#but niall did post in support of louis' album
larrylimericks · 2 years
“Yes lad!!!” for Ni’s song! Hello, lovers! Just wait until Louis discovers Recent noteworthy acts (Which may merit congrats?) By the curly-haired one of his *brothers*.
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alltheselights · 7 months
You might not what to post this or answer it and I get it but after listening to that End of the Day alternate version, it just reminded me of how much the people who made the decisions behind 1D sucked. I love Harry, I do, but when I heard MITAM, I was disappointed. Not because of the quality of the songs - some MITAM songs are some of my favourites from 1D - but because of how one-sided that album is. I wanted 1D, not Harry featuring Liam, Niall and Louis, and I even naively hoped Louis would have more of a chance without Zayn there too. Louis and Niall deserved better than what they got, and that goes the most for Louis. And now with this, all I can think about is Louis singing these parts, hoping he might be featured in the song more and then his sadness and deflation over finding out it wasn’t going to be released. No wonder he struggles with confidence so much and how much that gets in his head when he is performing when you think about what happened to him while he was in 1D. The label behind 1D clearly never really cared about nurturing the talents of 4 of the boys, they only cared about making Harry the frontman and preparing for his solo career. A more balanced album with solos and prominent vocals from all four members would have been even better than what we got and I will never not think they did Louis wrong. It’s why, despite the disappointments in Louis’ solo career and how it has been mismanaged and essentially sabotaged, I still am so thankful for it. I saw Louis in concert and he was so good on stage, and I enjoyed every moment of it. I’ve never enjoyed a concert as much as I did Louis’. Louis’ voice has so much emotion in it, he has that emotion and inflection that just completely elevates music and I can never have enough of it
I totally agree! It's ironic to look back because MITAM was my favorite of One Direction's albums when it was released. I still think the songwriting quality and the overall sound was amazing on that album, but how little Louis got to sing (and the other boys besides Harry, but Louis most of all) has dimmed that album in my mind and I really can't listen to it anymore without just feeling sad.
With time to reflect, I started to recognize more and more how imbalanced and unfair that album was, especially because once all the boys went solo, it was so abundantly clear that Harry was placed on a different playing field than the other boys and was given advantages that none of the others got. I think most One Direction fans or fans that support multiple 1D members recognize that these days and it's basically just Harries who refuse to recognize it or who claim that Harry was advantaged based only on talent.
Louis deserved better, Liam and Niall deserved better, and MITAM deserved better. All of their voices and their songwriting abilities had improved so much by the time that album was released. The power that album could have had if all of the boys had gotten time to shine......it was such a missed opportunity and I'll never stop resenting 1DHQ for their decisions and unequal treatment.
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ziamln · 1 year
Long ramble post. [1D]
I’m feeling nostalgic, overanalysing shit, and bored on a Thursday night with nothing to do. You can read this or skip over it, especially if you disagree, I’m not looking for drama. This will probably be messy and incoherent with 0 structure. For those of you who weren’t there during the 1D era, this may be confusing, particularly if you weren’t there during the shit storm that was 2015/16. Again, feel free to skip this, as it will be long and probably won't make sense, but this is my blog so you don’t necessarily have to agree with me. Before I go into this I feel like I need to clarify, I am proud of all 5 boys and their solo careers, I support them all wholeheartedly, and my saying I miss OT5 doesn’t mean I don’t. some things are facts stated by the boys others are merely a speculation or my own deduction from what has been implied or reading between the lines, just to put that out there. Bear in mind I am a Ziam blog, Liam and Zayn have always been my focal point, and always will be and I also have a Louis [& slight Larry] bias so, do what you will with that information. Basically feel free to skip!
It was so good to see Zayn in an interview after so long [I can't lie it's so weird hearing people commenting on his talking voice as something new and unusual], but hopefully, he’ll actually get better promo for this upcoming album, I’m super excited either way, his music is rarely short of anything but a masterpiece. But there’s a line in Zayn’s recent podcast which stuck out to me.
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Personally, I found this intriguing, because at least to me, I feel as though it explains quite a few things. Particularly regarding Zouiam [Zayn, Louis and Liam], I’m not saying it didn’t apply to Niall or Harry but, I feel like it provides some sort of perspective on things others have speculated on, and also some things I have speculated on. Again, this is merely a speculation on my part, you don’t have to agree [scrolling is very easy]. I will not claim to know as much as I may have known about all 5 of them as I did 8 years ago, admittedly, though I support most of the boys through listening to their music, I don’t pay much attention beyond that to anyone other than Zayn, Liam and sometimes Louis, this isn’t to say I don’t like Niall, I enjoy his music or Harry, I have always been a Ziam/ Zouiam account and have always stuck to them, and as solo artists, I prefer their music, even during their time as a band. [As I’m sure many have a preference for the other boys. I don’t see an issue with it unless it is purposefully disrespectful or hateful to others.]
I know a lot of people are stuck on the line of how after ‘5 years together they all got sick of one another’, which is understandable and perhaps almost inevitable. [Personally, as someone with a sibling I definitely understand the sentiment] I don’t see any malice or drama in it, it would naturally happen to anyone after so many years of constantly being together, with barely any breaks and performing together non-stop for almost 5 years. It would catch up to even the most patient of people, especially considering how they were literally teenagers/ young adults the whole time. Nothing he said in that interview was hateful at all.
Also not to dismiss his line about how he said "I completely selfishly wanted to be the first person to go and make my own record." with this, whilst I’m not saying it’s untrue because it could be true that that's what happened. But I can’t deny its a little confusing because of the number of times the story of his reasoning for leaving the band has been changed throughout the years, initially, it started as him citing stress and saying he wanted to be a ‘normal 22-year-old’, then it was that he said there was ‘never any room for me to experiment creatively’ made sense as it was rumoured that his writing had been snubbed on Four and it could possibly be a mixture of all the reasons combined. But my point is we have been given many different reasons, but we will probably never know the full truth, so at this point, it's anyone’s guess as to what the actual reasoning was.
Of course, there is no doubt that behind the scenes of the entire One Direction era was a complete shit show, as has been stated/ hinted at by most if not all members at this point in some way, shape or form. So we can only begin to imagine the stress and pressure they were constantly put through. There is a lot we don’t know about that time, and probably never will. Some things are perhaps even traumatic for the boys who had to go through it, all we can do is speculate and be as supportive as possible as fans. 
I mean I feel like this trauma has presented itself in different ways with each member, perhaps in ways we will never know, Zayn himself has stated that we could never understand that time as it is something only they would get. 
In terms of image and what they show; Niall is quiet, unproblematic and as far as I’m aware he seems pretty much like, other than his music and tours, he keeps to himself. Harry from my impression, is a loudly quiet person, by this I mean, he comes across as loud as though he divulges a lot, people may claim he is the one who people have the most knowledge of, which is true to an extent. But in terms of his personal life, there are limitations, understandable of course, but it seems to me we only know what we are shown and the rest is left to be read between the lines. 
Louis, I feel as though we learn more about him through his music, his private life is fairly private, other than what he talks about and what we are shown, [side note: not everything that we are shown is necessarily how it is/true, this applies to all 5 boys] Louis is also quite an interesting case, we saw him get progressively quieter as time went on, especially in comparison to how he was in 2010/11, [many fans who believe in Larry attribute this to him being pushed into the closet and having to hide his more ‘flamboyant nature’] or it could be a simple case of all the stress and difficult life events taking its toll, or even [I think it's likely] a combination of all of this. Either way, it has been disheartening to witness.
