pancakes
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ninjago13 · 1 year
I am so sorry. I really needed a break, but it took longer than expected. But here it finally is. The last chapter from Memories. I hope you enjoy it
Chapter 11
summary: The last chapter isn’t much action, just a few reunions. I am not going to spoil too much, but let's say that everyone is relieved when they all arrive well on Coruscant. And I have a surprise for Ahsoka. I know that it might be a bit weird, but hey, this is a fanfiction after all. Hope you all enjoy the last chapter !! 😀
Everyone was asleep when they flew into Coruscant space. They were all exhausted from the fight. R2, who was flying the ship, woke everyone up when they almost landed. ‘Good work, buddy,’ said Anakin. While they walked back to the Temple none of them were really talking. Everyone had something on their mind. 
Anakin was thinking. He had seen Ahsoka. She had become really good. A good warrior, but also a good Jedi. The young Jedi made a note in his head to talk to the Council, when they got back. In the meantime was Kenobi sleeping with Qui-Gon by his side. We have a lot to talk about the Jedi master thought. 
When they entered the Temple, each of them went their way. They had agreed to meet that evening. Qui-Gon went to the Council, to bring out rapport. The Sith had become even more dangerous, now that they worked together. This wouldn’t be over soon. Ahsoka went to Barris and her other friends, while Anakin and Obi-Wan went to the Temple Gardens. There they talked a lot, until the subject changed to Ahsoka. ‘You said you had something in mind. What is it ?’ asked Obi-Wan. ‘I’m not sure yet, but I think you will agree with me, master. I think she is ready.’ ‘Ready for what ?’ asked the older Jedi, almost certain of the answer. 
They entered the mess hall and saw Ahsoka and Qui-Gon. ‘It’s good this time. For the first time in a long time,’ said Qui-Gon. ‘It certainly is. But anything is better than prison food,’ said his Padawan. ‘We have a lot to talk about. Like what was happening when you lost your memory. How did it even happen in the first place ?’ asked Ahsoka. ‘Well… You already know a part of it, obviously. Remember I was captured by Sidious ?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘It happened there. I guess he just wanted to get rid of me.’ ‘What didn’t work.’ ‘In a certain way, yes. But I lost my memories. Eventually he stopped torturing me and I fainted. I guess he thought i was dead and when i woke up, you arrived.’ Right when Anakin wanted to say something, Mace Windu came and said: ‘Anakin, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon. It’s good to have you all back. Do you wanna come with me ?’ They all stood up, except Ahsoka. 
While the others were away, Ahsoka went with Barris to the Temple Gardens. ‘I wonder what they are doing,’ said Ahsoka. ‘Master Luminara is also with him.’ ‘Really ? I think that is too much of a coincidence.’ ‘I wonder what they are planning.’ They sat under a tree, when Barriss suddenly climbed the tree, tearing her skirt. She climbed higher and higher, until she couldn’t go any further. The young Jedi looked over Coruscant and sighed. ‘What is it ?’ asked Ahsoka. ‘I suddenly remember all those summer days when we were young and played in the Gardens.’ ‘Yeah, i miss those days too. But we can still have them. Shall we have a sleepover tonight ?’ ‘Good idea !’ 
‘Ahsoka, Barriss, come with me, you must,’ a voice suddenly said. They looked down and saw the old Jedi master. ‘Of course, master Yoda,’ they both said. Yoda led them to a dark room and said mysteriously: ‘Good luck and may the Force be with you.’ 
‘Barriss, Ahsoka, you too here ?’ ‘Rana ! What are you doing here ?’ ‘I don’t know,’ she said. Right after she said that someone attacked them. ‘Watch out !!’ shouted Barriss. In total there were three attackers, all attacking one of the Padawans. At one moment one of the attackers almost got Ahsoka, but she dodged the lightsaber just in time. When all of them were exhausted, the attackers disappeared. 
