#but none of them would have reacted like that if they ever saw a ghost trying to tear a student’s intestines out of their body
forerussake · 1 year
shen wei battering a ghost into pulp with a chair shouldn’t be so fucking hot and yet here we are
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 months
More cave boy? <3 <3 <3
Constantine kept throwing him long looks. Ever since the core test, the British man couldn't stop staring. Sometimes, he would glance at him, look away to shake his head, and then quickly glance back and start the whole cycle over.
Danny wasn't really sure why he was behaving this way. Much less why John Constantine felt the need to send a message to everyone in the magical community a message.
There was a large group of people wearing the most ridiculous outfits he'd ever seen—and his parents ran around in jumpsuits daily—peeking at him from every window, doorway, and, in that one girl's case, a shadow. They all stared at him like a natural miracle was happening before their eyes.
If you asked Danny, the worst part was that they didn't say anything. They just stood there, menacingly, in silence, staring. Bruce and the others had tried to get rid of them, but all the magic-user had done was a scurry to the edge of Bruce's property and camp out there.
He was sure he saw a boy with a cat praying to him at one point. The boy fully bowing low, hand on the ground, and muttering in ghost speech of gratitude for being in his presence.
Danny couldn't figure out why.
Constantine had yet to be evident on the issue either.
The man had been much more focused on explaining why he had been so disrespectful when he first woke.
Apparently, the day they found his cave, he had detected overworld energy in such high density and frankly alarming robust levels. He had assumed that a demon, an evil ghost, or even a trickster god had targeted the alternative version of Bruce Wayne.
Everyone knew the phrase "Get noticed by a higher being" never ended well in any legend, regardless of where the myth originated. Humans have always suffered in some way in those tales—most times, the human's death was the best possible outcome.
It would make sense why Danny had been thrown into a different dimension despite being a mere civilian—or as civilian as a version of Bruce Wayne could be if this was the case. He was worried that the young boy was in danger from forces far beyond human compression and had decked his room with every protective ward he knew.
He had almost demanded Danny be moved to the House of Mysteries since the death covering him had been so thickly layered over his soul. Then Danny woke up, making it evident that he was the cause of the energy, not the guiding light attracting the power like a month to the flame.
Then Constantine figured that Danny had been killed by the higher being who was done playing with him. Whatever happened in that cave meant that Bruce's alternative had lost, and now that higher being was pretending to be Danny.
The reason?
When Danny had first been found getting dangerously close to the Batcave, Constantine had been one of the first Bruce had called for some tests (tests that he was unconscious for while being held in that glass cage). He had confirmed that Danny had no magical power, so they wrote him off as meta.
The second time Constantine saw his unconscious body, he was significantly less human because he had been Phantom for literal days until he passed out. His magic had been reported as such, so Constantine had reacted accordingly, believing that the Ghost King seal was the only deserving revenge for the boy he allowed to perish in such a horrific manner.
He wanted Danny's body back from whatever was pretending to be him when he woke. Constantine just wanted to help him rest. He was not expected to threaten the King with his own seal and apologized profoundly once the confusion was cleared up.
Danny had no idea what the magic trench coat man was talking about. What King Seal? That was the badly done carvings he did with Jazz two summers ago!
What King's Guard? That's just a badly drawn photo of Fright Knight that Dan made!
What King's Cry? That's just a recording of Danny singing badly to a radio song Tucker made!
None of this made sense, especially this royal mystical treatment he received. Thankfully, the Waynes were on his side about it. They still treated him like Brucie, but there was one notable difference.
"You're majesty," Jason said with a mocking bow. "Your carriage awaits."
Danny frowns. "What?"
"Tim finished your ship."
"Oh," Danny stood quickly, a rush of impatience and slight wonder overwhelmingly developing in his chest. He'd been here for literal months, almost a full year. Danny never gave up on his idea of going home, but that was more of a stubborn hope that he would see his world again.
With each passing day, he felt that his home was getting further and further away.
And now, here it was, within reach. He didn't know what to do with that knowledge. Other than race down to the cave with his heart beating a mile a minute. He's so close. So close.
Out of his eye, he spots a woman in the window wearing a strange outfit and pressing her hands against the glass. Her silver bracelets gleam as she offers him a quick smile.
Danny swears he had seen her coming and going through the manor when he was pretending to be simple Brucie- Wonder something- but she now offers him a deep down on her knee bow. He checks Jason's reaction, but seeing that he hasn't noticed, he walks by her with a tiny head nod.
He cares more about going home, not manners.
"Hey Danny," Jason calls, falling in step with him. "I've been meaning to ask. But.....your parents are alive, and everything thinks you're this big shot in the afterlife....are you like me?"
"No, I'm caucasian," Danny tells him while mindlessly changing the arms of the clock that should open the Batcave to him.
Jason laughs. "No, kid. I mean about dying."
Danny squints up at him with confusion. "You're not a ghost."
"No, but I did die. I just came back." Jason tells him with another laugh, but this one is bitter. Danny considers the question, then shakes his head.
"No, I technically never left. I died and lived and died and lived and died and lived again." He makes a circle with his hands. "It's a cycle of being on the line between worlds, not one side completely on any given day."
"You are a god then." Damian comments, suddenly at Danny's elbow. Danny has no idea where the kid came from, only barely stopping himself from screaming as the younger boy puffs up his chest. "Of course, my father would be a god."
"Wait, if Bruce is a god in one world, maybe he has the potential to turn into a god in everyone. That would explain how he strengthens the more people know of him- the more they believe in him." Tim calls from across the cave, where he is typing on the computer.
He pauses and twists around with a look of manic curiosity. "That could mean he passed along powers to his children- Jason, what if Bruce made you a demi-god that day he adopted you, and that's how you came back? That's how all of us come back!"
"The dots are connecting," Dick shouts from the top of the cave, waving his two forefingers around. Danny had no idea why he felt the need to climb high places to do the splits between two rock formations, but he found that Dick tended to do that often. "The Justice League was right....we bats aren't human!"
Danny raised a hand. "I'm not a god. I'm not a King. I'm just a kid from Amity Park who wants to go home."
The others don't pay him any mind, so Danny leaves the Bats to gather around and compare notes. All he can see is the ship resting on a ledge. It resembles Fenton Tech so much that for a second, he feels an overwhelming sense of homesickness.
Soon, he thinks, running his hand on the smooth metal. Soon, I'll be home.
"I call dibs on the godhood of delinquents!"
"You can't just call dibs on godhood, Duke."
"Yes, I can. I have two godly fathers now, which means I have double the demi-god. I'm a mostly-god; I outrank you, Tim."
"I am Stephine, the demi-god of purple!"
"Steph, what does that even mean?
"All things purple answer to me."
As soon as the Waynes focus.
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Part 3 of Ghost Kid in Gotham
<<1 Previous Next
Feral brother of mine
When Damien first saw the video from Todd's helmet he only thought of his older brother as an imbecile that apparently couldn't handle children that was until Drake paused the video on the child's face before the video cut off.
Then Richard pointed out the similarities to Damien and of course his first thought was that his mother had made another clone again that they would need to dispose of. That was until he took a closer look at the image when Drake zoomed in. It was still blurry but Damien would recognise that face anywhere and in any state.
Despite his memory being faded it was the face of someone he never wanted to forget and would let freely hunt his dreams. Even if it was to recall the good times or even the bad times through nightmares. Freckles that mirrored constellations and scar by the ear from a training session when the others' dodging ability had not yet been up to par when they were five. Hair longer than his own and less tameable.
Danyal Al Ghul.
His twin that he killed at the age of eight when their grandfather forced them into a fight to death. This was not a simple clone of Damien himself and the teen was pretty sure that his mother must have lost it. Because what else then a clone of his own brother could this be, she probably must have preserved some of Danyal's DNA if not his entire body for this. He must also applaud her cruelty, for the clone was at the exact age his brother had died at.
He does not know why nor how his mother had managed to cause glowing Lazarus green eyes. None of his clones had ever shown these before but a part of him didn't want to know. It already made him sick enough to know that his mother would go so far as to clone Danyal.
All he wanted was to get rid of this cruel clone that wore his long dead brother's face. The knowledge of his brother was something Damien held dear. It was something that belonged to him only and the burden of his death was not something he ever wanted to share either. Besides what use would it be to his family to mourn a member they never would have gotten to meet.
Even as he glared at Todd, who had let loose the feral clone. He could not bring himself to tell them that this was most likely not just a simple clone of himself.
"Come on guys, there is a child running around the Bat Cave. You can fight later about how to safely keep the boy in check."
Clicking his tongue he turned away from his older siblings and drew out his katana. "<tt> I will get rid of that thing myself."
A thing, that was what it was. Damien didn't need his personal feelings or his memories of a twin that could smile brighter than the desert sun despite their pain, get in the way of his rationality. He could not allow this mockery of his twin brother to live on.
He went for the darker areas of the Cave knowing the league trained mind and he was in luck as he was the first to find the feral child hidden away in the area that lead to the medbay. By now the thing was even armed. Damien recognised the dagger as one of his training once, he probably had accidentally left it out of its casing after training right before patrol.
The ex-league prodigy did not give the clone time to react as he attacked without warning. Chasing it through the Bat Cave as it avoided his attacks yet made no move to attack him the way it had Todd. At times the way it dodged made Damien stutter slightly something that never happened before. He slashed at it, ignoring his siblings that shouted for him to stop from the side lines. Ignoring the flashes in his mind of a fight years ago that was similar yet so different.
"I will not let this mockery run free." He muttered pointing his blade as it hissed at him in return. What a feral thing it was, he waited for it to make the first move this time. Clones were not perfect, their forms were lacking, They might retain skills of their original but they rarely were the same let alone cable of thinking outside of what their creator, his mother wanted. He pointedly ignored anything he new about certain clones. They weren't created by his mother, therefore did not count in regards to his conclusion. Yet it was painful seeing this mockery of his dead brother appearing like a perfect copy.
The stance it held with the dagger, despite the feral hissing and movements, it was the exact same his brother had. Sword stances, like martial arts stances had a basic form, every wielder learned and then developed further into their own unique one with time. Danyal had one where he tended to hold the dagger or even swords backwards in his left hand while his right arm covered his empty side with a slight tilt to the back, always ready to reach for any weapon he would carry in hidden pockets on his back.
It was painful to see this clone, this thing mimicking his brother's stand this perfectly. Damien could only narrow his eyes in determination, or was it desperation by now? This was just one more reason to get rid of it. It just hurt even more when with a quick gaze towards the hand that held the dagger Damien also noticed a bad habit his brother had always retained and the league had also never been able to train out of him. It was a small habit, unnoticeable if you wouldn't look for it, yet dangerous to the sword / dagger wielder if they were inexperienced.
Danyal tended to let his thumb rest against the guard if the blade had one or against the blade itself even if it didn't have one. He knows that his twin used to have scaring on his thumb from this habit, especially from their early training years.
This thing was even imitating his brother's habit.
He wanted it gone. Rip it apart and present it to his mother with all the anger and grief it brought to him.
"Guys stop Damien now! That is not a clone!" He heard Drake yell from where the Batcomputer was but he didn't care. This was a clone, so he lunged at the it again. Ignoring how the clone had studied him like he had it. Ignoring how its stance had changed the longer they had watched each other and how that thing let its guard down all of a sudden.
"Damien! Stop!"
It dropped all defenses and Damien could only see that as his chance to deal the final blow to get rid of it. But what he didn't expect despite the dropped defenses was for the clone to also just drop the dagger, close its eyes and smile. The same smile that still hunted his nightmares. His mind flashed back to eight years ago.
"Demon brat! Calm the fuck down!"