Zayn has always been the most misunderstood I think. As Zayn himself said, they were all given personas and that has stuck with them from their time in the band, even until this present day I would say, [I wish some would consider this in Liam's case but that's for another post]. If you saw Zayn from 2010/11 he wasn’t particularly ‘mysterious’ or such, in fact, he was quite boisterous and funny if my memory serves me correctly, but again If the management wanted them to have a certain persona they were going to make sure it stuck. Zayn has always kept his private life exactly that, private. Typically in the case of his relationships [I would say this applies to some of Liam's also] but the main times we would hear about Zayn's relationships is if it was to make Zayn out to be a bad guy or to benefit the woman he was dating at the time through PR or some way as such, which is quite telling in itself.
Liam, again, people would think Liam is quite public and we know a lot about him but if you pay close attention, it's not the case at all. We don't know anything other than what we are told by the press or what we see. This is the case for all of them but as we know, from recent videos that Liam has done, there are a lot of other factors at play and a lot of distortion of stories and such that happens that we will never truly understand, we can only look out for it.  [another side note: IMO Liam is the full package he’s got the vocal range, the lyrical range, the melodies the dance moves, the fashion but he got so sabotaged and that pisses me off so much.]  Liam had always been the spokesperson for One Direction whilst in the band. Some people, particularly some groups of ‘fans’ or newer fans think that all his talking about 1D is him ‘trying too hard’ or whatever else to bash him. But the truth is, if you look closer, he never really stopped being the spokesperson for the band. He speaks on all of their solo endeavours, all of their achievements, indulges the nostalgic fans and is the one who most openly shows his support, he still holds the role of the spokesperson, just in a different manner. 
At a point you would seldom hear them talk about their One Direction days, unless you are the spokesperson... [it has become more frequent now], which is understandable as they are now Solo artists and perhaps wanting away from that image, but it is also quite curious in a way. But that is best left for another ramble. However, up until recently, I feel like the boys who have spoken the most about the band have been, in a sense, allocated to speak more on the topic than others [Personally I link this to the Politics comment, I’ll explain a little later on] But I find it interesting as to the different reactions we get from certain groups about each member when they do speak about their time in One Direction. Typically, Harry and Niall are met with positive reactions, with a few exceptions of course. Zayn sits in between, some of it gets regarded with nostalgia, other reactions are positive and hopeful and then the outright negativity too. Louis again sits in the middle. Liam however, you do of course get nostalgia and of course positive reactions from his fans and some OT5 fans. However, this is severely outweighed by the negativity he receives for it from *certain* ‘fans’ and some newer fans and just general people who like to jump on the hate bandwagon [side note: my god I miss 2013/2014 1D Twitter].
I’m not sure how many remember ‘Weed Gate’, how this was in a way at the time ‘damaging’ to the clean image they had and how much shit it was speculated to have caused behind the scenes, involving Zayn and Louis. 
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Louis and Zayn take a video doing weed in a car in one of the Peru (where weed isn’t illegal) on tour, there started some articles that make it sound like Zayn was sick or addicted to drugs. I feel like this was also a big player in how things turned out, Zayn took most of the heat from this and from our end it looked like no one did a thing to help. [We don't know what happened BTS]. Particularly interesting from this headline was the reiterating of the ‘squeaky clean image’, not long after this there were articles about 1D not getting along that came out of nowhere, particularly about how Harry was really angry with them and such. Even more interestingly disgustingly, Zayn took on most of the heat from this despite Louis also being in the video. 
Not long after this, Zayn missed some promo interviews and the album release in Orlando because of 'illness’, they get asked on the Today show if it’s actually because of drugs [entirely inappropriate] Liam, [looking pissed] reiterated it was a stomach bug. it would also be poignant to point out that Zayn looked very unwell at the time [I would think this would be regarding the eating disorder he previously mentioned] but many thought and press stated it as being related to drugs. At the time he was also, as he did throughout his time in the band, until this very day in fact, received disgusting prejudice and hate based on his religion and ethnicity. 
To touch lightly on the politics comment: obviously, we won't know the full extent. But if one were to speculate on the matter; we know certain people had been trying to pinch Harry since pretty early on in the band, so it would make sense that some of the comments Zayn made about the contracts make a lot of sense, I feel like it also links well with what Louis said about Harry calling the Hiatus. 
‘Certain people didn’t want to sign contracts,’ This line is so vague, but at the same time, I feel like it could be linked to a number of things. It could have been Harry wanting to leave to go solo. If you believe in Larry and Ziam it could have been a harsher contract regarding keeping them hidden with more shit attached. It could have been regarding the music they make, ridiculous NDA’s or any number of things, the speculation could be endless. However, it further reiterates the point that we can never understand fully what was at play behind the scenes, as much as we would like. But one thing we did see was how the boys went from being seemingly happy, excited and relatively carefree to burdened, exhausted and jaded which is somewhat self-explanatory [fuck 1DHQ]. I was going to add a bit about their images regarding the politics but I believe that is best left for another post.
If you think the boys are free/ ever have been, I’m sorry to burst your bubble but I doubt that has ever been the case, be that within the band or as solo artists. Feel free to check out this post if you require more insight, https://www.tumblr.com/yaz-the-spaz/662781923367747584?source=share. I don't think we could ever understand, nor will we ever know the extent of what the boys were/ have been put through. Hence why they all say they have a special bond because only they understand. I feel as though villainizing any particular member is very harmful, because at the end of the day at the time they were kids doing something so amazing that hadn't really been done on that scale before. What I do find gross is the fact that some refuse to speak up about the unnecessary hate certain groups give to other members [that again is another post entirely]. At the same time, it is important to remember whilst it might seem like other members have more freedom than others, which could be the case, it doesn't mean any of them are entirely free.
I’d say back to my point, but I wasn't particularly trying to make one in this post, this was simply an info/ speculative ramble, you don't have to agree with what has been said. But if you did read through, I’d love to, respectfully, of course, hear your thoughts, and opinions on everything. I will make posts on everything I’ve said requires its own post because I feel as though there is a lot to talk about on a number of topics so they will come in due time. 
At the end of the day, as Zayn [and Liam in the past] said; “You know, we’ve done crazy things with each other and that nobody else in the world will ever understand or have them. Experiences that we've shared.”
But yeah, all in all, it was good to hear Zayn talk about his chickens and describe himself as a chill, funny and loving guy because it's so much more true to him than being painted as mysterious and I love that for him.
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allwaswell16 · 1 year
Hi! Can you recommend some Sad Louis fics?? The most recent ones you have please?? Thank you babe!!
Hi, anon! So I don't have a ton that I've read recently, but I'll list the ones I have and add on a few recent ones that caught my eye to read. Also, if you want a longer rec, let me know and I can add your request to my pinned post!
[Read Recently]
what's left of my halo's black by LiveLaughLoveLarry / @loveislarryislove
As Harry sucks lovebites into Louis’ neck, Louis hopes that one day those marks will cover the way he can still feel Alex’s handprints burned into his flesh.
As Harry’s nails drag scratches along Louis’ back, Louis hopes that one day the scabs on his heart will heal and drop away just like the scabs on his skin.