An half hour later the young girls were tested on their knowledge of the Force. They had to meditate for an HOUR and after that they needed to do something else with the Force. After another hour a dark figure walked in. Rana, Ahsoka and Barriss all drew their lightsabers at the same moment. ‘There is no need for that,’ the figure said. ‘Kneel.’ ‘Why should we ?’ ‘You will know when you do it.’ The three girls    hesitated first, but still kneeled. 
‘By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force. Ahsoka, Jedi Knight, you may rise.’ Ahsoka couldn’t believe her ears. Jedi Knight ?!!! How was that possible ?!! The dark figure showed his face and she saw Anakin. ‘Wait….but….how ?’ Anakin laughed. ‘You were ready for the Trials and you passed them,’ he simply said. ‘Come on. Let’s celebrate it with the others.’ Ahsoka looked back to Barriss and Rana and saw them leaving with Luminara and Shaak Ti. 
They walked back to their quarters and when they entered Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Plo Koon jumped from behind the furniture. ‘Surprise !!!!’ ‘You all knew about this, didn’t you ?’ Ahsoka asked. ‘Yes !’ they all answered with a big smile. Ahsoka shook her head and laughed. This was her family. 
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Continuation of watching Star Wars with my non Star Wars friend, this time, episode 3, revenge of the sith
- “is Star Wars the first to do this paragraph thingy?”
- “so the War is still going?”
- “why’d they even make the clones from Jude?” I respond jango “yeah, jango”
- “oh no, they just decapitated him”
- “he’s got precision” hits obi wan’s ship on accident “oh never mind”
- she got real nervous for r2
- “if something happens to r2 then I’ll be angry”
- “a lot of these robots are smart, if they can think then isn’t it wrong to use them? So many have died and they probably didn’t want to die” she has a point
- “you’d think they would develop anti light saber technology”
- “Do it” (when Anakin is about to decapitate Dooku)
- she did change her mind though about killing Dooku
- “I think the chancellor is evil, I knew he was evil” yeah sure
- “how do they deal with air on the ships? Do they have oxygen tanks?” Valid question honestly
- “is Anakin wearing black mean he’s going to go evil?”
- “if I was evil, I would collect their light sabers too”
- “do they get unlimited light sabers or something? I feel like they throw them around a lot”
- “the people on this planet must be freaking out”
- “I still can’t believe that Anakin is a married man”
- she loves the banter between obi wan and Anakin, if she only knew what was to come
- “upgrades” to 3po
- “everyone is right there, why are they doing this here?”
- gasped when padme said she was pregnant
- “this man is on the verge of death” (to grevious)
- oh god guys, she asked if chancellor palpatine’s child will become Vader or a Anakin’s child, this is going to be a ride
- “he has small nipples”
- “is he going to murder his child?”
- “how are they sleeping together? Don’t the servants know” I did explain how loyal padme’s handmaidens are super loyal to her
- “aw, she still has the necklace”
- “this is not what I expected”
- “I don’t trust him” (to palpatine)
- you know, on a personal note, I feel like had the Jedi just told Anakin that he would not be on the council then things would’ve went better
- we talked about this and how they approached this wrong and she said she didn’t trust him even more
- “this is becoming too much”
- “he probably just wants padme to call him master”
- “obi wan saw a pregnant padme and didn’t question it? Doesn’t he suspect?”
- “he’s a lot skinnier than I thought” (about grievous)
- “this man has asthma” (again grievous)
- “why can’t the Jedi just kill all of the bad guys?”
- “I like the sounds that thing makes” the yips
- “What’s the point of getting these crystallized things if they drop them all the time?”
- “I don’t like this guy, what’s his name— palpatine. I don’t trust him. He’s evil”
- “how many siths are there?” I did explain the way siths work
- “his insides are visible”
- “they could use Anakin even if they don’t trust him, he’s still skilled”
- “is darth Vader anakin’s father? When does he come into play”
- “they all kind of suck” (all the Jedi fighting palpatine)
- “just stab him. Just do it” (to windu)
- “Anakin no”
- “he’s definitely evil now”
- “no!” When Anakin was named darth Vader, she looked at me and back at the screen. The reaction was very much worth it
- “I’m done with Star Wars, this is dumb. It can’t be. No.”
