#but noooo what if I wrote directed and acted in my own show
bookish-bi-mormon · 1 year
Very dangerous listening to the always sunny podcast. Giving me ideas
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theimpossiblescheme · 7 months
Welcome Back, Partner
(I wrote this a long time ago, after I first watched "Goodbye Partner", and I finally feel confident enough in my various revisions to share it with the world. I hope you all enjoy it!)
Lupin’s digs this time around were a tiny cottage in the North Downs in England, one he’d only used one other time that Jigen could remember.  There was no air conditioning in the summer, and the electricity was dodgy, but at least there was running water and enough gas to cook with.  It was a hell of a drive from the nearest airfield (he could have just come in through Heathrow, but noooo, that’d be too damn easy), but he managed to make it before the sun set and the rainclouds above him finally burst.
Goemon was sitting next to the sofa and meditating as usual, Zantetsuken tucked into the crook of his arm.  Upon hearing the door open, he cracked one eye open in Jigen’s direction before closing it again without a word.  Fair enough.  Jigen wasn’t particularly looking forward to that conversation.  He had every right to be pissed.  They all did.  All that casual chatter before was a crock of shit.  Lupin might act like everything was all fine and dandy, and Fujiko didn’t give a damn either way, but Goemon?  If he was pissed at you, he let you know it.  Sometimes at swordpoint..
Well, Jigen wasn’t going to stick around long enough to give him a chance.  He was just going to check things over, steal himself a beer, and… hell, he didn’t know.  Maybe hit up a pub somewhere for seconds.  Chat up some guy who needed a second in his own hairbrained scheme.  Let Lupin come to him for a change instead of crawling back like a pathetic lost puppy.
Kicking off his shoes, he wandered past Goemon into the little kitchen and opened the fridge.  Just down the hallway was a single bedroom, one queen-sized bed in the middle and almost a dozen frou-frou throw pillows scattered around the floor.  Sitting cross-legged on the bed next to an already-smoldering ashtray, humming to himself and annotating a large diagram laid out in front of him, was Lupin.  Shit, Jigen had only been gone for a few days, and it looked like Lupin already had most of the details mapped out… typical, really.
God knew he’d need all the help he could get.  Being a little short on manpower and all.
Jigen was just turning to go, beer in hand, when the call of “Hey, Jigen!” followed him.  His teeth gritted at the sound, but against his better judgement, he turned around.  Lupin actually looked and sounded pleasantly surprised he was here, and it was almost more than he could stand.
He weakly held up the hand holding the bottle.  “I just was grabbing this… don’t lemme keep you or—”
“Hey, c’mere, I wanna show you something!”  Gesturing for Jigen to come join him, he laid the diagram at the end of the bed and started to explain the setup and markings, every gesture meticulous, an excited sort of purpose in his voice like always.  But Jigen was only half-listening as he stood in the doorway, only catching every third word, if that.
How could Lupin just… pretend like this?  It was something he was damn good at, and it always pissed Jigen right the hell off.  Now more than ever.  His best friend had shot him and left him for dead, and here he was gabbing like it never happened.  Sitting there perfectly comfortably as that same “friend” stood twenty feet away.  Smiling like a goddamn idiot while his partner in the other room was probably plotting a murder.
Any other time, Jigen would have immediately pulled him into a headlock and refused to let go unless he told him the truth.  But right now, it wouldn’t be nearly as satisfying.  Hell, Lupin had jokingly threatened plenty of times to do the same thing to Jigen… maybe Jigen wished he actually would.  It’d be no less than what he deserved.
Lupin must have noticed him not paying much attention because he gave a small pout before shrugging it off and folding the diagram up to set aside.  That shrug alone was enough to make Jigen want to grab him and squeeze him until his head popped, but he resisted for now.  “’S’not finished anyway.  So how was the competition?  I heard that Alisa took first place.”
“Good.  It was good.”  Jigen still didn’t move from the doorway.  For a moment he was tempted to pull his hat further over his eyes, but Lupin would catch that in a second.
Whatever he had to say, he’d better say it now.  Jigen was a big boy, he could take whatever the son of a bitch threw at him.
Instead, Lupin just sat there, face set in a determinedly neutral position, studying Jigen like he’d study a particularly complicated lock.  “When did your flight come in?”
“I… couple hours ago.  Drove the rest of the way here.  Kinda out of the way, but I made it.”
Lupin nodded.  He looked down at his hands and seemed to notice he was still holding the pencil from before, and he reached over to set it next to the discarded diagram.  When he spoke again, it was facing away from Jigen so he almost couldn’t hear.
“… You could have stayed, y’know.”
Jigen couldn’t help but snort.  “No, I couldn’t have.  Imagine a scraggly old geezer like me trailing after that poor kid—she can do a lot better for… she can do a lot better.”
Imagine, Daisuke Jigen as a father.  Even for a kid that wasn’t his.  He didn’t mind them or anything, but the prospect of any kids getting that close to him terrified him on their behalf.  He still had stress dreams about that heist where they’d been followed by half a classroom’s worth of child actors claiming to be their children.  Best case scenario, Alisa would ask too many questions, try to get too close herself, and end up in the crosshairs of someone else’s gun.  She had no idea what he did for a living away from Lupin, what kind of miserable living it could be… there was no place for a little girl.  Alisa had her whole life ahead of her while Jigen had…
What the hell did he have now?
Lupin slowly straightened and resumed his earlier position, hands gripping his ankles.  “You could also have told me what was really going on.”
Down to brass tacks at last.  “What was I supposed to say?  ‘Sorry, this maniac’s got a hold of my old friend’s daughter, and I gotta do what he says or he’ll kill her, so don’t mind if I kill you and Goemon to make it look good’?”
All Lupin gave was another shrug.  “It’s a start, anyway.”
All right, now this was just unnerving.  “How can you be so goddamn casual about this?  Your partner—hell, your best friend—shoots you in the chest, and you wanna move on like it’s nothing?”
That time, an eerie sort of chill settled over Lupin’s face.  “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
Jigen’s breath caught for a second.  Lupin never talked about his career prior to bringing him, Fujiko, and Goemon on board, and Jigen never thought to ask.  Usually if some part of a man’s life was nothing but a carefully constructed blank, it was for a good reason.  This reason… it made perfect sense.  Tracked with everything he knew about Lupin, that was for sure—his insistence on keeping his partners close, on considering them friends barely into the casual acquaintances stage, on going the extra mile to keep them content between jobs…
Shit, if that didn’t just make him feel worse.  Best thing that ever happened to him, only one who treated him like an actual person and not just a gun with an arm attached, and Jigen had almost broken his damn heart.  And that wasn’t even considering if Goemon would ever trust him again.