As Harry fucks him down into the mattress, the bed shaking with every thrust, Louis hopes that one day his mouth will forget the shape of Alex’s name, won’t trace it over and over as the heat builds inside him, won’t want to scream it when he comes. Maybe one day he’ll open his eyes, as he slowly floats down from his post-orgasm haze, and won’t expect to see Alex’s face smiling back at him.
But today is not that day.
A year after a devastating breakup, Louis is still trying to put himself back together - but getting over a breakup is hard when you work as a wedding planner. Thankfully, his coworker Harry is the most supportive friend Louis could ask for. But Harry has some secrets of his own, and they send Louis' world spinning off its axis all over again.
Based on the song "Holding On To Heartache" by Louis Tomlinson
My Other Half Was You by @lululawrence
Louis turned the corner to head to Niall and Lewis’ music shop, and slammed right into someone.
“Shit,” Louis gasped, gripping the person’s shoulders in an attempt to remain standing. “God, I’m so sorry!”
“No, I’m sorry,” the man said. “Uh, you steady?”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry again.” Louis blinked a few times and then took a step back. It was only then that he finally glanced up to the man’s eyes. They were a clear, bright green, and curly brown hair fell onto his forehead.
“I should probably…” The man trailed off, motioning towards the antique shop behind Louis.
“Right, sorry,” Louis apologized again, stepping aside.
“It’s alright. Have a good day.”
“You too,” Louis replied as the man disappeared around the corner.
By the age of 30, Louis' entire life trajectory had changed from what he'd thought it would be. He moved back to the town he grew up in and did his best to pull himself and his life back together again.
Four years, seven months, and sixteen days after the day that changed everything, Louis turns a corner and literally runs into the man who just might change it all again.
[ On My To Read List ]
Wish It Could Be The Same As It Was by The_Halcyonic_Lachesist / @chai-hat-tea
After a chance encounter with Harry, Louis has to learn to go back to life as it was. For a while at least.
Not A Solo Song - A Series by LilyBlue28
The first night of Faith in the Future World Tour is a smashing success, but emotions run high when he's left all alone. The heaviness of getting everything he's ever wanted is hard to overcome. But when it all gets to be too much, the smallest, most unexpected reminder of strength finds him just when he needs it the most.
READ LIKE A HEADLINE by The_Halcyonic_Lachesist / @chai-hat-tea
Louis Tomlinson, a singer-turned-actor is the source of tabloid gossip and his latest project is jeopardised when the media interferes again. Tired of life handing him the short end of the stick at every turn, he finds himself at a bar drowning in his sorrows. A kind stranger tries to cheer him up, but Louis soon realises that the stranger does so much more than that.
Inspired by 'Headlines' from the album 'Faith in the Future' by 'Louis Tomlinson'.
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alarrytale · 8 months
marte about this: https://www.tumblr.com/alarrytale/741869080128241664/it-didnt-help-that-harry-totally-distanced?source=share
Did the other boys also distance themselves from 1D? Because it's kinda a dick move of H to do so the other boys didnt do that. Also, do you think harry wanted to be better than the rest and never tried helping them get as big as he is?
Hi, anon!
No, they didn’t distance themselves at all, quite the opposite. While Harry needed to distance himself to grow his career, the other boys (bar Zayn) needed to play up the connection to 1D to keep their career. They didn’t have the large label backing, funding and record contract lined up for them like Harry did. The remaining boys also needed to fight for directioners attention on their solo careers. Columbia's plan for Harry was to rebrand and distance himself from 1D to get the gp and non boyband target groups on board his new solo career. They had funding and tools to do it. The other boys didn’t have that and continued on with their former images or tried to find their own image and sound to attract the gp. But for them it was important to not lose the 1D stans, so they talked postively about the band and their time together.
I think Harry has the professionalism, but most importantly the drive and motivation, to do what needed to be done to reach superstardom. He wants to be the best he can be. Reach as far as he can. He's in a competition with himself. Sony recognised that early on in 1d and knew that they were going to put all their money on him after 1D. So they positioned him in 1D to be the most loved, famous and successful member of the band. A de facto frontman. If Harry wanted a career after 1D he didn’t have another choice than go with a Sony label the way their contracts were written. I think the other 1D members are happy for Harry and the opportunities he's been given. I don't think they're bitter. They also know it has a backside, it comes with less freedom, more stunting, more lies, heavier workload and more pressure.
The boys main competitors are each other and they're under different labels, so i'm not sure how much they're allowed to help each other. They do help each other with playing unreleased songs to each other and get their opinions. They support each others album annoucements etc. Liams post about H's grammy win made me cry. You can see how much they love each other and want the best for each other. But i'm not sure if Liam, Niall, Louis and Zayn having Harry's current career would be the best for them. I don't think they want to trade places with Harry.
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louisupdates · 1 year
MUSICALLY | 19 Apr 2023
3. The radio conundrum
We have seen historically that it has been tricky to get radio for him – but not because of any artist proposition issue. It’s just sonically that he wants to do something different to what radio wants to play.
It’s tricky because it falls through the gaps a little bit with what he wants to do. We’ve always looked at it as: let’s just assume there are zero promo opportunities at radio, TV and press. Let’s just take out promo entirely.
What you have got is a global, engaged, fanatical fanbase. You can do more with that than you can with those other things if you don’t have fans.
I would much rather have an artist who’s got an absolutely berserk global fanbase and that gets absolutely no support from traditional media – because you can work with that – than have an artist that’s not really got a particularly big fanbase but radio loves them and TV loves them. What does that matter if you’ve not got the fans?
We did always want to get promo because we would love to be able to expand Louis’ fanbase. But you’ve got to compete against Harry [Styles] and Niall [Horan]. They’re the first people you’ve got to compete against because, to play three One Direction members on the radio, I don’t know if radio stations would. Then you’ve got the sonic battle as well where he wants to keep it pretty raw.
The first single was ‘Bigger Than Me’, which is a big song to sing. It was a good bridge between the last album and this album. It gave the fans what they wanted.
We had really good feedback from radio. They played it to Clara [Amfo, Radio 1] without telling her who it was. She loved it and she did actually play it as one of the hottest tracks of the week. Greg James’s producers said it was brilliant. They absolutely adored it. Matt Edmondson and Mollie King’s team loved it. They thought it was great. But it got blocked at playlist conversations. It was like, Come on!
That was really disappointing because, pre-release, we were getting incredible feedback from producers, but we just couldn’t get it through the playlisting. We’d always planned for it not to go on radio, but if it got on radio that’d be just a brilliant bonus. So it didn’t harm our campaign strategy at all.
He’s too pop for indie stations and he’s too indie for the BBC [Radio 1]. It’s frustrating, but he’s making the music he wants to make and the fans love it. So what do you do?
‘Silver Tongues’ came out just before the album dropped, which was the official second single. That bridged the gap between those two singles. It was much more guitar based. It was up-tempo but it wasn’t too indie.
On the day that the album was released, fans bombarded Greg’s show on the 10 Minute Takeover [on the Radio 1 breakfast show]. And he played it! It was lovely but you could tell it was done like, “OK, I’ve done it now. Go away.” Which is just so sad because his demographic is right in that lane. It’s 18-25.
