#but no she v and n are like haha okay we still gotta eat to survive might as well have fun (:
handfulofmuses · 1 month
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"Haha! I am so proud that she finally has some sense into her. All it took was getting a little traumatized like the rest of us for her to finally appreciate doors!"
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tiptapricot · 2 years
MK liveblog thoughts, The Tomb
I wanna know what the other gods on the wall were imprisoned for
Another banger logo theme
This was the first ep I watched when it came out initially bc I joined a lil after ep 3 n it still slaps
Layla handles this opening so well n it’s so claustrophobic but so well shot n acted n staged
It’s dark but still ur able to see n the way the camera stays w her n peeks out n all that AFGHHHB
“Looks like he’s dead” nah he’s just snoozing
Layla my love my love ur so badass
—Steven, watching her right after
Layla has a skilled desperation to her combat it’s v interesting
This ep is one of the prettiest I think w the sun lighting n just the colors in diff scenes idk
Also it’s Laylas second prettiest ep
“Our deal didn’t have you getting Layla and us killed that’s not gonna fly w me” Marc haha just wait no it’ll be funny I promise
“Well… handt he distappered from ur life already” UR SO FUNNY
Steven ily
The desert sky clouDSS
MK like: chuck mr isaac back in that desert again
Steven shining the light in his face lol
“Innit” “plonker” category five British event two dead in one body
“Oh whatevah 🙄 “
“You in love? Huh you in love with my wife?”
The blood spatter n the nose hook ohhhh this ep is so eerie creepy
The lighting in front of the tomb makes both of them glow
Layla having Steven smell like Marc is such a like…. Weird but also sad moment of like… having to separate the two n her having a hard time n then Steven makes it v obvious by telling her ab Khonshu
“What’s belay?”
Laylas laugh is so cute
“R u okay?? 😟” “yeah I’m aces”
“Id be frilled, id shit maself but id be frilled”
The tongue clicking…
When u drop trauma n ur like haha no biggie “yeah dads dying happen haha nah it’s fine I’m good lol” n then Steven is so SWEET
Also the score
“Not such a bad way to go, is it? Let’s fine out ;-)” “yeah… let’s find out” you sure do Steven
“It’s a maze” “it’s a maze ing”
Steven’s 3D layout skills r so much better than mine
Tho also I still dk how the maze scene works how is the eye of horus connected what part r they standing in
The only part that rlly bothers me ab this ep
The blue ish green lighting here is so good n Layla looks so like: that’s my guy :-)
“The tounggggggue”
“Oh my god. Oh god. Is that fresh blood? And those little meaty bits?” He sounds so cute but also so grossed out
Meaty trail w meaty bite hehOO
Laylas like “baby c’mon we gotta keep moving I get ur uncomfy but u gotta work w me”
Grossness Overwhelmed by Special Interest. Category 5 autism moment someone dead in a couple scenes but not yet
If I had a nickel for shows I loved that involved on screen mummification id have two etc etc (shout out to miss fisher)
I hate the gloop sounds
Layla again is never not afraid I can see she’s scared but she always keeps moving n it keeps u on the edge of ur seat bc u feel like you’d b the same
“I squished it… I squished it” ILY STEVENNNNN
Ppl talk ab ppl looking good when they’re disheveled n sweaty n layla el faouly deserves to b in that this woman is perspiring n her hair is messy n she has never looked better
This ep is
So fucking
The hand coming out of the dark the crumbling rock knowing there’s stuff in the crevices like spiders
Layla using the red flares as weapons, red being her color, scarlet
Fear of being chased by a zombie thing and for ur crush outdone by autism, one zombie dead, feelings injured.
Marc’s voice is so soft when he talks ab the like “so you kissed her” thing
Steven’s autistic joy in this scene I know I’ve talked ab it already but finding Alexander’s tomb is just
Layla already being emotionally high strung from the fight n harrow just reeling her in
N the way Layla just looks tired n angry n pale n washed out n just… baby I wanna hug you
Steven lip bite moment that man likes to bite skin (in a stim way)
“Oh so sorry, sorry mr great” *throat grossed out sounds*
I love him
“Ah ew >:-(“
Laylas eye bags my beloved
The way she realized harrow is rlly getting to her as he describes the scarf n her face breaks n she tries to hide it GodDD
N then there’s the hint of tears n snot n just just just just JUST
N then she breaks when she turns the corner like going to ur room to cry
“Layla! Look! We won! HahAA!! And the ushabti goes to.. us :-)”
“Youarright luv :-(?”
The confrontation n Marc like like
He’s forced to b vulnerable in front of her n his breath shakess n it’s almost like he’s accepting that he was there all over again
He looks so broken dude FUCK
Man y’all rmr the week everyone was like “Jake killed her dad” I hated that
Layla baby baby I’m so sorry
“But I didn’t die that night and… I should’ve”
“Oh my god… that’s the reason that we met” MAY CALAMAWY THE ACTRESS Y—
“I’ll hold them off,” famous last words lol
“COME ON” he pushes the anger out n then when he confronts harrow again there’s that bit of fear again n the axe lowers n he’s still feeling the trial
The lighting is lovely here too truly this ep is amazing w that
N then it pulls back n the old gutters push back in n it’s it’s ahhhh
N then we’re Marc’s pov w the camera being pushed away from the TV n turned around n pushed past the patients n the guy pushing the cart w the cupcakes is Bec n n then we stop by the window n see we’re Marc as he turns to it
The red scarab on Laylas bandage n we won to I won w how he views her moving away from him
The asmr is nice tho the soft talking n the closeness of the voices
Love the tomb buster cover
Dr harrow I hate you
But also I do like listening to u talk
Love all the details in the office n how it’s the place they were barricaded in w the jackal
Shout out to that fly
The score does an amazing job of building in the background
God this scene is hard to watch in a well done way but god watching Marc crawl to the door is
Marc is still scared of harrow n he is what his brain latched into for being not believed and being gaslit bc that’s who he was irl
The way the lights swing bc they’re on a boat YESSS
I always think of Steven’s sarcophagus as blue but then it’s white
“Steven?” “Marc?” “Steven!” Marc!”
Marc Spector I love you I love you
hi ;-)
I love them I love them I love them
I love that the ending credits always have a setting shot n it changes w each ep from London to Cairo to London and Cairo reflected ahhhh n it’s water at the start of this one
My dad pointed out the shot in the credits of dunes that resemble Khonshu’s head n I hadn’t noticed that before that fucks
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olde-scratch · 4 years
So I watched LUCIDS 1-4 without any prior knowledge...
and here were my thoughts. I didn’t watch any backstory or anything so enjoy my suffering.
“So what happens when the people inside of their dreams go to sleep?” They die
“What happens when we wake up? Do they go on living while we’re not there?” THEY DIE-
“Who are they anyway?” they’re faces that our brain catalogs and stores for later use, although it’s also arguable that every time we dream we go to an alternate reality and inhabit the body of another version of ourselves. Now, were you in a car accident and trapped underwater or-
Are they twins?
(Me tuning out to do something)
“-the squirrel in spongebob was your soulmate, making you a Sandy simp-”
Me, snapping back to the video: hold up-
[missed the part about the worksheet, realized it when i rewatched 10 mins later to make this post]
yall speakin gibberish idk what youre saying-
“I’m gonna go to bed.” bro it literally looks like morning-
“You should get some sleep you look terrible.” i get six hours of sleep a night minimum and i look worse than him shut up bro-
“jump into someone else’s dream” ah i know this con-
why they all got the same face-
haha funni meme
“--an interruptiion can create feedback and tear them apart.” Death. I long for thee.
Is that Karl Jacob’s jacket?
“a second grader” makes me think this is a different school system. [i was wrong? i think?]
“[get him to] eat your apple”
[in the dream sequence] weird dream, but ive had weirder. now, Why Pamper’s-
why does he suddenly have a knife-
“You put a filter on the Dreamscape feed?”
“Technically, you are seven years old.”
the second hand embarrassment is UGGGHHH
[reading the description] you mean like the guy who was knocked out for 2 minutes on a football field and woke to find he’d dreamt 17 years of his life? oh this shall be Fun
[I check the description] “jasper cult” what the fu-
how many camp camp references can i make during this
Is the apple a reference to religion or does the creator just really ilke apples?
Wait why couldn’t that guy eat the apple? If he wanted it in the fruit bowl, wouldn’t there be a chance of the guy eating it anyways?? Why can’t the guy who brought the apple eat it?
well he’s Dead
[debating if I should read the backstory}
n a h h h h h -
Was he gonna feed the dead guy the apple or something? Why is he upset about the apple in this scene???
oooo the grownups are fightinnnngggg
Is he an antagonist?
oh now i want food
“I watched all those aforementioned shows” what shows did i miss something what-
man why you gotta hate on her jane austen fanfic let her live bro
string theory! i can get behind that! sorta-
o no he found the memes-
kim there’s people that are dying-
is SHE an antagonist?
quinn? calling himself jasper? u sure hes not just nonbinary? is this just a metaphor for transphobic parenting?
“He died... but somewhere, he grew up.” So is your plan to take a Quinn from a different universe and make him your own, thereby robbing another version of yourself from happiness? When does this ever go well?
Yknow most people, when they lose a kid,,,, kinda,,,,,,, dont go on a ceaseless quest to find another version of their kid that grew up without knowing that another version of his mother was invading other peoples’ dreams to find and kidnap him,,,,,,,, like aint u got a therapist-
“Once you get past the point of not knowing what’s real anymore, you realize it doesn’t matter.” Well, I Got Called Out-
“you’re real, oliver.”
aRe yOu sUrE aBoUt tHaT-
“you’ve been infected by the anti-love parasite of Mandadon” the amatonormativity is strong
so anyways ive been infected since birth hbu-
“James Jasperson, creator of Japple” did you mean to Fancy Well-Educated Man in a Black Turtleneck? cause the only FWEMBT i allow near me is prof. hidgens
“are you winning?” says the capitalist
why did you rewind to see his face?? you have the same face????? is this just bc the creator doesnt like working with other people cause in that case same but???????
“it’s a bad idea. i’m not gonna do it.” we’ve all been there. and we’ve all done it.
looks like me trying to study. (i say, a person who has studied a total of five minutes throughout their entire life.)
your “Spartan trial” looks like a bunch of guys standing on a hill pretending to be something they’re not. Let The Man Bring His Snacks.
eat the apple.
is this your first existential crisis or something what a loser lets all point and laugh
“One of you should be spared, the other shall’nt.” did you mean shant or was that a choice-
yall gonna get called out for talking shut UP
“sorry if this is too personal, btw. are you okay?”
me, confused and half understanding what’s going on and also needing to sleep cause its almost one in the morning but wanting to finish what i can find of lucids which i only starting watching cause i saw an animatic of ranboo and dream w audio from it: i don’t know anymore
“i just want my life back... i was gonna get married-” AREN’T YOU LIKE SEVEN-
ay man if this is a sacrificial cult yall gotta get daniel-
UPDATE: I  H A V E  N O T  F O U N D  I T -
I  F O U N D   I  T -
oliver. eat the apple.
“Can you still have memories even when you’re dreaming?” One time I woke up to my alarm and fell back asleep and in my dream I remembered that I had class in a few minutes and my dream self woke my real self up so fast I thought I was gonna get whiplash. Anyways, I was late to class bc of my computer but that doesn’t matter.
im thinking car crash. but also maybe murder. but also maybe both? is it raining or was he drowning? is he in a coma? hmmmmmm?
wait olivers the one with the apple does that mean he’s the one dreaming? is the ending gonna be him and jasper (quinn? idk) fighting against ben and mrs hills about jasper eating the apple to save oliver from the dream? hmmmmmmmmmm-
waitwaitwait i thought oliver was 7 how is benjamin 7 years younger than him if they look the same age what what what explain america explain what you mean arkansaw-
are the cuts on his nose plot-relevant or
“What if you hadn’t been driving?” So I was right about the car accident but Mrs. Hills still said he was seven so did i mishear her say that BENJAMIN was seven? but even then oliver would be 14 and that would still be illegal-
“How are you feeling?”
“Like you’re a pretty bad therapist.”
“--it makes it all bearable to have power over the stories we write in our heads” that’s why i write fanfiction
[upon reading the description] so i was right.
wait was that supposed to be the twist in part 2 about the apple in his pocket is that what the existential crisis was about i thought it was because he was introduced to the multiple worlds theory-
wait wasnt the other one january 2018 why we going back to 2017-
“--the future and the past all already exist” mhm yep figured this out long ago
there was simultaneously a point in time in which i hadn’t known about this, had been looking it up, had been watching it, and had been writing an ending to this post, and had been posting it the next morning before class. that time is both now and not now. Welcome To The Multiverse Theory or whatever its called-
“--my favorite scene of the movie is waking up next to you.” Mine is eating fast food as I listen to AJJ and play Minecraft. We are not the same.
Now I’m hungry but it’s 1 in the morning and i already put my retainer in god fu-
[reading description] what do you mean previously??? she did that in the first episode????????
i should have watched the backstory i should have watched the backstory i should have watched the backstory i should have wa-
[description] oh ive been spelling quinn right the whole time nice
i hope she rejects you /j
bro get out of the road ull get hit
hills wants ben to feed quinn the apple bc in his mind, that will give hills and quinn a happy ending and she doesnt want ben to see the apple bc thats gonna mean ben will know that his reality isnt reality at all. so then oliver has to,,,, not let anyone eat his apple? he just has to wake up?
wait but if ben sees the apple wont he realize that his reality is wrong and his reality will change, making it so that hills doesnt get her son? or is there some time-based rule that says they’re only transported to the reality that the person believes at that moment? or is this another stab at the multiverse thing where an infinite amount of hills gets their happy endings while an infinite amount of hills doesnt and etc etc?
i should have watched the ba-
oooo dramatique
they’re in a time loop?
nope thats a new powerpoint
wait so theyre,,,, no-
“they were actually pretty nice” didnt they throw someone off a cliff-
oh so it got confusing THEN??? NOT BEFORE?????
