#but new contacts! which should be fine because that’s really what i need to see anyway
peachcitt · 9 months
every eye exam ive ever been to has been the most embarrassing moment of my life. i have this thing where i believe everything im doing is wrong the moment i walk in despite going to eye appointments consistently since 8 years old. what do you mean you changed the slide to just one letter whose gargantuan width fills the whole screen after i hesitantly read a single letter from a list of three huge letters on the screen. <- he means i can’t see. (i still couldn’t read the gargantuan letter)
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outsideratheart · 6 months
You Should Have Told Me (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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Being away from Alexia was never easy. In fact it got harder as time went on. Luckily for you it didn’t happen often, only really when you went back to Australia whether it be for national team camp or to be with family. This time was the latter.
Like always, you and Alexia spoke to each other and found a way for it to work with the time difference. You were getting into bed and tried calling Alexia but she didn’t answer. You thought she might be busy so you text her and wait for a respond only one doesn’t come.
When you wake up the next morning you find the reason for her radio silence. A tweet which makes you feel sick.
Alexia Putellas will undergo arthroscopy surgery on 27th December.
You are filled with worry but you are also mad at your girlfriend. Why on earth were you finding this out in the internet and not by the woman herself.
Despite your mixed emotions you find yourself on a flight back to Barcelona after a length apology to your family. Funnily enough they knew it was coming as soon as they saw the news. They had only met Alexia once but the love you had for her was evident. They saw it on your face every time her name popped up on your phone.
It was the 27th by the time you arrived home or to your other home. Everyone was well aware of your relationship with Alexia so the nurses didn’t question it when you arrived at the hospital asking for her whereabouts.
“Y/N” Alba greets you with a warm hug “Alexia didn’t tell us you were coming”
“Clearly Alexia is going through a not telling people stuff phase”
Alba swallowed deeply. Your annoyance was clear and if that wasn’t a telling sign, you calling her sister by her full name was.
“Y/N I didn’t—“ Eli joins the two of you in the hall but stops talking mid sentence when she sees her youngest daughter shaking her head.
“I wouldn’t mama”
“She is in there” Eli point the door behind her “she didn’t want—“
Again she was cut off, this time by you.
“Don’t fight her battles Eli. She knew what she was doing. Feliz Navidad by way” you kiss both women on the cheek.
The two of them watch you enter Alexia’s room.
“You two need a lesson in manners. You know it’s rude to interrupt people” Eli says to Alba given that you are in the hospital room.
You get a sick sense of deja vu when you enter the room Alexia’s in. The same happened last summer and you stayed by her side for the entire thing. It’s why now didn’t make sense. You looked up the surgery, it was minor. Why didn’t she want you here now but happily had you with her then.
Alexia pays no attention to you when you enter and although she is there physically you can tell her mind is far away.
“I know I’m not your emergency contact but I would of thought being your girlfriend earned me a call or at least a text”
This got her attention. It was a good job she was already at the hospital because the speed in which she turned her head could have given her whiplash.
“Mi amorcito”
Her faces changed at this. You could almost see her wince at the formalness.
“I deserve that” she knows she did wrong by not telling you. Still, she pats the space next to her hoping that you’ll join her on the bed.
She watches each step you take, you get closer to her but stop at the foot of her bed.
“What? I don’t get a hug? I am in the hospital” she tries to get you to crack a smile but fails miserably.
“Repeat those last 4 words”
“I am in the hospital” she is slightly confused because you clearly heard her.
“We have been through a lot together Alexia. Yesterday you told me everything was fine, the medics had given you a green light and that you were packing for the trip. You lied”
“Y/N I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just wanted —“
“Miss Putellas it’s time” one of her doctors come in.
“Give me a minute” Alexia doesn’t ask, she demands “I’m in the middle of something”
“No. Take her. We’re done here”
At first Alexia panics. What did you mean by we’re done here. It sounded almost like a break up but before you leave you walk over and kiss her temple. It was a small sign that you were not breaking up with her.
Her eyes remain on you as you walk out the door. Her mother steps in her eye line and Alexia recognises the look on her face; she is in trouble.
“You didn’t tell her, idiota!” Alba appears from behind their mother.
“Alba not now”
“No Mija, she’s right. When you wake up you need to fix this. That girl is the best thing to happen to you and you know that you should have told her. Alexia, she is your girlfriend she had a right to now”
“Por Dios! I know I messed up. I thought I was doing the right thing”
Alexia truly did think that. You had been with her to every physio appointment since the champions league game. You hadn’t been back in Australia long when the decision was made for her to get surgery. You had played the most minutes this season so far and for the sake of your own health you needed to rest, to recover.
She wanted you with her and truth is she needed you with her but she sacrificed that solace for you.
The surgery took two hours which is within the predicted time or least that’s what Google told Alexia when she looked it up. She woke up and saw two woman, neither of them the one she wanted to see.
“She left, didn’t she?” Alexia looked defeated as she came to.
“She did” Alba replied with a wicked grin on her face.
“But then she came back” Eli told the whole truth.
Alexia watched as her mum and sister stepped aside revealing you curled up on the chair fast asleep.
“I think the jet lag must have caught up with her. I saw the girl drink three double espressos but even they couldn’t help fight the urge to sleep” Eli explained.
Your girlfriend knew the battle all too well. She saw the way the time difference affected you when you travelled for international camp. Sleep always won in the end.
“Do you think she’ll forgive me?” Alexia asks her mother specifically only to earn a response from her sister.
“Of course she will. Y/N loves you and I’m talking the type of love dad had for mama. I think you’re stupid for not telling her but knowing you, you probably thought you were doing the right thing”
“No, she was being stupid” your raspy voice gained the attention of all three Putellas women.
“I was and I’m sorry”
You and Alexia were given some privacy.
“I am sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean to hurt you”
“What did you think would happen? I found out my girlfriend would be having surgery on twitter. Strangers found out the same time as me”
“I wanted you here with me but you needed to be with your family“
“I needed to be with you. I love you and nobody comes above you Ale.”
“But you were supposed to be in Australia. You had plans to spend new year in Sydney. It had been planned all year”
“You’re wrong Alexia. We were supposed to be in Australia. We had plans to spend new year in Sydney. We planned it together. I don’t care where I am as long as I am with you”
“I should have told you”
“Yes, you should have. Are you able to squeeze up? I’ve had enough of being mad at you”
Alexia knows that she’s strong enough to move and does so happily. She would do anything if it meant having you beside her. It came as no surprise that you were the little spoon in the relationship so Alexia naturally holds you close.
“I’m scared Y/N. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I had the surgery and I put in the work. I was back and now look at me. I’m back at the beginning again”
“No you’re not. This isn’t like it was before. Your knee is stronger now. I called the physio on my way to the airport and he told me everything. The surgery was only an investigation”
“Would you still loved me if I’m not as good as before? If I never win another balón d’Or?”
“Alexia Putellas Segura, what silly questions those are. I loved you long before you won your first and I will love you long after you hang up your boots. I fell for the person, not the player and you’ll do good to remember that”
Alexia took a moment to take in what you had said. Her greatest fear was that you’d leave her but deep down she knew that wouldn’t happen. Your words only reiterated this.
“Did you return the outfit? Nurse Y/N might be needed again”
You jokingly gasped at her suggestion. When you look up you see that her eyes have darkened slightly. She did love you in that criminally short costume.
“I think I have it somewhere” you cup her cheek and Alexia leans into your touch.
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after-witch · 8 months
Horrorfest: To Make me Fret or Make Me Frown [Yandere Scaramouche x Reader]
Title: To Make Me Fret or Make Me Frown [Yandere Scaramouche x Reader]
Synopsis: You bought a life-size puppet in terrible condition and restored it. But now it doesn't want to let you go.
For Horrorfest request:
Might be cheesy, but Scaramouche haunted puppet for horrorfest? Maybe reader inherits an uncannily lifelike doll, or finds him as an antique?
Word count: 1156
notes: yandere, puppet shenanigans
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“He’s creepy,” your friend says. Her nose crinkles and she puts a hand up as if she can ward away whatever haunting abominations she imagines must be inside the doll, waiting to slither through her nostrils. “And weird,” she continues. “And broken.” 
The doll has colorful blue hair and most of his strings are missing; one of his eyes is missing its pupil and an arm is cracked, a jagged wound that goes all the way to the fingers. If the doll were to be lifted, the damaged pinky on that arm would probably come right off--maybe the forefinger, too. He’s dirty and wearing only some cast-off shirt, itself probably too damaged to be sold by the secondhand store. 
Your friend moves on, eager to head to the second floor where all the nice, expensive secondhand goods are kept, often behind glass cases so they don’t get damaged by looky-loos.
But you stay where you are.
Because the moment you took one look at the damaged life-size puppet propped up at the back of the store, in the same pricetag-less limbo as piles of tupperware with no lid, ripped books and ugly dolls missing arms, and your heart swelled. 
“He’s perfect.” 
The pinky on the damaged arm did come off before you even left the store, but you were able to salvage the original forefinger. The pinky, sadly, couldn’t be repaired--but you made a new one using the original as a mold and unless you’re staring quite intensely (which to be fair, you often do, when working on the puppet) you wouldn't be able to tell that it’s not original to the hand. 
“I’d like to keep all your original parts as much as I can,” you murmur in the direction of the puppet, currently propped up on a chair you’d dragged into your workroom for the sole purpose of letting him have somewhere to sit while you worked. “You really are exquisite, you know? I can’t believe someone let you get into such rough shape.” 
You sigh, lamenting the treatment of such  a unique piece of craftsmanship, and place the finishing touches on the puppet’s repaired eye. The pupil needed to be filled in with new material but you went ahead and refreshed the iris of both eyes to make them look newer. 
“Good as new, see?” You hold up both repaired eyes to the puppet, but realize your mistake when you’re greeted with a prim looking puppet with two black holes where his eyes should be. 
“Oops.” You carefully slide the eyes back into the socket, fiddling with your finger until they slot right into place. “Sorry about that. I wasn’t thinking. There!” You grab the magnifying mirror from your desk and hold it up in front of the puppet. “Now, see? Much better.”
It took a few months of work, but the puppet was just about restored, in your view. You’d even bought a new outfit for him, a simple white blouse with ruffles and plain trousers. It wasn’t exactly what you imagined he might have worn originally, but that was fine. 
“I’m glad I found you,” you say, to the puppet--and to yourself. “I’ve had a really nice time working on you!” You hum to yourself and start tidying up your work bench. “Now all that’s left is attaching your new strings, and I can have you picked up.” You smile, to yourself, to the puppet, to no one in particular. “I can’t believe that antique shop gave you away for free--they had no idea they were sitting on such a rare item!” 
But you, who repaired dolls and the like for a living, immediately knew what the puppet was worth; and who to contact as soon as you were able to get it home, as you knew a friend with an antique shop that took special requests, and he had a particularly wealthy customer who was dying for one of these rare life-sized pieces. 
The puppet with freshly painted eyes stares back at you and says nothing.
Something is sitting on your chest. Something heavy and cool to the touch. 
Sleep paralysis?  It wouldn’t be the first time. You did sleep on your back, after all, and your nights were sometimes restless. 
But you open your eyes without trouble, and the sensation does not go away. It takes a few moments, blinking in the dark, to realize who (no--what) is sitting on you.
It’s the puppet. 
Freshly painted eyes stare down at you, a face framed by the carefully sewn-in hair. In the dark, you can’t see the wood grains of his skin or the repair marks that you’d buffed until smooth. All you can see is his human shape, the gleam of glass eyes. 
“What--” you say, before a wooden finger presses to your lips.
“You were going to sell me.” It’s the puppet--the puppet is speaking.
You nod, terrified, every nerve in your body inflamed.
This can’t be happening, and yet it is. 
Your lips are dry and you stutter out an answer, hoping to wake up from this dream at any moment. But the more time goes on, the more you realize that you’re living in reality. An awful one, but reality all the same.
“I-I needed the money, you… you’re worth a lot.”
There’s a sound that comes from the puppet’s wooden throat, but you can’t quite place it. 
“You can’t sell me,” he says, simply. If you weren’t sure that you’d lost your mind, you might say that he sounds upset. Not just angry, but--hurt. 
“I-I won’t.” You swallow. “Just um. Get off me and I can…”
“No.” The glass eyes bore down on you, and you wish your eyes weren’t becoming accustomed to the dark. It was better not to see the cool stillness in them, unmoving, unblinking.
It’s then that you notice the strings.
Not on the puppet--but on you. 
The strings are wrapped around your wrists, tight, pinching into the skin. When you look up you see he’s attached them not to a marionette control bar, but to his own fingers. To himself. 
He raises his repaired pinky and your wrist goes along with it--too fast and harsh, nearly flopping over your face.
”Ah.” He regards your flopped appendage with curiosity, before simply lifting it himself and placing it back on your chest. “Well. I’ll have plenty of time to figure that out.” 
He leans forward, pressing his weight down on you, until his face was close enough that you could spot your own work; spot the little fine details in the paint, the grooves of his wooden flesh, the way his hair fell in a certain manner thanks to the placement of your carefully created knots. 
Oh, you thought, as his face came closer to yours, as he kissed you with puppet eyes wide open and wooden lips stiff. 
The paint on his lips needed to be touched up. 
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cupidddd-d · 8 months
you waste your time on daft pretty boys
in which spencer reid is so smart, but he's so dumb!
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if you had a quarter for every time you tried flirting with spencer reid and he obliviously rebuffed your attempts, you'd have enough money to buy a yacht.
at first, it started with you innocently brushing his arm when you had to walk past him. you'd make eye contact with him across the room. he thought nothing of it.
and then you purposely wore a pair of shoes that were practically falling apart, all so you could fall into his arms and bat your eyelashes at him as he caught you. he caught you, but he immediately set you back on your feet, almost as if he was afraid to touch you for more than a second.
"you should be more careful," he laughed, somehow still completely clueless to the fact that you were putting the moves on him.
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"i mean, i don't get it! i've been flirting with him all week, and nothing! why isn't he just taking the hint?" you complained to morgan as you slumped down in your cubicle.
spencer being late only ever happened once in a blue moon, but he was late today. and you needed to take full advantage of his absence to pester morgan for advice.
"honestly, you're wasting your time here. if you're not going to be direct with him, he'll never get the hint. the kid's like a robot," morgan shrugged, twirling his pen in the air.
"it's true," prentiss agreed as she walked by, overhearing your conversation. "his iq gets slashed to nothing when it comes to romance. you need to be upfront with him."
"but it's so embarrassing!" you whined, dropping your head on your desk with defeat. "what if he rejects me?"
"the answer's always gonna be no if you never ask," prentiss raised her eyebrows at you knowingly.
you groaned dramatically at her words, weakly slapping your desk a few times to further express your point. "fine, but if he rejects me, i'm changing my name and moving to costa rica. i'll start a new life, and you'll never see me again!" you threaten them both, pointing your index finger at them.
