#but none of them can compete with his true soulmate
louis-quatorze · 1 year
I like how Strange New Worlds gives us this real sincere and believable Spock-T’Pring-Chapel love triangle but also suggests that none of this matters as soon as he meets James T. Kirk
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What would a cw adaptation of Harry Potter look like?
Having not watched too many cw shows myself (I just hear about their nonsense), I phoned @therealvinelle who made the poor life choices of having watched much more of The Vampire Diaries than I have and watching any Supernatural.
The following is her beautiful response:
So for starters, we merge Snape and Tom's characters. This is because Snape isn't hot, and because Tom needs to be near the kids. Tom still looks like Tom Riddle, and he's a teacher who seduces Hermione. At no point are any thoughts about the fact that he's a teacher sleeping with a student had
Harry is a blond now, and he's also dating Hermione. A love triangle ensues, one where Tom will hover sexily but dangerously in empty classrooms and make vague threats that Hermione find very sexually arousing.
The love triangle is the focal point of this show.
Voldemort is Tom's evil alter ego, who killed Harry's parents over that prophecy. He wants to kill Harry as well, but it's not the season finale yet so he's not actually doing anything about it. Too busy seducing Hermione.
Instead he just does vaguely sinister things, like release a basilisk that Harry heroically saves Hermione from.
He every so often has charged conversations with McGonagall (Who has been aged down and is in her thirties. She's still considered ancient), implying they had an affair once.
Harry and Hermione piece together that Tom and Voldemort aRe ThE sAmE pErSoN.
(Piece together meaning that Dumbledore, who only appeared in the second half of the first season and the show never bothers to clarify what his job actually is, gets a focal episode where he tells them the story of Tom Riddle through flashbacks. Terrible flashback wigs and costumes galore.)
Tom will later, in season 3 where he goes full woobie and we learn that none of his evil deeds were ever his fault, reveal that there's more to the story. That orphanage he grew up in? It was a special school for muggle-borns where they trained a future wizarding militia. Tom was the only one who broke free of their oppressive regime. The other children... GREW UP TO BECOME THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX.
But I'm skipping how season 1 ended. The answer is that Hermione disavowed Tom in the season 1 finale since he was evil, he was too sexy bad boy to care except subtle wigglings of his eyebrow told the captive Tomione-shipping audience that he did in fact care. Harmione shippers think they're all delusional. She then jumped into Harry's arms.
Which was poor decision making on her end, because in season 2 Harry joins the dark side. This lasts for half a season, mostly because the arc featured so much filler. Tom, who was imprisoned in season 1, becomes Hermione's supportive pen pal through this ordeal and she starts to wonder if maybe there's good in him after all.
Sirius Black is introduced, he's a lawyer living in the Muggle world and he was in love with Lily. We get a flashback showing us how sad Sirius was when she married James, and there is buildup for an arc where Harry's paternity will be questioned. This arc is scrapped, and Sirius is written out of the show altogether, never to be mentioned again.
Ginny gets pregnant by Neville. Neville dies tragically shortly afterwards, killed by Harry because Harry is a dark wizard now. This is actually the spinoff door episode to the new show the CW is trying to launch, "The Weasleys".
Neville's death has no real consequences, Harry returns to the light and is forgiven in time to become the child's godfather.
Oh, and can't believe I forgot: they've all been aged up to 17.
End of season 2, Tom escapes prison.
Season 3, we get the whole "DUMBLEDORE is the real villain!" arc. Tom killing Harry's parents in season 1 is forgotten, the show doesn't outright retcon it but it doesn't want the viewers to remember it either.
Hermione is once again in a love triangle, only this time Tom and Harry have both done bad things (but we'll only bring up the 2 bad things Harry did (killed Neville and said a mean thing to Hermione) and none of the 282985204592 bad things Tom did) so Hermione has a hard time.
Hermione also discovers that she's a uniquely powerful witch. She has the power to make windows shatter, candles flicker, and wind blow all about. Everyone is frightfully impressed with this.
Mid-season 3 finale, Dumbledore destroys Tom's body. It's terribly dramatic, but then turns out to only be a mild inconvenience as he is resurrected four episodes later. He's resurrected by Hermione's window shattering powering, she closed her eyes very intensely and bam, he's back.
We learn about the horcruxes, which by themselves are shockingly similar to the horcruxes of the original books. The big change, however, is that this Tom didn't know he had horcruxes, those evil bastards at the orphanage split his soul in the night through ominous rituals (another flashback here). He has no idea where this other half of his soul is.
Season finale, we learn that Hermione is in fact his horcrux. This is why they had so much in common (they don't have anything in common) and why she got through his bad boy persona (he hasn't been a bad boy since season 1!). They were soulmates this whole time!
Harry despairs in the face of this, and he and Hermione have a teary conversation where she confirms that yes, the Tomione shippers won.
He also has a pleasant conversation with Tom, as a bromance has bloomed between the two.
Alas. The episode ends on a cliffhanger, as the door flings open dramatically. Dumbledore walks in, bearing proof that Tom made an Unbreakable Vow to always serve the Order, a Vow that was obliviated from him. He drags Tom kicking and screaming away from a crying Hermione, the season ends with her resolve to find a way to save him.
(Sorry, I'm on a roll here)
Season 4, a year later. Harry and Hermione have been searching ever since Tom disappeared. They've become closer than ever, but apart from three or four moments of extreme sexual tension per episode, Hermione is Faithful™
News of Tom's terrorist actions as an Order member reach them with regular intervals. Hermione remains convinced that he's being forced to do all this and doesn't actually want to hurt anybody, Harry's not so sure.
They catch up to him in Minneapolis (did I mention this entire show takes place in the states? All the actors are American.) and he tells them to stop trying to save him. Hermione, devastated, takes this to mean he never loved her, he was only ever a psychopath playing with her feelings. She tells him as much, and Tom confirms, yeah, he's a cold-hearted son of a bitch (Harry's favorite insult for him).
They break up, and Hermione gets back with Harry. They return to their home city in North Dakota.
At the very end of that same episode, Tom is able to visit Harry for 15 seconds in the form of a specter and very dramatically tell him how he does love Hermione but he's not good for her, better to make a clean break, yada yada. DON'T LOOK FOR ME.
Harry agrees, sure no problem, he can do that. Just one noble bro to another.
Tom nods, thanks for having sex with my girl while I rot in hell, bro.
It is in this same season premier episode that the show introduces the Blacks. Remember Sirius Black? Yeah, this is sexy family.
They become instant fan favorites, and one of them is shipped with Tom (the fans now hate both Harry and Hermione).
Pandering as always, the show lets said character run into Tom. And it's not Bellatrix, oh no. It's Athena, a CW original Black. She's indistinguishable from the original Bellatrix and it's unclear why she's not just Bellatrix.
Tom is ordered to kill her, but they have a moment of truly intense eye contact so he only injures her (the killing curse doesn't exist in this show. Don't ask how Harry got his scar. No really, don't ask, the show never explained it). Shippers go wild.
Tom is eventually able to break free of the Unbreakable Vow through the power of true love (book fans are sobbing, this show gets nothing right), and he returns to Hermione, begs her to take him back. She rebuffs him, and he goes to get drunk at a bar. This is where Narcissa (aged down to 25) finds him. They have sex.
He has a brief fling with her, only to get into a more serious relationship with Athena. This leads to Hermione getting jealous.
We're now dealing with a love pentagon, of sorts. Harry and Tom love Hermione, Tom also loves Athena, Narcissa wants Harry but she has undeniable sexual chemistry with Tom.
The show descends into back-and-forth-ing, and does not get renewed.
The end.
The oddly popular side character that the CW never wanted to be popular at all and keeps having to make mysteriously vanish for half a season so that the plot(?) can avoid being derailed is Draco.
He's super competent but the show will never admit that.
Later, Athena plays this same role.
- @therealvinelle
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itsany62 · 3 years
SteveTony - Alternate Universe
Here are some Alternate Universe fics that I love. Don't forget to leave kudos and nice comments in every fic!
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Food for the Heart, by LagLemon, 14 k >, Cooking, No Powers.
After being introduced to a gourmet food on a budget blog by Pepper (a gift for her elderly, cheapskate mother) Tony starts cooking again. The recipes are good, but the blog owner is even better. Still, Tony isn't so sure Captain America, the guy who runs the blog, can compete with Hot Bagboy, the gorgeous blond who works at the grocery store.
"Free to Good Home" by Captain_Panda, 7 k > words, Alternate Universe - Animals.
"Oliver and Company" AU.
There's a great big world outside the box.
But it's a dog-eat-dog world, and Tony's just one cat. Then a stray dog comes along, looking for a friend.
A Day In Principal Stark's Office, by nannersmelo, 10 k > words, Steve Single Parent, Director Tony.
Tony Stark has his hands full with not only Stark Industries, but also his beloved mother's life project: The Maria Stark Academy, and as he enters his office in order to deal with a ferocious mother whose son was apparently assaulted by one of his brightest students, he was sure this day would culminate in nothing but a heinous headache. Little did he know - he was in for one hell of a surprise.
I Am the Night by gottalovev, 6 k > words, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Vampire Tony Stark, Wizard Steve Rogers.
That's it. Tony is doomed. He rolls on his back, crosses his wings over his belly and closes his eyes. He'll await death here, misunderstood by the world to the bitter end.
C is for Calculus and Compromise, by heydoeydoey, 11 k>, Gifted AU, Post-Divorce, Angts with a Happy Ending.
Steve's just trying to give his prodigy daughter a normal childhood. Enter a meddling school administrator, Tony Stark, and too many lawyers.
tell you my love for you by jelliebean, 22 k > words, Alternate Universe - Normal High School, Based on Love Simon.
A guy at Shield High comes out on tumblr, anonymously. Tony thought he was the only gay guy on campus--not out, because of Howard--and sends him an email.
“Hey, Flying. Same here. I’ve got a secret too, and it’s like I’m hiding who I am, every day. From everyone. All the closest people to me. But I just can’t tell them. I’m gay, too. It feels like I’m putting on this mask, this shell of who I think they want me to be. Even though I don’t think my friends would judge me. I don’t know why. I just. I’ve got a secret. –Shell”
The guy seems great--amazing, even, and then Hammer has to step in and ruin it all.
Mergers & Acquisitions by Robin_tCJ, 33 k > words, Angst, sex as currency.
Steve Rogers is the CEO of the Rogers Corporation, which he built from the ground up. When he learns that Hydra International is making a bid for a hostile takeover of Stark Industries, he decides he has to do what he can to stop Hydra from overtaking the market and becoming an unstoppable, unethical conglomerate. Tony Stark asks for something Steve isn’t sure he should give, but he does it anyway – and it completely changes everything. But when Hydra keeps coming, Steve and Tony realize there’s more to this than they’d realized.
Meeting the Monsters by itsallAvengers, 23 k > words, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters.
Tony's at public school with kids his age for the first time in seventeen years, and he is determined that this year is gonna be his year. He's going to make friends. He's going to be popular. People will like him.
Unsurprisngly, none of that actually happens.
He does sort-of-maybe fall in love with a vampire in his class that everyone is terrified of, though. So... there's that.
(I Want You To See) The Darkest Side Of Me by ann2who, 45 k > words, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Fusion, Post-World War II.
In Monte Carlo, Steve meets the wealthy widower Anthony Stark. It’s love at first sight—at least for Steve—and he can’t believe his luck when Tony asks him to live at Stark Mansion, his large estate in Malibu. Never in his life had Steve thought something like this was possible… never had he been this happy. However, soon Steve realizes that Tony is still deeply troubled by the death of his first wife and haunted by the many ghosts she left behind. The longer Steve lives in her shadow, the more he understands that… He can never be what Tony’s wife had once been for him. And Tony might never truly love him.
Gift With Purchase Remix by sabrecmc, 43 k > words, Alternate Universe - No Powers, hooker Steve, Sugar Daddy.
Gift With Purchase Remix wherein Steve actually is a hooker. But for a Really Sympathetic Reason.
The Little Glass Screwdriver by ann2who, 19 k > words, Cinderella AU.
When Prince Steven is forced to find himself a bride, true love gets in the way. As the night of the grand ball unfolds, the prince meets a mysterious knight who might just change his entire life in a way he could have never imagined.
**Cinderella AU**
Covered in Lines by royal_chandler, 3 k > words, Alternate Universe - Student/Teacher, Alternate Universe - College/University, Age Difference.
He can’t lose sight of pale, deft hands that gesture on transitive verbs, an ink-stained thumb edging underneath Tony’s ribcage with an affection that can only be called dangerous.
half-wild and glimmering by deathsweetqueen , 15 k > words, Alternate Universe - Western, Prostitution.
“Give me a drink, Tasha,” Tony sighs as he lands in front of the bar. “I’ve had one hell of a day.”
Natasha raises an eyebrow. “Have you really?” she asks, loftily, sliding a tumbler of whiskey along the well-polished wood.
Tony lets his head hang, the sweat beading on the back of his neck. “You wouldn’t believe what I’ve had to put myself through today,” he sighs, wearily.
“I would not know. You will not let me work the rooms,” Natasha retorts, her voice a little strained, busying her hands in a dirty glass.
“I don’t let you work the rooms ‘cause you’re liable to kill anyone who touches ya the wrong way and we can’t lose that much of our business,” Tony reminds her, wryly amused, sipping at his whiskey. He shakes his head at the burn. “We peddle flesh, darling, not death.”
peers, fears and holiday cheers by jacobby, 24 k > words, Parent Tony Stark.
“He’s only two years older than you,” Tony finally says when the silence becomes too much to bear.
“Dad, Teddy is turning twenty-seven next year.”
“I am not dating your husband—”
“I’m not implying you are. I just want you to be...aware that he’s practically the same age as my husband.”
Tony Stark's new boyfriend is only two years older than his adult sons. Telling them is one thing, introducing them is another. What Tony doesn't expect is that the past always has a way of catching up to him, of biting him in the ass when he least expects it. Well, at least they're all together for the Holidays. What more can he ask for?
A Higher Form of War by sabrecmc, 292 k > words, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Historical Romance.
Tony is a King with a surprising number of people out to kill him. Steve and the rest of the Avengers are fighting for Pierce's rebellion and end up with Tony as their prisoner. Oops.
you can call me babe for the weekend by complicationstoo, 10 k > words, Alternate Universe - No Powers, actor Tony Stark.
Tony left his small town for Los Angeles after high school, leaving behind everything to pursue his dream. Ten years later, he comes back for the first time and finds that some things are impossible to let go of.
Lord, What Fools These Mortals Be by iam93percentstardust, 72 k > words, Alternate Universe - Theatre.
Famed director Phil Coulson brings Shakespeare’s beloved play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, to Broadway. This production though comes with a twist: a brief but passionate love affair between the faerie king, Oberon, and his attendant, Puck. In the roles of the two star-crossed lovers, Coulson casts America’s darling Steve Rogers, fresh off his third Academy Award, and Broadway royalty, Tony Stark. Steve quickly finds himself falling for the quick-witted and sarcastic actor but Tony is dating the stage manager. Unwilling to come between the seemingly happy couple, Steve steps back but all isn’t right behind the scenes and Tony may need him when everything falls apart.
and so we rebuild by raeldaza, 26 k > words, Alternate Universe - Star Trek Fusion, Soulmates, Mutual Pining.
Sometimes, a voice whispers: you will never atone for your mistakes.
Tony believes that, believes it so strongly some days he drowns in it, but he still tries. Tries through Starfleet, tries through inventions, tries through missions. Then, one day, he meets his new Captain, and things change.
and teach this heart (how to beat with light), by starklystar, 40 k >, AU Hospital, Single parent Steve.
Eight years ago, at a funeral with a baby's cries ringing in his ears, Tony Stark decided to turn his life around. He's a genius, billionaire, philanthropist. What's so hard to adding 'doctor' to that list? And after that, it can't be that hard to add 'husband' and 'father' too, right? But the past has a way of haunting even the very best of us, and in any universe, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers have never had an easy love.
Featuring: drama, chaos, Peter's scheming, meddling friends, and doctors learning again that the heart can never be as simple as four chambers and four valves.
Catching Lightning in a Bottle by sabrecmc, 120 k > words, Alternate Universe - Sweet Home Alabama Fusion.
College student Tony meets janitor Steve at MIT and they fall blissfully in love, until Howard happens and things fall apart. One divorce paperwork snafu courtesy of the ever-helpful Jarvis, and ten years later, Tony has to get re-divorced from Steve.
This does not go as he imagines.
Or, the Sweet Home Alabama AU that no one--well, okay, a few of you--asked for.
The Night Shift by weethreequarter , 16 k > words, Alternate Universe - Hospital.
Welcome to the Emergency Department of San Antonio General where Dr. Tony Stark joins the team fresh from his most recent tour in Afghanistan and - much to the consternation of the other staff - strikes up an instant rapport with Nurse Steve Rogers. Meanwhile, new resident Bruce Banner refuses to give up on his patient, and Dr. Sharon Carter learns something from her own patients. Throw in a pissed off hospital administrator, Clint using the coffee pot as a mug again, and a major car crash and you have, well, just another night shift.
Cake It Till You Make It by ChocolateCapCookie, 10 k > words, Kid Fic, Alternate Universe - Bakery.
Steve Rogers and Tony Stark have a lot in common. They're single parents, they own rival bakeries at the center of town... and they both hate each other's guts.
When a mix-up at Peter and Morgan's school has both fathers scrambling to prove they're the better baker, they do the mature, adult thing and compete in a bake-off. Between the mixing and the creaming, the baking and the icing, Steve and Tony find that hate is actually not that far from love.
Looking for Heaven by foxxcub, 31 k > words, Alternate Universe - Regency, Marriage of Convenience.
When young Lord Anthony Stark learns Steven Rogers has enlisted in the army, he thinks he's seen the last of his tiny, headstrong, haughty stable boy. But four years later, Lord Stark gets an unexpected visit from Steve, whose mother has fallen gravely ill and into financial ruin. Even more unexpected, Steve agrees to a shocking proposal: they will marry, giving Steve the necessary funds to save his mother, and Tony the much-needed reprieve from harassing would-be suitors. It is a business arrangement, nothing more. But as time goes on and circumstances arise, Tony begins to learn that keeping his heart away from his husband is easier said than done.
just a guy, standing in front of another guy by theappleppielifestyle, 12 k > words.
“It’s not real,” Tony says, still smiling, jaw twitching with effort. “The fame. It’s - I’m just a guy."
(Or, Notting Hill AU, with a twist.)
