#but no genitalia. and it isn't anything suggestive
arttsuka · 5 months
Would tumblr blast me to outer space if I posted some
✨️artistic nudity✨️?
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wolfythewitch · 10 months
Just a heads up. I know a lot of my audience came from mcyt so it skews a bit younger but I will be drawing very varied content that may or may not end up suggestive! I won't draw like anyone fucking or anything but like. Ya know. You may see an ass every now and then idk
I like drawing tasteful nudity it's fun and you gotta keep in mind that the body isn't inherently sexual. I will tag if it's got like outright genitalia (though I doubt I'd be drawing any of that lol)
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bogleech · 1 year
Many parasites takeover the minds and bodies of insects, spiders or other creatures, making them like zombies. You’ve listed some in spider-ween and other places. Do you know any parasites that take over bees? I know wasps lay their eggs in their larva, but haven’t really found anything about those that pilot a bee’s body.
Strepsipterans! Also frequently just called "Stylops"
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These are the weirdest most alien insect group in existence. What you're seeing are the head ends of the mature females; their bodies are just bags of tissue that absorb nutrients from the host, so they no longer have any trace of limbs or wings and their flat little heads no longer have mouths or eyes.
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The only reason the female's heads stick out of the host at all is because the head evolved into the end they mate with. The short-lived mature male is a very tiny flying thing (whose anatomy is unlike any other insect alive today - a totally unique type of wing, unique eye arrangement, we have NO idea what these evolved from, except for some loose connections to beetles!) who mates by breaking through the female's featureless armored face with his bladed genitalia and then he dies. And Strepsiptera can be found infecting all sorts of arthropods, even apparently some arachnids, but none of those arthropods really tend to sit still when a little tiny flying man tries to land on them, so the females usually do something to their hosts (we aren't sure what exactly) to make them slower and more complacent. Social Hymenoptera like bees are especially common hosts though, and when a worker bee or wasp is infected by stylops, she actually abandons her colony and her duties for extended periods of time to just perch in one place while the parasite broadcasts its mating pheromones. This is especially eerie from the bee's perspective; a worker bee is a female bee that wasn't allowed to become a queen and isn't "supposed" to be going around mating, but now she's sitting around waiting for a male just like any other bug that wants to be a mom. It's just not a male of her species and she's not the one who gets to reproduce. Is the parasite tapping into buried queen behavior? Does the bee's little brain think it's calling for a drone to help it start a new hive? Or does the parasite just make the bee a lazy slob who stops caring about her hive and just feels like chilling out on a flower all day? We might never know.
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Here are those unique eyes of the male for anyone wondering. Not set in a fine multifaceted grid like in other insects, but clustered, still set in their own individual "sockets" like we see in much more ancient arthropods like trilobites! This suggests that Strepsipteran eyes date back to when insects were first beginning to evolve towards true compound eyes, but there still aren't many insects in the fossil record that have anything else in common with these animals. EDIT: oh yeah I forgot to include that these are in the children's book made by @revretch and I!
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I did the rough pencil sketch of this page while Rev did the beautiful inks! I felt kids should know about these animals but I tried to explain it in the most kid-friendly way possible.
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my-fancy-hat · 4 months
Denji's hypersexuality is a common coping mechanism in SA victims, to try to give the assault a logical meaning of why did it happen, or to get to know the foreign at getting close to the act itself. Genitalia in this case would be representative not only of his lust but also the element reminder of his trauma: "wanting to have tons of sex lead his life to end up miserably", so, the victim blames himself for feeling hurt, accuses himself as the perpetrator of his still ongoing tragedy. The yakuza reminds him of his failure in performing manhood, as Katana Man calls him weak, crybaby, "Chainsaw woman" as kicking his genitals joking to stick them in his behind, and Makima to have twisted his idea of love and taken advantage of his needs, making Denji believe he isn't deserving of forgiveness. At the end it all falls into self-harm, the result of this macabre recipe to make a human to hate every facet of his being: his identity as Denji, as CSM, as a man / his existence: to have born in poverty, orphan, to have killed his father and adoptive family, suggested to perform downgrading gender roles in prostitution (accused woman's job to give men pleasure) / his hopes and dreams for the future, everything is poisoned on his mind. This chapter is about relapse and realization.
Denji is under layers and layers of misconceptions, he is unable to see things through. He thinks his lust is the reason of his tragedy, when he hasn't took an active role in doing anything sexually inappropriate to anyone to get blamed on. He isn't the one to punish for not being strong enough to stood by himself sooner against his abusers and let them have their way, and yet, he still capable to recognize the act is wrong and undeserving (even if he was told through all of his life men should always accept a sex offer and sex = love/joy), ex with Fumiko he inmediatly recognized she assaulted him. So saying sex is his drive in life is utterly wrong, sex isn't Denji's priority and never was actually, and that's something admirable on itself when the world has told him otherwise, because is important to never forget how his happiest was with Aki and Power, putting their friendship above everything else, even above Makima's offers.