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alwayslovingharry · 2 years
Social Media I (WTMFS)
A/N: Hi everyone, with university I've been a bit busy (again) and I've hardly been able to come back to tumblr. The thing is, today while I was studying I came up with this idea and I needed to post it. These posts will be linked to the chapters of When The Music Finally Starts, so they will go chronologically. In the future they might even serve to help me progress the story faster since there are chapters that I find difficult to write and it might be easier using this way.
PAIRING: Harry Styles x Hailey Foster (1Dmember!reader)
WARNING: Like i said, other times, I'm not an english native speaker, maybe there are some mistakes. Also, a little look into the next chapter of the story :)
DECEMBER 12, 2016:
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According to sources inside the show, Niall Horan, Hailey Foster, Liam Payne and Harry Styles turned up to support Tomlinson in his X-Factor performance. The 25-year-old singer was performing for the first time since the death of his mother, Johannah Deakin, on 7 December.
Although this shows the great friendship and closeness that still exists between the band members, Zayn Malik was the only one of the former bandmates who didn't show up to express his support for Louis.
It should be remembered that rumour has it that Malik, who announced his departure from the band a month and a half into their third world tour in March 2015, ended on bad terms with Louis and the band's only female member, Hailey, in particular. Although the reasons for the dispute never transcended, it is possible that they are still present as the singer did not show up to support one of his former "friends" in such a hard moment.
THE SUN © 2016
FEBRUARY 14, 2017:
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my1dheart: sorry, but they are a stunt since 4ever
harley'sdaughter: the worst i've seen, dude
haileywithlove: I've seen photos of her outfit, she was ✨GORGEOUS✨
futuremrsstyles: where's harry?
amelia_west: he isn't his boyfriend or anything, GROW UP!
futuremrsstyles: OMG, why u're so rude?
1dloveupdates: @amelia_west @futuremrstyles please, no fights on my account
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hsdailyofficial: Harry recently in Jamaica!!!
HSwifey: he's literally a model
ismael's_sis: hopin' he's working on an album
larrylover: people are saying Louis's also there!!🔥
MARCH 4, 2017:
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hfdaily: Hailey arriving to Milán airport few days ago!!
1Dstarforever: she's comming home, she's comming homee
hailey_fosterfan2307: she's a fashion icon even when she takes a plane lmao
MARCH 9, 2017:
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MARCH 31, 2017:
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harrystyles: SIGN.OF.THE.TIMES // 7.APRIL.17 //
ismael's_sis: F*CKING FINALLY!!! OMG!!
APRIL 21, 2017:
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thegrahamnortonshowofficial: Mr Harry Styles on the show, ladies and gentleman
lisawatts: Sign Of The Times was so emotional
freddythescottish: he's a funny guy, he was great on the show
seb_thestark: this dude should've gone solo before
APRIL 22, 2017
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haileyfqueen: Hailey with Jack leaving The London Studios yesterday (21/04/2017)
harleyisreal2012: I'm just sayin that Harry was also there yesterday 🫣 
slayhailey: she went with him, he's going to appear on Good Morning Britain next Monday
h_defender: he doesn't give me good vibes, too arrogant 😐 
Thanks for reading/watching and I hope you liked it, please leave any comments or leave a like it if you enjoyed it.
See you soon :)
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silverfoxlou · 2 years
Do you ever want Louis to hustle a little bit more? Like Niall or Liam. They continuously come online and begs fans to stream and buy. Louis pushed a little for the no. 1. But do you wish he did a bit more during the promo seasons. Even biggest artists like Taylor is continuously releasing remixes and starting trends on tiktok, asking fans to buy so that her album/songs don't free fall. Sza pushed for her album too. I know it's not good for Stan wars but who cares? Niall or Taylor doesn't. They do what they do. And stans forget about it after a while.
Yes and no.
This is my personal take - but there needs to be a complete overhaul with how he approaches his career. I'm tired of the whole "I wasn't expecting this level of success but my fans always surprise me with their support" bs while he and his team do next to no (good) promo and don't even cater to the existing fanbase properly. He also needs to be better at communicating directly with the fans and more consistently when he's in promo season. His social media use is embarrassing and it needs to be fixed.
That being said - Niall and Liam levels of ~posting~ is cringe. And releasing bad remixes for the sake of it takes away from the quality of the songs so that's also a no from me.
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quietzap · 2 years
I'm really not trying to start a fight because I hate the grammys as much as you do and I think that, while Liam loves and supports Harry, him posting on Instagram is bringing him loads of negative attention or fake love from fake fans but what I don't understand is the need for petty remarks from ziams? I think everyone in the fandom actually agrees with Zayn's statement that the grammys are meaningless but we still get excited for our boys when they win one, we'd be ecstatic for each and one of them, so I really don't understand the passive aggressive reblogs of a years old statement and completely ignoring Liam's lovely post. As an ot5 stan I don't understand this constant need for ribbing from every corner of the fandom but I guess that's what it boils down too, right, not everyone is an ot5 stan anymore
Well personally I don't think harry deserved to win aoty (or any grammy tbh) it's simple as that. And having him win over other artists who made a much better album imo shows how messed up this award show still is. It all boils down to white privilege and having the right connections. They did set him up with that win tho bc it was obvious ppl would be pissed. And why should we be happy that Liam keeps showing support when H and his fans (even so called ot5s) haven't showed him any in all those years? When H's never told his fans to stop cyber bullying Liam when even Niall and Louis said something? Also personally, I'd rather ppl just don't reblog about one of the boys (like me with H) than only reblog posts about them to criticise them (like I've seen ppl do with Liam). And besides, H doesn't need my support, he's got more than enough with harries/larries and ppl in the media. But you're right, there's just not many ot5 stans anymore. Me included. I understand why this situation would be sad for you tho
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goongiveusnothing · 2 years
"we all know that harry was plotting a solo career and the yacht move and solo documentary in 2016 was part of that, so why do we care about when he signed the contract, if everything else from before then is blatantly obvious evidence?" /// I don't know why you care. Do YOU know? You and your anons seem to care very much because you really didn't like it when I corrected you about the date he signed his solo record deal. They're just facts, they shouldn't hurt.
"while at the same time claiming everyone knew that jeff would manage harry's solo career and it was blatantly obvious back in late 2013/early 2014" /// No. You made that last bit up again. I never said anything about 2013/ early 2014. My ask about it being blatantly clear to everyone that Jeff would manage Harry was in response to your post about OT3 being blindsided at NYE 2015/2016. I don't think they were, because I think they, like everyone else except Larries, knew Harry was going to launch a solo career.
And you seem to be confused. Why would Louis, Niall or Liam have to piece together clues to figure out something that was blatantly obvious? It was clear. No clues required. You believe Harry was conniving and lying and scheming behind their back like a Scooby Doo villain, when in fact he actually told them straight out *a year in advance* that he would not be signing another 1D contract. That would be the most ineffective secretly-scheming villain ever 😄 You seem to want to have it both ways.