Mother of Exiles (A Titanic AU) by BladeoftheNebula, 21 k > words, Alternate Universe - Titanic Fusion.
“You’ll never guess what just happened!” Steve said, taking a deep breath to try and calm his breathing. “I met someone. A guy from first class.”
Dublin 1912: Steve Rogers is barely making ends meet, living in the tenement slums of Dublin. But a stroke of good luck gives him and his best friend the chance to change their fortune. Two tickets to America on board the RMS Titanic.
The Devil You Know by shetlandowl, 17 k > words, Alternate Universe - Detectives, Alternate Universe - Author/Novelist.
Best selling author Tony Stark revives the bodice ripper genre for a modern audience. From frisky gay cowboys to ravenous lesbian pirate queens, he consistently delivers riveting thrillers full of romance, drama, and the filthy, unapologetically kinky sex that has become his trademark specialty.
Tony has everything a man could dream of - horny, adoring fans, and boatloads of money. Or that's what he thought, until Detective Steve Rogers walks into his life and turns it all upside down.
Bears and Mountains and Lumberjacks Oh My! by justanotherrollingstony (adoctoraday), 24 k > words, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Lumberjack Steve Rogers.
It was supposed to be easy--go meet the reclusive artist and buy some art. And then came the broken down car. And the snowstorm. And the lumberjack with a face like a greek god. So yea, Tony is stuck in a cabin in the woods with a hot lumberjack till the storm clears. Could be worse.
Series: A Furious Vexation by Annie D (scaramouche), 18 k > words, Alternate Universe - Post-Apocalypse.
A Steve/Tony post-apocalypse AU that exists pretty much just for the smut.
That Feline Beat by Tito11, 5 k > words, Alternate Universe - Animals.
Presenting Steve and Tony in the Aristocats!AU
Tony and his three kittens have been kidnapped from their fancy Upper East Side apartment while their owners are away and deposited on the mean streets of Harlem. Unsure of where they are or how to get back home, they'll have to rely on street cat Steve to guide them. Will they get home safely? Will Tony's fear of abandonment cause him to drive away the best tomcat he's ever known? Only time will tell.
do you fondue? by calciseptine, 16 k > words, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting.
Tony has done crazy things in the name of food, but falling in love with Steve Rogers really takes the cake.
a glimpse of heaven's love by parkrstark, 13 k> words, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Terminal Illnesses.
The child begins to empty his pockets. He starts to count coins on the counter. Tony huffs a little impatiently as he realizes most of them are pennies.
The cashier actually humors the kid and counts along with him. They reach 3 dollars and 54 cents before he shakes his head sadly. "Sorry, kid. There's not enough here."
The kid sounds close to crying. "I need these paints for my Papa. It's Christmas Eve and these...he doesn't have any. The doctors said he doesn't have long. I want him to have these. In case he meets Jesus tonight, I want him to paint one more time. Please."
Tony takes a step forward, arms still full of toys he's buying just because. He can cover this child's gift for his dying father. Money. Money is what he's good for.
"I'll buy them."
Or, the Christmas Shoes AU no one but me asked for.
If you survive first impressions, you're good to go by itsallAvengers, 3 k > words, Parent Tony Stark, Alternate Universe - No Powers.
The first time Peter Parker-Stark sees Steve Rogers, he may or may not be standing in direct path of the man's motorcycle.
His daddy is really not going to be happy about that one.
A Rat-ional Conclusion by BladeoftheNebula, 6 k > words, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Veterinarians, Parent Tony Stark.
He had a strong flurry of patients throughout the morning and by the time it rolled around to noon, he was just about worn out.
He walked out into the reception, stretching until he felt a satisfying pop. “Are we done?”
Bucky checked the screen. “Just about. One more before lunch - a rat, singular.”
Steve breathed a sigh of relief. Hopefully straight forward then. “Great, let me know when they-”
He was interrupted by the bell over the door and looked up to see a little girl cradling a small animal carrier, being shepherded through the door by easily one of the hottest men he’d ever seen in real life.
Oh wow.
Tidal Pull by sabrecmc, 97 k > words, Octopus Tony Stark, Alternate Universe - Shipwrecked.
After the American Civil War, Union soldier Steve Rogers takes a chance on an opportunity to sail with the Stark Trading Company down in the Caribbean. During a terrible storm, his ship is lost. To his surprise, he survives, and ends up stranded on an island that isn't quite as deserted as he first thinks.
Or, a reverse Little Mermaid tale where Steve has to fall for the fish-man.
Twelve Days by elysianprince, 22 k > words, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Ghosts.
In which Tony finds himself in a town that looks like it crawled out of a Hallmark Christmas movie, trying to sell an inn he didn't know he owned, all while dealing with Steve Rogers, the resident ghost who has returned to haunt the inn each December during the twelve days of Christmas for the past seventy years. Tony has only one logical solution that benefits them both: break the curse that binds him - but falling for a man almost a century old wasn't among his plans.
She kissed me by S_Horne, 1 k > words, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Howard Stark's A+ Parenting.
“Your mom kissed me.”
Steve blinked awake and lifted his head from his pillow to look over at the silhouette in the doorway. “What?”
“Your mom,” Tony reiterated. “She kissed me.”
“Yeah,” Steve said simply, “she does that.”
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theweasleywife · 4 years
Her Little Secret
Part 2 of ‘His Little Secret’
(George Weasley x Gryffindor Reader)
Where a young Gryffindor girl learns she’s caught the attention of a certain red-headed Weasley.
Thank you guys for your patience! I’m planning for one more part of this little mini-series ◡̈ Hope you all enjoy part 2! 🍁🧡
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To be quite honest, Y/N had no idea the spell she cast on the people around her. She kept quiet and to herself, not wanting to be the center of attention ever. She was a bit of an outcast in her own eyes; though, if you’d ask anyone else she appeared a lone wolf. She was independent and unintentionally intimidating- her kindness shook everyone to their very bones.
Y/N was shy, probably too much for her own good. Often she’d find herself observing the world around her rather than being a part of it. It was entertaining to her to observe the first years tripping over their robes rushing to class, the Whomping Willow swatting flies that landed upon its branches, and the silent scurrying of the trouble-seeking cat, Mrs. Norris.
Neither a Quidditch player or a member of the Slug Club, Professors often got on her back for her lack of involvement. Snape, in particular, always encouraged the young Gryffindor girl to put herself out of her comfort zone. He’d taken her under his wing, seeing how she felt alone and he related to her situation. The moody professor had been there for her from the beginning- encouraging her to keep up on her studies, speak up during class, and to maintain her own backbone through her years at Hogwarts.
“You mustn’t let others tell you what to do, Y/N,” Snape would say to her in his signature monotone voice, his finger wagging in front of her face. Often, he’d ask her to stay after class so he could mentor the young girl. “Your actions are up to you, however, I’d encourage you to learn a little more of the world outside of your books, girl. Life doesn’t stand still- even for the best of us.”
Finally, in her fourth year at Hogwarts, she seemed to have found her footing. Her classmates were shocked to see her hand held high in class so much and even more shocked when they’d hear her ramble about why “exotic seaweed is such a product of its environment, Professor Sprout, and it’s so beautiful how something so delicate underwater can be so vile on land.” After years of observing the world around her, she’d finally felt that she belonged to it. She had gained the courage to make new friends and often found herself discussing philosophy with Luna Lovegood and laughing with Seamus Finnegan as he lit his eyebrows aflame during a spell gone wrong.
For the first time in four years, the young Gryffindor felt surrounded by the love she exuded. Her kindness was no longer just a one way street; her fellow classmates began to smile at her in the hallway and invite her to Quidditch matches, often forcing her to paint her face red and gold in the name of “Gryffindor pride.” First-years and second-years would ask the beautiful girl for tips on how to get on Snape’s good side and even Professor McGonagall marveled at how Y/N had bloomed.
It was during a tutoring session in the library with Hermione Granger, a Second-Year and possibly the brightest witch Y/N had ever met, that she was told about how she had caught a certain red-headed Weasley’s eye.
“You know, Y/N, it has come to my attention that George Weasley is absolutely mad about you,” tutted Hermione with her chin in the air, the paper her quill hovered over long forgotten.
Y/N blushed and pushed her hair behind her ear, “Shut it, Hermione. Gossip won’t pass your OWLs for you, will it?”
“Oh, you’re blushing- I knew it! I just knew it! You’re mad for him, too, aren’t you?”
“That’s none of your business!” Y/N said. “Though, he does look quite dashing today, doesn’t he?” Y/N gazed longingly over to where George sat with Fred and Angelina, not even three rows behind the two gossiping witches.
Y/N had harbored a crush on George Weasley since the second she stepped foot in the Great Hall for the first time. A bunch of bumbling baboons they were- the group of First Years making their way down the main aisle to take part in The Sorting. She had been so nervous. She didn’t care much for Slytherin and was indifferent towards Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. So badly, though, she wanted to be a part of Gryffindor- just as her mother and father were. She was nearly shaking the closer and closer her name got to being called. And finally, Minerva McGonnagall sang out the words she dreaded to hear, “Y/N Y/L/N, it is your time to be sorted. Please take a seat on the stool and place the Sorting Hat atop your head.”
From there it was a blur, she recalls the anxiety choking her as she sat facing the long tables in the Great Hall and how she had crossed her fingers so incredibly tightly in the hope that she would get her wish. What she remembers most vividly, though, is the reassuring smile of George Weasley. Having already been sorted into Gryffindor, he observed the trepidatious girl at the front of the Hall with his fingers crossed behind his back, hoping she might get the house he had been sorted into. Her nervousness made her look particularly pretty, he thought. Luckily for the pair, the Sorting Hat only took about ten seconds to decide her fate- Gryffindor. And so, on their first night at wizardry school, all of the new Gryffindor students sat with each other- their excitement boiling over in wicked smiles and booming laughter.
Y/N never forgot the small act of kindness the boy had shown her and, even though an outsider wouldn’t consider them friends, she always had a soft spot for the mischievous Weasley Twins. George had never paid much attention to her after their first night, though, and Y/N seriously wondered if Hermione knew what she was talking about.
“Well, you see Y/N, I feel it is my business as I am about to oblige you with some important information,” began the scheming girl. “Ron, George’s brother, told Harry who told Luna who told Cho who told me that George has liked you since we got back this year,” spilled Hermione without even taking a breath. “I believe it to be important that you know this since we all feel you and George are practically soulmates and, therefore, should fall madly in love with each other as soon as it is possible to do so.”
Taken aback by all the information that just spewed out of her student (and friend’s) mouth, Y/N sat in silent shock- her jaw dropped, a heavy blush on her cheeks, and a twinkle in her eyes. Hearing that George Weasley, the George Weasley, was keen on Y/N left her gobsmacked and speechless. She was overwhelmed and, as much as she wanted to jump out of her seat and scream happily from the top of her lungs, she found herself frozen.
“Hello- Earth to Y/N,” Hermione snapped her fingers in front of her completely still tutor. The astonished girl (whose face was as red as a beet) snapped back to reality.
“I’m sorry, Hermione, I have to go,” she began shoving all of the miscellaneous papers scattered across the table into her books, picking them up to hold tightly against her chest. “Thank you for telling me, by the way. I’ll see you at the game tonight, right?”
Hermione giggled at how flustered Y/N had become, “Yes, of course. Though, I’m not the only one you’ll be seeing during the game,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows. Y/N rushed away from the library leaving behind one very content and calculated Hermione Granger.
Y/N felt quite badly for leaving poor Hermione in the middle of their study session, but she felt so overwhelmed she wanted to be alone. That’s why when she and Luna made their way to the Quidditch Pitch that night, Y/N made sure to keep her eye out for Hermione. She wanted to apologize for leaving (but also thank her for telling her about George). She’d spent the afternoon wondering if Hermione was fibbing or if the truth had gotten lost in the game of telephone. She came to the conclusion that Hermione wasn’t the kind of person to share information like that unless she was certain it was true.
Making their way up the soaring stands, shoving through the masses of excited students and professors alike, Luna and Y/N made themselves comfortable next to Hermione and her friends, Harry and Ron. Smiling at the trio, the biting wind had them all huddling together for warmth.
“So, Y/N,” started Ron, who was smiling cheesily. “You here to see anyone special? Reckon I’ve never seen you willingly come to a game of Quidditch,” laughed out the younger Weasley.
“Shut it, Ron, this isn’t a laughing matter,” Harry excused his best friend.
Hermione pitched in, “Quite right, Harry, it’s love.” Y/N rolled her eyes, ignoring the younger kids and turning towards the pitch. The Ravenclaw and Gryffindor teams had already flown their broomsticks up towards the sky and Y/N could faintly see Oliver Wood flailing his hands about as if to say, “I don’t know why we have to play if we already know Gryffindor will win.”
Lee Jordan’s voice could be heard as the game came to fruition, “And we’re off!”
It was an intense match- probably the most hot-blooded Hogwarts had ever seen the students compete. It was absolutely hectic on the field and yet, through all of the chaos, Y/N always seemed to find George Weasley.  
As she lay in bed that night, she knew sleep wouldn’t dare take over her mind. Her thoughts were all over the place and rest was the last thing she wanted. If it was possible to do so, she wished that she could spend the rest of her life thinking about how handsome George was. He had everything that one could possibly ever want. With wicked humor and quick wit, he always kept everyone on their toes. The more Y/N thought about his wide shoulders, strong arms, and mischievous smile, the more she knew she was in trouble.
If what Hermione had told her ended up being true, she didn’t know how much more silence she could handle from him. She was tired of being the shy and quiet observer and more than anything yearned to gain the affections of her crush. She hadn’t known how to keep her little secret under wraps anymore and she knew that she couldn’t wait much longer for love. Snape was right- time didn’t stand still and Y/N was determined to make the best of it.
For now, though, she decided that this random boost of confidence would be best dealt with in the morning. As she lay resting, her mind drifting from dream to dream about the ginger jokester, she had no clue as to what the future held. But one thing was for certain.
She decided that night that he was the love of her life. He just didn’t know it yet.
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hamiltonimagines · 4 years
I Chose You
Pairing: Daveed x Reader
Request: “hey can i do a request of love triangle between the reader, daveed diggs, and Lin manuel miranda? I don't care who the reader ends up with but i love your writing pieces where LMM or Diggs gets jealous” - @hamilpan
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Slight angst and a mini makeout scene
“Come on Daveed, hurry up. We’re going to be late” I called out to my best friend, who had a tendency to run late. “I’m coming” I heard him call back. A minute later he came running out of his room.
“Are you ready now?” I asked him. He checked his pocket for his phone and then nodded his head. “So who’s party is this again?” I asked Daveed, as we walked out our apartment door.
“My friend Lin, I don’t think you’ve ever met him. But, he said I could bring a plus one and you were the obvious choice” he told me. “I better have been the obvious choice, I’m your best friend” I told him, sassily.
Daveed and I had met in college and really got along right away. I had always kind of had a crush on him. We had moved into an apartment together about a year ago, and every day it got harder to keep it a secret.
We got in Daveed’s car and drove to the party. We arrived and saw there were a bunch of cars parked outside. Daveed knocked on the front door and we waited for someone to answer. Then the door opened and I saw a man standing there, I didn’t recognize him.
“Daveed! I’m so glad you could make it” the guy said, as he hugged Daveed. “I wouldn’t miss it. Lin this is Y/N, Y/N this is Lin” Daveed said, introducing us. “It’s nice to meet you” I said, smiling. “Your girlfriend Y/N, or your friend Y/N?” Lin asked Daveed. “No, we’re just friends and roommates. We met in college” Daveed said. “Good, so the pretty girl isn’t taken” Lin said, smirking.
I felt my cheeks heat up and I felt really awkward. I didn’t know what to say. Daveed seemed a little shaken up by Lin’s comment as well. “Well come in come in” Lin said, breaking the silence.
“I’m going to introduce Y/N to some people, but we’ll catch up with you” Daveed said. Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me with him.
“Hey it’s Daveed” I heard someone say. Daveed pulled me over to a group of people. “How have you been man?” One of the guys asked Daveed. “I’ve been good, I want to introduce you all to someone” Daveed said.
“Everyone this is Y/N. Y/N this is Anthony, Jasmine, Oak, Renée, Leslie, and Pippa” Daveed said. “It’s nice to meet you all” I said, politely. “It’s nice to meet you too, your outfit is so pretty by the way” Jasmine said to me. “Oh thank you, that’s really sweet” I said, thanking her. All of Daveed’s friends seemed really nice so far.
“I have to go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back. Will be okay until then?” Daveed asked me, whispering in my ear. “Yeah, I’ll be fine” I told him, and gave him a reassuring nod.
“So Y/N, how did you meet Diggs?” Anthony asked me. “Well we met back in college, I was very late to my first class freshman year. My alarm hadn’t gone off, so I was frantically running to class. Then I bumped into this guy and he spilled his coffee all over me. Turns out that guy was Daveed. He gave me his sweatshirt to wear and cover up the massive coffee stain. Then it turns out we were going to the same class, so we ended up talking and really hit it off” I explained.
“So are you guys dating or what?” Pippa asked me. “No no no, we’re just friends” I said, my face starting to heat up again. “You’re blushing! Do you like him?” Renée asked me.
“No it’s not like that” I said, but I couldn’t say it with a straight face. “You sure about that?” Oak said. “Just don’t bring it up to him” I begged them. “We've got your back” Renée said, smiling. “Well maybe” Anthony said, smirking.
Jasmine hit his arm and gave him a serious look. “We won’t tell him” Jasmine said, but it sounded more like she was telling Anthony and not me. Then I saw Lin heading over towards our group.
He winked at me as he walked over. I just hoped that no one else had seen it. “Hey guys” Lin said, smiling. “Hey Lin, have you met Y/N yet?” Jasmine asked. “Yep, I did have the pleasure of meeting this beauty” Lin said, smirking at me. I couldn’t even look at him, I felt super embarrassed and giddy.
“Woah man, you better be careful. There’s some I unconfessed love between her and Diggs” Anthony said. I glared at him. “Guess I’ll just to have to compete for her affection” Lin said, still smirking
“Oh look it’s Daveed” I said, changing the subject as Daveed walked back over. Daveed stood in between Lin and I. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side. “Did I miss anything?” He whispered in my ear.
I felt like I was on cloud nine. Why was Daveed being so touchy all of a sudden? I mean, we were super close friends and were always hugging and whatnot. But this was a new level.
“No, just some small talk” I told him. “You know what would make this party more interesting?” Leslie asked. “Spin the bottle!” Anthony exclaimed, excitedly. “No, I was going to say truth or dare” Leslie clarified.