The blade stopped inches from the same fatal placement that had killed his brother before. Drake and Richard were right behind him while Todd was by the clone's side gripping at the blade with his bare hands, most likely bleeding already.
"Why?" Damien uttered quietly, his eyes trained on the thing. Richard must have thought that his question had been directed towards them stopping him but that wasn't the case.
"Look Dami, how about listening to what Tim found out first before we decide what to do with that child?"
"Not you." He couldn't help but snap back at them as he withdrew his katana, hearing Todd mutter something about sharp blades and bandaids as well as several curses under his breath. His eyes stayed on the thing. "Why would you let me kill you? Why drop your defence ces? Why not dodge?"
The thing titled its head its glowing green eyes were trained on Damien and he noticed how they flickered into a blue that was so familiar yet so different with the way they glowed. It made chirping noises before it whispered something.
"ahbak, Dami"
Damien froze for a moment there at the quiet words the thing had whispered. How was he supposed to react now? Was this even a clone, no he knew this was a clone. There was no way Danyal was alive let alone still eight years old. He had killed his own brother, he had held him in his own arms as Danyal took his final breath, smiling at him and uttering the same words he had just heard again after so many years.
Even if Danyal had survived somehow then he should be the same age as him. Not the age he had died at. Besides, their grandfather would have never allowed them to use the pits to revive his twin.
Intentionally or not Todd's outcry had ripped him out of his thoughts by a rather pathetic yowl of pain. It was like a switch had been flipped in the clone's mind as his brother had reached out to probably detain it again. The moment Todd had touched him, the thing had bitten into his hand before letting go, hissing and running away from them once more.
But instead of running after that thing Damien stood frozen in place, his mind still racing. He could feel Richard's hands on his shoulders, grounding the teenager with the warmth they provided. "You okay there Baby Bird? You seem rather out of it suddenly."
"<tt> I am fine." His only offered answer, ignoring the worried looks he was getting as he moved to wipe Todd's blood off his blade. He needed a distraction before his mind became any more chaotic and unreasonable. "What did Drake find out?"
"Right… you sure you want to hear that right now?" Giving Richard an unimpressed stare, the oldest sighed looking over towards Drake.
"Well I got good news and probably bad news." Side eyeing his brother Damien kept silent waiting for him to continue.
"I can safely say that the child is not a clone. His DNA does not 100% match yours. It differs too much but - and this is where it's probably bad news - it matches with you to 45%, with a matching to Bruce to about 50%, same with Talia. If I run a paternity test I am sure it would be a hit for Bruce and Talia."
Damien swallowed taking in that information, knowing what it meant. Was he horrified? Yes. Did it also awaken a strange sort of hope? Also, Yes.
"But there was a third compartment of the child's DNA structure which was impossible to test. It could even corrupt DNA samples if not taken apart from the rest. It probably has something to do with the green specs I found in his blood too. So I ran a substance analysis and - you probably won't like this - but it got a hit from a substance we have recorded in our database."
"What substance?" Damien knew, he just knew he wouldn't like the next words Drake would say. He could feel Richard squeezing his shoulder as if to help him keep stable.
"Lazarus Water. It matched with what we have recorded from the Lazarus Pits."
"Drake, are you telling me that after eight years, my mother who apparently had preserved my dead twin brother's body, dropped said body into the Lazarus Pits to revive him and then drop him off with Todd of all people?"
"Yes, wait… dead twin brother's body?"
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undeadcannibal · 1 year
Can I have some funny/cute Headcannons with if the 141 men, Konig, Alejandro and Ruby walked into saw their s/o wearing some of their  military gear and checking themselves?
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Summary: Headcanons for how the Task Force 141 crew, Alejandro, Rudy, and Konig would react to catching you wearing some of their gear.
Genre: Headcanons
Warnings: none!
A/N: Thanks for the request, Anon! I hope you enjoy these~ uwu( Gif credit: xxx )
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Ghost ―
He’d be fine with it so long as you don’t touch any of his masks. That’s one of the parts of him that he doesn’t want you connected to in any way.
Instead, you’d try on his thigh holsters and tactical belt, having always enjoyed the way they accentuated his waist and thighs.
You do your best to mimic the pattern you’ve seen him use them in. Strapping them snugly around your hips and thigh, pausing to admire them on your person afterward. You’re so caught up in checking yourself out, you don’t even notice Ghost in the doorway.
He’s been leaning against the door frame, watching you go about trying on some of the safer gear he’s left out here and there.
He’d never thought he’d like the idea of a partner of his wearing his gear, worried it’d bring up some memories he’d hoped to keep buried. Yet, after he checks you out sporting his belt and thigh holster, he can’t help but shaking his head. Laughing softly when you finally catch sight of him and whip around to face him.
“I-I can explain!”
“No need.”
As you’d begin to stammer and try apologize to him, he’d roll his eyes at you before settling a heavy hand on top of your head. Ruffling the hair there till it was a mess and you were pouting up at him.
“They look good on you.” He’d comment, stepping in and looming over you as he reached down to tug at one of the straps around your thigh, delighting in the way it wrapped around your leg. He wouldn’t say it aloud, but now he understood why others had a kink for their gear. Ghost thoroughly enjoys the way the straps accentuate your thighs, ending just below your backside.
May ask you to wear some more of his simple gear more often just to see how good you look in it. Has to will himself out of thinking of you whenever he’s wearing the same pieces you’ve tried on. Knowing he looks nowhere near as good as you do despite what you say.
Soap ―
Johnny’s busy cooking breakfast when your curiosity hits.
Quietly entering the room you share so you can sneak over to the spot you know where he keeps his military gear at. At the ready just in case he ever needs to leave in a hurry.
Your fingers trail over tan polyester and vinyl as you stop to examine his tac vest. Glancing over the numerous pouches and compartments for all sorts of tools he used in situations.
With a quick glance over your shoulder, you carefully pick it up. It’s obviously heavier than you expected, but that doesn’t come as a surprise. Soap mentioned the grueling training they went through to get adjusted to all of the weight they had to carry out in the field.
As your mind continues to wander, you find yourself slipping the vest on your person. Turning and marveling at the sight of yourself in Soap’s own vest as you strike numerous ‘strong man’ poses. Knowing that if you had to carry the same amount he had, you’d probably fall to the ground and need help getting back up. Not that that stops you.
While you’re still busy practicing numerous goofy poses with his vest, you hear a familiar chuckle from behind you. Turning to see Soap grinning at you cheekily.
“Aw, why’d you stop, lass? I was enjoying the show!” He’d joke before mocking you by repeating some of the same poses you were doing earlier.
Gaz ―
He was in the shower when you saw some of his gear on top of the table in the living room.
Most of it was stuff you knew you were better off leaving alone, yet... as soon as your eyes laid their sights on his headgear. His cap was well faded and sporting a UK flag patch on the front, as well as having what looked liked a communication system attached at the sides.
Carefully sneaking the cap on and pulling your hair through the back of it for a more natural look, you turned around and promptly made your way to your bathroom so you could check yourself out properly.
After knocking and letting him know you were entering the bathroom, you stepped in and swiped at the mirror to get a better look at yourself.
Of course, the cap was loose on your head from the size difference of you two, but the more you turned around and admired yourself in it, you couldn’t help but grin. Turning your head when you heard Gaz exiting the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist.
Although his eyes widened in shock seeing you in his cap, he didn’t seem put off in any way. Instead, he laughed softly and stepped closer to get a better look at you sporting his cap.
“How’s it feel?” He asked, grinning at you.
Reaching up to the headset, you pretended to use the comms attached. “Sergeant Garrick reporting for duty!” You exclaimed, offering a mock salute in exchange.
Gaz playfully rolled his eyes at your impression of him.
“Next time Price has us doing drills, I’ll make sure to send you in my place, love.”
Price ―
He’s out picking up more cigars he enjoys when you were cleaning up around the house and noticed a tan scarf and hat you’d seen before. Recognizing it as the same two that John often wore when he was out on the field.
You knew you should have left them alone. Or, at the very least, put them away with the rest of his things, yet... You didn’t. Instead, you glanced around - as if you’d be caught and punished - before grabbing the scarf and hat.
Arranging the Boonie hat on your head before the scarf went around your shoulders, neck, and the bottom of your face, you glanced at yourself in the hallway mirror. Noting that the scarf smelled exactly like him as you admired the dual feelings of familiarity and anonymity of the combination.
You can picture Price in your place... His face shielded from both the wind and sand during his missions. Or, having to resort to using it as a pillow in a pinch in some safe house in the middle of nowhere.
The secret knock he’d informed you about could be heard before the sound of the door unlocking and opening afterwards. “Sweetheart! I’m home!”
When you faced him, Price didn’t look displeased or upset with you for wearing some of his gear. Instead, he walked over to you and dropped his shopping bag at his feet. Leaning down to meet you halfway as you leaned up towards him.
“Playing ‘dress up’, are we?”
You’d nod affirmatively up at him before delivering a swift kiss directly to his lips.
Alejandro ―
 It was the morning of the day Alejandro had to leave for work again.
You were helping him pack when you noticed you’d were holding the black sweater he often wore for casual missions. Noting the worn look of the black material that carried the briefest scent of his cologne and detergent now. Having once smelt like musk, sweat, and gunpowder he’d washed it.
He’d left to take a call not to long ago, so you figured now was the best time to act on your impromptu plan. Unzipping the jacket, you slipped your arms through the sleeves and tucked it closer to your form before closing it, the size difference between you two evident now more than ever as you stood there in his baggy coat.
“Mi amor!”
Guess his call had ended just in time.
Alejandro entered your bedroom, pausing for a moment in the doorway as he took in your appearance. The moment it sank in that you were wearing his jacket, you saw his eyes slowly rake over your body. Clearly admiring the view.
“As much as I love seeing you in my clothing...” Alejandro appeared to have snapped out of his stupor now that he’d walked over to you, reaching down to pull you into his arms with a devious grin. “Unfortunately, I need that for work. Mind if I have it back?”
“Hm...” You hummed softly as you pretended to mull the thought over before you suddenly looked up at him with a devious gleam in your eyes. “Nope! If I keep your jacket, that means you’ve to stay home with me. Hah~”
Giving a little growl in return, you gasped as you found yourself being lifted into the air by Alejandro reaching down and grabbing you, settling his hands right beneath the curvature of your ass.
“We’ll see about that...”
Rodolfo ―
“Rudy,” You questioned, slowly walking your fingers over his chest.
“Si, mi vida?” He replied casually, not evening bothering to open his eyes while he rested beneath you.
As sneakily as you could, you’d reached over to the gloves he’d discarded the moment he’d arrived home. Doing your best to quietly pull them on over your slimmer hands before he was peeking at you through his lashes. Smiling when he’d noticed you grinning down at him with a mischievous smile on your face.
“What’s that look for, huh?”
Miming aiming the sights of a gun down at him with both hands, you giggled as you did your best to fake an intimidating voice. Kinda like the one you’ve heard Alejandro use on occasion.
“Special Forces, hands up!”
Scoffing and shaking his head, Rodolfo slowly raised his hands in mock surrender before he suddenly turning his head towards you. Grinning like a mad man before pouncing. Wrapping his arms around you to pull you in for a sudden kiss that had you squealing in surprise.
König ―
wearing a spare mask of his he has back at home
Sitting on top of the edge of König’s desk, you casually swung your legs, eyes closed since he was busy switching out masks. Having mentioned something about his current one being too worn for daily use ever since his last mission.
You could hear the rustling of fabric before something being tossed onto the desk to your side.
“You can open your eyes now.”
After you’d opened your eyes, you couldn’t help looking over to your side to see that he’d tossed his old mask onto his desk. Glancing over to König, he seemed busy adjusting his new mask to his liking. Too busy to notice you grabbing the old, raggedy mask he’d rid himself of.