- “Obi is going to be so sad”
- “what’s order 66?”
- “is obi wan dead?”
- “what’s order 66?”
- “why did she fall like that?”
- “is he going to kill all the kids? He won’t, right?”
- “padme you fool, I told you”
- “I knew the clone dudes were evil” don’t worry, we will watch the clones wars after where she will get emotionally attached to them and cry
- “why did the clones follow the order? Were they programmed? We’re they just acting friendly?”
- “he did not kill the padawans” and then she went into how sad that they were hiding and came out because they trusted him
- “what’s the name of the Jedi dude? The one died in the first movie?” I answer “quigon, yeah. He put so much faith in Anakin”
- “you lied to me. Anakin isn’t troubled. He’s bad. No redemption unless he saves yoda or something”
- “padme should’ve known when he killed those people with the women and children, what were they called,” I tell her the tusken raiders “yeah, them.”
- “you know he could, he’s literally killed children before”
- “this is baloney and I don’t like baloney anymore”
- “bruh, he did this for her and he attacked her”
- “I kind of wanted his lightsaber to be red”
- “yoda just waddles in”
- “he saw that coming, he put his hands up. I saw that coming”
*going to be honest, I put my phone down because I had to watch the lightsaber duel between obi wan and Anakin but I’ll write down some details I remember
- commented on how padme was really just left up there
- complimented the visual effects and the choreography for the obi wan vs Anakin duel
- freaked out about yoda a bit and called bail a real homie
- was shocked that there were twins but was weirded out that everyone was just watching her give birth
- laughed when Vader yelled “no” and questioned the chancellors lie
- said that Luke definitely got the short of end of the stick while leia is living the high life
- explained to me how quigon had too much faith
- she was confused about the republic vs separatist politics I explained how basically both sides lost
Overall: she felt extremely betrayed. I honestly can’t wait to show her all the different versions and perspectives of order 66 that Star Wars loves to show
Next one is the clone wars movie
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loveoaths · 2 years
Three sentence fic meme: padadin au. Anakin introduces Obi or the Council to his new weird padawan
“Anakin, do you mean to tell me—” Obi-wan abruptly cuts off at Anakin’s defiant expression, then shuts his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose, because if he doesn’t give his hands something to do, they might find their way around Anakin’s neck and squeeze, and that would not be very Jedi-like of him at all. 
“Do you mean to tell me,” he repeats, biting back the bile-bitter manic anxiety building in his throat, “That you brought a Death Watch assassin — a group that, might I remind you, is openly hostile to the Republic and the Jedi Order — onto a Republic military ship? While we are actively at war?” The Mandalorian youngster — because they must be young, barely coming to Anakin’s shoulders while seated — handcuffed to the table shifts something between their legs, and Obi-wan has to death-grip the ship kitchen counter when he realizes it’s a goddamn blaster. “And you didn’t take their blaster?”
“He’s not Death Watch anymore. Or, he won’t be soon. And it’s only a stun blaster, Master,” Anakin laughs, his punch-bruised mouth only punctuating the irony only Obi-wan can see, apparently. Where he went wrong with this boy, he doesn’t know, and he’s not sure he ever will. “Did you know weapons are part of Mandalorian religion? It makes him feel comfortable.”
“Comfortable,” Obi-wan repeats flatly, gaze pinning the Mandalorian in their — his — seat. The T visor stares back dispassionately, but even muffled by beskar, Obi-wan catches whiffs of suspicion and curiosity curling underneath. 
At least the feeling is mutual.
“Like a security blanket, maybe.” Anakin shrugs again, then raps a knuckle against the visor. The Mandalorian’s hand tightens around the blaster, and Obi-wan commiserates. He, too, would like to shoot Anakin right about now. “Gotta keep him comfy before we introduce him to the Council.”