“it all seemed so real.” is that Not the point of vivid REM sleep hallucinations-
is oliver gonna show ben the apple and ruin hills’ whole operation
“what’s 25-8″ bro dont do this to me-
yep hes gonna show the apple
ayyy the guy who stole karl jacobs jacket it back
the second hand embarrassment is back and I Hate It
all that happens in episode ONE??? bro get some better writers that is bad pacing
“it’s the best!” wait until season eight. no show has a good season eight.
quinn knows about the apple thing w the dreams and multiverse and realities dont he
oliver is v relatable
wHaT iN tArNaTiOn-
lemme hear that explanaton again-
is bill cipher gonna show up? i hope bill cipher shows up. i miss gravity falls
“ah! a tree! ah! a tree! ah a tree!” moooooooood
did hills murder quinn
is your family the jasper cult
TOXXIICCCCCC get that lady out of your life quinn that is so toxic
“ ah! a tree! ah! a tree! ah a tree!  ah! a tree! ah! a tree! ah a tree!” mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
The Adventures of Benjamin and Oliver
he is Not Good
wait so ben is equal parts an adult AND a child?? okay that clears a lot up
ew get off the floor
butterfly effect, multiverse theory, memory decay, and your imagination ALL exist yall gonna ignore that cause you wanna be famous?
“We already know what the future looks like!”
aRe yOu sUrE aBoUt tHaT-
to add to the list of bad things: Cats (2019)
get what what
what mapped-
awwwww he thinks THEY’RE creating the multiverse
you gonna dismiss the multiverse theory bc of something you created in your current reality? loooserrrrrr
she draggin that seven year old
a lot makes sense now why didnt i do this first-
the food shortages-
bro that calculators like 90 bucks at walmart
imagine meeting a stranger and they know Everything about your life like that’s gotta be so weird
what’s even weirder is them telling you you’re the deity of a cult that sacrifices animals
ooohhh there’s context for that
w h a t -
w  h  a  t  -
W   H   A   T   -
if i dream about apples im suing /j /lh
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cow-legs · 5 years
Girls Night Out
I wanted to practice writing something in a script format which I’ve never really done before in any serious capacity, so I asked people on twitter for random Pokémon characters to use (which ended up being Gardenia, Sina, Valerie, and Mr. Backlot) and with those I wrote....something. Enjoy??
    [Gardenia, Valerie, and Sina are sitting in a booth in a small restaurant - Valerie and Sina sitting on one side, and Gardenia across from them. Each are just finishing up their respective meals, and are mid-conversation.]
VALERIE: I must say, [She pauses to wipe her face with a napkin] I am very happy that you two are getting along so well!
    [As she speaks, she slides her long sleeve back down to its usual length, as she had it rolled up further than it could take as to allow her to actually use her hand for eating, but was now finished]
GARDENIA: Well, thanks for bringin’ us all together! It’s been a while since I’ve had a good night off.
SINA: Same. If it weren’t for you bringing me with you here, I’d probably be back at home reorganizing like dozens of research papers for the fifth night in a row, so chilling with you and Gardenia is an alternative I’d take like, any day.
    [Valerie chuckles, pleased with the situation, Sina takes another sip of her drink.]
SINA: How’d you two meet, anyway? 
GARDENIA: Oh, well, years back all us Sinnoh leaders went up to Kalos to challenge the leaders there.
SINA: Oh!! Oh, yeah, Arceus, I remember that! I REALLY wanted to see Fantina's matches, but I had just started working for the professor at the time so I had wayyy too much work to do...
GARDENIA: Ooh, Fantina? Are you a fan of hers? She's in town, I could probably introduce you!
SINA: Oh Arceus, no, haha! You really don't have to.
GARDENIA: Aaaalright, she's probably asleep anyway. [Laughs] But anyway, me 'n Val got paired up for our first match, and we became friends pretty quickly. I won the battle, of course.
VALERIE: That's strange, I appear to remember differently.
GARDENIA: Hey, you and the ref can keep saying that, but we all know that I was the clear winner there.
VALERIE: Funny, I don't recall you having such an attitude when I completely destroyed your roserade.
[All laugh.]
GARDENIA: Anyway, how do you two know each other?
SINA: Well, you know I work under Professor Sycamore, and he usually, like, sends me and Dex to do a lot of his errands all over the reasons, because Arceus knows he has way more work than a man like that should ever be trusted with, so there was this one time I had to go to Laverre City to take care of some stuff,
VALERIE: I was doing a show at the time and was a touch short on hands, so I ended up plucking her up off the street and using her as a model! [Laughs] Thinking back, I feel it was a bit rude to ask on such short notice, but now I am glad I did, as I would not have met her otherwise!
GARDENIA: Oh man, seriously? Lucky!! I don't even like dresses, but I'd seriously kill to wear one of Val's.
VALERIE: [Shocked] Truly? You mean it? Well then, [Claps her hands together once, happily] I will have to make one for you someday!
GARDENIA: REALLY? Fuck yeah!! You're seriously the best, V--
[Waiter walks past, setting down the check in front of Gardenia]
GARDENIA: Oh, thanks. Hey, we can ditch whenever you guys want. [Shoving the change in her pockets]
SINA: We might as well go now. I wanna take in as much of The Sights (TM) that I can before I gotta go back home
[Cut to the girls walking outside of the restaurant. Valerie notices something out of the corner of her eye, and stops.]
VALERIE: Oh my, is that...Amity Square, was it called? 
GARDENIA: Huh? Oh yeah, I forgot that was in this city.
VALERIE: [Excited] Oh, I have read all about this place! I was very sad to learn that Sinnoh has such strict laws about having trained pokémon out in public, but then I found out about this! [Quickly turning to face the others] May we go there?
GARDENIA: Why not?
SINA: Sure, sounds interesting enough.
[Valerie spins around again to face it and begins walking towards it. Gardenia and Sina follow behind.]
VALERIE: Wonderful! My little mawile will have so much fun~!
[At the mention of mawile, Gardenia freezes, dawning horror spreading across her face as she realizes something]
GARDENIA: [Nervous] Uh, Val, actually I uh, don't think this is such a good idea.
VALERIE: Whatever do you mean? [She does not stop walking]
GARDENIA: [Very nervous] I just, uh, well they're REEEALLY particular about the kinds of pokémon they let in, so--
VALERIE: You mean the rule about cute pokémon? There is no need to worry, Gardenia, my lovely little mawile is the cutest pokémon to ever live~! [She gets gradually more excited and her pace quickens with it]
GARDENIA: [Extremely nervous] W-well that's the thing, Val, they're really-- 
[She stops as Valerie has walked through the entrance and Gardenia realizes it's too late. Sina gives her a look of confusion and worry before the two follow after her. Inside, Valerie is speaking to the receptionist.]
RECEPTIONIST: Okay, please show me the pokémon you'd like to accompany you.
VALERIE: [Excitedly hands the nice lady a heal ball] Here! My beautiful mawile!
RECEPTIONIST: [Pauses, before promptly giving it back to her.] I'm sorry, ma'am, but mawile is not one of the pokémon accepted here.
[Valerie, still smiling, blankly looked at the woman. Gardenia cringed, knowing exactly what she feared was soon going to follow.]
VALERIE: Excuse me?
RECEPTIONIST: Here, [She hands Valerie a large laminated sheet displaying several pokémon] this is the list of pokémon we allow inside the square.
[Valerie searches the list, happy expression fading as she cannot find mawile on it. She pauses for a moment, before looking back up at the receptionist with a new polite smile, though this one is clearly forced.]
VALERIE: I am sorry, but there must be some sort of mistake.
RECEPTIONIST: [Shaking her head] I apologize ma'am, but I'm not allowed to let a mawile in. If you don't have any of the accepted pokémon, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
VALERIE: [Clearly getting more angry as she speaks] Are you not an establishment centered around cute pokémon? How do you have any right to judge my mawile without even seeing her? Only allowing specific species without accounting for any individual pokémon’s beauty is--is--...is criminal! 
RECEPTIONIST: I really am sorry, ma’am, but there really is nothing I can do about it. The owner is very strict on what species are allowed in here, and there’s nothing I can do to change it.
VALERIE: Of course you can! You can just let her in!
RECEPTIONIST: I’m sorry ma’am but I’m going to have to ask you to leave.
VALERIE: Wh--Why you--
    [Valerie moves forward as if she’s about to jump over the desk and attack, but Gardenia and Sina quickly move in and each grab an arm, restraining her. They begin pulling her back towards the doors. The receptionist sighs with relief.]
VALERIE: You savages will pay for this--this--villainy!! The authorities will surely hear of your crimes!
Gardenia: They absolutely will not be hearing about this, I’m so sorry for this.
Sina: Have a nice night!
    [The two successfully pull Valerie outside. They finally let go of her after she has had time to calm down.]
VALERIE: [Calmly before growing more aggressive] I...I apologize for my outburst. I simply cannot believe the nerve of that--! 
GARDENIA: [Nervously and hurriedly] HEYY, how about we go for a nice long walk through Route 212 where you can have your mawile out and we can all calm down.
    [Sina grabs Valerie’s hand - well, sleeve - and they hurriedly head south toward Route 212]
    [Cut to the girls walking along Route 212. Valerie’s mawile has finally been freed now that they are in the wilderness, and is holding onto her sleeve as they go.] 
VALERIE: Okay, alright, I believe I have truly calmed down now. I am very grateful for you two keeping me in line.
GARDENIA: Just don’t do that again and we’re cool. I don’t think I have the emotional energy to prevent another murder.
VALERIE: [Clearly shocked and saddened by that comment] A--Ah, no, I would never do a thing like that! Did it really seem like that…?
GARDENIA: Ah--No, it was a joke, sorry.
SINA: At least one good thing came out of this, this’ll be like a really funny story to tell. 
VALERIE: P-please do not tell anyone about this.
SINA: Aw, alright fine, our lips are sealed.
GARDENIA: Hey, I don’t speak for me. I’m not making any promises. [Grins]
SINA: Hey!!
    [Sina jokingly slaps her on the back of the head for this. They all laugh. Mr. Backlot appears in front of them.]
MR. BACKLOT: Well! That’s a fine mawile you have there! 
VALERIE: Oh? Yes, she is my absolute pride and joy! [She picks up mawile, clearly pleased to have been complimented on her.]
MR. BACKLOT: Hoho, indeed! [Walking closer to examine the small monster] At first I thought one of the pokémon from my garden had wandered out and found you, but I can see that it’s really yours! She even resembles you a bit!
SINA: Your garden?
MR. BACKLOT: Yes! My garden - over there, see? [Gestures to the nearby mansion] Pokémon from all over the world come here just to see it! Many pokémon not found in the region reside there even now! I’d be happy to let you all see it if you’re interested. [The way he says this feels very over-eager and practiced, as if he’s given this talk many times and was just waiting for the opportunity to say it again]
GARDENIA: Oh yeah, I think I’ve heard of this place. Sounds kinda sketchy, though.
MR. BACKLOT: [Noticing Gardenia for the first time] Oh! You are the gym leader Gardenia, correct? Excuse me, I didn’t even realize. I must insist that you come see it, it’s truly a sight to behold, and I’m sure you’ll find an exotic pokémon to fit even your standards!
Gardenia: Ehhh, I dunno, dude.
Sina: As weird as it sounds, the idea of non-native pokémon being here is definitely interesting… The professor would probably want to hear about something like this…
GARDENIA: Isn’t Sycamore into mega evolution? What would he want with some weird garden?
SINA: ...Okay, I want to check it out, are you happy?
GARDENIA: Okay, fine. It sounds more interesting than Amity Square would’ve been, at least. 
MR. BACKLOT: Oh, you know Amity Square?
MR. BACKLOT: [Proudly] I’m actually the owner of the place!
    [Valerie, who had been calmly listening, suddenly looks alert and stares at Mr. Backlot, her grip on mawile growing tighter.]
VALERIE: You’re the owner of that establishment?
MR. BACKLOT: Yes, I certainly am!
VALERIE: [Taking a step closer] You’re the man who unjustly barred my adorable mawile from entering that place?
MR. BACKLOT: [Beginning to understand the situation] Oh, erm, yes? Oh--but that’s not to say that your mawile isn’t cute! We just, you know, have a standard that we want to--
VALERIE: A what?!
    [Valerie sets down mawile and starts moving towards him faster as he tries to back up.]
MR. BACKLOT: Well, you know, there is, uh, well, you see…
    [At this point he gives up on making an excuse, turns around, and breaks into a full sprint. Valerie gives chase, and Sina and Gardenia after her. Valerie chases the poor man deep into the woods, shouting at him, and the scene fades out as they all disappear from view.]
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venomous--fics · 6 years
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Pearlie: TYSM for the request! I used Carnage because I am already dying for the next Venom movie so I have been reading up on Carnage.
Relationship: Eddie Brock/Venom x Mutant!Reader
Eddie and Venom had been busy all week. It seemed like crime was only increasing, despite the fact Venom ate nearly all the scum they encountered. Luckily for them, the afternoon was fairly decent so they decided to walk around the city, occassionally stopping for drinks or a bite to eat.
"What sounds good for lunch, V?"
"Hmm." Venom thought, "We could stop at that pizza joint you're always talking about."
"We sure could if you'd like. I'm starving."
"You are not alone on that."
"Pizza it is." Eddie smiled, almost putting a skip in his step.
Despite nothing happening, the two were still on high alert, only relaxing a little once the auroma of pizza was wafting through the air. Eddie opened the door to the pizza parlor and quickly found a decent seat next to a window.
Before they knew it, they had ordered seven pizzas, some with bizarre topping combos. The waiter paid no mind and walked off. Eddie tapped his knuckles on the table, squinting as the sun obscured his view.
Just as the duo was about to lower their guard, a police car was flying through the street and people were running in fear. Eddie stood from the table and ran outside to assess the situation.
"Carnage." Venom growled, "What a dick."
"Didn't you make that d- Nevermind." Eddie clapped his hands together, "Let's go fuck shit up my man."
Venom enveloped Eddie and the two were off in an attempt to stop the beast.