Unsure what possessed you to do so, you found yourself slipping the mask over your own head. Positioning the stretched out holes where your own eyes were so you could see out of it. Now that you were wearing it, you couldn’t help but have an odd feeling of déjà vu. Walking over to examine yourself in the same mirror König had been using.
Watching you approach, he stared down at you curiously with bright eyes.
“Is that my old mask, Schatz?”
You nodded in agreement. “Yeah, quick question though, hon...”
Hesitating before asking your next question, you tilted your head to the side curiously. Squinting at him with your reflection in the mirror. “Is your ‘mask’ actually an old t-shirt?”
. . .
“. . . Yes.”
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ghostssweetgirl · 1 year
Hello, I hope you are well. 141 men+Konig and Roach.Alex. How do they react when they accidentally see female reader in the city for the first time? And just like that. The reader is shopping at a grocery store. And men do not know her. because they never saw the reader's face. but the reader recognizes them because she has seen their faces before and the reader says. What's up? (name) I'll send you a photo of the reader's gaze. so the reader works on the same team as them but right now it's a free day
Have a nice day :)
Hey there! I really like this request <3
TF141 + König + Roach + Alex Reacting to Seeing the Reader's Face (in public)
warnings: cursing, other than that, none. they think you're pretty 😍
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
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Simon happened to be shopping in your town. No, he didn't do it on purpose. It was just on his way home.
You were shopping as well. You lived in a big city, so it wasn't unusual for you to be unmasked when doing your business. No one here knew you. You were on the pet food aisle, glancing over the ingredients of a specific brand until you suddenly felt a familiar presence walking by along the outside of the aisle. You look to your side and... spot Ghost.
Why was he here? Not like, why was he shopping, but why would he come to your city? It was too many people for his liking.
You watch him walk by, he doesn't give you a second glance as he goes about his business.
You set the bag of food down as you abandon your cart, walking fast to catch up to him. "Ghost!"
He heard a familiar voice call behind him, but as he turned around, he didn't know who he was looking at and how they knew his callsign. "What's up?" you asked, tilting your head at him. He stopped in his tracks, looking you up and down. "Bloody hell are you?"
You nervously laughed. "Y/N...?"
He was in disbelief. Wow, you were quite beautiful. He didn't think you'd be ugly, but my goodness, he was swept off his feet. "Fuckin' hell, kid," he rasped, chuckling nervously, you could tell.
"Sorry, I forgot you've never seen my face."
"Forgot to warn me you were quite stunning, too, darlin'."
Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish
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He heard about this big grocery store from a friend, deciding to check it out. It was also the one you were at, trying to find some new clothes.
In your own little world, you weren't paying attention to the fact you were absent-mindedly taking over the aisle as you were folding a shirt back up.
"Excuse me," a voice called from behind you.
"Sorry," you muttered, moving out of the way. The man gave you a polite smile, and as you made eye contact, your pupils dilated, recognizing your teammate, Soap. "What's up?" you asked.
"Oh, jus' shoppin', nothin' much." You looked into his cart, curious. Some beer, socks, small food items. Also hygiene products. He watched you nose into what he's buying, wondering who the hell this random (pretty) lady is.
You stifle a laugh, looking at the soap in his cart. "Soap." He shook his head, softly chuckling. "Wha's so funny about that?"
You teased him. "Soap! For Soap... Come on, do you not get it?"
For a minute, he recognized the voice but couldn't put two and two together. Wondered if you were who he thought you were.
After awkward staring, you throw your arms up playfully. "Soap! You must not... recognize me...?" "Y/N...?" you continued.
He just figured it out, the way you emphasized his name. "Y/N... Shite, yer... beautiful," he muttered. "Didn't think I'd ever see your face, lass."
Captain 'John' Price
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He was just leaving, checking out with his cart full of his selected items. Damn this long line, he'd be here a while.
You were walking in with an empty cart, eyes glued to the front of you. Wanting to get in, and get out. You take notice of the long line. Sighing in annoyance, you go about your business.
You make your way up to the front, expecting the line to have made progress. Nope, still long. Some person had 3 full carts, and was giving one of the cashiers a hard time. Not to mention it was one of the rush hours of business. You look around to see a bunch of grumpy, tired faces. It was all just regular people, until you saw your captain. You smiled, hesitant to say hi to him, not wanting to be a bother.
"Hey, Captain Price!" you sang. He fixed his gaze onto you precisely, questionably. "What's up?"
He met you halfway in between the queues. "How in the bloody hell do you know who I am?" his voice was low.
"Because... I'm in the task force, silly," you laughed. "Y/N."
"Oh," he said plainly, his body visibly relieved. "Well, kid. Near freaked me out, some pretty lady knowin' my rank."
"Sorry," you blushed. "I'll leave you be, then? See you at work."
"Nice to see ya, y/n," his bright blue eyes beamed as they crinkled from his wide smile.
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You were nearly finished up shopping, when you walked next to Gaz.
You didn't notice him at first, but when you did, he smiled at you with a polite nod as if you were a stranger.
You smiled back. "What's up, Garrick?"
He squinted his eyes at you, wondering how he knew you.
"I'm sorry, remind me of who you are?"
"Y/N, silly," you quipped.
"Oh," he sighed, looking over the features of your face. "Nice seein' you without the mask."
You almost blush, reaching up to soothe your unmasked face. "Thanks. Definitely didn't expect to see you... here."
"It was just on my way."
"Yeah, well, I hope you're enjoying your time off," you smiled.
"You, too, y/n," he smiled back, walking off but making sure to get one last look at you before you walked off, memorizing your face.
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It's been such a long day already, and here you were stuck at a busy grocery store in your city. You usually stopped by here every so often, but didn't think the store would be busy when you came here today.
You were pretty much just looking at useless stuff at this point, to pass time by as the queues were not moving. You sigh as you grew tired of looking at this nonsense. Seeing some queues move, you finally hopped in one. You were in a hurry, and that was obvious, but so was someone else.
You almost bumped carts with this man, and before you go to apologize, you hear his thick German accent being the first one to apologize profusely. "I... am so sorry! You go ahead, ma'am," he muttered.
"König! I am so sorry!" you giggled. "I was in a hurry, I didn't see you there! What's up?" He stuttered, hands nearly shaking at you knowing his name. "I... was just shopping here."
"Are... you okay?"
"Ja... yes, I just... sorry, I don't think I know you..."
"Y/N! I don't have my mask on..." you rubbed your cheek. "Sorry to confuse you."
He was taken aback by how beautiful you were. He was already an anxious man, finally being able to put a voice to a very pretty face felt quite nice, but finding out just how gorgeous you were was making his heart slam against his ribcage.
"I-sorry," you could hear his nervousness, it was admittedly very cute. "You are very pretty, Maus."
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You had gone to the store to get some alcohol, it was one of your days off and you wanted to enjoy yourself.
You went to the aisle, and started browsing.
You grabbed a few bottles of wine, and an extra bottle of liquor for another day and started walking out of the aisle to leave.
Until someone came around the corner.
You smiled as you spotted your teammate, Roach.
"Roach! Hey, what's up?"
He made eye contact with you, and you could tell he was confused.
"Sorry, do I know you?"
"It's Y/N! Sorry, don't have my mask on," you apologized, blushing.
"Oh. I was wondering how some beautiful woman knew me," he laughed. "It's nice to see you."
"Thanks, Roach," you smirked. You bid your goodbyes as you walked off, not seeing him look back at you once more.
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You were stumped on a product, deciding if you should buy it. You started looking around for products that seemed popular, and went with the correct brand.
You were on your way to the front, when you spotted someone you knew. Alex. He was either in a hurry, or just wanted to get to where he was going, but you followed him.
You about lost him, but finally caught up.
"Alex! Hey!"
He looked around at a few people before he looked at you.
"What's up?" you smiled at him.
He stammered his words. "Hi. Who're you? How do I know you?"
You laughed as you playfully rolled your eyes. "Y/N."
"Damn, nice to see your face, lil lady," he chuckled, eyes wide at your beauty.
"Aw, thanks," you replied. "Enjoying your time off?"
"You know it." You both did some small talk before you had to make your way out. You waved goodbye at him, and he returned it with a polite smile, watching you as you walked away.
"Damn, she's beautiful," he whispered under his breath.
A/N - Hope this was good! I've never written for Roach or Alex, so I don't know if I wrote them out well, but thank you for this request and sorry it took a while to get finished! <3
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diejager · 3 months
More crow! Reader please for 141. I just love the idea of an eldritch being choosing and staying deliberately with a pack of monsters below their caliber for the sake of fondness
Crow Pt. 2
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Pairing: Monster COD x Eldritch horror!reader
Cw: cannibalism, human meat, weird Eldritch horror thing, hive mind, tell me if I missed any. Wc: 3.7k Note: I wrote this over a few months, and I haven’t proofread it so a few parts might not connect.
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With the knowledge they now held in their hands, they didn’t know how to react. You were, for all they knew, an ancient being, primordial even, and you were dangerous, much more than the unpredictability of König’s ire or the wildness of Ghost’s darkness. They didn’t know how to deal with the weight on their shoulder when your eyes landed on them, or how to react when they heard you speak to them with that low and raspy voice that you so rarely used. 
After that day in Russia, the saw you more often, rather than finding you at night around your murder of crows, in the darkness of your room or standing beside Price, they would find you in their rec room, sitting beside the open window while petting the body of a bird; you’d meet them in the gym, watching them train and sometimes join them; or you would occasionally sit beside them. You opened up to them, letting the men see what laid under your mask. Price encouraged them to reach out, to ask you questions and to quell their curiosity by speaking to you.
Soap and Gaz were the first to jump to the occasion, their wide eyes gleaming with innocent curiosity threatening to spill over the edge. In the privacy of their personal space, they swarmed you with enthusiasm, Gaz standing to your left and Soap to your right. Ghost was fortunate to be in the room that day, drinking tea from the table while Alejandro and Rudy shared the couch. König and Horangi were deployed off to some remote village to help another company detain their target, and Price was slaving off in his office signing off paperwork. 
While the two threw question after question at you, Soap being oblivious of his wagging tail and Gaz literally glowing with how much you spoke, the three men listened in, as interested in you as the two were. They learned a lot, their minds filled with everything they were given, clinging onto the sound of your voice, that soft rasp from under your mask.
When Soap, the ever-hungry pup he was, asked what you ate, a question that clouded everyone’s mind. They never saw you eat nor had they seen you at the mess hall. Your answer was soft and blunt, empty of fear and hesitance.
“Meat, human.”
You weren’t so different from Ghost and König after all, consuming humans as your means of subsistence. Yet none of them had ever caught a whiff of human blood or meat from your scent, only the strange and sterile musk from your body. Perhaps that explained why you sometimes went dark during deployments, Price only sent you out alone, believing you invulnerable (you somewhat were, old and powerful), you closed off all and any signal to gorge on human flesh. 
What did your mouth look like? Could your mouth open up like those alien-like creatures, where your lower jaw was separated in the middle, breaking open into a terrifying maw filled with rows of teeth? Or were you more human looking, with a small mouth like theirs and sharp teeth like the shifters of their TF? It was a nagging thought that one would have to ask one day, or see if they were fortunate enough to catch you eating. 
Gaz was mostly interested about the birds that swarmed you, the hundreds of corvid that followed you whether it knew you or not, from country to country you always had a feathery companion by your side. Mostly crows and ravens, the black feathers glistening under the light and squawking at him, a hybrid of the same genus as it. 
“I can feel and see through their eyes.”