Obi-wan allows himself a moment of weakness; he presses his throbbing temple against the kitchen doorway’s cool durasteel until the aching dulls, then crosses to the caf station. He does not enjoy caf, it honestly makes him a little sick, but the emotional and physical exhaustion hit him all at once, and if he’s going to fly them home after this, he’s going to need it. “And why, pray tell, will we be doing that?” Obi-wan doesn’t bother curbing his incredulity this time.
He knows this is both the right and wrong question to ask when Anakin’s mischievous smile curls, tooka-like, into a full blown smirk. “Because he’s strong in the Force. Strong enough augment his speed subconsciously. Oh, and he almost impaled me on a stalactite back in the temple ruins. Can’t forget that.”
Obi-wan registers almost impaled me with a dull nod — and who does that say more about, him or Anakin? — and thinks, Kriff it, and bypasses the caf station entirely for the locked liquor cabinet. R2 can fly them home.
“A Mandalorian Jedi. Great!” Obi-wan grabs a random liquor bottle and a glass, then thinks better of it. He puts the glass back and uncorks the bottle and pulls. A reasonable man in an unreasonable situation is allowed his coping mechanisms. “Because that went so well the first time around. You can’t seriously think the Council will allow this.”
“They allowed me,” Anakin strokes his fingers against smooth metal and cups the back of the helmet, and it is so eerily akin to a mother clutching her child that Obi-wan starts, a dark and wary something curdling in his belly. “They’ll allow him.”
“Anakin, he’s dangerous!”
“They once said that about me, too.” Anakin’s smile folds into itself, becomes flat and displeased. “I proved them wrong.”
Did you? Obi-wan thinks. It feels like a betrayal, but the glimmer of truth digs under his skin. “We’ll see, padawan,” Obi-wan says instead, withdrawing with his bottle and heading for the cockpit, “We shall see.”
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kyberled · 1 year
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@commandsir​ asked:
1, 13 & 17 for sadness 🙃 
1. who does your muse hate?
This is a hard one. He doesn’t like hating people. He wants to see the best in everyone. He wants to believe anyone has the capacity to heal and change. Anyone can turn back when they’re on the wrong path, and all that. But some people just push things too far. The first is, obviously, Palpatine, post purge. Braig despises him. Palpatine is one of the few who Braig thinks cannot change, and cannot see reason. It’s on sight. He also… Okay, here’s the thing. For the majority of the war, I don’t know if he really hates Dooku, as much as Dooku just makes him sad. That man was part of his lineage. The Jedi are a family, yes, but Dooku especially is part of his direct heritage. Seeing a Jedi Master fall so far… It’s humbling, but not in a good way. It’s not until farther into the war that he thinks he might hate Dooku. He decides he does. He hates Grievous, he hates Grau, the warlords who just want to spread violence. He has personal beef with both of them. He only kills one. He also - surprising nobody - isn’t a fan of Imperials, though he feels pity rather than hatred for the Inquisitors. They must have suffered greatly to be the way they are now. 
13. how does your muse outwardly express their anger? 
He tries to keep a handle on it. He’s a Jedi, it’s their  job. It’s their culture, and, let’s be real, it’s part of their survival. The Force eats people who don’t control their emotions. It’s not fun. That being said, Jedi still have emotions, and are encouraged to have a relatively healthy relationship with them. So there are a few things you can look for, when Braig is mad. The first is that his shoulders get tense. Not all of him, just his shoulders and maybe his fists. In most situations, even when he’s mad, the rest of his body stays loose. This is actually a defence mechanism. When your muscles are tense, you can’t move quickly. Staying loose means staying mobile. He also keeps his eyes on whatever set him off. Yes, the Force keeps him aware, but he likes the visual confirmation, too.  This can be a bit childish of him, but he also likes them to know he's watching. Just because. He also gets a certain expression on his face. It can range from subtle to obvious, but you'll know it when you see it. There’s a set to his jaw, usually the result of him gritting one or both sides of his teeth, and there’ll be a slight furrow in his brow. And usually, when he's pushed to the breaking point, he'll close his eyes, inhale, exhale. He'll try to steady himself. Sometimes, it works. Sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't, he can get pretty scathing. He's a space psychic who's good with people and he's not afraid to use that to his advantage. He won't get violent unless they do, don't get it twisted, and he knows enough to not cause lasting physical harm unless he's given a VERY GOOD REASON, but he can be petty and catty and will read you for filth. 