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I don't think cutting his genitals or even transitioning will fix anything, it would be an impulsive act by trying to escape from the natural progression of the stages of grief and give the instant solution Denji wants so bad right now, where the real cause of his grief is the guilt of the survivor, his self-hatred for having been treated as an object of repulsion and failure through all his life he ended up believing it; to have suffered so much abuse which lead him to see his priorities and identity unclear, amoung other things, seems like it started to click on his mind. This is why Yoru, of all characters, is the one who offers to give Denji "the solution", the character who exists to inflict pain and death on CSM. Also, because he's a hybrid, it will regenerate eventually. It's not gonna happen, probably.
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radioactivewisdom · 3 months
I have the feeling that anon who's talking about womanhood being sex and masculinity and feminity being dualistic and compatible is really deep in the whole "divine masculine/femenine" type of new age thinking and she (he?) got her feelings hurt when faced with the possibility of all that being a lie (though I do get the feeling they might be a troll enjoying the attention lol)
In the case they aren't trolling I really wish anon would think about all the crap she's being fed about women and men being compatible. Is this something that's reflected in reality? Because at the end of the day, all the "men and women are meant to be together and work alongside each other" is simply based in the fact that women have vaginas and men penises and the penis goes inside the vagina so obviously that translates to men and women being each others complement. I wish it was deeper than that but it always goes back to "stick goes in hole" = made for each other.
I'd invite anon to read more about biology, anatomy and even zoology and see for herself if males and females really are made for each other. It has been found that women's vaginas have evolved to make penetration more difficult while men's penises have evolved to make penetration easier. This would suggest that rape has been a part of humanity for so long and so often it ended up changing the way our genitalia is shaped (even going back to early humans, so no patriarchy to blame). Does this sound like the genitalia of two compatible, literally made for each othersexes?
And this extends to other species, specially the ones where males have phalluses. The most extreme case would be the male waterfowls with their messed up phallus in a clockwise coil that helps him inseminate females without their consent. Female waterfowls have evolved as a response vaginal "dead ends" and clockwise coils to protect themselves from forceful intromission.
And all of this is very common in the animal kingdom; sexual coercion also exists in males with no phalluses too, as the reason this happens is simply that males prefer to have a higher number of matings (and mates) to maximize the chance of passing his genes, while females prefer a fewer number of matings since they're the ones getting pregnant and having to take care of the offsping. Thus, there are always more males willing to mate than females. Again, this doesn't scream to me duality in any way, it's pretty unequal and uncompatible and the female gets the worse part.
In fact, even the whole "penis goes in vagina" thing that supposedly is proof of males and females being made to be together already doesn't make sense. Penis-in-vagina (piv) is probably the most unequal sex act of them all. The man gets a guaranteed orgasm while most women don't (for some it isn't even pleasurable at all), and women are at risk of getting pregnant and catching an std or an uti. And yes, men can get std's too but usually their symptoms/consequences are less dire than women's and they're usually the ones spreading (most people that test for std's are women, ask any medical personel that works in this area and they'll tell you that men only get tested when their dicks are almost falling off lol they don't care about what happens to their partners)
I wanted to say more since there's a lot of info out there that shows that men and women are actually not very compatible at all, but this ask is getting too long already. But anon, like I said, I invite you to research these things yourself.
Thank you for this comment. It’s a minefield of information that will be of help to many others. I have the exact same mindset as you. If anything, biology is only more proof of the sexes incompatibility. However, one’s mindset will determine their beliefs, and those obsessed with physicality will see piv as “proof” of men and women’s belonging. Biological urges and buying into cultural messaging makes it seem impossible for some women to escape. Again, super grateful for your detailed message :)
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crownmemes · 11 months
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Supernatural & Paranormal Sentences, Vol. 3
(Sentences from various sources for muses exploring the unexplained. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"These sightings only occur on nights when there's a full moon, which tells me something."
"It happened just the way you said it would. How did you know?"
"What's the matter? Don't you believe in miracles?"
"The truth is out there. Maybe you should find it for yourself."
"You can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality."
"The human mind delights in grand conceptions of supernatural beings."
"The crimes we are investigating are paranormal, I can say that with absolute conviction."
"There are things you just don't know."
"Why can't you just go for the simple answer?"
"What would you do if you were a werewolf?"
"Lost time is a common symptom of close proximity to anti-gravity propulsion systems."
"We are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue."
"You never believed in any of this stuff. This paranormal or whatever you call it. So, what changed your mind?"
"If you're waiting for my usual theory as to that is going on, I don't have one."
"Nothing happens in contradiction to nature, only in contradiction to what we know of it."
"I'm delusional? Did you just hear yourself?"
"You just jump at whatever explanation is the wildest and most far-fetched, don't you?"
"I don't buy your hollow threats."
"I have seen my share of the hideous, of the disgusting, and the repellent, but you are the most perfect expression I will ever see of all that is vile and hateful in life."
"What are you saying you believe now?"
"I believe that you will find all of your answers. You will find the answers to the biggest mysteries, and I will be there when you do."
"This isn't my life anymore. I'm done chasing monsters in the dark."
"Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else."
"There has to be a scientific explanation for this."