"what conversations did i write between louis and harry?" /// The conversations you wrote in your posts earlier, where you made up a whole exchange where Louis "likely" asked Harry about his plans but Harry "likely" refused to tell him, but Louis had an idea so he "likely" guessed and Harry lied blah blah. Just total conjecture required to support your Scooby Doo villain theory.
the issue with you bringing up the contract date was because you were deliberately trying to use those dates to portray it all more favorably to harry. if you could pretend that harry signed his album contract later, it meant the others looked like they all knew and were okay with it and were all launching careers together. that was your intention with deliberately pushing that date out, when you even admit that harry was doing his solo superstar thing in the hiatus talk in 2014.
that's why it's not an interesting date or point, but to you it is, because you like to use it in your manipulations. just like harry styles would.
why else did you need to bring it up or bring up when the others made their contracts? why did you act like he signed it later than he did, as if to suggest his solo career was only fledgling and nascent by then? why did you try and act like the 2016 documentary was not part of his solo career and evidence of how it was in full ascent by then? why act like it was just a brief meaningless one off thing? you were the one seeking to manipulate and distort with these comments. because you're just like harry. to have a conversation with you involves having to play along with games and pretend what you're saying, isn't what you're saying.
yes, i use the dates of 2013/2014 because that's when he met the azoffs and the scheming and solo superstar craftmanship begun.
so on the one hand you claim that it was clear and obvious, but also act like there was no 2016 documentary and that he signed his contract in mid 2016, not with the yacht thing.
when did he tell them he was not signing a 1D contract again? where's the quote for this? how did that conversation go? was it on a yacht? did he make out with jeff afterwards?
lmao we know that the conversation went like that because of everything they've said, even harry styles himself. harry said he wanted a hiatus and that he didn't want to exhaust the fans. louis said that it was a hard conversation and he could see where it was going. niall said none of the others had solo plans, "unless someone is lying to me." it was obvious therefore that harry was NOT being upfront and the others had to pierce it together themselves. it makes sense louis, who could see where this was going, likely told or asked harry to his face, if this was about him seeking a solo career. that's the only reason it could've been a hard conversation.
unless you pretend that harry straight up told them it was the end and he was doing a solo career, which therefore contradicts harry style's own words on this situation.
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onesweetworld18 · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 16,023 times in 2022
That's 2,502 more posts than 2021!
1,020 posts created (6%)
15,003 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,385 of my posts in 2022
#wow - 45 posts
#pta mom - 29 posts
#i love this - 28 posts
#i love him - 24 posts
#this is amazing - 23 posts
#oh my god - 23 posts
#omg - 17 posts
#this - 17 posts
#yes - 17 posts
#louis tomlinson - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#if harry’s favorite group of people is his merry band of white men managers i think i would stab myself with a steak knife
My Top Posts in 2022:
I will do a post-show write up, but I think this sums it up the best. I asked my mom after the show which of the three that she has seen did she like the best (Harry, Niall, or Louis) and she said, “I think Louis. They are all very good. Niall really like the music and is very talented, Harry puts on a show, but Louis is all heart. You can tell he’s all heart.”
And like if that doesn’t explain Louis I don’t know what does.
421 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
Ok, a few notes on the Louis show.
I was in the VIP viewing area so I was right in front of where he came on. Security kicked EVERYONE out aside from press. Like Elie Goulding’s crew even had to move to the back of my section. His whole team (Matt and Mark managers) and people who look like they were in the BMG camp were there and behind me.
The way Louis walks with the absolute BDE energy is insane. Seeing it in person is just truly, truly unreal to witness. He truly is a wonderful person to just admire.
Josh runs around everywhere and sings as he is filming.
Krystal is shorter than I thought she would be!
People did the “woo woo woo” thing Harry does during his shows and the people from Elise’s crew were so so confused so I had to explain why that was happening. They found it odd (as did I.)
While Louis wasn’t overly chatty, he was so fucking amazing and had the crowd in the palm of his hand. Everyone was into him and basically him alone. I truly don’t know if anyone came specifically for another artist. (Speaking as an Oldie™️) who is Young Gravy and why is he a thing? He was disgusting.
Oli got stopped for trying to go backstage. My friend goes “what does he do?” And I explained his role and she found it amazing.
I love Louis so much. Bigger Than Me sounds so good live. It’s just going to get better.
They played Harry like 5 times before/during the sets.
I love him. I love him. I love him!
There was also a huge ad for his album on the screens as we were leaving!
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See the full post
450 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
Sometimes I’m reminded of Louis going to Barcelona and Harry showing up with the Barcelona coin bracelet just as soon as Louis came back and like I need to lie down. Must be the mold.
459 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
Coachella was an opportunity for the general public and (mostly) non or casual fans to see Harry. These are the people who read the headlines, believe what they are told, and (probably) believe the womanizing het narrative they’ve been sold. But instead of playing it safe, instead of toeing the line, Harry didn’t play. He said rainbow sequin jumpsuit and gay cowboy fantasy with my initials on the ass. These people saw the Harry we have known for 10 plus years. The flamboyant, supportive, funny, talented, flamboyant, goober he is. I hope that at least a small percentage of these people will leave and go “that was gay. That wasn’t the dude I’ve been told about” and question the narrative they’re forced. He isn’t that, and I’m really glad Harry got to prance in front of 100,000 people and be the Harry we know and love. I hope everyone else catches on that HARRY is enough.
829 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Harry having a pretentious music festival forced to sing and listed to “What Makes You Beautiful” a song and fan base that has been constantly disparaged and overlooked by music snobs and executives is probably the best and biggest flex ever.
1,099 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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inmyblueparadise · 3 years
Can you do like an imagine where it’s after the hiatus and you become super successful and the boys come to your concert to see you?
Hi love. Thank you so much for the request, I hope you like it. let me know and don't hesitate to ask for more :) x
Disclaimer: My work is not to be translated or to be posted anywhere else other than MY Tumblr without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome and appreciated !
After the hiatus, you didn’t know what to do with yourself. Before there was always someone to tell you what to do or where to go. « Y/N you need to go change you have to be on stage in 10 minutes » or « Y/N you have an interview with BBC Radio 1, tomorrow at 7 am ». But now it was just you.
It took you time to find a routine, to realize that you were on your own. And that hurts, to be honest, you were not Y/N from One Direction anymore, you were just Y/N. After spending some well deserved time with your family, seeing your friends, you started to try a lot of new activities. You baked (a lot), redecorated your house in London and even started gardening, you texted with the guys, but you had an itch. A writing itch. So after a few months of enjoying your "vacation", you went back to the studio.
You started writing. composing. spending hours in your home studio singing about how you were feeling, enjoying your newfound freedom. And missing your boys. You wrote a dozen songs, but you felt like they were not good enough. After all, you never wrote a song without your boys help. You assembled a new team and decided to play them the songs. They were ecstatic and quickly you had enough to have an album. You got signed at a record company (finally leaving Modest !)
13 songs. All written by you, some with help, but mostly you. You had never been so open about your life, your feelings and it scared you. Would people like it? Would the fans still support you? What would the boys think? That is what scared you the most, what would your best friends think, would they feel betrayed that you decided to go solo?
You decided to tell them one by one, starting with Zayn because he did it before you, and that conversation gave you so much courage.
« Angel, love, you are the kindest and most selfless person I know. You have every right to do what you want, especially when you are so good at it. The few songs you sent me are incredible and I am proud of you »
The rest of the boys were also very supportive, and you couldn’t be more grateful to call them your best friends. Harry had just started filming for the new Christopher Nolan movie, and was also writing for an album, Liam and Louis, after spending time with their sons were writing singles with different artists, and Niall, after playing way too much gold also started writing. You were going your separate ways, but still, you were each other number one fan.