You had your earbuds in as you walked down the street, towards the pizza place. You called in an order for your ritualistic Friday night in. You hummed to the beat and scrolled through your phone for a better song to listen to.
You had no idea of your surroundings until someone ran past you, and nearly bumped into you. You took and earbud out, "Hey, pal! Watch where you're--"
You slowly turned back from him and saw the city being torn apart. More and more people were running away in absolute panic.
"The hell.."
You stood still, unsure of what do to. What could you do? If you used your powers, there was a fear of being detained.. If you didn't help, then people being hurt would be on you.
Before you could even turn away and act like nothing was wrong, you heard a vicious roar followed by a car alarm.
You turned your head up a little and saw a large black mass flying towards you. Without any time to move, you cowar a bit as the mass flew through you.
You opened your eyes and turned around, seeing a creature getting up off the pavement and shaking it's head, growling as bits of rubble were shook off.
You panicked a little and ran past it and immediately phasing through the nearest wall. The creature had seen it all.
After what felt like 2 days, Venom and Eddie were able to subdue the vile Carnage just enough to get him to retreat.
The two were still curious as to what happened earlier with the strange girl and the going through walls.
"We could've been hallucinating from lack of food." Eddie rubbed his face, tired.
"No she was real." Venom snapped, "We do not hallucinate."
"Right. Okay.. But how the hell are we gonna find her in this big city..."
"Perhaps there is still a scent."
"Man, that's weird.. Like kinda creepy weird." Eddie groaned, wanting nothing more than to just get his food and go home.
"We must find the mystery girl, Eddie. Maybe she can help us in combat." Venom grinned rather gleefully.
"We don't really need help, but I do wanna make sure she isn't a threat. Y'know?"
Venom seemed to have agreed and they began their detective work.. As usual.
You finally stopped running when you noticed you were in on the the of town. You turned to look at the skyline.
You slipped up and now you'd probably have to move. Again. Maybe change your name? You looked around to make sure you weren't followed.
Nobody knew you had these powers, and that's fine with you. You wanted to be normal. And you knew deep down that if anyone knew they would only use you.
You shrugged off the cool air and started to make the totally normal trek back home. The gears in your head started turning and you got angry. That black slimey thing... What if IT was the bad guy. Maybe you should track it down and fight it. Then again ... It was probably stronger than you.
You slipped your earbuds back in and tried to chill out. It was going to be fine. You were going to make it home, you were going to eat low quality take out food. And life would be as normal as you remembered.
You made it back into the city and despite cooling down a bit, you were still filled with dread that some form of alien creature knows you exist and that you have powers.
You scoffed as you hit the walk signal button, "Haha as if....What? And it's tracked me down? Y/N, don't be ridiculo--"
You felt a puff of hot air on the back of your neck and you stiffened up like a fence post. You slowly turned around, "Well, speak of the devil..."
It was the being from earlier. You took a step back, "H-hey. Get out of my crawl.. M-man??"
"Where are my manners." It said in a low tone, wicked teeth curling into a smile, "We are Venom."
"Edgy." you blurted out. You tough guy persona started to come out as a defense mechanism, "Can you go."
The black ooze began to move, revealing a rather-from what you could see- cute guy. You weren't prepared for that and you jumped back, "What the fu- What the hell?"
"No please!" the man pleaded, "Not gonna hurt you. I'm Eddie Brock. That was my pal Venom. We uh.. I guess we're the good guys."
You eyed him up and down, "I'm Y/N....I guess." And the dots started to click, "Eddie Brock...That reporter guy?"
"Used to be."
"Used to be a fan- Uhm.. So why are you stalking me.."
"Earlier. Venom and I.. We kinda went through you."
"Oh. That was you." You sighed, "Please. I can't talk about it.. I'm terrified of someone finding out. I'm not gonna cause problems.. Just trying to make a living."
"Understandable." Eddie said, "We can talk over pizza. Totally spaced that I ordered like seven of 'em two hours ago."
You weren't sure what to expect. He just shifted the mood and conversation so far.. And you knew he wasn't a bad guy.
He held out his hand, "We swear we aren't gonna try any funny business.. Ot's nice to see another freak on the street."
"It's a term of endearment to us. You hear it so much that it almost sounds like a compliment."
You looked at his hand, "Alright, Eddie. But you try anything and I'll hurt you."
You reached your hand out and purposefully phased it through his. He was taken aback and you moved past him, "Gotcha."
"Where you goin'?" he asked, turning around.
"Thought you said we'd talk over pizza." you smiled at him, "You coming or what?"
Eddie looked at his hand as he started to follow you. He could hear Venom chuckling, "Eddie. We like her."
Eddie was still looking at his hand, "God that was freaky."
Turning around, you phased your hands through his chest, causing him to jump a little. You moved back, "I'll keep doing it."
"Please don't." Eddie's voice cracked, causing Venom to laugh. Eddie's voice cracked again, "Shut up."
--- (slight timeskip brought to you by my fear of this being too long lmao) --
An alarm went off, causing you to groan and went to slam your fist on it, but in your tired state, your fist went through the table. You groaned even louder and sat up, "Shut up already. We get it...It's morning."
The bedside next to you shifted and Eddie turned over, facing you, "Five more minutes."
You laid back down and shut your eyes, "You said that the first time it went off."
"And I'll say it again." he yawned.
You adjusted your position so you could look at him, "That WAS five minutes ago."
His brows furrowed and he whined, "But I'm tired."
You rolled your eyes and smiled. It's been about nine months since that day they phased through you and then got you pizza as consolation. Everything fell into place after that.
Eddie convinced you that you could use your powers for good, so sometimes you help them during fights. And about 4 months ago, Eddie asked you to move in after your millionth date. He made it seem more like a wedding proposal, however. He just wanted to be with you.
Eddie's hand began snaking over to you, and you decided to make him get up. His hand wound up going through you, and he patted the bed, "Y/N. Babe? You there?"
His hand went through your arm and you laughed, "I'm here. But you gotta get up."
He pulled his hand back and opened his eyes, "You're a jerk."
You sat up and pushed yourself off the mattress, "And you need a shower."
Eddie sighed and rolled out of bed, "Fine."
You went through the bedroom door, but immediately stuck your head back through, "I'll cook some breakfast!"
Eddie slammed himself into the wall and grabbed his chest, "Wouls you stop doing that?! It's still freaky."
"It's been like nine months."
"It looks like I'm talking to a decapitated head.."
You looked at the door and phased your hand through, shaking them like you were doing jazz hands, "Is this better?"
"Wha-Wh-What would you do if one of our friends came in and just part of your body going through a door?" Eddie squeaked.
You were totally unphased by the question and you kept a flat face, "We don't have any friends, Eddie."
"Shower." Eddie half smiled, "I need a shower."
He walked to the bathroom and shut the door behind him.
"I think it is funny." Venom said.
"You also think eating people is funny."
"Their screams amuse me."
"Thank you, V."
Eddie let out a yelp as you were now in the bathroom. You let out a laugh, "I'm sorry. I had to. I'll go make some food."
Eddie nodded as his nerves finally calmed down, "That would be wonderful."
You smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. You stood on your tiptoes and gave him a soft kiss on the lips, "Love you, fraidy cat."
"Love you too, weird..ghost cat."
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whatevasss · 5 years
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when two strangers switch their phones by accident. 
Staring out to the Han River "Awe this is so pretty." Taking a bite of chicken washing it down with a cold beer, the Banpo Bridge show was starting. Putting down the chicken in your hand, you stared out to the river and the bridge to reveal water flowing down the bridge as the light changes colors and kpop blasting throughout the area. As you were admiring the view and bouncing to the rhythm of the music, you felt a strong arm around you. Turning around you realize it was your boyfriend, giving him a quick smile, you turn your head back to the view. Ten minutes later, and the show slowly vanished from your sight, disappointed you sat back down on the steps and continue eating your now cold chicken. After devouring the chicken, you guys decided it was time to leave. Quickly picking up the trash, you turn towards your boyfriend "I have to used the restroom real quick." With a nod, you ran towards the restroom and did your business. Coming out, you saw a dark figure with his back towards you, knowing it was your boyfriend, you decided it would be a fun little prank to mess with him. Slowly walking up to him, you jumped on his back screaming " STOP RIGHT NOW YOU LITTLE PEEPING TOM, I CAUGHT YOU NOW." With everyone slowly turning their heads towards your screaming, you were dropped to the floor to reveal a complete stranger giving you an odd look. This is when you realize you had fucked up and this guy wasn't your boyfriend, but a complete total stranger. Reality quickly hit you in the face as you got up to apologize to the guy you called a pervert. You saw the look on his face and you can tell he wasn't all too happy nor please with what you just did. At the corner of you eye, you saw your boyfriend heading towards you, and you make a ran for him and tug him running away from the scene before anything bad could happen. Running all the way to the subway station, you stop to look back and finally let out a breathe and start panting as you realize he didn't come chasing you guys. Relief you started thinking about what happen, and the strangers faced flash before you "wow, he wasn't bad looking..." "Y/N ! Y/N !" snapping back to reality hearing when your boyfriend called you..."Dam, that was crazy, huh?" Searching for your phone in your pocket and bag, but it was nowhere to be found. With a fear in you, you slowly turn to your impatient boyfriend side eyeing you "uhm...babe, I think I lost my phone." Sensing him being annoyed, you quickly told his hand to walk back to the direction of the Han River. "UGH." he signed loudly letting you know he wasn't too pleased with you. Quickly going to the steps that you were seating earlier, but the phone was nowhere to be seen, heading to the restroom and the phone was still nowhere to be seen. As you head out the restroom, you saw a phone lying on the ground, walking quickly to it, you found your phone. Happily waving it at your boyfriend with a sign of relief. - 3am : unknown calling > delcine 3:05am : unknown calling > decline 3:06am : unknown calling >decline 3:07am : unknown calling > decline
"Who the fuck keeps calling me at 3am. ugh" annoyed you shut the phone off and go back to sleep. - 10am ... turning the phone back on to reveal 20 missed calls from unknown.     10 text from unknown.  10 missed calls from Dabin.           5 text from Dabin. 5 missed calls from Scott.              2 text from Scott.
Confused you rubbed your eyes again to look at the screen clearly to make sure. "What the fuck.!" paused you just stared at the screen blankly. "Who is Dabin and Scott, why are they saved on my contacts." Clearly you had no idea who these two are and why they were saved on your phone. Trying to open the phone, you swipe the screen up but it won't unlock, after several tries, it asks for the pass code, quickly typing 1314 to unlock your phone but to your surprise it won't unlock. Frustrated you threw the phone onto the bed, "stupid phone." You proceed to get on with your morning routine. As you were finishing up, you heard a ding indicating you have a new text...”hm. that’s weird, when did i change my ringtone." shrugging it off, you grab the phone off the bed and continue to once again to try to unlock your phone. It still won't unlock, you try again and again and making your frustration even more than before. Not giving a fuck anymore you threw the phone back on the bed and head to the kitchen. Scanning around you realized you didn't go grocery shopping, "Fuck, there's no food and I'm hungry." Debating on what to do, you head back to the bedroom, grabbed the phone and tried again, but it still won't unlock. You wanted to text your best friend, Viv, to see if she wanted to grab food with you. Being annoyed you quick got dressed and head out to her apartment as it was in the same complex, just a couple of floors down.  ... Ring ring ring ... silent ... ring ring ring ... silent ... annoyed, you bang on the door and still no answer. "Gosh, what is with today." Good thing, you know the code, and let yourself in. Once inside you head to the bedroom to see your best friend completely knocked out still. You saw a water bottle on the nightstand and decided to play a little prank on her and drop whatever water was left in the bottle all over her. "UGHHHH. BISH. WTF." laughing hysterically you gave her a opps, my bad look. "bish, hurry up and get up, i'm starving! lets go eat!" 
Entering a cafe after breakfast.  Y/N : Go grab and a table and I’ll order the drinks and such.  V : MMKAY.  Y/N : What do you want?  V: Uhm..iced vanilla latte please.  Y/N : Okay. 
Nodding a simply yes, you headed to the counter. “One ice vanilla latte, one iced americano, one cheesecake, and one carrot cake please.” 
Heading to the table with the tray of food and drinks. As you set the tray down, Viv shocked “Bish, why did you get so much? We just ate.” Simply shrugging your shoulder you took a seat across from her. Silently enojying the sweet goodness, Viv started to speak. 
V : So are you not going to tell me about yesterday?  Y/N : UHM...nothing happened.  V : What do you mean nothing happen? I thought we have talked about this and how you need to be strong and go through with this.  Y/N : I know, but I just can’t. OK? Can we please just drop this?  V : NO, we cannot just drop this. He’s a cheater and you know it. So, why are you still holding on to him when all there left is pain for you. Can’t you see? Y/N : CLEARLY NOT BECAUSE I DON’T WANT TO LOSE HIM. OK. I DON’T WANT TO. I DON’T BELIEVE IT. I WON’T BELIEVE IT.  V : You need to realize he is not going to stop, he is not going to turn around. He isn’t the guy you fell for.  Y/N : JUST STOP IT PLEASE.  V : BISH, you have lost him when he cheated on you. And I’m sorry, but the truth is the truth. 
Speechless as you don’t know what to say or do as a single tear flow down your check. Quickly wiping it, afraid of her seeing it and making a bigger deal out of this. Sighing...”But but but...” no other words came out. You knew the truth, and that was the truth; it hurts but the truth is the truth. You didn’t want to lose him, you don’t want to face reality. "Y/N, listen to me, you know its best to leave him before you get anymore attached to him. i know how much you loved him, and i'm sorr..." Before she can finish talking, your phone started to ring. 
Unknown calling > accept. Not wanting to hear what your best friend had to say, you quickly accepted the call. 
Not wanting another person yelling at you, you quickly hung up the call. 
