#but not that one
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fuckyeahisawthat · 2 months ago
It must have been Jayce who found Viktor passed out at the lab, right? Like let's be real that stubborn mf is not dragging himself to a hospital if he can help it at all. So the most likely people to find him and make him get medical care would be either Jayce or Sky, and it's established that Sky's left for the night.
Whenever Jayce leaves Mel's bed, it doesn't wake Mel up, so I don't think it's the case that anyone came to her door looking for him if anyone would have even known to look for him there. Nah I think Jayce woke up and quietly left in the middle of the night and in the moment Mel thinks it's because he's a fuckboi who gets his dick wet and then bounces but I think actual possible scenarios include: (1) he got a brainwave in the middle of the night and both he and Viktor are used to popping by the lab at stupid o'clock whenever inspiration strikes; (2) woke up with a weird bad feeling of suddenly needing to check on Viktor, in that uncanny way you sometimes get a call from a relative and just Know it's bad news before you pick up the phone, and lately Viktor's been sleeping at the lab more than at home so that's where he goes first; or (3) especially if you think this is Jayce's first or close-to-first sexual experience, he's having some big confusing feelings and needs to take a walk about it, and he just ends up at the lab on autopilot and since he's there he's just gonna pop in and check on this one thing...
Whatever the exact sequence of events that is one hell of an emotional rollercoaster for one night.
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thealmightytrashdump · 26 days ago
Ironically, Wesker doesn't say 'Inconceivable'
Thats birkins lmao.
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lizardbraining · 2 months ago
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D&D shenanigans
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astriiformes · 1 year ago
I saw The Voyage Home for the first time the other night and this might be a weird part to still be hung up on but I can't believe that Chekov almost died
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ninyard · 9 months ago
I feel like w the trial the ec should be the base and relied on for like, feelings and some events, but also there can be some leeway for like, how trials actually work
Yeah I agree. I take a lot of the ec into consideration but some of it I can take it or leave it, and I also don’t have an easy way to consult it anymore since Nora took it down off of her tumblr so in all honesty. I just roll with it. Whatever’s canon is canon. Whatever Nora says is canon, obviously, but the ec is not apart of the main trilogy so I don’t HAVE to take it into consideration imo. I do, most of the time, but I’m not too worried about getting the exact details of things wrong just because it says something different in the ec
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hearmeoutworthypoll · 3 days ago
The human form of the beast from disney's film. since everyone seems to hate it
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Became human again by learning compassion and breaking his curse. A wealthy prince.
Visually inspired by Val Kilmer and Arnold Schwarzenegger
Reminder, the premise is “would a normie think it’s weird to find them attractive?” (Would they have to “hear me out?”) NOT “smash-or-pass”
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mysticat-collecting-hats · 28 days ago
Back on the Star Wars comic grind after my brief fanfic interlude. Was not expecting to see Serenno-based politics
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mswyrr · 1 year ago
it's a personal goal of mine to figure out why i find Bound (1996) so erotic and how to reproduce what it's managing to achieve in my own f/f writing
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triptychofvoids · 11 months ago
hey doc! uhhh, i've been thinking about that stuff you said earlier. y'know, about the stayin' up late and ending up passing out in weird spots. doesn't sound too good. you've tried energy drinks? i've seen you drink coffee and hot chocolate. pretty much the same! only got a little more of that caffeine stuff in there. perfectly safe and fine
scout. for the last time, no i do not want any bonk, and no, it is not 'pretty much the same' as coffee or hot chocolate.
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vere-flores · 11 months ago
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Flora: She smiled
Meanwhile, icon of Suzume: DOESN'T SMILE AT ALL
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takofukkatsumi · 1 year ago
Honoring 15th of March with a homemade salad
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weepingnightmarenaruto · 1 year ago
Why do so many people want to replace Hinatas role in the Pain arc with another character (usually with a male side character). Like the female side characters in Naruto so rarely got som time to shine and one of the few times Kishimoto actually gave a female side character a heroic moment, some people want to replace them with a male side character or a main character. Like you are already talking about how the pain arc could’ve been done better. Why can’t you just think of ways Hinata’s role in the arc could’ve been better executed instead of replacing her with someone else?
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takumitsukishima · 1 year ago
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quillyfied · 2 years ago
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disastardly · 2 years ago
Tagged by @eriquin to shuffle my replay playlist and post the first 10 songs that play.
The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives
Chikyu Sentai Five-man - Kenji Suzuki
Fire - Barns Courtney
Foreplay/Long Time - Boston
牙狼~Savior in the Dark~ - JAM Project
Dysentery Gary - blink182
Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger - Hideaki Takatori
In Our Bedroom After The War - Stars
Tongues & Teeth - The Crane Wives
Hurricaneger Sanjou! - Hideaki Takatori
...what a lineup.
Never realized the Hurricaneger and Zyuohger songs were by the same guy. Feels right.
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