It was similar to a hive mind, a connection between you and every bird from the same family as crows. You closed your eyes and had the magpie in your hand fly around, its eye moving from one hybrid to the other with an intelligent gleam, a dark and monstrous haze that came from you. You were looking at them from the magpie’s dark orbs. It landed on Gazwho - with a joyful grin - brushed its luscious feathers. You could reach out to corvidae birds, seeking help from them through their sight and ears, using their senses to navigate the world. 
“I can see, hear and feel every bird,” you drawled, hand reaching out of the window for a landing rook. “I feel them as much as they feel me.”
“An extension of ye, aye?”
“An extension of my being.”
Alejandro and Rudy would sometimes chime in, throwing a question from their seat, mostly about your hobbies and preferences. What did you do when you were free? You just sat outside, admiring the weather with a few cooing birds being fed from the seeds in your hands, little round pebbles that you offered from your palm. You also liked reading, dabbing into human and hybrid literature in an attempt to familiarise yourself with their culture and behaviours or watching people conduct themselves through the eyes of your little companions. 
That’s how you came to join the army, the odd behaviour and unusual attitude of most soldiers were excused by their harrowing experience and near-death meetings. You could blend in easier while keeping a slight uncanniness to your being, not necessarily perfect or impossibly broken. You were knowledgeable of military tactics and human suspicion, you were - essentially - a being of madness and chaos, you could sense the swirling tornadoes of malicious suspicion and the violent storms that promised a chaotic end. 
“What did you do then?” This was Ghost’s first question, his slow, yet intrigued tone rising in tone as was his want to know you won over his contained curiosity. 
Faking your deaths every time and laying low for the next decade or so had assured your safety from human cults and pagenistic beliefs who wanted to believe in something greater and deranged. Under different names - none were your true name - you enrolled in the British military and other countries, rotating between the Navy, the Army and the Air Force. Your last enrolment was the British Air Force, under another alias for the past decade until the UN made it mandatory to accept any demands from hybrids and monsters to join their ranks.
When Soap asked how you met Price, you grew pensive, blinking at the question he shot. Then you stared at him, telling him that you couldn’t tell him that story without Price’s consent. You only mentioned him working under you before without divulging to the five men any more information. They’d have to bring it up with the dragon if they wanted to know anything. Gaz and Soap groaned, pouting and whining at the limit you put down on the amount of information they could get from you. 
Then they wanted to know if you dreamed, if Eldritch creatures dreamed in their slumber. If you did, would your dreams be stalked by madness? That dark and dangerous madness that loomed over any person. A creation of human and hybrid minds when they couldn’t understand anything, when reality was outside of their reach. Or, if you did, would they be filled with memories? As often as people re-lived their memories in their sleep, replaying the what ifs that the mind concocted during stressful moments in their lives.
You shook your head, you could neither dream, nor need sleep. Although it wasn’t a need like mortal beings, you enjoyed sleeping from time to time, on days where the night seemed to stretch so far into time that it seemed unending from your seat on the roof. When you slept, you confessed to them that you couldn’t see, feel or ear, it was an endless plane of darkness who reached into the farthest point of your long life, the watery floor reflected back your human - or sometimes monstrous - appearance and the place would be eerily silent except for the echoing drip from an unknown source; perhaps the ticking seconds of your eternity. 
They’d all seen the good and bad in humanity, the horrors that greed and corruption could lead to, but they had less than half a century of experience while you had a millennia of living. Rather than seeing the disgust of their current time, you’d seen the world rise as fast as it crumbled, burned to ash by greed, corruption and selfishness. How could you even stand living around humans? How could you stay so patient towards humans? How could you work and dedicate your last century to them?
“It was easier,” you hummed, staring off at the setting sun, the warm caress of the sun smoothing the darkness in your eyes. “Time changed, it made humans less susceptible to hysteria and superstition. Eating, hunting and catching became harder, scientific advancement made them less… naive, so I adapted. Inherently, I am a creation of humanity’s fear of death and madness. I cannot die without the other disappearing.”
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Soap managed to coax you into joining them, sitting between him and Horangi while Ghost and König sparred, their strength and prowess usually better suited to fight something of similar capabilities. Ghost was deadly if he let himself go too far, his vitriol taking away his ability to see and think clearly, making his powers lash out. It could eat and corrode, break things down to the bones without consuming anything, it felt like a curse at times and a blessing at others. It was a reason why he kept himself covered, from letting a piece of himself wander too far, to let himself grow too comfortable that he might suddenly crack and hurt the people he cared for. 
Ghost guessed it was the same for König, married to his sniper veil - or a big t-shirt at times - and his form-covering clothes, it stopped him from doing something irreparable. He had anxiety, a product of his life-long social reclusivenessfrom bullying. Maybe he would’ve turned worse if his mother hadn’t been so supportive of him, a caring and loving figure in his life when his father was never in the picture. König was a lumbering beast in humans clothes, but an impulsive and instinctual monster when shifted, following his needs and instincts. 
Rare monsters on their own, they spared together only, afraid of accidentally hurting one of theirs. You’d seen them fight, the bloodlust-leading adrenaline that coursed through their bodies while they terre through the field, not only these two but the whole Task Force, beasts within beasts. The power, the accuracy, the teamwork and the trust between them was mesmerising, even to you, a creature who lived to seam discord into the world; it was breathtaking. 
You watched them exchange blows, König pouncing on Ghost, pressing his whole weight on the block the wraith had built up against him. König was tall and broad, but Ghost was broader, his body in a shape of undying and unchanging physique, at its peak with human strength. He could withstand the force of König’s hits, blocking them with his forearms and palms, and returning them with a hit when he broke the Austrian’s stand. 
Horangi was counting their matches, voicing the scores when one of them tapped three times, forfeiting the match. Soap piped up left, right and centre, a flurry of words in Scottish that others would usually ignore or not understand, but with you, he liked going off in Scott. Thank the lucky star you understood him, he practically beamed the day he swore at the sky with jargons that everyone but you asked for a translation. 
It was comfortable, Soap spoke enough for the three of you, Horangi was purring softly beside you and you were simply taking everything in, finding comfort between two of your teammates. You nod and shake your head at most questions, words slipping through your lips on rare occasions where Soap asked something that simple motions couldn’t answer. You liked listening to them talk, it filled the silence you were used to with joyful laughter. You were content with simply listening without talking, yet Soap was an enthusiastic wolf, eyes narrowing with a sly gleam.
“Ye spar, Crow?”
You shook your head, gazing at him from the corner of your eyes, blinking owlishly. You had your reservations as well, more so for the safety of others than yours. Granted, you had a milenia to learn and draw a limit for yourself, to restrain your powers to a tenth of your strength to protect those you grew to care about.
“Aw, why naw?”
“Too dangerous, Soap.”
That caught Horangi’s attention, his eyes and ears straying from the spar to listen to your conversation, not that it bothered you. 
“Can’t be that bad, can it?”
At this point, König and Ghost were brought out of their haze, shoulders raising and skin coated in a sheen of sweat, they breathed heavily as they strained an ear to Soap’s encouragement. Limbs untangling from one another, they leaned on the flexible cords of the ring, amused eyes staring at you three. 
“It can be.”
“Why not give it a shot, yeah?” Ghost piped up, head tilted with his nose pointing up, an amusingly smug grin stretching his scarred lips.
“If not Soap, Ghost or I could fight you, nh?” König continued, who - unlike Ghost - had his head down, blinking lazily at you with squinted eyes, a smile hidden under the shirt he used as a veil.
You were hesitant, staring at them while you mulled over your choices: to either fold and appease their curiosity or to hold strong and reject the offer. But where was the fun in that? They looked giddy and excited, like pups finding out that they were getting treats. Soap was riddled with enthusiasm, leg jumping as fast as his wagging tail, the repetitive soft thuds from his tail hitting against the bench showed how much he expected you to say yes, how much he wanted to see you fight one of theirs. 
You truly wanted to decline, to tell them that you wouldn’t want to accidentally hurt them, knowing that your restraint was practised with ease, but they didn’t know that. You truly did, but with Horangi’s swaying and thrilled tail, König’swide and happy eyes, and Ghost’s soft rumble, groundingly affirmative, adding to Soap’s eagerness, you found it difficult to brush off by their wishes. 
Soap burst with joy when you nodded, pushing himself and Horangi closer to the ring. You jumped over the big cables and into the ring as Ghost moved out, it seemed that the two decided the order even before you agreed. You shrugged off your jacket, you tight shirt riding up your stomach, the soft fabric the same shade as your dark blue jacket. Hanging it on a pole, you turned to face a thrilled König, his body vibrating as he peered down at you. 
It was almost ridiculous how different you were to him. You were neither board nor tall as König and Ghost, you weren’t insanely big and buff like any of them either. You were normal, an average person surrounded with big hybrids. You wouldn’t fault anyone for believing that you were the weakest out of the bunch, seemingly too small and human like to be the strongest, but they knew, most monsters and hybrids had this instinctual fear - ingrained into them for as long as they existed - for monsters that looked too human. 
Horangi was once again nominated as the referee, he repeated the rules, anything went as long as the opposite party’s aware of the three taps for yielding. Hybrids were tougher and more resilient than human bodies, so most restrictions put in place for humans were lifted in hybrid spars, especially in this Task Force. 
At the end of the count, König charged you, his big body pouncing on your smaller and nimbler one. You moved and bowed when he lunged, feet dancing around his loud stomps. He growled, jabbing at you with his right hand and lunging with a left hook when you blocked his hit with your forearm. It was a back and forth motion, he took the offensive position while you stayed on the defensive, taking hits leg and right. After a right hook, you expected a jab, but Königbowed down and kicked out his leg, aiming at sweeping you off your feet. It was a great change in tactic, surprising you with his quick movement. 
You kicked up, hands firmly placed on his shoulder as you flipped over him. Soap whooped at your acrobatic move, moving and jumping around like a dancer - a gymnastic chorus - while König rushed frenziedly, strong hits and wide kicks, his body giving him a wider range than your shorter one. König growled, twisting in a crouch to tackle you down, his body was a weapon by itself. You landed with a grunt, wrapping your legs around him, one under his arm and the other around his neck. His hand latched to the arm you used to guard your throat while wrestling with his other one. 
He cackled in your guard, voice rumbling out his chest as you choked him, lean legs hooking by the ankle to hold his chest down. His legs kicked, kneeling down uncomfortably, choking down a loud snarl. König tried breaking your hold, but you held strongly, using your monstrous strength to keep him down. He tapped your thigh, three soft taps that made you loosen your lock. König rose first, panting loudly with a satisfied purr as he sat, arched forward. Standing before him, you waved your hand to him, giving him help to stand on his feet. 
Ghost had already joined you when you pulled König up, patting the giant’s back as he chuckled lowly, eyes squinted in amazement. 
“Yer awright, König?” Soap asked, still standing beside a clapping Horangi, both tails moving excitedly. 
“Yes, I’m all right.”
Unlike König, you were as winded or tired as he was, your metabolism working slowly and efficiently to survive for so long. It was a good show of power for König, to see what fought on his side rather than against him, but he doubted that you were the only Eldritch being working in the forefront, killing, consuming and hide in plain sight of other human and hybrids. 
“That was Brazilian Jiu-jitsus, wasn’t it,” it was more of an affirmation than a question, Horangi knew well the technique you used against König. 
He’d mentioned it in passing within the few drunken nights where you joined them at the bar, spewing his history of gambling on boxer in the ring, betting who would win for a few pennies to fill his pockets. You rarely used your hive mind on them i their leisure time, respecting their need for privacy and secrecy when you were away —they’d won your trust after a few Ops and proud and boisterous praises from Price. You shook away any lingering thoughts as you watched Ghost slip under the highest cord, entering the ring with tight fists and a mean stare, determined to get you once before he forfeited. Perhaps it wasn’t so bad that Soap forced you to watch with both him and Horangi, you - despite your tendency for your quiet corner and solace in darkness - enjoyed this team activity. 
