#but nope... he decided there was a problem where there wasn't one and now it's everyone elses problem too.
saintedbythestorm · 5 months
Me: hey can we change that one out?
Dad: sure, but where do I put it then..?
Me: what?? no change it out. Don't move it. Just change it out.
Dad: *quiet for a bit* but where would I put it?
Me: DON'T MOVE IT. Just change that one out for a new one.
Dad: oh.
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purplecoffee13 · 16 days
Been in a nerdy H mood so maybe he’s got a crush on his co worker who is the complete opposite of him on the outside yet they both have so much in common! He’s not necessarily “smooth” but the reader finds it charming and sweet.
Ah yes, love me a nerdy Harry! Here you have it! I think it turned out cute, but I hope you like it as well!!
Wc: 1.7k
Warnings: none, just Harry being an awkward cutie!
It was a Monday morning. A dull prospect for anyone with an office job, but Harry found himself to be quite excited at the idea of strolling into the office this morning.
His big fat crush on one of his co-workers, Y/N, was the main instigator of that cheeriness that he brought into the office, along with a box of doughnuts for his fellow colleagues. And yes, it may also have been a ploy to talk to Y/N.
Harry wasn't the best at communicating. No, scratch that. Harry could be great at communicating... business plans. Feelings, however? Nope. Big disaster.
There were strings in his brain he'd need to pull to hold a good flirty conversation but they seemed to be just out of reach for him, which was quite unfortunate because it's not like he had his looks working against him.
Harry knew he wasn't ugly. Plenty of times, very beautiful women had come up to him. He often times was surprised with the beauty of these women approaching him. His mates always called him the 'most handsome one', and he did work out a lot to keep himself healthy. So yes, he could say he was well groomed.
And he'd hook up regularly. With women he'd meet at a crowded bar or a dark night club. Interactions that required little talking is where he strived. He got the standard dirty talk down, and since his confidence always skyrocketed in that department, it was the only kind of conversation he could hold. Then again, that might also be because the women he'll talk to are too fucked out of their mind to say anything.
Long story short, Harry was great, until he liked someone. So, instead of being able to come up with some witty comment to kickstart a conversation, he was now walking up to his work crush with a chocolate glazed donut.
Y/N was hunched over her work, tapping her pen against the paperwork that she seemed to be completely entranced by. Harry stopped right next to her, and was suddenly filled with a terror that made him want to crawl back into the hole he came from.
He didn't get the chance to do that, though, as Y/N looked up and met his eyes just as he decided he was going to turn back around. She smiled at the sight of him.
"Hi." She greeted with her soft voice.
"Hey." Harry breathed, his heart racing like maniac, and forgetting why he was here again until he spotted the donut in his hand. Right.
“I brought you a donut.” He stated, reaching it out to her. Her eyes fell to the food in his hand, and she chuckled as she took it from him.
“Thanks.” She said as she put it on her desk before looking back up at Harry, waiting for him to say something else.
Something else… what the fuck should he say?!
“Uh— well, I brought them for the entire office. But everyone’s grabbing at them so I figured I’d bring you one before they… ran out.” His ramble slowed down near the end of the sentence, only now realizing how stupid he was sounding. He was to kick himself in the head! Maybe it’d knock some conversational skills into him, jeez.
“Thanks Harry, I appreciate it.” Y/N tilted her head slightly, taking her bottom lip between her teeth. Fuck, how could she possibly look so hot and sweet at the same time?
“N— no problem… so I, uh I should probably—”
“Hey, did you end up watching that mini series I recommended?”
Harry’s eyes widened. He hadn’t expected her to keep the conversation going for so long.
“Uh, yes actually.” He responded.
Y/N and Harry, despite it not seeming that way, had a shitload in common. They both loved the same books, movies and series. They were both obsessed with murder documentaries and they had a mutual fascination with women in jazz.
So when Y/N recommended this crazy documentary series about the Night Stalker last week, Harry immediately watched it when he got home. He stayed up until one to binge it entirely and was groggy the entire following day. But it was worth it.
In fact, every thing Y/N would rave about, he’d check out. He couldn’t help it. He wanted to understand her better, and since he didn’t know how to— well, you know, TALK to her, he took this weird route.
Y/N gasped happily. “Did you like it?!”
“It was horrifying.” Harry stated. “I loved it.”
Y/N’s face broke out into a wide smile, and she leaned over her desk to grab her phone before she got up to stand next to Harry.
“Oh, I also found this weird documentary about the titanic on YouTube. The quality isn’t very good, it’s like very old, but I’ve been wanting to watch it for ages and I couldn’t find it anywhere. It’s so interesting! They like— act it out and everything.”
Harry just stared at the excited woman next to him as she typed in all kinds of things on her phone. He only took his eyes off her when she showed the video.
“You should send it to me.” Harry said, already fascinated with the first 20 seconds she was showing him. He leaned in further, his body grazing against hers. When he felt her gaze on him, his cheeks turned pink. “Uh, via work-email, if you want—”
She let out a breathy laugh. “Or you could give me your number.”
Harry was sure he could’ve fainted. Oh my god, oh my god. He was properly freaking out, well, internally.
“Right, yes.” He said, sounding a bit absent from how shocked he was about her asking him his number. When he realized he must’ve not sounded too enthusiastic about it, he suddenly began reaching for his phone in his pocket. “Yes! Uhm, wait, let me unlock it.”
Y/N looked eager as he typed in his password, went to his contact app and handed the phone to her. She giggled as she typed in her number before giving the phone back.
“You’ll have to text me first.” She said, and he nodded, immediately going to the chat and sending a ‘hey’. He let himself sigh in relief at how good this was going for the short second her phone dinged and she was concentrated on putting Harry in her contacts. That went away the second Y/N pointed the camera of her phone to him.
“What are you doing?” Harry laughed nervously.
“Giving you a contact photo.”
“And you want to do that now?”
“No time like the present.” She peered from behind her phone. “Now, smile!”
Harry smiled, at her ridiculousness that was, but he smiled nonetheless. Y/N let out a happy squeal as she turned the phone around and showed the picture to Harry. He grinned at the picture, but inside he was freaking out a bit. Jesus, did he really look at her like that? She was going to figure out he was crushing on her if he kept staring at her like that. Stupid fool! Did he have to be so obvious.
“Beautiful.” She said so lowly it was almost a whisper as she put in the contact photo. Harry’s heart skipped a beat. He couldn’t fucking handle this anymore.
“Y/N.” He piped up before he could lose his nerve. Y/N hummed, looking up at her. “Would you like to go on a—”
“Styles! Stop chitchatting and get in here! The meeting is starting in three minutes!” Timmy, his co-worker cut off the question that Harry had been dying to ask for the past months.
“Shit. I have to go. Uh, have a good— I mean… erm, enjoy the donut.” He said and turned on his heels, racing to the meeting room. He was shouting profanities at himself in his mind. Fucking hell.
Enjoy your donut? Fool!
That was the only word he could think of that matched his personality well enough during the entire meeting. He didn’t catch any of what was said, but mindlessly nodded along anyway.
He sighed when he finally got back to his office and sat down in his chair. He whipped out his phone to put it on his desk, and his eyes flew to two unread messages from a number he hadn’t seen before. He unlocked his phone, and his stomach clenched at the sight of the messages.
Unknown Number
“This is Y/N, by the way.”
Harry smiled, looking through his window to Y/N’s desk. It was how he noticed her in the first place. When she began working here, she was placed at that desk and Harry had received the luxury of being able to look at her beautiful face as many times a day as he wanted.
“Right, put you in my contacts.”
Harry wrote back, and suddenly felt a flash of boldness washing over him. Texting was easier, it wasn’t half as nerve wracking as standing in front of Y/N. He could think of his answers properly before saying them.
“I’m only missing a contact photo, though.”
A few minutes went by, and Harry was done starting up his laptop when his phone screen lit up again. He clicked on the message, and was met with a picture of Y/N.
It was a selfie of her with the donut he brought her this morning. She had placed the donut in front of her mouth, showing off her breathtaking eyes.
“Will this one do?”
Fuck yes it did.
“It’s approved.”
He peered over at Y/N’s desk and noticed her smiling as she texted something back. His stomach fluttered. He was all giddy over this.
“I have some bad news for you though.”
Harry looked up at Y/N again, frowning. When their eyes met, he noticed that she still had that playful grin on her face, which broke out in a mischievous laugh before she began typing again.
“I’ve decided to revoke your access to the Titanic documentary.”
Harry bit his lip, excitement coursing through his veins.
“Now that’s just brutal. How am I supposed to watch it, then?”
“How about Friday night, at my place? :)”
Harry’s eyes nearly popped out of his sockets as he read the text. It knocked the wind out of him, and he had to remind himself how to breathe before even thinking of a response because he’d forgotten how to do it for a second.
He was so excited he could jump through a roof.
“That sounds like a very good solution :)”
If anyone is truly interested in that Titanic documentary, here ya go.
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kanmom51 · 3 months
Bringing back Only then
I've been missing Jikook so very much and watching song edits, cause why not, right?
And Only then, that is one that is on repeat for me.
JK's cover of this song is so damn good.
And I'm sitting there eating my breakfast (tmi of the day?) and watching the edit and reading the lyrics again and it just clicks in my brain.
Obviously those lyrics and JK's choice to cover the song and his unbelievably emotional singing that just draws you in is not something new. This song meant something to him, way back in 2018. Let's not forget that he released his cover for White day 2018, surprise surprise. Yeah, White day. We know what he was doing on White day 2023...
March 2018, following Jikook's Tokyo trip. March 2018, when members were rethinking if, what, where and how to continue as BTS, as artists.
This one wasn't written by him, but it sure meant A LOT to him!!!
Those lyrics.
They meant everything back then in 2018.
But now. In 2024. Looking back at the two of them, and even more so at the last 3 years, these words, they hit me like a freight train.
The lyrics.
Their past.
Their present.
Their future.
The way to love me isn’t hard Just hold me tight like you are now
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We don’t know what will happen to us later But I like that nothing’s decided
Who cares what others say? We can’t live without each other, so what’s the problem? We can be more in love together
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I can't...
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These lines hit even harder now that we know what they went through in 2023 (well, part of what they went through, but we did see on live just how affected JK was), and to what lengths they went to not be separated during their military service.
But this isn't the end of it.
Because the next lines repeat that sentiment.
If you start to like someone else If I get used to not being with you When that time comes, when it’s that time Only then we can break up
And obviously, that ain't happening any time soon.
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Nope, not happening...
Not at all.
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Oh, and back to this again...
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This song, it's lyrics, they just hit so hard.
The way to love you isn’t hard If I smile once more and care for you more
Clip credit to @ nuri  நூரி
The way we love isn’t hard If we look at each other like it’s the first time every time
Whether you want it or not, I’m going to hold onto you When I get too tired that I can’t even walk When that time comes, when it’s that time Only then we can break up Only then we can break up
Now I am definitley ugly crying. Bawling my eyes out.
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I miss them so much.
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
chocolate rum cookies | jeon wonwoo
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➝ Wonwoo x Reader
➝ nonidol!au // friends with benefits to ?? // fluff // ...slice of life? // angst if u squint
➝ word count: 3.5k~
➝warning: no smut scenes but there are mentions of sex and implications of it so minor dni!! mentions of alcohol, food, curses. very self indulgent bc i write this for my birthday hehe. this wonwoo made an appearance <3
➝A/N: hi. so this wasn't exactly... planned. i was just randomly sitting down with my google doc open and suddenly i finished writing... this in one day. gotta say that, when you do write for yourself, it is much easier to write and it's been quite some time since i'm actually happy with what i put out. but also just to put it out there, this fic is actually finished somewhere before february ended but i decided to post it for my birthday because i did start writing it with the thoughts 'i miss wonwoo' and 'i kinda wanna post smth on my bday' so. enjoy. i'm happy to say i'm content with how this one turns to be. here's to turning 25 lol
You hear the door open, signalling Wonwoo’s arrival, and when you feel his presence nearby, you don’t even look up from your phone when you say, “No.”
Wonwoo smiles in amusement, irking an eyebrow as he settles next to you. “I haven’t said anything though?”
“You’re gonna ask me out again.” You roll your eyes, already used to his antics. You don’t even pretend to care about his mock heartache anymore when he clutches his chest.
You’re not sure what Jeon Wonwoo has in his mind, but he’s been asking you out on dates everytime he sees you since last month. Problem is, you see him a lot. A little hard not to with the friends with benefits situation that has been going on between you and him for the last six months.
Even right now, you’re in his place. You’ve been here since almost half an hour ago, entertaining yourself as you wait for Wonwoo to get home because he’s out when you called, and when he said you’re allowed to use the access he’s given you some time ago, you decided to barge into his place like it’s your own.
You’re practically here more often than in your own dorm, anyway.
It almost feels like a second home to you.
But you don’t want to think too much about it. Not about the fact that you have access to Wonwoo’s place. Not about the fact that you’re basically exclusive. Not about the fact that you talk to him practically everyday.
“You don’t even pretend to consider it anymore.” He sighs, and you hate that you can’t tell if he’s joking or not. You’ve been telling him to cut it out, but it surely doesn’t look like he has any plans of listening to you. “Here, I got this for you.”
Now that catches your attention, and you actually jump a little on the sofa before you take the small package, take Wonwoo’s face in your arms, and kiss him square in the lips as a thank you.
“You won’t go on a date with me but will kiss me over some cookies. Nice,” he grumbles, though the grin blooming into his face when you pull away betrays him.
Clutching the cookie into your chest like it’s the most precious thing in the world, you regard him with stars in your eyes. “Where did you even find this? I’ve been looking for this forever and I couldn’t find it! I don’t even know the name of the shop that sells this?”
“I’m just capable like that.” He shrugs like it’s nothing, telling you he was out with a friend and the packaging looked familiar so he got it just in case. You’ve been telling him about that craving of yours, a chocolate rum cookie that some random classmate offered some time ago–one that is so good but you don’t know the brand, only remember the flavour and the packaging.
And you can’t even ask that classmate again because she was an exchange student that you’ve only spoken for a total of two times in your life, and she has returned to her country.
You don't even know her name.
“You have to tell me where you got this.” The packaging just has to be so empty; a very simple but elegant design that doesn’t state the shop’s name whatsoever.
“Mmm. Perhaps if you say yes I’ll bring you there.”
“Hard pass then.” He chuckles and messes your hair. “Eat. I’ll buy you some more if you’re a good girl.”
The innuendo is not purposeful on his part, and it’s two seconds later that he realizes what he’s just said and he cringes so hard that you laugh, because as much as it’s physical between the two of you, Wonwoo absolutely abhors that particular… moniker. It’s always been an on-going joke between you two, and you laugh some more when his frown deepens, launching yourself into his lap and peppering kisses on his jaw.
“You want me to be one?”
“Shut up.” He grunts, though his arms wrap around your waist anyway and he bends his neck to give you more access.
