#but no she still looms and dresses like a twenty somethig schoolgirl because she is a mascot of the series and capcom cannot have
prototypelq · 9 months
DMC Questions Anon here!
What do you think are the biggest fears of each of the DMC cast (that you want to talk about)?
Hi Ember, thank you for the ask! First one in 2024 in fact) Happy New Year!
I think it's quite obvious this fandom is the Abandonment Issue Land. Literally everyone has them. Even the most faraway background character has them. As for other things...
I headcanon Dante to have claustrophobia and fear of fire. Normally, they don't affect him too much, but if something comes up on a very bad day it may startle him, or cause a brief flashback of some sort.
Vergil has paranoia. An actual need to be aware of his surroundings. I also think he is actually still afraid of demons, childhood trauma be a bastard like that. To get him to calm down enough for proper rest is a true Herculean feat.
After the Savior incident, I think Nero will be afraid of the magical side of the DMC world, and all rituals concerning demons.
Trish is afraid of Mundus. She is his creation, there is no sure way to know she escaped his influence.
Nick is afraid demons too, it's the reason she is trying to hard to do research into them. Rationalise her fear.
Patty is afraid of forever needing to hide/remaining helpless. She is targeted, like the twins, for her ancestor's legacy, but very much unlike the twins, she doesn't have the inherited power to defend herself. She needed Dante, or an amulet to protect herself. (obviously all the sparda loser bois are also afraid of not being enough to protect their loved ones, however, again, they actually have the means to do that, that fear is halfway irrational, while patty is actively helpless against her pursuers, though it might depend of the interest in her legacy/amulet, which is probably much more situational than the very powerful sparda blood allure, so the risk of her being hunted is also less than the one of the sparda idiots)
I'm gonna do a crack one and say Lucia is afraid of deep water. Because she lives on an island, and this only furthers her isolation.
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