He sighed, leaning against the doorframe and shoving his hands into his pockets to keep from fidgeting with his hat.  “Look, I meant what I said back there—I wouldn’t blame you for wanting to sever ties with me.  If you don’t want me sticking around, that’s your right.”
A few degrees of chill melted from Lupin’s expression, and he stared back up at Jigen with that same fierce concentration.  Like he’d almost figured out the last tumbler on the lock.  “How long do you want to stick around?  Tell me the truth.”
…Hell, forever?  No way was he saying that out loud—it was much too sappy for him—but it was the first thing that came to mind.
So Jigen settled for a quiet, “Long as you’ll have me, I guess.”
Lupin seemed to weigh that in his mind before finally nodding.  “Good enough for me.”
“What about Goe--?”
“I’ll talk to him.  Worst case scenario, we’ll just duke it out.  The guy’s like one of those little fighting robots—you wind him up, go a few rounds to get it out of your systems, then he calms down.  It’s worked before.”
Somehow Jigen doubted it would be the same for him.  Lupin and Goemon both ran hot in their own ways while Jigen was a lot cooler… it might take a little while longer to get all of the hurt and guilt and anger out of his system.  But part of him desperately wanted to take Lupin’s word for it, if only for things to truly go back to normal without anyone giving him the silent treatment or pretending things were fine when they weren’t.  He was willing to see the next few weeks through, at least, whatever they brought his way.  “If you say so.”
“It’ll be fine, Jigen.  It’ll blow over like it always does—remember when Goemon left to chase after that kabuki gang, and we all fought it out when he came back?  You just gotta give it time.”
That word “left” was doing a lot of heavy lifting.  Mostly as a pretty substitution for “betrayed us.”  And then Goemon felt guilty enough to let Lupin cut off his head, only to be brought around by an all-out brawl instead.  Lupin had been plenty pissed off then, Jigen knew, but it hadn’t lasted long; true to form, right after they’d beaten the shit out of each other, he and Goemon had gone back to the plan as if nothing ever happened.  Maybe it was seeing his friend’s obvious guilt that alleviated it.  Maybe he just took for granted that Goemon would be back eventually and felt like he had to go through the motions anyway.  Maybe he was too used to Fujiko stabbing him in the back every other day.  Maybe he did genuinely want Goemon back more than he wanted revenge.
Jigen would never make sense of it.  Even all these years later, it was hard to tell why Lupin did anything.
It was easier to cover it up with a joke.  “I can’t tell if you’re just really trusting or really stupid.  Not the best look for an internationally wanted criminal.”
That time, Lupin did look a little hurt, but quickly masked it with quiet outrage.  “Come on, I trust you guys with my life.  You know that.”
“Yeah, I know—”
“Do you?”
It didn’t sound like a demand so much as… almost a plea, if an exasperated and tired one.  Like he was practically begging Jigen to get the hell over himself and accept the forgiveness being offered.  Like he needed the return to normal as much as Jigen needed… hell, he didn’t even know what.  To be kicked out for good this time?  To be reprimanded?  To have his lights punched out the way Lupin and Goemon had done years ago?
And they’d called Lupin a masochist…
But instead, here they were.  Talking about their feelings like a couple of chumps.  The metaphorical door was open and the hand outstretched.
And every bone in Jigen’s body was screaming for him to walk through and take it.  To just let himself come home.
So he nodded.  “Yeah.  I do.”  And that was that.
If nothing else, no matter how terrible an idea it was, he believed in the thief.  This entirely too forgiving dumbass thief who’d changed his life… and apparently wasn’t done with him yet.
Lupin nodded in return, this time with a little more energy and satisfaction, and tossed another frilly throw pillow at Jigen’s head, which he caught without even thinking.  “Goemon’s already staked out the couch, so you’re either with me or on the floor for tonight.”
“I’m takin’ the floor—don’t wanna roll off in the middle of the night.”  After several hours either crammed into a tiny airplane seat or on the road in the middle of nowhere, Jigen felt restless enough to kick a hole in the wall.  Better that than Lupin’s back.  Besides, their entire conversation had left him psychologically wrung out, and right now he needed some small distance.  Later he’d have to unbind his chest, too–there was still so much tension there, like his whole goddamn torso was in a vice.  Shoving the pillow under his head and ignoring Lupin’s little “aww” of mocking disappointment, he sprawled out right next to the bed and eased a hand from his pocket to readjust his hat, getting as comfortable as he could for now.  Out of the corner of one eye, he could see Lupin lying back against the last pillow and reaching for his pack of cigarettes, and for the first time all day he couldn’t resist smiling.  “Anybody ever tell you not to smoke in bed?”
“What, are you gonna tell my mommy?” Lupin chuckled, lighting up and taking a grateful first puff.  “‘Sides… thirteen and counting, and the place hasn’t burned down yet.”  And he took a long luxurious stretch across the bed, arms up over his head before folding them under his neck.
… Oh, what the hell.  “Hey, hand me one of those.”
“Thought you hated my brand.”
“Yeah, but getting mine out’s too much effort.”
Without missing a beat and holding his own cigarette away from the blankets, Lupin rolled over to place one between Jigen’s teeth and light it.  It took him a couple of tries—the old fancy pearl-plated lighter had been traded for a cheap Zippo—but that first burst of nicotine was the best thing Jigen had tasted all day.
Better than the cheap beer he’d originally come for, that was for damn sure.