Unknown calling > accept  Y/N : Please sto,,, Unknown : DON’T YOU DARE HUNG UP NOW.  Y/N : What do you want? I don’t know you.  Unknown : YOU HAVE MY DAMN PHONE AND I WANT IT BACK. Y/N : I have no idea what you are talking about. Please calm down and stop yelling at me or i’ll hung up again.  Unknown : Fine. Now will you please just give me my phone back?  Y/N : Uhm...this is my phone ?  Unknown : No, it’s not. It’s mine.  Y/N : Uhm.... Unknown : Punch in 951 to unlock the phone and it’ll prove that its mine.  Y/N : Uhm... Unknown : SOOOOO...? ----  You quickly type in the pass code 951 to unlock the phone.  --- Y/N : OMG, it unlocked. WTF. I wasn’t able to unlock this phone the whole morning.  Unknown : Well, no shit Sherlock Holmes, this is my phone.  Y/N : Then were is my phone?  Unknown : What is your pass code? Y/N : 1314  Unknown : Seems like I have your phone. Cute doggie by the way.  Y/N : OMG, how did this happen? How do you have my phone and how did I end up with yours?  Unknown : Beats me baby girl.  Y/N : Uhm...ok ?  Unknown : Yes?  Y/N : What do we do now?  Unknown : Are you really asking the obviously, baby girl?  Y/N : Please stop calling me that. I am not your baby girl.  Unknown : Ok, baby girl. What is your name then?  Y/N : That’s none of your business.  Unknown : Then I guess baby girl it is.  Y/N : Ugh, Unknown : hahaha. Where are you? Y/N : xxx cafe in xxx, you? Unknown : Fuck, I’m at the airport right now.  Y/N : That’s at least a hour away without traffic.  Unknown : No shit, baby girl.  Y/N : Then ...  Unknown : ... Y/N : What time is your flight?  Unknown : Boarding in 30min.  Y/N : Dam...I guess when you come back? Unknown : In a week.  Y/N : That long?  Unknown :  Why? You can’t wait to see me huh, baby girl?  Y/N : HA. Yea right. I just want my phone back and be done with you.  Unknown : Baby girl, you don’t have to be in denial. I know you’ll fall for me once you see me.  Y/N : HAHA. Funniest thing I heard all day. But FYI I have a boyfriend.  Unknown : Challenge accepted, baby girl.  Y/N : Prepare to be hit with a big fat FAIL.  Unknown : We shall seee...  Y/N : So what is your name?  Unknown : Christian and you? or would you like me to just call you baby girl?  Y/N : ...  Unknown : I told you my name, isn’t it fair for me to know yours?  Y/N : How do I know your not a creep who did this on purpose. Unknown : Believe what you want baby girl.  Y/N : ... Unknown : I gotta go now, baby girl. Keep my phone safe please.  Y/N : Y/N Unknown : What was that, baby girl?  Y/N : My name is Y/N. Unknown : Sexy name for a sexy girl. I’ll see you in a week then, Y/N. 
--- The phone call came to an end, and you couldn’t stop smiling. It was like he put some kind of spell on you. You felt butterflies in your stomach when he started calling you baby girl. Drifting your thoughts away as who this boy was...your best friend smack you back into reality, “What was that about?” Without responding you got up smiling like an idiot and lleft the cafe leaving your best friend behind.
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to be cont...
I literally wrote this in a hour at work so please ignore any mistakes. thank you. :) feedbacks will always be appreciated. 
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invaderzia1 · 6 years
Summertime Sadness (Reiner Braun x Female!Reader) (Modern Au)
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Not associated with that one song :) yo this was supposed to come out beginning of summer but look where we are now huh
Everything hurt. There was a distinct pain in the back of your throat and your nose was very clogged. As you began to awaken more, it became ever clear that this was your allergies again. The past couple days have been quite painful for you, but something about today felt different. Sitting up in bed, rubbing away the sleep from your eyes, you saw your boyfriend laying next to you, quietly scrolling through his phone. The burly male turned towards you, smiling up at you.
“Morning, sunshine.” He said.
You opened your mouth to speak, but only a faint croak of words came out. Your eyes widened as the truth of what was wrong set in. Reiner stared back at you, a dorky grin forming on his face. There was still a dull pain in your throat and a noticeable scratchieness.
“Babe, can you get me some water?” You croaked out, cringing at how your voice sounded.
Reiner held in his laugh, not wanting to land on your bad side, and simply nodded, quickly makin his way out of the room. From your bedroom you could still hear Reiner laughing as he made his way to the kitchen. A pout proudly made its way onto your lips, crossing your arms as you waited for him to return.
Reiner reentered the room after a few minutes, finding his girlfriend pouting at him. While he didn’t like to see her upset, she sure looked cute with that pout. He handed her the water she wanted and returned to his place in bed.
“Come on, babe. You’ve gotta admit you sound pretty funny right now.”
“Doesn’t mean you can be mean about it.” She mumbled, Reiner barely catching what she said.
Reiner roller his eyes and wrapped an arm around you. “How about I make you the best chicken soup you’ll ever eat and you turn on a movie and relax? Would that make you feel better?”
Not wanting to strain your voice, you nodded and made yourself comfortable in the bed. Reiner just sent a soft smile towards you as he got back up and left the room. You immediately missed the warmth of his body, but knew soup would be better than just cuddling today.
The pain in your throat was still ever present and making everything ten tones worse for you. The water was helping but not as much as you wanted. Hopefully Reiner would be able to find some for you when he came back. Reaching for you phone, you noticed several messages from one of your close friends.
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: yo you still wanna get lunch later???
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: wake up I need an answer soon
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: I stg I will burst into your house and get the answer myself if you don’t respond soon
Rolling your eyes at his brash nature, you began to type your response, hoping he wouldn’t be rushing into the apartment any time soon.
(Y/n): sorry, don’t think I can make it. Super sick rn :(
(Y/n): we can reschedule for later this week, hopefully I don’t die by then
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: boo hoo
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: what’s wrong? Fuckface give you the flu or something?
(Y/n): haha v funny
(Y/n): but no, my allergies are trying to close my throat currently. Can barely breath rn
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: sucks to be you
You sighed at his comment, used to the rough attitude.
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: do you need me to come over or something? Rather you don’t die tbh
(Y/n): nah, reiners here and making me some soup
There wasn’t a response immediately, probably due to Porco gagging at your boyfriends name. The two really didn’t get along, though it was more like Porco had some sort of vendetta against him. He was the one to introduce you and Reiner, but it wasn’t like he was trying to get you together, that was on both of you. The thought was quite amusing, remembering how much Porco scolded you when you first told him you were interested in the blonde male.
The phone buzzed in your hand, bringing you out of your thoughts.
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: ew
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: you’ll need to decontaminate your apartment after he leaves 😷😷
(Y/n): don’t be rude just cuz your jealous
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: Not jealous, just warning you . Tho you should clean it to get the pollen out I guess.
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: well, I’ll let you be. Stay well and sleep a lot.
(Y/n): peace, see you later
Closing out of your messages, you began to pull up the YouTube app and catch up on some of your videos. Half way through the video, you heard the unmistakable foot steps of your boyfriend approaching. As he entered the room you noticed him looking as adorable as ever. His hair was slightly messy and he was in a bright pink apron your grandmother had given you a few years ago. He smiled softly at you before spreading, leaning against the door frame.
“You okay back here? Want me to get you anything?” Reiner asked.
“Actually,” you started, the scratchy feeling making it harder to speak as your voice continued to disappear, “if you could grab some throat lozenges that’d be great.”
Reiner just nodded and ducked out of the room, leaving you back to your videos. You could hear him down the hall, tearing up your bathroom trying to find those lozenges. After a few minutes of Reiner tearing everything apart, he returned. He had a sheepish look on his face as he walked towards you.
“Soooo, I could only find one lozenge.” He said, drawing out the first part of the sentence. “But, I’ll go out and grab you a full pack of them!! And some candy!” God, he was like a cute puppy, just trying to make you happy.
“That’s fine, I just need some lozenges, I don’t need you blowing your entire paycheck on me.” You held out your hand for the lozenge as Reiner handed it to you. Quickly popping it into your mouth, you felt the relief almost instantly.
“I just want you to feel better, so if you need anything, and I mean anything, I will go get it for you, babe-“ Reiner was cut off by the sound an alarm going off, somewhere further into the apartment. “Shit, one minute!!” He yelled out, running out of the room and down the hall.
You couldn’t help but laugh at his antics, it was quite the sight as not too long ago he was teasing you and now here he was acting all cute and shit for you. You truly felt lucky to have him. You wanted to yell out to him and ask if everything was okay, but current circumstances stopped that from happening. Instead, you just stayed in bed and hoped everything was okay. Hopefully if the apartment caught fire Reiner would come in and save you, cuz there was no way you would be able to run far like this.
After waiting for what felt like an eternity, which was more like 10 minutes, Reiner returned with a bowl in one hand and a mug in another. As he placed it down onto the side table next to you, the smell of the soup he made wafted towards you. Dear god, it smelt heavenly!! You nearly melted right there, but Reiner quickly dipped the spoon in and brought it towards your lips. It tasted better than it smelt, taking you to a higher plane of existence.
“Mmmm, who knew you were such a good cook.” You mumbled in a state of bliss.
“Not many people, I try to keep it a secret.” He replied, taking a seat on the other side of the bed.
“What for? Such a talent shouldn’t be hidden.”
Reiner chuckled to himself, wrapping an arm around you. “I don’t need the guys to make fun of me for this, if Porco found out I don’t think I’d live it down.”
“Oh hush, it’s not that bad.” You jokingly scolded him, lightly nudging him with your elbow. Taking another spoonful of soup, you leaned into Reiner’s broad chest.
“So you feeling any better?”
“I can kind of get a sentence out now, so that’s something, but other than that still feeling pretty shitty.”
You grabbed the remote from the bed side table and turned on your television, switching to Netflix and scrolling down to the movie section. There were a few movies which caught your eye, but after a bit more searching a small squeal came from you as you stumbled on your favorite movie. Reiner rolled his eyes, yet kept his mouth closed.
“Babe, oh my god, we have to!!” You gushed, your voice cutting out here and there from the high pitch glee.
“It’s your choice, babe. Though, you have seen it like twenty times already.”
Ignoring his comment, you pressed play on the movie and snuggled against Reiner in a more comfortable position, continuing to sip on your soup as Reiner did the same.
Half way through the movie, Reiner began kissing down your neck, slightly pulling your attention away from the screen. His little kisses were sweet at first, but slowly you could feel his teeth scrape against the skin. It wasn’t long before he started biting down and sucking on the skin.
Letting a shaky moan escape your lips, you lightly pushed him off, wanting to focus on the movie. However, Reiner tightened his grip around you waist and left another mark on your neck.
“Reiner, stop!” You whined out.
Reiner just hummed out his response, not stopping his actions. His nose rubbed against the soft skin of your neck, placing a soft kiss on the dark mark he left.
Your breathing started to become heavy, due in part mostly to how swollen your throat was feeling, but your boyfriends nips weren’t helping either. Obviously, you weren’t in the mood for this, but you weren’t gonna just let him stop either.
Reiner wasn’t dumb either, he wasn’t going in for the kill, he just wanted to distract you from how shit you felt. But, he wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to mark you as his either. Turning to look at you, Reiner chuckled at your flushed face, finding it adorable at how embarrassed you seemed to get at his actions.
“Aw, babe, you look so cute,” Reiner cooed, resting his head on your shoulder.
“Not funny, ya big bear.” You squeaked out, crossing your arms. A cute pout made its way to your face, turning away from his face.
Reiner rubbed his face against the side of your neck, his eyes closed as he did. The scruffiness of his beard made you cringe, but the softness of the rest of his face was nice. He hummed out a response, enjoying how close you are.
“Stop,” You stuttered out, “It tickles!”
You tried to squirm from his grasp, but his grip was strong around your waist, effectively holding you in place. A few more failed attempts at escaping and pleading with him only made him rub his beard against you more, an evil smirk on his lips.
“If you want it to stop, then you’ll have to kiss me!” Reiner proclaimed, as if he was a Disney villain.
“Fine, I’ll do it. Just stop with the beard, you monster!”
Reiner loosened his grip and, as promised, removed his beard from your neck. He readied his lips for the kiss, as if he was a lovesick school girl waiting for her crush to man up and kiss her. Instead, he felt her lips press against his cheek, before pulling away. Reiner opened his eyes, pouting as he saw her nervously scratch her neck.
“You can do better than that, give me a real kiss this time.”
You purses your lips together, using your secret weapon on him. Puppy eyes. You knew that Reiner wouldn’t be able to handle the cuteness when you unleashed them.
“But.... babe, you said only one kiss.”
Reiner’s cheeks dusted with pink, already falling victim to your trick. Just looking at you, he felt his heart beat faster, finding you cuter than ever. He stared down at you, causing you both go engage in a silent battle to see who would win. Thought, Reiner didn’t stand a chance against you. He threw his hands up in defeat, covering his face as you cheered in victory.
Over exciting yourself, it felt harder than before to breath, causing you to let out several choked coughs. Reiner chuckled at your struggle, moving a hand away from his face as he did, making sure you were okay.
After that, you both returned to the movie. You cuddled into Reiners broad chest as you began to feel yourself grow tired, clearly your shitty allergies we’re making you feel weaker than usual. It wasn’t long until you feel asleep, cuddled up ti your loving boyfriend, who played with your hair until you passed out.
While your summer allergies may get you down, there’s always someone near to cheer you back up.
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huangfilms · 6 years
summary: wow i can’t seem to get my umbrella op— OH GOSH I THINK I JUST HIT YOUR CROTCH || meet-ugly au (LMAO)
requested by: @doyuwung (thank you queen!!)