“I can be if you want to, you know?” You whisper against his ear, not missing the way his hold tightens around you. You’re suddenly very aware of the fact that the only thing separating you and him is the clothes you’re wearing.
“Shut up.” He repeats and kisses you some more. When it gets almost hard to breath, he doesn’t forget to get the cookie out of your grasp and carefully places it on the coffee table before hauling you up and carrying you into his room, your squeal and laughter echoes throughout his empty apartment.
You don’t get to eat your chocolate rum cookie until later that evening, already showered and dressed in Wonwoo’s oversized hoodie as you cuddle into his chest with a movie playing in front of you.
You don’t know what’s taking Wonwoo so long, but he’s already fifteen minutes late without any text messages so you decide you’ll just get some drink first and let loose. He’s probably going to be pissed because he’s never liked it when you go to a bar by yourself (something about men looking at what’s his, whatever that means) but whatever, it’s his fault for being late and you’re currently not relaxed enough to wait for him by yourself in a place full of people. 
The whiskey burns your throat in a pleasant way, though now that you think about it, you shouldn’t have drunk everything in one go when you still have moments to spare as you wait for Wonwoo. But, then again, you can always just order more.
You’ve never been to this bar before, but after hearing how good the vibe is from a friend, you decided to go to check it out. Clubs have never really been your style–people are way too drunk and the music is too loud.
Your friend is absolutely correct when she said you would fit right with this particular bar; there are just enough people for it to be crowded but not really crowded that you get dizzy. Plus, the music is up to your taste and you find yourself nodding to whatever’s playing in the background as you scan through the sea of people while you lean on the wooden bar.
You were just about to order again when someone joins you by the bar, a tall, handsome man that doesn’t look sleazy at first glance. And he’s offering to buy you a drink. You subtly try to check him out; this guy is definitely taller and bigger than Wonwoo, though he doesn’t look harmful and he doesn’t look like he’s hunting for prey. His smile when he offers to pay for your drink looks… honest, if anything. The guy doesn’t even look flirty. Perhaps he thinks you’re interesting and are in need of some company.
The side of your lips lift in an amused smile, Wonwoo will be pissed as fuck if he finds out, but do you care? No you don’t. You’re not going to turn down free drinks from a handsome stranger that doesn’t look dangerous.
“So how come you’re by yourself?” He bends to your height, not too close that it makes you uncomfortable, and just enough for you to hear him over the music. “I’m Mingyu, by the way.”
Hmm. Handsome and with manners.
“Why do you want to know?” You answer with a teasing smile, sipping on your cocktail. Mingyu laughs when you say you’re not telling him his name, if only because he hasn’t earned it yet, and you’re pleasantly surprised when he says it’s understandable and he’s glad you know how to play your cards. “What about you, why are you by yourself?”
“Eh. I just feel like drinking tonight and you seem to be someone who doesn’t mind talking to strangers.”
“Ouch. Is that how I look like? Easy?” You pretend to be offended, and it’s almost cute how Mingyu laughs yet again and rephrases his words. If this was you six months ago, you’d definitely flirt with him and eat up everything that comes out of his mouth, perhaps you’d even end up going back with him. The guy is handsome and you can actually hold conversations with him, which is already a very big difference compared to a lot of guys that have tried talking you up in places like this.
But alas. Your eyes twinkle as you catch the figure of the man who’s the exact reason why you’re not flirting with Mingyu making his way towards you, why you don’t feel the excitement that used to rush through your blood at times like this, and why ‘handsome’ is the only thing you think of Mingyu even though he seems much more than that.
You don’t care enough to think about Mingyu in different aspects.
The way Wonwoo immediately grabs your waist is almost funny, and you have to actually bite your lip and clutch the cocktail glass between your fingers to stop yourself from grinning. “I’ve been looking for you.”
“Your boyfriend?” Mingyu asks goodnaturedly–almost concerned, even–making sure he’s not some random guy who’s grabbing you without consent. 
“Yes.” Wonwoo almost growls, and you have to plant your palm on his chest to calm him down, telling him Mingyu is harmless even though your ears are heating up from his word. You’d need to get back to that boyfriend thing later.
Mingyu sends you a look, and you’re absolutely, thoroughly would’ve swooned if you’re… uh… single (you are) and you’re not seeing… anyone (huh?). But you send him a smile, an actual smile this time, and you nod before you tell him it’s nice meeting him.
Wonwoo refuses to look at the interaction, but you can tell that he’s more relaxed than he was seconds ago and his grip on your waist is now replaced with his thumb caressing you through the material of your dress.
Would it hurt to push his button one more time?
“Hey.” You call to Mingyu once again when he’s about to leave, making both guys turn to you in confusion–Wonwoo more so in betrayal–and when you tell him you’d love to see him again someday and finally tell him your name with a wink, Mingyu gets exactly what you’re playing at. Another laugh bubbles out of his throat and he returns the gesture with a ‘have fun!’ before making his way out of your sight.
“What the fuck was that?”
It’s not often that Wonwoo curses, and you know you’ve pushed just enough of his buttons for him to react this way. If anything, though, adoration fills your chest and you have to physically hold yourself back from squeezing his cheeks.
“What? You were late and he accompanied me. Nice guy, right?” You try to play innocent, placing your glass on the bar and turning in his arm to face him. He looks especially nice today, with his hair styled a little and a denim jacket that you haven’t seen him worn before. You can feel your heartbeat picking up the longer you stare at him, and you don’t register what’s coming out of his mouth because you’re lost in your head.
Your eyes fall to his lips, and it’s when he clicks his tongue that you finally look back at him, eyes meeting his in mock innocence.
“You’re not listening to me, are you?”
You shake your head to confirm his suspicion. The guy can't even get mad at you even if he wants to.
“So.” Wonwoo raises his eyebrow in question, urging you to continue. “Boyfriend, huh?”
Wonwoo opens his mouth to say something, but you don’t give him room to talk more because you already dive into his lips, your palms on his shoulders and his arms wrap around you once again–probably muscle memory at this point. There’s no rush in this kiss though, you really just feel like kissing him and you do exactly that. Wonwoo doesn’t seem to mind either, because his lips chase yours when you’re about to pull away.
“Won I–”
“I need to–”
“Need to–”
“To what?” He finally pulls away, annoyed that you keep on trying to pull away. Even in the dim lighting of the bar, you can tell that he’s a little flushed too and there’s something about it that makes your heartbeat speed up once again. Were you two just… kissing in a public space for no reason at all?
“Need to breathe, baby.” You finish your sentence, suddenly shy now that you’re looking at each other. You dive into his neck before he catches your embarrassment though, and he simply chuckles before he takes a sip of your drink, whatever annoyance in his chest from looking at you and Mingyu, whoever that guy is, disappears just like that.
God, it’s not funny how whipped he is for you.
“What are you doing tomorrow?”
“Let’s go on a date.”
“Not a chance.” You beam, though you reject him with a kiss on his cheek and you tell him to finish your drink because you don’t feel like being here anymore. You won’t let him ponder too long on your rejection though, your fingers caressing his neck and your lips finding his ear. “Actually, let’s go back to your place. I don’t have anything to do tomorrow.”
Wonwoo shudders a little at that, still not used to the way you’d get vocal about what you want when you’re tipsy. That’s your code of saying you want to have rough sex all night–or however he would have you, really.
So Wonwoo finishes your drink in one go and grabs your hand to pull you out of the bar, missing the way you exchange grins with Mingyu as you accidentally catch his eyes before you exit the place.
“You know you’ll spend less money if you just tell me where to buy these cookies?” You pout, still trying to get it out of him.
He doesn’t relent though, simply shrugs and places your hot chocolate on the table. “I don’t mind buying you things.”
“But whyyyy.” You whine, crossing your legs to face him on the sofa.
“I told you I’d bring you there if you go on a date with me.”
You stare at him, mind wandering to how easy it is for him to say this over and over again. You still don’t know why he’s suddenly so adamant about that, and while you actually do feel butterflies in your whole body everytime he does it, sometimes you wonder if he’s just messing with you.
Does he really mean it?
But if he does, wouldn’t he eventually be done with you because you keep on rejecting him?
But if you say yes and he’s actually just joking–what does that make you?
What if you try it out and it… messes things up?
You’re happy with whatever you have with him now, and you trust each other enough to know you are exclusive. Is there really any need to put a label between you two?
“Hey, you okay?” He asks, snapping you out of your daze.
“Huh. Yeah, sorry. You were saying?”
You see the way Wonwoo presses his lips together and you can tell the gears are turning in his head. But he beats you to it before you can ask, and your heart breaks a little at how soft he sounds.
“Am I making you uncomfortable?”
“What? No!” You sit straight, taken aback from the sudden turn of the conversation. “What makes you say that?”
Wonwoo sighs and repeats his words. But he faces you this time and, for the first time since he asked you the question he’s been asking you the past few months, it’s obvious how unsure he is, as if he’s suddenly questioning himself on what he’s been doing.
“Am I making you uncomfortable by asking you out on a date?”
“Oh… Wonwoo…” You take his hand, your desire to comfort him bigger than anything. You don’t like seeing him like this, and as much as your own thoughts have been haunting you, you suppose you do need to talk about it one way or another. “No, you’re not. But… Can I ask you something?”
He doesn’t answer, but you take the way he squeezes your hand as a ‘yes’.
He doesn’t seem to get your question, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “What do you mean why?”
“Why do you suddenly want to date me?”
It’s almost comical the way he blinks slowly, then repeatedly, like he doesn’t get why you’d ask that. He thinks carefully before he says his next words though, and he mentally winces at what he’s about to say but there’s really no other way to say it.
“We’ve been… sleeping together for, like, six months.” He starts, and his face contorts like the words personally offend him. But the more you listen to him talk about all the things you’ve been doing the past few months, how you’re basically a couple without the title, the more you feel both warm and afraid about however this talk is going to end.
You don’t realize you’ve been holding his hand tighter, but he doesn’t say anything and you realize how protective you actually feel of Wonwoo because it doesn’t sit well with you that he seems to consider himself so small.
“It’s not… sudden. I’ve just finally gathered enough courage to ask you.”
“I’m afraid.” You throw it out there the moment you open your mouth, not sure how to tell him except to just go straight to the point.
“Of what?”
“Falling in love.” You cast your eyes down to where your hand and his are joined. “Of being attached to you.”
For a moment, the air around you seems to tense ten-fold that you’re sure you can cut through it with a knife. But when Wonwoo doesn’t say anything, you brace yourself for more honesty and continue.
“I’m… already attached to you more than I thought I could be with anyone. And it scares me sometimes. What if you leave me? I think I’d be able to cope better if you decide to end things with our current… relationship than an actual one. It scares me.”
You feel his hand letting go of yours, and you panic that he’s finally had enough, but he cups your face in his palms to calm you down, and as much as you’re anxious, you can feel yourself calming under his gaze.
“If you want me to be honest, I think I already like you more than whatever you probably feel for me.” He smiles so softly you almost cry. And when you’re about to refute his words, he gently places his finger on your lips to keep you silent. “And no, that’s not something I want to debate with you. I’m fine with liking you more. I want to like you more than you like me. Will you let me do that?”
You open your mouth to say something–anything, but nothing comes out except for your tears so you simply nod and fall into his embrace. Your tears dry up almost immediately after that, but you sniffle a little as his words echo in your mind. Wonwoo probably doesn’t know what he’s talking about, because you’ve liked him for as long as you can remember. Probably not long after you started your deal with him.
He doesn’t know how you melt every time he takes care of you. How you’d try to stay awake longer after he falls asleep after another night of passionate sex, his arm over your body and your back against his chest, just so you can pretend it’s real between you two. How you’d remind yourself that it’s not real when you wake up in his place even though you’d still drag yourself out to make breakfast for him, willing your heart to calm down when he wakes up moments later, hugging you from behind even though you tell him to move away.
You probably already love him more than he can imagine.
“What are you doing tomorrow?” You ask once you’ve calmed down, getting out of his embrace to look into his eyes.
“Nothing. Why?” He tilts his head, a little confused at the sudden change of topic.
“Let’s go on a date?” You ask shyly, though your eyes immediately cast downwards again once you realized you can’t handle looking him in the eye as you ask him this. But that’s why you missed the way his face blooms into a grin, missed the way his eyes suddenly twinkle brighter than every single star in the universe combined. “I think you promised to tell me where you buy those cookies if I go on a date with you.”
He laughs at that and throws his arms around you, so tight that it hurts a little. But you don’t say anything, happy that you’re here in his arms and a little giddy now that everything’s out of your chest.
Wonwoo pulls away and cups your face once again, then searches for something in your face before he closes his eyes and gives you the softest kiss you’ve ever experienced in your life. A promise. One that says he’s not going to leave and he’s going to try his best to remove every single doubt you have in your mind.
©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved. I don't allow any translations or reposting of my works.
A/N 2: and for my birthday wish, hopefully i'll get to see you even once in this lifetime.
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I am going insane thinking about Forever and Philza for real for real. When I first saw them interacting I thought that getting atatched to these two would bring so much angst to lil old me but like they're one of the most solid friendships nowadays and it's so heartwarming to see that developing!
It's about how Forever saw Tallulah being attacked and killed right in front of him and the pain everyone went through when Bobby lost his last life and decided that no parent would go through that again. That his son would never be in that danger again.
It's about how they came suddenly into the island and quickly became an essencial part of everyone's life. I didn't follow Philza before but I can only imagine, like, there is that monster that is trying to kill your kids at any cost, just like the very island they were in. You couldn't trust the Federation and maybe you couldn't trust the others islanders too. Everything you had is your own strength and your intelligence and the determination to do anything you could to protect your kid, but in the end, the very act of fighting for their life could be the thing that kills them if in the heat of the battle they kids just get too close from your weapon.
That was the problem. And what could they do if not do their best to fight and get stronger and survive one more day?
Forever saw that. For me that is so crazy. He saw a problem that seemed like it didn't have a solution, like it was something that simply could not be helped and he just went 'nope' and made an entire system that took him hours and hours to not only protect his son, but the children of the entire island.
I just wonder if it was a breath of hope in the middle of that despair. I mean, of course everyone did a lot for the eggs, I could spend literal hours here describing how pretty much everyone in the island, in little or big ways, went out of their day/routine/plan to take care and spend time with their eggs, to wipe their tears or to just laugh and be silly together. This is also hope and this is also important. And the N.I.N.H.O? Bruh, it was the confirmation that even if the person wasn't good at fighting. Even if you weren't online. Even if someone was kilometers away from the fight, with just a button your kid would be safe and sound and far away from any attack.
And Forever gave that freely to everyone. I think that was The Moment to Philza. That crazy silly funny smart brazilian guy that followed him talking nonsense about love and an ex just saw all of their (and his too) pain and said "We're not going to go through that alone ever again."