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hecksupremechips · 2 years
💀(I know u have tea and pent up rage let it all out my guy)
There’s been lots of random blogs I get all pissed off about, like the numerous t*rf blogs I’ve blocked or the ppl who say creepy shit in the it tag (cough cough the person who wrote the pedophilia incest fic). But I think I’ll do the ranting about a blog that you’re all too familiar with 🤡. I won’t name drop but I’m sure ppl could figure out easily enough
They made many angry rants about how shipping jesse/lake was super toxic and creepy and I mean, ehhhh. I’m not too into that ship but I’m not gonna argue that cuz it just is a major stretch. It’s okay to just not like something you don’t have to make up shit lol
Bouncing off the first point they were very protective of lake as a character and got really heated if you didn’t see them as a lesbian specifically. Which I can kindaaaa agree in a sense? Like lake is canon butch so when ppl make them feminine it’s pretty shit cuz they as a character don’t feel comfortable with that and it makes me wonder why people are aching to put a butch in girly clothes (I know why but still). I personally like to see lake as a trans guy cuz mostly I’m starved for that shit cuz we have literally nothing and I really relate to a lot of what lake goes through in the season. But hm, I’m not gonna act like that’s the one true way to interpret this character. There’s evidence in the text that can point in many directions. And yeah I have my own hcs for these characters and theres hcs other people have that I don’t like but if it’s nothing harmful or blatantly untrue then I’m gonna mind my own business since sexuality/gender wise these characters aren’t actually anything and it’s all up to interpretation
They said that ace hcs were sexualizing minors and talked over the numerous ace ppl that told them that straight up wasn’t true because THEY HAVE EXPERIENCE BEING ACE
Really hated kez to like an absurd degree and was so peeved at her existence. I think it’s just really funny akdbsks
Acted like god cuz they wrote some of the first b4 fics and they were severely out of character obviously cuz they wrote them BEFORE THE DAMN SEASON CAME OUT AAAA but despite that they popularized some shitty trends in how ppl saw Ryan and Min and definitely popularized shitty homophobia shit in fics. Like I’m so sorry that I think reading these guys say slurs and be misogynistic assholes is severely out of character like bitch just cuz it’s the 80s doesn’t mean they these guys are massive bigots even before they realize their sexualities. And they don’t act like straight dudebros my man wtf. And before anyone says anything I know that it was written before the season came out but I raise my big complaint being WHY DID YOU WRITE THESE CHARACTERS BEFORE THEN YOU DONT EVEN KNOW SHIT ABOUT THEM MY MAN
In the same vein as previous point they were like super mad about how the actual season came out and it’s like oh noooo it’s almost like you built some shitty version in your head of how the show would be and when it obviously didn’t follow through you got all defensive. I mean I’m not saying you have to like the season but you kinda had it coming you know?
That’s all I’m gonna say I gotta get it out before I combust
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 39 - watching notes
How did this show manage to make me care for these characters in about one episode???
Xue Yang is 100 kinds of creepy
How does he disappear like that? That's a power we haven't seen on this show yet
This whole revenge plot is waaay too convoluted to be only about revenge
Ohoh ... this silence is too ominous
I love how A-Qing still has her rebellious streak, even in death
This is too easy ... he won't die just like this, right?
Holy shit his arm!! 😱😱😱
Um ... sorry but, it's really obvious that the actor just has his arm tugged under his clothes 😅
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He's not the guy under the mask???
Who is that and why does he want the stygian tiger amulet???
I was so sure that that was him
Lan and Jin sword style? I'm wreaking my brain right now who has a strong connection to both, but I'm coming up empty
Oh no, a qing :'(
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This is such a brilliant shot! Goosebumps! All over!
And wow
All the awards for song lan's actor 😥
I am ... fascinated by Xue Yang's backstory. Like ... the guy is a goddamn sociopath
With the parallels of his backstory to wwx it's almost like he's wwx without his good heart 😥
So ... all of this is a direct consequence of what happened when they met them in the flashback?
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But this isn't how "human affairs" should go or even normally do! Obviously, xue Yang isn't a reliable narrator at all, but all I want to do is wrap Xiao Xingchen in my arms and tell him that not all his good faith in humanity was misplaced 💔
"Stupid, naive, dumb idiots like you, who think the world is a better place just because they did something good!"
But it is!!!! The world on it's own, without humans, isn't inherently good or evil! It is what it is. Good or evil, that's up to us! In the face of the endless indifference of the universe, every act of kindness tips the scale towards a better world!
(Sorry, my atheism is showing)
And that's why I will always have infinitely more respect for the Xiao Xingchens of the world than the cruel and bitter Xue Yangs.
Oh fuck no
No, this will break him, won't it? 😰
Oh no 😭😭😭😭
Oh no
"Say something..."
Oh god
Does this show want to set some kind of record for must characters severely traumatised in 50 episodes???
When I wrote that I hadn't seen yet ...
He ... killed himself
I am crying so hard right now and I feel like I haven't even really processed the full tragedy of this arc yet
What is Xue Yang doing?
This is so weird. He honestly looks at Xiao Xingchen like he is a doting husband waiting for him to come home
And now it makes sense that he wanted wwx to restore his soul
And why his soul didn't want to be restored ... because he killed himself. He doesn't want to come back 😥
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The way this looks ... that can't be an accident
So NOW he's grieving. Because he can't bring Xiao Xingchen back, can't control him. Xue Yang has such a screwed psychy, it's fascinating ... in a very disturbing way
Wow, he's damaged ...
Oh no ... the candy ... THE CANDY!!!
Holy shit ... what even am I supposed to feel right now? 😨😨😨
Trying to parse that out, I feel like (and this is just my first impressionof thus and my very raw thoughts)... Xiao Xingchen and his kindness they did touch Xue Yang. But he was ill-equipped to deal with whatever feelings they stirred in him, because he had already been so twisted by the world and his own actions. And so he expressed his love the same way he expressed everything: with obsession and the desire to posses and control.
Honestly, I need some more time to really process this ...
They buried A Qing 😭
Oh, Lan Jingyi. I didn't know you had it in you 💚💚💚
Oh god, the Juniors are ALL so soft! 😭
Oh god I want to know so badly. What did Lan Wangji want to say??? "Fortunately... this wasn't us" "Fortunately... you came back to me"? 😭
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Omg ... this is a parallel right? From behind they might as well be song lan and Xiao Xingchen!
Oh song lan 💔
The way he takes the pouch 🥺
And Lan Wangji's look. Maybe I'm imagining too much into this but ... if that's not a man intimately aware of what he's going through
"Roam the world. Exorcise evil beings alongside Xingchen."
I can't guys, I'm crying so hard right now 💔💔💔
Holy shit Lan Wangji's actor's performance as he hands him the sword 😭😭😭
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look at the screenshot up there again!!
I'm ugly crying so hard right now 😭😭😭
Gimme a moment ...
Tge music in the next scene is really unusual for this show, almost jarring after I've just bawled my eyes out
What is that?
An entrance?
Okay no, not an entrance
Who is that????
The Juniors!!!
The scenery us so pretty :)
Waitwaitwait ... I have a suspicion... no ... nooooo? It can't be ...
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The butterfly toy ...
And the comments in the last episode fit, too ... 😳😳😳
The shot of the little flying thing! That's in that restaurant, right??
The comment about remembering stuff from when you're three!
