#but not bad enough to soak it in room temperature water
sodacowboy · 9 months
I have to be like… stupid? right?
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pseudowho · 8 months
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The reader and Higuruma Hiromi have a cold shower together, after a terrible no-good day...
"I'm home!" Called Hiromi, his rich voice sing-songing as he dramatically sighed the day away, kicking his shoes off and yanking on his tie. He stared into the flat, answered only by silence and the distant pattering of water.
"Darling?" He called again, venturing through the corridor, opening doors room by room, grabbing the doorframe and door-handle, leaning in on one leg, swinging back out when he couldn't find you.
Approaching the bathroom, the sounds of the shower running drew him in, the door open. Hiromi's heart sank, as he saw you sat on the shower floor, soaked, your arms around your knees, hugged up to your chest, face buried downwards. You were still fully dressed, clothes sodden and stuck to your skin. Hiromi stood for a few moments, just taking you in with downturned eyes, unable to find the right words.
You sniffled, lost in the pit-patter of cold water down your spine, lost in your misery, your worthlessness, the dreadful weight of never living up to expectations. The dreadful weight of never being enough, let alone good enough. You heard the rustle of fabric, puffy eyes catching Hiromi's suit jacket being tossed to the floor beside the shower. His voice rang, just in front of you.
"Budge up. I've got long legs," and you raised your head in blotchy-faced protest as he stepped into the shower with you with a sigh, sitting behind you. You found yourself bracketed by two spidery legs, squeezing your hips affectionately. Two white-sleeved arms, growing gradually more transparent in the downpour, wrapped around your shoulders and chest, urging your head to flop backwards against a sturdy chest, slender and fine-boned.
You sat like this for a few minutes, cool wet skin and clothes sticking together, your face upturned against the streams of water. You felt a vague peace ebb through you, your tears slowing.
"A bad one, huh?" Hiromi sounded lackadaisical, casual, belying his concern, his pain for seeing you this way. Your lips puckered, threatening tears again, only 'okay' when not being asked if you were.
"It's nothing," you insisted, your voice wet and reedy, "nothing worth worrying you abo--"
Momentarily, you felt a washcloth splatted over your whole face, and straightened out briskly as you sputtered, giggling despite yourself.
"Hiromi," you snipped as he flicked your hands away from your face, "what are you--"
"Look, if I have to waterboard the information out of you, I will," Hiromi stated, blunt, as you laughed, and Hiromi continued talking as you whinged and squirmed, slapping your hands against his wet sleeves as he pretended to reach upwards for the shower head, "ve haff vays of making you talk, you know me, I'll try anything these days--"
Your laughter was frolicking and genuine now, and Hiromi smiled, his eyebrows tilted and lovesick. You pulled the washcloth off, slapping him with it as he chuckled through closed lips, deep in his chest. Hiromi pressed wet lips to your temple, blowing raspberries, squeezing you close.
Hiromi reached upwards, his nose and lips still pressed to your temple, and you felt the water change, beautifully warm streams chasing the cold away, like stepping into sunlight. You shivered with delight at the change in temperature. Hiromi brought both arms round you again, your thighs still locked in by his as he tipped from side-to-side, rocking you.
"You don't have to tell me anything, obviously," Hiromi reassured as you smiled appreciatively, "just...don't tell anyone about the waterboarding. I'll lose my job. And you know I like having nice things."
I might need Higuruma Hiromi, in my soul.
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potatoplace · 23 days
You Can Have It - Chapter 3
Alpha!Feysand x Omega!Reader
chapter 2 | chapter 4 | series masterlist
Story Summary: You've been a baker for 75 years, and are finally moving on from the Winter Court to the City of Velaris to start your own bakery after your grandmother passes. After your grand opening, the High Lord and Lady of Night become daily visitors to your bakery for months, every day having your most popular pastry- one that increases fertility for a short time. All the while, the two alphas want nothing more than to call themselves yours.
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, no rhys and feyre 😠
Words: ~5.3k
Author's Note: it's here! There will be a second chapter posted soon as well, I needed to cut this one in half otherwise it won't fit in one post. And I rlly want to get to the scene meeting Rhys and Feyre aaaahhhhh I hope you guys like this chapter!
18+ only pls
Tuesday had passed quickly for you, spent with you writing down everything you needed for your bakery, the apartment, and garden in the building process.
You had a visions in your head for exactly how it should look- a log cabin similar in style to those in Winter, with a set of stained glass double doors depicting the cycle of dawn, day, and night during the winter season. The main floor of the bakery would be divided into two parts, with the actual kitchen area being in the back, separated by a wall stretching two thirds of the way across, leaving an open archway to connect the two on the left side. Windows of course, some in the front of the bakery as well as along the sides, and one that takes up most of the back wall of the kitchen, so that you’ll always be able to stare out the Sidra while preparing you baked goods.
At the far right of the kitchen, away from the access into the shop, you were going to have a spiral staircase leading up to your apartment if that was a possibility.
Upstairs, you would have a personal kitchen of your own, also against right side of the back wall of the building, with another large window to offer you the same benefit as the floor below. To the left you’d have your bathroom, sectioned off with walls- you were most excited about the large, possibly custom tub you’d have put in, with more than enough room for you to soak with your wings in the water if you wished.
The indoor part of the upstairs should cover about two thirds of the top floor, with your bedroom not separated by a wall from the kitchen. You wanted to feel free and open in your new home. That left the rest of the second floor for your small garden you were planning to have. Viviane had made sure you knew that you could take some of the plants your grandmother had lovingly planted and tended to. She had loved that garden so much, and had done as much as she could to revive the garden after coming back from captivity, teaching you to tend to them before her cursed illness had gotten too bad.
You were planning to have the space enchanted to act as a temperature controlled greenhouse, that way the frail Winter native plants could survive even in the summer. Among them would be a few bushes: hornberry, the fertility enhancing berries, chillberry, which grow berries that help to alleviate heats, and saiberry, a helpful berry and leaf for reducing the symptoms of ruts. You would also have a variety of medicinal herbs that you used in your pastries related to general health.
You were beyond excited to start drawing up the plans for the building as soon as you had the proper permits. When you went to bed that night, it was all you could think about.
Wednesday morning, you awoke to a note from Marcus, telling you that the demolition and construction permits were approved, and to get yourself over to your lot as soon as you could.
It was only seven in the morning, but you rushed to dress for the winter weather quickly, flying down the stairs and quickly but carefully making your way to the Rainbow.
More snow had fallen overnight, and hardly anyone was out at this time. Most of the streets were still untouched by fae, and silent with the extra help of the snow. You reached the edge of the Rainbow quickly, and spotted Marcus among a dozen other men, all dressed warmly and carrying a variety of construction tools or busying themselves with the two large carts in the middle of the street, attached to two massive horses.
“Y/N!” Marcus exclaimed as soon as he met your eyes, marching over to you and pulling you back to the group. “This is our new boss for the next couple of months, gents, be nice to her, alright?” The men all nodded their heads in agreement, keeping their eyes respectful when they did dart across your form, though many lingered on your wings. “So, Y/N, would you like to take the first swing?” Marcus asked you, already handing you a heavy sledgehammer.
“Why not?” You said lightly, approaching the dilapidated building. You took a swing at one of the windows, and glass went flying into the building. The males behind you whooped, then followed your lead and began tearing down the building as quickly and effectively as they could. You turned back to Marcus, handing him the sledgehammer.
“Y/N, if you’re available now, I’d like to start drawing up the floor plans for your bakery,” Marcus suggested, and your face broke into a grin.
“I’d love nothing more than that, Marcus. But, could we get breakfast first? I came as soon as I woke up,” you said, blushing when your stomach growled, as if to prove your point.
Marcus only chuckled and took your arm, leading you East to the Palace of Flame and Steel. “Of course we can get breakfast, there’s this cute little restaurant that should be open right now, they serve some amazing breakfast foods there.”
As promised, the food in the cozy restaurant was delicious. You’d had a scramble with potatoes, peppers, onions, and sausage, topped with a good amount of cheese. The two of you left feeling stuffed, and made your way to his office, shucking off your winter gear and hanging it on the hooks near the door.
Marcus quickly started a fire in the fireplace, adding some much appreciated heat to the room. The two of you settled in around his desk, and Marcus pulled out a notepad, quill and ink.
"So, do you know what type of building you'd like? Brick, stone, wood..."
"I'd prefer having a log cabin style of building, if that's a possibility," you said, hoping that it would be.
Marcus smiled at you and wrote down your answer. "Of course we can, and we can even go to the lumber yard in a couple of days to pick out the type of wood you'd like, Y/N. Now... what were you thinking for the floor plan?"
"I want it to be a two story building, with the top floor being dedicated as an apartment and also a garden, if everything works out."
"A garden on the second floor?"
You nodded your head. "Yes, I'm planning to have it enchanted so that I can grow some Winter crops year round, and they'll be safer off the ground, I think."
"Alright, that should be doable enough. If you'd like I can direct you to an interior designer who also specializes in home and business enchantments, she should be able to make that garden happen for you."
"Perfect!" You said, clapping your hands together excitedly. Everything was already seeming possible.
The two of you spent the next five hours going over every detail that you wanted built into the building, and by the end of it he had a preliminary sketch of the building.
"The main problem with your spiral staircase would be getting the tub and furniture up and down the stairs. I do happen to have a couple of Illyrians working in my company right now, so we should be able to get the tub up before the roof's construction is done, but the furniture would most likely need to be fully assembled upstairs, or we fly it in before the roof is finished."
You bit your lip for a moment, considering your options. "That would be fine, getting everything in before the roof is finished. Would there be any problems with doing that?"
Marcus shook his head. "No, it's more just something to consider. The spiral staircase will save you some space, so it's a good idea for your floor plan to keep as much space on the first floor for the bakery. Go ahead and look over the blueprint, and tell me if anything is off." He slid the paper over to you, careful not to smear any of the still drying ink.
Your eyes greedily took in the floor plans, already looking exactly how you wanted it. The main floor was divided in the way you had pictured, and the kitchen would be wide enough to accommodate your wings and even another person, if you ended up needing to hire someone to help you.
Only one thing was missing, something you'd hadn't thought of until now.
"Would it be possible to have a fireplace on both floors? On the main floor, about halfway through the front room and on the left, and on the top floor one on the right, after the spiral staircase?"
Marcus looked at the plans for a moment before answering you. "Yes, that should be doable, especially if we allow the chimney to stick out and along the side of the building for the first floor one." He quickly sketched in the fireplace on the floor plan, then turned to the exterior mock up and added the chimney to the side. "Does that look fine to you?"
"Yes, that looks perfect! Thank you!"
"It's no problem, Y/N," Marcus said with a soft smile. "If you think of anything else you'd like in the blueprints, you can either send me a note with it or come here, I'm normally in from six in the morning to six at night."
"I'll make sure to let you know, but I honestly think we got everything down!" You said excitedly.
"I'm glad to hear that, Y/N. The tear down process should be finished by the end of the week, including getting someone in to cast a charm to keep snow from falling over the lot. Then the actual building process after that, as long as everything goes right and all we need to build is available, shouldn’t take more than two months. Now, would you like me to show you to that interior designer I mentioned?" He offered.
"Oh, I'd love that!" Right as you said it, your stomach growled loudly once again. You looked up at him sheepishly. "Want to go to lunch first?" You asked with a chuckle.
"I'd love that," Marcus replied, already standing from his chair and stretching.
You did the same, finally feeling the tension that had built in your body from sitting for so long. Your wings fluttered slightly as they stretched, before you finally relaxed once more.
The two of you threw on your outerwear again and headed out of Marcus's office, and you let him lead you to another restaurant, a different one than this morning.
"This is my favorite spot for lunch, they have these delicious sandwiches," Marcus said as he held the door open for you, letting you walk in first before following you.
It smelled heavenly inside, and if your watering mouth was anything to go by, you knew he was correct.
"I'll have whatever you're having," you told Marcus before he stepped up to the counter. "I'm sure whatever it is will be tasty, but I can't choose between all of those options," you laughed.
"That's fine, Y/N. Any foods you want to avoid?" Marcus asked, looking down at you as you shook your head. "Alright then." He stepped up to the counter, you following right behind him. "We'll have two of your cheesesteaks, please.” Marcus went to hand over his bank card like he had for breakfast this morning, but you beat him to it, grinning at him when he put his card away while shaking his head, a matching expression on his face.
After you paid, the two of you took a seat at a table near the windows, only waiting a couple of minutes to be served your sandwiches. “Thank you.”
“It’s no problem, dearie,” the older high fae said with a smile before she walked back behind the counter.
“And thank you, Y/N, for buying me this delicious lunch,” Marcus said to you, right before taking a large bite of his sandwich.
“Well, you did pay for breakfast,” you said before you followed suit, finding the sandwich made of thinly sliced beef, onions, peppers, and cheese to be just as good as he’d said it would be.
“How’s Velaris been treating you so far?” He asked you after a few minutes.
You swallowed your bite, then said “It’s been really nice so far, everyone’s been very welcoming and I just feel so lucky to be here, and already be making so much progress on my business.”
Marcus smiled at you. “I’m glad to hear it, Y/N. I hope everything continues to go your way.”
“Same here. How’s your life been treating you?”
“Oh, it’s going well right now. My business has been doing better than ever in the past two years since I had a contract with the High Lady, and I happen to have a very sweet new client,” Marcus replied, and his words made you blush.
“That’s good to hear. What was it like working for the High Lady?”
“Feyre and the High Lord, Rhys, were both extremely easy to work with, pretty similar to how it’s been working with you. They knew exactly what they wanted and were good at describing it. It was an honor to work with them, and one of the best experiences I’ve had since taking over the business.”
“They sound like a lovely pair of rulers for the Court, then.”
“Oh yes, I feel we are one of the best treated cities in all of Prythian. And they’ve even begun taking steps to change how Illyria and the Hewn City are run,” Marcus added.
The two of you finished eating, and all you could think of was the High Lord and Lady, and that all of the good you’d heard about them in Winter had to be true, if Marcus, a citizen of Velaris, believed it to be true as well.
“Now, let’s get you to Gabrella’s shop, she is newer to the business, only having moved here five years ago, but all of my clients that I’ve sent to her have nothing but good things to say about her,” Marcus said, extending an arm to you after he’d returned your plates to the front counter.
He led you a few blocks away from the restaurant, deeper into the Palace of Flame and Steel. The two of you stopped in front of cute, red brick building with flower beds lining the front, covered in snow at the moment. Marcus opened the door for you, and you stepped inside, immediately loving the cozy feel of the shop, and you spotted an fae female, with large, black leathery wings coming from her back.
They were absolutely beautiful.
You’d heard of Illyrians before, and as a child had thought that wings without feathers could not possibly be pretty, but your child self was proved wrong the moment you laid eyes on her wings.
“Welcome in- oh, Marcus! Another client of yours, I presume?” The fae asked as the two of you made your way back to the counter she was seated at.
Her smell hit you, a sweet blend of mountain air, honey, and some type of berry that you couldn’t quite place- an omega. That instantly put you at ease. It’s not that Marcus’s scent wasn’t nice, the snow and pine mix was pleasant, but knowing that at least one of the people you’d be working with for the next couple of months is an omega was calming.
“Yes, my name is Y/N. I’m going to be opening a bakery with an apartment upstairs in the Rainbow soon, and Marcus is helping with the construction aspect. He said that you’re an interior designer?”
The Illyrian nodded her head and replied, “Yes, my name is Gabrella. I do interior design work and household and business enchantments.”
“Would you be able to show her a bit of your work, Rella?” Marcus asked. “She’s wanting a greenhouse for year round Winter native plants, and I know you just recently finished something similar.”
Gabrella’s eyes lit up at that, and she stood from her spot behind the counter. “I would be delighted to show you something like that, Y/N. Marcus, you can come too, if you don’t have anything else to do.”
Marcus looked at the clock on the wall to the left, sighing when he saw the time. “No, I should be getting back to check on the boys, make sure the demolition is going to plan,” he said, making his way to the door. “Y/N, remember that you can come by my office from six to six if you need anything, and you’re always free to stop by your lot at any time, alright?”
“Thanks you, Marcus. I’ll probably see you sometime tomorrow.”
“That sounds good,” he said, leaving with a wave.
“Bye Marcus!” Gabrella said right before he shut the door. “Alright, Y/N, I’ll have you come upstairs with me, my garden is on the third floor.”
You followed the other fae up the stairs, then up one more set, coming out onto a beautiful rooftop garden, filled with lovely blossoming tropical flowers. The air was warm and humid, even with their being no walls or roof.
“This is amazing,” you said, trailing your hands over a few of the blooms lightly. “How were you able to do this?” You asked, turning to Gabrella.
“Well, it took a couple of years for me to get the enchantments perfect, but it’s not too different from doing an indoor temperature control charm. It does require a bit more magical power, especially if the plants need any else besides the temperature controlled. Like the humidity, that was the part that took me the longest to get down, but now that I have, all of my sweet little plants are thriving,” Gabrella explained, looking down fondly at all of the flowers she’d been able to grow thanks to her magical talent.
“Would you be able to do something similar for me?” You asked hopefully.
“I believe I could, it may take a couple of tries to get the climate just right for you. Do you have an idea of when your building will be finished enough to start the garden?”
“Not quite, though Marcus said the whole process should take a little over two months. I’m just not sure when the second floor would be available to put the garden and enchantments in.”