The amount of care aaaaa. And now Philza gave him acesso to his base. To the place where his kids are and one of the places that he protects that most. And he never took it from Forever. NEVER. That is so crazy to me. I mean, picture with me:
That man is a full anarchist and not for a single moment he decided that Forever becoming the president is a reason to take him from his allow list. Not ever when he accepted the task from Cucorucho and everyone thought that he and the Federation were getting close.
Not even when Tallulah and Richas had that fight or during the entire Haply Pills Arc. !!!! Do you realize that! From the very first second that Philza decided to trust him he just Didn't Stop. Ever. Forever was going crazy smiling laughing and threatening everyone, refusing to listen about the eggs and he just said that Everything Would Be Okay, We're Going To Get Through This.
His enemy is the Federation and that blonde, crazy guy with a heart of gold is his friend, he is not going to steer away from his side. They flirt and make jokes and have serious conversations and Philza goes to him when he gets any important information and Forever asked about him every day since he woke up to thank him for not letting him alone. They could have the rockiest relationship ever but each time they see each other is so calm and fun and full of reassures that They Will Find The Eggs, Don't Worry, You Did Everything You Could.
Just. Them.
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nights-legacy · 1 year
Hello!! Imagine that fem reader is Edgeshot's daughter, but no one knows about it, because he wanted a good childhood for her without paparazzi and too much attention. Now reader in UA and dating with Bakugo and she wants to introduce him to her dad. Love you🥰
Masterlist MHA Masterlist #2
Who's Daughter? - Bakugou x Reader
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2045 words
Warnings: none
+ You are the daughter of Edgeshot and girlfriend to Bakugou Katsuki. You had been dating for a while, and your parents want to finally meet him. The problem is that noone knows you are the daughter of Edgeshot, so Bakugou is in for a surprise.
Quirk- Light Ribbon Whips (Mother has a light quirk)
It was a quiet evening at UA. I was scrolling through Facebook while Bakugou was asleep on my chest. I was gently running my fingers through his blonde spikes. He hummed in delight in his sleep. The domesticity of the situation was making my heart flutter.
We have been dating for a while. He had asked me out not long after we moved into the dorms and it was bliss. I was apprehensive at first due to how he was but he convinced me to let him prove himself. He never did anything halfway.
"Cuteness..." I muttered as I brushed the hair from his forehead. My phone softly ringing pulled me out of my stuper. "Hello?"
"Hi there, my Little Whip."
"His Dad." I whispered.
"Something wrong?" His voice became alert.
"Nope. Bakugou is just asleep." I said. My parents knew Bakugou and I spent time in each other's room. They trusted me and didn't tell Aizawa either.
"Oh, alright. That's good." He relaxed. "Actually, he's part of the reason I called."
"Oh really?" I looked down at the boy. I began to run my free hand through his hair again.
"Yes. Your mother and I would like to finally meet him. He makes you so happy and that makes us happy. We don't want to rush anything so when he's ready, we're ready. Just let us know."
"Alright. Wow." I chuckled softly. I stilled when Bakugou shifted. "I'll ask him. But don't go all big tough dad on him Okay. I'm pretty sure he'll just blow up on you."
"Oh, I know. I've met the young man out on the field. I'm more curious to see his reaction when he realizes who your dad is."
"That'll be something." I chuckled softly. "What was the other thing you wanted to talk about?"
"Oh, that was for your mother. Kei! Your turn."
"Thank you." I heard the phone being passed. "Hi Honey."
"Hi mom."
"I just wanted to let you know that I will be leaving in two days for England for work. I'll be gone for around two days."
"Oh okay. Thanks for letting me know. I don't want to call you while you're sleeping, Mama Bear."
"Oh you!" She laughed. "I'm not that grumpy waking up."
"Yes you are!" I heard dad in the background. I had to bite my lip so I wouldn't laugh out loud.
"Alright, alright." She huffed. "Goodnight, sweetie."
"Goodnight you guys." I hung up and plugged my phone in. I used my whip to hit the light switch and settled in myself.
It wasn't until lunch the next day that I brought it up with Bakugou. I waited for him to get to the table while trying to think of how to ask him. About halfway through lunch I just decided to ask him outright.
"Hey Bakugou?"
"Hmm?" He looked up at me from where he was leant over his bowl.
"How would you like to meet my parents?" I asked quickly. He choked suddenly, hitting his chest to help.
"Oooo!" Kaminari chimed.
"Shut it spark plug." He glared at the boy with warning sparks before turning back to me. "What?"
"My parents want to meet you. There's no rush of when. Just wherever you're ready."
"Oh." He looked away. He became a little red in the face. I gnawed at my lip, nervous. "Can I think about it?"
"Of course. Whenever you're ready." I assured him. He nodded. I looked down and I went back to gnawing my lip.
"Hey." I felt his thumb press against my lip. I stopped and looked up at him. "Don't do that. It'll be alright."
"Okay." He got up, gave me a peck, and left the table. I shared a look with Kiri and he gave me a smile.
"It'll be okay like he said. It's Bakugou, this is new to him."
"You're right." I nodded before looking in the direction Bakugou went off.
"Since when has Kacchan been so soft?" A giggle forced its way out as that quickly became the topic of the table.
It was a few days before Bakugou came to me with an answer. He was quiet for those few days. Unusually quiet. He still spent time with me but he was noticeably distracted. I was starting to get discouraged when he showed up at my room.
"Baby?" I looked up to see him leaving against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest. He was watching me with a sorry look on his face.
"Hey." I smiled up at him. I was sitting on the edge of my bed with a book in my lap. He gave me a small smile before pushing off the frame.
"First of all, I would like to apologize." He sat on his knees in front of me. "I've been really distant lately. This just threw me off guard. You know that all this sappy relationship stuff is new to me."
"Yeah. I know." I reached up and brushed his cheek. "I knew this would be a bit jarring. But I knew you could handle it."
"Yeah. Of course I can." He smirked. I rolled my eyes. "But on a serious note. I would like to meet your parents."
"Really?" My eyes widened. He nodded. "Awesome. I promise they'll be on their best behavior. As long as you are on your best behavior too."
"Huh!" Before I could blink, I was tackled back onto my bed. "I'm always on my best behavior." He yelled.
"Bakugou!" I laughed. "Maybe we should revisit your definition of 'best'." I poked him in the chest. He glared at me before huffing. He plopped down next to me. "So when were you thinking?"
"This weekend, maybe?" He looked at me.
"Okay. I'll call my parents."
"Okay. There's no need to be nervous. My parents are really cool and laid back." I ran my fingers through his hair. He just watched me. He was dressed normally. Black jeans with a simple long sleeve orange shirt.
"I'm not nervous, babe. I think I can handle your parents." He pushed my hand away. I bit down a smirk and he must have taken it as a nervous bite. He brushed his thumb across my lip. "It'll be alright."
"I know." I kissed him softly. He cupped the back of head, deepening the kiss. I pulled away reluctantly. I don't think it would be nice for my parents to find us making out on the doorstep. "Come on. Oh, and don't be too surprised, okay?"
"Surprised? What are you talking about, women?" I just chuckled, pulling him towards the door. I could feel his glare on the back of my head.
"Mom! Dad! We're here!"
"Finally!" Dad exclaimed.
"Shinya!" I heard mom scold followed by a whack and a grunt. I chuckled. We kicked off our shoes at the door and I heard a small popping. I glanced at Bakugou's hand and saw a Spark before he clenched it into a fist.
"Not nervous, huh?" I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Shut up." He grumbled. I grabbed his hand, kissed it, and led him through the living room to the dining room. I could see the dining room table set up before my mother stepped into the room.
"Hello! It is so nice to finally meet you, Bakugou. I'm Y/N's mother, Nissa Kamihara." She held out her hand to him. I could see him grasp her hand gently before shaking it.
"It's a pleasure to meet you too." I could hear the very small shake to his voice.
"Shin. Come on in here!"
"Coming!" Out of the kitchen, my dad appeared. His normal jagged, high hair was in a low ponytail that was draped over his shoulder. He was wiping his hands off with a dish towel. "Welcome Mr. Bakugou." He held out his and they shared a firm handshake. I could see a flash of recognition in Bakugou's eyes and held back a chuckle.
"Hello sir." Bakugou nodded. After they let go, Dad pulled me into his side.
"We've missed you, kid." He hugged me tight and kissed my head. He let me go and I went to hug mom.
"Wait... do I know you?" The confusion on Bakugou's face was amusing. I went and stood next to him as he looked at Dad. He looked at me next. "Babe, I swear that I..."
"Ha ha." I started laughing and buried my head in his shoulder. I could hear my Mom giggling too.
"Hey! What?!" He snapped. I could tell he was irritated but only slightly. He hit my hip to get my attention.
"You actually do know me, Mr. Bakugou." I could see the confusion and irritation grow.
"Just tell him, Dad. Before he blows a fuse." Said boy gave me a small side glare.
"Fine. Fine." Dad chuckled. He walked over to the closet he kept his hero suit in. He pulled out his mask, neck wrap, and shoulder guard. Bakugou's eyes squinted before widering in recognition.
"Edgeshot! Your father is Edgeshot?!" He turned to me.
"What? Why didn't you..." He trained off before turning back to dad. "I thought you didn't have a family." Dad smiled before turning to Mom and pulled her into his side.
"How about I explain over dinner?"
"So you see, I just want to protect them. From the media, from villains, everything that is involved with the hero life especially since we had Y/N so young."
"Damn." Bakugou leant back in his chair.
"Yeah. It's not logical for a hero to have a family so young but I wouldn't do it any different." He squeezed moms hand. "Now that Y/N is on her way to being a hero herself, I'm not as worried anymore."
"Are you going to let the world know that you have a family?"
"Possibly. In reality it's not any of the world's business." Bakugou nodded. His hand absentmindedly moved to my thigh in a tense grip. I could tell there was something on his mind. I reached up and ran my hand through his hair.
"Whatcha thinking about, Blasty?"
"Was it hard? Balancing the hero work and your personal life?" Dad sat silent for a minute.
"Yeah. It was. There were times where it was really hard and trying. Times where We didn't know if we could make it through. But it was all worth it in the end."
"Okay." I set my hand on top of his.
After that, the evening became lighter. Bakugou began to act like his normal self. I think he felt more comfortable after realizing he actually knew my Dad. Mom got a taste of the real Bakugou. The angry pomeranian and the soft Bakugou hours. I even heard my Dad and Bakugou having a one on one that I refused to eavesdrop on.
"See you later guys." I called as we left. We walked hand and hand down the sidewalk in a comfortable silence.
"You know, your quirk makes a lot more sense now." He suddenly said.
"Why's that?"
"I always thought that your quirk was similar in a way to Edgeshots in a way. So now it makes more sense."
"Surprise." I chuckled.
"I can't believe you tell me or I didn't figure it out."
"Well in your defense, I don't share a name with my dad for reasons. And I never made any indication of who he was."
"No you didn't!" He grabbed my sides and began to tickle me. I squealed and fought against him. He eventually stopped and just held me to him. He hooked his chin over my shoulder.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you thought."
"Nah." He turned me around. "I understand why you didn't. It's okay."
"Hmm." I smiled before reaching up and nuzzling my nose against his. I kissed him softly. "Kami's right. You have gotten soft." His face shifted in an instant. I laughed, knowing I stirred him up.
"Wha..." I quickly pushed away and ran.
"Race you back!"
"Oh! You little brat!" I heard the familiar popping of his quirk. "You know you can't beat me. No matter if you're a pro's daughter or not."
God, did I love my angry pomeranian.
Tag List: @lilparcheesie @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @l0vely-lee
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that-basic-simp · 5 months
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Venture X GN! Reader (No mention of reader's pronouns) CW: N/A WC: 1.4k+
"Sloane Cameron," they stuck their hand out. "Nice to meet you!"
"N-Nice to meet you," I said and shook their hand.
What I wasn't expecting was for them to grab my hand with the other and shake it very vigorously.
"I'm so excited to have you on my team! Well, I don't really have a team. It's just me, but I think we can work things out!" they smiled widely, revealing a chipped tooth.
"I-I'm Y/N," I said, removing my hand from theirs. I felt like I was in a cartoon where someone shook my hand so hard they were shaking my entire body.
"You're going to be bunking with me! I'm sure Cap told you we are limited on space."
I nodded my head, "H-He mentioned something like that."
"It may be small, but if any of my things get in the way, please let me know. I am not really used to sharing a small space."
"Bit shy, aren't ya?"
"Could say that," I mumbled.
"You'll fit in nicely here," Sloane patted me on my back gently. "If you want, you can hold my ESR."
"ESR? Isn't it supposed to be ESA?"
Sloane pulled a rock from their pocket that had googly eyes and purple spikes as a mohawk.
"This is Rosetta! My pet rock! Or my ESR: emotional support rock! Here!"
They grabbed my hand and placed the small rock on the palm of my hand. I had to admit, it was cute that someone as bubbly as Sloane would have a pet rock.
"T-Thank you."
"Come on! I can show you to our bunk," they took my free hand and pulled me down the hall.
"Mind the mess," they chuckled nervously, bending down and grabbing a few things to clear a path.
"It's kind of...small," I said.
"Like a college dorm," Sloane said. "You can decide which bunk you want, top or bottom."
"I prefer the bottom, if that's alright."
"Nope! Not a problem! Let me just move some of my clothes from there," they said and they ran around the room trying to pick things up.
Once the bottom bunk was clear, I set my things down on the bed.
"I'll let you have some time to yourself," they smiled and walked out of the room.
I sat down on the bed and I couldn't help but eye at the things that were in the room. There was a small model of a dinosaur on their desk. A photo was sitting there and it was of, what I presumed, their family. I stood up to get the sheets onto my bed when I looked up and found theirs. I couldn't help but smile. Their sheets had dinosaurs on them. And there was even a little dinosaur plush sitting nicely on their pillow, that had a dinosaur skull on the cover.
Sloane was definitely an outgoing one. The door opened and I jumped, finding Sloane had walked in.
"Oh! I am so sorry," they said. "I hope I am not interrupting anything."
"N-No, y-you're fine."
"I just had to grab something real quick."
"Yeah?" they asked, still wandering around the room, trying to find what they were looking for.
"You seem to love dinosaurs," I said.
"Huh? Oh," they smiled, rubbing the back of their neck. "I-I do. I even have a tattoo of one."
They grabbed the end of the yellow shirt they were wearing, turning around. They raised it and I found it was like finding a skeleton in the dirt. It was the bones and its spine was making a 'C' shape.
"What dinosaur is it?"
"Velociraptor," they said. "I wanted to do a bigger one, but my back wasn't big enough for it."
"What other tattoos do you have?" I asked. "The ones that are being hidden."
"I have a geode on the left side of my stomach, a hammer and drill on my leg, and I think that's the only ones I have right now. Aside from the ones you can see," they gestured to the flame tattoo on their neck and it extending down to the middle of their biceps on both arms.
"Shit, where did I put it?"
"What are you looking for?" I asked.
"Rosetta. I know I had them somewhere."