@sweetlittlevampire IS HE A YUAN??? 😱😱😱
I'm crying again you guys
Of course he is! It all makes sense
And omg, lan Wangji with the bunny lantern 😭😭😭
And now wwx remembers A Yuan and... the LOOK!!! The song!!! The bunnies!!!
The smile 😭😭😭😭
"Let's buy it" "Okay"
They're a family, you guys!!!! They're a family and I'm ... so ... so emotional!!! 😭😭😭
So much softness between them!!! 💙🖤💙🖤
And wwx smiles as brightly as before this whole mess and ...
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Holy shit this episode you guys!!!
First I cry out of sheer devastation and now I feel like my heart is ready to burst!
And it FITS!!!
wangxian got the happy ending Xiao Xingchen and song lan never did. They reunited and even though they spent many years apart they have a real chance now!!!
And this, their child, this is the pay off.
I'm listening to the new album by Nightwish (my favourite band) all the time right now and in their song "How's the heart?" Is this line "now there's one who came from me / A child of light, another tale" and I can't help but think of that right now! The whole song is about how it is worth it, going through the bleak times, fighting through your own darkness because there is light and love at the end of it. It's worth it to keep fighting, just so we can keep meeting others with love. And I can't help but think of little A Yuan/ Lan Sizuhi (and god, I'm almost bursting at the fact that I can write that line!!) As their manifestation of that love. Their "child of light" :')
And even with Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan ... there is this slight hopeful feeling of "we will meet again", if not in this life than in the next ...
Guys, I'm so emotional right now
Sorry for the tengant. It probably doesnt make much sense put in writing 💚
I'm so sad and so happy at the same time ... :')
Oh god, lan Wangji with the lantern is so unimaginably cute!!!
And they gave it to Lan Sizhui!!!
Now, this should be interesting
How much does lan Xichen even know at this point?
Ohhh! That was nie Mingjue in the coffin earlier!
Why is he buried in Yi City???
I'm so confused right now!
(But don't tell me the answers. As always, these are rhetorical questions ;))
Ohhh ...
I have a suspicion about the ghost faced man
And apparently I'm not the only one
He has been "discussing" things with you every single night. Aha 😏
Sorry, this is serious 😬
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(This has nothing to do with anything but I paused the stream to type and this was the image I got. I thought i should share :D)
Lan Xichen is so deep in denial
Poor guy
And again with the parallels! There is another Lan who has stuck to someone with a bad reputation and he's standing right there
And jin ling is conveniently reminding us of that 😐
So much drama
That was smooth!
Just, "Wei-gongze" :D
"Don't take it to heart"
I feel like Lan Wangji isn't the only Lan who will suffer an aneurysm from repressed emotions one day
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose and @sxnshot (should I tag you again next ep? No hard feelings if not 😊)
Honestly, this ep was the most emotional one for me so far in terms of the whiplash from pain and joy it gave me, though I certainly cried harder at the Yunmeng massacre. The prevailing emotion is joy now, though. I am such a sucker for mismatched, found families and wangxian and their child of light isn't exactly that, I don't know what is. I'm going to sleep with a smile on my face now. 💚
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nekoabiwrites · 5 years
TVFH Fan Story - Beach Trip
So I was looking at OTP prompts and found one that worked far too well for Relia... and so I wrote this... because I have no self control!
Thanks to @not-so-innocent-bi-sander for being a total babe and writing an amazing fanfic (http://not-so-innocent-bi-sander.tumblr.com/post/169509231801/the-view-from-here-masterlist) and allowing me to do these fan stories <3
AU: TVFH Universe Pairings: Relia, Charizard, Logicality, Prinxiety Words: 3134 Warnings: Sexual themes, implied sex, sexual language, hickeys, lots of hickeys, i mean a fuck ton of hickeys. Anything else, please let me know!
Summary: It’s getting warm and the gang decide to go for a beach trip. While packing, Reggie realises something which lead down a rabbit hole, leading to Julia’s eventual embarrassment. 
“Why is it so hot?” Julia whined for the umpteenth time that day. She was currently sat on the couch, directly in front of a fan in pyjama shorts and a vest top, and yet she was still feeling the heat. Behind her, a gentle snort sounded that grabbed her attention.
“Sorry, do you want me to leave?”
Julia pouted at her boyfriend as he came to join her on the couch, “First, shut up. Second, no. Third, you can’t laugh at me or else I get free reign to do the same to you when it gets cold.” She held up a finger for each of her points, pushing her hand closer to his face all the while.
Reggie grasped a hold of her hand loosely, pushing it down away from his face, “You’ll do it anyway, chaton. Let me have my fun.” He pleaded with her playfully, leaning closer to her all the while before resting his chin on her shoulder.
The woman pouted but sighed in defeat, “Fine, but I still get to complain.”
“Deal.” Reggie pressed a kiss to her cheek, but remained in his position, only moving to wrap his arms around her.
“Noooooooo.” Julia whined again, trying not to move too much.
Reggie grinned mischievously, fully aware of what she was trying to tell him, “What’s wrong, love?”
“Too warm! Get off!” When she tried to peel his arms off of herself, Reggie simply held tighter for a few minutes. It was only once Julia stopped and looked at him with her puppy dog eyes that he finally let her go.
A few hours later and many more whining complaints from Julia, both of their phones buzzed with text messages. Julia grunted and tried to reach for her phone but gave up after a second and pouted at her boyfriend. Reggie rolled his eyes before reaching for his own phone, immediately recognising the message to be from their group chat.
—— Admin ‘Tweedle Dee’ has changed the name of the group chat to ‘The Gayng’ ——
Tweedle Dee: Okay, so Patton and I have come up with the perfect idea for this beautiful, lovely weather! How about a beach trip!!
Tweedle Dee: Why is my name still this?!
—— Admin ‘Tweedle Dee’ has updated their name to ‘Big Daddy’ ——
—— Admin ‘TD&A’ has updated ‘Big Daddy’ to ‘no’ ——
no: HEY! Why can’t I change my name?!
TD&A: No more admin for you.
Reggie laughed aloud, and Julia scooted closer to him to read from his phone. She giggle-snorted after seeing the short back and forth. The rest of the chat scrolled along, and everyone seemed on board for the beach trip, Reggie replying for both of them saying they were in. Within the next hour, they’d all planned to meet up in two days’ time and have a full day at the beach.