It was time for Y/N to show the world. Your album « A Letter to Me » came out to the world. Your baby. It was nerve-racking to be alone on release day but the fans responded immediately. Quickly the album was number one in 73 countries, the music videos gathered millions of views and the fans couldn’t get enough. It was not a surprise to you, that the tickets sold rapidly when your worldwide tour was announced.
And tonight it was finally time. The first show of the Letter To You Tour started in your hometown, London. The London 02 arena to be exact. And you were stressed, to say the least. The last time you were there the boys were with you, and now you were alone in front of 20,000 people.
The boys send you texts all day, congratulating you and wishing you luck. Unfortunately, they could be here tonight, to be honest, it kind of broke your heart, but you understood, they had their own projects and new life after all.
But your parents and some of your friends were in the crowd tonight, so you were looking forward to seeing some familiar faces in the crowd.
You were getting ready in your dressing room, you decided to wear sparkly purple pants and a blazer, with a white bra. After putting on the finishing touches, you made your way backstage. You did your little ritual with your band, feeding off the energy of your team. It was time to go.
Trembling you put your in-ears in and take your mic, you planned on going up appearing on stage so you were currently waiting below the stage. You could hear the crowd getting loud as the lights went out and the music from your first single blasted inside.
« Well up I go » you mumbled
The platform you were standing on started to go up. Reveling in the cheers coming from the crowd you started smiling. After the first song was over you started scanning the crowd.
« Hello London ! » you were met with the roar of the crowd, laughing a bit you continued « Welcome to the first night of the Letter to you Tour ! I’m so excited to be on stage in front of all you lovely people tonight; the last time I was here, I was not one my own… » you were interrupted by even louder screams from the fans
« Hey ! Apparently some of you knew that already ! Unfortunately, the guys are not with me tonight, but I’m sure that even without Harry’s jokes we can still have a good time » your little joke was met with laughter and that made you smile. « Tonight my parents are here so let’s say hello ! » you said as you started to go to the side of the stage in front of the pit where you knew your family was standing. Scanning the crowd, you were met with the smiling face of your parents.
« Hi, mom ! Hi dad ! Hi.. » but you stopped yourself, in the pit right next to your parents, your eyes met 4 pairs of very familiar eyes. « NO WAY ! » you screamed your eyes filling with tears. In front of you standing with goofy smiles on their face, were your ex-bandmates. Liam, Louis, Niall, and Harry.
The fans started looking at where you were looking, and the screams intensified when they realized who was in the crowd with them. The ground shook. With the biggest smile on your face, you started talking again. « Shit, okay sorry, sorry, I… I’m a little bit in shock. But it’s a good intro to the next song. I would like to dedicate this one to 4 people who surprised me by showing up tonight. I would never be who I am today without your love and support, I love you guys with all my heart, this is See You Later »
As the song started, you knew that dedicating this particular song to Them would make a lot of chatters and rumors. But you couldn't care less, and then again, you wrote the songs thinking about your friendship with those wonderful boys.
« Cause time wasn't in our favor
This isn't goodbye, this is simply see you later
Let me know when it's time to come back
Maybe when your life is on track
And you don't have to hesitate
Hopefully, it isn't too late
Luckily for you I'm patient
I'm ok with you making me wait and
As long as you're near, I'll be here
Even if it takes ten years... »
As you sang, you couldn’t help but look at your friends. Harry was smiling so bright that you could see his dimples from across the stage, Niall and Louis had their hands up in the air, jumping up and down, and Liam was mouthing the words smiling. You couldn’t be prouder, and happy seeing your boys, your brothers, being there for you.
For the first time since you were 16, you performed alone on stage without your best friends. But tonight you knew that you would be fine and that even if you will be alone for some time, one day, you will be on stage with them again. After all, this is not the end for One direction, it’s simply a see you later.
Please listen to the song See You Later (ten years) by Jenna Raines while reading this.
Don't forget to TPWK and have a good day ! x
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Mon 10 May ‘21
LOUIS NEWS-- label and tour!! First, Louis has announced (or, well, Simon Jones PR has anyway, no word from Louis direct and yes, SJPR is still in the picture) that Louis is “partnering with BMG to release his second album globally”, an interestingly specific/ limited reveal. Fans are eyeing the wording and questioning whether he actually signed with them as a label (which they are) or just for publishing rights or distribution (which they also do, unlike most other labels)- the mention only of a ‘partnership’ supports the possibility that it’s something other than his new label, but it isn’t definitive and the simplest explanation of the press release is that BMG will be his label for LT2, as well as distributor and publishing company. The fact that they are small (relatively speaking; not one of the “Big Four” record labels but they’re hardly tiny) and somewhat new as a label does not to me seem like a reason why Louis wouldn’t have chosen them, as some are suggesting; there’s something to be said for being the big focus of a label rather than just another act, and Louis already chose that route once before when he signed with Arista (who are umbrella-ed by Sony but themselves not one of the big four) just after their relaunch, making him their biggest act by far. Also vague: “global” in this context doesn’t necessarily mean BMG has replaced Arista (his U.S. only label), it just for sure means UK plus the ‘international’ market, ie most of the rest of the world. It could mean U.S. too! Or not. We have reason to believe Louis was still with Arista as recently as a few months ago, and no evidence to suggest otherwise. The official press release says “recording is already underway” on LT2, and quotes Louis as saying: “I’m very excited to start the next part of my journey with BMG”. BMG- a new company founded after splitting from older label SonyBMG in 2008- claim to be “a new kind of music company” who are “not just a music publisher or a label” (they instead combine both of those things) in which “service to artists and writers is key,” and as part of that combine label services with holding publishing rights for their clients, often handled by separate companies and an area where songwriters tend to get screwed. BMG’s press also mentions their involvement with new technology a lot, and they represent Kings of Leon who have been at the forefront of the music industry use of NFTs (including releasing their next album as an NFT on a special NFT label despite being BMG artists). BMG’s twitter following more than doubled [edit: tripled now] in the hours after the announcement, and they followed Louis and tweeted to welcome him aboard from three different twitter accounts, including the U.S. one.
Slightly more commentary from Louis about the updated tour dates though mostly still press release style-- “Let's try this one last time!” he said, “All shows on my world tour will be moving back to 2022 and I’m excited to announce the first wave of new dates. I can't wait to see you all soon, it's going to be special!” and what should be the final dates for tour dropped, all in Spring ‘22- including a London show at Wembley, holy shit! Not every rescheduled date has been announced but those that are mostly have one thing in common-- much bigger venues than they were originally booked into. At at least one show so far fans will have to buy tickets again which sucks, but they are offering a pre-sale for previous ticket holders so at least those buyers only have to fight each other and not all the fans that joined the scrum in the time since the tour sold out. “After all this time and years of waiting this tour is going to be incredible, I can't wait!” said Louis and he’s not wrong!