I remembered I still had the rock when we walked into the bunk. I moved a few things over and found Rosetta on the bed. I grabbed it and handed the rock to them.
"Yes!" they reached out and grabbed the rock. "Thank you, Y/N," they pulled me into a hug.
"Oh!" they stepped back. "Sorry, I-I should have asked if that was ok."
"I-It's alright, Sloane."
"Cap needs you down in the main area. We're doing icebreakers tonight."
"Of course," I sighed.
"It's not that bad," they grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the main area.
The others who were there were sitting in a circle with the captain standing in the center of them. There were two empty chairs left and Sloane sat down in one and I sat beside them.
"Welcome, everyone. We're doing this tonight because we have a new recruit. Everyone knows everyone here, except for Y/N. Want to introduce yourself, Y/N?" the captain asked.
I let out a sigh. I always hated doing this. Thankfully, I didn't have to stand.
"I'm Y/N L/N. That's really all you need to know."
"What's something that you like?" Sloane asked, smiling.
"I enjoy what everyone else here enjoys: archeology."
"Do you have a favorite dinosaur? Or a favorite geode?" They were practically bouncing up and down in their chair.
I smiled, my nerves calming down as Sloane was the only one interested in getting to know me. I mean, everyone here already knew one another. I'm just a new person. The new recruit.
"Never really thought of those answers," I chuckled lightly.
"No worries," Sloane smiled.
"Hey, why don't you show Y/N what you can do, Sloane?" one of the guys asked.
"I literally have to get my drill to do that."
"You can show her when you come back," he winked.
"Oh, right, right," Sloane got up. "Hold Rosetta for me?"
"Uhm, sure," I said, taking the rock.
Sloane headed out of the room and I sat there, an awkward silence filling the room until I heard drilling noises.
"You're going to be the one to fix it, you know that?" the captain looked over at the guy who suggested this idea. Whatever this idea was.
"Yeah, yeah. Not like I have to do it almost every other month."
The drilling sounds got louder until a hole appeared, Sloane's head popping out.
"Surprise!" they smiled widely.
My smile grew bigger and I couldn't help but laugh. I stood up and admired the dig work.
Sloane crawled out of the hole and brushed the dirt off, "Sorry, captain. I'll help fix it later."
"It makes you unique, Sloane."
"You're like a mole," I chuckled.
"A mole? Huh, I never thought of that," Sloane smiled. "I like that. Mole."
"That's one is going to stick," the captain said.
"What do you mean?"
"We give each other nicknames so that if an intruder finds us, we can use our nicknames instead of our actual names. We've been trying to figure out Sloane's."
"What have you been calling them?" I asked.
"Rock eater," one said.
"Rock muncher."
"The one who eats rocks."
"I take it you like to eat rocks?" I smiled, lifting an eyebrow up.
"I can't help it when you're digging you sometimes get rocks in your mouth. Even if your mouth is closed," Sloane chuckled.
"Other than being like a mole, what else do you like to do?" I asked.
"I like to venture to the grandest of dig sites. See the world, see what artifacts there are. I want to experience it all."
"Huh, venture," I whispered.
"Venture!" I snapped my fingers, pointing my index finger at them.
"Venture! I like the sound of that," Sloane said.
"Better than mole," the others agreed.
After we dispersed to get ready for tomorrow's dig, I walked back with Sloane to our bunk.
"You know, I really liked the mole nickname," they said.
"You do?"
"Yeah. It reminds me of like a pet name someone gives their significant other."
"I don't think a mole is a term of endearment," I chuckled.
"But people have been known to associate their partners with an animal of some sorts. I knew a couple where their animal associations were panda and bunny. And they'd go, 'I love you, panda,' or, 'What you did was cute, bunny.' You know?"
"I see where you're coming from now."
"I thought it was cute," they mumbled, some blush crawling onto their cheeks.
"Then I'll call you that when we're fooling around, alright?"
"Really?" they jumped a bit, a wide smile crawling on their face and their eyes appeared to be glowing.
I couldn't help but smile, my heart race. They were just so cute with every interaction I had with them.
"Of course, my mole."
They giggled silently, practically skipping down the hall to our shared bunk.
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lazycats-stuff · 2 years
Bruce Wayne x child!male!reader
Summary: Bruce and his son (Y/N) go through the first day of school. (Y/N) is scared, but his father and brothers are there to help him.
Warning: Fluff, Bruce and the boys being soft for their baby brother.
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Bruce tried not to be emotional right now. His son (Y/N) was ready to go to school, but Bruce is not ready to let him go. He grew up far to quickly for Bruce's liking. The others didn't like it too. They wanted their little bird to be little bird forever and not grow up.
He watched from the kitchen island as (Y/N) was sitting in Damian's lap, drinking orange juice through a straw. How time flies...
" Are you alright master Bruce? " Alfred asked walking past him.
" Not really. I don't want (Y/N) to grow up. Ever. "
" I know that feeling too. He is too adorable to grow up. "
Bruce took a long sip of his coffee to wake up. Patrol was a mess last night and the boys and him could barley function, but they were going to be there for their baby bird. He really can't miss his first day of school.
Bruce made sure to pick the best school he could. It was a private one, but it had amazing security. Bruce still gets mad at himself when he remembers the kidnapping at the gala. He already gave the school the list who can pick up (Y/N). It was all of them and there would be no problem with that. The next problem on their hands is getting (Y/N) to school.
" But I don't want to go. " (Y/N) whined in Damian's lap.
Bruce and the boys tried everything to get (Y/N) to like it. Even if they had to threw in a few lies here and there... But that is not the point.
" But you have to. We all have to go somewhere we don't want to, but it's your first day and you are going to love it. First days are always amazing. " Damian tried, taking a mug full of strong coffee to wake up.
" But I want to be with you guys! "
" I know that baby bird, we all want to stay with you as well, but we can't. Those are the rules. "
(Y/N) huffed and pouted, crossing his arms. Bruce smiled and leaned forward and started smoothing the frown.
" Where are your brothers? " Bruce asked Damian.
" I don't know. "
" Baby bird, how about we wake them up? " Damian asked his younger brother, who nodded.
" We will be back father. "
Bruce sighed and waived them off. He wasn't going to go upstairs and see the chaos that was about to ensue. Had Damian decided to do this alone, without (Y/N), he would have been killed. No doubt.
He could hear some screams, but drank his coffee. Was he going to check what happened up there? No. (Y/N) was not going to get hurt. Damian? He might get something broken in retaliation.
" You are not going to check, are you? " Alfred asked.
" Nope. "
Alfred smiled, washing the dishes.
" At this rate, you are going to be late. "
" Well, what can you do? I can always say first day of school. And I have 5 boys, so they will believe me. "
The was a sound like something crashed, then there was silence. Damian ventured down to the kitchen, holding (Y/N) who was smiling.
" Who got hurt? " Bruce asked.
" Nobody father. "
Bruce simply nodded. He doesn't need to know more.
" Papa. " (Y/N) asked, reaching out.
Bruce took him into his arms, reliving Damian of being (Y/N)'s carrier. The rest of the brothers ventured down, glaring at Damian, but smiling at the youngest. They were already dressed and ready to go.
" Do you guys need any coffee before we go? " Bruce asked.
They all shook their heads and off they went. Bruce prepared himself for a battle with his youngest.
" Papa! I don't want to go... Please. "
" You have to baby bird, I don't want you to go as well, but I have to. You will have fun, I promise you that. Would I ever lie to you baby bird? " Bruce asked his son.
(Y/N) shook his head and muttering a no.
" I know it's scary, first days sometimes are, but you are going to be fine. "
(Y/N) laid his head on Bruce's shoulder as they went to the garage to pick a car. He picked a black car and the boys made sure that (Y/N) was strapped in.
" Everyone ready? "
The unenthusiastic yesses he got were enough of an answer. Bruce forced himself not to laugh. This is the usual first days of school that he was used to.
" Okay, baby bird. We are here. "
" It looks scary papa. "
Jason wanted to agree, but Tim smacked the back of his head. Jason glared at him, but Tim was unfazed.
" Don't worry, I will take you to the classroom. "
Everyone left the car and said goodbye to (Y/N) for the day, giving him hugs and kisses and some encouraging words. Dick was trying not to cry. After Bruce took (Y/N)'s hand and was out of earshot, Dick sniffled.
" He grew up to fast. "
" Pull yourself together Grayson, we are in public. "
Tim and Jason agreed, but Jason glared at Tim.
" I smacked you because you were going to agree with (Y/N). We don't need him to freak out. "
Jason rolled his eyes at Tim, ignoring Dick's sobs.
" What is this family? " He asked himself.
Bruce could barley function at work. He couldn't focus and the only thing he could think of was (Y/N). Is he doing okay? He just wanted to go to the school and pick him up right now, but he knew that (Y/N) needed to be there. He needs to socialize.
He had hoped that he is a social butterfly and not a hermit. Maybe... Just maybe it could happen.
Bruce could only hope.
Bruce stood in front of the car, waiting for (Y/N) to come out. He tapped his fingers against his forearm. He smiled once he saw (Y/N). He was talking to the a girl with curly black hair and a blond boy. (Y/N) said goodbye to his new friends and ran to his father.
" Hey baby bird, how was it? "
" It was great! "
And Bruce listened to his son as they were driving home, still excited from the first day. And he was more than happy to chat his brother's ears off. They didn't mind at all.
Bruce was listening to (Y/N)'s day, relishing in the memory that was now burned into his memory. (Y/N) was sitting in Bruce's lap, waving his hands in the air to demonstrate what he was saying.
" Papa! "
" What? "
" You are not listening! "
" I am baby bird, don't worry. "
(Y/N) carried on without a care in the world. When he was finished Bruce asked him what he wanted to know.
" And was it scary? "
" No papa. "
Bruce kissed (Y/N)'s head and tickled him. (Y/N) shrieked with laughter, filling the room with his laughter. The boys and Bruce watched their baby bird, smiling alongside their father. Even Damian, the toughest nut to crack, was smiling. Alfred took a picture from the side, for the family album. (Y/N) was the glue needed to make this family somewhat normal. They all needed him, just like (Y/N) needs them.
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eri-pl · 2 months
Forgive me for asking, but when you say you like Morgoth do you mean you find him an entertaining character or that you think he had a point?
Oh. This will be long. Thank you for asking! (And I guess the parts that you feel needs forgiving is assuming that I may agree with him? I don't think you had enough data. Anyway if there's a need, I forgive you. I hope it's not "forgive me for sending asks", I like getting asks, especially actual asks! (As opposed to reblog chains and other random fun stuff which I sometimes like sometimes not))
No, Morgoth did not have a valid point in his rebellion. More details under the cut (it's long).
But he had a point, in the sense that he existed for a reason. (He much failed this point.) I think it shows through at times. Even if he wasn't evil, I think he was meant to be a trickster, challenger and the starting point of changes.
Like, I can see a situation where stealing the Silmarils would not be wrong (and not involve murder. It is far from canon, but if Feanor got obsessed with them without Melkor's "help", stealing the gems and leaving them in some funny place could be helpful. The classic fairy tale trickster.
So, in this sense he had a point.
But his actual goals as started in the book? Nope. 100% nope.
Like, yesterday I had my own teenage child look at me strangely when I said that I relate to Hurin's reaction. Not with the name-calling, but the "nope you are not as powerful as you say, this is not true and I don't care what you do to me about it" part. It is the valid reaction, in my opinion. L
But there's more in my liking for Morgoth than "I find him entertaining" (however this is true too at some points, mostly BoLT).
It's mostly "he's spawning a lot of headcanons in my head and I relate to them". It's a difference between "Morgoth as Tolkien seems to have intended him" and "Morgoth as I read him", which is a small difference in a way, but also a big one.
Ok let's address the elephant. I have no problem internalizing "Eru is God". But at the same time I have a lot of a problem internalizing "and Melkor is the devil".
This is a strange combo but that's what my brain does and I can't much avoid it.
His reasons are too relatable. Wrong but relatable. Very human. "I was not paying attention, busy with fantasies of power to soothe my insecurities and now when I have to do a creative activity with people, I can't sync with them" is a very relatable situation to me (I played a lot of ttrpg) and trying to fix it by being a jerk is something I have done. It's wrong but... I can't condemn a character for things I have done too.
(I realized I started explaining me reading of Melkor|Morgoth through his whole career, so here it goes)
And then he gets angry, which is stupid but still relatable. And makes orcs from elves which is awful but also canon cannot decide what exactly happened also it's too easy to assume he didn't realize they were actual persons...
And he corrupts humans? The tale of Adanel? What was her name? That one in Morgoth's ring, close to Athrabeth... It's one of 2 places where he actually reads (for me) as satanic as intended... Until the part where am obvious void-spider-related trauma shows. Which makes no sense in the timeline, but the whole story has huge timeline problems.
Then he gets captured. And again, my angst-living narrative brain assumes that he did try to behave better, just didn't put much effort in it. And then he met Feanor, and I have a while essay on how this triggered Melkor's narcissistic injury or whatever to call the issues he had. Not for Feanor's fault, just... Wrong time, wrong place, wrong family drama.
Yes, his reaction to that was unarguably evil. But also I can't stop myself from imagining extremely strong emotional pain behind it. It's like... I can't force myself to be so angry at him to enjoy the idea of "Morgoth's gonna get destroyed, yay!". There's too much pain on this (which is not in the book just in my head, I know)
He streaks the Silmarils, and keeps them when though they burn, because to do otherwise would be a period that he was wrong. And all his further decisions (again, unarguably evil) are made under extreme pain and distress of holy gems judging him all the time. (Look how they impacted Maedhros and Maglor. How much despair they got. And Morgoth is so much more).
He's evil, but also I can't with confidence say that I would never do similar things, especially in the circumstances. Evil but who am I to judge.
Like, at the end of of, it comes back to "I can't see the Valar ( including Melkor) as 100% good or bad, they're too human to be proper angels". Even Manwe (semi-)canonically makes a moral mistake. Some texts (not in published Silm) day that the Valar showed lack of estel by (making Valinor? Inviting elves? Sorry, I forgot the details) and that is a moral falling.
Don't get me wrong, it is a very small one, and I'm not trying to equate Manwe with Morgoth or anything, just to say that the Valar are less absolute than I would expect angels to be. (Not an expert on angels though)
(I love Manwe, he's wonderful, overworked, burned out but still trying, he's a sweet, good, idealistic birb. Who is not an angel. I love them all, even Orome who is canonically vengeful and I consider this a problem, and Yavanna who is really irritating at times. And let's not forget poor, bullied Aule who is a walking proof of the "not 100%".)
And with all that I've said before, I can't help but to project many of my issues and character failings at Morgoth. Yes, he's evil. I've also been evil. Technically less so, but I like to go things to 11 when projecting.
And another huge topic is how wonderful he would be if he wasn't evil, because he's got some of my favorite aesthetics and themes (void, paradoxes, out of the box thinking, trickster archetype, jak of all trades... Even the fire and ice thing has its beauty).