"yeah, yeah," morgan smirked smugly, interlacing his hands behind his head as he leaned back.
"shut up, baldie!" you retorted, just because you had to get the last word in.
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"so...spencer," you say awkwardly, standing over his cubicle. everyone except hotch had gone home, and you two were the only ones still working in the bullpen.
"yeah?" his smile was so sweet and so welcoming, but it had never intimidated you before the way it does now.
"um, okay. so basically morgan and prentiss were telling me to be upfront with you because i've been flirting with you like, this whole week, and you haven't gotten the hint yet. spencer, i think you're a great guy, and i really like being around you. do you maybe...want to go out sometime? as a date?" you rambled nervously, feeling a hot blush creep up your cheeks.
you watched spencer fumble for words for what seemed like hours. his mouth parted, then it closed again. he just blinked at you, a little squeaking noise coming out of his mouth as he blushed red, from his neck to the tips of his ears.
"y-yeah, i'd like that! l-like, a lot!" he squeaked, turning a lovely shade of fire engine red. "w-we could w-watch um, a movie! does f-friday work? c-cool, okay!"
he dashed off before you could say anything, but friday did work for you, so you just stood there in disbelief.
"yeah, cool, okay..." you echoed, a giddy smile on your face.
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auras-moonstone · 11 months
hiii, I really really love all your job so much !!and I have a little request (you can obviously say no), can you do something with Ethan and "bad idea right?", I have this song on repeat and I need to see it with Ethan please
I hope you have a great day and I really love all that you do 💗💗💗
hi!! of course you can send song requests! i love olivia🥺
bad idea, right? — ethan landry
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word count: 700
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
based on: bad idea, right? by olivia rodrigo
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Y/N AND ETHAN’S RELATIONSHIP LASTED FOR AROUND SIX MONTHS. With Ethan so focused on college and Y/N having to work to afford her studies and also having to do exams and assignments, their little bubble just bursted and they decided to end it after those short but unforgettable months. They loved each other very much, which is why they knew it was for the best, because holding onto a relationship they couldn’t afford to be invested in 100% was very selfish.
And as much as they wanted to, they knew they could never go back to being just friends. It would be too painful. So, they stopped talking to each other… until that night at the dive bar.
Y/N was sitting on a table, beer on her hand as she listened with very little attention to the conversation her friends were having. She was so exhausted from work that she swore she could pass out at any moment, and the dimly lit setting didn’t help at all.
But then, she received a text that made her be fully awake. She stared at his name with eyes wide open, and traced the notification bubble with her fingertip, not bearing to read the text, she just stared at his contact name.
i know this random but i’m alone rn and i can’t seem to get you off my mind
would you like to come over? if you’re not busy
my new address is xxx xxx :)
it’s okay if you don’t want to, i understand… anyways, let me know ❤️
I’m alone. Can’t get you off my mind. Come over. Well, he certainly wasn’t inviting her to play a game—at least not one that didn’t involve her being on her knees as he grabbed her hair from behind, and make her roll her eyes in pleasure so hard it hurt.
Ethan’s face crossed her mind, and she thought about what she should do. She should probably not go. She shouldn’t meet him that night, it’s a bad idea, right? But her mind didn’t function well when it came to Ethan Landry. She knew she was his ex, but couldn’t people reconnect? Only one night and then she would erase him from her mind—god, she knew that was the biggest lie she’d ever said.
She grabbed her car keys, her purse and stood up, gaining the attention of her friends. “I’m tired, I want to sleep” In Ethan’s bed. Without further explanation, Y/N got into her car, wrecking all the plans she’d made with her friends.
y/n/n 👼🏻🫶🏻
be there in ten.
second floor
waiting for you
And he was. Y/N pulled up in his apartment and got into the elevator, pressing the button to the second floor. When she got out, she saw Ethan waiting for her by the door, boyish grin on his face—the one that always made Y/N want to drop onto her knees and make him scream her name until his voice broke.
She stood in front of Ethan, he was even taller than before, and he was towering over her. The boy looked so fucking hot that her brain could even mutter the word ‘hi’. So, instead of talking, Y/N grabbed him by the collar and smashed her lips against his with such ferocity and need that Ethan almost collapsed to the floor.
“So hot when you go straight to the point” he said in between kisses. They were moving, but Y/N didn’t know where to and she honestly didn’t care. He could fuck her in any corner of the apartment and it’d be fine. But then she tripped and felt the soft mattress under her.
“Upgraded your bed, I see” she panted as her hands traveled his hard chest, fire in her eyes.
Ethan nodded “Just got it, was wondering if you could give me a review of it.” he pressed sweet kisses to the valley of her breasts.
“Let’s get to work, then. Lay down.” Y/N ordered, and he obeyed in no time.
He watched her get rid of her shirt and bra, and he was so glad she accepted the invitation. “I missed you.”
“Me too, but let’s talk later. Right now, I want to feel you again. It’s been way too long.”
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girlfromflor · 1 month
atsumu and his infatuation with stoic!reader - part 2
wc: 2301 | tw: swear words, mentions of princess as a nickname for reader, but mostly is gn!reader | a/n: this is much longer than i expected
to say atsumu was whipped was an understatement. he was completely in love with you, absolutely unaware of everything else, no thoughts in his pretty head other than you, you, you. everyone could tell. he would always follow you around, even if it was just with his eyes. he would often offer to do whatever it was that you needed “do you need help?”, “don’t you want me to do that for you?”, “are you sure you don’t need anything?”. he would be the nicest guy ever with you, but totally rude with whoever tried to bug you – or hit on you for that matter. 
one day you were leaving class a bit late to practice and accidently bumped into an older boy on the way out. atsumu, who was waiting for you at the end of the hallway – as usual –, only watched, waiting to see if you would need any assistance. the guy was ready to throw a bitter remark, but before he even said anything you started “i’m sorry, you were standing in front of the door, there wasn’t much i could do”.
atsumu smiled, thinking he was so lucky you were so direct. he never really had any trouble reading your actions towards others – because when it came to you two he never really knew if he did understand right. but then he heard the dude’s reply, “couldn’t you at least ask for me to move? are you this disrespectful to your elders?” and his blood boiled. who was that guy to call you out like that? you didn’t react, though. with a blank expression, you talked very briefly and calmly, bothered that you had to prolong the dialogue when you should be heading to practice. “couldn’t you not stand in the way? and i am respectful to my elders, but only to the ones that deserve it, anyway.” and then you left, turned on your heels and went to astumu’s direction, knowing he would be there even if that meant he’d be late too.
“i should’ve told him that–” he started, face burning up at the way someone could feel so comfortable being a dick with an angel like you. but you stopped him, holding his wrist with your right hand only to hook your fingers in his bracelet – the one he never stopped using since the day he received it, the one you gave him. you both kept walking towards the gym, your fingers on his bracelet as you said “thank you, for waiting for me” with your face serene, something he doesn’t usually see. then he understood, that stupid guy was not worth stressing about. he replied with a small laugh, much more at ease now that you all but wiped his anger with just a simple gesture of gratitude. “sure. anytime, love.”
as for the days you guys were off school, he could not bear to have no news from you, so he often sent a message or two only to be sure nothing happened and that you were fine. but you were such a dry texter, frequently replying with hand emojis and abbreviated words. he often waited for you two to be together to tell you things he was excited about, that way he wouldn’t misunderstand your words. although, there was one day. one where he felt such an excruciating longing after spending what felt like weeks without seeing you – you had skipped friday classes and it was sunday already, which meant almost three days away from you and it was just too much. 
so he grabbed his phone, his lock screen wallpaper making him smile – a photo he took of you when you fell asleep at the bus on your way back home after winning a game – as he unlocked it and looked for your number in his contact list. as soon as he found it he clicked the call button, a much sincere “hi! i missed you, love” falling from his lips when he was greeted with your soft, low voice. you were caught off guard, not expecting him to be so blunt like this. you flustered and covered your face with your free hand, forgetting that he couldn’t see you, replying with a muttered “uh, i didn’t expect you to say it like that” as always a straightforward princess, he thought. but then you finished with “i missed you too, but we're gonna see each other tomorrow anyway, right?” 
he saw stars, your sentence hitting him so hard he had to take a deep breath to recompose himself. smiling ear to ear, eyes sparkling with this new found version of you, he tried to get more – always the eager one. “did you, huh? guess i can’t skip class now” he laughed at the teasing and you just braced yourself for what was to come, because you knew he wasn't finished “how could i ever deny that, especially now that i know you’ve been missing me, princess”.
you giggled, thinking he’s so endearing when he wants, always bringing you a much peaceful and warm feeling whenever he said things like that. you thought you could do what you always did – point out that he was too affectionate for no reason, maybe say “you would know everything about that, right?”. but you felt too good for that, the “anonymity” of the phone call giving you enough courage to say what you really wanted. your voice sounded much more like a whisper – but he was too focused to miss anything – when you said “you better. three days are enough, don’t really want to stay another day away from you”.
he could almost see the pout forming in your lips as you finished your sentence and he could not believe that you were acting lovingly towards him. why? does it mean you feel the same as he does? or were you just being polite? did you even know what that did to him? he wanted to stay in this moment forever, he wanted to hear you say it over and over again. god, it was so unfair. why’d you have to be so goddamn perfect? “why are you so perfect? i don't know how to deal with it”.
“welcome to the club, then” you whispered and atsumu was really starting to think the boys convinced you to prank him. you were even coping with his corniness. “could i be any other way? i have to get even with you somehow, right?” you blurted, mindlessly. and he lost it. he was way too down for you for this to be okay. he dropped dead in his bed, eyes glassy thinking about what that meant. what it all meant. “why do you do this to me?” he voiced out, sounding weak and in much need for a hug. but you’ve had enough, “why do you do the things you do to me? i don’t know if you know what it is, but it’s mutual, you know?” you said. sounding much more calmer than you actually were, you swore it was getting on your nerves. you knew it was time to be honest with him. you’ve been so infatuated with the boy but never managed to demonstrate just right.
after that, your call was just like any other conversation you guys had – except atsumu was extra happy this time. when you guys met the next day, he couldn’t hide his smile if his life depended on it. you guys talked like you always did, walked like you always did, but the feeling of fulfillment never left. and that made you think it was never not-romantic. you were never just friends, but how would it be now? it wasn’t until almost a whole month after your convo that you finally got your answer. 
afternoons at miya’s household were a very common, very nice thing between the inarizaki boys. they would often have sleepovers and game nights when there were no classes and everything was so light that time passed by almost too quickly. when you finally accepted to be part of the movie nights it was only because atsumu had tenderly caressed your face, asking very softly – very persuasively – for you to be there, he said he really needed you to go. so you went. knowing full well that he had taken advantage of a new found weakness of yours – his furrowed brows and pouting lips as he asks something to you and you could never deny his pretty pouting lips.
as you got there, atsumu greeted you with a tight hug before any of the boys could see you, thinking maybe you wouldn’t be too comfortable with pda – but mostly because he knew neither of you would hear the end of it. then he walked you in and as you took your shoes off you saw osamu standing by the couch offering his spot while waiting for you to join them. but you denied, a bit shy – which was atypical of you – as you walked past him and sat down the closest you could to atsumu. 
everyone eyed you two, atsumu could already feel his cheeks growing kind of hot as aran started “well, look at you getting comfy”. you gave him a tight lipped smile, surprisingly not feeling shy at all anymore as you replied bluntly “nothing wrong with that, right?” then you turned to atsumu, hand resting on his knee, voice just a bit softer than the first time you spoke, “right?”. he laughed, a truehearted sound and it melted you. for a moment you let go of any restraints, your eyes glued on his as he smiled at you. you felt your heart so warm, your body was floating at the sudden realization that he was just as translucent with his feeling as you were with your bluntness. his arms came to rest on your shoulders as his hand shoved your face on his chest, ruffling your hair lovingly “yeah. right, love”. you could only smile, feeling truthfully happy with the interaction and the boys decided to not comment on it, even as they saw the brush of atsumu’s lips on your forehead – a quick kiss being pressed there as he squeezed you lightly on his embrace – and your eyes sparkling, face just as calm and receptive, like they never saw before.
and that went pretty well for the night, you both on your own moment. sometimes making comments about the movie, sometimes complaining about the boys chit-chatting during it. but it came to an end and you had to go home. atsumu guided you to the front door, eyes dancing on your figure as he looked at you through his lashes and you knew something was about to come “thanks for coming, love. it was much nicer with you here, you know”. you nodded slowly, body swaying awkwardly as you asked “are you going to kiss me?”, your voice sincere and calm, your eyes low and your lips slightly pouting. 
atsumu thought he couldn’t be happier, finally having the opportunity to feel this close to you. finally able to see your true colors. “do you want that?” he asked, lips forming an inevitable smirk, eyes flicking to your lips quickly before returning to yours. you stopped mid-track, the butterflies in your stomach making you remember the very first time you felt this – when you first met atsumu. your mind was racing, your eyes failed to maintain eye contact and fell on his lips, coincidentally right when he decided to wet them a bit – which he often does when feeling nervous. you flustered even harder, nervously looking back at his eyes only to get lost again. you tried your hardest to remember what it was that he asked, but nothing came to mind and “huh?” was all that left your mouth. he absolutely adored you, growing excited by the minute he repeated with a smile “do you want it? a kiss?” and that’s all that took for you to snap back to the moment, you brows furrowing as you said “are you for real?” he tilted his head to the side, smiling harder. “yes…” you muttered, “i want a kiss”.
he slowly grabbed your waist, eyes never leaving yours as he felt your hands on his shoulders and then on his neck. it took a lifetime for him to touch your lips with his own, but when he did, time felt like it stopped totally. the kiss was soft, calm and reassuring, both of you putting all your feelings in it. when his tongue dragged on yours slowly you felt like there was no floor touching your feet. you got closer to him, fingers running through his locks as your chests pressed together. atsumu was losing his mind, a soft sound leaving him as he felt you reward all his actions and advances with only one kiss. and he would never forget it. the urge to squeeze your waist overcame him. he did just that, hand caressing your hip as you guys broke apart, panting from the lack of air.
“i wanted to do that for so long, love…” he said, his arms hugged your waist and you kept yours around his neck. “since we met.” you replied, his brows shooting up in confusion but you didn’t let him ask as you continued “i wanted to do that since we met…” and he embraced you even harder, with all he could. his mind blank with only you, you, you replaying over and over. he drowned in your scent, with his face in your neck he whispered “i don’t think i will ever have the strength to let you go” and you knew he wasn’t only talking about the hug you shared but it was okay, because you felt the same “i don’t think i will either”.
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drefear · 1 year
Hail to the King
Chapter 2: It All Comes Back to You
Summary: Miguel O’Hara is the head of the biggest mafia family in Nueva York, scaring almost all of its citizens. Except you. And that’s exactly what he needs. 
Tw: masturbating (male) hints of trauma and past abusive relationship, drinking, a lil more of possessive and creepy Miguel. 