“That’s perfectly fine, we can play it by ear. Were you wanting my services for anything else?” Gabrella asked, gesturing for you to head back downstairs.
“Yes, I was hoping that you would be my interior designer as well, along with any other enchantments I’d need for my building.”
“Wonderful, I’ll grab a contract for you right now,” Gabrella said after you took a seat in one of the stools in front of the counter. She rifled through a filing cabinet, pulling out a few pieces of paper. “Alright, before anything gets signed, I’d like to know what type of enchantments you’re going to want, as well as the areas of interior design you’d like help with.”
“Obviously you know about the garden,” you said, and the both of you chuckled as she wrote it down. “Plus temperature control for both floors of the building, a fireproofing charm for the kitchen if you’re able to do that.”
“Oh, yes, that’s a popular one, with the city being tightly packed everyone wants to avoid causing a fire in case it takes out a whole neighborhood,” Gabrella said. “Were you going to have a kitchen in the apartment upstairs?”
“Yes, I can’t believe I forgot to mention that,” you laughed, surprised that you were missing a few details. It had to be all the excitement, you had been drawing up floor plans all day. “Do you do plumbing enchantments?”
“Mhm, as long as you have actual plumbing pipes installed in the building, we’re able to get hot and cold water running, as well as connect it to the city’s sewer system,” she answered. “Knowing Marcus, he’s already gone over that with you?”
You nodded your head. “He sure did, he was very adamant in making sure I knew where all of the pipes would be going through the wall.”
“Yes, he’s very thorough like that. That’s why he’s one of the most in demand builders during the typical construction season. Did you have any other enchantments you were hoping for? If you can’t think of them now, I’m always able to add to your total bill, it’s just better in my experience to have as full a picture of the cost before we begin doing the actual work.”
You wracked your brain for any other spells you might need- “I’d like an enchantment that will keep the scent and sounds of the second floor separate from the first floor,” you stated, heat rising to your cheeks.
“That’s a good one!” Gabrella said enthusiastically, writing it down on the paper. “It’s very helpful for if you want to keep your business open with another staff member while you’re in heat, I have that one on my own apartment upstairs,” the omega said with a kind smile. “Anything else, or should we move on to the interior design portion?”
You couldn’t think of another enchantment you might need at the moment. “Interior design, but I’ll let you know if I think of something else.”
“Very good. For the bakery portion, what were you wanting help with?”
“I’d definitely like your help in picking out the furniture, the appliances, and the general look of the inside, and any recommendations or help with a stained glass artist that creates door panels. I do know generally what I want it to look like, but being new to town I would have no idea of where to start.” You thought about that for a moment. “So pretty much everything about it, I’d like your help with,” you giggled.
Gabrella joined you, her laugh so pleasant and fun. “That’s perfectly fine, I love helping create an entire vision! They’re the most fun for me, when my client knows exactly what they want and we just have to scavenger hunt for it all around the city.”
“That’s good, otherwise this would be a real chore for you,” you said jokingly, already loving Gabrella’s personality.
“For the second floor, what were you wanting help with?”
“Most everything again, though with the bedroom I’ll need a bit less help, nesting needs are pretty easy to satisfy on your own,” you replied, mind conjuring a soft nest filled with fabrics in light blues, silver, and white.
“I get that, nests and bedrooms are so personal to us omegas.” Gabrella’s smile was soft as she finished writing everything down. “Alright, I believe with the number and complexity of some of the enchantments, that part will run you for around 50,000 gold marks, and we do offer lifetime warranties on all of them. So if one starts to go faulty, just stop by and I’ll come and fix it as soon as I can for you. And the interior design portion will be around 25,000, and that will include the price of most items, delivery of them, and getting everything in place for you, as well as my help and advice in picking out items. Does a total of 75,000 gold marks sound reasonable to you, with these terms?” Gabrella asked, sliding a contract over to you.
You read it, including the warranty, and thought it all sounded perfectly reasonable. You picked up the extra quill she had sitting in an ink pot and signed your name to the contract. “Yes, this all sounds fine to me. Did you want to take payment now, or later?”
“If you have your bank card on you at the moment-” you were already pulling it out. “Then I’ll take a fifty percent deposit for a total of 37,500 gold marks now, and once the project is complete I’ll take the other half of the payment, plus or minus however much it falls from the estimate.” She pressed your bank card to the ledger on her desk, then handed it back to you. “I’m so happy to get to work with you, Y/N. You seem like a lovely person so far, and I do love a good bakery.”
“I’m looking forward to working with you as well, Gabrella. And I’m glad to know another omega in the city, I’ve only met one other omega here so far.”
“Yes, there aren’t too many of us here, but it’s so safe and free, I think we have a higher population of omegas than most other cities in Prythian. I’m sure you’ll meet more soon enough. Also, you can call me Rella. We’ll be working together for a while, and I have this funny little feeling that we’ll be friends,” Rella said kindly. “Now, would you like to go look at some kitchen stoves and counters if you have time?”
You beamed- nothing would have excited you more at the moment. “I would love to do that, it’s one of the areas I’m looking forward to furnishing most!”
Rella offered her arm to you, which you gladly took. “Perfect! Now, what type of color scheme were you wanting for the kitchen? It might change which shops we go to.”
“I think… soft pastels? Possibly winter themed, or maybe in pinks.”
Rella grinned at you. “I’m liking you more and more with every passing minute,” she said, dragging you away from her shop after locking it up. “We’re going to Arana’s shop, she has the cutest kitchen and dining room furniture you will every see!”
In a few minutes, after a couple of twists and turns through the streets, you arrived at a pastel pink shop, looking very much out of place next to the mostly dark, wooden building surrounding it. Rella pulled you inside, shouting “Arana! I have a new client, you’re going to love her!”
A female stepped out from a back room, ice blonde hair and white wings at her back.
Peregryn. Another Peregryn.
You’d only ever met you’d mother, no others of your kind before. And as you got closer to her- and omega, with a soft scent of pine, cinnamon, and fresh air.
“Well, it’s rare to meet another Peregryn in Velaris, my name is Arana. And yours is…?”
“Y/N, it’s nice to meet you,” you said as you shook her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you as well,” Arana responded warmly. “You said she’s a client of yours, Rella?”
“Yes, she’s building a bakery in the Rainbow-”
“Wonderful! I’ve been wanting a bakery on this side of the Sidra for so long, I hate walking all the way over to the other side in the winter,” Arana interrupted, the looked to Rella sheepishly. “Sorry, Rella, go on please?”
“I know, I’m excited about it too,” Rella laughed. “Shes working with Marcus, and it sounds like they’re still in the process of tearing down the previous building, but the two of us would like to start looking for furniture, countertops, and of course stoves.”
“Oh, is it gonna be a cute bakery?” Arana asked hopefully, and you nodded your head.
“Yes, it’s going to look like a log cabin, and I’m hoping the furniture I get will make it look cute and cozy inside!” You gush, so happy that there are people already excited about your business, even if you were going to be paying them a lot of money in the process. The two of them sound genuinely excited about it, so that didn’t matter.
“Oh, you’ll need log chairs, probably with a selection of different colors of cushions, maybe even some log benches, plus log tables of course to go with the little log theme-”
“All of that sounds great! Do you have any in here?” You asked, already wanting to see some.
“I don’t have any log furniture at the moment, but the shop next door does. I’ll be able to provide the cushions for them, though I’d recommend waiting to pick them out until you know the type of wood you’re using, so that you get the best color match,” Arana offered, pointing to the shop east of hers. “I do have plenty of stove and countertop options, if you’re wanting to go for bright colors in the kitchen. And I do make display cases as well, when you’re ready to look for those.”
You smiled in excitement and said, “Show me the stoves, please.”
The three of you spent the next few hours looking at all Arana had to offer, and you found many different options that you liked. It all depended on what color scheme you ended up going with, but whether it would be done in blues, whites, and silvers or in soft pinks and purples, you were sure you’d be buying from Arana’s store.
The designs and sturdiness of her furnishings were perfect in your opinion, and you were so excited to see your kitchen come together once the building was finished.
You and Rella waved goodbye to Arana as you departed, promising to come back in a few weeks to finalize your decisions, having been sent home with a pamphlet filled with the designs of furniture she offered so that you could think on it further.
You and Rella parted at her shop, leaving you to walk back to the Inn alone, relishing in the sounds of the city as it came alive for the night.
It was nearly seven in the evening when you passed by a restaurant at the end of the Palace of Hoof and Leaf, right next to the bridge that would get you home. The smell coming from the restaurant was heavenly, full of garlic and smelling as though it could burn your tongue with the spice alone. You entered the restaurant, and were quickly seated at the bar, admiring the lively atmosphere before looking over the menu. They served noodle bowls, most of them having a between three and five little peppers drawn next to their names. Judging by the smell in the air, you wouldn’t survive more than a two pepper dish, so you choose the one that had the most garlic in it, sautéed with chicken, zucchini, green cabbage and onions, and of course noodles.
The dish you got was fantastic, as garlicky as you’d hoped for and spicy enough to bring tears to your eyes.
All of the food you’d had in Velaris so far was amazing, and you were excited to delve further into the cookbook that you had back in your room, if these were the types of recipes that were waiting for you.
After paying, you made your way back to the inn more slowly than before, taking time to admire the people skating on the now frozen over Sidra. Everyone seemed to be happy.
It was nice to be a part of that, of a city so joyous at all times.
By the time you made it to your room, it was past eight, and you wanted nothing more than a hot bath and some sleep.
You stripped out of your dress after taking off your outerwear and boots, then peeled off your tights and underthings. You would need to do laundry soon, but that’s a problem for tomorrow.
Your bath was lovely, the hot water warming you nicely and stealing the tension from your muscles. Your bed was even lovelier, so fluffy and soft, and you drifted off to sleep just a few minutes after your head landed on the pillow.
Series Taglist: @icey--stars @breadsticks2004
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ma1dita · 9 months
heavy hitter
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part one can be found here!
this was a request, find it here!
words: 3.5k (yall im so sorry)
summary: james potter x beater!reader James might’ve won the game, but he needs to let people know he has the girl too.
warnings: smut. minors DNI. afab!reader, p in v, pwp, unprotected sex (wrap b4 u tap) locker room sex, creampie, oral (m!receiving) reader is a brat… this is nasty don’t look at me (jesus tagging this is crazy)
a/n: …. what plot? i wanted to write angst again but got bored so… *jazz hands* erm…. this is my first smut fic, i’ll go crawl in a hole now
(posted 12/19/23 not edited will return)
Hitting the shower was James’ chance of washing his anger away before seeing you again tonight. He always gave quidditch his 110% percent, but something animalistic rose out of him when he saw you get manhandled by Wilkins, his team keeper. And regardless of the Gryffindor win, he was planning to chew off his ear later, whether it be with extra laps at the next practice or a good ol’ fashioned wallop to the head. But this anger wasn’t due to a foul play, not even because you got hurt (your arm was clearly fine since you used it to swing your bat at Wilkins’ head after). What got James mad was the fact you ripped your jersey.
No, actually, it was definitely because of what happened after that.
He’s not the type of boyfriend to decline you showing a little extra skin, but any fantasy that entered his mind was quickly cleared away when he saw you re-emerge from the locker rooms wearing your teammate’s jersey. McGonagall said it would be the only way to let you play the rest of the game since there’s no magic allowed on the field, but ever the rulebreaker, James thought that was absolute bullshit.
He rinses the shampoo out of his mop of curls as he thinks about that tosser whose name he can’t even remember. The guy was way too eager to give you his jersey, flirting with you at practices and just not taking a hint. Everyone knew you’d been dating him for a while now, and of course, James knows you can handle yourself, but there are just some things he can’t let slide. Namely, assholes that can’t take a hint. Also, he was a benchwarmer at most. Cocky motherfucker.
Watching you fly around with some other guy’s last name on your back did terrible things to James’ ego. The blur of suds pool at his feet, circling down the drain as he takes a deep breath. He’s got it bad for you, but luckily you like him enough to call him yours.
The Gryffindor locker room was empty by now with everyone too eager to celebrate their win. It was his last year as team captain and at Hogwarts in general, so he should be right up there drinking with all of them, but James really needed to let off some steam.
“Babe?” Your voice calls from the doorway, echoing against the empty walls. Condensation drips off the door handle as you take a peek to see the one shower going in the corner. What was taking him so long? You saw the rest of the team leave without him and they were trying to drag you to celebrate with them, but with your boyfriend still drowning himself in the stall….
“Over here love,” he calls out, hearing your sandals clomp against the wet tile as you turn the corner.
“You almost done? We have a party to get to, Jamie.”
The falling water makes it a bit hard to hear you, so he pops his head out from behind the curtain and squints at your frame. You giggle and pull his chin closer for a few quick kisses.
“Is that your jersey?”
His lips feel so soft against yours as you get distracted, slipping your tongue into his mouth instead of giving him a proper answer. Godric you’re good at that. James’ wet hand quickly pushes the curtain open grabbing at your ass and tucking you against his naked body, soaking the front of you in the process. A muffled yelp escapes you as your body adjusts to the temperature and the feeling of his semi-hard dick against your front.
“No, coach still has mine and I have to return this to Steven after.” You say calmly, smiling against his cheek as he sucks at your neck. He would’ve enjoyed getting lost in the scent of your still-damp hair, but your statement makes him stop as he bites at your pulse point. A whimper leaves your mouth.
“Why the fuck are you still wearing whatshisname’s jersey?”
James’s hands trail up your back to feel the embroidered letters against your back, and he swears his eye twitches. The incredulous look on his face makes you hold back your laughter.
“Steven. You know him! Don’t tell me this is a big deal for you, baby. You know I couldn’t magically fix mine during the game…”
Your hands trace down his slippery biceps as he unconsciously ruts against your belly, cock now at full attention from rubbing up against you. Your nipples are pebbled up under the material of the jersey, soaked from your less-than-innocent embrace, and he lifts a hand to brush over them, making you groan.
“Definitely not. I wouldn’t get jealous of a prick like him…” He scoffs, hands going back down to fist the fabric over your hips, “Not a big deal at all.”
“Mhmmm… I’ve got a way to make it up to you, even if it’s not a big deal.” You muse, fingers reaching to tease his swollen head as James exhales harshly.
“I’d hope this is a big deal for you, baby. Would want nothing more,” he breathes, pushing your back against the wall.
“You just want me to say your dick is big.”
The both of you laugh before he tugs the jersey over your head, ripping it in the process.
He shrugs, burrowing his head into your breasts and lapping at your right bud. You moan, shoving your shorts down past your ankles before pulling his hair away from your chest.
“Mmmm…fuck, babe. I’m supposed to be congratulating you right now!”
Your hands push at his torso slightly as you fall to your knees, placing yourself onto your sandals. Gentle hands graze his thighs, as he feels your nose bump into his cock. The water hits James’ back perfectly, and the sensation of your hand pumping and sliding along his length makes him almost feral, shutting his eyes in pleasure.
“You played so well today baby… deserve a reward, don’t you think?”
Your tongue slips out from behind your lips to lick the underside of his length, holding yourself there as you look up at him to answer. Droplets cascade down his pecs as he breathes heavily at the feeling, precum leaking from his cockhead. James hisses as you tap him against your tongue.
“Fuck, baby. Need your mouth right now.” He can feel you grin against his girth before his cock disappears into your mouth, hot and warm, and his instinct is to grab your hair. Goosebumps rise on the parts of him untouched by the shower. Your throat rumbles with a groan as you let him work himself down into your throat, the resistance waning as your jaw slackens. Cheeks hollowing, your lips retract with a pop.
“Like that, Jamie?” you say, reaching around to massage his balls as your tongue continues to play with the long vein that runs along the surface of his cock. It’s hard to fit all of him in your mouth, fingers barely able to wrap around it, much less the rest of you. His hand massages the part where your mouth hinges open, squeezing your cheeks around him as he fucks into you with a bated sigh.
“You always take me so well, baby. You can handle more, that’s it,” he pants, biting his lip as you concentrate real hard on letting him use you, the corners of your eyes watering. His heart is racing now as his hips piston to the noises that come gurgling from your throat and he almost slips before his reflexes help him catch the back of your head before it bangs into the stall wall. A loud moan sputters from around his cock as your eyes roll back, and the lack of oxygen makes you press your fingernails into his quads harshly.
He pulls out from between your lips, cradling your chin as the both of you catch your breath, coughing a little.
“You okay? Mouth so good I lost my footing.” All you can do is laugh hoarsely as he grins boyishly before you realize he’s not wearing his glasses.
“Can you even see me? S’bit cold down here, Mr. MVP.”
He pulls you up, strong hands lifting you at your armpits until you stand in front of him, reaching over to grab his glasses from the shower shelf. You slide them on as water sprays onto them slightly as he shifts, blinking at you in clearer vision.
“There’s my boy,” you whisper, cupping his jaw and slotting your lips between his once more. You could kiss James forever, all muscles and hard exterior, but everything else, his lips down to his insides feel and go soft for you. He groans lowly and it rumbles between the both of you, before the slick motions against your core remind you of something else that’s really hard right now.
“All for you,” he sighs, hands gripping onto your hips with a force that you think they’ll bruise tomorrow, and you love having physical reminders of him wherever you go. Huh, maybe he is jealous. And if not, he’s possessive. It makes your cunt pulse harder just thinking about it, your arousal helping his head slide nicely against your bundle of nerves and the softness of your stomach.
