#but nothing can stop him when he’s determined
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fear of god
There's someone outside the spacecraft. You don't remember them being part of the crew. Part 12 masterlist
A false moon dictates the coming of night.
You set up a cot in the medical unit again, going to your quarters to grab a spare set of sheets before returning, Gaz shadowing you the way there and back. His presence scratches at the back of your head, reminding you that he’s there at your back. You don’t ask him why he insists on keeping up this charade of monitoring your behaviour—his motives are as unclear to you as ever.
“This isn’t necessary,” you finally manage to get out on the walk back to the medbay, the door within sight.
“I know,” Gaz says simply.
The door slides open and you enter with him still at your back. “Then why are you following me?”
“Those were Graves’ orders, weren’t they?”
“And you what? Follow his orders now?”
It’s difficult to determine who you actually feel betrayed by. Gaz owes you no debt—it wasn’t you that let him into the ship. The focus of your anger should be on Graves and the rest of the crew, but yet—
Your chest twinges when the door slides shut and Gaz leans against it, no different than a guard posted at the door.
He shrugs, unbothered by the reproach in your voice. “He’s the commander.”
“That doesn’t mean he’s right.”
“Maybe not.”
“I had nothing to do with Hadir getting sick.”
“I know that.” Your chest deflates when you can’t detect any insincerity behind his words. “But Graves is in charge of the ship and unless you think you could get the others to agree with you, isn’t it better to toe the line for now?”
It would upset you if it were any less true. The hierarchical arrangement of personnel on board has always been clear, and it’s not lost on you that you’ve always hovered near the bottom, falling further from grace with every passing day. Who apart from Gaz and Hadir have been sympathetic towards you in recent weeks anyway? Nikolai’s friendship is an extension of his disposition, an affection easily given and easily taken away. Farah barely even regards you as trustworthy these days, convinced that you’re teetering on the edge of losing your mind.
She might not be wrong.
Gaz watches you make the bed, settling into your office chair, a mite more comfortable than the stool by the counter.
“Do you want me to set up a cot for you?” you ask begrudgingly.
He shakes his head. “Don’t need one.”
“You can sleep comfortably sitting up like that?”
His smile verges on patronizing. “I don’t need to sleep, love.”
Your skin crawls. You hate when he does that—when he lets you in on your shared secret, the knowledge that he isn’t as human as he appears. Whatever he is still eludes you. Alien or divine. There’s no point in asking though. That knowledge sits beyond your purview.
You ignore him to the best of your abilities and finish setting up your cot, his words still ringing in your ears.
Things take a turn for the worse when Hadir stops responding altogether.
Though his verbal responses have become less and less frequent over the last couple days, the dropoff is significant. As your only patient though, you’ve been monitoring him closely since he was admitted, and you pick up on the change quickly. It’s like an itch under your skin, a sixth sense from working with sick patients for the better part of your adult years.
Gaz picks up on the change in your mood, sitting up straighter. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know,” you respond through stiff lips. “Something changed.”
The base of your spine tingles when the vital signs monitor suddenly beeps, alerting you to a change in Hadir’s condition.
You flip a switch and press a button on the keyboard, speaking directly to the Ship’s AI. “Ship, what’s the patient’s status?”
Patient's temperature is unusually elevated
Recommendation to increase fluids and decrease external temperature
You lift his eyelids and find his pupils irregular, one larger than the other, and they don’t respond properly when you shine a light on them.
“What can I do?” Gaz asks, as serious as you’ve ever seen him.
“We need to cool him down. His fever is spiking. I’ll get the cooling blanket—there are ice packs in the freezer over there—” You point to a refrigerator on the other side of the room. “—get the ice packs and start packing them around his armpits and groin. We need to get his temperature down while I figure out what the fuck is happening.”
Gaz moves quickly, retrieving the ice packs from the freezer and packing them up against Hadir’s pits and in between his legs under the medical gown. Hadir’s lips flutter reflexively at the cold but that’s as much responsiveness as you get out of him.
You press the button to speak to the AI again. “Ship, is his temperature coming down?”
Patient temperature currently: 104°
Even his breathing has changed, his breaths similarly irregular and increasingly shallower. You put in the orders for another CT scan, moving quicker and typing faster than you ever have before. The breathing tube gets put in next to secure his airway and you don’t like the way his gag reflex doesn’t kick in when the tube is shoved down his throat. It signals something dangerous.
The situation before you doesn’t bode well. Dread clings to the wall in the far corner of the room but you ignore its presence to focus on your work, throwing everything at the walls to see what sticks.
His labs are all over the place. High fever, low platelets, high D-dimer, high FDPs. An hour passes in a blink with you running test after test to no avail—none of his results that come back make any sense—all while his temperature continues to rise.
Patient temperature currently: 105°
Plastic backliners flutter to the floor when you rip them off the electrodes, pasting the small metal discs around Hadir’s scalp for the EEG, working as quickly and efficiently as possible.
“Has his temperature come down yet?” you bark, too preoccupied with your work to chance a glance up at the monitor.
“No,” Gaz says curtly. “Still 105°.”
It’s all happening so quickly that you can’t seem to get your bearings. If it were anyone else on the table, you’d at least have Hadir to assist you; you’re on your own now though, Gaz barely any help to you without any real medical knowledge.
Your heart pounds against your chest when you notice blood coming up Hadir’s ET tube. A few droplets at first, and then a trickle.
A horrible, prophetic knowledge falls over you, threatening to collapse you.
“What’s wrong with him?” Gaz asks.
“I don’t know—” Then his nose starts to bleed and your heart stops. The stain on the front of his gown and what you find underneath it when you lift it up confirms your worst suspicions. “He’s going into DIC—”
“His blood—”
The AI takes that moment to interject, speaking over you: Patient body has used up all of its clotting factors and will begin to bleed out
Sepsis—a severe infection—an autoimmune response—trauma—cancer—so many different possible answers to explain why Hadir would spontaneously go into disseminated intravascular coagulation, but his labs tell you shit. Nothing makes sense. You can’t explain why he might be hemorrhaging because there isn’t anything in his scans or labs to indicate anything wrong with him.
More blood leaks from his face and nethers, staining the light blue of the bed a dark red. Logical objections halt in the face of the tangible, and blood is tangible. Blood is all you see.
The final moments are harried, frenzied. You bark orders at Gaz, which he follows militarily, and struggle in vain to keep Hadir’s condition from further deteriorating, but it’s nearly impossible without being able to address the root cause. Transfusions of platelets, fresh frozen plasma, and cryoprecipitate only go so far.
When his brain activity goes flat on the monitor, your mind goes blank. Static noise fills your head. You slump against the wall, staring at Hadir’s bleeding body on the exam table, still leaking blood from all of his orifices, the sound of the monitor blaring like a siren in your ears.
“He’s dead,” Gaz says blandly, staring at the body nonplussed.
“Yeah,” you rasp. Your voice is thick in your throat, devastated.
There’s blood all over the bed, more in one place than you’ve seen in a long time—not since working in trauma units back on Earth. Every inch of your body aches as the adrenaline recedes, having reached its peak in the throes of Hadir’s final moments, jaw so tight you almost can’t unclench it.
“What happened?” he asks, almost quizzically.
The curious lack of emotion in his voice doesn’t penetrate through the brain fog. “I don’t know—he just…”
The weight of all that just happened comes over you swiftly. An hour ago, Hadir was fine for all intents and purposes. Stable. Now, blood stains his chin, the underside of his nose, the front of his gown, and the bed underneath him, the sweat caked on his forehead cooling as the life leaches out of his body.
Your hands shake by your sides, a violent tremble rolling through you.
“I don’t get it,” you whisper.
You should’ve quarantined Hadir from the start, from the very second he was admitted into your care. You should’ve ignored the fact that his labs came back fine that first day and just assumed that the nature of his illness was more severe than it appeared. Shame and dread plunge like a dagger through your midsection.
Protocol should’ve dictated that you initiate a quarantine, but since you didn’t—
You stare at the body on the table, the ET tube streaked with blood.
—your duty now is to ensure that no one else gets sick too.
You’ll need to seal off the medbay until every surface has been properly decontaminated and then quarantine yourself until you’re sure that you aren’t infected as well. Your eyes flick towards Gaz momentarily before you shoot down the thought of testing him as well.
Mitigate the transmission. That thought sticks out amongst the rest. The body lying on the bed in the middle of the room is no longer a patient that needs tending to but rather hazardous material that needs to be disposed of lest whatever infected it is transmitted to everyone else on board the ship.
It’s waste. Filth. And it will contaminate everything on board if you don’t remove it.
Your body moves on autopilot. You wheel the bed to the ejection chute at the back of the medbay. It takes a series of codes in order to open the door to the chute and you key them in quickly and efficiently. When the door slides open, you raise the bed until it’s slightly higher than the chute, tipping the bed forward in order for the body to slide into it.
Ejection chute engaged
Hadir’s body disappears into the chute, the reinforced metal and glass sliding shut when the sensors register that the chute door is empty. There’s a thunk from behind the wall as his body is shuttled through the pneumatic tubes towards the back of the ship, and it won’t be more than a minute before the body is projected from the ship entirely.
Your heart skips a beat when the AI pings awake again.
Object ejected
“I wouldn't have done that if I were you,” Gaz says, and you flinch at the sound of his voice, momentarily forgetting that someone else is in the room with you.
Your eyes drift over to him, the room murky for a moment, the air hazy like water, like you’re looking through a film and only just starting to settle back down into your body after watching from overhead. He seems bigger somehow.
“We have to quarantine ourselves,” you say, frantically towards one of the cupboards and ripping it open, pulling out rolls of plastic to plaster over the door. “We didn’t put on any PPE, so we might’ve been exposed to whatever Hadir had.”
“I wouldn’t worry about that.”
His lips are turned up at the corners when you look over, frowning, but noise in the hallway keeps you from following up on his remark.
The announcement over the intercom must have alerted the others, and you hear footsteps from down the hall seconds before they arrive, boots clanking against the metal flooring. When the door slides open and you see Farah standing there with Alex at her back, her face hauntingly vulnerable in a way you’ve never seen before, words fail you.
“What happened?” Farah asks.
“I don’t know. He was fine just a second ago and then—”
“Where is he?” she demands, scanning the room for him. “Where’s Hadir?”
“I—” The words get tangled up in your throat, terror and shame making it hard enough to breathe, never mind speak.
Graves barrels in a second later, flushed and out of breath. He must have been in the cockpit when the intercom alerted him to the ejection chute being utilized. Nikolai is fast on his heels, less winded but just as concerned.
You realize that from the direction Nikolai came, he must’ve been at the back of the spacecraft, and you morbidly wonder if he heard the sound of Hadir’s body ferrying through the pneumatic tube system.
“Doctor, what did you just throw out of the chute?” Graves asks, his tone hard and uncompromising, softened only by the breathless note in his voice from running halfway across the ship.
You don’t answer.
His eyes lift to the space over your shoulder, where the patient bed is flush to the wall, the head level with the chute leading out of the ship. Blood still saturates the mattress.
You watch as the knowledge of what you’ve done dawns on them, realization morphing into distress and horror. From behind Farah, Alex goes ashen, a hand clamping down on her shoulder to hold her in place before she realizes what you’ve done and the inevitable happens. You see it play out in your head like a movie.
“Farah—” he starts, but any effort to steer her out of the room is thwarted by how quickly she comes to the same conclusion.
“Where’s my brother?” Farah screams, and you wince, your head aching like there’s something else in there listening to her scream too.
Alex has to hold her back from lunging at you, fighting to keep her in his arms, her body thrashing wildly. You’ve never seen her like this before. Grief and rage strip her of stoicism, and when her screams turn to tears, it rips a hole right through you.
“You ejected Hadir from the ship?” Graves breathes, stunned.
Nikolai just stares, at a loss for words. You’ve never seen any of them so obviously affected, so contrary to the image of them that you’ve carried with you in your mind for months.
“I had to!” you shout, vocal cords tearing under the strain. “We couldn’t keep his body on board! What if it was some hemorrhagic fever—like ebola? Or worse?”
“You don’t even know what killed—” Graves roars before stopping abruptly, squeezing his eyes shut. He presses his fist to his mouth, the skin around his knuckles bone white.
“We need to quarantine.” Your fingers tremble when you press them to your temples, flinching when you realize that your gloves are still covered in blood. “I was going to seal off the room to keep it from spreading, but now that you’re all here, we’re probably all been infected—”
“Infected by what?”
“I don’t know.”
A shade is falling over you. Everything feels raw, livid—a wound being prodded. The light hurts your eyes when you lift them from the floor to meet Graves’ gaze. Even the air feels caustic against your skin.
Even your impulses don’t feel like your own, like there is some
insidious rot
fruiting under your skin.
“Are you going to say anything to them?” you finally snap at Gaz, desperation loosening your tongue. “You were here—you saw what happened. Why aren’t you telling them what happened?”
The others turn to look at him, orienting like sunflowers towards the sun. It’s the only comparison that comes to mind. And at the centre of them, Gaz stares back at you, an ersatz approximation of confusion.
He gives a slow blink, eyes glinting with something unknown. “Tell them what? That you tossed Hadir out into space?”
You should’ve expected that you’d be left hanging, but the reality of it is unbearable. Humiliating.
You know what you look like to them: dangerous, erratic. Your paranoia on full display. Even Nikolai’s mouth is set in a grim line.
You can hear the accusations flying through their minds—that you caused this somehow. Overdosed him on anti-clotting medication and let him bleed out, then disposed of the body before a proper autopsy could be performed. That maybe you prolonged his illness, knowing it would lead to this.
It happens swiftly and without word, as if planned ahead of time. Nikolai and Graves lunge towards you suddenly, grabbing you by the undersides of your arms and nearly lifting you off your feet when they haul you forcibly out of the room. Alex still has Farah trapped in his arms in the corner of the room when they drag you past her.
“Farah, I’m sorry—I’m sorry—”
You’re not strong enough to break free of Graves’ and Nikolai’s hold though, so you’re carried off before Farah can say anything. There’s only a split second for your eyes to lock and for you to see something broken beyond recognition there, and then the door cuts you off from her.
“You’re all fucking insane—let me go—” you scream, spittle flying from your mouth. The scream that tears out of you is so animalistic and loud that your throat squeezes up in protest, a cough forcing its way out. “I didn’t do anything wrong!”
Down the hall and towards the back of the ship. Boots echo against the metal floors, the two men on either side of you in sync with each other. Neither says a word nor responds to your screams. Their patience with your increasingly unhinged behaviour has finally crossed a threshold once thought impossible, your reputation alone no longer enough to save you.
They all but throw you into the brig, the metal door clanging shut behind you when you’re dropped to your hands and knees, peering over your shoulder to find Nikolai punching in the key to lock and arm the door, a wretched, pained look on his face.
“Nikolai, please—” you beg, crawling to the door and curling your hands around the bar. “It wasn’t my fault—I didn’t kill Hadir. I’m sorry! He could’ve made everyone on board sick if we’d kept the body! Please, Nikolai, please—”
Your pleas fall on deaf ears. The last sound you hear is the brig door slamming shut and then their footsteps gradually recede into the distance.
#ceil writing#cod x reader#gaz x reader#gaz x you#kyle gaz garrick x reader#kyle gaz garrick x you#kyle garrick x reader#kyle garrick x you#gaz/reader
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blurred lines II
joel miller x female reader

read part one here
summary: after the little stunt you pulled last night, joel can't bring himself to be in the same room as you. he's canceling his weekly plans to join your dad for sunday night football, and you're fed up with the awkward tension which leads you marching right over to his place determined to fix the problem.
content: nswf, 18+, dbf!joel, age gap, a sprinkle of angst, pet names [duh its joel], lots of praise, fingering, penetration, riding that man like a mechanical bull, unprotected sex, joel finishing in reader without explicit permission, basically just smut with very little plot let's go!
author's note: i need joel miller circa 2003 like i need air in my lungs, so of course i had to write a part 2 for this one
“What're you doin' here?”
Joel hadn’t expected to see you standing directly in front of him holding a Tupperware bowl when he opened his front door.
“Brought you some Chili.” You were stating nonchalantly as if he should’ve been expecting your company.
He had flaked on your dad tonight. Of course he had.
After what happened last night, you didn’t expect him to show his face at your house like he normally did every Sunday, but it didn’t stop his excuse of feeling “under the weather” from pissing you off.
You made things complicated when you decided to call him last night. Why couldn’t you have kept it together and just called an uber instead?
You spent the entire day feeling guilty and embarrassed and even though you tried to blame your inappropriate advances on the alcohol you’d consumed, you knew it wasn’t the real reason you crossed a line in the backseat of his truck.
After he got out of coming over for the game, you watched the empty seat on your couch that he usually occupied and let the guilt eat you alive. Him and your dad should have been drinking beers and yelling at TV together, but instead your dad just sat in silence.
You couldn’t handle it— you needed to talk to Joel. You weren’t sure what you would even say to him, but before you knew it, you were packaging up leftovers and telling your dad you were taking dinner to Joel and Sarah during halftime.
“Is Sarah home?”
You were asking and looking over Joel’s shoulder, the leftovers still warm in your hands.
He’d hardly responded when you pushed past him and into the familiar territory of his living room, cutting straight to the chase.
“Why didn’t you come over tonight?”
“I think we both know the answer to that.” His voice was laced with annoyance at your question.
He was standing a few feet away, still by the front door. Watching as you angrily stormed into his house, setting the Tupperware down on the coffee table.
“Okay, but you didn’t have to lie to my dad.”
You were coming in hot. You needed this to be over so you could stop feeling so embarrassed and remorseful about the whole thing.
“Oh, your right, I should’ve just told him I almost fucked his daughter so it’d be kinda weird for me to come over.” Joel was scoffing as he leaned against a nearby wall, folding his arms over his chest. Your skin was burning at his words.
“Look I’m sorry for making things weird, but can we just move on? I don’t want to be the reason you don’t come around anymore. You’re like my dad’s only friend.”
“Then why’d you do it?” His voice was rough, almost like he was angry with you, but his eyes told a different story. They were gentle— carefully watching your expression as you wracked your brain for an answer.
“Because…” You were trying to avoid his eyes but it was nearly impossible given the way he was staring so intently at you from across the room.
You started out so firm but now you were crumbling. His tender gaze picking away at you, wildling you down into a pile of nerves.
“I don’t know Joel, let’s just drop it. I’ll keep to myself from now on and we can just pretend like nothing happened. Just please don’t let this effect your friendship with my dad.”
Joel chuckled at your words, an amused smile forming on his lips— Like this is something that could be easily forgotten.
“Why’d you ask me to pick you up.” The smile disappeared from his face as quickly as it had formed. His demeanor was serious again as he revisited the objective of the conversation. The memory of you touching yourself in his car standing between you like an undeniable presence the room.
“What do you mean? I was out drinking and needed a ride.” You were trying to keep it together but there was a hint of hesitation in your words.
“Yeah, but anyone could’ve given you a ride. Why’d you call me at 2am.”
His eyes were locked on yours, heavy and sincere.
“What do you want me to say Joel?"
here you go.
"Do you just want me to keep embarrassing myself? I didn’t want anyone else to pick me up. I wanted it to be you. I wanted an excuse to see you.” You were huffing out the words in a quiet voice, too mortified to speak above a whisper.
“Thought that was pretty obvious when I had my hand between my legs in the backseat of your truck.”