AN: I have to say I feel like some of this might be kinda shitty because it was a bit rushed, but I also hate slow paced plots, so I guess I can’t help it. Hope you like it!
The world was blurry as your eyes lost focus for a bit. Nothing seemed real. You thought you might wake up and everything would be normal again. No crazy mob bosses, no blow jobs in the office, no scheduled sex, none of it.
Who the fuck was this guy?
His life was so far from any type of common man’s that you were almost impressed. Fine pressed designer suits, women on their knees during his lunch break, meetings about hard drugs. For a building so beautifully kept and full of charming people, it sure was a mystery. Was everyone just sleeping with different people throughout the day? Were they also snorting lines off of the bathroom counter or cooking meth in the kitchen? What other dirty deeds were done in this place?
Lyla knocked on your door, saying something about setting up your new phone and calendar.
“And the blue events in the calendar are strictly private for Miguel.” She added, to which you saw that- yep. That meeting was blue. You mentally slapped yourself in the face and listened to the rest of what she had to say.
“Ok, that should be it. Your new phone is set up, and it also has the company card connected to it already, so you don’t need a physical card. Miguel set me a message about your shopping spree later, but I raised the budget he gave you to an extra ten thousand. Just in case ya really need something that might cross that line. And whatever you get, I do the paperwork so I’ll just write it up as an investment, like our donations to charity.” She shrugged and turned, blowing you a little kiss as she exited the room.
Your mind assaulted your conscious thoughts once she was gone, remembering how he looked only thirty minutes ago. Head back in ecstasy, eyes never wavering from yours as he orgasmed and slammed up into that girl's throat. You shivered from the memories and stood up abruptly, needing to move around before the warmth in your core spread and created any type of physical arousal.
Your phone buzzed, seeing Miguel’s name light up the screen. Unlocking your phone, only the words ‘Come to my office now.’ showed up and your feet began to move towards your door when you stopped.
A million thoughts danced behind your eyes and you smirked, tired of him already.
‘No.’ is all you answered before exiting your office and shutting the door loudly behind you so he knew you’d be gone. You confidently walked to the elevator and tossed your hair over your shoulder. He wanted your unfiltered thoughts? Well then, he had no idea what he signed up for.
Standing in the elevator, you saw him walk out of his office as well and make eye contact with you, making you flash back to what you’d seen earlier.
In seconds, you realized something as you stood ten feet away now. He knew you wouldn’t know about the color coded schedule. He planned that little power play. He was showing his dominance, like a dog peeing on his territory. A show of who was in charge and what you were to him. A plaything.
This split second of awareness made you even more confident in your defiance, as you saw him begin to close in on the elevator. The doors began to close and you smiled, waving to him right before they shut.
The ride to the lobby was serene, like the calm after the storm. Your day had been intense to say the least. A lot of arguing, thinking, absorbing, and borderline sexual assault on your eyes. But it wasn’t a bad day. In fact, this all gave you a thrill you didn’t know you needed.
Once on the ground floor, you walked outside and waved to a taxi, getting in once one stopped. Scrolling over the list you were given by Lyla, you stopped at one stare in particular.
“Take me to Hermès.” And you were gone.
Standing in the dressing room, the whole world felt like a scene from Pretty Woman. You twirled in tight, business dresses that you thought they only wore in movies about billionaires with red rooms. The color of your favorite so far was a lightweight white dress, but it seemed a bit much for the office, so you tucked it away and decided if you needed a sexy dress for an event, you’d pull it out.
You’d decided to go on a shopping spree on Fifth Avenue, where you’d been fired the previous day, and eat lunch right where this all had begun.
Sitting at a table, you requested Peter kindly and he made his way over in an instant. “I am so sorry, it was completely out of my control! I didn’t-“ he apologized and you just shook your head.
“It’s ok. I understand now. How about you get me a white wine and we call it water under the bridge?” You requested and he nodded, fetching it with hast. It was a great meal and once you were done, you gave Peter and Gwen both a hug.
“You know, since you technically got a huge promotion, we should celebrate! Go out tonight, get some drinks?” Gwen asked and you quickly agreed. A few drinks sounds exactly like what you needed.
Now beyond overstimulated, you made your way home with around thirty thousand dollars worth of clothing.
And when you saw a moving truck outside of your complex, you remembered that you were indeed moving.
Hours of tossing shit in boxes and taping them closed, you were packed and in the moving van on your way to your new apartment. You were still reeling with this whole world and how quickly things had spun into a web of insanity.
Leaning your head back against the side of the van, the adrenaline was starting to wear off and the reality began to sink in.
Arriving at your new place, the large men brought in the big pieces of furniture you decided to keep, which was really just your couch, bed, and coffee table. Everything else was unneeded and ugly anyway. You tried to help as much as possible, but quickly opted for carrying in boxes and garbage bags you’d packed in a rush. It was over just as quickly as it started and soon, you were sitting on your floor cross legged and staring at the boxes, then glanced at the shopping bags that were full of expensive dresses and clothing. That sounded like a lot more fun than unpacking your old sweats and knickknacks.
Pulling everything out and placing it on hangers, your eyes glanced at a specific outfit you’d chosen that’d be perfect to celebrate with Gwen tonight. Pulling on a white halter dress, you enjoyed the little bits of side boob and the way the thigh had a slit that showed more skin. The light fabric made it comfortable and easy to move in, and with a quick pair of strappy heels with sparkling rhinestones all over from Jimmy Choo, you grabbed your new Louis Vuitton purse and smiled. Maybe this job would be so terrible.
Texting Gwen, you also decided to invite Lyla and Jess. Lyla agreed to come out, whereas Jess said she didn’t have a sitter for the boys and would come out once her husband got home from work. A girls night was exactly what you needed, and everything about the feeling of hopping on the train and getting eyes from a few good looking men made you hum with pride. Ignoring all of the bullshit from the past two days, you liked Gwen a lot and she’s become someone you trusted even only knowing her for about a week. She had an authenticity about her that made you feel like she was honest and brave.
Lyla also made you laugh with how she always had something to say back. Her fun loving attitude was one you almost felt jealous of, how she seemed so relaxed. Jessica had a bad ass vibe to her, like everything she did could be documented and made into a comic or story. Like some sort of legend in the making.
You wanted to be like them in so many ways, you’d have to start taking notes and learning how they seemed to be so damn cool.
Stepping off the train and hurrying towards the club Gwen suggested, you couldn’t help but smile. You’re first time clubbing in Nueva York! It was so exciting, seeing people waiting outside of the club in a long line like in movies you’d seen. Waving to Gwen, who was already on line, you caught up with her. Her outfit fit her so well, a black shirt leather jacket over a dark silver mini dress with black tights with rips in them and black platform boots with chains down the sides. She looked like a rockstar, and that wasn’t too far from the truth. She smiled wide and grabbed your hand.
“This is going to be so much fun!” She added and you couldn’t agree more. Suddenly, you felt a hand grab yours from behind and saw a familiar pair of heart shaped glasses.
“Lyla!” Gwen cheered before you even turned around fully, all hugging together. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, how’s Mr. Grumpy pants?” The blonde asked and Lyla just rolled her eyes.
“Cranky as usual, but he comes in handy for some things. Follow me.” She pulled you both out of the line and to the front where many people were giving you all dirty looks. A security guard only took a second to look at Lyla and moved the ropes for her and you to come in, not even bothering to check your ids. You looked at Gwen in surprise and she just nodded, as if telling you to keep your cool.
The club was packed beyond belief, and a girl in a bodysuit and fishnets let you to a large booth-table with velvet black couches and a large bottle of champagne on the table. “Who did this?”
“I may have called ahead and three around Miguel’s name.” Lyla shrugged, grabbing a flute of champagne and filling it with the bubbly alcohol. She handed you each one more and tilted her glass to inspire a toast. “To our new recruit in the Spider society!” She cheersed and you blushed at the attention, Gwen whooping and hollering.  The thrum of the heavy bass and heat from the moving bodies made you almost lightheaded, enjoying the free feeling from the liquid in your cup. Another bottle was brought out once Jess arrived and the four of you swayed a bit to the beat, to which you grabbed Gwen’s hand and attempted to pull her to the dance floor. Lyla followed with Jess and you all moved, swaying your hips to the rap playing in the dim lights. The flash of Lyla’s phone camera made you cover your face a little, still smiling and not stopping your dance, swiveling in a seductive motion and feeling the heat between your legs begin to rise from the feeling of the eyes around you watching. Jess nudged you and pointed to a man at the bar, a bit taller and thin in a dress shirt. You made eye contact with the man and the temperature of your chest rose once more. You made your way over to where he was, raising a hand at the bartender as you ordered a drink. He leaned over and spoke.
“On my tab.” His voice was low, eyes catching yours once more and making you feel very aware of your surroundings. A blush creeped onto your face and you tucked a stray hair behind your ear. “I’m Harry.” He introduced himself and you returned the favor,  shaking his hand gently. Big Sean pumped around you both as you talked for what felt like an hour, light conversation giving you a feeling similar to a high. It had been a while since you’d enjoyed speaking to someone like this, chemistry and familiarity.
“Is that you?” You heard someone speak from behind you and call your name, turning to face the last person you thought would be in front of you.
“Eddie?” You gasped, fear coursing through the previously hot blood in your veins, cold as ice now from this familiar face. “How did you-”
“I heard you moved here a few weeks ago and came to visit. Nothing like a friendly face, right?” You searched around for your female friends in vain, finding no one you even recognized. He slipped his hand into yours, frozen with horror as he squeezed, something you knew was actually a warning. “How about we find somewhere to talk?”
“Actually, I’m with my coworkers, now is a bad time.” You tried to remove your hand from his and felt him unrelenting, his grip tightening. “Please, not here.” You begged, pleading with him and knowing you’d get nowhere.
“There you are!” Jess’s voice rang through as she pushed through the crowd, Lyla and Gwen behind her. “We’re about to get another bottle- who’s this?” She raised a brow questioningly at Eddie, who stepped closer with a small smile.
“I’m Eddie, nice to meet you,” He shook her hand and her eyes glanced to yours, hopefully seeing the feeling of terror you were trying to show her.
“Right,” Jess pulled you closer to her and slipped her arm into yours, “well, sorry to burst your bubble, but we’re having a girls only night, so she’ll have to talk to you another time.” Jess secured her hand around your arm and smiled, knowing exactly what you needed. Behind you, Lyla had signaled security and had them coming closer, but a voice made everyone stop moving instantly.
“Actually, I think it’s time we all go.” A deep voice said from your right and you looked up to see your boss.
“How-“ Gwen asked but was quickly cut off by the glare Miguel sent her.
“I saw the videos Lyla posted and came to celebrate as well.” From his body language, that definitely was not his true intentions, but you were left in the dark as Jess and Lyla looked extremely nervous, like they’d just got caught doing something very bad.
Gwen leg the way out as Jess and Lyla followed, to which you began to walk forward with them, but a hand grabbed your wrist once more and you came face to face with Harry, who’d been caught in the crossfire of your drama.
“When will I see you again?” He begged slightly, a small smile on his lips until Miguel stood in between you two and sneered at him a bit.
“Get your hands off my employee.” His voice was dangerous, a presence only a lion would challenge. Without letting anyone interject, he dragged you out through the crowd and into the street lights. A hoard of men in black clothing stood outside with the girls, seemingly waiting for you and Miguel. You all climbed into a black SUV where all of the seats faced each other and both Jess and Lyla hung their heads, Gwen holding your hand in concern.
“What the hell was that, Lyla?!” His voice was loud, accusatory. “Are you trying to start a fight?”
“Of course not, I just wanted to-“
“I don’t even want to hear it. And you, Jess? You should know better than anyone what that could have led to!” His tone made you coward backwards a bit, Jess unwavering in her confidence.
“Who do you think you’re speaking to like that? Lyla and I were with her and Gwen, we were perfectly safe.” She defended and Lyla nodded, Gwen looking up just as confused as you.
“What are you guys talking about?” You asked quietly and as if he just noticed you were there, his eyes were cautious. Everything was silent for a moment before he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.
“That nightclub is owned by another mob in Nueva, a smaller one, but it would still be a problem if anything else had happened. They would think I sent spies to their club.” He added the end as an example. You looked down as Gwen rubbed your shoulder from worry.
“I’m taking you all to a different club, one that won’t cause any unnecessary issues-“
“Actually…” you started and but your lip before continuing. “I think I just want to go home. I’m too tired to stay out.” You didn’t dare look up at anyone else, eyes trained on your shinny shoes that you were so excited about a few hours ago. How did everything keep happening so fast?
The car stopped outside of your building and you got out, followed by Miguel. He tapped the top of the car and the rest of the girls were sent home. You both walked in and onto the elevator.
“I don’t need an escort-“
“This is also my building.” He interrupted you and you finally looked up at him, watching as his eyes stayed focused on the buttons of the elevator. He tapped your floor and then the top floor. Of course he had the penthouse.
You stayed soundless, the exhaustion finally hitting you and making you drag your feet. The doors opened and you glanced at him before just walking out.
“By the way.” He spoke before you could walk too far, turning to look into his eyes for the first time that night. “Next time my office door is shut, remember to knock.” The metal doors closed and the memory of him fucking into that woman’s throat was then fresh on your mind.
Miguel’s head fell back against the metal. Lyla had posted those videos of you dancing on her account and he’d seen them when she started not answering his messages, then watching how you moved your body in that adorable white  dress. And the way it moved up your thighs while you danced-
Miguel opened his eyes as the ding of the elevator sounded that he’d reached his penthouse. Walking into his dining room, he shed himself from the suit jacket and began unbuttoning his shirt, stretching his shoulders and tossing the shirt into a hamper close to his closet. Unbuckling his belt, Miguel let out a breath of relief as he adjusted himself to be more comfortable. Sitting down on his bed, he reached for his laptop and settled under the covers. Scrolling through a few documents, he pulled up his background search of you. Your photo popped up with some of your social media. Pictures from the beach, a few from birthdays, and some family photos, you seemed completely normal.
But something was off.
Miguel knew he was intimidating, it was part of his stature that made his job a little easier. You weren’t afraid of him, you kept your ground and fought back to him.
But tonight, you had fear in your eyes when you saw that guy. What was his name again? Adam? Who knows, but he saw that slight hesitation and anxiety in you that he didn’t recognize. You were scared of that guy.
He thought back to earlier in the day when he’d saw you as he was getting his normal de-stressing from one of the girls in the lower levels, something many women around him volunteered for. She’s come up and offered sex, but he just needed a mouth to fuck.
And then you walked in with that plain outfit and sensible shoes, holding your tablet like you’d been in a rush. And he couldn’t look away. You should have been the one wrapped around his dick, he wanted to hear you gagging on him as he thrusted upwards and grunted. He wanted to cum inside your mouth, not someone random woman’s from marketing. He wanted you.
Unknowingly, his hand had traveled to his boxers and he’d begun rubbing himself to the thought of you.