17. who does your muse wish they had said goodbye to, but didn’t?
His master. That’s the easy first one. He never really said a proper goodbye to Obi-Wan. He didn't think he needed to. He didn't know what was going to happen. Yes, he understood it was a war, and that anything could happen, but– It was Grievous. They'd fought him countless times. Nine out of nine and a half times, they won. Obi-Wan had Cody and the men with him, too. He should have been fine. They should have gotten more time together. 
The next one is his Gathering Group. They've been his best friends since he was very young. In the case of Hano, they've been friends since they were three. And by best friends, I mean they've been inseparable for their entire childhood. If you knew where one of them was, you could find the others, because they either weren't far, or they just knew everyone's usual schedule by then. He loved them like siblings. Like extensions of his own body. So losing them was like an amputation without anesthesia. Sudden, painful, messy, and debilitating. The only one he feels like he said anything close to a goodbye to was Naweh. She was tired, and went to bed early instead of joining the rest of them for sparring. The last thing Braig ever said to her was “Alright. Sleep well, and come be with us again when you wake up. I'll see you then." He wishes he could have said something more - not just to her, but to all of them. 
He also - once he understands Order 66 for what it was - wishes he could have said goodbye to the men. He didn’t know them as long as his master or his group, but they were still his friends. They still fought together, struggled together, mourned their dead together, ate and laughed together, kept watch while each other slept. 
Then we move on to the rest of the Jedi not so far mentioned, especially those he was close to - A’Sharad, Bultar, Shaak, Mace, Quinlan, and so on and so forth. 
In fact, if you think about it, he didn’t really get to say goodbye to anyone. Sad.
( @gwiazdowe​  also asked for 17, so tagging you too!)
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friskynotebook · 2 years
All the Wasted Time Ch. 6
An Obidala GFFA AU slow-burn romance ❤️
CW: age gap, poisoning, angst, food, assassination attempt, recovery, injury recovery, nightmares, bed-sharing
Summary: Padme recovers and comes to a startling realization.
Also on AO3!
I shouldn’t be liking this as much as I am.
And truthfully, recovering from being poisoned isn’t her ideal way to spend her time away from the Senate. But Dorme and Obi-Wan made sure she wanted for nothing, giving her space when she needed it and companionship when she was lonely.
Obi-Wan even started giving her light Senate reading in the afternoons—as a treat, he said, since you’re doing so well.
Padme devoured the pages, usually with her feet resting in Obi-Wan’s lap.
“Sit with me?” she asked after he surprised her with the first batch of Senate work. “I enjoy your company. When I’m reading.”
He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “As you wish, Padme.”
It was true—she enjoyed his company while she read.
She also enjoyed his hands gently stroking her ankles, feeling his soft calluses dance across her delicate skin.
And his furrowed brow as he read a holo novel—Val Povond, he told her—her heart racing at his light gasp as he read an unexpected twist.
And the strands of his thick auburn hair that stubbornly fall across his face when he read said holo novel, waiting for his large hand to brush them back.
And the freckles sprinkled across the bridge of his perfect nose, highlighted in the late afternoon sunset.
Okay, so she might have a crush on Obi-Wan.
But that was only to be expected with him tending to her every need after rescuing her not once but twice. Who wouldn’t develop a harmless crush on the handsome man who has devoted himself completely to her for the last fifteen years—
Whoa, where did that come from?
Probably from the same thing that’s given you butterflies every time you’ve seen him since the Trade Federation incident.