"Don't go looking for something you don't want to find."
"Have you considered that something else might be going on here?"
"The way I look at it, calling something paranormal is just a way of avoiding a real explanation."
"Are you monitoring my life? Bugging my phones?"
"Human logic doesn't apply to me."
"You have to believe me. Nobody else on this whole damn planet does or ever will."
"What are you even after out there? Do you ever even think about that?"
"If you look too hard, you can go mad, but if you continue to look, you become liberated."
"Just because there's magic in one place doesn't mean there's magic in every place."
"It's easier to believe in monsters out there in the world than to accept that the real monsters dwell within us."
"It's hard to believe in something when you can't understand it."
"The guy that we're after knows what it's like to have died and be dragged back."
"No, it doesn't matter that aliens from out of space have no genitalia - they still have groins, and they shouldn't be kicked there!"
"I'm not suggesting anything. I think the facts speak for themselves."
"Ghosts are benevolent entities. Mostly."
"What does that tell you? That I'm crazy, or that I'm right?"
"Next thing I know, you're going to tell me I'm the crazy one."
"What is this? Another one of your whacko conspiracy theories?"
"If there were secret experiments going on here, I wouldn't tell you."
"You have no idea about true evil."
"The conspiracy is not to hide the existence of extraterrestrials; it's to make people believe in it so completely that they question nothing."
"Without proof, we're nothing more than conspiracy mongers."
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toc-the-elder · 5 months
I've spent a lot of time being a bit confused by posts by trans people talking about being worried they're faking it and not really trans.
And yeah. I get you now.
I was doing some casual research to find out when the earliest date I could apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate is (depending on what level of evidence they ask for), and for some reason, I had the thought of "Oh god, you mean I can't change it back?"
I don't know where this thought came from. When I interrogate my own thought process, and ask at what point I would like to detransition, I don't have an answer for myself. There is no point where I think existing as I was would ever make me happier than living as the woman I can be. I suppose the finality of the certificate is what scares me a little, but isn't that the point? Isn't the whole point to try and close up all the legal loopholes someone might use to treat me as anything but female? And why should the finality of the thing scare me? My whole transition has been a series of finalities. I have already endured and bloomed under final, permanent changes to my body. I have already declared myself to the world. I know in my heart of hearts that I desperately want and need my surgery. It's been perhaps my deepest personal desire my entire life. I have been fucking diagnosed with the trans disease.
I shouldn't be shocked at the finality of any of this. And the fact that I am gave me a bit of a wobble. Like what if I'm not really trans? What if all these years have been just some silly mistake or not really me or self-delusion or just talking myself into something and what if I go through with all of this just to regret it?
Well, the alternative is going back to how I was, and I know I already regret that. I know I'm wrong when I suggest to myself that I'm not really trans. Because as much as I hate the way the NHS medicalises transness, they are treating me for gender dysphoria, and I grow more comfortable with what I see in the mirror every day. They boil transness down to gender dysphoria, and I certainly experience that, and embracing my womanhood makes me experience it a lot less. I know that non-trans people probably don't regularly and invariably picture having their intimate experiences with a different genre of genitalia.
Sometimes I have a moment of doubt, but by every metric I can think of, I am trans, and thus a woman.
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intersex-support · 2 months
i am https://www.tumblr.com/intersex-support/756014826153771008/i-knew-i-was-intersex-based-on-medical-care-i-got?source=share this anon what was done to me seems to be the kind where they tuck the phallic tissue into the public bone like this (warning medical diagrams of genital surgery): https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Surgical-techniques-of-clitoroplasty-A-recession-clitoroplasty-without-reduction-of_fig1_355550660 at least it was not completely amputated, i guess prior to even knowing this, i had complained to sexual partners after feeling frustrated/unsatisfied many times, that it "feels like my dick is buried in my flesh and i cant get to it, and i have to masturbate in a really weird way for it to work, you have to press spots that arent intuitive" now i'm finding out that is literally what is happening, and its feels crazy in some way i'm interested in if theres any way to undo that too. i want my fuckin dick back and accessible. some people have mentioned there's surgical stuff to undo it, but i don't know where to begin researching, and i don't know specifically what was done to me in order to account for every detail; it seems near impossible in some way.
content note: continued discussion of genitalia, surgery, and sex
Hi anon.
That must have felt absolutely surreal to have described your genitalia in that way to your partners and then to find out that literally was exactly what had happened, and that your intuition and description had been right. Like holy shit, you literally basically described what happened before you even knew what happened.
It's so fucking hard to come to terms with what doctors do to us and how that can affect the rest of our lives and how it can influence things like intimacy, relationships, sex. It never should have happened to you and more than anything I wish there was a way to undo it and get it back.
From what I know about surgery to try to undo it, a lot of it is very dependent on the individual and on what surgical techniques were used, what kind of scar tissue you have, and things like that. Some things are not reversible, because there might have been tissue that they removed that doesn't grow back. But sometimes, there are surgical options that might help with function or sensation. I've really struggled to find resources about this because from what I've seen, it just all is so dependent on individual situations. I have one friend who ended up getting a surgical consult with a surgeon who does gender affirming surgery for trans people who was able to give them an idea for what their particular options would be, and there was a few options in their particular case. But I know that a lot of us just feel like fuck no, we don't want to go to another surgeon and don't even want to explore that as an option which is SO reasonable.