“I’m yours, you know that right?” Not replying, he instead inhales the sweat from your neck, following it with a dip of his tongue up towards your ear.
Your boyfriend scoffs lightly, a small smirk on his face as he pulls your chin up to meet him at eye level. You’re so gorgeous like this, just letting him do what he wants to you. Always so reassuring of his needs. His thumb rubs against your bottom lip before you open your mouth and swirl your tongue around clean skin.
“Just feels like I have to remind you sometimes, pretty girl. Can’t let everyone walk around thinking you’re not mine.”
“I wouldn’t mind a reminder. Some marks would be nice too,” you grin, biting at his lip while your hands stroke him slowly, your own knees buckling in excitement.
“Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Brat.” James hoists your legs over his hips, slamming your back into the wall as you squeak. Sandwiched between the warmth of his body and the cold of the shower wall, your eyes roll back as he eases his cock between your dripping folds, moans falling from your lips when he sinks into you, inch by inch.
His girth always has a way of stretching you open, and every time feels like the first as he taps at your thigh reminding you to take deep breaths. Fuck the party, you could stay here all night.
“Fill you up so nicely…we’re almost there, good girl.” His voice shakes, wanting to slam the rest of him straight into your cervix.
Your hands are gripping his shoulders until you finally feel him nudge the deepest parts of you, and you sigh when it all fits. Perfect.
“Always so big Jamie. Almost too much.” He kisses your cheek, hips starting to create a rhythm as he mutters into your ear.
“Not too much for my girl. Just perfect. Perfect pussy for this cock. All for you,” he grits, skin sliding and slapping as your thighs get pressed into your chest with the intense force he’s plunging into your guts.
“James, fuck….fuck you’re so deep! Feels so fucking good!” Filthy whimpers leave you and he loves the sound of your desperation when he’s inside of you like this. Too bad there’s no one else here to hear it. If Steven could only see you now.
“Such a good cunt for me to use. Only mine.”
He gasps for air as his feet slip against the tile once more, his heavy breathing fogging up his glasses, and his hold on you just as tight as your grip on his cock. Shit. His heart almost fell through his ass.
Your eyes open to see him struggling and a giggle escapes your mouth as you watch the stupid fucked out look on his face.
“How do people even fuck in the shower? This shit’s dangerous. Don't wanna maim the Gryffindor captain again.”
Your laughter sends jolts down to his throbbing shaft and he shakes his head with a smile, parting the curtain with one hand before carrying you still impaled on him towards the metal benches, placing you down softly.
“At least you finally admit it was your fault, baby. Could barely see straight for a week after.”
He wipes his glasses between his fingers before gazing at you lying across the bench, legs spread and ready for him. What a woman.
“And here I am hoping that when you’re done with me I won’t be able to walk for a week after,” you breathe, hands squeezing your tits as his pupils dilate further at the sight of you. What a fucking witch!
“Fucking hell, you know I love you, right?”
James positions himself over you, kissing your ankle as he sheathes himself back into your sex, resuming his brutal pace and hurtling you quickly towards your peak.
“Y-yes! Merlin, fuck I… looove you!” you wail, hips rolling to meet his and his balls strike your ass hard with each thrust. Your insides are being shifted around with him spearing your cervix like this and there’s nothing in this world that you could name that’s able to compare to how he makes you feel.
Your pussy contracts as he somehow nestles himself deeper, body trembling in this position as he throws your left leg over his shoulder, lips chasing your nipples trying to suck the life out of you, and perhaps that was his plan so you could forget anyone else but him.
“Don’t you dare fucking stop, James. Don’t you fucking DARE!” you beg, clawing your way down his back, making him nip at you in pleasure as you draw pinpricks of blood.
The tight pressure of release starts creeping at your core, making you squirm under him but he pins your waist down harder to the bench, the metal leaving prints against your flesh. His hands press harder on your stomach, silently encouraging you to cum and you can feel the imprint of his dick bulging from inside your stomach.
“Don’t struggle for me baby, just let it go. I know you wanna cum…. That’s it.” James praises in a shattered breath, watching you writhe underneath him as he holds you close. Your legs are shaking as your vision goes black for a moment, cunt gushing with release and squirt coats his pubic hair as your eyes roll to the back of your head.
You lay there, catching your breath as the stars clear from your vision, and you look up at him stroking himself to the sight of you coming undone.
“Sheesh, look at the mess you made. You okay?”
“More than okay, Jamie. Need you to finish the job,” you tease, toes grazing the skin of his hip and he slaps at your thigh with a smile.
“Insatiable minx. Turn around then, ass up f’me.”
You do as he says, getting on all fours and showing him the perfect round of your asscheeks, covered in milky residue from your recent orgasm, but you turn to look at him when he doesn’t come near.
His locker clinks open as he pulls a fresh jersey out, walking back to you and guiding it over your head and arms as you smile, pecking his cheek. Your silly boy. There was no way you actually thought you hated him this time last year with how sweet he really is. His large hand grazes the embroidered patches now resting on your back, POTTER, in huge white letters, CAPTAIN, now resting at the base of your spine.
James’ eyes drift lower and he hums at the sight of you perched on the bench, dropping his face to your throbbing holes and taking a long swipe with the flat of his tongue as he savors your taste along with the sounds of your whining. From your swollen clit to the ring of your asshole he’s languishing in a flavor that’s so uniquely you, and he pulls back, smacking his lips.
“Scrumptious. How are you hotter with clothes on?” James grins, taking a playful bite of an asscheek before he slaps it lightly and stuffs you deep, without any further hesitation. Your sarcastic reply is lost in a moan that makes your toes curl.
He works you open onto his cock again, your back arching desperately to be as close as possible and his hand presses you down, sliding up your spine until his fingers curl around strands of your hair. Tits swinging until they’re crushed against the bench, your face is smooshed as you mumble pathetically in his grasp.
“What was that baby? Can’t hear you well…” He spits at you, and if anyone could see this they’d know he was enjoying the sight of you at his mercy. He grinds his shaft against your walls, ramming against your g-spot and you drool like a mindless plaything, greedy for his attention.
“Right…right fucking there, ohmygod!” His cock pummels your cunt deliciously, hands spreading your cheeks wide and the stretch is so good, perfectly stroking the need in your belly.
“You’re so needy, pretty girl. You love it like this, huh? Good thing I fuck you so well, right?”
Merlin, this boy can pull orgasms out of you as well as he plays quidditch. He’s the only person in the world you’d gladly submit and be this pathetically cockdrunk for. Good thing he's yours.
“Yes…yes! So good Jamie. No one can fuck me like you….”
The white-hot sensation digs at your insides as his fingers fall to your clit, rubbing at you just the way you like as shockwaves shake every crevice of your being. He's breathing over your neck, hot air puffing and elevating your senses before they shut down completely.
“Yeah? Then come on my cock again right now. Show me you like it that much. Now.”
Your arms give out, falling completely forward as your body jerks in searing pleasure, pussy fluttering around his cock once more, so intensely. Your hands flail behind you until they find his, and he's pulling you up against his hard chest as he bounces you onto his length and chases his high.
“Give it to me, please, please… I can take it!” You’re screaming now, at the intersection between pain and pleasure but wanting to make sure you can milk him for his efforts. James’ thrusts stagger as he leans his head on your shoulder, biting you as he cums hard.
“I know you can, baby. All yours…” he chokes out.
Thick white ropes coat your insides, wrapping you tight around him like a present until the excess seeps out to the base of his cock. You kiss his temple as James starts to regulate his breathing.
“Fuck. Fuck….” you drag out, the two of you more winded than you were playing the damn game.
“I still have to return Steven’s jersey,” you mumble, and James can’t do anything but smirk at the thought of the clueless boy standing outside your House's locker room while he fucked you senseless a few doors over. What a shame.
The two of you walk hand in hand into the Gryffindor common room to a crowd of students cheering for James. The party is well underway and many hands clap his now injured back, to which his grimaces make you bite back a laugh. Speaking of bites….
Sirius walks up to you with two cups of punch, wide grey eyes zeroed in on you wearing James’s jersey and the glaring red marks of your boyfriend’s teeth on your neck.
“Merlin. I thought you two would take time to celebrate on your own but did you fucking attack her?”
You both take the cups out of his hands, searing blushes on your faces and leave Sirius to his own imagination before James whispers in your ear that he’ll be gone for a moment.
“Okay, but hurry back, baby.”
A peck on the lips sends him on his way to walk straight towards that wanker–er, Steven with a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Potter! Have you seen–” the dumb boy says eagerly, before James cuts in, “Yeah, my girlfriend couldn’t meet you earlier, sorry mate.”
His hand digs into the undetectable extension charm in his knapsack, pulling out a soggy, ripped jersey.
“We were kind of busy, but you know how to fix that don’t you? You’ll need it to keep you warm on the bench for the rest of the season after all.”
It plops sadly onto the floor in front of the guy, and James looks at him, hazel eyes conveying what he knows he doesn’t have to remind him anymore.
“Thanks again! Appreciate you looking out for my girl.”
He walks away from Steven, who’s sputtering sad excuses and your eyes meet his as James finds you near the drinks table.
“What did you do?” You say with a lifted brow.
“Nothing, pretty girl. Just making known what’s mine.”
"you are pressing against me
like i press flowers
against the pages in my book.
you are kissing my neck
and it feels like the start of forever.
i want to touch you until my palms burn."
-amirae garcia
taglist (OPEN): @jsjcue
253 notes · View notes
misguidedasgardian · 2 years
The Winter Sun (16)
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16. The God's wood
Summary: A child born in Winter was a good omen
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem!Targaryen Reader 
Warnings: Cursing, medieval and asoiaf customs, AGE GAP, Cregan is 12 years OLDER than reader), arranged marriage, birth of a baby (nothing described), fluff, talk about death and miscarriages, talk about childbirth, and death in childbirth, breastfeeding, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3.3 k
Notes: I don’t really like how I name the baby BUT that is canon! Cregan’s first child is name like that so… anyways IT'S HAPPENNING PEOPLE THIS IS NOT A DRILL I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL
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Cregan was stunned… he couldn’t find you anywhere, he was also becoming scared, but the alarms didn’t go off so he doubted something bad had befell you. He looked for you in the battlements, and nothing, you were not in your rooms, not in the library, nor in the Kitchens, not the room that had turned into yours and Sara’s sewing room, and you were not with the Maester. He finally had the courage to scout the Godswood, but you weren’t that either.
So he started to ask around if people had seen you, and the path took him to the kitchens again.
“Yes, she and Sara are down the earth, in the hot springs”, said Thelma, as she whisked the batter for a pie Sara had requested of her. Cregan looked at the woman incredulously
“Couldn’t you just tell me that earlier?”, he asked, and she looked at him and chuckled
“Made you look!”, she teased, and he chuckled darkly, and left the kitchens
So you where in the Hotsprings below the castle
He was not surprised, but he tried to suppress his anger, those hot springs had a very high temperature, specially in your state, but he had to remind himself that one, Targaryens did prefer the heat, it had been proven by maesters that you had a higher tolerances for higher temperatures than normal people, and two, that you had good instincts you had learned to follow, so if you were in the Hot Springs, it meant you really felt the need to go, that you really believe it could do you good. 
He had to dispose of his cape, his vest and his boots before he went down the stairs, because he was already sweating, the steam that came from down below was hitting him strongly.
The set of old stone stairs opened to a wide cave, that looked like a pavilion, a huge bath house for the natural hot springs that had been here since the beginning of time, and the reason Winterfell was built where it was 
You were lying down in the edge of the hot pool, on your side, your big belly between your hugging arms, Sara was by your side, half of her body in the waters, you were both dressed in short light dresses, that were completely soaked. You were conversing happily, giggling like two little girls, Cregan stopped on his tracks and just watched the scene, amused. 
How did he get so lucky?
Fate had brought his sister to Winterfell’s doors, and he loved her dearly, a dragon had brought you to Winterfell’s gates… you both, you three… were everything to him
“Cregan!”, greeted Sara, you turned around with a smile on your face
“My love”
“Hello you two, can I join you?”
“Well of course!”, you said, patting the palace right by your side, where he took a seat, placing his feet under the hot, almost boiling water. 
But it was relaxing nonetheless once you get used to it.
You went into the waters and floated around happily Cregan soon joined you, taking you in his arms
“this is the only place that gives me comfort”, you whined, smiling, “I feel so heavy all the time, floating around soothes me”
“I understand that”, he kissed your wet temple, as you floated around happily
“I don’t understand why we don’t come to this place more often”, muttered Sara with a shy smile, “it is so relaxing”
“It is”, said Cregan
“Agreed”, you giggled, “if it was enough my dragon could be happy here”
“Speaking of dragons, how is Dragonstone?”, she asked you both
“It is one of the greatest things I have ever seen”, Cregan muttered, “The whole island rests on Dragon glass, and the castle itself seems to be carved right off the stone, dragons sculpted everywhere, a great fortress, it is breathtaking”
“Did you see the dragons?”, she asked, amazed
“Only flying from afar”, he said, “it is very dangerous to get close to them”, you added 
“One day we will take you”, promised Cregan, and you nodded enthusiastically
Perhaps, when Rhaenyra is Queen, you could ask her to proclaim Sara legitimate, you haven't spoken about it with Cregan or Sara, but it is something you wanted so badly for her. Perhaps when it’s done…
“When winter is over, you could travel through the kingdoms on dragonback!”, you said happily
“You know Vhaelar actually likes me!”, Sara offered, “Well, she hasn't thrown fire at me, so I’m guessing it’s a good sign!”, she giggled 
“That is indeed a good beginning”, you giggled
You spend the rest of the afternoon in the Hot Springs, until Cregan dragged you both out, saying it was too much, your baby moved around in your belly, restless. So Cregan took you to the kitchens, to feed you both.
The pie Thelma had cooked for you was ready, so you enjoyed it together in the great hall
“I have to go to the woods to hunt”, Cregan told you, “a group of stags had been spotted near the river, It would be good to have some extra meat if needed”, he explained
“I wish you luck husband”, you whispered with a shy smile
“It shouldn’t be more than a couple of days”, he said simply, grabbing your hand over the table
Cregan left the very next morning and came back in two days, as promised, tired and freezing, but with fresh meat to eat.
You celebrated with roast deer those coming days.
So you kept navigating through winter, Cregan was exchanging letters with his friend Ben, of how much he wanted to see him, you haven{t met him yet, but Cregan had told you many stories about him, how he was his closest friend, he had even send you a present for your unborn child, and you couldn’t wait to meet him.
You also couldn’t wait to meet your child, you were growing heavier by the day, so uncomfortable, your feet hurt at the end of each day, your belly button had begun to pop, and according to the servants and the midwife it was a sign that the birth was near. And you were happy for it.
Cregan had been occupied most day, making preparation, he covered every window in your rooms with a plank of wood and furs except for one, so you could still watch over Winter’s Town
You were over a moon shy of finally having him in your arms.
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It was the middle of the morning and still, there was darkness everywhere. The presence of the Lord of Winterfell was required in Winter’s Town, a problem between lords, and cattle to take meat, so he had to go to settle the quarrel. It was easily resolved by throwing a few coins at the problem. 
The snow and cold had taken hold of his body, but still, you were nearing the end of the pregnancy, so the freezing cold did not deter Cregan, who had grabbed an oil lamp and ventured himself deep in the Godswood, with the Heart tree being the only destiny in his mind. 
With the ghostly face in front of him, he fell to his knees and placed his hands together in prayer. And with one last look towards that carved face, he closed his eyes in concentration.
“Gods”, he called, “Gods of the streams, the forests, the rocks, Gods of beasts, of men, of children, I beseech you”, he spoke with a trembling voice, begging, “You who whisper when the winds blows and when the birds sing, all of you who linger in the winter, who bring life in the midst of death…”, he opened his eyes again, looking at those eyes who were looking right back at him, “I beg of you, protect my wife”, he said gently, “protect her and my unborn child, let her live to see our baby grow big and strong, she is a good and kind woman, please protect her….”
Only silence was his answer, but he felt at peace when he heard the wind blows through the trees
After everything he had lived through and everyone he lost he found himself constantly feeling this horrible sensation, of that the same fate as his first two wives might befall you, his young wife and mother to their unborn child.
And he couldn’t bear it, not again, if he loses you, he might as well die right by your side, he was going to do everything in his power to prevent it
But there was this moment where he felt content, even if he followed the Old Gods and their traditions, he wasn’t quite devote, so he really hoped his prayers were answered, and for a second he believed they were, he heard the rustling of the leaves, a soft whisper in the air, and far, far away, the howling of Autumn deep in the Wolf’s wood
It was so peaceful
“CREGAN!”, and now the screech of his sister, “CREGAN!”, She called again and he turned, alarmed, he could not see her, so he stood up, grabbing the lamp and he started running towards the entrance of the God’s Wood
“WHAT IS HAPPENING?”, he asked, alarmed 
“You fool! Where were you? I have been looking for you everywhere!”, she cried, grabbing into his arms, “it’s time! She is in labor! she had been for hours!”, she said with a wide smile
“I am going to be a father?”, he asked, his eyes shiny, and Sara nodded enthusiastically
“YES! NOW GO YOU IDIOT!”, he passed by her running, dropping the lamp that broke against the ground, but he couldn’t care less
He was going to be a father!