Sometimes I really want to punch him in the face for wasting all that. Just, not lethally.
And the beauty of what he could be is probably what pushes him in my head from the "I'm sorry for them being evil" category of evil and evil-leaning characters (which includes Sauron, fir example ) or the "eeewgh but I'm sorry for them anyway" (Ar-Pharazon , Gollum, all the exceptionally uncool bad guys) to "I'm sorry for them but also I like them no matter how little sense it makes". Ymmv, I have a strange aesthetics sometimes.
Also, he got defeated in the book and that gives him compassion points in my brain. I do feel sorry for him. No matter what I try to do with my brain, I can't stop. I just can't. One day I'll figure out how to untangle it but now I don't know.
Last but not least, I love some comedic takes. For me, comedy didn't ask what's right or wrong, just explores ideas... It's like a brain cleaner, a bit like dreams. It's allowed more than more serious genres. I do enjoy comedic Morgoth (Hurinovy Deti does it really well, also some fics and comics with that one ship... It's just funny. And it's not like they portray him as being right, just... Don't focus on him being evil, just in the comedy?)
To clear something that I left hanging: the second scene where Morgoth is as-probably-intended is "the words of Morgoth and Hurin" or what's it called. Sorry, I'm on vacations, so I'm doing less fact-checking. It works for me. If Tolkien gave Morgoth more dialogue, my mental image of him would probably be more as intended.
Also, to not leave it unsaid: he canonically tries rape, I think twice. I am aware of this. This is very awful. And evil. Still, doesn't make me see him as irredeemable. I just don't see people as irredeemable and I can't read the books as (probably?) intended and not see Morgoth and all the Valar in the category of "people".
It's probably more complicated by the fact that Tolkien's intent did change in time, but I'm not an expert and I don't know how it changed about the Valar, especially Morgoth. So it's not like there is one canon that is 100% coherent, and I'm not even sure which parts of my reading I should call a headcanon and which not.
Tldr: I don't like Satan (that was an understatement), I like Morgoth probably because I have issues which I like projecting on fictional characters and he works well for that, also I make some (hopefully) interesting headcanons and that's it. Hope this answered your question.
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herwritingartcowboy · 2 years
I really like your writing style and i just saw your post asking for some bungou stray dogs × reader so can I ask for a fanfic that follows anime's plot but with an addition of reader who doesn't hv a love interest but hv some moments here and there with all the characters. If it's not possible to write such a big one can u do one where dazai and reader and chuuya gets into a poly relationship after the port mafia and ADA sends those 3 on a Mission together like old times. Sorry for being greedy and requesting two but even if u could do even one of them I'd be reallllyyyyy happy. Also can the reader be fem? Gn would work too.
No problem I will be abel to do you second request but will tag you for the first one when i get it done.
But Thank you @stygianoir for the help with this them of the story.
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Character(s): Dazai, Chuuya
Warning(s): X
Readers Gender: Gn
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The three of you haven't been on a mission together since Dazai left the Port Mafia.
And when he left you all thought that you three would never team up but here you all are. From what each of you were informed that the Armed Detective Agency and the Port Mafia had a same rival group and you three were all open they had decided you three should team up and take down the threat.
At first you had no problem with taking down the threat but when you heard you were teaming up with Dazai and Chuuya, you loved the two as you all three had been in a secret relationship for a good while now. But you hated working with them as all they do is argue amd you already have to hear that all day but now during work, nope you are not gonna do it.
You three have been task on taking information from the base of the enemy's. But that base is in Tokyo Japan so now here you are posing as an Geisha as Dazia cheered you saying that you looked more beautiful than ever. As he even tried to get a quick peak under only to be met with a kick by Chuuya , which he dodge. But Chuuya came up to you telling you to be careful, "No worries ain't my first time doing this".
The three of you knew that the boss comes around to red district themed place a lot so you know he would love to see a pretty face. So in a sense you would be doing more of the work but Dazai and Chuuya would be there to look on and make sure nothing happens.
The boss came straight to you when night hit as he had wanted to make small talk with you. As you laughed and smiled at him even grabbing onto his arm making the man blush.
But from the side lines your boyfriends were there just watching with anger wanting this mission to end. But as the night went on and with the man drunk he had wanted to take you somewhere.
"Oh sir I don't think they will let me leave with you" "Nonsense", he said smiling as he grabbed your arm and rushing out not even giving you time to grab some weapons but you were sure Dazai and Chuuya would have your back and they did as the followed the both of to the bosses base.
The man took you into his luxury room as he went on about the Ada and the Port Mafia as he was stealing money from the both of them. "And for them to think they can trick me by sending you", he said making your eyes widen as he explained he knew your plan fron the beginning. The man quickly grabbed a knife charging towards you. But as you took your battle stanz he was kicked down by Dazai who you hugged with a smile on your face. "Oh darling I wasn't going to let that man touch you" "Thank you Dazai but let's get the information and go-where is Chuuya?" "Oh him he is down stairs taking down the back up".
You smiled as you knew the two would have your back. You three left as know you three had felt that the mission was too quick. "Want to go get some drinks" "With you wearing that no way" "What's wrong with it" "What Chuuya is trying to say is that your hot body would make men and women drool all over you" "But free drinks".
Let's just say that night you had to drag the two back to the hotel room you are all sharing with them passed out on the bed. After changing into something more comfortable you laid in the middle of the two men as right away you felt amrs all around you.
Maybe doing missions with this isn't so bad.
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Sick day
Idk where I was going with the plot for this one. I just wanted to write something cute
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You realized something today. For some strange reason, you haven't seen Azul at all today! That was strange to you because, for as long as you've known him, he's never once missed a day.
You decided to ask the twins about why he wasn't here today.
"Azul's having some... problems right now."
"Problems that we can't help him with, even if we wanted to."
"But don't worry too much about him, Shrimpy! He'll be perfectly fine again in a few days!"
You decided to visit Octavinelle after school.
You knocked on his door, before opening it.
"Ah... (Y-Y/N), why are you here...?" Azul asked. He was lying in his bed, and clearly looked unwell.
"I noticed you weren't at school today so I decided to check up on you." You explained.
"W-well I'm perfectly fine so you can leave."
"You clearly aren't 'perfectly fine', what's going on with you?" You asked.
"...you're not going to leave me alone until I explain what's happening, are you?"
"Fine, I... guess I'll tell you." He said, looking away. "So, you're aware I'm an octopus, yes? Well, when I'm in my mer form, I can create venom, and that ability... doesn't exactly go away when I'm in this human form... however, due to human anatomy, I can't exactly regulate when it comes out. So, I take a kind of... venom suppressing potion, and every two months or so, there comes a day when I have to get all of the excess venom out of my system. And the worst part about all this is that Jade and Floyd can't be anywhere near me when this happens. My venom is meant for killing prey, yes that includes other merfolk, so those two can't risk being anywhere near me..."
You just stood there in silence for a moment.
"W-why are you looking at me like that? I'm not in any pain, i-if that's what you're wondering, I don't need any sympathy-!"
"No no, it's not that, I just think..." You paused for a moment, and smiled. "I just think you're so interesting!"
"...interesting...?" He asked. "How so?"
"Well, merfolk don't exist in my world, so it's cool to learn how they work!" You happily said.
"Well I... I-I guess I could tell you more about myself sometime..." He blushed slightly.
"So do you need anything~?" You sweetly asked.
"I can help you! You're sick, right?"
"I guess-"
"Do you want any food? Medicine? A drink? A cold towel? I can help manage the Lounge temporarily for you!"
"You... you'd really do all that for me?" Azul asked.
"Of course!"
Azul summoned a contract.
"Would you... maybe... be willing to do this again next time this happens...?" He shyly asked. "B-but only because the Lounge loses so much profit when this happens due to temporarily closing! T-that's the only reason I'm asking!"
"Awww, you want me to take care of you, huh~?" You asked, hands on your face.
"Want me to get you some food and water?"
"...yes please."
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The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get
kai parker x bonnie bennett | requested
summary: bonnie just had to send her magic away in a teddy bear, consequently trapping herself in the prison world with only kai as company. and if that wasn't bad enough, the longer she spends with him, the less she starts to hate him. though it would be a cold day in hell before she ever admits that to his face...
tags: enemies to lovers, 1994 prison world, wet dreams, threats & violence (kai being kai), minor alcohol use, choking, kidnapping, arguments, making out, fingering, blowjobs, hair pulling, vaginal sex, hate sex (but they secretly like each other 😉 )
word count: 7.3k
n/a: kind of a bonnie pov, but not really. to the anon who requested it, i hope you like!! and sorry it took so long. also, i'm really bad at slow burn bc i'm impatient, so i hope i drew it out enough. and one more comment, i'm not sure if you wanted this much smut, but i read 'switch' in the request and my mind went wild. furthermore, if you want a part 2 with damon involved, since he was partially included in your request, i can do my best on that (psst i have ideas) ;)
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It would’ve been easier to just do the stupid spell and deal with Kai back in the present world. She could’ve thought up a plan to trap and kill him with her friends’ help, instead of doing it by herself, eighteen years in the past. But no. When the second attempt to escape the prison world was made, Bonnie decided to send her magic away where she nor Kai could have it. And now they’re stuck there. Together. Forever. 
A big part of her curses herself for that decision. Her only chance, and she blew it to prevent him from gaining access to his remaining siblings. He’d kill them in a second if he found them, he’s promised that to her. Though at the same time, Bonnie knows his siblings. In fact, Liv pretended to not understand her magic just to gain Bonnie’s trust. She and Luke may stand a good chance against Kai if he were to escape. After all, he has no magic of his own, and has never been taught much of anything. So why didn’t she just let them return to 2013, and then they could all form a plan against Kai together? 
She puts her head in her hands, sighing. Upstairs, she can hear the shower running. A chance to run; to find new magic. Kai isn’t a vampire, he’s just a magic-less witch with a vengeance. Klaus was an original vampire with a vengeance, and Bonnie could take him. 
Curiosity, her brain supplies. 
Bonnie looks up, as if the voice had come from someone else in the room. 
Nope, she hears, just you.
There is no one else here. There is the boy in the shower, and there is her. No one to help; no one to hear her scream. No one to judge you, she hears again. She shakes her head. 
“No reason I’d be judged,” she replies out loud. She’s definitely going crazy. Talking to the voices in her head? And they are responding. 
Except for one, it says. Your curiosity. 
“The only curiosity I have is how I’m going to get out of here.”
Which is entirely your fault. You had an out; you sent it away. To protect Luke and Liv? They almost killed Elena. They can handle themselves. 
“Kai is different,” she mutters. 
Different, yes, But not in the way you’re thinking. Klaus was a monster, too. Damon, Stefan, Silas, Katherine, they were all killers. You’ve fought and won against them all at some point. But you don’t want to fight Kai. You don’t want to leave this prison world, because you don’t want to lose his company yet.
“Fucking insane.” She fills a glass of water and chugs it. Sleep deprivation is one hell of a mindfuck. 
You’re not sleep deprived, Bonnie. In fact, this prison world offers the best sleep you’ve had in years. Your nightmares have stopped, since your friends no longer burden you with all their problems.
Might I say, you even have dreams now. Dreams of your mother, where you’ve thanked her for the peace. Dreams of simple mornings, of sipping coffee in silence. And let’s not forget the dreams of pleasure, focused on the only other person occupying this world. You don’t really want to leave, do you?
Bonnie slams her hand down on the table. “I said stop!” The voices hush at once, but the damage has already been done. 
She’s tried everything to forget that dream. It haunts her in all the best ways at the worst times. She bites her tongue so hard that it bleeds.
Wetness pools from her core as a dull sensation builds. She holds back a moan, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. 
“Come on, we’re the only two people here. No one can hear you. Let it out.”
Two weeks ago, that would’ve been a threat. Two weeks ago, the boy between her legs had his hands around her throat as he whispered menaces in her ear. Then, somehow, in the two weeks since Bonnie’s sent her magic away, a thread has snapped between the two. It started with a glare. Kai’s eyes burned into her from behind, but softened when hers met his own. He wanted to hate her; wished he could kill her, but he couldn’t do either. 
Bonnie had thoughts similar to his racing through her head. She numbed them with alcohol, and tried to not remember the feeling of his lips touching the lobe of her ear that one day in the car. But with every sip, her body heated up more, and when their fingers grazed as she passed him a glass, all hell broke loose. 
She kissed him first, and once he realized what was happening, he didn’t let her go. He pushed her up against the wall and let his hands explore her body. Pants of exhaustion tumbled from both their lips whenever they separated for a breath of air. It wasn’t long before they wanted more, though, and her hips were hoisted onto his waist. Kai then took her up to his bed and made himself comfortable between her legs. 
Pleasure flooded her body. Bonnie would’ve never have thought he would be as good with his tongue for anything else other than talking her ear off. Her hands pull at his hair as she comes close to her high. Way too quickly, she thought, but then again, it had been awhile since she’d been touched like that. 
“Come on, we’re the only two people here. No one can hear you. Let it out,” he was saying. 
But then Bonnie woke up suddenly to the clashing of pots and pans from the kitchen below. 
“Sorry!” Kai’s voice carried through the mansion. 
She slumped back on the bed, trying to remember the dream she was having. It was hot, like a summer day, but all the heat was trapped between two bodies. She was out of breath, and holding back a moan. A boy was in her bed, tangled in her sheets, lapping at her core. 
Her blood runs cold. 
She could picture it perfectly. Hands that have held her by the throat, and have gripped her arms so tightly they’ve bruised, were holding down her hips. The tongue that blabbers on and on was finally put to another use. 
Bonnie shook her head, disgusted in herself. She needed a shower, needed to change her sheets, needed a walk to clear her head. She pulled herself out of bed and grabbed the edge of the sheets to pull them off, when she noticed something else. 
A wet spot, right underneath where she had been laying. 
She hadn’t come yet in her dream, but the images were vivid enough that she did in her sleep. She swallows, unsure of herself. It’s hard to deny the fact that it felt good, and she craved it almost more than anything else, but never would she admit out loud that she had a wet dream of Kai Parker. And liked it. 
The memory ends, leaving Bonnie alone at the kitchen table. The shower is still running, indicating Kai was still upstairs. Upstairs, by his bedroom, bare. She cursed her head for the thought. No, she could not think of him like that. Kai was a monster, no different from Klaus. A dream is just a dream. It doesn’t mean anything. 
Still, the thoughts don’t leave her head. Biting her tongue doesn’t distract her from the memory, so she makes her way to Damon’s 1994 stash of liquor. Whiskey? No, whiskey is what she poured when Kai had asked for one too. Gin? No, gin reminds her of Liv, the girl she’s trying to protect by trapping herself down here with Kai. But rum? That’s safe. 
“Ooh, what are you drinking?” Comes his voice as she pours herself a glass. Of course. 
“Do you want one or not?”