Everyone in the group muttered some form of agreement. We all grabbed chairs and sat in a circle. Daveed made sure that I was sitting next to him and not Lin. I had Jasmine on my left and Daveed on my right. And to Daveed’s right was Lin.
“Alright Anthony, truth or dare?” Oak asked, starting the game. “Give me a truth, but a good one” Anthony said. “What was your first impression of Jasmine?” Oak asked.
“Not even joking, I remember thinking She’s gorgeous, too bad she probably has a boyfriend” Anthony answered.
“Alright Lin, truth or dare?” Anthony asked Lin. “Dare, I’m not one to shy away from a challenge” Lin said.
“Alright, you have to act out a scene. You’ve just found out that your girlfriend is leaving you for another guy. Y/N is playing your girlfriend. Action!” Anthony said.
I froze and I also saw Daveed kind of freeze up. Lin jumped out of his seat and ran over in front of me. He kneeled in front of me and right away was in character.
“Y/N how could you? After all we’ve been through?” He asked, very emotionally. He grabbed my hands and cried out. “How can you leave me for him? What does Hubert have that I don’t?” He asked me.
I giggled at his name choice and he kept going. “Y/N, my true love, my soulmate, the sun to my shine. How can you leave me?” He cried out.
“Andddd cut” Anthony called out. “Nice job” I said, laughing and giving Lin a high five. “Bravo” Renée said. “Thank you thank you” Lin said, bowing.
“Y/N, you’re up next. Truth or dare?” Lin asked me. “Well I’m the only one here who’s not an actor, so I don’t want to have to do whatever that was. So I’ll pick truth” I said, nervously.
“What is your dream date? In other words, where am I taking you after this party?” Lin said, flirting. I saw Daveed glare at Lin. I ignored the comment and answered the question.
“This probably sounds really lame, but maybe like just staying in. And drawing in coloring books, listening to music, and baking cookies. It’s the simple stuff” I answered, honestly.
“I’m with you girl, those are the best dates” Jasmine said. “In other words, take notes Anthony” Pippa said. “I’ll be back” Daveed said, standing up and leaving the room. He seemed like he was in a bad mood, but I wasn’t sure why.
“Jasmine, you pick someone for me, I’m gonna go check on him” I told her. I heard her asking Pippa as I walked away. I followed Daveed upstairs into a guest bedroom.
“Hey what’s going on?” I asked him, I saw him sitting on the bed. “Oh it’s nothing, how’s your date with Lin going?” He asked, angrily. “Date with Lin? D, what are you talking about?” I asked him. “I’m talking about all the flirting, it’s been nonstop since we showed up. What’s going on with you two?” He asked me.
“Nothing, and even if there was, it’s none of your business. I don’t know why you’re so concerned about this” I told him. “I don’t want you to get hurt” he told me. “Well I’m a big girl, I can handle myself” I told him.
I really didn’t understand why he cared so much. Why was it any of his business?
“I’m not trying to run your life or anything, he just doesn’t feel like your type to me” Daveed said. “What do you know about my type?” I asked him. “I know that it should be me” Daveed said, under his breath.
“You should be my type?” I asked, confused. “Y/N, I like you” he told me. “You like me?” I asked. “Are you just going to repeat everything I say?” Daveed asked, he sounded frustrated. “I’m sorry, I’m just shocked” I said. “Well it’s fine, you don’t have to say anything back. I can tell that you clearly like Lin” Daveed said.
“You don’t know that” I argued. “Oh really? You’ve been staring at him all night, and he clearly is interested in you. He hasn’t made that a secret. And you’ve made no effort to stop his advances” Daveed said, and he sounded really upset.
“What do you want me to do? Yell at him and tell him off. He’s one of your friends, I’m not going to start a fight with him” I explained to Daveed. “Whatever, I’m going home. I figured maybe tonight would be the night I finally asked you out, but it’s clear Lin has ruined that for me” He said, starting to leave.
“News flash, I like you too” I confessed. “What?” He asked me, speechless. He turned and looked back at me and he looked so confused. “Daveed, I like you” I repeated. I walked up to him and held his hands.
“But what about the flirting with Lin?” He asked. “It feels nice to have a guy flirt with you sometimes, and I’ve been dropping hints to you forever and you’ve never noticed. And maybe I wanted to make you jealous, but it’s just because I’ve liked you forever and you never even paid attention” I explained to him.
“I thought you just saw me as a friend” Daveed said, still kind of confused. “Would I do this if I saw you as a friend?” I asked him.
Then I cupped his face and leaned in and kissed him.
Daveed seemed to be in shock, but after a second he kissed me back. It was perfect. I had imagined kissing Daveed a thousand times, but it was better than any of those fantasies.
His lips tasted like the beer he had been drinking. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. I felt like a school girl, who was having her first crush.
He placed his hands on my hips. One of his hands slipped under my shirt and massaged my side. I wrapped my arms around his neck and lightly tugged on his hair.
I pulled away for a second to catch my breath, but Daveed didn’t seem satisfied yet. He let me take a breather and started to suck on the side of my neck. I pulled harder on his hair. “Wanted to do this for so long” he mumbled as he kept kissing my neck.
He started to try and pull my shirt off. He got it up to where my stomach was exposed and then the door opened.
We both pulled away quickly and pretended as though nothing had been happening. I saw that Lin was standing stunned in the doorway.
“Oh...uh hey Lin” I said, pretending like this was a normal situation. “Guess I missed my chance” Lin said. “Yep, you sure did. Y/N’s mine. So did you need something?” Daveed asked, sounding frustrated.
“No, I just had some voice in the back of my head that thought maybe Y/N was waiting up here for me. I thought maybe we had something going, but that’s alright. You two seemed to be made for each other. Really you seem to be a good couple” Lin said genuinely, as he left the room.
“So you promise there’s nothing between you two?” Daveed asked me. “Daveed, stop worrying. I chose you. That’s all you need to know” I said, leaning in to kiss him again.
taglist: @someinsanefangirl @outcasted-aloy @geekycatlover @fanfic-addict-98 @romanoffs-heart @multifandomwriterx @andreasworlsboring101 @criminallyhamilton @imatyoursurrvicesurr @irlydontknoanymore @sayweird99 @nyxie75 @elizard-hamilton @daveeds-whore @trost-town @notebookgirl30 @teenag1jealousy @royalstans @elizasfaith @kmsmedine @brunadesuu @roxanne2020 @grandpa-agustd @athenawinchesterx @labellapeaky @lilangeldevil006 @all-time-fanatic
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yikeswtfmate · 4 years
previous part // It’s All Fun and Games Series Masterlist // main masterlist
Summary: Bucky and Y/N answer one question.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: might it be...spring? 👀
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A cherry blossom petal falls and slides over a bare shoulder, golden flowers inlaid into a loose braid glimmer in the light of the sun, and two wide eyes – incredulous, delighted, in love – shift every few seconds, trying to imprint every single moment of this day. There are birds chirping in the distance, muffled by the steady flow of soft conversations just feet away from her. The crisp white curtains float behind her, on a dance played by the breeze – lilac in nature, a soft undertone of water, where frogs sing their song.
There’s a flurry of hair and dresses around her, and the only constant is her father – misty eyed, although he promised he won’t cry. They both knew he wouldn’t be able to keep his word, especially when their eyes lock above three little giggling girls with baskets of flowers dangling from their tiny hands. She shakes her head once at him, he smiles, but covers his mouth with a trembling hand.
Her mother places a hand on his forearm, whispering words of encouragement, a wink in her direction. She might be the tougher one between them both, yet her mascara is already smudged. A grunt from her sister, and their mother is ushered out, complaints and mumbles ignored. A last unspoken conversation, fingers squeezed tightly, and her sister follows the path laid by the distinct chords of the music.
Two redheads in front of her now, and she might just crumble, if it weren’t for their arms around her bare back. Flowers to the side – don’t crush them, be careful – and two distinct pecks on her cheeks, a nudge and a pinch on her arm and she giggles through the tears before they’re also gone.
“Are you ready, sweetheart?” Her father asks, and she can’t say it, she’s choked up, she’s barely holding it all together, because yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes.
Her hand looped around his arm, she takes a step – one, two, three, careful now, do not trip, and she’s temporarily blinded by the sudden sunlight. She blinks a few times, trying to get used to it, her father’s presence a monolith beside her, steeling her against the tears that have tried to spill for the past week.
She’s sure this might do it – the sudden hush, the music caressing her ears, her pounding heart; she could just fall to the ground, in a white cloud of lace and organza. Until she opens her eyes and there it is. The reason behind her tears, her smiles, her trembling hands, her happiness, her love, her I love you more every day.
He’s mesmerised, words and thoughts abandoning him, because there’s nothing else he sees but her, her, her. He can only see years of laughter, dancing fingers, tugging lips, and crinkled noses; of good morning, you big dummy, of I don’t want to go out, let’s just spend the day in bed, of I can’t believe we didn’t realise it sooner.
He can only say I promise, I promise, I promise until the end of time – you. Only you, forever. And there’s a battle of smiles and tears, but they can’t do anything more than squeeze each other’s hands, promising, promising, promising. She says I love you – only you, forever, but that’s an old one, lost in the fabric of time, feeling like forever ago, yet it’s the only answer in their universe, the one constant truth.
Rings slipping on fingers, fitting into place like missing pieces in a game of an unknown jigsaw puzzle – never to be moved again. Two whispers – I do, and then. And then, and then, and then forever.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
It’s darker now, sky set ablaze until the stars blinked open their eyes, competing with the lanterns hanging above laughter, whispers, shouts and giggles. Their heads are pressed together, breaths mingling and she can taste the sweet tang of champagne on his lips. His arm is draped over the back of her chair, her knees between his, face to face, crinkled eyes and still staring in wander.
“Baby.” He murmurs, because he doesn’t want the spell to break – this precious gift he’s been given, that he’s still afraid might run away. “We’ve done it. We’re married. I can call you my wife now.”
“Isn’t it great?” She giggles. “Bucky, my husband. You’re James, my husband, now.”
A knife tapped on a glass and slowly the chatter dies down, guests turn in their seats and Steve is suddenly looking flustered. He might be a great lawyer, but this might be one of the most important speeches he’ll ever have to utter. He clears his throat, tugs at his collar and looks at Peggy for a second, asking for silent support. She smiles and nods, waiting for him to start.
“Good evening, everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, then you’ve probably only met the groom today as well. Bucky and I have been inseparable for nearly 30 years and I’d like to thank him for finally confirming that I am indeed his best friend after all this time of having to listen to him berate me for every single thing.
“Today I am supposed to say a few words about the main man – about whom I can honestly say that he’s the most handsome, most intelligent and funniest man you’ll ever meet and I am so proud of calling him my friend. So if you bump into him today – where’s Tony? Today is his birthday so please let him know that we haven’t forgotten about him, he’ll have his party after this wedding is done – happy birthday, Tony!”
A ripple of laughter, followed by a wave of “happy birthday, Tony!” and Steve shakes his head, getting into his element. Bucky chuckles when Y/N whistles next to him, whooping in delight.
“In all seriousness now, I’ve also known Y/N for almost 12 years now, when this little Tasmanian devil showed up with 50 balloons at a bar, letting us all know that – hey, did you know it takes 364 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?” His voice turns a few notes higher, until it’s only a squeak, earning another wave of laughter.
“I’m so happy for both of you that Bucky is also a weirdo and instead of hitting on you like a normal person, he just let you know that the blob of toothpaste that sits on your toothbrush is called a nurdle. It was meant to be, wasn’t it?
“You’d think so, but we all have to remember that these two are two complete and utter dumbasses. It only took them ten years of friendship – which mind you, that is not how friends act, ok? I’m sorry to the parents that are here tonight, but your children think they can regularly have sleepovers and only be friends? You’ve raised two dense kids, and you can’t get mad at me, because I’m part of both your families, ok?
“It only took them ten years of friendship to realise the utter love and adoration they have for each other. I’ve never seen Bucky happier than when he’s with Y/N and I think I speak for everyone here tonight who knows you two how excited and proud we all are to finally be able to call you Mr and Mrs Barnes.
“Now Bucky has been with me through thick and thin and I can hand to heart say he’s the most loyal, genuine gentleman I’ve ever known. But you also have to remember that Buck here doesn’t like to be the center of attention, so I was more than certain that today he’d be a nervous wreck. This morning, however, he was the calmest I’ve ever seen him. I asked him ‘Buck, this is the most important day of your life and you’re not nervous?’ and you know what he said?
“He said ‘Steve, when you know you’ve made the best decision of your life, when you know you get to spend the rest of your life with the person who’s made you the happiest you’ve ever been, what the hell is there to be nervous about?’ This perfectly sums up the love this man has for his wife. I couldn’t have hoped for anyone better for either of you.
“I wish you both a long and happy marriage together. I know that you always said you’re soulmates, but I didn’t believe it until I’ve seen you two today. You were truly meant to love each other. So, everyone, please raise your glasses to the bride and groom, Y/N and Bucky! Congratulations!”
The cheers and applause die down long after Steve’s downed his glass of champagne. A long hug between the boys, Bucky might be in tears, but he’ll be damned if he lets Sam see it. Y/N is crying, it’s their big day and she’ll ruin her make-up, they have enough photos, who cares anymore, because she’s feeling too deeply, too many emotions that could never be bottled up. Steve laughs at her, a giggle on her lips and they sway from side to side in a tight hug – “you two made us all believe in true love,” he whispers and she might need that tissue Bucky is holding out for her.
She pulls herself together, takes in a deep breath and looks at Bucky, her Bucky, like he’s hung the moon – now and forever. His gaze follows her as she stands up again, clearing her throat and shaking her shoulders. Someone hands her a microphone. He has no idea what she has planned, but he’ll sit there and listen to her all his life as if her words are nectar and he’s a starved man.
“Hi. I haven’t done anything to prepare for this speech and if you know me at all, you wouldn’t be surprised about this in the least.” He laughs together with the rest, and Nat shouts an encouragement from somewhere down the table.
“I just wanted to stand up and thank you all for being here with us today, on what must be one of the happiest days of my life yet. I cannot express in words how much this man means to me, or the love I hold for him, but I’ll try.” Y/N says and her fingers find his, a glint in her eyes.
“Bucky has been my best friend for twelve years now, and although Steve would never admit it, I love him more than anyone else in this entire world. Also, I’m sorry, Mrs Barnes, move over, there’s a new Mrs Barnes in town! I’m joking, I love you, please don’t take me off the Christmas list.
She fully turns to him now, tears in her eyes, and Bucky knows in that moment that he could die right there and he’d have been the happiest man alive.
“As I was saying, this gorgeous man has been my rock, my anchor, my pillar in times of happiness and sadness. He’s the most kind, most loving, and most generous person I’ve ever met. He’s been there for me when I was at my worst and at my best. He’s seen me with bangs, and he’s seen me crying at 3 in the morning because we didn’t have any ice cream left.
“James Barnes is my soulmate. We’ve admitted this many times before, we’ve shouted it on top of our lungs, we’ve tattooed it on our bodies. I’m not joking, mom, I’m sorry, that is a J, not just half of a heart; which you should’ve known couldn’t be possible because he holds my entire heart, not just half of it. I love this man with my entire being, I’ve never been happier than when you hold my hand. You bring order to my chaos, you bring out all that’s best in me, you bring me sunshine and laughter and all that’s sweet in life just by looking at me.
“I’m so grateful that I’ve met you and I never could have imagined that I will ever know a love so deep. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you, because I know each day will be a new adventure. You’re my soulmate and I love you, James Barnes.”
There’s a ruckus as each person stands up, clapping, shouting, whistling and whooping – a clamour of noise that gets drowned out the second Bucky’s arms circle around her waist. He’s crying now – fully and unabashed. He loves this woman more than he’ll ever love anyone else, and it’s in the way her fingers brush across the hair at his nape, the way her body aligns so perfectly with his, the way her mouth curves in the softest smile when he kisses her lips, the way her eyes will always tell him I love you, I love you, I love you. You, only you, for the rest of my life.
“I love you too, baby.”
The End.
A/N: It’s been a true rollercoaster and I loved every minute of it. IAFAG has been my first baby, and the first actual series that I’ve written. I’ve never attempted anything on this scale, but I can only say that I definitely don’t regret it, it’s been fun, it’s been great and these Bonky & Reader will always always always will have a special place in my heart.
I would like to thank all of you for reading and loving this series. The positive feedback, love and the overflow of support has been not only unexpected, but I couldn’t have even hoped for something like this! I love all of you, thank you!
Lastly, thank you to @the-chocolate-moose​ for supporting me along every single step of this, for listening to me spewing bullshit on a daily basis, reading said bullshit at 2 in the fucking morning bc I cannot function like a normal human being, letting me know when I’m losing the characters and all in all for being a wonderful person! I love you, this whole series is yours as much as it’s mine!
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spartanxhunterx · 4 years
Tattoo Soulmate AU Idea.
This is just an idea and I give any and all of you full permission to run off with this and use it as you please, just tag me so I can see it.
So I had this idea regarding a soulmate AU for Miraculous ladybug.
tattoos that appear on your arms. Right forearm had your symbol (visible from birth), right bicep had the symbol(s) of your worst enemy (visible after eight).
left forearm has the symbol(s) of your romantic interests (visible after five years old.), Left bicep had the Symbol(s) of your best friends/ people you would fight for. (Visable from ten)
Now, here's the kicker, what if Marinette was only born with a right arm? Where she could only see her symbol and her enemy without ever knowing who her friend(s)/ lover(s) were.
In this non-miraculous world there are two, competing, medical institutes that primarily work around prosthetics and medical aid. (Miraculous labs and Hawkmoth Industries [come up with a better name of you can])
Miraculous labs is purely non-profit that gets its funding from donations and government funding. They focus heavily on prosthetics and other necessary medical aid.
Hawkmoth Ind. Is for profit and get it's primary funding from say... Rich people who want a part in it. They focus on (somewhat unethical) procedures to figure out how to regrow limbs, organs and other questionable things.
So Marinette gets a prosthetic from Miracle Labs and is able to live her life normally, or as normally as you can without knowing who your true soulmate and friends are. (Sometimes she bullied for this... Chloe always brings it up.)
Adrien has a prosthetic (one of his legs/ lower leg/ feet, whatever you want I guess) from Hawk Ind. Cause that who Gabriel trusts more.
So Marinette goes her while life not knowing who her soulmate are, sometimes people (Felix) use this lack of knowing to torment her by pretending to have her mark on themselves to be their soulmate.
