#but no1 else ..
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isnt-that-wizardd · 24 days ago
as the show starts back up again and we hopefully do end up going down the road of Buddie canon, I just want to issue everyone a reminder that Buck was nowhere near the first lgbtq rep on the show
we have had Hen and Karen and Michael from DAY ONE! that's THREE black lgbtq characters. and then we have Josh too!! we shouldn't just call this the gay firefighter show because of Buck and Eddie but because of the ensemble of amazing characters who give us lgbtq rep!! so why are we ignoring everyone else all the time?
I've been a Buddie shipper since day one but I absolutely hate that people who treat it like it's the Buck and Eddie show - it's an ensemble cast of AMAZING and well thought out and developed characters who get pushed to the side for these two men who, let's face it, may never end up becoming canon.
so can we PLEASE all cool our jets a little about Buck and Eddie and give some well deserved love and appreciation to the other characters??
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lemongogo · 1 year ago
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dizzybizz · 7 months ago
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first meetings
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vcrnons · 1 year ago
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I GOT THE FIRE. ↳  happy birthday MINGYU.
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mousemannation · 13 days ago
curious to know: tennisblr, do you genuinely believe your fave could become number 1? If ur fave is currently no.1 id ask u to pick for ur second fave XD
Please elaborate in the tags or comments!!
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pup-pee · 8 months ago
im still not over that issue
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m00nyzz · 1 year ago
cw for blood on lower posts
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i dunno hpw 2 properlu hide these? if they arent hiddej im gonna 😾
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findafight · 2 years ago
When asked who his best friend is Steve will usually say "Dustin" but may vary depending on whose asking and if he wants to annoy Dustin or not, and when people act all surprised etc because he didn't say Robin he gets confused because obviously Robin doesn't count. That's his SOULMATE. That's his sweet cheese and good time boy!! If Robin is in the equation why even ask the question?? She's in a different division!! Playing a different game! There's no contest!!!
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hattiecursedsigh · 3 months ago
James Potter Random Headcanons 。* ゜ + ヽ
• extremely passionate about an array of subjects and has the uncanny ability to talk about things unprompted for literal hours
• remus encourages this by ignoring him which he takes as acceptance to keep going (remus won’t admit that he likes the background noise while he studies as long as sirius isn’t there making the conversation loud)
• james and remus are really really close they are the sun and moon for real they’re brothers too your honour
• he would experiment with guys but his heart is ALWAYS on lily no exception (i headcanon moonchaser and prongsfoot experimentation and perhaps xenophilius x jamesy)
• this motherfucker journals and no one can change my mind. sure they started out as LE in doodle hearts but it transformed into a flow of his consciousness onto the page
• HE’S A POET and he’s really embarrassed by it but its really good and he only writes Lily poems once he is with her. sirius teases him for this ‘queer activity’ okay sirius says you
• I headcanon him to have ADHD undiagnosed and Remus just goes bro obviously you have ADHD and self diagnoses him until Fleamont does something about it XD
• James has some underlying anger issues which can result in his outbursts like punching the wall, his thighs and shaking his legs. he can’t help it and it often feels like hot iron running through his veins until he finds an outlet. His dad tried to teach him some self regulation techniques when his anger was the worst (age 12-14) which helped A LOT. When he was around 12 he got angry and punched Fleamont, who at that time decided to learn some breathing exercises/healthy ways to deal with it.
• James felt so bad for hurting his Dad leading to him crying that he never ever wanted to hurt anyone he loved again 💔
• Lily got him a camera in 7th year and he never stopped taking pictures of all of his friends because they’re his entire world and i love them
• [james about lily] “i’m so happy cos you’re so happy… blow me a kiss and i’ll be happy the rest of my life.” (happy by travis the band)
• he definitely does air drums with any drumstick looking item he can get his hands on and annoys the daylights out of all his friends
• unpopular one but i headcanon marlene to be james’ cousin (her mother is fleamont’s sister!!) and they’re like two peas. james used to follow marlene around like a puppy and marlene calls him her baby cousin. marlene gets stuck between pre relationship lily and james discourse!!