(A/N) my first request! love u queen thank u for requesting! okay i don’t know how this is all gonna go,, but lets hope for the best! ummmm pls leave me some feedback! a girl is STILL self concious but here we are!! but anyway,, lets get started QUEENS 😪 also omg this isnt even a college au so... clickbait?????? its barely mentioned but its there!! hope u enjoy anyway
it was a rainy day at your campus and u were NOT having a good day
u woke up LATE
u didnt eat anything BECAUSE u were late and u didnt even drink coffee
oh and ur stupid umbrella wouldnt open
you were speed walking to ur first class while trying to open it right? w ell
u stopped for like TWO seconds trying to open it and then BAM
u got it to open but then u heard a thud right in front of u and u F ROZE
SO you start moving your umbrella REALLY slowly to see what the FRI CK fell and mid way u heard a groan of pain omg u feel so ba d
“d-did i just hit ur crotch oh gosh” as if this day couldnt get any worse
well now theres a guy in front of u, rolling in the wet floor, holding his crotch and is in p a i n
and u had no idea what the HELL U WERE SUPPOSED TO DO
but u had to get to class so u rushed out an apology and RAN
the whole time in class u felt so guilty omgjdjcjsj
so anyway you go to lunch to meet up with ur bestie xuxi since the rain has cleared up a bit
and he says that he wants you to meet his other friend that recently transferred here
and on your way u spot him and see someone with him, but the person has their back to you so you cant see them
but when u DO see them all you want to do is hide in a corner and hope that your red cheeks l e a v e
and u contemplate turning and texting yukhei that u dont feel well bUT HE SEES U
and he waves you over with so much enthusiasm that the guy turns around and he freezes
and so do you
oof he changed his clothes from this morning i mean who wouldnt the poor dude was in a PUDDLE holding his crotch smh abby
so you turn bright red again while slowly approaching them
and yukhei gives you the biggest smile and says “i want you to meet my friend jungwoo”
and ur all like hahahhdhshdhs hi jungwoo im y/n
and then u cringe and ur about to tell yukhei that haha u hit this guy in the crotch earlier today
but jungwoo beats you to it but hes ?? grinning?? ok man u probs ruined his chance to have kids but i mean i guess
and it looks like they been talking ing about it cause yukhei just LAUGHS so hard while saying “omg SHE was the one who hit you?? course she would” LMAOOOO
yukhei wtf whats that supposed to mean
ANYWAY you take a seat and avoid his eyes cause even tho u already said sorry u still feel guilty
so u are just,,, there,,,
and for a while u dont really talk and just eat some food
but like after an hour yukhei says that hes gonna go buy something and leaves u and jungwoo
and cue the crickets my dudes
but anyway you two looked up at the same time and tried to speak and u guys do that Super Cliche thing
and then u eventually talk saying how sOrry u were BECAUSE U FELT SO BAD CNSNXN
And all he was doing Was Smiling w t f
and so he just laughs a little and he says that hey it was an accident!!! no problem!!
so you guys start to talk and start to get to know each other
he even offers to buy you a new umbrella HAHAHDNSN but hes joking cause u both are 🅱️roke college students
its been 3 hours: yukhei is gone
oop but you dont care u made a new friend 😪😪 and so u guys swap numbers cause its getting late and u gotta go
and he walks u back to ur dorm (A GENTLEMAN 🤧🤧)
and yall part ways !!
but after that!!! you guys talk and talk and talk and yukhei : living for it
although hes annoyed that ALL U DO IS TALK ABT JUNGWOO LMAOOO he still lives for it
and jungwoo just talks about you all the time 😪😪😪 but u dont need to know that
and so time skip 2 months
and u guys are mutually pining after each other but u guys are literal headasses so u dont know that u guys like each other
and all of ur friends know that u guys like each other
u guys r just oblivious smh
BUT that all McChanges when jungwoo asks u to hang out at the park with him
bro this aint even a college au anymore
when you meet him at the park u get c o n f u s e d because u cant see him anywhere
he texts you saying to walk to the fower field cause he got a SURPRISE for u
and when u do walk there, theres this BIG TREE RIGHT!! and hanging from the tree are umbrellas of all shapes and sizes and u want to LAUGH
cause!! u hit him with one wow but there are also!!! words!!!
‘You remind me of a thunderstorm,,,, positively striking get it cause u STRIKED him in the nuts,,, will u be mine?’
and u want to laugh so hard but all u can do is smile so so so big because!! he asked u out!! he likes u too!!
so u run to him and jump into his arms and then!! u fall on the ground oop
but he still catches you :,) and you guys!! kiss!!
the kiss is short and sweet cause theres so much adrenaline and u just feel so many emotions
so u guys are together now,,,
ANYWAY!! bf college jungwoo!!!
cute ! as ! heck ! because he gets you coffee and waits for you when your class is about to end
he always walks you to your dorm and sometimes comes in to just: sleep
and cuddle
and kiss
good life,,, im suffering,,,
and he walks you to ur classes
AND WHEN ITS RAINY HE HANDLES THE UMBRELLA 😪 he even bought u a new one
when ppl ask how u two met u always cringe but he LAUGHS omg
and he says that u attacked him with ur umbrella but hey!! its good!!
but anyway!!! u guys would be the god tier uwu power couple at ur college cause everyone loves u two
u two are so soft for each other and just SOFT IN GENERAL
and u guys are just living the good life with each other :’)))
life is so good
anywho!!! end!!! jungwoo is the REALL UWU KING😪😪 his as ur bf: real uwu hours since hes so freaking sweet
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cythoughtsnmemories · 2 years
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Met bf at bugis to try a Vietnamese restaurant. Booo~ but glad that there's 2 shop selling d backpack I wanna get, so got to try on. I got 20% discount cos 7.7 sale. Can't wait for it to arrived. Can use it for my course and upcoming staycation!
Finally tried d curry chicken sandwich and I love it. Heng~ it's not spicy at all cos I weak 😂 tummy can't tahan in morning. I guess d cheese n egg helps reduce any spiciness in d curry chicken. Haven't got chance to meet Della in office, so today we decided to just eat at our canteen. $3.50 seafood soup...damn worth it!
So covid case has been above 9k+ and monkey pox in SG. why not I wfh while I still can. Okay also cos a little sian to go office too haha~ v little pple lah. Wfh also means I gotta meal prep. I have my cold soba w seaweed, egg and seafood tofu.
It's not easy to be bridesmaids seriously. Got to discuss, meet other bridesmaids budget n ensure bride enjoy d bachelorette celebration. Not been a bridesmaid before isn't a good answer or explanation u can't suggest d plan. Anw, we kind of go w my plan. Shall check again in early Aug to confirmed d activity.
I know it's too early to think of my bridesmaids but I really dk who to pick. Everyone seems busy n don't really take initiative to keep the project active. Wait till d day comes bah.
Wanted to cook lunch for bf n his mum but his mum wanted to go woodland blk 15 food industry to get some food, so I went over early. 4 hrs gone, and we settled lunch out. I tot nvm, those ingredients I bought can use to cook Sun lunch. End up his mum wanted to cook satay bee hoon with d gravy she bought ytd. As always, his mum over buy, and now got to eat it for dinner before I go home. Maybe I don't cook at his hse anymore. I had a hard time getting d right portion to cook too.
Planned to go picnic on Sat night w babe. Wanted to try sourdough pizza but contemplating if I should buy vegan food cos bf is trying to go no carbs. In d end he said cheat day HAHAHAHA weee~ bf always let me have happy belly 😝 it's d right choice! The pizza was really satisfying. Imma try d wkday deal someday to try all 4 flavours.
So grateful that bf is open to discuss abt future. Recently I shared an article on 2/3 of divorce was initiate by women due to unacceptable behaviour. I ask bf what's was his list of unacceptable behaviour and I gave mine. Lol I'm d ma fan one. Rmb d last gathering w his friends, bf was so afraid to carry d 7 mths old baby. I was quite affected seeing that. Thinking my husband is not gonna help take care of our baby. How am I suppose d handle when I need help during maternity. Tbh, I'm quite afraid to carry new born. So I shared this concern w him and he laughed. He said if it's his child, he sure dare to carry and he might even toss d baby after a mth. Wts?!! 😂 he is just afraid he injured other pple baby so he refused to carry or interact w kids. Phew~ but now I scared he anyhow toss d baby, omg!! It was a short n sweet dating session before we head back his hse to stayover.
I'm laying on my bed and felt like I can sleep anytime before 11am. Lucky I decided to wfh tmr. Went bouldering this morning w my friends. We hang there for abt 4hrs+, not d 1st time playing but usually went for eock climbing and testing out bouldering afterwards. This time it's fully on bouldering and I used up all my energy. Only had 2 small slice of cake n few cubes of apple in d morning. Now I could still feel numbness in my fingers. Not sure if I'll feel muscle ache tmr. Good luck to me.
0 notes
itsmomorin · 7 years
Opposites Attract
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Opposites Attract
- Momo Focus
Word Count: 2631
*Halloween Special 2017
“I’m here, where are you guys?” You spoke into your phone, as you stood in front of a large mansion. People were dancing, singing, drinking, in their elaborate and spooky costumes. There were ghosts, skeletons, werewolves, and even the Hulk was present. Actually scratch that, multiple Hulks, each of a different shade of green. Heavy EDM was blasting from the inside, and it looked like there was a bonfire set up in the backyard. Great, my costume is going to smell like smoke, alcohol, and more smoke. Sigh, why did I even come? You thought to yourself. Despite the immense number of exquisite and detailed costumes, you felt fully confident in your own outfit. You spent two months in advance, acquiring materials, constructing different parts, comparing different versions, as you finally managed to complete your costume. You patted the sides of your pants, your dual pistols hung from a leather belt, and you reached backwards to feel the smooth grip of the wooden crossbow you had made over two weeks. You were dressed in a black trench coat, along with boots, biker gloves, and a black witch hunter hat to top it all off. You were the most badass vampire hunter, well, at least at this party.
“You made it! Yeah, so we decided to kind of split up, you know, try our luck at different places instead of sticking together. We wouldn’t want to drag each other down. Anyways, some of us are upstairs, I’m in the basement, I think the rest are either outside or in the backyard.” Your friend said with a slight slur.
“Isn’t outside and the backyard the same thing?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Anyways, don’t come bothering me, tonight's the night!”
“Ah yes, I almost forgot, all of you guys came to hook up with someone. Jeez, don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere near you. Don’t want people to know we’re associated.” You jokingly attacked.
“Yeah, sure, we’ll see who’s laughing tomorrow morning!”
“Alright, take it easy, bud. I’ll see you in the morning.” You concluded, hanging up, and approached the front porch. A girl dressed as a black cat noticed you approaching and opened the front door for you. She smiled at you, and gave you a little meow. You thanked her and slightly shivered when she meowed at you. Welp, I’m here, might as well try to enjoy this a little bit. Let’s see if they have any food around here, I skipped dinner because my shift ended late today. You bypassed individuals who were already passed out, people who held a stranger’s hand and led them into some corner to make out, and people that were casually drinking water and sat with the other sober people. Finally, you made it into the kitchen, and there they were, stacks of pizza boxes and wings in the corner. Please let there be a few pieces left. Please. You flipped open at least half of the boxes and they were all empty or someone had bitten parts of a pizza off. Are you kidding me? Pleaseee. Upon opening the last box, you found three intact pieces of pizza. You quickly snatched them all up onto your plate and walked away. You grabbed an empty seat away from the drunk people and began to wolf down the pizza. Then you overheard two girls speaking.
“I can’t believe they ran out of food… I should’ve listened to you, I should’ve ate more at home…” One girl spoke.
“Are you really that hungry? We can go grab something quick right now if you want, or we can leave earlier and find something.” The other girl responded.
“No, no, it’s okay, I’ll live. Go have fun, maybe there’s some snacks lying around. Don’t worry about me.” The first girl said and pushed her friend towards another group of girls. The second girl nodded and joined up with her other friends. You stopped eating for a moment and peeked over to the first girl. Your jaw dropped. She’s absolutely stunning. Wow. She wore an elegant crimson dress and her hair was frizzled and let loose around her shoulders. Then she bared her fangs. Vampire huh? Heh, what a coincidence. You watched her for a few more minutes as she practically flipped open each drawer and cabinet twice. You stared down at your plate, where two perfect slices remained. Come on, (Y/N), you’re not that hungry. Surely you can spare a few slices for this poor girl. You finished your first piece, opened your phone’s camera and wiped any tomato sauce or oil off of your mouth and approached the girl. She had finally given up and sat on one of the stools near a counter top.
“Hey? Excuse me, I couldn’t help but notice that you were looking through the kitchen for something. If you don’t mind, I have two slices left here.” You said as you sat on an adjacent stool. The girl looked at you with an awkward expression, smiled quickly and shook her head.
“I didn’t do anything to these pieces, I swear. My name is (Y/N). What’s yours?” You desperately tried to save the conversation. I totally come off as a druggie right now, “Didn’t do anything to these pieces”? Smooth, (Y/N), smooth… The girl gave you a warm but distant look as she still refused to say anything. You could tell that you had failed. Completely and utterly failed. You took your two pieces of sad looking pizza and walked away from her.
“Hey there… hic… I don’t believe we’ve met before…” A drunk man spoke from behind you.
“Where do you think you’re going, little lady? hic... Cute costume, very spooky…” Another joined in.
You turned around to see the same girl being cornered by two drunk dudes who were still carrying their drinks around. She looked worried and extremely uncomfortable. Then all of a sudden, one of the men touched her bare shoulder with his hand, and your body instinctively moved forward to open a gap between the two men and the girl. The girl hid behind you, as you confronted the two.
“Who are you exactlyyy… hic.” The first man spoke.
“What do you think you’re doing?” The second chimed in.
“I could be asking you two the same questions. What do you think you’re doing with… my girlfriend?” You began strongly but began to waver at the end.
“She’s… your… girlfriend?” They both said together. They looked towards each other and laughed out loud in a disgusting manner. Why, I gotta… you thought to yourself, and suddenly a wave of confidence washed over you, as you stood up straighter than normal and projected your voice loudly and clearly for a second time.
“Yeah, she is. So I’m only going to say this once. Piss off.” You spoke coldly. The two men blinked several times as if they didn’t understand English. They looked pissed off now, as they set down their drinks and cracked a few knuckles.
“Who do you think you are?” The second man spoke angrily.
“Who am I? Can’t you tell. I’m Van Fucking Helsing.” You said with even more emotion. The two men didn’t flinch a single bit. Here we go. Again. Wait a second.