Your words were left ringing in the silent room as Joel just stared, his expression stuck in concentration.
“Happy now?” You were deadpanning with a wave of your hands. Why wasn't he saying anything? You couldn’t read his expression and it was infuriating.
One word was all he said as he pushed himself off the wall, his arms still loosely crossed over his chest. He was taking small steps in your direction and your entire body froze.
“I’ve been tryin’ to convince myself all day that you were just drunk last night. That the only reason you did such a filthy fuckin’ thing was because you were horny off one too many vodka sodas.”
His eyes didn’t leave yours as he spoke, his body now within reach.
“I needed to tell myself it wasn’t because you like me.” His eyes were glued to you.
“Needed to convince myself that ya weren’t bein’ all sweet touchin' yourself like that because ya wanted me to fuck you.”
He was taking another step, the gap between you dwindling down with every word he spoke.
“Because if that was the case, if ya did do it on purpose...” He paused, letting his eyes rake down your body. Taking his time before he continued, his stare lingering on your lips.
“Do ya know how hard it was for me to keep my fuckin’ hands to myself?” He was so close, you could see his chest rising and falling with each shallow breath he took.
His stare was dense and all you could think about was how you’d never been this close to him before.
“Joel…” You meant to whisper his name as a warning but instead it came out as a pathetic whimper; only encouraging another inevitable step over the blurred line of your relationship.
He was leaning in, and you weren’t stopping him.
“This is such a bad fuckin’ idea.” He avoided your lips and ducked his head into your neck, his whisper landing right below your ear and you could feel his breath on your skin.
“I don’t care.” The words were a rushed hum as your fingers found the nape of his neck. You suddenly felt desperate to have his lips on you.
That word had Joel spiraling. God, hearing you beg for him like that, he needed to hear it again. Wanted to hear it fall from your lips over and over again while he had you sitting on his cock.
“You said you think about me when you touch yourself.” Joel’s voice was a hum against your skin as his lips finally connected with your neck. He was placing a long drawn-out kiss right beneath your jaw before pulling away just enough for more words to make their way from his mouth.
“Tell me what you think about.” His breathless whisper on your body made you dizzy, sending your fingertips clutching into this hair- desperate to find something to tether you back to earth.
“I think about the way it’d feel- when you touch me.” Another pitiful whine.
“Touch you where?” His words were barely audible as he continued placing gentle kisses down the side of your neck.
“C’mon sweetheart, you were so brave tellin’ me what ya wanted last night. Don’t get all shy on me now.” His voice was low and rough- intoxicating.
“Think about your fingers in me. How they’re so much bigger than mine. How good they’d feel filling me up.”
You were reaching for one of his hands as you spoke, holding it in front of you and tracing his palm before you pressed your hands together, his was so big and rough compared to yours.
Then he was intertwining your fingers together and using the hold to pull you into him, your bodies flushed together. A groan left his mouth sending a sweet vibration into your skin.
“There she is.” He was murmuring into the crook of your neck, his hands finding your waist and gripping tight, pulling your hips closer. He absorbed your frame in his own, the muscle of his body solid and sturdy against yours.
Joel felt like he was dreaming.
After he got home from dropping you off last night, he barely made it to his room before he was yanking down his jeans and wrapping his hand around his dick. The images of your fingers pushed deep inside of you were pulled from his memory, making him finish in record time. He thought about you all night. He couldn’t even sleep as visions of you filled his mind; you curling your fingers into his hair with his head between your legs, you on your knees for him, you with your head buried into his pillow and your perfect ass pushed back while he railed into you from behind. He thought about nearly every sexual scenario possible and now you were here, your soft body like putty in his hands.
“Let’s see then.” His voice was low as he kissed your neck one last time, pulling away just enough to look you in the eyes.
“See if I can make ya come on my fingers yeah?”
There was a soft smile on his lips conflicting with his sinful heavy-lidded stare. His hands were unruly as he explored your figure, dipping beneath the material of your shirt to feel the warmth of your skin on his fingertips.
“Wanted to see it last night, could barely hold myself back from pushin’ your pretty little hand out of my way so I could be the one makin’ ya feel good.”
One of his hands remained on the skin just above the waistband of your jeans while the other trailed up your body until it was on your face.
Joel’s hand was carefully caressing your cheek, rubbing his thumb back and forth over your skin. The act was reminiscent of the way he was rubbing your thigh not even 24 hours ago, and the recollection had you clenching your thighs together. You let your mind wonder back to the dirty things Joel said to you last night; the way he watched with a predatory glare as you fingered yourself in front of him. You were lost in the echo of it all until Joel caught you off guard, crashing his lips into yours.
His kiss was heavy. The weight of unspoken feelings and undeniable tension fueling the way his lips molded into yours. Your shared desire was finally being dealt with and the relief was almost palpable in the liberation of his mouth on yours.
Your lips were tangled in a messy embrace as Joel ushered you backwards until you felt the back of your legs hit the couch.
His lips were following as you flopped down on the cushions, his body leaning forward between your legs. The kiss didn’t lose any momentum as his hands pulled at your jeans. You were arching off the couch assisting Joel as he slid the denim down your legs, breaking the kiss to watch you kick them off your body completely.
He had been aching to see you like this again. Legs spread and chest heaving. Only this time he didn’t have to hold back. He could touch you; see what you looked like with his fingers knuckles deep in your sweet little cunt.
At that reminder Joel was reaching a hand down to feel you through your panties, his fingertips tracing the outline of your swollen lips, already wet beneath your underwear.
“Fuck sweetheart you’re soaked.”
The hot sticky evidence of your arousal was seeping through the cotton material, causing Joel to let out an animalistic groan. He hadn’t even touched you yet and he was losing all sense of control.
He continued running his fingers over the ruined material, circling your clit over the clothing.
You were already writhing under his touch, which you normally would’ve considered pathetic, but not now. Not when you had been waiting for this exact moment. Now that it was really unfolding, you were proud of yourself for not taking his hand in your own and shoving his fingers where you really needed them.
He kept circling slowly and intricately, still leaning over you— his face inches from yours.
“That feel good?” His voice was a sweet murmur as you moaned in response.
He was pleased by your answer, pushing your panties to the side and dipping a single finger into your entrance. His digit was gently pressing into you as he watched your face contort in pleasure.
Letting you bathe in satisfaction for only a second, he was retreating. Pulling his thick finger from your core before pushing it back between your wet folds, only this time adding a second along with it.
You were immediately reaching for his forearm, grabbing it instinctively, looking for something to hold onto while you went braindead with pleasure. You were biting down on your lip as he leisurely pumped his fingers in and out of you, scared of the obscene noises you would make if you didn’t.
“Let me hear ya baby.” Joel was smiling down at you with a devious grin. He could see the way you were suppressing your moans. He wanted to hear you; wanted to know how good he was making you feel, wanted to hear the pretty sounds you made when you came around his fingers.
You let your mouth fall open. The whimper that fell out upon hearing his words prompted Joel to push his fingers further into you, curling when he felt the spongey warmth of your walls tightening.
He could tell by the moan rolling off your tongue that he had found a favorable spot deep in your core. He kept his fingers bending in the perfect position as he peered down at you.
The sight beneath him had his hips bucking into nothing. You with your head thrown back on his couch; eyes shut, brows furrowed and jaw slack. After last night he thought he’d never see something so glorious again, but now you were proving him wrong. You looked so beautiful like this— all fucked-out with his hand between your legs.
The deliberate curl of his fingers with each plunge was sending you reeling as you let profanities bubble up in your throat. Just as you felt yourself teetering on the brink of release Joel added the pressure of his thumb on your clit.
“You gonna come already?” His words were sprinkled with amusement as he felt you clenching around his fingers.
“Joel…” His name was a moan on your lips, and you were digging your fingers into his forearm, desperate to hold yourself steady as your body tensed.
“Fuck- you’re gonna come.” He was grunting as his fingers kept their pace. You were mewling out his name and nodding your head in desperation as you felt the coil inside you pulling tighter, ready to snap.
“Let me have it baby.” Joel was nearly begging you to let go. His tone as he growled out the words pushed you right over the edge, sending you into an abyss of pleasure.
Your body was trembling as you whined out Joel’s name. He could feel your pussy squeezing his fingers as he continued to push them into you gently, relishing in the feeling of your warm embrace.
“There ya go.” His grunts and groans were replaced with a calm voice as he worked you through your orgasm.
“Good job sweetheart.”
His praises only added to the sensory overload running rampant through your body.
“So beautiful baby.”
You were finally opening your eyes, looking up at him with a lust clouded gaze.
He couldn’t stop himself from kissing you again, only this time deeper. It was laced with passion and had you pulling him down onto the couch next to you.
Your mind and body were still buzzing from your climax, making it easier to gain dominance over him. You were pushing Joel back against the pillows and climbing onto his lap, straddling his waist. Your kiss had become sloppy and hungry as your lips worked in tandem to relieve the thick tension.
“Off.” You were mumbling against his mouth and fumbling with the button of his jeans.
He got your message loud and clear as his own hands flew to the waistband of his pants. He was lifting his hips off the couch to free his body of the jeans but in doing so he was thrusting up into you, his erection grinding into your unclothed core. You were bringing your hands to his chest to stabilize yourself as he pushed his pants and underwear to the floor.
You couldn’t stop your eyes from wandering down to his member now on full display. He was big. You knew he would be, but this, this was more than you'd imagined.
In awe you brought a hand between you, encasing him gently with your touch and ever so slowly letting your fingers follow up and down his length.
You looked to his face to see his eyes fluttering closed in pure delight from finally feeling some sort of relief. The pressure that had been building inside him since he watched you finger fuck yourself last night was slowly dissipating with every pump of your hand around his cock.
You stroked him a few times, your touch soft and cautious; driving Joel insane. He was groaning with every flick of your wrist.
“Need to be inside ya.” A longing yet primal gaze took over his expression as he muttered the words; confessing his need to feel you, all of you.
They were the magic words, the ones that had you lifting your hips and guiding the head of his cock to your slicked entrance. You lingered there, with his tip filling you just enough, soaking in the final tension filled moments before you both completely gave in to your mutual desire.
Your eyes were locked on his, the two of you exchanging one last look of approval before you were sinking further onto him.
You both let out hums of relief as you felt him stretching you inch by inch.
You were moving slowly, letting yourself adjust to his size as you relaxed onto him. His fingers were gripping onto your hips, holding you steady but careful not to guide you further. He wanted to let you set the pace.
You sunk down until you were met the base of his cock rubbing against your clit. You were sat completely on him, taking a moment to savor the way he felt pushing deep inside of you.
“That’s it baby.” He was whispering another praise as his hands traced up your body, taking your shirt with them and tossing it to the floor. Then his touch was on your face, holding your jaw in his fingertips and bringing your gaze down to meet his.
“That okay? Feel good?” His questions were genuine, but they were spiked with such a immoral tone you might’ve thought he was mocking you.
“So good.” Your voice was breathless as you affirmed him.
You decisively rocked your hips over his and an unconscious moan slipped from your lips at feeling him move inside you.
He brought his hands back to your hips as you started to move. Gripping onto your skin and guiding your body onto his as you began to bounce up and down on his cock.
“Oh honey- fuck.” He was moaning out as you picked up your pace, relentlessly taking him as deep as you could with every rebound.
“That’s its baby.” His words were tumbling out of his mouth with every movement of your hips. You were riding him with such precision his mind was going numb, rendering him uncapable of piecing together coherent sentences.
Your palms were flat against his chest and your head thrown back in pleasure as he rubbed against you at just the right angle. You were using him to your full advantage as you shamelessly fucked yourself on his cock.
“Take what ya need baby.” He was encouraging your lewd movements, the sounds leaving his mouth were borderline pathetic as he tried to keep himself together long enough to feel you coming around him.
He was letting his hands wander further, gripping the flesh of your ass with his palms and using the hold to pull you harder into him with each thrust.
The desperation in his grasp had you seeing stars. You were bracing yourself on the rigid surface of his chest as you felt the familiar crawl of a second release sneaking up on you.
“Joel I’m gonna…” Your announcement was cut short by a surprised whine as Joel moved his hips along with yours, pushing himself even deeper into you. The way he was stretching, filling and holding onto you had your body straining and your vision blurring.
“Let me have it sweetheart.”
The carnal grunt off Joel’s tongue as he coaxed you into another orgasm brought you to your finish. You were clutching at his chest, your body melting into his. The pleasure surging through your body caused you to lose all balance, making you slump forward until your forehead found his.
Joel reached for you, placing a hand carefully at the nape of your neck, holding you against him.
“God you’re fuckin’ perfect.” Another groan was leaving his throat as he pushed his lips onto yours. You were still coming down from your high, pussy squeezing and clasping around him as he muffled your moans with his mouth.
“So perfect baby.” He was mumbling as he used both of his hands to hold you firm, slowly bringing his hips up to meet yours. His pace was unhurried as he took pleasure in the way you fluttered around him. Then he got caught up in the moment, his tempo quickening. He was thrusting into you persistently, mercilessly rutting as breathless whimpers fell from his tongue. He was holding you still with his fingers curling into your hips as he drove into you— hard and fast.
He was groaning and greedily fucking up into you as his hips began to stutter. With a low guttural sound his movements ceased and you were met with the warmth of his release spreading into you.
He was frozen in place for a few seconds, catching his breath and gathering a sense of composure. You could feel him throbbing in you as his hands kept their hold on your hips.
“That was so fuckin’ stupid.” He was muttering under his breath, and you immediately felt insecure. He was still inside you and he was already regretting hooking up with you?
“We don’t have to do it again Joel, it was just-“ You were beginning to defend yourself before Joel cut you off.
”No sweetheart, comin’ in ya.” Joel looked at you with a sympathetic grin on his face.
“I can’t be doin’ that.” He was shaking his head at the poor decision of burying his spend deep inside you.
“I’m on birth control, it’s okay.” You felt relieved to know his shame wasn’t about having sex with you, but rather his panic of potentially knocking you up. Understandable.
“Don’t care it’s not smart.” He was reaffirming and leaning up to place a kiss on your forehead; a simple gesture but it had butterflies swarming your stomach.
“How ya gonna explain to your dad why it took so long to drop off leftovers?” Joel was releasing his clutch on your hips and letting his hands rest lightly on your thighs as he spoke.
“Oh my god, please don’t talk about my dad right now.”
You were mortified. You couldn’t think about your dad. Not while you were straddling his best friend’s lap who’s come was fighting not to leak out between you.
“Looks like I’m really gonna need to move out soon.” You were groaning and bringing your fingers to your temples, hiding your face in your hands.
“Oh, without a doubt.” Joel was laughing at your predicament, but he’d be damned if he couldn’t keep having you like this. Now that he’d gotten a taste, he wouldn’t be letting you out of his sight any time soon.
my masterlist
#country boy i luv you#dbf joel miller till the day i die#joel miller#joel miller smut#joel miller x reader#joel miller fanfiction
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Day 3: Love Confession
for @stmarchmm
When Eddie had initially confessed to his interest in Steve, Steve had appeared like he may faint or puke.
Or both.
Despite the obvious chemistry between them during the Upside-Down and their defeating Vecna together, Steve still hesitated.
Admittedly, that made Eddie panic a little bit too.
He’d been so sure that Steve returned his amorous feelings, but now it doesn’t feel quite so obvious.
“If I misread this completely, I can leave. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, Stevie,” Eddie chokes out, heart in his throat.
That seems to snap Steve out of it.
“No! No, you didn’t. You read it correctly, I just—”
And then he pauses. A very long pause.
One where Eddie could fit a lot of words if he wasn’t trying so hard to kick his own habit of filling awkward spaces by rambling endlessly.
“But?” he’d finally prompts Steve.
“I don’t know if I’m actually capable of doing that again.”
That’s where Steve loses him.
“Doing… what again?”
Steve avoids his eyes, arms wrapping around his middle like he needs some extra protection. From what exactly, Eddie is unsure.
“Loving someone.”
Eddie knows about Nancy.
Steve had gotten incredibly wasted one night and cried on his shoulder until he fell asleep, sobbing about how hurt he’d been by the painful rejection.
As Nancy’s friend, he’d wanted to take a neutral stance.
As an alpha falling in love with Steve, he’d been furious and wanted to tear the world apart with rage.
The sweetest omega alive had poured his heart out to his alpha girlfriend and she’d rejected him, broken his spirit with her carelessness.
She may not have meant to do it, but Nancy changed Steve fundamentally.
So, “I love you,” Eddie states plainly.
No frills, no goofy gestures, no silly voices.
Just the facts. What Steve needs to hear.
“Eddie, you really don’t have to do th—”
Steve looks like he’s going to cry. Eddie won’t allow that. Never again, if he can help it.
“I love you,” he says again, louder. “I love you and there isn’t a single thing you can say to change that, sweetheart.”
Steve stares at him then, mouth partially agape in what appears to be shock.
Eddie takes pride in the fact that he can still manage to surprise him at all. Steve’s so used to his antics that nothing seems to phase him anymore.
“You— you don’t really mean that,” he protests softly.
Except. Yes, Eddie truly does.
“I do though. I mean it more than I’ve ever meant anything else in my entire life. I love you, Steve. I love you, even if you never love me. If you decide that there’s no room in your heart for an alpha like me, I will keep loving you. I’ve made up my mind already.”
The tiniest crack of a smile. Barely there.
Did he do it? Did Eddie finally do something right in this life— so right that the most perfect omega of his dreams might actually take a chance on him?
A chance on them.
A chance for what Eddie believes is definitely the best idea he’s ever had.
“So even if I tell you that I’ll spend every day with you terrified of how this relationship could ruin me again?”
The words are serious, but he can see the clear look of amusement in Steve’s eyes.
He’s trying to play cool and unaffected. A game of testing boundaries and Eddie’s determination.
The good news is that Eddie doesn’t have healthy boundaries anyway.
If Steve needs him to wake each morning and say, “I love you,” stop every hour and declare, “I love you,” and go to bed with an, “I love you,” on his lips, Eddie will make it happen.
He’s crazy, but he’s crazy in love too.
“I’m not afraid of loving you, Steve Harrington. Whatever you need from me, it’s yours. Patience, reassurance, blind loyalty and devotion— they’re all yours, baby. You couldn’t pay me to go away, even if you wanted to!”
Steve’s beautiful, beaming smile isn’t hiding any longer.
God, he loves Steve.
#stmmm25#stranger things march mating madness#steddie#steddie omegaverse#omega steve harrington#alpha eddie munson#steve x eddie#a/b/o#omegaverse
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Fics I Enjoyed in February - DC Comics Fic Rec List Part 3
To the shock of precisely no one, I'm still in DC Comics hell. Enjoy the fruits of my labor (reading so so many fics)
Here's fic recs Part 1 and Part 2!
Individualized Education Plan by @cowboysorceror & @deadchannelradio (General Audiences, 7k, 2024) Dick goes to Damian's parent-teacher conference. Damian endures the consequences of Dick being an extraordinarily attractive man. Left me wheezing on my bus ride to work, this fic is hysterical.
“Richard,” he says, in tones of the deeply suffering, “this place is a hostile environment. I must be collected post-haste, as after this latest indignity I am dropping out. Come at once, or I may die here.”
In Service by @smilebackwards (Teen & Up, 13k, 2023) Bruce refuses to let Tim be Robin. Tim, still determined to help, asks Alfred to let him train to be Bruce's next butler. I could not stop squeeing as I read this, deeply wholesome and great worldbuilding to boot.