He thought fleetingly that he had never run so fast in his life, everything around him going by in a blur. He almost jumped the short steps towards the entrance of the castle and he shoved every person on his way screaming how sorry he was, he found the stairs and ran even faster, when he finally reached the last floor of the castle, where his rooms were, he heard your screams. They were like screams of someone fighting for their life, screams of war and battle… He stopped in his tracks, scared out of his mind, not wanting to go in.
What if something went badly?
What if you perished afterwards?
What if his babe…?, he didn’t even want to think about it.
And then, there was calm, silence, you had stopped your screams, and he decided, really, he didn’t decide anything, his feet took him to venture inside the room, he ran, opened the door widely, just as the cries of his first born child reached his ears.
He didn’t realize he was holding his breath, not until he let out all the air in his lungs, and you found his eyes and you smiled, widely, you were sweaty, bloody, messy, and you never looked more beautiful
“It’s a boy!”, screamed the midwife, with a crying, bloodied bundle in her arms 
“Cregan!”, you called, and he ran to your side
“I was not here!”, he lamented, kissing your face, your sweaty forehead, taking your hands in his, “my love I’m so sorry!”, he cried
“It was so fast!”, you chuckled tiredly, “it came very quickly, you do not need to be sorry” 
“Two pushes and he was out my lord!”, cheered a maid that had helped you through the whole delivery
“Here he is!”, the midwife said, “cleaned and ready to meet his parents! a healthy baby boy”, your babe was crying softly, his little hands above the fabrics searching for something, or someone.
She placed it gently in your arms, and you looked down at his little reddened face, you accommodated him against your chest, and his cries stopped, he tried to open his eyes but he barely could, he was so small, and chubby, his hair dark just like his father’s
Cregan fell to his knees by your side, to look at him, you didn’t even realize you were crying happy tears, relieved tears
“Our baby!”, he cried as well, placing hand on it’s head, so small in comparison, “look at him”, he said, enamored, “he is so perfect”, he whispered
“He is kind of small isn’t he?”, you asked, “it’s a little red…”, you were not quite convinced, and you were weary and scared, if something was wrong you wouldn’t know how to tell
“It is normal my lady”, giggled the midwife, “I shall fetch the maester, to have a look at him”, you nodded. “You did not had any reapings, so you should have make a quick recovery, no blood was lost, either way, I will fetch the maester”
You look at your son and you couldn’t believe you had him in your arms, it felt surreal, you knew why they called them “bundles of joy”, you felt so happy, a warmth in your chest that took a hold on you whole, you felt joyous, you felt like you could explode with love for this little person that you held so comfortably against you, like he belonged there, like he was created to fit perfectly in your arms and against you chest. You whined in happiness, still happy tears rolled down your eyes
You looked up at Cregan and he was looking down at you with suck love and wonder in his gray eyes like you had never seen before
“Would you like to hold him?”, you asked Cregan, and he nodded. You passed on the baby to him, and he held it in his arms carefully. Once he was safe in his father’s arms, the maids and the midwife cleaned you, took the afterbirth with them, and left you with cleaned sheets, and then they left. 
“We must tell the happy news to everyone!”, one said, and the left you in the comfort of your rooms
Your still nameless child had fallen asleep in Cregan’s arms, and you sighed, tired. Childbirth brought you a pain you had never felt before, a crippling pain, and then when you finally expelled it from your body you felt an incredible relief, a soothing sensation washing over you, but now, that adrenaline has passed, the pain has returned, and also, you felt so tired…
“How are you feeling my love?”, he asked softly
“I feel like I’ve been trampled by a herd of wild horses”, you said with a tired smile, “but I will be alright” 
“If something happens to you I swear…” he sighed heavily against your temple, “I’ll die right with you”
“I’m fine”, you assured him, and he smiled, “we have to name our child”, you said with a tired smile.
He laid down by your side, your sleeping baby in his arms, you both looked at him
“How shall we name him?”, he asked then
“Should we name him like your father?”, you asked, “Rickon?”, he looked at you wide eyed
“Would you like that? Name him as my father?”
“I love that name”, you whispered. “It’s a northmen name”, you said happily, so he nodded
“Then it’s Rickon Stark”, he said
The maester showed up shortly after, with a shy smile. He entered the room after knocking
“The old gods had blessed you, my lord!”, he said, “they brought you a son!”
“They did”, he said gently
“Would you let me examine him?”, you begrudgingly agreed and let him take Rickon, he placed him gently at the foot of the bed and he undressed him, his little chubby arms and legs moved desperately
“It’s cold!”, you complained, but Cregan only chuckled
“10 toes”, the old man said, tickling his small feet, “10 fingers”, he said then, and he touched him in his belly, he grabbed his arms gently, and his legs, he examined him, then he placed his finger in front of his little face and move it around, he hummed, contented, “he has your eyes princess”, he said, then looking at you, “the eyes of old Valyria”, you sighed happily, “he is a healthy baby boy”, he placed him back into your arms, covered in a small fox fur 
“You can tell the people of Winter’s town”, Cregan said, proud, “Winterfell has it’s heir, is a boy named Rickon, like my father before me”
“A strong winter child”, he said, “the people will be happy”, he gave you sips of milk of the poppy and then he left your small family again
“Are you proud?”, you asked, your eyes filled with hope and wonder
“Proud?”, he asked, raising his gaze from the babe in his arms to look at you
“I want you to be proud of me, and our little family”, you explained gently
“I’m not only proud, but I’m possibly the happiest men on the world right now”, he said, “look at our child, look at what you give to me”, he said gently, “I love you, and I couldn’t be prouder”
With that in mind you dozed off, thanks to the milk of the poppy, and relying on Cregan’s body for support 
“We have a big bed wife, one day we will be all squeezed up with all the children we are going to have”, you heard faintly before falling asleep. 
You woke up a couple of hours later, with the cries of RIckon, you jumped out of bed to find him crying in Cregan’s armas, who looked kind of desperate and once you were awake, he looked guilty for awakening you
“I think he might be hungry”, you whispered. The midwife had come close to you the last moon, to talk to you about this kind of thing, cares for your babe, you had insist you wanted to breastfeed him yourself, you reached at Cregan and with a wide smile, he placed Rickon back into your arms
“There you are little one”, you greeted gently, you released one of your breasts from your night shirt, and palace him near your nipple, he latched on immediately, and it tickle you when he started to suck, it felt so strange
Cregan held you in his arms as you fed Rickon, dropping comfort kisses on your shoulder, and he caressed your arms. 
There was no need for words, you only shared this intimate moment, with your newborn in your arms, and your husband by your side. 
Rickon fell asleep soon after, and you giggled, Cregan grabbed him and placed him in the crib that you had placed specially for this moment, a beautiful wooden crib, carves with beautiful Northerner designs, sent by one of Cregan’s closest friends, Ben Tallhart, Lord of Torrhen’s square. 
He look through the window and gasped in surprise, he then looked back at you
“Look” he said softly, you reached for him and he helped you raise from the bed with difficulty, and then walk towards the window with a view of winter’s town, you gasped, amazed, all around town big torches had been lit up, pires all around, it looked like the town itself was aflame, but the reflection of the snow made it wonderful, “do you know what it is?”, he said, amazed, “the people of the town lit fires in your honor, their fire lady, in celebration of the birth of our son”, he said proudly
“Really?”, you asked, tears in your eyes
“Really”, he assured you, he hugged you kissing the top of your head, “thank you my love” 
“For what?”, you giggled
“For everything”, he said, kissing the side of your face 
. . .
What you did not know is that as your baby boy drew his first breath, King Viserys, in King’s landing, drew his last. 
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More notes!: I wanted to make the birth swift and quickly... because she will have more children and just didn't want to make it very dramatic...
ANYWAYS como se dice en espanol... ya va llegando gente al baile! hahaha
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kpopsexstories · 16 days
GAY #6: NCT Renjun 'Dating Ban' Pt. 2
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NCT Renjun can’t date. As his gay friend you help him out with his sexual needs. (Part 2 of 2)
Content Warning! This is a 100% gay story. Check out this post for my straight smut and this post for more gay smut.
Pairing: Bottom NCT Renjun x Top male reader
Content: Seated sex in a public shower, Renjun bottoms
Type of Sex: MEDIUM
Word Count: 2.1k
Previously: You’ve run into Renjun by the community pool at the NCT Dream apartment complex. Or rather, he sought you out when he knew you’d be alone, then gave you a wonderful blowjob. To your surprise he revealed that he’s gay, and a bottom, and things have only escalated from there. You suddenly find yourself in the changing rooms with the explicit understaning that you’re about to have sex in the showers.
The shower room consists of a series of stalls with curtains. They're private enough, and if you're quiet no one will know that the two of you are sharing the same space.
Renjun is holding your hand and running ahead. “Let's use this one,” he whispers and giggles. “It has a seat.”
You like the sudden excitement and giddiness in him, and what you're about to do feels thrilling. You’re both horny as fuck and you try to hide the boner in your swim shorts. The place seems empty, but you never know if you’ll run into someone.
You look around to make sure the coast really is clear. All the showers are vacant, and you quickly follow Renjun into the handicap stall he's picked out for you.
Inside it you quickly close the curtain behind you. You immediately start to make out, just as passionately as you did in the pool but with the difference that the secrecy gives you a thrill instead of fear and worry. You can hardly believe that sweet, adorable Renjun wants this just as badly as you do.
You're about to get naked together and that makes your heart race. This definitely feels different – better even – than with the others boys.
Renjun pulls your shorts down and you quickly take them off. He turns on the water as a way to muffle any sounds you make, while you explore his body with your hands and eyes.
Your boner waves freely in the air and brushes against Renjun's low-hanging trunks. When he's got his ass toward you while adjusting the temperature, you stick your hand inside and feel his naked cheeks and hips.
He giggles and pulls a string at the front to loosen the trunks. They quickly slide down his legs and fall to the floor, where they lay in a soaked pile. Naked, horny and alone, you're ready for a sensational fuck.
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You only get a quick peek at Renjun's ass before he leans backwards into your arms. He twists his neck and you kiss, while your hands explore his hips and chest and your boner presses against his rear.
You sit down on the bench made for the disabled and pull Renjun down with you. He turns around in the spacious shower, faces you and makes out with you, and quickly climbs onto your lap.
He sits tall with a leg on either side of your body. You moan into each other's mouths as he looks down at you and lowers his ass. He positions his cheeks over your crotch and wraps an arm around your neck.
You pull yourself up on the seat and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Renjun's waist feels great in your arms as you pull him closer, while he kneels and makes love to you passionately.
His skinny body is amazing. You take in his slim arms, chest and waist with all your senses. His skin is youthful and stretchy, and his face is just so cute you could eat him up.
Renjun moans when he presses himself against your stomach, his hard dick squeezed between your bodies. He definitely wants you just as bad as you want him.
Slowly, he lifts his ass only to lower it again, rocking gently in your arms while you make out. He enjoys the sensation of his shaft rubbing against yours. Finally, he reaches behind himself to find your cock, and strokes it with his long fingers.
He positions his asshole directly above it. The soft cheeks find the head and guide it into place, aided by his finger tips. Your dick slides into his crack and it's already time for penetration.
Slowly, Renjun lowers himself onto your cock. The head is pressed into the hole, gradually expanding it and stretching it wide. He's holding his breath and has his eyes closed above your face. His body is frozen, his mind fully focused on what you're doing.
You stare at him in anticipation, until his cheeks weight heavy on your thighs and the shaft has been fully engulfed. Warm water rushes down Renjun's back and onto your knees and feet.
Renjun opens his eyes and smiles lovingly down at you. You pant softly when he begins to move his body up and down, raising and lowering himself on your dick.
You grab his waist firmly with both hands. You pull at him, aiding his sensual movements. When the position is comfortable and you have found a good rhythm, Renjun relaxes and comes in for another kiss.
You make out, balls deep inside Renjun’s tiny figure. He puts a hand on your cheek and pants softly but rapidly into your mouth, and rests the other on your chest.
You explore his body further. Your hands wander from his waist to his ass, up his sides and down his chest and stomach, along the full length of his thighs and back again.
You thrust your hips repeatedly, rocking your ass on the hard bench and sliding your dick in and out of Renjun’s tight asshole. Renjun begins to moan, and wraps an arm around your neck again. He presses the side of his face against yours as you hug and fuck intimately.
You take a firm grip around his ass cheek and push and pull it harder. Renjun rolls his hips in wide, erotic motions. It feels incredible, so arousing and stimulating. Holy fuck, I’ve got to make Jisung comfortable enough to ride me like this, you think to yourself.
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Renjun starts to bounce sensually up and down on your dick. Your bodies are engaged in an erotic dance of sensational sex, and the fact that you need to keep it down in case someone walks in only makes it all the more hot and exciting.
You want to feel him, all of him, pressing against you. Your one hand wanders upwards, around his back, pushing Renjun’s chest harder against yours. With the other, you bury your fingers deeper into the side of his thigh and ass. His skin is absolutely wonderful.
Renjun’s dick is pointing straight up between you, rubbing against your stomach in a way that brings him ever closer to the edge. Your hand starts searching for it, gliding down from the back and along his waist, trying to push in between your bodies.
He loosens his grip around your neck and leans slightly backwards. Without either of you interrupting his sensational bouncing, or your repeated thrusts, you eventually find his cock and grab it.
It feels long and narrow, and powerful the way it throbs between your fingers. When you touch him like this, Renjun begins to moan and pant heavily. If anyone else was in the room they'd be guaranteed to hear you, but the perceived safety of the shower and the intense focus on each other makes you both take the risk.
The bouncing and the thrusts intensify, until Renjun is brought so close to the edge he's about to explode. His body freezes in position again, and he holds his ass completely still while you slam your dick into it again and again at an increasingly fast pace.
You no longer care about the clasping sounds produced by your bodies jamming together so forcefully. The sex is too wild and wonderful, mind numbing and awesome. You jerk him off fast and intensively, tightening your grip around the thin shaft. Renjun leans away from you with his stretched forearms on your shoulders, and tilts his head to the side to keep the water out of his face.
You stare wide-eyed at his long body. He looks at you with lust in his eyes. You briefly smile at each other, only to turn serious again when the sexual tension and pleasure brings you both to the edge.
Renjun is first to come. He leans back even further and closes his eyes, while holding on to your shoulders for balance with his arms as straight as they can be. His back and waist are stretched thin and the muscles in his thighs and ass cheeks tense.
He moans and whimpers lowly, trying hard to keep the sound down. He grimaces excessively. Finally, he let's out an audible sigh when his cock erupts in the powerful explosion you’ve been working toward.
You feel his hot cum on your skin but keep your eyes fixed on his face. Then your eyes wander, taking in the full view of the light, sexy, twisted body on your lap and in your arms, and of the thin cock which you’re still stroking fast.
Renjun’s skin becomes hot and flustered, and his muscles begin to relax. Yours, however, are working harder than ever before. You dig your fingers deeper still into his skin, and tense every muscle in your body while you fuck the man hard.
Renjun’s entire body is shaking when you slam your dick into him faster and harder. Now it's your turn to grunt and grimace, as you're so close it feels like you've already reached your peak.
You have not though. Because when you do and you bust inside Renjun, it feels so good your mind goes blank. Thank God the pool isn’t well used and no one has walked in on you.
The intense and incredible orgasm shocks your body and overwhelms it completely. Renjun is so freaking hot, and feels so fucking good, but when you explode inside him all of that disappears from your mind. You can't think at all, on anything other than the intense orgasm your body is going through.
When you shoot your load into Renjun’s ass with a loud groan, he moans and whimpers for your pleasure. This definitely isn’t his first rodeo. He looks at you with fascination, excited to see your twisted face and satisfied expression.
“Ahh, fuck yeah!” you exclaim. You don’t even care if anyone can hear.
Renjun relaxes further, and you feel his weight come back down on your thighs. His arms go limp and his deep breaths are more audible.
“Fuck,” he echoes in a coarse voice.
“Holy shit you're amazing,” you say when you come down from your high.
Renjun smiles wide at you and leans in for another kiss. He wraps his arms around your head and neck while you make out, entangled and still deeply connected.
“That was incredible,” Renjun pants in between soft but passionate kisses.
“Yeah,” you whisper, unable to speak clearly.
Renjun eventually collapses in your arms. His body rests on yours as your back gets pressed against the hard wall behind you.
He runs his fingers through your hair while gently pressing his lips against your shoulder. His body moves softly up and down each time your lungs are filled with air from deep and heavy breaths. The water is still rushing down behind him, a sound which makes you feel safe and comfortable.
You caress his back as your dick grows slack inside him. You feel the pressure when Renjun occasionally clenches his cheeks, squeezing every last drop of cum from your shaft and head.
You stay in this position for several minutes, until you've both caught your breaths and regained some strength. That’s when you finally hear a sound and you realize that you’re not alone after all.
You straighten yourself and move your ass higher on the seat, lifting Renjun and taking his body with you. Suddenly worried, mostly for him, you attempt to pull out. But Renjun won't have it.
“Shhh,” he whispers by your ear.
You sit in complete silence. You both want to giggle when you lock eyes but manage to restrain yourself.
Someone turns on the shower next to yours. “Let’s stay until they leave,” Renjun whispers. “I don’t want to let you go.”
You smile to yourself. “Okay,” you say softly.
It does feel good, to hold the man like this and touch his warm skin. Satisfied and spent, you close your eyes and think, I could stay like this forever.