So she hides it away very early on, very few know/ remember what it is.
since there's no villains and hero's it's just about her going through school being very untrusting of people.
people: "surely me being on your arm proves that you should trust me."
Marinette ( showing her prosthetic arm): "I don't know who to trust."
People: "oh."
Most people have one or two enemy Symbols, one to five friend symbols and one (just maybe two) romantic symbols.
Adrien, Kagami and Luka have THREE (3) romantic symbols, which is unheard of.
Its a Ladybug surrounded by the Symbols of the other two, like a yin-yang sign.
Adrien: black cat
Kagami: red Dragon
Luka: green snake
So for context, Adrien would have a ladybug being encircled by a red Dragon and a green snake.
All three of them hide their romantic symbols cause they don't want the attention with being people with three soulmates.
Cue Lila coming to school and doing her usual but she tries to gain sympathy by claiming she never got her personal symbol (She covers it in makeup.) and doesn't show her other symbols cause. "I don't want my symbols to effect my relationship with the class." Or something along those lines .
She also tries to trick Adrien into being her soulmate by getting a fake mark on her left forearm of his black cat after seeing his, it doesn't work as he knows she'd also have the others too. He doesn't out her then, as he suspects she just wants attention.
There are people known as 'Soul readers ' who can see people's souls, and therefore, their connections they have and are able to bring these people together without every seeing the Symbols. (It's master Fu.)
If a soul reader says two people are; lovers, friends or enemy's, it is taken as a FACT. An undeniable fact at that.
so one day he goes to the school, he's well known so everyone flocks to him (politely, since he's old.) Just to confirm that they are right and to get hints at people they haven't met.
luka is there as he was visiting his sister, Kagami turned up cause this might be the only time she's going to see a soul reader.
halfway through reading someone Fu just... Stops. Sensing the romantic connections between four people, something he himself had never felt. He quickly finds Marinette when suddenly everyone remembers that he can help Marinette find HER soulmates, something none of them thought would happen before.
he quickly drags Adrien, Luka and Kagami to the centre of the room where he gets then three of them to reveal their personal symbols, causing shock among them and then they all reveal their romantic symbols. They match, except, they can't find their ladybug.
Fu, ever gentle and reassuring, get Marinette to reveal her symbol (which was hidden under clothes and a fabric wrap.) And the school is floored.
Fu reveals all four of them are soulmates, romantic ones, Marinette is skeptical as she had been hurt in the past but he reassures her he is not wrong, he even spends the rest of his time with her in finding her true soul friends (pick whoever you want: could do salt and have Chloe being her only true friend or sugar and just have Alya, Nino and [insert names here] being her friends.)
To top it all off, have Lila being pissed that this 'old man' got it wrong cause 'she's meant to be with Adrien ' and 'she wanted him.'
Fu, calm as a monk on morphine, says to her that she will be alone forever, as she has no true friends or partners as she is the only person he had ever seen with ZERO marks up the left arm. Which is rarer then people with three partners.
Bonus points if you make him say: "You have no marks as there are no people who would love the real you."
Marinette, after being fully convinced, gets their symbols painted on her prosthetic arm which transfers with every replacement she gets.
The four of them make headlines across the globe about being the first (known) people with three romance symbols. Master Fu is there for interviews just to prove they are not lying, even other soul readers agree with him.
After that Marinette just gets better, more confident and begins to show off her symbols and prosthetic more. Even the venomous green snake on her right bicep (Lila).
OR you could have any OT4 that you want.
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tren-fraszka · 3 years
Fandom5k 2021 Letter
Dear creator,
Thank you for taking your time to check my requests. I know my requests can sound a bit tricky, but please don’t be discouraged. I wish you will have good time writing first and foremost!
My AO3 is Tren, if you wish to check it out.
Likes: comedy, casefics, canon compliants, AUs, time loops, bodyswaps, roleswaps, “being hoisted by your own petard” plotlines, snark, pettiness, rivals, enemies to friends to lovers, violence, friendships, and character bonding,
DNW: explicit sex (makeouts and fade to black is okay), A/B/O, mpreg, rape depicted as positive (so no “it’s okay, because the other person enjoyed it/it was what they truly wanted”), trans headcanons, soulmate AUs, stories ending with surrender to fate/destiny, fourth wall breaking in canons where that doesn’t occur, character has cancer or other real-life terminal disease AU, word “queerplatonic”.
Also, I included what ships I’m okay with in each fandom. Please do not include any ships that aren’t canon and I have not allowed in those sections (if you feel really strongly about a ship I haven’t mentioned, you can always ask through mods just in case). 
On a separate, but similar note, I’m okay with OCs as long as they don’t overshadow the characters I requested. 
Additionally, while I almost never request fanart as possible medium, because I prefer my main gift to be fic, I would be very okay with receiving fanart treats. Also, feel free to peruse my old letters if you get your hands on them. I never stop being interested in fandoms, and if I requested something once I will still want it in the future.
I read new manga chapters as they get translated so feel free to incorporate anything from the manga that’s available in English. 
Kirio Amy/Suzuki Iruma
There are many good ships with Iruma, but this one just has a lot things I like. I love enemy ships with both sides being way too emotionally invested into each other so this was inevitable. I love how this relationship starts as this really wholesome friendship and school festival preparation, except Kirio turns out to be a bit messed up and wants to blow up everyone. But then they both accept the outcome and go on with their lives still thinking about each other. Iruma goes through a lot of trouble to keep the club operating even though Kirio has been pretty much expelled. And then Kirio is now obsessed with Iruma as his anthitesis and perfect enemy.
I’m okay with the potential story happening at any point in the canon. I would love both a story set before the festival while Kirio is still hiding his true colors or a story set after it. Maybe Iruma runs into Kirio somewhere after he escapes prison and instead of calling an adult, he tries to stop Kirio from causing trouble on his own. As for pre-festival story. Maybe some upperclassmen steal important parts from the club and Iruma and Kirio set out to get them back.
Naberius Callego & Suzuki Iruma
I love Callego for being a much better take on Snape than original Snape ever was. The second the series made Callego Iruma’s familiar I knew this was about to get good. And it was. I love how Callego slowly warms up to Iruma, even if he is still allergic to his and Sullivan’s antics. I love that Callego is actually a competent teacher who cares about his students, but at the same time he would rather eat a whole lemon than admit it out loud.
For prompts, maybe Sullivan ends up having an important business and Opera isn’t available so he dumps looking after Iruma on Callego for a few days. Or Iruma is struggling with studying since so many things are new for him, so Callego ends up forced to help him catch up with the material (if you are following manga inclusion of Balam is always welcome). Or maybe Iruma gets into usual trouble ends up stranded somewhere and the only one he can call for help is his familiar.
Crocell Kerori | Kuromu/Gyari
One of the last thing I expected to get this year was a canonical yuri romance in this manga, but here it is and it’s perfect. I love how it is pretty much built on mutual pining. I love how Kuromu loves Gyari, but refuses to reciprocate her feelings, because she knows that she needs to remain unattainable to keep their relationship alive, and I love how Gyari is never ever going to give up.
I would love to see more of the time when they worked together. We know it was love at the first sight for Gyari, but I would love to see how Kuromu’s feelings grew. Those hours they spent together practicing, maybe a not-date where they sneak together to scout a venue where they will be having their first big concert, or maybe a small contest that would sow the seeds for their future rivalry. I would love any and all of it. Also, Gyari doesn’t seem to be aware of Kuromu’s civilian identity, so I would love a story where Gyari meets Crocell Kerori rather than Kuromu. Does she recognize her? Or does Kerori manage to successfully trick her? Maybe Gyari makes a full investigation after hearing rumors that Kuromu is attending Babylys. I would also love any sort of future fic for those two.
AUs and ships
I love the worldbuilding around the demon world, so I would ask that if you decided to write an AU that it still incorporates demons. I would definitely love an AU where rather than getting summoned to demon world, Iruma accidentally summons either Kirio or Callego into the human world. Maybe Iruma’s parents try to use him as an offering, but instead he ends up bound to a demon. I would love to see Kirio excited to unleash suffering (even if his weak powers severely limit him in that regard) onto human world just to discover that he made contract with the biggest pacifist possible. Or Callego being torn between wanting to return home as soon as possible (he has classes to teach!) and wanting to somehow help the weird human child that just keeps getting into trouble. Any other demon-focused AU is also welcome. For Gyari and Kurmou, maybe one of them is a human who ends up summoning the other as a demon. How different would their relationship be then? I’m also fine with any sort of AU divergences scenario. Maybe Iruma keeps accidentally sabbotaging Kirio’s terrorist plans without realizing it. Or Iruma ends up summoning Callego more often as his familiar when he gets into trouble. What if Gyari also attended Babylys.
As for ships, I’d rather avoid any love triangle scenarios for this canon, so please focus on just one pairing per character (competing for Iruma’s attention is normal for this canon, I’d just rather not see outright romantic competition). It’s self-explainatory for Kirio request, but if you want to include some shipping elements into the other requests I also ship Iruma/Amelie and Callego/Balam.
I watched the two season of anime, as well as the two OVA. Please don’t include any spoilers for events that haven’t been yet adapted. I’m fine with mentions of stuff from the light novel that adaptation has skipped, just please make sure to establish them properly, as I haven’t read the light novel.
Natsuki Subaru/Otto Suwen Natsuki Subaru & Felix Argyle & Julius Euclius & Reinhard van Astrea Roswaal L. Mathers (Re:Zero)
Echidna the Witch (Re:Zero)
Feel free to mix and match my requests (or cut off parts of the requests and stitch them together). Or include any other characters, I love all of them.
Natsuki Subaru/Otto Suwen
I came out of second season with a burning desire to see Otto and Subaru getting together. Otto was the MVP of the second season. Like sure, Emilia killed it in the last few episodes, but none of it would happen if Otto didn’t slap Subaru in the face when he needed it the most. Subaru even commented that Otto was like a heroine in a game at one point. They just care so much about each other and I would love to see them actually get together.
I would love to see them going on an undercover mission. Maybe they are trying to gather the information about witch cultists. Maybe they need to pretend to be a couple for the sake of their investigation. Or Emilia sends the two of them on a fake mission that actually consists of them visiting places of relaxation to make sure Subaru finally gets a break. And Otto’s mission is to make sure that Subaru actually rests and doesn’t get in trouble, but this proves to be a much more difficult undertaking that he expected. 
After first season I had a working theory that Otto is actually a sin archbishop who is pretending to be a normal person for some unknown reasons (or maybe has a split personality). Season two pretty much disproved it, but I still adore that idea and would love anything with it.
Natsuki Subaru & Felix Argyle & Julius Euclius & Reinhard van Astrea
I immediately loved the queen candidates’ knights and the relationships between them. I would greatly enjoy seeing them work together. Maybe someone is plotting to harm queen candidates and they join forces to bring them down. Or maybe the queen candidates are busy with some bureaucracy and the bored knights decide to spend a night at town, which ends with all sorts of shenanigans. Maybe Subaru and Julius decide to have some sort of competiton that hilariously goes out of control. Or Reinhardt and Subaru rope everyone into helping some poor grandma, but her straightforward request ends up becoming much more difficult to execute than anyone predicted. Also, at the end of second season Subaru officially became Emilia’s knight and I would love to see other knights throwing an unofficial party for Subaru to celebrate this achievement. Or maybe their planned celebration doesn’t go as planned and Subaru ends up accussed of a crime he didn’t commit. Luckily, there are three very handsome and equally capable knights who believe in him and are willing to help him clear his name.
Feel free to also include Aldebaran into the group if you want. He had very little screen time in anime, so I didn’t want to make this request more difficult than it already is, but if you want to write him too I would be very happy with his inclusion.
Roswaal L. Mathers (Re:Zero)
Roswaal was incredible in the second season. I loved the parallels between him and Subaru! I loved his unrequited crush on Echidna! I loved Ram’s unrequited crush on him and how her actions ended up affecting him! I loved how Emilia made him apologize! He just had so many great interactions. I would just love to see more of Roswaal.
We know that Roswaal attempted to undertake the trial, but was rejected. What if by some quirk of fate Roswaal could undertake the trial. How would it go? Would he be able to accept the past? I would also love a deeper insight into his thought process during the Sanctuary arc, but also earlier arcs. How did he feel about Subaru and other characters? What happened to him after the Subaru failed? (we don’t know if Subaru dying creates new timelines or if there’s one that gets reset, while this prompt leans on former, I’m fine with both interpretations) I would also love to see if maybe Ram had attempted to destroy Roswaal’s book or shown her feelings for him before. On a different note, I would love Roswaal being a bit too interested in Otto (after he had changed the fate written in the book) and trying to figure out how he had achieved that. Honestly, I would love to see Roswaal interact with anyone. You could write him and Reinhard meeting in a bakery and I would love it.
Echidna the Witch (Re:Zero)
Echidna is best witch (at least until anime shows more of Sekhmet who I can already tell is my spirit animal witch). I loved Echidna’s character, the aura of mystery she built around herself, and her plans involving Subaru. She was just incredible.
I would absolutely love to see Echidna holding trials for other characters. It doesn’t matter who. Maybe Garfiel ends up completing all of them. Or maybe by some twist of fate Otto gains qualification and takes up the trials. Or Ram, or really anybody else. I just loved how personalized the trials were and would love to see them for other characters and what Echidna would think of them. I would also love to see more of her interactions with Subaru. Maybe Subaru makes deal with her, but belatedly realizes it was a bad idea and tries to find a way to break it. I would be also very okay with seeing more of her interactions with other witches. Or Emilia. I will gladly take 5k words of Echidna being completely done with Emilia’s positivity. Maybe Echidna finds a way to escape her deadness, but she needs to enter a contract with Emilia and now she is her familiar like Puck was.
AUs and ships
I would prefer no setting changes for this story. Any other AUs are fine. I especially love Subaru’s reset mechanic, so feel free to abuse that if you want. If you want some AU ideas, maybe another character starts remembering bits and pieces of the reseted timelines.
I like Subaru/Emilia, but the show is doing such a good job with it that I’m not craving more. As such I’m okay with acknowledging Subaru’s canon crush on Emilia, but if you are planning to do any other pairing involving Subaru I would prefer to reframe Subaru’s feelings for her as friendship. I’m okay with pairing Subaru with pretty much any other guy in the series (especially other queen candidate knights) or leaving who he will end up with ambiguous.
I read new manga chapters as they get translated so feel free to incorporate anything from the manga that’s available in English.
I love how this manga is a slow-paced fantasy dealing with loss and inevitable passage of time. And I love Frieren for being one of the best depictions of an elf whose long life actually affects their outlook on life and actions.
I would equally love the insight into Frieren’s present with her charges and the past with hero party. What other shenanigans they get into on their journey? What kind of weird magic Frieren pursued? I would love to see more of her mentoring Fern and Stark. I also love to see her interactions with the hero party. Maybe some more insight into how they fought with demons, since Frieren seemed to have picked up a number of enemies during that time. For some more specific prompts: maybe Frieren accidentally stumbles ona cursed item that erases her memories (or just her memories of Himmel). How would it affect her? What would the party do to help her? Or maybe a demon kidnaps someone from Frieren’s party?
Feel free to include any other characters, they are a colorful bunch. 
AUs and ships
I’m fine with AUs as long as Frieren’s long lifespan is preserved. Her perspective is very much shaped by how long she has lived, so I wouldn’t want that aspect to change. An AU with mythological creatures or similar could be interesting. I would also love a roleswap where Himmel is an elf, while Frieren is a human, and exploration of how both of them would be affected by having a different lifespan.
I would very much love Himmel/Frieren, though I also enjoy how the manga softly builds on their connection. I also enjoy the budding romance between Fern and Stark.
While I made this request mostly with anime in mind, I also consumed the original novels up to (and including) volume six. So feel free to include anything from the novels up until that point if you want, but nothing beyond that.
Maou Sadao/Ashiya Shirou
If Demon Lord’s right hand man/strategist turned into a househusband isn’t one of the most shippy ideas then I don’t know what is. Fics are just writing themselves. I just love seeing utter domesticity and loyalty Sadao and Ashiya have (and trouble they have with their prodigal not-son Urushihara).
I would love to get some insight into their relationship before they had to escape into another world. Maybe Ashiya realizes he is actually happy with the current arrangement and feels shame over indulging himself, while his lord is working hard to earn money and regain their powers. For some more specific prompts, maybe instead of becoming househusband he ends up working in MgRonald’s alongside Sadao. Or maybe while he’s doing shopping he ends up winning a lottery organized by some local shops and receives tickets for an onsen visit for two, so he and Sadao go to have a much deserved break. Or alternatively a story where they don’t get a break and need to face some new enemy.
Maou Sadao/Sasaki Chiho
I love Chiho Sasaki. She’s one of my favourite renditions of a normal person accidentally becomes entangled into a supernatural plot I’ve seen. And amidst it all, I love how she keeps supporting Sadao, even after learning that her MgRonald’s senpai is in fact a demon lord from another world.
I would love to see more of them working together in MgRonald’s. Maybe a precanon story where Chiho is still learning her ropes at MgRonald’s, while Sadao is still not completely used to passing as a human, so he keeps accidentally mentioning things about his demonic past and then has to quickly amend them into something more human. Or maybe a “tragic” story of Chiho who instead of applying to MgRonald’s goes to Sentucky Fired Chicken (I don’t mind changing it so SFC opens earlier than in the canon). Even though Sadao works for the rival store Chiho still falls for him and his impeccable work ethic and so she keeps counting days until her contract ends so she can apply to MgRonald’s instead (bonus points if the Sariel’s plotline happens during that time and Chiho gets increasingly distreased that Sadao will hate her even if she successfully moves to MgRonald’s). Alternatively they both go on some sort of training or charity action for MgRonald’s employees. Or maybe a more fantastical adventure where a new threat appears, so Sadao and Chiho work together to neutralize it.
AUs and ships
I would prefer no setting changes for this story, because this shows premise is just way too good. I’m fine with any other AUs. One slight exception (since it’s a bit of borderline case between a setting and divergence AU) would be that I would love to see Sadao and Chiho working at a coffee shop chain instead of MgRonald's.
Please only focus on one pairing requested when writing. I’d rather not have a triangle situation and see either Ashiya or Chiho rejected (requested character feeling slight jealousy over Sadao getting along with someone else is fine, I just don’t want a full on rivalry). I’d also rather not see Sadao paired with anyone beside the requested characters.
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iamtaekooked · 5 years
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Genre: FLUFF
Pairing: Yoongi x female reader 
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: none
When Yoongi gets jealous, he receives the best birthday present ever. 