The day before the trip passed by as usual; Julia sitting herself in the coolest place she could and complaining infinitely about the heat, Reggie enjoying himself and toying with his girlfriend at every chance he could. Though, by the end of the day, the heat had died down a little to something that was somewhat bearable for Julia which meant she was more than happy to go along with most ideas that Reggie had – especially when it meant having him make it up to her for everything he did over the day, though she knew she was going to be expected to do the same once it cooled down significantly.
Reggie had been slightly responsible and attempted to pack the bags for the trip, but both of them realised pretty quick that they’d need to take a trip to Julia’s place to grab her stuff. They decided to do it that afternoon, saving them precious minutes of sleep in the morning. It was as they were putting everything into a bag that Reggie realised something.
“We’ve never been swimming together.” He said, a note of surprise in his voice as he turned to his girlfriend.
Julia paused mid action and looked at him, “Huh, you’re right… That’s actually kinda weird.” The sudden change in Reggie’s eyes made her stomach sink a little, “What are you planning now?”
Reggie held his hands up in a display of innocence, “Hey, it’s nothing. I’m just curious…” He lowered his hands slowly and practically crawled over to Julia, who was seemingly paralysed by the sudden intense gaze he’d directed towards her, “What does a petite chaton such as yourself wear when dealing with the water?”
The woman flushed slightly, but managed to at least remain somewhat poised, “I mean, it’s nothing special, if that’s what you’re wondering…”
Reggie laughed softly, the exhaled breaths fanning across his partner’s face due to how close they were. The hand that wasn’t holding up his weight came to rest on Julia’s hip, “I was only wondering because you might surprise me.”
It was Julia’s turn to laugh. She’d put the pieces together and was just waiting for him to come out and tell her she was right. As she waited, Julia moved herself a little closer to her boyfriend, stopping just a hair away from kissing him, “Would it be such a bad thing if I did surprise you?”
“Not at all, love.” Reggie lowered his voice to a murmur, “But if you did surprise me, I don’t think you’d be a fan of the possible reactions.”
“Oh?” Julia feigned surprise, her voice matching his in volume, “What kind of reactions are you talking about?”
Reggie smiled knowingly, “You’re not that stupid, love. I know you know what I mean.”
Julia giggled and just barely brushed her lips against his, “But I want to hear you say it, pretty boy.” She half-expected him to actually respond to her when there was a slight pause after she finished speaking, but instead Julia found that Reggie decided to kiss her deeply. It was only brief, but it did leave her just craving more.
“Now, why don’t you show me?” Reggie said confidently, watching his girlfriend intently. He pulled out of her space when she showed signs of actually doing what he wanted, moving to sit on the edge of the bed while Julia walked towards the bathroom to change.
Just before she stepped through the doorway, Julia turned and looked back at Reggie, “Return the favour?” There was another pause before Reggie smiled and nodded. He stood and made his way back down to the bag he was packing before. Julia was evidently pleased with his obedience and headed out to change.
It took Reggie almost no time to change into his swimwear. After throwing his clothes in the wash basket, he moved to look himself over in the mirror. The short, bright orange swim trunks fell to just above his mid-thigh, showing off just the right amount of leg and skin. He spun to check himself from every angle, appreciating the way the trunks showed off his butt so well. It was only a second later that a movement in the doorway caught his eye and he turned to see his girlfriend re-entering.
He was completely unsurprised to see that the one-piece she was wearing was black, rather it was the amount of coverage that caught his attention – or rather what it was lacking. Reggie honestly wouldn’t have expected her to wear tied halter neck, but he wasn’t about to complain as it showed off just that little extra skin. He silently managed to get her to turn slowly, giving him a chance to also see the low-cut back that had several crossing strips of fabric across its lower half as the only coverage.
Both of them took a moment to truly take in their partner’s choice of outfit. It didn’t take too long for Julia to muffle a laugh by biting down on her lip, “I don’t know why I didn’t expect something like this.”
Reggie narrowed his eyes a little in suspicion, but couldn’t help the slight lift at the corner of his lip, “What do you mean?”
“It’s just that this-” She indicated to his only piece of clothing, “-is actually so you and yet, I expected less.”
The man scoffed in mock offence, taking a seat on the edge of the bed once more, “It’s no fun to show off everything all the time, chaton. There’s no mystery if I wear less.”
Julia giggled again and moved to stand in front of him, clearly starting to feel more comfortable in herself as they were still acting as they usually would, “Oh, so it’s for the mystery, huh?” She teased him playfully.
Reggie had clearly had enough of her jabs at him and decided to turn the tables. Before making any comment about her outfit, he grasped her by the waist and pulled her onto his lap harshly. His girlfriend squealed and held onto him tightly as she was moved, making Reggie’s smile grow larger. “Enough about me,” he said as Julia caught up to her surroundings, “How about we focus on you?” One of his hands reached out to her back and ran up the expanse of pale skin, making the woman in his lap squirm slightly.
Julia made a squeaking noise as she wriggled, “Noooo, you know that tickles, stop!”
“So much on show for all to see, yet only I can do this.” Reggie dragged his hand back down, ignoring her squirms. This had happened enough for him to learn her limits and they were nowhere near that yet. He instead focused on the slight darkening of her cheeks as he spoke.
Julia mumbled something under her breath, still squeaking every now and then from the ticklish touch she was receiving, “Shut up…”
The rest of the evening had them forgetting about the unpacked bags on the floor. Reggie was determined to ‘exhaust his reactions now so they wouldn’t come back up later’, though both were fully aware this was one of the weakest reasons either of them had given in order to get them into bed. The swimwear was eventually discarded, thrown back towards the bags that rested at the foot of the bed as the couple enjoyed their evening.
The next day, they arrived a few minutes late to their meeting point for the beach. They appeared with their belongings, only to be greeted by a vaguely annoyed Roman.
“Finally!” Roman huffed dramatically, hands on his hips, “Why are you two late? You better have a good excuse!”
“We just overslept, alright, munchkin?” Reggie patted Roman’s head with a teasing smile, while Julia giggled behind him.
Roman flailed a little in order to knock Reggie’s hand away, “Whatever. At least you’re finally here.”
“Dude, it’s like only 10 minutes.” Julia retorted, checking her phone for emphasis.
Patton cut into the argument before it could go any further, “Hey! Let’s go down and grab a spot!”
Hazel, who was resting against the railing, popped up and practically ran towards the stairs that led to the beach, “Whoever gets there last has to set everything up!”