If this isn't helpful for you definitely feel free to ignore, but I think something that helped me come to terms with some of the impacts of medical abuse and navigating intimacy as an intersex person was reading just a bunch of stuff from other intersex people talking about sex. I'll link a few articles here in case that's helpful for you or any other followers. Content note for in depth discussion of genitalia and sex in all the articles, as well as mentions of surgery.
What intersex people want you to know about sex from Teen Vogue
I'm Intersex. Here's how that affects my sex life by Mark Hay.
Honestly I wish I had more resource suggestions for how to figure out how to cope after surgery, possibilities for undoing, how to actually figure out exactly what was done to you. I feel like that can be honestly another layer of injustice that there isn't this information, that we don't have these resources. Coping with medical abuse has definitely felt like a grieving process for me at times, because it is just so, so hard to come to terms with what was done to me, what was irreversible, and how it changed my life. I wish i had better advice or suggestions to give to you, but know that you aren't alone + that I share your anger + that I hope you're able to figure out a way to cope/process/heal in whatever way makes sense to you.
sending so much solidarity and support 💜💜💜
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kidlawevents · 1 year
🌷Bottom Eustass Kid Week Masterlist🌷
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Please check out our masterlist for the bottom Eustass Kid event and give the writers and artists some love. ♡
We were positively surprised by so many awesome people taking part and want to thank everyone! If we've missed anyone's work or any of the links doesn't work, don't hesitate to message us.
Bondage by Alana
Bondage by Yami
Day 1 by @fantasmafuera
Day 3 / pining by @fantasmafuera
Day 4 by @fantasmafuera
Day 5 / aftercare by @fantasmafuera
Day 2 & 6 by @fantasmafuera
Day 7 / breeding by @fantasmafuera
Day 8 / cow Kid by @fantasmafuera
Praise kink by Yami
Sharing a bath by Yami
Gay panic by @attyattlaw
Bondage by @glooumnastas (full pic on Twitter)
Praise kink by @glooumnastas (full pic on Twitter)
Sharing a bath by @glooumnastas
Aftercare by Yami
Overstimulation by @glooumnastas (full pic on Twitter)
Overstimulation by Yami
Breeding kink by @glooumnastas (full pic on Twitter)
Breeding by Yami
Kid/Heat/Wire by @glooumnastas (full pic on Twitter)
Kid/Law/Robin by @sorellaerba
Kid/Law/Luffy by Yami
Merinthophilia by @quinloki
cw: bondage, oral sex, gn-reader (no details other than they’re smaller than Eustass), swearing 18+ only.
Ap-Praising-ly by @quinloki
cw: praise, jerking-off, kind of maybe foot fetish but you might have to squint, gn reader 18+ only.
Bottom!Kid - Day 4 by @quinloki
cw: omegaverse / a/b/o, alpha Eustass, omega reader, bottom!Eustass but I lost control of him at the end. Gender neutral reader (no genitalia descriptions, no pronouns), strap-on. 18+ only.
Bottom!Kid - Day 5 by @quinloki
cw: camboy, masturbation, reader not visible (user name UnderstatedGrin), lingerie, penis piercings referenced. 18+ only.
Benched by @quinloki
cw: breeding, group sex, afab reader, oral sex, anal sex, spanking, voyeurism, explicit, 18+ only.
Bondage & 'S&M' by Rhianna by @thegrandlinesimp (2,845 words)
Warnings: Bondage (shibari), collaring, flail usage, nipple clamps, cock cage, orgasm denial, Kid struggling to submit but really wanting to so it seems dubious but really isn't, Killer being posessive (if I missed anything let me know)
Aftercare by @thegrandlinesimp (2,508 words)
Warnings: Shibari, painplay, blindfold, deep subspace, nipple clamps, shower sex, abundance of fluff
Praise Kink & Overstimulation by @thegrandlinesimp (3,374 words)
Warnings: Bondage, past slavery, overstimulation, Kid getting fucked silly for the first time and loving it
Coming Undone by Fen (10,718 words)
Kid is stressed and his usual way of destressing isn't cutting it anymore. His best friend (with benefits) suggests switching it up by having Kid give up control for once. After some deliberation and some negotiation, Kid reluctantly agrees—promptly finding that he gets more than he bargained for.
Praise kink by @sneakend (2,122 words)
Tags: Established Relationship, Dom/sub, Blow Jobs, Deepthroating, Praise Kink
Get some by @sneakend (2,115 words)
When Kid gets temporarily turned into a woman, Law's more interested in testing out his new body than fixing the situation.
Behind the night by @sneakend (5,860 words)
It's been a long time since Kid was in heat and Law can't wait to take full advantage of the situation.
Kid/Robin + Kid/Law
Rhapsody by @sneakend (3,538 words)
Penguin and Shachi introduce Law to the wonderful world of live streaming.