A/N: Happy Birthday to our lovely boy Min Yoongi. I wrote this in like 3 hrs and it’s not edited so RIP. I dedicate this to Min Yoongi’s lovergirl @ughkive​. I hope ya’ll enjoy! 
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Min Yoongi is your best friend. Always has been, always will be. There is no way around it. 
Min Yoongi is also your long time crush. Always has been and it seems like he always will be a crush and nothing more. There is no way around that either. 
But Park Jimin thinks he’s got a perfect idea. Park Jimin, your incessantly annoying friend always thinks he’s got the best ideas. After all, he prides himself on finding his one true soulmate, his brother from another mother Kim Taehyung who happens to be the best influence on Jimin and keeps him in check. 
But when Jimin opens mouth and blurts out his worst ever idea, even Kim Taehyung is late in stopping him. 
“Jimin” Taehyung looks at him warningly. 
“Look it’s going to work okay?” Jimin responds defensively 
“So let me get this clear. You want me to go as your date to the Masquerade just so Yoongi will get jealous?” you chime in. 
“We all know Yoongi prides himself on being stoic. It’s his charm or that’s what he thinks. But you guys remember that Yoongi and I competed in high school over this one girl we both liked. I know for a fact he loves you y/n and he will get jealous” Jimin explains, hands flailing around, passion clear as day in his tone. You don’t think he’s even this passionate about dancing and Jimin adores dancing. 
“That is a bad idea” Taehyung comments firmly. “In fact, it’s the worst idea ever” 
“I agree with Taehyung. We’re not kids. Yoongi definitely isn’t childish like that. He’s above jealousy. Plus it’s his birthday tomorrow. We can’t do that to him” you say it with pride. 
“You both are clearly dumb” Jimin huffs. “No man in this world will okay when he sees another man acting all cozy with his girl. Especially when that man happens to be someone handsome like me and also someone he is friends with. It would make the best present for him when he finds out you like him and he will find out because he will react. I can bet anything he will tell you he likes you just because he’ll feel threatened by me. Trust me on this y/n” Jimin imparts this piece of knowledge on you with a self-satisfied smile. 
You’re all silent as you look at each other. Taehyung seems to mull it over for a moment lips jutted out in a pout and a vacant look in his eyes. “Well...” he starts. “As a member of the male species, I can understand that logic. I don’t think I would like it if Jimin got all hot and heavy with a girl I liked” 
“Exactly. Plus Yoongi and I have a history of going for the same girl. He lost last time so he’ll probably feel threatened this time and react to it” 
“Technically he didn’t lose last time” Taehyung corrects, quickly looking away when Jimin shoots him a glare. 
“She dated me” Jimin pouts. 
“Yeah. For a day” Taehyung mumbles, not so subtly though because all of you hear it. 
Jimin looks thoroughly offended as his mouth drops open and his nostrils flare slightly. “Still. That’s a win. But that’s beside the point. The point is that since Yoongi and I have this history between us, he’ll believe it quicker because he will think that there is a chance that even this time the girl he likes will choose me. The threat is real in his mind” 
As much as you hate it, it kind of does make sense. Yoongi already always acts weird around Jimin, trying to one-up him whether that be in beer pong, or trying to get Jimin to rap just to show him out, or trying his hardest to compete against Jimin in Just Dance and Fornite even though he knows Jimin is a dance major and no one can win against him. 
You bite your lip in indecision, unsure about the implications of it all. The absolute worst that could happen is that Yoongi doesn’t react at all. He doesn’t care and at least then you know that there is a high possibility that he doesn’t like you. 
“Fine. Let’s do it” you agree despite the reservations your harbour. 
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Kim Taehyung doesn’t usually get surprised or shocked. Even when you all watched ‘IT’ in the theatres, all you reacted to the jump scares but Taehyung didn’t. Taehyung wasn’t even surprised when Jeongguk ended up losing to Jimin in Overwatch. 
But Taehyung is surprised when at the Masquerade Ball Yoongi downs four vodka shots one after the other after he sees Jimin and you flirting over in the corner of the room. He watches wide-eyed and bewildered and Yoongi orders two more shots and downs one of them quickly. 
“What’s gotten into you?” Taehyung tries to keep his lips in a straight line but he knows Yoongi is starting to feel something the more you and Jimin get touchy with each other. 
“Nothing” comes Yoongi’s stoic voice accompanied by his usual stoic expression even as he continues to glare at you and Jimin. He doesn’t take his eyes off as he reaches for the other shot and chugs it, placing the glass back down on the bar counter with a slam. 
Taehyung follows Yoongi’s line of sight to find Jimin leaning in, whispering something in your ear as you giggle in delight. 
“I don’t get it” Yoongi comments, eyes still fixed on Jimin and you. 
“What?” Taehyung prompts on purpose. 
“That” Yoongi spits with spite as he continues to glare at you both only this time a frown appears on his forehead and his nostrils flare slightly as Jimin locks one of his hands in yours and continues to say something close to your ear making you throw your head back with a laugh. 
“What about that?” Taehyung raises his brows, lip quivering in a knowing smirk. 
“How does he always know?” Yoongi continues to be vague, unable to look anywhere but you, and at how you look so happy next to Jimin. He can’t look away because you look beautiful in that sparkly golden gown of yours, which hugs you at just the right places. He can’t look away because as usual, you hold his attention like no one does. You enrapt him, rendering him unable to focus on anything around himself. 
“If you’re jealous, just say it bro” Taehyung takes a sip of the strawberry drink in his hand. 
“Pfft” Yoongi finally tears his gaze away from the wretched little corner and looks at Taehyung. “Jimin isn’t anything special so I am not jealous”  
“Oh yeah?” Taehyung lips widen in a grin. “Then why do you look like you could kill Jimin right now?” 
Yoongi casts his gaze down on his lap, rolling the shot glass between his fingers as he tries to come up with a good enough response. He sighs heavily before he addresses Taehyung. “Because I could kill him” 
“I never thought you of all people would be prone to being jealous. But then again you both did like the same girl in high school and she did choose Jimin so..” Taehyung remarks in an effort to irritate Yoongi. Yoongi shifts his icy cold gaze to him, daring him to say another word. 
Taehyung can only shrug in his defence as he hops off the barstool. “Happy Birthday bro” he winks at Yoongi and strolls off, disappearing into the sea of people. 
Yoongi’s eyes flutter back to you and he thinks he’s had enough of you and Jimin to last him a lifetime. So, very ungracefully he stumbles off the stool and makes his way towards you. Even with each step he takes, you still seem further out of his reach. He doesn’t know if its the alcohol playing tricks on him or if the distance is actually increasing between you and him. 
He shakes his head and continues to part through the crowd of people muttering small apologies under his breath. 
He stops in his tracks, breath hitching in his throat because Jimin is leaning in, his eyes closed and your eyes closed. Jimin’s lips are just about to touch yours when Yoongi clears his throat very loudly, breaking the moment. He exhales the breath he had been holding once you and Jimin are a respectable distance apart again. 
“Look who it is!” Jimin grins throwing an arm around Yoongi. But Yoongi is quick to push his arm away with a vexed look on his face. 
“Seems like I interrupted an important moment” he looks at you, lips pursed in a thinly-veiled jealous and halfhearted attempt at a smile. 
“It was nothing” Jimin waves him off. “We were just talking” he pretends as if nothing happened. 
It seems to work because Yoongi raises a brow at the younger boy. “Really?” 
“Well.. I mean we were just talking and things kind of got a little serious and you know” he shrugs in a nonchalant manner. “It happens sometimes” Jimin passes you a look trying to hold back a smile. 
“Well, why don’t you try to keep it in your pants and stop trying to get at my best friend” Yoongi offers a thin-lipped tight smile clearly not impressed. 
“So you were saying y/n...” Jimin raises his brows as he trails off hinting at your previous conversation and certainty that Min Yoongi would not react. “Anyway, it seems like I am getting in the middle of something here so I’ll be off. Happy Birthday, Yoongi” Jimin raises his glass to Yoongi who just glares at him, until he’s out of sight. 
“What was that?” you question tentatively as Yoongi turns to look at you after having had his fill of shooting dirty looks at Jimin. 
“What?” he shrugs 
“You know the whole I-am-the-alpha-male- routine” 
“I am the alpha male y/n” Yoongi’s fingers wrap around your wrist and he tugs you along with him. 
“Where are we going?” you question as he pulls you along through the sea of people in front of you. 
You reach the ballroom where people are dancing. Yoongi lets go of your arm and from a table on the side that is filled with masks, Yoongi picks a golden shimmery one. He turns to you, places the mask on your face and reaches behind you to tie the strings behind your head. You can smell his cologne from this distance, you can also smell the vodka on his breath as it fans your skin, leaving you with goosebumps all over your body. 
“There,” he pulls back with a smile. “Looks like it was made for you” 
Then he turns back around and picks a black mask for himself. He turns back to you and holds it up to you. “Your turn” 
You take it from him and tie the mask around his head. “There. It matches your suit” you say as you pull back. “Is Min Yoongi really going to dance?” you question, finding his actions uncharacteristic for his usual demeanour. 
He holds out his hand for you take. You look between him and his hand and upon being met with a sincere look in his eyes you place your hand in his. He leads you out to the floor, arm circling around your waist as he pulls you in. With his other hand, he wraps his fingers around your hand and starts swaying gently. You wrap your arm around his shoulder and hold his hand tight
“You look beautiful tonight,” he says gently
“So you’re saying I don’t look beautiful otherwise?” you tease. 
Yoongi shakes his head with a chuckle. “You can never take a compliment can you?”
“Not from you” you reply
He’s silent as he sways you in his arms, moving to the rhythm of the music and holding onto you tight like he can’t let go. He gently and softly begins to stroke your back and you lean into him and place your chin on his shoulder. 
“Is there something between you and Jimin?” his voice mixes in with the music as his words melt in the air.
“No” you shake your head, pulling back to look at him, but his hand stays firm around your waist even as you let go of each other’s hands. “Why are you asking?” 
“I am asking because I hate it when you and Jimin act all friendly with each other. I hate it when he’s that close to you” he stops moving and so do you. 
“Why do you hate it?” you reach behind your head and take off the mask.
“Because...” Yoongi too unties the string behind his head and takes off the mask, his glowy face coming back into sight. “I like you. I always have. I can’t lose you to anyone, especially not Jimin. So I need to know if there is something between you and him” 
“Mr. Min Yoongi, there is nothing between me and Jimin. For the record, I like you too. I always have” your lips curve up in a smile that Yoongi is quick to mirror. 
“Hmm. I see” his lips quiver, a smile threatening to escape. “Did you get me a present?” 
“I just told you I like you too and you’re asking me for a present?” you gawk at him, disbelief flooding through you. 
“Just answer with a yes or no. Did you get me a present?” he repeats himself, eyes crinkling slightly as his lips begin to slowly stretch to reveal that gummy smile you have come to love so much. 
“No” you whisper, suddenly feeling a pang of nervousness in your stomach because Yoongi’s eyes soften and he looks at you the way you have always wanted him to look at you-- with love, fondness and absolute adoration. It’s the way every woman wants to be looked at by a man. It’s that look--the one where the other person looks into your eyes and holds your gaze, the one they talk about in movies, the one they write poems about. Yoongi is finally allowing himself to look at you like that and you don’t know what you’re supposed to do with yourself. 
“Then can I ask for a present?” his voice a dulcet of a whisper. 
You nod because your voice is stuck in the back of the throat and so are the words you want to say.  
“I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you in a way no one has ever kissed you. Will you let me?” 
“I thought you would never ask” 
Yoongi leans in, his lips almost on yours. You can feel his breath ever so softly fanning your lips. You can smell the vodka on his breath. His lips graze against yours and he pulls back slightly like he’s teasing you. Your eyes flutter close because of the sensation and then you feel it-- the sudden surge of adrenaline as he finally presses his lips against yours. 
His hand travels up your arm, while the other holds you tight against him. He rests his hand at the nape of your neck pulling you deeper into the kiss. He’s kissing you softly at first but then with a gradation of intensity that makes you hold onto him for support for your knees feel weak. 
He kisses you once, and then he kisses you again until you realize that you’ll never have enough of him. He holds himself to his word because no one has ever kissed you the way he is-- by making you lose your mind and then, making you question whether you even want it back. 
When he pulls away you’re dizzy and red-faced. You cling onto him still because your knees will give out if you let go. 
“I am glad I asked” he whispers as he ghosts over your lips and placed a gentle peck. 
“Happy Birthday Yoongi” your quiet voice melts in the air, etching itself into Yoongi’s mind as he takes you in with your swollen lips, and red cheeks and he knows that he’ll never get tired of seeing you a mess after he kisses you. 
As he looks into those heartbreakingly beautiful eyes of yours he knows that he’ll always kiss you like he’s losing you. 
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whentheynameyoujoy · 4 years
Women in SPN—Seasons 2 and 3
Previously on Joy Obsesses over a Show That Creatively Expired in 2010
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Introduced back when the Winchesters dodging the coffin actually qualified as an episode, she follows in Meg’s tracks by continuing to make monsters seem more approachable and less a malevolent force of nature. Starts off with a completely flat affect but gets annoyed with the Winchester bullshit real quick—a sure-fire sign of an SPN character with a brain. A powerful being capable of returning one’s memories by a smooch which is… convenient. As is the fact that bad guys keep using her for their ebul plans. Serves the typical secondary-character function of a springboard for a main guy’s development. Plants hints of the “natural order”, “destiny”, and “inevitability” which will become major themes down the road and be explored by characters with deeper writing.
Status: Alive as of s5
Importance: Minor, remembered primarily because she keeps popping up.
On her own: A nice addition to the lore.
Jo Harvelle
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Originally Dean’s love interest until she got written out for the crime of having tits around the fandom’s husband. Driven by a wish to honor her dead father and become a hunter, she’s held back by the unfortunate fact of not being all that good at it. Cheerful, temperamental, and a pretty skilled hustler, she’s mortally wounded when charging in to protect Dean. Ends up sacrificing herself so that others can escape and attempt to end the Apocalypse.
Status: Dead as of s5, dragged back and disappeared again in s7
Importance: Major
On her own: A soldier going out in a blaze of glory. I bawl every time.
Ellen Harvelle
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Unlike her daughter, very good at what she does. No-nonsense authority figure, she’s one of the few in the show to pull off a combination of a hand-wringing mama bear and a pro-active badass with a life outside her family. Not perceived as a threat because fans don’t know the meaning of MILF yet, and so is allowed to stick around for the season 2 finale. Dies to make Jo’s plan to obliterate Meg’s hellhounds work, though it’s strongly implied she mostly refuses to survive her kid.
Status: Dead
Importance: Major
On her own: SPN’s Molly Weasley, sullied by the implications of her death
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A head-strong leader of a nest of vegetarian vampires, she’s deliberately contrasted with Gordon’s Terminator schtick and to a lesser degree with Dean’s black-and-white monsters vs. humans kill-everything grief-cope in order to further cement SPN’s ongoing crusade of challenging who in fact is the monster around here. Has a crowning moment of awesome when she refuses to feed while covered in Sam’s blood. The entire point of her is her determination not to give up her humanity even when no longer human. Would be shame if the show decided to later abandon this essential part of her character and twist it for cheap drama…
Status: Alive as of s5, annihilated in every way in s6
Importance: Minor in the overall narrative, major in the episode and the boys’ development
On her own: An effective mirror to Dean’s stroll down the slippery slope
Diana Ballard
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TheGoodCop manipulated by her professional and romantic partner, she has a surprisingly functional tension with Sam. Luckily for Linda Blair it goes unnoticed because the fandom doesn’t view older women as competition. Noteworthy mostly because she actively participates in uncovering the episode’s mystery which automatically elevates her above the standard clueless civilian, man or woman, who needs the duo to save them. Despite fewer appearances arguably more memorable than Henriksen, precisely because of her active involvement.
Status: Alive as of s5
Importance: Minor overall, a major player in the episode
On her own: Interesting take on the usual boilerplate cop
Ava Wilson
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To present a very, very generous interpretation, she foreshadows Sam’s eventual turn to the dark side. Spirited, a little bit airheaded, and freaked about her Azazel-given powers, she gives enough of a damn to prevent her visions of people dying from coming true, though she clings to her intention to lead a normal civilian life. Does a complete switcheroo off-screen to become a villain because… power is awesome? Ends up the most advanced special child in season 2’s battle royale, the very concept of which is just… eh? Still gets dispatched no problem because… why not?
Status: Dead
Importance: Minor
On her own: A prime example of why the special children subplot is just…wot?
Molly McNamara
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Memorable primarily because of the experimental (for SPN) narration which frames her as the duo’s partner when in fact she’s one of the things being hunted. For plot reasons spends her episode switching between being terrified, worried for her missing husband, and heartbroken. Can be somewhat tortuously argued to fit the theme of (not) overcoming grief and letting go, one of the few detectable threads in the directionless slog that’s season 2.
Status: Dead
Importance: Minor overall, major because she’s arguably the main character of her episode
On her own: Torture porny. Very torture porny.
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Intelligent, educated, and with an endearing love of soaps, she’s responsible for one of the three watchable sex scenes in the entire show. Has a nice theme of personal growth and healing from trauma going on, although it’s cut short and undermined when she’s revealed as a werewolf and euthanized by none other than Sam himself. Her death is filmed as a narrative-changing tragedy before it goes on to become a joke in season 4.
Status: Dead
Importance: Major
On her own: No matter how you look at it, she’s a diseased dog that needs to be put down for her own good while the menz wallow in their manly manpain. A rare example of a storyline I don’t think can be tweaked to be even marginally less awful.
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I believe maestro may have wanted to portray sadness here.
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Told to be an excellent hunter, she’s shown as needing to be saved in order not to end up like her husband who’s literally forced to gargle bleach. Introduces the notion of growing hostility against the Winchesters in the hunting community. Full of wrath to fit the episode’s one-off seven deadly sins schtick, she’s emphasized as emotional and not in control of herself to such a degree that it overshadows how she’s in fact fairly competent in the second half of the episode.
Status: Alive as of s5
Importance: Minor
On her own: Wouldn’t stand out this much if she weren’t one of the few POCs in the blinding whiteness that’s SPN’s Americana.