Tim rings the doorbell of Wayne Manor for the third time in as many days, and for the third time, Mr. Pennyworth opens the heavy oak door. He looks tired and careworn and Tim knows for certain that he’s choosing the right thing now. Mr. Wayne isn’t going to let him anywhere near the Robin suit, but maybe Tim doesn’t need it. There’s another tack he can try.
this year's love by @flybynightwing (Teen & Up, 20k, 2023) A thoughtful and tender exploration of how Dick and Kory might get back together post-Infinite Crisis, featuring Tim being a little troll, Dick & Kory having So Many Issues to work through, and Donna not getting paid enough to deal with this.
Dick and Kory get back together while on vacation. It goes beautifully. If only vacations could last forever.
descartes by @deadchannelradio (Teen & Up, 5k, 2024) Jason finds out how weird Slade acts towards Dick. Yet another fic by deadchannelradio that had me cackling out loud.
“I’m going to kill him,” Jason decides aloud. “Next time I see that man, I’m gonna kill him.” “No, Jason, do not,” Dick says in the same tone Jason uses to tell his dog not to chew on his boots.
The Threat by @jackhawksmoor (General Audiences, 2k, 2022) Damian has some pointed opinions about the way Bruce treats Dick. A gripping Damian POV fic - I love a Damian who expresses how much he cares by via emotional manipulation, and Bruce's reaction is equally tantalizing.
"What are you talking about?" His father sounded puzzled. He had that tone in his voice that Damian always hated to hear. That careless, American tone. His father had never needed to earn his place in a family, so the idea that someone could take it away from him if he wasn’t worthy of it hadn't even occurred to him. Not yet.
A Talon After My Own Heart by @wildsofmarch (Teen & Up, 13k, 2022) A surprisingly well-adjusted Talon!Dick goes on a mission for Slade. I rec the whole How to Train Your Talon series, but this one's my personal favorite. They're so damaged your honor it's great.
There’s a Talon lying on his floor, guzzling his good whisky, when Slade walks into his safe house in San Francisco. “What are you doing here?” he says as he draws his sidearm and slides the safety off. Robin — Dick, he reminds himself — showing up unannounced is never a good thing. “Relax. I’m not here to kill anyone,” says Dick.
Leap, Fall, Fly by @malcyon (Explicit, 15k, 2019) Post-Red Robin, Tim and Kon go on patrol together, and then they go home. This fic is 100% my headcanon for how Tim and Kon would get together if they didn't start dating while Tim was Robin. Gorgeous, peak, no notes.
He tries to use his voice, “You have one of my shirts?” Tim looks at him, amused. “Dude. I have, like, four.” Kon figures some stuff out. Tim helps.
Putting both hands over my mouth, I can only hope nothing's gonna come out by @hmslusitania (Teen & Up, 26k, 2024) Tim and Jon (now both in their 20s due to Jon's canon aging-up) pretend to date. Kon and Damian proceed to lose their minds. Funny, angsty, and ultimately really heartwarming.
“How unethical would it be to let him keep thinking we’re dating just to try and figure out what the hell is wrong with him?” “On a scale from ‘this is completely hinged behaviour and not weird at all’ to ‘cloning him unsuccessfully ninety-nine times’?” Tim nods. “I don’t know,” Jon says. He thinks about it. “Probably like a four.”
Shoulders by @bluegarners (General Audiences, 4k, 2024) Robin!Dick has a close call on patrol. Bruce is catastrophically bad at expressing love. I rotate Bruce's choices and dialogue from this fic around in my mind like a rotisserie chicken.
It’s as he’s assessing Goon #1’s shoulders that he hears it. Grhk. The sound of someone choking. (You are ten-years-old, and the world is wide open before you. You don't yet know how to worry for yourself. It is your father's job.)
Truth Serum is The Worst by @jackhawksmoor (General Audiences, 3k, 2022) Bruce is truth serum-ed and is very unwell about it. Nightwing!Dick is there to help. Bruce's stream-of-consciousness dialogue (and Dick's reactions) are totally engrossing; the love they have for each other looms large here.
Batman gets dosed with a truth serum and unexpectedly spends most of the time talking about how desperately he loves his children, how awesome they are, and how he wishes he was better at being a father.
i'll grab my light (and go with you) by @havenesc (General Audiences, 3k, 2024) Dick helps Robin!Jason after the kid gets into a fight at school. Sweet, spot-on-characterization for both of them.
“Come again?” “I…” Now, the tone is sullen, even in hesitation. “I got into a fight.” Dick glances at his far wall, still a little sleep-hazed as he puzzles together what exactly about a scrap requires a phone call. “With Bruce?” Dick asks tentatively. “At school,” Jason clarifies, and oh, yep, there’s the difference. That one’s a no-no.
the only people on a stranded boat by @unicorncoalition (Mature, 5k, 2023) It turns out that Dick will call Jason if he ever has to hide a body. I've reread this fic multiple times since first discovering it, it's a gem. The scenario is unhinged, the emotions are raw, and the dialogue is perfect.
When Dick contacts Jason in the early hours of the morning to ask for help, Jason is so thrown by the request that he drops everything and drives to Bludhaven. He is not expecting to find Dick dissociating next to the dead body of an unfamiliar man, nor is he ready for the revelations that follow.
i never noticed the clouds gather round (oh, how fast we fall, how slow we drown) by @this-world-of-beautiful-monsters (Teen & Up, 5k, 2022) Batman!Dick has a flashback, and Damian makes a deduction. I'm very picky with stories on Dick's family members finding out about Nightwing #93, and this one handles how Damian might react so flawlessly it hurts.
It's raining on a rooftop in Gotham and Batman isn't getting up. (Dick dissociates after a bad patrol and Damian comes up against the outline of something his mentor never wanted him to see.)
the higher fidelity by birdsofthesoul (Teen & Up, 3k, 2020) Bruce and Dick go on a road trip scavenger hunt to find a runaway Damian. Dick indirectly confronts Bruce with his questionable parenting decisions. The conversation they share in the diner lives rent free in my mind.
Bruce goes sheet-white, looking like Dick’s just cut him to the quick, and Dick can’t help but think they should have booked a flight, discretion be damned. This — this is why they don’t do road trips. Cars are like confessionals, cramped spaces built for coercing confessions, and neither of them are good with words.
O'er These Mountains I Would Fly by @lurkinglurkerwholurks (General Audiences, 2k, 2019) After saving an injured baby bird, Dick and Damian drive out to a wildlife rehabilitation center. A wonderful edition to the "Damian slowly learning to trust Dick early on in the Batman!Dick era" genre.
“Nervous?” Grayson asked. They had been driving for over half an hour, and this was only Grayson’s fifth attempt at conversation. It had been an unusually quiet ride.
and the shapes that you drew may change beneath a different light by @popsunner (Teen & Up, 5k, 2020) Post-Dick's death, Tim tries to be a brother to Damian. Featuring Tim's grieving headspace, his evolving relationship with his brothers, and his enduring status as the Emotional Support batkid.
Damian is around a lot more since Dick died, hovering like he’s looking for something that isn’t here anymore. It’s alright. Tim is used to playing the part of ghosts. Or: Dick is dead. Things change.
#fic recs#fanfiction#dc comics#batfamily#bruce wayne#dick grayson#jason todd#tim drake#damian wayne#kon el#timkon
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One of my favorite things about Echo is his heart
It’s his commitment to helping people. It’s the way he cares so deeply and always has. The loyalty he shows towards the other clones, his willingness to do anything to save them, is only one of many reasons why Echo is my favorite character of all time.
Echo may very well have survivors guilt from what happened to him and the things he did while being used as ‘The Algorithm’ but I don’t think that’s the main force that drives him to be so committed to saving other clones from the Empire.
He’s always had this big heart. This enormous need to help others. We see it during the attack on Kamino, how he’s willing to lay his life down and do what it takes. We see him holding 99 when he dies, clearly distraught over the loss of this man he cares for. He doesn’t shy away from the emotional bits, the parts that aren’t about how brave you are, he’s willing to feel it. And let others see him feel it, too.
We see this when he is lost at the citadel. We see him attempt to save everyone else by putting his own life on the line and paying a hefty price for it.
We see him feel compelled to lend his expertise and insider knowledge after he’s rescued. He’s ready to fight, he will do anything to help. He’s even injured on that mission because of the riskier move he pulled just to give the Republic a bigger advantage.
And when the clones needed him? When Rex needed him? He went where he was needed. He infiltrated Tantiss like it was nothing. He went into that facility determined: “Not just her. All of the clones.” Because that’s his thing!! It’s not just about one person or one thing! This is about all of them and for Echo it always has been. He’s lost so much. He’s mourned so many people. He isn’t losing anyone else. He went to that facility ready to break every single clone free and not rest until he did.
See, Echo has always been this way. This isn’t something that grew only after his rescue from Skako. From the very beginning his heart has been in it and that has never changed. It’s his dedication and his steadfastness. It’s the way he leads with his heart. It’s the kindness that drives him to do all that he can.
As long as Echo is around no clone is ever alone. No clone will ever have to cover their own six. Not a single clone in the whole galaxy ever has to worry if someone out there even cares about them. Because Echo does. Echo cares. Echo has always cared and he has never and will never stop. As long as Echo is around every single clone has someone in their corner.
And Echo is a damn good ally.
#arc trooper echo#tbb echo#the bad batch#the clone wars#star wars#space chatter#Echo is my whole world and he consistently gives me hope
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*a laser pointer shines on the floor in front of Treins desk during a lecture. It catches Lucius's eye, but Trein is facing the board, not noticing it, as he writes something on it.(an interaction piece, very late, and I am sorry for that, hope I'm not too late!)*
This seems like a dick move Ace would pull, so…
A Storied Past.
“The Snow Queen was the elder of two sisters in the Northern Kingdom’s royal family. While she was blessed with ice magic and had the makings of a skilled mage, her younger sister was but an ordinary human. This drove a wedge between the two, a rift which was only further exacerbated by the loss of their parents during a diplomatic trip to the Sunshine Lands…”
Trein droned on in his even, monotonous voice. Chalk struck the blackboard, scrawling out symbols and dates to accompany his lecture. (Students were half asleep, struggling to keep their eyes open.)
He paid no mind to the chaos unfolding behind his back, didn’t notice the red dot on his desk.
But Lucius did.
He launched a paw at the dot, puffing with pride at his successful capture. The cat dragged his spoils toward himself, eager to relish in it—but when he lifted his paw, there was nothing trapped under it. Lucius’s eyes boggled.
The red dot reappeared, this time at the edge of Trein’s desk.
Determination filled Lucius. His tail fluffing up, he crawled closer to his target. Little by little, until he was nearly tipping off the side of the desk himself.
He fell forward, slapping both paws down to cage the dot in. His body landed with a dull THUMP, fat and fur rippling from the collision. Lucius snickered in delight. For sure, he had—
The dot zoomed away at the last possible second, plunging to the carpet.
Lucius hissed in frustration.
The feline hopped down and chased after it, foregoing stealth altogether. He hopelessly dashed this way and that, following his prey wherever it went. Alas—no matter how fast he scampered, the tempting light always flitted out of reach.
“Meow… meow…!” Lucius panted.
“Ace!” Deuce harshly whispered. He sent a glare at his snickering classmate, who held a laser pointer in his gloved hand. “Stop that! You’re bullying the professor’s poor familiar. I’m feeling bad for it…”
“Quit being a killjoy, this is hilarious,” Ace shot back. Angling his device, he made the red dot race back up Trein’s desk. “Now let’s see how high this guy can ju…”
Ace leapt in his seat, nearly dropping his laser pointer. The red light blipped out of existence.
Lucius’s face contorted with confusion. “Mrow?”
Ace hastily shoved the laser pointer beside his notebook, disguising the tool among his pencils and pens. Plastering on a wide smile, he chirped, “Yeah, prof?”
Trein eyed him from over his shoulder suspiciously. “Have you been paying attention to the lesson, or have you and Spade been chatting it up this entire period?”
“We were totally listening!” Ace insisted. “If you happened to hear us talking, it was only cuz we were sooo into the material. We started to speculate on our own, y’know? Real riveting stuff you’re teaching here!”
Deuce stared blankly at him. “What? That’s not what we were… OUCH!!” He winced at the hard kick Ace delivered to his leg under the desk.
“Is that so? Then surely you will be able to answer my question.” Trein stiffly folded his arms. “Tell me, what is the name of the prince from the Southern Isles who proposed to the Snow Queen’s younger sister?”
“Oh, that! Uh… Gee, gimme a sec to check my notes and I’ll get back to ya!” (His notes were, in fact, blank.)
Trein’s expectant stare bore into him. “Well? I’m waiting.”
Ace gulped.
He was really in it now.
#twisted wonderland#twst#disney twisted wonderland#disney twst#Ace Trappola#Mozus Trein#Lucius#sing sweet nightingale#twst interactions#twisted wonderland interactions#Deuce Spade
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warren lipka x fem!reader part one here
summary: Warren weren't that prepared for the silly little thing called love, learing that, sometimes, you really need to fight for it (literally).
tags n warnings: highly suggestive (can be categorized as smut, but it's too small for that), language, fights, blood, angst, some sensitive topics. word count: 13k
Rule #5: Appearances Can Be Deceiving
Warren adjusted his tie around his neck once more, huffing as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. He absolutely hated this. Ties, polished shoes, neatly pressed shirts... If it were up to him, he would’ve shown up in ripped jeans and an old t-shirt. Or better yet, naked—if that weren’t illegal. But there he was, in a freshly ironed blazer and expensive cologne.
And why?
Because of you.
You, who made him spend beyond his budget on a small bottle of sophisticated perfume. You, who convinced him to actually wash his hair, tying it back into a decent ponytail. You, who made him use the fancy deodorant he reserved for special occasions. His shaved face, smooth as a baby’s skin. You, who made every bit of effort feel worth it.
“Yeah. Okay.” Warren took a deep breath, snapped his fingers, and lightly slapped his own face. “Oh, almost forgot.”
He rushed out of the room, the sound of his shoes echoing as he hurried to the living room. On the table, a narrow vase held a bouquet of red tulips, a folded note tucked between the petals. His name, written in his messy handwriting, made a smile involuntarily tug at his lips. He picked up the flowers gently, inhaling their scent, blinking a few times as if it brought him back to reality.
“Alright. Let’s do this.”
He left an hour early, driving with an uncommon focus, determined that nothing—traffic, long traffic lights, or bad luck—would ruin this evening.
A familiar tune started playing on the radio, and without thinking, he began singing along.
“Close your eyes, give me your haaaand… Do you feel my heart beating? Do you understaaaaand?”
He was so caught up in the excitement that he didn’t even notice the strange look from a man in the car next to him, stopped at the red light. When he did, Warren furrowed his brow and slapped the side of his own car.
“What’s your problem?”
The man frowned, rolled up his window, and drove off when the light turned green.
“Coward.” Warren rolled his eyes and kept singing, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel. “Am I only dreaming aaaaa… It’s eternal flaaaame.”
The tires slid smoothly along the road until, finally, his house came into view. Warren took a deep breath, turned off the radio, and replaced it with the CD he’d burned earlier that afternoon—but decided to keep it silent.
Before getting out of the car, he glanced in the rearview mirror. He ran a hand through his hair, made sure his beard was still in place, adjusted his collar, and cracked his neck to release the tension.
“It’s going to be fine.” He whispered to himself.
Then, he stepped out before his nerves could talk him into turning back.
He walked with determined steps to the door, straightening his posture. When the door opened, the sight in front of him stole all the air from his lungs.
You looked stunning.
The silk dress hugged your curves just right, elegant without being over the top. Your makeup accentuated every contour of your face, the sparkle in your eyes, the soft lipstick. Every detail contributed to the perfect image that Warren couldn’t stop admiring.
“My God…” He swallowed hard, blinking several times, making sure he wasn’t dreaming. “You’re…”
The word vanished from his throat.
“You’re… amazing.”
You smiled, blushing slightly as you adjusted the strap of your dress.
“Thank you.”
Warren blinked, as if returning to reality, and quickly extended the bouquet toward you.
“Oh! These are for you.”
“For me?” Your smile widened as you took the flowers, examining them with affection.
“I hope you like them…” He murmured, a little shy, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to hold back the grin that kept wanting to break free. You grabbed the small note tucked between the flowers, your name written on it in his handwriting.
“Hey, don’t open it yet.” Warren’s voice came out hurriedly, and he gestured with his hands as if trying to stop your movement in midair. “Wait until I leave, please.”
“Why?” You raised an eyebrow, pretending to open it.
“No… it’s just…” He took a deep breath, shoved his hands in his pockets, and stared at the ground. “I’m embarrassed, that’s all.”
You laughed softly.
“You’re not embarrassed to kiss me in front of my house, but you’re shy about a little note?”
“It’s different, okay?” He grumbled, looking at you from under his lashes. “So… shall we go?”
You nodded, closing the door behind you. He extended his arm, and you slipped yours around his as you both walked to the car.
When they arrived, he opened the passenger door for you, tilting his head slightly in a chivalrous gesture.
“Wow, such a gentleman.” You teased as you got into the car.
“I always do this.” He rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue before walking around the car and sitting in the driver’s seat.
He turned the key in the ignition, and before starting the engine, he looked at you with a mischievous grin.
“Did I ever tell you that you're the most beautiful thing in the world?”
Your face flushed, and an enormous smile spread across your face before you could even reply.
“Well, let me tell you now. You look absolutely wonderful tonight.” He flirted shamelessly, not taking his eyes off you as he pressed the button on the radio.
The soft intro of Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton began to play.
You widened your eyes, surprised by the coincidence.
“No way, Warren.” You laughed, bringing a hand to your face. “Oh my God!”
“Casablanca, my dear.” He winked and started the car.
The music filled the car’s interior, and you let yourself sway gently to the rhythm of the melody. Warren, at the wheel, hummed along, occasionally pulling faces and pretending to play air guitar, making you laugh every time.
The CD playing was made specially for tonight. Warren had burned it earlier that afternoon, carefully selecting each track, though you might never know that little detail.
Or maybe, in a few years, he would tell you.
But not now.
Now, he just wanted to enjoy every second of this moment by your side.
The venue was packed, and that was clear as soon as they pulled into the parking lot. Cars lined every available space, and an excited buzz could be heard coming from inside the club, as if the very air was charged with festive energy.
Warren parked and, before even turning off the engine, he turned to you with a soft smile.
You nodded, adjusting your dress over your legs.
He got out of the car and walked around to your side, opening the door with a gentleman’s flourish. He extended his hand to you, firm and steady, his fingers warm against the cool night air. You took his hand, letting him help you out with grace, avoiding any misstep in your high heels.
Warren didn’t immediately let go of your hand. He kept his fingers intertwined with yours as you walked toward the club’s entrance. The red carpet led up to the main door, where a tall, serious-looking security guard stood waiting to check invitations.
He handed over the passes, and without delay, the security guard allowed them through. Once inside, a subtle mix of floral scents and fresh food enveloped you both. The hall was beautifully decorated, with sparkling chandeliers casting golden light across the room. There were snack tables strategically placed, while waiters moved around offering glasses of champagne. Background music played softly, blending with the hum of lively conversations.
Warren leaned in slightly toward your ear, his voice low but laced with genuine concern.
“Are you comfortable with all this?”