Prisoner by Lentils (4,695 words)
After the attack on the ship, Kid was fished out of the water is chained in a room on The Red Force. His captor, Shanks has asked Kid to join his fleet to which he flatly refuses. Shanks return everyday to talk to Kid, have a place to drink, or just enjoy 'the view.' Each time he comes by he seems to get creepier.
Triage by @sneakend (3,766 words) Kid/Law/Penguin
When Shachi finds a one-night stand at the bar, Penguin's expecting his night to be ruined. Luckily, Kid's pretty good at cheering people up.
Try-to-affect-ya by @quinloki Kid/Law/Reader
cw: spicy threesome, afab reader, trafalgar law, oral sex, anal sex, swearing, bratty behavior 18+ only.
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To every person that has ever suggested that "just give the kid into adoption" as a "solution" for unwanted pregnancies, I want to make you a deal: Gimme your body. Let me get inside. And I will get inside, but not when you expect it or planned for it. Don't worry, I will make sure to be the biggest inconvenience in your life I can be. Maybe I will make me entering your body a little bit traumatic, just as a treat. It will only be for nine months after all. Come on, it will be fun! Like a little nine month pajama party where I get to have all the fun and you vomit before craving pickles with whipped cream. I will kick your organs when you try to read, it will be hilarious. You can go wait for your turn to visit the doctor and pee in your seat because I kicked your bladder without any warning. I hope you are not especially attached to your hair and nails, pal, because I will be needing those nutrients for me. We don't want to be selfish now, do we? Oh, and your bone density is gone so don't be surprised if a teeth falls out. You have a good dentist anyway, don't you? Wigs aren't that expensive either. You will fine. You can say goodbye to any physical activity that ever gave you pleasure and your work too, if your boss refuses to pay your leave or rehire you after the nine month. Or they do that shitty thing where they hire you, but make it so horrible that you end up quitting anyway. But it's okay. I am sure you will find some way to pay the doctor, the bills and our food. You will figure out. Probably. Me? Don't be silly, I am inside your body, how could I pay for anything here? Supportive parents or family could be very useful here, do you have those at hand? Because if don't, oh boy, I don't want to be in your place. In your body I will fine though. I will get to make you don't fit any of the clothes you had before. That energy your had before, give it up, come on, you know I need it more. You are so lucky that everyone arounds you is so understanding and won't ever look down on you because you will need a break, and you don't know how long it will last. I hope you didn't pick any illness or infection or I don't die inside of you, because here's the thing: if that happens, I am taking you down with me. We are on this thing together, right to the end. It happens more frequently than you think. And then, after the nine month, I will come out, don't worry. A deal is a deal. I will come out through your genitalia, just like we agreed, and maybe rip it all the way to your asshole, just for fun. What is a little more blood between friends, am I right? But I heard doctors can do wonder about that nowadays, so you will probably be fine. Maybe, I don't know. You were the one who borrowed their body for this, not me. It will be the worst pain that you ever had in your life, I will make sure of that. Like a saw cutting you in half and then setting your nerves on fire. Even with all the drugs they could give you, and that if you manage to reach the hospital in time in the first place, you will notice I am there, making my way down town through the body you gave to me. It could take hours, or so I am told. Sometimes it even last days. Isn't that exciting? Maybe you will shit the bed a couple of times, and that is not nice, but I will forgive you because we are friends. You will still have to refrain from sex for a few weeks, maybe months even. You could develop some kind of permanent deficiency. Oh, I don't really garantee I will give you back the things I took, upsie daisy! You could even die from an infection or blood loss. But hey. It was only nine months. And I won't have to deal with whatever is left of you, so why should I care?
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quinloki · 11 months
Rules for Asks/Requests
Ask me anything! Aren't sure what to ask, check out my About Me post! Honestly though, as long as you aren't being purposefully cruel or a troglodyte, I'm up for any kind of chatter.
Tell me about your OTP/OC/Self-Ship and I'll tell you about mine. Aren't sure what to ask? Here's some suggestions.
-:- Captain Q's Emoji Grand Fleet! -:-
As long as an emoji isn't already taken, you can use it to sign your anonymous asks. Helps me keep track of repeat anons <3 Please don't use anyone else's sign off!
Check the list AT THE END OF THIS POST to see if an emoji is taken or not. Pairs of emojis can be used, you don't have to limit yourself to just one.
As for Requests - currently CLOSED, but!
With requests always be sure to check my pinned post. As a general rule I run events with specific parameters. If you're unsure of the parameters you can always ask or DM, I will clarify anything without aggravation or anger, I promise. ❤️
You do not have to pretend to love my work if you're coming into an event new! But please do humor me with a please or thank you somewhere in your request, it makes me feel warm.
Currently I only write for One Piece I generally only write x Reader or Reader Inserts, but I can write OCs or Canon x Canon. I can write sfw but I generally don't.
I'll write for any One Piece character, but I have historically been not good at a few from a romantic standpoint: Luffy | Franky | Akainu | (Most Marines save Smoker, honestly)
I won't turn down requests with these characters, but know it might not be up to my usual standard.