“If it’s a fight you want, then you’ll get one. But since there’s two of you, I get an advantage. See this wooden crossbow? I made it myself, quite proud of it to be honest. If I wanted to, this could probably break a few bones before it breaks. But why would I do that, when I can just load it with this metal bolt.” You explained, placing a bolt that was coloured silver onto the crossbow and pulling it back with an audible click at the end.
“So then, who wants to help me try this thing first?” You said with a grin. The two men moved their eyes onto your finely crafted crossbow and then back to you. They slowly backed off, took their drink and went outside.
“Thank- Thank you.” The girl behind you said quietly as she bowed a little. You nodded and smiled at her. You knew that you had made a bad impression before so you were just about to leave the girl alone once again but she spoke again.
“Uhm, I was wondering, if you still had the two pieces of pizza left?” The girl said again.
“Yeah, yeah, of course. Here.” You eagerly responded and handed over your plate once again. The girl thanked you again and literally glowed as she received the pizza.
“Oh hold on, I think there’s a microwave around here somewhere. I just ate it without heating so I can heat it for you if you… want.” You said turning around only for a split second. When you turned back around, the girl had already ate half of the first slice. She paused as you watched her eat.
“I guess not, then.” You said with a chuckle. The girl laughed and choked since she was chewing. You sat back on the stool and hesitated before patting her back. She didn’t reject you.
“Sorry for my attitude from earlier. My friends told me to be careful of strangers. But you seem alright.” The girl apologized after swallowing her bite.
“No, I completely understand. I didn’t exactly make myself appear trustworthy.”
“I don’t know why I came, I’m a party person usually, but I don’t think I like this ‘kind’ of party that much.”
“I ask myself the same question. I came with my friends but they came a bit early and are probably hammered by now. So now here I am, making myself look like an antisocial person/druggie who creeps on sober girls.” You jokingly said. The girl had stopped eating and gave you a wide eyed look.
“It’s a joke… haha. I swear.”
“I know, I’m just messing with you.” The girl dropped her expression and giggled.
“Why are you here then? If you don’t enjoy these types of parties.” You asked.
“Well, I’m here to keep my friends in check. Especially that one. See that girl dressed as a red hot devil? She’s a handful.”
“I wish I could say the same, but my friends all want me as far away as possible.”
“They’re trying to hit on some girls?”
“How did you… yeah, they are. They don’t really have any good luck with girls, so I’m probably here until one of them throws up or gets into a fight.”
“You gonna pull out that crossbow again?” The girl teased.
“I’ll have you know, I really did make this crossbow myself. It took me two whole weeks.”
“Really? Let’s see, give it here.”
You obeyed and gave your crossbow over. The girl pretended to shoot you as she aimed at you with one eye.
“No true vampire hunter gives over their weapon so easily to a vampire.” She commented as she aimed.
“Yeah? Well, I didn’t think vampires were weak enough to get bullied by two drunks.” You reflected back at her.
“Fine, fine, fair enough.” The girl said after licking off the sauce off of her fingers. She returned your crossbow and stretched a little as she put down the empty plate.
“Do you want to move this conversation somewhere else? Things are a bit… chaotic here.” You suggested.
“Sure.” The girl replied warmly. The two of you were going to go downstairs but you heard yelling and the smashing of bottles, then the two of you tried upstairs, but all of the doors were locked and some very inappropriate noises echoed from within the rooms. The backyard and pool were filled with shirtless people. So it was the front porch for the two of you, no one was there, not a single soul. Luckily, you wore multiple layers underneath so you handed your trench coat and scarf to the girl since it was chilly outside.
“Oh!” The girl suddenly exclaimed right after the two of you sat on the steps.
“What is it?”
“I forgot to introduce myself… ahem. My name is Momo. Nice to meet you, (Y/N).” She announced and extended her hand.
“You remember my name?” You asked, astonished, and shook her hand.
“Of course I did. You weren’t that creepy. Good try.”
“Well, sorry, next time I’ll try harder. I’ll put an excessive amount of sugar onto the pizza.”
Momo giggled at your sense of humor. Even her laugh is beautiful. Who is this girl. The two of you ended up sitting out there for the entire night. No one came to bother the two of you, no one saw the two of you. It was like you two were in your own little world together. Even when everyone began to sleep, or were too drunk and passed out. Finally, the sky began to light up with hues of orange, red, and yellow streaks that peeked through the horizon.
“Is it really morning already?” You asked, still feeling as awake as when you showed up at the party.
“We talked for a long time huh? Funny how I don’t feel tired at all. Hm, I wonder if Sana is feeling any better.”
“Who’s Sana?”
“Oh, one of my dearest friends, she got sick right before this party so she opted to stay home by herself. I’ll see her soon, I’m sure she’s fine now.”
“Okay, I’m sure she’s feeling better by now. So did you enjoy 2017’s Halloween? It’s officially over now.” You said, standing up and stretching a little.
“It’s not over yet. The Sun’s not completely up. I’m a vampire remember? I’ll burn up in sunlight. Completely combust. Then it’s over.” Momo joked, pointing at the Sun that slowly creeped up from behind the hills. You smiled, and took your long trench coat off of Momo then you held it up high with your hands, creating a cover between the sunlight and Momo.
“If that was the case, I think I’d be the only vampire hunter to protect you. I’d hold up my coat like this, and create a shield for you. Because I don’t want you to disappear.” You said as you stared straight into Momo’s eyes. She stood up, and kissed you gently on your cheek.
“Thank you, (Y/N). You’re very sweet. Thank you for making my 2017 Halloween enjoyable.”
“You’re welcome.”
“I should go now, my friends are probably waiting for me at home. They left already and I had told them that I was in good hands. They’re probably getting worried by now.”
“Ahem, uh, yes, yes you should.”
Momo proceeded to walk away from you, but before you could fully let her just go, you spoke up again.
“Hey! Will I… see you again?” You asked, feeling extremely shy all of a sudden.
“Maybe you will, maybe you won’t.” Momo replied without turning her head, she waved to you and continued to walk away. I can’t believe I just let her go.
Your phone vibrated against you, you had forgotten that you had placed your phone in the inside pocket of your trenchcoat. You took it out and scrolled through the notifications.
“Where are you?!?”
“I need my wingman ASAP. Please.”
“I’ll buy you twenty hot wings next time we go out.”
“We’re all heading home now… no one got lucky. For the fourth year in a row. Sigh.”
“You coming with us or what?”
“Hello? (Y/N)?”
“Alright well we’re leaving so have fun with whatever you’re doing.”
You carefully read through your friends texts and laughed to yourself. You swiped all of the texts away. You suddenly paused when you came upon a text that was hidden among the rest from an unknown number. It read…
“Your favourite vampire.”
I know, I know, it’s been like two weeks since Halloween, are you serious right now? Well I am completely serious. Hahaha, I couldn’t help but write something for Halloween so please enjoy this scenario! If you’re interested in another Halloween themed scenario, I have one on my sideblog (Hamzzisana) and see if you can find some similarities between the two... 
- itsmomorin
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theodosia-cipher · 7 years
Just One Summer (3)
↠Chapter 3, Connections?↞
⋯⋘Y/N pov⋙⋯
I just sat on the chair while reading Journal 3 again. I looked up and watched Dipper and Mabel having a syrup fight... Or is it race? Mabel won but she ended up coughing it out, cause, you know... Syrup and all. Dipper was a little upset that he had lost, but then proceeded to look at a particular page in the newspaper on the dining table.
"Woah, ho.. No way! Hey, check this out! Dipper said to Mabel. I was curious so I got up and sat beside him, looking at what they were looking at.
"Human-sized hamster ball?! Omg! I'm human sized!" Mabel exclaimed after looking at it. I giggled at her.
"We're all human sized, Mabel," I told her, while trying to hold in a few giggles.
"No, no, no. This. We see weirder stuff everyday!" Dipper said, pointing at a page. Oh hey, a page on a photo contest on weird creatures. This is gonna be fun! I clapped my hands cheerfully as I nodded.
"Eh, and I have his beard hair!" Mabel said, taking out Jeff's Beard's hair. Dipper backed away in disgust.
"Ugh, why did you save that?" he asked. Mabel replied with a shrug.
"Oh, give that to me!" I said, reaching out for the beard hair.
"Ewww, why do you want it, Y/N?" dipper asked me, making a face while Mabel gave it to me.
"For further investigation, silly!" I said as I kept it in a small zip lock bag.
"Oh well, kids, do you know what day it is?" Grunkle Stan asked us. I replied with a shrug.
"Uh... April fools?"
"Squakle top!(I think that's what she said :v)"
"Eh, it's family fun day, genius!"
"Grunkle Stan, is this gonna be like our last family bonding day?" Dipper asked. I shivered at the memory.
We were all sitting around a table, painting fake money on green paper. Until the police caught us, that is. We were thrown in the county jail.
─Back to present─
Mabel shivers.
"Ugh... The county jail was so cold..." she said. I nodded in response.
"Eh, I know I haven't been the best summer caretaker but I'm sure you'll be okay. Now, who wants to put on some blind folds and get into my car?!"
"Yay!" all three of us exclaimed.
"Wait, what?" Dipper and I asked. We put on some blind folds and actually get into Stan's car.
⋯↣Time skip cause idk and I can't seem to catch the words that they are saying in the episode... This video quality SUCKS↢⋯
"Grunkle Stan, are you wearing a blind fold too?" Dipper asked, as the car was bumping around. After a while, the car crashes into... Something... And we all scream. And not long after that, we were pulled out of the car with our blind folds still on.
"Okay, okay, you can take them off now," Grunkle Stan says and we take off our blind folds.
"Oh my gosh! I had forgotten all about fishing season!! I still remember the last time we came together, grunkle Stan," I said as I tried to stifle in a giggle.
"Ahh! Y/N help! I'm sinking!" grunkle Stan yelped as he tried to swim back up. I just stared at him a started to laugh, then I threw a life bouy (how the crap do you spell it..?!) at him. I watched him struggle as he tried to get back up. I then pulled the string which was tied onto it and I brought both of us back to land.
"I didn't know you couldn't swim!!" I said as a laugh escaped my mouth. Not long after, I found myself rolling on the ground, laughing and crying while clutching onto my stomach. Grunkle Stan watched me, unamused. He then went into the car and I rushed in. We both went back to the shack.
─End of Flashback─
"Hey, it wasn't that funny. And you're still doing the same thing as if it had happened again," he said to me, giving me a playful death glare. I was rolling on the ground while remembering the entire scene, laughing my eyes out. Dipper just looked at me and Mabel, weirded out while Mabel just laughed along with me with no clue on what's going on.
"So, who's up for a day of family fun?!" Grunkle Stan exclaimed, while holding 4 fishing rods in his hands. Dipper, Mabel and I looked at each other, unsure if we should go or not.
"He really wants to go fishing with us," Mabel said, looking at Grunkle Stan.
"Well, I think he d-" I said before I was cut of, rudely, by someone.
"I'VE SEEN IT! I'VE SEEN IT AGAIN!" Old Mcgucket exclaimed.
"Seen what?" Dipper asked.
"I've seen the Gobblewonker again! This time I've got proof!" he said, doing a small jig... Dance... Whatever...
"Aww! He's doing a happy jig!" Mabel said.
"It's not a happy jig! It's a jig of terror! I will show you proof!" he said, leading us to a broken boat.
"Behold! Its mighty tail has crushed my jiggly boat apart!(lol I made this up cause I don't remember, and I don't care LOL)" he exclaimed, pointing at a crushed boat.
─Time skip to when they are at Scuttlebutt Island cause Author Chan here is a lazy butt with a forgetful memory─
(Btw, it's still your POV)
"Woah... This... This is incredible!" Dipper said, as he stepped out of soos' boat, walking around with a lantern in his hand. We took Soos' boat to come to Scuttlebutt Island.
I hummed in response, nodding a bit with my head in journal 3. I was trying to look for a page with information on the Gobblewonker, but sadly not finding anything. I snapped the book shut and looked up. We were on an island where everything is foggy and we could barely see. Dipper was the only one holding a light source. I sighed and rummaged through my bag, looking for a torchlight of some sort. I managed to actually find 3 in my backpack. Huh. Actually, it was just one torchlight, a flamethrower, and a lamp... I don't even know where I got the flamethrower. I took out the lamp and zipped up my bag. So now we have 2 light sources on us.
"You never told us you had a lamp on you too," Dipper said, his eyes narrowing at me. I rolled my eyes and focused on where we were going.
"Haha! Look, if we cover out Scuttle, you can see Butt! Butt Island!" Soos said, covering the "scuttle" from "scuttlebutt". He and Mabel laughed at that little joke.
"Guys! Take this seriously! We can split the prize up to 3 parts! WE are doing this TOGETHER!" I yelled at them, which shushed them up. We then made our way, aimlessly walking forwards.
"My name is Mabel, it rhymes with table. It also rhymes with.. Able. It also rhymes with... Shmabel!" Mabel said, as we all walked. Soos was behind her, making some rapping noise(idk what that is :T).
"Dude, you should be writing that down!" Soos said before we heard a noise coming from the distance.
"Guys... Shush. Listen," Dipper said, as he grabbed my lamp, since his one was taken by a squirrel earlier on the way.
"Hey! That's mine!" I said as I took the lamp back, and shone it at where we had heard the noise coming from. I stepped in front of the three of them and headed closer to the noise. We managed to see a figure which looked like a monster. A smile twitched on my mouth as we got closer, but slowly changed into a frown as we got close enough. It was just a wooden structure, with beavers on it. They must be made this.
"B-but... What about the sound that we heard...?" Dipper asked, a frown on his used-to-be excited face. We heard it again and turned to see it. But it was just a Beaver with a chainsaw. The chainsaw was making all the noise. Dipper and I sighed in defeat, at the same time. And that's when I heard something in the water. My head shot up to look for where that came from and that's when I was Dipper looking at something in the water. My eyes sparkled in excitement as I took out my camera. I quickly took a good pic of it and I hugged the camera. Dipper was taking multiple pictures of it. That's when we turned to look at Mabel and Soos.
"Guys! I've got a good picture of it!!" I exclaimed, jumping around.