Padme tried to push that thought away, but with Obi-Wan’s increased presence in her life—not just since her hospital stay but in the last few weeks—it had become harder and harder to do. It was easy to brush off the butterflies when she was busier or pretend they were something else entirely when it wasn’t just the two of them. Now, however, the butterflies were back with a vengeance, and Padme couldn’t make excuses for them.
She had a crush on Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.
But that’s all it was. A crush.
That’s what she kept telling herself as she tried to ignore Obi-Wan muttering, “dreadful, just dreadful,” under his breath as he read.
“You know,” Padme told him on the third day of her home recovery, “you probably know all my secrets by now.”
Obi-Wan raised a brow. “Oh? And why is that?”
“Well, with all this time we’ve been spending together,” she continued. “You haven’t left my side in days.”
“Surely you must be holding out on me, Senator,” he teased. “You aren’t exactly going about your regular routine.”
“True, but it isn’t much different from now,” she said. “I work, I eat, I sleep, I go to functions where I’m hopefully not assassinated. That’s pretty much it.”
He chuckled. “Even I get up to more than that.”
His tone was still teasing, but Padme’s chest tightened. And what exactly do you do, Obi-Wan? She didn’t dare ask, but she wasn’t sure if she even wanted to know the answer—especially if it involved attachments to other beings.
Not that she had a right to know, and he hadn’t mentioned anyone in the days they’d spent together, but still—
“Padme?” His brow was furrowed in the most adorable way.
“Are you alright?”
She cocked her head to the side. “What do you mean?”
“You look like you’re in pain.” Obi-Wan’s brow furrowed even more and Padme quashed down the urge to smooth the wrinkle away with her thumb.
“Oh . . . I suppose I am . . .”
“Well, that’s no good,” he murmured. “Let me adjust your pillow.”
She swallowed and leaned forward, watching as he carefully fluffed her pillow and set it back behind her.
“Better?” he asked, his bright blue eyes scanning her face for any hint of discomfort.
“Much,” she nodded. “Thank you.”
By the fifth day, Padme was well enough to go on slow walks through Coruscant’s artificial parks.
It was Obi-Wan’s idea—he approached her with a little picnic basket filled with goodies made by Dorme offering himself as a companion for an outdoor stroll.
“Like in those romance holo novels,” he suggested.
She raised a brow. “And what would you know about romance holo novels?”
He blushed bright red. “I’ve . . . heard things . . .”
Padme giggled and took his arm.
“Can I ask you something, Obi-Wan?”
“You’ve asked me many things.” His eyes sparkled in the sun.
“I mean something specific. Something personal.”
He looked down at her. “Of course.”
“How did you feel about taking on Anakin? As a padawan.”
He sighed, thinking about her question as they walked. “It was . . . challenging. I was twenty five and immediately went from being a padawan to a master. I was lucky to have Qui-Gon’s wisdom and support but Anakin was my responsibility. Still is, sometimes.”
“Obi-Wan, Anakin’s a knight now. You told me it’s only a matter of time before he becomes a master, especially with his progress with Ahsoka.”
He smiled softly. “That’s true. But, I suppose like most parents I’ll still feel somewhat responsible for what he does, how he lives his life.”
“You can’t hold yourself responsible for him, not anymore.” She squeezed his bicep. “You should be proud of him.”
“I am—”
“But what he does now is not your fault or your responsibility. Even when he’s reckless on a mission,” she teased.
Obi-Wan chuckled. “I suppose you’re right.”
Padme pulled him towards a bench, needing to rest. As he sat down next to her, she turned to look up at him. “Obi-Wan?”
“Hmm?” He kept looking at the bed of river roses in front of them.
“Have you ever talked to Qui-Gon about this?”
He nodded. “Mostly while he was recovering from the duel with Maul.”
“And what did he say?”
Obi-Wan smirked. “The same things you’re saying to me now.”
“So is it fair to say I’m as wise as a Jedi Master?” Padme teased.