All he could imagine was you mouthing off to him, and him bending you over the kitchen counter in his apartment, holding one arm behind your back as the other moved to grasp anything within reach as he took you from behind. Miguel rolled his eyes back at the thought of your warm hole welcoming him as he licked two fingers of his free hand and rubbed circles on your clit until you were practically pushing him away from the intensity of your orgasm. But no, he wouldn’t let you get away that easily, he wanted to feel it around him, so he would angle his hips a little more upward, hitting that soft spot that made you arch your back into him more and let out broken moans.
As if on cue, white ropes of his own mess hit his chest and he looked down in surprise, having forgotten what his hand had been doing. He sighed and got up to rinse himself off with a softening cock and an empty mind. The single thing on his brain when he tossed and turned in his sleep that night?
Gwen’s outfit
Your outfit
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 3
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kyra45 · 10 months
Keys guide to scam spotting (v2)
Hi! I’m Key (Or Jess depending on which blog you know me from) and I’ll be telling you some better information and detail on how to spot a scam account be it a pet scam or a donation scam. All information is based on my own experiences and I’ll try to keep this post accessible so the only big text is the title. This information should help in understanding how these scams work and how to spot them without having to do too much work. As always, if you appreciate what I do and want to show it, sharing these info posts helps other users see it and learn about blogs that might send them asks.
What is a donation scam? - A donation scam is when someone is being deceptive to get money by claiming they need mutual aid or support. For example, they are using the story from someone else’s fundraising post in order to get donations and won’t tell anyone their lying. This is called a donation scam. While the story may be legitimate, it is a story stolen off someone else and means the real person isn’t getting the support they asked for because someone else is using it. These stories are often stolen off Facebook/GoFundMe or even Instagram and could come from a private account or group so searching wouldn’t come up with a source. The images may also be stolen from somewhere else too.
How do you spot a donation scam? - Donation scams are usually easily spotted if you take a closer look at the information being given. Stolen stories will often have certain parts removed and replaced with the information the scammer added themselves. Sometimes the post may be composed of two different parts and won’t sound right if you pay close attention. For example, part of the story sounds fine but then the second part of the story seems out of place and doesn’t match up with the beginning. Another thing to check is how old the account is and if you have timestamps on you can see if an older post is backdated. You can also check to see if the account has tagged certain blogs in their post though this isn’t always a sign of a scam.
What is post backdating? - Post backdating is changing the dates of a reblogged post to look older then it really is. While this can be used with good intentions, scammers often use this to trick people into thinking their account is years old or even a few months old. The one way to find this is by turning on timestamps in dashboard settings and checking ‘other notes’ in reblogs. This is the only way to see the true date something was shared. Accounts who backdate posts will often claim someone told them to do it or they’ll say they didn’t know it was bad. However, you can not accidentally backdate a post.
Did the account contact you first? - A common occurrence is that you will get scam asks if you share a popular or trending post. Usually these accounts send asks to anyone they find without care of who it is and might lie as well if you ask them how they found you. In general, a brand new account shouldn’t easily find you unless they were watching the notes of popular posts. Occasionally these new accounts will even send asks to certain accounts they shouldn’t know about unless they have seen the account before. If your DMs are closed, the ask may ask you to message them because it’s urgent but all they will do is ask for money or ask you to loan them some money.
What is a pet donation scam? - A pet donation scam is where someone has went and looked around for vet fundraisers online and then took it for themselves by saving the images and story while erasing any links that would lead to the real pet getting support. They will then repost it to tumblr and say it’s actually their pet needing urgent care with the post title being very large and in red text for a sense of urgency. Sometimes they’ll say they can’t use GoFundMe because it has a fee or something else. This is a scam because they are not the owner of the pet and have stolen everything meaning no funds sent will be towards the actual pets care.
How do you spot a pet donation scam? - A common way of a pet donation scam is by how old the pinned post is and how many posts are reblogged on the account. Usually there is only a few posts shared and always shared around the same time and then no more. These posts all come from a trending topic, a fandom, or are popular posts. Another thing is checking the bio in Google search and seeing if it’s been took from someone else as the scammer never makes their own bio. Reverse image search their pfp to see who it really belongs to in case they stole it. Another important thing is to check their link and see if it matches up with the vet bill. Since most pictures are stolen off a private group, reverse image search won’t find them. The name they may have is likely not their real name and is stolen.
Did the account send you an ask? - Regardless of what the ask says, it usually requests you to answer it privately or message them so they can tell you thanks. These asks may have several emojis in them as well but their always just copy/pasted and sent to multiple users all at once on a daily basis. The private answer is so the ask won’t show up if someone is looking it up. If their post is public, there shouldn’t be a reason to need a private response to an ask you have sent to many people unless you are trying to hide it. Messaging these accounts is useless because they’ll lie to you when you ask them questions back or just ignore you.
What is a fake check scam? - A fake check scam is when a generally blank account with no pfp will message you after you used certain tags and ask you if you still need help. Even if you have links to send support, these accounts will ignore that in order to ask for your personal information such as phone number or banking details. They will then offer to send you a check. This is a fake check and cashing it won’t be scamming the scammer. You will lose money instead and the scammer will already move on to someone else. Never give them your private information.
Are there any other scam types? - When you tag posts, you’ll often get messages from accounts claiming they can help you get more attention on your campaign but you have to pay them money or go off-site to contact them. These are fake support accounts and they always use stock images while pretending to be officially affiliated and act like their Digital Marketing title means their not trying to scam you. They get defensive when called out and may start insulting you when they figure out you are already aware they aren’t legitimate.
What is a funeral donation scam? - A funeral donation scam is when an account posts saying someone has passed away but the images they used are actually took from someone else and may be photoshopped. Bills may be edited to suit their story and names may be changed to someone else’s. This isn’t a real common scam! But it’s happened a lot lately but the basics are the account will steal someone’s pictures and pass them off as theirs and when caught will say they were forced to or know it’s wrong but did it anyway.
In closing, this is information regarding common scam types you’ll find on tumblr. It’s always suggested to pay close attention to asks you get it they fit the criteria of being sent from a scammer. Answer the asks publicly and call out the blog. The scammer may block you as a result, but it’ll help your ask be seen it someone has looked it up. I suggest never spamming asks to share your pinned aid post because unfortunately scammers do this and you shouldn’t ignore people saying to please stop spamming. Always check to see if someone is comfortable getting these kinds of asks too because it won’t look too good if you have sent them an ask when they say please don’t.
As always, not everyone asking for support is a scammer! Legitimate people are out there. It’s just unfortunate scammers have made it harder for them to get help. You can always do your own research and compare it to what others have given and come to your own conclusion.
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son-of-a-top-gun · 6 months
Sky's the Limit (part 2)
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hello everyone, so glad you all enjoyed part one so much - thought you deserved a little treat in the form of the next chapter and some juicy lore..
warning: some evidence to the canon that Bob fucks, mention of infinite jest, Jake flirting with anything that moves, the usual
Sky's the Limit part 2
part one
Part of the deal of getting to stay with Penny for free was occasionally helping behind the bar when she was short-staffed, or more importantly, when she had a hot date with Pete.
You had to borrow one of her old Hard Deck t-shirts, which was a little bit too snug for your liking, but you had to make do. Besides, it was a welcome break from the blank screen you had spent the last week looking at. Talking to real people, maybe that’s where inspiration will come from.
When Jake walks into the bar, he is determined. He is absolutely exhausted and he needs to get back into his groove, when he immediately notices it. Behind the bar there is a girl wiping down the far end, with her back turned to him. She’s in a pair of pretty short shorts and a quite snug Hard Deck t-shirt, and she’s clearly new. This should be easy.
“Could I get a drink? I’m terribly thirsty over here.” He says in the deepest, sultry Southern tone he can get.
The girl turns around, and Jake’s face drops.
It’s you, with your hair down and you’re not wearing your glasses. He swallows and subtly readjusts himself. 
“Really Bagman? That’s the best you’ve got?”
He puffs his chest a little. “I’m surprised you can even tell it’s me from over there. I’m pretty sure that’s a safety hazard.”
“I’ve got contacts in, dumbass. Although I don’t need my glasses to know a sore loser when I see one.”
“And I would have thought that bar work is below such a worthy scholar like yourself.”
“I’m helping Aunt Penny. She’s got a date with Pete. Or wait, you guys call him Maverick.” Jake nods. You look at his hands. “Corona right?”
Jake is taken slightly aback. “Yeah, that’s right.” You pull out a bottle and open it.
He takes a swig, before yawning. “Hot date, eh? That’s good for some.”
“Tell me about it.” You say without thinking, before correcting yourself. “I can’t believe the great Bagman isn’t constantly inundated with women throwing themselves at him.” He looks at you in a way that makes you feel very exposed all of a sudden. “I mean, in spite of your terrible pick up lines.”
“Yeah, well I’m not going to waste my good ones on you am I?” Jake regrets it a little the moment he says it, but you carry on wiping glasses, seemingly unaffected.
“I’m just saying they could probably do with an edit or two.”
“You’re going to give me tips, are you? Thanks but no thanks.” He leans over the bar. “I’m doing just fine, thank you.” He catches a whiff of whatever perfume you’re wearing. Damn, if it doesn’t smell good.
You lean back and raise your hands up. “Alright, good luck then. I need to get back to work.” 
Jake wants to think of a witty retort but you’re already gone. He picks up his beer and walks over to the pool table where the other pilots are waiting. He doesn’t know why he feels hot, but he hopes it will go away. It has to go away, right?
“Earth to Hangman?” Tash waves her hand in front of his face. “It’s your turn.” She’s still holding the darts.
“Oh right, sure.” He tries to focus on the board, throwing his darts even quicker than usual.
“It’s annoying you’re still good at that when you’re clearly not even paying attention.” Tash huffs.
Jake looks over to you as you serve one of the older gentlemen.
“So what do we know about this ‘Ladybug’?” He asks, still not prising his eyes away.
“Great, Hangman has a crush.” Tash swats his arm. “I like this one Jake, I’m not letting you drive her away.” 
“I’m not going to. Besides, she’s Penny’s niece so she’s not going anywhere.” He turns to her and Bob, who is looking at his phone. “But there’s something odd about her right?”
“You’re just saying that because she doesn’t immediately want to jump your bones, Bagman.”
Bob keeps looking at his phone. He had in fact looked her up after your last conversation. He did find it odd that you had clearly already finished your pHD because he had already read your thesis, which had already been published. However, it was rare he had something over Jake, and he liked you, so he decided to say nothing. He wasn’t sure what you were working on, but whatever it was, he was sure it was your business.
Jake needed to work for this one.
Bob looks at Jake, who is intently watching as a skinny guy in glasses and some faded band t-shirt leans over, talking to you. You lean in, your arms slightly squeezing your chest towards him. Unbeknownst to anyone, Jake feels himself getting hot again all of a sudden. This scrawny little rat? Really? He downs his beer.
“Anyone want another drink?”
You return to the bar and look around. Cute Glasses Guy is nowhere to be seen.
“Bagman, did you see where that guy went?”
“What guy?” Jake twiddles with his toothpick, desperately avoiding eye contact. You look him over.
“You know exactly which guy. Where did he go?”
“I don’t know.”
“You are a terrible liar.” You cross your arms. “What did you say to him?”
Jake finally turns to look at you.
“Look, you’re better off without him. He was about two minutes away from telling you how much he loved Infinite Jest. “
“Well at least he could probably read it, unlike you. I’m surprised you even know who David Foster Wallace is.”
“I’m full of surprises. Unlike him. You do not want a guy who dresses like he got lost in a vintage store in Portland, and wants you to invest in his startup to help buy polaroids for orphans.”
You cross your arms.
“So what guys do I want exactly? Big hunky pilots who think they are God’s gift to women? I’m fine, thank you.” You get back to cleaning the bar.
“You think I’m hunky.”
“Shut up.”
“I mean, what’s wrong with me anyway? Most girls would kill for this.”
You couldn’t help but grin. It really did irk him that you weren’t falling for his act.
“Sorry babe, but you’re not my type.”
“Then tell me, who is?”
You scan the bar. You looked over at the pilots clustered around the pool table. 
“Oh my god, it’s not Rooster is it?”
“As much as I would love to say that, him and my sister have history.” You clap your hands over your mouth. “Wait, I’m not supposed to say that.” You turn to him. “How good are you at keeping secrets?” He seems to mull it over.
“Hangman, I’m being serious.”
He rolls his eyes before miming zipping his lips shut. “I am a gentleman of my word. I promise I won’t, even if it will kill me. Besides, I don’t even know who your sister is.”
“And I’d like to keep it that way.”
“Do you honestly think I just sleep with every single woman I lay my eyes on?”
“Yes. Especially if they are more beautiful, successful, glamorous versions of me.”
“I doubt that.” You tilt your head at him. He looks curiously soft, until he realises your look, and he looks away, taking a sip of his beer. “But let me know when she’s in town.” You whip him with the dish cloth you’re holding.
“Gross, Jake.” Jake’s eyebrow perked up. You used his real name. He wanted to celebrate but his curiosity got the better of him.
“So who is your type then?”
You looked back at the table.
All the pilots were ridiculously good looking, it was like a casting director had chosen every single one of them to make you nervous. But as you swept through, you could see one particular pilot looking at his phone smiling.
“Bob? Are you kidding?”
“No? He’s tall, handsome, smart and a real gentleman.” You lean forward. “And he fucks.”
“Ew, what, gross. Where are you even getting that from?”
“Women’s intuition.” You tap your nose. Jake looks at you disbelievingly. “Also he has a hickey right at the bottom of his neck, just poking out of his collar, and what looks like” You take another look over. “Bruises and nail marks on his arms.” 
“How the hell can you see that from over there?” 
“I’ve got good observation skills.”
“Does that come in handy with your thesis?”
Jake leans forward.
“So if you’ve come to this conclusion, why don’t you ask him out then?” Jake huffs.
“He is also definitely seeing someone Jake, don’t be stupid.”
“Okay, now you are having me on.”
“Why is it so hard for you to believe someone like Bob could have a girlfriend? Do you think because someone wears glasses and likes books they are doomed to be unfuckable losers? That they should be grateful for any single morsel of attention they receive because who knows what will turn up?”
“That’s not what I meant Ladybug-”
You point at him.
“You don’t get to call me that.”
“Look, I’m -”
“Hey Hangman!” Javy waves a cue, “you promised us a game remember?”
Jake turns back to you, but you are gone, serving someone else at the bar.
Jake walks back to the pool table, where Bob is still looking at his phone smiling.
“Who are you messaging?”
Bob’s head snaps up, and he puts his phone behind his back.
“Er-what, no, I mean no one. Just looking at a - a - a- meme, that’s all.”
“Goddammit.” He turns back to you at the bar where you are talking to another customer.
“Look Bob, remember we share any good memes on the chat. That’s what good squad members do.” He sees Bob’s shoulders visibly relax. At this point Nat sidles up to him.
“Hey, I realised where her name sounds familiar.”
“Oh really?”