Tips for asking for a reader-type!
Cis!Fem - afab, uses she/her - doesn't have to be feminine or effeminate. Cis!Masc - amab, uses he/him - doesn't have to be masculine. afab - has a vagina, doesn't typically use she/her, may use any other combination of pronouns and expressions. amab - has a penis, doesn't typically use he/him, may use any other combination of pronouns and expressions. Transmasc - afab, genitalia, pronouns, expression variable. Transfem - amab, genitalia, pronouns, expression variable. Gender Neutral - no descriptions pertaining to gender including genitalia.
REALLY IMPORTANT NOTE: Gender, gender expression and everything gender-adjacent are variable, messy, and beautiful in reality land - my tips are specifically for tagging/writing/expectation purposes and will absolutely NOT cover all possible variations and experiences. It's important to not use them as some sort of end-all be-all guide.
Captain Q's Emoji Grand Fleet:
🦋, ✨, 🦅, 👹, 🍔, 🦖, 🦕, 🥐, 🍩, 🍙, 🥔, 🥓, 😻, 💐, 🐚, 👽, 💗, 🌈, 🔮, 🚑, 🍪, 🐺, 🌸, 🍕, 🐉, ⚡, 📖, 🐧, 🍉, 🦚, 💧, 🌷, 🐺
-:- Table of Consent -:-
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littleeyesofpallas · 5 months
the ridiculous thing about trying to curtail anything from my mangacovers posts that could potentially cross some sort of invisible line between the chaste and profane is that japan already operates on an insane standard of what is and isn't explicit. Do I have to flag the cover of a manga because it has cleavage and that goofy "pornographic" color palate of pinks and fleshtones that can be extremely deliberately suggestive even if the content of the covers themselves are in no way explicit? Does the same go for such a cover when the interior content of the book is in fact not at all explicit? You think tumblr or facebook is stupid about nipples, so much now vintage smut --explicit sex act as part of the plot material-- in japan due to their own censorship laws feature zero genitalia at all. Which is more explicit the narrative and context or the lack of any definitive imagery? Is a panel of Naruto's sexy-no-jutsu more or less comparatively inappropriate than the cover of an ero manga with just as little explicit imagery?
The line does not exist.I might as well be wrestling with archaic colonial era english common law definitions hinging on anything which "depraves and corrupts those whose minds are open to such immoral influences" else all we're really dealing with here is the precedent of intellectual failures like Potter Stweart's hinging Jacobellis v. Ohio on "I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description[hardcore ppornography], and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so.  But I know it when I see it"
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kinktober 2022
ʚ Fave x GN Reader ɞ
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Day 15: Roleplay
❥ CW: male fave (he/him pronouns, mentions of getting hard but no genitalia), gn reader (no pronouns, no genitalia), allusions to smut
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"I feel like you're not taking this seriously."
You guffawed, offended that your boyfriend would suggest something like that.
"What? Of course I'm taking this seriously! I'm taking this so seriously, what're you even talking about?" Your boyfriend rolled his eyes, chuckling the slightest bit and shaking his head.
"If you're taking this seriously, then why aren't you playing the part normally?" You frowned, tilting your head.
"What do you mean?" He threw his head back, sighing loudly before looking at you once more. You were supposed to be a sexy nurse taking care of a sick patient (him), giving him much needed relief for his "illness". He assumed you would wear one of the numerous "sexy nurse" costumes available online, but you did no such thing. Maybe he should've discussed this with you beforehand, explaining that he didn't want you to pull out your scrubs and dress up like you were working a ten-hour shift at the nearby hospital.
Your hair was styled to minimize interruptions, black scrubs loose on your frame, clogs on your feet. Hell, you even had the fanny pack that held all your instruments and pens. It wasn't sexy at all.
"I mean," he started, stepping towards you, "that it's not sexy. You were supposed to be a sexy nurse." Your face twisted, confusion riddling your scowl.
"Huh? But this is how I dress when I go to work. How do you think nurses are supposed to dress?" He sighed again, rubbing his hand over his face.
"I thought you were gonna wear something scandalous, like one of those tight mini dresses with stockings and heels. This is just… It's not doing anything for me." You frowned, pouting as you fumbled with your fingers.
"So… you don't like how I look?" He took a deep breath, weighing his words.
"I never said that, babe. I love how you look, but this outfit isn't making me hard, ya know?" Your pout grew, lip jutting out, making him feel guilty.
"So, you're saying I got all gussied up for nothin?"
"'Gussied up'? Babe, all you did was put on your work uniform—"
He stopped when you lifted up your shirt, revealing the intricate black lace you were wearing. It hugged you deliciously, the bodice heightening your curves, squishing into your skin. His eyes trailed over your abdomen, drool pooling as he realized that you were wearing a garter belt, one that was no doubt holding up the stockings he was so interested in.
"I got this whole thing just for you, and you don't even wanna fuck me in it? I might as well just go change—"
"No! No no," he stopped you before you could walk away, tugging at your pants to look down at the pretty panties and socks underneath. "No, this—this is okay. You don't have to change."