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My Favourite Place
A/N: Looks like I have a new muse. I'm not mad about it. Still working my way through CM but also up to date with the Evolution season which I guess this is based around.
Sum: Y/N goes home after work for a relaxing bath... Emily joins. Fluff and Smut included.
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It had been ages since you’ve seen her this worked up about a case. Mind you this one was pretty much the worst one you’d ever seen since joining the BAU. It wasn’t often that you slept at different places, but she was working late and you needed rest. You hadn’t seen her like this before, but you knew better than to intrude or bother her. So, when you heard the front door unlock and slam shut you knew it was the right option to let her be.
“You know, you should have a better security sys-“ She stopped in her tracks as she stood in the doorway to the bathroom. When you texted her earlier saying you were going back to your place, you hadn’t mentioned having a bath. That definitely would have gotten her home sooner. She watched you for a moment, your smirk growing with the lingering stare. “Is there some space left in there for me?” Her eyes raking down your slick naked body as she slipped off her shoes.
Another reason you went back to your place instead of hers tonight, your tub. She didn’t have one and you needed a relaxing soak. You had only been in long enough or your skin to get accustom to the melting hot temperature. “I’m sure I could find some room.” You smiled, dipping under the water and coming back up with your hair slicked back. There was a moan from the door.
“You know if you’d mentioned you were heading home for a bath, I would have come home with you.” Her eyes never leaving your body as she took off her clothing.
“I learnt a long time ago not to bother Emily Prentiss when she’s on a case.” Now it was your turn to admire her naked body as she collected her clothes and put them in the hamper by the door.
She rolled her eyes and walked up beside the tub with a raise brow. “Well?”
You knew what she wanted, you to sit forward but you just stayed where you were, opening your legs, implying she sit in front. “Plenty of room for you, baby.”
Her teeth snagged the inside of her lip as she thought about it for a split second, “Considering how you didn’t follow my rules the other day, I think you should move forward.”
The mention of the other day with that glare already had you hot. This time it wasn’t the bath water that raised your internal temperature. As much as you wanted to please and relax her, it seemed like she had another idea in mind. You slipped forward, the bathwater rippling at your movement and the added body slipping in behind you.
Her arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you back as your head rested on her shoulder, her mouth coming down to kiss your silky wet skin at the crook of your neck. “Perfect.” She breathed, her hands wondering your skin, one separating your legs as it moved south.
“Baby..” You moaned as her fingers played you like how she skilfully outplayed any bad guy in any room. “Yes…” You moaned, thrusting into her hand when she hit the perfect spot. With her, it didn’t take long for your body to respond.
“I’ve been thinking about this all day…”
“The bath-tub?” You could barely talk, her fingers bringing you closer, her breath over your skin and her open-mouthed kisses sending jolts to your core.
Hearing your shallow breathes and inner walls constrict had her shifting for friction. “Hearing your moans, feeling you under my touch…” She kissed you behind the ear, a smirk on her lips as she felt you thrust and squeeze her fingers. “That’s it, good girl.”
You moaned her name and let your body go. This wasn’t how you thought bath time would go but you weren’t at all disappointed. A smile spread across your lips as you came back and planted a kiss to the side of her face. “Marry me.”
She laughed and squeezed you closer. “You’re just deeply satisfied and in your favourite place, you-”
Your lips trailed down her neck, you shifted slightly to get a better angle, drawing a moan from your girlfriends’ lips when you squeezed her thigh to steady yourself. “You’re my favourite place.”
A deep moan escaped her lips as she squeezed you tighter. “Ask me again when I haven’t just fucked you senseless.”
You leant back, “Baby, you might have fucked me, but not senseless.” It wasn’t a complaint or anything, you knew she could fuck you senseless quite easily. “I’m serious. Although not the exact story I want to share with everyone but I am serious.”
The shock was clear, “I – I haven’t even gotten you a ring…” This wasn’t meant to be happening yet. She had thought about it, there was no denying that but it was still in the thinking stage and the browsing stage, not it actually happening stage.
“I’m not saying right here and now well actually I did say that but –“You both laughed and you kissed her on the lips, a long, reaffirming statement that went with how you were feeling. “Wait, you were- are- wait-“Her words catching up with you.
Emily laughed, she held you close, causing you to sit back into her front again, no access to see her face, you could only feel and hear her. “I’ve thought about it for a while. So the answer is yes, not if, or maybe, it’s a yes. Not exactly how I wanted to bring it up but there it is.”
Did you both just agree to get married?
You chuckled, “When have I ever done things the way you wanted or planned out…” You brought her hand up to your lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She smiled, kissing your shoulder. “Let me get a ring first and plan a beautiful day for just us before we go announcing it.”
“Oh baby, I’m not announcing anything until I propose to you.”
“You mean it wasn’t your great plan to get fucked by me in the bathtub after a long day, week, at work.”
You hummed, her other hand wondering south again. “Maybe that can be our private story…” Your legs twitched, “But no, I’ve got something much sappier planned for you.”
“Sounds perfect but for now…” She paused, smiling at the way your body was twitching just for her. “Let me fuck you senseless.”
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purplestars222 · 1 year
Miguel x Reader - Insomnia
Miguel x depressed human reader
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part one part 2
(mig has a bit of a thing for you, even tho he won't admit it. so he gets worried when you don't show up for work for a week)
i am SO sorry if i get any of the Spanish wrong, this is my first time writing for a character that speaks Spanish, and i personally don't know any Spanish, so please correct me if i get anything wrong.
cw: reader has bad depression after hobie broke up with them, not leaving bed all day, staying up all night and hallucinations, fluff, mig gets dirty thoughts but doesn't act on them
words; 715 (i know its short, sorry)
this is my first fic, please be nice
You wake up, it's 8 pm, and you decided to have a nap after waking up at 2 pm. You roll over and check your phone, 17 missed calls from your boss, Miguel. You swipe the notification away and start scrolling through Instagram, too exhausted to leave the bed. About 2 hours go by and you decide to get up to go to the toilet, when you walk into your loungeroom, a tall, dark figure is sitting on the couch, head in its hands, mumbling something. You ignore it, assuming its another hallucination, and start walking away
You froze, it sounded like miguel, but why would he be here? In your house?
"Ay, dios mío, you had everyone worried! You haven't shown up to work in a week. What's going on?" he wasn't happy, which scared you. It was also actually him, maybe, you weren't sure, but it seemed too real to be a hallucination
"been busy." you walk to the bathroom and shut the door
"Busy with what?"
"Just leave, please..." your voice breaks
He opens the door and sits next to you on the floor, he puts a hand on your back in an attempt to comfort you, You lean into him, getting his suit soaked with your tears. after what seems like an eternity of crying on the floor, miguel helps you up and wipes your face clean
"You need to shower, where are your towels? I'll get one for you."
"cupboard, my room."
Miguel turns the shower on, to a nice hot temperature and leaves to grab you a towel.
You haven't showered in a week. He could probably smell it on you, and now he probably thinks you're disgusting. You strip off and hop in the shower, the feeling of the hot water on your back was amazing. You slide down the wall to sit on the floor, curling up into a ball to start crying again
after about 15 minutes, there's a soft tap at the door "Amor? can I come in?"
Miguel walks in and sits the towel on the basin, the sight of you naked, even though most of you was covered, was enough to give him a boner, but he couldn't. Not while you were this upset
"That's not showering, y'know" he lets out a small chuckle, "Can I help?"
you nod, and he hops in, still wearing his suit, he sits behind you and starts washing your hair and back, his hands were so gentle, and the way his claws massaged your scalp made you feel amazing.
"mig, i-"
"Shh, just enjoy this, okay cariño?" his voice came out as a whisper, his breath brushing against the back of your neck
That nickname. That fucking nickname. It made you feel things you didn't wanna feel towards your boss, even if he is the hottest man you've ever met, he's your boss. He's only helping you like this so he can get you back to work.
Miguel starts massaging your back, causing you to let out a soft groan, Laying in bed all day was not great for your back, And miguel could tell it was sore. He continues to work the knots out of your back, once he's finished, he stands up, grabbing you by the hands to help you up, he walks you out of the shower cubicle and wraps a towel around your body, then starts drying your hair. He grabs your hand and leads you to your room. He cleaned up your room a bit and made the bed, also laid some clean pj's out.
"do you want me to leave while you get dressed? or do you need help with that too?" you could tell he was being sarcastic, but if it were up to you, you'd just lay in the towel for the rest of the night.
Mig sighs and grabs the pyjama shirt and slips it over your head, then he slips your shorts on
"Want me to stay the night, mi cielo?"
he scoops you up effortlessly, laying you on your pillow, he lays next to you and pulls the blankets up. he wraps an arm around you and places a soft kiss on your forehead
"Try to sleep, Cariño, we're going out tomorrow."
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arcade-chaos · 1 year
Day 3: Chill
Subnautica au! Mer sun and Moon, they/them for insert, cuddles
I've been reading not enough subnautica aus, so i went a little feral. you know what thing where someone puts their cold feet or hands on their partner? Ya thats Moon. Anywhos
The base was frozen. That was the only explanation that came to mind as they groggily slipped into awareness, some logical part in the back of their brain knew they should get up and find whatever faulty wire had let the temperature drop so low, but they would be damned if they crawled out of the warm bubble of their blankets. Groggily they poked their head out, snatching up their datapad before diving back under to ignore the freeze that nipped their ears. 
It didn’t give them anything helpful, chiming off that they needed to conserve heat while looking through the paneling with their scanner. That sounded like an activity for someone not in their undersuit, preferably one with thick slippers. And maybe a hat. 
With what could only be described as the world's most tortured groan they rose, stumbling towards their wetsuit as they clung to the blankets last bit of warmth. Their feet were already frozen by the time they slipped it on, going as far as to wear the flippers to avoid frostbite. 
“I knew I should’ve stayed in the shallows.” They grumbled halfheartedly. They knew they needed to get deeper, and the rocky cliff they were clinging to was the easiest way down to the river, but hell if they didn’t miss the warm waters of the shallows. Something distant splashed up in the moonpool, a quiet rumble soothing their concerns. They frowned and shivered as they scanned the bedroom, moving down the hall to meet Moon who was, as usual, tracking water through the base. 
“Rude.” They grumbled, ignoring his purr that turned into a little coo. He shuffled in front of their scanner as it buzzed, looming up to stare at their face. “Ya stinker?” He frowned and stuck out his tongue, though it didn’t last long. Instead he placed his hand over their head, which made them pull back from the chill of the water that clung to his skin. 
“Hurt?” He whined, beginning to nose under their blanket cape for a wound. 
“No, not hurt. Just cold.” He frowned, clicking over the word a few times as he circled them. “Cold, like not warm. Shallows are warm, down here is cold.” He chuffed, his tail wetly slapping the floor as he stared at them. “You’re also cold.” 
“Cold… Bad?” He frowned.
“Not necessarily. It’s only bad if it's too cold.” They gestured to the room, scanning the wall again. “I gotta find whatevers making my base cold and fix it.” Moon hummed, following them for a bit before piping back up. 
“I’ll be back. Get Sun.” They hummed a goodbye, sighing as the scan came up clean yet again. It wasn’t life threatening by any means, they were dry enough, but the combination of flippers and blanket cape made getting around the space difficult. They managed to get through the green house, after fretting over all the plants, and into the moonpool by the time their companions came back. Sun skittered towards them immediately, stopped only by Moon tugging his tail back.
“Wet.” He chided, pulling up to the opposite wall to shake off.
“Oh NOW you respect my wishes.” They snorted, teeth chattering as they shook. It was even worse in here. The scan relieved their greatest worries, the insulation in the left wall was soaked. They pulled off their blanket and prepared to dive in to patch the hull, stopped by Sunny’s warm hands on their neck.
“Cold??” He fretted, purring as they leaned into his hands. Despite the dampness they could feel the heat coming back to his skin. 
“Ya, I gotta fix the outside before it’ll warm up again.” They hummed, content to just stay there in Sun’s grasp to soak up the heat. Sun seemed pretty content with that plan too, pulling them back as Moon snatched up their scanner.
“I'll fix.” He grumbled, clicking the button repeatedly and staring at the little laser grid it lit on the floor. 
“You don’t know how.” He rolled his eyes. 
“Get rock, point, fix.” Okay, maybe he did know. Props to Alterra for making tech so easy they supposed. 
“Only because you’re so nice.” They taunted, trying to tighten their jaw to keep their teeth from clacking. Sun quickly scooped them and the blanket up, carrying them deeper into the base as Moon sank below the water. They didn’t protest when he removed their flippers, wrapping them both in the blanket to lay on the bed. They could feel his heartbeat under his scales, coursing warmth through his limbs as he rubbed little circles on their back.
“Better?” They sighed, snuggling a bit closer to warm their nose.
“Mmhm…” They mumbled, suddenly much sleepier. Their datapad beeped as Moon resurfaced, clamoring into the room with a wet shake.
“Fix. When warm?” 
“Mm…” They squinted at the pad. “An hour or two.” Moon seemed annoyed with the answer, Sun chose to snuggle closer instead. 
“I'm warm.” He purred, seemingly pleased with the situation at hand.
“Yep, very warm.” They snorted, giggling as Moon whined at the foot of the bed. “Why are you pouting?” They taunted, pulling away to get a better look. Moon growled softly, his lure wagging. 
“... Cold.” He mumbled, eyeing the bed and Sun with clear jealousy. Sun clicked something and pulled them a little tighter, eyeing his still damp skin. 
“You can come warm up if you dry off-” They didn’t get to finish their request before he was scampering off and rubbing himself on the towels. He returned even quicker, leaping into bed rough enough to make it bounce. They were glad they opted for the two person size, even then it was squished with two mers around them. At least the blanket stopped Moon’s chill from leaching their heat. Moon purred quietly, curling his tail around their form and over Sun’s back, wiggling down into the blankets quickly.
“Cold!!” Sun squeaked, pressing even closer to the human sandwich in the middle as Moon cackled. 
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Demon!Killer x male reader. 3.4k
Y/N your name
N/N nick name
Warning: some cursing, mentions of abuse, cum as lube, blindfold sex, size difference, stomach bulge.
I never should have gone to that party.
Everything was fine until someone suggested we try to summon a demon. No one took it seriously as Alex grabbed and set up candles while some girl looked up a Latin tutorial online. "Just something stupid to pass the time." They said. Stupid was definitely the key word here. At least someone was smart enough to get a bucket of water in case we set the lawn on fire too.
Ready with a salt circle around the fire pit and candles lit in the cardinal directions, we all sat around the fire while the girl read the Latin.
I'm sitting on the ground just watching the whole show. The girl chanting starts walking around and asking for things from the onlookers. One girl gives her hair clip, a guy gives his half full beer. Dumb little trinkets or useless things they all give to her, until she gets to me. I try and wave her off. I didn't really want to participate but I also had nothing I wanted to give. The only things I had on me was my phone, wallet, and a pocket sketchbook I pour my heart into. When it's clear I'm not giving her anything her friend snags my sketchbook from my hoodie pocket and tosses it to her. I'm quick to jump up for it but not quick enough.
With a sarcastic "oops" she tossed everything into the golden flames. I tried to catch my book but a red fireball spits from the flames and I managed to burn my hand before recoiling from the heat. I glared at the girls but I didn't want to start a fight. Alex was my only friend here and I didn't want to make them look bad in front of their other friends so I forced myself to take the high road.
Alex has a look of shock on their face as I soak my burned hand in the water bucket. I'll tell them later I don't blame them for their friends actions, I know they feel bad already. That still doesn't make me any less furious with the girl who burned my book though. "Stupid fire, stupid alcohol, stupid hand-" I grumble to myself.
The puff of fire at least made the ritual more interesting for the onlookers. However that was basically the only thing that happened. After all that effort to ruin our stuff and pretend to speak Latin the only thing that we got out of the ritual was the crowd bursting into laughter after it was over and nothing happened.
Alex gave me a bandage to wrap my hand and said they would talk to the others and make this up to me later. After the pain in my hand died down I excused myself and drove back to my apartment. By the time I got back it was almost midnight and I was way too tired to worry about cleaning my wound right now. I slipped into pajama pants and an old T-shirt and flopped face first onto my bed.
The comfort of my bed slowly fading as the temperature of the room started to rise. I try my best to ignore it until it felt like I was boiling. I groan as I sit up to turn on the AC only to freeze in my tracks when I see a large man standing in the middle of my room. He practically took up half the room with his size. Tall with bulging muscles, intricate black markings spread up his left arm until they were hidden by a shirt that was two sizes too small. A pair of curved horns poked out from behind a white and blue mask, and everything was outlined by a mess of golden hair.
I throw myself to the other side of the room but in my panic I can't seem to find my voice. All he does is tilt his head to the side. I can't tell if it's an amused or confused expression under the mask but either way I needed to find a way to escape! He was standing between me and the door. Dread spread through me as realization of just how fucked I was set in.
"G-get out!" I yelled, my voice cracking under the pressure. He takes a step back and stands in the doorway. I start to shake in fear and a little in anger. "Don't fuck with me! I said get out!" This time he doesn't move, simply staring at me for a minute before he quietly sat on the floor.
His voice was deep. I could feel it ringing in my bones before I heard it. "I will not leave until the deal is finished."
"A deal?" I'm taken aback by how calm he is. His demeanor is relaxed like I didn't just scream at him. "Why would I make a deal with someone who broke into my house!?" I feel my anger rising again.