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You were regretting letting Gaz and Rudy pull you to the Mess Hall, insisting that you’d be left alone in their corner of the cafeteria. People rarely engaged them when they all sat together, whispers of them being too menacing, too dangerous, or too scary for human minds. You weren’t fond of cold and stored meat, the cold destroying any semblance of freshness that recently killed meat brought. It tasted stagnant, blank of any fulfilling aspect your kills had : from the lack of warm blood still leaking from every veins and arteries, to the suppleness of the flesh, it’s soft and flexible texture cutting easily under your teeth. 
You nearly gagged at the first whiff of it, locked under expectant eyes of both your teammates and curious eyes of others who’ve never seen you step a foot in the room. Your first bite was horrendous, your mouth washed with the revolting flavour of cold and stale meat. It was levels under your usual meal —not that you needed to eat, you’d recently eaten a few days ago on a shorter run in Argentina, but where was the harm in tasting military-provided meat when König and Ghost ate it without a second thought. Or so you thought, they’d simply gone numb, not having the luxury to be picky with the taste of their meal. Unlike you, they hadn’t spent centuries hunting for themselves, born into a restrictive world when monsters and creatures ran wild but hidden. 
But you still hunted, it was a ritual that even the world’s government couldn’t stop you, no one would fight one of the personalisation of chaos and madness, many having decided to abide by your word simply out of fear while very few respected your history and culture. 
“How is it?” Alejandro finally join your table, sweat still glistening from his brows as he cut into his steak with gentle and skillful slices.
“Stale,” you blinked, tongue lolling out of your mouth to lick the red stains on your face, long and serpentine, another aspect of your more reptilian body.
They snickered, knowing full well how repulsive it was, sharing their little quips and jabs about the quality of food everyone on base got. A few lines about the chefs being lazy, others of them being awful and some about them being talentless, followed by shared laughter around you, shaking shoulders and bright smiles before the table exploded in chatter, guilefully ignoring the world outside the safety of their bubble. 
Maybe… just maybe sitting - you’d never lay a single finger on these provided meals - with them when they ate would lighten up your world slightly, bring some flavourful warmth if it made them happy that you joined them. You refrained from saying anything, simply nodding at them and giving a small smile that seemed to brighten up their faces, restraining your interaction to a few gesture to stop yourself from feeling overwhelmed with the suddenness of emotions. Th last one who’d stirred your hearts so vividly was years ago, watching over a still learning John Price.
Taglist: @warenai @capricorn-anon @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @dont-mind-me-just-existing-sadly @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @haven-1307 @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @mxblobby @kaoyamamegami @cassiecasluciluce
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emdeerm · 4 months
"Trapped in my Hallucinations"
Inspired by this song
Danny faced a new ghost (or Ghost writer again if you want) that hit him with a ray during the battle.
That ray transported Danny into the DC universe but Danny was told that he will be trapped in his own head and have vivid hallucinations of the thing he wants the most. He had 3 months (the time in DP universe slows down at this moment) to break out of this state, or he will be forever stuck there.
Well, Danny gets dropped in Gotham in the Crime Alley. He is scared, hurt and thinks that everything is not real. He doesn't bother changing out of his Phantom form and gets attention of the Bats very quickly. He just kinda ignores them for a while, too preoccupied trying to return. Hey, they are not real. He didn't want to get attached to some random thought his brain made up.
The Bats are concerned about the random hurt Meta child who just showed up one day, doesn't do anything but float around, hurting himself (pain would help to wake up, right?) or muttering to something under his breath. Look, even Damian started to worry about him. You know it's bad when he is willing to let a person into his home for a bit.
At some point, Danny becomes so exhausted that he de-transforms in front of one of them and just collapses. The bat becomes concerned² and takes the teen to the hideout/cave. All of that took like a week and a half.
Danny wakes up, gets told that he should stay in the manor for a while. He doesn't care much at that point. Not real. If the hallucinations are supposed to show what he wants, then being rich was probably one of those things. All he had to do was continue to work on getting back.
He is as withdrawn from the Bats as he was when he was outside. He leaves the building when he wants and returns when he feels like it, nothing is able to contain him, he doesn't interact with them and doesn't react when he learns that his rich made-up caretakers are secretly vigilantes too. His brain was weird. He was kinda expecting something like that to pop up.
The Batfam are now concerned³. The kid doesn't react to anything they show, give tell him. The only thing he actually does is eat, sleep when he collapses (which takes way longer than one would expect), sometimes saves a person on a street if he was passing by and stargaze from the roof. The boy was frantically looking for something but refused to tell, "you will probably mess everything up even more" he told them once (Danny didn't want to involve his hallucinations. He saw their dynamic and world and knew that if he let them closer to himself, he will probably crumble and stay. He couldn't do that)
They don't know what to do. They weren't able to find anything on Danny. No surname, no school, no parents, no friends, library cards, anything! Nothing existed! Their gadgets didn't work on him most of the time.
Damian was the first one to crack Danny out of his funk. He brought a telescope to the roof when Danny was floating there, complained that his glowing was hindering starviewing and got Danny to talk about space. Danny told him a few stories. One of them being how he was in space once (that one episode with Technus and Valerie). He didn't tell the details. Just said he had been there.
Damian and the rest ran with it like their life depended on it.
At some point, Danny discovered the Lazarus Pit in the cave and began spending his time around it. It gave of Ghost vibes and he was missing them a lot. The Bats were very against it but couldn't do anything.
By the end of the second month, Danny was opening up to them a lot more (look, there is only so much stress a teen can take without support or comfort) and was becoming more and more distraught over it. He didn't have any luck waking up.
He asked for advice once. They told him that this wasn't a hallucination world. He didn't believe them until they brought hard evidence. (None of his rouges ever lied about their powers before. He didn't even think that the Ghost was not being honest). Only 2 weeks remained until he'd be stuck in that world forever.
He wasn't sure if he wanted to return anymore. He loved this family. But he also missed his friends and sisters. (We can add Dan too if you want). He asked for their help.
They began working on getting Danny back
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space-matt · 20 days
More than just a joke
matt.sturniolo x fem.reader
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summary: an accidental confession turns playful flirting into a genuine romance, who would have thought?
request: yes -> anon
author’s note: hii within this request I wanted to add my beloved Niall, but you can choose to put anyone!  hope you like it, let me know ♡
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English is not my first language, if you see grammar and typing mistakes, I apologize in advance! I just ask you not to be rude to me ♡
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As we filmed our regular videos with the triplets—Chris, Nick, and Matt—the bond between us had only grown stronger. The four of us shared a unique camaraderie, and our on-camera dynamic was always vibrant and filled with light banter and playful moments. 
However, during our filming sessions, I noticed that Matt had developed a habit of subtly flirting with me, often accompanied by a bashful grin and a barrage of cheesy, yet endearing lines. Unbeknownst to none, Chris and Nick would exchange sly glances, fully aware of Matt's infatuation with me and his shy, yet charming attempts at flirting. 
Each filming session became a delightful mix of playful interactions, including Matt's endearing, albeit slightly awkward, attempts at romantic overtures.
And, of course, you played along. His flirty comments always made you laugh, and you couldn’t help but flirt back, thinking it was all harmless and in good humor.
Today, you were filming another video, just like any other. The four of you were sitting together in the car, cameras rolling as you prepared to review some funny videos and react to them. But, as always, Matt found a way to start flirting with you.
“You know, this video would be a lot better if we were watching it on a date,” Matt quipped, flashing you that signature shy grin.
You laughed, shooting him a playful look. “Oh, really? You sure you could handle a date with me, Matt?”
Chris groaned loudly, tossing a pillow at Matt’s head. “Here we go again! Do you two ever take a break?”
Nick chimed in, shaking his head. “We should rename this video ‘Matt’s Flirting Hour.’ Honestly, it's getting hard to keep up with you two.”
But today, there was something different in the air. The banter between you and Matt felt more intense, and you noticed the way his smile lingered just a little longer than usual. It was like the whole flirting routine had become second nature, but neither of you seemed to want to stop.
Finally, after what felt like the hundredth cheesy line from Matt, Nick sat up with an exaggerated sigh. “Okay, that’s it. I can’t take it anymore! We need a distraction. New game, everyone. Let’s rate each other’s celebrity crushes.”
Chris, ever the instigator, grinned. “Oh, I like this idea. Let’s see where everyone’s head is at.”
You laughed, intrigued by the sudden change in topic. “Alright, I’m in. Let’s do this.”
Chris went first, of course. “Olivia Rodrigo. She’s iconic, gorgeous, and honestly, she can pull off any look. 10 out of 10.”
Nick nodded approvingly. “Solid choice. I’m going with Billie Eilish. She’s got that cool, mysterious vibe. I’m here for it.”
All eyes turned to you next. You smiled mischievously, knowing your answer might catch a few of them off guard. “Easy. Niall Horan.”
The reaction was immediate. Chris raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. “Niall Horan? Nice. You into the whole ‘singer-songwriter’ thing, huh?”
Nick laughed. “Yeah, I see it. Niall’s a cool dude.”
But it was Matt’s reaction that caught your attention. The smile that had been plastered on his face suddenly vanished, replaced by a look of surprise and… something else. His jaw clenched slightly, and you could tell he was trying to play it cool, but his eyes gave him away.
Chris noticed too, nudging Matt with his elbow. “Yo, Matt, you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost.”
Matt blinked, snapping out of whatever trance he had fallen into. “What? No, I’m fine, it’s just… Niall Horan? Really?”
You raised an eyebrow, a little taken aback by his tone. “Yeah, why? What’s wrong with Niall?”
Matt fumbled for words, his face turning red as he stammered out, “I mean, he’s fine, I guess… but… I don’t know, it’s just… you could do better.”
Chris and Nick both exchanged glances, sensing that something was up. Chris decided to poke the bear. “What’s the big deal, Matt? You jealous of Niall Horan or something?”
Matt looked visibly uncomfortable now, running a hand through his hair as he tried to laugh it off. “I’m not jealous, I just—”
And then, before he could stop himself, the words came tumbling out in a rush. “I just don’t like hearing you talk about some other guy when I’ve been trying to get your attention for months.”
The room fell into complete silence. Chris and Nick stared at Matt, wide-eyed, clearly not expecting that level of honesty to come out of their usually reserved brother. You, too, were caught off guard, blinking in surprise as Matt’s words sank in.
He looked mortified, immediately realizing what he had just blurted out. “I—uh, I didn’t mean—”
But there was no taking it back now. He’d said it. He’d admitted that all those cheesy lines, all that playful flirting, had meant something more to him. It wasn’t just a joke.
You didn’t know what to say at first. For months, you had assumed that Matt’s flirting was all in good fun, just part of the easy banter you shared. You never considered that there might be real feelings behind it. But now, seeing the vulnerability in his eyes, everything started to click into place.
“Matt,” you said softly, taking a step closer to him. “You’ve been serious this whole time?”
He shrugged awkwardly, his face still flushed. “I mean… yeah. I thought you’d just see it as a joke because… well, I’m me. But yeah, I guess I wasn’t joking.”
Chris and Nick, sensing that this was turning into something real, slowly backed away, giving you and Matt a bit of space.
You smiled, a little overwhelmed but touched by his honesty. “I had no idea, Matt. I thought we were just messing around.”
Matt gave a sheepish smile. “I was, but… I wasn’t, if that makes sense. I like you, and I guess I didn’t know how else to say it.”
For a moment, you just looked at him, realizing how much you enjoyed all those little flirty moments you had shared. Maybe you had brushed it off as a joke for so long because you were too afraid to admit that you liked him back.