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Doesn’t have the most organic introduction (A cool intriguing sexy French fries loving not like other gurls sassy badass, with a superdooper special knife? How 2000s cringe can you get?) but quickly becomes one of the show’s most distinctive villains allies. She’s an ally. Totally. Don’t worry about it. A sarcastic smartass jerk who breathes lies and manipulation, she’s resourceful, thinks on her feet, and throws herself into the thick of action without hesitation—a trait that gets especially interesting in retrospect as it suggests a fanatic devotion to her real goal. Sadly, her motivation doesn’t get fleshed out beyond “she really likes Satan, I guess” (which, hey) as the writers prioritize the surprise of the revelation over her further character development. Has the second watchable sex scene in the entire show; the fandom weeps itself to sleep. Gets killed by her own weapon when the writers decide that a character who’s smarter than both protagonists combined could well do with a bit of the good ol’ lobotomizing.
Status: Dead
Importance: Supermegadoublemajor
On her own: The stupid nature of her demise and occasional wooden acting do their best but never overshadow the awesome that’s Ruby.
Lisa Braeden
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Dean’s past fling who becomes a living symbol of his desire for the white-picket fence. Is implied to possess mad financial skills as she owns property on a yoga teacher’s salary while a single mom below the age of 30. A blank slate the likes of Cassie, she’s salvaged by better acting. Frequent frowning suggests the presence of an inner life though it doesn’t tend to manifest itself on screen or affect the plot. Her single established trait—blow-out assertiveness the moment things get too far—is exercised mostly in service to her son. Exists solely to give Dean something to pine for.
Status: Alive as of s5
Importance: Major
On her own: A tertiary character who so-so sustains her own episode.
Bela Talbot
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The best expansion of the show’s lore after the host of heaven, she’s unequivocally a bad person who nevertheless evokes huge amounts of sympathy. A cynical self-serving dealer in supernatural objects who mirrors Dean’s cracking tough guy persona, due to her abuse and the resulting trauma she refuses to open up and rely on anyone out of principle, or be indebted to them. Her pride makes her clinically unable to ask for help until it’s too late, and even forego mentioning personal history when it’d actively benefit her by softening the horrible impression others have of her. Switching between being an antagonist and the duo’s reluctant ally, she manages to outwit them roughly 90% of time. The fact that she has sexual tension with Dean while Sam lusts after her to the point of literal drooling sends fans apoplectic.
Status: Dead
Importance: Major
On her own: A complex character brought down by her own flaws.
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A demon, she’s torn between wanting to enact the Apocalypse and just chilling with her soulmate. Definitely a fanfic reader because her idea of dealing with danger is to shut herself with her enemy in a room and have a lengthy theological debate. Very outspoken about humanity’s propensity for evil. Outcomplexes Lilith and to a lesser extent Ruby as she’s allowed to openly address her life philosophy. While the dialogue format of her scenes is designed to give Dean space to talk about his feelings regarding his impending demise, it’s more or less an equal push-pull exchange. She’s smart, captivating, capable, and in love, i.e. things SPN just isn’t interested in keeping around.
Status: Dead
Importance: Minor in the overall narrative, major in the episode and Dean’s development
On her own: Could have been so good if allowed to stick around
Gertrude Case
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A rich elderly creep whose gropy ways are played for laughs because she’s a woman I guess. Either can’t read social cues or doesn’t give a fuck about people’s obvious discomfort. But don’t worry, it’s hilarious. She’s a woman, you see. What harm have those ever done.
Status: I’m going to assume dead by now, otherwise alive as of s5
Importance: A major figure in Sam’s life since she sexually assaulted him. Otherwise minor.
On her own: Sexual harassment is fun, kids
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Take Molly McNamara, strip her of any pretence at thematic relevance, minimize her importance while playing up her suffering, and then remove her like a broken Christmas decoration while making sassy remarks—voilà, you’ve ended up with the exact simplistic image that pops into one’s head when the words Supernatural and women are mentioned in a sentence.
Status: Dead
Importance: Non-existent
On her own: Just… why
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Approaches awesomehood as her demonic business operation is built around preying on bored suburban hausfraus and taking their souls in exchange for magical powers, which they then use to secure benign materialistic keeping-up-with-the-joneses crap and devour one another like a bunch of assholes whose death you can’t help but eagerly anticipate. Srsly, eff those ladies. Stands out as the only (implied) lesbian in the Kripke arc.
Status: Dead
Importance: Minor, not even the real monster of the week when compared to the coven
On her own: There’s probably another discussion about Doylist sexism hidden around somewhere that I’m not really interested in having. Go Astaroth.
Nancy Fitzgerald
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Sugar and spice and every other cliché about kindness combined in a pretty sweet package. Plot demands her to be a virgin for some reason, even though this aspect of her character doesn’t amount to anything in the story and only serves to contrast Nancy’s… purity with Ruby who we’re being constantly told is a “slut” and a “whore” and I have no idea how that’s supposed to work. Then again, Nancy’s virginity is framed as a valid personal choice in a rather empowering moment so that’s good. Has standards because even after deciding to let go of her chastity vow, she won’t settle for just any loser who happens to stand around converting oxygen into CO2. Her “cause manpain out of nowhere”-type death is one of the few of this category in the show which actually work because the cruel pointless nature of it is precisely the point (and at least she’s not the only one who doesn’t survive, please ignore how the episode literally says her demise is the most tragic because she never got laid, barfs).
Status: Dead
Importance: Minor
On their own: A textbook definition of a cinnamon
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An overarching menace that doesn’t spend too much time on screen, she’s a prop rather than her own person. This gets highlighted the moment the show stops casting her as a clichéd creepy child who likes to larp as that Twilight Zone kid, and turns her into the standard hawt chick in a will-they-won’t-they episode. No interiority as she goes along with a plan which requires her obliteration, without at least allowing her to explore her religious motivation. Ruby does all the heavy lifting in this partnership.
Status: Dead
Importance: Major
On her own: For the life of me I can’t make sense of her actions in s4. But the clichéd creepy kid is adorbs so points for memorability.
Maggie Zeddmore
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The straight man to the Ghostfacers’ utterly delightful douchefacery. Manages to keep up with Harry and Ed in terms of hilarity because not only is she exactly as out of place as them, she decides to role-play her childhood-friends-to-lovers fanfic in the middle of a haunted house as the best sister that she is.
Status: Alive as of s5
Importance: Minor
On her own: Love at first geek
Next, season 4 and 5 before I try to figure out what this all adds up to.
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ikuya really ruins my day when i see him on my screen i wished kyoani never adapted high speed and just left it alone because they barely had chemistry as a group and ikuya so unlikable and a downer who mistakenly thinks he is haru's rival and think he's in competition with rin when haru dont really care for ikuya as a close friend
Shhhh why would u be so rude to a 5 year old?.. now he gonna be depressed again lol 
To be serious though, it’s true, nobody gives a fuck about that team if we’re being real, the whole fandom is here for the OGs, plus they look so uninspiring after our team, that it’s just sad, like when they won by the end of “Starting Days” movie, I didn’t feel anything. Because how can you be emotionally invested if there’s nothing to be emotionally invested in and none of the original characters are invested in it? 
Plus Ikuya’s “story” is just a part of the Rinharu stair. In “Starting Days” everything is based on Haru missing Rin, not wanting to swim a relay without Rin, thinking about Rin, etc. throughout the whole fucking movie. And this whole thing with Ikuya happened because of Rinharu’s angst, Haru didn’t even remember who Ikuya was for several years, he just thinks of Rin every day even when he’s not there. Ikuya and Hiyori both know this. Everyone knows it.
It seriously ain’t my fault that Haru said that only Rin made him feel that way during the swimming, it ain’t my fault that Haru said that Rin was the one who made him want a future, it also ain’t my fault that they forgot about everyone else once they got together. So I sinceriously hope, that Ikuya doesn’t really think that he can compete, cause it’s gonna be a secondhand embarrassment then and his character is gonna fall even lower in my eyes.
And I will say it many times: I don’t understand why Ikuya thinks that Haru owes him anything (cause they aren’t even friends, they are acquaintances, I mean, even Nitori knows Haru better than Ikuya). I think it’s because of how Ikuya was raised and how his close people treat him, he now thinks that the world must revolve around him. And acts like the stupidest teenager from the movies. Which I didn’t expect from Free! tbh, because all of the characters there care about others before they care about themselves and Ikuya is literally for now the only one who only thinks of his aparently “golden” ass.
Also in that last moment when everyone is looking at Rinharu, but they only see each other and make this wedding vows speech about how this feels like a dream, but it’s not a dream anymore. And they show baby harurin and the whole world disappears (I felt like other contestants should be offended lmao), like these assholes fucking know that now that they’re together they’ll win for sure. I just have a question.. they’re gonna be on one team with Ikuya, right? I can’t even fucking imagine this relay team lmao I mean, I just really want to see how it plays out and what the fuck is going to be the team dynamic. Cause Makoto and Nagisa knew everything about Rinharu, but now, I mean.. it’s gonna be two members of the team who are soulmates and connected to each other throughout the oceans then Ikuya and the other dude?
Like after the movie it feels like Ikuya will be stomping his foot and crying while watching them and then Hiyori will be whiping his tears and then Natsuya will run in and be like “I hope, you’re not making my little bro sad!!!” xD (it’s just we never had someone who always walks with his parents on the team) I just don’t get how it will work lmao. Or this 4th dude who would be on the team must help us somehow.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Galactica, Chapter 19 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Hi friends! We’re gonna slow down with posting a little bit for awhile, but we’ll still try to get out a chapter a week. This is a good time to catch up if you’ve fallen behind! XOXO Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Violet confronted her worst fear when Sutan showed up at Galactica and learned the truth about her job.  
This Chapter: Sutan has a heart to hearts with both Violet and his twin sister. Courtney makes a new friend, and Pearl makes herself useful as everyone finishes the Fashion Week preparations.
“So.” The door closed behind them, “This isn’t how I imagined the day going.”
Violet tried to keep her tears back, her nails digging into her palm.
“When Raj asked me to come by, I had hoped for lunch,” Sutan sat down on the edge of Courtney’s desk, everything about him too grand, too good for her little assistants office, “maybe even dinner even though you told me you’re busy.”
None of this made any sense.
“A kiss or two if the night really took off.”
Sutan wasn’t mad, hadn’t yelled at her, hadn’t called her stupid or wothless or torn her apart for essentially lying to him.
“Please don’t do this.”
“Do what, lovely eyes?”
The nickname hit her like a slap in the face, Sutan completely calm.
“Pretend like we’re okay.”
“Are we not?” Sutan crossed his arms, his suit jacket pulling at the elbows, and Violet wanted to scold him for messing with the fabric, sorrow welling up in her that she’d never be allowed to again. “And why is that?”
“I lied to you.” Violet wished she was dead. “I’m not a designer, not yet, but I-”
“Violet. I know I’m not the most observant man in the universe-” Sutan huffed, like he had just told a joke, “but maybe I should have asked about your job, instead of just assuming that you were a designer.”
“That’s still a lie-”
“Is it? Did you lie? Or did you just not say anything?”
“What’s the difference?” Violet couldn’t understand him, what Sutan was saying still not making any sense.
“A whole lot?” Sutan stood up, forcing her to tilt her neck to look at him. “Violet-“ Sutan took a step forward, “when people usually lie to me, it’s a lot more serious than this.”
Violet hadn’t looked into Sutan’s past, hadn’t googled him or gone through his social media, the idea that she even could like a gross violation, but his words made a cold shiver run down her back.
“You’re climbing the corporate ladder? So is everyone else in this city.” Sutan shrugged. “So what if you’re an assistant? If you can keep Fame in check, you must be pretty remarkable.”
“I didn’t- I thought you’d be ashamed, that you wouldn’t want to see me anymore-” Violet twisted a handful of her jacket, the zipper digging into her palm.
“You’re weird, Violet.”
Violet froze. “Wha-?”
Sutan had just insulted her, weird never a good thing to be, but somehow, somehow it didn’t sound bad coming from him.
“You’re really, really weird, and I like that about you.” Sutan smiled, surprising Violet once again as he continued speaking, and continued praising her.
“I like how you want to go to the museum, instead of whatever spot that’s in on Instagram. I like how smart you are, how you carry yourself.”
Violet felt hot all over, her interest in the exhibition not something she had even consider as remarkable.
“I enjoy your company, actually, I enjoy it immensely.” Sutan smirked, a glint in his eyes.
“If I said no to all of that, all of this, just because you’re an assistant, which is a perfectly respectable fucking job, I wouldn’t deserve you.”
Violet had no idea how she had found Sutan, had no idea how she had been blessed enough for a man like him to walk into her life, but as she closed the distance between them, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, she was so happy she had.
[I know who you liiiike], Raja laughed, the words sung by her in fluent Indonesian as she and Sutan walked down the hall of Galactica on their way to Raja’s office.
Sutan had gone back to finish the meeting, Violet actually hugging the strange little blonde and whispering something in her ear when she had returned with the coffees.
[Given the circumstances, I don’t think that’s very impressive.]
It had been incredibly hard to concentrate, Violet an ever present presence in the corner, and while Sutan tried not to pay too much attention to her, the gigantic smug smirk on his sister’s face had told him she had seen right through him.
[Give me a moment to enjoy the fact that Violet Chachki has your attention,] Raja smirked, the teasing tone still in her voice as she sat down on the couch in her inner office, toeing off her shoes Sutan immediately taking the seat right beside her, unbuttoning his jacket.
[I like her for you,] Raja twirled a bit of her hair, a lazy drawl in her voice as she leaned back, [she’s competent.]
[Thanks?] Sutan smiled. Competent from Raja was a high praise, his sister hating the majority of the population.
Violet was competent, very competent, watching her work actually pretty sexy, the woman catching every question or ridiculous demand Fame had thrown her way, though Sutan had seen bosses who were a lot worse than his friend.
[Do you want a drink?] Raja pointed towards the drink station in the corner of her office.
[In the middle of the day?] Sutan squeezed Raja’s knee, his sisters assistant out to get their lunch, the look in her eyes when he had returned instantly telling Sutan that he was expected to spill his guts.
[Don’t give me attitude, young man.]
[You’re only 7 minutes older than me.] Sutan got up and walked over to the little bar. Raja had probably asked for wine from the minifridge she also had installed in her office, but he knew his sister and knew that when she smelled gossip, she was like a shark after blood, and Sutan wasn’t facing any of that without hard liquor in his blood.
[7 very important minutes.]
Sutan poured two glasses, topping his own off very generously before he made his way back to his sister.
[So,] Raja smirked, taking her glass as she sat up on the couch. [I assume Violet is the one you’ve been texting?]
[No!] Raja hit him, her flat palm connecting with his upper arm.
[When did this become a thing?!] Raja almost giggled, his sister humming with excitement as she practically crawled into his personal space, her legs swung over his lap. [I want every single detail!]
Sutan guessed that his sister's enthusiasm made sense. It had been a depressingly long time since he had found anyone anywhere near as interesting as he had found Violet.
[It wasn’t exactly...planned…] Sutan touched Raja’s calf, kneading the used muscles he could feel, Raja always insisting on sky high heels. [I met her at the Fashion Fund.]
[What? Seriously?] Raja’s eyes widened. [The one year I don’t go?!]
Sutan chuckled. Raja had had an invite, but she had stayed home with Raven, all of the upcoming work during Fashion Week and their new engagement meaning that Raja had opted for a night in instead, regret now radiating from his sister.
[I saw her at the bar, and…]
Sutan paused. He and Raja shared everything. It was who they were, two parts of one whole, each other's soulmates, but for some reason, it didn’t feel right to tell Raja that Violet had been crying.
Violet had told him that she wasn’t a crier, that it wasn’t something she usually did, and even though Sutan had seen it twice now, those words still rang true to him.
There was something about Violet, her poise and her pride, how she carried herself, that told him she was immensely private, so for once, he kept his mouth shut, skipping the small but crucial piece of information as he continued his story.
[We started talking and before I knew it she just… She captivated me. She’s stayed over at my apartment-]
[No!] Raja’s jaw dropped, and she picked up one of her pillows, hitting Sutan who laughed.
[Raj!] Sutan held a hand in front of his face, shielding it from his sister’s attack.
[I told you to get new furniture! I told you to!]
It was true that Raja had been on his dick about him getting new furniture for years now, but Sutan hadn’t been able to find the motivation. He guessed it was sort of embarrassing that his apartment hadn’t changed at all since his sister moved out, but what did it matter?
He had lived with Raja for most of his life - they had been roomies through what little they did of college, had shared a one bedroom apartment when Raja had gotten discovered and they’d moved from L.A to New York, the two of them slowly but painfully upgrading together until they had finally been able to buy their own place, both of their names on the contract.
It wasn’t until Raja had fallen in love with Raven, and all three of them had lived together over a year in the apartment Sutan had now, that Raja had moved out.
She hadn’t moved far though, his sister and Raven simply purchasing the exact same apartment two floors up.
[Violet doesn’t seem to mind.]
“That’s because you got her dickmatised.” Raja sighed, falling back on the couch.
[Please don’t use that word.] Sutan smiled, rolling his eyes at her slang. [It’s not like that.]
[No?] Raja’s eyes narrowed. [What’s it like then?]
Sutan hit a snort. It was so typical of his sister to be jealous of anyone who took even the smallest part of him, nevermind the fact that Raja herself was engaged to be married.
[Time will tell Raj. Time will tell.]
Violet was running, her feet hitting the belt tracker over and over again. It was early morning, the gym practically empty except for the other regulars, everyone giving each other space for whatever they needed done.
She had a near endless day in front of her at the office, everything closing in, final preparations taking place.
Violet was gasping, but for once she was in control of the lack of air, the exercise pushing her towards that glorious place where her mind was quiet, where nothing existed except the rhythmic move of her body, and where everything else ceased to matter.
Courtney entered the cafeteria with a deep sigh. Upstairs, it was pretty much chaos as everyone desperately tried to finish the last few days of prep for Fashion Week. She couldn’t help but be a bit insulted that Violet had sent her down for an early lunch. She knew that the other girl wasn’t just trying to be nice to her, but in fact wanted her out of the way.
Even though she’d be the first one to admit that she had lots of room for improvement in this job, it still stung. After all, she wasn’t an idiot, and she knew that she could be helpful if given the chance. But maybe it was better this way, since she was pretty sure that her next mistake would result in Violet murdering her.
The cafeteria was almost empty, except for a couple of suits that she wasn’t allowed to socialize with.
Normally, she would be irritated at being told who she was allowed to talk to, but her few brief interactions with the suits told her that in fact, it was just very good advice to stay away. They reminded Courtney so much of all the worst frat boys that she’d known (and regrettably, dated) back in college. Entitled little shits who thought the world was their playground, interested in nothing but a good time--for themselves.