“Are you offering?” He stares into her eyes. Unable to hold his gaze, she drops her eyes down to the edge of his lip. There’s a cut in the left side that she always notices, and today, she decides to focus on it. “I’m kidding. Sure.”
Bonnie quickly brings her attention back to the glass and pours him one. Her breath hitches when she hands it to him. Their fingers touch ever so gently. 
“Y’know, I was wondering, what kind of shows do they have in 2013? Is Jerry Springer still on?”
Glad for the change in mood, Bonnie nods. “Yep, still a thing.”
“Huh. Do you watch it?”
“Not particularly. It’s kind of a ‘watch if it’s the only thing on’ kind of deal.”
“Ah. My mom used to put it on all the time. She would threaten to send my little siblings on there if they couldn’t work out their problems.”
Bonnie laughs before she can stop herself. Kai’s gaze snaps to her instantly, dimples forming on his cheeks as he smiles at the fact he made her laugh. A passing thought in her head mutters how cute they are, but then she comes to the realization of the thought. Not cute. Nothing about Kai is cute. 
“Did she ever threaten to put you on there?”
He takes a deep breath. “Mom and I never shared jokes like that. My version of it was my dad threatening to shut my mouth with tape.”
“Oh,” she replies, genuinely shocked. 
“That or withholding meals. Lock me in my room with a spell. Put a silencing spell so I couldn’t disturb them. And ignore me for days. Not like I was stupid enough to disturb them, because that would just make it worse, but he liked to use magic on me to remind me I didn’t have any. As if I could forget.”
Bonnie swallows hard. 
“Ooh, definitely sharing too much. Think I’m going to finish this glass of rum elsewhere. If you need me, BonBon, I’ll be in my room.”
She watches him leave in silence. 
Whiskey. Kisses. It was all a dream. 
Rum. Revelations. Now, she didn’t know what to think. 
As time passes, tensions increase. Bonnie tries to forget her dream and the tidbit of memory Kai had shared. Kai, on the other hand, tries to forget he overshared, while ignoring the dull ache in his heart to get closer to her. In a few days’ time, so much energy is put into their mutual need to ignore each other that they almost forget the task at hand. 
That is, until Kai comes to a conclusion on which he needs Bonnie’s opinion. The girl sending her magic away suddenly reminded him of his sister doing the same. So, somewhere on the property of his childhood home, there may be magic stored. His heart leaps with the hope of getting out of the prison world, and he quickly maps out a plan to get to Portland.
Though before he can go anywhere, he needs to convince the girl to go with him. Let’s rephrase that, he needs to make his hometown appealing enough to get Bonnie to come with him in his retrieval of Jo’s magic. Then he needs, for a third time, to try to convince Bonnie to let them go home. 
Because, truth be told, Kai would hate to leave the girl here alone. He knows what it’s like to spend every day in solitude for years, and even with his lack of empathy, can’t do that to her. Besides, it would be a lie if he said he hadn’t come to like her just a little. Her company is nice, and she’s undeniably pretty. Pretty badass, too, which turns him on more than he’d like to admit. 
So, one day as she’s coming back from the supermarket, he approaches her with the topic.
“We need to leave Mystic Falls.”
Bonnie turns from the cabinet to face him, nose crinkled in disgust. “Why? We’re fine here. Where would we even go?”
“Doesn’t matter where, but I thought of a place where we could find magic. Since y’know, you put yours away in a bear.”
“Yeah, I did that so you couldn’t get out. Why would I go with you to get more?”
Kai crosses the kitchen to close the distance between them. He could reach out and touch her now. “Because we both want out of here, Bonnie. Don’t tell me you like it here.”
“Of course I don’t. But you out would be hell on earth. I’m trying to prevent another mass murder.”
His eyes darken. “I told you, I’ve changed. I-”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Then what do you expect to do for the rest of your life locked up in here? Are you really going to sacrifice your own happiness to keep me here? Because I’ll find a way out. I’ll find a way out, and I will leave you here if I have to.”
“You need me for the spell. You’re not going anywhere.”
“What makes you think I won’t just steal your blood, memorize the spell, and get out? If you want to see your friends again, it’ll be with me.”
“I’d rather die than let that happen. It’s not your lack of magic that makes you an abomination, Kai, it’s you.”
The last comment pushes him too far. Bonnie realizes it the moment it leaves her lips. In an instant, his hands are around her throat, tightening just enough to render her unconscious. The girl grips his wrists, but feels her hold weakening.
“Kai,” she begs, “let me go.”
“Say you’ll go with me.”
“Say it!”
“I won’t let you out!”
“I didn’t want to do this,” he warns. Before she can question him, darkness starts to cloud her vision. In a matter of seconds, her body goes limp. 
The next time Bonnie wakes up, she realizes the ground beneath her is moving. Though as soon as it hits her that she’s in the trunk of a car, the car comes to a halt. Bonnie hears the ignition turn off and the door shut before coming in direct contact with the sun. She squints, but then the view is blocked by Kai smiling down at her. 
“Morning, sunshine. Well, evening, actually.”
“What did you do to me?”
“Relax. You just took a little nap for our flight.”
“Flight? Where are we, Kai?”
She cringes, “why?”
“It’s where we’re gonna find magic.”
“And why exactly would-”
“It’s where I grew up. I would’ve let you sit in the passenger seat for the trip here, but since you refused to go, I needed to resort to more forceful methods.”
Bonnie rolls her eyes. “As if I’d willingly go with you. Also, I told you. I am not helping you get any more magic.”
“We’ll see about that, BonBon. For now,” he takes a couple steps towards his house, “come on. I’m cooking you dinner.”
“You’re not bribing me to help you,” she says, following him anyway. 
“Not a bribe, Bonnie, I just thought you’d be hungry.” At the same time, her stomach growls, betraying her. Kai smiles. “See?”
The girl just rolls her eyes a second time and goes inside the house.
As it turns out, Kai isn’t a bad cook. In fact, he’s really good. Not like Bonnie would ever admit that, though. She didn’t want to eat his food, but the hunger soon overtakes her pride and she gives into it. To her shock and thankfulness, Kai doesn’t comment on this decision. He lets her eat in peace while enjoying his own plate. 
“So,” she starts, halfway through her meal, “what’s your plan after bringing me all the way out here?”
Kai swirls wine in a glass and takes a sip before answering. “Find Jo’s magic. Steal it. Go home. Thought that was obvious.”
“And where exactly is her magic being stored?”
“Not sure, I’ll have to find it.”
“Well you can have a fun time doing that. I’m leaving after this.”
The boy tenses. “No you’re not. You’re going to get us out of here the minute I find it.”
She laughs in disbelief. “We’re still having this conversation? Get it through your head, Kai, I am not letting you out of here. I don’t care if you cook for me, I don’t care what you do, you’re staying in this damn prison world.”
Suddenly, he grabs her wrist. His grip is tight, knuckles going white. Bonnie jumps in her seat. 
“Ouch! That hurts, Kai. Let go of me!”
“You’re not leaving this house until we find my sister’s magic.”
“Let go of my arm!”
He loosens his grip, but doesn’t let go completely. Bonnie stares down at his fingers curled around her. The cool metal of his rings contrasts his flushed skin. Her mind starts to wander… 
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he says slowly, “but I will if you keep refusing to help me. The only person you’re hurting is yourself.”
Her mind is snapped from its dark place. “Here’s an idea: I’ll help you find Jo’s knife, and then we go our separate ways.”
“That doesn’t make sense, I need your blood for the spell. The knife is no good if I don’t have you.”
“Too bad. Guess you’ll have to find me.”
According to Kai’s mind numbing ranting while Damon was still here, the prison world is exactly like the real world, except it’s a dimension frozen in time. But if Bonnie can escape, she can go to any state, any country, and Kai would have to find her. Sure, he could do a locator spell, but he’ll run out of siphoned magic quickly and won’t have any more. It’s a perfect plan, she thinks, to escape him and his demands to be freed. 
Besides, Bonnie has a feeling he’ll love the hunt. There’s no way he’d deny this. 
Kai seems to consider this. “Fine. We find the knife, and I’ll let you go.”
“Good.” Proud of herself, she stabs a piece of meat on her fork and eats it happily. She misses the storm clouds coming into his eyes. He doesn’t eat anymore after that.
At the end of dinner, both make their beds in separate areas of the house. Bonnie takes to Jo’s old room and Kai curls up on the couch. Just before she retreats to go to sleep, the boy stops her in her tracks. He corners her up against the wall, close enough that his breath hits her neck. 
“Just so you know, I’m a light sleeper. If I hear you trying to break our deal and escape, you’ll regret it.”
Bonnie returns him a stone cold expression. “Figures. But I won’t.” She holds her breath in the presence of his. 
“See you in the morning, BonBon.”
Three days go by of the two searching the huge house for Jo’s knife. It is a cause that seems lost to Bonnie, yet she knows Kai won’t give up until he has magic again. So, she continues to look. Besides, if she goes to Kai about it, he’ll grab her again, and she would really like to avoid another close confrontation with him. 
It’s too much risk to piss him off. He gets too close; too physical. And Bonnie should be afraid when he’s like this, but the more and more that it happens, she finds herself sweating in anticipation. The dark parts of her mind rise back to the surface. Memories of her dream, of his hands on her body, and his head between her legs, play on repeat. She wonders if it will always be a dream, or if one of these days, they’ll give into their mutual need. 
No. It’s just a dream, she reminds herself. And Kai doesn’t need anything, except apparently an escape from this place. Still… she can’t help the thought. To not touch another person for twenty years? I wonder if he’s ever-
“Any luck?” 
For once in her life, Bonnie’s grateful to hear Kai’s voice cut through her thoughts. 
“No,” she replies, “no luck in three days.”
“It’s here. I know it is. Jo didn’t have any magic when we tried to merge. She stashed it somewhere.”
“Maybe she took it back after you were gone.”
Kai thinks about this, but then shakes his head. “She wouldn’t have. She’s probably never touched it again.”
“Maybe your father hid it somewhere. Does this place have an attic? Or a basement?”
“Both, yeah.”
“You take one, I’ll take the other.” Bonnie puts a finger up to his face. “But don’t even consider locking me in there.”
“Promise I won’t. You can trust me.” He winks.
She glares at him. “Hard to believe that.”
But to their dismay, an entire day of searching both turns up nothing. Bonnie returns to Jo’s room once again. 
That night, her thoughts from earlier in the day come back to haunt. 
In her dream, she’s in her room while Kai’s in his. Her fingers ghost over her body as she eases herself into a mood. It’s not like there’s much to do in the prison world, so as long as she’s quiet, he’ll never know. 
However, she barely touches herself before a groan carries from down the hall. Curious, Bonnie rises from her bed and makes her way to the only other occupied room. Her eyes go wide at the sight beyond the door. There is Kai, eyes squeezed shut and hips working against a pillow. He’s on his bed, no mind paid to the crack through the door. 
Somehow, the siphon doesn’t realize her presence. He must be too close to hear anything else. 
The thought alone makes her body warm. Bonnie’s hand then finds its way under her pajama pants. A sigh escapes her slightly parted lips. It still doesn’t disrupt Kai from his own feat. 
For a short time, she watches him while touching herself. She watches how he speeds up, then slows back down; how he sometimes lets out little pants, but at other times, full-blown moans. 
“Kai,” she finds herself whispering. “Oh.”
He doesn’t stop. Not until he reaches his high and comes down from it. As he surveys his bed for the mess he’s made, his eyes snap up to the girl peeking through his door. In an instant, his face turns pink with embarrassment. Kai Parker embarrassed. It makes Bonnie come on the spot. 
“What are you-?”
“Let’s not talk about this,” she breathes out heavily. 
Bonnie wakes up in a cold sweat, panting, and feeling out of place. Her eyes dart around the room before she realizes she’s still in her bedroom. Well, Jo’s bedroom, in Portland, in 1994. She sighs, feeling disgusted in herself once again. She needs to get away from Kai. Needs to stop having these dreams; needs to stop secretly wanting him. It all needs to stop. 
Slowly, she rises from her bed to fetch a coffee. Coffee makes everything better. It’ll clear her mind and wake her up so she can continue looking for that stupid knife. Find the knife, and she can get away from him. Just find the stupid knife. 
When she gets downstairs, though, Kai’s already in the kitchen. 
“Morning,” he greets, voice gravelly. If she has to hear his morning voice one more time, she’s going to lose it. “Sleep well?”
“Fine. You?”
“Only fine?”
“I’m still here, aren’t I?”
“Hm. For some reason it sounded much better from where I was.”
“Did you dream well?”
“No. In fact, I’ve only had nightmares since arriving in this hell.”
“Odd. ‘Cause I could’ve sworn I heard otherwise this morning.”
“Maybe you just heard yourself.” Her heartbeat quickens, and Bonnie thanks the highest power alive that Kai’s not a vampire. 
“Maybe. But I’m pretty sure it was you. Pretty sure I don’t moan my own name.”
Her blood runs cold. “I didn’t-”
Kai stares at her and her words falter. “Is someone else here, then? Don’t think that’d be from the ghosts of my siblings. Only people here are you and me.”
Kai mentioning his siblings almost kills her mood, but his look revives it just as fast. Straightening, she fakes confidence. “You made me have that dream. Manipulated it.”
The boy chuckles, “I literally have no magic, Bonnie. That’s why we’re here, actually, if you don’t remember. I have no magic to manipulate your dreams. You thought of me all on your own.”
“I-” she stammers, “you-” she takes a deep breath. “It doesn’t matter. I still hate you. I will never like you, and nothing like that will ever happen. I’m just… tired of being in here.”
A flash of hurt crosses his eyes, but he blinks it away quickly. “Whatever. I’m going to check the basement again, in case you didn’t look hard enough yesterday.”
Bonnie didn’t miss the look, but she doesn’t understand why he would have it. He hates her just as much as she hates him. She scoffs at his comment, then disappears to the attic. If he asks, she’ll just retort that he didn’t look hard enough, either. 
Days pass the same as they have been. Though if it’s even possible, the two ignore each other even more. They stay on opposite sides of the house and only come in the same room for dinner. Kai cooks each night, for which she’s thankful, but refuses to actually thank him. Part of her is still pissed about him bringing up the dream, making her a little embarrassed every time she remembers the conversation. 
You’re the one that moaned his name, the voice in her head says, you can’t be mad at him for bringing it up. 
Shut up, she replies to it, it's common decency not to talk about that stuff.
The voice begs to differ. It argues that the rules are different when you’re the only two people in an entire world. 
Bonnie’s growing restless each second that they can’t find the knife. She’s growing comfortable around Kai, and she hates the thought. The boy has been cooking for her, giving her space, and hasn’t threatened her ever since she backed off of him. Another couple months, and maybe they could have a Damon-level of banter between them. Wait…
Hell. No. 
She will not be in Portland in a couple months. She’ll be far from Kai Parker and his crazy childhood home. She will not spend every day of her miserable time in the prison world wondering where he is, or what he’s doing. She will be far away, relaxing on a beach somewhere, while he angrily tries to find her. 