And that’s all for serious news, over in Harry land things are...a lot sillier. A “bardcore” version of Watermelon Sugar was added to Harry’s official Spotify, LOL, and it is even more ridiculous to listen to than it is to imagine! I don’t picture it topping the charts anytime soon but it’s certainly an entertaining twist I was NOT expecting over the quiet weekend. The idea of Harry and friends deciding that needed to be legitimized on the official 36 million follower page is PRICELESS, and I would love to see Harry in a Gucci doublet and hose (or a nice laced bodice), but sadly it seems that the addition of the 2020 cover song to Harry’s account is a fuck up on Spotify’s end, as acknowledged by the Bard himself (no not Harry or Shakespeare, the person who did the weird cover- they do lots of covers in this style, it’s like a whole Thing. Medieval style covers of hits.) Meantime OUR bard was seen on the My Policeman set in a t-shirt reading “don’t ruin my fantasy”. New merch? I’ve never seen something more perfect for harries, they should consider it! This shirt though is from a designer with a focus on gender neutrality who donates to queer youth charities. And Kid Harpoon said, about WS (modern version) “at first, and I get this quite a lot with his lyrics, I thought, that’s kind of weird. Then you’re like, man, it’s brilliant. I remember thinking that with this. Harry’s so good at lyrics, he’s really growing into his own thing.”
Meanwhile Niall reposted (to insta AND facebook) the same outfit of the day video post he posted and deleted yesterday but left it up this time. It is clearly NOT today’s outift- damn Niall is my whole life a lie?! What can we trust in this treacherous world?? NOT YOU I GUESS. He also popped up on twitter to claim “no idea what you’re talking about” wrt him and Anne Marie teasing their collab without offering any actual clues about WHEN-- mhmm, like I said...
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berlinini · 3 years
Some Final Thoughts About Larries
I started drafting this as a big response to previous asks about Larries, which I have finally answered individually here and here and here (or simply peruse my larries tag for more discourse).
However there is one point that I would like to emphasize and that I did not have the opportunity to discuss in replying the asks, which I could title "My Main Beef With Larries" and it's the following: How Larries downplay Louis' musical ambitions and blindly ignore his career sabotage.
(putting a cut because this is proper ~discourse~)
Based on the obvious disparities between Louis and Harry's situations, and looking at the abnormalities of Louis' current professional situation, it's pretty clear that Louis' career has been sabotaged, but to come to that conclusion there is a big question mark as for why... why would there be only one member of 1D allowed to have a post-"hiatus" success (hello halo!!!), why was Louis the obvious competition to Harry (hello, Louis being the fans' favourite), why was Louis signed to Sony while Liam and Niall were let go, why was Larry still something that had to be controlled by Sony - to both shape the narrative to milk the fans' money while at the same time making sure that it does not threaten's Harry career -, why was Louis' "first" album scrapped, why did he agree to do the X-Factor, why was Walls' promo so different from Fine Line's, why is Louis still not allowed proper promo after having left Syco, why is there no press coverage of the Away From Home Festival...
All these questions kinda bring us to Harry Styles and so how does one reconcile these facts with the idea that H&L are in a relationship? Well pretty easy!!! You simply accept the "fact" that Louis doesn't actually want a solo career, that he's more comfortable working behind the scenes. That's why he's launching a management company! He's not interested in having his songs played on the radio! He just wants to stay home and watch Harry win a Grammy on television! He simply wants to travel the world for HSLOT mere days after his biggest professional event of the year!
All of this is so far from the truth... Louis was excited about the "first" album back in 2018, Louis has talked in details about the making off of Walls (album), Louis said many times he couldn't wait to go on tour, it had been years and performing live is one of his favourite part of being a musician... Louis crafted an amazing, coherent album, an MV trilogy, a fine-tuned livestream and an amazing festival. Louis has persisted ALL THIS TIME against all the roadblocks he's encountered, all these "high walls that never broke his soul". He literally said "Too many times in my career have I had to pick myself up and go “right let’s go again”" in the AFH doc. A documentary about how he created from the ground up a free festival for fans - because he loves live music so much. A Festival with 8,5K attendees, that he recorded so thousands of fans could watch his performance from all over the world.
Yet this idea that he doesn't want a solo career is SO INGRAINED in fandom and it's actually tragic because it's the complete opposite. And it makes me so mad. I would simply ask that Larries understand how, in adhering to this idea, they are doing Sony's job of burying Louis as a serious solo artist. How accepting the messed up situation of how of his career is handled without asking any questions and how focusing on Louis' personal life is doing him the greatest disservice.
Louis is here to be a solo artist, his love and commitment towards music is evident and he's been fighting for a fair chance at a solo career in less than ideals conditions. If you're not here to focus on that, if you're only "supporting" him for being half of Larry Stylinson, for being Harry Style's loving partner and secret stay-at-home-husband, then at least admit it - stop spreading false information about his lack of musical ambitions. Also kindly fuck off.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
Wed 27 Jan ‘21
Lets start with the twitter/insta/finsta/FUNNY part of today: Olivia unfollowed Harry’s old finsta (was: colazione8), which also changed both its profile picture (was: a kitten, is now: Steve McQueen) and its insta username (is now: scottysakamoto), which set the fandom off in a flurry of speculation over what it MEANS and what could be COMING NEXT? Fans quickly began to do research on what it all means. ‘Sakamoto’ is an old Japanese name tied to nobility, which means “one who lives at the bottom of the slope”, and Steve McQueen is the actor who played Henri in the 1973 film, Papillion, from which Harry and Louis have copied many of their tattoos (as we know not just from, you know, looking at them, but also because the artist that did one of them said so), specifically from Steve McQueen's character. Papillion is about two ‘friends’ named- wait for it - Henri and Louis and their struggle for freedom, and ends in an epic jump from a cliff reminiscent of the one in the end of the WMI trilogy! To add a bit of tongue and cheek to the already hilarious wink - and - nod, the picture is one of Steve McQueen undressing (read: taking his underpants off) by next to a sign that says “Anyone Caught In Here Better Have A Damned Good Reason”, so how’s THAT for subtlety. The bio, which used to read “breakfast, lunch, dinner” in Italian, now reads “SS” (as in...a ship??). Why did Olivia unfollow her gay boyfriend’s finsta? Don’t know, couldn’t tell ya! But I’ll say this: if there was any pretense that she wanted to, uh, see the content of the instagram, that’s as long gone as Henri is from that cliff. That is, at the bottom of the ocean. ANYWAYS, welcome back, RBB, always a pleasure, can’t wait to look back years from now and be like AH SO THATS WHAT THIS MEANT! And, to round out the wonderful insta shenanigans, Louis popped on while H was making profile changes to like Helene Horycke’s new book announcement (Just Sing!). Well, hello to you, too, SBB! 
Liam’s third of eight FIFA podcasts dropped yesterday, featuring two Nigerian celebrities, Asisat Oshoala (a player on the Nigerian national team) and Tiwa Amadi (aka Tiwa Savage, a singer with UMG), who were talking about changing their respective scenes in Nigeria. Liam talks about the responsibility he feels as an artist, particularly because his fanbase is made up of “young females”, to “give them a chance to make it in the industry and to play with these people”. His own start was with a very supportive (read: pushy) family, and a father who knew (read: insisted) that he would one day be put in from of Simon Cowell “and see what he thinks of your voice”. Warning: results may Vary! These days, though, Liam treats studio sessions like “a therapy session, in a way...We’re making songs for your moments, and that’s what those songs will remind you of: that person, that time”. Yeah, it’s all these little things that add up to you, Liam! 
Niall ALSO had a sports thing drop today along with many golf posts as he shifts into full on sports manager!Niall mode for a minute. Niall/ Modest!Golf have partnered with the R&A (the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of Saint Andrews. Yes. That’s the real name. I promise) to create “a series of future grassroots programmes aimed at inspiring more young people into golf.” You go, Niall! Good luck with that! I’m...gonna sit this one out, but YES Niall LIVE YOUR DREAM! He sat down to chat with amateur golfer Mia Baker about this program, saying he really wants to make the game “more inclusive and accessible”. Well, good luck!