“It’s probably more accurate to say a broken chrono is right twice a day,” he replied, laughing as Padme lightly smacked his arm.
“Though,” he continued. “I should probably work on taking your advice, Padme.”
“You should!” she huffed.
“Especially since it was co-signed by a Jedi Master.”
He took a bite of a dameapple turnover and grinned. Padme struggled to fight back her blush.
The next day, Obi-Wan took her to a different park—this one had a local market he’d been frequenting since he was a padawan.
“The flowers here are beautiful,” Padme murmured, admiring the Alderaani fire roses. “I’ve missed seeing them.”
“You know, there’s nothing stopping you from slowing down once in a while,” Obi-Wan replied with an amused grin. “You don’t have to almost die to take a walk in the park.”
“I think you may be right,” Padme giggled.
As they approached the market, Padme gasped. “Oh Obi-Wan, this is so lovely!”
He smiled down at her. “It is, isn’t it?”
“I haven’t been to a market like this since I was queen.”
“Well then, we have to make up for lost time, Senator.”
They stopped at a booth that sold handmade scarves made of many different fabrics. Padme cooed over a glittery gold shimmersilk shawl and when she turned, Obi-Wan already had his credits out to pay the vendor.
“Obi-Wan, no!”
“It’s already done, Padme,” he grinned.
“I—thank you, but you shouldn’t have.”
“It was my pleasure—I hardly have the opportunity to spend my credits. Why not do so on a friend?”
Padme looked down, taking his arm once again.
After Obi-Wan had ignored her protests and bought her a set of beaded earrings, a butterfly-embossed flimsipad, and a jogan-scented candle, Padme found a chunky necklace glittering in the sun.
“Obi-Wan, this would be perfect for Ahsoka,” she said, pulling out her credits. “And this time I insist on paying—it’s a gift, after all.”
“As you wish, Senator,” he teased.
At another stall down the lane, Obi-Wan spotted a bespoke hydrospanner set. “For Anakin?”
“It’s like it was made for him,” Padme agreed, purchasing the set.
The next stall over, Padme spotted a plush purple blanket. “What about Dorme?” she asked.
“Hmmm . . . the blanket is a good idea but one solid color doesn’t seem to suit her,” he mused. He sorted through the racks, finding another blanket with an explosion of several different bright colors.
“Much better,” Padme nodded, paying the seller.
Obi-Wan glanced down the lane at the different sellers, his eyes stopping at a used holo novel stand.
Padme giggled. “Go, Obi-Wan. I’ll stay close.”
He looked between Padme and the stand, sighing. “I’ll be five minutes—”
“You’ll be as long as you want to be,” Padme corrected him. “Take your time, enjoy yourself.”
He smiled. “Alright, Senator. Don’t go too far.”
Padme took her time browsing the surrounding stalls, selecting a beautiful bracelet made of Chandrilan gems for Mon and a handmade charcuterie board for Bail and Breha. When she turned to see where Obi-Wan was, she spotted him chatting with the bookseller.
Her heart sank as she watched the seller laugh and place a hand on his arm before she stopped herself. He is your friend and temporary caregiver, Padme. He doesn’t have any obligation to you. He’s been a gentleman and shown you patience and kindness. Don’t mistake that for anything else.
She turned away from them, pretending to look at a pen display.
“Find anything you like?”
Padme jumped, startled by Obi-Wan’s presence.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said.
“No, it’s alright. Just . . . distracted by the pens, I guess.”
“Are there any that have caught your eye?” he asked.
She shook her head. “No, nothing really.” She looked up at him. “Do you mind if we go back? I’m feeling a little tired.”
“Of course.” Obi-Wan furrowed his brow. “Are you alright? Do you need anything?”
“No, I’m alright. This . . . this has been good for me today. Thank you, Obi-Wan.”
He smiled softly, offering her his arm again. “Anytime, Padme.”