“Well,” you said, your heart racing, “if it makes you feel any better, I don’t think Niall Horan stands a chance compared to you.” (I’m joking, Niall is perfect)
Matt’s eyes widened, his face lighting up with surprise. “Wait, really?”
You nodded, smiling warmly. “Yeah. I think I like you too, Matt.”
A huge grin spread across his face, and for once, Matt was completely speechless. Chris, from the other side of the room, couldn’t help but pipe up. “Wow. Didn’t see that one coming.”
Nick laughed, shaking his head. “Matt actually did it. Respect.”
Matt turned to you, still smiling but clearly embarrassed by his brothers. “So… can I take you on that date? For real this time?”
You laughed, feeling a wave of relief and excitement wash over you. “Yeah, Matt. I think I’d like that.”
As the camera kept rolling, you realized this video had taken a turn no one expected—but somehow, it felt like the perfect ending.
"Despite their initial teasing, Chris and Nick are genuinely happy for Matt and wholeheartedly give their approval. Following this, the playful flirting on camera continues, but now it is infused with a new genuine undertone that both you and Matt are excited to further explore."
Taglist:  @sturniolosreads @mayhem-72 @dracoflaco @lyzsaphrodite @ifilwtmfc @xoxo4chrisss @soimightlikeoldmen69 @inlovewithmattstur @sturniolobendystrawsposts @tillies33ssss @junnniiieee07 @blackhorses-posts
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howtotwirlaknife22 · 5 months
Hello!! I read that you're taking requests, and I would like to ask for headcanons: what would the GHOSTS boys think or how would they react to (any) user trying to put pacman ghost stickers on their belongings like guns, gear, and such?
Thank you and take as long as you want to write for this, it was a thought I had but have yet to draw or write it<33
Omg I love this idea! I also love this idea because I like to think a few of them (Keegan, Kick and Ajax specifically) were born in the 1980’s when Pac-Man first came out so they grew up with this kind of thing and would totally vibe with it.
CW: none! Fluff :)
Ghosts find Pac-Man merch on their gear:
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So starting off, I def think this man was born in the mid to late 80’s so Pac-Man stuff would be nostalgic for him from when he was a kid.
Keegan notices one of the power pellet ghosts (dark blue ghosts) on his rifle and while he is confused at how it got there at first, he can’t help but crack a smile.
He knew it was you who stuck that on there, and he couldn’t bring himself to peel it off.
The ghost ends up staying there for about 5 months before he ended up losing his rifle in a firefight with an enemy team.
He was slightly bummed after that, he actually liked the little quirk it gave his rifle.
but once you gave him another? He couldn’t be happier about it. He made sure to take extra care of his new rifle this time.
I imagine him to be born in the early 80’s, so he was growing up with it once it came out.
During a ruck through a desert you had been stationed in, you, Ajax and your platoon had settled down for a quick rest.
Ajax felt a slap to the back of his helmet and turned around to see you beaming mischievously.
He raised an eyebrow and took his helmet off, turning the back of it towards him only to see the little red ghost “Blinky” on the back of his helmet.
He thought it was a cool addition to his helmet, and from that point forward he had given you the nickname “Stickers”.
He had the sticker on his helmet before he was kidnapped by the federation, and sometimes you still wonder whatever happened to it.
This man…this man was born in the late 80’s and video games were his SHIT when he was a kid.
He notices something bright and shiny on his laptop one day and he narrows his eyes before he moves in to investigate.
The little blue ghost “Inky” was placed perfectly on the laptop’s cover.
He immediately got so excited, he finally had a good excuse to nerd out and explain how he used to play the games when he was a kid, how he played the original in arcades and eventually on his game boy.
The smile on his face when he noticed the little blue ghost was priceless, and he’d curse himself forever if something ever happened to his laptop specifically because of the sticker.
Hesh was born in the late 90’s, but he was still able to appreciate the old arcade games at the mall or at an old fashioned pizza joint from time to time.
He had left his gear out one day when he went to go and grab something to eat from the mess hall, only to come back to find the little orange ghost patch stuck onto his vest.
“Clyde” he mumbled happily, remembering the name of the little orange ghost. He held his vest up in front of him, grinning at it.
He knew exactly who did it, but he went to go and find you afterwards so he could ask if you had another that he could stick onto Riley’s doggie vest.
He was born in 2001, two years after his brother, so he was also on the tail end of the hype for Nintendo games as they were starting to transition to DS territory.
(Running out of ghosts in the pac man series, saving the best for last so let’s just imagine there’s a yellow ghost for this HC).
Logan strikes me as someone who likes the color yellow (yellow by Coldplay anyone?).
He notices a little yellow ghost sticker on his tablet, and he was a little confused at first when he saw it. He knew the character looked familiar, however he still went to ask his older brother about it.
Hesh had informed him that it was a Pac-Man ghost, and had nudged him with his elbow as he gestured to you who happened to be nearby talking to another soldier.
“Guess who bestowed you with your awesome prize?” Hesh teased Logan. “Sunny.” Logan gently punched his brother’s shoulder at the name he gave him in reference to the ghost on his tablet.
Logan couldn’t stop himself from smiling at the little ghost though.
He looked on at you and cracked a small smirk. How did you know his favorite color was yellow?
Merrick is one of the older men on the team, I imagine him to be born around the mid to late 70’s, so he saw the craze start and end.
But he was never that into video games, so he never really got into the whole Pac-Man craze.
He noticed a little pink ghost painted onto one side of his headphones.
He was livid, not for the fact that someone had painted on his personal property, but mainly for the fact that he received the pink one.
“If you’re gonna steal my shit and paint over it, the least you could have done was given me the blue one. Not this girly one.” He grumbled to you.
“Sir, Pinky is a boy..”
Merrick gave you an intense side eye and had you on kitchen duty for a week.
Eventually, the pink ghost grew on him, and he couldn’t help but smile to himself every time he saw it.
“Y’know, you’re actually kind of cute when you’re vandalizing other people’s stuff.”
Elias Walker:
Elias is another older gentlemen on the team, so he was right up there with Merrick as far as seeing the craze start and end.
Since he was one of the OG ghosts, he gets another power pellet ghost.
He noticed a little blue ghost pin along with his other chest candy on his uniform, and he raised an eyebrow at this.
He wondered if this was one of his two sons doing, until he noticed that they both had a variation of one as well.
He ignored it for a bit until he caught Merrick complaining about his own one day.
You had been caught red handed.
However, Elias was secretly a master at Pac-Man back in his prime and couldn’t lie if he said he didn’t love the little pop culture reference.
He let it slide, and he kept the pin on a little tray in his room, feeling nostalgic of his youthful days anytime he sees it.
Bonus: Rorke
Rorke gets a Pac-Man pin, specifically for the reason that he hunts the ghosts and takes them all down.
Inbox is open, message me with any requests!
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bxlladxnnabxtch · 1 year
A Little While
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Simon (Ghost) Riley x Reader
Summary: After a mission gone terribly wrong, internalizing your mistakes is the only way you seem to cope. Ghost finally decides to intervene when it becomes too serious to ignore.
Pt. 2 to A Minute Too Late - READ HERE
Warnings: Swearing, arguing, crying, yelling, mentions of blood, traumatic situations, PTSD.
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Ghost stared at you from across the table, watching you push the food around your plate like you’d rather throw yourself out of a Helo than actually put any of it in your mouth. You didn’t look up at him, knowing that the only thing you’d be met with was a disappointed stare and you didn’t think you could take any more guilt than you already had. You could hardly sleep, every time you closed your eyes you were sent back to that terrifying moment, visions of your teammates blood splattered across the ground and the never-ending reminder that you failed.
You were almost certain you were going to lose your job because of it, honorably discharged, sent back home to live out the rest of your days as another trauma-riddled veteran. But none of that ever happened, and you couldn’t tell if it was worse that it didn’t.
“It wasn-“ Ghost began.
“Simon- just don’t” The words came out in a sigh that was so exhaustion riddled that Simon didn’t know how to react, silently observing how your hand came up to hold your head, eyes slipping closed. A rage began to burn inside of him at how much you blamed yourself for the incident, eyes narrowing as you blew out another puff of air.
“You didn’t do anything wrong.” You lifted your head from your hand, burning daggers into him. Your jaw clenched; hands balled up by your sides. “I don’t want to talk about it.” You said, frustration straining your voice as you swallowed thickly.
Ghost tilted his head at your attitude, an eerily calm tone making its way into his gruff voice. “The longer you keep beating yourself up about it the more we’re going to talk about it. Soap doesn’t blame you, and neither do I.”
Simon would be lying if he said this conversation didn’t hurt him too. The first thing he saw when he walked in was blood and his heart stopped thinking it was yours. It soon shattered when he saw you leaning over Soap’s barely conscious and badly beaten body, desperately screaming at him to stay awake as you called for an evac in a frenzy. Seeing you deteriorate day after day due to the incident practically broke him, praying to a God he didn’t believe in that you could forgive yourself.
But yet you haven’t, and you were only getting worse.
You stood up abruptly, leaving your plate as you began walking away, but a grip on your shoulder stopped you.
“Don’t fucking touch me Simon.” You yelled, stumbling back as you shoved his hand off of you. He froze when your voice raised, you never yelled at him, and it shattered his soul that this stupid fucking thing you blamed yourself for was the thing to make you break.
“You can’t keep blaming yourself for this.” He said, his voice raising the slightest bit. You scoffed, pushing the hair out of your face. “But I am the one to blame. He should’ve never gotten hurt. I should have been at my stupid fucking post.” You screamed, spiraling, breathing becoming uneven as you felt your face heat up. Fuck don’t cry.
“You were fighting for your life!” He boomed, the empty mess hall going eerily quiet as you stood stunned at his outburst. He didn’t intend to yell at you, but the desire to get through to you, to get you to sleep, eat, fucking live burned more than his concern about you being startled. The tears finally slipped down your cheeks, but you furiously pawed at your face, wiping them away in a panic.
“It was MacTavish that chose to go into that bloody room without any backup. He knew the risks, and he went.” Ghost spoke, his heart shattering all over again at the sight of you crying. He walked up to you, gently pulling your hands away from your face as you stared at him with glassy, tear bordered eyes. His hands came up to cup your cheeks, holding your face with such adoration and care that you could’ve cried harder. He swiped his thumbs across your cheeks gently wiping away the tears that were cascading down your face as he let out a sigh of concern.
“He’s going to be okay.” He said, his tone soft and soothing. “I need you to be too.”
More tears ran down your cheeks at his words, but all he did was wipe them away, shushing you gently.
“Let’s get you to bed, yeah?” You nodded up at him, grabbing onto his hand as he pulled them away, taking it into yours.
With him, maybe you would be okay. At least for a little while.