And, in a Very Special Intern’s Lightning Round: harries on twitter pretended to be “industry insiders” only to reveal that, nope, they’re uni students with no connections, Louis replied to Bonehead from Oasis about Dig! (a documentary on two bands’ very different paths to fame), Niall liked Halsey’s Pregnancy announcement (surprise! The old teahouse will have a *real* baby! Also. she’s VERY pregnant!), and Roman Kemp and the Capital One Crew decided that One Direction was better than another boyband bc “larry” (Roman, seeing the oncoming train wreck: “no, don’t say that”), a Harry Styles themed BAR called fine line opened in Argentina (NO ONE does it like LATAM fans!), and various Walls-related memes and tags flooded twitter today after the album surpassed 350 million streams, including, by the way, one of Bernie and his cute little mittens on the cover instead of Louis’ power stance.
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tvhottakes · 2 years
Inspired by ZAYNs recent post (which if you haven’t seen by now what are you doing go watch it right now) i have decided to share some of my headcanons on the house of anubis characters feelings towards One Direction. With the show being set during the peak 1D years i’m surprised i haven’t seen a post like this before (maybe there are some but i just haven’t come across the because i’m not very good at social media) Prepare for a very long post as I have thought about this thoroughly.
Amber and Alfie - Definitely obsessive stans. Amber knows all the songs, all the key information about each member and absolutely adores Zayn. She had a full on meltdown when he left the band and had to be consoled by Nina for like a week. Patricia made fun of her (but she was also low-key hurt when he left, more angry than upset because of the stuff that he went through in the band but still sad). Alfie full on vibes to all the bops and gets super emotional when his shuffle plays the sad songs. He goes from 100 - 0 real quick and really gets in his feels.
Joy- A stan also, but more of a low-key stan. Loves them just as much as Amber but isn’t as obsessive as her. She shows her love all the time by having frequent sing along sessions with KT in their bedroom and is always updating people on the 1D news. She was upset when Zayn left, but thought it was right for him and was happy he did what was best for him. She fully supports all the boys in their solo careers.
KT- Isn’t a stan, but loves all the songs and all the boys. Can’t decide whether she has a soft spot for Niall or Louis, but i’m leaning more towards Niall. it just feels more right.
Mick and Fabian - Both aren’t stans and are not even really fans, but they know some songs. They don’t always recognise that a certain song is a One Direction song, but bop to them whenever they’re played. Mick is completely clueless as to who is who in the band and it drives Alfie INSANE. Mick just refers to each of them by their most notable feature. Jerome also gets infuriated by this, but has to hold it in, because he’s a secret stan. Jerome sometimes accidentally exposes himself tho because micks cluelessness just infuriates him too much not to say anything.
Nina- Likes their accent and finds them all adorable. Appreciates their songs. Prefers the slower songs to the bops.
Mara- She has a love hate relationship with them. She thinks they’re very talented and likes some, but not all of their songs. She prefers the more angsty ones, but also likes some of the bops and sometimes sings along sat on her bed while Kt and Jot have their sing along dance sessions. BUT she hates the obsessive fans. She absolutely despises the way some of the act and although she loves Amber hates the love she has for One Direction because of this. She was indifferent when Zayn left and when they broke up. She still has some of their songs on her playlist after they broke up.
Jerome - 2 words. SECRET STAN. This boy is a One Direction stan through and through. He hides it though and would never admit it to a single soul. He was there from the very beginning. He watched their entire journey. He frequently rewatches their journey as a band during X Factor just to feel something. Always makes fun of others in person when they talk about how much they love the band and the songs. He was shattered when the band broke up but hid it well. He frequently searches the bands hashtags on TikTok and Twitter.
Willow- This one was hard because she’s a character thats really hard to pin down so i don’t have much to say on her other than m she definitely doesn’t hate them. I would say she’s just a low-key fan. She like their music and the boys but just casually.
Patricia - I found her a bit difficult too if i’m honest. The biggest thing i would say is she does like them. She’s definitely not a stan or an obsessive fan, but vibes with their music and likes all of their albums. She sometimes (be it forcefully) gets involved in Kt and Joys sing along sessions and by the end gets very into it, although she forces the others not to tell anyone about it. She m has also had a few karaoke sessions where she has sang a One Direction song. She has a special connection with the angsty songs and the ones that have more meaning to them. As well as an extra special connection with ‘ready to run’, because of all the trauma she faced with Rufus and her trauma in regards to feeling locked up, claustrophobic (not in the physical sense) and feeling like she doesn’t have her freedom. She was upset when Zayn left and she definitely had things to say about it. When the band broke up she was upset, but not distraught. She has a dedicated playlist for her favourite 1D songs
Eddie - I left my boi last of all the kids because i have A LOT to say about him. He isn’t a stan, but he’s definitely a big fan. He doesn’t hide it to the extent Jerome does, but he downplays how much he actually likes the band. He definetly makes fun of the obsessive fans, because he just doesn’t understand how someone could be so obsessed with 5 boys that don’t even know they exist. He understands the appeal behind the obsession, because he appreciates that the boys are amazingly talented and that their songs slap, but doesn’t quite understand the obsession. He tries to convince people he only likes the Midnight Memories album and some of the songs from the Four album, because these are the albums that have the stereotypical ‘cooler’ sound but it’s a complete facade. He loves the first two generic pop albums the same way he loves the others and listens to them on repeat. He also has, in the privacy of his room ofc, shed a tear to some of the slower songs. When he first caught himself doing this he made a promise to himself that he would never listen to these particular songs in public in fear of being seen crying to a One Direction song. He has to hold back tears when these songs come on in public when he’s around a group of people. Despite his love of the band and the boys their is one thing he despises about them. He absolutely hates that Americans obsess over the fact their british.
Now to the adults:
Victor - The songs are too upbeat for him and too loud. He’s not a fan, but has some respect for some of the songs. He appreciates some of the lyrics and the boys voices.
Trudy - Not a stan but a fan. a big fan. Finds the boys adorable and definitely has a soft spot for Niall. Definitely definitely jumps in on the sing alongs with Joy and Kt when she’s walking past their room. She consoled Amber with Nina when Zayn left and when the band broke up. She made Amber a special breakfast both times and doted on her. She chastised anyone who made fun of Amber during these, in her words, troubling times. Trudy’s the one person in the house who listen to all of Amber rants about the boys and always gives her the time of day for this no matter what she’s doing.
Mr Sweet - A stan. Plain and easy. One of those older stans who frequently dad dances to their bops and always sheds a tear during their sad songs. He will be front and centre at concerts, waving flags to show his support. Eddie despises this ofc and when in a social setting with his Dad begs people not to play One Direction songs. But Jerome always takes the chance to play the boppiest songs just for the chaos, but he also gets the added bonus of getting to listen to the song himself without letting others know he wanted to. Jerome has to ofc physically restrain himself from dancing, but he has been seen a few times to be tapping his foot along to the song. Mr Sweet was very very upset when Zayn left and didn’t understand how the band could continue, but they did and he was all for it while still holding out hope that Zayn would return. He was very very upset when the band broke up and announced it on the school speakers whilst choking up.
That was fun. Now Anubis fandom and 1D fandom unite.
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