That managed to prompt Roman, Virgil and Reggie to sprint after her, leaving the others to deal with the things they’d all brought. Thankfully, with their four pairs of arms – one pair of them being Patton’s which could hold a lot of things – they got everything down with little difficultly. They all set foot onto the sand and saw the other half of their group arguing in a huddle a little way away. Patton was the first to reach them, placing the items in his arms down and stretching his shoulders. He was followed shortly by Logan and Charlotte who followed his lead. As Julia came to stand next to them, Hazel pointed directly in her face, a finger hovering only millimetres away from her nose.
“You’re last! You lose!”
Julia blinked a couple of times before pushing Hazel’s hand away, “Whatever, I don’t mind. You guys do whatever.”
Hazel grinned, “Wait, really? Awesome!” She threw her clothes off, revealing her adorable striped pink bikini before running off towards the water. The others took their time in joining the tall woman, taking care in removing their clothes. Julia remained fully clothed for the time being and began to set up the beach towels and umbrellas everyone had brought along.
“Are you sure you’re okay with doing this alone? You know that it was just a joke from Hazel, right? You don’t have to do this by yourself.” Patton’s soft voice caught Julia’s attention. He was looking down at her with a slightly concerned look, as if he was stuck between going out to enjoy himself and helping out Julia.
The short woman grinned, “Honestly, it’s fine, Pat. I really don’t mind. Go, have fun! This won’t take that long anyway.”
“Okay, if you say so. Call if you do need any help at all.” Patton reluctantly left her to set everything up.
Julia was right. It only took her around 20 minutes to have everything set out on the sand, but it did take her significantly longer before she was even considering going to join everyone else. She watched from afar, seeing them all enjoying the water and sun. Due to her watching everyone, it meant she noticed when Logan was approaching her.
“Aren’t you going to join us?” Logan asked once he was within her auditory range.
Julia shrugged, “In a bit, probably. Just kinda want to, uh… wake up and stuff. Gotta also do sun cream and all that. You know, being ginger and pale and all that, I don’t do too well in the sun.” She awkwardly laughed.
The first indication that she’d given herself away was the raised eyebrow she got from Logan, “Are you okay? Something seems to be bothering you.”
Julia tried to laugh it off, “It’s nothing, really. Just, not a big fan of the heat and sun, is all.”
Logan was still unsatisfied. His gaze was almost piercing through her body, trying to pick out every tiny detail of her being, as if he was trying to solve a puzzle, “You’re not telling me the whole truth. I’m not going to press you much further, but you know you can tell any of us if something is bothering yo-” He cut himself off as he noticed something odd about her skin.
The man took his glasses off of his face and reached into his bag nearby for a cleaning cloth. “Julia.” He addressed her, his attention down at his glasses.
“Y-yes?” She responded. It felt like she was getting disciplined in school and it was a wholly uncomfortable feeling.
Logan placed the glasses back on his face before staring directly into the woman’s eyes, “Did you, perchance, happen to stay with Reggie last night?”
Julia practically combusted as her face bloomed red. Instead of answering him, she avoided Logan’s gaze and looked down towards the towel she was sat on. She was acutely aware that she looked like a toddler that just got caught stealing a cookie before dinner, but a part of her couldn’t bring herself to face the man opposite.
There was a sigh from Logan, “I’ll take that as a yes. I will also conclude that you did also stay up fairly late, which explains why you two were not on time. I have only one more question for you.” He paused as the woman looked up at him, clearly embarrassed, “How many marks did he leave on you?”
If Julia wasn’t already entirely red in the face, that question would have been what caused her to turn even redder. She mumbled something about not being able to tell, which prompted Logan to ask her – if she was comfortable – to show him. Not only was it to satiate his curiosity, but he noticed that Julia was clearly starting to get uncomfortable from the heat as she was likely wearing two layers like the rest of them.
She sighed, “I guess I’d have to at some point… better get it over with.” Julia removed her outer layer, revealing not only her swimsuit but a plethora of marks that littered her skin.
It wasn’t only one or two like Logan had predicted in his head, it was almost as if constellations had been made across the woman’s skin. The marks were across almost every part of her skin he could see, ranging in darkness and colour. Particularly dark ones were in spots that normally would be easy to cover up but were completely visible due to the more exposing clothing.
Both of them were quiet as the shock of the sight set in and Logan digested it. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a loud voice from in front of them.
“Oh my god! Julia, what the heck happened to you!?”
Hazel was heading towards them, staring and gaping at the marks on her skin, with Charlotte in tow. As they both got closer, it was becoming more and more obvious what the marks were. Charlotte stopped dead in her tracks, flushing heavily, while Hazel’s mouth fell open further.
Her loud voice had caught the attention of everyone else, who were also now focusing on her. It took varying amounts of time, but eventually everyone was caught up.
Roman and Virgil began to crack up with laughter, both almost uncontrollably laughing. Patton tried to get them to stop as they were attracting even more attention from other beach-goers, though it was obvious he was also amused by the whole situation. Hazel continued to gape while Charlotte turned away, almost unable to look at her friend for much longer. Logan rolled his eyes and huffed at his brother’s antics, apologising for him to Julia. Eventually, everyone went back to their activities, the shock and novelty of the bruises wearing off. Julia assured Logan she would come and join everyone soon, as she really did have to cover herself in sun cream first.
As she went about slathering the cream over her arms, a familiar deep chuckle caught had her pouting up at the figure who joined her under the umbrellas, “This is all your fault.” Julia chastised her boyfriend, continuing to work with the sun cream.
Reggie easily took the bottle from her hands and began to help her out, despite her protests, “I know.” He began to work the sun cream into the exposed skin of her back, leaning forward to whisper into her ear at the same time, “Now everyone knows you belong to me, chaton.” Reggie smirked to himself when he heard his girlfriend’s breath catch slightly and her movement falter for a second. It was really then that he realised how much fun he was going to have.