The warmth of his breath brushed your skin, sending a slight shiver through you.
“Yeah… it’s fine.” You reassured him, glancing around. Some familiar faces appeared, while others were just blurred figures in the crowd.
He didn’t seem entirely convinced. His hand gently slid to your bare back, the tips of his fingers caressing you softly, discreetly.
“If you want to leave, you know you can tell me.” The firmness in his voice was comforting, like a silent promise.
“Thank you, Warren.” You smiled, biting your lip lightly as you felt his almost protective touch.
His response came in the form of a gesture: his hand slid to your waist, fingers tightening slightly, as if reaffirming that he was there for whatever you needed.
“Hey, sweetheart! How are you?”
The sweet yet vibrant voice made you turn. A well-dressed older woman approached with a warm smile, the gleam in her eyes revealing genuine affection.
“Mrs. Beavers!” You exclaimed, opening your arms to welcome the woman's gentle embrace. “How are you? It’s been such a long time.”
Warren took a subtle step back, observing the interaction with curiosity.
“I’m doing great, darling.” Elizabeth Beavers pulled away slightly, holding your hands with warmth. “You look radiant tonight. More beautiful than the crystals in these chandeliers, and trust me, we paid a fortune for those.”
You smiled, feeling your face warm at the compliment. “Thank you. And you, Mrs. Beavers—you're still pure luxury and elegance.”
Elizabeth laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
“You’re quite the charmer.” She teased, giving your hand a light, affectionate pat. “But call me Elizabeth, you know I feel ancient when you call me Mrs.”
She then shifted her attention to Warren, appraising him with a long, discerning gaze.
“And who’s this handsome young man by your side? Your boyfriend?”
Warren, who had been silently observing until now, straightened up and extended his hand casually.
“Warren Lipka.” He said with a half-smile, sensing that Mrs. Beavers posed no threat.
“An exotic name for such a charming man.” Elizabeth quipped, winking her green eyes. You wondered how someone as sweet as her had ended up with a son like Daniel. They didn’t even seem related, much less mother and child. “And where’s Luke? He must be growing up fast.”
“At a friend’s house. They’re playing camping.” You responded, watching Elizabeth nod in approval.
“How wonderful.” She smiled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “You should swing by my place to pick up your gift later; I’ve got a little surprise for you, too.”
You laughed, already imagining what it could be.
“My dear boy,” Elizabeth continued, turning her attention back to Warren with a fond look. “Did you know this lovely lady was the most beautiful girl in school when she was 17?”
“Really?” Warren raised an eyebrow, a smile beginning to form on his lips. His hand returned to your waist, pulling you gently closer.
“Yes! The prettiest of them all.” Elizabeth sighed dramatically, fanning herself with a lace handkerchief. “And when I saw how sweet she was… Oh my, I nearly disinherited the useless Daniel just to have her as my daughter.”
Warren chuckled, enjoying the conversation more and more.
“And it looks like her little party girl is all dull and dreary,” Elizabeth added, rolling her eyes.
“Oh, Elizabeth, you’re being harsh.” You teased, laughing as you leaned in closer to Warren, settling against him in a side hug.
“My dear, she’s awful, dreadful.” Elizabeth shot a conspiratorial look. “If she ever dreamt Daniel had a kid with someone else, I’m sure she’d cancel the wedding.”
Warren, who had just been following the conversation up until now, furrowed his brow in confusion and made a vague gesture with his hand.
“Wait… she doesn’t know that they…?”
“Of course not, darling.” Elizabeth made a face of boredom. “You think he’s going to tell that airhead he had a life before her? Not a chance!”
Warren turned slightly to face you, leaning in to murmur in your ear.“Can I go beat him up now?”
You laughed, covering your mouth to stifle the sound.“No.” You whispered back, trying to hold back your laughter before returning to the conversation.
“Oh my God! I can’t believe it’s really you!”
The excited voice made you turn instantly, only to be pulled into a tight embrace. The familiar scent of floral perfume surrounded you, and even before seeing her face, you already knew who it was.
“Claire! Oh my God, it’s been forever!”
The hug was strong, almost overwhelming, but completely filled with affection. Claire pulled away just enough to hold your arms, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she took in your appearance from head to toe.
“You look stunning!” She exclaimed, clapping her hands excitedly before casting a playful glance to the side. “And who’s this, huh?”
The mischievous tone made you smile even before you could respond.
“This is Warren. He’s with me tonight.”
Warren gave a small nod, his eyes quickly scanning Claire before returning his gaze to you.
“Hmmm, bad boy vibe.” She teased, laughing, and you had to hold back a laugh too. After all, he was a bad boy, in a way.
“I get a little crazy with this, you know.” You said, winking at Warren before turning your attention back to Claire.
Before Claire could reply, Elizabeth rejoined the conversation, hooking her arm around Claire’s with a motherly smile.
“Claire, darling. We were just talking about Honey.”
The expression on Claire’s face shifted instantly, the laughter vanishing as pure disdain filled her gaze.
“That one’s even dumber than Dan.” She spat, tossing her long blonde hair back with an exaggerated motion. “The bitch said I use hydrogen peroxide to lighten my hair. Well, she’s the one who needs it to clean her rotten soul.”
“Claire!” Elizabeth scolded, furrowing her brows.
“Oh, Mom, stop. I know you were saying the worst things about that air head.” Claire crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow.
Elizabeth sighed, rolling her eyes with amusement.
“Anyway, folks. I’ve gotta go. My boy’s waiting for me. My hot nerd is finally on my hands” Claire said, sending you one last knowing look.
“Tell me all the details later.” You teased, laughing.
“The normal ones or the hot ones?” She shot back, grinning slyly. “You know I can't stop talking about my love life, sunshine. You’re the only one who can match my freak.”
You rolled your eyes, laughing, and Claire blew a kiss before disappearing into the crowd.
“But Warren,” Elizabeth turned back to him with a playful tone, “If there’s one thing time has done for this girl, it’s made her even more beautiful.”
She pointed to you, a mischievous smile curling on her lips.
Warren looked at you for a moment longer than necessary, as if absorbing every detail of your face before responding.
“You seem like a good man.” Elizabeth continued, her eyes evaluating him. “Can I rest easy?”
He let out a short laugh, tilting his head slightly. “If it’s up to me, you can sleep soundly.”
“Brilliant.” Elizabeth smiled, clearly pleased with his response. “Now, excuse me, I need to speak with Denver.”
She kissed you quickly on the cheek before heading to a nearby table where an elegant man waited.
Warren followed her movement, and upon seeing her greet the man with a kiss on the lips, he furrowed his brow.
“Oh… that’s Denver.” His curious gaze landed on you. “Don’t you think old couples kissing is kinda gross in a cute way?”
You simply smiled, watching them together. “Thirty years married. Can you believe it?”
Warren whistled lowly, shaking his head. “Seems almost unreal.” He mused, then turned his attention back to you. “Where do you want to sit?”
You scanned the room for a moment before pointing to a table further away from the bustle.
“Hmmm… how about over there?”
His smile was genuine before he leaned in to place a soft kiss on your forehead. That simple gesture made your chest warm.
When you reached the table, Warren pulled a chair out for you, ensuring you were comfortable before gently pushing it back in place.
“Would you like a drink?” He asked, already scanning the room for the bar.
“Sure. Whatever they have. I trust your judgment.”
He raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“That’s dangerous.”
You just laughed and shook your head, watching him walk away toward the bar. While you waited, you couldn’t help but watch Warren for a few seconds, admiring the way he walked with such confidence. His hair perfectly tied back in a ponytail, the sleeves of his jacket fitted just right, subtly revealing the hidden strength in his forearms.
Yes, you definitely trusted his judgment.
You rested your chin on your hand, your eyes following Warren as he approached the drinks table. He seemed lost in the vast array of options, furrowing his brow as he scrutinized the machines. His nose wrinkled slightly in concentration before he pressed a button – and immediately, liquid spilled over the edge of the glass.
You couldn’t help but chuckle softly, shaking your head.
“Oh, darling. You never learn, do you?”
The unexpected voice sounded far too close to your ear. Your body stiffened instantly, a chill running down your spine.
You turned your face and came face-to-face with him, his breath hot and laced with false sweetness brushing against your skin.
“Sorry… did I scare you?”
Your heart skipped a beat, but you quickly composed your expression.
“No.” You coughed, subtly shifting your chair back with a calculated movement. “What were you saying?”
“About your boyfriend.”
Daniel’s smile was sharp, predatory. He crossed his arms, eyes darting between you and Warren, who was still fumbling with the drinks machine.
“I’ve done some research on him.”
Your jaw tightened. You kept your posture firm, but your shoulders instinctively tensed.
“And what does that have to do with your life?” Your voice came out cutting, harsh. You stood up, your body automatically adopting a defensive stance.
Daniel chuckled lowly, tilting his head to the side as if amused by your reaction.
“You always surprise me, doll. It was one of my favorite things about you.” He took a step forward, his hand reaching toward your face. You caught the movement before your instincts could even react – and you stepped back.
“Enough talk, Daniel.”
Your hand rose instinctively, slapping his with a firm strike. The sharp sound echoed between the two of you.
Daniel laughed. A low, drawn-out laugh. He glanced at his now slightly reddened hand and shook his head, as though genuinely impressed.
“Got some strength, huh?” He lifted his eyes to yours, a twisted glint in them. “They say bad company corrupts good manners.”
Your blood boiled. Your breath quickened. You tilted your head, narrowing your eyes.
“What did you say?”
Your voice came out louder than expected. The buzz of the room quieted, and like a domino effect, people began to notice the tension between you two.
Daniel saw it. And he reveled in it.
He grinned, leaning dangerously close to your ear.
“Prisoners really cause some serious damage, huh?”
Shock ran through your body like a jolt of electricity. Your stomach dropped instantly, as if the ground had disappeared beneath your feet. Without thinking, you shoved Daniel hard, feeling the tension burst from within you. He stumbled backward, his feet sliding on the floor, but, surprisingly, didn’t lose his balance. Instead, he let out a loud, cruel laugh, as if it were just a game to him.
“What was that?”
Warren’s deep voice cut through the air like a sharp blade, penetrating. His expression was loaded with controlled fury, his eyes fixed on Daniel with an intensity that seemed capable of piercing through anything in its path.
You blinked, your heart pounding as if you had just run a marathon. Your gaze quickly scanned the room, trying to anchor yourself to something familiar, until your eyes found Warren’s. He was by your side now, the forgotten glass on the table, his jaw set, the muscles in his face clenched in a tense expression. The silence between you two was thick, like a bomb about to explode.
“What was that?” Warren repeated, his voice now lower, but the threat in his words was palpable, like a blade ready to cut.
On the other hand, Daniel, with a fake smile plastered on his face.
"She's so good when she's like this, isn't she?" His voice dripped with provocation.
Before you could react, Daniel casually reached out and brushed a hand over Warren's shoulder, as if brushing invisible dust off his suit.
"She only likes the ones who are at the bottom of the barrel. Such a masochist. Delicious in bed."
Warren froze.
The air grew heavy. You felt his body stiffen, the muscles in his jaw tightening. His gaze, once sharp, became lethal.
"What did you say, you motherfucking piece of shit?" His voice was low, hoarse, almost a hiss. He took a step forward.
"Did you learn that vocabulary in life or in prison, mate?" Daniel scoffed, his eyes swiping up and down Warren's body with calculated contempt. Warren's blood boiled. Without hesitation, he grabbed the collar of Daniel's suit, pulling him roughly closer.
"Say that again if you dare." Daniel laughed. An irritating, petulant laugh that only served to inflame Warren's fury even more.
"Looks like not much has changed since then." He shoved Warren hard, smoothing his jacket as if to erase his touch. Then he leaned forward slightly, his voice low and venomous. "Enjoy your little friend while you're at it. She'll have a baby with you when you start to get on with life." Just like he did to me and that little freak of yours."
That was the last straw. Warren's punch landed squarely on Daniel. The impact was sharp, brutal. Daniel stumbled backwards and fell to the ground, clutching his face with a groan of pain.
"Shit!" He yelled, pulling his hand away to see the blood running down his nose.
"Warren, no!" You ran to him, but Warren was already blinded by rage, climbing on top of Daniel to throw another punch.
The guests around you froze, some murmuring in shock, others watching the scene without being able to look away. Elizabeth clapped her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide, and you saw, in that instant, her heart breaking into pieces. Your own chest tightened—not for Daniel, but for her. Despite everything, he was still your son. Denver looked away, hiding his face in his hands, unable to watch.
"Come here, honey." Claire pulled you by the arm, pulling you away from the fight that was unfolding. in an increasingly bloody manner. "You'll end up hurting yourself if you get in the way."
His body shook, blood pounding loudly in his ears. "Say that again." Warren's voice was a growl as he grabbed Daniel's collar, pushing his head against the floor. "Say it, you fucking bastard. Say on my fucking face."
"Security!" Daniel screamed, twisting to try to gain control of the situation and landing a blow on Warren. The impact made a cut open at the corner of his mouth. Warren laughed. A harsh, almost animalistic laugh.
"Even Luke can be stronger than you."
The name hit Daniel like an invisible blow. His face contorted for an instant, but he quickly disguised it with a growl of rage.
"You bastard!"
He raised his fist, but Warren was faster, spinning and immobilizing him again. Seconds later, two security guards grabbed Warren, pulling him back. Two others grabbed Daniel, forcibly separating them and taking them to opposite corners.
"Let me go! Let me go." Warren growled, pulling away with a sudden movement. He ran his hand over his face, wiping the blood from the cut. "I'm going to kill you." "I'm going to press charges against you, you piece of shit." Daniel spat the words, trying to free himself from the security guards' grip. His face was red with fury and humiliation. "You're going to jail again!"
The crack of the slap echoed through the room.
You grabbed the collar of Daniel's shirt, pulling him closer, your eyes fixed on his.
"If you tell the police, I'll tell your fiancée what you said when you abandoned our son."
The color drained from Daniel's face.
"You’re not that brave."
He tried to laugh, but his eyes wavered. You saw the exact moment he realized that, yes, you would have the courage.
"I doubt she knows that." Your voice was cold, cutting. "And I don't think you want to ruin the wedding before it even starts the dollhouse acting to hide the jerk you are."
Daniel tensed, the muscles in his jaw tightening.
"Fine." He huffed, pulling away from the security guards and massaging his arms. "Fine. Fuck, okay. I won’t call the cops."
"Fine." You pushed him away one last time before turning to Warren and taking his hand. "But no visiting Luke."
You leaned forward slightly, staring at Daniel with a look of pure ice.
"You don't exist to him."
Daniel opened his mouth to retort, but Warren, still breathing heavily, cut him off.
"Wow, that was hot" He grunted without thinking, his eyes sliding up and down you, appreciating the fire in your eyes.
"Not now, Warren." You grunted back, forcing a brave face, trying not to laugh at the gravity of the situation. "You're dead to me and Luke, Daniel."
You took a step back, lifting your chin.
"Act like it."
"Whoa, dead men can't talk." Warren snapped his fingers, interrupting Daniel with a mock-casual tone.
"How can you talk with all that dirt on your face?"
"Rest in peace." Warren made the sign of the cross before raising his middle finger at Daniel. "In hell."
The entire room was silent for a second, until a small group of youngsters burst into applause and muffled laughter. The distraught parents tried to silence them, but Warren spun on his heel, spreading even more chaos.
"Censorship!" he shouted, raising his arms theatrically.
"Warren!" You laughed, pulling him by the arm as the first drops of rain fell outside.
Without even looking back, you focused on the only thing that really mattered at that moment.
Warren laughing.
Turning back to the party just to give the middle finger to anyone who dared to exist.
He got into the car, the smile still dancing on his lips, patiently waiting for you to settle in next to him before starting the engine.
The rain began to thicken.
But you didn't care.
Because, that night, you left there the same way you came in.
"Where to?"
Warren's voice came low, still charged with adrenaline, as he got rid of his damp suit and tossed it carelessly into the backseat. His hair stuck to his face, messed up by the rain and the fight, and he brushed it away with a quick movement of his hand.
"My house." You replied, trying to fix your hair in the car mirror. “As soon as possible.”
Without taking his eyes off the road, Warren felt around in the backseat, grabbing a random rag and throwing it to you.
“You’re very welcome.” His playful tone made you smile.
Without warning, he slammed his foot on the accelerator, making the tires screech against the wet asphalt. The horn honked loudly as he pulled out of the parking lot. “Screw all of you!”
“That’s it! Screw you!” You laughed, leaning your face out the window, feeling the cold wind and light rain against your skin before shrinking back into the car. Your heart was still beating fast. Warren laughed too, but this time with a certain nervousness, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. “What did we do?”
“I’m so fucking screwed.” He let out a loud sigh. “I’m going to jail, aren’t I?”
“You won’t.” You patted his shoulder, feeling the tension in his muscles. “Trust me.”
He glanced quickly at you before turning his attention back to the road.
“Daniel doesn’t even have the courage to admit to his own fiancée that he has a son.”
“Coward.” Warren snorted.
The car was silent for a moment, only the sound of the engine and the rain filling the space. Then, a smile played on his lips.
“And what was that, girl?” He ran his tongue over the corner of his mouth, still feeling the metallic taste of his own blood. “Wow. I got goosebumps all over.”
He let out a short laugh, shaking his head as if he still couldn’t believe what had just happened.
“I’m telling you, you have the stereotype of a criminal.”
You leaned slightly towards him, lowering your voice.
“Yeah?” Your hand slid along the back of his seat, your fingers lightly brushing against the warm nape of his neck. “What are you going to do with that?”
Warren’s laughter died there.
He turned his head to you, his eyes dark in the dim light of the dashboard. He bit his lip, the muscles in his jaw tensing. Your innocent, shy eyes tried to hide it, but he knew. He knew exactly what was going through your mind.
“This car is going to stop.” His voice came in a thick whisper. “And now.”
Warren turned the steering wheel with a firm movement, throwing the car onto the shoulder of the highway.
“Hurry, darling?” You laughed, feeling your own body heat up as he pulled the handbrake and parked in a darker area, away from the traffic.
Warren leaned towards you, his hands sliding to unbuckle your seatbelt. His eyes burned with barely contained desire.
“You have no idea how much I’ve been holding back.” The last thing you felt before you gave in completely was the heat of his hands pulling you into an urgent, hungry kiss.
You purred and took off your seatbelt, forcing your body onto Warren’s lap. He pulled the lever back so you could fit without moving the steering wheel, steadying his hands on your body when the seat reached its position. Straddling your legs on either side of Warren’s waist, you found yourself free to continue the kiss, holding his face in your hands.
Warren palmed your thighs, pulling your dress up so he could touch them directly, marking the spot with his firm fingers. He lifted the fabric once more so he could touch your bum, pulling the elastic of your panties so you could feel the softness of the flesh. You moved forward, brushing against the tent that formed in Warren’s dress trousers, panting into the kiss. You deepened, hungry for him: biting, sucking, licking. Whatever you were entitled to and Warren could give you, you took.
“Oh, shit.” You groaned, feeling the metallic taste in your mouth, remembering Warren’s cut. “I’m hurting you, aren’t I?”
“Fuck that bruise.” He grumbled, scraping his nails across your skin, pulling you closer. “You’re hotter than that.”
“You look so attractive with that bruise.” You whispered, kissing his mouth more calmly.