Courtney actually hadn’t dated anyone since she’d moved to New York. For the first time since high school, she was enjoying the freedom of being single, unconcerned with boys altogether. It was nice, actually, and when her friends would whine about how hard it was to find decent guys in the city, she found herself shrugging, unbothered by this alleged lack of datable men.
She purchased some tempeh tacos and her favorite coconut water, pointedly ignoring the suits who eyed her up and down, the bolder ones offering friendly waves. One of them even gave her a little wink as she slid into her seat. (Which, she had to admit, she did enjoy. After all, she was only human, and even though she had no interest in dating them, it was still nice to know she looked cute.)
Ironically, it was just when she was sighing happily over the relief of having no boyfriend to answer to when a boy stopped at the table in front of her, clearing his throat.
She looked up at him. Definitely not a suit, in his denim jacket and sandy blonde curls falling into his eyes, a neatly trimmed beard covering his face. He grinned charmingly, asking, “Is this seat taken?”
Courtney paused for a moment. He wasn’t a suit...in fact, the way he was dressed, he looked like he might be a Galactica employee, although she didn’t recognize him. She supposed there was no harm in letting him sit down, though.
“Yes –I mean no. Go ahead...Sorry.”
“Thank you.” He slid onto the bench, still smiling, and asked, “So, why’s a gorgeous girl like you eating lunch alone?”
“Because I don’t like to get roofied while it’s still daylight outside,” Courtney snarked, shoving a bite of tempeh into her mouth.
The boy burst out laughing, clearly taken aback by her dark humor, and Courtney hid a bit of a smile.
“I’m Willam,” he extended a hand over their trays. “No extra i,” he added with a wink.
“Courtney. Nice to meet you.” Courtney grabbed Willam’s hand, giving it a firm shake--he should know right away that she wasn’t some simpering pushover. “Do you work here? Or, for us I mean?”
“No.” Willam shook his head. “I’m a journalist with OK! Magazine.”
“Oh! They’re on our approved list!” Courtney said with a grin, and Willam smiled back.
“Yeah, I have an interview with your head of social media today.”
“Pearl! I know her!”
“She’s kind of late, and I’m kind of glad.”
“Yeah… Pearl isn’t the best at being anywhere on time…She’s cool, though.”
“Well, if she arrived on time, I wouldn’t have met you.”
Courtney snorted. This kid was certainly laying it on thick, and while he wasn’t the type she normally went for, the attention was nice. And he did have pretty blue eyes, framed by the longest lashes that Courtney had ever seen on a boy.
“Well...thanks, Willam.”
“So, Courtney. What do you do?”
“I’m an assistant in Miss Fame’s office.”
“Whoa! That’s cool. She seems like a really, uh, interesting person.”
“Yeah. She’s...um…”
“...eccentric?” Willam asked with a chuckle. “Rich people are always a bit weird.”
It wasn’t until that moment that Courtney realized how much she’d been dying to vent to someone about her job. Adore was off limits for obvious reasons, and she was even nervous to say anything to their mutual friends for fear that someone would accidentally tell Adore if she complained about Fame too much. But this guy didn’t know Fame, or have any personal relationships with the people who were driving her crazy. So Courtney took a deep breath and started talking, telling him all about her job, not even once thinking about the confidentiality agreement she had signed on her first day.
“I look like an egg.”
Trixie turned in the mirror, watching his reflection.
“No you don’t.” Katya was sitting in a pile of clothes, a courier coming by with several bags.
Trixie was dressed in a black long sleeved shirt, Fame unrelenting in her demands for his fashion week wardrobe. There would be cameras backstage at their show, Raja running most of it, but Trixie still had to be there, and while Fame didn’t normally care about his clothes at work, Trixie knew she would personally kill him if any photos of him in an aloha shirt showed up in Vogue.
“I do.” Trixie ran a hand over his head, his hair trimmed to it’s very minimum to disguise his bald spots.
“Okay, so maybe you do look a bit like an egg.” Katya smiled. Her blonde hair was crimped and pulled up in a scrunchie, and Trixie desperately wished he could match her fun and colorful dress.
“Try this one.” Katya held up a forest green t-shirt. “I think there might be a hat somewhere that matches.”
“And so the entire week ends with you in the front row at Oscar De La Renta and drinks at the Chester at the Gansevoort Hotel.”
Fame nodded, looking at Pearl with a small smile on her face. The two of them were on the sofa in Fame’s office, the leftovers of their dinner still sitting on the coffee table. Violet was at Bryant Park, having a production meeting for next week’s shows, and Fame had suggested that she take Courtney along to learn the ropes, effectively getting them both out of the office. “Well done. Does the timetable hold?”
“Violet made it herself, so I’m betting on it.”
Fame nodded once again; there was a slight pounding in her temple as a headache tried to bloom. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been so anxious for so long, her mind working in overdrive every time she wasn’t specifically focused on keeping it in check.
Fame looked at Pearl, a smile growing on her face.
“Yes, Pearl?”
Pearl said nothing else, just gazed at her with that cocky half-smile, the one that Fame could never resist, and Fame felt her knees weaken along with her resolve.
It was the same look that she'd given her three years ago, the day they first met. Alyssa had hired Pearl to help with their social media and branding presence, an edgy, rebellious former model who had a reputation for always being a step ahead of the trends. Galactica had always been a prestigious label, but in an industry obsessed with youth and innovation and the next big thing, they all had a fear of being branded stodgy or worse, passé.
Pearl was a breath of fresh air - for the company and for Fame, who’d found to her dismay that she’d lost some of the creative passion that drove her to create in the first place.
Fingers sliding teasingly up her thighs brought Fame back to the present. She’d have been lying if she claimed that this turn of events was a surprise, that it wasn’t the thing she’d been hoping for when she planned a Friday evening meeting with Pearl and got rid of the staff.
“Pearl…” Fame’s breath hitched as Pearl’s hand disappeared under her skirt.
“Yes, Miss?” Pearl’s face was temptingly close, and Fame’s lips parted in anticipation along with her thighs.
She pressed a hand to Pearl’s soft cheek, and said, “Don’t rush.”
A lazy smile spread across Pearl’s face, that victorious glimmer in her eyes.
“Yes, Miss.”
A small whimper escaped Fame’s lips as Pearl toyed with the edge of her panties, warm breath on her neck. Her thighs spread more, making her skirt ride up.  
Pearl moved down to her knees, settling between Fame’s legs. She peeled off her already wet, sticky panties, sliding them down her legs. But the torture was far from over. Fame’s head fell back, losing herself in the simple indulgence of Pearl’s generous ministrations.
She started out slow, teasing, alternating between soft wet kisses and sharp bites, up and down her thighs. Fame sighed and shivered with anticipation, the warm feeling in her belly spreading, especially when Pearl tugged open the little buttons on her blouse, reaching inside to toy with her achingly hard nipples. She pulled down one of the delicate lace cups, pinching Fame’s nipple between her thumb and forefinger, sending sparks straight to her core.
By the time her hot mouth finally brushed against Fame’s pussy, she was dripping wet and trembling, hands balled into white-knuckled fists as she arched up into every lick. Pearl took her sweet time, swirling her tongue in lazy, indulgent circles. Smiling against her as Fame’s thighs pressed into her ears.  
Fame was never very vocal during sex, prefering instead to let her body give more subtle clues as to what she liked. And Pearl, bless her, was an absolute virtuoso at reading every shift, every intake of breath. Playing her until every cell was singing, racked with the most delicious agony.
Her hands found their way into Pearl’s tousled hair, grabbing hold of the thick blond locks to regain some semblance of control. Though at this point, with Pearl’s tongue buried deep inside her, thumb grazing her clit, she was a lost cause. Pearl was running the show; she was simply along for the ride, breathlessly denying herself as long as she possibly could, holding out until the last possible second.
Then, with one decisive swipe of Pearl’s thumb against her clit, she was gone. Every muscle tensed, her back arched, and the relief came flooding over her as she came. But Pearl never let her off easy, coaxing soft moans from her, not back down until she was squirming in pain. And then, there was only a brief pause, less than a second for Fame to catch her breath, until Pearl pushed two fingers inside her.
Fame strained against Pearl’s fingers as the younger woman fucked her, deep and rough, first matching the rhythm of Fame’s rocking hips and then speeding up, pushing her faster and faster until her quiet moans turned to pitiful whimpers and she clawed at Pearl’s forearm, begging for a reprieve.
Which is when Pearl—that infuriating, beautiful monster—laughed. Fame wanted to slap the smug right off her face, but of course couldn’t, since she was too busy gasping for air. Finally, she eased her fingers out, immediately dipping her head back down to gently lick Fame clean, tongue soft and gentle.
Fame’s fingers loosened their grip on her hair, body turning slack and pliant. When she lifted her head to proudly assess her work, Fame couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. Her entire face was glistening wet, makeup an absolutely travesty. Fame reached out to touch her cheek.
“Thank you, pet.”
“I aim to please, Miss.”
@WillamB: Hey cutie. ;)
@CourtneyActJenek: Hi!
@WillamB: Can I confess something?
@CourtneyActJenek: Ok?
@WillamB: I really hate Instagram. I only made this account to talk to you.
@CourtneyActJenek: Lol. I’m on Facebook too.
@WillamB: Ugh, Facebook is even WORSE.
@CourtneyActJenek: Haha
@WillamB: But your adorable face makes social media worth it.
@CourtneyActJenek: Thanks, I think. Lol
@WillamB: When am I gonna see you again?
@CourtneyActJenek: Definitely not this week. It’s Fashion Week and I’m so stressed out. D:
@WillamB: Aww, bummer.
@CourtneyActJenek: Sorry
@WillamB: That’s okay, I totally get it. Work’s gotta come first, right?
@CourtneyActJenek: Something like that ;P
@WillamB: Well, no worries. I’ll hit you up after things settle down a bit.
Violet took a step back, admiring her work, her steamer in hand. She had spent the afternoon preparing her outfits for the week ahead, everything preselected right down to her underwear and jewelry.
Violet had spent most of Friday trying to imprint in Courtney’s mind how important it was that they looked presentable for the upcoming week, but as always, the blonde had refused to understand anything, Courtney somehow not grasping that pastels and rainbows weren’t appropriate.
There was a real risk that her and Courtney would be caught on photos, the fashion week journalists all over everyone entering and exiting the high profile shows, and as one of America’s most influential fashion designers, Fame was on every guest list that mattered.
Violet usually did everything she could to avoid getting photographed, the idea of a camera turned on her making her nauseous, everything in her screaming to get away, but it was part of her job, and something that had to be done.
In the end, Violet had given up and sent Courtney down to Ivy, the two of them jiving on a level Violet couldn’t replicate, no matter how much she tried to relate to Courtney, to make her understand that they were supposed to be on the same team.
Violet hoped that Ivy had succeeded in imprinting the information, the idea of dealing with and cover up a typical Courtney related fuck up really not something she had the emotional energy for during the grueling and near endless Fashion Week work days.
“Court, are you sure this is what you want?”
“Of course it is!”
“Okay, okay!” Adore laughed. The girls were sitting on the bath mat in her small bathroom, an abandoned pizza box on the toilet seat.
Courtney had called Adore earlier that day since she had been unable to sleep the night before. Whenever she drifted off, she apparently had a nightmare about the upcoming week. The first fashion show started tomorrow and though she claimed to be excited, Adore could tell that her friend was actually terrified.
Courtney was the one to suggest this hair dyeing activity. She just needed to do something, anything, to take back control. And Adore was never one to say no to a fresh hair color, even if she was dubious about the intentions behind it.
“Okay, so!” Adore took a large sip of her beer before she snapped on a pair of rubber gloves. “Do you want Cleo Rose, or Cotton Candy pink?”
“Cotton Candy of course! Duh!”
Adore grinned, mixing the solution in her well-used plastic bowl.
“You’re gonna look so fucking badass, girl.”
Courtney nodded, a drunk giggle leaving her as she smeared vaseline around her hairline, the faint smell of chemicals filling the room.
“Are you gonna do yours, too?” she asked.
Adore glanced at herself in the mirror. She hadn’t dyed her own hair for a few months. The green was almost all faded, leaving just the bleached parts behind, along with her dark brown roots.
“Maybe. What color should I do?”
Adore tilted her head, squinting her eyes to try and picture it. She hadn’t had purple since she was a teenager. It could be pretty cool, especially if she used a dark, royal purple and framed her face with some lighter highlights in the front.
“Yayyy!” Courtney clapped her hands excitedly. “Do it, do it, do it!”
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francesderwent · 5 years
i love that you're as obsessed with 2x01 and all its delena content and meanings as i am, and also lowkey surprised that it didn't result in you ever writing a 2x01 damon oneshot.
anon, your lowkey surprise is my command!
* - * - * - * - *
“build calluses, break promises”
Katherine’s lipstick is still smeared in the corner of his mouth.  His fingertips feel cold, wrenched away from her skin; it is too easy to breathe without her hand wrapped around his throat.  He is the sum of all of her parts, subtracted away from him; he’s nothing, because he was only ever her, and now she’s gone.  It happened so fast he barely believes that she was ever there at all; all she left behind was empty spaces and his bleeding heart – and her lipstick, in the corner of his mouth.  He can taste it.  She tastes like death and eternity, like she always has – except, of course, for the one time when she tasted like redemption.
How many times can he learn he was wrong about everything? How many times can the world turn upside down before everything comes unrooted and crashes down on him?
The first revelation was Katherine – her existence, her very self.  The simple fact that there could be something beyond family, beyond Stefan and the duty to protect him – something that would make a man leave his home and strike out on his own, give up everything and everyone he had to be with someone new.  The discovery that she was a vampire, that he could live forever with her – the tragic twist of fate that made him spend one and a half centuries waiting to rescue her – none of it held a candle to the first epiphany which removed himself from the center of his own life and placed her there instead.  Whether she was an orphaned human girl or a monstrous vampire, whether she was arm in arm with him, or waiting for him underground a thousand miles away, she was always true north.  He was faithful to her no matter who she was, no matter where she was, no matter how long he had to wait.
But what does it mean to be faithful to someone who was never faithful to you?  To be faithful to a person who, maybe, never really existed?  He knew, of course he knew, that there were others – Stefan, most prominently.  But she told him the truth, she gained his trust and his love without compelling it, he was sure that meant some part of her heart was his alone – but maybe it only meant he was a sucker, a pitiful mark who would lay his heart bare to be ripped open without having to be tricked and cajoled into it.  He’d long given up on believing in the fairness of the world; there was nothing surprising in the bare lack of a happy ending – but how was he supposed to look at himself, anymore?  If he wasn’t the chosen one, if he wasn’t the heroic prince destined to rescue the princess from her long captivity, pining for her just as she pined for him, then did it make him nothing but a joke?  The constancy of his heart, the strength of his convictions, the willingness to do anything to achieve his ends – what did it make him, if it wasn’t attached to something real, if it couldn’t be offered up and then received by someone?
For days or perhaps weeks, he was unmoored.  No plan, no fate, no soulmate.  No identity except the one derived by his differentiation from Stefan: it’s not a flattering comparison, but Stefan was all he had, “brother” the only remotely positive name he had left.
And then – a sudden beam of sunlight which didn’t burn.  Gravity restored, with a different center.  A new meaning attached to his name, because it was called by someone who saw him.
In his worst moments of maudlin humanity, he asks himself when he first loved her.  He doesn’t know.  It could have been as early as the first moment he set eyes on her; as simple as the moment she told him she was sorry, because he lost Katherine too; as ill-timed as the moment she called his name in the tomb and convinced him to come back to the world by saying “please”.  
But he knows, at least, when he first knew that he loved her.  A staircase, a dance, a night spent on the cold basement floor.  Just once, the universe opened up a space near her, and he was able to step into it.  Where once there was only room for Stefan, there was a breathless minute in which anyone could play the hero, and in which Elena didn’t resent him for taking his brother’s place.  She smiled on him with gratitude, and he was permitted to hold her loosely in his arms. Stefan retreated to the shadows, and he got his moment in the sun.
The world was the same as it had always been, but he had a new place in it.  He wouldn’t always play the leading role – and he knew that, of course he did.  But he could step in.  His difference from Stefan was an asset, suddenly; he could offer her things that his righteous brother couldn’t.  So she had Stefan’s devotion and love, and she didn’t need that from him, but his ruthless control, his selfish preference?  These earned him a place at her side, these could be put at her service.  And every now and then she would turn her gaze on him, and he felt like he had a place. He wasn’t Stefan – but he was him and he had his own role, one he didn’t have to compete for.  Stefan had her love – but they had their understanding. Did it entirely fill the hole Katherine left behind?  No. But most of the time he found that being loved second-best by someone who loves truly was better than being loved best by someone who could toss you aside without a second thought.
That is, until he realized that Elena wasn’t holding him in his place – but rather, trying to lift him out of it.  You decided I was worth saving.  She saw him more clearly than anyone, and still she looked at him without pity or disgust and pulled him out of the depths to stand beside her. She saved his life.  She didn’t flinch away when he leaned down to kiss her cheek, and she held his gaze when he looked a question at her.  She held still in her perfection and allowed him in all his unsteady brokenness to kiss her lips.  And then she kissed him back. 
Of all his revelations, his epiphanies, his about-turns – it was the most drastic and world-shaking.  Next to every other spark of light, it was brightest dawn.  He had chosen things to love before.  But now, he was loved, he was chosen.  The world looked as if it had been made brand new.
But it wasn’t a new world.  Wasn’t a new beginning, or a happy ending.  Wasn’t a benediction – wasn’t forgiveness or salvation or love.  
It was Katherine, with a different flavor of lipstick.
He already hates himself for running back to her, but is it any wonder, really?  If she was the source of that moment, then she had to be the answer, didn’t she? Perhaps she was choosing him now, choosing him again to make up for betraying him all those years ago.  It’s all or nothing with her, just as with him – kiss me or kill me – but maybe now it would be all.  But no, that wasn’t true either.  And another worldview comes crashing down: I never loved you…it was always Stefan.  
Never.  Never. 
The truth of it is awfully, cruelly apparent.  It was much more difficult to continue to believe in Katherine’s love than it is to hear it denied with finality.  Because the way she was with him wasn’t love – and he knows that now, doesn’t he?  Katherine never loved him.  Love doesn’t leave; love doesn’t lie; love doesn’t turn its beloved into a monster, no matter how immortal.
No, Katherine never loved him.
But Elena does.
It wasn’t her who kissed him.  She said she wouldn’t have kissed him back.  
But she did save his life.  She does trust him.  She doesn’t look away when he meets her eyes.  She sees his true self even when he tries to hide, she offers comfort when he’s hurting, she would never intentionally cause him pain.  What she has for him – what they have for each other, what’s between them – what else could it be?  What else was their understanding, except the certain knowledge that they loved each other, even though it couldn’t be spoken?