That was the plan. That will continue to be the plan. That is-
The girl scoffs. Will she ever have a train of thought that he doesn’t interrupt? “What?”
“I found it!”
Excitement shoots through her spine. She stands from her spot on the floor and follows his voice to the kitchen. There, on the table, is Jo’s knife. Rusty, but still sharp. 
“Outside. Y’know, I can’t believe I didn’t think of this before, but Jo had run outside after sending the twins out, and I guess she stashed the knife somewhere there. Turns out, it was in that old tree stump in the yard. Huh.”
Bonnie stares at it for a second. “So you have your knife. I can go now.”
Kai bites his lip. 
“We had a deal.”
“You really don’t want to live here alone, Bonnie, I-”
The girl picks up the knife and points it at him in an instant. “We had a deal. You let me go. Right. Now.”
“Bonnie-” he reaches for her, but she blocks him with the blade.
“I’m serious.”
“Put it down.”
“Fine. Put it down, and you can go.”
“I don’t trust you!”
Kai takes a step forward. Bonnie doesn’t move the knife, pointed back at his stomach, even as he makes another step.
“I promise, you can go. I just… I know what it’s like here, being all alone, and I don’t want you to go through that.”
“You don’t care about me. You don’t care about anyone.”
“I do care, Bon,” he whispers, “I care enough that I don’t want you feeling the way I have for eighteen years. It’s fun the first few, when you get to travel and see everything, but then it hits you that you’re never going home. You’ll never see another person again. You’ll lose hope, and you’ll lose the will to live, but you can’t die. I’ve been there. I’m trying to help you.”
“I don’t want your help. Being alone is better than letting you out.”
“Please don’t go.” He takes another step toward her. The tip of the blade makes contact with his shirt. “I promise I won't hurt you, just don’t go. I don’t want to be alone anymore, and you don’t want to know what it’s like to be here alone.”
“I hate you,” she spits, pressing the knife into him until it hits his skin. 
“I know. You should. I haven’t given you a reason to like me. But I’m begging you. Don’t go.”
“I give you this knife, and you let me go. Don’t stab me in the back, don’t keep begging.”
Kai swallows hard. “Okay.”
Slowly, she hands it to him. Bonnie watches as he puts it on the table. She’s surprised. She expected him to immediately stab her or siphon from it. Instead, he just watches her take a step backward, then another. Then-
He shuts his mouth. Clouds return to his eyes. Baby blues darken as a storm approaches. He won’t cry; Kai hasn’t cried since he was seven, but he will feel the stinging pain in his stomach at the loss of her company. The dryness at the back of his throat when the hopelessness returns. 
Bonnie makes her way out the door without another peep from him. She stands on the porch, waiting to see if he’ll come out, but after a minute, there’s nothing. The girl sighs in relief as she takes in the feeling of being free. 
Free from his threats, his tight grip, his anger. Free from the heavy weight of his crimes; crimes he’ll acknowledge but won’t feel bad for committing. Free from his stupid jokes and the winks he always gives her. Free from his cooking and his company. She’ll be alone. Completely, utterly alone. 
She gulps at the thought. 
Kai, meanwhile, stares at the knife before him. It’s technically his knife, the one he used to stab Jo in the first place, but then Jo put her magic in it, and it became known as his sister’s knife. Kai picks up the blade, feeling it in his hands, and siphons just a little bit to feel its strength. He revels in the energy it gives him. The last time he felt that strong was when he took Bonnie’s magic to show her his ability. 
Bonnie, who just walked out the door to spend an eternity alone, rather than be with him. 
Bonnie, who just slammed the front door. 
“I hate you!” She yells from the foyer. 
“I didn’t say anything!” Kai defends himself. 
The girl stomps back into the kitchen, face unreadable. “Yeah, but I heard you breathing. All I’ve heard all day, all week, all month, is the sound of you breathing. That, or you talking. Talking, or cooking. That is all you do, and I hate it!”
Kai stares at her. Whatever mixed emotions she’s feeling, he doesn’t understand any of them. “Um-”
“I just want to be alone, just leave me alone! Actually, no, I don’t want to be alone, because this prison world is a hell, and I will go crazy if I am alone. But, as it turns out, you’re my only company. And I’m sick of it, and I’m sick of hearing your breathing, and seeing those stupid rings on your fingers, and hearing your voice in the morning when you’ve just woken up. And I’m sick of your cooking, and your dedication to it, and how it’s actually good. Oh! And I’m also sick of having these stupid dreams about you, too. I don’t know why my brain won’t think of anyone else at three in the morning, but I’ve lost sleep over not wanting to dream, so I haven’t slept in a couple of days, and maybe that’s why I’m at my breaking point right now! Because I don’t want to sleep, because I don’t want you creeping in my dreams. I hate you, Kai, I’m running out of words to describe it.”
“So-, why-, um-” the boy doesn’t have any words, either. “So, uh, why are you still here?”
“Because I need to get my anger out, and you’re the only other person here.”
Kai expects Bonnie to hit him. A punch to the stomach or a slap to the face, either one, he anticipates. What he did not expect was for her to kiss him. 
But in fact, when the girl storms up to stand a mere inch from his face, she grabs his cheeks and kisses him. 
“You are so annoying,” she mutters, staring up at him. “I need you.”
This time, when she kisses him, he kisses her right back. Bonnie doesn’t fight him. Instead, she grabs the back of his neck to pull him closer, presses her body to his, and deepens it. Kai’s hands then find her waist before he backs her up to the nearest wall. Just like in her first dream, he lifts her legs up to wrap around his, to which she complies immediately. In their new position, her pelvis is level with his hardening cock, and with every push of his body against hers, she feels his excitement. 
“Kai,” she whispers his name. He recognizes the tone as the one she whispers in her sleep. 
“More.” She runs a hand through his hair roughly. “Take me. Please.”
Those words are all he needs to lay her down on the nearest couch. As soon as her head hits the pillow, he’s stripping her of her clothes. Bonnie tears his shirt off his head, then begins to fumble with his belt.
“How many times have you dreamed of this, BonBon?”
She’s too needy to lie. “I’ve lost count.”
A smirk crosses the boy’s face, though it’s quickly replaced by something she’d never thought she’d see on him: empathy. 
“I’ll take care of you, Bon. You’re good with me.” Kai wastes no time wetting his fingers with his tongue, then putting them on her clit. Bonnie’s back arches, and he supports her by slipping a hand underneath immediately. Their lips reconnect in a heated kiss. 
As soon as she gets his pants undone, she makes a grab for his visible bulge. Kai being Kai, though, smacks her hand away. 
“Not yet, princess. I’m still focused on you.” He distracts her by pushing his fingers into her core, pumping them in and out, and smirking at the squelching noises it makes. Bonnie moans, knowing she’s close to coming. Just like in her dream, again, it didn’t take long for her to reach her high. Kai fingers her throughout her orgasm, not relenting until her legs are shaking. He helps her onto her knees when she’s stable, and finally, does he then let her pull down his boxers. 
“Stand,” she points to the side of the couch, “here.”
“Dominant, are we?
She gives him a glare. It’s playful, yet he knows she means business. That’s okay - Kai can work with both. He’s mostly dominant, but if he’s comfortable enough, he’ll gladly submit to her. Right now, he’s not willing to fully submit, but he’ll give into the girl’s demands a little if it’s what she needs. 
The moment Kai stands where he was asked, Bonnie’s hands are gripping his cock. He lets out a moan at the feeling, and his hips involuntarily jerk forward. Bonnie keeps him where she wants him, though. Once he’s under her control, she puts her mouth on him. Her head bobs, taking his length deeper and deeper each time, until she can glide her lips smoothly along. Obscene grunts tumble from Kai’s lips. His hands bury in her hair, pulling at the roots. Bonnie doesn’t seem to mind, and in fact, her grip on his hips tightens so she can work better. 
“Bon,” he stammers, “you’re- I’m-”
She stops as he speaks. No way is he coming before he fucks her. Kai catches on immediately, pushing her back onto the couch, and then crawling up her body. He aligns himself before pushing in slowly, filling her completely and comfortably in no time. He’s much gentler than Bonnie anticipated, but she’s not complaining. Though she bets he’s very capable of angry sex, as seen by his several meltdowns over the months. If she ever gets him in one of those moments, she’d surely be covered in love bites and bruises by the end. 
Kai finds a good pace quickly, as indicated by Bonnie’s moans of pleasure. His hands grip her wrists, pinning her to the couch, while he leaves a trail of kisses along her neck. At first, the girl tries to fight for some control, but soon surrenders to the more dominant boy. 
He clicks his tongue, cooing at her, promising he’ll take care of her. 
A month ago, being under him like this would’ve been terrifying. But in their time together, she’s come to desire him a lot more than she wants to admit. 
And seemingly, Kai feels the same way. 
It isn’t long before she feels another high coming on - this one even more powerful than the last. With her bottom lip in between his teeth, and his cock buried deep enough inside her to form a bulge, her orgasm draws nearer by the second. Her breaths get shallow and she whimpers his name, pleading for release. Kai’s hold on her wrists loosen, as does the pace on his thrusts. He’s close, too. 
More thrusts and moans finally tumble from the girl’s lips. She’s cracked first, but the feeling of her body convulsing at its climax tips him off the edge. He spills inside her before he can even consider pulling out, but neither care about that right now. The feelings of pleasure are overwhelming, after months, and for him, years, of not touching another person so intimately. 
Their bodies meld together as he collapses on top of her. Her hands fly to his hair, twirling the ends between her fingertips, not wanting their moment to end. As soon as Kai regains his strength, he sits up so as to not crush her. 
“Do you still hate me?” He asks, a tint of hopefulness in his voice that maybe she doesn’t.
“Yes.” His eyes fall to the floor. “But maybe there’s hope for you yet.”
Bonnie’s conflicted. She tells herself she still hates him, but deep down, knows she’s lying.
The two of them catch their breath for a while on that couch. Eventually, their clothes find their way back on their bodies, but they don’t leave each other’s companies just yet. 
“Was that how your dream went?” He teases suddenly.
“No, actually, we never… the first time, you were getting there, but then actual you - not dream you - woke me up by dropping a pan in the kitchen.”
“And then another time, it was me eavesdropping your own private moment. Sorry about that. Others were shorter, with less time for mind wandering, but we never actually went all the way.”
His blue eyes meet her intensely. “Do you regret this?”
“No. We both needed it. We were driving each other crazy. Do you?”
“How could I? I’ve been curious about you since the day you and Damon got here.”
Bonnie looks at him, then at her hands in her lap. She isn’t sure how to reply to that. 
Silence then befalls them once again. Dinner is quiet, few words are shared. There’s no mention of their moment again, but she can tell by his gaze that he’s fighting the urge to bring it up. She wonders what he would say, yet doesn’t prompt him to share. 
When she wakes up the next morning, Kai is already awake. The boy is at the kitchen table, fiddling with Jo’s knife in one hand and the ascendant in the other. 
“What are you doing?” She asks, startling him. 
“Just thinking.”
“You still want to go back after our time yesterday? We won’t be the only two people here anymore. I might never talk to you again.”
“Doesn’t matter. You’re leaving anyway. You said it yourself, you want to disappear to one end of the earth, and if I want out, I’ll have to find you. And though having to hunt you down would’ve been fun a couple years ago, I’m tired of being here. At least if I get out, I won’t be alone.”
For a minute, Bonnie considers taunting him. Telling him he’d be alone anyway, because no one in their right mind would want anything to do with him. But then his fingers glide along the edge of the blade. The same fingers that were buried inside her yesterday. The silver rings adorning them that match the lethal weapon. She sighs internally. Bonnie doesn’t want to be stuck in the prison world anymore than Kai does. Certainly, she doesn’t want to roam it alone. 
Yesterday did something to her. The way he begged her not to leave. Promised her she would hate being alone, and urged her to stay with him. At the time, she thought being alone would be better than being with him. But then she kissed him. She kissed him, and he kissed back, and then he pleasured her and cared for her in ways she thought could only be dreams. Now she doesn’t know what to think about him. Her thoughts are jumbled, mind is confused, and heart is burdened. 
You don’t hate him, that damn voice returns, in fact, you kinda actually like him. 
“You are… leaving, right?” Kai asks in response to her silence. 
The girl straightens. “I am. I’ve had enough of this prison world, and frankly, this house, and I need to get away from it.”
Kai looks up at the walls of his childhood home. He agrees to hating the house, but he has no clue where he’ll go next. 
Bonnie, on the other hand, seems to know exactly where she’s going. She marches towards the front door, hand on the knob. Kai stares after her, questions on the edge of his tongue, but nothing coming off it. 
“Aren’t you coming with me?”
He stands from his seat, confused, but follows her nonetheless. “Where are we going?”
“You’re gonna go back to Mystic Falls?” If Bonnie’s starting her escape now, why is she telling Kai where she’s going?
“Eventually. But hurry, or we’ll miss the eclipse.”
Her words take three whole seconds to sink in before the reality of the situation hits him. They’re going home. Truly home. Back to the present age - whatever that looks like. 
So, with Jo’s knife strapped to his boot and the ascendant in his pocket, Kai follows Bonnie to the site beneath the eclipse. The clearing of trees he remembers all too well from eighteen years ago stand overhead. For a mere second, Kai wonders if it’s a trap. His eyes search hers, but he only finds a fierce determination.
“Aren’t you going to siphon that?”
His eyebrows furrow, but he does when she prompts him. “What changed your mind about letting me out?”
“For some reason, I’ve decided to trust you.” She cuts her palm. “Don’t betray it.”
“So you don’t hate me?”
“Not exactly.”
She gives him a small smile, which he returns. Then, hand-in-hand, they chant until a brightness surrounds them, and they are on their way home.
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veryimportantsparkles · 4 months
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"I really like her!" whispers Bitey with a smile. "I think we're going to be vampire sisters!" "I thought you wanted to hunt vampires now, not adopt them," Onmund whispered back sternly. He was wary of this girl. He had given up on pleading with his headstrong wife to stop raiding Nordic tombs, and now she's finally unleashed an undead terror she can't put back. "You know it's not so simple, honey!" the Orc giggles, "This is the first vampire I've met who wasn't rude! And anyways," she strokes his hair like a pet, "I kill disgusting ugly stupid Nords all the time but I keep you around. It's the same thing." "Y-yes dear," he looks at his feet and tries to look polite, all the way to Solitude.
At long last, Bitey got all the special missions and new merchants in the Thieves Guild, and her final reward was to be named Guildmaster. But uh, she kind of thought she already was the Guildmaster? After all the nonsense she's put up with, only now do they recognize her as the boss? What, does Guildmaster just mean 'best errand boy' or something? She was trudging all over the country for these idiots. The ceremony didn't even have a cake.