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rvb-canon-tuckington · 5 months
here are some "quick" rvb restoration thoughts before i go to bed that i may expand upon later, in no particular order:
this movie was ABOUT tucker but tucker is not in it. there is a tucker sized hole. we see tucker only a little bit more than we see donut, but tucker is still there the whole time!!! at the beginning, i was excited for the tucker whump, but does it count if not a single character reacts to the truly horrifying news that their friend has been controlled for a few months by eight or nine ais, at least two of which have tried to kill him and everyone you love before? like even if they had retconned red and blue teams being friends (which they didn't), you're telling me that we never get to see wash's reaction to this news? carolina's? two people who lost a different friend to this exact gruesome process of de-personing? no one ever tells carolina that tucker is in there and no one objects when tex goes to fucking decapitate him? like i get that caboose was the only person to see that tucker was actually still in there, and he can't really be trusted to communicate things clearly, but they could have even just included some sort of discussion where they decide that they think that tucker would rather be dead than be dragged along in this parody of life (and with the way the ais were torturing him, he probably would have agreed.)
speaking of caboose knowing that tucker is still in there - grif and simmons abandoning caboose rubbed me SO wrong. usually if a character is trying not to involve themselves, they'll "run away" to the nearest place to hide, not GET ON A SHIP TO FLY AWAY LEAVING CABOOSE TO DIE AT POSSESSED TUCKER'S HANDS. i get why they (the writers) did it, but that doesn't mean i have to like it lol
why weren't they FRIENDS ANYMORE
where was donut
what was that wash b-plot. what did the wash b-plot add?? what it did: make me feel weird about dr. grey's character, kill doc off screen, and make wash useless in the main plot. what it did not do: make sense. when did wash get injured post chorus? why is he hallucinating, period? why was he institutionalized? (and why is the room number the same as his prison number?) why did they spend so much time on it for it to have no real conclusion? they didn't need to have this weird "wash is hanging onto the past via doc" plot to have the carolina-wash-freelancer ghost heart-to-heart. (also i have never laughed so hard as when i saw the post pointing out that they left wyoming out bc neither my friend or i noticed lol) why wouldn't he know there was a manual way to activate the recovery beacon since he was LITERALLY recovery one? so many questions, no answers. what have you done to my boy, burnie.
the pacing was ATROCIOUS. nothing happened for the first half of the movie, a bunch of stuff happened in the second half, and none of it felt resolved.
where was donut
why was everyone separated at the beginning? why was no one worried about it? where was donut? where was carolina? why was no one worried about where tucker was? had caboose been the lone blue for the few months that tucker was gone and wash was hospitalized? genuinely, my friend and i thought that the reds and caboose had been mind wiped and dropped into their undisclosed locations without knowing why, and the plot was gonna be them all reuniting and piecing together what had happened and getting tucker back. alas.
it felt like it was the grif-simmons-caboose show, which was interesting because that's not a problem i feel like i've had before with this show. even if i saw less of a particular character than i wanted to. they usually have a pretty good balance of characters and this movie felt like they suddenly Realized how many characters they had and fumbled it.
i did actually really like the tex reveal that was BOSS i LOVED IT
i have more thoughts but this is far too long already so i'll save it for later lmao
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sunnyie-eve · 7 months
2 | Pick on
Series: Unexpected
Paring: (Matt Sturniolo x OFC Brock!) (Chris Sturniolo x OFC Brock!)
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: none
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"Colby..." Dani watches him walking towards a door, "How old are you?" She asks as he walks face into the door, "You're not dead."
"It's Jim Hogg's room." Chris reads the name above the door.
"Who's that?"
"I dunno... It says his name on the top." Chris points out for him so they all laugh.
"We got a Big D. We got a Jim Hogg." Nick names then men they have come across.
Matt find the knocker on the wall and plays with it while his brothers tell him to stop, "I've never seen a knocker on a wall." Dani looks at it as he keeps playing with it.
"I like playing with knockers." Sam says making Dani look at him.
"If it takes a lot of effort to get into somewhere, I don't think that's somewhere I need to be." Nick says about the door and the knocker.
"We have a bad reputation of breaking into places." Sam turns the camera to himself.
"Ooh, Nick look it. So many men over there." Chris points out the hall of paintings.
"You need to stop with this immediately."
"Let's rate them one through ten." He adds.
"Is this a pick on Nick video?" Dani laughs as they all make their way over.
"Exactly!" He shouts, "And I don't want their ghosts to be made at me like in an hour."
Nick picks Dan Moody as the most attractive one and they agree he's the best in the wall before they make fun of Beauford Jester's name.
Colby goes to ask do the brothers have roles and they say Matt does the laundry and drives. Nick is the leader and Chris is just there, so Nick says he the creative one.
"Let's tell them about what happened last night." Sam passes the camera over to Colby, "We were standing right in the middle of this area. And our guide screams and looks over to the left, and she saw for the first time ever, someone waving at her. And I look by this little light and a full on shadow passes the light."
"I might have left out I saw the exact same thing she saw last night." Dani tells the group.
"Don't do that stuff." Chris looks at her so she laughs as they head for the elevator.
"I hate the elevators." Matt speaks up.
"Wait, what?" He catches Sam off, "You hate the elevator?"
"We have maybe a little... Ritual to do in the elevator tonight." He tells the three.
"You can count me out." Dani says hearing that for the first time.
"You know what, we can sit out together." Chris pats Dani on the shoulder as she stood next to him, "I hate those two words together."
"Me and Chris have been stuck in an elevator before for like an hour and a half." Matt tells the group, "It traumatized me a little bit."
"I'd cry." Dani shakes her head at the thought as the all pile into the elevator.
"Is this the one we're doing the ritual?" Colby asks Sam.
"No. We can't talk about the ritual."
"Did you just feel the elevator drop like three inches?" Matt asks the group.
"I did." Dani looks at him, "What's the weight limit of this thing?"
"We all just fall to our death." He jokes a bit.
Arriving in the lobby they get with their tour guide, who explains how Driskill was a big cigar guy, so they'll smell it in the hotel. Matt says things are adding up because when they first arrived Dani had the smell follow her around.
They then move to where Audrey saw the person last night talking about her experience, so Dani tells her she saw them too but didn't know how to react so she frozen in place.
"I don't know if I would freeze or run." Chris nods his head before Audrey takes them by the vault and talks about the ghosts that are normally around there.
Heading towards the elevators to go up to the fifth floor Sam asks if there was an specific haunting with them to which they conduct a lot of mischief. Dani looks over at Matt to see the look on his face, "Matt's gonna take the stairs." She chuckles as the all get into the elevator.
"I'm just gonna stand here." Nick stands closely in front of Dani since it was packed tight as she was tightly between Matt and Colby.
"It's okay." She rubs his back with a smile.
"I wonder if we all just sing Kumbaya right now?" Maddy says as they wait to go up but the door just opens again.
"Did we just pressed five and went to one?" Sam asks.
"It didn't even go up, Sam." Dani looks over at him.
"I hate elevators." Matt reminds everyone.
"I think I might join you on that." Dani turns her head to look at him to her left as she rests her arms on Nick.
They press five again but the doors just open again without moving.
"What the f..." Sam says.
"What's happening?" Colby asks.
"I'm about to say F this." Dani looks at the doors so Nick turns around to rub her shoulder.
"Lily are you fucking with us?" Audrey asks stepping out to ask.
"Dani, I might take you up on those stairs." Matt moves his head to look at her so she nods hers agreeing. "If I get stuck in this elevator." He looks over at the camera now.
"You see me though, I'm pressing five." Audrey says but it just opens again.
"Maybe we give her a minute to breathe." Nick says.
Sam looks over at Matt and Dani telling them to stand on the other side to see if anyone of was fucking with them so the step out and watch the doors close.
"We're just gonna leave my sister alone with him?" Colby asks before the doors open again and they them him no onw is messing with it. "You just said these malfunction." Colby tells Audrey.
"We need to try it alone." Sam suggests.
"Dani?" Colby turns around to look at her.
"Fuck you," She makes the triples laugh so Sam tries it alone.
Once it works Audrey tells the group about Samantha being their most known ghosts. She was just about four when she passed playing with her balls by stairs and fell down them. On the fifth floor they were taken to Samantha's painting.
"She doesn't look four in that." Colby stares at it, " She looks about eight."
"Really? I thought she looked four." Audrey looks at it more.
"It's probably the getup." Nick speaks up, "She had a fancy getup on." He says so they agree with him.
"She looks 1894 not 2024." Audrey says.
"That's a lot of hair for a four year old." Colby adds making Dani look at him.
"Dude, I had a shit ton of hair at four."
"You forgot how Dani looked?" Sam laughs so everyone smiles at Colby.
"He didn't care." Chris laughs now.
"He was non observant." Nick joins in making fun of Colby.
"Trust me he never payed attention to me when he was supposed to." Dani crosses her arms eyeing down Colby, "I ended up with a Dora bob and micro bangs just like my dolls. Scissors were off limits for me."
"Chris would've been the one to give her scissors." Nick laughs and so does Matt.
"Honestly, I probably would've found her a buzzer." Chris smiles.
"Thank god I didn't know y'all." Dani laughs as they make their way to the room now.
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rocknroll7575 · 5 months
Wicked Witch
Is this a spoiler?
Nah, just something I thought would work for the Guardian Ghost AU
Jaune, Penny, and Reese were running back toward Beacon as fast as they could to make sure that their win for the Crown was secured, however, before they could get too close, a sudden aura of pure evil caused them all to freeze.
They all turned around as they could feel the massive amount of Aura fast approaching them.
"W-What is that!?" Penny cried.
"It was Jaune, who had already stood before the very being who radiated off such evil Aura, that figured out exactly who it was,"
Jaune growled, "Shit! We have to keep-!"
But it was too late as something landed on the roof of the building they were on, and they all froze in place as he had finally arrived.
When the dust cleared, standing on the roof was none other than Merlot themselves, still wearing nothing more than a tattered black cloak, and pants, and his crown still sat upon his head.
"Merlot!" Jaune growled, "What the hell are you doing here!?"
Merlot chuckled at Jaune, as he looked at the blonde, his eyes completely black and his Iris glowing green. "I told you, host of Ozma... That you'd see something that would break your heart," he said with a sinister tone.
Merlot shot forward at Penny, and struck her in the stomach with his hand, knocking her back and sending her flying through a few buildings. Jaune rushed to attack, but Merlit shot a torrent of green flames at Jaune, knocking him away and almost over the building.
Reese quickly reacted and quickly formed her arms into an X, and crossing both sets of her pointer and middle fingers together. "Spell #1! Grand Summon: The Nightmare of Children, Jabber-!"
However, she didn't finish her chant as Merlot appeared right in front of her and grabbed both sides of her head, and smiled at her and Reese looked at him in absolute fear.
Merlot opened his mouth and something began to emerge out from it, and Reese's eyes widened with horror as the thing appeared to look similar to a cat, but more... decayed.
The thing jumped into her mouth and began going deeper inside of the Skater, and as this happened, Merlot's body began to slowly become more sunken in, as if he was starving at a rapid rate.
Finally, the thing was now fully inside of Reese and once the process was done, Merlot's body fell to the side, now resembling a mere husk of a starved human.
As this happened, Jaune groaned as he slowly got back up and looked over to Reese, who seemingly stood still next to the dead body of Merlot.
Jaune rushed over to her, concerned that Merlot had done something to her. "Reese!" he called out.
Suddenly, Reese began to chuckle as she looked up at the blonde knight, and when she did, and Jaune saw her eyes, he stopped and his expression turned to horror.
"I told you child... you'd see something that would break your heart," Reese sinisterly said.
Jaune backed away in horror, "No..." he muttered.
Reese Chloris stood up straight and smiled at Jaune, her eyes now similar to Merlots, and her grin was wide and feline-like. "What's the matter baby~?" Reese asked, "You don't think I look pretty like this~?" She giggled.
Before Jaune could respond, Reese created a large meteor the size of a beach ball and fired it at Jaune, which sent him flying off the building and crashing into the next.
"The worst situation for our heroes had finally come... Reese Chloris, whose Semblance surpasses most, had been taken over by the greatest evil humanity had ever known..."
Reese chuckled, "Oh what fun this will be~!"
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yuurei20 · 1 year
Riddle Info Compilation part 2: Upbringing (pt2)
At the beginning of Book 4 we see a very subdued Riddle (Grim describes him as “kinda defeated”) in the Hall of Mirrors.
Ace explains that Riddle is not enthusiastic about going home due to “an extreme case of helicopter parenting waiting for him.”
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Trey reminds Riddle that he is not allowed in Riddle’s house and thus cannot bring him any cakes, but encourages him to visit his parents’ bakery, assuring him that Chenya will probably be visiting as well.