“Her dad is Admiral Y/N.” Jake’s eyebrows raised so far they almost flew off his forehead. 
“That guy? The one who -”
“Yeah. That one.”
Your dad was famous throughout the entirety of Top Gun for being perhaps the biggest hard ass there was. He was known to give recruits 200 pushups for just looking at him wrong. He even scared Jake’s dad. Jake couldn’t imagine what he would do if anyone dared to touch his daughter. But something still didn’t make sense. Usually he could tell Navy brats a mile off but Jake knew this was different. You hadn’t even given the slightest hint who you were. This game had just gotten a little more dangerous, and a lot more interesting.
part three
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shotorozu · 1 year
HEYYYY i really wanna see a shoto x reader with the HMM HOW DO I SAY THIS the started dating them to see if he could make them fall in love with him/ started dating them as a challenge but ended up falling for them trope WITH A HAPPY ENDING please help 🙏🙏🙏🙏
just a bet
ft. todoroki shouto (bnha)
use of Y/N and L/N, gender neutral reader, quirk’s not specific
bullet form -> full fledged fanfic (basically it’s written in a bullet form but it turns into your standard fanfic format with paragraphs and such)
fluff, angst with happy ending (shouto misinterprets things said)
note(s): i forgor my format so i made a new one 💀 btw i don’t really see shouto dating someone as a bet, but i can’t see any other way to write this request— so i made my own spin and interpretation on it 😁 anaïs from the future here, and i may or may not have gone overboard 😭
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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todoroki shouto
as mentioned in the notes section, i don’t see shouto as someone that’d date someone as a challenge— to see if they’d fall in love with him and such, or as a bet.
shouto’s not really invested in his love life when it comes to when he’ll find someone, but that doesn’t mean he won’t take it seriously.
he saw the domino effect his parents’ failed romance had on his family, and refuses to be in an imbalanced relationship— let alone date someone he isn’t dead set on.
so with that being said, a misinterpretation of words is what triggered the current set of events.
kaminari had noticed that the way shouto looked at you couldn’t be friendly, platonic yearning. whether or not shouto thought he was being obvious of not, or if he even realized it— he definitely had feelings for you.
and it was starting to become excruciating to watch for kaminari— to witness a cool, popular and attractive guy, not date this equally cool, popular, and attractive person he likes.
so then, that’s when it started.
scenario (pt. 1)
“i bet ¥1,200 that you can’t date L/N, todoroki!”
shouto stops in place, giving kaminari a side eye. “i don’t need ¥1,200. i have more than enough in my pocket money.”
kaminari lets out a sigh, forgetting that todoroki’s pockets hurt. but he doesn’t falter one bit. “i meant that, i bet you can’t confess to them, ‘s all. the money was just a bonus.”
and that’s what really catches his attention. “confess to them about what?” he inquires genuinely, like he was trying to recall if he needed to tell you something regarding this.
kaminari’s eyes dart around, like anyone would be around to witness the absurdly. “that you like them? what else??”
shouto thinks for a moment, and it looks as if he’s trying to recall things from a different perspective. “… have i not been clear?”
“to me, yes. to them.. probably? maybe? most likely no.” kaminari says exasperated, hand now coming up to pat his shoulder. shouto feels stiff as a board under the brief contact. “you’re a popular dude, if they realized then you two would’ve been dating for months now!”
“i don’t think confessing right now is necessary. i believe i’m fine with just staying near them. our friendship.. is quite satisfactory.”
—and sinker.
“so you don’t have any courage to confess? does that mean you’ll just let someone else snatch them up?” after the words left his mouth, shouto makes a significantly obvious pause.
kaminari thinks to himself loudly, “hmm.. i wonder who will it be?” he questions, rhetorically. “should i do it? should class 1-B’s ever so cocky monoma do it? they seem to get along swimmingly. or maaaybe—”
“that won’t be a concern.” shouto coldly cuts in. “because i’ll do it.”
kaminari holds back his smile, instead— replacing it with a shocked expression (which isn’t really fabricated becaus he didn’t think he’d actually fold) “really? woah, i didn’t think that’d change your mind so quick.”
“but then wait, what do i get if you lose?”
“hm, what do you get when i lose..” shouto mimics the question— although its not said as one.
“yeah, we are betting on this, right?”
shouto shakes his head. “then it would be an unfair bet.”
“because i’ve planned on confessing and dating them regardless. i will win.”
and he did in fact go on and win the “bet” by a landslide (if you’d even call it one 😭)
he confessed his feelings— pulling you aside one afternoon after class, heart practically hammering in his chest, and stomach fluttering with butterflies.
and you accepted— which made all the anxiety worth it.
he was the ideal boyfriend. not just because he was tall, equipped with stunning and harmonious facial features with equally stunning manners, but it was also because he was just so good to you, and he allowed you to be so good to him too.
he did things he didn’t even have to do, and it all feels comfortably new even months into the relationship— which made you realize that as unbelievable as it sounds, you’re really dating your crush, todoroki shouto.
you felt so sure of yourself when you’re around him.
and that’s why you reacted so harshly when everything that was built up for months seemingly got demolished in minutes.
the two of you were getting warm drinks, when mineta appeared just a few feet away. “you two make me realize that the train tracks look good to lay down on.” he mumbles bitterly.
you laugh, stirring your drink “really now?” kaminari appears shortly after, agreeing. although he doesn’t look as bitter as your shorter classmate.
mineta perks up at that. “yeep. which makes me wonder.. how long are you going to do this for, todoroki? kaminari already lost, y’know?”
todoroki’s eyes widen at the question, “i don’t.. what?”
kaminari turns his head in mineta’s direction, like he said something of great offense, and was about to say more. “mineta, just don’t man.”
“no no, but i’m like, just super curious y’know?” mineta continues, “like, wasn’t it just a bet for you? how did you two get this far?! this is unfair! i didn’t know it would be that easy to get in a relationship!” your grape haired classmate whines, unable to read the sudden atmosphere change.
kaminari gulps, as you set your mug down.
“what does he mean.” you turn to your dual haired boyfriend, you try to steady your breathing to sound nonchalant, but the slight crack in your voice at the start of your sentence betrays you.
shouto opens his mouth, but it just confirmed it for you when he was a second too late to answer.
“you see—” kaminari scrambles to give an excuse, “it was proposed as a bet, but it wasn’t actually a bet, so technically—”
“that sounds like a bet, dude.”
“it’s not as it sounds. it wasn’t a bet.” shouto answers, “though.. the circumstances should’ve been different.” he admits regretfully, heterochromatic eyes drifting from your face to your feet, noticing how you shift away from him.
and his body runs cold like a quirk malfunction when you grab your mug— fingertips against the now cool porcelain “i.. i just.. no, nevermind, it’s alright. i’m gonna go now, so..”
you know your face and voice will betray you if you stay longer, so you leave.
and shouto stands there, wondering if he should give you space and watch your figure disappear into the dark hallway, or run after you.
he chooses the later.
scenario (pt. 2)
you heave when you finally reach your room, fingers gripping your mug so hard it might just break. your vision’s starting to blur with tears of all the things you’ve been feeling these last few minutes, which is causing you to drop your dorm room’s key and miss the keyhole several times.
when you get the key in, you turn the lock and almost crumble right in when you feel a warm hand placed on your shoulder. you try not to focus on how it’s grip is firm enough to keep you in place, and blazing with familiarity.
he says your name with desperation, and you open your door more and step into your room to create space— the framing of your doorway practically being an invisible barrier.
“no, just no, i can’t,” you say, feeling pathetic when your face started to become wet with tears. you’re still unbelieving that he’d even do this, but the fact that these few months happened under not so standard circumstances was…
“i thought this was— this was something that’d happen out of those stupid teen movies we’d watch, i thought you’d never— i thought—” you hiccup, bringing a hand up to wipe your face with a hand.
he doesn’t say anything, and just breaks the barrier by stepping in and closing the door, setting your mug down on your desk. he then closes even more distance— the space between his brows creasing as he frowns, looking just as upset as you definitely look.
“when did it start? was it before we became close? was it before you asked me out? who else knew? was it all real—”
“it is real!” his voice booms with volume, clearly panicked that the idea of you thinking that his feelings weren’t real was present.
he settles his hands on your shoulders, an attempt to gather your full attention “it’s.. it’s real. if there’s one thing i’d ask you to trust in right now, it’s this. there’s some things i’d like to clarify.”
“please explain,” you practically plead, “i don’t know what to do with this information. i also.. don’t want to break up with you.”
“if you must come to that,” though he looks at you like he prays it won’t come to that. “it must be under the condition that you’ve hurt me instead. not because i’ve caused you hurt.” he lets go of you to sit down on his knees and at your feet.
“shouto, stand up—”
“i.. it’s true that i didn’t confess normally.” he starts off, ignoring your request. “i’ve liked you ever since we’ve became close friends. the moment i realized it, i assumed i was being obvious about my feelings, but kaminari betted that i wouldn’t have the courage to confess and.. someone would get to you first. i took that as a threat.”
you almost laugh at the idea of a jealous shouto, but you don’t— instead, letting out a strangled cough instead. “but i did not date you just because of a bet. i was challenged, but it was never a bet. it wasn’t a bet because there was no chance i’d never confess.”
you sniffle, bending down to be at his level. he reaches up to wipe his thumbs under your eyes— thumbs grazing at your cheekbones. “did you get anything in return? for winning?”
“i got you. that was all i needed.”
“i see..” you lean closer like you were going to whisper him a secret. but instead, you finally touch shouto by circling your arm around him— one arm wrapped around him, and the other flew to entangle your fingers in contrasting locks of hair.
“my drink became cold.” you mumble, rubbing his back when you feel him shake just as you did earlier.
he wraps strong arms around you, returning the affection.
“i’ll warm it up for you.”
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jinisnuggets · 3 months
Hello can I ask for a Doyoung smut, I haven't been seeing new fics of doyoung these days 🥹 tysm
𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕
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ᴾᵃⁱʳⁱⁿᵍˢ: ᴵᵈᵒˡ! ˢᵘᵇ! ᴰᵒʸᵒᵘⁿᵍ ˣ ᴰᵒᵐ! ᶠᵉᵐ! ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
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ᴬ/ᴺ: ᴴⁱ ᵃⁿᵒⁿ! ᴬˢˢᵘᵐⁱⁿᵍ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵃᵐᵉ ᵃⁿᵒⁿ ᵃˢ ᵐʸ ʳᵉqᵘᵉˢᵗᵉᵈ ᴶᵉᵒⁿᵍʷᵒᵒ ᶠⁱᶜ, ᴵ ʷᵃⁿⁿᵃ ᵗᵉˡˡ ʸᵒᵘ... ᵀʰᵃⁿᵏ ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵒ ᵐᵘᶜʰ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉˢᵉ ᵃˢᵏˢ, ⁱˡʸˢᵐ 😭🩷, ˢᵉⁿᵈⁱⁿᵍ ᵛⁱʳᵗᵘᵃˡ ʰᵘᵍˢ 🫶
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“Hey… it's late, is everything alright?” You called through the phone after not hearing a response for a concerning amount of time, he had called you so you didn't know if it was much of a real call or more of a prank call.
“Hey, the boys are gonna go eat somewhere but I honestly wanna just lay in bed and sleep. The company's too far and I know you live nearby- mind if I spend the night?” you could hear his croaky voice from the other side and you honestly couldn't help but feel pity for him, you didn't see the problem in letting your boyfriend come over in order for him to just immediately lay in bed and knock himself out, it was just one night and you didn't seem to find a problem with it.
“Doyoung - you don't need to ask, just call me and say you're coming over. My house is your house.” You calmly responded, “Ok, ok, my bad, I'll be there in 10” he responded, half chuckling while you heard the familiar beep and then the line went dead.
Part of you was nervous about him coming over to spend the night, but what was one singular night gonna do? Nothing could happen in the span of those 12 hours that he'd be coming and sleeping over. He had practice the next morning, which meant that by breakfast hours at the company, he should already be there and ready for practice.
So you waited until you heard a knock on the door, you slowly walked to the fronts of your apartment and looked outside the peephole. It was the habit you couldn't get rid of as well as the one people always found themselves questioning you for, to which you always responded with.
“Better to be safe than sorry.”
Once confirming that it was indeed Doyoung, you slipped open the door and allowed him to enter the cozy setting, you greeted him and escorted him to your room.
“Since I live in an apartment- I unfortunately don't have any guest bedrooms, but you can rest in here and I'll be on the couch.”
Doyoung took the little energy he had in order to glance at you and turn his full body to face you, he looked a bit disappointed and a little annoyed.
“Why don't we just sleep together?” He responded. Now you were sure that your cheeks were flushed red judging by the burning sensation you had in them, you cleared your throat and made eye contact with him which was quickly broken by whatever reason you may have made in your head.
“I don't know about that-”
“Why? We're dating and from the looks of it, your bed is big enough to fit 2 people. I don't see a problem with it.”
You turned your head and thought for a moment, although you also didn't really have a problem with sleeping together, your conscience wouldn't really leave you alone if you dared to lay in the same bed as him, especially since in the recent Treasure comebacks he was really putting it off with the visuals.
“I probably won't keep my hands still if we do-”
He completely disregarded your comment, probably because he didn’t hear you or he just didn't pay attention, nevertheless it was one of the two. “It's only one singular night, I think we should be fine-”
Hesitant, you nodded, having already brushed your teeth, you asked him if he had brushed his, to which he simply nodded and fell onto the bed… to which you followed right after.
It had surprisingly worked out at first… both of you were sound asleep in a matter of minutes, and to be honest, you slept like a baby for those couple of hours that your eyes were shut, which felt weird since you hadn't slept like that in ages… maybe it was because Doyoung was next to you.
But you had woken up to the sound of Doyoung groaning, and of course it caught you off guard. Your eyes immediately widened and you saw yourself laying on top of your boyfriend, you figured you had just somehow shifted into that position during your sleep since you definitely did not remember falling asleep like that. Therefore you didn't think much of it, that was until you felt Doyoung's hand grab onto your shoulder and attempt to push you off lightly.
“Y/n… can you stop doing that please…?”
Confused, you looked at your boyfriend as if he was out of his mind, “I'm not doing anything…?” You lightly said, trying not to disturb his still tired side that had yet to woke up completely, and you could only imagine how much more confused he became when his groaning shifted to moaning.
It took you a while to realize that your knee was in a place where it shouldn't have been…
“Crap! I'm sorry!” you said, feeling Doyoung's arms wrap around you as you could feel his slow but repetitive breaths lightly caress your skin.
“Y/n… I'm tired. Let's forget this and go back to bed.” You could hear his shaky yet desperate voice, that same voice that was probably about to fall asleep any moment now. It took you a while to realize that the reason you had probably felt so uncomfortable around him lately was because you were turned on by him in a way, which had you wondering how you hadn't noticed earlier.”
You heard a groan come from his mouth, which left a smirk tracing on your mouth, satisfaction running through his body as his back slowly arched. Your hand had traveled over to his tighted pants and gently squeezed him, making him moan ever so slightly.