Anyways, Bitey has become restless and ran off into the wilds once more. There's a cave near Riften that she hadn't found the time to peek into yet, so she headed out east and stumbled into...the main Dawnguard questline.
Bitey was enamored with the architecture of Fort Dawnguard and, despite being a cured vampire herself, has no problem killing other vampires. In fact, killing vampires is how she became a vampire in the first place. Every single vampire she's ever met has been hostile, except maybe one, and even she was rude.
And then Bitey opened up Dimhollow Crypt and met Serana. She wasn't super friendly, but she didn't attack, and sometimes that's enough. Bitey's spent her whole life retaliating for one cruelty after another, so even the slightest ounce of peaceful behavior makes her enamored. That's how she got entangled with the College of Winterhold, how she became so attached to Onmund, that's even how the guys in the Thieves' Guild have managed to stay alive. You don't even really have to be nice to her. There are about a hundred random caves and ruins in the forsaken country of Skyrim where you get shot at just for looking at a guy. But Serana just wanted to go home, and Bitey didn't really have a reason to refuse.
Out of character, I had planned out that I was going to re-infect Bitey with vampirism, but once I got in and was looking around, I wasn't sure I wanted to pick the Volkihar faction over the Dawnguard faction. I read up on the questline, and if you refuse to join them at the beginning of the story you can still get turned into a vampire lord later on. So I figured I would leave it up to Bitey to decide. When we got to Serana's home, her dad didn't seem very loving, and Bitey picked up on that a little. But it wasn't until she saw the vampire lord transformation animation that she made her decision. Because the red fleshy texture on the transformation is fucking gross, Bitey noped out of there. Dawnguard it is!
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xikerriess · 1 year
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Birthday, C. Hyunwoo
choi hyunwoo x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: nopee
I swear that i'm gonna start hating this man if he keeps being TOO PERFECT 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I walked to the park near my house. Since I was a little girl I had gone there every afternoon with my grandmother, although I had been able to go alone for years, and that day was no exception. I tucked my book under my arm as I untangled the headphones from my music player. It was pleasant weather, worthy of autumn, to be honest. It wasn't too cold, but a slight breeze whipped the faces of the people passing by.
As I arrived at the park, I watched as several children, including my little brother, made big piles of dry leaves and jumped on them. After greeting him, I settled down on one of the wooden benches and took out my book to continue reading where I had left off. I was so immersed in the book that I didn't notice someone trying to get my attention. I removed an earpiece from my ear to hear him better.
"Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?" A tall boy, who looked to be about my age, pointed to a free space next to me with a shy smile.
"No, it's fine" He thanked me with another smile, identical to the previous one. The boy opened his book and we both continued our reading.
I sat there for more than two hours, during which time the boy, whose hair was a bit dishevelled by the wind, hadn't moved either. Finally, I decided to get up and go and look for my brother, who had been playing with the rest of his friends for quite some time. Noticing my movement, the young man noticed me.
"I'm Hyunwoo" He said, before I left.
"I'm Yn" Then he gave me another smile - he liked to smile so much - and turned his attention back to his book.
From that day on, the smiling boy kept appearing in that park, always sitting next to me with a new book, until that day, when his routine changed a bit.
My brother had fallen off a slide and wouldn't stop crying, so I had to leave my comfortable state to help him, leaving my book and my music player on the bench.
It turned out that my brother had broken his wrist and, as much as I insisted on not going to the park for at least that week, he ignored me and I had to accompany him.
This time Hyunwoo was already sitting on the bench, looking for something - or rather someone - with his eyes, which ended up meeting mine. He smiled and walked over to me.
"Is your brother well?" He asked once he was in front of me. I laughed.
"As if nothing happened, look at him. If he falls again I'm not taking him to the hospital..."
"Come on, don't be so harsh. I was the same when I was his age!" He said, chuckling. "Oh, by the way... You forgot this the other day " He said, holding out my book and music player to me. "You have good taste, in music, I mean" I, surprised, made him a proposal. "Then, do you feel like sharing?" I questioned, offering him one of my headphones. "If you don't mind..."
And so we spent several weeks, simply in each other's company. But there was a problem, and that was that the smiley boy made me nervous, very nervous. But not in a bad way. Well, yes... No! I don't even know what I'm saying. I just knew that his mere company made my head spin a thousand times. The so-called 'butterflies', which I felt more like knives digging into my stomach, didn't seem to want to leave every time I thought about him. And of course, after so much overthinking, I came to the conclusion that I liked him, a lot, and there was nothing I could do to get rid of the feeling.
And something I didn't know at the time was that Hyunwoo seemed to feel the same way but, unlike me, he already had a plan in mind.
My birthday came earlier than expected, but since I didn't plan to do anything, I wasn't too worried.
I continued with my usual routine, which meant seeing Hyunwoo again. And really, if I thought my feelings for him were strong before, they were even stronger now. We had been doing the same old routine for almost five months, and he didn't seem to get tired at all.
When I reached the usual bench, I noticed how my friend quickly hid something behind his back as he waved at me with one hand.
"Happy birthday, Yn!" He congratulated me, patting me on the head.
"How do you know it's my birthday today?" I asked, surprised.
"Well... A little birdie told me..." He laughed, finally pulling out what he was hiding behind his back.
"This is for you" He said, handing me a wrapped package.
"You didn't have to..." I thanked, happy. He waved his hand. When I removed the colourful wrapping, I was confronted with a cover that read 'Love and other words'. As I was turning the pages of the book, I came across a page with a few sentences marked on it, which read as follows:
''Favorite word?' he whispers.
I don't even hesitate: 'You' ''.
I looked at Hyunwoo in astonishment at what I had just found. He looked at me fearfully, like when a child is being scolded by his father.
"Soo, do you like it?" He asked in a kind of whisper.
"I love it" Said I, with the biggest smile in my face.
"Oh, God. I thought I wasn't going to make it!" He exclaimed, relieved. "In that case, this is yours too" And then she held out a small bouquet of flowers, paniculatas, to be more precise, with a ribbon holding them together.
"I like you, Yn" He confessed, with a smile, just like the one he gave me the day we met.
"I hadn't noticed" I said, sarcastic. "I like you too, Hyunwoo" And I gave him a hug, hiding my head in the crook of his neck.
Definitely the best birthday ever.
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alloveydovey · 7 months
Hellooooo, dramas from this past month :) I had a lot of fun watching most of these, which hadn't been happening lately.
The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract, 2023 (kdrama) 7.5/8
A woman from the past travels to the future where she meets a man who resembles her deceased husband. In need of a wife, he strikes a contract with her, and blah blah blah, you know what happens next.
The chemistry was there 100%, the comedy too, but overall, I think it was just a mid watch for me. I was three episodes away from finishing but was struggling big time because I was getting bored.
The Romance of Tiger and Rose, 2020 (cdrama) 8
A scriptwriter ends up inside her own creation as a side character who dies early on in the drama and has a really bad reputation.
This was hilarious. Laughing out loud alone type of hilarious. It didn't make any sense at all, and it was extremely silly and sometimes even frustrating, but both actors were so great with the comedy (Zhao Lusi the actress that you are), so everything was just fun and romantic and cute... and weird enough, emotional af as well. I love these types of dramas where, after watching, you kinda feel empty inside lol. Comfort drama material? 100%
My Demon, 2023/24 (kdrama) 8
A demon becomes powerless after crossing paths with a cold heiress (who he obviously knew in their, guess what? Yes, past lives)
Kim Yoo Jung and Song Kang (his character is everything) were so cute in this! Their chemistry was definitely chemistring. I loved the concept and all, but for some reason, I couldn’t put my whole heart into this drama, which resulted in me being a bit disappointed. I’d get bored sometimes. I still don’t know if it’s my problem though. Maybe it wasn't the right time to watch it since I had been watching so many dramas with similar storylines. I’ll give them this, though, these two were truly a comedic duo™️
My Man is Cupid, 2023/24 (kdrama) 8
A love fairy accidentally shoots himself with an arrow and ends up in love with a human, condemning him and his group of cupids to 500 years on Earth. In modern day, he gets entangled with a veterinarian who might be connected to what happened in the past. Also! Murder mystery.
This one just goes to prove that liking a drama is all about vibes for me. Is this different from what I’ve been watching? Nope. It’s not better than the other ones above with similar premises. Yet somehow, unlike the others, it got my attention way more, and I totally binged it. Even when this particular one had some very confusing, probably so-so writing, moments. Granted, it has Nana in it. Nana makes everything worth it (Jang Dong Yoon was cute as well lol).
My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, 2010 (kdrama) (rewatch!) 7.5 ⭐️
A cute gumiho saves an irresponsible rich kid who wants to become an action star by giving him her bead. Both of them gotta stick together while he heals.
Like I said back when I first saw this, COMFORT!! And I was in the mood for something silly and sweet after the same themes over and over again. I can't get over how cute Shin Min A and Lee Seung Gi are in this.
Falling Into You, 2022 (cdrama) 9
A student-athlete wants to do high jump but doesn't have the required height for the sport, so a postgraduate student-coach decides to take him under her wing and train him. Noona love story ensues.
So... I have a lot of mixed feelings about it because, all in all, I think this is one of the best cdramas I've watched. It's beautifully shot, the music is incredible, and the pacing, story, characters, and acting are all impeccable. Aside from Meet Yourself (fav ever) it's truly one of the most naturally acted cdramas I've seen so far as well. Even outside the romance part, everything was really good.
Now, was it inappropriate? For me, at least, I think it was. This young student is supposed to be 20, and his coach is said to be about to turn 28. They are both consenting adults (let's put it that way), but the power dynamics thing is still there. Overall, it was a nice surprise, and I completely binged it.
Welcome to Samdal-ri, 2023/24 (kdrama) 9
After a scandal, a famous photographer runs back to her hometown. Her ex, with whom she had an intense fallout (childhood friends to lovers), is there, and it seems like neither of them has moved on. (Also about family, and grief)
From the moment I saw Shin Hye Sun and Ji Chang Wook's pictures next to one another on a tweet saying they were going to be in a new drama together, I knew this was going to be a 10/10 in my books. Maximized joint slay. Add the hometown cha cha cha vibes, and you have an amazing tear-jerker drama. The rest of the cast is a great complement as well; their acting and their stories just make everything really emotional (I cried a lot lol), but it is 100% worth the watch. I'll be honest about one thing, though. As much as I loved it, it took me a while to finish the last two episodes cause I feel like they dragged the story a bit.
Princess Hours/Goong, 2006 (kdrama) 8
In a reimagined modern SK, a girl from an ordinary family gets hitched to the crown prince because of a promise both of their grandparents made in the past. A Diana x Charles x Camilla drama ensues (but like, with a happy ending).
This is what I like to call DRAMA™️. The type you hate everyone's behaviors, and you laugh, and you hate the ML, but you also want him to get with the FL, and you start hate watching, and then you giggle when they share moments and completely forget ML is a really shitty person lol. I started this cause I got sick, and I got way into it. ML being a major asshole and the FL having no self-respect (like the good old dramas and telenovelas) aside, I enjoyed binging this, and I can see why it was so popular. Their romance, though deeply flawed and a product of the time the drama was made, had some great moments, slow burn and natural as well. I was lowkey hoping for a happier ending, tho, but it was cute enough. Also, music bro, that main song is never getting out of my head. Comfort drama material: 100%
Playful Kiss, 2010 (kdrama) 5
FL confesses to ML, and he rejects her harshly. When her house collapses, her father moves them in with an old friend, who ends up being ML's father.
So after Goong, I thought I'd probably be able to watch this. Wrong. Shin's got nothing wrong in comparison so Seung Jo. Seung Jo is probably my most disliked ML ever lol. I binged this, hoping it'd get better, or just like Shin in Goong, he'd change a bit after getting together with FL. But nope, he remained an asshole throughout the whole thing. Gotta love that consistency. Comfort drama material: 1% (I saw the comments on Viki, and I don't know how people rewatched this, lol.)
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kingstoken · 1 year
Gabriel, Ineffable Bureaucracy, and the Memory Theory
If we think that Metatron has the Book of Life and is editing it, see the theory here, then maybe the catalyst for Metatron's plan came about because of Gabriel's defection.
Look, Metaron obviously wants the Second Coming to happen, but then Gabriel as supreme Archangel says "nope, not doing that" it causes a huge problem, because he is the head of the heavenly host and almost all angels would listen to him. So Metatron convinces Micheal, Uriel, and Saraqael to put Gabriel on trial, and erase his memories, so Metatron can get everything back on track, but Gabriel makes a run for it, throwing Metatron's plan off again.
(Also, notice how there was no Sandalphon this season, I think Metatron has eliminated him from the Book of Life, because he was essentially Gabriel's right hand man.)
So, Metatron tells Micheal and company that they have to find Gabriel, while he starts putting things into motion behind the scenes. You see in Metaron's mind there is probably only three resolutions to the Gabriel problem, Heaven finds him and erases his memories, Hell captures him and he stays down there, or Gabriel escapes somewhere else.
At first I thought that Gabriel's memories with Beelzebub were fake ones implanted by Metatron, but now I don't think that is the case. I think Gabriel's memories were safely tucked away in the fly before Metaron started editing.
Now, Metaron probably knew after reading the book of life that Gabriel, if he wasn't captured by Heaven, would some how probably end up with Beelzebub, either by them being in Hell together or in some other fashion. So, he needs to find a replacement for Supreme Archangel that he can manipulate and control, and it can't be Michael or Uriel. Both Micheal and Uriel may not be the smartest tools in the shed, but they're not stupid. Uriel has always seemed assertive and a real solider of Heaven, and we see her argue with other angels, Michael for example, so not the easiest to control. Michael does question things a few times throughout the second season, about Job's children not being babies, about how strange it is that Aziraphale has an assistant, plus she feels like she knows Gabriel when they meet, even though she shouldn't be able to because of the miracle. Michael is willing to question things and might be stronger than she seems, so again possibly not the easiest to control.
All this leads up to Metaron picking Aziraphale to be his puppet leader. Metatron like the other angels probably doesn't think much of Aziraphale. He thinks he is soft, weak, and adverse to conflict. Therefore prefect for what Metatron needs. Also, Aziraphale was part of the reason that the first Apocalypse didn't happen, so Metatron needs to be able to monitor and control Azirphale's actions this time around. There is only one problem, Crowley. Crowley has too strong an effect on Aziraphale, so Metatron has to start making cracks in their foundation to break them apart, thus the memory manipulation.
Lastly, I don't know if Gabriel and Beelzebub deciding to go off together was their ultimate decision or not. It might have made more sense for them to rule Hell together. However, this conclusion is prefect for Metatron, it gets two major opponents off the board. Plus, it shows Crowley that it is possible for a demon and an angel to be in a romantic relationship, and run away together, pushing Crowley closer towards where Metatron wanted him. And I think it is safe to say that Metatron knew Crowley would never agree to come back to Heaven and be an angel again. Therefore, Metatron gets what he wants, Aziraphale under his control in Heaven.
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