He holds up his hand on the arm that is covered with markings. A brand in the same spot I got burned shimmers like gold. "You paid in advance. I just need my orders."
"I order you to leave than."
He lets out a sigh. "I can leave if you wish but that won't be enough to end the contract."
"There is no contract. Demons aren't real. Your just some giant guy in a stupid costume!" We both fall silent staring at each other, unmoving. Until he gets up and marches towards me. Suddenly fear kicks in again and I realize how dangerous a situation I got myself in. As he gets closer I back up until I hit the wall and he looms over me.
"I. Am. Real." He speaks slowly and precisely. It's all I can do to swallow the lump in my throat and nod my head. A small "okay" shakily falls from my lips. He grabs my bandaged hand by the wrist, his hands feeling like they're on fire. He starts to unwind the cloth until my burn is revealed. I stare in disbelief as the brand took the shape of a skull with three vertical lines running through it.
He releases me from his iron grip and I gawk at the mark. I look up at him in disbelief. "How did you do that?"
He shakes his head. "You did that. That's the contract seal you made when you burned the artifact." I wrack my brain to think of what he meant by artifact.
"You mean my sketchbook?"
"I don't know what it was, but it has enough emotion in it to summon me." He takes a step back so I don't have to crane my neck as much to look up at him. He holds his hand out for me to shake. "Now let's try this again. You can call me Killer, and what do I call you?"
"Shouldn't you call me master?" I joke, ignoring his outstretched hand. I've seen enough demon movies to know not to shake hands with a devil.
"I'm not calling you that." His reply was instant and deadpan. I almost laugh at the delivery.
"Fine, call me… (n/n)."
"So n/n. What do you want?" The way he asked sounded more like a demand.
"I don't want to sell my soul."
"You didn't."
"Huh? I thought that's how demon contracts work?" Confusion written all over my face.
"Not always. Normally yes, but my captain is being punished so for now we have to feed on emotions instead. Your artifact had a lot and was actually able to summon me because of it. However I can't collect those emotions until after I fulfill my end of the deal." It's hard to tell how he's feeling with his inflection so steady and his face covered.
"Why emotions?"
"They are the most similar to the soul. The stronger the emotions the more energy we get." I go to ask something else but he cuts me off. "I would rather not give a whole theology lesson today. What do you want from me, I can get revenge for you, get you power, wealth?"
Revenge sounded nice, but am I really the type of person that would kill over a sketchbook? There are so many people who have done worse to me and who deserve worse. "Do you have to kill them?" I ask as I think over my options.
"I don't have to." I think he might be a bit disappointed. I nod my head getting an understanding of what I want.
I give him a small list of people. Scum who hurt, used, and abused me. People that are better off dead, but I'm not going to kill them. "I want them hurt. I want them to live but make them suffer." He takes the list and nods his head before silently leaving out the fifth story window. It amazes me how someone so big can be so quiet.
He returned only a few hours later. During that time I couldn't rest so I paced around my apartment and thought hard about the whole situation. At first I felt guilty because I'm the reason these people are going to get their lives ruined. However every time I look down at my hand I get a weird feeling that everything is going to be okay. My mind drifts to my summoned attack dog. I can't help but remember just how hot his touch was. Even if he scared me before now I get a flutter in my chest when I think about him. Yeah he was strong and imposing, but he spoke so calmly even when I was yelling and freaking out. It was like he was a grounding force I found myself inexplicably drawn to.
I didn't hear him come back until I turned around and suddenly had to stop myself from running into him. "Shit! Oh sorry… how did it go?" I compose myself and take a step back to give him some room.
"I took care of the revenge, but it wasn't enough." He holds up his hand and the golden marking is still as bright as before. I noticed his clawed fingers still have some blood on them. "I'm stuck here until I collect more of your emotions."
"...oh" I'm not really sure how to respond to that. "Can I like… watch a movie or something to feel emotions?"
"No, I have to be the reason for the emotions for it to work." I think he sounded frustrated.
"Sorry…" I stand there awkwardly for a bit, trying to think of a solution. I can't just have a demon living with me, but I also can't send him on a killing spree to fulfill the contract. Suddenly I'm thinking impure thoughts about him again and I feel my cheeks flush. I shake my head and clear my thoughts. I know he's staring at me again but if I only knew just how hard he was looking. "I… I'll think of something."
What was It he offered before? Revenge, already did that. Wealth, I'm not rich but I'm doing okay, besides if I suddenly have money I'm sure people will get suspicious or try to use me again. Power? I guess he ment status but I like my privacy and really don't want to be famous or anything. Thinking about the demon in front of me I remember his words and how his deep voice rang through me. How it made me feel… I start to get a little excited.
Well I guess it's now or never. "I have a request." I try to sound confident. "You can say no if you don't think it will work or if you don't want to…" I wait for a response but he just continues to look at me behind his mask, silent telling me to spit it out. I take a deep breath to steady my nerves. "Fuck me." I blurt out.
He tilts his head to the side before eventually breaking the silence. "I like that deal." I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding as he approaches, towering over me once again. "Sit and relax. I'll do the rest n/n." He said as he moves to take off my shirt.
After moving into the bedroom I slide down my pajama pants and boxers in one motion and sit on the edge of the bed with my legs spread. Starting to second guess myself I go to close my legs but his large hands engulf my knees and keep them parted. He settles his massive frame between my legs making it impossible for me to close them.
His size made me nervous before but now I'm nervous in a different way, a much better way. My breath catches in my throat as his too hot hand gently grabs my half hard cock. Slow strokes and the perfect amount of pressure get me rock hard in seconds. It's not long before my cock is twitching ready for release. My breathing becomes shallow the closer to the edge I get. It's too soon, I don't want this to end now. I try to take his hands off my dick but he just keeps pumping at that slow steady pace. "K-Killer-" his name comes out as a breathless stutter.
"It's okay. I'm just getting started." His low voice goes right through me and I cum all over his hand. Thick white ropes sliding down his knuckles. He gathers the cum on his fingertips and pushes me flat on the bed. "You said you wanted me to fuck you, right." It wasn't really a question but I slowly nod my head anyway. He presses his cum covered fingers against my tight ass hole. The cum felt cold contrasted by his searing touch. I gasp at the foreign sensation as one of his thick fingers slowly pushes inside of me.
He goes slow, coaxing me to breathe until the discomfort melts into pleasure. It doesn't take long for me to become putty in his hands. I lean back and let myself get used to the new feelings.
A familiar sensation ran through my bones but I was too lost in my own pleasure to actually hear what he said. "Huh?"
"Your eyes."
"You are not taking my eyes!" I bolt upright
"Not permanently." He takes off his shirt and exposes more of his defined muscles. The stretched fabric wasn't leaving much to the imagination anyway but getting to see more of his toned body was a treat that had me ogling. He folds the shirt and wraps the dark fabric around my head, cutting off my sight completely. All I could smell was the iron and sweat that stained the cloth.
I could feel my heart pounding as my mind raced trying to think of what's going to happen next. "Kil- aah!" A chill runs up my spine as a hot wet tongue licks up my neck. I can feel his lips grin against my skin. He goes down lower leaving a wet trail of licks and kisses down my body. If his hands were like fire then his breath was like smoke, hot and heavy against my skin. His tongue was thick and inhumanly long as he tasted and nipped every part of my exposed skin. Only slowing down to a teasing pace as he got to the sensitive flesh of my thighs. Giving a teasing bite, gently with his razor sharp teeth. Every touch made it feel like there was a fire under my skin.
I let out a loud gasp as his tongue slithered into my ass, soon followed by a finger, then another. All working to stretch me out. I could feel him getting excited. His breathing getting heavier and his fingers moving faster it all felt so good and I could feel my own dick ready to cum again. It took some effort but I started adjusting to the stretching and the sound of my panting and moans filled the room.
I was practically mewling when he suddenly pulled everything out of me. Leaving me with only an empty feeling in my gut. I desperately grab for him and barely graze one of his horns before his hand tightly grabs my wrists and he pins them above my head. I let out a pathetic whimper as my pending orgasm fades.
There's some shuffling and I wince as my eyes are forced to adjust to the sudden brightness of the room. I nearly choked on air when he took off my makeshift blindfold revealing his massive cock standing proud. The beast was thicker than my arm and just as long. "That won't fit!" A feeling of panic sparks in my chest. I look up at him but his mask is back on and I can't see any reaction.
"It will." His voice was so tempered, so matter of fact. It was strangely reassuring that despite my worry I still trusted him. Trusted this demon. His mask tilts down and I follow his supposed gaze between my legs. I let out a low moan as he slips three fingers easily into my ass. "You already take my fingers so well. It will fit."
With one hand still pinning my hands above my head he takes his fingers out of my ass and gives himself a few slow strokes. My chest feels tight but I still lick my lips in anticipation. He lets go of my hands and rubs up my stomach. "It will reach all the way up here, and it will be delicious."
"Do it." My lust overshadowing my logic.
He leans over me and rests his weight on his elbow next to my head. Grabbing the back of my knee with his free hand he makes plenty of room for himself as he lines up his monster cock with my already gaping hole. "Breathe." He slowly pressed the tip into me and I was already seeing stars. Painfully slowly he pushed in until I let out a sharp hiss when his cock got too thick halfway in. Stopping he gave me a moment to adjust. Looking down I can already see my stomach bulging. If he wasn't so patient his cock would have ripped me in half already. With every exhale my ass relaxed a little more until it didn't hurt anymore so I bucked my hips a little letting my demon know it's okay to continue.
His dick was just as hot as his touch but reached so much deeper. He kept going deeper still until our hips touched and I was completely full. I let out a small whimper at the tight feeling but my dick was still rock hard with excitement.
"Good boy." The full feeling mixed with the shiver his voice gave me almost had me cum on the spot. A sense of pride swelled in me when I saw just how much of him I could take.
His slow deep thrusts slowly turned into hard deep pounding. Pushing me deeper into the bed as I cling to him, nails biting into his tough skin. The only time he slowed his pace again was when I would get close to cumming, never able to reach my release but enjoying every moment of it. Hours felt like minutes as ecstasy courses through me. With a final thrust my cock and whole body spasms as I cum all over myself. Killer pulls his cock out and his cum mixes with my own on my chest and stomach.
I cum probably the hardest I will ever cum in my life. I collapse into the bed soaked in sweat, completely exhausted and satisfied. "That was… wow" I can't even think a cohesive thought as I bask in my afterglow.
"It'll be a shame not being able to taste all your emotions more y/n." He starts to blur, like when you wake from a dream and that world disappears. Only the world is still and it's just him fading away. The only thing left behind was some soot on the floor and a piece of parchment. I pick up the paper and it has a weird sigel on it. Like a flaming skull wrapped in archaic text. In the mouth of the big skull is the same small striped skull that branded my hand.
I can't help but laugh to myself as my demonic one night stand just left his infernal phone number.
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sixhours · 6 months
Firsts - Bath
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Anna’s firsts, a series of fluffy drabbles set in the One Day at a Time universe.
Rating: Everyone Series tags: The Last of Us, The Last of Us (HBO), Joel Miller x f!OFC, soft!Joel, no really super soft!Joel, Joel is a sap, mostly follows canon, fluff, fluffy baby stuff, no really this is sickeningly sweet, tooth-rotting, don't forget to brush your teeth Word count: 1.3k
Notes: I promise it's just fluff this time. Sickly sweet with a dash of humor, nary an angsty cloud in sight. Joel thinks of Sarah but it's not sad.
You can also read Firsts on AO3.
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Anna is eight days old.
“She smells,” Charlie says, handing the baby to Joel on her way to the kitchen, a stack of towels tucked under one arm.
Joel frowns. “I just changed her.”
“She needs a bath,” she says. “With soap.”
He takes an experimental whiff off the top of Anna’s sleepy head. She smells like mine , he thinks, that unique combination of scents that turns something in his animal brain to mush.
Then he takes another sniff and catches it. It’s still mine …just gone a little sour.
He’d forgotten how wrinkly newborns are. They find dried milk in the creases of her neck, her arms, even between her toes, and none of their gentle sponge baths seem to catch it all.
It doesn’t help that Charlie’s milk came in with a vengeance on day three, her letdown overactive and eager, and she drenches the kid if she doesn’t latch right away. The first time the poor girl took a firehose of breastmilk to the face, her parents choked on their laughter until they couldn’t breathe, then panicked that they’d drowned her–never mind that she couldn’t have drowned because she was too busy screaming at the top of her lungs at the indignancy of being hungry and soaking wet.
It’s been a long eight days.
But yesterday the umbilical stump fell off, revealing what Joel dubbed the world’s cutest belly button, and today the kid smells, so it’s into the bath she goes. With soap.
Charlie fills up a basin in the kitchen sink with warm water while Joel divests the milk-drunk and drowsing baby of her pajamas.
“Sorry, kiddo,” he mutters as she wakes and fusses at the air’s first contact on her bare skin. He never noticed how drafty the old house was until Anna came along. If they’ve learned anything about their daughter in her short time on this side of the womb, it’s that she hates to be cold. The fireplace roars in the living room and Joel tosses on an extra log to keep it that way, but the window over the kitchen sink is old and lets in just enough of the winter air to be uncomfortable.
He makes a mental note–soon forgotten, because everything is a hazy mess of nights bleeding together right now–to re-insulate that damned window.
When the basin is full and they’ve triple-checked the temperature, he lowers her squirmy little body into the water and concentrates on holding her upright, one large hand cupping the back of her neck. They used to have bath seats for things like this, he thinks, but one has not magically appeared in the multitude of baby things left at their doorstep, so they’ll do this the old-fashioned way.
Anna doesn’t seem to mind at first. Her little brow furrows curiously as Charlie starts to rub down her limbs with a bar of goat’s milk soap.
“She looks like you when she makes that face,” she says.
He mock frowns, mimicking Anna’s expression until Charlie snorts a laugh and flicks soapy water at him.
“She has your eyes,” he murmurs, nudging her with his shoulder.
“Most babies have gray eyes when they’re little. They’ll probably change.”
He shrugs and quietly hopes they don’t.
“S’not so bad, huh?” he murmurs to Anna, trying to remember if he’d done this with Sarah, but he can’t reach back that far–clouded by thirty-five years with sleep deprivation on both sides.
He does remember baths when Sarah was older–kneeling next to the tub with his two-year-old as a small tidal wave of a splash crashed over him, water all over the floor, coming away with his t-shirt and jeans soaked, lightly admonishing her for the mess but unable to suppress his smile at her delight. He’d done bathtime in his boxers after that.
But Anna is less than delighted and getting less so with every pass of the washcloth. She kicks out with a whine, legs pushing against the basin, and water splashes down the front of Charlie’s shirt.
“Baby girl,” Joel murmurs, trying to keep hold of her slippery form as she wriggles. He can almost feel the protest rumbling up her body, her little stomach going taut with a deep breath. Charlie gently brushes the cloth over her head, and that’s the last straw. Anna’s wail is deafening.
“Shit,” Charlie hisses softly. “I know, sweet girl. Almost done.”
The baby is rinsed and wiped down in a rush. Joel plucks her from the basin and puts her on his shoulder, patting her dry with the softest towel he can find. She yells her displeasure into the crook of his neck.
“I know, I gotcha,” he mutters, picking up one of his flannels that they modified to use as a swaddler–one of the good ones from Bill and Frank’s that gets softer and softer with every wash, the buttons snipped off so the sleeves can wrap around her tiny body like a hug. He takes her to the couch, closer to the fire, and wraps her into a soft, tartan-clad burrito.
A red-faced and furious burrito.
Charlie looks down at the front of herself, drenched. “I’m going to change. I need a shower, but—”
“Take your time,” he says, but he can barely hear himself over Anna’s cries. “I got her.”
“You sure?”
He’s not, but he’s supposed to be the experienced one, so he nods with a confidence he doesn’t feel. “Go, clean up. She’ll calm down.”
Charlie goes reluctantly, and Anna does not calm down, her cries growing more frantic with each passing minute, causing Joel’s stomach to clench and twist. It’s a visceral, rising panic, animal brain telling him she’s hurt and he needs to fix it .
He’s killed men in cold blood without breaking a sweat, but the wail of one helpless infant could bring him to his damn knees.
He moves closer to the radiant heat of the fireplace, shushing and swaying and patting her back through the flannel, but she’s worked herself into a state. She fights at the swaddle which is quickly coming undone. Eight days old and she’s already so strong, he thinks, a momentary flush of pride clouded by anxiety.
“Alright, baby girl,” he soothes, wracking his overtired brain.
In a flash of inspiration, he moves her to the crook of one arm, freeing his other hand to fumble at the buttons on his shirt. He undoes the first five, then unwraps her and presses her squalling form to his bare chest, skin to skin, before re-covering her back with the wrap.
It’s the shock of the sudden change more than anything, but it has the intended effect. Anna quiets, little legs and arms still moving of their own volition, toes digging into his belly and pushing like she’s trying to climb him. Her head bobs, mouth seeking, and he chuckles.
“Not gonna find what you’re lookin’ for here, little one.”
She makes a tiny sound, a frustrated huff, but there are no more tears, at least for now. He sways and hums softly with her cheek pressed to the center of his chest, fluffy hair all mussed from her bath and tickling his chin.
Charlie comes downstairs a few minutes later, toweling her hair, looking at them with wide, anxious eyes.
“Is she out?”