His breathing became more regular, becoming a mix of breathing and moaning “Y/n… you shouldn't do this here…”
“What are you so afraid of?” You muttered lightly, not daring to leave out the mocking pitch, knowing he wouldn't be able to do anything about it since it was technically you in full control.
“Y/n- I have practice tomorrow” he whined, but your grip only got tighter. Doyoung’s moan got cut off by your abrupt kiss when you leaned up and connected your lips together, giving him a passionate and wet kiss.
You lifted his shirt to reveal his small and skinny figure along with the small shape of his forming abs, chuckling a bit, you licked his chest in which he lightly groaned and looked at you.
“Doyoung- you really have no idea what you've been doing to me lately.” You muttered, unzipping his zipper and massaging his crotch, using the little fabric that was his only advantage against him… no matter how much he wanted to deny it, he was turned on, and you were the cause of that.
There was no need for permission, your hand was already sliding up and down his bare cock, as his dick grew in your grip.
“You're all out with the teasing today aren't you?” he commented, chuckling at the act along with you. Ignoring him, you brought your free hand onto his stomach and gave him small belly rubs, you felt his hand travel to your back and down to your waist, as he held you in place to prevent you from falling. His eyes were shut as he was beginning to relax at your every move, still letting out small groans at the feeling of your hand sliding on his cock.
And you surely weren't expecting him to have such an impressive girth, you felt he was thick but you didn't expect him to be that thick.
“Y/n… please let me feel you-” he moaned, words barely forming and escaping his mouth. Hearing it for sure drove you crazy, so you nodded and turned around which was the first time you actually managed to get a good look at his dick.
“Doyoung, I hope you know that with this dick you're just gonna make me want you more…”
“If you want me, then claim me.”
The response took you by surprise, sure your boyfriend was flirty with everyone but this was different, and you knew that he had caught onto you and decided to get revenge for all the teasing you yourself was guilty of.
“You think I won't?” You smirked which made his cock grow stiff, he liked it.
“You like it when I tell you things like that?” You muttered softly, he shaked his head, a bit ashamed before ultimately nodding, which only earning a small giggle from you.
The both of you pulled into a wet kiss, tongues intertwining and transferring all your love to each other with that one singular kiss, morning practice was the last thing on his mind now, almost completely forgetting about it. Once the kiss was separated you took the moment to look at your boyfriend, who was making eye contact with you intimately.
“Get on me…”
“Doyoung- you feel good…”
Taking a moment to process his words before smiling, bringing yourself over to him as he slowly removed the shorts which surrounded and highlighted your waist, following his instructions and lining yourself up with him.
Doyoung fluttered a bit and you felt him twitch inside of you, you gave Doyoung a moment and started grinding yourself on him, allowing him to feel all the pleasure as you both shared knowing sounds and moans.
“Y/n… you-”
Unable to finish his sentence, you cut him off by leaning down and kissing his chest, trying your best to limit your moans and allow him to do all the talking, you allowed yourself to suck his nipple and play with his other as you picked up your speed, pressing his on parts onto him.
“You can't get any better at this can you…?” He commented, completely out of breath and with sloppy speech, hearing him being so distraught really did something with your subconscious, enough to make you pick up your speed once more earning a growl from him.
“Fuck Doyoung… you really know how to mess with my feelings don't you?”
“I really don't mean to…”
Feeling his dick once again begin twitching, you brought yourself off of him, having a gut feeling that he was close and which was proven to be correct shortly after.
Small bits of precum leaked out of his dick, which was proving to your theory furthermore.
“Y/n… I'm close… please don't stop.”
“I'm not going to, I wanna show you satisfaction to the fullest.”
He didn't know what you meant, that was until you flicked his crotch allowing him to feel a small moment of both pain and pleasure at the same time, all feelings overtook him as his eyes rolled back and mouth watered at the feeling of his cock being distributed from it's original state and ending up with a small mark.
And that only got worse, as it started with small flicks to full on slaps, you slapped his dick harshly yet still with caution as you knew you there was a higher possibility that you'd hurt him than actually please him.
“Fuck…!” He whined, his whimpers got loud as he attempted to limit his volume, for a moment forgetting you lived in an apartment building with neighbors on all sides of your room. “Y/n! Stop! Please!” he once again whined, which just made you slap him slightly harder.
Tears began forming in his eyes as he felt the feeling of his dick slapping against his stomach and being brought back up to your hand for you to just repeat the cycle, his tears streamed down his cheeks and his mind became overwhelmed with thoughts.
How was the feeling of both pain and pleasure all at once was darn addicting?
His mouth watered, as he picked up the nearest pillow and brought it to his face, all his cum leaked out of him the moment your hand allowed his crotch to breathe.
“Was I too harsh on you?” Pity finding your voice as you saw the mess your boyfriend had done.
You both had been virgins up until that point, and the feeling of something like sex was truly just so overwhelming, the feeling of each other's touch in such an intimate way just really fluttered both of your hearts.
“No… it felt good…”
“Can try cock warming in you…?”
“Of course…” you lightly responded, reading his excited expression, he smiled lightly and brought a himself inside of you once more.
It was truly when you realized that one singular night was truly all it took for something so unimaginable to happen to two individuals.
Just one singular night.
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oneshotnewbie · 8 months
Emily PrentissxJennifer JareauxReader:
The reader is working for the BAU and has a really bad migraine (She has chronic migraines but didn't tell anyone). She is really mad and distant toward her friends (you can include the boys too but make me girls main please) and they notice it and have a little intervention with her. After that a lot of fluff where Emily and JJ care for her
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Authors note: Unfortunately I don´t have an Emily Prentiss x Daughter reader story, but I have added a new one to write. Until then, there is only one Emily Prentiss x Jennifer Jareau x Reader story from me today
You could say that you were a person with enormous stamina and a high tolerance level. Something that was a must for anyone who worked as a Supervisory Special Agent for the Behavioral Analysis Unit and under Aaron Hotch. Many people admired you for not jumping off the next cliff under the unbearable circumstances of this job.
And you yourself sometimes admired your own achievements. But everyone had their limits and it was a recurring thing that happened during your work hours. You ignored the first triggers. You exceeded your physical limits and your migraine appeared.
You could have guessed it when you got back on the plane from Oxford. The terrible serial killer and the panic it caused in the city, the fact that he had abused and murdered seven women. This case had taken more of a toll on you than you would have liked and you tried to deal with your problems in your own way. Which meant you threw yourself into the work, no matter how mundane every clue was and no matter what wall you hit.
“Y/n, maybe you should take a break?” begged Emily, noticing that you were doing everything you could to get Oxford out of your bones as quickly as possible. You, however, waved her off without saying a word and continued to stare at the white board on which every clue was hanging. "Do not need a break, I am fine." The black-haired went along with it, stayed by your side and tolerated your moods even when they drove her crazy.
Non-stop, without a break and with lack of sleep and malnutrition, you battled the nagging headaches and mild nausea. You became more and more tired, yawned and became increasingly sensitive to the loud noises of the office. Something you could tolerate skillfully. But Emily and your colleagues not.
You clearly knew you were on the verge of a migraine when you started seeing visual symptoms of a migraine aura. Your vision became distorted, sometimes weaker, sometimes sharper. For a few minutes you only saw white in your left eye, but you kept going, not giving yourself a break. You knew that no other woman could die because of you.
Hour after hour you were exhausted and just trudged from the office to the coffee machine. With a nasty headache and feeling like you might throw up, you swallowed it all and sat down on a chair while Penelope talked loudly to Derek. You felt like your head was going to explode at any moment from their voices. "Could you PLEASE shut up or at least go to another room to flirt with each other?" you huffed and massaged your temples, their sighs ringing like a hurricane in your ears. "Some people want to work here."
"Babygirl, are you okay?" he asked, surprised at your momentary outburst. He had never been allowed to see you like this, you had never snapped at him. A sharp pain shot through your temples and you hastily stood up. "Hey, cutie pie? What is going on?" the technical analyst also chimed in and waited for any kind of answer.
"I am fine, just leave me alone." your words came out of your mouth hastily and probably slurred, but you did not care. You had to go to the toilet immediately. Without turning around again, you quickly walked out of the office and stumbled in the direction you were heading. Every time you made contact with the ground, the headache got worse and you begged not to throw up on the way. You saw distorted vision in your right eye while small white flashes danced in front of it.
Rushing into the bathroom, you stood in front of the sink, panting and swallowing convulsively. Having migraines was terrible and right now you could not use one. You sighed in relief when you did not throw up, as long as you did not, it was not all that bad.
Loud footsteps sounded outside the door and a knock made your head explode. “Oh, y/n.” A rough voice spoke and you looked in the mirror. Emily and JJ had pushed through the door one after the other and were now standing with their backs to you, their arms crossed over their chests. Furthermore, you paid attention to your reflection in the mirror, which said that any idiot could see that a corpse in pathology looked healthier than you. So did the trained agents on your team. "What is wrong?"
You did not even hear half of the sentence, the second word was the end of it. You ran into one of the stables, fell to your knees and managed to bend over the toilet just in time. You squeezed your eyes shut as tears streamed down your cheeks and you threw up violently. “y/n?” the blondes voice had an worried undertone and you did not notice her standing strictly behind you. The next thing you felt were cool hands on your neck and shoulders.
Jerking away from the touch, leaning your head back against the wall as you pulled your knees into your body. You tried to block so many sounds and other sensations from your body, while only this crushing and throbbing pain existed in your head.
Once again you felt cold hands on your skin and everything in you protested as they helped him to his feet, an arm was placed around your shoulder and led you out of the bathroom and through the hallway. Soon your face made contact with a pillow and a relieved sigh rolled past your lips. You did not know where you were, just that it was quiet. Still, your currently oversensitive ears heard Hotch appearing to be talking to Emily, JJ, and the rest of the group. "No, we have no idea what is going on."
“Did you ask her?”
"We tried, but we got no response." at some point there was an angry snort at the blonde's answer and there were more footsteps in front of the door. The squeaking sound echoed through your head, pounding inside before the space on the couch shrank and a shadow appeared in front of you. "Sweetie, cards on the table. Tell us what is going on?"
The voice of the of the blonde was painful, yet it was strangely comforting to hear a familiar and loving voice. Still, you flinched violently as something cool was brushed onto your forehead. The nausea slowly subsided. "Chronic migraines since adolescence. But not so severe for a while."
Long fingers tugged at the disheveled and stray strands of hair on your face before she stood up again and walked to the windows. The room darkened, blinds closed and you moaned pleasantly. After making a trip to the door, she told the expected teammates what you had told her. You only heard a quiet "I will stay with her, but someone has to get me the medication out of my bag," before the door closed quietly and she sat down on the office chair, looking over you thoughtfully.
JJ waited for Emily to come back with some things and watched you laying there in pain, exhausted and completely distracted by the thunder in your head, trying to be as silent as she could. A few minutes later, the door opened again. You saw Emily through squinted eyes and spotted a bucket in her hand, a bowl of water, wipes under her arms and a large disposable syringe.
"What do you want to inject into me?" you asked surprised and a little frightened by the size of the abnormally large syringe. The blonde knelt down in front of you, pulling up your sweater and waiting for the black-haired one to hand it over. "Metoclopramide,"
"How do you know what to inject into me and where did you get it from?"
"You are not the only one who gets migraines. I used to get them often enough and since then I have always had an injection with me to protect myself from them in case they happen again." she frowned and laughed quietly. You nodded in acceptance and there was a moment of silence before a hot, stabbing pain shot through your lower torso and you cried out. "That hurts!"
Emily sat on the armrest and slipped her fingers between your own. You squeezed it tightly and she hoped to take the temporary pain away from you. "Why did not you tell us?" the black-haired asked sadly you huffed through gritted teeth. "I did not want to be a burden to you. I did not want to seem weak," you replied, shrugging.
"It was stupid of you not to say anything. At least to JJ or me." She paused briefly and you raised your head in confusion before nodding in understanding and looking over at the blonde. With a half-smile, she placed a band-aid on the wound and placed a thin blanket over your legs. "Okay. Next time I will let you know, I promise."
They both nodded and stood up. While JJ was putting away the trash, Emily leaned over and gave you a gentle kiss on the top of your head before she disappeared out of the door. "I will make you some tea,"
"You never make tea."
"I will do it today for a very special and stubborn person." She spoke in a whisper, winking at you. You laughed quietly and already felt a million times better than you did a few minutes ago. With a yawn, you sank deeper into the pillow and watched as the blonde turned on a small lamp at the desk in the dark room so she could continue working. "Thanks,"
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yeraskier · 2 years
five times everyone questions jaskier's sanity, and the time jaskier realizes he was (sort of) right all along. [inspired by yesterday's events... you know the one]
also on ao3
Geralt looks… different. Very different. Like his entire fucking face has changed different. 
He looked just like himself at supper last night, but now it’s morning, and suddenly, he looks nothing like himself. It doesn’t even make any sense. Jaskier briefly considers that maybe he had a bit too much ale the night before, but he’s drunk more than he did last night and this has never been the result.
Geralt definitely looks different. Very different. Like a whole new face different. He looks a bit taller, too, which is completely unfair.
Jaskier eyes him suspiciously, and he’s probably completely losing it, but even the man’s Adam’s apple looks different when he swallows. Gods.
He doesn’t realize he’s reached out until the tip of his index finger makes contact with Geralt’s cheek. The witcher freezes, spoon stopping midway to his mouth before he slowly turns his head.
Jaskier pokes his cheek again, and then his jaw, and then his nose.
“What happened to your face?” He asks, sliding in closer to inspect. He pokes one of Geralt’s cheekbones, twice. Three times, for good measure.
“Do that again,” Geralt growls in a way that tells the bard he most definitely should not do that again.
Jaskier drops his hand.
“Has anyone else noticed that something's wrong with Geralt's face?”
Ciri lifts her head from the book she’s been scribbling in as Yennefer eyes him skeptically through the mirror she’s facing.
“What are you on about now, Jaskier?”
“Geralt. His face. It’s different,” he says, stepping further into the room. “And so is his physique.”
Yennefer arches a perfectly done brow at him.
“Not that I’ve been paying, or have ever paid any attention to his physique or anything,” he amends quickly, “because I don’t…”
Ciri’s snicker covers up a muttered, “right,” which Jaskier pretends to not notice.
Yennefer sighs as she turns to face him, “Geralt is fine. He looks the same as he did yesterday, and the day before, and last week, and the week before. He looks the same as he’s looked for decades. It comes with being a witcher.”
“Geralt is fine,” she says with a level of finality that lets Jaskier know he is not winning this argument, “and you’re an imbecile.”
Jaskier’s not going crazy, okay? No matter what anyone says (fuck you very much, Lambert!) he is not going crazy.
The man still walks like Geralt, and talks like Geralt, and acts like Geralt, and knows things that only Geralt would know (like the fact that Jaskier has also needed chamomile rubbed on his bum… more than once), so it must be Geralt, except for the fact that looks nothing like Geralt.