• quidditch captain tho that’s never been up for debate
• ppl need to remember hes literally a teenage boy in the 1970s and the connotations that has on his character and the depth he has - which is why i like sort of the repressed anger aspect of his headcanon!!
• he obviously likes david bowie, he’s a marauder, his favourite song is hang onto yourself and cracked actor (totally not because they’re my favourite songs…)
• bro can be caught rocking out to some seriously metal music (i know its much later than his time but he would love system of a down)
• he secretly likes getting dressed up to go to those like rich people pureblood balls and always dreamed of taking Lily to one.
• loves seeing Lily all dressed up in a lovely ball gown. his favourite colour on her is pale green and loves to spoil her with his fortune ofc!!
thats all for now folks let me know if you want any other characters/ a part 2 ❤️❤️
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shrimpalbuspotter · 9 months ago
Delphi "Everyone's a little queer!" Diggory
Albus "I'm dumb she's a lesbian" Potter
Scorpius "we were good as married in my mind" Malfoy
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lesbikyuu · 3 months ago
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sunshades · 1 year ago
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pierced this cg together btw.... peace and love
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rolandkaros · 14 days ago
tbh im kind of at the point where like. i think it will suck so bad and obviously i dont WANT this but maybe she needs to just fall off for a bit. maybe she just needs a season to be absolutely shit so that people stop acting like it's such a shock when she doesn't win every tournament. i feel like she was basically exalted for a bit because there wasn't really anyone challenging her but it's only natural that the tour will continue to improve and yeah...maybe it would be good for her to just reset and try to unload the expectations of always being the best
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reijndeers · 6 months ago
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day 1 of ballertober (ty jules) and my favourite no.1s 🫶
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bogos-bint3d · 1 month ago
random thought bc i was making alphyne sims LOL, do you think undyne would ever want to have children? how do you think she’d be as a parent?
While I personally don't quite have a "definite yes" or "definite no" answer for this I personally think that, yeah, possibly! I think it's a question with a lot of layers to it, "is it something the character would want?" "Is it something the character should do?" "How much thought would the character put into it all beforehand?" "How long would the character wait before making that choice?" And first of all I think I should talk about fandom culture's view on kids in general. Why? Because I'm obsessed with validating my opinions like this
It's been said many times by many people now how there are a lot of times where fans end up writing completely out of character for the purpose of placing characters into positions of stereotypical familial structures- ESPECIALLY forcing women into the roles of motherhood where it doesnt fit or make sense for them to the point where I don't think I can really add anything substantial or important to the topic. The pros have very much said what needs to be said.
So with that said, while demeaning female characters to singular sad and one dimensionsional traits of "Mother" is very clearly to me Not A Good Thing, people should stop acting like it's a fucking sin to imagine the possibility of a character having a child while still retaining all their accurate attributes, because it is a very possible thing that can be and IS done!!!!!
What are my thoughts on Undyne with all this?
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Hehhaahehehaa....... strap in.
Where do I BEGIN. How about the inspirations behind the character of undyne herself.
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Ok so see this wonderful lass here. That's a sculpture by Chauncey Ives of the mythical water spirit, Undine. Thinking about it, you all probably know this anyway because I do fairly often reblog Undine themed stuff too. Because I'm just like this. But how about the interesting stuff?