“Think so,” he whispers, craning his neck to try to see the baby’s face. “She just wanted to be warm.”
Charlie’s smile is soft as she trails her fingers down Anna’s flannel-clad back, a rare moment of peace that makes Joel’s heart flutter and skip against his ribs.
The quiet is short-lived, however, as he feels a warm, wet stream trickling down his chest and stomach, soaking the flannel wrap where he’s holding Anna’s diaperless bottom.
Charlie presses her lips together, stifling a laugh as the fabric darkens under his hand and the baby begins to wail. Again.
“Knew I forgot somethin’,” he grimaces.
“I’ll clean her up,” Charlie sighs, lifting the squalling child in the soiled flannel from his arms, then planting a chaste kiss on his nose for good measure. “Guess it’s bath time for everyone tonight.”
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mendesblurb · 1 year
Our Souls Underwater
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Shawn Mendes x female reader
Warning ⚠️: Mostly fluff, one or two mentions of smut, maybe grammar error and maybe some punctuation errors.
Word count:~2.4k
A/N: The following fic is a “friends with hidden romantic feelings” situation and it is the result of the author spending countless amount of late night hours with this one guy, where they were just two people keeping each other company while completing their own assignments and exchanging stories about life before romantic feelings emerged along the way. Oops that was kinda TMI (my bad lol), anyway do let me know your thoughts and opinions, so sorry for this story being random 🙈
Coming back from any long hours of interview sessions or live performances always felt strange for Shawn Peter Raul Mendes. It was an exhilarating and exhausting experience that made transitioning from a stadium full of people, sleeping in hotel rooms or tour buses and performing for millions of fans to feeling the peace and quiet of his own home always take some time for him to adjust.
His therapist had suggested that he should find something to make him unwind after long hours spent existing under a microscope and flashes of cameras capturing each and every move he makes like a hawk watching its prey.
Everyone but him has formed some routine to unwind. For example, Connor would always want to eat pizza and binge-watch some new Netflix releases, Brian and Meghan were always quick to turn themselves into a pair of bunnies by doing something frisky under the sheets, and you on the other hand, would much rather be soaking long hours under a bathtub full of warm temperature water.
“Think of it as another form of self-care or relaxation technique.”
“You have to say that you’ve done it at least once or twice. Nothing to be ashamed about if you admit that you don’t hate it that much, Mendes,” Connor added.
“Guys, please, I simply don't like the idea of feeling like a boiling asparagus stick.”
“You will not feel like a boiling vegetable.”
“You know, Mrs. I cannot function without baths. I really can't picture myself in a bathtub full of warm water, especially regarding relaxation purposes.”
“Aww, look, someone is turning into Mr. Grumpy,” You said, a sly smile creeping onto your lips, “You know what can help you feel better?”
“Y/n,” he warned, “Don’t you dare finish that sentence by implying that the only thing that can cure me is a bath, I swear to G—.”
“Oh, enough with the weird bullshit reasons, Mendes!” Connor interrupted from the living room, “I’d bet you don’t want to admit to us that you feel scared with the idea of soaking long hours in the warm water, huh?”
You and Connor found yourselves letting out a huge laugh at the thought of him avoiding these baths because he feels scared of the water like a kitten, “I am not a baby,” Was the only thing Shawn said, accompanied by an annoyed eye roll.
“Hear that? Yeah, that’s the voice of somebody who needs nothing more than a relaxing bath to unwind his entire day,” you said in a baby voice, mocking the singer.
“Okay, perhaps I’ll make an exception. If ever I am in a bathtub, it will only be because my girl will be joining me,” He said with a charming smile, secretly loving how the way your face would immediately react to his statements or flirtatious remarks with a fluster written and visible all across your face.
It was as if one, two, or three seconds snapped like the hand of Big Ben or the one at the Grand Central station clock that never comes late, as you always found yourself taking a few short moments to digest each and every word and sentence coming from him and try to reply to something, anything but only for it to come out as a stutter.
“Would you look at that? Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new fast-track record. Only one sentence and I have the girl lost for words. I wonder where Mrs. Independent, I need no man exterior you claim to have?” Shawn said, throwing you a wink, playfully swiping his thumb across your cheek, and closing the distance between, getting dangerously close to where you were standing.
“Oh, shut up, Mendes!” You composed yourself and moved his hand away, “You and I both know I would rather do a whole list of other things than get in that tub with you.”
You said your last sentence so sarcastically, casually as such of every other interaction you exchanged together before grabbing your favourite ice cream out of the freezer and heading to your room.
The thing that some, if not most, people still cannot wrap their heads around is the fact that It’s been the definition of years, maybe even ever, since you both fully understood the true meaning of friendships that you and Shawn have been friends.
The best of friends that could go as far as the ability to exchange millions of sarcastic sentences, have never-ending conversations about nothing and everything that ranges from philosophical things to something as far as topics about the actual difference between sex for male compared to females for hours on end if time wasn’t a constraint, secretly craving the company from the other person whenever apart, exchange of daily text messages across multiple social media platforms, then having the once every blue moon bickering like an old married couple over the stupidest stuff according to your close group of friends, and all that with an undeniable sexual tension visible for anyone to question the true nature of your relationship and a huge dash of endless back-and-forth flirtatious acts or words exchanged.
It was apparent to perhaps even the whole world that for the two of you to had the very ability to share a friendship like that, and the miracle for two people to establish this type of bond was rather beautiful and bizarre yet strange at the same time. It came as no surprise that when confronted individually, none of you dared to make any vast gestures that make romantic feelings evoke even more than they already have, as both your heads are imprinted with the belief of the other not feeling the same way, or hate the idea of ruining this friendship over the possibility of one person wanting to confess their true feelings suppressed over the lifelong friendship and establishing something romantically together.
It was then a couple of weeks later when you all found yourselves in the same spot, just coming back from Shawn’s live perfomance over a few cities. But this time, it was all packed into a tight schedule that made the singer and the entire crew exhausted to the bone. It was difficult for Shawn, as it seemed like he was pulled into different directions simultaneously with no time to catch his breath. He hadn’t said a word to anyone since the last show wrapped up, and everyone gave him some much-needed personal space during the flight back. Exhaustion was clinging deep into his body and flooding his mind to the point where he just wanted to shut his brain off and forget about everything; so much that he found himself walking past everyone and heading straight to his room without thinking twice.
You knew how exhausted he must’ve felt, so before you reached his bedroom, you gently grabbed his arm, “I don’t want to talk to anyone right now, please,” He said.
“I just wanted to tell you that I am aware that the past couple of days were nothing but a hectic blur, so I just wanted you to know that I’m here for you if you want to talk about anything or just sit silently. I’m always here for you, no matter the time or moment you need me.”
Those were the last few words you said before letting his hand go, once again giving him the space he needed, and you knew that exhaustion had already taken over his body as soon as he lay on the bed and closed his eyes.
You didn’t know that even a few short hours later, he was still tossing and turning under the sheets, unable to shut his eyes or mind off and get some much-needed rest, although his mind and body felt exhausted.
His head turned around and looked at the clock, 23:01 it displayed. For a while, he sat on his bed, checking his phone for updates about anything before exiting the room to distract his mind. The corridor was dark, with only one light source coming from your bedroom door. The singer paced a couple of times outside your door, debating whether he should knock but thinking whether your nocturnal companion was still keeping you awake or had you already fallen asleep, exhaustion taking over before you could gain the energy to turn off the lights.
However, before thinking further, he found his hand knocking on the door. To his surprise, a light knock was enough to open the door, “Y/n? Are you awake?” His voice lowers into a whisper while peeking his head into your room, only for his gaze to fall into an empty bed. You were nowhere to be found until he heard the light sound of your Spotify playlist coming from the bathroom. You were there, and he knew that his next steps were risky or, more accurately, invading your personal space. But part of him didn’t care. Selfishly, he just desperately could really use your company.
And so he took a couple of steps until he was at the bathroom door, with each step he could hear his own heart beating faster and the sounds of the faucet as it hit the bathtub and your favourite singers on the speaker only made him even more nervous, second-guessing his decision.
“Shawn?” You say from behind the cracked door.
“Um, yeah, it’s me. How did you know?” He responded nervously, rubbing the back of his neck as his mind was still second-guessing and debating whether his decision was actually a good idea.
“Who else has a nocturnal side that they cannot kill?” You said, trying to hold back your laughter.
“You know me so well.”
“You can come in if you want, or it’s okay too if you feel more comfortable, we can just keep talking through the door.”
The singer finally decided to interact with you appropriately as he found himself opening the bathroom door and stepping inside. The sight of you greeted him in the tub. The room was illuminated with the soft glow of your favourite candles, the scent of essential oils that were for therapeutic purposes, white puffy bubbles all across the tub of water, and the sound of your favourite playlist.
Tonight was the first time he truly ever took the time to notice it.
“Sorry, I just- well, I know this is- I wanted to - I don’t know who else -” he was stumbling, couldn’t form the proper set of sentences at the mere sight of you. You looked beautiful yet angelic. It was apparent to him that you were the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on, but right now, even as your hair wasn’t done, or any makeup didn’t cover your face, or you weren’t wearing any dresses that perfectly hugged around your body; that he found himself more mesmerised by how your existence was enough to make him feel all sorts of comfort that no therapy sessions, lavish parties or meditation could genuinely give him.
“It’s okay. You know we don’t have to talk,” You say, “Care to join me?”
It felt like gravity was pushing him to decide instead of his brain controlling his movements as he already found himself stripping out of his clothes. Meanwhile, you found yourself with your head facing the wall, feeling sudden shyness at the sight of your opposite-gender friend removing all his clothing from head to toe in front of you.
“You don’t have to look away, you know. I bet it’s not your first time encountering the male anatomy, and I am getting inside the water with you.”
“I know, but this- this isn’t like that,” You said, still choosing to look away, “We are not doing anything to satisfy a pang of hunger. This is something else. I don’t want to ruin this moment by looking into it as if it is something that-“
“Yeah, just something that should be fulfilled at a more appropriate time,” Was all your friend could reply before carefully stepping into the tub, trying to keep his balance. Once he settled up, he scooted closer to your side, not too close to minimise any possible distance, but enough for the two of you to be situated in front of each other.
As he sinks deeper into the lukewarm water, you are glad to see how a deep sigh of relief escapes his lips, with a tired gaze his eyes rolling from all the exhaustion, his body relaxing, shoulders casually leaning into the walls of the tub, and sight of feeling at ease, comfort, and gush of smile was written all across his face.
“Is it the bubbles that finally persuaded you?”
“Perhaps that or maybe the whole idea that I actually feel more relaxed in a way I never thought possible and not feel like an actual boiling vegetable stick is finally winning me over,” he said, and you both laughed at that.
Then, moments later, as the conversations drift to more illogical ones and the laughters died down, you again faced him, “I’m sorry, I can only offer my companion.”
“Are you kidding me?” He smiled, “This is the best thing that anyone has ever done for me all year long.”
More minutes passed by, as none of you seem to remember how long you two lay there. But, when the two of you started to yawn more and more, you decided to get out of the water, “Mendes, face the wall. I need some privacy while I get out of here.”
“You’re telling me you still need privacy? I thought we moved past that. Y/n, we have been naked in here the whole time!” He shook his head and laughed as he turned to the wall, ears perking up to the sounds of water gently splashing as you got out of the tub, and his eyes could not help shoot you a side-eye glance through the mirror.
“Prying eyes,” You said with a smile as your eyes locked through the mirror, wrapping the towel on your body, “You can look now.”
“Pass me one of the towels, too?” he said as he stood up from the tub. Your eyes were wide open at the sight of him standing tall in nothing but his birthday suit. You could hear your heartbeat increasing and butterflies fluttering across your stomach before your hands moved quickly to pass him the towel and turned to face the door, clearly feeling the sudden shyness again at the current situation you found yourself in, “Prying eyes,” Was all he said back, with a signature boyish grin and million dollar smile that you knew was already written all over his lips.
“This was actually fun, we should do it again,” He said, pressing his lips to your temple before hands gathering his clothes and walking out of the room.
What have both of you started?
Thank you for reading guys... feel free to like, reblog, follow my account, leave a comment and my chat is always open for random chats or requests... appreciate every single one of you... ❤️
Taglist (open) : @monikamendes @holland-styles @bvttercuppp @lonelyreputation @badreputationlove @shawn-is-my-giant-jellybean @daisies-and-chai @swiftmendeshoran @yournameoneverypage @shawn-is-bruh @mendesboy @mendesbhraanth @perfectlywrongformendes @imaginashawnn @smendes-forever @nervousmendes @whenyoureadyholland @shawn-youth @myboyshawnie @camilalewisss @camilalewiss @theregoesmyherojd @nanijaac1 @shawnieeboyy @silverswallow @inlovewithmendes-blog @mendeslola-blog @mendesx123 @23kofmendes @jellyloml @chipofmendes @poohmendes @wutheringmendes @shawnmendesbuddy @chocochipcookie305 @socio-kai-path1972 @mendesficsxbombay @mendesmylover-blog
Story Code: 160923107
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sickonthedancefloor · 10 days
sicktember: Day 14
Sicktember Prompt: Day 14 - Clean Sheets / Fresh Pajamas Sickie: Yunho Caregiver: Seonghwa, Wooyoung, Yeosang
“And… up,” Yeosang says softly, his hands holding Yunho by the elbows. While the older man is taller, he’s barely stronger than a child at his current state. Roasting with a fever that has been taking days to break, weak with chills and hoarse from a rough cough that’s been plaguing him for past week, Yunho’s been barely able to get out of bed on his own. After his fainting spell earlier, Yeosang had called in Seonghwa for reinforcements, deciding that Yunho’s “I’ll sleep it off” method wasn’t working anymore.
Yunho takes in a deep breath—or tries, and Yeosang can hear a whistle in his wheezing—and feels Wooyoung’s hands gripping his waist for extra support. He stares at his roommate with a sad look.
“You’re okay,” Yeosang encourages. “Come on. Slow steps to the bathroom.”
Yunho doesn’t reply verbally, but Yeosang catches the small nod as they begin to shift towards the bathroom. Yeosang moves backwards but doesn’t worry about hurting himself—they’re going too slow for bumping into a wall or a door to do anything. And with Yunho’s room as clean as it is, they’re not likely to run into anything but his dog-shaped bedside table. Yeosang just continues to encourage him until they make it into the bathroom, where Seonghwa pulls his hands from the water at the tub.
“It’s warm, not too warm but should be comfortable enough,” the oldest member says.
“Thank you,” Yunho grunts. His eyes blink heavily and he sways, but the hands grip his arms a little tighter. Yeosang is practically holding him forward. “I… I’m sorry.”
That has Wooyoung laughing. “Silly. Come on, let’s get you in the tub.”
They make quick work of ridding Yunho of his sweat-soaked pajamas and helping him into the tub, sitting him gently. He shivers, the water not as hot as he’d hoped, but warm enough that it doesn’t make him whine about the temperature. Wooyoung takes over getting the soap and a washcloth, and as Yunho leans on the side and rests his head, he takes over trying to scrub his sweat-salty skin clean. Yeosang and Seonghwa slip away into the bedroom and start cleaning what they can.
Seonghwa wastes no time in stripping the bed of the dirty sheets, recruiting Yeosang to remove the pillow cases. Yeosang grimaces at the wet marks on the pillow, feeling bad. “He’s been sweating so badly…” he mumbles.
“But his fever still keeps coming back,” Seonghwa sighs in response. “If he doesn’t feel even a little better tomorrow, I’m making our manager take him to the doctor.”
“He’s going to complain,” Yeosang answers. He laughs, but he really agrees with his hyung; Yunho hasn’t been getting better and it’s been days. Both of them frown, before scooping up the old bed linen and carrying it to the washing machine.
Yunho coughs roughly and grimaces when he bumps his chin on the tub. He whines at the sudden pain, and Wooyoung reaches over to rub his chin.
“Oh Yunho… you’re just having a rough night, aren’t you?” Wooyoung tries to comfort him, voice soft and soothing.
Yunho just groans in response, setting his face back down on the tub side, sideways this time. “Bad week. Worst Tuesday.”
“It’s… Thursday.”
That has Yunho lifting his head quickly, surprise taking over his face, but he ends up covering his mouth with one shaky hand as he lets out a few more painful coughs into his hand. Wooyoung rubs his back until he calms down, and when he looks at his hand, covered in sputum and phlegm, he frowns and just sticks his hand into the water to wash it off. Wooyoung pulls his hand over and runs the washcloth over it, before putting his hand back in the water. Sighing, Yunho sets his head back down.
“Oh Yun… You slept most of yesterday, didn’t you?”
“If that’s what we’re calling it,” Yunho grumbles. He could barely rest peacefully, between waking up to kick his blanket off, waking up to cover himself, the nonstop chills, his cough waking him up, and then his most recent nausea and dizziness… It’s been awful. He doesn’t feel like he’s slept in days, but according to Yeosang, he’s just been staying in bed and living off water and crackers.
Wooyoung scoops water from the tub and washes away suds from his back, then over his shoulder. “It’s okay. Let’s just finish the bath, then get you back to bed, with soup and medication this time.”
Yunho sighs. “This is so tiring.” His voice even sounds exhausted. Wooyoung’s sure, especially if he’s been so sick he’s losing track of time. Wooyoung just continues to pour water on his back, rubbing it gently. He can feel Yunho relaxing under his soothing, until Yunho almost falls asleep. His coughing startles him to sit up again, and Wooyoung decides they’ve spent enough time in the tub. He lets out the water from the tub, then uses the detachable showerhead to rinse any remaining soap from Yunho before he calls for Yeosang again.