“Hmmmm, I think I’m gonna start hurting myself more.” He chuckled softly into your face, capturing your lower lip in a hickey. He noticed the small red stain of his blood on your lip, touching it with his thumb. “You look delicious with blood on your mouth. I’d love to visit you in jail if you killed Daniel.”
“Would you? And what would you do to me there?” You flirted, moving closer, shaking your hips back and forth. Warren gasped, throwing his head back, trying to maintain control with his hands on your hips.
“I was going to exercise my right to come and go, come and go, come and go.” He murmured hoarsely, pulling you closer to brush your lips against his. “Damn, I almost came imagining you killing the guy.” He laughed, breaking the kiss.
“You’re horrible, Warren. Look at that.” You laughed in disbelief, resting your hands on his shoulders.
“That’s not even the worst part.”
He began, his hands going up your back to slide the zipper halfway down, grabbing the straps of your dress to slide them down your arms, catching a glimpse of your breasts that he had fantasized about so many nights.
“The first thing that caught my attention about you after your smile was your hips.”
“Really?” You gasped, feeling his hand lightly support the weight of your breasts in his palms. “Why?”
“Because women look really hot with that littl fat on their hips after having a baby.” He finished with a straight face, making you laugh out loud. “So, I kind of already suspected that the kid was your son because of your ass.”
“You’re a terrible person, Warren.” You spoke about his lips, stealing a slow and lingering kiss, massaging his lower lip with your tongue.
He licked his lips and went to your ear, biting the lobe before whispering. “And you love it.”
“You’re a bad influence on me.” You reciprocated in the same tone, closing your eyes to feel him distribute slow kisses on your neck, giving a long, slow lick to your throat.
“And I’m gonna influence you to fuck with me in this car right now.”
Soon his strong arms wrapped around your back, pulling you closer. Strong, intense, passionate. That was Warren’s description of your body, of kissing you, of biting you, of hearing you moan, of having you completely. And you had him in that old car, now, so special to you.
Rule #6: Haste is the enemy of perfectionYou had convinced Warren to stay a little longer at your house after all the chaos that had unfolded. The atmosphere was calm, soothing, like a warm cup of hot chocolate on a rainy day.
He closed the door softly behind him, watching quietly as you made your way to the kitchen. You carefully poured water into the vase to preserve the flowers. Your fingers grazed gently over the delicate petals before you placed the note next to them, careful not to lose it.
That’s when you felt it.
Warren��s arms wrapped around you from behind, his warmth melding with yours. He leaned in slowly, pressing soft kisses along your neck, trailing down toward the base of your throat. Your body relaxed under his touch, your eyes instinctively fluttering shut as your hands found his, gripping them gently over your own skin.
He smiled against your ear before placing a long, lingering kiss on your cheek, tightening his embrace as if trying to merge with you.
You turned in his arms, but didn’t pull away, your bodies still pressed close.
Your fingers traveled up his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath his damp shirt. Slowly, they made their way up to his neck, then to his face. Your thumb traced a gentle path along his cheek, and for a brief moment, Warren closed his eyes as if savoring the sensation.
When he opened them again, the dimples were visible. His unruly curls fell over his face, even more endearing under the soft yellow kitchen light.
“I prefer you like this,” you whispered, running your fingers through his hair, feeling the soft texture. “Your hair is beautiful.”
He tilted his head slightly to the side, almost reflexively, as if your touch was pulling him in.
“I thought about cutting it,” he murmured, his voice quiet, hesitant. “I thought maybe I should look more like those neat, ‘normal’ guys... I don’t want people to look at us funny when we walk down the street together.”
You frowned.
“Don’t ever do that.”
Your tone came out firmer than you’d expected, and Warren’s gaze locked onto yours, searching your face. His expression softened, but his words were still filled with quiet resolve.
“Don’t change just to fit what others want, Warren. I like you just the way you are.”
He blinked, as if needing a second to process your words.
“You like me?”
The question came out in a disbelieving tone, almost startled.
You paused.
Only then did he realize the words that had slipped out, unfiltered, as if they were second nature to you. A warmth crept up his face, and his gaze faltered, as if he had just ruined the moment.
But Warren didn’t let it slip away.
His hands moved to your face, holding you with a gentle but firm grip, forcing you to look at him.
“I like you,” he said again, this time with more certainty. “I’m embarrassed to say things like this... I didn’t want you to open the note in front of me because I’m a shy idiot when it comes to stuff like this.”
He looked down, took a deep breath, and then met your eyes again.
He was searching for the right words.
“It’s just that…” He swallowed hard. “You’re worth me losing my shyness. You’re worth changing.” His eyes studied every feature of your face. “Changing into a better man.”
There was something raw in his voice. A genuine longing.
“Clothes, shoes, hair... I want to be worthy of you. Because I know I never will be.”
“No, Warren.”
Your voice was almost a whisper, but it carried weight. You swallowed hard.
“You are worthy.”
He blinked, surprised.
“Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” You took a deep breath. “I know you’ve messed up in life. Who hasn’t? But that doesn’t define you.”
You hesitated for just a second, gathering your courage.
“You are Warren Lipka.”
A pause.
His chest rose and fell in quick, shallow breaths.
You closed your eyes for a moment before reopening them and saying the words that had been stuck in your throat:
“My Warren Lipka.”
His lips parted into a smile. He was trembling slightly, but it was the kind of tremor that came from someone trying to hold back something much larger, something he wasn’t ready to let out.
He leaned in slowly, pressing his lips to your forehead. His eyes fluttered shut before he rested his forehead against yours, his breath warm against your skin.
“I like you.”
The confession came out as a whisper, thick with an emotion he hadn’t yet dared to name. He pulled back just enough to meet your eyes, his gaze intense.
The words I love you caught in his throat, but they were there, hanging in the air between you. You could feel it.
It was in the way his fingers trailed lightly down the back of your neck, as if testing the waters of something deeper. It was in the way his eyes burned with a desire to be closer, to bridge the gap between your souls.
“I like you too.” You hesitated, feeling the weight of your own feelings pressing down on you.
The silence cracked in the space between you, thick with unspoken words.
The moment felt too beautiful to be rushed by grand gestures, by too-big words.
“I really like you, Warren. A lot.”
He closed his eyes for a brief moment, as if savoring every syllable before pulling you into a tight embrace. His chest pressed against yours, his heartbeat a steady rhythm beneath the skin. His scent mixed with yours, a delicate blend that felt like home. And even without saying another word, you both knew.
You were his.
And he was yours.
For the whole night, if it came to that.
You stroked his hair gently before pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “Want anything before we sleep?”
He mumbled something against your neck, his voice muffled. “Just you.”
“Then let’s get rid of these wet clothes before bed.” You smiled, tightening your arms around him.
Warren sighed, reluctantly pulling away from you.
He ran his hand through his hair, the curls even more charmingly messy now.
“You can shower first, I’ll wait for you in the room.” He stepped back to let you pass, then paused, glancing over his shoulder. “By the way... where’s your room?”
You pointed down the hallway to the door at the end. “That way.”
Warren followed the line of your finger, nodding his head.
“Thanks. I was worried I might end up in Luke’s room by mistake.”
You chuckled, already walking toward the bathroom. As you closed the door behind you, the last thing you heard was Warren’s muffled laughter echoing through the house, filling the air with warmth.
Your body craved water in the middle of the night, pulling you from sleep. The familiar warmth enveloped you, and you realized Warren was holding you close. His arm was firm around your waist, as though he wanted to keep you there forever. His chest rose and fell in a calm rhythm against your back, his messy hair brushing against your skin.
You tried to slip away slowly, careful not to wake him. His arm was heavy, but with gentle movements, you managed to free yourself from his embrace.
You got out of bed and walked quietly to the kitchen, your bare feet meeting the coolness of the floor. You poured the water into a glass and drank in silence. Flashes of last night danced through your mind—too vivid to be just a dream.
Warren had been in your room. He was still there, sleeping deeply, and that was proof everything had really happened.
A small smile tugged at your lips as you stood there.
Then, you remembered the note.
The one he’d written with the bouquet.
The one he’d asked you to read only after he’d left.
But… he was asleep. It wouldn’t hurt to look.
You tiptoed over to the table, carefully grabbed the note, and unfolded it. Your eyes ran over the first line.
“Hi, I don’t know how to start this.”
You couldn’t help but laugh softly. You pressed your hand over your mouth to stifle the sound, but your eyes were already glued to the paper.
“I have a rulebook. It’s called The Great Guide for Jailbirds in Love. I wrote it in prison when I was thinking about getting out and how I wanted to build a family.
One of the rules is: haste is the enemy of perfection. That’s why it took me so long to tell you I love you from the first time I saw you.
But you know I’m all messed up and love breaking rules, right? You didn’t need that much time to see that.
Well… that’s it. I love you, princess. A lot.
P.S.: Sorry if I start a fight and then tell you I like you. I get really scared when it comes to love.
I love you forever.
—Warren Sillyka.
(Also, I love the nickname Luke gave me. Congrats on raising such a cool kid. You’re an amazing mom. I want to be his dad, if you’ll let me. But maybe that’s just an excuse to wake up by your side every day. Now I’m talking too much. xo.)”
Your heart tightened.
You read the note once, twice, over and over again.
The “I love you” was there, unafraid. No hesitation.
You felt a smile stretch across your face before you even realized it, and with the note pressed to your chest like it was the most precious treasure in the world, you returned to the bedroom.
Back to Warren.
Back to the arms that, even in sleep, seemed to know exactly where you belonged.
Rule #7: Forgiveness Is Not Forgetting
The week flowed with the softness and intensity of a fast-moving river, its days drifting by in a harmony that felt almost like a dream. What once seemed trivial and mundane became extraordinary. Warren and you found yourselves closer than either of you had expected, a bond deepening without words, but through subtle gestures and glances that spoke volumes. You would purposely brush against each other, exchanging discreet smiles, your hands almost imperceptibly grazing as he, with a natural ease that felt rehearsed, would wrap his arm around your waist, as if by instinct—catching you before you could fall, though perhaps trying to keep you from losing yourself in something far greater.
The most intimate moments began to intensify. During lunch breaks, conversations flowed easily, often veering down paths that felt deeper than any trivial subject. And when no one was watching, the kisses in the storage room tasted of secrets and freedom.
It was a Friday afternoon when everything seemed even more vibrant, almost unreal. Luke, with that pink bubblegum sticking to his lips, was animatedly chatting with Warren, who leaned casually against the counter. Standing tall, he looked like a protective wall, listening intently to every word from the boy, even if their conversation was lighthearted and playful.
"Caleb the Giant knocked over my headphones, and you know what happened?" Luke said, his little legs swinging restlessly in the high chair, more excited than anyone else in the room.
"Oh, it was nothing, just a master move, huh?" Warren grinned, his eyes sparkling as he raised his hand for a high-five. Their laughter echoed through the space, but suddenly, he seemed to remember his role as the "adult." He straightened up, more serious now, though still maintaining a gentle tone. "But don't fight, Luke. Fighting never solves anything, even if Caleb is a walking bore."
Luke pouted, crossing his arms with a scowl. "That's not fair, Warren. You were cooler. Now you're starting to sound like my mom."
"And your mom is right, you know?" Warren sighed, still trying to maintain his responsible demeanor, but it was clear he spoke from his own experience. "Fighting only creates more trouble. But if anyone challenges you, you have to stay polite. Just say, 'No, thank you.'"
Luke wrinkled his nose, clearly skeptical of how effective that suggestion would be. "That doesn’t work with Caleb," he muttered, throwing his arms up in frustration as if the solution were just out of reach.
"He does that because, deep down, he’s jealous, Luke." Warren spoke in a more serious tone now, but it also carried a surprising understanding. "Believe me, I know what I’m talking about. People like Caleb do things like that because they don’t have what you have. He may have all the cool toys, but... what about the rest?"
"But he's rich, Warren! He has everything he wants!" Luke countered, a skeptical look in his eyes as if that was the explanation that should settle everything.
"It’s not just about what he has, Luke." Warren smiled wearily, leaning against the counter, his arm stretched out, his calm expression hiding a subtle bitterness. "Try forgiving him. That’ll throw him off. It’ll mess with his ego, be the ultimate power move. And you’ll have more control than you think."
"Forgive him?" Luke looked puzzled, his head tilted adorably as he mulled over the suggestion. "If I tell him I forgive him, it’ll be worse. He'll laugh at me again and spread it around that I’m a coward."
"That kid’s the real coward, Luke," Warren grumbled, almost without realizing he was dropping the "responsible adult" mask he was trying to maintain. "But look, if he keeps it up, you can play your final card: tell him you’ve got a bodyguard who's ready to stop all the bullying in the world."
Luke’s eyes lit up, immediately excited as if he’d found a new lever to pull. "And who’s this bodyguard?"
Warren, with a mischievous grin and an easygoing look in his eyes, extended his hand to the boy, exuding the confidence of someone who knew exactly the power a simple gesture could hold. "Warren Lipka, at your service, secret agent to Luke."
"Awesome!" Luke couldn’t contain his joy, raising his arms in an impromptu celebration as if he had already conquered the world.
"Warren, are you busy today?"
You stepped out of the office, a stack of papers clutched in your hands, your phone pressed against your neck, while your disheveled hair fell messily over your face. Your expression was tense, betraying the chaos of the day. You couldn’t help but move hurriedly, your eyes glued to the phone as if it were the only thing keeping you afloat in the storm.
"No, what’s up?" Warren asked, his brow furrowing in immediate concern. He approached you with quick, purposeful steps, his gaze locked on your tense face. He knew that when you looked like this, something urgent was happening.
"I need you to watch Luke." You replied, your voice tight and direct. Snatching the phone from your hands, you typed quickly, your mind racing at full speed. "I’ve got a parent-teacher meeting today, and his doctor just called me. She needs me to come in urgently. I’ll stop by Elizabeth’s to grab his gift while I’m at it."
"So, you’re going to be out the rest of the day?" Warren asked, his eyes never leaving you for a second, like he was trying to gauge what else might be coming.
"Pretty much." You exhaled sharply, frustration escaping through your teeth. Your phone wouldn’t stop vibrating, adding to the pressure already mounting inside you. "Damn, I have to go now. You can close early if you need to. If it gets tough, and if he wants to go out, be careful with the people around. If he starts getting too stressed, give him his headphones, okay?"
"Got it." Warren nodded, trying to process the flood of information while you already began to move, ready to leave.
"Thanks, Warren. Bye." You said, giving him a quick peck on the lips—a brief, yet meaningful gesture—before you hurried toward the door.
"Hey." He called, his hands automatically running through his messy hair. He straightened up and looked at you with a soft smile, his demeanor calming. "Now, that’s better. Bye."
"Thanks. I owe you one." You shouted over your shoulder, already heading out the door, your footsteps echoing quickly down the corridor. On the way, you dropped your phone, muttering a curse under your breath as you bent down to pick it up.
At least Luke hadn’t heard the mutterings under your breath, and without wasting any more time, you jumped into the car and sped off toward your appointments.
“It’s… four-thirty…” Warren started, adjusting the watch on his wrist before casting an amused glance at Luke, who was practically bouncing out of his chair. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, his calm tone contrasting with the boy’s energetic excitement. "How about we finish our work quickly and then hit the mall?"
“Yay!” Luke shouted, his little eyes sparkling with excitement as he sprang out of his seat. He grabbed Warren’s hand, eager to rush down the hallway. "Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!"
“Why the rush, little man?” Warren laughed softly, matching Luke's quick pace until they reached the middle of the aisle, between shelves of cookies and snacks. He placed his hands on his hips, relaxed yet alert, like he was in perfect sync with the boy. "Let’s get the work done properly first, before anything else."
“It’s because there’s a giant octopus at the mall!” Luke exclaimed, releasing Warren’s hand and already hopping around in impatient excitement, eyes glued to him, waiting for him to start opening boxes.
“An octopus, huh?” Warren raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smile creeping onto his face as he sliced open the box with a pocketknife, careful not to nick Luke’s small hands. He tucked the knife into his pocket efficiently and, with the other hand, began organizing products onto the higher shelves.
“It’s not a real octopus, Warren. I’m a kid, not stupid.” Luke teased, laughing as he grabbed a pack of chocolate cookies. He placed it within his reach, his eyes lighting up with the idea. "It’s like a ferris wheel for kids. And I love octopuses! My favorite is theGrimpoteuthis, or dumbo octopus if you find it hard to say. "
“What do you like so much about octopuses?” Warren asked, genuinely curious, continuing the tedious task. He leaned slightly forward to reach the top shelves, but his eyes never left Luke, interested in what he might say next.
“I really love octopuses.” Luke answered, his enthusiasm contagious, pausing to share his thoughts while still working. "Octopuses have 8 tentacles, and it’s almost the same distance I have from my mom. We have 7 years and 7 months between us."
“Wow…” Warren said, impressed but still keeping his playful tone. "But hey, let’s focus on the work, little guy. We can’t waste time on this right now, or the squid will be gone." He winked, teasing lightly, but with a smile on his face.
“It’s not a squid, it’s an octopus.” Luke rolled his eyes, chuckling as he returned to his task. He seemed to find a nice balance between being serious and playful. "Wanna hear more octopus facts?"
“Sure. Hit me with it.” Warren chuckled softly, his eyes bright with genuine interest in what Luke might say next. He admired the boy—his mini-me, but with his own spark. He wondered silently how you had managed to raise someone so wonderful, someone who, despite everything, remained so pure and curious.
“Okay, here it is. Did you know octopuses have three hearts?” Luke asked, his voice full of anticipation, his eyes locked on Warren’s face as he quickened his work pace, grabbing packages with the efficiency of someone used to the job.
“Three hearts? That’s a lot.” Warren mused, tapping his chin casually, though his eyes remained focused on the task at hand. He picked up the heavier packages with precision, his posture relaxed but attentive, and his curiosity piqued by the conversation.
“Yeah. And did you know they have blue blood?”
“No way, you’re lying.” Warren teased, laughing softly when he saw Luke’s mock angry expression. He could tell the boy was eager to show off his knowledge. "I’m kidding. Why is it blue?"
“They have hemocyanin. I don’t know what that means, but my mom said that cyan means blue.” Luke explained with a thoughtful expression, and Warren nodded along, showing he was listening carefully.
“Did you know they’re super smart?”
“Oh, I know. I saw this crazy video of them escaping from aquariums.” Warren perked up, his voice rising a little with excitement, but he quickly caught himself. He didn’t want to sound like he was just telling any random story. The truth was, he’d watched those videos trying to learn escape strategies—something he never thought he’d need in real life. "But I get what you're saying. Octopuses are smart."
"Yeah, some even solve puzzles!" Luke shared, rubbing his hands together and shaking off the dust that clung to his fingers. He beamed with pride, happy to be teaching Warren something new. "I’m done."
“Me too, just one little thing...” Warren squinted, adjusting the price on a package of cookies that had been mis-labeled. He seemed more focused on the task now, but his eyes were still on Luke, keeping watch. "There. All done. Let’s go."
After getting into the car, Warren began to feel something new, something different from anything he’d experienced before. He glanced in the rearview mirror, checking that Luke was safe in the back seat, and a sense of belonging and purpose filled him. He found himself in a role he’d never imagined taking: someone who truly cared for another person, simply and genuinely. As he drove, he guided Luke, asking him not to stick his head too far out the window, helping with the small things the boy couldn’t quite understand or process.