Maybe she’s not ready to face it yet – but she won’t leave him alone like this.  She doesn’t have it in her.  
The thought of Stefan gives him pause only for a second. Stefan can have both of them – he does have both of them – but he can’t have all of both of them. Katherine was all Stefan’s, all along, apparently.  So it’s only fair that part of Elena belong to Damon.  This is the way it’s always been.
He just needs to hear her say it.  He needs reality to reassert itself around her love – he needs the revelation that made his whole life seem to make sense to be true.  If they need to keep a few secrets so that they can express this one truth to each other, so be it.
He buttons his shirt.  If Elena’s going to see him, he has to appear whole.  He licks the last vestige of blood-red lipstick from his mouth.
It’s a new world.  Time to tell some new lies.
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
Shipping Wars - Wait—Do What Now? Part 4
People are looking for anything to confirm the real OTP at this point, even the less realistic—read: especially the less realistic. There is a growing collective that believes the Cat hero and Ladybug hero are soulmates and turn to Andre and his magic ice cream to prove it. Because Andre would clearly be able to foresee her true love. For this reason, Ladybug keeps getting vouchers for free ice cream. Often. From many people. Daily. And she has no pockets to carry them all in. People have been not-so-conspicuously hiding out around Andre’s shop waiting for her to come by so they can see what she gets. What they don’t realize is that Ladybug has about a good couple hundred vouchers by this point. There’s no way she could eat that much ice cream in a month, much less a day. She ends up getting so many that she donates them all to a children’s hospital.  
This makes headlines news. Ladybug: Savior of Paris and Giver of Free Ice Cream. The press has a field day. The Children’s Hospital in question has an actual field day, much to the joy of the children who are enjoying a treat at a time they otherwise wouldn’t and the staff who are enjoying the children’s happiness as well as the free sugar they need to keep going for another shift. For the kids and staff who couldn’t go, the vouchers are used to bring them back something (the poor director is holding a list that’s multiple pages long and trying not to panic).
Or at least, they would be, but Andre finds out why they’re there and what the treats are for and he’s downright moved to tears—actual tears! So much so that he takes his cart to the hospital itself and hands out ice cream to everybody there himself (much to the relief of the poor director).
But suddenly, a miracle occurs! Some of the children miraculously start to get better after this incident. Claims follow that Andre’s ice cream has magical properties. (Fact Check: It doesn’t. One of the doctors discovered a new vaccine while on a caffeine high from the coffee and chocolate ice creams mixed with six shots of espresso before he seriously crashed and went into a coma for three days. But don’t ruin their fun. The ice cream was still responsible.)
Other claims follow that it was because of Ladybug herself. And you know what, okay let’s go with that. She has that Miraculous Ladybug cure-all that cleanses akumas, restores people to their previous non-akuma-affected and non-injured states, and can literally undo any kind of property damage. It’s not that far of a jump to figure she could do similarly here. Besides, it was still her luck either way.
So many people are praising Ladybug for this.
Lila, obviously, was not one of them. She was just stewing into her hatred of Ladybug and all the attention going to her and her love life. By this point, she is sitting at home in her bedroom just waiting for Hawk Moth to akumatize her. She doesn’t realize that he is trying to avoid doing anything that could specifically target his son and bring him in closer contact with Ladybug, so he actively avoids her. Lila meanwhile is just waiting in her room for him to send an akuma to her and doesn’t get why he hasn’t done it yet. Just come for her already, Hawk Moth! She is your willing minion!
Lila’s mother, surprisingly enough, is actually a good parent who checks in on her child whenever she can—especially given all this media attention on the boy she said was her boyfriend and the poor dear must be feeling so hurt. Thus she overhears some of her daughter’s rather disturbing praises to Hawk Moth and prayers for him to come for her that have…multiple potential meanings and none of which any sort of mother would be happy with. It’s not too much of a leap of logic for her to come to the conclusion that her daughter has joined some sort of cult. She immediately signs Lila in to a mental health treatment facility that specializes in treating victims of abuse and cults. She then approaches the mayor for a little talk on the matter. (Chloe happens to overhear and can be found laughing about it for weeks after.)
Within days, a multitude of special public service announcements go out regarding cults. Particularly cults devoted to a specific supervillain who is regularly terrorizing Paris.
Coincidently, that one Team Hawkmoth guy is quietly dealt with. The webpage and fan art disappears. No one mourns.
When Lila later skypes with the class from her nice room at the facility, she attempts to make up more lies, clearly competing with Ladybug’s previously noted charity by exaggerating being hospitalized as a result of an illness she received offering aid to sick children in a third world country. Chloe calls her out.
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Preordained: Introductions III
When Zara Met Yoongi
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Pairing(s):Poly!BTSxOC, Sub!BTSxOC,
Warnings: Implied sexual situations, Mentions of sexual situations, implications of Dom/sub relationships, and a little bit of angst today.
Intro: Taehyung, Jungkook
It had been Ji-yoo’s idea to go out to the club. Girls’ Night, or so she said. Tae had nodded when Zara had told him and looped an arm around Jungkook’s neck.
“Okay, Zara, you have fun, okay? Don’t forget all about Kook and me!”
Zara had placed a hand over her heart, looking playfully offended.
Taehyung had grinned and placed a kiss on her lips, and shyly, Jungkook had followed.
“Man,” Ji-yoo sighed, once they were off campus and in line for the club, “I thought they might not let you go.”
Zara snickered, “You should be more nervous that I won’t let them go, Ji-yoo.”
Ji-yoo paused, then shrugged. “That’s fair.”
The bouncer let them in immediately and Zara made a beeline for the bar while Ji-yoo went right for the crowd of bodies writhing to the beat. For the most part, hot, sweaty crowded places weren’t Zara’s favorite kinds of places.
The bartender that approached her was unconventionally beautiful with a smile so wide it showed his gums and made the round apples of his cheeks rise. His black hair seemed to want to curl in the heat of the club. He looked pretty familiar, his face sparking something in Zara’s brain.
“What can I get you?”
“A water with lemon, please.”
Being uncontrollably drunk in a place filled with strangers was also something Zara tended to avoid. High School had been different, she’d known everyone there. College was a whole new world.
The water was placed in front of her quickly, and the bartender folded his arms on the bartop and stared at her, eyes taking in the little red dress she wore. Zara, amused, rose an eyebrow and stared back.
“Can I help you?”
“Sorry,” his grin turned into a thoughtful pout that reminded Zara a little of Tae when he was sorting through some kind of problem in his brain. “You just look really familiar.”
“Well, I go to University around here. Maybe you’ve seen me around campus.”
He snapped his fingers and nodded. “I’ve seen you in the coffee shop with those two guys, Kim and Jeon. I’m part time there. Coffee, two creams, three sugars, right? I’m Min Yoongi.”
Zara’s lips turned up at the corners.
The gummy smile appeared again for a second, before he closed his lips over his teeth.
“So, where are you from, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Zara took a sip of her water, blinking at him over the rim. “Easy answer, or difficult?”
“Oh, I’m always difficult.”
“I was born in Hawaii, then we moved to South Carolina, then Turkey, Washington, Belgium, and now we’re here.”
Yoongi whistled, the sound almost lost to the thumping bass.
“Military kid?”
“Brat, specifically.”
“I’m pretty Bratty myself,” Yoongi admitted, flashing Zara another one of those grins. She rolled her eyes heavenward for a moment. She had to admit that she was enjoying the banter.
“Another Brat is just what I need.”
“Ah, figures,” Yoongi straightened as someone down the bar waved a hand at him. “You do seem to have an affinity for the younger guys. I probably can’t compete.”
Zara’s eyebrows disappeared into her hairline as he winked and sauntered away.
He was a brat.
Zara found herself going to the coffee shop more often. Every time Yoongi spotted her, he’d give her his grin and gesture to a premade coffee with two creams, three sugars. She’d pay him more than enough and tell him to keep the change. She’d get the grin again.
She also found herself visiting the club more often, surprising everyone, Ji-yoo most of all.
“Zara, you hate the club,” she said, when Zara told her they should go back, “Is this about the bartender?”
At this, Tae slightly picked his head up off the table that the three of them sat around, Jungkook missing due to a class.
“Bartender,” he repeated, eyes darting to Zara, “What bartender? Did you like him? What was he like? Do you think he’s one of the Seven?”
With each question he scooted a little closer to Zara, until he was practically on her lap, curling his big hands around her shoulders.
“Tae,” she protested, gently shoving him away, “I don’t know if he’s one of the Seven. I haven’t touched him yet.”
“I don’t see why not,” Ji-yoo said, “He was flirting with you.”
“Hey, you shouldn’t just assume someone doesn’t have a Soulmate. You can’t just touch people. Flirting might just get him more tips.”
“Noona,” Tae moaned, “You’re awful at this Soulmate searching thing.”
Zara snickered and rubbed the back of his neck as he lamented.
“He’s seen me around with you and Kookie,” she said. Tae perked up again.
“And he thinks I’m a cradle robber.”
Ji-yoo burst out laughing. “He’s kind of right, considering Jungkook. Okay, Z, we’ll go to the club. But this time, you have to dance. Deal?”
“Yeah, deal.”
Zara kept her word, joining Ji-yoo in the mass of sweaty bodies in the club that night, with both Taehyung and Jungkook in tow. She danced between her Soulmates, arms thrown over Tae’s shoulders and Junkook’s forehead resting on her shoulder as they moved together.
Yoongi had clocked them the instant they’d walked in, though he didn’t seem at all perturbed by the two boys glued to her. She smirked at him, quirked her eyebrows in open invitation, and dragged Tae closer to whisper into his ear. 
Yoongi could see the boy’s eyes cut to him, before Tae grinned, nodding at Zara obediently. His hands moved from her rib cage, past Jungkook’s on her hips, and down to her thighs. When he couldn’t comfortably reach anymore, his hands made their way back up, under the short gray skirt she wore. Next to move was Jungkook, who, cheeks flushed, slipped his hand up Zara’s black crop top.
The image of Zara’s head dropping back onto Jungkook’s shoulder, lips parted in ecstasy as their hands worked her over made Yoongi’s head spin. It was obvious what Taehyung was doing under that skirt. and he wanted to be in on that, touching the pretty foreigner in whatever way she’d allow.
Somebody cleared their throat loudly, and Yoongi recalled the job he was meant to be doing. It was several moments before he was able to look at Zara again.
Taehyung and Jungkook were gone, replaced by Ji-yoo who had looped an arm around Zara’s shoulder. They were jumping up and down to the fast tempo of the music, both girls grinning and laughing. A cursory glance told him Taehyung and Jungkook hadn’t left, but were simply standing to the side, talking and grinning. Because none of the tight knit group were paying attention, it was Yoongi who saw the man that grabbed Zara’s arm first.
He seemed to believe Zara hadn’t found her Soulmate, too intoxicated see the obvious fact that actually, she had two.  Even from the bar, Yoongi could see the vice-like grip the man had on her wrist, and it made rage shoot up and down his spine. You don’t try and force your way into a Soulbond. You just don’t.
Yoongi didn’t even remember hopping the bar, but he must have, because by the time the red cleared from his vision, he was pressed up against Zara’s back, ignoring the tugging at his wrist and the warmth growing in his chest in favor of glaring the man down. Seconds later he was flanked by Taehyung and Jungkook. The trio made quite the intimidating sight.
Zara, for her part, only seemed mildly inconvenienced by the hand around her wrist.
“You wanna let me go, asshole?”
Her tone was hard, deadly calm.
“You heard her.” Jungkook said, eyes shooting up and down Zara’s arm as the guy’s grip tightened some more. Yoongi pressed in closer as the man sneered at them.
“No, I think I’ll be taking her with me to show her how a real man fucks.”
“Big, brawny and stupid ain’t her type, man,” Yoongi said, grabbing the man by the front of the shirt and shaking him hard enough to make him lose his grip on Zara. “Anyone with eyes can see that. Get the fuck out of here.”
The unexpected contact seemed to throw the drunk off, and he stumbled away back into the crowd, possible to find a different girl to harass.
Yoongi remained tense, his back to the group as he listened to the fretting start up behind him.
“Noonaaaa,” Jungkook whined, gingerly holding Zara’s arm. It was a stark contrast to the crushing grip of the drunk. “This is going to bruise.”
“We should have done more to defend you,” Tae grumbled. “That asshole. You can’t go treating girls like objects! I see now why you’re so determined for the Seven to come naturally.”
“You make us soft.”
Yoongi’s voice was a hiss. Zara could see his muscles growing more tense by the second.
“Yoongi,” she sighed.
“It’s true! Before I touched you I was ready to knock that guy into next week. Then the Bond took over and all I could think about was getting him to go without a fight, because you were here, and it made me soft! My whole life I’ve had to be hard. I’ve had to be strong, because that’s what I was told a Soulmate was supposed to be. And now you’re here, and you’re capable and you’re strong and you’re so, so pretty and I’m weak and soft and I don’t know how to handle that-”
“Yoongi!” Zara’s voice was loud, and as Yoongi’s verbal rampage cut out, he realized his words, I’m weak, I’m soft,  were true. Her arms came around him, her head resting between his shoulders, and she held him as he shook. Soon he loosened under her touch, slumping in defeat.
“Yoongi,” she said again, and this time her voice was quiet, words spoken into the back of his neck. “I don’t need you to be hard. I know the Soulbond digs up deeply buried feelings of submission because I lean more towards dominance, but it doesn’t change who you are. It just makes it easier to be what your Soulmate needs.”
She pressed a kiss beneath his ear, and all the tension finally left his body.
“The Bond shows me what you need too, I promise.” She turned him around so that she could look into his eyes. “I’m never going to ask you to do anything you’re not willing to. I’m not going to take anything away from you and that includes control in all things, but, Sugar, you don’t have to be hard all the time. You can be soft with me, and I swear I’ll take care of you.”
“Suga?” Yoongi repeated the English word Zara had called him, accidentally dropping the ‘r.’
“We all have nicknames,” Jungkook said, sensing that it was okay to join the conversation. “It’s nice, right?”
“Yeah,” Yoongi agreed, letting Zara take his hand. “It’s nice.”
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violentviolette · 4 years
@starrystarberry tumblr fucked up and deleted ur ask cause i tried to switch over from mobile to my laptop to answer it so im just making a post lol
also it got a little long so i stuck it under a read more for u guys who arent into seeing fandom stuff on here
oh man okay I'll try to not write a novel for each of these lmfao
Why I like them: hes a cocky bastard but also a giant idiot
Why I don’t: theres actually nothing I don't like about him akshsgsj like yea I know he imprisoned Asra's parents and made him an orphan at like 6 and everything but who hasnt made a mistake or two in their life?
Favorite season/movie: from what we have of his route so far I really like book 9: the hermit. it's got a lot of good hurt/comfort and that's my shit
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I'm a sucker for the steamy scenes so probably the makeout session in the winter woods
Favorite line: honestly all of them anything out of lucios mouth is gold
OTP: ME lmfao but no for real the mc in the game i dont think lucio is right for any of the characters even if i do ship him and julien for the angst
Favorite outfit: i actually really love his piratey outfit he wears in the flashbacks before he lost his arm.
Brotp: Julien 100%
Head Canon: i dont really have any for him
Unpopular opinion: Lucio is a switch and a service top the only True Top in this game is Nadia and i will die on that hill
A wish: none really, im happy with his route and where its been going and im excited to see the end of it!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I really hope his reverse ending is something other than him dying
5 words to best describe them: angry bratty baby boy
My nickname for them: baby boy
Light Yagami
Why I like them: cause he was one of the first really good protagonists whose actually the villian of the story and i love that shit
Why I don’t: Light drinks his own cool aid and is way to arrogant and i cant stand that. hes very much a holden caufield type character and i absoutely hate those
Favorite season/movie: i liked the anime but i only watched it once when it was airing and i never saw any of the movies so i dont know.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): same as above, this is making me think i should toss it in my que and do a rewatch. hmmm
Favorite line:ah man, i dont actually remember any but im sure its something gay
OTP: Light x a therapist
Favorite outfit: doesnt he only have one? that ugly ass tan suit or some variation of? lol
Brotp: light & ryuuk i loved their dynamic
Head Canon: none, i was never super invested enough in death note to have head canons
Unpopular opinion: none that i can think of, tho its probably somthing about misa lol
A wish: none
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: honestly the live action netflix adaptation already exists so like it cant get any worse
5 words to best describe them: someone id never wanna date
My nickname for them: bitch boy
Shaoran Li
Why I like them: omfg i LOVE shaoran cause hes just such a good boy? he tries so hard and he cares so much and he just wants to protect the world and its adorable
Why I don’t: theres genuinely nothing i dont like about Li
Favorite season/movie: while im loving blushy sweet shy Li in the new clear clard arc, i have a soft spot for angry sassy Li who was competing against sakura in season 1
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the episode with the tree and the time card
Favorite line: i dont think i have one
OTP: i mean is this even a question? sakura all the way
Favorite outfit: i lovelovelove his green fighting robes
Brotp: him and tomoyo being #Teamsakura all day every day together is the best thing
Head Canon: none really
Unpopular opinion: what even is an unpopular cardcaptor sakura opinion??
A wish: clear card anime s2 where are u????
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: i dunno, this series never betrays me so i dont have many fears
5 words to best describe them: strong brave and loyal boy
My nickname for them: i like to call him Li tho thats not rly a nickname
Haruka Tennoh
Why I like them: oh man. i was in. fucking. love. with Haruka as a young tiny queer. i love everything about her
Why I don’t: there is nothing not to love
Favorite season/movie: their original appearance arc is my fav so S
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the one in crystal where she kisses Usagi
Favorite line: i mean the obvious one is “does it really matter if im a man or a woman” because enby rights but also i fucking love every bit of sass ridden dialog between her and Seiya
OTP: Uranus and Neptune are soulmates and thats that on that
Favorite outfit: oh man she had so many Iconic Looks but im gonna have to give it to her racing gear.
Brotp: I love her and Mars as brotp’s dont ask me to explain it lol
Head Canon: nothing like substatial or series just stupid/crack personality ones
Unpopular opinion: none i dont think? again i dont even know if ive ever really heard an “unpopular opinion” for her
A wish: more crystal before im 90 pls
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: i mean once again the dub and the cousins sitation already exists so ive lived my nightmare. because framing them as incestuous cousins is somehow better than letting them be gay
5 words to best describe them: a gay enby queen
My nickname for them: my wife
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