"Huh? But you said—"
"Yeah, yeah, just forget I said anything and take this shit off so I can fuck you."
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shinxeysartgallery · 5 months
So about your suggestive content post
Out of curiosity, why do you say drawing characters in underwear isn't suggestive when it's done for a reference? Isn't doing references of characters's underwear suggestive by your logic?
Well, when I'm talking about a reference, the reference isn't of the underwear, it's more of a reference of body markings.
I'd maybe do nudity with doll anatomy (undetailed and no nipples or genitalia) to show something like stomach or chest markings, but not everyone is comfortable with that and would still want certain intimate areas of their characters' bodies covered, which is why they'd opt to draw them in underwear. The purpose isn't "oooh look at Blorp in her panties! Isn't she sexy???", it's something like "Blorp has a scar on her stomach right here and this is what the scar looks like".
For me, I wouldn't do it with every character of mine, since not all of them have body markings (or markings that are obscured by their usual clothes). Like, for example, let's take my OCs Ramona, Daisy, Kenji, and Scar.
Starting with Kenji, he would not get one of those refs because he doesn't have any body markings; there would be no point in giving him one. Scar has one marking, a scar over his left eye. Because that marking isn't obscured by anything normally, he also would not get one of those refs. Ramona has a similar deal, with her only marking being on the underside of her tail. I could do a tail reference for her, but there would be no point in doing a full body nude reference because she doesn't have any other markings. In Daisy's case though, she'd probably get one because she has a marking that covers most of the front of her torso. The point of her getting one would be to show "this is what her marking looks like".
Obviously people do draw characters naked or in their underwear to be sexual, but in this particular case, there's nothing sexual about it - it's solely to be used as a reference for body markings. So if it's done with this intention/purpose, no I don't consider nude (if doll anatomy) or underwear references to be suggestive or sexual in nature.
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intersex-support · 2 years
Wasn't sure where else to go so sorry for sending an ask during the blog hiatus but I feel a little bit like I'm losing my mind trying to work out why my body is the way that it is. I show a lot of symptoms of hyperandrogenism and I am (I believe?) Afab. However. I have been told recently that I show more signs of having gynecomastia than 'female breasts' and I know I was given estrogen during puberty because I wasn't developing the way I was expected to. I don't think I've ever had any lower surgeries but I do have an enlarged clitoris (over 4cm)and, for lack of a better description, more of a 'masculine' appearance to my labia majora, appearance wise they're very similar to a scrotum. I have also had extremely irregular menstrual cycles in the past that would be maybe once a year at best before stopping entirely. My doctors have repeatedly told me that everything is fine and I have no reason to worry, but refuse to answer if I ask if anything is 'normal' or not so I don't even know where to begin looking. I suspected something like CAH at first but, without the estrogen during puberty, I would have developed a body that was entirely male appearing aside from the genitals so I'm now incredibly unsure what to think and had no idea where else to ask about something like this - so I am sorry to bother you!
Hey, anon. Thank you so much for your patience and sorry for taking such a long time to answer your ask!
I'm going to give my usual disclaimer that we are not doctors, and cannot diagnose you--all the information we provide is to give you some suggestions of things to continue looking into.
So, with every trait you've listed out, I think it's very possible that you might be intersex. Reading over the things you've shared, there isn't one singular intersex diagnosis that jumps out to me as more likely than the others. When that's the case, what's been helpful to me is listing out a lot of possible diagnoses, and pointing out what symptoms match up, and which ones don't, in the hope that you can narrow it down a little. This is probably going to be a long post with a lot of options, but I hope this helps you figure out where to research next. I don't want you to get overwhelmed by the amount of information--obviously, most of these diagnoses are not going to be what you have, but since I'm not a doctor and can't do the tests to narrow it down, I want to walk you through what your options are.
One intersex variation that is a rare variation, but seems like it could possibly really line up with your symptoms is Aromatase Deficiency. When you have aromatase deficiency, your body does not have the enzyme that processes androgens into estrogen. You will have XX chromosomes, a vagina, uterus, and ovaries. However, usually at puberty, without HRT, people with aromatase deficiency may not develop breasts, might not start having a period or have very irregular periods. Also, it can cause variation in genitalia from birth, meaning people might have a larger clitoris and their labia can become fused, making it look like a scrotum. This seems like it really, really might be a possible option and lines up with a lot of things that you described. It looks like the diagnosis for this requires some blood testing and physical exams, as well as analyzing your medical history for other symptoms like ovarian cysts.
Another option is Swyer Syndrome. People with Swyer syndrome have XY chromosomes, but have complete gonadal dysgenesis, meaning that their gonads have not developed into testes. This means that they will have a vulva, vagina, and often can develop a uterus because of another hormone. People with Swyer Syndrome typically only have periods if they were on Estrogen therapy at puberty, like you were. Swyer syndrome is not as much associated with atypical genitalia, but it's still possible. To get a diagnosis, you would do a pelvic ultrasound, hormone testing, and karyotyping.