The original myth, created by Paracelsus, an alchemist and philosopher born in the 1400s, I believe comes from his work "A Book on Nymphs, Sylphs, Pygmies, and Salamanders, And Kindered Spirits". I think that's what it was called. I'm too tired to talk fully about it specifically and we need to get to the point so have a video of some guy reading it here
Yay :]
It's pretty much what it says. Paracelsus essentially believed that elemental beings (whom he had adapted and reimagined from ancient or traditional at the time sources) were simply part of the strangeness of God's natural creation and should be studied, as part of appreciation of the Bible etc. And we know ALL ABOUTTTTT utdr and its biblical links/imagery. But back to undine :]
Paracelsus named his takes on the classic concept of elementals: gnomes for earth (YES HE INVENTED THE WORD GNOME!!!!!), sylphs for air (yeah he also invented the word sylph), salamanders for fire (he didn't invent that :[), and of COURSE! UNDINES FOR WATER! He believed undines to be fairly similar to humans, a significant difference being the lack of a soul. Which surely means nothing when talking about Souls Are Important the Video Game. And anyways according to him they were apparently fairly capable of getting a soul through love. Wikipedia also says that Paracelsus says that a child from this love will too have a soul which is nice
Blablabla Wikipedia says undines are like fucking desperate to get a husband or whatever but dudeeeee she can do whatever she fucking wantssssss. I think she can and should be enjoying her life with alphys rather than it being a thing just for a living soul or whatever. They're just happy, no mythology attached
Onto the most iconic interpretation of the myth, 1811s Undine by Friedrich De La Motte Fouque. When you think of the tale of Undine it's almost always that it's this specific story you pull from. Apart from another one I'll briefly touch on later (please hope it's brief). In it, Undine is a woman adopted by a fisherman, who was taken in by the fisherman after his own child died. Hmmmmm wow hmm sort of like how asgore took in undyne after his children died HM BACK ON TOPIC. Personality-wise, Undine is described by Wikipedia (because I don't have the book) as "erratic", and "capricious", which Google dictionary describes as "given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour", which again sounds quite similar to the Undyne we all know and love.
It mentions that when married to Huldbrand (the main guy in the book he's not important tho) she is "kind and gentle" and yeah imo the writing with this IS kinda shit HOWEVER I think if were simply using this as inspiration for undyne I can definitely imagine her *eventually* becoming a calmer and more thoughtful person with A: the presence of someone like alphys to mutually love and understand her for her and B: the absence of having to worry about a war to fight and always sort of being on edge and just being. Like that. And again this would all be a *progressive experience*, rather than in the book where undine literally switches up over night. I do like to consider character and stuff
There's this line from the Wikipedia summary which jumpscared me
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I 0% believe this has any significance to deltarune whatsoever however it was so funny out of context I had to add it
Another completely unrelated thing here but there's a fucking guy called "Kuhleborn" and I just. Can homestuck leave me alone. FOR FIVE MINUTES.
Sorry back to cherry picking the story to fit undyne.
Ok so truthfully I don't find anything else from that specific story that I find particularly helpful to undyne, the rest of it's kinda just useless to my point. Re-establishing the fact here that I skipped over a most of the actual significant parts of the story because I specificly want to talk about how I see it parallel to undyne. But that's it really. I just especially wanted to mention this adaptation of the story as it is pretty much the most iconic interpretation of the myth.
That is, interpretations that specifically refer to its source by name. Because by far the most well known media to draw influence from the myth of undine is the iconic Hans Christian Andersen fairytale, "The Little Mermaid". I don't have much to say on how the little mermaid does take much inspiration from undine, other than the way andersen himself interpreted the story. Simply, the fact that Hans Christian Andersen, a man who based this story off of his own feelings at the inability for another man to reciprocate feelings of romance for him, and resonated with the story of undine so much that it was a source of inspiration for the little mermaid itself is so crazy to me. Like. Here is a queer man who read the tale of Undine and understood it so much he wrote his own story inspired by it and made it tie in with his own experiences of homosexuality! Like that's so crazy to me! Because it just makes the undertale character of undyne being sapphic so much better to me! It took the sad story of gay tragedy and took it and made it a story of gay joy!!!!!!! We are all so happys forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Ok ummmm. I got carried away because we are steering very far away from what this post was originally about. Umm. Point is. Original story was of queer sadness but undertale is now of queer joy + the story of queer joy being based on story where being with this person who you really love and being truly and properly bonded in an undeniable and magical way is enough to give you a soul that will live forever. I think that's somewhere near the point I'm trying to make but at the same time it's not quite the point I was trying to make. And this is absolutely just one interpretation of one relationship and this is by no means in any way supposed to be the end all be all of what ANY relationship should be. I really don't think this is what the definition of love is. However for these characters I feel it can be a huge aspect of it for them