“Do you really not see a difference?”
Ciri groans from beside him, clearly irritated at her reading being disturbed. Oh well, she’ll have plenty of other chances to read during their little hiatus. “No, Jaskier, I do not see a difference.”
The bard sighs as he watches Geralt, or whoever the fuck that is, from across the library. It’s all he’s been able to do for the last three days, which, well… isn’t new since watching Geralt has become one of his favorite past times over the last decade or so, but that’s how Jaskier knows he isn’t going crazy. Something is different.
Jaskier has spent hours on hours taking in the man’s defined jaw, and his expressive brows, and his pouty lips. He’s spent so much time trying to depict the specific shade of yellow in Geralt’s eyes, and the curl pattern of his hair, and how long it takes his stubble to grow back after it’s been shaved. He’s spent far too long picking up on every little detail to be told that nothing about the man has changed, because so much has changed. 
“How could you not see the difference? Everything about him is different! I mean look at the shape of his face!” Jaskier exclaims, waving his hand wildly in Geralt’s general direction. “And look at his nose! Gods, look at that nose!”
Ciri blinks at him once. Then, again. She doesn’t blink for three beats and then, she blinks again.
She does look this time, and she even squints. Jaskier waits, watching her, mentally begging for that realization to dawn over her.
Her lips do a thing where they press together and push upward, almost like a frown. “I think you’re right,” she tells him.
Jaskier’s eyes widen, posture straightening in alert.
“His skin looks much more vibrant, I think that new soap Yen got him is working.”
His eyes narrow into slits, and Ciri turns to him with a cheeky grin.
“Very nice, Ciri,” he drawls, “very nice.”
Jaskier huffs as he slumps back in his seat, turning his attention back to Geralt.
She’s right, though, his skin does look more vibrant.
“Triss, you’ve got to believe me,” Jaskier whines.
“I’ll believe it when I see it, Jaskier,” she says, “but I just saw Geralt, and he looked fine, same as he’s looked the last ten times I’ve seen him since I got here.” She continues her journey down the hall, and Jaskier is truly surprised by how fast the woman walks. 
“But he isn’t! He isn’t himself, Triss, I swear, and I’m the only one who realizes!”
Triss comes to such an abrupt stop that Jaskier almost crashes into her. When she turns around, her head rolls, along with her eyes. She looks as exasperated as Jaskier feels.
“Suppose Geralt’s face somehow did change, how would that have happened, Jaskier? Explain that to me.”
“Well, I don’t know how exactly, but it must have been the work of a mage. Or maybe one of his potions!”
Triss levels him with a flat look. “A potion? Really? Right, because witchers are running around making potions that can help them shapeshift.”
And when it’s put like that, Jaskier realizes how insane he sounds. “That doesn’t rule out the possibility of a mage!”
“You guys have been in Kaer Morhen for weeks now. Just you, Ciri, Yen, a bunch of witchers, and now, me. And last I checked, Yennefer warded this place so well Melitele herself could strike this area right now and everyone here would remain untouched.” She’s talking with her hands, something she does when she’s at her wit's end, something she does when she’s refraining from turning the person she’s talking to into a toad. “That, alongside the protections that were already set up, means that the possibility that any mage could waltz in here uninvited, or even come close enough to this place, to cast some face-changing curse on Geralt is absolutely zero.” 
“Yes, but—”
“You need rest, Jaskier. You’re starting to sound diabolical.”
With that, she turns on her heels and leaves him in the hallway.
“So… you and Geralt have known each other for quite some time now, huh?”
Vesemir looks unimpressed.
It’s an expression he’s becoming quite familiar with.
Jaskier flashes his most charming smile, “have you by any chance noticed any changes in his appearance?”
Dead silence. Great.
“Anything at all?” He presses on hopefully.
The witcher’s expression goes from unimpressed to murderous.
Jaskier has never bolted from a room so fast in his entire life.
Jaskier knows this isn’t really the smartest plan he’s ever had, it’s probably in the top five of the dumbest, actually.
He doesn’t know what he has to gain from watching Geralt sleep, but it’s better than just sitting back and waiting for answers to come to him. And alright, he’ll be the first to admit that it’s kind of (really!) fucking creepy, but Jaskier has to get to the bottom of this. So, watching Geralt sleep has to hold some kind of answer.
Many years of sleeping alongside the witcher have taught him how to maneuver without waking the man up, he’s grateful for that now in a way that he’s never been before.
Despite what many may believe, Geralt’s quite the peaceful sleeper. He barely moves, he breathes softly, his face remains soft and pliant— he sleeps like… well, an angel. Even with this brand-new face, all of these little things still exist.
There’s always a certain level of alertness, though, something Jaskier realized early on, but that seems to be nearly nonexistent tonight. It must be Kaer Morhen. Geralt’s at peace here. It’s probably one of the few places, if not the only place, where he truly feels safe. The thought makes Jaskier’s heart melt.
For the second time this week, he finds himself reaching out almost involuntarily. The back of his fingers run along the side of Geralt’s face, and the witcher releases a hardly audible sigh. Jaskier smiles, allowing his fingers to wander a bit, lightly tracing the lines of Geralt’s face, both sharp and smooth.
Geralt’s nose twitches, and Jaskier taps a finger to it. Definitely number one on the list of the dumbest things he’s ever done.
The witcher startles awake, sitting up so fast he nearly headbutts Jaskier. He probably would’ve had the man not fallen off the bed, and flat onto his ass onto the cold, hard ground.
“Ow,” Jaskier groans.
“Jaskier?” And oh, fuck, that sleep-worn voice always did things to him, and right now is not the best time for any of those things to be happening.
Geralt’s eyes zero in on him, and Jaskier offers a weak smile and a wave.
“What the fuck are you doing, Jaskier?”
“Trying to figure out what happened to your face,” he responds, and it comes off as more of a question than an answer
Even in the dark, Jaskier can feel Geralt glaring at him. Then, the witcher lights up the candles beside his bed, and Jaskier can see Geralt glaring at him.
“This again?”
“Yes, this again.” Jaskier hisses defensively, dusting his buttocks off as he rises to his feet. “There is something incredibly wrong with your face, and no one else sees it, but I do.”
“No! I’m being serious right now, Geralt. Your face has changed, alright? It’s completely changed, and I don’t know why I’m the only one who has realized but—”
“I’m starting to feel kind of crazy over here, and I—”
“I think I know what’s going on. Yen—”
“...don’t understand how everyone else can just—”
“Jaskier, you’re not listening.” Geralt’s standing, now, and he’s all up in Jaskier’s space the same way Jaskier was in his mere minutes ago. And he’s shirtless, which is very, very distracting.
But not distracting enough, Jaskier is on a mission here, Godsdamnit. 
“No, you’re not listening. Your fucking face—”
“My face is fine. Yennefer—”
“Your face is not fine, Geralt. I mean, it’s not like you look like a gremlin or anything, but—”
“Yen, she—”
“You’re still beautiful—”
“Yennefer is fucking with you, Jaskier.”
“I don’t think any curse could ever make you less beautiful—” Wait.
“Wait.” That was Geralt’s voice, as if he’d read Jaskier’s mind.
“Yennefer’s fucking with me?!” Jaskier exclaims at the same time Geralt says, almost breathlessly, “you think I’m beautiful?”
“Huh?” The bard answers dumbly, “what? Yes, of course, I think you’re beautiful. Woo-hoo, this isn’t news to anyone. Now, what do you mean Yennefer’s fucking with me?”
Geralt doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t do anything. He just stares. He stares for so long that Jaskier starts thinking that maybe Geralt’s the one fucking with him.
“Hello?” Jaskier snaps a few times. “Continent to Geralt?”
The witcher seems to blink out of it and huffs a laugh.
“Remember last week when you replaced the soap Yennefer uses for her hair with an ink of sorts?”
Yes, Jaskier does remember. Vividly. It’s one of the best pranks he’s pulled on the sorceress since they started their little game. “And it turned her hair red.”
Geralt hums in confirmation, “well, you know Yennefer. She said she’d do something about it. I didn’t know what, but… seems like it was this. She casted a beholder spell on you.”
“A what?”
“It’s a spell that makes whoever it’s put upon see whatever the caster wants them to see. In this case, it was… my face.”
Jaskier gasps. “That witch.” She’s a genius. Evil, but a fucking genius. “Do you know how long until it wears off?”
“How long did it take Yen to get her hair back to black?”
“Five, maybe six days.”
“That’s probably your answer.”
Jaskier groans. Knowing Yennefer, it’s probably double that. “Gods.”
Geralt hums, thoughtfully. And then, “so…”
Jaskier doesn’t know where this is headed, but he doesn’t like it.
“About you thinking I’m beautiful…”
He gulps. Right. “I said that, did I?”
The witcher takes a step forward, and it was a big step, and there wasn’t that much space in between them, to begin with, so that single step has them toe-to-toe. “You did.”
“Well, everyone thinks you’re beautiful,” Jaskier grins, nudging him as he tries to play it off. 
Geralt tips his head to the side with a slight furrow in his brows, “not everyone.”
“Everyone who isn’t an idiot, I mean,” says the bard, “or a jealous prick, or a prejudiced waste of space. You’re beautiful, it’s hard to look at you and not see that. Most people see that, it’s not just me, ask anyone in this keep. I may not have had anyone on my side about your face looking different, but they all agree about your face being beautiful trust m—”
“You’re doing that thing you do when you get nervous.” Geralt smirks when he says it, the prick.
“What thing?”
“The rambling thing.”
“I’m always rambling,” Jaskier tells him, “and I know this because you’re always telling me to shut up.”
“No, you’re always talking,” Geralt corrects, “and when you talk, it’s controlled. Whereas when you ramble, it’s hardly coherent because you’re going a mile a minute. You only do that when you’re nervous.”
Geralt leans in closer, lips stretching even further, “am I making you nervous, Jaskier?”
Gods, they’re so close. They’re so close, and they’re only getting closer because Geralt is still leaning in like he’s going to—
They’re not close anymore. Geralt is suddenly several feet away from him. He no longer looks smug, he looks confused, and… small.
“I know where that was headed,” Jaskier begins, licking at his lips and realizing how dry they’d gotten from Geralt trying (and succeeding!) to seduce him, “and trust me when I say I am on board, like all the way on board.”
Geralt cocks a brow, as if to say, then why aren’t we already naked?
“But, I want my first kiss with you to be with you.” At the witcher looking confused again, he continues, “I know it’s you, but I want you to look like yourself.”
The witcher sighs. “I don’t think I’ve ever been irritated by Yennefer more than I am at this moment.”
“I feel your irritation, believe me,” says Jaskier, “and I promise once this wears off I’m all yours, but in the meantime… we can still sleep together in a completely clothes-on kind of way.”
Geralt smiles.
And that’s how the two end up spending the rest of the night cuddling while plotting how Jaskier’s going to get Yennefer back.
The spell wears off a day later, and by the time Jaskier emerges from Geralt’s room the following day, he forgets what he was getting Yennefer back for in the first place.
He ends up baking her a chocolate cake as a thank you, with the words THANK YOU, THE SEX WAS GREAT on it.
The look of mortification when she sees it is priceless. Unintended, but priceless.
As it turns out, the best revenge is a bit of kindness.
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crystalxwitch · 1 year
13| Sweetness - W. Maximoff
Summary: A sweet conversation about your tattoos leads to a funny realization..
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"Oh, oh, oh…here she comes."
"Don't laugh." She whines, limping inside the living room. "This is all your fault."
You stand up from the couch. Chuckling softly, you quickly walk up to her which isn't difficult because she's as fast as a snail. Placing your arm around her waist, you let her lean herself on you and walk to the couch. You don't want her to fall over when you are the cause of her current state.
"It's not like you didn't want it. You were the one to wake me up again for - what was it? The third round?"
Her face heats up. "I don't want to talk about it."
"But it looks like you're in pain." You muster her body, hanging on her legs that remind you of jello. "Can you feel your legs?"
She pouts. "Barely."
"Oh, my poor girl." You press her down on the couch. "Just sit down and let me take care of you. I turned you into this mess so let me give you the princess treatment."
"I won't need it." Wanda shakes her head. "I'll be fine."
"No arguing or I have to shut that pretty mouth of yours with a gag." You respond, trailing your fingers through her hair and grabbing her chin between your thumb and forefinger. "You want that?"
"You wouldn't."
You lift an eyebrow. "Try me."
Wanda holds eye contact. The air cracks around you. You hold your breath. You won't be the one who loses. Thankfully, the redhead breaks first.
You rub your thumbs over her thighs, hoping to release some tension. She groans, leaning her head back against the sofa. You know that sound very well by now. Smiling softly, you continue your actions. Kneeling her sore flesh, Wanda sighs deeply and closes her eyes.
"That feels nice." She breathes out.
"Yeah?" You ask, looking up at her through your lashes. "You poor thing…I really exhausted you yesterday."
"Don't sound so coy about it."
"I feel proud of it." You tease, smugly grinning as the redhead stares daggers into your skin. "Making a pretty woman come three times in one night is pretty good for my ego."
She presses her finger against your mouth. "Shhhh."
Instead of pushing it away, you press a kiss on the tip of her finger. Her eyes hang on your mouth, a dreamingly expression in them that reminds you of last night. How her mouth fell open in an o shape as she tumbled over the edge. Or the way her eyes rolled into the back of her head. You're never going to forget, the images burned into your mind.
Wanda snaps her fingers in front of your eyes. "Y/n? Did you hear what I just said?"
You blink. Once. Twice.
Wanda laughs. "I asked you if you've eaten yet. Where did your mind just take you?"
She wipes her hand over her face. "Jeez, the question should be: What did I do with you yesterday? You're like a new person all of a sudden…all charming and nice. Where's the grumpy girl that wanted to throw me out of my cabin?"
"Our cabin." You correct her. "We have agreed on sharing it. Unless, you want to continue the discussion."
"It's still mine…I rented it first."
"Just tell yourself that. The next time we'll see Nat we will just ask her about it. This needs to be settled once and for all."
"Deal." Wanda agrees. "We'll see who is the winner."
"Speaking of breakfast...I'll make you a tea, Wands. You haven't had your favorite tea yet and it's 11 am in the morning." You explain, hearing her disapproving grumble as you rise off the couch. "It will be good for you. I'll be back in a few minutes."
"No." She grabs your hand, yanking you back. "No, don't leave me. I want to cuddle with you for a bit longer."
You theatrically groan. "You're awful clingy today."
Her hands immediately drop back to her sides. "Oh- I'm sorry…I thought-"
"I'm kidding." You cut her off with a kiss. "Don't worry, princess. I like it."
You never want her to doubt it. But sometimes your quick tongue gets the best of you. She places her hands on top of yours that lie on her jaw. Her eyes flicker between yours. You look at her attentively.
You nod. "Truth."