Characters belong to @not-so-innocent-bi-sander Read TVFH Here! http://not-so-innocent-bi-sander.tumblr.com/post/169509231801/the-view-from-here-masterlist
My other stuff: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/myworks Mobile Accessible Masterlist: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/post/181954641376/fic-masterlist
General Tag List: @not-so-innocent-bi-sander @didsomeonesayprince @llamaly @justanotherpurplebutterfly @iaminmultiplefandoms @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @lowkeyvirgilobsessed @louisthewarlock @fangsandrainbows @xxladystarlightxx @sleepyssnail @ao-koshka @notalwaysthevillian @pumpkinminette
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jimlingss · 3 years
OMG KINA so I just finished reading The End and I was going thru a whole rollercoaster of emotions u truly made me feel All The Feels™️ with this fic!!! first of all, lemme just say u succeeded in going out with a banger bec this fic was SO INCREDIBLY AMAZING I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. LIKE EVERYTHING. originally, while reading I was just jotting down points that stuck out to me but eventually it turned into me basically live reacting bec one thing I didn’t expect was for us to spend so much
time with oc and jin after that crazy whirlwind adventure they went on when they ‘properly’ met?! I thought the fic would end when oc meets jin in the present day but I was so glad for it to continue on into what happens next bec it made me love them even more, and I’m so glad for everything that happened afterwards!!!! okay tbh I don’t really know how to make sense of all the notes I wrote down so I’m kinda just going to combine them, or at least the start of them, bec I feel like it’ll still make some sense if I do that bec they’re my thoughts/feelings about the fic/ur writing in general. but towards the end of what I wrote down it is literally just me reacting to things that happen in the fic bec A LOTTA SHIT HAPPENS so I’ll just start listing them bec idk how else to organise them and I already know this is gonna be a long message sbdkncf. before I start, please just know my heart swooned so many times even when jin and oc were talking while travelling thru time (their chemistry was just SO GOOD to me even from that point) and I also teared up/tried not to cry/failed miserably and cried multiple times even tho I didn’t mention that a lot in my notes, I felt that big lump in my throat so many times okay so that’s how u know the angst really got to me .__. The End was so thoughtful and heartfelt and amazing. I am so so so happy with the way the fic ended tho, thank u SOOO MUCH for writing this absolute masterpiece of a fic!!!!! it truly is such a good final story and I’m so thankful to be able to read it and all ur other fics throughout the years. so many of them have a special place in my heart and I think of them from time to time and reread them kinda often too so I’m so glad to be able to know such amazing fics exist :’) okay just this intro is getting long so lemme just get into listing my thoughts/reactions hehe sorry for how long and incoherent this is about to get but I’m not the best with words don’t know how else to share what I felt while reading this fic, but this is all things that I thought of while reading and wrote down bec I wanted to make sure u knew how amazing this fic and ur writing in general is to me (side note: as I’m sending this, the formatting of this ask is weird and there’s a huge space between this paragraph and the first bullet point for some reason and I can’t get rid of it but idk if it’ll actually send thru like that so if it does pls just ignore that. also I just realised there’s no word count anymore I think? rip apologies in advance for how long this is but I thought it might be easier if it’s all in one ask kjsjdnfn) :
• the dog world reference and when spring meets autumn reference :’) I love when u reference ur other fics
• I just love ur writing so much like it’s so easy to follow and get lost in the description and dialogue and works you’ve created. you’ve really outdone yourself with The End and I’m glad u seem to be proud of it too bec u should be!!!
• it’s so cool how u showed so many aspects of relationships and why some are great and some still may not work despite that and still have their own challenges within the various specific circumstances in this one fic and all the factors that go into relationships too (like oc said: family, compatibility, career, stability, etc)
• it’s such a pleasure to be able to see how much ur writing has improved and to just read all ur creative ideas in fics, both in older fics and newer fics, bec so many of them stick with me and have a special place in my heart. it just makes me want to reread them over and over and I definitely have already and I still will be rereading ur fics for a long time lol!!
• even the lil parts where jin and oc were getting friendlier or acting cuter with one another or when jin was secretly judging these candidates for oc even tho he’s trying to help potentially her be with one of them or even when jin seemed to know something that oc didn’t, it was all so heart-fluttering and exciting to read about I just love the subtleties in stories in general (it’s that show don’t tell aspect I think) and it was so well done in this fic imo!!!
• even tho I like ot7 fics I usually don’t gravitate towards stories like this where they’re all potential lover interests but at different points of oc’s life, but u just made it work so well!! I enjoyed myself reading this fic so much and I feel like everything just made sense and made me feel for oc and jin too and for the different situations oc was in and the emotions she felt within them. it was all different but somehow some similar emotion linked them that made her realise that this isn’t the life she wanted to choose for herself
• when oc found out the truth about jin u wrote ‘Your breath hitches. Your heart stops in your chest. It lodges inside your throat.’ and that’s LITERALLY how I felt. ur writing and this fic in particular made me feel SO many things and I absolutely LOVE when a story is able to do that to me. I adore ur writing so so so much!!!
• I had the fattest lump in my throat trying not to cry and I was just thinking how are u able to make me feel this way with ur writing I’m so in awe of how amazing it is?! how can someone write this well and write a story this good?!
• june 23rd the day of the car accident omg that’s ur blog’s anniversary date right? and ur last day on this blog? damn the parallels make me feel even more sad about u leaving and this whole situation with jin and oc :( they only knew each other for 2 years but from the way jin acts around oc and even wants her to choose a new timeline for herself to avoid meeting him and thus avoid the pain of his death? I can tell he really cares for oc and loves her so much :( HOW THE HECK did u manage to make me feel jin and oc’s chemistry so much when I didn’t even know what they were like when they were together?! again, ur writing is truly one of my favourites and I really mean that!!!
• when it said ‘Salt bleeds from your eyes that still hold the memory of his tender gaze but it, too, has already begun to fade.
The six love letters sit untouched on the table as if nothing had happened.
The silence of your apartment is deafening.’ I was scared oc is gonna forget about jin and this whole night she spent with him exploring possible alternate lives but I’m glad she still remembers when she woke up even tho it’s still painful he disappeared and I wonder if jin will remember :( probably not since his ghost was the one who knew everything after obviously dying but I wonder how oc would be with present day jin, knowing exactly when he dies and I wonder if she’d even tell him about anything from that eventful night?
• omfg as soon as I read that the new transfers from the Fresno branch were coming I remembered oc’s colleague talking about that at the start of the fic and THE DOTS WERE CONNECTING IN MY BRAIN I completely forgot about it throughout the course of the fic until then but I gasped and was like :O perhaps jin is one of them?!
• the way u describe jin’s lil •ᴗ• smile makes me emo for some reason I just love it :’)
• “is there something on my face?” “you’re just handsome” I KNOW OC KINDA DIDNT MEAN TO SAY THAT BUT YYYYEEEESSSS I LOVE IT HERE
• “It’s nice to meet you. I hope we can be good deskmates.” oh jin baby if only u knew
• “But I’m actually terrible with directions. Maybe you could join me and lead the way?” that’s not what u said in France!!!! oc knows u lying but it’s a cute excuse!!!