Oh undyne. With some of the implications in game that she lost her family, I very much imagine her being cautious with this sort of situation. Would she be able to handle is for example? Would she know what to do. Given its something she might not even have real first hand experience of, is it something she would even want to risk forcing upon another person? I think she struggles so much with responsibility as it is. She wants nothing more than to protect people and cheesus if she had a kid of her own you know she would be doing every single thing in her power to make sure that kid never has to face what she did. Undyne says at one point in game (if you kill her in neutral i believe) she never told alphys the way she felt because if/when she died in battle, she wouldn't want alphys to deal with that. And again, she really would not want to have a kid if she worries that one day that kid would have to worry about someone they truly care about not being with them anymore
So *would* she want them? I don't really think it would be an overwhelming innate desire or anything like that, but really not against it. Sged need a lot of time beforehand first. Some time to live her life to the fullest, time to make sure it's something she can handle without guilt, time to make sure it's something that does bring her joy. And then yeah, 6 or 7 years minimum I can see it happening. And I think it would be nice
"Now let's talk about susie, can we talk about susie? Please stun (and other readers) I've been dying to talk with you about susie all post, okay?" /ref
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I don't really have anything to add I just think alphyne should adopt susie. In every timeline. Undertale deltarune I just think ok. Because she doesn't have a good home life to the point where she's like just Not Safe and hm young couple with no children in her area? Undyne would want to help her soooo bad because she understands just what it feels like to be young and alone not really cared for and she would NEED to fix it. That's defo how it is for undertale at LEAST. Idk entirely with dr if it'd be exactly like that cause we don't know what undynes got going down in dr yet.. but even so that's nothing to stop them
Anways yeah I think you mightve been waiting just a wee bit long for the answer to this ask I uhh.....m.....mmmm. yeah man I... yeah. I really do genuinely hope you enjoyed his tho cause uts currently quarter to 2 in the morning and I'm going on a train & to the aquarium tmrw so my ass CANNOT be waking up at 11 am again. Shits fucked. But when I tell you when I'm locked in on an undyne topic I AM LOCKED IN. IT TOOK A WHILE BUT I FINALLY DID IT. MORE THAN HALF OF THIS WAS WRITTEN WITH NO BREAKS OF CHECKS BUT THATS THE BEAUTY!!!!!! FLY MY SCARAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#been thinking about this driving myself crazy over my answer to this ask for so long#the thing is while I put a lot of thought into it what if everyone else disagrees and ive commited a ''character misinterpretation''™️?#i like the idea of it‚ but I do also want to prove myself as undyne understander no1 and I do not think i would be able to handle myself if#-i lost that#and then theres questions like ''would this be something people want to see?'' ''is there a specific way it should be done?''#''would this be a choice thatd be good FOR the characters to make''#and again. i have put SO much thinking into this. but its in a way where ive thought about it so much that maybe no one would even understa#have i completely thrown away the original character aside in favour of something i think is ''right''?#ive heard it a few times that the concept of fan children arent good because uts just trying to put characters into a#''stereotypical perfect little societally correct family''which ABSOLUTELY makes sense to me#which is why i overthink so much about how i portray it all. so i can get it right#but what if even then im still wrong. or what if im just here thinking way too hard about having fun on the Internet. i wrote a lot here sr#asks#chat you dont want to know how long ive had this ask for........listen i have a lot of thoughts and it takes me a really long time2 share o#the more i like something the more care goes into it. care = time. i think ive had this ask for a year.#can you tell i went off the rails here#unaltered#shot dead#do i even dare main tag#we'll see how the post goes over and when ive given it some thought I'll either tag it or i wont ok goodnight ily all <333333333#!!#undertale#bogos i binted#utdr#undyne#undyne undertale#undyne deltarune#undyne the undying#deltarune#undine
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pup-pee · 1 year ago
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anyways, love her
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