For a moment, Warren felt as though he was healing something inside himself, something that had been lost along the way. He saw Luke as a kind of mission, a purpose. Taking care of him was something Warren never expected, but now it felt like something he would always do, a silent bond that couldn’t be broken, no matter what was happening around them. He knew Luke wasn’t his biological son, but there was something more, something neither he nor you dared to admit. The truth was simple, yet complex: family wasn’t just made of blood.
“Stay there, I’ll open the door.” Warren gently indicated, walking around the car to open the door for Luke. “Can you unbuckle your seatbelt and get out by yourself?”
“I can.” Luke replied confidently, stretching his legs to jump out of the car, but before he made any move, he asked a curious question, his eyes fixed on Warren as he unbuckled his seatbelt. “Hey, why do you open the door for mom if she can get out by herself when she’s with me?”
“It’s chivalry, Luke. It’s a nice gesture that shows how much I care about her.” Warren answered with a sincere smile, carefully closing the car door to avoid hitting any of Luke’s limbs, even though the little boy was already far from the door. His posture was relaxed, but he was still focused on what he was doing.
“Hmm, so all the men who do that really like the women they’re with?”
“Most of them just don’t like seeing the car scratched or the door broken because they don’t trust the girls.” Warren replied with a playful tone, but also curious about Luke’s question. He took the boy’s hand as Luke extended it, beginning to walk side by side through the shopping mall.
“Do you think that about mom sometimes?” Luke looked up at him with curious eyes, as though the answer had a much deeper meaning than he realized.
“Only sometimes, when she’s wearing those huge heels or when she’s mad about something.” Warren responded with grace, trying to lighten the mood while holding Luke’s small hand. “Is she always that scary when she’s mad?”
“Very much. Uncle Daniel says she’s always been like that. One day he even wanted to call the police.” Luke revealed, squeezing Warren’s hand a little harder, as if sharing an important secret, a revelation. His tone grew more serious, as if he were sharing something he’d heard many times before.
Uncle Daniel? That echoed in Warren’s mind. He realized that Luke still didn’t know who his father was, and it caused a strange pang of discomfort inside him. But he forced himself to continue the conversation without letting that thought take over. What mattered at that moment was that Luke was right there beside him, and he wanted to make the most of it.
“Hey, why do you always wear headphones? Do you really like music that much?” Warren asked, trying to steer the conversation away from Luke’s father, as if the silence between them could ease the growing tension in his mind.
“My ears hurt if I listen to too much loud noise. My mom said I’ve been like this since I was little.” Luke revealed, and Warren felt his mind grow even more confused with this information. He was trying to make sense of it all but decided to leave the topic for now.
“You’re still little, Luke.”
“Boring.” Luke stuck out his tongue at him, but his smile quickly returned, and Warren couldn’t help but laugh with him. “You’re the strangest adult I’ve ever met, Warren.”
“And you’re the strangest kid I’ve ever met, Luke. We’re even.” Warren teased, beginning to swing their hands as they walked. He felt a connection with Luke, a strange sense that, despite everything he had gone through, maybe—just maybe—he could be a good example for this boy.
“Everyone says I should be normal and that I’m weird. I get sad about it. But it’s different with you.” Luke smiled, and those words made Warren’s heart tighten. He felt something so strong, as if he were seeing Luke’s true pain right there, but also his strength.
Luke was an incredible kid, too good for the world he’d been given. He didn’t deserve any of it, but Warren knew that, somehow, he could still be a part of Luke’s life, doing whatever he could to help him. He didn’t know the reason for Luke’s suffering, but something inside him told him that, if he could change anything, he would do everything possible to make sure Luke had a lighter future.
“You know, being normal is boring. Normal people are boring.” Warren began, cracking his neck slightly to ease the tension that was starting to build up. The conversation was taking a lighter tone, but he knew the impact his words could have. “One day, I told your mom I wanted to be normal, and she told me never to do that. She likes me the way I am. That’s really important.”
“She says that to me too, but she’s my mom.” Luke whined, swinging his hands together in a slightly exaggerated way, still with that tone of someone wanting to express all his frustration but not knowing how. It was as if the boy had some doubt about what it truly meant to be "normal" and how he fit into this world.
“But this time, I’m the one saying it.” Warren replied, now with a calm that almost sounded wise, as if the words were coming from a place of real experience and understanding. “Next time someone calls you weird, know that it’s a compliment.”
Luke seemed to absorb the information, and a shy smile appeared on his face, as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. “Okay.” The boy’s expression, which had been heavy, was now more comfortable, lighter. Slowly, he was starting to understand that being who he was was fine, and he didn’t need to fit into molds imposed by others.
As they walked through the mall, Warren kept his thoughts focused and serious. He knew that, no matter how simple they seemed, people’s internal battles, even the smallest ones like Luke’s, were real. They were so different, yet so similar. Each had their own fears and sadness, and sometimes the pain seemed to come from such unexpected places. Luke was still so young, yet already felt loneliness, which made Warren’s heart tighten. He knew he couldn’t let that continue. He didn’t want Luke to feel how he sometimes did—lost and alone.
“Is that the octopus over there?” Warren asked, pointing to the children’s ride with a giant purple, colorful octopus, where a few kids were having fun, looping around and shouting with joy. He tried to steer the conversation toward something lighter, something they could both enjoy together.
“Yeah. I have the little card from when I came with my mom.” Luke said, all excited, grabbing his little backpack and opening it quickly to pull out his Aquamen card, which made Warren smile. The boy had a habit of holding on to memories, and it made Warren feel a pang of tenderness. “Here it is!” He showed the card with a victorious expression.
“Good taste, kid.” Warren teased, admiring the boy’s dedication to keeping that card with so much care. He walked over to the reception, validated the card, and added credits, always keeping Luke’s hand between his, as if not wanting the boy to get lost in the sea of people. It was their first outing, and in a way, Warren felt like a real father, trying to protect and make everything perfect for Luke. The attendant handed the card back, and Warren smiled as he returned it to the boy. “All set, let’s go.”
“Aaaayyy!!” Luke exclaimed, his hands clapping joyfully as he ran toward the line, jumping and skipping with contagious energy. “Come on, Warren!” He looked back over his shoulder, with that big, radiant smile, waiting for Warren to follow him.
“I’m coming.” Warren laughed, running to catch up with the boy. He already knew how important it was for Luke to have someone there, someone to trust. As he reached the ride, he placed a careful hand on the boy’s shoulders. “Alright, I’m here. You’re up next. Have fun. I’ll be right here, okay?”
“Okay.” Luke nodded, eagerly climbing into the seat of the ride. He looked a little nervous, but at the same time, his smile showed he was ready to face whatever came next. The attendant adjusted the safety belt, and Luke stayed there, firm, eager for the fun that was about to begin.
As the ride started to ascend, Warren watched Luke’s face carefully. He saw the boy’s smile expand, as if the whole world was too small to contain the happiness he was feeling at that moment. It was a genuine smile, the kind that only appears when someone is truly enjoying themselves. Luke’s expression was pure wonder, and Warren felt a deep sense of satisfaction, as if his mission was being fulfilled.
He stayed there, waiting, watching, feeling time pass in a more peaceful way. The octopus made a full rotation, and Luke waved from the top, his hands flailing, while his face lit up with contagious joy. Warren smiled back, a silent laugh escaping his lips, and moved a bit away, looking for a nearby bench to sit and wait. He bought a bag of popcorn, trying to distract himself a bit as time passed.
But inside, he was calm. The feeling of being there, part of this moment in Luke's life, was more than he had expected. It was as if, somehow, he had found a piece of himself in that boy. Something he hadn’t realized was missing.
Warren walked over to a distant bench, where exhausted parents occupied the seats, their faces revealing the weight of a long day, toys in hand, and tired gazes that said more than words ever could. But while he tried to distract himself by observing the scene around him, something caught his attention. Daniel was there. He appeared at the amusement station, his face weary, eyes slightly misty from exhaustion, still sporting a faint bruise that seemed to silently tell a story. Their eyes met. Warren felt a pang of guilt. That man still represented a part of an unresolved past, but he didn’t want to deal with that now. He waved briefly, averting his eyes from Daniel and focusing again on Luke, as if the problem wasn’t standing right in front of him. But, contrary to his plans, Daniel approached, walking with a downcast look, like a defeated lamb, carrying an invisible pain.
He stayed there, waiting, watching, feeling time pass in a more peaceful way. The octopus made a full rotation, and Luke waved from the top, his hands flailing, while his face lit up with contagious joy. Warren smiled back, a silent laugh escaping his lips, and moved a bit away, looking for a nearby bench to sit and wait. He bought a bag of popcorn, trying to distract himself a bit as time passed.
But inside, he was calm. The feeling of being there, part of this moment in Luke's life, was more than he had expected. It was as if, somehow, he had found a piece of himself in that boy. Something he hadn’t realized was missing.
Warren walked over to a distant bench, where exhausted parents occupied the seats, their faces revealing the weight of a long day, toys in hand, and tired gazes that said more than words ever could. But while he tried to distract himself by observing the scene around him, something caught his attention. Daniel was there. He appeared at the amusement station, his face weary, eyes slightly misty from exhaustion, still sporting a faint bruise that seemed to silently tell a story. Their eyes met. Warren felt a pang of guilt. That man still represented a part of an unresolved past, but he didn’t want to deal with that now. He waved briefly, averting his eyes from Daniel and focusing again on Luke, as if the problem wasn’t standing right in front of him. But, contrary to his plans, Daniel approached, walking with a downcast look, like a defeated lamb, carrying an invisible pain.
“Can I sit here?” Daniel's voice was low, almost as if he feared the answer, as if even the simple act of asking for permission was a burden for him.
“It’s a free country.” Warren replied, with a neutral tone, polite but carrying the coldness of someone wanting to maintain distance. He shifted slightly to the side, making no real effort to hide his internal irritation.
Daniel sat beside Warren in silence, his hands crossed almost defensively. His posture was slumped, eyes heavy with deep dark circles, as if he carried not just physical tiredness but an emotional weight that he couldn’t let go. He sniffed once, the sound almost lost in the tension between them.
“Did you come here to get hit again?” Warren asked bluntly, grabbing a handful of popcorn and tossing it into his mouth. The question was direct, cutting, as if he wanted to wound that man a little more with his indifference.
“No… Actually, I was passing by and remembered this place.” Daniel said, looking around, his eyes lost in something distant, as if the memories of those times suddenly overtook him. “I came here with her when Luke was a baby.”
Warren didn’t answer. He only nodded, a small gesture, no words. He didn’t have much to say, nothing that would really matter in that moment.
“Honey broke up with me.” Daniel sighed heavily, as if the weight had been lifted from his shoulders, an unasked-for confession. “The same day, in front of everyone.”
Warren responded automatically, with visible boredom in his voice. “Sorry to hear that.” He wasn’t interested in sympathizing with Daniel anymore. The sad version of the blond man was starting to irritate him.
“I paid so much for that party. I did everything she asked. She drained every penny I had saved in my savings account.” Daniel continued, completely ignoring Warren’s grimace, unloading another piece of his pain. “She never had to ask me for anything, even when I insisted.”
“She?” Warren repeated, his tone dripping with sarcasm. He knew exactly who he was talking about, no need to mention her name. He had heard it all before, and the frustration was beginning to build inside him.
“I was so jealous when I saw you two together for the first time.” Daniel confessed, his body sinking into the bench as if gravity itself was pulling him down, too weak to fight the weight of his own words. “We hadn’t spoken in years. I found out she never dated anyone after we broke up. Then, when I saw you together, with Luke smiling like he never did with me, my brain short-circuited.”
“Am I supposed to feel sorry for you?” Warren scoffed, rolling his eyes with an impatient tone. “Your big idea was to throw a wedding invitation at her?” He couldn’t hold it back anymore. The irritation was visible, and the words came with a subtle venom. He didn’t want to know about Daniel’s feelings, or his old frustrations. He wanted to focus on the present, and Daniel didn’t belong in that picture.
“I went crazy, don’t blame me.” Daniel said, his expression twisting with discomfort, fingers messing with his once-blond hair, which now looked dull and lifeless. “Deep down, I always knew I liked her, and I was looking for someone shallow to replace her. Someone who didn’t know anything about me, and I could pretend to be someone else to escape the past.”
“Then why did you leave her?” Warren cut through Daniel’s words sharply, almost like a knife. His voice was threatening, and Daniel instinctively clicked his tongue, letting out a frustrated huff. He knew that question didn’t have an easy answer, but Warren wanted to hear it from Daniel. Why all this mess?
“I never abandoned her.” Daniel grumbled, running his hand over his head, as if trying to push away the painful memories that still haunted him. “I just didn’t know how to take care of Luke. That’s all. I didn’t… know how to deal with him. It was getting on my nerves. Consuming me. I couldn’t concentrate on college and my parents are rigid about it. Every time I had to take him to the doctor or something.”
Warren felt anger bubbling up inside him. “And what’s so bad about that kid that you’d do something like that?” The question came out almost as a shout, his patience already at its limit. He closed the popcorn bag tightly, his fist clenched, trying to control the fury that was about to explode.
“He’s not normal. You must know that. You don’t need to be an expert to see it.” Daniel pointed at Luke, who was still playing away, before turning back to Warren, as if trying to justify himself. “When he was born, he cried all the fucking time. After a while, he started to be quiet like a mouse. He wouldn’t express anything, wouldn’t talk. We took him to the doctor and they said they didn’t know what was wrong.”
Warren's stiffness eased a bit. He leaned back in his seat, listening to the story, trying to keep control and process what Daniel was saying.
“I always liked parties and all. Whenever there was one at home, Luke wouldn't stop crying for a second.” Daniel continued, rubbing his tired eyes, a shadow of regret beginning to appear in his voice. “He didn't like being picked up, he bit people, kicked them. He was violent. He was a... freak.”
Warren bit back the curse that was about to come out, his fists clenched, his body tense as he tried to listen without losing his train of thought. “Freak.” The word felt like a punch to the stomach. He wanted to scream, but he forced himself to stay silent.
“I left them alone when he was about 9 months old. I couldn't stand living with it anymore. I thought: it was an accident, so why should i care?” Daniel's voice broke, and his lips trembled, as if confessing was torture. “Today I regret that.”
“Good for you, you should suffer more.” Warren spat, his voice cold as ice, uncrumpling the popcorn bag and grabbing another handful, his stomach churning. He didn’t want to feel sorry for Daniel, not after everything he’d done.
“So I heard from a phone call when he was three and a half.” Daniel trailed off, sobbing, his breathing heavy as he ran a hand over his chest. “Claire. My sister… Told me Luke was autistic.”
At that moment, Daniel broke down. He began to cry, his hands on his head, his shoulders shaking with each sob. Warren’s eyes widened, a little disconcerted. He looked around, desperately searching for something to distract himself, but here they were, in the center of everything, in a public scene he didn’t know how to handle.
At first, he hesitated, but something forced him to reach out. He placed his hand on Daniel’s back, a clumsy attempt to calm the man, trying to at least appear decent in the face of his pain.
“She… raised money and went to these expensive doctors by herself and found out about this.” Daniel continued, his words coming out in a disjointed way as he wiped his face with his shirt. “She didn’t tell me about this. She found out from my sister. I tried to help, but she wouldn’t. She said I was fucking dead to her. I’ve never seen them since that day. Luke doesn’t even know who I am.”
Warren felt a tightness in his chest, but his anger didn’t go away. He couldn’t let this go.
“Man, you were the biggest jerk ever.” The words came out harsh, but necessary. He caught Daniel’s attention with a simple but cutting sentence.
“You were an idiot. The worst.” Warren continued, shaking his head in disapproval. “I know she forgave you, I do too. I can’t even imagine what the first few years must have been like…”
“Then why does she treat me like this if she forgives me?” Daniel interrupted, his voice desperate, his pain showing, but also his confusion and wounded pride.
“Forgiving isn’t the same as forgetting,” Warren said, his voice firm, almost emotionless, as he removed his hands from Daniel’s back, wiping them on his pants. “And she’ll never forget this, Daniel. It’s her son.”
“I know.” Daniel sniffed, running a hand over his face, and a hint of remorse showed in his eyes, but it seemed too late. “I know…”
“Uncle Dan?” Luke asked curiously, his voice soft. Warren didn’t even realize when the boy had gotten off the ride. He was so immersed in his own thoughts that everything around him seemed distant.
“Hey, baby octopus.” Daniel answered in a forced voice, trying to sound cheerful, but the smile he tried to show didn’t convince anyone.
“Are you okay?” Luke frowned, approaching him, his big, sincere eyes full of concern.
“Yes, I am, Luke. Thanks for asking.” Daniel smiled back, but the expression was an effort, his body tired and his mind restless. He forced himself to get up from the bench, trying to hide the weight of the situation. “It’s time for me to go.”
“You’re leaving?” Luke tilted his head to the side, visibly disconcerted. He looked at Daniel, who just nodded silently, as if that were explanation enough.
“I have to take care of some things.” Daniel lied, forcing his throat not to tighten. He didn't want the boy to see the pain in his eyes. Not now.
“Take care, okay?” Warren was sincere. Even though he hated him, he was still as complicated a person as he was.
“Thanks. Bye, Luke.” Daniel finally said, waving quickly before turning his back and walking towards the exit, his posture hunched, as if he carried more than just regret. His footsteps echoed as he walked away, disappearing into the crowds of the park.
Luke looked at the place where Daniel had gone, confused, as if he was trying to understand what had happened, but couldn't. He then turned to Warren.
“What happened to Uncle Dan?” Luke asked, his voice soft and full of uncertainty.
“Adults complicating simple things.” Warren replied, trying to make the moment seem light. He shook the empty popcorn bag, trying to mask the feeling of emptiness that still accompanied him. “Want some?” He offered the bag to Luke, but he knew the little boy wasn't interested.
“I want a burger.” Luke replied with a mischievous and defiant smile, taking Warren's hand again, as if it were something natural, as if they were together in any situation, without the complications of adult life.
“You'll owe me that trip when you're an adult. I'm getting my pockets empty.” Warren smiled, feeling a little lightness return to his heart. He threw the bag of popcorn in the trash with a determined gesture. “But I also want to eat something with more substance. Will you have some soda?”
“My mom won't let me.” Luke pouted as he started walking, his hand still firmly in Warren's. “She says I'll grow up with bad bones, she only gives me juice. She makes beetroot, orange and carrot juice for breakfast.”
“Typical of your mother. I hate beets.” Warren rolled his eyes, letting out a light, more relaxed laugh. He always found it funny how some mothers could be so strict about certain foods.
“I hate it too. It's so disgusting.” Luke whispered, almost as if he was confessing a deep secret, something that no one should ever know.
Their laughter was spontaneous, a moment of complicity that made the day a little brighter. Despite all the heavy revelations that were still engraved in his heart, Warren knew that what mattered at that moment was to make Luke smile. He wanted, for a brief moment, to banish the ghosts of the past and give the boy something simple: happiness.
“I bet you’ve never had Pepsi with lime.” Warren said, raising an eyebrow, trying to spice up the conversation with something fun. He started walking towards the fast food joint, determined to do what every father would do: spoil good habits with a pinch of fun, lots of sugar and fries to go with it. It was a small diversion, but he knew that these small gestures could mean the world to Luke.