"Let me tell you something true too. You make me feel all fluttery inside." She admits, placing your hand on her chest. "I never experienced that before…I thought it was a lie when people said that they get butterflies around the become they l-...like."
She's so sweet. Her words light up a spark within you. The same sensation that she is describing. Wanda presses her lips together.
You hum. "You like me?"
She rolls her eyes. "Isn't that obvious?"
"It is…I just want to hear you say it." You say quietly. "Hearing it will show me that this isn't just a perfect little dream."
"Okay." She grabs your face - rather aggressively- and places a kiss on your forehead. "I-"
The ends of her hair tickle your skin. You laugh, bright and bubbly. A sound that reminds you of childhood and pure happiness. She makes you happy. It's maddening.
"Like-" Wanda grins, placing another kiss on each of your cheeks. "You-"
"Very-" Her voice is breathy, sending shivers down your spine. She presses one last kiss on your mouth. "Much."
You giggle. "That's more like it."
"Do you still believe that this is a dream?" Wanda asks, trailing her fingertips over your jawline and down your neck. "Or do I need to continue, darling?"
"Let me think…You? Forever." You hum, catching the glint in her emerald eyes. "This? Not any more thanks to you."
She laughs, throwing her head back. "What a charmer you are."
"Only for you."
Wanda tilts her head. "I sure hope so. You'd be insane if you do it for anyone else."
You pull her closer, letting her taste your breath as your lips are only inches away from her mouth. "Exactly…I'm just insane for you, my little witch."
She pushes you away, glaring at you with burning eyes that feel hotter than the sun rays falling into the room between the curtains. "Oh, don't you dare start with that nickname."
If you wouldn't be so used to her stares already you'd burn yourself. Nevertheless, this feels like dipping a careful finger into a hot pot. Wanda might be older but she looks more like a small lizard than a roaring dragon.
"I'm sorry, sorry. I'll take it back." You reassure her, hiding a mischievous grin tugging on the corner of your lips. "You're my sweet, darling princess. I remember now. You're also far too pretty to be an old, ugly witch hiding in the depths of the woods."
"You're not making it better."
"Let me show you." You start kissing her face, moving down her jawline up to her earlobe. "Being in the presence of you makes it hard to think and get proper sentences out."
Carefully, you turn her around until her back is facing you. Wanda leans her body against the side of the couch, relaxing deeply as your experienced hands rub the tension out of her muscles. You move your hands over her shoulder blades. Pressing your thumbs deeper into her muscles, you earn a quiet groan from her. Her head rolls to the side as you press a gentle kiss on the newly exposed skin. Pulling the fabric of the sweater down her shoulder, you paint every inch of her with butterfly kisses.
Butterfly. Kisses.
Your furrow your brows, coming across something on her flesh that isn't a red mark. "I didn't notice this last night."
Faint lines. You run your thumb over the small tattoo. The wings are curved over her skin, only covering an inch of her beautiful body. Maybe you didn't notice it because it's so inconspicuous.
"It's pretty."
"Really? I got it on my eighteenth birthday…my brother and I sneaked out of our family home, taking the last bus to the city center."
"Your brother?" You ask.
She hums. "Pietro…my twin brother."
"I didn't know you were a twin." You whisper, glinting eyes moving to her red mane. "Does he have red hair like you?"
"He's a brunette. Even though he currently has a phase where he likes to paint it every possible color to damage his hair until it falls off." She laughs, rolling her eyes at the simple thought of her twin brother. "He's in his thirties and runs around with silver hair."
"He sounds like a very funny guy."
"He really is…You'd love him. And he'd probably love you too." Wanda trails off, looking out of the window. "He's a charmer just like you."
"Aw, don't get jealous. I'd never like your brother more than you. He doesn't have something that you have."
"And what would that be?"
A beat later, you say, "A pretty smile."
But the pause was too long.
Wanda turns around. "You wanted to say something else."
"Noo…not at all."
"Wanda." You say in the same tone of voice.
She doesn't let loose. "Say it."
You shake your head, biting down on your tongue. "I don't think you'd like what you hear."
"Is it what I think it is?" She asks.
"It depends…What are you thinking about?"
Her eyes narrow.
She hits you on the shoulder. "You only like me because of that?!"
"No, no…I like you because of a lot of other reasons." You try to breathe evenly but her adorable fists pounding down on your chest makes it hard to breathe with all the laughter echoing through the room. "For instance, I like your obsession with tea and your concern about my caffeine addiction."
She stops her movements, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Go on."
"I like your love for animals. Even the smallest and slimy ones." The image of the frog appears before your eyes. "I can't understand it but I appreciate it."
"Every animal is adorable."
"Okay, Aurora." You tease, poking a finger into her shoulder. "With every day you prove to me that you truly earn yourself that nickname. The day you'll talk to animals is the day that I'll write a book about you."
Wanda hums, closing her eyes as your fingertips trace over the lines of the butterfly. "That would be a really special gift."
"Does it have a special meaning to you?" You ask after a few seconds, awaiting her answer. "It's okay if you don't want to te-"
"Change." She answers in a heartbeat. "I- I craved to be free and independent…having a life on my own instead of the constant fear of judgment."
You want to wash the sad expression off her face. It hurts to see her this way. Intertwining your fingers, you softly pull her back to reality. She blinks. Then she smiles again. Your heart relaxes again. You sit up a bit straighter.
"My turn."
A look of puzzlement crosses her face. "You have one too?"
You nod. "Yes."
You grin. Wanda lets go of your hands as you move them up your face. Her eyes hang on you the whole time without blinking. You pull down your bottom lip. Wanda's eyes get wide. This is exactly the reaction you longed for.
Wanda shakes her head, not believing it even though the word is clearly written on your skin. "You're joking."
The faint lines of the tattoo are barely visible anymore, fading away over time. A friend of yours owned a tattoo machine and as reckless as you were as a teen you willingly played the guinea pig for her. You probably won't tell the redhead that you had a crush on her during that time.
You release your lip again. "I just had a little obsession with princesses as a child…never the prince in shining armor. Thankfully, it's not a spot that's easily visible."
"I can see that." Wanda places her hand on your jaw, leaning her head from side to side. "Is that the reason why you like to call me princess?"
"Yeah…next to the fact that you most definitely talk to animals and keep it secret from me."
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tonysbed · 2 years
Uhm Captain?You’re going to be a dad
Chris Evans x Pregnant!Fem!Reader
Summary:Chris didn’t wanted to leave you alone but had to when he had to shoot for Avengers Infinity war.Little did he know that your bundle of joy would come a month earlier
Warnings:Pregnancy,Mention of giving birth,Cast is still in their costumes
A/n:My sleep rhythm is really….Broken.I started this at 4 am now we have 6 am.Meanwhile I also started two new fics and now I’m waiting for the Grayman release on Netflix(Germany 9 am If i’m not to bad in time zones)Anyway enjoy this fluffy thing
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Chris was on a shoot in Boston for Avengers Infinity War.You assured him you’ll be fine and he even called Flo so IF something happens,that someone is there to drive you to the hospital and call him.
You and Flo were sitting on the couch”Hey,I’ll get a snack for us”You say and get up”I can do that”Flo said,”No I’ll be fine Flo”You walk into the kitchen and grab the snacks from the cabinet.
In that moment you felt something wet running down your legs”Ah shit..”You mumbled”FLO?”You yelled.Moments later she stood in the doorframe. “What’s wrong?”You looked down at yourself and so did she”Oh dear..”You placed the snacks on the counter”No need to panic”You said.
“I’m not panicking.Come on”She helped you get in the car and got your hospital bag.You took out your phone as Flo started the car.You clicked on Chris contact.
A familiar voice said”Hello?Y/n?”But it was definitely not your husband”Hiddleston?What are you doing with my husband’s phone?”,”Watching it while he is shooting.I have all of the phones.What’s up?”
“Uhm..My water broke”Silence.
“Oh.Okay wait.”You heard him walking.He walked up to the green screen they were shooting at and caught them at a moment were they weren’t shooting”Uhm..Captain?”Chris looked at him”You’re going to be a dad”Tom held up the phone.Scarlett raised her eyebrows”Oh oh”
Chris froze for a moment”What are we waiting for?”Robert said and dragged Chris after him.The cast got in their cars and Chris was now on the Phone with Flo.
“She’s good don’t worry.She said she didn’t have any painful con-“Her sentence was interrupted by a painful groan that came from you”I take that back.She does has painful contractions”You slightly chuckled at her accent that sounded like Yelena.
You and Flo arrived at the hospital.Your midwife was alright waiting”Hey Y/n.And how are the contractions?”She said,wheeling you trough the hospital”5 minutes”Flo answered for you because another one hit you.
You were laying on a bed and Flo was holding your hand”When is Chris coming?”Your midwife Anna asked”On his way”You said.Like on point there was a knock on the door and a nurse peaked her head in “Mr.Evans is here”Anna gestured her to let him in.You couldn’t hold back a laugh when you saw him in his Captain America suit.
“Well…I’ve seen a lot but not a father dressed up as Captain America coming to his child’s birth”The doctor said as he entered the room.Chris laughed”I had better things to do than change now”Flo and Chris swapped places”Should I go..Or..?”Flo gestured to the door”Depends on you Flo”,”No.Your birth so you-“
“If you wanna stay,stay if you don’t,don’t”She turned around”I can’t see blood.So..Should I send someone in?”You shook your head”Thanks Flo”,”No problem Babe”She walked out of the door and bursts out laughing.
She looked at the People who were ALL dressed up as their characters”None of you changed hm?”Robert laughed”Nope.”
It took only an hour for the little Evans to arrive.Chris kissed your forehead as Anna laid the baby girl on your chest.Chris laid a hand on her and kissed you.Anna was quick to get her phone and took a picture of you two,which wasn’t weird cause you knew her for years now.
30 Minutes later everyone was in a room,in their costumes which looked very funny.Chris was sitting on your right,holding your baby.On your left,on a chair was Robert,next to him Sebastian and then Flo.On top of Flo sat Hailee.Next to that Scarlett on Renner, Zendaya on Tom,Robert on Hemsworth,Lizzie on Paul,Anthony came in with Food for everyone and made himself comfortable in Sebastian’s lap.
Hiddleston took a selfie with all of you and send it to you and Chris.Chris posted it with the caption:
Baby Evans arrived safely under the watch of the Avengers
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I hope you love this as much as I do:)I have soooooo many fics of Chris…I have 45 drafts and at least 20 of them are about Chris😭Also this is not proof read cause it’s 6:23 am and I’m lacking sleep😀But I’m not tired enough to sleep🥲
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I'm so eager to see more from your amazing Otome AU. How about Riddle, Azul and Vil with a player that chooses to ignore the plot and choose them instead?
Otome au
I do not take any responsebility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsession, kidnapping, possessiveness, murder
Riddle Rosehearts/Azul Ashengrotto/Vil Schoenheit-Player ignores the plot and chooses them instead
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With how excited he is he might as well just say that you two are egaged (we al know how much he values a married life)
Riddle’s thought process behind all of this is that he was born for loving you so… mhm you are not going to leave his side ever
But hey, maybe you can bring his tyranny to an end?
One day you were just playing the game, being dissatisfied with how cliche the thypical “good” and “bad” was being portrayed
And then you started a new chapter but… it looked different…
“Hidden route, chapter 1-Welcome to the villains world”
And suddenly you are thrown into a world full of betrayal, murder and obsessive villains that are all after your hand
Congrats! Now try to survive
But once you have reached the end of the now unlocked route of Riddle, the red “Queen”, the tyrant, you have experienced a long journey far more interesting than the normal route which is filled with the typical magical girl saviour complex
But damn was there a lot to unpack
But now everything is fine! The ending CG was so beautifull and… and… godness is it just me or are you getting sleepy?
If you thought that Riddles reign of terror would be ended just with that then I’m sorry but nope
He is determined to get you into his world, to play crocket with flamings and behead soliders who planted the wrong roses
Riddle won’t just turn into a good “Queen” who is a pacifist, no
He just wants you beside him now, and who is there to stop him? Defenitely not the Fairy of thorns
Say goodbye to everyone that matters because soon he will be the only one you will have real human contact with, believe me, silent servants aren’t a good thing for loneliness
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I mean, it is already hard enough to even unloc the normal underwater routes but now you even want the hidden one?
Well congrats because you just did! Please enjoy “The merchant from the depths”
And look at that! It’s the two eels you shish kebabed in the normal route… thank goodness they can’t remember that… haha… ha… O_O
And that cave is also a lot more friendlier than shown before! Maybe you always just had a wrong image of the mersorcerer…
Azul is very kind as well. Before you know it you are one fourth done with his route because it is just so much fun
What you don’t know though is that behind the screen Azul is more than just happy that you finally found your way here
Finally he was able to break through the fate that was bestowed upon this world!
It is also such a sad and also beautifull route as well! Who would have thought he had such a connection to a certain ruler that was never mentioned before in the normal routes?
When you finally were able to bring to light that the supposedly royal family had in truth stolen their seat from Azuls family everything finally became better
The octopus was no longer shunned and hey, he looked geniunely happy! What else do you want?
Now back to that chapter with the hidden missions with which you could unlock the other hidden routes… why are you automatically back to his?
You really shouldn’t be that surprised. He finally got a taste of how true affection really tastes and you think he would just let go? Let you continue to the others?
I would recommend forgetting those cute CG in which he hugged you shyly. They are of the past
Now that you think about it… that trident would probably not something good in his hands…
But no need to worry! He will take good care of it. There is just one thing he will do with it for himself
I don’t know why you are suddenly getting sleepy. But maybe you should be more concerned about the… arms (?) closing around you…
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Will say that he expected this to happen sooner or later (he didn’t)
Imagine, one day he was asking his most trusted reflecting surface what you were doing and the thing says you are right now nlocking his route
The poor thing expected for his king to do something damaging to it out of shock
And then suddenly Vil was thanking it with a singsong voice, dusting it’s frame free of nonexistent dust
Finally he finally had you! Almost… But still!
Whilst Vil is celebrating you are more in a “What the heck!!!” mood
Who would have thought that the man ruling this place had been an outcast shunned by the other Nobles who only looked at his brother, only his father looking after him
And what happened in the normal route made so much more sense now! Neige had always been pampered, skill and talent coming to him wiithout any effort
No wonder Vil had such a vandetta against him
It was also such a relief for Vil when he didn’t end like he was supposed to in the normal route, remembering how he felt the burn and how the world slowly turned black
Not only that, it was also nice for him to know that he wasn’t seen by you as some powerfull person but rather the ordinary person that he was deep down
And his after story was also one that was so heartwarming! Him talking to his raven about you, saying that he was happier than ever…
This is where I end the fluff and start to recommend tossing the game out of the window
You see, him talking to his raven was one of the red flags that wouldn’t be red flags in a normal relationship but are in the one you have
Did he just look at you instead at your avatar in the game??! Why was he so pricky? He was softer in his route…
Just at least try to stay away from the Shaftlands. There has been talk about their king looking into arts that are able to influence other worlds…
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