"U-uh... We... We have to g-go..." Soos said as he gestured Dipper and I to follow him. Dipper and I looked at each other and made a face saying what-why-what's-wrong? That's when we felt the ground Shake.
"Dudes, we gotta run!!" Soos said, as he and Mabel started to back away, eventually running. I turned around and saw the Gobblewonker ON LAND, about to EAT us. I quickly shot up and grabbed Dipper's hand. His hand is so soft.... No! Do NOT like him! He's so rude to you!! I shook the thought off my head and I dragged him while I ran. He was struggling to get my hand off his, yelling at me to let go. Well, does he want to suffer? He seems like he wants to. I let go of him and stood there as I watched him fall. The Gobblewonker got closer to us as I just stood there and watched Dipper blankly. I started to space out when I heard the gobblewonker growl, that's when it snapped me back to my senses and I freaked out a bit before helping Dipper out and both of us ran. Well, I ran. I was carrying him on my back for some reason.
"Soos!! Help me out here!" I yelled over to Soos. He turned and picked both of us up. My camera was starting to slip out of my pocket.
"No!" I pushed Dipper off me and he responded with a groan, then ran beside us. I managed to keep the camera with me and a sighed in relief. I saw Dipper was far behind us and he was near the Gobblewonker, so I jumped out if Soos' grasp and helped him.
"Your welcome, now I just wish we are at the boat already!" I said, then suddenly, all four of us were at the boat. Before anyone could speak, I cut them.
"Soos! Move, now! GO GO GO!!!" I said, pointing at the other direction as the Gobblewonker got closer.
─Another time skip cause Author Chan is so lazy haha─
(you guys have to watch the entire episode cause I'm not gonna write a lot on that, but about something to do with the teleportation thingy. So... Ye. Now, the time skip is skip to when everyone is back at the shack)
"Haha! That was a LOT of fun!" I said, plopping on my bed.
"I have SO many pictures! Still have one pic of the Gobblewonker machine tho. I know exactly where to keep it!" I said, as I took out a scrapbook. I flipped to an empty page and pasted the pictures on it.
"Oh hey! I have a scrapbook too!!" Mabel exclaimed as she took out hers. Mine was filled with lots of memories from my previous summers. The first summer with Grunkle Stan, and many with my.. Parents. And a few of me having fun alone after the little incident. Mabel's was filled with a few pictures of when they arrived here. It's quite new to be honest. Mine is an old one. I had it since I was six. That's when I started to go on monster hunts. I gave a happy sigh as I flipped through my pages, tearing up at a few. Mabel noticed my tears.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" Mabel asked me. I looked up and she had a concerned happy face. I decided that it was about time I told them.
"Well... I guess I have to tell you everything, huh?" I looked down a bit. When I looked up again, Mabel and Dipper were sitting next to either side of me. Dipper was much closer to me now. My face flushed a bit red as I started to tell them my life. I flipped through each page of my scrapbook as I told them.
"Well, I've lived here in Gravity Falls all my life. My parents were monster hunters. They were extremely enthusiastic about it. It was their main job. Of course they had their own jobs to earn money and all for us. When I was six, they decided to take me on my first monster hunt. Back then, I was a girl who is full of mystery. I was a good schooler to be really honest. I still have my trophy collection in my old house before I met Stan. My most prized possession was this.." I said, walking over to under Dipper's bed and took out a box. They watched me curiously as I opened it. I took out a small mechanic. It looked like a camera, and it kinda was.
"This... This was my first invention. It was for my school science fair when I was 9. I was the so called smartest kid in the school and everyone adored me. My parents were really proud. It's called a camera bag. It's a camera which you can put the pictures that you take with it in. Heh, I still use it even now. I don't want to bother to throw it away," I put the camera bag away as I went back to telling them about my parents.
"My parents were really kind people. Our family was called 'The Mysteries' cause the three of us would go into the woods at night for monster hunts. One day, when I was 11, we were out on a monster hunt again. We were looking for that bear with lots of heads. Heh, it was a nice creature. That's when we bumped into a three headed dragon. It started attacking us. My father had given me a crossbow and arrow, a sword and pepper spray. I brought all three items along that particular night.." Dipper's eyes widened at the part where I mentioned a three headed dragon.
"The dragon... He... I was the only one of the three of us who survived... M-my parents were killed and eaten up by it... I watched the Dragon eat them. I watched them... I saw that they had dropped their things and the most important thing that we always brought on each of our monster hunts. The magic dust. I quickly sprinkled some on me and I became invisible, so I took the chance and took my parents things and ran back home. I locked every door, every window. I came home and I was really bloody because... The dragon.. Yeah.. You know... I had wounds on my body. Heck I still have a number of scars from that incident! I never went on another monster hunt after that. That's when your Grunkle found me..-" Mabel cut me off.
"That.. That was terrible! Wait, grunkle Stan found you?"
"Yeah.. Now. You want me to continue or not?"
"Yeah, go on."
"Well, I was sitting by the Gravity Falls Lake, thinking about the incident AGAIN. That's when I saw someone heading my way. I approached him and I asked him if he had any food. Apparently, I had used up all the food supplies I had at home so I needed to eat. It had been 2 weeks since I had eaten. But I still had water. Water from that lake that is. He was like "eh" and brought me to the mystery shack. He asked me what I was doing out there alone and I explained the whole thing to him. He took me in as his great grand daughter. Ever since then, I worked and stayed with him. It all happened last year. Heh.. And now that you two came, I can finally feel like I have an actual family..." I said, closing my scrapbook with tears in my eyes. I looked at the twins who were on at the verge of crying and Mabel gave me a tight hug. Dipper stayed there and he didn't have anything to say. He just turned and didn't look at me.
"I-i'm so sorry, Y/N.. I never knew..." Mabel said, who was now bawling on my back. I pat hers and tried to shush her.
"Hush, Mabel. It's okay. I'm over it now," I said, as a tear rolled down my cheek. Guess I have something to look up to now.
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Happy Birthday, Sam!
Characters: Sam, Little sister!reader, Dean, Jess, John [mentioned]
Words: 2600+
A/N: So I started writing this today, without any idea in mind at all, because I completely forgot it was May 2nd today (yes it’s been a lot lately haha. In my head it’s like a month left to May, but apparently not). I just finished writing this and it’s getting kinda late, so I apologize if there’s any errors and stuff. Also, the first two parts are flashbacks, kind of. Hopefully it’ll make sense.
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You love birthdays. Always had, ever since you were a kid. And although it was fun to have your own birthday, you mostly meant other people’s birthdays. You just loved seeing smiles on their faces as you tried your best to make their special day, just that, special. It surely was something magical about that.
”(Y/N)?” Dean whispered, as his hands gently shook your narrow shoulders to awake you.
You tiredly rubbed your eyes with your fists, blinking hard to regain your vision, wanting to return to the dreamland with blue skies, funny-shaped cotton candy-like clouds and all kinds of pretty, colorful animals including unicorns with rainbow mane and tails.
”Come on,” Dean whispered again, helping you sit up in the bed. ”We gotta surprise Sammy!”
You remembered, and instantly you were wide awake and alert. Sammy’s birthday.
A small grin spread on your face as you glanced over at the other side of the bed, where you spotted Sam’s messy brown curls sticking up from underneath the covers.
You looked over at Dean, excitement written across your young features. Dean wore a similar expression, his green eyes gleaming.
You tried to get out of the bed you shared with Sam, but you were all tangled up in those same covers and almost face planted on the floor, if it hadn’t been for Dean, who caught you.
”Woah, easy there, tiger. We don’t want no nosebleeds here. Not today.” He teased you and you huffed, but not loud enough to wake Sam, who both you and Dean knew could be a light sleeper.
However, Dean took your hand in his bigger one, and led you to the table where he had placed the wrapped present, the one that you and he had bought yesterday after getting some cash from Dad.  It wasn’t a whole lot — it wasn’t like you could buy the nicest thing out there, but it was enough to get Sam something at least, so you were happy.
Now, Dean handed you the present. ”Here.”
”You want me to give it to him?” You asked, eyes round as you looked up at Dean.
Dean nodded, gently turning you around by grabbing your shoulders. ”Now, let’s go.”
You did as you were told, and waddled over to the bed, careful not to wake Sam. The present was clutched in your hands, because, you didn’t want to mess this up by dropping it or something like that.
Once you reached the bed, you crawled on top of it, inching closer to Sam. Dean did the same. You looked at each other through the dim lightning of the motel room and solemnly nodded at each other. And then you started poking at Sam, waking him up.
”Happy birthday Sammy!” You exclaimed happily, as your second to oldest brother tiredly opened his eyes, looking confused for a second.
Sam began sitting up in the bed, resting against the headboard, and meanwhile Dean reached over to turn on the light on the bedside table, enabling in you all to see each other better.  
You threw your arms around Sam’s neck, startling him with the hug. He laughed and you giggled, as he wrapped his arms around your back in response. Once you finished hugging, Dean reached over to ruffle his hair.
”Seven years, huh? How does it feel, little brother?” Dean grinned.
”Good. But maybe I’m a bit too old to be called little brother now, don’t you think?” Sam responded, looking at his freckled-faced older brother expectantly.
Dean only snickered. ”You’re always going to be my little brother, Sammy.”
Sam rolled his eyes.
Now, you took the opportunity and placed the present in Sam’s hands.
”This is for you Sammy. From me and Deanie.” You stated proudly, and watched how Sam’s eyes lit up as he laid eyes on the wrapped object in front of him.
”Open it!” Dean urged him, breaking Sam’s trance.
Sam ripped open the wrapping paper — that happened to be newspaper — and it revealed a notebook alongside with a pen. Both of them were the nicest of their kind as you and Dean could afford with Dad’s money. You were very happy with the present, since both of you knew how Sam liked to write, take notes or just scribble.
Sam looked up at you, stunned. ”Thank you, Dean. Thank you (Y/N). This is great!”
”You’re welcome!” You smiled at him.
”Now, Dad should be home soon, and we were thinking that we could go out and eat lunch when he gets back. Sounds good?” Dean asked, looking at Sam with raised eyebrows and a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
Sam grinned back, showing his pearly teeth, before pulling you both into a hug. ”Perfect.”
It was almost midnight, about to be the 2nd of May; Sam’s birthday. His 20th. The only problem — and the reason that you were up and in your car right now — was that Sam was currently in Palo Alto because he was going to Stanford. A place that currently felt like thousands upon thousands of miles away.
You sighed and gripped the steering wheel of your car tightly. You had just gotten it from Dad and Dean, and it was kind of crappy and kind of old. And not old enough to be cool, like the Impala, but it was your first car and that meant something to you. And the impending drive you were about to make actually had you a bit nervous. Firstly, because this is the furthest you had ever driven on your own, considering that your driver’s license was fairly new. You also knew that Dad was going to be angry with you.
But, last year was still fresh in your mind. The year when you for the first time weren’t there to celebrate with Sam, and you had never felt more guilty. Truth be told, you had really tried to get Dad to drive to Stanford. Asked, argued, begged, whined, reasoned, bribed and even threatened. Dean tried to help you as well. But despite that, it didn’t work.
And that happy birthday voicemail you left him from a forgotten payphone in some small town made you feel so sad.
This year it would be different though, you promised yourself, as you started the car. This year you would be there, no matter if Dad, Dean or even Sam wanted you too. Family traditions were important to you, this was one of them and no one was standing in your way — no, Dad was nowhere to be seen.
And maybe you were a little bit thrilled as well, doing something you weren’t supposed to do. Maybe breaking Dad’s rules sparked a bit of excitement in your chest. Must’ve gotten that from Sammy, you concluded before stepping on the gas.
After a long night’s drive you made it to Palo Alto. Soon you found Sam’s apartment, and after a quick shaking off the nerves-dance and a deep breath, you rung the bell. Opened the door did a tall blonde, who looked at you with confused blue eyes. You must have worn about the same look as well, but soon enough it clicked for you. This must be Jess. Sam talked about her the last time you spoke on the phone, but that was a while ago. By the time you had realized, she was smiling at you.
”You’re Sam’s little sister, aren’t you?”
You nodded and grinned back at her, and before you knew it she had dragged you inside. She informed you that Sam wasn’t home but would be soon, that she had a cake prepared, and that she was planning on hiding and then surprising him when he entered the apartment. You excitedly agreed although you still felt a sting in your chest. You never had been able to do so much for Sam’s (or Dean’s) birthdays, with your limited resources all throughout your childhood, and well, now too. You shook the feeling off though.
Soon enough, the door opened and you and Jess jumped out of your hiding spots. Sam let out a yelp that made you laugh. And it was that laugh that got Sam’s attention and his eyes drew to you, and you alone. When your eyes met your heart clutched in longing since it’s been so long you actually met, and bliss to finally reunite. Your eyes almost watered and you almost cursed (because why are you so dang emotional?) but then you realized that his did too. It was okay.
”(Y/N)?” He asked in disbelief, hazel eyes wide. ”You’re here…”
Before you even could answer, he was making his way over to you, and soon his arms were wrapped around you, his chin on top of your head. The hug was almost suffocating, but it felt amazing. Finally, you were able to hug Sam, your big brother and role model that you were so proud of, again. You only wished that the rest of your family were here.
Soon, Sam released his grip ever so slightly, just enough so that he could look at you.
”Hey, have you gotten taller?” He questioned, one eyebrow raised as a grin played on his face.
”Oh, come on Sam, that’s such a grandma question.” You responded, playfully giving him a shove in the side. He just laughed.
”Okay, but, seriously. How did you get here?” Sam then wondered, sincerely looking confused, as he acknowledge the absence of Dean and Dad.
You almost didn’t noticed that slightly disappointed look when he definitely saw that his older brother and his father weren’t hiding behind the couch or curtain like you and Jess had, they just weren’t here at all.
”I drove.” You answered rather quickly, with a lighthearted tone, to bring Sam back from his thoughts.
”You drove?”
”I drove.”
When Sam only stared at you, you reached into the pocket of your jacket and pulled out your wallet, in which you had your fresh license.
”Wow,” Sam blurted out once you had shown it to him. ”You’re getting old.”