#warren lipka x y/n#warren lipka x you#warren lipka#warren lipka x reader#x reader#imagine#reader insert#fanfic#evan peters#evan peters fandom#evan peters x reader#evan peters x you#evan peters x y/n#american animals
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Part 2? Of my previous post
The G.I.W.'s influence in Amity Park is almost.....cult like. They teach them to think a certain way and make those who object disappear. What of this started in full force when jazz was in elementary school. She has seen teenagers who objected and spoke up leave the town in body bags if they were lucky. Movements and advancements stopped because of what they G.I.W might do to them if they were found out. The teens leave for college and get taken to facilities for testing while the ones who were more public were turned into crazy people who were in kahoots with the ghosts.
Amity is the most haunted town in the US are you telling me that ghosts didn't exist before the portal. No, they existed just to a lesser scale. Curses and beings lurked everywhere, and the people were fine with that. They lived in content and almost harmony with that. I want to imagine that the town used to produce non humans, and witches and wizards back in the like 1600s or something. I want to imagine that magic is outlawed in Amity. That talk of people like that and to think positively of ghosts and the undead is forbidden. What if Sam's parents don't want her to be goth because some of the Salem witch trails happened there. Because the G.I.W treats those who seem to be connected to witch's and the like far worse, but they couldn't say because the town was under constant servailance.
Anyway, jazz was determined to actually leave the town and start a life, ahead just needed to fake her death and hide her body because the G.I.W are not above keeping amities corpses. The cemetery is empty. She could get a false one, but that'll take too much time. She needs to get in contact with someone from the outside and get a good relationship so they'll notice when she goes missing. That way, she can come back with people and bring Danny.
Anyway Amity park is backwards with ideals out of date so a lot of amities youth think things that are perfectly normal and there is absolutely nothing wrong with are horrible because they were indoctrinated into thinking so. They were raised on it when they were younger because the G.I.W is basically a cult. The town is unter its influence
I'm not bringing religion into it but just make it close to it.
I want danny to feel bad about liking tim. I want tim to reassure him and show him that it is fine. I want gothamites hearing stories about Amity from the kids and immediately getting to work undoing all of the bad stuff that they were taught and making them feel accepted. I want them to show them movements and history, and basically, the teens are discovering themselves while being free for the first time. They aren't being constantly watched and are safe(r) during the siege on Gotham.
I want hurt with comfort. I want tim being furious and calling Wally. I want Wally telling YJ, I want clockwork to drop ghosts and ellie and Dan in Gotham.
I want Dan reformed because that man had been through enough already. He is grieving and in a town like that and spiraling until he ripped out his humanity, tell me he doesn't deserve redemption. Anyway elle meets konnor and they are now best friends slash siblings because danny sees him gets a sticker, writes his logo on it, walks over to him, and puts it over his chest and says" your a Fenton or nightingale now"
Point is everyone is aware of Amity and the anit-ecto acts and does their best to help. The gothamites don't need help with the siege, though, nor do they allow it. It's personal now.
I want Dan to befriend waylon( killer croc) and help him. I want him to go ballistic on the G.I.W. agents who dares enter. I want temporary mayham, I want chaos. I want the villians to help purely because they are the only ones who are allowed to destroy and torture Gotham and her people. The joker and that pig guy stay in arkum, though. So do the other ones like them.
I want jazz changing her plan when she realizes that the youngsters are actually planning on leaving during one of her visits. She left that town as soon as possible but didn't want to leave Danny. Danny thought she was abandoning him, so he didn't talk to her at graduation. He knows that people who leave town don't come back. Tucker, however, does not and made her a private phone as a gift so she can talk to Danny and them. He makes Danny one as well.
Jazz speaks to Danny almost every day when he starts returning her calls. So when danny started to tell her their plan, she was all for it. She came back and acted like she was visiting before pursuing a different degree.
#danny phantom au#danny phantom#danny fenton#jazz fenton#tim drake#wally west#deadtired#gotham#batman#G.I.W#tucker foley#dpxdc#these are my old prompts
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Hii! Since requests are open, can I request a platonic Hwang In-Ho x reader, where reader is his beloved sister, and instead of Junho searching for Inho, it's the reader who is desperately looking for Inho.... Inho and the reader are really really close.
And then when Inho pursues the reader to the cliff (like how he did in Season 1 with Junho), reader yells angrily at the Frontman, telling him that she will take revenge for her brother, and Inho is torn between feeling touched and also sad... (Tons of angst hehe)....
And then, one of the guard's accidentally shoots the reader, and reader falls to the ground in pain, and Inho is panicked, he rushes to her and takes off his mask, and when reader sees him, instead of getting angry (that he is he Frontman), she's relieved that he's alive and hugs him before dying.
Inho is crushed.
(Uhh thank you so much!!!!)
Blood Ties (Frontman/Hwang In-Ho x Sister!Reader)
Pairing: Frontman/Hwang In-Ho x Sister!Reader
Warnings: 3rd person reader, HEAVY use of Y/N lol, Sibling Relationships, Violence, Death, Grief and Loss, Trauma, Angst, SAD AF.
Word count: 900
Notes: Thanks for the request. I’m sorry for the long wait! I hope you like it.🧡
Y/N and In-ho had always been close as siblings, despite their age gap. In-ho was more than just a brother; he was a father figure to both Y/n and Jun-ho. He had a particular soft spot for Y/N and affectionately called her "Bird." In-ho often went out of his way to comfort and protect her, becoming a constant source of strength and guidance in her life.
When In-ho went missing, Y/N was distraught. The pain of his absence was a constant ache in her heart. Determined to find him, she decided to follow in his footsteps and became a policewoman. Her unwavering dedication to uncovering the truth about his disappearance led her on a relentless search. This journey eventually brought her to the Squid Games, culminating in the moment she found herself in now.
Y/N panted heavily, her breath misting in the cold air as she aimed her gun at the dark figure before her. Her hands were trembling, but her eyes were filled with fierce determination.
"Stop right there," she demanded, her voice trembling with both fear and anger.
The Front Man stood tall, his presence commanding and ominous, cloaked in shadows. His voice, cold and detached, cut through the tense silence.
"That gun of yours holds five bullets. But for police regulations, one chamber must remain empty, and one must be filled with a blank. That leaves three live rounds."
His impassive mask revealed nothing of the man inside. "You’ve already used one to kill a man and another one to break the lock, which means there’s only one bullet left in your gun."
Y/N's grip tightened on the weapon, her knuckles turning white. Her heart pounded in her chest, but her resolve remained unshaken.
“One bullet is more than enough to kill you," she hissed, her voice dripping with venom. "I’ll make you suffer the same way you tortured my brother… In-ho. Remember that name." She cocked the gun with a click that echoed ominously in the enclosed space.
The Front Man was taken aback inside his mask, though his expression remained inscrutable. Her words resonated with the part of him that was still human, stirring a profound sense of sadness and pride. Sadness for the pain and loss he had caused his sister, yet pride in her courage, determination, and the strength she had grown into. Despite the circumstances that brought them to this harrowing moment, he couldn’t help but recognize the resilient person she had become, a testament to the indomitable spirit he always saw in her.
"Give up," he ordered, his voice devoid of any warmth or hesitation.
Y/N’s eyes narrowed, the pain and betrayal she felt fueling her resolve. "I warned you. Take another step and…" Her voice cracked, but she held her ground, her finger hovering over the trigger.
The Front Man continued to approach her, each step filled with an unwavering confidence that made her blood boil. With a surge of desperation, Y/N pulled the trigger. The shot rang out, a deafening explosion in the confined space, and the Front Man staggered backward, a spray of blood erupting from his shoulder.
He breathed heavily, the pain evident even through his mask. For a moment, the cold, impassive demeanor faltered. The guards around him moved to intervene, their fingers twitching on their triggers, but he raised his uninjured arm, stopping them with a commanding gesture.
"This is over. Now come with me," he commanded, his voice strained but unyieldingly firm. "Do as I say, or you die."
Y/N's voice was barely audible, a whisper filled with desperate confusion. "Who the hell… are you?"
Before he could process her response, one of the guards opened fire. The shot struck her, the pain immediate and overwhelming. She crumpled to the ground, the cold concrete pressing against her cheek, her vision blurring.
"No!" the masked man screamed, his voice filled with anguish. The Front Man, seeing her fall, was suddenly filled with a wave of panic. His steely exterior cracked as he rushed to her side, disregarding his own injury. He frantically removed his mask, revealing the face of her long-lost brother, Hwang In-ho.
Y/N's eyes widened in shock and relief. "In-ho…" she whispered, her voice weak and trembling. She reached out to him with a bloodstained hand.
In-ho's eyes were filled with sorrow and regret. He cradled her in his arms, his own pain forgotten in the face of his sister’s suffering.
"I’m so sorry," he murmured, his voice choking with emotion.
In-ho's eyes brimmed with unrestrained sorrow and regret, tears streaming down his face as he cradled her in his arms. His own pain was forgotten in the face of his sister’s suffering, his heart breaking with every sob that escaped his lips. The weight of their lost years and unspoken words crushed him, each tear a testament to his anguish and the depth of his love for her.
Tears streamed down her face as she clung to him, her life slipping away. "You’re alive… that’s all that matters," she managed to say, her voice a mere whisper. "I missed you so much... I love you, In-ho."
Choking on tears, In-ho whispered back, "I love you too bird... I always have."
As darkness closed in, Y/N found solace in her brother’s embrace. She had searched for him, risked everything to uncover the truth, and now, even as her strength waned, she was content. With her final breath, she hugged him tightly, and then, she was gone.
In-ho held her lifeless body, the weight of his choices crashing down upon him with a crushing force. The ruthless Front Man was gone, leaving only a broken man mourning the loss of his beloved sister. He let out a loud, sobbing scream, the sound echoing through the empty island, a final, heart-wrenching cry of despair.
#hwang inho#hwang in ho#hwang inho x reader#hwang in ho x reader#hwang in ho x y/n#hwang inho x y/n#hwang inho x you#hwang in ho x you#in ho x reader#in ho#inho x reader#frontman x reader#frontman x you#squid game#lee byung hun#frontman#the front man#Hwang inho x sister!reader#Hwang in ho x sister!reader#squid games fanfiction#squid game fanfic#in ho x you#inho x you#in ho x y/n#inho x y/n
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percy jackson is not a gryffindor and annabeth chase is not a ravenclaw, and i will argue this until i die
percy is a hufflepuff
- his fatal flaw is literally loyalty
-the scene in tartarus, when percy is choking akhlys with her own posion and he can’t make himself stop until he sees annabeth is scared of him. this is a hufflepuff trait to me, stay with me now. in my head, hufflepuffs have a really long fuse. they can endure a lot. and percy did, he endured 9 books of it by that point and he had never come close to this. but at some point, a hufflepuff has to snap. a “bend when you can, snap when you have to” kind of thing
- speaking of tartarus, he quite literally fell into the deepest part of the underworld for annabeth. in my opinion (which means nothing), a gryffindor would’ve vowed to get her out. a hufflepuff, percy, would fall with her.
- when grover asked percy if he wanted the empathy link broken and explained why it was dangerous to have one, percy said no. he always wanted to be connected to his friend and be able to find him if he needed to, even at the cost of his own life
- a hufflepuff’s achilles heel being stabbed in the back just fits, okay?
- he is insanely protective over the people he loves. he only went on the quest in the first book because there was the slightest chance of getting his mom back
annabeth chase is a slytherin
- she spent 5 years of her life meticulously analyzing and watching every new camper who came to CHB, waiting to see if they would be the one to get her that quest that Chiron promised her
- she was so determined, so ambitious, to prove herself to her mom. all she needed was one chance and she would get the job done
- slytherin’s are often watered-down in their intellectual ability, but people forget just how intelligent one can be. slytherin’s think outside the box, they’re always 10 steps ahead. sounds a lot like our girl
- annabeth is prepared for everything and anything at all times, aware of what could possibly go wrong and has a solution for it
- slytherin’s are responsible. annabeth chase was responsible for an entire cabin of campers by the time she was 12
- of course her fatal flaw is her hubris, which can be taken as pride but hubris also means over-confidence. slytherin’s have an immense sense of self worth and confidence, which can be their biggest downfall. just like annabeth
- annabeth consistently displays cunningness in the books, consistently outsmarting enemies in ways that others don’t think to do. like how she drops her dagger into the ocean just for percy to literally was away her enemies. remember, cunningness is not always an evil trait
of course both percy and annabeth share traits with other houses.
percy has a lot of gryffindor traits, like recklessness and his immense bravery, and annabeth has quite a few ravenclaw traits.
but in my opinion (again, which means nothing), i would put them into hufflepuff and slytherin!
#percy jackson#percy jackon and the olympians#pjo#annabeth chase#heroes of olympus#rick riordan#percy and annabeth#percabeth#harry potter#slytherin#gryffindor#ravenclaw#hufflepuff#hogwarts houses
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Another random teenage moshang idea. They all connect in some way or form.
„You really should learn how to fight. How can a disciple of a renowned sect be this talentless when it comes to this?“ Mobei Jun furrowed his brows as he looked at his human servant, who was patching up a small cut he got during one of his delivery runs.
„I can fight… just not with a sword.“ He let out a ‚hmph‘ and shook his head. There had been a reason why he always wrote the same fight scenes. Shang Qinghua had never been able to wrap his head around sword fighting - not in his last life, and surely not in this. And why should he? He got a stable position and would become Peak Lord in the future. All without having to trouble himself with sword fighting.
Mobei Jun puffed his cheeks and rolled his eyes. „I have never seen you fight. Not with a sword and not with your bare hands either. And I need someone who can at least stand his ground.“
„You have a whole army. You don‘t need me to fight.“ Shang Qinghua looked over his shoulder to the young demon prince sitting on his bed.
But in the next moment that prince was suddenly standing up, with a determined look on his face. „That‘s it. I am going to train you. Now, lead the way to a place where we won‘t be seen.“
When Mobei Jun had set his mind on something, there was nothing Shang Qinghua could do to stop him. And so he lead him to a quiet place where they could train. It was a small clearing in the lush bamboo forest surrounding the peak. Far enough so that no one would hear them, much less stumble upon them on accident. Most of the other disciples of the 4th ranked peal shared Shang Qinghua‘s ambition, read they had no ambition whatsoever. So they hardly ventured out of the common areas. Shang Qinghua found this place by accident way back when he first came to the sect and needed at least some private space. Now it would be no longer his alone. But he didn‘t mind sharing this place with Mobei Jun.
„Here we are. You will find no better place to spar on An Ding Peak.“ Shang Qinghua had spread out his arms as if he was presenting the great hall of a castle and not just some dusty field. Mobei Jun had to hold back a laugh. Only this guy could be proud of such a place. But he also had to admit that it was kind of cozy, just like the small room where Shang Qinghua resided in. Every place this human deemed as his seemed to be glowing in a warm light for Mobei Jun. He just couldn’t explain why. Maybe it was just the warm sun paired with the deep gurgling of a small stream running on the southeast edge of this clearing.
„Let‘s see how good you can actually fight. You against me. I will only use my bare hands, nothing more. You can use whatever you want. If you manage to knock me down, I won‘t be bothering you again with this.“ With that he got in fighting position. His pupils retracted into slits and Shang Qinghua could feel his blood run cold. There wasn‘t exactly killing intent in the air, but he knew that Mobei Jun wouldn‘T be gentle. With some delay, he also got in position. Shang Qinghua slowed his breath and focused on the flow of qi around him.
As soon as Mobei Jun started to move, the disciple reacted. He ducked away. With a side step he brought distance between them again. But the demon had anticipated this. He lunged forward, trying to grab the human. But before his hand could even come close to Shang Qinghua, he had dropped to the ground, grabbing both of Mobei Jun‘s legs. Taken by surprise, stumbled and lost his balance. As soon as he landed on the ground, he turned around only to find Shang Qinghua right on top of him, pinning him down.
His smile was bright and triumphant. „Knocked you over,“ he exclaimed with a dumb grin. Some of his brown locks had escaped his knot, standing in al directions from his head. He already worked up a sweat and the humidity had made all the stray stands curl up. Especially the hair around his face framed it now in a playful manner. Mobei Jun‘s heart clenched, but he shoved the feeling aside. Instead he pulled the young man closer and with a skilled move of his leg, he was now the one sitting on top.
Shang Qinghua had been taken by surprise, for a few seconds he just stared at Mobei Jun above him. His black hair falling around them like a curtain. But just like Mobei Jun, Shang Qinghua didn‘t want to be defeated just like that. He struggled, but in the next moment he was on top again.
This repeated a few times, their fight transforming more and more to a childish wrestling match. They were both gritting their teeth, shoving and pulling each other until they were both totally disheveled. But they still didn’t stop. Both of them too proud to give up.
Before long, Shang Qinghua decided to use his secret attack. He started tickling the demon prince. Not even someone like Mobei Jun could withstand Shang Qinghua‘s magic hands. He tried to stifle a chuckle. But it build up inside of his chest until the pressure became too much and he broke out in a loud cackle.
Taken aback by the laugh of the prince, Shang Qinghua paused for a moment. Had he ever heard Mobei Jun laugh this freely? His heart was pounding against his chest and he would much rather kiss this guy beneath him than tickle him. But Mobei Jun had other plans, starting a counter attack that now made Shang Qinghua laugh loudly. He tried to get away but Mobei Jun was surprisingly good at tickling. It was like he knew exactly where to tickle him, so that he wasn’t even able to defend himself.
Their fight ended with them both breathing heavily, laying on top of each other. Mobei Jun leaning on his forearms to not burden Shang Qinghua with all of his weight. Their cheeks were read. Shang Qinghua couldn’t move a single muscle. He was absolutely drained. Even too exhausted to realise how close his dream man was too him, or how they must look from an outside point of view.
„Tie?“ Shang Qinghua groaned and with a warm ‚hm‘ Mobei Jun agreed. He rolled himself off of Shang Qinghua and looked at the sky, that was slowly turning pink. When had he ever felt this free in his life? Right now, Mobei Jun was just a young man. A young man that had just been play fighting with a friend. A friend? Yes, maybe a friend. He closed his eyes and smiled. Shang Qinghua made him feel ways he never felt before.
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#svsss#moshang#mxtx svsss#mobei jun#shang qinghua#idiots in love#danmei#headcanon#svsss headcanon#teenage moshang#hormonal boys in their teenage years#svsss fanfiction#fanfic snippet#snippet#my writing
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Each one of us has obstacles that constantly stand in his way towards Allah, hardships that make us long for Jannah.
For many of us, those obstacles are in human form, yes, humans. People who -intentionally or unintentionally- stop us, hurt us, or make us stumble -therefore making our pace slower- or force our hearts to leave this path completely نسال اللهالسلامة و العافية.
Especially in sacred months -such as the one we are in now- we find those obstacles suddenly becoming bigger -which makes it much harder to jump over them or walk around them- so their affect on our journey becomes more severe, their harm becomes unbearable and the wounds they cause us deeper, making them take longer to heal.
As we finally get to take a breath, tired of building this fortress of eeman that our evil nafs should not be able to destroy, -a fortress we built brick by brick, all alone with the company and support of no one but Our Lord- we find them behind us, destroying our hope, with slow steady strikes, a smiling face and innocent eyes.
Innocent eyes that show no evil -for perhaps they do not intend any bad!, but their actions certainly portray otherwise-
In seconds, the hard work of days, weeks, months or even years disappears. Gone, like it has never existed.