“I can get up myself,” Yunho grumbles, holding onto the side of the tub.
Yeosang hurries in anyway, to catch Yunho looking awfully green trying to right himself onto his feet. The two help him step out, only for Yunho to pitch forward at the toilet. He yanks the lid up and immediately lets out a mouthful of pale, sludgy vomit. He can hear both of them murmuring soft encouragements, both members easing him to kneel onto the bathroom rug to just throw up again. While he catches his breath, he feels Wooyoung rubbing the towel over his skin, trying to dry him a little bit. He tries to lean forward, but Yeosang pulls him over to lay against his shoulder instead.
“Wasn’t this bad… yesterday,” he mumbles against Yeosang’s shoulder. “I wanted… wanted to get dressed myself.”
“Come on, do you think you’re done?” Wooyoung asks.
Yunho nods. Yeosang helps him up again, slowly this time, and they hand Yunho his own boxers, letting him have the dignity of getting himself dressed. Once he tugs his shirt on, they help him rinse his mouth out with mouthwash, then take him back into his room. Seonghwa’s seated on his computer desk chair, checking the dosage on one of the medication bottles in his hand. Yunho realizes, as the two help tuck him in, that they changed his sheets and had a fresh blanket tossed on top. They have to tug him forward to keep him from laying down right away, which has Seonghwa laughing as he rolls the chair over. Yunho doesn’t complain when he sips the cough syrup, taking relief in the water bottle handed to him afterward. And his eyes droop quickly. As Wooyoung helps Yunho lay down, Yeosang hands Pudeongie into his arms and Seonghwa tugs the blanket up to his shoulders. With a yawn, Yunho settles down easily.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Firstly I ADORE all of your work, I love reading it and it makes my day!!!
If its not to much trouble, could you write a Natasha x reader, where Natasha gets sick (like a bad case of the flu) and reader has to take care of her?
Lots of fluff and comfort 💕
If not don't worry
Either way, have an amazing day!!!
Poor Girl
*Authors note~ my first sick fic for Nat and I'm loving the requests for her and wandanat *
Trigger Warnings~ sick nat flu symptoms headache body aches throwing up fever etc
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
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It wasn't uncommon for your girlfriend to try and be strong all the time, after all she is the black widow. But here in your shared room at the compound was the one room where she could let her guard down. Natasha was known for her strict routines especially when it came to her training. It was the same routine every morning where her alarm went off where she we kiss your head and slip out of the bed to adorn her training outfit and head out to train while you caught some more sleep. After training she'd shower and then come to wake you up with kisses. But not today.
No today you were the one to wake up to Nats alarm, but instead of a kiss to your head and the rustling of blankets you were greeted with a groan of pain and sniffles. She was sick. That much was obvious but you expected to see your stubborn lover attempting to continue her daily activities but that's before you knew how bad it is.
You rolled other to gather the spy in your arms only to flinch back from how sweat soaked and warm her skin was. "Oh baby" you whimpered brushing her damp hair from her head, "my poor girl is sick huh?" Another groan and her body attempting to wriggle into yours more was the response you got, "so cold babe." You allowed your eyes to scan your widow and made a mental note of all the symptoms she could have. "Friday? What's Romanoffs temperature?"
"Miss Romanoff has a temperature of 102.5, she needs to lower it" the AI informed you and you immediately knew what was wrong. She had the flu! Of course she did, the last mission had involved extensive time out in the rain. Wanda had already been sick with the flu due to the mission so of course Nat would get it too. Scooting away from the red head you made your way to the en suit to get cool wash clothes and any medicine that you could think of her needing before heading back to the bed.
One wash cloth on her forehead and another at the base of her neck you measured up the correct amounts of medication and grabbed Nats bottle of water that she alway made sure to have by the bed. In the time that took Nat had fallen back into a fever induced sleep meaning you'd need to wake your girlfriend up. "Natty, baby can you wake up for me? Just sit up to take medicine and I promise you can go straight back to sleep" you mumbled gently rousing her awake. "Babe no medicine I'm fine" she murmured not even opening her eyes.
Unwell? Yes, stubborn? Oh absolutely but there was one cure for that was only something you processed the ability to do. "Tasha, I've got my top off" you informed her and she immediately opened her eyes and tried to sit up only to whimper in disappointment at being tricked. "Oh my poor girl" you feigned your apologetic look while quickly offering the medication to your pouting lover. Only when she had taken the medication did you remove your top, exposing your soft skin and breasts to her.
That was how you found yourself holding your lover as she curled up with her head on your chest, a hand resting on top of your breast as your fingers threaded themselves through her hair. It was rare that your lover got this sick, but you always adored how she could trust you enough to let her guard down. Only you could soothe her in times like this and that's what made you feel worthy and important. Not even Wanda and her magic could soothe Natasha like you. "Sleep baby my poor girl deserves all the rest."
Word count~ 740
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followthebluebell · 2 years
alright so i finally tested positive for covid tonight.  i’m not terribly surprised.  it was bound to happen eventually.  to the best of my recollection, here’s the progression:
Sunday, 12/25 - started to feel ill.  It started as a mild sore throat.  Like I thought I had just talked too much that day.  It didn’t feel like a sick sore throat, just over-used. 
Medication: None
Monday, 12/26 - definitely sickish.  Throat wasn’t aching anymore.  I described it as ‘it's gone from that sharp pain that arcs up with every swallow and into a dull, damp, tightness where it feels full of phlegm’.  Sniffly by afternoon.  VERY difficult to moderate my temperature. 
In the morning, I felt far too hot, despite the very cool weather---- I ended up taking two ibuprofen to get my temperature down.  By afternoon, I felt freezing, but was sweating through layers of clothing at the same time.   I was having trouble walking from place to place without chattering my teeth.  By this point, I was pretty sure it was covid because it felt very similar to my booster responses.
Brain fog was moderate, but noticeable.
Home covid test negative
SEVERE difficulty sleeping.  I was waking up every hour soaked through with sweat.  
Medication: Ibuprofen
Tuesday, 12/27 - Very tired :( Pretty severe brain fog throughout the day too.  I was very sniffly and coughing severely.  I couldn’t even play with Truffle--- thankfully, he’s a good dog and can deal with a day of boredom as long as he gets some snackie toys. 
Lack of appetite was noticeable by this point.  I’m unsure when it started because I don’t have a proper appetite to begin with. 
I had severe problems keeping track of events.  I wanted to take a shower, right?  In order to do that, I have to turn on the hot water and then walk to my bathroom.  It takes about fifteen seconds to get from the hot water to the bathroom.  In that fifteen seconds, I’ll have forgotten whether or not I turned on the hot water.  i relied pretty heavily on Truffle to keep track of things.  I frequently forgot what I had just said to friends or assumed I’d said something already. 
Continued to wake up every 1-3 hours soaked with sweat. 
Medication: Ibuprofen, Nyquil
Wednesday, 12/28 - Probably the worst day of it physically.  My cough was the most severe by this point.  I was also sneezing a lot more.  The shivering continued throughout the day.  I still couldn’t really get from room to room without shaking. 
But I was able to keep track of events slightly better, at least.  My sore throat was mostly better and I didn’t have a fever for the most part.  I continued to sleep poorly and woke every few hours, still covered in sweat. 
I called into work to let them know I’d be out sick on thursday.
Medication: Ibuprofen, Nyquil
Thursday, 12/29 -  Felt a bit better!  I was able to play with Truffle again for about thirty minutes in the morning.  I no longer felt as shivery or Off all the time.  I was still very tired since I couldn’t really sleep the night before.
Still very sneezy throughout the day and my cough was pretty bad. 
I tried to nap throughout the day but wasn’t able to fall asleep.  It was just kind of one of those weird half-awake/half-asleep deals.  Still, I felt well enough to feel like I could go into work on Friday as long as I masked up, disinfected everything I touched, and stayed on heavy cleaning projects without human or cat interaction.
Medication: Ibuprofen, Nyquil
Friday, 12/30 - (started log here) Slowly lost sense of taste and smell throughout the day, which was why I took another covid test.  My nose is still stuffy, but I’m not sneezing or coughing as much. 
Throat still feels weirdly tight.  It doesn’t hurt anymore.  It just feels like there’s something in the way.
Still a severe lack of appetite.  I’m sure the lack of taste/smell isn’t helping with that :/
I did NOT end up going into work, btw.  Some heavy trees in the road saw to that.  So uh.  Thanks, trees. 
Was able to sleep soundly through the night without waking up in sweats.
Covid test positive
Medications: Nyquil
Saturday, 12/31 - Have SOME sense of taste back in morning.  It’s very faint, but I can distinguish sweetness a little bit.  No smell, though, which is unfortunate.  Had enough energy to play fetch with the dog for about forty minutes. 
By late afternoon, I could distinguish a few more tastes.  I wouldn’t say I can taste flavors.  It’s more like I can taste flavor PROFILES.  I can taste salty, sweet, and fat.  I can’t really break down a flavor more than that.  Still no sense of smell. 
Brain fog was pretty severe, but less memory-based.  It’s more like I just couldn’t focus on any one thing throughout the day.  I’d find myself trying to watch a video, listen to a podcast/audiobook, AND read a post all at the same time, without really realizing what was going on.  It was like I was trying to do something--- literally anything--- to get my mind’s attention. 
Coughing and sniffles are mostly gone, but still happens occasionally.  My breath capacity feels very limited.  I can’t stand for long periods without feeling tired.  My feet feel ‘absent’ when i sit down.  I know they’re there.  It’s not like they’re tingling or anything.  It’s just that, after a while, they stop registering.  Like I can’t really feel things pushing against my toes or something.  That’s the best way I can put it. 
Temperature seems well under control with the exception of my fingers getting very cold and stiff very quickly. 
I made bread. 
Medications: Nyquil
Sunday, 1/1/23 - very tired :( Played with Truffle for forty minutes, but I still don’t have the energy to brush him out or groom him.  When this is all over, I’ll have to give him a 7 all over, and that sucks because I’ve been growing out his fluff. 
Still no sense of smell, and my sense of taste is still pretty faint.  It seems stronger, but flavors still fade away pretty quickly. 
My appetite was still fairly poor throughout the day.  It’s strange.  I don’t have a very strong hunger drive when I’m healthy, but I suffer the affects if I don’t eat.  Like I get hangry, blood sugar crashes, etc.  Except right now, none of that happens.  I still feel the exact same.  Thankfully, Truffle is still doing his job and monitoring my blood sugar. 
My circulation seems better.  My fingers no longer get icy cold. 
My breathing is still constrained.  I thought it would feel like I can’t get enough air in my lungs on each breath.  Instead, it feels like there’s just something around my throat.  It constantly feels like my shirtcollar is too tight. 
Truffle is going to run out of his favorite food tomorrow morning.  He’ll have to make due with kibble for a few days, I guess. 
Medications: None
Monday, 1/2/23 - still very tired :( But my sense of smell is trying to make a come-back.  It just kinda came and went.  Like I’d open a can of cat food and THAT definitely smelled, but suddenly it was gone.  My sense of taste is recovering a bit too.  It’s still definitely fainter than it should be and certain things taste Off.
Coughing more today than yesterday, and my nose is runnier. 
Severe insomnia :( not helped by the fact that i’ve run out of melatonin.  I’m almost out of nyquil too.  I’ve got one more dose left, so I’m saving it. 
Medications: none
Tuesday, 1/3/23 - I took a 15 minute walk today with Truffle and felt like I walked three miles.  Breathing is still difficult.  Again, it’s not like my lungs aren’t filling or something.  It’s just this constant pressure on my throat.  My sense of taste is still faint, sense of smell is even fainter.  My nose is still runny and phlegmy.  I should have some more cough drops and nyquil in the mail right now.  It’s just a matter of getting down to the box and grabbing it.
Truffle ran out of his lamb food today but he’s taken to his kibble well enough.  Good thing too.  >>  Most of the town is flooded right now, and a lot of people are evacuated.  So uh even if I wasn’t sick, a trip to town would be out of the question right now. 
I shaved Truffle’s paws today so now he’s got clean feet again. 
Medications: Nyquil
Wednesday, 1/4/23 - More or less the same.  Truffle is still convinced I’m secretly hiding all the REALLY good food from him.  My sense of smell is still pretty much gone.  I can smell things if they’re RIGHT up against my nose, otherwise there’s nothing. 
Medications: Nyquil
Thursday, 1/5/23 - Took a covid test today and it was negative, so I should be good to work again soon.  The plan is to go back on Saturday and mostly just stick to non-human/animal tasks. 
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kuralkara · 2 months
Whumperless Whump- Days 17/18
In Hot Water/I don’t see it
Dangerously high fever/Cool Baths/”We have to get that number down somehow” + Hallucinations/Fever Dreams/”It’s just a nightmare. You’re safe.”
For additional context; the Reader, in this brief, was made Unwilling Victim to something referred to as Muting. Muting is where a piece of the Soul is (literally) cut away for various reasons. While these reasons can be legit, there are many cases where it is Not.
In hindsight, you probably should have gone to get help immediately after. You should have gone to an urgent care, to the emergency room, somewhere to get the bleeding under control and the wound cleaned and patched. 
But there would have been questions. Questions you could not have easily answered. So you just… didn’t. Wrapped your body in as much gauze as possible and carried on, hoping and praying that you didn’t bleed through (not blood or the… other thing that had a habit of pouring out of the glyph). It was easier to bite your tongue and smile and nod and act as if nothing was wrong. Because, really, who would believe you? A mystery cult appears on occasion and cuts you open? Steals a little piece of you every time they come?
It still sounded insane to you. 
You stood, panting over the sink, trying to ignore the fact that it felt like molten sludge was pouring out from ribs that had been broken and splayed into a blood eagle. Ignoring the claws scratching at the door. Such a strange beast… you never could catch sight of it, but you were always certain it was there. Maybe it was a nightmare. Those could feed off physical pain, too: the elders were known for sustaining off the suffering of an entire realm. 
It was fine. Probably fine. You didn’t know if it was something you needed to be concerned about, and frankly, you didn’t have the mental capacity to think too hard about it. There were bigger things you needed to worry about. Like getting your ass ready for bed, so you could get to work tomorrow. 
Of course, the god you were stupid enough to allow to court you had other intentions. 
A freezing hand pressed against the side of your face. You didn’t flinch, you didn’t look, even if you heard the tell tale soft rumble of the abyss focused. You had half a mind to welcome him back. If you could get and keep your eyes open without feeling like your eyes were on fire. “How long has this been going on?” Raksa asked, gentle as ever. It didn’t do much to distract from those words sounded like they were coming through a blood soaked briar patch.
“Few days,” you mumbled, pressing the heel of one hand to your eye. You knew for certain he was real; the sheer chill of the abyss was impossible to replicate. “Not long enough to be concerning yet.”
“My dear, you're burning up.” Ah. Well. He wasn’t buying it. Oh well. That was- that was probably fine. “We have to get that temperature down somehow.” You managed to peek an eye open. The shape of him was real. Was walking behind you. You visibly saw him frown at the ramshackle bandages covering your back, before quickly turning on the shower. That didn’t make a whole lot of sense to you. Wasn’t a bath better at getting temperatures down? But at the same time, it kind of did: it’d cool the air in the room down a bit. More than he could brute force just by existing in it. 
And then he looked back at you, and you saw the lashing mark across his throat. It was thin enough that magic would be wasted in healing it, but apparently bothersome enough to affect his voice. “You’re also bleeding,” he stated, and you hunched a little. “It’s not bad for self-dressing, but it's in an unstable area. Just let me redo it, and we’ll be done.”
The water of the shower was bitingly cold. He sat on the toilet, running clawed fingers through your hair as you blinked your way back to a baseline. As per standard, he didn’t talk much of what happened or where he was: only that you didn’t need to worry about him tracking anything back. There was, however, something more… bitter as he spoke of the echoes of divinity he had to tear down. It wasn’t uncommon: he was of the old world. He had more than a few opinions about the new world brand of divinity. 
But it wasn’t exactly the standard, either. For every time he spoke nothing of the gods, there was another time he spoke everything of them. Often in a gentle sort of apathy. Rarely with vitriol. “Did you kill it?” you asked, knowing the answer.
“Of course,” he responded, as always. No god or higher being ever escaped him. Not a single one. “There wasn’t anything left of the domain, unfortunately. It may take a few millennia for anything to begin to repair itself.”
Something about a cycle; something about cloys. You never could properly understand what he meant when he spoke of those things, but it never drove you insane, either. So at least it meant you were still within the boundaries of what your mind could handle on a metaphysical scale. Maybe it was a matter of age? But the form that was rearranging your hair was a dream. A young vessel of the incarnation from the abyss below. 
Abyss. “There was scratching,” you stated, opening your eyes. His hands paused. “At a door. I don’t know which one, but there was a-a beast of some kind, I think, trying to get in. I assumed it was a nightmare.”
“Poltergeist or nightmare, it wasn’t there when I got back,” he reassured, returning to his pattern. “You’re safe- nothing is coming back to mute you anytime soon.” You shrunk into yourself, slightly, and he chuckled. “They were messy with it. I don’t know if they got much of anything.”
“Oh.” that was… reassuring. In a way.
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