”Says the guy that’s more than 3 years older than me,” you retorted smugly.
Sam gave you the bitch-face and you laughed. It always had, and always would crack you up.
”So, how long was the drive? Don’t tell me you were driving all night.”
So, you remained quiet. Sam quickly caught on.
”Aw, (Y/N)!” He exclaimed in a disagreeing tone, his eyebrows curling upwards. ”You shouldn’t have done that. It’s hard driving that far, for such a long time, and you’ve just gotten you license, and what if you had, ah, gotten into an accident…”
”Sam—” you interrupted, a small smile on your lips, as you grabbed his hand. ”I’m here and I’m fine. Quit worrying. I wanted to be here. It was my choice.”
”Fine.” He nodded, bangs falling into his eyes. ”But, let me guess, Dean and Dad don’t know you’re here.”
”No,” you admitted. Sam sighed. ”They’re hunting.”
”And why aren’t you with them?” He then asked, knowingly.
He really could read you like a book, couldn’t he?
”(Y/N)?” Sam pressed.
You rolled your eyes, and lifted your shirt, just enough to reveal the white gauze pads taped onto your stomach.
”Wait, no…” Sam’s eyes went wide.
”Sam!” You caught his attention. ”It’s almost healed, promise. I’m supposed to join them on their next hunt.”
Sam stared at you with round eyes, still. ”You’re crazy.”
”So are you.” You smiled.
Sam rolled his eyes, just like you had done a moment before. But then he cracked and ruffled your hair, your smile rubbing of on him.
Both of you turned your heads to where the sound had come from, and there was Jess, polaroid camera at the ready in one hand, and a developing picture in the other. You hadn’t even noticed her leaving and coming back with the camera.
”Got you!” She grinned contently at you and Sam.
Sam looked at you and laughed. You did too.
”Hey,” you said, removing Sam’s arm from your shoulders, ”do you want me to take a picture of you two?”
”Yeah,” Jess nodded and smiled as she handed over the camera to you. ”That would be nice.”
As Jess walked over to Sam, you adjusted the camera, looking through the viewfinder at the happy couple. You smiled at the sight, they were so cute and seeing your brother so content was the best thing ever, you were so happy for them.
”Okay, ready?” You called out to them.
”Yes!” Both of them beamed.
”One, two, three, cheese!”
Three tired Winchester siblings walked down the stairs to the bunker. You all had been beaten up pretty badly this hunt, and moved rather slowly, muscles aching, wounds pounding in pain. You all were beyond tired. That didn't change the fact that it was Sam’s birthday, though.
Most of it had been spent in the car. And no matter how old you were, that kind of sucked. You knew, because a few of yours had ended up looked like that as well.
You felt bad. Because you had planned something else than this. You had been thinking about taking him to a beach to just relax, or to the mountains to hike, or even to some museum if that’s what he wanted, as Sam always seemed to thirst for knowledge. Or, a movie night at the bunker didn’t sound too wrong either.
But no, always, always something came up. You three had devoted your lives to hunting and sometimes it just felt it took every last good moment away from you. You couldn’t just have one calm day to yourselves.
So, here you were back in the bunker, with another birthday lost to the hunt. You sighed inwardly.
Sam sat down at the table of the large hall of the bunker. Meanwhile, you gestured to Dean to follow you into the kitchen. Once reaching the room, you searched the cabinets and cupboards for anything remotely festive, but there really wasn’t anything besides a few beers, that Dean picked up.
”Seems like this is it.” He looked at the bottles in his hands, and then at you.
You nodded disappointedly. ”Yeah, seems like it.”
Then you both made your way back to the hall and Sam, who despite everything smiled when Dean handed him the glass bottle.
”Happy birthday, man.”
”Thanks,” Sam looked up at Dean from where he was sitting, taking off the cap with his bare hands.
Dean did the same to his bottle before he sat down next to where you had. Then he grabbed your bottle and did the same, knowing that you weren’t too good at that trick.
You briefly smiled at him as a thanks, before turning back to Sam.
”Happy birthday, Sammy. I’m sorry it turned out this way.”
”Firstly, it’s okay, but it’s also not either of you guys’ fault.” Sam objected, his hazel gaze meeting first Dean’s and then yours as he reassured you of his words.
”But—” you stared, never getting further.
”Really, it’s okay. Because, we are alive. We are here. You guys are here, by my side. We’re about as happy as our kind of people gets. At least, I’m happy with this. Right now, this is all I want. Us together, alive.”
You didn’t even realize that Sam’s words had you tearing up until you felt something rolling down your face, tickling your cheeks.
Trying not to wince, hiding the pain from your expression, your rose to your feet, and walked over to where Sam was seated. From behind you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, giving him a warm, loving hug.
”Sam, you’re amazing. I don’t say that enough. You one of the absolute best to ever walk this planet, I’m telling you.”
You couldn’t see Sam from straight ahead, but the dimples shoving on his cheeks, revealed that he was smiling.
You looked over at Dean, who smiled at you and Sam, before nodding at you, once.
”We, Dean and I, are proud of you. And we love you. Happy birthday, Sam. You’re the best. Don’t ever doubt that.”
Tags: @winchesters-favorite-girl​, @27bmm​, @jensen-jarpad​, @straightasdeanwinchester​ 
@daughters-and-winsisters​ @evyiione​ @samanddeanshotsis​ @darkestgrungeuniverse​ @fabulouslycassie​ @delessapeace-blog​ @mariairwin666 @1amluke @saveprettydays @cookee50 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @infamati--et--obliterati @stillcooli0 @sammysbeanie @jamric @deepbreathssammy
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yeogiyoongibuteora · 8 years
.:BTS as Mysme Characters:.
Sooo... I’m trash and I’m pretty sure admin Eileen is going to lecture me later but who cares :) She loves me :D (?) Please deal with me, this is the only thing I can do to forget that tomorrow I have to go to school again... *Sigh...*
And then I remembered that the first time Leen played it she told me that she felt like she was in a chatroom with Bangtan soooo, yes
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Okay so
Do I even need to explain?
Both of the are narcissists so yes
Both of them are handsome
And also they both can sing
And act (Well I know Jin hasn’t been in any drama but I think he’ll do well deal with it)
Probably the others won’t say anything to him tho
Because mom Jin would let them starve to death if they do lol
Imagine Jin saying the cheesy lines of Zen tho
“Ah, how can you be so cute? If you continue being like this, the beast is going to come out”
“But Jin I only said hi--”
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Okay I know this may be a little cliché?
Like yeah, they’re both the youngest of the group 
but hear me out
Imagine that instead of not having gf for being a game addict
He does play videogames but he isn’t as addict as Yoosung
he doesn’t have one because he’s scared of girls
oml the best
yes I know he had a gf before chill ppl
So we know this lil bunny is actually a cinnamon roll
And super shy with girls, so cute isn’t he?
I don’t even know what I’m saying now forgive me ppl
“Uhm... Who were you talking with before I called?”
“There have been times I had to squeeze my pillow out of jealousy... You didn’t know that, right?”
“Are you worrying about me? Don’t worry! I’m a man, I can... Call the police right away”
I’m trash help
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Jaehee/Rap Monster:
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Y’all thought I wasn’t going to compare Jaehee with anyone?
Okay sooo
Intelligence? Check
Hard-working? Check
Mom nature? more likely Dad nature
Maturity? Check
So yes, he’s a fanboy of Jin but in a HEALTHY WAY LIKE JAEHEE
He doesn’t have tons of posters or his cd’s or his dvd’s nu
what u talking about
Ok, let’s say he has them
Yes, he’s a slave of some grumpy boy whose name I ain’t saying continue yet pleaaseee
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Okay we know Yoongi is actually a dork
But really, imagine him taking the place of Jumin
When he’s working he’s a workaholic 
The main reason as to why he’s rich(?)
I need a picture of Suga with Elly, please
The only difference is that he can’t fight with Jin
His jokes are strange as well, so yes
Also the savages moments omg
“I don’t get fan letters like you do...”
“That’s less likely than Jin getting a girlfriend”
Also poor Namjoon that has to do everything he says... Whew...
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I kind of wanted to put V and V together lmao but they’re so different that I had to stop myself from doing so
Again, do I need to explain?
Just look at his red hair, that’s enough
lmao but seriously
They’re “strange” in the eyes of their group
In a good way ofc
They get used to it too
Imagine Taehyung eating Honey butter chips while hacking
if that ain’t something I want to see then idk what it is
He’s so kind deep inside like 707
And I’m not saying anything more because I want this to be spoiler free
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V/Jimin: (Spoilers? A bit...)
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So let’s see
These two are too beautiful for life
They both would let others do anything to them
Even more for love
Imagine Jimin taking pictures too
I cri
Their soft hearts are so alike so I had to put him there
I still can’t believe V’s end tho...
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Ok, so I can see everyone’s faces right now
“wtf why is Hobi unknown????”
So considering the past of the Choi’s twins
Saeran used to be really soft and weak in his body
But he was still trying to have hope in life
u see what I did there
Jokes aside, Saeran only became rude and aggressive because of the things Rika did to him
So yes, it’d be the same for Hobi
Also V-Hope amarite
Imagine Hobi being so hurt because of these things
Actually nvm don’t imagine it, it hurts lmao
“I’m going to corrupt you...”
You already did u sexy sunshine dancing machine why
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Admin Miyu (U guys can reblog and tell me how you would put them too! I’m tired, gotta go now)
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luukeskywalker · 8 years
Rules - copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in your own. when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person that tagged you….most importantly, have fun!
Tagged by @irhinoceri ouo a / age - 19, but not for much longer! i’m terrified b / biggest fear - Waking up and realizing the past four weeks have been nothing but a horrible, horrible nightmare. Because then I’d have to live through it all again and I am so tired. c / current time - 1:53PM PST! d / drink you had last - I am currently drinking a caramel apple spice from Starbucks. It tastes like how fall feels... I love it. e / everyday starts with - On days I have class, the alarm goes off at 7:30AM, I lie in bed for about twenty minutes whining about how I don’t want to get up, then I get dressed and go to class. On days I don’t have class, I sleep in till about 9-10:30AM and then I chill in bed on my phone for another hour before I finally get up.
f / favourite song - Boo tough question. Right now though I’d have to say either Stupid and Shallow or Blame It On The Girls (they both give me shippy feelings and I’m into that again, who would have guessed) g/ ghosts are real? - Yes. I live with ‘em. They’re not, like, “ghosts” in the way that media shows them, but I still think it counts.
h / hometown - Hillsborough! Right on the corner. It’s really easy to confuse the address because I live right between two “towns”. 
i / in love with - Rohan... enough said....
j / jealous of - Other writers who I perceive as being better than me? Most other writers? Yeah let’s go with that :P
k / killed someone - I’ve thought about it! But hasn’t everyone? Anyways, no.
l / last time you cried - Uh, like about a month ago or so. I was thinking about my dog. Still not quite ready to face the impending cold reality of his death. 
m / middle name - I have two! Alexandra and Mary.
n / number of siblings - One older brother, one older sister. I’m the youngest by ten years - my sister is turning thirty this year (woah holy shit I just realized that) and my brother is turning, like thirty four or something? o / one wish - I wish I had a stand, holy shit... more specifically I wish I had Crazy Diamond... life would be so much easier... okay maybe not easier but it sure would be more fun. p / person you last called/texted - Alex. Because we were talking shit about other students in our class. Haha.  q / questions you’re always asked - "are you doing your homework” or “hey man you wanna die?” both asked by Alex because all we ever do is bitch about doing homework and wishing for death
r / reasons to smile - Bro every moment I spend with Alex is a reason to smile.... but if u want other ones there’s caramel apple spice drinks, the Legend of Zelda, redwood trees, knowing that the mall I live next to had part of a Parks and Rec episode filmed in it (TREAT YO’SELF), that feeling you get when you finish writing something that’s taken you a really long time to work out, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, going grocery shopping with your friends, Star Wars, singing (with or without your friends - both are encouraged!), petting dogs, the sweet inevitability of death that claims us all... s / song last sang – Alex and I were singing along to The Sporting Life in my car.  t / time you woke up - 7:30AM! I sure do love being alive u / underwear colour - It’s a light blue with little mermaids on it.  v / vacation destination – Okay by myself I’d probably go to Hawaii and chill on the beach all day. But if I could go somewhere with someone I would steal Alex and go to Japan.  w / worst habit – I am currently procrastinating. I have a 3 page bio paper and a 5-10 minute presentation about myself due on Friday. I sure do wish for death. x / xrays you have had – Ohhh boy. Okay I have a story about this. So about two years ago, it was in February so wow, throwback, anyways, I just kept throwing up for no reason, and it would happen like once a week at a specific time (Sunday at 8 o’clock to be precise). And everyone was like “What’s wrong??” and I was like “I HAVE NO IDEA IT JUST KEEPS HAPPENING” so we went to the doctors, and they were like, “Yo, it could be you’re allergic to gluten, or maybe you’re backed up shitwise, or maybe you got an infection, or maybe-” and so they did a bunch of tests on me. Took my blood, took some x-rays of my body, et cetera. 
Anyways during that like, solid week of waiting for the test results back, my mom had assumed the problem was I was allergic to gluten. So she went on a huge shopping trip to get all these gluten-free products, and forbid me from eating gluten, even at school where I had no control over what the lunch ladies made that day (I love the lunch ladies at my high school I would kill for them, but that’s not the point lol). ANYWAYS I was like “nah fuck that” and kept with my normal morning routine of eating a cheese bagel for breakfast. So the tests come back in and the doctor gets me on the phone and is like “Yeah, so, the problem was really obvious once we got your x-rays. You’re full of shit. Literally. Drink laxatives 3 times a day and you should be fine.” 
And so I did that. And I got better.  y / your favourite food - Meatloaf. But I’m kinda picky about it... it’s gotta be The Good Kind, you know? z / zodiac sign - Taurus/Gemini cusp! And I’m the year of the Ox. 
I’m supposed to tag multiple people but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m just gonna tag @kakyoinmylove and anyone else who wants to do it!! Make sure to @ me if you do, I want to see your answers ^^
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