Another option is mixed gonadal dysgenesis, or another type of chromosomal mosaicism. This is a variation where you would have a 45X/46XY chromosome pattern, and both testicular tissue and some streak gonad tissue. People with mixed gonadal dysgenesis have a wide variety of ways that their genitalia might look, including having visible genitalia variations like what you've described, or a typical vagina or penis. Usually, people with mixed gonadal dysgenesis have some uterus tissue, and with being on E, that could cause your periods. With mixed gonadal dysgenesis, people usually go through some aspects of a testosterone-based puberty. To get this diagnosed, you would need to get some hormone tests done, a karyotype, and most likely a pelvic ultrasound. This is another rare variation, but is a possibility. Ovotestes would present very similarly to the symptoms listed above, and would be diagnosed similarly.
It's possible that you could have CAH and have just had some of the symptoms go away because you were put on E during puberty, but I think that might depend on some other things from your medical history. CAH can cause genital differences and fused labia, but that seems to be more common with Classic CAH, which is usually diagnosed at birth, rather than Non classic CAH. So if there's other hormone medication that you've been on throughout your childhood like hydrocortisone or fludrocortisone, that would be a really big sign that you have CAH. Your symptoms don't seem to line up 100% with CAH, but I think that's something that's still an option that you could consider getting hormone tests like an ACTH stim test to rule out.
Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but from what you've shared, it doesn't sound like you've ever had testing or imaging to confirm whether you have a womb, uterus, and ovaries. I know you said you had a period, but because you said it's happened so rarely and has now stopped completely, one hypothesis could be that what you've experienced in the past wasn't actually a menstrual cycle, but was vaginal bleeding caused by vaginal atrophy or another cause. I think this is less likely, but if you rule out every other option, this might be a route to explore.
So, hypothetically if you found out you don't have a uterus or womb or ovaries, you could explore 5-alpha reductase deficiency, 17 beta HSD, Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome These are all intersex variations where you have XY chromosomes, don't have a womb or uterus, and either don't produce testosterone, or can't synthesize and produce the testosterone that your body does produce. People with 5 ARD, 17 beta HSD, PAIS can be born with a vulva and vagina, a penis, or genitalia that doesn't look quite like either. If your gonads (testes) were removed as a child, you would not be able to go through puberty without taking either E or T. If you still had your testes, then unless you went on E, your body could naturally go through a some aspects of a typical testosterone puberty. If you got an ultrasound and it turned out that you didn't have uterus and a womb, then these variations might line up with some of the traits you described, like having to take estrogen to go through puberty but still having some traits associated with hyperandrogenism. This also could explain the "masculine" appearance of your labia. Overall, these variations are probably a less likely option, though.
Summary: This was a ton of information and not all of it will apply to you! In general, it seems like the intersex variations that are the most likely possibilities are aromatase deficiency, with CAH, Swyer Syndrome, or mixed gonadal dysgenesis/ another type of mosaicism being other possible options. To get a diagnosis for any of these things and to start to narrow it down, you likely want to find a reproductive endocrinologist and a gynecologist so that you could get hormone testing, pelvic ultrasounds, and potentially chromosome testing done. It also might be worth trying to get copies of your medical records and history, or trying to get information from your family about any diagnoses and treatment that might have been made while you were a child.
I would suggest reading through this glossary of intersex variations to get more information, and also checking out this website called DSD teens to get more basic info about what puberty looks like for different variations (content warning for cissexist language and assumptions on that page.)
I can't tell you whether or not to identify as intersex, but what I can say is that there are a lot of things you've shared that are things that other intersex people would resonate with, and a lot of intersex spaces that would welcome you. And I completely understand that the process of questioning intersex can be so stressful and isolating--you deserve support while going through that. Feel free to reach back out to us, and if you're over 18, I'm happy to give you a link to an intersex discord that you could join. Please feel free to ask any other questions, and truly wishing you the best and sending love your way!
-Mod E
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spillandhomicide · 2 years
NSFW and NSFW-adjacent sideblog. primarily intended for kink discussion, forays into suggestive or NSFW art and writing (others' and mine), stuff I think looks cool but feel weird putting on main, etc.
At this time I am not comfortable posting graphic sexual imagery, in IRL photos or in art. Basically, no more than the vague impression of genitalia. Any more-than-mildly-suggestive pictures will be tagged.
Please keep in mind that most of what I'm interested in is fucked up (affectionate). One of my Big Things right now is hybristophilia, the last one was heavy emotional sadism, etc. If you know you're going to be upset or hurt by this type of thing, probably not the blog for you. If you need more information to make that call, feel free to ask.
This isn't a vent or trauma blog. That said, a lot of the thoughts I have worth sharing about sexuality connect to trauma in some way. I don't plan to go into detail about IRL traumatic events, but same deal--take care of yourself.
WRT that, anything I say or imply on here about my own experiences isn't what I'd usually call a vent--I'm saying it because I think something about it is interesting or worth exploring, not for sympathy, a feelings outlet, etc. Those posts will be tagged, though.
URL and blog title are derived from Scrape by Blue Stahli.
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