Riddle says, “I think…I’m going to try talking with Mother some. I don’t know if she’ll listen, but even so.”
In Book 5 it is revealed that Riddle was ultimately not able to escape his home to Trey’s family’s bakery during the vacation.
We learn a little bit more about Riddle’s upbringing during Spectral Soiree when he tells Ruggie and Ortho that he has had “no exposure to the comic books and video games the rest of you enjoy.”
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Riddle says that his opinion is “entirely grounded in reality” as a result, and that he has “never had much interest in watching or reading escapist fare. Ah, but I have read a great many autobiographies. By the time I was your age, Ortho, I was already reading medical dictionaries.”
Ortho comments that “there are studies that show consuming entertainment media is essential for well-rounded emotional development,” and Ruggie points out that Ortho—a robot—is worried about Riddle’s emotional growth.
Riddle accuses them of ganging up on him, saying it is none of their business.
Riddle insists that while he is not up to date on popular culture he has “read all the classics that are foundational for a literary education. Treasure hunting? Adventure? There’s no point in bothering with stories that have no lesson to learn.”
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Ruggie reacts with surprise, as treasure hunting “is like solving a puzzle,” but Riddle seems confused.
We learn during Book 6 that Riddle didn’t have a TV in his home growing up, and he first tries to opt out of the video game that Ortho encourages him to play on the grounds that his mother has told him that “video games are addictive and can hurt academic performance.”
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Idia mocks him for blaming games for his own lack of self control, leaving Riddle momentarily speechless.
Riddle takes offense, insisting that his grades would never drop just because he happened to play a video game, and Idia successfully provokes him into playing the game in order to prove it.
Vil comments that Riddle playing right into Idia’s hands is “embarrassing to watch” and Azul says, “Riddle’s very bright, but has zero resistance to trolling.”
Later, Riddle says that he has spent most of his time learning magic ever since he was born, receiving specialized magical training lessons at three years old.
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Azul says he must have been quite the prodigy but Riddle explains that he can’t be certain if he ever had any special talent to begin with since his mother “apparently went to every possible length to ensure I’d be an exceptional mage, starting from when I was in the womb.”
Riddle says that grade skipping isn’t really done in the Queendom of Roses, and the private school he attended prior to NRC didn’t allow it,1 which is why he never did so.
He explains, “Besides, you have to be at least 24 to get a medical license in the Queendom of Roses. So I doubt my parents saw much point in me skipping a grade or two.”
Riddle’s education also included dance:
He explains that “social dancing is part of gentlemanly etiquette” and that he has “mastered it, of course.”
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He offers to lead Ortho and Ruggie in a dance to thank them for what they taught him during Spectral Soiree, but Ruggie turns him down in favor of the buffet.
We also see Riddle waltzing with a ghost, and then with Vil.
Riddle explains, “I’ve had an interest in social dancing since I was a child. I learned it from my mother, as part of my rigorous education.”
Riddle says he knows how to behave in formal situations and will occasionally call out other characters for poor etiquette, such as when Silver falls asleep during a party and when he scolds Heartlsabyul students for holding conversations in the entrance to the dorm.
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undeadcannibal · 1 year
Hi! Hope your doing well.
I was wondering if I can have some headcannons of for Ghost, Price and Gaz reacting to their s/o trying to hand hold back tears and slowly starting sobbing in front of them?
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Summary: How Price, Gaz, and Ghost would react to their S/O sobbing. Genre: Headcanons, request(s) Characters featured: Price, Gaz, and Ghost Warnings: None! A/N: Heya Anon, I’m doing well, thanks! Hanging in there the best I can. Hopefully you’re doing well too! I hope you enjoy this because if you couldn’t tell, I’m emotionally constipated when it comes to comforting others, fml. OTL  ( Gif credit: xxx )
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He’s concerned enough to put off all work until after you’re feeling better
Lowering himself down to your level, much like Gaz, he’ll speak soft, encouraging words to you to try and figure out what’s wrong.
If it’s too difficult to explain, or you’re just feeling overwhelmed with negative emotions, it doesn’t matter. He’ll be there for you regardless.
If you want to sit in his lap, you can. If not, he’s there by your side, either letting you sob it out into his shoulder or if you’d prefer, he’s distracting you with personal stories and exaggerated tales he’s heard from others.
If that doesn’t work and you’d rather just cry, that’s fine too.
Price is wrapping an arm around you in a half-hug and resting his chin on top of yours as you sob and break down. Letting the stress out physically.
Sure, it pains him to see you in such a state, but he also understands it’s healthy to feel emotions like that, and even healthier to release them.
I can also see him being the type to get you somewhere comfy like the couch or bed so he can get you to lay down with some pillows and blankets with him.
Will also absolutely shower you with constant praise and sweet nothings during the worst times.
Seeing you holding so much back triggers his empathy to the point he’s nearly crying with you. Yet, he doesn’t want to be selfish and ruin the moment.
Instead, he’s speaking to you in a soft tone, calling your name to try and gain your attention, he’ll take your hands in his own. Stroking his thumbs over the back of your hands as he tries to understand how you’re feeling.
If you can’t bring yourself to talk about it - or don’t want to - he doesn’t press further and instead assures you he’s more than happy to be a support system regardless.
When you start to break down more, falling into an all-out sobbing altogether, he’s cooing soft words to you before asking if he can do anything.
If you want something, he’s jumping up to get it without another word. If you’d rather him be there to hug you, or just be there for silent support, he’s cool with that as well.
Though, part of me personally feels he’s the type to sit you down somewhere comfortable yet secluded, leaving to brew you a fresh cuppa. He feels when he’s at his worst, making and drinking a hot cup of tea helps soothe the soul a bit.
He’s quick to notice you are doing your best to control your own emotions. The struggle was clear as day on your face
Your bottom lip tended to tremble every so often, and he’d catch the tears welling up behind your lashes
At first, he’s unsure of what to do because usually, he’s shit at helping others deal with complicated emotions, always has been ever since his got twisted and reconstructed time and time again.
But, the more he saw you struggle, he’d feel the urge to try and be there for you as best he could
At first, he’s unsure of what to do. His first instinct is to leave so you can have some space, but the more rational part of him stops him from leaving, knowing that just because he likes to deal with his own issues alone doesn’t mean that it’s the same case for you.
The more you begin to struggle, the worse he feels that he’s doing nothing to help you, so he starts off small. At first, he asks if he can touch you, then with your permission, he’ll reach out to hold your hand. You can squeeze it as tight as you want, he won’t let go unless you want him to.
He's shocked when the barriers finally start coming down and your sobs begin to rack your body. Unsure of how to help until he’s just acting on pure instinct.
His hands were designed to deliver pain. And he only knew harshness. But, knowing the pain of having to struggle alone, he didn’t want to let you go through it all alone. Carefully taking you in his arms, he pulls you into his lap so he can stroke your back while you let everything out.
He doesn’t feel intelligent enough emotionally to offer supporting words, but he does sit there with you, hugging and rubbing your back and hair for as long as you need. 
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yjhariani · 2 years
hiii dear!!
how are you? i hope that ur fine:) i really don't know if ur requests are open, please ignore this if it's not. could you maybe make a oneshot about Ghost seeing reader for the first time and he gets to know that she is muslim (how would he react?)and how would their small interaction turn into something more....
Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!!🫶
Thank you!
For the record, I don't think I'll ever open request, but if you send me an ask and I can work with it, I might. Also, if it's Ramadan/Eid related stuff I'll post them during Ramadan and Eid since we're almost there.
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When you entered the restaurant, you found your friend, Gaz, already there with his squad. There was an extra seat on the table.  None of them noticed you until you arrived at the table and took a seat.
“Hi,” you greeted, looking around the table.
Eventually, your eyes stopped at the mask wearing man. You knew this would be the infamous Ghost and you just saw half of his face from the nose bridge up.
Your seat was placed next to him. Facing the wall. It might be because he did not want to be seen by the majority had he sat facing the other side. This way, you would not be able to actually look at him unless you turn your head towards him.
“Uh… this is my friend from intelligence,” Gaz chimed in. “The one I’m talking about. We can call—”
“Me classified because I just broke a bunch of rules,” you cut Gaz off. “I know who you guys are, no need for introduction.”
“You said you have information about the man we’re after?” the captain proceeded.
“Yes,” you nodded and put a file case on the table.
A pause.
“We’re about to… place our orders, maybe you’d like to order something?” Soap offered.
“Are there halal options?” you asked.
The men on the table exchanged glances.
“Elaborate?” Soap replied.
“Something that doesn’t have pork or alcohol. Or not cooked using the same utensils as something that does. Even meat is kinda complicated. I should’ve probably said vegan, it’s easier for people to understand,” you explained and ended it with an awkward chuckle.
There was another halt.
“Um… never mind. I’ll have water,” you said.
“I’m pretty sure I read salad on the menu,” Ghost said, eyeing Gaz as if to blame the sergeant.
“That’s my bad. I should’ve probably told them that you have a religious diet before we picked the restaurant,” Gaz said.
“I’m here to make sure that you’re being provided proper information before you leave, so food is not really my concern at the moment,” you said. “I mean, I could lose my job, but, sure, I’ll have a salad.”
There was a second where you and Ghost were looking at one another.
“So, what’s this?” Captain Price gestured at the file.
With that, you started explaining what you had. After hearing what you leaked, they were quite expressive towards how much they disliked your superior.
The squad started talking with you about your intel and eventually doing it whilst eating. It was hard not to keep looking at the man sitting next to you every now and again because he pulled his mas down whilst he eat. You made sure to give him his space.
By the end of your meal, everything was caught up and they seemed more eager to get their current mission done with.
Before leaving, the captain excused himself to take care of the bills. At the same time, Gaz left to go to the toilet. That left you, Ghost, and Soap.
Ghost tossed the car key towards Soap, telling him to ready the car. Soap eyed the two of you for the first couple of seconds, but took off anyway. When he did, you gathered yourself and was ready to leave.
You looked at Ghost and found him already looking at you.
“Halal food, you’re a muslim?” Ghost asked.
“Yeah,” you nodded.
“I picked the restaurant. If I’d known, I would’ve picked a different one,” Ghost said.
“It’s alright. As I said, I’m not meeting you to eat,” you replied.
Ghost only looked at you after that.
“Well, good luck on your mission,” you said as you stood up. “I better leave, too, else I’m gonna miss my prayer. Hopefully we won’t have to meet in this circumstance again.”
“Thank you,” Ghost said.
“It’s alright,” you said. “Bye.”
You had already stepped away when Ghost called, “Wait.”
Hearing that, you stopped and turned your head around. You stepped back towards the table. Ghost stood up.
“Under different circumstances, in a different restaurant, at an appropriate time, maybe you’d like to, uh… eat with me?” Ghost carefully asked. “I would’ve asked you for a drink, but I know I can’t do that, so—I mean, if you like tea or coffee, that’s….”
Ghost did not get to finish his sentence, but he saw you smiling and nodded once, taking that you understood what he was saying.
“Yeah,” you said. “Totally.”
“Great,” Ghost said. “I can get your number, then? Your name? I don’t know your name. Unless it really is Classified.”
“It is,” you chuckled.
Looking at the table, you saw a clean napkin and took out your pen. You wrote down your number and name as quickly as possible. You gave it to him. He folded it in half and put it into his jacket pocket.
“Thank you,” Ghost said.
“No, thank you,” you replied.
By then, the captain returned and witnessed the exchange.
“Everything alright?” he asked.
“Additional intel. It’s not that important,” you said. “I really wish you guys luck for this mission. Have a great week.”
“Good luck to you, too,” Captain Price said. “Don’t get caught.”
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