• ‘A love story with a forgotten prequel.’ omg PAIN... I wonder if jin will remember or come to know of their ‘prequel’ later on or when he dies or if he’ll reappear to oc when he dies ;(
• omg all of these snippets into their life together... usually I don’t like when stuff progresses fast but in this case I already love jin and oc together since their whole whirlwind adventure and it just feels right for them, and knowing what happens in just 2 years, I’m kinda glad they form such a deep relationship so quickly :’)
• ‘When you blow out the candle on the cake, you wish for this happiness to last.’ she got her 30th birthday wish and on her 31st birthday she’s not alone :( I hope this wish of her’s somehow comes true too :( I love her and jin, their relationship is just so cute and comforting and sweet and they’re just so right for each other I want this to last forever for them <3
• u know there’s this thing ppl say that’s like do I like men or do I like men written by women? u truly made me think that so much bec this jin was just so sweet and incredible to me I absolutely love him
• “Let’s look in July.” GIRL U KNOW WHATS GONNA HAPPEN IN JUNE is that why she just wants to stay where she’s always stayed rather than find a new place with jin only to be alone there when he’s gone :(
• the way they keep holding hands just reminds me of their prequel adventure when they’d hold hands to travel to different places/times, I love them so much man ;(
• omg oc is trying to avoid june 23rd.. I was thinking maybe she’ll do that and hopefully something will work out in their favour but idk .... I’m stressed I’m basically live reacting at this point bec it’s getting closer and closer to the date.. I’m scared tho is something bad gonna happen if they avoid june 23rd?? will oc possibly die instead??? what in the final destination is gonna happen I’m so ?!?! lemme continue reading..
• ‘I want her to be with someone who can make her happy.’ HES WISHING FOR HIMSELF!!! HES THE ONE WHO MAKES OC HAPPY THE ONLY ONE SHE WANTS TO BE WOTH!!!! omfg I really thought maybe he’ll get a second chance bUT HES WAKING UP TO THE SIGHT OF HER ON THE 30TH BDAY ISNT HE?! BACK IN THE PAST BEFORE THEY MET AND TO THE START OF THE STORY NOOO
• the way whenever jin looks at oc his eyes soften and his gaze tenders.... PAAAIIIINNN I WANT THEM TO BE TOGETHER SO BAD
• wait so he’s in hospital rn.. is this the period when his ghost and past oc are going on their adventure in the meantime.. and oc picks jin at the end right? so hopefully his ghost returns to his body in the hospital and he wakes up and they can be together in the present and future then? man I’m clinging onto every shred of hope I can for them to end up happy together, if that happens I hope they both tell each other they both know about what happened that crazy night with the 6 love letters
• holding his hand while he’s unconscious :( all this hand holding is just so THEM™️ I love it
• ‘Salt bleeds from your eyes that still holds the memories you’ve made together.’ OMG THE SALT BLEEDS FROM YOUR EYES LINE AGAIN BUT SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT miss kina u are a freaking genius I love whenever u do this in ur fics I just love parallels So Much
• ‘Even if it means the present and future pain, you wouldn’t change being with him.’ AND THAT LINE IS FROM EARLIER IN THE FIC TOO ISNT IT?? omfg so jin never actually died I AM SO GLAD MISS OC NEVER CHOSE ANOTHER GUY BEC IMAGINE IF SHE DID SHE WOULDVE JUST NOT KNOWN HER DREAM MAN AKA JIN kina the way the past and present and future all tie in together is just so genius to me like ITS SO PERFECT BEC IM HAPPY JIN IS STILL ALIVE BUT ALL THE EMOTIONS I FELT BEFORE WHILE WAITING FOR JUNE 23RD FELT LIKE A ROLLERCOASTER
• omg wait so did jin and oc never talk about how they knew the future/how jin’s ghost came to her?? wait miss kina I’m genuinely asking, this isn’t rhetorical lol, so they never tell each other and never know that the other basically knew about what would happen in the future? or they do talk about it and I’m just dumb and didn’t get it lol?
• ‘For the pair of you to be together. Until the end.’ omg I would’ve wished for this too if I was oc and ‘the end’ the name of the fic are the last words of it ahhh idk why that makes me feel things :’)
...this is all kind of a mess I’m sorry but thank u SO MUCH for this amazing fic kina!!!! and for all the amazing fics you’ve posted here during ur time on tumblr!!! I’m truly going to miss ur wonderful writing and presence here so much but I wish u all the best for ur future and I hope you’ll come back from time to time to let us know how u are if u want!! just like how u said ur not gonna forget writing/ur time on tumblr, I will never forget ur fics either and will be rereading them in the future too just bec I love them so much <3 in fact, before reading The End I was thinking to myself I want to reread Sugar and Coffee just bec I was lowkey nervous The End would end really angsty (but I love the way it ended) and S&C is one of my faves and it’s been awhile since I last read it so I might go to that lol!! I know anything I say won’t come close to how much I love u and ur writing and how thankful I am to be able to read it but please know I appreciate u so so so much and I really wish u all the happiness and success in the future too!!!! sorry I’m starting to sound redundant and this got so long, I think I said most of what I wanted to say at the start and throughout that list lol, but AHHH I LOVE U AND I LOVE THE END AND I LOVE ALL UR FICS <333
Holy shit, anon. You wrote me a whole bible and i- i loVE IT!! I am so honoured that you thought so much of my story to write and rave this much about it. I am so speechless and honoured and in awe.
first off, I'm glad you thought it was a banger cause I definitely wanted to leave off with one. I'm glad you gave it a chance and that you liked it even if these kinds of ot7 fics aren't up your alley. secondly, thank you for walking me though your thought processes and highlighting certain sections/dialogue. specific feedback like that is actually the most helpful since it points out what in particular was good. It also allows me to experience the story all over again :') thirdly, it's very nice to hear that my writing has improved since I think my writing skills was pretty garbage when I first started hahahaa that being said, it makes me very happy to know that people cherish my stories as much as I do. it's definitely a pleasure to write for readers like you :')
June 23rd is indeed my official anniversary date! there's definitely a lot of parallels - not only in the story itself, but in real life and from other fics (ie the cameos) haha. also nice catch!! I don't think anyone's mentioned the directions thing yet but jin was definitely telling some white lies to get with OC hahhaha I also want to say it makes me soo happy that you ship the two characters together cause that's what all romance writers aim for!! :D
To answer your question btw, OC never told Jin that she knew the future or how Jin's ghost came to her until after the accident and he wakes up. so the moment he wakes up in the hospital (right before the epilogue), he knows she knows. so they're both caught up to speed essentially.
Anyway, thank you so much. This all really means a lot, so thank you for reading <3
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