The rest of the day passed slowly, with Padme dozing for most of the afternoon, her feet firmly in Obi-Wan’s lap. Dorme made roast pormork and tubers for dinner and afterwards they put on a silly holo at Dorme’s insistence.
When Padme’s eyes fell closed for the fourth time during the holo, Obi-Wan shut the holo off and gently led her to bed with her usual medication and five blossom bread.
She still had a smile on her face as she fell asleep.
Padme was back in the ballroom, still decorated for the state dinner. She looked down, realizing she was wearing her nightdress, her hair in a long braid. This isn’t right.
“Careful, you must be.” Padme looked down at the gravelly voice and found Yoda dressed as a waiter. “An old friend will keep you safe, perhaps?”
Padme turned to where Obi-Wan was sitting—only to see the bounty hunter from the first gala next to her instead. “More glowblue noodles?”
“No, thank you.” She stood. “Where is Obi-Wan?”
“Don’t worry about him, have some more noodles.” The bounty hunter pushed the plate towards her.
“I don’t want the noodles, I want Obi-Wan,” she insisted. “Where is he?”
“He’s just over here,” the bounty hunter said. “Follow me.”
Padme knows she shouldn’t follow him, that he’ll likely try to kill her. But she also knows that if she doesn’t find Obi-Wan right this second, she was as good as dead. She wasn’t safe until she found Obi-Wan. No one was safe until she found Obi-Wan.
The scene changed to the room she was hiding in with Mon, Carlist, and the Organas—but her friends were nowhere to be found.
She spun around to where the bounty hunter should be, but he was gone. She frantically looked around the room. “Obi-Wan? Obi-Wan?”
She heard a faint pounding on the door, but she ignored it, knowing she had to find Obi-Wan—everything would be okay once she was with Obi-Wan.
Only she didn’t have enough time to find Obi-Wan—her chest was being squeezed shut and she couldn’t breathe and her head was pounding and all she needed was to find Obi-Wan and she would be safe.
“Obi-Wan!” She didn’t care how frantic and breathless she sounded. “Obi-Wan!”
Her eyes flew open and she shot upright. The room faded into her own bedroom and the very worried face of Obi-Wan Kenobi, looking soft and rumpled in his sleep clothes.
“Obi-Wan,” she sighed, falling against his chest.
His strong, warm arms came around her, rubbing her back and holding her close. “It’s alright, dearest. I’m here. You’re safe.”
“Obi-Wan,” she breathed, inhaling the faint scent of his soap mixed with the scent that was purely Obi-Wan. “Safe.”
“That’s right, dear one. You’re safe.”
Padme grew tired, the adrenaline leaving her body. She sank further into his embrace and Obi-Wan laid her back down to her bed. “Sleep well, darling,” he murmured.
“Stay,” she whispered, not letting him go.
“Padme,” he said, concern lacing his tone.
“No nightmares,” she murmured. 
“Alright,” he whispered, allowing himself to be dragged into Padme’s bed and back to sleep.
Sunlight peeked through Padme’s curtains as she woke the next morning, burying her face into her rather firm pillow and snuggling closer.
She couldn’t remember the last time she had a more restful night of sleep—even the regular soft thudding in her ear was soothing rather than irritating.
Why was there a soft thudding in her ear?
That’s a heartbeat.
Carefully, she shifted her head to see Obi-Wan’s sleeping face, free from the furrows and worry lines that creased his skin while awake. His hair fell across his forehead, tickling the bridge of his nose as he murmured softly in his sleep.
Padme smiled. He looks so beautiful. He tightened his grip around her waist.
She closed her eyes, settling back against his chest. In the quiet of the early morning, snuggled in Obi-Wan’s arms, she could not run away from the truth that had been haunting her for longer than she cared to admit.
I am in love with Obi-Wan Kenobi, and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.
No-pressure tags: @wickedscribbles @obiknights @labyrinth-runner @your-dose-of-obidala @mxster-jocale @cypanache @celestial-alignment @alabama-metal-man @written-musings
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