In seconds our gardens of hope become swamps of despair, in seconds our hard earned motivation, fades, or even dies…
All of this happens in a few instants, a moment of anger, or sadness, a misunderstanding.. or a mere act of oppression brings us back to square one, as if we never walked a long journey, or as if we did not fight battles that -apparently- increased our immunity to the hardships of the way.
In seconds, we become, yet again, that ignorant child who stops doing what benefits him, to punish his parents for not giving him what he wants. We start to harm ourselves with neglect, expecting our suffering to be a punishment to those who -intentionally or unintentionally- strive to hurt us, unaware that we are doing them a favour, and the losers here are no one but ourselves.
When we stop doing what benefits us because of people, we are aiding our enemies against us, we are ripping our arms off and giving them to our jailers, so that they can use them to flog us if theirs get tired.
I know that their presence in your life makes you weaker and less productive than many of your peers, it forces you to break many promises you made to yourself and others… I know that their presence perhaps leaves you lost in a maze which’s only exits are either extreme self reproach or extreme self empathy, for you use their harm as an excuse for your actions -or the lack of them!-, yet are unable to get over the fact that excuses are the enemy of improvement!
So remember, each one of us will be buried alone, the oppression you faced will not be an excuse for you to abandon your goal in this dunyah, rather, it should make your determination to attain Jannah higher and your longing to Allah stronger, for no one accepts to suffer for nothing.. do we?
I am aware that the emotional affect of these obstacles is not an easy aspect to deal with, I never managed to deal with it myself.
You will grieve and you will cry, you will wish you were never born and you will sob until you become unable breath, -fully helpless- you will realise how meaningless and weak you are, you surely will, and that is something that will accompany you during your entire stay in this dunyah unless Allah grants you a way out, so get used to it!
What we do not want you to get used to is: lack of action. That is why, my advice to anyone who reads this, is to disconnect your heart from your limbs, cut the cables connecting them (I take no responsibility for anyone who takes these words into their literal sense!) do it whenever your heart is ill, so that it may not affect your actions.
Let your arms, legs, tongue… all act by themselves while your heart heals, so that once it comes back strong and healthy, it will be able to lead them again in sha Allah.
The heart and limbs are there to support each other, and by supporting I mean: uplifting, motivating, forcing to improve each other, not to accompany one and other in pain and illness.
Do not let the sickness of your heart stop you from reaching for its medicine with your arms!!!
And that is it may Allah bless you.
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Oliver Thistle 💚🕊🎻🌿 & Cherry Thistle ❤️⚔️🎸🍒

Music boy and Mercenary girl Oliver: violin and musical prodigy and nerd, serious and stuck-up on the outside but insane and rebellious on the inside. He is introverted, creative, disciplined and passionate about becoming a singer, conductor and violinist but hates being king (or anything related to leadership outside of conducting in general,). Oliver panics easily, is a perfectionist, and can be inconsiderate to others' needs. But if somebody asks him anything about music and violins in general; he would be delighted (but not to those ain't practising) . He's a waistcoat enthusiast like his great-grandfather (Victor - Oliver is Granpapa Thistle but more recessive and needs to be awakened lol)
Cherry: polar opposite of Oliver: laidback, not serious on the outside but is on the inside, aviation and ladybird nerd. Sporty and a natural warrior (she even has one as a pet and rides it as her "motorbike". And that ladybird later to be revelaed to be one of the canon characters in BAHLK, but wait and see) .She loves to rule and be the leader, extroverted and not as disciplined as her brother. Unlike Oliver who usually follows rules, Cherry likes to break them. She's not as stuck-up and perfectionistic as Oliver
Both of them are equally stubborn and competitive lol.
Their personalities can (and will) change in the development in my AU thought so treat it as a snapshot of the process.
#bahlk#ben and holly's little kingdom#bahlk fanart#oliver thistle#cherry thistle#bahlk oc#oliver has a musician soul and bard vibes#he can be bossy and jugdimental though#but nothing can stop him when he’s determined#my art#Actually this is the day I’ve finished the tests#bahlk au#cherry LOVES animals#especially ladybirds
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horror is so BLESSED he's the only one out of the murder time trio that has actual good people trying to influence his story 💔💔 dust and killer were both driven to INSANITY because of the choices of their respective humans but horror??? every time without FAIL the polls for horrortale's plotline have always ended in a good place for aliza (either by bettering her relationships/reputation or for her to just. not DIE)
horrortale's potential alternate timelines my beLOVEd🙏🙏 they're SO lucky that we're being kind and benevolent hehe (≧ω≦) now where are the aus based off the possible different outcomes that could've happened in horrortale HUH???? (like how aliza couldve killed toriel or chosen horror's puzzle or gone with undyne to the core........)
#something something all three of them have their fates determined by an outside force#ermmmm but horror doesn't- yeah he does. what aliza does decides EVERYTHING for horror and horrortale#just because its not direct like dust or killer doesn't mean theyre all subject to the same community x3#PARALLELS MTT PARALLELS FOR THE 500TH TIME THEY HAVE SOOOO MANY PARALLELS OHHH MY GOOOOOODDDDDD#mtt going to visit horrortale would just be dust eying aliza (out of paranoia. he knows shes a good kid)#and then killer knowing in his head that the poor kid aliza that horror weirdly seems to like doesn't have control over her actions#she doesn't know horror doesn't know nobody knows except killer. is that a bit sad?#theyre all living in the dark unaware of the reality of their world. i mean thats how its meant to be after all thats what the players want#but....... it would be tempting to tell horror...... hehehehehe- and then he's interrupted by horror and dust#(theyre trying to get killer to eat papyrus's spaghetti in their place. he's the only one that can stomach it even though there's no human)#mtt i love thee SOOOOO much. theyre back in horrortale for the holidays ✨✨ coming back to visit the family ✨✨ WHAT horror's visiting.......#not dust or killer of course. this isnt their world noooope thats not papyrus. but that doesn't stop dust from having everyone like him#its just like the good old days :333 except now there's three sanses and triple the insanity :333 almost like nothing's changed!!!!!#oh killer??? yeah he's there. probably won't try taking up the sansish type of role horror and dust do but he'll find a way to get used 2 i#after all the point of this is whatever he wants it to be now ;33333 were these tags all just a reference to my mtt fic. yes. yes they were#LMAOOOO i forgot that aliza didn't fall into horrortale yet in my fic. still a fun thing to imagine tho!!!#i think it would be fun having aliza be the first of humans for horrortale to deal with that they won't instantly kill#itll be hard but really rewarding for all of them........ especially horror i believe!!! man he didnt even go through therapy but#just being away from horrortale and out doing new and FUN and NOT MURDEROUS things has done wonders for him :3#i need to get to writing smh..... winter break is the day after tomorrow (TECHNICALLY AT 2:32 PM SINCE THSYS WHEN SCHOOL ENDS SO HAHAHA)#so ill probably work on it more over break since i'll have nothing to do hehe.......#today was an amazing day for me ✨ TWO mtt angst death related hcs..... some work on my latest chapter i've yet to post..... SWAPINVERSE FAN#ARE YOU KIDDING ME MORR SWAPINVERSE ART THIS IS SOOOO AMAZING THABK YOU UNTITLED29876011111 I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY YOU DO THIS!!!!!#tricule rant#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#utmv#sans au
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Can you write type of guy headcanons for thanos (230) please? thx <33
(squid game edition) nsfw
Thanos / Player 230

—THANOS IS THE KIND OF GUY who’d shamelessly flirt with you, his words dripping with confidence and charm. He’d slip in Spanish pet names like "señorita" so naturally, it was as if he were born to sweep you off your feet.
There was one day when he suddenly dropped to his knees, a smirk dancing on his lips as he grabbed your hand gently. "I might just start my own religion, because of how often I find myself on my knees for you." He said as he brought your hand to his lips and kissed it, his gaze never leaving yours. You felt your face heat up, a soft blush spreading across your cheeks at the boldness of his actions.
He’d also call you every sweet name in the book—"baby," "angel," "princess," "beautiful"—each one rolling off his tongue with effortless confidence. And if that weren’t enough, he’d take it a step further, rapping his feelings for you in a way that was both cheesy and undeniably endearing.
—He’s the kind of guy who’d have a slow-burn romance without even realizing it. At first, it’s nothing more than casual interactions, small moments here and there. He doesn’t notice the shift—how his thoughts linger on you longer than they should, how he starts to care just a little bit more. It’s gradual, almost imperceptible, until one random moment hits him. Like it would suddenly click that he likes you. And now, he can’t stop thinking about it.
—He’s the kind of guy who wouldn’t give up on you, no matter how many times you ignored him. Your cold shoulder, your silence—it didn’t faze him. If anything, it only fueled his determination. He’d chase after you relentlessly, his confidence unwavering, his charm impossible to ignore, until you had no choice but to face him.
He spotted you weaving through the crowd, your determined strides screaming leave me alone. Naturally, that only made his grin wider. He adjusted his jacket, his confidence as unshakable as ever, and started after you.
"Señorita!" he called out, you didn’t even glance back at him, but when he saw your pace quicken, it only fueled his determination. He caught up easily, walking alongside you like he belonged there.
"Ah, playing hard to get? I like that," he teased, tilting his head to glance at you with that infuriatingly smug smile. "But you know, you make it way too easy for me to chase you baby. You’re irresistible."
You rolled your eyes and turned sharply, hoping to lose him in the crowd. But the next corner you turned, there he was—leaning casually against a wall, arms crossed, like he’d been waiting there all along.
"Miss me already?" he teased with a smirk, his body blocking your path. "You can run, but you can't hide princess. Not from me."
You tried to sidestep him, but before you could get far, he placed a hand dramatically over his heart, feigning hurt. "Ouch, breaking my heart like that? Really?"
You scoffed, rolling your eyes in disbelief. "Just stop, I can’t stand you."
With a smirk that practically oozed confidence, he leaned in slightly, his voice teasing yet bold. "Then just sit on my face."
"W-what!?" You froze, eyes wide with shock, your heart pounding. "Just fuck off!" you snapped, brushing past him quickly, your face flushed in a mix of embarrassment and irritation.
He chuckled, watching you retreat with that same infuriating smirk. But you knew, as much as you tried to get away, he wouldn’t stop. He was persistent, and no matter how many times you brushed him off, he’d keep following, keep bothering you.
—He’s the kind of guy who wouldn’t tolerate some random guy flirting with you. If he saw it happening, he wouldn’t hesitate to step in. He’d interrupt the conversation, push the guy back with a forceful shove, and growl, "Back off man! Who the fuck do you think you are hitting on my girl!?" (Yeah even tho you're not his yet)
If the guy was making you laugh or smile, he’d simmer in silence, his jealousy simmering beneath the surface. Once the guy was alone, he’d track him down, corner him, and with a dangerous edge to his voice, he’d lean in, his eyes burning with fury.
"Stay the fuck away from Y/n. Got it?" He said, his fist landing a brutal punch to the guy’s stomach, leaving him crumpled on the floor. "She’s my girl," he’d add, his tone low and possessive. "My woman."
—He’s the kind of guy who can’t help but yell, "Ah, there’s my girl!" with a huge grin spreading across his face when you made it out alive. Without a second thought, he’d rush to you, scoop you up in a tight embrace, and hold you like he’d never let go. "I’m so happy you're alive, baby. God, you don’t know how much I missed you." His grip would tighten as if to never let you slip away again.
—He’s the kind of guy who isn’t intimidated by you. He’ll rush toward you, full of energy, relieved that you made it through when the lights went out. While everyone else stood frozen in fear, staring in shock, you were casually wiping blood off your hands, having taken down a whole group without breaking a sweat.
—He’s the kind of guy who can’t believe he’s dating you after you finally accepted him. Like, a guy like him? Sure, he’s Thanos and pretty damn cool, but damn, you’re way cooler than him. So, every now and then, he’ll just blurt out, “Damn, I’m dating her?” when he thinks about you, or “I can’t believe she’s mine.” and his friend will just stare at him, completely weirded out.
—He's the kind of guy who's wildly in love with you, the type to fight a wild animal just to impress you. He lives to make you laugh, even if it means pulling off the dumbest, most ridiculous stunts. His love is chaotic, loud, and endlessly entertaining, but that's what makes it so unforgettable.
One day he tried to bake you a cake from scratch, only to set off the smoke alarm—but he still proudly presented you with the lopsided, half-burnt result, claiming it was "made with love." Or he'd show up at your door with a bouquet made of random wildflowers (and weeds), proudly declaring it’s “nature’s finest” while grinning like a fool.
—He’s the kind of guy who would let you paint his nails in any color you choose or decorate them however you like, all because he loves you and wants you to have that little piece of him.
—Thanos is the kind of guy who always needs to be in physical contact with you when you're together—his hand on your thigh, his arm around your shoulders. He craves that connection, that constant reassurance of your presence. Public displays of affection? He couldn’t care less. If you want him to kiss you in front of everyone, consider it done. If you mention he can kiss you after a game, why would he wait for privacy when he can claim you right in front of his friends? For him, it’s not just about the kiss—it’s about showing the world that you’re his and making sure you feel adored, no matter where you are.
—He’s the kind of guy who’s utterly captivated by your thighs, completely addicted to the way they feel wrapped around him. There’s nowhere else he’d rather be, no place more intoxicating than being suffocated by your softness.
He doesn’t just admire them—he worships them. His lips leave a trail of love marks along your skin, his way of claiming every inch as his own. Between kisses, his voice comes out low and teasing, filled with desire. (He also loves eating you out while you're wrapping your thighs around his head and getting suffocated by it. )
—He’s the kind of guy who would cover you in hickeys, leaving them all over your neck and thighs, a clear sign that you’ve been claimed and are already his. With a smirk, he’d tell you he’s just marking his priority, as if every mark is a reminder of who you belong to.
—He’s the kind of guy who’d proudly show you off to his friends with a grin and say, “Yeah, this my girl right here.” And damn, he wouldn’t just say it—he’d feel like the luckiest guy alive to have you by his side.
—He’s the kind of guy who doesn’t just take you—he claims you. If he ever finds out you're with someone else, he'll make sure you remember exactly who you belong to.
Thanos' rough words dripped with condescension as he gripped your hips, pulling you onto his thick shaft in one brutal thrust. You cried out, your nails digging into his shoulders as he began to pound into your mercilessly. "You're fucking mine, this fucking tight pussy is mine," he snarled, his balls slapping against your ass with each savage stroke. "This fat cock is the only thing you need. That pathetic loser can't touch this, can he?" He reached down to rub you clit, his fingers pinching the sensitive bud as he continued to ravage you. "Hngg!...—pls s'too much! too much! Thanos m'sorry p-please I w-won't do it again."
"Stop?" He chuckled, "We both know you love this. Being used like a cheap whore, stuffed full of dick. Admit it, you'd rather choke on my cum than go back to that limp-dicked loser."
—Hes the kind of guy who loves messy blow jobs. The sight of your lips stretched obscenely around his throbbing cock, your eyes glazed over in blissful submission, he fucking loves it. Loves how you surrendered completely, letting him control every movement as he fucks your mouth.
"Fuck... Your throat was made for my dick, wasn't it? Such a perfect fit, like you were born to worship my cock." he moaned, tangling his fingers in your hair and using your mouth like a cheap fleshlight as he chased his pleasure. The wet sounds of sloppy oral sex filled the air, punctuated by your muffled whimpers and gurgles. (Gosh he fucking loves that) "Fuck yes... hngg—take it baby, take it all, you filthy little cumdump!" His hips snapped forward, burying his cock to the hilt in your gullet while thick ropes of cum spilled in your mouth, forcing you to gag and sputter around his girth. "Look at you, such a good girl, gagging on my dick like it's your purpose in life. You were meant to be a cumdump, weren't you? Fucking slut."
—He's the kind of guy who loses his shit when you squirt into his mouth, he just fucking loves it when you're flooding his mouth with your ambrosial release. Saying "Holy shit," "I love you so fucking much baby," "Mmmm, you're fucking addictive as hell, baby. Can't get enough of this sweet juices." as he greedily laps up every drop. Just the taste of your squirting orgasm would send him into a fucking frenzy.
—He's the kind of guy who takes you apart piece by piece every time he gets you alone, his usual cruel exterior dissolving into raw, unbridled need. He doesn't just touch you—he worships you, his mouth and hands working in perfect harmony to draw out every moan, every shiver, every scream he can pull from you.
"You’re so fucking beautiful when you cum for me," he'd say, his voice dripping with hunger as his fingers curl inside you, hitting that perfect spot over and over again. His lips never leave your skin, trailing kisses and bites down your thighs, across your stomach, up to your neck.
"Look at you, spread open and dripping for me like the filthy little slut you are," he taunted, dragging a finger through your slick folds. "I bet all those prissy boys never made you feel this good, did they? They probably couldn't handle a real woman like you." he whispers, his breath hot against your ear as your body writhes beneath him. Even when your legs shake and your cries turn into breathless pleas, he doesn’t stop. He keeps you teetering on the edge, drawing out orgasm after orgasm until you’re left trembling, completely undone, and utterly his.
#thanos x reader#smut#squid game#squid game fanfic#squid game season 2#squid game smut#squid game x reader#thanos squid game#t.o.p#choi su bong#choi su bong x reader
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Like, getting political for a moment. A thing a lot of people need to understand is that, ultimately, rules only exist if they are enforceable. The mechanism of enforcement is what determines the realness of a rule.
If you're playing Monopoly and you decide that being in Jail sucks so you move your piece to Go and call it a tunneling loophole, there's nothing built into the game to actually stop you from doing that. Other players yelling at you and banishing you from the table is how the rule is enforced. But if they don't, if they let you do that, then I'm sorry but that's just how the game is played now. If you're allowed to do it then it's not against the rules.
We all instinctively understand that when you're running track, you're not supposed to cross the lines into someone else's lane. But the lines are not a wall. They're not physically preventing you from doing anything. If you decide you want to run into the lane to your right and jump-kick the other racer, you physically can do that.
The line on the ground is a social construct. It's part of the magic circle; A thing that takes on special meaning, even psychological power, so long as we exist within its play space. But it's not real, and it only has power if somebody comes over and drags you off the field for striking that other racer.
At the highest echelons of power, a lot of what "can" and "can't" be done are actually just the boundaries of a magic circle with few real enforcement mechanisms. The President can't do that. But. Like. Who's going to stop him if he does?
The biggest thing we learned during the Trump Presidency was just how many restrictions on government power are illusory. Trump spent his four years in office testing the limits of what he can and can't do. Stepping over the lines of the magic circle to see which ones had enforcement mechanisms and which were merely decorative. And revealing that an alarming number were decorative.
Because the thing about the highest offices, about POTUS and SCOTUS and Congress, is that they're the highest offices. There's nobody above them. The only check on their power is each other and, contrary to what high school social studies might tell you, those checks aren't very strong at all.
Trump wants to redefine the game rules to be dictatorial. The magic circle says he can't do that. But the only factor that truly decides whether he can or can't is whether the other players at the table will let him do it. And if you listen to the way Republican Congressmen talk, it's not reassuring.
There are no executive super-cops who will arrest Trump if he breaks the rules. The Avengers are not going to show up and stop him from continuing to reconfigure the magic circle to his liking. The only thing, the only true restriction on his power, is the vote. It's the fact that we, as a population, get to make a choice as to whether or not he even gets to sit back down at the table to play again at all.
In a democracy, voters are the enforcement mechanism. Let's try and remember that when November comes around.
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